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Directions: For each, write everything you know about the topic, be as specific as possible. You may use the
information from your Cornell Notes and the correct answers from the study guides previously given to you.
DUE DATE:________________

1. Authentic culture 53. Place

2. Lost city in Sun City, South Africa 54. Placelessness
3. Activity space 55. Popular culture
4. Afghan Taliban 56. Population as a function of variables
5. Afghanistans Civil War 57. Population Pyramids: developed countries v.
6. Africas tallest building non-developed countries
7. African Americans in Milwaukee 58. Prejudice
8. Asian population extension v. European 59. Racism
population extension 60. Ravenstein
9. Assimilation 61. Refugees
10. Atlantic Slave trade 62. Regional geography
11. Cholera 63. Relocation diffusion
12. Commuters in Washington, D.C. 64. Residential segregation
13. Contagious diffusion 65. Restricted areas
14. Countries with high average daily calorie 66. Reterritorialization
consumption 67. Scale
15. Countries with serious refugee problems 68. Sex zones
16. Cultural appropriation 69. Social spaces
17. Cultural Diffusion 70. South Africa & Zimbabwe are feminized
18. Cultural landscape because
19. Cultural relativism 71. South Central Los Angeles Demographic in
20. Cultural stereotyping 1970
21. Dowry Deaths 72. Spatial interaction
22. Environmental determinism 73. Stereotype
23. Ethnic identity 74. Stimulus diffusion
24. Ethnicity 75. Sub-Saharan realms food production
25. European colonialism 76. Total Fertility Rates in 1989
26. Folk culture 77. Tribalism
27. Formal region 78. Ultraviolet radiation effects on skin
28. Fred Kniffens map of folk housing 79. Urban renewal
29. Gender 80. US States that experience net outmigration
30. Gender Studies of migration and net immigration
31. Globalization 81. Wilbur Zelinsky & 12 perceptual regions
32. GNP 82. World population rate in 2002
33. GNP Calculations
34. Hierarchical diffusion FRQ:
35. Human Geographers focus on 1. Alfred Webbers theory of Industrial location & 3
36. Irish corporations factors determine location of manufacturing plant
37. Jovanotti
38. Kenyas income 2. National Identity and how it affects Economic
39. Know factual data information on all Development, Relocation of States capital,
chapters Ethnicity. Transportation Infrastructure
40. Know how to apply the concepts, not just
what they are 3. Population Pyramids, Demographic Transition
41. Location theory Model & Economic Development
42. Makah whalers
43. Malnourished people in the world
44. Maquiladora
45. Material culture
46. Mexicalis Chinatown in 1925
47. Movement
48. Natural landscape
49. Neolocalism
50. Non-material culture
51. Percent of Worlds Population in China
52. Physical geographic barriers

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