Audio 1 - New Apartment

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Audio 1 - New apartment.

txt 15/02/2017

1 how do you like your new appartment?

2 i love it. It's downtown so it is very convenient
3 downtown?
4 isn there much noise?
5 oh, no. there isn't any. i live on the fifth floor
6 how many restaurants are there in your new place
7 a lot. in fact there is an excellent korean place just around the corner
8 what about parking?
9 well, there aren't many parking garages but i usually find a place on the
10 is there much crime?
11 no, it's pretty safe
12 <alarm blaring>
13 hold on, that's my car alarm. I'll call you back latter.
15 <Later that day, meg whent to school and...>
16 so, what did you do last weekend, meg.
17 oh, I had a great time. I went to a karaoke bar and sang with some friends
on saturday
18 that sounds like fun
19 did you go to luckies?
20 no, we didn't. we went to that new place downtown. how about you? did you
go anywhere?
21 no, i didn't go anywhere all weekend
22 i just stayed home and studied for today's spanish test
23 our spanish test is today? i'd forgotten all about that!
24 don't worry, you always get an A
25 so meg, what did you do on sunday?
26 i stayed home in the morning. I just watched tv and read.
27 how about in the afternoon?
28 oh, i worked. i have a part time job at the university bookstore
29 i didn't know you had a job
30 yeah, i'm a cashieer there

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