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Hero: Shadow Jack Player: Al Identity: Jaques Montague Public: Secret:

Group Affiliation: PL: 10 PP Restrictions: 20 20 20 20 20

Skill Roll Attack and Effect Dodge and Toughness Parry and Toughness Fort/Will

Abilities Defenses Offenses

Ability Rank Defense Rank Name Description Roll

Strength STR 2 Dodge AGI 2 Unarmed Close/Dmg 3 +4

Agility AGI 5 Parry FIG 3 Devour Shadows +11
[Affliction+Weakening] (DC 18)
Fighting FIG 3 Fortitude STA 2

Awareness AWA 3 Willpower AWA 3

Stamina STA 4 Toughness STA 1

Dexterity DEX 4

Intellect INT 1 Initative

Presence PRE 3 Roll: +5

Active Conditions/Character Notes Hero Points Power Points

Total Earned Earned / Spent

1 149 / 149

Damage Extra Effort

Bruises Penalty: Fatigued:

Dazed: Exhausted:

Extra Effort is found on Pg. 19 in the PDF.
Incapacitated: It explains some benefits you can get
from gaining these conditions.

Powers and Devices

Name Effects PP

Devour Shadows Affliction 9(Cumulative +1/Rank) [Causes Fatigue/Exhaustion/Asleep/Dying/Death] Linked-Weakening 8 (Toughness) 26

Cloak of Darkness Alternate Form:Concealment 2 [Visual, Limited to Darkness]), Insubstantial 4, Movement 3 (Slithering, Wall Crawling), Move Action -1 27

Shadow of Life Regeneration 4 (Limited [Darkness]), Immortality 4 (Limited [Darkness]), Immunity 3 (Aging, Suffocation) 11

Darksight Darkvision 2

Luck Control 2 [Force target to reroll, take worse result/Negate other character's rerolls](Luck +1) (Quirk -2: for 1d5 turns, cannot spend
Twisting Fate 5
Hero Points)
Total: 48

Name Effect PP

Taunt May use Deception in place of Intimidate to Demoralize 1

Jack of All Trades May use any Trained Only skill as if trained in it. 1

Favored Environment (Darkness) While in Favored Environment, gain +2 to Attack or Defense checks, chosen each round. 1

Luck +3 1/Session per rank, may reroll a die as if spending Hero Points. Rerolls also fuel 'Twisting Fate' power. 3

Equipment 1 1

Total: 6

Complications Skills

Name Description Skill Ability + Ranks = Total

Respect Desires to be respected as either a full hero or villain. Acrobatics 5 +5

Physically begins to starve if he doesn't use 'Devour Shadows'
Addiction periodically. The amount that needs to be drained increases as he Athletics 2 +2
uses his other powers.
Uses a function of his powers to percieve anything that casts a
Technically Blind shadow; cannot see 'surface' details, such as color or writing. Also Close Combat
cannot see anything that sheds light, or is 100% translucent.
Affliction 3 8 +11

3 +3

Equipment 3 +3

Name Effect EP

Phone Is a phone 1 Deception 3 6 +9

Lessens penalty for using a skill without the appropriate

tools from -5 to -2
Multitool 1 Expertise

Brass Knuckles +1 Damage to Unarmed Strikes 1 1 +1

Flash Goggles Prevents the 'Dazzled' Condition 1 1 +1

Leather Armor Protection 1 1 +1

1 +1

Insight 3 +3

Intimidation 3 +3

Investigation 1 +1

Perception 3 +3

Persuasion 3 +3
Ranged Combat

4 +4

4 +4

4 +4

Sleight of Hand 4 +4

Stealth 5 6 +11

Technology 1 +1

Treatment 1 +1

Total: Vehicles 4 +4


Name Effects EP



Name Effects EP


Advanced Conditions Reference Basic Conditions Reference

Condition Effects Condition Effect

Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware. Perception Struggling against mind control, limited to
Asleep Check w/3 Degrees of Success Wakes the Compelled free actions and one standard action
Character. dictated by outside force.

Everything has full visual concealment. No Free Will. Normal Actions dictated by
Blind Controlled
Hindered, visually unaware, and vulnerable. outside force.
Limited to one standard action as well as
Bound Defenseless, Immobile, and Impaired. Dazed
free actions.

Full auditory concealment. May allow surprise

Deaf Debilitated One or more abilities lowered below -5.

Fort check (DC 15). 3 Culmulative Degrees of Active Defense Bonus of 0. Any attack
Failure and the character dies. 2 Degrees of Defenseless against a Defenseless character is a
Dying critical hit.
Success (non-culmulative) and the player
Disabled -5 Penalty to rolls.
Character is stunned, paying attention to the
Entranced entrancement. DC 10 + Effect Rank to break
away. Same as hindered. Recover in 1 hour of
Impaired, Hindered. Recover in one hour of
Hindered Half Normal Speed. (-1 Speed Rank)

Incapacitated Defenseless, Stunned, Unaware.

Immobile No Movement, duh.

Defenseless, Immobile, Physically Stunned.
Mental Actions allowed.
Impaired -2 Penalty to rolls.
-5 When Attacking. +5 to Attacker in Close
Combat. Ranged Attackers take -5.
Stunned No Actions Allowed. Miss a turn.

Restrained Hindered, Vulnerable.

Traits are changed. Limit is that PPs
Transformed cannot increase. They can decrease
Staggered Dazed, Hindered.

Unaware Cannot perform action based on senses.

Surprised Stunned, Vulnerable.

Vulnerable Half Active Defenses Rounded Up.

Weakened Temp loss of PP in a trait.

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