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12, 2015




long interdialytic period (LIDP) was dened as the

Bradycardia and Asystole 72-h break between hemodialysis sessions, whereas
Is the Predominant the other two 48-h IDP were each dened as the short
interdialytic period (SIDP). Conventional thrice-
Mechanism of Sudden weekly hemodialysis includes a single LIDP and 2
Cardiac Death in Patients SIDPs. Patients underwent intensive follow-up every
2 weeks for device data download.
With Chronic Kidney Disease The arrhythmic event data were positively skewed,
so a logarithmic transformation of the data was per-
formed prior to analysis to ensure homogeneity of
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergo- variance. Analysis of variance with repeated mea-
ing hemodialysis experience a high annual mortality sures was then performed comparing incidence rates
rate (7% per year) with 25% of all deaths due to between each day.
sudden cardiac death (SCD) (1). There has been The mean age of the study population was 66  11
conjecture as to the mechanism of SCD. years and 72% of the population was male. Partici-
This prospective study (Identication and Char- pants had been receiving hemodialysis for a mean of
acterisation of Risk Factors for Atrial and Ven- 5  4 years. Comorbidities included diabetes mellitus
tricular Arrhythmias in Chronic Kidney Disease in 58%, hypertension in 86%, LV hypertrophy in 48%,
Patients Using Implantable Cardiac Monitoring; and ischemic heart disease in 48% of the population.
ACTRN12613001326785) aimed to document the ar- All study participants had a LV ejection fraction
rhythmic mechanism of SCD in a cohort of CKD >35%, and 58% had a LV ejection fraction >60%. Only
patients with preserved left ventricular (LV) function 6% had QRS duration >120 ms. Of the total partici-
on hemodialysis using an implantable cardiac monitor pants, 72% were taking a beta-blocker. Seven patients
(ICM). We recruited 50 clinically stable ambulatory had known atrial brillation prior to ICM implanta-
CKD patients receiving stable outpatient thrice- tion (3 paroxysmal, 4 permanent).
weekly hemodialysis. Exclusion criteria included After a mean follow-up of 12  4 months, there
severe LV dysfunction (LV ejection fraction <35%), were 6 deaths (12%); 5 deaths were unexpected and
New York Heart Association class IV symptoms, pre- classied as SCD. There was 1 non-SCD due to multi-
existing pacemaker or implantable cardioverter- organ failure after elective orthopedic surgery. Of the
debrillator in situ, and a previous history of clinical 5 SCD patients, 2 underwent post-mortem examina-
ventricular tachyarrhythmias or syncope. Each patient tions that failed to identify an acute cause of death.
had an ICM (Conrm, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, Min- Another individual with witnessed out-of-hospital
nesota) implanted subcutaneously over the left upper SCD died within 24 h of hospital admission and
chest for continuous electrocardiographic monitoring. extensive investigation did not establish a cause of
Storage of the electrocardiogram was triggered death. All SCD events occurred during the LIDP with
automatically when arrhythmic events fullled pre- severe bradycardia and ensuing asystole in 4 cases
programmed cutoff criteria, including the following: recorded by the ICM as the terminal event (Figure 1).
1) sinus bradycardia #40 beats/min for $4 beats; ICM interrogation in the fth case was refused due to
2) sinus arrest with pauses/asystole $3 s; 3) high- cultural reasons. No ventricular arrhythmias were
degree atrioventricular (AV) block (second- to third- recorded either preceding or following the bradycar-
degree AV block) #40 beats/min lasting $3 s; dic event in any of the 4 cases. In the 5 patients, the
4) nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) $125 longest recorded pause prior to the SCD event was 2 s
beats/min, >16 beats lasting <30 s); 5) sustained VT with no reported episodes of high-grade AV block or
$125 beats/min, lasting $30 s; and 6) ventricular syncope. In addition, there was no evidence of QRS
brillation. widening accompanying bradycardia in the initial
Arrhythmias were characterized by their temporal phase of the event in any of the 4 patients with
occurrence relative to hemodialysis sessions. The recorded bradycardia at the time of death.
1264 Letters JACC VOL. 65, NO. 12, 2015
MARCH 31, 2015:126371

F I G U R E 1 Electrocardiograms Demonstrating Severe Bradycardia With Ensuing Asystole at Time of Death

Electrocardiograms demonstrating severe bradycardia with ensuing asystole at time of death that were retrieved from the implantable cardiac
monitor of a sudden cardiac death patient.

An additional patient was successfully resuscitated the rst time that the vast majority of SCD are
after experiencing an in-hospital cardiac arrest with due to bradycardia and asystole, rather than malig-
sustained monomorphic VT after presenting with an nant ventricular arrhythmias. These observations
acute coronary syndrome. There were no cases of raise the key question of whether bradycardia/asys-
polymorphic VT or ventricular brillation recorded. tole as the terminal rhythm represents a primary
There were 1,488 signicant arrhythmia events electrical event, or alternatively, a manifestation
occurring in 22 patients (44%): bradycardia in 12 of end-stage, irreversible myocardial failure in the
(24%); sinus arrest in 10 (20%); 2  AV block in 2 setting of profound biochemical, metabolic, and
(4%); and nonsustained VT in 8 (16%). The nal day structural disarray. These observations have poten-
of the LIDP had more events than all other days tial implications for strategies to minimize SCD in
(p < 0.001 by analysis of variance). this population, the prescription of hemodialysis
In CKD patients on hemodialysis who have pre- to minimize the LIDP, and the role of beta-blockers
served LV function, our study demonstrates for in CKD.
JACC VOL. 65, NO. 12, 2015 Letters 1265
MARCH 31, 2015:126371

Michael C.G. Wong, MBBS in the expression prole of collagen-related genes in

Jonathan M. Kalman, PhD patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) and
Eugenia Pedagogos, PhD examined the relationships with left ventricular (LV)
Nigel Toussaint, PhD dysfunction.
Jitendra K. Vohra, MD We obtained 23 human LV tissue samples from
Paul B. Sparks, PhD patients with ICM (13 men; mean age, 54  8 years)
Prashanthan Sanders, PhD with end-stage HF undergoing heart transplantation
Peter M. Kistler, PhD and control donors (CNT) (8 men, 2 women; mean
Karen Halloran, RN
age, 47  16 years). All control donors had normal LV
Geoffrey Lee, PhD
function (ejection fraction >50%) and no history of
Stephen A. Joseph, PhD
cardiac disease. As an established condition for in-
*Joseph B. Morton, PhD
clusion in the study, all selected samples displayed a
*Department of Cardiology 260/280 nm absorbance ratio >2.0 and RNA integrity
Royal Melbourne Hospital number $9. Transcriptome-level differences between
Grattan Street, Parkville ICM and CNT samples were investigated by means
Melbourne, 3050 of large-scale screening of 23 heart samples with
Australia the use of RNA-sequencing technology and fur-
E-mail: ther validated by means of real-time (RT-PCR)
and Western blot analysis (Figure 1). These data
Please note: This study was supported by a research grant from St. Jude Med- have been deposited in the NCBI Gene Expression
ical. Dr. Wong is the recipient of the Keith Goldsbury Postgraduate Research
Scholarship Award (ID: PC11M 6218) from the National Heart Foundation of Omnibus (GEO) (retrieved by use of the GEO Series
Australia. Dr. Kalman has received research support from St. Jude Medical, accession No. GSE55296). We performed quantitative
Medtronic Inc., Biosense Webster, and Boston Scientic. Dr. Pedagogos has
received honoraria and research grants from Shire and Amgen. Dr. Sanders has RT-PCR assays in duplicate with the use of TaqMan
served on the advisory boards of Biosense Webster, Medtronic, St. Jude Medical, technology in the ViiA7 The Fast Real-Time RT-PCR
Sano, and Merck, Sharpe and Dohme; has received lecture fees from Biosense
Webster, Medtronic, St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientic, Biotronik, Sano, and System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California);
Merck, Sharpe and Dohme; has received research funding from Medtronic, St. collagen IV (COL4A5, Hs00166712_m1), collagen XIV
Jude Medical, Boston Scientic, Biotronik, and Sorin; is supported by a Practi-
tioner Fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council of (COL14A1, Hs00964045_m1), and collagen XVI
Australia; and is supported by the National Heart Foundation of Australia. (COL16A1, Hs00156876_m1) was obtained from Taq-
Dr. Morton has received research support from St. Jude Medical. All other
authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents Man. Housekeeping genes GAPDH (Hs99999905_m1),
of this paper to disclose. PGK1 (Hs99999906_m1), and TFRC (Hs00951083_m1)
were used as reference. Regarding the Western blot
analysis, tissue samples were transferred into Lysing
Matrix D tubes designed for use with the FastPrep-24
1. U.S. Renal Data System. USRDS 2013 Annual Data Report: Atlas of Chronic
homogenizer (MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, California).
Kidney Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease in the United States. Bethesda,
MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Protein samples were separated by tris-acetate elec-
and Kidney Diseases, 2013. trophoresis on 3% to 8% polyacrylamide gels under
no-reducing conditions and transferred to a PVDF
membrane with the use of the iBlot Gel Transfer
RNA Sequencing Analysis Device (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, California) for
Identies New Human Western blot analyses. The primary detection an-
tibodies used were anti-COL4A5 rabbit polyclonal
Collagen Genes Involved (sc-11360) obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
in Cardiac Remodeling anti-COL14A1 rabbit polyclonal (ab-101464) obtained
from Abcam, and anti-COL16A1 rabbit polyclonal
(A-96190) obtained from Sigma; monoclonal anti-
Ventricular remodeling, a process involving mor- GAPDH antibody (ab-9484) from Abcam was used as
phological changes in cardiomyocytes and the extra- a loading control. We must note that patients with
cellular matrix (ECM), has been linked to worsening end-stage HF are under heavy medical treatment,
of clinical status and heart failure (HF) development. and some therapies might inuence mRNA levels.
In HF, remodeling initially occurs as a compensatory We compared ICM and CNT samples, and we found
response to preserve the structural integrity of the signicantly increased mRNA levels of 11 collagen
myocardium, but progressive collagen deposition can genes, such as COL9A1, COL11A2, COL14A1, and
lead to cardiac brosis and impairment of diastolic COL16A1 (p < 0.05 for all), not previously described in
and systolic function (1). Thus, we analyzed changes the cardiac remodeling process. A heat map and

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