Course Overview

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in Communication: Media Studies Courses Transferred In

Fundamentals of Oral Communication COMM 201 Themes in Literature
Journalism COMM 215 Calculus I
Digital Society COMM 243 Composition and Research
Introduction to Mass Media transfer credit online Graphic Design
Media Production COMM 246
Communication Theory COMM 301 General Education Courses
Human Communication Research COMM 311 Introduction to Music: Reading and Analysis MUTC 101
Documentary Research COMM 495 Wellness AHS 101
Global Journalism COMM 416 Art Survey ART 101
Senior Seminar COMM 494 Gospel, Church, and Culture BITH 111
Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 101
Minor in International Relations Exploring the Korean War HIST 101
Comparative Politics IR 155 Introduction to Anthropology ANTH 116
International Politics IR 175 Old Testament Literature and Interpretation BITH 211
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 212 New Testament Literature and Interpretation BITH 213
East Asian Politics IR 251 Chicago URBN 231
Immigration in Europe transfer credit abroad Accelerated Elementary Spanish SPAN 103
Memory and Commemoration in France transfer credit Intermediate Spanish SPAN 201
abroad Principles of Microeconomics ECON 211
Physical Geology GEOL 211
Other Courses Classical and Early British Literature ENGL 215
Journalism Co-curricular COMM 219 Global Warming Science GEOL 381
Race, Poverty, and Reconciliation URBN 371 Theologies of Transformation BITH 376
Pre-field Preparation URBN 399 Public Health and Nutrition BIOL 381
Internship URBN 496
Feature Writing ENGW 444
French Beginning I transfer credit abroad
French Beginning II transfer credit abroad
Intermediate French transfer credit abroad
Contemporary French Cinema transfer credit abroad

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