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Based in San Francisco, CA 94104

Company Overview
Human Capital Remedy (HCR) is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco with
the purpose of providing residential job training to returning citizens transitioning to food
industry careers. HCR will provide training in cooking, organic agriculture, and food
services. HCR is developing partnerships with local restaurants, farms, food makers,
and suppliers to assist with job placement after completion of relevant training.

To develop our program, HCR has partnered with Cutting Edge Capital, which supports
the development and funding of resilient, equitable, and inclusive companies that
emphasize greater community health and sustainability.

Why HCR?
The passage of Proposition 47 created the potential for a new workforce of newly
released prisoners in California. However, most citizens freed by the proposition are left
without the skills necessary to re-enter the workforce. Low access to employment is a
high probability predictor of recidivism. HCRs goal is to reduce the rate of recidivism,
while addressing the labor shortage in the food and agriculture industries in California.

Commitment to High Volume Jobs Matching

There are several proven job training programs for returning citizens across California.
HCR is working to establish relationships with these programs to learn and implement
best practices, but is differentiated by its intent to scale. HCR is also committed to
maximizing long-term impact by linking program graduates to work in new fields of
expertise. Existing training programs facilitate post-program employment through
mentorship/counseling, employment with the program nonprofit, or through a local
network of partner farms and businesses. HCRs statewide mission demands a novel
approach to post-program employment. HCR will minimize barriers to reintegration and
employment through partnership with a corporation that facilitates gig-booking and
benefits for underserved job seekers in the food industry.

Representative players in this platform market space are Wonolo, When I Work,
Culinary Agents and the Freelancers Union. Wonolo is a general temp work gig
facilitator, When I Work is an hourly employee scheduling application, Culinary Agents
is a job search/posting platform specific to restaurant jobs, and the Freelancers Union is
a nonprofit that helps gig-workers access benefits comparable to W-2 employment. No
other platform combines gig-facilitation, workforce scheduling, and worker support with
a focus on food production and service. Businesses in the California food industry
currently struggle to identify qualified workers and manage the costs associated with
W-2 employees*. This service gap presents a rapid growth opportunity for HCRs
partner corporation, and will enable HCR to achieve higher throughput than existing
programs by providing a missing link to free market employment.

Market Opportunity
HCR connects returning citizens to skilled labor jobs within the food industry after
completion of the HCR courses, having already possessed the qualities necessary to
succeed and advance their careers. With more prisoners released each year, the pool
of future skilled laborers will continue to grow.

Within this market segment there will be three subgroups: quantitative clients (large
food services and production companies: i.e. Bon Appetit Management Company), two
groups of non-quantitative clients (small farmers and food businesses), and the
students (formerly incarcerated / returning citizens).

Course Model
Each applicant will go through 2 hours of evaluation for eligibility which may come with
assistance of medical/mental health professionals. If an applicant seeks professional
help, HCR will refer them to an appropriate facility and will wait for the professionals
evaluations before accepting entry to the program. Each applicant must agree to abide
by HCRs by-laws on all conduct and practices. Anyone can leave the premise and do
whatever she/he pleases at any time. Once in the program, a student may be absent for
up to 5 days (40 hours) but must wait for make up classes to complete 1,040 hours of
training period. If absent more than 40 hours for classes, a student must be
re-evaluated for re-entry.

Seed Funding
Ellen White and Troy White


Current role /
Name Email Phone Role Expertise LinkedIn
Ellen White 415.806.8854 founder NGC/Ellen's Kimchi m/in/ellenskimchi/
Market m/in/daniel-cooke-4a67
Daniel Cooke 610.999.2496 Study NGC PAC 13aa/
Emily Morris 949.433.2366 campaign NGC PAC m/in/emily-morris-b4501
Bob Bollinger 410.710.8486 grants NGC PAC a02ba/
comms Digital Director for
Sam Drzymala 314.608.9319 advisor Cory Booker m/in/drzymalas/
Marlene Flores 415.314.8707 designer NGC 32956/
Nick Welsh 818.515.8531 budget NGC Intern 89586/
Le Bui 714.261.0015 finance Zymergen, Inc. /
Eva Humphrey 828.423.4770 field study NGC PAC m/in/evalouise/
James Snyder 215.534.5460 field study NGC PAC a411b/
Consultant / Advisor / Potential Board Members / Part-Time Contributor
Cutting Edge
Capital/Food m/in/john-katovich-74b4
John Katovich 510.919.8510 legal advisor Commons 10/
board Comcast Spotlight / m/in/troy-white-705b89a
Troy White 415.307.8769 member US Army Reserve 9/

Why Invest Now?

With the passage of Proposition 47, HCR is uniquely positioned for rapid growth within
this emerging, technology driven market. The diverse backgrounds of HCR employees
and advisors shape our sustainable approach and empower us to deliver on our mission
of dramatically reducing unemployment and recidivism rates among Californias
returning citizens.

Thank you
Thank you for your interest in Human Capital Remedy and our mission to provide job
training and accommodations to returning citizens. We look forward to speaking with
you further -- please send any inquiries to our grant officer, Robert Bollinger at

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