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TEL & FAX: (714) 437-9511

Copyright 2007 by Ngoc Tran. All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any
information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the
author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations. However, staff members of
Vietnamese temples who want to reprint this work for the benefit of teaching of the
Buddhadharma, please contact Minh Dang Quang Patriarchal Temple at (714) 895-


Mr. Ngoc Tran has assembled and defined in this dictionary words and terms which are
authentic and traceable to the original canonical sources. He has spent almost two decades
reading and studying voluminous Buddhist material and in writing this book. He has
arranged this text of over 5,000 pages, in Vietnamese and English, in a manner
understandable to the average reader and student of Buddhism.
In the myriad of documents, books and records of the Buddhas talks, there are no
words written by the enlightened one called Sakyamuni Buddha during his forty-five years
of walking and teaching in northeast India. He spoke his messages of living a life of loving-
kindness and compassion to kings, high intellectuals and the poor and ignorant, and their
gaining the wisdom to achieve salvation from the rounds of birth and death, and for each
person to lead others to achieve that wisdom. Texts written in the Pali and Sanskrit
languages purport to contain the teachings of this Sixth Century, Before Common Era
(B.C.) Indian enlightened one.
The author, Ngoc Tran, is a meticulous researcher in the literary sense. His exploration
into ancient Sanskrit and Chinese references was demanded of him in compiling this
dictionary. Tran has reached back into reliable texts translated from the Agamas in Sanskrit
and the Nikaya in Pali. He is a serious Buddhist devotee, householder and one who
practices his religion to the extent which he lives it with happiness and serious simplicity.
The reader who already has some knowledge of the Buddhist doctrine will find herein
definitions which can further improve her/his understanding. As with any literary work of
this nature, the primary objective of the author is to be concise, yet thorough and steer
away from the pedantic. The middle path is, of course, to define a complex system such as
Buddhism in terms appealing and understandable to the novice as well as those highly
informed. Trans technique of both style and content accomplish this, I believe, in all
The style of this authors descriptions temper the material content in such a balanced
fashion to remove any questionable conflicts which are known to the Enlightened Ones
teaching. This authors definitions are factual and need no further details to exemplify or
extend meanings to be understood. The descriptions are arranged in a well-ordered
fashion, linking the factual, down-to-earth meanings common-place in Buddhist doctrine.
The author explains those collected beliefs of the Buddha as found in the Sutras
(Canonic body) and the liturgically accepted comments (the Sastras), covering firstly the
profound points of view of human life. Mr. Tran describes the Buddhas training as a yogi
with his teachers, his marvelous transition to enlightenment and the lessons on The

Middle Way to his firsts five disciples(Turning the Dharma Wheel in Deer Park, directly
after his enlightenment.)
The doctrines to be understood by every seeker of this great religion are described
clearly, with documentation referring to original Pali and Sanskrit written records. The
reader finds herself/himself immersed in the profound descriptions of the Buddhas
fundamental teachings, e.g. The Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, Prajna Paramita (Six
Ways to Wisdom), Karma, re-birth, Nirvana, Conditioned Beginnings, the Doctrine of No-
Soul and the Settingup of Mindfulness.
The factors of style and content which set this work above other like texts, are terms
first defined in Vietnamese with English immediately following. I personally find this
helpful in describing the phrases I use in my Dharma talks I give at my pagoda. This
publication will be a great help to those many Vietnamese in temples in the United States
at lectures and study groups in order to have a better understanding of the Dharma.
My personal congratulations go to Ngoc Tran for this product of his laborious, detailed
and extensive work in giving us critical descriptions and highlighting details of the beliefs,
teachings and practices of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Most Venerable Thich An-Hue

Dr. Claude Ware, Ph.D.
25 June 2007


Ong Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc a thu thap va nh ngha trong bo t ien nay nhng t ng
Phat Giao chnh thong co the c tm thay trong cac nguon kinh ien nguyen thuy. Trong
gan hai thap nien ong a day cong hoc hoi va nghien cu hau het kinh ien Phat giao e viet
nen bo sach nay. Ong a sap xep trong bo sach day tren 5.000 trang vi hai ngon ng Anh va
Viet bang mot phng cach that de hieu vi oc gia va sinh vien Phat giao trung bnh.
Trong vo so tai lieu, sach v va nhng ghi chep ve nhng bai thuyet giang cua c Phat,
khong co mot ch nao c chnh ang Giac Ngo Thch Ca Mau Ni viet lai trong suot 45
nam chu du hoang hoa cua Ngai tren khap mien ong Bac An o. Ngai ch n thuan thuyet
giang va gi nhng thong iep ve cuoc song t bi en cac v quoc vng, cac thc gia, va
en ca nhng ngi cung inh ngu muoi e ho co c cai tr tue giai thoat khoi vong luan
hoi sanh t, cung nh cho tng ngi mot co c kha nang dan dat ngi khac at c tr
tue. Nhng sach v Phat giao c viet bang tieng Nam Phan va Bac Phan eu c viet vi
noi dung cha ng nhng li day cua ang Giac Ngo vao the ky th 6 trc Tay Lch.
Noi theo ngha van hoc, tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc la mot nha nghien cu that t m.
S nghien cu ve nhng co ng Nam Phan, Bac Phan va Han ng la mot oi hoi phai co khi
viet bo T ien Phat Hoc Anh-Anh-Viet nay. Tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc a tm en
nhng van ban rat ang tin cay c dch ra t nhng bo kinh A Ham t tieng Bac Phan va
nhng bo kinh khac c viet bang tieng Nam Phan. Tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc la mot
Phat t thuan thanh va nghiem tuc, ngi a tu tap va song vi nhng giao thuyet cua c
Phat vi s bnh d ma hanh phuc va nghiem tuc.
Vi oc gia a co mot t kien thc ve Phat giao se tm thay trong bo t ien nay nhng
nh ngha co the lam tang them kien thc cho chnh mnh. Cung nh vi bat c tac pham
van hoc nao, muc tieu chnh cua tac gia la viet lai nhng giao thuyet cua c Phat that chnh
xac, that ay u, va tranh xa loi viet mo pham mot cach kho khan. D nhien con ng Trung
ao phai c dung e dien ta mot he thong phc tap ve Phat giao e lam de hieu cho ca
nhng ngi s c lan nhng ngi a hieu biet nhieu ve Phat giao. Toi tin ve moi kha
canh, ve ca the cach lan noi dung, tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc a at c ky thuat dien
at nay.
Phng cach dien ta cua tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc ve noi dung cua tai lieu that quan
bnh en noi khong con van e g na e thac mac ve nhng giao thuyet cua ang Giac
Ngo. Nhng nh ngha cua tac gia thng da tren s kien that va khong can them that chi
tiet hay th du, hay giang bay them ve ngha ly e c de hieu. Sach c sap xep co th
t, lien ket s kien en tan goc re, hay nhng cham ngon bnh thng ve giao ly.
Tac gia giai thch ve nhng tn ieu su tap c t nhng li day cua c Phat c tm
thay trong cac kinh ien va nhng luan ien a c chap nhan, bao trum nhng quan iem
tham sau cua Phat giao ve nhan sinh quan. T nhng giang giai o tac gia Thien Phuc Tran
Ngoc a viet ve s tu tap cua c Phat vi cac bac thay, s chuyen tiep ky tnh en giac ngo
va nhng bai hoc ve Trung ao cho nam v e t au tien cua Ngai (Chuyen Phap Luan
trong Vn Loc Uyen ngay khi Ngai va giac ngo).

Nhng giao ly can c hieu bi moi ngi ang tren ng tam ao cua ton giao v ai
nay a c tac gia trnh bay ro ret vi tai lieu tham khao t kinh ien c viet bang cac
th tieng Nam va Bac Phan. Ngi oc thay mnh c tram mnh trong s trnh bay tham
sau ve giao ly nha Phat, ty du nh ve Bat Thanh ao, T Dieu e, Bat Nha Ba La Mat a
(Luc o), Nghiep, Tai sanh, Niet Ban, duyen khi, giao thuyet ve Vo Nga va Tnh Thc.
Nhng s kien ve phng cach va noi dung a lam cho bo sach nay vt len cac sach
giao khoa khac bang mot phong thai tuyet hao, v no c viet bang hai ngon ng Anh va
Viet. Ca nhan toi thay bo sach that hu dung khi dien ta nhng t ma toi dung trong cac cuoc
phap thoai tai chua cung nh khi giang day tai cac trng ai hoc. Bo T ien Phat Hoc
Anh-Anh-Viet se la s tr giup ln lao cho nhieu ngi Viet tai Hoa Ky. No giup cho ngi
ta co c s am hieu sau rong hn trong cac buoi thuyet giang hay trong cac nhom nghien
cu Phat Phap.
Toi xin chuc mng tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc ve bo sach ton nhieu cong sc, that chi
tiet ma cung that bao quat, nhan manh en nhng chi tiet va tom lc nhng tn ieu, giao
thuyet va thc hanh cua c Thch Ca Mau Ni Phat. Toi rat han hoan tan dng cong c
cua tac gia Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc, ngi a hoan thanh cong trnh Van hoa hiem co va xin
tran trong gii thieu en ch Tang Ni Phat t tr thc, hy vong moi v co mot bo T ien
Phat Hoc Anh-Anh-Viet nay e tham khao rong sau hn.

Hoa Thng Thch An Hue

Tien S Claude Ware, Ph. D.
25 thang 6 nam 2007


This is my first return to visit the United States of America since the time I
graduated from Yale University, Connecticut forty years ago. I am deeply amazed
with such change and progress from Science, Technology, the Economy, and Social
Sciences, and so on.
It also amazes me that in the 1950s, the Vietnamese population in the United
States was only 202, including the Republic of Vietnam Embassy officials. I was
counted as number 202 when I arrived in late 1950. Now the Vietnamese population
in the USA is more than a million.
Among Vietnamese Americans in the United States, the highly educated and
intelligent are considered as the basic social class with adequate knowledge, talents
and experience, who have become both an important intrical part of American society
and also wonderful role models to help improve Vietnam now and in the future.
This visitation to the USA in 2000, the beginning of the 21st century, I myself see
with my own eyes so many wonderful things in the Vietnamese community, both in
the monasteries and outside life.
I was filled with deep admiration when I had a chance to read over the draft of
the Vietnamese-EnglishEnglish-Vietnamese Dictionary from the author Thien
----Admiration for before 1975, the author knew very little about Buddhism when he
was in Vietnam.
----Admiration for the fact that the author must work to support his family in this busy
society, but he has not been affected by vanity or materialism. On the contrary,
despite his tight work schedule and despite his continued commitment to community
activities, he has been spending most of his precious spare time to research and study
the Buddhist Tripitaka in Chinese and English to compose and accomplish this
Dictionary in a scientific method.
----Admiration for such Vietnamese-EnglishEnglish-Vienamese Buddhist
Dictionary would normally need a committee of several Buddhist intellects and a long
period of time to accomplish. Thien Phuc himself with tireless effort, has spent more
than 15 years to devote himself in research, study and overcoming a
lot of difficulties to perfectly accomplish this difficult work.
This merit shows us a positive spirit of egolessness and altruism for the sake of
Buddhism and for the benefit of Monks, Nuns and all Buddhist followers.

I am very pleased to praise the authors merits for his accomplishment of this
rare religious and cultural work. This is a genuine contribution of his share to the
propagation of the Dharma. I would like to take this opportunity to highly
recommend to all Monks, Nuns, Buddhist practitioners, as well as to any readers of
Buddhist texts. With the hope that each and everyone of you will possess this
Vietnamese-EnglishEnglish-Vietnamese Dictionary to aid in your deeper study of

California, November 7th, 2000

Most Venerable Thch Quang Lien
Chief of Quang c Monastery
Thu cViet Nam


T ngay tot nghiep ai Hoc Yale, Connecticutt tai Hoa Ky, tr ve Viet Nam
en nay la 40 nam, lan au tien toi co c hoi vieng tham lai Hoa Ky, nhan thay at
nc Hoa Ky thay oi tang tien tren nhieu lanh vc Khoa hoc, Ky thuat, Kinh te va
Xa hoi, van van.
ieu ma toi khong the tng tng c la trong thap nien 50 (1950-1960), tren
toan lanh tho Hoa Ky ch co 202 ngi Viet, ke ca nhan vien Toa ai S Viet Nam
Cong Hoa, ma toi la ngi th 202, theo bang thong ke ngoai kieu cua Chanh Phu
Hoa Ky thi bay gi. Ngay nay Viet kieu a len en so trieu, u thanh phan cac gii.
Trong thanh phan Viet kieu tai Hoa ky, gii tr thc c xem la thanh phan nong
cot, khong nhng tang cng them sc manh ong gop at nc Hoa Ky tren nhieu
lanh vc, ma cung la thanh phan u nhan to kinh nghiem kha nang kien thc xay
dng i song mi tot ep cho dan toc Viet Nam ngay nay va tng lai.
Cuoc tham vieng hoa Ky nam 2000, au thien nien ky cua the ky XXI, toi c
trc tiep muc kch tiep thu nhieu cai hay cai ep ao cung nh i, trong i song
cong ong cua ngi Viet.
ieu rat ngac nhien ma cung rat ang kham phuc, khi c xem qua cuon ai T
ien Phat Hoc Anh-Viet cua tac gia Thien Phuc.
----Kham phuc v trc nam 1975, tac gia cha hoc g nhieu ve Phat Hoc khi con
Viet Nam.
----Kham phuc v tac gia va i lam e nuoi song gia nh ni at nc que ngi ma
khong am me vat chat ni chon phu hoa tien canh, ngc lai dung nhng th gi
nhan roi vang ngoc, tap trung t tng, ai s nhan duyen, v tng lai Phat Giao, su
tam, nghien cu Kinh ien bang nhieu th tieng, va bien soan co khoa hoc hoan
thanh cuon ai T ien Phat Hoc Anh-Viet.
----Kham phuc v Bo ai T ien Viet-AnhAnh-Viet phai can en nhieu nha tr
thc hoc gia tham hieu van e Phat Giao va phai mat rat nhieu thi gian mi thc
hien c, song ay ch la mot ngi nh tac gia Thien Phuc, nhiet tam co gang
khong ngng, trong thi gian khong lau ma hoan thanh my man.
ay la tinh than tch cc, vo nga, v tha, v ao va i, vi muc ch giup cho ch
Tang Ni Phat t va nhng nha nghien cu Phat Giao co tai lieu va d kien tham

Toi rat han hoan tan dng cong c cua tac gia Thien Phuc, ngi a hoan
thanh cong trnh Van hoa hiem co va xin tran trong gii thieu en ch Tang Ni Phat
t tr thc, hy vong moi v co mot cuon ai T ien nay e tham khao rong sau hn.

California, November 7th , 2000

Hoa Thng Thch Quang Lien
Vien Chu Tu Vien Quang c
Thu cViet Nam

We all know that life in the United States is so busy and under so much pressure so
people have very little time to practice and study Sacred Text Books. During the period of
more than twenty-five years of preaching the Buddhas Teachings in the USA, I myself see
with my own eyes so many wonderful things in the Vietnamese community, both in the
monasteries and outside life. However, after reading the draft of the Vietnamese-English
English-Vietnamese Buddhist Dictionary from the author Thien Phuc, I was filled with
surprise and deep admiration. Thien Phuc came to the United States in 1985 and became one
of my best disciple in the same year. He is commendable because before that time he knew
very little about Buddhism. While working as a volunteer teacher of Vietnamese language
programs in Southern California, around 1985 and 1986, a lot of young Vietnamese students
came to him to ask for the meanings of some Buddhist terms. Some terms he was able to
provide the meaning, but a lot of them he could not. He talked to me and I encouraged him to
start his work on The Basic Buddhist Terms. He is admirable because he must work to
support his family in this busy society, but he has not been affected by vanity or materialism.
On the contrary, despite his tight work schedule and despite his continued commitment to
community and temple activities, he has been spending most of his precious spare time to
research and study the Buddhist Tripitaka in Vietnamese, Chinese and English to compose
and accomplish this Dictionary in a scientific method. He is admirable for his firm effort
because such Buddhist Literary Work would normally need a committee of several Buddhist
intellects and a long period of time to accomplish. Thien Phuc himself with tireless effort, has
spent more than 15 years to devote himself in research, study and overcoming a lot of
difficulties to perfectly accomplish this difficult work.
He is also the author of a series of books written in Vietnamese, titled Buddhism in
Life, ten volumes, Buddhism, a religion of Peace, Joy, and Mindfulness, and Intimate
Sharings with Parents and Children, Fundamentals of Buddhism in Vietnamese and
English, and Famous Zen Masters in Vietnamese and English.
This merit shows us a positive spirit of egolessness and altruism for the sake of Buddhism
and for the benefit of Monks, Nuns and all Buddhist followers.
I am very please to commend and praise the authors merits for his accomplishment of
this rare religious and cultural work. This is a genuine contribution of his share to the
propagation of the Dharma. I would like to take this opportunity to highly recommend to all
Monks, Nuns, Buddhist practitioners, as well as to any readers of Buddhist texts. With the
hope that each and everyone of you will possess this Vietnamese-EnglishEnglish-
Vietnamese Dictionary to aid in your deeper study of Buddha-Dharma.

California, November 7th, 2003

Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien
President of The International Bhiksu
Sangha Buddhist Association

Ai trong chung ta cung eu biet rang i song tai tren at nc nay rat la ban ron va
con ngi trong xa hoi nay phai chu nhieu ap lc ve ca vat chat lan tinh than nen t ai co
c th gi e tu tap hay nghien cu Kinh ien. Trong suot thi gian hn 25 nam hoang
phap tai Hoa Ky, toi c trc tiep muc kch tiep thu nhieu cai hay cai ep trong ao cung
nh ngoai i trong i song cong ong cua ngi Viet. Tuy nhien, toi rat ngac nhien va
kham phuc, khi c xem qua bo T ien Phat Hoc Viet-Anh Anh-Viet cua tac gia Thien
Phuc. That la ang khen ngi v tac gia Thien Phuc en Hoa Ky nam 1985, quy-y Tam Bao
vi toi cung nam, nhng trc o tac gia biet rat t ve Phat phap. Trong khoang nhng nam
1985 hay 1986, trong khi Thien Phuc ang day hoc thien nguyen chng trnh Viet ng
mien Nam California, co rat nhieu hoc sinh Phat t en hoi ngha cua cac t ng Phat hoc.
Mot so t Thien Phuc biet, nhng rat nhieu t khong biet. V the tac gia co noi chuyen vi
toi ve noi ban khoan cua mnh va toi a khuyen khch Thien Phuc tien hanh viec tam cau
nghien cu nay. That ang kham phuc v tac gia va i lam e nuoi song gia nh ni at
nc que ngi ma khong am me vat chat ni chon phu hoa, ngc lai va phai i lam, lam
viec xa hoi thien nguyen va Phat s, ma Thien Phuc van co gang dung nhng th gi nhan
roi vang ngoc, tap trung t tng, v tng lai Phat Giao, su tam, nghien cu Kinh ien bang
tieng Viet, tieng Hoa va tieng Anh, e bien soan mot cach khoa hoc va hoan thanh Bo T
ien Phat Hoc Viet-Anh Anh-Viet nay. ang kham phuc v Bo T ien nay phai can en
nhieu nha tr thc hoc gia tham hieu van e Phat Giao va phai mat rat nhieu thi gian mi
thc hien c, song ay ch la mot ngi nh tac gia Thien Phuc, nhiet tam co gang khong
ngng, trong thi gian khong lau ma hoan thanh my man. Thien Phuc cung la tac gia cua bo
ao Phat Trong i Song (10 tap), ao Phat An Lac va Tnh Thc, Tam S Vi Cha Me va
Tuoi Tre, Phat Phap Can Ban (8 tap sap phat hanh) va Nhng Thien S Noi Tieng (sap phat
ay la tinh than tch cc, vo nga, v tha, v ao va i, vi muc ch giup cho ch Tang
Ni Phat t va nhng nha nghien cu Phat Giao co tai lieu va d kien tham khao.
Toi rat han hoan khen ngi va tan dng cong c cua tac gia Thien Phuc, ngi a
hoan thanh cong trnh Van hoa hiem co va xin tran trong gii thieu en ch Tang Ni Phat t
tr thc, hy vong moi v co mot cuon ai T ien nay e tham khao rong sau hn.
Westminster, November 17th , 2003
Hoa Thng Thch Giac Nhien
Phap Chu Giao Hoi Phat Giao
Tang Gia Khat S The Gii

In 1961, I was assigned as a teacher of biology at Tong Phuoc Hiep High School in Vinh
Long Province. Then, in 1964, I was promoted to the Principal of the same school and stayed
in this position until 1972. During more than a decade there, I had an opportunity to teach and
know a lot of outstanding students in town, Mr. Tran Ngoc, AKA Ngoc-Em Tran, was one of
the best students of mine. During his seven years in High School, Mr. Ngoc-Em showed to be
eminent with his academic achievement. He always received monthly recognitions from the
Principal and yearly awards at the end of each school year.
After more than 30 years living oversea, in April 2003, when I had a chance to form
Oversea Tong Phuoc Hiep Alumni Association, I reunited with a lot of my students. I was so
glad that a lot of my students were so successful from all over the world. What surpirsed me
the most was the achievement of a student named Tran Ngoc-Em with the Buddhist name
Thien Phuc, an excellent student in Math in High School 40 years ago, but he is so
successful in publishing books in Buddhism. I was so glad and so proud to participate in the
Proofreading Committee for his Vietnamese-English Buddhist Dictionary. I personally
believe that this is one of the most helpful Vietnamese-English Buddhist Dictionary for
Buddhists abroad.
Once again, in mid 2007, Thien Phuc asked me to help with proofreading for his will-be
published English-English-Vietnamese Buddhist Dictionary. I am so proud to participate in
proofreading for this very helpful work. The dictionary has more than 5,200 pages with so
many Buddhist terms and phrases that are extremely helpful for Buddhist readers to deepen
their knowledge in Buddhism.
My personal congratulation to Thien Phuc and I am not only very proud to see the
excellent achievement of one of my former students, but I am also very please to praise him
for his accomplishment of this rare religious and cultural work. This is an exceptional
contribution of his share to the propagation of the Buddha-dharma. I would like to take this
opportunity to sincerely recommend this work to all Buddhists, especially lay Buddhists with
the hope that this work can help aid your knowledge in Buddhism and make it easier for your
way of cultivation.

California, September 10, 2007

Dao Khanh Tho
Former Principal of Tong Phuoc Hiep HS
Vinhlong Province-South Vietnam

Vao nam 1961 toi c bo nhiem ve lam Giao s Van Vat tai trng Trung Hoc Tong
Phc Hiep, tnh Vnh Long. Sau o, vao nam 1964, toi c bo nhiem vao chc vu Hieu
Trng trng Trung Hoc Tong Phc Hiep cho en nam 1972. Trong gan hn mot thap nien
phuc vu tai ay, toi co c hoi day va c biet rat nhieu hoc sinh xuat sac trong th xa, ma
anh Tran Ngoc-Em la mot trong nhng hoc tro xuat sac nay. Trong suot bay nam trung hoc,
anh Ngoc-Em a to ra rat xuat sac va luon nhan giay khen hang thang cua Hieu Trng,
cung nh lanh thng moi cuoi nam.
Sau hn 30 nam song ni hai ngoai, vao nam 2003, do duyen lanh tai California, toi a
thanh lap Hoi Ai Hu Cu Hoc Sinh Tong phc Hiep, nh o ma toi a gap lai rat nhieu
hoc sinh cu cua toi. Toi rat hanh dien khi thay rat nhieu hoc sinh cu cua toi nay a thanh
cong khap ni tren the gii. Nhng ieu ang ngac nhien nhat cua toi la co mot em hoc sinh
xuat sac trc kia rat gioi ve mon Toan, ma bay gi lai rat thanh cong trong viec viet va xuat
ban nhieu bo sach ve ao Phat vi Phap danh la Thien Phuc. Cung nam 2003, toi vo cung
sung sng va hanh dien c tham d vao Tieu Ban Duyet oc bo T ien Phat Hoc Viet-
Anh cua anh Thien Phuc. Rieng toi th toi tin rang ay la mot trong nhng bo T ien Phat
Hoc co rat nhieu li ch cho Phat t ni hai ngoai.
Lan na, vao gia nam 2007, anh Thien Phuc lai mi toi tham d vao Tieu Ban Duyet
oc cho bo T ien Phat Hoc Anh-Anh-Viet se c xuat ban trong mot ngay gan ay. Toi
vo cung sung sng c gop phan vao tac pham that hu ch nay.
Rieng ca nhan toi, toi xin chuc mng anh Thien Phuc. Toi rat hanh dien nhn thay c
thanh qua xuat sac cua mot anh cu hoc sinh cua mnh, ma Toi het sc han hoan tan dng
s thanh tu cua tac gia Thien Phuc ve s hoan thanh cong trnh ton giao va van hoa hiem
co nay. ay la s cong hien het sc ac biet cua anh Thien Phuc trong cong cuoc truyen ba
Phat Phap. Toi xin tran trong gii thieu en ch Phat t tr thc, nhat la cac Phat t tai gia,
hy vong moi v co c mot bo ai T ien nay e tham khao rong sau hn, hanh thong hn
trong viec tu hanh.

California, ngay 10 thang 9, 2007

ao Khanh Tho
Cu Hieu Trng
Trng TH Tong Phc Hiep-Vnh Long

This book is not an ordinary English-Vietnamese or Vietnamese-English Dictionary, nor
is this a book of Total Buddhist Terminology. This is only a booklet that compiles of some
basic Buddhist terms, Buddhist related terms, or terms that are often seen in Buddhist texts
with the hope to help Vietnamese Buddhists understand more Buddhist essays written in
English or Buddhist Three Baskets translated into English from either Pali or Sanscrit.
Buddha teachings taught by the Buddha 26 centuries ago were so deep and so broad that its
difficult for any one to understand thoroughly, even in their own languages. Beside, there are
no absolute English or Vietnamese equivalents for numerous Pali and Sanskrit words. Its
even more difficult for Vietnamese people who have tried to read Vietnamese texts partly
translated from the Chinese Mahayana without making a fallacious interpretation. As you
know, Buddhist teaching and tradition have deeply rooted in Vietnamese society for at least
20 centuries, and the majority of Vietnamese, in the country or abroad, directly or indirectly
practice Buddha teachings. Truly speaking, nowadays Buddhist or Non-Buddhist are
searching for Buddhist text books with the hope of expanding their knowledge and improving
their life. For these reasons, until an adequate and complete Buddhist Dictionary is in
existence, I have temerariously tried to compile some of most useful Buddhist terms and
Buddhist related terms which I have collected from reading Buddhist English texts during the
last fifteen years. I agree that there are surely a lot of deficiencies and errors in this booklet
and I am far from considering this attempt as final and perfect; however, with a wish of
sharing the gift of truth, I am not reluctant to publish and spread this booklet to everyone.
Besides, the Buddha taught: Among Dana, the Dharma Dana or the gift of truth of Buddhas
teachings is the highest of all donations on earth.
Once again, I hope that this booklet is helpful for those who want to know more about
the truth of all nature and universe. As I mentioned above, this is not a completely perfect
work, so I would very much appreciate and open for any comments and suggestions from the
learned as well as from our elderly.
Last but not least, the author would like first to respectfully offer this work to the
Triratna, and secondly to demit the good produced by composing this book to all other
sentient beings, universally, past, present and future. Hoping everyone can see the real
benefit of the Buddhas teachings, and hoping that some day every sentient being will be able
to enter the Pure Land of Amitabha.

Thien Phuc

ay khong phai la mot quyen T ien Anh-Viet Viet-Anh bnh thng, ay cung khong
phai la Toan Tap Danh T Phat Giao. ay ch la mot quyen sach nho gom nhng t ng
Phat giao can ban, nhng t co lien he en Phat giao, hay nhng t thng hay gap trong
nhng bai kinh Phat, vi hy vong giup nhng Phat t Viet Nam tm hieu them ve nhng bai
luan Phat giao bang Anh ng, hoac tm hieu Kinh Tang Anh ng c dch sang t tieng
Phan Pali hay Sanskrit. c Phat a bat au thuyet giang Phat phap 26 the ky ve trc ma
giao ly that la tham tham rat kho cho bat c ai trong chung ta thau triet, du bang chnh ngon
ng cua chung ta. Ngoai ra, khong co t ng tng ng Viet hay Anh nao co the lot tran
c het y ngha cua nhieu t ng Phan Pali va Sanskrit. Lai cang kho hn cho ngi Viet
chung ta tranh nhng dien dch sai lam khi chung ta oc nhng kinh ien c Viet dch t
nhng kinh ien ai tha cua Trung quoc. Nh quy v a biet, giao ly va truyen thong Phat
giao a an sau vao xa hoi Viet Nam chung ta t 20 the ky nay, va a phan ngi Viet chung
ta trong quoc noi cung nh tai hai ngoai eu trc tiep hay gian tiep thc hanh Phat phap.
That tnh ma noi, ngay nay Phat t hay khong Phat t eu ang tm toi hoc hoi giao ly nay
nhng mong m mang va cai thien cuoc song cho chnh mnh. V nhng ly do o, cho en khi
nao co c mot bo T ien Phat Hoc hoan chnh, toi a mao muoi bien soan nhng t ng
thng dung Phat giao cung nh nhng t ng lien he vi Phat giao trong suot hn mi lam
nam qua. ong y la co rat nhieu loi lam va sai sot trong quyen sach nho nay va con lau lam
quyen sach nay mi c xem la hoan chnh, tuy nhien, vi c mong chia xe chan ly, chung
toi a khong ngan ngai cho xuat ban va truyen ba quyen sach nay en tay moi ngi. Hn
na, chnh c T Phu a tng day: Trong phap Bo Th, bo th Phap hay bo th mon qua
chan ly Phat phap la cach cung dng cao tuyet nht tren i nay.
Mot lan na, Hy vong quyen sach nho nay se giup ch cho nhng ai muon tm biet them
ve chan ly thc tanh van hu. Nh a noi tren, ay khong phai la mot tac pham hoan chnh,
v the chung toi chan thanh cam ta s ch day cua ch hoc gia va cac bac cao minh.
Cuoi cung, tac gia cung knh cung dng len ngoi Tam Bao, va xin thanh knh hoi hng
tat ca cong c nay en chung sanh muon loai trong qua kh, hien tai va v lai. Nhng mong
ai nay eu thay c s li lac cua Phat phap, e mot ngay khong xa nao o, phap gii
chung sanh ong vang sanh Cc Lac.
Thien Phuc

First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien for
encouraging me to start this project, providing me with Tripitaka in English version and other
books of Buddhist doctrines, and reviewing my work. Beside, Most Venerable Thch Giac
Nhien also takes his time to sit down and explain to me Buddhist terms which I dont know.
Secondly, I want to take this opportunity to thank Most Ven. Dr. Thch Quang Lien, Most
Ven. Dr Claude Ware, Most Ven. Thch Chn Thanh, Most Ven. Thch Giac Lng, Most
Ven. Thch Nguyen at, Most Ven. Thch Hanh ao, Most Ven. Thch Giac Ngo, Most Ven.
Thch Giac Trang, Most Ven. Thch Giac Toan, Most Ven. Thch Giac Tue, Most Ven. Thch
Minh Thien, Ven. Prof. Thch Chn Minh, Ven. Thch Minh Man, Ven. Thch Nguyen Tr,
Ven. Thch Quang Thanh, Ven. Thch Giac S, Ven. Thch Minh Thanh, Ven. Thch Minh
at, Ven. Thch Minh Nhan, Ven. Thch Minh Ngh, Ven. Thch Minh An, Ven. Thch Minh
Hien, Ven. Thch Vo at, Ven. Thch Minh nh, Ven. Thch Minh Thong, Bhikhunis Thch
N Dieu Lac, Thch N Dieu Nguyet, Thch N Dieu Hoa, and Thch N Tnh Hien, Thch
N Dieu ao, Thch N Dieu Minh, Thch N Lien Dung, Thch N Tnh Lien, Thch N
Nh Hanh, and Thch N Nhan Lien, Prof. Nghiem Phu Phat, Prof. Lu Khon, Prof. Andrew
J. Williams, Ms. Sonia Brousseau, Ms. Sheila Trng, Ms. Nguyen Th Kim Ngan, Mr.
Nguyen Minh Lan, Minh Hanh, Hue c, Bu c, Mr. And Mrs. Van Vo and Hoang
Khuyen, Mr. And Mrs. Quang Tam and Minh Chnh, Minh Chanh, Tam Ngha, Thien Vinh,
and Dieu Hao for their kind support and encouragement which have helped me overcome
difficulties along every step of composing this book. They have set aside their precious time
to review and proofread the draft, correct errors and offer me with invaluable advice to
improve this work. I also would like to take this chance to send my special thanks to all my
good spiritual advisors and friends, especially Ms. Nguyen Th Ngoc Van, and Former
Principals of Tong Phuoc Hiep High School, Mr. ao Khanh Tho, and Mrs. Vo Th Ngoc
Dung who have provided extremely helpful advice, guidance and ideas.
I would also like to express my special gratitude to my family for all their support.
Without their support, this work can not be accomplished.
Next, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the proof-reading committee for their
hard work, especially Upasika Nguyen th Ngoc Van for her extraordinary efforts to complete
this extremely difficult assignment.
Last but not least, I would respectfully like to dedicate all merits and virtues derived from
this work to all sentient beings throughout the six paths in the Dharma Realms to rebirth in the
Amitabha Pure Land.
Anaheim, California
November 2007
Thien Phuc

Cam Ta
Trc nhat, tac gia xin chan thanh cam ta Hoa Thng Thch Giac Nhien a khuyen khch
tac gia t nhng ngay au kho khan cua cong viec bien soan. Hoa Thng a cung cap Anh
Tang cung nh nhng sach giao ly Phat giao khac. Ngoai ra, Ngai con danh nhieu th gi qu
bau coi lai ban thao va giang ngha nhng t ng kho hieu. Ke th, tac gia cung xin chan
thanh cam ta Hoa Thng Tien S Thch Quang Lien, Hoa Thng Tien S Claude Ware,
Hoa Thng Thch Chn Thanh, Hoa Thng Thch Giac Lng, Hoa Thng Thch Nguyen
at, Hoa Thng Thch Hanh ao, Hoa Thng Thch Giac Ngo, Hoa Thng Thch Giac
Trang, Hoa Thng Thch Giac Toan, Hoa Thng Thch Giac Tue, Hoa Thng Thch Minh
Thien, va Thng Toa G.S. Thch Chn Minh a khuyen tan trong nhng luc kho khan,
Thng Toa Thch Minh Man, Thch Nguyen Tr, Thch Quang Thanh, Thch Giac S, Thch
Minh Thanh, Thch Minh at, Thch Minh Nhan, Thch Minh Ngh, Thch Minh An, Thch
Minh Hien, Thch Vo at, Thch Minh nh, cac S Co Thch N Dieu Lac, Thch N Dieu
Nguyet, Thch N Dieu Hoa, Thch N Tnh Hien, Thch N Dieu ao, Thch N Dieu Minh,
Thch N Lien Dung, Thch N Tnh Lien, Thch N Nh Hanh, va Thch N Nhan Lien a
khuyen khch tac gia vt qua nhng kho khan tr ngai. Mot so a khong ngai th gi qu bau
duyet oc phan Viet ng nh Giao S Lu Khon, Giao S Nghiem Phu Phat, Giao S
Andrew J. Williams, Sonia Brousseau, Sheila Trng, Nguyen th Kim Ngan, Nguyen Minh
Lan, Minh Hanh, Hue c, Bu c, Van Vo, Hoang Khuyen, Quang Tam, Minh Chnh,
Minh Chanh, Tam Ngha, Thien Vinh, va Dieu Hao a duyet oc tng phan trong tac pham
nay. Tac gia cung xin chan thanh cam ta co Nguyen Th Ngoc Van, cung qu Thay Co Cu
Hieu Trng Trng Trung Hoc Tong Phc Hiep, Ong ao Khanh Tho va Co Vo Th Ngoc
Dung a tan tnh giup ve tinh than lan vat chat.
Tac gia cung chan thanh cam ta toan the gia nh a tch cc yem tr. Khong co s yem
tr nay, chac chan bo sach nay khong the nao hoan thanh my man c.
Ke en tac gia xin thanh that cam n s co gang tan tuy cua ban duyet oc, ac biet la
nhng co gang vt bc cua ao hu Nguyen th Ngoc Van trong cong viec cc ky kho khan
Cuoi cung, tac gia xin thanh knh hoi hng cong c nay en phap gii chung sanh
trong sau ng phap gii se c vang sanh Tnh o.

Anaheim, California
Thang 11, nam 2007
Thien Phuc

Note To Our Readers

This booklet is a collection of Buddhist, Buddhist-related terms, and terms that
are often seen in Buddhist texts, written in both Vietnamese and English. Like I said
in the Preface, this is not a Total and Complete Buddhist Dictionary; however, with a
wish of share, I hope that all of you will find this a useful and helpful booklet for you
to broaden knowledge on Buddhism

Thien Phuc

Li ghi chu en ch oc gia

Quyen sach nho nay ch la mot tap hp cac t ng Phat giao, cac t ng co lien
quan en Phat giao, va cac t ng thng c tm thay trong cac sach giao khoa
Viet Anh Phat giao. Nh tren a noi, ay khong phai la bo t ien hoan hao; tuy
nhien, vi tam nguyen se chia, toi mong rang qu v se tm thay ni bo sach nay
nhng ieu bo ch cho viec m rong kien thc ve Phat giao cua mnh.

Thien Phuc

This work is respectfully dedicated to the Three Jewels, to my Original Master,

Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien, to my deceased parents Mr. Le Van Thuan and
Mrs. Tran Th Su, to my mother and father-in-law Mr. Tan Ngoc Phieu and Mrs
Tran th Phan. This work is also dedicated to my wife Tng Thuc and children Thanh
Phu, Thanh My and Thien Phu, my longlife best friends for their enormous supports. I
am enormously grateful to my friend, Chieu Tam Benjamin Nguyen, who helped
typed, and retyped the work.

Xin thanh knh cung dng tac pham nay len ngoi Tam Bao, ke th cung
dng len Thay Bon S, Hoa Thng Thch Giac Nhien, Phap Chu Giao Hoi Phat
Giao Tang Gia Khat S The Gii, ke th la cung dng en cha me qua vang la ong
Le Van Thuan va ba Tran Th Su, nhac phu va nhac mau la ong Tan Ngoc Phieu va
ba Tran th Phan. Toi cung xin knh tang tac pham nay en hien phu Tng Thuc, va
cac con Thanh Phu, Thanh My, Thien Phu, cung nh ngi ban Chieu Tam Benjamin
Nguyen a giup anh may i anh may lai va sa cha nhng tr ngai ky thuat.

Note on Language and Abbreviations

(A) Languages: (B) Abbreviations

Ch : Chinese B.C. : Before Christ (trc Tay Lch)

Jap : Japanese A.D. : Anno Domini (sau Tay Lch)
Kor: Korean e.g. : For example
P : Pali i.e. : For example
Tib : Tibetan a : Adjective
Viet: Vietnamese n : Noun : Noun Plural
v : Verb

Words or Phrases that are used interchangeably.

Nhan = Nhn (ngha la ngi) Chi=Chi
Nhat = Nht (ngha la mot) Nay= Nay
Nhat = Nht (ngha la ngay) Dharma (skt)=Dhamma (p)
Yet = Kiet Karma (skt)=Kamma (p)
Xay = Xay Sutra (skt)=Sutta (p)

Other signs of reference.

** These two stars mean that the term has adequate meaning itself; however, if
you wish to obtain further details, you can refer to the term or terms mentioned
behind these two stars.

Advisory Committee

1. Most Venerable Dr. Thch Quang Lien, Ph.D.

2. Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien
3. Most Venerable Thch Chn Thanh
4. Most Venerable Thch Giac Lng
5. Most Venerable Thich An Hue---Dr. Claude Ware, Ph.D.

Proofreading Committee

I. English:

1. Prof. Andrew J. Williams, Ph.D., Australia.

2. Ms. Sonia Brousseau, M.F.C.C., Canada.

II. Vietnamese and English:

1. .. Thch Minh at
2. .. Thch Minh Ngh
3. . . Thch Minh Nhan
4. S.C. Thch N Dung Lien
5. S.C. Thch N Tnh Lien
6. S.C. Thch N Nhan Lien
7. S.C. Thch N Nh Hanh
8. Prof. Nghiem Phu Phat
9. Mr. Nguyen Minh Lan
10. Ms. Nguyen Th Kim Ngan
11. Ms. Sheila Trng
12. Mr. ao Khanh Tho
13. Mrs. Vo Th Ngoc Dung
14. Mr. Minh Chanh Nguyen T. Liem
15. Mrs. Dieu Hao Ann Pham
16. Mr. Bu c Tran Ngoc Trac
17. Mrs. Thanh Khai Tieu Qu Hue
18. Ms. Chn Lac Hng Nguyen T. Mai
19. Ms. Dieu An Trnh Hoai Thu
20. Ms. Dieu Hai Nguyen T. Lien
21. Ms. Dieu Thanh Hoang T. Kim Thanh

22. Ms. Nht Hanh Lng K. Ngoc Han

23. Ms. Thao Ngoc Nguyen H. Thao
24. Mr. Thien ao Vng Bnh
25. Mr. Thien Li Tyler Ho
26. Mr. Thien Duyen Le Loc Sanh
27. Ms. Tn Ngoc Vng Th Tuyet
28. Mr. Phuc Tue Nguyen Hue
29. Ms. Dieu Hieu Jennifer Nguyen
30. Mr. Nguyen Van Can
31. Mr. Thien Giac Tran Thanh Tong
32. Tam Minh Hanh Vo Minh The.
33. Nguyen Th Ngoc Van.
34. Tam Tinh Can Lee Wilson
35. Hue c Lam Xuan Huy
36. Minh Hanh
37. Pham Ngoc Mai
38. Thien Hu
39. Pham th Kim Phng.

III. Sanskrit/PaliPhan & Ba Li

1. Pham Kim Khanh

2. Le Th Sng (who passed away before the print of this work. May
she rest in peace in the Buddha Land and attain the Buddhahood

1. Phat Hoc Pho Thong, Thch Thien Hoa: 1958 (3 volumes).

2. Phat Hoc T ien, oan Trung Con: 1963 (2 volumes).

3. T ien Phat Hoc Viet Nam, Thch Minh Chau: 1991.

4. Duy Thc Hoc, Thch Thien Hoa: 1958.

5. Suramgama Sutra, Minh Tam Le nh Tham: 1961.

6. The Flower Ornament Scripture, Shambhala: 1987.

7. Buddhist Dictionary, Nyanatiloka and Nyanaponika: Revised 1980.

8. A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism, Christmas Humphreys: London 1984.

9. The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen: 1991.

10. The Seekers Glossary: Buddhism: 1998.

11. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion, Ingrid Fisher-Schreiber:


12. Dictionary of Philosophy, Dagobert D. Runes: 1981.

13. A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, William Edward Soothill & Lewis
Hodous: 1934.

14. World Religions, Lewis M. Hopfe: 1982.

15. The Buddha and His Teachings, Narada: 1973.

16. The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, translated from Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi,

17. The Long Discourses of the Buddha, translated from the Pali by Maurice Walshe,

18. The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu
Nanamoli, edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1995.

19. The Spectrum Of Buddhism, Mahathera Piyadassi, 1991.

20. Essays In Zen Buddhism, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, 1949.

21. Zen Art For Meditation, Stewart W. Holmes & Chimyo Horioka, 1973.

22. Gems Of Buddhism Wisdom, Most Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, 1983.

23. Kinh Trng Bo, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1991.

24. Kinh Trung Bo, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1992.

25. Kinh Tng ng Bo, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1993.

26. Kinh Tang Chi Bo, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1996.

27. Kinh Tap A Ham, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1993.

28. Kinh Trung A Ham, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1992.

29. Kinh Trng A Ham, Vien Nghien Cu Phat Hoc Viet Nam: 1991.

30. Trng Bo Kinh, Hoa Thng Thch Minh Chau: 1991.

31. Luan ai Tr o, dch gia Hoa Thng Thch Trung Quan: 1990.

32. Jataka (Stories Of The Buddhas Former Births), Prof. E.B. Cowell: Delhi 1990.

33. Kinh ai Bat Niet Ban, dch gia Hoa Thng Thch Tr Tnh: 1990.

34. Zens Chinese Heritage, Andy Ferguson: 2000.

35. Viet Nam Phat Giao S Luan, Nguyen Lang: 1977.

36. Thien S Trung Hoa, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T: 1995.

37. Kinh Phat anh Ton Thang a La Ni, dch gia Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam:

38. The Path of Purification, Pali Text by Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa, translated by

Bhikkhu Nanamoli: 1956.

39. The books of The Discipline (Vinaya Pitaka), translated by I.B. Horner: 1997.

40. Luat Nghi Khat S, To S Minh ang Quang: 1950.

41. Luat T Phan Gii Bon Nh Thch, dch gia Hoa Thng Thch Hanh Tru: 1950.

42. Sa Di Luat Giai, dch gia Hoa Thng Thch Hanh Tru: 1950.

43. Luat Sa Di Thng Hang (Luat Can Ban Cua Ngi Xuat Gia), dch gia Thch
Thien Thong, Thch ong Bon, Thch Nht Chieu: 1995.

44. Niem Phat Thap Yeu, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam, 1950.

45. Ty Ni Hng Nhu, dch gia Thch Thien Chn: 1997.

46. Gii an Tang, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa: 1968.

47. Gii an Ni, T.T. Thch Minh Phat: 1988.

48. Luat T Phan Ty Kheo Ni Gii Bon Lc Ky, dch gia Ty Kheo Ni Huyen Hue:

49. What Buddhists Believe, Most Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda: 1987.

50. A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidharma, Bhikkhu Bodhi: 1993.


51. What The Buddha Taught, Walpola Rahula: 1959.

52. The Story of Buddha, Jonathan Landaw: 1978.

53. Religions of The Wolrd, Lewis M. Hopfe: 1983.

54. Thien S Viet Nam, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T: 1972.

55. The Holy Teaching Of Vimalakirti, Robert A.F. Thurman: 1976.

56. In This Very Life, Sayadaw U Pandita: 1921.

57. The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, Junjiro Takakusu, 1947.

58. The Essence of Buddhism, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, 1947.

59. The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, translated by Charles Luk, 1972.

60. Chn Ly, Ton S Minh ang Quang, 1946.

61. Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, Hoa Thng Thch T Quang, 1948.

62. Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, Tam Minh Le nh Tham, 1961.

63. Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, Tr o va Tue Quang, 1964.

64. Phat Ly Can Ban, Hoa Thng Thch Huyen Vi, 1973.

65. Phap Mon Toa Thien, Hoa Thng Thch Giac Nhien, 1960.

66. Con ng Thoat Kho, W. Rahula, dch gia Thch N Tr Hai, 1958.

67. Tnh o Thap Nghi Luan, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam, 1962.

68. T Thap Nh Chng Kinh, C S Nguyen Van Hng, 1951.


69. ng Vao Anh Sang ao Phat, Tnh Mac, 1959.

70. Nhn Qua, Nghiep va Luan Hoi, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa, 1960.

71. The Method of Zen, Eugen Herrigel, 1960.

72. Viet Nam Danh Lam Co T, Vo Van Tng, 1992.

73. The Three Pillars of Zen, Roshi Philip Kapleau, 1912.

74. V Sao Tin Phat, K. Sri Dhammananda, dch gia Thch Tam Quang, 1998.

75. Introduction To Tantra, Lama Thubten Yeshe, 1935.

76. Buddha and Gospel of Buddhism, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, 1974.

77. Mahayana Buddhism, Beatrice Lane Suzuki, 1969.

78. Phep La Cua S Tnh Thc, Hoa Thng Thch Nhat Hanh, 1975.

79. Ba Van e Trong ai Trong i Tu, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T, 1997.

80. Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis, D.T. Suzuki and Richard De Martino, 1960.

81. La Th Tnh o, ai S An Quang, dch gia Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam,

82. Lien Tong Thap Tam To, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam, 1956.

83. Studies in The Lamkavatara Sutra, D.T. Suzuki, 1930.

84. Buddhism Explained, Bhikkhu Khantipalo, 1973.

85. Khao Nghiem Duy Thc Hoc, Hoa Thng Thch Thang Hoan, 1987.

86. Kinh Phap Bao an, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T, 1992.

87. Th Gi Ngi Hoc Phat, Thng Toa Thch Hai Quang, 1998.

88. Buddhism: Its Essence and Development, Edward Conze, 1951.

89. An Introduction To Zen Buddhism, D.T. Suzuki, 1934.

90. The Tibetan Book Of The Dead, Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa,

91. Kinh u Ba Tac Gii, Sa Mon Thch Quang Minh, 1957.

92. Philosophy and Psychology in The Abhidharma, Herbert V. Guenther, 1957.

93. Sixth Patriarchs Sutra, Tripitaka Master Hua, 1971.

94. Thien Luan, 3 vols, D.T. Suzuki, dch gia Truc Thien, 1926.

95. In This Very Life, Sayadaw U. Pandita, 1921.

96. Twenty-Five Hundred Years of Buddhism, P.V. Bapat, 1959.

97. Phat Hoc Tinh Yeu, 3 vols., Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam, 1965.

98. Phat Va Thanh Chung, Cao Hu nh, 1936.

99. Liberation In The Palm Of Your Hand, Pabongka Rinpoche, 1991.

100. The Zen Doctrine of No Mind, D.T. Suzuki, 1949.

101. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche, 1992.

102. An c Phat, C S Huynh Thanh Long, 1962.

103. Insight Meditation, Joseph Goldstein, 1993.

104. ai Tang Kinh Nhap Mon, Han dch Thch Hai An va Thch Nguyen
Quynh, Viet dch Thch Vien Ly, 1999.

105. The Experience of Insight, Joseph Goldstein, 1976.

106. Its Easier Than You Think, Sylvia Boorstein, 1995.

107. Journey Without Goal, Chogyam Trungpa, 1981.

108. A Glossary of Buddhist Terms, A.C. March, 1937.

109. Early Madhyamika In India and China, Richard H. Robinson, 1967.

110. Hinayana and Mahayana, R. Kimura, 1927.

111. The Elements of Zen, David Scott and Tony Doubleday, 1992.

112. The Buddhist Catechism, Henry S. Olcott, 1903.

113. ao Phat Vi Con Ngi, Hoa Thng Thch Tam Chau, 1953.

114. Kinh Phat Thuyet A Di a, Han dch Cu Ma La Thap, Viet dch C S

Tue Nhuan, 1951.

115. Lc S Phat Giao An o, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh Kiem, 1963.

116. The Diamond Sutra and The Sutra Of Hui-Neng, A.F. Price and Wong
Mou-Lam, 1947.

117. Gng Sang Ngi Xa, Hoa Thng Thch Huyen Vi, 1974.

118. Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat Zinn, 1994.

119. Zen In The Art Of Archery, Eugen Herrigel, 1953.

120. Phat Giao Thanh ien, C S Thai am L, Taiwan 1953.

121. Phat Giao Thanh Kinh, C S Dng Tu Hac, Taiwan 1962, Viet dch
Hoa Thng Thch Tr Nghiem, 1963.

122. Phat Hoc Tinh Hoa, Nguyen Duy Can, 1964.


123. Phat Phap, Hoa Thng Minh Chau, Hoa Thng Thien An, Hoa
Thng Chn Tr, Hoa Thng c Tam, 1964.

124. Phat Giao Cng Yeu, Viet dch Sa Mon Hien Chn, 1929.

125. Calm and Insight, Bhikkhu Khantipalo, 1981.

126. Rebirth as Doctrine and Experience, Francis Story, 1975.

127. Mi V e T Ln Cua Phat, Tinh Van Phap S, Viet dch Hanh C,


128. Kinh Dc S, Han dch Huyen Trang, Viet dch Hoa Thng Thch
Huyen Dung, 1949.

129. Luan Bao Vng Tam Muoi, Sa Mon Dieu Hiep, Viet dch Minh Chanh.

130. Kinh Phap Bu an, Hoa Thng Thch T Quang, 1942.

131. Milinda Van ao va Kinh Na Tien Ty Kheo, Hoa Thng Thch Minh
Chau, 1964.

132. How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be, Cheri
Huber, 2000.

133. Luan Thanh Duy Thc, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Sieu, 1995.

134. Kinh a Tang, Hoa Thng Thch Tr Thu.

135. Kim Cang Giang Giai, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T, 1992.

136. Kinh Phap Bao an, C S To Que, 1946.

137. Kinh Phap Bao an, Mai Hanh c, 1956.

138. Cac Tong Phai ao Phat, oan Trung Con.


139. S Tch Phat A Di a, 7 V Bo Tat va 33 V To S, Tran Nguyen Chan,


140. Na Tien Ty Kheo, Cao Hu nh, 1970.

141. Phap Mon Tnh o Thu Thang, Hoa Thng Thch Han Hien, 1991.

142. Tam Kinh Tnh o, Hoa Thng Thch Tr Thu.

143. The Life of Buddha, Edward J. Thomas, 1952.

144. The Buddhas Ancient Path, Piyadassi Thera, 1964.

145. The Land of Bliss, Luis O. Gomez, 1996.

146. Buddhist Images of Human Perfection, Nathan Katz, India 1982.

147. Buddhist Meditation, Edward Conze, 1956.

148. Buddhist Sects In India, Nalinaksha Dutt, 1978.

149. Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, Viet dch Hoa Thng Thch Phc Hao, 1990.

150. Essential Tibetan Buddhism, Robert A.F. Thurman, 1995.

151. Calming The Mind, Gen Lamrimpa, 1992.

152. Phap Bu an Kinh, Hoa Thng Minh Trc, 1944.

153. The Literature of The Personalists of Early Buddhism, Bhikkhu Thch

Thien Chau, English translator Sara Boin-Webb, 1996.

154. The Essence of Buddhism, P. Lakshmi Narasu, Colombo 1907.

155. Gems of Buddhist Wisdom, many authors, Kular Lumpur, 1983.

156. Kinh Duy Ma Cat S Thuyet, Hoa Thng Thch Hue Hng, 1951.

157. Calming The Mind and Discerning The Real, Tsong-Kha-Pa, English
Translator Alex Wayman, 1978.

158. Seven Works of Vasubandhu, Stefan Anacker, Delhi 1984.

159. Duy Thc Hoc, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa, 1958.

160. The Gospel Of Buddha, Paul Carus, 1961.

161. The Conquest of Suffering, P.J. Saher, Delhi 1977.

162. Bat Quan Trai Thap Giang, Dien Boi ai S, Viet dch Thch Thien
Hue, 1992.

163. Linguistic Approach to Buddhism Thought, Genjun H. Sasaki, Delhi


164. The Buddhist Outlook, 2 vols., Francis Story, Sri Lanka 1973.

165. Buddhist Logic, 2 vols., Th. Stcherbatsky, 1962.

166. Kinh Tam a Quan, Hoa Thng Thch Tam Chau, 1959.

167. Kinh Phat Ban Hanh Tap, Hoa Thng Thch Trung Quan.

168. Qui Nguyen Trc Ch, o Thieu Lang, Saigon 1961.

169. Ban o Tu Phat, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa, 1958.

170. Viet Nam Phat Giao S Lc, Hoa Thng Thch Mat The, 1943.

171. Bo e at Ma Quan Tam Phap, Viet dch Minh Thien, 1972.

172. Thien Tong Viet Nam Cuoi The Ky 20, Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T,

173. Kinh Vien Giac, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa, Saigon 1958.

174. Kinh Dc S Bon Nguyen Cong c, Hoa Thng Thch Huyen Dung,

175. Kinh Tam Bao, Hoa Thng Thch Tr Tnh, 1970.

176. Ch Kinh Tap Yeu, Hoa Thng Thch Duy Lc, 1994.

177. Lch S c Phat To, Thong Kham Medivongs.

178. Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, Hoa Thng Bch Lien, Hoa Thng Nh
Phc, Hoa Thng T Quang, 1957.

179. A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms, Fa-Hsien, English translator James

Legge, 1965.

180. Thap o, Ty Kheo Ho Tong.

181. Tang Gia Viet Nam, Hoa Thng Thch Tr Quang, Phat Lch 2515.

182. A Comprehensive Manual Of Abhidharma, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Sri Lanka


183. The Spectrum of Buddhism, Piyadassi, Sri Lanka 1991.

184. Thang Phap Tap Yeu Luan, Hoa Thng Thch Minh Chau.

185. Vi Dieu Phap Toat Yeu, Narada Maha Thera, 1972, Viet dch Pham
Kim Khanh.

186. Nagarjunas Philosophy, K. Venkata Ramanan, Delhi 1975.

187. Kinh Phap Bao an, Hoa Thng Thch Man Giac, 1985.

188. Buddhist Ethics, Hammalawa Saddhatissa, 1970.

189. The Buddha Eye, Frederick Franck, 1982.

190. The Dhammapada, Narada, 1963.


191. In The Hope of Nibbana, Winston L. King, 1964.

192. The Chinese Madhyama Agama and The Pali Majjhima Nikaya,
Bhikkhu Thch Minh Chau, India 1991.

193. Skillful Means, Tarthang Tulku, 1978.

194. Tai Lieu Nghien Cu Va Dien Giang, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa,

195. Phat Giao, Tue Quang Nguyen ang Long, 1964.

196. The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Charles Luk, 1972.

197. Zen Philosophy, Zen Practice, Hoa Thng Thch Thien An, 1975.

198. Kinh Bach Du, Viet dch Thch N Nh Huyen, 1957.

199. Kinh Pho Hien Hanh Nguyen, Viet dch Hoa Thng Thch Tr Tnh,
200. Sakyamunis One Hundred Fables, Tetcheng Lioa, 1981.

201. Tam Quyen Sach Qu, Hoa Thng Thch Thien Hoa, 1954.

202. Hue Quang Phat Hoc ai T ien, Ven. Thch Minh Canh Chu Bien,

203. Phep La Cua S Tnh Thc, Zen Master Thch Nhat Hanh, 1975.

204. The Buddha and His Dharma, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, 1997.

205. The Beginnings of Buddhism, Kogen Mizuno, 1980.

206. A Concise History of Buddhism, Andrew Skilton, 1994.

207. Pagodas, Gods and Spirits of Vietnam, Ann Helen Unger and Walter
Unger, 1997.

208. Buddhism A to Z, Ronald B. Epstein, Ph.D., 2003.

209. Buddhism, Clive Erricker, 1995.

210. Buddhism, Ed. Manan Sharma, New Delhi, 2002.

211. Essentials of Buddhism, Kogen Mizuno, Tokyo, 1972.

212. Modern Buddhism, Alan & Jacqui James, 1987.

213. The Questions of King Milinda, T.W. Rhys Davis, 1963.

214. Kinh Mi Tien Van ap, Hoa Thng Gii Nghiem Viet dch, 2005.

215. The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, translated by Red Pine 1987.

216. The Pioneers of Buddhist Revival in India, D.C. Ahir, New Delhi 1989.

217. Zen Art For Meditation, Stewart W. Holmes and Chimyo Horioka,
Tokyo, 1973.

218. Introducing Buddhism, Kodo Matsunami, Tokyo 1965.

219. A Buddhist Philosophy of Religion, Bhikkhu Nanajivako, 1992.

220. A Manual of Abhidharma, Most Venerable Narada, Kuala Lumpur, 1956.

221. A Manual of Buddhism, Most Venerable Narada, Kuala Lumpur, 1992.

222. Rebirth and The Western Buddhist, Martin Wilson, Ven. Thich Nguyen Tang
Viet dch 2006.

223. The Buddhist Handbook, John Snelling, 1991.

224. Essential of Buddhism, Gnanarama, Singapore, 2000.

225. Buddhism For Today, Nikkyo Niwano, 1976.


226. An Index to the Lankavatara Sutra, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, London, 1934.

227. Studies in The Lankavatara Sutra, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, London, 1930.

228. The Concept of Personality Revealed Through The Pancanikaya, Thch Chn
Thien, New Delhi, 1996.

229. Studies in Chan and Hua-Yen, Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory,
Honolulu, 1983.

230. The Sacred East, Scott Littleton, 1996.

231. Buddha, Dr. Hermann Oldenberg, New Delhi, 1997.

232. Rajagraha, Jugal Kishore Bauddh, New Delhi, 2005.

233. How to Overcome Your Difficulties: Worry and Fear, Dhammananda, Ven.
Nhuan Chau translated in 2005.

234. Bodh Gaya, Shanti Swaroop Bauddh, New Delhi, 2005.

235. The Great Buddhist Emperor of Asia, Ven. Dr. Medhankar, Nagpur, India,

236. Sarnath, Shanti Swaroop Bauddh, New Delhi, 2003.

237. Buddhist Shrines in India, D.C. Ahir, New Delhi, 1986.

238. Pryaers to the Medicine Buddha, composed by Geshe Norbu Phunsok,

translated into Vietnamese by Sonam Nyima Chan Giac Bui Xuan Ly in

239. Walking with the Buddha, India Dept. of Tourism, New Delhi, 2004.

240. The Practice of Tranquility and Insight, Khenchen Thrangu, New York, 1993.

241. Pen Portraits Ninety Three Eminent Disciples of the Buddha, C. de

Saram, Singapore, 1966.

242. History of Theravada Buddhism in South East Asia, Kanai Lal Hazra, New
Dehli, 1981.

About The Author

Thien Phuc Tran Ngoc, AKA Ngoc-Em Tran, was born on August 3rd, 1949 to Mr.
Le van Thuan and Mrs. Tran thi Suu in Vnh Long Province, a small town about 136
kilometers southwest of Saigon, South Vietnam. He grew up in Vinh Long town,
South Vietnam and attended Tong Phuoc Hiep High School. He was born to a very
poor family; however, his parents had tried their best to raise their all children with a
minimum of high school education. He obtained his Bachelor in English in 1973, and
Bachelor in Vietnamese-Chinese in 1974 at Cantho University. He was brought up in
a Buddhist-tradition family. His grandparents and parents were devoted lay disciples
of Honorable Venerable Master Minh ang Quang. He came to the United States in
1985 and became a disciple of Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien in the same year.
He has been working for California State Department of Rehabilitation as a
Rehabilitation Supervisor since 1988. His main responsibility is to supervise a unit of
ten counselors who counsel people with problems, especially people with disabilities.
He was very much impressed by the life and teachings of the Buddha. He realizes
that Buddhism has been an important part of the cultural heritage, not only of
Vietnam, but also of Southeast Asian countries and most parts of Asia. While working
as a volunteer teacher of Vietnamese language programs in Southern California,
around 1985 and 1986, a lot of young Vietnamese students came to him to ask for the
meanings of some Buddhist terms. Some terms he was able to provide the meaning,
but a lot of them he could not. He talked to Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien and
was encouraged by the Most Venerable Giac Nhien to start his works on The Basic
Buddhist Terms. With the encouragement from Most Venerable Thch Giac Nhien, he
started to compose his works titled Vietnamese-English Buddhist Dictionary and
English-Vietnamese Buddhist Dictionary in 1986. He published the Vietnamese-
English Buddhist Dictionary in 2005. He is also the author of a series of books
written in Vietnamese titled Buddhism in Life, ten volumes, Buddhism, a religion
of Peace, Joy, and Mindfulness, Intimate Sharings with Parents and Children, A
Short Journey to India, and A Glimpse on Cocochine. Books will be published in a
near future: 1. The Buddhas Basic Teachings in Vietnamese and English, 2. Chinese
Famous Zen Masters in Vietnamese and English.

Quick Search for Some Important Terms

in This Volume

A-Tu-La Vng: KingsTitan Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Ac tam: Ill-will
Ac tng: Ill thoughts
Ai Lac: Joy of right love
Ai Than Thien: Heaven of Lovely Form
Am Chng: Hindrance of ignorance
An Lac: Happiness of tranquility
Anh tng: Image
Am Hng Nhan: Ghoshanugakshanti
Am thanh quang ai cua c Nh Lai: Great voices from the power of the virtuous qualities
of Buddha
An Cu o chung sanh: Grace of salvation
An cu kho va vien ly sanh t: Grace of relief of the living from distress and mortality
An ai bi: Grace of great pity
An giang tran: Grace of descending into the world
An khai th: Grace of revelation
An Phat: Grace of the Buddha
An soi rang Niet ban: Grace of revealing his nirvana
An s trng: Grace of the teachers
An tuy thuan hoa chung: Grace of teaching in accordance with the capacity of his hearers
An o Giao: Hinduism

Bach Chung Hoc Phap: Hundred rules of conduct for nuns
Bach phap: Hundred dharmas
Bach An Hue Hac: Hakuin Ekaku
Bach Ma T: Horse-park monastery
Bach Nhat Yet Ma: Jnaptidvitiya-karmavacana
Bai bac: Gambling
Ban cho ai u tien hay ac quyen: Give someone priority or priviledge
Ban Tuc Vng: Kalmasapada
Ban Gia Phu Toa: Half-lotus sitting
Ban T: Half a character
Ban t giao: Incomplete-word teaching
Ban S Kinh: Itivrttaka
Bao an th: Giving out of gratitude
Bao chng: Hindrances of retribution

Bao ien t ve ao c Phat Giao: Journal of Buddhist Ethics

Bao anh: Illusion
Bao chau: Jewel
Bao N: Kanya-ratna
Bao Van: Jewel Cloud
Bao Vng: King of Treasures
Bao Vng Tam Muoi: King of Treasures Samadhi
Bat Knh Gii: Guru-dharma
Bat Nha tam Kinh: Heart Sutra
Bat nh Ch Quan: Irregular dhyana
Bat nh giao: Indeterminate teaching
Bat ong Ton Nh Lai: Immovable Buddha
Bat ong Tr: Immovable knowledge
Bat Hoai Hoi Hng: Indestructible dedication
Bat hoai lc: Indestructible power
Bat Hoai Tn: Indestructible faith
Bat Hoai T Thien: Indestructible four dhyana heavens
Bat hoai tng: Indestructible mark
Bat Kha Kien Hu oi Sac: Invisible perceptible things
Bat Lieu ngha: Imperfect teaching
Bat tan: Inexhaustible
Bat Tnh: Impurity
Bat tnh th: Impure charity
Bat t ngh bien: Indescribable changes
Bat t ngh bien dch t: Inconceivable transformation of the death
Bat t ngh huan: Inconceivable permeation
Bat t: Immortal
Be: Kaula
Bi: Karuna
Bi Mon: Gate of pity
Bi Vo Lng Tam: Immeasurable compassion
B Ma Am: Ghost-haunted
Bien Ke S Chap: Imagined nature
Bien Tnh Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens of Universal Purity (The Flower Adornment
SutraChapter 1)
Bien Tai Thien N: Goddess of speech
Biet va thay nh thc: Know and regard reality as it is
Bnh ang: Impartiality
Bnh ang tam: Impartial mind
Bo ai Hoa Thng: Hotei
Bo th: Generosity, Giving
Bo uy th: Giving out of fear
Bo e Mon: Gate of enlightenment
Bo Tat Thu: Hand of Great Enlightening Beings

Bo Tat thng thien: In the Western Pure Land, all have the highest level Bodhisattvas
Bo Ng Tong: Kathavatthu
Boi Ly: Irrationality
Bon Giac: Hongaku, Inherent Enlightenment
Bon Nguyen Nhat Thc ai ao: Great way of the one reality of Amitabhas vows
Bon Sanh Kinh: Jataka
Bon Sanh Truyen: Jataka stories
Bon Tch: Honji-Suijaku
Bung da: Gut
Buong lung: Give free rein to ones emotion
Bu Thang Nh Lai: Jewel Nature Thus Come One

Ca Diep Ma ang: Kasyapa-Matanga
Ca Lang Tan Gia: Kalavinka
Ca Lau La: Garuda
Ca Lau La Vng: KingsGaruda Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Ca N Sac Ca: Kanishka
Ca Sa Trang Nh Lai: Kashaya Banner Thus Come One
Ca Ty La Ve: Kapilavastu
Cam Gia Vng: Iksvaku-Virudhaka
Cam giac toi loi: Guilt
Can that ba: Gandharva
Can Thac Ba Vng: KingsGandharva Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Canh Than Hoi: Keng-Sheng Assembly
Canh c Truyen ang Luc: Keitoku-Dento-Roku
Cao Ly Tang: Korean canon of Buddhism
Cao Phong Nguyen Dieu: Kao Feng Yuan Miao Zen Master
Cat Li a Vng: King Krta of Kashmere
Cat Tng Thien N: Goddess of Fortune and Beauty
Can chuyen: Hortative turn of the law-wheel
Cat gi hn ba bo y: Keep more than three formal robes
Cat gi nhieu sach v: Keep in ones possession too many books
Cat gi nhieu vai voc: Keep a large amount of cloth
Cau Lu Ton Mau Ni: Krakucchanda
Cau Na Ham Mau Ni: Kanakamuni
Cau Thi Na: Kusinagara
Cau Xa Tong: Kosa Sect
Cau Xa Tong Nhat Ban: Japanese Kosa School
Chan Nga: Intrinsic essence
Chap chng: Greet by folding palms
Chap thu: Graha, Grasping
Chap Thu Tng: Grasping to the past
Chap tr: Hold on to

Chau Li Ban a Gia: Ksudrapanthaka

Che dau ac nghiep cua chnh mnh: Hiding own unwholesome deeds
Chu ngha ly tr: Intellectualism
Chung sanh trong a nguc: Hell beings
Chung Tanh: Germ-natures
Chng ngai: Hindrance
Chng ngai cua n nhan: Hindrances of women
Co li trong giao tiep xa hoi: Gain in our social relations
Co Sn: Isolated hill
Con Sn T: Kun-Shan Temple
Con Trung Tac Phat: Insects may attain Buddhahood
Cong an: Koan
Cong An ve Khong: Koan of Emptiness
Cong An Niem Phat: Koan of Buddha recitation
Cong c th: Giving for personal virtue
Cong c y: Kathina
Cong Niet Ban: Gates to the city of nirvana
Cong Menh ieu: Jivajivaka
Cuoc song hanh phuc: Happy life
Cuong Tap Nhan: Habits of lying
Cu Ban Tra: Kumbhanda
Cu Ban Tra Vng: KingsKumbanda Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Cu Ma La Thap: Kumarajiva
Cu canh bat tnh: Impurity of the death

Da Ngan Gia lam: Hamsa-samgharama
Da Ma Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens of the Suyama (heavens) (The Flower Adornment
SutraChapter 1)
Da Xoa Vng: KingsYaksha Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Dam Tap Nhan: Habits of lust
Dan nghiep: General leading karmas
Dan Qua: General stage of fruition
Dau tch cua s chng ac: Goseki
Di Lac Bo Tat: Great Loving One
D Sa Th Phat: Give a handful of gravel as alms
D giao: Heresy
D Thuc Qua: Heterogeneous effect produced by heterogeneous cause
Diem Phu: Jambu
Diem Vng: King of Hell
Dien Tho ng: Hall reserved for dying people in a temple
Dien Tho Mon a La Ni: Gate of life-prolonging dharani
Dien Nha at a Chi Thu: Head of Yajnadatta
Diet nghiep: Karma of nirodha

Diet tr: Get (v) rid of

Dieu Am Bo Tat: Ghosa
Dieu Phap ng: Hall of Wonderful Dharma
Duc Cau: Hook of desire
Duc gii: Kama-dhatu
Duc vong: Kama
Duy Na: Karmadana
Duy thc: Idealistic representation
Duy Thc Quan: Idealistic reflection
Duyen Khi Ke: Gatha of pratiyasamutpada
Dng: Halt
a Bu Nh Lai: Jeweled Apearance Thus Come One
ai ao s: Great magician
ai Ba La Mon: Great Brahmana
ai Bach Ngu Xa: Great white-bullock cart
ai ban: Great texts
ai Bao Phng: Great precious region
ai Bi: Great compassion
ai Bi Chu: Great Compassion Mantra
ai Bi Tam Muoi: Great pity samadhi
ai bi tam: Great compassionate heart
ai Bo e Tam: Great bodhi mind
ai Bo Tat: Great bodhisattva
ai Ca Diep: Kasyapa
ai can tn: Great faith
ai Ch Quan: Great Quietness and Reflection
ai Chung Bo: Great Sangha School
ai danh hieu: Great title
ai ao: Great doctrine
ai ao s: Great guide
ai e t: Great disciple
ai nh Tr Bi: Great insight-Great wisdom-Great pity
ai ng Tay Vc Ky: Great Tang Chronicles of the Western World
ai Giao: Great teaching
ai Hai An: Great ocean seal
ai Hai Chung: Great sea congregation
ai Hoa: Great transformation
ai hoan hy va an ui: Great joy and solace
ai Hong Lien: Great red lotus
ai Khong: Great emptiness
ai Kien Co Ba La Mon: Great reliable Brahmana
ai kiep: Great aeon
ai Kinh: Great sutras
ai Lac Kim Cang Bat Khong Chan That Tam Ma a Kinh: Interesting Sutra

ai linh thap: Great spiritual stupa

ai Long Vng: KingsNaga Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
ai Lc: Great powers
ai Man a La: Great Circle
ai Minh Bach Than Bo Tat: Great Bright White-bodied bodhisattva
ai Minh Tam Tang Thanh Giao Muc Luc: Great Ming dynasty catalogue of the Tripitaka
ai mong: Great dream
ai nghi: Great doubt
ai Nguyen: Great resolve, Great vows
ai Nhiem Phap: Great dharma of defilement
ai Niet Ban: Great nirvana
ai oai c: Great awe-inspiring power and virtue
ai Pham Thien Vng: Kings of HeavensKings of the Great Brahma Heavens (The
Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
ai Phap Tang: Great metaphysical treasuries
ai Phat Bo e Tam: Great way of developing the Bodhi Mind
ai phat khi: Great undertaking
ai pham hanh: Great virtues of all Buddhas
ai Phat Tr: Great Buddhist wisdom
ai phien nao: Great afflictions
ai phong: Great storm
ai phung s: Great determination
ai Phng ang: Great Vaipulyas
ai Phng Quang Phat: Great Vaipulya Buddha
ai Phng Tien: Great means
ai Quan anh: Great baptism
ai Quang Minh Vng: Great light brilliant king
ai Quang Pho Chieu: Great light shining everywhere
ai quang tr: Great wide wisdom
ai Quyen: Great powers of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
ai s: Great being
ai S: Great teacher
ai s nhan duyen: Great matter great cause
ai Thang Kim Cang: Great Victory Vajra
ai Than: Great body
ai Thien ai Li: Great benefit results from goodness
ai Thiet Vi Sn: Great circular iron mountain
ai Thong Sn Vng Nh Lai: Great Penetration Mountain King Thus Come One
ai tha: Great Vehicle
ai Tch nh: Great tranquility samadhi
ai Tch phap vng: Great tranquil dharma-king
ai tn: Great basis of faith
ai Toan: Great perfection
ai ton that tai san: Great loss of property

ai T ai Bi: Great mercy and great pity

ai t: Great death
ai T Tai Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens of Great Freedom (The Flower Adornment
SutraChapter 1)
ai Tng Phat: Great Buddha statues
ai vien canh tr: Great and perfect mirror wisdom
ai Vien Tr: Great perfect wisdom
ai vng: Great king
ai xuat the: Great renunciation
am me ai duc: Indulgence in love and desire
an ien: Hara
anh thach: Heavy stone on the head
ao Li Thien Vng: Kings of HeavensKings of Thirty-Three Heavens (The Flower
Adornment SutraChapter 1)
ao Huyen: Hanging upside-down
ao kien: Inverted views
ao (ng): Gati
ao Cu: Implements of the faith
ao s: Guru
ac: Gain
ac That: Gain and loss
au Suat Thien Vng: Kings of the Tushita Heavens (The Flower Adornment Sutra
Chapter 1)
au Bac Dien Tay: Head North Face West
au C Ke: Gatha of enlightenment
au t vao at ai, tien bac va a oc: Invest in land, money or real-estate
em ao vao i: Humanistic Buddhism
e Nham: Indrasilaguha
e Thch Thien: Indra heavens
e Thch vong: Indra-jala
e Tng: Indra-dhvaja
e muc hanh thien Bien x: Kasina
e Nhat Ngha e: Highest truth
e Nhat Ngha Khong: Highest void
e nhat ngha quan: Highest meditation
e Nhat Ngha Tat an: Highest siddhanta
e nhat ngha tr: Highest wisdom
e Nh Nang Bien: Klistamano-vijnana
en nha c s hay nha hang: Go to a laypersons house or a restaurant
a nguc: Hell
a nguc At Phu a: Hell of tumours and blains
a nguc Ba au Ma: Hell of Red lotus flower

a nguc Chung Hp: Hell in which all are squeezed into a mass between two mountains
falling together
a nguc Cc Nhiet: Hottest hell
a nguc ai Hieu Kieu: Hell of great crying
a nguc ai Nhiet: Hell of fierce heat
a nguc an Nhiet: Hell of burning
a Nguc ao o: Hell of swords
a Nguc ao: Hell-gati
a nguc ang Hoat: Hell of rebirth
a nguc oi Ap: Hell of crushing
a nguc Hac Thang: Hell of black cords or chains
a nguc Hieu Kieu: Hell of crying and wailing
a nguc Hoa Xa: Hell of fire chariot
a nguc Kiem Lam: Hell of the forest of swords
a nguc Phan a Li: Hell of Great lotus flower
a nguc u Bat La: Hell of blue lotus flower
a Nguc Vo Gian: Hell of no interval
a Tang Kinh: Ksitigarbhapranidhana-Sutra
a Tang Vng Bo Tat: Ksitigarbha
iem tnh: Imperturbable
ieu kien hanh phuc: Happy conditions
nh Chng: Hatred is a bar to meditation
oan Kien: Holding to the view of total annihilation
oc Nhan e Ba: Kanadeva
oi Cao Chung: Intermediary assembly
on on Vien: Instantaneous perfect enlightenment
on giao: Immediate teaching
on ngo: Instantaneous enlightenment
on vien: Immediate and complete way of enlightenment
ong ieu: Harmony
ong Sanh Thien: Guardian deva
ong tnh luyen ai: Homsexuality
ong Sn Ngu V: Go-i
c hanh: Good conduct
ng Chu: Head of a hall
ng Thng: Head of a monastery

Gia Hanh Thien: Goodness acquired by effort
Gia nhap ang phai chanh tr: Join a poilitical party
Gia-th-t: Home-market-temple
Gia Da Ca Diep: Gayakasyapa
Gia Da Xa a: Gayasata
Gia Lam Than: Guardian of a temple

Gia Sac: Internal form

Giac Hai: Giac Hai Temple
Giac Hai Thien S: Giac Hai Zen Master
Giac Lam: Giac Lam Temple
Giac Ngo: Kensho
Giac Nhien: Giac Nhien
Giac Thien: Giac Thien Temple
Giac Vien: Giac Vien Temple
Giai Oan: Giai Oan Temple
Giai Thoat Mon: Gate of deliverence
Giai Thoat Tri Kien: Knowledge of liberation
Gian Sac: Intermediate colors
Giao ao: Instruct and lead
Giao Hoi Phat Giao Tang Gia Khat S The Gii: International Sangha Bhikshu Buddhist
Giao Noi: Internal doctrines of a sect
Gii hanh tinh nghiem: Keep the precepts strictly
Gii Khong Thien S: Gioi Khong Zen Master
Gii Noi Hoac: Illusion of the three realm
Gii Thien: Good root of keeping commandments

Ha Trung: Ha Trung Temple
Ha khau thc: Heterodox means of living
Ha liet tha: Inferior-yana
Hai An Tam Ma a: Highest state of concentration
Hai Bnh Bao Tang Thien S: Hai Binh Bao Tang
Hai Ninh: Hai Ninh Temple
Hai Quynh T Phong: Hai Quynh Tu Phong Zen Master
Ham Trung Giao: Interrelated doctrine
Han Sn: Han-Shan
Han Sn Thi Tap: Han-Shan Shih
Hang Chau Tien Long: Hang-Chou-Tien-Lung
Hanh C: Gyogi
Hanh Man: Hsing-Man
Hanh Sach ai S: Hsing-She
Hanh trnh i ve Niet Ban: Journey to Nirvana
Hanh T: Hsing Si Quing Yuan
Hanh X: Go to the privy
Hanh nghe chanh phap: Hear the Teaching
Hanh Phuc: Happiness
Hanh phuc c co tai san: Happiness of having properties
Hanh phuc co vat s hu: Happiness of having possessions
Hanh phuc khong b khien trach: Happiness of blamelessness

Hanh phuc khong n nan: Happiness of owing no debts

Hao quang: Halo
Hao tng: Good appearance
Hac Da Than: Kalaratri
Hac Nguyet: Krsnapaksa
Hac Thang: Kalasutra
Han Nguyen: Joyous Vows
Hau ac tr: Knowledge arising from fundamental knowledge
Hau ien trong chua: Inner sanctuary
Hien Thu Tong: Hsien-Shou-Tsung
Hien Bao: Immediate retribution
Hien Chng: Intermediate realization
Hien Chng Lng: Guideline of Actual Seeing and Understanding
Hien Nghiep: Immediate effective karma
Hien Quang: Hien Quang Zen Master
Hieu biet: Knowing
Hoa: Kusuma
Hoa Lam: Hoa Lam Temple
Hoa Nghiem: Hua-Yen
Hoa Nghiem Kinh: Gandavyuha-sutra
Hoa Nghiem Tong: Hua-Yen Sect
Hoa Nghiem Tong Nhat Ban: Kegon
Hoa Lac Thien: Joy-born heaven
Hoa Lac Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens of Enjoyment of Emanations (The Flower
Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Hoa Phap: Instruction in the Buddhist principles
Hoa Thanh: Illusion city
Hoa Hao: Hoa Hao Buddhism
Hoa hp nhan: Intermingling cause
Hoa lo: Homa
Hoa tang: Jhapita
Hoa Than: God of fire
Hoai Kiep: Kalpa of destruction or decay
Hoan Hy Vien: Garden of joy
Hoan Lac Thien: Joyful devas
Hoan Tuc: Go back to the secular life
Hoang Ba Hy Van: Huang Po Hsi Yun
Hoang Kim Trach: Golden abode
Hoang Long Phai: Huang Lung Pai
Hoang Long Thien S: Huang-Lung Zen Master
Hoang Long T: Huang-Lung Temple
Hoac Chng: Hindrance of illusive passions
Hoang Nhan: Hung-Jen
Hoc gia loi lac: Great scholars

Hp chng: Gassho
Ho Khau Sn: Hu-Chiu-Shan
Ho Khu Thien S: Huguo Zen master
Ho The T Thien Vng: Heaven King
Ho Tr Cac Can: Guardian of the sense-door
Hoi phap: Ksamayati
Hoi Khanh: Hoi Khanh Temple
Hoi Linh: Hoi Linh Temple
Hoi Phc: Hoi Phc Temple
Hoi Sn: Hoi Son Temple
Hoi Tho: Hoi Tho Temple
Hoi Ton: Hoi Ton Temple
Hong Phuc: Hong Phuc Temple
Hue Lam: Hue Lam Temple
Hue Nghiem: Hue Nghiem Temple in Thu Duc
Hue Can Phat Giam: Hui-Chin-Fo-Chien
Hue Giac: Hui-Jue
Hue Kha: Hui-Ko
Hue Khai: Hui-Kai
Hue Lang Thien S: Hui-Lang
Hue Lang Trng Khanh: Hui-Leng-Chang-Shing
Hue Lam: Hui Lin Master
Hue Nam Hoang Long: Hui-Nan-Huang-Lung
Hue Nang: Hui-Neng
Hue Nghiem: Hue Nghiem Temple in Gia Dinh
Hue Nghiem: Hue Nghiem Temple in Saigon
Hue Nguyet: Jnana-candra
Hue Quan: Hui-Kuan
Hue Quang: Hue Quang Temple
Hue Sinh: Hue Sinh Zen Master
Hue Thanh Ba Tieu: Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao
Hue Thang: Hue Thang Zen Master
Hue Tnh: Hui-Ching
Hue Trung: Hui-Zhung
Hue T: Hui-Ssu
Hue Van: Hui-Wen
Hue Vien: Hui-Yuan
Huyen Canh: Hsuan-Ching
Huyen Cao: Hsuan-Kao
Huyen Giac Vnh Gia: Hsuan-Chiao Zen Master
Huyen Giam: Hsuan-Chien
Huyen Lang: Hsuan-Lang
Huyen Nht: Hsuan-I
Huyen Pham: Hsuan-Fan

Huyen Sa: Hsuan-Sha

Huyen Trang: Hsuan-Tsang
Huyen Uyen: Hsuan-Yuan
Huyen ng: Hsuan-Ying
Huyen Vi: Huyen Vi
Huyen Uc o Lang: Hsuen-Yu-Tu-Ling
H Van Hoa Thng: Hsu-Yun
Hng Minh: Hung Minh Temple
Hng Quang T: Hung Quang Temple
Hng Hai: Huong Hai Temple
Hng Nghiem: Hsiang-Yen-Zhi-Hsien
Hng Sn: Gandhamadana
Hng Than: God of fragrance
Hng that: Gandhakuti
Hng Tran: Grandharammana
Hng Tng: Gandhahasti
Hng Vng: Gandharaja
Hng dan bi thien tri thc: Guided by a good advisor
Hng dan nham cung co niem tin: Guidelines to consolidate ones faith
Hu D Niet Ban: Incomplete nirvana
Hu anh Thien: Highest heaven of form
Hu Lau Thien Phap: Good deeds done in a mortal body
Hu Tng: Have form
Hu Tng: Have thoughts
Hy Lan Am Ngha: Hsi-Lin-Yin-I Dictionary
Hy Th Quy: Ghosts that eat human leavings
Hy vong: Hope
Hy Kien Thien: God of Indras heaven
Hy Thien th: Giving because of hoping to be reborn in a particular heaven
Hy Vo Lng Tam: Immeasureable inner joy

Keo: Keo Temple
Ke Dan Bo: Gokulikas
Ke Tuc Sn: Kukkutapada
Ke Vien: Kukkutarama
Khai Th Ngo Nhap: Introduction-Guidance-Awakening-Penetration
Khai Bach: Inform
Khai oan: Khai Doan Temple
Khai Tng: Khai Tuong Temple
Khanh Hy: Khanh Hy Zen Master
Khanh Long: Khanh Long Zen Master
Khanh Quang T: Khanh Quang Temple
Khanh Van T: Khanh Van Temple

Khac Can Phat Qua: Ke Chin Fo Kuo Zen Master

Khan na la: Kinnara
Khan Na La Vng: KingsKinnara Kings (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Khiem ton: Humility
Khoa trng va kieu man: Grandiosity and self-conceit
Khoai lac: Joy
Kho Phap Tr: Knowledge of the law of suffering
Khong Giai Thoat Mon: Gate of deliverance by the realization of the immaterial
Khong Hai: Kukai
Khong Kiep: Kalpa of annihilation
Khong Ta Dam: Kamamithyacaradviratih
Khong Thuy Phap: Initial teaching of the undeveloped Mahayana doctrines
Khong Vo Bien X: Heaven of boundless space in the formless realm
Khong vo bien x giai thoat: Infinity of Space
Khuat chiet giao: Indirect or uneven teaching
Khuat a Ca A Ham: Khuddakagama
Khuc N Thanh: Kanyakubja
Khuong Viet: Khuong Viet Zen Master
Khuy C: Ksi-Ki
Khng Tang Hoi: Khuong Tang Hoi
Kien Hoa ong Giai: Idea concord
Kien hoac: Illusions and temptations arise from false views or theories
Kien Lap Tr: Intelligences
Kien Lu: Ilusion of seeing things as they seem, not as they really are
Kien S: Kien So Temple
Kien Tap Nhan: Habits of views
Kien thc: Knowledge
Kien thc huyen ao: Illusory knowledge
Kien a La: Gandhara
Kien Nam: Ghana
Kiep: Kalpa
Kiep Luan: Kalpa Sastra
Kiep Thieu: Kalpa-flames
Kiep Thuy: Kalpa of flood
Kiep Tinh Tu: Kalpa of the constellations
Kiep Trc: Impure aeon
Kiet Li Vng: Kaliraja
Kiet Ma Man a La: Karma-mandala
Kieu ngao: Haughtiness
Kieu Pham Ba e: Gavampati
Kieu Tat La: Kosala
Kieu Tran Nh: Kaudinya
Kim Cang Thu Bo Tat: Holder or protector of a vajra
Kim Cang T: Kim Cang Temple

Kim ch nam cho i song tot cua mot Phat t: Guidelines for a good Buddhist life
Kim Ke: Golden cock
Kim Lien Tch Truyen: Kim Lien Tich Truyen Zen Master
Kim Lien T: Kim Lien Temple
Kim Luan: Golden wheel
Kim mao s t: Golden-haired lion
Kim Quang ong T: Golden Light Drum
Kim Quang T: Kim Quang Temple
Kim Sac Khong Tc Vng: Golden-hued peacock king
Kim Sn T: Kim Son Temple
Kim Tang: Golden treasury
Kim Tang Van: Golden treasury cloud
Kim Thoc Nh Lai: Golden-grain Tathagata
Kim Tien: Golden rsi
Kim Tien T: Kim Tien Temple
Kim Trng: Golden staff
Kim X ieu Vng: Garuda-raja
Kinh Ca Lam: Kalama sutra
Kinh hanh: Kinhin
Kinh Nong Gia Pha Li oa: Kasibharadvaja Sutta
Knh Huyen ai Dng: Jing Hsuan Ta Yang Zen Master
Kleang: Kleang Temple
Ky Sn: Ky Son Temple
Ky Tho Cap Co oc Vien: Jetavana Garden
Ky vien Tnh Xa: Jetavana Monastery
Ky Vien T: Ky Vien Temple

Lac ien ao: Heretics believe in pleasure
Lac Sanh: Happy rebirths
Lam the nao e luon canh Nh Lai?: How to stay on the site of the Buddha?
Lao Oan: Hatred of labor
Lap nhan: Holding cause
Lau tan tr: Knowledge of extinction of contamination
Le knh ch Phat: Honor all Buddhas
Le phong sanh: Hojo
Lien Hoa Gii: Kamalashila
Linh hoat: Jivaka
Linh Hon: Incomprehensible wisdom
Lo Au: Kukkuc-cam
Loai bo ma chng: Get (v) rid of demons by Great Enlightening Beings
Loai Tr: Knowledge of the same order
Loan luan: Incest
Long biet n: Gratitude

Lc Giao: General teaching

Ly Ngon: Inexpressible form
Ly chng: Hindrance to truth
Ly Hoac: Illusions connected with principles
Ly Nhan Duyen: Interdependent Origination
Ly Tr Lng: Guideline of Reason
Ly tng Phat giao: Ideal of Buddhism

Ma ha Ca Chien Dien: Katyayana
Ma Hau La Gia Vng: KingsMahoraga Kings (The Flower Adornment Sutra
Chapter 1)
Ma au La Sat: Horse-head raksasa
Ma au Minh Vng: Hayagriva
Ma au Quan Am: Horse-head Kuan-Yin
Ma Mach: Horse-grain
Man nghiep: Individual leading karmas
Man Tap Nhan: Habits of arrogance
Mac cam toi loi: Inferiority feeling of guilt
Me Ngo Bat Nh: Illusion and enlightenment are fundamentally the same
Minh Chung: Invisible powers
Minh gia ho: Invisible aid
Minh Huan: Inner influence
Mot na hu bien, mot na vo bien: Half finite and half infinite
Mng tng en v ao s cua mnh: Guru yoga

Nam Thiem Bo Chau: Jambudvipa
Nan o: Hard to save
Nan hanh ao: Hard way of salvation
Nan thang: Hard to overcome
Nao Hai Chung Sanh: Injuring the living
Nang pha mon: Invalid proposition
Nang Tac Nhan: Karana-hetu
Nang Th Thai T: Great princely almsgiver
Nga Vng: King-goose
Nga Vng Biet Nhu: King-goose with a mixture of milk and water
Nga ien ao: Heretics believe in personality
Nga Va Nga S: I and Mine
Nga Quy: Hungry ghosts
Ngam ngh: Investigation

Nghe: Hearing
Nghe hen mon: Ignoble trades
Nghi Tnh Va ai Ngo: Inquiring spirit and great enlightenment
Ngha Mon: Gate of righteousness
Ngha Tnh: I-Ching
Nghch Lu: Go against the current
Nghch Quan: Inverse method in meditation
Nghiem Sinh Nhan Trung: Inquiry into the mode of a persons death
Nghiep: Karma
Nghiep An: Karma-mudra
Nghiep Bao Than: Karmaic retribution
Nghiep Bo: Karmic account book
Nghiep chu: Kriya-tantra
Nghiep Chung: Karma-seed
Nghiep Chng: Hindrances of past karma
Nghiep Duyen: Karma-cause
Nghiep i trc: Karma of previous life
Nghiep Hanh: Karma-deed
Nghiep Hu: Karmic process
Nghiep Hu lau: Karma of ordinary rebirth
Nghiep Lc: Karmic power
Nghiep Ma: Karma-maras
Nghiep Nao: Karma and distress
Nghiep Phong: Karma wind
Nghiep Tac: Karma-robber
Nghiep thuan thuc: Karma ripens
Nghiep Thc: Karma-vijnana
Nghiep Thng: Habitual karma
Nghiep tran: Karma-dirt
Nghiep Tng: Karmic action
Nghiep Vo Han nh: Indefinitely effective karma
Nghiep X: Karmasthana
Ngoai ao s: Heterodox teachers
Ngoc Tuyen Ngoc Hoa Lng Tong: Jade-fountain and Jade-flower
Ngon ng the gian: Human language
Ngu Phap: Ignorant law
Ngu trong tnh thc: Jagarite and sutte
Ngu gia That tong: Goke-shichishu
Ngu Thng Phan Kiet S: Higher bonds of desire
Nguyen Nhan: Hetupratyaya

Nguyen Tnh: Genshin

Nguyet Tinh: Hand of the Thousand-Hand Kuan-Yin
Ngi co hoat ong cua Phat: Karmapa
Ngu Cau Ngoai ao: Go-Vratika
Ngu an Hng: Gosirsa-candana
Ngu au Sn: Gosrnga
Ngu Hoa Chau: Godaniya
Ngu Mao Tran: Go-Rajas
Ngu Phan: Gomaya
Nha nc bao ve Phat giao: Hoguk pulgyo
Nhan am hy luan: Idle talk
Nhan: Hetu
Nhan Duyen: Hetupratyaya-hetu
Nhan Duyen Cong Tap Hoi: Kalapah-pratyayanam
Nhan ao: Human realm
Nhan Khong: Impersonality
Nhan Loai: Human-beings
Nhan Man a La: Garbhadhatu mandala
Nhan Minh Chanh Ly Luan: Hetuvidyanyaya-dvara-sastra
Nhan Minh Luan: Hetuvidya-sastra
Nhan nga kien: Independent human personality
Nhan Phi Nhan: Human and non-human being
Nhan sinh: Human life
Nhan Tanh: Human nature
Nhan Tam: Human mind
Nhan Thu: Human-gati
Nhan Tien: Human-genii, Immortal among men
Nhan Ba La Mat: Ksanti
Nhan nhuc: Ksani
Nhap nh: Jhana
Nhap phap gii: Interpenetration of all dharmas
Nhat Bien Thng Nhan: Ippen
Nhat ai Trach: Great house
Nhat Hanh: I-Hsing
Nhat Niem Nghiep Thanh: Karma completes in one thought
Nhat Tang Nhat Giam: Increase then decrease in the same ratio
Nhat Thanh Nhat Thiet Thanh: In the perfection of one all are perfected
Nhiem Tnh: Impurity and purity
Nhuc Nhan: Human eye
Nhue Ket: Hate

Nhuyen Ng: Gentle words

Nh Lai Tr: Knowledge of Buddhas
Nh thiet tru: Jewel-like state
Nh Thc Tr: Knowledge of reality
Nh Tnh: Ju-Ching
Nhng ieu tham chieu ln lao: Great citations
Nhng nguyen ly trong Phat giao ai tha: General principles in Mahayana
Nhng ngi ban c hanh: Kalyana-mitra
Niem niem xuat sanh tr: Instantly creative knowledge
Niem Than: Kayagatasati
Noi li hung ac: Harsh speech
Noi B: Inner mystic mind
Noi Canh: Internal Realms
Noi Chung: Inner company
Noi Chng: Inner experience
Noi hoa: Inner heat
Noi ho: Inner protectors
Noi Huan: Inner censing
Noi huan chan nh: Internal influence of the bhutatathata
Noi hng: Introversion
Noi ket: Internal formations
Noi Khao: Internal Testing Conditions
Noi ky: Internal discipline
Noi Ma Ngoai Ma: Internal demons and external demons
Noi Ngoai Kiem Minh: Inner and outer brightnesses
Noi pham: Internal ordinary
Noi Phan: Internal Aspect
Noi tang: Internal organs
Noi Tam: Inner world
Noi thai: Inner garbhadhatu
Noi Tran: Inner gunas
Noi tng: Internal perception
Noi Vien: Inner court
Noi Y: Inner garment
Nuoi dng thien t duy: Harbouring a good thought
N than Bi Man: Goddess of Mercy

Oai Am Vng: King with the awe-inspiring voice

Oan Tap Nhan: Habits of resentment

Phan Duyen: Interdependent causes
Phap ang: Hoto
Phap Gii The Tanh Tr: Intelligence as the fundamental nature of the universe
Phap Hy: Joy of dharma
Phap mon vo tan: Inexhaustible qualities
Phap Nhien: Honen
Phap Phuc: Kasaya
Phap Th: Giving of the doctrine
Phap t: Hassu
Phap Tng: Hosso
Phap Vo Nga Tr: Knowledge of non-self of the dharma
Phap Vo Ngai Tr: Knowledge on the unimpediment of the Dharma
Phap Vng: King of the teaching
Phat sinh tr hue: Generate knowledge
Phat tam Bo e mot cach sai lech: Imperfected way of developing the Bodhi Mind
Pham chat v ai kho tin: Great qualities that are hard to believe
Phan biet tr: Knowledge of differentiation
Phan nga: Horse dung
Phat t: Hossu
Phat giao Nam Dng: Indonesian Buddhism
Phat Giao Nhat Ban: Japanese Buddhism
Phat Giao Trieu Tien: Korean Buddhism
Phat tam muoi bat kha t ngh: Immeasurable inconceivable Buddha-concentration
Phat Tanh: Honrai-no-memoku
Phe Phat Huy Thch: Haibutsu-kishaku
Phi suy tng: Hishiryo
Phi Tnh Thanh Phat: Insentient becomes Buddha
Phien nao: Klesas
Phien nao chng: Klesavarana
Phien Nao oc: Impurity of affliction
Phien Nao Tap: Habit of afflictions
Phong Dat: Heedlessness
Pho Quang ai Tam Muoi: Great Concentration of Universal Light
Phuc c mon: Gate of blessedness and virtue
Phuc tang: Hidden treasury
Phung Tung: Gatha
Phng Quang ai Trang Nghiem Kinh: Great Ornament Vaipulya Sutra

Phng Quang ao Nhan: Heretical followers of Mahayana

Quan anh bat t ngh: Inconceivable anointment
Quan The Am Bo Tat: Kuan-Yin
Quang Am Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens in which Light is used for Sound (The
Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Quang Dung Nam Thap: Kuang-Yong Nan-Ta
Quang minh: Illumination
Quang Thong: General Supervisor of the royal court
Quang To Tr Mon: Kuang-Zuo-Zhi-Men
Quang Trach: Kuang-Zhai
Quang Trach T Tha: Kuang-Zhais four yanas
Quang Chieu Hue Giac: Kuang-Zhao-Hui-Jue
Quang ai lc: Grandiose power
Quang Qua Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens of Vast Results (The Flower Adornment
SutraChapter 1)
Que Sam: Kui-Chen
Qui Tnh: Kui-Xing
Quy-Chi: Kuei-Chi
Quy Mau: Hariti
Quy Mon: Gate of demons
Quy Than: Ghosts and spirits
Quy Than Thc Thi: Ghosts and spirits eating time
Quyen Hien: Gongen

Ra khoi t vien hay ni vien ve ban em: Go outside of the monastery or nunnery at
Ra ngoai ai gii cua vung an c kiet ha: Go outside the boundaries officially
declared for the Rains Retreat

Sam Hoi: Ksama
Sanh Lam Ngi La Kho: Its difficult to be reborn (in the human realm) as a human
Sanh Thien: Highest incarnations of the six paths
Sanh t tr: Knowledge of the workings of karma
Sat e li: Kshatriya
Sat Na: Ksana

Sat sanh: Killing

Sat sanh hay khong sat sanh: Killing or not killing
Sac Khong Ngoai ao: Heretics Denial of material existence
Sac quang: Halo from a Buddhas body
San e tien nhan: Ksantirsi
San Han: Hatred
San han va thu ch: Hatred and Animosity
San Tap Nhan: Habits of anger
Si Ai: Ignorance and desire
S phu kien: Idea of a creator
Sinh Phat Bat Tang Bat Giam: Indestructibility (n) of the living and the Buddha
Sinh T Vien: Garden of life and death
Soi Sang: Give light to someone
S Nang Bien: Initiator of change
S phat tam: Initial determination to seek enlightenment
S Qua: Initial achievement
S sanh bat tnh: Impurity of the newly-born baby
S sat na thc: Initial ksana
S Tri Chng: Hindrance of knowledge
S T Du Hy Tam Muoi: Joyous samadhi which is liken to the play of the lion with
his prey
S T Khai: Harivarman
S Chng: Hindrances of phenomena
Sc manh toi cao, anh sang cc sang: Greatest strength and utmost brilliance
Sc nong: Heat

Ta hanh tap nhan: Habit of committing adultery
Ta kien ien ao: Illusion of view
Ta Menh: Heterodox way of obtaining a living on part of a monk
Ta Menh Thuyet Phap: Heterodox way of teaching
Tai nghe tieng: Hearing a sound-object with the ear
Tai th: Giving of goods
Tan nh: General meditation
Tan tam: Inattentive mind
Tan Thien: Goodness cultivated during normal life
Tanh Chung Tanh: Germ-nature of ability to discriminate all the natures of
Tanh Cua Phap Than Nh Lai: Inconceivable Dharmakaya
Tanh Thien: Good by nature

Tang ch: Increasing and improving merits and blessings

Tang Kiep: Increasing kalpa
Tang Thng Tam Hoc: Increased powers of mind through meditation
Tam bat sanh bat diet: Immortal mind
Tam Canh: Heart-mirror
Tam Chau: Gem of mind
Tam cua ch ai Bo Tat: Heart of Great Enlightening Beings
Tam duc gii: Karmavacara-citta
Tam khong ha liet: Indomitable mind
Tam Li ch: Hita-citta
Tam Sinh Diet Mon: Gate of creation and destruction
Tam Tr Tue: Jnana-citta
Tam Vo Sac Gii: Immaterial-sphere consciousness
Tam: Initial application
Tan Gia Bnh: Kalavinka pitcher
Tap Chung Tanh: Germ-nature of study of the void
Tap Kh: Habit energy
Tap kh Ba La Mat: Habit energy of transcendence
Tap Kh bat kha t ngh: Indescribable vasana
Tap kh Bo e tam: Habit energy of determination for enlightenment
Tap kh cong hanh: Habit energy of enlightening practice
Tap kh nhng canh gii sai biet: Habit energy of various differentiations of state
Tap kh thay Phat: Habit energy of seeing Buddha
Tap kh thien can: Habit energy of roots of goodness
Tap kh tho sanh ni the gii thanh tnh: Habit energy of undertaking birth in pure
Tap kh t duy phap bnh ang: Habit energy of meditation on equality
Tat o: Jealousy
Tay Minh: Hsi-Ming
Tay Nam phn xam: Gray pennon in the Southwest
Tay Thien: India
Tha Hoa T Tai Thien Vng: Kings of Heavens of Free Enjoyment of Others
Emanations (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1)
Thai Tang Gii: Garbhadhatu
Thai Hoa: Khema (Nun)
Tham Duc: Greed and desire
Tham am cac duc lac ngu tran: Kamacchanda
Tham lam: Greed
Tham lam va san han: Greed and anger
Tham Tap Nhan: Habit of craving

Tham van: Interview

Tham Bat: Intention to probe into the attainment of the master
Thanh chung: Holy multitude
Thanh ao: Holy way
Thanh e: Holy principles
Thanh giao: Holy teaching
Thanh Hanh: Holy practices
Thanh Ngon: Holy words
Thanh Ngon Lng: Guideline to the teachings of the sages
Thanh Phuc: Holy happiness
Thanh Qua: Holy fruition
Thanh Tanh: Holy nature
Thanh Tang: Holy monk
Thanh thai: Holy womb
Thanh Tnh Ly Sinh: Holy nature apart from unenlightened nature
Thanh tr: Holy wisdom
Thanh Tr Phi Ngon Ng: Holy wisdom does not belong to the realm of words
Thanh Tng: Holy statue of the Buddha
Thanh ng: Holy response
Thanh Kiep: Kalpa of formation
Thanh S Tac Tr: Krtyanusthana-jnana
Thanh tu s thc chng: Gain (achieve) the realization
Thao Moc Thanh Phat: Herbs and trees also have Buddha-nature
Thang Gia: Jaina
Thang Hu: Jinamitra
Tham tam tang thng: Intense profound mind
Than: Kaya
Than bat tnh: Impurity of the body
Than Hanh Niem Tu Tap: Kayagatasmrti
Than Mao Thng Mi Tng: Hair on the Buddhas body
Than Nghiep: Kaya-sankhara
Than Niem X: Kaya-smrtyupasthana
Than Ngi Kho c: Human life is difficult to obtain
Than tam-khau t-y tam: Kaya-karmas-Vac-karmas
Than Tam Vo Thng: Impermanence of the body and mind
Than Thc: Kaya-vijnana
Than Trung Am: Intermediate state
Than Trung Hu: Intermediate existence body
Thap Gii: Jukai
Thap Nh Mon Luan: Junimonron

The: Human generation

The ai: Greatness in substance
Th chuyen: Indicative turn of the law-wheel
Th Phi: Gossips of right and wrong
Thch e Hoan Nhan: Indra
Thien Bach c Hoa Than Phat: Hundred thousand myriad transformation bodies of
the Buddha
Thien ang: Heaven
Thien e: King of heaven
Thien Nhac: Heavenly music
Thien Thai Sn: Heavenly Terrace Mountain
Thien Than: God of heaven
Thien Thng Thien Ha Duy Nga oc Ton: Heavens above and earth beneath I
alone am the honoured one
Thien Ton: Highest divine beings
Thien Benh: Illnesses of meditation
Thien Lam: Grove of meditation
Thien Phai Nhat Ban: Japanese Zen Sects
Thien: Kusala
Thien ac: Kusala-akusala
Thien Can: Good roots
Thien Hien Thien: Good Manifestation Heaven
Thien Hu Tri Thc: Good-Knowing advisor
Thien Nam T: Good sons
Thien nghiep: Good deed, Kusala karma
Thien Nguyet: Good months
Thien Nhan: Good man
Thien tam: Good mind
Thien Vo Lau Phap: Kusalanasrava
Thiet Luan Vng: Iron-Wheel King
Thiet thu: Iron tree
Thiet Trat: Iron tablets in hades
Thiet Vi Sn: Iron-Ring Mountain
Tho lng vo cung: In the Western Pure Land, life span is inexhaustible
Tho sanh bat tnh: Impure birth
Thi ky Hoa Nghiem: Hua-Yen period
Thi Tong: Jishu
Thi Y: Garments suited to the time or occasion
Tho Nhan: Immature man of Hinayana
Tho Tng: Gross forms

Thong giao: Interrelated teaching

Thu lay Ba La Mat: Grasp the transcendent ways
Thu lay Bo e: Grasp enlightenment
Thu lay ch phap: Grasp all things
Thu lay ai bi: Grasp great compassion
Thu lay ai t: Grasp great benevolence
Thu lay Nh Lai: Grasp Buddha
Thu lay phng tien thien xao: Grasp skill in means
Thu lay tat ca chung sanh gii: Grasp all realms of sentient beings
Thu lay tat ca the gii: Grasp all worlds
Thu lay thien can: Grasp roots of goodness
Thu Trc: Grasp
Thu Tng Sam: Hold repentance before the image of the Buddha
Thu e Sa Luan: Jyotisa Sastra
Thuy Giac: Initial enlightenment
Thuy Mien Cai: Hindrance of sloth
Thuyet giang giao phap khong phu hp vi nhng li Phat day: Give teachings that
are not in accordance with the Buddhas teachings
Th e Duyen: Immediate sub-cause
Thc vo bien x giai thoat: Infinite Consciousness
Thng ien ao: Heretics believe in permanence
Thng Kien: Holding to the view of permanence
Thng ng: Go to the hall to expound the Buddhas teaching
Thng pham thng sanh: Highest quality of the incarnated beings with
corresponding to karma
Thng pham Tnh o: Highest stages in the Pure Land
Thng Tha: Higher vehicle
Tch Trng: Khakkara
Tiem nh: Gradual concentration
Tiem Giao: Gradual doctrine
Tiem ngo: Gradual awakening
Tiem Nhiet: Increasing heat
Tiem Th Ch Quan: Gradual dhyana
Tien S Phat Hoc: Geshe
Tieng het: Katsu
Tiep Dan ao S: Guidance of original teacher
Tieu T: Hsiao Tzu
Tieu A Ham: Khuddaka-Nikaya
Tieu Khong: Hinayana doctrine of void
Tieu Tham: Informal short dharma talk

Tieu Tha: Hinayana

Tieu Tha va ai Tha: Hinayana and Mahayana
Tieu Tha Luan: Hinayana Abhidharma
Tieu Tha Nh Bo: Hinayanas two major classes
Tieu Tha Tam An: Hinayana-three characteristic marks
Tieu Tha Tam Tong: Hinayana-three major schools
Tieu Tha Tang Giao: Hinayana teaching
Tieu Tha Thap Bat Bo: Hinayana-eighteen sects
Tieu Tha Thien Tiem Gii: Hinayana partial and gradual method of obeying laws
and commandments
Tieu Tha T Bo: Hinayana-four major sects
Tieu Tha T Mon: Hinayana-four doctrines
Tn Minh Tam: Inscribed on the believing mind
Tn tam ni ch Phat chang hoai diet: Indestructible Faith in the Buddhas
Tn Th: Gift of the faithful
Tn Tho Phung Hanh: In faith receive and obey
Tinh tan phat trien nhng ieu thien lanh cha phat sanh: Induce the doing of good
Tinh Tan Va Thoi Chuyen: Great effort and retrogression
Tinh tan tiep tuc phat trien nhng ieu thien lanh a phat sanh: Increase merit when
it was already produced
Tnh C Thien Dan: Heavenly beings
Tnh ien ao: Heretics believe in purity
Tnh o Chan Tong: Jodo Shinshu
Tnh o Tong: Jodo-Shu
Tnh Mon: Gate of purity to Nirvana
Toa Thien Hoi: Gathering of Zen practitioners
To chc Mang Li Phat Giao Nhap The: International Network of Engaged
Buddhists (INEB)
Ton thang gia: Honored victorious one
Tong bao nghiep: General karma
Tong Cung: General offer to all spirits
Tong nguyen: General vow
Tong Tng Gii: General commandments for all disciples
Tra Tap Nhan: Habits of deceptions
Trang Nghiem Kiep: Glorious kalpa
Trang Nghiem Mon: Gate of adornment
Tran: Gunas
Tri tam the nghiep bao tr lc: Knowledge of karma of all beings
Tri Thc Bat Toan: Imperfect intellection

Tr Ba la mat: Knowledge of perfection

Tr Canh: Jnana-darpanna
Tr cua s oan diet hoan toan: Knowledge of complete destruction
Tr Gia: Knower
Tr hue mon: Gate of Buddha-wisdom
Tr Quang: Jnana-prabha
Tr quang chieu: Illuminations of knowledge
Tr Tch: Jnana-kara
Tr Tue: Jnana
Tr Tue Bo Tat: Intellectual Bodhisattva
Tr tue thanh tnh: Jnanam-anasrava
Tr Tng: Knowledge of like and dislike arising from mental conditions
Tr Bon: Holding the root or fundamental
Tr Nghiep Thch: Karmadharaya
Tr Ngu Gii: Keeper of the law of oxen
Tr Quoc Thien Vng: King of celestial musicians
Tr Thuy: Jatimdhara
Trieu Thnh ong T: Inviter
Trong toi: Grave offense
Tri ao Li: Heaven of Thirty Three
Tri au Suat: Heaven of Tushita
Tri Hoa Lac: Heaven who creates objects of sensual enjoyment by thought in
accordance with their desires
Tri Lac Bien Hoa: Heaven of transformation of bliss
Tri Tha Hoa T Tai: Heaven of Comfort Gained Through Others Transformations
Tri Thien Hien: Heaven of beautiful presentation
Tri Thien Kien: Heaven of beauty
Tri To Da Ma: Heaven of the Yama
Tri Vo Tng: Heaven above thought
Trong trot, nau nng, lam thng mai, che tao vat dung hay may quan ao e kiem
tien: Grow crops, cook, do business, manufacture things or to sew clothes to sell in
order to make money
Tru Kiep: Kalpa of existing
Trung Am: Intermediate existence
Trung Gian nh: Intermediate dhyana stage
Trung Hu: Intermediate state of existence
Trung Quan Luan: Guide-book of the Middle Way School
Trung trung Duyen khi: Interbeing Endlessly Interwoven
Truyen Tha: Handed-down tradition
Trc Giac: Immediate knowing

Tu Hoac: Illusion in practice

Tuc mang minh: Insight into the mortal conditions of self and others in previous lives
Tue Giac: Intuitive insight
Tung oc chanh hanh: Intone the three sutras
Tung Tap Nhan: Habits of disputation
Tuy ch th: Giving as occasion offers
Tuyen Hoa: Hsuan-Hua
Tuyet Sn Bo: Haimavatah
Tuyet Sn Ha: Himatala
T ong tam: Holy Places of Buddhism
T Thien vng Thien: Heaven of the Four Kings
T Bi Tam: Heart of compassion
T Mon: Gate of mercy
T Vo Lng Tam: Immeasurable loving kindness
T Mon: Gate of death
T Nhien Ngoai ao: Heretic sect that holds things happen spontaneously
T Nhien T: Intuitive mercy
T tho dung tam muoi: Jijuyo
Tng Tuc Gia: Illusory ideas
Tng T Tc Phat: Identity of the Individual and Buddha
Tng ai: Greatness of potentialities
Tng ien ao: Inverted thoughts
Tng au Sn: Gayasiras
Tng oa Khanh: Hastigarta
Tng Nha Hoa: Ivory flower
Ty lng mon: Inferential

U Linh: Invisible spirits
Uong Tap Nhan: Habits of injustice
ng Hoa Phap Than: Infinite forms of absolute Buddha

Van vat bat tnh: Impurity of external objects
Vang Sanh Tnh o: Gaining rebirth to the Pure Land
Van Chng Ngu Sn: Gosan-Bungaku
Van nan hay la ray v Tang hay Ni khac: Interrogate or reprimand other monk or nun
Vi Nhieu: Go round
Vien on: Immediate and the whole
Vien on Ch Quan: Immediate and whole dhyana

Vien lam cua ch ai Bo Tat: Groves of Great Enlgihtening Beings

Vien Cao Cap Phat Hoc: Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies
Vinh Nhuc: Honor and dishonor
Vong tam: Illusion mind
Vong tng: Idle thoughts
Vo Bien Phap Gii: Infinite world of things
Vo Bien Than: Immeasurable bodies
Vo Bieu Gii: Inward invisible power
Vo kien: Idea of unreality of all things
Vo Kien nh Tng: Invisible mark on the head
Vo lac ien ao: Heretics believe that Nirvana is not a place of bliss
Vo lng cua am thanh cua c Nh Lai: Infinity of the Buddhas voice
Vo lng ao: Infinite path
Vo Lng Ngha: Infinite meaning
Vo lng oai c: Infinite powers
Vo Lng Quang: Infinite light
Vo Lng Tam: Infinite mind
Vo Lng Tho: Infinite life
Vo Lng Tram Ngan Vo So S: Infinities of things
Vo lng tr ao: Infinite aids
Vo Minh: Ignorance
Vo Minh Hoac: Illusion arises from primal ignorance
Vo Minh Nghiep Ai: Ignorance, karma and desire
Vo minh Phap tnh nhat the: Ignorance and Bhutatathata
Vo Nga: Impersonal Tone
Vo nga ien ao: Heretics believe that Nirvana is not a real Buddha-nature
Vo Tam: Inconsciousness
Vo Tam ao Nhan: Hermit with an empty mind
Vo Tan ang: Inexhaustible lamp
Vo tan hai: Inexhaustible ocean
Vo tan nguyen: Inexhaustible vows
Vo tan tang: Inexhaustible treasures
Vo Tan Tang phong luan: Inexhaustible treasury atmosphere
Vo Tan Y Bo Tat: Infinite Resolve Bodhisattva
Vo Thuy Vo Minh: Ignorance without beginning
Vo Thng: Impermanence
Vo Thng Cu: Impermanence of ego
Vo thng ien ao: Heretics believe that Nirvana is impermanence
Vo tnh ien ao: Heretics believe that Nirvana is not pure
Vo uy th: Giving of courage or confidence

Vu ien: Khotan
Vng Thien: King-feast

Xa Hanh: Go on the belly
Xa Quat Sn: Grdhrakuta
Xa Vo Lng Tam: Immeasurable detachment
Xe De: Goat cart
Xien e: Icchantika
Xuat the gian tr: Jnanam-lokottaram

Y Tha Khi: Inter-origination
Y Ma Tam Vien: Horse-will, monkey-mind
Yeu Danh Th: Giving for acquiring a good reputation


VOLUME ONE (A-B) 1-610

VOLUME TWO (C-D) 611-1146
VOLUME THREE (E-F) 1147-1876
VOLUME FOUR (G-K) 1877-2512
VOLUME FIVE (L-N) 2513-3142
VOLUME SIX (O-R) 3143-3726
VOLUME SEVEN (S) 3727-4336
VOLUME EIGHT (TA-TE) 4337-4788
VOLUME NINE (TH-TZ) 4789-5224
VOLUME TEN (U-Z) 5225-5626

s thanh tuSee Gain and loss, and Five

kinds of gain.
b) (v): Patilabhati (p)acLi locThau
3) Sampada (p): See Patilabhati (p).
Gain comprehension of the unobstructed
realm of the cosmos of reality: ong ch Nh
Gachati (skt): Gia Xa eTien boProgress. Lai lieu at phap gii vo ngai canh giiSee
Gachi (skt): Yet ChcAccording to Eitel in The Ten kinds of truth seal.
Dictionary of Chinese-English Budhist Terms, Gain control of ones own mind: Lam chu
Gachi is an ancient kingdom between Balkh and c tam mnh.
Bamian, about RuiTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh Gain (win) the Dharma vision: ac Phap
Phat Hoc T ien, Yet Chc la mot vng quoc nhan.
co nam gia Balkh va Bamian, vao khoang Rui.
Gain fame and money: at c danh li va
Gadgadasvara (skt): Wonderful Sound tien tai.
Bodhisattva, master of seventeen degrees of
Gain of health: Vo Benh Thanh TuSee Five
samadhi, whose name heads cap 24 of the Lotus
kinds of gain.
SutraDieu am Bo Tat.
Gain the Heavenly Eye: Win divine vision
Gadura (skt): Ca-Lau-La, mot trong tam chung
ac Thien nhan.
sanh sieu nhan trong Kinh Lien HoaGadura,
Gain (v) knowledge of: Janati (p)Jnatum
one of the eight classes of supernatural beings in
(skt)Hieu biet.
the Lotus Sutra or eight Vajra DeitiesSee Eight
classes of divinities, Eight classes of supernatural Gain and loss: Success or failureThanh bai
beings in the Lotus Sutra and Eight classes of ac That.
nagas and devas. (I) Gain: Labho (p)AdvantageProsperity
Benefitac hay c liPeople are often
Gagana (skt): Ca Ca NaBau tri hay khong
swayed either by their attachment to gain,
trungThe firmamentSpace.
fame, praise, and pleasure, or by their
Gagana (skt): H khongSkySpace.
aversion to loss, disgrace, blame, and
Gaganamala (p): H Khong Vo Cau. suffering. In fact, life is a process of gain and
Gaganamati (p): H Khong Hue. loss, but people only satisfy with gain and
Gahakaraka (skt): The builder of the house of feel miserable with loss; therefore, people
self, the self which holds together unreal continue to suffer. If life is a continuous
components in an unreal unity and gives the process of temporary happiness of gain and
illusion of being a compound thing. The analogy is suffering of loss, life would not worth living
from a house which, being taken to pieces, cease any more. Thus, the Buddha taught: It is
to be. under adverse circumstances one should
Gahapataggi (p): The fire of the householder remain high and moral courage and maintain
La cua ngi gia chuSee Three dharmas proper equilibrium. Our life, especially that of
(XXVIII) (B). lay people, has ups and downs while
Gain: struggling in daily activities, in order for us to
1) Labho (p): ac hay c liSee Eight have less disappintment, we should be
winds. prepared to accept both the good and the
2) Patilabhati (p): bad. In the time of the Buddha, a noble lady
a) (n): Thanh tuAccording to the Sangiti was offering food to the Venerable Sariputra
Sutta in the Long Discourses of the Buddha, and some other monks. While serving them,
there are five kinds of gainTheo Kinh she received a note stating that certain
Phung Tung trong Trng Bo Kinh, co nam misfortunes had affected her family. Without

becoming upset, she calmly kept the note in c tin bat hanh a xay ra cho gia nh toi.
her waist-pocket and continued to serve the Toi chap nhan, toi van bnh tnh. Toi van tiep
monks as if nothing had happened. A maid tuc hau ha quy ngai mac du nhan c tin
who was carrying a pot of ghee to offer to the buon. S dung cam cua ngi an ba nay
monks was so startled that she slipped and that ang c ca ngi.
broke the pot of ghee. Thinking that the lady (II) The Buddha taught: Buddhists should
would naturally fell sorry at the loss, courageously accept losses. One must face
Venerable Sariputra consoled her, saying that these losses with equanimity and take them
all breakable things are bound to break. The as an opportunity to cultivate our sublime
wise lady remarked: Bhante, what is this virtuesc Phat day: Phat t nen can am
trivial loss? I have just received a note stating chap nhan s thua thiet. Ta phai trc dien vi
certain misfortunes have occurred in my s thua lo mot cach bnh than va lay no lam
family. I accepted without losing my balance. mot c hoi e trau doi nhng c hanh cao
I am serving you all despite the bad news. sieu..
Such barve courage of the lady should be 1) At the time of the Buddha, once the Buddha
highly commendedNgi ta luon co went seeking alms in a village. Owing to the
khuynh hng bam vu lay li loc, danh thm, intervention of Mara, the Buddha did not
tieng khen, va vui sng; ngc lai, ghet bo obtain any food. When the Mara questioned
s thua lo, tieng xau, s che trach, va kho the Buddha rather sarcastically whether he
au. That vay, i la mot chuoi c thua, was hungry or not, the Buddha solemnly
nhng con ngi ch thoa man neu c va explained the mental attitude of those who
kho s neu thua, chnh v the ma c mai kho were free from impediments, and replied:
s. Cuoc i neu mai c th ci, thua th Ah, happily do we live, we who have no
khoc, th cuoc i khong ang e song na. impediments. Feeders of joy shall wee be
Chnh v the ma c Phat day: Trong moi even as the gods of the Radiant Realm:
ngang trai, ta phai to ra co tinh than manh va Trong thi c Phat con tai the, mot lan ngai
can am, duy tr tinh than quan bnh thch i khat thc tai mot lang. Do s can thiep cua
hp. Cuoc i cua nhng ngi tai gia phai Ma vng, c Phat khong nhan c chut
co luc len luc xuong khi tranh au vi i, o an nao ca. Khi Ma vng hoi cham biem,
muon t b that vong, con ngi phai san sang Ngai co oi khong? c Phat vui ve giai
chap nhan ieu tot cung nh ieu xau. Vao ngha thai o tinh than cua nhng ai thoat
thi c Phat con tai the, co mot menh phu khoi moi chng ngai, Ngai ap: Sung
quy phai cung dng thc vat cho ngai Xa sng thay, chung ta song khong b ieu g
Li Phat va ch Tang. Trong khi ang dang chng ngai. Ta thng song an vui nh cac
thc pham cung dng, ba nhan c giay v than coi Tri Quang Am.
bao tin bat hanh a xay ra cho gia nh ba. 2) On another occasion, the Buddha and his
Khong chut roi loan, ba bnh tnh bo la th disciples observed the rainy season in a
vao tui roi van tiep tuc dang thc an en ch village at the invitation of a brahmin who,
Tang lam nh khong co chuyen g xay ra. however, completely fogot to attend the
Mot no ty mang bnh sa e cung dng, needs of the Buddha and the Sangha.
ngac nhien en noi trt te lam be bnh sa v Throughout the period of three months,
ng rang khi nghe tin nay chac chan ba nay although Venerable Moggallana volunteered
se khong khoi kho au phien nao. Ngh rang to obtain food by his psychic powers, the
the nao ba nay cung buon v cai bnh b v, Buddha making no complaint, was contented
ngai Xa Li Phat lien khuyen giai ba va noi with the fodder of horses offered by a horse
rang tat ca nhng g co the v c th mot dealer: Mot dp khac, c Phat va cac e t
ngay nao o cung se b v. Ba noi: The nao cua Ngai an c vao mua ma tai mot ngoi
la cai mat khong ang ke? Toi va nhan lang theo li mi cua mot ngi Ba La Mon.

Ngi nay quen han viec tiep te thc vat cho Gaining knowledge-and-vision in
c Phat va Tang Gia. Trong suot ba thang, meditation: Tu Tap Thien nh a en Chng
ngai Muc Kien Lien a phai xung phong ac Tri KienSee Four concentrative
dung than thong i xin o an, the mac meditations.
Phat khong he co mot li phan nan va chu
Gaining rebirth to the Pure Land: To be
dung co kho cua nga do mot ong lai nga
reborn in the Pure LandVang Sanh Tnh o.
cung dng.
(I) The meanings of Gaining rebirth to the Pure
Gain of morality: Gii Thanh TuSee Five LandNgha cua Vang sanh Tnh o: To
kinds of gain. go to be in the Pure Land of Amitabha, or to
Gain the path of purity and tranquility: at have a rebirth in the Pure Landi (sanh) ve
en con ng thanh tnh (thanh tnh ao). coi Tnh o cua c Phat A Di a.
Gain, praise, honour, and ill-gotten fame: (II) According to the Pure Land Sect, there are
Labha-siloka-sakkara-micchayasa (p)Thau oat two conditions of rebirth to the Pureland
bat chanh, tieng tot, danh vong, li khen tang va Theo Tnh o Tong, co hai trng hp vang
li locSee Ten armies of mara. sanh ve Tnh o:
Gain (get) profit: c li ch. 1) To gain rebirth to the main land: Vang sanh
Gain (achieve) the realization: Thanh tu s Chanh QuocThis condition is reserved for
thc chng. those who regularly and diligently practice
Temporary gain: Li loc tam thi. Buddha Recitation, those who have a sincere
and faithful mind without regression. They
Worldly gain: Li loc the gian.
will know beforehand the time and place of
Gain of relatives: Than Thuoc Thanh TuSee their death, having clear and proper thoughts,
Five kinds of gain. they will bathe themselves, changing clothes,
Gain of right views: Kien Thanh TuSee or receive the great lights of the Buddha
Five kinds of gain. shine to their bodies. Or they may see the
Gain in our social relations: Co li trong giao enlightened characteristics of the Buddhas
tiep xa hoiIn the Ten Non-seekings, the and an assembly of enlightened beings
Buddha taught: We should not wish for gain in appearing in the sky often walking in
our social relations. This will lead us to violate meditation before their eyes. All the various
moral principles and see only mistakes of good and wholesome images will appear
others.Trong Mi ieu Tam Niem, c Phat clearly, within a split moment, these people
day: Giao tiep th ng cau li mnh, v li mnh will gain rebirth to the Pure land, be near the
th mat i ao ngha.See Ten Non-Seeking most supremely virtuous beings, and earn a
Practices. place among the nine levels of the lotus
Gain superknowledge: Attain supreme throne. They will often be able to hear the
knowledgeAchieve wisdomat c toi dharma sounds of the Buddhas and ultimately
thang tr. they will attain the enlightenment fruit of
Gain true insight (knowledge or BuddhahoodNgi nao bnh thng tinh
understanding): at c tr hue nh that tan niem Phat, mot long thanh tn khong lui
(chanh tr). sut, khi lam chung biet trc ngay gi, chanh
niem ro rang, t mnh tam goi, thay y phuc,
Gain of wealth: Tai San Thanh TuSee Five
hoac c quang minh cua Phat chieu en
kinds of gain.
than, hoac thay tng hao cua ch Phat cung
Gaining: Patilabha (p)ang ac c. ch Thanh chung hien than ra gia khong
Gaining new insights through studying old trung hay i kinh hanh trc mat, co iem
material or reviewing the past helps one lanh hien hien ro rang, ke ay trong mot sat na
understand the present: On chuyen cu e biet lien c sanh thang ve Tnh o, gan gui ch
chuyen mi (On co tri tan). thng thien nhn, d vao mot trong chn

pham sen ni chon lien tr, hang nghe c the Fragrant Land about Being reborn in the
phap am cua ch Phat, rot rao thanh tu c Buddhas Pure Land as followsTheo Kinh
chanh qua. Duy Ma Cat, chng mi, pham Phat Hng
2) To be reborn to the outer border of the Tch, c s Duy Ma Cat a noi vi ch Bo Tat
Pureland: Sanh ve Nghi ThanhThis nc Chung Hng ve Vang Sanh Tnh o
condition is reserved for those who normally nh sau:
maintain precepts, who practice Buddha 1) The Bodhisattvas from the Fragrant Land
Recitation but are not diligent and lack faith. asked: How many Dharmas should a
Thus, when death arrives, they do not have Bodhisattva achieve in this world to stop its
any good or evil thoughts, but close their eyes morbid growth (defilements) in order to be
similar to a sleeping person. Because those reborn in the Buddhas pure land?: Cac Bo
peoples doubts are not eliminated. They may Tat nc Chung Hng hoi: Bo Tat phai
practice Buddha Recitation, but do not have thanh tu may phap ni coi nay lam khong
absolute faith. They do not gain rebirth lam loi, c sanh ve coi Tnh o?
directly to the main land. Instead, they are 2) Vimalakirti replied: A Bodhisattva should
born to a domain on the outskirts of the bring to perfection eight Dharmas to stop
Pureland. That domain is called Doubtful morbid growth in this world in order to be
Land. People who are born to that domain reborn in the pure land. They areOng Duy
have a life expectancy of 500 years (a day in Ma Cat ap: Bo Tat thanh tu tam phap thi
that land equals a 100 years in the human coi nay lam khong lam loi, c sanh ve
realm). After living out their existence, they coi Tnh o. Tam phap la g.:
must return to the six paths of the cycle of * Benevolence towards all living beings with
rebirths. However, Bodhisattvas come there no expectation of reward: Li ch chung sanh
everyday to expound sutras and to encourage khong mong bao ap.
them to diligently recite the Buddhas name. * Endurance of sufferings for all living beings
For those who diligently cultivate, when their dedicating all merits to them: Thay the tat ca
lives come to an end, they will gain rebirth in chung sanh chu moi ieu kho nao.
the main landNgi bnh thng gi gii, * Impartiality towards them with all humility
cung co niem Phat nhng khong c tinh tan free from pride and arrogance: Bao nhieu
va tin tng cho lam, khi lam chung khong co cong c eu ban cho tat ca chung sanh.
tng lanh d chi ca, nham mat i xuoi ta * Reverence to all Bodhisattvas with the same
nh ngi ngu, v ke ay nghi tnh cha dt, devotion as to all Buddhas (i.e. without
tc la tuy co niem Phat ma long khong tin discrimination between Bodhisattvas and
tng tuyet oi, nen khong c sanh thang Buddhas): Long bnh ang oi vi chung sanh
vao ni chanh quoc, ma ch tru vao mot ni khiem nhng khong ngai, oi vi Bo Tat
ngoai bien phng tnh o ma thoi. Cho o xem nh Phat.
ten la Nghi Thanh. Ngi sanh ve coi nay co * Absence of doubt and suspicion when hearing
tuoi tho la 500 nam (mot ngay ni coi o (the expounding of) sutras which he has not
bang 100 nam coi ngi). Man kiep xong heard before: Nhng kinh cha nghe, nghe
se b ao sanh tr lai trong sau neo luan hoi. khong nghi.
Tuy nhien, moi ngay eu co ch Bo Tat ve * Abstention from opposition to the sravaka
ay thuyet phap va khuyen tan niem Phat. Dharma: Khong chong trai vi hanh Thanh
Neu chung sanh nao biet tinh tan tu hanh, khi Van.
mang chung se c vang sanh vao chanh * Abstention from discrimination in regard to
quoc. donations and offerings received with no
(III) According to the Vimalakirti Sutra, chapter thought of self-profit in order to subdue his
ten, the Buddha of the Fragrant Land, mind: Thay ngi c cung dng cung
Upasaka Vimalakirti told Bodhisattvas from khong tat o, khong khoe nhng li loc cua

mnh, ni o ma ieu phuc tam mnh. said, As the mind is purified, the Budhaland
* Self-examination without contending with is purified. Magistrate, if the person of the
others. Thus he should achieve singleness of East merely purifies his mind, he is without
mind bent on achieving all merits; these are offense. Even though one may be of the
the eight Dharmas: Thng xet loi mnh, West, if his mind is impure, he is at fault. The
khong noi en loi ngi, hang nht tam cau person of the East commits offenses and
cac cong c. recites the Buddha's name, seeking rebirth in
3) After Vimalakirti and Manjusri had thus the West. When the person of the West
expounded the Dharma, hundreds and commits offenses and recites the Buddhas
thousands of devas developed the mind set on name, in what country does he seek rebirth?
supreme enlightenment, and ten thousand Common, deluded people do not understand
Bodhisattvas realized the patient endurance their self-nature and do not know that the
of the uncreate: Sau khi ong Duy Ma Cat va Pure Land is within themselves. Therefore,
ngai Van Thu S Li noi phap nay roi, they make vows for the East and vows for the
trong ai chung co ca tram ngan v tri, ngi West. To enlightened people, all places are
eu phat tam Vo thng Chanh ang Chanh the same. As the Buddha said, In whatever
giac, mi ngan Bo Tat chng ang Vo sanh place one dwells, there is constant peace and
Phap nhan. happiness. Magistrate, if the mind-ground is
(IV) According to the Dharma Jewel Platform only without unwholesomeness, the West is
Sutra, Chapter Three (Doubts and not far from here. If one harbors
Questions)Theo Kinh Phap Bao an, Pham unwholesome thoughts, one may recite the
Th Ba (Nghi Van): Buddhas name but it will be difficult to attain
* One day, Magistrate Vi asked the Sixth that rebirth. Good Knowing Advisors, I now
Patriarch, Hui-Neng: Your disciple has often exhort you all to get rid of the ten evils first
seen the Sangha and laity reciting Amitabha and you will have walked one hundred
Buddha, vowing to be reborn in the West. thousand miles. Next get rid of the eight
Will the High Master please tell me if they deviations and you will have gone eight
will obtain rebirth there and, so, dispel my thousand miles. If in every thought you see
doubts?: Mot hom Vi Th s hoi Luc To your own nature, always practice impartiality
Hue Nang rang: e t thng thay Tang tuc and straightforwardness, you will arrive in a
niem Phat A Di a, nguyen sanh Tay finger-snap and see Amitabha. Magistrate,
Phng, thnh Hoa Thng noi, c sanh ni merely practice the ten wholesome acts; then
coi kia chang? Nguyen v pha cai nghi nay. what need will there be for you to vow to be
* The Master said, Magistrate, listen well. Hui reborn there? But if you do not rid the mind of
Neng will explain it for you. When the World the ten evils, what Buddha will come to
Honored One was in Shravasti City, he spoke welcome you? If you become enlightened to
of being led to rebirth in the West. The Sutra the sudden dharma of the unproduced, you
text clearly states, 'it is not far from here. If will see the West in an instant.
we discuss its appearance, it is 108,000 miles Unenlightened, you may recite the Buddhas
away but in immediate terms, it is explained name seeking rebirth but since the road is so
as far distant for those of inferior roots and as long, how can you traverse it? Hui-Neng will
nearby for those of superior wisdom. There move to the West here in the space of an
are two kinds of people, not two kinds of instant so that you may see it right before
Dharma. Enlightenment and confusion differ, your eyes. Do you wish to see it? : To bao:
and seeing can be quick or slow. The deluded S quan kheo lang nghe, Hue Nang se v
person recites the Buddhas name, seeking ong ma noi. The Ton trong thanh Xa Ve
rebirth there, while the enlightened person noi kinh van Tay Phng dan hoa, ro rang
purifies his own mind. Therefore, the Buddha cach ay khong xa. Neu luan ve tng ma

noi, ly so co mi muon tam ngan, tc la city, and the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body
trong than co mi ac tam ta, lien la noi xa, are the gates. Outside there are five gates and
noi xa la v ke ha can, noi gan la v nhng inside there is a gate of the mind. The mind is
ngi thng tr. Ngi co hai hang, nhng the ground and ones nature is the king.
phap khong co hai th. Me ngo co khac, thay The king dwells on the mind ground.
co mau cham. Ngi me niem Phat cau sanh When the nature is present, the king is
ve coi kia, ngi ngo t tnh tam mnh. S d present but when the nature is absent, there is
Phat noi tuy tam tnh lien c coi Phat tnh. no king. When the nature is present, the body
S quan ngi phng ong, ch tam mnh and mind remain, but when the nature is
tnh lien khong co toi, tuy ngi phng Tay absent, the body and mind are destroyed. The
tam khong tnh cung co loi. Ngi phng Buddha is made within the self-nature. Do not
ong tao toi niem Phat cau sanh ve phng seek outside the body. Confused, the self-
Tay, con ngi phng Tay tao toi, niem nature is a living being: enlightened, it is a
Phat th cau sanh ve coi nao? Pham ngu Buddha. Kindness and compassion are
khong ro t tanh, khong biet trong than Tnh Avalokitesvara and sympathetic joy and
o, nguyen ong nguyen Tay, ngi ngo th giving are Mahasthamaprapta. Purification
cho nao cung vay. S d Phat noi tuy cho is Sakyamuni, and equanimity and
mnh hang c an lac. S quan, tam a directness are Amitabha. Others and self
ch khong co cai bat thien th Tay phng are Mount Sumeru and deviant thoughts are
cach ay khong xa. Neu om long chang the ocean water. Afflictions are the waves.
thien, niem Phat vang sanh kho en. Nay Cruelty is an evil dragon. Empty falseness
khuyen thien tri thc trc nen dep tr thap is ghosts and spirits. Defilement is fish and
ac tc la c mi muon, sau tr tam cai ta turtles, greed and hatred are hell, and
ben qua c tam ngan, moi niem thay tanh delusion is animals.Good Knowing
thng hanh bnh ang, en nh trong khay Advisors, always practice the ten good
mong tay, lien thay c Phat A Di a. S practices and the heavens can easily be
quan ch hanh mi ieu thien, au can lai reached. Get rid of others and self, and Mount
nguyen vang sanh, khong oan cai tam thap Sumeru topples. Do away with deviant
ac th co Phat nao on tiep. Neu ngo c thought, and the ocean waters dry up. Without
on phap vo sanh, thay Tay phng ch trong defilements, the waves cease. End cruelty
khoang sat na. Con chang ngo, niem Phat cau and there are no fish or dragons. The
vang sanh, th con ng xa lam sao en Tathagata of the enlightened nature is on
c? Hue Nang v moi ngi ma khien cho your own mind-ground, emitting a great bright
quy v thay trong sat na coi Tay phng light which outwardly illuminates and purifies
ngay trc mat, quy v co muon thay hay the six gates and breaks through the six
chang? desire-heavens Inwardly, it illuminates the
* At that time, the entire assembly bowed and self-nature and casts out the three poisons.
said, If we could see it here, what need The hells and all such offenses are destroyed
would there be to vow to be reborn there? at once. Inwardly and outwardly, there is a
Please, High Master, be compassionate and bright penetration. This is no different from
make the West appear so that we might see the West. But if you do not cultivate, how can
it.: Luc ay moi ngi eu anh le tha rang: you go there?": To bao rang: Nay ai chung!
Neu coi nay ma thay c th au can Ngi i t sac than la thanh, mat tai mui
phai nguyen vang sanh, nguyen Hoa Thng li la ca, ngoai co nam ca, trong co ca y.
t bi lien hien Tay phng khien cho tat ca Tam la at, tanh la vua, vua tren at tam,
c thay. tanh con th vua con, tanh mat i th vua cung
* The Master said, Great assembly, the mat. Tanh th than tam con, tanh i th than
worldly persons own physical body is the tam hoai. Phat nham trong tanh ma tao, ch

hng ra ngoai ma cau. T tanh me, tc la Gajasirsa (skt): Ca da sn (Tng au sn)

chung sanh, t tanh giac tc la Phat. T bi tc Nui au VoiElephants Head MountainHai
la Quan The Am, hy xa goi la ai The Ch, nh a c noi enTwo are mentioned:
hay tnh tc la c Thch Ca, bnh trc tc la 1) One is near Vulture Peak: Mot gan nui
Phat A Di a. Nhn nga ay la Tu Di, ta tam Linh Thu.
la bien oc, phien nao la song moi, oc hai la 2) One is near the Gaya: Mot gan Bo e ao
rong d, h vong la quy than, tran lao la rua Trang.
tranh, tham san la a nguc, ngu si la suc Gaki (jap): Preta (skt)Nga QuySee Hungry
sanh. Nay thien tri thc! Thng lam mi ghosts.
ieu lanh th thien ng lien en, tr nhn
Gaku (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for
nga th nui Tu Di nga, dep c tham duc th
Learn.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co
bien nc oc kho, phien nao khong th song
ngha la Hoc.See Saiksa and Asaiksa.
moi mat, oc hai tr th rong ca eu dt.
Gakuto (jap): S Hoc au (Nhat Ban).
tren tam a mnh la giac tanh Nh Lai phong
ai quang minh, ngoai chieu sau ca thanh Galaxies (n): Day Ngan HaThe Milky Way.
tnh hay pha sau coi tri duc, t tanh trong Gamble or bet on sport games, horse races,
chieu ba oc tc lien tr a nguc, van van., car races, and so on: anh bac va ca o the
cac toi mot luc eu tieu diet, trong ngoai thao, ua nga, ua xe, van vanA Bhiksu or
sang tot, chang khac vi coi Tay phng, Bhiksuni who gambles or bets on sports games,
khong chu tu nh the nay lam sao en c horse races, car races, and so on, commits an
coi kia? Expression of Regret OffenceV Ty Kheo hay
* On hearing this speech, the members of the Ty Kheo Ni nao anh bac hay ca o cac tran the
great assembly clearly saw their own natures. thao, ua ngc hay ua xe, van van, la pham gii
They bowed together and exclaimed, This is Ba Dat e, phai phat lo sam hoi.
indeed good! May all living beings of the Gamblers: Nhng ke c bacSee Six dangers
Dharma Realm who have heard this awaken when one keeps bad company.
at once and understand.: ai chung nghe noi Gambler cannot afford to maintain a wife:
eu ro rang thay c t tanh, thay eu le Van e ci ga khong c tn nhiem, v ngi
bai, eu tan than: Lanh thay! Tha rang: am me c bac khong the quan xuyen lo lang
Khap nguyen phap gii chung sanh nghe o c v conOne is not in demand for marriage.
mot thi lien ngo hieu. Because a gambler cannot afford to maintain a
Gaining relinquishment: Xa Thang XSee wifeSee Six dangers when one attaches to
Four kinds of resolve. gambling.
Gaining tranquility: Ch Tc Thang XSee Gambling: Bai bacAccording to the Sigalaka
Four kinds of resolve. Sutra, there are six dangers when one attaches to
Gaining truth: e Thang XSee Four kinds gamblingTheo Kinh Thi Ca La Viet, co sau moi
of resolve. nguy hiem khi am me c bacSee Six dangers
Gaining wisdom: Tue Thang XSee Four when one attaches to gambling.
kinds of resolve. Gambling leads to robbery: C bac dan en
Gajapati (skt): Lord of ElephantsTng trom cp (o d ao vi lan, y noi c bac va
Vng. trom cap la lang gieng).
1) A term for Sakyamuni Buddha: Danh hieu Gamini (skt): Gia Di NiA king whom the is
cua c Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni. said to have addressed a sutra about causes and
2) The fabulous ruler of the southern division of effects, as well as wholesome and unwholesome
the Jambudvipa continent: V vng trong deeds and their consequencesV vua ma ngi
huyen thoai tr v vung pha Nam Diem Phu ta noi rang a c c Phat thuyet giang mot

kinh noi ve nhan qua, cung nh thien va bat thien the spiritual head of Mongolian Buddhism. The
nghiep cung vi qua bao cua chung. current Khambo Lama is also the president of the
Gamini Sutra: Gia Di Ni KinhA sutra in Asian Buddhists Conference for PeaceTen cua
which the Buddha expounded clearly for King mot tu vien co anh hng ln nhat Mong Co,
Gamini on wholesome and unwholesome deeds as toa lac tai Ulan Bator. ay la tru s cua Khambo
well as their consequencesc Phat giang Lama, v lanh ao tinh than cua Phat giao Mong
thuyet qua bao ro rang cho vua Gia Di Ni, giong Co. V Khambo Lama hien tai cung la chu tch
nh a va dau, mot th chm, mot th noiSee cua Hoi Hoa Bnh cua Phat T A Chau.
Gamini. Gandavyuha-sutra (skt): Kinh Hoa Nghiem
Gampopa Sonam Rinchen (1079-1153): Flower Ornament SutraThe Garland Sutra
Student of Milarepa, who became a monk The Sanskrit title is Flower Array Sutra, or
following the death of his wife. The name Avatamsaka, taught by the Buddha in Sravasti,
Gampopa is a reference to the area of Gampo, according to Mahayana tradition. This is a part of
where he practiced meditation for a number of the voluminous Avatamsaka Sutra. According to
year. He is also known as The Doctor of Takpo. Fa-Tsangs commentary on the sixty-fascile
Originally ordained as a monk in the Kadampa Garland Sutra, its real name is Gandavyuha
tradition, and later he studied with a number of according to Fa-Tsang. Avatamsaka means a
teachers, including Milarepa. From him he garland, while in Gandavyuha, ganda means a
received instructions in the six dharmas of flower of ordinary kind, and vyuha an orderly
Naropa and Mahamudra. Unlike Milarepa, arrangement or array. Gandavyuha means
however, he remained a monk, and following his flower-decoration. Avatamsaka is one of the
teachers death he began reorganize the Kagyupa profound Mahayana sutras embodying the
tradition, developing a monastic component to sermons given by the Buddha immediately
what had previously been mainly a lineage of lay following his perfect enlightenment. The
tantrics. His best-known work is the Jewel Gandavyuha is the Sanskrit title for a text
Ornament of Liberation, which synthesizes the containing the account of Sudhana, the young
teachings of Kadampa and Kagyupae t cua man, who wishing to find how to realize the ideal
Milarepa, ngi tr thanh Tang s sau khi v ong life of Bodhisattvahood, is directed by Manjusri
qua i. Ten Gampopa ch vung ten Gampo, ni the Bodhisattva to visit spiritual leaders one after
ma ong a tu tap thien nh trong mot vai nam. another in various departments of life and in
Ong cung con c biet en vi ten Bac s various forms of existence, altogether numbering
Takpo. Khi au ong tho gii vi mot v s trong fifty-three. During this period of time, Sudhana
trng phai Kadampa, va sau o ong theo hoc vi generated the aspiration to attain Buddhahood for
nhieu v thay khac nhau, ke ca Milarepa. T the sake of other sentient beings, including the
Milarepa, ong nhan c nhng giao huan ve immenent Buddha Maitreya. Eventually his quest
Luc Phap Naropa va ai an. Tuy nhien, khong culminated with his attainment of awakening
giong vi Milarepa, ong van song i Tang s va following his meeting with Samantabhadra
sau khi thay th tch, ong to chc lai truyen thong Bodhisattva, through whose teaching he attains
Kagyupa, phat trien mot bo phan cua t vien ma enlightenment and experiences reality. The last
trc ay chu yeu la cua Mat giao tai gia. Tac chapter concerns the vows of samantabhadra,
pham noi tieng nhat cua ong la Bao Chau Trang which constitute the basis of the life of a
Nghiem Giai Thoat, tong hp giao thuyet cua Bodhisattva and which comprise a fundamental
hai trng phai Kadampa va Kagyupa text of the Hua-Yen school. This is the basic text
Gana (skt): Ghana (skt)Gia NaCng chac, of the Avatamsaka school. It is one of the longest
daySolidThick. and most profound sutras in the Buddhist Canon
and records the highest teaching of Buddha
Gandan Monastery: Name of the most
Sakyamuni, immediately after enlightenment. It is
influential monastery in Mongolia, located in Ulan
traditionally believed that the sutra was taught to
Bator. It is the seat of the Khambo Lama, who is

the Bodhisattvas and other high spiritual beings ngay sau khi Ngai ai ngo. Ngi ta tin rang kinh
while the Buddha was in samadhi. The sutra has nay c giang day cho ch Bo tat va nhng
been described as the epitome of Budhist chung hu tnh ma tam linh a phat trien cao.
thought, Buddhist sentiment, and Buddhist Kinh so sanh toan vu tru vi s chng ac cua
experiences and is quoted by all schools of Phat Ty Lo Gia Na. Kinh cung nhan manh rang
Mahayana Buddhism. The sutra compares the moi s vat va moi hien tng ong nhat the vi
whole Universe to the realization of Vairocana vu tru. Sau khi khao sat ve noi dung cua Kinh
Buddha. Its basic teaching is that myriad things Hoa Nghiem, chung ta thay kinh khi au bang
and phenomena are the oneness of the Universe, nhng ban kinh oc lap va ve sau c tap hp
and the whole Universe is myriad things and thanh mot dong th, moi the tai c trnh bay
phenomena. After examining the sutra, we find trong cac kinh o eu c xep loai theo tng the
that there were in the beginning many va c goi chung la Hoa Nghiem.
independent sutras which were later compiled into Ganden: This is the the name of one of the three
one encyclopaedic collection, as the subject- largest monasteries of the Gelukpa order of
matters treated in them are all classified under Tibetan Buddhism, the other two being Sera and
one head, and they came to be known as Bras Spings. Its name is a Tibetan translation of
AvatamsakaNhan e Phan ng cua Hoa Tusita (the paradise of Maitreya Buddha). Prior to
Nghiem la Avatamsaka, theo truyen thong ai the Chinese invasion and annexation of Tibet in
Tha th kinh nay c c Phat thuyet giang the 1950s, it was one of the worlds largest
trong thanh Xa Ve. Hoa Nghiem la mot trong monasteries, but it was largely destroyed by the
nhng bo kinh tham ao nhat cua ai Tha, ghi lai Chinese Army. It was rebuilt in south India by
nhng bai thuyet phap cua c Phat sau khi Ngai monks who escaped the invasion, and the original
a at giac ngo vien man.ay la mot bo kinh site near Lhasa has been partially restored,
nhieu tap. Theo ngai Phap Tang trong ban chu although it now only houses a few hundred monks.
giai kinh Hoa Nghiem bo 60 quyen noi nguyen It has traditionally been the main administrative
ng chnh la Gandavyuha. Avatamsaka co ngha center of the Gelukpa order, and the abbot of the
la mot trang hoa trong khi ni ch Gandavyuha, monastery, the Throne Holder of Ganden is the
th ganda la tao hoa hay mot loai hoa thng va head of the orderay la ten cua mot trong ba t
vyuha la phan phoi trat t hay trang sc. vien ln nhat cua trng phai Gelukpa cua Phat
Gandavyuha la ten pham kinh ke lai cong trnh giao Tay Tang, hai t vien kia la Sera va Bras
cau ao cua Bo Tat Thien Tai ong T. Bo Tat Spings. Ten cua t vien la t tieng Tay Tang dch
Van Thu hng dan ong T i tham van het v ra ch au Suat (thien ng cua c Phat Di
ao s nay en v ao s khac, tat ca 53 v, tru Lac). Trc khi Trung Hoa xam lang va sap nhap
khap cac tang canh gii, mang u lot chung sanh, Tay Tang vao thap nien 1950s, no la t vien ln
trong o co Maitreya, Phat tng lai. Trong thi nhat the gii, nhng phan ln eu b tan pha bi
gian i tham van, Thien Tai ong T a phat quan oi Trung quoc. Nhng v Tang vt thoat
sanh ra c nguyen mong moi at thanh Phat qua khoi Tay Tang sau cuoc xam lang a tai xay dng
e cu o chung sanh. Cuoi cung s tm cau len lai mot ngoi t cung mang ten Ganden tai mien
en cc iem vi s giac ngo Bo e cua Thien Nam An, va ngoi t vien cu gan Lhasa cung c
Tai ong T khi ong gap Bo Tat Pho Hien. Qua tai thiet, mac du bay gi no ch con co khoang
nhng thuyet giang nay, chang a at ti ai giac chng vai tram Tang s ma thoi. No a tng la tru
va hieu c hien thc. Chng cuoi cua kinh ban s hanh chanh chnh cua trng phai Gelukpa, va
ve li the cua Ngai Pho Hien, c s tu hanh cua v tru tr cua t vien, V Gi Ngoi Ganden la v
mot v Bo Tat va la c s chnh yeu cho trng to cua mon phai Gelukpa.
phai Hoa Nghiem. ay la ly thuyet can ban cua Gandha (skt): Kien at.
trng phai Hoa Nghiem. Mot trong nhng kinh 1) Smell: Hng thmScentSee Seventy-
ien dai nhat cua Phat giao, cung la giao ien cao five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa (I) (A).
nhat cua ao Phat, c c Phat thuyet giang

2) A tree producing incense: Mot loai cay lam cua vua tri e Thch c ngu trong cac rng
nhang thm. cay.
Gandhahasti (skt): Fragrant elephantHng Gandhaprabhasa-buddha (skt): Hng Quang
Tng. Phat.
1) Fragrant incense: A kind of incense made in Gandhara (skt):
coils and burnt to measure the timeNhang 1) Kien a LaX Kien a VeName of an
thm c cuon thanh khoanh, c ot len ancient kingdom, north of India. This was a
e o thi gian. former kingdom of Dharmavardhana, son of
2) Fragrant elephant: Gandhahasti (skt) king Asoka. The region in the extreme north-
Fragrant elephant; one of the sixteen west of Punjab of India and northeast of
honoured ones of the Bhadra-kalpaHng Kashmir, today including southern
Tng, Hng Hue, hay Bat Kha Tc, la mot Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, lies along
trong 16 v ton gia i Hien Kiep. the Kabul river between the Kunar
3) According to The Flower Ornament Sutra (Khoaspes) and the Indus rivers, comprising
(Chapter Bodhisattva Abodes), Gandhahasti the district of Peshawar and Rawalpindi in the
Bodhisatva in the north, who lives on the northwestern Punjab. Its old capital was
Gandhamadana mountain, together with his Puskaravati. This was one of the greatest
three thousand retinues preached the Buddha centers of Buddhist art and culture during the
Teaching: Theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem (pham Bo 2nd century A.D. Artists in this area produced
Tat Tru X), Bo Tat Hng Tng cung ba some of the greatest early Buddhist
ngan quyen thuoc thng hay thuyet phap sculptures, whose styles is commonly referred
tren nui Hng Tu phng Bac. to as Greco-Buddhist because it shows
Gandhahastin Bodisattva (skt): Cang a ha e signs of influence from the Greeks who had
Bo Tat. conquered neighboring areas. Before
Gandhakuti (skt): Kaniskas reign, Northwest India had been
1) House of incenseHng that. the birth place of the Gandhara school of
2) House of insence, where Buddha dwells (a Buddhist sculpture which influenced by
temple): Hng ThatNha hng hay phong Greek statuary, revolutionized Indian
cua c The Ton. sculpture. There were such symbols as
3) Nghiet a C TraA temple for offering stylized renderings of the Buddha footprints,
incense in the Jetavana monastery and the wheel of the law, the Bodhi Tree under
elsewhereHng ai ien hay can buong which the Buddha attained enlightenment,
ma c The Ton a lam le dang hng trong and a number of Bodhisattva images of half-
tnh xa Ky Vien hay bat c ni nao ma Ngai divine half-human. According to Buddhist
a i qua. history, the Fourth Buddhist Council was
Gandhamadana (skt): Incense-mountain held some time near the end of the first
Hng Sn. century. It was sponsored by Kanisca I, third
1) Incense mountain, one of the ten fabulous king of the Kusana dynasty. However, most
mountains known to Chinese Buddhism, of monasteries had been destroyed in
located in the region of the Anavatapta lake invasions from outsiders in the 5th century and
in Tibet: Hng Sn la mot trong mi ngon only foundations are preserved. According to
nui trong huyen thoai Phat Giao Trung Hoa, Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
nui toa lac trong vung ho Anavatapta ben Buddhist Terms, Gandhara, an ancient
Tay Tang. kingdom in the north west of Punjab, famous
2) The Kunlun range, among its great trees as a centre of Buddhism . Sakyamuni in his
dwell the Kinnaras, Indras musicians: Nui former life, is said to have lived there and
Con Sn, ni khan na la hay cac v nhac cong torn out his eyes to benefit others, probably a
distortion of the story of Dharmavivardhana,

who as governor of Gandhara was blinded by ay co le la chuyen cua mot v thong oc tai
order of a concubine of his father, Asoka ay b moc matSee Buddhist Councils.
Con goi la Can a, Hng Bien, Hng 2) Kien a Le: A spell that gives power to fly
Hanh, Hng Khiet, Hng Tnh, va Kien a Loai mat chu cho ta kha nang bay c.
La, Kien a La, ten mot vng quoc co 3) Name of a fragrant tree, and of a yellow
vung bac An o. Ni ay a tng la vng colour: Ten cua mot loai cay co mui thm,
quoc cua Dharmavardhana, con trai cua vua than mau vang.
A Duc. Vung at nam ve pha tay bac mien Gandharaja (skt): Hng VngA
Punjab cua An va ong Bac cua Kashmir, bodhisattva in whose image the finger tips are
nay gom cac mien A phu han va mot phan shown as dripping ambrosiaNhng au ngon
cua Hoi quoc, nam doc theo song Kabul gia tay cua tng Bo Tat Hng Vng nho ra nc
khoang Kunar va song An ha, gom khu cam lo.
Peshawar va Rawalpindi, tay bac vung Gandharva (skt): Can that baCelestial
Punjab. ay la mot trong nhng trung tam ln musicianA Sanskkrit term for the following
cua van hoa Phat giao vao the ky th hai sau indicationsT Phan ng dung e ch nhng th
CN. Nhng nha nghe thuat trong vung nay a sau ay:
sang tao ra nhng bc cham tro noi tieng 1) Fragrance-devouring celestial musicians.
trong thi ky ban s cua Phat giao, ma kieu The celestial gandharva is a deity who knows
mau thng c xem nh la trng phai Hy and reveals the secrets of the celestial and
Lap v nhng cham tro nay cho chung ta divine truth. Demigods who are also
thay anh hng cua Hy Lap trong thi i heavenly singers and musicians who took part
chiem c cac vung lan can. Trc khi vua Ca in the orchestra at the banquets of the gods.
N Sac Ca tr v, ve pha Tay Bac An la ni They follow after women and are desirous of
san sanh ra trng phai nghe thuat Phat giao intercourse with them; they are also feared as
Can a La. Trng phai nay anh hng bi evil beings. Gandharva or Gandharva
ieu khac An o cach mang hoa nghe thuat Kayikas, spirits on Gandha-mandala (the
tac tng Hy Lap. Co nhieu bieu tng dien fragrant or inscent mountains), so called
at nghe thuat nay nh ban chan cua c because the Gandharvas do not drink wine or
Phat, banh xe phap, cay Bo e ni c Phat eat meat, but feed on inscense or fragrance
giac ngo, cung nh vo so hnh tng Bo Tat and give off fragrant odours. As musicians of
vi na ngi na Thanh nh la nhng v Indra, or in the retinue of Dhrtarastra, they
than cua Hy Lap. Theo lch s Phat giao, are said to be the same as, or similar to, the
Gandhara la ni to chc ai hoi ket tap kinh Kinnaras. They are Dhrtarastra, associated
ien lan th t vao khoang nhng nam cuoi with soma, the moon, and with medicine.
the ky th nhat do vua Ca N Sac Ca I, v vua They cause ecstasy, are erotic, and the
th ba di trieu ai Kusana bao tr. Tuy patrons of marriageable girls; the Apsaras are
nhien, ngay nay ni nay ch con thay nhng their wives, and both are patrons of dicers.
cai nen cua vo so tu vien a b huy hoai trong They live in the region of the air and the
cac cuoc xam lang vao the ky th V. Theo heavenly waters and are especially
Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien th associated with the Caturmaharajika realm
Can a La la ten mot vng quoc co nam ve Can that ba con goi la Can ap Ba, Can ap
pha tay bac Punjab (cung con goi la nc Tr Hoa, Kien a La, Kien at Ba, Kien at
a v xa tai nc nay co nhieu vi Thanh Phc, va Ngan at Phc, dch la Hng
hien tu hanh ac ao), tng la mot trung tam Am, Hng Than, Tam Hng Hanh hay Xu
Phat giao noi tieng. Trong tien kiep khi con Hng, mot v than biet nhng b mat tren
la v Bo Tat, c Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni a tri va chan ly than thanh va e lo nhng
tng moc mat mnh bo th cho ngi khac. ieu o cho con ngi. Can that ba la nhng
a than hay nhng nhac cong vu cong trong

cac ba tiec tri. Can that ba thng san uoi 1000 v Phat trong Hien Kiep, trong o bon v a
an ba va co khat vong lam tnh vi ho. Can xuat hien.
that ba cung c coi nh la nhng sinh vat Ganga (skt): Hang HaSee Ganges.
xau ac ang s. Goi la Hng Am v Can Gangadatta (skt): Hang Gia atName of a
That Ba khong an tht uong ru, ch tm mui son of a wealthy landowner and disciple of the
thm e hap thu, va cung toa ra mui thm. La BuddhaTen cua con trai cua mot trng gia
v Than lo ve am nhac cho vua tri e Thch, giau co va la mot e t cua c Phat.
cung giong nh Khan Na La lo ve phap nhac.
Gangadevi (skt): Hang Gia e BaName of a
Can that ba song trong vung thien khong va
female disciple of the BuddhaHa Thien, ten
thien thuy, va ac biet quan he vi coi tri
mot v n e t cua c Phat (truyen thuyet cha
T Thien VngSee Four Heavenly
me bai le Than song Hang ma sanh ra nang nen
(Guardian) Kings.
co ten nay).
2) Musician Angels for the Cakra Heaven Kings
Gangadvara (skt): Canh Gia Ha MonThe gate
in the Four Heaven KingsNhng nhac than
of the Ganges. According to Eitel in The
cua Tri e Thch trong T Thien Vng
Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms,
See Gandharva.
this is a famous devalaya, the object of
3) Mot trong tam chung sanh sieu nhan trong
pilgrimages, the present Hurdwar, or Haridwar
Kinh Lien HoaGandharva, one of the eight
Ca song Hang. Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat
classes of supernatural beings in the Lotus
Hoc T ien th ay la mot ni hanh hng noi
Sutra or eight Vajra DeitiesSee Eight
tieng, bay gi la Hurdwar hay Haridwar.
classes of supernatural beings in the Lotus
Sutra. Gangakusho (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term
4) Mot trong tam bo quy chungGandharvas, for Returning pupil.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat
one of the eight groups of demon-followers of Ban co ngha la Hoan hoc sinh (Tang sinh nhat
the four maharajasSee Eight groups of du hoc tr ve nc).
demon followers. Ganga-nadi-valuka (skt): CountlessAs the
** See Eight classes of divinities, Eight classes sands of Ganges (numberless)Nhieu nh cat
of supernatural beings in the Lotus Sutra, and song Hang.
Eight classes of nagas and devas Ganges (skt): Song HangHang HaThis is
Gandharva city: Mirage cityCan that ba one of the eight big rivers of India at the time of
thanhCon goi la Can That Ba Thanh, Kien the Buddhaay la mot trong tam con song ln
That Ba Thanh, Kien That Phc Thanh, hay An o vao thi c PhatSee Eight big rivers
Nguc That Phc Thanh (do v nhac than bien of India at the time of the Buddha.
hoa ra lau gac cho moi ngi nhn thay).
Gandhastin Bodhisattvas: Cang a Ha e Bo
Tat (Bat HuTc Bo Tat)This Bodhisattva has
cultivated for eons without ever stopping, making
constant progress, tirelessly benefitting self and
othersV Bo Tat nay tu hanh trong nhieu kiep,
khong ngng ngh, tien bo eu an e lam li
mnh va li ngi khong bao gi moi met .
Gandottama-Buddha (skt): Hng Thng
Ganendra-buddha (skt): Bat Kha Thuyet
PhatThe 733rd of the Buddhas of the present
kalpa, in which 1,000 Buddhas are to appear, of (Ganges Rivers dawnCanh bnh minh tren
whom four have appearedV Phat th 733 trong song Hang Ha)

1) The Shingon philosophers describe as

One of the four famous rivers in India, originated followsCac nha triet hoc Chan Ngon giao
from the east of the Lake Anavatapta, in Tibet; mieu ta nh sau:
then flows to the sea in the southeast. Ganges, a) Garbhadhatu is the constitution and
said to drop from the centre of Sivas ear into the development of the spiritual world. The
Anavatapta lake, passing through an orifice called Garbhakosa conceives the world as a stage on
(variously) oxs mouth, lions mouth, golden which Vairocana Buddha residing in the
elephants mouth, then round the lake and out to inmost heart of every being develops his
the ocean on the south-east. Ganges River inherent possibilities: Thai Tang Gii la cau
(Gangha) is a very large and long river in India. truc va s phat trien cua the gii tam linh.
The bed and banks of this river are covered with Thai Tang Gii quan niem the gii nh la
innumerable grains of sandsSong Hang, mot mot canh gii tren o c Ty Lo Gia Na an
trong bon con song noi tieng An o, phat nguon tru trong cai tam tham sau nhat cua moi
t pha ong ho A Na Ba ap Ta, chay ra bien chung sanh ma phat trien nhng kha nang
pha ong nam. Theo truyen thuyet th song Hang von co cua Ngai.
Ha chay ra t trung tam lo tai cua Than Ma He b) Vajragarbha depicts the Buddha in his own
Thu La, chay vao ho A Nau at (ma ngai Huyen manifestations. In Vajragarbha, the pictures
Trang ghi trong Tay Du Ky la Cang Gia), chay illustrating the scheme and process of these
qua Ngu Khau (co ni noi la S T Khau, hay developments are called Madala: Kim Cang
Kim Tng Khau), oan chay quanh ho roi o ra Gii mieu ta c Phat trong nhng bien hoa
bien theo hng ong nam. Hang Ha la mot con rieng cua Ngai. Trong Kim Cang Gii, nhng
song rat ln va rat dai An o. Di ay va doc hnh anh minh hoa s o va qua trnh cua
theo hai ben b cua con song nay co rat nhieu nhng phat trien nay c goi la Man a La.
catSee Four rivers in India, and Eight big rivers 2) It represents the fundamental nature, both
of India at the time of the Buddha. material elements and pure bodhi, or wisdom
Gangoji (jap): Chua Nguyen Hng (Nhat Ban). in essence or purity: Thai Tang Gii tieu bieu
Gangsters (n): Ke cp boc. cho Ly Tnh ve ca hai phng dien yeu to
Gangyo (jap): S Nguyen Hieu (Nhat Ban). vat chat va bo e thanh tnh.
Ganjin (jap): S Giam Chan (Nhat Ban). a) The garbhadhatu as fundamental wisdom:
Thai tang la ly.
Gantha (skt): He phc.
b) Kim Cng tang la tr: Acquired wisdom or
Ganto-Zenkatsu (jap): Zen Master Yan-Tou knowledge, the vajradhatu.
(Yen-Tou Chuan-Huo)S Nham au Toan 3) The Garbhadhatu represents the eight parts of
KhoatSee Yan-Tou Zen Master. the human heart as the eight-petal lotus
Ganuda (skt): Cong c Thi Bo Tat. mandala: Thai Tang gii tieu bieu cho tam
Garbage: SweepingsPhan tao. chung sanh vi tam mui tht nh hnh sen tam
Garbha (skt): Nghiet Lat BaThe womb, canh.
interior partThai Tang (ben trong thai). 4) Garbhadhatu is the original intellect, or the
Garbhadhatu (skt): Thai Tang GiiTch static intellectuality, in contrast with
Phc CauThe womb treasury, the universal intellection, the initial or dynamic
sourceThe womb in which a child is conceived. intellectuality represented in the Vajradhatu:
Its body, mind, etc. It is container and content; it Thai Tang gii la cai bon giac (von a giac
covers and nourishes; and is the source of all ngo roi), oi lai vi Kim Cang gii tieu bieu
supply from which all things are producedThe cho thuy giac (bat au giac ngo).
womb of all thingsThai tang la nguon goc cua 5) The Garbhadhatu is the cause and Vajradhatu
s san sanh moi th, nh a tre c nuoi dng is the effect. Though as both are a unity, the
trong thai me (ca than tam c cha ng va reverse may be the rule, the effect being also
nuoi dng). the cause: Thai Tang gii la cai t qua en

nhan, trong khi Kim Cang gii la cai t nhan Garland of jatakas: Jatakamala-sastra (skt)
en qua. Luan Tuc Sanh Truyen (Ban sanh man luan).
6) The Garbhadhatu is likened to enrich others, Garland Ornament: Avatamsaka (skt)Hoa
as Vajradhatu is to enriching self: Thai Tang NghiemFlower-adornedSee Hua-Yen and
gii tieu bieu cho s li tha, trong khi Kim Hua-Yen Sect.
Cang gii lai tieu bieu cho t li.
Garland Sutra: Avatamsaka-sutra (skt)
** See Four courts.
Flower Ornament SutraKinh Hoa Nghiem
Garbhadhatu mandala: Nhan Man a La See Flower Adornment Sutra.
Thai tang gii man a laThe Garbhadhatu
Garments: Y aoThere are three kinds of
mandala, which is east; in contrast with
monks garmentsCo ba loai ao ca saSee
Vajradhatu mandala, which is west (qua man a
Three kinds of monks garments.
la). The Garbhadhatu mandala of one central and
Garment of cast-off rags: Monks robePhan
three surrounding courts. The occupants are
tao ySee Twelve kinds of ascetic practices
described as the sacred host of the four courts
Man a La cua Thai tang gii, ve pha ong; oi
lai vi Kim Cang Tang Man a La, ve pha tay Garment of the field of blessing: Monks
trong Man a La. Thai Tang Gii va ba vien robePhc ien y.
chung quanh c goi la T Trung Man a La, Garment of liberation: Robe of liberation
ni tru ngu cua nhng v Thanh trong bon vien Giai thoat y (ao ca sa)Giai Thoat Tang Tng
nay. **See Four courts. YCa SaThe monks robeSee Kasaya.
Garbhakosadhatu (skt): Thai Tang GiiSee Garments of Merits: Cong c YGiven to
Garbhadhatu. monks and nuns after their summer retreat of
Garden of Dharma: BuddhismPhap Uyen ninety daysDang cung len ch Tang Ni sau 90
Vn Phap, ch Phat Giao nh mot khu vn sum ngay an c kiet haSee Kathina (5).
sue ti tot. Garments suited to the time or occasion:
Garden of joy: Nandana-vana (skt)Hoan Hy Thi YAccording to the Buddhism, Buddhists
VienHoan Hy UyenHoan Lac VienHy should always take medications when needed, eat
Lam UyenGarden of joy, or Joy-grove garden; in accordance with Buddhist regulations, etc.
one of the four gardens of Indras paradise, north ung thi an mac, nh vao kinh thanh th mac ao
of his central cityMot trong bon vn cua e Tang Gia Le, khi phong th mac ao An a Hoi,
Thch coi tri ao Li, vn nay ve pha bac van van. Theo Phat giao, uong thuoc ung thi
cua thanh Hy Kien (ch Thien vao ay th t nay goi la thi dc, an uong ung thi goi la thi
ra s hoan hy). thc.
Garden of life and death: Sinh T VienThe Garuda (skt & p): Ca Lau LaCa Lu LaYet
garden of life and death, the mortal world in Lo TraCa Lau oGia Lau LaNga Lo
which the unenlightened find their satisfaction NoaBa Lo NoaKim x ieu (than ieu)A
Vn sanh t, hay the gii Ta Ba ni ma chung Sanskrit term for Devourer, or king of bird,
sanh va y hay bang long mot cach me muoi. The figures of mythical birds with human heads,
gii sanh t ni pham phu cam thay thoa man. heavenly birds with great golden wing spans of
approximately 3,360,000 miles, the traditional
Garden of purity: Pure gardenThanh tnh
enemies of Nagas. Dragon-devouring bird, the
vienSee Monastery.
vehicle of Vishnu (this is a golden winged bird,
Garjita (skt): LoiThunderThundering.
the vehicles of Visnu, lords of the winged race
Garland (n): Mala (skt)RosaryChuoi trang and natural enemies of Nagas)T Bac Phan ch
hat. Ca lau ca, hay Than ieu, loai an tht rong.
Garland of Buddhas Sutra: Buddhavatamsaka Hnh loai chim trong than thoai co au ngi, hai
Sutra (skt)Kinh ai Phng Quang Hoa canh xoe ra cach nhau en 3.360.000 dam, ke thu
NghiemSee MahaVaipulya-Avatamsaka-Sutra.

cua cac loai rong (chim an tht rong), xe ci cua Gata (skt): Kha ra iGone or departed.
Than Ty Thap No. Gataghrina (skt): Khong co long thng
Garuda-raja (skt): Kim X ieu VngCa Unsympathetic.
Lau La Vng. Gate (n): Cong vao.
1) The king of birds, with golden wings,
Gate of adornment: Trang Nghiem MonThe
companion of Visnu: Vua cua loai chim Kim
gate or school of the adornment of the spirit, in
X (Loai chim thu thang nhat trong cac loai
contrast with external practices, ceremonies,
chim Kim X), ban ong hanh cua than Visnu.
asceticism, etc.Cong trang nghiem tam linh, oi
2) Garuda-raja or king of birds are used to
lai vi hnh tng tu hanh ben ngoai, nh le lac
compare with the great people, while the
hay kho hanh.
crow are used to compare with the wicked
Gate of blessedness and virtue: Phuc c
people: Kim X ieu Vng con c dung
monThe first five of the six paramitasNam
e v vi cac bac ai nhan, trong khi tieu
Ba La Mat au tienSee Six paramitas.
nhan c v vi loai qua.
3) The king of birds is a symbol of the Buddha: Gate of Buddha-wisdom: Tr hue monSee
Kim X ieu Vng con e ch c Phat. Two kinds of Tathagata-wisdom and Two kinds of
Garuka (p): Trong NghiepSee Weighty
karma. Gates to the city of nirvana: Cong Niet Ban
There are three gates to the city of nirvanaCo
Gassho (jap): Anajali (skt)Joining together of
ba ca ngo i vao Niet BanSee Three gates to
the palmsSalutation with joined handsJoining
(the city of) nirvana.
the palms togetherHp chngGassho is a
Japanese term meaning to bring the ten fingers or Gate of creation and destruction: Tam Sinh
two palms together. In Gassho, we place our Diet MonAccording to the Awakening of Faith,
palm together to express our reliance, there are two gates of mindTheo Khi Tn Luan
thankfulness, and Oneness with the Buddha. The th tam co hai cong.
right hand symbolizes the Buddha and the left 1) The gate of Bhuthatathata: Chan Nh Mon.
hand the human being. When they are placed 2) The gate of creation and destruction, or
together, we feel that the Buddha is in us and we beginning and end: Sinh Diet Mon.
are in the Buddha. Gassho is a symbol of the Gate of death: T MonThe gate or border of
perfect unity of men and the Buddha. Besides, the death, which leads sentient beings from one
open hands placed side by side and slightly incarnation to anotherCa t dan chung sanh t
holowed (as if by a beggar to receive food; hence kiep nay qua kiep khac.
when raised to the forehead, is also a mark of Gate of deliverence: Ca giai thoatGiai
supplication) reverence, salutationGassho la Thoat MonDharma doorDoor of liberation
t ng Nhat Ban co ngha la chap mi ngon tay Door of releaseGate of liberationAccording
hay hai ban tay vao nhau. Trong Hp Chng, to the Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattva door of
chung ta hp hai long ban tay lai vi nhau nham liberation is within our self-nature, not outside.
dien ta s ve nng, ay long biet n va s hp The door open through practice, cultivation of the
nhat vi c Phat. Ban tay phai tng trng cho paramitas and holding the complete precepts
c Phat va ban tay trai tng trng cho chung Theo Phat giao ai tha, ca giai thoat cua Bo
sanh. Khi hai ban tay hp lai vi nhau, chung ta Tat nam ngay ben trong t tanh, ch khong phai
co cam giac nh c Phat ang hien hu trong ben ngoai. Ca m rong bang tu tap Luc Ba La
chung ta va chung ta trong c Phat. Hp Mat va tr gii cu tucSee Door of liberation.
Chng la bieu tng cua s hp nhat toan hao Gate of deliverance by the realization of the
gia con ngi va c Phat. Ben canh o, hai ban immaterial: Khong Giai Thoat MonThe gate
tay e ben nhau trong t the khat thc, nang t t of salvation or deliverance by the realization of
len tran con la mot dau hieu khan khoan va ton the immaterial, i.e. that the ego and things are

formed of elements and have no reality in Gate of purity to Nirvana: Tnh MonSee Six
themselves; one of the three deliverancesMot wonderful doors.
trong ba giai thoat. Quan het thay cac phap eu Gate of righteousness: Ngha MonThe
do nhn duyen hoa hp ma sanh ra, khong co t schools, or sects of the meaning or truth of
tnh (neu thanh at nh vay la mnh ang bc BuddhismCong vao Chanh Ngha, hay nhng
vao cong giai thoat)See Three objects of trng phai giang giai chan thc ngha cua Nh
meditation that lead toward liberation. Lai.
Gate of demons: Quy MonThe northeast Gate of salvation by the realization of the
corner of the house, through which the spirits can
immaterial: Khong Giai Thoat MonThe gate
come and goCa quy, ca ong Bac cua nha
of salvation or deliverance by the realization of
va thanh quach, la ni ma quy co the en va i.
the immaterial, i.e. that the ego and things are
Gate of emancipation: Giai Thoat MonSee formed of elements and have no reality in
Emancipation-entrance. themselves; one of the three deliverancesMot
Gate of enlightenment: Bo e MonThe gate trong ba giai thoat. Quan het thay cac phap eu
of enlightenment; east gate of the four gates of a do nhn duyen hoa hp ma sanh ra, khong co t
cemeteryCa giac ngo; ca ong trong bon ca tnh (neu thanh at nh vay la mnh ang bc
cua ngha a. vao cong giai thoat)See Three objects of
Gate of immortality: meditation that lead toward liberation.
1) The doctrine of reality as beyond birthVo Gate of the truth: Gate of the Way, religion
sinh mon. etc.; the various schools of Buddhismao mon.
2) Nirvana: Bat T MonCa vao cho Bat T Gate of upaya: Ca phng tienPhng Tien
hay Niet Ban. MonConvenient or expedient gates leading into
Gate of life-prolonging dharani: Dien Tho TruthPhap mon phng tien dan ti chan ly.
Mon a La NiThe gate of Life-Prolonging Gate of the Way: Gate of the truth, religion etc.;
Dharani, or dharani which the Buddha told the various schools of Buddhismao mon.
Vajrapani Bodhisattva methods of prolonging life
Gate of the Western Paradise: Cong vao Tay
of cultivationThan chu cua Phat noi cho Ngai
Phng Cc Lac.
Kim Cng Thu ve phep tu huyen dieu keo dai
Gate of wisdom: Tue mon (cong tr tue, am ch
tuoi tho.
Thien mon).
Gate of mercy: BuddhismPhat giaoT
Gateless: Vo monCompletely open.
MonPhat giao con c goi la t mon, v ch
Phat va ch Bo Tat t trong tam cua mnh phat ra Gateway of truth: Chan MonGateway of
cong c cung nh cac phng tien thien xao e reality.
cu o chung sanh. Gatha (skt): Gia ThaPhung Tung
Gate of a monastery: Sn mon. RecitationSongA metrical narrative or hymn,
with moral purport, described as generally
Gate into Nirvana: Door into NirvanaNiet
composed of thirty-two characters, and called a
Ban MonCa vao Niet Ban.
detached stanza, distinguished from geya, which
Gate of pity: Bi MonThe Buddha-pity or the
precedes the ideas of preceding prose passages
way of pity directed to othersBi tam cua Phat
Bai tung theo van ieu, thng gom 32 ch goi la
hay con ng dan ti cu o chung sanh (bao
Co Khi Tung, phan biet vi Trung Tung
gom tat ca cac c li tha).
ngha la lap lai li cua cau trcSee Twelve
Gate of purity: Tnh MonGate of purity to sutras.
nirvana, one of the six wonderful doorsCa
Gatha of enlightenment: au C Ke
thanh tnh i vao Niet Ban (tam thanh tnh khong
According to Zen master D.T. Suzuki in the
dnh mac vao au), mot trong Luc Dieu Mon. **
Essays in Zen Buddhism, Book I, some masters
See Six wonderful doors.
have left in the form of verse known as gatha

what they perceived or felt at the time when their birth for sentient beings, according to
mental eye was opened. The verse the special traditional Buddhist philosophy: 1) gods
name of Enlightenment Gatha which shows the (deva); 2) demi-gods (asura); 3) humans
agreement between the master and his followers (manusya); 4) animals (tiryak); 5) hungry
in enlightenmentTheo Thien s D.T. Suzuki ghost (preta); and 6) hell beings (naraka). The
trong Thien Luan, Tap I, rat nhieu thien s con first three are sai to be fortunate destinies,
lu lai nhng bai th goi la ke ghi lai nhng ieu while the latter three are said to be
cam ngh trong phut giay m con mat hue. Nhng unfortunate destinies because of the
bai ke nay co ten rieng la au C Ke, ngu y amount of sufferings and afflictions that such
gia thay va tro co s tinh y hp nhau. beings endureT Bac Phan dung e ch so
Gatha of pratiyasamutpada: Duyen Khi phan. T nay thng ch sau loai tai sanh
KeDuyen Khi Phap TungThe gatha of three theo truyen thong triet hoc Phat giao: 1)
of the four dogmas of Buddhism according to the thien; 2) a-tu-la; 3) ngi; 4) suc sanh; 5) nga
Sastra on the Prajna Sutra (usually placed in the quy; 6) a nguc. Ba con ng au tien la ba
foundations of pagodas and inside of images of con ng bat hanh v chung sanh trong ba
Budhas)Bai ke van cua ba trong bon e hay ng nay phai chu kho au phien nao.
giao ly can ban cua ao Phat, theo Tr o Luan 2) According to the Sangiti Sutta in the Long
(bai ke nay thng c at di cac nen chua Discourses of the Buddha, there are five gati
hay ben trong hnh tng Phat): (destinations, destinies)Theo Kinh Phung
1) All is suffering: Kho e. Tung trong Trng Bo Kinh, co nam neo ac
2) Suffering is intensified by desire: Tap e. (ngu thu) See Five gatis.
3) Extinction of desire is practicable: Diet e. Gati or path of rebirth as an animal: So
Gather (v): AssembleTu hop. called because animals are subjects of the
Gather up the garment: Niem YThau nhat butcher's knifeao o.
quan ao. Gati of rebirth as animals: Suc Sanh Thu
Gather opinions from all sides: Lay y kien t The way or destiny of rebirth as animals, one of
moi pha (Tap t quang ch)Three heads are the six forms of rebirthMot trong sau loai chung
better than one. sanh, ni sinh song cua cac loai suc sanh (do
nghiep nhan ma sau khi chet phai oa vao suc
Gather and receive: Collect and receive
Nhiep tho.
Gather together: Nhiep (thau gop)Bao Gatimantanam (p): Good behaviorPham
hanh cao thng.
trumTo collectTo combineTo include.
Gathering for the purpose of meditation: Gaunamati : Co na mat ec Hue La Han.
Toa Thien HoiSee Gathering of Zen Gautama (skt): Gotama (p)Co amClan
practitioners. name of the BuddhaSiddhartha GautamaSee
Gathering of Zen practitioners: Toa Thien
HoiA gathering meditation-practitioners with Gautamaprajnaruchi (skt): Co am bat Nha
the purpose of listening to the Zen lectures and Lu Chi (Tr Hy).
practicing meditation. Usually they gather for one Gautami (skt): The aunt of the BuddhaDi mau
day a weekMot cuoc hoi hop tu tap cua cac cua c PhatMa Ha Ba Xa Ba eSee
thien sinh, vi muc ch nghe thuyet giang ve Mahaprajapati.
thien va thc tap thien quan. Thng th ho tap Gauze filter: Thuy la.
hp moi tuan mot lan. Gavampati (skt): Gia Pham Ba eKieu Pham
Gati (skt & p): Gatiyo (p)ngPathWay Ba eLord of cattle, name of an arhat.
of goingGateEntrance. Interpreted as chewing the cud; lord of cattle, etc.
1) A Sanskrit term for destiny. This term (with the feet and cud-chewing characteristic of
generally refers to the six possible types of an ox) A man who became a monk, born with a

mouth always ruminating like a cow because of Gayasiras (skt): Tng au SnElephant head
former oral sins; he had spilled some grains from mountain, name of two mountains in northern
an ear of corn he plucked in a former lifeNgu India, one near Gaya, the other said to be near the
Vng, ten cua mot v A La Han. Con goi la Ca river NairajnanaTen cua hai ngon nui hai ni
Pham Ba e, Cap Phong Bat e, Kieu Pham Bat thuoc vung bac An o, mot ni gan Bo e ao
e, Kieu Pham Ba e, hay Kp Phong Bat e, trang, ni kia gan song Ni Lien Thien.
dch la Ngu Thi hay Ngu Vng, la ten mot v Gaze (v): a mat nhn.
Ty Kheo co cai mieng c nhai ti nhai lui nh
Ge (jap): Gatha (skt)VerseKe.
trau nhai lai v toi cua i qua kh (theo Phap
Gedatsu (jap): Vimukti (skt)A Japanese
Hoa Huyen Ngha, tieng Phan Gavampati dch la
Buddhist term for Liberation or
Ngu Vng. Ngai do i qua kh co ngat mot
Emancipation.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban
nhanh lua nem xuong at, nen trong 500 i phai
co ngha la Giai thoat.
lam kiep trau e en bu, nay tuy mang than
ngi, nhng co hnh tng va tieng noi giong nh Gedatsushonin (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term
loai trau). for Great Liberation Monk.Thuat ng Phat
giao Nhat Ban co ngha la Giai thoat Thng
Gay: ong tnh luyen ai (gia hai ngi nam)
See Homosexuality.
Ge-e (jap): Antarvasa (skt)Under robeNgoai
Gaya (skt):
1) Gia Da: ElephantVoi (tng).
2) Gia Xa: A city of Magadha, Buddhagaya, Geloups-pas (tib): Yellow hat sectHoang
northwest of present Gaya, near which giaoSee Yellow sect of Lamaism and Tsong
Sakyamuni became Buddha. Gaya contains Khapa.
many places of religious and historical Gelukpa: Hoang Mao GiaoSee Yellow sect of
significance. One of the oldest and most Lamaism and Tsong Khapa.
sacred cities in India, second only to Varanasi Gem (n): Ratna or mani (skt)JewelPearl
along the Ganga RiverMot thanh pho trong Precious stonePreciousTreasureGem
thanh Ma Kiet a, tay bac cua Bo e ao PearlAnything valuableBaoBao chau.
Trang, gan ni ma c Thch Ca Mau Ni a Gem in the head-dress: nh ChauThe gem
thanh Phat. Thanh pho Gaya la ni co nhieu in the head-dress, or coiffure; the protubereance
thanh a lch s cua cac ton giao. ay la on the Buddha browTng cuc tht tron nh
mot trong nhng thanh pho co nhat An o, vien ngoc tren nh au cua c Phat.
ch thua thanh Varanasi ben b song Hang Gem-heap: Ratna-rasi (skt)Collection of
HaSee Bodh-Gaya. gemsAccumulated treasuresBao tch.
Gayakasyapa (skt): Gia Da Ca DiepA Gembo (jap): S Huyen Phng (Nhat Ban).
brother of Mahakasyapa, orginally a fire- Gem of doing as one pleases: Cintamani
worshipper, one of the eleven foremost disciples
(skt)Nyo-I-Ju (jap)Nh y chau.
of buddha, to become samantaprabhasa Buddha
Gem-heap: Ratna-rasi (skt)Accumulated
Yet Di Ca Diep, mot ngi em cua ai Ca Diep,
treasuresCollection of gemsBao tch.
trc kia theo ta giao, th than la, ve sau tr
thanh mot trong mi mot e t noi tieng cua Gem-Heap Buddha: Bao Tch PhatBuddha
Phat, thanh Phat ten la Samantaprabhsa. adorned with heaps of treasures, i.e. powers,
truthsV Phat tu tap cac phap bao trang nghiem
Gayasata (skt): Gia Da Xa aThe eighteenth
nh vo lau can lc.
Indian patriarch, who laboured among the
TokhariV To An o th mi tam, ngi a Gem of mind: Tam ChauThe mind stuff of all
lam viec nang nhoc trong nhom ngui Tokhari the living, being of the pure Buddha-nature, is
See Twenty eight Indian Patriarchs (18). likened to a translucent gemTam tnh chung
sanh von la Phat tnh thanh tnh, nen c v vi
ngoc minh chau.

Gemmyo (jap): Vua Nguyen Minh (Nhat Ban). General functions of evil: Akusala-
Gem-nature: Chung TnhSee Germ-natures. mahabhumika (skt)ai bat thien a phapSee
Gempeiseisuiki (jap): A famous work in Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
JapanTac pham noi tieng Nguyen Bnh Thanh General functions of good: Kusala-
Suy Ky (Nhat Ban). mahabhumika (skt)ai thien a phapSee
Gen (jap): Caksus (skt)EyesSeeingNhan. Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
Gendun Drup (1391-1474): One of the main General functions or universals:
disciples of Tsong Khapa, and later designated as Mahabhumika (skt)10 phapBien ai a
the first Dalai LamaMot trong nhng ai e t Phap (nhiem vu tong quat)See Seventy-five
cua Tong Khach Ba, va sau nay c ch nh dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
lam v at Lai Lat Ma au tien. General Indra: Nhn at La ai tngSee
Genealogy (n): Book of generationsGia pha. Twelve Yaksha generals.
General: Sadharana (skt)AltogetherWhole. General introduction: Nhap mon tong quat
(A) (a): ChungChung khap. (gii thieu tong quat).
(B) The four generals or guardians of the Law. General karma: Tong bao nghiepThe
Each has 500 followers and twenty-eight principal or integral direction of karma. General
companies of demons and spiritsBon ai karma determining the species, race, and country
tng ho phap bon phng. Moi ai tng into which one is born (The particular relating to
eu co 500 o e cai quan 28 bo quy than ones condition in that species, i.e. rich, poor,
See Four generals. well, ill, etc.)Qua bao chung quyet nh chung
General almsgiving of clothing and food loai va x s ma ngi ta sanh vao (chung sanh
luc can ep xau, menh tho dai ngan, giau, ngheo,
according to season: Tuy thi tuy luc bo th
benh, khoe, v.v. la biet bao).
(nong, lanh, gio bao)See Seven kinds of
offering (A). General Kumbhira: Cung t la ai tngSee
Twelve Yaksha generals.
General Amnesty: ai xa.
General Andira: An-e-La ai tngSee General law of causation: Hetupratyaya-hetu
(skt) Nhan Duyen hay luat tong quat ve nhan
Twelve Yaksha generals.
duyenSee Four Causations.
General assembly: General meetingai hoi.
General leading karmas: Dan nghiepKarma
General body of disciples: ai Chung boSee
that leads to the general rewards (the award as to
Two divisions, and Two divisions of Buddhism.
the species into which one is to be born, i.e.
General Catura: Chieu o La ai tngSee animals, men, gods, etc) Nghiep nhan dan en
Twelve Yaksha generals. qua bao tong quat (qua bao sanh ve coi suc sanh
General commandments for all disciples: hay nhan thien)See Two classes of karma (III).
Tong Tng GiiThe general commandments General Majira: At Ne La ai tngSee
for all disciples, i.e. the ten commandments, in Twelve Yaksha generals.
contrast with the specific or complete 250
General Makuram: Ma Ho La ai tngSee
commandments for monks, or 348 for nuns
Twelve Yaksha generals.
(monastic rules)Gii chung cho het thay moi e
General meaning: ai ySummary of a sutra
t Phat nh Thap Gii, oi lai vi gii rieng nh
or sastraai y cua kinh luan.
250 cho Ty Kheo va 348 cho Ty Kheo Ni.
General confession: Public confessionThu toi General meditation: Tan nhScattered
meditation in the world of desireThien nh
trc ai chung.
tong quat hay tan man cua Duc GiiSee Two
General discussion: Khai luan.
kinds of samadhi.
General functions of defilement: ai phien
General meeting: General assemblyai hoi.
nao a phapSee Seventy-five dharmas of the
Abhidharma Kosa.

General Mihira: Me-Suy-La ai tngSee General teaching: Summarized teachingLc

Twelve Yaksha generals. GiaoGeneral or summarized teaching during his
General offer to all spirits: Tong CungIn first 12 years after his enlightenmentNhng li
contrast with specific worshipCung dng hay day tong quat cua c Phat cho e t trong 12
th het thay cac v Than, oi lai vi viec th nam au sau khi Ngai thanh ao (trong 12 nam
phng mot v Than ac biet nao o. au hoang hoa, ve gii luat th c Phat ch noi
General Pajra: Ba Di La ai tngSee mot cach khai quat ve ch ac mac tac, chung
Twelve Yaksha generals. thien phung hanh, t tnh ky y, th ch Phat giao,
ch Ngai khong noi chi tiet ve gii luat; tuy
General precepts: Tong Tng GiiThe
nhien, v co qua nhieu ngi lam trai phap, nen
general commandments for all disciples, i.e. the
sau o Ngai noi ve Quang Giao, tc che ra gii
ten commandments, in contrast with the specific
luat ro rang va chi tiet)See Dual division of the
or complete 250 commandments for monks, or
Buddhas teaching (XIII), and Eight Tien-Tai
348 for nuns (monastic rules)Gii chung cho het
classifications of Sakyamunis teaching (B).
thay moi e t Phat nh Thap Gii, oi lai vi
gii rieng nh 250 cho Ty Kheo va 348 cho Ty General use of the public: Viec x dung cua
Kheo Ni. ai chung.
General principles in Mahayana Buddhism: General Vajra: Phat Chiet La ai TngSee
Nhng nguyen ly trong Phat giao ai tha Twelve Yaksha generals.
According to Prof. Junjiro Takakusu in The General Vikarala: Ty Yet La ai tngSee
Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, there are six Twelve Yaksha generals.
general principles, commonly especially to all General vow: Tong nguyenUniversal vows
schools of MahayanaTheo Giao S Junjiro common to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, e.g. the
Takakusu trong Cng Yeu Triet Hoc Phat Giao, four magnanimous vows, and the ten great vows
co sau nguyen ly tong quat cho cac tong phai of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva; in contrast with
Phat Giao ai ThaSee Six general principles. specific vows, e.g. forty-eight of AmitabhaThe
General Relativity Theory: Thuyet Tng oi nguyen chung cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat nh T
Chung. Hoang The Nguyen va Thap Nguyen Pho Hien
General retribution: Tong bao. Bo Tat, oi lai vi the nguyen rieng nh 48
nguyen cua c Phat A Di aSee Four
General Shandira: San-e-La ai tngSee
universal vows of a Buddha or Bodhisattva, Ten
Twelve Yaksha generals.
vows of a Bodhisattva, Ten vows of respects of
General Sindura: Chn at La ai tngSee
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and forty-eight vows
Twelve Yaksha generals.
of Amitabha.
General stage of fruition: Dan QuaThe
Generality (n): Tnh ai cngTnh tong
general stage of fruition, such as reward or
quatTnh pho bien.
punishment in the genus, as contrasted with the
Generalization (n): S pho bien hoaKhai quat
differentiated species or stages, such as for each
hoaKhai luan hoa.
organ or variety of conditionGiai oan qua bao
thng phat tong bao, ngc lai vi biet bao. Generalize: Khai quatTom lc.
General Supervisor of the royal court: Generate (v): Phat sinh.
Quang ThongA Vinaya-monk named Hui- Generate a good heart: Phat sinh thien tam.
Kuang, the sixth century, who resigned the high Generate great energy: Khi ai tinh tan, viec
office of the general supervisor and left home to lam rot raoEnlightening Beings generate great
become a monkLuat s Tue Quang vao the ky energy, finishing their tasksSee Ten kinds of
th sau, ngi a t chc quan Thong cua trieu path of Great Enlightening Beings (5).
nh e xuat gia. Generate knowledge: Phat sinh tr hue
General Sutra: Tap A HamSee Agama. According to the Flower Adornment Sutra,

Chapter 38, there are ten ways of generating relation between formal meditation practice
knowledge of Great Enlightening Beings. (Zazen) and awakening. The technique advocated
Enlightening Beings who abide by these can by Dogen involves allowing phenomena to
comprehend all thingsTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, manifest themselves without becoming involved
Pham 38, co mi phap phat sinh tr hue. Ch Bo evaluation or categorizationT ng Nhat Ban
Tat an tru trong phap nay thi ni tat ca cac phap dung e ch S hien dien nh th cua s vat,
eu hieu thau tat caSee Ten ways of mot tac pham cua Thien S ao Nguyen, mot
generating knowledge of Great Enlightening phan cua tac pham v ai cua ong Shobo-Genzo
Beings. tap trung ve s lien he gia thien tap va giac ngo.
Generate (v) power: Phat ien. Ky thuat c ngai ao Nguyen bien ho cho
Generate spiritual capacities and insights: phep van hu t chung hien hien ma khong co
Co the phat khi than thong va minh manSee lien he g en s nh gia hay phan loai.
Ten kinds of actions of knowledge (10). Genjo-Sanzo (jap): Hsuan-Tsang (600-664)
Generation (n): A life timeThe he. Huyen TrangSee Hsuan-Tsang.
Generations after generations: Kiep kiep. Genju (jap): Hien Thu ai S (Nhat Ban)The
third patriarch Fa-Tsang, of the Hua-Yen sect,
Generationism (n): Thuyet sinh thcSinh san
which is also known by his title Hsien-Shou-
luanChu trng con ngi ch n thuan la s
TsungTo Hien Thu hieu Phap Tang, v to th
san sinh cua cha me.
ba cua tong Hoa Nghiem. Dui thi ngai ngi ta
Generosity (n): Dana (skt & p)Bo thLong
goi tong Hoa Nghiem la Hien Thu Tong.
quang ai rong raiQuang LngGenerosity
Genju-Daishi (jap): Hien Thu ai S (Nhat
performed with a pure mind which is freed from
Ban)See Genju.
greed, hatred, and delusion can produce good
results in the human world and the world of Genkaku-Cho (jap): Zen master Hsuan-Chiao-
celestial beings. A person of generosity can be ChengThien s Huyen Giac Trng.
reborn in the realm of the devas and stay there for Genkaku-Yoka (jap): Zen master Hsuan-Chiao-
so long; however, the benefit of mundane result is Yung-ChiaHuyen Giac Vnh Gia Thien S
still within the cycle of birth and deathLong See Hsuan-Chiao Zen Master.
quang ai bo th vi tam thanh tnh, khong vng Gennin (jap): One of the famous monks in
ban tham, san, si, co the c ket qua tot, tai sanh Japanese BuddhismS Nguyen Nhan (818-887),
tr lai lam ngi hay sanh len coi tri va song mot trong nhng nha s noi tieng cua Phat giao
o that lau; tuy nhien, li ch cua phc c tran Nhat Ban.
the (nhan thien) van con trong vong luan hoi sanh Gensaku (jap): Zen master Hsuan-TseThien
tSee Ten meritorious deeds (III). s Huyen Sach.
Generosity helps giving up selfishness: Gensei (jap): A Japanse monk in the Tendai
Quang ai bo th giup ta t bo s ch ky. SectS Nguyen Chnh (Tong Thien Thai Nhat
Generous (a): Nhan aiRong lngKind- Ban).
hearted. Gensha-Shibi (jap): Hsuansha-ShipeiHuyen
Genetic (a): Thuoc ve sinh san. SaSee Hsuan-Sha.
Genji (jap): Dong ho nguyen Th (Nhat Ban). Genshin (942-1017): S Nguyen TnhThe first
Genjimonogatari (jap): A famous work in Japanese advocate of the Pure Land (Jodo-Shu)
JapanTac pham noi tieng Nguyen Th Vat Ng tradition, which emphasizes practices designed to
(Nhat Ban). lead to rebirth in Sukhavati, the paradise of
Genjo-koan (jap): A Japanese term for Amitabha Buddha, rather than buddhahood.
Presence of Things as They Are, a work by Unlike later figures of the tradition, he taught that
Dogen Zenji (1200-1253), a portion of his mere recitation of Amitabhas name is not
monumental Shobo-Genzo which focuses on the sufficient and that this practice must be
accompanied by a sincere attitude and

concentrated meditation. His most influential (I) The meaning of Germ natureNgha cua
work was the Compendium of the Essentials of chung tnh: Seed nature, germ nature;
Rebirth (Ojoyoshu). derivative or inherited natureChung la hat
Genso (jap): Vua Huyen Tong (Nhat Ban). giong, co ngha la phat sinh nay n. Tnh la
Gensoku (jap): S Huyen Tac (Nhat Ban). tnh chat khong thay oi.
(II) Categories of germ naturePhan loai chung
Gentile (a): Thuoc ve dan ngoai (ngi Ky To
muon am ch dan khong phai la Ky To giao).
1) Two kinds of germ nature: Nh Chung Tnh
Gentle (a): Em duNhe nhangNhu nhuyen.
See Two kinds of seed-nature.
Gentle or harsh: Nhu nhuyen hay tho bao 2) Five kinds of germ nature: There are five
Gentle or harsh. This is one of the five courses of germ-natures or roots of bodhisatva
speech that others may use when they address developmentNgu Chung TnhCo nam
youay la mot trong nam loai ngon ng ma loai chung tnhSee Five germ-natures of
cac ngi co the dung khi noi vi cac ngi bodhisattva development.
khacSee Five courses of speech. 3) Six kinds of germ nature: Luc Chung Tnh
Gentle and peaceful nature (disposition): See Six germ-natures or roots of Bodhisattva
Tanh nhu hoa hien hau. development.
Gentle and persuasive words: Nhu Nhuyen Germ-nature of ability to discriminate all
NgLi noi mem deo du dang, hp vi tnh the natures of phenomena: Tanh Chung
ngi. TanhThe germ-nature of ability to discriminate
Gentle words: Nhuyen NgSoft or gentle all the natures of phenomena and transform the
words adapted to the feeling of menLi noi nhe living (Thap hanh)Ngoi v thap hanh, co kha
nhang em ai phu hp vi tnh ngi (theo kinh nang phan biet ban tanh cua van phapSee Five
Niet Ban, ch Phat thng noi li nhuyen ng; v germ-natures of Bodhisattva development, and
chung sanh nen co khi phai noi li tho ng. Tho Five natures (III).
ng va nhuyen ng eu quy ve e nhat ngha). Germ-nature of study of the void: Tap Chung
Gentleness (n): Lch thiepNhu HoaSee TanhThe germ-nature of study of the void or
Peace and tolerance. immaterial, which corrects all illusions of time
Genuine: ActualGenuineRealTrue and space (Thap tru)Ngoi v thap tru, tu tap
AuthenticOrthodoxGenuineChan chanh khong quan, pha bo nhng hoac kienSee Five
Chnh thong (chan truyen, ch thc). germ-natures of Bodhisattva development, and
Genuine and false: Correct and false Five natures (III).
Orthodox and hereticChanh ta. Germinate (v): Nay mam.
Genuine religious: Chan tu. Gesar of Ling: A mythical Tibetan king whose
Genuine and sincere Buddhist: Phat t thuan epic saga is one of the best-known literatures in
thanh. Tibet. There are different Gesar legends in
Genuine tradition: Handed down from different parts of the Tibetan cultural area, but
authentic sourceChanh truyen. most share the notion that Gesar was an
Genuinely religious man: Holy manChan tu. incarnaiton of Avalokitesvara who ruled the
kingodm of gLing and battled against the enemies
Genuflect (v): To bowLay quy.
of Buddhism, particularly proponents of Bon.
Geommancy (n): Thuat boi toan bang hnh (da
Geshe (tib): Tien S Phat HocGeshe is
theo cac ng cua hnh hoc e boi toan).
conferred on one who has undergone and
Germ: Bija (p & skt)Chung t (hat giong trong completed an extensive philosophical training. It
tam thc)SeedSemen. is like a Tibetan Ph.D. in Buddhist studies
Germ-natures: Seed natureDerivative Geshe la danh hieu dung e ban cho mot v a
natureInherited natureChung Tanh. trai qua va hoan tat khoa huan luyen dai han ve

triet hoc Phat Giao. Danh hieu Geshe giong nh concentration or just keep one method such as
mot v at c hoc v Tien S Phat Hoc cua Tay reciting the name of Amitabha BuddhaMot
Tang. trong nhng phng cach tot nht e loai tr vong
Geshin (jap): S Nguyen Tn (Nhat Ban). niem la hoac ngoi thien, hoac gi mot phng
Gesture of the setting in motion of the phap nao o chang han nh niem hong danh Phat
A Di a.
Wheel of Doctrine: Dharmacakra-mudra (skt)
Chuyen Phap Luan an. Get (v) rid of demons by Great Enlightening
Get (v): Prap or Prapta (skt)To attainTo Beings: Loai bo ma chng cua ch ai Bo
obtainac. TatAccording to the Flower Adornment Sutra,
Chapter 38, there are ten ways of getting rid of
Get (v) angry: Become madNong gian.
demons actions of Great Enlightening Beings.
Get the best profit from something: Tao c
Enlightening Beings who abide by these can
nhieu li lac nhat t mot ieu g.
escape all demonic waysTheo Kinh Hoa
Get to the bottom of a matter: Tm hieu t Nghiem, Pham 38, co mi ieu ri bo ma nghiep
ngon en goc (Tam can cu e)To make a cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong
thorough investigation. mi phap nay thi co the ra khoi tat ca ma
Get into debt: Mang n. aoSee Ten ways of getting rid of demons
Get (v) free: Giai ThoatSee Deliverance. actions of Great Enlightening Beings.
Get lost: Lose ones wayi lac. Get (v) rid of desires: ieu phuc cac duc
Get (v) married: Lap gia nhTo marry. vongA monk should be keenly anxious to get
Get the most of something: X dung ieu g rid of desires, and wants to persist in thisV Ty
mot cach li lac nhat. Kheo nen tha thiet ieu phuc cac duc vong va
Get (v) old: Gia. khat vong ieu phuc cac duc vong trong tng
laiSee Seven grounds for commendations.
Get (v) rid of: Diet tr.
1) Pativinodeti (p)Pariksina (skt)Loai bo
Get rid of doubt: oan tr nghi hoacSee Ten
Ariyan dispositions (1).
Tay tr.
2) Uccehda (skt)To cause to cease Cut Get (v) rid of ease and pain: Get rid of
offTo endTo get rid ofoan tr happiness and unhappinessLoai bo ca lac lan
3) After perceiving the true picture of life, the kho.
Buddha said to himself: I must get rid of the Get (v) rid of evil: To cut off wickednessoan
oppression of disease, old age and death. ac.
Sau khi nhan chan ra bo mat that cua i Get (v) rid of false views: Xa la ta kienSee
song, c Phat t nhu: Ta phai thoat ly s Ten kinds of actions of knowledge (7).
ap che cua benh hoan, gia nua va chet choc. Get rid of five factors: oan tr nam chiSee
Get rid of calamity: tr tai ng. Ten Ariyan dispositions (1).
Get (v) rid of completely: Tr tan. Get (v) rid of garbage: Phan TrPhan tr la
Get rid of covetousness: Hanh ri tham, san, si mot t ma Phat dung trong Kinh Phap Hoa, ngha
va s hai, v biet ieu phuc t tamGetting rid of la dep bo phien naoA term the Buddha used in
covetousness, anger, delusion, and fear, by taming the Lotus Sutra.
their own minds, one of the ten kinds of action of Get (v) rid of haughtiness toward all
Great Enlightening Beings. Enlightening Beings sentient beings: oi vi tat ca chung sanh xa la
who abide by these can achieve the action of nga manSee Ten kinds of actions of knowledge
Buddhas that has no coming or goingSee Ten (5).
kinds of practice of great enlightening beings (II). Get rid of ill-will: oan tr san hanSee Ten
Get (v) rid of deluded thoughts: Loai bo vong Ariyan dispositions (1).
niemOne of the best methods to get rid of
deluded thoughts is either meditation to obtain

Get (v) rid of misfortune: Put an end to Ghanavyuha sutra (skt): Hau Nghiem Kinh.
calamityTieu tai. Ghanta (skt): Small bellKien chuy (chuong
Get rid of sensuality: oan tr tham ducSee nho).
Ten Ariyan dispositions (1). Ghazna (skt): HosnaHac Tat NaAccording
Get rid of sloth and torpor: oan tr hon tram to Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
thuy mienSee Ten Ariyan dispositions (1). Buddhist Terms, Ghazna is the capital of
Get (v) rid of something: Get free or be free of Tsaukuta, the present Ghuznee, or Ghazni in
somethingLoai bo ieu g. AfghanistanTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat
Get rid of worry and flurry: oan tr trao Hoc T ien cua Giao S Soothill, Hac Tat Na la
hoiSee Ten Ariyan dispositions (1). thu phu cua Tsaukuta, bay gi la Ghuznee, thuoc
A Phu Han.
Get (v) rid of wrong awareness: Xa la ta
niemSee Ten kinds of actions of knowledge (4). Ghosa (skt): Dieu Am Bo TatAccording to
Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
Get to see Buddhas, fulfill pure ways:
Buddhist Terms, an arhat, famous for exegesis,
Thng c thay Phat u nhng phap lanhSee
who restored the eyesight of Dharmavivardhana
Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all
by washing his eyes with the tears of people who
times of the Buddhas (B) (10).
were moved by his eloquenceV A La Han, noi
Get tired of practicing the acts of
tieng v kha nang bien biet giai thch. Theo Eitel
enlightening beings: Nham tu hanh Bo Tat trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, chnh Ghosa
One of the ten things that Bodhisattvas should a phuc hoi th giac cho Dharmavivardhana bang
avoidSee Ten things that cause enlightening cach ra mat vi nc mat cua nhng ngi a
beings to regress from the Buddha teachings. tng cam ong v tai hung bien cua Ngai.
Get (v) well again: Bnh phucTo recoverTo Ghoshanugakshanti (skt): Am Hng Nhan
recuperate. Kshanti in soundsSound and echo perseverance,
Get (v) what one desires: Toai nguyen. the patience which realizes that all is as unreal as
Not to get what one desires: Bat toai nguyen. sound and echoNhan vao nhng am thanh tieng
Get worldly entertainments: Enjoy worldly vong v nhan thc rang chung khong thc.
pleasuresHave worldly amusementsHng Ghosira (skt): Cu S La.
thu duc lac tran the. 1) Name of a bird that has an excellent voice:
Geya (skt): Ky Da. Hao Thanh ieu: Ten mot loai chim co giong
1) The twelve sutras: Mi hai bo kinh ai hot rat hay.
ThaSee Twelve sutras. 2) A wealthy householder of Kausambi, who
2) Hymns, songs, verses, stanzas, the metrical gave Sakyamuni the Ghosiravana park and
part of a sutra: TungGia ThaKe aKe vihara: Ten cua mot v trng gia tai
ThaTung kinhTo recite (chant) prayers Kausambi, ngi a dang hien Cu S La vien
To murmur, recite, intone, memorize by va tnh xa cho c Phat.
repeating in a murmur. Ghost (n): Ma quyThere are nine classes of
Ghana (skt): Kien NamThe fourth in the five ghostsCo chn loai quySee Mara and Nine
periods of a foetus, a foetus of forty-seven days classes of ghosts.
Thi ky th t trong nam thi ky cua bao thai, tc Ghosts of which bodies are full of tumours:
la 47 ngay sau khi tho thai (thi ky kien hau) Anh QuyQuy than the ay mun nhotSee
See Eight stages of the human foetus. Nine classes of ghosts (I).
Ghanavinnanam (p): Nose-consciousness Ghosts that eat human leavings: Hy Th
accompanied by equanimityTy thc, ong phat QuyDemons that live on the remains of
sanh cung tho xaSee Olfactory consciousness. sacrifices, or any leavings in generalLoai quy
thng an o tha thai cua ngi khac, hoac o

cung hay bat c th g con thaSee Nine 1) Nose: Organ of smellTy (lo mui)See
classes of ghosts (I). Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma
Ghost genii: Quy tienPretas or malevolent Kosa.
rsis. 2) Scent: Gia La NiKiet La NaMui
Ghost-haunted: B Ma AmTo be deluded hngSmell.
Cultivators who have a deluded mind (delusive Ghrana-gandha (skt): The nose can smell
thoughts), which steers him to toward doing things fragrancePlace of nose and smellTy Hng
contrary to the way; its considered over with the XSee Twelve entrances (II).
wholesome path for this entire lifetimeTu hanh Ghrana-vijnana (skt): SmellingScent
ma b ma am, xui duc lam ieu xang bay, trai vi consciousnessTy thcSee Eight
ao c, th ke nh tan mot i. consciousnesses (I) (A).
Ghosts that haunt sacrifices to the dead: Hy Ghranendriya (skt): NoseTy canSee
T QuyLoai quy thng lan khuat trong en Twenty two roots.
mieu, hy vong c an uongSee Nine classes Ghrta (skt): To Dau.
of ghosts (I). 1) Ghee, or clarified butter: Mot loai b trong.
Ghost King Animal Eater: Quy Vng am 2) Scented oil extracted from the sumana plant:
(Da) ThuThe one who eats tigers and other Mot loai dau thm lay t cay to ma.
large beasts. Ghur (skt): Ghori (skt)Hoat Quoco Hoa
Ghost King who Brings Disasters: Quy LaAccording The Great Tang Chronicles of the
Vng Tan-ng. Western World, Ghori is an ancient kingdom in
Ghost King Evil Poison: Quy Vng Ac oc. Turkestan, north west of ChinaTheo Tay Vc
Ghost King Thousand Eyes: Quy Vng Ky, Hoat Quoc la ten mot vng quoc co vung
Thien Nhan. Tan Cng.
Ghost rules and observance: Luat cua loai Giac Hai Temple: Chua Giac HaiName of a
quy. famous ancient pagoda, located in the Sixth
district, Saigon City, South Vietnam. The pagoda
Ghost spirits: Ghost genieQuy tien.
was built in 1887 by Ms. Tran Th Lieu. Most
Ghosts and spirits: Quy Than.
Venerable Hoang An named it Giac Hai and
1) Ghosts and spirits, a general term which
appointed Most Venerable T Phong Head of the
includes the spirits of the dead, together with
pagoda. In 1929, Most Venerable T Phong had it
demons, and the eight classes of spirits, such
rebuilt as it is seen today. On the upper part of its
as devas, nagas, etc.: Quy va than, t dung e
faade, there is a bas-relief on which were carved
goi chung nhng ngi chet, cung vi quy, va
eight lines of Chinese characters describing
bat bo Than nh Thien, Long, van van. **See
Sakyamuni Buddhas biographyTen cua mot
Eight groups of demon followers.
ngoi chua co noi tieng, toa lac trong quan 6, thanh
pho Sai Gon, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c ba Tran
a) Preta is interpreted as Causing fear: Quy
Th Lieu xay nam 1887. Hoa Thng Hoang An
dien dch cai gay nen s ghe s.
at ten Giac Hai va c Hoa Thng T Phong ve
b) Spirits are interpreted as Potent and
tru tr. Nam 1929, Hoa Thng T Phong trung tu
powerful: Than dien dch s uy nghi manh
chua lai nh ngay nay. Mat trc chua co bao lam
ap noi va khac tam hang ch Han noi ve tieu s
Ghosts and spirits eating time: Quy Than c Phat.
Thc ThiThe time when the spirits and ghosts
Giac Hai Zen Master: Giac Hai Thien SA
feed, i.e. at nightGi an cua quy than, thng
Vietnamese Zen master from North Vietnam. He
ve ban em hay chang vang toi.
left home at the age of 25. First, he and Khong Lo
Ghrana (skt): became disciples of Zen master Ha Trach at Dien
Phc Temple. He was the Dharma heir of the

tenth generation of the Wu-Yun-Tung Zen Sect. lam, ban ghe, bai v, thap mo, van van eu c
Later, he continued to teach Zen of the Khong Lo cham khac that tinh xao.
Zen Sect, which was founded by Zen master Giac Nhien (1923 - ): Hoa Thng Thch Giac
Khong Lo. King Ly Than Tong invited him to the NhienOne of the most famous monks of
Royal Palace so many times, but he refused to Vietnamese Buddhism, a Tripitaka teacher of
goZen master Giac HaiThien s Viet Nam, que dharma. He was born in Cantho, South Vietnam in
tai Bac Viet. Ngai xuat gia nam 25 tuoi, cung vi 1923, left home and became a novice at the age of
Khong Lo tr thanh e t cua Thien s Ha Trach 8. In 1944 he met and became of of the most
tai chua Dien Phc. Ngai la phap t i th 10 imminent disciples of Most Venerable Master
dong Thien Vo Ngon Thong. Ve sau, ngai cung Minh Dang Quang (Founder of the Vietnamese
tiep tuc day thien va ke tha dong Thien Khong Mendicant Order). In 1954, after the secret
Lo, do Thien s Khong Lo sang lap. Vua Ly Than absence of Master Minh Dang Quang, he headed
Tong nhieu lan thnh ngai vao cung, nhng ngai the Fourth Mendicant Missionary, one of the six
eu t choi. main missionaries of Vietnamese Mendicant
Giac Lam Temple: Chua Giac LamName of Order to travel all over the South and central
an ancient temple, located in Tan Bnh district, Vietnam to expand the doctrines of the school. He
Saigon City, South Vietnam. In the spring of 1744, came to the United States of America in 1978,
under the reign of Lord Nguyen Phuc Khoat, a there he founded the International Sangha
Chinese man whose name was Li Juei Lung from Bhikshu Buddhist Order in the same year
Minh Hng village, raised the devotees money (ISBBA). After the passing away of the second
to build the temple on Cam Sn Hill. In 1804, it patriarch Giac Chanh in 2004, he became the
was rebuilt by Most Venerable Vien Quang. In Third Patriarch of the Vietnamese Mendicant
1909, Most Venerable Hong Hng and Nh Phong Buddhist Order. During more than seven decades
had it reconstructed as it is seen today. Giac Lam of propagation of the Buddha-dharma, he
Temple wa designed in the form of the word admitted more than a million of followers, and he
San, consisting of the Main Hall, the Lecture also built hundreds of monasteries from all over
Hall (auditorium), and the dining room. On both Vietnam and all over the world. To this day, at the
sides of the Main Hall stand two sets od statues of age of 86, he is still traveling all over the world
the Eighteen Arahats (one set is of big size and (all over the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, France,
the other of small size). In the temple, there are England, Belgium, Russia, Vietnam, etc.) to
113 wooden statues in all, most of which are made preach the dharmaMot trong nhng cao tang
of jacktree wood. The are gilded and painted in noi tieng cua Phat giao Viet Nam, mot bac Tam
red. The statues, carving frames, tables, chairs, Tang Phap S. Ngai sanh nam 1923 tai Can Th,
tomb stupas, etc. all are painstakingly carved Nam Viet Nam, xuat gia lam chu tieu t nam 8
Ten cua mot ngoi chua co, toa lac trong quan Tan tuoi. Nam 1944, ngai gap va lam e t Ton S
Bnh, thanh pho Sai Gon, Nam Viet Nam. Chua Minh ang Quang (v sang lap ra Giao Hoi Tang
xa tren go Cam Sn, do Ly Thuy Long, ngi xa Gia Khat S Viet Nam). Nam 1954, sau khi Ton
Minh Hng, a quyen tien cua an na tn th e S Minh ang Quang vang bong mot cach b mat
dng len vao mua xuan nam 1744, vao i Chua th ngai lam trng Giao oan 4, mot trong sau
Nguyen Phuc Khoat. Nam 1804, Hoa Thng giao oan cua he phai Khat S Viet Nam, chu du
Vien Quang a xay lai ngoi chua. Nam 1909, hai khap t Nam ra Trung hoang tr giao phap Khat
v Hoa Thng Hong Hng va Nh Phong a cho S. Ngai sang My nam 1978 va nh c tai
trung tu lai nh kien truc hien nay. Chua c California, cung nam o ngai sang lap ra Giao
xay theo hnh ch Tam gom chanh ien, giang Hoi Phat Giao Tang Gia Khat S The Gii tai
ng, phong an. Hai ben chanh ien la hai bo California, My Quoc. Sau khi nh to Giac Chanh
thap bat La Han, mot c ln va mot c nho. Chua vien tch nam 2004, ngai tr thanh tam to cua he
co ca thay 113 pho tng bang go mt, sn son phai Tang Gia Khat S. Trong suot hn bay thap
thep vang. Tat ca nhng pho tng, cac bo bao nien hanh ao, ngai a thu nap hang trieu tn o

va xay hang tram ngoi tnh xa t trong Viet Nam Vietnam. Preserved in the temple is also a
ra en hai ngoai. Ngay nay tuoi 86 the ma ngai palankeen which the Nguyen Dynasty presented
van con chu du khap ni tren the gii thuyet giao to Monk Hai Tinh, and a six-branch spring-
t khap ni tren nc My, en Canada, Uc, Phap, flowered tree, which was said to be offered by
Anh, B, Nga, van vanSee Minh ang Quang, Mac Cuu, Governor of Ha Tien under the Nguyen
and Vietnamese Sangha Bhikshu Buddhist Sect. DynastyTen cua mot ngoi chua co toa lac trong
Giac Thien Temple: Giac ThienName of a khu vc am Sen, quan 11, thanh pho Sai Gon,
temple in Vinh Long Town, Vinh Long province, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c Hoa Thng Hng
South Vietnam. The temple was built in 1906 and ang xay vao nam 1805 vi ten la Quan Am
has been rebuilt many timesTen cua mot ngoi Vien. en nam 1850, chua c To Hai Tnh oi
chua trong th xa tnh Vnh Long, Nam Viet Nam. lai la Giac Vien T. Nam 1899, chua c Hoa
Chua c kien lap nam 1906 va a c trung tu Thng Hoang An trung tu, nam 1910 Hoa
nhieu lan. Thng Nh Phong lai trung tu lan na. Chua co
Giac Vien Temple: Chua Giac VienName of 153 pho tng va 57 bao lam co gia tr ve mat
a pagoda, located at am Sen area, Eleventh nghe thuat cham tro Gia nh au the ky 20.
District, Saigon City, South Vietnam. Formerly, it Trong Chanh ien, co bo en Dc S cao 3
was called Quan Am Garden established by Chan thc, co 49 v Phat ci long phung. Chan en
Master Hng ang in 1805. Up to 1850 it was bang go cham khac hnh ba con s t. Trong
renamed Giac Vien Pagoda by Patriarch Hai Chanh ien cung co bo l ong cao 41 phan, hai
Tnh. It was rebuilt many times, in 1899 by Most ben la hai au rong. Tac pham cham tro hnh
Veneable Hoang An, in 1910 by Most Venerable Bach ieu, cao 3,3 met, a tr thanh mau mc
Nh Phong. The pagoda has conserved 153 cham tro tren go cua thanh Gia nh vao au the
statues and 57 carved drafts which are highly ky 20. Cac nha ieu khac a kheo sap xep 94 con
evaluated in wood sculptural art of Saigon City in chim, t chim tren tri, en chim song rach, u
the early years of the twentieth century. In the c, phac hoa theo u moi t the dang net, phong
Main Hall stands the Dc S Lantern, 3 meters cach, tnh tnh, phan anh cuoc song cua loai chim
high. It describes 49 Buddhas riding dragons and t canh an ngu, tranh moi, ua gin, suy ngh, van
phoenixes. The base of the latern is carved in the van. Ben me ong Lang, co nhng bao lam c
three-wooden lion shape. In the shrine, there is a tao theo cac e tai co ien nh Manh Lng Bat
41-centimeter high bronze incense burner placed Nga, Ng Ong ac Li, La Vong Ngoi Cau,
between two dragon heads. The masterpiece Ng Tieu Canh oc, To Vu Chan De, van van,
Bach ieu, placed in the Main Hall, 3.3 meters, ket hp vi hoa trai bon mua cua mien Nam.
has become a typical pattern of wood-carved art Hien chua con lu gi chiec kieu do trieu Nguyen
in Gia nh Citadel in the early twentieth century. ban tang cho s Hai Tnh, va mot cay mai sau
The craftsmen skillfully arranged ninety-four nhanh do Tong Tran Ha Tien la Mac Cu cung
birds together, big and small, on the sky or on the dng.
bank of a river. The birds were described in all Giai Oan Temple: Chua Giai OanName of a
positions, postures, characters, activities reflecting temple, located on Mount Yen T. Mount yen T
vivid, various life of bird species as they are also called Bach Van Sn, over 3,000 feet high,
eating, sleeping, fighting for food, frolicking, about 7 miles north-west of Uong B town, Quang
thinking, etc. In the East Compartment of the Ninh province, North Vietnam. In the area of
pagoda, there are carved draftsdescribing the Mount Yen T, there are many temples such as
ancient topics of literature and history of Meng Cam Thc, Lau ong, Hoa Yen, and Giai Oan.
Liangs Catching Horses, Fishermans Getting There was a legend related to Giai Oan Temple
Fish, Lu-Wangs Angling, the set of Fisherman, which stands by Giai Oan Spring, whose old name
Woodcutter, Farmer, and Reader, Su-Wus was Ho Khe. As King Tran Nhan Tong entered
Raising Goats, etc. These drafts were carved in the mountain, many royal ladies followed him.
accordance with four-season fruits in South The King asked them to come back. Instead, they

threw themselves into the spring in order to show Gifted And Brillant Buddha: Phat Tai Quang
their loyalty. Most of them were rescued from Minh.
death, and later settled outside the temple. The Gigimmikkyo (skt): Giai tham mat kinh.
rest died from drowning, were celebrated a mass
Gikai (jap): S Ngha GiiThe third patriarch
for peace of their souls at Giai Oan Temple by the
of the Soto Sect in JapanTam to tong Tao ong
springTen cua mot ngoi chua tren nui Yen T.
Nui Yen T con goi la Bach Van Sn, cao tren
Giki (jap): RitesRitualsNghi quy (nghi le).
3.000 bo Anh, chng 7 dam ve pha tay bac th xa
Uong B, tnh Quang Ninh, Bac Viet Nam. Tren Giku Zen Master: A special Zen instructor of
nui Yen T co nhieu chua nh chua Cam Thc, the Southern School, a pupil of Chi-An, came to
chua Lau ong, chua Hoa Yen, va chua Giai Kyoto and taught Zen from 851 to 858 A.D. in
Oan. Co mot giai thoai ve chua Giai Oan nam Danrinji Temple built by the Empress Danrin. He
ben can con suoi trc kia co ten la Ho Khe. Khi was successful in his teachingMot v Thien s
vua Tran Nhan Tong vao nui Yen T, nhieu cung Nam tong, la e t cua Diem Quan Te An
n cung i theo ngai, nha vua keu ho quay ve. e (Enkwan Saian) en Kyoto va giang Thien t
to long trung trinh, cac cung n a gieo mnh nam 851 en 858 tai chua an Lam T (Danrinji)
xuong dong suoi. a so c cu song va dng do hoang hau cua Ta Nga Thien Hoang (Danrin)
nha ben pha ngoai chua, con so b chet chm vua lap nen. Ong thanh cong my man trong cong cuoc
cho lap an cau sieu, nen t o chua c dng truyen ba giao phap cua ong.
ben canh b suoi cung mang ten la chua Giai Gimhana (p): Mua nong.
Oan. Ginkakuji (jap): Chua Ngan Cac (Nhat Ban).
Gifts (n): Le vatQua tangTang pham. Gioi Khong Zen Master: Gii Khong Thien
1) Dana (skt)AlmsgivingGiving SA Vietnamese zen master from Man au,
BestowingBo thSee Dana. North Vietnam. When he was very young, he was
2) One of four sources of affection for a bhiksu so much interested in the Buddha Dharma. He left
or bhiksuniQua cap, mot trong bon th lam home to become a monk and received complete
khi day ai duc cho ch Tang NiSee Four precepts with zen master Quang Phc at Nguyen
sources of affection for a bhiksu or bhiksuni. Hoa Temple on Mount Chan Ma. He was the
Gift of the faithful: Almsgiving because of dharma heir of the fifteenth generation of the
faithTn ThTo give alms because of faith, or Vinitaruci Zen Sect. Later, he moved to Mount
the gifts of the faithful from the laypeopleBo Lch Sn to build a small temple to practise
th do ni niem tin (tin ni hanh tr luc o Ba La meditation for five or six years. Then he left the
Mat ma bo th), hay o vat bo th cua ngi thien mountain to become a wandering monk to expand
tn (o vat bo th cua ngi thien tn, nhng vat Buddhism along the countryside. He stopped by
cung dng cua ngi tai gia cho ngi xuat gia). Thanh Chuc Cave and stayed there to practise
Gift of fearlessness: Abhaya-dana (skt) ascetics for six years. He refused so many
Bestowing of confidenceCharity of summons from King Ly Than Tong. Later, he
fearlessnessSee Charity of fearlessness and unwillingly obeyed the kings last summon to go
Three forms of giving. to the capital and stayed at Gia Lam Temple to
preach the Buddha Dharma. When he was old, he
Gifts of gardens and groves to monasteries:
returned to his home village and stayed at a
Trong cay va lam vn cho tnh xaBo th vn
temple in Thap Bat village. He spent most of his
tcSee Seven grounds for a happy karma
life to expand Buddhism and rebuild more than 95
through benevolence to the needy.
templesThien s Viet Nam, que Man au,
Gift-offering group: Ban cung dng le vat.
Bac Viet. Khi hay con nho ngai rat thch Phat
Gift of tongue: Mon qua ve ngon ng. phap. Khi xuat gia, ngai en chua Nguyen Hoa
Gifted And Bright Buddha: Phat Tai Quang. tren nui Chan Ma la e t cua Thien s Quang
Phc. Ngai la phap t i th 15 cua dong Thien

Ty Ni a Lu Chi. Sau o, ngai di ve nui Lch Give but doubt whether there will be
Sn cat am tu thien trong nam hay sau nam mi retributions or not: Bo th ma nghi ng la co
xuong nui lam du Tang i hoang hoa Phat phap. qua bao hay khong co qua baoSee Thirty types
Vua Ly Than Tong nhieu lan gi chieu ch trieu of impure giving.
hoi ngai ve kinh, nhng ngai eu t choi. Ve sau,
Give but only after insulting someone until
bat ac d ngai phai vang menh ve tru tai chua
gaining contentment: Trc mang chi cho ha
Gia Lam e giang phap. Ve gia, ngai tr ve co
he roi sau o mi chu bo thSee Thirty types of
hngva tru tai chua lang Thap Bat. Hau het cuoc
impure giving.
i ngai, ngai hoang hoa va trung tu tren 95 ngoi
chua. Give but thereafter begin having regrets,
Girl: GirlFemaleMaidWomanNgi n. resentments, and angers: Bo th roi ma trong
long bc boi, ghet tc va hoi tiecSee Thirty
Gishin (jap): A Japanese Zen masterS Ngha
types of impure giving.
Chan (781-883), mot nha s Nhat Ban.
Give a Dharma talk: Hold a lecture on the
Gitamitra (skt): Ch a matKy a MatCa
DharmaTo chc thuyet phap.
HuKy Mat aAlso called Friend of Song,
a noted monk from western China, or north India, Give enlightening beings instructions for
who in the fourth century, translated 23 works into the future at proper time: Tat ca ch Phat tho
Chinese (perhaps The sutra of Bodhisattvas Ten ky cho ch Bo Tat chang loi thiSee Ten kinds
Grounds)V Tang noi tieng ngi Tay Vc, hay of proper timing of all Buddhas.
bac An o, ngi a dch 23 quyen kinh sang Give free rein to ones emotion: Buong lung
Hoa ng vao i Tan (co le la Kinh Bo Tat Thap Nhng li Phat day ve Buong LungThe
Tru). Buddhas teachings on Giving free rein to ones
Give (v): Ban choTo awardTo grantTo emotion
endowTo bestow. 1) Heedfulness (Watchfulness) is the path of
Give alms: Bo thTo bestow. immortality. Heedlessness is the path of
death. Those who are heedful do not die;
Give alms to the monks: Th Tang (cung dng
those who are heedless are as if already dead
thc an cho ch Tang i khat thc).
(Dharmapada 21): Khong buong lung a ti
Give all ones attention to: Chuyen tamTo
coi bat t, buong lung a ti ng t sanh;
concentrateTo apply oneself to.
ngi khong buong lung th khong chet, ke
Give by basing on someones physical buong lung th song nh thay ma.
characteristics: V xem tng ma bo thSee 2) Those who have distinctly understood this,
Thirty types of impure giving. advance and rejoice on heedfulness, delight
Give because of fondness for wealth and in the Nirvana (Dharmapada 22): Ke tr biet
notoriety: Hoac ham mo giau sang, danh vong chac ieu ay, nen gang lam ch khong buong
ma bo thSee Thirty types of impure giving. lung. Khong buong lung th ang an vui trong
Give because of jealousy or to ridicule cac coi Thanh.
3) If a man is earnest, energetic, mindful; his
others: Hoac ganh ghet ngao nghe ma bo th
deeds are pure; his acts are considerate and
See Thirty types of impure giving.
restraint; lives according to the Law, then his
Give because of praises: V c khen ngi ma
glory will increase (Dharmapada 24): Khong
bo th, tc la bo th e cau danh va muon c
buong lung, ma ngc lai co gang, hang hai,
tieng tam khen tangSee Thirty types of impure
chanh niem, khac ky theo tnh hanh, sinh hoat
ung nh phap, th tieng lanh cang ngay cang
Give because someone has a marvelous tang trng.
voice: V ca hat ma bo thSee Thirty types of 4) By sustained effort, earnestness, temperance
impure giving. and self-control, the wise man may make for
himself an island which no flood can

overwhelm (Dharmapada 25): Bang s co burning all his fetters both great and small
gang, hang hai khong buong lung, t khac (Dharmapada 31): Ty kheo nao thng a
che lay mnh, ke tr t tao cho mnh mot hon khong buong lung hoac s thay s buong
ao chang co ngon thuy trieu nao nhan chm lung, ta v ho nh ngon la hong, ot tieu tat
c. ca kiet s t ln ch nho.
5) The ignorant and foolish fall into sloth. The 11) A mendicant who delights in earnestness,
wise man guards earnestness as his greatest who looks with fear on thoughtlessness,
treasure (Dharmapada 26): Ngi am on cannot fall away, he is in the presence of
ngu si am chm trong vong buong lung, Nirvana (Dharmapada 32): Ty kheo nao
nhng ke tr lai cham gi tam mnh khong thng a khong buong lung hoac s thay s
cho buong lung nh anh nha giau cham lo gi buong lung, ta biet ho la ngi gan ti Niet
cua. ban, nhat nh khong b sa oa de dang nh
6) Do not indulge in heedlessness, nor sink into trc.
the enjoyment of love and lust. He who is 12) Mara never finds the path of those who are
earnest and meditative obtains great joy virtuous, careful in living and freed by right
(Dharmapada 27): Ch nen am chm trong knowledge (Dharmapada 57): Ngi nao
buong lung, ch nen me say vi duc lac; hay thanh tu cac gii hanh, hang ngay chang
nen canh giac va tu thien, mi mong ang ai buong lung, an tru trong chnh tr va giai
an lac. thoat, th ac ma khong the dom ngo c.
7) When the learned man drives away 13) Do not follow the evil law, do not live in
heedlessness by heedfulness, he is as the heedlessness. Do not embrace false views, do
wise who, climbing the terraced heights of not be a world-upholder (Dharmapada 167):
wisdom, looks down upon the fools, free from Ch nen theo ieu ty liet, ch nen em than
sorrow he looks upon sorrowing crowd, as a buong lung, ch nen theo ta thuyet, ch lam
wise on a mountain peak surveys the ignorant tang trng tuc tran.
far down on the ground (Dharmapada 28): 14) Eagerly try not to be heedless, follow the path
Nh tr het buong lung, ke tr khong con lo of righteousness. He who observes this
s g. Bac Thanh Hien khi bc len lau cao practice lives happily both in this world and in
cua tr tue, nhn lai thay ro ke ngu si om the next (Dharmapada 168): Hang hai ng
nhieu lo s, chang khac nao khi len c nui buong lung, lam lanh theo Chanh phap.
cao, cui nhn lai muon vat tren mat at. Ngi thc hanh ung Craving grows like a
8) Heedful among the heedless, awake among creeper which creeps from tree to tree just
the sleepers, the wise man advances as does like the ignorant man wanders from life to life
a swift racehorse outrun a weak jade like a fruit-loving monkey in the forest
(Dharmapada 29): Tinh tan gia am ngi (Dharmapada 334): Chanh phap th i nay
buong lung, tnh tao gia am ngi me ngu, vui i sau cung vui. Neu buong lung th
ke tr nh con tuan ma thang tien bo lai sau tham ai tang len hoai nh giong co Ty-la-na
con nga gay hen. moc tran lan, t i nay tiep en i no nh
9) It was through earnestness that Maghavan vn chuyen cay tm trai.
rised to the lordship of the gods. Earnestness Give as good as one gets: An oan phan minh
is ever praised; negligence is always despised (an oan giang ho).
(blamed) (Dharmapada 30): Nh khong Give a hand: GiupTo helpto aidTo back
buong lung, Ma Gia len lam chu coi ch up.
Thien, khong buong lung luon luon c
Give a handful of gravel as alms: D Sa Th
khen ngi, buong lung luon luon b khinh che.
PhatThe legend of Asoka when a child giving a
10) A mendicant who delights in earnestness,
handful of gravel as alms to the Buddha in a
who looks with fear on thoughtlessness,
previous incarnation, hence his rebirth as a king
cannot fall away, advances like a fire,
Theo truyen thuyet th tien kiep vua A Duc khi la

mot a nho luc con th au a lay nam cat trong Give a message: Gi mot thong iep
tay ma cung dng cho Phat, nen ve sau nay c Give a name or title: Vyapadisati (skt)nh
tai sanh lam vua. danhTo designateTo call a name.
Give in charge: Entrust someone with Give offerings to the late abbot: Dang le vat
somethingFinal instructionsChuc luy. cung dng co vien chu.
Give in hope of being known throughout the Give oneself airs and graces: Lam duyen.
land as a Great Benefactor.: Bo th ma Give oneself a lot of pains: Mua sau chuoc
muon c noi danh khap moi ni rang ta ay la nao.
mot ngi ai th chuSee Thirty types of
Give oneself up to serve all enlightening
impure giving.
beings and teachers of truth, and receiving
Give in hope of being wealthy: Muon cau giau
the sublime teaching from them: Tnh tu ng
sang ma bo thSee Thirty types of impure
nghiep, xa than tha s tat ca Bo Tat va cac phap
s e lanh tho dieu phapOne of the ten ways of
Giving for self-benefit: Bo th e kiep sau c
purifying speech of Great Enlightening Beings
giau sangSee Thirty types of impure giving.
See Ten ways of purifying speech of Great
Give in hope of having a son or a daughter:
Enlightening Beings (I).
Mong cau c con trai, con gai ma bo thSee
Give out of fear of old age, sickness, and
Thirty types of impure giving.
death: Gia yeu au benh nen s chet ma bo
Give in hope to learn the tricks of the trade:
thSee Thirty types of impure giving.
V hoc nghe ma bo thSee Thirty types of
impure giving. Give out of threats and coercion: V b cng
Give in hope of marriage: V cau hon nhan ma ep, ham doa ma bo thSee Thirty types of
impure giving.
bo thSee Thirty types of impure giving.
Give release from the wheel of
Give in hope of winning someones
transmigration: o thoat.
friendship: V muon ket ban ma bo thSee
Thirty types of impure giving. Give satisfaction: Thoa man
Give in water of desire: Bo th v ai ducSee Give someone an assignment: Giao cho ai
Thirty types of impure giving. nhiem vu.
Give instructions: To instructGiao tho (day Give someone a hand: Giup ai viec g.
do)See Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds Give someone due respect: Ton knh ai.
in all times of the Buddhas (B) (7). Give someone encouragement: Khch le ai.
Give for killing and harming: V giet hai ma Give someone priority or priviledge: Ban cho
bo thSee Thirty types of impure giving. ai u tien hay ac quyenA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni
Give a lecture: Giang thuyet. who has relatives who are monks or nuns uses his
Give legitimacy: Hp thc hoa. or her authority to give priority or priviledge,
commits an Expression of Regret OffenceV Ty
Give light to someone: Soi SangTo lightTo
Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao co than nhan la Tang
illuminateTo shed light on somethingThe
Ni ma lai dung uy quyen cua mnh e ban cho ho
radiance of Buddhas dharma goes through a
u tien va ac quyen, la pham gii Ba Dat e
world of suffering and darkness like a beacon
hay gii oa (phat lo sam hoi).
light to guide and illuminate mankindAnh t
quang Phat Phap soi sang the gii kho au tam toi Give (v) someone tit for tat: Be revenged
nh ngon hai ang chieu sang cho nhan loai. Revenge oneselfHave one's revengeReturn
evil for evilBao cu.
Give little but want a great deal in return:
Bo ra co mot tac ma muon thau vao mot thc Give teachings that are not in accordance
See Five kinds of people who pretend to offer with the Buddhas teachings: Thuyet giang
alms. giao phap khong phu hp vi nhng li Phat

dayA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who gives teachings Give up drinking: T bo uong ru.
or leads people in practices that are not in accord Give up extremes: T bo cc oan.
with the Buddhas teachings, after having been
Give up fighting: T bo anh lon.
warned three times by other monks and nuns
Give up joy and emotion: Yet they are most
without listening deeply and changing his or her
joyful when they see all BuddhasXa ly hy ai
way, commits a Sangha Restoration OffenceV
ma thay tat ca ch Phat long rat hoan hySee
Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao thuyet giang hay
Ten kinds of path of Great Enlightening Beings
hng dan tu tap sai lech vi nhng li Phat day,
c ch Tang Ni khac nhac nh ba lan ma van
khong chu lang nghe va sa oi, la pham toi Give up liquor: T bo ru.
Tang Tan. Give up the practices of enlightening beings:
Give teachings to sentient beings with Bo hanh Bo TatSee Ten kinds of possession by
demons of Great Enlightening Beings.
profound, pure mind: Tnh tu ng nghiep, dung
tam thanh tnh ban bo chanh phap cho chung Give up searching elsewhere: T bo chuyen
sanhOne of the ten ways of purifying speech of tm kiem ni khac.
Great Enlightening BeingsSee Ten ways of Give up smoking: T bo hut thuoc.
purifying speech of Great Enlightening Beings (I). Give up something: T bo ieu g.
Give and then make threats: Hoac mu o e Give up sticks and swords: T bo gay va ao
doa ngi ma bo thSee Thirty types of impure kiem.
giving. Give up worldly enjoyments and follow the
Give and then say in the future I will reap transcendent enjoyment of the Path of
great meritorious retributions of wealth and enlightening beings: Ri the gian lac ma tuy
luxury: Bo th roi ma noi rang sau nay mnh se thuan Bo Tat ao xuat the lacSee Ten kinds of
c tho phc bao, giau sang lnSee Thirty path of Great Enlightening Beings (9).
types of impure giving. Give up worldly pleasures without craving
Give and then tell the receivers to become or attachment: Buddhas give up worldly
servants, slaves, or various animals to repay pleasures, without craving or attachment, and wish
the debts you owe me: Bo th roi ma noi rang that all worldlings would be free from suffering
cac ngi tho lanh sau nay se phai lam than trau and attain bliss, and have no false ideasCh
nga, suc vat, toi t e en tra lai cho mnhSee Phat ri bo s vui the gian chang tham nhiem, ma
Thirty types of impure giving. nguyen khap the gian la kho c vui khong co
Give tit for tat: Bao thuTo take upon hy luanSee Ten kinds of supreme qualities of
vengeanceTo avenge. all Buddhas.
Give up: Parityajati (skt)T boVat boTo Give up wrong deeds: Cai ta.
renounceTo abandonTo forsake. Give up wrong enjoyment of sense
Give up coffee: Bo ca phe. pleasures: T bo hng thu khoai lac bat chanh.
Give up conventional manners: When the Give while being under fire: Bo th trong
Buddhas leave home, they give up conventional laSee Thirty types of impure giving.
manners, abide in noncontention, and fulfill the Give worship to the Buddhas: Th Phat
immeasurable virtues of their fundamental vow Worship the BuddhasSee Worship the Buddhas.
ng luc xuat gia bo oai nghi the tuc, tru trong Given by: Do bi.
phap vo tranh, ay u bon nguyen vo lng cong Giver of life: ang ban cho s songNgoai ao
cSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds tin rang co cai goi la ang ban cho s song
in all times of the Buddhas (B) (4). Externalists believe that there exists a so-called
Give up doing something: Thoi khong lam Giver of life.
viec g na. Giver and receiver: Ngi cho va ke nhan.

Giving: ChoCharitable giving. (ngh rang bo th se co tieng on tot) . ay la

1) Dana (skt)AlmsgivingGiftBestowing mot trong tam loai bo th theo Cau Xa
Bo thSee Charity, Charitable Giving- LuanSee Eight causes of dana.
Paramita, and Dana. Giving appropriately, knowing superior,
2) According to the Sastra on the Maha-Prajna mediocre, and inferior: Tuy nghi bo th, v biet
Sutra, there are four givingsTheo Luan ai thng, trung, haSee Ten kinds of pure giving
Tr o, co bon loai xaSee Four givings. of Great Enlightening Beings.
3) Almsgiving: Bo thGiving is one of the ten Giving away all lest they should have no
weapons of enlightening beings, destroying
means: S mnh chang the song noi nen chang
all stinginess. Enlightening Beings who abide
the bo th het nhng th mnh coSee Five fears.
by these can annihilate the afflictions,
Giving the Buddhas truth: Phap thSee
bondage, and compulsion accumulated by all
Two kinds of dana or charity (A).
sentient beings in the long night of
ignoranceBo th la mot trong mi kh gii Giving the Buddhas truth to save sentient
cua Bo Tat, v bo th co the diet tr tat ca xan beings: Phap thThuyet giang nhng li Phat
tham. Ch Bo Tat an tru ni phap nay thi co day e o ngiSee Two kinds of dana or
the diet tr nhng phien nao, kiet s a cha charity (A).
nhom t lau cua tat ca chung sanhSee Ten Giving of convenience: Giving of convenience
weapons of Great Enlightening Beings. or to those who come for aid. One gives as
4) According to Venerable Thch Hai Quang in occasion offersTuy ch thCo ngi en nen
Letters To Buddhist Followers, there are bo thCh bo th c s tien ch cho gan
thirty types of giving that are not pure that the See Eight causes of dana.
givers will neither gain merits, nor will they Giving of courage or confidence: Vo uy th
be called People who give out of the Giving of fearlessnessCourage (unfearfulnot
goodness of their heartsTheo Thng Toa dangeroussecurefearlessundaunted
Thch Hai Quang trong Th Gi Ngi Hoc peacesafetysecurity)-givingThe bestowing
Phat, co ba mi loai bat tnh bo th, ma of confidence by every true Buddhist, i.e. that
ngi th chang c phc, cung chang c none may fear himAbsence or removal of fear,
goi la Hao Tam Bo Th NhanSee Thirty one of the three forms of givingMot trong tam
types of impure giving. th, em cai vo uy bo th cho ngiSee Three
Giving according to wishes, satisfying forms of giving and Four givings.
others: Tuy y bo th v thoa man cho nguyen Giving of courage or fearlessness:
cauSee Ten kinds of pure giving of Great 1) Abhaya (skt)Vo Uy ThSee Three kinds
Enlightening Beings. of dana.
Giving for acquiring a good reputation: Yeu 2) Vo Uy XaSee Four givings.
Danh Th. Giving courage to someone: Bestowing of
1) One gives, thinking: If I make this gift I shall courageBo uy th.
acquire a good reputation. This is one of the Giving dedicated to enlightenment,
eight bases for giving according to the Sangiti transcended the created and the uncreated:
Sutta in the Long Discourses of the Buddha Hoi hng Bo e bo th, v xa ri hu vi vo vi
Mot trong tam loai bo th theo Kinh Phung See Ten kinds of pure giving of Great
Tung trong Trng Bo KinhSee Eight Enlightening Beings.
causes of dana. Giving of the doctrine: Phap ThGiving of
2) Giving in hope of an honoured name (one
the dharma to preach or to speak Dharma to save
gives, thinking: If I make this gift I shall
sentient beingsNoi phap giang kinh hoa o
acquire a good reputation). This is one of the
quan sanhSee Three kinds of dana.
eight causes of dana or giving according to
the Kosa SastraV danh tieng ma bo th

Giving out of fear: Bo uy thGiving out of Giving because of tradition or custom: Tap
fear or giving for fear of evil or one gives from tuc thGiving because of tradition or custom or
fear. This is one of the eight causes of dana or continuing the parental example of giving (one
giving according to the Kosa Sastra and Sangiti gives, thinking: It is good to give.) . This is one
Sutta in the Long Discourses of the BuddhaV of the eight causes of dana or giving according to
s ma bo th (V s tai ach ma bo th) . ay la the Kosa SastraBo th v the theo tap tuc cua to
mot trong tam loai bo th theo Cau Xa Luan va tien cha ong (hay v ngh rang bo th la tot) . ay
Kinh Phung Tung trong Trng Bo KinhSee la mot trong tam loai bo th theo Cau Xa Luan
Eight causes of dana. See Eight causes of dana.
Giving of fearlessness: Vo uy thSee Giving for gaining name and fame: Yeu danh
Abhayadana. thGiving in hope of an honoured name (one
Giving for gaining name and fame: Yeu danh gives, thinking: If I make this gift I shall acquire
thSee Giving for acquiring a good reputation. a good reputation)V danh tieng ma bo th (ngh
Giving of goods: Tai Xa (tai th)Includes rang bo th se co tieng on tot)See Eight causes
outward (money, materials) and inward giving of dana.
(eyes, ears, brain, etc)Bo th bang cua cai, gom Giving in hope of bliss in the heaven: Hy
co ngoai tai (tien bac, vat chat) va noi tai th Thien ThiHy Cau ThiThi an bo th vi hy
(mat, tai, oc, v.v.)See Two kinds of dana or vong sanh Thien hay c hng phc (do mong
charity (A), Three kinds of dana, and Four givings. cau c sanh len coi tri ma bo th).
Giving out of gratitude: Bao an th. Giving of Law: Phap thSee Dharmadana.
1) Giving out of gratitude or giving in return for Giving the Law of truth: Phap thGiving of
kindness received or one gives, thinking: He dharmaSee Dharmadana.
gave something. This is one of the eight Giving as occasion offers: Tuy ch thGiving
causes of dana or giving according to the of convenience or to those who come for aid. This
Kosa SastraBo th e tra an (v ngi ay a is one of the eight causes of dana or giving
cho toi nen toi bo th lai). ay la mot trong according to the Kosa Sastra and Sangiti Sutta in
tam loai bo th theo Cau Xa LuanSee Eight the Long Discourses of the BuddhaCo ngi
causes of dana. en nen bo th hay ch bo th c s tien ch
2) One gives, thinking: He gave me cho gan. ay la mot trong tam loai bo th theo
something. . This is one of the eight bases Cau Xa Luan va Kinh Phung Tung trong Trng
for giving according to the Sangiti Sutta in the Bo KinhSee Eight causes of dana.
Long Discourses of the BuddhaMot trong Giving to others: Xa bo moi vui sng cua
tam loai bo th theo Kinh Phung Tung trong mnh, em th cho ngiSee Seven riddances.
Trng Bo KinhSee Eight causes of dana.
Giving for personal virtue: Cong c th
Giving because of hoping to adorn and Giving for personal virtue or for the adornment of
prepare ones heart: This is one of the eight the heart and life. This is one of the eight causes
bases for giving according to the Sangiti Sutta in of dana or giving according to the Kosa Sastra
the Long Discourses of the BuddhaBo Th v Bo th e giup cho tam c trang nghiem, tap
muon trang nghiem va t tr tam. ay la mot hanh buong xa va don ng cho cong cuoc tu
trong tam loai bo th theo Kinh Phung Tung trong hanh giai thoat. ay la mot trong tam loai bo th
Trng Bo KinhSee Eight causes of dana. theo Cau Xa LuanSee Eight causes of dana.
Giving because of hoping to be reborn in a Giving in return for kindness: Bao An Th
particular heaven: Hy Thien thThis is one of See Giving out of gratitude.
the eight causes of dana or giving according to the Giving of self to the Tathagata: Th Than
Kosa SastraV mong c sanh len coi tri ma See Nine suitable stages in religious services.
bo th. ay la mot trong tam loai bo th theo Cau
Xa LuanSee Eight causes of dana.

Giving teachings to sentient beings, never Glorious (a): MagnificentHuy hoangQuang

abandoning them, even to the site of hoaOne of the six charateristics of a
enlightenment: Giao hoa chung sanh bo th, v BhagavatCc Thnh (Huy hoang), mot trong
nhan en ao trang chang boSee Ten kinds of sau ac tanh cua t Bat Gia PhamSee Six
pure giving of Great Enlightening Beings. charateristics of a Bhagavat.
Giving of the Truth: Phap XaSee Four Glorious adorned: Nghiem sc (nghiem trang).
givings. Glorious and honorable: Hien vinh.
Giving up of the passions and delusions: Glorious kalpa: Trang Nghiem KiepThe
Phien Nao XaSee Four givings. glorious kalpa (past) to which thousands of
Giving up the worldly life and leading a Buddhas, one succeeding another, bring their
contribution of adornmentKiep trang nghiem
holy life: Nekkhamma (p)Naiskramya (skt)
huy hoang trong o hang ngan v Phat noi tiep
Vien ly tran cau (xa ri tran tuc e song i thanh
nhau gop phan lam trang nghiem (ai kiep qua
kh trong ba ai kiep cua tam the goi la Trang
Giving of wealth: Tai thSee Amisa-dana.
Nghiem Kiep. Trong moi ai kiep co 80 tieu kiep,
Giving with its three spheres pure: Tam luan moi tieu kiep eu thanh lap bi thanh tru hoai
thanh tnh bo thSee Ten kinds of pure giving of khong. Trong 20 tieu kiep cua tru kiep co 1000 v
Great Enlightening Beings. Phat ra i, m au la c Hoa Quang Nh Lai,
Giving without dwelling, not seeking ket thuc la Phat Ty Xa Phu).
reward: Chang tru bo th, v chang cau qua Glorious and pure: Gloriously pureNghiem
baoSee Ten kinds of pure giving of Great tnh.
Enlightening Beings. Glorious victory: Chien thang ve vang.
Glacial ocean: Bang dng. Glory (n):
Glad: 1) MagnificenceDanh vongVinh quang
1) Nanda (skt): PleasedHoan hyHoan Hy 2) Buddharansi (skt)AuraGloryHalo
Delight is one of the most important entrances Light of BuddhaSpiritual enlightenment
to the great enlightenment; for it is the mind Phat quang.
of peace and tranquilityHoan hy con la mot 3) (Vain) glory: Danh vong hao huyen.
trong nhng ca ngo quan trong i vao ai Glory Land: Quang Minh oThe Paradise of
giac, v nh o ma tam ta luon an tnh.
AmitabhaTen goi tat cua Vo Lng Quang
2) Priti (skt)Vui mngHyDelighted
Minh o, la c danh cua coi Tay Phng Cc
JoyRejoiceSee Bodh(i)yanga.
Glamorous fig tree: Udumbara (skt)Cay u Glow (v): ShineChieu sang.
amSee Udumbara flower.
Glow red: Send out red lightChieu sang o
Global community: Cong ong the gii. rc.
Global level: Qui mo toan cau Glutton: Nhng ke loan hanhSee Six dangers
At the global level: Tren qui mo toan cau. when one keeps bad company.
Global village: Lang the gii. Gluttonous (a): Ham an.
Gloomy: Buon baAm amSombreDull Gluttony (n): S ham me an uong.
OvercastDismalDreary. Gnosis: Vijja (p)Vidya (skt)Minh hay sang
Glorification (n): S ca ngiS ton vinh. suot (ngc lai vi vo minh hay ngu muoi).
Glorify (v): Ca ngiTon vinh. Gnostic: Ngi tr thc.
Glorifying of all Buddha-worlds: Trang Gnosticism (n): Chu ngha tr thc.
nghiem the giiSee Ten charateristics of the Go (jap): Karma (skt)ActionForm of
Diamond Heart as developed by a Bodhisattva.
behaviorPerformanceNghiepSee Karma.

Go about preaching and converting men: Du e) Their mind always bears evil thoughts: Y Xa
hoa (du phng hoang hoa va cu o chung sanh). Hanh.
Go against (v): OpposeResistChong bang. Go begging: Hanh khatTo ask for alms.
Go against the current: Nghch Lu. Go begging for alms: Go asking for alms
1) To resist the ordinary current way of life and Hanh khat.
seek a way of escape by getting rid of lifes Go beyond: Paramita or Samatikram (skt)
delusions: Tm ng giai thoat khoi nhng Cross overTo pass overTo saveTo
phien trc bang cach i ngc lai dong i. transformTo transgressChuyen hoao
2) To go against the current (the stream of Sieu qua.
transmigration and enter the path of nirvana), Go beyond the cycle of birth and death:
the first stage of the arhat, that of a sravaka: Vt qua vong luan hoi sanh t.
i ngc lai dong sanh t luan hoi va nhap Go beyond the cycle of death and rebirth:
vao ao qua Niet Ban, giai oan Thanh Van Sieu sinh.
hay th nhat cua A La Han.
Go beyond the limit of a law: Break a moral
Go alone on foot: i bo mot mnh. law or ruleTransgress a lawPha gii.
Go anywhere at will: Tieu Dao T TaiRoam Go and convert: Hanh hoa.
where one willT tai en i bat c cho nao tuy
Go to destruction: oan diet.
Go in different directions: i t tan.
Go around: i vong.
Go different way: i khac hng.
Go around in the cycle of birth and death:
Go down:
Lan troi trong vong sanh t.
1) Descend to the worldCome downGiang.
Go asking for alms: Go begging for alms
2) Immerse oneself (down to hells)i xuong
Hanh khat.
(tram luan).
Go away to escape the enemy: Take a flight Go down from heaven: To descend or come
Tron chay ke thu.
downGiang tran.
Go back to the secular life: Return to lay life Go to no end of ordeals: Undergo ceaseless
Hoan TucTo go back to the secular lifeTo
difficultiesThien ma bach chiet (th thach
return to the world from the orderTo leave the
khong ngng ngh).
monastic order and return to lay lifeTr lai i
Go fast: i nhanh.
song the tuc (co the t y hoan tuc hay pham toi b
khai tr khoi giao oan ma phai hoan tuc). Go to and fro: Go and comeVang lai.
Go backwards: i thut lui. Go into the hall: Thng ng (to expound the
doctrinethuyet phap).
Go bankrupt: Pha san (tan gia bai san).
Go forth from home into a homeless life:
Go barefooted: i chan at.
Leave home for a religious lifeXuat gia song
Go on the belly: i bang bungXa Hanh.
i khong gia nh.
1) To crawl, to go on the belly: i nh ran i
Go from monastery to monastery: Ramble
bang bung.
about the hillsDu sn.
2) The Buddha talked about those Bhiksus who
crawl or go on the belly as followc Phat Go to the hall to expound the Buddhas
noi ve nhng Ty Kheo co Xa Hanh phap: teaching: Thng ngTo go to a temple for
a) Killing beings with their bloody hands: Sat the purpose of worship or bearing presents to the
sanh, tay thng day mau. monksi en sanh ng thuyet phap.
b) Practice ten evil deeds or actions: Hanh thap Go to heaven: To pass awayDu tien.
acSee Ten evil deeds (acts). Go into inhabited places at appropriate
c) Practice evil actions: Than Xa Hanh. time: Tat ca ch Phat vao cac tu lac chang loi
d) Speak evil words: Khau Xa Hanh. thiMot trong mi ieu chang loi thi cua ch

PhatSee Ten kinds of proper timing of all trng hp khan cap va phai i ra ngoai ve
Buddhas. em th v ay phai cho giao hoi biet va phai
Go to the latrine: Tru ThoatTo go to the co mot v Tang khac i theo.
restroomCh viec i tieu tien cua ch Tang Ni 2) A Bhiksuni should not go outside of the
(khi vao nha x th phai ci ao ca sa). nunnery at night, except in an emergency,
Go to a laypersons house or a restaurant: and if she does have to go outside, she should
i en nha c s hay nha hangA Bhiksu or let the Sangha know and another nun should
Bhiksuni who goes to a laypersons house or a accompany herMot v Ty Kheo Ni khong
restaurant to attend a birthday party, an nen i ra khoi ni vien vao ban em, ngoai tr
engagement reception, or a wedding reception, trng hp khan cap va phai i ra ngoai ve
commits an Expression of Regret OffenceV Ty em th v ay phai cho giao hoi biet va phai
Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao i en nha c s hay co mot v ni khac i theo.
nha hang e d tiec sinh nhat, le hoi hay le ci, Go to the other shore: Paragate (skt)Ba La
la pham gii Ba Dat e, phai phat lo sam hoi. Yet eao b nganQua b ben kia.
Go in secret: i len. Go on a pilgrimage: Caityacarika (skt)Hanh
Go on ones alms round: Walk for alms food hng.
(alms gathering)i khat thc. Go to the privy: Hanh XTo go to the privy;
Go out of mind: Phat ienTo go crazyTo the privy to which one goes, metaphor of the
go mad. human body as filthyi cau (nha x); nha cau
ni ma chung ta i, an du than ngi ue trc.
Go form monastery to monastery: To ramble
about the hillsDu sn (i t chua nay sang chua Go in response to an invitation: Pho Thnh
khac). ap lai li mi cua th chu ma pho hoiTo go to
Go on pilgrimate: Caityacarika (skt)Make a
pilgrimatei hanh hng. Go round: Vi NhieuTo surround, especially to
make three complete turns to the right round an
Go out of mourning: oan tang.
image of Buddha i vong quanh ve ben phai
Go outside the boundaries officially
tng Phat ba vong e to long ton knh (trong
declared for the Rains Retreat: i ra ngoai Kinh Hien Ngu, ngai Tu at t xa thay c The
ai gii cua vung an c kiet haA Bhiksu or Ton nh mot trai nui vang, mat nhn long vui,
Bhiksuni who goes outside the boundaries which khong e y ti le phep lien hoi ta hu c The
officially declared for the Rains Retreat (the same Ton, ma khong xet ti viec c Phat ang sinh
number or more days than he or she stays within hoat. c The Ton ben bao ong en ben toa. Bay
the boundaries), without permission from the gi vua tri Thu a Hoi thay Tu at khong biet
Order, commits an Expression of Regret phep le bai cung dng Phat, ben hoa thanh bon
OffenceV Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao i ra ngi xep hang bc ti ben c The Ton, cui
ngoai ai gii (vung) a c phan nh chnh lay sat chan, roi i vong quanh ba vong ve ben
thc cho mua an c kiet ha, ma khong c giao phai. Khi ay Tu at mi biet phep le knh c
hoi cho phep, la pham gii Ba Dat e, phai phat The Ton va lam theo).
lo sam hoi.
Go to ruin: DecayPerishHoai.
Go outside of the monastery or nunnery at
Go the shortest way: i ng tat.
night: i ra khoi t vien hay ni vien ve ban em.
Go straight: i thang.
1) A Bhiksu should not go outside of the
Go straight home (Zen): Tr ve t tanh.
monastery at night, except in an emergency,
and if he does have to go outside, he should Go to and fro: i ti i lui.
let the Sangha know and another monk should Go to the hall to expound the Buddhas
accompany himMot v Ty Kheo khong nen teaching: Thng ngTo go to a temple for
i ra khoi t vien vao ban em, ngoai tr the purpose of worship or bearing presents to the

monksi en sanh ng thuyet phapTo go Goa la Asankita thuoc dong Bhoja, cho mot tu
to the hall to expound the Buddhas teaching (the vien Phat giao. Tng t, viec tm ra mot tng
doctrine). Phat co nien ai sau hn trong lang Mushir cua
Go into the market place: Ke i vao pho quan Goa cho thay rang ao Phat a tiep tuc phon
chSee Four wise men who sought escape from thnh trong mot thi gian dai tai ay. Cac tu s tai
death, all in vain. Goa vao thi vua Kayakesin cua dong Kadamba
Go to the temple: i chua. co c nhac en trong bo Dvyasrayakavya cua
the ky th 12.
Go to untold worlds to guide beings: Buddhas
will go to untold worlds in order to guide a single Goal (n): Muc chObjective.
sentient being, and do the same for all sentient Goal of liberation: Muc tieu giai thoat.
beings, endlesslyCh Phat v muon ieu phuc Goat: Mui (from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.)See Twelve
mot chung sanh, cung nh tat ca chung sanh, nen animals.
trong vo lng the gii ieu phuc chung sanh Goat cart: Xe DeThe goat cart representing
khong luc nao oan tuyetSee Ten kinds of the Sravakas. One of the cart offered by the father
supreme qualities of all Buddhas. in the Lotus Sutra to lure his children out of the
Go up: i len. burning houseXe De cho bac Thanh Van. Mot
Go upward: Urdvasrotas (skt)Flow upward trong ba co xe ma ngi cha trong Kinh Phap Hoa
Thng lu (chay len). a em ra e dan du cac con cua mnh thoat ra
Go-Vratika (skt): Kukkura-Vratika (skt)Ngu khoi can nha la ang chaySee Three vehicles
Cau Ngoai aoHeretics who live as oxen or and Four carts.
dogs, one of the six heretic ascetic practices Gobharana (skt): Phap LanGobharana,
Ngoai ao song kho hanh nh trau cho, mot trong companion of Matanga, being the first Indian
sau th kho hanh cua ngoai aoSee Six monk said to have come to China, in the middle of
austerities. the first centurey A.DPhap Lan cung S
Go with short and unsteady steps: i chap Matanga la nhng v Ty Kheo An o au tien ti
chng. Trung Quoc, vao khoang gia the ky th nhat sau
Tay Lch.
Go for a walk: i bach bo.
Goa (skt): Name of a Buddhist place in west Gocara (skt): PlaceCanh giis hanh
Gocara means experience, mental attitude.
India. According to Prof. Bapat in the Twenty-
Gocara literally means a range for cattle, or a
Five Hundred Years of Buddhism, Buddhism
pasturage, is a field for action and an object of
flourished in and around Goa, farther south, in the
sense. In the Lankavatara Sutra, it means a
sixth century A.D. is proved by the discovery of
general attitude one assumes toward the external
the Hire-Gutti plates (north of Kanara district)
world, or a better spiritual atmosphere in which
which record an endowment to a Buddhist vihara
ones being is envelopedGocara ngha en la
by the Bhoja King, Asankita of Goa. Similarly, the
pham vi cho suc vat hay ong co cho suc vat,
discovery of Buddhist statues of later date in the
la mot pham vi cho hanh ong va oi tng cua
village of Mushir in the Goa district shows that
giac quan. Trong Kinh Lang Gia, Gocara co ngha
Buddhism continued to flourish at the time of the
la mot thai o tam linh chung ma ngi ta co oi
Kadamba king, Jayakesin, are mentioned to in the
vi the gii ben ngoai, hay ung hn la mot
Dvyasraya-kavya of the twelfth centurya
khung canh tam linh ma s hien hu cua con
danh Phat giao vung tay An o. Theo Giao S
ngi c bao boc trong o.
Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat Giao,
tnh hnh Phat giao a phon thnh tai Goa va cac Gods: Deva (skt) Devata (p).
vung xung quanh, xa hn ve pha nam, trong the 1) Celestial being: Thiene baHeavenly
ky th sau, a c chng minh qua viec tm thay DivineDeityEvil demons (rarely applied
nhng ban khac ch tai Hire-Gutti, pha bac quan to)See Deva and Creator.
Kanara, ghi lai mot s cung dng cua vua x

2) A genius or higher spiritual beingThien mi bon trong en th Bach Than cua Kinh Ve
See Seven states of sentient beings. a, trong o ai Pham Thien c xem nh la e
Godana (skt): Tay Ngu Hoa Chau. nht.
Godaniya (skt): Apara-godaniya (skt)Ngu God of fragrance: Hng ThanThe gods of
Hoa ChauThe western of the four continents fragrance and music, i.e. the Gandharvas who live
into which every world is divided, where oxen are on Gandha-madana. The musicians of Indra
the principal product and medium of exchange Hng Am Than, mot trong Thien Long Bat Bo
Tay Ngu hoa chau, mot trong bon chau chanh, Than. Than Can That Ba (nhac cong cua tri e
ni co nhieu trau bo, nen dung trau bo e trao oi Thch) an hng thm, nen hng thm toa ra t
hang hoa. trong c the.
God-child: Con au. God of freedom: Isvaradeva (skt)T Tai
God-creator: Thng e sang tao. ThienSee Isvaradeva.
God-daughter: Con gai au. God of Free Will: Isvara (skt)Jizaiten (jap)
See Deva and Isvaradeva.
God eye: Deva-Cakkhu (p)Thien nhanSee
Celestial eye, and Five kinds of eyes or vision. God of heaven: Thien ThanDeva and gods in
general, including the inhabitants of the the
God of space: H Khong ThanTieng Phan la
devalokas, all subject to metempsychosisCh
Thuan Nha a, v Than lam chu bau tri.
thien, ke ca ch thien c ngu tren cung tri duc
God of thunder: Thien loi.
Goddess of fortune: Laksmi (skt)Cong c
God of Indras heaven: Sakra-devanam-indra
Thien N (Cat Tng Thien N).
(skt)Hy Kien ThienTri e ThchThien
Goddess of fortune and beauty: Mahasri e ThchThe Trayastrimsas, or thirty-three
(skt)Cat thien n. devas or gods of Indras heaven, on the summit of
Goddess of music and poetry: Sarasvati Meru. He or she sometimes was incorporated into
(skt)Dieu Am Nhac Thien N hay Bien Tai Buddhism as a guardian of Buddhist teachings
Thien NThe goddess of music and poetry or Coi tri ao Li, hay ba mi ba tang tri e
goddess of eloquence. The goddess of speech and Thch, tren nh nui Tu Di. Thnh thoang tri e
learning; also called the goddess of rhetoric. She Thch cung la nhng ngi ho phap trong Phat
is represented in two forms: giao. **See Trayastrimsas.
1) One with two arms and a lute: V co hai tay God of love: Raga who has angry appearance,
va mot ong sao. three faces and six armsAi nhiem Minh vng,
2) One with eight arms: V co tam tay. mot trong nhng Minh Vng co ba au sau tay
Goddess of sensuous desire: Kama (skt)Ai vi ve mat hung d.
than n. God-mother: Me au.
Goddess of speech: Sarasvati (skt)Bien Tai God-parents: Cha me au.
Thien NGoddess of eloquence, learning, and
God protectors of the dharma: Ho phap.
musicThien n co tai ai bien va am nhac.
God-son: Con trai au.
God-deva: Hoa ThienHoa ThanThe fire
God of wealth: Vaisravana or Dhanada (skt)
devas shown as the 12th group in the diamond
Vessavana (p)a Van Thien VngBac thien
court of the GarbhadhatuHoa Thien c trnh
vngSee Four Heavenly (Guardian) Kings.
bay trong nhom th mi hai trong Kim Cang
vien thuoc Thai Tang Phap Gii. Gods who take joy in magical creations: Tri
vui sang tao ao thuatSee Six Desire Heavens.
God-father: Cha au.
God of fire: Hoa ThanThe gods of fire in God of thunder: Loi Than.
India, stated as numbering forty-four in the Verdic God Yama: Diem VngSee Yama-raja.
pantheon, with Mahabrahma as the firstThan Godaigo (jap): Vua Hau e Ho (Nhat Ban).
la An o, c noi en nh v than th bon Godana: Tay Ngu hoa chauSee Godaniya.

Godaniya (skt): Apara-godaniya (skt)Ngu Hindu family, who began studying Vipassana
Hoa ChauTay Ngu Hoa ChauThe western (Vipasyanaskt) with the Burnese lay teacher U
of the four continents into which every world is Ba Khin, who belonged to the tradition of the 18th
divided, where oxen are the principal product and century Burmese master Leidi Sayadaw, hoping
medium of exchange. This continent is situated in to find relief for migraines. He spent the next
the west of Mount SumeruTay Ngu hoa chau, fourteen years studying meditation. Upon his
mot trong bon chau chanh, ni co nhieu trau bo, return to India in 1969, he began teaching
nen dung trau bo e trao oi hang hoa. Luc a vipassana courses, and in 1976 he founded
toa lac ve pha Tay cua nui Tu Di. Vipassana International Academy in Igatpuri,
Goddess (n): Devakanya or Krsnakarna (skt) Maharashtra. In 1982 he founded the Vipassana
N than (Thien n). Meditation Center in Shellburn, Fall, U.S.A.
Ten cua mot v thay Thien tai gia ngi An o,
Goddess of eloquence: Dieu Am Nhac Thien
sanh trng trong mot gia nh theo An o giao
NSee Goddess of music and poetry.
Mien ien, bat au hoc thien minh sat vi hy
Goddess of Fortune: Than Tai.
vong lam du i chng au au khung khiep cua
Goddess of Fortune and Beauty: Laksmi ong vi thien s tai gia U Ba Khin, thuoc truyen
(skt)Cat Tng Thien NCong c Thien thong cua thay Leidi Sayadaw vao the ky th 18
The goddess of fortune and beauty. She sprang tai Mien ien. Ong a hoc thien trong 14 nam.
from the ocean with a lotus in her hand. There is Sau khi ve lai An o vao nam 1969, ong bat au
some confusion between this goddess and Kuan- day thien minh sat, va nam 1976 ong thanh lap
Yin, possibly through the attribution of Hindu Trung Tam Giao Ly Thien Minh Sat tai Igatpuri,
ideas of Laksmi to Kuan-YinCat Tng Thien Maharashtra. en nam 1982 ong thanh lap Trung
N, v n than cua s may man va sac ep. V Tam Thien Minh Sat Shellburn, Fall, U.S.A.
nay troi len t bien vi hoa sen tren tay. Co s
Gohonzon (jap): The scroll inscribed by Nichiren
hieu lam gia Cat Tng Thien N va Quan The
(1222-1282), which contains his rendering of the
Am, co le t y tng Laksmi cua An Giao.
Chinese characters of the Daimoku: Namo
Goddess of Mercy: N than Bi ManIn Renge-Kyo (praise to the Lotus Sutras. This
Chinese Buddhism tradition, Goddess of Mercy chant is central to the tradiontion inspired by
implies Kuan-YinTrong truyen thong Phat giao NichirenCuon giay ghi lai ch viet cua
Trung Hoa, N than Bi Man am ch c Quan Nichiren, cha ng thu but cua ong viet bang
Am. ch Trung Hoa vi ai y: Nam Mo Dieu Phap
Goddess of music and poetry: Sarasvati Lien Hoa Kinh, c ong khuyen tan hang e t
(skt)The goddess of music and poetry or tr niem.
goddess of eloquence. The goddess of speech and Gohyakkai (jap): Japanese Buddhist term for
learning; also called the goddess of rhetoric. She Five Hundred Precepts. In some of Japanese
is represented in two formsDieu Am Nhac Buddhist sects, monks have to take 500 precepts
Thien N hay Bien Tai Thien N. instead of 250Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co
1) One with two arms and a lute: V co hai tay ngha la Ngu Bach Gii. Trong mot vai tong
va mot ong sao. phai Phat giao Nhat Ban, ch Tang phai tho 500
2) One with eight arms: V co tam tay. gii thay v 250.
Goddess of sensuous desire: Kama (skt)Ai Go-i (jap): A Japanese for five levels of
Duc Than N. awakening. A schem for classifying levels of
Goddess of speech and learning: ai bien tai spiritual attainment in the Zen tradition, which is
Thien n. said to have been developed by the Chinese
Godless religion: AtheisticVo ThanSee Tsao-Tung Tsung (Soto-Shujap) master Tung-
Atheism. Shan-Liang Chieh (Tozan Rypkai 807-869)T
Goenka, Satya Narayan (1924 - ): Name of a ng Nhat Ban dung e ch Nam mc o giac
lay Indian meditation teacher, born in Burma to a ngo. Ban s o phan loai nam trnh o chng ac

tam linh theo truyen thong nha Thien, goi la tng nhap en o khong con y thc ca hai,
ong Sn Ngu V, ngi ta noi c c ong cac y niem ngo me eu bien mat, ay la giai
Sn Lng Gii cua tong Tao ong khai trien: oan cua t do noi tai tron ven, hoac en cho
1) Sho-chu-hen (Chanh Trung Thien): The first can bang ca hai.
level in which realization of the world of ** See Tung-Shan Liang-Chieh.
phenomena is dominant, but it is perceived as Going to beg for alms for three consecutive
a dimension of the absolute self or days without receiving any food: Vao xom Ba
conventional reality within the ultimate La Mon khat thc trong ba ngay lien, khong ai
Ngoi v th nhat nhan thc ve the gii hien cung dng, phai mang bat khong veSee Nine
tng ng tr, nhng no c nhan thc nh la distresses.
chieu kch cua nga tuyet oi, hoac chan ly
Going to reality: Ayana (skt)Experiential
tng oi ben trong chan ly tuyet oi.
entry into Buddha truthChng nhap.
2) Hen-chu-sho (Thien Trung Chanh): The
Going and returning dedication: Vang Hoan
second level or second stage the
Nh Hoi HngSee Two kinds of dedication.
undifferentiated aspect comes strongly to the
fore and diversity recedes into background, or Going with the stream of transmigation:
ultimate reality within the conventionalGiai Thuan lu (xuoi theo dong luan hoi khong ngng
oan th nh nay hnh thai vo phan biet en ngh).
vi giai oan trc mot cach manh liet va s Going wrong: Agata-gamanani (p)Lam sai
phan biet b ay lui vao pha sau, hay chan ly According to the Sangiti Sutta in he Long
tuyet oi nam trong chan ly tng oi. Discourses of the Buddha, there are four ways of
3) Sho-chu-rai (Chanh Trung Lai): The third going wrongTheo Kinh Phung Tung trong
grade is a level of realization wherein no Trng Bo Kinh, co bon bat hanh x hanh (hanh
awareness of body or mind remains; both x sai trai)See Four ways of going wrong.
drop away completely, or the ultimate by Go-jinzu (jap): Pancabhijna (skt)Nam than
itselfGiai oan th ba la ngoi v trong ay thong hay ngu thong hay ngu tr chngThe five
khong con y thc ve than hay tam. Ca hai a supernatural powersThe five mystical powers
c xa bo hoan toan, hoac ch mot mnh See Five supernatural powers.
chan ly tuyet oi ma thoi. Gojo-e (jap): Five-strip robeNgu ieu y (cho
4) Ken-chu-shi (Thien Trung Ch): The fourth ch Tang Ni).
grade is the singularity of each object is Gojokuakuse (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term
perceived at its highest degree of uniqueness. for Five turbidities.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat
Now mountain is mountain, river is river; ther Ban co ngha la Ngu Trc Ac The.See Five
is no such a beautiful or loving mountain or a kinds of turbidity.
boring river, or the conventional by itself Gokai (jap): Ngu GiiSee Five precepts.
Giai oan th t, vi ngoi v nay, tnh duy
Goken (jap): Panca-drstayah (skt)Five views
nhat cua moi s vat c nhan thc mc o
Ngu KienSee Five great disturbers and Five
oc nhat. Bay gi nui la nui, song la song;
sharp servants.
ch khong con nui ep song buon na, hoac
ch co mot mnh chan ly tng oi ma thoi. Goke-shichishu (jap): Ngu Gia That TongA
5) Ken-chu-to (Kiem Trung ao): In the fifth Japanese term for five houses, seven schools.
and highest grade, form and emptiness This term used in Zen Buddhism to designate the
mutually penetrate to such a degree that no main divisions of the Chan tradition in Tang
longer is ther consciousness of either. Ideas dynasty China. The schema was first articulated
of enlightenment or delusion entirely vanish. by Fa-Yen Wen-I (885-958). Five sects or schools
This is the stage of perfect inner freedom, or of Chinese Zen Buddhism. The five traditions
reaching the balance of both v th nam arise from one origin which is Directly Point to
hay la mc cao nhat, sac va khong tng tc Mind to see ones True Nature and to realize the

Buddhahood taught by the Sixth Zen Patriarch Gold and jade: Kim ngoc.
Hui-Neng. These five sects include Yun-Men Gold-Sea-Light Buddha: Kim Hai Quang Phat.
(Ummon), founded by Yun-Men Wen-Yen (864-
Gold and silver: Kim ngan.
949); Fa-Ran (Hogen), founded by Fa-yen Wen-I
Gold wheel: Kim Luan (vang)See Four
(Hogen Buneki 885-958); Tao-Tung (Soto),
wheels (D).
founded by Tung-Shan Liang Chieh and Tsao
Shan Pen-Chi (840-901); Kuei-Yang, (Igyo), Gold-wheel king: Kim Luan cho Thap Hoi
founded by Kuei-Shan Ling-Yu (771-853) and HngThe gold-wheel king to the ten kinds of
Yang Shan Hui-Chi (807-883); and Lin-Chi dedication, one of the six kinds of cakravarti, or
(Rinzai), founded by Lin-Chi-I-Hsuan. The seven wheel kings, each allotted to one of the six
houses include these five, plus two branches of positionsSee Six kinds of cakravarti.
Lin-Chi: Yang-Chi (Ypgi), founded by Yang-Chi Golden abode: Hoang Kim TrachGolden
Fang Hui (Yogi Hoe 992-1049); and Huang-Lung abode, i.e. a monastery, so called after the
(Oryo), founded by Huang Trung Hui Nam (Oryo Jetavana vihara, for whose purchase the site was
Enan 1001-1069)T ng Nhat Ban dung e ch covered with goldTen goi ngoi gia lam t s
Ngu gia, that tong. T nay dung trong Thien tch trng gia Tu at em vang phu ay vn
tong Phat giao e ch nhng tong phai chnh cua Ky Tho e mua no, xay dng tnh xa va hien cho
truyen thong Thien di thi nha ng. Bieu o c Phat.
c tom lc bi Thien s Van ch. Ngu tong la Golden Age: Thi cc thnh (hoang kim).
nam tong phai Thien cua Phat giao Trung Hoa Golden Age of Vietnamese Buddhism: Thi
bat nguon t Nguon Thien Trc ch nhan tam, hoang kim cua Phat giao Viet Nam.
kien tanh thanh Phat cua Luc To Hue Nang. Golden body: That of the BuddhaKim than,
Nam tong nay gom Van Mon, c ngai Van cua c PhatGolden bodyThe diamond
Mon Van Uyen sang lap; Phap Nhan, c ngai body, the indestructible body of BuddhaThan
Phap Nhan Van ch sang lap; Tao ong, c hai Kim CangKien Than (than kien co)Chan
ngai ong Sn Lng Gii va Tao Sn Bon Tch Than (than chan that)Than kim cang bat hoai
sang lap; Quy Ngng, c ngai Quy Sn Linh cua Phat.
Hu sang lap; va Lam Te, c ngai Lam Te Golden bones: Kim cotXa li cua c Phat
Ngha Huyen sang lapSee Five sects in the
Buddhas relics.
Golden cock: Kim KeThe golden fowl, with a
Gokokuji (jap): Chua Ho Quoc (Nhat Ban). grain of millet in its beak, a name for
Gokulikas (skt): Kukkulikas, Kukkutikas, or BodhidharmaGa vang va hat thoc trong mieng.
Kaukkutikas (skt)Ke Dan BoOne of the em ga vang v vi li sam cua To Bo e at
twenty Hinayana branches, a branch of the Ma.
Mahasanghikas which established around 200 Golden coloured (a): Kim sac.
years after the Buddhas nirvana and early
Golden-colored king: Kim Sac VngA
disappearedMot trong 20 bo cua Tieu Tha,
previous incarnation of the BuddhaTien than
con goi la Khoi Sn Tru Bo, Quat C Bo, Cao
cua c Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni.
Cau Le Ca Bo, mot trong 20 bo cua Tieu Tha,
thanh lap khoang 200 nam sau ngay Phat nhap Golden-colored skin: Da mau vang. trong khoe
diet va bien mat ngay sau o. manh.
Gold: VangSee Eight things that monks or nuns Golden-colored world: Kim Sac The Gii
are not allowed to possessed. The golden coloured heaven of ManjusriCoi
tri Kim Sac hay coi Tnh o cua ngai Van Thu
Gold-Blossom-Light Buddha: Kim Hoa Quang
S Li.
Golden door: Golden gateKim mon.
Gold branches and jade leaves: Kim chi ngoc
diepNoble. Golden Flowers Light Buddha: Phat Kim
Hoa Quang.

Golden-grain Tathagata: Kim Thoc Nh Lai. Golden mouth: Kim KhauThe golden mouth
1) The golden grain Tathagata: Hat thoc vang of the Buddha.
Nh Lai. Golden pagoda: Kim ThapKim Sat.
2) A title of Vimalakirti in a previous Golden robe: Kim Lan YKim Sac YKim
incarnation: Danh hieu cua Duy Ma Cat trong Lan Ca SaA kasaya or robe embroidered with
mot tien kiep. goldAo ca sa det bang si vang.
Golden-haired lion: Kim mao s t. Golden rsi: Kim Tien.
1) The lion with golden hair on which Manjusri 1) Immortal: Than Tien.
rides: S t long vang ma ngai Van Thu S 2) Taoist genii: Ngi tu Tien (ao Lao).
Li ci. 3) A venerable term for Buddha: Tieng ton xng
2) A previous incarnation of the Buddha: S T e goi c Phat.
long vang cung la tien than cua c Phat. 4) The Buddha and his immortal dhamrasKim
Golden-hued body: Body of the color of true tien, ch c Phat vi giao phap bat t cua
goldThan the sang choi nh vang kimSee Ngai.
Thirty-two auspicious marks. Golden rules: Luat vang.
Golden-hued peacock king: Kim Sac Khong Golden sand: Kim SaCat vang.
Tc VngThe protector of travellers, in the
Golden sand of the Jambu: Jambunada-
retinue of the 1,000-hand Kuan-YinV Thien
suvarna (skt)Jambu-river goldDiem Phu an
Than ho tr ngi tu hanh, la quyen thuoc cua
kim hay cat vang cua dong song Diem Phu.
Thien Thu Quan Am.
Golden Sea Of Light Buddha: Phat Kim Cang
Golden light: Kim quang.
Lao Cng Pho Tan Phat Kim Hai Quang.
Golden light of the Dharma: Anh ao Vang. Golden staff: Kim TrngThe golden staff
Golden Light Drum: Kim Quang ong T broken into eighteen pieces and the skirt similarly
Kim Quang Minh CoA youth of the Sakya tribe torn, seen in a dream by king Bimbisara (eighteen
in Kapilavastu, who had a beautiful golden light divisions of Hinayana as in a dream of King
body, left home and joined the OrderNgi tre Bimbisara)c Phat lay cay gay va manh ao
tuoi dong Thch Ca trong thanh Ca Ty La Ve, co xe (thu ky viec chia thanh 18 bo Tieu Tha trong
than hnh ep e nh anh kim quang, xuat gia va giac m cua vua Tan Ba Sa La thay mot chiec ao
gia nhap Tang oan cua c Phat. b xe lam 18 manh, mot cay gay vang gay thanh
Golden Light Supreme King Sutra: Kinh 18 oan. Ong lo s ben hoi c Phat. c Phat
Kim Quang MinhSee Suvarnaprabhasa-Sutra. noi: Sau khi ta diet o hn 100 nam se co v vua
Golden light sutra: Kim Quang Minh Kinh ten A Duc uy danh lay lng. Luc ay ve Luat th
See Suvarnaprabhasa-Sutra. chia lam 18 mon phai khac nhau, nhng cu canh
Golden light sutra of the Supreme King: van la tu giai thoat).
Suvarna-prabhasottama-raja-sutra (skt)Kinh Golden times: Thi cc thnh (hoang kim).
Kim Quang Toi Thang VngSee Golden tortoise: Kim QuyOn which the world
Suvarnaprabhasa-Sutra. restsCon rua vang ma ca the gii phai ta
Golden lotus bloom: Kim lien. vaoSee Golden wheel.
Golden mountain: Kim Sn. Golden treasury: Kim Tang.
1) Metal or golden mountain or Sumeru: Nui 1) The Buddha-nature in all the livingKim
Thiet Vi hay Tu DiKim SnSee Seven tang, y noi Phat tanh trong moi chung sanh.
concentric ranges around Sumeru. 2) Golden treasury, i.e. the Buddha-natue in all
2) The Buddhas bodyKim sn, than Phat. the living: Kim Tang la tang cha chau bau
Golden-mountain king: Kim Sn Vng vang bac, nh la Phat tanh trong moi chung
Buddha, especially AmitabhaPhat, ac biet la sanh.
Phat A Di a.

Golden treasury cloud: Kim Tang VanThe Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri
first golden treasury cloud when a new world is Lanka and Precept and Practice, and Traditional
completed, arising in the abhasvara heaven and Buddhism in the Rural Highlands of Ceylon.
bringing the first rainKhi Hien Kiep mi hnh Ten cua mot hoc gia noi tieng cua Phat giao
thanh, gia bau tri Quang Am ay may kim sac Nguyen Thuy, giang s day tieng Bac Phan
(sac vang), mang lai tran ma au tien. trng ai Hoc Oxford. Ong a xuat ban mot so
Golden water: Kim thuyWisdomNc sach co anh hng ln, gom cac quyen Phat
vang, am ch tr tue. Giao Chuyen Hoa: S Thay oi cua Ton Giao tai
Sri Lanka va Gii Hanh, va Truyen Thong Phat
Golden wheel: Kim Luan.
Giao Tai Nhng Vung Cao Nguyen Nong Thon
1) The metal circle on which the earth rests,
Tch Lan.
above the water circle which is above the
wind or air circle which rests on space: Ni Gone and never heard from again: Biet vo
thap nhat cua the gii la phong luan; phong am tn (vang bat, khong co tin tc chi ca)There
luan da vao h khong (be day la 16 c do is absolutely no news from someone.
tuan, ben vng nh kim cng). Tren phong Gongen (jap): Quyen HienA Japanese
luan co thuy luan (sau 8 c do tuan). Tren Buddhist term for Temporary manifestation for
thuy luan co kim luan (day 3 c 2 van do tuan saving beings. The power of Buddhas and
do co hnh banh xe nen goi la kim luan). Tren Bodhisattvas to transform themselves into any
kim luan la a luan (gom 9 nui 8 bien). kind of temporal body in order to aid beings
2) The cakra or wheel or disc, emblem of Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co ngha la
sovereignty, one of the seven precious Quyen Hien. (Tam thi phng tien hien ra e
possessions of a Cakra-King: Kim Luan la cu o chung sanh). Phat lc hay Bo Tat lc co
mot trong bay bau vat cua Chuyen Luan the t hoa thanh bat c than tran tuc nao e cu
Thanh VngSee Four wheels (D). o chung sanh.
Golden words: Those of the BuddhaKim Gon-Sojo (jap): Quyen Tang Chanh (mot chc v
ngon, nhng li cua c Phat. lanh ao trong Phat giao Nhat Ban).
Goldstein, Joseph: Name of an American Good (a): Bhadra or Kusala or Sadhu (skt)
vipassana teacher who trained with S.N. Goenka Lng thienHonestVirtuousWholesome
in India and subsequently help to found the Insight See Three types of characters.
Meditation Society in Barre, MA, U.S.A. He has Good abode: Good realmThien x.
written a number of books, including The Good accumulation with fixed result:
Experience of Insight.Ten cua mot v thay day Sammatta-niyato rasi (p)Chanh nh tuSee
thien minh sat ngi My, ngi a theo hoc vi Three dharmas (XXIV).
thien s S.N. Goenka tai An o va sau o giup Good advisor: Kalyana-mitra (skt)Zenchishiki
sang lap Hoi Thien Minh Sat Barre, MA, Hoa (jap)Good counselorGood friendThien
Ky. Ong viet mot so sach bao gom quyen Kinh Hu Tri ThcSee Good-Knowing advisor.
Nghiem Thien Minh Sat.
Good appearance: Hao tng.
Gomaya (skt): Cow dungCt trauNgu 1) Good mannerGood signHao tng
PhanPhan trau boCow-dung, considered in Phong oSee Thirty-two auspicious marks.
India as clean and cleansing; used by the esoterics 2) Sudrsd (skt)Thien HienThe 7th
for cleansing the altarPhong tuc An o cho th
Brahmaloka, 8 of the Dhyana Heavens or
rang phan trau la thanh tnh nht. Mat giao dung good apprearanceSee Nine heavens of the
phan trau e tret ban th. fourth dhyana heaven.
Gombrich, Richard F.: Name of an Eminent Good and bad: Lanh d.
scholar of Theravada Buddhism, Professor of
Good and bad people do not speak the same
Sanskrit at Oxford University. He has published a
language: Ngi tot co ngon ng cua ngi tot,
number of highly influential books, including
ke xau cung co ngon ng rieng cua ho (Nhan hu

nhan ngon, thu hu thu ngon)If men have may tm en. Con ngi ay tm van may trong
spoken languages, beasts also have theirs. nhng ieu thien lanh.
Good begets good: Good actions produce goos (C) Two good things obtained during meditation
resultsThien nhan sanh qua phc. and scattering mindSee Two good things.
Good behavior: Hanh kiem tot. (D) Three good deeds, the foundation of all
development: See Three good deeds.
Good cause: Thien NhanA wholesome cause
will produce a wholesome result (good fruit) Good deeds of the body: Thien ThanThere
Nhan do thien can ma tao ra thien qua. are three good deeds of the bodyCo ba ieu
thien ni thanSee Three good deeds of the
Good character already evolved: D sanh
thienCac thien phap a tng c tu tapSee
Two good things (C). Good deeds done in a mortal body: Hu Lau
Thien PhapFive percepts or ten good deeds
Good character that arises from meditation
done in a mortal body is rewarded accordingly in
or contemplation: nh thienCac thien
the character of another mortal body (either as a
phap at c bang thien nhSee Two human being or a deva)Nghiep nhan hu lau
good things (B). thien (ngu gii, thap thien) a en lac qua hu
Good character attainable when thought lau (qua bao vui cua ngi va tri).
not in meditation: Tan thienCac thien phap Good deeds done in previous existence: Tuc
at c khong bang thien nhSee Two good Thien (nhng thien can gieo trong trong tien
things (B). kiep).
Good character not yet arises: V sanh Good deva: Thien ThanFortune saintsThe
thienCac thien phap cha tng c tu tap good devas or spirits who protect BuddhismCac
See Two good things (C). v than ho tr Chanh PhapSee Eight groups of
Good citizens: Lng DanLaw-abiding demon followers.
citizens. Good dharma: Kusala-dharma (skt)
Good (the good) cleanses ones mind: ieu Meritorious actionBach phap (thien phap).
thien lam thanh sach tam tr. Good Discourse: Hao Ng Tam (tam giang
Good conduct: c hanh (Hanh kiem tot) phap)See Ten dwelling minds.
Hanh tr tot (tu hanh)Thien hanhSee Moral Good done in a mortal body: Hu lau thien
conduct and religious exercises, Three modes of phap.
serving the Buddha, and Ten perfecting Good education: Mot nen giao duc tot.
Mahayana rules. Good and evil: Wholesome and unwholesome
Good counselor: Kalyana-mitra (skt) Thien AcSee Kusala and akusala.
Zenchishiki (jap)Good advisorGood friend Good or evil characteristics resulting from
Thien Hu Tri ThcSee Good knowing advisor.
habit or practice in a former existence: Tap
Good deed: Punya (skt)Virtuous act kh quaBan chat tot xau hay cac qua thien ac
Wholesome actionsWholesome deedsThien a huan tap t tien kiepSee Two kinds of fruit
nghiepHanh vi tot (viec thien lanh). or karma.
(A) Charitable work, one of the three lines of
Good example: Gng tot.
action that affect karmaPhuc hanh (thien
nghiep hay hao s), mot trong ba ng hanh Good-Fame-Named-Merit-Virtue Buddha:
ongSee Three lines of action that affect Thien Danh Xng Cong c Phat.
karma. Good fortune: Svastika (skt)Hanh vanGood
(B) A real Buddhist never waits for a good luck. luckProsperityCat tng (ch Van)See
He makes good lucks by doing good deeds Swastika.
Phat t chan thuan khong bao gi i ch van Good fortune and virtue: Blessed virtue
Blessing arising from good deedsPhuc c.

Good friend: Kalyana-mitra (skt)Zenchishiki (I) The meanings of Good-Knowing Friend

(jap)Good advisorGood counselorLng (Advisor)Ngha cua Thien Hu Tri Thc:
bangThien Hu Tri ThcSee Good knowing 1) Good is kind and virtuous, Friend is a person
advisor. who is worthy of giving others advice,
Good fruit: Qua lanh (thien qua). Knowledgeable means having a broad and
proper understanding of the truths, Awakened
Good to give: Bo Th v ngh rang Bo Th la tot,
means no longer mesmerized by destinies of
mot trong tam loai bo th theo Kinh Phung Tung
life. Thus, Good Knowledgeable (knowing)
trong Trng Bo KinhOne gives, thinking: It is
Friend or Advisor is a good person who has
good to give. This is one of the eight bases for
certain degree of knowledge of Buddhism
giving according to the Sangiti Sutta in the Long
and has the ability to benefit himself and
Discourses of the BuddhaSee Eight causes of
others: Thien co ngha la hien va ao c, Tri
la s hieu biet chn chanh, con Thc la thc
Good (the good) gives happiness to oneself
tnh, khong me muoi va tham am ni cac
and others: ieu thien mang lai hanh phuc cho duyen i na. The nen, thien tri thc la
mnh va cho ngi. ngi hien, hieu ao, va co kha nang lam li
Good (the good) of giving up lying is lac cho mnh va cho ngi.
truthfulness and trustfulness: S tot lanh cua 2) A friend in virtue, or a teacher who
t bo noi doi la chan that va ang tin cay. exemplifies the virtuous life and helps and
Good (the good) of giving up unchasty is inspires other to live a virtuous life too
purity and good: S tot lanh cua t bo ta hanh Good-Knowing advisor (good and wise
la trong sach va ang hoang. advisorEnlightened teachers or advisors)
Good Goddess Mantra: Thien Thien N A good friend who has a good and deep
knowledge of the Buddhas teaching and who
ChuSee Ten small mantras.
is currently practicing the law. Someone with
Good heart: Clear heart or conscienceGood
knowledge, wisdom and experience in
mindThien TamSee Wholesome mind.
Buddhas teaching and practicing. A wise
Good idea: Hao y. counsel, spiritual guide, or honest and pure
Good intention: Thien yGoodwill. friend in cultivation: Ngi ban ao hanh,
Good kalpa: Bhadrakalpa (skt): Nhn Hien kiep ngi thay gng mau, song i ao hanh,
(Thien kiep)Lucky kalpa. cung nh giup khuyen tan ngi khac
Good karma: Thien nghiepGood deeds song i ao hanh. Ngi ban ao tot, thc
Skillful actionKusala karmaWholesome tha, chan that, co kien thc tham hau ve Phat
karmaGood karma created by wholesome path phap va ang tu tap Phat phap.
such as practicing of the five precepts and the ten 3) The Buddha talked about being a Good
wholesome deeds, which will result in happiness. Knowing Advisor in Buddhism as follows:
Good karmas are deeds that lead to birth in the When speaking of the good knowledgeable
Pure LandNghiep tao ra bi thien ao nh ngu advisors, this is referring to the Buddhas,
gii thap thien, se a chung sanh en cho an lac Bodhisattvas, Sound Hearers, Pratyeka-
hanh phuc. Thien nghiep la nhng nghiep a en Buddhas, as well as those who have faith in
vang sanh Tnh oSee Two classes of karma the doctrine and sutras of Buddhism. The
(I), and Two kinds of karma (B). good knowledgeable advisors are those
Good karma acquired in a life of activity: capable of teaching sentient beings to
Tan nghiepThien nghiep do tan tam s hanh abandon the ten evils or ten unwholesome
hoat. deeds, and to cultivate the ten wholesome
Good-Knowing advisor: Thien Hu Tri deeds. Moreover, the good knowledgeable
ThcGood friendA good knowing friend. advisors speech is true to the dharma and
their actions are genuine and consistent with

their speech. Thus, not only do they not kill Venerable Thch Hai Quang in the Leters to
living creatures, they also tell others not to Buddhist Followers, there are two kinds of
kill living things; not only will hey have the Good Knowing AdvisorsTheo Thng Toa
proper view, they also will use that proper Thch Hai Quang trong Th Gi Ngi Hoc
view to teach others. The good Phat, co hai loai thien hu tri thc:
knowledgeable advisors always have the 1) Worldly good knowing advisorsNhn gian
dharma of goodness, meaning whatever thien tri thc:
actions they may undertake, they do not seek a) There is no greed, hatred, evil, and
for their own happiness, but for the happiness wickedness: Khong tham, san, xau ac.
of all sentient beings. They do not speak of b) Maintain the precepts one vows to maintain;
others mistakes, but speak of virtues and is always honorable and proper in every
goodness. There are many advantages and aspects of standing, walking, sitting, or lying
benefits to being close to the good down: Gii hanh tinh chuyen, ay u oai nghi
knowledgeable advisors, just as from the first trong i, ng, ngoi, nam.
to the fifteenth lunar calendar, the moon will c) Not to have greed for talent, form, fame,
gradually become larger, brighter and more food, sleep, as well as profit, money, wealth,
complete. Similarly, the good knowledgeable and luxury: Khong tham lam tai, sac, danh,
advisors are able to help and influence the thc, thuy, cung nh li loc, tien tai, cua cai,
learners of the Way to abandon gradually the va xa x.
various unwholesome dharma and to increase d) Not to have jealousy and envy: Khong tat o
greatly wholesome dharma: c Phat a noi ganh ghet.
ve thien hu tri thc trong ao Phat nh sau: e) Not to have attachment toward luxuries, such
Noi en Thien Hu Tri Thc la noi en as great temples, fancy cars, large lands, etc.:
Phat, Bo Tat, Thanh Van, Duyen Giac va Khong luyen ai xa hoa vat chat nh chua cao
Bch Chi Phat, cung vi nhng ngi knh tin mieu rong, xe co, ruong vn.
giao ly va kinh ien Phat giao. Hang thien f) Tam thng bnh ang, ngha la xem ngi
hu tri thc la ngi co the ch day cho chung than va ke oan nh nhau: Mind is always fair
sanh xa la mi ieu ac va tu tap mi ieu and just. This is to say to look upon relatives
lanh (see Thap Thien Nghiep, and Thap Ac). and enemies as equal.
Lai na, hang thien hu tri thc co li noi g) Having the proper dharma knowledge to
ung nh phap, thc hanh ung nh li noi, benefit self. This is to say to be able to carry
chnh la t mnh chang sat sanh cung bao out conducts that are true to the Buddhas
ngi khac chang sat sanh, nhan en t mnh teachings, speech and action are consistent, or
co s thay biet chn that (chanh kien) va em do what is said: Co phap lam li cho mnh,
s thay biet o ra ma ch day cho ngi. tc la hanh ung theo li Phat day, ngon
Hang thien hu tri thc luon co thien phap, hanh tng ng, hay noi va lam giong nhau.
tc la nhng viec cua mnh thc hanh ra h) Having proper dharma knowledge to benefit
chang mong cau t vui cho mnh, ma thng others. That is to say, capable of elaborating
v cau vui cho tat ca chung sanh, chang noi ra on the Buddha Dharma to guide and
loi cua ngi, ma luon noi cac viec thuan encourage others to practice and cultivate: Co
thien. Gan gui cac bac thien hu tri thc co phap lam li cho ngi, ngha la em chanh
nhieu ieu li ch, v nh mat trang t em phap cua Phat giang rong ra va khuyen dat
mong mot en ram, ngay cang ln, sang va ngi ngi tu niem.
ay u. Cung vay, thien hu tri thc lam cho i) Depending on each individuals level of
nhng ngi hoc ao lan lan xa la ac phap, cultivation, use the most appropriate and
va them ln phap lanh. agreeable dharma to teach and guide that
(II) Categories of Good Knowing AdvisorsPhan person to know how to apply the skillful
loai Thien Hu Tri Thc: According to means: Tuy theo can tanh cua moi ngi ma

dung phap thch hp e giao hoa cho ho biet f) Is the pillar in the Buddha Dharma: La bac
ro phng tien thien xao. tru cot trong Phat phap.
j) Have enough Dharma knowledge to have g) Holding on to the Buddhas feet, a leader or
awareness and mindfulness. This means Patriarch in a particular dharma tradition:
never lose sight of goodness and never allow Cam chan c Phat, la nha lanh ao hay To
evil to surface: u phap tong tr, ngha la gi trong chon tong mon.
ieu thien ng e cho mat; va ngan ieu ac, h) Opens the door to the proper path: M ca
khong cho chung sanh khi. chanh ao.
k) The mind always has good and kind thoughts i) Eliminates evil and wickedness: Tr dep xau
toward others, or rejoices in others ac.
wholesome accomplishments: Long luon luon j) Continues the teachings of Buddha and makes
ngh tng tot hay tuy hy vi moi ngi. the teachings more glorious with each day:
l) Cultivate with purity, do not violate the Noi truyen cho Phat phap ngay mot them
precepts established by the Buddha that we hng thnh.
have vowed to maintain: Tu hanh trong sach, k) Wisdom is greater than anyone in the three
khong pham vao gii luat cua Phat ma mnh worlds: Tr tue sieu quan hn tat ca tam gii.
a tho. l) The incense fragrance of that persons virtues
m) Mind, body and speech do not create is everywhere, admired and respected by
transgressions: Than khau y chang lam loi. many: Gii c thm ngat toa khap moi ni,
n) Whether expounding the dharma, or ngi ngi eu knh ngng.
explaining the meanings of anything, this m) Uses the Buddhas profound teachings to pass
should always be consistent and harmonious on to others; help maintain the Buddhas
with the sutra teachings: Thuyet phap hay seeds eternally: Lay giao phap tham tham
giang luan ngha ly chi cung eu khe hp vi cua Phat ma tuyen lu en tha nhan, khien
y kinh. cho hat giong Phat c trng ton.
o) Most importantly, when helping others never n) At the Highest Cultivated Level. This means
wish for that favor to be reciprocated, unrivaled in talents, virtues, and merits: La
because to do so is not called helping, but is mot bac ai can, ngha la khong ai hn c
called planning for self-benefits: ac biet ve tai c, cong c, va phc c.
nht la khi thi an cho ngi, chang cau bao o) A great practitioner: La mot bac ai hanh.
ap, v co cau bao ap th chang phai la thi p) A great vow maker: La mot bac ai nguyen.
an, ma la tnh toan. q) Has both the components of Majesty and
2) Truly great knowing advisorChan chanh Virtues, earning the love and respect of Gods
ai thien tri thc: and Men: ay u hai phan oai va c khien
a) Have greater wisdom than anyone: Co tr hue cho tri ngi trong ba coi knh yeu.
hn ngi. (III) Ancients taught, Nowadays, if one wishes to
b) Are superior in virtues and merits: La ngi find kind friends and virtuous teachers to
phc c sieu quan. learn and to be close to them, they may find
c) Absolutely nothing falls short of goodness and these people in the shining examples in old
wholesomeness. This means everything they books. Otherwise, if one searches among the
do is aimed toward goodness: Tuyet oi living, it would be extraordinary hard to find a
khong mot cho nao la khong tot lanh ca. single person. They also reminded us five
d) There is no dharma that is not known and things about good-knowing advisor as
understood: Khong mot phap nao la khong followsCo c co day, Thi nay muon tm
biet hay khong hieu. minh s, hay thien hu tri thc e gan gui
e) Is the Master and Patriarch, and is the eyes theo hoc, con co chang trong sach v hay
and ears for Gods and men: Lam Thay To, va gng Thanh hien, ch con trong vong nhan
lam tai mat cho coi Tri Ngi. tnh i nay, qua la hiem co vo cung. Cac

ngai con day them nam ieu ve thien hu tri 4) Those who drink the Dharma, live in
thc nh sau: happiness with a pacified mind; the wise man
1) Nowadays, in 1,000 people, there is one good ever rejoices in the Dharma expounded by
person: i nay trong 1.000 ngi mi tm ra the sages (Dharmapada 79): c uong nc
c mot ngi lanh. Chanh phap th tam thanh tnh an lac, nen
2) In a thousand good people, there is one ngi tr thng vui mng, a nghe Thanh
person who knows religion: Trong 1.000 nhn thuyet phap.
ngi lanh mi co mot ngi biet ao. 5) If you get a prudent and good companion who
3) In one thousand people who know religion, is pure, wise and overcoming all dangers to
there is one person who has enough faith to walk with, let nothing hold you back. Let find
practice religion: Trong 1.000 ngi biet ao, delight and instruction in his companion
mi co c mot ngi tin chu tu hanh. (Dharmapada 328): Neu gap ban ong hanh
4) In one thousand people who practice religion, hien lng can trong, giau tr l, hang phuc
there is one person who cultivates in a c gian nguy, th hay vui mng ma i cung
genuine and honest manner: Trong 1.000 ho.
ngi tu hanh mi co c mot ngi tu hanh 6) If you do not get a prudent and good
chan chanh. companion who is pure, wise and overcoming
5) Thus, out of four thousand people, we would all dangers to walk with; then like a king who
find only four good people: Vay th trong has renounced a conquered kingdom, you
4.000 ngi mi tm ra c bon ngi tot. should walk alone as an elephant does in the
(IV) The Buddhas teachings on Good Knowing elephant forest (Dharmapada 329): Neu
Advisors in the Dharmapada SutraNhng khong gap c ban ong hanh hien lng,
li Phat day ve Thien Hu Tri Thc trong giau tr l, th hay nh vua tranh nc loan
Kinh Phap Cu: nh voi bo ve rng.
1) Should you see an intelligent man who points 7) It is better to live alone than to be fellowship
out faults and blames what is blame-worthy, with the ignorant (the fool). To live alone
you should associate with such a wise person. doing no evil, just like an elephant roaming in
It should be better, not worse for you to the elephant forest (Dharmapada (330): Tha
associate such a person (Dharmapada 76): rieng mot mnh hn cung ngi ngu ket ban.
Neu gap c ngi hien tr thng ch bay mot mnh con ranh rang khoi ieu ac duc
lam loi va khien trach mnh nhng cho bat nh voi mot mnh thenh thang gia rng sau.
toan, hay nen ket than cung ho va xem nh Good-knowing friend: Thien Hu Tri Thc
bac tr thc a ch kho tang bao vat. Ket than See Good-knowing advisor.
vi ngi tr th lanh ma khong d. Good Law Hall: Thien Phap ng (in the
2) Those who advise, teach or dissuade one Trayastrimsas heavenstren coi tri 33 tang).
from evil-doing, will be beloved and admired
Good-looking: My mieu.
by the good, but they will be hated by the bad
Good luck: Svastika (skt)Hanh vanGood
(Dharmapada 77): Nhng ngi hay khuyen
fortuneProsperityCat tng (ch Van)See
ran day do, can ngan toi loi ke khac, c
ngi lanh knh yeu bao nhieu th b ngi d
ghet bo bay nhieu. Good man: Thien NhanAn honest man,
3) Do not associate or make friends with evil especially one who believes in Buddhist ideas of
friends; do not associate with mean men. causality and lives a good lifeMot ngi tot, tin
Associate with good friends; associate with theo thuyet nhan qua cua Phat Giao va song mot
noble men (Dharmapada 78): Ch nen lam i thien lanh.
ban vi ngi ac, ch nen lam ban vi ngi Good man doing good finds the day
kem hen, hay nen lam ban vi ngi lanh, insufficient; the evil man doing evil likewise
vi ngi ch kh cao thng. finds the day insufficient: Ngi tot lam viec

thien thay ngay khong u rong, thang khong u Good news: Tin mng.
dai e mnh tiep tuc lam thien, nhng ngi ac lai Good omen: Phc tng.
cung ngh nh the, tc la sao ma thi gian troi qua
Good people: Ngi thienSee Two groups of
mau qua nen y khong co u ngay gi e lam
good and evil people (A).
chuyen ac (Cat nhan vi thien duy nhat bat tuc,
Good physician: Lng y.
hung nhan vi bat thien diec duy nhat bat tuc).
Good policy: Thien chnh (chanh sach tot ep).
Good man and good woman: Thien nam tn
n. Goodness in practice: S thienSee Two good
things (A).
Good manifestation: Thien HienSee Sudrsas.
Good quality: Guna (skt)Kudoku (jap)
Good Manifestation Heaven: Sudrsa (skt)
VirtueCong cSee Merit.
Thien Hien ThienCoi Tri Thien Hien
Heaven of Beautiful Presentation, the third Good reputation: Danh thm.
heaven in the five pure-dwelling heavensCoi Good reputation on moral integrity: Danh
Tri th ba trong Ngu Tnh C ThienSee Five tiet.
pure-dwelling heavens in the fourth dhyana (II). Good reputation for morality and good
Good manners: Educated mannersLe giao. conduct: Ngi gi gii tieng tot on khap. ay
Good marks: Hao TngTng HaoThe la mot trong nam ieu li ch cho ngi u gii
white hair between Buddhas eyebrows, one of He gets a good reputation for morality and good
the thirty-two signs of a BuddhaTc long trang conduct. This is one of the five advantages to one
gia hai chan may cua Phat, mot trong 32 tng of good morality and of success in moralitySee
haoSee Lakshana-vyanjana. Five advantages to one of good morality.
Good medicine: Lng dc. Good roots: Kusala-mula (skt)Thien Can
Good methods: Lng phapThien phap. There are three kinds of good rootsCo ba loai
thien can.
Good mind: Good heartGood thoughts
(A) See Three wholesome roots and Three kinds
Thien tamGood mind includes beneficial
of good roots.
intentions towards others (y hng muon lam li
(B) According to the Surangama Sutra, book
cho ngi khac), compassion (long bi man),
Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda as
loving-kindness (Long t), generosity (bo th),
follows: Ananda! When these good men
patience (nhan nhuc), Tolerance (s bao dung),
have completely purified these forty-one
etc.Good thoughts bring happiness to oneself
minds, they further accomplish four kinds of
and to othersSee Wholesome mind and Three
wonderfully perfect additional practices.
good deeds of the body.
Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam,
Good months: Thien NguyetGood months,
c Phat a nhac ngai A Nan ve t gia hanh
i.e. the first, fifth and ninth; because they are the
nh sau: Ong A Nan! Ngi thien nam o,
most important in which to do good works and
thay eu thanh tnh, 41 tam gan thanh bon
thus obtain a good report in the spirit realmBa
th dieu vien gia hanh.See Four good
thang tot e an trng chay nh thang gieng,
roots (C).
thang nam va thang chn; v trong ba thang nay
(C) Catus-kusala-mula (skt)There are four
quy than se i rao e bao cao ve hanh vi cua the
good roots, or sources from which spring good
fruit or developmentCo bon thien can a
Good by nature: Tanh ThienNaturally good, en nhng qua v tot epSee Four good
or good essence, or rightness. Good by nature roots.
(rather than by effort), in contrast with evil by
Good root of keeping commandments: Gii
natureThien tanh san co ch khong do no lc tu
ThienFrom which springs the power for one
tap, oi lai vi tanh ac san coSee Three types
who keeps the five to be reborn as a man; or for
of characters.
one who keeps the ten to be reborn in the heaven,
Good nature: Thien tanhSee Good by nature.

or as a kingCan thien c vun ap do viec tho Good things free from evil flowings:
tr gii luat, neu tho tr ngu gii se c tiep tuc Kusalanasrava (skt)Thien Vo Lau PhapSee
sanh vao coi ngi, neu tu tap thap thien se c Kusalanasrava.
sanh vao coi tri hay sanh lam quoc vng. A Good turn deserves another: Thien gia
Good rules and customs: Thien Luat Nghi thien bao.
See Two kinds of rules or customs. Good upward directions: Thien aoSee
Good to see Heaven: Sudarsana (skt)Thien Good upward states of existence, and Three good
KienSee Nine heavens of the fourth dhyana upward states of existence.
heaven and Four dhyana heavens. Good upward states of existence: Thien
Good seeds in previous existence: Tuc thc aoThere are three good upward directions or
(trai rong ra nhng chung t thien lanh t kiep states of existenceBa ng hay trang thai i
trc). lenSee Three good upward states of existence.
Good signs: Good appearanceTng Hao Good Views Heaven: Thien Kien ThienCoi
See Good marks. Tri Thien KienSee Five pure-dwelling
Good sons: Thien Nam TSons of good heavens in the fourth dhyana (II).
familiesGentlemenOne of the Buddhas Good virtues free from evil flowings: Thien
terms to address to his disciplesNhng a con Vo Lau PhapSee Kusalanasrava.
cua nhng gia nh tot; t c Phat dung e goi Good way:
nhng ngi tai gia hay xuat gia ma tn tam nghe 1) Good direction: Thien ao.
va hanh tr Phat phap. 2) Naya (p)Right MethodChanh ly
Good spirit advisor: Thien tri thcVirtuous Phng phap ungSee Correct dharma.
friendsWise person. Good wealth: Thien Tai ong TSee
(A) Anyone (Buddha, Bodhisattva, wise person, Sudhana.
virtuous friends and even an evil being) who
Good Wealth Bodhisattva: Sudhana (skt)Bo
can help the practitioner progress along the
Tat Thien TaiSee Sudhana.
path to EnlightenmentThien hu tri thc
Good weather: Gio hoa ma thuan (Phong ieu
Bat c ai (Phat, Bo tat, ngi tr, ngi ao
vu thuan).
c, va ngay ca nhng ngi xau ac) co the
giup hanh gia tien tu giac ngo. Good-Will Buddha: Thien Y Phat.
(B) There are three types of good spiritual Good and wise advisor: Thien Tri ThcSee
advisors: Tam Chung Thien Tri Thc Good knowing advisor.
According to Most Venerable Thch Thien Good words: Thien ngonJust causeDanh
Tam in The Pure Land Buddhism in Theory chnh ngon thuan.
and Practice, in conducting a seven-day Good words but wicked heart: Khau Phat
retreat, one can either practice alone, to Tam XaA Buddhas mouth, but a serpents
attain purity more easily, or with many other heart. Good words but wicked heartMieng th
cultivatorsTheo Hoa Thng Thch Thien noi li cua Phat ma tam lai la tam cua loai ran
Tam trong Niem Phat Thap Yeu, ngi a oc.
that chuyen tu (chuyen tu bay ngay trong Good works are pure--knowledge is clear:
that), phai co ba bac thien tri thcSee All good works of all Buddhas are already pure,
Three types of good spiritual advisors. and their knowledge of all life is clear and
Good (the good) of not stealing is honesty: immaculateCh Phat a thanh tnh tat ca thien
S tot lanh cua khong trom cap la s liem khiet. nghiep, tat ca sanh tr eu a trong sang va thanh
Good talker: Kheo noi. sachSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all
Goodness in theory: Ly thienSee Two good worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (3).
things (A). Good worldly life: Cuoc song tran tuc lng

Good youth: Thien nam t. Gorin (jap): Panca-mandalaka (skt)Five

Goodness: Avyapada (skt)Benevolent circlesFive wheelsSee Five wheels.
BenevolenceClemencyNhan t. Gorocana (skt): Ho L Gia NaA bright yellow
Goodness achieved by meditation: nh pigment prepared from the urine or bile of a
ThienIn contrast with goodness cultivated cowMot chat nhuom mau sang c lam bang
during normal life (Tan thien)Thien nghiep at nc tieu hay mat bo.
c qua thien nh, ngc lai vi thien nghiep Gosaga (jap): Thien Hoang Ta Nga (Nhat Ban).
at c bang cach vun boi. Gosan-Bungaku: Van Chng Ngu SnA
Goodness acquired by effort: Gia Hanh Japanese term for Five Mountain Literature.
ThienTu ac ThienPhng Tien Thien This is the writings of Zen masters of the five
Goodness acquired by works as differentiated most important monasteries of Kyoto during the
from natural goodnessThien tam do phng Ashikaga period (1338-1573). The concept is
tien tu hanh ma chng ac c, oi lai vi sinh believed to have been first developed by the
ac thien. Chinese master I-Shan I-Ning (1247-1317), who
Goodness cultivated during normal life: Tan arrived in Japan in 1299, and his Japanese student
ThienIn contrast with the goodness achieved by Sesson Yubai (1288-1346)T Nhat Ban dung
meditation (nh thien)T oi lai vi nh e ch Van Chng Ngu Sn. ay la nhng bai
thien, ch thien nghiep do tam tan loan can cu tu viet cua cac Thien s cua nam t vien quan trong
tap ch khong phai do thien nh (ay la loi phe nhat tai Kyoto di thi Ashikaga. Ngi ta tin
phan cua Mat giao. Mat giao cho rang tat ca moi rang khai niem nay a c khai trien bi mot
phap mon cua Hien giao eu la tan thien, duy thien s Trung hoa ten Ngha Sn (ngi a du
ch Mat giao mi ung la Tam Ma a Mon, v hanh en Nhat Ban vao nam 1299) va e t ngi
ngay s tam tu Mat giao cung a tu tap theo quan Nhat cua ong ten Sesson Yubai.
hanh sinh Phat bat nh, ngha la chung sanh va Gosanjo (jap): Hoang e Hau Tam ieu (Nhat
ch Phat khong hai). Ban).
Goodness must be cultivated for the Goseki (jap): Dau tch cua s chng acA
tendency towards evil is ten times stronger: Japanese term for trace of awakening, used in
Nhng ieu thien lanh phai c tu tap theo Japanese Zen for someone who has had an initial
khuynh hng luc nao ieu ac cung mi lan awakening experience, whose superior behavior
manh hn (ao cao nhat xch, ma cao nhat trng; is noticed and admired by others. This is seen as
ao cao nhat trng, ma qua au thng). undersirable and inappropriate, for when a person
Goodness is its own reward: Lay ngha lam li progresses further, the traces are eliminated and
(D ngha vi li)To do the right thing is in itself the awakened master appears as an ordinary
profitable enough. person to the massesT ng Nhat Ban ch Dau
tch cua s chng ac, dung trong Thien tong
Goodness and wickedness: Thien va AcSee
Nhat Ban e ch mot v a chng ngo, ngi c
Wholesome and unwholesome.
cac v khac trong vong va knh phuc. Viec nay
Goodness and wisdom: Blessedness and
c coi nh khong c a chuong va khong
wisdomPhc tue (phc hue)See Two feet
thch hp, v khi mot v tinh tien xa hn tren
in the Bodhisattvas practices.
ng ao, tat ca nhng dau tch phai c triet
Goodwill: Thien chTam t tieu va mot v thay a chng ngo xuat hien nh
Gopika (skt): Minh n. mot ngi bnh thng trc ai chung.
Go-Rajas (skt): Ngu Mao TranThe amount of Goshirakawa (jap): Vua Hau Bach Ha (Nhat
dust that can rest on the top of a cows hair (seven Ban).
times of that on a sheeps)So lng bui tren Gosirsa-candana (skt): Ngu an Hng.
au long trau gap bay lan so lng bui tren au 1) Ox-head sandalwood: Ngu an Chien
long tru hay de (Dng Mao Tran). anNgu an Hng.

2) Red sandal-wood; said to come from the ox- received critizisms, and no one is criticized all
head mountains, and if rubbed on the body to his life and not received any praises.
make one impervious to fire, generally Therefore, to a human being living in this
protective against fire, curative of wounds world, life brings happiness, sadness, success,
and generally medicinal. The first image of failure, etc., no one can avoid gossip, praise,
Sakyamuni was made of this wood: Xch and criticism at one time or another. We
Chien anLoai go chien an t nui Ngu should always remember that once the words
au, neu cha sat vao than co the tr la, of gossip reach us, if we are not wise and
thng c dung e ngan la. Tng au calm, it is inevitable that our minds will be
tien cua c Thch Ca Mau Ni c lam disturbed by afflictions. This is a great
bang loai go nay. obstruction and is detrimental to our
Gosrnga (skt): Ngu au SnA mountain 13 li cultivated path. To destroy gossip, we must
from Khotan. One of the same name exists in first examine and change our own mistakes,
Kiangning in Kiangsu, which gave its name to a not to search and look for others mistakes.
school of Niu-Tou Shan-Fa or Niu-Tou Sung; its We, ordinary people, always hope to be
fundamental teaching was the unreality of all loved, praised, and admired, but no one likes
things, that all is dream or illusionNui Ngu to be criticized. It is possible that our mistakes
au, con goi la Ngu Giac Sn, pha nam cach and deficiencies are more abundant and
thanh Hoa ien (Khotan) khoang 3 dam. Ni ma worse than other peoples. Sincere Buddhists
bay gi van goi nh vay. should never say this person is this way and
Gosshiki (jap): Karma-vijnana (skt)Karmic that person is that way; we should never
consciousnessNghiep ThcSee Karma- forget we are not better than anyone.
vijnana. Therefore, those who study and cultivate the
Buddha Dharma must be awakened to
Gossips of right and wrong: Th Phi.
examine and change themselves, and dont
(I) The meanings of Right and WrongNgha
look for and speak of others mistakes. If this
cua Th Phi: The unenlightened sentient
is accomplished, the cultivated path will
beings such as ourselves have always clung
improve with each passing day, if not, many
very tightly to the two characteristics of
enemies will be created. When receiving
egotism of self and non-self; we always
gossip and false accusations, Buddhists should
assume self-importance, we are talented,
tolerate peacefully, do not try to justify the
others are untalented, we are noble, others
situation. In the book of Buddha Recitation
are lowly and ignoble, etc. Therefore, we
Samadhi Jewel King Commentary, the
have classified and discriminated everything
Buddha taught: If falsely accused, it is not
into hundreds of thousands of better, worse,
necessary to seek vindication because to do
right, wrong, etc. When talking about gossip,
so will lead to increase hatred and
lets not even talk of us, the unenlightened
resentment. People who have wicked minds,
mortals bound by heavy karma, indeed, even
intentionally saying unkind things about us,
the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of great
by trying to shed light in the matter means we
compassion who appear in this world to teach
are trying to prove to everyone that the
and guide sentient beings, are not spared
matter was falsely accused. Naturally, this
from sentient beings gossip. Therefore, the
will worsen the situation because it will give
ancient sage taught: Do not claim one is free
rise to more hatreds and arguments, which
from criticisms, silently there are plenty of
will further increase anger, resentment, and
people degrading. In front of us, they are
bitterness. In general, ordinary people always
polite, respectful, and friendly, but behind us,
see they are right and others are wrong.
who knows they insult even our mother and
Buddhists should always see our
father. In the Dharmapada Sutra, the Buddha
transgressions, not to see others
taught: No one is praised all his life and not

transgressions. Sincere Buddhists should xet loi mnh, ch ng nhn ngo loi ngi.
always remember that all the praises and Pham phu chung ta thng thch c thng
criticisms in the world cannot make one good yeu, khen tang, knh trong, ch khong a b
or bad, nor can they lead one to ch trch loi mnh. Co ng au ieu xau d
enlightenment or darkness, but all good, evil, cua mnh oi khi con nhieu va te hai hn na.
enlightenment, and darkness is up to each Phat t thuan thanh khong nen noi ngi nay
individual. In summary, if we create many the nay, ngi khac the no, ma nen luon ngh
wholesome conducts, then regardless whether lai rang mnh cung chang tot ep hn ai. Cho
someone hates and despites us, falsely nen ngi tu hoc Phat phap can nen phan
accusing us as wicked and evil beings, and tnh, xet sa lay mnh, ch nen nhn noi hay
saying that we deserve to be condemned to phe bnh en viec hay d cua ngi. c
hell; we will not be condemned to hell, but nh the th ng ao ngay cang them tot
we still reap the merits and blessings. In ep, neu khong nh the at se b lam oan gia.
contrast, if we plant unwholesome seeds, then Khi b th phi oan uong, ngi con Phat phai
even if our admirers praise and glorify us, we an nhan, ch nen tm cach bien bach. Trong
still must endure in the lower realmsPham Luan Bao Vng Tam Muoi, c Phat day:
phu chung ta c luon chap chat vao hai tng Oan ng khong can bien bach, v bien bach
nga nhan, do o thng hay cho rang ta hay, la nhan nga cha xa. V mot khi ngi a ac
ngi d, ta cao quy, ngi thap hen, van van tam co y noi xau ta, ma ta bien minh, tc la
V the ma xa nay chung ta c mai phan loai ta muon to cho cac ngi chung quanh biet
va bien biet tram ngan cac s th phi, hn rang ke o noi sai, d nhien se sanh ra nhng
thua, phai quay. ng noi chi chung ta la tranh cai, oan thu, roi phai chuoc lay them
hang pham phu bat a, nghiep chng nang ieu buon bc, gian hn, va cay ang. Thoi
ne phai b anh hng cua th phi, ma ngay ca thng pham phu ch thay mnh phai, con
en ch Phat va ch Bo Tat, v tam ai bi, ngi th quay; ngi con Phat nen luon thay
long bi man thng xot chung sanh ma th loi mnh, ch khong nen thay loi cua ngi.
hien ra ni i e giao hoa chung sanh cung Phat t thuan thanh nen luon nh rang moi
khong sao tranh khoi b tieng th phi lam cho tieng khen che ben ngoai khong lam cho ta
thng ton. Chnh v the ma Co c day rang: tot hoac xau them, cung khong lam cho ta
Thuy nhn boi hau vo nhan thuyet, na ca c sieu hay oa, ma moi xau tot sieu oa
nhn tien bat thuyet nhn. Ngha la ch noi eu ni ta. Tom lai, neu ta gay tao nhan
ta khong ngi ch trch, am tham chi thieu lanh, th du ngi co ghet han ma dung li
ke dem pha. Trc mat chung ta th ho cui khinh bang, hay co ke ac tam noi rang ta la
au lch s, knh trong, than thien; nhng sau ngi ang oa a nguc, cung khong lam sao
lng chung ta th nao ai co biet ho chi me ma ta oa a nguc cho c; nhng ngc
mang cha cua chung ta. Trong Kinh Phap Cu, lai, chung ta cung van gat hai nhng phc
c Phat day: Khong co ngi nao tron i c ma chung ta a gieo tao. V bang chung
c khen ma chang b che. Cung khong co ta gieo nhieu nhan xau ac, th tuy co c
ngi nao tron i b che ma chang c ngi ne trong ma dung li le trau chuot ngi
khen. Cho nen lam ngi tren i cung co khen, tang boc, th chung ta van phai chu
khi vui, luc buon, khi thanh, luc bai, van van, ieu oa lac.
khong ai tranh khoi tieng th phi, li thng (II) The Buddhas teachings on Right and
ghet va ch trch. Phai nen nh rang mot khi Wrong in the Dharmapada SutraNhng li
tieng th phi en vi ta, neu nh chung ta Phat day ve Th Phi trong Kinh Phap Cu:
khong sang suot va bnh tnh th chac rang 1) Atula! There is an old saying, it is not one of
tam chung ta phai xao ong, nao phien. Nh today only: They blame those who sit silent,
vay la chng ngai cho con ng tu tap. they blame those who speak too much. They
Muon pha tr th phi, chung ta trc het nen blame those who speak little too. There is no

one who is not blamed in this world of the White Clouds.Ten cua mot v Phat t
(Dharmapada 227): A-a-La nen biet: ay ngi c, ngi a tho gii tai Mien ien vao
khong phai ch la chuyen i nay ma i xa nam 1929. Vao nam 1931, ong du hanh sang
ngi ta cung tng noi: Lam thinh b ngi Darjeeling, tai ay ong rat thch thu vi Phat giao
che, noi nhieu b ngi che, noi t cung b Tay Tang va nhan le quan anh vi trng phai
ngi che. Lam ngi ma khong b che, that Drukpa Kagyupa. Ong t xem mnh thuoc truyen
la chuyen kho co the co the gian nay. thong Khong co giao quyen. Nhng tac pham
2) There never was, there never will be, nor is cua ong co anh hng ln vi ngi Tay phng,
there now, a person who is wholly blamed or ac biet la tac pham C S Ve Nhng Huyen B
wholly praised (Dharmapada 228): Toan b Tay Tang va quyen tieu s cua ong nhan e
ngi che ca, hay toan c ngi khen ca, ng May Trang.
la ieu qua kh cha tng co, hien tai tm Govratika (skt): Kukkura-Vratika (skt)Ngu
khong ra, va v lai cung khong de g thay Cau Ngoai aoHeretics who live as oxen or
c. dogs, one of the six heretic ascetic practices
3) Examining day by day, the wise praise him Ngoai ao song kho hanh nh trau cho, mot trong
who is of flawless life, intelligent, endowed sau th kho hanh cua ngoai ao. **See Six
with knowledge and virtue (Dharmapada austerities.
229): C moi buoi mai thc day t biet phan Goyoku (jap): Panca-visaya (skt)Five
tnh, hanh ong khong sai quay, tr tue hien desiresSee Five desires.
minh va gii hanh thanh tnh, o la ngi
Gozan (jap): Ngu SnSee Gosan Bungaku.
ang c ke tr tan dng.
Gozuzen (jap): Niu-Tou-ChanMeditation on
4) Who would dare to blame him who is like a
the unreality of all things (all is dream or
piece of pure gold? Even the gods and
illusion)Y cua Ngu au Tong la xem cac
Brahma praise him (Dharmapada 230): Pham
phap khong thc, nh mong huyen.
ung loai vang Diem phu ai lai che bai c?
Hanh ung Ba la mon, ch thien nao lai Grabh (skt): Grau (skt)Graha (skt)Seize
khong tan thng ?. GraspHold on toMaintainObstinate
Gotama: ao s Co am
Grace (n): Thanh nhaAn hueFavor
Gotamide (skt): Kieu am Ni (ten khac cua ba
Maha Ba xa ba e). **See Mahaprajapati.
Grace of the Buddha: An Phat.
Gotoba (jap): Thien Hoang Hau ieu Vu (Nhat
1) Grades of hearers: Pham thnh phapSee
Three grades of hearers.
Go-un (jap): Panca-skandha (skt)Panca-
2) Mi an PhatSee Ten kinds of Buddhas
khandha (p)See Five Aggregations.
Govern (v): Thong tr. 3) V ngh en n PhatTake our Sakyamuni
Governance (n): S thong trS quan ly. Buddha as an example, from the time He first
Govinda, Lama Anagarika (E. L. Hoffmann developed the mind to cultivate for the
1898-1985): Name of a German Buddhist who Ultimate Bodhi Mind or Buddhahood, to aid
received Anagarika ordiantion in Burma in 1929. and escue sentient beings, he had endured
In 1931 he traveled to Darjeeling, where he endless sufferingsc Thch Ton, khi mi
became interested in Tibetan Buddhism and phat tam, v o chung ta, tu Bo Tat ao trai
received initiation in the Drukpa Kagyupa order. qua vo lng kiep, chu u cac s khoSee
He saw himself as belonging to the Non- Ten reasons that cause sentient beings to
Sectarian (Ris Med) tradition. His many writings develop Bodhi-mind.
had a wide influence on Western people, Grace of complete altruism: An v tha en
particularly The Foundation of Tibetan muon loai, mot trong mi an cua PhatGrace of
Mysticism and his autobiographical work Way complete altruism, one of ten kinds of the

Buddhas graceSee Ten kinds of Buddhas Grace of salvation: An Cu o chung sanh

grace. Grace of Initial resolve to universalize (salvation),
Grace of descending into the world: An giang one of ten kinds of the Buddhas graceAn Cu
tranGrace of descending into all the six states o chung sanh, mot trong mi an cua PhatSee
of existence for their salvation, one of ten kinds of Ten kinds of Buddhas grace.
the Buddhas graceAn giang tran cu the, mot Grace of self-sacrifice: An hy sinh trong tien
trong mi an cua PhatSee Ten kinds of kiep, mot trong mi an cua PhatGrace of self-
Buddhas grace. sacrifice in previous lives, one of ten kinds of the
Grace fields: Gratitude fieldsAn ienSee Buddhas graceSee Ten kinds of Buddhas
Eight fields for cultivating blessedness (I) (B). grace.
Grace of great pity: An ai biPitying thought Grace of the teachers: An s trngSee Ten
for all creatures, in that dying at 80 instead of 100 reasons that cause sentient beings to develop
he left twenty years of his own happiness to his Bodhi-mind.
disciples; and also the tripitaka for universal Grace of teaching in accordance with the
salvation, one of ten kinds of the Buddhas capacity of his hearers: An tuy thuan hoa
graceMot trong mi an cua Phat. Thng xot chungGrace of teaching in accordance with the
chung sanh ma nhap niet ban tuoi 80 thay v capacity of his hearers, first Hinayan, then
100 va e lai Tam Tang kinh ien pho cu o Mahayana doctrine, one of ten kinds of the
chung sanhSee Ten kinds of Buddhas grace. Buddhas graceAn tuy thuan hoa chung, mot
Grace and love: An aiHuman affection, trong mi an cua Phat. Trc tien la giao phap
which is one of the causes of rebirthS luyen ai Tieu Tha roi sau la giao phap ai ThaSee
cua con ngi, mot trong nhng nhan chnh cua s Ten kinds of Buddhas grace.
tai sanh. Graded teaching: Tiem giaoSee Gradual
Grace of the parents: V nh an cha meSee teaching.
Ten reasons that cause sentient beings to develop Grades of disciples mentioned in the Lotus
Sutra: Five grades of disciples mentioned in the
Grace of profound pity: An ai bi, mot trong Lotus SutraNam pham e t c Phat noi en
mi an cua PhatGrace of profound pity, one of trong Kinh Phap HoaSee Five grades of
ten kinds of the Buddhas graceSee Ten kinds disciples mentioned in the Lotus Sutra.
of Buddhas grace.
Grades of diversity: Trang thai d ong.
Grace of relief of the living from distress Grade of the five classes or stages of lay
and mortality: An cu kho va vien ly sanh t, disciples: Quan Hanh TcNgu pham v e t
mot trong mi an cua PhatGrace of relief of
tai giaSee Eight grades of disciples.
the living from distress and mortality, one of ten
Grades of Sramanera: Pham Sa DiThere are
kinds of the Buddhas graceSee Ten kinds of
three grades of SramaneraSee Three grades of
Buddhas grace.
Grace of revealing his nirvana: An soi rang
Grade of the ten classes of ordinary monks
Niet ban cho chung e tGrace of revealing his
nirvana to stimulate his disciples, one of ten kinds and nuns: Tng T TcThap tn v e t hay
of the Buddhas graceSee Ten kinds of pham Tang pham NiSee Eight grades of
Buddhas grace. disciples.
Grace of revelation: An khai thAn soi rang Gradual (a): T tTiemBy degreeTo
Chan ly cho nhan loai, mot trong mi an cua flow little by little.
PhatGrace of revelation of himself in human Gradual awakening: Tiem ngoGradual
and glorified form, one of ten kinds of the enlightenment, or progressive awakening for
Buddhas graceSee Ten kinds of Buddhas beginners, one of the three modes of the Buddhas
grace. teaching of the Southern Sects (Hui-Neng). The

position that enlightenment comes gradually, as a the Hua-Yen sutra as the immediate or direct
result of studying the sutras and accumulated teaching, and the Lotus sutra as both gradual
practiceTiem ngo hay giac ngo t t, mot trong and direct; Tien-Tai considers the Lotus
ba giao tng cua c Phat theo cac trng phai sutra direct and complete. This is one of the
Thien Nam Tong (Hue Nang). Trong o s giac eight methods of teachings which The Buddha
ngo xay en mot cach t t do ket qua cua viec utilized the Gradual Doctrine to induce
hoc tap kinh ien va tch tap cua thc hanhSee people gradually into deeper thinking, using
Two kinds of entry into Bodhisattvahood, and all sorts of measures, this is the time of the
Three modes of the Buddhas teaching of the Deer Park, of Development and of Wisdom.
Southern sects. The Gradual Doctrine teaches cultivators to
Gradual concentration: Tiem nhTo enter gain enlightenment gradually from lower to
dhyana (To concentrate) gradually, from the higher levels such as the Pureland Dharma
shallow to the deep, from the simple to the Door. This gradual method or the method of
complexVao nh mot cach t t, t can en Agama, Vaipulya and Parinirvana-sutras. This
sau, t n gian en phc tap. method is utilized by the majority of people
Gradual dhyana: Tiem Th Ch QuanSee because it progresses from the elementary to
Gradual from the shallow to the deep, and Three more complex teachingsPhng phap tien
modes of entering dhyana. tu t t, i t Tieu Tha len ai Tha, oi lai
vi phng phap i thang vao giao thuyet ai
Gradual doctrine: Tiem Giao.
Tha cua on giao. Tong Hoa Nghiem cho
1) Gradual school refers to the notion that
rang kinh Hoa Nghiem la giao ien on ngo
awakening is attained through a program of
va kinh Phap Hoa va tiem va on; trong
gradual training. Some people say it is
khi tong Thien Thai lai cho rang kinh Phap
associated with the Northern School or
Hoa la va la on giao ma cung la vien giao.
Pei Tsung of Chinese Chan and is
ay la mot trong tam loai giao phap ma c
contrasted with the Southern School or
Phat dung Tiem Giao dan du moi ngi i
Nan Tsung or sudden teachings, which
lan vao s t duy sau tham, dung tat ca moi
hold that awakening must be attained all at
phng tien, ay la thi Loc Uyen, Phng
once, in a sudden flash of realization. Some
ang va Bat Nha. Phng phap Tiem Giao
other people say the gradual method of
nay c ai a so ap dung v no i t thap
teaching by beginning with the Hinayana and
en cao, t can ban en phc tap nh Phap
proceeding to the Mahayana, in contrast with
Mon Tnh o. Phng phap nay bao ham cac
the immediate teaching of the Mahayana
thi ky A Ham, Phng Quang va Bat Nha
doctrineTiem giao ch khai niem ve ngo
See Five periods and eight teachings of the
at c qua mot chng trnh thc tap t t.
Co ngi cho rang tiem giao quan he vi
Bac Tong Thien va ngc lai vi Nam Gradual Enlightened Zen: Thien Tiem Ngo.
Tong Thien hay on giao, v on giao cho Gradual or or graded teaching: Tiem Giao
rang giac ngo phai c thc chng tc th, nh trong Kinh A Ham, Phng Dang va Niet
trong mot anh chp chng ngo. Vai ngi BanGradual or or graded teaching, i.e., Agama
khac lai cho rang ay la phng phap tien tu and Nirvana SutrasSee Eight Tien-Tai
t t, i t Tieu Tha len ai Tha, oi lai classifications of Sakyamunis teaching (B).
vi phng phap i thang vao giao thuyet ai Gradual from the shallow to the deep: Tiem
Tha cua on giao. Th Ch QuanGradual, from the shallow to the
2) The gradual method of teaching by beginning deep, from the simple to the complex, such as
with the Hinayana and proceeding to the fixing the mind on the nose, or navel, etcTrc
Mahayana, in contrast with the immediate can sau sau, trc n gian sau phc tap, chang
teaching of the Mahayana doctrine, or of any han nh tru tam tai nh mui hay ron, van van
truth directly, e.g. Hua-Yen school considers See Three modes of entering dhyana.

Gradual Mahayana: ai Tha Tiem Giao 2) One who seizes or perceives: Ngi nam
See Five divisions of Buddhism (I). chap hay nhan thc.
Gradual method: Tiem GiaoSee Gradual Grahya (skt): S ThuSeized, that which is
school. perceivedCai b nam lay hay cai b nhan thc.
Gradual perfection: Tiem vienSee Two Grahyagrahaka (skt): S Thu Nang ThuThat
perfect doctrines (A). which is perceived or apprehended, and that
Gradual or progressive: TiemSee Three which perceives or apprehendsCai c nhan
modes of the Buddhas teaching of the Southern thc hay c hieu, va cai nhan thc hay cai
sects. hieuSee Grahaka.
Gradual school: Zengo (jap)Tiem GiaoSee Grain of dust: Nhat vi tran (hat bui).
Gradual doctrine. Grain of sand in the river Ganges: Hang sa
Gradual stages of cultivation: Tinh Tan Tu (Cat song Hang).
Hanh Tiem ThSee Three gradual stage of Grain (v) seeds: Cha luaSee Eight things that
cultivation. monks or nuns are not allowed to possessed.
Gradual teachings: Tiem GiaoTiem giao nh Grandharammana (p): Hng TranThe
trong Kinh A Ham, Phng ang va Niet Ban odourferous object. The atom or element of smell,
Gradual or or graded teaching, i.e., Agama and one of the six gunasHng tran la mui hng
Nirvana SutrasSee Gradual doctrine, Dual cua luc tran nh sac, thanh, hng, v, xuc,
division of the Buddhas teaching (II), and Eight phap, khien ngi ngi thay co cam giac khoai
Tien-Tai classifications of Sakyamunis teaching lac (ngi tu Phat, oi vi nhng mui thm khong
(B). vui thch, oi vi mui thoi khong kho chu, ma gi
Gradual training: Tiem hoc. mnh t nhien trc hng tran).
Gradually: T tLittle by little. Grand Unification Theory: Thuyet ai Tong
Gradually to cut off: See Tiem Tiem on on.
Gradually immediate teaching: Tiem on Grandiose power: Quang ai lcThis is one
of the ten kinds of might with enormous power of
GiaoSee Two immediate ways to perfection.
all Buddha which the Buddha taught in the
Graduate student: Sinh vien tot nghiep.
Flower Adornment Sutraay la mot trong mi
Graha (skt): Chap thu. th lc cua ch Phat ma c Phat a day trong
1) Grasp: Grau (skt)Grabh (skt)Grasp Kinh Hoa NghiemSee Ten kinds of might with
Hold on toMaintainObstinateTo be enormous power of all Buddhas.
held by anything or ideaMaintain
Grandiosity and self-conceit: Khoa trng va
ObstinateSeizeChapChup layThu
kieu manThis is one of the ten wrong ways into
TrcThu chap cac phap khong la bo
which the Yogin may fallay la mot trong
(theo Kinh Niet Ban: Het thay pham phu
mi lam lac ma thien gia co the b ri vaoSee
eu thu trc t sac en thc. V me chap sac
Ten wrong ways into which Zen practitioners may
ma sinh long tham, v tham ma b troi buoc
vao sac va thc, v b rang buoc nen khong
Grandsons of the King and children of
the tranh khoi kho au phien nao, buon lo,
sinh, lao, benh, t). dukes: Vng ton cong t (con quan chau vua), y
2) Nghiet La Ha: Grha (skt)Nghiet Ly Ha noi con nha quyen quThe children of noble
Name of a demon, the seizerTen cua mot housesThe aristocracy.
loai quy chuyen i bat ngi. Grant (v): Ban choTo giveTo awardTo
Grahaka (skt): Grahana (skt)SeizingNang bestowTo endow.
Thu. Grant a favor: Ban n.
1) Seizing or perceiving: S nam lay hay s Grant happiness to someone: Ban phc cho
nhan thc. aiNo one has the power to grant happiness or to

inflict suffering to all sentient beingsKhong ai lacSee Ten kinds of grasping by which they
co quyen nang ban phc hay giang hoa cho ca perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Beings.
thay chung sanh. Grasp great compassion: Thu lay ai bi
Grant someone a favor: Th an cho ai. Bodhisattvas grasp great compassion, to
Grant someone the posthumous title: Ban extinguish the pains of all sentient beings, one of
tang ai danh hieu sau khi ngi o chet. the ten kinds of grasping by which they perpetuate
Grant someone the rank of chief disciple: the practices of Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat
Ban cho ngi nao a v ai e t. thu lay ai bi, v diet kho cho tat ca chung sanh
See Ten kinds of grasping by which they
Grant someone the title Sangha
perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Beings.
President: Phong cho ai tc hieu Tang Thong.
Grasp all realms of sentient beings: Thu lay
Grantha (skt): Gia Lan Tha.
tat ca chung sanh giiBodhisattvas grasp all
1) Verse: Ke.
realms of sentient beings, to ultimately enlighten
2) The scriptures of the Sikhs: Giao ien cua
them, one of the ten kinds of grasping by which
ngi Sikhs.
they perpetuate the practices of Enlightening
Grasp (v): Grabh (skt)Graha (skt)Grau BeingsCh Bo Tat thu lay tat ca chung sanh
(skt)MaintainObstinateSeizeTo hold on gii, v rot rao giao hoa chung sanhSee Ten
to, or be held by anything or ideaChup lay kinds of grasping by which they perpetuate the
Thu TrcThu chap cac phap khong la bo practices of Enlightening Beings.
(theo Kinh Niet Ban: Het thay pham phu eu thu
Grasp roots of goodness: Thu lay thien can
trc t sac en thc. V me chap sac ma sinh
Bodhisattvas grasp roots of goodness,
long tham, v tham ma b troi buoc vao sac va
accumulating the virtues that mark and embellish
thc, v b rang buoc nen khong the tranh khoi
the Buddhas, one of the ten kinds of grasping by
kho au phien nao, buon lo, sinh, lao, benh, t).
which they perpetuate the practices of
Grasp (v) to anything: Graha (skt)Chap trc Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat thu lay thien
hay nam gi vao s vat. can v cha nhom tng hao cong c cua ch
Grasp Buddha: Thu lay Nh LaiBodhisattvas PhatSee Ten kinds of grasping by which they
grasp Buddha, cultivating the practices of perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Beings.
Enlightening Beings as offerings, one of the ten Grasp at shadows: Bo phong troc anh (uoi
kinds of grasping by which they perpetuate the hnh bat bong, y noi li noi vu v khong an nhap
practices of Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat thu vao au ca).
lay Nh Lai v tu hanh Bo Tat e cung dng
Grasp skill in means: Thu lay phng tien
See Ten kinds of grasping by which they
thien xaoBodhisattvas grasp skill in means, to
perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Beings.
demonstrate them everywhere, one of the ten
Grasp enlightenment: Thu lay Bo e kinds of grasping by which they perpetuate the
Bodhisattvas grasp enlightenment, to obtain practices of Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat thu
unobstructed knowledge, one of the ten kinds of lay thien xao phng tien, v eu th hien tat ca
grasping by which they perpetuate the practices of moi niSee Ten kinds of grasping by which
Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat thu lay Bo e, they perpetuate the practices of Enlightening
v c tr vo ngaiSee Ten kinds of grasping by Beings.
which they perpetuate the practices of
Grasp all things: Thu lay ch phap
Enlightening Beings.
Bodhisattvas grasp all things, to comprehend them
Grasp great benevolence: Thu lay ai t everywhere with clear knowledge, one of the ten
Bodhisattvas grasp great benevolence, to bestow kinds of grasping by which they perpetuate the
on all beings the happiness of omniscience, one of practices of Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat thu
the ten kinds of grasping by which they perpetuate lay tat ca cac phap, v moi ni eu dung minh
the practices of Enlightening BeingsCh Bo Tat tr e hien roSee Ten kinds of grasping by
thu lay ai t, v cho tat ca chung sanh nhng tr

which they perpetuate the practices of ch khong phai la ao vongSee Six coarser
Enlightening Beings. stages (3).
Grasp the transcendent ways: Thu lay Ba La Grasping and rejecting: Lay bo (chap chat va
MatBodhisattvas grasp the transcendent ways, buong xa).
to accumulate the adornments of Enlightening Grasping at theory and neglecting practice:
Beings, one of the ten kinds of grasping by which Chap ly bo s.
they perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Grass cannot grow, but its roots are not yet
BeingsV tch tap nhng trang nghiem cua Bo
rotten or destroyed: When we crush prairie
TatSee Ten kinds of grasping by which they
grass with a stone block, though the grass cannot
perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Beings.
grow, its roots are not yet rotten or destroyed. If
Grasp all worlds: Thu lay tat ca the gii conditions arise that cause the stone to be
Bodhisattvas grasp all worlds, to ultimately purify overturned, the grass will continue to grow as
them, one of the ten kinds of grasping by which beforeNh dung tang a e len co dai, co tuy
they perpetuate the practices of Enlightening khong moc c nhng cu cua no cha h thui;
BeingsThu lay tat ca the gii v rot rao nghiem neu gap duyen khac tang a b lat len, co van
tnhSee Ten kinds of grasping by which they moc lai nh cuSee Three analogies concerning
perpetuate the practices of Enlightening Beings. retrogression of practitioners who have
Grasping: Upadana (p)Chap thuNam gi experienced awakening.
hay b cuon hut bi cai gAttachment Grass couch: Bo oan (ket bang co).
PossessionClinging to existenceLaying hold
Grass finger-ring: Thao HoanUsed by the
ofThe Buddha always taught his disciples,
esoteric sectCon goi la Mao Hoan, chiec nhan
monks, nuns and laypeople, not to grasp on
lam bang co. Mat giao dung trong cac nghi le.
anything; however, according to the Flower
Grass spirit: Than Co.
Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are ten kinds
of grasping by which they perpetuate the practices Grass-tips: Ngon co.
of Enlightening Beings. Enlightening Beings who Grateful (a): ThankfulTri an.
abide by these can perpetuate the practices of Grateful to the benefactors: V ngh an th
Enlightening Beings and attain the Buddhas chuSee Ten reasons that cause sentient beings
supreme state of not grasping anythingc Phat to develop Bodhi-mind.
thng day chung e t, Ty Kheo, Ty Kheo Ni, Grateful to the sentient beings: n chung
va ngi tai gia la khong nen chap thu vao bat c sanhSee Ten reasons that cause sentient beings
th g, tuy nhien theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham to develop Bodhi-mind.
38, c Phat noi ch ai Bo Tat co mi ieu thu Gratefulness (n): Long biet an.
lay, do ay ma khong dt hanh Bo Tat. Ch Bo Gratify (v): Ban tangLam va long.
Tat an tru ni mi ieu thu lay nay thi co the
Gratitude (n): Long biet nLong tri nLong
chang dt Bo Tat hanh, va c phap vo s thu
cam kchThe Buddha taught: One should not
vo thng cua tat ca Nh LaiSee Nine bonds
wish to be repaid for good deeds. Doing good
that bind men to mortality, Ten kinds of grasping
deeds with an intention of getting repayment will
by which they perpetuate the practices of
lead to greed for fame and fortune. However, in
Enlightening Beings, and Twelve conditions of
any society, gratitude is a precious virtue and
cause and effect.
Buddhists should always remember the kindness
Grasping to the past: Chap Thu TngThe and assistance others have given you. Even
third of the six coarser stages in The Awakening
though the Buddha asked the giver not to wish to
of Faith, retention of memories of past joys and
be repaid for good deeds, He always considered
sorrows as if they were realities and not
gratitude to be a great blessing, an extremely high
illusionsTho tng th ba trong sau tho tng
quality to develop for every Buddhistc Phat
c e cap trong ai Tha Khi Tn Luan, nh
day: Thi an bat cau bao, con cau bao la thi an co
mai nhng vui nhng buon coi nh chung la that

mu o va s thi an nh vay se a ti ham muon LnhThu PhongVulture PeakA Sanskrit

danh li. Tuy nhien, trong bat c xa hoi nao, biet term for Vulture Peak. Name of a Mountain
n la mot c tnh quy bau, va ngi Phat t nen near Rajagrha in north east India, on which
luon ghi nh long tot va s giup cua ngi Sakyamuni Buddha is said to have delivered a
khac. Du c Phat bao ngi bo th ng mong number of sermons, including the Lotus Sutra. It is
cau c bao ap, nhng Ngai luon xem s biet reported to have received its name after Mara
n la mot ai phuc, mot pham hanh cao tot ma took the form of a vulture in an attempt to distract
Phat t can nen phat trien. Ananda from his meditation. This is also one of
Gratitude to the Buddha: Cam v an c cua the many Retreats given to the Buddha for the use
PhatSee Seven mental attitudes in penitential of the Sangha. According to Eitel in The
meditation or worship. Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms,
Gratitude fields: Grace fieldsAn ienSee Vulture Peak, near Rajagrha, the modern Giddore,
Eight fields for cultivating blessedness (I) (B). so called because Mara Pisuna once assume there
in guise of a vulture to interrupt the meditation of
Gratuitous (a): Biet n.
Ananda; more probably because of its shape, or
Gratuity (n): An hue.
because of the vultures who fed there on the
Grau (skt): Grabh (skt)Graha (skt)Seize dead; a place frequented by the Buddha; the
GraspHold on toMaintainObstinate imaginary scene of the preaching of the Lotus
Chap. Sutra, and called the Spiritual Vulture Peak, as
Grave: the Lotus sutra is also known as the Vulture Peak
1) (a): Nghiem trong. Gatha. Also called Vultures Peak. It was so
2) (n): Mo huyet. called because it resembled a vulture-like peak
Grave barriers to meditation and and also because the vultures used to dwell on its
enlightenment: Trong QuanNhng tr ngai peak (said to be shaped like a vultures head). It is
nghiem trong trong thien nh va giac ngo. is one of the five famous hills surrounding the
Grave offense: ai toiTrong toiThere are inner area of Rajagaha during the Buddhas time,
five grave offenses, or five deadly sins (killing present-day town of Rajgir in Bihar state of the
ones father or ones mother or an arahant, northeast India. Its caverns were always inhabited
causing dissension within the Sangha, causing the by the ascetics of ancient days and the Buddha
Tathagata to bleed)See Five betrayals. also came to stay at this place to sit meditation
Grave sins: Loi nang. several times during his sojourn in Rajagaha. It is
said that the Buddha preached there many
Gravestone: Bia mo.
important discourses of the Great Vehicle
Graveyard (n): CemeteryNgha trang. including the Lotus Sutra.
Gravity (n): Dan lc cua a cau (lc hap dan).
Gray matter: Chat xam trong nao (ay la chat
can ban cua tr tue con ngi).
Gray pennon in the Southwest: Tay Nam
phn xamay la mot trong Phn tam sac cua
c Phat A Di a, ch tam hng trong khong
gianThis is one of the Amitabhas eight
pennons of various colours, indicating the eight
directions of spaceSee Eight pennons of various
Grdhra (skt): Kiet Lat aLinh thu (kenh
Grdhrakuta (skt): Gijjakuta (p)Xa Quat
SnLinh Thu SnThu au SnThu

(Grdhrakuta Mountain in SravastiNui Linh is subdivided into four asankhyeya-kalpas:

Thu tai x Xa Ve) formation, existence, destruction and non-
existence. Each of the four asankhyeya-kalpas is
T Bac Phan dung e ch nh Thu Sn. Ten again subdivided into twenty small kalpas. Each
cua mot ngon nui gan thanh Vng Xa vung small kalpa is divided into a period of increase
ong Bac An o, ni c Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni and decreaseai kiep, khoang thi gian t s
a thuyet giang rat nhieu kinh ien, bao gom thanh lap en tai thanh lap cua mot the gii hay
Kinh Phap Hoa. Ngi ta tng thuat nui nay vu tru. Tien trnh nay bao gom thanh, tru, hoai,
mang ten Linh Thu sau khi bon ma vng hoa ra khong. Moi ai kiep lai chia lam bon a tang ky
nhng con kenh kenh e lam phan tam ngai A kiep: thanh, tru, hoai, khong. Moi a tang ky kiep
Nan trong luc toa thien. ay cung la mot trong lai chia lam hai mi tieu kiep. Moi tieu kiep lai
nhng ni dung lam an c kiet ha cho Phat va chia ra lam thi ky tang va giam.
tang gia. Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T Great afflictions: ai phien naoai Phien
ien, Thu Sn (trong nui Ky Xa Quat), gan Nao a PhapThere are six things or mental
thanh Vng Xa, bay gi goi la Giddore, c goi conditions producing passion and delusionCo
nh vay v mot thi ma vng Pisuna a gia dang sau ieu kien tinh than sinh ra duc vong va phien
lam chim ken ken quay pha thien hanh cua Ngai nao:
A Nan a; cung co the v hnh dang cua nui giong 1) Stupidity: Si me.
nh con chim ken ken, hay la v ni o chim ken 2) Excess: Phong dat (qua o).
thng lui ti an tht ngi chet (theo tuc lam tang 3) Laziness: Tray li.
cua ngi bac An). Ni ay c Phat thng lui 4) Unbelief: Bat tn.
ti e thuyet giang kinh phap; mot canh tng 5) Confusion: Hon Tram (lon lao).
tng ve Phat giang kinh Phap Hoa tai ay. Ni 6) Restlessness: Trao c.
nay con c goi la Linh Thu Sn, va Kinh Phap ** See Two kinds of affliction (C).
Hoa cung con c goi la Thu Phong Ke. Cung Great Aggregation Sutra: Maha-samnipata-
goi la nui Linh Thu hay nui Hnh Chim Ken sutra (skt)Daishukyo (jap)Great Heap
Ken v ngon nui co hnh dang giong nh chim Sutraai Tap Kinh.
ken ken, va cung bi chim ken ken thng hay tu
Great all-embracing receiver: ai nhiep
tap song tren nh nui. ay la mot trong nam
thuA title of Amitabha BuddhaMot danh hieu
ngon nui noi tieng trong thanh Vng Xa trong
cua c Phat A Di a.
thi c Phat con tai the, ngay nay la thanh pho
Great almsgiver: Maha-danapati (skt)ai th
Rajgir, trong tieu bang Bihar, thuoc ong bac An
o. Xa kia, nhieu ao s thng an tu trong cac
hang ong ngon nui nay, va c Phat cung hay Great appropriate means: Mahapaya (skt)
ghe vao ay e toa thien moi khi Ngai en ai phng tienExpedient method of teaching
Vng Xa hoang phap. Ngi ta noi c Phat a of Buddhas and BodhisattvasPhng tien thien
thuyet nhieu kinh ai Tha quan trong tren nh xao cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat.
nui nay, trong o co Kinh Phap Hoa. Great Argument Ghost King: Quy Vng ai
Great (a): Tranh.
1) Extensive: ImmenseVastTo lnV ai. Great Arhat: ai A la Han.
2) ai (ln, noi ve tam): See Eight minds and Great Assembly: Mahasangha (skt)ai
Eight ways of developing the Bodhi Mind. ChungFor the benefit of the great assembly
Great abandonment: ai xa. V li ch cua ai chung.
Great achievement: Thanh tu v ai (c ai Great auspicious: ai kiet tng.
thanh tu). Great Avichi: ai A Ty.
Great aeon: Mahakalpa (skt)ai kiepThe Great Awakening: ai ngo.
period of time between the creation and
recreation of a world or universe. Each great aeon

Great awe-inspiring power and virtue: Great bodhi mind: ai Bo e TamThe mind
Mahatejas (skt)ai oai cAwe-inspiring of Mahayana or Buddha-enlightenment, as
power and virtue that can suppress evil-doers and contrast with the mind of inferior bodhi of the
protect the goodOai c co the triet tieu ke ac sravakas and pratyeka-buddhasTam giac ngo
va bao ve ngi hien. bo e cua Phat hay ai tha, ngc lai vi tam
Great baptism: ai Quan anhIn Tibetan bo e cua hang nh tha Thanh Van va Duyen
Buddhism, the great baptism, used on special Giac.
ocassions for washing away sin and evil and Great bodhisattva: Mahasattva (skt)Bo Tat
entering into virtueTheo truyen thong Phat giao Ma Ha Tatai Bo TatThere are four Great
Tay Tang, le quan anh c dung e ra sach Bodhisattvas of Lotus SutraCo bon v Bo Tat
toi chng va ac nghiep e i vao cong c. ln trong Kinh Phap HoaSee Mahasattva, and
Great basis of faith: ai tnOne of the three Four Great Bodhisattvas of Lotus Sutra.
pillars of Zen, according to the Rinzai tradition, Great body: ai ThanNirmanakaya or
along with great doubt and great resolve. It is transformable body of the Buddha which covers
defined as an unwavering (vng vang) conviction the whole universeThan ln hay hoa than trum
(s khang nh) in the efficacy (s hieu nghiem) khap vu tru cua Phat.
of the path, despite the difficulties involved in Great bounty: Great favourai an.
following it. Great Brahma: Brahma Sahampatiai Pham
Great being: ai s. ThienGreat Brahma often considered as the
1) Bodhisattva or Mahasattva (skt)Leader of Creator of the Universeai Pham Thien thng
menMot bac ai nhanai s. c xem la ang Tao Hoa (theo than thoai An
2) Enlightening Beings are called Great Beings o).
because they dwell in the Great Vehicle Great Brahma Sutra: ai Ba La Mon Kinh
Hieu la Ma Ha Tat oa v an tru trong ai A sutra dealing with Buddhist Aspect of the
ThaSee Ten appellations of greatness of Brahman casteKinh noi len quan iem Phat
Great Enlightening Beings. giao ve giai cap Ba La Mon.
Great bell: ai hong chung. Great Brahmana: ai Ba La MonGreat
Great benefit results from goodness: ai Brahmana is used to apply to the Buddha, who
Thien ai LiImplying the better one is the though not of the Brahman caste was the
greater the resultting benefitS li ch ln ket embodiment of Brahman virtues. According to the
qua cua viec thien lanh. Nirvana Sutra, the great Brahmana, applied to the
Great benevolence and compassion: Qua Buddha, who thought not of Brahman caste was
kh vo lng ai t ai bi cu ho tat ca chung the embodiment of Brahman virtuesai Ba La
sanhSee Ten infinities of things that the Mon c dung cho c Phat, du khong phai
manifestation of Buddha can be accomplished. sanh ra trong giai cap Ba La Mon, nhng la hien
Great bhikshus: The Great Masterai Hoa than cua Pham c. Theo Kinh Niet Ban th v
Thngai Ty Kheo TangGreat Bhiksus, Ba La Mon ln An o, ch c Phat, v a co
one of great virtue and old age. t tng cho rang khong ch giai cap Ba La Mon
Great black deva: ai Hac ThienSee mi la hien than cua ao c.
Mahakala. Great brave: ai dung.
Great Blazing Perfect Light: Kim Luan Phat Great Bright White-bodied bodhisattva: ai
anh Tonai X Thanh Quang. Minh Bach Than Bo Tatai Minh Vng Bach
Great Blazing Shoulders Buddha: ai Diem Than Bo TatThe sixth in the first row of the
Kien Phat. Garbhadhatu Kuan-Yin groupV Bo Tat co than
trang, v th sau ng hang au trong Thai Tang
Great Blessing: Divine blessingai phc
Gii, nhom Quan The Am.
c (hong an).
Great Brightness Buddha: ai Minh Phat.

Great Buddhas name of Repentance: Hong Bat a La va Phap Hien dch sang Hoa ng thanh
Danh Sam Hoi. 40 quyen.
Great Buddha Shurangama Mantra: ai Great cause: ai ngha.
Phat anh Thu Lang Nghiem. Great ceremonial charter: Great codeai
Great Buddha statues: ai Tng Phat ie n.
Besides the two great statues of the Buddha in Great characteristics: Yeu to lnThere are
Afghanistan which were destroyed by the Taliban three great characteristics mentioned in the
in 2002, there are still several big Buddha statues Awakening of FaithCo ba ai c noi en
in the world, among them are the two most trong Khi Tn LuanSee Three great
famous statues in Japan: 1) a huge statue of characteristics in the awakening faith.
Varocana housed in the Todaiji Temple in Nara, Great Circle: Maha-mandala (skt)ai Man
commissioned (uy thac) by emperor Shomu (724- a LaThe Great Circle is the circle of the
748), it was consecrated (dang cung) in 751; and Buddha and his companions represented by
2) an image of Amitabha Buddha, which was pictures or painted figures, i.e., a plane
financed by donations gathered by Joko and representationai Man a La la vong tron cua
constructed in 1252. It was originally housed in c Phat va cac tuy tung c trnh bay bang
Kotokuin Temple, but the building was destroyed hnh anh hay tranh ve, tc trnh bay trong mat
by a tidal wave in 1495. The image was left intact, phangSee Four kinds of Mandala.
but an earthquake in 1923 damaged its base. Great circular iron enclosure: Mahacakravala
Extensive repair work was conducted on it in (skt)The great circular "iron" enclosure; the
1960-1961Ngoai hai bc tng Phat v ai A higher of the double circle of mountains forming
Phu Han a b Taliban pha huy hoi nam 2002, con the outer periphery of every world, concentric to
co nam bay tng phat ln khac khap ni tren the seven circles around Sumeruai Thiet Vi
the gii, trong so nay co 2 tng ln Nhat Ban: snSee Meru.
1) tng Phat Ty Lo Gia Na ln tai t vien
Great circular iron mountain:
Todaiji Nai Lng, c vua Shonu dang cung
Mahacakravala (skt)ai Thiet Vi SnNui
vao nam 751; 2) tng Phat A Di a, c vua
ai Thiet ViThe higher of the double circle of
Joko tai tr va c xay dng nam 1495. Mat
mountains forming the outer periphery of every
tng Phat nay van con nguyen, nhng en cuoc
world, concentric to the seven circles around
ong at vao nam 1923 lam h hai nen tng.
SumeruNui sat bao quanh the gii.
Cong tac trung tu gan nh toan bo a c khi
Great citations: Mahapadesa (p)Nhng ieu
cong nam 1960 va hoan tat nam 1961.
tham chieu ln laoOn his way to preach, the
Great Buddha of Supreme Penetration and
Buddha passed from village to village. One day
Wisdom: ai Thong Tr Thang PhatSee he arrived at Bhoganagara and there he taught the
Mahabhijna-Jnanabhibhu. four great citations or references by means of
Great Buddhist wisdom: ai Phat TrGreat which the word of the Buddha could be tested and
Buddhist Wisdom which knows what method is clarifiedTheo c Phat va Phat Phap cua Hoa
right at what time for preaching and saving certain Thng Narada, trong khi i lang thang t lang
sentient beingsCh Phat biet phng cach nao nay qua lang khac, mot ngay no c Phat en
ung va thi iem nao hp e giao hoa cu o Bhoganagara va tai ay Ngai a day Bon ai
chung sanh. Giao Phap hay bon ieu tham chieu ln, ma y c
Great calamity: Catastropheai nan (ai tai theo o chung ta co the trac nghiem va lam sang
hoa). to nhng li giao huan cua c PhatSee Four
Great canon of monastic rules: The great great citations.
canon of monastic rules, translated into Chinese Great code: Great ceremonial charterai
by Buddhabhadra and Fa-Hsien in 40 booksBo ien.
luat Ma Ha Tang Ky (luat thien mon) do Phat a

Great Collection Sutra: Maha-samnipata-sutra Great Compassion Mantra: ai Bi Chu

(skt)Great Heap SutraKinh ai Tap. Namo ratnatrayaya Namo Arya
Great Comforter: ai An UiPacifierA Avalokiteshavaraya Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya
Buddhas titleMot v an ui ln, danh hieu cua Mahaka-runikaya Om! Savalavati Sudhanatasya
Phat. Namaskrittva naman arya Avalokitashavara
Great commander: ai Nguyen Soai Minh lantabha Namo Nilakantha Srimahapatashami
VngOne of the sixteen commanders, named Sarvadvatashubham Ashiyum Sarvasattva namo
AtavikaMot trong mi sau Minh Vng, co pasattva namo bhaga Ma bhate tu Tadyatha Om!
ten la A-Tra-Bac-Cau. Avaloka Lokate Kalati Ishiri Mahabodhisattva
Sabho Sabho Mara Mara Mashi Mashi ridhayu
Great compassion: Maha-karuna (skt)ai
Guru guru ghamain Dhuru dhuru Bhashiyati,
BiLong t bi rong lnGreat mercyGreat
Maha Bhashiyati. Dhara dhara Dhirini Shvaraya
pityTo be full of compassion (greatly pitiful).
Jala jala Mahabhamara Mudhili E hy e hi Shina
Mahakaruna means the Great Compassion of the
shina Alashinbalashari Basha bhasnin Bharashaya
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Also means a heart
Hulu hulu pra Hulu hulu shri Sara sara Sitri sitri
that seeks to save the suffering (great
Suru suru Buddhaya buddhaya Bodhaya bodhaya
compassion), applied to all Buddhas and
Maitriye Nilaskanta Trisa rana Bhaya mane
Bodhisattvas, especially to Kuan-Yin, for their
Svaha Sitaya Svaha Maha Sitaya Svaha Sitayaye
original vows growing out of a great
Nilakansta Shvaraya Svaha Nilakanthi Svaha
compassionate heartLong t bi rong ln hay
Pranila Svaha Shrisimhamukhaya Svaha
tam ay long t bi. ai bi la long thng xot v
Sarvamahasastaya Svaha Chakra astaya Svaha
ai cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat. ai bi con co
Padmakesshaya Svaha Nilakantepantalaya Svaha
ngha la long cu o chung sanh au kho, ch ch
Mopholishankaraya Svaha Namo ratnatrayaya
Phat va ch Bo Tat, ac biet am ch Phat Quan
Namo arya Avalokite Shavaraya Svaha Om!
Am, v bon nguyen cua cac ngai phat sinh t long
Siddhyantu Mantra Pataya Svaha (3 times)Nam
ai bi rong lnSee Compassion.
mo hac ra at na a ra da da. Nam mo a r da ba
Great compassion of the Buddhas and
lo yet e thc bat ra da, Bo e tat oa ba da, Ma
Bodhisattvas: Long thng xot v ai cua ch ha tat oa ba da, Ma ha ca lo ni ca da. An tat ban
Phat va ch Bo TatSee Compassion and Great ra phat due, So at na at toa. Nam mo tat kiet
compassion. lat oa y mong a r da, Ba lo yet e that Phat ra
Great compassionate heart: ai bi tam lang a ba. Nam mo na ra can tr, He r ma ha ban
Without the compassionate heart there will be no a sa me, Tat ba a tha au du bang, A the dng,
Buddhism. This emphasis on Mahakaruna is Tat ba tat a na ma ba da, Ma phat at au at
characteristic of the Mahayana. We can say that iet tha. An a ba lo he, Lo ca e, Ca ra e, Di he
the whole panorama of its teachings revolves on r, Ma ha bo e tat oa, Tat ba tat ba, Ma ra ma
this pivot. The philosophy of Interpenetration so ra, Ma he ma he, r a dng, Cu lo cu lo kiet
pictorially depicted in the Avatamsaka Sutra is in mong, o lo o lo phat xa da e, Ma ha phat xa
fact no more than the outburst of this life- da e. a ra a ra, a r ni. That Phat ra da, Da
energyNeu co ai bi tam, chang the la Phat ra da ra, Ma ma phat ma ra, Muc e le, Y he y
phap. Coi nang ai bi tam (Mahakaruna) la net he, That na that na, A ra sam Phat ra xa li, Phat
chnh cua ai Tha. Chung ta co the noi, toan bo sa phat sam, Phat ra xa da. Ho lo ho lo ma ra, Ho
tnh chat cua giao thuyet o quay quanh cai tru lo ho lo he r. Ta ra ta ra, Tat r tat r. To ro to ro,
chot nay. Nen triet ly vien dung c mieu ta rat Bo e da bo e da. Bo a da bo a da. Di e r
gi hnh trong Hoa Nghiem thc s chnh la cai da, Na ra can tr , a r sac ni na, Ba da ma na,
bung v cua cong nang sinh ong oSee Ten Ta ba ha. Tat a da, Ta ba ha. Ma ha tat a da ta
characters of Bodhicitta. ba ha, Tat a du nghe, That ban ra da, Ta ba ha,
Great-Compassionate-Light Buddha: ai Bi Na ra can tr , Ta ba ha, Ma ra na ra, Ta ba ha.
Quang Phat. Tat ra tang a muc khe da, Ta ba ha. Ta ba ma ha

a tat a da, Ta ba ha. Gia kiet ra a tat a da, Ta Great Concentration of Universal Light:
ba ha. Ba a ma yet tat a da, Ta ba ha. Na ra Includes the following concentrationsPho
can tr ban a ra da, Ta ba ha. Ma ba li thang Quang ai Tam Muoi, gom nhng phap tam muoi
yet ra da, Ta ba ha. Nam mo hac ra at na a ra sau ay.
da da, Nam mo a r da Ba lo kiet e, Thc ban 1) Ten kinds of Inexhaustible Qualities: Mi
ra da, Ta ba ha. An tat ien o, Man a ra, Bat a phap mon vo tanSee Ten kinds of
da, Ta ba ha ( 3 lan). Inexhaustible Qualities and Ten
Great compassionate vow: The vow of Buddha concentrations of the Buddhas.
and bodhisattvas to save all beingsBi nguyen. 2) Ten kinds of boundless will: Mi mon vo
Great complete: ai man. bien tamSee Ten kinds of boundless will
Great completion: Mahasambhava (skt)ai and Ten concentrations of the Buddhas.
thanh. 3) Ten kinds of knowledge of differentiation of
entry into concentration: Mi mon nhap
Great Concentration of the Action of the
Tam muoi sai biet trSee Ten kinds of
Pure Profound Mind: Thanh Tnh Tham Tam
knowledge of differentiation of entry into
Hanh ai Tam MuoiSee Ten concentrations of
concentration and Ten concentrations of the
the Buddhas.
Great Concentration of Differentiated 4) Ten kinds of knowledge of skills in entry into
Bodies of Sentient Beings: Chung Sanh Sai great concentration: Mi mon Tr thien xao
Biet Than ai Tam MuoiSee Ten nhap ai Tam muoiSee Ten kinds of
concentrations of the Buddhas. knowledge of skills in entry into great
Great Concentration of Freedom in the concentration and Ten concentrations of the
Elemental Cosmos: Phap Gii T Tai ai Tam Buddhas.
MuoiSee Ten concentrations of the Buddhas. Great congregation: ai hai chung.
Great Concentration of Knowledge of the Great conveyance: Mahayana (skt)Greater
Adornments of the Buddhas: Lieu Tri Nht vehicleai tha.
Thiet The Gii Phat Trang Nghiem Tam Muoi Great cosmic era of the world: Mahakalpa
See Ten concentrations of the Buddhas. (skt)From the beginning of a universe till it is
Great Concentration of Knowledge of the destroyed and another begins in its placeai
stores of Adornments of the Past: Biet Qua Kiep.
Kh Trang Nghiem Tang ai Tam MuoiSee Great courage: S can am ln lao.
Ten concentrations of the Buddhas. Great and courage: ai HungGreat in
Great Concentration of Subtle Light: Dieu CourageThe great heroai hung cua c
Quang ai Tam MuoiSee Ten concentrations Phat e hang phuc chung maThe Buddhas
of the Buddhas. power over demons.
Great Concentration of successive Great death: ai tThe great death; a Chan
journeying to the Buddha-lands: Bien vang expression for the death of ego, which leads to
ch Phat quoc o ai Tam MuoiSee Ten great rebirth or profound enlightenment. This
concentrations of the Buddhas. expression does not refer to physical death, but
Great Concentration of the Treasury of rather to the death of the illusion of ego, of
delusion. According to the Zen Sect, great death
Light of Knowledge: Tr Quang Minh Tang ai
means one who has swept away completely all
Tam MuoiSee Ten concentrations of the
illusions, or all consciousnessCai chet ln, t
ng cua nha Thien am ch cai chet cua cai toi
Great Concentration of the Unimpeded dan en s tai sanh ln hay ai giac tham sau.
Wheel: Vo Ngai Luan ai Tam MuoiSee Ten ay khong phai la cai chet cua than the, ma la
concentrations of the Buddhas. cai chet cua ao anh ve cai toi, cua s mu quang.

Theo Thien tong th ai T e Nhan la ngi a results, he will not attain the ultimate goal. If
tan diet phien nao va vong thc. he is led astray by small advatages, he will
Great Debts: Trong anThere are four Great never accomplish great things. The way of
DebtsCo bon trong anSee Four Great Debts. Zen is not the entrance and exit of a
Great deed: Quang hanhExtensive deed university. We do not set apart a certain
Vast deed. period of time for study and then receive a
graduation. The way of Zen is not a matter of
Great desire: S mong muon v aiSee Ten
months or years but of a lifetime. There is
kinds of definitive mark of Great Enlightening
only one kind of graduation in Zen: the
Beings (6).
attainment of Supreme Enlightenment. Even
Great determination: ai phung s.
though we all have a Buddha-nature, it is not
(I) Great determination in Mahayana
easy to to become a Buddha. It is difficult not
Buddhismai phung s trong Phat giao ai
only for us, but it was also difficult for the
Tha: Once we have deep compassion, we
Buddha. The Buddha said: In the universe
would feel responsible to bring others
there is not a spot of land as small as a
happiness and to free them from sufferings
mustard seed where I have not sacrifice my
and afflictions. Whereas in compassion, we
life or have not buried my bones. It is
only want others to be happy and to be free
difficult to imagine how many lifetimes the
from misery, in great determination, we make
Buddha reincarnated in this universe,
vows to do some thing about helping them
cultivating his wisdom and virtue to attain
Khi chung ta co mot tam long t ai sau sac,
Buddhahood. In the last life, the Buddha
chung ta se cam thay co trach nhiem mang
devoted himself to practice for six years and
lai hanh phuc cho ngi khac va giai thoat ho
forty-nine days. Bodhidharma also practiced
khoi kho au phien nao. Ni long bi man,
for nine years after he arrived in China.
chung ta ch muon ngi khac c thoat
Therefore, great determination is
khoi kho s, trong ai nguyen chung ta lam
extremely important in Zen practiceai
mot cai g o e giup hoSee
quyet la mot trong ba yeu to a en thanh
Compassion, Great compassion and
cong trong Thien tap. Theo Thien s Thch
Thien An trong Triet Ly Thien-Thc Hanh
(II) Great determination in Zen practiceai
Thien, sau khi chung ta a giai quyet nhng
quyet tam trong Thien tap: Great
nghi van va san sang bat au ha thu cong
determination is one of the three factors
phu, chung ta phai tao cho mnh mot tinh than
making for success in the cultivation of Zen.
cng quyet manh me. Chung ta phai quyet
According to Zen Master Thich Thien An in
tam tien ti va tiep tuc cong phu cho du co
Zen Philosophy-Zen Practice, after we
gap tat ca nhng tr ngai tren ng tu ao.
have resolved our doubts and are ready to
Chung ta phai nguyen khong bao gi bo cuoc,
embark upon the course of practice, we must
ma phai tiep tuc phan au that can man.
raise up a spirit of strong determination. We
Muon phat trien ai quyet chung ta phai
must make a firm resolution to plow ahead
nhan nai va t ghep mnh vao ky luat. Chung
and to continue to practice despite all the
ta khong nen non nong c ket qua, ma phai
obstacles which may be met on the path. We
t ao luyen cong phu, khong trong ngong
must vow never to give up but to strive on
hay ky vong. Nh c Khong Phu T noi:
diligently. To develop great determination we
ng mong co ket qua sm hay co li nho.
must have patience and self-discipline. We
Ke mong ket qua sm se khong at c muc
must not be impatient for results but must
ch cao. Ke ham li nho th khong lam c
discipline ourselves to practice without
viec ln. Con ng Thien tap khong phai la
expectation or anticipation. As Confucius
con ng i vao va i ra ai hoc. Chung ta
says: Do not wish for quick results, nor look
khong the nao ch danh mot vai nam hau
for small advantages. If one seeks for quick

c tot nghiep. Con ng vao thien khong attaining understanding very scientifically. In
phai la van e cua thang hay nam, ma la ca science we are told never to believe anything
i. Ch co mot cach tot nghiep duy nhat unless its truth has been demonstrated
trong nha Thien: at c Giac Ngo Toi experimentally. Buddhism, especially Zen
Thng. Mac du chung ta ai cung co san Phat Buddhism takes the same stand. We are not
tanh, nhng khong de g tr thanh Phat. No to believe anything blindly; rather we must
khong nhng ch kho oi vi chung ta, ma demonstrate its truth to ourselvesai nghi
cung a tng kho khan oi vi c Phat. c hay ai nghi van la phng phap at en s
Phat a tng noi: Trong vu tru nay, chang co hieu biet rat khoa hoc trong nha Thien. Trong
cho nao du nho bang hat cai ma ta chang khoa hoc, chung ta c day la ng bao gi
tng hy sinh than mang hay vui xng cua tin bat c mot ieu g tr phi s that cua no
ta. That kho tng tng c vo lng kiep c chng minh bang thc nghiem. Phat
ma c Phat a luan hoi trong vu tru nay, giao, ac biet la Thien tong Phat giao co
vun trong tr tue va phc c hau tron thanh cung mot t the nh vay. Chung ta khong tin
Phat ao. Ngay trong kiep cuoi cung, s mu quang vao bat c viec g; ung ra, chung
quyet tam cua c Phat cang dong manh ta phai chng minh s that cho chnh mnh
hn. Ngai a trai qua 6 nam kho hanh va 49 trc khi tin.
ngay em lien tuc thien nh mot cach quyet (II) Reason for arising of great doubtLy do
liet. To Bo e at Ma cung tu tap Thien phat khi ai nghi: The Buddha taught that
nh lien tuc 9 nam sau khi ngai en Trung every living being has the Buddha-nature; If
Quoc. Nh vay s quyet tam la mot trong so, where is the Buddha-nature? We have to
nhng yeu to quan trong nhat trong tu tap discover it for ourselves and keep on doubting
thien nh. until we discover it. What happens if we do
Great dharma: Great law (law of Mahayana not have great doubt? It does no good if we
salvation)ai phap (phap ai Tha cu o only learn and repeate the words of the
chung sanh). Buddha as a parrot does. We must prove them
Great dharma of defilement: ai Nhiem to ourselves by searching into our minds, as
PhapThe great taint, sex-attraction, associated well as into the world around us. Doubt is
with the god of love (Ai Nhiem Minh Vng) therefore a very important part of Zen
Phap ai nhiem ln nhat la sac duc nhiem hay s practice. A Zen master can teach many
ai nhiem cua hai tnh nam n, lien he ti Ai things. Some of his teachings we may
Nhiem Minh Vng. believe, others we may not believe. What is
accepted and rejected depends upon our
Great disciple: Sthavira (skt)Chief disciple
judgment. We have the right to judge; in fact,
ai e t (e t ln).
it is best to judge for ourselves. Sometimes
(A) Four great disciples of the BuddhaBon e
the master may be right, sometimes he may
t ln cua c PhatSee Four great
be wrong. Therefore, we must not believe
disciples of the Buddha.
and follow him blindlyc Phat day moi
(B) See Ten (chief) disciples of Sakyamuni
chung sanh eu co Phat tanh. Neu nh vay
th Phat tanh au? Chung ta phai tm ra no
Great doctrine: ai aoGreat doctrine
cho chnh chung ta trong khi van tiep tuc nghi
Fundamental doctrineThe great way or the way
ng cho en khi tm ra no. Cai g xay ra neu
for supreme enlightenment. The way of
chung ta khong co moi ai nghi van? Neu
bodhisattva-mahasattvaao ln hay giao ly v
chung ta ch hoc va lap lai nh ket nhng li
ai. Con ng i en giac ngo Bo e.
Phat day th chang co g hay ho ca. Chung ta
Great doubt: ai nghi. phai t chng minh nhng li ay bang cach
(I) An overview of great doubtTong quan ve tm kiem trong tam chung ta, cung nh trong
ai nghi: Great doubt is a method of the gii quanh ta. Nh vay, nghi la mot phan

rat quan trong trong Thien tap. Mot v Thien nhng thanh phan cot yeu a a ong ti tien
s co the day nhieu ieu. Chung ta co the tin trnh chng ngo va mc o cua s chng ngo
mot so ieu va co the khong tin mot so ieu tng hp vi sc manh cua nghi tnh.
khac. . ieu nao nen chap nhan hay gat bo Great dream: ai mongGiac mong ln
eu tuy thuoc quyen phan oan cua chung Giac mong iCuoc i hay the gii nay
ta. Chung ta co quyen phan oan; ky that, tot Great dreamThe dream of lifeThis lifeThe
hn het la chung ta nen t phan oan cho world.
chnh mnh. Co luc ong thay ung, ma cung Great earth: All the landEverywhereThe
co luc thay sai. V the chung ta khong nen tin whole earthai a.
tng mot cach mu quang.
Great effort: Co gang vt bc.
(III) Hakuin Zenjis great doubtai nghi cua
Great effort and retrogression: Tinh Tan Va
Thien s Bach An: Great doubt is a
Thoi ChuyenOur mind is easy to set great effort
particularly important term in the Japanese
but is also easily prone to retrogression; Once
Lin-Chi Zen sect, closely associated with
hearing the dharma and advice, we bravely
Hakuin Zenji (1686-1769). Hakuin
advance with our great efforts, but when we
experienced paralyzing uncertainty and
encounter obstacles, we not only grow lax and
confusion early in his meditative training, but
lazy retrogression, but also change our direction
eventually overcame them in an intense
and sometimes fall into heterodox waysLong
moment of awakening. In Hakuins words: It
ngi de tinh tan ma cung de thoi chuyen; khi
was as though I was frozen solid in the midst
nghe phap va li khuyen th tinh tan tien tu,
of an ice sheet extending tens of thousands of
nhng khi gap chng ngai th chang nhng ngai
miles. To all intents and purposes I was out
ngung muon thoi lui, ma con muon chuyen hng
of my mind and the Wu koan alone
khac va lam khi phai sa vao ta ao.
remained. After several days like this, he
heard the sound of a temple bell and the ice Great ego: ai nga.
shattered. All his former doubts vanished. Great elements: Mahabhutas (p)Nhng yeu to
Subsequently he decided that such perplexity lnSee Three great characteristics mentioned in
is an essential ingredient of the awakening the Awakening of Faith, Four great elements, Six
process and that the level of realization is great elements, and Seven elements.
comparable to the intensity of the doubtai Great elephant treasure: ai Tng Tang
nghi la t ng ac biet quan trong trong Great naga treasure, an incense supposed to be
truyen thong Thien Lam Te cua Nhat Ban, produced by nagas or dragons fighting.
lien he mat thiet vi Thien S Bach An Great emptiness: Maha-sunyata (skt)ai
(Hakuin). Bach An kinh qua s liet bai bat on KhongCai khong lnAccording to Zen
va lon xon trong buoi au tu tap thien cua Master D.T. Suzuki in Essays in Zen Buddhism,
ong, nhng cuoi cung ong a vt qua tat ca Book III, in Hsuan-Chuangs version of the
nhng th nay trong mot luc manh liet cua s Mahaprajnaparamita, this is one of the eighteen
chng ngo. Trong nhng li thuyet giang cua forms of emptiness. The great emptiness means
ong, ong a noi: Dng nh toi b te cong the unreality of space. Space was conceived in old
gia khoi bang a trai dai en van dam. Tat days to be something objectively real, but this is
ca nhng y nh va muc ch cua toi eu regarded by the Mahayana as empty. Things in
chay ra khoi tam toi ch con lai co moi mot space are subject to the laws of birth and death,
cong an ve Khong ma thoi. Sau vai ngay that is, governed by causation, as this all
trong trang thai ay, ong nghe tieng chuong Buddhists recognize; but space itself is thought by
chua va tieng v vun cua khoi bang a. Tat them to be eternally there. The Mahayanists teach
ca nhng nghi tnh trc ay cua ong eu that this vast vacuity also has no objective reality
bien mat. Sau o ong quyet nh rang chnh that the idea of space or extension is mere
nh nhng nghi tnh boi roi trc ay la fictionTheo Thien S D.T. Suzuki trong Thien

Luan Tap III, trong ban dch Kinh Bat Nha cua taught by the Buddha, we can come to a
Ngai Huyen Trang, ay la mot trong 18 hnh thc realization of that Buddha nature. To realize our
cua Khong. Khong Ln ch cho tnh bat thc Buddha nature is not easy. It calls for relentless
cua khong gian. Thi trc coi khong gian la cai work, a long and difficult struggle within
co thc mot cach khach quan, nhng en cac nha ourselves. Because of its difficulty many people
ai Tha th no la Khong. Cac vat trong khong who begin abandon the way; therefore, there are
gian le thuoc cac nh luat cua sinh t, tc b ieu not many Buddhas in the world. This is why faith
ong bi luat nhan qua; tat ca Phat t eu tha is so necessary. The first and most important thing
nhan ieu o, nhng ho lai ngh khong gian trong is that we believe in our own capacity, that we
t the la thng tru. Cac nha ai Tha day rang believe in the seed of enlightenment within us and
khoang cach chan khong bao la nay cung khong that we do not abandon this faith no matter how
co thc tai khach quan nen y tng ve khong gian many obstacles, internal or external, we meet on
hay trng o (o keo dai vo tan) ch la ao the way. According to Zen Master Thich Thien An
tngSee Eighteen forms of emptiness. in Zen Philosophy-Zen Practice, we can believe
Great Enlightening Beings dedication that we have the potential of becoming a Buddha
equal to all Buddhas: ang Nht Thiet Phat because the Buddha was just a man like us. He
Hoi HngSee Ten kinds of dedication. also had red blood and salty tears; his body and
mind were not so different from our own. Before
Great Enlightening Beings have the same
his enlightenment, he had passions, worries,
foundations of goodness as all Buddhas: ai
conflicts, and doubts. But through meditation he
Bo tat ong mot thien can vi tam the ch Phat
cultivated himself and discovered his Buddha-
See Ten kinds of definitive mark of Great
nature, thereby becoming a Buddha or
Enlightening Beings (10).
Enlightened One. Even though we have all kinds
Great entrance into perfect rest: ai Vien of rpoblems, weaknesses, and barriers, we also
Tch Nhapai Bat Niet BanSee Great have the potential to become Buddhas. If we
nirvana, Mahaparinirvana period, and develop this faith and follow it through to the end,
Mahaparinirvana Sutra. there is no barrier so big that it cannot be
Great faith: Great root of faithai can tn overcome. Many people say man is created by the
This is the first step in the three factors making for environment, but in Buddhism, man creates the
success in the cultivation of Zen. When we environment and himself. Whatever we become
undertake the practice of Zen, we have to arouse as individuals depends upon our own minds.
great faith in the capacity of our mind at the very Whatever the world becomes depends upon the
beginning, and we have to maintain this great collective minds of men. Through the direction of
faith throughout our entire practice of meditaion. our will, the formative faculty of the mind, we can
But the kind of faith called for in Zen Buddhism change the world into a better world and
differs from the kind of faith required in other ourselves into better people. According to the Zen
religions. Other religions demand that we place Sect, Samsara is Nirvana and Nirvana is
faith in a supreme being and that we give our Samsara. Whether the world is Samsara or
assent to various propositions concerning his Nirvana depends entirely on our state of mind. If
nature, attributes, and deeds; we can call this kind our mind is enlightened, then this world is
of faith faith in others. In contrast, faith in Zen Nirvana. If our mind is unenlightened, then this
Buddhism means faith in ourselves. According to world is Samsara, full of sufferings and afflictions.
the Buddhas teaching, every living being has a A Zen Master said: Water is of one essence, but
Buddha nature. We are not yet Buddha because if it is drunk by a cow, it becomes milk; while if it
we have not discovered that Buddha nature. The is drunk by a snake, it becomes poison. In the
great faith in Buddhism, especially in Zen same way whether life is blissful or sorrowful
Buddhism means faith that the Buddha nature is depends on our state of mind, not on the world. So
present within us and that by cultivating the Way we must seek to transform the mind, to bring it

into the awakened state, and this requires at the ngai, chung ta van co kha nang thanh Phat. Neu
outset great faith, faith in ourselves and in the chung ta phat trien long tin nay va duy tr en tan
powers of the minday la mot trong ba yeu to cung, th khong co tr ngai nao du ln cach may
khien cho viec tu tap Thien c thanh tu. Khi ma chung ta khong vt qua c. Co ngi cho
chung ta nguyen cong phu thien quan, chung ta rang con ngi la do moi trng tao nen, nhng
phai khi long tin manh liet vao kha nang cua theo Phat giao, chnh con ng tao ra moi trng,
tam mnh ngay t luc mi bat au, roi chung ta va do o cung chnh con ngi tao ra mnh. Moi
phai duy tr long tin manh liet nay trong suot tien ca nhan chung ta tr nen nh the nao tuy thuoc
trnh tu tap thien. Tuy nhien, long tin trong Phat tam cua moi chung ta. The gii tr nen nh the
giao, nhat la long tin trong nha Thien khac xa vi nao tuy thuoc vao tam tap the cua moi ngi.
long tin trong cac ton giao khac. Cac ton giao oi Nh ch hng cua chung ta, nh kha nang tao
hoi chung ta phai at long tin vao mot ang toi dng cua tam ta, chung ta co the bien oi the gii
cao, cung nh phai chap nhan moi e ngh lien thanh mot the gii tot ep hn, cung nh chnh
quan en ban chat, kha nang va hanh vi cua ang chung ta se tr thanh ngi tot hn. Thien tong co
toi cao ay. Chung ta co the goi th long tin nay la noi Luan hoi la Niet Ban, va Niet Ban la Luan
long tin ni tha lc. Trai lai, long tin trong Phat Hoi. The gii co luan hoi hay Niet Ban eu hoan
giao co ngha la tin chnh chung ta. Theo li toan tuy thuoc vao trang thai tam cua chnh chung
Phat day, moi chung sanh eu co Phat tanh, ngha ta. Neu tam chung ta giac ngo th the gii nay la
la co kha nang e tr thanh mot v Phat. Chung ta Niet Ban; neu tam chung ta cha giac ngo, th the
cha thanh Phat v chung ta cha kham pha ra cai gii nay la luan hoi vi ay day kho au phien
Phat tanh ay. Long tin manh liet noi trong nha nao. Mot v Thien s co noi Nc ch co mot ban
Thien co ngha la tin rang Phat tanh hien dien chat, nhng neu con bo uong vao th nc ay
trong chung ta, va neu chu tu tap theo cach ma thanh sa, con neu con ran uong vao th no tr
c Phat a day, chung ta cung co the kham pha thanh loai noc oc. Cung nh the, cuoc song co
ra cai Phat tanh nay. Viec kham pha ra Phat tanh ay hanh phuc va ay phien muon eu tuy thuoc
khong phai la de. No oi hoi chung ta phai no lc vao trang thai tam cua chung ta, ch chang tuy
khong ngng ngh, phai co mot cuoc phan au thuoc vao the gii. Vay ngi con Phat nen tm
kho khan va lau dai trong chnh chung ta. V s cach bien oi tam cua chnh mnh, a no en
kho khan nay ma nhieu ngi a bo ao sau luc trang thai tnh thc, va ieu nay oi hoi ngay t
bat au; do o ma khong co nhieu v Phat tren the bc au mot long tin manh liet, tin chnh
gian nay. ay la ly do tai sao chung ta rat can co chung ta nh tiem nang cua tam mnhSee
long tin. ieu toi quan trong au tien la phai tin Three factors making for success in the cultivation
vao kha nang san co cua mnh, phai tin vao chung of Zen.
t giac ngo trong chung ta, va khong bao gi e Great fame: Hong danh.
mat long tin du co gap muon ngan tr ngai tren Great favor: Great bountyai an (n sau
bc ng tu tap, t ben trong lan ben ngoai. day).
Theo Thien S Thch Thien An trong Triet Ly
Great fire: Calamity of fireai hoaOne of
Thien va Thc Hanh Thien, chung ta co the tin
the three destructive calamities to end the
rang chung ta co kha nang thanh Phat, v c
worldMot trong ba tai hoa tieu diet the gii
Phat cung tng la mot con ngi nh chung ta.
See Three major calamities.
Mau Ngai cung o va nc mat Ngai cung man;
Great Firm Vigor and Courage Buddha:
than va tam Ngai cung khong khac chung ta.
Phat ai Cng Tinh Tan Dong Manh.
Trc luc giac ngo, Ngai cung co nhng ham
muon, u t, xung ot va nghi ngai. Song nh Great flood: Delugeai hong thuy.
thien quan ma Ngai t ao luyen va kham pha ra Great fortune: Cat tng.
Phat tanh, v vay ma Ngai tr thanh Phat hay Bac Great friends: ai Thien Tri ThcNhng
Giac Ngo. Chung ta cung the, du co bao nhieu thien hu tri thc lnWell acquainted with the
van e, bao nhieu nhc iem, bao nhieu tr goodGreat friends.

Great fruit: Abundant meritsQuang Qua Great heart: ai tamOne who has the mind of
Broad Phala, the 12th BrahmalokaSee Nine or for supreme enlightenmentV co tam hng
heavens of the fourth dhyana heaven. en giac ngo cao thng.
Great gain of wealth: Through careful attention Great hermit: ai An SOne who lives in the
to his affairs, he gains much wealth. This is one of deep forests and mountainsV Tang an trong
the five advantages to one of good morality and of rng sau nui tham.
success in moralityNgi gi gii nh khong Great Hero: ai hungAn epithet of the
phong tung nen c tai san sung tuc. ay la mot Buddha indicating his power over demonsBac
trong nam ieu li ch cho ngi gi u gii ai Hung, mot danh hieu cua c Phat, ch Phat
See Five advantages to one of good morality. lc vt len tren cac loai ma.
Great gathering for almsgiving: Moksa- Great Hero Shrine: ien ai Hung.
mahaparisad (skt)ai th hoiGreat gathering Great Hero Precious Shrine: ai Hung Bao
for almsgiving for all, rich and poorai th hoi ien.
cho moi ngi, giau lan ngheoSee Moksa-
Great house: Nhat ai TrachA great house,
the burning house in the Lotus SutraCan nha
Great god of free-will: Mahesvara (skt) ln, nha la ang chay c Phat thuyet giang
Daijizaiten (jap)ai T Tai ThienSee trong Kinh Phap HoaSee Burning house.
Great ignorance: ai ngu.
Great goodness-promoting monastery: ai Great illustrious Brahman: Jyotisprabha
Hng Thien TOne of the ten great Tang
(skt)Quang Minh ai Pham.
monasteries at Chang-An, commenced in the Sui
Great impostor: ai gian ac.
dynastyChua ai Hng Thien Trng An,
xay dng vao i nha Tuy; la mot trong mi Great Infinite Life Sutra: ai Vo Lng Tho
ngoi chua ln cua thi ai nha ng. Kinhai KinhKinh Vo Lng ThoSee
Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra.
Great grace: ai an.
Great insight: ai nhSee Three Buddhas
Great ground mirror wisdom: Adarsana-
virtues (IV).
jnana (skt)ai Vien Canh TrSee Five kinds
of wisdom. Great insight-Great wisdom-Great pity: ai
nh Tr BiGreat insight, great wisdom, great
Great guide: ai ao sai s.
pityThe three great virtues of a Buddha by
1) Great teacher (master) or leader: Nayaka
which he achieves enlightenment and wisdom and
(skt)V Thay ln.
saves all beingsai nh, ai tr, ai bi, la ba
2) Bodhisattva: V Bo TatThe great guide
c ln cua Phat, nh o ma Ngai at thanh giac
The BuddhaV Thay ln, ch c Phat hay
ngo, tr tue va cu o chung sanhSee Three
mot v Bo Tat.
Buddhas virtues (IV).
3) A title of the Buddha or Great Bodhisattvas
Mot danh hieu cua mot v Phat hay cac v Great Jewelled accumulation sutra:
ai Bo Tat. Ratnakuta-sutra (skt)ai Bao Tch kinh.
4) One of the ten titles of a Buddha: Mot trong Great joy: ai hy.
mi danh hieu cua Phat. Great joy and solace: ai hoan hy va an ui
5) This is a Buddhist title which is usually According to the Flower Adornment Sutra,
conferred posthumously (after the master Chapter 38, there are ten kinds of great joy and
died): Danh hieu ma cac v thay Phat giao solace of Great Enlightening Beings. Enlightening
thng c truy tang sau khi th tch. Beings who abide by these can attain unexcelled
Great happiness: ai phucHong phuc. great joy and solace of the knowledge and
Great Heaps Sutra: Kinh ai Bu TchSee wisdom of true enlightenmentTheo Kinh Hoa
Maha-Ratnakuta Sutra. Nghiem, Pham 38, co mi phap ai hoan hy va
an ui cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong

phap nay thi c tr hue ai hoan hy va an ui nen chay theo vao rng. Khi ay Ngai lien qu
vo thng chanh ang chanh giacSee Ten kinds trach vien quan tng, va vien quan tng ap lai
of great joy and solace of Great Enlightening rang. Tha Ngai, toi ch co the kiem soat c
Beings. cai than, nhng khong the kiem soat c cai
Great kalpa: Mahakalpa (skt)See Four kalpas tam; ch co Phat mi lam c chuyen nay.
and Mahakalpa. Ngay sau o Ngai a phat ai nguyen tu hanh
Great kindness: ai t. thanh at ao qua Bo e va thanh Phat. Ve sau
nay, Ngai bo th tat ca, ngay ca viec bo th au
Great king: Maharaja (skt)ai vng
cho mot ngi Ba La Mon, ngi a en xin au
Superior kingT ai Thien Vng
v nghe theo li xui duc cua mot nha vua thu ch
Catummaharajika (p)The Realm of the Four
vi Ngai.
Great Kings which has four divisions
corresponding to the four directions (quarters); Great Light Buddha: ai Quang Phat.
each is ruled over by its own guardian deity and Great light shining everywhere: ai Quang
inhabited by a different class of demi godsGom Pho ChieuUniversal lightThe great light
bon chi oi lai vi bon hng; moi hng c shinning everywhere, especially the ray of light
ng tr bi nhng ai Thien Vng va cac a that streamed from between the Buddhas
thanSee Four Heavenly (Guardian) Kings. eyebrows, referred to in the Lotus sutraAnh
Great klesas: Great afflictionsThe six great sang chieu khap muon phng, ac biet la nhng
klesasai phien nao a phapSau ai phien tia nam gia hai chan may cua Phat, nh a c
naoSee Two kinds of affliction (C). ke en trong Kinh Phap Hoa.
Great law: ai phap. Great light shining everywhere
Great law drum: ai Phap CoTrong phap ln Bodhisattva: ai Quang Pho Chieu Quan Am
ma tieng vong cua no co the canh tnh c Mot trong sau hnh thc khac nhau cua Ngai
chung sanh. Quan AmOne of the six forms of Kuan Yin.
Great leader: Nayaka (skt)Great guide Great Lord of Healing: ai Y vngAn
Great teacher, i.e Buddha or a Bodhisattvaai epithet of Buddhas and BodhisattvasMot danh
ao s. hieu cua Phat va Bo Tat.
Great leader across mortality to nirvana: Great loss of property: ai ton that tai san
Buddha or a Bodhisattvaai o s. Thiet hai nhieu tai sanHe suffers great loss of
property through neglecting his affairs. This is one
(At) great length: In detailsFullyVi ay
of the five dangers to the immoral through lapsing
u chi tiet.
from morality (bad morality or failure in
Great light brilliant king: ai Quang Minh
morality)Ngi ac gii v pham gii luat do
VngThe Ming-WangSakyamuni in
phong dat thiet hai nhieu tai san. ay la mot
previous existence, when king of Jambudvipa, at
trong nam ieu nguy hiem cho ngi ac pha
Benares. There his white elephant, stirred by the
giiSee Five dangers to the immoral through
sight of a female elephant, ran away with him into
lapsing from morality.
the forest, where he rebuke his mahout, who
Great lotus heaven: ai Lien Hoa Phap Tang
replied, I can only control the body, not the mind;
giiThe great lotus Heaven in the Paradise of
only a Buddha can control the mind. Thereupon
the WestTay Phng Cc Lac.
the royal rider made his resolve to attain bodhi
and become a Buddha. Later, he gave to all that Great loving-kindness: Great mercifulGreat
asked, finally even his own head to a Brahman compassionMost mercifulai t.
who demanded it, at the instigation of an enemy Great Loving One: Di Lac Bo TatT Th
kingc Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni trong thi qua Maitreya BodhisattvaThe future Buddha of this
kh, la quoc vng cua coi Diem Phu e, goi la saha world (the Bodhisattva who will become a
ai Quang Minh Vng. Khi o voi trang cua full Buddha in the next world cycle to lead men to
Ngai b ong tam khi nhn thay mot con voi cai, liberation from self-bondage)Di Lac Bo Tat

hay v Phat tng lai cua coi Ta Ba (v Bo Tat se Great mercy: Mahakaruna (skt)a biGreat
thanh Phat v lai hng dan chung sanh giai thoat compassionGreat pitySee Compassion.
khoi phien trc)See Maitreya. Great mercy and great pity: ai T ai Bi
Great-Magic-Light Buddha: ai Thong Great Compassionate, characteristics of Buddhas
Quang Phat. and Bodhisattvas; kindness in giving joy and
Great magician: ai ao sai huyen sA saving from suffering. It especially applied to
title given to a BuddhaNha ao thuat ln, mot Kuan-Yinc t bi rong ln, nhng ac tnh
danh hieu c gan cho c Phat. cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat; ban vui cu kho. ac
Great majesty: ai uy lc. biet am ch Ngai Quan The Am Bo Tat.
Great mandara: Great mandalaai Man a Great Mercy Shrine: ien ai Bi.
LaOne of the four groups of Buddhas and Great merit: Great achievementsai cong
bodhisattvas of the esoteric schoolMot trong c.
bon loai Man o La, ve hoac tac hnh tng va Great metaphysical treasuries: ai Phap
hnh the ch Phat va ch Bo Tat trong trng phai TangAccording to the Flower Adornment Sutra,
Mat Tong. Chapter 27, there are ten great metaphysical
Great mandara flower: Great mandala treasuries of Great Enlightening BeingsTheo
flowerai Bach HoaBong man a la ln. Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 27, co mi Phap Tang
Great master: ai S See Great guide. ln cua ch ai Bo TatSee Ten great
Great matter of birth and death: Sanh T ai metaphysical treasuries of Great Enlightening
SThe great issue of birth and death, or the Beings.
clarification of life and death is one great purpose Great mind: ai tamai trSee Eight
of all Buddhists. minds.
Great matter great cause: ai s nhan Great mind ocean: ai Tam HaiTam rong
duyenFor the sake of a great cause, or because ln nh ai dngOmniscience.
of a great matterThe Buddha appeared, for the Great mind and power: ai tam lcThe
changing beings from illusion into enlightenment wisdom and activity of a BuddhaTam lc rong
(according to the Lotus Sutra), or the Buddha- ln bao la, ch tr hue va nhng hoat ong cua
nature (according to the Nirvana Sutra), or the joy Phat.
of Paradise (according to the Infinite Life Sutra) Great Ming dynasty catalogue of the
Phat xuat hien v mot ai s nhan duyen: Khai th Tripitaka: ai Minh Tam Tang Thanh Giao
cho chung sanh ngo nhap tri kien Phat, hay la giac Muc LucMade during the reign of the emperor
ngo theo kinh Phap Hoa, Phat tanh theo kinh Niet Yung Lo. It is the catalogue of the northern
Ban va thien ng cc lac theo kinh Vo Lng collectionSach ghi chep lai muc luc Tam tang
Tho. Kinh ien di thi vua Vnh Lac nha Minh. ay
Great means: Mahopaya (skt)ai Phng la muc luc cua Bac Tang.
TienThe great appropriate means, or expedient Great Monk: Monk of great virtue and old
method of teaching by Buddhas and ageSenior monkai Lao Tang (ai Lao Hoa
bodhisattvasPhng tien thien xao cua Phat va Thng).
Bo Tat.
Great mourning: ai tang.
Great men do not remember the faults of Great mystery: Mysterious mechanismOccult
lesser men: Ngi ln khong nh loi cua ngi causeMysticismHuyen c.
nho (ai nhan bat ky tieu nhan qua). Ngi Phat
Great name: Hong danh.
t nen luon lam mot ngi lnA Buddhist
Great net: ai VongThe main principle of
should always be a great man.
Budhism, likened to the great rope of a net.
Great merciful: Great compassion Great
Great nirvana: Mahaparinirvana (skt)ai
loving-kindnessMost mercifulai t.
Niet Ban.

1) The great or final entrance into extinction and Great order: ai MenhThe great command
cessation. It is interpreted in Mahayana as Destiny or fate (life-and-death, mortality,
meaning the cessation or extinction of passion reincarnation).
and delusion of mortality, and of all activities, Great Ornament Vaipulya Sutra: Phng
and deliverance into a state beyond these Quang ai Trang Nghiem KinhThe Lalita-
concepts. In Mahayana it is not understood as vistara, which gives an account of the Buddha in
the annihilation, or cessation of existence; the the Tusita Heaven and his descent to earth as
reappearance of Dipamkara (who had long SakyamuniKinh noi ve nhng chuyen Phat
entered nirvana) along with Sakyamuni on giang tran t tren cung tri au suat xuong the
the Vulture Peak supports this view. It is a xuat gia, thanh ao vi danh hieu Thch Ca Mau
state above all terms of human expression: Ni.
Niet ban tch tnhai Bat Niet Banai
Great ornate world: ai Trang Nghiem The
nhap diet hay s nhap diet ln. ai Tha giai
GiiThe universe of Akasagarbha
thch ay la s cham dt duc vong va ao
BodhisattvaThe gii trang nghiem hay the gii
tng cua moi sinh hoat trong luan hoi sanh
cua Ngai H Khong Tang Bo Tat.
t, no vt ra ngoai moi khai niem. ay
Great ox cart: ai Ngu XaThe great white
khong phai la mot s hoai diet hoan toan hay
ox-cart for the Mahayana Bodhisattvas.
cham dt hien hu, s tai xuat hien cua
Mentioned in the Lotus sutra parable of the
Nhien ang Co Phat cung vi Phat Thch Ca
burning houseai xa bach ngu cho Bo Tat
tren nh Linh Thu a lam sang to y ngha
ai Tha. Xe Trau la xe ln nhat trong truyen
nay. ay la mot trang thai vt ra ngoai moi
ngu ngon nha la trong Kinh Dieu Phap Lien
ngon t dien at cua con ngi.
HoaSee Four carts.
2) Tch Diet: Parinirvana or Prasama (skt)Niet
ban tch diet, hay ai Niet BanCalmness Great paramita: ai Ba La MatThe great
and extinctionExtinctionThe great paramitas or perfections of bodhisattvasThe ten
nirvanaTranquility. paramitasai ba la mat hay nhng ba la mat
cua ch Bo Tat.
Great nirvana dharma king: The great
tranquil dharma kingTch nh Phap Vng. Great peacock king: Mayura (skt)ai khong
tc vng.
Great Nirvana Sutra: Kinh ai Bat Niet
BanSee Maha Parinirvana Sutra. Great Penetration Mountain King Thus
Great ocean: Mahasamudra-sagara (skt): ai Come One: ai Thong Sn Vng Nh Lai
HaiBien ln. According to the Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra,
Chapter 9, in the past, a Buddha named Great
Great Ocean Assembly of Peaceful
Penetration Mountain King Thus Come One
Bodhisattva: Thanh Tnh ai Hai Chung Bo
appeared in the world. If a man or woman hears
TatSee Twenty five Bodhisattvas who protect
this Buddhas name, that person will encounter as
all who call Amitabha.
many Buddhas as there are grains of sand in the
Great ocean congregation: As all the waters Ganges, who will speak Dharma extensively for
flowing into the sea become salty, so all ranks that person, and that person will certainly realize
flowing into the sangha become of one flavour BodhiTheo Kinh a Tang Bo Tat, pham th
and lose old differentiationsai hai chung. chn,ve thu qua kh co c Phat ra i hieu la
Great ocean seal: ai Hai AnHai An Tam ai Thong Sn Vng Nh Lai. Nh co ngi
MuoiThe ocean symbol, as the face of the sea nam ngi n nao nghe c danh hieu cua c
reflects all forms, so the samadhi of a bodhisattva Phat ay, thi ngi nay ang gap hang ha ch
reflects to him all truthsLay mat nc bien ca Phat noi nhieu phap mau cho, eu ang thanh ao
in hien muon hnh van trang e so vi Tam muoi Bo e.
cua Bo Tat bao ham het thay van phap.

Great and perfect enlightenment: Buddha- nay bat nguon t thi ngai Pho Hien, ngai a
wisdomai vien giacS giac ngo to ln vien truyen trao lai Kim Cang Thu. Ngai a day cho
man hay la Phat tr. Garap Dorje. Sau o he thong thien nh nay
Great and perfect mirror wisdom: ai vien c truyen sang Tay tang bi ngai Lien Hoa
canh tr (cua Phat A Suc)The great perfect Sanh va Vimalamitra vao the ky th 8. S tu tap
mirror wisdom of Aksobhya BuddhaSee Four cua he thong nay nham vao viec thong hieu van
knowledges (C) and (D). hu va khong tanh la cung xuyen nhau, cung
tham thau nhau va khong the tach ri c. Van
Great perfect wisdom: ai Vien TrGreat
hu phai c xem nh do tam tao tac va khong
Perfect Wisdom is the wisdom of all knowing,
co thc chat hien hu. Tu tap ai Toan
perfection, etc. Other enlightened beings such as
Pratyeke-Buddhas and Sravakas also have Great pity: Mahakaruna (skt)Great
wisdom bu their wisdom is infinitely small compassionGreat mercyai BiSee Three
compaired to the Great Perfect Wisdomai Buddhas virtues and Compassion.
vien tr la Phat tr. ay la tr biet tat ca va toan Great pity samadhi: ai Bi Tam MuoiThe
ven. Nhng bac giac ngo nh Duyen Giac va samadhi of great pity, in which Buddhas and
Thanh Van cung co tr tue, nhng tr tue nay so bodhisattvas developed their great pityThe
vi ai vien tr th qua nho. samadhi in which Vairocana evolves the group
Great perfection: ai ToanSystem of and it is described as the "mother of all Buddha-
meditation that is particularly important in the sons.Tam muoi cua long ai bi, qua o ch
Nyingmapa order of Tibetan Buddhism, but which Phat va ch Bo Tat phat trien long ai bi cua ho.
is also practiced in other orders. According to Great potentiality: ai QuyenSee Great
lineage histories, it originated with powers of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Samantabhadra, who passed it on to Vajrasattva. Great powers: ai LcGreat in powerThe
He taught it to Garap Dorje (Surativajra). It was great powers obtainable by a bodhisattva.
later transmitted to Tibet by Padmasambhava and 1) Great will: ai ch lc.
Vimalamitra in the eighth century. Its practices 2) Great mind: Y lc.
aim at understanding that phenomena and 3) Action: Hanh lc.
emptiness interpenetrate and are inseparable. The 4) Shame to do evil: Tam lc.
phenomena are viewed as creations of mind and 5) Wisdom: Hue lc.
as empty of inherent existence. Practice of great 6) Energy: Cng lc.
perfection dispenses with Tantric visualizations, 7) Firmness: Tr lc (Sc tu tr).
and instead of focuses on direct apprehension of 8) Virtue: c lc.
the clear light nature of mind. Meditators are 9) Reasoning: Bien lc.
taught to cultivate a union of essential purity and 10) Personal appearance: Sac lc.
spontaneity. Essential purity refers to the mode of 11) Physical powers: Than lc.
being, which is emptiness. Spontaneity is based on 12) Wealth: Tai lc.
the notion that all positive qualities are already 13) Spirit: Than lc.
spontaneously established in the basis-of-all, 14) Magic: Than thong lc.
and so when meditators realize the innate purity 15) Spreading the truth: Hoang phap lc.
of the basis-of-all, the manifold attributes of a 16) Subduing demons: Hang ma lc.
buddha become manifest. The basic text of great Great power of accomplishing a vow: ai
perfection is the Fourfold Innermost Essence by Nguyen LcA vow made by a Buddha or
Longchen Rapjampa (1308-1364), who is also the BodhisattvaLc ln cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat
author of another important text, the Seven nh o ma cac ngai thanh tu c ai nguyen.
Treasures.He thong thien nh ac biet trong Great powers of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas:
trng phai Nyingmapa cua Phat giao Tay Tang, ai QuyenThe great potentiality or the great
nhng cung c cac trng phai khac tu tap. power of Buddhas and bodhisattvas to transform
Theo lch s cac dong truyen tha, th he thong

themselves into others, by which Maya becomes ten great qualities that are hard to believe of all
the mother of 1,000 Buddhas, Rahula the son of BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 33, co
1,000 Buddhas, and all beings are within the mi phap quang ai kho tin cua ch PhatSee
potency of the dharmakayaai Thanh Quyen, Ten great qualities that are hard to believe of all
kha nang tuyet luan cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat Buddhas.
co the t hoa than vao ngi khac hay hoa hien d Great Quietness and Reflection: Maka-shikan
hnh, bang cach o ma Hoang Hau Ma Gia a (jap)ai Ch QuanMa Ha Ch QuanA
lam me 1.000 Phat, La Hau La lam con cua 1.000 record of the lectures of Master Tien-Tai Chih-I,
Phat, va tat ca chung sanh eu nam trong kha founder of the Tien-Tai school. The foundation
nang cua Phap than Phat. work on Tien-Tais modified form of samadhi,
Great powers of personality: ai t tai nga rest of body for clearness of vision. It is also
The eight great powers of personality or called the concentration or mental state, in which
sovereign independenceTam cai nga t tai is perceived, at one and the same time, the unity
lnSee Eight great powers of personality. in the diversity and the diversity in the unity (a
Great praise: ai tan than. method ascribed by Tien-Tai to the Lotus Sutra).
Great Prajna Sutra: Maha-prajna-paramita- It is one of the three foundation works of the
sutra (skt)Dai-hannya-kyo (jap)Sutra of Great Tien-Tai School; was delivered by Chih-I to his
Prajna-Paramitaai Bat Nha Ba La Mat a disciple Chang-An who committed it to writing
Kinh. Ghi lai nhng thi thuyet giang cua S Thien Thai
Tr Khai, v sang lap ra tong Thien Thai. Bo sach
Great precious flower: ai Bao HoaBong
can ban cua tong Thien Thai day ve cach an
qu hay sen c ket bang ngocA lotus made of
dng than e tam c trong sang. Cung c
goi la vien on ch quan, ngha la nh vao s tap
Great precious mani: ai Maniai Bao Ma
trung tinh than ma ngng bat vong niem va at
NiPure pearlThe Buddha-TruthVien ngoc
c chan tr tc th (ay la phng phap cua tong
qu hay chan ly Phat giao.
Thien Thai trong Kinh Phap Hoa). ay la mot
Great precious ocean: ai Bao HaiThe great trong ba bo sach ln cua Thien Thai do ai s
precious ocean of the merit of AmitabhaBien Thien Thai thuyet giang va c e t cua ngai la
cong c ln cua c Phat A Di a. Chng An ghi chep lai thanh boSee Tien-Tai
Great precious region: ai Bao PhngThe and Chih-I.
great precious region, described in the Great radiance: Vang quang minh rc r.
Maharatnakuta Sutra, as situated between the
Great realm to learn patience: Saha (skt)
world of desire and the world of formVung ai
This worldai nhan the gii.
Bao, c dien ta trong Kinh ai Bao Tch, vung
Great red lotus: ai Hong LienHoa Sen
nay nam gia Duc gii va Sac gii.
oThe cold hell where the skin is covered with
Great princely almsgiver: Nang Th Thai T
chaps like lotusesTen cua mot loai a nguc
Prince Giver. The great princely almsgiver, a
lanh en noi da tht nt toac ra nh nhng hoa sen
former incarnation of sakyamuni (Sakyamuni in
previous life), when he obtained the magic
Great refuge: ai quy y.
dragon-pearl and by its power relieved the needs
of all the poorTien than cua c Phat Thch Great rejoicing: ai hy.
Ca, khi ngai nhan c long ngoc va do bi nang Great reliable Brahmana: ai Kien Co Ba La
lc cua ngoc nay ma ngai a lam vi nhng nhu MonSakyamuni in a previous life when he was
cau can kp cua nhng ngi ngheo. a minister of a countryc Thch Ca Mau Ni
Great psychic power: ai than thong. trong mot tien kiep lam quan ai than trong mot
nc co ten la ai Kien Co Ba La Mon.
Great qualities that are hard to believe:
Pham chat v ai kho tinAccording to the Great renunciation: ai xuat theOne of the
Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 33, there are most prominent features of the Buddhas life-story

is the fact that in his final existence he was however, he wished to see beyond the perimeter
human. This information can be misleading, of his guarded dwellings. The king tried to
however, because he was much more than an dissuade him, but on failing in this attempt he
ordinary person. Being a Buddha is being neither ordered the city to be cleared of anything that
human nor god, but going beyond the nature of might discomfort the prince. In four outings,
both. In spite of this distinction, the Buddhist known in the Buddhist tradition as the Four
tradition recalls the exemplary life of the Buddha Sights, Siddhartha encountered old age, disease,
in his human phase as a means of introducing the death, and finally, an ascetic who was seeking a
basic problem of human existence, the problem to way to transcend such suffering. He was deeply
which enlightenment is the solution. After his final affected by this fourth encounter and vowed to
birth the Bodhisattva was named Siddhartha, abandon his princely life and seek the truth about
meaning one whose goal is accomplishment. the human condition. Having taken this resolve,
The seers immediately recognized that he was a Siddhartha returned to the palace, where he was
special child. Even in infancy he bore the thirty- notified that his wife had given birth to a son. He
two marks of a great man, attesting to his could not find happiness in this, and retorted, A
uniqueness (see Thirty-two auspicious marks). His fetter (Rahula) has been born. The king
mother, her mission accomplished, died seven consequently decreed that his grandson should be
days after his birth and was reborn amid the named Rahula. At the palace all attempts to
contented gods of the Tusita Heaven. Siddharthas entertain Siddhartha failed. He was no longer
future was prophesied twice on both occasions it interested in the delights of the senses and merely
was revealed that he would be either a universal fell asleep on the couch. When he awoke in the
king, known throughout the lands for his power middle of the night he saw the beautiful singers
and justice, or a Buddha, leading a religious life and dancers sprawled inelegantly over his parlor,
and setting humankind free from ignorance. If they seemed to him like corpses and caused him
Siddhartha followed the life of a householder he mental anguish. He resolved to carry through his
would become a great king, but if he renounced great renunciation that very night and instructed
the world he would become a Buddha. King his charioteer Chandaka to prepare his great horse
Suddhodana was told that in order to ensure his Kanthaka. Before leaving the palace, he visited
sons royal future, he must prevent him from ever his wifes chambers. Standing at the threshold and
seeing the miseries of life. The king thus built smelling the jasmine, his heart was filled with
three palaces for his son, and surrounded them longing. He saw the fair Yasodhara sleeping with
with guards whose duty was to prevent the prince her hand resting on Rahula, and felt the urge to
from seeing the true character of human pick his son up for the last time, but he did not
experience. Siddhartha Gautama was a unique dare to do so for fear that he might wake them and
and talented youth. His radiance knew no bounds jeopardize his departure. Under normal
and he excelled his contemporaries in skill and circumstances leaving the palace would have
learning. Cushioned by all the imaginable delights been impossible. There was hundreds of armed
of worldly life, he remained ignorant of the men at each of the towns massive gates. But one
inevitable pain of the human condition. The heavenly deva gently swung open the gate while
Buddhacharita describes his splendid surroundings others muffled the sound of Kanthakas hoofs and
in great detail, evoking, for example, the soft plunged the towns inhabitants into a deep
voices and charming music of many dancing girls slumber. Swiftly riding through the air,
and the radiant pavilions suited to every season. accompanied by celestial hosts of all kinds.
In time the prince married the fair Yasodhara, and Siddhartha. Chandaka, and Kanthaka arrived at
at the age of twenty-nine it seemed as if he would the river Anoma. There the Bodhisattva did
proceed along the road to kingship without ever Chandaka to return to the palace to inform his
suspecting the outside the delights of his secure family of his departure . Kanthaka could not bear
haven there was much harsher reality. One day, to part with his master and died on the spot. He

was reborn in the Tavatimsa Heaven, the Heaven cho vua Tnh Phan s kien nay e bao am tng
of the Thirty-Three Gods. Shedding his royal lai cua hoang toc cua a con trai cua Ngai. Vua
attire, the Bodhisattva cut off his flowing hair with cha phai tm cach ngan chan e khong bao gi
one stroke of his sword and tossed into the air, cho Thai t trong thay nhng canh khon cung bat
saying, If I am to become a Buddha, let it remain hanh cua cuoc song. V vay nha vua cho xay ba
in the sky; if not, let it fall to the ground. With his toa cung ien cho con trai mnh va co oi quan
divine eye. Indra, king of the gods, saw this bao ve, nhiem vu cua ho la ngan khong cho Thai
gesture and caught the Bodhisattvas hair in jewel t trong thay nhng ac tnh that s ma con ngi
casket. The god Brahma offered the Bodhisattva phai trai qua. Thai t Tat at a Co am la mot
three saffron robes, an alms bowl, and the other chang trai tre ay tai nang va ca tnh oc ao va
requisites of a monk: a razor, a needle, a water Ngai vt troi nhng ngi cung la tuoi lanh
strainer and a belt. Siddhartha was now set on the vc tai nang va hoc van. c song trong chan
irrevocable path to liberation, at the end of which em nem am cung vi tat ca nhng thoa thch
he would attain perfect wisdom and completely khong the tng c cua cuoc song tran tuc,
extinguish the flame of sufferingMot trong Ngai van cha biet c s au n cua kiep
nhng net noi bat cua cau chuyen ve cuoc i ngi ma khong mot ai co the tranh c. S thi
c Phat vi s kien Ngai la mot con ngi trong mo ta nhng canh huy hoang trang le chung
kiep tai sanh lan cuoi cua mnh. Tuy nhien, tin tc quanh Ngai, khong thieu mot th g, v du nh li
nay co the lam cho ngi ta suy ngh lech lac, bi ca tieng hat tram bong cua am nhac du dng vi
v Ngai khong con la mot con ngi bnh thng. nhieu vu n co sac ep me hon va tng cung ieu
La mot v Phat th khong phai la ngi ma cung cho moi mua. Vao thi gian Thai t ket hon cung
khong phai la than linh, nhng lai vt xa ban cong chua Gia Du a La khi Ngai tuoi 29, s
chat cua hai th va ke. Mac du s xuat chung viec dng nh the la Ngai se tien ti con ng
nay, truyen thong ao Phat nhac nh mot i noi nghiep vua cha ma chang co may may ng
song gng mau cua c Phat trong giai oan rang the gii ben ngoai cung ien an toan, co ay
lam ngi cua Ngai nh la mot phng tien i nhng thoa thch duc lac nay lai co mot thc te vo
vao van e c ban ve kiep song cua con ngi, cung nghiet nga. Tuy nhien, vao mot ngay no,
van e i en s giac ngo la mot giai phap. Sau Ngai ao c c nhn thay nhng g vt qua
lan tai sinh cuoi cung, v Bo Tat c at ten la nhng thanh luy cua nhng ngi lnh canh. Vua
Tat at a, co ngha la mot ngi co muc ch cha co khuyen can Thai t, nhng that bai, nen
cua mnh thanh tu. Nhng nha tien tri ng sau o phai ra lenh quet don lam sach se bat c
thi lap tc nhan ra rang Ngai la mot cau be ac ieu g co the lam cho Thai t kho chu. Trong 4
biet. Ngay khi con be, Ngai a co trong mnh 32 lan i dao ngoai thanh, theo truyen thong Phat
tng hao cua mot con ngi v ai, chng to s giao la Bon Hnh Anh, Thai t Tat at a a
oc ton cua Ngai (see Tam Thap Nh Hao Tng oi mat vi lao benh va t, va cuoi cung la hnh
Cua Phat). Me cua Ngai sau khi hoan tat nhiem anh mot ao s kho hanh ang i tm con ng
vu thieng lieng cua mnh, a qua i khi Ngai va e vt qua s kho. Ngai vo cung xuc ong vi
mi sanh ra c 7 ngay va tai sanh ni coi tri hnh anh th t nay, va phat nguyen t bo cuoc
au Suat. Tng lai cua Thai t Tat at a a i xa hoa cua mnh va i tm chan ly ve than
c tien oan hai lan va vao ca hai dp eu cho phan con ngi. Sau khi i en quyet nh nay,
thay rang Ngai se la mot v vua cua vu tru hoac Tat at a tr ve cung ien, ay Ngai c
mot v Phat, khap the gian eu biet en quyen lc thong bao la v Ngai sanh cho Ngai mot a con
va s cong bang cua Ngai, hoac la mot v Phat, trai. Ngai khong lay lam vui sng vi tin mng
dan dat i song ton giao va a nhan loai thoat nay va keu len Mot s troi buoc (rahula) ra i.
khoi vo minh. Neu Thai t Tat at a theo uoi Do o vua cha ra sac lenh at ten cho a chau
i song cua mot bac gia trng, Ngai se tr trai mnh la La Hau La. Trong cung ien, nha vua
thanh mot ai vng, nhng neu Ngai t bo the dung moi no lc e lam khuay khoa noi long cua
tuc Ngai se tr thanh Phat. Cac nha tien tri bao Thai t Tat at a nhng eu vo ch. Thai t

khong con quan tam en nhng duc lac va hoan Great resolve: Mahapranidhana (skt)ai
toan cam thay buon ngu tren chiec ghe trng ky. NguyenSee Great vow.
Vao mot na em khi Ngai tnh giac roi trong Great Reverend: Bo ai Hoa ThngSee
thay nhng nang ca ky va nhng vu cong xinh Cloth-bag monk.
ep nam song soai trong phong khach cua Ngai,
Great root of faith: ai TnGreat root of
oi vi Ngai luc nay giong nh nhng xac chet va
faith; the strong faith that is considered one of the
cam thay tinh than au n. Ngai quyet nh i
three pillars pf the practice of Zen. The other
en s xuat gia v ai ngay chnh em o Ngai
two essentials are great doubt and great resolve
ra lenh cho ngi anh xe la Xa Nac, chuan b
ai tn la niem tin sau sac, la goc re ln cua niem
cho mnh nga Kien Trac. Trc khi ri bo cung
tin, c coi nh mot trong ba ieu kien can ban
ien, Ngai ghe qua can phong cua v mnh, ng
cua Thien tap. Hai ieu kien kia la ai nghi va
ngng ca va ngi thay mui hoa lai, long Ngai
ai quyet.
ay xao xuyen. Ngai trong thay cong chua Gia
Great sages: Great saintsai Thanhai
Du a La nam ngu vi ban tay ta tren mnh La
Hau La, long Ngai thoi thuc muon am a con th
cua mnh vao long lan cuoi, nhng Ngai khong Great saint: ai Thanh.
dam lam nh vay v s rang mnh se anh thc ho Great Sangha School: Mahasanghika (skt)
va nh the se can tr cho s ra i cua mnh. Trong Daishubu (jap)ai Chung BoTogether with
nhng luc bnh thng, viec ri bo cung ien la the Theravada School, one of the two principal
khong the xay ra, co hang tram binh s vu trang schools of Early Hinayana Buddhism.
cac cong thanh. Nhng mot v tri m cong thanh Mahasanghika is said more liberal than its main
trong khi nhng v khac lam giam bt am thanh rival group of Sthaviras in both monastic
cua tieng vo nga Kien Trac roi a nhng ngi discipline and doctrinal interpretation. The
dan trong thanh vao giac ngu say. Nhanh chong Mahasanghika views the Buddha as a
vt qua khong trung cung vi moi tinh tu tren supramundane being, while the Sthaviras
bau tri, Thai t Tat at a, Xa Nac va nga emphasizes that hes only an exceptional human
Kien Trac en b song Anoma. o Thai t being. Some scholars believe that the
khuyen Xa Nac nen tr ve hoang cung e bao tin Mahasanghika may have been a transitional form
cho hoang gia ve s ra i cua Ngai. Con nga of the Mahayana schools later because the school
Kien Trac khong chu ng c s chia ly vi adopted some doctrines that later became
chu mnh va chet ngay tai cho luc ay. No c tai associated with Mahayana, such as the idea that a
sinh vao coi tri 33 tang. Ci bo y phuc cua hoang Bodhisattva may voluntarily choose to be reborn
gia, Thai t dung chiec gm cua mnh cat t in lower realms of existence in order to benefit
mai toc dn song, xong roi tung len tri va noi: othersCung vi trng phai Nguyen Thuy, mot
Neu ta tr thanh Phat, hay e nhng toc nay trong hai trng phai sm nhat cua Phat giao Tieu
nam yen tren bau tri, neu khong hay e no ri Tha. ai Chung Bo la mot nhom Tang s cap
xuong at. Vi thien nhan, v tri e Thch thay tien hn nhom Thng Toa Bo, la nhom rat bao
c nen voi nam bat lay m toc ay va cho vao thu trong gii luat va giang giai giao phap. Nhom
chiec hop ngoc. Mot v Pham Thien dang cho ai Chung Bo nhn c Phat nh mot sieu nhan,
Thai t ba bo y, mot chiec bat va nhng vat dung trong khi nhom Thng Toa Bo ch xem Ngai
cua mot nha s: mot dao cao, mot cay kim, mot nh mot con ngi xuat chung ma thoi. Mot vai
cai loc nc, va mot chiec that lng. T ay Thai hoc gia tin rang ai Chung Bo la moc chuyen
t Tat at a cat bc tren con ng khong the tiep cua trng phai ai Tha bi v no tha
t bo c e i en giai thoat tr tue hoan hao nhan nhng giao ly ma ve sau nay co lien he vi
va hoan toan dap tat c ngon la kho au. ai Tha, chang han nh t tng ve mot v Bo
Great resolution: Ch nguyen lnSee Three Tat t nguyen tai sanh vao coi thap hn nham li
factors making for success in the cultivation of lac chung sanhSee Mahasanghika.

Great sastras: Nhng bo luan lnThere are Great suffering: ai kho.

five great sastrasSee Five great sastras. Great Sumeru Buddha: ai Tu Di Phat.
Great scholars: Hoc gia loi lacThe four great Great Sun: ai NhtSee Eight patriarchs of
scholars among the 500 arhats who made the the True Word sect.
Vibhasa-sastra, a critical commentary on the Great Sun Buddha: Vairocana or
AbhidharmaBon v ai hoc gia trong so nam Mahavairocana (skt)ai Nhat Nh LaiSee
tram v A La Han, nhng ngi a viet ra bo Vairocana.
Luan Vi Dieu PhapSee Four great scholars.
Great sutras: ai KinhAccording to the
Great Schools: Trng phai lnThere are four Tien-Tai sect, the great sutra implies the Infinite
Mahayanas, or four Great SchoolsCo bon tong Life Sutra of the Pure Land Sect, while the Amida
phai ai ThaSee Four Great Schools. Sutra is considered as a Smaller Sutra. There are
Great sea congregation: ai Hai ChungThe four great sutras in BuddhismTheo phai Thien
great congregation, as all waters flowing into the Thai, th ai Kinh ch hai bo Kinh Phat Thuyet
sea become salty, as all ranks flowing into the Vo Lng Tho, hai trong ba bo kinh chanh cua
sangha become of one flavour and lose old Tnh o Tong, trong khi Kinh A Di a c goi
differentiationsai hai chung co ngha la hoi la Tieu Bon Kinh. Co bon bo kinh ln trong Phat
chung giong nh nc chay ra bien cung tr nen giaoSee Sukhavativyuha Sutra.
man, cung nh vay tat ca ai chung trong Tang Great taint: ai Nhiem PhapThe great
oan tr thanh mot v va mat i nhng khac biet dharma of defilement, sex-attraction, associated
trc ay. with the god of love (Ai Nhiem Minh Vng)
Great self: ai NgaThe true personalitySee Phap ai nhiem ln nhat la sac duc nhiem hay s
Mahatma. ai nhiem cua hai tnh nam n, lien he ti Ai
Great shaman: Mahasramana (skt)ai sa Nhiem Minh Vng.
mon (Buddha)See Buddha. Great talent: ai tai.
Great ship of salvation: ai Thuyenai Great talker: Ngi ch biet noi gioiSee Four
Tha, con thuyen ln cu o chung sanh types of people who can be seen as foes in
Mahayana. disguise.
Great spirit of inquiry: Nghi lnSee Three Great Tang Chronicles of the Western
factors making for success in the cultivation of World: ai ng Tay Vc KyTay Vc Ky
Zen. Tay Vc TruyenThe Great Tang Chronicles of
Great spiritual stupa: ai linh thapThere the Western World, or Records of Western
are eight Great Spiritual or Sacred Stupas of countries, by the Tang dynasty pilgrim Hsuan-
BuddhismCo tam ngoi thap thieng ln cua Phat Tsang, in 12 books A.D. 646-648Ky s ghi lai
giaoSee Eight great spiritual or sacred stupas. ve cac nc Tay Vc, do Huyen Trang i
Great spiritual teacher: ai o sOne who ng bien soan thanh 12 quyen vao khoang
can help beings cross from mortality to nirvana, nhng nam 646-648 sau Tay Lch.
i.e. a Buddha or a BodhisattvaBac co the giup Great Tang Records of Western Lands: ai
chung sanh vt thoat t sanh t en Niet Ban, ng Tay Vc KySee Great Tang Chronicles
nh mot v Phat hay mot v Bo Tat. of the Western World.
Great storm: Calamities of windTyphoon Great teacher: Nayaka (skt)ai SGreat
ai phongOne of the three destructive guide.
calamities to end the worldMot trong ba tai hoa 1) Great teacher (master) or leader: V Thay
tieu diet the giiSee Three calamities or three ln.
final catastrophes. 2) A title of the Buddha or Great Bodhisattvas
Great-Strong-Zealous-Bold-Fierce Buddha: Mot danh hieu cua mot v Phat hay cac v
ai Cng Tinh Tan Dung Manh Phat. ai Bo Tat.

3) One of the ten titles of a Buddha: Mot trong bang long vi viec ton knh kinh van Dieu Phap
mi danh hieu cua Phat. Lien Hoa, ma ong tin la than lc cua Dieu Phap
4) This is a Buddhist title which is usually Lien Hoa se ban cho nhng ai co niem tin vao
conferred posthumously (after the master kinh va nhng ai tr niem hong danh cua kinh nay.
died): Danh hieu ma cac v thay Phat giao Cac e t cua phai Soka Gakkai tin rang tr niem
thng c truy tang sau khi tch. hong danh kinh se mang lai cho ho nhng li ch
Great teaching: ai GiaoThe great teaching thc tien va dan en Phat qua ngay trong hien
as compared with the smaller or inferior (Tieu i.
thaHinayana). Mahayana is described as Great tranquil dharma-king: ai Tch phap
seeking to find and extend all knowledge, and in vngThe nirvana dharma-king (Vairocana
certain schools, to lead all to Buddhahood. It has a ai Nht Nh Lai)ai tch tnh hay niet ban
concept of an eternal Buddha, or Buddhahood as cua phap vng ai Nht Nh Lai.
Eternal (Adi-Buddha)ai Tha Giao hay giao Great tranquility samadhi: ai Tch nh
phap ln so vi Tieu Tha. ai tha c dien ta ai Tch nh Tam Muoiai Tch Tnh Dieu
la giao phai tm cau hay lam rong tr tue bang tu Tam Ma aThe samadhi which the Tathagata
tap; trong vai trng phai, chu trng tu theo ai enters, of perfect tranquility and concentration
Tha se dan en qua v PhatSee Mahayana. with total absence of any perturbing element
Great texts: Chief or fundamental book or text (parinirvana)Tam Ma a hay phep thien nh
ai banTien Tai sect takes the Infinite Life ma Nh Lai a vao vi trang thai tch tnh va s
Sutra as the major of the three Pure-land sutras tap trung hoan toan vang bac nhng xao xuyen
and the Amitabha Sutra as minor textTong loan ong (la moi tan ong, rot rao tch tnh).
Thien Thai lay Kinh Vo Lng Tho lam ai Ban Great Transference of Merit: ai Hoi Hng.
va Kinh A Di a lam Tieu Ban. Great transformation: ai HoaThe
Great Tibetan lama: Panchen Lama (tib)Ban transforming, teaching, and work of a Buddha in
thien Lat maSee Panchen Lama. one life timeChuyen hoa, giao huan, va lam
Great title: ai danh hieuThe chant recited by viec Phat s cua mot v Phat trong mot kiep.
members of the Japanese Soka Gakkai sect, Great treason: ai nghch.
Namo Myotho Renge-kyo (Praise to the Lotus Great treasure: Tai san qu bau nhat.
Sutra). This practice is traced back to Nichiren
Great Treasure Accumulation Sutra:
(1222-1282), who taught that the Lotus Sutra is the
Maharatnakuta-sutra (skt)Daiho-Shakkyo
only Buddhist scripture that is appropriate to the
(jap)Kinh ai Bu TchSee Maha-Ratnakuta
present degenerate age. He also felt that its
teachings are too profound for most of the beings
Great tree: ai ThoAccording to the Tien-
of this age to comprehend, and so they should
Tai school, Bodhisattva is considered as a great
content themselves with venerating the text,
treeTheo tong Thien Thai, Bo Tat c xem
which he believed has the power magically to
nh ai tho.
confer on those who have faith in it and who chant
its title. Members of the Soka Gakkai believe that Great and unattainable space: Immeasurable
their chanting brings immediate and pragmatic spaceai Khong Bat Kha acH khong bao
benefits and leads to buddhahood in ones present la khong nam bat hay o lng c.
lifetimeai danh hieu c tr tung bi Phat t Great undertaking: ai phat khiAccording
tong Soka Gakkai cua Nhat Ban Nam Mo Dieu to the Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there
Phap Lien Hoa Kinh. Loi tu tap nay co t thi are ten great undertakings of Great Enlightening
cua ngai Nhat Lien, ngi a day rang ch co Beings. Enlightening Beings who abide by these
Kinh Dieu Phap Lien Hoa la thch hp trong thi can be imbued with the supremely great
Mat Phap nay ma thoi. Ngai cung cam thay rang knowledge of BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem,
giao phap qua tham tham e hau het chung sanh Pham 38, co mi phap ai phat khi cua ch ai
trong thi nay co the am hieu c, nen ho t Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay thi rot

rao Bo Tat hanh, ay u ai tr vo thng cua are impeccably pure of all BuddhasTheo Kinh
Nh LaiSee Ten great undertakings of Great Hoa Nghiem, Pham 33, co mi cong c ln
Enlightening Beings. hoan toan ri loi thanh tnh cua ch PhatSee
Great Vaipulyas: ai Phng angai Ten kinds of great virtue that are impeccably pure
Phng QuangVo Lng Ngha KinhSutra of of all Buddhas.
Infinite MeaningThe great Vaipulyas, or sutra Great Virtue Monastery: ai c TOne of
of MahayanaThe Great Vaipulyas means the most important Zen monasteries in Kyoto,
broad, widespread, and levelled up, equal to built in 1319 by Akamatsu Norimura for the
everywhere, universal. The Vaipulya works are master Myocho, who was also known as Daito
styled sutras, for the broad doctrine of Kokushi (1283-1337). It grew to become one of
universalism. This is the name for the 12 the major Zen centers in Japan.
Hinayana and Mahayana SutrasPhng ang Great voices from the power of the virtuous
va Phng Quang ong ngha. ay la ten chung qualities of Buddha: Am thanh quang ai cua
cua 12 bo Kinh Tieu va ai Tha. c Nh LaiAccording to The Flower
Great Vaipulya Buddha: ai Phng Quang Adornment Scripture, Chapter Manifestation of
PhatThe fundamental honoured one of the Buddha (37),The voice of Buddha is without
Avatamsaka. The Buddha who realizd the master or maker, without discrimination, not
universal lawHoa Nghiem Bon Ton, v Phat a entering, not emerging, yet producing four great
chng nghiem c ly ai phng quang hay la voices from the power of the virtuous qualities of
bac a cong vien qua man. BuddhaTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham Nh Lai
Great value: Gia tr cao ca. Xuat Hien (37), am thanh cua c Nh Lai
Great Vehicle: Mahayana (skt)Northern khong chu khong lam, khong co phan biet, chang
schoolai thaMan T giaoOne of the two phai nhap chang phai xuat, ch t phap lc cong
major divisions of Buddhism. The Mahayana c cua Nh Lai ma phat sanh bon th am thanh
doctrine is set forth in the Sanskrit texts. quang aiSee Four great voices from the power
Sometimes refers to as Northern BuddhismMot of the virtuous qualities of Buddha.
trong hai tong phai ln cua Phat giao, ma a phan Great void: Mahasunyata (skt)ai khong
giao ien da vao Kinh Tang Sanskrit. Thnh The Mahayana parinirvanaSee Mahasunyata.
thoang con c goi la Phat giao Bac TongSee Great vows: Mahapranidhana (skt)ai
Five Means of the Northern School. nguyen.
Great Vehicle Zen: ai Tha Thien 1) Great vows made by the Bodhisattva in the
Mahayana ZenSee Five kinds of varieties of beginning of his spiritual career. The great
meditation. vow of a Buddha or Bodhisattva to save all
Great victory: ai thang. the living and bring them to Buddhahood.
Great Victory Vajra: ai Thang Kim Cang Great resolve is regarded as one of the three
One of the incarnations of Vairocana represented pillars of the practice of Zen, according to
with twelve arms, each hand holding one of his the Japanese Lin-Chi tradition. It is defined as
symbolsai Chuyen Luan Vng, v Kim Cang an unwavering resolve to overcome the
Tat oa hay Kim Cang Thu co 12 tay do c ai great doubt. The other two pillars are great
Nhat hoa than, moi tay eu cam gi mot bieu faith and great doubtCac li nguyen ln ma
tng. cac v Bo Tat thiet lap khi khi au s nghiep
tam linh cua cac ngai. ai nguyen cua ch
Great virtue: ChasteRighteousConduct
Phat va ch Bo Tat, cu o het thay chung
according to Buddha-truthao hanh.
sanh va khien ho at thanh Phat qua. ai
Great virtues of all Buddhas: ai pham
nguyen c xem nh la mot trong tam tru
hanhNhng pham hanh cao ca cua ch Phat
cua thien tap, theo truyen thong Thien Lam
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra,
Te. ai nguyen c nh ngha nh la
Chapter 33, there are ten kinds of great virtue that

nguyen vng vang e vt qua ai nghi. Hai Bodhisattvas, or Bodhisattva Saintly Masters,
tru khac la ai tn va ai nghi. who have already attained the Non-Birth
2) The vow to save all the living and bring them Dharma Tolerance and have turned the non-
to Buddhahood. Bodhisattvas take great vows retrogressing Dharma Wheel in the ten directions
as a reliance, as they enhance enlightenment. of infinite universesMot trong tam cach phat
This is one of the ten kinds of reliance of tam Bo e. ay la mot trong bon cach phat tam
Great Enlightening Beings. According to The ung an cho ngi tu Phat. Coi chung sanh het,
Flower Adornment Sutra, chapter 38 nguyen mi het; ao Bo e thanh, nguyen mi
(Detachment from the World), the Great thanh. Phat tam nh vay goi la AI. ay la loi
Enlightening Being Universally Good told phat tam cua hang ai Tha Phap Than ai S
Unversal Wisdom that Offsprings of Buddha, Bo Tat, hay bac Thanh Tang Bo Tat, a ac c
Great Enlightening Beings have ten kinds of vo sanh phap nhan, chuyen phap luan bat thoi
reliance which help them be able to obtain trong mi phng phap giiSee Eight ways of
abodes of the unexcelled great knowledge of developing the Bodhi Mind.
BuddhasCh Bo Tat dung ai nguyen lam Great way of the one reality of Amitabhas
y-ch, v nh o ma Bo e tam tang trng. vows: Bon Nguyen Nhat Thc ai aoPhap
ay la mot trong mi y ch cua ch ai Bo Mon Tha Lc Niem PhatThe great way of the
Tat. Theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, pham Ly The one reality of Amitabhas vows, i.e. that of calling
Gian, Bo Tat Pho Hien bao Pho Hue rang on his name and trusting to his strength and not
ch Bo Tat co mi cho y-ch giup ch Bo ones ownai bon nguyen cua c Phat A Di
Tat at c cho s-y ai tr vo thng cua a tiep dan nhng ai tin va niem hong danh cua
Nh LaiSee Mahapranidhana, and Ten Ngai.
kinds of reliance of Great Enlightening
Great white-bullock cart: ai Bach Ngu
XaThe great white-bullock cart of the Lotus
Great vow boat of Amitabha Buddha: ai Sutra. The Mahayana, as contrast with the deer-
Nguyen ThuyenThe great vow boat of cart and goat-cart of sravakas and pratyeka-
Amitabha Buddha, which ferries the believers buddhas of the HinayanaXe Trau trang trong
over the sea of mortality to the Pure Land Kinh Phap Hoa. Am ch ai Tha, oi lai vi xe
Thuyen Bat Nha hay ai Nguyen cua c Phat A nai va xe de am ch Thanh Van va Duyen Giac
Di a, a tat ca nhng ai tn tho ni ngai qua cua Tieu Tha.
bien sanh t luan hoi e en Tnh o.
Great white-robe Kuan-Yin: Pandaravasini
Great water: Calamity of waterai thuy (skt)ai Bach YA form of Kuan-Yin, all in
One of the three destructive calamities to end the white, with white lotus, white throneBach Y
worldMot trong ba tai hoa tieu diet the gii Quan Am, tat ca eu mot mau trang, sen trang,
(Tam ai Tai). toa trang, van van
Great way: Buddhismai ao. Great wide wisdom: ai quang trai Quang
Great way of developing the Bodhi Mind: Tr Tam TangGreat wide wisdom in the
ai Phat Bo e TamOne of the eight ways tripitaka, a title of AmoghaTr ln rong ve Tam
of developing the Bodhi Mind. The Great way of Tang Kinh ien, danh hieu cua A Muc Kh hay
developing the Bodhi Mind is one of the four Bat Khong.
proper ways of cultivation for Buddhists. Only Great wisdom: Mahamati (skt)ai tr tue
when the realm of sentient beings has ceased to ai HueThe leading bodhisattva of the
exist, would ones vows come to an end; only Lankavatara-sutraSee Maha-mati and Three
when Buddhahood has been realized, would ones Buddhas virtues (IV).
vows be achieved. Such development of the
Great Wisdom-Power Buddha: Phat ai Hue
Bodhi Mind is called great. Above is the way of
developing the mind of those in the rank of
Mahayana Great Strength Dharma Body Maha-

Great-Wisdom-Power-King Buddha: ai Thc hanh Chanh ao, gi s chan that la thien.

Hue Lc Vng Phat. Ch nguyen hp vi ao la ln nhat. ieu g la
Great wisdom sword: ai hue kiem. manh nhat? ieu g la sang nhat? c Phat day:
Nhan nhuc la manh nhat v khong cha ac tam
Great work: ai cuoc.
nen tang s an on. Nhan nhuc la khong ac, tat
Great work of the Buddhas appearance:
c moi ngi ton knh. Tam o nhiem a c
Phat xuat the ai s (ai s xuat the gian cua c
oan tan khong con dau vet goi la sang nhat,
ngha la tat ca s vat trong mi phng, t vo th
Great worshipful: ai ng CungThe Great van en hom nay, khong vat g la khong thay,
worshipfulOne of the ten titles of a Buddha khong vat g la khong biet, khong vat g la khong
Mot trong mi danh hieu cua Nh Lai. nghe, at c nhat thiet tr, nh vay c goi la
Great writer: ai van hao. sang nhat.
Greater baptism: ai Quan anhIn Tibetan Greatly Compassionate Light Buddha: Phat
Buddhism, the great baptism, used on special ai Bi Quang.
ocassions for washing away sin and evil and Greatness (n): S v aiTrue greatness: V
entering into virtueTheo truyen thong Phat giao ai that s.
Tay Tang, le quan anh c dung e ra sach
Greatness of the Dharma: S cao dieu cua
toi chng va ac nghiep e i vao cong c.
Phat Phap.
Greater than: Tot hn.
Greatness of the bhutathata in its function:
Greater vehicle: Mahayana (skt)Great Dung ai chan nhSee Three great
conveyanceai tha. characteristics in the awakening faith.
Greatest conqueror: Ngi chien thang v ai Greatness of the bhutathata in its
manifestations: Tng ai chan nhSee
Greatest conqueror was not the subjugation Three great characteristics in the awakening faith.
of others but of the self: Chien thang v ai Greatness of the bhutathata in its
nht cua con ngi khong phai la chinh phuc c
substance: The ai chan nhSee Three great
ngi khac ma la t chien thang lay mnh.
characteristics in the awakening faith.
Greatest strength and utmost brilliance: Sc
Greatness of potentialities: Tng aiThe
manh toi cao, anh sang cc sangAccording to
attributes of the Tathagata, one of the three great
the Sutra In Forty-Two Sections, Chapter 15, a
characteristics mentioned in the Awakening of
Sramana asked the Buddha: What is the greatest
FaithTng la c tng, ch the chan nh co
strength? What is the utmost brilliance? The
u c tnh vo lng vo bien, mot trong Tam
Buddha said: Patience under insult is the greatest
ai c noi en trong Khi Tn Luan. **See
strength because those who are patient do not
Three great characteristics in the awakening faith.
harbor hatred and they are increasingly peaceful
Greatness in substance: The aiThe
and settled. Those who are patient are without
Awakening of Faith mentioned the greatness in
evil and will certainly be honored among people.
substance, the greatness of quintessence, or
To put an end to the minds defilements so that it
fundamental immutable substance of all things,
is pure and untainted is the utmost brilliance.
one of the three characteristics of all thingsMot
When there is nothing in any of the ten directions
trong tam ai ma ai Tha Khi Tn Luan a e
throughout existence, from before the formation
cap. Tam tnh cua het thay chung sanh la duy
of heaven and earth, until this very day, that you
nhat tuyet oi, chang sinh, chang diet, chan thc
do not see, know or hear, when all-wisdom is
nh thng la the, ay ray trong phap gii la ai.
obtained (achieved), that can be called
**See Three great characteristics in the
brilliance.Theo Kinh T Thap Nh Chng,
awakening faith.
Chng 15, co mot v sa Mon hoi Phat, ieu g
la thien? ieu g la ln nhat? c Phat day:

Greed (n): Abhijjha (p)Lobho (p)Raga beings lives, especially, those of human
(skt)ConcupiscienceCovetousnessLust beings are already filled with pain and
Wrong desireTham lam. sufferings, now there are even more pain and
(I) The meanings of GreedNgha cua Tham sufferings. Through tricks, expedients, and
lam: manipulations we try to reach our goal
1) Greed is the first of the three poisonsTham irrespective of whatever happens to others.
lam la mon th nhat trong tam oc. Greed is a powerful mental force that drives
2) Lobho (p)Greed, the first unwholesome people to fight, kill, cheat, lie and perform
root, covers all degrees of selfish desire, various forms of unwholesome deedsLong
longing, attachment, and clinging. Its ham muon v ky thuc ay chung ta thoa man
characteristic is grasping an object. Its nhng g mnh can cung nh nhng g mnh
function is sticking, as meat sticks to a hot khong xng ang c nh an uong, nha ca,
pan. It is manifested as not giving up. Its xe co, tai san va danh vong, van van. Mat th
proximate cause is seeing enjoyment in things ham nhn ni sac ep khong biet chan, tai
that lead to bondageTham la can bat thien ham nghe moi th am thanh du dng, mui
au tien che ay long tham t ky, s ao c, ham mong ngi mui hng cac loai, li ham
luyen ai va chap trc. Tanh cua no la bam nem cac v beo bo ngot ngon, than ham
vu vao mot s vat nao o hay tham lam am nhng xuc cham mn mang, va y ham cac s
nhiem nhng g no a thch. Nghiep dung cua ghet thng b th, van van. Long tham cua
no la s bam chat, nh tht bam chat vao con ngi nh thung khong ay, nh bien ca
chao. No hien len ap che khi chung ta khong lay nc lien tuc t tram ngan song ho to
chu buong bo. Nguyen nhan gan a en nho, het ngay nay qua ngay khac. Trong thi
tham la v chung ta ch thay s hng thu mat phap nay, chung sanh noi chung va nhan
trong s viecSee Fourteen unwholesome loai noi rieng, a va ang dung u moi
factors. phng cach, thu oan, mu chc e lng
3) Greed for wealth, sex, fame, food, sleep or gat va tan hai lan nhau. The nen cuoc i cua
greed for forms, sounds, smells, tastes, and chung sanh, nhat la nhan loai, von d a au
objects of touchTham tai, sac, danh, thc, kho, lai cang au kho hn. Tat ca eu do ni
thuy hay sac, thinh, hng, v, xucSee tanh tham lam, long ch ky bon xen ma ra.
Fifty-one Dharmas interactive with the Mind. Chnh bang mu gian chc quy, doi gat,
(II) Characteristics of Greedac iem cua phng tien cung nh lat long bang moi thu
Tham lam: It is a selfish desire for more than oan e at cho bang c. Long tham la
we need or deserve, such as food, house, car, manh lc tinh than manh me khien cho ngi
wealth, honors, etc. Eyes are longing for ta au tranh giet choc, loc la doi tra lan
viewing beautiful forms without any nhau, ngay ca nhng hanh ong tan oc cung
satisfaction, ears are longing for melodious khong cha.
sounds, nose is longing for fragrance, tongue (III) Necessary conditions to complete Greed
is longing for delicate tastes, body is longing according to BuddhismNhng ieu kien
for soothing touches, and mind is longing for can thiet e tao ra Tham lam theo Phat giao:
various emotions of love and hate from self According to Most Venerable in The Buddha
and others. Human beings greediness is like and His Teachings, there are two conditions
a barrel without bottom. It is just as the great that are necessary to complete the evil of
ocean obtaining continuously the water from covetousnessTheo Hoa Thng Narada
hundreds and thousands of large and small trong c Phat va Phat Phap, co hai ieu
rivers and lakes everyday. In this Dharma kien can thiet e thanh lap nghiep tham lam:
Ending Age, sentient beings, especially 1) Anothers possession: Vat s hu cua ngi
human beings use every method to khac.
manipulate and harm one another. Sentient

2) Adverting to it, thinking would this be oi khong ngng. Khi ban co mot tam hon t do,
mine!: Tam them muon, c mong c lam ci m, ban khong con s phan biet na. Chang
chu vat ay. co ln hay nho, chang co toi va anh. Chang co g
** See Ten branches of evils, Ten kinds of ca. Vo nga hay khong co mot linh hon vnh cu.
afflictions, and Fifty-two mental states. Thc ra cuoi cung th chang co nga hay vo nga g
Greed is to be abandoned: Tham duc can phai ca. o ch la nhng danh t quy c.
t boSee Eight things that lead to the cutting off Greed, Anger and Stupidity: Tham, San, Si.
of affairs. Greed for cleverness and skill: Tham cau
Greed for acquisition and possession: Tham thien xaoSee Ten states of thinking skandha.
vong chiem oat va s hu. Greed and desire: Kamaraga (skt)Desire for
Greed for adventure: Tham cau du lchSee and love of things of lifeTham Duc.
Ten states of thinking skandha. (I) The meanings of Greed and desireNgha
Greed to analyze things: Tham cau bien bach, cua Tham Duc:
phan tachSee Ten states of thinking skandha. 1) Desire for and love of the things of this life
Greed and anger: Tham lam va san hanThe Craving (greed, affection, desire). Most
defilements we call lust or greed, anger and people define happiness as the satisfaction of
delusion, are just outward names and all desires: Tham muon cua cai tran the. Hau
appearances, just as we call a house beautiful, het ngi i thng nh ngha hanh phuc
ugly, big, small, etc. These are only appearances tran tuc nh la s thoa man cua moi tham
of things. If we want a big house, we call this one duc.
small. We creates such concepts because of our 2) The desires are boundless, but our ability to
craving. Craving causes us to discriminate, while realize them is not, and unfulfilled desires
the truth is merely what is. Look at it this way. always create suffering. When desires are
Are you a person? Yes. This is the appearance of only partially fulfilled, we have a tendency to
things. But you are really only a combination of continue to pursue until a complete
elements or a group of changing aggregates. If the fulfillment is achieved. Thus, we create even
mind is free it does not discriminate. No big and more suffering for us and for others. We can
small, no you and me, nothing. We say anatta or only realize the true happiness and a peaceful
not self, but really, in the end, there is neither state of mind when our desires are few. This
atta nor anattaTham lam va san han va co is one of the great steps towards the shore of
that ma cung va la ao tng. Nhng phien nao liberation: Tham duc tran the la vo han,
ma chung ta thng goi la tham ai, tham duc, nhng chung ta lai khong co kha nang nhan
tham lam, hay san han, si me, van van ch la ra chung va tham duc khong c thoa man
nhng cai ten be ngoai. Giong nh trng hp thng gay ra kho au phien nao cho mnh va
chung ta goi cai nha nay ep, cai kia xau, to, nho, cho ngi. Khi chung ta ch phan nao thoa
van van o khong phai la s that. Nhng cai ten man tham duc, chung ta luon co khuynh
c goi mot cach quy c nh vay khi phat t hng tiep tuc theo uoi chung cho en khi
s tham ai cua chung ta. Neu chung ta muon mot c thoa man, chnh v vay ma chung ta
cai nha ln hn chung ta xem cai nha ma chung ta cang gay nen kho au cho mnh va cho ngi.
ang co la nho. Long tham ai khien chung ta co Ngay ca khi a thoa man tham duc, chung ta
s phan biet. That ra, chan ly khong co ten goi. cung kho au. Chung ta ch nghiem c
No the nao th e no the ay. Hay nhn s vat theo chan hanh phuc va an nhin t tai khi chung ta
ung thc tng cua chung, ng nh danh theo co t tham duc. ay cung la mot trong nhng
quan niem thien lech cua mnh. Ban la ngi an bc ln en ben b giai thoat cua chung ta.
ong hay an ba ch la s bieu hien ben ngoai cua (II) Categories of Greed and DesirePhan loai
s vat. That ra, ban ch la mot s ket hp cua Tham Duc: There are five types of Greed and
nhieu yeu to, la mot tong hp cua cac uan bien DesireCo nam loai Tham Duc:
1) Greed and desire for Wealth: Tai Tham Duc.

2) Greed and desire for Beauty: Sac Tham Duc. Greed for union: Tham cau khe hpSee Ten
3) Greed and Desire for ambitions: Danh Tham states of thinking skandha.
Duc. Greedy (a): Gian tham.
4) Greed and desire for finding pleasure in
Greedy for fame: Ham danh.
eating: Thc Tham Duc.
Greed for the fine-material: Rupa-raga (p)
5) Greed and Desire for sleeping or laziness:
Sac ai ket hay tham sacAttachment to the world
Thuy Tham Duc.
of formsLust or desire for formLove in the
(III) Buddha taught: Craving and desire are the
realm of formCraving for the world of form
cause of all unhappiness or suffering.
See Five higher bonds of desire.
Everything sooner or later must change, so do
not become attached to anything. Instead Greedy for gain: Ham li.
devote yourself to clearing your mind and Greed for the immaterial: Arupa-raga (p)Vo
finding the truth, lasting hapiness. Knowing sac ai ket hay tham vo sacLust or desire for
how to feel satisfied with few possessions formlessnessAttachment to the formless
help us destroy greed and desire. This means worldLove in the realm of formlessness
being content with material conditions that Craving for the formless worldSee Five higher
allow us to be healthy and strong enough to bonds of desire.
cultivate. This is an effective way to cut Greed for material wealth: Tham muon cua
through the net of passions and desires, attain cai vat chat.
a peaceful state of mind and have more time Greedy mind: Tam tham trcSee Six bonds
to help othersPhat day: Tham duc chnh la of the mind.
nguon goc cua kho au. Moi vat roi se thay Greed for monetary gains: Tham tien.
oi, v the khong nen luyen ai hay vng vu Greedy for property: Ham cua.
vao mot th g. Nen nhiep tam thanh tnh tm
Green face devil: Avadana (skt)A ba a na
chan ly va at en hanh phuc vnh hang.
Quy mat xanh.
Biet tri tuc thieu duc la biet se giup chung ta
diet tr tham duc. ieu nay co ngha la biet Greet by folding palms: Chap chngLoi
thoa man vi nhng ieu kien vat chat kha d chao bang cach chap ban tay lai vi nhau
giup cho chung ta co ay u sc khoe e tu Folding palms is a graceful gesture to greet other
tap. ay la phng cach hu hieu nhat e cat people is a dignified way of greeting which
t li tham duc, an on than tam va co originated in ancient India. By bringing the ten
nhieu th gi giup tha nhan. fingers together. We symbolically make all ten
Dharma realms become one and are reminded of
Greed for immortality: Tham cau song lau
the Buddha nature within every being. By folding
See Ten states of thinking skandha.
the palms, we show respect to and concentrate our
Greed of life: Tham song. minds and our hearts upon the teachings of the
Greed for money: Tham tien. BuddhaChap hai ban tay lai trong mot t the
Greed for past lives: Tham cau tuc menhSee biet n e chao ngi khac la loi chao that uy
Ten states of thinking skandha. nghi, bat nguon t An o. Bang cach chap 10
Greed for peace and quiet: Tham cau tnh ngon tay lai vi nhau. Chung ta lam dau hieu tieu
matSee Ten states of thinking skandha. bieu cho 10 phap gii lai lam mot va nhac nh ve
Greed for power: Tham quyen the. Phat tanh san co trong moi chung ta. Bang cach
Greed for profound emptiness: Tham cau chap hai ban tay lai vi nhau, chung ta to bay s
tham khongSee Ten states of thinking skandha. ton knh va tap trung tam tr cua chung ta vao
giao phap cua c Phat.
Greed for spiritual powers: Tham cu than
lcSee Ten states of thinking skandha. Greeting (n): Li chao.
Greed for spiritual responses: Tham cau minh Grey hair: Toc bac hoa ram.
camSee Ten states of thinking skandha.

Grha (skt): Graha (skt)Nghiet La HaNghiet Ground of blazing wisdom: Archishmati

Ly HaName of a demon, the seizerTen cua (skt)Blazing landDiem Hue aSee Ten
mot loai quy chuyen i bat ngi. grounds (II).
Grhaparti (p): Kulampuriso (p)Kulapati or Grounds of Bodhisattva: Bodhisattvabhumi
Kulapurusha (skt)Cau La Bat eCa La (skt)Stages of BodhisattvaBo Tat o.
VietC SA chief (head) of a familyA Ground on which to build the self: Can ban
landlordHouseholderThe master of a e xay ap cai TA.
householdLay devotee. Ground-burial: a TangOne of the four
1) A person of good family or a respectable forms of burialChon di at, mot trong bon
person: Ngi cua gia nh tot hay ngi loai tong tang ngi chetSee Four kinds of
ang ton knh. burial.
2) A householder who practises Buddhism at
Ground for commendations: Middasa-
home without becoming a monk: Ngi chu
vatthuni (p)Thu dieuAccording to the Sangiti
gia nh tu tai gia hay Phat t tai giaSee
Sutta, there are seven grounds for
commendationsTheo Kinh Phung Tung trong
Grhastha (skt): Tuc NhanNga La Sa Tha trng Bo Kinh, co bay s thu dieuSee Seven
Ngi tu tai giaAn ordinary householderAn grounds for commendations.
ordinary manThe laity.
Ground of delight: See Ground of happiness.
Grief: Ground of the Dharma cloud: Dharmamegha
1) Daurmanasya (skt)DistressMental
(skt)Phap Van aLand of dharma clouds
sufferingSorrowSau muon (s au n
See Ten grounds (II).
ve tam linh).
Ground of emitting light: Prabhakari (skt)
2) Upayasa (skt)Bat hanh.
Phat Quang aLand of radianceSee Ten
Grievance: Doso (p)Dvesa (skt)HatredIll-
grounds (II).
willResentmentAc yHan thuSan Han
Ground of good wisdom: Sadhumati (skt)
Grip of love and desire: Ai chapS chap
Thien Hue aLand of good thoughtsSee Ten
trc vao luyen ai va duc vong kho ma bo
grounds (II).
cAi DucSee Love and desire.
Ground of happiness: Paramudita (skt)
Grisma (skt): Nhiet ThiFrom the third month,
Ground of delightHoan Hy aLand of joy
sixteenth day, to the fifth month, fifteenthMua
See Ten grounds (II).
nong t 16 thang 3 en 15 thang 5See Six
Ground for a happiness karma: Bay cho tao
seasons of a year in India.
nghiep lanh qua t bi vi ke c hanSee Seven
Gross forms: Tho TngThe six grosser or
grounds for a happy karma through benevolence
cruder forms of unenlightenment or ignorance
to the needy.
mentioned in the sastra on the Prajna SutraTheo
Ground of invincibility: Sudurjaya (skt)Cc
khi Tn Luan ay la sau tho tng vo minh (cha
Nan Thang aLand extremely difficult to
giac ngo).
conquerSee Ten grounds (II).
Gross servants: There are five gross servants
Ground of leaving filth: Vimala (skt) Ly Cau
Co nam kien tho thienSee Five great
aLand of purityLand of freedom from
defilementSee Ten grounds (II).
Ground (n): C sTruIn the Surangama
Ground of manifestation: Abhimukhi (skt)
Sutra, book Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda
Hien Tien aLand in view of wisdomSee
about the Ten Grounds or the ten stages (periods)
Ten grounds (II).
in Bodhisattva-wisdomTrong Kinh Thu Lang
Nghiem, quyen Tam, c Phat a nhac nh ngai Ground of not losing: The Pure Land, from
A Nan ve thap tru Bo Tat nh sauSee Ten which there is no falling awayBat thoi a.

Ground of traveling far: Duramgama (skt) Grow crops, cook, do business, manufacture
Vien Hanh aFar-reaching landSee Ten things or to sew clothes to sell in order to
grounds (II). make money: Trong trot, nau nng, lam thng
Groups: Bo phaiThe five groups in mai, che tao vat dung hay may quan ao e kiem
BuddhismSee Five classes of Buddhism. tienA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who grows crops,
Group of gods: Devakaya (skt)Ch thien. cooks, does business, manufactures things or sews
Groups of the Order: There are five groups of clothes in order to make money to send home to
the orderCo nam nhom xuat giaSee Five his or her family, even if it is to create the income
groups of the order. for the monastery, commits an offence involves
Grove of great cold: Sitavan (skt)ai Han Release and Expression of Regret. However, if
LamThe graveyard, burial stupas in IndiaKhu that Bhiksus or Bhiksunis parents are in ill health
rng lanh ln, co ngha la bai tha ma ben Thien and have no other means of financial support, he
Truc. or she can obtain permission from the Head of the
monastery to do so to pay his or her filial
Groves of Great Enlgihtening Beings: Vien
responsibility to his or her parents until they get
lam cua ch ai Bo TatAccording to the
well. Right after they get well, he or she must stop
Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are
working and focus on his or her cultivationV
ten kinds of grove of Great Enlightening Beings.
Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao trong trot, nau
Enlightening Beings who abide by these can
nng, lam thng mai, che tao vat dung hay may
achieve the Buddhas unexcelled peaceful, happy
quan ao e kiem tien gi ve cho gia nh, ngay ca
action, free from sorrow and afflicationTheo
e tao ra li tc cho t vien, cung la pham gii xa
Kinh Hoa nghiem, Pham 38, co mi loai vien
oa (phai buong bo va phat lo sam hoi ngay). Tuy
lam cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong
nhien, neu cha me b benh ma khong con ai khac
phap nay thi c ai hanh an lac la u nao vo
lo lang th v ay co the xin phep cua v lanh ao
thng cua Nh LaiSee Ten kinds of grove of
trong t vien c lam nhng viec ay e tra hieu
Great Enlightening Beings.
cho cha me cho en khi lanh benh. Ngay khi cha
Grove of meditation: Thien Lam.
me lanh benh la v ay phai ngng lam viec ngay
1) Meditation forest or grove of meditation:
e tap trung vao viec tu tap.
Rng Thien.
Grow (v) old: GiaTo get old.
2) Pagoda or a monastery: T vien hay Thien
vien. Grow (v) into adolescent: Tr thanh thieu nien.
3) Monasteries as numerous as trees in a forest: Grow (v) old and gray: Tr nen gia nua.
T vien hay Thien vien nhieu nh cay tren Grow (v) thin: Tr nen gay go.
rng. Grow (v) weary: Chan ngan.
Grove of merit and virtue: Cong c lam Grudging: Matsara or Lobha (skt)
(rng cong cBuddhist hall or monastery). AvariciousStingyKeo kietXan Tham (tham
Groves of precious trees: Avenues in the Pure lam bon xen)See Six sins that smother the six
LandBao lam. paramitas or the pure mind.
Groves of Sala trees: In which Sakyamuni Grudging and greed: Khan ThamLong a
Buddha entered NirvanaKien Co Lam, ni c nuoi tiec vat chat nen khong bo th, ma bung lai
Phat nhap Niet Ban. con ham muon cua ngi.
Groves of staves: Yasti-vana (skt)Trng Grudging, mean heart: Khan TamTam khan
LamThan No Ba LamSee Yasti-vana. tiec hen mon.
Grow (v) brighter: Tr nen sang suot hn Grudhakuta (skt): Nui Ky Xa Quat.
When you have deep concentration in meditation, Grumble (v): Can nhan.
your wisdom grows brighter. Gtum mo (tib): See Candali.
Guarantee (v): Bao amTo warranty.

Guard (v): Bao veCanh giChong (bao secondary characteristics, he develops restraint of
ho)DefendProtect. the mind-faculty. He experiences within himself
Guard and care for: Protect and keep in the blameless bliss that comes from maintaining
mindHo NiemSee Supportive Recitation. this Ariyan guarding of the facultiesTheo Kinh
Sa Mon Qua trong Trng Bo Kinh, c Phat a
Guard (v) the house: Gi NhaTo take care of
day ve mot v Ty Kheo Ho Tr Cac Can: The
the houseBecause of the attachment and its
nao la v Ty Kheo ho tr cac can? Khi mat thay
karma, we may reincarnate and become a dog to
sac, Ty Kheo khong nam gi tng chung, khong
guard our own house in the next lifeV luyen ai
nam gi tng rieng. Nhng nguyen nhan g,
va nghiep lc, chung ta co the tai sanh lam cho
khien nhan can khong c che ng, khien tham
gi nha trong kiep lai sinh.
ai, u bi, cac ac, bat thien khi len, Ty Kheo t
Guardian (a& n):
che ng nguyen nhan ay, ho tr nhan can, thc
1) (a): Bao ho.
hanh s ho tr nhan can. Khi tai nghe tieng, mui
2) (n): Ngi bao ho.
ngi hng, than cam xuc, y nhan thc cac phap,
Guardian angels: Than Ho MangExternalists v ay khong nam gi tng chung, khong nam gi
believe that each one of them has a so-called tng rieng. Nguyen nhan g khien y can khong
Guardian Angel to protect themNgoai ao tin c che ng, khien tham ai, u bi, cac ac, bat
rang co cai goi la Than Ho Mang cho tng ca thien phap khi len, Ty Kheo che ng nguyen
nhan. nhan ay, ho tr y can, thc hanh s ho tr y can. V
Guardian of the Buddha: Vajrapani (skt) ay nh s ho tr cao quy cac can ay, nen hng
Mat Tch Lc SA form of Indra, who drives lac tho noi tam, khong van uc.
away all yaksa disturbersMot hnh thc cua vua Guardian-spirit: Guardian angelThan ho
Tri e Thch, theo bao ve c Phat, anh uoi menh.
bon la satSee Vajrapani.
Guardian-spirit of commandments: The five
Guardian deva: ong Sanh ThienThe guardian spirits of each of the five
guardian deva, who is born or produced commandmentsHo gii than (v than bao ho
simultaneously with the person he protectsV nhng ngi gi gii). Ch nam v Thien Than ho
tri bao ho, sanh ra cung luc vi ngi ma v ay tr nam gii luat (bao ve nhng ngi tr gii).
bao ho che ch (moi ngi ngay t luc sanh ra a
Guardian of a temple: Vetala (skt)Gia Lam
co hai v ong Sanh Thien va ong Danh Thien
ThanVi a LaWei-To, a Chinese term for
bao ho che ch).
the guardian facing the main hall of a temple; the
Guardian of the sense-door: Ho Tr Cac origin of Wei-To is uncertain. According to the
CanAccording to the Samannaphala Sutta in the Buddha, there are eighteen guardian spirits of a
Long Discourses of the Buddha, the Buddha monastery Vi a La theo Han t la v Vi a
taught about a guardian of the sense-door. How mat xoay ra chanh ien trong t vien, khong ai
does a monk become a guardian of the sense- biet c xuat x cua Vi a Ho Phap. Theo c
door? Here a monk, on seeing a visible object Phat, co 18 v Gia Lam Than trong moi t vien.
with the eye, does not grasp at its major signs or
Guardians of the world and of Buddhist
secondary characteristics. Because greed and
faith: Ho the gia.
sorrow, evil unskilled states, would overwhelm
him if he dwelt leaving this eye-faculty Guardian of the youth: Ho ong T Phap
unguarded, so he practises guading it, he protects ThanProtector (spirit) who protects the young
the eye-faculty, develops restraint of the eye- against the fiften evil spirits which seek to harm
faculty. On hearing a sound with the ear; on themV than bao ho tre em khoi b 15 quy d
smelling an odour with the nose; on tasting a am hai.
flavour with the tongue; on feeling an object Guchi (jap): Moha (skt)Delusion
with the body; on thinking a thought with the FoolishnessIgnoranceNgu si.
mind, he does not grasp at its major signs or

Guenther, Herbert V. (1917 - ): Name of a Guhyapati: Kim Cang mat tch thienSee
German buddhologist who has published a number Twenty devas.
of influential studies of Tibetan Buddhism. He Guhyasamaja-tantra (skt): One of the most
received Ph.D.s from Munich University and the important tantras for Tibetan Buddhism, divided
University of Viena, after which he took up an into two sections: 1) a root tantra (mula-tantra)
appointment teaching Sanskrit and Buddhist of seventeen parts; and 2) a section called higher
Studies at the Sanskrit University in Sarnath, tantra (uttara-tantra). It is generally classified as
India. In 1954 he became head of the department belonging to the highest yoga-tantra (anuttara-
of Far Eastern Studies at University of yoga-tantra) class and is particularly important for
Saskatchewan, where he spent most of his the Gelukpa order, which bases its tantric system
academic career. He developed a unique on it. The main Buddha is Guhyasamaja, who is
translation style that uses terminology from visualized as being dark blue in color and as
continental philosophy to render Buddhist having three faces and six arms. He is
technical terms. This approach is admired by accompanied by four female Bodhisattvas:
some scholars and criticized by others. He has Mamaki; Locana; Pandara; and TaraMot trong
published plenty of books and articles, including nhng mat chu quan trong cua Phat giao Tay
Kindly Bent to Ease us and Ecstatic Tang, c chia lam hai phan: 1) Mat chu goc
Spontaneity.Ten cua mot nha Phat giao hoc gom 17 phan; 2) Mat chu vi dieu. Loai mat chu
ngi c, ngi a xuat ban mot so nghien cu nay thng c phan loai la loai chu cao nhat
rat co anh hng oi vi Phat giao Tay Tang. trong mat chu, ac biet quan trong oi vi trng
Ong au Tien S Triet tai ai hoc ng Munich phai Gelukpa, trng phai ma he thong mat chu
va ai hoc ng Viena, sau o ong c bo hoan toan da vao loai chu nay. V Phat chnh
nhiem day tieng Bac Phan va Phat Hoc tai ai trong mat chu nay la Phat Guhyasamaja, v c
Hoc Phan Ng Sarnath, An o. Nam 1954 ong quan tng co mau xanh am va ba mat sau tay.
la Khoa trng Khoa Vien ong Hoc tai ai hoc Ngai c thap tung bi 4 v n Bo Tat: Mamaki;
Saskatchewan, ong a cong hien ca i day hoc Locana; Pandara; va Tara.
tai ay. Ong a khai trien mot loi phien dch dung Guidance of original teacher: Tiep Dan ao
thuat ng cua luc a nay e dien ta cac thuat ng SSentient beings are reborn in the Pure Land
Phat giao. Phng cach phien dch nay c mot owing to the assistance of the following
so ngi ngng mo, nhng cung b mot so khac BuddhasChung sanh c vang sanh Tnh o
ch trch. Ong a xuat ban rat nhieu sach va bai nh s tr giup cua hai v Phat.
viet ve Phat giao, bao gom bo Kindly Bent to 1) The guidance of our original teacher,
Ease us and Ecstatic Spontaneity. Sakyamuni Buddha, and his teachings: S ch
Guest-defilement: Khach TranSee Agantu- dan cua c Bon S Thch Ca Mau Ni Phat.
klesa. 2) The welcoming and escorting of Amitabha
Guest-dust: See Agantu-klesa. Buddha: Tiep Dan ao S A Di a Phat.
Guest room: Khach TyA place for reception 3) The support and protection of the Buddhas of
of guests in a monasteryTiep ai S hay ni the ten directions: Ch Phat mi phng ho
tiep khach trong t vien. niem.
Guest supervisor: Tri KhachThe director of Guide (n & v): LeaderMaster.
guests in a monasteryV Tang coi ve viec tiep 1) (n): ao sNgi dan ng.
khach. 2) (v): Dan ngHng dan.
Guest takes precedence over the host: Chu Guide-book of the Middle Way School:
khong lam g trc khach, ay la mot loi tiep Madhyamaka Sastra (skt)Luan Trung Quan
khach rat lch s (tien khach hau chu hay chu bat The Treatise on the Middle way or the Guide-
tien tan). Book of the School of the Middle Way. The sastra
Guhya (skt): B mat. was composed by Nagarjuna. It stressed on the

teaching of the Middle Way, the basic teaching of through Buddha Recitation. Moreover, those who
the Madhyamika school of the Indian Mahayana have practiced Buddha Recitation with a pure
Buddhism. According to the Madhyamaka Sastra, mind have been known to witness scenes of the
the true meaning of Emptiness (Sunyata) is non- Pure Land during their current lifetimesTheo
existence, or the nonsubstantivenessBo Trung Hoa Thng Thch Thien Tam trong Niem Phat
Luan do Bo Tat Long Tho soan, nhan manh vao Thap Yeu va Lien Tong Thap Tam To, hien
giao ly Trung ao, giao ly can ban cua trng chng lng la mot trong tam lng c dung e
phai Trung Quan cua Phat giao ai tha An o. cung co long tin cua hanh gia Tnh o. Hien
Theo Trung Quan, ngha chan that cua Tanh chng lng la loi tm hieu do s thay biet hoac
Khong la Phi Hu hay khong thc chatSee chng nghiem hien thc e khi long tin. Trong
Madhyamaka and Madhyamaka philosophy. Tnh o Thanh Hien Luc a chng minh rat nhieu
Guide to Meditation: Thien Quan Ch Nam. v niem Phat c vang sanh, va Viet Nam
Guide someone: Dan ng cho aiThe cung co nhieu Phat t tu Tnh o c ve Cc
Buddhas teaching has guided sentient beings to Lac. Chang nhng the ma hien tien khi tnh niem,
true love and peaceLi Phat day a dan ao cac v ay cung thay canh Tnh o hien bay. Neu
chung sanh en tnh yeu va hoa bnh chan chnh. khong co coi Cc Lac, va khong co Phat A Di a
tiep dan, th lam sao nhng v ay thay ro va c
Guide and welcomer to the Western Pure
ket qua vang sanh?See Three guidelines to
Land: Tay phng Cc Lac tiep dan ao s
consolidate ones faith.
See Western land of Amitabha Buddha.
Guidelines to consolidate ones faith: Nhng
Guided by a good advisor: Hng dan bi
hng dan nham cung co niem tinAccording to
thien tri thcHe should be guided by a good
Most Venerable Thch Thien Tam in The Pure
advisor, who has a thorough understanding of the
Land Buddhism in Theory and Practice and The
sutras and many years experience in meditation.
Thirteen Patriarch of Pure Land Buddhism, the
This is one of the five necessary conditions for
Buddhist sutras and commentaries, the Pure Land
any Zen practitioners. If a Zen practitioner does
practitioner should follow three guidelines to
not meet these five conditions, he is very easily
consolidate his faithTheo Hoa Thng Thch
subject to get harm from demonPhai nng ni
Thien Tam trong Niem Phat Thap Yeu va Lien
bac thien tri thc thong kinh ien, a co kinh
Tong Thap Tam To, kinh ien day rang ngi
nghiem tu thien nhieu nam e nh s hng dan.
niem Phat nen y theo ba lng e cung co long
ay la mot trong nam ieu kien can thiet cho bat
tinSee Three guidelines to consolidate ones
c hanh gia tu thien nao. Neu v tu thien nao
khong hoi u nam ieu kien tren rat de b ma
Guidelines for a good Buddhist life: Kim ch
chng lam ton haiSee Five conditions toward
nam cho i song tot cua mot Phat tIn order to
successful achievements for a Zen practitioner.
live in accordance with Buddhist laws, a devout
Guideline of Actual Seeing and
Buddhist should do the followingse song phu
Understanding: Hien Chng LngAccording hp vi giao phap nha Phat, mot Phat t thuan
to Most Venerable Thch Thien Tam in The Pure thanh nen lam nhng ieu sau ay:
Land Buddhism in Theory and Practice and The (I) Taking refuge in the Three JewelsQuy-y
Thirteen Patriarchs of Pure Land Buddhism, Tam Bao: See Take refuge in the Triple
Guideline of Actual Seeing and Understanding Gem.
is one of the three guidelines to consolidate ones (II) We should try to train ourselves in
faith. This is a method of reasoning based on accordance to the examples set by the
actual occurences, verifiable through our eyes and Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha. If we take
understanding. The commentary, Biographies of their behavior as a model, we will eventually
Pure Land Sages and Saints, has amply become like themChung ta nen co gang tu
documented the stories of individuals who have luyen theo nhng tam gng ma ch Phat,
achieved rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss giao phap, va ch Tang a thiet lap. Neu

chung ta at nhng tnh hanh ay lam mau thi co lam mi thien nghiep. c Phat
mc cho chnh mnh th cuoi cung chung ta khuyen chung ta nen tranh lam mi ieu ton
cung se at c nhng mau mc ay. hai. Quyet nh tranh khoi mi hanh ong
(III) We should avoid being self-indulgent, and ton hai cung co ngha la chung ta tham d
running after any desirable object we see. In vao mi ieu thien lanh. Th du quyet nh
addition, we should not crave for money khong noi doi chu ve khoang thi gian mnh
because craving for money and position leads a dung e thc hien mot o an nao o chnh
us to obsession and constant dissatisfaction. la hanh ong tch cc va co li, v trong tng
We will be much happier when we enjoy lai chu se tin vao li noi cua mnh, chung ta
pleasures of the senses in moderation: Chung lai c song theo nhng quy tac ao c, va
ta nen tranh buong tha va chay theo moi oi chung ta cung tao ra nhan lanh e co hanh
tng cua ham muon ma chung ta tng gap phuc trong hien tai va nhng chng ngo tam
g. Lai na, chung ta khong nen ham muon linh ve sau naySee Ten evil deeds (acts),
tien bac va a v, v ham muon tien bac va Ten wholesome acts, and Three karmas.
a v a chung ta en tnh trang b am anh (VI) Cultivating on a daily basisTu tap hang
va thng xuyen cam thay khong thoa man. ngay:
Chung ta se cam thay hanh phuc hn nhieu 1) Buddha Recitation: Niem PhatSee Buddha
khi chung ta hng thu nhng niem vui giac Recitation.
quan mot cach ieu o. 2) Meditation: See Dhyana and Meditation.
(IV) We should avoid arrogantly criticizing Guideline of Reason: Ly Tr LngAccording
whatever we dislikeChung ta nen tranh cao to Most Venerable Thch Thien Tam in The Pure
ngao ch trch nhng ieu ma chung ta khong Land Buddhism in Theory and Practice and The
thch: We all have a tendency to see others Thirteen Patriarchs of Pure Land Buddhism,
faults and overlook our own. This doesnt Guideline of Reason is one of the three
make us or others any happier. So, devout guidelines to consolidate ones faith. This is the
Buddhists had better correct our own faults reasoning and understanding of human logic. For
than point out those of othersChung ta example, we may reflect, all realms are created
thng co khuynh hng thay ro loi ngi va from the mind. If there is a world such as ours,
quen mat loi cua mnh. ieu nay khong lam where god karma and bad karma are about equal,
cho mnh va ngi sung sng hanh phuc there must exist other worlds such as the three
hn. V vay, Phat t thuan thanh nen t sa Evil Paths, with a preponderance of evil karma, as
loi mnh, ch ng vach ra loi cua ngi well as celestial realms, where good karma
khac. prevails. It therefore stands to reason that the
(V) We should try our best to avoid the ten Western Pure Land exists as a result of the pure,
destructive actions, at the same time, try to do good Vows of Amitabha Buddha as well as the
the ten good deeds. The Buddha advised us to virtues of the Bodhisattvas and other morally
avoid ten destructive actions. By deliberately superior beingsTheo Hoa Thng Thch Thien
refraining from these ten destructive actions, Tam trong Niem Phat Thap Yeu va Lien Tong
we engage in the ten constructive or positive Thap Tam To, ly tr lng la mot trong tam lng
actions. For example, deciding not to lie to c dung e cung co long tin cua hanh gia Tnh
our employer about the time sepnt working on o. Ly tr lng la s suy lng tm hieu cua ly
a project is in itself a positive action. This has tr, chang han nh suy ngh, cac the gii eu do
many benefits: employer will trust our word tam tao, a co coi ngi thuoc phan na thien ac,
in the future, we will live according to our tat co tam o thuoc nhieu nghiep d, va cac coi
ethical principles, and we will create the tri thuoc nhieu nghiep lanh. Nh the tat cung co
cause to have temporal happiness and coi Cc Lac do nguyen lc thuan thien cua Phat,
spiritual realizationsChung ta nen co gang va cong c lanh cua ch Bo Tat cung nhng bac
het mnh tranh lam mi ieu ton hai, ong

thng thien nhnSee Three guidelines to Guilt-feelings: Mac cam toi loi.
consolidate ones faith. Guiltiness (n): S co loi.
Guideline to the teachings of the sages: Guiltless (a): Khong co toi.
Thanh Ngon LngTm hieu qua li noi cua
Guiltlessness (n): S khong co toi.
Phat va Bo TatAccording to Most Venerable
Guilty (a): Co toiCulpable.
Thch Thien Tam in The Pure Land Buddhism in
Theory and Practice and The Thirteen Patriarchs Gullible person: Mao au pham phuAn
of Pure Land Buddhism, Guideline of the ignorant person.
Teachings of the Sages is one of the three Guna (skt): c hanhVirtues or attributes.
guidelines to consolidate ones faith. These are Gunas (skt): TranFive GunasNgu tranSee
the words of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Five Dusts.
sutras and commentaries. Buddha Sakyamuni, (I) The meanings of GunaNgha cua Tran:
with his pure vision, clearly saw the auspicious 1) In sanskrit, guna means a secondary element,
environment and superior beings of the Western a quality, an attribute of the five elements,
Pure Land and described them in the Pure Land e.g. ether has sabda or sound for its guna and
sutras. The great Bodhisattvas, such as Manjusri the ear for its organ: Theo Phan ng, guna co
and Samantabhadra, all extolled the Land of ngha la mot yeu to phu, mot phan phu thuoc
Ultimate Bliss and enjoined sentient beings to cua ngu ai, th du nh am thanh la tran va lo
seek rebirth there. If Buddhists are not guided by tai la can.
the words of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, whom 2) In Chinese it means dust, small particles,
then should they believe?Theo Hoa Thng molecules, atoms, exhalations. It may be
Thch Thien Tam trong Niem Phat Thap Yeu va interpreted as an atom, or as an active,
Lien Tong Thap Tam To, Thanh ngon lng la conditioned principle in nature, minute,
mot trong tam lng c dung e cung co long subtle: Theo Hoa ng, tran co ngha la mot
tin cua hanh gia Tnh o. Thanh ngon lng la nguyen to that nho.
gia tr li noi cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat trong 3) Generally speaking defiling to pure mind;
cac kinh ien. c The Ton a dung tnh nhan worldly; earthly, the world: Noi chung tran
thay ro y bao va chanh bao ni coi Cc Lac, va ch tat ca s vat trong the gian lam nh ban
dien ta canh gii ay trong cac kinh Tnh o. Cac chan tnh.
bac ai Bo Tat nh Van Thu, Pho Hien eu ngi 4) Also means an object of sense or object of the
khen coi Cc Lac va khuyen nen cau vang sanh. mind: Arammana (p)Alambana (skt)Tran
Ngi Phat t neu khong lay li cua Phat, Bo Tat co ngha la mot oi tng cua giac quan hay
lam mc thc, th hoi con phai tin ai hn?See oi tng cua tamSee Six dusts, and Six
Three guidelines to consolidate ones faith. external base-spheres.
Guilt (n): Cam giac toi loiBuddhist born has no 5) The realm, domain, or indulgence of the
feeling of guilt in the sense of fear of a God who senses or an object of senses: Visayo (p)
will punish him for his wrong-doing. However, he Vishaya (skt)Tran con co ngha la pham vi,
feels guilty by the law of Karma. When you do lanh vc, s thch thu cua giac quan hay oi
some wrong-doing, you will receive the effects of tng giac quanSee Vishaya.
his wrong doing and in this way suffer the effect (II) Categories of gunaPhan loai tran.
of your sinNgi Phat t sanh ra khong co cam 1) The objects of the five senses: Ngu Tran
giac toi loi vi y ngha s mot ang thng e See Five dusts.
trng phat nhng ieu sai trai cua mnh. Tuy 2) The six objects: Luc TranSee Six dusts,
nhien, ngi Phat t cam thay co toi theo luat and Six external base-spheres.
nhan qua. Khi ban lam ieu g sai trai, ban se Gunabhadra (skt):
nhan lay hau qua cho viec lam sai trai cua ban, 1) Cau Na Bat a La (sa mon Cong c Hien):
va theo cach nay ban phai chu ng cho hau qua Name of a famous Indian monk, from Central
cua toi loi cua chnh mnhSee Sin. India, came to China around 435-443 A.D., a

translator of Buddhist sutras into Chinese translated three works in 502Ty Kheo c Tien
Ten mot v Ty Kheo noi tieng ngi Trung (An Tien), ngi Thien Truc, en Trung Quoc
An, en Trung Quoc khoang nhng nam 435- vao khoang nhng nam 492-495, dch ba bo kinh
443, dch 78 bo kinh sang Hoa ng. nam 502.
2) Name of a follower of the Mahisasaka in Gunin (jap): Zen master Hung-Jen (601-674)
Kapisa: Ten cua mot o e cua phai Tieu Hoang NhanSee Hung-Jen.
Tha tai KapisaSee Mahisasaka. Gunsho (jap): Jantu (skt)Living beings
Gunamati (skt): Cau na ma eSa mon c Miscellaneous beingsQuan sinh.
Tue. Gupta (skt): Cuc a.
Gunaksetra (skt): Tran Sat. Guru (skt): Garu (p)ao s (Tibetan)A
1) Innumerable worlds as innumerable atoms Sanskrit term for a religious teacher. The main
(dust): Vo so the gii nh vo so nguyen t role of the guru in Buddhism is to instruct students
hay bui tran. on the doctrines and practices that constitute the
2) Countries: Coi ncField of qualities. Buddhist path to awakening. For this reason, it is
3) Certain sins: Toi loi. desirable that the guru be one who has attained a
Gunarata (skt): Cau Na La aCau Na La high level of realization. There are two kinds of
ThaName of Paramartha, who was known as sagesT ng Bac Phan dung e ch mot v thay.
Kulanatha, came to Chine around 546 A.D. from Vai tro chnh cua v thay trong Phat giao la giao
Ujjain in Western India. He translated many huan e t ve giao phap va tu tap dan en con
books, especially the treatises of Vasubandhu ng giac ngo. V ly do nay ma ngi ta thch v
Tam Tang Phap S Chan e, t Ujjain Tay An ao s la mot v a chng ac trnh o cao. Co
en Trung Quoc vao khoang nam 546 sau Tay hai loai ao sSee Two sages.
Lch. Ngai a dch nhieu kinh sach, ac biet la bo Guru-dharma (skt): Garu-dhamma (p)Bat
luan cua ngai The Than Bo Tat. Knh Gii hay Bat Knh Giao (Tam ieu ton knh
Gunavarman (skt): Cau Na Bat MaSa mon cua mot ty kheo ni)A Sanskrit term for
Cong c KhaiGunavarman, a prince of Kubha weighty rules or eight additional rules imposed
(Cashmere), who refused the throne, wandered on Buddhist nuns by Sakyamuni Buddha when he
alone, reached China, translated ten works, two of agreed to allow his stepmother Mahaprajapati and
which were lost by 730 A.D. He was born in 367 other women to receive monastic ordination. In
and died in 431 A.D. He taught that truth is within, the Anguttara Nikaya Sutta, Venerable Ananda
not without; and that the truth or dharma is of told Maha Pajapati Gotami about the eight
oneself, not of another. The centre of his work is commands laid down by the Buddha, given to a
placed in Yang-Chou. It is said that he started the nun before letting her entering the Bhiksuni Order
order of nuns in ChinaCong c Khai, ten mot as followsT Bac Phan ch knh gii) hay la
v Ty Kheo noi tieng ngi Thien Truc, thai t x tam ieu phu them cho Ty Kheo Ni khi c Phat
Cashmere, t bo ngai vang, lam du Tang Khat S, ong y cho phep ngi ke mau la ba Ma Ha Ba
en Trung Quoc va dch mi bo kinh, hai trong Xa Ba e va cac phu n khac nhan le tho gii.
so o a b that truyen nam 730 sau Tay Lch. Trong Kinh Tang Nhat A Ham, ngai A Nan a
Ong sanh nam 367, th tch tai Nam Kinh nam 431 en gap ba Ma Ha Ba Xa Ba e e trao truyen
sau Tay Lch. Ong giang phap ben trong, ch lai tam gii knh trong ma c Phat a ban hanh
khong phai ben ngoai; phap t chnh mnh ch cho ty kheo ni trc khi gia nhap Ni oan nh sau:
khong phai t ni ngi khac. Trung tam hoang 1) A Nun of even though a hundred years
hoa cua ong at tai Dng Chau. Ngi ta noi standing by the higher ordination, should
chnh ong la ngi au tien sang lap ra giao oan always pay respect to a monk, no matter how
Ni tai Trung Quoc. young he is, should rise and offer her seat to
Gunavrddhi (skt): Cau Na Ty aAn Indian him, reverence him, and perform all proper
monk who came to China around 492-495 A.D., duties towards him, should greet him

respectfully, and bow down before him the presence of Bhiksus. She must report and
though he has just received the Higher ask for a responsible confessor. A Bhikkhuni
Ordination on that very day: Dau tram tuoi examine to see if she has ever committed any
ha, ty kheo ni luc nao cung phai ton knh mot of the three ways, seeing, hearing, or
v Tang du tre va phai ng day nhng cho suspicion: Sau ky an c kiet ha, moi Ty Kheo
ngoi cho v ay, phai anh le va thc hanh bon Ni phai hanh le T T (bao cao va sam hoi)
phan oi vi v Ty kheo, phai chao hoi v va chanh thc xuat Ha trc mat ch Tang.
Tang mot cach ton knh, va cui au anh le Ty Kheo Ni phai kiem thao xem trong ba
v ay mac dau v nay ch mi xuat gia ngay iem thay, nghe, va hoai nghi, coi mnh co
hom ay. pham phai ieu nao chang.
2) Never scold (revile, rebuke, or abuse) a monk ** In some sutras, number 6 is replaced by: A
on no account: Khong bao gi nang li, mang Bhikkhuni who committed a major offence
chi hay ma l mot v Tang trong bat c should undergo punishment (manatta) in the
trng hp nao. presence og the Order of both Bhikkhus and
3) Bhiksunis (she could never accuse or speak of BhikkhunisMot v Ty Kheo Ni khi a pham
a monks misdeeds) should not give toi, phai chu hnh phat trc ca hai Giao Hoi
admonition to Bhiksus, but Bhiksus should Ty Kheo va Ty Kheo Ni.
admonish Bhiksunis (he may speak of her Guru-deva (skt): Highest teacherThanh s.
misdeeds): Ty kheo khong c sam hoi vi Guru yoga (skt): Mng tng en v ao s cua
Ty Kheo Ni, nhng Ty Kheo Ni phai sam hoi mnhOne of the central practices of Tibetan
vi Ty Kheo (ngha la Ty Kheo Ni khong Buddhist tantric systems, which involves purifying
c lam le sam hoi cho Ty Kheo, nhng Ty ones awareness by visualizing ones Guru as a
Kheo co the lam le sam hoi cho Ty Kheo Ni). Buddha. One imagines the guru as embodying all
4) At Bhiksus hands obtain reception into the the good qualities of all the Buddhas, and one
orderA female probationer (sikkhamana), simultaneously cultivates an attitude of perceiving
who is trained in the six commandments for oneself and the guru as being empty of inherent
two years, should receive both the Higher existence. By also visualizing oneself and the
Ordination from the Order of both Bhikkhus guru as being inseparable in nature, one is able to
and Bhikkhunis: Mot v Thc Xoa Ma Na attain buddhahood quickly by becoming familiar
phai c ca Tang oan va Ni oan tha with having actualized the attributes of
nhan vao giao oan th mi goi la hp phap. BuddhahoodMot trong nhng phap tu tap chu
5) Every fortnight a Bhiksuni should ask from yeu cua he thong Phat giao Mat tong Tay Tang,
the Order of Bhiksus the time when the lien he ti viec thanh tnh s tnh thc cua hanh
Bhiksus assemble to recite their fundamental gia bang cach mng tng v ao s cua mnh
rules (uposatha), and when a Bhiksu would nh mot v Phat. Hanh gia tng tng v ao s
come to admonish them: Moi na thang phai cua mnh nh la hien than cua tat ca nhng pham
hoi Tang oan cua cac Ty Kheo chng nao hanh tuyet hao cua ch Phat, va ong thi hanh
co le Phat Lo (sam hoi ieu sai pham) va gi gia cung tu tap tam thai nhan thc chnh mnh va
nao cac Ngai en hop. v ao s cua mnh eu khong co thc hu. Cung
6) Ask the fraternity for a monk as preceptor: bang cach mng tng chnh mnh va v ao s
Thnh Ty kheo thuyet phap. la bat kha phan ve tanh, ngi ta co the at c
7) A Bhikkhuni should never spend a retreat Phat qua nhanh hn bang cach tr nen quen thuoc
(vassa) in a place where there is no Bhikkhu: vi thc chng thuoc tnh cua Phat qua.
Khong bao gi an c kiet ha ni nao khong
Gusoku-kai (jap): Upasampada (skt)Being
co cac v Tang.
equipped with the preceptsOrdainmentCu
8) After the summer retreat, the ceremony of
Tuc GiiSee Complete moral precepts for
formal termination of the rainy season
(pavarana) should be held by a Bhiksuni in

Gut: Bung daGuts of Great Enlightening 1) A Japanese Buddhist term for Finger
BeingsBung cua ch ai Bo TatAccording to pointing at the moon.Thuat ng Phat giao
the Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there Nhat Ban co ngha la Cau Chi (tay ch
are ten kinds of guts of Great Enlightening trang)See Finger pointing at the moon.
Beings. Enlightening Beings who abide by these 2) Chu-Chih (Juzhi)Name of a Chinese Zen
can acquire the supreme vast guts of Buddhas, master in the ninth century, a disciple and
able to contain all sentient beingsTheo Kinh dharma-successor of Zen master Hang-Chou
Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co mi bung cua ch ai Tien-LungCau Chi, ten cua mot v Thien
Bo Tat. Ch ai Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay s Trung Quoc vao the ky th 9, e t va
thi c bung rong ln vo thng cua Nh Lai, phap t cua Thien s Hang Chau Thien Long.
eu co the dung tho tat ca chung sanhSee Ten Gyelwa Karmapa: The oldest lineage of
kinds of guts of Great Enlightening Beings. reincarnation lamas in Tibetan Buddhism. The
Guts aware of all ways of emancipation: Gyelwa Karmapa are believed to be physical
Bung ngo tat ca ao xuat ly, v kheo thanh thuc emanations of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara,
tham tamGuts aware of all ways of and are often referred to as the Black Hat lamas
emancipation, fully developing the willSee Ten because of the hat they wear during special
kinds of guts of Great Enlightening Beings. ceremonies. This was given to the fifth Gyelwa
Guts cutting off afflictions: Bung dt phien KarmapaTeshin Shekpa (1384-1415), by the
nao, v ay u tr hueGuts cutting off Chinese emperor Tai-ming-chen and is said to
afflictions, being full of wisdomSee Ten kinds have been based on a dream in which the emperor
of guts of Great Enlightening Beings. saw a black hat woven from the hair of 100,000
dakinis floating over Teshin Shekpas head. The
Guts examining food and drink: Bung quan
first Tusum Khyenpa (1110-1193). The sixteenth
sat an uong, v nh en phap chn thatGuts
Rangjung Rikpe Dorje (1924-1981), was one of
examining food and drink, remembering reality
the most influential Tibetan masters of the
See Ten kinds of guts of Great Enlightening
twentieth century. He travel widely and
established a number of Tibetan Buddhist Centers
Guts free from deception: Bung la ta vay, v
all over the world, including the current
tam thanh tnhGuts free from deception, their
headquarters of the order, Rimtek Monastery in
hearts being pureSee Ten kinds of guts of Great
Sikkim. There is currently a bitter dispute over the
Enlightening Beings.
succession to the sixteenth Gyelwa Karmapa. The
Guts free from falsehood: Bung la huyen current Shamar Rinpoche and his supporters
nguy, v tanh chat chn thatGuts free from claim that a boy named Tenzin Khyentse (1982 - )
falsehood, being honest by natureSee Ten kinds is the true reincarnation, while Tai Situ Rinpoche
of guts of Great Enlightening Beings. and his supporters back a Tibetan child named
Guts observing noncreation: Bung quan sat Urgyen Tinley (1985 - ). The second claimant was
vo tac, v giac ngo duyen khiGuts observing officially enthroned in the monastery of Tsurpu in
noncreation, being aware of interdependent 1992 and has been validated by the Dalai Lama,
originationSee Ten kinds of guts of Great but the faction (be phai) led by Shamar Rinpoche
Enlightening Beings. continues to reject his claimDong truyen tha
Guts rid of the defilement of all extreme co nhat cua dong Lat Ma tai sanh trong Phat giao
views: Bung xa ri tat ca cau nh bien kien, v Tay Tang. Ngi ta tin rang dong Gyelwa
lam cho tat ca chung sanh nhap vao bung Phat Karmapa bat nguon t s hien than cua Bo Tat
Guts rid of the defilement of all extreme views, Quan The Am, va thng c coi nh la phai
enabling all sentient beings to enter into the guts Lat Ma Mu en v ho oi mu en trong cac
of BuddhaSee Ten kinds of guts of Great buoi le ac biet. Viec nay c vua nha Nguyen
Enlightening Beings. ban cho v Lat Ma i th 5 la KarmapaTeshin
Gutei (jap): Shekpa (1384-1415), khi nha vua nam mong thay

100.000 n quy bay bong benh tren au cua tong phai chnh va thng sinh hoat vi nong dan
Teshin Shekpa. V Lat Ma i th 1 la Tusum Nhat Ban), Gyogi noi tieng v nhng sinh hoat
Khyenpa (1110-1193). V Lat Ma i th 16 la cua ong vi nong dan trong vung nong thon. Ong
Rangjung Rikpe Dorje (1924-1981), la mot trong la mot ky s cau ng, va a xay nhieu cau
nhng v thay co anh hng ln nhat cua Tay cung vi mot so chng trnh dan thuy nhap ien
Tang vao the ky 20. Ngai du hanh khap ni va cho nong dan. Thoat au ong tho gii vi dong
thiet lap mot so trung tam Phat giao Tay tang Hosso, sau o ong tr thanh mot nha truyen ao,
khap ni tren the gii, bao gom tru s chnh cua va ong la ngi au tien co gang pho bien Phat
dong la Tu Vien Rimtek tai Sikkim. Hien co s giao lan ra khoi vong quy toc. Ong va nhng v
tranh cai d doi ve viec ke tha v Lat Ma i th khac trong dong Hijiri co anh hng trong viec
16. Hien tai Rinpoche Shamar va nhng ngi bien Phat giao thanh mot ton giao cua quan
ung ho ong ta cho rang cau be ten Tenzin chung, trong khi trong thi Nai Lng th Phat
Khyentse (1982 - ) mi ch thc la v tai sanh, giao chu anh hng manh nhat cua 6 tong phai
trong khi Rinpoche Tai Situ va nhng ngi ung phan ln ch danh rieng cho nhng tinh hoa cua
ho ong ta lai cho rang cau be Tay Tang ten nhom quy toc.
Urgyen Tinley (1985 - ) mi that s la v tai sanh. Gyoja (jap): Acarin (skt)PractitionerHanh
Rinpoche Tai Situ va nhom cua ong ta a a cau gia.
be Urgyen Tinley len ngai v tai tu vien Tsurpu Gyoji (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for
vao nam 1992 va a c c at Lai Lat Ma Conduct and Keeping.Thuat ng Phat giao
phe chuan, nhng nhom cua Rinpoche Shamar Nhat Ban co ngha la Hanh Tr.
van tiep tuc bac bo s len ngoi v va c phe
Gyogi-Bosatsu (jap): Hanh C Bo TatSee
chuan nay.
Gynaeceum: Room of forbidden accessLive in
seclusion in a roomCam phong.
Gyo (jap): Samskara (skt)ActingCarrying
outHanhSee Samskara.

Gyodo-Samu-e (jap): Practice and work robe
Hanh ao tac giao y (y cho ch Tang Ni mac luc
hanh ao hay thuyet giao).
Gyogi (668-749) (jap): S Hanh CJapanese
monk of the Nara period who belonged to the
Hijiri tradition (monks who generally avoided Habit (n): Samudaya (skt)Thoi quen.
the mainstream orders and often wokred among Habit of afflictions: Phien Nao TapThe
the peasants), best known for his work among the influence of the passions after they have been cut
peasants of the rural countryside. A civil engineer offTap kh cua phien nao, du a oan tan phien
by training, he is credited with building bridges nao nhng tap kh cua no van con.
and with a number of irrigation projects. Habits of anger: Habits of hatredSan Tap
Originally ordained in the scholastic Hosso NhanHatred results in emasculation of sex
tradition, he later became a missionary preacher organ. This is one of the ten causes and effects.
and was one of the first monks to attempt to According to the Surangama Sutra, book Eight,
spread Buddhism beyond the aristocracy. He and the Buddha reminded Ananda about the habit of
other Hijiri were influential in making Japanese hatred as follows: Habits of hatred which give
Buddhism a religion of the masses, whereas the rise to mutual defiance. When the defiance binds
Nara period was mostly dominated by six one without cease, ones heart becomes so hot
scholastic traditions that appealed almost that it catches fire, and the molten vapor turns into
exclusively to the aristocratic eliteMot v s noi metal. From it produced the mountain of knives,
tieng Nhat Ban di thi Nai Lng, thuoc dong the iron cudgel, the tree of swords, the wheel of
truyen tha Hijiri (dong nay thng tranh nhng

swords, axes and halberds (cay kch), and spears bao la b ri vao song mau bien oc. ay la mot
and saws. It is like the intent to kill surging forth trong mi nhan mi qua. Theo Kinh Thu Lang
when a person meets a mortal enemy, so that he is Nghiem, quyen Tam, c Phat a nhac nh ngai
roused to action. Because these two habits clash A Nan ve Man Tap Nhan nh sau: Man tap giao
with one another, there come into being castration lan, phat ra y nhau, tuon chay mai khong thoi.
and hacking, beheading and mutilation, filing and Nh vay nen co cuon cuon chay, cha song thanh
sticking, flogging and beating, and other such nc. Nh li nem v, chay nc dai vay. Hai
experiences. Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of tap co ong nhau, nen co cac viec song huyet, tro
the ten directions look upon hatred and name it cat nong, bien oc, nc ong, van van. V the
sharp knives and swords. Bodhisattvas should mi phng Phat goi nga man la uong nc si.
avoid hatred as they would their own Bo Tat nen tranh ngao man nh tranh cho sa lay
execution.Nhan san han qua bao la b thien, ln.See Ten causes and ten effects.
cat, eo. ay la mot trong mi nhan mi qua. Habit as cause: Tap nhan hay ong loai nhan
Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam, c Lust breeding lustPractice as cause (desire
Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve San Tap Nhan causing desire)See Two causes (C), and Three
nh sau: San tap xung ot xen nhau, phat t ni causes.
gian nhau, ket mai khong thoi. Tam nong nay Habit of committing adultery: Ta hanh tap
phat ra la, hun uc kh ket lai thanh loai kim. nhanAt the time of the Buddha, there was a
Nh vay nen co cac viec ao sn, kiem thu, va man who had the habit of committing adultery.
phu viet. Nh ngi b ham oan, ang ang sat Even though he had been arrested a number of
kh. Hai tap kch thch nhau, nen co cac viec b times for his misconduct, he did not change his
hnh, chem, am, anh, ap. V the mi phng ways. In desperation, his father brought him to the
Phat noi nong gian ten la ao kiem sac. Bo Tat Buddha for advice. The Buddha pointed out that a
tranh san nh tranh s tan sat.See Ten causes person who indulges in sexual misconduct creates
and ten effects. problems and suffering for himself as well as
Habits of animosity (resentment): Oan Tap others. He not only squanders his money and loses
NhanSee Ten causes and ten effects. his reputation but also creates enemies for
Habits of arrogance: Man Tap NhanHabits himself. These are serious consequences often
of arrogance or conceit results in blood rivers and result from sexual misconduct, but they are
poisonous seas. This is one of the ten causes and usually overlooked at the time when it is being
effects. According to the Surangama Sutra, book committedVao thi c Phat con tai the, co
Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about the mot ngi an ong co thoi quen ta dam. Du a b
habit of arrogance as follows: Habits of bat nhieu lan, nhng thoi cu van khong cha.
arrogance and resulting friction which give rise to Trong khi tuyet vong, ngi cha ben a ngi ay
mutual intimidation. When it accelerates without en gap c Phat e nghe li khuyen nhu. c
cease, it produces torrents and rapids which create Phat ch ra cho ngi ay thay rang mot ke pham
restless waves of water, just as water is produced hanh ta dam se t lam kho mnh cung nh lam
when a person continuously works his tongue in kho ngi khac. Ngi ay chang nhng phung ph
an effort to taste flavors. Because these two habits tien bac va mat i tieng tam, ma con tao ra nhieu
incite one another, there come into being the ke thu cho chnh mnh. ay chnh la nhng hau
river of blood, the river of ashes, the burning sand, qua nghiem trong cua s ta dam, ma ngi ta
the poisonous sea, the molten copper which is thng khong nhn thay khi pham phai loi lam
poured over one or which must be swallowed, nay.
and other such experiences. Therefore, the Thus Habit of craving: Habits of greedTham Tap
Come Ones of the ten directions look upon self- NhanHabits of greed or covetousness results in
satisfaction and name it drinking the water of the cold hells. This is one of the ten causes and
stupidity. Bodhisattvas should avoid arrogance as effects. According to the Surangama Sutra, book
they would a huge deluge.Nhan nga man qua Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about the

habit of greed as follows: Habits of greed and cay e song, nc ti ruong th cay co sinh
intermingled scheming which give rise to a trng. Hai tap nhan nhau, nen co cac viec gong,
suction. When this suction becomes dominant and xieng, cum, xch, roi, anh, van van. V the mi
incessant, it produces intense cold and solid ice phng Phat goi gian nguy la giac hiem. Bo Tat
where freezing occurs, just as a sensation of cold nen tranh gian tra nh tranh lang soi.See Ten
is experienced when a person draws in a blast of causes and ten effects.
wind through his mouth. Because these two habits Habit of desire: Desire becomes habitual
clash together, there come into being chattering, Tham tap (thoi quen cua long tham, hay tham mai
whimpering, and shuddering; blue, red, and white thanh thoi quen).
lotuses; cold and ice; and other such Habits of disputation: Habits of litigation
expeirences.Nhan tham lam qua bao la a Tung Tap NhanThis is one of the ten causes
nguc lanh. ay la mot trong mi nhan mi qua. and effects. According to the Surangama Sutra,
Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam, c book Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about
Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve Tham Tap Nhan the habit of disputation as follows: Habits of
nh sau: Tham tap giao ket, phat ra thu hut mai litigation and the mutual disputations which give
khong thoi. Nh vay nen co cha cai gia lanh, rise to covering. From them there are produced a
trong o lanh leo. V du ngi lay mieng ht gio, look in the mirror and illumination by the lamp. It
thay co hi lanh. Hai cai tap xo ay nhau, nen co is like being in direct sunlight. There is no way
nhng viec ba ba, tra tra, la la, nh bang lanh, hoa one can hide ones shadow. Because these two
sen trang, o, xanh. V the mi phng cac c habits bicker back and forth, there come into
Phat noi tham cau nh la nc tham. Bo Tat nen being evil companions, the mirror of karma, the
tranh tham nh tranh bien oc. fiery pearl, exposure of past karma, inquests, and
Habit and custom: Tap tuc. other such experiences. Therefore, all the Thus
Habits of deceptions: Habits of deceitfulness Come Ones of the ten directions look upon
Tra Tap NhanHabits of deceptions covering and name it a yin villain. Bodhisattvas
(deceitfulness) result in yokes and being beaten regard covering as they would having to carry a
with rods. This is one of the ten causes and mountain atop their heads while walking upon the
effects. According to the Surangama Sutra, book sea.ay la mot trong mi nhan mi qua.
Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about the Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam, c
habit of deceitfulness as follows: Habits of Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve Tung Tap Nhan
deception and misleading involments which give nh sau: Tung tap giao huyen, phat t che dau.
rise to mutual guile. When such maneucering Nh vay nen co nhng viec gng soi thay to ro,
continues without cease, it produces the ropes and v nh gia mat tri khong the dau hnh anh. Hai
wood of gallows for hanging, like the grass and tap bay ra, nen co cac ban ac to cao, nghiep canh
trees that grow when water saturates a field. hoa chau, vach ro va oi nghiem nghiep i
Because these two habits perpetuate one another, trc. V the mi phng Phat goi che dau la am
there come into being handcuffs and fetters, tac. Bo Tat tranh che dau nh b oi nui cao i
cangues and locks, whips and clubs, sticks and tren bien ca.
cudgels, and other such experiences. Therefore, Habit energy: Vasana (p & skt)Tap KhThe
the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look accumulation of the past thoughts, affections,
upon deception and name it a treacherous crook. deeds, and passionsFormer habitOld habit.
Bodhisattvas fear deception as they would a 1) The accumulation of the past thoughts,
savage wolf.Gian tra la ao qua bao la b affections, deeds, and passions: Tap Kh (thoi
gong cum roi vot. ay la mot trong mi nhan quen cu)S tch luy y ngh, tnh cam, viec
mi qua. Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen lam va nhng duc vong trong qua kh).
Tam, c Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve Tra 2) The impression of any past action or
Tap Nhan nh sau: Tra tap du nhau, phat t ni experience remaining unconsciously in the
do nhau, dan dat khong thoi. V vay nh day quan mind: Nhng an tng cua bat c hanh ong

va kinh nghiem qua kh c ghi lai trong Habit energy of seeing Buddha: Tap kh thay
tam chung ta mot cach vo y thc. PhatSee Ten kinds of habit energy of Great
3) The present consciousness of past Enlightening Beings.
perceptions: Nhng tri giac qua kh ma trong Habit energy of transcendence: Tap kh cua
hien tai chung ta hoi tng lai. Ba La MatSee Ten kinds of habit energy of
4) Past knowledge derived from memory: Kien Great Enlightening Beings.
thc qua kh c lu tr trong ky c.
Habit energy of undertaking birth in pure
5) Good or evil karma from habits or practice in
worlds: Tap kh tho sanh ni the gii thanh
a former existence: The force of habitThe
tnhSee Ten kinds of habit energy of Great
uprising or recurrence of thoughts, passions or
Enlightening Beings.
delusions after the passion or delusion has
itself been overcome, the remainder or Habit energy of various differentiations of
remaining influence of illusionNhng chat state: Tap kh cua nhng canh gii sai biet
chong cua nghiep, thien va bat thien t nhng See Ten kinds of habit energy of Great
thoi quen hay thc tap trong tien kiep. S Enlightening Beings.
khi day cua t tng, duc vong, hay ao Habit energy of vows: Tap kh cua the
tng sau khi chung a c che ng. nguyenSee Ten kinds of habit energy of Great
6) According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, Enlightening Beings.
Chapter 38, there are ten kinds of habit Habits of greed (craving): Tham Tap Nhan
energy of Great Enlightening Beings. See Ten causes and ten effects.
Enlightening Beings who abide by these can
Habits of hatred (anger): San Tap NhanSee
forever get rid of all afflictive habit energies
Ten causes and ten effects.
and attain Buddhas habit energies of great
knowledge, the knowledge that is not
Habits of injustice: Habits of unfairnessUong
Tap NhanThis is one of the ten causes and
energized by habitTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem,
effects. According to the Surangama Sutra, book
Pham 38, co mi th tap kh cua ch ai Bo
Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about the
Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay thi la
habit of unfairness as follows: Habits of injustice
han tat ca tap kh phien nao, at c tr ai
and their interconnected support of one another;
tr tap kh phi tap kh cua Nh LaiSee Ten
they result in instigating false charges and
kinds of habit energy of Great Enlightening
libeling. From them are produced crushing
between mountains, crushing between rocks,
Habit energy of determination for
stone rollers, stone grinders, plowing, and
enlightenment: Tap kh cua Bo e tamSee pulverizing . It is like a slanderous villain who
Ten kinds of habit energy of Great Enlightening engages in persecuting good people unjustly.
Beings. Because these two habits join ranks, there come
Habit energy of edifying sentient beings: Tap into being pressing and pushing, bludgeons and
kh giao hoa chung sanhSee Ten kinds of habit compulsion, squeezing and straining, weighing
energy of Great Enlightening Beings. and measuring, and other such experiences.
Habit energy of enlightening practice: Tap Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten
kh cong hanhSee Ten kinds of habit energy of directions look upon harmful accusations and
Great Enlightening Beings. name them a treacherous tiger. Bodhisattvas
Habit energy of meditation on equality: Tap regard injustice as they would a bolt of
kh t duy phap bnh angSee Ten kinds of lightning.ay la mot trong mi nhan mi
habit energy of Great Enlightening Beings. qua. Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam,
Habit energy of roots of goodness: Tap kh c Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve Uong Tap
cua thien canSee Ten kinds of habit energy of Nhan nh sau: Uong tap xen nhau, phat t ni vu
Great Enlightening Beings. bang. Nh vay cho nen co cac viec hai hon nui a

ep lai, nghien, xay. V du a giac dem pha, hai giao tiep, phat ra t ni co xat mai khong
ngi lng thien. Hai tap xo ay nhau, nen co thoi. Nh vay nen luc chet thay co la sang,
cac viec giang, ep, e, nen, loc, can. V the mi trong o phat ong. V du nh ngi lay tay
phng Phat goi vu oan la cop biet dem noi. Bo co xat nhau thay co hi nong. Hai cai tap
Tat tranh s vu oan nh tranh set anh.See nng nhau khi, nen co viec ging sat tru
Ten causes and ten effects. ong. Cho nen mi phng cac c Phat
Habits of litigation (disputation): Tung Tap noi dam la la duc. Bo Tat thay s dam duc
NhanSee Ten causes and ten effects. nh tranh ham la.
Habits of lust: Habit of sexual desireDam ** See Ten causes and ten effects.
Tap NhanThis is one of the ten causes and Habits of lying: Cuong Tap NhanThis is one
effects. According to the Surangama Sutra, book of the ten causes and effects. According to the
Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about the Surangama Sutra, book Eight, the Buddha
habit of sexual desire as followsay la mot reminded Ananda about the habit of lying as
trong mi nhan mi qua. Theo Kinh Thu Lang follows: Habits of lying and combined
Nghiem, quyen Tam, c Phat a nhac nh ngai fraudulence which give rise to mutual cheating.
A Nan ve Dam Tap Nhan nh sau: When false accusations continue without cease,
1) Lust grows into a habit because of sexual one becomes adept at corruption. From this there
intercourse in which two people caress each come into being dust and dirt, excrement and
other thereby producing heat that in turn urine, filth, stench, and impurities. It is like the
stimulates desire. This is like the heat caused obscuring of everyones vision when the dust is
by rubbing the hands together: Dam duc phat stirred up by the wind. Because these two habits
trien thanh thoi quen v s giao hp trong o augment one another, there come into being
hai ngi au yem nhau va phat sanh sc nong sinking and drowning, tossing and pitching, flying
kch thch s ham muon. Chuyen nay cung anf falling, floating and submerging, and other
giong nh viec cha xat hai tay vi nhau. such experiences. Therefore, the Thus Come
2) Adultery results in the iron bed, the copper Ones of the ten directions look upon lying and
pillar, and the eight hot hells (the bed stands name it robbery and murder. Bodhisattvas
for sexual desire and the pillar for the partner regard lying as they would treading on a
on whom the sinner depends to stimulate his venomous snake.ay la mot trong mi nhan
sexual appetite): Nhan dam duc co qua bao mi qua. Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen
la ging sat nong, cot ong, tam a nguc Tam, c Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve
nong (ging sat co ngha la s ham muon, Cuong Tap Nhan nh sau: Cuon tap doi nhau,
va cot ong co ngha la s them muon tnh phat t ni doi gat nhau, doi va vu khong mai
duc). khong thoi, buong tam lam gian. Nh vay nen co
3) The Buddha taught: Habits of lust and o ban thu, bui bam o ue, nh bui theo gio, eu
reciprocal interactions which give rise to khong thay. Hai tap giao nhau, nen co cac viec
mutual rubbing. When this rubbing continues chm am, vut, bay. V the mi phng Phat goi
without cease, it produces a tremendous la gat la cp giet. Bo Tat tranh doi gat nh
raging fire within which movement occurs, tranh ran oc.See Ten causes and ten effects.
just as warmth arises between a persons Habit of the passions: Influence of the passions
hands when he rubs them together. Because after they have been cut offPhien nao tap (thoi
these two habits set each other ablaze, there quen cua tham duc sau khi chung a c oan
come into being the iron bed, the copper tan).
pillar, and other such experiences. Therefore, Habits of resentment: Habits of animosity
Thus Come Ones of the ten directions look Oan Tap NhanThis is one of the ten causes and
upon the practice of lust and name it the fire effects. According to the Surangama Sutra, book
of desire. Bodhisattvas avoid desire as they Eight, the Buddha reminded Ananda about the
would a fiery pit.c Phat day: Dam tap habit of animosity as follows: Habits of

animosity and interconnected enmity which give on the edge of a steep ravine full of poison.
rise to grievances. From this there come into Qua bao cua kien tap la b tra tan khao ao. ay
being flying rocks, thrown stones, caskets and la mot trong mi nhan mi qua. Theo Kinh Thu
closets, cages on wheels, jars and containers, and Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam, c Phat a nhac nh
bags and rods. It is like someone harming others ngai A Nan ve Kien Tap Nhan nh sau: Kien tap
secretly. He harbors, cherishes, and nurtures evil. giao minh, nh than kien, kien thu, gii cam thu,
Because these two habits swallow one another up, ta giai, cac nghiep. Phat t ni chong trai, sinh ra
there come into being tossing and pitching, trai nhau. Nh vay nen co s vua, chu lai cam van
seizing anf apprehending, striking and shooting, tch lam chng. V nh ngi i ng qua lai gap
casting away and pinching, and other such nhau. Hai tap giao nhau, nen co cac viec tra hoi,
experiences. Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of gian tra, xet gan, kham tra, vach cu, soi ro, va
the ten directions look upon animosity and name it thien ac ong t tay cam quyen so e bien bach.
a disobedient and harmful ghost. Bodhisattvas V the mi phng Phat goi ac kien la ham ai
regard animosity as they would drinking kien. Bo Tat tranh cac s thien chap h vong nh
poisonous wine.ay la mot trong mi nhan xa vung nc oc.
mi qua. Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Habits of views (wrong views): Kien Tap
Tam, c Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve Oan NhanSee Ten causes and ten effects.
Tap Nhan nh sau: Oan tap hiem nhau, phat t Habitual (a): Theo thoi quen.
ni ham han. Nh vay nen co nhng viec nem a,
Habitual cupidity: Tham Tap NhanLeading
nem gach, nhot cui, ro, nh ngi am oc, long
to punishment in the cold hells, one of the ten
chat cha cac s ac. Hai tap lan at nhau, nen co
causesMot trong mi nhn, thoi quen cua
nhng viec nem bat, anh, ban. V the mi
tham duc khien ngi ta b oa vao a nguc lanh.
phng Phat goi oan gia la quy pha hoai. Bo Tat
**See Ten causes and ten effects (2).
tranh oan gia nh ru oc.
Habitual greed: Tham Tap NhanSee Habits
Habits of views: Habits of wrong viewsKien
of craving.
Tap NhanWrong views result in torture. This is
Habitual idleness: Quen thoi li biengSee
one of the ten causes and effects. According to the
Six ways of wasting ones property.
Surangama Sutra, book Eight, the Buddha
reminded Ananda about the habit of wrong views Habitual karma: Acinna-kamma (p)Nghiep
as follows: Habits of views and the admixture of ThngAccording to the Abhidharma, habitual
understandings, such as Satkayadrishti, views, karma is a deed that one habitually or constantly
moral prohibitions, grasping, and deviant insight performs either good or bad. Habits, whether good
into various kinds of karma, which bring about or bad, become second nature. They more or less
opposition and produce mutual antagonism. From tend to mould the character of a person. In the
them there come into being court officials, absence of weighty karma and a potent-death-
deputies, certifiers, and registrars. They are like proximate karma, this type of karma generally
people traveling on a road, who meet each other assumes the rebirth generative functionTheo A
coming and going. Because these two habits Ty at Ma Luan (Vi Dieu Phap), nghiep thng
influence one another, there come into being hay thng nghiep la nhng thoi quen ma chung
official inquiries, baited questions, examinations, sanh thng lam, dau tot hay xau (co khuynh
interrogations, public investigations, exposure, the hng tao nen tam tanh cua chung sanh). Nhng
youth who record good and evil, carrying the thoi quen hang ngay, du lanh hay du d, dan dan
record books of the offenders arguments and tr thanh ban chat t nhieu uon nan tam tanh con
retionalizations, and other such experiences. ngi. Trong khi nhan roi, tam ta thng duyen
Therefore, the Thus Come Ones of the ten theo nhng t tng, nhng hanh vi quen thuoc
directions look upon evil views and name them mot cach t nhien lam khi vo y thc. Neu khong
the pit of views. Bodhisattvas regard having co trong nghiep hay can t nghiep th thng
false and one-sided views as they would standing

nghiep quyet nh tai sanhSee Four types of Japan, which began with the promulgation (s
kamma (karma) (B). cong bo) of a new constitution in 1889. The anti-
Habituation to defilement: Cau tap (s ket tap Buddhist measures were part of the governments
cua nhiem cau). program to establish Shinto as the state religion
Hachiju-Kegongyo (jap): Bat Thap Hoa and to restore the emperors place as a semi-
Nghiem Kinh (Nhat Ban). divine ruler descended from Amaterasu Omikami.
In Japan there is a great deal of mutual borrowing
Hachimagu (jap): Nhap Phan Cung (ien th
between Buddhism and Shinto, and it is common
than trong Than ao Nhat Ban).
for Shinto shrines to house images of Buddhas.
Hachiman-Daibosatsu (jap): Nhap Phan ai
One goal of the governments program was to
Bo Tat (Phat giao Nhat Ban).
purify the shrines by eliminating all Buddhist
Hades (n): Hella nguc. sumbolsT ng Nhat Ban dung e ch khau
Half a step at a breathing on arising from hieu Phe Phat Huy Thch (xoa bo ch Phat va
meditation: Nhat Tc Ban BoMot hi th i huy diet Thch Ca Mau Ni). Khau hieu cua chien
na bc. dch chong oi Phat giao c chnh phu Minh Tr
Hahava (skt): Ababa (skt)Ahaha (skt)Au cua Nhat bao tr, bat au vi s cong bo mot
Hau Hau a NgucHa Ba BaHo Ba BaHo hien phap mi vao nam 1889. Nhng bien phap
ho baKha Thi Bi DHell of the only sound to chong oi Phat giao la mot phan chng trnh cua
frozen throats. The fourth of the eight cold hells, chanh phu Nhat nham thiet lap Than ao lam
in which the suferers can only utter these quoc giao va khoi phuc a v con chau than thanh
soundsa nguc cua nhng tieng keu ren h h cua vua chua bat au t thi Amaterasu
t trong co hong. a nguc th t trong tam a Omikami. Tai Nhat Ban co mot so ln giao ly
nguc lanh, ni toi nhan ch co the ren khe nhng mn qua mn lai gia Phat giao va Than ao,
am thanh nay (ha ba ba)See Hell (III) (A2) (4), chuyen mot en th Than ao th hnh tng ch
and Eight cold hells. Phat la chuyen thng. Muc ch cua chng trnh
Hai Binh Bao Tang: Zen Master Hai Bnh Bao nay cua chanh phu Minh Tr la nham thuan hoa
Tang (1818-1862)A Vietnamese famous monk cac en th Than ao bang cach loai tat ca nhng
from Phu Yen, South Vietnam. He left home and hnh tng Phat giao.
received complete precepts with Zen Master Tanh Haikuyu (jap): PeihsiuBui Hu (Phat giao
Thong Sn Nhan at Bat Nha Temple on Mount Nhat Ban).
Long Sn in Phu Yen province. When his master Haimavatah (skt): E Ma Bo a BoTuyet Sn
passed away, he became the Dharma heir of the BoAccording to Eitel in The Dictionary of
fortieth generation of the Linn-Chih Zen Sect and Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, Haimavatah is a
spent most of his life to expand the Buddha school of the snow mountains, a schismatic
Dharma in the southern parts of Central Vietnam. philosophical school, one of the five subdivisions
He passed away in 1862Thien s Hai Bnh Bao of the Mahasanghikah. The Himalaya School, one
Tang, mot thien s noi tieng cua Viet Nam vao of the five divisions of the Mahasanghikah. The
tien ban the ky th 19, que Phu Yen. Ngai xuat very name suggests that the Haimavatah school
gia va tho gii cu tuc vi Thien s Tanh Thong was originally located in the Himalayan regions.
Sn Nhan tai chua Bat Nha tren nui Long Sn, Vasumitra, in his book on the Eighteen Sects, calls
tnh Phu Yen. Khi Hoa Thng Sn Nhan th tch, the Haimavatas the inheritors of the
ngai tr thanh Phap t i th 40 dong Lam Te. Sthaviravadins, but other scholars consider this
Hau het cuoc i ngai hoang hoa tai mien Nam school as a branch of the Mahasanghikas. Like the
Trung Viet. Ngai th tch nam 1862. Sarvasivadins, the Haimavatas believed that the
Haibutsu-kishaku (jap): Phe Phat Huy Thch Bodhisattvas had no special eminence, but unlike
A Japanese term for eradicate the buddhas and them, they said that the gods could not live the
destroy Sakyamuni. Slogan of an anit-Buddhist holy life of brahmacharya and that heretics could
campaign sponsored by the Meiji government of not have miraculous powersTheo Eitel trong

Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, E Ma Bo a Bo la i ngai hoang phap mien Bac Viet Nam. Ngai
mot trong nam chi phai cua ai Chung Bo. th tch nam 1811, tho 84 tuoi.
Trng phai Tuyet Sn, mot trong nam phan chi Hair (n): TocOur hair falls out: Toc rung.
cua ai Chung Bo. Qua ten goi chung ta co the Hair on the Buddhas body: Than Mao
biet bo phai nay ban au hoat ong tai vung Thng Mi TngThe hairs on Buddhas body
Tuyet Sn. Trong cuon sach noi ve mi tam bo curled upwards, one of the thirty-two marks
phai, Vasumitra a goi Tuyet Sn Bo la tha ke Long tren than Phat xoan ngc len tren, mot
cua Thng Toa Bo, nhng mot so hoc gia khac trong ba mi hai tng hao cua PhatSee
th lai cho rang phai nay la mot nhanh cua ai Thirty-two auspicious marks.
Chung Bo. Cung giong nh Nhat Thiet Hu Bo,
Hair-flower on the head withers: au co roi
phai nay cho rang Bo Tat khong co a v g cao
bu nh hoa heoSee Five signs of decay of
trong ac biet, nhng khac vi Hu Bo cho ho
people when approaching death.
cho rang ch Thien va quy than khong the co
Hair-hole: Mao KhongLo chn longPore.
cuoc song pham hanh (brahmacharya), va nhng
ngi ngoai ao khong the co c quyen lc Hair-rope: Mao ThangA hair rope (tied up by
sieu nhien. **See Mahasamghika. the passions, as with an unbreakable hair rope.
Hai Ninh Temple: Chua Hai NinhName of an Hair-sharp and stinking: Stinking hair
ancient temple, located in Vnh Niem village, An ghostsXu Mao QuyQuy co long thoiSee
Hai district. The previous temple was built in Kinh Nine classes of ghosts (I).
Bac area during the late Le dynasty. In 1931, it Hair of the turtle: Long rua (qui mao)Long
was moved to Hai Phong, and then offered to rua (hay sng tho), c v vi nhng chuyen
ong Thien Association, therefore it was also khong the xay ra cThe hair on a tortoise,
called ong Thien Temple. In the courtyard of i.e. the non-existent.
the temple, there are two stupas with 40 pictures Hair on a tortoise and horn of a rabbit: Quy
illustrating the history of building of Hai Phong Mao Tho GiacLong rua sng tho, v vi nhng
CityTen mot ngoi chua co toa lac tai lang Vnh viec khong the xay ra cThe non-existent.
Niem, huyen An Hai, tnh Hai Phong. Chua trc Hakata (jap): Vung Bat a (Nhat Ban).
ay c xay tren Kinh Bac vao thi Hau Le. Hakkai (jap): Bat GiiA Japanese Buddhist
Vao nam 1931, chua c di ve Hai Phong, va term for Eight commandments. The first eight of
c nhan dan a phng cung cho hoi ong the ten commandments which the Buddha set
Thien, v vay ma chua con co ten la chua ong forth for lay Buddhists to observe 24 hours every
Thien. Trong san chua co hai ngoi thap ghi 40 bc fornightThuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co ngha
ky hoa ghi lai lch s xay dng thanh pho Hai la Bat gii. Tam gii au trong Thap Gii ma
Phong. c Phat che ra cho Phat t tai gia c moi na
Hai Quynh Tu Phong Zen Master: Thien S thang la phai gi tam gii nay trong 24 gi.
Hai Quynh T Phong (1728-1811)A Haklenayasa (skt): Haklena or Padmaratna
Vietnamese monk from Bac Ninh. At the age of (skt)Hac Lac NaThe 23rd Indian patriarch. He
16, he came to Lien Tong Temple to pay homage was born into a Brahmin family in a place said to
to Zen Master Bao Sn Dc Tnh and became be of king Tokhara. He spreaded the Buddhas
the latters disciple. He was the 40th generation of Teachings in Central IndiaV to th 23 cua
the Linn Chih Zen Sect. He spent most of his life Thien Tong An o. Ong sanh ra trong mot gia
to expand the Buddha Dharma in North Vietnam. nh Ba-la-mon, trong x cua vua Tokhara. Ong
He passed away in 1811, at the age of 84V s a truyen ba ao Phat vao vung Trung An. **See
Viet Nam, que Bac Ninh. Vao luc 16 tui, ngai Twenty eight Indian Patriarchs.
en chua Lien Tong, anh le Thien S Bao Sn Hakuin (jap): Thien s Bach AnSee Hakuin
Dc Tnh. Ngai tr thanh e t cua Bao Sn va
Phap t i th 40 dong Lam Te. Hau het cuoc

Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769): S Bach An Hue sau khi ong nghe mot v s noi ve nhng kho nhuc
HacBai-In was born in 1686. He was one of the trong tam a nguc nong nen ong quyet lam Tang
most versatile and brilliant of the Japanese Zen e thoat nhng canh kho nay bang cach at thanh
masters. According to his autobiographical Phat qua. Kinh nghiem chng ngo au tien cua
writing, he was first drawn to Buddhism after ong vao luc ong 22 tuoi sau khi nghe mot oan
hearing a monk describe the tortures of the eight kinh Phat, nhng ong biet rang ong cha at c
hot hells and resolved to become a Buddhist monk an lac cu canh, v the ma ong quyet tam tinh
in order to escape such fates by attaining chuyen hanh tr. Tuy nhien, trong giai oan nay
buddhahood. He had his first awakening nghi hoac va lo lang ve tam than ni ong gia tang
experience at the age of twenty-two after hearing mot cach ang ke. Va ai giac en vi ong vao
a passage from a Buddhist scripture, but he thi iem ong cam thay than the nh b bai liet v
realized that he still had not attained final peace nhng nghi tnh. Sau o ong viet lai kinh nghiem
of mind, and subsequently he worked even more ai giac nh sau: Toi dng nh ong cng lai
diligently at his practice. During this period, gia mot tang bang trai dai hang mi ngan dam.
however, his doubt and mental anguish increased Tat ca nhng chu y va muc ch eu nam ngoai
considerably. His great awakening experience tam toi, va ch duy nhat cong an khong la con
occured at a point at which he felt physically lai ma thoi. Sau vai ngay trong trang thai nay,
paralized by doubt. He wrote: It was as though I khi nghe tieng chuong chua ma ong cam nh la
was frozen solid in the midst of an ice sheet tang bang a v vun ra va ong c hoan toan t
extending tens of thousands of miles. To all do. Ve sau ong luon khang nh vi chung e t
intents and purposes I was out of of my mind and la co ba ieu can co cho s chng ngo: 1) ai tn,
the Wu Koan alone remained. After several 2) ai nghi, va 3) ai nguyen. Bach An thng
days in this state, he heard the sound of a temple c goi la cha e cua phai Lam Te thi bay gi,
bell, and he felt as though the ice had shattered ly do ch mot tay ong a lam song lai giao ly Lam
and he was free. Later, he always confirmed with Te a tan lui dan, qua s he thong hoa cac cong
his disciples that three things are required for an cua ong va s nhan manh en thien tap. Bach
awakening: 1) great faith (dai-shinkon), 2) great An chang nhng la mot thien s xuat chung, ma
doubt (dai-gidan), and 3) great resolve (dai- ong con la mot nha hoa s ai tai, mot ngi viet
funshi). Hakuin is often called the father of Lin- ch Han nh rong bay phng mua, va mot nha
Chi Sect (Rinzai) at that time by reason of the fact ieu khac. Sekishu hay tieng vo cua mot ban tay
that he single-handedly revitalized the Lin-Chis la cai g? ay la mot trong nhng cong an noi
teachings, which had been steadily declining, tieng do chnh ong thiet lap. Bai Toa Thien Ca
through his systematization of the koans. and (Zazen Wasan) pho bien cua ong thng c
emphasis of meditation practice. Not only was tung trong cac chua hay thien vien. Bai ca bat
Hakuin an outstanding master, he was a highly au: Tat ca chung sanh von la Phat va ket thuc:
accomplished painter with great talents, Chnh chon nay la at sen, chnh than nay la
calligrapher, and sculptor. Sekishu, or What is Phat.
the sound of one hand? which he devised, is one * Bai-In was one of the most versatile and
of the best known koans which he developed by brilliant of the Japanese Zen masters. Hakuin
himself. His popular Chant in Praise of Zazen, is often called the father of Linn-Chih Sect
frequently recited in Zem temples, begins: From (Rinzai) at that time by reason of the fact that
the beginning all beings are Buddha and ends: he single-handedly revitalized the Linn-
This earth where we stand is the pure lotus land, Chihs teachings, which had been steadily
and this very body, the body of Buddha.Bach declining, through his systematization of the
An Hue Hac sanh nam 1686. Ong la mot trong koans. Not only was Hakuin an outstanding
nhng v thien s nhieu tai nang va sang choi master, he was a highly accomplished painter
nhat cua Nhat Ban. Theo quyen t truyen cua with great talents, calligrapher, and sculptor.
ong, lan au tien ong b thu hut bi Phat giao la Sekishu, or What is the sound of one hand?

which he devised, is the best known koan by When he suddenly awoke, he found himself
a Japanese master. His popular Chant in was Yen-Tou, an old master. Whatever
Praise of Zazen, frequently recited in Zem doubts and indecisions he had before were
temples, begins: From the beginning all completely dissolved like a piece of thawing
beings are Buddha and ends: This earth ice. He called out loudly: How wondrous!
where we stand is the pure lotus land, and this How wondrous! There is no birth and death
very body, the body of Buddha.Bach An from which one has to escape, nor is there
Hue Hac sanh nam 1686. Ong la mot trong any supreme knowledge (Bodhi) after which
nhng v thien s nhieu tai nang va sang choi one has to strive. All the complications past
nhat cua Nhat Ban. Bach An thng c goi and present, numbering one thousand seven
la cha e cua phai Lam Te thi bay gi, ly do hundred are not worth the trouble of even
ch mot tay ong a lam song lai giao ly Lam describing them.: Cung nh Cao Phong (see
Te a tan lui dan, qua s he thong hoa cac Cao Phong Dieu To), Bach An a om ch
cong an cua ong. Bach An chang nhng la Vo nh mot cong an, cho en chieu kia khi
mot thien s xuat chung, ma ong con la mot nghe tieng chuong chua t xa vong lai lam
nha hoa s ai tai, mot ngi viet ch Han cho tat ca sup o tan tanh. Bach An cho rang
nh rong bay phng mua, va mot nha ieu ay chang khac nao nh ap be mot bon
khac. Sekishu hay tieng vo cua mot ban tay nc a, hoac xo nga mot ngoi nha ngoc.
la cai g? ay la mot cong an noi tieng do Phut choc ngai thc tnh, va thay mnh chnh
ong thiet lap. Bai Toa Thien Ca (Zazen la Nham au, v to s thu trc. Moi ieu
Wasan) pho bien cua ong thng c tung ng vc hoang mang t trc bong tieu tan
trong cac chua hay thien vien. Bai ca bat au: nh bang tuyet gap vang dng. Ngai reo to:
Tat ca chung sanh von la Phat va ket thuc: Ky thay! Ky thay! Khong co sanh t luan
Chnh chon nay la at sen, chnh than nay la hoi nao phai thoat ra, cung khong co Bo e
Phat. nao phai dung tam cau c. Tat ca cat ang
* Yen-Tou was one of the great Zen teachers kim co mot ngan bay tram cau that chang
in the Tang dynasty. But he was murdered by ang bo cong e xng.
an outlaw, when his death-cry is said to have * Hakuin, the great renewer of Linn-Chih Zen
reached many miles around. When Pai-In first in Japan, was in the lineage of transmission
studied Zen, this tragic incident in the life of stemming from Yuan-Wu. Yuan-Wu himself
an eminent Zen master who is supposed to be is known primarily as the editor of the Pi-
above all human ailments, troubled him very Yen-Lu, together with the Wu-Men-Kuan,
much, and he wondered if Zen were really one of the best known koan collections. His
the gospel of salvation: Nham au Toan instructions, incidental remarks, and
Khoat la mot cao Tang i ng, b bon explanations on the hundred koans collected
cp giet, khi chet , tieng rong cua ngai nghe and provided with praises by Master Ch'ung-
xa en may dam. Khi Bach An mi hoc Hsien make the Pi-Yen-Lu one of the
Thien, bi kch ay dien ra trong i mot cao greatest works of Zen literature and one of
Tang Thien ao hanh vt ngoai tat ca toi loi the most helpful for training students: Bach
cua the nhan khien ngai b chan ong ca tam An la mot nha canh tan ln cua Thien phai
than va t hoi: Thien co that la bo kinh cu Lam Te. Ong cung t coi mnh thuoc dong
kho khong. hau due cua Thien s Vien Ngo. Ngi ta
* His situation was the same as that of Zen biet en ong chu yeu qua viec cong bo hai bo
master Kao-Fen-Miao-Tsus. He had nothing su tap noi tieng Bch Nham Luc va Vo Mon
in his mind but Chao-Chous Wu. Until one Quan. Nhng chu giai va nhan xet cua ong
evening a temple-bell struck, which upset the ve khoang 100 cong an thien do Thien s
whole thing. It was like smashing an ice- Tuyet au Trung Hien thu thap, trong o moi
basin, or pulling down a house made of jade. cong an a co mot li ca ngi, a lam cho

Bch Nham Luc tr thanh mot trong nhng tac of a Buddha (with right foot over left thigh and
pham chnh cua van hoc Thien va mot trong left foot over right thigh)Kieu ngoi ban gia,
nhng phng tien ao tao co hieu qua nhat. kieu ngoi cua ch Bo Tat, ban chan nay e len
* He died in 1769 A.D.Ong th tch vao nam ui chan kia, hay ngc lai (chan trai e ben tren
1769 ui phai va chan phai ben di ui trai, hai au
Hakuun-Shutan (jap): Bai-Yun-Shou-Tuan goi cham chieu di at, e giup hai au goi
Bach Van Thu oan (1025-1072)See Shou cham at de dang chung ta co the at mot cai goi
Tuan Bai Yun. mong ben di hai au goi), khac vi kieu ngoi
Half a character: Ban T. kiet gia cua ch Phat (hai ban chan e len hai bap
1) Incomplete word: Half a character, a letter of ui).
the alphabetHalf a wordNa ch. Half-open (v): He m.
2) The term is used to indicate those who dont Half points (corners) of the compass: There
receive full-ordination, i.e. lay people or are four half points (corners) of the compassCo
sramaneras, keep only five or eight bon hng phuSee Four half points (corners) of
commandments: Am ch ngi cha tho gii the compass.
tron ay, nh Sa Di hay ngi tai gia ch gi Half a word: Ban TSee Half a character.
nam hay tam gii ma thoi. Hall (n): Caitya (skt)Lecture roomPalace
3) Hinayana: Tieu Tha. TempleienGiang ng.
Half-closed eyes: Lim dim. Hall of blessedness: Court of blessedness
Half finite and half infinite: Mot na hu bien, MonasteryPhuc nh.
mot na vo bienThis person thoroughly Hall chief: ng TThe controller of the
investigates the formations skandha to the point business in a monasteryBiet hieu cua v Duy
that it becomes empty. Based on what he sees, in Na trong t vien, chu trach nhiem cac cong viec
his mind he speculates that each and every living Tang ng.
being , in its given body, is half living and half
Hall of Judgment: Phap nh.
dead. From this he concludes that everything in
Hall reserved for dying people in a
the world is half finite and half infinite. Because
of these speculations about the finite and the temple: Dien Tho ngNiet Ban ng
infinite, he will fall into externalism and become Tnh Hanh ngNiet Ban ngThe hall or
confused about the Bodhi natureNgi o cung room into which a dying person is taken to enter
tot cai hanh am khong, do cai cho s kien, tam lo upon his long life. The nirvana hallPhong ni
tnh xem xet, so sanh tat ca chung sanh, trong mot ngi sap chet c a vao e cau an (ngi sap
than eu co mot na sinh, mot na diet. Ro biet chet lam khi tam than ban loan nen em long
moi vat trong the gii eu mot na hu bien, mot tham luyen phong , y bat, o dung hanh ao,
na vo bien. V so o chap trc hu bien, vo nen em ho en ay nghe kinh ke e thay rang
bien, nen oa lac ngoai ao va me lam tnh Bo moi s vat eu la vo thng, khong co g e cho
eSee Four finitenesses. ta luyen ai trc khi ho th tch).
Half in jest, half in earnest: Na ua na that. Hall of Wonderful Dharma: Dieu Phap
ngThis hall is situated in the south-west
Half light: Na toi na sang.
corner of Trayastrimsas heaven, where the thirty-
Half-lotus sitting: Ban Gia Phu ToaThe ngoi
three devas discuss whether affairs are according
ban giaA Bodhisattvas form of sitting, one foot
to law or truth or the contraryDieu Thien Phap
on the thigh of the other or vice versa (left foot
ng, toa lac tai goc tay nam tren cung Tri
over right thigh and right foot under left thigh,
ao Li (ba mi ba tang Tri), ni ba mi ba v
both knees touching mat, to facilitate the knees
Tri hop ban xem viec nao la chanh phap, viec
resting on the mat, it may be necessary to use a
nao khong phai la chanh phap.
thin suport cushion under the regular round one),
different from the completely cross-legged form

Hall for worship: Bac au ngSanh Halting place: Ni dng chan (tuc xa).
ng ni th phng trong t vienThe hall for Hamartialogy (n): Toi hoc (bien khao ve toi).
worship in a temple. Hami (skt): Ha MatAccording to Eitel in The
Hallow (v): Ton knh nh than thanh. Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms,
Hallucination (n): Ao canhAo giacAo Hami is an ancient kingdom and city in central
tng tam linhIllusiveIllusoryMirage Asia, northeast of lake Lop. From Han to Tang
PhantasmAo GiacSee Vipallasa. times known as I-Wu, now called Kumul by Turki
Hallucination of mind: Citta-vipallasa (p) Mohammadans. For more than 1,500 years, owing
Tam ao giacAo GiacSee Vipallasa. to its location and supply of water, Hami was a
Hallucination of perception: Sanna-vipallasa bridge-head for the expansion and control of the
(p)Tng ao giacAo GiacSee Vipallasa. outposts of the Chinese empire in Central Asia
Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien,
Hallucination of views: Ditthi-vipallasa (p)
Ha Mat la mot vng quoc va thanh pho co
Kien ao giacAo GiacSee Vipallasa.
Trung A, nam ve pha ong bac ho Lop. T thi
Halo (n): Jvala (skt)Hao quang.
Han en ng c biet en qua ten Y-Vu, bay
1) The halo behind the throne of an image:
gi c dan Turki-Mohammadans goi la Kumul.
Quang minh hay Than quang (vong hao
V la a iem chnh yeu cung cap nc trong
quang). Vong hao quang pha sau bc tng.
vung trong hn 1.500 nam, nen Ha Mat la mot
2) The halo or nimbus on or round the head of
au cau cho cong cuoc banh trng ve pha Trung
the Buddha and Arhats (of an image): au
A cua cac vng trieu Trung Quoc.
QuangAnh sang tren nh au c Phat va
Hamlet and village: Lan ly.
cac v La Han (cua mot bc tng).
3) The halo round the head of an image of a Hamsa (skt): Ha Nai SaLoai ngan hay ngong,
Buddha or a Bodhisattva: nh QuangAnh cung ho vi loai vtA goose.
hao quang tren nh au cua hnh tng Phat Hamsa-samgharama (skt): Ho Sa Gia Lam
hay Bo Tat. Da Ngan Gia lamWild goose monastery, on
4) The glory or halo shining from the person of a Mount Indrasailaguha, whose inmates were once
Buddha or Bodhisattva: Than QuangAnh saved from starving by the self-sacrifice of a wild
sang phat ra t chnh than Phat hay than cac gooseCon goi la Tang Sa Gia Lam hay ng sa
v Bo Tat. Gia Lam, co ngha la Da Ngan Gia lam (chua
Halo from a Buddhas body: Sac quangThe ngong Hoang) tren Indrasailaguha, ni ma ch
halo from a Buddhas body which can be seen by Tang Ni a mot lan thoat oi nh s t hy sinh
flesh eyesCon goi la than quang hay anh hao than mang cua mot con ngong tri.
quang t than Phat phat ra ma mat co the nhn Hanazono (jap): Thien Hoang Hoa Vien (Nhat
thay cSee Dual lights (A). Ban).
Halo surrounding the head of a Buddha: Hands always hold jewels of knowledge:
Vien Quang (anh hao quang phong ra chung TaHeart of diligence, fulfilling all tasks: Tam
quanh nh au cua Phat). tinh can, v tat ca viec lam eu rot raoSee Ten
Halo throne: Hao quangSee Halo. kinds of heart of Great Enlightening Beings (I).
Halt (v): DngTo stopStoppingIn Buddhist Hand-chime: Thu KhanhA hand-bell struck
philosophy, the mind must forever flow and never with a small stickChuong cam tay hay khanh
be stopped or blocked in a thought. Let the c thnh bang mot cai dui nho cam tay.
mind abide nowhere. The ideal is to walk on Hands of deep faith: Tay tham tnSee Ten
through all problems and situationsTrong triet kinds of hand of Great Enlightening Beings.
ly nha Phat, th dong tam thc tuon chay khong Hand down the garments: Pass down the
the b ngng hay b can trong dong suy tng. garmentsTruyen y.
Hay e cho tam khong tru vao au. Ly tng nht
la i tren moi chng ngai.

Hand down the tradition: Truyen ThaSee Hand something from generations to
Take over the patriarch position. generations: Hand something through ages
Handed-down tradition: Truyen ThaSee Lu truyen t the he nay qua the he khac.
Take over the patriarch position. Hand of the Thousand-Hand Kuan-Yin:
Handsome man and woman: Nam thanh n tu. Nguyet tinh thuNguyet TinhThe pearl or
Hand (n): Ban tay. jewel in the fortieth hand of the thousand hand
Hand down: To bequeath something to Kuan-Yin, towards which worship is paid in case
generations to comeLu truyen. of feversNgoc bao chau trong tay th bon mi
cua c Thien Thu Quan Am, ma ngi b cam
Hands folded in a lotus fashion: Hoa Thu
sot thng hay cung vai.
Tay chap theo kieu hoa sen.
Hands of fostering transcendence of the Handbook (n): Sach ch nam.
triple world: Tay khien sieu tam giiSee Ten Hand-writing (n): Ch viet tay.
kinds of hand of Great Enlightening Beings. Handed down from authentic source:
Genuine traditionChanh truyen.
Hands of generosity with right teaching: Tay
chang tiec chanh phapSee Ten kinds of hand of Handed-down tradition: Truyen ThaTo
Great Enlightening Beings. take over the Patriarch position by having the
former Patriarch formally recognize the person as
Hands of giving: Tay bo thSee Ten kinds of
the successor, especially the Zen tradition. After
hand of Great Enlightening Beings.
the Buddha entered Maha-Nirvana, the first
Hand of Great Enlightening Beings: Bo Tat
Patriarch of Buddhism was one of the Buddha
ThuTay cua ch ai Bo TatAccording to the
great disciples, Maha Kasyapa. According to this
Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are
Zen tradition, in order to become a Patriarch, the
ten kinds of hand of Great Enlightening Beings.
highest virtuous Buddhist Master must receive the
Enlightening Beings who abide by these can
Buddha 'pata bowl,' the bowl which the Buddha
acquire the supreme hands of Buddhas covering
used to receive food offering, and robe from the
all worlds in the ten directionsTheo Kinh Hoa
Patriarch before him. Thus, for over 1,000 years,
Nghiem, Pham 38, co mi tay cua ch ai Bo
there were twenty-eight Indian Patriarchs, each
Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay thi c
having the responsibility to practice and to uphold
tay vo thng cua Nh Lai, che khap tat ca the
the proper Dharma of Buddha. Eventually the
gii mi phngSee Ten kinds of hand of
twenty-eighth Patriarch named Bodhidharma
Great Enlightening Beings.
came to China and also became the first of Six
Hands of honoring Buddhas: Tay cung dng Patriarchs of Zen Buddhism in China. Overall,
ch PhatSee Ten kinds of hand of Great there were 33 official Patriarchs in Zen Buddhism.
Enlightening Beings. After the Sixth Patriarch, Hui-Neng, this tradition
Hands of initiating greetings: Tay hoi tham of formally passing on Patriarchy was
trcSee Ten kinds of hand of Great discontinued. Thus Hui Neng did not pass down
Enlightening Beings. the Buddhas patra bowl and robe to his highest
Hands of learning and skillfulness: Tay a and most deserving disciplesViec thay the v
van thien xaoSee Ten kinds of hand of Great To trc lam To i sau trong Phat giao, thng
Enlightening Beings. la c To trc chnh thc tha nhan nh ngi
Hands of settlement on the Other Shore: Tay ke tha, ac biet la Thien Tong. Sau khi c Phat
at ni b nganSee Ten kinds of hand of Great nhap diet, ngai Ma Ha Ca Diep la v To Thien
Enlightening Beings. Phat Giao au tien tai An o. Theo truyen thong
Hands of skillful use of philosophies: Tay Thien Tong c truyen sang t An o sang
kheo dung nhng luan nghSee Ten kinds of Trung Quoc, e tr thanh To, v nay phai nhan y
hand of Great Enlightening Beings. bat t v To trc. Trong khoang hn 1.000 nam,
co 28 v To An o, moi v co trach nhiem tu tap

va duy tr Chanh phap cua Phat. Cuoi cung, v To that the two are identical and that both are
th 28 sang Trung Quoc va tr thanh v S To cua inherent in every moment of thought. This notion
dong Thien Trung Hoa. Tong cong Thien Tong co has subsequently been accepted by most Zen
33 v To. Sau Luc To Hue Nang th s truyen tha traditionsT ng Nhat Ban dch t ch
nay cham dt. V the Luc To khong truyen y bat Sanskrit cua Bac Phan, co ngha la tr tue hay
cho nhng v ke tha na. tue. Trong Phat giao An o ngi ta thng cho
Handed-Down Tradition in the Pureland rang tr tue nay co c la do at c thien nh,
Buddhism: Truyen Tha theo Tnh o. **See nhng Luc To Hue Nang day rang ca hai th nay
Four characteristics used to determine a giong nhau va ca hai eu cung co trong t tng
distinguished master in the Pure Land Sect. cua chung ta trong tng giay tng phut. Khai
niem nay ve sau c hau het cac truyen thong
Hand reaching below the knees: Long
Thien chap nhan.
graceful hands of the Buddha which reach below
the kneesKhi ng hai tay cua c Phat dai Hannayashingyojutsugi (jap): Bat Nha Tam
qua au goiSee Thirty-two auspicious marks. Kinh Thuat NghaSee Hannaya and Prajna-
paramita Hridaya Sutra.
Hang-Chou-Tien-Lung: Hang Chau Tien
LongA Chinese Zen master of the ninth Hannya-Shingyo (jap): Prajnaparamita-Sutra
century; a student and dharma successor of Zen See Prajna-paramita Hridaya Sutra.
master Ta-Mei-Fa-Chang and a master of Zen Han-Shan: Han SnChinese Buddhist layman
master Chuchih. We encounter Hang-Chou Tien- who lived during the Tang dynasty on Han-Shan,
Lung in example 3 of the Wu-Men-KuanThien a peak in the Tien-Tai mountain range. His real
s Trung Hoa vao the ky th 9, e t va phap t name is unknown, but later became a symbol of
cua Thien s ai Mai Phap Thng, va la thay the enlightened lay Chan master, living entirely
cua Thien s Cau Chi. Chung ta bat gap thien s on his own devices, owing no allegiance to any
Hang Chau Tien Long trong th du th 3 trong Vo particular school or tradition. He probably lived in
Mon QuanSee Ta Mei Fa Chang and Wu- the middle of the seventh century A.D. He lived
Men-Kuan. as a hermit on Mount Han-Shan (Cold Mountain
Hang upside down: ao huyenSee Hanging or Cold Peak) in the Tien Tai Mountains. He
upside-down. lived his unfettered lifestyle, bound to neither
worldly nor rigid orthodox religious rules. He was
Hanging in mid air: L lng.
a famous poet. His poems were later collected in
Hanging upside-down: ao HuyenHanging
an anthology called Poems from Cold
upside down; the condition of certain condemned
MountainMot v c s ngi Trung Hoa, song
souls, especially for whom the Ullambana or
vao thi ai nha ng, tren nh Han Sn. Ten
Lambana festival is held in seventh month
that cua ong la g khong ai biet, nhng sau nay
Ngi chet b oa vao a nguc va b treo ngc.
ong tr thanh mot dau hieu tieu bieu cho thien s
Muon cu ho thoat khoi canh treo ngc nay than
tai gia chng ngo, song tu hoan toan bang phng
quyen phai cung giai ao huyen va trai Tang (e
thc cua chnh mnh ch khong le thuoc vao ai ca.
nh than lc cau nguyen cua nhieu ngi nh o
Co le ong song vao gia the ky th 7. Ong song
ma vong linh c sieu thoat)See Ullambana.
an dat tren nui Han (con goi la Nui Lanh hay
Hanker for something: To desire for nh Lanh) trong vung nui Thien Thai. Ong song
somethingHam muon ieu g. theo loi thoat tuc, nhng cung khong theo gii
Hankering: DesireS ham muon. luat cng nhat cua ton giao. Ong cung la mot nha
Hankering and dejection: Tham ai va u bi. th noi tieng. Ve sau nay nhng bai th cua ong
Hannaya (jap): A Japanese translation of the c ngi ta su tap thanh mot thi tuyen nhan e
Sanskrit Prajna, meaning wisdom or insight. Han Sn Thi Tap.
In Indian Buddhism it is commonly held that this Han-Shan Shih: Han Sn Thi TapA
results from the attainment of meditative collection of Han-Shans poems. From these
concentration (samadhi), but Hui-Neng taught poems, it is clear that Han-Shan that he was a

practicing Zen Buddhist. Its also clear that he hanh bang nhng giac quan cua mat, tai, mui,
completely depended on the Buddhas teachings li va than. Tuy nhien, con mot mc o cam
and his own resources, without attachment to any nhan khac hn, o la s cam nhan bang tam.
particular school, nor attachment to any strict Hanh phuc that s cung phai c theo uoi
discipline of a monkSu tap nhng bai th cua bang tam na.
Han Sn. Qua nhng bai th nay chung ta thay (III) Many people believe that they can solve all
Han Sn la mot Phat t nha Thien. Qua nhng bai their problems if they have money, so theyre
th nay ngi ta thay ro Han Sn hoan toan tuy always busy to exhaust their energy to collect
thuoc vao giao ly cua c Phat va chnh t lc more and more money. The more money they
cua mnh, ch khong dnh mac vao mot tong phai have, the more they want to collect. They
nao, hay tuan theo ky luat nghiem khac cua mot dont realize that money cannot buy
v s nao. happiness, or wealth does not always conduce
Hapless (old English): UnluckyKhong may. to happiness. In fact, real happiness is found
Happen (v): Xay ra. within, and is not be defined in terms of
wealth, power, honours, or conquests. If we
Happen again: Tai dien.
compare the mental and physical levels of
Happen to do something: Do something by
happiness, well find that mental experiences
chanceTnh c lam viec g.
of pain and pleasure are actually more
Happen by mere chance: Xay ra v tnh c. powerful than those of physical experiences.
Happen to see someone: Meet (see or find) Devout Buddhists should always remember
someone by chanceTnh c gap ai. that your property will remain when you die.
Happiness: Sukha (skt)FelicityTo the Your friends and relatives will follow you up
Buddhist, happiness is a by-product of right living, to your grave. But only good or bad actions
and never and end in itselfHanh PhucFor the you have done will follow you beyond the
happinessV hanh phucSee Eight winds. grave. Thus, wealth can only be used to
(I) The meanings of Happiness: Ngha cua decorate your house but not you. Only your
Hanh PhucHappiness resulting from mental own virtue can decorate you. Your dress can
stability is the most important: Hanh phuc at decorate your body, but not you; only your
c t s on nh cua tam thc la quan trong good conduct can decorate you: Nhieu ngi
nht. cho rang ho co the giai quyet moi van e cua
(II) Ordinary happiness is the gratification of a mnh khi ho co tien, nen ho luon ban ron em
desire. However, as soon as the thing desired het sc lc cua mnh ra e kiem tien. Cang
is achived the we desire something else or kiem c nhieu tien ho cang muon kiem
some other kind of happiness, for our selfish them na. Ho khong nhan thc c rang
desires are endless. We usually seek pleasant tien khong mua c hanh phuc, hay s giau
feelings and avoid unpleasant feelings co thng khong mang lai hanh phuc. Ky
through our sensory experience of the eyes, that, hanh phuc thc s ch tm thay trong noi
ears, nose, tongue and body. However, there tam ch khong ni cua cai, quyen the, danh
is another level of experience: mental vong hay chien thang. Neu chung ta so sanh
experience. Ture happiness should also be gia hanh phuc vat chat va tam hon th chung
pursued on the mental level: Hanh phuc bnh ta se thay rang nhng hanh phuc va kho au
thng la thoa man s khao khat. Tuy nhien, dien ra trong tam hon chung ta manh liet hn
ngay khi ieu mong muon va c thc hien vat chat rat nhieu. Phat t thuan thanh nen
th chung ta lai mong muon mot th hanh luon nh rang tai san se lai khi ban ra i.
phuc khac, v long them muon ch ky cua Ban be ngi than se a tien ban ra ngha
chung ta khong cung tan. Chung ta thng co trang. Ch co nghiep lanh nghiep d ma ban
gang theo uoi nhng cam giac de chu va a tao ra se phai i theo vi ban vao chung
hai long cung nh loai bo nhng kho au bat huyet mo ma thoi. V the, tai san ch co the

c dung e trang hoang can nha, ch sufferings. Thus, the Buddha taught about the
khong the to iem c cho cong c cua happiness of lay disciples as follows: A poor,
mnh. Y phuc co the c dung e trang but peace life is real happiness. Leading a
hoang than the cua ban, ch khong phai cho blameless life is one of the best sources of
chnh ban. happiness, for a blameless person is a
(IV) The secret of happiness lies in doing what blessing to himself and to others. He is
needs be done now and not worrying about admired by all and feels happier, being
the past and the future. We cannot go back to affected by the peaceful vibrations of others.
change things in the past nor can we However, it is very difficult to get a good
anticipate what will happen in the future. name from all. The wisemen try to be
There is but one moment of time over which indifferent to external approbation, try to
we have some relatively conscious control obtain the spiritual happiness by transcending
and that is the presentB mat cua hanh of material pleasures. Then the Buddha
phuc nam cho chung ta biet nhng g can continued to remind monks and nuns:
lam ngay trong hien tai, va khong ban tam Nirvana bliss, which is the bliss of relief
en qua kh va tng lai. Chung ta khong the from suffering, is the highest form of
nao tr ve lai e thay oi nhng viec a xay happiness.c Phat a neu len cac loai
ra trong qua kh, va chung ta cung chang the hanh phuc cho ngi c s tai gia: Hanh
nao biet trc nhng g se xay ra trong tng phuc co sc khoe, co cua cai, song lau, ep
lai. Ch co khoanh khac thi gian ma chung ta e, vui ve, sc manh, tai san va con cai, van
tng oi kiem soat c la hien tai. van. c Phat khong khuyen chung ta t bo
(V) The Buddhas teachings on Happiness cuoc song tran tuc va rut lui ve song an dat.
c Phat day ve Hanh phuc: Tuy nhien, Ngai khuyen Phat t tai gia, s
(A) The Buddha enumerates some kinds of vui hng cua cai khong nhng nam trong
happiness for a layman. They are the viec x dung cho rieng mnh, ma nen em
happiness of possession, health, wealth, phuc li cho ngi khac. Nhng cai ma chung
longevity, beauty, joy, strength, property, ta ang co ch la tam b. Nhng cai ma
children, etc. The Buddha does not advise all chung ta ang gn gi, rot roi chung ta cung
of us to renounce our worldly lives and bo chung ma i. Ch co nhng nghiep se phai
pleasures and retire to solitude. However, he theo chung ta suot neo luan hoi. V vay
advised lay disciples to share the enjoyment chung ta nen nhan chan va kh tr nhng
of wealth with others. We should use wealth cam xuc manh me ve tham, san, han,si me,
for ourselves, but we should also use wealth nga man, nghi hoac, va ta kien, van van v
for the welfare of others. What we have is chung khong mang lai cho chung ta hanh
only temporary; what we preserve we leave phuc trng cu. Mot s ham muon c
and go. Only karmas will have to go with us thoa man co the mang lai cho chung ta mot
along the endless cycle of births and deaths. cam giac hai long tam thi, nhng s hai long
Thus we must try to recognize and eliminate nay khong ton tai lau dai. Th du nh chung
the powerful emotions we possess such as ta hai long v mi va mua mot cai xe mi,
desire, hatred, anger, ignorance, pride, doubt, nhng s hai long nay se ton tai c bao
wrong views, etc., for they tend not to bring lau? Chang bao lau sau cai xe roi se cu se h
us long happiness. A fulfilled desire may va chung ta se tr nen buon ba kho au v s
provide us a sense of temporary satisfaction, h hoai cua cai xe ay. Chnh v the ma c
but it will not last long. For example, we are Phat day ve hanh phuc cua ngi c s nh
satisfied with a new car we just bought, but sau: Song ngheo ve vat chat ma tinh than
for how long that satisfaction can last? Soon thoai mai la hanh phuc. Song i khong b
after the car will become old and broken, and che trach la hanh phuc, v ngi khong b che
that would cause us disatisfactions and trach la phuc lanh cho chnh mnh va cho

ngi khac. Ngi o c moi ngi ngng 6) Good health is a great benefit, contentment is
mo va cam thay sung sng hn khi truyen the richest, trust is the best kinsmen, Nirvana
cam c lan song hoa bnh sang ngi khac. is the highest bliss: Vo benh la ieu rat li,
Tuy nhien, rat kho ma khong b moi ngi biet u la ke rat giau, thanh tn la ni ch
che trach. V the ngi tr cao thng nen co than, Niet ban la niem hanh phuc toi thng
song dng dng vi s khen che ben ngoai, (Dharmapada 204).
co at c hanh phuc tinh than bang cach 7) To meet the sage is good, to live with them is
vt qua lac thu vat chat. Sau o c Phat ever happy. If a man has not ever seen the
tiep tuc nhac nh ch Tang Ni: Hanh phuc foolish, he may ever be happy: Gap c bac
Niet Ban la dang thc hanh phuc giai thoat Thanh nhan la rat quy, v se chung hng s
kho au cao thng nhat. vui lanh. Bi khong gap ke ngu si nen ngi
(B) The Buddhas teachings on Happiness in the kia thng cam thay hanh phuc (Dharmapada
Dharmapada Sutrac Phat day ve Hanh 206).
phuc trong Kinh Phap Cu: ** See Seven emotions, Eight savours
1) Oh! Happily do we live without hatred among (pleasures) of the Buddhas nirvana, and
the hateful! Among hateful men we dwell Eight winds.
unhating!: Hanh phuc thay chung ta song Happiness and benefit: Phuc li.
khong thu oan gia nhng ngi thu oan; Happiness of blamelessness: Anavajjasukha
gia nhng ngi thu oan, ta song khong thu (p)Hanh phuc khong b khien trachHerein
oan (Dharmapada 197). the Aryan disciple is blessed with blameless
2) Oh! Happily do we live in good health among action of body, blameless action of speech,
the ailing! Among the ailing we dwell in good blameless action of mind. At the thought, bliss and
health!: Hanh phuc thay chung ta song khong satisfaction come to him. This is called the bliss of
tat benh gia nhng ngi tat benh; gia blamelessnessBac Thanh nhan khong b khien
nhng ngi tat benh chung ta song khong tat trach ve than khau y. Khi ngh nh vay, ngi ay
benh (Dharmapada 198). cam thay thoa thch va man nguyen. o la hanh
3) Oh! Happily do we live without greed for phuc khong b khien trachSee Four kinds of
sensual pleasures among the greedy! Among bliss of lay Buddhists.
the greedy we dwell free from greed!: Hanh
Happiness of death:
phuc thay chung ta song khong tham duc gia
1) Hanh phuc c chet lanh.
nhng ngi tham duc; gia nhng ngi
2) Minh Phuc: S phuc o cua ngi chet (nh
tham duc, chung ta song khong tham duc
bo th, cung dng, hay tung kinh ho niem
(Dharmapada 199).
cho ngi qua vang).
4) Oh! Happily do we live without any
Happiness for goodness is unavoidable:
hindrances. We shall always live in peace and
Phc chang tranh cSee Seven
joy as the gods of the Radiant Realm: Hanh
phuc thay chung ta song khong b ieu g
chng ngai. Ta thng song vi nhng ieu Happiness of having possessions: Atthisukha
an lac nh cac v than gia coi tri Quang-am (p)Hanh phuc co vat s huHerein a
(Dharmapada 200). clansman has wealth acquired by energetic
5) Hunger is the greatest disease, aggregates are striving, amassed by strength of arm, won by
the greatest suffering. Knowing this as it sweat, and lawfully gotten. At this thought, bliss
really is, the wise realize Nirvana: supreme and satisfaction come to him. This is call the bliss
happiness: oi la chng benh ln, vo thng of ownershipHanh phuc cua ngi co vat s
la noi kho ln; biet c ung an nh the, hu nh s no lc co gang, nh sc lc cua chan
at en Niet ban la hanh phuc toi thng tay va mo hoi, s hu mot cach hp phap. Khi
(Dharmapada 203). ngh nh vay, ngi kia cam thay thoa thch va

man nguyen. o la hanh phuc co c vat s bestows almsCo tam ieu kien tai sanh hanh
huSee Four kinds of bliss of lay Buddhists. phuc khi chung ta tr gi ngu gii thap thienSee
Happiness of having properties: Bhogasukha Eight happy conditions in which one may be
(skt)Hanh phuc c co tai sanHerein a reborn.
clansman by means of wealth acquired by Happy contentment: An LacThere are four
energetic striving, both enjoys his wealth and does means of happy contentmentSee Four means of
meritorious deeds. At this thought, bliss and attaining a happy contentment.
satisfaction come to him. This is called the bliss Happy day: Hoan Hy Nhat.
of wealthNgi kia tao nen tai san do ni co 1) Every 15th day of the month: Ngay ram hang
gang no lc. Bay gi chnh mnh tho hng tai thang c goi la ngay Hoan Hy Nhat.
san ay, hoac dung no e gieo duyen tao phc. 2) The happy day of the Buddha, and of the
Khi ngh nh vay, ngi ay cam thay thoa thch order, i.e. that ending the retreat, 15th day
va man nguyen. o la hanh phuc co c tai of the seventh or eighth moon: Ngay ram
sanSee Four kinds of bliss of lay Buddhists. thang bay hay thang tam la ngay hoan hy,
Happiness of oneself: Atmasukha (skt)Nga ngay o c Phat va giao oan cham dt le
lac. an c kiet ha.
Happiness of owing no debts: Ananasukha Happy day of the Buddha: The ending of the
(skt)Hanh phuc khong n nanHerein a retreat, 15th day of the 7th moon Hoan hy nht.
clansman owes no debt, great or small, to anyone. Happy day for monks and nuns: Hoan hy
At the thought, bliss and satisfaction come to him. nhatThe ending of the summer retreat, on the
This is called the bliss of debtlessnessNgi kia 15th day of the 7th Lunar monthNgay ra ha, 15
khong thieu ai mon n ln nho nao. Khi ngh nh thang 7 am lch.
vay ngi kia cam thay thoa thch va man Happy fate: Sugati (skt)BlissBlissing
nguyen. o la hanh phuc khong mang nSee worldCanh gii hoan lac.
Four kinds of bliss of lay Buddhists.
Happy karma: Karma of blessednessPhc
Happiness and sorrow: Vui buon nghiep.
Happiness of tranquility: An Lac. Happy karma from previous existence: Tuc
1) Passadhisukham (p): Comfort Phuc (phuc c thien can i trc hay phuc
ComfortableHappy (ease of body and joy nghiep tien kiep).
of heart)Peaceful and joyfulStable and
Happy land: Abhirati (skt)Lac thoHoan Hy
comfortableAn bnh va hanh phuc (than de
QuocDieu Hy QuocThe happy land, or
chu va tam hoan hy).
paradise of Aksobhya, east of our universeTen
2) The Buddha comes to the Saha World for the
coi Tnh o cua c A Suc Be Phat ve phng
welfare and happiness of sentient beings:
ong cua vu tru (Kinh Phap Hoa, pham Hoa
Phat en vi coi Ta Ba v an lac cho chung
Thanh Du).
Happy life: Cuoc song hanh phuc.
3) Samasudha (skt): The joy or happiness of
1) According to Buddhist theory, a happy life
tranquilityNiem vui hay hanh phuc cua s
means always to maintain a peaceful and
yen tnh.
happy mind. For monks and nuns, they should
Happiness and wealth: Phuc loc.
be always self-content and willing to practice
Happy: Hanh phuc. religious disciplines. So long as a person still
Happy is the birth of the Buddhas: Hanh cherishes resentment, his mental attitude does
phuc thay ch Phat giang sinh. not embody the ideal way of true believer of
Happy conditions: ieu kien hanh phuc the Buddhist teaching; whatever misfortune
There are eight happy conditions in which one may befall him, he must maintain a peaceful
may be reborn so that one can keep the five and calm mindTheo giao thuyet nha Phat,
commandments and the ten good ways and cuoc song hanh phuc co ngha la cuoc song

ma trong o con ngi luon duy tr cho mnh Harbor a grievance: Suffer an injusticeHam
cai tam bnh an va hanh phuc. Con ch Tang oan.
Ni, ho nen luon tri tuc va t nguyen tu tap. Harbour (v): Nuoi dng.
Chng nao ma mot ngi con om ap s thu
Harbouring a good thought: Nuoi dng thien
han, chng o tam thc ngi ay cha ham
t duyHarbouring a good thought opposite to
cha the cach ly tng cua mot Phat t thuan
the encroaching one, e.g., loving-kindness in the
thanh; du bat c bat hanh nao giang xuong
case of hatred. This is one of the five practical
cho ngi ay, ngi ay van phai gi mot cai
suggestions given by the Buddha will be
tam bnh an tnh lang.
beneficial to allCo tao nhng t tng tot , trai
2) Pham An Lac HanhSee Twenty-eight
nghch vi loai t tng tr ngai, nh khi b long
chapters in the Lotus Sutra.
san han lam tr ngai th nen tao tam t. ay la
Happy marriage: Lng duyen. mot trong nam e ngh cua c Phat nham em
Happy meeting: Pleasant assemblyPleasant lai li ch cho hanh giaSee Five practical
gatheringThang hoi. suggestions given by the Buddha.
Happy rebirths: Lac SanhAccording to The Harbour stolen goods: Cha chap cua gian.
Long Discourses of the Buddha, Sangiti Sutra, Hard (a): Kho nhocKho khanLaborous.
there are three kinds of happy rebirthsTheo
Hard is the appearance of the Buddhas: Kho
Trng Bo, Kinh Phung Tung, co ba loai lac
thay ch Phat ra i.
sanhSee Three kinds of happy rebirth.
Hard to cross over: Hard to saveHard to be
Happy you one and all: Cau xin tat ca an vui
savedNan oSee Three kinds of capacities
hanh phuc.
which are difficult to transform.
Hara (jap): an ienA Japanese term often Hard to enter: Hard to attainNan nhap (kho
used in Zen liturature to refer to a persons
vao ao).
spiritual true physically located in the lower
Hard-To-Injure Buddha: Phat Nan Tr.
adomen, and students are commonly encouraged
to focus their mindfulness of breathing in this Hard labour of ones parents: Cu t cu lao
areaT ng Nhat Ban thng c dung trong hay chn ch cu lao, y noi cong lao cua cha me
van chng nha Thien e ch huyet an ien vi chn ch cao sau t sinh, cuc (me an), phu
la ni tru ch thc cua tam linh, toa lac ni vung (vo ve), suc (bu mm), trng (nuoi cho ln), duc
bung di, va cac thien sinh thng c khuyen (day do), co (khien con cai nh n ong ba cha
khch nen tap trung tnh thc hi th vao vung me), phuc (xem tnh tnh ma day bao), va phuc
nay. (che ch).
Harada Roshi Daiun Sogaku (1870-1961): Hard and miserable: Lao kho.
One of the most prominent Zen masters of modern Hard to overcome: Nan thangHard to
Japan, whose teachings became widely influential overcome, or be overcome, unconquerable, the
in the West due to the efforts of his students and fifth of the ten bodhisattva stages when all passion
dharma-successor (Hassu), Hakuun Ryoko and illusion is overcome and understanding of all
YasutaniMot trong nhng Thien s noi tieng things attainedKho hang phuc, a th nam
trong thi can ai cua Nhat Ban, ma giao thuyet trong mi Bo Tat a, trong giai oan nay moi
cua ngai co anh hng sau rong Tay phng do duc vong phien nao eu c ieu phuc va thong
nhng no lc cua cac o e va v Phap t cua suot chan ly cua van hu. ** See Ten grounds.
ngai la Hakuun Ryoko Yasutani. Hard to please: Kho tanh.
Harali (skt): Hat Lat LiCloth woven of fine Hard practice: Dhuta (skt)AusterityKho
hairVai det bang mot loai long mn. hanhSee Six austerities.
Harbor doubts: Sanh long nghiNuoi dng Hard to save: Nan oNan HoaHard to
long nghi hoac. cross over, or hard to be saved, difficult of
conversion, or transformation. There are three

kinds of capacities which are difficult to Li eQuy MauQuy t mau thanName of

transformChung sanh cng cng rat kho te mother of demonsTen cua mot loai La Sat N,
o, kho chuyen hoa. Co ba loai can c kho giao me cua loai quy.
hoa te o. 1) The demon-mother: Quy T MauMother of
1) Those who defame the Mahayana: Loai huy demons, a raksasi who was under a vow to
bang ai Tha. devour the children of Rajagrha, but was
2) Those who commit the five ultimate betrayals converted by the Buddha, and became the
or five grave sins: Loai pham toi ngu nghch. guardian of nunneries, where her image,
3) Those who abandon Buddha-truth: Loai Xien carrying a child or in childrens ailments. The
e. **See Icchantika. Sanskrit term of Hariti means a woman
Hard to think: Nan TIncredibleA term who has vowed to devour all the babies at
used to praise Buddha-truth, meaning hard to Radjagriha, was reborn as Rakshasi, and gave
think of, or hard to realizeKho co the suy oan birth to 500 children, one of which she was to
c, t dung e tan than Phat Phap. devour every day. However, she was
Hard way of cultivation: Nan hanh aoSee converted by Sakyamuni Buddha, she entered
Two ways (B). a convent and became a protectress of
Buddhism. Her image is to be seen in all
Hard way to practice: Nan hanh aoSee
nunneriesTen cua mot loai La Sat N, me
Two ways (B).
cua loai quy, the sat hai tat ca tre nt trong
Hard way of salvation: Nan hanh aoThe
thanh Vng Xa, nhng ve sau c Phat
hard way of works, by practicing the six paramitas
chuyen hoa, quy-y Phat va tr thanh ngi ho
and other diciplinesCon ng kho bang thc
tr cho Ni chung. Ngay nay cac ni vien eu co
hanh luc Ba La Mat cung nh nhng gii luat
th hnh ba bong a tre. Tieng Phan goi la
khacSee Two ways (B).
Ha Le e, la ngi an ba the an het con nt
Harden (v): Lam cho cng ran. trong thanh Vng Xa, a tai sanh lam N La
Hardening of heart: Chai long. Sat, va sanh ra 500 con, roi sau o ba tuan t
Hardness of heart: See Hardening of heart. moi ngay an moi a. Tuy nhien sau nay ba
Hardship (n): Kho auSufferingSorrow quy-y vi c Phat va ac lc ho tr ch
WretchedMiserable. Tang Ni cung nh t chung, nhat la nhng
Hard to think: Nan t (kho ngh lng). ngi an ba trong thi ky sanh e. Ngi ta
Hard-working: Tan tuy. thng thay hnh cua ba trong cac ni vien.
2) According to Prof. Soothill, in Chinese-
Hari (skt): T LiA lionTawnyCon goi la
English Buddhist Dictionary, this is a woman
T Le, co ngha la con s t.
who has vowed to devour all the babies at
Harikesa (skt): T Li Chi Xa. Radjagriha, was reborn as Rakshasi, and gave
1) Lions mane: Bm s t. birth to 500 children, one of which she was to
2) Yellow-haired: Co toc mau vang. devour every day. However, she was
3) Name of a yaksa: Ten cua mot loai Da Xoa. converted by Sakyamuni Buddha, she entered
Harina (skt): Hat Li NaNhng loai nai a convent and became a protectress of
Deer of several kinds. Buddhism. Her image is to be seen in all
Haritaki (skt): T Le LacThe yellow nunneriesTieng Phan goi la Ha Le e, la
Myrobalan tree and fruit, grown in East India, ngi an ba the an het con nt trong thanh
used for medicine, or inkMot loai cay co s Vng Xa, a tai sanh lam N La Sat, va
mau vang, moc nhieu mien ong An o, dung sanh ra 500 con, roi sau o ba tuan t moi
lam thuoc hay lam mc. ngay an moi a. Tuy nhien sau nay ba quy-
Hariti (skt): Ariti (skt)Harita, or Haridra y vi c Phat va ac lc ho tr ch Tang Ni
(skt)Kha Le aA Le aA Li aT cung nh t chung, nhat la nhng ngi an
Li eCon goi la A Li e, A Li e, hay T

ba trong thi ky sanh e. Ngi ta thng au buon, vay khi ngi trom an con cua
thay hnh cua ba trong cac ni vien. ngi khac, sao khong at mnh vao a v
3) According to other Buddhist legends, while cua cha me b mat con e suy ngh? Cuoi
the Buddha was preaching in Rajagrha, there cung Mau T Quy nhan thay toi loi oc ac
was a corceress who had given birth to many cua mnh, nen sam hoi thong thiet trc c
children. While she loved and cared for her Phat, phat nguyen sa mnh, lam ngi bao
own children without exception, she had an ve tre con trong thien ha. c Phat ben tra
inborn weird fondness for devouring up those lai a con than yeu cho ba. ay la mot trong
belonging to others. Hence she was called by nhng cach ma Phat dung e te o chung
everybody as the Mother of Ghost Kids. sanh.
The Buddha intended to convert Hariti. He ** See Twenty devas.
sent a Bhiksu to her house to take away her Harivarman (skt): Bat MaHa Ly Bat MaS
beloved young son named Bangalo while she T Tru hay S T KhaiName of the founder of
was away. When she found out that she had the Satyasiddhi Sect to whom the Satyasiddhi
lost her son, she cried all day. Some people sastra is ascribed. A Buddhist scholar in cental
suggested that she should seek help from the India in the 4th century (about 900 years after the
Buddha. She then came to the Buddha for Buddhas Nirvana), author of Satyasiddhi-sastra in
help. The Buddha asked Hariti, Since you which he developed the notion of emptiness,
love your son as much as your own life, you which later became the guide doctrine or basis for
should know that all the parents in this world the Chinese Satyasiddhi. The Satyasiddhi-sastra
do likewise. They also love their own was first translated into Chinese by Kumarajiva
children. You felt so grief-stricken when you (407-418)Ten cua Luan Chu tong Thanh Thc
lost your beloved son. Have you ever thought Luan, cha e cua thuyet Thanh Thc Luan. Con
about those parents whose children were c goi la T Le Bat Ma, hay Ha ly bat ma, mot
stolen and devoured by you? Hariti finally Phat t uyen bac mien trung An vao the ky th 4
came to realize the wrong of her evil actions. sau Tay lch, ngi a soan ra bo Satyasiddhi
She deeply repented her sins and vowed to (Thanh That Luan), trong o ong a phat trien y
start anew and become the protectress of all niem h khong, ma ve sau nay a bien thanh van
children in the world. The Buddha then return ban ch nam cho trng phai Thanh That Tong
her beloved son to her. This was one of the Trung Quoc. Thanh That Luan c dch sang
many ways with which the Buddha converted Hoa ng au tien bi ngai Cu Ma La Thap (407-
humanityTheo truyen thuyet khac cua Phat 418)See Satyasiddhi sastra and Satyasiddhi
giao, trong khi c Phat ang thuyet phap school.
trong thanh Vng Xa, co mot mu phu thuy, Harm oneself and harm others: T Quyen
t mnh sanh ra nhieu con, a nao cung c Quyen Tha.
ba thng yeu cham soc het mc, nhng mu 1) To harm oneself and harm others: T hai
lai co mot quai tat bam sinh la thch an tht mnh va hai ngi.
tre con cua ngi khac, v vay ngi ta goi 2) To harm oneself is to harm others: T hai
mu la Mau T Quy. c Phat muon cu o mnh cung la hai ngi.
mu nen trc o, Ngai cho mot Ty kheo tha
Harm (v) secretly: Am hai.
luc mu ra ngoai, en om trom be Tan Ca La
Harman-saranam-gacchami (skt): Quy Y
ma mu rat yeu thch. Mat con, mu ta than
PhapTo take refuge in the Dharma or to take
khoc ca ngay, co ngi khuyen mu nen en
refuge in the Dharma and receiving the law
nh c Phat giup. Sau o mu en gap c
Quy-y tho phap hay ve nng vi Phat Phap.
Phat xin giup . c Phat hoi mu: Ngi
yeu con nh mang song cua mnh, cha me Harmful (a): Tai hai.
trong thien ha eu nh vay ca, ai cung yeu Harmful actions: Ac nghiep.
thng con cai cua mnh. Ngi mat con th

Harming: Vihimsa (skt)To want to harm other Harmony with truth: Arhat (skt)ng Chan
peopleHai hay muon lam ton hai aiSee Fifty- A worthy true one who is in harmony with truth
one Dharmas interactive with the Mind. A La Han, bac chanh chan xng ang c s
Harmless (a): Hien hoa. cung dng cua ngi va tri.
Harmlessness (n): Ahimsa (skt)Bat haiNot Harness:
injuryDoing harm to none. (n): S kem che.
Harmonious (a): Hoa hp. (v): ong yen cng.
Harmonious and elegant sounds: Hoa nha Harsavardhana (skt): Hat Li Sa Phat an
am. NaKing of Kanyakubja, protector of Buddhism
about 625 A.D. Vua x Kanyakubja, v ho phap
Harmonious fusion between Vairocana
Phat giao vao khoang nhng nam 625 sau Tay
Buddha and Dharma: The harmonious fusion
of the preceding two, which constitutes total
Harsh (a): Hung d.
reality as experienced by the enlightenedS
hoa hp gia Phat Ty Lo Gia Na va Phap (hai Harsh speech: Pharusavaca (p)Noi li hung
yeu to tren) tao thanh toan bo thc tai nh nhng acLi noi tho lo coc canNoi li hung d
bac giac ngo kinh nghiemSee Triratna (IV)(A). Harsh words include insult, abuse, ridicule,
sarcasm, and so on. Sometimes harsh words can
Harmonious voice: Hoa thch am, mot trong
be said with a smile, as when we innocently
tam am thanh cua PhatHarmonious voice, one
pretend what we have said wont hurt other
of the eight tones of a Buddhas voiceSee Eight
people. Devout Buddhists should never use harsh
tones of a Buddhas voice.
words because harsh words hurt othersLi tho
Harmonium (n): an phong cam.
ac bao gom nhuc ma, mang chi, nhao bang va
Harmonize (v): Dung hoaTo regulateBe of biem nhe, van van. Co luc chung ta noi nhng li
one mind. o vi nu ci tren moi ma chung ta lai gia bo
Harmonize and unify with all spiritual cho rang li chung ta ang thot ra khong co g ton
friends: Vi tat ca thien hu tri thc hoa hiep hai en ai. Phat t thuan thanh ng bao gi dung
khong hai, t biet tho kySee Ten ways of li tho ac v nhng li o lam ton hai en ngi.
receiving the prediction of Budhahood (A). (A) According to The Buddha and His Teaching,
Harmony (n): ong ieuHai hoaHarmony written by Most Venerable Narada, there are
will cause happiness, on the contrary, disharmony three conditions that are necessary to
will cause sufferings and afflictions. According to complete the evil of harsh speechTheo Hoa
Prof. Junjiro Takakusu in The Essentials of Thng Narada trong c Phat va Phat Phap,
Buddhist Philosophy, there are ten reasons that all co ba ieu kien can thiet e thanh lap nghiep
things in the real world ought to have harmony noi li tho lo:
among themselvesS hai hoa se a en hanh 1) A person to be abused: Mot ngi khac e
phuc, ngc lai khong hai hoa hay khong ong cho ta noi li tho lo.
ieu se a en kho au phien nao. Theo Giao S 2) Angry thought: T tng san han.
Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng Yeu Triet Hoc Phat 3) The actual abuse: Thot ra li tho lo.
Giao, co mi ly do khien van hu hoa ieu trong (B) The inevitable consequences of harsh
phap gii duyen khi. **See Double harmony or speechNhng hau qua khong tranh khoi
unity in both doctrine and practice and Ten cua s noi li tho lo coc can:
reasons that all things in the real world ought to 1) Being detested by others though absolutely
have harmony among themselves. harmless: Khong lam g hai ai cung b ho
Harmony of body and mind: Than tam hoa ghet bo.
hp. 2) Having a harsh voice: Tieng noi khan khan,
Harmony of mouths: Khau hoa. ch khong trong treo.

(C) A story on harsh words: Mot cau chuyen ve ay chang bao gi co the lam o nhiem c
noi li noi tho loOne day, an angry man bau tri, ma ngc lai no se ri xuong ngay
with a bad temper went to see the Buddha. tren mat cua chnh ngi o vay. Nghe li
The man used harsh words to abuse the Phat noi xong, ngi o cam thay xau ho,
Buddha. The Buddha listened to him patiently ben xin Phat tha th va nhan lam e t. c
and quietly, and did not say anything as the Phat noi: Ch co ai ng va s ly luan hp ly
man spoke. The angry man finally stopped mi co the lam anh hng va chuyen hoa
speaking. Only then did the Buddha ask him, c ngi khac ma thoi. Phat t chan thuan
If someone wants to give you something, but nen co tranh noi li tho lo.
you dont want to accept it, to whom does the Harsh words: Li tho acSee Harsh speech.
gift belong? Of course it belongs to the Harvest (v): Gat haiTo reap.
person who tried to give it away in the first
Has done an injury to someone who is dear
place, the man answered. Likewise it is
and pleasant to me: Ngi ay a lam hai ngi
with your abuse, said the Buddha. I do not
toi thng menSee Nine causes of malice.
wish to accept it, and so it belongs to you.
You should have to keep this gift of harsh Has done an injury to someone who is
words and abuse for yourself. And I am afraid hateful and unpleasant to me: Ngi ay a
that in the end you will have to suffer it, for a lam hai ngi toi khong thng khong thchSee
bad man who abuses a good man can only Nine causes of malice.
bring suffering on himself. It is as if a man Hasara (skt): Hac Tat LaAccording to Eitel in
wanted to dirty the sky by spitting at it. His The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
spittle can never make the sky dirty, it would Terms, Hasara is the second capital of Tsaukuta,
only fall onto his own face and make it dirty perhaps modern Assaia Hazareh, between
instead. The man listened to the Buddha and Ghuznee and Kandahar in AfghanistanTheo
felt ashamed. He asked the Buddha to forgive Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Hac Tat
him and became one of his followers. The La la ten cua thu phu th nh cua Tsaukuta, co le
Buddha the said, Only kind words and bay gi la Assaia Hazareh, nam gia Ghuznee va
reasoning can influence and transform Kandahar thuoc A Phu Han.
others. Sincere Buddhist should avoid using Hasedera (jap): Chua Trng Coc (Nhat Ban).
harsh words in speechMot ngay no, co mot Hassen (jap): S Phap Toan (Nhat Ban).
ngi gian d vi sac mat hung tn en gap Hassock (n): Goi dung e quy.
c Phat. Ngi ay noi nhng li noi coc can
Hassu (jap): Phap tA Japanese term for
tho lo vi Phat. c Phat lang nghe mot cach
dharma-successor, or recognized spiritual
than nhien, va khong noi mot li nao. Cuoi
successor of a Zen master. Such a person must
cung khi ngi ay ngng noi, c Phat ben
first receive Inka-Shomei, official recognition of
hoi: Neu co ai o em mot vat g en cho
having attained awakening (Kensho or Satori).
ong ma ong khong nhan, th vat ay thuoc ve
This designation is important in Zen, which sees
ai? Ngi ay tra li : D nhien la vat ay van
itself as maintaining a mind-to-mind transmission
thuoc ve ngi hoi au muon cho. c Phat
that is indenpendent of doctrines and scriptures.
ben noi tiep: Cung nh vay vi nhng li
The conferral of succession is a certification that
ma ong va noi ban nay, ta khong muon
the student has fully grasped the essence of the
nhan, vay chung van thuoc ve ong. Ong phai
teaching and is thus empowered to pass it on to
t gi lay chung. Ta e rang cuoi cung roi ong
othersT ng Nhat Ban dung e ch Phap t
se ganh lay kho au phien nao, v ke ac thoa
(ngi ke tha Phap), hay v ke tha tam linh
ma ngi hien ch mang lay kho au cho
cua mot Thien s c cong nhan. Mot v nh
chnh mnh ma thoi. Cung nh mot ngi
vay trc het phai c cong nhan la a at c
muon lam o nhiem bau tri bang cach phung
giac ngo. S truyen tha nay rat quan trong trong
nc mieng len tri. Nc mieng cua ngi
nha Thien, no c xem nh la s duy tr tam

truyen tam, khong dnh lu g ti giao ly hay kinh Hateful bandits and thieves: Rebellion,
ien (giao ngoai biet truyen). S ban truyen ngoi invasion and robbersNan giac cpSee
v Phap t nay la viec chng nhan v thien sinh a Seven calamities (A).
hoan toan nam bat c het phan tinh tuy cua Hateful temperament: Dosacarita (p)Bam
giao phap va a co c ay u kha nang truyen tanh san hanIll-willSee Sau Loai Tam Tanh.
giao phap ay lai cho ngi khac.
Hatred: Doso (p)Krodha or Pratigha or Dvesa
Hasta (skt): (skt)Dvesa (skt)Hat La aGrievanceIll-
1) T Tc aCanh tay hay ban tayAn willResentmentAc yHan thuSan Han.
armA hand. (I) The meanings of dosaNgha cua san han:
2) ChanName of one of the twenty eight 1) Doso (p)Anger, ire, wrath, resentment, one
constellationsSee Twenty eight of the six fundamental klesas or one of the
constellations. three poisons (passion, anger, and
Haste makes waste: Muon nhanh ch la lang ph ignorance)Can ban phien nao San Khue
ma thoi ch khong ti au ca (duc toc bat at) hay s nong nay, mot trong tam oc (tham,
The desire to speed up causes failure to reach san, si)See Seventy-five dharmas of the
destination. Abhidharma Kosa.
Hastigarta (skt): Tng oa KhanhElephants 2) Upanaha (skt)HanHatred happens when
hole, i.e. the hollow formed by the elephants fall, one represses the emotional feelings deep
when Sakyamuni flung aside a dead elephant put insideHan xay ra khi chung ta e nen s
in his path by DevadattaCai ho tao nen khi con cam xuc gian vao sau ben trongSee Fifty-
voi te xuong at, y noi khi c Phat Thch Ca one Dharmas interactive with the Mind.
nem con voi chet ma e Ba at a a bo gia 3) Vyapada (p)San hanIll-willSee Five
ng e can loi Phat, cho o tao ra mot lo ln hindrances (A), and Five hindrances to
goi la Tng oa Khanh. spiritual progress.
Hat with the shape of Water character: (II) Conditions necessary to form dosaieu
Thuy QuanA monks hat shaped like the kien tao nen san han: According to Most
character Water in frontCai mu cua Tang co Venerable Narada in The Buddha and His
hnh giong nh ch Thuy pha trc. Teaching, there are two conditions that are
Hate (n & v): Nhue Ket hay s hn gian. necessary to complete the evil of ill-will
1) Hatred: S ghet. Theo Hoa Thng Narada trong c Phat va
2) (v): Thu ghetAngerIreBuddha taught: Phat Phap, co hai ieu kien can thiet e
When you hate others, you yourself become thanh lap nghiep san han:
unhappy. But when you love others, everyone 1) Another person: Mot ngi khac.
is happy. In order to eliminate hate, you 2) The thought of doing harm: T tng muon
should meditate on loving-kindness, pity and tao phien nao cho ngi o.
compassionc Phat day: Khi ban ghet (III) Characteristics of hatredac tanh cua han
ai, ban se khong co hanh phuc. Nhng ngc thu:
lai khi ban thng ngi khac, moi ngi eu 1) Doso, the second unwholesome root,
co hanh phuc. e triet tieu s thu ghet, ban comprises all kinds and degrees of aversion,
nen thien quan ve long t bi. ill-will, anger, irritation, annoyance, and
** See Seven emotions, Nine bonds that bind animosity. Its characteristic is ferosity. Its
men to mortality, and Ten kinds of wrong function is to spread, or burn up its own
views. support, i.e. the mind and body in which it
arises. It is manifested as persecuting, and its
Hate and affection: Oan than (s oan ghet va
proximate cause is a ground for annoyance:
s yeu thng la hai thai cc oi nghch nhau).
Tanh cua tam s nay la ghet hay khong a
Hate and detest: Nao han.
nhng canh trai nghch. Nghiep dung cua no
Hateful (a): Ghen ghet. la t banh trng va ot chay than tam cua

chnh noSee Six defiled things and nghiem nhng noi khon kho ma do s bat
Fourteen unwholesome factors. thien cua chnh ho, ho a t em en cho
2) Ill-will or hatred is one of the three poisons in chnh ho.
Buddhism (greed, anger, ignorance)One of (IV) Consequences of hatredHau qua cua san
the three fires which burn in the mind until han:
allowed to die for fuellingAnger manifests 1) San han la nguyen nhan chnh cua kho au
itself in a very crude manner, destroying the va a nguc: The anger or dosa is the root of
practitioner in a most effective way. To suffering and the rebirth in hell.
subdue anger and resentment, we must 2) According to Most Venerable Narada in The
develop a compassionate mind: San han la Buddha and His Teachings, these are the
mot trong tam oc, hay mot trong ba ngon la inevitable consequences of ill-willTheo
ang ot chay tam. San han la nhien lieu ot Hoa Thng Narada trong c Phat va Phat
chay ca rng cong c cua ke tu hanh. Ngi Phap, ay la nhng hau qua tat yeu cua s
tu phai luon che ng san han va phat trien san han:
long t bi trong tam: Anger. i) Ugliness: Ugly bodyThan hnh xau xa.
3) According to Buddhist psychology, the mental ii) Manifold diseases: C the benh hoan.
factor of aversion is always linked to the iii) Detestable nature: Bam tanh kho thng.
experience of pain. One may be greedy and (V) To repent the mind of hatred and anger: Sam
happy, but never angry and happy at the same Hoi Tam San HanSee Repent three karmas
time. Anyone who cultures hatred, anger, (3).
malice, nurses revenge or keeps alive a (VI) The Buddhas teachings of HatredNhng
grudge is bound to experience much suffering li Phat day ve Han Thu:
for he has laid hold a very potent source of it. 1) The Buddha always reminded his disciples:
Those who exercise their hatred on others as Hatreds do not cease hatred; by love alone
in killing, torturing or maiming may expect do they cease. The Buddha continued to
birth in a state, compared in the scriptural remind: The more evil that comes to me, the
simile to a pitfull of glowing situations, where more good will radiate from me, for I always
they will experience feelings which are return good for evil. Some people believe
exclusively painful, sharp, severe. Only in that its not practical to return good for evil
such an environment will they be able to and they believe that return swords for
experience all the misery which they, by their swords. Yes, its easy to think and to do
own cruelty to others, have brought upon about return sword for sword, but in doing
themselves: Theo tam ly hoc Phat giao, yeu that we might get caught in the quagmire of
to tam thc ve san han luon noi ket vi kinh troubles. Its extremely difficult by returning
nghiem kho au. Ngi ta co the tham va lac good for evil. Its extremely difficult to smile
cung mot luc, nhng khong the nao va san with the person who just raised his hand to
han ma lai va vui ve cung mot luc c. Bat beat us, but we are the Buddhas disciples,
ky ai vun xi oan ghet, san han, gian d, tnh we must listen to his teaching, we must return
ac nuoi dng s tra thu hay bao ton long good for evil at all times, in all places and
cam gian eu b troi buoc vao kinh nghiem circumstancesc Phat thng luon nhac
kho au nh the, v ngi ay a chap chat nh chung e t rang: Han thu khong the
vao mot nguon coi rat manh cua kho au. cham dt bang han thu, ch co tnh thng
Nhng ai gieo han thu cho ngi khac nh mi cham dt c han thu ma thoi. Ngai
giet choc hay hanh ha hay cat xeo than the, cung nhac tiep: Cang gap nhieu oan trai,
co the se tai sanh vao nhng canh gii ni ma Nh Lai cang hanh thien v Nh Lai ch lay
ho phai cam tho nhng kinh nghiem cc ky an tra oan ma thoi. Co ngi tin rang lay
au n, nhc nhoi, khac nghiet. Ch trong an tra oan la viec lam khong thc te va ho
nhng hoan canh nh the ho mi co the kinh tin rang ao kiem phai c tra bang ao

kiem. Vang, lay ao kiem tra ao kiem thu tr c han thu, ch co t bi mi tr c

qua la de ngh va de lam, nhng rat co the han thu. o la nh luat cua ngan xa
lam nh vay chung ta se b sa lay trong kho (Dharmapada 5).
khan trac tr. That la kho khan khi phai lay 6) One should give up anger; one should
an tra oan. That la kho khan khi phai mm abandon pride. One should overcome all
ci vi ke va mi vung tay anh mnh, fetters. No suffering befall him who calls
nhng ngi con Phat phai lang nghe li Phat nothing his own: Xa bo long gian d, tr diet
day, phai lay an tra oan trong moi thi, moi tanh kieu cang, giai thoat moi rang buoc,
luc, moi hoan canh. khong chap trc danh sac; ngi khong co
2) The Buddha taught: Bandits who steal merits mot vat chi ay, s kho chang con theo doi
are of no comparison to hatred and anger. c(Dharmapada 221).
Because when hatred and anger arise, 7) He who controls his anger which arises as a
inevitable innumerable karma will be rolling chariot. He is a true charioteer. Other
created. Immediately thereafter, hundreds people are only holding the rein: Ngi nao
and thousands of obstructions will appear, ngan c cn gian d noi len nh dng c
masking the proper teachings of chiec xe ang chay manh, mi la ke che ng
enlightenment, burying and dimming the gioi, ngoai ra ch la ke cam cng h ma
Buddha Nature. Therefore, A thought of thoi(Dharmapada 222).
hatred and anger had just barely risen, ten 8) Conquer anger by love; conquer evil by good;
thousands of karmic doors will open conquer stingy by giving; conquer the liar by
immediately. It is to say with just one thought truth: Lay t bi thang nong gian, lay hien
of hatred, one must endure all such lanh thang hung d, lay bo th thang xan
obstructions and obstacles: c Phat day: tham, lay chn that thang ngoa nguy
Giac cp cong c, khong g hn san han. (Dharmapada 223).
V khi tam san han noi len th chung sanh lap 9) One should guard against the bodily anger, or
tc tao nghiep, va do o ma muon ngan physical action, and should control the body.
chng ngai lap tc hien ra, ngan che Thanh One should give up evil conduct of the body.
ao, lap m Phat tanh. Cho nen noi Nht One should be of good bodily conduct: Gn
niem san tam khi, ba van chng mon khai, gi than ng nong gian, ieu phuc than hanh
ngha la ch v mot niem gian tc ma phai ong, xa la than lam ac, dung than tu hanh
lanh chu bao nhieu chng nan lanh(Dharmapada 231).
3) He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, 10) One should guard against the anger of the
he robbed me. Hatred will never leave those tongue; one should control the tongue. One
who dwell on such thoughts: Ngi kia lang should give up evil conduct in speech. One
ma toi, anh ap toi, pha hai toi, va cp should be of good conduct in speech: Gn gi
oat cua toi. Ai con om ap tam niem ay, th li noi ng nong gian, ieu phuc li noi
s oan han khong the nao dt het chanh chn, xa la li noi tho ac, dung li noi
(Dharmapada 3). tu hanh(Dharmapada 232).
4) He abused me, he hit me, he defeated me, 11) One should guard against the anger of the
he robbed me. Hatred will leave those who mind; one should control the mind. One
do not harbor such thoughts: Ngi kia lang should give up evil conduct of the mind. One
ma toi, anh ap toi, pha hai toi, va cp should practice virtue with the mind: Gn gi
oat cua toi. Ai bo c tam niem ay, th s y ng nong gian, ieu phuc y tinh thuan, xa
oan gian t nhien san bang(Dharmapada la y hung ac, dung y e tu chan
4). (Dharmapada 233).
5) In this world, hatred never destroys ** See Eight wrong perceptions of thought, and
(eliminates) hatred, only love does. This is an Fifty-two mental states.
eternal law: the gian nay, chang phai han

Hatred and Animosity: San han va thu ch Phc Chau. After that, patriarch Nguyen Thieu
In the Dharmapada Sutra, the Buddha makes it moved to stay at Ha Trung temple. Ha Trung
very clear that with a heart filled with hatred and temple fell into deteriorations in the years of the
animosity, a man cannot understand and speak late 18th century. Then it was restored under the
well. A man who nurtures displeasure and reign of the Nguyen Dynasty. Now the temple
animosity cannot appease his hatred. Only with a name is Pho Thanh. It is said that the great bell of
mind delighted in harmlessness and with loving the temple formerly belonged to Pho Thanh
kindness towards all creatures in him hatred temple at Ngan ien village, Gia nh district,
cannot be foundTrong Kinh Phap Cu c Phat Thuan An province. It was cast in 1762 for an
tuyen bo rat ro rang rang mot tam ay nhng san unknown reason, the bell has been a ritual
han va thu ch khong the hieu mot cach tot ep, instruments of Ha trung Temple for the last 100
khong the noi mot cach tot ep. Mot ngi om ap years. As a result, instead of keeping its old name,
nuoi dng s bat man va uat han se khong lam people of later generations renamed the temple
du bt han thu cua mnh. Ch vi tam bat hai va Pho Thanh after the name given on the bellTen
long t man oi vi chung sanh moi loai mi co cua mot ngoi chua co Hue, Trung Viet. Chua
the cham dt c han thu. toa lac tai xa Vinh Ha, quan Phu Vang. Nam
Hatred is a bar to meditation: nh Chng 1677, sau khi khai sn Thap Thap Di a Qui
This is one of the five hindrances which the Nhn, To Nguyen Thieu ghe lai Hue va c
Buddha mentioned in the Lotus SutraThu han lenh chua tr ve Trung Quoc e thnh them danh
la mot chng ngai cho thien nh. ay la mot Tang va phap kh. Trong so phap kh co tng Bo
trong nam chng ngai ma c Phat a noi ti Tat Quan Am, c ln hn ngi that. To muon
trong Kinh Phap HoaSee Five hindrances (I). a tng nay len kinh o Hue, nhng khi thuyen
ch ngang qua xa Ha Trung th b mac can ma
Hatred and jealousy: Tang k (ganh ghet va o
khong cach g ay noi. To ngh la do c duyen
nen thnh tng vao th tai chua lang Ha Trung
Hatred of labor: Lao OanThe annoyance of
e th. T o chua lang Ha Trung tr thanh danh
labour, or trouble, or the passions, or demons
lam quoc t di thi chua Nguyen Phc Chau.
Noi oan han cua lao nhoc, hay lao nhoc va oan
Sau o, To Nguyen Thieu phung menh chua ve
han eu la nhng ten khac cua phien nao.
tru tr chua Ha Trung. Roi trai qua nhng nam
Ha Trung Temple: Chua Ha TrungName of cuoi the ky th 18, chua a b h hong tieu ieu.
an ancient temple in Hue, Central Vietnam. The Di trieu nha Nguyen, chua a c trung tu.
temple is located in Vinh Ha village, Phu Vang Hien nay chua c mang ten Pho Thanh. Ngi
district. In 1677, after building Thap Thap Di a ta ke rang chiec ai hong chung cua chua von la
in Qui Nhn, Patriarch Nguyen Thieu came to chuong cua chua Pho Thanh ben lang Ngan ien,
Hue and obeyed the order of the Lord, he huyen Gia nh, Phu Thuan An, uc nam 1762,
travelled back to Kuang-Chou to invite more khong ro c duyen nao ma tr thanh phap kh cua
celebrated Chinese monks and obtain more ritual chua Ha Trung tren 100 nam qua. V vay thay v
instruments. Among these ritual instruments, there gi ten Ha Trung th ngi cua nhng the he sau
was a stone statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, nay lai oi ten chua la Pho Thanh, ten c khac
bigger than life size, which sat on a lotus pedestal tren chuong.
also made of stone. The statue should have been
Hatsu-u (jap): Patra (skt)BowlBat.
bound for Hue Citadel, however, when passing by
Haughty (a): Kieu ngaoArrogantProud.
Ha Trung village, the shp got stuck and no efforts
could free it. The Patriarch was convinced that Haughtiness (n): Abhimana (skt)S kieu
this was a token of destiny. Thus, the patriarch ngaoS lo bchTang thng manHigh
decided to fix the statue in the village temple for opinion of ones selfSelf conceitHaughtiness
worship. Since then, the village temple became a means false arrogance, thinking oneself correct in
national temple during the reign of Lord Nguyen spite of ones wrong conduct, thinking oneself is
good in spite of ones very bad in reality.

Haughtiness also means arrogance and conceit Have consideration: Knh neTo have regard
due to ones illusion of having completely forReverence.
understood what one has hardly comprehended at Have desires, errors, and doubts wiped off
allS kieu ngao ngha la s kieu cang sai lam,
by the Buddha: a hoan toan dt sach nhng
ngh rang mnh ung du mnh sai trai, ngh rang
nghi hoac oi vi PhatSee Ten Characteristics
mnh gioi du tren thc te mnh d te. Kieu man
of Sravakas in the Gandavyuha Assembly.
cung co ngha la t phu do cai ao tng cho rang
Have difficulty in coping with a situation:
mnh thong hieu nhng g ngi khac kho ma
Gap kho khan thch ng vi hoan canh.
hieu cSee Man and Tang Thng Man.
Have entered into the essence of things: a
Haughtiness of mind: Cita-samunnati (skt)
tham nhap yeu tanh cua ch phapSee Ten
Tam kieu man.
Characteristics of Sravakas in the Gandavyuha
Haunt (v): AmTo obsess.
Haunting the streets at unfitting time: Du Have extremely profound inner
hanh ng pho phi thiSee Six ways of
understanding: Noi tr giai tham thamSee
wasting ones property.
Ten ways of receiving the prediction of
Have (v): Co.
Buddhahood (B).
Have ability to observe adaptive skill in Have faith at all times: Luon tin tng.
knowledge and meaning: ong ch Nh Lai Have faith and confidence in: ConfideTo
trong tr thien xao, ngha thien xao hay kheo quan
trustTn nhiem.
satSee Ten kinds of truth seal.
Have female slaves: To have maidservant. This
Have affairs: Hu s.
is one of the eight things that monks and nuns are
Have already transcended all worlds and not allowed to possessGi no le n hay mn
have no attachments to anything: Yet ay t n, mot trong tam th ma ch Tang Ni
Bodhisattvas do not abandon efforts to liberate khong c s huSee Eight impure things.
sentient beingsa en b ngan, khong con chap Have forever cut off opinions and passions:
trc the gian phap, ma cung chang bo hanh cu Dwelling in the state of freedom from conflict,
o chung sanhSee Ten kinds of way of same as the Buddhasong ch Nh Lai tuyet
adornment of Great Enlightening Beings. han hai hanh, tru phap vo tranhSee Ten kinds
Have attainment: Chng ac. of truth seal.
Have aversion to Enlightening Beings: Hiem Have form: Satta (skt)Hu TngExist
han ch Bo TatHaving aversion to Enlightening markRealnessBeingThe fact of being
Beings, one of the ten things that Bodhisattvas Whatever has form, whether ideal or realCo
should avoidSee Ten things that cause hnh tng hay bat c th g co hnh tng (trong
enlightening beings to regress from the Buddha Kinh Kim Cang co noi: Pham cac loai hu tng
teachings. eu la h vong).
Have a bad name: Mang TiengTieng xau Have a good grasp of worldly affairs: Quan
To suffer a bad reputation. xuyen.
Have the Buddha-nature: Cot Phat (co Phat Have gotten the way of doing something:
tnh). ac phap.
Have no chance to attain enlightenment: Have a great influence on someone: Co anh
Khong co c hoi at c giac ngo. hng ln en ai.
Have complete faith in the guidance of all Have high education, but never willing to
Buddhas: Ni tat ca Phat giao, mot be tham practice and cultivate: Hang ngi hoc rong
tnSee Ten ways of receiving the prediction of nghe nhieu, ma lai khong bao gi biet y theo cac
Buddhahood (A). ieu a nghe hoc o ma tu sa va thc hanh
Have no conscience: Vo lng tam. See Two groups of good and evil people (B).

Have human and celestial retinues but We have no right to take what is not given:
never for a moment leave meditation: Chung ta khong co quyen lay nhng g ngi ta
Though they have human and celestial retinues khong cho.
surrounding them, hundreds and thousands of Have (v) one's revenge: Be revenged
concubines and troupes of singers and dancers, Revenge oneselfReturn evil for evilGive
Bodhisattvas never for a moment leave someone tit for tatBao cu.
meditation, liberation, and concentrationDau co Have particular qualities: Co biet tng.
quyen thuoc nhn thien vay quanh, tram ngan the Have passed the marriageable age: L thi.
n ca mua hau ha, ma cha tng tam bo thien
Have a passion for: am meTo indulgeTo
nh, giai thoat, va cac tam muoiSee Ten kinds
have a great desire for.
of way of adornment of Great Enlightening
Have a rebirth in the Pure Land: Gaining
rebirth to the PurelandVang Sanh Tnh o
Have improper belief: Me tn ta ao.
See Gaining rebirth to the Pure Land.
Have influence on something: Co anh hng Have regard and consideration for: Ton
ti viec g.
trongTo honourHonourableRespect and
Have an inner perception of the universe: honoured. The best way to respect the Buddha is
Co mot nhan thc t noi ve vu truSee Ten to follow his advice: Not to do evil, to do good,
vows of a Bodhisattva. and to purify ones mind.Ton quy va knh
Have an insight into the limit of reality: a trong. Cach tot nht e ton trong Phat la lam theo
soi to gii han cua thc taiSee Ten li Phat day: Khong lam cac ieu ac, lam cac
Characteristics of Sravakas in the Gandavyuha ieu lanh, va gi cho tam y thanh sach.
Assembly. Have the right: Co quyen.
Have male slaves: To have manservant. This is Have the same roots of goodness equal in all
one of the eight things that monks and nuns are
Buddhas of past, present and future: ong
not allowed to possessGi no le nam hay mn
thien can bnh ang vi tam the ch PhatSee
ay t nam, mot trong tam th ma ch Tang Ni
Ten kinds of truth seal.
khong c s huSee Eight impure things.
Have a share: D phanTo participate in.
Have to meet the hateful: Oan tang hoi (phai
Have someone arrested: Khien cho ai b bat.
gap ngi mnh oan ghet).
Have something rebuilt: Cho trung tu lai cai g
Have a mind of mercy, compassion, and
(chua vien).
filial piety: Co tam t bi va long hieu thuan.
Have taken a thing into one's head: Hold on
Have a mind to: To resolve onPhat y.
blindlyChap me.
Have a nature: Have the Bodhi-mindHu Have thoughts: Hu Tng (co duc tng)To
TnhTo be a Buddhist, have the bodhi mind, in
have thought of desires. All sentient beings have
contrast with the absence of the mind, i.e. the
thought and desires, except those in the
ichanti or unconvertedLa Phat t, co tam Bo
Thoughtless Heaven and Neither-Perception-
e, oi lai vi vo tnh hay xien e.
Nor-Non-Perception.Tat ca chung sanh eu co
Have no fighting spirit: An phan thu thng duc tng, ngoai tr chung sanh trong Vo Tng
To seek contentment in ordinarinessTo know Thien: va Phi Tng Phi Phi Tng X.
ones place.
Have thought arise: Cetana or Cittotpada
Have no more to say: Can li. (skt)Tac y.
Have no place in: Khong co cho ng (trong). Have thought or idea: Hu TngHave
Have a plough in yoke: at cay vao ach. form.
Have no relevance to: Khong thch nghi (vi). Have unwavering faith: Have firm
Have no right: Khong co quyen. confidenceCo long tnh tn bat ong.

Have a well deserved reputation: Danh bat h protector of Seraje college and is also found
truyen. alongside Acala as a protector in Tibetan
Have the wisdom and knowledge of the temples. In Japan he is believed to be a
protector of horses and other animalsT
Buddhas of past, future and present,
Bac Phan ch Co Nga, co ngha la Ma
definitively, without duality: One of the ten
au Minh Vng hay Minh Vng Co Nga.
kinds of mastery of nondual action of all
Ha da Yet Lat Phat, ve gian d cua mot v
BuddhasCh Phat eu biet tam the tat ca sat na
than thien nh hay v than bao ho. Ngi ta
la mot sat na, quyet nh khong haiSee Ten
thng ve v than nay vi mau o, au nga,
kinds of mastery of nondual action of all Buddhas.
mnh ngi. V than nay la mot nhan vat quan
Have worldly entertainments: Enjoy worldly trong trong he thong mat giao cua trng
pleasuresGet worldly amusementsHng thu phai Nyingmapa thuoc Phat giao Tay Tang.
duc lac tran the. V than nay hien lo ve gian d di mot hnh
Having a beginning and an end: Co trc co thc cua Than Visnu hay Quan Am, thuoc ho
sau (Hu thuy hu chung)Completed. Padma. Ben Tay Tang, v than nay bao ve
Having eyes but seeing not: Co mat nh mu trng ai hoc Seraje va cung tm thay ben
(Hu nhan nhi hat). canh Acala nh la v than bao ho trong cac t
Having a mind to save all creatures: Phat vien Tay Tang. Tai Nhat th ngi ta tin rang
Tam Cu o Het Thay Chung SanhSee Four ngai bao ho cho loai nga va cac loai thu
dharmas (IV). khac.
Having no peace: Chang an on. 2) The horse-neck or horse-head Kuan-Yin in
Having no reliance: Khong cho ta. awe-inspiring attitude towards evil spirits: Ma
au Quan AmCon goi la Ma au ai S
Having no signs: Signlessness, one of the three
hay Ma au La Sat, tieng Phan am la Ha Da
emancipationsVo tng giai thoat, mot trong ba
Yet Li Ba, la mot v ton ni Quan Am Vien
loai giai thoatSee Animita and Three objects of
trong Thai Tang gii, tc v S T Vo Uy
meditation that lead toward liberation.
Quan Am, co au va co nga, co hnh dang
Having Zen and having Pureland: Hu Thien rat uy nghi khien cho ma quan phai chu than
Hu Tnh oSee Four clarifications to make phuc.
comparisons (II).
Hayagriva-Dharma-Platform Sutra: Ha Da
Having Zen but not having Pureland: Hu Yet Li Ba Quan The Am Bo Tat Thu Phap
Thien Vo Tnh oSee Four clarifications to anThe sutra explaining about the dharma
make comparisons (II). which Horse-head Kuan-Yin expounded, one
Haya (skt): Ha DaSanskrit name for the horse- book and the translator was unknownKinh giai
head form of Kuan-YinTen tieng Phan cua Ma thch ve an phap cua c Ma au Quan Am,
au Quan Am. mot quyen, khong ro ai a dch ra Hoa ng.
Hayagriva (p): Ha Da Yet Li BaHa Da Hot Hayagriva dharma-forming and Dharma-
Li PhatMa au Minh VngMa au Quan Platform Sutra: Ha Da Yet Li Ba Tng
AmThe horse-head Dharmapala. PhapThe sutra explaining about the dharma
1) A Sanskrit term for Horse Neck Ming- forming and dharma platform of Horse-head
Wang, a form of Visnu. Wrathful meditation Kuan-YinKinh noi ve tng phap va an phap
deity or protector deity. He is generally cua Ma au Quan Am.
depicted red in color and with a horses head.
Hayes, Richard Philip (1945 - ): American
He is an important figure in the tantric system
born scholar of Buddhism, who has published on a
of the Nyingmapa order of Tibetan Buddhism,
wide range of subjects, including the
in which he is considered to be a wrathful
Epistemological tradition and Madhyamaka, and
manifestation of Kuan-Yin or Visnu. He
who has also become a prominent commentator
belongs to the Padma family. He is a
on the emerging field of Western Buddhism. In

1991 he co-founded (with James Cocks) an of head of Great Enlightening Beings.

electronic forum named Buddha-I, which was Enlightening Beings who abide by these can attain
originally intended as a venue in which the supreme head of knowledge and wisdom of
professional buddhologists could discuss matters BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem,Pham 38, co
of common concern and interest. Within a few mi au cua ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru
years, however, it had almost eight hundred trong phap nay thi c au ai tr hue vo
subscribers, the vast majority of whom were not thng cua Nh LaiSee Ten kinds of head of
academics. Among Hayes most influential works Great Enlightening Beings.
are Dignaga of Interpretation (1988) and Land of Head of a hall: ng ChuThe leader of the
No Buddha (1999)Mot hoc gia ngi My, ngi Hall, or the head of a hall on a special occasion
a xuat ban nhieu sach vi nhieu chu e khac V chu Dien Tho ng, lam chu te cac buoi le.
nhau, bao gom cac truyen thong Tri Thc va Head of honor: au ton knh, v tat ca nhn
Trung Quan. Ong a tr thanh mot nha phe bnh thien eu knh leThe head of honor, respected
xuat sac cua Phat Giao Tay Phng. Vao nam by all humans and celestialsSee Ten kinds of
1991, ong a cung James Cocks sang lap ra mot head of Great Enlightening Beings.
dien an ien t Phat Giao mang ten Buddha-I,
Head of the Institute for the Propagation of
muc ch au tien la dung e lam ni hoi hop,
the Dharma: Vien Trng Vien Hoa ao.
trong o cac nha Phat hoc chuyen nghiep co the
ban luan nhng van e thong thng lien he en Head of a monastery: ng ThngVien
Phat Giao. Tuy nhien, ch trong vong co vai nam chuAn abbot or head of the hall or monastery
ma so ngi ang ky len en 800 ngi, ma a so Ten goi khac cua v Phng Trng trong t vien,
la nhng ngi khong co hoc v. Nhng tac pham hay cac v s tru tr (ng au Hoa Thng).
co anh hng nhat cua Hayes gom nhng quyen Head monk: Thu ToaChief Monk, or
S dien Giai ve Tran Na vao nam 1988 va president of a monasteryV tang ng au trong
Manh at Vang Phat vao nam 1999. t vien.
Head bearing sentient beings: au ganh oi Head of nirvana: au Niet ban v khong ai thay
chung sanh, v thanh tu tng nhuc ke tren c anhNo one can see the topSee Ten
anhDeveloping an indestructible crownSee kinds of head of Great Enlightening Beings.
Ten kinds of head of Great Enlightening Beings. Head North Face West: au Bac Dien Tay
Head-Chopping Hell: a nguc Toa Thu. According to The Nirvana Sutra: Head north face
Head (v) a community: Lanh ao mot hoi west, lying on the right side, the proper attitude in
chung. which to sleep, the position of the dying Buddha.
Theo Kinh Niet Ban: au quay ve phng
Heads crowned with the turban of the state
bac, mat ngoanh sang phng tay, nam nghieng
of nonobstruction: Lua phap vo ngai dung oi
ve ben phai, o la tng Niet Ban cua Nh Lai.
tren auSee Ten kinds of way of adornment of
(Bay gi c The Ton , ba lan nhap thien nh,
Great Enlightening Beings (10).
ba lan day bao t chung xong, ngi ben nam
Head of formost roots of goodness: Honored nghieng tren ging that bao, au quay ve
by the sentient beings of the three worldsau phng bac, chan ch phng nam, mat ngoanh
e nht thien can, v tam gii chung sanh eu ton sang phng tay, lng quay ve phng ong. Ti
knh cung dngSee Ten kinds of head of Great na em, ngi chng e t thien, tch nhien lang
Enlightening Beings. le. Vao luc ay trong khoanh khac, Ngai chng
Head of the granary: Giai Vien ChuThe ai Bat Niet Ban).
head of the granary in a monasteryV Tang Head of not despising others: au chang
trong coi kho thoc lua trong t vien. khinh tien ngi, v tat ca cho eu la bc ton
Head of Great Enlightening Beings: au cua thangIn all places always respectfulSee Ten
ch ai Bo TatAccording to the Flower kinds of head of Great Enlightening Beings.
Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are ten kinds Head of a nunnery: An abbessN vien chu.

Head of the order: ai ThongAn official tng (Dien Nha at a mng khi thay au trong
instituted by Wen-Ti of the Sui dynastyV Tang gng v vi viec chung sanh chap vong lam
cai quan Tang Ni ca nc, c thanh lap di chan, co chap khong bo. Khong thay mnh von co
thi Hoang e nha Tuy. au, tren au von co long mi va mat that, c v
Head of preservation of the eye of reality of vi chan tnh).
Buddhas: au thu ho phap nhan cua ch Phat, v Heal (v): Tr lieu.
lam cho Tam bao chung chang oan tuyet Healing: S tr lieu.
Ability to perpetuate the seeds of the three Healer: Bhaichadjyaguru (skt)Dc S.
treasuresSee Ten kinds of head of Great Healing Master Shrine: ien Dc S.
Enlightening Beings. Healthy (a): Arogyra (skt)Khoe manhLanh
Head of a sect: Tac gia (v ng au mot tong manhAbsence of illnessSoundAn lanh
phai). (khong benh hoan).
Head-strong: Cng auStubborn Heap up: Chat thanh ong.
ObstinateStiff-neckedPigheaded. Hear the Buddhas doctrine: Thnh Giao
Head of teaching all sentient beings: au Nghe va phung hanh Phat phapThose who hear
giao hoa tat ca chung sanh, v thau nap tat ca and obey the Buddhas doctrine.
chung sanh lam e tTaking all sentient beings Hear with ones own ears and see with ones
as disciplesSee Ten kinds of head of Great
own eyes: Tai nghe mat thay (Nh van ky thanh,
Enlightening Beings.
nh kien ky nhan)It is as if I heard with my own
Head of transcendent wisdom: au Bat Nha ears and saw with my own eyes.
Ba La Mat, v trng dng tat ca phap cong
Hear and keep dharani: Van Tr a La Ni
cNurturing all virtuous qualitiesSee Ten
To hear and keep, hear and remember the
kinds of head of Great Enlightening Beings.
teaching (Van means to hear, dharani means to
Head of union of knowledge and skill in hold to or to maintain)Nghe va tr gi hay tong
means: au tng ng phng tien tr, v hien tr (van co ngha la nghe, a la ni co ngha la tr
khap tat ca than ong loaiEverywhere gi).
appearing in compatible formsSee Ten kinds of Hear the recitation of the scriptures: Thnh
head of Great Enlightening Beings. kinh (nghe kinh).
Head of universal higher understanding: Hear and remember the true teachings of
au thang giai quang ai, v toi thang trong ai
all Buddhas: Rot rao nghe va tho tr chanh phap
thien the giiBeing supreme in the universe
cua ch PhatSee Ten ultimate great tasks of
See Ten kinds of head of Great Enlightening
Great Enlightening Beings.
Hear (v) and repeat many sutras: a van
Head of Yajnadatta: Dien Nha at a Chi Thu
a van ty kheoSee Two classes of monks.
(au cua Dien Nha at a)Yajnadatta, a crazy
Hear (v) a rumour: Nghe on.
man who saw his eyebrows and eyes in a mirror
but not seeing them in his own head thought Hear the same word but understand
himself bedevilled; the eyes and head are a differently: ong Thnh D VanAccording to the
symbol of reality. Those in the mirror of Tien-Tai sect, this means to hear the same
unrealityChuyen ve cai au cua Dien Nha at words, but understand differentlyTheo tong
a. Tai thanh That La co ngi cuong ten Dien Thien Thai, cung nghe mot th phap tai cung mot
Nha at a. Mot buoi no ong lay gng soi mat, toa, nhng lai hieu khac nhau.
nhn thay long mi va mat hien ra trong gng, Hear the Teaching: Hanh nghe chanh phap, v
nhng lai khong thay c long mi va mat tren a thch chanh phapHearing the Teaching, out
au cua mnh nen hoang s bo chay mot cach of fondness for truth, one of the ten kinds of action
ien cuong. ay mat va au v vi chan tnh, of Great Enlightening Beings. Enlightening
tat ca nhng g hien ra trong gng eu la vong Beings who abide by these can achieve the action

of Buddhas that has no coming or goingSee Ten Hearing Dharma with the spirit: Thng
kinds of practice of great enlightening beings (II). pham thnh phapNghe Phap bang ca tam
Hear about a thing a hundred times is not thcSee Three grades of hearers.
equal a single look at it: Bach van bat nh nhat Hearing the doctrine: Dhamma-savana (p)
kien (tram nghe khong bang mot thay)One Nghe phapSee Ten meritorious deeds (III).
glance is worth a thousand wordsSeeing is Hearing instruction: Van (Nghe phap)See
believing. Seven sacred graces.
Hear the true Buddha-law is difficult: Van Hearing more of Dharma law: Nghe nhieu
Chanh Phap Nan (nghe c chanh phap la Phat phapSee Three More Dharmas.
kho)See Six difficult things. Hearing that the Pure Land method is easy
Hear (v) vaguely: Nghe mang mang. to practice but the results are speedy and
Heard the animal killed: Tai nghe gietSee lofty, some people develop doubts: Co ngi
Three kinds of unclean flesh to a monk. nghe noi phap mon Tnh o hanh tr gian d ma
Hearer: A disciple who hears the Buddha- ket qua rat mau chong cao sieu nen nghi ng
DharmaThanh Van (v e t nghe Phat Phap) See Three doubts of practitioners about the Pure
See Sravaka and Four saints (rewards) (A). Land.
Hearing: Paratoghosa (p)Nghe. Hearing a sound-object with the ear: Tai
1) In Buddhism, hearing means hearing the nghe tieng.
Good Law from others. This is what we hear 1) Khi tai nghe tieng, hoan hy khi len, am thanh
from outside. What we hear gives us food for ay c suy tWhen, on hearing a sound-
thoughts and guides us forming our views. It object with the ear, one investigates a
is, therefore, necessary to listen, but only that corresponding object productive of
which is conducive to right understanding and pleasureSee Six pleasurable investigations,
to avoid all the harmful and unwholesome Six unpleasurable investigations, and Six
utterances of others which prevent straight indifferent investigations.
thinking: Trong Phat Giao, nghe co ngha la 2) Tai nghe tieng ay v Ty Kheo, tai nghe
nghe chanh phap t ngi khac. ieu nay co tieng, khong co hoan hy, khong co u phien,
ngha la chung ta nghe t ben ngoai. Nhng an tru xa, chanh niem, tnh giac. ay la mot
g chung ta nghe cho chung ta thc an cho t trong sau phap hang tru ma c Phat day
duy va hng dan chung ta trong viec thanh trong Kinh Phung Tung trong Trng Bo
hnh nhng quan iem rieng cua mnh. V KinhHere a monk, on hearing a sound with
vay, chung ta can lang nghe, nhng ch nghe the ear, is neither pleased nor displeased, but
nhng g lien quan en chanh kien, va nen remains equable, mindful and clearly aware.
tranh nhng li noi bat thien cua ngi khac, This is one of the six stable states which the
v no ngan can t duy chan chanh cua chnh Buddha taught in the Sangiti Sutta in the Long
mnh. DiscoursesSee Six stable states.
2) The sense of hearing: Nh can. Hearing the true Dharma: Dieu Phap thnh
Hearing consciousness: Nh thcSee Six tho (nghe Chanh Phap)See Four factors of
consciousnesses, Seven consciousnesses, and Stream-Attainment.
Eight consciousnesses. Hearken (v): Lang nghe.
Hearing Dharma with the ear: Ha pham thnh Hearsay: S truyen tung.
phapNghe Phap bang lo taiSee Three grades
Hearsay is not equal to observation: Tai nghe
of hearers.
khong bang mat thay (Nh van bat nh muc kien).
Hearing Dharma with the mind: Trung pham Heart (n): MindQua timTamSee Three
thnh phapNghe Phap bang tamSee Three
grades of hearers.

Heart acting according to truth, circumstances in which Bodhisattvas develop their

extinguishing all afflictions: Tam thc hanh compassionate minds.
ung ly, v tr diet tat ca phien naoSee Ten Heart of concentration: Tam nh.
kinds of heart of Great Enlightening Beings (I). Heart of concentration in meditation: nh
Heart adorned with an indestructible tamSee Ten Dwelling Minds.
supreme treasury of marks of felicity: Tam Heart of delight in telling the dharma: Hao
trang nghiem thu thang tangSee Ten kinds of ng tam (long noi s tot)See Ten Dwelling
heart of Great Enlightening Beings (I). Minds.
Heart of almsgiving: Th tamTam bo th Heart of eight-petal: The first court of the heart
See Ten Dwelling Minds. of eight-petal, eight-leaf lotus meditationVien
Heart of anger: San tamSan Khue TamSan Trung Thai Bat Diep Cu Ton (e nhat vien)
TamOne of the three poisonsTam tc gian See Four courts.
Heart of emptiness, signless, wishlessness,
nong nay hay long san nhue, mot trong tam oc.
Heart of benefitting or aiding others to and nonfabrication: Tam khong, vo tng, vo
salvation: ch tam (long lam li ch)See Ten nguyen, vo tacSee Ten kinds of heart of Great
Dwelling Minds. Enlightening Beings (I).
Heart-broken: Tan nat coi long (Tam nh ao Heart-flower: Good spiritTam hoa.
cat)Great sufferings. Heart of great courage and strength,
Heart of compassion: Compassionate mind crushing all armies of demons: Tam dung
T Bi TamAccording to Most Venerable Thch kien v ai, v dep pha tat ca ma quanSee Ten
Thien Tam in The Thirteen Patriarchs of Pureland kinds of heart of Great Enlightening Beings (I).
Buddhism, what is the compassionate mind? To Heart of Great Enlightening Beings: Tam
be compassionate is to pity and to be empathetic, cua ch ai Bo TatAccording to the Flower
wishing to help and rescue others without having Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are ten kinds
discriminations or attachment to various of heart of Great Enlightening BeingsTheo
characteristics. This means altruism or to have Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co mi tam cua ch
mercy and compassion, wishing to help others but ai Bo TatSee Ten kinds of heart of Great
not to have any intention of taking advantages. Enlightening Beings.
For instance, seeing someone rich, beautiful, etc, Heart of great kindness, compassion, joy,
one pretends to be compassionate by helping, but and equanimity: Tam ai pham tru (t, bi, hy,
having ulterior motives of self-gain. This is called xaSee Ten kinds of heart of Great Enlightening
Desirous Views, or developing love and lust Beings (I).
when seeing wealth and beauty according to
Heart-Human Beings: Tim sanh NgiWhen
binding ways of sentient beings; thus, to act in
the persons heart is the last to remain warm, the
this way cannot be called being
spirit of that person has been reborn back among
compassionate.Theo Hoa Thng Thch
human beingsKhi iem nong sau cung ni tim,
Thien Tam trong Lien Tong Thap Tam To, sao
la than thc cua ngi ay a sanh lai coi ngi.
goi la T Bi Tam? T bi la long xot thng cu
Heart of indifference: Tam xaSee Four
o ma la tng va khong phan biet chap trc.
immeasureable minds.
Ngha la thng xot cu o ma khong co hau y li
dung. Chang han nh v thay ngi giau ep, sang Heart of inherent purity, knowing the mind
ca, van van, nen gia bo T Bi e dung y va mu is immovable, not having any attachments:
tnh cac viec rieng t co li cho mnh. ay ch Tam tanh thanh tnh, v biet tam bat ong vo
c goi la Ai Kien, ngha la thay giau ep ma trcSee Ten kinds of heart of Great
sanh khi long thng theo loi troi buoc cua Enlightening Beings (I).
chung sanh, ch khong phai la T BiSee Ten Heart of joy: Tam hySee Four immeasureable

Heart of joy in progress toward salvation of Heart of renunciation: Tam xaXa tamSee
others: Hy tamSee Ten Dwelling Minds. Ten Dwelling Minds.
Heart of kindness: Tam tSee Four Heart shape: Tam tngSee Manifestation of
immeasureable minds, and Ten Dwelling Minds. mind in action.
Heart of knowledge of sentient beings, Heart of a spell: Chu tam.
adapting to their understanding and Heart Sutra: Bat Nha tam KinhThe
inclinations to emancipate them: Tam biet Prajnaparamita Hridaya SutraOne of the
chung sanh, v tuy theo cho hieu biet va s thch smallest sutras, contained in the Vast
cua ho ma lam cho ho xuat lySee Ten kinds of Prajnaparamita. The full title of this sutra is
heart of Great Enlightening Beings (I). Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra. Probably the
most popular sutra in the world today. The Heart
Heart like a monkey: See Y Ma and Tam
Sutra explains the meaning of Prajna Paramita,
the perfection of wisdom that enables one to
Heart of the Mahayana: Mind of the
perceive clearly the emptiness of self and of all
MahayanaSeeking the mind of Buddha by
phenomena. The Heart Sutra is the heart of the
means of MahayanaTam ai Tha.
perfection of wisdom; it is also the heart of the
Heart or mind delivered from desire: Tam entire family of Prajna Paramita Sutras.Mot
giai thoatSee Two kinds of deliverance (E). trong nhng bo kinh ngan nhat trong kinh Bat Nha
Heart or mind delivered from ignorance by Ba La Mat a. Ten ay u la Bat Nha Ba La Mat
wisdom: Hue giai thoatSee Two kinds of a Tam Kinh. Co le la bo kinh pho thong nhat
deliverance (E). tren the gii ngay nay. Tam Kinh giang giai ngha
Heart-mirror: Tam CanhTam knhThe ly cua Bat Nha Ba La Mat a, Ba La Mat ve Tr
heart-mirror, or mirror of the mind, which must be Tue lam cho ngi ta nhan biet ro rang ve tanh
kept clean if it is to reflect the TruthTam kieng khong cua ban nga va van hu. Tam kinh la tam
tam, can phai c gi gn cho sach se e thau cua Bat Nha Ba La Mat; no la tam cua gia nh
suot c chan ly van phap. bo kinh Bat Nha Ba La Mat a Tam Kinh.
Heart of nonregression, never ceasing until See Prajna-paramita Hridaya Sutra.
enlightenment is reached: Tam chang thoi Heart of unity or amity: ong tamSee Ten
chuyen, v nhan en qua Bo e tron chang thoi Dwelling Minds.
dtSee Ten kinds of heart of Great Heart of wisdom: Hue tamTam hueSee
Enlightening Beings (I). Ten Dwelling Minds.
Heart of perseverance, accumulating Hearten (v):
embellishing virtuous practices: Tam chang 1) ReassureRestore someone to serenity
li, v cha nhom hanh tng hao phc c Chieu du.
See Ten kinds of heart of Great Enlightening 2) Tham nhap noi tam.
Beings (I). Heartened: Quiet the heart, or mindBe at
Heart of pity: Mind of compassionTam bi restReassuredAn tam.
See Compassion, Four immeasureable minds, and Heartily: Het longTo be devoted to.
Ten Dwelling Minds. Heat (n): Tjas (skt)Tejo (p)Sc nong.
Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra: Tam Kinh 1) Hoa ai (Noan) Fire or heat. Fire element
Bat Nha Ba La Mat aSee Prajna-paramita includes both heat and cold, and fire element
Hridaya Sutra. possesses the power of maturing bodies, they
Heart is pure: Tam thanh tnhSee Seven are vitalizing energy. Preservation and decay
flowers of enlightenment (A). are due to this element. After death, the
Heart-rending: au longHeart broken. element of fire is lost and the body gradually
becomes coldLa (nhng mon gay ra sc
nong e lam am than va lam tieu hoa nhng

th ta an uong vao). Hoa ai bao gom ca hi they cannot recognize the truth of suffering. So
nong lanh, va chung co sc manh lam xac heaven is seen as undesirable in Buddhism,
than tang trng, chung la nang lng sinh because gods inevitably exhaust their good karma
kh. S bao ton va phan huy la do thanh phan and are reborn in one of the lower realms of
nay.Sau khi ta chet, chat la trong ngi tat existence, where they again become subject to
mat, v the nen than xac dan dan lanhSee suffering. Thus the final goal of any Buddhists
Four Elements. should be a liberation of all kinds of existence in
2) There are three heats, or three kinds of the cycle of rebirthTheo t ien, heaven co
burningCo ba noi kho auSee Three ngha la tru x cua ch Thien. Tuy nhien, vi
heats. ngi Phat t, thien anh hay a eu ay,
3) Noan xuc hay thay than the nong nh la: ngay trong the gii nay. ieu nay co ngha la ban
See Eight physical sensations. co the tao ra thien ang hay a nguc ngay ni the
Heat of the day: Gia tra (luc nong nhat trong gian nay. That la ky quac khi tao tac bao nhieu ac
ngay). nghiep roi ch n thuan tin tng hay cau nguyen
Heatless: Anavatapta (skt)Vo nhiet. ma co c thien ang. Niem tin theo Phat giao
that n gian, neu ban song va hanh x hoa hp
Heatless heaven: Tri Vo NhietNo-Heat
vi nhng nguyen ly ao c th ban co the tao
HeavenNo heat from worries and affliction
c thien ang tai ay, ngay ni the gian nay. V
Ni khong con sc nong cua lo au phien nao na.
bang ngc lai th ban se tao a nguc cung ngay
Heaven (n): Thien angAccording to
tren the gian nay. Phat t thuan thanh chang bao
dictionary, heaven means the dwelling place of
gi trong ngong mot thien ang ni nao khac e
the deity. However, for a Buddhist, both heaven
ban thng cho cuoc song c hanh, hay mot a
and hell are right here, right in this world. That is
nguc e trng phat ke xau ac, c hanh hay xau
to say you can create your own heaven or hell
ac t chung co nhng hau qua khong the tranh
right here in this world. Its ridiculous to create all
c ngay trong kiep nay. Nhng hau qua o
kinds of unwholesome deeds, then simply with
chnh la thien ang hay a nguc ngay trong
faith or praying you can create a heaven. Buddhist
nhng giay phut nay. Van hoc Phat giao ham
belief in heaven is simple, if you live and act
cha qua nhieu s mieu ta ve cac canh gii trong
according to moral principles, you can create your
o chung sanh sanh vao do hau qua cua nhng
own heaven right here in this world. If not, you
viec lam trong qua kh cua ho. Theo A Ty at
can also create the hell on this earth itself. Sincere
Ma Cau Xa Luan, co sau coi tri duc gii va 17
Buddhists never expect a heaven elsewhere to
coi tri sac gii. Chung sanh sanh vao cac coi tri
reward a virtue, or a hell to punish vice, virtue and
nay c coi nh la ch thien. Ch thien la nhng
evil have inevitable consequences in this world
chung sanh nam trong ba ieu kien tot cua s tai
itself. These consequences can be considered as
sanh do nhng nghiep lanh i trc; ho song lau
heaven or hell at the very moment. Buddhist
dai trong mot khung canh hanh phuc tren coi tri,
literature contains too many descriptions of realms
tuy van con chu chu ky tai sanh nh cac chung
in which beings are reborn as a consequence of
sanh khac. Tuy nhien, ay chnh la nhng tr ngai
their past performance. According to Abhidharma-
chnh cho bc ng tu tap cua ho v ho b mai
Kosa, there are six heavens in the Desire
me trong nhng hanh phuc o, nen khong con
Realm, and seventeen in the Form Realm.
nhan chan ra s that kho au na. V vay ma coi
Sentient beings who are born into these heavens
tri c xem nh la mot coi khong may c a
are referred to as gods. Celestial beings or gods
thch trong Phat giao, v ch thien roi se het tan
are one of the three good modes of existence as a
nghiep lanh va phai tai sanh vao cac ng thap
reward for their previous good deeds. Devas
hn, ni o ho phai tiep tuc chu kho au. Chnh
allotted a very long, happy life in the Deva
v the ma muc tieu chnh cua ngi Phat t la tu
although they are still subject to the cycle of
tap sao cho vt thoat khoi vong luan hoi sanh
rebirth. However, this happiness may constitute a
substantial hindrance on their path to liberation for

tSee Deva, Nine heavens of the fourth dhyana Heaven of beauty: Sudrsanas (skt)Thien kien
heaven, and Three kinds of heaven. thienSee Five pure-dwelling heavens in the
Heaven above: Thien thng (tren tri)The fourth dhyana (I).
heavens above, such as the six devalokas, six Heaven of boundless light: Apramanabha
rupalokas and six arupalokasNhng tang tri (skt)Vo Lng Quang ThienThe heaven of
ben tren, nh luc duc Thien, luc sac Thien va luc boundless light, the fifth of the Brahmalokas
vo sac Thien. Tri Vo Lng Quang Thien trong coi tri Pham
Heavens above and earth beneath I alone Phu th nam.
am the honoured one: Thien Thng Thien Ha Heaven of boundless space in the formless
Duy Nga oc TonThe first words attributed to realm: Akasanantyayatana (skt)Khong Vo
Sakyamuni after his first seven steps when born Bien XThe state or heaven of boundless
from his mothers right side: In the heavens (infinite) space in the formless realm. The abode
above and earth beneath I alone am the honoured of the infinite space, the formless, or immaterial
one. This is not an arrogant speaking, it bears world. The first of the Arupaloka heavens, one of
witness to an awareness of the identity of I, the the four BrahmalokasTang tri th nhat cua coi
ones own true nature or Buddha-nature with the vo sac gii (chan cac than hnh sac, mong cai
true nature of the universe, not the earthly ego. khong vo bien).
This announcement is ascribed to every Buddha, Heaven of Comfort Gained Through
as are also the same special characteristics
Others Transformations: Tri Tha Hoa T
attributed to every Buddha, hence he is the
TaiHeaven of Comfort Gained Through Others
Tathagata come in the manner of all Buddhas. In
Transformation, who do not create objects of
Mahayanism he is the type of countless other
sensual enjoyment themselves, but they control
Buddhas in countless realms and periodsTren
the objects of enjoyment for their use by their
tri di tri, rieng ta cao nhat. Tren tri di tri
attendantsCoi Tri Tha Hoa T Tai, nhng v
rieng ta ton quy nhat. o la li c Phat luc
tri o co kha nang em nhng vat ma ngi
Ngai mi giang sanh t ben sn phai Hoang Hau
khac tao nen at di quyen ieu khien cua mnh.
Ma Da va bc bay bc au tien. ay khong
Heavens of Comfort from Transformation:
phai la mot cau noi cao ngao ma la cau noi e
Tha Hoa T Tai ThienSee Seven Heavens in
chng to roi ay Ngai se hieu c s ong nht
the Form Realm (A).
cua ban tanh that cua toan vu tru, ch khong phai
la ban nga theo the tuc. Li tuyen bo nay cung la Heaven who creates objects of sensual
thng phap cua ch Phat ba i. oi vi ai enjoyment by thought in accordance with
Tha, Ngai la tieu bieu cho vo lng ch Phat their desires: Tri Hoa LacThe realm of
trong vo lng kiep. Heaven of Desire where the gods have the power
Heaven above thought: Akanistha (skt) to create objects of sensual enjoyment by thought,
Asamjni-sattvah (skt)Vo Tng Thien in accordance with their desiresCoi tri Duc
Absence of thinkingNo Thought Heaven gii ni ma ch Thien co kha nang tao ra nhng
Thoughtless HeavenSee Fourth Dhyana thu vui bang t tng, tuy theo s thch cua ho.
Heaven (II) (4) and Nine heavens of the fourth Heavens of desire: Desire heavensDuc Gii
dhyana heaven. ThienSee Six Desire Heavens.
Heaven of beautiful presentation: Sudrsa Heavens of desire or passion: Duc thien.
(skt)Thien Hien ThienHeaven of Beautiful Heavens of the Desire Realm as a Nirvana:
Presentation, the third heaven in the five pure- Duc Gii lam Niet BanSee Five kinds of
dwelling heavensCoi Tri th ba trong Ngu immediate nirvana.
Tnh C ThienSee Five pure-dwelling heavens Heavens and devas: Ch Thien tam hng
in the fourth dhyana (I). There are eight heavens and devas at the eight
points of the compassCo tam coi Tri va ch

Thien tam hngSee Eight heavens and Heaven of great fruit or abundant merits:
devas at the eight points of the compass. The 12th BrahmalokaBroad Phala heaven
Heavens in the form realm: Co bay Tang Tri Quang Qua ThienSee Nine heavens of the
Sac GiiThere are seven Heavens in the Form fourth dhyana heaven and Four dhyana heavens.
RealmSee Seven heavens in the form realm. Heavens and hells: Thien ngucDevalokas and
Heaven of the Four Kings: Catur-maha- purgatories, places of reward or punishment for
rajakayika (skt)Catumaharajika (p)T Thien moral conductThien ang a nguc.
vng Thien. Heaven King: Maharajas-kayikas (skt)Thien
1) The Heaven of the four kings. The Four eHo The T Thien VngFour Heavenly
Heavenly Great Kings, the lowest realm. (Guardian) Kings, or lords of the Four Quarters,
These are four Heaven kings or Lokapalas of who serve Indra as his generals, and rule over the
the Heaven of the Four Kings, each four continents surrounding Mount Sumeru. These
protecting one of the four quarters of space, Heaven kings or Lokapalas of the Heaven of the
the guardians of the world and of the Buddhist Four Kings, each protecting one of the four
faith. This first-level heaven is halfway up quarters of space, the guardians of the world and
Sumeru Moountain and in each of its of the Buddhist faith. This first-level heaven is
directions, North, South, East, WestT ai halfway up Sumeru Moountain and in each of its
Thien Vng la canh gii thap nhat. ay la directions, North, South, East, WestBon v thien
bon v Thien vng coi Tri T Thien vng phuc vu tri e Thch, va cai quan bon coi
Vng, moi v canh gi mot phng, y noi tri xung quanh nui Tu Di. Nhng v Thien vng
Than Ho Phap. Coi Tri th nht nay nam nay coi Tri T Thien Vng, moi v canh gi
gia chng nui Tu Di. Moi v moi hng, mot phng, y noi Than Ho Phap. Coi Tri th
Bac, Nam, ong, Tay (Kinh Duy Ma Cat, nht nay nam gia chng nui Tu Di. Moi v moi
pham Phng Tien: Ho the t thien vng la hng, Bac, Nam, ong, Tay (Kinh Duy Ma Cat,
nhng v bao ve chung sanh thoat khoi s tan pham Phng Tien: Ho the t thien vng la
hai cua cac loai quy than ac oc.)See Six nhng v bao ve chung sanh thoat khoi s tan hai
desire heavens. cua cac loai quy than ac oc.)See Four
2) Reborn in the Heavens of the four deva kings. Heavenly (Guardian) Kings.
This is one of the eight happy conditions in Heaven king of Name of Freedom: T Tai
which one may be reborn so that one can Danh Thien VngSee King of the Teaching.
keep the five commandments and the ten
Heaven of Lesser Light: Tri Thieu Quang.
good ways and bestows almsay la mot
Heaven of lesser Purity: Tri Thieu Tnh.
trong tam ieu kien tai sanh hanh phuc khi
chung ta tr gi ngu gii va thap thien cung Heaven of Light Sound: Tri Quang Am.
nh bo thSee Eight fields for cultivating Heaven of limitless knowledge: Thc x thien
blessedness. The second of the four formless heavens
Heaven free from all trouble: Vo phien (Catur-arupya-brahmalokas)Thc Vo Bien X,
thienSee Five pure-dwelling heavens in the coi tri th hai trong t Vo Sac Thien.
fourth dhyana (I). Heaven of Limitless Light: Tri Vo Lng
Heaven of full knowledge: See Tri Tuc Thien Quang.
Heaven full of wonderful joy: Dieu Thien Tuc Heavens of limitless perception: Thc Vo
ThienCung Tri au Suat, ni co ay niem vui Bien X, ni chung sanh tru ni thcLimitless
ky dieuSee Tushita Heaven. perception (the second of the formless realms).
**See Nine realities.
Heavens of the gods: ThienSee Deva.
Heaven of Limitless Purity: Tri Vo Lng
Heaven of the Great Brahma Lord: Tri ai

Heavens of limitless space: Khong Vo Bien nao chang nhiemSee Ten kinds of palace of
X, ni chung sanh khong x truLimitless great enlightening beings.
space (First of the formless realms)See Nine Heaven as a pure Buddha-land: Tnh Phat
realities. Thien (cung tri ni ch Phat ong c)See
Heaven of Lovely Form: Ai Than ThienThe Three kinds of heaven.
heaven of lovely form in the desire realm which is Heaven of pure dwelling: Tnh C ThienSee
above the devalokas (thien hien)V Tri Ai Pure abode heaven and Seven Heavens in the
Than coi Duc gii co hnh thc tuyet dieu. Form Realm (A).
Heaven messengers: Deva-messengersThien Heaven of purity: Tnh C ThienSee Pure
s giaThere are five great lictors or deva- abode heaven.
messengers (five duta)Ngu Thien S Gia hay Heavens of satisfaction: au SuatSee
nam s gia lnSee Five great lictors and Three Tushita Heaven.
messengers. Heavens in space: Khong c Thien.
Heaven of the Multitudes of Brahma: Tri Heaven spirit: Than tren Tri.
Pham Chung.
Heaven of the Station of Boundless
Heaven of the Ministers of Brahma: Tri Consciousness: Thc XSee Four formless
Pham Phu.
jhanas (B).
Heaven by name or title: T Thien (divine Heaven of the Station of Boundless
king, son of king, etc)See Three kinds of
Emptiness: Khong XSee Four formless
heaven (A).
jhanas (B).
Heavens net: Li triDivine justice.
Heaven of the Station of Neither Thought
Heaven of no heat or distress: Atapas (skt)
nor Non-Thought: Phi Tng Phi Phi Tng
Vo nhiet thienUnworriedSee Five pure-
XSee Four formless jhanas (B).
dwelling heavens in the fourth dhyana (I).
Heaven of the Station of Nothing
Heavens of non thought: Phi Tng Phi Phi
Tng, ni chung sanh hu tng vo tng x Whatsoever: Vo S Hu XSee Four
Beyond thought or non thought (the fourth formless jhanas (B).
formless realms)See Nine realities. Heaven of Thirty Three: Trayastrimsha (skt)
Heavens of No-Return: Five Pure Dwelling Tavatimsa (p)Cung Tri ao Li (Ba Mi Ba
HeavensTnh C ThienNam coi tri Tnh Tang Tri).
CSee Seven Heavens in the Form Realm (B). (A) Heaven in the realm of Desire, with thirty-two
god-kings presided over by Indra, located at
Heavens of nothingness: Vo S Hu X, ni
the sumit of Mount SumeruCung tri Duc
chung sanh bat dung x truNothingness, the
gii, ni co ba mi v thien vng va c
place beyong things (the third of the formless
chu tr bi v tri e Thch. Cung tri nay toa
realms)See Nine realities.
lac tren nh nui Tu DiSee Trayastrimsas.
Heavens of Others Transformation: Tha
(B) The Thirty-Three Heavens, the realm of the
Hoa ThienSee Seven Heavens in the Form
thirty-three gods, where Sakka is the Lord, or
Realm (A).
King of gods: Coi tri ba mi ba tang, canh
Heaven as a place of rebirth: Heaven of the gii cua ba mi ba v tri, ni o e Thch
godsTai sanh ThienSee Three kinds of la Thien ChuSee Six desire heavens (2).
heaven (A).
Heaven of Thirty Three Gods: Trayastrimsha
Heaven of pure abodes: Birth in the heaven of (skt)Tavatimsa (p)Cung Tri ao Li (Ba
pure abodes is a palace of Enlightening Beings Mi Ba Tang Tri)See Six desire heavens (2)
because no afflictions can affect themSanh Tnh and Seven Heavens in the Form Realm (A).
C Thien la cung ien cua Bo Tat, v tat ca phien
Heaven of transformation of bliss:
Nirmanarati (skt)Nimmanarati (p)Lac Bien

Hoa ThienThe transformation of Bliss Heaven. destroys pains, the realm of the Yama godsDa
The realm of the devas who delight in creation of Ma Thien la coi tri diet kho cua hoi chung Thien
their ownCoi tri hay thch bien hoa, con goi la Da MaSee Six desire heavens (3).
Hoa Lac Thien. Hoa Lac la coi tri cua ch Thien Heavenly (a): Thuoc ve Thien ang.
tm lac thu cong trnh sang tao cua chnh Heavenly beings: Deva (skt)e baTnh C
mnhSee Six desire heavens (5). Thien DanThien THeavenly beings or
Heaven of transformation of others bliss: beings who live in the various Heavens. Heavenly
Parinimmita-vasavati (p)Tha Hoa T Tai beings who have ended sexually desires. They
ThienThe heaven of devas who delight or gain exist in the Form Heavens (No-Thought, No
the comfort from others bliss (Comfort Gained Affliction, No-Heat, Good-View, Ultimate
From The Transformation of Others Bliss), or Form)Ch Thien c ngu tren cac coi tri.
delight in others creationCoi tri co the khien Nhng chung sanh a cham dt dam duc trong coi
t tai bien hoa t s hy lac cua ngi khac hay t tri sac gii.
cong trnh sang tao cua ngi khacSee Six Heavenly deity: Thien than.
desire heavens (6).
Heavenly dragons: Naga (skt)Loai rong, co
Heaven-Traveling Immortals: Heaven- than thong bien hoa, hoac gi cung ien tri, hoac
Traveling rsiThien hanh tienSee Ten kinds of gi a luan, hoac lam ma gio.
immortals (5).
Heavenly ear: Thien nh.
Heaven of Tushita: Tushita (skt)Tusita (p) Heavenly eye: Deva-Cakkhu (p)Thien nhan
au Suat Thien hay Tri Hy Tuc hay Tri vui
Celestial (god or deva) eyeUnlimited eye
mng thoa manThe Tushita HeavenTusita is
Attainable by men in dhyanaMat cua ch Thien
the heaven of delight, for happy dwellersau
coi tri sac gii, nhng ngi pham tu thien
Suat Thien la coi tri hoan lac danh cho ch
nh van at c loai mat nay (vi thien nhan th
Thien an tru trong hanh phucSee Six desire
chang luan xa gan, trong ngoai, sang toi, eu thay
heavens (4).
c het)See Five kinds of eyes or vision.
Heaven of Universal Purity: Tri Bien Tnh. Heavenly fairies: Thien TienSee Deva-rsis
Heavens of utmost light and purity: and Ten kinds of Immortals.
Abhasvara (skt)Light-Sound HeavensQuang
Heavenly hall: Mansion of the devasThien
Am ThienSee Abhasvara.
Heaven without affliction: Anavatapta (skt) Heavenly king: Maharajas-kayikas (skt)Thien
Vo NhietSee Heaven without heat, Nine
eSee Heaven King.
heavens of the fourth dhyana heaven, and Four
Heavenly music: Thien NhacCelestial music,
dhyana heavens.
the music of the inhabitants of the heavens. One
Heaven without form: Arupaloka or
of the three joys of that of those in the
Arupadhatu (skt)Vo sac giiSee Four dhyana
heavensNhac tri hay nhac cua ch Thien. Mot
trong ba th hy lac cua ch Thien.
Heaven without heat: Anavatapta HeavenVo Heavenly palace of Avalokitesvara: Potalaka
Nhiet ThienAnavatapta or Atapta heaven,
(skt)Bo a lac caQuan Am Tnh o.
without heat or affliction, the second of the five
Heavenly regions: Khong c thien.
pure-dwelling heavens, in the fourth dhyana
heavenTang tri th hai cua Ngu Tnh C Heavenly Terrace Mountain: Thien Thai
Thien trong T Thien Thien, coi tri vo phien vo SnThe Tien-Tai or Heavenly Terrace
naoSee Nine heavens of the fourth dhyana mountain, Tai-Chou, South China, the location of
heaven, and Four dhyana heavens. the Tien-Tai sect; its name is attributed to the
Three Stairs Six Stars at the foot of Ursa Major,
Heaven of the Yama: Suyama (skt)Yama
under which it is supposed to be, but more likely
(p)To Da Ma Thien hay Da Ma Thien hay Tu
because of its height and appearance. It gives its
Diem Ma ThienYama is the heaven that

name to a hsien in the Chekiang Taichow the mind of human beings. He knows that the
prefecture, southwest of Ningpo. The monastery, foolish indulge in heedlessness, while the
or group of monasteries was founded there by wise protect heedfulness. So he advises the
Chih-I, who is known as the Tien-Tai Great wise with right effort, heedfulness and
MasterNui Thien Thai, ni xuat phat cua tong discipline to build up an island which no flood
phai Thien Thai. Ten Thien Thai dung e ch can overflow. Who is heedless before but
chan nui Tien Ha Lnh, Thai Chau, mien Nam afterwards heedless no more, will outshine
Trung Hoa, ni co Tam ai Luc Tinh, ni ma this world, like a moon free from clouds. To
Chih-I (Tr Khai) hay ai S Thien Thai a xay the Buddhas, a person who has conquered
dng nhng t vien va sang lap ra tong phai nay. thousands of thousands of people in the
Heavenward (adv): Hng ve Thien ang. battlefield cannot be compared with a person
Heaviness: Trong xuc hay hon tramThay than who is victorious over himself because he is
the nang neSee Eight physical sensations. truly a supreme winner. A person who
controls himself will always behave in a self-
Heavy karma, perfunctory practice: Nghiep
tamed way. And a self well-tamed and
nang tu vung.
restrained becomes a worthy and reliable
Heavy mountain of delusion: Trong Sn
refuge, very difficult to obtain. A person who
Phien nao chat chong nh nui nang.
knows how to sit alone, to sleep alone, to
Heavy penalty: ai HnhPenalty of more than walk alone, to subdue oneself alone will take
five years of imprisonment, with or without hard delight in living in deep forests. Such a person
labor, or deportation to a penal settlementHnh is a trustworthy teacher because being well
phat tren nam nam tu giam vi lao ong kho sai, tamed himself, he then instructs others
hay b truc xuat. accordingly. So the Buddha advises the well-
Heavy responsibility: Trong trach. tamed people to control themselves. Only the
Heavy stone on the head: anh thachIn well tamed people, the heedful people, know
Buddhism, to carry transmigration is like to the way to stop contentions, quarrels and
carry a heavy stone on the head. One must try to disputes and how to live in harmony, in
get rid of it with speed, the sooner the better friendliness and in peacec Phat biet ro
Trong ao Phat, mang kiep luan hoi sanh t tam t cua chung sanh moi loai. Ngai biet
cung giong nh la mang khoi a nang tren nh rang ke ngu si chuyen song i phong dat
au. Ngi ta phai co gang dep bo no that nhanh, buong lung, con ngi tr thi khong phong
cang sm cang tot. tung. Do o Ngai khuyen ngi co tr no lc
Hectoring and bullying: Cao thinh hien oai hay kheo che ng, t xay dng mot hon ao ma
noi phach nhng li manh d hoac noi huenh nc lut khong the ngap tran. Ai trc kia
hoang e cau li dngSee Five kinds of song phong ang nay khong phong dat se
deviant livelihood. choi sang i nay nh trang thoat may che.
Hedoism (n): Chu ngha khoai lacBelieve that oi vi ch Phat, mot ngi chien thang
human beings comprised of four elements (earth, ngan quan ch chien trng khong the so
water, fire and air). When people die, nothing sanh vi ngi a t chien thang mnh, v t
remained. chien thang mnh la chien thang toi thng.
Hedonistic (a): Thuoc ve chu ngha khoai lac. Mot ngi t ieu phuc mnh thng song
che ng. Va mot t nga kheo che ng va
Heed (n): Chuyen tam.
kheo ieu phuc tr thanh mot iem ta co gia
Heed (v) someones advice: e tam en li tr va ang tin cay, that kho tm c. Ngi
khuyen cua ai. nao ngoi nam mot mnh, oc hanh khong
Heedlessness (n): Phong Dat. buon chan, biet t ieu phuc, ngi nh vay
(I) An overview of Heedlessness: Tong quan co the song thoai mai trong rng sau. Ngi
ve Phong DatThe Buddha knows very well nh vay se la bac ao S ang tin cay, v

rang t kheo ieu phuc mnh roi mi day cho chan, mot mnh t ieu luyen, vui trong chon
ngi khac kheo ieu phuc. Do vay c Phat rng sau.
khuyen moi ngi hay t co ieu phuc mnh. 7) You are your own protector. You are your
Ch nhng ngi kheo ieu phuc, nhng own refuge. Try to control yourself as a
ngi khong phong dat mi biet con ng merchant controls a noble steed: Chnh cac
cham dt tranh luan, cai va, gay han va biet ngi la ke bao ho cho cac ngi, chnh cac
song hoa hp, than ai va song hanh phuc ngi la ni nng nau cho cac ngi. Cac
trong hoa bnh. ngi hay gang ieu phuc lay mnh nh
(II) The Buddhas teachings on Heedlessness in thng khach lo ieu phuc con nga mnh.
the Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day Hegemony (n): Quyen ba chu.
ve Phong Dat trong kinh Phap Cu: Heian (jap): Trieu ai Bnh An (Nhat Ban).
1) One who conquers himself is greater than one
Height and stretch or arms equal: Than hnh
who is able to conquer a thousand men in the
cao ln va can phanSee Thirty-two auspicious
battlefield: Thang ngan quan ch cha the
goi la thang, t thang c mnh mi la chien
Heikemonogatari (jap): Tac pham Bnh Gia Vat
cong oanh liet nht.
Ng Luan.
2) Self-conquest is, indeed, better than the
conquest of all other people. To conquer Heishi (jap): Dong ho Bnh Th (Nhat Ban).
onself, one must be always self-controlled Hekiganshu (jap): PiyenluBch Nham Luc
and disciplined ones action: T thang mnh See Pi-Yen-Lu.
con ve vang hn thang ke khac. Muon thang Held in unenlightenment: Si thu.
mnh phai luon luon che ng long tham duc. Hell (n): Niraya (skt) or Naraka-gati (skt)a
3) Oneself is indeed ones own saviour, who ngucSee Seven states of sentient beings.
else could be the saviour? With self-control (I) The state of being in Hell. This is the lowest
and cultivation, one can obtain a wonderful and most miserable condition of existence.
saviour: Chnh t mnh lam cho nng cho Sentient being (alaya-consciousness) is
mnh, ch ngi khac lam sao nng c? condemned to stay in Hell due to his worse
T mnh kheo tu tap mi at en cho nng karma. In the hellish path, the sufferings there
da nhiem mau. are so great that no words can describe
4) Whoever was formerly heedless and thema Nguc ao, tieng Phan la Naraka,
afterwards overcomes his sloth; such a person ngha la lanh u moi s kho nao, khong an
illuminates this world just like the moon when vui. ay la canh gii a nguc. ay la ieu
freed from clouds: Ngi nao trc buong kien song thap nhat va khon kho nhat. Chung
lung sau lai tinh tan, ngi o la anh sang sanh (A-Lai-Da thc) b oa vao a nguc v
chieu coi the gian nh vang trang ra khoi nhng hanh vi oc ac lam nhieu ieu toi loi
may mu. hai ngi hai vat (loai nay cho toi tam, b
5) Before teaching others, one should act tra tan thng xuyen do toi hanh nghiep
himself as what he teaches. It is easy to chieu cam). Trong coi a nguc th s kho
subdue others, but to subdue oneself seems khong co but mc nao ma ta cho xietSee
very difficult: Neu muon khuyen ngi khac Three evil paths and Three evil realms.
nen lam nh mnh, trc hay t sa mnh roi (II) Buddhist cosmology includes numerous
sau sa ngi, v t sa mnh von la ieu kho realms in which sentient beings are reborn as
nht. a result of their past actions. Hell or earth
6) He who sits alone, sleeps alone, walks and prison is one of the six gati or ways of
stands alone, unwearied; he controls himself, transmigration, the downward path to hell.
will find joy in the forest: Ngoi mot mnh, Hell is a place of joyless and suffering.
nam mot mnh, i ng mot mnh khong buon According to the Abhidharma, composed by
Bhikkhu Bodhi, Hell (Niraya) is the lowest

plane of existence, the place of most intense a NgucTam a nguc nong trong vung
suffering. It is said that beings in the Hell Nam cua chau Diem Phu e:
have to suffer the result of their evil deeds in 1) Samjiva hells: Sanjiva (p)ang Hoat (Canh
the past, they are subject to physical and hoat) a NgucTng a NgucRebirth,
psychological suffering in direct proportion to where after many kinds of suffering, a cold
the negative actions they performed in their wind blows over the soul and returns it to this
past lives. They are subject to a range of life as it was before. The hell in which the
tortures, including being played alive, burned, denizens are chopped, stabbed, ground, and
frozen, and tortured by demons. However, pounded, but by a cool wind are brought back
this is not a permanent hell, once these beings to life, to undergo renewed tormentSau
pay all retributions for their past nhieu nhuc hnh kho s, nh chat, am, bam,
unwholesome karmas, they can be reborn in a chem, tuy the sau mot cn gio lanh thoi va
better and happier plane owing to their past tam thc va mang no tr lai tran the hay dan
wholesome karmas. The best-known hells are dan tnh lai nh trc e tiep tuc tho hnh.
the eight hot hells and the eight cold hells, 2) Black chains hells: Kalasutra (skt)Kalasutta
each of which is surrounded by sixteen (p)Hac Thang a NgucWhere the
subsidiary hells. According to Buddhist sufferer is bound with black chains and
doctrines, the lowest level of hell is called chopped or sawn asunderNi nhng toi
Avici, in which beings have uninterrupted pham b buoc bang day xch en, roi b bam
tormentVu tru hoc Phat giao bao gom va ca ra tng manh.
nhieu canh gii trong o chung sanh phai tai 3) Samghata hells: Sanghata (p)Tuyen Hp
sanh vao do hau qua cua nhng nghiep trong (Chung hp) a NgucWhere are
i qua kh. a nguc la mot trong sau ng multitudes of implements of torture, or the
sanh t luan hoi, la con ng i xuong, ni falling of mountains upon the suffererNi
khong vui ma ch co kho s. Theo Vi Dieu ma nhieu hnh phat sup nui e len toi nhan.
Phap cua Ngai Bhikkhu Bodhi, a nguc la 4) Hells of crying and wailing: Raurava (skt)
canh gii sinh ton thap nht, ni co nhieu Roruva (p)Hieu Kieu a Nguca nguc
canh kho, ni chung sanh phai tra nhng ma toi nhan than khoc.
nghiep bat thien a tao trong qua kh, ho 5) Hells of great wailing: Maharaurava (skt)
phai chu kho hnh ve the chat va tam ly ty le Maharoruva (p)ai Kieu a Nguca
thuan trc tiep vi nhng nghiep ac ma ho a nguc ni toi nhan than khoc khong ngng.
lam trong nhng i qua kh. Ho phai chu 6) Hells of flames and burning: Tapana (skt &
nhng cc hnh bao gom lot da song, ot p)Viem Nhiet a NgucNi toi nhan b
chay, ong lanh lai, va b bon quy hanh ha. la ot.
Tuy nhien, ay khong phai la a nguc trng 7) The hottest hells: Mahatapana (skt & p)
cu, en luc tra xong nghiep xau, chung sanh Hells of molten leadsai Nhiet (ai thieu
bat hanh co the tai sanh vao mot canh gii chchai viem nhiet) a Nguc. a nguc
khac, an vui hanh phuc nh vao cac nghiep nong nhat trong tam a nguc nong ni ay
thien. Nhng a nguc noi tieng la bat nhiet moi vat eu b nau chay ra.
va bat han a nguc, moi a nguc chnh lai 8) Avici hell: Avici (skt & p)Vo Gian a
co 16 a nguc phu. a nguc thap nhat theo NgucThe last of the eight hot hells, or
giao thuyet nha Phat la nguc A Ty, chung unintermitted suffering, where sinners die and
sanh trong o phai chu cc hnh khong gian are reborn to suffer without interval (in which
oan. punishment, pain, birth, death continue
(III) Categories of HellsPhan loai a Nguc: without intermission)Ni toi nhan b hnh
(A) Central or radical hellsCan Ban a Nguc: phat au n chet roi tai sanh khong ngng
(A1)The eight hot hells, located under the e chu kho.
southern continent of JambudvipaBat Nhiet

(A2)The eight cold hellsBat Han a Nguc opening from each such door are four
Tam a nguc lanh: adjacent hells16 a nguc phu can.
1) Arbuda hells: At Phu a a NgucWhere (C) Isolate hells: Lokantarika (skt)Co oc a
the cold causes blistersNi toi nhan luon b NgucIsolate hells situated in space, or in
bong giop v lanh. mountains, deserts, below and above the
2) Nirarbuda hells: Ni Che Bo a a Nguc eartha nguc co oc toa lac ni khong
Colder condition causing the blisters to burst trung hay vung nui, sa mac, va ben di at
to cause even more painfulNi o lanh en (moi toi nhan b ay vao a nguc nay tuy
noi nhng bong giop b be ra gay au n vo nghiep cua tng ngi khac nhau ma b ay
cung. rieng nhng ni khac nhau).
3) Atata hells: At Triet XaWhere there is the (IV) Various kinds of hellsCac loai a nguc
only possible sound from frozen lipsNi ch khac nhau:
co am thanh t oi moi ong a. 1) Hell of Blood Drinking: a Nguc Am
4) Apapa hells: Habava (skt)A Ba Ba a Huyet.
NgucWhere it is so cold that only this 2) Hell of Brazen Locks: a Nguc ong Toa.
sound can be utteredNi qua lanh nen ch 3) Hell of Burning Feet: Thieu Cc a
co am A Ba la nghe c. Nguc.
5) Huhuva hells: Ahaha, Hahadhara, Hahava 4) Hell of Burning Hands: a Nguc Thieu
(skt)Ho Ho Ba a NgucWhere only this
sound can be uttered. This is where the
5) Hell of Crying Out: a Nguc Kieu Oan.
condemned neither stir nor speak, but the cold
air passing through their throats produces this
6) Hell of Dung and Urine: a Nguc Phan
sound (ahaha, hahadhara, hahava, or huhuva).
This hell is unknown to the Southern 7) Hell of Eye Pecking: am Nhan a Nguc.
BuddhismNi lanh qua nen toi nhan chang 8) Hell of Fiery Arrows: a Nguc Hoa Tien.
thot ra li, duy ch co am thanh Ho ho ba 9) Hell of Fire Beams: a Nguc Hoa Lng.
xuyen qua co hong cua ho la nghe c. Phat 10) Hell of Fire Beds: a Nguc Hoa Sang.
giao Nam Tong khong co y niem ve loai a 11) Hell of the fire chariot: Hoa Xa a
nguc nay. NgucSee Hell of fire chariot.
6) Blue lotus hells: Utpalau Bat La a 12) Hell of Fire Dog: a Nguc Hoa Cau.
NgucWhere the skin is frozen like blue 13) Hell of Fire Eagle: a Nguc Hoa ng.
lotus budsNi da ong a nh nhng bong 14) Hell of Fire Elephan: a Nguc Hoa Tng.
sen xanh.
15) Hell of Fire Horses and Oxen: a Nguc
7) Great lotus hells: PadmaBat ac La a
Hoa Ngu.
NgucWhere the skin is frozen and bursts
open like red lotus budsChung sanh b ret
16) Hell of Fire Mountains: a Nguc Hoa Sn.
cat da, ni da ong lai va v tung ra nh 17) Hell of Fire Rooms: a Nguc Hoa Oc.
nhng bong sen o. 18) Hell of Fire Stones: a Nguc Hoa Thach.
8) Great Red Lotus Hells: Maha-padma (skt) 19) Hell of Fire Wolves: a Nguc Hoa Lang.
Ma Ha Bat ac Ma a NgucWhere it is 20) Hell of Flaying Skin: a Nguc Bac B.
very cold that the skin is frozen and bursts 21) Hell of Flowing Fire: Lu Hoa a Nguc.
open like great red lotus budsHong Lien 22) Hell of Impaling Thorns: a Nguc ao
ai Hong Lien a Nguc. Ni qua lanh lam Thch.
cho da ong lai va v tung ra nh nhng nu 23) Hell of Iron-Asses: Thiet L a Nguc.
sen o. 24) Hell of Iron-Ax: a Nguc Thiet Thu.
(B) Adjacent hells: a Nguc Phu (Can bien)
25) Hell of Iron-Beds: c Nguc Thiet Sang.
Secondary hellsSixteen inferior hells (each
hot hell has a door on each of its four sides,
26) Hell of Iron-Carts: Thiet Xa a Nguc.

27) Hell of Iron-Clothing: Thiet Y a Nguc. Ni tra tan va chu hnh phat chuoc toi. Theo Vu
28) Hell of Iron-Oxen: Thiet Ngu a Nguc. Tru Luan truyen thong Phat giao, ay la mot
29) Hell of Iron-Pellets: a Nguc Thiet Hoan. trong sau neo luan hoi, va cung la mot trong ba
30) Hell of Sawing Teeth: a Nguc C Nha. ng d, nhng ng khac bao gom thien,
nhan, ac than, suc sanh va nga quy. Nhng chung
31) Embracing Pillar Hell: Bao Tru a Nguc.
sanh a nguc sanh vao mot trong nhng a nguc
32) Hell of Pulling Tongues: a Nguc Bat ni o ho phai chu nhieu kho hnh tuy theo
nhng ac nghiep trong qua kh cua ho, nhng ay
33) Hell of Flying Knives: a Nguc Phi ao. khong phai la cho vo han, sau khi het nghiep, co
34) Much Hatred Hell: a Nguc a San. the c tai sanh trong mot than phan thuan li
35) Molten Brass Hell: a Nguc Dng ong. hn. Cung nh Tnh o, a nguc am ch trang thai
36) Squeezing Mountain Hell: a Nguc Giap y thc, ch khong phai la ni chon. Vu tru luan
Sn. Phat giao chia lam hai loai a nguc: hoa nguc va
37) Hell of Peircing Spears: Thong Thng a han nguc, moi loai co tam a nguc chnh, moi a
Nguc. nguc chnh co mi sau a nguc phu. Moi a
38) Hell of Plowing Tongues: Canh Thiet a nguc c cai quan bi Diem vng.
Nguc. Hell of black cords or chains: Kalasutra
39) Hell of Quarreling: Tranh Luan a Nguc. (skt)Hac Thang a Nguc (ke pham toi b cang
40) Hell of swords: ao oWhere leaves and day thng en trc khi hanh hnh). ay la mot
grasses are sharp-edged swords. trong tam a nguc nongThis is one of the eight
41) Hell of Thousand Blades: a Nguc Thien great naraka or hot hells (nhiet a nguc)See
Nhan. Hell (III) (A1).
42) Hell without respite: Vo Gian a Nguc Hell of blood: One of the three kinds of unhappy
See Avici. waysHuyet o, mot trong tam oSee Three
(B) Categories of hellsPhan loai a nguc: evil paths, and Nine states of bondage and the one
Three kinds of hellsCo ba loai a nguc state of liberation (A).
See Three kinds of hells. Hell of Blood Drinking: a Nguc Am Huyet.
Hell beings: Naraka (skt)Niraya (p) Hell of blue lotus flower: Utpata (skt) Hell of
PurgatoryHella NgucNa lac caHell blue lotus flower, the flesh being covered with
Chung sanh trong a ngucPlace of torture and sore resmebling itu Bat La a Nguc hay On
torment and retribution for bad deeds. According bat ma hay Thanh lien hoa (qua lanh nen da nt
to traditional Buddhist cosmology, this is one of n ra nh hnh cong sen)See Eight cold hells, and
the six destinies of beings within cyclic existence Utpata.
or Samsara, and also one of the three negative Hell of Brazen Locks: a Nguc ong Toa.
modes of existence, the others being gods, Hell-bridge: Nai Ha Cau (Kieu)The bridge in
humans, demi-gods, animals, and hungry ghosts. one of the hells, from which certain sinners
Hell beings are born into one of a number of hells always fallChiec cau trong a nguc, moi toi
in which they are subjected to various tortures in nhan eu phai qua va ri xuong.
accordance with their past evil deeds, but Hell of burning: Tapana (skt)an Nhiet a
existence in hells is finite, after negative karma Nguc (pham nhan b ot chay khi b hanh hnh).
has been exhausted, rebirth in another better form ay la mot trong tam a nguc nongThis is one
of existence is possible. Like the Pure Land, hells of the eight great naraka or hot hells (nhiet a
are more as a state of mind than as places. nguc)See Eight great hot hells.
Buddhist cosmology distinguishes two types of Hell of Burning Foot: a Nguc Thieu Cc.
hells: hot and cold, divided into eight main hells;
Hell of Burning Hands: a Nguc Thieu Thu.
each main hell surrounded by sixteen secondary
(subsidiary) ones. The hells are ruled by Yama

Hell of chattering teeth: Atata (skt)A a a Hell-gati: a Nguc aoa Nguc ThuThe
hay At Triet Tra hay Nghach chiet sa (tieng keu hell-destiny of reincarnation in the hells, one of
ren do qua lanh ret)See Eight cold hells. the six gati or ways of transmigrationMot trong
Hell of crushing: oi Ap a NgucThe third sau neo luan hoi cua chung sanh, nhng chung
great hell in which sinners are crushed to death sanh mac toi khi chet se b oa vao ay.
Ten goi khac cua Chung Hp a Nguc, trong a Hell of great crying: Maharaurava (skt)ai
nguc co nui ai Thach e nat than the toi nhan. Hieu Kieu a Nguc (ni tieng keu khoc cang to
Hell of Crying Out: a Nguc Kieu Oan. hn khi b hanh hnh). ay la mot trong tam a
Hell of crying and wailing: Raurava (skt) nguc nongThis is one of the eight great naraka
Hieu Kieu a Nguc (pham nhan b hanh hnh or hot hells (nhiet a nguc)See Eight great hot
keu la tham thiet). ay la mot trong tam a nguc hells.
nongThis is one of the eight great naraka or hot Hell of Great lotus flower: Pundarika (skt)
hells (nhiet a nguc)See Eight great hot hells. Phan a Li a Nguc: Maha Bat ac maai
Hell of Embracing Pillar: a Nguc Bao Tru. hong lien hoaPham nhan b lanh en o da tht
au n va co hnh nh nhng canh sen lnThe
Hell of Enlarged Arbuda: Nirabuda (skt)Ni
great lotus flower, the flesh being covered with
La Phu a hay Ni thch bo a (lanh qua nt v da
sore resembling itSee Eight cold hells, and
tht)See Eight cold hells.
Hell envoy: Hell messengerInfernal
Hell of great wailing: Maharaurava (skt)ai
emissaryQuy s.
Khieu a Ngucai Kieu Khap a Nguc
Hell of fire: One of the three kinds of unhappy
The fifth of the eight hot hellsa nguc khoc
waysHoa o, mot trong tam oSee Three
than ln, a nguc th nam trong tam nguc nong.
unhappy gati or ways, and Nine states of bondage
Hell of groaning: A Ho a NgucSee Hell.
and the one state of liberation (A).
Hell of fire chariot: Hoa Xa a NgucHells Hell of hunger: C Nga a Nguca nguc
oi, mot trong 16 a ngucOne of the sixteen
of the fire-pit with its fiery wheels, the sufferer
hellsSee Hell.
first freezes, then is tempted into the chariot
which bursts into flames and he perishes in the Hell of intermitted scorching: A Ty Tieu
fire pit, a process each sufferer repeats daily 90 Nhiet a Nguca nguc thieu ot khong
kotis of timesChung sanh trong hoa xa a nguc ngng.
thng b ong bang, roi sau o c a vao Hell of intermitted wailing: A Ty Hoan a
nhng chiec xe boc la lam thieu rui than, c nh Nguc (a nguc trong o chung sanh keu khoc
the ma trong mot ngay phai chet i song lai en khong ngng).
90 c lan. Hell of liquid fire: Hoa Thang a Nguc.
Hell of fierce heat: Pratapana (skt)ai Nhiet Hell messenger: Hell envoyInfernal
a Nguc (ni ay sc nong tang len gap boi). emissaryQuy s.
ay la mot trong tam a nguc nongThis is one Hell of no interval: Avici HellInterrupted
of the eight great naraka or hot hells (nhiet a hella Nguc Vo GianThe last of the eight
nguc)See Eight great hot hells. great hot hells where whose suffers die and
Hell of Flowing Fire: a Nguc Lu Hoa. reborn incessantlyA Ty a Nguc, a nguc
Hell of Flying Knives: a Nguc Phi ao. cuoi cung trong tam a nguc ni nhng chung
Hell of the forest of swords: Asipattra (skt) sanh toi pham chet va tai sanh khong ngng ngh.
Kiem Lam a NgucOne of the sixteen small Hell of the only sound to frozen throats:
hells, the hell of the forest of swords, or sword- Ahaha (skt)Hahava (skt)Au Hau Hau a
leaf treesMot trong mi sau tieu a nguc, a Nguc hay Ho Ho Ba (tieng keu ren h h t trong
nguc rung kiem. co hong)See Eight cold hells.

Hell of the only sound to possible to frozen Hell of tumours and blains: Arbuda (skt)At
tongues: Ababa (skt)A Ba Ba a Nguc hay Phu a a Nguc hay Nghach bo a (a nguc
Hoac hoac ba (tieng keu rt len v lanh)See qua lanh nen noi gai oc)Hell of tumours and
Eight cold hells. blainsSee Eight cold hells.
Hell of Piercing Spears: a Nguc Thong Hell of wailing: a Nguc Kieu Khap.
Thng. Help (n): S giup .
Hell of Plowing Tongues: a Nguc Canh Help (v): Giup Te o.
Thiet. 1) To aid: To relieveGiup .
Hell of Pulling Tongues: a Nguc Bat Thiet. 2) In Buddhism, to help means to help sentient
Hell of Quarreling: a Nguc Tranh Luan. beings relieve their sufferings and to ferry
them across the sea of reincarnation to the
Hell of rebirth: Sanjiva (skt)ang Hoat a
shore of nirvana: Trong Phat giao, te o co
Nguc (sau khi b hnh phat th tr lai nh cu). ay
ngha la giup chung sanh vi bt kho au va
la mot trong tam a nguc nongThis is one of
a ho qua bien luan hoi sanh t e sang b
the eight great naraka or hot hells (nhiet a
Niet Ban ben kia.
nguc)See Eight great hot hells.
Hell of Red lotus flower: Padma (skt)Ba au Help malefactors commit more crimes: Tiep
tay cho ac nhan gay them toi ac (Tang du tr hoa
Ma a NgucBat ac maHong lien hoa
hay o them dau vao la)To pour more fuel on
Pham nhan phai chu ret en o da th o len nh
the fire.
sen hongRed lotus flower, the flesh being
covered with sore resembling itSee Eight cold Help mankind: o theCu o chung sanh
hells, and Padma. To get through life; to pass safely through this life.
Also to save the world.
Hell-river: Nai HaThe inevitable river in
purgatory to be crossed by all soulsCon song Help the needy: Chan banTo relieve the poor.
trong a nguc ma moi chung sanh (linh hon) phai Help others attain enlightenment: One of the
vt qua khong the tranh c. three kinds of enlightenmentGiac tha, mot trong
Hell of Sawing Teeth: a Nguc C Nha. ba loai giac ngoSee Three kinds of
enlightenments (A).
Hell side-door: Thien MonA side door, one
through which offenders are expelledCa hong, Help others liberate: Salvationo sanh
ca ma toi nhan b tong kh (noi ve ca hong cua rescue all beings or help others liberate or free
a nguc). from delusionsTe o hay o thoat chung sanh
thoat khoi me o tam toi e en ben b giac ngo.
Hell in which all are squeezed into a mass
between two mountains falling together: Help others, not hoping for fame, praise,
Sanghata (skt)Chung Hp a Nguc (pham notoriety or for self-benefits: Giup cho
nhan cau xe lan nhau thanh mot khoi gia hai nui ngi ma chang can danh vong, khen tang, hay
roi cung rt xuong vc vi nhau). ay la mot li ch chi cho mnhSee Twelve kinds of people
trong tam a nguc nongThis is one of the eight who have truly good heart and genuine giving.
great naraka or hot hells (nhiet a nguc)See Help others relieve themselves from
Eight great hot hells. suffering: Giup ngi khac giam bt kho au.
Hell of swords: a Nguc ao oWhere the (Psychological) help: ch li ve mat tam ly.
leaves and grasses are sharp-edged swords, one of Help others without wishing for something
the three kinds of unhappy waysao o, mot in return: Lam viec giup cho ngi ma chang
trong tam oSee Three evil paths, and Nine can qua baoSee Twelve kinds of people who
states of bondage and the one state of liberation have truly good heart and genuine giving.
Help people earn merits and achieve
Hell of Thousand Blades: a Nguc Thien happiness: Giup ngi c phc va c vui.

Help poor relatives and friends: A wife tnh nh co cay thao moc cung co the thanh Phat
should help poor relatives and friends even if they (tuy nhien, theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem th chan nh
do not have the ability to repayNgi lam v tuy duyen loai hu tnh goi la Phat tanh, loai
phai giup than bang quyen thuoc ngheo kho, vo tnh goi la Phap tanh. Phat tanh va phap tanh
dau ho co tra lai c hay khongSee Ten things sai biet nen khong co cai ly loai vo tnh thanh
which the Buddha advises any father to educate Phat).
his daughter before she gets married. Herd (n): an (bay)CrowdFlock
Help the sick and their nurses: Giup ngi Multitude.
bnhBo th cho ngi bnh va giup ngi hau Herd-man: Muc ong.
bnhSee Seven grounds for a happy karma Hereafter (n): i sauKiep sauTng lai.
through benevolence to the needy. Hereditary: Gia TruyenTo be transmitted
Help someone work out his own salvation: from one generation to anotherPassed on from
Hoa o (giup ngi khac tu hanh giai thoat). parents to childTruyen lai t i nay sang i
Helper or a friend in need: Ngi ban giup khac, t cha me sang con cai.
phai c xem la ban chan thatSee Four types Heredity: Di truyen.
of people who can be seen to be loyal friends. Heresy (n): D giaoTa GiaoHeresy is
Helping fruit: Adhipatiphala (skt)Tang primary a Western religious concept; there is no
Thng QuaSee Five fruits or effects. exact Buddhist equivalent. The Sanskrit word
Hemanta (skt): Tiem Han ThiFrom the ninth Drsti literally means a wrong view, that is due
month, the sixteenth day, to the eleventh month, not to reason but to craving or desire. According
fifteenthMua lanh dan t 16 thang chn en 15 to Buddhist tration, the most serious form of
thang mi motSee Six seasons of a year in heresy is to assert the reality and permanence of
India. the individual human ego, i.e., the assertion of
Hemp garments: Tiet PhucThe coarse atta or atmanTa giao nguyen thuy la mot t
monastic dressY phuc cho Tang Ni lam bang ng cua khai niem ton giao cua Tay Phng;
loai cay ay moc hoang. khong co t tng ng trong Phat giao. Phan
Hempseed: Hat gaiSee Eight kinds of congee. ng Drsti co ngha la ta kien, khong phai v ly
luan ma v khat vong hay ao c. Theo truyen
Henceforth: T nay tr i.
thong Phat giao, hnh thc ta giao te hai nhat la
Henjoji (jap): Chua Bien Chieu (Nhat Ban).
nhom chu trng co mot cai nga hang hu.
Henken (jap): Antagraha-drsti (skt)
Heresy cannot overthrow the truth: Ta bat
ExtremismBien KienSee One-sided
thang chanhThe straight need not fear the
Henpeck (v): An hiepTo bully.
Heretics (n): Ngi theo d giao.
Herald (n): Ngi bao trcS gia.
Heretics believe that Nirvana is
Herbs and trees: Thao MocHerbs and trees,
impermanence: Vo thng ien aoNirvana
equally recipients of rain, as all humanity is of the
is permanent and eternal; however, heretics
Buddhas truthCay co eu nhan nc ma nh
believe that everything including nirvana as
nhau, y noi tat ca chung sanh eu bnh ang tho
impermanentNiet ban la thng hang vnh cu;
nhan Phat phap (nhan nhieu hay t con tuy can
tuy nhien ta ao lai cho rang ngay ca Niet ban
c cua moi ngi).
cung vo thngSee Eight upside-down views
Herbs and trees also have Buddha-nature: (B).
Thao Moc Thanh PhatEven herbs and trees
Heretics believe that Nirvana is not a place
(inanimate thingschung vo tnh) have Buddha-
of bliss: Vo lac ien aoNirvana is a
nature and can become Buddha, a Tien-Tai and
permanent place of bliss; however, heretics
Chen-Yen (Shingon) doctrineHai tong Thien
believe that everywhere including nirvana as no
Thai va Chan Ngon lap ra ly Ngay ca chung vo

pleasure, but sufferingNiet ban la ni cua an the ten heretic sects which denies Buddhist cause
lac; tuy nhien ta ao lai cho rang moi ni ke ca and effect and holding that things happen
Niet ban eu kho ch khong vui. spontaneouslyMot trong mi phai ngoai ao,
Heretics believe that Nirvana is not pure: khc t ly nhan qua cua nha Phat va cho rang
Vo tnh ien aoNirvana is pure; however, van phap xay ra mot cach t nhien.
heretics believe that everything is impureNiet Heretical (a): D giao.
ban la thanh tnh; tuy nhien, ta ao cho rang ngay Heretical doctrines: Ngoai phap.
ca Niet ban cung bat tnh. Heretical followers of Mahayana: Phng
Heretics believe that Nirvana is not a real Quang ao NhanHeretical followers of
Buddha-nature: Vo nga ien aoNirvana is a Mahayana, who hold a false doctrine of the Void,
real Buddha-nature; however, heretics believe teaching it as total non-existence, or nihilism
that there is no such Buddha-natureNiet ban la Ngoai ao phu vao ai Tha chap vao ly khong
chan Phat tanh; tuy nhien ta ao cho rang lam g kien.
co cai Phat tanh. Heretical morality: Ta giiSee Four
Heretics believe in permanence: Thng ien bandhanas (B).
aoThis is one of the eight upside-down views Heretical precepts: Ta giiHeretical rules.
which belongs to the four upside-down views for Heretical rules: Ta giiSee Two grades of
ordinary peopleay la mot trong tam ien ao commandments (A).
thuoc Pham phu T ien aoSee Four upside-
Heretical ways: Ta nhn phapSee Ten
downs, and Eight upside-down views (A).
disturbers of the religious life.
Heretics believe in personality: Nga ien Hermann Oldenberg: An eminent German
aoThis is one of the eight upside-down views
Vedic scholar in nineteenth century, credited for
which belongs to the four upside-down views for
editing the entire Vinaya Pitaka. He was a great
ordinary peopleay la mot trong tam ien ao
vedic scholar and has set the standard for the
thuoc Pham phu T ien aoSee Four upside-
critical editions and interpretations of Rigveda.
downs, and Eight upside-down views (A).
His learned introduction to the Vinaya-pitaka
Heretics believe in pleasure: Lac ien ao brought the Discipline of the Buddhist Order to
This is one of the eight upside-down views which the forefront and a new field was opened for
belongs to the four upside-down views for Buddhist ecclesiastical studies. The Vinaya-pitaka
ordinary peopleay la mot trong tam ien ao was published during the period from 1879 to
thuoc Pham phu T ien aoSee Four upside- 1883 and his English translations of the
downs, and Eight upside-down views (A). Patimokkha, the Mahavagga and the Cullavagga,
Heretics believe in purity: Tnh ien ao in collaboration with Rhys Davids, appeared in
This is one of the eight upside-down views which Volumes XIII, XVII, and XX of the Sacred Books
belongs to the four upside-down views for of the East (1881-1885). His other celebrated
ordinary peopleay la mot trong tam ien ao work, The Buddha, was translated into English by
thuoc Pham phu T ien aoSee Four upside- Hoey in the year 1882. This was the first textbook
downs, and Eight upside-down views (A). in Europe based wholly on first-hand Pali sources.
Heretics Denial of material existence: Sac His other major works were the editions of the
Khong Ngoai aoOne of the ten kinds of Thera-Theri-Gatha (1883), the Dipavamsa (Text
heretics, who denied material existence, and and English translation, 1897), and Literatur des
consequently sought self-control, or nirvanaMot alten Indien. Apart from these solid works,
trong mi loai ngoai ao, phu nhan sac hu, tm Oldenberg has many learned articles to his credit.
cau s t kiem soat va cho rang ay la niet ban His erudition in Vedic literature helped him to
(dung sac pha hu duc, dung khong pha sac hu). establish the relation between Pali literature and
Heretic sect that holds things happen the Vedas. His original suggestion that the
spontaneously: T Nhien Ngoai aoOne of introduction to the Samanna-phala-sutta is an

initiation of the Yajnavalkya-Janaka dialogue in Nh Chng: Cung dng Tam The Ch Phat,
the Bhradaranyaka Upanisad, and his contention chang bang cung dng mot v vo tam ao nhan).
that the Pali Jatakas are akin to the Akhyana Hermitage:
hymns of the Regveda are examples of thisMot 1) Asram or Asrama (skt)MonasteryTnh xa
hoc gia ngi c noi tieng kinh Ve a vao the (Pham uyen)A place where celibate
ky th 19, co cong trong viec thu thap toan bo discipline is practiced. A living place for
Luat Tang. Ong la mot hoc gia v ai ve Kinh hermitsAm hay coc danh cho an s.
Ve a va la ngi a at ra nhng tieu chuan cho 2) Aranyaka (skt)Live in retirementA lan
viec bnh pham va giai thch Rigveda. Bai gii nhaNhan c.
thieu uyen bac cua ong trong bo Luat Tang a Hero in difficulty or at the end of his life:
a Gii Luat cua Phat giao len hang au va m Anh hung mat lo (anh hung gap luc cung ng).
ra mot lanh vc mi cho viec tm hieu Tang hoi
Hero of the Trailokya: The BuddhaTam gii
Phat giao. Luat Tang c xuat ban trong thi
hung, y noi c Phat.
gian t nam 1879 en 1883, va cac ban dch ra
Heroes do not wait for favorable
Anh ng cua ong ve cac bo Gii Bon, ai Pham,
Tieu Pham vi s cong tac cua Rhys Davids, a circumstances, they create them: Anh hung
c a vao cac cuon so 13, 17, va 20 cua bo tao thi the.
Thanh Th Phng ong. Mot cuon sach noi Heroic (a): Anh hung tnh.
tieng khac cua ong, c Phat, a c Hoey Heroic posture of the Buddha: With his feet
dch ra tieng Anh vao nam 1882. ay la cuon and thighs soles upwardKien dung toa, the ngoi
sach giao khoa au tien Au Chau c can c oai nghi cua c Phat trong the ngoi ma hai long
hoan toan tren cac t lieu tieng Pali. Cac cong ban chan eu nga len tren.
trnh quan trong khac cua ong la viec xuat ban Heroine: Anh th (can quac anh hung, tc la anh
cac bo Trng Lao Tang-Ni Ke vao nam 1883, bo hung quan khan, hay n anh hung).
ao S, nguyen ban dch tieng Anh nam 1897, Herrigel, Eugen (1884-1955): German author
va Literatur des Alten Indien. Ngoai nhng tac who traveled to Japan and studied archery. He
pham ln nay, Oldenberg con co nhieu bai viet subsequently wrote a book entitled Zen and the
uyen bac ve van hoc Ve a a giup ong xac lap Art of Archery. He later returned to Germany
moi quan he gia van hoc Pali va kinh Ve a. and reportedly became an enthusiastic member of
Nhan xet xac ang cua ong cho rang phan m the Nazi PartyMot tac gia ngi c, ngi a
au kinh Sa Mon Qua la s mo phong cuoc oi du hanh sang Nhat Ban va hoc ve nganh ban
thoai gia Yajnavalkya va Janaka trong cuon cung. Sau o ong viet quyen sach nha e Thien
Bhradaranyaka Upanisad, va luan iem cua ong va Nghe Thuat Ban Cung. Sau nay ong tr ve
cho rang bo Tuc Sanh Chuyen Pali gan giong vi c va theo tng thuat th ong a tr thanh
cac bai tung Akhyana trong Thanh kinh Ve a la thanh vien ac lc cua ang Phat Xt c Nazi.
nhng th du. Heruka (skt): A Sanskrit term for Blood
Hermaphrodite: Bien Bat NamHoang mon Drinker. A general term in Tibetan tantric
One of the five kinds of impotent males or Buddhism for a wrathful meditational deity. It is
eunuchsBien Bat Nam hay loai gap nam th n particularly applied to the Buddha
can khi, ma gap n th nam can khi. Mot trong CakrasamvaraThuat ng Bac Phan co ngha la
nam loai bat namSee Five kinds of eunuchs. Ke uong huyet. Mot thuat ng tong quat trong
Hermit (n): HermitageAn s (ao s). Phat giao Tay Tang dung e ch mot linh than d
Hermit with an empty mind: Vo Tam ao tn trong thien. ac biet ch c Phat
NhanThe hermet or saint in ecstatic Cakrasamvara.
contemplation, as with empty mind he becomes Hesitate about something: Do d ve viec g.
the receptacle of mystic influencesCac bac an Hesitating: Lng khngUndecided
tu hay Thanh nhan khong con niem tng, s cau, Wavering.
ma ch chuyen tam vao yeu phap (Kinh T Thap

Hesitation: S do d. Sau v nay luon tm cach knh chong vi c

Heterodox (a): Ta vayDeflected PhatSee Six heterodox teachers.
ErroneousDepraved. Heterodox teachings: Ta giao.
Heterodox attachment: Ta chap. Heterodox thought: Ta t duy.
Heterodox clouds: Clouds of falsity ot Heterodox view: Evil viewKhong kienSee
heterodoxy, which cover over the Buddha-nature Wrong views.
of sentient beingsTa van che phu Phat tanh ni Heterodox way: Mithya marga (skt)Ta ao.
chung sanh. Heterodox way of obtaining a living on part
Heterodox contemplation: Ta quan. of a monk: Ta MenhHeterodox or improper
Heterodox fanning: Ta PhienQuat ta, dung way to obtain a living on the part of a monk by
ta ao e kch ong nhan tamTo influence doing work by his hands, by astrology, his wits,
people by flase doctrine. flattery, magic, etc.Ty Kheo khong khat thc
Heterodox ideas: Y tng ta vay. e t song nh gii luat a quy nh ma sinh song
Heterodox masters: S Ngoai aoSee Six bang phng cach ta vay, lam nhng nghe b gii
heterodox teachers. luat cam. Mot v s i lam kiem tien, xem que,
dung tai e sinh song, nnh b, lam ao thuat, xin
Heterodox means of living: Ha khau thc
an hay cau c bo th cung dng, van van. **
There are four heterodox ways of living, i.e. for a
See Four improper ways of obtaining a living on
monk to earn his livelihood by bending down to
the part of a monk.
cultivate the land, collect herbs, etc.Co bon
cach ta mang sinh song cua mot v Tang bang Heterodox way of teaching: Ta Menh Thuyet
cach cay ruong hay boc thuoc, van van. PhapHeterodox way of preaching for the
1) A monk or nun earns his or her living by purpose of making a livingThuyet phap lay tien
bending down to cultivate the land: Tang Ni kiem song la ta menh thuyet phap.
lam viec kiem song. Heterodoxy: Ta kien.
2) Colect herbs for a living; however, collecting Heterogenous: HybridMixedVariegated
herbs to save human lives is in compliance Tap nhap.
with the Compassion which the Buddha had Heterogeneous effect produced by
taught: Boc thuoc kiem song; tuy nhien neu heterogeneous cause: D Thuc QuaFruit
boc thuoc v nhan ao cu ngi la ung vi ripening differently, i.e. in another incarnation, or
long bi man Phat day. life, e.g. the condition of the eye and other organs
3) Another wrong way of earning a living is to now resulting from specific sins or otherwise in
look up and telling or guessing as in previous existenceQua bao khac thi ma chn,
astrology: Xem thien vanMot loi song ta nh trong mot kiep tai sanh nao o th do cai nhan
mang khac la xem thien van. i trc ma ngu can i nay se xau, ep, thong
4) Fortune-telling: Nghenh Khau Thc (boi minh, ngu on (ch khong phai la thien ac na, do
que). o mi goi la d thuc qua).
Heterodox nature: Ta tnh. Hetu (skt & p): E oNhanCause
Heterodox propaganda: To influence people Antecedent conditionAccumulated karma
by false doctrinesTuyen truyen ta giao. Producing causeMotiveImpulseCause of.
Heterodox reflection: Ta t duy. 1) Logical reason: Reason forNhan (ong lc
Heterodox teachers: Ngoai ao sThe six au tien lam sinh ra ket qua hoac a en
heretical masters, or the six tirthikas or heterodox hau qua nao o).
teachers in India at the time of the Buddha. These 2) Cause: ReasonNguyen nhanNguyen
six always sought to rival BuddhaCh sau v s nhan hay cai i trc; ieu kien, ly do,
ngoai ao An o vao thi c Phat con tai the. nguyen ly.Cause, antecedent, condition;
reason, principle

Hetupaccaya (p): Nhn duyen. cause or logical reasoning or logic with its
Hetupratyaya (skt): E Bat La e DaNguyen syllogistic method of the proposition, the reason,
Nhan. the exampleTieng Phan Hetuvidya, thuoc ve
1) Causes and conditions: Nhn duyen (chanh khoa ly luan hoc, lap ra phap ba chi (tong, nhan
va phu)A directly responsible va du).
circumstanceA causal connectionA 1) The method of proposition: Tong.
circumstance that is a direct causePrimary 2) The method of reason: Nhan.
and secondary cause. 3) The method of example: Du.
2) Hetupratyaya means causation or causality. Hetuvidya-sastra (skt): Nhan Minh LuanOne
Hetu and pratyaya are really synonymous; of the Pancavidya-sastra, a treatise explaining
however, hetu is regarded as a more intimate causality, or the nature of truth and errorMot
and efficient agency of causation than a trong Ngu Minh Luan, ly luan ve ban chat cua s
Pratyaya: Hetupratyaya ngha la nguyen nhan that va s sai lam.
hay nguyen nhan tnh hay tnh nhan duyen. Hetuvidyanyaya-dvara-sastra (skt): Nhan
Hetu va Pratyaya thc ra ong ngha vi Minh Chanh Ly LuanA treatise composed by
nhau. Tuy nhien, hetu c xem la mot nhan Dignaga, translated into Chinese by I-Ching
to tham sau va hieu qua hn Pratyaya. during the Tang dynastyBo luan ve ly luan hoc
3) The original or fundamental cause which c Ngai Tran Na bien soan va ngai Ngha Tnh
produces phenomena, such as karma or dch sang Hoa Ng vao thi nha ng.
reincarnation. Every cause has its fruit or Hetuvikalpa (skt): Nhan phan biet
consequences: Nhan can ban tao ra nghiep Discriminating cause.
qua va s tai sanh. He gay nhan at gat qua. Hevajra-tantra: An important tantric text that
** See Four causations. exists in Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese versions.
Hetupratyaya-hetu (skt): Nhan DuyenThe It is classified in Tibet as belonging to the
general law of causation. The causative highest yoga tantra (anuttara-yoga-tantra) class
influences for being reborn as a human beings of tantra. Its main buddha is Hevjra, and it is
Luat tong quat ve nhan duyen. Nhng nhan anh particularly important in the Sakyapa order of
hng en viec tai sanh tr lai coi ngi. Tibetan Buddhism, in which it is the basis of its
1) A primary causeA root-cause. A seed is a path and result (lam bras) system of meditative
primary cause (hetu): Hetu (skt)Nhan. training. The central teaching of the tantra is the
2) An environmental or secondary cause. Rain, inseparability of cyclic existence and nirvana
dew, farmer, etc, are the environmental or Mot ban kinh mat chu quan trong bang Phan ng,
secondary cause (pratyaya): Pratyaya (skt) Tang ng va Hoa ng. Ban kinh nay c xep
Duyen. loai trong Phat giao Tay Tang la thuoc vao loai
** See Four causations. Mat chu toi thng trong cac loai mat chu. V
Hetuvadapurva Sthavirah (skt): E au Ba a Phat chnh trong mat chu nay la Phat Hevjra, va
BoThe first school of the Sthaviras treating of ac biet quan trong oi vi trng phai Sakyapa
causality, or hetuvada. It was a subdivision of the cua Phat giao Tay Tang, trong o lay s tu tap he
sarvastivadahPhai Nguyen Thuy Thng Toa thong thien nh lam can ban ve ao qua (lam
Bo, mot trong nhng chi phai cua ai Chung bras) cua no.
BoSee Sarvastivada (ai Chung Bo), and Heyday (n): Thi cc thnh.
Sthaviravadin (Thng Toa Bo). Heyday of youth: Hoa nien.
Hetu-vadinah (skt): Thuyet Nhan BoTng t Hi (jap): Karuna (skt) BiSee Compassion.
nh Thuyet Nht Thiet Hu BoSimilar to
Hidden: SecretOccultEsotericB.
SarvastivadahSee Sarvastivadah.
Hidden challenges: Am KhaoNhng khao
Hetuvidya (skt): E o Ph aNhan Minh
ao tham langHidden or silent testing
The logically reasoning of a cause. The science of

conditionsSee Two kinds of challenges, and Six Hiei (jap): Nui Ty Xan (phai Ty Xan Sn)See
types of testing condition ( 6 ). Hieizan.
Hidden testing conditions: Am khaoSee Six Hieizan (jap): The mountain near Kyoto where
types of testing condition ( 6 ). Saicho (767-822) built a monastery that became
Hidden treasury: Phuc tangAccording to the the headquarters of the Japanese Tendai school,
Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are one of the most influential traditions of medieval
ten kinds of hidden treasury of Enlightening Japanese Buddhism.
Beings. Enlightening Beings who abide by these Hien Quang Zen Master: Thien S Hien
can attain the treasury of truth of supreme Quang (?-1221)A Vietnamese Zen master from
knowledge of Buddhas, and can tame all sentient Thang Long, North Vietnam. At the age of 11, he
beingsTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co left home and became a disciple of Zen master
mi phuc tang (kho tang an kn) cua ch ai Bo Thng Chieu. After his master passed away, he
Tat. Ch ai Bo Tat an trong nhng kho tang an met and became a disciple of Zen master Tr
kn nay co the at c tr hue vo thng cua ch Thong. He was the dharma heir of the fourteenth
Phat va ong thi co kha nang thuan hoa chung generation of the Wu-Yun-Tung Zen Sect. He
sanhSee Ten kinds of hidden treasury of passed away in 1221Thien s Viet Nam, que
Enlightening Beings. Thang Long, Bac Viet. Luc 11 tuoi ngai xuat gia
Hide: AnDauConcealRetire. va tr thanh e t cua Thien s Thng Chieu.
Hide belongings of another person: Dau o Sau khi thay th tch, ngai gap va tr thanh e t
cua aiA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who hides the cua Thien s Tr Thong. Ngai la phap t i th
belongings of another person causing that person 14 dong Thien Vo Ngon Thong. Ngai th tch nam
to be anxious and fearful, commits an Expression 1221.
of Regret OffenceV Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni Hierachical (a): Co ton ti, co th bac.
nao dau o at cua ngi khac lam cho ngi ay Higan (jap): Le Thu Phan.
lo lang s set, la pham gii Ba Dat e hay gii Higashihonganji (jap): Chua ong Bon Nguyen
oa (phai phat lo sam hoi). (Nhat Ban).
Hide from the world: An datRetire from the Higashiyama (jap): Vung ong Sn (Nhat Ban).
world or seclude oneself from the society.
Hige-Kyo (jap): Karuna-pundarika-sutra (skt)
Hide oneself: Che hnh dau bong (nac anh tang The sutra of the Flower of CompassionBi Hoa
hnh, hay la tron tranh an dat). Kinh.
Hiding own unwholesome deeds: Che dau ac High: EminentLoftyCao.
nghiep cua chnh mnhThose who keep their
High aim: Elevated mindai ch.
unwholesome deeds hidden, lying about it when
High aspiration: Nhng hoai bao to ln
anyone asks about them, let alone if these deeds
were not asked, then certainly their wickedness High and deep: Cao tham.
would never be revealed. This condition High and large: Long long.
represents people who are pretenders, those who High aspiration: Hoai bao to ln.
tricked others into believing they are saints. They High capacity: CleverThng CanSee
are people of no shame in self or before others Three cultivated levels.
Hang ngi co ai hoi en cai xau cua mnh th High discipline: Ky luat cao.
che dau, huong la khong hoi! ay la loi doi tra, High-mindedness: Auddhatya (skt)Trao c
xao quyet, la gat cho ngi ta tng mnh la bac
See Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma
Thanh. Hang ngi nay c goi la ngi khong
biet tam quSee Four types of persons (D).
High opinion of ones self: Abhimana (skt)
Hiding something inside: Mraksha (skt)Phu Tang thng manHaughtinessSelf conceit
(che dau)CoveringSee Fifty-one Dharmas
See Abhimana.
interactive with the Mind.

High powered and high salaried: Quyen cao quang ai cua c Nh Lai, ai chung nen biet
loc trong (quyen cung nhieu ma bong loc cung Thanh Van tha do li ngi khac ma c to
nhieu). ngo, tr hue hep kem. Lai co oc Giac tha to
High quality: Thng pham. ngo chang do thay, ai chung nen hoc. Nhng
ngi thch thang ao nghe li nay xong lien bo
High standard of intellectual inquiry: Trnh
Thanh Van tha ma tu oc Giac thaSee Four
o tr tue uyen tham.
great voices from the power of the virtuous
High virtues: Ch c.
qualities of Buddha.
Higher bonds of desire: Ngu Thng Phan
Higher wholesome deeds: Li sThere are
Kiet SAccording to the Sangiti Sutta in the
five higher wholesome deedsCo nam thien
Long Discourses of the Buddha and Kosa Sastra,
nghiepSee Five higher wholesome deeds.
there are five higher bonds of desire still exist in
Highest aims: Elevated mindai ch.
the upper realms of form and formlessness, for
they fetter beings to aggregates, etc., produced in Highest bliss: e nhat ngha lacHy lac toi
the higher forms of becomingTheo Kinh Phung thng hay Niet BanNirvanaSee Nirvana.
Tung trong Trng Bo Kinh va Cau Xa Luan, co Highest class: Superior classThng boi.
nam phan ket sinh khi trong cac canh gii cao Highest class of goodness rewarded with the
hn cua sac gii va vo sac gii hay ngu thng deva life: Thien aoDo nghiep lanh bac tren
phan ket v chung troi buoc hu tnh vao ngu uan ma bc tiSee Three good upward states of
e sanh vao cac coi caoSee Five higher bonds existence.
of desire. Highest class great cart: ang Nht ai Xa
Higher Dharma: Vi dieu phap. According to the Lotus Sutra, this is the highest
Higher gati: Thng thuThe higher directions class great cart, i.e. universal salvationTheo
of transmigration. Kinh Phap Hoa (Pham Th Du), ay la chiec xe
Higher Hinayana: SatyasiddhiPha Tnh Trau Trang ma v trng gia dung e dan du cac
TongEverything has not a nature of its own con trong nha la tam gii, v nh phng tien e
See Four kinds of inference in logic (A). pho cu chung sanhSee Universal Salvation.
Higher Mahayana: Hien Thc TongAll Highest disciplinary process: The e Nhat
comes from the bhutatathataRevelation of PhapThe fourth and the highest disciplinary
realitySee Four kinds of inference in logic (A). processGia Hanh th t cung la gia hanh cao
Higher morality: Gii luat cao thngSee nht trong bon gia hanhSee Four good roots
Four kinds of higher morality. (C).
Higher spiritual being: Devas (skt)Gods Highest divine beings: Thien Ton.
GeniusThienSee Seven states of sentient 1) The most honoured among devas: Bac ton
beings. quy nht cua ch Thien.
2) The Maharaja protectors of Buddhism and
Higher vehicle: Thng ThaThis is one of
others in the sense of honoured devas: Thien
the four great voices of the Buddha, You should
vng ho phap va nhng bac ton quy khac
know that those in the vehicle of listeners follow
cua ch Thien.
the words of others to understand; their
3) Title applied by the Taosits to their divinities:
knowledge and wisdom is narrow and inferior.
Nhng bac Than Thanh cua nhng ngi theo
There is a higher vehicle called the vehicle of the
Lao Giao.
individually awakened, whose enlightenment
4) A title of the Buddha: Danh hieu cua c
does not depend on a teacher. You should learn
it. Those inclined to a superior path, having
heard this voice, give up the path of listeners and Highest fruit: Perfect Buddha enlightenment
cultivate the vehicle of the individually Cc qua.
awakeneday la mot trong bon am thanh Highest heaven of form: Akanistha (skt)Hu
anh ThienThe highest heaven of form, the

ninth and the last of the fourth dhyana heavens Highest siddhanta: e Nhat Ngha Tat an
(T thien thien)Tri Sac cu canh thien, coi Highest universal gift of the Buddha, one of the
tri sac gii th chn, la coi tri cao nhat trong T four types of siddhanta, the highest Siddhanta or
Thien ThienSee Naivasamjnanasamjnayatana Truth, the highest universal gift of Buddha, his
and Four immaterial heavens. teaching which awakens the highest capacity in all
Highest heaven of the form-realm: beings to attain salvationMon qua cao quy va
Akanisthas (skt)Sac cu canh thienSee Five bnh ang nhat cua c Phat, mot trong t tat
pure-dwelling heavens in the fourth dhyana (I). an, chan ly cao nhat cua Phat lam thc tnh kha
Highest incarnations of the six paths: Sanh nang cao tot cua chung sanh e at c giai
ThienChung sanh cao nhat trong luc ao thoatSee Four kinds of siddhanta.
Thien thu trong luc thu (t vng thien en phi Highest stage of enlightenment:
tng thien)See Three kinds of heaven (B). Enlightenment of a BuddhaCc v.
Highest Joy: Sukhavati (skt)Name of the Pure Highest stages in the Pure Land: Thng
Land of Amitabha BuddhaSee Amitabha and pham Tnh oThng Pham Lien aiThe
Sukhavati. highest stages in the Pure Land where the best
Highest knowledge: Anna (p)Ajnata (skt) appear as the lotus flowers on the pool of the
Highest wisdomPerfect knowledgeSpiritual seven precious things. When the lotuses open they
knowledgee nhat ngha tr (tue vien man hay are transformed into beings of the Pure Land
tr tue cao nhat). Pham cao nhat tren coi Tnh o, ni ma nhng v
Highest of the material heavens: Akanistha vang sanh hien ra nh nhng hoa sen trong ao that
(skt)Sac Cu Canh ThienSee Akanistha, bao. Khi nhng hoa sen nay n th cac v ay se
Nine heavens of the fourth dhyana heaven, and chuyen hoa thanh nhng chung sanh trong coi
Four dhyana heavens. Tnh o.
Highest meditation: e nhat ngha quanThe Highest state of concentration: Hai An Tam
supreme meditation of Tien-Tai, the meditation Ma aA state of concentration of the highest
on the MeanPhep quan toi thng cua tong level, mentioned in the Avatamsaka Sutra. The
Thien Thai hay Trung Quan (thien cua tong Thien mind is likened to the ocean, which when calm
Thai ve Trung ao)See Three contemplations. and without a single wave, can reflect everything
throughout the cosmos, past, present and future
Highest of the nine stages of birth in the
Trang thai tap trung mc o cao, c noi en
Pure Land: Thng phamThe three highest of
trong Kinh Hoa Nghiem, trang thai tam nh ai
the nine stages of birth in the Pure Land of
dng, mot khi tnh lang va khong gn song se
AmitabhaBa bac cao nhat cua vang sanh Tnh
phan chieu moi vat trong vu tru, qua kh, hien tai
oSee Nine holy grades of Lotus (C).
va v lai.
Highest point: ApexUltimate or extreme
Highest teacher: Guru-deva (skt)Thanh s.
pointCc iem.
Highest of the three highest classes: Thng
Highest quality of the incarnated beings
Pham Thng SanhSee Nine holy grades of
with corresponding to karma: Thng pham Lotus (C).
thng sanhReborn in the uppermost of the
Highest of the three lowest classes (grades):
Lotus grade. The highest quality of the incarnated
Ha Pham Thng SanhSee Nine holy grades of
beings with corresponding to karma. This is the
Lotus (A).
highest grade in the Pure LandTai sanh vao coi
Highest of the three middle classes: Trung
cao nhat tren Tnh o (tuy theo nghiep lc).
Pham Thng SanhSee Nine holy grades of
Highest samadhi practiced by Bodhisattvas:
Lotus (B).
Nhat Thiet Nh Lai nhThien nh cao nhat
Highest truth: e Nht Ngha ee Nht
c cac v Bo Tat tu tap.
Ngha Tat anOne of the four types of
siddhanta, the highest Siddhanta or Truth, the

highest universal gift of Buddha, his teaching Noriaka Hakamaya and Shiro Matsumoto, both of
which awakens the highest capacity in all beings Komazawa University. The movement
to attain salvation. This is also one of the two investigates developments within East Asian
truths, the highest truth, the supreme truth or Buddhism in light of the core doctrines of Indian
reality, the ultimate meaning, the paramount truth Pali literature and early Mahayana texts, and its
in contrast with the seeming; also called Veritable exponents have concluded that many of the most
truth, sage-truth, surpassing truth, nirvana, widespread doctrines of East Asian Buddhist
bhutatathata, madhya, sunyata, etc.Mot trong t traditions are fundamentally incompatible with the
tat an, chan ly cao nhat cua Phat lam thc tnh central tenets of Indian Buddhism. They have
kha nang cao tot cua chung sanh e at c giai generated heated controversy with such
thoat. ay cung la mot trong hai e, chan ly tham provocative (khch ong) statements as Zen is
dieu, ten goi oi lai vi tuc e. e nht ngha e not Buddhism and Tathagata-Garbha thought is
con goi la chan e, Thang ngha e, Niet ban, not Buddhism. They label such substantialist
chan nh, thc tng, trung ao, phap gii, chan (ngi theo triet thuyet thc the) notions as
khong, van van (theo ai Tha Ngha Chng, e Tathagata-garbha and original awakening as
nht ngha e con goi la chan e, oi lai vi tuc attempts to introduce into Buddhism a doctrine
e hay vong e)See Four kinds of siddhanta. advocating a truly existent self (atma-vada),
Highest universal gift of Buddha: Highest which is explicitly rejected in early Indian
SiddhantaHighest Truth, his teaching which sourcesThuat ng Nhat Ban dung e ch Cap
awakens the highest capacity in all beings to Thiet ve Phat Giao, mot phong trao mi ay ve
attain salvatione nhat ngha tat an. nghien cu Phat giao tai Nhat Ban, c Noriaka
Highest vehicle: Supreme vehiclee nhat Hakamaya va Shiro Matsumoto cua trng ai
thaSee Mahayana. Hoc Komazawa dan au. Phong trao nay xem xet
s phat trien giao ien Phat giao Pali tai cac x
Highest void: Supreme voidThe void beyond
ong A va kinh van Phat giao ai Tha trong
thought or discussione Nht Ngha Khong
buoi ban s, va nhng ngi ung ho cho phong
The highest Void or reality, the Mahayana
trao nay ket luan rang hau het nhng giao thuyet
nirvana, though it is also applied to Hinayana
a c truyen ba rong rai tai cac x truyen
nirvana. A conception of the void, or that which is
thong Phat giao ong A tren can ban khong
beyond the material, only attained by Buddhas
tng hp vi Phat giao An o. Nhng ngi nay
and bodhisattvasCai khong tuyet oi hay Niet
a lam phat khi len s tranh luan nong bong vi
Ban cua ai Tha, du t nay cung dung cho Niet
nhng li tuyen bo khch ong nh Thien tong
Ban Tieu Tha, nh cai khong cua Tieu tha ch
khong phai la Phat giao va T tng ve Nh
thien ve cai an khong ma thoi. Cai khong
Lai Tang khong phai la Phat Giao. Ho a dan
ma ch Phat va ch Bo Tat chng c la cai
nhan cho nhng khai niem ve thuyet thc the nh
khong a dt han Hu Vo, vt ngoai vong vat
Nh Lai Tang va Bon Giac nh la nhng co
gang nham gii thieu vao Phat giao mot giao
Highest wisdom: Samyak-sambuddhi or Bodhi
thuyet cho rang co mot cai nga hang hu, a b
(skt)Highest knowledgePerfect universal
bac bo thang thng bi cac tai lieu An o buoi
wisdome nhat ngha trChanh ang giac
ban s.
(cua mot v Phat)nh tamSee Ten
Hill monk: Sn Tang.
directional decisions.
1) A monk dwelling apart from monasteries:
Highly purified light atmosphere: Thien Tnh
Tang l mien sn da xa ri s sung tuc cua
Quang Minh phong luanSee Ten types of
chua chien.
characteristics of manifestation of a Buddha (8).
2) A self-deprecatory term used by monks: Tang
Hihan Bukkyo (jap): A Japanese term for l t xng ho mot cach nhun nhng.
Critical Buddhism, a recent movement in
Hill with the stone sutras: Thach Kinh Sn
academic Buddhist Studies in Japan, led by
Which are said to have been carved in the Sui

dynasty in Pai-Tai-Shan, west of Cho-Chou, and it represented the original and pure
ChinaKinh c khac trong nui a Bach ai teaching as it was taught by the Buddha. The
Sn, vao i nha Tuy Truy Chau ben Tau. essence of the teaching is expressed in the
Hill of swords: ao sn (nui ao). four noble truths, the doctrine of dependent
Hima (skt): WinterMua ong. arising, the teaching of the ego, the law of
karma and the eightfold noble path. Although
Himalaya: Hi Ma lap snThe range of
according to Indian Buddhist legends, there
mountains which spreads across India, Ladakh,
were many Hinayana schools since early
Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan.
Buddhism, but only eighteen were mentioned
Himatala (skt): Hy Ma at LaTuyet Sn
in the records. Although many of these
HaAccording to Eitel in The Dictionary of
schools developed their own Abhidharma and
Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, this is an
Vinayas, but they shared a great deal in
ancient kingdom ruled in 43 A.D. by a descendant
common, particularly the four noble truths,
of the Sakya family. Probably the region south of
the dependent arising, and the ideal of
Kundoot and Issar, north of Hindukush near the
individual liberation. Today the only
principal source of the OxusTheo Eitel trong
Hinayana school that survives is
Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Tuyet Sn Ha la
Theravada; however, they reject the label
mot vng quoc co c mot ngi thuoc dong
Small Vehicle. This is the term which the
doi Thch Ca cai tr vao khoang nam 43 sau Tay
Mahayana utilizes to refer to the those who
Lch. Vung nay co le nam ve pha nam Kundoot
follow Theravada for they have own
va Issar, pha bac cua Hindukush, ni phat nguyen
liberation s goal rather than that of all beings.
cua song Oxus.
In fact, Hinayana developed between the
Hina-dhatu (skt): The low elementThe low death of Buddha and the 1st century BC and it
realmLiet giiSee Three dharmas (XIII) (C). represented the original and pure teaching as
Hinayana (skt): Tieu ThaSmall Vehicle. it was taught by the Buddha. The essence of
(A) An overview of MahayanaTong quan ve the teaching is expressed in the four noble
Tieu Tha: truths, the doctrine of dependent arising, the
1) Southern or Theravada schoolMinor teaching of the ego, the law of karma and the
VehicleThe small or inferior vehicle as eightfold noble path. Nowadays, there exists
compared with the greater teaching (ai only one school named Theravada;
tha). Hinayana is the form of Buddhism however, Buddhists in this school do not
which developed after Sakyamunis death, at except the label Hinayana given to them by
about the beginning of the Christian era, the MahayanistsTrng phai Theravada
when Mahayana doctrine were introduced. hay Nam Tong. Trng phai Tieu tha c
The objective is personal salvation. The term thanh lap sau khi c Phat nhap diet, vao
used by Mahayanists to describe their khoang ky nguyen Thien Chua, cung vao luc
opponents, who cultivate a doctrine different ma trng phai ai tha c gii thieu. Cu
from Mahayana, or whose path is canh giai thoat cua Tieu tha la t o. T
characterized as selfish and inferior, and only c nhng ngi theo ai Tha dung e
for their own benefits. A Sanskrit term for dien ta nhng ngi tu tap theo giao phap
Little or minor (small) Vehicle. Name of khong phai la ai Tha, hoac ng loi tu
the earliest system of Buddhist doctrine, tap cua ho bieu th tnh t ky va kem coi, va
opposed to the Mahayana. This is the term ch v quyen li cua rieng mnh ma thoi. T
which the Mahayana utilizes to refer to the Bac Phan ch Tieu tha hay co xe nho. Ten
those who follow Theravada for they have cua mot hoc thuyet Phat giao s khai, ngc
own liberation s goal rather than that of all lai vi ai Tha. ay la mot t ma
beings. In fact, Hinayana developed between Mahayana a gan cho nhng ngi tu theo
the death of Buddha and the 1st century BC trng phai Theravada v cho rang nhng

ngi nay ch t o e tr thanh nhng A la Theravada or Teaching of the Elders, is the

han, ch khong o tha. Ky that, Hinayana ra dominant form practiced today in such places
i va phat trien t khi Phat nhap diet cho as Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia,
en au the ky trc Tay lch, va la ai dien and Laos. Theravadins emphasize the
cho hoc thuyet thuan khiet ban au y nh li importance of the last historical Buddha,
Phat day. ieu can ban trong giao ly Siddhartha Gautama, and claim to preserve
Hinayana la T Dieu e, Thap nh nhan his authentic teaching. This teaching is
duyen, Hoc thuyet ve ban nga, Luat nhan canonized as the Three Baskets, a group of
qua va bat Chanh ao. Mac du theo truyen texts dating probably from the first century
thuyet Phat giao An o, co nhieu trng phai B.C. and written in Pali, a middle Indian
Tieu Tha t buoi ban s cua Phat giao, language akin to the language the Buddha
nhng ch co 18 bo phai c ghi lai ma thoi. himself would have spoken. Classical
Du nhieu trng phai co luan tang va luat Theravada recognizes that there are different
tang cua rieng mnh, nhng ho rat giong nhau goals for different followers. However, its
nhieu iem nh tat ca eu nhan manh en ideal is the Arhat, the disciple who gains
T ieu e, Thap Nh Nhan Duyen, va enlightenment through meditation on the
Ly Tng Giai Thoat Ca Nhan. Ngay nay Buddhas Dharma, and is released from the
tai ch con duy nhat mot trng phai ton tai la cycle of rebirthc Phat a khong ch nh
trng phai Theravada, tuy nhien, ngi theo ngi ke v, va sau khi Ngai nhap Niet Ban
trng phai nay khong chap nhan cai nhan Phat giao khong co giao quyen trung ng.
Tieu Tha ma nhng ngi theo trng Vi dong thi gian va s m rong khu vc
phai ai Tha gan cho ho. cua cac truyen thong, tat nhien la co nhng
2) The Buddha did not appoint a successor, and cai nhn khac nhau ve con ng Phat giao
after his final extinction Buddhism never a phat trien. Tuy nhien, nhng khac biet nh
again had a central authority. With the the cha bao gi tao nen mot cuoc phan ly ve
passage of time and the traditions giao phap, bi v nhng quan iem thay oi
geographical expansion, it was inevitable that khac nhau luon c chap nhan trong Phat
different visions of the Buddhist path giao. Ch vi s thay oi nhng gii luat va
developed. However, such divergences have s tu tap, va t o tao ra s phan chia trong
never constituted a schism, because varying Tang Gia, mot s phan ly ve giao phap co
views are, and always have been, permissible the c tao ra. Trong Kinh Tang Pali, ngi
in Buddhism. Only by changing the rules of ta noi rang trc khi nhap diet, c Phat a
monastic practice, and thereby splitting the khuyen cac e t hay t lo lieu va Giao Phap
Sangha, would a schism be created. In the la hai ao duy nhat cho ho ve nng. . Do
Pali Nikayas it is said that before his final o, sau khi Ngai nhap Niet Ban, ch Tang
extinction the Buddha urged his followers to hop tai thanh Vng Xa, bay gi la Rajgir e
make themselves and the Dharma their only trung tung lai nhng li Phat day. Bien co
island and sole refuge. Accordingly, after nay c ngi ta noi ti nh la cuoc ket tap
his death the members of the Sangha gather kinh ien lan th nhat. Khi Tang oan m
in Rajagriha, present day Rajgir, to recite the rong va t tng Phat giao phat trien, ieu tat
Buddhas discourses. This event is referred to yeu la nhng cuoc tranh cai se dien ra. Vao
as the First Council. As the Sangha spread luc Ngh Hoi Ket Tap Kinh ien lan th hai,
and Buddhist thought developed, it was c trieu tap tai thanh Xa Ve, khoang 330
inevitable that disputes would arise. By the nam trc Tay lch, a co nhieu phe phai
time the Second Council was called at Vesali, trong Tang Gia, tach ra theo nhng hng
around 330 B.C., there were many factions in khac nhau. Hnh thc bao thu nhat cua Phat
the Sangha pulling in different directions. The giao, la tong phai Phat giao Nguyen Thuy
most conservative form of Buddhism, the Theravada hay Trng Lao Bo, noi bat nhat

la tai cac x Sri Lanka, Mien ien, Thai Lan, Lan cho en the ky th nhat trc Tay lch
Cam Bot va Lao. Nhng ngi theo tong phai mi c bien chep lai kinh sach ma bay gi
Theravada at nang vai tro quan trong cua v c biet nh la he Kinh ien Pali.
Phat lch s cuoi cung, Tat at a Co am, 4) The Theravada tradition was widely practiced
va tuyen bo gi gn giao phap xac that cua in India after the Buddhas passing away. By
Ngai. Giao phap nay c xep at trong the third century B.C., it was established in
Tam Tang Kinh ien, mot nhom van kinh current day Pakistan and Afghanistan, and
co le c ghi chep t the ky th nhat trc took root in Central Asia in the early century
Tay lch, va c viet bang tieng Pali, mot A.D. However, Muslim invasion in the 11th
ngon ng thuoc giai cap trung lu An o, and 12th centuries virtually extinguished the
hi giong ngon ng ma c Phat thng x religion in the Indian sub-continent and in
dung. Tong phai Theravada co ien cong Central Asia. In the third century B.C., King
nhan co nhng muc ch khac nhau cua tn Asoka of India sent missionaries to Ceylon,
o. Tuy nhien, ly tng cua tong phai nay la now Sri Lanka, where Buddhism became
qua v A La Han, v e t at c s giac firmly established. The Theravada tradition
ngo qua tham thien tren giao phap cua c still flourishes there. From India and from
Phat va a thoat ly sanh t luan hoi. Ceylon, it spread to Southeast Asia, and is
3) The Buddha spoke to a wide range of people presently strong in Thailand, Burma,
from every social, educational, and economic Cambodia and Laos. In recent years the
background. His followers varied in Theravada tradition has become more widely
disposition, interest and inclination. However, practiced in Malaysia and Singapore. In the
thus the Buddha taught according to the 19th century, Western intellectuals became
specific group present at each discourse, interested in the Theravada tradition.
using words and concepts suitable for their Nowadays, it attracts people from all walks of
different levels. The various teachings He life and Theravada monasteries, Dharma
gave developed into two principal traditions: centers and retreat sites have been
the Theravada and the Mahayana. The established throughout the West. Based on
Theravada contains the teachings spoken by the Pali Canon, the Theravada tradition
the Buddha to people who were interested in presents Buddhas teachings by first
being free from cyclic existence and attaining explaining the four noble truths, the three
liberation. These sutras were passed down higher trainings and the noble eightfold path.
orally until the first century B.C., when they The Theravada tradition states that the
were written down in Ceylon and became number of people who can become Buddhas
what is known now as the Pali Canonc are very few. In our eon, there will be 1,000
Phat thuyet phap cho rat nhieu hang ngi Buddhas, of which Sakyamuni Buddha is the
khac nhau ve v tr xa hoi, giao duc va ieu fourth. The 996 Buddhas-to-be are now
kien kinh te. e t cua Ngai lai rat khac nhau Bodhisattvas. Thus, as the rest of us wont
ve can tanh, s thch va khuynh hng. Tuy become Buddhas, we should aim to become
nhien, c Phat a tuy theo tng nhom ma Arhats, those who are free from cyclic
ban phap thoai, Ngai s dung t ng thch existence and have attained Nirvana
hp cho tng trnh o khac nhau cua ho. Truyen thong Nguyen Thuy la truyen thong
Nhng li day a dang cua c Phat a c c tu tap rong rai An o sau khi c
khai trien thanh hai truyen thong chnh: Phat nhap Niet Ban. Vao the ky th 3 trc
Nguyen Thuy va ai Tha. Giao ly Phat giao Tay lch truyen thong nay c thiet lap
Nguyen Thuy cha ng nhng li Phat day cac vung ma bay gi la Hoi Quoc va A Phu
cho nhng ngi co y hng thoat khoi vong Han, ong thi cung bat re Trung A vao
sinh t luan hoi va c giai thoat hoan toan. khoang au Tay lch. Tuy nhien, cuoc xam
Nhng bai kinh nay c truyen khau Tch lang cua ngi Hoi vao khoang nhng the ky

11 va 12 hau nh huy diet toan bo Phat giao meditate and dedicate the positive potential
tren luc a An o va vung Trung A. Vao the they create for everyones welfare. Because
ky th 3 trc Tay lch, vua A Duc a gi the Sanghas practice benefits society as a
nhng oan truyen giao ti Tch Lan, vung whole, the laity happily supply daily
ma bay gi c goi la Sri Lanka, ni ma requisites: food, clothing, shelter and
Phat giao c thiet lap that vng chac. medicine to the monks. This view of the roles
Truyen thong Theravada van con phat trien of Sangha and lay is changing as the
rc r en ngay nay. T An o va Tch Lan Theravada tradition takes root in the West.
Phat giao Nguyen Thuy a lan rong manh me Most Western lay Buddhists are interested in
en cac x thuoc vung ong Nam A nh meditation and many meditate daily before
Thai Lan, Mien ien, Cam Bot va Lao. and after going to work. They go to Dharma
Trong nhng nam gan ay truyen thong Phat centers for their annual vacation. Some even
giao nguyen Thuy c tu tap mot cach rong take several months leave from their job to
rai tai Ma Lai va Tan Gia Ba. Vao the ky th participate in lengthy retreats. In the West,
19, cac nha tr thc Tay phng bat au cam Dharma teachers can be both ordained and
thay thch thu he thong giao ly cua Phat giao lay, men and women phng Tay, thc
Nguyen Thuy. Ngay nay Phat giao Nguyen tap theo truyen thong Nguyen Thuy rat pho
Thuy a thu hut dan chung t moi thanh phan thong vi nhng ngi muon lang du nhng
cua xa hoi, va t vien, Phap vien cung nh t tng va cam xuc khong kiem soat c
nhng v tr an dng thien nh thuoc he cua ho e tap trung vao nhng tam thai tch
thong Phat giao Nguyen Thuy a c thiet cc hn. Nhieu ngi trong the gii kinh
lap khap ni Tay phng. Da theo kinh doanh a thay rang phng phap so tc
ien Pali, Phat giao Nguyen Thuy trnh bay quan co tac dung vo cung hu ch cho ho.
giao ly cua c Phat vi trc nhat la T Va o la tai sao co s khac biet ang ke gia
Dieu e, Tam Hoc va Bat Thanh ao. Tang gia va ngi tai gia trong loi tu tap Phat
Truyen thong Phat giao Nguyen Thuy noi phap tai cac x Phat giao Nguyen Thuy A
rang so ngi co the chng c Phat qua rat Chau va cac truyen thong Nguyen Thuy khac
t oi. Trong thi ai cua chung ta co 1.000 v Tay phng. Tai cac x ong Nam A, ch
Phat ma c Thch Ca Mau Ni la v Phat th Tang tinh chuyen tr gii, tu hoc giao ly, va
t. 996 v con lai ang la nhng v Bo Tat se thien nh roi hoi hng nhng thien nghiep
thanh Phat trong tng lai. Nh vay so con lai a gay tao cho phuc li cua moi ngi. V s
cua chung ta se khong thanh Phat, chung ta tu tap cua Tang gia nham li lac cho toan
nen hng en muc ch tr thanh nhng v A the, nen nhng ngi tai gia rat hoan hy
La Han, giai thoat khoi sanh t va chng ac thanh knh cung dng cho ch Tang nhng
Niet Ban. nhu yeu pham hang ngay nh thc an, o
5) In the West, Theravada practice is popular mac, cho va thuoc men. Quan iem ve vai
with people who wish to calm their tro cua ch Tang va Phat t tai gia ang thay
uncontrolled thoughts and emotions and to oi tai nhng x ma truyen thong Nguyen
focus on more positive attitudes. Many Thuy bac au ben re Tay phng. Hau het
people in the business world have found cac Phat t tai gia tai cac x Tay phng rat
breathing meditation extremely helpful, so a thch thien nh. Rat nhieu ngi thc tap
many of them focus on meditation. And thats thien nh trc va sau gi lam viec. Hang
why there is a considerable difference nam trong cac dp ngh phep ho thng en
between Sangha and lay people in their way cac trung tam Phat giao e tu tap giao ly va
of practicing the Dharma in Asian Theravada thien nh. Co nhng ngi xin ngh viec
countries and Theravada traditions in the trong nhieu thang e tham d vao nhng
West. In Southeast Asian countries, the khoa an c dai han. Tai Tay phng, cac
monks keep their precepts purely, study,

Phap s co the la ngi xuat gia hay tai gia, Tieu Tha, ngc lai vi triet ly Tanh Khong
ngi nam hay ngi n. trong ai Tha.
(B) Differences between Hinayana and Hinayana-eighteen sects: Tieu Tha Thap Bat
MahayanaNhng khac biet gia Tieu Tha BoMui tam phai Tieu thaEighteen sects of
va ai Tha: Hinayana:
1) The Mahayanists emphasize the universalism (A) Mahasanghikah: ai Chung Bo. See
and altruism, develop wisdom and the perfect Mahasanghikah.
transformation of all living in the future state; 1) Ekavya-vaharikah: Nht Thuyet Bo.
while the Hinayanists seek for narrow 2) Lokottaravadinah: Thuyet Xuat The Bo.
personal salvation, seek for the destruction of 3) Bahusrutiyah: a Van Bo.
body and mind and extinction in nirvana: ai 4) Prajanptivadinah: Thuyet Gia Bo.
Tha nhan manh en v tha pho cu, phat 5) Jetavaniyah (Caityasailah): Che a Sn Bo.
trien tr hue, va hoa o chung sanh trong kiep 6) Aparasailah (Bac Sn Tru Bo: Uttarasailah):
tng lai; trong khi Tieu Tha ch mong cau Tay Sn Tru Bo.
t o qua s tch diet ni niet ban. 7) Gokulika: KaukkutikahKe Li Bo.
2) Bodhisattvas in the Mahayana practice six (B) Aryasthavirah: Thng Toa Bo.
paramitas; while for the Arahanship the Four 8) Haimavatah: Tuyet Sn Bo.
Noble Truths are the foundation teaching, for 9) Sarvastivadah: Thuyet Nht Thiet Hu Bo.
pratyeka-Buddhahood the twelve nidanas: Bo 10) Vatsiputriyah: oc T Bo.
Tat ai Tha tu hanh luc o Ba La Mat; 11) Dharmottariyah: Phap Thng Bo.
trong khi ben Tieu Tha th A La Han lay T 12) Bhadrayaniyah: Hien V Bo.
Dieu e lam bon giao, va oc Giac lay Thap 13) Sammatiyah: Chnh Lng Bo.
Nh Nhan Duyen lam bon giao tu hanh. 14) Sannagarikah: Mat Lam Sn Bo.
3) To seek for Buddhahood is Mahayana, to 15) Mahisasakah: Hoa a Bo.
seek for Arahathood, Sravakas or Pratyeka- 16) Dharmaguptah: Phap Tang Bo.
buddhahood are Hinayana: Tm qua v Phat 17) Kasyahpiya: Am Quang Bo.
la ai Tha, cau qua A La Han va Bch Chi 18) Sautrantikah: Kinh Lng Bo.
Phat la Tieu Tha. Hinayana-four doctrines: Tieu Tha T
** See Hinayana and Mahayana. MonFour schools or doctrines of Hinayana
Hinayana Abhidharma: Tieu Tha Luan Bon ca, bon trng phai hay bon giao phap Tieu
According to Keith in the Dictionary of Chinese Tha:
Buddhist Terms, the Hinayana sastras, the 1) The door of reality, the existence of all
philosophical canon of the Hinayana, now phenomena, the doctrine of being: Tieu Tha
supposed consist of some thirty-seven works, the Hu MonNoi ve ly Hu.
earliest of which is said to be the Gunanirdesa 2) The door of unreality, door of non-existence:
sastra before 220 A.D. The date of the Tieu Tha Khong MonNoi ve ly
Abhidharma is still unknown to usTheo Keith Khong.The door of both reality and
trong T ien T Ng Phat Giao Trung Quoc, th unreality or relativity of existence and non-
nhng bo luan ve triet ly cua trng phai Tieu existence
Tha, bay gi gom khoang chng 37 bo, bo luan 3) The door of both reality and unreality or
sm nht la bo Phan Biet Cong c Luan c relativity of existence and non-existence:
bien soan trc nam 220 sau Tay Lch. Cho ti Tieu Tha Diec Hu Diec Khong MonNoi
bay gi th chung ta van cha biet ro bo A Ty at ve ly va Hu va Khong.
Ma Luan hay Vi Dieu Phap c bien soan hoi 4) The door of neither, or transcending existence
nao. or non-existence: Tieu Tha Phi Hu Phi
Hinayana doctrine of void: Tieu KhongThe Khong MonNoi ve ly Phi Hu, Phi
Hinayan doctrine of the void, as contrasted with Khong.
that of MahayanaTriet ly Tanh Khong trong

Hinayana-four major sects: Tieu Tha T hai loai ly tng tinh than nay con c dien
BoAccording to I-Ching, there are four schools ta bang mot cach khac na. Ly tng cua
in HinayanaTheo Nhat Hanh th Tieu Tha co Nguyen Thuy la Niet Ban. Ly tng cua ai
bon tong: Tha la tr thanh Phat. oi vi ai Tha th
1) Arya Mahasanghanikaya: ai Chung Bo Nie t Ban khong phai la mot ly tng toi cao;
A-Li-Da-Mac-Ha-Tang-Ky-Ni-Ca-Da. ly tng toi cao la at ti Phat tanh tc la tue
2) Arya-Sthavirah (skt): Thng Toa BoA-Li- giac sieu viet va long t bi.
Da-Tat-Tha-Be-Da. 2) The Hinayanist believes that by the
3) Arya-Mulasarvastivadah (skt): Can Ban realization of not-self or un-substantiality of
Thuyet Nht Thiet Hu BoA-Li-Da-Mo- the person, one could attain Nirvana. The
La-Tat-ba-Tat-e-Ba-a. Mahayanist maintains that it is not only by the
4) Arya-Sammatiyah (skt): Chanh Lng Bo realization of not-self or un-substantiality of
A-Li-Da-Tam-Mat-Lat-e. the person (pudgala-nairatmya), but by the
Hinayana and the heretical sects: Tieu Tha realization that all dharmas or elements of
Ngoai aoTieu tha va cac tong phai ngoai existence are unsubstantial, devoid of any
ao. independent reality of their own (dharmas-
nairatmya) that one really attains Nirvana.
Hinayana and Mahayana: Tieu Tha va ai
According to Mahayana, the realization of
both pudgala-nairatmya and dharmas-
1) The ideal of Hinayana was Arhatship or
nairatmya is necessary for the attainment of
attainment of personal enlightenment. The
NirvanaNguyen Thuy tin rang nh chng
ideal of Mahayana was Bodhisattvayana.
nghiem c tanh vo nga hoac vo thc the
Sravakayana and Pratyekabuddhayana,
tanh cua con ngi ma ngi ta co the at
according to Mahayana aimed at mere
c Niet Ban. ai Tha cho rang , muon at
individual enlightenment which was a narrow
en canh gii Niet Ban chan chanh khong
ideal. Bodhisattvayana aimed at universal
nhng ch can chng nghiem ve tanh vo nga,
enlightenment. It was the destiny of every
ma con phai chng nghiem phap vo nga
individual to become a Buddha. The
tanh, tc la cac phap va cac thanh to cua s
Bodhisattva ideal of Mahayana was higher;
sinh ton eu khong co tanh thc the, khong
that of Hinayana was inferior. The difference
co thc the oc lap cua chnh no, chng o
in the spiritual ideal of the two is expressed in
chung ta mi co the at ti Niet Ban.
yet another way. The ideal of Hinayana is
3) The Hinayanist says that man is unable to
Nirvana; the ideal of Mahayana is Buddhava,
attain Nirvana, because Reality is hidden by
the attainment of Buddhahood. The
the veil of passion like attachment, aversion,
Mahayanist does not consider the attainment
delusion. The delusion acts as an obstacle in
of Nirvana to be the highest ideal, but the
the way of the realization of Nirvana. The
attainment of Buddhava, i.e. Prajna or
delusion has, therefore, to be removed before
transcendental insight and karuna or universal
one can attain Nirvana. The afflictions,
love to be the highest idealLy tng
however, depend for their activity on the
Nguyen Thuy la qua v A La Han, la s giac
belief of an identical person self. It is only by
ngo ca nhan. Ly tng ai Tha la Bo Tat
realizing the not-self or un-substantiality of
Tha. Theo Phat giao ai Tha th Thanh
the person that the afflictions or the
van va Duyen giac tha ch cau at ti giac
obstacles can Nirvana be attained. The
ngo ca nhan, o la mot ly tng han hep.
removal of delusion is thus connected with
Nhng Bo Tat th lay s giac ngo cua the
the realization of the not-self or un-
gian lam muc ch. nh menh cua moi ca
substantiality of the person. The Hinayanist
nhan la tr thanh Phat. Ly tng Bo Tat cua
considers the removal of delusion alone as
ai Tha th cao hn, va ly tng cua
sufficient for the attainment of Nirvana. The
Nguyen Thuy th thap hn. S khac biet gia

Mahayanist says that Reality is veiled not nga hoac khong tanh cua ch phap, tc la
only by delusion but also by the veil that s vo nga va khong tanh cua tat ca thanh to
hides true knowledge (jneyavarana). The cua s sinh ton. Chnh v tieu tr ao tng va
removal, therefore, of the veil that hides true chng nghiem vo nga tanh co s lien quan
knowledge is also necessary. This is possible mat thiet vi nhau nen viec dep bo bc man
by the realization of all dharmas or elements che phu chan tr va chng nghiem phap vo
of existence are unsubstantial, devoid of any nga tanh cung co lien quan mat thiet vi
independent reality of their own (dharmas- nhau. ai Tha cho rang ch da vao viec
nairatmya), or the egolessness emptiness of tieu tr ao tng khong thoi cha u e co
all elements of existence (dharmasunyata). the at c giai thoat hoan toan, ma viec
Just as the removal of delusion is connected dep bo bc man che phu chan tr cung la mot
with the realization of the not-self or un- ieu rat can thiet.
substantiality of the person, so the removal of 4) The Hinayanist believed in certain ultimate
the veil that hides true knowledge reals, called dharmas. The word dharma in
(jneyavarana) is connected with the this sense is difficult to translate. It is
realization of all dharmas or elements of sometimes translated as things. It should be
existence are unsubstantial, devoid of any borne in mind that dharmas are not things in
independent reality of their own (dharmas- the sense of the common sense. Elements of
nairatmya). The Mahayanist maintains that existence, ultimate reals these are better
the removal of delusion alone is not sufficient translations of dharmas. Hinayana believes
for the attainment of full freedom; the that the world is composed of an unceasing
removal of the veil that hides true knowledge flow of certain ultimate dharmas which are
(jneyavarana) is also necessaryNguyen simple, momentary and impersonal. Most of
Thuy cho rang s d ngi ta cha co the them are dharmas with signs (samskrta), and
chng ac Niet Ban la v Thc Tai b che dau some are dharmas without signs (asamskrta).
bi cai man cua nhng duc vong nh luyen According to Mahayana, these dharmas are
chap, ac cam va ao tng. Nhng hanh ong not ultimate realities at all, but only mental
me muoi nay la chng ngai tren con ng constructs. Mahayna pointed out that even the
at ti Niet Ban. V the muon chng ac Niet so-called ultimate dharmas with signs and
Ban ngi ta phai kh tr me vong. Tuy without signs are dependent upon conditions
nhien, s tac ong cua cac ao tng tuy thuoc and so relative. Being relative, they are
vao s tin tng ve mot cai ban nga ong devoid of reality (sunya)Nguyen Thuy tin
nhat. Ch co s chng nghiem vo nga tanh, tng vao mot so thc hu toi hau, goi la ch
tc la tanh khong co thc tai hoac tanh vo phap. Ch Phap hieu theo y ngha nay rat
thc the cua mot ban nga ca biet, mi co the kho phien dch. Co luc no c dch thanh
tr kh ao tng hoac nhng chng ngai. s vat trong Anh ng. Nen nh rang phap
Va khi nao ao tng va chng ngai b kh khong phai la s vat hieu theo ngha nhng
tr het th ngi ta mi co the at c canh d kien cua tri thc thong thng. Co the
gii Niet Ban. Nen viec tr kh ao tng va xem nhng t ng Nguyen to ton tai, thc
chng ngai va vo nga tanh co lien quan hu toi hau la nhng ch phien dch sat
mat thiet vi nhau. nguyen Thuy cho rang ch ngha hn cua ch phap. Nguyen Thuy cho
can tr kh ao tng la u e at c canh rang the gii c cau thanh t s lu chuyen
gii Niet Ban. ai Tha cho rang Thc Tai khong ngng cua mot so phap rot rao nao o,
khong nhng b che phu bi ao tng, ma con cac phap nay n thuan, nhat thi va khach
b ngan che bi bc man che dau chan tr. V quan. Trong o a so la hu vi phap, va
the viec thao bo bc man che phu chan tr mot so la vo vi phap. Theo ai Tha th
cung la viec can thiet. ieu nay co the xay ra nhng phap nay khong phai la nhng thc tai
khi chung ta chng nghiem c phap vo toi hau, ma ch la nhng s tao thanh do tam

tr. ai Tha vach ra rang ngay ca nhng cai c ieu khac, nhng bc tranh do tr tng
goi la hu vi phap rot rao va vo vi phap tng tuyet vi a ve c Phat va nhng
rot rao la tuy thuoc vao nhng ieu kien va phng dien khac nhau cua cuoc i Ngai.
ch tng oi. V la tng oi cho nen chung ai Tha cho rang con ng gian nan cua tr
la khong co thc the. tue sieu viet ch danh cho mot so t ngi a
5) Hinayana was intellectual, Mahayana tien bo cao, nhng oi vi hang trung bnh th
devotional also Hinayana was entirely ch can at tn ngng vao c Phat cung co
intellectual. The main concern of the the giup ho chng ac Niet Ban. c Phat
Hinayana was to follow the eightfold path a c ngi sung bai qua hnh thc Quan
taught by the Buddha. In Hinayana, it was the The Am Bo Tat, qua c Phat Dc S, va
human aspect of the Buddha which was qua ng lai ha sanh Di Lac Ton Phat.
emphasized. In Mahayana Buddha was taken Hinayana partial and gradual method of
as Supreme Reality itself that descended on obeying laws and commandments: Tieu Tha
earth in human form for the good of mankind. Thien Tiem GiiAs compared with the full and
The concept of supreme reality in Buddhism immediate salvation of MahayanaS tuan thu
was never as a creator but as Divine Love gii luat tng phan va t t cua Tieu Tha, so vi
that out of compassion embodied itself in cu tuc gii va tc th cu o cua ai Tha.
human form to uplift suffering humanity. He
Hinayana sastras: Abhidharma (skt)Tieu
was worshipped with fervent devotion. The
Tha LuanSee Hinayana Abhidharma, and
devotion of the Mahayanist gave rise to the
art of sculpture and painting. Beautiful statues
Hinayana scriptures: Kinh ien Tieu Tha
of Buddha were carved out, and excellent
Tieu Tha TangThere are Four Agamas or four
imaginative pictures representing him and the
divisions of the Hinayana scripturesCo bon bo
various aspects of his life were painted.
kinh A HamSee Four Agamas, and Twofold
Mahayana maintained that the arduous path
canon (C).
of transcendental wisdom (prajna) was meant
only for the advanced few, for the average Hinayana sutras: Tieu Tha KinhThe
man it was devotion to the Buddha which Hinayana Sutras, the four sections of Agama
would enable him to attain Nirvana. Buddha SutrasKinh ien Tieu Tha, o la bon bo Kinh
was worshipped in the form of A Ham. **See Four Agamas.
Avalokitesvara, Medicine Buddha, Amitabha Hinayana teaching: Tieu Tha Tang Giao
and the future Buddha, MaitreyaNguyen The Tripitaka or Hinayana teaching for Sravakas
Thuy thuoc ve tri thc, hoan toan tri thc. S and Pratyekabuddhas, the Bodhisattva doctrine
quan tam cua tn o Nguyen Thuy la i theo being subordinate; it also included the primitive
Bat Thanh ao do c Phat giang. Trong sunya doctrine as developed in the Satyasiddhi
Nuyen Thuy, phng dien nhan tanh cua c sastraTam Tang kinh ien cho Thanh Van,
Phat c nhan manh. Trong ai Tha, c Duyen Giac va Bo TatSee Eight Tien-Tai
Phat c xem la mot Thc The toi thng, classifications of Sakyamunis teaching (A).
v muon giup nhan loai nen ngai a ng hien Hinayana-three characteristic marks: Tieu
thanh than ngi e giang tran. Khai niem ve Tha Tam AnThe three characteristic marks of
mot Thc The toi thng trong Phat giao all Hinayana sutras:
khong phai la ang tao hoa, ma ch la T Bi 1) Impermanence of phenomena: Vo thng.
Thanh Thien v muon giai thoat cho nhan **See Impermanence.
loai au kho ma mn hnh the con ngi. 2) The unreality of the ego: Vo nga. **See
Ngai c sung bai vi long tin nong nhiet. Anatman.
S tn ngng cua Phat giao o ai Tha the 3) Nirvana: Niet Ban. **See Nirvana.
hien qua nghe thuat ieu khac va hoi hoa. Hinayana-three major schools: Tieu Tha
Nhng tng phat trang nghiem ep e a Tam TongThree of the eighteen Hinayana

schools were transported to ChinaBa trong so Phung Tung trong trng Bo Kinh, co nam
18 tong phai Tieu Tha a c truyen en Trung trien cai, chung lam chng ngai va che dau
quoc: thc tai khoi tam thcSee Five evils in this
1) Abhidharma (skt): KosaCau Xa Tong. world and Five hindrances.
2) Satya-siddhi (skt): Thanh That Tong. (E) See Ten hindrances.
3) Vinaya school or the school of Harivaman: Hindrances of the affairs of life: Sinh
Luat Tong. ChngSee Five hindrances and Five
Hinayanas two major classes: Tieu Tha Nh hindrances to spiritual progress.
BoTwo major classes of Hinayana: Hindrances of affliction: Phien nao chng
1) Sthaviravadin (skt)Thng Toa Bo: School Hoac chngHinderers or barriers caused by
of presbyters. This division is reported to passions, desires, hate, stupidityChng gay
have taken place under the leadership of the nen bi duc vong, ham muon, han thu va ngu si
monk named Mahadeva, a hundred years See Three Hinderers (A).
after the Buddhas nirvana and during the Hindrances to deliverance: Giai thoat
reign of Asoka. Mahadeas sect became the chngSee Two hindrances (B).
MahasanghikaThng Toa Bo c biet
Hindrance of the delusive passions to entry
di s lanh ao cua Ty Kheo ai Thien,
into truth: Obstruction of the delusive passions
mot tram nam sau ngay Phat nhap diet, di
to entry into truthHoac chng.
trieu A Duc. See Mahasanghika.
2) Sarvastivadin (skt)ai Chung bo: **See Hindrances of grasping: Holding on to the
Sarvastivada. reality of self and things and the consequent
hindrance to entrance into nirvanaChap chng.
Hinayana Zen: Tieu Tha ThienZen of Small
VehicleSee Five kinds of varieties of Hindrance of ignorance: Am Chng
meditation. Chng ngai cua s ngu on (ch tung ma khong
biet ngha, hay ch toa thien ma khong biet toa
Hinderer (n): Vighna (skt)Chng ngai
thien e lam g).
BarrierObstacle There are three kinds of
barriers or hinderersCo ba loai chng ngai Hindrance of illusive passions: Hoac
See Mara and Three Hinderers. ChngThe obstruction of the delusive passions
to entry into truth, one of the three kinds of
Hindrance (n): Avarana or Nvarana or Varana
hindranceMot trong tam chng, tham san si
(skt)ObstaclesChng ngai (s troi buoc bi
lam chng ngai che lap chanh aoSee Three
phien nao gom co tham, san, hon tram thuy mien,
trao c va nghi hoac)In Buddhism, hindrances
mean the passions or any delusions which hinder Hindrance of ill-will: Vyapada (p)San han
enlightenment. Hindrances that any Buddhist must Trien CaiSee Five hindrances.
overcome before achieving enlightenment Hindrances and impediments: Khuc mac.
Trong Phat giao, chng ngai la nhng tham duc Hindrance of impurity: Klesavarana (skt)
hay me m lam tr ngai s giac ngo. Chng ngai Barrier of temptation, passion or defilement
ma bat c Phat t nao cung eu phai vt qua. Hindrance on spiritual progressPhien nao
(A) See Three Hinderers. chng.
(B) Avaranadvaya (skt)There are two Hindrances of karma caused in previous
hindrancesCo hai chng ngaiSee Two lives: Nghiep ChngSee Five hindrances and
hindrances. Five hindrances to spiritual progress.
(C) See Five hindrances. Hindrance of knowledge: Jneyavarana (skt)
(D) Five hindrancesAccording to the Sangiti
The intellectual hindranceS Tri ChngTr
Sutta in the Long Discourses of the Buddha,
ngai cua tri thcWorldly wisdom which
there are five hindrances which, in the sense
assumes seeming as real which is a hindrance to
of obstructing and hindering and concealing
true wisdom (the barrier of the known, arising
reality from consciousnessTheo Kinh

from regarding the seeming as real), generally Hindrance of sensuality (sensual desire):
coupled with Klesavarana, hindrance of Kamacchanda (p)Tham Duc Trien CaiSee
passionsThe gian tr thng coi s vat nh that Five hindrances.
la mot chng ngai cho chan tr, thng i kem Hindrance of sloth: Thuy Mien CaiSleep
vi phien nao chng (tr ngai cua cac phien Drowsiness, or sloth as a hindrance to progress to
nao)See Two hindrances (A). fulfil good deedsS ngu ngh cung la mot
Hindrances of no friendly or competent chng ngai che lap mat tam thc khong cho
preceptor: Phat ChngSee Five hindrances chung ta tien gan en thien phap c.
and Five hindrances to spiritual progress. Hindrance of sloth and torpor: Thina-middha
Hindrance of ones own knowledge: (p)Hon Tram Thuy MienSee Five
Jneyavarana (skt)The barrier of the known, hindrances.
arising from regarding the seeming as realS Hindrances to spiritual progress that hinder
chng ngai cua nhng cai a biet, khi len t the mind: Papanca (p)Prapanca (skt)Chng
viec xem nhng cai nh la lam chan ly. ngai cho s tien bo tinh than hay nhng chng
Hindrances of partial knowledge: S tri ngai tren tien trnh tam thcThere are five
ChngSee Five hindrances and Five hindrances to spiritual progress that hinder the
hindrances to spiritual progress. mind, obstruct insight, and prevent cultivators
Hindrance of passions: Klesavarana (skt) from attaining complete concentration and from
Afflictive hindrancePhien nao chngS knowing the truth (Five factors or hindrances
chngSee Two hindrances (A). which blind the mind)Co nam chng ngai cho
Hindrances of the passions to entry into s tien bo tinh than, lam roi loan s nhn sau vao
nirvana such as desire: S chngSee Two van hu, ngan can con ngi at ti s tap trung
hindrances (C). hoan toan, cung nh kham pha ra chan lySee
Hindrances of passion-nature: Phien Nao Five hindrances and Five hindrances to spiritual
ChngSee Five hindrances and Five
hindrances to spiritual progress. Hindrances of taking the seeming for the
Hindrances of past karma: Karmavarana real: D sanh tanh chngChng ngai v tng
(skt)Nghiep ChngThe screen or hindrance rang nhng cai khong that la that. ay la mot
of past karma which hinders the attainment of trong mi chng ngai ma bat c Bo Tat nao
bodhi (hindrance to the attainment of Bodhi, cung eu phai vt quaThe common illusions
which rises from the past karma)Nhng chng of the unenlightened, taking the seeming for real.
ngai va ngan tr do ac nghiep gay ra lam ngan This is one of the ten hindrances that any
can bo e (ac nghiep ngan can chanh ao). Bodhisattva must overcome before achieving
Hindrances of phenomena: S Chng enlightenmentSee Ten hindrances.
Hindrances of passions to entry into nirvana such Hindrance to truth: Such as false doctrineLy
as desires, in contrast with noumenal hindrances chngSee Two hindrances (C).
(ly chng)Chng ngai cua tham duc, oi lai Hindrances of women: Chng ngai cua n
vi ly chng. ** See Two hindrances. nhanAccording to the Lotus Sutra, Devadatta
Hindrances of retribution: Bao chng Chapter, there are five hindrances or obstacles of
Hinderers caused by the retributionsChng womenTheo pham e Ba trong Kinh Phap
gay nen nhng qua baoSee Three Hinderers Hoa, ngi n co nam chng ngaiSee Five
(A). hindrances of women.
Hindrance of sceptical doubt: Vicikiccha Hindrance of worry and flurry: Uddhacca-
(p)Nghi Trien CaiSee Five hindrances. kukkucca (p)Trao C Hoi Qua Trien CaiSee
Five hindrances.
Hindu religion: An o giaoSee Hinduism.

Hinduism (n): An o Giao. include all previous lives or existences: Trung

(A) An overview of Hinduismai cng ve An thanh hay tin tng tuyet oi vao thuyet
o Giao: The name used in the West to nghiep qua luan hoi, lay s tai sanh vao coi
designate the traditional social religious tri lam muc tieu toi thng cho ngi tran
structure of the Indian people and its origin is tuc. Ho tin co mot nh luat hoat ong suot
still mystic. It has neither a founder nor a cuoc i. Gieo g gat nay mot luc nao o va
fixed canon. It incorporated for centuries all mot cho nao o. o la nh luat moi hanh
aspects of truth. Hindus believe in the law of ong, moi y nh hanh ong, moi thai o eu
karma. Hinduism or Brahmanism, the general mang qua rieng cua no. ngi tr thanh thien
name given to the social-cultural-religious do nhng hanh ong thien va tr thanh ac do
system of the Indo-Aryan, who migrated into nhng hanh ong ac. Ngha la moi ngi phai
India just before the dawn of historyAn o chu trach nhiem ve hoan canh cua chnh
giao, ton giao a an sau vao An o ma mnh, ch khong the o loi cho ngi khac
nguon goc hay con la mot huyen thoai. Ton c. Ban chnh la ban v nhng th ma ban
giao khong co giao chu, cung khong co giao a lam trong qua kh. oi vi ngi theo An
ien. No luon a vao tat ca moi mat cua o giao, ng nhien qua kh bao gom tat ca
chan ly. Ngi theo An o giao tin tng vao nhng kiep song trc cua ban.
luat cua Nghiep lc. ay la ten goi chung 4) In Hindu tradition, the main duties assigned to
cho he thong xa hoi, van hoa va ton giao cua women were childbearing and housework.
giong Aryan An o, ay la giong dan di c Thus it considers a single life as a wasted life
vao An o vao ngay trc thi ky bat au co and unmarried women were subject to scoffs:
lch s cua nc nay. Theo truyen thong An Giao, nhiem vu chnh
(B) In its essence, Brahmanism advocates cua ngi n la sanh con va lam viec trong
Cng yeu An o giao la Ba La Mon chu nha. V vay ma no coi cuoc song oc than la
trng: cuoc song vo ch, va nhng ngi an ba
1) The manitenance of the four castes (see Four khong ket hon ang b ph bang.
castes in India) which assures the supremacy (C) The VedasKinh Ve a: The stories in the
of the priest caste, the brahmana: Duy tr xa Vedas reveal a great deal about the Indian
hoi lam bon giai cap, trong o Ba La Mon la people who were searching for answers about
giai cap toi thng. life around them, as well as about the remote
2) Appeasement of the gods by means of rituals universeNhng cau chuyen trong Kinh Ve
derived from the Sacred Vedas: Theo nguyen a cho thay rat nhieu ngi An o a tm
tac th phng Thng e bang nhng nghi kiem nhng cau tra li ve cuoc song quanh
thc e ra t Thanh Kinh Ve a. ho, cung nh ve vu tru xa xam.
3) Complete faith and fidelity to the theory of 1) The oldest sacred books of Hinduism called
karma and reincarnation, with rebirth in the Vedas. They are ancient poems and
heaven seen as the final goal of earthly life. hymns which were composed more than 3,000
There is a universla law, which operates years ago. The Brahmanic rules which the
throughout all life. Whatever is sown must be priests use for rituals of worship dated from
reaped sometime and somewhere. This is the between 1,200 and 1,000 B.C.Sach co nhat
law: every action, every intention to act, cua An o giao la bo kinh Ve a. Bo kinh
every attitude bears its own fruit. A man nay gom nhng cau th va nhng bai thanh
becomes good by good deeds and bad by bad ca co c sang tac t hn 3000 nam trc.
deeds. It is to say each person is fully Nhng luat le Ba La Mon ma cac tu s dung
responsible for his own condition, and cannot lam nghi le th phng a co vao khoang
put the blame on anyone else. You are what gia 1200 va 1000 trc Thien Chua.
you are because of what you have done in the 2) The UpanishadsKinh U Ba Ni Sa a: The
past. To a Hindu the past, of course, would Upanishads, dating from about 800 B.C., are

the answers that the renowned hermit- injustices. Gandhi was one who gave freely
teachers of that period gave to questions of his energies in restoring the
about life and the universeKinh U Ba Ni untouchables to caste statusCo bon giai
Sa a co vao khoang 800 nam trc Thien cap chnh trong An o Giao. Trong bon ang
Chua, gom nhng cau tra li cua nhng an s cap co 12 nhanh. Qua nhieu nam, hn 1000
noi tieng thi o trc nhng cau hoi ve i th bac ang cap a xuat hien trong i song
song va vu tru. xa hoi An o, nhng tat ca eu thuoc mot
3) The Great EpicsNhng Thien Anh Hung trong bon nhom chnh nay. Trong i song xa
Ca v ai: The Great Epics are philosophical hoi bnh thng, ranh gii ang cap phan anh
and religious poems about legendary heroes bat cong thc s va thanh kien nang ne.
and gods. They were ancient stories that had Chnh nhieu ngi An o giao cung co gang
been told for generations before they were thc hien xoa bo mot so bat cong trang trn.
written at about the first century B.C. A short Ngai Gandhi la ngi a em het sc lc e
section of one of the Epics, the Bhagavad phuc hoi tien dan vao a v co ang cap:
Gita Gait, has become the favorite religious 1) The intellectual-priest group: Nhom tr thc
text in IndiaNhng Thien Anh Hung Ca v va thay tu.
ai la nhng cau th triet ly ve anh hung 2) The nobility, including the warriors: Tang lp
truyen thuyet ve cac v than. Nhng thien anh qu toc, ke ca giai cap quan nhan.
hung ca nay la nhng truyen co c ke lai 3) The administrative group, including
qua nhieu the he trc khi c viet vao au merchants and landowners: Nhom hanh
ky nguyen Thien Chua. Mot chng ngan cua chnh, gom nhng nha buon va a chu.
Thien Anh Hung Ca, Dang i Bhavagavad 4) The great masses of people who do the
Gita, tr thanh mot pham ton giao c a common work of a society. The class of so-
thch An o. called Untouchables or Out-castes
(D) The philosophy of HinduismTriet ly An o (recently abolished by Indian law) was
Giao: According to Hindu teachings, every composed of people who had originally
person has a specific place in life and specific belonged to different sub-groups of the fourth
responsibilities. Each person is born where he caste, the masses. Through various social and
is, and with particular abilities that he has, economic conditions, they lost caste or lost
because of past actions and attitudesTheo their place in society: So ln dan chung lam
giao ly An o giao, moi ngi co mot v tr nhng viec thong thng trong xa hoi. Giai
rieng trong cuoc song va trach nhiem rieng cap goi la tien dan hay ngi b ruong bo
biet. Moi ngi c sanh ra mot cho vi (mi ay b huy bo do luat cua An o) gom
nhng kha nang rieng biet v nhng hanh nhng ngi co nguon goc thuoc nhng phan
ong va thai o trong qua kh. nhom khac cua giai cap th t, quan chung
(E) The caste system in HiduismHe thong giai nhan dan. Do nhng ieu kien xa hoi va kinh
cap trong An o Giao: There are four main te khac nhau, ho b mat ang cap, hay mat v
castes in Hinduism. Within the four castes, tr trong xa hoi.
there are dozens of sub-divisions. Through (F) The ultimate goals of the HindusMuc tieu
the years, more than a thousand levels of toi hau cua ngi theo An o giao: Hindus
castes have appeared in Indian social life; but believe that they have four ultimate goals in
all belong to one of the four main groups. In their lifeNgi theo An o giao co bon
ordinary social life, caste lines have muc tieu ln trong i cua ho:
frequently reflected real injustices and strong 1) The most important goal for each perosn to
prejudices. Even thoughtful Hindus today achieve is release from the influence of past
realize that abuses have crept into the system. unhappiness. Each person has the
Many efforts have been made in the direction fundamental ain all through life of escaping
of straightening out some of the gross from maya through union with Brahman

Muc ch quan trong nhat ma moi ngi phai theo luan ly hay ao c song. Ta co bon
vn len la thoat khoi anh hng cua bat phan vi chnh ta va oi vi ngi khac e
hanh trong qua kh. Moi ngi eu co muc lam nhng g c trong i chnh mnh ve
tieu can ban suot cuoc i la thoat khoi ao luan ly va ao c. Bon phan a c phan
tng thong qua vi s hp nhat vi Ba La nh kha ro rang tai An o, cho moi mot
Mon. ang cap co mot luat le hanh ong va thai o
2) The life of pleasure, fulfilment of all normal ma moi thanh vien phai thi hanh. Va oi vi
human desires, including the very important luat le nay, mot ngi phat nguyen bang no
desires rooted in sex. Hindus do not reject the lc cua mnh neu muon at mot i song tot
sensory experiences of life, development of ep.
creative relationships with other people, Hingula (skt): Man Cau LyNc Cao Ly
aesthetic appreciation, and sexual expression. (ngi An o goi nc Cao Ly la Hingula, phien
The Hindus value these experiences when theo am Han la Man Cau Ly)Korea.
used correctly and not regarded as the only Hino (jap): Vung Nhat Da (Nhat Ban).
goal of lifei song lac thu, thc hien tat
Hint (v): Noi giemAm chTo refer toTo
ca nhng ham thch bnh thng cua con
implyTo implicit.
ngi ke ca ham thch rat quan trong bat
Hirakawa, Akira (1915 - ): Name of an
nguon t nhuc duc. Ngi theo An o giao
influential Japanese scholar of Buddhism, best
khong bac bo kinh nghiem giac quan ve cuoc
known for his encyclopedic studies of Indian
i, phat trien quan he sang tao vi ngi
Buddhism and Vinaya literature. These include
khac, biet tham my, bieu lo tnh duc. Nhng
Bukkyo Kenkyu no shmondai (1987) and A
ngi An o giao coi kinh nghiem nay khi
History of Indian Buddhism: From Sakyamuni to
c dung ung cach va khong c coi nh
Mahayana (1990)Ten cua mot hoc gia Phat
la nhng muc tieu duy nhat cua i song.
giao noi tieng ngi Nhat, noi tieng nhat la bo
3) A persons responsibility to the community
Bach Khoa Phat Hoc An o va Van Chng Gii
Participation in economic activity or public
Luat. Nhng bo sach nay bao gom bo Bukkyo
welfare, which includes working in some
Kenkyu no shmondai, xuat ban nam 1987, va
worthwhile job or profession. Each person has
cuon Lch S Phat Giao An o: T Thi c
an obligation to himself and to society to do
Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni en Phat Giao ai Tha,
some useful work. For this he receives the
xuat ban nam 1990.
wherewithal for his daily needsTrach
nhiem tham gia vao hoat ong kinh te phuc Hiranyavati (skt): Ajiravati (skt)Hu kim
li cong cong, bao gom mot so cong viec hay Than HaA ly la bat eThi Lai Na Phat e
nghe nghiep co gia tr. Moi ngi co bon Nairanjana RiverName of a river in North
phan vi chnh mnh va vi xa hoi e lam India. The gold river, a river of Nepal, now called
mot so cong viec co ch. V viec nay ngi ay Gandaki, near which Sakyamuni is said to have
se nhan c tien can thiet cho nhu cau hang entered nirvanaTen cua mot con song vung
ngay, va thong qua o ngi ay ong gop vao Bac An (song Ni Lien Thien). Kim Ha hay song
phuc li chung. Vang, ten cua con song trong lanh tho Ne-Pal,
4) Living the right kind of moral or ethical life. bay gi la Gandaki, gan ni Phat Thch Ca nhap
One has a duty to him and to others to do Niet BanSee Eight big rivers of India at the
what is expected of him morally and time of the Buddha.
ethically. The duty has been rather Hiri (p):
specifically defined in India, for each caste 1) Shame: Moral shame, in sense of being
has a code of actions and attitudes, which are ashamed to do wrongS nhm gm toi loi
expected of its members. And to this code a (ho then toi loi, cam giac ho then ve nhng g
person is pledged through all his endeavors if can phai ho then. Cam giac ho then khi lam
he wishes to attain the good lifeSong ung hay ngh en ieu xau xa, toi loi).

2) The treasure of moral shame: Tam TaiSee History of Buddhism: Lch s Phat giao.
Seven Treasures of Enlightened Beings. Hit the mark every time: Bach phat bach
Hirima-ottapi (p): A sense of shame and fear of trung.
evil deedsBiet ho then va kinh v toi loi. Hit another person: anh ngi khacUnder
Hirosawa-ryu (jap): Phai Hoang Xch (Phat no circumstance, a Bhiksu or Bhiksuni, out of
Giao Nhat Ban). resentment, hits another person. If he or she does
Hishiryo (jap): Phi suy tngA Japanese term so, then he or she commits an Expression of
for without thinking. A term that is particularly Regret OffenceTrong bat c trng hp nao,
important in the thought of Dogen Zenji, which Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni khong c anh ngi.
refers to a state of mind in which one no longer Neu lam nh vay la pham gii Ba Dat e hay
clings to thoughts, but rather allows them to flow gii oa (phai phat lo sam hoi).
freely . It is said to be a pre-refletive (tien phan Hita (p & skt): Li locGainProfitBenfit
chieu) and non-conceptual mode of AdvantageProfitableBeneficialInterest .
consciousness, in which one is open to the full Hita-citta (skt): Tam Li chAccording to The
range of experience, without selecting out certain Avatamsaka Sutra, this is one of the eleven minds
thoughts and focusing on themThuat ng Nhat that lead to enlightenment. The desire to benefit
Ban dung e ch phi suy tng (khong co suy others, and to deliver them from evils and wrong
tng). Thuat ng quan trong ac biet trong t deedsTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, ay la mot trong
tng cua Thien s ao Nguyen, nham ch trang 11 tam dan en giac ngo. Mong lam li ch cho ke
thai tam khong con luyen chap vao t tng na, khac, cu roi ho thoat khoi nhng hanh vi sai
ma e cho dong t tng troi chay mot cach t do. quay va toi loiSee Eleven minds that lead to
Ngi ta noi ay la phng phap cua thc khong enlightenment.
co khai niem trong giai oan tien phan chieu,
Hitadhyasayin (p): Li ch Tam.
trong o hanh gia m ra mot day chng nghiem
Hiten (jap): Asura (skt)Anti-gods (opponent of
ay u, ch khong la chon nhng t tng nhat
the gods)DemonsPhi Thien.
nh nao o e tap trung vao.
H. Kern: H Kern was one of the great Buddhist
Hisohihiso-Sho-Jo (jap): Heaven of the Station
scholars in the nineteenth century. His first work
of Neither Thought nor Non-ThoughtPhi tng
was an edition of the Jatakamala of Aryasura
phi phi tng xSee Deva and Four formless
(Vol. I., H.O.S. 1891), a Sanskrit counterpart of
the Pali Jatakas. His edition of the Saddharma-
Hisohihisoten (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term
pundarika (1908) and its translation threw
for Heaven of the Station of Neither Thought nor
abundant light on the Mahayana, and made the
Non-Thought.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban
study of the religious aspects of Mahayana
co ngha la Phi tng phi phi tng Thien.See
Buddhism easier. His famous manual of Indian
Deva and Four formless jhanas.
Buddhism, or the Encyclopedia for Indo-Aryan
Hisohizoku (jap): Phi Tang phi tuc. Research, was published in 1896. It gave for the
Historic Buddha Sakyamuni: The historic first time a complete, systematic and concise
Buddha Sakyamuni, who through his perfect survey of the long history of Buddhism. Even to
enlightenment relaized in himself the truth of the this day, it remains a valuable book of reference
Unified Three Treasuresc Phat Lch S for students of Buddhism, His other monumental
Thch Ca Mau Ni, ngi a the hien ni chnh work, Histoire du Buddhisme dans lInde in two
mnh s that cua Nhat The Tam Bao qua s thanh volumes (1901-1903), gives a detailed account of
tu vien man cua NgaiSee Triratna (IV) (B). the life of the Buddha, the Dharma, and the
Historical materialism: Duy vat s quan. Sangha. It also contains a valuable history of the
Historical record: S ky (van ban ghi chep s). Buddhist Councils and later developments of
Historical records: Nhng van kien lch s. various schools and sectsMot trong nhng hoc
gia Phat giao noi tieng vao the ky th 19. tac
Historicity (n): Lch s tnh.

pham au tien cua ong la bo Tuc Sanh Chuyen 3) Not to commit adultery: Khong ta dam.
(nam 1891), mot ban tng ng bang tieng 4) Not to abuse power: Khong lam dung quyen
Phan cua bo Tuc Sanh Chuyen bang tieng Pali. . the.
Viec ong cho xuat ban bo Dieu Phap Lien Hoa (B) The karma of the mouth or verbal karma
vao nam 1908 va ban dch cuon nay a soi sang Khau Nghiep:
rat nhieu giao phap ai Tha va tao de dang cho 1) Not to speak double tongue: Khong noi li
viec nghien cu cac kha canh ton giao cua Phat hai chieu.
giao ai Tha. Cuon Giao Khoa ve Phat Giao An 2) Not to speak vicious tongue or not to defame
o noi tieng cua ong, hay Bach khoa dung cho others: Khong noi li ph bang.
viec nghien cu An o, c xuat ban vao nam 3) Not to tell lie: Khong noi li gia doi.
1896. Lan au tien ay la cuon sach cho chung ta (C) The karma of the mind or Mental KarmaY
mot cai nhn khai quat kha ay u, suc tch va co Nghiep:
he thong ve lch s lau dai cua Phat giao. Mai 1) Not be greedy: Khong Tham.
en nay, sach nay van con la cuon sach tham 2) Not be angry: Khong San.
khao co gia tr cho cac sinh vien hoc ve Phat 3) Not be ignorant: Khong Si Me.
giao. Mot tac pham v ai cua ong la quyen Lch (III) The Teachings on the Noble Eightfold Paths
S Phat Giao An o c viet thanh 2 tap t nam (which are similar to that of the Buddhism):
1901 en nam 1903, mo ta chi tiet ve cuoc i Bat Chanh ao (giong nh Bat Chanh ao
c Phat, Giao Phap, va Tang oan. Sach cung Trong Phat Giao)See Eight Noble Truths.
co phan noi ve lch s cac ai Hoi Ket Tap Kinh (IV) WorshippingTh Phng:
ien va s phat trien ve sau nay cua cac tong 1) Not trying to defame the worshipping in the
phai khac nhau. temples or pagodas; however, there is no
Ho (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for need to create any more statues or images at
Dharma.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co home. For those who have Buddhas statues
ngha la Phap. in the house, it is alright to keep it that way;
Hoa Hao Buddhism: Phat Giao Hoa Hao however, paper images of Buddhas should not
Hoa-Hao Buddhism was founded in 1939 by be kept and should be burned: Khong ph
Prophet Huynh Phu So. The main teachings bang loi th phng tai cac chua vien, nhng
emphasizes on the followingsPhat Giao Hoa khong can tao them hnh tng tai nha. Nha
Hao c c Ngai Huynh Phu So sang lap vao nao a co tng Phat van c; tuy nhien,
nam 1939. Nhng giao ly chnh: nhng anh Phat bang giay nen ot i.
(I) The Four Debts of GratitudeT An Hieu 2) The belief comes from the heart, not from
Ngha: outside appearances: Niem tin xuat phat t
1) Be thankful to our ancestors and parents: An tam ch khong bang nhng hnh thc ben
To Tien Cha Me. ngoai.
2) Be thankful to our country: An at Nc. 3) The inside altar only needs a Brown-coloured
3) Be thankful to the Three Treasures (Buddha, flag, symbol of mankind harmony without
Buddha-Law, Sangha): An Tam Bao (Phat, distinction of races or individuals because
Phap, Tang). brown color is the association of all other
4) Be thankful to our fellow-countrymen and all colours: Ban th ch can mot la c nau, bieu
other sentient beings: An ong Bao va hien cho s phoi hp cua moi chung toc,
Chung Sanh. khong co s phan biet chung toc hay ca nhan,
(II) The Three Karmas of the body, the mouth v mau nau la s phoi hp cua moi mau.
and the mindTam Nghiep Than Khau Y: 4) If there is no room for decorating an altar
(A) The karmas of the body or physical karma inside the house, a Heaven Altar with an
Than Nghiep: incense-brazier should be sufficient: Neu ben
1) Not to kill: Khong sat sanh. trong khong u rong e lap ban th th ban
2) Not to steal: Khong trom cap. Ong Thien vi mot l hng cung la u.

5) Hoa-Hao Buddhism emphasizes in improving Cause and Effect, if the cause is good, the
onself rather than in apparent worshipping: effect is then good too: Tn o Phat giao Hoa
Phat giao Hoa Hao nhan manh en s t cai Hao khong bao gi trach tri, oan Phat, gian
thien hn la hnh thc th phng. Thay v nhng bac nay khong cu o hay ban
6) As regards the way of worshipping Buddha, phc cho ho. Ho luon nh luat Nhan Qua,
only fresh water, flowers and incense sticks he nhan tot th qua lanh.
should be used. For fresh water represents 5) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should
cleanliness, flowers represent purity, and always clearly understand the religions
incense is used to freshen the air. As for principles and the teachings of Prophet
offering of food, they can use any available Huynh, and not blindly rely on belief: Tn o
food for the worshipping of their ancestors: Phat giao Hoa Hao luon sang suot nhan hieu
Cung Phat ch nen dung nc la, hoa va nhng nguyen tac ton giao va nhng li day
nhang, v nc la tng trng cho s thanh do cua thay, ch khong mu quang le thuoc
khiet, hoa tng trng cho s thanh tnh, va vao niem tin.
nhang lam ti mat khong kh. Ve thc pham (VI) FuneralTang Le:
th tn o co the dung bat c thc pham nao 1) Funeral ceremony will be kept as ancient
ma ho co e cung to tien. mourning customs; however, not to perform
7) Beside the altar of the Buddha, followers of any surplus and unnecessary ceremonies:
Hoa-Hao Buddhism can place altars of Tang le van c hanh nh truyen thong co
parents or ancestors, or any national heores; truyen; tuy nhien, khong nen ken trong rnh
however, they should not worship any spirit rang.
whose origins they do not know well: Ben 2) Not to burn votive paper because this is only
canh ban th Phat, tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao a waste of money: Khong ot giay tien vang
co the at ban th cha me, to tien hay anh ma, v ay ch la ph pham tien cua.
hung dan toc, ch khong nen th bat c quy 3) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should
than nao ma mnh khong biet ro. always remember that the body is destructible
(V) Religion PerformanceHanh Le: and it should be buried discreetly without
1) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism only letting it decompose because this is harmful
prostates themselves before the Buddhas, to the living: Tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao phai
ancestors, parents, and national heroes, no nen luon nh rang than xac tan hoai, phai
prostation before any living beings. Even to c chon cat than trong, ch khong nen e
the master, they only bow, not prostating: Tn lau ma co hai cho sc khoe cua nhng ngi
o Phat giao Hoa Hao ch lay Phat, to tien, con song.
cha me, va nhng v anh hung dan toc, ngoai 4) Only set up an altar in the middle of the
ra khong lay nhng ngi song khac. Vi cac house or in the open air for the praying and so
v thay ch nen xa ch khong lay. on burying the dead (speedily and discreetly):
2) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should not Ch nen thiet lap mot ban th gia nha hay
merely rely on the help of saints and gods: ngoai tri e cau nguyen cho ngi chet roi
Tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao khong nen ch le tien hanh nhanh chong viec chon cat.
thuoc vao s giup cua Than Thanh. 5) As regards to offerings of food, one can offer
3) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should not anything available, but try to keep the funeral
merely depend on the support of their master: simple and not money wasting: Co the dung
Tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao khong nen ch le bat c thc vat co san nao e cung ngi
thuoc vao s yem tr cua v Thay. chet, nhng khong nen ph pham tien bac.
4) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should 6) Neighbors can come to help out with the
never blame the Buddhas, gods or masters for funeral services, but this is not a chance for
not having saved or blessed them. They playing or enjoying musics: Hang xom lang
always remember the Buddhas Law of gieng co the ti giup nhau trong viec tong

tang, nhng ay khong phai la dp e n ca 1) All followers of Hoa Hao Buddhism should
xng hat. always respect decent monks and nuns: Tn
(VII)MarriageHon Nhan: o Phat giao Hoa Hao phai luon knh trong
1) The parents duty is to choose a suitable nhng s sai chan chnh.
spouse for their child by careful observation 2) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should
of the couples character: Bon phan cua cha always listen and obey right things taught by
me la phai chon la ngi phoi ngau thch the monks and nuns: Phai luon lang nghe va
hp cho con cai bang cach quan sat ky lng tuan theo nhng li day do ung theo chanh
tanh tnh oi tre. phap.
2) The custom of demanding matrimonial dowry 3) For those who known to be false monks and
deposit from the bridegrooms family should nuns, followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should
be wiped off: Nen dep bo viec oi cua hoi warn and advise them to return to the right
mon t gia nh chu re. path of Buddhism. If they continue with their
3) The parents of the two parties should not act evils, followers of Hoa Hao Buddhism shouls
difficult towards each other regarding the take a positive action by explaining to the
wedding ceremonies: Cha me hai ben khong people as well as to the local Buddhists so
nen lam kho de nhau trong van e nghi thc that they could stay away from those wizards:
hon nhan. Vi nhng s sai sai trai, tn o Phat giao
4) Try to keep the wedding ceremony the Hoa Hao co nhiem vu phai canh tnh va
simpler the better, not to waste money: Hon khuyen ho tr ve Chanh ao Phat Giao. Neu
le nen cang n gian cang tot, ch khong nen nh ho van tiep tuc con ng sai trai, tn o
rm ra ton kem. Phat giao Hoa Hao nen tch cc giai thch cho
(VIII)Things followers should avoidNhng eu dan chung va Phat giao o trong vung biet e
cam k cua cac tn o Phat Giao Hoa Hao: lanh xa.
1) Not to drink; however, during some special (B) Behavious towards temples and pagodas
events which do not fall on fast days, one can Thai o oi vi chua vien:
have a little of a very light liquor. Remember 1) Hoa Hao Buddhism does not prohibit its
that to become drunk is equal to committing a followers from going to temples or pagodas to
sin: Khong uong ru. Tuy nhien, trong worship Buddhas, especially on important
nhng ngay hoi he khong nham ngay chay Buddhist events such as the Buddhas
lat, tn o co the uong mot t ru le that nhe. Birthday (on the 15th of the Vesak month) or
Nen nh rang uong ru say la pham toi oi the Ullambana Basins (on the 15 of the
vi tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao. seventh lunar month): Phat giao Hoa Hao
2) Not to smoke opium. Exception to only sick khong cam oan tn o i chua le Phat, ac
people advised by physicians may take a little biet la vao nhng ngay le ln nh Phat an
in combination with other medicines: Khong hay Vu Lan Bon.
hut thuoc phien. Ch co ngi bnh co toa bac 2) Hoa Hao Buddhism does not agree or
s dung chung vi cac loai thuoc khac la emphasize on the worshipping of statues or
ngoai le. images; however, it prohibits its followers to
3) Not to gambling. No exception!!!: Khong bai defame this form of worship in any way: Phat
bac. Khong co ngoai le!!! giao Hoa Hao khong nhan manh hay ong y
(IX) Behaviour towards monks, temples or van e th phng hnh tng, nhng Phat
pagodas, other religions and individuals giao Hoa Hao khong cho phep tn o che
Thai o oi vi cac thay, cac chua vien va trach hay ph bang viec th phng nay tai
cac ton giao hay ca nhan khac: cac chua.
(A) Behaviour towards monks and nunsThai o (C) Behaviour of followers towards other
oi vi s sai: religionsThai o cua tn o Phat Giao Hoa
Hao oi vi cac ton giao khac:

1) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism always Hao Buddhism: e toc dai ma khong cai
respect, and not talk about the way of thien t than, th khong phai la tn hu Phat
worshipping of other religions: Tn o Phat Giao Hoa Hao.
giao Hoa Hao luon knh trong va khong bao 4) Master Huynh allowed his followers to make
gi e cap en viec th phng cua cac ton reforms according to the contemporary
giao khac. evolution of the country so as to be in accord
2) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism never speak with the people: c Thay cho phep tn o
ill about the teachings of other religions: Tn Phat giao Hoa Hao cai cach sao cho thch
o Phat giao Hoa Hao khong bao gi noi xau hp vi s tien hoa cua at nc va thuan
ve giao ly cua cac ton giao khac. theo phong cach cua dan toc.
3) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should (XI) Education and Hoa Hao BuddhismGiao
always behave correctly towards other Duc va Phat Giao Hoa Hao:
religions even if they do wrong to Hoa-Hao 1) Master Huynh always emphasized that
Buddhism: Du cac ton giao khac co lam g sai education would help wider our knowledge in
vi Phat giao Hoa Hao, tn o Phat giao Hoa science and sociology: c Thay luon nhan
Hao van khong oi tra sai trai lai. manh en giao duc e m mang kien thc ve
(C) Behaviour towards other individualsThai khoa hoc va xa hoi.
o oi vi nhng ca nhan khac: 2) Education helps us prevent errors and wipe
1) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should out superstitions: Giao duc giup ta tranh
always be on good terms with others so that nhng loi lam va pha tan me tn.
mutual sympathy may be strongly developed: 3) Education helps us study Buddhism more
Phai luon oi x tot e phat trien s cam efficiently: Giao duc giup ta hieu them ve
thong ho tng. Phat phap.
2) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism always 4) Education is not a hindrance to morality or
show love and care for others whenever they religious life: Giao duc khong phai la mot
are in need: Khi ho can nen to lo san soc chng ngai cua ao ly hay i song ton
thng yeu. giao.
3) Followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should (XII)Hoa Hao Buddhism and Business: Phat Giao
always try their best to help neighbors: Phai Hoa Hao va Thng NghiepMaster Huynh
co gang het mnh giup ngi xung quanh. Phu So encouraged his followers to do
(X) Letting the hair growing longe toc dai: business to enrich the family economy and to
1) The Master Huynh Phu So let his hair strengthen the society as well as the country
growing long because he tried to keep a with the following conditionsc Thay
remembrance of our ancestors ancient khuyen khch tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao lam
custom and to show us that he is not thng nghiep e phat trien kinh te gia nh,
influenced by the western civilization, not a xa hoi va at nc vi nhng ieu kien sau
means of leading a religious life: c Thay ay:
e toc dai la e to lo long tng nh en tuc 1) All followers of Hoa-Hao Buddhism should
le co truyen cua to tien va cho chung ta thay always comply with the rules as outlined in
Ngai khong b anh hng cua van minh Tay the Noble Eightfold Path.Tat ca tn o
phng, ch khong phai la s the hien cua Phat giao Hoa Hao luon vang gi Bat Chanh
i song ton giao. ao.
2) The Master Huynh did not compel nor 2) Get rid of dishonest deeds by not performing
prohibit his followers to grow their hair long: weight cheating, bushel substituting,
c Thay khong bat buoc ma cung khong smuggling, liquor trading, and sales of opium:
cam tn o Phat giao Hoa Hao e toc dai. Tan diet nghiep bat thien, khong can non,
3) If one grows long hair without improving khong trao hang, khong buon lau, khong
oneself, one is in no way a follower of Hoa- buon ban ru va thuoc phien.

3) Exercise honest professions without cheating Buddhism, that first developed during the Three
anyone, get rid of dishonest habits: Hanh Kingdoms period in Korea (from late fourth
nghe lng thien bang cach khong lng gat century to 668). As in Japan, Korean Buddhism
va t bo nhng thoi xau. was associated with magical practices, and
(XIII)Concepts of Hoa-Hao Buddhism on Food Buddhist monks commonly chanted texts and
and HousingQuan Niem cua Phat Giao performed ceremonies for the protection of the
Hoa Hao ve thc an va nha ca: country. The rulers in turn sponsored the building
1) Eat and drink moderately: An uong ieu o. of temples and the support of monks, in the belief
2) Avoid good food prepared with ingredients that the merit derived from such activities would
that are bad for our body and which may lead to security and prosperityThuat ng Trieu
cause us illness: Tranh nhng thc an ngon Tien dung e ch Nha nc bao ve Phat giao,
nhng lai co hai cho sc khoe va co the a au tien c phat trien di thi Ba Vng
en benh hoan. Quoc vao cuoi the ky th 4 en au the ky th 7.
3) Always keep our body clean and observe the Cung nh tai Nhat, Phat giao Trieu Tien lien he
rules of hygiene: Luon gi gn than the sach ti nhng tu tap huyen thuat, va cac Tang s
se ve sinh. thng tr tung kinh van va thc hanh nghi le
4) Get rid of the habit of living in unhealthy nham bao ve x s. Nhng nha cai tr ap lai
conditions because when the body is dirty, the bang cach xay dng chua thap va bao tr ch
mind cannot develop: Loai bo loi song benh Tang, tin tng rang nhng cong c co c t
hoan, v than the d dai, th tam khong the nhng hanh ong nay se a en s an ninh thnh
nao phat trien c. vng cho at nc.
Hoa Lam Temple: Chua Hoa LamName of a Hoi Khanh Temple: Chua Hoi KhanhName
famous ancient pagoda located in Cao Lanh town, of a famous ancient pagoda located in Phu Cng
South Vietnam. According to the documents in the village, Thu Dau Mot, South Vietnam. It was built
pagoda, it was built in the nineteenth century. The in 1741, under Emperor Le Hien Tong. In 1860,
present structure results from the reconstruction in the thirteenth T c year, it was burnt down by
1972. On the right side of the pagoda stand three the French army. Most Venerable Chanh ac had
stupas of Most Venerable Nh Le, Giac Ngo, and it rebuilt in 1868, but later it was damaged again
Nht Lang, who were respectively the 39th, 40th, during the wartime. In 1917, the auditorium and
and 41th Patriarchs of the Lin-Chi of the Vietnam east compartment were rebuilt, and later the west
Buddhist SanghaTen mot ngoi chua co noi compartment and the Main Hall were also rebuilt.
tieng toa lac trong th xa Cao Lanh, Nam Viet All the statues placed in the Main Hall are cast in
Nam. Theo tai lieu cua chua th chua c xay wood, gilded and painted in red. There are three
dng t the ky th 19. Kien truc chua hien nay la carved drafts decorated with the images of the
ket qua cua ky trung tu nam 1972. Ben phai chua four sacred animals, the nine dragons and the
co ba thap th cac v Hoa Thng Nh Le, Giac Eighteen Arahats. On both walls of the Main Hal
Ngo va Nht Lang, la nhng v To Lam Te tai stand the statues of the Eighteen Arahats and Ten
Viet Nam i th 39, 40 va 41. Halls of Yama of Hell. Created in the late years
Hoard of acquired wealth: Cua cai tch luy. of the nineteenth century, these wooden carved
Hobble (v): i khap khiengTo limpTo masterpieces were completed by the famous
cripple along. engravers from Thu Dau Mot town like Trng
Van Can, Nguyen Van Ba, Sau Nhong and
Hodge-podge of food: Tap Thco an tap
workers of sugar and sugar-candy workshops.
nhapA heterogeneous mixture of foods.
The statues of Eighteen Arahats, made of wood,
Hogen-Bunki (jap): Fayen-Wen IPhap Nhan
each 0.76 meter high, 0.41 meter wide. Its
Van chSee Fa-Yan-Wen-Yi.
pedestal is 0.10 meter high and the base is 1.7
Hoguk pulgyo (kor): Nha nc bao ve Phat meters high. The statue of Yama Hell is made of
giaoA Korean term for state-protection wood, 1 meter high and 0.63 meter wideTen

mot ngoi chua co noi tieng, toa lac trong xa Phu at ten chua la Hoi Phc T. Nam 1848, ba
Cng, th xa Thu Dau Mot, Nam Viet Nam. thnh thay Pho Minh t chua Giac Lam ve tru tr.
Chua c xay dng vao nam 1741 di trieu vua Thay Pho Minh bat tay xay chua t nam 1849 en
Le Hien Tong. Nam 1860, nam T c th 13, nam 1892 th hoan thanh. T o en nay chua a
quan Phap ot huy chua. Nam 1868, Hoa Thng c trung tu nhieu lan.
Chanh ac xay lai, nhng trong thi gian chien Hoi Son Temple: Chua Hoi SnName of an
tranh vi quan Phap chua lai b h hai nang ne. ancient temple, located in Cau Ong Tang hamlet,
Nam 1917, giang ng va tay lang c trung tu, Long Bnh village, Thu c district, Sai Gon City,
va ve sau nay ong lang va ngoi chanh ien cung South Vietnam. It was built by Chan Master
c trung tu lai. Cac pho tng trong chanh ien Khanh Long in the late eighteenth century, on a
eu c tac bang go, sn son thep vang, co ba hill adjacent to the ong Nai river. According to
tam bao lam cham t linh, cu long va thap bat La Gia nh Thanh Thong Ch, as visitors go up to
Han. Hai ben tng chanh ien co tng thap bat the hill for sightseeings, they face the great river
La Han va thap ien Diem Vng. Cac tac pham and have a feeling of being out of this world.
cham tro nay c tac vao nhng nam cuoi the ky There are many precious wooden statues
th 19, au the ky 20 do cac nhom th noi tieng conserved in the pagoda since the nineteenth
Thu Dau Mot nh Trng Van Can, Nguyen Van century. Among them, the statue of Mahasthama-
Ba, Sau Nhong thc hien. Tng La Han bang go, Bodhisattva is the oldest one, enshrined in the
moi tng cao 76 phan, ngang 41 phan, ca be cao Main Hall. It is 1.14 meters high, the base and the
1 met 7. Tng Diem Vng cao 1 met, ngang 63 lotus pedestal is 0.34 meter high, and the width
phan. between the two knees is 0.44 meter. Outside of
Hoi Linh Temple: Chua Hoi LinhName of an the pagoda, stands the stupa of Patriarch Khanh
ancient temple, located in Cantho City, Cantho Long. The stele of the stupa reads, The stupa of
province, South Vietnam. It was built a long time Patriarch Khanh Long of the Original Lin-Chi
ago, and was rebuilt in 1914Ten cua mot ngoi Sect.Ten cua mot ngoi chua co toa lac trong
chua co trong thanh pho Can Th, tnh Can Th, thon Cau Ong Tang, xa Long Bnh, huyen Thu
Nam Viet Nam. Chua c xay dng t lau va c, Thanh pho Sai Gon, Nam Viet Nam. Chua
c trung tu nam 1914. c Thien s Khanh Long xay vao cuoi the ky
Hoi Phc Temple: Chua Hoi PhcName of th 18, tren mot ngon oi ben dong song ong
a famous ancient pagoda, located in Phu Nhuan Nai. Theo Gia nh Thanh Thong Ch: khi khach
hamlet, An My village, Sa ec town, Sa ec leo oi du ngoan, ngo xuong ai giang, co cam
province, South Vietnam. The pagoda was built in tng nh a ra ngoai vong the tuc. Chua co
1842. At first it was a small temple possessed by nhieu pho tng go quy t the ky th 19, trong o
Ms. Tran Th Ngon and called Lady nh Pagoda. co pho tng cua Bo Tat ai The Ch cao 1 met
In 1847, Ms. Ngon whose Dharma name is Dieu 14, phan toa sen va e cao 34 phan, be ngang
nh, worshipped the Buddhism and requested the gia hai au goi la 44 phan. Ben ngoai chua co
Most Venerable Head of Giac Lam Pagoda to thap th To Khanh Long, va tren bia thap e:
name it Hoi Phc Pagoda. In 1848 she requested Hoi Sn Khai Thuy Lam Te thng chanh tong.
Master Pho Minh from Giac Lam pagoda to head ao Thanh Khanh Long Hoa Thng To Thap.
Hoi Phc Pagoda. Master Pho Minh began to Hoi Tho Temple: Chua Hoi ThoName of an
build the pagoda from 1849 to 1892. It has been ancient pagoda located in My Hng hamlet, Thien
restored many timesTen cua mot ngoi chua co T village, Cai Be district, My Tho province,
noi tieng toa lac trong ap Phu Nhuan, xa An My, South Vietnam. It is also called Cai Co Patriarch
th xa Sa ec, tnh Sa ec, Nam Viet Nam. Chua Temple. Its original name was Kim Chng
c ba Tran Th Ngon dng t nam 1842. Khi Pagoda, being offered three times the gold board
au no ch la mot cai am nho goi la chua Ba nh Royal Recognisation by the Nguyen dynasty.
(v ba Ngon co phap danh la Dieu nh). Nam The first time it was called Royal Recognized
1847, ba Ngon cau thnh Hoa Thng Giac Lam Kim Chng Pagoda; the second time, Royal

Recognized Pho Quang Pagoda; and the third time Venerable Long Thien in the middle of the
Royal Recognized Thien Tng Pagoda. After the eighteenth century in the reign of Lord Vo Vng
French colonist troops attacked and occupied the Nguyen Phuc Khoat (1738-1765). The Most
Gia nh rampart, Most Venerable Minh Giac Venerable was from Quang Ngai province. He
(1794-1884) and his disciples, Most Venerable entered the monkhood at Nui a Pagoda and
Thieu Long (1835-1929) followed a group of followed the local people to move into the new
plantation workers to arrive in My Thien (now land of Bnh ai district, adjacent to the bank of
called cai Be district, My Tho province) to build a the River Tien in order to found Hoi Ton Pagoda
pagoda that they named Hoi Tho. Prior to 1945, to propagate The Lord Buddhas Dharma. The
Hoi Tho Pagoda was as great and magnificient as next Head of the pagoda was Most Venerable
Kim Chng Pagoda. When French colonist Khanh Hng of the thirty-sixth generations of
returned, monks, nuns as well as believers burnt theLin-Chi Chan Sect (he originally entered
the pagoda for fearing that the French troops monkhood at Hng Long pagoda but headed c
would take it and serve as a barrack. After Lam pagoda). Most venerable Khanh Hng did
burning the pagoda, they withdrew into the restore the pagoda in the early nineteenth century,
guerilla base. The pagoda has still kept the decorate the Buddha statue and Dharma Objects
pedestals of the statues, the tablets and as well as have the great bell cast in 1805. The
worshipped implements and ritual appliances of Most Venerable Bao Chat, Quang Giao, and Tam
Kim Chng Pagoda, as well as three precious nh were the successive heads of the pagoda.
stupas of Most Venerable Minh Giac, Most Most Venerable Tam nh organised a
Venerable Thieu Long and Most Venerable reconstruction of the pagoda late in 1884. In 1886
Quang Tuc. In the Main Hall, there is the statue of he left for Hue to have some Buddha statues and
Amitabha Buddha, made of clayTen cua mot those of the Ten Kings of Hell cast in bronze for
ngoi chua co toa lac trong thon My Hng, xa worshipping in the pagoda. The successive Heads
Thien T, huyen Cai Be, tnh My Tho, Nam Viet were Most Venerable Chanh Hoa, and Chn Tnh.
Nam. Chua con co ten la To nh Cai Co. Ten At present, the pagoda still keeps sevaral wooden
nguyen thuy cua no la Kim Chng, a ba lan boards used in printing the Buddhist canonical
c trieu nh nha Nguyen ban bang vang Sac books. Besides are some vestiges of the
T. Lan th nhat la Sac T Kim Chng; lan th nineteenth century. In the pagoda garden stand
hai la Sac T Pho Quang, va lan th ba la Sac T fifteen precious stupas. Hoi Ton Pagoda was
Thien Tng T. Sau khi quan Phap anh chiem restored again in 1947. The pagoda still has the
thanh Gia nh, Hoa Thng Minh Giac (1794- great bell cast in 1805. The Chinese characters
1884) va e t cua ngai la Hoa Thng Thieu carved on the bell read Ritually inaugurated on
Long(1835-1929) a theo phu on ien rut ve My the good day of the elventh month of At S year,
Thien (nay thuoc Cai Be) lap chua oi hieu la in the Gia Long dynasty, under the recognition o f
Hoi Tho T. Trc nam 1945, chua Hoi Tho cung Most Venerable Khanh Hng, Head of Hoi Ton
quy mo va trang le khong kem chua Kim Chng Pagoda. There are also ancient thunder drum
thu trc. Khi thc dan Phap tr lai, v s chung stand and bell support, made of one-hundred-
chiem chua lam on nen Tang chung va tn o a year-old secular treeTen mot ngoi chua co noi
thieu huy ngoi chua roi rut vao chien khu. Hien tieng, toa lac trong xa Qui Sn, huyen Chau
chua con gi c bo tng th, nhieu bai v va Thanh, tnh Ben Tre, Nam Viet Nam. Chua do
phap kh cua chua co Kim Chng cung ba ngoi Hoa Thng Long Thien xay cat vao gia the ky
bao thap cua Hoa Thng Minh Giac, Hoa th 18 di trieu chua Vo Vng Nguyen Phuc
Thng Thieu Long va Quang Tuc. Khoat (1738-1765). Hoa Thng von ngi
Hoi Ton Temple: Chua Hoi TonName of a Quang Ngai, tu hoc tai chua Nui a, a theo dan
famous ancient pagoda located in Qui Sn di c vao vung at mi thuoc huyen Bnh ai,
village, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province, ben b song Tien, lap nen chua Hoi Ton e
South Vietnam. The pagoda was built by Most hoang dng Phat Phap. V tru tr ke tiep la Hoa

Thng Khanh Hng, phai Lam Te i th 36 Hokkiemetsuzai-no-Tera (jap): Chua Phap

(ngai nguyen tu tai chua Hng Long va tru tr Hoa Diet Toi.
chua c Lam) ng ra trung tu chua vao au the Hokkyo (jap): Saddharma Pundarika Sutra
ky th 19, ton tao tng Phat va phap kh, uc ai (skt)Dieu Phap Lien Hoa KinhThe Lotus
hong chung nam 1805. Nhng v Hoa Thng tru SutraThe wonderful law of truthSee
tr ke tiep la ch Hoa Thng Bao Chat, Quang Saddharma Pundarika and Saddharma Pundarika
Giao, va Tam nh. Ngai Tam nh a to chc Sutra.
trung tu chua vao cuoi nam 1884. Nam 1886, ngai
Hoko (jap): Vaipulya (skt)Extensions (of
ra Hue e uc mot so tng Phat va tng Thap
Buddhist philosophy)Square and wideSee
ien Diem Vng bang ong ve th chua. Ke
Phng Quang.
tiep la nhng v Hoa Thng tru tr Chanh Hoa,
Hokoji (jap): Bang Long UanSee Pan-Lung-
Chn Tnh. Chua hien nay con gi mot so ban go
khac kinh ch Han, mot so co vat cua the ky th
19. Trong vn chua co 15 bao thap. Chua lai Hokufu (jap): BaofuS Bao Phc Tong
c trung tu vao nam 1947. ai hong chung Trien.
chua c uc nam 1805, tren chuong co khac Hokuhon-Nehangyo (jap): Bac Ban Niet Ban
ch Han: Gia Long, At Su nien, thap nhat KinhKinh Niet BanSee Parinirvana sutra.
nguyet, kien nht chu cung, Hoi Ton T, thng Hokujiden (jap): Bac T Tuyen (Nhat Ban).
Khanh ha Hng chng minh. Gia trong va Hold on to: Chap trTo hold firmly or to insist
chuong c cham uc t goc ai tho tren mot firmly on anything. Holding together the karma,
tram nam. good or evil. It is another name for Alaya-
Hoji-Bunkin (jap): Paotzu-WenchinS Bao vijnanaGi vao hay nam vao khong lay
T Van Kham. chuyen. Gi chat vao nghiep, dau tot hay xau.
Hojo (jap): Le phong sanhA Japanese Buddhist ay la ten khac cua A Lai Da thc.
term for Ceremony of releasing trapped Hold (v) to: Bam vuTo cling to.
animals. To release living creatures as a work of Hold to anything: graha (skt)Chap trc hay
merit, including to liberate live animals and ro nam gi vao s vat.
release trapped animalsThuat ng Phat giao Hold on blindly: Have taken a thing into one's
Nhat Ban co ngha la Le phong sanh. Phong headChap me.
sinh bao gom tra t do cho nhng sinh vat va thao Hold ones body upright: Keep ones body
g cho nhng sinh vat b mac bay.
erectGi cho than mnh c ngay thang.
Hojoshi (jap): Dong ho Bac ieu Th (Nhat Hold ones breath: Nn th.
Hold (v) to the concept of the reality of the
Hojo-Tokimune (jap): Phai Bac ieu Thi
ego: Nga chapSee Atma-graha.
Tong (Phat giao Nhat Ban).
Hold (v) deviant views: Me tn ta ao.
Hokekyo (jap): Kinh Phap HoaSee Hokkyo.
Hold (v) ones ears: Bt tai.
Hokekyogisho (jap): Phap Hoa Kinh Ngha
SSee Hokkyo. Hold (v) fast to something: To continue to
believe in somethingNam vng ieu gVng
Hokkaiji (jap): Chua Phap Gii (Nhat Ban).
tin ieu g.
Hokke (jap): Dharma-flowerPhap HoaSee
Hold (v) a feast: Lam tiec.
Saddharma Pundarika Sutra.
Hold (v) firmly: Adana (skt)Lagna-graha
Hokkeshu (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for
(skt)ReceptacleTo insist firmly on anything
The Lotus Sect.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat
Chap TrGi vao hay nam vao khong lay
Ban co ngha la Phap Hoa Tong.
Hokke-Zammai (jap): Fahua-SanmeiPhap
Hold firmly to a one-sided interpretation:
Hoa Tam MuoiSee Saddharma-pundarika-
Thien ChapChap ve mot pha.

Hold (v) to heterodox views or doctrines : Hold (v) a service of worship to the Triple
Drstiparamarsa (skt)Be obsessed with the sense Gem: Lam le cung dng Tam Bao.
of selfB am anh v mot cai ngaSee Hold (v) someone in high esteem (respect):
Drstiparamarsa. To esteemTon trong ai het mc.
Hold (v) a lecture on the Dharma: Give a Hold someone sacred: Regard someone as
Dharma talkTo chc thuyet phap. holyTon th hay xem ai la linh thieng.
Hold (v) in the mouth: Ham (ngam trong Hold (v) on to: Grau (skt)Grabh (skt)Graha
mieng). (skt)SeizeGraspMaintainObstinate
Hold on (v): Graha (skt)To snatchTo take by Chap.
force GraspMaintainObstinate Seize Hold (v) ones tongue: Gi mieng.
Chup layoat layThu TrcTo graspTo
Holder of the great waters: Nang Tr Phong
hold on to, or be held by anything or ideaThu
luan, co kha nang tr ai thuySee Ten types of
chap cac phap khong la bo (theo Kinh Niet Ban:
characteristics of manifestation of a Buddha (1).
Het thay pham phu eu thu trc t sac en
Holder or protector of a vajra: Vajrapani
thc. V me chap sac ma sinh long tham, v tham
(skt)Kim Cang Thu Bo Tat (hien lam Giang
ma b troi buoc vao sac va thc, v b rang buoc
Tam The). ay la mot trong tam Kim Cang vng
nen khong the tranh khoi kho au phien nao,
hay Kim Cang Ho Bo tat cho Phat Ty Lo Gia
buon lo, sinh, lao, benh, t).
NaThis is one of the eight diamond-kings, or
Hold on blindly: To have taken a thing into
bodhisattvas as guardians of Vairocana (ai Nht
ones headChap me.
Nh Lai)See Eight diamond-kings, Vajradhara
Hold in memory: Tr niem. and Vajrapani.
Hold (v) ones mouth: Bt mieng. Holder or ruler of the earth: Dharanimdhara
Hold (v) ones nose: Bt mui. (skt)Tr a.
Hold (v) a prayer service: Lam le cau nguyen. Holder of the vajra: Vajrapani or Vajradhara
Hold (v) a prayer services for the departed: (skt)Kim cang than hay Chap Kim Cang
Lam le cau nguyen cho ngi qua vang. ThanProtector of the LawSee Eight diamond-
Hold (v) a prayer service for someone: Lam kings, Vajrapani, and Vajradhara.
le cau nguyen cho ai. Holder of water: The holder, which can hold the
Hold (v) a prayer service for world peace great watersNang tr phong luan, co kha nang
and the welfare of all beings: Lam le cau cam gi ai thuySee Four kinds of atmosphere.
nguyen cho the gii hoa bnh va chung sanh an Holding cause: Lap nhanEstablishing cause,
lac. one of the five causes (four elements of earth,
Hold to or rely on the name of a Buddha: Tr water, fire and wind which are the causers or
danh. producers and maintainers of infinite forms of
nature (results)Lap nhan, mot trong nam
Hold repentance before the image of the
nguyen nhanSee Five causes (A).
Buddha: Thu Tng Sam (Hoi)One of the
Holding to doubt: Nghi chap.
three ways of repentance, to seek the presence of
the Buddha to rid one of sinful thoughts and Holding to the ego idea: Nga Kien Phien
passions. To hold repentance before the mind NaoSee Four delusions in reference to the ego
until the sign of Buddhas presence annihilates the and Four bandhanas (B).
sinMot trong ba phep sam hoi, cau s co mat Holding to the entire unreality: Vo kienY
cua Phat e c tan tr toi loi. nh tam tin chac kien co chap cho rang van vat la khong co thc
rang Phat xoa au va xa toi cho mnh. ** See See Two wrong views (A).
Three modes of repentance. Holding to the illusions of life as realities:
Hold (v) a service of worship: Lam le cung Thu TngThe state of grasping to the illusions

of life as realitiesVong hoac chap thu vao Hollographic Universe: Vu tru nh huyen.
tng s ly hay me chap the gii hien tng. Hollow speech: Empty promisesTalk of
Holding precepts (Discipline): Moral goodness or giving, but they never carry out what
conductMoralityGii Ba La Mat: Tr gii they sayMieng noi tot, hoac noi bo th ma
See Ten Paramitas. khong bao gi chu thc hanh, ch la nhng li
Holding to the real existence of material ha trong rongSee Five kinds of people who
things: Hu kienY kien co chap cho rang van pretend to offer alms.
vat la thc huSee Two wrong views (A). Holy (a): Arya or Sadhu (skt)Sacred
Holding on the reality of self and things: SaintlyThanhThuoc ve than thanh (thieng
Chap ChngThe holding on to the reality of lieng).
self and things and the consequent hindrance to Holy appearance: Saintly appearanceThanh
entrance into nirvanaChap vao t ky va ch nghi.
phap, va hau qua la chng ngai trong tien trnh Holy assembly: Thanh ChungSee Sacred
i vao Niet ban. assembly.
Holding the root or fundamental: Tr Bon Holy canon: Holy scripturesSacred canon
In Buddhism, this the ruler of the earth, which is Thanh ien.
the root and source of all thingsGn gi can ban. Holy conditions: Thanh DuyenHoly
Trong ao Phat, ay la v a Than, chuyen ch conditions of or aids to the holy lifeNhng ieu
van s van vat. kien hay tr lc giup a en cuoc song Thanh
Holding to things as realities: Phap chap (cho Thien.
rang s vat la that). Holy enlightenment: Enlightenment of the
Holding to the view of permanence or saintsThanh minhS giac ngo cua bac Thanh.
immortality: Thng kienThe view that Holy family: Thanh gia.
personality is permanentTa kien cho rang cai Holy fruit: Fruit of the saintly lifeThanh
nga trng tonSee Two wrong views (B). QuaSee Holy fruition.
Holding to the view of total annihilation: Holy fruition: Ariyaphalam (p)Thanh Qua
Ucchedaditthi (p)Ucchedadarsana (skt) The holy truthFruit of the saintly life (bodhi or
Annihilation-illusion or Annihilation-view nirvana)Holy fruitionFruit of ArhatshipThe
Nihilismoan KienHolding to the view of fruition of holinessao qua cua bac Thanh, at
total annihilation, or the view that death ends life, c Bo e hay Niet BanSee Six stages of
or world-extinction and the end of causation, in Bodhisattva developments.
contrast with the view that body and soul are
Holy ghost: Thanh thanHoly spirit.
eternal, both views being heterodoxThe
Holy Grades of Lotus: Pham Lien HoaThere
philosophic doctrine that denies a substantial
are nine Holy Grades of LotusCo chn pham
reality to the phenomenal universePhu nhan s
Lien HoaSee Nine Holy Grades of Lotus.
hien hu cua hien tng va bam vao chu ngha
hoan toan huy diet, ngha la khi chet la cham dt Holy happiness: Thanh PhucOne of the two
tat ca, oi lai vi chu trng cho rang than tam la kinds of happiness, holy happiness, that of
thng tru bat diet; ca hai eu la ta kienSee Buddhism, in contrast with that of Brahma and
Two wrong views (B). BrahmanismMot trong hai phc, thanh phc
hay phc cua Phat giao e oi lai vi Pham
Holding to the view of permanence: Thng
phc hay phc cua Pham Thien. **See Two
KienEternalismPermanenceThe view that
kinds of blessing.
holds personality as permanentHolding to the
view of immortality. Holy honored one: Thanh TonThe Buddha
V Thanh c ton knh nh Phat.
Holiness (n): Thanh c.
Holy image: Thanh TngSee Sacred statue.
Hollographic paradigm: Anh tng.

Holy jala: Thanh VongThe holy jala, or net, of 1) All the saints, or sacred assembly: Tat ca cac
Buddhas teaching which gathers all into the bac Thanh.
truthLi Phat Phap co cum tat ca chan ly. 2) The Bodhisattva saints who have overcome
Holy king: Thanh vng. illusion, from the first stage upwards: Nhng
v Bo Tat Thanh a vt thoat phien nao t
Holy land: Arya-desa (skt)A Ly a Te Xa
s a tr len.
Thanh PhngLand of the sageSacred land
3) To all the saints, or the wise, what is to be
The holy land (the land of the sage), India where
ordinarilyregarded as an error, that is, this
the Buddha was born (India)Tieng goi ton xng
world of particulars, appears neither
cua x An o ni c Phat an sanh.
perverted nor unperverted: oi vi Thanh
Holy law: Law of the saintsThe law or
chung hay bac tr, nhng g thng phai c
teaching of the saints or sages, or the holy law of
xem la mot s lam lan, tc la cai the gii cua
BuddhaThanh phapNhng li day cua ch
cac ac thu nay, van khong bieu hien la ien
Hien Thanh hay nhng li Phat day.
ao hay phi ien ao.
Holy lion: Thanh S TThe BuddhaTon 4) The special community established by the
hieu cua c Phat. c Phat la v vua trong coi Buddha was called The Assembly of the
Thanh nh s t la vua trong muon thu. Noble (Arya-sangha), intended to be the
Holy lion lord: Thanh chu s t (Buddha). cradle of noble persons. Since the
Holy lord deva: Thanh chu Thien trung Thien. Brahmanical tradition had been firmly
Holy man: Genuine religious manBac chan established, the race distinction was strictly
tuSee Four saints (rewards) and Four kinds of felt. On that account the Buddha often
holy men. asserted that in his own community there
Holy mind: Thanh TamThe holy mind, that of would be no distinction between Brahmans
BuddhaTam cua bac Thanh nh tam Phat. (priests) and warriors or between masters and
Holy monk: Thanh Tang. slaves. Anyone who joined the Brotherhood
would have an equal opportunity for leading
1) The holy monk who has achieved higher
and training. The Buddha often argued that
merit, in contrasted with the ordinary monk
the word Arya meant noble and we ought
(pham tang): Hang Tang chung c cao, ao
not call a race noble or ignoble for there will
trong a dt bo me hoac, a chng ac chan
be some ignoble persons among the so-called
ly, oi lai vi pham Tang.
Aray and at the same time there will be some
2) The image in the monk assembly room:
noble persons among the so-called Anarya.
Tng v Thanh Tang gia Tang ng.
When we say noble or ignoble we should be
3) In Mahayana Buddhism, Manjusri is
speaking of an individual and not of a race as
considered as a holy monk, his image is
a whole. It is a question of knowledge or
placed in the center of the monks assembly
wisdom but not of birth or caste. Thus the
room: Trong Phat Giao ai Tha th coi Ngai
object of the Buddha was to create a noble
Van Thu S Li Bo Tat nh la mot Thanh
personage (arya-pudgala) in the sense of a
Tang, va tng cua ngai c at gia
noble life. The noble community (Arya-
Tang ng.
sangha) was founded for that very purpose.
4) In Hinayana Budhism, Kasyapa and Subhuti
The noble ideal (Arya-dharma) and the noble
are considered holy monks, their images are
discipline (Arya-vinaya) were set forth for the
usually placed in he centre of the monks
aspiring candidates. The path to be pursued
assembly room: Trong Phat Giao Tieu Tha
by the noble aspirant is the Noble Eightfold
th Ngai Ca Diep hay Tu Bo e c coi nh
Path (Arya-astangika-marga) and the truth to
la nhng Thanh Tang, tng cua cac ngai
be believed by the noble is the Noble
thng c at gia Tang ng.
Fourfold Truth (Catvariarya-satyani). The
Holy multitude: Thanh chung.
perfections attained by the noble were the

four noble fruitions (Arya-phala) and the c Phat, nh vay, a co gang lam song lai y
wealth to be possessed by the noble was the ngha nguyen thuy cua ch Thanh ni ca
noble sevenfold wealth (sapta-arya-dhana), tnh con ngi trong cuoc song thng nhat.
all being spiritual qualifications. The careful Holy nature: SaintivityThanh TnhTanh cua
application of the word Arya to each of the bac Thanh.
important points of his institution must not be 1) The holy nature, according to the
overlooked by a student of Buddhism. The Abhidharma-kosa of the passionless life: Cau
Buddha thus seemed to have endeavored to Xa Luan goi Thanh Tnh la Chnh Tnh hay
revive the original meaning of Arya in mot i song Thanh thien khong con b duc
personality and the daily life of his religious vong loi cuon.
community: oan the do c Phat lap nen 2) According to the Vijnanamatrasiddhi of
goi la Thanh Chung (Aryan sangha), o la enlightenment and wisdom, the holy nature is
moi trng tu tap cua nhng ngi cao quy. the nature that produces the passionless or
V truyen thong Ba La Mon a c thiet lap pure wisdom: Duy Thc Luan goi Thanh Tnh
kien co nen giai cap bay gi a c phan la cai tnh sanh ra tr vo lau ma oan tr
chia that la ro ret. Bi le o, c Phat luon phien nao.
xac nhan rang trong hang Tang chung cua Holy nature apart from unenlightened
Ngai khong co phan biet gia Ba La Mon va
nature: Thanh Tnh Ly SinhAccording to the
vo tng, hay gia chu va t. Ai a c nhn
Vijnanamatrasiddhi, the life of holiness apart or
nhan vao hang Tang chung eu c quyen
distinguished from the life of common
hoc tap nh nhau. c Phat day rang khong
unenlightened peopleTheo Duy Thc Luan,
the goi mot giai cap nao la cao quy hay
Thanh Tnh Ly Sinh la cuoc song cua s Thanh
khong cao c bi v van co nhng ngi e
thien cua cac v Thanh Van, Duyen Giac, A La
tien trong cai giai cap goi la cao quy va ong
Han hay Bo Tat, nhng v a at c vo lau tr
thi cung co nhng ngi cao quy trong giai
va dt bo phien nao do phan biet khi len (a dt
cap e tien. Khi chung ta goi cao quy hay e
bo phien nao va s tri chng), oi lai vi cuoc
tien la chung ta noi ve mot ngi nao o ch
song cua pham phu hay ngi cha giac ngo.
khong the ca toan the mot giai cap. ay la
Holy offering: Thanh CungThose made to the
van e cua tri thc hay tr tue ch khong phai
saints, especially to the Triratna.
la van e sinh ra trong dong ho hay giai cap
nao. Do o, van e cua c Phat la tao nen Holy One: Arya-pudgala (skt)Saintly one
mot ngi cao quy hay Thanh gia (Arya The holy or saintly one; one who has started on
pudgala) trong y ngha mot cuoc song cao the path to nirvanaBac Vo ThngBac Thanh
quy. Thanh chung a c thiet lap theo a bc vao con ng i en Niet Ban. **See
ngha o. Theo o th Thanh Phap (Arya Six realms of the samsara (existence) and four
dharma) va Thanh luat (Arya vinaya) c realms of the saints.
hnh thanh e cho Thanh chung tu tap. Con The Holy Order: oan the Thanh thien.
ng ma Thanh gia phai theo la con ng Holy Places of Buddhism: T ong tamThe
Bat Thanh ao (Arya-astangika-marga) va four sites visited by Buddhist PilgrimsNhng
cai s that ma Thanh gia tin theo la T Dieu ni ong tam cua Phat giao:
e. S vien man ma Thanh gia phai at ti 1) Lumbini Park: Buddhas Birth PlaceVn
la T Thanh qua (Arya-phala) va cai toan b Lam T ni ni c Phat an Sanh.
ma Thanh gia phai co la That Thanh Giac 2) Buddha Gaya: Bo e ao TrangThe site
Chi (sapta-arya-dharma). o la nhng c of the Buddhas EnlightenmentNi c
tnh tinh than ca. Ngi hoc Phat khong nen Phat thanh ao.
anh mat y ngha cua t ng Thanh nay 3) Sarnath: Vn Loc UyenWhere the first
von c ap dung can than vao moi iem Sermon was preachedNi c Phat thuyet
quan trong trong giao phap cua c Phat.

phap au tien cho bon anh em Kieu Tran him in painting or sculture. Now that he had
Nh. passed into Nirvana, however, it was improper to
4) Kusinara: Cau Thi NaThe scene of the represent the one who no longer really lived. It
Great DeceaseNi c Phat nhap diet. was after a considerable development of the
Holy position: Thanh VThe holy life of Gandhara art that the southern school of
Buddhists. Buddhism began to have images of Buddha. This
Holy practices: Thanh HanhThe holy was believed at about the same time when the
bodhisttva life of the monastic commandments, Buddhas teachings were committed to writing,
meditation, and wisdomCuoc song chan chnh i.e., 80 B.C. The elders of idealistic and free-
cua mot v Bo Tat la tu hanh gii nh tue. thinking tendencies, whom we might regard as the
foreunners of the Mahayana, would not hold any
Holy principles: Sacred principlesThanh
meetings for the rehearsal of the Buddhas
eSee Four Noble Truths.
sermons, nor would they enlarge upon their
Holy response: Thanh ngThe influence of
Vinaya rules beyond what was laid down by the
Buddha, or the response of the Buddha or saints
Buddha himself. They would commit those sacred
S cam ng linh nghiem cua ch Phat va ch
words to memory or to writing as they pleased.
They did not hesitate in using their talents in
Holy rsi: Thanh tien. painting or sculture to depict the Buddhas image
Holy Scriptures: Holy canonSacred canon according to their own ideal of beauty and
Thanh ienSee Sacred Scriptures. perfection, as they did in the Gandhara art. The
Holy seed: Saintly seedSee Saintly seed. trend of the free-thinking mind can also be seen in
Holy speech: Aryabhasa (skt)Sacred speech the metaphysical treatises of the Optionalists
Thanh NgSee Aryabhasa. (Vaibhasikas), in which several opinions about
Holy statue of the Buddha: Thanh Tng dharmas or higher dharmas (abhidharmas) are
Ch tng cua c PhatAccording to Prof. gathered together and some optional ones have
Junjiro Takakusu in The Essentials of Buddhist been selected and recommended for study.
Philosophy, none of the earlier sculptures of Though the Vaishasika School belonged to the
sanchi and Barhut represent the Buddha in huma Hinayana, it already betrayed a tendency toward
figure. It is remarkable to us that the principle the free-thinking school. Such free-thinking
events of the Buddhas life have been fully given people would be bold in exegesis, erudition,
in sculture without a figure of the hero. How was annotation, or in forming and expressing opinion.
that possible? The Buddha at birthis represented This, however, does not mean that they departed
by a full blooming lotus; the Buddha in from the original teachings of the BuddhaTheo
Enlightenment by the Bodhi tree with a rail Giao S Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng Yeu Triet
around it; the Buddha in his first preaching by a Hoc Phat Giao, tat ca nhng ieu khac au tien
wheel, above which a tri-ratna mark is sometimes tai Sanci va Barhut khong trnh bay Phat trong
added; the Buddha in his beggng round, or dien mao con ngi. ieu ang lu y chung ta la,
mendicancy, by a bowl; and the like. If suggestion nhng bien co chnh trong i song cua c Phat
be a means of true art, the early Buddhist artists a c a ra ay u trong ieu khac ma khong
understood it perfectly and utilized the idea mang dien mao mot anh hung. Lam sao co the
skilfully for practical purposes. However, all this c? Phat khi giang sinh c tng trng bang
does not necessarily mean that the elders did not oa hoa sen n tron; khi thanh ao tng trng
represent the Buddha at all during his lifetime, for bang cay Bo e co tng rao chung quanh; luc
there is a legend which tells of their making an Ngai thuyet phap au tien (chuyen Phap Luan)
image for the purpose of offering veneration tng trng bang mot banh xe tren o oi khi co
during the Buddhas absence. They were them dau hieu Tam Bao (Tri-ratna); luc khat thc
formalistic and realistic, and so if the Buddha was tng trng bang mot cai bnh bat, van van. Neu
actually before them, they had a right to depict s gi hng la mot phng tien cua nghe thuat

ch thc, cac nghe s Phat t au tien a hieu Holy teaching: Thanh giaoThe teaching of the
ieu o kha tron ven va a dung y niem o mot sages, or holy oneNhng li day cua Thanh
cach kheo leo cho nhng muc ch thc tien. Tuy Nhan.
nhien, tat ca nhng ieu nay khong nhat thiet co Holy water: Nc thanh.
ngha rang cac trng lao a tuyet nhien khong
Holy way: Thanh aoSee Arya-marga.
trnh bay c Phat suot thi gian Ngai con tai
(A) Arya-marga (skt)Thanh ao.
the, v co truyen ke ve viec ho a tao mot bc
1) The saintly way: Con ng Thanh Thien.
tng e cung dng trong suot thi gian Ngai
2) The way of the saints or sages: Con ng
vang mat. Ho la nhng ngi chu trng hnh thc
cua bac Hien Thanh.
va duy thc, va nh the neu Phat ang ngay
3) Buddhism: ao PhatSee Buddhism.
trc mat, ho co quyen mieu ta Ngai bang hoi
4) The Eightfold Noble Path: Bat Thanh ao.
hoa hay ieu khac. Nhng bay gi Ngai a i vao
**See Eight Noble Paths.
Niet Ban, ma trnh bay mot ngi khong con hien
(B) Ariya-vamsa (p)T Thanh ChungT Y
hu trong thc tai na, o la ieu bat xac. Chnh
T Lng DcAccording to the Sangiti
do sau nay, mot phat trien kha quan cua cac nen
Sutta in the Long Discourses of the Buddha,
nghe thuat Gandhara ma Nam phng Phat giao
there are the four holy waysTheo Kinh
bat au co nhng tng Phat. Viec nay co the xay
Phung Tung trong Trng Bo Kinh, co bon
ra cung luc vi viec ghi chep cac giao thuyet cua
Thanh chungSee Four holy ways.
Phat thanh van t, tc khoang nam 80 trc Tay
(C) See Four kinds of holy men.
Lch. Cac trng lao co khuynh hng duy tam va
Holy wisdom: Aryajnana (skt)Supreme
t do t tng, ma chung ta co the coi nh la
knowledgeWisdom of BuddhaThanh tr
nhng nha tien phong cua ai Tha, hnh nh
See Aryajnana.
khong co cuoc hoi hop e oc lai cac bai phap
cua Phat, cung khong m rong cac luat nghi cua Holy wisdom does not belong to the realm
ho vt ngoai nhng g Phat a thiet nh. Ho of words: Thanh Tr Phi Ngon NgThe
thng ghi lai nhng Thanh ngon bang ky c hay ultimate truth points to the realization of supreme
bang van t tuy theo s thch. Ho khong ngan wisdom in the inmost consciousness, and does not
ngai x dung cac tai nang cua mnh trong hoi hoa belong to the realm of words and discriminative
hay ieu khac e mieu ta hnh anh Phat theo ly intellect; thus discrimination fails to reveal the
tng rieng cua mnh ve cai ep va cai toan nh ultimate truth. However, the lamp of words is
ho a lam nghe thuat Gandhara. Nganh t do t useful to illuminate the passage to final
tng cung co the c thay trong cac luan giai enlightenmentChan ly toi hau ch vao s the
sieu hnh cua cac nha Phan Biet Thuyet chng cai tr tue toi thng trong tam thc sau
(Vaibhasika) hay Ty Ba Sa, trong o nhieu quan tham nhat, va khong thuoc pham vi cua ngon t
niem ve phap (dharma) hay thang phap va cai tr phan biet; s phan biet nh the khong
(abhidharma) c su tap va mot so quan niem the phat hien c chan ly toi hau. Tuy nhien
t do a c tuyen va c khuyen cao hoc tap. ngon en ngon t la co li ch cho viec soi sang
Mac du phai Ty Ba Sa thuoc he Tieu Tha, con ng a en chng ngo toi hau.
nhng a m ra mot khuynh hng nham ti Holy womb: Thanh thaiThe womb of holiness
trng phai t do t tng. Hang ngi t do t which enfolds and develops the bodhisattvas, i.e.
tng nh the co nhien can am trong viec thch the three excellent positions attained in the ten
ngha, bac hoc, chu giai, hay hnh thanh va dien grounds, ten kinds of dedication, and ten
ta bat c quan niem nao. Tuy nhien, ieu nay necessary activities of a bodhisattvaThai tang
khong co ngha rang ho i xa ngoai cac giao cua nhng bac Thanh, boc quan va trng dng
phap nguyen thuy cua Phat. ch Bo Tat, ch ba hien v Thap tru, Thap Hanh,
Holy tablet: Long v. va Thap Hoi Hng. **See Ten necessary
Holy tablets of the Patriarchs: Bai v cua ch practices of a Bodhisattva, Ten kinds of
to. dedication, and Ten grounds.

Holy words: Words of a saintCorrect words of evilLo hnh bat giac tng trng cho Hang
BuddhismHoly words, or the words of a saint or Phuc Phap hay hang phuc ac ang.
sage. In Buddhism, holy words also mean the (B) Five kinds of braziers: Ngu Ho Ma.
correct words of the Buddha and his holy 1-4) From one to fourSame as in four kinds of
disciplesThanh Ngon hay li noi chnh thc braziersGiong nh trong T chung ho ma
ung an cua bac Hien Thanh. Trong Phat giao, See (III) (A).
Thanh ngon con co ngha la nhng li day cua 5) To obtain the loving protection of the Buddhas
Phat va cac Thanh e t cua Ngai. **See Four and Bodhisattvas: Knh Ai Ho Mac s
Ariyan modes of speech. thng yeu ho tr cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat.
Homa (skt): Hoa lo. (IV) According to Eitel in The Dictionary of
(I) The general meanings of HomaNgha Chinese-English Budhist Terms, composed by
tong quat cua Ho Ma: Professor Soothill, Homa is a city on the
1) Fire altar, burnt offerings, as in the homa eastern frontier of Persia, perhaps the modern
worshipPhep Ho Ma hay phep cung dng Humoon: Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat
ch Tang bang cach em cac vat cung nem Hoc T ien cua GS Soothill, Ho Ma la ten
vao lo la. cua mot thanh pho nam ve bien gii pha tay
2) Described as originally a burnt offering to cua nc Ba T thi co, co le bay gi la
Heaven (Brahmins): Von ch viec ot la te Humoon.
tri cua ao th la Ba La Mon. Homa or Fire heaven in the Southeast: ong
(II) The meanings of homa according to the Nam vi Tri Ho Ma hay Hoa ThienThis is one
esotericsNgha cua Ho Ma theo Mat Giao: of the eight heavens and devas at the eight points
An oblation by fire (of esoteric sects). The of the compassay la mot trong tam coi Tri
esoterics adopted the idea of worshipping va ch Thien tam hngSee Eight heavens
with fire, symbolizing wisdom as fire burning and devas at the eight points of the compass.
up the faggots of passion and illusion, and Homage (n): S ton knhHomage to him, The
therewith preparing nirvana as food: Le te Holy One, The Pure One, The Enlightened One
la (cua Mat Giao). Mat giao bat chc phep Ch tam anh le Ngai, Bac Vo ThngBac
te la, dung la tieu bieu cho tr tue e ot Thanh Tnh, Bac Toan Giac.
cui phien nao, va t o chuan b thc an niet Homage to the Bodhisattva, Mahasattva of
ban. the Clear Cool Ground: Nam Mo Thanh Lng
(III) Categories of homa according the esoterics a Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat.
Phan loai Ho Ma theo Mat giao:
Homage to the Enlightened Being, Cloud
(A) There are four kinds of braziersT Ho Ma:
Canopy of Fragrance Bodhisattva,
1) Vasikarana (skt): Pha Thuy Ca La Na
Semi-circular brazier for dominating, Mahasattva: Nam Mo Hng Van Cai Bo Tat
interpreted as calling down the good by Ma Ha Tat.
means of enchantmentsLo hnh ban nguyet Home of all Buddhas: Nha cua ch Phat (Pure
tng trng cho Nhiep Thien Phap hay Land).
trieu tap thien loai. Homeless monks: Van NapRoaming monks
2) Santika (skt): Phiem e CaRound brazier Du TangSee Assembly brothers of the clouds
meaning to end calamitiesLo hnh trang and waters.
tron tng trng cho Tc Tai Phap hay tr Home-market-temple: Gia-th-tThe most
tai ng. difficult setting to practice and cultivate the
3) Pustika (skt): Bo Sat Tr CaSquare brazier dharma is at home, next is at the market, and the
for prosperityLo hnh vuong tng trng easiest and most favorable place is in a temple
cho Tang ch Phap hay lam tang phuc. Th nhat tai gia, th nh tai ch, th ba tai chua.
4) Abhicaraka (skt): A Ty Gia Lo Ca Home-sickness: Than ly giacNh nhaSee
Octagonal brazier meaning exorcising the Eight wrong perceptions of thought.

Homocentric (a): Lay con ngi lam trung tam. an insurance policy in case one is unable to
Homo sapiens: Ngi co kha nang nhan va attain liberation through the more difficult
phan biet. practice of meditation, but rather should be
undertaken wholeheartedly as ones sole path.
Homogeneity: ong tnhong chungong
Because he publicly proclaimed that the Pure
Land tradition alone is effective during the time of
Homogeneous (a): ong tnhong chung
the Dharma-Ending Age, he ran afoul (cham
ong loai.
vao) of other Buddhist orders and was sent into
Homonji (jap): Chua Bon Mon (Nhat Ban). exile at the age of seventy-four. He was allowed
Homsexuality: ong tnh luyen ai to return five years later,but died one years after
Homosexuality means having sexual intercouse thatTen cua mot v To s cua truyen thong Tnh
with the same sex. There is a wide range of o cua Nhat. Ngai tho gii vi tong Thien Thai
opinions regarding homosexuality in various va chang bao lau sau o ngai c noi tieng do
Buddhist groups. In general, Buddhists are very tai hoc uyen bac, nhng tuoi 43 ngai cam thay
tolerant towards all pwople. People arent to be khong va y vi giao thuyet va cu canh cua tong
judged or discriminated against if they are gay Thien Thai. S quan tam hang au cua ngai la
ong tnh luyen ai co ngha la giao hp vi ngi hnh nh khong co ai co the at c Phat qua
cung phai tnh. Co nhieu quan iem khac nhau ve qua nhng phng phap tu tap, nen ngai quyet
van e ong tnh luyen ai trong cac nhom Phat nh chap nhan phng phap tu tap cua trng
giao khac nhau. Noi chung Phat giao rat khoan phai Tnh o cua S Thien ao va Genshin, ma
dung va rong lng oi vi tat ca moi ngi. ngai tin tng tao thanh con ng giai thoat chac
Nhng ngi ong tnh luyen ai khong b Phat chan. Con ng nay lien he ti viec tr niem
giao phe phan hay oi x phan biet (ky th). hong danh c Phat A Di a e c vang sanh
Homu-Sojo (jap): Chc Phap Vu Tang Chanh Cc Lac, ni co nhng ieu kien toi thang cho
(Phat giao Nhat Ban). viec at thanh Phat qua. Ngai tranh luan rang
Honen (1133-1212): S Phap NhienName of a c Phat A Di a la c Phat cao nhat trong cac
Patriarch of Japanese Pure Land (Jodo Shu) tu tap tap ton giao va niem hong danh A Di a
tradition. He was ordained in the Tendai school a ti con ng de nhat ac biet thch hp
and soon gained a reputation of his erudition (hoc vi Phat t tai gia, trong thi ma ngai tin la thi
thc uyen bac), but at the age of forty-three Mat Phap. Ngai day rang ngi ta khong nen xem
became dissatisfied with Tendai and its scholastic s tu tap nay nh s bao am trong trng hp
aproach. His main concern was that no one hanh gia khong the giai thoat qua tu tap con
seemed to be attaining buddhahood through its ng kho khan bang thien nh, ma phai het
methods, and he decided to adopt practices of the long tu tap nh con ng tu tap duy nhat cua
Pure Land teachers Shan-Tao and Genshin, which chnh mnh. V ngai cong khai tuyen bo rang ch
he believed constituted a certain path to mot mnh truyen thong Tnh o la hu hieu trong
liberation. This path involved the practice of thi Mat Phap, nen ngai a ung cham vi cac
chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha trng phai Phat giao khac, va b lu ay biet x
(Nembutsu) in order to be reborn in his Pure nam 74 tuoi. Nam nam sau ngai c phep tr ve
Land of Sukhavati, in which conditions are va th tch mot nam sau o.
optimal for the attainment of Buddhahood. In his Honen-Shonin (jap): Phap Nhien Thng
Senchakushu, he argued that calling on Amitabha NhanSee Honen.
is the highest of all religious practices and that Honest (a):
recitation of Amitabhas name constitutes an 1) Thanh thatFrankSincerecanditLiem
easy path particularly appropriate for laypeople khietUprightUncorrupted.
in the present age, which he beieved to be the last 2) Thien lanh: Bhadra or Kusala or Sadhu
period of the degeneration of Buddhism. He (skt) GoodVirtuousWholesome
taught that this practice should not be viewed as Lng thienSee Kusala.

Honest effort: Tinh chuyen. Viet Nam cua Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T:
Honest man: True manChnh nhan (ngi Trong chua co tng vua Le Hy Tong e tng
chnh trc). Phat tren lng quy sam hoi.
Honesty (n): S thanh thatSincerity. Hongaku (jap): Bon GiacA Japanese term for
original awakening. This term is particularly
Honest effort: Tinh chuyen.
associated with Kukai and the Shingon school,
Hong Phuc Temple: Chua Hong PhucName
which implies that all beings and possess the
of a temple, located in Ba nh district, Hanoi
buddha-nature and so are already awaked. This
City, North Vietnam. It is also called Hong Phuc
fact, however, is obscured by ignoranceThuat
T. It was said that Hoe Nhai Temple was built in
ng Nhat Ban dung e ch Bon Giac. Thuat ng
the Ly dynasty and rebuilt in 1687, 1899, and
nay at biet quan he vi Kukai va Chan Ngon
1952. On the right side of the temple stands An
tong, nham ch rang tat ca chung sanh eu co
Quang stupa built to memorized Most Venerable
Phat tanh va a eu giac ngo. Tuy nhien, s
Thch Quang c who burnt himself in 1963. The
kien nay b vo minh che m t bay lau nay.
temple is also considered the Patriarch House of
Honganji (jap): Bon Nguyen T (Nhat Ban).
the Tao ong Chan Sect. Most Venerable Thch
c Nhuan is now Head or abbot of the temple. Honji (jap): Itivrtaka (skt)Stories of past
Hoe Nhai Temple has some famous stelae, occurencesBon S KinhSee Itivrttaka.
especially the stele that was built in 1703, Honji-Suijaku (jap): Bon TchA Japanese
showing that the temple was situated in Hoe Nhai Buddhist term for The original Buddha or
quarter, ong Bo au. This important fact helped Bodhisattva and his varied manifestations for
the historians locate the place where Vietnam saving all beings, i.e. Kuan-Yin with thirty-three
Army won over Yuan army in 1258. The statue is forms.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co ngha
placed in the Main Hall. A great deal of wooden la Bon a Thuy Tch (t bon a ma xuat phat
and bronze statues have been conserved in the ra cac dau tch. Bo Tat va Phat do co phap than t
temple. The most extraordinary is a wooden s a tr len do thc than cua mnh bien thanh
double statue cast in the late Le dynasty. nhieu than ng hoa e hoa o chung sanh, nh
According to Vietnam Chan Masters, composed Phat Quan Am vi ba mi ba hnh tng khac
by Chan Master Thich Thanh T, the Buddha nhau).
statue was placed on king Le Hy Tong statues Honkoji (jap): Chua Bon Hng (Nhat Ban).
back as the King kneeling in repentance.Ten Honnoji (jap): Chua Bon Nang (Nhat Ban).
cua mot ngoi chua toa lac trong quan Ba nh, Honor:
thanh pho Ha Noi, Bac Viet Nam. Chua con co 1) (n): Yaso (p): FameDanh thm hay vinh
ten la Chua Hoe Nhai. Tng truyen chua c dSee Eight winds.
xay vao thi nha Ly, va a trai qua cac cuoc 2) (v): Arya (skt)Vinh danhTonTon
trung tu vao nhng nam 1687, 1899, va 1952. Ben trong.
phai chua co thap An Quang, c dng len e
Honor all Buddhas: Le knh ch Phat.
ky niem Hoa Thng Thch Quang c t thieu
1) Bodhisattvas take honoring the Buddhas as a
nam 1963. Chua con la To nh cua Thien phai
reliance because their faith is purified. This is
Tao ong. Hien Hoa Thng Thch c Nhuan
one of the ten kinds of reliance of Great
tru tr chua. Trong chua co mot so bia a, ac biet
Enlightening Beings. According to The
la bia dng nam 1703, ghi ro v tr chua phng
Flower Adornment Sutra, chapter 38
Hoe Nhai, tai ong Bo au, nh the ma cac nha
(Detachment from the World), the Great
s hoc ngay nay xac nh c v tr quan oi
Enlightening Being Universally Good told
Viet Nam chien thang quan oi Mong Co vao
Unversal Wisdom that Offsprings of Buddha,
nam 1258. Trong chua con lu gi nhieu pho
Great Enlightening Beings have ten kinds of
tng bang go va ong, ac biet la pho tng kep
reliance which help them be able to obtain
bang go vao thi Hau Le. Theo sach Thien S
abodes of the unexcelled great knowledge of

BuddhasCh Bo tat dung phap cung dng c gia nao. Chung ta rat vui mng khi thay
ch Phat lam y-ch, v nh o ma tn tam nhng hoat ong cua mnh c em ra
thanh tnh. ay la mot trong mi y ch cua quang ba, du nhng sinh hoat ay hoan toan
ch ai Bo Tat. Theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, khong co ngha ly g, va oi khi chung ta
pham Ly The Gian, Bo Tat Pho Hien bao quang ba qua mc. Chung ta phai cong nhan
Pho Hue rang ch Bo Tat co mi cho y-ch rang ban chat t nhien cua con ngi la cam
giup ch Bo Tat at c cho s-y ai tr vo thay sung sng va hanh phuc khi danh cua ta
thng cua Nh LaiSee Ten kinds of lan rong. Nhng qua kinh nghiem thc te,
reliance of Great Enlightening Beings. danh d nao roi cung se qua i, chung se tieu
2) Action in all Buddha-lands, honoring all tan thanh may khoi trong mot sm mot chieu.
Buddhas, one of the ten kinds of action of 2) To obtain honour, some are prepared to offer
Great Enlightening Beings. Enlightening gratification or give substantial donations to
Beings who abide by these can achieve the those in power. For the sake of publicity,
action of Buddhas that has no coming or some exhibit their generosity by giving alms
going: Hanh le bai cung dng ch Phat trong to a hundred monks and nuns and even more,
tat ca coi Phat, ay la mot trong mi hanh but they may be totally indifferent to the
cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch ai Bo Tat an tru sufferings of the poor and the needy in the
trong hanh nay thi thanh tu hanh phi kh neighbourhood: Muon co danh d, nhieu
phi lai cua ch PhatSee Ten kinds of ngi san sang lo lot hay cho cac mon tien
practice of great enlightening beings (II). ln lao cho nhng ngi co quyen hanh e
Honor Buddhism: Vinh danh Phat giao. lam cho thien ha biet en; mot so ngi trng
Honor and contempt: Vinh nhuc. bay long hao tam bang cach cung dng ca
tram ch Tang Ni, nhng ho lai hoan toan
Honor and dishonor: Vinh Nhuc.
lanh nhat trc s au kho cua ngi ngheo,
(I) An overview of Honor and dishonorTong
hay lang gieng thieu thon.
quan ve Vinh Nhuc: Honour and dishonour
(B) DishonourNhuc:
are a pair of inevitable worldly conditions that
1) We will surely perturbed when receiving
confront us in the course of our daily lives
dishonour. This is again the human nature. It
Vinh nhuc la mot cap hoan canh tran the
takes a long long time to build up a good
khong the tranh c ma ta phai ng au
reputation, but in no time the hard-earning
trong i song hang ngay.
good name can be ruined. This matter is not
(A) HonourVinh:
difficult to understand because human nature
1) We always welcome honour or fame and
is always like that, we always like to praise
dislike dishonour. Honour gladdens our heart;
ourselves and to dishonour others. Nobody is
dishonour disheartens us. We desire to
exempt from the ill-famed remark even the
become famous. We long to see our pictures
Buddha. You may live the life of a Buddha,
in the papers. We are greatly pleased when
but you will not be exempt from criticisms,
our activities, however insignificant, are
attacks, and insults: Chac chan chung ta se
given publicity. Sometimes we seek undue
khong nghe lot tai hay xao ong khi phai chu
publicity too. We must agree that human
nhng ieu nhuc nha. Lan na, ay la ban
natue is to feel pleasant and happy when our
chat t nhien cua con ngi. Phai mat nhieu
fame is spread far and wide. But through our
thi gian mi xay dng c vinh d, nhng
practical experience, fame and glory are
vinh d nay co the b vui chon trong nhay
passing away; sooner or later they will
mat. Chuyen nay de hieu v ban chat con
vanish: Chung ta luon thch thu vi vinh va
ngi la luon thch khen mnh che ngi.
luon ghet nhuc. Danh d lam ta vui sng va
Khong ai co c mien tr nhng li che
nhuc lam chung ta buon kho. Chung ta ham
trach. Ban co the song mot i nh c Phat,
thch tr nen noi tieng. Nhieu ngi ao c
thay hnh anh cua mnh tren tap ch bang bat

nhng ban van khong c mien tr nhng Ngoc Tr Tue Phat Giao, Hoa Thng
li phe bnh, tan cong hay ma l. Dhammananda a day:
2) At the time of the Buddha, the Buddha was 1) In seeing the faults of others, we should
the most famous for his virtues, but he was behave like a blind person: Thay loi ngi
the one who received the most criticisms, khac, ta nen c x nh mot ngi mu.
attacks and insults. Some antagonists of the 2) In hearing unjust criticism of others, we
Buddha spread a rumour that a woman used should behave like a deaf person: Khi nghe
to spend the night in the monastery, but they thay nhng li bnh pham bat cong cua ngi
failed because noone believed them. Having khac, chung ta nen x s nh mot ngi iec.
failed in this mean attempt, thay spread false 3) In speaking ill of others, we should behave
news among the people that the Buddha and like a dumb person: Noi xau ve ngi khac,
his disciples murdered that very woman and ta nen c x nh mot ngi ngu.
hid her corpse in the rubbish-heap of withered 4) Dogs bark, but the caravans move on
flowers within the monastery. The peacefully: Cho sua mac cho, khach l hanh
conspirators admitted that they were the van tiep tuc tien bc.
culprits: Thi c Phat con tai the, Ngai la 5) We should expect mud to be thrown at us
mot ngi noi tieng nhat ve c hanh, nhng instead of roses. Then there will be no
cung la ngi b noi xau nhieu nhat thi bay disappointments: Chung ta ngh se b nem
gi. Mot so ngi chong oi c Phat a bun nh thay v hoa hong. Nh vay chung ta
phao tin ve mot phu n thng ngu lai em se khong b that vong.
trong tu vien, nhng ho a that bai trong am 6) Though difficult, we should try to cultivate
mu hen ha nay. The la ho quay sang phao nonattachment. Alone we come, alone we go.
tin c Phat va cac e t cua Ngai a giet Nonattachment is happiness in this world: Du
chet ngi an ba va chon xac trong ong rac kho khan chung ta no lc trau doi khong
hoa heo tan trong tu vien. Tuy nhien, ve sau luyen chap. Mot mnh ta en, mot mnh ta i.
nay chnh nhng ngi nay a xac nhan chnh Khong luyen chap la hanh phuc tren the gii
ho la thu pham. nay.
(II) To treat honour and dishonouroi tr Vinh 7) Unmindful of the poisonous darts of uncurbed
Nhuc: It is needless to waste time in tongues, alone we should wander serving
correcting the false reports unless others to the best of our ability: Khong quan
circumstances compel you to necessitate a tam en nhng mui ten oc phong ra bi
clarification. The enemy is gratified when he giong li buong lung, mot mnh chung ta
sees that you are hurt. That is what he lang thang phuc vu tha nhan vi het kha
actually expects. If you are indifferent, such nang.
misrepresentations wil fal on deaf ears. It is 8) It is rather strange that great men have been
not possible to put a stop to false accusations, slandered, vilified, poisoned, crucified or
reports and rumours; therefore, in The Gems shot. Great Socrates was poisoned, Noble
of Buddhism Wisdom, most Venerable Jesus Christ, and Gandhi was shot, etc.: That
Dhammananda taughtKhong can thiet phai la la lung nhng v nhan b ph bang, noi xau,
ph pham th gi e cai chanh nhng bao cao au oc, hanh xac va b ban. Nha hien triet
sai lam tr phi nhng hoan canh bat buoc can Socrates b au doc, chua Jesus cao thng b
thiet s sang to. Ke ch se hai long khi thay ong inh tan nhan tren thap t gia, Gandhi
ban b au. o la ieu ke ch mong muon. b ban chet, van van.
Neu ban dng dng th nhng xuyen tac nh 9) The world is full of thorns and pebbles. It is
vay se ri vao nhng lo tai iec. Khong the impossible to remove them all. But if we
nao co the ngan chan nhng li buoc toi, on have to walk, in spite of such obstacles,
ai va r tai sai lam, nen trong Nhng Hat instead of trying to remove them, which is
impossible, it is advisable to wear a pair of

slippers and walk harmlessly: The gii nay cho cu, tin on sai lam se cham dt ngay ni
ay ray chong gai soi a, khong the nao chung phat xuat.
chung ta chuyen chung het c. Nhng neu 3) Great men are indifferent to honour, or
chung ta phai bc vao nhng chng ngai dishonour. They are not upset when they are
ay, thay v co gang loai bo chung i la khong criticized or maligned for they work not for
the c, chung ta hay theo li khuyen la nen fame, nor for name or honour. They are
mang mot oi giay e bc cho khoi b au. indifferent whether others recognize their
(III) In The Dhammapada Sutta, the Buddha services or not. To work, they have the right
taughtTrong Kinh Phap Cu, c Phat day: but not to the fruit thereof: ai trng phu
1) Be like a lion that trembles not at sounds. Be khong mang ti danh d hay mat danh d,
like the wind that does not cling to the vinh hay nhuc. Ho khong roi tr khi b cong
meshes of a net. Be like a lotus that is not kch hay ph bang, v nhng viec lam cua ho
contaminated by the mud from which it khong phai v muon co ten tuoi hay danh d.
springs. We are living in a muddy world. Ho khong mang ti ngi khac cong nhan
Numerous lotuses spring therefrom without hay khong cong nhan s phuc vu cua ho.
being contaminated by the mud, they adorn Lam viec, ho co toan quyen nhng khong
the world. Like lotuses we should try to lead phai la e hng cai qua cua viec lam ay.
blameless and noble lives, unmindful of the Honor The Enlightened as though
mud that may be thrown at us: Giong nh s protecting ones own life: Ton th Nh Lai nh
t khong run s trc nhng tieng ong. ho mang mnhSee Ten kinds of actions of
Giong nh luong gio khong bam vu vao mat knowledge (5).
li. Giong nh hoa sen khong b hoi tanh bi
Honor and provide for all Buddhas: Rot rao
bun ni no moc len. Chung ta ang song
cung knh cung dng tat ca Nh LaiSee Ten
trong mot the gii van uc bun nh. Nhieu
ultimate great tasks of Great Enlightening Beings.
oa hoa sen moc len t o nhng khong
Honor and respect: Ton Trong.
nhiem bun nh, chung to iem the gii.
1) To have regard and consideration for:
Giong nh hoa sen, chung ta hay co gang
Respect and honouredTo honour
song cuoc i cao thng th khong ai che
HonourableTon quy va knh trong.
trach c, khong quan tam ti bun nh co
2) The best way to respect the Buddha is to
the nem vao chung ta.
follow his advice: Not to do evil, to do good,
2) Wander alone like a rhinoceros. Being the
and to purify ones mind.Cach tot nht e
kings of the forest, lions are fearless. By
ton trong Phat la lam theo li Phat day:
nature they are not frightened by the roaring
Khong lam cac ieu ac, lam cac ieu lanh,
of other animals. In this world, we may hear
va gi cho tam y thanh sach.
adverse reports, false accusations, degrading
remarks of uncurbed tongues. Like a lion, we Honor and respect all enlightening beings:
should not even listen to them. Like a Ton trong cung knh tat ca Bo TatThis is one of
boomerang, false reports will end where they the ten kinds of rules of behavior of great
began: i lang thang mot mnh nh con te enlightening beings. Enlightening beings who
giac. Nh chua sn lam, s t khong he biet abide by these can attain the supreme discipline
s. Do ban chat chung khong s hai trc of great knowledgeay la mot trong mi luat
nhng tieng rong cua cac con vat khac. Trong nghi cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong
the gii nay, chung ta co the nghe nhng bao phap nay thi c luat nghi ai tr vo thng
cao trai ngc, li ket toi sai lam, li nhan See Ten kinds of rules of behavior of great
xet e hen cua nhng giong li buong lung. enlightening beings.
Gong nh s t, ta khong nen nghe. Giong Honour and serve all the Buddhas: Ton knh
nh qua ta Bu-m-ren, nem ra roi se quay ve va phung s het thay ch PhatSee Ten vows of
a Bodhisattva.

Honor someone: Bring someone honorVinh 2) One of the five bodhisattvas on the left side
danh ai. of Sakyamuni (symbolized wisdom): Mot
Honor (esteem) someone highly: Ton trong ai trong nam v Phat anh Ton ben canh ta cua
het mc. Phat Thch Ca Mau Ni, tng trng cho tr
hue. **See Five Bodhisattvas who sometimes
Honorable commands: Buddhas teaching
stand on the left of Sakyamuni, indicative of
Ton sacNhng li ch day ang ton quy hay
five forms of wisdom.
nhng li day cua c Phat.
3) One of the divinities of the Yoga school: Tr
Honorable face: Ton nhan.
Chng Phat anh. **See Five Bodhisattvas
Honorable one: Arya (skt)An arhatA who sometimes stand on the left of
sageA saintTon gia. Sakyamuni, indicative of five forms of
Honorable scripture: Buddha sutraTon kinh. wisdom (5).
Honorable teacher: Ton s. Honoring the Buddhas: Cung dng ch
Honorary Doctorate Degree in Buddhist PhatSee Honor all Buddhas.
Studies: Bang Tien S Danh D ve Phat Hoc. Honrai-no-memoku (jap): Phat TanhAn
Honored: Pujya (skt)Knh trongOne of the important term in Zen Buddhism, which refers to
six charateristics of a BhagavatTon Quy (cao ones buddha-nature (buddhata), the fundamental
quy), mot trong sau ac tanh cua t Bat Gia reality that is obscured by attachment to
PhamSee Six charateristics of a Bhagavat. conceptual thoughts and language. The term is
Honored and advanced in years: Ton tuc used in one of the best-known Koans, What is
(tham nien trong ao). your original face before your parents were
Honored and noble: Ton qu. ay la mot trong born?Mot thuat ng quan trong trong nha
Thien, dung e ch Phat Tanh, thc chat c ban
sau y ngha cua ch The TonThe six meanings
a t lau b che m bi luyen chap vao khai niem
of the Honoured One or BhagavaSee Six
t tng va ngon ng. Thuat ng c dung trong
meanings of the Honoured One.
mot trong nhng cong an noi tieng nhat cua nha
Honored One: Arya (skt)TonHonourable
Thien, o la Ban lai dien muc t thi cha me
The honoured oneTo honourBac ang ton
cha sanh ta ra la cai g?
knhSee Three Honoured Ones.
Honsho (jap): Jataka (skt)Birth Stories or Past
Honored One among men: Nh tuc ton hay
Lives SutraPast livesSee Jataka stories.
Nhan trung ton (Phat la bac ang ton qu trong
loai ngi)The Buddha.
Hoodlum: Ke vo lai, tnh tnh hung han lo tren
net mat (Ngu au ma dien hay au trau mat
Honored One descends: Quang GiangThe
ngaThe head of an ox and the face of a horse).
Buddha or Bodhisattva who is worshipped
descendsThe Ton giang the, th du nh Phat
Hoodo (jap): Phung Hoang ng (trong chua
Nhat Ban).
hay Bo Tat c th phng giang tran.
Honored one of the three worlds: The Hoof (n): Dau chan.
BuddhaTam gii ton, c Phat. Hook of desire: Duc CauThe bodhisattva
Honored Sakya: Sakyamuni (skt)Shakuson attracts men through desire, and then draws them
to the enlightenment of BuddhaLi cau ai duc
(skt)Thch TonSee Buddha.
ma ch Bo tat dung e hap dan chung sanh, e
Honored and victorious: Ton thang.
roi sau o a ho vao con ng tu tap giac ngo.
Honored and victorious dharma: Ton thang
Hope (v): Hy vongMong cauTo desire
Everyone has hopes that his wishes will be
Honored victorious one: Ton thang gia. fulfilled someday. Hope itself is not wrong, for
1) Honoured and victorious one: The honoured hope will help people try to reach to better
victorious oneV ton gia luon chien thang situations. However, when a person begins to
(ma quan phien nao) ang ton knh. expect things have to happen the way he or she

wishes, he or she begins to have trouble with influential books on Gelukpa order of Tibetan
disappointment. Thus, the Buddha taught: Buddhism. He served as the main English
Suffering of frustrated desire, or unfulfilled interpreter for the Dalai Lama for over a decade
wishes cause suffering (suffering due to and founded a graduate program in Buddhist
unfulfilled wishes), or cannot get what one wants Studies at the University of Virginia. His books
causes suffering. The pain which results from not include Meditation on Emptiness (1983) and
receiving what one seeks, from disappointed hope Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism
or unrewarded effort, one of the eight sorrows. (1999)Hoc gia Phat giao ngi M, ngi a
And therefore, the Buddha advised his disciples viet mot so sach co anh hng ve trng phai
content with few desires. Content with few Gelukpa cua Phat giao Tay Tang. Ong phuc vu
desires means having few desires; knowing how nh la ngi thong dch cho c at Lai Lat Ma
to feel satisfied means being content. Knowing trong hn mot thap nien va a sang lap ra chng
how to feel satisfied with few possessions means trnh tot nghiep ve Phat Hoc tai trng ai Hoc
being content with material conditions that allow Virginia. Nhng quyen sach cua ong bao gom
us to be healthy and strong enough to practice the Thien nh ve Tanh Khong nam 1983, va Duy
Way. Knowing how to feel satisfied and being Thc Tong Phat Giao vao nam 1999.
content with material conditions is an effective Hora (skt): Hoa La.
way to cut through the net of passions and desires, 1) Time: Thi gi.
attain a peaceful state of body and mind and 2) Hour: GiHours.
accomplish our supreme goal of cultivationMoi 3) Astrologically a horoscope: Noi ve chiem tinh
ngi eu hy vong rang mot ngay nao o nhng t vi.
c nguyen cua ho se c thanh tu. Hy vong t 4) Said to be the country where I-Shing studied
no khong co g sai trai v hy vong giup con ngi astronomy: Ngi ta noi ay la x ma Nhat
co gang vn len ti nhng hoan canh tot ep Hanh a nghien cu ve chiem tinh.
hn. Tuy nhien, khi con ngi bat au mong muon Horei (jap): S Phap Le (Phat giao Nhat Ban) ( -
moi viec eu c nh y mnh, ho se gap phien 635).
muon khi s viec khong xay ra ung nh y ho
Horin (jap): Dharma-cakra (skt)Dharma-
muon. Chnh v vay ma c Phat day: Cau bat
wheelPhap luanSee Dharma Wheel.
ac kho, tc la nhng mong cau khong toai
Horin-ji (jap): Pao-lin-SsuBao Lam T
nguyen gay nen au kho, ay la mot trong bat
Name of a temple which was built in 504 in the
kho. Va cung chnh v vay ma c Phat khuyen
South of China. It is said that the Sixth Patriarch
moi ngi nen thieu duc tri tuc. Thieu duc la co t
Hui-Neng stayed there for some timeTen cua
duc lac; tri tuc la biet u. Thieu duc tri tuc la t
mot ngoi chua c khai sn vao nam 504 tai
ham muon ma thng hay biet u. Tri tuc la bang
mien Nam Trung Quoc. Ngi ta noi Luc To Hue
long vi nhng ieu kien sinh hoat vat chat tam
Nang co thi a lu lai tai ni nay.
u e song manh khoe tien tu. Tri tuc la mot
phng phap hu hieu nhat e pha li tham duc, Horizontal board: Bc hoanh phi.
e at c s thanh thi cua than tam va hoan Horner, Isabelle Blew (1896-1981): British Pali
thanh muc tieu toi hau cua s nghiep tu tap. scholar, who was one of the leading figures of the
Hopeful faculties: Hi vong canSee Ten kinds Pali Text Society. She served as president of the
of faculties of Great Enlightening Beings. society and was also vice president of the
Buddhist Society. She published a number of
Hoping that actions will be compensated
influential translations of Pali texts, as well as
and be returned in some way: Bo th ma trong
independent scholarly studies, including Women
tam luon mong cau c boi hoan bang cac s
Under Primitive Buddhism and Gotama the
en n ap nghaSee Five kinds of people who
BuddhaMot hoc gia Pali ngi Anh, mot nhan
pretend to offer alms.
vat hang au trong Hoi Kinh Th Pali. Ba tng
Hopkins, P. Jeffrey (1940 - ): American scholar lam Chu Tch Hoi va cung la Pho Chu tch Hoi
of Buddhism who has written a number of

Phat Giao. Ba a cho xuat ban mot so dch pham Horse-park: Ma Uyen (vn nga)The horse
rat co anh hng bang tieng Pali, cung nh mot so groveSee Horse-park monastery.
cac nghien cu oc lap cua ba bao gom quyen Horse-park monastery: White Horse
Phu N Di Thi Phat Giao Nguyen Thuy va MonasteryBach Ma TThe White Horse
c Phat Co am. Temple (Monastery) recorded as given to the
Horrible (a): Ghe gmDreadfulDisgusting. Indian monks, Matanga and Gobharana, who are
Horse: reputed to have been fetched from India to China
1) NgaFour kinds of horses, likened to four in 64 A.D. The temple was in Honan, in Lo-Yang,
classes of monksBon loai nga e v vi the capital; it was west of the ancient city, east of
bon loai Ty KheoSee Four kinds of horses. the later city in Later Han dynasty. According to
2) Ngo (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)See Twelve tradition, originating at the end of the second
animals. century A.D., the White Horse Temple was so
Horse-breaker: Ma ThangSee Asvajit. called because of the white horse which carried
Horse dung: Phan ngaAt the time of the the sutras they brought back from India. Also
Buddha, people used horse dung as a kind of according to tradition, the first missionaries dwelt.
medication to treat a wound. Usually, horse dung Some said this temple was built in memory of the
is applied right on the wound to cure itVao thi two Arhat Bhikshus who came to China on white
c Phat, ngi ta dung phan nga nh la mot horses to propagate the Buddha-DharmaChua
loai thuoc tr vet thng. Thng th phan nga Bach Ma c vua Han Minh e dng len va cho
c ap ngay tren vet thng e tr. ngi sang An o tm hai v s noi tieng la
Matanga va Gobharana ve tru tr vao khoang nam
Horse-grain: Ma MachBuddhas food when
64 sau Tay Lch thi Hau Han. Chua toa lac trong
he spent three months with the Brahmin ruler
thanh Lac Dng, tnh Ho Nam, ve pha tay cua
Agnidatta with 500 monks, one of his ten
co thanh, pha ong cua thanh mi bay gi. Theo
sufferingsBuddhas food when he spent three
tng truyen th vao cuoi the ky th hai sau Tay
months with the Brahmin ruler Agnidatta with 500
Lch, nhng kinh mang ve t An o c ch tren
monks, one of his ten sufferingsLua mach lam
nhng xe nga trang nen t o chua co ten la
thc an cho nga. Vao mot mua he, c Phat
Bach Ma. ay cung la ni ma giao oan truyen
nhan li cua mot v vua Ba La Mon la A Ky at
giao au tien cua ao Phat lu tru. Cung co
cung 500 v Ty Kheo en e an c trong nc cua
truyen thuyet cho rang chua nay c dng len
v vua nay. Trong ba thang o nha vua ch cho
e tng nh hai v A La Han Ty Kheo a en
Phat va Tang oan an lua mach cua nga. ay la
Trung Hoa hoang Phap bang nga trang.
mot trong 10 kho nan cua c Phat.
Horse-head Dharmapala: Hayagriva (skt) Horse-head raksasa: Ma au La SatThe
horse-head raksasa in HadesMa au Minh
Ma au Minh vngSee Fifteen bodhisattvas
vng (loai quy La Sat mnh ngi au nga, cai
who represent the Buddhas dharmakaya, or
nguc ni Diem La).
spiritual body; wisdom in graciousness and a
pierce or angry form against evil (IV). Horse-will, monkey-mind: Y Ma Tam Vien
The restless will and the mischievous intellect.
Horse-head Kuan-Yin: Hayagriva (skt)Ma
Human mind as a horse, ever running from one
au Quan AmThe horse-neck or horse-head
thing to another. The mind like a horse and the
Kuan-Yin in awe-inspiring attitude towards evil
heart like a monkey, restless and intractableY
spiritsCon goi la Ma au ai S hay Ma au
nh con nga dong ruoi, tam nh con kh chuyen
La Sat, tieng Phan am la Ha Da Yet Li Ba, la
cay. Tam y cua con ngi dong ruoi nh con
mot v ton ni Quan Am Vien trong Thai Tang
nga, chay t cho nay qua cho khac, khong ngng
gii, tc v S T Vo Uy Quan Am, co au va co
ngh (uoi theo ngoai canh khong dng lai mot
nga, co hnh dang rat uy nghi khien cho ma quan
phai chu than phucSee Hayagriva.

Hortative turn of the law-wheel: Can mnh ve chan ly, ma khong nh en khai niem
chuyenKhuyen chuyenThe second, or cua t tng hay thuat ng. ay khong phai la
exhortation turn of the Buddhas wheel in the mot cuoc tranh luan hay mot loi thi tai, nhng ay
Deer Park, one of the three turns of the law-wheel la c hoi cho nhng ngi tham d hieu sau them
when the Buddha preached in the deer Park. Men ve nhng kien giai cua nhau.
must know the meaning and cause of suffering, Hosshi (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for
cut off its accumulation, realize that it may be Dharma master.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat
extinguished, and follow the eightfold noble path Ban co ngha la Phap s.
to attainment of enlightenmentLan chuyen Hosshin (jap):
Phap Luan th nh trong ba lan chuyen Phap Luan 1) S Phap Tan (Nhat Ban).
cua Phat trong vn Loc Uyen. Con ngi phai 2) Dharmakaya (skt): Dharma-body (name of
hieu ro ngha va nguyen nhan cua kho au phien one of the three bodies of a Buddha)Phap
nao, phai oan tan kho tap, va phai tu tap theo than.
Bat Chanh ao e thanh Chanh quaSee Three Hossho-Zanmai (jap): A Japanese Buddhist
turns of the law-wheel when the Buddha preached term for Samadhi as the dharma-nature.Thuat
in the Deer Park. ng Phat giao Nhat Ban co ngha la Phap tanh
Horyiuji (jap): Chua Phap Long (Nhat Ban). tam muoi.
Ho-Shan: Hoa SnName of an abbot at Ho- Hosso (jap): Phap TngA Japanese term for
Shan monastery in Chi-Chou, who died in 960 Characteristics of Dharma. The term the
A.D.Ten cua mot v Tang tru tr tai Hoa Sn T Japanese orders derived from the Chinese Fa-
Cat Chau, s tch nam 960 sau Tay Lch. Hsiang school, which in turn traces itself back to
Hoshi (jap): PaochiS Bu ChName of a the Indian Yogacara tradition. It was first brought
famous monk in Japanese BuddhismTen cua to Japan by Dosho (629-700), who traveled to
mot v s no tieng trong Phat giao Nhat Ban. China in 653 and studied with Hsuan-Tsang. It
Hosna (skt): See Ghazna. became one of the six main Buddhist schools of
Hospitable to ones husbands relatives and the Nara period (710-784); the others were Kusha,
Sanron, Jojitsu, Ritsu, and KegonT ng Nhat
friends: A wife should always be hospitable to
Ban dung e ch Phap Tng. T ng ma cac
her husbands relatives and friends. This is one of
tong phai Nhat Ban a lay t trng phai Phap
the five ways for a wife to show compassion and
Tng Tong cua Trung Hoa, co t thi truyen
respect to her husband which the Buddha laid
thong Du Gia An o. Truyen thong nay c
down in the Sigalovada SuttaAn can tiep on
ngai Dosho truyen sang Nhat Ban, ngai a du
than bang quyen thuoc ben chong. ay la mot
hanh sang Trung Hoa vao nam 653 va theo hoc
trong nam phep cung knh yeu thng cua ngi
vi ngai Huyen Trang. Truyen thong nay tr
v oi vi chong ma c Phat a ban hanh trong
thanh mot trong 6 trng phai chnh di thi Nai
Kinh Thi Ca La VietSee Five ways for a wife
Lng; nhng truyen thong khac gom co Cau Xa,
to show respect to her husband.
Tam Luan, Thanh Thc, Tnh o va Hoa
Hossen (jap): Japanese term particularly
NghiemSee Seven Sects in Japan, and Eight of
associated with Zen, referring to an encounter
the early Japanese Buddhist sects.
between two practitioners, the goal of which is to
Hossoshu (jap): Phap Tng TongSee Hosso,
demonstrate directly ones understanding of truth,
and Seven Sects in Japan.
without recourse (nh en) to conceptual ideas or
terminology. It is not a debate or a competitive Hossu (jap): Vyajana (skt)A dusterFly
exercise, but rather an opportunity for the brushPhat t (o lau bui)A baton or stick,
participants to deepen their respective (tng ng) about fifteen inches long and shaped like the
understandingsT ng Nhat Ban lien he ti human spine, used by Zen masters to emphasize a
Thien tong, dung e ch s gap g gia hai hanh point or sometimes to rap a studentCai que hay
gia, vi muc ch la bay to trc tiep kien giai cua thanh cay dai khoang t 4 en 5 tac, co hnh

giong nh xng song cua con ngi, cac lao s House of incense: Gandhakuti (skt)Hng
dung e nhan manh mot iem khi noi, hay e ta that.
khi ngoi hoac oi khi dung ap nhe vao cac mon Householder: Kulapati (skt)A lay person who
sinh. practices Buddhism at home without becoming a
Host of heaven: Thien ChungIncludes monk or a nunNgi tai gia tu tap Phat phap
Brahma, Indra, and all their host. nhng khong tr thanh mot v Tang hay NiSee
Hostile (a): Thu ch. Upasaka.
Hostile conditions: Vi DuyenOpposing Households: C SSee Upasaka.
conditions, i.e. calamities, robbers, etc.S Households and ascetics: C s va tu s.
duyen trai ngc vi tam ta, nh tai hoa, ao tac, Hovel (n): CocAmTup leuA hut.
van van.
Hover over: Lien tng.
Hostile mind: Tam thu han. How to requite hatred: Bao Oan HanhSee
Hostility (n): S thu han. Four disciplinary processes (B).
Hot hells: Nhiet a ngucSee Three kinds of How to stay on the site of the Buddha?: Lam
hells. the nao e luon canh Nh Lai?According to
Hotei (jap): Bo ai Hoa ThngGreat the Sutra In Forty-Two Sections, Chapter 37, the
ReverendPu-Tai Ho-ShangCloth-bag monk, Buddha said: My disciples may be several
an erratic monk (in the tenth century, usually thousands miles away from me but if they
depicted, scantily clad and surrounded by remember and practice my precepts, they will
children)V ai Tang con co hieu la Trng certainly obtain the fruits of the Way. On the
inh T, vi chiec tui vai tren lng (vao the ky contrary, those who are by my side but do not
th 10, v hoa thng co hnh dang ay a cham follow my precepts, they may see me constantly
chap, tran nhan bung phe, i au lu tre cung but in the end they will not obtain the Way.
thng hay bu theo choc gheo Ngai). Theo Kinh T Thap Nh Chng, Chng 37, c
Hot-hell: a nguc nongThere are eight great Phat day: e t ta tuy xa ta nghn dam, ma luon
naraka or hot hellsCo tam a nguc nong ln ngh en va thc hanh gii phap cua ta th chac
See Eight great hot hells and Hell (III)(A1). chan se chng c ao qua. Ngc lai, ke gan
Hoto (jap): Phap ang. ben ta, tuy thng gap ma khong thc hanh theo
1) The lamp of Dharma which dispels the gii phap cua ta, cuoi cung van khong chng c
darkness of ignoranceNgon en Phat Phap ao.
xua tan bong toi vo minh. Hoyen-goso (jap): Fa-Yen-WutsuPhap Dien
2) Name of a famous Chinese Zen master Ngu ToSee Fa-Yan.
Thien S Phap ang (Trung Quoc)See Fa- Hozo (jap):
Teng. 1) Jewel Treasury: Phap tang.
Hot-tempered (a): Nong tnh. 2) Name of a monk: S Phap TangSee Phap
Hottest hell: Pratapana, or Mahapratapana Tang (6).
(skt)Cc Nhiet a NgucThe hottest hell, the Hozo-Bu (jap): Dharmagupta (skt)Dharma-
seventh of the eight hellsa nguc nong nhat, Storage SchoolPhap Tang BoSee
a nguc th bay trong tam a nguc nongSee Dharmagupta and Dharmaguptikas.
Eight great hot hells and Hell (III)(A1). Hrada (skt): Ha La a.
Hour of wisdom: Nhat Ngung Trung10 AM 1) A lake: HoA pool.
styled by the Tien-Tai the hour of wisdomGi 2) A ray of light: Tia sang.
T, 10 gi sang. Tong Thien Thai cho rang gi Hrdaya (skt): HeartIntentionMind
nay la gi cua tr hue Bat Nha. Physical heartWillNhuc oan tamHot Li
House of chasity: Tnh that. a DaHan Lat aHot Ly a DaHot Ly
Na DaHot Ly Nai DaThe heartThe mind

Some forms are applied to the physical heart, va tr thanh e t cua Thien S Qui Sn (Linh
others somewhat discriminately to the tathagata- Hu cung la mot cao e cua To Bach Trng).
heart, or the true, natural, innocent heartChan * One day Kwei-Shan said to Hsiang-Yen:
thc tam hay kien thc tam. Co cho noi la nhuc Ive heard that you are an intelligent monk
oan tam hay hot ly a da, co cho lai cho la at Pai-Zhang, responding ten times for what
kien thc tam hay can lat a da.See Mind. youre asked. Now Im not asking you about
Hri (skt): ShameTamSee Seventy-five what recorded or what can be learned from
dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa. the scriptures! You must say something from
Hrich (skt): Hot rChung t Phat. the time before you were born and before you
could distinguish objects. I want to record
Hridaya (skt): TamHeartMind.
what you say.Mot hom, Qui Sn bao: Ta
Hrih (skt): Hrih [Ha-Ra-I-Ah] (skt)Hot Ly
nghe cho Thien S Ba Trng hoi mot ap
Hot Ly CauA germ-word of Amitabha and
mi, hoi mi ap tram, o la ngi thong
Kuan-YinChung t cua c A Di a va c
minh lanh li, y tng la coi goc sanh t. Gi
Quan The Am (hot-ly hay ha-ra-i-ah la cau
ay ta khong hoi ngi nhng g ngi nh t
chan ngon, tat ca cung ien, cay coi, ao bau, chim
kinh ien, ma th noi mot cau khi cha me
choc coi Cc Lac eu do ch Hot Ly nay ma
cha sanh xem?
sanh ra).
* Hsiang-Yen was confused and unable to
Hrosminkan (skt): Semenghan (skt)Hot Lo answer. He sat in deep thought for some time
Tat NeAccording to Eitel in The Dictionary of and then mumbled a few words to explain his
Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, Hrosminkan is understanding. But Kwei-Shan couldnt
an ancient kingdom near Khulm and Kunduz, accept this. Hsiang-Yen said: Then would
northern IndiaTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat the master please explain it? Kwei-Shan
Hoc T ien, Hot Lo Tat Ne la mot vng quoc said: What I might say would merely be my
co gan hai thanh Kulm va Kunduz, thuoc vung own understanding. How could it benefit your
bac An o. own view? Hsiang-Yen returned to the
Hsi-Lin-Yin-I Dictionary: Hy Lan Am monks hall and search through the books he
NghaThe Dictionary (10 books) compiled by had collected, but he couldnt find a single
Hsi-Lin of the Tang dynasty, supplementing the phrase that could be used to answer Kwei-
Hui-Lin-Yin-I. Sound and meaning accord with Shans question. Hsiang-Yen then sighed and
Hui-Lin, and terms used in translations made said: A picture of a cake cant satisfy
subsequent to that work are addedBo T ien hunger. He the burned all his books and said:
10 quyen do Hy Lan i ng bien soan, bo tuc During this lifetime I wont study the
cho bo Tuc Nhat Thiet Kinh Am Ngha do Tue essential doctrine. Ill just become a common
Lam bien soan. Am va ngha ong bo vi bo sach mendicant monk, and I wont apply my mind
cua Tue Lam, lai co them phan nhng t dch to this any more.S b mot cau hoi nay
thuat bo tuc. lam m mt khong ap c. Tr ve lieu, s
Hsiang-Yen-Zhi-Hsien: Hng Nghiem Thien soan het sach v a hoc qua, tm mot cau ap
SZen Master Hsiang-Yen-Zhi-HsienZen tron khong the co. S than: Banh ve chang
master Hsiang-Yen-Zhi-Hsien was born in Shing- no bung oi. en cau xin Qui Sn noi phap,
Chou (now in Shan-Tung Province), was a Qui-Sn bao: Neu ta noi cho ngi, ve sau
disciple of Zen master Pai-Chang-Huai-Hai. ngi se chi ta; ta noi la viec cua ta au
After the masters death, he went to Kwei-Shan can he g en ngi? S ben em nhng
(who was also a senior disciple of Pai-Chang sach v a thu thap c ong thi ot het,
Thien S Hng Nghiem Tr Nhan, que Thanh coi nh banh ve an may cung chang no. S
Chau (bay gi thuoc tnh Sn ong), la e t cua noi: i nay chang hoc Phat phap na, ch
To Bach Trng Hoai Hai. Khi Bach Trng qua lam Tang thng lam viec cm chao, khoi
i, ngai sang tiep tuc cong qua vi To Quy Sn nhoc tam than. S khoc t gia Qui-Sn ra i.

* Hsiang-Yen tearfully left Kwei-Shan. He (Ni ni khong dau vet

then went traveling and eventually resided at Oai nghi ngoai sac thinh.
Nan-Yang, the site of the grave of National Nhng ngi bac at ao
Teacher Nan-Yang Hui-Zhong. One day as eu goi thng thng c).
Hsiang-Yen was scything grass, a small piece * Hsiang-Yen then dispatched a monk to take
of he tile was knocked through the air and the verse to Kwei-Shan and recite it. Upon
struck a stalk of bamboo. Upon hearing the hearing it, Kwei-Shan said to Yang-Shan:
sound of the tile hitting the bamboo, Hsiang- This disciple has penetrated! Yang-Shan
Yen instantly experienced vast said: This is a good representation of mind
enlightenment. Hsiang-Yen then bathed and function. But wait and Ill personally go and
lit incense. Bowing in the direction of Kwei- check out Hsiang-Yans realization. Later
Shan, he said: The masters great Yang-Shan met with Hsiang-Yen and said:
compassion exceeds that of ones parents! Master Kwei-Shan has praised the great
Back then if you had explained it, then how matter of your awakening. What do you say
could this have come to pass? Hsiang-Yen as evidence for it? Hsiang-Yen then recited
then wrote a verse: his previous verse. Yang-Shan said: This
One strike and all knowledge is verse could be composed from the things
forgotten. youve studied earlier. If youve had a
No more the mere pretense of practice. genuine enlightenment, then say something
Transformed to uphold the ancient path, else to prove it. Hsiang-Yen then composed
Not sunk in idle devices. a verse that said:
Far and wide, not a trace is left. Last years poverty was not real
The great purpose lies beyond sound and poverty.
form. This years poverty is finally genuine
In every direction the realized Way, poverty.
Beyond all speech, the ultimate In last years poverty there was still
principle. ground where I could plant my hoe,
Thang en Nam Dng cho di tch Quoc S In this year poverty, not even the hoe
Hue Trung, s tru tai ay. Mot hom nhn remains.
cuoc co tren nui, lm hon gach nem trung Qui Sn nghe c, noi vi Ngng Sn: Ke
cay tre vang tieng. S cht tnh ngo pha len nay a triet ngo. Ngng Sn tha: ay la
ci. S tr ve tam goi thap hng nham tam y thc trc thuat c, i con en ni
hng Qui Sn anh le, ca tung rang: Hoa kham pha mi chac. Ngng Sn en tham
Thng t bi n nh cha me, khi trc neu v s, bao: Hoa Thng khen ngi s e a
con noi roi th lam g co ngay nay. S lam phat minh ai s, th noi toi nghe? S oc
bai ke: bai tung trc cho Ngng Sn nghe. Ngng
Nhat kch vong s tri Sn bao: o la do trc kia hoc tap ghi nh
Canh bat gia tu tr ma thanh, neu that chanh ngo hay lam bai
ong dung dng co lo bai tung khac. S noi bai khac:
Bat oa thieu nhien c. Kh nien ban v th ban
(Mot tieng quen s tri Kim nien ban thuy nh ban
Chang can phai tu tr Kh nien ban du hu tarc chuy chi a
oi sac bay ng xa Kim nien ban chuy da vo.
Chang ri c lang yen). (Nam xa ngheo cha that ngheo
X x vo tung tch Nam xa ngheo mi that ngheo
Thinh sac ngoai oai nghi Nam xa ngheo van con co at cam dui
Ch nhn at ao gia Nam nay ngheo dui cung khong).
Ham ngon thng thng c.

* Yang-Shan said: I grant that you have Hsiang-Yen asked: Now, how do you
realized the Zen of the Tathagatas. But as for understand the meaning of Kwei-Shans
the Zen of the Ancestors, you havent seen it action? The monk replied: The masters
in your dreams. Hsiang-Yen then composed idea is to elucidate mind along with matter, to
another verse that said: reveal truth by means of an objective reality.
I have a function Hsiang-Yen said: Your understanding is
Its seen in the twinkling of an eye. alright as far as it goes. But what is the use of
If others dont see it, hurrying so to theorize? The monk now
They still cant call me a novice. turned around and asked: What will be your
When Yang-Shan heard this verse, he understanding about Kwei-Shan? Hsiang-
reported to Kwei-Shan: Its wonderful Yen held up his stick like the other master,
Hsiang-Yen has realized the Zen of the then laughed: Ha! Ha!"S thng ng
Ancestors! day chung: V nh ngi leo len cay cao,
Ngng Sn bao: S e ngo Nh Lai thien di la vc tham ngan thc. Ngi ay mieng
ma cha ngo To S thien. S lai noi bai ke: ngam canh cay, chn khong ap cho nao, tay
Nga hu nhat c khong bam vao au. Cht co ngi en hoi:
Thuan muc th y Y To S t An o sang. Neu m mieng
Nhc nhn bat hoi ap th mat mang nat than, bang chang ap
Biet hoan Sa Di. th phu long ngi hoi. Chnh khi ay phai lam
(Ta co mot c, chp mat ch y sao? Khi ay co Thng Toa Chieu bc vao
Neu ngi chang hoi, Rieng goi Sa tha: Chang hoi khi a leo len cay, luc cha
Di). leo len cay th the nao? S ben hoi thay
Ngng Sn gat au va ve tha lai Qui-Sn: Tang: T au en? Thay Tang ap: T
ang mng! S e Tr Nhan a ngo To S Qui Sn en. S hoi: Gan ay Hoa Thng
Thien. Qui Sn co li day g? Thay Tang ap:
* Hsiang-Yen entered the hall and addressed Khi co ngi hoi y ch cua To s t Tay lai
the monks, saying: Talking about this, you la g th Hoa Thng a cay phat t len. S
could compare it to a person who has climbed ben hoi: Cac huynh e o hieu y ch cua
a tree and is grasping a branch, supported Hoa Thng ra sao? Thay Tang ap: Ho
only by his teeth. His feet are hanging freely, dien giai rang Hoa Thng muon noi tc sac
as are his hands. Suddenly someone down on minh tam, phu vat hien ly. S bao: Hieu
the ground yells out to him: What is the th phai hieu ngay. Neu khong hieu, ly luan
meaning of the First Ancestor coming from co ch g? Thay Tang lien hoi s hieu Hoa
the west? To not answer isnt acceptable, but Thng Qui Sn nh the nao? S ben a
if he does so hell fall, and so lose his life. At cay phat t len, oan ngai ci ha ha!!!
this very moment what can he do? At that * To all of his disciples, Hsiang-Yen provided
time a monk named Tiger Head Zhao came his teachings in a clear and direct manner. He
forth from the congregation and addressed left more than two hundred verses such as
Hsiang-Yen, saying: "eaving aside the these above mentioned ones that were
question of the tree top, I ask the master to composed to meet the situations he
comment about before climbing the tree." encountered. These unmetered verses were
Hsiang-Yen asked the monk: Where are you popular throughout the country.
form? The monk replied: From Kwei- Mot bai ke khac cua Thien S Hng
Shan. Hsiang-Yen asked: There was once a Nghiem:
monk who asked Wei-Shan concerning the T thot mau trac
Patriarchs idea of coming to China, and how T giac mau xac
did Kwei-Shan reply? The monk said: Kwei T mau cau vong
Shan gave no answer but held up his baton. ng duyen bat that.

(Con keu me mo, con biet xac me cung tr thanh mot trong nhng Thien s noi
Con me eu quen, hp duyen chang tieng trong Thien tong Trung Hoa.
lo). Hsiao Tzu: Tieu TA name for monasteries in
S tuy c day chung nhng li n gian. S the Liang dynasty, 502-557 A.D., because Liang
e lai hn hai tram bai tung oi c ng dung Wu Ti built so many that they called after his
khong theo qui luat nh nhng bai ke va ke surname Hsiao.Ten goi khac cua t vien dui
tren, cac ni truyen ba rat thnh hanh i nha Lng, khoang 502-557 sau Tay Lch, v
* Zen master Hsiang-Yen always talked about vua Lng Vo e xay qua nhieu chua en o dan
the poverty as a must for his life of chung dung ho cua ong e goi ten chua.
cultivation as follows: Hsien-Shou-Tsung: Tong Hien ThuThe third
My last years poverty was not poverty patriarch Fa-Tsang, of the Hua-Yen sect, which is
enough, also known by his title Hsien-Shou-TsungTo
My poverty this year is poverty indeed; Hien Thu hieu Phap Tang, v to th ba cua tong
In my poverty last year there was room for Hoa Nghiem. Dui thi ngai ngi ta goi tong
a gimlets point, Hoa Nghiem la Hien Thu Tong.
But this year even the gimlet is gone.
Hsi-He: Tay HaName of Tao-Cho, a famous
Thien s Hng Nghiem thng noi en cai
monk during the Tang dynastyTay Ha la ten
ngheo la s can thiet cho s tu hanh nh sau:
hieu cua ao Xc, mot v Tang noi tieng i
Nam trc ngheo cha that ngheo
Nam nay ngheo mi that ngheo
Hsi-Ming: Tay MinhHsi-Ming, name of Tao-
Nam trc ngheo khong at cam dui
Hsuan during the Tang dynasty, who founded the
Nam nay ngheo dui cung khong co not.
Southern Hill school, and also Yuan-Tse, both of
* Later, there was a Zen master who
whom were from the monastery of Western
commented on this verse of poverty by
Enlightenment, established by King Tang Kao-
Hsiang-Yen in the following verse:
Tsung (650-684) at Chang-An, the capitalTay
Neither a gimlets point nor the room for
Minh la ten hieu cua hai v cao Tang i ng,
it; but this is not yet real poverty:
mot la ao Tuyen, ngi a sang lap ra tong
As long as one is conscious of having
Nam Sn, va ngi th hai la Vien Triet. Ca hai
nothing, there still remains the guardian of
eu xuat than t Tay Minh T c vua ng
Cao Tong (650-684) xay tai kinh o Trng An.
I am lately poverty-stricken in all
conscience, Hsin-Hsin-Ming: Tn Tam MinhSee Inscribed
For from the very beginning I do not see on the Believing Mind.
even the one that is poor. Hsing-Man: Hanh ManHsing-Man, a monk of
Mot Thien s khac a bnh giang bai ke the Fo-Lung monastery, about whom little is
ngheo cua Thien s Hng Nghiem nh sau: known, but who is accredited with supplying
Khong dui khong at cha rang ngheo Dengyo of Japan with Tien-Tai scriptures in the
Con biet mnh ngheo tc chap ngheo. Rot latter part of the eighth centuryS Hanh Man
rao ngheo la nh the ay: bon lai cha thay chua Phat Lung, than the cua s t c ai biet
Mot ai ngheo. en, nhng ngi ta tin rang s la ngi a cung
* No matter what happened, poverty was the cap cho Thien s Kinh Khe kinh ien giao bon
main reason to cause Hsiang-Yen to have a cua tong Thien Thai vao cuoi the ky th tam.
good life of cultivation and finally he became Hsing-She: Hanh Sach ai SAccording to
one of the most famous Zen masters in Most Venerable Thch Thien Tam in The Thirteen
Chinese Zen sectDu the nao i na, th Patriarchs of Pureland Buddhism, Great
chnh cai ngheo a giup cho Hng Nghiem Venerable Master Hsing-Shes self-given name is
co mot cuoc song tu hanh tot ep va cuoi Che-Liu. He was the son of Mr. Tuong-Toan-
Xuong, an elderly Confucianist in the Nghi Hng

region. The Grat Master lived during the Ching He was 55 years oldTheo Hoa Thng Thch
Dynasty. His father was the worldly friend of Thien Tam trong Lien Tong Thap Tam To, Hanh
Great Master c Thanh, also known as Greta Sach ai s, t la Triet Lu, ngi i nha Thanh.
Master Ham Sn. In the sixth year of the Tien- Ngai la con cua ong Tng Toan Xng, mot bac
Ksi reign period, three years after Great Master lao nho vung Nghi Hng. Than phu cua ngai la
Ham Sn had passed away, one night while ban ngoai i cua Hoa Thng Thanh c, tc la
dreaming Mr. Toan Xng saw Great Master Ngai Ham Sn ai S. Nien hieu Thien Khai th
Ham Sn come into his home. It was also during 6, sau khi Ham Sn ai S th tch c ba nam,
that night the Great Master Hsing-She was born. mot em no ong Tng Toan Xng mong thay
Given this circumstance, he was given the Ham Sn i vao nha cua mnh. Cung trong em
nickname Ham Dreaming. When he had grown ay. Hanh Sach ai s c sanh ra i. Nhan o,
up, both his parents passed away. He had a deep ngai c than phu at cho ngoai hieu la Ham
sadness for the impermanence of life; thus, he had Mong (Mong thay Ham Sn). en khi khon ln,
the thought of abandoning the worldly life to take than phu than mau ke tiep qua i. Ngai thng
a religious path. In his twenty-third year; the cam s the vo thng, nen co y niem thoat tuc.
Great Master shaved his head to join the order Nam hai mi ba tuoi, ngai the phat xuat gia vi
with Great Master Nhc Am at Ly An Temple. Hoa Thng Nhc Am chua Ly An. Suot nam
After year long, he cultivated diligently, never nam dai, ngai tu hanh tinh tan, khong he at lng
once lying down on his back; thus, he gained a xuong nam, do o ngai c to suot nguon chn,
deep understanding of the truths, penetrated the ngo vao phap tanh. Sau khi Nhc Am Hoa
teachings and became awakened to the Dharma Thng th tch. Ngai qua tru tr chua Bao An.
Nature. After Great Master Nhc Am passed Thi gian nay ngai c ban ong tham (ban
away, he went to the Bao An Temple to assume cung tu) la Tc An Thien S khuyen tu Tnh o.
the Headmaster position. During this period, he Ke o ngai lai c gap Tieu Thach Phap S
befriended a fellow cultivator, Zen Master Tuc hng dan ve Thien Thai Giao Quan, va sau o
An, who encouraged him to practice Pureland ngai lai cung vi Tieu Thach Phap S ong nhap
Buddhism as the two studied and examined that tu mon Phap Hoa Tam Muoi. Nh o ma tr
Buddhism. Thereafter, he met Dharma Master hue huan tu t kiep trc cua ngai khai phat, ngo
Tieu Thach who guided him to examine Tien- suot en cot tuy cua Thai Giao. Nien hieu Khang
Tai Zen Meditation and eventually, both of them Hy th 2, ngai cat am nui Phap Hoa, ben b
retreated to practice the Dharma Door of Dharma song Tay Khe tai Hang Chau, chuyen tu Tnh o.
Flower Samadhi (Lotus Samadhi). For this reason, Nhan o at ten cho cua mnh la Lien Phu Am.
his wisdom of former lives began to blossom and en nam Khang Hy th 9, ngai ve tru tr chua
he was able to penetrate into the root and core of Pho Nhan Ng Sn, e xng thanh lap Lien
the Tien-Tai Doctrine. The second year of the Xa. Hoc gia cac ni hng quy tu ve rat ong.
Khanh-Hy reign period, he built a small temple at Ngai tru tr tai chua Pho Nhan c 13 nam. Nien
the Dharma Flower Mountain, on the bank of Tay hieu Khang Hy th 21, ngay mong 9 thang 7, ngai
Khe River at the Heng-Chou region to focus his th tch, tho c 55 tuoi.
practice on Pureland Buddhism. Then in the ninth Hsing Si Quing Yuan (Xing-Si-Quing-Yuan):
year of the Khanh Hy reign period, he came down Thien S Hanh THanh T Thanh Nguyen
the mountain to assume the headmaster position Thien SSeventh Generation of Chinese Zen
at Pho Nhan Temple at Wu-Tai-Shan region and (First Generation after the Sixth Patriarch Hui-
initiated the building of the Lotus Mandala. Neng)Hsing-Si-Quing-YuanHsing-Si Quing-
Scholars and intellectuals from everywhere began Yuan was born in 660 A.D., an eminent student of
to gather to cultivate in a great number. He held the Sixth Patriarch Hui-Neng. He left home when
the headmaster position at Pho Nhan Temple for he was young. Upon hearing that the Sixth
thirteen years. On July 9th of the twenty-first year Patriarch Hui-Neng was preaching at Tao-Xi, he
of the Khang-Hy reign period, he gained rebirth. traveled there to study with him. Hsing-Si asked

the Sixth Patriarch, In all that I do, how can I separate assembly and expound the teaching.
avoid falling into stages of spiritual Dont allow my Dharma to be cut off.
development? The Sixth Patriarch said, How do * One day, He-Ze-Shen-Hui came to visit the
you practice? Hsing-Si said, I dont even pratice master. Hsing-Si said: Where have you
the four noble truths. The Sixth Patriarch said, come from? Shen-Hui said: From Cao-Xi.
What stage have you fallen into? Hsing-Si said, Xing-Si said: What is the essential doctrine
Without even studying the four noble truths, what of Cao-Xi? Shen-Hui suddenly stood up
stages could I have fallen into? The Sixth straight. Hsing-Si said: So, youre still just
Patriarch esteemed Hsing-Sis ability. Although carrying common tiles. Shen-Hui said:
there were many in the congregation, Hsing-Si Does the Master not have gold here to give
was selected as head monkThien S Hanh T people? Hsing-Si said: I dont have any.
tai nui Thanh Nguyen, sanh nam 660 sau Tay Where would you go to find some?Mot
Lch, la mot e t xuat sac cua Luc To Hue hom Thien s Than Hoi en tham van, s hoi:
Nang. Ong xuat gia t thu nho. Sau nay nghe co au en? Than Hoi ap: Tao Khe en.
Luc To Hue Nang Tao Khe, s lien en tham S hoi: Y ch Tao Khe the nao? Than Hoi
hoc. Hanh T hoi Luc To, Phai lam viec g e chnh than roi thoi. S bao: Van con eo
khoi ri vao nhng trang thai phat trien tam linh? ngoi gach. Than Hoi hoi: ay Hoa
To gan hoi lai, Ong tng lam viec g? Hanh T Thng co vang rong cho ngi chang? S
tra li, Toi khong thc hanh t dieu e. To noi hoi: Gia s co cho, ong e vao cho nao?
lai, Vay ri vao cai g? Hanh t ap lai, T * A monk asked Hsing-Si: What is the great
Thanh e cung chang lam, th lam g co ri vao meaning of the Buddhadharma? Xing-Si
giai oan phat trien tam linh nao? To tham than said: What is the price of rice in Lu-
phuc va ha nhan Hanh T. Dau tai Tao Khe tang Ling?Co v Tang en hoi s: The nao la
chung kha ong, Hanh T c To cho ng au ai y Phat phap? S ap: Gao Lo Lang
trong chung. Mot hom To goi Hanh T lai bao, gia bao nhieu?
T trc y phap ca hai eu c thay truyen cho * Zen master Hsing-Si died in 740 A.D.Thien
tro, y e tieu bieu lam tin, phap e an tam, nay s hanh T th tch nam 740 sau Tay lch.
khong con s ngi chang tin. Ta t ngay nhan y Hsu-Tang: H ngName of a noted monk
en nay a gap nhieu tai nan kho khan. Hn na, of the Sung dynastyTen cua mot v Tang noi
i sau lam canh tranh. Y e lai Sn Mon, ngi tieng i Tong.
en mot phng truyen ba phap ta khong cho t Hsu-Yun: Most Venerable Hsu-Yun (1840-
oan. Thien S Hanh T th tch nam 740 sau Tay 1959)H Van Hoa ThngZen Master Hsu-
Lch. Yun was regarded as the most outstanding
* One day the Sixth Patriarch said to Hsing-Si, Buddhist of Chinese Order in the modern era. He
In the past, the robe and teaching have been was born in Fu-Kien Province in 1840, left home
passed down together, each generation of at the age of 19. When he was 20, he took
teacher and student passing them on in turn. precepts with Master Miao-Lien and received
The robe has been evidence of the harma name Ku-Yen. When he was 56 years old,
transmission. The authentic teaching is passed he achieved final awakening at Kao-Min-Ssu in
from mind to mind. Now I have suitable heirs. Yang-Chou. Thereafter, he began his teaching
Why worry about not having evidence of work. He was invited to take charge of the Sixth
transmission? Since I received the robe I have Patriarchs Temple (Tsao-Chi), then very
encountered innumerable difficulties. rundown. He restored the Tsao-Chi Temple along
Moreover, in future times, the competition for with many other temples and monasteries. He also
preeminence between Zen schools will be founded many schools and hospitals for the poor.
even greater. The robe remains at the Zen He also traveled to Malaysia and Thailand, and
Mountain Gate. You must establish a taught Dharma for the king and the royal family in
Thailand. He passed away in 1959, when he was

120 years old. His biography has been translated cung c biet en nh la Nht Tuc Giac ( tro
by Prof. Charles Luk under the title Empty mot em ma giac ngo). Chnh v vay ma ngi ta
Cloud.Ngai la mot danh Tang noi tieng cua noi s la e t cua Luc To Hue Nang. S th tch
Phat Giao Trung Hoa thi can ai. Thien s H vao nam 713 sau Tay Lch.
Van sanh quan tai tnh Phuc Kien, Trung Quoc, * According to The Ching-Te-Chuan-Teng-Lu,
xuat gia nam 19 tuoi. Vao nam 20 tuoi, ngai tho when Hsuan-Chiao arrived in Tsao-Chi to
cu tuc gii vi Thay Dieu Lien va co Phap danh visit the Sixth Patriarch. Upon first meeting
la Ku-Yen. Nam 56 tuoi, ngai thanh tu giac ngo Hui-Neng, Hsuan-Chiao struck his staff on the
tai Dng Chau. T o ve sau ngai bat au cong ground and circled the Sixth Patriarch three
viec hoang hoa, va c mi ve am nhan chua times, then stood there upright. The Sixth
Luc To Tao Khe ang hoi xuong doc. Ngai a Patriarch said: This monk possesses the
trung tu chua Luc To va nhieu chua vien khac. three thousand noble characteristics and
Ben canh o, ngai a sang lap ra nhieu trng eighty thousand fine attributes. Ok monk!
hoc va benh vien cho dan ngheo. Sau o ngai du Where have you come from? How have you
hanh sang Ma Lai va Thai Lan. Ngai a day phap attained such self-possession? Hsuan-Chiao
cho Vua va hoang gia Thai Lan. Ngai tr ve said: The great matter of birth and death
Trung Quoc va th tch nam 120 tuoi. Cuoc i does not tarry. The Sixth Patriarch said:
hoang phap cua ngai c giao s Charles Luk Then why not embody what is not born and
dch sang Anh ng vi nhan e H Van. attain what is not hurried? Hsuan-Chiao said:
Hsuan-Chiao Zen Master: Huyen Giac Vnh What is embodied is not subject to birth.
Gia Thien SZen master Hsuan-ChiaoThe What is attained is fundamentally unmoving.
seventh generation of Chinese Zen (the second The Sixth Patriarch said: Just so! Just so!
generation after Hui-Neng)Hsuan-Chiao, a Upon hearing these words, everyone among
Wen-Chou monk, also named Ming-Tao. He was the congregation of monks was astounded.
born in 665 A.D. in Wenchou. Hsuan-Chiao left Hsuan-Chiao formally paid his respects to the
home to become a Buddhist monk at an early age Sixth Patriarch. He then advised that he was
and he studied all the important Buddhist sutras. immediately departing. The Sixth Patriarch
He was especially well-versed in the teachings of said: Dont go so quickly! Hsuan-Chiao
the Tien-Tai school. He was one of the great said: Fundamentally there is nothing moving.
disciples of Hui-Neng. It is said that he had a So how can something be too quick? The
large number of followers. He is often Sixth Patriarch said: How can one know
remembered by his nickname, the Overnight theres no movement? Hsuan-Chiao said:
Guest, due to his legendary brief encounter with The distinction is completely of the masters
his teacher. He is said to have attained own making. The Sixth Patriarch said: You
enlightenment in one night after a dharma talk have fully attained the meaning of what is
with the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, hence is known unborn. Hsuan-Chiao said: So, does what is
as An Overnight Enlightenment. For this reason, unborn have a meaning? The Sixth Patriarch
people said he was a disciple of Hui Neng. He said: Who makes a distinction about whether
died in 713 A.D.Dong Thien Th Bay Trung there is a meaning or not? Hsuan-Chiao said:
Quoc (dong th nh sau Hue Nang)S Huyen Distinctions are meaningless. The Sixth
Giac Vnh Gia, On Chau, con c goi la Minh Patriarch shouted: Excellent! Excellent!
ao, co rat ong e t. Huyen Giac xuat gia rat Now just stay here a single night! The next
sm. Ong hoc tat ca cac kinh ien quan trong cua day, Hsuan-Chiao descended the mountain
Phat giao, ac biet ong hieu sau nhng t tng and returned to Wen-Chou, where Zen
cua tong Thien Thai. Ong thng c ngi i students gathered to study with himTheo
nh en qua ten em Ngi Khach Qua em. Canh c Truyen ang Luc, khi en Tao
Ngi ta noi s giac ngo ch sau mot em c Khe, s tay cam tch trng, vai mang bnh
am ao vi Luc To Hue Nang, v vay ma s bat i nhieu To ba vong. To hoi: Pham Sa

Mon phai u ba ngan oai nghi, tam muon te * Hsuan-Chiao combined in his teaching of the
hanh, ai c la ngi phng nao en, ma Buddha dharma the philosophy of the Tien-
sanh ai nga man nh vay? S tha: Sanh Tai school and the practice of Chan. He also
t la viec ln, vo thng qua nhanh. To bao: introduced into the theoretical superstructure
Sao khong ngay ni o the nhan lay vo sanh, of the latter the dialectic of the Madhyamika.
lieu chang mau ? S tha: The tc vo His writings are preserved in the Collected
sanh, lieu von khong mau. To khen: ung Works of Chan Master Yun-Chia-Hsuan-
the! ung the! Luc o ai chung nghe noi ChiaoTrong cach giang day Phat Phap,
eu ngac nhien. S ben ay u oai nghi le ta Vnh Gia Huyen Giac ket hp triet hoc phai
To. Choc lat sau s xin cao t. To bao: Tr Thien Thai va phng phap Thien vi cau
ve qua nhanh. S tha: Von t khong ong truc ly thuyet ma ong bo sung them bang
th au co nhanh. To bao: Cai g biet khong phep bien chng Madhyamika. Nhng tac
ong? S tha: Ngai t phan biet. To bao: pham cua ong c lu gi di nhan e
Ngi c y vo sanh rat sau. S tha: Vo :Toan Tap cua Thay Thien Vnh Gia Huyen
sanh co y sao? To bao: Khong y th cai g Giac.
biet phan biet? S tha: Phan biet van co * He died in 713S th tch nam 713.
nhng khong co y ngha. To khen: Lanh Hsuan-Chien: Huyen Giam C SAn Indian,
thay! Lanh thay! S lai ay mot em e the patron of an Indian monk Dharmapala, author
hoi them ao ly. Sang hom sau s cung of the Sastra of the Selective Consciousnesses
Huyen Sach ong xuong nui tr ve On Chau, Mot ngi An o, ngi a bao boc mot v s An
ni nhieu e t tm en e tham van va cau o ten Dharmapala soan bo Duy Thc Trach
hoc vi ong. Luan.
* In his Song of Enlightenment Zen master Hsuan-Ching: Huyen CanhHsuan-Ching, a
Hsuan-Chiao saidTrong Chng ao Ca monk noted for his preaching and for his many
Thien S Huyen Giac a day: changes of garments (around 606 A.D.) during the
When truly understood, all karmic Tang dynastyS Huyen Canh i ng (vao
obstructions, in their essence, are empty, khoang nam 606 sau Tay Lch), noi tieng nh
When there is no realization, all debts must nhng thi thuyet phap va thay qua nhieu y ao.
be paid.
Hsuan-Fan: Huyen PhamHsuan-Fan, a Tang
You have a mani jewel, but you dont know,
monk and editor, said to be a contemporary of
That Tathagata store can gather everything.
Hsuan-Tsang, some say his discipleS Huyen
The six magical powers seem to be nothing,
Pham i ng, s cung la mot nha trc tac
but not really void.
kinh sach Phat giao. Ngi ta noi s cung thi vi
The round, bright ball has a form, but it is
ngai Huyen Trang, nhng co ngi noi s la e t
cua ngai Huyen Trang.
Lieu tc nghiep chng ban lai khong
Hsuan-Hua (1918-1995): Tuyen HoaA
V lieu ng tu hoan tuc trai.
famous Chinese Dharma Master, a Buddhist
(Khi to ro roi th nghiep chng hoa thanh
monk from Hong Kong referred to as Tripitaka
khong, cha to ro n xa anh trang trai).
Master Hsuan-Hua by his disciples. Abbot of
Ma ni chau nhan bat thc
Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery in California
Nh Lai tang ly than thau ac
and Chairman of Sino-American Buddhist
Luc ban than dung khong bat khong
Association. At age 19 after his mother died, he
Nhat thoa vien quang sac phi sac.
took Sramanera ordination. After World War II,
(Ngoc ma-ni, ngi chang biet
he traveled to Nan-Hua monastery in Canton
Nh Lai kho ay thau tron het
province to visit Most Venerable Hsu-Yun. He
Sau ban than dung khong chang khong
received Bhikshu ordination at Mount Pu-To
Mot iem vien quang sac chang sac).
during this journey. He settled in the United
States in 1962. He founded the Sino American

Buddhist Association in San Francisco in 1968. Hsuan-Lang: Huyen LangHue MinhTa

Since 1971 the associations headquarters has KheHsuan-Lang, a Chekiang monk of the
been the Golden Mountain Dhyana Monastery. Tang dynasty, noted for his influence on his
He has attracted a number of Western followers, disciples and for having remained in one room for
and his center emphasizes monastic discipline and over thirty years. He died in 854 A.D., at 83 years
study of traditional Chinese Buddhist texts with of ageS Huyen Lang i nha ng, con c
his explanations. In summer 1968, he conducted a goi la Hue Minh hay Ta Khe, que Triet Giang,
Surangama Sutra Assembly lasting 96 days. He s noi tieng nh tu kho hanh va trong mot can
also delivered lectures on other sutras as the phong trong suot 30 nam. S tch nam 854 sau
Lotus Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Hua-Yen Tay Lch, tho 83 tuoi.
Sutra, the Sutra of the Forty-Two Sections, etc. He Hsuan-Sha: Thien s Huyen Sa (835-908)Zen
established the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas master Hsuan-ShaHsuan-Sha, a famous Fukien
Monastery before he passed away in 1995Mot monk who had over 800 disciples. His chief
Phap S Trung Hoa noi tieng tai My, Mot v s subjects were the fundamental ailmens of men,
Hong Kong c cac e t goi ngai la Tam Tang such as blindness, deafness, and dumbness
Phap S Tuyen Hoa. Ong la vien chu Thien Thien S Tong Nhat nui Huyen Sa, tnh Phuc
Vien Kim Sn tai California, chu tch hoi Phat Kien, co en 800 e t. Chu e thuyet phap chnh
Giao A My. Nam 19 tuoi, khi me ong qua i, cua ong la nghiep va nhng khuyet tat cua con
ong xuat gia va tho gii Sa Di. Sau The Chien th ngi nh ui, iec, cam, van van.
hai, ong du hanh en Nam Hoa t vien thuoc tnh * A monk asked Hsuan-Sha: What is my self?
Quang ong e tham vien Hoa Thng H Van. Hsuan-Sha at once replied: What would you
Trong chuyen du hanh nay ong a tho cu tuc gii do with a self? When talking about self, we
tai nui Pho a. Vao nam 1962, ong en nh c immediately and inevitably establish the
tai My. Ngai a sang lap ra Giao Hoi Phat Giao dualism of self and not-self, thus falling into
Hoa My tai Cu Kim Sn vao nam 1968. T nam the errors of intellectualismCo mot v Tang
1971, tru s chnh cua Giao Hoi c at tai hoi Huyen Sa: The nao la cai t ky cua
Thien Vien Kim Sn. Ngai a thu hut mot so tn ngi hoc ao? S hoi lai ngay: Ong dung
o ngi Tay phng, chu yeu ngai nhan manh cai t ky ay e lam g? Khi noi en cai toi
en cac e t ve vai tro cua gii luat va tu hoc la tc khac va chac chan chung ta ang tao ra
giao phap theo truyen thong Phat giao Trung Hoa the hai au cua cai toi va cai chang phai toi,
do chnh ngai giang giai. Mua he nam 1968, ong nh the la ri vao lam lan cua tr thc luan.
thuyet giang kinh Thu Lang Nghiem cho chung * Another time, a monk asked Hsuan-Sha: I
hoi trong 96 ngay. Ong cung giang nhng kinh understand you to say that the wole universe
khac nh kinh Phap Hoa, Kim Cang, Hoa is one transpicuous crystal; how do I get at the
Nghiem, T Thap Nh Chng, van van. Ong sense of it? Hsuan-Sha said: The whole
cung xay dng ngoi Van Phat Thanh Thanh tai universe is one transpicuous crystal, and what
Cu Kim Sn trc khi ong th tch vao nam 1995. is the use of understanding it? The following
Hsuan-I: Huyen NhtHsuan-I, a commentator day, Hsuan-Sha asked the monk: The whole
of the Dharmalaksana school during the Tang universe is one transpicuous crystal, and how
dynastyLuan s Huyen Nht cua Phap Tng do you understand it? The monk replied: The
Tong vao thi nha ng. whole universe is one transpicuous crystal,
Hsuan-Kao: Huyen CaoHsuan-Kao, a famous and what is the use of understanding it?
Shensi monk, influential politically, later killed by Hsuan-Sha said: I know that you are living
order of the emperor Wu Ti, around 400 A.D.S on the cave of demons. On another occasion,
Huyen Cao, Thiem Tay, rat co the lc ve chnh while Hsuan-Sha was treating an army officer
tr, nhng ve sau b giet theo lenh cua vua Vu e, called Wei to tea, the latter asked: What
vao khoang nam 400 sau Tay Lch. does it mean when they say that in spite of
our having it everyday we do not know it?

Hsuan-Sha without answering the question Hsuan-Tsang (596-664): Huyen Trang.

took up a piece of cake and offered it to him. (I) Hsuan-Tsangs biographyTieu s cua Ngai
After eating the cake the officer asked the Huyen Trang:
master again, who then remarked: Only we 1) A Famous Chinese Monk (600-664 AD), one
do not know it even when we are using it of the most influential figures of Chinese
every day. Another day, a monk came to Buddhism. He was fully ordained in 622 and
Hsuan-Sha and asked: How can I enter upon spent sixteen years in India (627-643), during
the path of truth? Hsuan-Sha asked: Do you which he traveled all over the subcontinent
hear the murmuring of the stream? The (maybe in between 627 and 629) and he got
monk said: Yes, I do. Hsuan-Sha said: back to China in 643 and presented his
That is the way where you enter. Hsuan- collection of 657 works, beside many images,
Shas method was thus to make the seeker of pictures and 150 relics (some said his famous
the truth directly realize within himself what pilgrim throughout India was from 629 to
it was, and not to make him merely the 645). He also presented the manuscript of his
possessor of a second-hand knowledge, for famous Record of Western Countries (ai
Zen never appeals to our reasoning faculty, ng Tay Vc Ky), which is a valuable
but points directly at the very object we want source of information about Indian Buddhism
to haveLan khac co mot v Tang hoi during this periodV Tang noi tieng Trung
Huyen Sa: Trom nghe Hoa Thng co noi quoc vao nam (600-664) sau Tay Lch, mot
suot mi phng the gii la mot khoi minh trong nhng nhan vat co anh hng ln cua
chau, cau ay nen hieu the nao? Huyen Sa Phat giao Trung Hoa. Ong tho gii cu tuc
ap: Suot mi phng the gii la mot khoi nam 622 va a lam mot cuoc hanh hng An
minh chau, hieu e lam g? Ngay hom sau o co le gia nhng nam 627 va 629 va tr
Huyen Sa hoi lai v Tang: Mi phng the ve Trung quoc vao nam 643, ong a thau
gii la mot khoi minh chau, ong hieu the thap c 657 quyen, nhieu tranh tng va
nao? V Tang ap: Suot mi phng the 150 xa li (co sach noi cuoc hanh hng khap
gii la mot khoi minh chau, hieu e lam g? x An o noi tieng cua ong t nam 629 en
Huyen Sa noi: ung la ong ang la ca nam 645). Ong cung a trc tac quyen ai
ong ma. Ngay kia Huyen Sa ai tra v vo ng Tay Vc Ky, la mot nguon tai lieu
quan Vi Giam Quan. Vi hoi: The nao la cai co gia tr ve Phat giao An o thi bay gi.
ta dung moi ngay ma chang biet? Huyen Sa 2) While in India, he studied Yogacara
khong ap ma mi v quan dung trai cay. Vi philosophy with Silabhadra. When he
dung roi, lap lai cau hoi. S noi: o chnh la returned to China, he and his student Kuei-
cai ta dung moi ngay ma chang biet. Ngay Chi (623-682) established a Chinese
khac, co v Tang hoi Huyen Sa: Xin Hoa Yogacara (Consciousness-Only) school, also
Thng ch cho con con ng vao ao. called Fa-Hsiang school. Hsuan-Tsang started
Huyen Sa hoi: Ong co nghe tieng suoi roc a new epoch in the history of the translation
rach o khong? V Tang ap: Da co. of sutras, and his translations are called the
Huyen Sa noi: o la cho vao cua ong. new translations, in contrast to the Old
Phng phap cua Huyen Sa cot lam cho Translations of those done before him
ngi tm chan ly t mnh hieu thang trong Trong luc lu lai An o, ong a nghien cu
chnh mnh the nao la chan ly, thay v thau triet ly Du Gia vi ngai Gii Hien. Khi tr ve
thap lay kien thc qua tay trung gian, v Trung quoc ong va e t la Quy-Chi a sang
Thien khong bao gi vien en c tr suy luan lap ra trng phai Du Gia va ong cung c
ma luon luon ch thang en nhng g ta tm coi nh la ngi sang lap ra tong Phap Tng
cau. tai Trung Quoc. Huyen Trang a bat au mot
* He died in 908 A.D.Ong tch nam 908 sau ky nguyen lch s mi ve phien dch kinh
Tay Lch. ien, va nhng tac pham phien dch cua ong

c ngi ta goi la Tan Dch, e oi lai Buddhist population speaking a dialect of

vi nhng dch pham Cu Dch cua nhng Tocharian. Its ruler, Ch'u-Wen-Tai (620-640),
ngi trc ong. was of Chinese descendant. He was a a
3) In China, Hsuan-Tsang was so venerated that vassal of the Turkish Khan and had relations
upon his death in 664, the emperor canceled with Tang-Tai-Tsung. His invitation to
his audience for three days Trung Quoc, Hsuan-Tsang was a command and Hsuan-
ong c knh trong en noi khi ong th tch, Tsang was almost carried off by force to
nha vua a bai trieu trong ba ngay. Turfan. The king said: I insist on keeping
(II) Hsuan-Tsangs Round trip to India and back you in order to offer you my homage, and it
to ChinaCuoc hanh trnh i An o va ve would be easier to shift the mountain of
lai Trung Quoc cua Huyen Trang: Pamir than to shake my determination.
1) Before the journeyTrc cuoc hanh trnh: Hsuan-Tsang replied: It is for the sublime
While still at home in China, he heard Law that I have come, the king will only be
lectures on the Samparigraha doctrine from able to keep my bones; he has no power over
more than seven different teachers. He was my spirit nor my will. He was so determined
actually an earnest student of the Idealistic and refused to touch food for three days; the
School. However, the opinions of his teachers king became worried and yielded. Hsuan-
varied greatly and, since he could not see Tsang agreed to stay for another month to
which was the best to follow, he decided to go preach at the Court, and at the end of the
to India where he hoped to find an able month the king let him go and introduced him
instructor. However, when he applied for to all the kings on his route. From Turfan, he
permission to leave China, the Emperor proceeded to Kara-shahr, also a Tocharish-
refused it, but with his strong faith he was speaking city, which contained some ten
able to set forth his journey when he was 29 monasteries and two thousand monks of the
years oldKhi con que hng, ong a tng Hinayana sect. Later, he arrived in Kucha, a
d thnh cac buoi giang thuyet ve ai Tha small kingdom with five thousand monks well
Nhiep Luan vi hn bay luan s khac nhau. protected by its king. In Kucha, Hsuan-Tsang
Ong la mot hoc gia rat nhiet tam vi Duy engaged in religious disputations with
Thc Tong. Tuy nhien, y kien cua cac giao s Hinayana monks who did not take kindly to
cua ong sai biet nhau qua nhieu khien ong the Yoga-sastra which Hsuan-Tsang
khong the nhan thay v nao la tai gioi nhat preferred. However, the differences in these
theo ong, chnh v the ma ong ben quyet nh disputations did not harm the friendly and
Tay du vi hy vong tm c mot luan s tai amiable relations between Hsuan-Tsang and
ba. Tuy nhien, khi ong xin phep ri khoi the old sage Moksagupta of Kucha. Later,
Trung Hoa th hoang e nha ng khong Hsuan-Tsang crossed the passes of Pamirs
cho, nhng vi s kien tr cua ong, nam 29 and Bactria to arrive in Samarquand. At that
tuoi ong bat au cuoc hanh trnh. Cuoc Tay time, Samarquand, Marakanda of old, was
du khi hanh t Trng An vao nam 629. already an ancient city in the seventh century.
2) A journey without the permission from It was the capital of Sogdiana and Hsuan-
Tangs KingChuyen i khong co phep cua tsangs next important halt. It was the
vua nha ng: He travelled secretly, hiding terminus of the caravan routes between India
by day and travelling by night. In 629 he and China. It wavered between
started from Chang-An for India. In 629 he Zoroastrianism and Buddhism and Hsuan-
was still in Karakobjo in Sin-Kiang. Later, he Tsangs visit did much to raise the status of
arrived in Turfan, a country in the central part Buddhism in this Turko-Iranian kingdom. He
of the Gobi desert. It has been disappeared, held an assembly at which he ordained a
but at that time, it flourished with lively number of monks and restored the old
economic, political and cultural life of a monasteries for worship. Later, he crossed the

Gates of Iron (the southern frontier of the capital of Kanishka, had given birth to
Western Turkish Empire) and the Oxus River Asanga and Vasubandhu, the two chief
to arrive at Bactria. Bactria, then probably authors of mystical idealism so dear to
received its Buddhism very early from the Hsuan-Tsang. But when he came to
missions of Asoka. When staying in Bactria, Peshawar, it had suffered from the Huns like
Hsuan-Tsang visited Balkh, the capital city. other places. He noted sadly: The royal race
Balkh still had many monasteries, in spite of is wiped out and the country has been
the ruin wrought by the Huns in the fifth and annexed to the kingdom of Kapisa. Towns
sixth centuries, and though they were all and villages are almost empty and
Hinayanist, Hsuan-Tsang always kept abandoned, and only a few inhabitants are
friendly relationship with them. Later, Hsuan- seen in the country. One corner of the royal
Tsang crossed the Hindu Kush to reach town (Peshawar) contains about a thousand
Bamiyan, a station of primary importance on families. There are innumerable Buddhist
the road from Central Asia to India. Modern monasteries which are in ruins and deserted.
archaeologists were struck by the accuracy of They are overgrown with weeds and they
his description of the site. He says: : On the make a mournful solitude. The majority of the
north, it leans against the steep rock. This stupas are also in ruins. Leaving Gandhara,
country has winter corn, but few flowers and Hsuan-Tsang crossed the Indus at
fruits. It is suitable for cattle breeding and Udakakhanda and visited Taksasila where
abounds in sheep and horses. The climate is there were too many monasteries ruined by
very cold. Manners are rough. Clothing is of the Huns. From there he went to Kashmir
fur and coarse woollen materials, which are where Buddhism still prevailed. There were
also products of the country. There were ten still a hundred monasteris with five thousand
Buddhist monasteries with several thousand monks and the country cherished memories of
monks in them. Hsuan-Tsang also mentioned Asoka and Kanishka. The king of Kashmir
about the two colossal statues of the Buddha, received him with great honour in his capital,
about 170 and 115 feet. Then, Hsuan-Tsang Pravarapura (Srinagar). Hsuan-Tsang found
left Bamiyan for Kapisa (now the village of there a Mahayanist Venerable aged seventy,
Begram to the north of Kabul) by the difficult from whom he was able to receive in all its
pass of Shibar, about 9,000 feet high. After purity the tradition of the idealist school of
spending the summer of 630 A.D. there, he Buddhist philosophy. He spent two years in
took the road to the east again and reached Kashmir, from may 631 to April 633, studying
Jalalabad, ancient Nagarahara, through philosophy and having Buddhist sutras and
Lampaka. Here he was on Indian soil. Hsuan- sastras copied to take home with him to
Tsang wrote about Lampaka as follows: At China. Going south from Kashmir, one of his
Lampaka the ground is suitable for the first halting place was Sakala (Sialkot), the
cultivation of rice, and produces a large seat of the Greek King Menander of the old
quantity of sugar-cane. The climate is fairly times, and the Hun Tyrant Mahirakula or
mild. There is some frost but never snow. The more recent times. This is also the place
inhabitants live in ease and happiness, and where Vasubandhu stayed two centuries
love song. The majority are clothed in white earlierHuyen Trang len ng mot cach b
cotton, and like to adorn their costume with mat, ngay ngh em i. Cung nam o, ong ch
brilliantly colored ornaments. From en Karakobjo, thuoc x Tay Khng. Sau
Kampaka, Hsuan-Tsang entered Gandhara by o, ong en Turfan, trung tam vung sa mac
the Khyber Pass. This was the second holy Go Bi, ngay nay hau nh bien mat hoan toan,
land of Buddhism where art had flourished for nhng luc ay ang ron rang vi cuoc song
nearly six centuries without a break under kinh te, chnh tr va van hoa phon thnh vi
strong Greco-Roman influence. Peshawar, the nhng ngi dan theo ao Phat, noi tieng ban

a Tocharian. Vua nc nay la Chu-Wen- giao cua vua A Duc. Huyen Trang a tham
Tai (620-640) co nguon goc Trung Hoa, ong vieng kinh o cua Bactria la thanh pho Balkh.
ta la ch hau cua nc Tho Nh Ky va co Tai ay hay con rat nhieu tu vien, mac du a
nhieu quan he vi vua ng Thai Tong. b o nat do r Hung No gay nen vao the ky
Ong va mi va ra lenh cho Huyen Trang th nam va th sau. Du rang cac tu vien nay
lai Turfan: Tram muon gi ngi lai e to thuoc phai Tieu Tha nhng Huyen Trang
long ngng mo, y tram a quyet khong the van co quan he than thien vi ho. Sau o,
chuyen di, ieu ay con kho hn la chuyen Huyen Trang vt day nui Hindu Kush va
nui Thai Sn. Huyen Trang kien cng ap en Bamiyan, mot tram dng chan quan trong
lai: Ha than v Chanh Phap thieng lieng ma hang au tren ng t Trung A en An o.
en ay, be ha co the gi lai nam xng kho Cac nha khao co ngay nay eu phai kham
cua than, nhng khong the co quyen lc g phuc s chnh xac cua oan mo ta cua Huyen
vi y ch cua than. Ong nhat nh lam y nh Trang ve canh tr ay. Ong noi: Ve pha
the, khong he ong en thc an suot ba ngay, Bac, ni nay da vao b a doc ng. X nay
nha vua lo s va phai chu theo y ong. Sau o co trong bap mua ong nhng ch co mot so t
Huyen Trang ong y lai them mot thang tro bong va ra trai. Mamiyan thch hp cho
na e thuyet phap tai trieu nh. Het han viec chan nuoi gia suc nen co rat nhieu cu
mot thang nha vua e ong i vi li gii thieu va nga. Kh hau rat lanh. Phong tuc tap quan
vi cac vua lan can. T Turfan, ong i en con tho s. Quan ao lam bang long thu va si
Kara-shahr, cung la mot thanh pho noi tieng len tho, ay cung la san pham cua x nay.
cua Tocharian, vi khoang mi tu vien va Co mi ngoi chua Phat Giao vi khoang vai
hai ngan Tang s phai Tieu Tha. Sau o ong ngan tu s. Huyen Trang cung e cap en cac
en Kucha, vng quoc nho co nam ngan hang ong noi tieng va hai bc tng Phat
Tang s c nha vua tan tnh che ch. Tai khong lo, cao khoang 50 met va 35 met.
Kuch, Huyen Trang co nhng cuoc tranh luan oan ong ri Bamiyan e i Kapisa (nay la
ton giao vi cac Tang s Tieu Tha, von lang Begram ve pha Bac cua Kabul) qua
khong san sang tiep nhan bo Du Gia Luan eo Shibar hiem tr, cao en 2.800 met. Tai
ma Huyen Trang a ra. The nhng s tranh ay Huyen Trang vao trong mot tu vien
luan nay khong lam Huyen Trang va Trng Tieu Tha. Sau khi trai qua mua an c kiet ha
Lao Moksagupta bat hoa. Sau o, Huyen 630 sau Tay lch tai ay, Huyen Trang lai len
Trang vt qua cac khe nui Pamirs va Bactria ng i ve pha ong e en Jalalabad,
e i en Samarquand, ten cu la Marakanda, ngay trc la Nagarahara, qua nga Lampaka.
la mot o th co vao the ky th bay. ay la en ay ong mi ng tren at An o. Ong
kinh o cua nc Sogdiana va la tram dng a viet ve Lampaka nh sau: Lampaka,
chan quan trong tiep theo cua Huyen Trang. at ai thch hp cho viec trong lua va san
ay la chan cuoi cua cac lo trnh l hanh xuat c nhieu ma. Kh hau kha em du. Co
gia An o va Trung Hoa. Thanh pho nay mot t sng gia nhng khong bao gi co
ang dao ong gia ao th La (Bai Hoa tuyet. Ngi dan ay song trong sung tuc,
Giao) va ao Phat. Cuoc vieng tham cua an lac va thch hat ca. Phan ong ho mac
Huyen Trang a cai thien rat nhieu ve tnh quan ao bang vai trang va a nhng o trang
trang ao Phat vng quoc Tho Nh Ky-Ba sc lap lanh sac s. T Lampaka, Huyen
T nay. Ong a trieu tap mot hoi ngh trong Trang i vao Gandhara qua nga eo Khyber.
o ong a truyen gii cho mot so Tang s va ay la mot thanh a th hai cua Phat giao,
phuc hoi lai cac tu vien cu e co ni tu hanh. ni co s phat trien cua nghe thuat suot gan
Sau o, ong vt Thiet Mon (ranh gii pha sau the ky khong gian oan di anh hng
nam cua e quoc Tho Nh Ky) va song Oxus cua Hy Lap-La Ma. Peshawar, kinh o cua
e en Bactria. Bactria co le a tiep nhan Kanishka, la ni a san sinh ra Vo Trc va
ao Phat t rat lau vao thi cac oan truyen The Than, hai ai luan s An o ma Huyen

Trang tng nghe noi en nhieu. Nhng khi Asian States of Kashgar, Yarkand and
ong ti Peshawar th ni ay a trai qua s Khotan, where he stayed for seven or eight
tan pha cua Hung No. Ong buon ba ghi lai: months to replace the manuscripts lost on the
Dong doi hoang gia b xoa sach va nc nay way, and awaited the permission of the
b sap nhap vao vng quoc Kapisa. Pho lang imperial government to return to the country
gan nh trong vang hoang tan, ch con thay which he had left ten years earlier without a
mot so t dan c. Goc hoang thanh Peshawar proper permit. After resting sometime in Tun-
co khoang mot ngan gia nh. Vo so chua Huang, he approached Chang-An in the
chien Phat giao trong canh ieu tan va hoang Spring of 645 A.D. From 653 A.D. until the
phe. Cac chua nay eu b co moc um tum va end of his life in 664 A.D., he spent the rest of
mang mot ve co lieu en nao long. Phan ln his life at T An T in Chang-An (Trng
cac thap cung b o nat. Ri Gandhara, An), the capital of China at that timeMai
Huyen Trang vt song An Ha e en tham en nam 633 hay muon hn na, ong mi en
Taksasila. ay cung co nhieu tu vien b r Na Lan a, gan thanh Vng Xa ni ma Gii
Hung No tan pha. T ay, ong i mot oan Hien, bay gi a 106 tuoi, ang la thu toa
na e en Kashmir, ni Phat giao van con cua trng ai hoc nay. Huyen Trang tho
thnh hanh. Van con o mot tram tu vien vi phap vi Gii Hien nhng hoc thuyet quan
nam ngan Tang s, va at nc nay van con trong cua Phat giao; ben canh o, Thang
men nh cac v vua A Duc va Ca N Sac Ca. Quan cung la ngi a tng giang day nhieu
Nha vua Kashmir tiep on ong mot cach van e quan trong cho Huyen Trang. Trc
ton trong tai kinh thanh Pravarapura tien Huyen Trang hoc ve Duy Thc Hoc do
(Srinagar). Tai ay, Huyen Trang c gap The Than cai to qua bo luan Duy Thc
mot hoc gia ai Tha bay mi tuoi va qua (Vjinaptimatrata), ke en la Thc Tai luan
v nay, Huyen Trang a co the tiep nhan cung cua The Than qua bo A Ty at Ma Cau
c triet hoc Phat Giao dang thuan khiet Xa Luan (Abhidharma-kosa). Sau gan 17
nhat. Ong lai Kashmir hai nam, ke t thang nam du hoc tai An o, Huyen Trang hoi
nam nam 631 en thanh t nam 633, e hng nam 644. Tren ng ve, ong a i
nghien cu giao ly va sao chep cac bo kinh qua cac nc Kashgar, Yarkand va Khotan,
luan Phat giao e mang ve Trung Quoc. T va phai lu lai nhng ni nay bay tam thang
Kashmir i xuong pha Nam, tram dng chan e bo khuyet cac ban thao b mat trong khi
au tien cua ong la Sakala, ni ong o cua van chuyen, cung nh ch i phep cho hoi
hoang e Hy Lap Menander ngay xa va cua hng cua trieu nh v mi nam trc ong
bao chua Hung No Mahirakula gan ay. ay a ra i khong co phep vua. Sau khi ngh lai
cung la ni tru ngu cua ai luan s The Than on Hoang mot thi gian, ong en Trng
hai tram nam trc khi Huyen Trang en. An nam 645. T nam 653 cho en cuoi i
3) In 633 or later he arrived in Nalanda near vao nam 664, ong a tru tai T An T tai
Rajagrha, where Silabhadra, 106 years of kinh o Trng An.
age, was the head of the university. There, (III) List of Hsuan-Tsangs translated works
Hsuan-Tsang studied under Silabhadra the Nhng tac pham dch thuat cua Ngai Huyen
important doctrines of Buddhism; besides, Trang: He translated 1335 books of sutras,
Jayasena, who also instructed Hsuan-Tsang including the Completion of Mere Ideation
on certain questions. First, Hsuan-Tsang (Dharmapalas Vijnaptimatrata-siddhi). He
studied about the reformed idealism of was known as a Tripitaka teacher of Dharma
Vasubandhu in his Vijnaptimatrata and then (Tam Tang Phap S). He was also known as
the realism of the same author in his Mahayanadeva and Moksadeva when he was
Abhidharma-kosa. After almost seventeen in India. Hsuan-Tsang himself belonged to
years sojourn in India, he came home in 644. the Yogacara (Consciousness-Only) school
On his way home, he passed through Central and is often regarded as the founder of the

Fa-Hsiang or Chinese Yogacara school. 10) Bhaishajya-guru-vaidurya-prabhasa-purva-

Hsuan-Tsang started a new epoch in the pranidhana-guna-sutra: Dc S Lu Ly
history of the translation of sutras, and his Quang Nh Lai Bon Nguyen Cong c Kinh.
translations are called the new translations, 11) Sukhavati-vyuha-sutra: Kinh Xng Tan Tnh
in contrast to the Old Translations of those o Phat Nhiep Tho.
done before himOng a dch 1335 quyen, 12) Sandhi-nirmocana-sutra: Kinh Giai Tham
bao gom bo Thanh Duy Thc Luan Mat.
(Vijnaptimatrata-siddhi) cua Ngai Ho Phap. 13) Tathagata-raja-vavadaka-sutra: Kinh Nh Lai
Ong cung la Tam Tang Phap s. Khi An o Th Giao Thang Quan Vng.
ong c ban tang nhng danh hieu Ma Ha 14) Adbhuta-dharma-paryaya-sutra: Kinh Phat
Da Na e Ba va Moc Xoa e Ba. Huyen Thuyet Tham Hy Hu.
Trang thuoc trng phai Du Gia va ong cung 15) Sutra on the greatest incomparableness: Kinh
c coi nh la ngi sang lap ra tong Phap Phat Thuyet Toi Vo Ty.
Tng tai Trung Quoc. Huyen Trang a bat 16) Mahayana-gunastuti-sutra: Kinh Xng Tan
au mot ky nguyen lch s mi ve phien dch ai Tha Cong c.
kinh ien, va nhng tac pham phien dch cua 17) Buddha-bhashitarya-dharma-prati: Kinh
ong c ngi ta goi la Tan Dch, e oi Duyen Khi Thanh ao.
lai vi nhng dch pham Cu Dch cua 18) Amogha-pasahrdaya-sutra: Bat Khong Quyen
nhng ngi trc ong. Sach Than Chu Kinh.
1) Mahaprajna-paramita-sutra (skt): Great 19) Aikadasa-amukha-dharani-sutra: Thap Nhat
Wisdom Sutraai Bat Nha Ba La Mat a Dien Than Chu Tam Kinh.
Kinh. 20) Panca-matra-sutra: Kinh Chu Ngu Th.
2) Vajracchedika-prajna-paramita-sutra (skt): 21) Subahummudra-dhvaja-dharani-sutra: Kinh
Diamond SutraKinh Kim Cang Bat Nha Ba Thang Trang Tr An a La Ni.
La Mat aSee Prajnaparamita sutra. 22) Buddha-hrddaya-dharani-sutra: Kinh Ch
3) Prajna-paramita-hrdaya-sutra (skt): The Heart Phat Tam a La Ni.
of the Prajna-Paramita-Sutra or Heart Sutra 23) Duhkhon-mulana-dharani-sutra: Kinh Bat Te
Kinh Bat Nha Ba La Mat aSee Cu Kho Nan a La Ni.
Prajnaparamitahrdaya-Sutra. 24) Ashtanama-samanta-guhya-dharani-sutra:
4) Mahabodhisattva-pitaka-sutra: Kinh ai Bo Kinh Bat Danh Pho Mat a La Ni.
Tat Tang. 25) Sutra spoken by the Buddha on the dharani of
5) Dasa-cakra-shitigarbha-sutra (skt): Kinh ai holding the world: Kinh Phat Thuyet Tr The
Tha a Tang Thap Luan. a La Ni.
6) Ananta-buddha-setra-guna-nirdesa-sutra (skt): 26) Shanmukhi-dharani-sutra: Sutra spoken by
Kinh Vo Bien Phat o Cong c. the Buddha on the dharani of six gatesKinh
7) Sutra on the duration of the Law foretold by Phat Thuyet Luc Mon a La Ni.
the Buddha just before his entering into 27) Buddha-bhashita-bhudda-bhumi-sutra: Kinh
Nirvana: Phat Lam Niet Ban Ky Phap Tru Phat Thuyet Phat a.
Kinh (Kinh noi ve s trng ton cua Phat 28) Prasanta-viniscaya-prati-harya-samadhi-sutra:
phap c c Phat noi trc khi Ngai nhap Kinh Tch Chieu Than Bien Tam Ma a.
Niet Ban). 29) Sutra on the merits produced from reciting the
8) Sutra on explaining the first and excellent names of seven Buddhas: Kinh Tho Tr That
gate of the law of Nidana: Kinh Phan Biet Phat Danh Hieu S Sanh Cong c (Kinh noi
Duyen Khi S Thang Phap Mon (Kinh giang ve cong c do s xng niem hong danh that
ve luat nhan duyen toi thng). Phat).
9) Vimalakirti-nirdesa-sutra: Thuyet Vo Cau 30) Nidana-sutra: Kinh Duyen Khi.
Xng Kinh. 31) Itivrttaka-sutra: Sutra on the stories of the
Buddhas life and workKinh Bon S.

32) Deva-pariprccha-sutra: Thien Thnh Van 55) Mahayana-talaratna-sastra: ai Tha Chng

Kinh. Tran Luan.
33) Bodhisattva-karman: Kinh Bo Tat Gii Yet 56) Vidyamatra-siddhi-vimsati-sastra: Duy Thc
Ma Van. Nh Thap Luan.
34) Bodhisattva-pratimoksha: Kinh Bo Tat Gii 57) Madhyanta-vibhaga-sastra: Bien Trung Bien
Bon. Luan.
35) Yogacara-bhumi-sastra: Du Gia S a Luan. 58) Madhyanta-vibhaga-sastra-vyakha: Bien
36) Mahayana-sampari-graha-sastra-vyakhya: Trung Bien Luan Tung.
Nhiep ai Tha Luan. 59) Mahayana-samprigaha-sastra-mula: Nhiep
37) Mahayana-sampari-graha-sastra-vyakhya- ai Tha Luan Bon.
karika: Nhiep ai Tha Luan Thch. 60) Abhidharma-mahavibhasa-sastra: A Ty at
38) Alambana-pratyaya-dhyana-sastra: Quan S Ma ai Ty Ba Sa Luan.
Duyen Duyen Luan. 61) Abhidharma-yaya-nusara-sastra: A Ty at
39) Mahayana-panca-skandha-sastra: ai Tha Ma Thuan Chanh Ly Luan.
Ngu Uan Luan. 62) Abhidharma-prakara-nasasana-sastra: A Ty
40) Prakaranaryavaca-sastra: Sastra on at Ma Tang Hien Tong Luan.
expounding the Holy TeachingsHien 63) Abhidharma-kosa-sastra: A Ty at Ma Cau
Dng Thanh Giao Luan (luan ve s hien Xa Luan.
dng chanh phap). 64) Abhidharma-kosa-karika: A Ty at Ma Cau
41) Mahayana-abhidharma-samyukta-sangiti- Xa Luan Tung.
sastra: ai Tha A Ty at Ma Tap Tap 65) Abhidharma-jnana-prasthana-sastra:A Ty at
Luan. Ma Phat Tr Luan.
42) Satasastravaipulya: Quang Bach Luan Bon. 66) Abhidharma-sangiti-paryaya-pada-sastra: A
43) Buddha-bhumi-sutra-sastra: Phat a Kinh Ty at Ma Tap D Mon Tuc Luan.
Luan. 67) Abhidharma-prakarana-pada-sastra: A Ty at
44) Vidyamatrasiddhi-sastra: Thanh Duy Thc Ma Pham Loai Tuc Luan.
Luan. 68) Abhidharma-vijnana-kaya-pada-sastra:A Ty
45) Satasastra-vaipulya-vyakhya: Quang Bach at Ma Thc Than Tuc Luan.
Luan Thch Luan. 69) Abhidharma-dhatu-kaya-pada-sastra: A Ty
46) Mahayana-abhidharma-sangiti-sastra: ai at Ma Gii Than Tuc Luan.
Tha A Ty at Ma Tap Luan. 70) Panca-vastu-vibhasa-sastra: Ngu S Ty Ba Sa
47) Raja-dharma-nyaya-sastra: Vng Phap Luan.
Chanh Ly Luan. 71) Sastra on the Principles of Different Schools:
48) Yogacara-bhumi-sastra-karika: Du Gia S D Bo Ton Luan Luan.
a Luan Thch. 72) Abhidharma-vatara-sastra: Nhap A Ty at
49) Arya-vaca-prakarana-sastra-karuka: Hien Ma Luan.
Dng Thanh Giao Luan Tung. 73) Vaiseshika-nikaya-dasa-padartha-sastra:
50) Mahayana-sata-dharma-vidyadhara-sastra: Thang Ton Thap Cu Ngha Luan.
ai Tha Bach Phap Minh Mon Luan. 74) Abhidharma-skandha-pada-sastra: A Ty at
51) Vidyamatra-siddhi-trimsatika-sastra: Duy Ma Phap Uan Tuc Luan.
Thc Tam Thap Luan. 75) Record of the Duration of the Law Spoken by
52) Hetuvidyanyaya-pravesatarka-sastra: Nhan the Great Arahant Nandhimitra: ai A La
Minh Nhap Chanh Ly Luan. Han Nan e Mat a La S Thuyet Phap Tru
53) Mahayana-karma-siddha-prakarana-sastra: Ky.
ai Tha Thanh Nghiep Luan. 76) Records of Western Travels: ai ng Tay
54) Hetuvidyanyayadvaratarka-sastra: Nhan Du Ky.
Minh Chanh Ly Mon Luan.

77) Stories of the Tzu-En Temple Tripitaka- thay Tang t Dng Ky en va hoi tong ch
dharma-carya: ai T An T Tam Tang Phap Thien cua To s cua Thay Tang la g? Thay
S Truyen. Tang noi: S to cua toi thng hay hoi mon
Hsuan-Yuan: Huyen UyenHsuan-Yuan, an o nh sau, co mot thay Tang hoi Phap
influential Shensi monk who lived through the ang tram thc au gay lam sao bc ti?
persecution of Buddhism in the Northern Chou Phap ang bao, A! Khi o Lang Huyen
dynasty into the Sui and Tang dynastiesS Uc nghe chuyen nay, suy ngh rat nhieu. Mot
Huyen Uyen, mot v s co anh hng rat ln hom c mi ra ngoai, o Lang ci mot
Thiem Tay, ngi a song t thi ky Bac Chu con la khap khieng, khi bang qua mot cay
ngc ai va tieu diet ao Phat, qua en i Tuy cau, con la b ket chan vao mot cai lo, khien
va i ng khi ao Phat c chan hng lai. s b te nhao. S la len A! Hot nhien tieng
Hsuan-Ying: Huyen ngHsuan-Ying, the la anh thc cai y b che khuat cua mnh, va
author in the Tang dynastyof the Buddhist s to ngo. S lam bai ke giai bay:
Dictionary, 25 booksS Huyen ng i nha Nga hu than chau nhat loa
ng, tac gia cua bo Huyen ng Am Ngha hay Cu b tran lao c toa
Nht Thiet Am Ngha, gom 25 quyen. Kim trieu tran tan quang minh
Chieu kien sn ha van oa.
Hsuen-Yu-Tu-Ling: Tu-Ling-Huen-Yu (?-
(Ta co than chau mot hat
1049)Huyen Uc o Lango Lang Huyen
Lau b bui m che khuat
UcTu-Ling-Hsuen-Yu, a disciple of Yang-Chi,
Ngay nay sach bui sang trng
used to feed Zen monks on pilgrimage, who
Soi thay nghn trung non nc).
passed by his temple. One day he entertained a
monk from Yang-Chi and asked what his masters Hua-Yen: Hoa NghiemIn India, the
teaching of Zen was. The monk said: My master Avatamsaka School is not known as an
would usually ask his pupils the following: A independent school. However, the story of
monk came to Fa-Teng and asked, How should Sudhanas pilgrimage is minutely told in the
one advance a step when he comes to the end of a Divya-avadana, and his journey is depicted in
pole one hundred feet long? Fa-Teng said: Oh detailed sculptures in Java. In the sutra it is stated
When Tu-Ling Hsuen-Yu was told of this story, it that the Bodhisattva Manjusri is living on the
made him think a great deal. One day being Chingliang Mountain in China, and is proclaiming
invited out, Tu-Ling rode on a lame donkey, and the laws at al times. This Chingliang Mountain is
when he was crossing a bridge the donkey got one identified with with the Wu-Tai Mountain of
of its legs caught in a hole, and this at once China. The name Wu-Tai or five heights itself
overthrew the rider on the ground. He loudly seems to indicate Panca-sikha or five top-knots, a
exclaimed Oh! and evidently the exclamation name of Manjusri. The great Avatamsaka
waked up his hidden consciousness to a state of Monastery of that mountain is the shrine sacred to
enlightenment. The verse gives vent to his that Bodhisattva. Such a belief in India as well as
experience: in China seems to go back to the fifth century
I have one jewel shining bright, A.D. or still earlier. Prior to the Avatamsaka
Long buried it was underneath worldly School, there were in China schools named Ti-
worries Lun and Fa-Tsing which were founded on
This morning the dusty veil is off, Vasubandhus commentary on the Dasa-Bhumi-
And restored its lustre, Sutra. The text was translated into Chinese in 508-
Illuminating the blue mountains in 512 A.D. by Bodhiruci, Ratnamati and
endlessundulations. Buddhasanta, all from India. In China, Hua-Yen
o Lang Huyen, Uc sn chu la e t cua sect was founded by master Tu-Shun (557-640),
Dng ky, thng cung thc cho cac Thien which is based on the Flower Garland Sutra.
Tang tren ng hanh cc moi khi ngang According to Chinese Buddhist legends, Chinese
qua chua cua s. Mot hom s tiep on mot Hua-Yen Scet was founded by Tu-Shun (557-

640), which is based on the Flower Garland Sutra giao thuyet nay, c Phat muon anh thc cac e
(Avamtamsaka-sutra), translated into Chinese by t cua Ngai, nhng v giao phap qua tham tham
BuddhabhadraTai An o, tong Hoa Nghiem nen a phan cac e t cua Ngai a khong hieu
khong c coi nh la mot tong phai oc lap. Tuy c nhng li thuyet giang nay, tc la y tng
nhien s tch chiem bai cua Thien Tai c ke t cho rang vu tru la bieu hien cua cai tuyet oi. Noi
m trong Divya-avadana, va cuoc hanh trnh nay chung, giao ly c giang day trong thi ky nay
c mieu ta t m trong nhng ieu khac Java. la phap t chng cua Phat trong s ai giac cua
Trong kinh noi rang Bo Tat Van Thu S Li ng Ngai, ngha la khai th ve s giac ngo cua Ngai.
tren nui Thanh Lng Trung Hoa, va thuyet Thnh chung khong the thau triet noi nen ho nh
phap trong moi thi. Nui Thanh Lng nay giong cam nh iecSee Five periods and eight
vi Ngu ai Sn Trung Hoa. Chnh danh t teachings of the Tien-Tai.
Ngu ai hnh nh ch cho Panca-sikha hay ngu Hua-Yen School: Tong Hoa NghiemSee Hua-
anh, mot danh hieu cua Van Thu. ai T Vien Yen Sect.
Hoa Nghiem tren nui nay la thap thieng th v Bo Hua-Yen Sect: Flower Ornament SectHoa
tat nay. c tin ve Ngai An cung nh Trung Nghiem TongSee Avatamsaka Sutra, and Ten
Hoa, hnh nh co t the ky th nam sau Tay Lch schools of Chinese Buddhism.
hay sm hn. Trc Hoa Nghiem tong, Trung (I) An overview of the Hua-Yen SectTong
Hoa a co mot phai mang ten la a Luan Tong quan ve Tong Hoa Nghiem: A school of
va Phap Tnh Tong (see a Luan Tong and Phap Mahayana Buddhism founded in China, based
Tnh Tong), y c tren ban luan giai cua The Than on the teachings of the Flower Adornment
ve Thap a Kinh. Tac pham nay c phien dch Sutra. Hua-Yen means Flower Adornment
sang Han van trong nam 508-512 do cong trnh and is the standard Chinese translation of the
cua Bo e Lu Chi, Bu Hue va Phat a Phien Sanskrit Avatamsaka. The school is also
a. Theo truyen thuyet Phat giao Trung Hoa, Hoa referred to as the Xianshou School after its
Nghiem tong c ngai o Thuan sang lap, giao influential third patriarch. The Venerable
phap da tren giao ly cua bo kinh Hoa Nghiem, Master Tu-Shun is traditionally regarded as
c ngai Giac Hien dch sang Han t. the first patriarch of the school. The second
Hua-Yen period: Thi ky Hoa NghiemThe patriarch was the Venerable Ziyan (602-668),
Time of the Wreath is not yet pure round the third Fazang (643-712), the fourth
because it includes the Distinct Doctrine. The Qingliang Chengguan (738-840), and the fifth,
period of the Buddhavatamsaka-Sutra, which Zongmi (740-841), who was also a Zen
lasted for three weeks and the Buddha taught Master in the lineage of Zen Master Shen-
immediately after his enlightenment. With this Hui. In addition to its propagation of the
teaching, the Buddha awoke his disciples to the fundamental teachings of the Flower
greatness of Buddhism; however, it was too Adornment Sutra, the school is best known
profound for them to grasp and most of his for: 1) its system of analysis of the Buddhas
disciples did not understand the principal idea of teachings (ranking the teaching) which was
the sutra, that the universe is the expression of the developed by the schools third patriarch, the
absolute. Generally speaking, the first period was Venerable Fazang, and 2) its system for
was the Time of Wreath. The doctrine taught in lecturing on Buddhist sutras, called the Ten
this period was what the Buddha had conceived in Doors of the Xianshou SchoolTrng phai
his Great Enlightenment, i.e., the elucidation of Hoa Nghiem la mot trng phai Phat giao
his Enlightenment itself. His disciples could not ai Tha c thanh lap Trung Hoa, can
understand him at all and they stood as if they c theo li c Phat day trong Kinh Hoa
were deaf and dumb.Thi Hoa Nghiem Nghiem. Hoa Nghiem la ch Hoa dch ra theo
khong phai la thuan vien v no gom ca biet giao. ch Phan Avatamsaka. Trng phai nay
Thi ky nay keo dai ba tuan le va Phat a thuyet cung c biet en nh la trng phai Hien
giang ngay sau khi Ngai at c ai giac. Vi Thu, at theo ten cua Tam To Hien Thu.

Theo truyen thong th Hoa Thng o Thuan m. Kinh Hoa Nghiem c coi nh la do
c xem nh la s to cua trng phai. Nh to c Phat thuyet ngay sau khi Ngai thanh
la Hoa Thng Tr Nghiem (Ziyan), tam to ao, nhng thnh chung nh cam nh iec
Phap Nhan, t to Thanh Lng Trng Quan khong ai hieu c mot li. Do o Ngai lai
(Qingliang Chengguan), ngu to Tong Mat, bat au thuyet phap de hn, la bon kinh A
cung la mot thien s cua dong thien Than Ham va cac giao ly khac.
Hoi. Ben canh viec xien dng giao phap 2) What the Buddha preached first was what He
Hoa Nghiem, trng phai con noi tieng ve: 1) had realized in His Enlightenment. The truth
he thong phan tch Phat phap (sap th t theo he had conceived was proclaimed exactly as
giao phap) do Tam to Phap Nhan khai trien it was. An advanced personage such as a
va 2) he thong thuyet giao Kinh Phat, c Bodhisattva or saintly person might have
goi la Hien Thu Thap Mon. understood him, but an ordinary person could
(II) The origin of the Hua-Yen SectNguon goc not grasp his ideas at all: Kinh Hoa Nghiem
tong Hoa Nghiem: la nhng g Ngai thuyet giang lan au, cung
1) Prior to the Avatamsaka School, there were in la nhng g Ngai chng ngo. Chan ly ma
China schools named Ti-Lun and Fa-Tsing Ngai chng ngo c tuyen thuyet minh
which were founded on Vasubandhus nhien. Ch bac a tien bo nh mot v Bo Tat
commentary on the Dasa-Bhumi-Sutra. The mi co the hieu c Ngai, con pham phu
text was translated into Chinese in 508-512 hoan toan khong the thau c ban y cua
A.D. by Bodhiruci, Ratnamati and Ngai.
Buddhasanta, all from India. According to 3) The Avatamsaka Sutra is represented in
Prof. Junjiro Takakusu in The Essentials of Chinese by three recensions, in eighty, sixty,
Buddhist Philosophy, Wreath means and forty Chinese volumes. Of the first two
flower-ornament and is considered a we do not possess their sanskrit original. For
translation of the Sanskrit term Avatamsaka the last, the forty-volume text, we have its
denoting a wreath or garland. It is the name original which is called Ganda-vyuha. In the
of a Sutra in which the mystic doctrine of the text, a pilgrimage undertaken by the young
Buddha Mahavairocana is minutely Sudhana to visit fifty-three worthies, religious
described. The scripture is said to have been and secular, is described. The object of the
preached by the Buddha soon after his pilgrimage was to realize the principle of
Enlightenment, but none of those listening to Dharma-dhatu or the Realm of Principle or
him could understand a word of it as if they Elements: Dch ban kinh Hoa Nghiem bang
were deaf and dumb. Therefore, he began to Han van co ba bo: Bat Thap, Luc Thap va T
preach the easy four Agamas (discourses) and Thap Hoa Nghiem. Hai ban au khong con
other doctrines: Trc Hoa Nghiem tong, nguyen ban Phan ng; ban cuoi Hoa Nghiem
Trung Hoa a co mot phai mang ten la a 40 quyen, con c nguyen ban Phan ng la
Luan Tong va Phap Tnh Tong, y c tren ban Ganda-vyuha (Pham Nhap Phap Gii). Ban
luan giai cua The Than ve Thap a Kinh. van nay mo ta cuoc chiem bai thc hien bi
Tac pham nay c phien dch sang Han van Thien Tai, tham vieng 53 Thanh a cua ai
trong nam 508-512 do cong trnh cua Bo e s Tang l va c s. Muc ch cua cuoc chiem
Lu Chi, Bu Hue va Phat a Phien a. bai nay la e chng ngo nguyen ly Phap gii.
Theo Giao S Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng 4) In India, the Avatamsaka School is not known
Yeu Triet Hoc Phat Giao, Hoa Nghiem ngha as an independent school. However, the story
la Trang nghiem bang hoa va c coi nh of Sudhanas pilgrimage is minutely told in
mot dch ng t tieng Phan Avatamsaka ch the Divya-avadana, and his journey is
cho trang hoa hay vong hoa. ay la danh depicted in detailed sculptures in Java. In the
hieu cua quyen kinh trong o giao ngha b sutra it is stated that the Bodhisattva Manjusri
mat cua c Phat ai Nhat c mo ta rat t is living on the Chingliang Mountain in

China, and is proclaiming the laws at al times. trnh hoc thuat cua Phat giao Trung Hoa. Nh
Tis Chingliang Mountain is identified with cac tong phai khac, Tong Hoa Nghiem c
with the Wu-Tai Mountain of China. The thanh lap tren nen tang ly nhan qua duy tam,
name Wu-Tai or five heights itself seems to nhng theo chu trng cua Hoa Nghiem, ly
indicate Panca-sikha or five top-knots, a thuyet nay co ac iem rieng. ay la Phap
name of Manjusri. The great Avatamsaka gii duyen khi.See Principle of universal
Monastery of that mountain is the shrine causation.
sacred to that Bodhisattva. Such a belief in (IV) Patriarchs of the Hua-Yen School in China
India as well as in China seems to go back to Ch To Tong Hoa Nghiem tai Trung Quoc:
the fifth century A.D. or still earlier: Tai An 1) Founded in China by Ti-Hsin-Tu-Shun.
o, Tong Hoa Nghiem khong c coi nh la When Tu-Shun, the nominal founder of the
mot tong phai oc lap. Tuy nhien s tch Hua-Yen School, appeared on the scene, the
chiem bai cua Thien Tai c ke t m trong best workers of the Ti-Lun School were all
Divya-avadana, va cuoc hanh trnh nay c attracted around him. Since then, the Ti-Lun
mieu ta t m trong nhng ieu khac Java. School was united with the Hua-Yen School.
Trong kinh noi rang Bo Tat Van Thu S Li According to Prof. Junjiro Takakusu in the
ng tren nui Thanh Lng Trung Hoa, va Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, the Hua-
thuyet phap trong moi thi. Nui Thanh Lng Yen School, having absorbed the Ti-Lun
nay giong vi Ngu ai Sn Trung Hoa. School, opened a flourishing period of
Chnh danh t Ngu ai hnh nh ch cho Chinese Buddhism. The foundation-stone of
Panca-sikha hay ngu anh, mot danh hieu cua the Hua-Yen doctrine was laid once and for
Van Thu. ai T Vien Hoa Nghiem tren nui all by the famous Tu-Shun. His Buddha name
nay la thap thieng th v Bo Tat nay. c tin was Fa-Shun, but his family name was Tu,
ve Ngai An cung nh Trung Hoa, hnh people generally called him Tu-Shun. He was
nh co t the ky th nam sau Tay Lch hay famous as a miracle worker, and Emperor
sm hn. Tang Tai-Tsung of Tang invited him to his
(III) The meanings and doctrine of the palace and gave him the title of the
Avatamsaka sectY ngha va giao thuyet Venerable Imparial Heart. He was believed
cua Tong Hoa Nghiem: to be an incarnation of Majusri. Tu-Shun
1) The Avatamsaka sect or school whose died in 640 A.D. and was followed byNgai
foundation works in the Avatamsaka-sutra e Tam o Thuan ben Trung Hoa lam thuy
Hoa Nghiem Tong lay Kinh Hoa Nghiem lam to, ngai th tch nam 640. Sau khi chnh thc
cho da. khai sang tong Hoa Nghiem, th tat ca o e
2) According to Prof. Junjiro Takakusu in the cua a Luan Tong Nam ao Phai thay eu
Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, the b thu hut quanh ngai. T o a Luan tong
Totalistic principle of the Hua-Yen School c coi nh ket hp vi Hoa Nghiem Tong.
was developed chiefly in China. It is indeed a Theo Giao S Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng
glory of the learned achievements of Chinese Yeu Triet Hoc Phat Giao, Hoa Nghiem tong,
Buddhism. The Hua-Yen School stands as sau khi a tiep nhan a Luan Tong, khai
other schools do, on the basis of the theory of sang mot thi ky phon thnh cho Phat Giao
causation by mere ideation, but as held in the Trung Hoa. C s cua hoc thuyet a c
Hua-Yen School, the theory has a thiet lap ngay t o bi nha tai danh o
peculiarity. It is designated the theory of Thuan. Phap danh ong la Phap Thuan, nhng
universal causation of Dharmadhatu.: Theo v gia nh ong ho o nen ong c goi la
Giao S Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng Yeu o Thuan. Ong noi tieng nh la mot thuat s
Triet Hoc Phat Giao, ly vien dung cua Tong va vua ng Thai Ton a tng cho vi ong
Hoa Nghiem c phat trien chnh yeu la vao cung va phong ong tc hieu Tam e
Trung Hoa. ay la iem son cho nhng cong Ton Gia. Ngi ta tin rang ong la hoa than

cua Ngai Van Thu s Li Bo Tat. Ngai o Trng Quan (760-820), mot o e khac, c
Thuan a c noi truyen bi nhng v sau truy tang T To v no lc hang hai cua ong
ay: trong viec bac bo d thuyet cua Hue Vien,
2) Yun-Hua-Chih-Yen, the second patriarch: cung la mot o e cua Phap Tang. ong thi
Van Hoa Tr Nghiem Phap S lam to th Trng Quan con tai lap giao thuyet cua Thay
haiAn able pupil of Tu-Shun, Chih-Yen mnh trong thuan nhat nguyen thuy cua no.
(602-668), the succeeding patriarch of the 5) Zen master Kuei-Feng-Tsung-Mi, the fifth
school, received from Tu-Shun all the culture patriarch: Khue Phong Tong Mat Thien S
of contemplation. He wrote several important lam to th nam.
books on the basis of his teachers 6) Asvaghosa Bodhisattva, the sixth patriarch:
instructionsTr Nghiem la o e tai ba cua Ma Minh Bo Tat lam to th sauSee
o Thuan, len ke to cua tong phai nay. Tr Asvaghosa.
Nghiem c o Thuan truyen cho mon tu 7) Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, the seventh patriarch:
quan. Tr Nghiem viet nhieu sach ve nhng Long Tho Bo Tat lam to th baySee
can ban cua cac giao thuyet cua thay mnh. Nagarjuna.
3) Hsien-Shu-Fa-Tsang, the third patriarch: Hien (V) The propagation of the Avatamsaka sect in
Thu Phap Tang Phap S lam to th baFa- JapanS truyen ba cua Tong Hoa Nghiem
Tsang (643-712) was responsible for the final tai Nhat:
systematization of the philosophy. His activity 1) The Avatamsaka school was imported into
was not only in literary work but also in Japan early in the Tang dynasty and
translations and lectures. Seven works are flourished there: Tong Hoa Nghiem c
ascribed to him. Among these are Hua-Yen- truyen sang Nhat vao au nha ng va rat
Yi-Shan-Chiao-I-Fan-Tshi-Chzang, a treatise thnh hanh tai ay.
on the distinction of the meaning of the 3) In Japan, it held the doctrine of the Dharma-
doctrine of one vehicle (Ekayana) of the nature, by which name it was also called the
Avatamsaka sutra; Hua-Yen Ching-Ming-Fa- Dharma-nature sect: Tai Nhat tong nay lay
Fin-Nei-Li-San-Pao-Chzang, and the Hua- giao thuyet Phap Tnh nen cung co ten la
Yen-Ching-Shi-Tsu-Chzang-Yun-Chiang-lei- Phap Tnh Tong.
ChiePhap Tang co cong he thong hoa toan Huang Lung Pai: Oryo-ha (jap)Phai Hoang
bo nen triet hoc Hoa Nghiem. Hoat ong cua LongThe first school of Zen in Japan, a Lin-Chi
ong khong nhng ch la cong trnh van hoc, tradition (Rinzai) brought from China by Eisai
ma con ca dch thuat va dien giang. Co bay Master (1141-1215). It was originally founded by
tac pham c xem la do ong viet ra. Trong Huang Lung Hui Nan (Oryo Enan 1001-1069)
so o co quyen Hoa Nghiem Nhat Tha Giao and is counted among the seven schools of Zen.
Ngha Phan Te Chng, ban luan ve y ngha However, it died out in China during the Sung
oc ao cua giao ly Nhat Tha (Ekayana) dynasty and in Japan several generations after
thuoc kinh Hoa Nghiem; quyen Hoa Nghiem EisaiTrng phai Thien au tien cua Nhat Ban,
Kinh Minh Phap Pham Noi Lap Tam Bao mot trng phai theo truyen thong Lam Te a
Chng; va quyen Hoa Nghiem Kinh S T c thien s Eisai a t Trung Hoa sang Nhat
Chng Van Giang Loai Giai. Ban. Thien phai nay tien khi c thien s
4) Ching-Liang-Cheng-Kuan, the fourth Hoang Long Hue Nam sang lap va la mot trong
patriarch: Thanh Lng Trng Quan Phap S bay dong thien Trung Hoa. Tuy nhien, dong
lam to th tCheng-Kuan (760-820), thien nay tan lui trung Hoa di trieu nha Tong
another pupil of Fa-Tsang, was honored as va tan lui Nhat vai the he sau oSee Hui-
the fourth patriarch for his earnest effort in Nan-Huang-Lung.
refuting the heresy of Hui-Yuan, also a pupil Huang-Lung Temple: Hoang Long T
of Fa-Tsang. Cheng-Kuan also restored his Huang-Lung, the Yellow Dragon monastery in
teachers doctrine to its original purity Jiang-Si province. So called because people said

that Hui-Nan saw a yellow dragon arose from the Thai, s gap mot v tang, noi chuyen vi nhau
river nearbyHoang Long T thuoc tnh Giang nh a quen biet t lau, nhn ky la ngi Muc
Tay. S d c goi ten Hoang Long v tng Quang Xa. Hai ngi ong hanh, gap mot
truyen ngai Tue Nam a nhn thay rong vang bay khe suoi ay nc chay manh, s lot mu
len tren song ke canh. chong gay ng lai. V Tang kia thuc s ong
Huang-Lung Zen Master: Hoang Long Thien qua, s bao: Huynh can qua th t qua. V
SZen Master Hoang Long (?-1737)A Tang kia lien ven y, bc tren song nh i
Vietnamese Zen Master from Bnh nh, Central tren at bang. Qua en b, v Tang kia xay
Vietnam. He spent most of his life to expand the lai hoi: Qua ay! Qua ay! S bao: Bay!
Buddha Dharma in Ha Tien, South Vietnam. He Viec ay t biet. Neu toi sm biet se chat bap
passed away in 1737Thien s Hoang Long, que ui huynh. V Tang kia khen: That la phap
Bnh nh, Trung Viet. Hau het cuoc i ngai kh ai Tha, toi khong b kp. Noi xong,
hoang hoa Ha Tien, Nam Viet. Ngai th tch khong thay v Tang ay na.
nam 1737. * One day, Bai-Zhang asked: So grand and
Huang Po Hsi Yun: Thien S Hoang Ba Hy imposing, where have you come from?
Van. Huang-Po said: So grand and imposing, Ive
* Zen master Huang-Po-Hsi-Yun was one of come from south of the mountains. Bai-
the outstanding Zen masters during the Tang Zhang said: So grand and imposing, what are
dynasty. He was the master of another you doing? Huang-Po said: So grand and
famous Zen master named Lin-Chi. Zen imposing, Im not doing anything else.
master Huang-Po-Hsi-Yun was born in Fu- Huang-Bo bowed and said: From high
Jian Province, was a disciple of Bai-Zhang antiquity, what is the teaching of this order?
Thien S Hoang Ba Hy Van la mot trong Bai-Zhang remained silent. Huang-Po said:
nhng thien s noi bac vao i nha ng. Dont allow the descendants to be cut off.
Ong la s phu cua mot thien s noi tieng ten Bai-Zhang then said: It may be said that you
Lam Te. Thien s Hoang Ba que tai tnh are a person. Bai-Zhang then arose and
Phuc Kien, la e t cua Thien S Ba Trng. returned to his abbots quarters. Huang-Po
* While on his journey to Mount Tien-Tai, followed him there and said: Ive come with
Huang-Po met another monk. They talked a special purpose. Bai-Zhang said: If thats
and laugh, just as though they were old really so, then hereafter you wont disappoint
friends who had long known one another. me.Mot hom, Ba Trng hoi: Chng
Their eyes gleamed with delight as they then chac to ln t au en? S tha: Chng
set off traveling together. Coming to the fast chac to ln t Lanh Nam en. Ba Trng
rapids of a stream, they removed their hats hoi: Chng chac to ln se v viec g? S
and took up staffs to walk across. The other ap: Chng chac to ln chang v viec g
monk tried to lead Huang-Po across, saying: khac. S lien le bai hoi: T trc tong tha
Come over! Come over! Huang-Po said: If ch day the nao? Ba trng lang thinh. S
Elder Brother wants to go across, then go tha: Khong the day ngi sau la dt han
ahead. The other monk then began walking mat. Ba trng bao: Se noi rieng vi
across the top of the water, just as though it ngi. Ba Trng ng day i vao phng
were dry land. The monk turned to Huang-Po trng. S i theo sau tha: Con en rieng
and said: Come across! Come across! mot mnh. Ba trng bao: Neu vay, ngi
Huang-Po yelled: Ah! You self-saving sau se khong co phu ta.
fellow! If I had known this before I would * One day, Bai-Zhang asked Huang-Bo:
have chopped off your legs! The monk cried Where have you been? Huang-Po said:
out: Youre truly a vessel for the Mahayana, Ive been picking mushrooms at the base of
I cant compare with you! And so saying, the Mount Great Hero. Bai-Zhang said: Did
monk vanishedTrong khi i dao nui Thien you see a big tiger? Huang-Po roared. Bai-

Zhang picked up an ax and assumed a pose as mu cua s a len hoi: Trng Lao than to
if to strike Huang-Po. Huang-Bo then hit him. ln ma chiec mu nho vay? S tha: Tuy
Bai-Zhang laughed Ha, ha, and returned to nhien nh the, ai thien the gii eu trong
his room. Later Bai-Zhang entered the hall ay. Nam Tuyen bao: Vng Lao S vay.
and said to the monks: At the base of Great S oi mu ra i.
Hero Mountain theres a tiger. You monks * One day, Zen master Huang-Po entered the
should go take a look at it. Just today, I hall to speak. When a very large assembly of
myself suffered a bite from it.Mot hom Ba monks had gathered, he said: What is it that
Trng hoi s: au en? S tha: Nho you people are all seeking here? He then
nam di nui ai Hung en. Ba Trng hoi: use his staff to try and drive them away, but
Lai thay ai trung chang? S lam tieng cop they didnt leave. So Huang-Po returned to
rong. Ba Trng cam bua thu the. S vo vao his seat and said: You people are all dreg-
chan Ba Trng mot cai. Ba Trng ci bo slurpers. If you go on a pilgrimage seeking in
i. Sau o Ba Trng thng ng day this way youll just earn peoples laughter.
chung: Di nui ai Hung co con ai trung, When you see eight hundred or a thousand
cac ngi nen xem. Lao Ba Trng nay hom people gathered somewhere you go there.
nay ch than bong gap va b can mot cai. Theres no telling what trouble this will
* Once, Huang-Po was at Nan-Chuan-Pu- cause. When I was traveling on pilgrimage
Yuans temple and participated in picking tea and cam upon some fellow beneath the grass
leaves. Nan-Chuan asked him: Where are roots (a teacher), then I would hammer him
you going? Huang-Po said: To pick tea on the top of the head and see if he
leaves. Nan-Chuan said: What will you use understood pain, and thus support him from an
to pick them? Huang-Po took his knife and overflowing rice bag! If all I ever found were
held it straight up. Nan-Chuan said: Youve the likes of you here, then how would we
only acted as guest. You havent acted as ever realize the great matter thats before us
host. Huang-Po stabbed three holes in the today? If you people want to call what youre
air. Nan-Chuan said: Everyone is going to doing a pilgrimage, then you should show a
pick tea leaves.S cho Nam Tuyen. little spirit! Do you know that today in all the
Mot hom, toan chung i hai tra, Nam Tuyen great Tang there are no Zen teachers?
hoi: i au? S tha: i hai tra. Nam Mot hom s thng ng, ai chung van
Tuyen lai hoi: em cai g hai? S a con tap, s bao: Cac ngi! Cac ngi muon cau
dao len. Nam Tuyen bao: Tat ca i hai tra. cai g? S cam trng uoi chung. ai
* One day, Nan-Chuan said to Huang-Bo: I chung khong tan. S lai ngoi xuong bao:
have a song called Ode of the Oxherd. Can Cac ngi toan la bon an hem, the ma xng
you recite it? Huang-Po said: I am my own hanh khat e cho ngi che ci. Tha cam
teacher right here.Hom no, Nam Tuyen thay tam tram, mot ngan ngi giai tan, ch
bao s: Lao Tang ngau hng lam bai ca khong the giai tan, khong the chu s on nao.
Chan Trau, mi Trng Lao hoa. S tha: Ta khi i hanh khat hoac gap di re co co
Toi t co thay roi. cai ay, la em het tam t xem xet no. Neu
* Huang-Po was taking his leave of Nan- biet nga ngay kha d lay ay ng gao cung
Chuan. Nan-Chuan accompanied Huang-Po to dng. Trong luc o, neu de dang nh cac
the monastery gate. Lifting up Huang-Pos ngi hien gi th lam g co viec ngay nay.
hat, Nan-Chuan said: Elder, your physical Cac ngi a xng la hanh khat, can phai co
size is not large, but isnt your hat too small? chut t tinh than nh the, mi co the biet ao.
Huang-Po said: Although thats true, still the Trong nc ai ng khong co Thien S
entire universe can fit inside it. Huang-Po sao?
then put on his hat and leftS t gia i ni * A monk then asked: In all directions there
khac, Nam Tuyen tien en cong, cam chiec are worthies expounding to countless

students. Why do you say there are no Zen biet hoc ngon ng, ngh nham trong ay da
teachers? Huang-Po said: I didnt say there tc cho en an on, xng la ta t hoi thien, lai
is no Zen, just that there are no teachers. thay viec sanh t cho ngi c chang?
None of you see that although Zen master Khinh thng bac lao tuc vao a nguc nhanh
Ma-Tsu had eighty-four Dharma heirs, only nh ten ban. Ta va thay ngi vao ca lien
two or three of them actually gained Ma- biet c roi. Lai biet chang? Can kp no lc
Tsus Dharma eye. One of them is Zen ch dung d. Tho nhan chen cm manh ao cua
master Kui-Zong of Mount Lu. Home leavers ngi ma e mot i qua suong, ngi sang
must know what has happened in former mat che ci. Ngi thi gian sau han se b
times before they can start to understand. ngi tuc loi i. Phai t xem xa gan cai g la
Otherwise you will be like the Fourth viec tren mat? Neu hoi lien hoi, neu khong
Ancestors student Niu-Tou, speaking high hoi giai tan i. Tran trong!
and low but never understanding the critical * He died in 850. After his death, he received
point. If you possess the Dharma eye, then the posthumous title Zen Master Removing
you can distinguish between true and heritical Limits.Thien s Hoang Ba th tch nam
teachings and youll deal with the worlds 850. Sau khi th tch s c vua ban hieu
affairs with ease. But if you dont understand, oan Te Thien S.
and only study some words and phrases or Huang-Po Zen Sect: Hoang Ba Thien Phai
recite sutras, and then put them in your bag Phai Thien Hoang Ba, phai Thien do Thien s
and set off on pilgrimate saying: I understand Hoang Ba sang lapHuang-Po Zen Sect,
Zen, the will they be of any benefit even for founded by Zen Master Huang-PoSee Huang
your own life and death? If youre unmindful Po Hsi Yun.
of the worthy ancients youll shoot straight Hu-Chiu-Shan: Ho Khau SnA monastery
into hell like an arrow. I know about you as at Soo-Chou, which gave rise to a branch of he
soon as I see you come through the temple Chan school, founded by Shao-LungTen mot
gate. How will you gain an understanding? t vien To Chau, ni phat xuat mot tong phai
You have to make an effort. It isnt an easy Thien, c Ngai Thieu Long sang lap.
matter. If you just wear a sheet of clothing
Hue Lam Temple: Chua Hue LamName of a
and eat meals, then youll spend your whole
newly built pagoda, located in Phu My village,
life in vain. Clear-eyed people will laugh at
Chau Thanh district, Vung Tau, South Vietnam.
you. Eventually the common people will just
The pagoda was built in 1975 and was enlarged to
get rid of you. If you go seeking far and wide,
become a quiet, secluded pagoda by Venerable
how will this resolve the great matter? If you
Bikkhuni Nh ThanhTen mot ngoi chua mi
understand, then you understand. If you dont,
kien tao, toa lac trong lang Phu My, huyen Chau
then get out of here! Take care!Co v
Thanh, Vung Tau, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c
Tang hoi: Bac ton tuc cac ni hp chung
xay nam 1975 va c Ni Si Nh Thanh m rong
ch day, tai sao noi khong Thien S? S bao:
thanh mot ngoi gia lam thanh tnh u nha.
Chang noi khong thien, ch noi khong s. Xa
Hue Nghiem Temple in Gia Dinh: Chua Hue
Le chang thay sao, di Ma To ai S co
NghiemName of a famous pagoda located in
tam mi bon ngi ngoi ao trang, song
Bnh Chanh district, Saigon City, South Vietnam.
c chanh nhan cua Ma To ch co hai ba
It was built in 1962 by Most Venerable Thch
ngi, Hoa Thng Lo Sn Qui Tong la mot
Thien Hoa, and rebuilt in 1969. It has been a
trong so ay. Pham ngi xuat gia phai biet s
training center for monks since 1963 under the
phan t trc lai mi c. Va nh, di T
following names: High School of Buddhist
To, ai s Ngu au Phap Dung noi doc noi
Studies; Hue Nghiem Institute of Buddhist
ngang van cha biet then chot hng thng.
Studies; Hue nghiem Buddhist College. There is
Co con mat nay mi bien c tong ang ta
a statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, mde of iron and
chanh. Ngi hien gi khong hay the hoi, ch
concrete, 4.50 meters high, 4.50 meters wide

between the two knees, cast in 1974Ten mot 1,7 met, chieu ngang 60 phan. Bo thap bat La
ngoi chua noi tieng trong quan Bnh Chanh, thanh Han do ong Truc Thien, mot cao Tang tai tnh T
pho Sai Gon, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c Hoa Xuyen ve, c T Hy Thai Hau i nha Thanh
Thng Thien Hoa xay dng nam 1962, va c chon lam bo tranh ep nhat. Hoa s Ta Bach ao,
trung tu vao nam 1969. Chua la ni tu hoc cua ngi Viet goc Hoa sinh song tai Sai Gon a khac
ch Tang t nam 1963 di cac ten: Trng mau a nay vao thap.
Trung ang Phat Hoc Chuyen Khoa, Phat Hoc Hue Nghiem Temple in Thu Duc: Chua Hue
Vien Hue Nghiem, Vien Cao ang Phat Hoc Hue NghiemName of a temple located in Thu c
Nghiem. Trong chua co mot pho tng Phat uc town, Thu c district, Sai Gon City, South
nam 1974, bang xi mang cot sat, cao 4,5 thc, Vietnam. The temple was founded by Patriarch
rong 4,5 thc gia hai au goi. Quang Nhn in the eighteenth century and has
Hue Nghiem Temple in Saigon: Chua Hue been restored many times. The temple has still
NghiemName of a famous Chinese pagoda conserved Most venerable Hue Lus poem
located in Phu Nhuan district, Saigon City, South written to people in Linh Chieu ong village in
Vietnam. The pagoda was built in 1954 by Most 1897Ten mot ngoi chua toa lac trong th tran
Venerable Tho Da. It is a Chinese monastery Thu c, huyen Thu c, thanh pho Sai Son,
belonging to the Chinese Hua-Yen Sect. Hue Nam Viet Nam. Chua c To Quang Nhn tao
Nghiem Pagoda conserved a great deal of great dng vao the ky th 18 va c trung tu nhieu
statues, among them are those of Amitabha lan. Trong chua hien con lu lai bai th cua Hoa
Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha and Bhaisajya Thng Hue Lu gi cho lang Linh Chieu ong
Buddha, all coated with lacquer and brought from nam 1897.
Hong Kong in 1954. There were two great Hue Quang Temple: Chua Hue QuangName
ceremonies of handing down the monkish of a famous ancient pagoda located in Th Tran
precepts held at the pagoda in 1954 and in 1969. village, Giong Trom distric, Ben Tre province,
The stupa of Arahat was built in the backyard South Vietnam. The pagoda was built a long long
behind the Main Hall in 1962. It is an octagonal time ago in the land of one hectare wide.
stone stupa, 2.1 meters high. Three Arahat images Previously it was only a small temple. In 1784,
are engraved on three stone boards of each side. Most Venerable Minh Hoa of Long Thanh
An image of Arahat is engraved on one board, 1.7 Patriarch temple (Ba Hom, Gia nh) was
meters high and 0.6 meter wide. The set of requested to build the pagoda in Ben Tre.
eighteen Arahats, chosen as the most beautiful According to the records of the pagoda, it was
paintings by Queen Mother Tsih-Tsi in the Ching headed by ten Chan Masters (Nh Vien, Nh
dynasty, was created by Master Chu Tsian from Chn, Nh Tuyen, Hong Anh, Ch Thien, at
tsih Chuan. Painter Tzuo-Pai-Tao, a Chinese Quang, Nht Knh, Nht nh, and Bu Ngoc).
craftsman living in Saigon, did carve the stone Since 1956, Master Bu Ngoc has been Head of
boards onto the stupaTen mot ngoi chua noi the pagoda until now. Hue Quang Pagoda has
tieng nam trong quan Phu Nhuan, thanh pho Sai been restored many times. The latest restoration
Gon, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c Hoa Thng was in 1960. There are many painstakingly carved
Tho Da xay nam 1954. ay la ngoi to nh cua old statues, made of wood and bornze and
nhng Phat t Trung Hoa theo tong phai Hoa worshipped in the Main HallTen mot ngoi chua
Nghiem. Chua con nhieu pho tng ln nh co noi tieng toa lac trong xa Th Tran, huyen
tng c Phat A Di a, Thch Ca Nh Lai, va Giong Trom, tnh Ben Tre, Nam Viet Nam. Chua
Phat Dc S ap sn mai, c thnh t Hong a co t lau i, luc au ch la mot cai am nho.
Kong ve nam 1954. Chua a hai lan to chc ai en nam 1784, Hoa Thng Minh Hoa thuoc To
gii an vao nam 1964 va nam 1969. Thap La nh Long Thanh (Ba Hom, Gia nh) c mi
Han c xay san sau Chanh ien vao nam ve Ben Tre dng chua. Theo tai lieu lch s cua
1962, thap hnh luc giac, moi canh 2,1 met, co ba chua, chua a trai qua 10 i truyen tha vi
tam bia a khac noi ba v La Han, moi tam cao mi v thien s (Nh Vien, Nh Chn, Nh

Tuyen, Hong Anh, Ch Thien, at Quang, Nht Thanh. S th tch khoang nam 519, luc o s
Knh, Nht nh, va Bu Ngoc). Thay Bu Ngoc c 70 tuoi.
tru tr t nam 1956 en nay. Chua a c trung Huguo Zen master: Ho Khu Thien S
tu nhieu lan. Gan nhat la t trung tu nam 1960. Huguo, a disciple of Yuan-Wu. After entering
Trong chanh ien co nhieu tng go va ong monastic life as a young man, he studied Tien-
c cham tro cong phu. Tai doctrines for three years, but gave up this
Hue Sinh Zen Master: Hue Sinh Thien S (?- pursuit to study under Zen master Yuan-WuHo
1063)A Vietnamese Zen master from ong Khu Thien s la e t cua thien s Vien Ngo.
Phu Liet, Tra Sn district, Hanoi, North Vietnam. Sau khi xuat gia luc con tre, Ho Khu theo tong
When he was 19, he left home and became a phai Thien Thai, nhng ba nam sau, ong a t bo
disciple of Zen Master nh Hue. He became the Thien Thai e tu tap thien nh vi thien s Vien
Dharma heir of the thirteenth generation of the Ngo.
Vinitaruci Zen Sect. Later, he wandered all over Hui-Chao: Hue SieuA Chinese monk who
the place to expand Buddhism. In 1028, King Ly travelled in IndiaV s trung Quoc du hanh sang
Thai Tong sent an Imperial order to summon him An o.
to the capital to preach Buddha Dharma to the Hui-Chin-Fo-Chien: Hue Can Phat Giam
royal family. The king always respected and Zen Master Hui-Chin-Fo-Chien of Tai-Ping,
honored him as the National Teacher, and invited China, studied Zen for many years under different
him to stay at Van Tue Temple in Thang Long masters and thought he was fully accomplished in
Citadel. He spent most of his life to revive and it. But Fa-Yen of Mount Wu-Tsu Shan refused to
expand Budhhism in North Vietnam. He passed sanction his view, which offended him greatly. He
away in 1063Thien s Viet Nam, que lang left the master, as did his friend Fo-Kuo. But the
ong Phu Liet, quan Tra Sn, Ha Noi, Bac Viet latter returned to Wu-Tsu and attained full
Nam. Nam 19 tuoi, ngai xuat gia lam e t cua realization under him. Fo-Chien also came back
Thien s nh Hue. Ngai tr thanh Phap t i after a while, but his real intention wa to go
th 13 dong Thien Ty Ni a Lu Chi. Sau khi somewhere else. Fo-Kuo, however, advised him
Thay ngai th tch, ngai tr thanh du Tang khat s to stay with the master, saying: We have ben
i khap o ay e hoang hoa Phat giao. Nam separated from each other more than a month, but
1028, vua Ly Thai Tong gi sac ch trieu hoi ngai what do you think of me now since I saw you
ve kinh o e thuyet phap cho hoang gia. Nha last? Fo-Chien replied: This is what puzzles
vua luon luon ton knh ngai nh Quoc S, va thnh me. The significance of this conversation is that
ngai tru tai chua Van Tue Thang Long. Hau het Fo-Kuo, as was already recorded under him, had
i ngai, ngai chan hng va hoang hoa Phat giao his enlightenment soon after he came back to his
tai Bac Viet. Ngai th tch nam 1063. former master. This fact, occuring during the
Hue of the skin: Mau da. months separation from his friend, had caused
Hue Thang Zen Master: Thien S Hue such a change in Fo Kuos spiritual life that Fo-
ThangZen Master Thch Hue Thang, one of the Chien wondered what was the cause and meaning
most outstanding Vietnamese Zen Master in the of this transformationThien s Hue Can Phat
fifth century AD. He left home in his young age at Giam, que Thai Bnh, Trung Quoc, trai qua
Mount Tien Chau Temple. He then practiced nhieu nam hoc hoi Thien vi nhieu v ton tuc va
meditation with Zen Master Dharmadeva. Later, ngh mnh thanh tu vien man. Nhng Ngu To sn
he was invited to Bing-Sheng by Liu-Chih. He Phap Dien khong chu an chng cho s kien, nen
passed away in around 519, at the age of 70 long phan han. S t gia ong ban la Phat Qua.
Thien S Thch Hue Thang (?-519), mot trong Nhng Phat Qua th quay ve Ngu To va nh ngai
nhng thien s ngi Giao Ch noi tieng vao the ma chng ngo triet e. Phat Giam cung tr ve
ky th nam, xuat gia t thu nho chua nui Tien cung luc, nhng thc tam th muon i ni khac.
Chau, theo Thien s at Ma e Ba tu tap. Sau Tuy nhien, Phat Qua khuyen s hay lai vi
c Thai Thu Lu Tch vi ve kinh o Banh thay, bao rang: Chung ta mi ri nhau hn mot

thang nhng so vi lan trc, s huynh thay toi ra words for reply, nor is there any reasoning to
sao? S ap: Cho ng cua toi la ay. Y advance? Fo-Chien did not know what reply
ngha cua cuoc ban luan nay la Phat Qua a to make. On the following day, however, he
chng ngo ngay sau khi tr ve vi thay cu cua said: Tung-Szu wanted the gem and nothing
mnh. S kien o xay ra trong mot thang cach mat else, but what Yang-Shan produced was just
ong ban, a tao ra mo bien chuyen trong i tam an old wicker work. Fo-Kuo confirmed the
linh cua Phat Qua, khien cho Phat Giam lay lam view, but told him to go and see the master
la au la nguyen nhan va y ngha cua s cai hoa personallyVe sau khi Phat Giam noi
ay. chuyen ve Thien, co nhac en chuyen ong
* Fo-Chien decided to stay at Wu-Tsu Shan T hoi Ngng Sn ve Tran hai minh chau.
with his old master Fa-Yen and his good Noi en cho khong co ly e to bay, Phat
friend Fo-Kuo. One day, Fa-Yen referred to Qua hoi: a bao minh chau nam san trong
the conversation between Chao-Chou and a tay, tai sao lai con khong li oi ap, khong
monkPhat Giam quyet nh lai nui Ngu ly e to bay? Nhng hom sau s bao: ong
To vi lao s Phap Dien cua mnh va ngi T ch muon co mot hat chau ma thoi, nhng
ban tot Phat Qua. Mot hom, Phap Dien e c cai ieu Ngng Sn a ra ch la cai gio tre
van ap gia Trieu Chau va mot thay Tang: cu ky. Phat Qua an chng s kien nay,
* The monk asked: What is your way of nhng khuyen s hay gap rieng Hoa Thng.
teaching?Thay Tang hoi: Thoi nha cua * One day, when Fo-Chien came to the
Hoa Thng la g? masters room and was at the point of
* Chao-Chou replied: I am deaf; speak louder, addressing him, the master rebuked him
please.Trieu Chau ap: Lao Tang tai terribly. Poor Fo-Chien had to retire in a
iec, xin noi to hn. mostawkward maner. Back in his own
* The monk repeated the question. Then Chao- quarters, he shut himself up in the room while
Chou said: You ask me about my way of his heart was in rebellion against the
teaching, and I have already found out masterMot hom, bc vao phng trng
yours.Thay Tang lap lai cau hoi. Trieu cua Hoa Thng, va sap m li th Hoa
Chau ben noi: Ong hoi thoi nha cua ta, va ta Thng mang chi tham te. Phat Giam khon
hieu thoi nha cua ong roi o. nan phai lnh quynh rut lui. Tr ve lieu, ong
* This conversation served to open Fo-Chiens ca nam ma long han thay khong nguoi.
mind to enlightenment. He now asked the * Fo-Kuo found this quietly, and came to his
master: Please point out for me what is the friends room and knocked at the door. Fo-
ultimate truth of Zen.Van ap nay lam Chien called out, Who is it? Finding that it
cho tam tr cua Phat Giam khai thong to ngo. was his dear friend Fo-Kuo, he told Kuo to
Bay gi s hoi Phap Dien: Xin thay ch th come in. Fo-Kuo innocently asked: Did you
cho ao ly rot rao cua Thien la g? see the master? How was the interview? Fo-
* Fa-Yen replied: A world of multiplicities is Chien now reproached him saying: It was
all stamped with the one.Phap Dien ap: according to your advice that I have stayed
Sum la van tng c an thanh Nhat here, and what is the outcome of the trick? I
phap. have been terribly rebuked by that old master
* Fo-Chien bowed and retiredPhat Giam of ours. Fo-Kuo burst out into a hearty laugh
anh le roi lui ra. and said: Do you remember what you told
* Later when Fo-Kuo and Fo-Chien were me the other day? Fo-Chien discontentedly
talking on Zen, mention was made of Tung- said: What do you mean? Fo-Kuo then
Szus asking Yang-Shan about the bright gem added: Did you say that while Tung-Szu
from the sea of Chen. When the talk turned to wanted the gem and nothing else, and what
no reasoning to advance, Fo-Kuo Yang-Shan produced was just an old wicker
demanded, When it is said that there are no workd?Phat Qua am tham biet chuyen o,

i en lieu ong ban va go ca. Phat Giam Thien s Quang Chieu, que Tay Lac, la e t
goi ra: Ai o? Khi biet ay la ong ban than cua Thien s Phan Dng. Cha lam Thai Thu
Phat Qua, s bao Phat Qua hay vao. Phat Hoanh Dng (nay la mot thanh pho thuoc mien
Qua e de hoi: S huynh co gap lao Hoa nam tnh Ho Nam), roi mat o, s pho linh cu
Thng khong? Viec bai phong ra sao? S cha ve x. Sau khi mai tang cha xong, ong a
phien trach ban rang: Bi nghe s huynh xuat gia tai chua Dc Sn.
khuyen nen toi o lai ay; ket cuc viec la * A monk asked Kuang-Zhao: What is
phnh nay la g? Oi a b lao Hoa Thng Buddha? Kuang-Zhao said: Copper head,
mang chi tham te. Phat Qua bat ci ha ha iron forehead. The monk said: What does
va bao: Huynh co nh ngay kia huynh noi g that mean? Kuang-Zhao said: Bird beak,
vi toi khong? Phat Giam y hoi: Ngha la fish gills.Mot v Tang hoi s: Cai g la
g? Phat Qua ben them: Ha khong phai s Phat? S ap: au ong, tran sat. V Tang
huynh bao rang ong T ch muon hat chau hoi: La ngha g? S ap: Chim mo, ca
ma thoi, con cai ieu Ngng Sn a ra la vay vung.
cai gio tre cu ky? * A monk asked: How is it before the lotus
* When his own statement was repeated now comes out of the water? Kuang-Zhao said:
by his friend, Fo-Chien at once saw the point. The cat wears a paper hat. The person
Thereupon both Kuo and Chien called on the asked: How about after the lotus comes out
master, who, seeing them approach, abruptly of the water? Kuang-Zhao said: The dog
remarked: O brother Chien, this time you runs when it sees the whip.V Tang hoi:
surely have it.Khi nghe ong ban nhac lai Sen la cai g trc khi troi len mat nc?
cau noi cua mnh, Phat Giam thay ngay yeu S ap: Meo oi non giay. Mot ngi lai
iem cua mnh. Roi th ca hai c Hoa hoi: Sau khi sen troi khoi nc la cai g? S
Thng goi; va thay hai ngi, Hoa Thng ap: Cho thay roi la chay.
noi ngay: Mng cho anh Can, viec ln a * One day, Kuang-Zhao entered the hall and
xong! addressed the monks, saying: Hearing about
Hui-Ching: Hue TnhA noted Tang monk, enlightenment and wisdom, these are the
translator and author, who was commanded to cause of life and death. Hearing about
assist Hsuan-Tsang in his translations but was enlightenment and wisdom, that itself is the
unable through failing healthMot v Tang noi root of liberation. Its as if a lion were
tieng i nha ng (ngi Chan nh, Thng staggering around in every direction with no
Sn), ngai va trc tac va phien dch, ngai cung place to live. If you dont understand, dont
c trieu nh ch nh giup ngai Huyen Trang let yourself forsake old Sakyamuni! Hey!
phien dch kinh ien, nhng khong hoan thanh v Mot hom s thng ng day chung: Thay,
tnh trang sc khoe. nghe, hieu biet eu la nhn sanh t. Thay
Hui-Ji Yang-Shan: Zen Master Hui-Ji Yang- nghe hieu biet chnh la goc giai thoat. Th
ShanHue Tch Thien SNgng Sn Hue nh s t nhao lon khong nhat nh ng
Tch Thien SSee Yang-Shan-Hui-Chi. Nam Bac ong Tay. Ca thay cac ngi neu
la chang biet, au nhng co phu ong gia
Hui-Jue: Hue Giac Lang Nha Thien SZen
Thch Ca.
master Lang-Ye-Hui-JueQuang Chieu Hue
Giac Thien SZen master Kuang-Zhao-Hui- Hui-Kai: Hue KhaiHue Khai.
Jue, came from Xi-Luo, was a disciple of Fan- (I) Hue Khai (in the sixth century)Hui-Kai, a
Yang. His father was a governor of Heng-Yang (a monk and author of many famous sastras, also
city in southern Hunan Province) . His father died known as Chih-Kai of the sixth century
there, and Kuang-Zhao, fulfilling his filial Hue Khai, mot v s va tac gia cua nhieu
obligation, carried his fathers casket back to their luan noi tieng, cung c biet qua ten Tr
native home. After burying his father, he left Khai, song vao khoang the ky th sau.
home to become a monk at Yueh-Shan Temple

(II) Hui-Kai (1183-1260): Hue KhaiZen (1228), I had to look after a number of
master Hue Khai (1183-1260), according to student-monks who wished to be instructed in
Transmission of the Lamp, was a disciple of Zen. So, I made use of the ancient masters
Wan-Shou-Chung-KuanThien s Hue koans as a piece of brick which is used for
Khai, theo Truyen ang Luc, la e t cua knocking at the gate. The students were thus
Thien s Van Tho Sung Quan. disciplined each according to his ability. The
* When he understood the secrets of Zen by the notes gradually accumulated and finally came
study of the word Wu, he expressed himself to assume a book-form. There is no
in the following verseKhi s thau hieu systematic arrangement in the forty-eight
nhng le b an cua Thien nh tham cu ch cases herein collected. The general name
Vo, s t giai bay bang bai th sau ay: Wu-Men-Kuan has been given to them
From the blue sky, the sun glowing white, Theo Thien Luan, Tap II cua Thien s D.T.
a peal of thunder! Suzuki, Hue Khai a e tang Vo Mon Quan
All living things on earth open their eyes cho Tong Ly Tong e cung chuc nha vua vao
widely, multiplicities endless uniformly dp ky niem bon nam ang v cua vua (1229).
bow their heads in respect; Trong bai ta, s viet: Tat ca nhng li day
Lo and behold, Mt. Sumeru is off its base cua Phat lay Tam lam tong, lay khong ca
dancing a three-stage platform (san-tai). lam ca vao ao. a la khong ca, lam sao
Tri quang may tanh, sam day vang lng vao c? Ha khong nghe co nhan co noi:
Moi vat tren at, mat bong m bng Vao bang ca khong phai la o qu, do
Muon hong nghn ta cuoi au lam le duyen ma co roi thuy chung cung thanh
Nui Tu Di cung nhay mua vui mng. hoai. Noi nh the ta ho khong gio ma song
(Thanh thien bach nhat nhat thanh loi day, da tht tot ma noi ghe. Nhng ai tm ly
ai a quan sinh nhan hoat khai trong li, chang khac nao vac gay qu trang,
Van tng sum la te khe thu cach giay gai nga. Co g lien quan en s
Tu di bot khieu vu tam ai). that au? Mua ha nien hieu Thieu nh th
* Hui-Kai dedicated his Wu-Men-Kuan (The nhat (1228), toi lam thu chung Long Tng
Gateless Frontier Pass) to the Emperor Li- va ong Gia, nhan c Tang chung thnh
Tsung in celebration of the fourth anniversary giang phap, ben em cong an cua co nhan
(1229) of his coronation. In the preface, he lam vien gach dong ca. Tuy theo can c ma
says: In all the teaching of the Buddha the dan dat ngi tu hoc. Sao luc nhng li bnh
most essential thing is to grasp the Mind. giai lai, roi bong dng thanh tap. Khong sap
While there are so many entrances leading to at th t cua bon mi tam tac ay, goi
it, the most central one is without a gate. How chung la Vo Mon Quan.
do you get them into this gateless entrance? Hui-Ko: Thien S Hue KhaAccording to the
Have you not heard this said by ancient Transmission of the Lamp, Hui-Ko (487-593), a
worthy: Things that come through a gate are strong-minded Confucian scholar, a liberated
worthless, anything obtained by a relative minded, open-hearted kind of person. He
means is bound for final destruction? Such thoroughly acquainted with Confucian and Taosit
statements as these look very much like literature, but always dissatisfied with their
stirring up waves when there is no wind, like teachings because they appeared to him not quite
pricking a sore on the smooth skin. As to thorough-going. When he heard of Bodhidharma
those who seek wisdom in the words, or who coming from India, he came to Bodhidharma and
attempt to beat the moon with a stick , or who asked for instruction at Sha-Lin Temple, when
scratch an itching over the shoe, what real arrived to seek the dharma with Bodhidharma, but
concern have they with the truth? While I was the master was always found sitting silently facing
spending a summer at Lung-Hsiang of the wall. Hui-Ko wondered to himself: History
Eastern China in the first year of Sha-Ting gives examples of ancient truth-seekers, who

were willing for the sake of enlightenment to not make it a total annihilation. The Patriarch
have the marrow extracted from their bones, their asked: How do you testify your statement? Hui-
blood spilled to feed the hungry, to cover the Ko said: For I know it always in a most
muddy road with their hair, or to throw themselves intelligible manner, but to express it in words, that
into the mouth of a hungry tiger. What am I? Am I is impossible. The Patriarch said: That is the
not also able to give myself up on the altar of mind-essence itself transmitted by all the
truth? On the ninth of December of the same Buddhas. Habour no doubts about it. Eventually
year, to impress Bodhidharma, he stood still under Hui-Ko received the teaching directly mind-to-
the snow, then knelt down in the snow-covered mind. Subsequently, he inherited his robe and
courtyard for many days. Bodhidharma then took alms-bowl to become the Second Patriarch of the
pity on him and said: You have been standing in Chinese Zen Sect (the successor of Bodhidharma).
the snow for some time, and what is your wish? After he left the master, he did not at once begin
Hui-Ko replied: I come to receive your his preaching, hiding himself among people of
invaluable instruction; please open the gate of lower classes of society. He evidently shunned
mercy and extend your hand of salvation to this being looked up as a high priest of great wisdom
poor suffering mortal. Bodhidharma then said: and understanding. However, he did not neglect
The incomparable teaching of the Buddha can be quietly preaching the Law whenever he had an
comprehended only after a long and hard occasion. He was simply quiet and unassuming,
discipline and by enduring what is most difficult to refusing to show himself off. But one day when he
endure and practising what is most difficult to was discoursing about the Law before a three-
practise. Men of inferior virtue and wisdom who entrance gate of a temple, there was another
are light-hearted and full of self-conceit are not sermon going on inside the temple by a resident
able even to set their eyes on the truth of Monk, learned and honoured. The audience,
Buddhism. All the labor of such men is sure to however, left the reverend lecturer inside and
come to naught. Hui-Ko was deeply moved and gathered around the street-monk, probably clad in
in order to show his sincerity in the desire to be rags and with no outward signs of ecclesiastical
instructed in the teaching of all the Buddhas, he dignity. The high Monk got angry over the
finally cut off his left arm in appeal to be received situation. He accused the beggar-monk to the
as disciple. Until he seemd to be well prepared, authorities as promulgating a false doctrine,
Bodhidharma call him in and asked: What do you whereupon Hui-Ko was arrested and put to death.
wish to learn? Hui-Ko replied: My mind is He did not specially plead innocent but
always disturbed. I request your honor that I could composedly submitted, saying that he had
be taught a way to pacify it. Bodhidharma then according to the law of karma an old debt to pay
ordered: Bring me your troubled mind and I will up. This took place in 593 A.D. and he was one
calm it down for you. Hui-Ko replied: But hundred and seven years old when he was
Honorable Master, I could not locate it. killedTheo Truyen ang Luc, Hue Kha (487-
Bodhidharma then said: Dont worry, disciple. I 593) la mot nha nho nhiet tam, mot mau ngi
have appeased your mind for you already. With tanh tnh phong khoang, rong rai, du a quen vi
that short encounter, Hui-Ko immediately sach Nho Lao, nhng luon luon khong hai long
became enlightened. Hui-Ko tried so many times vi nhng thuyet ay v ngai thay chung cha c
to explain the reason of mind, but failed to realize thau ao. Khi nghe tin Bo e at Ma t An sang,
the truth itself. The Patriarch simple said: No! ngai tm en gap To Bo e at Ma Thieu Lam
No! And never proposed to explain to his disciple T e hoi phap. Khi en cau ao vi to at Ma,
what was the mind-essence in its thought-less nhng thay c ngoi im lang quay mat vao vach.
state. One day, Hui-Ko said: I know now how to Hue Kha suy ngh: Ngi xa cau ao en phai
keep myself away from all relationships. The che xng lay tuy, o mau nuoi ngi oi, xoa
Patriarch queried: You make it total annihilation, toc phu ng lay, hay en ca gieo mnh vao
do you not? Hui-Ko replied: No, master, I do mieng cop oi. Con ta la ke nao? Ta ha khong the

hien mnh e phung th chanh phap hay sao? quan chua Khuon Cu th trong chua v tru tr hoc
vao ngay mong chn thang chap cung nam, v cao danh vong la phap s Bien Hoa ang giang
muon lam cho to co an tng sau am, ong a kinh Niet Ban. Bon ao un un bo v phap s ng
ng trong tuyet lanh, roi quy goi trong san phu giang mot mnh e ra bu quanh ong thay ang
ay tuyet trong nhieu ngay. Bay gi To Bo e giang gia tri. Chac la luc ay quan ao cua s be
at Ma ong long thng xot ben hoi: Nha boi lam, tuyet khong co g to ra s thuoc hang
ngi muon g ma ng mai trong tuyet nh the? giao pham. Phap s thay vay noi gian, en au
Hue Kha ap: Toi en e mong c li day vo cao vi quan tren ve ong ao an may kia truyen
gia cua thay; ngng mong thay m ca t bi ta giao. Do o Hue Kha b bat, va b x giao.
duoi tay te o quan sanh au kho nay. To bao: Ngai khong he keu oan, ma ngc lai c mot mc
Giao ly vo thng cua Phat ch co the hieu khi bnh than thuan theo, cho rang ung vi luat nhan
a trai qua mot thi gian dai can kho, nhan cai qua rang s co mot mon n cu can phai tra. Noi
kho nhan, hanh cai kho hanh. Nhng ngi tr va vu xay ra trong nam 593, s tho 107 tuoi.
c thap kem ma long th khinh man, au co the Hui-Kuan: Hue QuanOne of Kumarajivas
ghe mat trong vao chan tha cua ao Phat; ch chief assistants in translation, died in 424 AD
luong cong ma thoi. Hue Kha b xuc cam sau xa, Mot trong nhng phu ta chnh trong viec dch kinh
va cuoi cung e chng to tam long thanh khan cua ngai Cu Ma La Thap, Hue Quan mat nam
mong c hoc hoi ao ly cua ch Phat, ngai a 424 sau Tay Lch.
dung dao chat t canh tay trai cua mnh dang len Hui-Kuo: Hue QuaSee Eight patriarchs of the
To e c nhan lam e t. Sau khi c To Bo True Word sect.
e at Ma nhan lam e t. To nhan xet: ng
Hui-Lang: Zen master Hui-LangHue Lang
i tm cai chan ly nay ke khac. Sau khi c
Thien SA Chinese Zen master, flourished in
To nhan lam e t, Hue Kha hoi To: Tam con
the beginning of the ninth century, one of the most
khong an, xin Hoa Thng day phap an tam. To
outstanding disciples of Zen master Shih-Tou-
nhn thang bao: em tam ra ta an cho. Hue Kha
His-Tien. One day Hui Lang asked Shih-Tou:
xoay tm lai tam mnh, khong thay bong dang,
Who is the Buddha? Shih-Tou said: You have
ben tha vi To: Con tm tam khong c. To
no Buddha nature. Hui-Lang asked: How about
bao: ng lo, ta a an tam cho ngi roi. Qua
these beings that go wriggling about? Shih-Tou
o Hue Kha lien ngo. Hue Kha trnh bay u cach
replied: They rather have the Buddha-nature.
hieu cua ong ve tanh ly cua tam, nhng lan nao
Hui-Lang asked again: How is that I am devoid
To cung mot mc bao chang phai, ma cung
of it? Shih-Tou said: Because you do not
khong bao noi g ve tam the vo niem. Mot hom
acknowledge it yourself. This is said to have
Hue Kha noi: Ta a dt het ch duyen roi. To
awakened Hui-Lang to his own ignorance which
hoi: Ngi khong bien thanh h vo oan diet
now illuminatesThien s Trung Hoa, song vao
ch? Hue Kha ap: Chang thanh oan diet. To
khoang au the ky th 9, mot trong nhng e t
lai hoi: Lay g lam tin chang phai la oan diet?
noi tieng cua Thien S Thach au Hy Thien. Mot
Hue Kha ap: Do cai biet t nhien vay, con noi
hom Hue Lang hoi Thach au: Phat la ai?
th chang c. To noi: o la cho b quyet tam
Thach au noi: Nha ngi khong co Phat tanh.
truyen cua ch Phat, ngi ch ng g het. Cuoi
Hue Lang lai hoi: Ca loai may ca cung
cung Hue Kha c truyen y bat lam Nh To
khong? Thach au ap: Loai may ca co Phat
Thien Tong Trung Hoa ke nghiep to Bo e at
tanh. Hue Lang hoi: Hue Lang nay sao khong
Ma. Sau ngay t gia To cat bc du phng, s
co Phat tanh? Thach au noi: V ngi khong
khong hoang hoa ngay, ma tam lanh an gia lp
chu mnh co. Do cau noi nay cua Thach au
ha lu cung kho, khong e lo chan tng mot cao
lam thc tnh s vo tr cua Hue Lang, t o ma to
Tang trang nghiem tr hue. Dau vay, s van tuy
duyen hoa o. S luon gi ve iem am khiem
Hui-Leng-Chang-Shing: Zen master Hui-Leng-
cung, ch khong pho trng ra be ngoai. Ngay
Chang-ShingHue Lang Trng Khanh Thien
kia, trong khi s ang noi phap ngoai ca tam
SZen master Hui-Leng was born in 854 in

Yan-Chou (now southwest of the modern city of Before, I wrongly searched amongst the
Hai-Ning in Zhe-Jiang Province). He was a paths,
disciple of Xue-Feng-Yi-TsunThien S Hue But today I see, and its like ice in fire.
Lang Trng Khanh sanh nam 854 tai Diem Chau Sau khi Trng Khanh trnh ke len Tuyet
(bay gi la tay nam thanh pho Hai Ninh, tnh Phong, Tuyet Phong noi vi Huyen Sa: Ke
Triet Giang). S la e t cua Thien S Ngha Ton nay a triet ngo. Huyen Sa tha: Cha
Tuyet Phong. c, ay la y thc lam ra, i kham pha ra
* One day when he rolled up a bamboo screen mi tin chac. Chieu en, chung Tang vao
and his eye fell upon the light of a lantern. At phap ng tha hoi. Tuyet Phong noi vi s:
that moment he woke up. The next day he au a B cha chap nhan ong, that co
composed the following verse to attest to his chanh ngo trc chung noi ra xem. S lien
understanding: noi bai ke:
I was so far off, Van tng chi trung oc lo than
Then all the earth was revealed when I Duy nhn t khang nai vi than
rolled up a screen. Tch thi mau hng o trung mch
If any asks me to explain our school, Kim nhat khan nh hoa ly bang.
Ill raise the whisk and slap his mouth. (Chnh trong van tng hien toan than
Mot hom, s cuon rem, mat s nhn vao anh Ch ngi t nhan mi la gan
sang cua en long, bong nhien ai ngo. Hom Thu xa lam nham ngoai ng
sau s ben lam bai tung: kiem
ai sai da ai sai Ngay nay xem lai bang trong lo).
Quyen khi liem lai kien thien ha * Xue-Feng then looked at Hsuan-Sha and said:
Hu nhn van nga th ha tong? I dont accept this. It still could be composed
Niem khi phat t phach khau a. with conscious understanding. Chang-Shing
(Rat sai cung rat sai then asked Xue-Feng: Please, Master,
Va cuon rem len thay thien ha. demonstrate what has been passed down by
Co ngi hoi ta la tu tong g ma chng ac? all the Patriarchs. Xue-Feng remained silent.
Ta se cam cay phat t len nham mieng Chang-Shing then bowed and walked out of
anh). the hall. Xue-Feng smiled. When Chang-
* After Chang-Shing presented this verse to his Shing went into Xue-Feng-s quarters for an
teacher Xue-Feng. Xue-Feng presented it to interview. Xue-Feng asked him: What is it?
the senior monk Hsuan-Sha and said: This Chang-Shing said: The weather is clear. Its
disciple has penetrated the Way. Hsuan-Sha a good day for Pu-Qing. Hsuan-Sha said:
said: I dont approve. This verse could have Your answer is not apart from the great
been composed with mundane conscious mystery. An thus Chang-Shings
understanding. We have to test him further enlightenment was confirmedTuyet Phong
before we can confirm him. That evening, nhn Huyen Sa noi: Khong the la y thc lam
when the monks assembled for a question- ra. S hoi Tuyet Phong: Mot ng t trc
and-answer session, Xue-Feng said to Chang- ch Thanh truyen trao thnh thay ch day?
Shing: Ascetic Bei (Hsuan-Sha) doesnt Tuyet Phong lang thinh. S le bai roi lui ra.
approve your understanding. If you have been Tuyet Phong mm ci. S vao phng trng
genuinely enlightened, please present your tham van Tuyet Phong. Tuyet Phong hoi: La
understanding now to the assembly. Chang- cai g? S tha: Ngay nay thi trong phi
Shing then recited another verse, saying: bap la tot. Huyen Sa noi: Cau tra li cua
Amidst the myriad realms the solitary ong khong ri ai mat. T o s giac ngo
body is revealed. cua s c xac quyet.
Only persons self-allowing are intimate * Chang-Shing remained with Xue-Feng for
with it. twenty-nine years, becoming his Dharma

heir. In 906, he accepted to come to live at death words, can they also give people life?
Zhao-Shing Temple, where he remained for Yun-Feng then turned to leave, but Huang-
more than fifteen years. He passed away in Long pulled him back, saying: If thats so,
932S tr thanh Phap T va lu lai Tuyet then what teacher now lives up to your
Phong 29 nam. en nam 906, s nhan li en meaning?" Yun-Feng said: Shi-Shuang-
tru tr chua Chieu Khanh, va lu lai ay hn Chu-Yuans methods are known everywhere
mi lam nam. S th tch nam 932. and all the disciples can see that hes
Hui Lin Master: S Hue LamHui-Lin, a unsurpassed. Huang-Lung thought to himself ,
disciple of the Indian monk Amogha (Bat Khong). Master Yueh is a student of Da-Yu, but hes
He made the dictionary of sounds and meanings sending me to see Shi-Shuang. How can this
of Buddhist words and phrases, based upon the be?Nhn dp s va Van Duyet cung i
works of Hsuan-Ying, Hui-Yuan, Kuei-Chi, and Tay Sn, ban em ngh lai, hai ngi am
Yun-Kung, in 100 books. He began the work in ao. Van Duyet noi: Thien S Hoai Trng
788 AD and ended it in 810 AD. He is also called tuy la con chau Van Mon, nhng phap ao
the Great Treasure of sounds and meanings con khac xa Van Mon. S hoi: Khac cho
Thch Hue Lam chua Tay Minh i nha ng, nao? Van Duyet ap: Van Mon nh n sa
e t cua mot nha s An o la ngai Bat Khong. a chn phen luyen, e vao sat lien bien
Ong trc tac bo T ien Phat Giao Hue Lam thanh vang; Hoai Trng nh c Hong Ngan
Am Ngha (100 quyen), da vao nhng trc tac nhn thay ep mat, ma e vao lo lien chay.
cua cac ngai Huyen ng, Hue Uyen, Khuy Ky, S noi gian cam chiec goi nem Van Duyet.
va Van Cong. Ong bat au cong trnh vao nam Sang ra Van Duyet xin loi lai noi: Ch kh
788 va hoan thanh vao nam 810 sau Tay Lch. Van Mon nh vua, cam chu t ng sao?
Ong con c ngi i goi la ai Tang Am Hoai Trng co phap day ngi la t ng. T
Ngha ai S. ng ma hay lam ngi song c sao? Noi
Hui-Nan-Huang-Lung: Hue Nam Hoang Long xong, Van Duyet lien bo i. S keo lai noi:
Thien SZen master Hui-Nan-Huang-Lung Neu vay th ai co the hp y thay? Van
Zen master Hui-Nan-Huang-Lung was born in Duyet bao: Thach Sng S Vien thu oan
1002 in Hsin-Chou, was a disciple of Shi-Shuang- vt ca moi ni, thay muon yet kien th
Chu-YuanThien s Hue Nam Hoang Long khong nen cham tre. S tham ngh: ay la
sanh nam 1002 tai Tn Chau, e t cua Thien S viec ln cua ngi hanh khat vay, Van Duyet
Thach Sng S Vien. la o e Nham Thuy, ma day ta en yet kien
* Huang-Long was traveling with Zen master Thach Sng th co lien he en ong au?
Wen-Yueh. One night they were talking * Huang-Lung then went to seek out Shi-
about Yun-Mens Dharma and Yun-Feng Shuang. While on the way he heard that Shi-
said: Although Huai-Cheng came after Yun- Shuang was not taking students, so he went
Men, his Dharma is different. Huang-Long instead to Mount Heng, where he visited the
asked: Whats different about it?Yun-Feng teacher Fu-Yan Xian. Fu-Yan gave Huang-
said: Yun-Mens Dharma is like making Lung the job of temple secretary. Shortly
cinnabar with nine turns of the grinder, or thereafter Fu-Yan died, and the governor
touching iron and turning it to gold. But Huai- appointed Shi-Shuang to replace him. When
Chengs medicine is old hat to the disciples, Shi-Shuang arrived, he disparaged everything
and if you stick it in the forge it melts away. at the temple, ridiculing everything he saw as
Huang-Long grew angry and threw a cushion wrong. Huang-Lung was deeply disappointed
at Yun-Feng. The next day Yun-Feng with Shi-Shuangs manner. When Huang-
apologized and said: Yun-Mens bearing is Lung visited Shi-Shuang in his abbots room,
like that of a king. Are you willing to die Shi-Shuang said: Huai-Cheng studied Yun-
beneath his words? Huai-Cheng also imparts Men Zen, so he must surpass Yun-Mens
a Dharma to people. Death words. But these teaching. When Yun-Men spared Tong-Shan

Shou-Chu three blows with staff, did Tong- toi dot trong ao ma cha thay, gi tham
Shan suffer the blows or not? Huang-Lung thien khi hom, nghe thay day nh ngi i lac
said: He suffered the blows. Shi-Shuang ng c xe ch nam. Cui xin Hoa Thng
said fiercely: From morning till night the ai t bo th phap khien cho con dt het nghi
magpies ry and the crows caw, all of them in ng. T Minh ci bao: Th ky a lanh o
response to the blows theyve suffered. Shi- chung va du phng noi tieng khap tung lam,
Shuang then sat in a cross-legged position, neu con co nghi ng chang can kho cau nh
and Huang-Lung lit incense and blowed to vay, hay ngoi ma thng lng. T Minh
him. Shi-Shuang later asked: Zhao-Chou sai: lien goi th gia em ghe mi s ngoi. S van
The old lady of Mount Tai, Ill go check her t choi va thanh khan tha thiet cau ch day.
out for you. But where was the place he T Minh bao: Th ky hoc thien Van Mon at
checked her out? Huang-Lung sweated khong c yeu ch ay. Nh noi: Tha ong
profusely but he couldnt answerS lien Sn ba gay. ong Sn khi ay nen anh hay
sa soan khan goi sang hom sau len ng. chang nen anh? S tha: Nen anh. T
i en na ng, s nghe T Minh moi viec Minh nghiem ngh bao: Nghe tieng ba gay
eu la ao thien sinh, lien thoi ch khong i. lien cho la nen an gay, vay ong t sang en
S tai lang Bnh nhieu ngay. Ke, s len chieu nghe chim keu trong anh, tieng
Hoanh Nhac en chua Phc Nghiem yet chuong tieng bang, cung nen an ba gay. An
kien Thien s Hien, Thien s Hien c s lam gay en luc nao mi thoi. S ch nhn sng
th ky. Cht Thien s Hien tch, Quan thu ma thoi. T Minh bao: Toi luc au nghi
mi T Minh en tru tr. c tin nay, s rat khong the lam thay ong. Gi ay a u t
hoan hy co c hoi e nghiem xet li Van cach lam thay ong. Ong hay le bai i. S le
Duyet noi. T Minh en, s trong thay than bai xong, ng day. T Minh nhac li trc:
tam eu cung knh. Nghe T Minh luan noi Neu ong biet c y ch Van Mon th, Trieu
phan nhieu che cac ni moi eu thuoc ta giai. Chau thng noi: Ba gia ai Sn b ta
Chnh cho S c mat ch ni Phan am kham pha, th ch ra cho kham pha xem?
cung b bac bo. S nh lai li noi cua Van S mat nong hc, mo hoi xuat han, khong
Duyet luc bnh nhat rat ung. S lien thay oi biet ap the nao.
quan niem noi: ai trng phu trong tham * The next day, Huang-Lung went to Shi-
tam c nghi ngai hoai sao? Shuangs room again. Shishuang berated him
* When Huang-Lung visited Shi-Shuang in his unceasingly. Huang-Long said: Is cursing a
abbots room, Shi-Shuang said, Huai-Cheng compassionate way of carrying out the
sutdied Yun-Mens Zen, so he must surpass teaching? Shi-Shuang yelled: Try cursing
Yun-Mens teaching. When Yun-Men spared and see! At these words Huang-Lung
Dong-Shan Shou-Chou three blows with the experienced a great awakening. He the wrote
staff, did Dong-Shan suffer the blows or not? the following verse:
Huang-Lung said, He suffered the blows. The eminent adept Zhao-Chou
Shi-Shuang said piercely, From morning till Had his reasons for checking out the old
night the magpies cry and the crows caw, all lady.
of them in response to the blows theyve Now the four seas are like a mirror,
suffered. Shi-Shuang then sat in a cross- And a pilgrim no longer hates the road.
legged position, and Huang-Lung lit incense Hom sau s lai vao that, b T Minh mang
and bowed him. Shi-Shuang later asked, chi. S ho then, nhn nhng ngi hai ben
Zhao-Chou said, The old lady of Mount noi: Chnh v cha hieu cau quyet nghi,
TaiIll go check her out for you. But where mang chi au phai qui cu t bi th phap! T
was the placehe checked her out? Huang- Minh ci noi: o la mang chi sao? Ngay
Lung sweated profusely but coulnt answer cau noi ay, s ai ngo. Lam bi tung:
S lien vao that T Minh, tha: Hue Nam do Kiet xuat tung lam th Trieu Chau

Lao ba kham s mot lai do for dust to cling to ? After hearing of the two sets
Nh kim t hai thanh nh canh of verses from both Shen-Hsiu and Hui-Neng,
Hanh nhn mac d lo vi thu. Heng-Jen recognized in Hui-Nengs lines a level
(Gioi vt tung lam la Trieu Chau of experience far deeper than that of Shen-hsiu
Lao ba ni kham khong moi manh and decided to make Hui-Neng his successor;
Hien nay bon bien nh gng sang however, fearing Shen-Hsius jealousy, he sent
Bo hanh thoi ch ghet con ng). for Hui-Neng secretly in the middle of the night
* He passed away in 1069S th tch nam and gave him robe and bowl as a sign of
1069. confirmation as the sixth patriarch of Chinese
Hui-Neng: Hue NangThe sixth patriarch of Chan. Heng-Jen urged Hui-Neng to go go hiding
Zen (Chan) in China. He was one of the most in the south. So Hui-Neng became an official
important Zen masters who had brought new Dharma successor of the fifth patriarch Hung-Jen.
qualities to the Zen in China which were totally After 15 years of hiding, he went to Fa-hsin
independent with that of India. He is the author of monastery (at the time he was still not even
the only Chinese work (The Sutra Spoken from ordained as a monk) in Kuang Chou, where his
the High Seat of the Dharma Treasure) that later famous dialogue with the monks who were
was attributed the status of a sutra. According to arguing whether it was the banner or the wind in
this sutra, Hui-Neng came from a poor family, had motion, took place. When Ying-Tsung, the
hardly any form of education, he had to do as a dharma master of the monastery, heard about this,
woodcuter to support his old mother. One day he he said to Hui-Neng, You are surely no ordinary
passed by a village and heard someone in the man. Long ago I heard that the dharma successor
house he had just sold firewood reciting the of Heng-Jen robe of Huang Mei had come to the
Diamond Sutra. Hearing the sentence, Let your south. Isnt that you ? The Hui-Neng let it be
mind flow freely without dwelling (or fixating) on known that he was the dharma successor of Heng-
anything, he had an enlightenment experience. Jen and the holder of the patriarchate. Master
After learning that the man was a lay follower of Ying-Tsung had Hui-Nengs head shaved,
Master Hung-Jen, Hui-Neng decided to go to ordained him as a monk, and requested Hui neng
Mount Huang-Mei to learn dharma with the to be his teacher. Hui-Neng began his work as a
master. After the first meeting, Heng-Jen Chan master, first in Fa-Hsin monastery, then in
immediately recognized his potential, but did not Pao-Lin near Tsao-Chi. Hue Neng and his Chan
accept him as a disciple right away. He had Hui- followers began the golden age of Chan and they
Neng begin as a kitchen helper. When it was time strongly rejected method of mere book learning.
for transmitting the patriarchate to a successor, he After the passing away of the fifth patriarch Hung-
requested the monks of the monastery to express Jen, the succession was challenged by Shen-Hsiu,
their experience of Zen in a poem and to submit who considered himself as the dharma-successor
verses so he could determine who was the best og Hung-Jen, and founder of the Northern
suited to be his dharma-successor. Only Shen School, which stressed on a gradual
Hsiu, the most intellectually brilliant of his awakening. While in the South, Hui-Neng was
students and the head monk, highly esteemed by considered to be the real dharma successor of
all the monks, wrote a poem comparing the human Hung-Jen, and the founder of the Southern
body with the bodhi-tree and the mind with a School, which emphasized on sudden
stand holding a mirror that must be continuously awakening. Soon later the Northern School died
cleaned to keep it free from dust. Hui-Neng was out within a few generations, but the Southern
working in the kitchen at the time he heard people School continued to be the dominant tradition, and
talking about this poem, he asked a visitor to write contemporary Zen lineages from China, Japan,
his answer as follow: Fundamentally bodhi is no Korea and Vietnam, etc..., trace themselves back
tree, Nor is a clear mirror a stand, Since to Hui-Neng. After his death, the institution of the
everything is primordially empty, What is there patriarchate came to an end, since he did not

name any dharma-successorHue Nang, to th tranh luan ve phn ong hay gio ong. Sau khi
sau cua dong thien Trung Quoc, mot thien s biet c s viec, th phap s Ying-Tsung a noi
quan trong a mang lai cho dong thien Trung vi Hue Nang rang: Hi ngi anh em the tuc
Quoc mot sac thai ac biet, oc lap vi dong kia, chac chan ngi khong phai la mot ke bnh
thien An o. Ngai la tac gia cua quyen Phap bao thng. T lau ta a nghe noi tam ca sa Hoang
an ma ve sau nay ngi ta xep no vao hang mot Mai a bay ve phng Nam. Co phai la ngi
trong nhng kinh ien ln cua Phat giao Trung khong? Sau o Hue Nang cho biet chnh ong la
Hoa. Da vao quyen sach nay th Ngai xuat than ngi ke v ngu to Hoang Nhan. Thay Ying Tsung
t gia nh ngheo, khong c hoc hanh chi ca, lien th phat cho Hue Nang va phong chc Ngai
ngai phai ngay ngay vao rng kiem cui nuoi me lam thay cua mnh. Sau o Luc to bat au tu
gia. Mot hom Ngai i ngang mot xom nha nghe vien Phap Tam, roi Bao Lam Tao Khe. Hue
mot ngi oc kinh Kim Cang, en cau ng vo Nang va Thien phai cua ngai chu trng on ngo,
s tru nhi sanh ky tam, Ngai bong ai ngo. Ngai bac bo triet e viec ch hoc hieu kinh ien mot
biet ngi co kinh Kim Cang kia la e t tai gia cach sach v. Dong thien nay van con ton tai cho
cua ai s Hoang Nhan, nen Ngai quyet ch tm en hom nay. Trong khi phng Bac th Than
en nui Hoang Mai tho giao. Tuy Hoang Nhan Tu van tiep tuc thach thc ve ngoi v to, va t coi
nhan ra ngay pham chat cua Hue Nang, nhng mnh la ngi sang lap ra dong Thien Bac
Hoang Nhan khong nhan Hue Nang lam e t Tong, la dong thien nhan manh ve tiem ngo.
lien, ma van e Ngai lam phu bep. en khi Trong khi ngi ta van xem Hue Nang la Luc To,
Hoang Nhan thay rang a en luc truyen trao to va cung la ngi sang lap ra dong thien Nam
v, ngai mi truyen cho chung lam ke noi ve kien Tong, tc dong thien on ngo. Chang bao lau
giai thien cua mnh roi trnh len cho Ngai quyet sau o th dong thien Bac Tong tan lui, nhng
nh xem coi ai la ngi thch hp nhat trong v tr dong thien Nam Tong tr thanh dong thien co
ngi ke v to. Ch co Than Tu, mon o xuat sac u the, ma mai en hom nay rat nhieu dong thien
nhat ve tr tue, la giao tho trong chung, cung la t Trung Quoc, Nhat Ban, ai Han va Viet Nam,
ngi c o chung trong vong va tin tng ve van van eu cho rang mnh bat nguon t dong
kha nang ke v, soan mot kho th trong o ong so thien nay. Sau khi Hue Nang vien tch, chc v to
sanh than ngi nh cay Bo e va tam vi mot cung cham dt, v Ngai khong ch nh ngi nao
tam gng sang at tren gia, phai c lau chui ke v.
bui bam thng xuyen (than th bo e tho, Tam Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao: Hue Thanh Ba Tieu Thien
nh minh knh ai, Thi thi thng phat thc, SZen master Hui-Qing-Ba-JiaoZen master
Vat x nha tran ai). Khi ay Hue Nang trong nha Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao came from Korea, was a
bep nghe noi ti bai th, ngai lien nh mot c s disciple of Kuang-Yong-Nan-TaThien S Hue
vieng chua viet bai hoa lai rang: Bo e bon vo Thanh, goc ngi ai Han, la e t cua Thien S
tho, Minh canh diec phi ai, Bon lai vo nhat vat, Quang Dung Nam Thap.
Ha x nha tran ai. Sau khi nghe hai bai ke tren * Zen master Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao entered hall
cua Than Tu va Hue Nang th Ngu to Hoang and held up his staff and said to the monks:
Nhan nhan ra ngay nhng cau th cua Hue Nang If you have a staff, I give you a staff. If you
co kien giai thien sau sac hn cua Than Tu va dont have a staff, then I take it away from
quyet nh Hue Nang lam ngi ke v to, nhng e you. Then, using his staff for support, he got
s Than Tu ganh ghet nen ang em Ngai a trau down and left the hallS thng ng cam
truyen y bat cho Hue Nang lam Luc To. Ngu to gay a len bao chung: Cac ong co cay gay
Hoang Nhan a thuc duc Hue Nang xuoi Nam th ta cho cac ong cay gay, cac ong khong co
lanh nan va Hue Nang a vang li thay lan tranh. cay gay th ta cp cay gay cac ong. S
Nh vay Hue Nang tr thanh phap t chnh thc chong gay ng, roi bc xuong toa.
cua Ngu To Hoang Nhan. Mi lam nam sau, khi * A monk asked Hui-Qing: What is banana
ong van cha bao gi c phong lam s, en tu juice? (Ba-Jiao translates as banana). Ba-
vien Phap Tam Quang Chau, ni dien ra cuoc Jiao said: Winter warm, summer cool. A

monk asked: What is the blown feather Thien Thai (neu tnh t ngai Long Tho). Hue T
sword? Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao said: Come c thay la Hue Van day do tan tnh. Khi ong
forward three steps. The monk said: What mang benh, ong nhan rang benh phat khi t tao
for? Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao said: Go back three tac, roi th tao tac phat khi t tam va khong co
steps.Co v Tang hoi: The nao la nc thc tai khach quan. Neu theo dau en coi nguon
Ba Tieu (cay chuoi)? S ap: Mua ong cua no trong tam, ta khong the nam gi tao tac
am mua ha mat. Tang hoi: The nao la kiem c, va than cua chung ta nh bong may co ac
thoi long (kiem ben thoi si long qua lien tnh rieng biet nhng khong co thc tai tnh. Nhan
t)? S tien ba bc. The nao la Hoa thc nh the, ong lien at c thanh tnh trong
Thng mot cau v ngi? S ap: Ch e Xa tam. Nam 544 ong an c tren nui ai To Quang
Le chang hoi. Chau, ni ay ong giang day hang tram o e.
* A monk asked: Isnt it that when a thief Hui-Wen: Hue VanThe founder of the Tien-
comes you must beat him, when a guest Tai School in China is Hui-Wen (550-577) who
comes you must greet him? So what do you seems to have been a great scholar and a leader
do when a thief and guest both arrive? Hui- of many hundreds of students. When he
Qing-Ba-Jiao said: In the room there are a discovered a verse on the Middel Path in the
pair of worn-out grass sandals."The monk Madhyamika Sastra and an annotation concerning
said: If the sandals are worn-out, do they the word insight in the Mahaprajnaparamita
have any use or not?" Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao said: Sastra both by Nagarjuna, he at once awoke to the
If you use them, then wherever you go, truth. The verse runs as follows:
before you unlucky, behind you What is produced by causes,
misfortune.Co v Tang hoi: Giac en can That, I say, is identical with Void.
anh, khach en can xem, cht gap khach It is also identical with mere name.
giac ong thi en th lam sao?S bao: It is again the purport of the Middle Path.
Trong that co mot oi giay co rach. V This would make the causal origination (Pratitya-
Tang noi: Ch nh oi giay co rach lai kham samutpada) a synonym of Void (Sunyata) and
tho dung chang? S noi: Ong neu em i, the temporary name of the Middel Path. The triple
trc hung sau chang kiet. truth of the Tien-Tai School originates here.
* A monk asked: Without asking about Hui-Wen further found in the
principles or points of discussion, I invite the Mahaprajnaparamita a sentence concerning the
master to point directly at the original face. knowledge of the species of the path of teaching,
Hui-Qing-Ba-Jiao sat upright, silentlyCo v the knowledge of all that exists, and the
Tang hoi: Chang hoi hai au ba co, thnh knowledge of the species of all that exists. By the
thay ch thang ban lai dien muc. S ngoi knowledge of the species of the path, the
thang lang thinh. knowledge of all that exists is obtained. By this,
Hui-Ssu: Hue THui-Ssu (514-577), the third the knowledge of the species of all that exists is
patriarch of the Tien-Tai school (if counted from attained. By this last, the residue of human desire
Nagarjuna). Hui-Ssu received careful training is cut off. In annotating the above passage,
from his teacher, Hui-Wen. When he became ill, Nagarjuna says: All the aspects of knowledge
he realized that ilness originates from action now in question are obtained at the same time.
which, in turn, originates from the mind and has But in order to promote the understanding of the
no objective reality. If we trace to its source in the perfection of wisdom (parjnaparamita), they are
mind, action cannot be seized and our body is like propounded distinctly one after another. Reading
the shadow of cloud which has specific character this annotation, Hui-Wen at once understood the
but no reality. He thus acquired purity of his mind. meaning. The knowledge of the species of the
In 554, he returned to Mount Tasu in Kuang- path is the knowledge of the path or teaching that
Chou, where he taught many hundred pupils illumines the world of distinction and mere name.
Ton gia Nam Nhac Hue T, v to th ba cua tong The knowledge of all that exists is that of non-

existence (sunyata) and reveals the world of non- dung soi sang trung ao khong nghieng ve hu
distinction and equality, while the knowledge of hay vo, sai biet hay vo sai biet. The la chng ngo
the species of all that exists is the knowledge of ba tr tue cua tong phai nay c at en.
the middle view that illumines the Middle Path Hui-Yuan (334-416): Zendo (jap)Hue Vien
which inclines neither to existence nor to non- The Great Master Hui-Yuan, the first Patriarch of
existence and neither to distinction nor to non- Chinese Pureland Buddhism, his familys name
distinction. Thus the threefold knowledge of this Co, originated in the Lau Phien village, Nhan
school is obtained: Hue Van c xem la Thuy Mon district, Shan-Tsi province. He was born
To cua tong Thien Thai Trung Quoc, ong tng while Emperor Wu-Ti of the Chin Dynasty. This
la mot hoc gia v ai va la mot lanh tu cua hang period in Chinese history is often referred as
tram hoc chung. Khi ong kham pha ra mot bai Five barbarians. Despite the country being in a
tung ke ve Trung ao trong Trung Quan Luan va state of chaos, the ideas and teachings left behind
mot li bnh chu lien quan en ch tr trong ai by previous sages had been around for a long
Tr o Luan cua Ngai Long Tho, ong lien giac time. Therefore, from childhood, the Great Master
ngo. Bai ke ay nh sau: was immersed in a life of virtues and ethics. At
Chung duyen s sinh phap the age of thirteen, his parents sent him to school.
Nga thuyet tc th khong Soon after, he completely mastered subject
Diec vi th gia danh matters in Confucianism, Taoism, Chuang-Tzu, as
Diec th Trung ao ngha. well as Legalism. When he was twenty-one years
(Nhng g khi len do cac duyen old, he felt his knowledge did not provide answers
Ta goi chung tc th khong to the matter of life and death and the cycle of
Va cung la gia danh rebirths which he often thought and pondered.
Lai cung la y ngha cua Trung ao). Therefore, he and some other Taoist cultivators
ieu nay se khien cho duyen khi ong ngha vi considered traveling abroad to learn from
Khong va la mot danh goi tam thi cua Trung different spiritual teachers. However, during that
ao Tam e (ba chan ly) cua Thien Thai tong time, the Thach Ho Rebellion had begun; thus,
(see Tam e Vien Dung). Hue Van lai con tm the roads were blocked and their wish went
thay trong ai Tr o Luan mot oan noi ve nhan unfulfilled. Not long thereafter, a well-known
thc nhng chung loai cua ao ly hay ao chung great master named Dharma Master Tao-An,
tr, nhan thc ve van s hu hay nhat thiet tr va living at Hang Sn Mountain, assembling
nhan thc ve cac chung loai cua tat ca van s hu Buddhist monks and lay people including royal
hay nhat thiet chung tr. Do ao chung tr ma magistrates and the educated, teaching and
chng c nhat thiet tr. Roi nh tr nay ma at elucidating sutras ordained. Hearing and admiring
c nhat thiet chung tr. Va do tr nay, qua trnh this Great Masters virtues, he found his way
ngng tre cua tham ai b cat t. Khi chu thch ve there to learn and eventually became a disciple.
oan van tren ay, Long Tho noi: Tat ca nhng After hearing Dharma Master tao-An expound the
kha canh cua tr tue ban ay eu c chng Maha-Prajna Sutra, he fully penetrated the
ngo ngay cung mot luc. Nhng e tang tien s ly teachings and was awakened. From that time on,
giai ve tr tue vien man hay Bat Nha Ba La Mat, day and night he diligently chanted and read
chung c tran thuat rieng re theo th t. oc sutras, pondering their deep and hidden meanings
chu thch nay, Hue Van hoi ngay y ngha. Nhan as well as practicing the Dharma teachings.
thc ve cac chung loai cua ao ly la nhan thc ve Master Tao-An was aware of this, so he praised
ao ly hay ao chung tr soi sang the gii cua sai Hui-Yuan that in the future, when the Buddha
biet va gia danh. Nhan thc ve van s hu hay Dharma is spread widely in China, Hui-Yuan
nhat thiet tr la nhan thc ve phi hu va kham pha would be the best person. He is considered by the
the gii vo sai biet va bnh ang, trong khi nhan Chinese Pure Land to be its first patriarch. In 402
thc ve cac chung loai cua van s hu hay nhat he gathered a group 123 followers in front of an
thiet chung tr la nhan thc cua quan iem trung image of Amitabha Buddha, and they all vowed to

be reborn in Amitabhas Pure Land of Sukhavati. hoc thuyet s ac khong the giai quyet c van
The group was named the White Lotus Society, e sinh t luan hoi ma ngai van hang thao thc,
and it was conceived as a mutual help society, nen ngai cung vi mot so an s du phng tm
with the idea that those who succeeded in being ao, nh luc ay co nan Thach Ho nen giao
reborn in the Pure Land would work to bring the thong tr ngai va ch nguyen cua ngai khong
others there. According to the Chinese Buddhist thanh. Khong lau sau o, mot bac danh tang ao
legends, when founding the White Lotus cao c trong ten la ao An Phap S tai nui Hang
Congregation, great master Hui-Yuan gathered Sn, van tap Tang chung, giang day kinh ien,
more than 3,000 Buddhists. Among them, 123 cac hang ao tuc, vua quan eu hng ve. Ngai
were honored as the Virtuous. Additionally, 18 nghe danh men c ben tm en quy-y tu tap. Sau
were considered as the Highest Virtues. They khi nghe ao An Phap S giang kinh Bat Nha,
were often referred as ong Lam Temples ngai c thong suot, to ngo. T o ngai chuyen
Eighteen Greatly Virtuous Beings. Great Master tam sm hom oc tung suy ngh ngha ly va tu
Hui-Yuan resided in Mt. Lu for more than 30 tap. ao An Phap S thay biet nen khen ngi ve
years. He died at the age of 83. After his death, sau Phat phap c lu thong ni ong o au
Emperor An-Wu-Ti honored the great master with cung nh ni Hue Vien. Ong c xem nh la s
the title The Venerable Mount Lu Great to Tnh o cua Trung Hoa. Vao nam 402 ong
Gentleman Hong Lo Headmaster of White Lotus. nhom hop 123 o e ng trc tng Phat ma
Although the great master concentrated his energy the nguyen vang sanh Tay Phng Cc Lac.
into propagating Pureland Buddhism, he still Nhom nay c at ten la Bach Lien Xa. Theo
devoted some of his time to other Dharma Doors. truyen thuyet Tnh o Trung Hoa, th khi thanh
These texts include: lap Bach Lien Xa, ai S Hue Vien a quy tu
1) Great Wisdom, 20 volumes. hn 3000 v, trong o co 123 v c ton la Hien,
2) Dharma Nature Commentary. trong 123 bac Hien nay co 18 bac Thng Thu,
3) Buddhist Masters Do Not Have to Honor c goi la ong Lam Thap Bat ai Hien. S tru
Loyalty. tai Lo Sn tren 30 nam va th tch nam 83 tuoi.
4) The Meanings of Mahayana Buddhism. Vua An Vo e i nha Tan sac phong ngai la
5) The Triple Jewels Commentary. Lo Sn Ton Gia, Hong Lo ai Khanh, Bach
6) Minh Bao ng Commentary. Lien Xa Chu. Tuy xien dng Tnh o, nhng
7) Ordained Buddhist Do Not Have To Honor ai S cung van lu tam en cac phap mon khac,
Royalty. viet nhieu bai ta kinh, luan cung hoan thanh
8) Bien Tam Thc Commentary. c mot so tac pham nh sau:
9) Phat Anh Tan Commentary. 1) ai Tr Luan Yeu Lc gom 20 quyen.
10) Du Lo Sn Poetry. 2) Phap Tanh Luan.
11) Brief Records of Lo Sn. 3) Sa Mon Bat Knh Vng Gia Luan.
12) Du Sn Records. 4) ai Tha Ngha Chng gom ba quyen.
Hue Vien ai S, s To cua Tnh o Tong Trung 5) Thch Tam Bao Luan.
Quoc, ngai ho Co, nguyen quan thuoc x Lau 6) Minh Bao ng Luan.
Phien, quan Nhan Mon, tnh Sn Tay. Ngai sanh 7) Sa Mon an Phuc Luan.
ra vao i vua Vu e nha Tan. Thi nay Trung 8) Bien Tam Thc Luan.
Quoc goi la thi Ngu Ho. Mac dau song trong 9) Phat Anh Tan.
canh loan lac nhieu nhng, nhng cac t tng 10) Du Lo Sn Thi.
va hoc thuyet cua ch Thanh Hien lan rong a t 11) Lo Sn Lc Ky.
lau, nen ngay t thu au th ngai a tham nhuan 12) Du Sn Ky.
nep song thuan phong ao c. Nam 13 tuoi ngai ** For more information, please see Eighteen
c song than cho i hoc. Khong bao lau sau, highest virtues among 123 high virtues of the
ngai a lau thong Nho, Lao, Trang, cung Bach White Lotus Congregation.
Gia Chu T. Nam 21 tuoi, ngai cam thay nhng

Hui-Yuans twelve texts: Thap Nh Trc Tac is Buddha. A monk asked again, Does mind
Cua ai S Hue Vien (12 trc tac cua ngai Hue have defilements? The National Teacher
Vien)See Hui-Yuan. said, Defilements, by their own nature, drop
Hui-Zhung: Hue Trung Thien SNan-Yang- off. A monk continued to ask, Do you mean
Hui-ChungNam Dng Hue TrungNan- that we shouldnt cut them off? The National
Yang-Hui-Zhung was born in 675 A.D., often Teacher said, Cutting off defilements is
referred to as National Teacher, was an eminent called the second vehicle. When defilement
student of the Sixth Patriarch, Hui-Neng. He came do not arise, that is called great nirvana.
from an ancient city named Chou-Ji. As a boy, he Mot hom co mot v s hoi Hue Trung, The
entered monastic life, first studying under a nao la Phat? S ap, Tam tc Phat. V s
Vinaya master. From the time he received lai hoi, Tam co phien nao chang? Quoc S
Dharma transmission from the Sixth Patriarch Hui tra li, Tanh phien nao t la. V s tiep tuc
Neng, he remained in Dang-Zi Valley on Bai-Ya hoi, Nh vay chung ta khong can oan la
Mountain in Nan-Yang, not leaving there for forty phien nao hay sao? Quoc S tra li, oan
years. His reputation spread to the emperor in the phien nao tc goi nh tha. Phien nao khong
capital city. In the second year of Shang-Yuan sanh goi la ai Niet Ban.
era, the emperor Su-Zong, dispatched an envoy to * Another monk asked, How does one sit in
invite him to the Imperial Capital and there he meditation and observe purity? The National
taught Dharma for three Tang emperors, thus Teacher said, There being neither pollution
earning the title National Teacher. At that time, nor purity, why do you need to assume a
a famous Indian monk named Big Ears posture of observing purity.Mot v s khac
Tripitaka came from the west to stay at the hoi, Ngoi thien quan tnh lam g? Quoc S
capital city. He climed to have telepathic powers. ap, Chang cau chang tnh au can khi tam
The emperor Su-Zong called on the National quan tng tnh.
Teacher to test this monk. When Tripitaka saw * Another monk asked, When a Zen master
the National Teacher, he bowed and stood in obsrves that everything in the ten directions is
deference to his rightDong Thien th bay tai empty, is that the dharmakaya? The National
Trung Hoa (th hai sau Luc To Hue Nang). Ong Teacher said, Viewpoints attained with the
sanh nam 675 sau Tay Lch, thng c goi bang thinking mind are upside down. A monk
Quoc S, la mot e t noi bac cua Luc To Hue asked, Aside from mind is Buddha, are there
Nang. Que ong tai mot thanh pho ma ngay xa any other practices that can be undertaken?
ten la Chau K. S xuat gia t thu nho, ban au The National Teacher said, All of the
theo hoc vi mot luat s. Sau khi c tam an ni ancient sages possessed the two grand
Luc To Hue Nang, s ve coc ang T tren nui attributes, but does this allow them to dispel
Bach Nhai tai Nam Dng, va tu hanh ay trong cause and effect? He then continued, The
suot bon mi nam cha tng xuong nui. ao answers I have just given you cannot be
hanh cua s c dan chung on ai en tai nha exhausted in an incalculable eon. Saying
vua. Nam Thng Nguyen th hai i ng, vua more would be far from the Way. Thus it is
Tuc Tong sai s gia en trieu thnh ong ve kinh, said that when the Dharma is spoken with an
va tai ay ong a day Phat phap cho ba trieu vua intention of gaining, then it is just like a
ng, nen c danh hieu la Quoc S. Vao thi barking fox. When the Dharma is spoken
o co mot v s An o en t Thien Truc ten la: without the intention of gaining, then it is like
ai Nh Tam Tang, t noi co hue nhan va tha a lions roar.Mot v s khac lai hoi,
tam thong. Vua muon trac nghiem nen mi ong Thien s thay mi phng h khong la
en ra mat Quoc S. ai Nh Tam Tang va thay phap than chang? Quoc S ap, Lay tam
Quoc S lien le bai va ng hau ben phai. tng nhan, o la thay ien ao. V s lai
* One day a monk asked him, What is hoi, Tam tc la Phat, lai can tu van hanh
Buddha? The National Teacher said, Mind chang? Quoc S ap, Ch Thanh eu u

hai th trang nghiem (phc hue), nhng co tieng nhat cua Hue Trung la Ba lan Quoc S
tranh khoi nhan qua au. oan Quoc S noi goi cua Vo Mon Quan 17. Ba lan Quoc S
tiep, Nay toi ap nhng cau hoi cua ong goi ay t cua mnh va ba lan ngi nay ap
cung kiep cung khong het, noi cang nhieu lai. Quoc s noi: Cho en bay gi ta ngh
cang xa ao. Cho nen noi: Thuyet phap co s rang chnh ta quay lng lai pha con. Bay gi
ac, ay la da can keu; thuyet phap khong s ta mi biet rang chnh con quay lng lai pha
ac, ay goi s t hong. ta.
* The National Teacher always taught, Those * He died in 775 A.D.S th tch nam 775 sau
who study Zen should venerate the words of Tay Lch.
Buddha. There is but one vehicle for attaining Hujikan (skt): Ho Thc KienAn ancient
Buddhahood, and that is to understand the kingdom south-west of BalkhMot vng quoc
great principle that is to connect with the co nam ve pha tay nam cua Balkh.
source of mind. If you havent become clear Human (a&n): Manusya (skt)Nhan loai(a)
about the great principle then you havent Thuoc ve con ngiSee Seven states of sentient
embodied the teaching, and you are like a beings.
lion cub whose body is still irritated by fleas.
Human affection: An aiGrace and love,
And if you become a teacher of others, even
which is one of the causes of rebirthS luyen ai
attaining some worldly renown and fortune,
cua con ngi, mot trong nhng nhan chnh cua s
but you are still spreading falsehoods, what
tai sanh.
good does that you do or anyone else? A
Human-beings: Manusya-gati (skt)Con
skilled axe-man (carpenter) does not harm
ngiNhan Loai.
himself with the axe head. What is inside the
1) The state of human-beings, our earth, place
incense burner cant be carried by a
where those who keep the basic five precepts
donkey.Quoc S thng day chung,
are rebornNhan ao hay canh gii cua con
Ngi hoc thien tong nen theo li Phat, lay
ngi, hay the gii cua chung ta, ni ma
nhat tha lieu ngha khe hp vi nguon tam
nhng chung sanh nao tho tr ngu gii se
cua mnh, kinh khong lieu ngha chang nen
c tai sanh vao (coi nay chung sanh kho
phoi hp. Nh bon trung trong than s t, khi
vui lan lon, tuy nhien, thng b canh kho s
v ngi lam thay, neu dnh mac danh li ben
thieu thon, oi khat, lanh nong, s set, van
bay ieu d oan, the la mnh va ngi co li
van. Ben canh o lai phai b nhng lo au s
ch g? Nh ngi th moc gioi, bua ru khong
set ve sanh, lao, benh, t, chia ly, thng
t tay ho. Sc con voi ln ch, con la
ghet. Kho th co tam kho nh kho kho, hoai
khong the kham c.
kho, hanh kho; hoac ngu kho nh sanh kho,
* Hui-Zhong-Nan-Yang appears in example 17
gia kho, benh kho, chet kho, kho v pham cac
of the Wu-Men-Kuan, and in examples 18, 69
toi ma b troi buoc; hoac bat kho nh sanh,
and 99 of the Pi-Yen-LuHue Trung Nam
gia, benh, chet, ai biet ly, oan tang hoi, cau
Dng c nhac ti trong th du th 17 cua
bat ac, ngu am thanh suy. Tuy cung co
Vo Mon Quan, cung nh trong cac th du 18,
nhng niem vui, nhng ay ch la niem vui
69 va 99 cua Bch Nham Luc.
tam b, vui e ch buon ch kho. Chung sanh
* One of the most famous koans in which
sanh vao coi ngi, ma lai gap c Phat
National Teacher appears is The National
phap th theo li Phat day la mot ai hanh, v
Teacher called three times. (Wu-Men-Kuan
ay la c hoi ngan nam mot thu cho cuoc tu
17): Three times the National Teacher called
giai thoat).
his monastic servant and three times the
2) Today there is ceaseless work going on in all
servant answered. The National Teacher said,
directions to improve the world. Scientists are
Until now I thought I was turning my back on
pursuing their methods and experiments with
you. But its really you who are turning your
undiminished vigor and determination.
back on me.Mot trong nhng cong an noi
Modern discoveries and methods of

communication and contact have produced theo quan iem cua ao Phat, ang phai chu
startling results. All these improvements, rat nhieu bien oi tren moi lanh vc cua no,
though they have their advantages and va rang khong ai co kha nang lam cho no het
rewards, are entirely material and external. kho. Cuoc song cua chung ta vo cung bi quan
Within this conflux of mind and body of man, vi tuoi gia, bao phu vi s chet, gan bo vi
however, there are unexplored marvels to vo thng. o la nhng tnh chat co hu cua
occpy men of science for many years. Really, cuoc song, cung nh mau xanh la tnh chat co
the world, which the scientists are trying to hu cua cay vay. Nhng phep mau va sc
improve, is, according to the ideas of manh cua khoa hoc du toan hao en au
Buddhism, subject to so much change at all cung khong the thay oi c tnh chat co
points on its circumference and radii, that it is hu nay. S huy hoang va bat t cua nhng
not capable of being made sorrowfree. Our tia nang vnh hang ang ch, ch nhng ai co
life is so dark with aging, so smothered with the dung anh sang cua tr tue va gii hanh e
death, so bound with change, and these chieu sang va gi gn ao lo ma ho phai vt
qualities are so inherent in it, even as qua con ng ham tam toi, bat hanh cua
greenness is to grass, and bitterness to cuoc i. Con ngi cua the gian ngay nay
quinine, that not all the magic and power of han a nhan ra ban chat bien oi vo thng
science can ever transform it. The immortal cua cuoc song. Mac du thay c nh vay, ho
splendor of an eternal sunlight awaits only van khong ghi nh trong tam va ng x vi
those who can use the light of understanding s sang suot, vo t. S oi thay, vo thng
and the culture of conduct to illuminate and luc nao cung nhac nh con ngi va lam cho
guard their path through lifes tunnel of ho kho au, nhng ho van theo uoi cai s
darkness and dismay. The people of the world nghiep ien ro cua mnh va tiep tuc lan troi
today mark the changing nature of life. trong vong sanh t luan hoi, e b giang xe
Although they see it, they do not keep it in gia nhng cn gio oc cua kho au phien
mind and act with dispassionate discernment. nao.
Though change again and again speaks to Human bhava: Nhan HuS hien hu cua
them and makes them unhappy, they pursue con ngiHuman existence.
their mad career of whirling round the wheel Human birth is difficult: Sanh lam ngi la
of existence and are twisted and torn between kho.
the spokes of agonyNgay nay con ngi
Human body: Nhan thanNhan the.
ang lam viec khong ngng tren moi phng
Human body is not real: Than xac khong that.
dien nham cai thien the gian. Cac nha khoa
hoc ang theo uoi nhng cong trnh nghien Human centrality: Lay con ngi lam trung
cu va th nghiem cua ho vi s quyet tam va tam.
long nhiet thanh khong met moi. Nhng Human desire: Nhan duc.
kham pha hien ai va cac phng tien truyen Human determination: S quyet nh cua con
thong lien lac a tao nhng ket qua ang ngi.
kinh ngac. Tat ca nhng s cai thien nay, du Human determination can overcome
co nhng li ch cua no va ang tran trong, destiny: Nhan nh Thang ThienHowever,
nhng van hoan toan thuoc ve lanh vc vat according to Buddhist teachings, there is no so-
chat va nam ben ngoai. Trong cai hp the called destiny besides the law of cause and
cua than va tam cua con ngi con co nhng effectNhan nh thang Thien (long ngi a
ieu ky dieu cha tng c tham do, ma du quyet nh th thang ca y tri). Tuy nhien, theo
cho cac nha khoa hoc co bo ra hang nhieu giao ly nha Phat, khong co cai goi la y tri
nam nghien cu cung cha chac a thay ngoai luat nhan qua thoi.
c. That tnh ma noi, cai the gian ma cac Human dignity: Nhan pham.
nha khoa hoc ang co gang cai thien nay,
Human divine: Than nhan.

Human existence: Nhan hu (s hien hu cua Human imagination: Oc tng tng cua con
con ngi). ngi.
Human eye: Mamsacaksu (skt)Mat tran Human immortals: Nhan tienSee Five kinds
Nhuc NhanPham NhanPhysical eyeThe of immortals.
flesh eye, or eye of the bodyLimited vision Human language: Ngon ng the gianNgon
The physical eye or eye of flesh (human eye), one TNg Ngon Van TIn Buddhim, human
of the five kinds of eyeMat tht hay mat cua languages include teaching, recitation, and stories,
pham phu (tht cua nhuc than, co tam nhn gii etc. In the Lankavatara Sutra, the Buddha taught:
han), mot trong ngu nhanSee Five kinds of It is owing to his not perfectly understanding the
eyes or vision. nature of words that he regards them as identical
Human flesh: Nhan Mang Sa (da tht)Human with the sense. The Buddha emphasized the
mamsa. inner attainment of the truth, not the teaching
Human frailty: S yeu uoi cua con ngi. realized by all the Tathagatas of the past, present,
Human-gati: Nhan ThuManHuman stage of and future. The realm of the Tathagatagarbha
the six gati or states of existence. The sentient which is the Alayavijnana belongs to those
thinking being in the desire-realm, one of the five Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas who follow the course
vehicles (the world of men). Human being must of truth and not to those philosophers who cling to
keep five commandments to ensure rebirth in the the letter, learning, and mere discourseTrong
world of menNeo cua chung sanh con ngi, Phat giao, ng ngon van t bao gom giao ly, s
mot trong sau neo (luc ao). Mot trong ngu tha tung oc va chuyen ke, van van. Trong Kinh
(Thien, Nhan, A tu la, Nga quy, a nguc). Con Lang Gia, c Phat day: Chnh do con ngi
ngi phai tr ngu gii e c bao am sanh tr khong biet ro cai ban tanh cua cac ngon t, nen
lai coi ngi. ngi ta xem ngon t la ong nhat vi y ngha.
c Phat nhan manh vao s at t noi cai chan ly
Human generation: The.
ma het thay cac c Nh Lai trong qua kh, hien
1) A human generation (a period of thirty years):
tai va v lai the chng, ch khong phai la ng
Mot the he (30 nam).
ngon van t. Canh gii cua Nh Lai tang von la A
2) In BuddhismTrong Phat giao:
Lai Da Thc th thuoc ve ch Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat
a) In Buddhism, it means the world: Trong Phat
theo uoi chan ly ch khong thuoc cac triet gia
giao co ngha la the gii.
chap vao van t, hoc hanh va suy dien suong.
b) A period of time ever flowing: Mot khoang
thi gian troi qua. Human life: Nhan sinhNhan the (kiep con
c) The world, worldly or earthly, the world is ngi)Life of a human being.
that which is to be destroyed; it is sunk in the (I) An overview of Human LifeTong quan
round of mortality, or transmigration; and ve Nhan Sinh: The Eastern ancient said:
conceals, or is a veil over reality: The tuc la Man is the most sacred and superior being,
th co the b pha huy hoai diet, hay chm sau however, to Buddhism, any living beings life
trong luan hoi sanh t, che mat chan ly. is precious and of the same value. That is to
say no beings life is more precious than the
Human-genii: Nhan Tien.
others. According to the Upasaka Sutra,
1) Immortal among men: Con ngi a at c
Buddhism agrees that in all living beings,
kha nang bat tHumans who have attained
man is endowed with all necessary faculties,
the powers of immortals.
intelligence. Buddhism also agrees that
2) The Buddha: Phat.
conditions of human beings are not too
3) Name for Bimbisara in one of his
miserable as those beings in the hell or the
reincarnations: Ten cua vua Bnh Sa Vng
hungry ghosts. To Buddhism, human life is
trong mot kiep tai sanh.
difficult to obtain. If we are born as human
Human harmony: Nhan hoa.
beings with many qualities, difficult to attain.
Human heart: Nhan tam. We should try to make our lives meaningful

ones. Besides, human beings have clothing and shelter to engage in spiritual
intelligence. This precious quality enables us practice without worrying about basic
to investigate the true meaning of life and to material needs. Our minds arent heavily
practice the path to enlightenment. Devout obscured with wrong views and we are
Buddhists should always remember that what interested in self-development. We have the
rebirth we will take depends on our present potential to do great things with our present
actions and habits. Thus, our purpose in this opportunity. But to appreciate this, we must
very life is to attain liberation or develop a long-term vision for our cultivation
enlightenment, either becoming liberated because our present lives are only a short
from cyclic existence (Arhats), or becoming one. Devout Buddhists should always
fully enlightened Buddhas. Most of all, we remember that our mindstreams dont cease
should be able to take advantage of our when our physical bodies die. Our minds are
precious human lives to live to the fullest, formless entities, but when they leave our
moment by moment. To achieve this, we must present bodies at the time of death, they will
be mindful of each moment, not being in the be reborn in other bodies. What rebirth well
here-and-now when we act. According to take depends on our present actions.
Buddhist point of view, we have precious Therefore, one purpose of our lives can be to
human lives, endowed with many qualities to prepare for death and future lives. In that
attain. Because of this, we can make our lives way, we can die peacefully, knowing our
highly meaningful. We often take our lives minds will be propelled towards good
for granted and dwell on the things that arent rebirths. The other way that we can utilize our
going the way we would like them to. lives is to attain liberation or enlightenment.
Thinking this way is unrealistic and makes us We can become arhats, beings liberated from
depressed. However, if we think about the cyclic existence, or we can go on to become
qualities we do have and everything that is fully enlightened Buddhas, able to benefit
going well, well have a different and more others most effectively. Attaining liberation,
joyful perspective on life. One of our greatest our minds will be completely cleansed of all
endowments is our human intelligence. This disturbing attitudes. Thus well never become
precious quality enables us to investigate the angry, jealous or proud again. We no longer
meaning of life and to practice to advance on feel guilty, anxious or depressed, and all our
the path to enlightenment. If all of our senses, bad habits will be gone. In addition, if we
eyes, ears, mental... are intact, we are able to aspire to attain enlightenment for the benefit
hear the Dharma, read books on it, and think of everyone, well have spontaneous
about its meaning. Were so lucky to be born affection for all beings, and will know the
in an historical era when the Buddha has most appropriate ways to help them. Also
appeared and taught the Dharma. These another way to take advantage of our
teachings have been transmitted in a pure precious human lives is to live life to the
from teacher to student in lineages steming fullest, moment by moment. There are
back to the Buddha. We have the opportunity several ways to do this. One is to be mindful
to have qualified spiritual masters who can of each moment, being in the here-and-now
teach us, and there are communities of as we act. When we eat, we can concentrate
ordained people and Dharma friends who on eating, noting the taste and texture of the
share our interest and encourage us on the food. When we walk, we concentrate on the
path. Those of us who are fortunate to live in movements involved in walking, without
countries that cherish religious freedom letting our minds wander to any other
arent restricted from learning and practicing thoughts. When we go upstairs, we can think,
the path. In addition, most of us dont live in may I lead all beings to fortunate rebirths,
desperate poverty and thus have enough food, liberation and enlightenment. While washing

dishes or clothes, we think, may I help all ngh nh vay la khong thc te va khien chung
beings cleanse their minds of disturbing ta phai phien muon. Tuy nhien, neu chung ta
attitudes and obscurations. When we hand y thc rang chung ta ang co nhng pham
something to another person, we think, May chat cao quy va y thc rang moi viec trong
I be able to satisfy the needs of all beings. cuoc song cua chung ta ang dien ra mot
We can creatively transform each action by cach tot ep th chung ta se co mot cai nhn
generating the wish to bring happiness to tch cc va mot cuoc song an vui hn. Mot
othersCo nhan ong phng co day: trong nhng pham chat cao quy ma chung ta
Nhan van vat toi linh, tuy nhien, oi vi ang co la tr thong minh cua con ngi.
Phat giao, bat c sinh mang nao cung eu Pham chat quy bau nay khien chung ta co the
quy va co gia tr nh nhau. Ngha la khong hieu c y ngha ch thc cua cuoc song va
sinh mang nao quy hn sinh mang nao. Theo cho phep chung ta tien tu tren ng i en
kinh u Ba Tac, Phat giao ong y trong moi giac ngo. Neu tat ca cac giac quan cua chung
loai th con ngi co c cac can va tr tue ta nh mat, tai, mui, li, than, y, van van
can thiet. Phat giao cung ong y rang ieu con nguyen ven th chung ta co the nghe
kien cua con ngi khong qua cc kho nh chanh phap, oc sach ve chanh phap va suy
nhng chung sanh a nguc hay nga quy. t theo chanh phap. Chung ta that may man
Vi Phat giao, sanh ra lam ngi la chuyen c sanh ra trong thi ai lch s ma c
kho. Neu chung ta sanh ra lam ngi, vi Phat a th hien va giang day Chanh phap.
nhieu pham chat cao ep, kho co trong i. T thi c Phat en nay, chanh phap thuan
V vay chung ta phai co gang lam cho kiep khiet nay a c truyen tha qua nhieu the
song nay tr nen co y ngha hn. Ngoai ra, he. Chung ta cung co c may co nhieu v ao
con ngi co tr thong minh. Pham chat quy s co pham hanh day do, va nhng giao oan
bau nay giup chung ta co the tm hieu c y xuat gia vi nhng cong ong phap l chia se
ngha ch thc cua cuoc song va tu tap giac li lac va khuyen tan chung ta tren bc
ngo. Phat t thuan thanh nen luon nh rang ng tu tap. Nhng ai trong chung ta co may
kiep song ke tiep cua chung ta nh the nao la man song trong cac x s ap u bao ve t do
tuy vao nhng hanh ong va nhng thoi quen ton giao nen viec tu tap khong b gii han.
ma chung ta thanh lap trong hien tai. V vay Hn na, hien nay hau het chung ta eu co
muc ch cua chung ta ngay trong kiep nay cuoc song khong qua ngheo kho, thc an o
hoac la giai thoat khoi luan hoi sanh t, hoac mac ay u va cho yen on, o la c s e
la tr thanh mot bac chanh ang chanh giac. chung ta tien tu ma khong phai lo lang ve
Va hn het, la chung ta bien cuoc song quy nhng nhu cau vat chat. Tam thc chung ta
bau nay thanh mot i song vien man nhat khong b cac ta kien hay nh kien che chan
trong tng phut tng giay. Muon c nh qua nang ne, chung ta co tiem nang e lam
vay, khi lam viec g mnh phai y thc c nhng viec ln lao trong c hoi hien tai,
mnh ang lam viec ay, ch khong vong chung ta phai tran trong, phai khai trien cai
ong. Theo quan iem Phat giao, chung ta nhn dai han cho cuoc tu tap nay v kiep song
ang co kiep song cua con ngi vi nhieu hien tai cua chung ta rat ngan ngui. Phat t
pham chat cao ep kho co trong i. V vay thuan thanh phai luon nh rang tam thc
ma chung ta nen lam cho kiep song nay co y chung ta khong dng lai khi chung ta ru bo
ngha hn. Thong thng chung ta c ngh xac than t ai nay. Tam thc chung ta khong
rang kiep con ngi ma mnh ang co la co hnh dang hay mau sac, nhng khi chung
chuyen ng nhien va v vay ma chung ta ri than hien tai vao luc chung ta chet, chung
hay vng van nu keo nhng cai ma chung se tai sanh vao nhng than khac. Chung ta tai
ta a thch va sap xep mong cau cho c sanh lam cai g la tuy thuoc vao nhng hanh
theo y mnh, trong khi s viec van hanh bien ong trong hien tai cua chung ta. V vay ma
chuyen theo quy luat rieng cua chung. Suy mot trong nhng muc ch cua kiep ma chung

ta ang song la chuan b cho s chet va mong c mang lai hanh phuc cho ngi
nhng kiep tng lai. Bang cach o, chung ta khac.
co the chet mot cach thanh than vi y thc (II) An instance of life: Khoanh Khac Cua S
rang tam thc chung ta se tai sinh vao canh SongA German monk named Nyanatiloka,
gii tot ep. Mot muc ch khac ma chung ta reiterated the momentariness of existence
co the hng ti trong viec s dung kiep song from Visuddhi-Magga as follows: All beings
nay la at en s giai thoat hay giac ngo. have only a very short instant to live, only so
Chung ta co the chng qua v A La Han, giai long as a moment of a slash of a lightning.
thoat khoi vong luan hoi sanh t; hoac chung When this is extinguished, the being is also
ta co the tiep tuc tu tap e tr thanh v Phat extinguished. The beings of the last moment
Chanh ang Chanh giac, co kha nang lam li is now no longer living, and does not live now
lac cho moi ngi mot cach co hieu qua nhat. or will not live again later. The being of the
at en s giai thoat, dong tam thc cua present moment did not live previously, lives
chung ta se c hoan toan thanh tnh va just now, but later will not live any more. The
khong con nhng tam thai nhieu loan. Chung being of the future has not lived yet in the
ta se khong con san han, ganh t hay cao past, does not yet lived now, and will only
ngao na; chung ta cung se khong con cam live later.Theo Tang s ngi c
thay toi loi, lo lang hay phien muon na, va Nyanatiloka ke lai li cua Visuddhi-Magga
tat ca nhng thoi h tat xau eu tan bien het. nh sau: Cac thc the ch co mot khoanh
Hn the na, neu co ch nguyen at en s khac rat ngan e song, ngang vi thi gian
giac ngo v li ch cho tha nhan th luc ay cua mot tia chp. Khi thi gian o ket thuc th
chung ta se phat khi long t ai oi vi chung thc the ay tieu tan. The la thc the cua qua
sanh muon loai, va biet lam nng viec cu the kh a chet, khong con ang song va cung
e giup ho mot cach thch hp nhat. Cung khong song lai c trong hien tai hay tng
con mot cach khac nham li dung cai than lai. Thc the trong hien tai khong song trong
quy bau nay la phai song mot i song vien qua kh, no ang song trong khoang khac
man nhat trong tng giay tng phut. Co nhieu hien tai, nhng cung khong song trong tng
cach e lam c nh vay. Th nhat la phai lai khong song trong qua kh hay hien tai, no
song trong chanh niem trong tng giay tng ch song ve sau nay. Mot thc the trong tng
phut, tc la hien hu tron ven ay va ngay laiTheo Tang s ngi c Nyanatiloka ke
bay gi trong tng hanh ong. Khi chung ta lai li cua Visuddhi-Magga nh sau: Cac
an chung ta tap trung trong viec an, cam nhan thc the ch co mot khoanh khac rat ngan e
c mui v va o nhu nhuyen cua thc an; song, ngang vi thi gian cua mot tia chp.
khi bc i chung ta at tam y trong nhng c Khi thi gian o ket thuc th thc the ay tieu
ong lien quan en viec di chuyen, khong e tan. The la thc the cua qua kh a chet,
cho tam thc chung ta long bong vi nhng khong con ang song va cung khong song lai
tap niem. Khi chung ta len lau, chung ta co c trong hien tai hay tng lai. Thc the
the suy ngh, Ta nguyen giup cho moi ngi trong hien tai khong song trong qua kh, no
c sinh vao canh gii tot ep, c thang ang song trong khoang khac hien tai, nhng
hoa, c giai thoat va giac ngo. Khi chung cung khong song trong tng lai khong song
ta ra chen hay giat o, chung ta co the tam trong qua kh hay hien tai, no ch song ve
niem, Ta nguyen giup cho moi ngi co sau nay. Mot thc the trong tng lai
c tam thc thanh tnh, khong con nhng (III) The Buddhas teachings on Human Life in the
tam thai nhieu loan va u me. Khi trao vat g Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve
cho ai, chung ta co the tam niem, Nguyen kiep Nhan Sinh trong Kinh Phap Cu:
rang ta co kha nang ap ng moi nhu cau cua 1) It is difficult to obtain birth as a human being;
chung sanh. Chung ta co the chuyen hoa it is difficult to have a life of mortals; it is
mot cach sinh ong trong tng hanh ong vi difficult to hear the Correct Law; it is even

rare to meet the Buddha (Dharmapada 182): ngi ton tai bao lau? V kia ap: Bach
c sinh lam ngi la kho, c song con la The Ton, khoang mot hi th. Phat khen:
kho, c nghe Chanh phap la kho, c gap Hay lam! Ong la ngi hieu ao.
Phat ra i la kho. Human life is difficult to obtain: It is difficult
2) Here I shall live in the rainy season, here in to be reborn as a human beingThan Ngi Kho
the winter and the summer. These are the cOf all precious jewels, life is the greatest;
words of the fool. He fails to realize the if there is life, it is the priceless jewel. Thus, if
danger (of his final destination) (Dharmapada you are able to maintain your livelihood, someday
286): Mua ma ta ay, ong ha ta cung you will be able to rebuild your life. However,
ay, ay la tam tng cua hang ngi ngu everything in life, if it has form characteristics,
si, khong t giac nhng g nguy hiem. then, inevitably, one day it will be destroyed. A
3) Death descends and carries away that man of human life is the same way, if there is life, there
drowsy mind greedy for children and cattle, must be death. Even though we say a hundred
just like flood sweeps away a sleeping village years, it passes by in a flash, like lightening
(Dharmapada 287): Ngi am yeu con cai streaking across the sky, like a flowers blossom,
va suc vat th tam thng me hoac, nen b t like the image of the moon at the bottom of a
than bat i nh xom lang ang say ngu b cn lake, like a short breath, what is really eternal?
nc lu loi cuon ma khong hay. Sincere Buddhists should always remember when
4) Nothing can be saved, nor sons, nor a father, a person is born, not a single dime is brought
nor even relatives; there is no help from along; therefore, when death arrives, not a word
kinsmen can save a man from death will be taken either. A lifetime of work, putting
(Dharmapada 288): Mot khi t than a en, the body through pain and torture in order to
chang co than thuoc nao co the the thay, du accumulate wealth and possessions, in the end
cha con than thch chang lam sao cu ho. everything is worthless and futile in the midst of
(IV) How long is the human lifespan?: Sinh mang birth, old age, sickness, and death. After death, all
cua con ngi ton tai bao lau?According to possessions are given to others in a most senseless
the Sutra In Forty-Two Sections, Chapter 38, and pitiful manner. At such time, there are not
the Buddha asked a Sramana: How long is even a few good merits for the soul to rely and
the human lifespan? He replied: A few lean on for the next life. Therefore, such an
days. The Buddha said: You have not yet individual will be condemned into the three evil
understood the Way. The Buddha asked paths immediately. Ancient sages taught: A steel
another Sramana: How long is the human tree of a thousand years once again blossom, such
lifespan? The other replied: The space of a a thing is still not bewildering; but once a human
meal. The Buddha said: You still have not body has been lost, ten thousand reincarnations
yet understood the Way. The Buddha then may not return. Sincere Buddhists should always
asked another Sramana: How long is the remember what the Buddha taught: It is difficult
human lifespan? The last one replied: The to be reborn as a human being, it is difficult to
length of a single breath. The Buddha said: encounter (meet or learn) the Buddha-dharma;
Excellent! You understand the Way. now we have been reborn as a human being and
Theo Kinh T Thap Nh Chng, Chng 38, encountered the Buddha-dharma, if we let the
c Phat hoi mot v Sa Mon: Sinh mang cua time passes by in vain we waste our scarce
con ngi ton tai bao lau? V Sa Mon ap: lifespan.Trong cac tran bao, sinh mang la hn,
Bach The ton, trong vai ngay. Phat noi: neu mang mnh con la con tat ca. Ch mong sao
Ong cha hieu ao. c Phat hoi mot Sa cho than mang nay c song con, th lo chi
mon khac: Sinh mang con ngi ton tai bao khong co ngay gay dng nen c nghiep. Tuy
lau? V kia ap: Bach The Ton, khoang nhien, van vat tren i neu a co mang cai
mot ba an. Phat noi: Ong cha hieu ao. tng hu vi, tat phai co ngay b hoai diet. i
c Phat lai hoi mot v khac: Sinh mang con ngi cung the, he co sanh la co t; tuy noi tram

nam, nhng mau nh anh chp, thoang qua ta cay, no nhay mua khong ngng, du ch trong choc
sng, nh hoa hien trong gng, nh trang long lat.
ay nc, hi th mong manh, ch nao co ben Human nature: Manusya (skt)Ban tanh (chat)
lau? Phat t chn thuan nen luon nh rang khi cua con ngiThere are various kinds of
sanh ra a khong mang theo mot ong, nen khi human-nature; however, according to Buddhism,
chet roi cung khong cam theo mot ch, suot i there are four basic kinds of human-natureCon
lam lung kho than tch cha cua cai, rot cuoc vo ngi co nhieu loai ban tanh khac nhau; tuy
ch cho ban than mnh trc cai sanh lao benh t. nhien, theo Phat giao, co bon loai.
Sau khi chet di, cua cai ay lien tr qua tay ngi 1) Those who suffer themselves due to blindly
khac mot cach phu phang. Luc ay khong co mot practicing of wrong teachings and
chut phc lanh nao e cho than thc nng cay austeritiesHang ngi t lam kho lay mnh
ve kiep sau, cho nen phai oa vao tam o ac ao. v mu quang thc hanh ta ao kho hanh.
Co c co day: Thien nien thiet moc khai hoa d, 2) Those, by their cruelty, by stealing, by kiling,
nhat that nhn than van kiep nan. Ngha la cay or by other unwholesome acts, cause others to
sat ngan nam ma nay n hoa cung cha lay lam suffer: Hang ngi v s tan bao, bang trom
kinh d, ch than ngi mot khi a mat i th cap, hay bang giet choc lam kho ngi khac.
muon kiep cung kho ma tai hoi. V the, Phat t 3) Those who cause other people suffer along
chn thuan nen luon nh nhng g Phat day: with themselves: Hang ngi lam kho mnh
Than ngi kho c, Phat phap kho gap. c kho ngi.
than ngi, gap Phat phap, ma ta n e cho thi 4) Those who do not suffer themselves and
gian luong qua vo ch, qua la uong cho mot kiep cause other to suffer. On the contrary, they
ngi. save others from suffering. These people
Human life is in one breath: Mang Song Con abide by the Buddha teachings and practice
Ngi Trong Hi ThHuman life is only in one dharma, they do not give way to greed, anger,
breathThe Buddha taught on many occasions: ignorance, killing or stealing. On the contrary,
Human life is only as long as one breath, for they lead peaceful life with wisdom: Hang
breathing out (exhaling) without breathing chang nhng khong lam kho mnh kho ngi,
(inhaling) means we have already died and ma ngc lai con giup ngi thoat kho.
stepped over into a new lifetimec Phat a Nhng ngi nay do nh y nng theo Phat
nhieu lan day: Mang song con ngi trong hi phap tu tap, nen khong tham san si, khong sat
th, th ra ma khong th vao la a mang mot va sanh trom cap; ngc lai ho co cuoc song an
bc sang kiep khac. lanh t te vi u ay tr tue.
Human life exists only through its breaths: Human and non-human being: Kinnara
i ngi qua hi th. (skt)Non-Human AngelsNhan Phi NhanA
Human life is limited: Kiep ngi hu han. being resembling but not a human being. A being
Human life is only as long as one breath: having the appearance of humans but possessing
See Human life is in one breath. parts of animals. A kind of mythical celestial
musician. It has a horse-like head with one horn,
Human life is uncertain and ephemeral:
and a body like that of human. The males sing and
Kiep ngi mong manh ngan ngui.
the females danceMot chung sanh giong nh
Human mind: Nhan TamTam con ngi
con ngi, Mot loai chung sanh co dang ve nh
The human mind, in its never-ending changes, is
ngi nhng lai co cac bo phan trong c the cua
like the flowing water of a river or the burning
loai thu, mot nhac s huyen thoai cua coi tri, co
flame of a candle; like an ape, it is forever
au nga vi mot sng, va than hnh giong nh
jumping about, not ceasing for even a moment
hnh ngi. Con nam th ca con con n th mua.
Tam ngi, khong ngng thay oi, nh dong song
Human realm: ManNhn aoThe human
nc chay, ngon nen ang chay; nh vn chuyen
stage of the gati or states of existence. The
sentient thinking being in the desire-realm, one of

the five vehicles (the world of men). Human being Humiliate (v): Lam nhucLam be mat.
must keep five commandments to ensure rebirth Humility (n): S khiem ton (khiem nhng)
in the world of menMot trong ngu tha (Thien, Humility is one of the most important entrances to
Nhan, A tu la, Nga quy, a nguc). Con ngi the great enlightenment; for with it, haughtiness
phai tr ngu gii e c bao am sanh tr lai coi and all other vicious ill will disappearKhiem
ngi. ton la mot trong nhng ca ngo quan trong i vao
Human rights: Nhan quyen. ai giac, v nh o ma nhng cao ngao cung nh
Human rsi: Human genieNhan tien. cac tat xau khac eu bien mat.
Human soul: Nhan nga. Humphreys, Travers Christmas (1901-1983):
Human-touch healing prince: Nhan Dc British barrister (lawyer) involved in a number of
vng tSakyamuni in a previous incarnation, prominent murder trials, who became a devout
whose touch healed all diseasesc Phat Thch Buddhist in his late teens. He founded the
Ca trong mot tien kiep, ngi ma chung ta ch can Buddhist Lodge of the Theosophical (Than Tr)
cham vao la a co the tr c ba benh. Society in 1924. In 1943 the name was changed to
Human vocabulary: Ngon t cua nhan loai. the Buddhist Society. The Society publishes The
Middle Way, one of the longest-running Buddhist
Human welfare: Hanh phuc nhan loai
journals in the WestMot v luat s ngi Anh
Human world: Lower worldDuc GiiHa
a lien he trong nhieu vu x an ve sat nhan noi
giiSee Kama-dhatu.
bat, ngi a tr thanh mot Phat t thuan thanh
Humane (n): Nhan aoNhan c. vao tuoi cha qua 20. Ong a sang lap ra Hoi
Humaneness: Nhan ai. Phat Giao Than Tr Hoc vao nam 1924. Nam
Humanism: Chu thuyet nhan van. 1943 ten cua Hoi c oi lam Hoi Phat Giao.
Humanistic Buddhism: Devotion of Buddhas Hoi a xuat ban quyen Trung ao, mot trong
teachings to the humanitiesem ao vao i nhng tap ch dai han nhat ve Phat giao Tay
Humanistic Buddhism is a basic philosophy of life phng.
that encourages us to integrate the Buddha's Hun: Ho T.
teachings of kindness, compassion, joyfulness, and 1) Hun or Turk, term which Chinese people used
equanimity into our daily lives for the benefit of to call people in the west and north of China:
ourselves as well as others. In addition, it also Mot t ma ngi Trung Hoa dung e ch r
teaches us the ways to cultivate the wisdom that Ho phng tay va phng bac nc Tau.
clearly understands the true nature of all things 2) A nickname for Bodhidharma: Ten tieng long
em ao Vao i la mot triet ly can ban ve cua To Bo e at Ma.
cuoc song khuyen khch chung ta long nhng li Hun way of kneeling: Ho QuKneeling with
Phat day ve t, bi, hy, xa vao cuoc song hang both knees at once, as in India; in China the left
ngay cua chung ta v li ch cua chnh mnh va knee is first placed on the ground, right knee up
cua ngi khac. Them vao o, triet ly nay cung Quy theo kieu ngi Ho, hai au goi xuong at
day chung ta tu tap tr tue e co c s hieu biet mot lt nh kieu quy An o; Trung Hoa th
ro rang ve ban chat that cua van hu. au goi trai c at xuong at trc.
Humanitarian (n): Ngi chu trng thuyet Hundreds of aeons: Tram A-tang-ky kiep.
nhan ao. Hundred battles, hundred victories: Bach
Humanity (n): Avihimsa (p)Absence of chien bach thangEver-victorious.
crueltyNhan aoNhan tnh (hien lng). Hundred blessings: Bach phucEvery kind of
Humanization (n): Nhan loai hoa. happiness.
Humble (a): Bnh dModest Hundred dharmas: Bach phapAccording to
UnpresumptuousKhiem TonSee Humility. the Kosa Sastra, there are one hundred divisions
Humble and courteous: Khiem nha. of all mental qualities and their agents of the
Humble mind: H tamHumble heart. Consciousness-Only School, or five groups of ine

hundred modes or thingsTheo Cau Xa Luan, 4) Twenty four indefinites or unconditioned

tong Duy Thc dung bach phap e thuyet minh ve elements: Bat tng ng hanh (ac, menh
muon van hien tng the gian va xuat the gian can, chung ong phan, d sinh tnh, vo tng
See One hundred divisions of all mental qualities nh, diet tan nh, vo tng s, danh than, cu
and their agents. than, van than, sinh, lao, tru, vo thng, lu
Hundred divisions of all mental qualities: chuyen, nh d, tng ng, the toc, th e,
Bach Phap and Bach Phap Phap Tng Tong phng, thi, so, hoa hp tnh, bat hoa hp
See One hundred divisions of all mental qualities tnh).
and their agents. 5) Six inactive or metaphysical concepts: Vo
Hundred and eight: Mot tram le tam. viSau vo vi (h khong, trach diet, phi trach
diet, bat ong, tng tho diet, chan nh).
Hundred and eight beads on a rosary: Bach
bat so chau (chuoi mot tram le tam hot). Hundred and One Customs of the Mula-
Hundred and eight karmaic bonds: Bach bat Sarvastivadin School: Can Ban Thuyet Nhat
ket nghiep (mot tram le tam ket nghiep). Thiet Hu Bo Bach Nhat Ke.
Hundred and eight passions and delusions: Hundred rules of conduct: Bach Gii Chung
Bach bat phien nao (mot tram le tam phien nao). Hoc TangSee One hundred rules of conduct for
Hundred Fables of Sakyamuni Buddha:
Kinh Bach Du. Hundred rules of conduct for nuns: Sikkka-
karaniya (skt)Sekhiya (p)Bach Chung Hoc
Hundred kalpas to acquire thirty-two
PhapTieng Phan goi la Thc Xoa Ca La Ni
auspicious marks: It takes a Bodhisattva to
According to Most Honorable Master Minh ang
cultivate one hundred kalpas in order to acquire
Quang in the Rules for Mendicant Bhiksunis,
thirty-two auspicious marks of a BuddhaMot v
Sikkka-karaniya includes one hundred rules of
Bo Tat phai tu tap tram kiep tu tap e c 32
conduct which are connected with daily activities
tng hao cua mot v PhatSee Thirty-two
of nuns in monasteriesTheo c Ton S Minh
auspicious marks.
ang Quang trong Luat Nghi Khat S, Thc Xoa
Hundred Mahayana Dharmas: Bach Phap Ca La Ni la mot tram gii can hoc trong sinh hoat
Phap Tng TongSee One hundred divisions of hang ngay cua Ni chung trong cac tnh xa.
all mental qualities and their agents. 1) A nun should wear the inner robe all round
Hundreds of millions: Koti (skt)Oku (jap) for covering the circle of the navel and the
Tens of millionsc. circles of the knees. Whoever out of
Hundred modes: Bach PhapAccording to the disrespect dresses with an inner robe hanging
Kosa Sastra, there are one hundred divisions of all down in front or behind, there is an offence of
mental qualities and their agents of the wrong-doing: Cai chan phai van t nch lng
Consciousness-Only School, or five groups of ine ti na ong chan, ch khong c xan, e
hundred modes or thingsTheo Cau Xa Luan, phu trum run va hai au goi. Neu ai e chan
tong Duy Thc dung bach phap e thuyet minh ve xang len hay long thong ra ngoai, du pha
muon van hien tng the gian va xuat the gian: trc hay pha sau, eu b pham toi Thc Xoa
1) Eight perceptions or forms of consciousness: Ca La Ni.
Tam phap (tam thc). 2) A nun should wear the upper robe even all
2) Fifty-one mental ideas: Tam sHu round (whoever out of disrespect puts on an
phapSee Fifty-one Dharmas interactive upper robe hanging down in front or behind,
with the Mind. there is an offence of wrong-doing): Bo ao ba
3) The five physical organs (eye, ear, nose, cai phai mac cho co th lp.
tongue, body) and their six modes of sense 3) A nun should not go into lay peoples houses
(matter, sound, smell, taste, touch, things): with robes hitched up. She should go well
Sac phap. covered in lay peoples houses (inhabited

areas with): Chang nen i vao nha c s ma 14) A nun should not sit down amidst the houses
xan ao len. sway the body. She should hold the body
4) A nun should not sit down in lay peoples straight: Chang nen ngoi trong nha c s ma
houses with robes hitched up. She should sit lay chuyen than mnh.
well covered in lay peoples houses: Chang 15) A nun should not go fidgeting amidst the
nen ngoi trong nha c s ma xan ao len. houses (making play with hand or foot):
5) A nun should not go among the houses with Chang nen i vao nha c s ma mua tay.
robes lifted up to the shoulders, either on one 16) A nun should not sit fidgeting in inhabited
side or on both (if out of disrespect having areas (making play with hand or foot in the
lifted up the robe on one side or on both, houses): Chang nen ngoi trong nha c s ma
there is an offence of wrong-doing): Chang mua tay.
nen i vao nha c s ma lat ao len ti vai. 17) A nun should not, out of disrespect, having
6) A nun should not sit down amidst the houses uncovered the body, go among the houses:
with robes lifted up to the shoulders, either on Chang nen i vao nha c s ma khong mac ao
one side or on both: Chang nen ngoi trong che mnh.
nha c s ma lat ao len ti vai. 18) A nun should not, out of disrespect, sit down
7) A nun should not go into the houses of lay among the house without proper clothes:
people with head covered, either with a Chang nen ngoi trong nha c s ma khong
towel, a hat, or a cap: Chang nen i vao nha mac ao che mnh.
c s ma oi khan, oi mu. 19) A nun should not go among the houses with
8) A nun should not sit down amidst the houses eyes glanced around. He should go amidst the
of lay people with head covered, either with a houses with eyes cast down looking only a
towel, a hat, or a cap: Chang nen ngoi trong ploughs distance ahead: Chang nen i vao
nha c s ma oi khan, oi mu. nha c s ma mat trong ben nay, ben kia. Mat
9) A nun should not enter into any lay peoples v ay ch nen nhn xuong va xa ve pha trc
houses, going and running at the same time: ch khoang be ngang mot luong cay.
Chang nen i vao nha c s ma va i va 20) A nun should not sit down in the houses with
chay. eyes glanced around. She should sit down
10) After going and running at the same time, a amidst the houses with eyes cast down
nun should not sit down in lay peoples looking only a ploughs distance ahead:
houses: Chang nen ngoi trong nha c s sau Chang nen ngoi trong nha c s ma mat trong
khi va i va chay. ben nay, ben kia. Mat v ay ch nen nhn
11) A nun should not enter any lay peoples xuong va xa ve pha trc khoang be ngang
houses with the arms placed on the hips, or mot luong cay.
with the hands on both sides and the elbows 21) A nun should not crouch down on the heels
turned outwards (akimbo): Chang nen i vao (sit arms akimbo) in the lay peoples houses:
nha c s ma chap tay sau lng hay chong Chang nen ngoi chom hom trong nha c s.
nanh. 22) Hay iem tnh khi i vao nha c s: A monk
12) A nun should not sit down in lay peoples should always keep calm when entering the
houses with the arms akimbo (arms place on houses.
the hips, or hands on both sides and elbows 23) A nun should sit calmly in the houses of lay
turned outwards): Chang nen ngoi trong nha people: Hay iem tnh khi ngoi trong nha c
c s ma chap tay sau lng hay chong nanh. s.
13) A nun should not go amidst the houses 24) A nun should not go into the houses with loud
swaying the body. She should hold the body laughter: Chang nen ci ct khi i vao nha
straight: Chang nen i vao nha c s ma lay c s.
chuyen than mnh.

25) A nun should not sit down in the houses with 38) A nun should not talk with the mouth full (talk
loud laughter: Chang nen ci ct khi ngoi with a mouthful in the mouth): Chang nen noi
trong nha c s. chuyen, khi ngam mot mieng o an.
26) A nun should accept almsfood attentively: 39) When eating alms-food, a nun should not
Phai e y khi lanh cm. make up a round mouthful (eat tossing up
27) When accepting rice (from almsfood), a nun balls of food): Chang nen lay cm vo vien,
should accept in proportion not to overflowing ma thay vao mieng.
from the capacity of the bowl. 40) A nun should not eat scattering rice or lumps
28) When accepting almsfood with soup, a nun of boiled rice about: Chang nen an tram vam
should accept in proportion not to overflowing en noi rt ra.
the capacity of the bowl: Khi lanh canh a 41) A nun should not eat stuffing out the cheeks
bat cho ngay thang, ng e o. like a monkey (stuffed the cheek on one side
29) A nun should mix the rice with soup before or on both): Chang nen a o an ma ben
eating: Phai tron cm vi o an a lanh. nay, qua ma ben kia nh kh.
30) A nun should the alms-food working down 42) A nun should not eat making loud sound or
from the top without making exceptions noise: Chang nen nhai ln tieng.
(choosing or selecting foods): Mon nao xuc 43) A nun should not suck the alms-food loudly:
trc th an trc. Chang nen nut manh trong khi an.
31) A nun should not choose alms-food to eat, 44) A nun should not eat licking or wiping, either
i.e., choosing the alms-food in this side, that the hand or the bowl: Chang nen lay li
side, or in the middle of the bowl: Chang nen liem.
la ben nay ben kia, hay gia bat. 45) A nun should not eat shaking the hand about:
32) A nun should not ask for sauce and/or rice for Chang nen qu tay trong khi an.
her own appetizing unless she is sick: Chang 46) A nun should not pick up dropping rice to put
nen hoi canh ngon, hoac mon la, tr khi au in her mouth: Chang nen lay tay lm cm
yeu phai tuy mon can dung. rt ma bo vao mieng.
33) A nun should not hide (cover up) sauce and 47) A nun should not accept a drinking-water pot
curries with rice out of dsire to get more: or cup with the hands soiled with food: Chang
Chang nen xi cm len che khuat o an ang nen cam bnh uong nc ma chang ra tay.
lanh them na. 48) A nun should not throw out amidst the houses,
34) A nun should not look enviously at anothers rinsings of the bowl with lumps of boiled rice
bowl: Chang nen thay v khac lanh o an ma (bowl washing water which has rice grains in
sanh long them muon. it): Chang nen tat nc ra bat ra san cua th
35) After accepting enough alms-food, a nun chu.
should cover the bowl; then she should sit 49) A nun should not go to stool, urinate, blow her
straight up, eat and contemplate at the same nose, or spit saliva on vegetables: Chang nen
time: Lanh cm va o an u roi, phu cai bat ai, tieu tien, h mui, khac nho tren rau co.
lai, va an va quan tng. 50) A nun should not go to stool, urinate, blow her
36) When eating alms-food, a nun should not nose, or spit saliva in water: Chang nen ai,
make up too large a mouthful: Chang nen an tieu tien, h mui, khac nho tren nc.
mieng ln. 51) A nun should urinate when standing: Chang
37) A nun should not open the mouth till the nen ng ma ai, tieu tien.
mouthful is brought to it: Chang nen ha 52) A nun should not reside and sleep at the
mieng ln, ma ut o an (chang nen ha Buddha altar: Chang nen va ngu trong cho
mieng trc khi mieng o an c a en th Phat, tr khi canh gi.
mieng). 53) A nun should not store anything at the
Buddha altar, except in case of robbing:

Chang nen cat o vat tai cho th Phat, tr khi 68) A nun should not allow people to go to stool
b cp. or to urinate near the Buddha altar where bad
54) A nun should not wear sandals to enter the smell can fly over the Buddha altar: Chang
place of Buddha altar: Chang nen mang dep nen ai, tieu tien cho ma mui hoi thui co the
vao cho th Phat. bay ti cho th Phat.
55) A nun should not carry his sandals around 69) A nun should not or should not allow people
theBuddha altar: Chang nen xach dep vao to go to stool or to urinate at the side of the
cho th Phat. Buddha altar: Chang nen ai, tieu tien ngay
56) A nun should not wear sandals when going pha cho th Phat.
around the Buddha altar: Chang nen mang 70) A nun should not allow people to pick their
dep i chung quanh cho th Phat. teeth or rinse their mouth at the Buddha altar:
57) A nun should not wear shoes to enter the Chang nen cho phep ai xa rang, suc mieng
place of Buddha altar: Chang nen mang giay di cho th Phat.
vao cho th Phat. 71) A nun should not come in front of the Buddha
58) A nun should not carry her shoes around the altar to pick her teeth or to rinse her mouth:
Buddha altar: Chang nen xach giay vao cho Chang nen ti trc tng Phat ma xa rang
th Phat. hay suc mieng.
59) A nun should not sit eating and leave left- 72) A nun should not or should not allow people
over things at the Buddha altar: Chang nen to stand around the Buddha altar to pick their
ngoi an va bo o d thui di cho th Phat. teeth or to rinse their mouth: Chang nen ng
60) A nun should not allow people to carry a bon pha cho th Phat ma xa rang hay suc
corpse around the Buddha altar: Chang nen mieng.
khieng xac chet, i di cho th Phat. 73) A nun should not blow her nose or spit saliva
61) A nun should not bury a dead body at the at the Buddha altar: Chang nen tai cho th
Buddha altar: Chang nen chon xac chet tai Phat ma h mui hay khac nho.
cho th Phat. 74) A nun should not stand in front of the Buddha
62) A nun should not allow people to cremate a altar to blow her nose or to spit saliva: Chang
corpse at the Buddha altar: Chang nen thieu nen ng trc cho th Phat ma h mui hay
xac chet ngay cho th Phat. khac nho.
63) A nun should not allow people to cremate a 75) A nun should not stand at any sides of the
corpse near the Buddha altar because it can Buddha altar to blow her nose or to spit
emit the burnt smell at the Buddha altar: saliva: Chang nen ng bon pha cho th
Chang nen thieu xac chet gan cho th Phat Phat ma h mui hay khac nho.
e mui hoi thui bay ti. 76) A nun should not sit pointing her legs at the
64) A nun should not allow people to cremate a Buddha altar: Chang nen ngoi a chan ngay
corpse at the Buddha altar: Chang nen thieu cho th Phat.
xac chet tai cho th Phat. 77) A nun should not reside or sleep at a place
65) A nun should not allow people to carry which is higher than the level of the Buddha
clothes of the dead around the Buddha altar: altar: Chang nen , ng tren cao hn cho th
Chang nen mang o cua ngi chet ma i Phat.
di cho th Phat. 78) A nun should not promenade or to go for a
66) A nun should not or should not allow people walk hand in hand with anyone: Chang nen
to go to stool or to urinate at the Buddha altar: nam tay ngi khac ma i dao.
Chang nen ai, tieu tien tai cho th Phat. 79) A nun should not climb high trees (higher
67) A nun should not carry the image or statue of than head level), except emergencies: Chang
the Buddha into the rest room: Chang nen i nen leo cay cao khoi au, tr khi co viec.
vao nha tieu mang theo tng Phat. 80) A nun should not put her bowl in a bag, tie it
to one end of her staff and carry along the

road: Chang nen bo bat vao bao ma quay len thuyet phap cho ke vo le, ngoi cho cao trong
vai, cho au cay gay. khi mnh ngoi cho thap.
81) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone 93) A nun should not teach Dharma, going or
with shirt hitched up: Chang nen v tnh walking behind, to someone going or walking
thuyet phap cho ke vo le; lat ao (phanh co). in front and who is not ill: Chang nen v tnh
82) A nun should not teach the law to someone thuyet phap cho ke vo le, i trc ma mnh i
who hangs her shirt around the neck: Chang sau.
nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le quan ao 94) A nun should not teach the law, going in a
len co. low road, to someone going in a high road:
83) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le,
wearing a head wrapping who is not sick: i tren ma mnh i di.
Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le 95) A nun should not teach Dharma, standing
khoa au. beside (at the side of) a path, to someone
84) A nun should not teach the law to someone standing on a path (in the middle of the path):
with head covered (with a turban on her head) Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le,
and who is not sick: Chang nen v tnh thuyet ng gia ng ma mnh ng ben
phap cho ke vo le che au. ng.
85) A nun should not teach the law to someone 96) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone
with arms akimbo (arms placed on the hips, or with a stick in her hand and who is not sick:
hands on both sides and elbows turned Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le,
outwards): Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho khong au benh ma cam gay.
ke vo le, chap tay sau lng hay chong nanh. 97) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone
86) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone with a sword (weapon) in her hand: Chang
mounted on clogs (wooden shoes): Chang nen nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le, cam
v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le, i guoc. gm.
87) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone 98) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone
wearing sandals who is not sick: Chang nen v with a spear (lance) in her hand: Chang nen
tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le, i dep. v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le, cam giao.
88) A nun should not teach the law to someone in 99) A nun should not teach Dharma to someone
a vehicle who is not sick: Chang nen v tnh with a knife in her hand: Chang nen v tnh
thuyet phap cho ke vo le, ci nga, i kieu. thuyet phap cho ke vo le, cam dao.
89) A nun should not teach Dharma, standing, to 100)A nun should not teach Dharma to someone
someone who is sitting down, and who is not with an umbrella in her hand who is not sick:
sick: Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo Chang nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le,
le, ngoi rong khi mnh ng. cam du.
90) A nun should not teach Dharma, sitting, to Hundred seventy-eight rules for mendicant
someone on a bed and who is not ill: Chang Bhiksunis: Bach That Thap Bat Gii Ba Dat
nen v tnh thuyet phap cho ke vo le, nam eSee Pacittiya (II).
trong khi mnh ngoi.
Hundred things: Bach PhapSee One hundred
91) A nun should not sit down on the ground to
divisions of all mental qualities and their agents.
teach Dharma to someone sitting on a seat
Hundreds of thousands of millions of
and who is not ill: Chang nen v tnh thuyet
phap cho ke vo le, ngoi tren ghe trong khi Buddha lands: Thap Van c Phat o.
mnh ngoi di at (ngoi cho tot trong khi Hundred thousand myriad transformation
mnh ngoi cho xau). bodies of the Buddha: Thien Bach c Hoa
92) A nun should not teach Dharma, having sat Than PhatAccording to the Dharma Jewel
down on a low seat, to someone sitting on a Platform Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch taught: Good
high seat and who is not ill: Chang nen v tnh Knowing Advisors! What are the hundred

thousand myriad Transformation bodies of the Hung-Fa: Hoang Phap (Japanese)See Eight
Buddha? If you are free of any thought of the ten patriarchs of the True Word sect.
thousand dharmas, then your nature is basically Hung-Jen: Hoang NhanZen master Hung-Jen
like emptiness, but in one thought of calculation, (601-674)The fifth patriarch of Chan in China;
transformation occurs. Evil thoughts are being the dharma successor of Tao-hsin and the master
tranformed into hell-beings and good thoughts into of Shen-hsui and Hui-Neng. Hung-Jen, a noted
heavenly beings. Viciousness is transformed into monk. He was the fifth patriarch, a disciple of the
dragons and snakes, and compassion into fourth patriarch Tao-Hsin, and the master of the
Bodhisattvas. Wisdom is transformed into the sixth patriarch Hui-Neng. Hung-Jen came from
upper realms, and delusion into the lower realms. the same province as his predecessor, Tao-Hsin in
The transformations of the self-nature are Chi-Chou. Hung-Jen came to the fourth patriarch
extremely many, and yet the confused person, when he was still a little boy; however, what he
unawakened to that truth, continually gives rise to pleased his master at their first interview was the
evil and walks evil paths. Turn a single thought way he answered. When Tao-Hsin asked what
back to goodness, and wisdom is produced. That is was his family name, which pronounced hsing in
the Transformation-body of the Buddha within Chinese, he said: I have a nature (hsing), and it is
your self-nature.Theo Kinh Phap Bao an, not an ordinary one. The patriarch asked: What
Luc To Hue Nang day ve Thien Bach c Hoa is that? Hung-Jen said: It is the Buddha-nature
Than Phat nh sau: Nay thien tri thc! Sao goi la (fo-hsing). The patriarch asked: Then you have
Thien Bach c Hoa Than? Neu chang ngh muon no name? Hung-Jun replied: No, master, for it is
phap th tanh von nh khong, mot niem suy ngh empty in its nature. Tao-Hsin knew this boy
goi la bien hoa. Suy ngh viec ac la hoa lam a would be an excellent candidate for the next
nguc, suy ngh viec thien th hoa lam thien ng, patriarch. Here is a play of words; the characters
oc hai th hoa lam rong ran, t bi th hoa lam Bo denoting family name and that for nature are
Tat, tr hue th hoa lam thng gii, ngu si th hoa both pronounced hsing. When Tao-Hsin was
lam ha gii. T tanh bien hoa rat la nhieu, ngi referring to the family name the young boy
me khong hay tnh giac, moi niem khi ac thng Hung-Jen took it for nature purposely, whereby
i trong con ng ac, xoay ve mot niem thien, tr to express his view by a figure of speech. Finally,
hue lien sanh, ay goi la T Tanh Hoa Than Hung-Jen became the fifth patriarch of the
Phat. Chinese Zen line. His temple was situated in
Hundred years of age together: Bach nien Wang-Mei Shan (Yellow Plum Mountain), where
giai lao (cung song vi nhau en tram nam)I he preached and gave lessons in Zen to his five
wish the two of you great happiness until you hundred pupils. Some people said that he was the
reach one hundred years of age together. first Zen master who attempted to interpret the
Hung-Chih: Hoang TrHung-Chih, message of Zen according to the doctrine of the
posthumous name of a monk of Tien-Tung Diamond Sutra. Before the time of Hung-Jen, Zen
monastey, Ningpo, early in the twelfth century followers had kept quiet, though working steadily,
Hoang Tr la ten cua ngai Chanh Giac nui Thien without arresting public attention; the masters had
ong vao au the ky th 12. retired either into the mountains or in the deep
Hunger and cold work against the sense of forests where nobody could tell anything about
decency: oi lanh lam cho ngi ta quen ca liem their doings. But Hung-Jen was the first who
s (C han thiet than, bat co liem s)When cold appeared in the field preparing the way for his
and hunger come upon men, honesty and shame successor, Hui-NengHoang Nhan (601-674), to
depart. th nam cua dong Thien trung quoc, ngi ke v
ao Tn. Ong la thay cua Than Tu va Hue Nang.
Hunger and thirst: Khuppipasa (p)oi va
Ong la mot v s noi tieng, to th nam cua Thien
khatSee Ten armies of mara.
Tong Trung Hoa, e t cua T To ao Tn, va la
thay cua Luc To Hue Nang. Hoang Nhan cung

que vi To ao Tn, Ky Chau. Hoang Nhan Phc Thien, ni phat thuoc mien ph cho ong
en vi T To khi ngai con la mot a tre; tuy bao.
nhien, ieu ma ngai a lam hai long s phu la vi Hung Quang Temple: Hng Quang TName
cung cach tra li cua ngai qua cuoc noi chuyen of a temple, located in Ca Mau town, Ca Mau
au tien. Khi t to hoi ngai ve ho ma tieng Trung province, South Vietnam. The temple was built in
Hoa goi la Tanh th ngai ap: Con co tanh, the 1950s, belonged to the Vietnam Pure Land
nhng chang phai la tanh thng. To ben hoi: Laymen Buddhist Association and was built
Vay la tanh g? Hoang Nhan ap: La Phat completely in 1963. The temple comprises of the
tanh. To lai hoi: Con khong co tanh sao? Main Hall, the Lecture Hall, and Phc Thien
Hoang Nhan ap: Nhng tanh von la khong. To Vietnamese herb store. Phc Thien Vietnamese
tham nhan biet ay la ngi se c truyen tha herb store is a place where Vietnamese medicinal
ve sau nay. ay ch la thuat chi ch, v noi ve herbs are free given, has been operating since
toc ho hay danh tanh va bon the hay t tanh, 1954. The store gives more or less 500
ngi Trung Hoa eu oc chung la tanh. To ao prescriptions to the local people every dayTen
Tn hoi la hoi ve danh tanh, con cau be Hoang cua mot ngoi chua toa lac trong th xa Ca Mau,
Nhan lai ap ve t tanh, cau a mn ch ong tnh Ca Mau, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c xay
am ay cot a ra kien giai cua mnh. That vay ve dng t thap nien 1950, thuoc Phat Giao Viet
sau nay Hoang Nhan c To ao Tn truyen y Nam Tnh o C S, hoan tat xay dng vao nam
bat lam to th nam cua dong Thien Trung Quoc. 1963. Chua gom mot chanh ien, mot giang
ao trng cua To Hoang Nhan Hoang Mai, tai ng, va mot phong thuoc Nam phc thien.
ay To noi phap va day Thien cho o chung nam Phong thuoc Nam phc thien cua chua co t
tram ngi. Nhieu ngi cho rang ngai la v nam 1954, hoat ong lien tuc t nam 1954, phat
Thien s au tien co y nh giai thong iep Thien thuoc Nam mien ph cho ong bao a phng.
theo giao ly Kim Cang. Trc thi Hoang Nhan, Moi ngay chua cap trung bnh 500 thang thuoc
thng cac v Thien s hoang hoa trong im lang, cho nhan dan trong vung.
khien ai chung chu y; cac ngai lanh an tren nui Hungry (a): oi.
cao, xa canh gio bui cua the gian, nen khong ai
Hungry ghosts: Preta-gati (skt)Nga Quy
biet viec lam cua cac ngai phai trai the nao ma
aoSee Three evil ways, and Ten kinds of
nh luan. Nhng Hoang Nhan la v a cong khai
ghosts that will be reborn as an animal to continue
xuat hien gia ai chung, va don ng cho ngi
to pay their debts.
ke v cua mnh la Hue Nang.
(I) An overview of Hungry ghostsTong quan
Hung Minh Temple: Chua Hng MinhName ve Nga quy: Pretas (skt)Nga Quy
of a famous pagoda located in the Sixth district, Hungry spirits, one of the three lower
Saigon City, South Vietnam. It is a Patriarch destinies. They are also called needle-mouth
Temple of the Vietnam Pure Land Buddhist ghosts, with mouths so small that they cannot
Laypeople Association built by Sir. Minth Tr and satisfy their hunger or thirst. They are of
inaugurated in 1936. The Pure Land sect has got varied classes, and are in differing degrees
187 branches from Khanh Hoa province to Ca and kinds of suffering, some wealthy and light
Mau province. Each branch of the pagoda torment, others possessing nothing and in
organized a Vietnamese Herb store named Phc perpetual torment; some are jailers and
Thien, where Vietnamese medicinal herbs are executioners of Yama in the hells, others
givenTen mot ngoi chua noi tieng toa lac trong wander to and fro amongst men, especially at
quan sau, thanh pho Sai Gon, Nam Viet Nam, do night. According to Bikkhu Khantipalo,
ngai Minh Tr cua phai Tnh o C S kien thiet Hungry means experiencing constantly
va khanh thanh nam 1936. He phai Tnh o co unsatisfied cravings, and preta is a kind of
khoang 187 chi hoi t Khanh Hoa en Ca Mau. being which is below man in the spiritual
Moi chi hoi eu co to chc phong thuoc nam scale. With greed, sentient beings some to the
state of pretas. Think of people whose

attachments to money and material c sanh ni rng nui, go mieu; loai khong
possessions are very strong. The misers of co phc bao th thac sanh vao nhng cho bat
this world are those who rejoice in having tnh, an uong that thng, b nhieu noi kho
more, better and bigger things than other s. Chung sanh oc ac b tai sanh vao nga
people. Such people are developing factors of quy, thay suoi nc nh thay mau mu, co nho
mind which if they persist in them, will lead nh cay kim, bung ong nh cai trong chau, co
them to uprise among these hungry ghosts khi o an va vao en mieng, a tr thanh
Tieng Phan am la Tiet Le a, dch la quy than hong, khong the nao nuot c, chu ai
oi. Nga quy la mot trong ba ng ac. Nga kho nao suot i cung kiep). coi nga quy
quy la loai quy mieng nh cay kim nho, en chung sanh than the xau xa hoi ham, bung
o khong the an uong. Nga quy co nhieu loai ln nh cai trong, co nho nh cay kim, mieng
va tuy theo qua bao ma tho kho khac nhau. phuc ra la moi khi nuoc thc an, va chu
Ngi co chut phuc c th chu kho t, ngi canh oi khat trong muon ngan kiep.
khac t phuc c hn th khong c an uong 3) If it was greed to be arrogant that made the
lai phai chu cc hnh lien tuc; co ke c person commit offenses, then after he has
lam chua nguc cho Diem Vng, lai co ke finished paying for his crimes, he takes shape
phai lang thang trong chon nhan gian, nht la when he encounters gases, and he is called a
luc ve em. Theo Ty Kheo Khantipalo trong Hungry GhostTham s kieu ngao gay toi,
ao Phat c Giai Thch, nga la luon luon gap kh thanh hnh, lam cac loai Nga Quy
cam nhan nhng khat ai khong bao gi thoa See Seven states of sentient beings, and Nine
man, va trong nac thang tam thc, nga quy la classes of ghosts (II).
loai chung sanh di con ngi. Chung sanh Hungry spirits: Nga QuySee Hungry ghosts.
i ve canh gii nga quy do bi long tham. Huong Hai Temple: Chua Hng HaiName
Hay ngh en nhng ngi c bam chat vao of an ancient temple, located in Phu ong village,
tien tai, vao nhng s hu vat chat. Nhng Gia Lam district, Ha Noi City, North Vietnam. It
ngi ha tien, nhng ngi thch thu trong s is also called Linh ng Temple. It was built a long
thu ac cac th nhieu hn, tot hn, ln hn so long time ago. The temple was considered the
vi ngi khac; nhng ngi nh the ang first Buddhist Nunnery (Institute for Nuns) in the
trien khai cac yeu to tam thc ma neu ho Ly dynasty. Most Venerable Bikkhuni Dieu Nhan
chap chat vao o th chung se dan ho thac (1041-1113) was once head of the temple
sanh vao loai nga quy. preached the Buddhas teaching in the area. She
(II) Characteristics of Hungry ghostsac was Chan Master Chan Khongs disciple,
iem cua Nga quy: belonging to the seventeenth succession of the
1) Ravenous beings with distended bellies and line of Vinitaruci. According to Thien Uyen Tap
tiny throatsChung sanh tham an vi cai Anh, Most Venerable Bikkhuni Dieu Nhan or
bung phong to len va cai co nho xu. Lady ngoc Kieu, her worldly name, was Phung
2) The state of hungry ghosts. Starved ghosts Loat Vngs daughter. She was adopted by King
realm where greedy, selfish and deceitful Le Thanh Tong since she was young. When
souls are reborn. In the path of hungry ghosts, growing up she got married to a Mandarin of
beings have ugly, smelly bodies, with bellies Chau Muc rank (local oficial) whose last name
as big as drums and throats as small as was Le. After her husbands death, she devoted
needles, while flames shoot out of their her life to the Buddhist nunhood at Hng Hai
mouths. They are subject to hunger and thirst Temple. The temple was built before the fifth
for incalculable eonsay la canh gii nga century and has been rebuilt and restored many
quy, ni tai sanh cua nhng ke tham lam, ch timesTen cua mot ngoi chua co, toa lac tai xa
ky va doi gat (trong cac loai quy th quy oi Phu ong, huyen Gia Lam, thanh pho Ha Noi,
chiem a so. Cac loai quy chu qua bao Bac Viet Nam. Chua con c goi la chua Linh
khong ong, ke nao co chut t phc bao th ng. Chua a c xay dng t rat lau, c coi

nh mot Ni Vien Phat Giao au tien t i nha in France, Canada, and the United States. His
Ly. Ni S Dieu Nhan (1041-1113) a tng tru tr works include The Four Abhidharmic Realms,
va hoang hoa tai ay. Ni S von la e t cua La Vie de Bouddha Sakyamuni, Dharma talks,
Thien S Chan Khong, i th 17, dong Ty Ni a etc. In keeping his vows to expand Buddhism in
Lu Chi. Theo sach Thien Uyen Tap Anh, Ngoc the West, Dharma Master Thch Huyen Vi
Kieu tc Ni S Dieu Nhan la con gai cua Phung established a record of 46 temples worldwide,
Loat Vng, c vua Ly Thanh Tong nuoi among which 32 are in North America and
trong cung t nho, sau ga cho quan Chau Muc ho Europe, while others are located in such far away
Le. Khi chong chet ba vao chua Hng Hai tu. places as Nepal and Republic Zaire (Congo)
Chua c xay cat t trc the ky th nam va a Hoa Thng Thch Huyen Vi, mot trong nhng
c trung tu nhieu lan. danh Tang Viet Nam thi can ai. Ngai au Tien
Hupian (skt): Ho Tat NaAccording to Eitel in S Phat Hoc vi luan an ve cuoc i va s nghiep
The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist cua Ngai Xa Li Phat nam 1970 tai trng ai
Terms, Hupian is the capital of Vridjisthana, Hoc Ma Kiet a. Cuoi thap nien 70s, ngai thanh
probably in the neighbourhood of the present lap t vien Linh Sn Ba Le, Phap quoc, va hien
Charekoor, to the north of CaboolTheo Eitel nay ngai lam co van cho he thong cac chua Linh
trong trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Ho Tat Na la Sn tren the gii, bao gom cac chua Phap, Gia
kinh o cua Vridjisthana, co le la x lang gieng Na ai, va My quoc. Nhng tac pham cua ngai
cua vung ma bay gi goi la Charekoor, nam ve gom co Cuoc i c Phat Thch Ca, Phap am,
pha bac cua Cabool. van van. V hanh nguyen hoang dng Phat Phap
Hurried: Lat atPressedIn a hurry. ve phng Tay, ngai a co gang thanh lap c
46 chua vien tren the gii, trong o co 32 chua tai
Hurry (v): on ocTo pushTo urge.
vung Bac My chau, Au chau, trong khi nhieu
Hurt: Vihimsati (skt)To injureGay ton hai.
chua khac trai rong en cac vung Nepal va Cong
Hurt someones pride: Cham long t ai. Hoa Zaire (Cong Go).
Husband is in charge of things outside the Hwaom: The Korean branch of the Hua-Yen
home and the wife is in charge of things tradition, which rose to popularity during the
within: Nam ngoai n noi (an ong lo viec ben Unified Silla period (668-918). It was founded by
ngoai, con an ba lo viec noi tr ben trong)This Uisang (625-702), who traveled to China and
is the old tradition of most of Asian countries studied with the second Chinese patriarch of the
ay la truyen thong cua hau het cac quoc gia A tradition, Chih-Yen (602-669). His major work
chau. was entitled Chart of the Avatamsaka One-
Hutuktu (skt): Ho o Khac oHo Tho Khac Vehicle Dharmadhatu, which was written in 661.
oA chief Lama of Mongolian Buddhism, who In 670 he returned to Korea and in 676 founded
is repeatedly reincarnated to keep the title and to Pusok-sa, which became the main temple of the
save sentient beingsDanh hieu cua cac v Lat Hwaom orderTong Hoa nghiem cua Phat giao
Ma Phat Giao Mong Co, nhng v nay c tiep tuc Trieu Tien, c pho cap trong thi Lien Hiep
tai sinh, gi chc vu cua mnh e hoang hoa Silla. Tong phai nay c Uisang (625-702) sang
chung sanh. lap. Ong tng du hanh sang Trung Hoa va tu hoc
Huyen Vi: Hoa Thng Huyen ViMost vi nh to Hoa Nghiem la ngai Tr Nghiem. Tac
Venerable Thch Huyen Vi, one of the most pham chnh cua ong la bo Hoa Nghiem Nhat
outstanding Vietnamese monks in the modern era. Tha Phap Gii An Lap o, c viet vao nam
In 1970, he obtained his Ph.D. at Magadha 661. nam 670, ong tr ve Trieu Tien va nam 676
University (PatnaIndia) for a critical study of khai sn t vien Pusok-sa, ve sau nay tr thanh to
the Life and Work of Sariputra. He established nh cua tong Hoa Nghiem Trieu Tien.
Linh Son Monastery in Paris, France in late 1970s Hyakujo-Ekai (jap): Paichang-HuaihaiBach
and currently directing the system of Linh Son Trng Hoai HaiSee Pai Chang Huai Hai.
Monasteries in the world, including many temples

Hyakujo-Isei (jap): Paichang-WeichengS I (jap): Manas (skt)MindWillSee Mind and

Bach Trng Duy Chanh. Consciousness.
Hyakujo-Shingi (jap): Paichang-Chingkuei I am better than: Thang manToi tot hn
Bach Trng Thanh QuyName of a book See Three dharmas (XIX).
written by Paichang on regulations for monks in a I am equal to: ang manToi bangSee
Zen monasteryTen cua mot tac pham c ngai Three dharmas (XIX).
Bach Trng viet ve quy luat (thanh quy) cua I am not so bad as others: Nga Liet Man
Tang chung trong thien vien. Khi tam kieu man cho rang mnh khong en noi
Hyakuron (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for te nh ngi khacSee Nine forms of pride.
Shata Shastra.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban I am worse than: Ty liet manToi te hn
co ngha la Bach Luan.See Sata-Sastra. See Three dharmas (XIX).
Hybrid: HeterogenousMixedVariegated I have already become Buddha, you all (all
Tap nhap.
sentient beings) would become Buddha too:
Hygienic paper: Giay ve sinhSee Seven Ta la Phat a thanh, chung sanh la Phat se thanh.
appurtenances of a monk.
Iccha (skt): Ao cWishDesire.
Hymn (n): Bai tung. Icchantika (skt): Xien eIcchantika is a
Hymns and chants of gatha: ieu TungAm Sanskrit word which means incomplete faith
ieu trong bai tung. and lacking good roots. A class of beings who
Hyper-personal: V cach sieu viet. have cut off all their virtuous roots (kusala mula)
Hypocrisy: Thambha (p)ObduracyCo chap and so have no hope of attaining buddhahood. The
(ra ve ao c gia). status of icchantikas was once an important topic
Hypocrite (n): Ke gia nhan gia ngha. of debate in East Asian Buddhism, with some
Hypostatic cause: Dependent causeSix groups claiming that they are unable to attain
organs and their luc tran or six objects causing the liberation, while others asserted that all beings,
cognitions luc thc or six consciousnesses)Y including icchantikas, have the buddha-nature,
nhnSee Three causes. and so the virtuous roots may be re-established
Xien e la tieng Phan co ngha la tn bat cu
Hypothesis (n): Prajnapti (skt)Gia Thiet
(hay khong u niem tin) va thieu thien can. T
Ordinary teachingDoctrines dervied from the
Bac Phan co ngha la Niem tin khong tron ven,
phenomenal or mental construction, or ideation
hay thieu thien can. Mot loai chung sanh a cat
Hoc thuyet da vao hien tng hay cau truc tam
t tat ca thien can va khong con hy vong at
thcSee Two hypotheses.
thanh Phat qua na. Tnh trang xien e a tng
Hypothetic categories: Bat tng ng phap hay
la mot chu e ban luan trong Phat giao vung
phap gia lapSee Five laws or categories (II).
ong A, vai nhom cho rang xien e khong the
Hysterical (a): Nao nung tham thiet. nao thanh Phat, nhom khac xac nhan rang tat ca
chung sanh, bao gom xien e, eu co Phat tanh
va v the co the tai lap thien can.
1) One without desire for Buddha-
enlightenment, or unable to become
BuddhaAn unbeliever (unbelief or

abandoned character)An enemy of the
goodOne who cuts off his roots of
goodness. The Atyantika are people who are
extremely evil and wicked, having lost all
senses of goodness. It is impossible to
change, transform, or influence them to take a
cultivated path. However, this also applied to

a Bodhisattva who has made his vow not to (y noi nc a t nc ma ra nhng lai lanh hn
become a Buddha until all beings are saved. nc, hoc tro do thay ao tao ra nhng gioi hn
In the Lankavatara Sutra, he Buddha thay)The pupil surpasses his teacher.
reminded Mahamati: Oh Mahamati, the Ichibo (jap): Ichibo is a Japanese term refers to
Bodhisattva-icchantika knowing that all things one stick. This is the Japanese Zen expression
are in Nirvana from the beginning refrains for the use of the stick by a Zen Master for the
forever from entering into Nirvanaoan benefit of his disciplesIchibo la mot thuat ng
thien can gia, ngi khong co y hng giac Nhat Ban co ngha la mot cay gay. ay la thuat
ngo Phat, ke thu cua thien phap. Ngi cat ng trong nha Thien cua Nhat Ban ch viec dung
t moi thien can. Nhat Xien e la hang gay cua mot thien s la v li ch cua e t cua
ngi cung hung cc ac, mat het tat ca cac mnh.
can lanh, khong the nao giao hoa khien cho Ichien (jap): See Dokyo.
ho tu hanh chi c het. Tuy nhien, Nhat
Ichiji-fusetsu (jap): A Japanese Zen term for
Xien e cung ap dung cho Bo Tat nguyen
not a word is said. Ichiji-fusetsu refers to the
khong thanh Phat cho en khi nao tat ca
fact that the Buddha in all his teaching or
chung sanh eu c cu o. Trong Kinh
instruction never made use of a single word to
Lang Gia, c Phat nhac Mahamati: Nay
describe ultimate reality, for it is not preachable.
Mahamati, v Bo Tat nhat xien e biet rang
In consideration of this fact, after his complete
tat ca s vat eu trong Niet Ban t luc khi
enlightenment, the Buddha did not want to teach
th, nen van gi mai khong nhap Niet
at all. However, compassion for beings trapped in
Ban.See Two kinds of Icchantika and
the cycle of life and death moved him. In doing
Three kinds of icchantika.
this, he had to come down from the level of true
2) Nhng chung sanh vt ra ngoai cac ang cap
insight to that of everymans consciousness. In
trenThose who are altogether outside these
Zen, all the teachings and instructions of the
orderHay con mot ang cap khac na cua
Buddha mean a finger-point for the purpose of
nhng chung sanh khong the c bao gom
giving those who wish to cultivate a way leading
trong bat c ang cap nao trong bon ang cap
to enlightenment and prajna insight into the true
va ke tren; v ho khong he mong muon cai
nature of reality. According to a Buddhist legend,
g e giai thoat, va v khong co mong muon
the special transmission outside the orthodox
ay nen khong co giao ly nao co the nhap vao
teaching began with the famous discourse of
long ho c. Tuy nhien, co hai nhom phu
Buddha Sakyamuni on Vulture Peak Mountain
thuoc nhom nay va ca hai nhom nay eu
(Gridhrakuta). At that time, surrounded by a
c goi la Nhat Xien e (see Nhat Xien e
crowd of disciples who had assembled to hear him
and Vo Chung Xien e)There is still
expound the teaching. The Buddha did not say
another class of beings which cannot be
anything but holding up a lotus flower. Only
comprised under any of the four already
Kashyapa understood and smiled. As a result of
mentiond; for they have no desire whatever
his master, he suddenly experienced a break
for emancipation, and without this desire no
through to enlightened vision and grasped the
religious teaching can enter into any heart
essence of the Buddhas teaching on the spot.
See Three kinds of icchantika, and Five
The Buddha confirmed Mahakashyapa as his
orders of beings.
enlightened student. Mahakashyapa was also the
Icchantika without a nature for final first patriarch of the Indian ZenThuat ng Thien
nirvana: Vo tnh Xien eSee Three kinds of cua Nhat Ban co ngha la khong noi mot li.
icchantika. Ichiji-fusetsu ch s kien trong bat c li day do
Ice of moral affliction: Phien nao bang. nao cua c Phat, Ngai chang bao gi dung mot
Ice is produced from water but it is colder li nao e dien ta hien thc toi thng hay ban
than water: Bang sinh vu thuy nhi han vu thuy chat that cua van hu, v no thuoc lanh vc khong
the noi c (bat kha thuyet). Do hieu nh vay

nen ngay sau khi at c toan giac, c Phat a Ichimi-Shabyo (jap): Ichimi-Shabyo is a
khong muon thuyet giang nhng g mnh lieu ngo. Japanese Zen term for one taste pouring of the
Tuy nhien, v thng xot chung sanh b troi buoc bowl. This expression is used for the authentic
trong luan hoi sanh t nen Ngai anh chap nhan transmission of the Buddha-dharma from a Zen
i thuyet giang. e lam nh vay, Ngai a phai t master to his dharma successorIchimi-Shabyo
ha trnh o ai Giac cua mnh xuong thanh trnh la mot thuat ng nha Thien Nhat Ban co ngha la
o hieu biet thong thng. Trong Thien, tat ca van mot v khi c sang t cai chen nay sang
nhng li ch day cua c Phat co ngha la ngon cai chen khac. Thuat ng nay c dung e ch
tay ch trang ch vi muc ch mang lai cho mot s truyen thu hoan toan trung thanh phap cua
nhng ai ao c tu tap con ng dan en giac nha Phat t mot v thay sang mot phap t (ngi
ngo va at c tr tue bat nha e hieu c mot ke v trong Thien mon).
cach sau sac ban chat that cua van hu. Theo Ichimi-Zen (jap): A Japanese term for one-
truyen thuyet Phat giao th s truyen thu rieng taste Zen. Ichimi-Zen means the Zen from the
biet ben ngoai cac kinh ien a c bat au Buddha and/or the original patriarchsThuat ng
ngay t thi Phat Thch ca vi thi thuyet giang Thien Nhat Ban co ngha la Thien mot v.
tren nh Linh Thu. Trc mot nhom ong o Ichimi-Zen co ngha la thien t thi c Phat
e, Phat ch gi cao mot bong sen ma khong noi hoac gia thien t th cac v nguyen to (e t trc
mot li nao. Ch co e t ai Ca Diep bong ai tiep cua c Phat).
ngo, hieu c y Phat va mm ci. Sau o Phat
Ichinen-fusho (jap): A Japanese term for a
a goi Maha Ca Diep, mot e t va giac ngo cua
thought not arising. In Zen, it is said that a state
Ngai. Ca Diep cung chnh la v trng lao au
of mind of a person in whom no deluded thought
tien cua dong thien An o.
arises is that of a Buddha. Ichinen-fusho refers
Ichiji-Kan (jap): A Japanese Zen term for one- to this state of consciousness free of all deluded
word barrier. This is a koan with just one-word. thoughts, concepts, feelings and perceptions,
The famous koans of one-word are Wu of which is reached through the practice of
Zhao-Chou Tsung-Shen and Stop of Yun Men meditation. This is the purest form of
Wen YenThuat ng Thien cua Nhat Ban co meditationIchinen-fusho la mot thuat ng
ngha la Rao can bang ch mot t ng. ay la Thien cua Nhat Ban, co ngha la khong san sanh
loai cong an ch vi mot t ng. Nhng thoai au ra t tng. Trong Thien, t ng nay co ngha la
mot ch noi tieng la ch Vo cua Thien s Trieu trnh o y thc ma mot ngi at ti khi a loai
Chau Tong Tham va ch Thoi cua Van Mon tr het nhng ao tng, nhng khai niem, hay
Van YenSee Zhao-Chou-Tsung-Shen and nhng cam tho me m, o la trnh o y thc cua
Yun-Men-Wen-Yen. mot v Phat, ch co the at c do tu tap thien
Ichiji-Zen (jap): Ichiji-Zen is a Japanese Zen nh. ay la hnh thc thien nh thuan tuy nhat.
term for one-word Zen. This is a meditation Ichinen-Mannen (jap): A Japanese term for
practice in which a single word of a master is one moment of consciousness, ten thousand
taken as a koan. Chinese Zen master Yun-Men- years. In this expression, the number ten
Wen-Yen was famous in Zen tradition for his thousand simply means a limitlessly large
one-word Zen koansThuat ng nha Thien cua number, and there is no time in the everyday
Nhat Ban co ngha la Thien mot t. ay la loai sense in the experience of enlightenment of all
thien tap suy tng bang cach xem mot t ng noi saintsThuat ng nha Thien cua Nhat Ban co
ra cua thien s nh la mot cong an. Thien s ngha la mot khoanh khac cua y thc van nam.
Trung quoc Van Mon Van Yen rat noi tieng ve Trong t ng nay, ch van co ngha la mot thi
nhng cong an Thien mot t cua mnh trong gian dai vo han, khong the o c, va s the
truyen thong nha ThienSee Yun-Men-Wen- nghiem giac ngo cua tat ca cac v Thanh khong
Yen. con khai niem ve thi gian theo ngha thong
Ichijobyodo (jap): Nhat tha bnh ang. thng na.

I-Ching (635-713): Ngha TnhI-Ching, 635- English by a Japanese scholar, J. Takakusu. More
713 A.D., the famous monk during the Tang interesting in some ways are his Memoirs on the
dynasty. He was one of the early Chinese Eminent Monks who went in Search of the Law in
pilgrims, who traveled to India in 671 by sea and the Western Countries, which translated into
spent more than 25 years there. He was only French by Chavannes. This gives us a fair idea of
about ten years old when Hsuan-Tsang returned to the earnestness and devotion of the pilgrims
China, but he had already prepared himself for the whose numbers were large than we are apt to
life of a Buddhist monk. He was admitted to the imagine and of the spirit with which they braved
Order when he was fourteen. Though he formed the dangers of their enterprises. It is, in fact, a
the idea of travelling to India in 652, but he did melancholy succession of tales, full of pathetic
not carry it out till he was thirty-seven years old. incidents both on land and sea. I-Ching remarks
In 671, he set out by the sea route for India, where wistfully: However, triumphal, the path was
he remained for over twenty years, travelling over strewn with difficulties; the Holy Places were far
30 countries; however, he spent half this period in away and vast. Of dozen who brought forth leaves
the Nalanda monastery. He returned to China (Lo- and flowers, and of several who made an attempt,
Yang) in 695, was received with much honour, there was scarcely one who bore any fruit or
brought back some four hundred works, translated produced any real results, and few who competed
with Siksananda the Avatamsaka Sutra, later their task. The reason for this was the immensity
translated many other works (56 sutras comprised of the stony deserts of the Land of the Elephant
of 230 books) and left valuable account of his (India), the great rivers and the briliance of the
travels and life in India. His itineraries lack the sun which pours forth its burning heat, or else the
variety and scientific interest of those of Hsuan- towering waves heaved up by the giant fish, the
Tsang, but they are full of human interest. On his abysses, and the waters that rise and swell as high
outward voyage in 671, he spent eight months in as the heavens. When marching solitary, beyond
Sumatra, six at Srivijaya, a rising maritime State, the Iron Gates between Samarquand and Bactria,
now Palembang, and two months in Malaysia in one wandered amongst the ten thousand
the neighborhood. He landed at Tamralipti in 673 mountains, and fell into the bottom of precipices;
and thence went to Magadha, the holy land and when sailing alone beyond the Columns of Coper
worshipped at Bodh-Gaya and other sacred spots. (south of Tontkin), one crossed the thousand
He spent ten years at Nalanda, hearing the deltas over fifty in number, while those who
teaching from different masters, and collecting survive were only a handful of men." According
holy books. At Nalanda Monastic University he to I-Ching, several Korean monks had gone to
studied a range of Buddhist subjects, and he India, the majority across Central Asia, some by
returned to China in 695 with over four hundred the sea route; of them, I-Ching says: They died
Buddhist texts. Together with Siksananda, he in India, and never saw their country again. He
began translating the Indian texts into Chinese. died at age 79Ngai Ngha Tnh Tam Tang Phap
He is credited with translating 56 texts in 230 S (635-713), mot v s noi tieng thi ng.
volumes, including the Avatamsaka Sutra and the Ngai la mot trong nhng nha hanh hng tien
Mulasarvastivada Vinaya. In 685, he left India, khi cua Trung Hoa, ngi a du hanh sang An
again by way of Tamralipti. He spent four years in o vao nam 671 bang ng bien va lu lai ay
Srivijaya to learn more Sanskrit in order to tren 25 nam. Khi ngai c mi tuoi th Huyen
translate sacred works later on. In 689, he Trang tr ve Trung Hoa, nhng ngai a t chuan
returned to China to fetch collaborators for his b cho mnh mot cuoc song tu s Phat Giao. Ngai
work and after went back to stay at Srivijaya for gia nhap giao oan nam 14 tuoi. Tuy a nuoi y
another five years. He finally returned to China in nh i An o t nam 652, nhng mai en khi 37
695. One of I-Chings works, A Record of the tuoi ngai mi thc hanh c y nh. Nam 671
Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the ngai mi co the bat au dong buom i An o, trai
Malay Archipelago, has been translated into qua hn 25 nam, i qua hn 30 quoc gia; tuy

nhien, ngai dung rat nhieu th gi tai tu vien Na c nhiem vu cua mnh. Nhng sa mac menh
Lan a. Tai Vien ai Hoc Tu Vien Na Lan a mong ay soi a cua vung at Voi (An o),
ong a hoc Phat ve nhieu chu e rong rai, va tr nhng dong song ln choi chang anh mat tri doi
ve trung Hoa nam 695 vi hn 400 ban kinh Phat sc nong thieu ot, hoac nhng vc sau, nhng
giao. Cung vi Siksananda, ong a bat au phien t song cao ngat. Khi i tren bo mot mnh ben
dch kinh ien t tieng An sang tieng Trung Hoa. kia Thiet Mon gia Samarquand va Bactria, ngi
Ong a dch 56 bo kinh gom 230 quyen, gom bo ta lac vao gia hang ngan ngon nui, de ri xuong
Kinh Hoa Nghiem va bo Luat cua Can Ban ay vc t nhng vach a dng ng; khi i
Thuyet Nht Thiet Hu Bo. Nam 695, ngai tr ve thuyen n oc ben kia tru ong (pha nam
Lac Dng, Trung Quoc, c tiep on nong hau Tonkin) th phai bang qua vo so vung chau tho va
va ay vinh d (ngi ta noi Thien Hau a ra tan co the b thiet mang. V the cho nen trong so nam
ca Thng ong e on ngai). Ngai mang ve chuc ngi ra i th so song sot tr ve ch em
hn 400 bo kinh. au tien ngai hp tac vi Thc tren au ngon tay. Theo Ngha Tnh, nhieu tu s
Xoa Nan a (ngi nc Vu ien) dch Kinh Cao Ly, bang qua vung Trung A, hay i ng
Hoa Nghiem. Sau o ngai con dch rat nhieu bo bien, rat nhieu trong so ho a chet tai An o, ch
kinh khac gom 56 bo kinh vi 230 quyen. Cac khong bao gi c nhn thay lai x s cua mnh.
cuoc hanh trnh cua ngai khong co s a dang va Ngai th tch nam 79 tuoi.
chu ch khoa hoc nh cua ngai Huyen Trang, Ichirai-ka (jap): Sakrdagamin (skt)The effect
nhng lai quan tam nhieu en con ngi. Trong which is subject to one returnThe state of
chuyen i nam 671, ngai a lai tam thang tai returning only once againNhat Lai Qua.
Sumatra, sau thang tai Srivijaya, mot quoc gia Ichiren-in (jap): Nhat Lien Vien (Chua trong
vung bien ang phat trien, nay la Palembang, va Phat Giao Nhat Ban).
hai thang tai Ma Lai. Ngai len bo tai Tamralipti
Icon (n): IdolNgau tngTranh tng.
vao nam 673 va t o i en Ma Kiet a
Iconic statue: Thanh tng.
(Magadha), thanh a hang au, roi en chiem bai
Bodh-Gaya cung cac thanh a khac. Ngai lu lai Iconoclasm: Chu ngha bai tr thanh tng (pha
vien ai hoc Na Lan a mi nam, nghe bai huy thanh tng).
giang cua cac bac thay ve giao phap va thu thap Iconoclastic (a): Bai tr thanh tng.
kinh sach. Ngai ri An o cung bang nga Iconographic (a): Thuoc ve Ngau Tng hoc.
Tamralipta, song bon nam tai Srivijaya, trau doi I-consciousness: Atman-vijnana (skt)Nga
Phan ng e sau nay dch kinh sach. Vao nam thcSee Atman.
689, ngai tr lai Trung Quoc. Ngai a e lai Iddhi (p): Than thong bien hoaSuper
nhng ky s quy bau ve Tay Vc Cau Phap Cao knowledgeMode of insight attained by the
Tang (Hoi Ky ve Cac Tu S Xuat Chung i Tm practice of Dhyana.
Chanh Phap Phng Tay), c Chavannes dch Iddhipada (p): T phap than tuc.
sang Phap ng. Ghi Nhan Ve ao Phat Tai An
Iddhi-patihariyam (p): The miracle of psychic
o va Quan ao Ma Lai, c J. Takakusu dch
powerThan tuc than thongSee Three
sang Anh ng. Sach cho chung ta mot y niem kha
dharmas (LIII).
ro ve s sot sang tan tuy cua nhng ngi hanh
hng ma so lng ong hn ta tng, ve tinh Idea (n): Samjna (skt)T tngKhai niem
than chap nhan hiem nguy cua ho. That vay, ay See Mental dharmas, and Seventy-five dharmas
la mot chuoi dai buon tham ve cac cau chuyen of the Abhidharma Kosa.
ay nhng bien co lam ly, ca tren bo lan di Idea of accumulation of merit: Y tng tch
bien. Ngha Tnh a ngam ngui noi: Tuy co cha phuc baoThe idea of merit by the
thanh cong nhng con ng ay nhng gian nan. accumulation of which the Yogin desires to attain
Vung Thanh a that qua xa vi va bao la. Trong Buddhahood or final deliverance. This is one of
so ong nhng ngi toan tnh, co may ngi at the ten wrong ways into which the Yogin may
c ket qua that s, co may ngi hoan thanh fallNh o hanh gia mong at ti Phat qua hay

giai thoat rot rao. ay la mot trong mi lam lac distinction between classes in India at that time.
ma thien gia co the b ri vaoSee Ten wrong To the Buddha, the ideal of Buddhism would first
ways into which Zen practitioners may fall. give everyone an equal opportunity in daily life as
Idea of annihilation: oan kienHolding to well as in cultivation. Against the asserted
the idea of annihilationCho rang moi th eu superiority of the Aryan race and the appellation
oan dietSee Eight incorrect views. of Anarya or Non-Aryan given to the
Idea of birth-and-death does not obtain in aborigines of some earlier immigrants on the
Indian continent, the Buddha often argued that the
reality: Y niem sinh va diet khong ton tai trong
word Arya meant noble and we ought not call a
thc tnhSee Eight ways of no-birth.
race noble or ignoble for there will be some
Idea concord: Kien Hoa ong GiaiIdea
ignoble people among the so-called Arya and at
concord, one of the six points of reverent harmony
the same time there will be some noble people
or unity in a monastery or convent or sixfold rules
among the so-called Anarya. When we say noble
of conduct for monks and nuns in a monastery
or ignoble we should be speaking of an individual
which the Buddha taught in the Mahaparinibbana
and not a race as a whole. It is a question of
Sutta and Sangiti SuttaKien Hoa ong Giai,
human dignity, knowledge or wisdom, not of birth
mot trong sau iem song chung hoa hp trong t
or caste. Thus the ideal of Buddhism is to create a
vien ma c Phat a day trong Kinh ai Bat Niet
noble personage in the sense of a noble life. The
Ban va Kinh Phung Tung trong Trng Bo
ideal set forth by the Buddha was very clear. His
KinhSee Six fold rules of conducts for monks
ideal is that as a man, he tries to teach other men,
and nuns in a monastery.
noble or ignoble, to be perfect men, i.e., men of
Idea of a creator: S phu kienHolding to the perfect enlightenmentc Phat a sang lap ra
idea of a creator. This is one of the eight incorrect Phat giao, khong ch nham cu oc chung sanh
viewsS phu kien hay Tao hoa kien, cho rang ma con nham loai tr s phan biet giai cap An
co mot ang tao hoa. ay la mot trong tam loai ta o thi bay gi. Vi Ngai, ly tng cua Phat giao
kienSee Eight incorrect views. la trc tien moi ngi phai co c hoi bnh ang
Ideas grasped and held: ImpressionsChap nh nhau trong cuoc song cung nh cuoc tu. e
thu. chong lai cai t hao cua giong ngi Aryan va
Idea of permanence: Thng kienHolding to chong lai cach ma nhng ngi nay a menh
the idea of permanence. This is one of the eight danh cho nhng tho dan hay nhng dan ban a
incorrect viewsCho rang moi s moi vat thng tren luc a An o thi co, tc nhng ngi
hang. ay la mot mot tam loai ta kienSee khong phai la Aryan la e tien. c Phat thng
Eight incorrect views. day rang danh t Aryan co ngha la cao quy va
Idea of the reality of things: Hu kien chung ta khong the goi mot giai cap nao la cao
Holding to the idea of the reality of thingsCho quy hay khong cao quy c, bi v luc nao cung
rang ch phap la hien thcSee Eight incorrect co nhng ngi e tien trong giai cap goi la cao
views. quy, va ong thi luc nao cung co nhng ngi
Idea of reincarnation: Te tng hien hanh cao quy trong cai goi la giai cap e tien. Khi
chng (ve tai sanh)See Ten hindrances. chung ta goi cao quy hay e tien, chung ta noi ve
Idea of unreality of all things: Vo kien mot ngi nao o ch khong the qu ua ca nam
cho toan the mot giai cap. ay la van e cua
Holding to the idea of unreality of all thingsCho
nhan cach, cua tri thc, cua tr tue ch khong phai
rang ch phap la khong thcSee Eight incorrect
la van e sinh ra dong ho hay giai cap nao. Do
o, ly tng cua Phat giao la tao nen mot ngi
Ideal (a): Ly tng.
cao quy trong ngha mot cuoc song cao quy. Ly
Ideal of Buddhism: Ly tng Phat giaoThe tng ma c Phat dng len that la ro rang. Ly
Buddha founded Buddhism, not only to save tng o nh the nay: la mot ngi, Ngai day cho
sentient beings but also to eliminate the

con ngi, cao quy hay e tien, thanh ngi hoan 2) NhtSee Eight misleadings.
hao, ngha la con ngi cua giac ngo vien man. Identity of cultivation and the cultivated: Tu
Ideal realized world: The ideal realized, or the Tnh Bat Nh MonTu tnh chang phai hai mon
world in which the principle is applied in actual (tu la tu chnh ren luyen than tam, tnh la cai ban
life, or the fact and the principle harmonizedLy tnh von thanh tnh hay Phat tanh cua chung sanh,
hai le ay chang khac nhau nen goi la tu tnh bat
S Vo Ngai Phap Gii, the gii the hien ly trong
s; s va ly cung hoa ieuSee Four states of nh mon).
universe and Four dharma realms. Identity and difference: Agreement and
Ideal world: The world of law or principleLy disagreementTc phi (s giong va s khac).
Phap Gii, the gii ly tng cua nh luat hay Identity of the Individual and Buddha:
nguyen lySee Four states of universe and Four Similarity in form with the BuddhaTng T
dharma realms. Tc PhatTng T TcTng T Phat
Idealism (n): Duy tam. Similarity in form with the Buddha, one of the six
Idealism School: Duy Thc TongSee forms or stages of Bodhisattva developments as
Vijnanavada. defined in Tien-Tai Perfect or Final Teaching, in
Idealistic reflection: Duy Thc QuanThere contrast with the ordinary six developments as
are three subjects of idealistic reflectionCo ba found in the Differentiated or Separated School
oi tng trong Duy Thc quan: Mot trong sau giai oan phat trien len Phat cua
1) Ego and things are realities: Bien Ke S Bo Tat theo Thien Thai Vien Giao, oi lai vi
Chap TnhQuan that tanh cua nga va ch Luc V trong Biet Giao. ** See Six stages of
phap. Bodhisattva developments.
2) Things are produced by caused and Identity of name and substance: Danh The
circumstance: Y Tha Khi TnhQuan ch Cai dung e goi cai theName and embodiment.
phap c sanh ra bi nhan duyen. Identity of phenomena and principle: Tc S
3) Bhutatathata is the only reality: Vien Thanh Tc LyThe identity of phenomena with their
Thc TnhQuan ch co Chan nh la hien underlying principle, i.e. spirit and body are a
thc. unityS giong nhau gia s va ly, nh than
Idealistic representation: Duy thcThere are khong la tam.
five kinds of wisdom or insight or idealistic Ideology (n): Quan niem hoc.
representation in the sutras and sastras (the first Idiom (n): Thanh ng.
four are objective and the fifth is subjective)Co Idle: LazyGiai aiSee Two kinds of
nam loai Duy ThcSee Five kinds of wisdom or affliction (C).
insight or idealistic.
Idle conversation after tea and wine: Tra d
Idealization (n): Ly tng hoa. tu hau.
Ideation (n): S quan niem hoa hay ngh tng. Idle gossip: Y ngSee Four un-Ariyan modes
Identical (a): Tng TAlikeLike of speech (A).
SimilarIdenticalAttainment-like (this is only Idle talk: Nhan am hy luanDevout Buddhist
a temporary situation). should never Idly talk on inconsequential topics
Identification (n): S nhan dang. only for amusement wastes our time and others
Identify (v): Nhan dien. timePhat t thuan thanh ng nen nhan am hy
Identify the birth (can tell who the persons luan (noi nhng li phu phiem ve nhng chuyen
in the birth) : Nhan dien tien than (co the noi khong au ra au) ch e giai khuay lam mat th
c ten nhng nhan vat trong tien than ay). gi cua mnh va cua ngi khac ma thoi.
Identification (n): Nhan dang. Idle thoughts: Vong tngIf we practice
meditation we can stop our idle thoughts and
Identity (n):
cultivate the Way with our true mind, then our
1) Than phanBan than.

merit and virtue will be measureless and ta lien hoi: Ong em le vat e bieu ngi khac,
boundless. But if we do not take time to cultivate, ngi kia khong nhan th le vat ay tr ve vi ong
there is no use just talking dharmaTu tap thien khong? Ngi kia ap: Ve ch. Ta bao: Nay
nh la xa bo moi vong tng, lay tam chan that ong mang ta, ta khong nhan th t ong rc hoa
e tu tap, th cong c ay la vo lng. Ngc lai, vao than, giong nh am vang theo tieng, bong
neu chung ta khong tu tap c nh vay th chang theo hnh, rot cuoc khong the tranh khoi. Vay hay
co li ch g khi ch noi phap suong. can than, ng lam ieu ac.
Idleness (n): Ignoble (a): Hen monMean.
1) Unoccupied: LeisureNhan roi. Ignoble deeds: Bat Tnh HanhImpure deeds,
2) Pramada (skt)Phong datSee Seventy- or sexual immoralityPhi pham hanh, gom
five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa. nhng viec hen ha bat tnh hay dam o.
3) Thina (p): Ngay ngatHon tram. Ignoble life: Cuoc song hen mon.
Idleness is the root of all evils: Satan finds Ignoble trades: Nhng nghe hen monTrades
some mischief for idle hands to doNhan c vi which a Buddhist should avoid, include butchery,
bat thien. hunting, fishing, warfare, weapon makers, dealers
Idol (n): Ngau tng. of poisons, drugs and drinks which cause
Idolatry (n): S sung bai ngau tng. stupefaction and intoxicationNghe Hen Mon
Idolization (n): Ngau tng hoa. Nhng nghe ma mot Phat t nen tranh, bao gom
Idolize: WorshipBow in venerationChiem nghe xe tht, san ban, cau ca, anh tran, lam vu
baiTon sung. kh, ban chat oc, thuoc va ru lam hai ngi.
If it is difficult for the poor to complain, it is Ignorance (n): Avijja (p)Avidiya or Maya
(skt)Moha (skt)Mudhaya (p)Vo Minh
easy for the rich to avoid being arrogant:
ConfusionDelusionFolly or Ignorance
Ban nhi vo oan nan, phu nhi vo kieu d (ngheo ma
khong oan mi kho, ch giau ma khong kieu th
de thoi).
Unwillingness to accept Buddha-truth
If you give someone a gift and the person
UnintelligenceKe ngu muoiSi Ket hay si me
does not want it, the gift still belongs to you: hay s vo minh cua viec khong hieu s ly (vo
Neu ban em le vat e bieu ngi khac, ngi minh ket hay phien nao gay ra bi ngu muoi)
kia khong nhan th le vat ay tr ve vi ban Vo minh hay s cuong si cua tam thcSee Five
According to the Sutra In Forty-Two Sections, higher bonds of desire, Five hindrances (A), Five
Chapter 7, the Buddha said: There was one who, hindrances to spiritual progress, Five ties in the
upon hearing that I protect the way and practice higher realm, Nine bonds that bind men to
great humane compassion, intentionally or mortality, Ten kinds of wrong views, Twelve
voluntarily came to scold me. I was silent and did conditions of cause and effect, and Fourteen
not reply. When he finished scolding me, I asked, unwholesome factors and Delusion.
If you are courteous to people and they do not (I) The meanings of AvidyaNgha cua Vo
accept your courtesy, the courtesy returns to you, Minh:
does it not? He replied, It does. I said, Now 1) Ignorance: StupidityDelusionSi me.
you are scolding me but I do not receive it. So, the 2) Unenlightened: UnilluminatedKhong giac
misfortune returns to you and must remain with ngo.
you. It is just as inevitable as the echo that follows 3) The first or last of the twelve nidanas: Mac
a sound or as the shadow that follows a form. In xch th nhat hay mat xch cuoi cung trong
the end, you cannot avoid it. Therefore, be careful Thap Nh Nhan Duyen.
not to do evil.Theo Kinh T Thap Nh Chng, 4) Illusion or darkness without illumination, the
Chng 7, c Phat day: Co ngi nghe ta gi ignorance which mistakes seeming for being,
ao, thc hanh tam ai nhan t, nen en mang ta; or illusory phenomena for realities: Cai tam
ta im lang khong phan ng. Ngi kia mang xong,

am on, khong chieu roi c ro rang s ly of the tru nature of things. According to
cua cac phap. Buddhism, ignorance means regarding the
5) Ignorance is the main cause of our non- self as realVo minh la nhn moi s moi vat
enlightenment. Ignorance os only a false khong ung nh that. Khong hieu s that ve
mark, so it is subject to production, extinction, cuoc i. Chng nao ma chung ta khong phat
increase, decrease, defilement, purity, and so trien tam mnh e at c tr tue chng o
on. Ignorance is the main cause of our birth, chung ta van vo minh ve ban chat ung cua
old age, worry, grief, misery, and sickness, s vat. Theo Phat giao, vo minh co ngha la
and death: Vo minh la nguyen nhan chnh cua coi cai nga hay cai ta la thatSee Avidya.
s khong giac ngo cua chung ta. Vo minh ch 2) The fire of ignorance/hatred burns down the
la gia tng nen no chu anh hng cua sanh, forest of merit and virtue: La vo minh ot
diet, tang, giam, ue, tnh, van van. Vo minh chay ca rng cong c.
chnh la nguyen nhan cua, sanh, lao, lo au, 3) Mohacarita (p)Bam tanh si meIgnorant
sau muon, kho s, benh hoan, va chet choc temperamentSee Six kinds of
See Twelve links of cause and effect. temperament.
(II) The other meanings of IgnoranceNhng 4) Moha (skt): SiDue to ignorance, people do
ngha khac cua Vo Minh: not see things as they really are, and cannot
1) Ignorance of the way of escape from distinguish between right and wrong. They
sufferings, one of the three affluences that become blind under the delusion of self,
feed the stream of mortality or clinging to things which are impermanent,
transmigrationVo minh khong biet g en changeable, and perishable. Once anger
con ng thoat kho la mot trong ba lau hoac arises, one has nothing but ignorance. In
nuoi dng dong sanh t luan hoiSee order to eliminate ignorance, you should
Ignorance and Three affluences. meditate on causalityV si me ma ngi ta
2) Sometimes ignorance means Maya or khong thay c cai nhn nh th, khong the
Illusion. It means complete darkness phan biet ung sai. Ngu si lam cho ngi ta
without illumination. The ignorance which mu quang ve chap nga, chap phap la nhng
mistakes seeming for being, or illusory th vo thng, luon thay oi va hoai diet. Khi
phenomena for realitiesCo khi Vo minh co gian d a khi len th con ngi se khong
ngha la ao tng. Ngha la bong toi hoan con g ngoai si me. e triet tieu si me ban
toan khong co anh chieu sang. Vo minh la nen thien quan nhan duyen. **See Fifty-
lam cai dng nh vi cai that la, hay hien one Dharmas interactive with the Mind, and
tng ao tng ma cho la thc tai. Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma
3) One of the three fires which must be allowed Kosa.
to die out before Nirvana is attained. The 5) All of our psychological problems are rooted
erroneous state of mind which arises from in ignorance, in delusion. Ignorance is the
belief in self: Vo minh, si me hay khong giac crowning corruption. Our greeds, hates,
ngo, mot trong ba ngon la can phai dap tat conceits and a host of other defilements go
trc khi bc chan vao Niet ban. ay la hand in hand with our ignorance. The
trang thai sai lam cua tam lam khi day s tin solutions are to be found in the problems
tng ve ban nga. themselves and hence we should not run
(III) Special characteristics of IgnoranceNhng away from our problems. Analyze and
ac tnh cua Ignorance: scrutinize the problems, and you will see that
1) Vo minhSi meDelusionStupidity they are human problems, so do not attribute
Ignorance is not seeing things as they really them to non-humans. Our real problems can
are. It is failing to understand the truth about be solved only by giving up illusions and false
life. As long as we have not develop our concepts and bringing our lives into harmony
minds to obtain wisdom, we remain ignorant with reality and this can be done only through

meditationTat ca nhng van e kho khan ngi tao ac nghiep nhat nh phai cung ac
cua chung ta eu bat nguon t vo minh va me nghiep i en kho bao.
hoac. Vo minh la bn nh ng hang au. 3) As long as the evil deed done does not bear
Tham lam, san han, nga man va rat nhieu fruit, the fool thinks it is as sweet as honey;
bn nh khac cung phat sanh chung vi vo but when it ripens, then he comes to grief
minh. Giai phap phai nam trong nhng van (Dharmapada 69): Khi ac nghiep cha thanh
e ay, va do o, chung ta khong nen tach ri, thuc, ngi ngu tng nh ng mat, nhng
chay i tm au ngoai van e. Phan tach va khi ac nghiep a thanh thuc, ho nht nh
nghien cu cho tan tng chung ta se thay phai chu kho ang cay.
rang tat ca nhng van e ay eu la nhng 4) Let a fool, month after month, eats only as
van e cua kiep nhan sinh, cua con ngi, much food as can be picked up on the tip of a
vay th chung ta khong nen o trach nhiem kusa blade; but he is not worth a sixteenth
cho ai khac hn la con ngi. Nhng van e part of them who have comprehended the
that s chu chung ta phai c va ch c truth (Dharmapada 70): T thang nay qua
giai quyet bang cach dt bo nhng ao kien va thang khac, vi mon an bang au ngon co
nhng khai niem sai lam, va thu xep nep Co-sa (co thm), ngi ngu co the lay e
song cua chung ta vao khuon kho ieu hoa nuoi song, nhng viec lam ay khong co gia tr
ong nhp vi thc tai. Va ieu nay ch co the bang mot phan mi sau cua ngi t duy
thc hien c qua thien hanh ma thoi. Chanh phap.
(III) Categories of AvidyaPhan loai vo minh: 5) The fool always desire for an undue
(A) According to the Awakening of Faith, there reputation or undeserved honour, precedence
are two kinds of avidyaTheo Khi Tn among the monks, authority in the
Luan co hai loai Vo Minh: monasteries, honour among other families
1) The radical, fundamental, original darkness or (Dharmapada 73): Ke ngu xuan thng hay
ignorance considered as a primal condition: muon danh tieng ma mnh khong xng: cho
Can ban vo minhVo thuy vo minh. ngoi cao trong Tang chung, oai quyen trong
2) Branch and twig conditions, considered Tang l, danh vong gia cac gia toc khac.
as phenomenal: Mat Chi Vo Minh. ** See Four principal poisonous outflows, Seven
(B) The underlying tendency to ignoranceVo messengers, Nine bonds that bind men to
Minh Tuy MienSee Seven defilements, mortality, and Ten branches of evils.
and Seven underlying tendencies. Ignorance and Bhutatathata: Vo minh Phap
(IV) The Buddhas teachings on Avidya in the tnh nhat theAvidya and Bhutatathata are of the
Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve same nature, as are ice and water; the ice of
Vo Minh trong Kinh Phap Cu: avidya is the water of all things, the source out of
1) If a fool associates with a wise man even all which all enlightenment has comeVo minh va
his life, he will understand the Dharma as litle chan nh ong mot the, giong nh bang va nc;
as a spoon tastes the flavour of soup bang vo minh la nc cua moi th, la nguon ma
(Dharmapada 64): Ngi ngu suot i gan gui trong o giac ngo xuat hien.
ngi tr van chang hieu g Chanh phap, v Ignorance and desire: Unenlightened desire
nh cai muong muc canh luon ma chang bao Si AiIgnorance and desire, or unenlightened
gi biet c mui v cua canh. desire, ignorance is being father, desire is mother,
2) A fool with little wit, goes through life with which produce all affliction and evil karmaSi
the very self as his own greatest enemy. In me va ai duc hay s tham ai me muoi, vo minh
the same manner, evil doers do evil deeds, hay si me la cha, tham ai la me, hai th nay san
the fruit of which is bitter (Dharmapada 66): sanh ra tat ca cac phien nao va ac nghiep.
Ke pham phu khong giac ngo nen i chung
Ignorance and dull ideas: Am on chng.
vi cu ch mot ng. Cung the, nhng

Ignorance about the ego: Atmamoha (skt) thi trc ma sanh ra), khong the nao co s
Nga SiS me muoi ve cai ngaSee Four bat au.
fundamental evil passions. 3) Primal ignorance is without beginning; and
Ignorance in the ego: Nga siSee Ignorance the bhutatathata is without beginning, the two
about the ego. terms connoting the same idea: Vong Chan
ong TheCan ban vo minh va chan nh
Ignorance as father: Vo Minh PhuIgnorance
eu cung mot the.
as father and desire as mother produce the ego
Vo minh nh cha, tham ai nh me san sanh ra cai Ignorant (a): DarkObscureNgu si.
nga. Ignorant condition: Unenlightened condition
Ignorance, karma and desire: Considered as in primal action, the stirring of the
Ajnanakarmatrsna (skt)Vo Minh Nghiep Ai perceptive faculty, associated with corpus or
Vo minh, nghiep va ai duc la ba lc chnh gay ra substanceThe objective illusory worldVo
tai sanhIgnorance, karma, and desire are the minh nghiep tngVo minh hay tnh trang
three main forces that causes reincarnation. khong giac ngoSee Three subtle conceptions.
Ignorance and pride: Si ManNgu si va nga Ignorant condition before discernment and
man cong cao, hay s nga man me muoi differentiation: Primal ignoranceCan ban vo
Ignorant pride. minh.
Ignorance in regard to the ego: Nga Si Phien Ignorant and dull ideas: Am on chngSee
NaoSee Four delusions in reference to the ego. Ten hindrances.
Ignorance or stupidity: Ngu SiSee Six sins Ignorant law: Ngu PhapIgnorant, or immature
that smother the six paramitas or the pure mind law, or method, i.e. that of sravakas and pratyeka-
and Seven defilements. buddhas, HinayanaCon goi la Tieu Tha Ngu
Ignorance in the trailokya: State of Phap, mot trong hai loai Tieu Tha, Thanh Van
unenlightenmentVo minh tru aSee Five va Duyen Giac, ch me chap ngu phap ma
states or conditions of all errors found in mortality. khong hieu c dieu ly phap khong cua ai
Ignorance of the way of escape: The taint of
ignoranceVo Minh Lau HoacVo minh trong Ignorant like a child: Bala (skt)Ngu ong
tam giiSee Three affluences. (ngu nh mot a con nt).
Ignorance without beginning: Vo Thuy Vo Ignorant monk: Ngu Tang (v tang b vo minh
MinhCan Ban Vo MinhNguyen Pham Vo khong che).
Minh. Ignorant perception: Vo Minh KienIgnorant
1) Primal ignorance: The period of view of phenomena which produces all kinds of
unenlightenment or ignorance without illusionViews produced by ignoranceTa kien
beginningNguyen Pham Vo MinhHoac sanh ra bi vo minh.
the can ban cua luan hoi sanh t khong co s Ignorant preceptor: Am ChngA person
bat au (khong thau at c cai ly tnh bnh who cares only for meditation without
ang phap gii). undestanding the meanings of sutrasCh chuyen
2) The period of transmigration which has no vao cong phu toa thien, ma khong thong hieu
beginning; since under the law of causality ngha ly cua kinh ien.
everything has a cause, therefore no Ignorant temperament: Mohacarita (p)Bam
beginning is possible; for if there were a tanh si meIgnoranceSee Six kinds of
beginning it would be without a cause, which temperament.
is impossible: Gian Cach Vo MinhLuan hoi Ignorant and undeveloped beings: Bahu-jana
sanh t khong co s bat au; theo luat nhan (skt)Quan ManhAll the shoots, sprouts, or
qua th tat ca cac phap hu vi eu la nhan immature things, i.e. all the living as ignorant and
duyen sanh (qua cua hien tai la do nhan cua undevelopedNhng g mi lu mam cha thanh

thuc, v vi nhng chung sanh mi phat tam ao, tham ve Thien Thai giao, nen ban s giai cua ong
cha phat trien, hay con b vo minh che lap minh c xem nh cha ng rat nhieu giao ngha
tam. Thien Thai. Ban cao lu truyen cha c tu
Ignorant and unenlightened: Mudha (skt) chnh, sau cung c Tr Nghiem, e t cua Thien
Ngu si (khong giac ngo). Vo Uy va On Co, e t cua Kim Cang Tr, hieu
Ignorant views: Vo Minh Kien. nh va at ta lai la ai Nhat Kinh Thch Ngha.
ong Mat van y theo ban kinh cu cha c tu
Ignore the evil and highlight the good: An ac
chnh, trong luc Thai Mat lai dung ban c hieu
dng thien (tot khoe xau che).
nh nay. Nhat Hanh theo hoc vi ca hai Phap s
Igyo (jap): Quy NgngSee Igyo-Shu.
An o la Thien Vo Uy va Kim Cang Tr va c
Igyo-Shu (jap): Quy Ngng tongA Zen sect ca hai truyen cho cac nghi quy ve Kim Cang Gii
established by Pai-Chang-Huai-HaiMot dong (Vajradhatu) va Thai Tang Gii (Garbhadhatu),
Thien c sang lap bi ngai Bach Trng Hoai nhng co ngi cho rang ong coi Kim Cang Gii
HaiSee Pai Chang Huai Hai. quan trong hn.
Ihai (jap): A Japanese Buddhist term for Ijuku-ka (jap): Vipaka-phala (skt)Maturation
Ancestral tablet.Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat of effectD thuc quaFruit ripening differently,
Ban co ngha la Bai v (tam bia nho e ten or heterogeneous effect produced by
ngi qua co c th trong chua). heterogeneous cause, i.e. in another incarnation,
I-Hsing: Nhat HanhAccording to Prof. Junjiro or life, e.g. the condition of the eye and other
Takakusu in The Essentials of Buddhist organs now resulting from specific sins or
Philosophy, I-Hsing (683-727), a pupil of otherwise in previous existenceQua bao khac
Subhakarasimha, who was well versed in the San- thi ma chn, nh trong mot kiep tai sanh nao o
Lun, the Zen, the Tien-Tai, and the calendar, th do cai nhan i trc ma ngu can i nay se
assisted Subhakarasimha in his translation of the xau, ep, thong minh, ngu on (ch khong phai la
Great Sun text. On hearing the lecture from his thien ac na, do o mi goi la d thuc qua).
teacher, I-Hsing compiled a commentary on the Ikeda Daisaku (-1928): Third president of Soka
Sun text called Ta-Jih-Ching-Su. Since he was a Gakkai, one of the largest Buddhist organizations
savant of the Tien-Tai doctrine, his commentary in Japan. He first encountered the organization in
is said to contain some of the Tien-Tai tenets. 1947 and became a passionate adherent soon
The commentary, as it was left in an unrevised after. Following the death of the organizations
manuscript, was afterward revised by Chih-Yen, a second president, Josei Toda (1900-1958), he
pupil of Subhakarasimha, and Wen-Ku, a pupil of succeeded him and began a program of expanding
Vajrabodhi, and was called by a new name Ta- the membership of the organization. Today it
Jih-Ching I-Shih. The Tomitsu follows the former claims several million followers in Japan, but the
revision whilt the Taimitsu adopts the latter. I- membership has split in recent years as a result of
Hsing studied under the two Indian teachers conflict between lay Soka Gakkai and the priests
Subhakarasimha and Vajrabodhi, and received the of Nichiren Shoshu over the leadership and
cults of both the Realm of Matrix Repository direction of the organization. Under Ikedas
(Garbhadhatu) and the Realm of Diamond leadership it has also expanded its activities
Elements (Vajradhatu), but he is said to have held overseas and today has many thousands of
the latter as the more important of the twoTheo members in Europe and in the USAV chu tch
Giao S Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng Yeu Triet th ba cua to chc Soka Gakkai, mot trong nhng
Hoc Phat Giao, Nhat Hanh (683-727), e t cua to chc Phat giao ln nhat Nhat Ban. Lan au
Thien Vo Uy, tinh thong ve Tam Luan, Thien, tien ong gap to chc nay vao nam 1947 va chang
Thien Thai va lch so, tng giup Thien Vo Uy bao lau sau o ong tr nen het sc gan bo vi no.
dch kinh ai Nhat. Nh nghe thay giang, Nhat Sau khi v chu tch th hai la ong Josei Toda qua
Hanh a trc tac mot ban s ve Kinh ai Nhat, i th ong len ke v va bat au chng trnh m
goi la ai Nhat Kinh S. V la mot hoc gia uyen rong t cach hoi vien cua to chc. Ngay nay to

chc nay tuyen bo co en vai trieu tn o Nhat, With staff and straw sandals,
nhng so tn o a b chia che do hau qua cua Finds truth.
cuoc tranh chap gia nhom tai gia Soka Gakkai There they practice Zen on sure ground,
va nhom Tang l Nichiren Shoshu trong quyen Comfortably leaning back,
lanh ao va ng hng hoat ong cua to chc. For their own profit.
Di s lanh ao cua Ikeda to chc a m rong
hoat ong ra hai ngoai va ngay nay co hang ngan Ten days
hoi vien Au Chau va Hoa Ky. In the monastery
Ikegami (jap): Vung Tr Thng (gan ong Made me restless.
Kinh, Nhat Ban). The red thread
Ikkatsu (jap): Mot tieng hetSee Katsu and On my feet
Lin-Chi I-Hsuan. Is long and unbroken.
If one day you come
Ikkyu Sojun (1394-1481): One of the most
Looking for me,
famous Japanese Zen masters, particularly
Ask for me,
renowned for his unorthodox lifestyle and his
At the fishmongers,
poems extolling the virtues of wine and sex. He is
In the tarven,
known in the history of Zen as much for his
Or in the brothel.
profound wit as for his profound realization of
Mot trong nhng thien s noi tieng cua Nhat Ban,
Zen. He mocked the deterirorating Zen of the
ac biet noi tieng ve loi song khong theo chnh
great monasteries of his time. Though he
thong cua ong va nhng bai th tan dng cong
belonged to the Rinzai tradition, he often
c cua ru va tnh duc. Ong c biet en trong
castigated its leaders for their dogmatic adherence
lch s Thien ve s hai hc tham sau va s
to form and tradition. In 1420, while meditating by
chng ngo sau cua mnh. Ong cham biem loai
night in a boat on a lake, at the sudden caw of a
thien ang b suy tan trong cac t vien ln vao
crow, he experienced enlightenment. Confirmed
th cua ong. Du ong thuoc dong Lam Te, ong
by his master as his dharma successor, like his
thng ch trch nghiem khac lanh tu cua tong
master, he kept monastic life at a distance.
phai v viec cng nhac trong giao phap va hnh
Initially he lived as a hermit on Mount Jou and
thc cua truyen thong. Vao nam 1420, ong at
later in his hut of the blind ass in Kyoto. In 1474,
c ai giac vao mot em tren con thuyen khi
he was appointed by the imperial house as abbot
nghe tieng keu cua mot con qua gia luc ang
of Daitoku-ji. He could not avoid this
thien nh sau. Ong c thay xac nhan la ng
appointment, but he tried not to live in Daitoku-ji
ke v Phap. Cung nh thay mnh, ong ng xa sinh
in Shuon-an, a small temple in his home village of
hoat thien vien. Luc au ong an tai Jou, roi ra
Maki until he passed away in 1481. It is reported
song trong tup leu cua con la mu tai Kyoto.
that he was so disturbed by the ossification of Zen
Nam 1474, ong c nha vua bo nhiem lam vien
that he tore up the certificate of awakening (Inka-
trng tu vien ai c T. Tuy khong the t choi
Shomei) given to him by his master, and he
s bo nhiem nay, ong luon tranh lu lai tu vien,
refused to name a dhrama-successor. He was also
ma thng lui ve tai Shuon-an, mot ngoi chua
a poet who praised the great masters of the
nho tai que ong lang Maki cho en khi ong th
ancient times, and often called himself as the
tch vao nam 1481. Ngi ta tng thuat rang ong
blind ass.
rat phien toai v s hoa a cua Thien (cng nhac)
Who among Lin-Chis students
en o ong xe bo giay chng nhan giac ngo do
Give a hoot
thay ong cap, va choi bo luon ca viec c lam
About the authentic transmission?
Phap t cua mnh. Ong con la mot thi s thng ca
In their school
ngi cac thay thien thi xa va t coi mnh nh
Theres no shelter
mot con la mu.
For the blind ass
Co mon o Lam Te nao
Who, on the road

Con cham lo Illegal (a): Bat hp phapIllegitimate

Ti truyen thong that? UnlawfulIllicit.
Trong cac nha trng cua ho Ill-feeling: Ac CamAversionAntipathy
Khong co ni an nau DislikeIll-feeling.
Cho con la mu
Ill-gotten gains: Cua phi ngha.
i tm chan ly
Ills of meditation: Thien benh (including
Chan mang dep va tay chong gay.
wandering thoughts and illusionsbao gom tan
Ho thc hanh thien tren nen at vng,
loan va ao tng).
Trong tien nghi va trong s an toan,
V moi li cua mnh. Ill-proportioned (a): Qua ty le (qua c).
Ill-thinking: Bad intentionAc GiacAc niem.
Mi ngay a qua Ill thoughts: Bad intentionEvil thoughtsOne
Trong tu vien of the three subversions or subvertersTng
Lam cho toi ay nhng lo au, ien ao hay ac tng, hay t tng xau xa, mot
Si ch o trong ba loai ien aoSee Three subversions.
Di chan toi 1) Resentment: Oan han.
That dai nhng con nguyen ven. 2) Greed: Tham lam.
Neu mot ngay kia co ai en 3) Jealousy: Ganh t.
Tm toi, 4) Anger: San gian.
Hay hoi toi, 5)Wishing to harm others: Muon hai ngi.
Tai ni anh hang ca, 6) Wrong views: Ta kien.
Tai ni quan ru, 7) Slander: Ph bang.
Hay tai ni nha tho. 8) Lying: Noi doi.
Ikomayama (jap): Nui Sinh C (Nhat Ban). 9) Arrogance: Cong cao nga man.
Iksani (skt): Iksana (skt)Y Sat NiAccording 10) Stealing: Trom cap.
to the Kosa Sastra, this is a kind of magic mode of 11) Sexual misconduct: Ta dam.
reading anothers thoughtsTheo Cau Xa Luan 12) Substance abuse: Hut, uong hay chch nhng
th ay la mot loai chu thuat ma ngi luyen co chat cay oc.
the biet c nhng y ngh trong tam ngi khac. 13) Double-tongued: Noi li hai chieu.
14) Harsh speech: Noi li oc ac.
Iksvaku (skt): Cam GiaNht Soa Cu
15) Bad attitudes: Thai o xau ac.
VngOne of the surnames of Sakyamuni, from
16) Wrong discernments: Phan biet sai lam.
a legend that one of his ancestors was born from a
17) Faithlessness: Khong co niem tin.
sugar caneMot trong cac ho cua dong Thch Ca,
18) Ignorance: Si me.
theo truyen thuyet la mot trong nhng ong to cua
19) Thought of killing: T tng sat sanh.
Ngai a c sanh ra t trong mot cay ma.
20) Causing trouble: Gay roi, etc.
Iksvaku-Virudhaka (skt): Cam Gia Vng
Ill-treat (v): Bac aiTo maltreat.
Vua Ma, ma ngi ta noi la mot trong nhng ong
to cua dong Thch Ca, nhng nhng ngi khac Ill-treatment, or killing of monks or nuns,
cung cho ay la to cua dong ho mnhKing of or force them to leave the monasteries to
the sugar-cane, said to be one of the ancestors of return to worldly life: Ngc ai giet choc ch
Sakyamuni, but the name is claimed by others. Tang Ni hoac buoc ho phai hoan tucSee Five
Ill (a): SickA person who is not enlightened is betrayals (III).
ill by definition. The healing process is the Ill-will: Vyapada (p)Ac tamGrievance
conversion of suffering into the aspiration to attain HatredMalevolenceResentment.
enlightenment. 1) Ill-intent: Ac yAc tam (hatred: san han)
Ill-affected: Ac yHatredIll-willIll- MalevolenceMaliciousIll-intentSee
intentMalicious. Hatred.

2) Dosacarita (p): Bam tanh san hanHateful 1) Both illness and death are natural causes of
temperamentSee Six kinds of events in our life. To prevent suffering,
temperament. Buddhists must accept them with
3) Hatred: SanAs in the case of lust or sense- understanding: Bnh va chet la nhng nguyen
desire, it is unwise or unsystematic attention nhan t nhien cua nhng bien co xay ra trong
that brings about ill-will, which when not i song chung ta. e tranh kho au ngi
checked propagates itself, saps the mind and Phat t phai chap nhan chung trong hieu biet.
clouds the vision. It distorts the entire mind 2) According to the Nirvana Sutra, just as a
and its properties and thus hinders awakening mother loves the sick child most, so Buddha
to truth, and blocks the path to freedom. Lust loves the most wicked sinner: Theo Kinh Niet
and ill-will based on ignorance, not only Ban, c Phat thng nhng ke pham phu
hamper mental growth, but act as the root nang nghiep nhieu, cung giong nh ngi me
cause of strife and dissension between man thng a con ngheo kho benh tat nhieu
and man and nation and antionCung nh nhat.
trng hp cua tham duc, do bi khong tac y Illnesses of meditation: Thien BenhThe
nh ly ma san han phat sanh, khi san han illnesses of meditation, i.e. wandering thoughts,
phat sanh neu khong c ngan chan s sinh illusions, or the illusions and nervous troubles of
soi nay n cua no, no se lam cho tam chung the mysticCac loai benh gay ra bi ngi tham
ta cun nhut va che lap mat tr tue cua chung thien ma khong hieu ro ve thien nh vong tng
ta. San han lam meo mo tam va cac tam s hay vong kien.
cua no, v vay no can tr s tnh giac va ong Illness as the result of previous karma:
mat ca giai thoatSee Fourteen Nghiep BnhBenh nghiep hay benh gay ra do
unwholesome factors. nghiep cua nhieu i trc.
** See Five hindrances (A), and Five hindrances
Illuminate (v): Chieu sangRoi sangDay
to spiritual progress.
doGiao hoa.
Illation (n): S suy luan. Illuminated intellect: Tr chieu sang
Illative sense: Y ngha c suy luan ra. Enlightened intellect.
Illicit (a): Bat hp phap. Illuminated mind: Bodhi Budh (skt)
Illimitable glorious radiance: An endless Bodhihrdaya or Bodhicitta (skt)Perfect
splendid lightAnh hao quang huy hoang vo han. knowledgeTranscendent understanding
Illimitable spiritual regions of the Buddhas: Perfect wisdomEnlightened mindGiac
Gii ngoaiThe realm outside of the three Tamao Giac TamBo e TamTam Minh
limitations of desire, form and formlessness QuangThe mind of enlightenment, the
Quoc o ngoai ba coi Duc gii, Sac gii, va Vo illuminated mind, the original nature of manCai
sac gii (ngoai ba coi nay la coi tnh o cua ch dieu tam ban giac hay ban tanh nguyen thuy cua
Phat, Bo Tat). con ngi.
Illimitables: Illuminating cause: Lieu nhanThe revealing
1) Tam S Vo Lng: See Forty meditation cause (knowledge and wisdom)See Two causes
subjects, and Fifty-two mental states. (A).
2) Absolutely free or unhindered: Universal Illuminating or explaining the law-wheel:
Nhat Thiet Vo Chng NgaiHoan toan The thirty years teaching of the Prajna (Bat Nha)
thoat khoi moi chng ngai. or Wisdom SutrasChieu Phap LuanSee
Illness (n): Bnh. Three periods of the Buddhas teaching.
Illness and Death: Bnh TBoth illness and Illuminating all things: Chieu ro cac phap
death are natural causes of events in our life. To See Ten kinds of actions of knowledge (7).
avoid suffering, Buddhists must accept them with Illuminating view of things: Cai nhn chieu
understandingBnh T. dieu vao hien hu.

Illumination (n): Quang minh. truth: Tr quang chieu dien thuyet bat kha t
1) Bodhi (skt): EnlightenmentS soi sang ngh quang ai phap monSee Ten illuminations
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, of knowledge of Great Enlightening Beings.
Chapter 27, there are ten kinds of Illumination of knowledge fulfilling all
illumination. Great Enlightening Beings who transcendent ways: Tr quang chieu ay u
abide in the concentration of the tat ca cac Ba La MatSee Ten illuminations
differentiated bodies of all sentient beings
of knowledge of Great Enlightening Beings.
will also acquire ten kinds of illumination
Theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 27, co mi
Illumination of knowledge seeing all
th quang minh choi sang cua ch ai Bo Tat. Buddhas: Tr quang chieu thay tat ca PhatSee
Ch ai Bo Tat tru trong Nht thiet chung Ten illuminations of knowledge of Great
sanh sai biet ai Tam muoi cung se c Enlightening Beings.
mi th quang minh choi sangSee Ten Illumination of knowledge of seeing all
kinds of illumination. sentient beings dying in one place and being
2) Prabha (skt): BrightnessLightSplendor born in another: Tr quang chieu thay tat ca
Anh sangQuang minhQuang huy chung sanh chet ay sanh kiaSee Ten
RayBeamThere are three kinds of illuminations of knowledge of Great Enlightening
lightCo ba loai anh sangSee Two kinds Beings.
of light and Three kinds of light. Illumination of knowledge showing all
Illuminations of knowledge: Tr quang Buddhas: Tr quang chieu th hien tat ca ch
chieuAccording to the Flower Adornment Sutra, PhatSee Ten illuminations of knowledge of
Chapter 38, there are ten illuminations of Great Enlightening Beings.
knowledge of Great Enlightening Beings.
Illumination of knowledge skillfully
Enlightening Beings who abide by these can attain
the illumination of supreme knowledge of all
comprehending the spiritual powers of all
BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co Buddhas: Tr quang chieu thien xao biet ro tat
mi tr quang chieu cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo ca ch Phat than thong oai lcSee Ten
Tat an tru trong phap nay thi c tr quang illuminations of knowledge of Great Enlightening
chieu vo thng cua tat ca ch PhatSee Ten Beings.
illuminations of knowledge of Great Enlightening Illumination of knowledge teaching all
Beings. sentient beings so they may abide in the
Illumination of knowledge of certain state of enlightenment: Tr quang chieu giao
attainment of supreme perfect hoa tat ca chung sanh eu khien an tru Nh Lai
enlightenment: Tr quang chieu quyet nh se aSee Ten illuminations of knowledge of
thanh chanh ang chanh giacSee Ten Great Enlightening Beings.
illuminations of knowledge of Great Enlightening Illumination of knowledge understanding
Beings. the doctrines of all scriptures: Tr quang chieu
Illumination of knowledge developing the hieu tat ca tu-a-la phap monSee Ten
determination of enlightenment through illuminations of knowledge of Great Enlightening
association with the wise and accumulation Beings.
of roots of goodness: Tr quang chieu y ch Illuminative (a): Sang sua.
thien tri thc phat tam Bo e tch tap thien can Illuminative way: Con ng sang.
See Ten illuminations of knowledge of Great Illumine the world: Chieu sang the gii.
Enlightening Beings. Illusion (n): Maya (skt)Bao anh.
Illumination of knowledge expounding 1) DustImpurityMoral impurityMental
inconceivable great means of access to impurityWhatever misleads or deludes the

2) Ignorance: Unenlightened and led astraySi la ly hoac, oi lai vi s hoac hay me hoac trc
MeTam ngu si me muoi oi vi s ly, s tng cua the gianSee Two aspects of
khong tin nhan qua luan hoi, nghi ng chanh illusion (B).
phap. Illusion of desire: Illusion of loveAi hoac.
3) Bao anhThings in the phenomenal world Illusion and enlightenment: Me ngo.
are not real or substantial, as ordinary people
Illusion and enlightenment are
regard them to be. They are transient,
fundamentally the same: Me Ngo Bat Nh
momentary, indefinite, insubstantial, and
They are of the one Buddha-natureMe va ngo
subject to constant alteration. In reality, they
tren can ban khong sai khac. Chung ch la mot
are like phantoms or hallucinationsAo
tanhSee Non-dual dharma.
anhAo tngTat ca nhng hien tng
khong that nh ngi ta tng. Chung tam b, Illusion of love: Illusion of desireAi hoac.
vo thng va khong co thc the. Ky that Illusion mind: Ao tamVong tamMind is
chung la nhng bong ma ao anh. **See unrealThe mind which results in complexity and
Vipallasa, Two aspects of illusion, and Three confusionTam khi niem phan biet sinh ra het
kasaya. thay moi canh giiSee Two minds (A).
Illusions arise in practice: S hoacSee Two Illusion of perception: Illusion of mindThc
aspects of illusion (B). ao (Thc ien ao).
Illusion arises from primal ignorance: Vo Illusion in practice: Tu HoacIllusion, such as
Minh HoacThe illusion arising from primal desire, hate, etc., in practice or performance, i.e.
ignorance which covers and hinders the truth, one in the process of attaining enlightenmentKhi tu
of the three illusionsMot trong tam hoac, nhng ao ng ta co gang dt bo moi nghi hoac, me
nghi hoac ao tng khi sanh bi can ban vo minh muoi tham, san, si, e tien en giac ngo.
lam che ay s that. Illusion of a real ego: Nga ien aoThe
Illusions arise through contact with the illusion that the ego has real existence. One of the
world: T hoacSee Two aspects of illusion four inverted or upside-down ideas, the illusion
(A). that the ego is realPhien nao v cho rang nga la
Illusion arising from primal ignorance: Vo co thcSee Four upside-downs.
Minh HoacSee Three kinds of affliction. Ilusion of seeing things as they seem, not as
Illusion-body: Ao than. they really are: Kien LuTa kien hay nhng
Illusion of the body: Than KienSee Satkaya- suy tng ao anh hay kien hoac cua tam gii
Wrong views, or the ilusion of seeing things as
they seem, not as they really areSee Four
Illusion city: Hoa ThanhThe magic city in the
currents that carry thinking along.
Wonder Lotus Sutra; it typifies temporary or
Illusions and temptations that arise from
incomplete nirvana (the imperfect nirvana of
Hinayana)Thanh pho ao tng trong Kinh Dieu ignorance: Vo minh hoacSee Three delusions
Phap Lien Hoa; la Niet ban tam thi va khong (I).
hoan toan trong trng phai Tieu tha. Illusions and temptations arise from false
Illusions connected with principles: Ly views or theories: Kien hoacPerplexities
HoacIllusion in regard to fundamental truth, i.e. arise from false views or theoriesNhng ao
the reality of the ego and things, in contrast with giac hay cam do khi len t s suy oan sai lam
illusion in regard to things themselvesNhng ve ta kien hay ta thuyetSee Two aspects of
kien hoac nh nga kien hay me hoac trc chan illusion (A).
ly (cai hoac vo minh can ban che lap cac ly trung Illusion and temptation through the
ao, lam cho no khong sang to c la ly hoac; immense variety of duties in saving others:
kien hoac hay t hoac, hay cai hoac tran sa co the Tran sa hoacSee Three delusions (I).
ngan can s tng hoa ao, goi la s hoac) th goi

Illusion that things are real and have sinh ra het thay moi canh giiSee Two minds
independent existence: Te hoac hien hanh (A).
chng (vi te hien hanh phien nao chng)See Illusive views of the body or self: Than kien
Ten hindrances. Wrong views of the body or selfSee Five higher
Illusion of thoughts: T Hoac (tu hoac) wholesome deeds (B).
Thoughts arising through contact with the world or Illusive views in self-grasping: Thu kien
by habits such as desires, anger, infatuation, etc. Wrong views in self-graspingSee Five higher
T tng khi day qua tiep xuc vi the gii ben wholesome deeds (B).
ngoai hay nhng thoi quen nh tham, san, si, van Illusive views and thoughts: Misleading views
vanSee Two aspects of illusion (A). and thoughtsKien T HoacSee Three kinds
Illusion of the three realm: Gii HoacGii of affliction.
Noi HoacIllusion of, or in, the three realms Illusive views in understanding the
(desire, form, and formlessness) which gives rise precepts: Gii kienWrong views in
to rebirths, one of the three illusionsMot trong understanding the preceptsSee Five higher
tam hoac, kien t hoac khien con ngi tiep tuc wholesome deeds (B).
lan troi trong luan hoi sanh tSee Three classes Illusive vision: Confused visionDeceptive
of delusive views or delusions. visionHuyen.
Illusion of view: Ta kien ien aoOne of the Illusive world: Ao tran.
three kinds of illusion. The other two are illusions
Illusory (a): Maya (skt)Ao giac (nh huyen)
of perception and thought. Right understanding
False feelingIllusiveMagicalUnreal
alone removes these illusions and helps man to
VagueSee Illusion.
cognize the real nature that underlies all
Illusory appearance: Maya-nimitta (skt)Ao
appearance. It is only when man comes out of this
tngHuyen tng.
cloud of illusions and perversions that he shines
with true wisdom like the full moon that emerges Illusory body: Ao thanThis body is not real
brilliant from behind a black cloudMot trong ba but an illusionThan nay khong that ma ch la
loai ien ao. Hai loai kia la Tng ien ao va huyen gia.
Tam ien ao. Ch co Chanh kien mi oan tr Illusory and defiled: Ao CauIllusory and
nhng vong tng ien ao nay, va giup ngi ta defiled (body and mind are alike illusion and
nhan ra ban chat that nam trong moi gia tng. unclean)Ao anh va cau trc (than va tam cung
Ch khi nao con ngi thoat ra khoi am may mu la ao anh va cau trc).
ao tng va ien ao nay th con ngi mi choi Illusory ego: Gia nga.
sang vi chanh tr, giong nh anh trang ram thoat Illusory existence: Ao hu.
khoi am may en vay. Illusory ideas: Tng Tuc GiaIllusory ideas
Illusion of viewing the seeming as real: Kien continuously succeed one another producing other
LauAo tng ta kien cho rang nhng th gia illusory ideas, one of the three hypotheses of the
hp la co that. Satya-siddhi-sastraMot trong tam gia cua
Illusions without actuality: Huyen hoa khong Thanh Thc Luan. Het thay cac phap hu vi eu
thiet. do nhan qua tng tuc, o ch la gia hu, ch
Illusionism (n): Ngi theo chu ngha xem vat khong co thc theSee Three fallacious
chat ch la huyen gia. postulates.
Illusionist: ConjurerAo s. Illusory knowledge: Parikalpita (skt)Kien
Illusive: Maya (skt)AoIllusoryUnreal thc huyen aoIllusory knowledge is the false
VagueSee Illusion. attribution of an imaginary idea to an object
produced by its cause and conditions. It exists only
Illusive mind: Which results in complexity and
in ones imagination and does not correspond to
confusionVong tamTam khi niem phan biet
realityHuyen ao la s gan ghep sai lam mot y

tng khong co thc cho mot oi tng do nhan tng cua Phat Thch Ca c Ngai Cap Co oc
duyen tao ra. oi tng nay ch hien hu trong tr cho uc.
tng tng va khong tng ng vi thc tai Image or likeness (of Buddha): Pratima
See Three degrees of knowledge. (skt)Hnh tng.
Illusory views: Kien Hoac T HoacIllusory or Images and sutras: Tng kinhHnh tng va
misleading views and thoughtsAo tng a kinh ien.
en ta kien. Image of Vairocana in the open: Suyen Phat.
1) Delusions in the visible world: Kien Hoac
Image of wood: Moc PhatTng Phat bang
Cac loai vong kien, phan biet ta vay, gay ra
goA Buddha of wood.
nhng me hoac.
Imageless (a): Vo TngSee Alaksana.
2) Illusions in the mental or moral world: T
HoacLay tnh cam me chap tham, san, si, Imagelessness: Na-vidyate, or Nirabhasa, or
ma ngh cam ve van hu tren the gian. Animitta, or Alakshana (skt)Vo Tng
Formlessness or shadowlessnessSee Alaksana.
Illusory vision: Confused visionDeceptive
visionIllusive visionHuyen. Imagery (n): Vat tng tng.
Illustrations of unreality: Th du ve mong Imaginary fear: S s hai gia tao.
huyenSix illustrations of unreality in the Imaginary and not factual metaphor: Phi
Diamond SutraSau th du ve mong huyenSee DuOne of the eight forms of comparisionMot
Six illustrations of unreality. th du tng tng ch khong phai la nhng yeu
Image (n): Patibimba (p)Pratibimba (skt) to cu the, mot trong tam loai so sanh.
ReflectionAnh tng (hnh va bong, theo ao Imaginary river in the Nirvana: Kim Sa Ha
Phat ay la nhng hnh anh phan tac trong tam Mot dong song tng tng Niet Ban.
thc). Imagination (n): S tng tng.
1) A picture in a painting: Picture Imaginative construction: Parikappa (p)
PhotographAnhHnh tng. Parikalpa (skt)Bien ke s chap tnh (s kien lap
2) A statue: Tng. t tr tng tng hay tnh chat cua nhng phan
3) A craving: Tng cham tro. oan sai lam)Wrong judgmentSee
4) ImageReflectionNhng hnh anh phan Parikalpita.
tac trong tam thcSee Pratibimba. Imagined nature: Parikalpita-svabhava (skt)
5) Nimitta (skt): AppearanceImageMark Bien Ke S ChapOne of the three Svabhavas is
OutwardHnh anh. known as the Parikalpita or wrong discrimination
6) In Consciousness-only theory, image refers of judgment, and proceeds from rightly
to the various images manifested in the mind comprehending the nature of objects, internal as
due to discrimination: Theo Duy Thc Hoc, well as external, and also relationship existing
anh tng ch nhng hnh anh hien len trong between objects as independent individuals or as
tam thc do s phan biet. belonging to a genus. It is the perception of
Image of a Buddha: Pratima (skt)Hnh tng subject and object, characterized by our
Phat. experience of ourselves as separate, discrete
Image of a Buddha of metal or gold: Kim beings in opposition to an objective external
Than c PhatTng Phat bang kim loai hay world. This is the imagined nature, the kind of
bang vang. existence which the unenlightened person
Image of the Dharma Wheel: Hnh Phap ascribes to the everyday world. It is unreal, and
Luan. only has a conventional existence, which is
Image of gold glory: Thiem Bo Quang Tng projected by the activity of an unenlightened
Especially the image of Sakyamuni attributed to mind. It is the product of the falsifying activity of
AnathapindakaTon tng rc r, ac biet la ton language which imputes duality to the mutually
dependnet flow of mental dharmas. These

dualistic phenomena are really only imagined dai nen chung ta quen ngh ve kinh nghiem rieng
Mot trong ba T tnh, c goi la Bien Ke S cua chung ta trong nhng ch Toi va cua toi.
Chap, la s phan biet sai lam cua s phan oan, Ngay ca khi chung ta thay c rang khi noi mot
va xuat phat t s hieu ung ban chat cua cac s cach nghiem chnh, th nhng ch nay tr nen qua
vat, ben trong cung nh ben ngoai va hieu ung m ho khong the bien ho c, va s dung khong
moi lien he gia cac s vat nh la nhng ca the ngh ngi co the dan ti bat hanh trong i song
oc lap hay thuoc cung mot loai. o la nhan thc hang ngay cua chung ta, ngay ca khi chung ta tiep
ve chu the va khach the, do kinh nghiem ma tuc dung nhng ch nay. Nhng ly do cua viec
chung ta coi mnh nh chu the tach biet vi nhng nay rat a dang. Mot trong nhng ly do ay la
khach the cua the gii ben ngoai. ay la ban tanh chung ta khong thay cach nao khac e giai thch
tng tng, la loai hien hu ma ngi khong nhng kinh nghiem cua chung ta vi chung ta
giac ngo nhan thc trong the gii thong thng ngoai tr nhng phan quyet gom nhng tieng nh
hang ngay. No khong hien thc, va ch co hien Toi va cua toi.See Atman.
hu thong thng, c phong ra t cai tam Imitability (n): Co the bat chc c.
khong giac ngo. No ch la san pham cua hoat Imitate (v): Bat chcTo copyTo mimic.
ong sai lac cua ngon ng tao nen nh nguyen
Imitate someone: Bat chc ai.
trong dong chay cua ch phap le thuoc lan nhau.
Imitation (n): S bat chcPhong theo.
Nhng hien tng nh nguyen nay that ra ch la
tng tng ma thoiSee Svabhavalakshana- Imitative dharma: Saddharma-pratirupaka
traya. (skt)Zobo (jap)Tng PhapThe period of
semblance DharmaSemblance or the period of
Imbalance (n): S chao ao.
scholasticismAn intermediate period of 1000
Imbued with the knowledge of the four pure
years of resemblance to purityTng Phap
fearlessness: Thanh tnh ay u bon tr vo uy Giai oan tng phap 1.000 namSee
See Ten aspects of the turning of the great wheel Saddharma-pratirupaka, and Three periods of the
of teaching. Buddhas teaching.
Imcleanness: Bat tnhSee Seven kinds of Immaculate (a): Vo nhiemPerfectly clean.
Immanent (a): Noi taiRemain inOperate
I and Mine: Nga Va Nga SThe self and its within.
possession. The main goal of Buddhism is the
Immanent abiding original good seed-
extinction of separate individuality, which is
nature: Bon tnh tru chung tnhBan tnh t
brought about when we cease to identify anything
nhien t vo thuySee Two kinds of seed-nature
with ourselves. From long habit it has become
quite natural to us to think of our own experience
in the term of I and Mine. Even when we are Immanent act: Hanh vi noi tai.
convinced that strictly speaking such words are Immanent mind: Space-like mindBon giac
too nebulous to be tenable and that their See Two kinds of enlightenment (A).
unthinking use leads to unhappiness in our daily Immanentism (n): Chu ngha noi tai.
lives, even then do we go on using them. The Immaterial: Arupa (skt)DustlessFormless
reasons for this are manifold. One of them is that Non-formVo Tran (khong vng bui tran hay
we see no alternative way of explaining our khong vng cac phap cua tam gii).
experiences to ourselves except by way of 1) (a): KhongEmptyVoidNhng th
statements which include such words as I and khong dien ta c nh vat chat.
Mine.Toi va cai cua toi (than ta va cac s vat 2) The emptiness: The voidKhongKhong,
ngoai than ta nhng thuoc ve ta). Muc ch chnh mot trong ba ca vao Niet Ban
cua Phat giao la xoa bo ca tnh rieng biet, ieu Immateriality (n)The voidness or the
nay c hien thc khi chung ta cham t ong immaterial, that which cannot be expressed in
hoa vat nao o vi chnh mnh. Do tap quan lau terms of the material, one of the three gates

to the city of nirvanaSee Three gates to vo sac. **See Twelve kinds of Immaterial-
(the city of) nirvana. Sphere Consciousness.
Immaterial body: Dharmakaya (skt) (B) Categories of Immaterial Sphere
Immortal bodySpiritual bodyThan bat tAs ConsciousnessPhan Loai Tam Vo Sac
contrasted with the Rupakaya, the material, or Gii:
physical bodyNgc lai vi sac than, hay than 1) Four kinds of Immaterial-Sphere Wholesome
vat chat. Consciousness: Bon Tam Thien Vo Sac Gii.
Immaterial Buddha-body: H Vo ThanThe **See Four classes of consciousness, and
spirit free from all limitationsThan Phat la than Twelve kinds of Immaterial-Sphere
phi vat chat, thong dong t tai, khong con b gii Consciousness (A).
han na. 2) Four kinds of Immaterial-Sphere Resultant
Consciousness: Bon Tam Qua Vo Sac Gii.
Immaterial is the material: Sunyata is rupa
**See Twelve kinds of Immaterial-Sphere
Khong tc th sac.
Consciousness (B).
Immaterial objects: Abstract objectsTru
3) Four kinds of Immaterial-Sphere Functional
tng sacSee Three kinds of rupa (A).
Consciousness: Bon Tam Hanh Thuoc Vo
Immaterial realm: The immaterial realm out of Sac Gii. **See Twelve kinds of Immaterial-
which all things comeVo Tran Phap Gii. Sphere Consciousness (C).
Immaterial-sphere consciousness: Arupa- Immateriality (n):
vacara-citta (p)Tam Vo Sac Gii 1) Tnh phi vat chatThere are three voids or
(A) The meanings of Arupa-vacara-citta immaterialities, or the threefold of
Ngha cua Tam vo sac gii: According to the svabhavaSee Dvayanairatmya.
Abhidharma, the immaterial sphere is the 2) Subhuti one who expounded on vacuity or
plane of consciousness corresponds to the immateriality, one of the ten great disciples
immaterial plane of existence (arupabhumi), of the Buddha: Tu Bo e, ngi a giang giai
or the plane of consciousness pertaining to ve tanh khong, mot trong thap ai e t cua
the immaterial meditative absorptions c Phat.
(arupajjhanasThien Vo Sac Gii). Any
Immateriality of the atman, the soul, the
consciousness which mostly moves about in
person: Nga khong (Nhan khong)See Two
this realm is understood to belong to the
voids (A).
immaterial sphere. When one meditates to
attain formless meditative states beyond the Immateriality of things: Phap khongSee
rupajjhanas, one must discard all objects Two voids (A).
connected with material form and focus upon Immature law: Ngu PhapIgnorant, or
some non-material object, such as the infinity immature method, i.e. that of sravakas and
of space. Also according to the Abhidharma, pratyeka-buddhas, HinayanaCon goi la Tieu
there are twelve kinds of Immaterial-Sphere Tha Ngu Phap, mot trong hai loai Tieu Tha,
ConsciousnessTheo A Ty at Ma Luan (Vi Thanh Van va Duyen Giac, ch me chap ngu
Dieu Phap), tam thuoc vo sac gii la cai g phap ma khong hieu c dieu ly phap khong cua
thuoc ve Thien Vo Sac Gii, hoac cai g ai Tha.
thng lui ti hay hien hu trong canh vo sac Immature man: Tho NhanThe immature man
gii. Khi mot ngi hanh thien chng ac of Hinayana, who has a rough foundation, in
nhng trang thai vt tren coi Sac Gii, ngi contrast with the mature or refined man of the
ay se tach ri danh sac ra khoi sac, cung nh MahayanaHanh nhan Tieu tha la tho nhan,
ta co the gi mot khoi sac gia khong hanh gia ai tha la te nhanSee Immature man
trung. Cung theo theo A Ty at Ma Luan (Vi of Hinayana.
Dieu Phap), co mi hai tam thien trong coi Immature and Mature yanas: Tho Te Nh

1) Immature Yana: Tieu ThaSee Hinayana. sanh. ay v Ty Kheo vi tam ay long bi man
2) Mature Yana: ai ThaSee Mahayana. trai rong khap ni, tren, di, ngang, het thay
Immature man of Hinayana: Tho nhan. phng x, cung khap vo bien gii, v ay luon an
1) The immature man of Hinayana, who has a tru bien man vi tam bi, quang ai, vo bien,
rough foundation, in contrast with the mature khong han, khong san. Bi vo lng tam con lam
or refined man of the Mahayana: Hanh nhan tam ta rung ong khi thay ai au kho. Tam ao c
Tieu tha la tho nhan, hanh gia ai tha la te mong muon loai tr au kho cua ngi khac, oi
nhan. lai vi s tan acSee Four immeasurable minds.
2) Four schools of the Tien-TaiNh Giao Immeasurable detachment: Upeksha (skt)
Thien Thai: Upekkha (p)Perfect equanimityXa Vo Lng
a) Immature schoolsTho Giao: TamDetachment is the attitude of those who
i) Tripitaka Teaching: Tang Giao. give up, forget, do not attach any importance for
ii) Interrelated teaching: Thong Giao. what they have done for the benefit of others. In
iii) Differentiated Teaching: Biet Giao. general, we feel proud, self-aggrandized when we
b) Mature schoolsTe Giao: do something to help other people. Quarrels,
i) Complete or Final Teaching: Biet Giao. conflicts, or clashes between men or groups of
Immature and rough words: Coarse, Crude, men are due to passions such as greed or anger
evil wordsTho NgonSee Coarse words. whose source can be appraised as self-attachment
Immeasurable (a): Vo LngBat kha lng. or dharma-attachment. The Buddha taught that if
(A) See Apramana. there is someone who misjudges us, we must feel
(B) There are five infinites or immeasurables pity for him; we must forgive him in order to have
Co nam th vo lngSee Five peace in our mind. The Bodhisattvas have totally
immeasurables. liberated themselves from both self-attachment
and dharma-attachment. When people enjoy
Immeasurable bodies: Vo Bien ThanVo
material or spiritual pleasures, the Bodhisattvas
lng thanThe immeasurable body of the
also rejoice, from their sense of compassion, pity,
Buddha: the more the Brahman measured it, the
and inner joy. They always consider human
higher it grew, so he threw away his measuring
beings as their benefactors who have created the
rod, which struck root and became a forestThan
opportunities for them to practice the Four
Phat khong the o lng c: ngi Ba La Mon
Immeasurable Minds on their way to
cang o th than cang cao, cuoi cung v Ba La
Enlightenment. In terms of the Immeasurable
Mon nem thc, thc ay ben re va moc thanh
Detachment, the Bodhisattvas consider all men
mot canh rngSee Five immeasurables.
equal, the clever as the stupid, themselves as
Immeasurable bodies of the Buddha: Vo
others, they do everything as they have done
Bien ThanSee Immeasurable bodies.
nothing, say everything as they have said nothing,
Immeasurable compassion: Karuna (skt & attain all spiritual levels as they have attained
p)Bi Vo Lng TamImmeasurable nothing. Immeasurable Equanimity, a mind of
Compassion, a mind of great pity, or infinite great detachment, or infinite equanimity.
compassionBoundless pity, to save from Limitless indifference, such as rising above all
suffering. Here a monk, with a heart filled with emotions, or giving up all things. Here a monk,
compassion. Thus he stays, spreading the thought with a heart filled with equanimity. Thus he stays,
of compassion, above, below, across, everywhere, spreading the thought of equanimity above,
always with a heart filled with compassion, below, across, everywhere, always with a heart
abundant, magnified, unbounded, without hatred filled with equanimity, abundant, magnified,
or ill-will. Compassion also makes the heart unbounded, without hatred or ill-will. Equanimity
quiver when other are subject to suffering. It is the is also considered as a divine abode. It is the state
wish to remove the suffering of others, and it is of mind that regards others with impartiality, free
opposed to crueltyTam cu kho cho chung from attachment and aversion. An impartial

attitude is its chief characteristic, and it is opposed Chapter 33, there are ten kinds of measureless,
to favouritism and resentmentXa bo la khong inconceivable ways of fulfillment of Buddhahood
luyen chap khi lam li lac cho tha nhan. Thoi of all BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham
thng khi chung ta lam ieu g nhat la khi c 33, co mi th vo lng bat t ngh Phat phap
ket qua tot, th chung ta hay t hao, t man, va vien man cua ch PhatSee Ten kinds of
ac ch. S bat bnh, cai va xung ot gia ngi measureless, inconceivable ways of fulfillment of
va ngi, nhom nay vi nhom khac cung do tanh Buddhahood of all Buddhas.
chap trc ma nguyen nhan la do s chap nga, Immeasureable inner joy: Mudita (skt & p)
chap phap ma ra. c Phat day rang neu co ngi Hy Vo Lng TamImmeasurable Joy, a mind
len an mnh sai, mnh nen tra lai ho bang long of great joy, or infinite joy; Boundless joy
thng, khong nen chap chat. Khi ho cang cuong (gladness), on seeing others rescued from
dai th chung ta cang xa bo, luon tha th cho ho suffering. Here a monk, with a heart filled with
bang s lanh. Lam c nh vay la vui. Cac v Bo sympathetic joy. Thus he stays, spreading the
Tat a ly khai quan niem chap phap, nen khong thought of sympathetic joy above, below, across,
thay mnh la an nhan cua chung sanh; ngc lai, everywhere, always with a heart filled with
luc nao ho cung thay chnh chung sanh mi la an sympathetic joy, abundant, magnified, unbounded,
nhan cua mnh tren bc ng li tha man without hatred or ill-will. Appreciative joy is the
chung, tien en cong hanh vien man. Thay chung quality of rejoicing at the success and prosperity
sanh vui la Bo Tat vui v long t bi. Cac ngai xa of others. It is the congratulatory attitude, and
bo en o ngi gan xa eu xem bnh ang, ke tr helps to eliminate envy and discontent over the
ngu eu coi nh nhau, mnh va ngi khong khac, success of othersTam vui mng khi thay ngi
lam tat ca ma thay nh khong lam g ca, noi ma khac thoat kho c vui. ay v Ty Kheo vi
khong thay mnh co noi g ca, chng ma khong ay tam hy trai rong khap ni, tren, di, ngang,
thay mnh chng g ca. Tam xa bo moi th vat het thay phng x, cung khap vo bien gii, v ay
chat cung nh vt len moi cam xuc. ay v Ty luon an tru bien man vi tam hy, quang ai, vo
Kheo vi ay tam xa trai rong khap ni, tren, bien, khong han, khong san. Hy tam con la tam
di, ngang, het thay phng x, cung khap vo vui khi thay ngi thanh cong thnh vng. Thai
bien gii, v ay luon an tru bien man vi tam xa, o khen ngi hay chuc mng nay giup loai bo
quang ai, vo bien, khong han, khong san. Xa vo tanh ganh t bat man vi s thanh cong cua
lng tam con c coi nh la ni ma ch Thien ngiSee Four immeasurable minds.
tru ngu. ay la trang thai tam nhn ngi khong Immeasurable kalpas: Gii ThachMustard-
thien v, khong luyen ai, khong thu ch, oi lai seed kalpa and rock kalpa, the former interpreted
vi thien v va thu hanSee Four immeasurable as immeasurable kalpasSee Mustard-seed
minds. kalpa and rock kalpa.
Immeasurable illumination: Quang minh vo Immeasurable Light Buddha: Vo Bien Quang
te. Phat.
Immeasurable inconceivable Buddha- Immeasurable loving kindness: Maitri (skt)
concentration: Phat tam muoi bat kha t ngh Metta (p)T Vo Lng TamImmeasurable
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, loving kindness is the greatest love dedicatedto all
Chapter 28, there are ten kinds of immeasurable sentient beings, together with the desire to bring
inconceivable Buddha-concentrationsTheo them joy and happiness. Human joy is totally
Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 28, co mi Phat Tam impermanent; it is governed by misery, that is,
muoi vo lng bat t nghSee Ten kinds of when our passions such as greed, anger, and
immeasurable inconceivable Buddha- ignorance are satisfied, we feel pleased; but when
concentrations. they are not satisfied, we feel sad. To have a
Immeasurable inconceivable fulfillment: Vo permanent joy, we must first sever all sufferings.
Lng Bat T Ngh Phap Vien Man (cua ch Loving kindness generally goes together with pity
Phat)According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, whose role is to help the subjects sever his

sufferings, while the role of loving kindness is to man vi tam t, quang ai, vo bien, khong han,
save sentient beings from sufferings and to bring khong san. T vo lng tam con co ngha la tam
them joy. Immeasurable Love, a mind of great ao c mong muon phuc li va hanh phuc cua
kindness, or infinite loving-kindnessBoundless chung sanh. Tam nay giup oan tr san han. Noi
kindness (tenderness), or bestowing of joy or kho cua chung sanh vo lng th long t cung
happiness. Here, a monk, with a heart filled with phai la vo lng. Muon thanh tu tam t nay, Bo
loving-kindness. Thus he stays, spreading the Tat phai dung u phng tien e lam li lac cho
thought of loving-kindness above, below, and chung sanh, trong khi hoa o phai tuy c va tuy
across, everywhere, always with a heart filled thi. Tuy c la quan sat trnh o can ban cua
with loving-kindness, abundant, magnified, chung sanh nh the nao roi tuy theo o ma ch
unbounded, without hatred or ill-will. The loving- day. Cung giong nh thay thuoc phai theo benh
kindness is also the wish for the welfare and ma cho thuoc. Tuy thi la phai thch ng vi thi
happiness of all living beings. It helps to eliminate ai, vi giai oan ma hoa o. Neu khong thch
ill-will. To respond to immeasurable human nghi vi hoan canh va khong cap nhat ung vi
sufferings, we should have immeasurable loving yeu cau cua chung sanh, th du cho phng phap
kindness. To accomplish the heart of hay nhat cung khong mang lai ket qua tot. Trong
immeasurable loving kindness, the Bodhisattvas Kinh Tam a Quan, c Phat a day ve bon th
have developed their immeasurable loving khong tuy c la noi khong phai cho, noi khong
kindness by using all means to save mankind. phai thi, noi khong phai can c, va noi khong
They act so according to two factors, specific case phai phapSee Four immeasurable minds.
and specific time. Specific case, like the physician Immeasurable minds: Vo lng tamSee
who gives a prescription according to the specific Four immeasureable minds, and Five
disease, the Bodhisattva shows us how to put an immeasurables.
end to our sufferings. Specific time means the Immeasurable-Scooped-Light Buddha: Vo
teachings must always be relevant to the era, Lng Cuc Quang Phat.
period and situation of the sufferers and their
Immeasurable sentient beings: Vo Lng
needs. The Contemplation of the Mind Sutra
chung sanhSee Five immeasurables.
teaches that we must avoid four opportune cases:
Immeasurable Space: Vo Lng H Khong
What we say is not at the right place, what we say
See Five immeasurables.
is not in the right time, what we say is not relevant
to the spiritual level of the subject, and what we Immeasurable splendor Buddha: Another
say is not the right Buddhist DharmaT vo title of Amitabha BuddhaVo lng Quang Nh
lng tam la long thng yeu vo cung rong ln Lai, mot danh hieu khac cua c Phat A Di a.
oi vi toan the chung sanh moi loai, va gay tao Immeasurable Wisdom: Vo Lng Tr Hue
cho chung sanh cai vui chan that. Cai vui cua the See Five immeasurables.
gian ch la cai vui gia tam, vui khong lau ben, cai Immediacy (n): Tnh trc tiepTc th.
vui ay b phien nao chi phoi; khi tham san si c Immediacy and gradualness: on tiem.
thoa man th vui; khi chung khong c thoa man Immediate (a): on (ngay lap tc)See Three
th buon. Muon co cai vui chan that, cai vui vnh modes of the Buddhas teaching of the Southern
vien th trc tien chung ta phai nho het kho au sects.
do phien nao gay ra. T phai co long bi i kem. Immediate apprehension: Immediate
Bi e ch nguyen nhan cua au kho va khuyen
enlightenmentEnlightenment as opposed to
bao chung sanh ng gay nhan kho, t e ch
gradual developmenton giacSee Sudden
phng phap cu kho ban vui. T Vo Lng Tam
la Tam em lai niem vui sng cho chung sanh.
and Sudden enlightenment.
ay v Ty Kheo vi tam ay long t trai rong
Immediate attainment: Sudden attainment in
khap ni, tren, di, ngang, het thay phng x,
contrast with gradualnesson ngo.
cung khap vo bien gii, v ay luon an tru bien

Immediate awakening: on ngoInstant with his mind and, eventually overcoming his
(immediate) Enlightenment, one of the three greed, offered the garment to the Buddha and
modes of teachingMot trong ba loai giao exclaimed, I have won, I have won. Upon
tngSee Two kinds of entry into learning this story, the king was so delighted
Bodhisattvahood, Sudden enlightenment, and and in appreciation of his generosity, the king
Three modes of the Buddhas teaching of the presented him with 32 robes. The devout
Southern sects. husband kept one for himself, and another for
Immediate cause: Direct causeCan nhan his wife, and offered the rest to the Buddha
See Two causes (E). and the OrderTrong Truyen Co Phat Giao
co mot cau chuyen ve Qua Lanh Tro Sanh
Immediate and complete way of
Ngay Trong Kiep Hien Tai nh sau. Vao
enlightenment: on vienThe immediate and
thi c Phat con tai the, co hai v chong
complete way of enlightenment of the Tien-Tai
ngi kia ch co mot cai ao choang che than.
Lotus Schoolon giao va Vien giao, hay con
Khi chong co viec i au, mac ao, th v phai
ng i en giac ngo cua tong Thien Thai,
nha. Neu v i th chong nha. Mot ngay
trng phai Phap Hoa.
kia, chong i nghe c Phat thuyet phap, lay
Immediate concentration: on nhTo lam thoa thch ben nay sinh y nh muon
enter dhyana with immediate concentrationTo dang len Phat cai ao duy nhat ay, nhng long
concentrate immediatelyVao thien nh va tap luyen ai co hu cua con ngi troi len, va
trung t tng tc th. mot cuoc tranh au vi chnh mnh dien ra
Immediate concourse: S tham d trc tiep. trong long anh. Sau cung tam bo th che ng
Immediate doctrine: on giaoSee Sudden c long luyen ai. Anh het sc vui mng ma
doctrine, and Sudden and gradual teachings. reo len rang: Ta a chien thang, ta a chien
Immediate effective karma: thang va hanh ong ung y nh s nguyen,
Ditthadhammavedaniya (p)Hien Nghiep em dang cai ao duy nhat cua hai v chong
Immediately effective karmaAccording to the len Phat. Cau chuyen lot en tai vua. c
Abhidharma, immediately effective karma is a vua ben hoan hy truyen lenh ban cho anh ta
karma which, if it is to ripen, must yield its results 32 bo ao. Ngi chong mo ao nay la ra
in the same existence in which it is performed; mot cai cho mnh, mot cai cho v, con bao
otherwise, if it does not meet the opportunity to nhieu em dang het cho c Phat va Tang
ripen in the same existence, it becomes defunct. oan.
This karma is divided into two partsTheo A Ty 2) The result of a bad karma reaped in this life.
at Ma Luan (Vi Dieu Phap), hien nghiep la In the Buddhist Legends, there is a story
nghiep ma qua cua no phai tro sanh trong kiep about the result of a bad karma reaped in this
hien tai (nghiep tro qua tc khac); neu khong th life. At the time of the Buddha, there was a
no se tr thanh vo hieu lc: hunter who went hunting to the forest,
1) The result of a good karma reaped in this life: followed by his dogs, met by the wayside a
Qua lanh tro sanh trong kiep hien taiIn the monk who was proceeding on his almsround.
Buddhist Legends, there is a story about the As the hunter could not procure any game he
result of a good karma reaped in this life. At thought it was due to the unfortunate meeting
the time of the Buddha, a couple of husband of the monk. While returning home he met
and wife who possessed only one upper the same monk and was deeply engraved at
garment to wear when they went outdoor. this second encounter. In spite of the
One day the husband heard the Dharma from entreaties of the innocent monk, the hunter
the Buddha and was so pleased with the set the dogs on him. Finding escape
doctrine that he wished to offer his only upper therefrom, the monk climbed a tree. The
garment to the Buddha, but his inate greed wicked hunter ran up the tree, and pierced the
would not permit him to do so. He combatted soles of the monks feet with the point of an

arrow. The pain was so excruciating that the Immediate fulfilment of all acts: Processes or
robe the monk was wearing fell upon the disciplines by the fulfilment of oneon thanh
hunter completely covering him. The dogs, ch hanh.
thinking that the monk had fallen from the Immediate and gradual: on TiemSee
tree, devoured their own master: Qua d tro Sudden doctrine, and Sudden and gradual
sanh trong kiep hien tai: Trong Truyen Co teachings.
Phat Giao co mot cau chuyen ve Qua D
Immediate influence of the six senses:
Tro Sanh Ngay Trong Kiep Hien Tai nh
Sadayatana mindKhi s tamSee Three
sau. Mot ngi th san dat bay cho vao rng
minds (B).
e san thu, thay ben ng co mot v Ty
Immediate knowing: Trc GiacImmediate
Kheo ang i khat thc. i ca buoi khong san
understandingIntuitionImmediate knowing or
c g, ngi th san lay lam bc tc cho
understandingThe direct knowing or learning of
rang xui v gia ng gap ao s. Luc tr ve
something without the conscious use of
lai cung gap v ao s ay, nen ngi th san
reasoningKnowing without knowing how you
noi cn gian xua cho can v s. Mac dau v s
knowBiet ma khong biet tai sao mnh biet.
het li nan n van ln, ngi th san van
cng quyet khong tha. Khong con cach nao Immediate method: on giaoSee Sudden
khac, v s ben treo len cay e tranh bay cho doctrine, and Sudden and gradual teachings.
d. Ngi th san ben chay en goc cay Immediate mind: Instantaneous mindTot Di
ging cung ban len, trung nham got chan v tam hay bat cht nay sinh tamSee Five
s. Trong luc qua au n, v s anh ri cai conditions of mind produced by objective
y xuong at, chup len au va bao trum len perception.
toan than ten th san. Bay cho tng lam la Immediate perception: Abhisamaya (skt)
v s a te xuong, nen ap lai can xe chnh Abhisamaya (skt)Pratyaksa (skt)Trc giac
chu cua mnh. Immediate realization of enlightenment
Immediate enlightenment: See Immediate NirvanaInner realization, evidence of the eye
apprehension. or other organHien chngSee Intuition.
Immediate experience: Kinh nghiem bay gi. Immediate perfection: on vienSee Two
Immediate experiential enlightenment: Nhat perfect doctrines (A).
Nh on ChngImmediate experiential Immediate realization of enlightenment:
enlightenment by the Tathagata truth. The Abhisamaya (skt)Abhisamaya (skt)Pratyaksa
immediate realization that all is bhutatathata (skt)Hien ChngNirvanaInner
Tc th chng ngo Bo e. realizationImmediate perception, evidence of
Immediate fact of observation: S kien ttrc the eye or other organSee Pratyaksha.
tiep (that)In Zen, there is a kind of question Immediate reasoning: Direct reasoningHien
which starts from an immediate fact of lngWhereby the eye apprehends and
observation. A monk as San-Sheng: I see that distinguishes colour and form, the ear sound,
you belong to the Brotherhood, what is the etcMeasuring by Appearance or sound, etc, i.e.
Buddha? What is the Dharma? San-Sheng smokeDung nhan thc e thay sac, dung nh
replied: This is the Buddha, this is the Dharma, thc e nghe tieng, van vanSee Two kinds of
do you know?Trong Thien, co loai cau hoi bat measuring.
au bang mot loi nhan xet trc tiep. Mot nha s Immediate recompense: Present life
hoi Tam Thanh: Ke hoc nay ch thay Hoa recompenseHien BaoSee Immediate
Thng la Tang, au la Phat? au la Phap? Tam retribution.
Thanh ap: ay la Phat, ay la Phap, biet Immediate reincarnation: Hien baoQua bao
chang?See Eighteen kinds of questions. hien tienSee Immediate retribution.

Immediate result: Hien baoRecompeses in Gia Luan cua trng phai Trung aoSee
the present life for deeds done now, or result that Dual division of the Buddhas teaching (II),
happens in this present lifeQua bao ngay trong and Eight Tien-Tai classifications of
kiep hien tai, hay qua bao cua nhng hanh ong, Sakyamunis teaching (A).
lanh hay d, ngay trong i naySee Three 2) One of the five periods of teaching of the
recompenses. Buddha. The Sudden (Abrupt) Doctrine, in
Immediate retribution: Hien BaoPresent- which the Buddha preached what he had
life recompense for good or evil done in the conceived without using any expediency, this
present life. For example, if wholesome karma is the time of the Wreath. This sudden
are created in this life, it is possible to reap those method or the method of the
meritorious retributions in this present life; if evil Buddhavatamsaka-Sutra, which is to be used
karma are committed in this life, then the evil with the most talented students who
consequences will occur in this lifeQua bao understand the truth directly. Instantaneous or
hien i cho nhng hanh ong tot xau trong hien Sudden Doctrine is Dharma teachings which
tai. Th du nh i nay lam lanh th ngay i will lead to a fast awakening and
nay co the c hng phc; con i nay lam enlightenment such as Zen Buddhism,
ac, th ngay i nay lien b mang tai hoa. reserved for those at the highest level of
cultivatorsMot trong nam thi thuyet giao
Immediate school and sutra of the
cua c Phat. ay c Phat tuyen thuyet
Mahayana: on aiThe Hua-Yenon giao
ve s chng cua Ngai ma khong can en
ai Tha, ch Kinh Hoa Nghiem la bo kinh khi
phng tien nao ca, ay la thi Hoa Nghiem.
c Phat mi thanh ao, on thuyet ai Tha
Phng phap on giao nay c nhng ngi
giao cho cac v Bo Tat on nhap.
thng can thng tr ap dung, v nhng
Immediate sub-cause: Samanantra-pratyaya ngi nay co kha nang hieu c chan ly
(skt)Th e DuyenThe immediate sub- bang trc giac. on giao la giao phap on
cause, occuring in order, one after another, ngo hay ngo cap ky tc la phap mon trc ch
consequences coming immediately and equally danh cho nhng hanh gia thng can trong
after antecedents, as waves following one after nha ThienSee Five periods and eight
anotherTh e duyen la loai duyen dien ra teachings of the Tien-Tai.
trong trat t, cai nay tiep theo cai kia, nhng hau
Immediate understanding: Trc Giac
qua en trc tiep va bnh ang sau nhng nhan
IntuitionImmediate knowing, the direct
trc, nh nhng lan song nay ke tiep theo nhng
knowing or learning of something without the
lan song khacSee Four sub-causes.
conscious use of reasoning. The knowing without
Immediate teaching: on giao. knowing how you knowBiet ma khong biet tai
1) The doctrine that enlightenment or sao mnh biet.
Buddhahood may be attained at once; or the
Immediate ways to perfection: on giao
immediate teaching of the higher truth
There are two immediate or direct ways to
without preliminary stages. The Buddhas
perfectionCo hai loai on giaoSee Two
later Immediate teaching which contained
immediate ways to perfection.
Hinayan and Mahayana doctrine for
Immediate and whole: Vien on Ch Quan
Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, and
See Immediate and the whole.
Bodhisattvas, to which are attributed the
doctrine of Dharmalaksana or Yogacara and Immediate and the whole: Vien onVien
Madhyamika schoolsGiao phap ch day ve on Ch QuanImmediate and the whole
s chng ngo tc th. Thong Giao hay on Complete and immediate, i.e. to apprehend the
giao cha ng trong cac kinh ien Tieu va three principles of void, unreal, and the middle
ai tha danh cho cac hang Thanh Van, path at one and the same time or to attain
Duyen Giac va Bo Tat c ghi lai trong Du immediate enlightenment. Immediate and whole
also means to dwell on the thought that nothing

exists of itself, but from a preceding causeTc Immoral dissipation: Dam dat.
th giac ngo, at c ba ly khong, gia, trung tc Immortal (a): Amrita (skt)Amata (p)Bat
th va cung mot luc e i en tc th giac ngo. tTienDeathlessDeva geniiDeva and
Tc th va toan dien con co ngha la trc va sau rsisHeavenly fairiesImperishable
khong khac, tru t tng vao cho khong co g t NirvanaUndyingHeavenly Fairies are people
hien hu, ma hien hu do nhan t trcSee who cultivate and attain the Taoist path so that
Three modes of entering dhyana. they are reborn in Heavens. In the Surangama
Immediate and whole dhyana: Vien on Ch Sutra, book Eight, the Buddha told Ananda about
QuanImmediate and whole, such as dwelling on the ten kinds of Immortals as follows: Ananda!
the thought that nothing exists of itself, but from a There are people who do not rely on proper
preceding causeTc th va toan dien, ngha la enlightenment to cultivate samadhi, but cultivate
trc va sau khong khac, tru t tng vao cho in some special way that is based on their false
khong co g t hien hu, ma hien hu do nhan t thinking. Holding to the idea of perpetuating their
trcSee Three modes of entering dhyana. physical bodies, they roam in the mountains and
Immediately: At onceSuddenlyNgay lap forests in places people do not go and become one
tc (on). of the ten kinds of Immortals.Thien Tien co
Immediately effective karma: ngha la nhng ngi tu tien ac ao c len coi
Ditthadhammavedaniya (p)Hien NghiepSee tri. Trong Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam,
Dittha-dhamma-vedaniya-kamma, and Four types c Phat a noi vi ong A Nan ve thap Tien nh
of kamma (karma) (C). sau: Ong A Nan! Lai co ngi trong loai ngi,
Immediately immediate way: on on khong nng theo chanh giac tu tam ma a, rieng
GiaoSee Two immediate ways to perfection. tu theo vong niem, gi t tng ton tai, kien co
hnh hai, dao cho rng nui, ni ngi khong en
Immediately perfect teaching; on Vien
va tr thanh mot trong mi loai Tien.
GiaoSee Two immediate ways to perfection.
1) Nagarjuna gives ten classes of rsis whose
Immense (a): ExtensiveGreatVastBao
lifetime is 100,000 years, the they
laTo lnV ai.
reincarnated: Ngai Long Tho Bo Tat a ra
Immensity (n): Quang ai vo lng. mi loai Tien co i song en 100.000 nam
Immerse (v): Tram (nhung vao). mi i au thai.
Immerse oneself: Go downi xuong (tram 2) Another category is fivefoldNam loai Tien
luan). khac:
Immerse oneself in the gloom of a) Deva-rsis in the mountain round Sumeru:
reincarnation and ignorance: Sunk in the Thien TienThien Tien quanh nui Tu Di.
gloom of reincarnation and ignoranceTram b) Spirit-rsis who roam the air: Than Tien
minh (tram luan trong sanh t va vo minh). Nhng v Tien bay vut tren khong trung.
Immerse oneself in the sea of pains and c) Humans who have attained the powers of
immortals: Nhan TienNhng ngi a at
sorrows: Tram luan trong bien kho.
c nang lc trng sanh bat t.
Immigrate to a place: Di c en mot ni. i) There is a famous group of eight immortals:
Imminence (n): Sap en. Nhom Bat Tien.
Immobile: Acala (skt)Niscala (skt)Dhruva ii) The Lankavatara Sutra gives ten kinds of
(skt)UnmovedMotionlessImmovableBat immortals, walkers on the earth, fliers,
ong. wanderers at will, into space, into the deva
Immodest (a): Khiem nhaImpoliteUncivil heavens, transforming themselves in any
DiscourteousRude. form, etc.: Kinh Lang Gia a ra mi loai
Immolation (n): SuicideT TanSee Suicide. Tien, nh Tien i tren at, bay tren tri, hay
Immoral (a): Vo luan. lang thang tuy y vao khong gian, len tri hay
t bien hoa than mnh, van van.

iii) An ascetic, a man of the hills: Ngi tu kho or mind-nature)Theo Khi Tn Luan, ay la
hanh. tam bat bien hay Nh Lai Tang Tam hay Tnh
iv) A hermit: Ngi an dat. Thanh Tnh Tam.
v) The Buddha: Phat. Immortal one: Dharmakaya (skt)Vo sinh
d) Earth-rsis, subterranean: a Tien. thanThe Dharmakaya, the immortal onePhap
e) Pretas, or malevolent rsis: Quy Tien. than hang huSee Dharmakaya.
** See Anirodha and Ten kinds of Immortals. Immortal paradise of Amitabha: Vo Sanh
Immortals of Absolute Conduct: Rsi of Bao QuocThe precious country beyond birth-
Absolute ConductTuyet hanh tienSee Ten and-deathThien ang bat t cua Phat A Di a.
kinds of Immortals (10). Immortal of penetrating conduct: Rsi of
Immortal among men: Nhan Tien. penetrating conductThong hanh tienSee Ten
1) Human genii: Humans who have attained the kinds of Immortals (6).
powers of immortalsImmortal among Immortal with Vigorous Conduct: Tinh Hanh
menCon ngi a at c kha nang bat TienSee Ten kinds of immortals.
Immortal with Way-conduct: Rsi with Way-
2) A name for Bimbisara in his reincarnation:
conductao hanh tienSee Ten kinds of
Ten cua vua Bnh Sa Vng trong kiep tai
immortals (7).
Immortality (n): Bat t.
3) The Buddha: Phat.
1) State of DeathlessnessThe deathless realm
Immortal body: Dharmakaya (skt)Than bat
is considered to be gained not at the end of
tAs contrasted with the Rupakaya, the
ones individual life (span of existence), but
material, or physical bodyNgc lai vi sac
as a result of spiritual refinement which may
than, hay than vat chat.
be continued along the life spanS bat t.
Immortal with Essential Conduct: Rsi with 2) Personal immortality: Bien kien trng ton
Essential ConductTinh hanh tienSee Ten bat t cua con ngi.
kinds of Immortals (9). 3) Karma of nirvana: Vo Lau NghiepSee
Immortal eyes: Xuat sinh t nhanSee Ten Nine kinds of karma (C).
kinds of eyes and Ten kinds of eye of Great 4) Eternalism: Bien kienVnh cuBelieving
Enlightening Beings. that there is true existence of real being in
Immortals with Illuminating Conduct: Rsi objects, or that there is some entity that exists
with Illuminating ConductChieu hanh tien foreverThng bien kien, tin rang co s
See Ten kinds of Immortals (8). hien hu that cua s vat, va co nhng th
Immortal life: Vo Sanh Chi SanhA life that is hien hu i iSee Two extreme views.
without birth, an immortal life, a nirmanakaya, or ** See Eight savours (pleasures) of the Buddhas
transformation appearance of a Buddha in the nirvana.
worldSanh cua vo sanh, nh c Phat hoa than Immortalization (n): Lam cho bat t.
th hien ni coi Ta Ba. Immovability: Anenjata (skt)Bat ongSee
Immortal mark: Bat T tngSee Nine Nine kinds of non-action (B).
grades of arhats. Immovable (a): Akuppa (p)Acala, Dhruva
Immortal message: The Buddhas teaching is Nis-cale (skt)Bat kha di dchBat ong
an immortal message to all of usThong iep bat Khong ongMotionlessUnshakeableNot
tNhng li day do cua c Phat la mot thong moving.
iep bat t oi vi chung ta. Immovable abstract concentration: Bat ong
Immortal mind: Tathagata-garbha (skt)Mind- nhThe samadhi or abstract meditation in
natureTam bat sanh bat dietAccording to the which Araya-Acalanatha abidesnh ma c
Awakening of Faith, this is the self-existing Bat ong Minh Vng tru trong ay.
fundamental pure mind (Immutable mind corpus,

Immovable atmosphere: Bat ong phong Impartial judge and awarder: Yama (skt)
luanSee Ten types of characteristics of Just judge and awarderBnh ang vng.
manifestation of a Buddha (8). Impartial or just judge: Bnh ang vng.
Immovable Buddha: Aksobhya Buddha (skt) Impartial mind: Bnh ang tamA person with
The Buddha in the Eastern Heaven of Abhirati, an impartial mind has no respecter of persons. He
the realm of joyBat ong Ton Nh LaiOne does not love one nor hate anotherMot ngi
of the five Wisdom or Dhyana Buddhas co tam bnh ang khong thien v ca nhan. Ngi
(Vairocana, Aksobhya, Ratnasambhava,
ay khong thng ma cung khong ghet ai.
Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi)A Suc Be Phat, Impartial salvation: All Buddhas abide in
v Phat ang ng tr ni Thien ng ong o, impartial salvationCh Phat tru ni bnh ang
mot trong nam v co Phat (Ty lo gia Na, A Suc Be
cu o chung sanhSee Ten kinds of abode.
Phat, a Bao Nh Lai, A Di a Phat, va Vo Bo
Impartial truth that all become Buddha:
Uy Nh Lai).
Universal truth that all become BuddhaBnh
Immovable ground: Acalabhumi (skt)Bat ang phap.
ong aThe 8th ground of a BodhisattvaBo
Impartiality: Bnh ang.
Tat a th 8See Ten grounds.
1) See Ten kinds of impartiality possessed by
Immovable knowledge: Akuppam-nanam (p) Great Enlightening Beings.
Bat ong TrImmovable knowledgeNon- 2) Impartiality is a weapon of enlightening
distinguished and nonverbal knowledge, in beings, removing all discrimination.
contrast with movable and verbal knowledgeTri Enlightening Beings who abide by these can
kien khong phan biet va khong li, oi lai vi annihilate the afflictions, bondage, and
ong tr c dien ta bang li. compulsion accumulated by all sentient
Immovable land: Acala (skt)Bat ong a beings in the long night of ignoranceBnh
See Ten grounds (II). ang la kh gii cua Bo Tat, v dt tr tat ca
Immovable vidyaraja: Acala-vidya-raja (skt) phan biet. Ch Bo Tat an tru ni phap nay
Bat ong Minh vngBat ong ton. thi co the diet tr nhng phien nao, kiet s
Immutability (n): Bat di bat dch. a cha nhom t lau cua tat ca chung sanh
Immutability contra mortality and See Ten weapons of Great Enlightening
phenomenal variation: Bat bien dch tanh
3) Impartiality or universality: Having no
See Twelve aspects of the Bhutatathata.
discriminatory thoughts, one of the eighteen
Immutable (a): Bat di bat dch, khong thay oi.
distinctive characteristics or unique qualities
Imoko (jap): Muoi T. of BuddhasVo D Tng (oi vi het thay
Impardonable: IntolerableInexcusable chung sanh eu bnh ang khong co t tng
UnforgivableBat dung. khac) Perfection of body Khong co t tng
Impart (v): Truyen at. phan biet, mot trong mi tam ieu khong loi
Impartability (n): Tnh bat kha phan. theo ai Tr o LuanSee Eighteen
distinctive characteristics of Buddhas (II).
Impartiality in love to all: Tnh thng khong
phan bietSee Seven mental attitudes in
penitential meditation or worship.
Impartiality toward all Buddhas: Tat ca Phat
bnh angSee Ten kinds of impartiality
possessed by Great Enlightening Beings.
Impartiality toward all determinations: Tat
ca tham tam bnh angSee Ten kinds of

impartiality possessed by Great Enlightening Impeccability of mind: Niem Vo That hay y

Beings. khong loi, mot trong mi tam ieu khong loi
Impartiality toward all enlightening beings: theo ai Tr o LuanPerfection of memory
Tat ca Bo Tat bnh angSee Ten kinds of Impacability of mind, one of the eighteen
impartiality possessed by Great Enlightening distinctive characteristics or unique qualities of
Beings. BuddhasSee Eighteen distinctive characteristics
Impartiality toward all lands: Tat ca coi bnh of Buddhas (II).
angSee Ten kinds of impartiality possessed by Impecability of speech: Khau Vo That hay
Great Enlightening Beings. mieng khong loi, mot trong mi tam ieu khong
Impartiality towards living beings with all loi theo ai Tr o LuanPerfection of speech
humility free from pride and arrogance: Bao Impacability of speech, one of the eighteen
nhieu cong c eu ban cho tat ca chung sanh distinctive characteristics or unique qualities of
See Eight perfections. BuddhasSee Eighteen distinctive characteristics
Impartiality toward all practices: Tat ca hanh of Buddhas (II).
bnh angSee Ten kinds of impartiality Impeccable (a): Toan venKhong khuyet iem.
possessed by Great Enlightening Beings. Impeccable happiness: Hanh phuc toan ven.
Impartiality toward all roots of goodness: Impenitent (a): Khong sam hoi.
Tat ca thien can bnh angSee Ten kinds of Imperfect: ThienSee Eight minds and Eight
impartiality possessed by Great Enlightening ways of developing the Bodhi Mind.
Beings. Imperfect intellection: Tri Thc Bat Toan
Impartiality toward all sentient beings: Ni The Buddha taught: Ignorance accumulated over
tat ca chung sanh bnh angSee Ten kinds of and over again owing to imperfect intellection
impartiality possessed by Great Enlightening since the infinite past is the origin of the mind.
Beings. c Phat day: Vo minh b chat cha cang luc
Impartiality towards sentient beings with cang nhieu them do bi cai tri thc bat toan t vo
all humility free from pride and arrogance: th la nguon goc cua tam.
Bao nhieu cong c eu ban cho tat ca chung Imperfect mind: Thien tamSee Eight minds.
sanhSee Eight perfections. Imperfect teaching: Bat Lieu nghaThe
Impartiality toward all things: Ni tat ca Hinayana incomplete teachingNhng ieu
phap bnh angSee Ten kinds of impartiality chang noi het thc ngha trong kinh ien Tieu
possessed by Great Enlightening Beings. thaSee Dual division of the Buddhas teaching
Impartiality toward all transcendence: Tat (V).
ca Ba La Mat bnh angSee Ten kinds of Imperfected: ThienSee Eight ways of
impartiality possessed by Great Enlightening developing the Bodhi Mind.
Beings. Imperfected way of developing the Bodhi
Impartiality toward all vows: Tat ca nguyen Mind: Thien (phat tam Bo e mot cach sai
bnh angSee Ten kinds of impartiality lech)One of the eight ways of developing the
possessed by Great Enlightening Beings. Bodhi Mind. The imperfected way of developing
Impartially aiding and benefiting all living the Bodhi Mind is one of the four improper ways
beings: Bnh ang li ch tat ca chung sanhSee of cultivation for Buddhists. Viewing sentient
Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all beings and Buddhahood as outside the Self-
times of the Buddhas (B) (1). Nature while vowing to save sentient beings and
achieve Buddhahood; engaging in cultivation
Impatience (n): Akshanti (skt)Khong kien
while the mind is always discriminating. Such
development of the Bodhi Mind is called
Impeccability (n): Tnh vo toiTnh bat kha
imperfected or biased. The above way of
pham toi.

developing the mind is false, belonging to those (I) An overview on ImpermanenceTong

who cultivated achievements still leave them quan ve Vo Thng: Anitya is the state of
trapped in the three worlds of the cycle of not being permanent, of lasting or existing
rebirths, and they will not find true liberation and only for a short time, of changing continually.
enlightenment. These people only cultivate to Physical changes operating from the state of
ascend to higher Heavens of Form and formation, to that of development, decay and
Formlessness because they have not penetrated disintegration are exact manifestations of the
fully the theory of outside the mind there is no law of transformation. All things in the
dharma, outside the dharma there is no mind. universe, from the small grain of sand, the
Mot trong tam cach phat tam Bo e. Phat tam Bo human body, to the big one such as the earth,
e mot cach sai lech la mot trong bon loi phat moon and sun are governed by the aove law,
tam sai trai trong tu hanh cua ngi Phat t. Thay and as such, must come through these four
chung sanh va Phat ao ngoai t tanh, roi periods. This process of changes characterizes
nguyen o nguyen thanh, ng cong hanh chang impermanence. All things are impermanent,
quen, s thay hieu khong dt. Phat tam nh the their birth, existence, change, and death
goi la THIEN. ay la cach phat tam sai lam cua never resting for a moment. All things in this
nhng v tu hanh ma qua v chng ac van con world, including human life, mountains,
nam trong ba coi sanh t, ch cha giai thoat rivers, and political systems, are constantly
c, ho ch tu hanh e at c canh gii cao changing from moment to moment. This is
hn nh len coi sac gii hay vo sac gii, v cac v called impermanence in each moment.
ay cha thong at ly ngoai tam khong phap, Everything passes through a period of birth,
ngoai phap khong tam.See Eight ways of maturity, transformation, and destruction.
developing the Bodhi Mind. This destruction is called impermanence in
Imperfection (n): S bat toanKhong hoan my. each cycle. To see the impermanent nature of
Imperial blue hair roots: Every hair-root dark all things, we must examine this closely.
coloredLo chan long thng anh ra sac xanh Doing so will prevent us from being
See Thirty-two auspicious marks. imprisoned by the things of this world. In most
monasteries, at the end of ceremonies, monks
Imperial (royal) family: Gia nh hoang toc.
and nuns often chant the verse of
Imperial favor: Hoang an.
Imperial palace: Hoang cung. This day is already done.
Imperial preceptor: See Imperial Teacher. Our lives are that much less.
Imperial Teacher: Quoc SImperial Were like fish in a shrinking pond;
preceptor or preceptor of the State, usually a What joy is there in this?
Buddhist monkOng thay cua ca nc, thng la We should be diligent and vigorous,
mot v Tang (trong cac quoc gia Phat giao). As if our own head were at stake.
Imperial temples: Royal templesThai mieu. Only be mindful of impermanence,
Imperishables: Anirodha (skt)Indestructible And be careful not to be lax.
ImmortalEverlastingUndyingBat diet Vo thng ngha la khong thng, khong mai
The four imperishablesBon phap chang h ma i yen trong mot trang thai nhat nh ma
hoaiSee Four imperishables. luon thay hnh oi dang. i t trang thai hnh
Impermanence (n): Anicca (p)Anityata thanh, cao to, thap nho, tan ra, van van, ao
Phat goi ay la nhng giai oan thay oi o
(skt)Characteristic of impermanenceS vo
la thanh tru hoai khong. Tat ca s vat trong
thngVo Thng eSee Nine truths or
vu tru, t nho nh hat cat, than con ngi,
postulates, Twenty-four non-interactive activity
en ln nh trai at, mat trang, mat tri eu
dharmas, Sixty-two views, and Seventy-five
nam trong nh luat vo thng. Moi vat tren
dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
the gian nay bien oi trong tng giay tng

phut, o goi la sat na vo thng. Moi vat tren 2) Impermanence of the mind means that the
the gian, ke ca nhan mang, nui song va che mind and thoughts of sentient beings are
o chnh tr, van van, eu phai trai qua nhng always changing, at times filled with love or
giai oan sinh, tru, d, diet. S tieu diet nay anger, at times happy or sad. Those thoughts,
c goi la Nhat ky vo thng. Phai quan upon close scrutiny, are illusory and false,
sat e thng xuyen nhn thay tnh cach vo like water bubbles: Tam vo thng la tam
thng cua moi s vat, t o tranh khoi cai niem chung sanh luon luon thay oi, khi
ao tng ve s mien vien cua s vat va thng gian, luc vui buon. Nhng niem ay xet
khong b s vat loi keo rang buoc. Van vat ra h huyen nh bot nc.
eu vo thng, sanh, tru, d, diet khong luc 3) Impermanence of the environment means that
nao ngng ngh. Chnh v vay ma trong cac t not only do our surroundings always change
vien thng tung bai ke vo thng moi khi and fluctuate, but happiness, too, is
xong cac khoa le. impermenent. Succulent food, once
Mot ngay a qua. swallowed, loses all tastes; an emotional
Mang ta giam dan reunion, however, sweet and joyful,
Nh ca can nc. ultimately ends in separation; a delightful
Co g au ma vui sng? party soon becomes a thing of past; a good
Nen chung ta phai can tu book, too, gradually reaches the last pages:
Nh la ot au. Canh vo thng la chang nhng hoan canh
Ch tnh thc ve vo thng. chung quanh ta hang oi thay bien chuyen,
Ch nen giai ai. ma s vui cung vo thng. Mon an du ngon,
(II) Impermanence means the impermanence of qua co hong roi cung thanh khong; cuoc sum
the body, the mind and the environment hop du am am, ket cuoc cung phai chia tan;
Nhat Thiet Hanh Vo Thng, ngha la than buoi hat vui roi se vang; quyen sach hay, lan
vo thng, tam vo thng, canh vo thng: lt cung en trang cuoi cung.
1) Impermanence of the body means that the (III) Impermanence, according to the Samyutta
body withers rapidly, soon grows old and Nikaya, volume IIIVo Thng theo Kinh
delibitated, ending in death. The ancients Tap A Ham, quyen III: Change or
have lamented: Oh, that time when we were impermanence is the essential characteristic
young and would ride bamboo sticks, of phenomenal existence. We cannot say of
pretending they were horses, in the twinkling anything, animate or inanimate, this is
of an eye, our hair is now spotted with the lasting for even while we say, it is
color of frost. What happened to all those undergoing change. The aggregates are
brave and intelligent young men and those compounded and conditioned, and, therefore,
beautiful and enchanting women of bygone ever subject to cause and effect. Unceasingly
days? They ended as in the following poem: does consciousness or mind and its factors
Rosy cheeks have faded, heros have passed change, and just as unceasingly, though at a
away; young students eyes, too, are weary lower rate, the physical body also changes
and sad.: Than vo thng la than nay mau from moment to moment. He who sees
tan ta, de suy gia roi ket cuoc se phai i en clearly that the impermanent aggregates are
cai chet. Ngi xa a than: Nh thu con impermanent, has right understandingTheo
th dong nga truc. Thoat trong nay toc iem Kinh Tap A Ham, quyen III, bien oi hay vo
mau sng. Mu lc dong manh nh Van thng la ac tanh chnh yeu cua s hien hu
Chung, Ngu T T; sac ep de say ngi nh cua cac hien tng. Chung ta khong the noi
Tay Thi, Trnh an, ket cuoc roi cung: Hong en bat c vat g, du la vo tri vo giac hay hu
nhan gia xau, anh hung mat. oi mat th sinh giac hu tri, rang cai nay ton tai bi v ngay
cung moi buon. luc ma chung ta ang noi th cai o ang thay
oi. Ngu uan cung la th c ket hp lai va

do ieu kien, va nh vay ngu uan o luon b the vat chat nao, dau trong qua kh, v lai hay
nh luat nhan qua chi phoi. Thc hay tam va hien tai , trong hay ngoai, tho thien hay vi
cac yeu to thanh phan cua no hay tam s te, thap hay cao, xa hay gan... ma hanh gia
cung khong ngng bien oi, mac dau mot nhn thay, hanh gia nen quan sat hnh the vat
mc o thap hn, cai the xac vat chat cung chat ay vi s chu tam khon ngoan hay s
thay oi trong tng khoanh khac. Ngi nao chu tam chan chanh. Mot khi hanh gia nhn
thay ro rang rang ngu uan la vo thng, thay, suy niem, va quan sat hnh the vat chat
ngi o co chanh kien. vi s chu tam chan chanh th hanh gia se
(IV) Impermanence, according to the Mijjhamaka thay rang no rong khong, no khong co thc
SutraVo Thng theo Kinh Trung Bo: In chat va khong co ban the. Nay ch Ty Kheo
the Mijjhamaka Sutra, the Buddha gives five co chang mot ban the trong hnh the vat
striking similes to illustrate the impermanent chat? Va cung the ay c Phat tiep tuc
nature of the five aggregates of clinging. He giang giai ve bon uan con lai: Nay ch Ty
compares material form or body to a lump of Kheo, co the nao tho, tng, hanh, thc lai co
foam, feeling to a bubble of water, perception the nam trong mot khoi bot, trong bong bong
to a mirage, mental formations or volitional nc, trong ao canh, trong loai cay mem rong
activities to a plantain trunk without ruot, hay trong ao tng?
heartwood, and consciousness to an illusion. (V) Other characteristics of Impermanence
So He asked the monks: What essence, ac tnh khac cua Vo thng: Everything in
monks, could there be in a lump of foam, in a this world is subject to change and perish;
bubble, in a mirage, in a plantain trunk, in an nothing remains constant for even a single
illusion? Whatever material form there be moment. The fact of impermanence has been
whether past, future or present; internal or recognized not only in Buddhist thought but
external; gross or subtle; low or lofty; far or elsewhere in the history of ideas. It was the
near; that material form the meditator sees, ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus who
meditates upon, examines with systematic remarked that one cannot step into the same
and wise attention, he thus seeing, meditating river twice. He meant that everything keeps
upon, and examining with systematic and changing without a pause or the ever-
wise attention, would find it empty, changing and transient nature of things.
unsubstantial and without essence. Whatever Humans life is just like that. In fact, humans
essence, monks, could there be in material life is like a dream; it is impermanent like
form? And the Buddha speaks in the same autumn clouds, that birth and death are like a
manner of the remaining aggregates and asks: dance; that infant changes to young age and
What essence, monks, could there be in to old age just like morning turns into
feeling, in perception, in mental formation afternoon, then evening. Look at our body
and in consciousness?Trong Kinh Trung and see it changes every second of life. The
Bo, c Phat a ra nam hnh anh cu the e growing (becoming old) of a humans life is
ch day ve ban chat vo thng cua ngu uan not differnt from a flash of lightning. Things
thu. Ngai v hnh the vat chat hay sac nh around us also keep changing. No one of the
mot khoi bot, cam giac hay tho nh bong things we see around us will last forever, in
bong nc, tri giac hay tng nh ao canh, the same river, the current of yesterday is not
nhng hoat ong co tac y cua tam hay hanh the current we see today. Even our minds are
nh mot loai cay mem rong ruot, va thc nh constantly subject to changefriends become
ao tng. V vay Ngai bao ch Tang: Nay enemies, enemies become friends. Our
ch Ty Kheo, co the nao chang mot ban the possessions are also impermanent, the brand
vng ben nam trong mot khoi bot, trong bong new car we bought in the year of 2000 is no
bong nc, trong ao canh, trong loai cay mem longer a new car in 2004, the shirt we donate
rong ruot, hay trong ao tng? Bat c hnh to Goodwill Charity today was once liked by

us, and so on and and so on. Understanding ta se khong con muon luyen chap vao chung
impermanence of existence is important not naSee Two kinds of impermanence.
simply four our cultivation of the Dharma, but Impermanence of the body and mind: Than
also in our daily lives for this understanding is Tam Vo ThngSome people wonder why
a key to open the door of the ultimate nature Buddhism always emphasizes the theory of
of things and also an antidiote to anger and impermanence? Does it want to spread in the
attachment. When we see all things are human mind the seed of disheartenment, and
perishable and change every moment, we will discourage? In their view, if things are
not try to attach to themMoi s tren coi i changeable, we do not need to do anything,
nay eu phai bien dch va hoai diet, khong because if we attain a great achievement, we
viec g thng hang bat bien du ch trong mot cannot keep it. This type of reasoning, a first,
phut giay. S that ve vo thng khong nhng appears partly logical, but in reality, it is not at all.
ch c t tng Phat giao tha nhan, ma When the Buddha preached about impermanence,
lch s t tng ni khac cung tha nhan nh He did not want to discourage anyone, but
vay. Chnh nha hien triet Hy Lap thi co a warning his disciples about the truth. A true
nhan nh rang chung ta khong the bc Buddhist has to work hard for his own well being
xuong hai lan cung mot giong song. Ong ta and also for the societys. Although he knows that
muon noi rang moi s moi vat luon thay oi he is facong the changing reality, he always keeps
khong ngng ngh hay ban chat oi thay va himself calm. He must refrain from harming
tam b cua moi s moi vat. i song con others, in contrast, strive to perform good deeds
ngi lai cung nh vay. Ky that, i ngi for the benefit and happiness of othersCo ngi
nh mot giac m, no tam b nh may mua cho rang luan thuyet Than Tam Vo Thng
thu, sanh t bap benh, t tuoi tre qua tuoi cua ao Phat phai chang vo tnh gieo vao long
thanh nien, roi tuoi gia cung giong nh t moi ngi quan niem chan i, thoi ch. Neu than
buoi sang chuyen qua buoi tra, roi buoi toi. va tam cung nh s vat eu vo thng nh vay th
Hay nhn vao than nay e thay no oi thay chang nen lam g ca, v neu co lam thanh s
tng giay trong cuoc song. Than nay gia nghiep ln lao cung khong i en au. Mi nghe
nhanh nh anh ien chp. Moi vat quanh ta tng chng nh phan nao co ly, ky that no khong
cung thay oi khong ngng ngh. Khong mot co ly chut nao. Khi thuyet giang ve thuyet nay,
vat g chung ta thay quanh ta ma c trng c Phat khong muon lam nan ch mot ai, ma
ton ca, tren cung mot dong song nhng dong Ngai ch muon canh tnh e t cua Ngai ve mot
nc hom qua khong phai la dong nc ma chan ly. Phat t chn thuan khi hieu c le vo
chung ta thay ngay hom nay. Ngay en tam thng se gi bnh tnh, tam khong loan ong
tanh chung ta cung b thay oi khong ngng, trc canh oi thay ot ngot. Biet c le vo
ban thanh thu, roi thu thanh ban. Roi nhng thng mi gi c tam an, mi co gang lam
vat s hu cua ta cung khong chay ra khoi s nhng ieu lanh va manh bao gat bo nhng ieu
chi phoi cua vo thng, cai xe ta mua nam ac, cng quyet lam, dam hy sinh tai san, dam tan
2000 khong con la cai xe mi vao nam 2004 tuy ong gop vao viec cong ch cho hanh phuc
na, cai ao ma chung ta cho hoi T Thien cua mnh va cua ngi.
Goodwill hom nay a mot thi c chung ta 1) The human body is changeable: Than Vo
a thch, van van va van van. Hieu vo thng ThngAll things have changed and will
khong nhng quan trong cho chung ta trong never cease to change. The himan body is
viec tu tap giao phap ma con cho cuoc song changeable, thus governed by the law of
bnh nhat na v no chnh la cha khoa m impermanence. Our body is different from the
ca bo mat that cua van hu va cung la lieu minute before to that of the minute after.
thuoc giai oc cho san han va chap trc. Khi Biological researches have proved that the
chung ta hieu moi s moi vat eu se tan lui cells in our body are in constant change, and
va oi thay khong ngng th chac chan chung in every seven years all the old cells have

been totally renewed. These changes help us ci o roi khoc o, hanh phuc o roi kho
quickly grow up, age and die. The longer we au o.
want to live, the more we fear death. From Impermanence of all dharmas: Ch phap vo
childhood to aging, human life is exactly like thng.
a dream, but there are many people who do Impermanence of ego: Vo Thng Cu hay Cau
not realize; therefore, they continue to Vo ThngIts impermanence, i.e. that the
launch into the noose of desire; as a result, present ego is of independent birth, not the result
they suffer from greed and will suffer more if from the past causesNgoai ao cho rang cai
they become attached to their possessions. nga en i nay mi sanh, chang phai sanh do
Sometimes at time of death they still dont cai nhan trong qua kh, ay la oan kien hay vo
want to let go anything. There are some who thng cuSee Four tenets held by various non-
know that they will die soon, but they still Buddhist schools.
strive desperately to keep what they cherish
Impermanence or the impermanent nature
mostVan s van vat khong ngng thay oi,
of all things: Vo Thng hay ban chat vo thng
ch khong bao gi chu yen mot cho. Cuoc
cua van huSee Four basic subjects of Buddhist
i nay con mai mat, bien chuyen khong
meditation and Four kinds of mindfulness.
ngng ngh. Than con ngi cung vay, no
cung la vo thng, no cung nam trong nh Impermanence of all karmas: Ch nghiep vo
luat Thanh Tru Hoai Khong. Than ta phut thng (nhng nghiep co the chuyen c qua tu
trc khong phai la than ta phut sau. Khoa tapkarmas that can be changed through
hoc a chng minh rang trong than the chung cultivation).
ta, cac te bao luon luon thay oi va c moi Impermanence of life is sudden and the
thi ky bay nam la cac te bao cu hoan toan time truly flies: Phai ngh rang cn vo thng
oi mi. S thay oi lam cho chung ta mau mau chong, mi sang sm o a lai en xe chieu.
ln, mau gia va mau chet. Cang muon song au nen khong sieng nang, lo d b trc hay
bao nhieu chung ta lai cang s chet bay sao?It is necessary to think that the
nhieu. T toc xanh en toc bac, i ngi impermanence of life is sudden, time truly flies,
nh mot giac m. The nhng co nhieu ngi the morning had just come but night has arrived.
khong chu nhan biet ra ieu nay, nen ho c Why not be diligent and prepare in anticipation
lao au vao cai thong long tham ai; e roi See Five points any Pureland practitioner should
kho v tham duc, con kho hn na v tham know how to reflect on one's self.
lam om ap bam vu mai vao s vat, oi khi Impermanence of all phenomena: Unceasing
en chet ma van cha chu buong bo. en changeNiem niem vo thng.
khi biet sap trut hi th cuoi cung ma van con Impermanence and suffering: Vo thng va
luyen tiec tm cach nam lai mot cach tuyet kho au.
vong. Impermanence, Suffering, Emptiness,
2) Impermanence of the mind: Tam Vo
Selflessness: Vo Thng, Kho, Khong, Vo
ThngNot only our body is changeable,
NgaSee Impermanence, Suffering, Emptiness,
but also our mind. It changes more rapidly
than the body, it changes every second, every
minute according to the environment. We are Impermanence of all things like lightning
cheerful a few minutes before and sad a few and shadow: ien AnhS vo thng cua van
minutes later, laughing then crying, happiness hu cung giong nh anh ien chp.
then sorrowThan ta vo thng, tam ta cung Impermanent (a): Anicca (p)Anitya (skt)
vo thng. Tam vo thng con mau le hn ca EverchangingSubject to changeVo thng
than. Tam chung ta thay oi tng giay, tng hay s thay oi lien tuc trong tng giay tng
phut theo vi ngoai canh, vui o roi buon o, phutAll component things are impermanent

Tat ca cac phap hu vi eu vo thngSee Four sinh. No khong xuat hien nh mot hien tng phi
upside-downs. thng ma ngi ta thay ghi chep trong cac tac
Impermanent world: The gian vo thng. pham than b cua Thien Chua giao. Khi s bung
Impersonal (a): Phi ca nhanVo NgaSee No v cua tam tr ban a en luc chn mui, ngi ta
self and Four inverted, upside-down, or false nam tay ban, vo vai ban, mang cho mot chen tra,
beliefs. gay mot chu y tam thng nhat, hay oc mot
oan kinh, mot bai th, ban chng ngo tc khac.
Impersonal Tone: Vo NgaOne of the eight
ay chang co tieng goi cua Thanh linh, chang
chief characteristics of satori. In Zen. Perhaps
co s sung man cua Thanh sung, chang co anh
the most remarkable aspect of the Zen experience
sang vinh danh nao het. Va ay chang chut sac
is that it has no personal note in it as is observable
mau long lay; tat ca eu xam xt, khong mot chut
in Christian mystic experiences. There is no
an tng, khong mot chut quyen ruSee Eight
reference whatever in Buddhist satori to such
chief characteristics of satori In Zen.
personal feelings. We may say that all the terms
are interpretations based on a definite system of Impersonalism (n): Chu ngha phi ca nhan.
thought and really have nothing to do with the Impersonality (n): Tnh cach phi ca nhan
experience itself. In anywhere satori has Nhan KhongMan is only a temporary
remained thoroughly impersonal, or rather highly combination formed by the five skandhas, the six
intellectual. Not only satori itself is such a prosaic elements (earth, water, fire, air, space and mind),
and non-glorious event, but the occasion that and the twelve nidanas, being the product of
inspires it also seems to be unromantic and previous cause, and without a real self or
altogether lacking in super-sensuality. Satori is permanent soulCon ngi ch la mot phoi hp
experienced in connection with any ordinary tam thi bi ngu uan, luc ai (at, nc, la, gio,
occurrence in ones daily life. It does not appear h khong va tam thc), va 12 nhan duyen, ch
to be an extraordinary phenomenon as is recorded khong co thc nga hay mot linh hon trng ton
in Christian books of mysticism. Sometimes takes See Non-ego.
hold of you, or slaps you, or brings you a cup of Impersonalization (n): S phi nhan cach hoa.
tea, or makes some most commonplace remark, or Impertinent (a): Bat knh.
recites some passage from a sutra or from a book Imperturbable (a): iem tnhAksobhya
of poetry, and when your mind is ripe for its BuddhaThe Immovable BuddhaThe Buddha
outburst, you come at once to satori. There is no in the Eastern Heaven of Abhirati, the realm of
voice of the Holy Ghost, no plentitude of Divine joyOne of the five Wisdom or Dhyana Buddhas
Grace, no glorification of any sort. Here is nothing (Vairocana, Aksobhya, Ratnasambhava,
painted in high colors, all is grey and extremely Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi). He is mentioned
unobstrusive and unattractiveMot trong tam ac in quite a number of Mahayana Sutras. His
tanh cua giac ngo trong Thien. Co le kha canh worship must have been fairly widespread, but
ang chu y nhat cua kinh nghiem Thien la cho only fragments of his legend have survived. The
no khong co dau vet nhan nga. Trong s chng term is used for the unvarying or unchanging, for
ngo cua Phat giao, khong he co chut dnh dang the pole-star, for fearlessness, for indifference to
vi nhng quan he va xuc cam ca nhan bang passion or temptationT c dung e ch s
nhng t ng thong dien da tren mot he thong khong thay oi nh canh sao Bac au, s vo uy,
hu han cua t tng; thc tnh, chang lien quan va lanh am trc cam do hay duc vong. Bat
g vi chnh kinh nghiem. Du au i na, th s ong Ton Nh Lai hay A Suc Be Phat, v Phat
chng ngo hoan toan mang tnh cach vo nga, hay ang ng tr ni Thien ng ong o, mot trong
ung hn, tr nang toi thng. Khong nhng s nam v co Phat (Ty lo gia Na, A Suc Be Phat, a
chng ngo ch la mot bien co bnh thng, nhat Bao Nh Lai, A Di a Phat, va Vo Bo Uy Nh
nheo, ma cai c duyen kch phat nh cung vo v Lai). Ten Ngai c nhng kinh ien ai Tha
va thieu han cam giac sieu nhien. S chng ngo au tien nhac en rat nhieu. S th phung Ngai
c kinh nghiem ngay trong moi bien co bnh

chac han banh trng rat rong rai, nhng than Important sutras in Theravada Buddhism:
thoai ve Ngai ch con sot lai nhng oan ngan ma Nhng Bai Kinh Quan Trong Trong Phat Giao
thoi. Nguyen Thuy.
Imperturbable Buddha: Aksobhya Buddha Importantly: Quan trong
(skt)A Suc be Phat (Bat ong Phat)See (Most) importantly: Quan trong nhat.
Aksobhya Buddha.
Impose a misfortune on someone: Giang hoa.
Imperturbed Buddha: Aksobhya (skt)Vo Impose a restriction on someone: Ap dung s
ong PhatSee Aksobhya Buddha.
han che vi ai.
Imperturbable examination: Meditation in the Imposing: Uy nghiemSolemn.
law or of all thingsQuan sat phap nhanSee
Imposing exterior: Prabhava (skt)Awe-
Two kinds of patience (B).
Imperturbable karmic formation:
MajesticMartial bearingNoble bearing
Anenjabhisankharo (p)Bat ong hanhSee
StatelinessOai NghiSee Three thousand
Three dharmas (XXX).
demeanors and Four kinds of demeanors.
Imperturbility: FirmnessBat ongSee Impossible (a): Khong the nao.
Eight savours (pleasures) of the Buddhas nirvana.
Impossible things: Nhng ieu khong the lam
Impetus (n): S thuc ay.
cAccording to the Sangiti Sutta, there are
Impiety (n): S vo tn ngng. five impossible thingsTheo Kinh Phung Tung
Implements of the faith: ao CuThe trong Trng Bo Kinh, co nam bat nang x (nam
implements of the faith, such as garments, ieu ma mot v Ty Kheo khong the lam c)
begging-bowl, and other accessories which aid See Five impossible things.
one in the WayNhng mon can thiet tren ng Impotent males: Pandakas (skt)There are five
tu hanh nh y ao, bat khat thc, va nhng o phu kinds of impotent males or eunuchsBat nam
tung khacThere are eight requisites (Attha (khong phai la nam nhan)Co nam loai bat
Parikkhara)Co tam Mon Can Dung Cua Phat: namSee Five kinds of eunuchs.
1) The double robe: Y Tang gia le.
Impotent male by birth: Sinh Bat NamOne
2) The upper robe: Y vai trai.
of the five kinds of impotent males or eunuchs
3) Under robe: Y noi.
Mot trong nam loai bat namSee Five kinds of
4) Bowl: Bnh bat.
5) Knife: Dao.
Impotent male for half a month: Ban Bat
6) Needle: Kim may.
Nam hay loai ch dung c nam can trong na
7) Belt: Day nt.
thangOne of the five kinds of impotent males or
8) Strainer or filter: o loc nc.
eunuchsMot trong nam loai bat namSee Five
Implication (n): Ham yM am.
kinds of eunuchs.
Implicit (v): Am chTo hintTo refer toTo Impress (v): Ghi longGay an tngTo
impress deeply in ones memoryTo engrave.
Implore (v): Nan nVan ln. Impress someone: Gay an tng cho ai.
Important (a): He trongVital. Impressed: Xuc ong.
Important aspects: Nhng kha canh quan Impression:
1) Ideas grasped and heldChap thu.
Important event: Bien co quan trong. 2) Samskara (skt)Sankhara (p)An tng
Important karma: Garuka-karma (skt) Hanh uanSee Five Aggregations.
Nghiep nangTrong NghiepSee Weighty Impressive (a): Cam xucGay xuc ong.
Imprint of the foot: Dau chanFootprint
Foot markFootstep.

Imprison (v): Giam hamTo detainTo Tam tang trng cng thnh hay the lc cua nh
incarcerateTo put someone in prison. tam, hay tam sieu viet.
Improper (a): TaDeviantEvilDepraved Improvise: Act according to circumstancesTuy
OppositeErroneousHeterodox. c ng bien.
Improper food: There are five improper things Impulses (n):
for a monk to eatCo nam th khong hp cho 1) Chanda (skt): AgitationAmbitious
mot v Tang anSee Five improper things for a ExcitementRestlessnessUnsettledTrao
monk to eat. CSc thuc ayNhng phien nao khien
Improper knowledge: Asamprajanya (skt) cho tam xao xuyen khong an tnh.
Bat chanh tri hay biet khong chn chanhSee 2) Samskara (skt): ActionActivity
Fifty-one Dharmas interactive with the Mind. ConceptionDispositionVolitional
actionsKarma formationMoral conduct
Improper means of earning a living: Ta
HanhSee Twelve conditions of cause and
menhSee Five improper ways of gaining a
livelihood for a monk.
Improper speech: Unrefined speechIndecent Impulsion: Javana (p & skt)Tien trnh hay s
thuc ayProcess.
speechSmart speechVong ng (y ng).
Improper (wrong) views: Drishti (skt)Ac Impure (a): Klesa (skt)Bat tnhIgnoble
kienTa KienSee Wrong viewsSee Five
kinds of wrong views, and Fifty-one Dharmas Impure aeon: Trc KiepAn impure kalpa,
interactive with the Mind. the kalpa of impurity, degenerate, corrupt; and
age of disease, famine, and warThi ky ac
Improper ways of obtaining (gaining) a
trc, thi ky cua benh hoan, ngheo oi va giac
living on the part of a monk: Ta menh (cua
giaSee Five kinds of turbidity.
mot v Tang hay Ni).
Impure attitude: Thai o bat tnh.
(A) There are four improper ways of obtaining a
living on the part of a monkSee Five kinds Impure birth: Tho sanh bat tnhThe fetus is a
of deviant livelihood. combination of fathers sperm and mothers egg in
(B) There are five improper ways of gaining a sexual intercourseMam sanh khi cua ban than
livelihood for a monk, or five kinds of deviant do mot iem tinh huyet cua cha me hoa hp trong
livelihoodCo nam th ta menh cua ch khi gan guiSee Seven types of contemplation
Tang. on the impure body.
Improve appearance: Trau chuot be ngoaiA Impure body: Ue ThanThe sinful body, that
Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who tries to improve his or her of ordinary people, caused by lust, hatred, and
appearance, commits an Expression of Regret ignoranceThan the nh nhp, noi ve than pham
OffenceV Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao co phu, o ue khong trong sach, do nhiem cac moi
gang trau chuot be ngoai la pham gii Ba Dat e, tham duc, san han, va ngu si.
phai phat lo sam hoi. Impure charity: Sullied charityBat tnh th
Improve the habit: Cai thien thoi quen. Impure charity in which the giver expects
something in return for his or her almsgiving.
Improve (v) oneself: Tu than.
Unclean almsgiving, looking for its reward in this
Improve oneself morally: Cultivate virtueTu
or the next lifeCho ma mong oi bao ap trong
kiep nay hay kiep ti th goi la bat tnh thSee
Improve oneself for the purpose of Two kinds of dana or charity (B).
improving or benefitting others: T Li Li Impure commandments: Thi La Bat Thanh
ThaSee Self-profit and Profit others. TnhIf the sila, or moral state, is not pure, none
Improving mind: Tang Thng Tam can enter samadhiNeu gii bat tnh, khong ai
Advancing or improving mind, superior mind vao c tam muoi.

Impure and false: Tran vongImpure and blood, pus, phlegm, excrement, urine, the
false, as are all temporal thingsKhong sach la many bacteria dwelling in the intestines, and
tran, khong thc la vong (bat tnh va h doi); tran the many diseases present waiting for the
vong am ch tat ca canh gii sinh t. opportunity to develop, we can see clearly
Impure kalpa: Kiep trcTrc KiepThe that our bodies are quite impure and subject
kalpa of impurity, degenerate, corrupt; and age of to decay. Our bodies also create the
disease, famine, and warThi ky ac trc, thi motivation to pursue the satisfaction of our
ky cua benh hoan, ngheo oi va giac gia. **See desires and passions. That is why the sutra
Five kinds of turbidity. regards the body as the place where misleads
gather. Let us now consider our psychological
Impure karma: Ue NghiepOne of the three
state. Since we are unable to see the truth of
kinds of karmaNghiep bat tnh, mot trong ba
impermanence, suffering, and the selfless
loai nghiep. ** See Three karmas.
nature of all things, our minds often become
Impure Land: Ue oSaha WorldThe
the victims of greed and hatred, and we act
present worldThe world in which we live is an
wrongly. So the sutra says, The mind is the
impure field, and Sakyamuni is the Buddha who
source of all confusion.S bat tnh (khong
has initiated its purificationThe gii Ta Ba
thuan tnh hay khong trong sach). Ban chat
See Two lands (B).
nhiem trc cua tham duc. Bat tnh co ngha
Impure mind: Tam Bat TnhThe chaotic, evil, la khong tinh sach, khong thanh thien, khong
calculating, vicious mind of sentient beingsTam ep e. ng ve ca hai phng dien sinh ly
tap loan, xau ac, tnh toan cua chung sanh. va tam ly, con ngi la bat tnh. ay khong
Impure seed: Chung t bat tnhThis body is phai la mot cai nhn tieu cc hay bi quan, ma
born from the karma of lust and attachment ch la cai nhn khach quan ve con ngi.
Than nay do ni nghiep dam duc, t hat giong Thay c s cau tao cua c the, t toc tren
tham ai ma sanhSee Seven types of nh au, cho en mau, mu, am, phan, nc
contemplation on the impure body. tieu, nhng vi khuan an nao trong ruot va
Impure or sullied charity: Whose object is nhng benh tat c chc san e phat sinh, ta
personal benefit (expecting something in thay phan sinh ly cua ta qua la bat tnh. Phan
return)Bat tnh thBo th mong cau phc sinh ly o cung la ong lc thuc ay ta i tm
baoSee Two kinds of dana or charity (B). s thoa man duc lac, do o nen kinh goi than
Impure world: Ta BaSee Saha. the la ni tch tu cua toi loi. Con phan tam
Impurities and defilements: Bn nh va ue ly? V khong thay c s that ve vo thng,
nhiem. kho khong va vo nga cua s vat cho nen tam
Impurity (n): Asubham or Samkilesa (p)Mala ta thng tr thanh nan nhan cua tham vong
thu ghet; do tham vong va thu ghet ma chung
or Samklesa (skt)Bat TnhNhiem trc
ta tao ra biet bao toi loi, cho nen kinh noi
Tnh chat bat tnh cua than tamDefilement
tam la nguon suoi phat sinh ieu ac.See
Four basic subjects of Buddhist meditation.
(I) An overview of ImpurityTong quan ve
(II) Impurity means that the body is impure, the
Bat tnh: Defiling nature of the passions.
mind is impure and the realm is impureBat
Impurity is the nature of our bodies and
tnh la ch cho than khong sach, tam khong
minds. Impurity means the absence of an
sach, va canh khong sach.
immaculate state of being, one that is neither
1) Impurity of the body means that we should
holy nor beautiful. From the psychological
reflect on the fact that beneath the covering
and physiological standpoint, human beings
layers of skin, our bodies and those of others
are impure. This is not negative or
are composed entirely of filthy, smelly
pessimistic, but an objective perspective on
substances such as meat, bones, blood, pus,
human beings. If we examine the constituents
phlegm, saliva, excrement, urine, etc. Not
of our bodies from the hair on our head to the

only that fluids are excreted through nine canh ue o nay khong co chi ang say me
apertures (see Nine orifices). If we stop to tham luyen.
think carefully, the physical body of sentient ** See Four basic subjects of Buddhist
beings is hardly worth cherishing: Than meditation and Four kinds of mindfulness
khong sach la phai quan xet than ta va ngi Impurity of affliction: Phien Nao ocThe
ben ngoai nh co lp da che dau, nhng ben impurity or defiling nature of the passions, one of
trong ch toan la nhng th hoi tanh nh nhp the five kinds of impurityBan chat o nhiem bat
nh tht, xng, mau, mu, m, dai, phan, tnh cua phien nao, mot trong nam oc. ** See
nc tieu, van van. a the ma cac th nh Five poisons.
nhp ben trong con bai tiet ra cu khong Impurity of arrogance: Kieu cau.
(chn lo) ben ngoai. Suy xet ky, sac than cua
Impurity of the body: Than bat tnh.
chung sanh khong co chi ang a thch.
1) There are five types of impurity of the
2) Moral impurityMental impurityWhatever
bodySee Five types of impurity of the
misleads or deludes the mindImpurity of
the mind means that once the mind develops
2) The Buddha taught meditate or contemplate
thoughts of greed, it has already become evil
on the impurity of ones body to remove
and defiled, not unlike a limpid pond that has
passions. This is one of the eight types of
been polluted with dirt and sludge. The dirt
meditation for removing various
pond cannot reflect the images of trees,
attachmentsc Phat day cach quan than
mountains, sky, clouds; likewise, a polluted
bat tnh e tr duc vong. ay la mot trong
mind has lost all spiritual powers and wisdom.
tam cach thien quanSee Eight types of
Thus, we have the saying: Once who knows
meditation for removing various attachments.
how to cultivate does not waste his efforts; a
Impurity of the death: Cu canh bat tnh
peaceful, still mind will bring spiritual powers
After death, the body swelling up and rotting
and wisdom. Those who are determined to
away, with flesh and bones disarray, feeding
tread the Way should endeavour gradually to
feelers and crowsen khi chet roi, than nay la
sever the mind of afflictions, polluted by
mot ong tht snh thui ra ri, mac cho gioi ta bo
greed in its gross and subtle aspects: Tam
lan hoac qua dieu tha moSee Seven types of
khong sach la khi tam sanh tham nhiem, tat
contemplation on the impure body.
no se thanh xau xa nh bn, chang khac chi
ho nc trong b cau bun lam ban uc. Ho Impurity of desire: Duc cau.
nc uc khong the soi bong sac cay nui tri Impurity of doubt: Nghi cau.
may, tam nh bn lam mat het than thong tr Impurity of dwelling: C tru bat tnhSee
hue. Nen nh cau: Biet tu hanh ch ph Five types of impurity of the body.
uong cong. Tam bnh tnh than thong tr hue! Impurity of external objects: S bat tnh cua
Ngi a phat nguyen bc len ng tu, van vatMeditate on the impurity of external
phai lap ch lan lan dt tr tam phien nao objects to strengthen emancipation. This is one of
nhiem duc t tho en te. the eight types of meditation for removing various
3) The impure realm is the world of the Five attachmentsLam ln manh y ch giai thoat bang
Turbidities, full of dirt and mud, rocks and quan s bat tnh cua van vat. ay la mot trong
stones, spikes and thorns, which harbors tam cach thien quanSee Eight types of
countless sentient beings defiled in body and meditation for removing various attachments.
mind. Therefore, this impure world is not Impurity of false views: Kien cau.
worth craving or clinging to: Canh khong sach Impurity of inertia: Thuy mien cau.
la canh gii coi ngu trc ay day bun at,
Impurity of meanness: Khan cau (tham lam
soi a, chong gai, lai dung cha vo so chung
bon xen).
sanh t than en tam eu nh bn. Cho nen

Impurity of mind: Passions and delusions In advancing years not to cease sexual
Tam cau (s bat tnh cua tam gay nen bi duc intercourse: Lao Bat Ch Dam hay khi ln tuoi
vong va ao vong me m). khong ngng dam ducSee Four self-injuries
Impurity of the newly-born baby: S sanh bat (self-raidings).
tnhOnce ready to be born, the fetus emerges In agreement: Nhat tamUnanimousIn
from the womb with pus and blood gushing forth chorus.
and foul odors in profusionKhi a u thang In broad daylight: Gia ban ngay.
ngay, thai than au hng ve san mon, ra khoi
In chorus: UnanimousNhat TrCung nhau
mnh ngi me cung mot luc vi mau mu, s hoi
ong y.
nh day aySee Seven types of contemplation
In this context: Trong pham vi nay.
on the impure body.
In a cultural manner: Mot cach co van hoa.
Impurity of the outer marks: Ngoai tng bat
tnhSee Five types of impurity of the body. In days of yore: In ancient daysNgay xa.
Impurity of own nature: Ban chat bat tnh In detail: CarefullyTe tam (con goi la tieu tam
See Five types of impurity of the body. hay can than).
Impurity of presumption: Man cau. In drawing people to listen to the Dharma:
Khi hng dan moi ngi nghe phap.
Impurity and purity: Nhiem TnhThe
thoughts and things of desire are impure, the In order to become a teacher, one must
thoughts and methods of salvation are pure respect and learn from his teacher; in order
Nhiem va tnh bao gom nhng t tng va tham to become a Buddha, one must respect the
duc bat tnh, cung nh t tng va phng cach sangha and cultivate Buddhas teachings:
cu o va thanh tnh. Muon lam thay phai knh trong va hoc hoi ni
Impurity and purity are not apart: Impurity thay; muon lam Phat phai trong Tang va tu hoc
and purity as aspects of the total reality and not Phat phap.
fundamentally ideas apartNhiem Tnh Bat Nh In one direction: Tam MieuTurn together or
MonNhiem tnh nh s that toan dien, ch in one directionRight and balanced.
khong phai la nhng y tng ri rac. In endless succession: Trong tien trnh vo tan
Impurity of seeds: Chung t bat tnhSee In hard times: Trong thi kho khan.
Five types of impurity of the body. In harmony with: Hoa ieu vi.
In (jap): In history: Trong lch s.
1) Mudra (skt): SealAn.
In a honey voice: bang giong ieu ngot ngao (ca
2) Samgharama (skt): InstituteVien.
In accordance with: Phu hp (vi).
In a lay condition: Tai tuc.
In accordance with ones condition: ng
In memory of someone: e tng niem ai.
PhanAccording to condition, position, duty,
etc.Tuy theo ieu kien, a v va nhiem vu cua In the midstream of birth and death: Gia
mnh (cac nha Thien Thai lap ra t ng Phan dong sinh t.
noi ve t giao Tang Thong Biet Vien moi giao In one instant causing all sentient beings to
eu co giao ng Phan cua mnh). rouse the will for enlightenment: trong mot
In accordance with ones karma, one will niem lam cho tat ca chung sanh phat tam Bo
certainly be reborn in either good or evil eSee Ten spheres of Great Enlightening
path: Tuy theo nghiep lc ma con ngi phai
sanh vao ng lanh hay d. In one lifetime: Trong mot kiep.
(Not) in accordance with: Khong phu hp In ones own body to have the Trikaya: Nhat
(vi). The Tam Than T Tanh Phat.

In order of years of ordination: Lap th (tuoi In wealth not being charitable: ac Tai Bat
ao hay so nam a tho gii). Th hay giau sang c cua ma chang chu bo
In the perfection of one all are perfected: thSee Four self-injuries (self-raidings).
Nhat Thanh Nhat Thiet ThanhOne deed In the Western Pure Land, all have the
includes allWith the Tathagatas enlightenment highest level Bodhisattvas: Bo Tat thng
all beings were enlightenedVi s ai giac cua thienThose who are reborn in the Pure Land
Nh Lai, tat ca chung sanh roi ay se at thanh have the highest level Bodhisattvas as their
ai giac. Mot ngi toan thien moi ngi roi ay companions and are free from all obstacles,
se c toan thien. calamities and evil conditions. Moreover there are
In praise of someone: e ca tung ai. no externalists or evil demons , so their Minds are
In this present life: Trong kiep nay. always calm and still. This is one of the five
In present life not to accept and practice the reasons why those who are reborn in the Pure
Buddhas teaching: Bat Thu Ngon Phat hay Land achieve non-retrogressionChung sanh
c sanh ve Cc Lac, th ban lanh toan la cac
hien i khong chu tiep thu va tu tap Phat
bac Bo Tat thng thien, tuyet tat ca cac chng
phapSee Four self-injuries (self-raidings).
nan, ac duyen, lai khong co ngoai ao ta ma, nen
In the present situation: Trong hoan canh hien
tam thng an tnh. ay la mot trong nam ly do
tai sao ngi vang sanh Tnh o khong con b
In quest of something: In search of thoi chuyen naSee Five reasons of non-
somethingi tm cai g. retrogression for those who are reborn in the Pure
In a respectable way: Bang phng cach ang Land.
knh. In the Western Pure Land, life span is
In the same way: Cung the o (cung cach nh inexhaustible: Tho lng vo cungOnce they
vay). are reborn in the Pure Land, their life span is
In search of a solution for (of or to) human inexhaustible, equal to that of the Buddhas and
problems: Tm mot giai phap cho cac van e cua Bodhisattvas. Thus they can peacefully cultivate
nhan loai. the Dharma for countless eons. This is one of the
In search of something: In of five reasons why those who are reborn in the Pure
somethingi tm cai g. Land achieve non-retrogressiona c sanh
In search of truth: Tm chan ly. ve Tnh o th tho lng vo cung, ong vi ch
In a sense: Trong ngha ay. Phat va ch Bo Tat, an nhien tu tap trai qua vo
bien a tang ky kiep. ay la mot trong nam ly do
In semi-darkness: Trong luc tranh toi tranh
tai sao ngi vang sanh Tnh o khong con b
thoi chuyen naSee Five reasons of non-
In spite of someones best efforts: Mac du co retrogression for those who are reborn in the Pure
s het sc co gang cua ai o. Land.
In such manner: Tatha (skt)AsLikeSo In the Western Pure Land, all preach the
ThusNh vayNh the ay.
Dharma of suffering, emptiness,
In times of peace, remember the
impermanence and no-self: In the Western
possibilities of war or danger: An bat vong Pure Land, the birds, water, forests, trees, wind
nguy (Khi yen bnh ng quen luc nguy nan). and music all preach the Dharma of suffering,
In the true character or disposition of man: emptiness, impermanence and no-self. Upon
True heartedSincereTrue to one's nature hearing this, practitioners begin to focus on the
Chan tam. Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. This is one
In the truest sense: Trong y ngha ung nht. of the five reasons why those who are reborn in
In the ultimate sense: Trong y ngha rot rao. the Pure Land achieve non-retrogressionNi coi
Tay Phng Tnh o, chim, nc, rng cay, gio,

am nhac thng phat ra tieng phap kho, khong, them completely, you will not be in control of
vo thng va vo nga; hanh gia nghe roi sanh yourself when faced with external conditions.
long niem Phat, niem Phap, niem Tang. ay la Your Mind, then, will move erratically, following
mot trong nam ly do tai sao ngi vang sanh Tnh the environment. How can you have the peace of
o khong con b thoi chuyen naSee Five Mind to recite the Buddhas name?Du ban c
reasons of non-retrogression for those who are muon duyen ranh roi, co ch tu hanh, nhng oi
reborn in the Pure Land. vi tng the gian, neu nhn khong thau, nam
In youth not to study from morning till khong vng, dt khong xong, khi xuc oi vi
night: Tuc Da Bat Hoc hay thieu thi khong ngoai duyen khong the t chu, tam tuy theo canh
cham hocSee Four self-injuries (self-raidings). ma ien ao lam sao yen tr e niem Phat? See
Seven circumstances that are difficult to practice
Inability (n): Khong co kha nang.
Buddha Recitation.
Inability to annihilate causality karma:
Inability to work: Bat lc.
Khong the loai tr nhn qua nghiep bao cho
chung sanhSee Three things impossible to a Inactive (a): Vo TacSee Asamskrta.
Buddha. Inactive principle pervading all things: Vo vi
Inability to become Brahma-kings: Chang phapThc tnh tnh lang cua ch phapState of
c lam Pham Thien VngSee Five restSee Five laws or categories (II).
hindrances of women. Inactive realm: Vo vi phap gii hay Ly phap
Inability to become Buddhas: Chang c giiNoumenal realmSee Five forms of
lam PhatSee Five hindrances of women. dharmadhatu.
Inability to become Cakravarti-kings: Chang Inactivity (n): S thu ongOne of the three
c lam Chuyen Luan VngSee Five gates to the city of nirvanaVo tac, mot trong ba
hindrances of women. ca vao Niet BanSee Three gates to (the city
of) nirvana.
Inability to become Indras: Chang c lam
e ThchSee Five hindrances of women. Inanimate (a&n): Vo tnh chung (vo tri vo giac).
Inability to become Mara-kings: Chang c Inanimate objects: Nhng vat vo tnh.
lam Ma VngSee Five hindrances of women. Inapplicable: UnreasonableBat ng (khong
Inability to concentrate the attention: Y can hp).
tr on, theo uoi ngoai tran nen khong co kha Inattentive (a): Absent-mindedTam bat tai
nang nh tnh hay chu ySee Five senses of (vo tam vo hon hay l ang).
mental distraction. Inattentive mind: Tan tam (tam dong ruoi lang
Inability to end the realm of the living: thang)Distracted mindMental wandering
Khong the cham dt cac ng d cho chung sanh Scattered mindUnsettled mindThe scattered
sanhSee Three things impossible to a Buddha. mind, or mind that is only good at intervals.
Inability to function: Khong hoat ong c. Wandering mind is a mind disorganized by
distraction or a wandering mind of common
Inability to save unconditionally: Khong the
untutored man. The distracted heart may have the
cu roi vo ieu kien sanhSee Three things
following distinctionsTam tan loan hay la tam
impossible to a Buddha.
tu tan thien. Tam tan loan hay t tanh cua nhng
Inability to think: ang tr.
hang pham phu. Tan tam gom co nhng ac iem
Inability to understand mundane marks nh sau:
thoroughly, and sever them completely: 1) Good: Thien.
Khong co kha nang thau suot tng the gian 2) Bad: Bat Thien.
Even if you are free of all conditions and 3) Indifferent: Trung Tnh.
entangelments and are determined to cultivate the ** See Two minds (B).
Dharma, unless you can see through mundane Inaugurate (v): Khai mac buoi leTo open a
marks, understand them thoroughly, and sever ceremony.

Inauguration ceremony of a new temple: Le Incarnation Buddha: A living BuddhaSinh

khanh thanh chuaDedication ceremony. Phat (Hoat Phat).
Inborn: Prakrtja (skt)Bam sinh (cau sinh) Incarnationism (n): Chu ngha nhap the cua ch
CongenitalInnateNatural, spontaneous, Bo Tat.
inborn, or springing from nature, as opposed to Incense: Nhang.
acquireong thi sanh ra, oi lai vi do huan (A) There are three kinds of scents or incense
tap ma co. Co ba loai nhangSee Three kinds of
Inborn wisdom: T Nhien TrThe intuitive, incense.
untaught or inborn wisdom of a Buddha, untaught (B) Five kinds of incenseThe five attributes of
to him and outside the causal nexusTr bam dharmakaya or spiritual body of the
sanh ch khong do thay day cua mot v Phat. Tathagata (five kinds of incense or fragrance,
In-breathing: Th vao. corresponding with the five kinds of
Incalculable (a): Khong ke siet dharmakaya)Ngu phan hng (lay nam th
InconceivableCountless. hng v vi ngu phan phap than)See Five
kinds of incense.
Incantation (n): Bua chuAmuletsCharms
Deviant mantrasSpells. Incense balls: Hng HoanQua cau hng.
Incantations to delude or confuse others: Me Incense burner: Bat hngIncense bowl.
Nhan Chu (bua chu lam me hoac ngi khac). Incense and candles: Hng HoaIncense and
Incantation of the Diamond vehicle: Mantra lampsHng ot va en thap (nhng vat c
of the esoteric vehicleB mat chu (Kim Cang dung trong nghi le trong cac t vien).
Tha). Incense and candle-offering group: Ban ac
Incarcerate (v): Bo tuTo imprisonTo put trach hng ang (bong hoa va en nhang).
someone in prison. Incense-colored: Hng Nhiem.
Incarnate (v): Hoa kiep. 1) Yellowish-grey: Mau nau sam.
2) The colour of a monks robe: Mau ao ca sa
Incarnate Buddha: Nirmana-Buddha (skt)
cua nha s.
Metamorphosed BuddhaHoa PhatSee
Nirmanabuddha and Nirmanakaya. Incense and flowers: Hng hoaTwo kinds of
objects for offering to the BuddhaHng va
Incarnate as a Sravaka: ng Hoa Thanh
hoa, hai trong cac mon o cung Phat.
VanBuddhas or Bodhisattvas incarnate as
sravakas, or disciplesChan than Phat hay Bo Incense-fragrance: Mui hng cua nhangThe
Tat ng hoa lam Thanh Van e dan dat ngi incense-fragrance pervades the main hallMui
khac (Xa Li Phat, Muc Kien Lien). tram hng ngao ngat trong chanh ien.
Incarnated beings have testified to Incense hall: Hng ienThe incense hall,
especially the large hall of the Triratnaien th
Buddhism: Hoa nhan hay Pham phu thuyet
Tam Bao hay Phat ien.
See Five kinds of people who have testified to
Buddhism (A). Incense-ksetra: MonasteryHng satSee
Incarnation (n): S au thai.
Incarnation-body: Nirmanakaya (skt)
Incense and lamp: Nhang en.
Transformation-bodyBien hoa thanSee Incense of the liquid amber tree: Giao
Nirmanakaya. HngHng nha cua mot loai cay ho phach.
Incarnation body of the Buddha: Rupakaya Incense made from branches: Nhang lam
(skt)Bao than cua c PhatThere are two bang canh caySee Three kinds of incense.
rupakaya or incarnation-bodies of a BuddhaCo Incense made from flower: Nhang lam bang
hai loai sac than cua PhatSee Two forms of bongSee Three kinds of incense.
body, and Two rupakaya. Incense made from roots: Nhang lam bang re
caySee Three kinds of incense.

Incense of the mind: Tam hngHng thm Inclusiveness (n): T tng v thaTnh bao
cua tam hay la s nhiet tnh tan tuy vi ao ham.
phapThe incense of the heartSincere Incoherent (a): La taKhong mach lacNot
devotion. sticking together or lacking cohesion.
Incense-mountain: Gandhamadana (skt) Incommunicable (a): Khong the thong truyen
Hng SnSee Gandhamadana. c.
Incense-offering hymn: Bai ke dang hng. Incommutable (a): Khong the cai bien c
Incense Praise at morning recitation: Niem Khong thay oi c.
hng buoi sang. Incomparable (a): Vo ty.
Incense region: Hng GiiNgoi en hay Incomparable Beings: Hieu la Vo ang Tat
ngoi chuaA temple. oa, v the gian khong sanh cEnlightening
Incense and smoke: Hng khoiAncestor Beings are called Incomparable Beings because
worship. they have no peer in the worldSee Ten
Incense stick: Cay nhang. appellations of greatness of Great Enlightening
Incense-yielding tree: Kunduruka or Putchuk Beings.
(skt)Moc HngThe resin of the plantCan Incomparable kinds of power to convert all
HngHuan Luc Hnga Gia LaMot loai beings: Than Thong Ky acThan lc ky ac
tram hng. hoa o chung sanhSee Three incomparable
Incest: Loan luanIncest means to have sexual kinds of rareness.
intercourse with a very close blood relative, i.e., Incomparable kinds of rareness: The re are
son, daughter, aunt, uncle, grandson, three incomparable kinds of rarenessSee Three
granddaughter, etc. Incest is a grave sin and is incomparable kinds of rareness.
advised against because of possible genetic Incomparable light: Vo oi quang.
deformities or diseases that could be passed to the Incomparable Light Buddha: Vo oi Quang
child. In addition, incest causes emotional Nh Lai.
confusion in the minds of many family
Incomparable truth or law: Vo ty phap (giao
membersLoan luan co ngha la giao hp vi
phap khong co g so sanh c).
mot ngi gan gui vi mnh ve huyet thong, nh
Incomplete (a): Bat toanHu D.
la con trai, con gai, co, d, cau, chu, bac, chau gai,
1) Something more: IncompleteExtra
chau trai, van van. Loan luan la mot trong toi
additionalCon them na.
khong nen pham v no co the tao nen nhng ot
2) Those who have remainder to fulfil, i.e.
bien ve di truyen, ong thi co the sanh ra benh
karma: Nhng ngi hay con nghiep cha tra
hoan cho the he con cai. Hn na, loan luan se
e hoan tat hay thanh tu.
tao nen nhng roi loan ve mat tnh cam trong tam
thc cua nhng thanh vien trong gia nh. Incomplete explanation: Hu D Thuyet
Something further to sayThuyet con ton d
Incinerate: Bhasmikaroti (skt)Hoa thieu.
ngha, ch khong phai la ch cc cuoi cung (ngoai
ngha chanh con d ngha).
1) IntentionKhuynh hngY nguyen.
Incomplete meaning: Partial meaningBat
2) S thch duc lacSee Ten kinds of
lieu nghaKinh ien giau i mot phan thc
unimpeded function relating to knowledge.
nghaSee Two meanings of the teachings (A).
Inclination to: Abhinivesa (p & skt)Gan bo
Incomplete nirvana: Sopadhisesa-nirvana
Adhering toAttachment.
(skt)Saupadisesa-nibbana or Kilesa-
Include all living beings for salvation: Nhiep
parinibbana (p)Hu D Niet Ban hay Hu D
chung sanh gii hay nhieu ch hu tnh giiSee
Y Niet BanIncomplete Nirvana where causes
Three collections of pure precepts.
of reincarnation are ended. Nirvana in which all
causes have been annihilated, but the remnant of

the effect still remains, so that a saint may enter phien nao goi la Hu D Y Niet Ban, Niet
this nirvana during life, but may have to continue Ban vi ieu kien cua hu van con, hay sat
to live in this mortal realm till the death of his ngha hn, Niet Ban hay con tu hay uan, la
bodyHu d y Niet ban, Niet ban ma nhan a nhng ieu kien vat chat va phi vat chat cua
ngng han, nhng qua van con d lai, nh vay s hu.
mot v Thanh co the nhap Niet ban, nhng phai Incomplete prediction: Partial predictionHu
song trong the gii sanh t cho en than chet d tho kySee Two classes of Buddhas
See Two Nirvanas. predictions of a disciples destiny.
1) The view of the Hinayana: Theo quan niem Incomplete prediction of a Buddha: Hu D
cua Tieu ThaHinayana holds that the Tho KyAn incomplete Prediction of Buddha on
arhat, with the full extinction of afflictions, his disciples future awakening and
after his last term of mortal existence enters enlightenmentTho ky khong hoan toan cua
into nirvana, while alive here he is in the Phat ve cac e t cua Ngai.
state of limited or modified nirvana
Incomplete teaching: Bat Lieu nghaThe
(sopadhisesa-nirvan), in contrasted with
Hinayana incompletenessNhng ieu chang noi
complete nirvana (nirupadhisesa-nirvana)
het thc ngha trong kinh ien Tieu thaSee
Theo quan niem cua Tieu Tha th mot v A
Dual division of the Buddhas teaching (V).
La Han a dt bo het moi phien nao va tuyet
Incomplete theory: Thuyet Bat nh.
diet nhan sanh t v lai, i vao Hu D Niet
Ban, trong luc van con song, nhng van con Incomplete understanding: Bat lieu ngha
d lai than the qua bao cua kiep nay. Khi qua Not understanding the whole meaning or truth
bao het va ngi ay tch diet th goi la Vo D Incomprehensible.
Niet Ban (Vo nhan Hu qua sinh t). Incomplete-word teaching: Ban t giao
2) The view of the MahayanaQuan niem theo Incomplete-word teaching of which teaching
ai Tha: causes an increase of afflictions or unwholesome
a) The Mahayana holds that when the cause of deedsThuyet ngon tang trng phien nao hay
reincarnation is ended the state is that of ac phapSee Dual division of the Buddhas
incomplete nirvana; when the effect is ended, teaching (III).
and the eternal Buddha-body has been Incompleteness (n): S khong hoan toan.
obtained, then there is a complete nirvana. Incomprehensible (a): Bat lieu ngha.
The Mahayana says that in the Hinayana Incomprehensibles (n): Huyen dieuSee Ten
Remainderless Nirvana for the arhat, there wonders.
are still remains of illusion, karma, and Incomprehensible entity: Absolute reality
suffering, and it is therefore only an
Supernatural existence, as contrasted with the
Incomplete nirvana in Mahayana. In
superficial reality of phenomenaDieu hu.
Mahayana, complete nirvana, these remains
Incomprehensible wisdom: Linh HonThan
of illusion, karma, etc., are ended: Theo
thcDivine wisdomSoulThe intelligent
thuyet ai Tha th nhan sanh t bien dch
spiritThe intelligent ConsciousnessDivine
het sach goi la Hu D Niet Ban, trong khi
wisdomWith regard to the psychological
qua sanh t bien dch het tan va c thng
question, Buddhism does not admit the
than cua Phat th goi la Vo D Niet Ban.
existenceof a soul that is real and immortal.
(Vo Nhan Vo qua, ac Thng Than Phat).
Anatma or non-self refers to all things (sarva-
b) As a technical term the extinction of human
dharma), organic and inorganic. In the case of
passion is called the Nirvana with the
human beings, Buddhism believes that there will
condition of being still remaining or, the
accordingly to be no soul, no real self that is
Nirvana with the upadhi remnant, upadhi
immortal. While in the case of things in general,
being the material and immaterial condition
there will be no noumenon, no essence which is
of being: Noi theo thuat ng, s diet tan cua
unchangeable. Because there is no real self

spatially, i.e., no substance, there will be no instantSee Ten appellations of greatness of

permanent, i.e., no duration. Therefore, no bliss, Great Enlightening Beings.
is to be found in the worldVe nhng van e tam Inconceivable, beneficial functions and uses
ly hoc, Phat giao khong chap nhan s hien hu from the pure wisdom: Bat t ngh dung
cua mot linh hon c cho la chan that va bat t. tngDo tnh tr tng ma hien ra het thay moi
Vo nga ap dung cho tat ca van hu (sarva canh gii lam li ch chung sanhSee Two forms
dharma), hu c hay vo c. Theo Nhan Sinh, Phat (characteristics) of the bhutatathata.
giao cung khong chu trng co linh hon, khong co
Inconceivable Buddha-lands: The size of the
cai nga chn that nao la bat t. Con trong trng
Buddha-lands or the bound of the Buddha realm is
hp ch chung cho van hu, cung khong co ban
beyond human conceptionPhat o canh gii bat
the, khong co ban chat nao ma khong bien dch.
kha t nghSee Four inconceivables.
Bi v khong co mot cach nga chan thc theo
Inconceivable Dharmakaya: Tanh Cua Phap
khong gian, ngha lakhong co thc the, nen khong
Than Nh LaiAccording to Zen Master D.T.
bao gi co thng hang.
Suzuki in the Studies In The Lankavatara Sutra,
Inconceivability of Great Enlightening
the idea of Dharmakaya is not wanting in the
Beings: Bat kha t ngh cua ch ai Bo Tat Lankavatara Sutra, and that it is used not in the
See Ten kinds of inconceivability of Great same of the Dharmakaya of the Triple Body
Enlightening Beings. dogma. The Lankavatara Sutra speaks of the
Inconceivable (a): Acintya (skt)Bat kha t Tathagatas Dharmakaya of the Inconceivable
nghBeyond thought or descriptionBeyond Dharmakaya, and of Dharmakaya as will-body.
thought or discussionBeyond the power of That Tathagatas Dharmakaya has eight special
mentationSee Four inconceivables. natures as followsTheo Thien s D.T. Suzuki
Inconceivable anointment: Quan anh bat t trong Nghien Cu Kinh Lang Gia, y niem ve
nghAccording to the Flower Sutra, Chapter 27, Phap than khong phai khong co trong Kinh Lang
there are ten kinds of inconceivable anointment Gia; tuy nhien, y niem ay khong c dung theo
which Enlightening Beings received from the y ngha phap than cua hoc thuyet Tam Than.
Enlightened. Once Enlightening Beings enter the Lang Gia noi en Phap Than Nh Lai, en Phap
concentration called the pure treasury of the past, Than bat kha t ngh, va en Phap than nh la Y
they receive ten kinds of inconceivable sinh than. Phap than ay co tam ac tnh nh sau
anointment from the Enlightened; they also attain, See Eight nature of Dharmakaya.
purify, consummate, enter, realize, fulfil and hold Inconceivable knowledge: Bat kha t ngh tr
them, comprehend them equally, the three See Ten types of characteristics of manifestation
spheres pureTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 27 of a Buddha (8).
(Thap nh), co mi phap quan anh bat t ngh Inconceivable nagas: Dragons or Nagas are
ma ch Bo Tat nhan c t ni c Nh Lai. beyond human conceptionThien long bat kha t
Mot khi ch ai Bo Tat vao c tam muoi Qua nghSee Four inconceivables.
Kh Thanh Tnh Tang, thi nhan c mi phap
Inconceivable permeation: Bat t ngh huan
quan anh bat t ngh cua c Nh Lai, cung
The permeation of the pure self-essence of the
c, cung thanh tnh, thanh tu, nhap, chng,
mind of true thusness by ignorance or wisdom
vien man, tr gi, va bnh ang biet ro tam gii
which then appears in the manifest world.
thanh tnhSee Ten kinds of inconceivable
According to the Awakening of Faith, the
indescribable vasana or the influence of primal
Inconceivable Beings: Hieu la Bat T Ngh Tat ignorance on the bhutatathata, producing all
oa, v ni mot niem ma Thanh Phat illusionsBat t ngh huan la s tham thau cua
Enlightening Beings are called Inconceivable s ngu si hay tr tue vao t tanh thanh tnh trong
Beings because they become Buddhas in an tam cua chan nh roi sau o xuat hien trong the
gii hien hien e tao thanh phien nao. Theo Khi

Tn Luan th Bat T Ngh Huan la anh hng wisdom, or intuitive knowledgeTr tue khong
huan tap cua can ban vo minh tren chan nh tao the dien ta c cua c Phat hay tr trc giac.
thanh phien nao. Inconceivable world: The Buddhas world is
Inconceivable sentient beings: His teaching beyond human conceptionThe gii bat kha t
about living beings circumstances is beyond nghSee Four inconceivables.
human conceptionChung sanh bat kha t ngh Incongruity (n): Khong hp nhauLack of
See Four inconceivables. harmony or agreement.
Inconceivable sounds: Bat T Ngh Am. Inconsciousness (n): Vo TamMindless
Inconceivable task: S viec khong the ngh Effortless actionMind of non-existence
ban. UnconsciousUnintentionalWithout thought,
Inconceivable things: Nhng ieu khong the will or purposeThe real immaterial mind free
ngh ban (bat kha t ngh)According to the from illusions.
Sastra on the Prajna-Paramita Sutra, there are five 1) Inconsciousness does not mean that we dont
inconceivable or thought-surpassing or beyond have a mind or have no mind, it does mean
mentation thingsTheo Tr o Luan, co nam th that we have a mind which is free from
bat kha t nghSee Five inconceivable things. attachment to thoughts (free from self-
Inconceivable transformation: Bat T Ngh consciousness): Vo tam khong co ngha la
Bien Dch Sanh TSee Two kinds of life and khong co tam, vo tam co ngha la cai tam
death. khong vng mac.
2) In Zen Buddhism, No-Mind describes a
Inconceivable transformation of the death:
state consciousness before the division into
Acintyaparinamacyuti (skt)Bat t ngh bien dch
duality created by thought takes place: Trong
t (s bien dch cua cai chet la khong the ngh
Thien Phat giao, Vo Tam dien ta trang thai
ban)The death of mysterious transformation or
tam thc trc khi nh nguyen b phan chia
inconceivable transformation-death. This has
bi t tng.
nothing to do with corporeal existence. It happens
3) Only when the mind is empty (does not have
only to such spiritual beings as Bodhisattvas. A
anything); thus it is called mind of non-
mysterious transformation that takes place within
existence. The Buddha taught that in
the mind, making it comprehend an external world
cultivation, practictioners should take this
of particular objectsCai chet thuoc ve s bien
mind to tame the deluded mind: Ch khi nao
hoa ky dieu cua ch Bo Tat, hay cai chet thuoc s
trong tam khong con mot vat, ay la vo tam.
s bien hoa khong the quan niem c xay ra
Phat day, trong tu tap phai lay phap vo tam
ben trong tam, lam cho tam hieu c cac s vat
e che ng vong tam.
ac thu ben ngoai.
Inconceivable transformation life: Bat T Inconsistent (a): Bat nhatInconstant.
Ngh Bien Dch Sanh TSee Two kinds of life Inconspicuous practice: Mat HanhPhng
and death. cach thc hanh b mat.
Inconceivable transformation of life in the Inconvenient (a): Bat tien.
Pure Land: Bat T Ngh Bien Dch Sanh T Incorporated with: Sap nhap vi.
Ineffable changes and transmigrations to the Incorporation (n): S ket hpTo hp.
higher stages of mortality above the traidhatuka or Incorrect conduct: Evil conductAc hanh.
trailokyaDo bi nguyen vo lau ma chuyen bien Incorrect views: Ta kienThere are eight
hng thng than sinh t len tren Tam gii (xuat incorrect viewsCo tam ta kienSee Eight
qua tam gii than)See Two kinds of life and incorrect views.
death. Incorrect view that anything is really mine:
Inconceivable wisdom: Acintya-jnana (skt) Nga S KienThe incorrect view that anything is
Bat t ngh trThe indescribable Buddhas really mine, for all things are but temporal

combinationsTa kien cho rang s vat thuoc ve ay v Ty Kheo khi len y muon, co gang, tinh
ta, v s vat ch la gia hp ch khong co that. tan, sach tam, tr tam vi muc ch khien cho cac
Increase (v): Tang Trng. thien phap a sanh co the c tang trng, c
1) To increase in breadth: TangLam tang quang ai vien manSee Four right efforts.
chieu ngang. Increased powers of mind through
2) To increase in height or length: Trng meditation: Tang Thng Tam HocOne of the
Lam tang chieu cao hay chieu dai. three studies, the study of increased powers of
Increase then decrease in the same ratio: mind through meditationMot trong tam hoc, con
Nht Tang Nht GiamAccording to the goi la nh hoc hay thien nh la cai hoc lam tang
Dictionary of Chinese Budhist Terms compiled by trng cai tamSee Three studies.
Professor Soothill in 1934, a small kalpa during Increased quarrelling: Tang trng s gay
which a human lifetime increases from ten years goSee Six dangers when one attaches to
to 80,000 years and then decreases back to ten. At addiction of alcoholic drinks and drugs.
the first of the century the increases is to 11 years; Increasing heat: Grisma (skt)Tiem Nhiet
at the end of the second century to 12 years and so Increasing heat, the two months from middle of
on till a lifetime lasts 80,000 years; then decreases May to middle of JulySc nong ( An o) tang
in the same ratio till 10 is reached. The whole t t trong hai thang, gia thang nam en gia
period of accretion and declension covers a small thang bay.
kalpa (16,800,000 years)Theo Trung Hoa Phat
Increasing and improving merits and
Hoc T ien do Giao S Soothill bien soan nam
blessings: Tang chOne of the four kinds of
1934, mot tieu kiep trong o nhan sinh tang t
altar-worship of the Shingon Sect. Praying to ask
mi len en 80.000 nam va roi giam tr lai
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to help you increasing
mi. Vao the ky au nhan sinh tang len 11 nam,
and improving merits and blessingsMot trong
cuoi the ky th hai tang thanh 12 nam, va c the
bon an phap cua tong Chan Ngon. Cau nguyen
tang len 80.000 nam; roi giam xuong cung theo ty
ch Ton bao ho e c tang them phuc c.
le nay cho en khi tuoi tho ch con la 10 nam.
**See Four kinds of altar-worship.
Nguyen thi ky tang giam trong 16.800.000 nam
c goi la mot tieu kiep. Increasing kalpa: Tang KiepThe increasing
kalpas, or the kalpa of increment during which
Increase the family of Buddhas: Them ln
human life increases by one year every century
Phat chung e tat ca chung sanh eu c thanh
from an initial life of ten years, till it reaches
PhatSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all
84,000 years, and the body from one foot to 8,400
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (7).
feet in heigthTang kiep la kiep ma trong o i
Increase merit when it was already
ngi tang dan t 10 tuoi len en 84.000 tuoi, va
produced: Tinh tan tiep tuc phat trien nhng chieu cao cua than ngi tang t mot bo Anh len
ieu thien lanh a phat sanhEffort to en 8,400 bo Anh. **See Decreasing kalpa.
consolidate, increase, and not deteriorate virtues
Increasing power of prayer for cessation of
already arisenDeveloping goodness that has
calamity: Tang TcLay cong nang tu tr lam
already arisen (develop existing good)
tang kha nang cau ao tieu tai cat tng.
Endeavor to perform more good deedsTo
encourage the growth and continuance of good Incredible (a): Khong lng c.
deeds that have already started. Here a monk Incredible sufferings: Nhng kho au khong
rouses his will, makes an effort, stirs up energy, lng.
exerts his mind and strives to maintain wholesome Incur hatred: Mua thu chuoc oan.
mental states that have arisen, not to let them fade Incur hostility: Breed emnityContract
away, to bring them to greater growth, to the full hatredKet oan.
perfection of developmentieu thien a sanh, Indebted: Mac n
phai tinh can khien cho ngay cang phat trien.

Indecent exposure of ones person: e lo am Luan (Vi Dieu Phap), nghiep vo han nh la loai
tangSee Six dangers when one attaches to nghiep ma qua cua no co the tro bat c luc nao
addiction of alcoholic drinks and drugs. no co dp tro qua trong nhng kiep tai sanh.
Indecent speech: Unrefined speechImproper Nghiep vo han nh khong bao gi b vo hieu lc.
speechSmart speechVong ng (y ng). Khong co bat c ai, ke ca c Phat hay mot v A
La Han, co the tranh khoi hau qua cua nghiep
Indefatigably cultivating any practices:
nay. Ngai Muc Kien Lien a la mot v A La Han
Chuyen tu khong moi met, mot trong Thap Tr
trong thi qua kh xa xoi, a nghe li ngi v ac
NghiepSee Ten kinds of actions of knowledge
tam, am mu am hai cha me. Do hanh ong sai
lam ay, ngai a trai qua mot thi gian lau dai
Destroying of demons: pha chung ma tr phien
trong canh kho va, trong kiep cuoi cung, ngai b
naoSee Ten kinds of actions of knowledge (9).
mot bon cp giet chet. c Phat cung b nghi la
Indefectibility (n): Tnh bat diet. a giet chet mot n tu s tu theo ao loa the. Theo
Indefinite (a): IndeterninateIrresolute Kinh Tien Than c Phat th Ngai phai chu tieng
UndecidedUnfixedUndetermined oan nh vay la v trong mot tien kiep Ngai a
UncertainUnsettledBat nh TnhKhong thieu le o vi mot v oc giac Phat. e Ba at
nht nhVo han nhSee Five natures (I). a toan giet c Phat, ong a lan a t tren nui
Indefinite commandments: Aniyata (skt): Gii cao lam tray chn ngai, theo truyen Tien Than
Bat nhSee Aniyata. c Phat th trong mot tien kiep c Phat a l
Indefinite Doctrine: Bat nh giaoSee tay giet chet mot ngi em khac me e oat cua
Indeterminate teaching. trong mot vu tranh chap tai sanSee Four types
Indefinite karma: Bat nh nghiep. of kamma (karma) (C).
Indefinitely: Vo han nh. Independence (n): S oc lap.
Indefinitely effective karma: Independence and freedom: oc lap va t do.
Aparapariyavedaniya (p)Nghiep Vo Han Independent (a): oc lap.
nhAccording to the Abhidharma, indefinitely Independent human personality: Nhan nga
effective karma is a karma which can ripen at any kienThe erroneous view that there is an
time from the second future existence onwards, independent human personality or soulTa kien
whenever it gains an opportunity to produce sai lam cho rang co mot cai nga oc lapSee
results. It never becomes defunct so long as the Two errouneous views of individualism (A).
round of rebirth continues. No one, not even a Independent personal power: T lc (t mnh
Buddha or an Arahant, is exempt from tinh tan dung manh phat tam Bo e)See Four
experiencing the results of indefinitely effective powers (B).
karma. No one is exempt from this class of karma. Independent origin is impossible: Neu bat c
Even the Buddhas and Arahants may reap the s vat nao a hien hu ay, th khong co cai g
effects of their past karma. Arahant Moggallana in co the thay the no c tr phi chung ta t cho
the remote past, instigated by his wicked wife, rang co s phat nguon oc lap, ieu nay khong
attempted to kill his mother and father. As a result the xay ra c (theo 12 nhan duyen th khong co
of this he suffered long in a woeful state, and in cai g c goi la s phat nguon oc lap ca): If
his last birth was clubbed to death by bandits. To anything is already here, nothing else can take its
the Buddha was imputed the murder of a female place unless we assume an independent origin,
devotee of the naked ascetics. This was the result which is impossibleSee Eight ways of no-birth.
of his having insulted a Pacceka Buddha in one of
Independent personal power: T lcSee
his previous kalpa. The Buddhas foot was
Four powers for attaining enlightenment.
slightly injured when Devattava made a futile to
kill him. This was due to his killing a step-brother
Independent substance: Ban the oc lap.
of his previous birth with the object of Independentism (n): Chu ngha t lap.
appropriating his propertyTheo A Ty at Ma

Independently awakened: Pratyeka buddhas destroyedEverlastingImperishable

(skt)Duyen GiacSee Four saints (rewards) ImmortalUndyingBat diet.
(A). Indestructible beliefs: Niem tin kien co
Indescribable (a): Bat kha thuyetCannot be There are four firm or indestructible beliefsCo
described or beyond the power of description bon niem tin khong hoai dietSee Four firm
Indescribaly. beliefs.
Indescribable Buddha's wisdom: Acintya- Indestructible dedication: Bat Hoai Hoi
jnana (skt)Inconceivable wisdomIntuitive HngThe second dedication in the ten
knowledgeBat t ngh tr. dedications in The Flower Adornment Sutra.
Indescribable changes: Bat t ngh bien. According to the Fa-Hsiang School, this is the
1) The indescribable changes of Bhutatathata in stage where the Bodhisattva sees emptiness easily
the multitudinous forms of all thingsS without analyzing existenceHoi hng th nh
bien oi khong the ngh ban cua chan nh trong Thap Hoi hng trong Kinh Hoa Nghiem.
di vo so hnh thc cua van hu. Theo Phap Tng Tong th ay la giai oan ma
2) The indescribable changes of the bhutatathata mot v Bo Tat thay tanh khong mot cach de dang
in the multitudinous forms of all things: Dieu ch khong can phai phan tch s hien hu na
ly chan nh chuyen bien ma thanh s tng See Ten kinds of dedication.
cua muon phap. 1) Great enlightening beings attain
indestructible faith in the Enlightened Ones of
Indescribable fuming: Indescribable vasana
past, future and present becauseai Bo Tat
Indescribable suffusingBat t ngh huan.
c c tin bat hoai oi vi tam the ch
Indescribable suffusing: Indescribable
Phat v:
fumingIndescribable vasanaBat t ngh huan.
a) They serve all Buddhas: Hay tron phung th
Indescribable vasana (skt): Tap Kh bat kha t tat ca ch Phat.
nghIndescribable suffusingIndescribable b) They attain indestructible faith in
fumingPerfuming impression or memoryThe enlightening beings, even those who have just
indescribable nature of all habit-energy of resolved on the search for omniscience for
memory from past actions (recollection of the past the first time, because they vow to tirelessly
or former impression) which ignites cultivate all foundations of goodness of
discriminations and prevents Enlightenement enlightening beings: c c tin bat hoai
Tanh chat khong the ngh ban cua nhng thoi oi vi tat ca ch Bo Tat, nhan en oi vi
quen ngh lc cua ky c (nhng y thc va hanh cac Bo Tat s phat tam cau vo thng ao, v
ong a lam trong qua kh) anh ong s phan the tu tat ca Bo Tat thien can khong moi
biet va ngan nga s giac ngoSee Alaya nham.
Vijnana. c) They attain indestructible faith in all the
Indestructibility: Bat Hoai TamSee Ten Buddha qualities, because they conceive
dwelling minds. profound aspiration: c c tin bat hoai
Indestructibility (n) of the living and the oi vi tat ca Phat phap, v phat ch nguyen
Buddha: Sinh Phat Bat Tang Bat GiamThe sau.
indestructibility of the living and the Buddha; they d) They attain indestructible faith in all Buddha
neither increase nor decrease, being the teachings, because they abide by them and
absoluteTanh khong hoai diet, bat tang bat maintain them: c c tin bat hoai oi vi
giam, va tuyet oi cua chung sanh va Phat. tat ca Phat giao, v thu ho tru tr.
Indestructibility (n) of the diamond: Kim e) They attain indestructible faith in all sentient
Cang Bat Hoai. beings, because they look upon all sentient
Indestructible (a): Avinasya or Anirodha (skt) beings impartially with the eye of compassion
and dedicate roots of goodness to their
Bat hoai (khong h hoai)Cannot be
universal benefit: c c tin bat hoai oi

vi tat ca chung sanh, v long t bnh ang c) Causing their kindness and compassion to
xem chung sanh em long thien can hoi become broad and great: Khien ln long t
hng khap li ch. bi.
f) They attain indestructible faith in all pure d) They observe impartially: Quan sat bnh
ways, because everywhere they amass ang.
boundless roots of goodness: c c tin bat e) They accord with and practice the deeds of
hoai oi vi tat ca phap lanh thanh tnh, v the Buddhas: Tuy thuan tu hoc cho lam cua
khap hop vo bien thien can. ch Phat.
g) They attain indestructible faith of dedication f) Embracing all pure foundations of goodness:
of enlightening beings, because they fulfill Nhiep thu tat ca thien can thanh tnh.
their noble aspiration: c c tin bat hoai g) Entering the truth: Vao ngha chn that.
oi vi ao hoi hng cua tat ca Bo Tat v h) They assembled virtuous practices: Nhom
ay u nhng thang nguyen. cong hanh phc c.
h) They attain indestructible faith in all teachers i) They carry out great works of charity: Thc
of the ways of enlightening beings, because hanh bo th ln.
they think of the enlightening beings as j) They cultivate meritorious qualities: Tu cac
Buddhas: c c tin bat hoai oi vi cac cong c.
Bo Tat phap s, v oi vi cac Bo Tat tng k) Look upon the past, present and future as
la Phat vay. equal: Xem tam the bnh ang.
i) They attain indestructible faith in the spiritual 3) Great enlightening beings dedicate such
powers of all Buddhas, because they deeply virtues toBo Tat dung thien can cong c
believe in the inconceivability of the nh vay hoi hng:
Buddhas: c c tin bat hoai oi vi than a) Cultivating Omniscience: Tu Nht thiet tr.
thong t tai cua tat ca Phat, v tham tn ch b) Aspiring to always see the Buddhas: Nguyen
Phat kho ngh ban. thng thay Phat.
j) They attain indestructible faith in the practice c) Aspiring to associate with companions:
of skill in expedient means exercised by all Nguyen gan cac ban lanh.
enlightening beings, because they include d) Aspiring to live among enlightening beings:
countless various realms of activity: c Nguyen cung vi ch Bo Tat.
c tin bat hoai oi vi phng tien thien xao e) Aspiring to constantly keep their minds on
cua tat ca Bo Tat, v nhiep thu vo lng vo so omniscience: Nguyen nh Nht thiet tr
cong hanh. khong ri.
2) Great enlightening beings abide in f) Vowing to accept and hold the Buddhist
indestructible faith in various realms such as teachings: Nguyen tho tr Phat giao sieng thu
those of Buddhas, enlightening beings, ho.
disciples of Buddhas, individual illuminates, g) Vowing to conscientiously protect, educate
of Buddhist doctrines, and of sentient and develop all sentient beings: Nguyen bao
beingsai Bo Tat luc an tru c tin bat ho va giao hoa thanh thuc tat ca chung sanh.
hoai nh vay oi vi Phat, Bo Tat, oc Giac, h) Their minds always dedicated to the path of
Thanh Van, Phat phap, Phat giao, chung emancipation from the world: Tam thng
sanh: hoi hng ao xuat the.
a) They plant roots of goodness: Trong o kheo i) Vowing to provide for and serve all teachers
vun trong thien can. of truth: Nguyen cung dng hau ha tat ca
b) Causing the determination for enlightenment phap s.
to grow more and more: Khien them tam Bo j) Understanding the principles of the teachings
e. and retain them in memory: Hieu ro cac
phap, ghi nh chang quen.

k) Vowing to cultivate and practice great vows incenses: Vo so hng thoa, hng bot, hng
and cause them to be fulfilled: Nguyen tu hoa tron, hng ot.
hanh ai nguyen, eu khien ay u. c) They provide innumerable services, profound
4) Enlightening beings cultivate dedications in faith, aspiration, pure mind, respect, praise,
this wayBo Tat tu hoi hng nh vay: honor: Vo so s hau ha, tham tn, men a,
a) To amass roots of goodness: Cha nhom thien tam thanh tnh, ton trong, ca ngi, le knh.
canOnce they have amassed various roots d) They provide innumerable jewel seats, flower
of goodness, they cultivate the practices of seats, incense seats, seats of garlands,
enlightening beingsby means of the results of sandlewood seats, cloth seats, diamond seats,
these roots of goodness. In every sucessive crystal seats, precious streamer seats, Jewel-
moment they see innumerable Buddhas, and colored seats: Vo so bu toa, hoa toa, hng
serve and provide for them in accordance toa, man toa, chien an toa, y toa, kim cang
with their needsKhi a cha nhom thien toa, ma-ni toa, bu tang toa, bu sac toa.
can nh vay roi, dung nhng y bao cua thien e) They provide innumerable flowered parks,
can nay ma tu Bo Tat hanh, trong moi niem bejeweled parks, perfumed parks, parks hung
thay vo lng Phat va phung th cung dng. with garlands, parks spread with robes, jewel-
b) To accomplish roots of goodness: Thanh tu studded parks: Vo so cho kinh hanh trai hoa,
thien can. trai bau,trai hng, trai trang hoa, trai y phuc,
c) To develop roots of goodness: Tang trng trai lua mau.
thien can. f) They provide innumerable parks with trees of
d) Contemplate roots of goodness: T duy thien all precious substances, parks with
can. balustrades of all precious substances, parks
e) To concentrate roots of goodness: He niem covered with nets of chimes of all jewels: Vo
(nh) thien can. so cho kinh hanh trong cay bu-a-la, lan can
f) To analyze roots of goodness: Phan biet thien bau, li linh bau giang che.
can. g) They provide innumerable palaces of all
g) To delight in roots of goodness: Men thch precious substance, palaces with all kinds of
thien can. flowers, palaces with all kinds of garlands,
h) To cultivate roots of goodness: Tu tap thien palaces with all kinds of incenses, palaces
can. with all kinds of sandalwood, palaces with
i) To abide in roots of goodness: An tru thien stores of all kinds of aromatic resinspalaces of
can. all kinds of diamonds, palaces with all kinds
5) Enlightening beings reverently present the of crystal, all extraordinary fine, surpassing
following offerings with pure-minded respect those of the heavens: Vo so cung ien bau, cung
to all Buddhas for countless, incalculable ien hoa, cung ien trang hoa, cung ien hng,
eons, never retreating, never ceasingCh cung ien chien an, cung ien dieu hng tang,
Bo Tat ton knh cung dng ch Phat trai qua cung ien kim cang, cung ien ma ni, tat ca eu
quy ep hn coi tri.
vo lng vo so bat kha thuyet kiep, cung
h) They provide innumerable trees of mixed
dng luon, khong thoi chuyen, khong thoi
jewels, trees of various fragrances, trees of
ngh vi nhng th quy bau:
precious raiments, trees of music, trees of
a) They provide innumerable jewels, flowers,
fascinating jewels, trees of gem-studded
garlands, garments, parasols, banners,
streamers, trees of precious rings: Vo so cay
pennants, adornments: Vo so chau bau, hoa,
bau, cay hng, cay bu y, cay am nhac, cay
trang hoa, y phuc, long, trang, phan, o trang
dieu am thinh, cay o trang nghiem, cay hang
lua bau, cay vong bau.
b) They provide innumerable perfumes,
i) They provide innumerable trees adorned with
powdered incenses, mixed scents, burning
banners, pennants, and canopies with the

fragrances of all flowers: Vo so cay hoa j) To Maintain the teachings of all Buddhas: Tru
hng trang phan long trang nghiem che mat tr Phat phap.
cac cung ien. k) Their offerings to living Buddhas and to their
j) The palaces are also adorned withCung relics after death could never be fully told of
ien c trang nghiem: even in an incalculable period of time: Bo
* Innumerable lattices: Vo so mai hien trang Tat cung dng hien tai ch Phat va xa li
nghiem. cua Phat nh vay, dau ca vo so kiep noi cung
* Innumerable windows, doors: Ca chnh ca khong the het.
hong trang nghiem. 7) Enlightening beings cultivate and accumulate
* Innumerable balconies: Vo so lau cac trang immeasurable virtue is all to develop and
nghiem. mature sentient beingsBo Tat tu tap vo
* Innumerable crescents: Vo so hnh ban lng cong c v muon thanh thuc tat ca
nguyet trang nghiem. chung sanh:
* Innumerable drapes: Vo so man trang a) Without retreating: Khong thoi chuyen.
nghiem. b) Without ceasing: Khong dt ngh.
* Covered with countless nets of gold: Vo so c) Without wearying: Khong nham.
li vang giang che. d) Without clinging: Khong chap.
* Countless perfumes wafting throughout them e) Free from all mental images: La tam tng.
scenting everywhere: Vo so hng thm toa f) Without stopping anywhere: Khong y ch.
khap. g) Forever beyond all dependence: Tuyet han
* Countless robes spread on the ground: Vo so s y.
tham bau trai at. h) Detached from self and anything pertaining to
6) After each Buddha dies, enlightening beings a self: Xa la nga, nga s.
also respectfully make similar offerings to all i) They seal all aspects of their activities with
their relics, in order toSau khi moi c the stamp of truth: Dung phap an nh that an
Nh Lai diet o, Bo Tat cung cung dng xa chng cac nghiep mon.
li nh a cung dng ch Phat, v muon j) Realize the birthlessness of things: c
khien chung sanh: phap vo sanh.
a) To induce all sentient beings to develop pure k) Abide in the abode of Budhahood: Tru cho
faith: Muon khien chung sanh khi long tin tru cua Phat.
thanh tnh. l) Observe the nature of birthlessness: Quan
b) To embody all foundations of goodness: tanh vo sanh.
Nhiep thien can. 8) In the care of the Budhas, they set their minds
c) To be red from all suffering: La cac kho. on dedicationCh Phat ho niem, phat tam
d) To have broad understanding: Hieu biet rong. hoi hng:
e) To be arayed with great adornments: Dung a) Dedication in accord with the nature of all
ai trang nghiem e t trang nghiem. things: Hoi hng tng ng vi phap tanh.
f) To consummate all their undertakings: Cho tu b) Dedication entering into the uncreated truth,
hanh c rot rao. yet perfecting created expedient methods:
g) To know how rare it is to meet a Buddha: Hoi hng phng tien nhap phap vo tac cho
Biet ch Phat xuat the rat kho gap. lam c thanh tu.
h) To fulfill the immeasurable power of the c) Dedication of techniques discarding
enlightened: c u vo lng tr lc cua attachments to concepts of phenomena: Hoi
Nh Lai. hng phng tien bo la chap trc.
i) To adorn and make offerings to the tombs and d) Dedication abiding in countlessenlightening
shrines of Buddhas: Trang nghiem cung skills: Hoi hng an tru ni vo lng thien
dng thap mieu cua ch Phat. xao.

e) Dedication forever departing from all realms k) They get rid of the darkness of ignorance and
of existence: Hoi hng ra khoi han tat ca coi folly: La cac si am.
hu lau. l) They develop the will for enlightenment:
f) Dedication of expedient application of Thanh tam Bo e.
practices without sticking to forms: Hoi hng m) They reveal the light of enlightenment: Khai
kheo tu hanh chang tru ni tng. th quang minh.
g) Dedication embracing all foundations of n) They increase pure ways: Tang trng tnh
goodness: Hoi hng nhiep khap tat ca thien phap.
can. o) The dedicate to the supreme Way: Hoi hng
h) Great dedicationpurifying the act s of all thang ao.
enlightening beings: Hoi hng thanh tnh p) They fulfill all practices: ay u cac hanh.
khap tat ca bo tat hanh rong ln. 10) Enlightening beings also cultivate dedication
i) Dedication rousing the will for by means ofBo Tat lai tu tap hoi hng
enlightenment: Hoi hng phat tam vo bang cach:
thng bo e. a) With clear, pure intellect they are able to
j) Dedication living with all bases of goodness: skillfully analyze things: Dung y thanh tnh
Hoi hng ong tru tat ca thien can. kheo hay phan biet.
k) Dedication fulfilling supreme faith: Hoi b) They comprehend all things as appearing
hng ay u tam tn giai vo thng. according to the mind: Ro biet ch phap eu
9) When enlightening beings dedicate such roots tuy tam hien.
of goodness, thoughtai Bo Tat luc em c) They know clearlyRo biet:
thien can hoi hng nh vay, ngh rang: * They know deeds are like illusions: Ch
a) Though they go along with birth and death, nghiep nh huyen.
they are not changed: Dau theo sanh t ma * Results of deeds are like paintings: Bao nh
chang bien oi. tng.
b) They seek omniscience without ever * All activities are like magic tricks: Hanh nh
retreating: Cau nht thiet tr cha tng thoi hoa.
chuyen. * Things born of causes and conditions are all
c) While being in the various realms of like echoes: Phap nhn duyen sanh eu nh
existence, their minds are undisturbed: vang.
trong tam gii ma tam khong loan ong. * The practices of enlightening beings are like
d) They are able to liberate all sentient beings: reflections: Tat ca Bo Tat hanh nh bong.
Tron co the o thoat tat ca chung sanh. * They produce the clear, pure eye of reality:
e) They are not stained by compounded things: Xuat sanh phap nhan thanh tnh vo trc.
Chang nhiem phap hu vi. * They see the vast realm of the uncreated:
f) They do not lose unimpeded knowledge: Thay canh gii vo tac rong ln.
Chang mat tr vo ngai. * They realize their null essence: Chng tanh
g) Their fulfillment of causes and conditions of tch diet.
enlightening beings practices and stages is * They understand the nonduality of things and
inexhaustible: Bo Tat hang v nhn duyen vo discover the true aspect of things: Ro phap
tan. bat nh, c phap thiet tng.
h) Worldly things cannot change or move them: * They ulfill the practices of enlightening
Cac b cac phap the gian lam bien ong. beings without attachment to any forms: u
i) They fulfill the pure ways of transcendence: Bo Tat hanh, ni cac phap khong chap sac
Thanh tnh ay u cac Ba-La-Mat. tng.
j) They are able to accomplish all knowledge * They are able to carry out all commonplace
and power: Tron co the thanh tu nht thiet acts without ever abadoning pure principles
tr lc. and practices: Kheo hay thc hanh nhng

viec ong s ma khong ri bo cac phap lanh c) They wish all sentient beings depart from the
thanh tnh. state of birth and death: Nguyen tat ca chung
* Free from all attachments, they remain sanh ra khoi phap sanh t.
unattached in action: La tat ca chap trc ma d) They wish all sentient beings to attain the
tru hanh vo trc. bases of virtues of Buddhahood: Nguyen tat
11) Enlightening beings think flexibly, without ca chung sanh c thien can cua Phat.
confusion or delusion, without contradicting e) They wish all sentient beings forever end all
facts, without destroying active causes: Bo delusive activities: Nguyen tat ca chung sanh
Tat kheo leo t duy khong me hoac, chang dt han tat ca ma nghiep.
trai cac phap, chang hoai nghiep nhn. f) They wish all sentient beings stamp all
12) Dedicating as is appropriate with clear actions with the seal of equanimity: Nguyen
perception of real truth: Kheo hoi hng va tat ca chung sanh dung an bnh ang an khap
thay ro chn thiet. cac nghiep.
13) They know the inherent nature of things, yet g) They wish all sentient beings to determine to
by the power of skill in means they enter knowledge of all ways of libertion, and
accomplish results of action and reach the accomplish all transmundane qualities:
other shore: Biet phap tanh, dung sc phng Nguyen tat ca chung sanh phat tam vao thang
tien thanh tu nghiep bao en b kia. nht thiet chung tr va thanh tu tat ca phap
14) With knowledge and wisdom they examine xuat the gian.
all things and attain knowledge of spiritual Indestructible faith: Bat Hoai TnSee Ten
faculties: Dung tr hue quan sat tat ca cac kinds of indestructible faith of Great Enlightening
phap va c tr than thong. Beings.
15) The virtues of their deeds are carried out Indestructible Faith in the Buddhas: Tn tam
without striving, in accordance with their free ni ch Phat chang hoai dietFaith in the
will: Vo tac ma thc hanh cac nghiep thien Buddhas should be indestructible. This is one of
can tuy tam t tai. the ten kinds of rules of behavior of great
16) Enlightening beings dedicate roots of enlightening beings. Enlightening beings who
goodness in this way becauseBo Tat em abide by these can attain the supreme discipline
nhng thien can hoi hng nh vay v: of great knowledgeay la mot trong mi luat
a) They want to liberate all sentient beings: nghi cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong
Muon o thoat tat ca chung sanh. phap nay thi c luat nghi ai tr vo thng
b) They want to keep the lineage of Buddhas See Ten kinds of rules of behavior of great
unbroken: Muon chang dt Phat chung. enlightening beings.
c) Be forever rid of demonic activity: La han
Indestructible four dhyana heavens: Bat
nghiep ma.
Hoai T ThienThe four dhyana heavens, where
d) See omniscience: Thay nht thiet tr.
the samadhi mind of meditation is indestructible,
e) Their aspiration is never discarded: c
and the external is indestructible by the three final
nguyen khong ngan me, khong nham bo.
catastrophesT thien thien ni ma trong th tam
f) They detach from mundane objects and cut
giac quan hay tam Tam ma a chang b h hoai,
off all mixup and defilement: La cac canh
ngoai th kh gii chang b hoai bi tam tai.
gii, dt nhng tap nhiem.
17) Enlightening beings wishBo Tat nguyen:
Indestructible glowing faculties: Kim Cang
quang diem canSee Ten kinds of faculties of
a) They wish all sentient beings to attain pure
Great Enlightening Beings.
knowledge: Nguyen tat ca chung sanh c
tr thanh tnh. Indestructible mark: Avinasya (skt)Bat hoai
b) They wish all sentient beings enter deeply tngSee Nine grades of arhats.
into techniques of liberation: Nguyen tat ca Indestructible power: Bat hoai lc
chung sanh vao phng tien giai thoat sau. Indestructible power. This is one of the ten kinds

of might with enormous power of all Buddha cua c Phat. Bat nh Giao hay giao ly chung,
which the Buddha taught in the Flower t o ngi nghe tuy theo kha nang cua mnh ma
Adornment Sutraay la mot trong mi th lc lanh hoi. Thien Thai chia giao phap cua Nh Lai
cua ch Phat ma c Phat a day trong Kinh Hoa ra lam bon. Bat nh Giao hay phng tien ma
NghiemSee Ten kinds of might with enormous c Nh Lai dung than lc bat t ngh e co the
power of all Buddhas. khien chung sanh c li ch ai Tha khi Ngai
Indeterminate: Aniyato rasi (p)Indefinite thuyet ve Tieu Tha, va ngc lai c li ch
IrresoluteUndecidedUnfixedUnsettled Tieu Tha khi Ngai thuyet ve ai Tha, tc
UndeterminedUncertainBat nhBat nh ong thnh d van, ac ch bat ong. (cung nghe
tuSee Three dharmas (XXIV). nh nhau, nghe hieu khac nhau, va li ch thu
Indeterminates which cannot be noted as c khac nhau). Giao ly bat nh, khong b mat
ma Phat dung khi co mat nhieu e t khac trnh
good or evil: Hu phu vo kyCo tanh ac ma
o nhau, nhng eu hieu li Phat giang. Giao
chang thay qua khoSee Two neutrals.
phap ma Phat tuy theo can c nghi thuyet day,
Indeterminate dharma: Indeterminate
ch khong nht nh la phai thuoc rieng ve mot
methodBat nh phap.
can c nao caSee Five periods and eight
Indeterminate functions: Aniyata-bhumika teachings of the Tien-Tai, and Eight Tien-Tai
(skt)Bat nh a phapSee Seventy-five classifications of Sakyamunis teaching (B).
dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
Indeterminism (n): Thuyet vo nh.
Indeterminates which get rid of hindrances:
India: Tay ThienAn oTn oIn the
Vo phu vo kyVo ky phap xa la chng ngai
Tang dynasty, its territory is described as
See Two neutrals.
extending over 15,000 miles in circuit, being
Indeterminate mental functions: Varo-aniata bounded on three sides by the sea; north is rested
(skt)Bat nh tam sSee Fifty-one Dharmas on the Snow Mountain (Himalaya); wide at north,
interactive with the Mind. narrowing to the south, shaped like a half-moon. It
Indeterminate method: Indeterminate eas extremely hot, well watered and damp. Its
dharmaBat nh phap. capital was Vichavapura. ccording to Fa-Hsien in
Indeterminate nature: Bat nh tanh. the Records of the Buddhist Kingdoms: The
Indeterminate teaching: Indefinite Doctrine people are rich and happy, without being
Bat nh giaoOne of the five periods of burdened by poll-tax and officialdom. Only those
teaching of the Buddha. General or Indeterminate who till the land of the king are requested to pay
teaching, from which each hearer would derive land-tax. They can go and stay whenever and
benefit according to his interpretation. Tien-Tai wherever they wish. The king rules without
divides the Buddhas mode of teaching into four. having resorted to torture and capital punishment.
Indeterminate teaching means that Buddha, by his Those who are guilty are required to pay fines,
extraordinary powers of Upaya-kausalya, or lightly or heavily in accordance with their crimes.
adaptability, could confer Mahayana benefits on Those who plot against the state have only their
his hearers out of his Hinayana teaching and vice- right hand cut off. The kings attendants receive
versa, dependent on the capacity of his hearers. salaries and pensions. The people of this country
The Indeterminate Doctrine, non-mystical abstain from killing living beings, drinking wine,
indeterminate doctrine, in which though the eating onion and garlic. Except the Candala who
students have different levels, they still are called the wicked people, they live apart from
understood his words in different ways (all other people. When they entered the town and the
listeners know that all are hearing together and market, they strike a piece of wood to announce
yet they hear differently and understand their presence, so that people may know and
vaiously). The Buddha used Indefinte Doctrine to avoid them. In the country, people neither raise
teach sentient beings with different levels of pigs and fowls nor sell living creatures. There are
understandingMot trong nam thi thuyet giao no butchers or alcohol dealers in the markets. In

their business, they use shells as currency. Only on postulation and definition of the four noble
the Candalas are fishermen and hunters who sell truths, one of the three turns of the law-wheel of
fish and meat.Vao thi nha ng, lanh tho the Buddha in the Deer parkc Phat giang ve
Tn o Quoc trai dai tren mot chu vi hn 15.000 nh e va nh ngha cua T Dieu e trong vn
dam. Ba pha giap bien, pha Bac nam tren day Loc Uyen, mot trong ba loai chuyen Phap Luan
Tuyet Sn Hy Ma Lap Sn. Pha Bac rong, pha cua c PhatSee Three turns of the law-wheel
Nam hep, giong nh hnh ban nguyet. Thi tiet rat when the Buddha preached in the Deer Park.
nong va am. Kinh thanh la T Tham Ba Bo La Indifference (n): Upeksa (skt)Tnh lanh
(Vichavapura). Theo ngai Phap Hien trong Tay amXaSee Upeksa, and Seventy-five
Vc Ky: Dan chung trong x nay giau co hanh dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
phuc, ho khong b ganh nang cua thue ma va Indifference to all disturbances of
quan lai. Ch co nhng ai cay cay at cua nha vua
subconscious or ecstatic mind: Upeksa-
mi phai nop thue cho vua. Dan chung muon i
sambodhiHanh xaComplete abandonment
au bat c luc nao cung c. Nha vua cai tr
Hoan toan buong bo. Dng dng trc moi phien
khong can en tra tan va t hnh. Nhng ngi co
toaiSee Seven Bodhyangas.
toi ch b phat bang tien tuy theo toi nang nhe cua
Indifferent (a): Trung tnhDng dngLanh
ho. Nhng ke am mu chong lai nha vua th b
chat tay phai. Nhng ngi hau can cua vua th
c lng bong va h bong. Dan x nay khong Indifferent investigations: Nhng suy t en
sat sanh, khong uong ru hay an hanh toi. Ch co XaAccording to the Sangiti Sutta in the Long
nhng ngi lam nghe ac c goi la Chien a Discourses of the Buddha, there are six indifferent
La th song cach biet vi moi ngi. Moi khi vao investigationsTheo Kinh Phung Tung trong
thanh th ch bua th ho go tren mot manh go e Trng Bo Kinh, co sau suy t en xaSee Six
bao trc s xuat hien cua mnh cho ngi khac indifferent investigations.
biet ma tranh. Trong x nay, ngi ta khong nuoi Indifferent and treacherous friends: Ke te
heo ga, cung khong buon ban sinh vat. Khong co bac.
ai lam o te hay ban ru trong cac ch bua. Indifferentism (n): Chu ngha lanh am.
Trong giao thng hang ngay ho dung vo so lam Indigenization (n): Ban x hoa.
tien. Ch co ngi Chien a La lam nghe san ban Indigenous (a): Thuoc ve bam sinh.
va chai li mi ban ca tht ma thoi. Indirect cause: Distant causeVien nhanSee
Indian Buddhism: Phat giao An o. **See Two causes (E).
Buddhism in India. Indirect light: Anh sang khuech tan.
Indicate (v): NotifyProclaimCong bo Indirect or uneven teaching: Khuat chiet
Tuyen boCh day (ch th).
giaoThe teaching in the Lotus and Nirvana
Indicate the way: Th ao (ch ng). sutrasGiao phap gian tiep ma c Phat a
Indicate the way of Nirvana: Ch day cach i giang trong cac kinh Phap Hoa va Niet BanSee
en Niet Ban. Dual division of the Buddhas teaching (IX).
Indication of approaching death: Suy Indirect using of physical force: This is one of
TngDau hieu khi sap chet. **See Five signs the five practical suggestions given by the Buddha
of decay of people when approaching death. will be beneficial to allGian tiep van dung nang
Indications of mind: Footprints of mindTam lc vat chat. ay la mot trong nam e ngh cua
TchFootprints or indications of mind (the mind c Phat nham em lai li ch cho hanh giaSee
revealed by deeds)Dau chan cua tam qua hanh Five practical suggestions given by the Buddha.
ong. Indirectly: Mot cach gian tiep.
Indicative turn of the law-wheel: Postulation Indiscriminately: Mot cach khong phan biet.
and definition of the Four Noble TruthsTh Indisolubility (n): Tnh khong phan tan.
chuyenThe Buddha preached in the Deer park Indispensable (a): Can thiet.

Indisputable (a): Khong the tranh cai c. the island of Jave at the beginning of the fifth
Individual (a): Pudgala (skt)Bo ac Ca La century A.D. Fa-Hsien, who visited this island
Ca nhanPersonalBan nga. around 414 A.D., observed that while other
religions, particularly Brahmanism, flourished in
Individual action-influence: Biet Nghiep
this island, Buddhism did not. However, according
See Two kinds of karma (C).
to Prof. P.V. Bapat in The Twenty-Five Hundred
Individual Illuminates: Pratyeka buddhas
Years of Buddhism, thanks to the missionary zeal
(skt)Duyen GiacSee Four saints (rewards)
of Gunavarman, an Indian monk, Buddhism was
not only introduced but obtained a stronghold on
Individual karma: Varied karma, each causing the island in less than a quarter of a century after
and receiving his own recompenseBiet nghiep Fa-Hsiens visit. Buddhism was also introduced
(bat cong nghiep). early in the island of Sumatra, particularly in the
Individual leading karmas: Man nghiep kingdom of Sri-vijaya, which is usually identified
Karma that leads to the individual reward, i.e. the with Palembang. It appears from some inscriptions
kind or quality of being clever or stupidNghiep found in this region that the King who ruled Sri-
nhan dan en biet bao, chang han nh c pham vijaya in the year 683-684 A.D. was a Buddhist.
chat thong minh hay an onSee Two classes The famous Chinese pilgrim, I-Tsing, who visited
of karma (III). India in the last quarter of the seventh century
Individual marks: T TngSee Svalaksana. A.D., says that the king of Sri-vijaya, as well as
Individual treatment, adapting his teaching the rulers of neighboring states, favoured
to the capacity of his hearers: Ca V Nhn Tat Buddhism, and that Sri-vijaya was a very
anSee Four kinds of siddhanta. important center of Buddhist learning in the
Individualism (n): Chu ngha ca nhan. islands of southern Asia. The Buddhist monks in
Sri-vijaya numbered more than a thousand and
Individuality (n): Tnh ca biet.
they studied all the subjects in India. I-Tsing spent
Individuality of things: Namarupa (skt) some time in Sri-vijaya to study Buddhist
Name and formMind and matterDanh sac scriptures and he has left a very interesting
See Twelve conditions of cause and effect. account of the popularity of Buddhism in the
Individualization (n): Ca the hoa. islands of the Southern Sea, consisting of more
Individualize (v): Ca nhan hoa. than ten countries. He gives a list of these ten
Individualizing side of the existence: countries and states that Buddhism is embaced in
Prabhedapracara (skt)Kien lap sai biet hanh. all these and other smaller islands, and mostly the
Indolence: Kausidya (skt)Giai aiSee system of Hinayana is adopted except in Sri-
Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa. vijaya where there are a few who belong to the
Indomitable mind: Tam khong ha liet Mahayana. The importance of Indonesia as a
According to the Flower Adornement Sutra, great center of Buddhism from the seventh till the
Chapter 38, there are ten kinds of indomitable eleventh century A.D. is also proved by other
attitude of Great Enlightening Beings. facts. Dharmapala, a famous professor of Nalanda
Enlightening beings who abide by these can attain University, visited Suvarna-dvipa, which was a
the supreme quality of indomitability of general designation of Indonesia, in the seventh
BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co century A.D. The famous monk and scholar Atisa
mi tam chang ha liet cua ch ai Bo Tat. Ch Dipankara in the eleventh century A.D., who
Bo tat an tru trong phap nay thi c tat ca Phat became the head of Vikramasila University and
phap toi thng khong ha lietSee Ten kinds of inaugurated the second period of Buddhism in
indomitable attitude of Great Enlightening Beings. Tibet, went in his early life to Suvarna-dvipa in
order to study Buddhism under the guidance of its
Indonesian Buddhism: Phat giao Nam
High Monk, Candrakirti. A strong impetus to the
DngAccording to the Chinese pilgrim, Fa-
Mahayana was given by the Sailendra dynasty,
Hsien, Buddhism had very little hold on people of

who ruled over the Malay Peninsula and a large c xem la Palembang ngay nay. Qua mot vai
part of Indonesia. The Sailendra kings were great tai lieu ghi khac tm c trong vung nay th
patrons of this form of Buddhism and erected dng nh v vua cai tr Sri-vijaya vao nam 683-
monumental structures like Borobudur, Kalasan 684 la mot tn o Phat giao. Mot nha hanh hng
and Mendut in Java. It appears from epigraphic noi tieng cua Trung Quoc la Ngha Tnh, a en
records that one of the Sailendra kings had a guru vieng An o vao cuoi the ky th 7, noi rang vua
(preceptor) from the Gauda country (Bengal). nc Sri-vijaya cung nh vua cac nc lang
There is hardly any doubt that the Pala kings of gieng, rat yeu chuong ao Phat, va Sri-vijaya la
Bengal and the Chola rulers of the South mot trung tam nghien cu Phat giao rat ln trong
exercised great influence upon Java in religious cac hon ao vung Nam A. So tu s Phat giao
matters during the Sailendra period. The Sri-vijaya len en hn mot ngan ngi va ho
Sailendra kings established monasteries at nghien cu tat ca cac van e An o. Ngai Ngha
Nalanda and Nagapattinam and the Pala and the Tnh lai Sri-vijaya mot thi gian e nghien cu
Chola emperors granted villages for their cac kinh sach va ngai a e lai mot ban tng
maintenance. Under the influence of the thuat rat ang chu y ve s pho thong cua Phat
Sailendras, Mahayanism flourished in Java and giao tren cac hon ao Nam Hai gom hn mi
Sumatra for a long period. But the influence of nc trong thi ky nay. Ngai a lap thanh mot
Bengal seems also to have been responsible for danh sach mi nc nay va noi rang: Tat ca cac
the introduction of the debased Tantric forms of ao nay va cac ao nho hn eu theo ao Phat,
Buddhism both in Java and Sumatra. We have a hau het eu thuoc phai Tieu Tha, ngoai tr
fairly detailed account of some later kings of both Sri-vijaya, ni co mot so t theo ai Tha. Nam
these countries who were followers of these cults. Dng c xem la mot trung tam Phat giao quan
We had also two important Mahayana texts, the trong ke t the ky th 7 cho en the ky th 11.
Sang-hyang Kamahayanan Mantrayana and the ieu nay con c chng minh qua cac s kien
Sang hyang Kamahayanikan, which give us a fair khac. Dharmapala, mot v Tang noi tieng cua
insight into the leading conceptions of vien ai hoc Na Lan a, a en tham Suvarna-
Mahayanism in Java. Besides Sumatra and Java, dvipa, ten goi Nam Dng thi ay. Tu s va hoc
we have positive evidence of the introduction of gia lng danh A e Sa Dipankara, vao the ky th
Buddhism in other islands of Malaysia and 11, ngi sau nay la vien trng vien ai hoc
Indonesia, particularly Bali and Borneo. The Vikramasila, va a m ra mot thi ky Phat giao
Brahmanical religion, however, dominated and th hai tai Tay Tang, khi con tre a en Nam
Buddhism gradually disappeared in these Dng e nghien cu Phat giao di s hng
regionsTheo nha hanh hng Phap Hien cua dan cua ai s Candrakirti. Phai ai Tha c
Trung Hoa th cho en au the ky th 5, Phat giao s ho tr manh me cua trieu ai Sailendra, ong
co rat t anh hng en ngi dan tren ao Java. vua cai tr khap ban ao Ma Lai va phan ln Nam
Ngai Phap Hien khi en ao quoc nay vao Dng. Cac v vua thuoc dong doi Sailendra eu
khoang nam 414 sau Tay lch, nhan xet rang trong la nhng nha bao tr ln cho Phat giao ai Tha,
khi cac ton giao khac, ac biet la Ba La Mon, va a dng nen nhieu tng ai ky niem nh cac
phat trien manh tren manh at nay, th Phat giao tng ai Borobudur, Kalnasan va Mendut Java.
khong c phat trien. Tuy nhien, theo Giao s Qua cac tai lieu ghi khac th dng nh mot ong
P.V. Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat vua di trieu ai Sailendra a co mot v Thay t
Giao, do s tan tuy truyen giao cua Gunavarman, x Bengal en. Chac chan rang cac v vua Pala
mot Tang s An o, ma ch khong ay mot phan Bengal va Chola ve pha Nam a co anh hng
t the ky sau cuoc vieng tham cua Phap Hien, ln en Java ve cac van e ton giao trong thi ky
Phat giao khong nhng a c a vao Java, ma Sailendra. Cac v vua Sailendra a dng nen cac
con co mot cho ng vng chac tren ao quoc tu vien Na Lan a va Nagapattinam, con cac
nay. Phat giao a sm c du nhap vao hon ao hoang e Pala va Chola a ban cap cho nhieu
Sumatra, ac biet la tren vng quoc Sri-vijaya, lang e bao dng cac tu vien nay. Di anh

hng cua cac vua trieu Sailendra, Phat giao ai kinds of devas (C), and Twelve spirits connected
Tha a thnh hanh Java va Sumatra trong suot with the Master of Healing.
mot thi gian dai. Nhng anh hng cua Bengal Indra altar: ai Nhan a La anIndra-altar
dng nh a gay ra do s du nhap cac dang Phat of square shape. He is worshipped as the mind-
giao Mat tong lech lac ca Java lan Sumatra. king of the universe, all thing depending on him
Chung ta co c ban mo ta kha chi tiet ve mot Ban th hnh vuong e th vua tri e Thch.
so v vua sau o cua ca hai nc a i theo nhng Ng ta th ngai nh mot v Vng Tam v tat ca
he phai nay, qua hai bo Sang-hyang-Kamahayana moi th eu tuy thuoc vao ngai.
Mantrayana va Sang-hyang-Kamahayanikan, cho Indras attendant: Indraceta (skt)Nhan a
ta s hieu biet ung an ve cac quan niem chu La The aIndras attendantsTh gia cua tri
ao cua phai ai Tha tai Java. Ngoai ra, Java va e Thch.
Sumatra con co bang chng chac chan ve s du
Indrabhavana (skt): Thien Truc QuocSee
nhap cua ao Phat vao cac hon ao cua Ma Lai
va Nam Dng, nhat la Bali va Borneo. Tuy
Indra and Brahma: Thch Pham (dong e
nhien, tai ay a co s lan at cua ao Ba La Mon
Thch va Pham Thien)Both of them are
va Phat giao a dan dan bien mat.
protectors of BuddhismCa hai eu la ho phap
Indra (skt): Sakra (skt)Mighty Lord of devas
cua Phat giao.
e ThchNhan a LaThch e Hoan
Indra-dhvaja (skt): e TngNhan a La
NhanThien eThien Chu eTri e
at Ba Mon PhatA Buddhas incarnation of the
ThchNhan e LeNhan eNhan at
seventh son of the Buddha Mahabhijnabhibhu. A
Nhan at LaNhan a (at) La ai Tng
Buddha, said to have been a contemporary of
Originally, this is a god of the atmosphere, i.e. of
Sakyamuni, living south-west of our universe, an
thunder and rain; his symbol is the vajra or
incarnation of the seventh son of
thunderbolt; he became lord of the gods of the
Mahabhijnajnana-bhibhuTrong mot tien kiep
sky, region of the east quarter, popularly chief
c Phat tai sanh lam con trai th bay cua c
after Brahma, Visnu, and Siva. Sovereign Sakra;
Phat ai Thong Tr Thang. V Phat tr v pha tay
mighty lord of devas; Lord of the Trayastrimsas,
nam vu tru cua chung ta, ngi ta noi v Phat nay
i.e. the thirty-three heavens. He is also styled
cung thi vi Phat Thch Ca. Ngai la con trai th
Sakradevanam IndraNguyen thuy la than sam
bay cua Phat ai Thong Tr Thang.
set hay ma, bieu hieu cua Kim Cang Thu, tr
thanh Thien chu cua ong o, ch sau co Pham Indra as General: Nhan at a La ai
Thien. Con goi la Thch Ca e Hoan Nhan a TngWho guards the shrine of Bhaisajya
La, goi tat la Thch e Hoan Nhan, cach dch mi Tri e Thch nh mot v ai tng gi thap Phat
la Thch Ca e Ba Nhan at La hay Nang Thien Dc Vng.
e. Vua Tri e Thch, v chu cua coi Tri ao Indra heavens: Coi tri e Thch (Khong C
Li hay la ba mi ba tang tri (Ngai thanh Hy Thien)Tai sanh trong coi tri e Thchay
Kien tren nh nui Tu Di, thong lnh ba mi ba la mot trong tam ieu kien tai sanh hanh phuc khi
coi tri, thuoc thng tang coi trung gii, cao hn chung ta tr gi ngu gii va thap thien cung nh
tri T thien, nhng thap hn tri Da Ma. Ten bo thReborn in the Indra heavens. This is one
tieng Phan cua Ngai la Thch Ca e Hoan Nhn of the eight happy conditions in which one may be
a La, goi tat la Thch e Hoan Nhn. Khi c reborn so that one can keep the five
Thch Ca an sanh, ngai co ng xuong on mng. commandments and the ten good ways and
Ngai khuyen khch c Thch Ca xuat gia. Khi bestows almsSee Eight fields for cultivating
c Thch Ca sap nhap diet, Ngai cung vi bon v blessedness.
Thien vng ng en va nguyen vi Phat rang Indra's heaven on the top of Sumeru: a c
ngai se thng xuyen ho tr Tam Bao. Trong Thien.
nhieu tien kiep cua c Phat, ngai van thng th Indra-jala (skt): e Thch vongBao Vong
hien e th hanh Bo Tat cua Phat)See Two The net of Indra, or Indras net of gems, hanging

in Indras hall, out of which all things can be which the Buddha rpplied: Tieu Co Thach
produced; also the name of an incantation of SnNui cua nhng nh co lap nho gan tu
Indian magicians considered all-powerfulCon vien Nalanda, nh pha tay la mot hang nui
goi la e Vong hay e Thch Vong. Li bao rong, nhng khong cao, ni ma ve pha nam
chau cua tri e Thch hay chiec man li bau cua hang a nay c The Ton thng hay
treo cung e Thch, la ni khi sanh ch phap tham vieng. Ngi ta noi tri e Thch a hoi
(cac v s tong Hoa Nghiem v no vi duyen khi T Thap Nh Chng va c Phat cung tra
trung trung vo tan cua ch phap). Con la ten li li ay u tai ay.
chu cua cac nha ao thuat Thien Truc, v cung li Indravadana (skt): Indrabhavana (skt)An Tr
chu nay ma tat ca s viec hien ra. Gia La hay An a La Ba Tha NaThe region
Indras Net of gems: Bao VongSee Indra- where Indra dwellsNi c ngu cua Tri e
jala. Thch.
Indra Net Sutra: Kinh Pham VongSee Indriya (p): CanRootPowerForce
Brahmajala sutra. Bodily powerPower of the sensesFaculty of
Indranila-Mukta (skt): Nhan a La Ni La Muc senseA sense-facultyA sense-organ
TIndras blue or green stone, which suggests FacultyOrgan of senseA sense-organ or
an emerald, IndranilakaVien ngoc bch cua tri twenty-two psychological and physical
e Thch. capabilities or facultiesGiac quan, toan bo 22
1) Indranila (skt): Ngoc bchA sapphire. nang lc the chat va tinh thanThe quality of
2) Mukta (skt): Ngoc chauA pearl. which belongs especially to the mighty Indra:
Indra-Priti (skt): Nhn a la bat eHy kien 1-6) From 1 to 6 are the six bases: T 1 e 6 la
thanh kinh o vua e Thch. ngu quan va y (sau c s).
7-8) From 7 to 8 are The masculine and feminine
Indra or Sakra heaven in the East: ong
potentialities that distinguish the sexes: T 7
phng vi tri e ThchThis is one of the
en 8 la tanh nam va tanh n.
eight heavens and devas at the eight points of the
9) The vital faculty which determines all
compassay la mot trong tam coi Tri va ch
physiological phenomena: Th 9 la c quan
Thien tam hngSee Eight heavens and
tat yeu cua sc song qui nh tat ca cac hien
devas at the eight points of the compass.
tng sinh ly.
Indrasilaguha (skt): e NhamNhan a La
10-14)From 10 to 14 are the faculties of pleasure,
The La Cau Ha.
pain, joy, sadness, and indifference: T th
1) The mountain of the snake god: Xa Than Sn.
10 en 14 cac cam giac ham muon, au n,
2) Indras cave at Nalanda in Magadha, where
vui, buon va dng dng.
Indra is supposed to have sought relief for his
15-19)The five mental roots that form the basis for
doubts from the BuddhaHang ong cua e
the development of the five powers (the root
Thch. Con goi la e Nham Quat, hang cua
of faith, of exertion or energy, of
e Thch Na Lan a, thuoc x Ma Kiet
concentration, of mindfulness, of wisdom): T
a, ni ma vua Tri e Thch c c Phat
th 15 en 19 la ngu can (tn, tan, niem, nh,
Thch Ca giai thch thoa ang nhng nghi van
hue) hay nam goc re tinh than lam c ban cho
cua mnh.
viec phat trien ngu lc.
3) Indravadana (skt): Indrabhavana (skt)Nhan
20-22)From 20 to 22 are three supermundane
a La Ba Tha NaTen cua tri e Thch
facultiesT th 20 en 22 la ba nang lc
Name for IndraSee Indra.
sieu nhien:
4) The mountain of small isolated peaks located
20) The certainty of being able to know what is
near Nalanda, where on the south crag of the
not yet known, which come at the beginning
west peak is a rock cave, board but not high,
of the supramundane path: Niem tin vao kha
which Sakyamuni frequently visited. Indra is
nang at ti nhan thc can thiet e bc vao
said to have forty-two questions on stone, to
con ng sieu nhien.

21) Supreme knowledge , which is reached at the Sakyamuni: Xui vua A Xa The tha voi say e
moment of actualizing stream-entry (Shrota- giay xeo PhatSee Five betrayals.
apanna): Nhan thc cao nhat at c trang Induce sentient beings to aspire to
thai d lu.
enlightenment: Lam cho chung sanh phat Bo
22) The faculty of him who possesses perfect
e tamSee Ten kinds of fulfillment.
knowledge (the faculty of an arhat): Nang lc
Induce sentient beings to deeply believe in
cua ke nam c nhan thc toan hao cua bac
A la han. Buddha: Lam cho chung sanh tham tn ni
PhatSee Ten kinds of fulfillment.
Indriyam (skt): Organ of sensePower of
senseFaculty of senseCan. Induce sentient beings to enjoy the state of
Indriyasamvara (skt): Indryasamvara (p)Che calm and tranquility and increase roots of
ch cac cam giac, ky thuat thien nh co muc ch goodness: This is one of the ten reasons Great
hieu tanh thuan khiet va khach quan trong khi Enlightening Beings practice austerities.
quan sat va co tranh nhng cam giac vui, buon, Enlightening Beings use these expendient means
thng, ghet, thien, ac, ham muon, han thu, v.v. of austerities to pacify all sentient beingsV
Guarding of the sense organ, a meditation muon lam cho chung sanh thch phap tch tnh,
technique that leads to pure and objective tang trng thien can, ma th hien kho hanh. ay
observation and is intended to prevent emotions la mot trong mi ly do khien ch ai Bo Tat th
such as joy, sadness, love, jealousy, sympathy, hien kho hanh. Ch Bo Tat dung phng tien kho
antipathy, desire, hatred, ect. hanh nay e ieu phuc va lam cho chung sanh an
Indriyasamvara sila (p): Morality pertaining to lacSee Ten reasons Great Enlightening Beings
sense-restraintGii Thu Thuc Luc CanSee practice austerities.
Four kinds of higher morality. Induce sentient beings to listen to the
Indriyavaikalya (skt): Manh Long AMu iec Teaching: Lam cho chung sanh c nghe
camBlindness, deafness, muteness phapSee Ten kinds of fulfillment.
Induce all beings in the most comprehensive Inducing all sentient beings to live by the
sense of the term to turn to the teaching of teachings of Buddha: Gii khien tat ca chung
the Buddhas: a chung sanh bang nhng li le sanh an tru ni Phat phapSee Ten kinds of
de hieu nhat e en vi giao ly cua ch Phat precepts.
See Ten vows of a Bodhisattva. Induction (n): Phep qui nap.
Induce the doing of good deeds: Tinh tan phat Indulge (v): Thoa man.
trien nhng ieu thien lanh cha phat sanh Indulge in carnal desires: Ham me sac duc.
Endeavor to start performing good deeds Indulge (v) in false speech: Thoa man tanh
Bringing forth goodness not yet brought forth lng thiet.
(bring good into existence)Effort to initiate Indulge in five sense-pleasures: Allow oneself
virtues not yet arisenProduce merit. Here a to enjoy deliberately the five sense-pleasures
monk rouses his will, makes an effort, stirs up Tham am ngu duc.
energy, exerts his mind and strives to produce Indulge in heedlessness: Song buong lung.
unarisen wholesome mental statesieu thien
Indulge oneself in (doing) something: Tham
cha sanh, phai tinh can lam cho sanh. ay v
am cai g.
Ty Kheo khi len y muon, co gang, tinh tan, sach
tam, tr tam vi muc ch khien cho cac thien Indulge (v) in sexual misconduct: Thoa man
phap t trc cha sanh nay cho sanh khiSee ta dam.
Four right efforts. Indulge oneself in wine and all sorts of
Induce King Ajatasatru to let loose a pleasures: T am mnh trong ru va duc lac.
rutting elephant to trample down Indulgence (n): S khoan dung.

Indulgence in love and desire: am me ai teaching applied the term to noumenal or

ducAccording to the Sutra In Forty-Two absolute, being considered as infinite. The real or
Sections, Chapter 25, the Buddha said: A person reliable teaching applied the term to the
with love and desire is like one who carries a phenomenal, being considerd as infiniteQuyen
torch while walking against the wind, he is certain Giao dung t vo tan khi noi ve chan ly tuyet
to burn his hand.Theo Kinh T Thap Nh oi. Thc Giao dung t vo tan khi noi ve hien
Chng, Chng 25, c Phat day: Ngi am tng vo tan.
me ai duc giong nh ngi cam uoc i ngc Inexhaustible analytic powers: Vo tan bien
gio, chac chan se b tai hoa chay tay. taiSee Ten kinds of unimpeded function
Indulgence in strong drinks: Tham am ru relating to knowledge.
che. Inexhaustible Intention: Vo tan y
Indus: Song Tan au hay An HaThis is one of Inexhaustible meaning
the eight big rivers of India at the time of the Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva:
Buddhaay la mot trong tam con song ln Aksayamati Bodhisattva (skt)Giai Thoat Bo
An o vao thi c PhatSee Sindhu, Four TatVo Tan Y Bo Tat.
rivers in India, and Eight big rivers of India at the Inexhaustible lamp: Vo Tan ang.
time of the Buddha. 1) The one lamp that is yet limitless in the
Industrious (a): Can manDiligent. lighting of other lamps: Mot cay en lam moi
Industry, economy, honesty, and rectitude: cho nhng cay en khac ma khong bao gi
Can, kiem, liem, chnh het:.
Indwelling: C ngu ben trong. 2) The influence of one disciple may be
limitless and inexhaustible: em phap cua
Ineffable (a): Khong the noi ra cKhong the
mot ngi dan dat va truyen trao cho nhieu
dien ta c.
ngi mai ma khong het.
Ineffable Honoured One: Bat Kha T Ngh
3) limitless mirrored reflections: Knh c phan
Quang Nh LaiThe ineffable Honoured One
chieu mai khong het.
The Tathagata of ineffable lightTitle of
4) An altar light always burning: en tren ban
AmitabhaNan T Quang Nh LaiVo Xng
th c chay mai khong tan:.
Quang Nh LaiDanh hieu cua c A Di a
5) According to the Vimalakirti Sutra, Chapter
Nh Lai.
Bodhisattvas, a demon pretended to be Indra,
Ineffable vehicle: BuddhismBat kha t ngh offered twelve thousand goddesses
tha (tha khong the noi ra c, hay khong the (devakanya) to the Bodhisattva Ruler of the
dien ta c bang li). WorldTheo Kinh Duy Ma Cat, Pham Bo
Ineffective karma: Ahosi-karma (skt)Vo hieu Tat, Ma Vng gia lam Tri e Thch, em
nghiep. hien mot muon hai ngan thien n cho Bo Tat
Inequality (n): Bat bnh ang. Tr The:
Inert forces: Vo lcNegative or subordinate * The demon said to the Ruler of the World
forcesSee Dual powers (III). Bodhisattva: Bodhisattva, please take these
Inevitable (a): Khong the tranh c. twelve thousand goddesses who will serve
Inevitable sequence of act and its effect: you.Ma vng noi vi Tr The: Tha
Chanh s! Xin ngai nhan mot muon hai ngan
Deed and resultHanh qua.
Thien n nay e dung hau ha quet tc.
Inevitability (n): Khong the tranh c.
* The Ruler of the World Bodhisattva replied:
Inexcusable: IntolerableImpardonable Sakra, please do not make to a monk this
UnforgivableBat dung. unclean offering which does not suit me.
Inexhaustible (a): Ananta (skt)Without limit Tr The noi rang: Nay Kieu Thi Ca! Ong
Vo hanVo TanBat tanTimelessWithout ng cho vat phi phap nay, toi la ke Sa Mon
limitEndlessThe temporal or functional Thch t, viec ay khong phai viec cua toi.

* Even before the Ruler of the World should guide and convert hundreds and
Bodhisattva had finished speaking, thousands of living beings so that they all
Vimalakirti came and said: He is not Sakra; develop the mind set on supreme
he is a demon who comes to disturb you. He enlightenment; thus his deep thought (of
then said to the demon: You can give me enlightening others) is, likewise,
these girls and I will keep them.Noi cha inexhaustible. His expounding of the Dharma
dt li, bong ong Duy Ma Cat en noi vi Tr will then increase in all excellent Dharmas;
The: ay chang phai la e Thch, ma la Ma this is called the Inexhaustible Lamp.
en khuay nhieu ong ay! Ong lai bao ma Although you will be staying at the demons
rang: Cac v Thien n nay nen em cho ta, palace you should use this Inexhaustible
nh ta ay mi nen tho. Lamp to guide countless sons and daughters
* The demon was frightened, and being afraid of devas to develop their minds set on
that Vimalakirti might give him trouble, he supreme enlightenment, in order to repay
tried to make himself invisible but failed, and your debt of gratitude to the Buddha, and also
in spite of his use of supernatural powers he for the benefit of all living beings.Ong
could not go away. Suddenly a voice was Duy Ma Cat ap: Nay cac ch, co Phap mon
heard in the air, saying: Demon, give him ten la Vo Tan ang, cac ch nen hoc. Vo tan
the girls and then you can go. Being scared, ang la v nh mot ngon en moi ot tram
he gave the girls.: Ma s hai ngh rang: Co ngan ngon en, cho toi eu sang, sang mai
le ong Duy Ma Cat en khuay roi ta chang? khong cung tan. Nh the o cac ch! Va lai
Ma muon an hnh ma khong the an, rang het mot v Bo Tat m mang dan dat tram ngan
than lc, cung khong i c. Lien nghe gia chung sanh phat tam Bo e, ao tam cua
h khong co tieng rang: Nay Ba Tuan! Hay mnh cung chang b tieu mat, tuy noi Phap g
em Thien n cho ong Duy Ma Cat th mi i eu them li ch cho cac Phap lanh, o goi la
c. Ma v s hai, nen mien cng cho. Vo Tan ang. Cac ch dau cung ma ma
* At that time, Vimalakirti said to the dung Phap mon Vo Tan ang nay lam cho
goddesses: The demon has given you to me. vo so Thien n phat tam Vo thng Chanh
You can now develop a mind set on the quest ang Chanh giac, o la bao n Phat, cung la
of supreme enlightenment. Vimalakirti then lam li ch cho tat ca chung sanh.
expounded the Dharma to them urging them * The devas daughters bowed their heads at
to seek the truth. He declared: There is a Vimalakirtis feet: Bay gi cac Thien n cui
Dharma called Inexhaustible Lamp.: Khi ay au anh le di chan ong Duy Ma Cat.
ong Duy Ma Cat bao cac Thien n rang: Ma Inexhaustible meaning: Inexhaustible
a em cac ngi cho ta roi, nay cac ngi intentionVo tan y.
eu phai phat tam Vo thng Chanh ang Inexhaustible ocean: Vo tan haiThe Buddha-
Chanh giac. Roi ong theo can c cua Thien truth is as inexhaustible as oceanChan ly cua
n ma noi Phap e cho phat y ao, va bao c Phat vo tan nh bien ca.
rang: Co phap mon Vo Tan ang.
Inexhaustible qualities: Phap mon vo tan
* The goddesses asked him: What is the
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra,
Inexhaustible Lamp Dharma?: Cac thien n
Chapter 27, there are ten kinds of inexhaustible
hoi: The nao la Phap Vo Tan ang?
qualities of Enlightening BeingsTheo Kinh Hoa
* Vimalakirti replied: Sisters, there is a
Nghiem, Pham 27 (Thap nh), co mi phap
Dharma called the Inexhaustible Lamp which
mon vo tan cua ch Bo TatSee Ten kinds of
you should study and practice. For instance, a
inexhaustible qualities of Enlightening Beings.
lamp can (be used to) light up hundreds and
Inexhaustible treasures: Vo tan tang
thousands of other lamps; darkness will thus
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra,
be bright and this brightness will be
Chapter 18, there are ten inexhaustible treasuries
inexhaustible. So, sisters, a Bodhisattva
attained by enlightening beings once they have

fulfilled ten vowsTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Chan nh khong the ngh ban, va khong the dien
Pham 18, co mi vo tan tang thanh at bi ch ta c bang li, ngc lai vi Y ngon la chan
Bo Tat khi cac Ngai thanh tu ay u mi nh co the dien ta c.
nguyenSee Ten inexhaustible treasures. Inexpressible karma-merit: Bat t ngh nghiep
Inexhaustible treasury atmosphere: Vo Tan tngA kind of merit that always works for the
Tang phong luanSee Ten types of benefit of the livingMot loai nghiep luon luon
characteristics of manifestation of a Buddha (8). mang lai li lac cho chung sanh.
Inexhaustible vows: Vo tan nguyen Inextricability (n): Khong the giaiKhong the
Dasanishthapada (skt)Ten Inexhaustible Vows m.
to be made by the Bodhisattva at the Stage of Joy. Infactuation: Moha (skt)Si me, vong tng
The vows are called inexhaustible because their (s ngu muoi, lam lan)Delusion, in factuation
objectives are of such nature. Because all the ten Stupidity.
worlds will never come to an end, and as long as In faith receive and obey: Tn Tho Phung
they continue to exist, the Bodhisattva will never Hanh.
put forward his great vows with energy and 1) In faith receive and obey: Tin va tho tr giao
determinationMi li nguyen vo tan cua mot phap ma Nh Lai a noi ra.
v Bo Tat Hoan Hy a. Cac li nguyen c 2) A sentence usually found at the end of sutras:
goi la vo tan v oi tng cua chung thuoc ban Cau thng c tm thay cuoi nhng bai
chat nh the. V ca mi the gii ke di ay se kinh (am ch li ha tin va phung hanh nhng
khong bao gi dt tan, va he chng nao chung li Phat day).
con tiep tuc hien hu th v Bo Tat van se thc
Infallibility (n): Tnh ang tin tuyet oi.
hien cac ai nguyen cua mnh vi nang lc va s
Infected with poison: Nhiem oc.
ca quyetSee Ten inexhaustible vows.
Infections: Kasaya (skt)There are three
Inexorably: Thang.
infectionsCo ba nhiem trcSee Three
Inexperience is ignorance: iec khong s sung
(S sinh ngu oc bat pha ho hay nghe khong s
Infection of the passions: Duc nhiemDuc
cop)A newly born calf is not afraid of tigers.
tranSee Three infections.
Inexplicable: IndefinableInexpressible in
Infection of reincarnation: Tai sanh nhiem
wordsUnutterableUnmentionableTruth that
See Three infections.
can be thought but not expressed, i.e., the self is
neither the same nor different from the five Inference (n): S suy luan (suy ly)S dien
skandhasBat kha thuyet. Chan ly khong the noi dchS luan oanThere are five inferences in
ra, khong the nao dien ta c, ty nh khi noi cai Buddhism logicCo nam phng phap suy ly
nga khong giong ma cung khong khac vi ngu trong Phat giaoSee Five inferences in Buddhist
uan. logic.
Inexpressible (a): Anabhilapya (skt)Khong Inference from action: Nghiep Ty LngT
the dien ta noiKhong ngon thuyet. nghiep tac ma suy ly nghiep tacSee Five
inferences in Buddhist logic.
Inexpressible absolute: Ly ngon chan nh
See Two Truths (B). Inference from appearance: Tng Ty
LngCan c vao th a thay ma suy ly ra
Inexpressible absolute, only mentally
nhng th khacSee Five inferences in Buddhist
conceivable: Ly ngon chan nhSee Two
Truths (B).
Inference from cause and effect: Nhan qua ty
Inexpressible form: Ly NgonThe
lngThay cai nhan ma suy ra cai ly cua qua
bhutatathata in its inexpressible form. That is to
See Five inferences in Buddhist logic.
say the bhutatathata is beyond definition, and
cannot be described in words, in contrast with the
bhutatathata in its expressible form (y ngon)

Inference from the corporeal: The Ty Theravada used by those who understand nothing
LngT bo phan ma suy ra cai ly cua toan about BuddhismT ng khinh miet ma nhng
theSee Five inferences in Buddhist logic. ngi khong hieu g ve Phat giao dung e am ch
Inference from recognized law: Phap Ty Tieu Tha hay Phat giao Nguyen Thuy.
LngT mot bo phan s vat ma suy ly ra cac Inferiority feeling of guilt: Mac cam toi loi
bo phan khacSee Five inferences in Buddhist The state of feeling of guilt presents when we
logic. have spoken or done something that cause
Inferential: Ty lng monThis is one of the suffering to others, even though they dont know.
eight kinds of syllogisms in Buddhist logicay Buddhists should not bear in their mind such
la mot trong tam phap mon hay tam ly luan khon feeling. Instead, we should genuinely remorse.
ngoan trong ly luan Phat giaoSee Eight kinds of Good Buddhists should always remember that
syllogisms in Buddhist logic. unwholesome speeches and deeds will surely
bear their bad fruits. Thus, whenever we have
Inferential forms: As fire is inferred from
done something wrong, we should honestly admit
smokePhieu tngSee Three kinds of
and correct our wrong-doingsCam giac toi loi
appearance (A).
thng hien dien moi khi chung ta noi hay lam
Infering one thing from another: Phap ty
ieu g bat thien va gay nen au kho cho ngi
lng (suy luan t cai nay ra cai kia).
khac, mac dau ho khong biet. Ngi Phat t
Inferior (a): Lamako (p)Ha angHa liet. khong nen mang th mac cam nay, ma nen thay
Inferior candles: Junior monks Ha lap. vao o bang s hoi cai sang suot. Ngi Phat t
Inferior class of goodness with the asura chan thuan nen luon nh rang li noi va viec lam
state: A-tu-la aoDo nghiep lanh bac di ma bat thien se mang lai hau qua xau nen moi khi
bcSee Three good upward states of lam viec g khong phai chung ta nen thanh that
existence. chap nhan va sa sai.
Inferior human body as seen by ordinary Infernal emissary: Hell envoyHell
people: Liet ng thanThan Phat c th hien messengerQuy s.
thanh than kem coi c thay ni pham phuSee Infidels (n): Ke vo tn ngng.
Two kinds of transformation-body of a Buddha. Infidelity (n): Vo tn ngng.
Inferior on one count, superior on another: Infiltrate (v): Tham NhapSee Nyanti.
B sac t phong (cai nay hn, cai kia kem)In Infinite (a): Apramana (skt)Immeasurable
nature, things have a tendency to compensate one UnlimitedVo han lngVo LngSee
another. Apramana.
Inferior rebirth: To be born in the Sun Palace Infinite aids: Vo lng tr aoAccording to
among the devasHa pham (sanh vao Tu La the Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there
Cung)See Three kinds of attainment in the Pure are ten kinds of infinite aids to enlightenment of
Land. Great Enlightening Beings. Enlightening Beings
Inferior saint: Tieu Thanh. who abide by these can attain the infinite
1) The Hinayana saint or Arhat: V Thanh Tieu knowledge of BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem,
Tha hay A-La-Han. Pham 38, co mi vo lng tr ao cua ch ai
2) The inferior saint, or Bodhisattva, as Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay thi
compared with the Buddha: V Thanh bac c vo lng tr hue cua Nh LaiSee Ten
thap hay la v Bo tat, so vi Phat. kinds of infinite aids to enlightenment of Great
Inferior teaching: Tieu GiaoSee Smaller Enlightening Beings.
teaching. Infinite awareness: Infinite awareness is a way
Inferior vehicle: Tieu ThaSee Hinayana. of generating qualities of Buddhahood, by
Inferior-yana: Lower yanaMean yanaHa pervading all of space in a single moment of
liet thaA scornful term for Hinayana or thoughtVo lng tam la ao xuat sanh Phat

phap, v mot niem khap tat ca h khong gii Infinite cultivation of virtues and
See Ten ways of generating the qualities of knowledge tirelessly in the past: Qua kh vo
Buddhahood of Great Enlightening Beings. lng tu cac phc tr tam khong nham uSee
Infinite-Body Bodhisattva: Vo Bien Than Bo Ten Infinities of Phenomena (5), and Ten
tatSee Twenty five Bodhisattvas who protect infinities of things that the manifestation of
all who call Amitabha. Buddha can be accomplished.
Infinite body or personality: Than song vo Infinite enlightenment: Vo lng giac.
ccSee Three sure things for any true disciple. Infinite expansion: This is one of the eight great
Infinite Buddha-wisdom: Unhindered Buddha- powers of personality or sovereign
wisdomPhat vo ngai tr. independenceNang th hien mot tran than ay
Infinite compassion: Bi vo lngSee Four ca ai thien the gii. ay la mot trong tam cai
immeasureable minds. nga t tai lnSee Eight great powers of
Infinite compassion for all beings: Bi vo personality.
lng tam. Infinite forms: Vo lng sac tngSee Ten
Infinite comprehensions of principles and kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all times of
meanings in the past: Qua kh vo lng thong the Buddhas (B) (1).
at phap nghaSee Ten Infinities of Phenomena Infinite forms of absolute Buddha: ng Hoa
(10), and Ten infinities of things that the Phap ThanResponsive manifestation of the
manifestation of Buddha can be accomplished. Dharmakaya, or Absolute Buddha, in infinite
Infinite concentration: Vo lng tam muoi formsPhap than cua c Phat, ng hien vo
See Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all lng than (than cua moi quoc o, than cua moi
times of the Buddhas (B) (1). the gii, than cua tat ca chung sanh, cua tat ca
Phat va Bo Tat)See Trikayas.
Infinite Consciousness: Thc vo bien x giai
thoatBy transcending the Sphere of Infinite Infinite great benevolence and compassion
Space, thinking: Consciousness is infinite, one in the past: Qua kh vo lng ai t ai biSee
enters and abides in the Sphere of Infinite of Ten Infinities of Phenomena (3).
Consciousness, where all attachments to void Infinite Handfuls Of Light Buddha: Phat Vo
have been completely removed by meditation is a Lng Cuc Quang.
type of liberation in realization of infinite Infinite knowledge: Vo lng tr hueSee
knowledge or the Sphere of Infinite Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all
Consciousness. This is one of the eight types of times of the Buddhas (B) (1).
meditation for removing various attachments to Infinite life: Vo Lng ThoBoundless, infinite
forms and desiresThc vo bien x giai thoat LifeAs we have seen that the Amitabha or
(Thc x giai thoat Tam muoi). Vt khoi hoan Amitayus, or Infinite Light and Infinite Life, is a
toan H Khong vo bien x, vi suy t Thc la vo Buddha realized from the istorical Buddha
bien chng va tru Thc vo bien x, ni moi Sakyamuni. If the Buddha is purely idealized he
luyen chap vao khong eu b tan diet bang wil be simply the Infinite in principle. The Infinite
thien nh. ay la mot trong tam giai thoat, hay will then be identical with Thusness. The Infinite,
tam phep thien nh giai thoat khoi sac ducSee if depicted in reference to space, will be the
Eight liberations. Infinite Light, and if depicted in reference to time,
Infinite continuous commitments of the the Ithenite LifeChung ta a biet Vo Lng
past: Qua kh vo lng hanh nguyen tng tuc Quang hay Vo Lng Tho la mot v Phat c ly
See Ten Infinities of Phenomena (4), and Ten tng hoa t c Phat lch s Thch Ca Mau Ni.
infinities of things that the manifestation of Neu Phat A Di a ch thuan la ly tng tren
Buddha can be accomplished. nguyen tac, n gian o la Vo Lng, Vo
Lng nh the se la mot vi Chan Nh. Xet theo
khong gian se la Vo Lng Quang; neu xet ve

thi gian th la Vo Lng ThoSee Five Infinite Purity Heaven: Apramanasubha (skt)
immeasurables. Limitless HeavenVo Lng Tnh ThienSee
Infinite Life Sutra: Vo Lng Tho KinhSee Third Dhyana Heaven (II) (2).
Four sutras of the Pure Land. Infinite resolve: Vo tan y.
Infinite light: Apramananha (skt) Infinite Resolve Bodhisattva: Name of
Immeasurable or infinite splendorVo Lng Aksayamati BodhisattvaVo Tan Y Bo Tat
Quang (vo lng anh sang)See Apramanabha, Name of Aksayamati, a bodhisattva to whom
and Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all sakyamuni is supposed to have addressed the
times of the Buddhas (B) (1). Avalokitesvara chapter in the Lotus SutraTen
Infinite Light Heaven: Apramanabha (skt) cua ngai A Sai Mat e Bo Tat ma c Phat noi
Vo Lng Quang ThienSee Second Dhyana en trong Kinh Phap Hoa, Pham Quan The Am.
Heaven (II) (2). Infinite service of Buddhas and education of
Infinite meaning: Innumerable meaningThe sentient beings in the past: Qua kh vo lng
meaning of infinityVo Lng Ngha. cung dng ch Phat giao hoa chung sanhSee
1) Innumerable meaningsMeaning of infinity: Ten Infinities of Phenomena (6), and Ten
Ngha ly vo lng vo so. infinities of things that the manifestation of
2) The meaning of all things: Tat ca cac phap. Buddha can be accomplished.
Cac phap la vo lng, moi cai eu ay u y Infinite sounds: Vo lng am thanhSee Ten
ngha. kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all times of
Infinite mind: The mind of infinity or the mind the Buddhas (B) (1).
as large as infinityVo Lng TamSee Four Infinite splendor: Vo Lng QuangSee
immeasureable minds. Apramanabha.
Infinite mind of enlightenment in the past: Infinite supreme aspiration of the past: Qua
Qua kh vo lng bo e tamSee Ten Infinities kh vo lng ch nguyen thanh tnh thu thang
of Phenomena (1). See Ten Infinities of Phenomena (2), and Ten
Infinite path: Vo lng ao (cua ch ai Bo infinities of things that the manifestation of
Tat)According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, Buddha can be accomplished.
Chapter 38, there are ten kinds of infinite path of Infinite verbal expressions: Vo lng ngon
Great Enlightening BeingsTheo Kinh Hoa tSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds
Nghiem, Pham 38, co mi vo lng ao cua ch in all times of the Buddhas (B) (1).
ai Bo TatSee Ten kinds of infinite path of Infinite ways of adornment in the past: Qua
Great Enlightening Beings. kh vo lng trang nghiem ao trSee Ten
Infinite powers: Vo lng oai cSee Ten Infinities of Phenomena (9), and Ten infinities of
kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds in all times of things that the manifestation of Buddha can be
the Buddhas (B) (1). accomplished.
Infinite pure paths of wisdom and means in Infinite will for enlightenment: Y ch vo lng
the past: Qua kh vo lng tr hue phng tien Bo e tam thc hanh hanh Bo TatSee Ten
thanh tnh aoSee Ten Infinities of Phenomena kinds of reliance of Great Enlightening Beings.
(7), and Ten infinities of things that the Infinite wisdom: Tr hue vo bienVo lng
manifestation of Buddha can be accomplished. hue.
Infinite pure virtues of the past: Qua kh vo Infinite world: Numberless worldsVo Bien
lng thanh tnh cong c tangSee Ten The GiiThe infinite world, i.e. space; infinite
Infinities of Phenomena (8), and Ten infinities of worlds; the numberless worlds in infinite space
things that the manifestation of Buddha can be The gii vo bien trong khong gian vo tan.
accomplished. Infinite world of things: Vo Bien Phap Gii
Infinite purity: Vo lng thanh tnh. The infinite world of things; the realm of things

infinite in number; the infinite universe behind all thoat, hay tam phep thien nh giai thoat khoi sac
phenomenaPhap gii rong ln khong co bien ducSee Eight liberations.
gii, ma het thay cac phap eu ton tai trong o; Inflame (v): Cham ngoi la.
ch phap vo tan nen phap gii vo bien. Inflamed: B ot chay.
Infinities of things: Vo Lng Tram Ngan Vo Inflict suffering to someone: Giang hoa len
So SAccording to the Flower Ornament au ai.
Scripture, Chapter 38, Manifestation of Buddha,
Influence (n): Anh hngEffect
there are ten infinities of things that the
ConsequenceHuan TapSee Vasitha.
manifestation of Buddha can be accomplished.
Influence (v): MoveBe affectedBe
When these infinite, incalculable aspects of the
touchedBe movedAnh hng.
Teaching are fulfilled, one becomes a Buddha
Theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham Ly The Gian (38), Influence of karma: Nghiep CamThe
co mi vo lng tram ngan vo so s c thanh influence of karma; caused by karmaS cam
tu khi co s xuat hien cua c Nh Lai. Vo ng hay anh hng cua nghiep (tuy thuoc vao
lng a tang ky phap mon vien man nh vay ma nghiep nhan thien hay ac ma cam tho lac hay
thanh tu Nh Lai. **See Ten infinities of things kho).
that the manifestation of Buddha can be Influence of a saint (Buddha): Response of a
accomplished and Ten Infinities of Phenomena. saintThanh ng.
Infinitude (n): Tnh vo han lng. Influenced: Chu anh hng.
Infinity (n): Tnh vo han lng. Inform (v): Khai Bach.
Infinity of the Buddhas voice: Vo lng cua 1) To make clear, especially to inform the
am thanh cua c Nh LaiAccording to the Buddhas: Cao bach s viec len ch Phat va
Buddha in The Flower Adornment Sutra, there are ch Bo Tat.
ten kinds of infinity of the Buddhas voiceTheo 2) To show ones vows or resolutions in front of
li Phat day trong Kinh Hoa Nghiem, am thanh a Buddhas image; or to inform, to make
cua c Nh Lai co mi th vo lngSee Ten clear, especially to inform the Buddhas and
Kinds of Infinity of The Buddhas Voice. BodhisattvasTrc Phat bay to nguyen
vong muc ch xin vi Tam bao chng giam,
Infinity of Space: Khong vo bien x giai
hay cao bach s viec len ch Phat va ch Bo
thoatBy completely transcending all perception
of matter, by the vanishing of the perception of
sense-reactions and by non-attention to the Informal (a): Khong chnh thc.
perception of variety, thinking: Space is infinite, Informal short dharma talk: Tieu ThamAn
one enters and abides in the Sphere of Infinite informal short dharma talkAn informal and
Space, where all attachments to material objects unscheduled instruction or questions and
have been completely extinguished by meditation answersA small groups, a class for instruction
on boundless consciousness is a type of liberation outside the regular morning or evening services
on realization of the Sphere of Infinity of Space, Mot cuoc phap am ngan.
or the immaterial. This is one of the eight types of Informal and unscheduled questions and
meditation for removing various attachments to answers: Tieu ThamSee Informal short
forms and desiresKhong vo bien x giai thoat dharma talk.
(Khong x giai thoat Tam muoi). Vt khoi hoan Informal and unscheduled instruction: Tieu
toan sac tng, diet tr cac tng hu oi, khong ThamSee Informal short dharma talk.
suy t en nhng tng khac biet, vi suy t: H Information: Vijnapti (p & skt)
khong la vo bien: chng va tru Khong Vo Bien
CommunicatingBieu thHien thTin tc
X, ni moi luyen chap vao vat chat eu b tan
Trnh bay.
diet bang thien quan. ay la mot trong tam giai
Information and training: Tuyen huan.
Infringe (v): Xam pham.

Infuse (n): S tham thauS tham nhap. Inherent intelligence: Inherent knowledge
Infused (a): Dan thanHoi nhap. Knowledge of the bhutatathataTnh Giac.
In the heavens above and earth beneath, I Inherent nature: Tanh co hu.
alone am the Honoured One: Thien Thng Inherent problems: Nhng van e co hu.
Thien Ha Duy Nga oc TonThe first words Inherent tendency to false view: Wrong
attributed to Sakyamuni after his first seven steps viewsThe underlying tendency to viewsKien
when born from his mothers right side: In the Tuy MienSee Seven underlying tendencies.
heavens above and earth beneath I alone am the Inherent tendency to greed for sense desire:
honoured one. This is not an arrogant speaking, it Kama-raga (p)Sensous greedThe underlying
bears witness to an awareness of the identity of I, tendency to sensual lustDuc Ai Tuy MienSee
the ones own true nature or Buddha-nature with Seven underlying tendencies.
the true nature of the universe, not the earthly Inherent tendency to resentment: Patigha
ego. This announcement is ascribed to every (p)ResentmentThe underlying tendency to
Buddha, as are also the same special aversionSan Tuy MienSee Seven underlying
characteristics attributed to every Buddha, hence tendencies.
he is the Tathagata come in the manner of all
Inheritance: Remainder of karmaD nghiep.
Buddhas. In Mahayanism he is the type of
Inherited nature: Seed natureGerm nature
countless other Buddhas in countless realms and
Derivative natureChung tnh.
periodsTren tri di tri, rieng ta cao nhat.
Tren tri di tri rieng ta ton quy nhat. o la Inherited property: Di sanHertage.
li c Phat luc Ngai mi giang sanh t ben sn Inherit something from someone: Ke tha.
phai Hoang Hau Ma Da va bc bay bc au Inherited conscience: See Vijnana.
tien. ay khong phai la mot cau noi cao ngao ma Inhibition (n): S cam ch.
la cau noi e chng to roi ay Ngai se hieu c Inhuman (a): CruelAc cBat nhan.
s ong nht cua ban tanh that cua toan vu tru, Inhuman action: Hanh ong bat nhanCruel
ch khong phai la ban nga theo the tuc. Li tuyen
bo nay cung la thng phap cua ch Phat ba i.
Initial achievement: S QuaThe initial fruit
oi vi ai Tha, Ngai la tieu bieu cho vo lng
or achievementThe stage of Srota-apanna,
ch Phat trong vo lng kiep.
where illusion being discarded and the stream of
Ingen (jap): See Ingen Ryuki. enlightenment enteredQua d lu th nhat hay
Ingen Ryuki (jap): An Nguyen Long Ky (1592- Tu a Hoan, ni ay moi phien nao b oan tan
1673)A famous Chinese Lin-Chi Zen master e bc vao dong giai thoatSee Four kinds of
who came to Japan in 1654 and founded the holy men.
Rinzai Sect thereMot Thien s Trung Hoa noi Initial application: Vitakko (p)
tieng thuoc phai Lam Te. Ong sang Nhat nam
InvestigationSeekingTam (khao sat)
1654 va sang lap tong Lam Te tai ay.
According to Buddhism, initial application has the
Ingest (v): An phai. following meaningsTheo Phat giao, Tam co
Inhalation (n): Ana or Anapana (skt)S th nhng ngha sau ay:
vao (breathing in with control). 1) To ponder: Vitakkeiti (p)Vitark (skt)To
Inherent (a): Co hu, t nhien. reflectTran trCan nhacNgam ngh.
Inherent Enlightenment: Bon giacPotential 2) Reflection: Vitakka (p)Vitarka (skt)
enlightenment or intelligence of every being, one Initial ApplicationPonderingS ngam
of the three kinds of enlightenmentTr thong nghIn the Buddhist sutras, the words
minh tiem an trong moi chung sanh, mot trong ba vitakka is often used in the loose sense of
loai giac ngoSee Three kinds of thought, but in the Abhidharma it is used in
enlightenments. a precise technical sense to mean the mental
factor that mounts or directs the mind onto the

object. Just as a kings favourite might Mind or Intelligence, self-contained, unsullied,

conduct a villager to the palace, even so and considered as universal, the source of all
vitakka directs the mind onto the object enlightenment. The initial intelligence or
Trong kinh ien Phat Giao, danh t tam enlightenment arises from the inner influence of
c dung long leo vi ngha suy ngh, the Mind and from external teaching. In the
nhng trong A Ty at Ma Luan th danh t original intelligence are the four values adopted
tam c dung nh mot thuat ng co ngha and made transcendented by the Nirvana-sutra,
ac biet. o la cai g hng nhng trang thai perpetuity, joy, personality, and purity; these are
cung phat sanh ong thi ve mot oi tng. acquired through the process of enlightenment.
Nh ngi can than c vua yeu chuong Beginning of illumination, which leads on to
hng dan mot dan lang i vao cung ien, Buddhahood or full enlightenmentTheo ai
cung the ay, tam hng dan tam en e Tha Khi Tn Luan, Thuy giac hay ban giac
muc. nguyen thuy la tam thanh tnh hay t tnh cua ban
3) Vitakka or initial application directs the tnh von co cua het thay chung sanh. Thuy giac
mind onto the object: Tam hng dan tam i khi len t bon giac cung s day do ben ngoai,
vao e muc. theo Kinh Niet Ban, t o phat sanh ra bon c
4) Vitakka is neither wholesome nor thng, lac, nga, tnh. Nh bon giac dan en
unwholesome: Tam khong thien, ma cung Phat qua hay toan giacSee Two kinds of
khong bat thien. enlightenment (A).
5) When vitakka associates with wholesome Initial form: Original formFormer state of
deeds, vitakka becomes wholesome: Khi lien thingsBan lai dien muc.
hp vi thien th tam la thien. Initial fruit: Srotapanna (skt)S QuaThe
6) When vitakka associates with initial fruit or achievementThe stage of Srota-
unwholesome deeds, it becomes apanna, where illusion being discarded and the
unwholesome: Khi lien hp vi bat thien, th stream of enlightenment enteredQua d lu th
tam tr nen bat thien. nhat hay Tu a Hoan, ni ay moi phien nao b
7) In the practice for attaining jhana, vitakka has oan tan e bc vao dong giai thoat.
the special task of inhibiting the hindrance of
Initial knowledge: Thuy GiacSee Initial
sloth and torpor: Trong thc tap thien tam
tam thi khac phuc trang thai hon tram va
Initial ksana: Initial consciousnessS sat na
thuy mien.
thcThe eighth or Alaya-vijnana, from which
** See Fifty-two mental states.
arises consciousnessThc th tam la s thc.
Initial determination to seek enlightenment:
Trong sat na au tien ch co a lai da thc hay thc
S phat tamS phat tam thi tien thanh chanh
th tam phat sinh ma thoi. **See Alaya.
giacThe Chin dynasty Hua-Yen Ching says: At
Initial mind of the novice: Initial resolveS
the very moment of the initial determination, the
novice enters into the status of perfect
enlightenment.Tan Hoa nghiem Kinh noi Initial stage of Enlightenment: Early stage of
rang: Va mi phat tam, lien thanh chanh giac, enlightementAn enlightenment that brought
biet ro chan tanh that cua ch phap ay u tue about through the external or influence of
than, khong phai la s giac ngo t nhng cai teaching, one of the three kinds of
khac. enlightenmentThuy giac hay s giac ngo c
mang en do anh hng cua s day do t ben
Initial enlightenment: Beginning of
ngoai, mot trong ba loai giac ngoSee Three
illuminationThuy GiacAccording to the
kinds of enlightenments (B).
Awakening of Faith, the initial enlightenment or
beginning of illumination. The initial functioning Initial stage of meditation: The first stage of
of mind or intelligence as a process of becoming, dhyanaS ThienSee Four jhanas and Four
arising from the original enlightenment which is dhyana heavens.

Initial teaching of the undeveloped Injure Sakyamuni with a big stone,

Mahayana doctrines: Khong Thuy PhapThe shedding his blood: Nem a ln lam than Phat
initial teaching of the undeveloped Mahayana chay mauSee Five betrayals (I).
doctrines is the second of the five periods of Injuring the living: Nao Hai Chung Sanh
Sakyamunis teaching as defined by the Hua-Yen Injuring the living, one of the four grave
School. His consists of two parts: The initial prohibitions or sins in Esoteric BuddhismLam
doctrine of Sunya, the texts for which are the ton hai en chung sanh, mot trong bon trong toi
Prajna and the Madhyamika schools, etc; the trong Phat giao Mat tongSee Parajikas (A2).
initial doctrine of the essential nature as held by Injury: Vihimsa (skt)HaiSee Seventy-five
he esoterics, in the Yogacara textsai Tha dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
Thuy Giao. Giao th hai trong nam giao ma tong
Injustice (a): Bat congUnfairUnjust.
Hoa Nghiem dng len. Thuy giao Hoa Nghiem
Injustice must be redressed by eliminating
chia lam hai phan la Khong Thuy, thuyet minh ve
ly cac phap eu khong nh trong cac kinh Bat its cause, loan must be paid by the debtor to
Nha va Tam Luan, van van. Tng thuy giao xay the creditor: Oan cu co nguyen do, n nan co
dng moi phap trong kinh Tham Mat va Du Gia chu n (Oan hu au, trai hu chu).
Luan. Inka-shomei (jap): Seal of approvalAn chng.
Initiate (v): Khi xngPhat khie Xng. Inkling: Y niem m ho.
Initiate into truth: Develop the mindOpen Inmost feelings: An tnhDeep seated feelings.
the heartKhai tam. Innate (a): Prakrtja (skt)Bam sinhThien
Initiation (n): bamThien phuEndowmentInborn
1) Birth: SinhSee Four states of all Springing from natureCongenital.
phenomena. Innate gift: Thien t.
2) Baptism: Quan anhiem ao. Innate habit: Thoi quen do thien bam.
Initiation Ceremony: Le iem ao truyen gii. Innate will: Chnh kh.
Initiation of change: S nang bienSee Alaya. Innen (jap): Hetu-pratyaya (skt)Causes and
Initiation as a disciple by receiving the three conditionsNhan DuyenSee Hetu-pratyaya.
refuges: Tho Tam Quy aSee Ten grounds Inner (a): NoiBen trong.
(C). Inner assurance: Noi ChngSee Inner
Initiation of a thought: Duc Niem hay sap nay experience.
ra y niemSee Four stages of a thought. Inner censing: Noi HuanPrimal ignorance or
Initiative (a): Thuoc ve s bo. unenlightenment, or fumigation within, or inner
Initiator of change: Alaya-vijnana (skt)S influence. According to the Awakening of faith,
Nang BienThe initiator of change, or the first inner censing acts upon original intelligence
power of change, or mutation, i.e. the alaya- causes the common uncontrolled mind to resent
vijnana, so called because other vijnanas are the miseries of mortality and to seek nirvana
derived from itCai tam th bien hien ch canh Noi Huan, trong cai chan nh cua ban giac, lang
thanh tam thc. A-Lai Da hay thc th tam c le nung ot huan tap vong tam e sinh ra Bo e
goi la S Nang Bien v cac thc khac eu t o Tam. Con goi la Minh Huan. Theo Khi Tn Luan
ma raSee Alaya. th noi huan la ban giac huan tap vo minh trong
Injure: Vihimsati (skt)To hurtGay ton hai. tam chung sanh, nhan o ma khien vong tam chan
Injure the body of a Buddha or insult the noi kho sinh t, e cau canh vui sng cua Niet
Dharma: Gay thng tch cho than Phat, hoac
huy bang Phat phapSee Five betrayals. Inner character and influence: Noi tam
tngSee Two kinds of mind.

Inner company: Noi ChungThe monks, in mind, in contrast with the other five gunas,
contrast with the laity (Ngoai tuc)Ch Tang qualities or attributes of the visible, audible,
chung, e phan biet vi chung tai gia hay la ngoai etc.Noi tran la nhng phap s duyen vi y thc
chung. (mind consciousness), con phap s duyen vi nam
Inner court: Noi VienTri Tuc VienThe thc la ngoai tran.
inner court of the Tusita heaven, where Maitreya Inner heat: Noi hoa (sc nong ben trong)One
dwells and preachesThien phap ng hay noi of the six doctrines of Naropa, which have
ng cua cung Tri au Suat, ni Phat Di Lac become known in the West, particularly through
ngoi thuyet giang. the biography of Milarepa. Through regulation of
Inner dialogue: oi thoai noi tamHappened the rhythm of the breath, concentration on the
when six sense-faculties run after six objects or navel center, visualization of certain syllables, as
gunasXay ra khi sau can chay theo sau tran. for example Ram or Ham, it is possible for the
Zen practitioner to raise his body temperature at
Inner experience: Noi Chng.
will to such a point that he is burning. This
1) Pratyak-sakshatkara or Antar-sakshatkriya
technique, developed from the methods of Indian
(skt)Chng nghiem noi taiNoi Chng.
yoga, in Tibet not only was a special means for
a) Inner assurance: Inner-realizationInner
attaining enlightenment but was also used for
experienceInner witnessNoi Chng.
protection against the extreme cold in Tibetan
b) The witness of realization within: Ones own
mountainous areasMot trong sau hoc thuyet
assurance of the truthChan ly ma mnh
cua Naropa ma dan Tay phng biet qua
chng c t trong tam.
Milarepa. Bang phng cach kiem soat nhp th,
2) Svasakshatkara (skt)Inner witnessInner
tap trung vao vung run va hnh dung mot so am
assuranceSelf-realizationThe witness
tiet nh Ram hay Ham (see Mantra), hanh gia at
withinSelf-attained assurance of the truth,
ti cho tang them sc nong ben trong than the cua
such as that of the Buddha (to realize
mnh, khien cho hanh gia co cam giac nh ang
enlightenment by oneself)T ChngT
trong nhng ngon la. Phng phap nay bat
than giac ngo hay at c chan ly nh c
nguon t mot so ky thuat Du Gia An o c
Phat a tng lam.
dung Tay Tang, khong ch nh mot phng tien
Inner garbhadhatu: Noi thaiThe eight
at ti ai giac, ma con nh mot phng cach
objects in the eight leaves in the central group of
nham chong lai nhng cn ret cc o cua vung
the mandalaBen trong thai tang gii hay la tam
nui Tay TangSee Milarepa.
vat trong tam canh hoa trung tam cua man a
Inner influence: Minh HuanFumigation
withinCon goi la Noi Huan, trong cai chan
Inner garment: Antaravasaka (skt)Noi Y
nh cua ban giac, lang le nung ot huan tap vong
One of the three regulation garments of a monk
tam e sinh ra Bo e Tam. ** See Inner censing.
Mot trong ba loai y ma ch Tang Ni thng mac
Inner learning: Noi hoc.
ben trong. ** See Kasaya.
Inner garment of monks and nuns: Inner light: Intuitive wisdomThan Quang
Noi quang hay tr trc giac.
Antaravasaka (skt)Ao An a Hoi cua ch Tang
NiAn inner garment; the five-piece cassock. Inner mental objects: Antar-guna, or Antar-
One of the three regulation garments of a monk alambana (skt)Noi TranThe inner six gunas
Trung trc y, ao lot mac ben trong, tc la ao lot (the inner dusts), associated with mind, in contrast
mac sat ngi, y nam manh, Mot trong ba loai y with the other five gunas, qualities or attributes of
cua mot v Tang. **See Kasaya, Nivasana, and the visible, audible, etcNoi tran la nhng phap
Three kinds of monks garments. s duyen vi y thc (mind consciousness), con
phap s duyen vi nam thc la ngoai tran.
Inner gunas: Antar-guna or Antar-alambana
(skt)Noi TranInner mental objectsThe Inner mind: Noi tam.
inner six gunas (the inner dusts), associated with Innermost: Sau kn tan ay long.

Innermost of oneself: Tam tanh sau kn. th nhng v Thien s noi bac nh Bo e at Ma,
Inner mystic mind: Noi BThe inner mystic va cac v To khac trong qua kh va hien tai.
mind of the bodhisattva, though externally he may Inner silent dialogue: S oi thoai tham lang
appears to be a sravaka (hearerThanh van) ben trongSee Inner dialogue.
Tam sau kn b mat ben trong cua Bo Tat, mac du Inner supporters: Noi hoSee Two protectors.
ben ngoai co dang ve cua Thanh Van. Inner tangle: Network of cravingNoi trien.
Inner nature form and function: Tanh Tng Inner-witness: Pratyak-sakshatkara or Antar-
DungTng dung cua noi tanh. sakshatkriya (skt)Inner assuranceSee Inner
Inner organs: Noi tangThere are five inner experience.
organs (viscera)Co nam bo phan ben trong c Inner world: World withinThe Gii Noi
theSee Five inner organs. TamFor the understanding of the world within,
Inner and outer brightnesses: Noi Ngoai science may not be of much help to us. Ultimate
Kiem MinhInner and outer both bright, the truth can not be found in science. To the scientist,
first four of the Pancavidya are outer and the knowledge is something that ties him more and
fifth innerNoi ngoai eu sang. Trong ngu more to this sentient existence. That knowledge,
minh th bon minh au la ngoai minh, minh th therefore, is not saving knowledge. To one who
nam la noi minh. **See Five sciences. views the world and all it holds in its proper
Inner and outer garments: Noi va ngoai y perspective, the primary concern of life is not
(quan ao trong va ngoai). mere speculation or vain voyaging into the
Inner problems: Nhng van e cua noi tam. imaginary regions of high fantasy, but the gaining
of true happiness and freedom from ill or
Inner protectors: Noi hoTham tam ben trong
unsatisfactoriness. To him, true knowledge
cua mnh, hoc va tu theo Phat phapThe inner,
depends on this question: Is this learning
oneself, by studying and following the lawSee
according to actuality? Can it be of use to us in the
Two protectors.
conquest of mental peace and tranquility, of real
Inner quiescence: Noi vo vi.
happiness? To understand the world within we
Inner ranks: Noi TranThe part of the altar need the guidance, the instruction of a competent
where the monks sitPhan trc ban th ni ch and genuine seer clarity of vision and depth of
Tang ngoi lam le. insight penetrate into the deepest recesses of life
Inner realizations: Pratyak-sakshatkara or and cognize the true nature that underlies all
antar-sakshatkriya (skt)Noi chngThc chng appearance. He, indeed, is the true philosopher,
noi tamSee Inner experience. true scientist who has grasped the meaning of
Inner self: OneselfOriginal mindBan tam. change in the fullest sense and has transmuted this
Inner (internal) sense-spheres: Ajjhattikani understanding into a realization of the deepest
ayatanani (p)According to the Sangiti Sutta in truths fathomable by man, the truths of the three
the Long Discourses of the Buddha, there are six signs or characteristics: Impermanence,
internal sense-spheresTheo Kinh Phung Tung Unsatisfactoriness, Non-self. No more can he be
trong Trng Bo Kinh, co sau noi xSee Six confused by the terrible or swept off his feet by
internal sense-spheres. the glamor of thing ephemeral. No more is it
Inner sanctuary: Hau ien trong chuaThe possible for him to have a clouded view of
hall in the back for worshipping the Patriarchs and phenomena; for he has transcended all capacity
the deceased. Usually, Vietnamese temples also for error through the perfect immunity which
worship most outstanding Zen masters, insight alone can givee co the co c s
Bodhidharma, and other Patriarchs in the past and hieu biet ve the gian ben trong, co le kien thc
present Vietnamese BuddhismHau ien pha khoa hoc se khong giup ch g c cho chung ta.
sau chanh ien ni th cac To va nhng ngi S that cung tot nay khong the nao tm thay c
qua vang. Thng th cac chua Viet Nam cung trong lanh vc khoa hoc. oi vi cac nha khoa

hoc th tri thc la ieu g o ngay cang troi chat Innumerable births: Vo lng kiep.
ho vao kiep sinh ton nay. Do vay tri thc o Innumerable meanings: Infinite meaningVo
khong phai la tri kien giai thoat. Ngc lai, oi Lng Ngha.
vi ngi nhn cuoc i va tat ca nhng g lien 1) Infinite meaning: Meaning of infinityNgha
quan en cuoc i nay ung theo thc chat cua ly vo lng vo so.
chung, moi quan tam chnh cua ho ve cuoc song 2) The meaning of all things: Tat ca cac phap.
nay khong phai la suy dien mong lung hay chu du Cac phap la vo lng, moi cai eu ay u y
vao nhng vung hoang ao cua tr tng tng vo ngha.
ch, ma lam sao e at en chan hanh phuc va
Innumerable number of sentient beings is
giai thoat khoi nhng kho au hay bat toai
inconceivable: Chung sanh vo bien bat kha t
nguyen. oi vi ho chan tri kien tuy thuoc vao
nghSee Five inconceivable things.
cau hoi s hoc nay co hp vi thc te hay
khong? No co hu ch cho chung ta trong cuoc Innumerable reincarnations: Vo lng luan
chinh phuc chan an lac va tnh lang noi tam hay hoi.
khong? No co at en chan hanh phuc hay Innumerable Teachings: Vo lng phap mon.
khong? e hieu c the gian ben trong nay Inquire: Hoi.
chung ta can phai co s hng dan, s ch dan cua Inquire (v) after someones well-being: Tham
mot bac toan tri co ay u kha nang va chan that, hoi ai ve i song.
mot bac ma tr va minh cua ho a the nhap c Inquiring mind: Oc thch to mo
vao nhng phan sau kn nhat cua cuoc i va Inquiring spirit and great enlightenment:
nhan ra ban chat that s nam trong moi hien
Nghi Tnh Va ai Ngo.
tng. V ay phai ch thc la mot triet gia, mot
1) According to Zen master D.T. Suzuki in the
khoa hoc gia chan chnh co the nam bat tron ven
Essays in Buddhism, Book II, Zen master
y ngha cua nhng oi thay vo thng va a bien
Kao-Feng-Yuan-Miao talked about the koans
s hieu biet nay thanh s chng ac nhng s that
as follows: The koan I ordinarily give to my
tham sau nhat ma con ngi khong the do c,
pupils is All things return to One; where does
nhng s that cua tam tng (Tilakkhana): Vo
the One return? I make them search after
thng, kho va Vo Nga. Nhng khon kho cua
this. To search after it means to awaken a
cuoc song khong con lam cho v ay boi roi hoac
great inquiring spirit for the ultimate meaning
nhng ieu phu du khong con lam cho v ay xuc
of the koan. The multitudiness of things is
ong na. oi vi v ay, mot quan niem m ho ve
reducible to the One, but where does the One
moi hien tng la ieu khong the co, v v ay a
finally return? I say to them: Make this
vt qua moi kha nang co the gay ra lam loi nh
inquiry with all the strength that lies in your
vao s vo nhiem hoan toan, s vo nhiem ma ch
personality, giving yourself no time to relax
co the phat sanh t tr tue noi quan
in this effort. In whatever physical position
you are, and in whatever business you are
Innocence (n): S vo toi. employed, never pass your time idly. Where
Innocent (a): Vo toi. does the One finally return? Try to get a
Innocent mind in all: Original mind in all definite answer to this query. Do not give
Unadulterated mind in all, which is independant yourself up to a state of doing nothing; do not
of birth and deathBuddha-wisdomReal exercise your fantastic imagination, but try to
knowledge free from illusionChan thc. bring about a state of identification by
Innumerable (a): Asamkheya (skt)Vo pressing your spirit of inquiry forward,
lngTang KyAn abbreviation for steadily and uninterruptedly. You will be then
Asamkhya, means innumerableTen tat cua A like a person who is critically ill, having no
Tang Ky co ngha la vo so vo lng, khong the appetite for what you eat or drink. Again you
em c. will be like an idiot, with no knowledge of
what is what. When your searching spirit

comes to this stage, the time has come for on with your inquiry, as if you had come to
your mental flower to burst out.Theo the very fountain of a stream and were
Thien s D.T. Suzuki trong Thien Luan, Tap blocked by the mountains all around. This is
II, Cao Phong la ngi chu trng tu tap cong the time when the tree together with the
an nh vay: Cong an toi thng at cho cac entwining wistaria breaks down, that is, when
mon nhan la van phap qui Nhat, Nhat qui ha the distinction of subject and object is utterly
x? Toi khuyen ho hay tham cu cau nay. obliterated, when the inquiring and the
Tham cu cau ay tc la anh thc mot moi inquired are fused into one perfect identity.
nghi tnh ln oi vi y ngha cu canh cua Awakening from this identification, there
cong an. Van phap thien sai van biet c takes place a great enlightenment that brings
qui ve Mot, nhng roi Mot tr ve au? Toi peace to all your inquiries and searchings
bao ho, hay em het sc manh bnh sinh ma Thien S Co Am Tnh Cam, vao khoang cuoi
eo moi moi nghi tnh nay, ng luc nao xao the ky th 15, a noi ro ve nghi tnh va ai
lang. Du i, ng, nam, ngoi, hay lam cac ngo nh sau: Cong phu co the c thc
cong viec, ng e thi gi luong troi qua. hanh tot ep nhat la ni khong co tieng
Roi ra cai Mot tr ve au? Hay co ma i tm ong va tap loan: hay dt bo tat ca nhng
mot cau tra li chnh xac cho cau hoi nay. ieu kien quay nhieu, hay dng lai suy t va
ng buong troi mnh trong cai vo s; ng ngh tng, e het tam ch vao viec tien hanh
luyen tap tng tng phieu du, ma hay co cong an, ng bao gi buong tha no ra khoi
thc hien cho c cai trang thai toan nhat trung tam cua thc, du khi i, ng, nam
vien man bang cach ay nghi tnh lt ti, hay ngoi. ng bao gi quan tam en viec
ben b va khong h. Roi cac ngi se thay mnh ang trong canh ngo nao, du khi va
mnh nh mot ke bnh ngat, chang con muon long hay trai y, ma luon luon hay co gi lay
an uong g na. Lai nh mot thang kh, cong an trong long, phan quang t chieu, va
khong hieu cai g ra cai g het. Khi cong phu t hoi ai la ke ang theo uoi cong an chang
en ay, gi la luc tam hoa cua cac ngi biet met the, va t hoi nh vay khong ngt.
bng n. C tien hanh nh the, het sc la hang hai,
2) Zen master Ku-Yin-Ching-Chin, late in the nghi chnh ke ang nghi, chac chan se en luc
fifteenth century, has this saying regarding khong con nghi vao au c na, tuong nh
the inquiring spirit and great enlightenment: cac ngi a i en chnh tan nguon cua
Searching and contriving (kung-fu) may best dong suoi va thay mnh ang b nhng ngon
be practised where noise and confusion do nui vay ham chung quanh. ay la luc goc cay
not reach; cut yourself off from all disturbing cung san bm chang cht gay o, tc la khi s
conditions; put a stop to speculation and phan biet chu khach hoan toan b xao tron,
imagination; and apply yourself khi ke b nghi va cai b nghi hoa hp thanh
wholeheartedly to the task of holding on to mot khoi duy nhat. Mot khi thc tnh t s
your koan, never letting it go off the center of hp nhat nay, th cai ngo ln se hien en.
consciousness, whether you are sitting or 3) Most Venerable Tien-Chi-Shuis advice to
lying, walking or standing still. Never mind in students of Zen as follows: Have your mind
what condition you are placed, whether thoroughly washed off of all cunning and
pleasing or disagreeable, but try all the time crookedness, sever yourselves from greed
to keep the koan in mind, and reflect within and anger which rise from egotism, and let no
yourself who it is that is pursuing the koan so dualistic thoughts disturb you any longer that
untiringly and asking you this question so your consciousness is wiped perfectly clean.
unremittingly. As you thus go on, intensely in When this purgation is effected, hold up your
earnest, inquiring after the inquirer himself, koan before the mind All things are
the time will most assuredly come to you resolvable into the One, and when is this One
when it is absolutely impossible for you to go resolved? Where is it really ultimately

resolved? Inquire into this problem from cho tam thc c lau chui sach se. Khi a
beginning to end, several as so many queries, thanh loc c nh vay roi, hay e khi cong
or undividedly as one piece of thought, or an trc tam Van phap qui Nhat, Nhat qui
simply inquire into the whereabouts of the ha x? Hay nghien ngam van e nay t thuy
One. In any event, let the whole string of ch chung, hoac bang nhieu nghi van, hoac
questions be distinctly impressed upon your n oc mot suy ngh, hoac ch nghien ngam
consciousness so as to make in the exclusive cai Mot ni au. Bat c bang cach nao, c
object of attention. If you allow any idle e cho het thay au moi cua cac cau hoi ghi
thought to enter into the one solid am tren y thc cua cac ngi, khien cho no
uninterruptible chain of inquiries, the tr thanh cai oc nhat la cai ch chu tam.
outcome will ruin the whole exercise. When Neu cac ngi e phan biet ly luan xen vao
you have no koan to be held before your chuoi day lien tuc ben b cua nhng nghi tnh,
minds, there will be no occasion for you to ket qua se lam sup o het ca cong trnh tu
realize a state of enlightenment. To seek tap. Mot khi cac ngi chang c cong an
enlightenment without a koan is like boiling trc tam, chang co c duyen nao e chng
sands which will never yield nourishing rice. ngo het. Luc o s tu tap thien quan cua cac
The first essential thing is to awaken a great ngi chang khac khac nao nau cat ma muon
spirit of inquiry and strive to see where the thanh cm. Cai cot yeu bac nhat la khi day
One finally resolves itself. When this spirit is cai ai nghi va gang thay cho c cai Mot
kept constantly alive so that no chance is qui ve au. Luc nghi tnh c gi linh hoat
given to languor or heaviness or otioseness to lien tuc, khien cho nhng giai ai, hon tram,
assert itself, the time will come to you tan loan khong con c hoi mong khi; khong
without your specially seeking it when the cau tm kiem rao riet, rot roi thi c cung se
mind attains a state of perfect concentration. en, ay la luc tam hoan toan nhap nh. The
That is to say, when you are sitting, you are la du i hay ng, du nam hay ngoi ma khong
not conscious of the fact; so with your phai e y han vao nhng viec ang lam ay,
walking or lying or standing, you are not all cung khong hay biet mnh ang au, ong
conscious of what you are doing; nor are you hay tay, nam hay bac; quen luon ca luc tnh;
aware of your whereabouts, east or west, ngay em nh nhau ca. Nhng ay ch la mi
south or north; you forget that you are in na ng cua ngo, ch cha phai la ngo
possession of the six senses; the day is like hoan toan. Cac ngi can phai no lc ky cung
the night, the vise-versa. But this is still va quyet liet e xuyen qua ay, mot trang
midway to enlightenment, and not thai sieu thoat ni o h khong se b ap v
enlightenment itself. You will have yet to thanh tng manh va van hu eu c qui ve
make another final and decided effort to cai bnh ang toan dien. ay lai nh mat tri
break through this, a state of ecsatcy, when lo dang khoi may mu, th cac phap the gian
the vacuity of space will be smashed to hay xuat the gian eu hien ra ro ret.
pieces and all things reduced to 4) In fact, we cant just hold up a koan before
perfectevenness. It is again like the sun the mind, we must make it occupy the very
revealing itself from behind the clouds, when center of attention by the sheer strength of an
things worldly and super-worldly present inquiring spirit. When a koan is cultivated
themselves in perfect objectivity.Hoa with such a spirit, according to Zen master
Thng Thien Ky Thuy a co li khuyen ve Ta-Hui, it is like a great consuming fire which
nghi tnh va ai ngo nh sau: Hay got sach burns up every insect of idle speculation that
tam khoi tat ca nhng khon ngoan la loc approaches it. Therefore, it is almost a
cua the gian, hay dt ra khoi mnh nhng common sense saying among Zen masters to
tham san do nga chap, va ng e nhng moi declare that , In the mastery of Zen the most
suy ngh nh bien (phan hai) quay pha, e important thing is to keep up a spirit of

inquiry; the stronger the spirit the greater will hermit (obscure), his thought is gleaned from a
be the enlightenment that follows; there is, metrical composition known as Hsin-Hsin-Ming or
indeed, no enlightenment when there is no Inscribed on the Believing MindTheo Thien
spirit of inquiryThat vay, chung ta khong s D.T. Suzuki trong Thien Luan, Tap I, To Tang
e khi cong an hien tien, ma phai at no Xan hau nh song an dat suot i, nhng ta co the
vao trong tam bang tat ca sc manh cua nghi nhn ra t tng cua To qua mot thi pham luan ve
tnh. Mot khi cong an c chi tr bi mot tinh long tin co ten la Tn Minh Tam. ay la mot trong
than nh the, th theo Thien S ai Hue, no nhng but tch cua cac Thien s gop phan xng
giong nh mot ngon la chay ln ot chay tat ang nhat vao s luan giai tong ch nha Thien.
ca nhng con sau hy luan ang xam ti. Va
cung chnh v vay ma tat ca cac Thien s eu The Perfect Way knows no dificulties
ong y rang Trong s tham Thien, ieu trong Except that it refuses to make preference:
yeu nhat la gi vng nghi tnh; nghi tnh cang Only when freed from hate and love,
manh, ngo cang ln. Qua thc chang bao gi It reveals itself fully and without disguise.
co ngo neu khong co nghi. ao ln chang g kho,
Inquiry (v): Tm hieu. cot ng chon la thoi.
Inquiry into the mode of a persons death: Qu ho khong thng ghet,
Nghiem Sinh Nhan TrungTo judge whether he t nhien ngi sang.
will be eborn as a man, deva, and so on with the (Ch ao vo nan, duy hiem gian trach.
other possible destinies such as hells, hungry an mac tang ai, ong nhien minh bach).
ghosts, animalsXem xet coi mot ngi sau khi
chet se tai sanh vao canh gii nhan, Thien, hay A tenth of an inchs difference,
a nguc, nga quy, suc sanhSee Six places in And heaven and earth are set apart:
the body that represent the six paths of rebirth. If you want to see it manifest,
Take no thought either for or against it.
Inquisitive mind: Tnh to mo.
Sai lac na ng t,
Insalubrious climate: Unhealthy climate
at tri lien phan cach.
Rng thieng nc oc.
Ch ngh chuyen ngc xuoi,
Insane people: Nhng ke mat tr nen khong the th hien lien trc mat
chu tam niem Phat cThose who are insane (Hao li hu sai, Thien a huyen cach.
and cannot focus the Mind on invoking the Duc ac hien tien, Mac ton thuan nghch).
Buddhas name. This is one of the ten types of
people who cannot recite the Buddhas name at To set up what you like
near-death timeay la mot trong mi loai against what you dislike.
ngi khong the niem Phat c luc lam chung This is the disease of the mind:
See Ten types of people who cannot recite the When the deep meaning of the Way
Buddhas name at near-death time. Is not understood.
Insane regain their sanity: Ke ien cuong Peace of mind is disturbed
c tnhSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all and nothing is gained.
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (7). em thuan nghch choi nhau,
Insatiable (a): Bat tri yem tuc (khong biet chan). o chnh la tam bnh.
Inscribe something on something: Write Chang nam c moi huyen,
something on somethingKhac cai g o vai vat Hoai cong lo niem tnh.
g. (Vi thuan nghch tng tranh, th vi tam bnh
Inscribed on the believing mind: Hsin-Hsin- Bat thc huyen ch, o lao niem tnh).
MingTn Minh TamAccording to Zen master
D.T. Suzuki in the Essays in Zen Buddhism, Book The Way is perfect like unto vast space,
I, the third patriarch lived most of his life as a With nothing wanting, nothing superfluous:

It is indeed due to making choice au au chang suot thong.

That its suchness is lost sight of. (a ngon a l, chuyen bat tng ng
Tron ay t thai h, Tuyet ngon tuyet l, vo x bat thong).
Khong thieu cung khong d.
Bi mai lo gi bo, When we return to the root, we gain the
Nen chang c nh nh. meaning. When we pursue the external objects,
(Vien ong thai h, vo khiem vo d we lose the reason. The moment we are
Lng do thu xa, s d bat nh). enlightened within; we go beyond the voidness of
a world confronting us.
Pursue not the outer entanglements, Tr ve nguon nam moi
Dwell not in the inner void; Doi theo ngon mat tong
When the mind rests serene Phut giay soi ngc lai
In the oneness of things, Trc mat vt canh khong.
The dualism vanishes by itself. (Qui can ac ch, tuy chieu that tong
Ngoai ch uoi duyen tran, Tu du phan chieu, thang khc tien khong).
Trong ng gh khong nhan.
C mot mc bnh tam, Transformations going on in an empty world
Th t nhien dt tan. which confronts us. Appear real all because of
(Mac truc hu duyen, vat tru khong nhan ignorance: Try not to seek after the true, only
Nht chung bnh hoai, dan nhien t tan). cease to cherish opinions.
Canh khong tro thien dien
Ngan ong ma cau tnh, Thay eu do vong kien
Het ngan lai ong them. C g phai cau chn
Cang tre hai ben, Ch can dt s kien
Tha ro au la moi. (Tien khong chuyen bien, giai do vong kien
(Ch ong qui ch, ch canh di ong Bat dung cau chn, duy tu tc kien).
Duy tre lng bien, minh tri nht chung).
Tarry not with dualism, carefully avoid pursuing
And when oneness is not thoroughly understood, it; as soon as you have right or wrong, confusion
In two ways loss is sustained. ensues, the mind is lost.
The denial of reality may lead to its absolute Hai ben ng ghe mat
negation, Can than ch uoi tam
While the upholding of the void may result in Phai trai va vng mac
contradicting itself. La nghien ot mat tam.
au moi chang ro thong (Nh kien bat tru, than vat truy tam
Hai au luong uong cong. Tai hu th phi, phan nhien that tam).
uoi co lien mat co
Theo khong lai phu khong. The two exists because of the one, but hold not
(Nht chung bat thong, lng x that cong
even to this one; when the one mind is not
Khien hu mot hu, tong khong boi khong).
disturbed, the ten thousand things offer no
Wordiness and intellection Hai do mot ma co
The more with them the further astray we go Mot roi cung buong bo
away; therefore, with wordiness and intellection, Mot tam v chang sanh
there is no place where we cannot pass freely. Muon phap toi g o.
Noi nhieu them lo quan, (Nh do nht hu, nht diec mac thu
Loanh quanh mai chang xong. Nht tam bat sinh, van phap vo cu).
Dt li dt lo quan,

When no offence is offered by them, they are as if Let go loose, and things are as they may be,
not existing; when the mind is not disturbed, it is While the essence neither departs nor abides.
as if there is no mind. The subject is quieted as Chap gi la nghieng lech
the object ceases, the object ceases as the subject Dan tam vao neo ta
is quieted. C t nhien buong het
Khong toi th khong phap Bon the chang qua lai.
Chang sanh th chang tam (Chap chi that o, tam nhap ta lo
Tam theo canh ma bat Phong chi t nhien, the vo kh tru).
Canh theo tam ma chm.
(Vo cu vo phap, bat sanh bat tam Obey the nature of things,
Nang tuy canh diet, canh truc nang tram). and you are in concord with the Way.
Calm and easy and free from annoyance;
The object is an object for the subject, the subject But when your thoughts are tied,
is a subject for an object: Know that the relativity you turn away from the truth.
of the two; rests ultimately on the oneness of the They grow heavier and duller
void. and are not at all sound.
Tam la tam cua canh Thuan tanh la hiep ao
Canh la canh cua tam Tieu dao dt phien nao
V biet hai ang dt Cang ngh cang troi them
Rot cung ch mot khong. Le ao chm me mai.
(Canh do nang canh, nang do canh nang (Nhiem tanh hiep ao, tieu dao tuyet nao
Duc tri lng oan, nguyen th nht khong). He niem quai chn, tram hon bat hao).

In the oneness of the void the two are one, When they are not sound, the soul is troubled;
And each of the two contains in itself all the ten What is the use of being partial and one-sided
thousand things: When no discrimination is made then? If you want to walk the course of the One
between this and that, how can one-sided and Vehicle, be not prejudiced against the six sense-
prejudiced view arise? objects.
Mot khong, hai ma mot Me ao nhoc tinh than
Bao gom het muon sai Tnh g viec s than
Chang thay trong thay uc Muon thang ng nht thang
Lay g ma lech sai. ng chan ghet sau tran.
(Nht khong ong lng, te ham van tng (Bat hao lao than, ha dung s than
Bat kien tinh tho, ninh hu thien ang). Duc thu nht thang, vat o luc tran).

The Great Way is calm and large-minded, When you are not prejudiced against the six
Nothing is easy, nothing is hard: sense-objects, you in turn identify yourself with
Small views are irresolute, enlightenment; the wise are non-active, while the
The more in haste the tardier they go. ignorant bind themselves up;
ao ln the khoan dung Sau tran co xau chi
Khong de ma khong kho Van chung ve giac ay
Ke tieu kien lng khng Bac tr gi vo vi
Gap theo va cham bo. Ngi ngu t buoc lay.
(ai ao the khoan, vo d vo nan (Luc tran bat ac, hoan ong chanh giac
Tieu kien ho nghi, chuyen cap chuyen tr). Tr gia vo vi, ngu nhn t phc).

Clinging never keeps itself within bounds, While the Dharma itself there is no individuation,
It is sure to go in the wrong way: they ignorantly attach themselves to particular

objects. It is their own minds that create illusions. Can quan chung nh vay
It is not the greatest of self-contradictions? Muon phap ve t nhien.
Phap phap chang khac phap (Nht nh the huyen, ngot nh vong duyen
Do ai trc sanh lam Van phap te quan, qui phuc t nhien).
Ha chang la quay lam
Sai tam i bat tam. Forget the wherefore of things, and we attain to a
(Phap vo d phap, vong t ai trc state beyond analogy: Movement stopped is no
Tng tam dung tam, khi phi ai thac). movement, and rest set in motion is not rest.
When dualism does no more obtain, even oneness
Ignorance begets the dualism of rest and unrest, itself remains not as such.
the enlightened have no likes and dislikes: All ng hoi v sao ca
forms of dualism are ignorantly contrived by the Th het chuyen sai ngoa
mind itself. Ngan ong cha la tnh
Me sanh ong sanh yen Cai hai a chang c
Ngo het xau het tot Cai mot lay chi ma.
Het thay viec hai ben (Dan ky s d, bat kha phng ty
eu do vong cham chc. Ch ong vo ong, ong ch vo ch
(Me sanh tnh loan, ngo vo hao ac Lng ky bat thanh, nht ha hu nh).
Het thay nh bien, vong t cham chc).
The ultimate end of things where they cannot go
They are like unto visions and flowers in the air: any further, is not bound in harmony with the Way
Why should we trouble ourselves to take hold of is the principle of identity in which we find all
them? Gain and loss, right and wrong, away with doings in a quiescent state;
them once for all! Rot rao en cung cc
M mong hao khong hoa Chang con may qui tac
Kheo nhoc long uoi bat Bnh ang hiep ao tam
Chuyen thua c th phi Im bat niem tao tac.
Mot lan buong bo quach. (Cu canh cung cc, bat ton qu tac
(Mong huyen khong hoa, ha lao ba troc Khe tam bnh ang, s tac cau tc).
ac that th phi, nht thi phong khc).
(Irresolutions are completely done away with, and
If an eye never falls asleep, all dreams will by the right faith is restored to its native straightness;
themselves cease: If the mind retains its oneness, nothing is retained now, nothing is to be
the ten thousand things are of one suchness. memorized. All is void, lucid, and self-
Mat v khong me ngu illuminating, There is no stain, no exertion, no
Mong mong eu t tr wasting of energy.
Tam tam v chang khac Niem nghi hoac lang dt
Th muon phap nht nh. Long tin hoa le trc
(Nhan nhc bat thuy, ch mong t tr May bui cung chang lu
Tam nhc bat d, van phap nht nh). Lay g ma ky c
Bon the von h minh
When the deep mystery of one suchness is T nhien nao nhoc sc.
fathomed, all of a sudden we forget the external
entanglements: When the ten thousand things are This is where thinking never attains, this is where
viewed in their oneness, we return to the origin the imagination fails to measure. In the higher
and remain what we are. realm of True Suchness, there is neither other
Nht nh von the huyen nor self.
Ban bat khong may duyen Tr nao suy lng c

Thc nao can nhac ra Cai khong la cai co

Canh chn nh phap gii V cha c vay chang
Khong ngi cung khong ta. Quyet ng nen nan na.
(Phi t lng x, thc tnh nan trac (Hu tc th vo, vo tc th hu
Chn nh phap gii, vo tha vo t). Nhc bat nh th, tat bat tu thu).

When a direct identification is asked for, we can One in all, all in one. If only this is realized, no
only say not two. In being not two all is the more worry about your not being perfect!
same, all that is comprehended in it: The wise in Mot tc la tat ca
the ten quarters, they all enter into this absolute Tat ca tc la mot
faith. Qu ho c vay thoi
Can nht hay tng ng Lo g chang xong tat.
Cung le ao bat nh (Nht tc nht thiet, nht thiet tc nht
Bat nh th hoa ong an nang nh th, ha l bat tat).
Khong g chang bao dong
Mi phng hang tr gia The believing mind is not divided, and undivided
eu chung nhap mot tong. is the believing mind. This is where words fail, for
(Yeu cap tng ng, duy ngon bat d it is not of the past, future, or present.
Bat nh giai ong, vo bat bao dong Tn tam chang phai hai
Thap phng tr gia, giai nhap th tong). Chang phai hai tn tam
Li noi lam ao dt
This absolute faith is beyond quickening time and Chang kim co v lai.
extension space. One instant is ten thousand (Tn tam bat nh, bat nh tn tam
years; no matter how things are conditioned, Ngon ng ao oan, phi co lai kim).
whether with to be or not to be. It is manifest Inscription (n): Cau viet.
everywhere before you. Insects may attain Buddhahood: Con Trung
Tong nay von t tai Tac PhatAccoding to the Maha-Prajna-Paramita
Khoanh khac la van nien Sastra, even insects may attain Buddhahood
Dau co khong khong co Theo ai Tr o Luan, ngay ca con trung cung co
Mi phng trc mat lien. the lam Phat c.
(Tong phi xuc dien, nht niem van nien
Insei (jap): Vien Chnh (trong chua Nhat Ban).
Vo tai bat tai, thap phng muc tien).
Insecured: Bap benhUncertainUnstable.
The infinitely small is as large as large can be, Insensate (a): Vo tri giac.
when external conditions are forgotten; the Insentient becomes Buddha: Phi Tnh Thanh
infinitely large is as small as small can be, when PhatA tenet of the Complete Teaching, i.e. the
objective limits are put out of sight. doctrine of pan-BuddhaHoc thuyet cua Vien
Cc nho la cc ln Giao lap ra cai ngha cac loai co cay eu tr
ong nhau bat canh duyen thanh Phat (Vien Giao cho rang Phat tnh trung
Cc ln la cc nho ao co khap phap gii bat ke hu tnh hay phi
ong nhau chang gii bien. tnh, nhng do me muoi ma thay hai phap phan
(Cc tieu ong ai, vong tuyet canh gii biet, nhng sac tam ch la mot ai giac).
Cc ai ong tieu, bat kien bien bieu). Inseparability (n): Bat kha phanKhong the
tach riInseparable (a).
What is is the same with what is not, what is not is Inshu (jap): Dharma master Yin-Tsung, a famous
the same with what is: Where this state of things Chinese Zen master who asked Hui Neng to
fails to obtain, be sure not to tarry. preach to help enlighten himPhap s An Tong,
Cai co la cai khong mot thien s Trung Hoa noi tieng, ngi a thnh

cau To Hue Nang thuyet phap cho mnh c noi ro quan phap cua Duy ThcSee Five kinds
giac ngo. of almsgiving.
Insignia (n): Huy hieu. Insight into the Non-Arising of Dharmas:
Insight (n): Prajna (skt)WisdomNoi tam Tolerance of Non-birthVo sanh phap nhan
Noi quanMinh kienTr minhTue tr. See Tolerance of non-birth.
(A) Duy thcThere are five kinds of wisdom or Insight into the Non-Origination of
insight or idealistic representation in the Dharmas: Toerance of Non-birthVo sanh phap
sutras and sastras (the first four are objective nhanSee tolerance of non-birth.
and the fifth is subjective)Co nam loai Duy Insight in objective conditions: Wisdom in
ThcSee Five kinds of wisdom or insight or objective conditionsCanh Duy thc hay can c
idealistic. vao canh ma thuyet ve Duy ThcSee Five
(B) According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, kinds of almsgiving.
Chapter 38, there are ten kinds of insight of
Insight of the Path: Ditthi-magga (p)Dristi-
Great Enlightening BeingsTheo Kinh Hoa
marga (skt)Kien ao.
Nghiem, Pham 38, ch ai Bo tat co mi
Insight into present mortal sufferings so as
th MinhSee Wisdom, Prajna, and Ten
kinds of insight of Great Enlightening Beings. to overcome all passions or temptations:
Nirvana insightLau tan minhoan tr tat ca
Insight arises: Tue giac sanh khi.
cac lau hoac (nhng duc vong va quyen ru)See
Insight into the ending of the stream of
Three insights.
transmigration: Asravaksaya-jnana (skt)Lau Insight in principles: Wisdom in principlesLy
Tan Thong hay kha nang cham dt luan hoi sanh
Duy thc hay luan ve thanh tu ao ly Duy
tSee Six miraculous or transcendental
ThcSee Five kinds of almsgiving.
Insight into reality: Meditation on reality
Insight in the fruits or results of
Thc tng quan hay tr tue quan (quan sat chan
Buddhahood: Wisdom in the fruits or results of ly).
BuddhahoodQua Duy thc hay noi ve dieu
Insight into all seeds: Buddha-knowledge
canh gii cua Phat quaSee Five kinds of
OmniscienceChung giac.
Insight into truth: Eye attained through the
Insight into immediate presentations:
cultivation of Buddha-truthKeen vision of right
Meditation on immediate presentationsHien
dharmasao nhan.
Insight into wisdom: Views of wisdomWise-
Insight in interpretation: Wisdom in
viewsTue kien.
interpretationGiao Duy thc hay giai thch ve
Insignificant (a): Vo ngha.
Duy ThcSee Five kinds of almsgiving.
Insincere (a): Gia doiDeceitfulFalse.
Insight into the mortal conditions of self
Insincerity: S khong thanh that (Hoa ngon xao
and others in previous lives: Tuc mang
ng)Sweet words and clever expressions.
minhThe knowledge of the arhat of his own and
other previous transmigrationsTue giac nhn Insist (v): oi hoiKhan khoan.
thay nhng ieu kien sanh t trong tien kiep cua Insist firmly on anything: Lagna-graha (skt)
mnh va cua ngi (biet c cac i trc). Tue To hold firmlyChap TrTo hold firmly or to
giac cua mot v A La HanSee Three insights. insist firmly on anythingGi vao hay nam vao
Insight meditation: Samatha-VipasyanaMinh khong lay chuyen.
sat tue. Insist stubbornly: Nang nang.
Insight in meditation and practice: Wisdom Insignificance (n): Vo ngha.
in meditation and practiceHanh Duy thc hay

Inspect all the buildings of a monastery: Instantaneous and gradual teachings: on

Tuan lieu (v s trc trong coi viec canh tuan tat tiem giaoSee Sudden and gradual teachings.
ca hau lieu cua ch Tang). Instantaneous knowledge of all ages in past,
Inspiration (n): Nguon cam hngS gi cam. present and future: Tr trong mot niem eu
Inspire (v): Gi nguon cam hngKhai sang biet tam the tat ca kiep soSee Ten kinds of path
To found. of Great Enlightening Beings (10).
Inspire to progress: To move to zealCam tan Instantaneous mind: Immediate mindTot Di
(gi nguon cam hng cho tien bo). tam hay bat cht nay sinh tamSee Five
Instance (n): Sat NaKsana (skt)An instance conditions of mind produced by objective
as a measure of timeMot khoanh khac c perception.
xem nh mot n v o lng thi gian. Instantaneous perfect enlightenment: on
1) The shortest period or measure of time, a on VienThe method of enlightenment of the
moment, an instant; in contrast with kalpa, the Hua-Yen, a term used by Cheng-Kuan, who left
longest period of time: Khoanh khac cua mot the Lotus for the Hua-YenThuyet tc th giac
khoang thi gian rat ngan, oi lai vi kiep la ngo cua tong Hoa Nghiem, t c Ngai Trng
mot khoang thi gian dai. Quan dung khi ngai bo tong Phap Hoa e qua
2) Sixty-five (some says 60) ksanas are said to tong Hoa Nghiem.
pass the clicking of the fingers: 65 (co cho noi Instantaneous view of anything anywhere in
60) sat na tng ng vi mot cai khay the form realm: Divyacaksus (skt)Thien
mong tay. Nhan ThongKha nang thay c tat ca moi th
3) 90 ksanas are equal to a thought: 90 sat na trong sac gii. Kha nang thay cai ma mnh muon
c coi nh mot niem. thaySee Six miraculous or transcendental
4) A ksana is equal to one seventy-fifth of a powers.
second, or 4,500 ksanas are equal to a minute:
Instantly apprehend: Attain to Buddha-
Mot sat na tng ng vi mot phan bay
enlightenmenton ngo.
mi lam giay, hay 4.500 sat na tng ng
Instantly creative knowledge: Niem niem xuat
vi mot phut.
sanh tr (cua ch Phat)Theo Kinh Hoa Nghiem,
Instance of life: Khoanh khac cua s songSee
Pham 33, co mi th niem niem xuat sanh tr
Momentariness of existence.
cua ch PhatAccording to the Flower
Instantaneous Doctrine: on giao. Adornment Sutra, Chpater 33, there are ten kinds
Instantaneous enlightenment: on ngoThe of instantly creative knowledge of the Buddhas
doctrine of sudden enlighenment (instantly to See Ten kinds of instantly creative knowledge of
apprehend, or attain to Buddha-enlightenment) the Buddhas.
associated with the Southern school of Zen in Instantly enter the immense Buddha-lands
China, in contrast with the Northern school of
in the ten directions, pervading all places:
gradual enlightenment, or Hinayana or other
Tat ca ch Phat hang tai chanh nh, trong mot
methods of gradual attainment. This school was
niem khap tat ca cho vao khap mi phng Phat
founded by the sixth patriarch Hui-Neng.
o quang aiSee Ten kinds of immeasurable
Immediate awakening or Immediate teaching or
inconceivable Buddha-concentrations.
practice for awakening for the advancedLy
Instantly enter the past, present and future
thuyet giac ngo bat than do Thien Nam Tong chu
trng, ngc lai vi Thien Bac Tong hay phai in all places: Tat ca ch Phat hang tai chanh
ai giac tuan t cua Tieu Tha. Trng phai nay nh, trong mot niem khap tat ca cho vao suot
do Luc to Hue Nang, to th sau cua dong Thien tam theSee Ten kinds of immeasurable
trung Hoa chu xng. on ngo danh cho nhng inconceivable Buddha-concentrations.
bac thng can thng tr. Instantly knowing, by unhindered
knowledge, the action of the minds of all

sentient beings: trong mot niem, dung tr vo continue their post-graduate studies either in
ngai, biet tam hanh cua tat ca chung sanhSee Vietnam or abroad. Since 1988, many graduated
Ten kinds of unimpeded function relating to students from the Institute have continued their
knowledge. higher Buddhist studies in Taiwan and India
Instantly manifest innumerable various Vien Phat Hoc tai Sai Gon, Nam Viet Nam, danh
Buddha-bodies in all places: Tat ca ch Phat cho nhng sinh vien muon hoan tat chng trnh
bon nam Phat hoc. Trc nam 1975, sinh vien
hang tai chanh nh, trong mot niem khap tat ca
phan khoa Phat hoc tai vien ai hoc Van Hanh
cho hien khap vo lng Phat thanSee Ten kinds
khong bat buoc phai hoan tat phan Phat hoc bang
of immeasurable inconceivable Buddha-
Anh ng. Nam 1984 vien Cao Cap Phat Hoc c
thanh lap. Ben canh Phat hoc bang Viet ng, cac
Instigation (n): S xui giuc.
sinh vien phai hoc phan Phat hoc bang Anh ng
Instinct (n): Ban nang. na. T nam 1984 en nay, Hoa Thng Thch
Instinctive (a): Theo ban nangHaving the Minh Chau lam Vien trng, Hoa Thng Thch
nature of. Thien Sieu va Thng Toa Thch Giac Toan la
Intinctive cleaving (clinging) to the idea of hai Vien Pho. Cac sinh vien tong hoc en t cac
self or soul: Natural cleaving (clinging) to the trng phai khac nhau khap ni trong nc nh
idea of self or soulCau sinh nga chapNga trng phai Khat S Viet Nam, trng phai
chap bam sinh, luc mi sanh ra a coSee Two Nguyen Thuy, ai Tha, va Thien tong, van van.
reasons for clinging to the idea of self. Cac mon hoc ve giao ien bao gom Kinh, Luat va
Instinctive tendencies: Ban nang. Luan. Tai ay sinh vien cung c hoc cac mon
Instinctively: Theo ban nang. hoc ngoai i nh Van Hoa Viet Nam, Lch S
Viet Nam, Lch S Van Minh Viet Nam, Lch S
Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies:
Van Hoc Viet Nam, Triet Hoc, Quan Tr Hoc, va
Vien Cao Cap Phat HocAn Institute of Buddhist
Ngon Ng Hoc, van van. Muc ch chnh cua vien
Studies in Saigon, South Vietnam, for students
la ao tao mot the he Tang Ni mi ay u kha
who wish to finish a four-year degree in Buddhist
nang. Sau khi tot nghiep chng trnh hoc tai vien
Studies. Before 1975, students at Van Hanh
sinh vien co the tiep tuc chng trnh hau ai hoc
University were not required to complete their
hoac tai Viet Nam hay hai ngoai. T nam 1988,
Buddhist studies in English. In 1984, Institute of
nhieu sinh vien tot nghiep cua vien a tiep tuc
Advanced Buddhist Studies was founded. Beside
chng trnh cao hoc Phat giao tai ai Loan va
studying Buddhism in Vietnamese, students were
An o.
required to complete their four-year course in
English too. Since 1984 Most Venerable Thich
Institute Curriculum Development: Vien
Phat Trien Chng Trnh Giang Day.
Minh Chau has been served as a Rector, Most
Venerable Thich Thien Sieu and Venerable Thich Institute for the Propagation of the
Giac Toan have been served as Vice Rectors. Dharma: Vien Hoa ao.
Students from all schools from all over Vietnam Institution (n): S kien lapSang lap.
such as the School of Vietnamese Sangha Bhiksu, Instruct (v): Pravacana (skt)To give
Theravada, Mahayana, and Zen schools, etc. The instructionTeachGiao tho (day do).
canonical subjects include the original tripitaka of Instruct and lead: Giao ao.
Sutras, Rules and Sastras. The Institute also 1) The way of instruction: Ch day va hng
provides other secular subjects such as danTo instruct and to lead.
Vietnamese Culture, History of Vietnam, History 2) The way of teaching: Ch day cho con ng
of Vietnam Civilization, History of Vietnamese tu hanhTo teach a way or religion.
Literature, Philosophy, Management, Languages, 3) A taught way contrasted with an intuitional
etc. The main purpose of the Institute is to train a way: Con ng c ch day khac vi con
new generation of well-qualified monks and nuns.
After graduating from the Institute students can

ng at c bang tue giacThe way of Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni khac la pham toi Tang
teaching or to teach a way or religion. Tan.
Instruction: GiaoSee Eight dharmas, and Insuperable desire: S mong muon khong g
Eight essential things. hnSee Ten kinds of definitive mark of Great
Instruction in the Buddhist principles: Hoa Enlightening Beings (6).
PhapPhap mon hoa ao hay phng phap giao Insuperable power of Buddha: Sc chang
hoaThe rules or methods laid down by the khuynh ong cua Nh LaiSee Ten types of
Buddha for salvation. According to the Tien Tai characteristics of manifestation of a Buddha (8).
Sect, the Buddha utilized four methods to save Insurance (n): Bao amwarranty
sentient beingsNhng nguyen tac hay phng GuarranteeAssuranceSecurity.
thc cu o do Phat at ra. Theo Tong Thien Intact (a): Con nguyen ven.
Thai, e hoa o chung sanh, Phat Thch Ca dung
Integral direction of karma: Tong Bao
bon phng phap.
NghiepSee General karma.
1) Preaching in accordance with the Tripitaka
Integrated: Tong hp.
Basket: TungNoi dung giang day can c
theo Tam Tang Kinh ien. Integration (n): S dung hpHp nhat.
2) Interrelated preaching: ThongNoi dung Integrative methods: Catvari-samgraha-vastuni
giang day thong suot vi cac trnh o, moi (skt)Bon phap e dan dat chung sanhFour
ngi eu hieu c. elements of popularityFour ways of leading
3) Differentiated preaching: BietNoi dung human beings to emancipation. Also called four
giang ch thch hp vi trnh o cua mot so means of integration, four integrative methods,
ngi. four means of integration, four attractions, four
4) A complete, all-embracing preaching: Vien Dharmas of attraction, or four all-embracing
Giao ly tron ay hoan thien, ch trc tiep vao virtuesSee Four elements of popularity.
thc tai. Integrity (n): S chnh trcLiem khietThanh
Instruction and conduct: Teaching and that.
practiceProgress of the teachingGiao hanh. Intellect (n): Mati (skt)Mind of
Instructions of a school: Commands of a sect discriminationThere are two kinds of intellect:
or schoolDirections of a sectGiao lenh. keen intellect and dull intellectTr nang hay
Instructions in the sect or church: Within kha nang tr tue. Co hai loai tr: li tr va ong
instructionGiao noi. trSee Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma
Instructor: Acarya (skt)A xa leSpiritual
teacher (master, preceptor)Giao tho sY ch Intellection (n): Tr Tac ViIntellection is
sSee Acarya. knowledge that obstructs enlightenment in Zen
Tr tac vi la tr lam chng ngai cho s thanh tu
Instrumental (a): Phng tien.
giac ngo trong nha Thien.
Instrumentalism (n): Chu thuyet cho rang quan
Intellectual (a): Tr Thc.
niem la cong cu cho hanh ong.
1) Knowledge: LearningAcquaintanceTr
Insubstantial (a): Vo ngaAnitta.
Insufficiency (n): S khong ay u. 2) Jnana and Vijnana (skt): Tr va ThcJnana
Insufficient (a): Thieu thonNot enough. is non-attachment, whereas vijnana is
Insufficient food: Thieu thc pham. attached to an external world of particulars
Insult (v): Mang nhiecTo affrontA Bhiksu or Tr la s vo chap, con thc la b rang buoc
Bhiksuni who insults other monks or nuns, vao mot the gii ben ngoai cua cac ac thu.
commits a Sangha Restoration OffenceV Ty Intellectual approach to reality: ng vao
Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao mang nhiec mot v Ty thc tai bang tri thc.

Intellectual Bodhisattva: Pannadhika- Intellectual functioning of consciousness:

Bodhisatta (p)Tr Tue Bo TatA Bodhisattva Mana or Mano (p)Manas (skt)Y thc hay
must cultivate the wisdom and practice all Mat na thc (thc th bay, kha nang nhan thc va
paramitas for at least four asankheyas before he phan biet cua tri giac).
can achieve Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. Intellectual hindrances: Jneyavarana (skt)
Intellectual Bodhisattvas are less devotional and Hindrance of knowledgeS tri chngSee
more energetic. One person is seldom, if ever, Two hindrances.
possesses these three characteristics. Intellectual Intellectual power: Bien TaiSee Ten kinds of
Bodhisattvas concentrate more on the intellectual power of Great Enlightening Beings.
development of wisdom and on the practice of
Intellectual power of freedom from the
meditation than on observation of external forms
darkness of doubt: Bien tai khong u toi nghi
of homage. They are always guided by reason and
hoac ni tat ca cac phapSee Ten kinds of
accept nothing on blind belief. They make no self-
intellectual power of Great Enlightening Beings.
surrender, and are not slaves either to a book or to
an individual. They prefer lonely meditation. With Intellectual power of gladdening all sentient
their silent but powerful thought of peace beings according to their mentalities: Bien
radiating from their solitary retreat they render tai tuy theo cua tat ca chung sanh lam cho ho
moral help to suffering humanity. Intellectual hoan hySee Ten kinds of intellectual power of
Bodhisattvas can attain Buddhahood within a short Great Enlightening Beings.
period, Devotional Bodhisattvas take longer time, Intellectual power of not arbitrarily
and Energetic Bodhisattvas take longer stillV discriminating among things: Bien tai vo
Bo Tat phai tu tap tr tue va trai qua t nhat bon a phan biet ni tat ca cac phapSee Ten kinds of
tang ky thc hanh cac ba la mat trc khi ngai co intellectual power of Great Enlightening Beings.
the ac a nau a la tam mieu tam bo e. Tr Tue Intellecual power of not being attached to
Bo Tat t nghieng ve long tin ma nghieng ve no anything: Bien tai vo s trc ni tat ca cac
lc phat trien tr tue hn. t khi nao mot ngi,
phapSee Ten kinds of intellectual power of
neu khong muon noi la khong bao gi at c ca
Great Enlightening Beings.
ba mat tr tue, tn tam va tinh tan. Tr Tue Bo Tat
Intellectual power of not fabricating
ch tap trung tr tue va tang trng thien nh hn
la gi oai nghi va hnh thc ben ngoai. Tr Tue Bo anything: Bien tai vo s tac ni tat ca cac
Tat luon hanh ong theo ly tr ch khong b dan phapSee Ten kinds of intellectual power of
dat hoac no le bi long tin. Tr Tue Bo Tat thch Great Enlightening Beings.
thien nh. Vi tam y tnh lang ma manh me toa Intellectual power of realizing emptiness:
ra nang lc an lac khien ho co the chuyen hoa Bien tai thau ro tanh khong ni tat ca cac phap
chung sanh bt kho au hn. Tr Tue Bo Tat co See Ten kinds of intellectual power of Great
the at giac ngo trong thi gian ngan, bac Tn Enlightening Beings.
Tam Bo Tat phai trai qua mot thi gian dai hn, Intellectual power of receiving support
va bac Tinh Tan Bo Tat phai trai qua mot thi from Buddha in all things: Bien tai Phat gia b
gian con dai hn na e at en qua v Phat. ni tat ca cac phapSee Ten kinds of intellectual
Intellectual cultivation: Tr duc. power of Great Enlightening Beings.
Intellectual discernment: Tr nang sau sac. Intellectual power of skill in differentiation
Intellectual education: Cultivation or culture of expressions of all truths: Bien tai van cu sai
Tr Duc. biet thien xao ni tat ca cac phapSee Ten kinds
Intellectual explanation: Y GiaiS giai thch of intellectual power of Great Enlightening
cua y thc. Beings.
Intellectual faculty: Jnasaki (skt)Nang lc tr Intellectual power of spontaneous
nang. awareness of all truth: Bien tai t giac ngo ni

tat ca cac phapSee Ten kinds of intellectual goes on to prove itself against that something
power of Great Enlightening Beings. else. There is nothing absolute here. This
Intellectual power of truthfully explaining setting or establishing is elsewhere
all things: Bien tai chn that ni tat ca cac designated as Samaropa. All where there are
phapSee Ten kinds of intellectual power of none such in reality. Owing to these
Great Enlightening Beings. propositions definitely held up as true,
opposite ones will surely rise and there will
Intellectual pride: ai manai phap man
take place a wrangling or controversy
Arrogance through possession of the TruthKieu
between the opposing parties. The Buddha
ngao v nam c chan ly.
advised Bodhisattvas to avoid these one-sided
Intellectual temperament: Buddhicarita (p)
views I order to atain a state of enlightenment
Bam tanh thien ve tri thcWisdomSee Six
which is beyond the positive as well as
kinds of temperament.
beyond the negative way of viewing the
Intellectual virtue: Wisdom virtueTr c hay worlday la mot trong hai loai tr c noi
Tanh cTr hue hay s thong biet ve Phat tanh en trong Kinh Lang Gia. Tc la cai tr kien
ma chung sanh san coSee Two kinds of virtue lap tat ca cac loai phan biet ve mot the gii
(A). cua cac hnh tng, buoc cai tam vao cac
Intellectual and virtue: Merit (potency) of hnh tng ma cho chung la thc. Do o, tr
perfect knowledgeTr cTr va c. nay thiet lap nhng nguyen tac ly luan t o
Intellectualism: Chu ngha ly tr ma a ra cac phan oan ve mot the gii cua
Intellectualism, wherein the koan is forced to cac ac thu. No la mot cai tr ly luan, no la
yield up its logical contents. This is one of the ten cai ieu ong cuoc song hang ngay cua
wrong ways into which the Yogin may fallDuy chung ta. Nhng ngay khi mot cai g o c
Tr, ay no ep buoc cong an khoac nhng noi xac lap e chng to no, tc la ngay khi mot
dung luan ly. ay la mot trong mi lam lac ma menh e c tao thanh, ong thi no lai
thien gia co the b ri vaoSee Ten wrong ways kien lap mot cai g khac na va tiep tuc t
into which Zen practitioners may fall. chng to no trai vi cai g khac ay. ay
Intellectuality: Ly trTr nang. khong co g tuyet oi ca. S kien lap hay xac
Intellectualization (n): S ly tr hoa. lap nay c nh ngha mot cho khac la
Intellectuals (n): Intellectual peopleCac nha kien lap. Ky that moi ni khong co cai g la
thc ca, do bi menh e nay c chap chat
tr thc.
lam thc ma nhng menh e oi lap chac
Intelligences: Pratishthapika (skt)Giac
chan se sinh khi va ay se xay ra s tranh
(biet)Kien Lap TrTrSee Two kinds of
cai hay bai bang gia cac phe oi nghch. V
wisdom (B).
the ma c Phat khuyen cac v Bo Tat phai
(I) According to the Lankavatara SutraTheo
tranh cac bien kien nay e at ti mot trang
kinh Lang Gia:
thai chng ngo vt khoi loi nhn xac nh
1) Pratishthapika (skt)Kien Lap TrThis is
cung nh phu nh ve the gii:
one of the two kinds of knowledge mentioned
2) There are four establishmentsCo bon loai
in the Lankavatara Sutra. The intelligence
kien lap:
sets up all kinds of distinction over a world of
i) Characteristic marks: Lakshana (skt)Cac
appearances, attaching the mind to them as
tng ac thu.
real. Thus it may establish rules of reasoning
ii) Definite views: Drista (skt)Cac kien giai.
whereby to give judgments to a world of
iii) A cause: Hetu (skt)Nguyen nhan.
particulars. It is logical knowledge, it is what
iv) A substance: Bhava (skt)Hu the.
regulates our ordinary life. But as soon as
(II) According to the Awakening of FaithTheo
something is established in order to prove it,
Khi Tn Luan: There are four intelligences
that is, as soon as a proposition is made, it
or apprehensions mentioned in the
sets up something else at the same time and

Awakening of Faith (Khi Tn Luan)Co Intelligentsia ( Giai cap tr thc.

bon th giac ngo theo ai Tha Khi Tn Intend to do something: Be inclined to do
Luan. somethingCo khuynh hng lam ieu g.
1) The original apprehension: Bon GiacT
Intense (a): Tran tre.
tanh thanh tnh tam cua het thay chung sanh
Intense happiness: Hanh phuc tran treSee
von d la vong niem va co c chieu minh.
2) Resembling to apprehension: Tng T
GiacGiac c tri kien va t hoac ma la Intense profound mind: Tham tam tang
c chung. thngAccording to the Flower Adornment
3) Partial apprehension: Tuy Phan GiacTng Sutra, Chapter 38, there are ten kinds of intense
phan oan vo minh, tng phan giac chan profound mind of Great Enlightening Beings.
giao. Enlightening Beings who abide by these can attain
4) Enlightened apprehension: Cu Canh Giac the supremely pure intense profound mind of all
a oan het can ban vo minh, chng c BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co
chan giac cu canh. mi Tham tam tang thng cua ch ai Bo Tat.
Ch Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay thi c tham
Intelligence of every being: Inherent
tam tang thng thanh tnh vo thng cua tat ca
enlightenmentPotential enlightenmentBon
ch PhatSee Ten kinds of mind outstanding like
giacSee Three kinds of enlightenments (B).
a mountain of Great Enlightening Beings.
Intelligence as the fundamental nature of
Intensity (n): Cng o.
the universe: Phap Gii The Tanh Tr
Intensive (a): Manh kch liet (thuoc ve cng
Vairocanas immeasurable cosmic energy and
o)Sau sac (ve thien quan).
wisdom interpenetrating all elements of the
universe, one of the five kinds of wisdom of the Intention (n): InclinationChu yKhuynh
Buddha used by the esoteric sectsThanh Tr hngY hngY nguyen.
sieu viet (vo cung vo tan) cua c ai Nhat Nh (Purposeful) intention: Co y.
Lai (tr thong minh nh la tanh chat can ban cua Intention to enter the Pure Land by
vu tru), mot trong nam tr cua ch Phat c dung thought: Y Niem Vang SanhIntention to enter
bi Mat giao. ** See Five kinds of knowledge. the Pure Land by remembrance or invocation of
Intelligence keen as a blade, able to AmitabhaY niem vang sanh bang tng nh
penetrate truth: Thong LiTr thong minh sac hay bang cach tung niem hong danh c Phat A
ben nh li dao, co the xuyen qua chan ly. Di a.
Intelligence of the living: Mind of the living Intentions of the mind and the heart are like
The living soulSinh linh. the horse and the ape: Tam vien y maVery
Intelligence without calm meditation: Foolish difficult to bring under control.
wisdomCuong hue. Intention to probe into the attainment of the
Intelligent (a): Of penetrative powersCan master: Tham BatIn Zen, there is a kind of
liThong minh. question that the questioner asked with the
Intelligent nature: Than minhSpiritual intention to probe into the attainment of the
nature. master. This kind of question must have been in
Intelligent spirit: Divine wisdomSoulThan vogue when Zen monasteries were every where
thc. established and the monks travelled from one
Intelligence or stupid: Thong minh hay ngu master to another. A monk asked Feng-Hsueh,
How is it that one who understand not, never
cherishes a doubt? Feng-Hsueh replied: When a
Intelligence whereby a proposition is set up:
tortoise walks on the ground, he can not help
Pratishthapikabuddhi (skt)Kien Lap Tr hay cai
leaving traces in the mud.Trong nha Thien, co
tr nh o mot menh e c thiet lap.
loai cau hoi c hoi vi y nh tham do s ac

cua thay. Loai cau hoi nay chac chan a thnh Unity is diversity. This is the principle of
hanh khi cac Thien vien c dng len khap ni interbeing and interpenetration of the
va cac nha s bai phong t thay nay sang thay Avatamsaka Sutra. Interbeing means This is
khac. Mot nha s hoi Phong Huyet: Ke ay khong that, That is this. Interpenetration means
hieu ma cha tng co chut nghi, the la lam sao? This is in that, and That is in this. When
S ap: Khi con linh qui treo len at bang, no we meditate deeply on interbeing and
khong the khong e lai dau vet ni at bun. interpenetration, we see that the idea of one
See Eighteen kinds of questions. and many is only a mental construct which
Intention to steal: Co tnh trom cap. we use to contain reality, much as we use a
Intentional (a): Co yIntentionally (Adv). bucket to hold water. Once we have escaped
the confinement of this construct, we a re like
Intentional action: Cetana (skt)Tac y (hanh
a train breaking free of its rails to fly freely in
ong tao tac cua y thc).
space. Just as when we realize that we are
Intentional karma: Karma-vipaka (skt)
standing on a spherical planet which is
Nghiep Co YIntentional karma, in contrast with
rotating around its axis and around the sun,
unintentional karma (karma-phala)Nghiep gay
our concepts of above and below disintegrate,
tao bi s co y, oi lai vi nghiep vo tnhSee
so when we realize the interdependent nature
Two kinds of karma (A).
of all things, we are freed from the idea of
Inter (v): An tangTo buryTo interment. one and many. The image of a Indras
Inter the bones or body of a monk in a Jeweled net is used in the Avatamsaka Sutra
stupa: Nhap thap (mai tang xng cot cua mot v to illustrate the infinite variety of interactions
Tang vao trong thap). and intersections of all things. The net is
Interaction (n): S tng tacHanh ong ho woven of an infinite variety of brilliant gems,
tng. each with countless facets. Each gem reflects
Interactive realm: Interdependent realmDiec in itself every other gem. In this vision, each
Hu Vi Diec Vo Vi Phap Gii hay S ly vo ngai gem contains all the other gemsTrung trung
phap gii (ca hu vi lan vo vi)See Five forms Duyen khi la ten goi cua mot loai thien nh
of dharmadhatu. ve s bieu hien cua moi hien tng theo
Interbeing Endlessly Interwoven: Trung trung ng loi tng quan tng duyen. Phep
thien nh nay co the giup hanh gia vt
Duyen khi.
thoat y niem ve mot va nhieu, hay mot va
1) Interbeing Endlessly Interwoven, name of a
tat ca. Ch co phep quan nay mi co the pha
kind of meditation on the manifestation of all
v nga kien v nga kien c thanh lap tren
phenomena as interdependent. This
thoi quen nhan thc ve s oi nghch cua mot
meditation can help free us from the concept
va nhieu. Khi chung ta ngh ve mot hat bui,
of unity and diversity, or one and all. This
mot bong hoa, hay mot con ngi, s suy ngh
meditation can dissolve the concept of me
cua chung ta khong the tach ri khoi y niem
because the concept of :self is built on the
ve n v, ve mot, va ve s tnh toan. Chung
opposition of unity and diversity. When we
ta thay co lan ranh gia mot va nhieu, gia
think of a speck of dust, a flower, or a human
mot va khong. Trong cuoc song hang ngay
being, our thinking cannot break loose from
chung ta can nhng th ay nh xe la can
the idea of unity, of one, of calculation. We
ng ray. Nhng neu chung ta quan chieu
see a line between one and many, between
c t tanh cua trung trung duyen khi cua
one and not one. In daily life we need this
hat bui, cua bong hoa hoac cua con ngi, th
just as a train needs a track. But if we truly
chung ta se thay cai mot va cai nhieu khong
realize the interdependent nature of the dust,
the ri nhau ma hien hu c, cai mot va
the flower, and the human being, we see that
cai nhieu i vao nhau khong tr ngai, cai mot
unity cannot exist without diversity. Unity and
tc la cai nhieu. o la y niem tng tc
diversity interpenetrate each other freely.

tng nhap cua giao ly Hoa Nghiem. Tng do s co mat cua tat ca cac iem tren dien
tc co ngha la cai nay la cai kia, cai kia la tch hnh cau cung nh trong long cau. Co rat
cai nay. Tng nhap th co ngha la cai nay nhieu iem, tuy vay neu thieu mot trong vo
trong cai kia, cai kia trong cai nay. Khi quan so iem o la khoi cau khong c thanh lap.
chieu sau sac tren tng tc tng nhap, Bay gi chung ta th tng tng noi lien
chung ta co the thay y niem ve mot va moi iem trong khoi cau vi tat ca cac iem
nhieu ch la mot trong nhng pham tru y khac trong khoi cau bang nhng ng day
thc ma chung ta dung e dung cha thc tai, tng tng. Trc tien noi iem A vi tat ca
cung nh khi chung ta dung mot cai xo e cac iem khac. Sau o noi iem B vi cac
cha nc. Khi chung ta thoat ra khoi pham iem khac, ke ca iem A, va lam nh vay
tru mot va nhieu th cung nh chiec xe la cho en khi tat ca cac iem eu c noi ket
thoat ra khoi ng ray e t do bay ln lai vi nhau. Nh vay la chung ta a tao ra
tren khong trung. Cung nh chung ta thay mang li vo cung chang cht vi cac iem.
c rang chung ta ang ng tren mot qua 3) The principle of the Interbeing and
at tron, ang t xoay quanh no va xoay xung interpenetration in the Avatamsaka Sutra
quanh mat tri, chung ta se thay y niem ve refuses to accept the concept of inner/outer,
tren va di ngay xa b pha v, nh thay big/small, one/many as real, it also refuses
c tanh tng tc tng nhap cua moi hien the concept of space as an absolute reality.
tng, chung ta thoat khoi y niem mot va With respect to time, the conceptual
nhieu. Hnh anh mang li cua vua tri e distinction between past, present, and future
Thch trong Kinh Hoa Nghiem gi y cho is also destroyed. The Avatamsaka Sutra says
chung ta ve trung trung duyen khi. Mang that past and future can be put into the
li nay c ket bi nhng hat ngoc phan present, present and past into future, present
chieu trong no tat ca nhng hat ngoc khac va and future into past, and finally all eternity
hnh anh cua no cung c phan chieu trong into on ksana, the shortest possible moment.
tat ca cac hat ngoc khac tren li. Nh vay, To summarize, time, like space, is stamped
tren phng dien hnh bong, mot hat ngoc with the seal of interdependence, and one
cha tat ca cac hat khac, va tat ca cac hat instant contains three times: past, present and
ngoc khac eu cha no. future. Not only does a speck of dust contain
2) To envision the interwoven nature of in itself, infinite space, it also contains
relationships, which illustrate the character of endless time; in one ksana we find both
interbeing and interpenetration, we can infinite time and endless spacePhep quan
picture a sphere which is composed of all the tng tc tng nhap cua giao ly Hoa
points on its surface and all the points within Nghiema bao ham s phu nhan y niem
its volume. There are extremely many points, khong gian nh mot thc tai tuyet oi, bi t
yet without each of them the sphere does not tng ay phu nhan luon cac y niem trong va
exist. Now let us imagine connecting each ngoai, ln va nho, mot va nhieu. Ve thi
point with all the other points. First we gian, phep quan tng tc tng nhap cua
connect point A to each of the other points. giao ly Hoa Nghiem lai pha bo luon y niem
Then we connect point B with each of the phan biet gia qua kh, hien tai va v lai, cho
others, including A, and so on until all the rang co the em qua kh va v lai at vao
points are connected. As you can see we have hien tai, em qua kh va hien tai at vao v
woven the points are connected . As you can lai, em hien tai va v lai at vao qua kh, va
see we have woven and extremely dense net em tat ca thi gian at vao mot niem, tc la
intertwining all the pointse co mot y mot khoanh khac rat nhan. Tom lai, thi gian
niem ve moi lien he chang cht tng trng cung c bieu hien tren nguyen tac tng
cho tnh cach tng tc tng nhap, chung ta tc tng nhap nh khong gian, va mot
co the phac hoa mot qua cau, c thanh lap khoanh khac cung cha ng c ca ba

i, ngha la toan the qua kh, tng lai va ham chung ta t bay lau nay. Khi chung ta
hien tai. Khong nhng mot hat bui cha ng noi, mot te bao cha ng tat ca cac te bao
trong chnh no mot khong gian vo cung ma khac, chung ta ng hieu lam la dung tch
no con cha ng ca thi gian vo tan; trong cua mot te bao co the bao ham c moi te
mot sat na khoanh khac chung ta co the tm bao, va moi te bao co the chui vao trong mot
thay ca thi gian vo tan va khong gian vo te bao, ma chung ta muon noi s co mat cua
cung. mot te bao chng minh c s co mat cua
4) According to the Avatamsaka Sutra, in the tat ca cac te bao khac, v chung khong the
Interdependence of all things or interbeing, hien hu oc lap va rieng le vi nhau c.
cause and effect are no longer perceived as Intercede (v): Can thiep.
linear, but as a net, not a two-dimensional Interconnected: Noi lien lien tiep.
one, but a system of countless nets
Intercontextual: Ho tng canh ngo.
interwoven in all directions in multi-
Interdepence of phenomenal and noumenal
dimensional space. Not only do the organs
contain in themselves the existence of all the realm: Ly s vo ngai phap giiSee Four
other organs, but each cell contains in itself dharma realms.
all the other cells. One is present in all and all Interdependence of all things: Trung trung
are present in each one. This is expressed Duyen khiSee Interbeing Endlessly
clearly in the Avatamsaka Sutra as One is Interwoven.
all, all is one. When we fully grasp this, we Interdependent (a): Phu thuoc lan nhau.
are freed from the pitfall of thinking of one Interdependent causes: Phan Duyen
and many, a habit that has held us trapped Something to lay hold of, a reality, cause, basis,
for so long. When we say, One cell contains similar to an old man relies on his cane (the mind
in itself all the other cells, do not likea monkey, the thought like a horse)Tam
misunderstand that there is some way that nng vn vao canh s ma khi len, giong nh
one cells capacity can be stretched to fit all ngi gia vn vao cay gay ma ng len (tam thay
the others inside of it. We mean that the oi luc the nay luc the khac, tuy theo s vat cua
presence of one call implies the presence of the gii ben ngoai, giong nh con vn chuyen
all the others , since they cannot exist cay, hay con nga vo cng). ** See Pratyaya.
independently, separate of the othersTheo Interdependent Origination: Pratitya-
Kinh Hoa Nghiem, trong trung trung duyen samutpada (skt)Ly Nhan DuyenDependent
khi (s nng ta vao nhau trung trung lp OriginationA commonly accepted term for
lp e co mat), nhan qua khong nam theo Twelve NidanasInterdependent origination
chieu dai (trong o mot nhan a en mot Dependent causationConditioned co-arising or
qua) ma the hien chang cht; khong phai la co-productionAll things in the phenomenal
mot mang li hai chieu nh mot mang nhen world are brought into being by the combination
ma la nhieu mang li giao nhau trong mot of various cause and conditions (Twelve links of
khong gian nhieu chieu. Khong nhng mot bo Dependent Origination), they are relative and
phan cua c the cha trong no s hien hu without substantially or self-entity. The Buddha
cua tat ca cac bo phan khac cua c the, ma always expressed that his experience of
moi te bao trong c the cung cha ng s co enlightenment in one of two ways: either in terms
mat cua toan the cac te bao trong c the. Mot of having understood the Four Noble Truths, or in
co mat trong tat ca va tat ca co mat trong terms of having understood interindependent
mot. ieu nay c dien ta mot cach ro rang origination. Conversely, He often said that, in
trong Kinh Hoa Nghiem Mot la tat ca, tat ca order to attain enlightenment, one has to
la mot. Mot khi chung ta nam vng c understand the meaning of these truthsay la
nguyen ly mot va tat ca, tc la chung ta danh t dung cho Thap Nh Nhan Duyen. Moi vat
thoat khoi cai bay suy tng sai lam a giam trong the gii hien tng, duyen khi duyen sanh,

la s phoi hp cua nhng nguyen nhan va ieu 2) Thuoc ve trung gianNgi trung gian hoa
kien khac nhau (bi Thap Nh nhan duyen). giai.
Chung hien hu tng oi va khong co thc the. Intermediate capacity: Middle capacity
c Phat thng bay to rang Ngai giac ngo bang Trung CanSee Three cultivated levels.
mot trong hai cach, hoac hieu ro T Dieu e, hay Intermediate colors: Gian SacIntermediate
am tng Ly Nhan Duyen. Ngc lai Ngai nhan colors, i.e. not primary colours; in contrast with
manh muon at c giac ngo ngi ta phai hieu the five primary coloursMau phu, oi lai vi
ro nhng chan ly ay. ** See Twelve links of nam mau chnhSee Five primary colors.
cause and effect.
Intermediate dhyana stage: Trung Gian
Interdependent realm: Interactive realm nhThe stage between two dhyana-heavens
Diec Hu Vi Diec Vo Vi Phap Gii hay S ly vo (form and formlessness)Con goi la Trung Gian
ngai phap gii (ca hu vi lan vo vi)See Five Tam Muoi, Trung Gian Tnh L hay Trung Gian
forms of dharmadhatu. Thien. Trung gian tam muoi la thien nh cua ai
Interdict (n): Lenh cam. Pham Thien Vng chng c giai oan thien
Interdict narcotics: Bai tr ma tuy. nh gia sac gii va vo sac gii. **See Vitarka
Interested: Thch thu. and Vicara.
Interesting Sutra: Adhyardhasatika- Intermediate doctrine: Interrelated doctrine,
Prajnaparamita-Sutra (skt)Kinh ai Lac Kim one of the three branches of Sakyamuni Buddhas
Cang Bat Khong Chan That Tam Ma aAlso teachingThong giao, mot trong ba chi cua giao
called The Interesting Sutra or The Interesting phap c Phat Thch Ca Mau NiSee Three
Prajna Sutra. It stressed on the essence of the Sakyamunis teachings and Four periods of
Tantric schools that taught how to practice and teaching (2).
become a Buddha in this very life. The sutra was Intermediate existence: Trung AmThe
translated into Chinese by AmoghavajraCon intermediate existence between death and
c goi la Ly Thu Kinh hoac Bat Nha Ly reincarnation, a stage varying from seven to forty-
Thu Kinh. ay la tinh yeu giao ly cua Mat Tong, nine days, when the karma-body will certainly be
day cach tu hanh thanh Phat ngay trong i nay. rebornCon goi la Trung Hu la s hien hu
Kinh c Ngai Bat Khong dch sang Han t. gia luc chet va luc au thai, giai oan thay oi t
Interfere (v) with: Can d vaoTo intervene bay en 49 ngaySee Intermediate existence
To meddle. body.
Interim (n): Thi ky trung gian. Intermediate existence body: Antara-bhava
Interiorize (v): Noi tai hoa. (skt)Than Trung Hu.
(I) The meanings of the Intermediate Existence
Interlocking fingers: Phan xoa hp chng
BodyNgha cua Than Trung Hu: Bardo
Mot trong mi hai cach chap tay, an ben nhng
stageThe intermediate stage between
ngon tay vao nhauOne of the twelve forms of
death and rebirth. Its the 49-day-long process
folded hands.
death and rebirth. If there is an antecedent
Intermediary (a): gia.
existence body, then, naturally, there has to
Intermediary assembly: oi Cao ChungThe be an Intermediate Existence Body and an
intermediary for the Buddhas address to the After Existence Body. Intermediate means
assembly, especially AnandaNgi lam trung middle, or in between two lives of the present
gian (at ra nhng cau hoi) cho Phat thuyet phap and future. Existence means present, or
cho t chung, ac biet la Ngai A Nan. currently inhabitating. Because the karmic
Intermediate (a): retribution are concrete and not emptiness.
1) Bat nhSee Three modes of the Buddhas Thus, because of the genuineness of karmic
teaching of the Southern sects. consequences, it is called Existence. The
intermediate existence body means the body

to be inhabited after the antecedent body. In The intermediate skandha body has many
other words,once a sentient beings dstiny different characteristics, but, in general, there
ends, he or she must abandon the antecedent are two types of form appearances: one is
existence body. Once this happens, that body having a beautiful form appearance, the other
will decay, the five aggregates will separate, is having a dreadful form appearance. Before
and that persons spirit will leave the the intermediate skandha body assumes the
antecedent existence body. And before after existence body or the future body, it
inhabiting the after existence body or the must pass through a period of forty-nine days
body of the future life, the spirit of this in order to determine each individuals
individual will exist in a period where it will karmic retribution, i.e., judgment day. This is
take on a new realm. During this time, the to assume responsibilities for the various
spirit will enter a transitional period as they karmic activities, whether wholesome or
immediately exist as another entity or inhabit unwholesome, taken when the individual still
a different body called intermediate existence had the antecedent existence body or when
bodyGiai oan gia luc chet va luc i au still alive. The Ksitigarbha Sutra taught: The
thai. ay la tien trnh chet va tai sanh trong great demon of impermanence makes no
vong 49 ngay. He co than tien hu, th ng appointments yet it comes, the spirits of the
nhien la phai co than trung hu va than hau dead are confused and delirious not knowing
hu. Trung co ngha la khoang gia, gia whether meritorious or transgression. For
cua hai khoang i nay va i sau. Hu la forty-nine days, their existence is like
hien co, hay ang mang lay. V cai qua bao darkness and deafness, not knowing what will
do nghiep toi cua than tien hu a gay tao la happen, or they may be at various underworld
co ch khong phai la Khong. Chnh the nen courthouses to go on trials for their karma.
mi c goi la Hu. Than Trung Hu la Once decisions are made, they will follow
than ke sau cua than tien hu. Noi cach khac, their karma to reap the karmic retributions.:
tat ca cac loai chung sanh hu tnh sau khi Theo Thng Toa Thch Hai Quang trong Th Gi
mang chung tc la a bo than tien hu roi. Ngi Hoc Phat, than trung hu do nam am vi te
Khi o than xac hoan toan b h hoai, ngu am ket thanh, cho nen no con co ten la Than Trung
Am. Than trung am nay co nhieu hnh sac khac
chia la, t ai phan ly, than thc lien thoat
nhau, nhng ai khai co hai loai chanh: loai hnh
ngay ra khoi xac than tien hu, trc khi cha
sac xinh ep, va loai hnh sac xau x. Trc
tho lay than hau hu tc la than cua i sau,
khi than trung am tho cam lay than hau am
th than thc nay vao trong giai oan tho
se phai trai qua mot thi gian dai 49 ngay e
cam lay mot canh gii khac. Trong luc nay,
minh nh nghiep bao, tc la cam tho lay cac
than thc vao trong mot giai oan chuyen
nghiep nhan, hoac thien hoac ac, ma ke ay
tiep ngan va mang lay mot than the khac goi
a gay tao trong luc con mang than tien hu.
la than trung huSee Antara-bhava.
Kinh a Tang co day rang: Quy vo thng
(II) Various stages of retributions of the
khong hen ma en, than hon v van mt mu
intermediate existence bodyCac giai oan
cha ro la toi hay la phc, trong 49 ngay nh
tho bao cua Than Trung Am:
ngay nh iec, hoac tai cac ty s e bien
1) The first 49 days or the period of
luan ve nghiep qua, khi tham nh xong, thi
determination of karmic retributionsGiai
c y theo nghiep ma tho lay qua bao.
oan 49 ngay au hay thi ky minh nh
2) The period of transition beyween lifeGiai
nghiep bao: According to Venerable Thch
oan tho than hau hu: The antecedent
Hai Quang in the Philosophical Conversations
existence body or the skandha existence body
with Buddhist Followers, the intermediate
is not reborn (reincarnated) into another life,
existence body is formed by five
but must pass through a period of 49 days of
infinitesimally small aggregates; therefore, it
determination of karmic retributions or
is also called the Intermediate Skandha Body.

transition between life. In other words, right thanh than trung hu, lien b nghiep nhan dan
after the spirit escapes from the antecedent dat tuy theo nghiep bao ma i au thai
existence body and becomes the intermediate chuyen kiep, tc la tho lay than hau hu
existence body, it is led by that individuals tng xng vi toi phc ma than tien hu a
karmic effect, depending on the karmic gay ra, e tiep tuc troi lan trong sau neo luan
retributions (various merits and transgressions hoi. Chnh v the ma Kinh a Tang day:
created when that being still had the Nh sau khi ngi a chet, lai co the trong
antecedent existence body) to get reborn into vong 49 ngay than quyen v ngi ay ma tu
the next life in the six realms of existence. tao nhieu phc lanh, thi co the lam cho
Thus, the Ksitigarbha Sutra taught: ngi chet o ra khoi han chon ac ao, c
Supposing once a person dies, within the sanh len coi tri hoac trong coi ngi, hng
first forty-nine days, for that persons benefit, lay s vui sng ma than quyen hien tai cung
loved ones are willing to cultivate and form c rat nhieu li lac. Nh vay, neu than
many meritorious and wholesome practices, nhan ngi qua co biet rang luc ng i
then it is possible to free completely that ngi nay a gay tao nhieu ac nghiep, tat
spirit of the dead from the various evil paths phai tho bao ni a nguc. V thng xot
to be reborn in Heaven or in the Human ngi qua vang nen ng ra lam cac cong
realm to reap the various luxuries and c, phc lanh nh bo th, phong sanh, va tr
hapiness. Not only that, but the curently living tung kinh chu, roi em nhng cong c ay ma
loved ones will also benefit greatly. Family hoi hng cho hng linh ngi qua co trong
and friends know when alive, their loved one khi ngi ay van con mang than trung am ch
who died recently, had created many cha i au thai chuyen kiep. Lam c nh
unwholesome karmic deeds, and will have to vay, hng linh ngi qua co se c toi tieu,
endure the karmic retributions of hell. chng diet, la han chon ac ao ma sanh ve
Through love and compassion for their loved coi tri ngi, tho lay nhng ieu an vui sung
one, they follow the Buddha's eachings, take sng.
the person's place to practice various 3) Special and unique karmic retribution
virtuous, meritorious, and wholesome deeds conditions of the intermediate existence
such as make donations, charity work, free bodyTrng hp tho bao ac biet cua than
trapped animals, chant sutras, recite Buddhas trung hu: As usual, the intermediate
name and mantras, etc. Thereafter, use thse existence body must go through seven cycles
merits and virtues to dedicate and pray for the with seven days in each cycle. Only
deceased spirit when that spirit still exists thereafter, the spirit is able to receive the
with the intermediate existence body and has future body. However, there are special
not yet been reborn or reincarnated to another situations where the intermediate body does
life. If family and friends are able to do all not need to go through that ordinary
these, the deceaseds intermediate skandha transitional period. These sentient beings,
body will be able to eradicate and overcome after leaving their antecedent bodies, their
his or her transgressions to varying degrees. spirits will immediately be liberated to the
That person will be able to abandon the evil appropriate heavens accordingly to their
paths and be reborn to Heaven or Human merits and spiritual achievements, or be
realms to enjoy the various happiness and condemned to hell immediately without
luxuries: Than trung hu hay than trung am having to pass through the ordinary
khong lien c i au thai chuyen kiep sau transitional period of forty-nine days of the
khi thoat ra khoi xac than tien hu, ma bat intermediate skandha bodyThng th than
buoc phai trai qua 49 ngay e tham nh trung hu phai trai qua mot thi gian chuyen
nghiep qua. Noi cach khac, ngay sau khi than tiep la bon mi chn ngay, sau o mi cam
thc thoat ra khoi xac than tien hu va tr tho lay than hau hu. Tuy nhien, cung co

nhng trng hp ac biet ma than trung hu lotus throne and eternally escape from the
khong can phai trai qua giai oan chuyen tiep conditions of the cycle of rebirths, life, death,
thong thng nay. Nhng chung sanh nay sau etc.: Ngoai ra, con co mot loai chung sanh
khi a bo than tien hu roi th than thc hoac ngoai hang, khong can phai trai qua giai oan
lien c sieu thoat ve cac coi tri tng than trung am va cung khong b le thuoc vao
xng nh tri duc gii, sac gii va vo sac trong ba coi sau ng, o la nhng chung
gii; hoac b oa thang xuong a nguc, ch sanh khi con mang than tien hu a y theo
khong phai trai qua giai oan 49 ngay thong phap Phat tu hanh, nh niem Phat va phat
thng cua than trung am: long Tn Nguyen cau sanh Cc Lac. Cac
a) When the sentient beings were alive with chung sanh ay sau khi bo than tien hu roi th
antecedent body, they created an than thc lien sieu thoat ngang qua ba coi,
extraordinary amount of wholesome karma, nng theo nguyen lc nhiep tho cua ch
planted the fruit of the ten wholesome deeds Phat, Bo Tat, trong khoang sat na, lap tc
to the highest level with regard to the various c hoa sanh ngay ve coi nc Cc Lac cua
Heavens of Desires, Form, and Formlessness: c Phat A Di a, ng tren toa sen bau, vnh
Chung sanh khi con mang than tien hu a vien thoat khoi cac canh luan hoi sanh t.
gay tao nhng nghiep nhan cc thien, tc (III) Special characteristics of the Intermediate
gieo nhan thap thien bac thng thuoc cac skandha bodyac iem cua Than Trung
coi tri duc gii, sac gii va vo sac gii. Am: Usually, the intermediate body will
b) When the sentient beings were alive with remain only for seven days. If it is unable to
antecedent body, they created an find a place to get reborn within that time,
extraordinary amount of unwholesome then it must die and come back to life again
karma, the most evil and wicked deeds, such as an intermediate body. But, in general, this
as guilty of violating the four offenses, five period will not last more than seven cycles of
betrayals, ten evils, belonging to the great seve days each before it is able to be reborn
Avichi Hell: Chung sanh khi con mang than and acquire an after existence body. When
tien hu a gay tao nhng nghiep nhan cc the intermediate body dies, it can return just
ac, nh pham toi t trong hay ngu nghch, as it was before or depending on the karmic
thap ac, thuoc ai a nguc A TySee reflection, it can transform and change into an
Parajika and Five betrayals. intermediate body of another realm before it
c) Besides, there is one more type of sentient acquires an after existence body through
beings who are beyond limits; they also do reincarnation. When the intermediate body is
not need to go through the transition period, nearing extinction and is about to be
do not experience having the intermediate reincarnated, at that time, depending on the
body, nor are they a part of the three worlds various karma created by the individual, each
and the six realms of existences. These will see and perceive different realities, i.e.,
sentient beings are those when alive with the while living those who created many karma
antecedent body, followed the Buddha of killing various animals such as slaughtering
Dharma to cultivate and practice Buddha pigs, goats, etc., then at this time, suddenly all
Recitation by developing Faith and Vow to they will see is those various animals they
gain rebirth to the Ultimate Bliss World. After have killed in the past. They may see
abandoning the antecedent body, their spirits butchers slaughtering animals or the sounds
will transcend through the Three Worlds, of animals screaming in agony. Because this
relying on the rescuing vow powers of the is a reflection of the karma they created.
Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. Within a split Suddenly, the intermediate body will give
moment, they will transform to gain rebirth to rise to the state of joy and yearning to be near
the Ultimate Bliss World of the Amitabha what they are seeing and hearing. Upon
Buddha and attain a place in the jeweled reaching their destination, they will be

impeded by their environment and will no images and they bring joy and elation to the
longer be able to free themselves from it. In a spirit, this means that spirit will be born in this
split moment, their intermediate body is dead realm. The intermediate body about to enter
as they acquire the after existence body the Asuras, through a recollections of the
Than trung am ch lu tru c bay ngay. spirit karmic power, suddenly will see a large
Nh khong tm c cho tho sanhtrong thi area of dim light, develop a yearning for it, go
han ay th phai chet i song lai, nhng ai into that domain and reborn: Than trung am
khai khong qua bay lan tc 49 ngay th phai sap sa chuyen sanh ve coi A Tu La, th se
tho sanh lay than hau hu. Than trung hu thay nhng vn cay kha ai, xinh ep, trong
khi chet i, hoac sanh tr lai y nh than trc, o co nhng vong la lan lon chuyen xoay.
hoac do ni nghiep nhan chieu cam co the Neu thay canh tng o ma em long vui ve
bien oi thanh ra than trung hu cua loai i en xem, tc la b sanh ve neo nay. Than
khac trc khi tho than hau hu. Khi than trung am nao sap sa chuyen than vao neo A
trung hu sap diet e tho lay than hau hu, Tu La, do sc nghiep chieu cam t nhien
bay gi tuy theo cac hanh nghiep a gay tao trc mat thay mot vung anh sang l m, lien
ma cam thay co nhieu tng trang khac nhau. khi long a thch, i vao trong o, lien b tho
Nhng ke gay nghiep sat, nh luc sanh tien sanh.
chuyen nghe giet heo, de, van van th luc o 2) The intermediate body is about to be born as
t nhien thay toan la nhng loai vat ay. Hoac a dog or pig will often see amny beautiful
mat thay co nhng ke hang tht tay con cam young ladies; the spirit will give rise to
dao, bua lam tht, hoac tai nghe tieng thu vat attachment and yearning to chase after them.
keu la. Bi do tuc nghiep chieu cam nen than Consequently, this spirit will be born in that
trung am t nhien sanh tam yeu thch, muon realm: Than trung am sap sanh vao loai cho
en ni ngam nhn. Khi en ni roi lien b heo thng thay nhieu co gai ep, lien sanh
cac canh sac o lam cho tr ngai khong the tam a thch chay theo. Do nhan duyen o
nao thoat ly c. Trong chp mat, than trung ma b thac sanh vao coi ay.
hu lien b diet ma tho lay than hau hu. 3) The intermediate body is about to be born as
(IV) Intermediate Existence Body born to the evil other types of animals will feel suddenly
pathsThan Trung Am sanh ve cac ng there is a gust of wind twisting so forcefully it
ac: In the Great Heap Sutra, the Buddha is impossible to oppose it. Or it may see
taught: Those sentient beings who infinite demons spreading and coming closer,
committed evil karma, when they are about to or terrifying thunders and lightening
die, and are going to fall into evil paths. They overhead, etc. Or it may see fog covering,
will feel extremely sad and terrified. mountain splitting, water crashing, and the
Depending on the reflection of their spirit will be terrified as it runs away into
individual karma, they will see different trees, bushes, and caves, in order to hide or it
images of the various evil paths appear. may see three large holes with the colors of
Trong Kinh ai Bao Tch, c Phat day: white, red, and black, and will jump to hide.
Nhng chung sanh nao tao nen ac nghiep, At that very moment, the spirit has entered
luc sap lam chung sap b oa vao ac ao, t the womb, when eyes are open, it will realize
nhien co long buon tham, kinh s. Tuy theo it has acquired the body of various animals
nghiep cua mnh chieu cam ma t thay tng such as a fox, leopad, snake, etc.: Than trung
trang cua cac ng ac hien ra. am sap oa vao cac loai bang sanh t nhien
1) The intermediate body is about to be born in cam thay co luong gio manh liet cuon xoay
the Asura realm will see various beautiful khong sao cng lai c. Hoac thay vo so
and irresistible gardens. In these gardens, quy than en gan, hoac thay sam chp phu
there are a variety of rings of flames rolling len au ghe rn, hoac thay sng giang mu
around everywhere. When seeing these mt, nui l, nc cuon am am, than thc s

hai, chay tron vao trong rng bui, hang a e ben tai bong nhien nghe co tieng nhng bai
an than, hoac thay nhng ho ln mau trang, ca hat het sc buon rau, bi tham, o la nhng
o, en, lien nhao xuong an nup. Ngay khi o tieng keu la ren siet cua toi nhan di a
la than thc a b lot vao trong bao thai, va nguc; ke en lai thay canh gii mu mt, toi
m mat a thay mnh tho than d loai nh tam hien ra trc mat, nha ca sac en hoac
chon, beo, ran, van van. trang m ay mau tang che, am u, hoac
4) Those intermediate bodies about to be thay hang ho sau tham, ng xa l m. Luc
condemned to the path of hungry ghost ay thay chnh mnh b cac loai quy d tay
suddenly will see before them appear a vast cam binh kh xua uoi i vao trong o, khi
and endless desert, without any vegetation or vao roi th than khong c t do, lien b thac
see only holes, dead and dry weeds, etc. The sanh vao trong a nguc, tuy theo nghiep bao,
intermediate body which sees a great area of chu vo lng thong kho. Than trung am nao
faded red light, feels a yearning and a wish to thay anh sang m uc nh khoi en, khi
go there to play. The moment of entry is niem a thch muon vao dao chi trong o.
when the spirit is at at the point of rebirth in Ngay khi bc vao lien b tho than a nguc,
the realm of Hungry Ghosts: Than trung am chu vo lng noi thong kho.
sap sa oa vao ng nga quy, thnh lnh a) The intermediate body about to be
thay trc mat hien ra mot bai sa mac rong condemned to glacial hell through the
ln thenh thang, khong cay coi, hoac ch thay reflection of the spirits karmic power,
toan la nhng hang ho, cay co kho heo. Luc suddenly will feel like an intolerable inferno.
ay t thay mnh b gio nghiep thoi en ni o, It then encounters the cold air rising from the
trong khi thang thot, lien b thac sanh ve glacial hell and will feel cool and refreshed.
ng nga quy, chu nhieu nong bc, oi khat Its thoughts give rise to yearning and
vo cung. Than trung am nao thay anh sang immediately will fly in search of that place to
mau o nhat, khi niem a thch muon vao be cool. Once reaching this place, it is reborn:
dao chi trong o. Ngay khi i vao lien tho Than trung am sap sa b oa vao a nguc
than loai nga quy. han bang, do ni sc nghiep chieu cam, than
5) The intermediate body is about to be born in the bong nhien sanh ra nong bc khong
Hell suddenly will begin hearing sounds of kham, gap hi lanh ni han nguc xong len,
very sad and melancholy songs, these are the t cam thay mat me de chu, lien khi long
sounds of prisoners aginizing and screaming a thch voi bay tm en ni o e cho c
in hell; next darkness will appear, houses mat me, lien b thac sanh vao o.
made out of black and white iron, very b) Intermediate body is about to be condemned
melancholy looking, similar to being at a to the inferno hell, through the reflection of
funeral. It may see deep holes and caves; the the spirits karmic power, suddenly will feel
roads are unclear. At that time, it will see an extreme and intolerable cold. It then
itself getting chased by ferocious demons encounters the hot air rising from the inferno
with weapong in hand forcing it to enter these hell and will feel warm and comfortable. Its
areas. Once it is in there, it will lose all thoughts give rise to yearming and
freedom and will be reborn in the realm of immediately will fly in search for that
hell. Depending on each spirits karmic warmth. Once reaching this place, it is reborn:
retribution, it must endure infinite pains and Than trung am sap sa b oa vao viem nhiet
sufferings. The intermediate body which sees a nguc, do sc nghiep chieu cam, bong
a great area of murky light similar to black nhien than the cam thay lanh leo vo cung,
smokes, feels a yearning and a wish to go kho the kham noi. Gap hi nong hoa nguc
there to play. The moment of entry is when xong len, t nhien cam thay am ap de chu,
the spirit is at the point of rebirth in Hell: lien khi long a thch, voi va tm bay xuong
Than trung am sap sanh ve ng a nguc,

ni o e si am, ngay khi ay la luc tho mot cai g ben ngoai. ay la cai biet ngay
sanh. lien, tao thanh nen tang cho tat ca cac hnh
c) The intermediate body about to be thc biet khac.
condemned to the odorous hell (foul smelling Intermediate retribution: Hien BaoPresent-
hell), through the reflection of the spirits life recompense for good or evil done in the
karmic power, suddenly will sense and present life. For example, if wholesome karma
intolerable and strong fragrance (perfume are created in this life, it is possible to reap those
wishes to fine that it vecomes nauseous. At meritorious retributions in this present life; if evil
that time, its mind wishes to find other foul karma are committed in this life, then the evil
smelling odor to neutralize that good scent. It consequences will occur in this lifeQua bao
then encoulters the foul odor rising from hien i cho nhng hanh ong tot xau trong hien
odorour. As a result, it is reborn in the tai. Th du nh i nay lam lanh th ngay i
odorous hell: Than trung am sap sa b oa nay co the c hng phc; con i nay lam
vao a nguc xu ue (hoi thui), do ni sc ac, th ngay i nay lien b mang tai hoa.
nghiep chieu cam, bong cam nhan c mot Intermediate state: Antarabhava (skt)A
mui thm ngao ngat en mc khong kham. Bardo (tib)Than Trung AmAccording Tibetan
Bay gi trong tam lien khi niem muon tm Buddhism, after death beings enter a so-called
mot mui hoi thui nao o e lan at mui thm intermediate state in which they acquire a
kia. Gap hi thui t nguc phan ue xong len, subtle body that endures until they experience
lien sanh tam niem a thch, lien bay en ni. various intense sounds, sights, etc..., which are
Do nhan duyen o, lien b thac sanh trong products of their own minds. This is considered to
nguc phan ue. be a time of great danger, as beings may react to
Intermediate Grade Afflictions: Trung Tuy their experiences in ways that cause them to be
Phien NaoSee Fifty-one Dharmas interactive reborn in lower rebirth situations (gati). It can also
with the Mind. be a time of great opportunity, as beings may
Intermediate kalpa: Antara-kalpa (skt)Biet make choices that lead them to higher rebirths, or
KiepSmall kalpasTieu KiepSee Antara- even buddhahood. There are six Bardo states,
kalpa. according to the Kagyupa order: 1) Bardo
Intermediate land of transformation: Phng between birth and death, which refers to the
Tien Hoa Than oNi Phat A Di a xuat hien normal waking state between birth and death; 2)
hoa thanWhere Amitabha appears in his Dream Bardo, the period between falling asleep
transformation-body. and awakening; 3) Meditation Bardo, a state of
Intermediate and perfect schools: Thien cessation in which the senses are withdrawn from
vienHinayana and MahayanaThong giao va external objects of observation; 4) Bardo of
Vien giao cua tong Thien Thai. becoming, the period between the moment of
death and rebirth; 5) Reality Bardo, the time of
Intermediate realization: Pratyaksha (skt)
unconsciousness that beings experience when
Hien Chng.
overwhelmed by death, so called because during
1) The immediate realization of enlightenment
this time the mind returns to its primordial nature;
or nirvana: Inner realizationImmediate
and 6) Bardo of birth, which begins at the moment
perceptionNhan thc ngay lien dieu qua.
of rebirth into a new lifetime, immediately after
2) When an object appears before a sense-
the bardo of becomingTheo Phat giao Tay
organ, the latter perceives it and recognizes it
Tang, sau khi chet chung sanh i vao cai goi la
as something external. This is immediate
Than Trung Am, ni o ho c mot cai than vi
knowledge, forming the basis of all other
te chu ng cho en khi nao ho kinh qua nhng
forms of knowledge: Khi mot s vat xuat hien
am thanh hay canh gii cc manh... la san pham
trc mot c quan cam giac hay can th c
cua tam ho. ay la giai oan c xem nh cc
quan nay nhan thc no va nhan biet no la
ky nguy hiem v chung sanh co the phan ng vi

nhng s kinh qua nay theo chieu hng khien ho spontaneous secretions. Ananda! Although the
sanh vao ha tam o. Ma ay cung la c hoi ln kinds of love differ, their flow and oppression is
cho ho c sanh vao thng tam o, hay ngay ca the same. With this moisture, one cannot ascend,
viec i en Phat qua. Co sau trang thai Than but will naturally fall. This is called the internal
Trung Am: 1) trang thai thc tnh bnh thng aspect.Mot trong hai phan cua chung sanh.
gia sanh va t; 2) trang thai m mang gia ngu Theo Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Tam, c
va thc; 3) trang thai ngng ong trong o cac Phat a nhac nh ngai A Nan ve noi phan nh
giac quan rut khoi ngoai canh c quan sat ben sau: Ong A Nan! Noi phan la phan trong cua
ngoai; 4) trang thai gia t va sanh; 5) trang thai chung sanh. Nhan cac ai nhiem, khi ra tnh h
tam thc ngap tran bi s chet va tam thc tr ve vong. Tnh chat cha mai, mi sinh ra nc ai.
trang thai nguyen s cua no; 6) trang thai tai sanh Cho nen chung sanh tam nh mon an ngon, trong
vao mot i song mi. mieng chay nc. Tam nh ngi, hoac thng
** See Intermediate existence body. hay gian, rng rng nc mat. Tham cau cua bau,
Intermediate state of existence: Antara-bhava tam phat ra them, lo ra ngoai than the. Tam am
(skt)Trung Hu (Tam sau khi chet)One of the s dam duc, hai can nam n t nhien chay nc.
four kinds of bhava, the intermediate state of Ong A Nan! Cac ai duc, du rieng khac, nc chay
existence between death and reincarnationMot van ong nhau. Tham t chang len c, t
trong bon th hu, qua bao trong khoang gia nhien phai sa xuong. o goi la noi phan.See
i hien tai va v lai (gia luc chet va luc tai Two aspects.
sanh)See Three states of mortal existence (C). Internal demons and external demons: Noi
Interment (v): An tangTo buryTo inter. Ma Ngoai MaIf we allow internal demons arise
Interminable: Bat tuyetEndless. or spring up, external demons will immediately
come to infiltrate to destroy our thousand years
Intermingling cause: Hoa hp nhan
(lives after lives) of cultivationNeu chung ta e
Nourishing cause, one of the five causes (four
noi ma khi day th lap tc ngoai ma se keo en
elements of earth, water, fire and wind which are
pha nat cong trnh tu tap ngan i cua ta.
the causers or producers and maintainers of
infinite forms of nature (results)Mot trong nam Internal dharma: Noi phap.
nguyen nhanSee Five causes (B). Internal discipline: Noi kyA practitioner who
Internal (a): Ben trong. seeks control from within, compared with the one
who aims at control ny physical disciplineHanh
Internal Aspect: Noi PhanOne of the two
gia tm cau s kiem soat ben trong so vi v
aspects of living beings. According to the
hng en oai nghi phong cach ben ngoai.
Surangama Sutra, book Eight, the Buddha
reminded Ananda about the internal aspects as Internal distraction: Mental confusionNoi
follows: Ananda! The internal aspect refers to tanNoi tan loanSee Five senses of mental
what occurs insode living beings. Because of love distraction.
and defilement, they produce the falseness of Internal doctrines of a sect: Giao NoiWithin
emotions. When these emotions accumulate instruction in the sect or church; especially those
without cease, they can create the fluids of love. who receive normal instructions or teaching from
That is why living beings mouths water when the scriptures or written canonGiao noi cua
they think about delicious food. When they think tong phai la tong phai nng vao nhng li day
about a deceased person, either with fondness or cua c Phat trong kinh ien.
with anger, tears will flow from their eyes. When Internal and external: Subjective and
they are greedy for wealth and jewels, a current objectiveNoi ngoai.
of lust will course through their hearts. When Internal form: Gia SacInvisible or internal
confronted with a smooth and supple body, their form, i.e. spiritual formVo bieu sac hay hnh
minds become attached to lustful conduct and thc ben trong, nh hng v khong co hnh the.
from both male and female organs will come

Internal formations: Noi ketThe Sanskrit nhng g chung ta thch, s a thch o se tr

word for internal formation is Samyojana. It thanh mot noi ket. Khi nhng g chung ta a
means to crystallize. Everyone of us has thch khong con na, chung ta se them nh va
internal formations that we need to take care of. i tm. Chung ta e nhieu th gi va tam lc
With the practice of meditation we can undo these e tm hng lai nhng khoai lac o. Cang
knots and experience transformationTieng Bac ngay chung ta cang khao khat. Chung ta se b
Phan cho danh t noi ket la Samyojana. No sc manh cua noi ket thuc ay, che ng va
co ngha la ket tinh hay ong cuc lai. Moi cp mat t do cua chung ta.
ngi chung ta ai cung co noi ket can phai c 4) When someone insults us, or does something
cham soc. Vi thien tap chung ta co the thao g unkind to us, an internal formation is created
c noi ket va at c s chuyen hoa. in our consciousness. If we dont know how to
1) In our consciousness there are blocks of pain, undo the internal knots and transform them,
anger, and frustration called internal the knots will stay there for a long time. And
formations. They are also called knots the next time someone says something or
because they tie us up and obstruct our does something to us of the same nature, that
freedomTrong tam thc cua chung ta co internal formation will grow stronger. As
nhng khoi cua niem au kho, gian hn, va knots or blocks of pain in us, our internal
bc boi kho chu, goi la noi ket. Chung cung formations have the power to push us, to
c goi la nhng nut that, hay nhng giay dictate our behaviorKhi mot ngi nao o
quan hay phien trc bi v chung troi buoc s nhuc chung ta, hay lam viec g o khong t
chung ta va lam can tr s t do cua chung te vi chung ta th noi ket se ket tu trong tam
ta. thc cua chung ta. Neu chung ta khong biet
2) After a while, it become very difficult for us cach thao g nhng noi ket nay va chuyen
to transform, to undo the knots and we cannot hoa chung, th chung se nam trong tam thc
ease the constriction of this crystal chung ta rat lau. Sau o co ai lai noi hay lam
formationSau mot thi gian dai, noi ket nhng chuyen tng t nh vay vi chung ta
cang tr nen kho khan cho chung ta chuyen th nhng nut that ay se ln manh hn. Noi
hoa hay thao g, chung ta co the de dang b ket hay khoi au nhc trong chung ta, co
mac ket trong khoi noi ket nay. nang lc thuc ay va ep buoc chung trong
3) Not all internal formations are unpleasant. cach chung ta hanh x.
There are also pleasant internal formations, 5) Falling in love is a big internal formation.
but they still make us suffer. When you taste, Once you are in love, you think only of the
hear, or see something pleasant, then that other person. You are not free anymore. You
pleasure can become a strong internal knot. cannot do anything; you cannot study, you
When the object of your pleasure disappears, cannot work, you cannot enjoy the sunshine
you miss it and you begin searching for it. or the beauty of nature around you. You can
You spend a lot of time and energy trying to think only of the object of your love. So love
experience it again. If you smoke marijuana can also be a huge internal knotTnh yeu la
or drink alcohol, and begin to like it, then it mot noi ket rat ln. Khi yeu ban ch con ngh
becomes an internal formation in your body ti ngi ban yeu. Ban khong con s t do.
and in your mind. You cannot get it off your Ban khong lam c g ca, ban khong hoc
mind. You will always look for more. The hanh c, khong lam viec c, va khong
strength of the internal knot is pushing you the thng thc canh ep t nhien quanh ban.
and controlling you. So internal formations Ba n ch con ngh ti oi tng tnh yeu cua
deprive us of our freedomKhong phai noi ba n. V the ma tnh yeu co the la mot khoi
ket nao cung kho chu. Co nhng noi ket em noi ket rat ln.
ai nhng noi ket em ai cung co the gay nen 6) Pleasant or unpleasant, both kinds of knots
au kho. Khi thay, nghe, hoac thng thc take away our liberty. Thats why we should

guard our body and our mind very carefully, Gian, cach tot nhat e tnh thc ve san han
to prevent these knots from taking root in us. la khi th vao toi biet san han phat khi
Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can create trong toi; th ra toi mm ci vi san han cua
internal formations in our body. And anger, toi. ay khong phai la bc che hay anh
craving, jealousy, despair can create internal pha san han. ay ch la nhan dien. Mot khi
formations in our mindDe chu hay khong chung ta nhan dien c san han, chung ta co
de chu, ca hai th noi ket nay eu lam chung the cham soc mot cach t te hay om ap no
ta mat t do. V vay cho nen chung ta phai vi s tnh thc cua chnh mnh.
can than bao ve khong cho noi ket bat re 9) Mindfulness recognizes, is aware of its
trong chung ta. Ma tuy, ru va thuoc la co presence, accepts and allows it to be there.
the tao nen noi ket trong than. Va san han, Mindfulness is like a big brother who does not
them khat, ganh t, va that vong co the tao suppress his younger brothers suffering. He
nen noi ket trong tam cua chung ta. simply says: Dear brother, Im here for you.
7) Anger is an internal formation, and since it You take your younger brother in your arms
makes us suffer, we try our best to get rid of and you comfort him. This is exactly our
it. Psychologists like the expression getting it practiceChanh niem nhan dien va chap
out of your system. As a Buddhist, you nhan s co mat cua cn gian. Chanh niem
should generate the energy of mindfulness cung nh ngi anh ca, khong bc che hay
and take good care of anger every time it an ap a em au kho. Chanh niem chnoi:
manifests through meditation practiceSan Em than yeu, co anh ay san sang giup
han la mot noi ket, va v no gay kho au cho em. Ban om ap a em cua ban vao long va
nen chung ta phai tm cach diet tr no. Cac an ui vo ve. ay chnh la s thc tap cua
nha tam ly hoc thch dung t tong kh no ra chung ta.
khoi c the chung ta. La Phat t, ban nen 10) Our anger is us, and our compassion is also
tao nang lng cua chanh niem va cham soc us. To meditate does not mean to fight. In
t te san han moi khi no hien en qua tu tap Buddhism, the practice of meditation should
thien nh. be the practice of embracing and
8) Mindfulness does not fight anger or despair. transforming, not of fightingCn gian cua
Mindfulness is there in order to recognize. To chung ta chnh la chung ta, va t bi cung
be mindful of something is to recognize that chnh la chung ta. Thien tap khong co ngha
something is the capacity of being aware of la anh pha. Trong ao Phat, thien tap la
what is going on in the present moment. phng phap om ap va chuyen hoa, ch
According to Most Venerable Thch Nhat khong phai la anh pha.
Hanh in Anger, the best way to to be 11) When anger comes up in us, we should begin
mindful of anger is when breathing in I know to practice mindful breathing right away:
that anger has manifested in me; breathing Breathing in, I know that anger is in me.
out I smile towards my anger. This is not an Breathing out, I am taking good care of my
act of suppression or of fighting. It is an act of anger. If you dont know how to treat yourself
recognizing. Once we recognize our anger, with compassion, how can you treat another
we are able to take good care of it or to person with compassion? When anger arises,
embrace it with a lot of awareness, a lot of continue to practice mindful breathing and
tendernessChanh niem khong bao gi anh mindful walking to generate the energy of
pha san han hay tuyet vong. Chanh niem ch mindfulness. Continue to tenderly embrace
co mat e nhan dien. Chanh niem ve mot cai the energy of anger within you. Anger may
g la nhan dien s co mat cua cai o trong continue to be there for some time, but you
hien tai. Chanh niem la kha nang biet c are safe, because the Buddha is in you,
nhng g ang xay ra trong hien tai. Theo helping you to take good care of your anger.
Hoa Thng Thch Nhat Hanh trong tac pham The energy of mindfulness is the energy of

the Buddha. When you practice mindful Internal ordinary: Noi phamThe internal
breathing and embracing your anger, you are ordinary are the zealous, who are advancing
under the protection of the Buddha. There is through the next three groups of stages up to the
no doubt about it: the Buddha is embracing fortiethChanh hanh giao phap tien gan ti tam
you and your anger with a lot of Thanh vSee Two ordinary ranks.
compassionKhi cn gian khi day trong Internal ordinary believers: Noi phamSee
chung ta, chung ta phai bat au thc tap hi Internal ordinary, and Two ordinary ranks.
th chanh niem ngay tc khac. Th vao toi
Internal organs: Noi tangAccording to the
biet cn gian ang co trong toi. Th ra, toi
Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are
cham soc cn gian cua toi. Neu ban khong
ten kinds of internal organs of Great Enlightening
biet cach cham soc ban vi tam t bi th lam
Beings. Enlightening Beings who abide by these
sao ban co the cham soc ngi khac vi tam
can attain the indestructible internal organs of
t bi cho c? Khi cn gian noi day, hay
great knowledge with supreme virtues of
tiep tuc thc tap hi th chanh niem, bc
BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co
chan chanh niem e che tac nang lng
mi tang cua ch Bo Tat. Ch Bo Tat an tru
chanh niem. Chung ta tiep tuc nang niu nang
trong phap nay thi c thien can vo thng,
lng cua cn gian trong chung ta. Cn gian
tang ai tr hue bat hoai cua Nh LaiSee Ten
co the se keo dai mot thi gian, nhng chung
kinds of internal organs of Great Enlightening
ta se c an toan, bi v c Phat ang co
mat trong chung ta, giup chung ta cham soc
Internal perception: Noi tngNoi Thc
cn gian. nang lng chanh niem la nang
Tam thcTam thc oi vi ngoai canhMind
lng cua Phat. Khi thc tap hi th chanh
and consciousnessThe mind and cognition
niem va om ap cn gian chung ta ang c
Mind and its contents. According to the Kosa
Phat bao ho. Khong con g e nghi ng, Phat
Sastra, the two are considered as identical in the
ang om ap chung ta va cn gian cua chung
Abhidharma-Kosa, but different in Mahayana
ta trong t bi vo lng.
Theo Tieu Tha Cau Xa Luan th tam va thc
Internal hindrances: Internal obstacles or
giong nhau, nhng trong ai Tha th lai khac
mental hindrancesNoi chngNhng chng
ngai xuat phat t ben trong.
Internal perfuming or influence of the
Internal influence of the bhutatathata:
bhutatathata: Buddha spiritualityChan nh
Buddha spiritualityInternal perfuming of the
noi huan.
bhutatathataChan nh noi huan (hng thm t
ben trong hay anh hng cua chan nh, phap tanh Internal practice: Chuyen hoa noi tam.
cua chan nh la s cam hoa t ben trong trong. Internal Realms: Noi CanhInternal realms
Chan nh la t tanh thanh tnh tam ma ai ai cung are also called realms of the Self-Mind because
eu co, la phap than cua ch Phat. Phap than nay they do not come from outside, but develop from
co kha nang tr bo vong tam ben trong. Con the mind. Those who do not clearly understand the
ben ngoai th nh hai bao than va hoa than cua truth that the ten thousand dharmas are created
ch Phat e lai giup huan tap. Nh o ma by the mind, think that all realms come from the
chung sanh dan dan phat tam Bo e, chan coi the outside. This is wrong. When the practitioner
tuc va cau thanh Phat). reaches the stage of mutual interpenetration of
Internal instruction: Within instructionGiao mind and realms, completely severing external
NoiWithin instruction in the sect or church; conditions, the seeds of latent dharmas in the
especially those who receive normal instructions Alaya consciousness suddenly manifest
or teaching from the scriptures or written canon themselves. For the Buddha Recitation or mantra-
Giao noi cua tong phai la tong phai nng vao chanting practitioner, the power of the Buddha's
nhng li day cua c Phat trong kinh ien. name or the mantra penetrates deep into the mind,
eliciting a reaction from the wholesome or evil

seeds in the Alaya consciousness. The realms that fours days, or seven or eight months, hence. In
result are very complex and usually appear in general, those who have cultivated in previous
dreams, or even when the practitioner is awake lives will immediately see auspicious realms
and striving to recite the Buddhas name. In when reciting the Buddhas name. Those with
Buddhism, this condition is called Changing heavy karma, lacking merit and virtue, will
manifestations of the Alaya consciousness. In the usually see evil realms when they begin Buddha
dreaming scenes, if the events or scenes result Recitation. In time, these evil omens will
from evil seeds, the practitioner may see various disappear and gradually be replaced with
species of worms crawling out of his body, or auspicious omens. If the practitioners efforts
witness himself, night after night, removing from have reached a high level, there are times during
his body six or seven loathsome creatures with his walking hours when all deluded feelings
many limbs, such as scorpions or centipedes. Or suddenly cease for a while, body and mind being
else, he may see various species of wild animals at ease and free. At other times, the practitioner
and or spirits or ghosts. Such realms are may recite for four or five hours but feel that the
innumerable and cannot al be described. In time was very short, perhaps two or three minutes.
genral, individuals greatly afflicted with greed, Or else, at times during recitation, wholesome
who are miserly and wicked, usually see marks of omens will appear. At other times, unconsciously,
men and women, snakes and serpents and odd his mind experiences great contentment and bliss.
species with white features and forms. Those Sometimes, he realizes for a split second that
harboring a great deal of anger and resentment mind and realm are both empty. At other times,
usually see tigers and leopards or strange species just by hearing or seeing something once, he
with red forms and features. Those who are becomes awakened to the truth of suffering,
heavily deluded usually see domestic animals, emptiness, impermanence and No-Self,
clams, oysters, snails or different species with completely severing the marks of self and others.
black forms and features. The above, however, is These occurrences are too numerous to be fully
merely indicative; it does not mean that described! A layman was once reciting the
everything will be exactly as described. If the Buddhas name while seated in the dark.
scenes in his dream come from good wholesome Suddenly he saw two types of flowers, red ones
seeds, the practitioner sees tall trees and exotic and white ones, springing up all over the floor,
flowers, beautiful scenery, bright adorned with reaching as high as the edge of his bed;
nets of pearls. Or else, he sees himself eating meanwhile, other flowers were dropping like rain
succulent, fragrant food, wearing ethereal from the sky. Another layman, while kneeling
garments, dwelling in palaces of diamonds and down to recite the Buddhas name, suddenly saw
other precious substances, or flying high in open a red lotus flower appear before the altar, its bud
space. Thus, in summary, all the seeds of the ten gradually opening up and disappearing after a few
Dharma Realms are found in the minds of sentient minutes. There was yet another layman who,
beings. If wholesome seeds manifest themselves, during recitation, would suddenly see everything
practitioners view the realms of Buddhas, around him disappear. In front of his eyes would
Bodhisattvas, human, and celestial beings; if evil appear the scene of an immense ocean, calm and
karma is manifested, they witness scenes from the still, with no wind or waves whatsoever; countless
wretched three Evil Paths. If the cultivator has huge, multicolored lotus blossoms would spring up
followed externalist ways in past lives, he usually on the ocean surface. Afterward, the ocean scene
sees his body emitting electric waves, or his soul would disappear, to be replaced by scenes of
leaving the body to roam, meeting demons, ghosts mountains, with verdant herbs and flowers,
and the like, to discuss politics and the rise and luxuriant century-old trees, and, by and by, a
fall of countries and empires. On the other hand, temple complex, sumptuous and magmificent.
when the practitioners mind is pure, he will know Then the temple and mountains would disappear,
in his dreams about events that will occur three or to be replaced by scenes of jewelled nets coming

together then drawing apart, drawing apart then empty, still, transparent, peaceful and free realm,
coming together again. There are, in general, falls into the category of having marks. The
many such scenes. Visionary scenes such as the same is true when these practitioners, once
above, called internal realms or realms of the awakened to a certain lofty, transcendental
Self-Mind, have their origin in a thought of principle, joyfully grasp at it. Once there are
peace and stillness, or are caused by wholesome marks, there is delusion. To see marks means to
seeds generated by Buddha or Mantra Recitation. see such marks as auspicious or evil, good or bad,
They appear suddenly and are lost immediately. dirty or clean, existent or non-existent, Buddha or
The practitioner should not be attached to them, sentient beings, even the realms of the Five
thinking that they are real, nor should he Skandas or the Six Dusts, etc. As not marks
remember them fondly. It is an extreme mistake means seeing but neither becoming attached to
to develop nostalgia for them, thinking how nor rejecting them, just letting everything be. Why
ethereal, calm and peaceful, beautiful and well- should we not reject them? It is because makrs,
adorned they were, they day-dream about them, while illusory, are not non-existent. This is not
unable to forget them, longing for their unlike the reflection of the moon in the water.
reappearance. The ancients have criticized such Although the reflected moon is not real, this does
thoughts as scratching in advance and waiting for not mean that there is no illusory mark of
the itch. This is because these scenes have their moonlight. Therefore, if we see marks appear
origin in diligent exertion and appear temporarily. while we are cultivating, we should disregard
They have no true existence. We should realize them and redouble our efforts, just like the
that when the practitioner exerts a certain level of traveller, who views varied scenery en route but
efforts, the scenes and features particular to that must push forward to reach home quickly. To see
level will appear naturally. Take the example of a the Tathagata is to see the original Buddha
traveller who views different scenery as he passes Nature, to see the Way. In summary, all states of
along various stretches of the road. If he has not mind, from those described above to the state of
reached home, yet develops such an attachment one-pointedness of mind, belong to the category
and fondness for a particular scene along the road of internal realms. These realms have two
that he refuses to proceed, his travel will be aspects: Attainment-like and Partial
impeded. He will then be helplessly lost in the attainment. Attainment-like realms appear
midst of his journey, not knowing when he will temporarily and disappear immediately. Partial
finally return home to rest. The practitioner is like attainment realms are those that once achieved,
that traveller; if he becomes attached to and fond we have forever, because we have actually
of temporary realms and scenes, he will never attained a part of True Thusness. Regardless of
attain the true realms. Were he to dream of them whether it is internal or external, if it is
to the point of insanity, he would be destroyed by attainment-like it is not a True Realm; it is
demons and waste an entire lifetime of practice! merely a full understanding of some of the
The Diamond Sutra states: Everything in this manifestations of the True Mind. Practitioners
world that has marks is illusory; to see marks as who truly seek liberation should not confuse these
not marks is to see the Tathagata. Everything aspects, taking attainment-like marks for the True
that has marks refers here to compounded, Realm. Attainment-like marks are like a dark,
conditioned dharmas. Tose marks canot be said leaden sky which suddenly clears, thanks to the
either to exist or not to exist, or to be true or false. winds which temporarily push away the dark
Delusion arise precisely because unenlightened clouds, letting a few rays of sunlight through
sentient beings discriminate, become attached and before the sky becomes overcast again. They also
think that these marks exist or do not exist are real resemble the mark of smoke just before the fire,
or are false. Even the fondness which some Zen that people used to get when they rubbed two
practitioners develop for samadhi, upon entering pieces of wood together. The True Realm can be
concentration and experiencing this immense, likened to the bright sunlight in a clear and calm

sky. It is like rubbing pieces of wood together and ngay sau, hay nam bay thang se en. ai khai
already having fire. However, we should not ngi i trc co tu, khi niem Phat lien thay
underestimate attainment-like marks, as they canh gii lanh. Con ke nghiep nhieu kem phc
demonstrate the genuine existence of the True c, khi mi niem Phat thng thay canh gii d;
Realm. If, from that level, we diligently redouble tr niem lau ngay ac tng mi tieu tan, lan lt
our efforts, the True Realm is not that far away se thay iem tot lanh. Ve canh trong khi thc, neu
after allNoi canh gii cung goi la t tam canh hanh gia dung cong en mc thuan thuc, co luc
gii, v canh gii nay khong phai t ben ngoai vong tnh thoat nhien tam ngng, than y t tai. Co
vao, ma chnh do ni cong dung trong tam phat luc niem Phat en bon nam gi, nhng t thay
hien. Nhng ngi khong hieu ro ly Van phap thi gian rat ngan nh khoang chng oi ba phut.
duy tam cho rang tat ca canh gii eu t ben Co luc ang tr niem, cac tng tot la hien ra. Co
ngoai en, la loi nhan nh sai lam. Bi khi hanh luc vo y, tinh than bong nhien c ai khoai lac.
gia dung cong en mc tng ng, dt tuyet ngoai Co luc mot ong mot tnh, thay tat ca tam va canh
duyen, th chung t cua cac phap tiem tang trong eu khong. Co luc mot phen thay nghe, lien cam
tang thc lien phat ra hien hanh. Vi ngi niem ngo ly kho, khong, vo thng, vo nga, dt tuyet
Phat tr chu, th cong nang cua Phat hieu va mat tng ta va ngi. Nhng tng trang nh the
cu i sau vao noi tam, tat gap s phan ng cua nhieu khong the ta xiet! Co mot Phat t ang khi
hat giong thien ac trong tang thc, canh gii phat thc ngoi trong em toi niem Phat, thoat thay
hien rat la phc tap. Cac canh ay thng hien ra di at khap nen nha moc len hai loai hoa o
trong giac m, hoac ngay trong khi tnh thc luc trang cao ti thanh ging, tren h khong hoa ri
ang dung cong niem Phat. Nha Phat goi trang xuong nh ma. Co v ang khi quy niem Phat,
thai nay la A Lai Da Bien Tng. Trong giac bong thay trc ban Phat hien ra oa hao sen o,
m, neu do chung t ac phat hien, hanh gia hoac t bup lan lan n tron, o mi lam phut sau lien
thay cac loai sau trong mnh bo ra, hoac thay ni tan bien. Co mot Phat t ang khi niem Phat,
than co loai nhieu chan giong nh bo cap, ret, canh gii xung quanh bong an mat, trc mat hien
moi em mnh g ra nam bay con; hoac thay cac ra bien nc menh mong, em tnh khong song gio,
loai thu ma quai, canh tng rat nhieu khong ta tren mat bien moc len vo so hoa sen nhieu mau,
xiet c! ai khai ngi nhieu nghiep tham oa nao cung to ln; ke o tng bien an mat,
nhiem, bon xen, hiem oc, thng thay tng hien ra canh nui non co hoa ti tot, co thu sum
nam n, ran ret, hoac d loai sac trang. Ngi sue, co mot ngoi chua nguy nga trang le; tiep theo
nhieu nghiep san han, thng thay cop beo, hoac tng chua nui lai an mat, hien ra canh li chau,
d loai sac o. Ngi nhieu nghiep si me, thng ket lai roi t, t roi ket lai. ai loai co rat
thay loai suc vat, so oc, hoac d loai sac en. Tuy nhieu canh tng nh the. Nhng canh tng nh
nhien, ay ch la c lc, khong phai tat ca eu the goi la noi canh gii hay t tam canh gii, do
nht nh nh the. Neu do chung t lanh phat mot niem khinh an hien ra, hoac do chung t lanh
hien, hanh gia thay cay cao hoa la, thang canh cua cong c niem Phat tr chu bien hien. Nhng
ti tot trang nghiem, manh li chau ngoc; hoac canh nay thoat hien lien mat, hanh gia khong nen
thay mnh an cac th thm ngon, mac o tran chap cho la that co roi e tam lu luyen. Neu
phuc, cung ien bau, hay nhe nhang bay lt sanh niem luyen tiec, ngh rang canh gii ay sao
tren h khong. Tom lai, trong tam cua chung sanh ma nhe nhang an vui, sao ma trang nghiem tot
co u chung t mi phap gii; chung t lanh ep, roi m tng kho quen, mong cho lan sau lai
hien th thay canh Phat, Bo Tat, Nhn, Thien; c thay na, o la iem sai lam rat ln. Co
chung t ac hien th thay canh tam o toi kho. nhan a ch trch tam niem nay la gai trc ch
Nh ngi kiep trc co tu theo ngoai ao, nga. Bi nhng canh tng ay do s dung cong
thng thay mnh phong ra luong ien, hoac xuat ac lc tam hien ma thoi, ch khong co that. Nen
hon i dao chi, tiep xuc vi cac phan am noi ve biet khi ngi tu dung cong en trnh o nao t
chuyen thanh suy, quoc s. Hoac co khi tam thanh nhien canh gii ay se hien ra. V nh ngi l
tnh, trong giac m thay ro viec xay ra oi ba hanh moi khi i qua mot oan ng, tat lai co

mot oan canh vat sai khac hien lo. Neu nh ke ch nen em tng thau tieu tc nhan lam chan
l hanh cha en nha, ma tham luyen canh ben canh gii. Thau tieu tc v nh canh tri am u ram
ng khong chu ri bc, tat co s tr ngai en toi, hot nhien co tran gio thoi lam may em tam
cuoc hanh trnh, va b b v gia ng chang tan, he ra mot chut anh thai dng, ke o may
biet chng nao mi ve en nha an ngh. Ngi tu en lai che khuat. Lai nh ngi xa co cay lay
cung nh the, neu tham luyen canh gii tam, th la, trc khi la bat len, tat co tng khoi phat
khong lam sao chng c canh gii that. Thang hien. Chan canh gii v nh anh thai dng sang
nh m tng en o cuong vong, tat se b ma suot gia tri trong tanh, va nh luc co cay a lay
pha, lam h hai ca mot i tu. Kinh Kim Cang c la. Tuy nhien, cung ng xem thng thau
noi: Pham co nhng tng eu la h vong; neu tieu tc, v co c tng nay, mi chng minh
thay cac tng chang phai tng, tc thay Nh xac thc co chan canh gii. Nen t o gia cong
Lai. (pham s hu tng giai th h vong; nhc tinh tan, th chan canh gii mi khong xaSee
kien ch tng phi tng, tc kien Nh Lai). Co Two realms.
nhng tng khong phai nhng tng co thuoc Internal sense-spheres: Noi xSee Inner
ve phap hu vi sanh diet, bi cac tng ay chang sense-spheres.
t bao rang mnh co hay khong, that hay gia, ch Internal situation: Noi TnhHoan canh hay
do ke cha ngo ao ly ong niem phan biet, chap tnh hnh ben trong.
cho la co, khong, that, gia, nen mi thanh ra h
Internal sufferings: Noi khoSee Two kinds
vong. en nh bac tham thien khi nhap nh, thay
of suffering.
nh canh menh mang rong khong trong suot, t
Internal Testing Conditions: Noi Khao
tai an nhan, roi sanh niem a thch; hay khi to ngo
According to Most Venerable Thch Thien Tam in
c mot ao ly cao sieu, roi vui mng chap gi
The Pure Land Buddhism in Theory and Practice,
lay, cung eu thuoc ve co tng. Va a co
this is one of the six types of testing conditions.
tng tc la co h vong. Thay cac tng la
During cultivation, some people suddenly develop
thay nhng tng lanh, d, ep, xau, d, sach, co,
thoughts of greed, anger, lust, jealousy, scorn or
khong, Phat, chung sanh, cho en canh am am,
doubt. They may also suffer delusion, leading to
sau tran, van van, chang phai tng, ngha la
drowsiness and sleep. These thoughts sometimes
thay ma ng chap trc cung ng phu nhan, c
arise with great intensity, making the practitioner
e cho no t nhien. Tai sao khong nen phu nhan?
feel annoyed and upset over, at times, trivial
Bi cac tng tuy h huyen, nhng cung chang
matters. Sometimes auspicious and evil events
phai la khong; v nh bong trang ay nc, tuy
alternate in his dreams. The specific details of
khong phai that co, nhng chang phai khong co
these events are too numerous to be described.
tng h huyen cua bong trang. Cho nen trong khi
Faced with these occurences, the practitioner
tu, neu thay cac tng hien, ng lu y, c tiep
should realize that these karmic marks have
tuc dung cong; v nh ngi l hanh, tuy thay
appeared as a consequence of his cultivation. He
canh ben ng, nhng van tien bc e mau ve
should immediately understand that all karmic
en nha. Tc thay Nh Lai la thay ban tanh
occurences and marks are illusory and dream-like;
Phat, hay thay c ao vay. Tom lai, t cac
he should foster right thought and they will
tng a ke tren, cho en s nht tam, ly nht
disappear one after another. Otherwise, he will
tam, eu la noi canh gii. Canh gii nay co hai
certainly be swayed, lose his concentration and
phng dien la Tng T va Phan Chng. Canh
retrogress. The ancients used to say in this
tng t la tam thay roi lien mat. Canh phan
respect: Do not fear an early manifestation of
chng la mot khi c tat c vnh vien, v a
evil karma, fear only a late Awakening.
chng ngo c mot phan chan nh. Khong luan
Sometimes the practitioner, in the midst of intense
noi canh hay ngoai canh, neu la tng t eu
cultvation, suddently becomes confused and
khong phai la chan canh gii, ma goi la thau tieu
weary, which is a state difficult to fight off. At that
tc, ngha la khong thau c mot phan tin tc
very moment, he should arise and bow to the
cua chan tam. Ngi that phat long cau giai thoat,
Buddhas or circumambulate the altar. Or else, he

may take a temporary break, read a few pages of tung kinhSee Two kinds of challenges, and Six
a book or rearrange some flowers, waiting for his types of testing condition.
mind to calm down before returning to the altar to Internalize the determination for
resume recitation. Otherwise, the more he tries to omniscience: Nhiep thu tam nht thiet trSee
focus his mind, the more scattered it becomes. Ten kinds of definitive mark of Great
This is a case of flexibility in cultivation. It is Enlightening Beings.
similar to the situation of a commander-in-chief
International Buddhist Society:
facing an invading army as powerful as a river
(Buddhasasana Samagama (skt)Buddhist
overflowing its banks. In such a situation, the
Organization founded by the British monk Ananda
general should stay on the defensive,
Metteyya in 1903. Its first headquarters were in
consolidating his position, rather than charging
Rangoon, Burma, and it later opened a branch in
into battle. Some practitioners suddenly feel
EnglandTo chc Phat Giao c mot v Tang
solitary and isolated when reciting the Buddhas
ngi Anh ten Ananda Metteyya sang lap vao
name like a single-note musical piece, and grow
nam 1903. Tru s trung ng au tien c at tai
melancholy and bored. In such cases, they should
Ngng Quang, Mien ien, va sau o no m
not hesitate to add mantra or sutra recitation or
them mot chi nhanh Anh.
visualization to their practiceTheo Hoa Thng
International Network of Engaged
Thch Thien Tam trong Niem Phat Thap Yeu, ay
la mot trong sau loai khao. Co ngi trong luc tu Buddhists (INEB): To chc Mang Li Phat
tap, bong khi len nhng tam niem tham lam, Giao Nhap TheOrganization founded by the
gian hn, duc nhiem, ganh ghet, khinh man, nghi Thai lay activists Sulak Sivaraksa. It first met in
ng, hoac si me de hon tram buon ngu. Nhng 1989 and quickly grew into an important
tam niem ay oi khi phat hien rat manh liet, gap international organization devoted to promoting
duyen s nho cung de cau co bc mnh. Nhieu luc peace and non-violence, working for human rights
trong giac m, lai thay cac tng thien ac bien and environmental protection, and improving the
chuyen. Trong ay nhng tnh tiet chi ly khong lives of poor women. Its symbol is the wheel of
the ta het c. Gap canh nay hanh gia phai y dharma (Dharmacakra), and it is intended as a
thc o la cong nang tu hanh nen nghiep tng non-hierarchical and non-authoritarian
phat hien. Ngay luc ay nen giac ngo cac nghiep organization based on core Buddhist principles. It
tng eu nh huyen, neu cao chanh niem, th t aims to encourage all involved groups to
nhien cac tng ay se lan lt tieu tan. Neu understand that there are no differences about the
khong nhan thc ro rang, tat se b no xoay chuyen linkages between their own concerns and those of
lam cho thoi oa. Tien c bao: Chang s other groups. They have the same goal of
nghiep khi sm, ch e giac ngo cham chnh la operationTo chc Mang Li Phat Giao Nhap
iem nay. Co ngi ang luc dung cong, bong The c mot Phat t tai gia, cung la mot nha
phat sanh tan loan moi nhoc kho cng noi. Ngay hoat ong tch cc cho Phat giao ten Sulak
khi ay nen ng len le Phat roi i kinh hanh, hoac Sivaraksa sang lap. To chc hop mat lan au tien
tam xa lui ra ngoai oc mot vai trang sach, sa vao nam 1989 va no a nhanh chong tr thanh
nam ba canh hoa, ch cho thanh tnh se tr vao mot to chc quoc te quan trong, a tan lc trong
niem Phat lai. Neu khong y thc, c cng ep cau viec khuyen khch hoa bnh va bat bao ong, lam
cho mau nht tam, th cang co gang lai cang loan. viec e bao ve nhan quyen va moi trng, va cai
ay la s uyen chuyen trong luc dung cong, v thien i song cua nhng phu n ngheo. Bieu
nh the giac qua manh t nc tran, ngi chu tng cua to chc la Banh xe Phap, va chu y
soay phai tuy c, nen co thu ch khong nen ra cua no la mot to chc la khong co ang cap va
anh. Co v tu hanh khi niem Phat, bong thay co quyen hanh, ma ch da vao nhng nguyen tac
tch nh ban an oc ieu de sanh buon chan, th Phat giao. To chc hng ti viec khuyen khch
khong ngai g phu them tr chu, quan tng, hoac tat ca cac nhom lien he phai thong hieu s noi ket
gia nhng moi quan tam cua ho va cac nhom

khac khong co s khac biet. Ho co cung chung chung khong co ban chat oc lap, moi hien tng
mot muc ch trong hoat ong. c mo ta la khong. Cai khong ay co ngha la
International Sangha Bhikshu Buddhist khong co ban chat that s, rieng re va oc lap,
Association: Giao Hoi Phat Giao Tang Gia Khat ch khong phai la khong co hien tng.
S The GiiInternational Sangha Bhikshu Interpenetration (n): Nhap phap giiSee
Buddhist Association, founded in 1978 in the Interpenetration of all dharmas.
United States by Most Venrable Thch Giac Interpenetration of all dharmas:
Nhien, a Tripitaka teacher of dharma. ISBBA was Interpenetration of all thingsNhap Phap Gii.
originated from the Vietnamese Sangha Bhikshu 1) S xuyen vao nhauSee Interpenetration of
Buddhist Association whose founder was late all dharmas.
Great Venerable Minh ang Quang in 1944 2) Basic teaching of the Avatamsaka Sutra
Giao Hoi Phat Giao Tang Gia Khat S The Gii, (Kinh Hoa Nghiem) which reveals the
c Hoa Thng Thch Giac Nhien, mot bac Interpenetration of all dharmas, the smallest
Tam Tang Phap S, thanh lap vao nam 1978 tai dharma contains the largest and vice versa.
Hoa Ky, thoat thai t Giao Hoi Tang Gia Khat S The human mind is the universe itself and is
Viet Nam sang lap bi c Ton S Minh ang identical with the Buddha, indeed, that
Quang vao nam 1944See Vietnamese Sangha Buddha, mind and all sentient beings and
Bhikshu Buddhist Sect. things are one and the same: Trong Kinh Hoa
Inter-origination: Y Tha KhiThe notion of Nghiem, nhap phap gii co ngha la mot phap
inter-origination (paratantra) is very close to du nho nh mot vi tran van cha ng cai
living reality. It annihilates dualistic concepts, ln nhat va ngc lai. Tam chung sanh, vu
one/many, inside/outside, time/space, tru va Phat khong sai khac. Ky that, tam,
mind/matter, and so forth, which the mind uses to chung sanh va Phat la mot.
confine, divide, and shape reality. The notion of Interpenetration of all things: Nhap Phap
inter-origination can be used not only to destroy GiiSee Interpenetration of all dharmas.
habits of cutting up reality, but also to bring about Interpersonal relationship: S lien he gia
a direct experience of reality. As a tool, however, con ngi.
it should not be considered a form of reality in Interpret the immateriality of all things:
itself. The inter-origination is the very nature of Apprehend the immateriality of all thingsGiai
living reality, the absence of an essential self. khong.
You cannot say anything exists in itself. Because
Interpretation and conduct: Understand and
they have no independent identity, all phenomena
doGiai hanh.
are described as empty. This does not mean that
Interpretations of compound terms: Sat-
phenomena are absent, only that they are empty
samasa (skt)Cach giai thch t kep trong tieng
of an essential self, of a permanent identity
Phan (Sanskrit)The six interpretations of
independent of other phenomenaY niem tng
compound terms, considered in their component
duyen ve van vat co the noi la gan gui nhat vi
parts or togetherSau cach giai thch nhng ch
thc tai. No huy diet nhng khai niem nh nguyen
kepSee Six interpretations of compound terms.
ma tam thng dung e giam ham va chia cat
thc tai, ve mot va nhieu, ben trong va ben ngoai, Interpretation of Pitaka: Tang KinhSee
thi gian va khong gian, tam va vat, van van. No Translation of Pitaka.
va la phng tien dung e pha v ma cung la Interpretation of things as real: Hu Giai
phng tien dung e hng dan. Hanh gia phai The interpretation of things as material, opposite
dung no nh mot cong cu, ch khong nen xem no of the interpretation of things as unreal, or
nh la mot thc tai. Y Tha Khi la ban chat toi immaterialS giai thch cho rang moi vat la co
hau cua thc tai, la s thieu vang ve mot cai that, oi lai vi vo giai hay loi giai thch cho
nga. Ban khong the noi c rang bat c th g rang van hu la khong that.
co the ton tai vi t tanh rieng le cua no. V

Interpretation of ultimate reality: Doctrine of Interrupt (v) adult: Noi leo cac bac trng
ultimate realityKhong giai. thng.
Inter-reflection by the Indra net: Nhan a La Interrupt something: Lam gian oan cai g.
Vong Canh Gii MonSee Ten profound Intervention: S can thiep.
theories. Interrupted: Hu gianNot continuousNot
Interrelated doctrine: Interrelated teaching intermingled, opposite of uninterrupted or
Ham Trung GiaoA Tien-Tai term for the continuousHu gian la co s gian cach ve thi
interrelated teaching which was midway between gian hay khong gian, oi lai vi vo gian la lien
or interrelated with Hinayana and Mahayana tuc, khong co s gian cach ve thi gian hay khong
Giao ly thong giao cua Tong Thien Thai, noi ve gian.
Trung ao (tc la Thong giao trong T Giao Interview: Tham vanDuring an intense
Thien Thai) gia Tieu Tha va ai ThaSee meditation retreat, personal interviews are held as
Four periods of teaching. often as possible, ideally every day. After the
Interrelated teaching: Thong giao practitioner presents his or her experiences, the
Intermediate doctrine, one of the three branches teacher may ask questions relating to particular
of Sakyamuni Buddhas teaching. Tien-Tai details before giving comments or instructions.
considered the intermediate or interrelated The interview process is quite simple. Practitioner
teaching to be an advance in doctrine on the last, should be able to communicate the essence of his
partially dealing with the emptiness and or her practice in about ten minutes. Consider that
advancing beyond the merely relativeThong he or she is reporting on his or her report onto him
giao, mot trong ba chi cua giao phap c Phat or herself, which is what meditation actually is.
Thch Ca Mau Ni. ay la ten ma cac nha Thien First, practitioners should report how many hours
Thai goi Thong Giao. Thong giao ban ve s tng of sitting he or she did and how many of walking
co kem hn Tang Giao, nhng xet ky thay ly cung in the most recent twenty-four hours period. If he
kha sau sac, at ti sinh tc vo sinh, khong tc bat or she is quite truthful and honest about this, it will
khong, nen khen la Gii Noi Ly GiaoSee Three show the sincerity of his or her practice. Next,
Sakyamunis teachings and Four periods of describe sitting practice. It is not necessary to
teaching. describe each sitting in detail. If sittings are
Interrogate (v): Hoi. similar, he or she may combine their traits
Interrogate or reprimand other monk or together in a general report. Try using details
nun: Van nan hay la ray v Tang hay Ni khac from the clearest sitting or sittings. Begin
Under no circumstance, a Bhiksu or Bhiksuni, description with the primary object of meditation,
regardless of his or her seniority, can interrogate the rise and fall of the abdomen, then add other
or reprimand other monks or nuns in the objects that arose at any of the six sense doors.
monastery or in the nunnery without a After describing the sitting, go into the walking
Sanghakarman Procedure. If he or she does so, practice. Practitioners should only describe
especially in the presence of laypeople or during experiences directly connected with walking
a meal, or putting them in a difficult situation, movements, do not include a range of objects as
commits an Expression of Regret OffenceTrong reported in a sitting. Practitioners should try to
bat c trng hp nao, mot v Ty Kheo hay Ty describe experiences they had in each movement:
Kheo Ni, du la lap ha co tham hau en au, cung lifting the foot, moving and placing in walking
khong the van nan hay ray mang ch Tang Ni meditationTrong ky an tu, hanh gia nen tham
trong t vien ma khong qua phep yet Ma. Neu van thng xuyen chng nao tot chng ay, ly
lam nh vay, ac biet la khi co mat cua ngi the tng nhat la moi ngay. Sau khi hanh gia trnh
tuc, hay gia ba an, hay co lam cho v ay kho bay nhng kinh nghiem cua mnh, v thay co the
x, la pham gii Ba Dat e hay gii oa (phai hoi nhng cau hoi lien quan en nhng chi tiet
phat lo sam hoi). trc khi phe phan hay ch giao. Tien trnh tham

van hoan toan n gian. Hanh gia phai thong at Intoxicant of desire or sensual pleasure:
nhng cot loi ve tu tap tap cua mnh trong vong Kamasava (p)Duc lauSee Three delusions
10 phut. Phai t bao cao ve nhng g xay ra cho (II)(1).
chnh mnh trong luc thien tap. Trc het hanh gia Intoxicant of worldly desires: Kamasava (p)
phai bao cao trong vong 24 gi qua mnh a toa Intoxicant of sensual pleasuresDuc lauSay
thien va kinh hanh bao nhieu gi. Neu hanh gia me ve duc lac tran theSee Three delusions (II).
thc tam ve viec nay, th viec tham van se bieu lo
Intoxicate someone with something: Lam say
that s ve viec tu tap cua mnh. Ke en la dien ta
me ai vi cai g.
ve toa thien. Khong can phai dien ta chi tiet ve
Intoxications: There are three intoxications
thien toa. Neu nhng lan toa thien giong nhau,
See Three dharmas (XLVIII).
hanh gia ch can phoi hp nhng yeu to chnh.
Hanh gia phai co gang dung nhng chi tiet ro Intoxication with health: Arogya-mado (p)
rang nhat ghi nhan c trong cac buoi toa thien. Vo benh kieuKieu man v than khong benh
Bat au dien ta e muc thien tap chnh, s phong See Three dharmas (XLVIII).
xep cua bung, roi them vao nhng e muc khac Intoxication with ones prosperous life:
cua luc nhap. Sau khi dien ta thien toa, th i vao Jivita-mado (p)Hoat mang kieuKieu man v
kinh hanh. Hanh gia ch nen dien ta kinh nghiem co i song sung tucSee Three dharmas
trc tiep lien he ti nhng chuyen ong khi i (XLVIII).
kinh hanh, ch khong nen bao gom mot doc Intoxciation with youth: Yobbana-mado (p)
nhng e muc nh a c bao cao trong toa Nien trang kieuKieu man v tuoi trang nien
thien. Hanh gia phai co gang dien ta nhng kinh See Three dharmas (XLVIII).
nghiem ma mnh co c trong tng chuyen ong: Intrepid (a): Gan daDung camNot afraid
d chan len, a chan ti, va at chan xuong at BoldFearless.
trong khi i kinh hanh. Intrigued (a): B loi cuonRemain intrigue: b
Intimate: NearNear toCloseCan. loi cuon vao.
Intimate disciples: Elder monksThng Toa Intrinsic(al) (a): Thuoc ve ban chatS
boSee Two divisions of Buddhism. nguyenBelonging to the real nature of a thing;
Intimate friend: Ban than (than hu). not dependent on external circumstances.
Intimately: Mat thiet. Intrinsic essence: Ban the noi tai hay chan
Intimidate: Ham doaTo threatenTo ngaChan Nga.
menace. 1) The real or nirvana ego, the transcendental
Intolerable: ego, as contrasted with the illusory or
1) Bat khoan dung: Inexcusable temporal ego: Chan nga hay Niet Ban nga
ImpardonableUnforgivable. cua ch Phat, tc la cai nga sieu viet, oi lai
2) Kho chuUnendurableInsufferable vi vong nga cua pham phu.
UncomfortableNot tolerable or unbearable. 2) The ego as considered real by non-Buddhists:
Cai nga ma ngoai ao cho la thc, Phat giao
Intolerance (n): Thieu o lngBat khoan
th cho la gia nga.
dungLack of tolerance.
Introduce oneself to someone: T gii thieu
Intone the three sutras: Tung oc chanh
mnh vi ai.
hanhIntone the Amitabha sutra, the sutra of
Infinite Life, and the sutra of Meditation on the Introduce sentient beings into the purity of
Infinite LifeTung oc Kinh A Di a, Kinh Vo Buddhahood: Lam cho chung sanh nhap Phat
Lng Tho va Kinh Quan Vo Lng ThoSee thanh tnhSee Ten kinds of fulfillment.
Five proper courses to ensure the bliss of the Pure Introduce someone to someone else: Gii
Land. thieu ngi nay vi ngi khac.
Intoner: Leader of the chantingChu te S Introducing the light and opening the eyes:
See Seven monks (A). Khai Quang iem NhanIntroducing the light,

the ceremony of opening the eyes of an image, and be able to be reborn in the more peaceful
i.e. painting or touching in the pupilLe Khai and happier realms of heaven and human
Quang iem Nhan tng Phat. Sau khi tng Giac ngo tri kien Phat, tc la giac ngo Phat
Phat hoan thanh, chon ngay dang le cung dng phap, xa lanh ta phap, e dt la nhng kho
Phat. au sanh t ni tam o ac ao nh cac coi a
Introduction: T phanGii thieu KinhSee nguc, nga quy, suc sanh, van van, e c
Three divisions of a treatise on a sutra. sanh ve cac neo an vui cua canh tri ngi.
Introduction-Guidance-Awakening- 4) PenetrationNhap: To enter, or to lead them
into it, or to penetrate deeply into the
Penetration: Khai Th Ngo NhapThe four
enlightenment fruit of the saintly beings,
reasons for a Buddhas appearing in the world
being able to transcend and to find liberation
Bon ly do Phat th hien ni coi Ta Ba (Kinh Phap
from the cycle of rebirthsTham nhap vao
Hoa, pham Phng Tien, c Phat a day: Nay
tri kien Phat, hay tham nhap vao trong qua v
ong Xa Li Phat, the nao goi la ch Phat The Ton
giai thoat cua Thanh nhn, hay la ac ao,
v ai s nhan duyen ma xuat hien i. Ch
vt thoat ra ngoai vong luan hoi sanh t.
Phat The Ton muon chung sanh giac ngo tri kien
Phat, khien ho c thanh tnh, nen a xuat hien Introduction to Zen Buddhism: Phat giao
i. V muon chung sanh tham nhap vao tri kien Thien Nhap Mon.
Phat, nen xuat hien i. Nay ong Xa Li Phat, Introductory Chapter: Pham TaSee
o la do ch Phat The Ton co ai nhan duyen nen Twenty-eight chapters in the Lotus Sutra.
xuat hien i.): Introductory Parts: Phan kinh noi ve nhn
1) IntroductionKhai: To disclose, or to open duyen trong mi hai bo kinhSee Twelve
up treasury of truth, or to introduce and open sutras.
the Buddhas views and knowledge to Introspect (n&v): Canh giacAlertnessTo
sentient beings; so they can follow, learn, look within or to look into ones own mind.
understand the truths, and clearly distinguish Introversion (n): Tnh noi hngAn attitude in
right from wrongKhai m tri kien hay chan which one directs ones interest to ones own
ly Phat, hay la m ra s thay biet cua ch experiences and feelings rather than to external
Phat cho chung sanh y theo o ma hoc hieu, objects or other persons.
hau phan biet ro rang c au ung hay sai.
Intuition (n): Immediate perception.
2) GuidanceTh: To display or to indicate the
1) Immediate knowing or understanding: The
meanings of Buddhas teachings, or to teach
direct knowing or learning of something
sentient beings to learn and patice the views
without the conscious use of reasoning
and knowledge introduced by Buddhas, to
Knowing without knowing how you know
help them know clearly the proper path from
Trc Giac.
the inproper path, right from wrong, in order
2) Seeing: KienDarsana or Disti (skt)
to eliminate the various false views and
knowledgeCh bao tri kien Phat, giup cho
chung sanh tu tap theo nhng thay biet chan
Intuitional knowledge: Cintamaya panna (p)
chanh cua ch Phat nham giup ho y theo o
Tri kien trc giac.
ma hoc hieu, hau ro c neo ung ng
sai, au phai, au trai e dt bo nhng sai Intuitional sect: Meditative sectThien Tong.
lam co hu. 1) The meditative method in general: Phap Mon
3) AwakenNgo: Awaken means to realize or Thien nh noi chung.
to cause men to apprehend it, or to be 2) Dhyana paramita: Thien Ba La Mat. **See
awakened to the Buddha Dharmas, avoid Six paramitas.
false doctrines in order to escape from 3) The intuitional school established in China
sufferings of births and deaths in the three according to tradition by Bodhidharma,
evil paths of hell, hungry ghost, and animal, personally propagated from mind to mind as

an esoteric school: Thien Tong c To Bo Khoi can phai ghi nhan rang cai thay nay khac
e at Ma truyen sang Trung Quoc, tam tam han vi cai ma ta thng goi la tri kien hay nhan
tng truyen nh mot trng phai mat giao. thc. Chung ta c biet rang Hue Kha a co noi
Intuitional way: Tue ao. ve s chng ngo cua mnh, c To Bo e at
Intuitionism (n): Thuyet trc giac. Ma an kha nh sau: Theo s chng ngo cua toi,
no khong phai la mot cai khong h toan dien; no
Intuitive certainty: Tam AnSee Mind seal.
la tri kien thch ng nhat; ch co ieu la khong the
Intuitive cognition: Manaketa (skt)Mental
dien thanh li. Ve phng dien nay, Than Hoi
cognitionMental perceptionY niemTam
noi ro hn: ac tnh duy nhat cua Tri la can
ThcSee Internal perception.
nguyen cua moi le huyen dieu. Khong co ac
Intuitive insight: Tue GiacOne of the eight tnh tr nang nay, s chng ngo mat het cai gay
chief characteristics of satori. In Zen. That there gat cua no, bi v ay qua thc la ao ly cua
is a quality in mystic experience has been pointed chnh s chng ngo. Nen biet rang cai tri kien
out by James in his Varieties of Religious c cha ng chng ngo va co quan he vi
Experience, and this applies also to the Zen cai pho bien va lien quan en kha canh ca biet
experience known as satori. Another name for cua hien hu. Khi mot ngon tay a len, t cai
satori is to see the essence or nature, which nhn cua ngo, c ch nay khong phai ch la hanh vi
apparently proves that there is seeing or a len ma thoi. Co the goi o la tng trng,
perceiving in satori. That this seeing is of quite a nhng s chng ngo khong tro vao nhng g ben
different quality from what is ordinarily ngoai chnh cai o, v chnh cai o la cu canh.
designated as knowledge need not be specifically Chng ngo la tri kien ve mot s vat ca biet, va
noticed. Hui-Ko is reported to have made this ong thi, ve thc tai ang sau s vat o, neu co
statement concerning his satori which was the noi la ang sauSee Eight chief
confirmed by Bodhidharma himself: As to my characteristics of satori In Zen.
satori, it is not a total annihilation; it is knowledge
Intuitive knowledge: Trc giac.
of the most adequate kind; only it cannot be
1) Acintya-jnana (skt)Inconceivable
expressed in words. In this respect, Shen-Hui
wisdomIndescribable Buddha's wisdom
was more explicit, for he says that The one
Bat t ngh tr.
character of knowledge is the source of all
2) Fundamental wisdomOriginal wisdom
mysteries. Without this noetic quality satori will
Primal wisdomSource of all truth and
lose all its pungency, for it is really the reason of
virtueKnowledge of fundamental
satori itself. It is noteworthy that the knowledge
principlesCan ban tr.
contained in satori is concerned with something
3) Trc giacLng triTri thc on ngo trc
universal and at the same time with the individual
giacTha Tam TrSee Paracittaprajna.
aspect of existence. When a finger is lifted, the
Intuitive mercy: T Nhien TA kind of
lifting means, from the viewpoint od satori, far
mercy possessed by a Bodhisattva, untaught and
more than the act of lifting. Some may call it
without causal nexusMot loai t bi t nhien co
symbolic, but satori does not point to anything
trong mot v Bo Tat, khong do thay day hay
beyond itself, being final as it is. Satori is the
khong lien he en bat c ly do g.
knowledge of an individual object and also that of
Reality which is, if we may say so, at the back of Intuitive nature: Tanh Giac.
itMot trong tam ac tanh cua giac ngo trong Intuitive power: Prajna-bala (skt)Tr Lc
Thien.. Theo Nhng Kinh Nghiem Ton Giao, Mot trong Thap Lc Bo TatSee Ten kinds of
James co neu ra ac tnh tr nang nhng kinh powers.
nghiem than b, va ieu nay cung ap dung cho Intuitive realization of emptiness: Thc
kinh nghiem cua Thien, c goi la ngo. Mot ten chng trc giac ve tanh khong.
khac cua ngo la Kien Tanh, co ve nh muon
noi rang co s thay hay cam thay chng ngo.

Intuitive sect: Mind-only SectZen sectTam down, or false beliefs, Three subversions, Seven
tong (Thien tong)See Ten schools of Chinese upside-down views, and Eight upside-down views.
Buddhism. Inverted perception: See Inverted thoughts.
Intuitive vision: Vipassana (p)Minh Sat Inverted thoughts: Inverted perceptionTng
TueInsightA Buddhist system of meditation ien aoOne of the three subversions, inverted
practiced in the TheravadaHe thong thien nh thoughts or perceptions, i.e. the illusion of
cua Phat giao Nguyen Thuy. regarding the seeming as realMot trong tam
Intuitive wisdom: ien ao, pham phu oi vi luc tran ma suy tng
1) The untaught or inborn wisdom of a Buddha: ien ao roi sinh ra cac loai phien nao.
T Nhien TrUntaught to him and outside Inverted views: Upside-down livingUpside
the causal nexusTr bam sanh ch khong down viewsWrong views (seeing things as they
do thay day cua mot v Phat. seem, not as they really are)Ta kien (ao kien).
2) Inner light: Than QuangNoi quang hay tr 1) Upside down or inverted views: ao Kien
trc giac. Seeing things as they seem not as they are,
Invaka (skt): Mrgasiras (skt)TruyName of e.g. the impermanent as permanent, misery as
one of the twenty eight constellationsSee joy, non-ego as ego, and impurity as purity
Twenty eight constellations. Vong kien ien ao hay cai hieu thay sai
Invalid (a): Vo hieu. ngc vi s that, cho vo thng la thng,
cho kho la lac, cho vo nga la nga, va cho bat
Invalid proposition: Nang pha mon (co the pha
tnh la tnh.
bo i c). ay la mot trong tam phap mon hay
2) Co bon loai ta kienThere are four Inverted
tam ly luan khon ngoan trong ly luan Phat giao
(wrong) viewsSee Four inverted (wrong)
This is one of the eight kinds of syllogisms in
Buddhist logicSee Eight kinds of syllogisms in
Buddhist logic. Invest in land, money or real-estate: au t
vao at ai, tien bac va a ocA Bhiksu or
Invariable (a): ConstantNot changingNot
Bhiksuni who invests in land or real-estate,
variableUnchangingBat bienKhong thay
commits an offence that involves Release and
Expression of RegretTy Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni
Invariably: Khong thay oiKhong thoi
nao au t vao at ai, tien bac va a oc la pham
gii xa oa (phai buong bo va phat lo sam hoi).
Inverse method in meditation: Nghch
Investigate everything thoroughly, to extend
QuanThe adversaties, resisting and opposing
ones knowledge to the utmost, to be
with, reverse or backwardTrai ngc vi chan
ly goi la nghch (lam ngc lai vi th t hay sincere, and to be upright: Cach vat, tr tri,
phng thc quan la nghch quan, th du nh quan thanh y, chanh tam (tm hieu s vat en cung,
thap nh nhan duyen th khong nng theo th t biet g th phai biet cho en ni en chon, y phai
vo minh, hanh, thc, van van; ma lai i ngc t chan thanh, tam phai ngay thang, o la bon ieu
t, lao, benh, sanh, hu, van van; hay la theo qua ma ngi quan t phai theo. Ngi Phat t cung
ma do nhan). nen hoc theo bon ieu nay, v chung giup chung
ta thay ro c ban mat that cua s viec trong
Inverted: Viparyaya (skt)Contrary to reality
moi tnh huong).
Upside-down. **See Viparyaya.
Inverted and delusive ideas: Upside down and Investigation: Vitakka (p)Vitarka (skt)
Dhamma-vicaya-sambojjhanga (p)Initial
delusive ideas, one of the four inverted or upside-
ApplicationInvestigation (to cause the mind
down ideas, the illusion that the ego is real. The
unstable)PonderingReflectionS ngam
illusion that the ego has real existenceien ao
nghTam hay tm cau s viec lam cho tam tanh
vong tng, nga ien ao, hay phien nao v cho
bat onSee Fifty-one Dharmas interactive with
rang nga la co thc. ** See Four inverted, upside-

the Mind, and Seventy-five dharmas of the meanings that can be experienced personally.
Abhidharma Kosa. Generally when we say dharma we mean
(I) An overview of Investigation: Tong quan phenomena, mind and matter. We also mean
ve TamIn the Buddhist sutras, the words the laws that govern the behavior of
vitakka is often used in the loose sense of phenomena. When Dharma is capitalized, it
thought, but in the Abhidharma it is used in refers more specifically to the teaching of the
a precise technical sense to mean the mental Buddha, who realized the true nature of
factor that mounts or directs the mind onto the dharma and helped others to follow in his
object. Just as a kings favourite might path. The commentaries explain that in the
conduct a villager to the palace, even so context of investigation, the word dharma
vitakka directs the mind onto the object has an additional, specific meaning. It refers
Trong kinh ien Phat Giao, danh t tam to the individual states or qualities uniquely
c dung long leo vi ngha suy ngh, present in each object, as well as the common
nhng trong A Ty at Ma Luan th danh t traits each object may share with other
tam c dung nh mot thuat ng co ngha objects. Thus, individual and common traits
ac biet. o la cai g hng nhng trang thai are what we should be discovering in our
cung phat sanh ong thi ve mot oi tng. practice (see That Bo e Phan)Khong co
Nh ngi can than c vua yeu chuong t nao trong Anh ng tng ng vi thuat
hng dan mot dan lang i vao cung ien, ng Nam Phan Dhamma-vicaya-
cung the ay, tam hng dan tam en e sambojjhanga; tuy nhien, t tng ng gan
muc. nhat trong Anh ng la t Investigation.
(II) The meaning of Investigation: Ngha cua Chung ta noi rang tam chung ta b bao boc
TamThere is no equivalent for the Pali bi toi tam m mt, va ngay khi anh sang lua
term Dhamma-vicaya-sambojjhanga in vao la tr tue phat sinh. Anh sang lam hien lo
English; however, the nearest equivalent term cac hien tng danh sac nh o ma tam co
in English is investigation. We say that our the thay chung mot cach ro rang. Cung nh
mind is enveloped by darkness, and as soon khi i vao mot phong toi neu ban c a
as insight or wisdom arises, we say that the cho mot cai en chieu, la ban bat au thay
light has come. This light reveals physical and nhng g trong phong. Hnh anh nay dien ta
mental phenomena so that the mind can see trach phap, chi th nh trong that giac chi.
them clearly. It is as if you were in a dark Trong thien tap, trach phap khong co ngha
room and were given a flashlight. You can la tm toi, nghien cu, suy ngh hay tham
begin to see what is present in the room. The nh. No la trc giac, mot loai nhan biet bang
image illustrates investigation, the second tr tue e phan biet moi ac tnh cua cac hien
enlightenment factor in the Bojjhangas. In tng. Thuat ng Vicaya trong Nam Phan
meditation, investigation is not carried out by thng c dch ra trach phap; no con
means of the thinking process. It is intuitive, a ong ngha vi tr tue hay s sang suot.
sort of discerning insight that distinguishes the V vay trong thien tap khong co cai g goi la
characteristics of phenomena. The word trach phap nham phat hien cai g ca. Mot
Vicaya in Pali is the word usually translated khi Vicaya co mat th trach phap va tr tue
as investigation; it is also a synonym for cung hien khi. Nh vay trach phap la g?
wisdom or insight. Thus in meditation Chung ta phai lam g e thay no? Trach phap
practice there is no such thing as a proper la thay cac phap; ay la thay cac hien
investigation which uncovers nothing. When tng cua than va tam. ay la thuat ng c
Vicaya is present, investigation and insight dung vi nhieu ngha co the c chng
coincide. They are the same thing. So what is nghiem bi tng ngi. Thong thng khi
it we investigate? What do we see into? We chung ta noi phap chung ta muon noi en
see into Dharma. This is a word with many cac hien tng cua than va tam. Chung ta

cung muon noi rang chung ta thay luat ieu invisiblesVo tng la mot s that khong the
hanh cac hien tng o, thay nhng ac tnh phan cach c. Co bon ieu khong the thay
rieng, cung nh nhng ac tnh chung cua cac cSee Four invisibles.
oi tng. Khi Phap c viet hoa, ngi ta Invisible aid: Minh gia hoMysteric aid, in
muon ch en giao phap cua c Phat, bac getting rid of sins, increasing virtueGia ho
a chng nghiem c chan tanh cua phap va khong thay c hay gia ho mot cach b mat trong
giup ngi khac i theo con ng ma Ngai viec loai tr toi loi va tang trng cong cSee
a vach ra. Nhng nha bnh luan giai thch Dual aid bestowed by the Buddha.
rang trong trach phap th ch phap con co Invisible aid of the spiritual powers: Minh
ngha ac biet khac na. Ch phap nay ch Gia (li ch do sc manh tam linh hay do s cam
nhng trang thai hay pham chat ca nhan hay ng cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat em lai khong
ac tanh rieng ch hien hu trong tng e thay biet).
muc mot, cung nh ac tanh chung cua tng
Invisible benefit: Minh LiInvisible merit, i.e.
e muc co the chia xe vi nhng e muc
within spiritualNhng cong c hay li lac tam
khac. V vay, hai ac tnh chung va rieng la
linh khong nhn thay c.
nhng g ma hanh gia phai kinh nghiem trong
Invisible form: Gia SacInvisible or internal
khi tu tap thien nhSee Seventy-five
form, i.e. spiritual formVo bieu sac hay hnh
dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
thc ben trong, nh hng v khong co hnh the.
(III) Other characteristics of Investigation
Nhng ac tnh khac cua Tam: Invisible imperceptible things: Bat Kha Kien
1) Vitakka or initial application directs the Vo oi SacThe invisible, imperceptible or
mind onto the object: Tam hng dan tam i immaterial thingsChang phai nhng th ma mat
vao e muc. co the trong thay c. Phap do nhng th cc
2) Vitakka is neither wholesome nor nho sanh ra.
unwholesome: Tam khong thien, ma cung Invisible mark on the head: Vo Kien nh
khong bat thien. TngOne of the thirty-two good marks, the
3) When vitakka associates with wholesome usnisa, or lump, on Buddhas head, called the
deeds, vitakka becomes wholesome: Khi lien invisible mark on the head, because it was
hp vi thien th tam la thien. supposed to contain an invisible sign; perhaps
4) When vitakka associates with because it was coveredMot trong ba mi hai
unwholesome deeds, it becomes tng hao, tren au c Phat co khoi tht hnh bui
unwholesome: Khi lien hp vi bat thien, th toc. Trong tng nay co cai nh iem ma tri
tam tr nen bat thien. ngi khong the thay cSee Thirty-two
5) In the practice for attaining jhana, vitakka has auspicious marks.
the special task of inhibiting the hindrance of Invisible objects (sound, voice): An sacSee
sloth and torpor: Trong thc tap thien tam Three kinds of rupa (A).
tam thi khac phuc trang thai hon tram va Invisible perceptible things: Bat Kha Kien
thuy mien. Hu oi SacThe invisible, perceptible or
Investigation of (choosing) the dharma: material things, such as sound, smell, etc.Chang
Discriminative investigation of the Dharma phai nhng th ma mat co the trong thay c.
Trach phapSee Seven Bodhyangas. Phap do nhng th cc nho tao thanh nh am
Invincible (a): Ajita (skt)A title of Maitreya thanh hay mui v.
BuddhaUnsurpassedA dat aVo nang Invisible powers: Minh ChungThe invisible
thangSee Ajita. powers, Brahma, Sakra, Yama, the spirits in
Invisible (a): Khong the thay cNhat That generalNhng sc manh vo hnh, nh Pham
Vo TngThe one reality being indivisible is Thien, Thien Vng, Da Ma Thien, noi chung la
apart from all transient (or empty) forms, and is nhng lc vo hnh.
therefore styled the formless. There are four

Invisible and resisting matter: Anidassana- Involve (v): Taranga (skt)Dnh lu.
sappatigham rupam (p)Vo kien hu oi sac Involvement (n): S tham d.
See Three dharmas (XXIX). Involuntary (a): Vo tnh.
Invisible spirits: U LinhSpirits in the shades, Inward invisible power: Vo Bieu GiiThe
the souls of the departedTinh linh cua coi u inward invisible power received with the
minh, th ma chung sanh trong luc ao khong the comandments during ordinationKhi tho gii,
thay c. Sau khi con ngi chet, hnh the cua than khau y cua ngi tho gii khong bieu th
ho khong the thay c nen goi la u linh. tng tho gii ra ngoai, ma trong than nay sinh ra
Invisible track: Secret trackMat tch. vo bieu gii giup ngan nga ieu sai trai. Gii
Invisible and unresisting matter: Anidas- nay vnh vien tng tuc trong than e bao ho than
sana-appatigham-rupam (p)Vo kien vo oi khau y tranh ieu quay ac.
sacSee Three dharmas (XXIX). Inward spheres: Can oi vi canh.
Invite to come: CallBeckonNotifyThnh Inwardness (n): Ban chat noi tai.
en. I-On-O (jap): Bhisma-garjita-ghosa-svara-raja
Invite (v) respectfully: Cau thnhKnh mi. (skt)Name of a legendary BuddhaUy Am
Invite the spirit of someone to return home: VngThe king with the awe-inspiring voice,
Call home the soul of someoneCall forth a the name of countless Buddhas successively
spiritInvoke a spiritChieu hon (goi hon ngi appearing during the empty kalpaCon goi la Uy
chet tr ve). Am Vng Phat vi am thanh vi dieu, ten cua vo
Inviter (n): Trieu Thnh ong TThe inviter, lng c Phat xuat hien thi Khong Kiep (cac
possibly etymologically connected with achavaka; ngai th hien lam sang to ngha thc te vi am
he is the youth fifth on the left of Manjusri in his thanh vi dieu cua cac ngai).
group of the Garbhadhatu, and is supposed to Ippen (1239-1289): Nhat Bien Thng Nhan
invite all the living to enlightenmentV ong t Japanese Pure Land teacher, best known for
th nam ben trai cua Ngai Van Thu S Li Bo creating the practice of dancing nembutsu, in
Tat, ngi co nhiem vu trieu thnh moi chung which he and his followers would dance for joy
sanh i en giac ngo. while chanting the NEMBUTSU (Namu Amida
Invocation (n): Khau xng (le cau nguyen). Butsu or Praise to Amitabha Buddha). He said that
Invocation with the mouth: Khen Ngi Mon the practice was intended to demonstrate his joy
hay Khau niemSee Five devotional gates of the and gratitude toward Amitabha, because he was
Pure Land Sect. certain that he was already saved by him. Ippen
also initiated the practice of giving people small
Invoke (v): ChuTo wish, either to bless or
amulets called ofuda inscribed with the
Nembutsu. During his lifetime he and his
Invoke the Buddhas name: Xng hong danh
followers handed out over 600,000 ofuda, telling
people that just touching one would create a
Invoke the name of Amitabha Buddha: Xng karmic connection with Amitabha which would
danh chanh hanhXng tung hong danh c enable him to use his saving power to bring them
Phat A Di aSee Five proper courses to ensure to salvation, even if they had performed evil
the bliss of the Pure Land. deeds (and even if they had no faith at all in the
Invoke a spirit: Call home the soul of practice or in Amitabha)V thay cua trng phai
someoneInvite the spirit of someone to return Tnh o Nhat Ban, noi tieng v a tao ra phng
homeCall forth a spiritChieu hon. thc thc hanh khieu vu niem Phat, trong o
Invoker: Tru nguyen SSee Seven monks. ong va cac e t se va khieu vu vui ve, va
Invoking Buddha with a loud voice: ai niem Phat A Di a. Ong noi rang s tu tap nay
Niem PhatMeditating on Buddha with nham bieu lo s vui ve va long biet n cua mnh
continuous concentration. en c Phat A Di a, v ong biet chac chan

rang ong a c c Phat A Di a cu roi. Nam Diem Phu e, mot trong t Luan
Ippen cung khi xng viec cho ngi khac bua Vng. **See Four wheels.
chu goi la ofuda trong o co viet ch Nam Mo 2) The iron-wheel king to the ten faiths of a
A Di a Phat. Luc sinh tien ong va o e cua Bodhisattva, one of the six kinds of
mnh a ban ra tren 600.000 la bua, bao rang ch cakravarti, or wheel kings, each allotted to
can r vao la bua la ngi ta co the tao nghiep one of the six positions: Thiet Luan cho Thap
noi ket vi c Phat A Di a co the khien Ngai Tn V, mot trong sau v luan vng, moi v tr
co the dung lc cu o cua Ngai e cu o ho, v mot phngSee Six kinds of cakravarti.
ngay khi ho a lam nhng viec ac, hay ngay ca Iron-Wheel mountain: Thiet Luan SnAn
khi ho khong co niem tin ve viec thc tap nay, Iron-Wheel mountain encompassing all these
hay khong co niem tin ni c Phat A Di a. above mentioned mountainsNui Thiet Luan bao
Ippen-Shonin (jap): See Ippen. boc cac nui va ke trenSee Nine concentric
Ire (n): SanAngerHateFor which the mountain ranges and eight seas.
meditation on kindness (t) and pity (bi) is the Iron will: Y ch sat a.
remedySee Dosa, and Three ailments (A). Ironical (a): Ma mai.
Irina-Parvata (skt): Hiranya-Parvata (skt)Y Irrational (a): Khong hp lyPhi ly.
Lan Na Bat Phat aAn ancient kingdom noted Irrational views: Nhng quan niem khong hu
for a volcano near its capital, the present ly.
MonghirMot vng quoc co c ghi nhan co
Irrationalism (n): Chu ngha phi ly tnh.
ngon nui la gan kinh o ma bay gi la Monghir.
Irrationality (n): Bat hp lyBoi LyOne of
Iron record: Quy LucContaining the sins of
the eight chief characteristics of satori. In Zen.
men in Yamas office in HadesT trat bang sat
Satori is not a conclusion to be reached by
ghi toi phu Diem Vng.
reasoning, and defies all intellectual
Iron-Ring Mountain: Cakravala (skt) determination. Those who have experienced it are
Cakravada (skt)Nui Thiet ViThiet Vi Sn always at a loss to explain it coherently or
The Iron Ring Mountain, supposed to encircle the logically. When it is explained at all, either in
earth, forming the periphery of a world. Mount words or gestures, its content more or less
Meru is the centre and between it and the Iron undergoes a mutilation. The uninitiated are thus
Mountains are four continents, seven metal- unable to grasp it by what is outwardly visible,
mountains and the eight seasNui Thiet Vi hay while those who have had the experience discern
nui sat bao quanh the gii. Nui Tu Di la trung what is genuine from what is not. The satori
tam, ben ngoai co t chau, bay nui va tam bien. experience is thus always characterized by
Iron tablets in hades: Thiet TratOn which irrationality, inexplicability, and
are recorded each persons crimes and meritsSo incommunicability. Listen to Ta-Hui once more:
sach bang sat di am phu, dung e ghi toi va This matter or Zen is like a great mass of fire;
cong cua moi ngi. when you approach it your face is sure to be
Iron tree: Thiet thu (cay sat)When its time scorched. It is again like a sword about to be
comes, even the iron tree blossoms, or when its drawn; when it is once out of the scrabbard,
time comes, everything is possibleKhi thi en someone is sure to lose his life. But if you neither
th cay sat cung tro hoa, hoac gia luc co thi th fling away the scabbard nor approach the fire, you
cai g cung co the xay ra c. are no better than a piece of rock or of wood.
Iron wheel: Thiet Luan (sat)See Four wheels Coming to this pass, one has to be quite a resolute
(D). character full of spirit. There is nothing here
Iron-Wheel King: Thiet Luan Vng. suggestive of cool reasoning and quiet
1) Ruler of the South and of Jambudvipa, one of metaphysical or epistemological analysis, but of a
the four Cakravala kings: Ngi tr v coi certain desperate will to break through an
insurmountable barrier, of the will impelled by

some irrational or unconscious power behind it. chang han nh ngng s suy ngh khi no va khi
Therefore, the outcome also defies intellection or lenSee Three modes of entering dhyana.
conceptualizationMot trong tam ac tanh cua Irregularity (n): Bat hp qui cach.
giac ngo trong Thien. Chng ngo khong phai la Irrelevance (n): S bat tng quanKhong
mot ket luan ma ngi ta at c bang suy luan; thch ang.
no coi thng moi xac nh cua tr nang. Nhng ai
Irrelevant (a): Khong thch ang.
a tng kinh nghiem ieu nay eu khong the giai
Irreligious (a): Vo ton giao.
thch no mot cach mach lac va hp ly. Mot khi
ngi ta co tnh giai thch no bang ngon t hay c Irremovable (a): Bat di bat dch.
ch, th noi dung cua no a b thng ton t nhieu. Irresolute: IndeterninateIndefinite
V the, ke s c khong the voi ti no bang nhng UndecidedUnfixedUnsettled
cai hien hien ben ngoai, ma nhng ai a kinh UndeterminedUncertainBat nh.
nghiem qua mot lan chng ngo th thay ro ngay Irrespective of whether a Buddha appears
nhng g thc s khong phai la no. Kinh nghiem or not: Du Phat co th hien hay khong.
chng ngo do o luon luon mang ac tnh boi ly, Irresponsibility: Amudha-vinaya (skt)Bat
kho giai, kho truyen. Theo Thien s ai Hue th TriMental derangementTo make a monk
Thien nh la mot ong la chay ln; khi en gan admit that he was not in his normal mind when the
nhat nh sem mat. Lai na, no nh mot li kiem point of dispute aroseLam cho mot ben nhn
sap rut ra khoi vo; mot khi rut ra th nhat nh co nhan rang tam tr mnh khong bnh thng khi xay
ke mat mang. Nhng neu khong rut ra khoi vo, ra tranh chapSee Seven rules given in the
khong en gan la th chang hn g mot cuc a Vinaya for settling disputes among monks and
hay mot khuc go. Muon en ni th phai co mot nuns.
ca tnh qua quyet va mot tinh than sung man. Irreversible (a): Khong the chuyen ngc c.
ay chang co gi len mot chut suy luan lanh lung
Irritability and imprudence: S kho chu
hay phan biet thuan tuy sieu hnh, nhan thc; ma
(nong gian) va bat can.
la mot y ch vo vong quyet vt qua chng ngai
hiem ngheo, mot y ch c thuc ay bi mot Irritation (n): S bc rc.
nang lc vo ly hay vo thc nao o, ang sau no. Irsya (skt): o kTat oEnvyEnvy or
V vay, s thanh tu nay cung xem thng luon impatience of anothers successJealousy, or
ca tr nang hay tam tngSee Eight chief envy of others possessions. One of the Upaklesa,
characteristics of satori In Zen. or secondary hindrancesGanh ghet vi tai san
Irregular death: Chet bat ng (bat ac ky t) cua ngi khac. Mot trong nhng chng ngai
There are nine kinds of irregular deathCo chn See Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma
nguyen nhan gay ra cai chet bat ac ky tSee Kosa.
Nine kinds of irregular death. Irsyapandaka (skt): o Bat NamY Le Sa Ban
Irregular dhyana: Bat nh Ch Quan o CaY Le Sa Chng NoEunuchs or
Irregular, simple and complex mixed, such as impotent save when stirred by jealousy, one of the
stopping every thought as it arisesn gian va five classes of "eunuchs."Bat lc, mot trong
phc tap dung hoa lan nhau, chang han nh ngng nam loai thai giam.
s suy ngh khi no va khi lenSee Three Isadhara (skt): Tr Truc SnY Sa a LaThe
modes of entering dhyana. second of the seven concentric circles surrounding
Irregular hours or times: Samaya (skt) Sumeru which is made of seven precious things,
Unfixed hours or timesTam muoi da thiNhat rounded like a hub, and its sea, 42,000 yojanas
thi hay thi gian khong co nhSee Two times wide, is filled with fragrant flowers. It is defined
or periods. asTr truc Sn co ten tieng Phan la Y Sa a La
Sn, vong nui th nh trong bay vong bao quanh
Irregular, simple and complex mixed: Bat
nui Tu Di, co hnh nh truc banh xe, c lam bi
nh Ch QuanStopping every thought as it
arisesn gian va phc tap dung hoa lan nhau,

bay bau, bien rong 42,000 do tuan, ay nhng nhng v Tang tru tr tai ay (S Thch Tr
bong hoa thm ngat. No c nh ngha nh la: Vien 975-1021, e t cua Phung Tien
1) Holding the axis or axle: Tr Truc. Nguyen Thanh, t la Vo Ngai Trung Dung
2) The axle-tree: Xa Truc. T. Con goi la The Phu hay Benh Phu. S
3) Sovereign control: T Tai Tr. theo hoc yeu ch cua tong Thien Thai Tam
** See Seven concentric ranges around Sumeru, Quan vi ngai Phung Tien Nguyen Thanh, tu
and Nine concentric mountain ranges and hanh tai nui Co Sn Tay Ho, soan viet
eight seas. nhieu trc tac. S th tch nam 1021. S a
Isana (skt): Y Xa Na Thien. tng soan bo s chu Kinh Lang Nghiem).
1) The devas of the sixth desire-heaven: Ch Isolation: ni co lieu ( ni co lieu e thanh
thien trong coi tri duc gii th sau. tu thien o)See Six things which enable a
2) Mahesvara (skt): Ma He Thu La Thien. bodhisattva to keep perfectly the six paramitas.
3) The sun as a form of Siva: Mat tri la mot Issa (p): EnvyTat o (khong muon nhn thay
hnh thc cua than Siva. ngi khac thanh cong hay hanh phuc)See
4) Head of the external Vajra-hall of the Fifty-two mental states.
Vajradhatu: Vien chu cua ben ngoai Kim Issue (n): Van e.
Cang Vien trong nhom Kim Cang gii.
Issue (v): Phat xuat.
5) Siva with his three firece eyes and horns:
Issued from something: Come out from
Than Siva ba mat nhieu sng.
somethingXuat phat t cai g.
Isana and Siva heaven in the Northeast:
Isvara (skt): Is(h)vara (skt).
ong Bac vi Tri Y-Sa-NiThis is one of the
1) Self-existent: IndependentAbsoluteUsed
eight heavens and devas at the eight points of the
of Buddhas and Bodhisattvasai T Tai
compassay la mot trong tam coi Tri va ch
Thng dung e ch ch Phat va ch Bo Tat.
Thien tam hngSee Eight Heavens at the
2) The Highest Self, or the God of Free Will: T
eight directions.
tai thien.
Isan-Reiyu (jap): Wei-Shan-LingyuS Qui
Isvaradeva (skt): God of freedomT Tai
Sn Linh Hu.
Ise (jap): ien Y The (th Thien Chieu ai Than
1) God of Free Movement: Coi tri T Tai
ben Nhat Ban).
King of the devaGod of freedom.
Isfijab: Bach Thuy ThanhWhite-river town in 2) A title of Siva, king of deva: Danh hieu cua
Turkestan, situated on a small tributary of the Ma He Thu La (Siva).
JaxartesThanh pho nam ben dong Bach Thuy, 3) Mahesvara (skt): ai T Tai ThienMot
mot phu lu cua song Jaxartes Turkestan. danh hieu cua Bo Tat Quan AmA title
Isipatana (p): Rsipatana (skt)Site of the applied to Kuan-Yin.
famous Deer ParkCh Thien oa x. It does not really matter: That s cha quan
Isitva (skt)Nang hu chuTo make trong.
everywhere and everthing to be omnipotent, or to Its believe that: People believe thatNgi ta
be able to control all natural lawsCo kha nang tin rang.
lam cho co quyen vo han khap moi ni va tren
Its better to die as a cultured and respected
moi vatSee Eight supernatural powers of
person than to live as a wicked person: Tha
chet la mot ngi c hanh con hn song nh mot
Islam religion: Hoi giao.
ke quy quyet.
Isolated hells: a Nguc Co oc Its difficult to be reborn (in the human
Isolated hill: Co Sn. realm) as a human being: Sanh Lam Ngi La
1) Ngon nui nam cheo leo mot mnh.
KhoHuman beings have both pleasure and
2) A monastery in Kiang-Su and name of one of
suffering, thus its easy for them to advance in
its monks: Co Sn T va ten cua mot trong

cultivation and to attain Buddhahood; whereas the cac tran bao, sinh mang la hn, neu mang mnh
beings in the Deva realm enjoy all kinds of joy con la con tat ca. Ch mong sao cho than mang
and spend no time for cultivation; beings in the nay c song con, th lo chi khong co ngay gay
realms of animals, hungry ghosts and hells are dng nen c nghiep. Tuy nhien, van vat tren i
stupid, living in filth and killing one another for neu a co mang cai tng hu vi, tat phai co ngay
food. They are so miserable with all kinds of b hoai diet. i ngi cung the, he co sanh la co
sufferings that no way they can cultivate. Of all t; tuy noi tram nam, nhng mau nh anh chp,
precious jewels, life is the greatest; if there is life, thoang qua ta sng, nh hoa hien trong gng,
it is the priceless jewel. Thus, if you are able to nh trang long ay nc, hi th mong manh, ch
maintain your livelihood, someday you will be nao co ben lau? Phat t chn thuan nen luon nh
able to rebuild your life. However, everything in rang khi sanh ra a khong mang theo mot ong,
life, if it has form characteristics, then, inevitably, nen khi chet roi cung khong cam theo mot ch,
one day it will be destroyed. A human life is the suot i lam lung kho than tch cha cua cai, rot
same way, if there is life, there must be death. cuoc vo ch cho ban than mnh trc cai sanh lao
Even though we say a hundred years, it passes by benh t. Sau khi chet di, cua cai ay lien tr qua
in a flash, like lightening streaking across the sky, tay ngi khac mot cach phu phang. Luc ay
like a flowers blossom, like the image of the khong co mot chut phc lanh nao e cho than
moon at the bottom of a lake, like a short breath, thc nng cay ve kiep sau, cho nen phai oa vao
what is really eternal? Sincere Buddhists should tam o ac ao. Co c co day: Thien nien thiet
always remember when a person is born, not a moc khai hoa d, nhat that nhn than van kiep
single dime is brought along; therefore, when nan. Ngha la cay sat ngan nam ma nay n hoa
death arrives, not a word will be taken either. A cung cha lay lam kinh d, ch than ngi mot khi
lifetime of work, putting the body through pain a mat i th muon kiep cung kho ma tai hoi. V
and torture in order to accumulate wealth and the, Phat t chn thuan nen luon nh nhng g
possessions, in the end everything is worthless Phat day: Than ngi kho c, Phat phap kho
and futile in the midst of birth, old age, sickness, gap. c than ngi, gap Phat phap, ma ta n e
and death. After death, all possessions are given cho thi gian luong qua vo ch, qua la uong cho
to others in a most senseless and pitiful manner. mot kiep ngi.
At such time, there are not even a few good Its easy to criticize but much more difficult
merits for the soul to rely and lean on for the next to do: Ch trch ngi th de ch en khi mnh
life. Therefore, such an individual will be lam c th kho (Ngon d hanh nan).
condemned into the three evil paths immediately.
Its mind, its Buddha: Tc tam tc Phat.
Ancient sages taught: A steel tree of a thousand
Its relatively easy to move mountains and
years once again blossom, such a thing is still not
bewildering; but once a human body has been rivers, but it is most difficult to change a
lost, ten thousand reincarnations may not return. persons basic nature: Song nui con tng oi
Sincere Buddhists should always remember what de cai bien ch ban tnh co hu cua con ngi th
the Buddha taught: It is difficult to be reborn as a kho long ma thay oi (Giang sn d cai, ban tnh
human being, it is difficult to encounter (meet or nan di).
learn) the Buddha-dharma; now we have been It sounds reasonable: Co ve hu ly.
reborn as a human being and encountered the Itaretara (skt): B B Khong, mot trong bay loai
Buddha-dharma, if we let the time passes by in khongReciprocity, one of the seven kinds of
vain we waste our scarce lifespan.Coi ngi Emptiness. **See Seven kinds of emptiness (7).
sng kho lan lon, nen de tien tu e at thanh Itching: Trao xuc hay nga ngaiSee Eight
qua v Phat; trong khi cac coi khac nh coi tri th physical sensations.
qua sng nen khong mang tu tap, coi suc sanh, Itinerant bonze: Du phng Tang.
nga quy va a nguc th kho s ngu toi, nh nhp,
Itinerant monk: Wandering monkDu tang
an uong lan nhau nen cung khong tu c. Trong
Hanh cc tang.

Itinerary: Hanh trnh. xay dng vao nam 1984, cach Ulan-Ude khoang
Itivrttaka (skt): Ityukta (skt)Itivuttaka (p)Y 25 dam. ay la tru s cua Lat Ma Hambo, mot
e Muc a GiaBan S KinhNarratives of trong nhng dong truyen tha tai sanh co anh
past lives of the Buddhas disciples. One of the hng trong so nhng ngi Mong Co ang sinh
twelve classes of sutras in which the Buddha tells song tai Nga. Hai nhom Phat t ngi Mong Co
of the deeds of his disciples and other followers as chnh tai Nga la nhom theo truyen thong Kalmyks
well as his foes in previous lives. They show how va nhom Buryats, ca hai truyen thong nay eu
acts of previous lives influence the circumstances c mang en Mong Co t Tay Tang.
of the present life according to the law of Ivory flower: Tng Nha HoaHoa n tren nga
Karma. Many of those stories are Indian folk voi (khi voi nghe sam th tren nga n hoa. Kinh
tales from pre-Buddhist times; however, the Niet Ban a noi, v nh h khong sam th may noi
Buddha based on these stories to mention about len, tren tat ca nga voi eu tro hoa. Neu khong co
previous lives of his disciples. Nowadays, in sam ong th hoa khong n. Phat tnh cua chung
addition to the text written in Pali, there are sanh lai cung nh the).
translations in Chinese and English. However, the
Chinese translation is based on a lost sanskrit
version, not the Pali one Mot trong mi hai bo
kinh, trong o c Phat ke ve nhng chuyen tien
than cua cac e t cung nh cac ch thu ng

thi cua Ngai. Ban kinh nay cho thay nhng ng
x trong cac cuoc i trc ay anh hng nh
the nao en nhng hoan canh cua cuoc i hien
tai, theo luat cua Nghiep. Nhieu cau chuyen
nay bat nguon t nhng co tch dan gian An o,
co trc khi Phat giao xuat hien, nhng c c Jack-o-lantern: Ma tri.
Phat lay o lam truyen tien than cua nhng e t Jadata (skt): Tra o Tha.
cua Ngai. Hien nay ngoai van ban tieng Ba Li ra 1) Coldness: Lanh.
con co nhng dch ban tieng Trung Hoa va tieng 2) Stupidity: Ngu si.
Anh. Tuy nhien, dch ban tieng Hoa la can c t 3) Apathy: Tnh khong tnh cam.
nguyen ban Bac Phan, ch khong phai t van ban
Jade branches and leaves: Quynh chi ngoc
Ba LiSee Past Lives Sutra, and Twelve sutras.
diepTalk of imperial descendants.
Iturtaka (skt): Itivrttaka (skt)Bon SSee
Jade-Buddha statue: Ngoc PhatMot tng
Itivrttaka, and Twelve sutras.
Phat bang ngoc thach noi tieng c tm thay khi
Ityuktas (skt): Y e MucThe Buddhas ao mot cai gieng Khotan, cao khoang t 3 en
discourses arsing out of events (personal events or 4 bo Anh.
Jataka stories, one of the twelve classes of
Jade-fountain and Jade-flower: Ngoc Tuyen
Buddhist liturature)Bon s thuyet, mot trong
Ngoc Hoa Lng TongHai tong phai Ngoc
mi hai bo kinh Phat.
Tuyen va Ngoc HoaThe two schools of the
Ivolginsky Monastery: One of the major Jade-fountain and Jade-flower:
Buddhist monasteries in Russia, constructed in 1) Jade-Fountain School: Ngoc Tuyen Tong
1948 about 25 miles from Ulan-Ude. It is the seat Yu-Chuan sect, was the name of the
of the Hambo Lama, one of the most influential monastery in Tang-Yang, Hupei, where Chih-
reincarnational lineages among Mongols living in I, the founder of the Tien-Tai school lived
Russia. The two main Buddhist Mongol groups in Thien Thai Tong (Tien-Tai Sect)Ngoc
Russia are Kalmyks and the Buryats, who follow Tuyen la ten cua mot t vien ang Dng
Buddhist traditions imported form TibetMot thuoc tnh Ho Bac, ni Tr Khai ai S (Tr
trong nhng tu vien Phat giao chnh Nga, c Nhat), s to cua tong Thien Thai a song.

2) Jade-Flower School: Ngoc Hoa TongPhap c dung e ch mot oai nghi co ngha la the
Tng Tong (Dharmalaksana Sect)Yu- nam. Nhng chnh xac hn, chung ta nen hieu
Hua, was the name of a palace which was o la khi nam ngu, hoac khi thiu thiu ngu.
transformed into a temple where Hsuan- Trong khi nam xuong ngu hanh gia luon gi
Tsang, the founder in China, lived and tam niem vao e muc hanh thien cua mnh,
worked. There he translated the Mahaprajna- va nh vay la hanh gia ngu vi tam khong
Paramita-Sutra, 600 books (chuan)Ngoc xao lang.
Hoa la ten cua mot t vien, ni Huyen Trang, 3) In the widest sense the words sutte and
to cua tong phai nay a song va lam viec. jagarite (in sleeping and in keeping awake)
Ni ay ong a dch 600 cuon cua bo kinh go beyond the question of postures since one
ai Bat Nha Ba La Mat a. can be sleeping on a seat or while standing. In
Jagarite and sutte (p): Ngu trong tnh thc. the highest sense one sleeps when one is
1) Jagarite is a Pali term for mindfulness in under the sway of defilements (kilesas).
waking up. In waking up, the application of Likewise the word Jagarite in its widest
mindfulness would mean taking up object of application, embraces that salutary
meditation immediately, even before one wakefulness which characterizes vigilance.
opens ones eyes. The term can also apply to As the Buddha says: The defilements
such situations as (1) keeping awake disappear or are destroyed of those who are
mindfully, not allowing sleep to overcome ever virgilant, who train themselves day and
one when one is intent on meditating in the night; who are wholly intent on Nirvana
sleeping posture, due to illness or other Trong y ngha rong, hai danh t Sutte va
physical disabilites, and (2) on sleepless Jagarite co ngha la khi ngu va khi tnh
nights when one vainly struggles to catch giac, vt xa hn la y ngha ham xuc mot oai
elusive sleep, mindfulness and clear nghi, v chung ta co the ngu trong oai nghi
comprehension would help one to accept the ngoi hay ng ch khong phai ch nam mi la
situation with calmness and understand the ngu. Trong y ngha cao nhat thng chung ta
cause of insomina. In that very calmness ngu trong khi tam chung ta b cac o nhiem chi
and understanding, perchance, sleep will phoi. Cung the ay, danh t Jagarite bao
come on its ownDanh t Jagarite co ham trang thai tnh thc, ac tnh cua s
ngha la khi thc day, hoac khi tnh ngu. Khi chuyen tam chu niem, trong y ngha rong rai
va tnh giac, trc khi m mat ra th hanh nhat. Nh c Phat day: Ngi luon luon
gia nen chu niem lien vao e muc hanh tnh giac, ngay em t kem che trong khuon
thien. Danh t nay cung co the ap dung vao kho ky cng va tron ven hng tam ve Niet
nhng trng hp nh: (1) thc day mot cach Ban, moi lau hoac cua ngi ay eu b tieu
tnh giac, ch khong e buon ngu lan lt; (2) tr.
trong nhng em thao thc khong yen giac, Jagat (skt): Xa GiaAll the livingTat ca
khi chung ta co do giac ngu, chu tam va hieu chung sanh.
biet ro rang co the giup chung ta chap nhan Jaina (skt): Ky NaXa Y NaThang Gia
tnh the mot cach yen on va hieu biet nguyen Victor, he who overcome, a title of every Buddha;
do tai sao chung ta khong ngu c. Trong name of various persons; the Jaina religion; the
chnh trang thai yen on va hieu biet ay giac Jains. The Jains, founded by Jnatrputra, a
ngu co the se tr lai mot cach t nhien. contemporary of SakyamuniDch la Thang, ch
2) Sutte is a Pali term for posture of lying ngoi Phat ton quy, con co ngha la giao phai Ky
down, but strictly rendered it would mean Na. Ky Na Giao c sang lap bi Ni Kien a
in sleeping or in falling asleep. A Nha T, mot ngi cung thi vi c Phat Thch
Yogacara or meditator lies down with his Ca (ky that giao phai nay ra i sm hn ao
mind on the object of meditation, and thus Phat mot chut. Ly tng cua giao phai nay giong
falls asleep undeludedDanh t Sutte khi

nh Phat giao cho bac bo quyen uy cua Phe a shining net, one of the eight attendants on
va bon giai cap cua xa hoi An o thi bay gi). ManjusriTen cua mot v Bo Tat, mot trong tam
Jainism: Jaina or Nirgranta (skt)Ky NaSee ong t co li chieu sang, theo hau canh Ngai
Jaina. Van Thu.
Jaken (jap): Mithya-drsti (skt)Ta KienSee Jamadagni (skt): Diem Ma ai Hoa TienOne
Wrong-views. of the seven ancient sage-rsisMot trong bay v
Jakumetsu (jap): Parinirvana or Prasama (skt) co Tien.
ExtinctionTranquilityExtinctionThe great Jambhala (skt): Jambhira (skt)Chiem Ba La
nirvanaCalmness and extinctionTch Diet Chiem Bo LaName of a tree similar to the
Niet ban tch diet, hay ai Niet Ban. citron treeTen cua mot loai cay giong nh cay
Jala (skt): Xa LiWaterNc. chanh (hoa vang va co mui thm toa ngat).
Jalambara (skt): Thuy ManThird son of Jambu (skt): Diem PhuThiem BoA fruit
Jalavahana (Lu Thuy), reborn as Sakyamunis tree in India (a rose apple). The rose-apple,
son, RahulaCon trai th ba cua Lu Thuy, tai described as a lofty tree giving its name to
sanh la La Hau La, con trai cua Phat. Jambudvipa, one of the seven continents or rather
large islands surrounding the Mountain Meru
Jalandhara (skt): Xa Lan at NaName of an
Mot loai cay an trai An o (hong tao). Xa Phu
ancient kingdom and city in the Punjab, the
Thu hay Ue Thu, loai cay c ta la cao ngat ma
present Jalandar. According to Buddhist legends,
chau Diem Phu e, mot trong bay chau ln boc
a former king of Mid-India named Wu-Ti (Udita)
quanh nui Tu Di, a mang ten cua loai cay nay.
met an Arhat and appreciated Buddhism. He gave
the Arhat sole control of matters relating to Jambud (skt): Diem PhuThoSee Jambu.
monks. Then he travelled all over India and Jambudvipa (skt): Jambudipa (p)The human
erected stupas and monasteries at all the sacred worldThe world in which we are livingThe
places. According to Hsuan-Tsang in the Records saha worldThe worldly worldImpure Land
of the Western Lands, there were about 20 Chau Diem Phu eNam Thiem Bo Chau (Coi
monasteries with 1,000 monks, who were either Diem Phu e)Nam ChauNam BoNam
Hinayanists or Mahayanists, but the number of Diem Phu eNam Phu.
Hinayanists was few. Later, a monastery called (I) An overview of JambudvipaTong quan ve
Nagaradhana where Hsuan-Tsang studied Nam Thiem Bo Chau: It is so named
Abhidharma with Acarya Candravarma was (Jambudvipa) either from the Jambu trees
foundTen cua mot vng quoc va thanh pho co abounding in it, or from an enormous Jambud
trong khu vc Punjab, bay gi la Jalandar. Theo tree on Mount Meru visible like a standard to
truyen thuyet Phat giao, mot v vua cua vung the whole continent. Saha means sufferings
trung tho An o ten Udita, gap mot v A La Han and afflictions; it also means worries, binding,
va cam kch Phat giao nen ong trao tron quyen ve unable to be free and liberated. The worldly
van e Tang s cho v La Han. Sau o ong chu du world is full of storm, conflict, hatred and
khap An o va dng nhieu thap cung nh t vien violence. ambudvipa is a small part of Saha
tai cac thanh a. Theo ngai Huyen Trang trong World, the continent south of Mount Sumeru
Tay Vc Ky, co khoang 20 ngoi t vien vi 1.000 on which, according to ancient Indian
Tang s, ca Tieu tha lan ai tha, nhng con so cosmology, human beings live. In Buddhism,
Tieu tha rat t. Ve sau mot t vien ten it is the realm of Sakyamuni Buddha. The
Nagaradhana c tm thay, ay la ni ngai world in which we live is an impure field, and
Huyen Trang a lu lai e nghien cu A Ty at Sakyamuni is the Buddha who has initiated its
Ma vi ngai Nguyet Tru. purification. People in this world endure
Jaliniprabha-Buddha (skt): Vong Minh Phat. many sufferings stemming from three poisons
of greed, anger and delusion as well as
Jaliniprabha-kumara (skt): Quang Vong ong
earthly desires. The Saha World is filled with
tName of a Bodhisattva, the youth with the

dirt, rocks, thorns, holes, canyons, hills, cliffs. Ta Ba phan nhieu tham am ni phi phap, ta
There are various sufferings regarding thirst, phap, ch chang chu tin chanh phap, tho so
famine, hot, and cold. The people in the Saha cua ho ngan ngui, nhieu ke gian tra. Noi ve
World like wicked doctrines and false vua quan, dau co nc e cai tr, ho chang he
dharma; and do not have faith in the proper biet u, ma ngc lai sanh long tham lam,
dharma. Their lives are short and many are keo binh anh chiem nc khac, khien cho
fraudulent. Kings and mandarins, although nhieu ngi vo toi chet oan; lai them nhieu
already have had lands to govern and rule, thien tai nh han han, bao lut, mat mua, oi
are not satisfied; as they become greedy, they khat, van van nen chung sanh trong coi nay
bring forces to conquer other countries phai chu vo lng kho s. Ni coi Ta Ba
causing innocent people to die in vain. In nay, s thuan duyen cung an vui tu tap th t,
addition, there are other infinite calamities ma nghch duyen phien nao th nhieu. Hau
such as droughts, floods, loss of harvest, thirst, het ngi tu hanh eu de b thoi that tam Bo
famine, epidemics, etc. As for this Saha e a phat luc ban au. Theo c Phat, qua
World, the favorable circumstances to at ma chung ta ang ay co ten la Nam
cultivate in peace and contenment are few, Thiem Bo Chau, nam ve hng nam cua nui
but the unfavorable conditions of afflictions Tu Di, von la mot phan nho nhat trong he
destroying path that are rather losing Bodhi thong ai Thien The Gii do c Phat Thch
Mind they developed in the beginning. Ca Mau Ni lam giao chu.
Moreover, it is very difficult to encounter a (II) The meanings of Jambudvipa to Buddhism
highly virtuous and knowledgeable advisor. Y ngha cua Nam Thiem Bo Chau oi vi
According to the Buddha, the planet in which Phat giao: The human world, the world in
we are currently living is called Virtuous which we are living. Jambudvipa is a small
Southern Continent. It is situated to the south part of Saha World, the realm of Sakyamuni
of Mount Sumeru and is just a tiniest part of Buddha. The southernmost of the four great
the Great World System of the Saha World in land masses (catur-dvipa) of traditional
which Sakyamuni Buddha is the rulerChau Buddhist cosmology. It is said to be named
nay c at ten Diem Phu e co the la v after the Jambu tree that grows there. It
tren chau nay moc nhieu cay Diem Phu, hoac measures 2,000 yojanas on three sides, and its
gia t tren cay Diem Phu khong lo tren nui fourth side is only three-and-a-half yojanas
Tu Di co the nhn thay toan chau. Ta Ba co long. The Southern Continent, one of the four
ngha la kho nao, lai cung co ngha la phien continents, that situated south of Mount Meru,
luy hay troi buoc, chang c ung dung t tai. comprising the world known to the early
The gii ma chung ta ang song hay coi Indian. According to Eitel in The Dictionary
Diem Phu e ch la mot phan nho cua the of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms,
gii Ta Ba, nam ve pha nam cua nui Tu Di, Jambudvipa includes the following countries
theo vu tru hoc co An o, ay la ni sinh around the Anavatapta lake and the
song cua con ngi, la the gii Ta Ba cua HimalayasCoi cua the gii ma chung ta
c Phat Thch Ca. The gii Ta Ba, ni ay ang . Diem Phu e la mot phan nho cua
day nhng mau thuan, han thu va bao ong. the gii Ta Ba, the gii cua c Phat Thch
Ni ma chung ta ang song la mot the gii Ca Mau Ni. Coi nay nam ve mien cc Nam
bat tnh, va Phat Thch Ca a bat au thanh trong bon chau theo truyen thong Vu Tru Hoc
tnh no. Con ngi song trong the gii nay Phat giao. ngi ta noi coi nay c at ten
chu phai vo vang kho hai v tam oc tham, theo cay Jambu la loai cay moc nhieu tren
san, si cung nh nhng duc vong tran tuc. Coi coi nay. Coi nay o c 2.000 na do tha ba
Ta Ba nay ay day nhng at, a, gai chong, chieu, con chieu th t ch dai co 3 na do tha
ham ho, go nong, thng co nhng moi kho ri ma thoi. Nam Thiem Bo Chau, mot trong
ve oi khat, lanh, nong. Chung sanh trong coi t ai chau, toa lac pha nam nui Tu Di, bao

gom the gii c biet en bi ngi An o witnessed first hand the negative effects of the
thi co s. Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat prevailing sectarianism of the time and sought to
Hoc T ien, Nam Thiem Bo Chau bao gom combat it by emphasizing the harmony of
nhng vung quanh ho Anavatapta va nui different Buddhist traditions. He wrote a number
Tuyet (tc la coi chung ta ang , trung tam of important works, including his Encyclopedia of
chau nay co cay diem phu. Chnh coi nay, All Knowledge (Shes bya kun khyab) and an
c Phat a th hien, va coi nay co nhieu electic collection of tantric texts entitled Treasury
nha tu hanh hn het): of Secret Mantra (gDams ngag mdzod)Mot
1) NorthBac: Hung Mong ThoHuns- trong nhng nhan vat co anh hng nhat cua Phat
Mongolians-Turks. giao Tay Tang vao the ky th 19, ngi a sap
2) Eastong: Trung Quoc-ai Han-Nhat at cho viec thiet lap phong trao Khong Mon
China-Korea-Japan. Phai, tm cach vt qua chu ngha mon phai bai
3) SouthNam: liet ang co u the trong Phat giao Tay Tang thi
i) Northern IndiaBac An: Hai mi bay o. Ong sanh ra trong mot gia nh theo truyen
vng quocTwenty-seven kingdoms. thong Bon-Po, va sau khi tho gii ong theo hoc va
ii) Eastern Indiaong An: Mi vng nhan le quan anh vi nhieu v thay t nhieu
quocTen kingdoms. truyen thong khac nhau. Chnh mat ong a chng
iii) Southern IndiaNam An: Mi lam vng kien nhng hieu qua tieu cc cua chu ngha mon
quocFifteen kingdoms. phai ang thnh hanh ng thi va ong a tm
iv) Central IndiaTrung An: Ba mi vng cach chong lai chu ngha nay bang cach nhan
quocThirty kingdoms. manh en s hoa hp gia cac truyen thong khac
v) Western IndianTay An: Ba mi bon nhau. Ong viet mot so tac pham quan trong, trong
vng quocThirty-four kingdoms. o co quyen Bach Khoa cua Tat Ca Tri Thc
Jambunada (skt): Thiem Bo KimProduce of va mot s tap tuyen chon ve kinh van Mat chu co
gold from the Jambu River (River Jambunadi) chu e Kho Tang Mat Chu.
Thiem Bo Nai Ha Kim, vang t song Diem Phu. Jamyang Khyentse Chogi Lodro (1896-
Jambunada-suvarna (skt): The Jambu-river 1969): One of the leading masters of the Ris Med
goldThe Jambud-river gold, the golden sand of (Rime) movement in Eastern Tibet, recognized as
the JambuDiem Phu an kim hay cat vang cua the activity reincarnation of Jam cbyangs
dong song Diem Phu. Diem Phu Na e (a) mkhyen brtse dbang po (Jamyang Khyentse
Kim. Ten mot loai vang song Diem Phu an Wangpo 1820-1892). Many of the leading Tibetan
(me di rng cay Diem Phu co mot dong song lamas of the twentieth century were his students,
ten la Diem Phu an, ay song co mot loai including Dingo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kalu
vang mau sam pha chut sac tm goi la Diem Phu Rinpoche, and Sogal RinpocheMot trong nhng
an Kim). v thay hang au cua phong trao Rime cua mien
Jambu-river gold: Jambunada-suvarna (skt) ong Tay Tang, cong nhan s tai sanh cua
The golden sand of the JambuCat vang cua Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Nhieu v Lat Ma
dong song Diem Phu. hang au cua Tay Tang vao the ky 20 la hoc tro
cua ngai, trong o co cac v Dingo Khyentse
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye: One of the
Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, va Sogal Rinpoche.
most influential figures of nineteenth-century
Tibetan Buddhism, who was instrumental in Janaka-karma (skt): Productive karma
establishing the Non-Sectarian (Ris Med) Regenerative karmaNghiep Tai TaoSinh
movement, which sought to overcome the nghiepSee Productive karma.
paralyzing sectariansim that pervaded Tibetan Jana-kaya (skt): Cong ongCommunity
Buddhism at the time. He was born into a Bon po AssemblageMultitudeCollection.
family, and after taking monastic ordination he Janapada (skt): aXCong ong
studied with, and received initiation from, a wide NationInhabited placeCommunity.
variety of teachers from different traditions, He

Jangya Hutukhtu: The major reincarnation Buddhist monks and artefacts. When the Sogas
lama (Sprul Sku) of Inner Mongolia. The first was later managed to defeat their main rivals, they
Ngawang Losang Choden (1642-1714). His apparently credited the Buddha with playing a
recognized reincarnation, Rolbe Dorje (1717- role in their success and began to propagate
1786), studied in Tibet and became one of the Buddhism. It is clear from records of the time,
most influential Gelukpa scholars of the timeV however, that they had little or no knowledge of
Lat Ma tai sanh chnh cua Noi Mong. V au tien Buddhist philosophy and practice and conceived
la Ngawang Losang Choden. V tai sanh c of it in terms of indigenous religious paradigms.
tha nhan cua ngai la Rolbe Dorje, tu hoc Tay During the seventh century Buddhism began to
Tang va tr thanh mot trong nhng hoc gia co anh attract converts, and by 624 there were reportedly
hng nhat ng thi cua trng phai Gelukpa. 816 monks and 569 nuns in Japan. In this early
Janmahetu (skt): Sinh NhanNguyen nhan cua period, Buddhism was mainly viewed as a means
s sinhBirth-cause. to cure illness and harness (yen cng) magical
power. Ordinations were thought to generate
Janma-marana (skt): Samsara (skt)Rebirth
merit, and this was believed to result in worldly
and redeathSanh TLife and deathLiving
benefits, such as health, protection of the country,
and dyingBirth and deathSong chet (do hoac
etc. As was true of other countries in which
nghiep cua het thay chung sanh gay ra, he co
Buddhism became established, state patronage
sanh la co t).
played a crucial role in propagating the new
Jantu (skt): Thien oThien auThien
religion. The first Japanese ruler to accept
auThien auChung sanhAll living
Buddhism was Yomei (585-598). His son Shotoku
beingsHuman beingsChung sanh.
(574-622) was by all accounts an enthusiastic
Japanese Buddhism: Phat Giao Nhat Ban supporter of Buddhism, who wrote a constitution
When Buddhism first entered Japan in the sixth based on Buddhist and Confucian principles and
century, it was a foreign religion that differed built numerous temples. He also sponsored monks
significantly from the unorganized indigenous and nuns to travel to China for study, and he
cults and practices that would later develop into conceived of Buddhism as a national religion
Shinto. In the succeeding centuries, however, it (before this it had mainly been a clan cult). After
gradually adapted to its new environment, and Shotokus death, the imperial capital moved to
distinctively Japanese forms of Buddhism arose, Nara, and several emperors increased royal
which combined elements of Japanese culture patronage of Buddhism. In 741 the emperor
with Buddhist traditions that were imported Shomu (724-749) issued a decree mandating that
largely from China and Korea. According to the a network of temples be built to protect the
Nihomshoki Buddhism was first imported to Japan country, and in each province at least one was
in 552 from Paekche, a Korean kingdom that was constructed to house twenty or more monks. One
at war with the neighboring state of Silla. The of their primary duties was chanting the Sutra of
king of Paekche sent Buddhist statues and texts as Golden Light, which promises that the four
gifts to enlist (nhan c) the military support of celestial kings will protect any ruler who sponsors
Japan, but did not send anyone who could explain chanting of the text. During the Nara period (710-
their significance. Thus although this is 784), interest in Buddhism increased among the
traditionally viewed as the first introduction of intelligentsia (gii tr thc), and six schools
Buddhism to Japan, it had little impact at the time. developed, all of which were imported from
The first recorded adoption of Buddhism in Japan China: 1) Ritsu (Vinaya); 2) Kegon (Hua-Yen);
was initiated by the Soga clan, which viewed the Kusha (Cau Xa); Hosso (Phap Tng); Jojitsu
Buddha as a god of powerful culture of China. (SatyasiddhiThanh That); Sanron (San-Lun).
Some Sogas wanted to adopt Buddhism as a clan Three of these still exist today: Hosso, which has
cult in hopes of gaining access to the magical its headquarters at Kofukuji and Yakushiji; Ritsu,
powers that were widely thought to belong to whose main temples is Toshodaiji; and Kegon,

which is based at Todaiji. The three are mainly dharma, there would be continued degenration
confined to these temples, however, and are only until Buddhism disappeared altogether. Estimates
minor traditions with little lay support. During the regarding the timing of the three periods varied
Nara period, interest in Buddhism was mainly widely, but during the Kamakuta period it was
confined to the aristocracy (gii quy toc), but generally accepted that the third age had begun,
there were some Buddhists who began to and the schools that arose in Japan at that time
proselytize (thay oi y kien ve ton giao) among developed strategies for coping with decline.
the masses. Among these were the Hijiri, monks Despite the political uncertainty, however, this
who were often self-ordained and who generally was generally a time of growth for Buddhism, and
kept apart from the major orders. The most three new schools appeared: Zen, Jodo Shu (Pure
famous of these was Giogi (668-749), who had a Land), and Nichiren Shu. Zen was first brought to
background in civil enginerring that he put to use Japan by Eisai Zenji (1141-1215), who traveled to
in projects for rural peasants. The establishment China in 1168 and 1187 and subsequently
of new capital in Heiankyo (modern day Kyoto) in introduced the Rinzai lineage. The Soto (Tsao-
794 marked the beginning of the Heian period Tung) tradition was first propagated in Japan by
(794-1185), during which many Buddhist orders Dogen Zenji (1200-1253), who traveled to China
became large landholders, which often allied in 1223. Zens general response to the final
themselves with local hegemons (nhng ngi dharma age was to emphasize the importance of
lanh aohegemony). During this period, some intensive meditative practice, which was believed
new schools were imported from China, most to be the only way to overcome the negative
notably Shingon, founded by Kukai (774-835), and influences of the age. By contrast, both Jodo Shu
Tendai, founded by Saicho (767-822). One of the and Nichiren Shu contended (tranh luan) that the
most significant developments of this time was a beings of the ending dharma age are too depraved
move toward syncretism. Buddhist traditions (suy oi) and weak-willed to have any hope of
borrowed rituals and practices from each other, securing salvation through their own efforts, and
and Buddhism as a whole increasingly so they should rely on others to save them. For
incorporated native Shinto deities and practices. Jodo Shu, this involves placing ones faith in
During this period electic temples called Jinguji Amida Buddha, while Nichiren taught his
were constructed, in which Buddhist rituals were followers to rely solely on the Lotus Sutra. The
performed in what were otherwise Shinto shrines. Kamakura period is often viewed as the apogee
At the same time, Buddhists increasingly (iem cao tuyet) of the development of Buddhism
identified figures in Buddhist pantheon (buddhas in Japan, since by its end all of the major classical
and bodhisattvas) with the deities in the Shinto. Buddhist traditions had been established. The
The late Heian period, a sense of pessimism Tokugawa (1600-1867) was a time of
increased, probably due in part to the increasingly unprecedented power for Buddhism in Japan, but
unstable political situation. This continued into the its success at the political level led to stagnation
Kamakura period (1185-1333), during which and apathy (hng h). When the warlord
military leaders seized power from the aristocracy Tokugawa leyasu (1542-1616) seized power in
and developed a feudal system that lasted until 1600, he initiated a violent persecution of
1868. During this time it was widely believed that Chritianity, which had made significant numbers
the world had entered the age of final dharma of converts in Japan. He issued an edict requiring
that was foretold in some Indian Buddhist texts. all Japanese to become officially affiliated with a
According to this idea, the time of Sakyamuni Buddhist temple, and people were issued
Buddha was the true dharma age, during which certificates to this effect. Buddhist temples
people had superior capacities, enabling them to became part of the government bureacracy and
practice effectively and attain liberation. During were required to keep records of births and deaths
the next period, the counterfeit dharma age, and also to aid the governments efforts to
practice would decline, during the age of final eradicate Christianity . This system called danka-

seido, was abolished in the Meiji period (1868- khac biet ang ke vi nhng giao phai ban a
1912), during which Shinto became the state khong co to chc han hoi va giao thuyet ve sau
religion, but the bonds forged by the old system nay phat trien thanh ra Than ao. Tuy nhien
continue to maintain a sense of connection trong nhng the ky sau o Phat giao t thch hp
between many Japanese and their family temples. vi hoan canh mi, va nhng hnh thc ac thu
During the Tokugawa period, the number of cua Phat giao Nhat Ban khi len, pha tron nhng
Buddhist temples increased, as did the revenues yeu to van hoa Nhat Ban vi nhng truyen thong
from parishioners (giao khu) who were eager to Phat giao c du nhap phan ln t Trung Hoa va
avoid being suspected of harboring Christian ai Han. Theo Nihomshoki, Phat giao c du
sympathies. But this very success led to a situation nhap vao Nhat Ban lan au tien vao nam 522 t
in which the priesthood became lazy and corrupt, Paekche, mot vng quoc cua x Trieu Tien thi
since there was no need for them to actively work o ang co chien tranh vi vng quoc lan bang
to interest people in Buddhism. The Meiji la Sila. V vua cua Paekche a gi tng Phat va
restoration revived the old imperial cult, which kinh ien cho quan oi ang yem tr Nhat Ban,
identified the emperor as living kami, and a nhng khong gi ngi nao co the giai thch ve y
nationalistic form of Shinto became the state ngha cua no. V vay mac dau ve phng dien
ideology. At the same time, Buddhism was truyen thong ma noi th Phat giao a c gii
suppressed, and because its public support had thieu vao Nhat Ban vao thi o nhng co rat t
eroded (xoi mon) due to its ossification (hoa thanh anh hng. Lan au tien co tai lieu ve Phat giao
xng) and corruption, and this decline persisted tai Nhat Ban bat au t thi bo toc Soga, thi ay
(khang khang van vay) through World War II. bo toc nay xem c Phat nh mot v than cua sc
Since the post-war Restoration period, Japan has manh van hoa cua Trung Hoa. Vai ngi Soga
made freedom of regilion a part of the legal muon tha nhan Phat giao vao bo toc nh la mot
system, but the traditional schools of Buddhism giao phai co the co c than thong ma rong rai
have generated little enthusiasm among the quan chung thi o ngh la thuoc vao cac nha s
masses of Japanese. For most Japanese today, Phat giao. Sau nay khi bo toc Soga anh bai oi
institutional Buddhism is primarily associated with thu chnh cua mnh, ro rang ho cho rang c Phat
performance of rituals for the dead, and many a ong mot vai tro trong s thanh cong cua ho
Japanese only come into contact with Buddhism va bat au pho bien Phat giao. Tuy nhien, ro rang
when someone in the family dies and they go to theo tai lieu thi o, bo toc Soga co rat t hoac
the ancestral temple for the mortuary rites. A khong co bat c s hieu biet g ve triet ly va tu
nationwide survey conducted by the Soto school tap cua ao Phat va ch nhan biet ao Phat nh
found that even among Japanese who identify nhng giao thuyet cua ton giao ban a. Trong
themselves as Buddhists, only ten percent could suot the ky th 7 Phat giao thu hut nhieu ngi
even name their sects main temple or founder. chuyen ao, va vao khoang nam 624 c bao
Government surveys consistently reveal that only cao la co 816 v Tang va 569 Ni tai Nhat. Trong
about thirty percent of the population embraces giai oan s khai nay, Phat giao ch chu yeu c
any religious belief, while sixty-five percent are xem nh la phng tien e cha tr benh hoan va
indifferent to religion. What vitality there is in nhng than lc an toan yen cng cho quan oi.
Japanese religions is mainly found in the so-called Le quy-y hay quan anh c xem nh la le khi
New Religions (Shin-Shukyo), such as Agonshu phat phc c, va c tin la se a en nhng
and Soka Gakkai, which generally have li lac the gian, nh sc khoe, bao ve at nc,
charismatic founders and make a direct emotional van van. Cung ung nh tai cac x khac ni ma
appeal to their followers. Aside from the fervor of ao Phat c thiet lap, nha nc bao tr ong
the New Religions, however, there is little mot vai tro quan yeu trong viec hoang tr giao
interest in religion among most JapaneseKhi thuyet. Ngi tr au tien cua Nhat Ban chap
Phat giao c truyen sang Nhat Ban lan au tien nhan Phat giao la Yomei. Con trai cua ong la
vao the ky th 6, no la mot ton giao ngoai lai Shotoku theo ke lai cung la mot nha bao tr Phat

giao mot cach nhiet thanh, v vua nay a viet ban Trung Quoc, noi tieng nhat la trng phai Chan
hien phap da theo nhng nguyen tac cua Phat Ngon, c Kukai sang lap, va trng phai Thien
giao va Khong giao, va ong cung xay rat nhieu Thai c ngai Saicho sang lap. Mot trong nhng
chua vien. Ong cung bao tr ch Tang Ni du hanh s phat trien co y ngha nhat vao thi nay la s
sang Trung Quoc e tu hoc, va cong nhan Phat tien en Syncretism. Nhng truyen thong Phat
giao la quoc giao (trc ay th Phat giao ch giao thng vai mn nghi le va thc tap lan
c chu yeu xem nh la ton giao cua bo toc). nhau, va toan dien Phat giao phoi hp vi giao
Sau khi vua Shotoku qua i, kinh o di ve Nai thuyet va s tu tap cua Than ao. Trong thi gian
Lng, va nhieu v vua ke tuc a gia tang s bao nay nhng chua c tuyen chon goi la Jinguji
tr cho Phat giao. Nam 741 vua Shomu ban hanh c xay dng, trong o nghi thc Phat giao c
mot ao du bat buoc vo he thong tat ca nhng c hanh nhng ni khac nh nhng cung lang
chua chien c xay dng e bao ve at nc, va cua Than giao. ong thi Phat t cung gia tang
moi tnh phai xay dng mot Tang ng co the viec lam giong nhng hnh tng trong Phat giao
cho 20 v Tang tru ngu. Mot trong nhng nhiem nh tng cua ch Phat va ch Bo Tat vi nhng
vu chnh cua cac v Tang nay la tr tung Kinh Anh v than trong Than ao. Vao cuoi thi Heian
ao Vang, v kinh nay ha rang 4 v Thien vng khuynh hng bi quan gia tang v hoan canh bat
se bao ve nhng ngi cai tr nao bao tr cho viec on chnh tr. Khuynh hng nay tiep dien cho en
tr tung nay. Trong thi Nai Lng, s quan tam thi ky Kamakura, vao thi o th phe quan nhan
(hng thu) ve Phat giao gia tang trong gii tr a tom gon quyen lc t trong tay gii quy toc va
thc, va co sau trng phai c thanh lap, tat ca bat au phat trien he thong phong kien ton tai cho
eu c du nhap t ben Trung Quoc: 1) Luat mai en nam 1868. Trong thi ky nay ngi ta tin
tong (RitsuVinaya); 2) Hoa Nghiem (Kegon tng mot cach rong rai rang ay la thi Mat
Hua-Yen); 3) Cau Xa (Kusha); 4) Phap Tng Phap ma vai kinh ien An o a tien oan trc
(Hosso); 5) Thanh That (JojitsuSatyasiddhi); 6) ay. Theo y ngha nay, th thi c Phat Thch Ca
Tam Luan tong (SanronSan-Lun). Ba trong so Mau Ni la thi Chanh Phap, vao thi o con
6 tong phai nay van con ton tai cho en ngay nay: ngi co kha nang sieu viet, co the tu tap mot
Phap Tng tong, tru s chnh at tai Kofukuji va cach co hieu qua e at c giai thoat. Trong
Yakushiji; Luat tong, t vien chnh tai Toshodaiji; giai oan ke tiep, giai oan Tng Phap, s tu
va Hoa Nghiem, at tru s tai Todaiji. Ba tong tap giam dan, va trong thi ky chot la thi Mat
phai nay chu yeu co cum tai nhng ngoi chua va Phap, Phat giao van tiep tuc suy oi cho en khi
ke, tuy nhien, ngay nay nhng tong phai nay ch hoan toan bien mat. c lng ve thi gian cho
la nhng tong phai nho co rat t s bao tr cua ca ba thi ky thay oi mot cach rong rai, nhng
Phat t tai gia. Trong suot thi ky Nai Lng, s di thi Kamakuta ngi ta cong nhan rang thi
quan tam en Phat giao chu yeu la trong gii quy Mat Phap a bat au, va cac trng phai khi len
toc, nhng co vai Phat t bat au lam thay oi y Nhat Ban vao thi o khai trien nhng phng
kien ve ton giao trong quan chung. Trong so cac phap nham thch ng vi s suy oi nay. Mac du
v nay co nhom Hijiri, nhng Tang s thng t chanh tr bat on, tuy nhien ay la thi ky ma Phat
lam mnh le quy-y va thng song cach biet vi giao ln manh Nhat, va 3 trng phai mi xuat
cac Tang oan chnh. Ngi noi tieng nhat la s hien: Thien, Tnh o, va Nhat Lien tong. Thien
Giogi, ngi a tng la ky s cong chanh a ap c a vao Nhat Ban lan au tien bi thay
dung nhng ke hoach xay dng vao cac vung que Eisai, ngi a du hanh sang Trung Quoc vao
cho nong dan. S thiet lap kinh o mi nam 1168 va nam 1187 gii thieu dong truyen
Heiankyo, bay gi la Kyoto vao nam 794 anh tha cua tong Lam Te. Tong Tao ong c
dau s bat au cua giai oan Heian, trong giai truyen ba lan au tien bi thien s ao Nguyen,
oan nay, nhieu giao hoi Phat giao tr thanh ngi cung a tng du hanh sang Trung Quoc vao
nhng nha chu at ln, thng t lien ket vi nam 1223. Cau tra li chung cua Thien cho thi
nhng nha lanh ao a phng. Cung trong giai Mat Phap la nhan manh en s quan trong cua
oan nay nhieu trng phai mi c du nhap t viec tu tap thien mot cach manh me, ma ngi ta

tin rang ay la cach duy nhat kha d giup vt qua nhac va thoi nat cua no, va s suy tan nay van
nhng anh hng tieu cc cua thi Mat Phap. tiep dien cho en het thi e nh the chien. T
Trai lai, tong Tnh o va Nhat Lien tong tranh thi tai thiet hau chien, nc Nhat a tuyen bo t
luan rang chung sanh trong thi Mat Phap qua suy do ton giao la mot phan cua he thong phap ly,
oi va yeu uoi nen khong co chut hy vong nao nhng cac trng phai truyen thong Phat giao a
co the t cu mnh qua no lc tu tap cua chnh phat khi rat t s nhiet thanh trong quan chung
mnh, va v the ma ho nen nng vao ngi khac Nhat. V oi vi hau het ngi Nhat ngay nay,
e c cu o. oi vi Tnh o, viec nay lien Phat giao chu yeu ch lien he ti viec c hanh
he en tn ngng A Di a Phat, trong khi Nhat nghi le cho ngi chet, va nhieu ngi Nhat ch
Lien day e t nen ch ve nng vi Kinh Lien tiep xuc vi ao Phat khi trong gia nh co ngi
Hoa. Thi ky Kamakuta thng c xem nh la chet va ho ch i ti chua cua to tien ch e c
cao iem cua s phat trien Phat giao tai Nhat hanh tang le ma thoi. Tong Tao ong a lam mot
Ban, v khi no cham dt th tat ca moi truyen cuoc tham do tren toan quoc va ket qua cho thay
thong co ien Phat giao a c thiet lap. Thi ch co khoang 10 phan tram so ngi t cho mnh
ky Tokugawa la mot thi ky khong lng trc la Phat t biet c ten cua tong phai va ngoi
c sc manh cua Phat giao tai Nhat, nhng chua To ma mnh theo. Nhng tham do cua chnh
nhng thanh cong cua no ve mat chnh tr a dan phu cho thay ch co 30 phan tram dan so con ap u
en s tr tre va hng h oi vi Phat giao. Khi niem tin ton giao, trong khi 60 phan tram h hng
S quan Tokugawa Leyasu nam quyen vao nam vi ton giao. Cai thiet yeu la nhng ton giao Nhat
1.600 th ong bat au s ngc ai bang bao lc Ban chu yeu c sang lap trong cai goi la Ton
oi vi C oc giao, lam gia tang con so ang ke Giao Mi, nh cac ton giao Agonshu va Soka
ve nhng ngi cai ao sang Phat giao tai Nhat Gakkai, thng co nhng v sang lap hao phong
thi o. Ong ban hanh mot ao du bat buoc tat ca gay thien cam trc tiep vi cac o e cua mnh.
moi ngi Nhat eu phai chnh thc la hoi vien Tuy nhien, ben canh con sot Ton Giao Mi, co
thuoc ve mot ngoi chua nao o, va ngi ta c rat t s quan tam ve ton giao cua ngi Nhat.
cap giay chng nhan cho viec nay mot cach han Japanese Buddhist sects: Tong phai Nhat
hoi. Cac t vien Phat giao tr thanh nhng van BanSee Buddhist sects in Japan.
phong cua chanh phu va bat buoc phai lu tr ho Japanese Kosa School: Cau Xa Tong Nhat
s chng nhan khai sanh, khai t va cung tr giup BanAccording to Prof. Junjiro Takakusu in the
chanh phu trong no lc xoa bo C oc giao. He Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, The Kosa
thong nay c goi la danka-seido, b bai bo School, or the Kusha School as it is called in
vao thi Minh Tr, v di thi Minh Tr Than Japan, is generally understood to have been
ao c xem la quoc giao, nhng nhng noi ket brought into Japan in 658 A.D. by Chitsu and
a co t trc van c tiep tuc nham duy tr s Chitatsu, two Japanese monks who studied some
lien ket gia nhieu ngi Nhat va cac chua gia time under the famous Hsuan-Tsang. It was
nh cua ho. Trong thi Tokugawa, so chua chien brought in once again by Gembo (in 735 A.D.)
Phat giao cung nh li tc cua cac giao khu ay who was a pupil of Chih-Chou, the third
gia tang, nhng giao khu nay luon hang hai tranh generation pupil of Kuy-Ji, a direct disciple of
nhng nghi ng ve viec cha chap nhng ngi co Hsuan-Tsang. In an official document of 793 A.D.
cam tnh vi C oc giao. Nhng ngay s thanh the realistic Kusha School was registered as a sect
cong nay a a en viec li bieng va tham appended to the idealistic Dharmalaksana (Hosso)
nhung cua ch Tang Ni trong cac t vien v ho School, no separate position being given to it,
au can chi hoat ong e khch le tn o Phat because it had no adherents belonging exclusively
giao. Minh Tr phuc hng lam song lai cac giao to it. Japanese Kosa School has three branches
phai hoang gia, cho rang vua la Thien t va hnh Theo Giao S Junjiro Takakusu trong Cng Yeu
thc Than ao cua quoc gia tr nen y thc he cua Triet Hoc Phat Giao, Nhat tong phai nay c
ca nc. ong thi Phat giao cung b an ap v s goi la Kusha, thng c coi nh la do Tr Thong
ung ho cua dan chung a b xoi mon v s cng va Tr at truyen vao Nhat Ban vao nam 658; o

la hai nha s Nhat theo hoc vi Huyen Trang mot fewer than ten percent of contemporary
thi gian. Ve sau nay tong phai nay lai c Japanese Buddhists. Perhaps it is the artistic
truyen vao Nhat lan na vi Huyen Phng (735 side of Zen that has appealed to Western
sau Tay Lch), o e cua Tr Chau; Tr Chau lai sensibilities, or perhaps it is its apparent
la o e cua i th ba cua Khuy C va Khuy C directness and humor that have enchanted a
von la o e trc tiep cua Huyen Trang. Trong culture weary of religious complexity. Part of
mot tai lieu chanh thc nam 793, phai Cau Xa the Wests fascination with Zen lies in the
Duy Thc c ghi chep nh la mot tong phai phu manner in which it was presented as an
thuoc tong Phap Tng Duy Thc, khong co v tr intelligible and communicable way to talk
rieng nao danh cho no, bi v khong co nhng o about supreme enlightenment, a way that has
e chuyen nht vi no. Cau Xa Tong Nhat Ban a sense of beauty and nonsense, at once
co ba trng phai: exasperating and delightful, as Alan Watts
1) The Realistic School or Sarvastivadins: Hoc (1915-1973), an important Western
phai Duy Thc hay Nhat Thiet Hu BoThis commentator, has explained. There is no
school considered Katyayaniputras The doubt that Zen has had a great influence on
Source of Knowledge (Jnana-prasthana) and Japanese culture: its ethics and technique
the Six Padas as its main textsHoc phai nay were adopted by Samurai warriors and by
lay hai tac pham Bat Kien o Luan hay Phat practitioners of the martial arts, its simplicity
Tr Luan cua Ca a Dien Ni T va Luc Tuc inspired Haiku poetry, its appeal to nature
Luan lam van ban chnh yeu. and beauty inspired architecture and drawing,
a) Gandhara-Abhidharmikas: Ty am tong Kien its serenity found expression in the tea
a La. ceremony and its spirit is preserved also in
b) Kashmir-Abhidharmikas: Ty am Tong the Noh theater. However, there is more to
Kashmir. Zen than this, and more to Buddhism in Japan
2) Vaibhasikas: Hoc phai Co Ty Ba SaThis than Zen. Introduced to Japan in the 6th
school considered Puarsvas Mahavibhasa as century A.D. by the Koreans, Buddhism was
its main textHoc phai nay lay tac pham welcomed by the Japanese ruling class as a
ai Ty Ba Sa lam van ban chnh yeu. means of stabilizing and civilizing the country
3) Neo-Vaibhasikas: Hoc phai Tan Phan Biet that was torn by strife and feud. For the next
Thuyet. five centuries, it was predominantly the
a) Vasubandhu (420-500 A.D.). This school preserve of the aristocracy and enjoyed
considered these two texts as its basic texts: increasing royal patronage, notably during the
Verses (Abhidharma-kosa-karika) and Nara period (710-840), when the emperor
Commentary (Abhidharma-kosa-sastra)The Shomu built national temples throughout the
Than (420-500 sau Tay Lch). Hoc phai nay country. The dominant Buddhist sects during
lay hai tac pham Luan Tung va Luan Thch this time, which included Tendai, were all
lam can ban. forms of Chinese Mahayana, based on Indian
b) Samghabhadra: Chung HienThis school traditions. On the other hand, Zen which
considered Nyayanusara and Samaya- entered Japan from China in the 12th century,
pradipika as its main textsHoc phai nay lay is characteristically Japanese in its evolved
hai tac pham Chnh Ly Luan va Hien Tong form. Unlike other prominent schools of
Luan lam van ban chnh yeu. Japanese Buddhism, Zen is a monastic
Japanese Zen Sects: Thien Phai Nhat Ban. tradition: it extols neither sutras nor devotion
(I) An overview of the Japanese Zen Sect but emphasizes meditational and ethical
Tong quan ve Thien phai Nhat Ban: Of the discipline. The name Zen is derived from the
many different forms of Buddhism practiced Chinese word Chan, which in turn is
in Japan, Zen seems to be the most familiar to derived from the Sanskrit Dhyana (in Pali,
a Western people, even though it accounts for Jhana), meaning meditational absorption .

Zen traces its origins to the monk phng tien de hieu va de truyen at noi ve
Bodhidharma (in Japanese, Daruma), who s giac ngo toi thng, mot phng tien co y
later carried the tradition to China. Bright red ngha cua ve ep va vo ngha, cung luc cam
Bodhidharma dolls are sold in Japan every thay va kho chu lan thch thu, nh Alan
new year, but having no legs because, Watts, mot luan gia noi tieng Tay phng a
according to legend, Bodhidharma sat so long giai thch. Khong con nghi ng g na, chnh
in meditation that his leg fell off. It is also Thien a co mot anh hng ln lao trong nen
said that Bodhidharma cut off his own van hoa Nhat Ban: nen ao c va ky thuat
eyelashes as a penalty for falling asleep cua no a c cac vo s ao va nhng ngi
while meditating, and that tea plants later luyen tap vo thuat chap nhan, s gian d cua
grew from these clippings. There are two no a truyen cam hng cho nen thi ca Haiku,
distinct schools of Zen in Japan, both of which s quyen ru cua no vi thien nhien va cai
originated from the teaching of monks whose ep gay ra cam hng cho kien truc hoi hoa,
lineages have been traced to Bodhidharma s thanh than tram lang cua no c bieu lo
and, ultimately, to the Buddha himself. Rinzai trong nghi le tra ao va cai tinh than cua no
Zen, founded by Eisai (1141-1215) at the end cung c ton tai trong nghe thuat ca mua
of the 12th century, is best known for its use of Noh. Mac du s kien nay khong co g hn oi
the koan (see Koan). The second form of Zen, vi tinh than cua Thien, va oi vi Phat giao
Soto Zen, was founded by the great master Nhat Ban nhieu hn Thien. Phat giao c
Dogen (1200-1253). Advocating a simple life ngi Trieu Tien truyen ba vao Nhat Ban
for both monks and laity. Dogen taught a form vao the ky th 6 sau Tay lch va c giai
of meditation called Zazen (sitting cap thong tr Nhat Ban hoan nghenh on
meditation), through which enlightenment chao nh mot phng tien lam on nh va
could be attained gradually, instead of in an khai hoa x s a b xau xe bi s xung ot
instant, as taught by the Rinzai school. Dogen va han thu truyen kiep. Trong 5 the ky tiep
is one of the most prominent religious figures theo sau o, no c tang lp quy toc nang
in Japanese history. His philosophical writings cao va c hoang gia bao tr, ang ke nhat
are fundamental to Zen thought, and the la trong suot thi ai Nai Lng (710-784)
monastery he founded, Eihei-ji, is an khi hoang e Shomu xay dng cac quoc t
important Zen center to this day. Soto Zen khap x. Cac tong phai vt troi thi bay gi,
shows reverence for sutras and for the trong o co tong Thien Thai, tat ca eu mang
exemplary life of the historical Buddha, hnh thc ai Tha Trung Hoa, da tren cac
Siddhartha Gautama. Stressing discipline, truyen thong An o. Ngc lai, Thien tong t
self-control and meditative practices. Soto Trung Hoa du nhap vao Nhat Ban t the ky
Zen is perhaps the more philosophical and th 12 c phat trien theo phong cach ac
artistic of the two Zen schoolsTrong nhieu biet cua Nhat Ban, khong giong nh nhng
hnh thc tu tap khac nhau cua Phat giao tong phai Nhat Ban noi bac khac, Thien la
Nhat Ban, dng nh Thien quen thuoc vi mot truyen thong tu vien, no khong e cao
hau het dan chung phng Tay, du tnh ra no kinh ien cung nh long mo ao, nhng at
ch chiem t hn mot phan mi Phat t Nhat nang s tu tap Thien nh va ren luyen ao
Ban ng thi. Co le chnh phng dien c. Danh t Thien xuat phat t thuat ng
nghe thuat cua Thien a thu hut nhng cam Trung quoc Chan, t nay lai xuat phat t
xuc cua ngi Tay phng, hoac co le tnh tieng Bac Phan Dhyana hay tieng Nam
trc tiep ro rang va hai hc ma Thien a Phan Jhana, eu co ngha la an nh.
lam say me mot nen van hoa met moi va s Thien tong co nguon goc t To Bo e at
phc tap cua tn ngng. Mot phan s thu hut Ma, ngi a mang Thien vao Trung Quoc.
ngi Tay phng cua Thien nam trong the Nhat Ban vao dp au nam mi ngi ta ban
cach ma trong o Thien c bieu lo nh mot nhng con bup be Bo e at Ma mau o

choi rc r, nhng khong co chan v theo 654, lan au tien mang Thien ve truyen ba
truyen thuyet th To ngoi dien bch trong mot tai Thien ng Gangoji Nara.
thi gian dai en noi oi chan cua ngai b 2) Next, Tao-Hsuan, a Chinese Vinaya
thoai hoa. Ngi ta cung noi rang Bo e at (discipline) master, came to Nara in 710 A.D.
Ma cat het long mi nh la mot hnh phat cho and taught the Zen of the Northern School.
s buon ngu trong luc hanh thien, va sau o He transmitted it to Giohyo in 733 A.D., who
nhng cay tra moc len t nhng phan cat nay. in turn taught it to Saicho (Dengyo Daishi):
Co hai tong phai Thien ac biet Nhat, ca Ke en la ao Tuan (Dosen), mot v luat s
hai eu bat nguon t giao thuyet cua cac v Trung Hoa, en Nara nam 710 va truyen Bac
s co dong truyen tha t To Bo e at Ma Tong. Ngai truyen phap cho Hanh Bieu
va toi hau la c Phat. Thien Lam Te c (Giohyo) nam 733 va Hanh Bieu truyen cho
ngai Eisai sang lap vao the ky th 12, noi Toi Trng.
tieng cho viec dung cong an. Tong phai 3) A special Zen instructor of the Southern
Thien th 2 la tong Tao ong, c ao School, Giku, a pupil of Chi-An, came to
Nguyen, mot v thay v ai, sang lap, chu Kyoto and taught Zen from 851 to 858 A.D. in
trng mot cuoc song gian d cho ngi xuat Danrinji Temple built by the Empress Danrin.
gia lan tai gia. Ngai ao Nguyen giang day He was successful in his teaching: Mot v
mot phng phap thien goi la Toa Thien, Thien s Nam tong la Ngha Khong (Giku), la
qua phng phap nay, ngi ta co the dan e t cua Diem Quan Te An (Enkwan Saian)
dan i en s giac ngo, thay v giac ngo tc en Kyoto va giang Thien t nam 851 en
th nh s giang day cua tong Lam Te. ao 858 tai chua an Lam T (Danrinji) do hoang
Nguyen la mot trong nhng nhan vat ton giao hau cua Ta Nga Thien Hoang (Danrin) lap
noi bac trong lch s Nhat Ban. Nhng tac nen. Ong thanh cong my man trong cong
pham triet hoc cua ong la nen tang cho t cuoc truyen ba giao phap cua ong.
tng Thien, va tu vien do ong sang lap, 4) In all the above cases the propagation was
Eihei-ji, la trung tam Thien quan trong cho assisted by the Court but did not continue
en ngay nay. Tong Tao ong to ra knh long. The last-mentioned teacher went home
trong kinh ien va cuoc i gng mau cua disappointed in 858 A.D., leaving a
c Phat lch s, Thch ca Mau Ni. Nhan monument at Rashomon, Kyoto, inscribed: A
manh en hnh thc tr gii, t che va cac record of the propagation of Zen in Japan.:
phng phap tu tap thien nh. Trong hai tong Trong nhng trng hp ke tren, s truyen ba
Lam Te va Tao ong, co le tong Tao ong eu c trieu nh ung ho nhng khong ben
la tong phai Thien mang tnh triet hoc va lau. V thien s sau cung phai that vong bo
nghe thuat hn. ve Trung Quoc nam 858, e lai mot thanh
(II) The history of the development of Japanese tch la La Sanh Mon (Rashomon), Kyoto, ghi
Zen sectsLch s phat trien Thien phai chng mot ky luc ve s truyen ba Thien tai
Nhat Ban: According to Prof. Junjiro Nhat Ban.
Takakusu in The Essentials of Buddhist (III) Zen philosophyTriet ly Thien: The essence
Philosophy, Zen was introduced to Japan of Zen Buddhism is summed up as follows:
several timesTheo Giao s Junjiro Look into the mind and you will find
Takakusu trong Cng Yeu Triet Hoc Phat Buddhahood, this sect lays great stress on
Giao, Thien du nhap vao Nhat Ban bang meditation or contemplation which alone can
nhieu t: lead one to enlightenment. Zen master
1) Hsuan-Tsangs pupil, Dosho, who went to Dogen, one of the most important and
China in 654 A.D., introduced and taught Zen representative features of Zen Buddhism.
for the first time in the Zen Hall of Gangoji, Dogen started his monastic life as a monk
Nara: e t cua Huyen Trang la ao Chieu seeking an answer to the question: Why did
(Dosho 629-700), en Trung Quoc vao nam so many Buddhas practise the way of self-

enlightenment, although all living beings, by 2) Lin-Chi sectPhai Lam Te: The teachings of
their very nature, already had Buddhahood in Lin-Chi sect were firmly established in Japan
them." As nobody in Japan could satisfy him by Fisai Myoan (1141-1215). The Lin-Chi
with a convincing answer, he went to China to sect is particularly strong in Kyoto, where
seek light. There he attained enlightenment many of its head temples and monasteries are
under the instruction of a Zen Buddhist monk. locatedGiao ly phai Lam Te c Vinh
On his return to Japan he propagated the Tay Minh Am (1141-1215) thiet lap vng
following doctrine: All human beings have chac Nhat. Phai Lam Te ac biet manh
already been enlightened. They are Buddhas Kyoto, ni co nhieu chua va t vien hang au
by nature. The practice of meditation is cua phai nay.
nothing but the Buddhas act itself.Cot loi 3) Huang-Po SectPhai Hoang Ba: This Zen
cua Thien tong c tom lc nh sau: C sect was introduced into Japan from China in
nhn vao trong tam th se thay c Phat 1654 by Zen master Yin-Yuan. Its head
qua. Tong phai nay nhan manh vao s thien temple built in the Chinese style, is
nh hay thien quan ma ch rieng mot ieu Mampukuji, near Kyoto. Huang-Po sect is the
nay a co the dan en giac ngo. Thien s least influential of the Zen sects in present-
Dogen, mot trong nhng hnh anh tieu bieu day JapanThien phai nay c An Nguyen
cua Thien tong Nhat Ban. Ong a bat au ai s a vao Nhat Ban nam 1654. To nh
cuoc song tu s vi s tm li gia ap cho cau phai nay xay theo kieu Trung Quoc la chua
hoi: V sao co nhieu v Phat phai hanh tr Mampuku gan Kyoto. Phai Hoang Ba la thien
con ng giac ngo cho mnh nh the, trong phai t co anh hng nhat ngay nay tai Nhat
khi tat ca chung sanh eu a san co Phat qua Ban.
ni ho? Khong tm c ngi nao Nhat 4) Tsao-Tung sectPhai Tao ong: One of the
Ban co the giai ap thoa ang cho mnh, ong two dominant Zen sects in Japan, the other
a i en Trung Quoc e tm s soi sang. Tai being the Lin-Chi. There are several theories
ay, ong a c giac ngo bi mot tu s Phat as to the origin of the names of Tsao-Tung.
giao Thien tong. Khi tr ve Nhat Ban, ong One is that it stems from the first character in
truyen ba chu thuyet: Tat ca moi ngi eu the names of two masters in China, Tung-
a c giac ngo. Ve ban chat, ho la nhng Shan-Liang-Chih and Tsao-Shan-Pen-Chi.
v Phat. Hanh Thien chnh la mot hanh ong Another theory is that the Tsao refers to the
cua Phat. Sixth Patriarch, who was also known in Japan
(IV) Japanese Zen sectsCac Thien phai Nhat as Tsao-Tzi-Hui-NengMot trong hai thien
Ban: phai co the lc hn ca Nhat Ban, phai kia
1) Shingon SectPhai Chan Ngon: The la Lam Te. Co nhieu thuyet noi ve nguon
doctrines and practices of this sect were goc cua cai ten Tao ong. Mot cho rang
brought from China to Japan in the ninth ay la ch au cua ten cua hai v thien s
century by Kukai (or Kobo-daishi, as he is ong Sn Lng Gii va Tao Sn Bon Tch.
more popularly known). Shingon discipline Thuyet khac cho rang ch Tao ch Luc To, v
and practice revolve around three ngai cung c biet qua ten Tao Khe Hue
meditational devices: the mandala, the Nang.
mantra, and the mudraCac giao ly va Japati (skt & p): Noi thamNoi lam bamTo
phng phap tu tap cua phai nay c a murmurTo mutterTo speak to oneselfTo
vao Nhat Ban t Trung Quoc bi Kukai (hay whisper.
Hoang Phap ai S v ong c biet qua Jara (p & skt):
danh hieu nay nhieu hn) vao the ky th IX. 1) Decay: DSee Seventy-five dharmas of the
Phap mon tu hanh cua phai Chan Ngon xoay Abhidharma Kosa.
quanh ba phng thc quan tng: man a la, 2) Old: GiaAgedLaoSee Twenty-four
mat chu, va thu an. non-interactive activity dharmas.

Jaramarana (skt): Decreptitude and death with those living in the presentKinh noi chi tiet
Old age and deathOne of the twelve nidanas, a ve tien than c Phat, cac e t cung nh nhng
primary dogma of Buddhism that decreptitude and ke chong pha Ngai. Kinh ch bay nhng hanh
death are the natural products of the maturity of ong trong tien kiep anh hng the nao en
the five skandhasLao t, mot trong thap nh nhng hoan canh cua cuoc song hien tai theo
nhn duyen, la mot giao ly quan trong trong Phat ung luat nghiep qua. Kinh Ban Sanh, gom nhng
giao, lao t la san pham tat nhien cua s thanh cau chuyen noi ve tien than cua ch Phat va ch
thuc (chn mui) cua ngu uanSee Twelve Bo Tat (thu sinh thanh vo so than hnh, sac tng
conditions of cause and effect, Twelve links chain e hanh Bo Tat ao. Bon Sanh Kinh gom 550
of dependent origination, and Twelve links of cau chuyen noi ve tien than c Phat. Bon Sanh
cause and effect. Kinh, mot phan cua Khuddaka-Nikaya. Ch rieng
Jarayu (skt): Xa LauA placentaAn after- phan nay, co 547 truyen, la mot phan quan trong
birthNhau cua thai nhi. nhat cua Kinh Tang. ay la mot trong 12 bo Kinh
ai Tha, con goi la Chuyen tien than c Phat
Jarayuja (skt): Thai sanhSee Chatur-Yoni and
hay kinh van ma c Nh Lai noi ve hanh nghiep
tu hanh cua Ngai khi con la Bo Tat. Kinh ghi lai
Jasmine: Mallika (skt)Bong lai.
nhng bai thuyet phap cua c Phat nhac ve cac
Jasmine flower: Mallika (skt)Hoa lai. i trc cua Ngai, hoi Ngai con trong kiep Bo
Jasosnisa (p): Phat anh The a (mau vang Tat. Kinh cung noi ve nhng bai tien oan ve s
nghe). thanh Phat cua Ngai tai An o. Kinh c chia
Jata (skt): Sanh. lam ba phan. Phan au noi ve cuoc i c Phat
Jataka (skt): A birth storyXa a GiaXa Thch Ca Mau Ni tai An o. Phan th nh noi ve
aXa a CaXa a GiaKinh Bon Sanh tien than cua Ngai. Phan th ba noi ve moi tng
Kinh Ban NguyenKinh Ban KhiNarratives giao cung nh nhng nhan vat lien he gia tien
of birth stories detail past (previous) lives of the than va hien kiep cua NgaiSee Jataka stories,
Buddha and of his followers and foes. The sutra and Twelve sutras.
shows how the acts of previous lives influence the Jatakamala (skt): Xa ac Ca Ma LaA garland
circumstances of the present life according to the of incarnation stories in verseBan Sanh Man,
law of karma. Stories of previous incarnations of hay ten cua cac bai tan tung (tap hp cac chuyen
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. A collection of 550 ve s tu kho hanh cua c Phat).
stories of the former lives of the Buddha Gotama. Jatakamala-sastra: Garland of JatakasLuan
Jataka Sutra, Birth Stories or Past Lives Sutra, a Tuc Sanh Truyen (Ban sanh man luan).
part of the Khuddaka-Nikaya. The 547 Jatakas are Jataka stories: Bon Sanh TruyenCollection of
by themselves the biggest section of the Sutra the stories of the Buddhas former birthsTuc
Pitaka. These are stories of the Sakyamuni Sanh Truyen.
Buddhas previous incarnations, one of the twelve 1) The Jatakas or previous birth stories of the
classes of sutras, one of the twelve Mahayana Buddha are a collection of 547 edifying tales
sutras. Legendary stories of the Buddhas past about the adventures of the Buddha in his
lives as a Bodhisattva. These stories depict the previous lives. They share a common form,
series of good acts by which Sakyamuni was able beginning by explicitly stating the moral of
to be reborn as the Buddha in India. A Jataka the story and ending by identifying who the
story is traditionally divided into three parts. The Buddha, then only a Bodhisattva, was in the
first introduces an incident in the life of tale. The Buddha appears in many guises,
Sakyamuni Buddha in India. The second relates including those of a god, a trader, a bandit, a
an incident in one of his past existences. The third caravan leader, a deer, an antelope and a
demonstrates the casual relationship between the vulture. These fables, some of which are
incident in the past and the one in the present, and based on pre-Buddhist folk tales, have been
identifies the persons involved in the past incident told time and time again. They have become

completely ingrained in the lore of many Bo Tat xuat hien la mot hoang t, c Phat
cultures to which Buddhism has spread and day ve cong c bo th bang cach t bo het
inspired countless artistic representations. moi th, ke luon ca v con. Tuc Sanh Truyen
They are especially popular among the laity van con c pho bien rat rong rai cho en
of Southeast Asian countries. The Jatakas ngay hom nay, tham ch c ngi ta bien
extol the virtues of leading a righteous life, thanh mot bo sach ngu ngon cua ngi An
which can help to ensure a favorable rebirth. o.
For example, in the Monkey-Lord Jataka, 2) For more than twenty-five hundred years, the
the Bodhisattva tricks a greedy crocodile by Buddhas life-story has been transmitted by
telling the predator that his monkey heart is generations of Buddhists, making it one of the
hanging on a nearby tree, and thereby teaches most instructive explanations of the Buddhist
the reptile the virtue of truth. In the famous path. Different renderings have emphasized
Vesantara Jataka, where the Bodhisattva different aspects of this great epic. For
appears as a prince, he teaches the merit of example, the Pali Jatakanidana, around the 5th
giving by parting with everything, including century A.D., goes into great detail about the
his children and wife. The Jataka stories are Buddhas previous lives, and the
still popular to this day and have even been Buddhacharita during the second century
transformed into an Indian comic book A.D. begins with his last birth. The beautiful
seriesTuc Sanh Truyen hay truyen tien Lalitavistara emphasizes the supernatural,
than cua c Phat la mot tap gom co 547 cau while many works of Western scholarship
chuyen lam sang to ve nhng cuoc phieu lu seek to uncover the facts behind the legend.
cua c Phat trong nhng tien kiep cua Ngai. All versions, however, share a common
Nhng cau chuyen nay co chung mot hnh heritage, and it is the core of this legacy that
thc, bat au bang cach the hien ro rang nen is told here. The Jatakanidana reports that
tang ao c cua cot truyen va ket thuc bang many, many aeons ago, when another
cach ong hoa c Phat vi mot v Bo Tat. Buddha, Dipankara, was walking the earth,
c Phat xuat hien qua nhieu cach, khi la there lived a pure and virtuous man called
mot v than, mot thng gia, mot ten cp Sumedha. He was born to a wealthy family
ng, mot ngi dan au oan buon, mot but renounced his worldly possessions and
con nai, mot con hoang hay mot con ken ken. became an ascetic. When Sumedha
Trong nhng truyen thuyet nay, co mot so encountered Dipankara, he resolved that he
cau chuyen da theo truyen dan gian co trc too would become a Buddha, one who has
thi c Phat a c thuat i thuat lai nhieu awakened from the sleep of ignorance. This
lan. Chung hoan toan an sau trong kho tang intention to attain enlightenment made him a
cua nhieu nen van hoa ma Phat giao a Bodhisattva. Dipankara saw that Sumedha
truyen ba va a gay cam hng cho vo so would ultimately become enlightened, and
nhng s the hien nghe thuat. ac biet chung subsequent Buddhas reaffirmed this
pho bien trong thanh phan tai gia thuoc cac prediction. The Bodhisattva was reborn many
x trong vung ong Nam Chau A. Truyen times and in many forms, perfecting himself
Tuc Sanh ca tung nhng gii c kho hanh in each life to become a Buddha. He sought
dan en mot i song ung an va ao c to be more generous with fellow beings, to
co the bao am cho s tai sanh tot ep nh y. lead an impeccable moral life, to make do
V du nh trong cau chuyen Kh Chua, v with as few possessions as possible, to
Bo Tat anh la mot con ca sau tham lam cultivate his mental and psychic abilities, and
bang cach bao no rang trai tim kh ang treo to gain insight into the way things are. These
mot canh cay gan o, va nh o day cho and other perfections were later to become
loai bo sat nay ve ao c cua s chan that. the hallmarks of his teaching and of
Trong cau chuyen noi tieng ve Vesantara, ni Buddhism in general. In his penultimate life

the Bodhisattva was reborn in the Tusita Tay lch m au vi kiep tai sanh cuoi cung
Heaven, where he prepared for his final birth cua Ngai. S Thi Phat Giao tuyet vi lai nhan
among humans. From the Tusita Heaven, he manh en tnh chat sieu pham, trong khi o
surveyed the world, choosing as his mother nhieu cong trnh nghien cu uyen tham cua
the virtuous Queen Maya, wife to Tay Phng i tm kiem e kham pha nhng
Suddhodana, king of the Sakyas at s that pha sau huyen thoai nay. Tuy vay, tat
Kapilavastu. The night on which the ca nhng ban dch eu co mot di san chung,
Bodhisattva was conceived, the queen va ay la cot loi cua tai san ke tha nay a
dreamed that an elephant touched her side c ngi ta thuat lai ay. Truyen
and placed a white lotus in her womb, while Jatakanidana thuat lai rang, rat nhieu, nhieu
at the moment of conception the 10,000 world nien ky trc o, khi mot v Phat khac hieu la
systems quaked violently. The soothsayers Nhien ang, khi ang i tren qua a cau,
who were summoned to explain the queens o co mot ngi ao c va trong sach c
dream said that she was pregnant and that the goi la Sumedha. V nay sinh ra trong mot gia
new child would be either a universal nh giau co nhng lai t bo tat ca nhng tai
monarch or a Buddha, depending on whether san tran tuc nay e tr thanh mot nha tu kho
he followed the life of a householder or that hanh. Khi Sumedha gap Phat Nhien ang, v
of an ascetic. As the time of birth approached, Phat nay khang nh rang v nay cung se
the queen traveled toward Devadaha, where thanh Phat, ngi a tnh thc khoi giac
her parents lived, stopping to rest in the ngu vo minh. Y nh at c giac ngo khien
pleasure grove of the sal trees at the cho v nay tr thanh mot v Bo Tat. c Phat
Lumbini gardens. Entering the gardens she Nhien ang cuoi cung a nhan biet rang
felt the onset of labor, and a great sal tree Sumedha se hoan toan giac ngo, va cac v
bent gently to support her. The Bodhisattva Phat tiep theo sau o tai khang nh s tien
emerged from his mothers side, clean and oan nay. V Bo Tat tai sanh trong nhieu kiep
pure, like a man descending a staircase, and va di nhieu hnh dang, t hoan thien ban
was received into the golden net of the great than mnh trong tng kiep e tr thanh Phat.
Brahmas. Surveying the ten directions, he Ngai tm cach t bi o lng vi tat ca ca
took seven strides to the north and roared: I ong loai, e dan en mot cuoc song ao c
am the chief of the world. This is my last hoan hao, thc hien loi song vi cang t t
existence; henceforth there is no more rebirth hu cang tot, e tu dng c nhng kha
for me. The miraculous birth was marked by nang tinh than va the xac, va e at c tue
great joy throughout the world: the blind giac theo ban chat that cua van hu. Nhng
could see, the crippled could walk and the hnh thc nay va nhng pham hanh bo th
deaf could hear the dumb. The world itself khac nhau sau o a tr thanh nhng chuan
celebrated as the great ocean turned into mc ve giao ly cua Ngai va cua ao Phat noi
sweet water and five kinds of lotuses covered chung. Trong kiep song ap chot, v Bo Tat
the surface of the earthHn hai ngan nam c tai sinh vao cung tri au Suat, tai ay
qua, cau chuyen ve cuoc i c Phat a Ngai a chuan b cho lan tai sanh cuoi cung
c cac the he Phat t truyen lai, tao cho no trong coi ngi. T ni cung tri au Suat
tr thanh mot trong nhng s giai thch ve Ngai xem xet the gian, chon la ngi me
giao huan cua ao Phat. Nhng s dien giang ao c cua Ngai, Hoang Hau Ma Gia, v
khac nhau nhan manh en nhng kha canh cua vua Tnh Phan, vua cua dong Thch Ca
khac nhau cua s thi v ai nay. Th du nh tai thanh Ca Ty La Ve. Vao em Hoang Hau
Tuc Sanh Truyen bang tieng Pali, khoang the thu thai, ba nam m thay mot con bach tng
ky th 5 sau Tay lch, i vao nhng chi tiet cham vao hong ba va at mot oa hoa sen
ln ve tien than cua c Phat, va trang trong t cung cua ba, trong khoanh khac
Buddhacharita vao khoang the ky th 2 sau thu thai o, 10,000 coi vu tru rung ong d

doi. Nhng nha tien tri c trieu tap en e Jati-marana (skt): Sanh tBirth and death
oan giac mong cua hoang Hau roi tau rang Life and deathLiving and dying.
ba a thu thai va a be chao i se la vua Jatisena (skt): Xa e Thu NaName of a
cua vu tru hoac mot v Phat, tuy theo v nay Brahman, an ancient sage mentioned in the
theo uoi cuoc song cua mot v gia trng Nirvana Sutra, who converted to Buddhism after
hay cua mot ao s kho hanh. en gan ngay hearing a preaching from the BuddhaTen cua
sanh n, hoang hau tren ng ve Devadaha, mot v Ba La Mon, mot nha thong thai c Phat
ni cha me ba song, ba dng lai ngh ngi noi en trong Kinh Niet Ban, ngi a chu quy-y
di coi cay Ta La trong vn Lam Ty Ni. Phat sau khi nghe Phat thuyet giang.
Khi tien vao khu vn ba cam thay mnh
Jati-thero (p): An elder by birthSanh trng
chuyen da va mot cay Ta La to ln nhe
laoSee Three dharmas (XXXII).
nhang uon mnh xuong e ba. V Bo Tat
Javana (p): ImpulsionImpulsive karma-
t ben hong me hien ra, trong sach va tinh
producing momentsTien trnh thuc ay hay s
khiet, giong nh mot ngi t tren cau thang
nang ong (o cung chnh la luc ma nghiep c
ha dan xuong, va c cac v Pham Thien
thanh lap).
vao trong mot chiec li an bang si vang
rong. Quan sat mi phng, Ngai bc bay Jaya (skt): Conquering, a manual sign of
bc ve pha Bac va dong dac tuyen bo: Ta overcomingXa DaChe ng, dau hieu cua s
la chu cua the gian. ay la lan sinh cuoi cung che ng.
cua ta; ke t ay ta khong con tr lai vong Jayagupta (skt): Xa Da Cuc aA teacher of
sinh t. S i ky dieu nay c anh dau Hsuan-Tsang in SrughnaThay cua ngai Huyen
bi niem vui ln lao khap the gian: ngi mu Trang tai thanh Srughna.
co the nhn thay, ngi que quat co the i, Jayanta (skt): Xa Dien eConqueror, name of
ngi iec co the nghe, ngi cam co the noi. Siva and othersNgi che ng, ten cua Than
Chnh the gian cung tan dng bi v bien ca Siva va cac v Than khac.
bien thanh dong nc ngot va nam loai hoa Jayapura (skt): Xa Da Bo LaAccording to
sen phu ay khap mat at. Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
Jati (p): Xa eSanhBirth or rebirthThe Buddhist Terms, Jayapura, an ancient city in the
final outcome of karmaProductionForm of Punjab, probably the present Hasaurah, 30 miles
existenceThe eleventh in the chain of the north-west of LahoreTheo Trung Anh Phat Hoc
NidanasMac xch th mi mot trong 12 mac T ien, Xa Da Bo La, mot thanh pho co nam
xch nhan duyenSee Twelve conditions of trong khu Punjab, khoang 30 dam ve pha tay bac
cause and effect, Twelve links chain of dependent cua Lahore.
origination, Twelve links of cause and effect, Jayasena (skt): Xa Da Te NaA noted Buddhist
Twenty-four non-interactive activity dharmas, and scholar of the Vedas, a native of west IndiaMot
Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa. hoc gia Phat giao noi tieng ve Kinh Ve a, ngi
Jatijara (skt): Xa e Xa LaBirth and mien tay An o.
decrepitude (aging)Sanh va lao. Jayata (skt): To Xa da aXa Da aThe
Jatikkhayam (p): One who has destroyed all the Indian twentieth patriarchV to th 20 cua An
causes of being rebornBac a diet c het o. **See Twenty eight Indian Patriarchs.
nhan a en tai sanh. Jayendra (skt): Xa Da Nhan a LaA
Jatimdhara (skt): Jatimdhara (skt)Tr Thuy monastery of Pravarasenapura, now Srinagar,
A physician who adjusted prescriptions and diet to KashmirT vien Xa Da Nhan a La
the seasons; reborn as SuddhodanaMot v lng Pravarasenapura, bay gi la Srinagar, thuoc
y a ieu chnh toa thuoc va thc an trong cac Kashmir.
mua cho benh nhan, sau nay tai sanh lam Tnh Jealous (a): Ganh t.
Phan Vng.

Jealousy (n): Irshya (skt)Tat oGanh ghet afterwards it was rebuilt on the earlier scale, but a
Jealousy means to be jealous of another person century later entirely destroyedTai thanh Xa
thinking he or she has more talent than we do (to Ve (Sravasti) co v trng gia giau co ten Tu at
become envious of the who surpass us in one way a (Sudatta), lai cung co ten la Cap Co o
or other). Jealousy can be a consuming fire in our (Anathapindika), ngi a mua khu vn cua
mind, a state of suffering. In meditation, if we Thai T Ky a e kien lap mot khu tnh xa cao
want to eliminate jealousy, we should see and rong trang nghiem mang ten Ky Tho Cap Co oc
feel it without judgment or condemnation for Vien. Ong cung thnh c Phat va e t cua Ngai
judgment and condemnation only nourish jealousy an c kiet ha va giang thuyet Phat phap tai a
in our mindGanh t la tat o ngh rang ngi phng. Tu at a la v ho phap trung thanh cua
khac co tai hn mnh. Ganh t co the la ngon la Phat giao thi bay gi). Khu vn gan thanh Xa
thieu ot tam ta. ay la trang thai kho au. Trong Ve, ngi ta noi trng gia Cap Co oc a mua
thien quan, neu chung ta muon oi tr ganh t lai t tay thai t Ky a, trong o nhng khu tnh
chung ta can nhn thay va cam nhan no ma khong xa c xay dng len, la ni ma c Phat thch
phe bnh hay len an v phe bnh va len an ch lam ghe ve ngh ngi nhat. Theo Giao S Soothill
tang trng long ganh t trong ta ma thoiSee trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien (da theo
Fifty-one Dharmas interactive with the Mind. Phap Uyen Chau Lam tap 39), vn Ky Tho gan
Jealous contempt: Khinh o. thanh Vng Xa, c cung dng cho Phat va
Tang oan cua Ngai bi Thai t Ky a va nha ty
Jetaka (skt): Sadvahana (skt)Th Dien ac
phu Cap Co oc. Ngi ta noi Ngai Cap Co oc
CaSa a Ba Han NaA king of southern
a mua lai khu vn nay t Thai t Ky a bang
Kosala, patron of NagarjunaQuoc vng cua x
vang, xay dng tnh xa, roi cung dng cho c
Nam Kosala.
Phat. Thai t Ky a rat cam ong trc ngha c
Jetavana Garden: Jetavanarama (skt)Ky Tho
ay nen ong ben hien tat ca nhng cay va khoan
Cap Co oc VienA park near Sravasti, said to
at con lai. Chnh v vay ma khu vn ni Phat
have been obtained from prince Jeta by the elder
thng hay thuyet phap nay co ten oi cua hai v
Anathapindika, in which monasterial buildings
th chu la Ky Tho Cap Co oc Vien (tc la cay
were erected, one of the favorite resorts of
cua thai t Ky a va vn cua ong Cap Co oc).
Sakyamuni Buddha. According to Professor
ay la khu an c kiet ha ma c Phat rat thch.
Soothill in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
Hai tram nam sau o ca khu vn va tnh xa b
Buddhist Terms, Jetavana Garden, or Garden of
thieu rui, 500 nam sau c xay lai nho hn, va
Jeta and Anathapindika is a park near Sravasti,
roi mot the ky sau lai b ot chay rui lan na;
bought by Anathapindika from prince Jeta, which
mi ba nam sau o c xay lai bang khu tnh
was offered to the Buddha and his Sangha as a
xa nguyen thuy, nhng mot the ky sau o lai b
result of the collaboration of Prince Jeta and
huy diet (Ve phng bac nc Kieu Tat La).
billionaire Anathapindika. It is said to have been
Jetavana Monastery (skt): Ky vien Tnh Xa
obtained from Prince Jeta by the elder
The a LamJetavanaJeta GroveName of
Anathapindika. Anathapindika paid for Prince
an Indian Buddhist monastery located at Sravasti.
Jetas garden in gold, erected monasterial
Jetavana Garden resulted from the collaboration
buildings, and donated it to the Buddha. Prince
of Prince Jeta and billionaire Anathapindika and
Jeta was very moved with this, thus he donated all
was made as an offering to the Buddha. According
the trees and another parcel of land to the
to Eitel from The Dictionary of Chinese-English
Buddha. Thus the double name for the site where
Buddhist Terms, this is the seven-storey abode
the Buddha preached his teachings: The Garden
and park presented to Sakyamuni by
of Jeta and Anathapindika. This garden was the
Anathapindaka, who bought it from the prince
favourite resort of Sakyamuni. Two hundred years
Jeta. It was a favourite resort of the Buddha, and
later it is said the park has been destroyed by fire,
most of the sutras date from this spot. The
rebuilt smaller 500 years after, and a gain a
millionaire Sudatta, he was given the epithet
century later burnt down; thirteen years

Anathapindika because he always helped the Stupas of BuddhismNgoi thap tai Vn Ky a

orphans and the Solitary. After discussing with thuoc nc Xa Ve, ni Phat hien than thong. ay
prince Jeta, Anathapindika went back home to la mot trong tam ngoi thap thieng ln cua Phat
being gold to buy the garden and donated the site giaoSee Eight great spiritual or sacred stupas.
to the Buddha. In fact, the site was selected by Jetavana-vihara: Tnh Xa Ky Tho Cap Co
Sariputra, who spent the last twenty-five rainy ocKy Tho Cap Co oc VienSee Jetavana
season retreats of his life there. It was also the Monastery and Anathapindika.
Buddhas favorite retreat, and he spent nineteen Jetavaniya (skt): Caityaka (skt)Che a Sn
rainy season retreats at Jetavana. Jetavana is also BoChi e Gia BoCh e Kha BoChe a
the name of a monastery in Sri Lanka, built by Sn BoSee Caityaka.
king Mahasena (334-362) for Mahayana monks. It
Jetr (skt): Jeta (skt)The aKe Chien
maintained a separate Nikaya until the twelfth
ThangVictorSon of king Prasenajit of Kosala,
century, when king Parakramabahu I ordered it to
previous owner of the JetavanaCon trai vua Ba
amalgamate with the Mahavihara nikayaTen
T Nac cua x Cau Tat La, la chu trc ay cua
cua mot ngoi tnh xa Phat giao tai An o toa lac
The a Lam (ngay thai t chao i cung la ngay
trong thanh Xa Ve (ngoi chua gan thanh Savatthi
ma vua Ba T Nac va chien thang ch quan,
mien bac An o, ni c Phat thng day ao).
nen thai t mang ten Ke Chien Thang.). **See
Vn Ky Tho Cap Co oc la ket qua cua s hp
tac cung dng len Phat cua Thai t Ky a va
Jetrjeta (skt): Thai t Ky a.
trng gia Cap Co oc. Theo Eitel trong Trung
Anh Phat Hoc T ien cua Giao S Soothill, ay Jetrjeta-Vihara (skt): Ky a Tnh xa.
la tnh xa bay tng cung vi cong vien ma ngai Jetsun Dampa Hutukhtu (tib): The major
Cap Co oc a mua t Thai T Ky a e hien reicarnate lama of Mongolian Buddhism. The first
cho Phat. ay la ni an c ma c Phat rat thch, was Odur Gegen (1635-1723), whose monastic
cung la ni ma nhieu bo kinh a c Phat thuyet seat was Erdini Juu. Khutukhtu is the Mongolian
giang. Nha trieu phu Sudatta c ngi ta ban equivalent noble or wise. The traditional seat
cho danh hieu Cap Co oc v ong thng giup of these lamas was Da Khuree, now known as
nhng tre mo coi va ngi co oc. Sau khi thao Ullan Bator. The eighth member of the lineage
luan vi thai t Ky a, Cap Co oc ben lay vang died in 1924 after serving as the countrys
ti mua ngoi vn va hien cho c Phat. Ky that, temporal ruler following Mongolian independence
a iem nay do ngai Xa Li Phat lc chon va from China, but when the Communists re-
ngai a trai qua hai mi lam lan an c kiet ha tai established control the lineage was banned, and
ay. ay cung la ni ma c Phat rat thch, v so there is currently no officially recognized
chnh Ngai cung a trai qua 19 mua an c tai successor in Mongolia. Despite this, in 1991 the
vn Ky Tho nay. Ky Vien cung la ten cua mot fourteenth Dalai Lama publicly announced that
ngoi tnh xa Tch Lan c vua Mahasena xay Jambel Namdrol Chogi Gyeltsen (1929 - ) is the
dng cho ch Tang phai ai Tha. Phai nay co he ninth member of the lineage. He was born in
kinh ien rieng cho en the ky th 12 khi vua Lhasa and studied with teachers from all four of
Parakramabahu e nhat ra lenh cho phai nay nhap the main orders of Tibetan Buddhism prior to
vao phai Nguyen Thuy. fleeing the country in 1959 following the Chinese
Jetavaniyah (skt): Jetiyasailah (skt)Ch at invasion and annexation of Tibet. His identity as
School of the dwellers on Mount Jeta or school of the rJe btsun giam pa was not officially
Jetrvana, a subdivision of SthavirahTrng phai announced until after the fall of the Soviet Union.
cua nhng ngi tren nui Ch at, mot tong phai Mongolian hagiography (Thanh Nhan Liet
cua Thng Toa Bo. Truyen), for example in a Chinese work entitled
Meng-ku I-sheh, which traces the lineage back
Jetavana stupa: The stupa in Jetavana, where
through fifteenth incarnations prior to Odur Gegen
the Buddha revealed his supernatural powers.
and claims that the first of the series lived during
This is one of the eight Great Spiritual or Sacred

the time of Sakyamuni Buddha. The fifteenth was Jewelled-Appearance Buddha: Phat Bao
the great Tibetan historian Taranatha (1575-1634). Tng.
The identification of Odur Gegen as the Jewel Cloud: Bao VanPao-Yun, a monk of
reincarnation of Taranatha was reported first Liang-Chou, who travelled to India around 397
made by the fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Losang A.D., returned to Chang-An, and died in 449, at
Gyatso (1617-1682)V Lat Ma tai sanh chnh the age of 74Bao Van la ten cua mot nha s
cua Phat giao Mong Co. V au tien la Odur Trung Quoc, que Lng Chau, a du hanh sang
Gegen, tu vien cua ong la Erdini Juu, Khutukhtu An o vao khoang nam 397 sau Tay Lch, tr ve
la t ng Mong Co tng ng vi Cao thng Trng An, chet nam 449, tuoi 74.
va khon ngoan. Tru s cua truyen thong cua
Jewel Cloud Scripture: Kinh Bao Van.
nhng v Lat Ma nay Da Khuree, ma bay gi la
Jewel collection: Bao tuJewel-collection; a
Ullan Bator. V truyen tha th 8 th tch nam
collection of precious things, e.g. the Buddhist
1924 sau khi phuc vu trong chnh phu oc lap lam
religionao Phat la ton giao tch tu nhng g
thi cua Mong Co sau khi thu hoi nen oc lap t
quy bau nen goi la Bao Tu.
tay cua ngi Trung Hoa, nhng khi che o Cong
San tai thiet lap s kiem soat th dong truyen tha Jewel-Heap Sutra: Kinh ai Bu TchSee
nay b ngan cam, va nh vay hien tai khong co Ratnakuta Sutra.
ngi ke v c cong nhan chnh thc tren at Jewelled-Flower-Virtue Buddha: Phat Bao
Mong Co. Du vay, vao nam 1991 c at Lai Hoa c.
Lat Ma i th 14 cong khai tuyen bo Jambel Jewel land: Bao SJewel placeTreasure
NamdrolChogi Gyeltsen la truyen tha th chn landThe place of precious things, i.e. the
cua truyen thong. V nay c sanh ra tren at perfect NirvanaBao s la ni cha nhng chau
Tay Tang va theo hoc vi 4 trng phai chnh cua bau, nh Niet Ban Vo D.
Phat giao Tay Tang trc khi ao thoat khoi Tay Jewel-like state: Nh thiet truAccording to the
Tang theo sau cuoc xam lang va sap nhap Tay Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter 38, there are
Tang vao trung quoc vao nam 1959. Than phan ten kinds of jewel-like state in unexcelled
cua ong nh la v truyen tha rJe btsun giam pa complete perfect enlightenment. Enlightening
khong c chnh thc cong bo cho en sau ngay Beings who abide by these can attain the jewel of
che o So Viet sup o. Mong Co Theo Thanh supreme great knowledge and wisdom of
Liet Truyen, trong mot tac pham Trung Hoa co BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38, co
nhan e Meng-ku I-sheh, truy ngc tr ve 15 mi th nh thiet tru ni vo thng Bo e. Ch
lan tai sanh trc Odur Gegen va tuyen bo rang Bo Tat an tru trong phap nay thi c ai tr hue
dong tai sanh au tien a song trong thi Phat con bu vo thng cua ch PhatSee Ten kinds of
tai the. Dong th 15 la nha s hoc v ai cua Tay jewel-like state in unexcelled complete perfect
Tang Taranatha. Viec nhan ra Odur Gegen nh la enlightenment.
v tai sanh cua Taranatha c c at Lai Lat Jewel Nature Thus Come One: Bu Thang
Ma i th 5, la ngai Ngawang Losang Gyatso
Nh LaiAccording to the Earth Store
tng thuat au tien
Bodhisattva Sutra, Chapter 9, the Buddha taught:
Jewel (n): Bao chau. In the past, as many aeons ago as there are
1) Mani (skt)GemPearlPrecious stone grains of sand in the Ganges River, a Buddha
Bao chau. named Jewel Nature Thus Come One appeared in
2) Group of devoted Buddhists: In Korean the world. If a man or woman hears the name of
Buddhism, the term Jewel is used to this Buddha and in the space of a finger-snap
designate a small group of devoted Buddhist decides to take refuge, that person will never
disciplesTrong Phat giao Trieu Tien, t retreat from the unsurpassed pathTheo Kinh
Bao c dung e ch mot nhom nho nhng a Tang Bo Tat, pham th chn, c Phat day:
Phat t thuan thanh. Hang ha sa so kiep ve thu qua kh, co c Phat
ra i hieu la Bu Thang Nh Lai. Nh co ngi

nam ngi n nao c nghe danh hieu cua c Jhaqita (skt): Le hoa tang hay tra ty
Phat ay, phat tam quy-y vi Phat trong khoang Cremation.
khay mong tay, ngi nay tron han khong con Ji (jap): Thi Tong (Phat giao Nhat Ban).
thoi chuyen ni ao Vo thng Chanh ang
Jiang-Tien Tsu: Giang Thien TThe River
Chanh giac.
and Sky monastery on Golden Island, Ching-
Jewel-tree: Bao ThuThe jewel-trees of the Jiang, Jiang-SuChua Giang Thien tren nui Kim
Pure LandCay quy ni coi Tnh o. Sn thuoc Thanh Giang, tnh Giang To.
Jewelled-accumulation sutra: Ratnakuta-sutra Jiei-Daishi (jap): T Tue ai S (912-985).
(skt)Kinh Bao TchSee Ratnakuta-sutra.
Jigoku (jap): Naraka (skt)a NgucPlace of
Jewelled appearance Buddha: Bao Tng tormentSee Hell.
PhatSee Jeweled Apearance Thus Come One.
Jihva (skt): ThietLiTongueSee
Jeweled Apearance Thus Come One: a Bu Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
Nh LaiAccording to the Earth Store
Jihva-rasa (skt): The place of the tongue and
Bodhisattva Sutra, Chapter 9, in the past, a
tasteThiet V XSee Twelve entrances (II).
Buddha named Jeweled Apearance Thus Come
Jihva-vijnana (skt): TastingTaste
One appeared in the world. If a man or woman
consciousnessThiet thcSee Eight
hears this Buddhas name and gives rise to a
consciousnesses (I) (A).
thought of respect, that person will, before long,
attain the fruit of ArhatshipTheo Kinh a Tang Jihvendriya (skt): TongueThiet canSee
Bo Tat, pham th chn, vo lng vo so hang ha sa Twenty two roots.
kiep ve thu qua kh co c Phat ra i hieu la Jijuyo (jap): T tho dung tam muoiA Japanese
a Bu Nh Lai. Nh co ngi nam ngi n nao Buddhist term for The state of natural balance
nghe en danh hieu cua c Phat ay, sanh long (which we experience when making effort without
cung knh, khong bao lau ngi ay se ang qua A an intentional aim)Thuat ng Phat giao Nhat
La Han. Ban co ngha la T tho dung tam muoi (trang
Jewelled canopy: Bao cai (tang long quy bao). thai chung ta kinh qua khi no lc tu tap khong vi
mot muc tieu nh trc).
Jewelled flower virtue Buddha: Bao Hoa c
Phat. Jikai-Bongyo (jap): Brahma-carya (skt)To
remain unmarried and to keep commandments
Jewelled nets: Li e Chau.
Tr gii pham hanh.
Jhana (p): Nhap nhMeditative absorption
Jikaku-Daishi (jap): T Giac ai S (Nhat
A state of serene contemplation atained by
meditationNhap nh hay tang thien (trang thai
an tnh cua tam at c qua thien nh. ac tnh Jikkai (jap): The ten realms, or states of
cua tam co kha nang dnh chat tren oi tng va existenceSee Ten realms.
quan sat oi tng, ot chay phien nao). Jikokuten (jap): Dhritarashatra (skt)Tr Quoc
Jhana samma ditthi (p): Chanh kien trong cac Thien Vng.
tang thien. ay la chanh kien khi sinh trong tam Jimon (jap): Phai T Sn (Nhat Ban).
tang thien nh, khong phai trong thien minh sat. Jimyo (jap): Tsu-Ming, a noted monk of the Sung
Jhapita (skt): Xa LaHoa tang. dynastyT Minh S Vien Thien S, mot v s
1) A monks funeral pyreTra Ty. noi tieng i nha TongSee Tzu-Ming-Chu-
2) CremationHoa tangCremation, the relics Yuan.
being buried, one of the four methods of bury Jina (skt):
(Hoa tang: Fire, Thuy tang: Water, Tho tang: 1) Friend of the Jina, or, having the Jina for
Ground, Lam tang: Buried in the forest) friend, or to take refuge in the Triratna:
Ngi chet em thieu, con lai tro cot em Thang HuLam ban vi ngi chien thang,
chon, mot trong bon loai ma chay. y noi ve quy y Phat.

2) The name of an eloquent monk of Nalanda, place of realization? Liang-Shan pointed to a

around 630 A.D., author of Sarvastivadah- painting of Kuan-Yin and said: This was
vinaya-sangraha, translated into Chinese in painted by Wu-Chu. Ta-Yang was about to
700 A.D.: Ten cua mot v Tang co tai hung speak when Liang-Shan cut him off, saying:
bien tai tu vien Na Lan a, vao khoang nam Does this have form? Where is the form?
630 sau Tay Lch, tac gia cua bo ai Chung At these words, Ta-Yang awakened. He then
Bo Luat, c dch sang Hoa ng khoang bowed. Liang-Shan said: Why dont you say
nam 700 sau Tay Lch. something? Ta-Yang said: Its true I dont
3) Victorious One: Thang giaVictor, he who speak, and I fear putting it to brush and
overcome, a title of every Buddha; name of paper."Liang-Shan laughed and said:
various persons; the Jaina religion; the Engrave the words on a stone memorial.
JainsDch la Thang, ch ngoi Phat ton quy, Ta-Yang then offered the following verse:
con co ngha la giao phai Ky Na. Formerly my means of studying the Way
Jinadhatu (skt): Buddhas relics (hard substance was confused,
left after the cremation of the body)Phat Xa Li Seeking understanding among myriad
hay xa li cua Phat (chat cng con lai sau le tra streams and countless mountains.
ty cua c Phat). But immediate clarity is not found by sorting
Jinamitra (skt): Thang HuThe name of an throught the past.
eloquent monk of Nalanda, around 630 A.D., Directly speaking no mind engendered
author of Sarvastivadah-vinaya-sangraha, more delusion.
translated into Chinese in 700 A.D.Ten cua mot Then, a teacher revealed my situation upon
v Tang co tai hung bien tai tu vien Na Lan a, leaving Qin,
vao khoang nam 630 sau Tay Lch, tac gia cua bo Illuminating the time before my parents
ai Chung Bo Luat, c dch sang Hoa ng birth.
khoang nam 700 sau Tay Lch. And now, everything realized, what has
been attained?
Jinaputra (skt):
The night frees crow and cock to fly with the
1) Sons of the Victorious One, meaning
BodhisattvasThang gia t hay Phat t (con
Liang-Shan said: Here the Tong-Shan line
cua Phat), co ngha la cac v Bo Tat.
is entrusted. In time, Jing-Xuans reputation
2) Author of the Yogacaryabhumi-sastra-karika,
spread widely.
translated by Hsuan-Tsang around 654 A.D. :
Lan au tien gap g Lng Sn, s hoi: The
Than Na Phat at LaV Luan S a viet
nao la ao trang vo tng? Lng Sn ch
bo Du Gia S a Thch Luan, ngai Huyen
Bo Tat Quan Am, noi: Cai nay la do Ngo
Trang a dch sang Hoa ng vao khoang nam
X S ve. S suy ngh e tien ng. Lng
654 sau Tay Lch.
Sn nhanh nhau noi: Cai nay co tng, cai
Jinayasas (skt): Th Na Da XaA noted monk
kia khong tng. S nhn o tnh ngo, lien
from IndiaMot v Tang noi tieng ngi An.
le bai. Lng Sn hoi: Sao khong noi lay
Jing Hsuan Ta Yang Zen Master: Knh mot cau? S tha: Noi th chang t, s e
Huyen ai Dng Thien SZen master Jing- tren giay mc. Lng Sn ci, bao: Li
Xuan-Ta-YangZen master Jing-Hsuan (Xuan) nay van con ghi tren bia. S dang ke rang:
was born in 943 in Hubei Province. He was a Nga tch s c hoc ao me
disciple of Zen master Liang-Shan-Yuan-Kuan Van thuy thien sn mch kien tri
Thien S Knh Huyen sanh nam 943, que tai tnh Minh kiem bien co chung nan hoi
Ho Bac, e t cua Thien S Lng Sn Duyen Trc thuyet vo tam chuyen canh nghi.
Quan. Mong s iem xuat Tan thi canh
* Upon Ta-Yangs first meeting with Liang- Chieu kien phu mau v sanh th
Shan, Ta-Yang asked: What is the formless Nh kim giac lieu ha s ac

Da phong o ke i tuyet phi Jion-Daishi (jap): T An ai SAnother name

(Con xa hoc ao c sai lam of Tripitaka Master Hsuan-TsangBiet hieu cua
Muon nui ngan song kiem thay nghe Ngai Huyen Trang Tam Tang Phap S.
Luan co ban kim cang kho hoi Jiriki (skt): To strive with ones own power to
Noi thang vo tam lai sanh nghi. cultivate and attain enlightenment. Jiriki is
Nh thay ch ro thi Tan knh apposed to Tariki. Tariki means to rely on others
Soi thay cha me luc cha sanh power to attain enlightenment (place ones trust
Hien nay giac ngo au con ac merely in the Buddha such as reciting or calling
em tha ga en trong tuyet bay). upon the name of Amitabha Buddha to ensure
Lng Sn bao: Co the lam hng thnh tong bringing about rebirth in his paradise)Sc manh
Tao ong. ca nhan nham at ti ai giac, khac vi Tariki
* A monk asked Ta-Yang: What is a phrase ngha la tin vao tha lc (niem Ten Phat A Di a
that penetrates the dharmakaya? Ta-Yang e c bao am sanh vao Tnh o).
said: Red dust rises from the bottom of the
Jisetsu (jap): Udana (skt)T thuyet
sea. Rivers flow sideways at Mountain
Spontaneous preachingImpromptu
Sumerus summit.V Tang hoi: The nao
UnsolicitedOne part of the scriptures spoken
la cau ai Dng thau phap than? S ap:
voluntarily and not in reply to questions or
ay bien ai dng bui hong day, tren nh
appeals, one of the twelve parts of the Buddhist
Tu Di nc chay ngang.
scripturesMot trong mi hai bo Kinh Tieng
* A monk asked Ta-Yang: What is Ta-
Phan goi la u a Na, tc la Vo Van T
Yangs state of being? Ta-Yang said: A
Thuyet ngha la Phat t thuyet e ran chung ch
gaunt crane and an old ape call across the
khong phai tra li cho cau hoi nao.
valley in harmony. A slender pine and the
Jishu (jap): The Shih School in JapanThi
cold bamboo are enveloped in blue mist.
TongA Japanese sect, whose members by
The monk said: What about the person in
dividing day and night into six periods of worship
that state? Ta-Yang said: What are you
seek immortality. The Shih School in Japan was
doing? What are you doing? The monk
founded in 1276 by I-Bien (1238-1289). He set
asked: What is the masters family style?
forth the rule of reciting the hymns of Shan-Tao
Ta-Yang said: A full pitcher that cant be
six times every day, hence the name time. In
emptied. Across the great earth, no one
theory, he derived his idea from the Lotus Sutra
hungry.Mot v Tang hoi Knh Huyen:
as did Liang-Ran of Yuzunembutsu, but in
The nao la canh ai Dng? S ap: Hac
practice he followed Kung-de who invented a
coi vn lao keu hang doi, tung gay truc lanh
popular dance for the popularization of the Amita-
toa khoi xanh. V s hoi: The nao la ngi
faith. Thus the school has a totally different
trong canh? Knh Huyen hoi: Lam g? Lam
feature from the other schools of Amita-pietism. I-
g? V Tang lai hoi: The nao la gia phong
Bien is said to have visited Kumano Shrine in Kii
ai Dng? Knh Huyen ap: Bnh ay
in 1275 where he was inspired by a holy verse of
nghieng chang o, khap ni chang ngi
four lines which he believed to have come from
the deity of the shrine. Each of the first three lines
Jinko (jap): Agaru (skt)Fragrance of the aloe
was headed by a numeral 6, 10, and 10,000 and
woodTram hng.
the last line by people, altogether making up six
Jinshu (jap): Shen-Hsiu (606-706)Than Tu hundred thousand people. At once he made up his
See Shen-Hsiu. mind to save that number of people by a
Jinsoku (jap): Rddipada (skt)Mystical power propagation of the Amita-faithCon goi la Luc
Than Tuc ThongSee Supernatural power. Thi Vang Sanh Tong, tong phai Phat Giao Nhat
Jinzu (jap): Abhijna (skt)Mystical power Ban lay ngay em 6 gi chuyen tu phep vang
Supernatural facultyThan ThongSee sanh (lay phep tu cua ngai Thien ao lam nghiep
Supernatural power. nhan vang sanh). Thi Tong c Nhat Bien

(1238-1289) sang lap tai Nhat nam 1276. Ong neu paramita-hrdaya. Moreover, he attempted to
ra nghi thc tung niem cua Thien ao, 6 thi restore the Sanskrit text of the Prajnanaya from
trong ngay. Do o ma co ten la Thi Tong. Tren its Chinese version. This was a remarkable
ly thuyet, ong lay t Kinh Phap Hoa, cung nh attempt and probably the first of its kind in the
Lng Nhan cua phai Dung Thong Niem Phat, world. Jiun Sonja called his collection of articles
nhng khi thc hanh ong lai theo cach cua Ngai on Sanskrit study Bongaku-Shinryo (A Guide to
Khong Da, la ngi sang lap ra loi mua ca bnh Sanskrit Study). Some important parts of his
dan e pho bien tn ngng Di a. Do o ma tong collection were published in 1953 at Osaka to
nay co sac thai hoan toan khac biet vi cac tong commemorate the 150th anniversary of his
khac cua Di a giao. Theo truyen thuyet th Nhat deathMot hoc gia Phat giao ngi Nhat Ban
Bien co en mieu Hung Da Ky Y nam 1275, noi tieng vao the ky th 18. Ong t hoc tieng
ni nay ong c gi bi mot bai ke ma ong tin Phan di thi tien Minh Tr Thien Hoang, khong
rang do ni cac than linh trong mieu nay tao nen. phai do anh hng cua cac hoc gia Tay phng
Moi mot trong ba cau cua bai ke eu bat au hay hoc gia An o ng thi. Ong la mot Tang
bang so 6, 10, va 10.000 theo th t, va cau chot s thuoc phai Chan Ngon. Tong phai nay c
bang ch dan cong chung lai la 600.000 dan. biet qua truyen thong hoc tieng Phan e oc than
Tc th ong lap nguyen phai cu o cho c mot chu. Viec hoc nay c goi la Shittan (oc trai t
so chung sanh nhieu nh the, bang cach truyen ba ch Siddham, co ngha la s thanh tu hay at
tn ngng naySee Shan Tao. en giao ly cao sieu). Luc con nho d nhien la
Jiso (jap): PhenomenonAffairPractice. ong a hoc th than chu nay, nhng khong lay
S Tng (Cac phap hu vi hay cac hien tng co lam thoa man nen t ong a hoc Phan ng va viet
sanh co diet). nhieu bai bao ve van pham Phan ng. Cung thi
Jito (jap): N hoang Tr Thong (Nhat Ban). gian nay, ong oc cac van ban tieng Phan chua
Horyuji cung nh cac chua khac, roi so sanh vi
Jitsu (jap): S Thi Tong (786-847).
cac ban van bang tieng Hoa. Sau o ong cho cong
Jiun (jap): S T VanSee Jiun Sonja.
bo cac ban tieng Phan cua 3 bo kinh Lac Hu
Jiun Sonja (1718-1804): A eminent Japanese Trang Nghiem Kinh, Bat Nha Ba La Mat a
Buddhist scholar in the eighteenth century. He Tam Kinh, va Bhdracari-nama-
studied Sanskrit by himself in the pre-Meiji period aryasamantabhadra-pranidhana. Ngoai ra, ong
without being subjected to the influence of con muon sa lai ban tieng Phan cua bo
contemporary Western scholars or Indian pandits. Prajnanaya t van ban bang tieng Hoa. ay la
Jiun Sonja was a monk of the Shingon Sect. This mot no lc ang ke va co le c xep hang au
sect was known for its tradition of learning ve lanh vc nay tren the gii. Ong at ten cho bo
Sanskrit characters in order to read the dharanis. s tap cac bai viet cua ong ve viec hoc tieng
This study was called Shittan Gaku (Shittan is Phan la Sach Hng Dan Hoc Tieng Phan. Mot
the transliteration of siddham which means so noi dung quan trong cua bo su tap nay a
completion or the complete characters by which c in lai vao nam 1953 e ky niem lan th 150
the highest doctrine is described). Naturally he ngay gio cua ong.
learned this Shittan in his youth, but not being
Jiva (skt):
satisfied with this, he studied the Sanskrit
1) LifeLivehoodSinh menh.
language by himself and wrote several articles on
2) The deva of long life: Ky Ba ThienDch
Sanskrit grammar. At the same time, he read the
ngha la Menh Thien, hay la v tri trng
Sanskrit manuscripts of the Horyuji and other
monasteries, and compared them with their
Jivajita (skt): Cong mang.
Chinese versions. Afterwards he published
Sanskrit editions of three sutras, namely the Jivajivaka (skt): Garuda-Upagaruda, Jivajiva, or
Sukhavativyuha, the Bhdracari-nama- Jivanjiva (skt)Cong Menh ieuKy Ba
aryasamantabhadra-pranidhana, and the Prajna- ieuMenh Menh ieuSinh Sinh ieuA
bird said to have two heads on one body, i.e. mind

and perception differing, but the karma for both is daysTen cua mot v Than nuot trng thi gian
just one. A bird of parttridge family; there is a hay o dai cua ngay.
fable about such a bird having two heads; one Jivita-mada (skt): Hoat mang kieuThe great
called garuda and the other upagaruda. One intoxication of lifeSee Three dharmas
ate a delicious flower while the other was asleep; (XLVIII).
when the other awoke; it was so annoyed at not Jivita-mado (p): Hoat mang kieuIntoxication
sharing it that it ate a poisonous flower and the with ones prosperous lifeKieu man v co i
bird died; thus there is a Jekyll and Hyde in song sung tucSee Three dharmas (XLVIII).
everyoneLoai chim mot than hai au, v nh
Jivitendriya (skt): LifeMenh canSee
tam thc khac nhau nhng nghiep bao lai giong
Jivitindriya, and Twenty-four non-interactive
nhau. Kinh Niet Ban goi la Menh Menh ieu.
activity dharmas.
Kinh A Di a goi la Cong Menh ieu. Tieng
Jivitindriya (skt): AnimationBreath of life
Phan la Ky Ba Ky Ba, la mot loai chim mot than
Faculties of lifeLivelinessVitalityMang
hai au nui Tuyet An o. Co mot huyen thoai
can (c the vi ay u cac quan nang cua con
ve loai chim nay nh sau: Loai chim mot than hai
ngi)See Twenty two roots, and Fifty-two
au nay mot con goi la Ca Lau La, con kia la u
mental states.
Ba Ca Lau La. Mot con th an hoa thm khi con
kia ang ngu; khi thc giac, biet mnh khong c Jivitindriyam (p): Life facultyMang Can
chia xe hoa thm, con kia tc gian ben an mot See Fifty-two mental states.
loai hoa oc, ket qua la con chim b chet. Jizaiten (jap): Isvara (skt)God of Free Will
Jivaka (skt): Jiva (skt)HoatSong ong, linh T Tai ThienSee Deva and Isvaradeva.
hoatAliveLivingLivelyRevive Jnana (skt): Buddhi (skt)Tr TueKnowing
MovableThi Phc Ca. Becoming acquainted withKnowledgeHigher
1) One of the eight principal drugs; living, knowledge (derived from meditation on the one
making, or seeking a living, causing to live, Universal SpiritWisdom.
ect.: Mot trong tam loai thuoc. (I) An overview of :BuddhiTong quan ve tr
2) An illegitimate son of king Bimbisara by tue: Higher intellect or spiritual wisdom;
Amradarika, who resigned his claim to the knowledge of the ultimate truth (reality).
throne to Ajatasatru and practised medicine; a Jnana is the essential clarity and unerring
physician: Ngi con khong chanh thc cua sensibility of a mind that no longer clings to
vua Bnh Sa Vng vi Amradarika, khong concepts of any kind. It is direct and sustained
tranh ngoi v vi A Xa The ma hoc thuoc va awareness of the truth, for a Bodhisattva, that
ve sau tr thanh mot bac ai danh y. meaning and existence are found only in the
Jivati (p): Hay con tai the. interface between the components of an
unstable and constantly shifting web of
Jivatma (p): Tieu ngaMicrocosmic soul.
relationships, which is everyday life, while
Jivatman (skt): Vital principle of the body
prajna is the strength of intellectual
Than mang (than mang cua con ngi).
discrimination elevated to the status of a
Jivhavinnanam (p): Tongue-consciousness liberating power, a precision tool capable of
accompanied by equanimityThiet thc, ong slicing through obstructions that take the form
phat sanh cung tho xa. of afflictions and attachments to deeply
Jivita (skt): LifeCuoc songMang canTho engrained hereditary patterns of thought and
Mangi song (mot thi ky ma hi th c action. Jnana is a very flexible term, as it
gi khong dt)See Seventy-five dharmas of the means sometimes ordinary worldly
Abhidharma Kosa. knowledge, knowledge of relativity, which
Jivitakama (skt): Will to liveHam song. does not penetrate into the truth of existence,
Jivitakara (skt): Thi Ty a Ca LaName of a but also sometimes transcendental
spirit described as a devourer of life or length of knowledge, in which case being synonymous

with Prajna or Arya-jnanaTr tue nhan thc 1) A foolish man who knows that he is a fool, for
nhng hien tng va nhng qui luat cua that very reason a wise man; the fool who
chung. Jnana la s sang suot nam vng tat ca think himself wise, he is indeed a real fool
nhng thuyet giang c cha ng trong cac (Dharmapada 63): Ngu ma t biet ngu, tc la
kinh ien. Tr la tri giac trong sang va hoan tr, ngu ma t xng rang tr, chnh o mi that
hao cua tam, ni khong nam gi bat c khai la ngu.
niem nao. ay la s thc tnh trc giac va 2) An intelligent person associates with a wise
duy tr chan ly cho mot v Bo Tat, y ngha va man, even for a moment, he will quickly
s hien hu khong ch tm thay tren mat phan understand the Dharma, as the tongue tastes
gii gia nhng thanh to khong ben chac va the flavour of soup (Dharmapada 65): Ngi
lien tuc chuyen en mang li phc tap cua tr du ch gan gui ngi tr trong khoanh khac
cac moi quan he trong i song hang ngay, cung hieu ngay c Chanh phap, chang
trong khi tr la sc manh cua tr tue a en khac g cai li du mi tiep xuc vi canh
trang thai cua nang lc giai thoat, la dung cu trong khoanh khac, a biet ngay c mui v
chnh xac co kha nang uyen chuyen vt qua cua canh.
cac chng ngai cua hnh thc o nhiem va 3) Those who drink the Dharma, live in
cac chap thu tham can di truyen trong t happiness with a pacified mind; the wise man
tng va hanh ong. Jnana la mot t rat linh ever rejoices in the Dharma expounded by
ong v oi khi no co ngha la cai tr the gian the sages (Dharmapada 79): c uong nc
tam thng, cai tr cua tng oi khong tham Chanh phap th tam thanh tnh an lac, nen
nhap c vao chan ly cua hien hu, nhng ngi tr thng vui mng, a nghe Thanh
oi khi no cung co ngha la cai tr sieu viet, nhn thuyet phap.
trong trng hp nay no ong ngha vi Bat 4) Irrigators guide the water to where they want,
Nha (Prajna). fletchers bend the arrows, carpenters control
(II) The meanings of JnanaNgha cua Tr: their timber, and the wise control or master
1) Vidya (skt): Kien thcKnowledge. themselves (Dharmapada 80); Ngi ti
2) Vijnana (skt): Tr HueWisdom arising from nc lo dan nc, th lam cung ten lo uon
perception or knowingMindWit. cung ten, th moc lo nay mc o cay, con
3) Jnana (skt): Tr hue Bat NhaWisdom ngi tr th lo t ieu phuc lay mnh.
Paramitaoi vi ao ly cua het thay s vat 5) As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind;
co kha nang oan nh phai trai chanh ta likewise, the wise are not moved by praise or
Decision or judgment as to phenomena or blame (Dharmapada 81): Nh ngon nui kien
affairs and their principles, of things and their co, chang bao gi b gio lay, cung nh the,
fundamental laws. nhng li huy bang hoac tan dng chang
4) The difference between Buddhi and Jnana is bao gii lam lay ong ngi ai tr.
sometimes difficult to point out definitively, 6) Water in a deep lake is clear and still;
for they both signify worldly relative similarly, on hearing the Buddha teachings,
knowledge as well as transcendental the wise become extremely serene and
knowledge. While Prajna is distinctly pointing peaceful (Dharmapada 82): Nh nc ho sau,
out the transcendental wisdom: oi khi kho va yen lang trong sach, nhng ngi co tr
ma vach ra mot cach ro rang s khac biet tue sau khi nghe phap, tam ho cung thanh
gia Buddhi va Jnana, v ca hai eu ch cai tr tnh va yen lang.
tng oi cua the tuc cung nh tr sieu viet. 7) Good people give up all attachments, they
Trong khi Prajna ro rang la cai tr sieu viet. dont talk about sensual craving. The wise
(III) The Buddhas teachings on Jnana in the show neither elation nor depression;
Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve therefore, they are not affected by happiness
Tr trong Kinh Phap Cu: or sorrow (Dharmapada 83): Ngi lanh
thng xa la ma khong ban en nhng ieu

tham duc. Ke tr a xa la niem l mng lo, the bc vao bien ln nhat thiet trSee Eleven
nen chang con b lay ong v kho lac. minds that lead to enlightenment.
8) Neither for the sake of oneself, nor for the Jnana-darpanna (skt): Tr CanhThe objects
sake of another, a wise man does nothing (or states, or conditions) of wisdomVat the,
wrong; he desires not son, wealth, or kingdom hoan canh hay ieu kien ben ngoai lam moi gii
by doing wrong; he seeks his own success not cho tr quan sat (tr la cai tam nang quan, canh la
by unjust means, then he is good, wise and phap ben ngoai ta).
righteous (Dharmapada 84): Khong v tnh Jnana and dialectic power: Wisdom and
thien ha, cung khong v tnh mot ngi nao, dialectic powerTr Bien.
ngi tr khong lam bat c ieu g sai quay: 1) Wisdom and dialectic power: Tr tue va kha
khong nen cau con trai, s giau co, vng nang bien biet.
quoc bang viec sai quay; khong nen cau 2) A wise discrimination: S bien biet khon
mong thanh cong cua mnh bang nhng ngoan.
phng tien bat chanh. c vay mi that la 3) Argument from knowledge: S bien biet bang
ngi ao c, tr tue va ngay thang. tr tue.
9) Swans can only fly in the sky, man who has
Jnanagupta (skt): Xa Na Quat aA native of
supernatural powers can only go through air
Gabdhara, translated forty-three works into
by their psychic powers. The wise rise
Chinese A.D. 561-592Mot v s ngi x Kien
beyond the world when they have conquered
a La, mien bac An o, ngi a dch 43 bo kinh
all kinds of Mara (Dharmapada 175): Con
sang ch Han vao khoang nhng nam 561-592 sau
thien nga ch bay c gia khong trung,
Tay Lch (mot v Ty Kheo i Tran Tuy, ngi
ngi co than thong ch bay c khoi mat
vung bac An o).
at, duy bac ai tr, tr het ma quan mi bay
Jnana-kara (skt): Tr Tch.
c khoi the gian nay.
1) Accumulation of knowledge: S tch tu tr
Jnanam-anasrava (skt): Vo Lau Hue
Passionless or pure wisdom (knowledge or
2) Name of a Bodhisattva mentioned in the
enlightenment), which is free from the taint of
Wonder Lotus Sutra (Aksobhya Prajnakuta).
egotismTr hue thanh tnh, khong b o nhiem v
The eldest son of Mahabhijna. He is in the
v ky.
retinue of Prabhutratna: Ten cua mot v Bo
Jnana-candra (skt): Hue NguyetTr Nguyet. Tat c noi en trong Kinh Dieu Phap Lien
1) Knowledge bright as the moon: Tr tue sang Hoa. La con trng cua ai Thong Tr Thang
nh anh trang. Nh Lai. Tr Tch la quyen thuoc cua c a
2) Jnanacandra, name of a prince of Karashahr Bao Nh Lai.
who became a monk around 625 A.D. Author
Jnanam-anasrava (skt): Passionless or pure
of the non-Buddhist Vaisesika-nikaya-
wisdomTr hue thanh tnh, khong b o nhiem v
dasapadartha-sastra, wich was translated into
v ky (Vo lau tue hay tr tue giac ngo)Vo Lau
Chinese by Hsuan-TsangTr Nguyet la ten
HuePassionless or pure wisdom (knowledge or
cua mot v thai t ngi xuat gia tr thanh
enlightenment), which is free from the taint of
mot nha s vao khoang nam 625 sau Tay
egotismTr hue thanh tnh, khong b o nhiem v
Lch. Hue Nguyet la tac gia cua bo Ngoai
v ky.
ao Luan Thang Tong Thap Cu Ngha Luan,
Jnanam-lokottaram (skt): Xuat the gian tr
c Ngai Huyen Trang dch sang Hoa ng.
Super-worldly knowledgeSupreme supra-
Jnana-citta (skt): Tam Tr TueAccording to
worldly knowledgeXuat The Gian Thng
The Avatamsaka Sutra, this is one of the eleven
Thng TrSupreme supra-worldly knowledge
minds that lead to enlightenment. A wisdom-heart
is the Tathagata-knowledge which is obtained in
by which one can enter the great ocean of all-
the Kshanti, tranquil and most excellent, and it
knowledgeTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, ay la mot
gives birth to the most excellent meaning which
trong 11 tam dan en giac ngo. Tam nh o co

transcends all doingsXuat the gian thng party could not prevail upon the master to
thng tr la Nh Lai tr thanh tnh co c trong undertake a journey to Tibet. Jnanaprabha was not
s nhan biet ve nhan, tch tnh tuyet vi, va no one to be daunted by failure. He decided to send
tao ra y ngha tuyet vi nhat vt khoi moi hanh another party, but funds were lacking, so he went
ong. to the Gartog Province to collect gold. This
Jnanam-lokottaratam (skt): Xuat the gian probably refers to a place named Gartog, which
thng thng trSupreme supra-worldly was situated to the north of the Manasarovar lake
knowledgeSee Jnanam-lokottaram. and had a gold mine. It is recorded that the king of
Jnana-paramita (skt): Tr hue ba la matSee Gartog put him under arrest and held him up for a
Knowledge perfection. big ransom. When the news of Jnanaprabhas
arrest reached his son, Bodhiprabha (Byang-Chub-
Jnana-prabha (skt): Light of knowledgeTr
Od), he thought that he had collected enough
QuangName of a disciple of Silabhadra.
money to effect his release. The amount,
According to Prof. Bapat in the Twenty-Five
however, proved inadequate, but before he could
Hundred Years of Buddhism, in the middle of the
go back to obtain more money, he went to see his
ninth century A.D., the Tibetan Prince Ni-Ma-Gon
father in prison. Jnanaprabha said to his son: My
moved to the west and founded a new kingdom.
son! You know I am grown old. Even if I do not
One of his son became a monk named Tr Quang
die immediately, I am likely to do so within the
(Jnanaprabha). By Jnanaprabhas time, Tantrism
next ten years. So if you squander money on me,
had devoured all the religions of India. In spite of
we shall not be able to send for a scholar from
this, Jnanprabha himself was not attracted to
India. How splendid it would be if I were to die
Trantism. On the contrary, he wrote a book
for the sake of the great cause and you could send
against it. The Tantrics of Tibet believed that the
all the gold to India to fetch the scholar!
royal ascetic went to hell for writing this book.
Moreover, it is not certain that the king will
Jnanaprabha was the eldest son of the king of
release me even after he has received the
Guge (Shenshung) and had become a monk. He
stipulated amount of gold. So, my son, instead of
had read the scriptures, was a rationalist, and had
worrying about me, you had better send an
inherited from his forefathers a great faith in
emissary to Atisa. I am sure he will agree to come
Buddhism. He realized, however, that the task of
to Tibet, especially when he hears about my
combating the evils of Tantrism was so
present plight, for he will take pity on us. If for
stupendous that his single-handed efforts would
some reason he cannot come, then you should
not suffice. He therefore selected 21 intelligent
send for some other scholar who has worked
Tibetan youths, educated them for for ten years in
under him. Thus Jnanaprabha put his hand on his
the country, and then sent them to Kashmir for
son and blessed him as he took leave of him for
higher studies. None of these, however, could
the last time. After the last meeting with his
stand the rigours of the climate in Kashmir, and all
father, Bodhiprabha sent Upasaka Gun-Than-Po
of them died except Ratnabhadra (Rin-Chhen-
who had lived in India for two years to go to India
Zang-Po) and Suprajna (Legs-Pahi-Shes-Rab).
to invite Atisa Dipankara. After Dipankara was
Ratnabhadra is considered to be the greatest
told about Jnanaprabhas tragic story (the death of
translator in Tibet. When he returned at the end of
the royal ascetic), he was very moved and said:
his studies, Jnanaprabha was very delighted, but
There is no doubt that Jnanaprabha was a
the work of reform for which he had striven so
Bodhisattva, the Buddha to be, because he had
hard was too difficult for just one individual. He
sacrificed himself for the Dharma. I will fulfill his
came to a conclusion that since the students from
desire, but you must realize that the heavy
Tibet found it very difficult to stand the climate of
responsibility for 108 temples rests on my
India, it would be better if some scholars were to
shoulders. I have to be relieved of these duties.
come from India and work in Tibet. He decided to
Then only shall I be able to go to Tibet. In the
send a mission to go to India to invite Dipanakara
meantime, you must keep this gold. Dipankara
to Tibet. The mission failed, however, for the

informed Ratnakarasanti, the Chief Abbot of the thuyet phuc noi v luan s nay en Tay Tang. Tr
Mahavihara, about his intentions. Ratnakarasanti Quang khong phai la ngi de nan long. Ong
was first reluctant to let him go, but eventually he quyet nh c mot phai oan khac nhng tien a
allowed Dipankara to go to Tibet. When he stayed het, nen ong en tnh Gartog e thu gop vang.
in Tibet, more than thirty years, Atisa translated ay co le la mot ni co mo vang, nam vung
many books and wrote his famous work titled pha bac ho Manasarovar. Theo li ke lai th vua
Bodhipatha-pradipa. The Tibetan translation of x nay a bat gi ong va oi mot so tien chuoc
this book is still extant. Later, the great master ln. Khi con trai ong la Bodhiprabha (Byang-
Ratnabhadra, who had been sent by Jnanaprabha Chub-Od) hay tin cha mnh b bat, ong a gom
to Kashmir, became Atisas staunchest devotees c mot so tien tng la u e giai thoat cho
and assisted him in translating many important cha, song so tien o b xem la cha u. Trc khi
booksTen cua mot e t cua Luat S Gii quay tr ve lay them tien, ong en tham cha trong
Hien. Theo Giao s Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam tu, va Tr Quang a bao con: Con a biet la ta a
Tram Nam Phat Giao, vao gia the ky th chn, gia yeu roi. Neu khong chet bay gi th co le
hoang t Tay Tang la Ni Ma Gon i ve pha tay cung ch trong mi nam na thoi. Vay neu con
va xay dng mot vng quoc mi, mot trong phung ph tien bac v ta th chung ta khong the
nhng ngi con trai cua ong a tr thanh tu s nao mi c mot hoc gia t An o qua ay.
Phat giao va mang ten la Tr Quang. Vao thi cua That ep e biet bao neu ta c chet v mot muc
Tr Quang, Mat tong a thon tnh het moi ton giao ch cao ca va con dung toan bo so vang kia e
An o. Mac du the, ban than Tr Quang khong c ngi i An o rc mot hoc gia ve! Hn the
b Mat tong thu hut. Trai lai, ong con viet mot na, khong chac g v vua nay se tha ta ve sau khi
cuon sach chong lai phai nay. Cac tu s Mat tong nhan u so tien oi hoi. V the, con i, thay v lo
Tay Tang cho rang v hoang than nay phai xuong lang cho ta, con hay c mot s gia en gap ngai A
a nguc v toi viet cuon sach ph bang nay. Tr e Sa. Ta am bao rang ong ta se ong y en
Quang la con trai ca cua vua Guge (Shenshung) Tay Tang, nhat la khi c biet ve hoan canh
va a tr thanh mot Ty Kheo. Ong oc nhieu bo hien nay cua ta, v ong ay se oai thng chung
kinh, theo chu ngha duy ly va tha ke cua ong ta. Neu v mot ly do g ma ong ay khong en
cha mot s sung mo sau xa oi vi ao Phat. Tuy c th hay mi mot hoc gia khac a tng lam
nhien, ong nhan thay rang chong lai cai xau la viec di ong ta. The roi Tr Quang at tay len
mot nhiem vu rat ln lao, nhng no lc n oc vai con mnh, cau chuc khi hai cha con chia tay
cua ong se khong kham noi. Do o, ong chon lay nhau lan cuoi. Sau lan ay, Bodhiprabha lo tm mot
21 thanh nien Tay Tang thong minh, cho hoc s gia la u ba tac Gun-Than-Pa i An o, am
trong nc mi nam, roi gi en Kashmir e hoc ang trach nhiem ma cha a giao pho. Sau khi
len cao hn. The nhng khong mot ngi nao nghe ke lai ve cai chet bi tham cua Tr Quang, v
trong bon ho chu noi kh hau khac nghiet cua tu s hoang gia, ngai rat cam ong va noi: Chac
Kashmir va tat ca eu a bo mang, ngoai tr chan la ngai Tr Quang se tr thanh mot Bo Tat,
Ratnabhadra (Rin-Chhen-Zang-Po) va Suprajna mot c Phat se thanh, v ong ay a hy sinh ban
(Legs-Pahi-Shes-Rab). Ratnabhadra c xem la than cho Chanh Phap. Ta se ap lai nguyen vong
mot dch gia v ai nhat cua Tay Tang. Khi ong cua ong ay, nhng cac ngi phai thay la ta ang
ket thuc viec hoc tr ve th Tr Quang rat vui ganh tren vai ta trach nhiem oi vi 108 en
mng, nhng cong viec ma ong ang lam qua la chua. Hn na, ta con co nhieu viec khac phai lo.
vt qua sc cua mot ngi. Ong i en ket luan Phai mat 18 thang ta mi ri bo c cong viec
la do cac du hoc sinh t Tay Tang gi i khong nay. Ch en khi o ta mi co the i Tay Tang
chu noi kh hau khac nghiet cua An o, nen co c. Con bay gi th cac ngi c gi lay so
mot so hoc gia t An o en Tay Tang lam viec vang nay. Ratnakarasanti, tu vien trng, bat ac
th co hieu qua hn. Ong ben c mot phai oan d phai e cho A e Sa ra i. Trong thi gian lai
sang An o e mi A e Sa qua Tay Tang. Tay Tang, tren 30 nam, A e Sa a dch nhieu
Nhng phai oan nay a that bai v ho khong sach va viet mot tac pham noi tieng cua ong ta

e Bo e ao ang Luan. Ban dch ra tieng Xa Na Quat a. Ong a cung vi mot nha s
Tay Tang cua cuon sach nay hien van con. Sau khac dch sau bo kinh sang Han van.
nay, Ratnabhadra, c Tr Quang a i An du Jnaptidvitiya-karmavacana (skt): Bach Nhat
hoc ngay trc, tr thanh mot e t trung thanh Yet Ma.
va giup ngai A e Sa dch nhieu bo sach quan 1) To meet with the body (assembly) of monks
trong. to submit the proposal or work to be
Jnana and Prajna (skt): Tr Tue. undertaken during a ceremony: Bach Nhat
(I) The meanings of wisdomNgha cua Tr Mot lan bachMoi khi trong t vien co phap
Tue: s th Tang chung hop lai e e trnh e ngh.
1) Knowledge of things and realization of truth: 2) The assembly of monks discuss, consider and
S hieu biet ve van hu va thc chng chan explain as to how the proposal or work would
ly. be undertaken: Yet MaTang chung hop
a) Jnana (skt): TrKnowledge of thingsS ban, can nhac va giai thch xem coi e ngh
hieu biet ve van hu. co nen c thc hanh hay khong.
b) Prajna (skt): TueThe realization of truth Jnasaki (skt): Nang lc tr nangIntellectual
Thc chng chan ly. faculty.
2) Wisdom is based on right understanding and Jnatiputra (skt): Nha e TNirgranthajnati,
right thought: Tr tue da vao chanh kien va one of the six heterodox teachers in India at the
chanh t duy. time of the BuddhaNi Kien Nha e T, mot
(II) Categories of wisdomPhan loai Tr: trong sau v s ngoai ao An o trong thi c
1) There are two kindsHai loai tr tue: Phat con tai the. ** See Six heterodox teachers.
a) Partial, temporary, or relative knowledge of
Jneyavarana (skt): S Tri ChngTr ngai
reality: Quyen ao tr.
cua tri thcHindrance of knowledgeThe
b) Prajna wisdom: The absolute truth or reality
intellectual hindranceWorldly wisdom which
instead of the seemingBat Nha tr.
assumes seeming as real which is a hindrance to
** For more information, please see Two kinds
true wisdom (the barrier of the known, arising
of wisdom.
from regarding the seeming as real), generally
2) Two kinds of Perfect and Complete
coupled with Klesavarana, hindrance of
Tathagata-wisdom: Nh Tr Vien ManSee
passionsThe gian tr thng coi s vat nh that
Two kinds of Tathagata-wisdom.
la mot chng ngai cho chan tr, thng i kem
3) Three kinds of wisdom: Tam TrSee Three
vi phien nao chng (tr ngai cua cac phien
kinds of wisdom.
nao). ** See Two hindrances (A) (2).
4) Four kinds of wisdom: T TrSee Four
Jo (jap): Samadhi (skt)The balanced state
See nh.
5) Five kinds of wisdom: Ngu TrSee Five
kinds of knowledge. Jodo-Nembutsu (jap): Niem Phat Tnh o Tong
(Nhat Ban).
Jnanaprasthana (skt): Khi au Tr TueThe
Setting forth of Wisdom, one of the books of the Jodo Shinshu: Tnh o Chan TongThe Jodo-
Sarvastivadin Abhidharma Pitaka, written by Shin, or Shin sect of Japan, one of the twenty
Katyayaniputra, concerned with definition of Buddhist sects in Japan. According to the Shin
termsMot trong cac bo sach cua Bo Luan Tang Sect, the recitation of Amitabha Buddhas name is
cua Bo phai Thuyet Nht Thiet Hu Bo, c simply an action of gratitude or an expression of
viet bi Ca Chien Dien Ni T, lien quan ti viec thanksgiving, after ones realizing the Buddhas
nh ngha cac tSee Sarvastivada (II). power conferred on one. The Shin School holds
the exclusive worship of the Amitabha, not
Jnanayasas (skt): Xa Na Da XaA native of
allowing even that of Sakyamuni. This sect has
Magadha, teacher of Yasogupta and Jnanagupta,
the strict prohibition of prayers in any form on
co-translator of six works, A.D. 564-572Ngi
account of personal interests, and the abolition of
x Ma Kiet a, la thay cua Da Xa Quat a va

all disciplinary rules and the priestly or monastic a, va tham ch Phat Thch Ca cung khong chu
life , thus forming a community of purely lay th. Tnh o Chan Tong cam oan chat che
believers, i.e., householders. Jodo Shinshu is one khong cho cau nguyen v bat c nhng t li nao.
of the Japanese Buddhist traditions founded by Tong nay chu trng xoa bo i song Tang l e
Shinran (1173-1262) and later reorganized by lap thanh mot cong ong gom toan nhng tn o
Rennyo (1414-1499). Shiran claimed to be tai gia. Tnh o Chan Tong la mot trong nhng
following the teachings of Honen (1133-1212) truyen thong Phat giao Nhat Ban c ngai
and, like Honen, he taught his followers to rely Shinran sang lap va ve sau nay c to chc lai
exclusively on the saving of power of Amitabha bi ngai Rennyo. Shinran tuyen bo rang ong theo
Buddha. The tradition is based on the Sukhavati- giao phap cua ngai Honen va cung nh Honen,
vyuha, and particularly on the forty-eight vows ong day cho o e cua mnh phai chuyen nhat
taken by Amitabha in a past life. The most nh vao s cu o cua c Phat A Di a. Truyen
important of these for Jodo shin-shu is the thong da vao giao thuyet Tay Phng Cc Lac,
eighteenth vow, in which Amitabha promised that va ac biet la 48 li nguyen cua c Phat A Di
anyone who calls on him with faith ten times, or a trong i qua kh. Quan trong hn het cua
wishes rebirth in his Pure Land ten times, will nhng th nay oi vi trng phai Jodo shin-shu
surely be reborn there. Once in the Pure Land, la 18 li nguyen cua c Phat A Di a, trong o
one is assured of attaining buddhahood in that c A Di a co ha rang bat c ai v tin tng
lifetime. Shiran taught that this practice is the only ma niem hong danh cua ngai 10 lan, hay mong
one appropriate to prevent final dharma age and cau vang sanh tnh o, se c tai sanh vao coi
that one should dedicate oneself to it nc nay. Mot khi a tai sanh vao ay ngi ta
wholeheartely. The central practice is chanting chac chan se at thanh Phat qua trong mot kiep.
the Nembutsu or Namo Amida Butsu (Praise Shiran day rang loi thc tap nay la cach thch hp
to Amitabha Buddha), but this is not conceived as e tranh thi mat phap va rang ngi ta nen t
a way of making merit; rather, one chants the mnh het long hoi hng. Thc hanh chu yeu la tr
Nembutsu as an act of gratitude to Amitabha niem Nam Mo A Di a Phat (tan thanh c
because one is already assured of being saved. Phat A Di a), nhng viec nay khong c ngh
Shiran emphasized that Amitabhas power is so nh mot cach tao phc c, ma la tr niem hong
great that he can save even the most depraved danh cua c A Di a nh mot hanh ong to bay
sinner; all that is required is that one have a single long biet n en Ngai v chnh mnh a c xac
moment of believing mind, after which one is nhan cu roi. Shinran nhan manh rang sc manh
assured of being reborn in the Pure Land. because cua c Phat A Di a v ai en o Ngai co the
one relies on Amitabha and not on ones own cu o ca nhng ngi pham toi ngu nghch nang
effort, this practice is referred to in Japanese As nhat; ch oi hoi ngi ay phai co mot luc duy
Tariki (other-power), in contrast to traditions nhat vi mot cai tam tin tng, va sau o th
like Zen, which assert that one must attain ngi ay chac chan c vang sanh tay Phng
salvation through ones own power (Jiriki). Tnh o bi v ngi ay ve nng vi c A Di
Shinran is generally credited with establishing a a va khong phai la t lc cua chnh mnh, loi tu
married priesthood in Japan, and today there is no tap nay Nhat ng goi la Tariki co ngha la tha
monastic element in Jodo Shinshu. Its temples are lc, oi ngc vi cac truyen thong nh Thien,
run by lay priests, and the priesthood is cho rang con ngi phai at c s cu roi qua
hereditary. The tradition has two main divisions: t lc cua chnh mnh hay Jiriki. Ngi ta thng
Otami and Honganji, both of which have their cho rang chnh Shinran la ngi a thanh lap ra
main centers in KyotoChan Tong, mot trong 20 phai Tan Tang hay Tang gia co gia nh ben
tong phai Phat Giao Nhat. Theo Chan Tong, Nhat, va ngay nay khong co yeu to tu vien trong
niem Phat ch la mot thai o tri an hay mot cach trng phai Shinshu. Cac chua cua trng phai
bieu lo long tri an, sau khi mot Phat t c Phat c to chc va hoat ong bi nhng v t te tai
lc gia tr Chan tong ch th oc nhat Phat A Di gia, va viec t te nay la cha truyen con noi.

Truyen thong co hai chi nhanh chnh: Otami va Kinh A Di a Tieu Bon, Kinh Quan Vo Lng
Honganji, ca hai eu co tru s chnh Kyoto. Tho, va Kinh A Di a.
Jodo-Shu: Tnh o TongA Japanese term for Jogushoto-Kuhooteisetsu (jap): Tac pham
Pure Land School. This is a Japanese tradition Thng Cung Thanh c Phap Vng e Thuyet
founded by Honen (1133-1212). It was first (c bien soan nam 720 tai Nhat Ban).
brought to Japan by Ennin (794-864), who studied Jogyo (jap): S Thng Hanh ( - 865).
in China. However, Honen himself developed it Join ones hands: Chap tay lai.
into a distinctive school, emphasizing the
Join by marriage: Ket than.
centrality of the Nembutsu or Namo Amida Butsu
Join ones palms to bow: Chap tay xaA
(Praise to Amitabha Buddha). Though originally
Bhiksu or Bhiksuni, even a layperson, should not
trained in the scholastic Tendai tradition, Honen
join his or her palms to bow in a mechanical
later encountered the writings of Shan-Tao and
manner, without mindfulnessV Ty Kheo hay
Genshin and subsequently decided that the
Ty Kheo Ni, ngay ca c s, khong nen chap tay xa
difficult path of traditional Buddhism, involving
mot cach may moc, ma nen xa trong tnh thc.
study and meditative practice in order to attain
liberation, was not feasible for many people of the Join palms: See Bring palms together.
final dharma age. He taught that in the present Join palms, a monk's salutation: Bring the ten
degenerate age the only hope for salvation lies in fingers, or two palms togetherHiep chng.
the total reliance on the saving power of Join a poilitical party: Gia nhap ang phai
Amitabha. This he termed the easy path, chanh trA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who joins and
because it is open to all, and salvation is assured becomes a member of a political party or a
for those who recite the Nembutsu with sincere political organization, whether secretly or openly,
faith. The doctrinal basis for his school is found in commits a Sangha Restoration OffenceV Ty
four Indian texts: the Larger and Smaller Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao gia nhap va tr thanh
Sukhavati-Vyuha Sutras, the Amitayur-dhyana- hoi vien cua ang phai hay to chc chanh tr la
sutra, and the Amitabha sutraT ng Nhat Ban pham toi Tang Tan.
dung e ch Trng phai Tnh o. ay la mot Jojitsu (jap): The Satyasiddhi SchoolThanh
trng phai c ngai Honen sang lap. Trng Thc TongSee Satyasiddhi school, and Eight of
phai nay c truyen sang Nhat au tien bi ngai the early Japanese Buddhist sects.
Ennin, ngi a sang du hoc tai Trung Hoa. Tuy Jojitsuron (jap): The Satyasiddhi SastraThanh
nhien, chnh Honen a phat trien thanh mot Thc LuanSee Satyasiddhi sastra.
trng phai rieng biet, nhan manh chu yeu ve Joju (jap): Nitya (skt)Constantly abiding
viec niem Nam Mo A Di a Phat (tan than c
Eternal existenceThng tru.
Phat A Di a). Du tien khi ngai c tu tap
Jojuishikironjukki (jap): Vijnaptimatrata-
trong trng phai Thien Thai, ve sau nay Honen
siddhi-sastra (skt)Thanh Duy Thc Luan Thuat
gap nhng bai viet cua S Thien ao va Genshin
Ky (cua Khuy C bien soan)Thanh Duy Thc
va sau o ngai quyet nh rang con ng kho
LuanSee Vijnaptimatrata-siddhi-sastra.
cua truyen thong Phat giao, quan he vi nhng
giao thuyet va thc tap ve thien nham at thanh Jojuishikironyogito (jap): Thanh Duy Thc
giai thoat, khong phai la con ng co the lam Luan Lieu Ngha angThanh Duy Thc
c cho nhieu ngi trong thi mat phap. Ngai LuanSee Vijnaptimatrata-siddhi-sastra.
day rang trong thi mat phap suy oi ch co cach Jokai (jap): Sila (skt)Moral conductPure
nh vao lc cu roi cua c Phat A Di a. Viec commandments, or to keep them in purityTnh
nay ngai dung t Con ng de, v no m ra GiiGii hanh thanh tnh trong sach (gii hanh
cho chung sanh moi loai, va s cu roi la chac ay u cua mot bac xuat gia).
chan cho nhng ai niem hong danh cua c A Di Joke for passing time: Hy (vui ve)See Krida.
a vi niem tin chan thanh. Can ban cua giao
thuyet cho trng phai nay c tm thay trong

Jokei (jap): S Trinh Khanh (1155-1213)Also Gieltsen Belsang (1310-1391), Tangdong Gielpo
known as Gedatsushonin (Giai Thoat Thng (1385-1464), va Taranatha (1575-1634). Trng
Nhan). phai nay noi tieng nhat ve cach dien giang tch
Jokin (jap): S Thieu CanThe fourth patriarch cc ve hoc thuyet Nh Lai Tang, c ngi ta
of the Soto Sect in JapanT to tong Tao ong nhan biet nh la ban the c thc chng qua tu
Nhat. tap thien nh. Quan iem nay c dung e ch
cho Tanh khong khac, va c da theo Mat
Jomyo(jap): Vimalakirti (skt)Name of a lay
giao Kalacakra. c at Lai Lat Ma th xem ay
student of the BuddhaTnh Danh, ten cua mot
nh mot quyen sach gia tra kho dau c ai ve
e t tai gia cua c Phat.
mot cai nga can nguyen khong thay oi va
Jomyogenronryakujutsu (jap): Tac pham Tnh
khong nhiem o, nen ngai a ban hanh mot ao du
Danh Huyen Luan Cac Thuat (Nhat Ban).
ra lenh tieu huy t vien Jonangpa hoac b ap lc
Jonangpa: An order of Tibetan Buddhism that phai chuyen qua truyen thong Gelukpa, va tat ca
produced a number of influential scholars, but was nhng sach v cua trng phai nay phai b ot
suppressed by the fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang toan bo. Vai hoc gia ng thi nghi ng rang
Losang Gyatso (1617-1682) in the seventeenth nhng ly do pha sau s an ap nay phai la ly do
century. Its most notable figure was Dolpopa chnh tr hn la giao ly, t khi Jonangpo c
Sherap Gyeltsen (1269-1361), and the lineage ng di he thong cua Karma Kagyupa, v nay
also included Barawa Gyeltsen Belsang (1310- a au tranh chong lai nhng mat mat ma c
1391), Tangdong Gielpo (1385-1464), and at Lai Lat Ma a ap at cho muc ch kiem soat
Taranatha (1575-1634). It was best known for its chanh tr Tay tang. Mac dau co nhng ngc
positive interpretation of the doctrine of ai, nhieu ngi trong truyen thong nay a tranh
Tathagata-Garbha, which conceived of it as an au e song con va giao thuyet gzhan stong van
essence that is actualized through meditative con la giao thuyet co anh hng trong Phat giao
practice. This view is commonly referred to as Tay Tang, ac biet la trong truyen thong Rime
other-emptiness, and is said to be based on the hay phong trao Khong Mon Phai
Kalacakra-Tantra. The Dalai Lama considered
Joruri (jap): Tac pham Tnh Lu Ly (Nhat Ban).
this to be a thinly disguised version of an
Joshu-Jushin (jap): Trieu Chau Tong Tham
unchanging, primordially undefiled self, and he
Chiao-Chou-Tsung-ShenSee Zhao-Chou-
issued a decree that Jonangpa monasteries be
destroyed or forced to convert to the Gelukpa
order, and their books burned. Some Joss-sticks: Tram hng.
contemporary scholars suspect that the reasons Journal of Buddhist Ethics: Bao ien t ve
behind the suppression had as much to do with ao c Phat GiaoElectronic Journal of
politics as doctrine, since the Jonangpo had been Buddhist Ethics founded by Charles Prebish and
aligned with the Karma Kagyupa hierarchs, who Damien Keown, first published in 1994. It has
had fought against and lost to the Dalai Lama for become one of the most influential periodicals in
political control of Tibet. Despite this persecution, the field of Buddhist Studies. Its focus is on
many of the orders works survived, and the gzhan contemporary issues, such as human rights, gender
stong teachings remain influential in Tibetan issues, the environment, etc.T bao ien t ve
Buddhism, particularly in the Ris Med (Rime) or ao c Phat Giao c Charles Prebish va
Non-Sectarian movementTrng phai Phat giao Damien Keown, phat hanh lan au tien vao nam
Tay Tang a san sanh ra mot so hoc gia co anh 1994. No a tr thanh mot trong nhng t bao co
hng, nhng a b c at Lai Lat Ma i th anh hng manh nhat trong nganh nghien cu
nam la Ngawang Losang Gyatso an ap vao the Phat giao. T bao tap trung vao nhng van e
ky th 17. V noi tieng nhat cua trng phai nay ng thi, nh nhan quyen, gii tnh, moi trng,
la Dolpopa Sherap Gyeltsen, va truyen thong van van.
cung bao gom ca cac v khac nh Barawa

Journal of the International Association of 6) Sukkha (p): Lac (vui sng)Bliss

Buddhist Studies: The premier academic HappinessPleasureSee Eight winds.
journal for Buddhist Studies. It is published by the (II) The Buddhas teachings on Pleasant in the
International Association of Buddhist Studies, an Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve
organization of academic buddhologists which Vui trong Kinh Phap Cu:
was founded in 1976. 1) It is pleasant to have friends when need
arises. Enjoyment is pleasant when shared
Journey to Nirvana: Cuoc hanh trnh i ve Niet
with one another. Merit is pleasant when life
BanWhen you are still reborn in the Samsara,
is at its end. Shunning of (giving up) all evil is
you still have to prepare for a long journey from
pleasant (Dharmapada 331): Gap ban xa lau
here (samsara) to Nirvana. It is important to
ngay la vui, sung tuc phai luc la vui, menh
cultivate on a regular basis so you can obtain
chung co c thien nghiep la vui, la het
wisdom that is necessary for your journey. Do not
thong kho la vui.
seek the transcendental events or supernatural
2) To revere the mother is pleasant; to revere
powers of just one existence. Look to the end of
the father is pleasant; to revere the monks is
the journey: NirvanaKhi ma ban con tai sanh
pleasant; to revere the sages is pleasant
vao coi Ta Ba th ban phai con chuan b cho cuoc
(Dharmapada 332): c knh dng me hien
hanh trnh dai t ay ve ni vnh hang. Viec quan
la vui, knh dng than phu la vui, knh dng
trong nhat la ban phai thng xuyen tu tap t o
sa-mon la vui, knh dng Thanh nhn la vui.
co the ban se c tr tue can thiet cho cuoc hanh
3) To be virtue until old age is pleasant; to have
trnh nay. ng tm kiem nhng g sieu viet hay
steadfast faith is pleasant; to attain wisdom is
than thong trong i nay ma phai luon nhn thang
pleasant; not to do evil is pleasant
ve cu canh cuoi cung cua ban la Niet Ban.
(Dharmapada 333): Gia van song c hanh la
Journey to perfection: Hanh trnh en s hoan
vui, thanh tu chanh tn la vui, ay u tr tue
la vui, khong lam ieu ac la vui.
Journey to the West: Tay Du Ky. ** See Seven emotions, Eight winds, and
Joy (n): Prti (p & skt)Saumanasyendriya Twenty two roots.
(skt)Sukkha (p)Hoan hyKhoai lacHy Joy of abstract meditation: Thien LacS hy
canLac (s an vui bnh than trong tam) lac trong thien nh.
Joy, anger, grief, fear, love, hatred, and
desire: Mng, gian, buon, s, yeu, ghet, muon
(I) The meanings of JoyNgha cua Hy lac:
(Hy no ai cu ai o duc).
1) Hy lac: One of the eight flavors of Nirvana
Mot trong tam v cua Niet BanSee Eight Joy of being born a deva: Vui c sanh
flavors of nirvana. ThienVui c sanh vao coi triSee Three
2) Kho ma cho la lac; lac th lai cho la khoJoy joys.
(All is suffering. Mistaking what is not bliss Joy of believing: Tn LacTo believe and
for bliss. This is one of the four ways of rejoice in the dharmaTin tng va hoan hy ni
upside-down thinking that cause one to giao phap hay niem vui do s tin tng ni giao
resolve in the birth and deathSee Four phap.
inverted, upside-down, or false beliefs (A). Joy of the bodhi mind: Vui sng phat tam bo
3) Scanty joy: Vui mng mong manhThere eSee Ten perfecting Mahayana rules.
are three joysSee Three joys. Joy-born heaven: Nirmanarati (skt)Hoa Lac
4) Glad: Vui mngHyDelighted ThienThe fifth of the six desire-heaven,
RejoiceSee Bodh(i)yanga. 640,000 yojanas above Meru; it is next above the
5) HappinessKhoai lacSee Eight savours Tusita (fourth devaloka). A day there is equal 800
(pleasures) of the Buddhas nirvana. human years; life lasts 8,000 years; its inhabitants
are eight yojanas in height, and ligh-emitting;

mutual smiling produces impregnation and then said to the demon: You can give me
children are born on the knees by metamorphosis, these girls and I will keep them.Noi cha
at birth equal in development to human children dt li, bong ong Duy Ma Cat en noi vi Tr
of twelveLac Bien Hoa Thien, tang tri th The: ay chang phai la e Thch, ma la Ma
nam trong luc duc thien, khoang 640.000 do tuan en khuay nhieu ong ay! Ong lai bao ma
ben tren nui Tu Di, tren au Suat Thien, nhng rang: Cac v Thien n nay nen em cho ta,
di Tha Hoa T Tai Thien. Coi tri nay lay 800 nh ta ay mi nen tho.
nam tren coi ngi lam mot ngay mot em. Tho * The demon was frightened, and being afraid
menh cua ch thien ay la 8000 nam tuoi. Ch that Vimalakirti might give him trouble, he
thien tren coi tri nay co than cao tam do tuan, tried to make himself invisible but failed, and
than thng toa hao quang, hng vao nhau ma in spite of his use of supernatural powers he
ci khi giao hoan, con c hoa sinh t ni au could not go away. Suddenly a voice was
goi cua nam n, mi sinh ra la bang tre 12 tuoi heard in the air, saying: Demon, give him
ni coi ngi. the girls and then you can go. Being scared,
Joy-buns: Hoan Hy oanHoan Hy HoanA he gave the girls.Ma s hai ngh rang: Co
name for a kind of honey-cakeTen mot loai le ong Duy Ma Cat en khuay roi ta chang?
banh lam bang mat. Ma muon an hnh ma khong the an, ran het
Joy of dharma: Dharmananda (skt)Joy in than lc, cung khong i c. Lien nghe gia
dharmaJoy of the LawJoy of learning of h khong co tieng rang: Nay Ba Tuan! Hay
tasting dharmaPhap HyVui sng hanh tr em Thien n cho ong Duy Ma Cat th mi i
Phat phapSee Ten perfecting Mahayana rules. c. Ma v s hai, nen mien cng cho.
1) Joy of the Law: The joy of hearing or tasting * At that time, Vimalakirti said to them: The
dharmaVui mng khi nghe hay nem c demon has given you to me. You can now
v phap. develop a mind set on the quest of supreme
2) According to the Vimalakirti Sutra, Chapter enlightenment. Vimalakirti then expounded
Bodhisattvas, a demon pretended to be Indra, the Dharma to them urging them to seek the
offered twelve thousand goddesses truth. He declared: You have now set your
(devakanya) to the Bodhisattva Ruler of the minds on the quest for the truth and can
WorldTheo Kinh Duy Ma Cat, Pham Bo experience joy in the Dharma instead of in
Tat, Ma Vng gia lam Tri e Thch, em the five worldly pleasures (arising from the
hien mot muon hai ngan thien n cho Bo Tat objects of the five senses).Khi ay ong Duy
Tr The. Ma Cat bao cac Thien n rang: Ma a em
* The demon said to the Ruler of the World cac ngi cho ta roi, nay cac ngi eu phai
Bodhisattva: Bodhisattva, please take these phat tam Vo thng Chanh ang Chanh giac.
twelve thousand goddesses who will serve Roi ong theo can c cua Thien n ma noi
you.Ma vng noi vi Tr The: Tha Phap e cho phat y ao, va bao rang cac
Chanh s! Xin ngai nhan mot muon hai ngan ngi a phat y ao, co Phap vui e t vui
Thien n nay e dung hau ha quet tc. ch nen vui theo ngu duc na.
* The Ruler of the World Bodhisattva replied: * The goddesses asked him: What is this joy in
Sakra, please do not make to a monk this the Dharma?Thien n hoi: The nao la
unclean offering which does not suit me. Phap vui?
Tr The noi rang: Nay Kieu Thi Ca! Ong * He replied: Joy in having faith in the
ng cho vat phi phap nay, toi la ke Sa Mon Buddha, joy in listening to the Dharma, joy in
Thch t, viec ay khong phai viec cua toi. making offerings to the Sangha, and joy in
* Even before the Ruler of the World forsaking the five worldly pleasures; joy in
Bodhisattva had finished speaking, finding out that the five aggregates are like
Vimalakirti came and said: He is not Sakra; deadly enemies, that the four elements (that
he is a demon who comes to disturb you. He make the body) are like poisonous snakes,

and that the sense organs and their objects are long thng khong chng ngai; vui giup
empty like space; joy in following and ac tri thc; vui gan thien tri thc; vui tam
upholding the truth; joy in being beneficial to hoan hy thanh tnh; vui tu vo lng Phap ao
living beings; joy in revering and making pham. o la Phap vui cua Bo Tat.
offerings to your masters; joy in spreading the Joy of faith: Believe and rejoice in the
practice of charity (dana); joy in firmly DharmaTn lac (tin tng va hoan hy ni giao
keeping the rules of discipline (sila); joy in phap hay niem vui do s tin tng ni giao phap).
forbearance (ksanti); joy in unflinching zeal Joy of the five desires: Duc lac.
(virya) to sow all excellent roots; joy in
Joy-grove garden: Nandana-vana (skt)Hoan
unperturbed serenity (dhyana); joy in wiping
Hy VienHoan Hy UyenHoan Lac VienHy
out all defilement that screens clear wisdom
Lam UyenGarden of joy, or Joy-grove garden;
(prajna); joy in expanding the enlightened
one of the four gardens of Indras paradise, north
(bodhi) mind; joy in overcoming all demons;
of his central cityMot trong bon vn cua e
joy in eradicating all troubles (klesa); joy in
Thch coi tri ao Li, vn nay ve pha bac
purifying the Buddha land; joy in winning
cua thanh Hy Kien (ch Thien vao ay th t nay
merits from excellent physical marks; joy in
ra s hoan hy).
embellishing the bodhimandala (the holy
Joy of hearing the law: Phap DuyetJoy from
site); joy in fearlessness to hear (and
hearing and meditating on the LawPhap hy hay
understand ) the profound Dharma; joy in the
s vui mng khi nghe c phap hay t mnh t
three perfect doors to nirvana (i.e. voidness,
duy ve phap.
formlessness and inactivity) as contrasted
with their incomplete counterparts (which still Joy of the law: Dharmananda (skt)Phap Hy
cling to the notion of objective realization); Joy of learning of tasting dharmaSee
joy of being with those studying the same Dharmananda.
Dharma and joy in the freedom from Joy of learning of tasting dharma:
hindrance when amongst those who do not Dharmananda (skt)Phap HyJoy of dharma
study it; joy to guide and convert evil men Joy of the Law. **See Joy of dharma.
and to be with men of good counsel; joy in Joy of leaving the evils of life: Ly sinh hy lac
thestat of purity and cleanness; joy in the aSee Four jhanas (1).
practice of countless conditions contributory Joy of meditation: Thien duyet (vui trong tu tap
to enlightenment. All this is the Bodhisattva thien nh)Joy of the mystic tranceTam than
joy in the Dharma.Ong ap: Vui thng khoan khoai vui thch cua ngi nhap vao thien
tin Phat; vui muon nghe phap; vui cung dng nh. **See Three joys, and Ten perfecting
Tang; vui la ngu duc; vui quan ngu am nh Mahayana rules.
oan tac; vui quan than t ai nh ran oc; vui Joy of the mind: Manobhirama or Asaya (skt)
quan noi nhap (sau can) nh khong; vui gn A The DaA Xa DaY LacSee
gi ao y; vui li ch chung sanh; vui cung Manobhirama.
knh cung dng bc s trng; vui nhan nhuc Joy of nirvana: Vui c nhap vao Niet Ban
nhu hoa; vui sieng nhom can lanh; vui thien
See Three joys.
nh chang loan; vui ri cau nhiem ang tr
Joy and peace: An lac va thanh bnh.
tue sang suot; vui m rong tam Bo e; vui
hang phuc cac ma; vui oan phien nao; vui Joy and peace of the abstract meditation:
thanh tnh coi nc Phat; vui thanh tu cac Thien lac (s an lac va thanh bnh cua thien).
tng tot ma tu cac cong c; vui trang Joy in preaching: Lac thuyetJoy in telling the
nghiem ao trang; vui nghe phap tham dieu way of salvationHoan hy thuyet giang ve con
ma khong s; vui ba mon giai thoat ma khong ng cu o.
vui phi thi; vui gan ban ong hoc; vui Joy of religion: ao lac (niem vui tu hanh).
chung vi ngi khong phai ong hoc ma

Joy of right love: Ai LacThe joy of right love, v vi s vui thu t tai cua s t gin moi lam
i.e. the love of the good or that of a bodhisattva chan ong cac loai thu. Khi c Phat nhap vao
S hoan lac cua tnh yeu chan chanh, nh tnh Tam Muoi nay th ca a cau chan ong, hao
yeu thien my hay tnh yeu cua v Bo Tat oi vi quang chieu khap cac chung sanh trong coi a
chung sanh. nguc khien ho c giai thoat ma sanh ve coi
Joyful (a): Hoan lacGladHappy. nhan Thien.
Joyful country: Lac bangThe paradise of the Joyous Vows: Han NguyenCo hai ieu chnh
WestCoi thien ng Tay phng. yeu e the nguyen cu mnh cu ngi. Phai
nhan ro muc ch cau vang sanhThere are two
Joyful devas: Hoan Lac Thienai Thanh
main aspects to making the joyous vows of
ThienDevas of pleasure, represented as two
rescuing oneself and others. The practitioner
figures embracing each other, with elephants
should clearly realize the goal of rebirth:
heads and human bodies; the two embracing
1) The practitioner should clearly realize the
figures are interpreted as Ganesa, the eldest son
goal of rebirth: Phai nhan ro muc ch cau
of Siva, and an incarnation of Kuan-Yin; the
vang sanhThe goal of our cultivation is to
elephant-head represents Ganesa; the origin is
seek escape from suffering for him/herself
older than the Kuan-Yin idea and seems to be a
and all sentient beings. He/She should think
derivation from the Sivaitic linga-worshipThanh
thus: My own strength is limited, I am still
Thien lay hnh hai v chong than ngi au voi
bound by karma; moreover, in this evil,
om lay nhau lam ban ton. V Nam Thien la con
defiled life, the circumstances and conditions
trng cua ai T Tai Thien, mot ai hoang than
leading to afflictions are overpowering. That
bao hai the gii. V N Thien la Quan Am hoa
is why other sentient beings and myself are
hien om lay v Nam Thien ay, khien cho v Nam
drowning in the river of delusion, wandering
Thien tam c hoan hy e dep bo cai thoi bao
along the evil paths from time immemorial.
The wheel of birth and death is spinning
Joyful faculties: Hoan hy canSee Ten kinds
without end; how can I find a way to rescue
of faculties of Great Enlightening Beings.
myself and others in a safe, sure manner?
Joyful fruit: Lac quaNirvana. There is but one solution, it is to seek rebirh
Joyful giving: Hy xa (vui ve xa bo). in the Pure Land, draw close to the Buddhas
Joyful mind: Tam tuy hy. and Bodhisattvas, and relying on the
Joyful to see: Priyadarsana (skt)Hy kien. supremely auspicious environment of that
Joyful seeing: Priyadarsana (skt)Beautiful realm, engaging in cultivation and attain the
seeingJoyful to seeHy kien. Tolerance of Non-Birth. Only then can I enter
Joyful seeing kalpa: Hy kien kiep. the evil world to rescue sentient beings. The
Treatise on Rebirth states: To develop the
Joyful services: Hoan hy hanhOne of the ten
Bodhi-Mind is precisely to seek Buddhahood;
lines of actions of a BodhisattvaMot trong mi
to seek Budhahood is to develop the Mind of
hanh cua ch Bo TatSee Ten necessary
rescuing sentient beings; and the Mind of
practices of a Bodhisattva.
rescuing sentient beings is none other than
Joyoji (jap): Tnh Anh T (Nhat Ban). the Mind that gathers all beings and helps
Joyous (a): Hoan lacFull of joy. them achieve rebirth in the Pure LandS d
Joyous samadhi which is liken to the play of chung ta cau ve Tnh o, la v chung ta muon
the lion with his prey: S T Du Hy Tam thoat s kho cho mnh va tat ca chung sanh.
MuoiThe joyous samadhi which is likened to Hanh gia phai ngh rang, sc mnh yeu kem,
the play of the lion with his prey. When the con b nghiep nang rang buoc, ma coi i
Buddha enters this degree of samadhi he causes ac trc nay canh duyen phien nao qua
the earth to tremble, and the purgatories to give manh. Ta cung chung sanh b chm am ni
up their unmatesS T Du Hy Tam Muoi c dong me, xoay van trong sau neo, trai qua vo

lng kiep t vo th en nay, cung v le ay. cho mnh, chap nga va tham trc ban than.
Banh xe song chet quay mai khong ngng, ta Hanh gia phai y theo tr hue mon ma xa la
lam the nao e tm con ng o mnh o tam niem ay.
ngi mot cach yen on chac chan? Muon ii) The Mind of abandoning and failing to rescue
c nh the duy co cau sanh Tnh o, gan sentient beings from suffering. The
gui Phat, Bo Tat, nh canh duyen thang dieu practitioner should follow the path of
ben coi ay tu hanh chng vo sanh nhan, mi compassion and leave all such thoughts far
co the vao ni i ac cu kho cho hu tnh. behind: Tam ri bo khong chu cu vt chung
Luan Vang sanh a noi: Phat tam Bo e sanh au kho. Hanh gia phai y theo t bi mon
chnh la phat tam cau thanh Phat, tam cau ma xa la tam niem ay.
thanh Phat la tam o chung sanh, tam o iii) The Mind of exclusively seeking respect and
chung sanh la tam nhiep chung sanh ve coi offerings, without seeking ways to benefit
Phat. sentient beings and bring them peace and
2) Moreover, to ensure rebirth, we should happiness. The practitioner should follow the
perfect two practices; first is abandoning the path of expendients and leave all such
three things that hinder enlightenment, thoughts far behind: Tam ch mong cau s
second is abiding by the three things that cung knh cung dng, khong tm phng
foster enlightenment. How can we abandon phap lam cho chung sanh c li ch an vui.
the things that hinder enlightenment and Hanh gia phai y theo phng tien mon ma xa
abide by the thingsthat foster enlightenment? la tam niem ay.
It is precisely by seeking rebirth in the b) Obtaining the three things that foster
Western Pure Land, remaining constantly enlightenmentThanh at ba phap thuan Bo
near the Buddhas and cultivating the Dharmas e:
until Tolerance of Non-Birth is reached. At i) The Undefiled Pure Mind of not seeking
that point, we may sail the boat of great vows personal happiness, that is enlightenment is
at will, enter the sea of Birth and Death and the state of undefiled purity. If we seek after
rescue sentient beings with wisdom and personal pleasure, body and Mind are defiled
compassion adapting to conditions but and obstruct the path of enlightenment.
fundamentally unchanging, free and Therefore, the undefiled Pure Mind is called
unimpededLai muon sanh ve Tnh o, consonant with enlightenment: Vo Nhiem
phai co u hai phng dien, mot la xa la ba Thanh Tnh Tam: Tam khong v t than ma
phap chng Bo e; hai la tuy thuan ba phap cau cac s vui, v Bo e la the trong sach la
thuan Bo e. Lam the nao e thanh tu s xa nhiem trc, neu cau s vui rieng cho mnh
la va tuy thuan Bo e? Ay la phai cau sanh tc than tam co nhiem, lam chng ngai Bo
tnh o e c thng gan Phat, tu hanh cho e Mon; nen tam thanh tnh khong nhiem goi
en khi chng vo sanh nhan. Chng o mac y la tuy thuan Bo e.
ci thuyen ai nguyen vao bien luan hoi sanh ii) Pure Mind at Peace: An Thanh Tnh Tam
t, van tam bi tr cu vt chung sanh, tuy The Pure Mind at Peace, rescuing all
duyen ma bat bien, khong con g tr ngai sentient beings from suffering. This is
na. because Bodhi is the undefiled Pure Mind
a) Abandoning the three things that hinder which gives peace and happiness to sentient
enlightenmentXa la ba phap chng Bo beings. If we are not rescuing sentient beings
e: and helping them escape the sufferings of
i) The Mind of seeking our own peace and Birth and death, we are going to counter to
happiness, ego-grasping and attachment to Bodhi path. Therefore, a Mind focussed on
our own bodies. The practitioner should saving others, bringing them peace and
follow the path of wisdom and leave all such happiness, is call consonant with
thoughts far behind: Tam cau s an vui rieng enlightenmentTam v cu o het thay moi

au kho cho chung sanh, bi v Bo e la tam Land is adorned with seven treasures, as
trong sach lam cho chung sanh c an on, explained in the Pure Land sutras. In addition,
neu khong cu o loai hu tnh, khien ho when practicing charity, keeping the precepts
c la s kho sanh t, tc la trai vi Bo e and performing all kinds of good deeds, Pure
mon; nen tam cu kho em lai an on cho Land practitioners should always dedicate the
chung sanh goi la tuy thuan Bo e. merits toward rebirth in the Pure Land for
iii) Blissful Pure Mind: Lac Thanh Tnh TamA themselves and all other sentient beings
Blissful Pure Mind, seeking to help sentient Hanh gia nen quan coi Cc Lac bay bau
beings achieve Great Nirvana. Because Great trang nghiem nh cac kinh Tnh o a noi.
Nirvana is the ultimate, eternally blissful Ngoai ra, ngi niem Phat khi bo th, tr gii,
realm. If we do not help sentient beings cung lam tat ca cac hanh lanh eu phai hoi
achieve it, we obstruct the Bodhi path. Hence hng cau cho mnh va chung sanh ong
the Mind which seeks to help sentient beings vang sanh Cc Lac.
attain eternal bliss is called consonant with ** See Two practices that lead to rebirth in the
enlightenmentTam muon khien cho tat ca Pure Land.
chung sanh c ai Niet Ban. Bi ai Niet Joyushikiron (jap): Vijnaptimatrata-siddhi-
Ban la cho cu canh thng vui, neu khong sastra (skt)Thanh Duy Thc LuanSee
khien cho loai hu tnh c niem vui cu Vijnaptimatrata-siddhi-sastra.
canh tc la ngan che Bo e mon; nen tam Joza (jap): Sthavira (skt)Senior seat
muon cho chung sanh c hng canh VenerableThng Toa.
thng lac goi la tuy thuan Bo e.
Ju (jap):
c) The cultivator should contemplate the
1) ReceiveTho dung.
wholesome characteristics of the Pure Land
2) Vedana (skt): FeelingPerception
and auspicious features of Amitabha
BuddhaQuan tng y bao va chanh bao ni
Ju-Ching: Nh TnhJu-Ching was born in
coi Cc Lac:
1163, a Chinese Zen master under whom Dogen
i) Contemplate the auspicious features of
was enlightened in China at Tien-Tung
Amitabha Buddha: Quan tng bao than
monastery. He died in 1238Nh Tnh sanh nam
(chanh bao) kiet tng cua c Phat A Di
1163, la mot thien s Trung Hoa a hng dan
aThe cultivator should contemplate the
cho ao Nguyen at en giac ngo tai t vien
auspicious features of Amitabha Buddha.
Thien ong ben Trung Quoc. Ong tch nam 1238.
Amitabha Buddha possesses a resplendent,
golden Reward Body, replete with 84,000 Judaism (n): Do Thai giao.
major characteristics, each characteristic Judge (n): Tham phan.
having 84,000 minor auspicious signs, each Judge (v): DiscernDiscussExamineBien.
sign beaming 84,000 rays of light which Judge ones actions: Phe phan nhng hanh
illuminate the entire Dharma Realm and ong cua chnh mnh.
gather in those sentient beings who recite the Judge others on the basis of ones lack of
Buddhas nameHanh gia nen quan tng honesty: Lay long da tieu nhan ma oan xet long
bao than cua Phat A Di a sac vang rc r,
da ngi quan t (D tieu nhan chi tam, o quan
co tam muon bon ngan tng, moi tng co
t chi phuc)The dishonest man measures the
tam muon bon ngan ve ep, moi ve ep co
superior mans heart on the basis of what he feels
tam muon bon ngan tia sang, soi khap phap
in his entrails.
gii, nhiep lay chung sanh niem Phat.
Judgment (n):
ii) The cultivator should contemplate the
1) A Judges decision: An quyet.
wholesome characteristics in the Western
2) Prajna (skt)Ability to judge which average
Pure Land: Quan tng y bao thien lanh ni
person possessesKha nang phan oan ma
coi Tay Phng Cc LacThe Western Pure

mot ngi bnh thng cung coSee Fifty- west of India, which owing to the presence of the
one Dharmas interactive with the Mind. Asoka edict had already become famous among
3) SeeingSee Darsana. Buddhists, became a centre of attraction for them.
4) Tham lSee Three mental conditions of all In the vicinity of Girnar Hills, we find now on a
actions and speech. huge rock the full text of what are known as the
Judicial censure: Tai phan t phap. Fourteen Rock Edicts. The text inscribed in
Jufukuji (jap): Tho Phc T (Nhat Ban). Brahmi characters on this rock is remarkably well
preserved. Naturally, the most important of the
Jugglery (n): Tro mua roi.
caves excavated in Saurashtra are in and around
Ju-Hachi-Kai (jap): Dhatu-loka (skt)Eighteen
Junagadh. They must have been numerous, for
elementary spheresSee Eighteen realms.
while visiting Junagadh, Hsuan-Tsang had noticed
Jujushin (jap): Thap Tru TamSee Ten at least fifty convents with at least three thousand
grounds. monks of the Sthavira sect. The remains of two
Jukai (jap): Ten preceptsThap GiiA brick-built stupas have recently been exposed at
Japanese term for ten precepts is Jukai, which Intwa on a hill about three miles away from
means the ten precepts for lay Buddhists. Asokas edict. Besides, excavators found a baked
Adopting these is generally accompanied by clay seal belonging to a bhiksusangha which
formal declaration of ones faith in the three resided in the vihara of Maharaja Rudrasena. The
jewels: 1) not killing; 2) not stealing; 3) avoiding king was most probably Rudrasena I of the
sexual misconduct; 4) not lying; 5) not selling or Ksatrapa family who ruled India from 199 to 222
buying alcohol or illegal drugs; 6) not gossiping A.DTheo Giao s Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam
about others misdeeds; 7) not praising oneself Tram Nam Phat Giao, Junagadh la thu phu cua
and denigrating others; 8) avoiding miserliness Saurashtra, mien tay An o, nh s hien dien cua
with respect to the dharma; 9) avoiding cac ch du cua vua A Duc ma t lau a c cac
aggression; and 10) not slanderingT Nhat Ban tn o Phat giao biet en nhieu va tr thanh mot
cho Thap Gii la Jukai, co ngha la mi gii trung tam thu hut oi vi ho. Gan oi Girnar,
danh cho Phat t tai gia. Chap nhan nhng gii ngay nay ngi ta tm thay tren mot tang a ln
nay thng phai i oi vi viec quy-y Tam Bao: toan bo van ban cua Mi Bon Ch Du tren a.
1) khong sat sanh; 2) khong trom cap; 3) khong ta Cac van ban nay c khac bang ch Brahm, con
dam; 4) khong vong ng; 5) khong mua ban ru c lu gi kha tot. Cac hang ong quan trong
va ma tuy; 6) khong ban chuyen ngi khac; 7) nhat ao thay c Saurashtra eu nam ben
khong khen mnh che ngi; 8) khong keo kiet trong va xung quanh Junagadh. Cac hang nay co
bun xn; 9) khong gay han; va 10) khong ph le a co nhieu trong the ky th 7, v trong khi en
bangSee Ten commandments observed by a vieng Junagadh, Huyen Trang a ghi nhan t nhat
novice monk or nun and Ten precepts. la nam mi tu vien loai nay, vi t nhat la ba
Jumna (skt): Song Diem Ma LaThis is one of ngan tu s Thng Toa Bo (Sthavira sect). Cac di
the eight big rivers of India at the time of the tch cua hai ngon thap xay bang gach mi c
Buddhaay la mot trong tam con song ln tm thay gan ay tai Intwa tren mot ngon oi cach
An o vao thi c PhatSee Eight big rivers of ban ch du cua vua A Duc o ba dam. Ngoai ra,
India at the time of the Buddha. con co mot con dau bang at nung cua mot cong
Jump for a conclusion: Voi ket luan. ong Ty Kheo tng song trong tu vien cua hoang
Jump (v) for joy: Vui mng hn hOnes e Rudrasena I, thuoc dong doi Ksatrapa a cai tr
heart jumps for joy. x nay t nam 199 en 222.
Jumped about: Lang xang. Juni-innen (jap): Dvadasanga-pratitya-
Junagadh (skt): Thu phu cua Saurashtra, mien samutpada (skt)Twelvefold chain of
causationSee Twelve conditions of cause and
tay An oAccording to Prof. Bapat in the
Twenty-Five Hundred Years of Buddhism,
Junagadh, the capital of the province Saurashtra,

Juni-Nyu (jap): Dvadasayatanani (skt)Twelve cac bo sach quan trong sau ay: Quan Vo Lng
entriesSee Twelve entrances. Tho Kinh, ban dch tieng Anh 1894; Ghi Nhan Ve
Junior monk: Ha toaTieu S. Phat Giao tai An o va Quan ao Ma Lai (671-
1) A junior monk of less than ten years full 695) nguyen tac cua Ngha Tnh, ban dch tieng
ordination: Mot v Tang vi t hn mi tuoi Anh nam 1896; Cuoc i Ngai The Than, do
ha lap. Chan e viet, ban dch tieng Anh 1904; Kien
2) A self-depreciatory title of any monk: Danh Thien Luat, hp tac vi M. Nagai viet t nam
hieu t nhun nhng e t xng cua mot v 1924 en nam 1938; va Tinh Yeu Triet Hoc Phat
Tang. Giao, nhng bai giang tai ai Hoc ng
Hawaii, My quoc nam 1947. Ong con la chu bien
Junjiro Takakusu (1866-1945): Hoc gia Phat
bo ai Chnh Tan Tu ai Tang Kinh, an ban
giao ngi NhatOne of the famous Japanese
Taisho cua Tam Tang. Ong va la mot giao s
Buddhist scholars. He succeeded B. Nanjio at
gioi, va la mot hoc gia uyen bac. Trong so cac
Tokyo University. He also studied at Oxford
nha nghien cu ve An o lam viec di s hng
under Max Muller. On his return to Japan, he
dan cua ong tai trng ai Hoc ong Kinh co
became professor of Sanskrit literature and Indian
Tien S H. Ui va giao s E. Kanakura, chuyen ve
philosophy at Tokyo University. He wrote many
triet hoc An o; co giao s T. Kimura, Tien S S.
articles in English and other languages which
Miyamoto va giao s Hanayama chuyen ve Phat
made him famous abroad. He published the
giao; Tien S M. nagai nghien cu chu yeu ve van
following important works: The Amitayurdhyana-
hoc Pali va giao s N. Tsuji nghien cu ve van
sutra (1894); A Record of the Buddhist Religion as
hoc Ve a va Phan. Takakusu cung lap ra mot
Practiced in India and the Malay Archipelago by
trng Cao ang N tai ong Kinh, tai ay viec
I-Tsing (English translation in 1896); The Life of
day ve ao Phat chiem mot v tr quan trong.
Vasubandhu by Paramartha (English translation in
1904); the Samanata-pasadika (edition in Junimonron (jap): Dvadasanikaya sastra (skt)
collaboration with M. Nagai 1924-1938); anf The Thap Nh Mon LuanThe Dvadasanikaya Sastra
Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy (Lectures at or the Twelve Gates was composed by Nagarjuna,
Hawaii University, U.S.A. in 1947). He was also which is not known in Sanskrit, but is preserved in
the chief editor of Taisho-Shin-Shu Daizokyo (the Chinese translation. It has twelve chapters in all,
Taisho edition of the Tripitaka). He was both a and is devoted chiefly to correcting the errors of
great teacher and a great scholar. Among the the Mahayanists themselves at that timeThap
many Indologists who worked under his guidance Nh Mon Luan c Ngai Long Tho bien soan,
at Tokyo University were Dr. H. Ui and professor nguyen ban tieng Phan a b that lac, nhng dch
E. Kanakura who specialized in Indian ban Han Van hien van con ton tai. Tac pham nay
philosophy; the late professor Kimura, Dr. S. co tat ca 12 chng, chu ch nham cai sa nhng
Miyamoto and Prof. S. Hanayama who worked on sai lam cua cac nha Phat giao ai Tha thi bay
Buddhism; Dr. M. Nagai who was primarily gi.
interested in Pali literature and Prof. N. Tsuji who Junior Buddhist nun: Ni co.
studied Vedic and Sanskrit literature. Takakusu Junior monk: Ha toaTieu Tang.
also founded a Womens College in Tokyo, where 1) Inferior candlesHa lap.
the study of Buddhism occupied a prominent 2) A junior monk of less than ten years full
placeMot trong nhng hoc gia Phat giao ngi ordination: Mot v Tang vi t hn mi tuoi
Nhat rat noi tieng. Ong ke nghiep Nanjio tai ha lap.
trng ai Hoc ong Kinh. Ong cung theo hoc 3) A self-depreciatory title of any monk: Danh
vi giao s Max Muller tai Oxford. Khi tr ve hieu t nhun nhng e t xng cua mot v
Nhat, ong day ve Van Hoc Phan va Triet Hoc An Tang.
o tai ai Hoc ong Kinh. Ong viet nhieu bai Junnar (skt): a danh Phat giao vung tay An
bang tieng Anh va cac th tieng khac, do o tr oName of a Buddhist place in west India.
thanh noi tieng hai ngoai. Ong a cho xuat ban According to Prof. Bapat in the Twenty-Five

Hundred Years of Buddhism, there are as many as Ju-zengodo (jap): Ten paths of good action
130 caves carved in five separate groups within a See Thap Thien and Thap Thien Nghiep.
radius of four miles from Junnar. Hence, the town Juzu (jap): Aksa-sutra (skt)Counting beads
can be said to be the largest monastic RosaryLan chuoi (chau so).
establishment in western India. The frequency
Jvala (skt): HaloLightShiningQuang minh
and smallness of the cells indicate that they
(vong hao quang)The halo behind the throne of
belong to an early periodTheo Giao s Bapat
an imageVong hao quang pha sau bc tng
trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat Giao, co
(quang minh hay anh sang, con co ngha la vo
en 130 hang ong tao thanh nam nhom rieng
tng bat sinh).
biet trong pham vi mot ban knh bon dam tnh t
Jwun Ti Spirit Mantra: Phat Mau Chuan e
Junnar. Do o, co the noi thanh pho nay la khu tu
Than ChuSee Ten small mantras.
vien ln nhat mien tay An o. So lng ong
ao va kch thc nho be cua cac hang cho thay Jyahroda (skt): Nh L at.
cac hang nay thuoc ve mot thi ky xa xa. Jyaistha (skt): The Sat TraThe month Jyaistha,
Junnin (jap): Vua Thuan Nhan (Nhat Ban). when the full moon is in the constellation Jyestha
(between the months of May and June)Ten
Jupiter: Brhaspati (skt)Moc DieuMoc
thang t 15 thang 3 en 15 thang 4 am lch (vao
tinhOne of the nine luminaries, on the south of
khoang thang nam va thang sau)See Twelve
the Diamond hall, outside the Garbhadhatu
Months of a Year in India.
mandalaMoc tinh, mot trong cu dieu, nam ve
pha nam Kim Cang Vien, ben ngoai Thai tang Jyestha (skt): Jyesthaghni (skt)TamName of
Man a LaSee Seven brilliant ones. one of the twenty eight constellationsSee
Twenty eight constellations.
Juppo (jap): Dasa-dis (skt)Ten directions
Thap phng. Jyotirasa (skt): Thu Tr A La BaTranslated as
the flavour of the light, said to be the proper name
Jurei (jap): Vung Tho Linh (Nhat Ban).
of KharosthaDch la quang v hay mui v cua
Jurisdiction (n): Quyen tai phan.
anh sang; ngi ta noi ay la ten rieng cua
Just (a): CorrectGenuineJust Right Kharostha.
TrueChnh (chanh)ungLe phaiThuoc
Jyotisa (skt): Quan he ti Thien Van Hoc va
ve cong chnh.
lchRelating to astronomy or the calendar.
Just cause: Jyotisa Sastra (skt): Thu e Sa LuanWorks
1) Chnh danh (ten goi ung)Chanh ngha.
which are regarded as auxiliary to and even in
2) Good wordsDanh chnh ngon thuan.
some sense as part of the Veda, their objects
Just cause, good words: Danh chanh ngon being to secure the proper pronunciation and
thuan. correctness of the text and the right employment
Just cause can help a man speak of the Mantras of sacrifice as taught in the
convincingly: Danh chanh co the giup cho ngi BrahmanasThu e Sa Luan (giai thch ve cac
ta an noi suon se (danh chnh ngon thuan). phap thien van, a ly va toan so). . Mot trong sau
Just judge and awarder: Yama (skt) bo luan ngoai ao, gom bon bo Ve a va sau bo
Impartial judge and awarderBnh ang vng. luanSee Six vedangas.
Just man: Ngi cong chnh. Jyotiska (skt): Thu e CaCon goi la Thu e
Justice (n): Cong lyFairness. Sac Ca, Thu e Gia, Tu e Sac Ca.
1) Shining: A luminary heavenly bodyChieu
Justifiable (a): Bao cha c.
Dieu hay chieu sang.
Justification (n): Cong chnh hoaS phuc hoi
2) Asterisms: Tinh Tu.
cong chnh.
3) A wealthy man, a native of Rajagrha, who
Justify (v): Xa Pha LaTo proveTo show gave all his goods to the poor; there is a sutra
proofChng minh (chng to). called after him: Ten cua mot v trng gia
(ngi nha giau) trong thanh Vng Xa, a

em cho het cua cho ngi ngheo; co mot bo Kaca (skt): Ca ChaPha leCrystalGlass.
kinh cong c at theo ten cua ong ta. Kacalindikaka (skt): Kacilindi (skt)Ca Gia
Jyotisprabha (skt): Great illustrious Brahman Lan aCa Lan aCa Lan eCa Ch Lat
Quang Minh ai Pham. NaCa Gia Lan e CaA sea bird, from whose
feathers robes are madeMot loai chim ma long
cua no dung e an ao.
Kacamani (skt): Ca Gia Mat NiCa Thac Mat

NiTen moi loai ngoc lu lyCrystalQuartz.
Kaccha (p): Marshy landam lay.
Kacchaka (p): A kind of fig treeMot loai cay
Kacchapa (p): A turtleA tortoiseCon rua.
Kabalinkarahara (p): Thc pham vat chat
Material food. Kacchu (p): A plant the fruits of which cause itch
when applied to the skinMot loai cay mat meo
Kabilsingh, Chatsumarn (1944 - ): A professor
co trai lam nga khi cham vao da.
at Thammasat University who has become one of
the leading advocates for womens issues in Kadamba (skt): Ca am BaMot loai cay co
Thailand. Her mother, Voramai Kabilsingh, was hoa thmA tree or plant with fragrant flowers.
the first Thai woman to take the full Bhikkuni Kado (jap): Hoa ao (thuat cam hoa cua Nhat
ordination, which died out centuries ago in Ban).
Theravada countries. In order to receive it, she Kai (jap): Loka (skt)SphereWorldThe
traveled to Taiwan in 1908, where she was given gii.
the ordination name Ta Tao. In 1957, she Kaidan (jap): Gii an.
established the first monastery in Thailand for Kaidanin (jap): Gii an Vien (Phat giao Nhat
women, called Wat Song dharma Kalyani. Both Ban).
daughter and mother have been instrumental in Kaigonju-ken (jap): Silavrata-paramarsa (skt)
working to re-establish full ordination for women Attachment to precepts and observancesGii
in ThailandTen mot v giang s tai trng ai Cam Thu KienSee Silavrataparamarsa.
hoc Thammasat, ngi a tr thanh mot trong
Kai-in Zanmai (jap): Samadhi as the state like
nhng ngi i au trong nhng van en phu n
the seaHai An Tam MuoiThe ocean symbol,
Thai Lan. Me cua ba la ba Voramai Kabilsingh,
as the face of the sea reflects all forms, so the
la mot ngi Thai muon tho gii ty kheo ni, v
samadhi of a bodhisattva reflects to him all
dong truyen tha nay a tan lui trong cac quoc
truthsLay mat nc bien ca in hien muon hnh
gia theo Phat giao Nguyen Thuy may the ky qua,
van trang e so vi Tam muoi cua Bo Tat bao
nen e c tho gii, ba phai du hanh sang ai
ham het thay van phap.
Loan vao nam 1908, tai ay ba tho gii va mang
phap danh la ai ao. Vao nam 1957, ba thiet Kailasa (skt): Silver Mountain, a mountain in the
lap tu vien au tien tai Thai Lan danh cho n Himalayas famous in myth and legend for both
gii, goi la Wat Song dharma Kalyani. Ca hai me Hinduism and Buddhism. Sacred mountain in the
con ba eu a gop phan vao viec tai thanh lap western Himalayas believed to be the abode of
gii an cho n gii tai Thai Lan. the god Siva by Hindus and of Cakrasamvara by
Tibetan Buddhists. This is one of the mountains in
the Himalayas famous in myth and legend for
both Hinduism and Buddhism. It is one of the most
important pilgrimage spots for Tibetan
BuddhistsNgon nui thieng lieng nam ve pha
Tay cua day Hy Ma Lap Sn, ngi ta tin rang
ay la tru x cua than Siva cua An o giao va

cua Cakrasamvara trong Phat giao Tay Tang. materialism in which there was no such things as
Ngon nui nay c coi la thien ng cua Shiva, killer or killed, but only transformations of
noi tieng cho ca An va Phat giao. Ngon nui nay la elementsMot trong sau ngi lanh ao ngoai
mot trong nhng ngon nui nam trong Nui Tuyet. ao, ngi chu trng theo vat chat, khong co
ay la mot trong nhng a iem hanh hng ngi giet, cung khong co ke b giet, ma ch co s
quan trong nhat cua Phat t Tay Tang. chuyen hoa cua nhng yeu to vat chat ma thoi
Kaimyo (jap): Honorific title given to Japanese (cho rang phap va hu tng va vo tng. Neu
Buddhist monks at their initiationTc v danh ai hoi hu th ap vo, ma ai hoi vo th ap hu)
d ban cho mot v Tang cua Nhat Ban trong buoi See Six heterodox teachers.
le quan anh. Kakujo (jap): S Giac Thanh (1194-1249), Phat
Kaiso (jap): S Hoai To ( - 698). giao Nhat Ban.
Kaisu (jap): Chi-SungKhe Tung. Kakushin (1207-1298): Name of a Japanese
Kaji (jap): Adhisthana (skt)To depend upon monk who was ordained at Todaiji and studied in
Gia TrSee Adhisthana. the Shingon school before traveling to China in
1249. While there he became a student of the
Kajinghara (skt): Kajingala or Kajughira (skt)
greatest Chan master of the day, Wu-Men Hui-
Yet Dang Yet LaA kingdom whose ruling
Kai (1183-1260), who belonged to the Yang-Chi
family was extinct in 400 AD. The ruin of the
school of Lin-Chi. Wu-Men conferred the
capital are situated at the village of Kadjeri, near
certificate of awakening (inka shomei) on him and
Farakhabad, in the province of AgraVng
named him as his dharma successor. He also gave
quoc Yet Dang Yet La ma gia nh hoang toc b
him a handwritten copy of a work containing his
tieu diet vao khoang nam 400 sau Tay Lch.
teachings, entitled Wu-Men Kuan (Mumonkan
Nhng phe tch kinh o cua vng quoc nay hay
jap), which was to become one of the most
con tai lang Kadjeri, gan Farakhabad, thuoc tnh
important works of Japanese Zen. After his return
to Japan Kakushin became an influentiel Zen
Kajo-Daishi (jap): Gia Tng ai S (Nhat
master. His teachings emphasized Koan practice,
but he also incorporated elements of Shingon
Kaka (skt): Ca CaCa Ca CaCa Ca LaCon Ten cua mot v Tang Nhat Ban ngi a c tho
quaA crow. gii tai Todaiji va theo hoc vi tong Chan Ngon
Kakala (skt): trc khi du hanh sang Trung Hoa vao nam 1924.
1) See Kaka. Trong thi gian lu lai trung Hoa ong a tr thanh
2) A black insect or worm: Ca Ca La Trung e t cua v Thien s noi tieng ng thi la
Mot loai sau en (loai sau can chet sau me). Thien s Vo Mon Hue Khai, thuoc dong truyen
Kakkari (p): CucumberDa chuot. tha Dng Ky thuoc tong Lam Te. Vo Mon a
Kakkasa (p): RoughHarsh (a)Go ghe. ban cho ong giay chng nhan giac ngo va bo
Kakoustha (skt): Ka khuat a. nhiem ong la Phap t cua dong truyen tha nay.
Kaksa (skt): Kacha (p)An ancient kingdom of Vo Mon cung ban cho ong mot ban chep tay cha
ng giao phap cua ngai, sau nay no tr thanh
Malava, now the peninsula CutchMot vng
mot trong nhng tac pham quan trong cua Thien
quoc co cua Malava, bay gi la ban ao Cutch.
tong Nhat Ban. Sau khi tr ve Nhat, Kakushin a
Kaku (jap): Vitarka (skt)AwarenessTnh
tr thanh mot thien s co anh hng ln tai Nhat
Ban thi o. Giao phap cua ong nhan manh en
Kakuan (jap): KuoanQuach Am. viec tu tap cong an, nhng ong cung phoi hp vi
Kakubam (jap): S Giac Vam (1095-1143), Phat nhng yeu to khac cua tong Chan Ngon.
giao Nhat Ban. Kakuun (jap): S Giac Van (953-1007), Phat
Kakuda-Katyayana (skt): Ca La Cu a Ca giao Nhat Ban.
Chien DienKakuda-Katyayana, one of the six Kala (skt): Ca La.
famous heretical leaders, who taught a 1) TimeThi gian.

2) A minute part: Mot phan cc nho. twelve thousand verses, but no longer extant. Its
3) An atom: Mot nguyen t. central practice is a six session yoga: 1) individual
4) The hundredth part lengthwise of a human withdrawal (of winds); 2) concentration; 3)
hair: Mot phan tram cua ng knh si toc stopping vitality; 4) retention; 5) subsequent
cua con ngi. mindfulness; and 6) meditative absorption. The
5) A sixteenth part of anything: Mot phan mi initial stages are techniques for withdrawing the
sau cua bat c th g. winds into the central channel (avadhutiskt). In
6) A definite time, a division of time: Mot koang the sixth branch one actualizes immutable bliss,
thi gian xac nh. which is the object of Kalacakra practice. In Tibet
7) The time of work, or study, as opposed to the tantra forms the basis of the traditional
leisure time: Thi gian lam viec hay nghien astrological calendar and the medical system.
cu, oi lai vi thi gian nhan roi. Yearly Kalacakra initiation ceremonies given by
8) Black: Mau en. the Dalai Lama are among the most popular
Kalac(h)akra: Wheel of time. Kalachakra tantra events of Tibetan Buddhism today, because it is
was introduced into Tibet in 1027 and it is widely believed that receiving the Kalacakra
considered the basis of the Tibetan calendar empowerment ensures rebirth in SambhalaMot
Banh xe thi gian. Kalachakra tantra c a trong nhng kinh van Mat chu An o quan trong
vao Tay Tang nam 1027, no c coi nh can ban nhat cua Phat giao Tay Tang. Kinh van nay gom
cua Lch tay Tang. ba phan: noi, ngoai, va nhng phan khac. Phan
Kalacakra sect: Thi Luan GiaoSee au tien ban ve ngoai gii. Phan th hai ban ve
Kalacakra-tantra. the gii tam-vat ly cua chung sanh, ac biet la
nhng nang lng vi te cua s b mat cua sinh ly
Kalacakra-tantra (skt): One of the most
hoc goi la gio, va nhng giot, va qua nhng
important Indian tantric texts for Tibetan
tuyen kinh nang lng vi te. Phan th ba quan
Buddhism. It consists of three parts: inner, outer,
tam ti tu tap quan tng. Kalacakra co le la mot
and other. The firs part discusses the external
trong nhng mat chu mi nhat c a ra tai cac
world. The second part focuses on the psycho-
vung Nam A, vai hoc gia tin rang co le loai mat
physical world of sentient beings, particularly the
chu nay c bien soan gan vung Sogdiana vao
mystical physiology of subtle energies called
khoang the ky th 10, va no khong c truyen
winds (pranaskt), and drops (binduskt),
sang Tay tang cho mai en nam 1027. Kinh van
which to through subtle energy channels (nadi
noi rang mat chu nay c noi vao ngay th 15
skt). The third section is concerned with
cua thang th 3 sau khi c Phat Thch Ca giac
visualization practices. The Kalacakra was
ngo. Trong luc Ngai xuat hien tren nui Linh Thu,
probably one of the latest Tantras produced in
mac y ao Tang s va thuyet giang Kinh bat Nha
South Asia, some scholars believed that it was
Ba La Mat a kinh van dai 100.000 hang, va
probably composed in or near Sogdiana in the
ong thi Ngai cung hien tai Dhyanakataka thuoc
tenth century, and it was not transmitted to Tibet
mien Nam An o nh la Phat Kalacakra, di
until 1027. The text says that it was spoken on the
hnh thc o Ngai day mat chu Kalacakra. Ngi
fifteenth day of the third month after Sakyamuni
ta noi Phat noi mat chu nay theo li thnh cau cua
Buddhas awakening. At the time he appeared on
Sucandra, vua cua x Sambhala, va di hien
the Vulture Peak dressed in monks robes and
than cua c Kim Cang Than, ngi a su tap
preached the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra in
mat chu di hnh thc dai, ngi ta noi co 12
100,000 lines, and he simultaneously manifested
ngan cau, nhng hien nay khong con ton tai na.
at Dhyanakataka in South India as the Buddha
Thc tap chu yeu gom sau phan: 1) s rut lui ca
Kalacakra, in which form he taught the Kalacakra
nhan (gio); 2) niem; 3) ngng hoat kh; 4) tr gi;
tantra. The tantra is said to have been spoken at
5) tnh thc; 6) thien nh sau. Nhng giai oan
the request of Sucandra, king of Sambhala and an
khoi au la nhng ky thuat e rut lui ca nhan vao
emanation of the Buddha Vajrapani, who
con ng trung tam. Trong sau giai oan hay chi
complied the tantra in its long form, said to be

nhanh nay ngi ta co the thc chng phc bao censured by the wise, and to accept what is
o la e muc tu tap Kalac TRONG Tay Tang wholesome that is praised by the wise. It was on
nhng mat chu thanh hnh nhng can ban cho this principle of personal responsibility that the
thuat chiem tinh ve ngay thang va he thong y hoc Buddha allowed freedom of thought to his
cua truyen thong. Hang nam le quan anh c disciples for the first time in history of religions.
ban truyen bi c at Lai Lat Ma la mot trong This also emphasized their spiritual effort to
nhng bien co rat pho bien trong Phat giao Tay investigate and analyze all theories or opinions
Tang ngay nay, v no c ngi ta tin tng mot before accepting or rejecting them. Through the
cach rong rai rang he nhan c le Kalacakra la Kalama Sutra, the Buddha encouraged His
chac chan c vang sanh tai Sambhala. disciples to think freely and not to be led rigidly
Kalaka (skt): Gia La Da XoaA yaksa who by anyone, any authority, or even by the holy
smote (defiled) Sariputra on the head while in scriptures. The Kalama Sutra which the Buddha
meditation, without his perceiving itMot loai lectured for the Kalamas could be considered a
Da Xoa a lam o nhiem tam cua ngai Xa Li very brave revolutionary at that time. He told the
Phat trong luc hanh thien, ma ngai khong hay biet Kalama to examine even the Tathagata in order to
g. have confidence in the true value of His
Kalala (skt): Ca La LaYet La Lam (phoi teachings. He further explained to the Kalama:
thai)An embryoThe wombAn embryo Just as the quality of gold is determined by fire,
shortly after conceptionThe appearance after similarily, my word has to be accepted after
the first week of conceptionThi ky ban s en examination and not out of respect for me.
luc c bay ngaySee Eight stages of the Kinh noi ve nhng li khuyen noi tieng cua c
human foetus. Phat ve viec nhng nha lanh ao tam cau chn ly
trong viec tr quoc cho nhng ngi trong bo toc
Kalama (p): Ca LamA tribe in north-east India
Ca-Lam. Theo Kinh Trung Bo, vao thi c Phat
in the time of the Buddha known to history as the
con tai the, co qua nhieu triet gia va ao s tuyen
recipients of the Buddhas famous advice on the
bo nhieu quan iem khac nhau ve nhan sinh, ve
subject of authority in the search for TruthMot
tn ngng th phng, va ve the gian nay, nen
bo toc vung ong Bac An o vao thi c
pham phu kho long ma bien biet c au la
Phat con tai the, theo lch s th bo toc nay la
ung au la sai. Chnh v the ma c Phat thuyet
nhng ngi a chap nhan li khuyen cua c
kinh Ca-lam cho nhng nha lanh ao trong bo toc
Phat ve viec nhng nha lanh ao tam cau chn ly
Ca Lam. Kinh Ca Lam noi len thai o ng an
trong viec tr quoc.
cua ngi i tm chan ly vao thi o. c Phat
Kalama sutra: Kinh Ca Lam (Ka La Ma)The
day cac v Ca Lam: Cac ong phai nen than trong
sutra mentioned about the Buddhas famous
choi bo ieu bat thien ma ngi tr ch trch, va
advice on the subject of authority in the search for
chap nhan ieu thien ma ngi tr tan than.
Truth for the people in the tribe of Kalama.
Chnh tren nguyen tac trach nhiem ca nhan nay
According to the Majjhima-Nikaya (the Midle
c Phat a cho phep cac e t cua Ngai quyen
Length Discourses in the Pali Canon or the middle
t do t tng, lan au tien xay ra trong lch s
Agama), at the Buddhas time, various
cua cac ton giao. ieu nay nhan manh no lc tinh
philosophers and religious teachers claimed so
than cua ho e quan xet va phan tch moi ly
many different views on human life, religious
thuyet va y kien trc khi chap nhan hay choi bo
worship, and the world that ordinary people could
chung. Qua kinh Ca Lam, c Phat khuyen khch
not distinguish between right and wrong. Thus, the
s t do t tng cua hang e t va khong e cho
Buddha lectured the Kalama Sutra for the leaders
ai, hoac uy quyen nao, hoac ngay ca giao ien
in the Kalama Tribe. The Kalama Sutra expresses
hng mnh i theo mot hng cng nhat. Kinh
a correct mental atttitude for those who try to seek
Ca Lam ma c Phat thuyet cho ngi trong bo
the Truth in the jungle of views at the time. The
toc Ca Lam co the c xem nh la mot cuoc
Buddha taught the Kalama: You should be
cach mang can am vao thi o. Ngai bao nhng
careful to reject what is unwholesome that is

ngi trong bo toc Ca Lam tham sat ngay ca c chim nay co the hot t trong trng, trc khi c
Nh Lai e co c niem tin vao gia tr chan thc n ra.
cua li day cua Ngai. Ngai giai thch them cho bo Kalavinka pitcher: Tan Gia BnhAn
toc Ca Lam: Vang c tham nh bang la, illustration in the Surangama Sutra of emptiness
tng t nh vay, li day cua Ta phai c chap or non-existenceChiec bnh co hnh dang giong
nhan sau khi quan sat ch khong phai v ton trong nh chim Ca Lang Tan Gia, ma trong Kinh Lang
Ta. Nghiem c Phat a dung no e v vi vo khong
Kalanusarin (skt): Kien hacChien an. kh lai, va vo thc sinh diet.
Kalapah-pratyayanam (skt): Nhan Duyen Kalayasa (skt): Cng lng da xa.
Cong Tap HoiA concatenation of causal chains. Kaleidoscope of wisdom: Wisdom-illusion
The Buddha taught: Because of a concatenation Wisdom-conjuringTue ao.
of causal chains there is birth, there is Kali (skt): Ca LiCa LeCat LiCa Lam
disappearance.S noi ket cua cac chuoi nhan PhuCa La PhuStriverIll-born.
duyen. c Phat day: Do s noi ket cua cac 1) Striver: au Tranh Ac SanhIll-born.
chuoi nhan duyen ma co s sinh, co s diet. 2) Kaliraja or Kalingaraja (skt)au Tranh
Kalapinaka (skt): Ca La Ty Na CaAccording VngAc The Vo ao VngAccording
to Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English to the Nirvana Sutra, Kaliraja was a king of
Buddhist Terms, Kalapinaka was the city of Magadha noted for his violence; it is said that
Magadha, 20 miles southeast of Kulika, south of in a former incarnation he cut off the ears,
the present city BeharTheo Eitel trong Trung nose, and hands of the Buddha, who bore it
Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Ca La Ty Na Ca all unmovedTheo Kinh Niet Ban, Ca Li
(Kalapinaka) la thanh pho Ma Kiet a, khoang hay vua Ca Lam Phu hay au Tranh Vng
20 dam ong nam Kulika, pha nam cua thanh pho la vua cua x Ma Kiet a, noi tieng ve s
Behar bay gi. bao ong cua ong ta. Ngi ta noi rang trong
Kalaratri (skt): Hac Da ThanOne of the three tien kiep, ong a tng cat tai, xeo mui, hay
queens of Yama, who controls midnightCon goi chat tay chan cua c Phat.
la Am Ha Thien, Hac Am Thien, hay Hac Da Kalika (skt): Ca La CaA garment of diverse
Thien, tieng Phan la Ca La Ca e Mac, mot trong coloursLoai ao ca le ca co mau lom om (det
ba ba hoang hau cua vua Diem Ma, ay la v bang hoa cat boi).
Than trong coi the gian na em, luc toi tri. Kaliraja (skt): Kiet Li VngA former
Kalasas (p): Bnh ng nc. incarnation of Kaundinya, when as king he cut off
Kalasivi (skt): Chi cng lng tiep. the hands and feet of Ksanti-rsi because his
Kalasutra (skt): Hac ThangThe black-rope, or concubines had strayed to the hermit hut. He was
black-bonds hell. The hell of black cords or converted by the hermits indifference, it was
chainsHac Thang a Nguc. Ke pham toi b predicted that he would become a disciple of
cang day thng en trc khi hanh hnhSee BuddhaTien kiep cua Kieu Tran Nh, khi con
Eight great hot hells. lam quoc vng ong a cat tay chan cua Ksanti-
Kalavinka (skt): Ca Lang Tan GiaCa Lan rsi v nhng the thiep cua ong a lac vao thien
GiaCa Lan Tan GiaYet La Tan CaCa that cua v nay. Do s t tai cua v an s nay ma
Lang Ty GiaCa Ty Gia LaCap Ty Gia La ong a cai oi va ngi ta oan rang ve sau nay
Yet Ty Gia LaCa Ty GiaCa V LaA kind ong se la e t cua Phat Thch Ca.
of sparrow in Indian, mentioned in the Amitabha Kaliyaka (skt): Ca La CaA naga or a black
Sutra, described as having a melodious voice, dragon inhabiting the Yamuna (Jumna), slain by
found in the valley of Himalaya. It is said to sing KrsnaMot loai hac long (rong en).
in the shell before hatchingMot loai chim se Kalki Avatara (skt): The Buddha-to-be
An o, c e cap trong Kinh A Di a, loai Maitreya.
chim co giong hot thanh thot. Ngi ta noi loai

Kalmasapada (skt): Ban Tuc VngThe king 3) Middle-size kalpa = 20 small kalpas: Trung
with the marks on his feet, Kalmasapada, said to kiep (bang 20 tieu kiep).
be the name of a previous incarnation of the 4) Great kalpa= 4 middle kalpas: ai kiep (bang
BuddhaCon goi la Ca Ma Sa Ba a, dch la bon trung kiep).
Ban Tuc Vng hay Loc Tuc Vng, la v vua co 5) According to the Kosa Sastra, there are four
om di chan, ngi ta noi ngai la tien than cua kalpas or epochs, or periods of time, each
c Phat (theo Kinh Hien Ngu, v vua nay tng consisting of twenty small kalpas, during
theo giao ly cua ta s, muon lay c au cua which worlds go through formation, existing,
1000 v quoc vng khac e c ac ao. Khi a destruction, and annihilationTheo Cau Xa
lay c 999 au, ch con thieu mot au na th Luan, co bon trang thai hay bon kiep, moi
gap Pho Minh Vng. Minh Vng xin gia han kiep gom 20 tieu kiep qua cac thi ky thanh,
mot ngay e ac ra hoi Bach Thien Vng. tru, hoai, khongSee Four kalpas.
Trong Bach Hoi, Pho Minh nghe c bon bai ke 6) See Kalpa.
vo thng lien chng c H khong ang nh, Kalpa of annihilation: Samvarta-siddha kalpa
rieng Ban Tuc Vng th chng Khong tam (skt)Khong KiepAnnihilation or the
muoi. Ban Tuc Vng chnh la tien than cua succeeding void, during which nothing exists, or
ng Quat Ma La (Anguli-malya). the final annihilationS huy diet ke tiep bi
Kalodaka (skt): Ca lu a diThi Thuy. khong kiep, trong giai oan nay khong th g co
Kalodayin (skt): Kaludayi (p)Ca-lu-a-di the ton tai c. ay la giai oan hoan toan hoai
Thanh van va La han cua Phat Thch Ca. dietSee Four kalpas.
Kalpa (skt & p): AeonLifeKiepAn Kalpa-ash: Kiep HoiThe ash after the fire
infinitely long time, a period of time between the kalpa of destructionKiep tro, thi ky ch toan
creation and recreation of a world or universe. nhng tro, ngay sau s tan pha cua kiep hoa.
The length of a day and night of Brahma Kalpa of the constellations: Tinh Tu KiepA
(4.320.000.000 years). Kalpa is an immeasurably future kalpa of the constellations in which a
long period of time, based on Buddhist thousand Buddhas will appearKiep v lai trong
cosmological notion that the world comes into o co 1.000 v Phat ra i (v Phat xuat hien nh
being, develops, degenerates, and is destroyed. tinh tu tren tri nen goi la tinh tu kiep, bat au la
To pass a heaven cloth over a solid rock 40 li in Nht Quang Phat va sau cung la Tu Di Tng
size once in a hundred years, when finally the Phat).
rock has been thus worn away a kalpa will not yet Kalpa in decay: Kiep ocThis is one of the
have passedMot khoang thi gian rat dai. five kysaya periods of turbidity, impurity or
Khoang thi gian mot ngay mot em tren coi Tri chaosay la mot trong nam trcSee Five
Pham Thien (tng ng vi 4 ty 320 trieu nam). kinds of turbidity.
Khoang thi gian t luc vu tru c thanh lap, Kalpa of destruction or decay: Samvarta
en hoai diet roi lai c thanh lap. Lay ao tri (skt)Hoai Kiep.
vo vao mot tang a dai 40 dam, c moi tram nam 1) The periodical gradual destruction of a
lai vo mot lan, c the cho en khi ao tri rach nat, universe, one of its four kalpasMot trong t
tieu kiep van cha het. kiep, khi vu tru hay tam thien ai thien the
1) Kiep: 139.600 years. gii b huy dietSee Four kalpas.
2) One Small Kalpa: The length of a Day and 2) Destruction consists of sixty-four small kalpas
Night of Brahma which is equivalent to 1,000 when fire, water and wind destroy everything
kalpas. A period of time between the creation except the Fourth DhyanaHoai kiep gom
and recreation of a world or universeTieu 64 tieu kiep trong o la, nc va gio tan pha
kiep: Mot tieu kiep tng ng vi 1.000 tat ca moi th, ngoai tr T Thien Thien.
kiep, mot khoang thi gian t tao lap vu tru Kalpa of existing: Vivarta-siddha (skt)Tru
en tai tao lap. KiepTru kiep trong o mat tri mat trang moc

len, gii tnh phan biet, anh hung khi day, bon con la thai t, ve sau nay ong tr thanh mot trong
giai cap c thanh lap, va cuoc song xa hoi tien nhng e t au tien cua Phat.
hoaExisting or abiding or existence, sun and Kalunasurin (skt): Kien hacChien an.
moon rise, sexes are differentiated, heroes arise, Kalu Rinpoche (1905-1989): Reincarnate lama
four castes are formed, social life evolvesSee of the Karma Kagyupa lineage of Tibetan
Four kalpas. Buddhism, recognized as an activity emanation
Kalpa-flames: Kiep DiemKiep HoaKiep of Jamgon Kongtrul. He was ordained at age
Tan HoaKiep ThieuThe fire in the kalpa thirteen by the eleventh Situ Rinpoche Karma
destruction, one of the three great calamities Rangjung Gunkyab. Three years later, he began a
Hoa tai trong thi hoai kiep, mot trong ai tam tai three-year, three-month, three-day retreat, and for
(kiep hoa tai se ot het t mat at cho en coi s the next thirteen years after that engaged in yogic
thien). practice. His fame as a meditator grew, and he
Kalpa of flood: Kiep ThuyThe flood in the was appointed meditation teacher at Pelpung
kalpa of destruction, one of the three great Monastery. In 1962 he left Tibet and settled in
calamitiesai thuy tai sanh ra vao thi hoai Sonada in West Bengal. From 1971 to 1981 he
kiep, mot trong tam ai tai. traveled widely, and established meditation
Kalpa of form: Thanh KiepSee Four kalpas. centers in the U.S.A., Canada, and Europe. He
Kalpa of formation: Vivarta-kalpa (skt) was the first Tibetan teacher to lead a group of
Thanh KiepFormation or completion which Western students in the traditional three-year
consists of twenty small kalpas during which retreat in France from 1976 to 1980V Lat Ma
worlds and the beings on them are formed tai sanh cua truyen thong Karma Kagyupa trong
Thanh kiep gom 20 tieu kiep trong luc cac the Phat giao Tay Tang, c cong nhan la hoa than
gii va chung sanh c thanh lapSee Four cua Jamgon Kongtrul. Ong tho gii vao nam 13
kalpas. tuoi vi Situ Rinpoche Karma Rangjung Gunkyab
i th 11. Ba nam sau o, ong bat au mot cuoc
Kalpa Sastra (skt): Kha Thch Ba LuanKiep
nhap that ba nam, ba thang, ba ngay, va trong 13
LuanWorks which are regarded as auxiliary to
nam sau cuoc nhap that o ong tu tap du gia.
and even in some sense as part of the Veda, their
Danh tieng thien s cua ong ngay cang ln manh,
objects being to secure the proper pronunciation
va ong c bo nham lam thien s tai Tu Vien
and correctness of the text and the right
Pelpung. Nam 1962 ong ri Tay tang va nh c
employment of the Mantras of sacrifice as taught
tai Sonada, mien tay Bengal. T nam 1971 e
in the BrahmanasKha Thch Ba Luan (giai thch
1981 ong du hanh mot cach rong rai va thanh lap
ten tuoi, nhan duyen cua cac thien tien t xa en
nhieu trung tam thien tren at My va Au Chau.
nay). . Mot trong sau bo luan ngoai ao, gom bon
Ong la v thay Tay tang au tien hng dan mot
bo Ve a va sau bo luanSee Six vedangas.
nhom thien sinh Tay phng trong truyen thong
Kalpataru (skt): A tree in Indras garden bearing
ba nam nhap that tai Phap t nam 1976 en nam
fruit according to the seasonsKiep ba thu, mot
loai cay tren thien uyen e Thch (vn tren coi
Kalyana-mitra (skt): Kalyana-mitta (p)Nhng
tri e Thch), co trai tuy mua.
ngi ban c hanhA Sanskrit term for
Kalpa turbidity: Kiep TrcSee Five kinds
Virtuous friends, a title awarded to Gelukpa
of turbidity.
monks who successfully complete a series of oral
Kaludaja: Ca Lau a Di. examinations at the culmination (cc iem) of a
Kaludayin (skt): Ca Lau a DiCa Lu a program of study that commonly takes fifteen to
DiCa Lo NaCa LHac u a DiUdayin twenty years to complete. During this time, they
or Black Udayin, said to have been schoolmaster master a huge range of scholastic material on
to Sakyamuni when young and one of the early monastic discipline, logic, epistemology,
disciplesV Ty Kheo da en bong; ngi ta noi cosmology, etc. This term refers to any people
ong la thay day hoc cua Phat Thch Ca luc Ngai who help one on the path, specifically, this

generally refers to ones preceptor, and may to the Buddhist path). Sense-pleasures, desire
include other religious teachers, but it can also for sense-pleasures, desire (sexual) or sensual
refer to anyone who provides useful help and desire, or mental defilement, refers to desire
advice on the path. Because Budhist practice is toward sensually satisfying objects and to the
difficult and fraught (ch ay) with pitfalls, the joy taken in these things. It is seen as one of
choice of spiritual friends is considered to be of the primary obstacles on the spiritual path
crucial importance. In the Pali Canon, the Buddha T Bac Phan ch s ham muon, nhng ac
is reported to have said that the best choice is a biet ch ve s ham muon xac tht. Trong
Buddha, next best is an Arhat, but that anyone nhieu oan van kinh, kama c dung vi
who is knowledgeable and sincerely commited to ham ngha ham muon noi chung.Kama la
Dharma practice may be suitableT Bac Phan khao khat thoa man tnh duc cung nh niem
dung e ch Nhng ngi ban c hanh, mot vui c cam thay trong s khoai lac ay. ay
danh hieu c ban tang cho nhng v s cua la mot trong nhng tr ngai chnh tren bc
trng phai Gelukpa, nhng v a hoan tat mot ng tu tap. Duc vong, nhuc duc, hay tham
loat nhng bai thi van ap vao thi iem cao duc la khao khat thoa man tnh duc cung nh
nhat cua chng trnh hoc, thng phai mat t 15 niem vui c cam thay trong s khoai lac
en 20 nam e hoan thanh. Trong thi gian nay, ay. ay la mot trong nhng tr ngai chnh
ho phai che ng mot loat rat nhieu nhng nguyen tren bc ng tu tap.
tac ky luat trong t vien, ve ly luan, ve nhan thc 2) Goddess of sensuous desireAi than n.
luan, ve vu tru hoc, van van. T nay dung e ch (II) Five types of sensual desireNam loai duc
bat c ai giup ngi khac tren ng tu tap, mot vong:
cach ac biet, dung e ch v giao ao, va cung co 1) Desire toward form: Sac.
the bao gom nhng v thay ton giao khac, nhng 2) Desire toward sound: Thanh.
no cung co the c dung e ch bat c ai cung 3) Desire toward smell: Hng.
cap s giup hay li khuyen hu ch tren ng 4) Desire toward taste: V.
tu tap. Bi v tu tap theo Phat giao that kho khan 5) Desire toward bodily feeling: Xuc.
va day ay nhng ham ho hiem nguy, s la chon Kama-bhavo (p): Becoming in the world of
nhng thien hu tri thc c xem nh cc ky sense-desireDuc huSee Three dharmas
quan trong. trong kinh ien Pali, ngi ta tng (XVII).
thuat c Phat a noi rang s la chon tot nhat la Kamacchanda (p): GreedSensuous lust
mot v Phat, ke o la mot v A La Han, nhng bat Tham am cac duc lac ngu tranTham duc hay
c ai co kien thc va thc tam tu tap Phat phap tham ai duyen theo duc gii (chng ngai au
eu co the thch hpSee Good-knowing tien trong nam chng ngai)Lust for sense
advisor. objects. Sensual thoughts definitely retard mental
Kama (skt): Kamacchanda (p)Duc vong development. They disturb the mind and hinder
Nhuc ducTham ducWishLongingSense- concentration. Sensuality is due to non-restraint of
pleasuresDesire for sense-pleasuresDesire the senses, which when unguarded give rise to
(sexual) or sensual desire Mental defilement. thoughts of lust so that the mind-flux is defiled.
(I) The meanings of KamaNgha cua Therefore, there is an urgent need for the
Kama: practitioner to be on his guard against this
1) A Sanskrit term for desire, but it hindrance which closes the door to deliverance
specifically refers to sexual desire. In many Nhng t duy tham duc nay ro rang lam cham lai
scriptural contexts it is used to encompass s phat trien tinh than. No khuay ong tam va can
desire in general. Kama refers to desire tr s nh tnh. Tham duc phat sanh la do khong
toward sensually satisfying objects and to the che ng cac can, ngha la khi hanh gia khong biet,
joy taken in these things. It is seen as one of khong phong ho cac can cua chnh mnh, e cho
the primary obstacles on the spiritual path nhng t duy tham duc khi len khien cho dong
(considered to be one of the major hindrances tam thc b ue nhiem. Chnh v vay hanh gia rat

can phai tnh giac canh chng tham duc, loai trien 6) The element of sense-desireDuc giiSee
cai che lap mat ca ngo i vao giai thoat nay Three dharmas (XIII) (A).
See Five hindrances, and Five hindrances to ** See Three realms.
spiritual progress. (III) Categories of Kamadhatu.: Phan loai Duc
Kama-dhatu (skt & p): Ca Ma a oDuc GiiThe realm of desire is divided into 20
giiThe world of volitionThe realm of different regions. Beings in the realm of
passionsRealm of desire or sensual realm desire (so called because the beings in these
Human worldDesire worldPassion world. states are dominated by desire)Duc gii
(I) An overview of Kama-dhatu: Tong quan ve c chia thanh 20 khu vc khac nhau. Goi la
Duc giiThe realm of desire, of sensuous chung sanh trong coi duc gii v chung sanh
gratification; this world and the six devalokas; trong coi nay luon b duc vong che ng:
any world in which the elements of desire (A) Devas in the six heavens of desire:
have not ben suppressed. The world of desire. Kamadeva (skt)Ch Thien trong sau coi
The region of the wishes. This is the lowest of tri duc gii.
the three realms of existence, the other two 1) Yamah: Coi Da Ma ThienYama deva; the
being rupa-dhatu and arupa-dhatu. It is also third devaloka, interpreted as the place where
the realm in which human live, and it the times, or seasons, are always goodDa
receives its name because desire is the Ma Thien la coi tri duc gii th ba, c
dominant motivation for its inhabitantsDuc giai thch nh la ni luon co thi gian va mua
Gii gom the gii nay va sau coi tri. Bat c mang lng hao.
the gii nao ma nhng yeu to tham duc cha 2) Caturmaharajakayika: Coi T Thien Vng
c khac phuc. The gii cua s ham muon. Thien.
ay la the gii thap nhat trong ba the gii, i) Dhrtarastra, in the east: Tr Quoc Thien
hai the gii kia la sac gii va vo sac gii. No Vngong Thien Vng.
cung la the gii ma trong o loai ngi ang ii) Virudhaka, in the south: Tang Trng
song, va no co ten la duc gii v s tham ThienNam Thien Vng.
duc la ong lc lt thang cho tat ca chung iii) Virupaksa, in the west: Quang Muc Thien
sanh trong coi naySee Triloka. VngTay Thien Vng.
(II) The meaning of KamadhatuNgha cua iv) Vaisramana (Dhanada), in the north: a Van
Duc Gii: One of the three realms. Realm of Thien VngBac Thien Vng.
desire is a realm where there exists all kinds ** See Four Heavenly (Guardian) Kings.
of desires. This is the realm of (sensuous) 3) Trayastrimsah: Coi ao Li ThienSee
desire of sex and food. It includes the six Trayastrimsas.
heavens, the human world, and then hells. All 4) Tusita: Coi au Suat ThienSee Tushita
beings in this realm possess five aggregates Heaven.
or panca-skandhaDuc gii la mot trong tam 5) Nirmanarati: Coi Hoa Lac ThienSee
gii, ni o co ay day nhng th ham muon. Nirmanarati heaven.
ay la canh gii tham sac duc va thc duc. 6) Paranirmitavasavartin: Coi Tha Hoa T Tai
Gom sau coi tri, coi ngi va a nguc. ThienSee Paranirmita-vasavartin.
Chung sanh trong coi duc gii nay eu co ngu (B) Beings in the four continents: Nhan gian trong
uan tao thanh than the vat chat (the gii vat T ChauSee Four great continents.
chat bao trum t luc ao en cac coi tri eu (C) Tiryagyoni (skt): Suc SanhSee Tiryagyoni.
thuoc duc gii nay). (D) Hungry ghosts: Preta-gati (skt)Nga Quy
1) Desire for sex: Sac Duc. See Hungry ghosts.
2) Desire for food: Thc Duc. (E) Hell: Naraka (skt): a NgucSee Hell.
3) Desire for sleep: Thuy Duc. Kamakura (jap): Trieu a Thng Liem cua
4) Desire for fame: Danh Duc. Nhat (1185-1333).
5) Desire for talents: Tai Duc.

Kamala (skt): Red lotusBa au maHong chu giai mot cach tinh tng ve chan ly khai
lien (hoa sen o). yeuSee Madhyamika.
Kamalanka (skt): Ca Ma Lang CaAccording Kamamithyacaradviratih (skt):
to The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist Abrahamacarya-veramani (skt)Kamesu-
Terms, Kamalanka was an ancient country in micchacara (p)Khong Ta DamAbstain from
India, probably part of the present Chittagong, all sexual excess, or refraining from sexual
opposite the mouth of the GangesTheo Eitel misconductAgainst lustNo adulteryNot to
trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Kamalanka commit adulteryNot to engage in improper
la mot vng quoc co ben An o, co le la mot sexual misconductNot to have adulteryThe
phan cua Chittagong bay gi, oi dien vi ca third commandment of not to commit adultery for
song Hang. the lay and against all unchastity for the clerics.
Kamalashila (700-750): Lien Hoa GiiAn Not to have unchaste because we dont want to be
Indian Buddhist master, one of the most important a bad person in the society. Not to have unchaste
representatives of the Madhyamika school in the will help us become pure and goodGii th ba
8th century, author of an influential meditation text cho Phat t tai gia la khong ta dam. Khong ta
entitled Stages of Meditative Practice hanh v chung ta khong muon lam ngi xau trong
(Bhavanakrama), which according to Tibetan xa hoi. Khong ta dam giup cho than tam chung ta
tradition was written in response to the quietist thanh bach va lng thien (Gii nay chia lam hai
and antinomian (hai nguyen tac oi nghch nhau) loai, tai gia va xuat gia. Khong ta dam ch danh
teachings of Ho-Shang-Mo-Ho-Yen (Hva-shang cho ngi tai gia tho tr nam gii cam, ngha la v
Ma ha ya natib). Bu Ston reports that the two chong khong chnh thc ci hoi, phi thi, phi x,
met at the Council of Lhasa, during which eu thuoc ta dam. Gii cam nay chang nhng
Kamalasila championed Indian gradualist giup ta tranh c qua bao, ma con ac biet gn
paradigms (kieu mau) of meditation, while Mo- gi va trng dng than tam khong cho chay
Ho-Yen advocted a form of Chan practice. theo tnh duc phi thi phi phap. Ve phan Tang
Kamalasila was declared victorious, but the chung xuat gia, vi y ch cau pham hanh, gii nay
defeated sent some Chinese assassins to Tibet, oi hoi Tang chung oan tuyet vi tat ca moi
and they killed Kamalasila by squeezing his hanh vi dam duc, cho en khi tam ong niem
kidneys. Kamalasila played an extremly important eu la pham gii)See Five precepts.
role and had great influence on the development Kamanispati (p): Man nguyen.
of the Madhyamika school in Tibet. He was one Kamaraga (skt & p): DesireLustTham duc.
of the celebrated disciples of Santaraksita. It may 1) Desire for and love of things of life: Greed
be said in passing that Santaraksita and and desireSee Greed and desire.
Kamalasila represent a syncretism of the 2) Sensous greed: The underlying tendency to
Madhamaka system and Vijnanavada and cannot sensual lustThe inherent tendency to greed
be strictly called Madhyamikas. Kamalasila wrote for sense desireDuc Ai Tuy MienSee
a Learned Commentary on the Comppendium of Seven underlying tendencies, and Seven
Reality (Tattvasamgraha-Panjika)Mot trong defilements.
nhng ai bieu quan trong cua trng phai Trung Kamarupa (skt): Ca Ma Lu BaAccording to
ao vao the ky th tam. Ong a ong vai tro cc Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
ky quan trong va co anh hng rat ln trong viec Buddhist Terms, Kamarupa, now Kamrup, an
phat trien trng phai nay tren at Tay Tang. Ong ancient kingdom formed by the western portion of
la mot trong nhng e t noi tieng cua Tch Ho. Assam. Until the Tang dynasty, no temples were
Co the noi rang Tch Ho va Lien Hoa Gii tieu ever built there. When King Kamala heard that
bieu cho s dung hp cua hoc thuyet Trung Quan Hsuan-Tsang crossed by the country, he invited
va Duy Thc Luan, va v the khong the goi ho Hsuan-tsang to stop by to preach Buddhas
thuoc phai Trung Quan chan chnh. Lien Hoa Gii teachingTheo Eitel trong trung Anh Phat Hoc
a viet bo Minh Giai Chan Ly Khai Yeu. e T ien, Ca Ma Lu Ba, bay gi la Kamrup, la

mot vng quoc co c thanh lap bi mot phan quoc thuoc An o thi co, noi tieng vi
at tay bo cua Assam (theo Tay Vc Ky cua nhng ngi an ba ep.
Huyen Trang, th x nay rong tren van dam, Kamesana (p): Quests for sense-desireDuc
giong ngi nho be, noi tieng khac vi An o, cauSee Three dharmas (XVIII).
th phung thien than, khong tin Phat Phap. en Kamesu-micchacara (p):
i nha ng van cha thay dng chua th Phat. Kamamithyacaradviratih (skt)Not to engage in
Ngi dan ch len lut niem Phat. en i vua Cau improper sexual misconductKhong ta dam
Ma La, nghe tin Huyen Trang i ngang, ben thnh Against lustNot to commit adulteryAbstain
ngai en thuyet phap). from all sexual excess, or refraining from sexual
Kamasava (p): Attachment to the sensual misconductSee Five precepts.
worldIntoxicant of worldly desires or sensual Kameyama (jap): Thien Hoang Long Sn (Nhat
pleasuresDuc lauS tham luyen coi duc (say Ban).
me ve duc lac tran the)See Three delusions
Kamidana (jap): Than Bang (bai v e ten Than
Thien Chieu ai Than Amaterasu-Omikami trong
Kamasava (p): Kamasavo (p)Duc lauThe Than ao Nhat Ban).
corruption of desireIntoxicant of worldly
Kamisuicchacaro (skt): Ta damSee Sexual
desires or sensual pleasuresSay me ve duc lac
tran theSee Three delusions (II), and Three
Kammacatukkam (p): Four types of kamma
dharmas (XVI).
(karma)See Four types of kamma (karma).
Kamasukhallika-nuyoga (p): Lien tuc luyen ai
Kamma that is neither black nor bright,
duc tran.
with neither black nor bright result, leading
Kama-tanha (p): Craving for the world of
sensual desireSensual cravingDuc aiHam to the destruction of kamma: Akanham-
muon duc lacSee Three dharmas (XIV) (B), asukkam (p)Phi Hac Phi Bach Nghiep, Phi Hac
and Three kinds of craving (I) (A). Phi Bach Bao, a en s tan diet cac nghiep
See Four kinds of kamma.
Kamavacara (skt): Duc giiThe world of
desire. Kammakkhya (p): Exhaustion of the Kammic
energyNghiep DSee Four causes of death
Kamavasa (p): Duc giiThe sense of
(The Buddha and His Teachings).
Kammanta (p): ActionSamma Kammanta
Kama-vitakko (skt): The unwholesome
(Right Action).
investigation of sensualityDuc tamSee Three
dharmas (VI), and Three kinds of unwholesome Kammantthana (p): Subject of meditation.
investigation. Kamma-phala (p): Hau qua cua hanh ong
Kambala (skt): Phat y hay ao det bang tocA The fruit or result of action.
woollen or hair mantle; a loin cloth. Kammassakata samma-dhitthi (p): Chanh
Kamboja (skt): kien thay ro ch co nghiep mi thc s la gia tai
1) Cam Bo: Described as a round reddish fruit, cua chung ta.
the Buddha having something resembling it Kammatthana (p): Tham thienSee
on his neck, one of his characteristic marks Contemplation and Meditation.
Qua Cam Bo c dien ta la mau o, tron, co Kammatthanacariya (p): Thien SA Zen
ba ngan ngang. Ni co cua c Phat cung co MasterA meditation teacher.
hnh tng nay, mot trong 32 tng hao cua 1) A master, or teacher, of meditation, or of the
c Phat. Chan school in general: Mot v Thay day
2) Cam Bo Quoc: Kamboja (skt)One of the Thien noi chung.
sixteen countries in ancient India, noted for 2) A Zen master who has already attained self-
its beautiful womenMot trong 16 vng realization or enlightenment. He was allowed

to teach Zen to his disciples: Mot v Thay a Kamupapattiyo (skt): Tam Duc Sanh
chng ngo va day thien. According to The Long Discourses of the Buddha,
3) A great or renowned Zen master. The title is Sangiti Sutra, there are three kinds of rebirth in
usually conferred posthumously, though some the realm of Sense-DesireTheo Trng Bo,
masters have achieved this distinction during Kinh Phung Tung, co ba loai duc sanhSee
their life time: Bac Thay Thien v ai hay Three kinds of rebirth in the realm of Sense-
danh tieng. Danh hieu nay thng c Desire.
phong tang sau khi v thay a vien tch, mac Kamyo-Hoo (jap): S Khoan Bnh Phap Hoang
du mot vai bac thay a at c danh hieu (cu hoang Vu a cua Nhat Ban).
nay ngay trong luc con song.
Kan (jap): Vipasyana (skt)Insight
Kamma-vipaka: Nghiep quaMaturing or ReflectionQuan.
ripening of past causes under the Law of Karma
Kana (p):
The fruit or results of deeds which have ripened.
1) Monoculous: oc nhanOne-eyed.
Kammu (jap): N hoang Hoan Vu (Nhat Ban). 2) Broken rice: Gao nat.
Kampilla (skt)Kim Ty La a Ca Ty LaKim Kanabhuj (skt): Kanada (skt)Kiet No Boc
Ty La ThanKim Ty La ai Tng. Founder of Vaisesika school of Indian
1) The retinue of 1,000-hand Kuan-Yin: Quyen philosophyNgi sang lap trng phai Triet Ly
thuoc cua Thien Thu Quan Am. An o Vaisasika.
2) An Indian monk: Kim Ty La Ty Kheo: Mot v
Kanada (skt): Ca na at.
s An o.
Kanadeva (skt): Ariyadeva (skt)Ca Na e
Kampilya (skt): Name of a solitary placed
BaCa Na Giaoc Nhan e BaGia Na e
named Kampilya in west India, near Navasari. A
BaMau Ni (Kanakamuni)A famous disciple
copper plate inscription of the Rastrakuta king,
of Nagarjuna and fifteenth patriarch, a native of
Dantivarman of Gujarat, dated 865, records that,
South India, of the Vaisya caste; said to have only
after bathing in the river Puravi, now Purna river
one eye, hence Kana his name; known also as
in the Surat district, at the request of a monk, the
Deva-Bodhisattvae t noi tieng cua ngai
king donated lands for the Kampilya vihara,
Long Tho va la to th 15, ngi mien Nam An,
where there lived five hundred monks of the
dong doi quy toc. Ngi ta noi ong ch co mot
Sangha of Sindhu Desa. Another inscription of the
mat nen mang ten Kuna. Ong con co ten la e
Rastrakuta king, Dharavarsa, records a similar
Ba Bo TatSee Twenty eight Indian Patriarchs.
grant to the same monastery in 884 A.D. It seems
Kanaka (skt): Kanika (skt)Ca Ni CaKiet Ni
that the Buddhist community migrated from Sindh,
presumably for fear of the Muslims and founded a
1) A tree or plant, probably a kind of sandal-
vihara at Kampilya which was already known as a
woodMot loai cay, co le la cay chien an,
sacred placeTen cua mot a danh heo lanh
mot loai an hng.
mien tay An o, gan Navasari. Mot ban ch khac
2) Name of several yellow plants: Ten cua mot
tren phien ong cua vua dong Rastrakuta la
vai loai cay mau vang.
Dantivarman Gujarat, ghi chep rang nam 865,
3) Thorn apple: Tao gai.
khi vua xuong tam di song Puravi, nay la song
Purna quan Surat, theo s thnh cau cua mot tu Kanakabharadvaja (s): Ca nac ca bat l oa
s, nha vua a cap at cho tu vien Kampilya, ni xa.
co nam tram tu s cua Tang oan Sindhu Desa Kanakamuni (skt): Cau Na Ham Mau NiCau
ang song. Lai co mot ban khac khac ghi rang Na HamCau Na Mau NiCa Nac Ca Mau Ni.
vao nam 884 v vua nay lai cap at cho cung tu 1) The second Buddha in the five Buddhas of
vien nay. Dng nh cac cong ong Phat giao t the Bhadrakalpa, and the fifth of the seven
vung Sindh, co le v s nhng ngi Hoi giao, a ancient Buddhas: Cau Na Ham Mau NiCa
di chuyen en xay dng tu vien tai Kampilya, ni Na Gia Mau NiCat Nac Gia Mau NiV
von noi tieng la mot thanh a. Phat th hai trong nam v Phat Hien kiep, v

Phat th nam trong bay v Phat qua khSee thay gan thanh pho nay. Phat Am (Buddhaghosa),
Five dhyani Buddhas and Seven ancient luan s Pali noi tieng, trong bo luan th cua mnh
Buddhas. (Manorathapurani), co noi rang ong viet cuon
2) The golden recluse: Kim Tch. sach nay la theo yeu cau cua Thng Toa
3) The golden rsi: Kim Tien. Jotipala cung vi ong tai Kanchipura. Huyen
4) A Brahman of the Kasyapa family, native of Trang cung noi en mot ngi ten Dhammapala
Sobhanavati: Mot ngi Ba La Mon thuoc gia Kanchi, von la mot ai luan s cua Nalanda. Tai
nh Ca Diep, c dan trong thanh Trieu Tien cung a tm thay mot ban ch khac
Sobhanavati. bang th noi ve ni nay. Trong li ta cua tac
5) According to Professor Soothill in The pham nay do Ly T viet nam 1378, co ke ve cuoc
Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist i va chuyen i cua mot tu s An o ten la
Terms, this is possibly a sage who preceded Dhyanabhadra. Chuyen ke nay cho chung ta biet
Sakyamuni in India: Theo Giao S Soothill rang tu s ay la con trai cua mot ong vua Ma
trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, ay co le Kiet a va mot ba hoang Kanchi, v tu s ay a
ay la mot v Thanh An o trc thi Phat c nghe mot nha thuyet phap Phat giao noi ve
Thch Ca. bo kinh Karanda-vyuhasutra. Nh vay, mai cho
Kanakavatsa (skt): Ca nac ca phat sa. en the ky th 14, ni nay mi c biet en la
Kancana (skt): Can o NaKien Chiet Na mot trung tam Phat giao.
GoldenA shrub of trees, with golden hue, Kancho (jap):
described as the leguminous order. 1) Title of the monk who superintends in a
Kanchi (skt): Name of a Buddhist place in Buddhist monastery or temple. Among the
Southern India. According to Prof. Bapat in the Rinzais he is elected, but must be a Zen
Twenty-Five Hundred Years of Buddhism, masterChc vu cua mot v giam s trong
Kanchi, with its Rajavihara and its hundred thien vien hay t vien. Trong Thien Lam Te,
monasteries, was a famous stronghold of v nay c e c, nhng phai la mot v thay
Buddhism in the South. Five Buddha images have ve Thien.
been discovered near this town. The famous Pali 2) S Khoan Trieu (916-998)One who built
commentator, Buddhaghosa, has mentioned in his HenjojiV khai sang chua Bien Chieu
commentary (the Manorathpurani) that he wrote it (Nhat Ban).
at the request of the Venerable Jotipala who was Kancipura (skt): Kien Ch Bo LaKien Ch
staying with him at Kanchipura. Hsuan-Tsang also ThanhCapital of Dravida, the modern
mentions a certain Dharmapala from Kanchi as Conjevaram, about 48 miles south-west of
being a great master at Nalanda. In Korea, an MadrasKinh o cua Dravida, bay gi la
inscription in verse has been discovered. In a Conjevaram, khoang chng 48 dam ve pha tay
preface to it written by Li-Se in 1378 A.D., there nam Madras.
is an account of the life and travel of an Indian Kancuka (p): A jacketAo choang.
monk called Dhyanabhadra. This account tells us Kandat (skt): Hon Mac aThe capital of
that this monk was the son of a king of Magadha Tamasthiti, perhaps the modern Kunduz, but
and a princess from Kanchi and that when he according to Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-
visited Kanchi he heard a sermon given by a English Buddhist Terms, Kundoot is about 40
Buddhist preacher on the Karanda-vuyhasutra. miles north of JshtrakhThu o cua Tamasthiti,
Clearly, this place was a recognized centre of co le la Kunduz, nhng theo Eitel trong Trung
Buddhism as late as the 14th century A.D.a Anh Phat Hoc T ien th Kundoot lai cach
danh Phat giao vung Nam An o. Theo Giao s Jshtrakh 40 dam ve pha bac.
Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat Giao, Kangen (jap): S Quan Hien (853-925), Phat
Kanchi vi ien Rajavihara va mot tram tu vien giao Nhat Ban.
tai ay a tng la mot phao ai cua Phat giao tai
mien Nam An o. Nam tng Phat a c tm

Kangobuji (jap): Chua Kim Cang Phong (Nhat nam 843, 853 va 877. Cac ch khac cua nhng
Ban). nam 991, 999 va 1004 con cho biet rang cac tu s
Kan-Haryo (jap): Chien-PalingS Giam Ba Phat giao trong thi gian nay van con tai cac
Lang (Nhat Ban). hang. Mot ban khac ch mi ay bang tieng Nhat
cua mot khach hanh hng Phat t thuoc phai
Kanheri (skt): Name of a Buddhist place in west
Nhat Lien tong (Nichiren sect) tren vach hang so
India. According to Prof. Bapat in the Twenty-
66, khang nh tam quan trong cua cac hang nay
Five Hundred Years of Buddhism, there are more
ngay ca trong thi ai hien nay.
than one hundred caves at Kanheri which was also
a large monastic establishment. From a number of Kan-in (jap): Giam VienOne of the six main
inscriptions found here, dating the second century officers of a big temple in Japanese Buddhism. A
A.D. to modern times, a more or less connected warden monk in a monastery. The warden or
history of the place can be reconstructed. The superintendent of a monastery, especially the one
beginning of the caves can be attributed to the who controls its material affairsS tri s hay v
reign of Gautamiputra Satakarni about 180 A.D. s trong coi moi viec trong t vien. Mot trong sau
Many excavations and sculptures were added v s ng au trong mot t vien (Phat giao Nhat
from time to time. The introduction of the Buddha Ban).
image in the establishment is shown by a fourth Kanishka (first-second century A.D.): Ca N Sac
century inscription recording the dedication of a CaThe third king of the Kusana dynasty of
Buddha image by a certain Buddhaghosa. The Yueh-Chih, i.e. of Tukhara and the Indo-
silahar rulers of Puri, who were feudatories of the Scythians, ruler of Gandhara in northern Punjab,
Rastrakuta sovereign, took a special interest in the who conquered northern India and as far as Batria
Buddhist establishment at Kanheri and made from Kabul, Sindh, North West India, Kashmir,
liberal donation to it as recorded their copper- and part of Madhyadesa. He became a patron of
plate grants dated 765, 775, 799. Inscriptions of Buddhism, the greatest after Asoka and Milinda.
913, 921, and 931 further show that the Buddhist The story of Kanishkas conversion to Buddhism
monks still continued to occupy the caves. A followed the same way as that of Ashoka. It is
modern inscription of a Buddhist pilgrim of the said that Yueh-Chi monarch in his early life had
Nichiren sect engraved on the walls of cave no respect for the Buddhist religion. He did not
number 66 testifies to the continued importance of believe in Karma, and treated Buddhism with
the caves even in modern timesa danh Phat crushing contempt. It was his remorse at the
giao vung tay An o. Theo Giao S Bapat bloodshed during his conquests of Kashgar,
trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat Giao, Yarkand, and Khotan that drew him to the quietist
Kanheri co tren mot tram hang ong, von cung la teachings of Buddhism which he propagated later
khu tu vien ln. Qua mot so ban ch khac tm with such zeal, particularly the Sarvastivada
thay ay co nien ai t the ky th hai cho en school. He also reportedly convened the Council
thi ai ngay nay, ngi ta co the dng lai lch s of Gandhara around 70 or 100 B.C. It was during
ni nay kha ay u. Thi gian bat au xay dng Kanishkas reign and largely through his efforts
cac hang nay co the la vao trieu ai Gautamiputra that Buddhism was successfully introduced into
Satakarmi khoang nam 180. Thnh thoang lai co Central and Eastern Asia. There was ceaseless
them nhng cong trnh ao sau va ieu khac. missionary activity throughout his vast empire
Viec a tng Phat vao khu vc nay c biet which extended from Madhyadesa in India to
en qua mot ban khac ch thuoc the ky th t, ghi Central Asia. According to Keith in The
lai viec mot ngi ten Buddhaghosa cung tang Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms
mot tng Phat. Cac vua Sihalar Puri, von la composed by Professor Soothill, his date probably
nhng ch hau cua cua cac vng quoc at the close of the first century. At around 125-165
Rastrakuta, co moi quan tam ac biet oi vi khu A.D., he convoked the fourth synod in Kashmir
tu vien Kanheri nen a cung dng rong rai nh (see Ket Tap Kinh ien III), of 500 leading
c ghi chep trong cac phien ong thuoc nhng monks under the presidency of Vasumitra.

However, according to Prof. Bapat in Twenty- the buildings were in ruins they could be said to
Five Hundred Years Of Buddhism, Kanishkas be of rare art. There were still in the monastery a
reign (78-101 A.D.) also marked an important few Hinayanist monks.
turning point in the history of Buddhism and Kapisa (skt): Ca Tat ThTheo Giao S Soothill
Buddhist literature. It witnessed the rise of trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Ca Tat Th la
Mahayana Buddhism and the magnificent literary ten nc Kanaka co chu vi 4000 dam, thu o cung
activity started by Parsva, Asvaghosa, Vasumitra, cung ten nc, vi chu vi 10 dam. ay la ni an
and others. It was in this age that Pali gave place c kiet ha cua c Phat di trieu vua Ca Nh
to Sanskrit. In the field of art, the celebrated Sac Gia (Kaniska)According to Professor
Gandhara sculptures developed and figures of the Soothill in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
Buddha and Bodhisattvas began to appear. The Buddhist Terms, Kapisa was an ancient kingdom,
Kings greatest contribution to Buddhism was his south of Hindukush, said to be 4,000 miles around,
convention of the Fourth Council. According to with a capital of the same name 10 miles in
Hsuan-Tsang in the Records of Western circumference; formerly a summer resort of
Countries, the Council met in Kashmir. The chief KaniskaVua th ba cua trieu ai Kusana, nc
aim of the Council was the compilation of the Nguyet Chi (toc Nguyet Th, to tien xuat phat t
doctrines of Buddhism and the writing of Trung A), cai tr x Kien a La, pha bac Punjab
commentaries on them according to the bay gi, ong a thong tr mot vung rong ln ma
Sarvastivada school of Buddhism. The Fourth pha tay giap en ai Ha, vung lanh tho rong ln
Council compiled the commentaries known as the t Kabul, Gandhara, Sindh, Tay bac An o,
Vibhasa-sastra. On the three Pitakas of the Kashmir va mot phan cua Madhyadesa ve sau i
Buddhist Canon, the Council composed 100,000 vua A Duc. Ong la mot ong vua ay quyen uy
stanzas of the Upadesa-sastras explaining the thuoc dong doi Saka hoac Turuska. Ong la v ho
canonical sutras, 100,000 stanzas of the vinaya- phap ln cua Phat giao, ch sau co vua A Duc va
vibhasa-sastras explaining the Vinaya, and Di Lan a. Chuyen quy-y theo ao Phat cua Ca
100,000 stanzas of the Abhidharma. The Ni Sac Ca cung dien ra giong het nh chuyen vua
Mahvibhasa, which is still preserved in Chinese, A Duc. Ngi ta noi rang thu thieu thi, quoc
perhaps represents the commentaries prepared by vng Nguyet Chi a khong co s ton trong oi
this Council. When the canon was revised and vi ao Phat. Ong khong tin vao nghiep bao va
settled; this he is said to have had engraved on oi x vi ao Phat mot cach khinh man. Roi
brass and placed in a stupa. Besides, king chnh noi an han trc canh giet choc trong cac
Kanishka founded many monasteries and stupas. cuoc chinh phuc Kashgar, Yarkand va Khotan a
He founded a city named Kanishkapura which has khien ong tm en vi giao ly cua ao Phat, va
been identified with the modern Kanispur in sau o ong a truyen ba mot cach tan tnh. Ong
Kashmir. Kanishka erected a Great Stupa which a hoan tat cong viec cua vua A Duc va giup cho
was named after him. To the west of the stupa, he Phat phap hoang dng thang li khap chau A.
built a large monastery which was known as Hoat ong truyen giao khong ngng ngh xuyen
Kanishka Mahavihara. Both these structures were qua e quoc rong ln cua ong ta t Madhyadesa
erected at Purusapura, now Peshawar. The Great An o en Trung A. Theo Keith trong Trung Anh
Stupa was a magnificent structure, 400 feet high, Phat Hoc T ien cua Giao S Soothill, nien ai
the base being in five stages and 150 feet high. cua Ca Ni Sac Ca co le vao khoang cuoi the ky
The Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hsien, Sung-Yun, and th nhat. Vao khoang t 125 en 165 sau Tay
Hsuan-Tsang have lavished great praise on the Lch, ong a trieu tap hoi ong kiet tap kinh ien
architectural beauty of this important relic tower. lan th t, vi 500 v Tang di s chu toa cua
The Kanishka Mahavihara was an old monastery, The Hu ai s tai vung Kashmir. Nhng theo
at the time when Hsuan-Tsang visited it in the Giao S Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam
seventh century A.D., its upper storeys and many Phat Giao, th trieu ai Ca Ni Sac Ca t 78 en
terraces were connected by passages and although 101 sau Tay Lch a anh dau mot khuc quanh

quan trong trong lch s Phat giao va van hoc hiem co. Trong tu vien ay, van con mot so Ty
Phat giao. Trieu ai nay a chng kien s troi Kheo thuoc phai Tieu Tha.
day cua Phat giao ai Tha va hoat ong van Kanjizai-Bosatsu (jap): Bodhisattva of Free
hoc rc r c khi au t nhng danh Tang nh ReflectionQuan T Tai Bo TatSee
Hiep Ton Gia, Ma Minh, The Hu va cac v khac. Avalokitesvara.
Chnh trong thi ai nay, tieng Pali a phai Kanjo (jap): Le quan anh.
nhng cho cho tieng Phan. Trong lanh vc nghe
Kanjo (jap): S Khoan Nh (chua Nhan Hoa
thuat, trng phai ieu khac Gandhara noi tieng
Ninnaji, Nhat Ban).
a phat trien va cac bc tng Phat, tng Bo Tat
Kanjoki (jap): Bo San nh Ky (Nhat Ban).
a bat au xuat hien. Viec ong gop to ln nhat
ma vua Ca Ni Sac Ca a danh cho Phat giao la Kanjur (tib): Cam Chau NhOne of the two
viec trieu tap Ngh Hoi Ket Tap Kinh ien lan divisions of the Tibetan canon, consisting of 160
th t tai Kashmir (see Ket Tap Kinh ien IV). books (chuan), each book 1,000 leavesMot
Theo Tay Vc Ky Truyen cua Huyen Trang th trong hai phan bo cua Tang Kinh Tay Tang, gom
Ngh Hoi a dien ra tai Kashmir. Muc ch cua 160 quyen, moi quyen 1.000 trang.
ngh hoi la ket tap cac giao ly cua c Phat va Kankhati (p): To doubtTo be uncertainNghi
viet luan giai cho giao ly nay theo Nhat Thiet ng.
Hu Bo (Sarvastivada school). Ngh Hoi lan th Kanku (jap): S Khoan Khong (884-972), Phat
t a ket tap c bo Ty Ba Sa Luan. Ve Tam giao Nhat Ban.
Tang cua giao ien, ngh hoi a bien tap c 10 Kanlu Wang: Cam Lo Vng Nh LaiSee
van bai tung cua bo luan u Ba e Xa (upadesa- Seven Tathagatas.
sastra) giai thch kinh tang, mi van bai tung cua Kanna Zen (jap): Name of a book of collection
bo Ty Nai a Ty Ba Sa (Vinaya-vibhasa-sastra) of koans in Japan in the twelfth century. The
giai thch Luat Tang, va mi van bai tung cua bo number of recognized or accepted koans in Japan
A Ty at Ma Ty Ba Sa giai thch Luan Tang. Bo is now about seven hunderdTen cua mot bo su
ai Ty Ba Sa (Mahavibhasa) hien con ban Hoa tap cong an tai Nhat Ban vao the ky th 12. Hien
ng, co le la tieu bieu cho cac bo luan a c nay so cong an c cong nhan Nhat khoang
bien soan tai Ngh Hoi nay. Khi kinh ien a chng 700.
c kiet tap, ong ben cho khac vao ban ong va Kanro (jap): Amrta (skt)NectarSweet
lu tr trong thap. Ngoai ra, vua Ca Ni Sac Ca
dewA spirituous liquorCam lo.
con cho xay dng nhieu tu vien va bao thap. Ong
Kansu (jap): Giam TSee Kan-in.
a xay dng nen mot thanh pho co ten la
Kanishkapura, c xac nh la thanh pho Kanthaka (skt): Kien a CaNga Can trac
Kanispur ngay nay tai Kashmir. Rieng tai Name of the horse on which Prince Siddhartha
Purusapura, nay la Peshawar, ong a cho xay rode away from his fathers palaceTen nga
dng mot ai ien mang ten ong, pha tay cua kien trac ma Thai t Tat at a a ci ra khoi
ien nay la ai Tu Vien Ca Ni Sac Ca. ai ien kinh thanh e xuat gia (ngi ta noi con nga nay
Ca Ni Sac Ca la mot kien truc uy nghi, cao 120 la hoa than cua e Thch).
met, phan ay co nam tang, cao 45 met. Cac v Kanthaka-asvaraja (skt): Kim eSee
khach hanh hng t Trung Quoc la Phap Hien, Kanthaka.
Tong Van, va Huyen Trang a khong tiec li ca Kanto (jap): Vung Quan ong (Nhat Ban).
ngi ve ep kien truc cua ngoi thap quan trong Kantoku (jap): Being able to controlQuan ac.
nay. Con ai Tu Vien Ca Ni Sac Ca la mot tu Kanyakubja (skt): Thanh Khuc NName of a
vien co, vao the ky th bay khi Huyen Trang en river in an ancient city in the north-western
tham vieng, ngai a ke lai la tren cac tang cua tu provinces of India, situated on the bank of Kali
vien co nhieu san thng c noi nhau bi Nadi, a branch of the Ganga, in the modern
nhng hanh lang, va mac du cac toa nha a o district of Farrukhabad. According to the Buddhist
nat nhng co the noi ay la cong trnh nghe thuat legends, Kanyakubja (Kanauj) is said where the

Buddha descended from Indras Heavens. The know what to make of the question, for the
ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site master was merciless and it was usually
larger than that of London. According to Fa-Hsien folowed by a hard knocking down. Later, in
in the records of the Buddhist Kingdoms, both the midst of his sleep one night, he recalled
Mahayana and Hinayana existed here, however, the fact that once when he was under another
Hinayana still retained the majorityTen cua master he was told to find out the ultimate
mot thanh pho co nam ve nhng tnh pha Tay significance of the statement All things
Bac An o, toa lac tren b song Kali Nadi, mot return to one, and this kept him up the rest of
nhanh cua song Hang, bay gi la Farrukhabad. that night and through the several days and
Theo truyen thuyet Phat giao, chnh tai thanh nights that succeeded. While in this state of
Khuc N nc Tang Gia Thi, ni Phat giang tran an extreme mental tension he found himself
t cung tri ao Li. Phe tch cua thanh pho nay one day looking at Fa-Yens verse on his
ln hn thanh pho Luan on. Theo ngai Phap portrait, which partly read:
Hien trong Tay Vc Ky, ca ai tha lan Tieu One hundred years, thirty-six thousand
tha eu ton tai tai ay, tuy nhien, Tieu tha van morns.
chiem a soSee Eight great spiritual or sacred This same old fellow moved on forever.
stupas. Cao Phong Dieu To la mot ai s cuoi i
Kanyakubja stupa: Kanyakubja (Kanauj), nha Tong. Khi s phu ngai lan au trao cho
where the Buddha descended from Indras ngai cong an ch Vo cua Trieu Chau e
Heavens. This is one of the eight Great Spiritual tham quan, ngai chuyen het kh lc bnh sanh
or Sacred Stupas of BuddhismThap tai thanh vao e an. Ngay kia, bat than s phu hoi: Ai
Khuc N nc Tang Gia Thi, ni Phat giang tran mang cho ong cai than vo tri giac ay? Ngai
t cung tri ao Li. ay la mot trong tam ngoi khng, khong biet sao ma tha thot, ma thay
thap thieng ln cua Phat giaoSee Eight great ngai th khac nghiet, thng la hoi au th
spiritual or sacred stupas. anh o. Sau o, luc na em khi ngai ang
Kanya-ratna (skt): Bao NPrecious maidens, ngu, s sc nh trc kia thay cu co giao cho
one of the seven treasures of the Cakravartin s tm ra dieu ngha cau noi Muon vat tr ve
Ngi con gai quy, mot trong that bao cua T mot. The la suot em ay va may em sau,
Thien Vng. ngai khong sao ngoi yen hay chp mat c,
trong tam than cang thang cc o ay. Ngay
Kanzeon-Bosatsu (jap): Quan The Am Bo
kia s bat cht thay mnh ang oc bai th
TatSee Kuan-Yin.
cua Ngu To Phap Dien viet tren chan dung
Kao Feng Yuan Miao Zen Master: Cao
cua To, trong o co cau:
Phong Nguyen DieuZen Master Kao-Feng-
Tram nam, ba van sau ngan ngay
Yuan-Miao (1238-1295), also called Kao-Feng
Lao han ay luon luon c ong.
Miao-TsuKao-Feng-Yuan-Miao, a Chinese Zen
The la nhng thac mac cua s ve cau hoi
Master in the thirteenth century. According to Zen
Ai mang cho ong cai than vo tri giac
master D.T. Suzuki in the Essays in Buddhism,
Book II, Thien s Cao Phong Nguyen Dieu, con
* This at once made him dissolve his eternal
goi la Cao Phong Dieu To. Thien S Trung Hoa,
doubt as to Who carying around this lifeless
theo Thien S D.T. Suzuki trong Thien Luan, Tap
body of yours? He was baptized and became
an altogether new man. He leaves us in his
* Kao-Feng was one of the great masters in the
Saying Records: On olden days when I was
end of the the Sung dynasty. When his first let
at Shuang-Ching, and before one month was
him attend to the Chao-Chous Wu, he
over after my return to the Meditation Hall
exerted himself hard on the problem. One day
there, one night while deep in sleep, I
his master, Hsueh-Yen, suddenly asked him:
sudenly found myself fixing my attention on
Who is it that carries for you this lifeless
the question All things return to the One, but
corpse of yours? The poor fellow did not

where does this One return? My attention chieu co en e an chuyen nhat en noi quen
was so rigidly fixed on this that I neglected mat ngu ngh an uong, khong con phan biet
sleeping, forgot to eat, and did not distinguish phng hng ngay em g het. Khi trai khan
east from west, nor morning from night. ban, hay sap chen da, hay i tieu tien, dau
While spreading the napkin, producing the ong hay tnh, dau noi hay im, toan the cuoc
bowls, or attending to my natural wants, song cua toi nh goi tron trong nghi niem
whether I moved or rested, whether I talked Cai mot tr ve g? khong xen lon may may
or kept silent, my whole existence was niem nao khac; va lai dau muon, toi van
wrapped up with the question Where does khong the ngh g lech ngoai trung tam iem
this one return? No other thoughts ever ay, dau ch ngh thoang qua thoi. Tng
disturbed my consciousness; even if I wanted chng nh toi b ong cng hoac chon chan
to stir up the least bit of thought irrelevant to tai cho; dau toi co vung vay may no van
the central one, I could not do so. It was like khong buong tha; dau gia am ong, gia
being screwed up or glued; however, much I Tang chung, toi van cam thay nh hoan toan
tried to shakemyself off, it refused to move. ch co mot mnh toi t sang en toi, t toi en
Though I was in the midst of a crowd or sang, tinh khiet lam sao, thanh tnh lam sao,
congregation, I felt as if I were all by myself. t tng cua toi trang nghiem, lt tren muon
From morning till evening, from evening till vat. Mot niem thanh khiet lam sao, khong
morning, so transparent, so tranquil, so gn may bui! Mot niem bao trum muon thu!
majestically above all things were my The gii ben ngoai vang lang lam sao, toi
feelings! Absolutely pure and not a particle of khong con biet co ai khac na. Nh mot ke
dust! My one thought covered eternity; so ngoc, nh mot ten ngu dai, trai qua sau ngay
calm was the outside world, so oblivious of sau em nh vay, ke toi vao chanh ien vi
the existence of other people I was. Like an ch Tang khac, va khi ang oc kinh, mat toi
idiot, like an imbecile, six days and nights cht at tren cau th cua Ngu To Phap Dien.
thus elapsed when I entered the Shrine with The la ot nhien toi thc tnh cn me, va y
the rest, reciting the Sutras, and happened to ngha cau hoi Ai mang cho ong cai than vo
raise my head and looked at the verse by Fa- tri giac ay vut sang trong toi, cau hoi ma
Yen. This made me all of a sudden awake thay toi trao cho toi ngay trc. Toi cam nh
from the spell, and the meaning of Who ca khong gian vo bien nay v tan tng manh
carries this lifeless corpse of yours? burst va ai a sup au mat. Toi quen toi, toi quen
upon me, the question once given by my old the gian; o nh mot tam gng phan chieu
master. I felt as if this boundless space itself mot tam gng, toi th tham quan vai cong
were broken into pieces, and the great earth an khac, sao ma cong an nao cung sang r
were altogether levelled away. I forgot en vay! T nay toi khong con nghi hoac
myself, I forgot the world, it was like one dieu dung cua tr Bat Nha na.
mirror reflecting another. I tried several * Zen master Kao-Feng-Yuan-Miao talked
koans in my mind and found them so about the koans as follows: The koan I
transparently clear! I was no more deceived ordinarily give to my pupils is All things
as to wonderful working of Prajna return to One; where does the One return? I
(transcendental wisdom)Phut choc c make them search after this. To search after it
giai tr ngay. Ngai c an chng va tr means to awaken a great inquiring spirit for
thanh mot ngi hoan toan mi. Trong bo the ultimate meaning of the koan. The
Cao Phong Ng Luc, s co viet: Trc kia, multitudiness of things is reducible to the
khi con Trng Khanh, trc khi vao Thien One, but where does the One finally return? I
ng mot thang, em kia trong giac ngu say say to them: Make this inquiry with all the
toi bat cht thay toi e het tam tr vao cau strength that lies in your personality, giving
hoi Muon vat tr ve mot, mot tr ve g? Toi yourself no time to relax in this effort. In

whatever physical position you are, and in ti, ben b va khong h. Roi cac ngi se
whatever business you are employed, never thay mnh nh mot ke bnh ngat, chang con
pass your time idly. Where does the One muon an uong g na. Lai nh mot thang kh,
finally return? Try to get a definite answer to khong hieu cai g ra cai g het. Khi cong phu
this query. Do not give yourself up to a state en ay, gi la luc tam hoa cua cac ngi
of doing nothing; do not exercise your bng n. That vay, chung ta khong e khi
fantastic imagination, but try to bring about a cong an hien tien, ma phai at no vao trong
state of identification by pressing your spirit tam bang tat ca sc manh cua nghi tnh. Mot
of inquiry forward, steadily and khi cong an c chi tr bi mot tinh than nh
uninterruptedly. You will be then like a the, th theo Thien S ai Hue, no giong nh
person who is critically ill, having no appetite mot ngon la chay ln ot chay tat ca nhng
for what you eat or drink. Again you will be con sau hy luan ang xam ti. Va cung chnh
like an idiot, with no knowledge of what is v vay ma tat ca cac Thien s eu ong y
what. When your searching spirit comes to rang Trong s tham Thien, ieu trong yeu
this stage, the time has come for your mental nhat la gi vng nghi tnh; nghi tnh cang
flower to burst out. In fact, we cant just manh, ngo cang ln. Qua thc chang bao gi
hold up a koan before the mind, we must co ngo neu khong co nghi.
make it occupy the very center of attention by Kapila (skt): Ca Ty LaKiep Ty LaSa Ty Ca
the sheer strength of an inquiring spirit. When La.
a koan is cultivated with such a spirit, 1) Brown: Hoang xchMau vang o hay nau.
according to Zen master Ta-Hui, it is like a 2) Author of the Sankhya philosophy: Tac gia
great consuming fire which burns up every cua bo Tang Kh Luan (noi ve ngha cua 25
insect of idle speculation that approaches it. e).
Therefore, it is almost a common sense 3) Kiep Ty La Thien: Deva or demon, called
saying among Zen masters to declare that , Kapila, or Kumbhira, or KuberaTen cua
In the mastery of Zen the most important mot loai ch thien hay mot loai quySee
thing is to keep up a spirit of inquiry; the Two devas and the three rsi.
stronger the spirit the greater will be the 4) Ca Ty La Ve: See Kapilavastu.
enlightenment that follows; there is, indeed, 5) Ca Ty LaName of a leader of the heretic
no enlightenment when there is no spirit of sectHoang Xch Sac Tien Nhan, ten cua
inquiry: Cao Phong la ngi chu trng tu tap giao chu ngoai ao phai So luanThe sage
cong an nh vay: Cong an toi thng at Kapila, or Sankhya Kapila, founder of the
cho cac mon nhan la van phap qui Nhat, classical Samkhya philosophy and the school
Nhat qui ha x? Toi khuyen ho hay tham of that name. It is an attempt to place all
cu cau nay. Tham cu cau ay tc la anh concepts in twenty-five categories, with
thc mot moi nghi tnh ln oi vi y ngha Purusa at the head and the others in ordered
cu canh cua cong an. Van phap thien sai progress. It also teaches the eternity and
van biet c qui ve Mot, nhng roi Mot tr multiplicity of souls. Vasubandhu wrote in
ve au? Toi bao ho, hay em het sc manh criticism of the systemSo Luan Ngoai ao
bnh sinh ma eo moi moi nghi tnh nay, ng S, v Thanh Kiep Ty La, ngi sang lap ra
luc nao xao lang. Du i, ng, nam, ngoi, hay So Luan (Tang Kh Luan) va trng phai So
lam cac cong viec, ng e thi gi luong Luan. Bo luan co at van phap trong 25 e.
troi qua. Roi ra cai Mot tr ve au? Hay co Thien Than Bo Tat a viet Chan Thc Luan
ma i tm mot cau tra li chnh xac cho cau e pha lai bo Tang Kh Luan nay.
hoi nay. ng buong troi mnh trong cai vo Kapila-sastra: Phat LuanThe Sastra of the
s; ng luyen tap tng tng phieu du, ma non-Buddhist KapilaBo luan cua Hoang Phat
hay co thc hien cho c cai trang thai toan ngoai ao (ngoai ao toc vang).
nhat vien man bang cach ay nghi tnh lt

Kapilavaddho (1906-1971): British Buddhist for the site of ancient Kapilavastu. In 1974, Indian
who worked as a photographer during World War government claimed that Piprahwa in district Basti
II and began studying meditation with Zen master of Uttar Pradesh is the real location of the
U Thittila after the war. He traveled to Thailand legendary Kapilavastu, following the discovery of
in 1954, where he received the bhikkhu important Buddhist relics, seals and inscriptions
ordination, and after returning to London founded from the ruins of stupa and monastery there.
the English Sangha Trust. In 1957 he gave back During the excavations at Piprahwa in 1897-1898,
his vows, changed his name to Richard Randall, W.C. Peppe and P.C. Mukherji discovered in the
and married. In 1967 he again received ordination main stupa at a depth of about eighteen feet
and became the director of Wat Dhammapadipa. below the summit, a huge stone coffer. In addition
He gave back his vows again in 1971 and to other valuable objects, the coffer contained five
marriedPhat t ngi Anh, mot nhiep anh gia caskets, four of soapstone and one of crystal. The
trong thi e nh the chien va bat au hoc thien lid of a smaller soapstone casket contained an
vi Thien s U Thittila sau chien tranh. Nam inscription which was read as : Sukiti-bhatinam
1954 ong du hanh sang Thai Lan, tai ay ong tho Sabhaganakinan sa-puta-dalanam iyam salila-
gii Ty Kheo, va sau khi tr ve Luan on ong nidhane Budhasa bhagavate Sakiyanam. The
sang lap Quy Tang Gia Anh quoc. Nam 1957 ong inscription has been translated into English as
xa gii, oi ten la Richard Randall, va lap gia follows: This relic shrine of divine Buddha is the
nh. Nam 1967 ong lai lan na tho gioi va tr donation of the Sakya Sukiti-brothers associated
thanh giam oc Tu Vien Wat Dhammapadipa. with their sisters, sons and wives. In 1971, Indian
Nam 1971 ong lai xa gii va lap gia nh. archeologists started fresh excavations at
Kapilavastu (skt): Kapilavatthu (p)Ca Ty La Piprahwa and discovered the lid of a pot, carrying
VeKiep Ty La Phat Thot oKapilavastu was inscriptional evidence. According to K.M.
one time the capital of Sakya Kingdom where Srivastava, an Indian archeologist, the sealings
dwelt King Suddhodana and his wife Maya, and the lid of the pot had established beyond
located in the foothills of the Himalayas. doubt that Piprahwa is the ancient site of
However, it was destroyed during Sakyamunis Kapilavastu, the capital of the Sakyas, and the
life, according to legend; about 100 miles due scene of Buddhas early life. However,
north of Benares, northwest of present Gorakhpur. excavations in Tilaura Kot discovered more
The capital of the country where Sakyamuni was evidence than that of Piprahwa in India. They also
born at Lumbini Park on the outskirts of the city of found the old foundation of ancient Kapilavastu
Kapilavastu. Kapilavastu is the home town of Rampart. Nowadays, most scholars believe that
Siddhartha Gautama, where spent his childhood Tilaura Kot, about 30 kilometers West of
and youth until his decision to pursue awakening. Lumbini, in Nepal was the site of old Kapilavastu
The Indian archeologists identified it with the and Piprahwa, about 15 kilometers, South of
present-day village of Tilaurakota in the Therai Lumbini, in India was the site of new Kapilavastu
region of modern Nepal. However, according to established after the destruction of the old one by
Fa-Hsien in the Records of the Buddhist VidudabhaThanh Ca ty la ve, kinh o cua dong
Kingdoms: The country of Kapilavastu is empty toc Thch Ca, ni tr v cua Vua Tnh Phan va
and deserted, scarcely populated and its roads are Hoang Hau Ma da, kinh thanh nay toa lac di
unsafe to travel for fear of white elephants and chan nui Hy Ma Lap Sn. Tuy nhien, at nc
lions. One cannot travel without taken proper nay b tieu diet ngay khi c Phat con tai the.
precaution. The identification of the legendary Theo truyen thuyet th x nay khoang 100 dam ve
Kapilavastu, where the Buddha spent 29 years of pha Bac cua thanh Ba La Nai, tay bac cua
his early life before leaving his palace in quest of Gorakhpur bay gi. Thanh Ca Ty La Ve la kinh
enlightenment, has been a matter of controversy o cua vng quoc ni ma c Phat Thch Ca
for over hundred years. Tilaura Kot in Nepal and Mau Ni a c ha sanh trong vn Lam Ty Ni,
Piprahwa in India have been the main claimants thuoc ngoai thanh Ca Ty La Ve. Ca Ty La Ve la

thanh pho ni c Phat a trai qua thi nien thieu cac hoc gia eu tin rang Tilaura Kot, chng 30
cho en khi Ngai quyet nh xuat gia cau giai cay so ve pha Tay cua vng Lam Ty Ni ben
thoat. Ngay nay Ca Ty La Ve c cac nha khao pha Nepal mi ch thc la kinh thanh Ca Ty La
co An o xac nhan thuoc lang Tilaurakota trong Ve co va Piprahwa, khoang 15 cay so, ve pha
a hat x Therai, thuoc x Nepal. Tuy nhien, Nam cua Lam Ty Ni ben pha An o la v tr cua
theo ngai Phap Hien trong Tay Vc Ky: X nay thanh Ca Ty La Ve mi, c xay dng sau khi
trong khong hoang tan, rat t c dan. ng sa kinh thanh cu b vua Ty Lu Ly tan pha.
khong an toan v co nhieu voi trang va s t. Kapimala (skt): Ca Ty Ma LaA monk of
ngi ta khong the du hanh neu khong e phong Magadha (Patna), around the second century
can than. S xac nh ve kinh thanh Ca Ty La A.D., converted by Asvaghosa. He was the
Ve, ni ma c phat a trai qua 29 nam au i thirteenth Patriarch and he himself is said to have
cua Ngai trc khi Ngai xuat gia tm ao van con converted NagarjunaMot v Tang Ma Kiet a
la mot van e ang c tranh luan hang tram bay gi la Patna, vao khoang the ky th hai sau
nam nay. Tilaura Kot ben Nepal va Piprahwa ben Tay Lch. Trc ngai theo ngoai ao, sau c
An o eu la nhng ni ma hai ben Nepal va An ngai Ma Minh khuat phuc nen xin lam e t Phat.
o van cho rang o chnh la thanh Ca Ty La Ve Ngai la To th 13 An o. Ngi ta noi ngai
co xa. Vao nam 1974, sau khi tm thay nhng di chnh la ngi a khuat phuc va truyen phap cho
tch quan trong cua Phat giao cung nh nhng bia ngai Long ThoSee Twenty eight Indian
ky t nhng phe thap va tnh xa tai ay, chnh Patriarchs.
phu An o cho rang chnh Piprahwa nam trong Kapinjala (skt): Ca Ca Ba Ca Tan o LaCa
quan hat Basti, thuoc bang Uttar Pradesh mi thc tan xa laMot loai chim trA patridge or
la v tr cua kinh thanh Ca Ty La Ve. Trong cac pheasant.
cuoc ao xi tai Piprahwa vao nhng nam 1897-
Kapinjalaraja (skt): Ca Lang Tan Gia Vng
1898, W.C. Peppe va P.C. Mukherji kham pha ra
A previous incarnation of Sakyamuni as a
mot ngoi thap chnh di o sau, thap cao khoang
pheasantTien than cua c Phat la mot con
6 met (18 bo Anh), co mot cai phong nho bang
chim tr.
a. Ben canh o co them nhng di vat co gia tr,
Kapittha (skt): Kiep T ThaKiep Ty Tha.
trong cai phong nho nay co nam chiec hom, bon
1) According to Eitel in The Dictionary of
cai bang loai a mem va mot cai bang thuy tinh.
Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, this is a
Nap cua chiec hom bang a nho co cha bia ky
Brahman of Vrji who ill-treated the Budhists
oc c nh sau: Sukiti-bhatinam
of his time, was reborn as a fish, and was
Sabhaganakinan sa-puta-dalanam iyam salila-
finally converted by Sakyamuni: Theo Eitel
nidhane Buddhasa bhagavate Sakiyanam. c
trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, ay la
phien dch: Thap th xa li cua c Thanh Phat
mot v Ba La Mon oi x te vi Phat t, sau
c anh ch em cung vi cac con trai va v cua
o tai sanh lam mot loai ca, va cuoi cung
Sakya Sukiti dang cung. Vao nam 1971, cac nha
c c Thch Ca chuyen hoa.
khao co An o a ao xi lai khu vc Piprahwa
2) Name of an ancient kingdom of Central India,
va a kham pha mot chiec nap noi, co mang
on the Iksumati river, near Mathura.
chng tch bia ky. Theo K.M. Srivastava, mot nha
According to Buddhist legends, the Buddha
khao co ngi An, nhng dau an bia ky cua chiec
descended here from Trayastrimsa heaven.
nap noi thiet lap chng tch khong nghi ng g
According to Hsuan-Tsang in the Records of
c la Piprahwa ch thc la v tr cua kinh thanh
the Western Lands, there were 4 monasteries
Ca Ty La Ve co xa, kinh o cua dong toc Thch
with more than 1,000 monks of the Sammitiya
Ca, ni ma c Phat a trai qua thi nien thieu.
school. Within the wall of one monastery
Tuy nhien, nhng ao xi Tilaura Kot lai kham
there were triple stairs made of precious
pha ra nhieu chng tch hn Piprahwa ben An
stones, symbolizing the descent of the
o. Ngi ta cung tm thay nen tang cua kinh
Tathagata from the Trayastrimsa heaven.
thanh Ca Ty La Ve co tai ay. Ngay nay, hau het
There was also an Asoka stone in the area

Tang Kh Thi, ten cua mot vng quoc co prevented from catching game because of
trong vung Trung An, nam ben song Iksumati, Buddhas teaching. When the hunter learned of
gan x Ma Thau La. Theo truyen thuyet Phat Buddhas power, he repented and asked the
giao, c Phat t cung tri ao Li giang Buddha to allow him to join the order. He later
tran tai khu vc nay. Theo ngai Huyen Trang attained enlightenmentMot t vien noi tieng
trong Tay Vc Ky, co 4 t vien vi tren 1.000 trong vung Kashmir, pha nam x Ma Kiet a,
Tang s thuoc trng phai Chnh Lng Bo trung An o. Chua Ca Bo c Ca (thi nha
tru tr tai ay. Ben trong bc tng cua mot ng goi la chua chim Bo Cau). Chua c
t vien co bac tam cap lam bang th a qu, mang ten nay la v trong mot thi xa xa, c
tng trng cho s giang tran cua c Nh Phat tng thuyet phap cho ai chung trong mot
Lai t cung tri ao Li. Trong x nay cung khu rng. Khi c Phat ang thuyet phap, co
con mot tru a cua vua A Duc. ngi th san giang bay bat chim trong khu rng,
Kapleau, Philip (1912 - ): American Zen master nhng suot ngay chang c con nao. Anh ta ben
who founded the Zen Center in Rochester, New ti cho Phat, noi to rang: Hom nay Nh Lai
York in 1966, and who is the author of the thuyet phap ay, lam toi khong bay c con
influential book The Three Pillars of Zen. From chim nao, v con toi en chet oi mat. Phat bao
1953 to 1966 he trained at various Zen centers in anh ta hay ot la len roi Ngai se ban cho thc
Japan. His main teachers were Harada Roshi, pham. Khi ay c Phat lien th hien lam than
Yasutani Roshi, and Nakagawa Soen Roshi. In chim bo cau roi lao mnh vao la e lam thc
1956 he experienced awakening (kensho), and in pham cho ngi th san va v con anh ta. Lan sau
1966 was certified by Yasutani Roshi as a teacher. anh lai en cho c Phat ang thuyet phap, ng
He subsequently began teaching Zen in the nghe Phat giang va thay hoi han, t o phat tam
U.S.A. He founded a number of Zen centers in xuat gia tu hanh giac ngo.
North America, and Europe, and regularly visits Kapotana (skt): Kebudhana (skt)Kiep Bo
them to lead meditation retreatsThien s ngi amAn ancient kingdom, the modern Kebud,
My sang lap ra Trung Tam Thien tai Rochester, north of SamarkandVng quoc co, bay gi la
New York vao nam 1906, ong la tac gia cua cuon Kebud, ve pha Bac cua Samarkand.
sach rat co anh hng ve Thien Ba Tru Thien. Kapphina (skt): Kiep Tan NaKiep Th Na
T nam 1953 en nam 1966 ong theo hoc thien Kiep Ty NaKiep Ty NoA disciple of
vi nhieu trung tam khac nhau Nhat Ban. Sakyamuni, whose monastic name was
Nhng v thay chnh cua ong la Harada, Yasutani, Mahakappina. He was very good at astronomy
va Nakagawa Soen. Vao nam 1956 ong chng and constellations. He is to be reborn as
nghiem giac ngo va nam 1966 c chng nhan Samantaprabhasa BuddhaMot e t cua Phat
bi thien s Yasutani c lam thay day thien. Thch Ca, ten trong Tang oan la ai Kiep Tan
Sau o ong bat au day thien tai My. Ong sang Na. Ngai rat gioi ve tinh tu, sau nay se thanh Phat
lap mot so trung tam Thien tai vung Bac My va danh hieu Pho Minh Nh Lai.
Au Chau, ac biet la ong thng xuyen tham Karaka (skt): Ca La CaOne who does, or
vieng va hng dan thien sinh tai cac thien that. causesAn agentTac Nhan.
Kapotaka (skt): Ca Bo c CaChim bo cau Karakhojo (skt): Cao XngThe ancient town
A dovePigeon. of Kao-Chang, 30 miles east of Turfan in
Kapotaka-samgharama (skt): Ca Bo c Ca Turkestan, formerly an important Buddhist centre,
Gia LamCap VienA famous monastery said whence came scriptures and monks to China. The
to be in Kashmir, south of Magadha, central India. Turks in Karakhojo were first heard of in the
The monastery was of the Sarvastivadah school, seventh century in the Orkhon district where they
so called because the Buddha in a previous remained until 840 A.D. when they were
incarnation is said to have changed himself into a defeated and driven out by the Kirghiz; one group
pigeon and to have thrown himself into the fire in went to Kansu, where they remained until about
order to provide food for a hunter who was 1020 A.D.; another group founded a kingdom in

the Turfan country which survived until Mongol 1) A bird which flies in flocks and has a pleasant
times. They had an alphabet which was copied note: Mot loai chim bay thanh oan va co
from the Soghdian. Chingis Khan adopted it for giong hot hay.
writing Mongolian. In 1294 A.D. the whole 2) A squirrel which awakened Bimbisara to
Buddhist canon was translated into UighurTen warn him against a snake: Mot loai soc a
mot vng quoc co Tay Vc co co thanh Cao anh thc vua Bnh Sa Vng e bao cho
Xng, khoang 30 dam ve pha ong cua Turfan ngai biet ve mot con ran.
thuoc Turkestan, xa kia la mot trung tam Phat 3) The Karanda-Venuvana, a garden belonging
giao quan trong, t ni o nhieu v cao Tang a to an elder called Karanda, used by
mang kinh ien en Trung quoc e hoang hoa. Nirgrantha sect, then presented by King
Vao trc the ky th bay ngi ta a nghe noi tai Bimbisara to Sakyamuni: Ca Lan a-Truc
ay co dan toc Turks sinh song trong khu vc Lam Tnh Xa, thuoc mot v trng gia ten Ca
Orkhon en khoang nam 840 sau Tay Lch, ho b Lan a, trc o nhom Ni Kien T c ngu,
ngi Kirghiz anh uoi nen chia lam hai nhom; ve sau vua Bnh Sa Vng hien cho Phat
mot nhom i en Kansu va sinh ton en khoang Thch Ca Mau Ni (ay la Tang Vien sm
nam 1020; con nhom kia ton tai en thi ky e nhat An o).
quoc Mong Co. Ho co mau t lay t mau t Karavinka (skt): Ca Lang Tan GiaCa lan
Soghdian ma ve sau nay Thanh Cat T Han a eBird with miraculous songLoai chim vi
cho dung nh ch viet chnh thc cua ngi Mong tieng hot ky dieuSee Kalavinka.
Co. Vao nam 1294 th toan bo giao ien Phat giao Karle (skt): Name of a Buddhist place in west
a c phien dch ra ch Uighur (theo s lieu India. The caitya hall at Karle is of the same
Trung Hoa, Han Th va Tan Cu ng Th, th general pattern as that at Bhaja. However, it is
ay la at cu cua Hieu Uy Mau Ky i Hau Han one of the most magnificent monuments in India.
va Tien Bo Xa S i Han, nay la vung phu can In fact, it is described, in one of the ancient
Tho Lo Phon, va Cap Thch Hoa Trac, ong bac inscriptions found at the place, as the most
sa mac Go Bi, thuoc tnh Tan Cng. Thi xa excellent rock mansion in Jambudvipa. It was
Phat giao rat thnh hanh ay. Nhng kinh ien excavated by Bhutapala, a merchant of
bang ch Phan va ch Han eu c x dung. Vaijayanti. Fortunately, it is also among the best
Thi Bac Lng xuat hien nhng thay Phap preserved. It has a row of fifteen monolithic
Thnh, Phap Chung; thi Bac Nguy xuat hien cac pillars on each side with kalasa bases and bell-
thay am Loc va Uy c dch Kinh Hien Ngu; shaped capital surmounted by kneeling elephants,
thi ong Tan nhng thay Tr Nghiem, Tr Gian and horses with men and women riders. Its two-
sang Tay Truc, tren ng sang Tay Truc co ghe storeyed fafacade as an enormous sun-window.
qua vung nay tm lng thc i ng. Ve sau The caitya hall dates from the close of the first
ngai Huyen Trang cung dng lai ay mot thang, century B.C.a danh Phat giao vung tay An
c vua Cuc Van Thai rat knh trong). o. Sanh ng Thanh ien Karle co kieu dang
Karana-hetu (skt): giong nh sanh ng Bhaja. Tuy nhien, ay la
1) Active cause: Nang Tac NhanSee Active mot en ai nguy nga trang le nhat An o.
cause and Six chief causes in the Theory of Thc vay, trong mot ban ch khac co tm thay tai
Causal Relation. ay, th ien nay c mo ta la mot lau ai trong
2) The supreme conditionTang Thng hang a tuyet hao nhat Diem Phu e. Hang nay
Duyenieu kien toi caoThe cause, do Bhutapala, mot thng nhan Vaijayanti, cho
condition, or organ of advance to a higher ao. May man la ien nay nam trong so ien con
stage, e.g. the eye is able to produce sight c duy tr tot nhat. ien co mot hang tru a
Cac khi tha phap mang lai cho sc manh nguyen khoi moi ben, au tru hnh vuong, ben
ln, th du nh nhan can co the nay sanh ra tren co nhng hnh voi, nga quy goi va ngi
nhan thc. ci nam n. Mat tien hai tang co mot ca hng
Karanda (skt): Karandaka (skt)Ca Lan a. nang that ln. Sanh ng Thanh ien nay co

nien ai vao khoang the ky th nhat trc Tay Another portion of the traces remains in the
Lch. subconscious, in the hidden depths of our
Karma (skt) Kamma (p): NghiepAction minds. Moreover, all the influences of the
Deed. outer world by which we have been
(I) General definitions on karmanh ngha unconsciously affected, which include the
tong quat ve nghiep: experiences that we have had before our
1) Karma is a Sanskrit term which means birth, indeed, since the beginning of mankind,
deed. It is produced by all the deeds we do. are sunk in the subconscious mind. Karma
Any deed is invariably accompanied by a includes all this. Though it was simply
result. All that we are at the present moment defined as deeds, in reality karma implies the
is the result of the karma that we have accumulation of all our experiences and
produced in the past. For example, the fact deeds since the birth of mankind, and since
you are now reading this book is the result of even before that time.
the causes and conditions that have occurred 2) All good and evil actions taken while living.
due to the accumulation of various past Action and appropriate result of action.
deeds. The phenomenon that the results of Karma is not limited by time or spaceAn
deeds leaves behind as a residue, as it were, individual is coming into physical life with a
is called recompense. Karma is complex karma (character and environment resulting
and serious. Our deeds, however trifling, from his action in the past). Briefly, karma
leave traces physically, mentally, and means deed. It is produced by all deeds we
environmentally. The traces left in our minds do. Any deed is invariably accompanied by a
include memory, knowledge, habit, result. All that we are at the present moment
intelligence, and character. They are is the result of the karma that we have
produced by the accumulation of our produced in the past. Karma is complex and
experiences and deeds over a long period of serious. Our deeds, however triffling, leave
time. The traces that our deeds leave on our traces physically, mentally, and
body are seen, for example, when heavy environmentally. The traces left in our minds
eating or drinking leads to sickness. They are include memory, knowledge, habit,
also seen where a proper amount of exercise intelligence, and character. They are
trains our body and builds up our constitution. produced by the accumulation of our
These physical traces are also clearly visible experiences and deeds over a long period of
that anyone can perceive them. Our mental time. The traces that our deeds leave on our
attitudes also leave traces on our body. Most body can be seen easily, but only part of
obvious are those on our faces. There is traces in our minds remain on the surface of
something mean or shady in the face of a our mind, the rest of them are hidden depths
person who is low-minded, however, of our minds, or sunk in the subconscious
handsome he may be. A man who is usually mind. This is the complexity and seriousness
angry has a grim look. A person who is of the KarmaNhng hanh ong thien ac tao
tender-hearted, knowledgeable, and endowed nen trong luc con song. Nghiep khong b gii
with virtue and influence seem somehow han bi khong gian va thi gian. Mot ca nhan
happy-looking, clear-headed, and dignified, en vi coi i bang ket qua nhng nghiep
even if his features themselves are not i trc. Noi mot cach van tat, nghiep la
particularly striking. It is also generally hanh vi. Tat ca moi hanh vi chung ta lam
known that a persons work causes changes in eu tao thanh nghiep. Bat c hanh vi nao bao
his looks. Part of the traces of our deeds that gi cung co mot ket qua theo sau. Tat ca
are left on our minds remains on the surface nhng g cua chung ta vao luc nay eu la ket
of our minds; this includes memory, qua cua nghiep ma chung ta a tao ra trong
knowledge, habit, intelligence and character. qua kh. Nghiep phc tap va nghiem trong.

Cac hanh vi cua chung ta, du nho the may, nhng trng hp khac hau qua hien en mot
cung e lai dau vet ve vat chat, tam ly va thi gian sau. Vai nghiep qua ch hien hien
hoan canh. Nhng dau vet e lai trong ta bao kiep lai sanh ma thoi.
gom ky c, tri thc, thoi quen, tr tue va tnh (II) The theory of karma in BuddhismThuyet
chat. Nhng dau ve nay c tao nen bi s nghiep bao trong ao Phat: According to
chat cha kinh nghiem va hanh vi trong suot Buddhism, man is the creator of his own life
mot thi gian dai. Nhng dau vet ma cac and his own destiny. All the good and bad that
hanh vi cua chung ta e lai tren than the cua comes our way in life is the result of our own
chung ta th con thay c, ch ch co mot actions reacting upon us. Our joys and
phan nhng dau vet trong tam con nam tren sorrows are the effects of which our actions,
be mat cua tam, con a phan con lai eu both in the distant and the immediate past, are
c giau kn trong tam hay chm sau trong the causes. And what we do in the present
tiem thc. ay chnh la s phc tap va will determine what we become in the future.
nghiem trong cua nghiep. Since man is the creator of his own life, to
3) Karma means Action, good or bad, enjoy a happy and peaceful life he must be a
including attachments, aversions, defilements, good creator, that is, he must create good
anger, jealousy, etc. Karma is created karma. Good karma comes ultimately from a
(formed) by that beings conceptions good mind, from a pure and calm mind. The
(samskara). This potential directs one law of karma binds together the past, present,
behavior and steers the motives for all and future lives of an individual through the
present and future deeds. In Buddhism, karma course of his transmigration. To understand
arises from three factors: body, speech and how such a connection is possible between
mind. Buddhist ethical theory is primarily the experiences and actions of an individual
with volitional actions, that is, those actions in successive lives, we must take a brief look
that result from deliberate choice for such at the Buddhist analysis of consciousness.
actions set in motion a series of events that According to the Buddhist philosophy of
inevitably produce concordant results. These consciousness, the Vijnanavada school, there
results may be either pleasant or unpleasant, are eight kinds of consciousness. The first
depending on the original votion. In some five are the eye, ear, nose, tongue and body
cases the results of actions are experienced consciousnesses. These make possible the
immediately, and in others they are only awareness of the five kinds of external sense
manifested at a later time. Some karmic data through the five sense-organs. The sixth
results do not accrue (don lai) until a future consciousness is the intellectual
lifeT Bac Phan ch hanh ong, tot hay consciousness, the faculty of judgment which
xau, bao gom luyen ai, thu nghch, ue trc, discerns, compares, and distinguishes the
san han, ganh ghet, etc. Nghiep c thanh sense-data and ideas. The seventh
lap t nhng quan niem cua mot chung sanh. consciousness, called the manas, is the ego-
Chnh tiem nang ay hng dan moi ng x va consciousness, the inward awareness of
lai hanh vi cung nh t tng cho i nay va oneself as an ego and the clinging to
nhng i trc. Theo Phat giao, nghiep khi discrimination between oneself and others.
len t ba yeu to: than, khau va y. Quan tam Even when the first six kinds of consciousness
hang au cua giao thuyet ao c Phat giao are not functioning, for example, in deep
la nhng hanh ong do s an o suy ngh la sleep, the seventh consciousness is still
chon v nhng hanh ong nh vay tat a present, and if threatened, this consciousness,
en nhng hau qua tng ng khong tranh through the impulse of self-protection, will
khoi. Hau qua co the la vui hay khong vui, cause us to awaken. The eighth consciousness
tuy theo hanh ong nguyen thuy. Trong vai is called Alaya-vijnana, the storehouse-
trng hp ket qua i lien theo hanh ong, va consciousness. Because this consciousness is

so deep, it is very difficult to understand. The every action willfully performed by an agent,
alaya-vijnana is a repository which stores all be it of thought, word, or deed, tends to react
the impressions of our deeds and experiences. upon that agent. The law of karma is a natural
Everything we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, law, and its operation cannot be suspended by
and do deposits, so to speak, a seed is a any power of a deity. Our action brings about
nucleus of karmic energy. Since the alaya their natural results. Recognizing this,
hoards all the seeds of our past actions, it is Buddhists do not pray to a god for mercy but
the architect of our destiny. Our life and rather regulate their actions to bring them into
character reflect the seeds in our store- harmony with the universal law. If they do
consciousness. If we deposit bad seeds, i.e., evil, they try to discover their mistakes and
perform more evil actions, we will become rectify their ways; and if they do good, they
bad persons. Since Buddhism places ultimate try to maintain and develop that good.
responsibility for our life in our own hands, if Buddhists should not worry about the past, but
we want our hands to mold our life in a better rather be concerned about what we are doing
way, we must launch our minds in a better in the present. Instead of running around
direction, for it is the mind which controls the seeking salvation, we should try to sow good
hands which mold our life. However, seeds in the present and leave the results to
sometimes we know someone who is the law of karma. The theory of karma in
virtuous, gentle, kind, loving and wise, and Buddhism makes man and no one else the
yet his life is filled with troubles from architect of his own destiny. From moment to
morning to night. Why is this? What happens moment we are producing and creating our
to our theory that good acts lead to happiness own destiny through our thought, our speech
and bad acts to suffering? To understand this, and our deeds. Thus the ancient said: Sow a
we must realize that the fruits of karma do not thought and reap an act; sow an act and reap
necessarily mature in the same lifetime in a habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow
which the karma is originally accumulated. a character and reap a destiny.Theo ao
Karma may bring about its consequences in Phat, con ngi la ke sang tao cua cuoc i
the next life or in succeeding lives. If a va van mang cua chnh mnh. Moi viec tot va
person was good in a previous life, he may xau ma chung ta gap phai tren i eu la hau
enjoy happiness and prosperity in this life qua cua nhng hanh ong cua chnh chung ta
even though his conduct now is bad. And a phan tac dung tr lai chnh chung ta. Nhng
person who is very virtuous now may still ieu vui buon cua chung ta cung la ket qua
meet a lot of trouble because of bad karma cua nhng hanh ong cua chnh mnh, trong
from a past life. It is like planting different qua kh xa cung nh gan, la nguyen nhan.
kinds of seeds; some will come to flower very Va ieu chung ta lam trong hien tai se an
fast, others will take a long time, maybe nh ieu ma chung ta se tr nen trong tng
years. The law of cause and effect does not lai. Cung v con ngi la ke sang tao cuoc i
come about at different times, in different mnh, nen muon hng mot i song hanh
forms and at different locations. While some phuc va an bnh, ngi ay phai la mot ke
of our experiences are due to karma in the sang tao tot, ngha la phai tao nghiep tot.
present life, others may be due to karma from Nghiep tot cuoi cung phai en t mot cai tam
previous lives. In the present life, we receive tot, mot cai tam an tnh. Luat nghiep bao lien
the results of our actions done in past lives as ket cac i trong qua kh, hien tai va tng
well as in the present. And what we reap in lai cua mot ca nhan xuyen qua tien trnh luan
the future will be the result of what we do in hoi cua ngi ay. e co the hieu c tai sao
the present. The doctrine of karma is not co c s lien ket gia nhng kinh nghiem
merely a doctrine of cause and effect, but of va hanh ong cua mot ca nhan trong cac cuoc
action and reaction. The doctrine holds that i noi tiep, chung ta can nhn lt qua ve s

phan tch cua ao Phat ve thc. Theo triet i ke tiep. Neu mot ngi tng hanh x tot
hoc Phat giao ve thc, trng phai Duy trong i trc, ngi ay co the c hng
Thc Hoc, co tam thc. Co nam thc ve giac hanh phuc va sung tuc trong i nay mac du
quan: nhan, nh, ty, thiet, va than thc. Nhng s hanh x cua ngi ay bay gi co xau xa i
thc nay gay nen s xuat hien cua nam tran chang na. Va co ngi bay gi rat c hanh
t nam can. Thc th sau la y thc, vi kha nhng co the van gap phai nhieu tr ngai v
nang phan oan nh phan tch, so sanh va nghiep xau t i trc o. Cung giong nh
phan biet cac tran va quan niem. Thc th gieo nhieu th hat khac nhau, co loai tro
bay goi la mat na thc, tc la nga thc, t bong rat sm, co loai lau hn, co khi ca nam.
biet mnh von la nga rieng biet gia mnh va Luat nhan qua khong sai chay, nhng ket qua
nhng ngi khac. Ngay ca nhng luc ma sau en tng luc co khac nhau, di hnh thc
thc au khong hoat ong, ty du nh luc ang khac nhau, va ni chon khac nhau. Tuy co
ngu say, th thc th bay van ang hien dien, mot so kinh nghiem cua chung ta la do
va neu b e doa, th thc nay, v s thuc ay nghiep tao ra trong i nay, so khac lai do
t bao ve, se anh thc chung ta day. Thc nghiep tao ra t nhng i trc. i nay,
th tam c goi la a lai da thc, hay tang chung ta chu hau qua nhng hanh ong
thc. V thc nay rat sau kn, nen rat kho cho chung ta a lam t nhng i trc cung nh
chung ta hieu c no. A lai da la mot cai ngay trong i nay. Va nhng g chung ta gat
kho cha tat ca nhng dau tch hanh ong va trong tng lai la ket qua viec chung ta ang
kinh nghiem cua chung ta. Tat ca nhng g lam ngay hom nay. Giao ly ve nghiep khong
chung ta thay, nghe, ngi, nem, s mo, hoac ch la giao ly ve nhan qua, ma la hanh ong
lam eu c gi nh nhng chung t vao cai va phan hanh ong. Giao ly nay tin rang bat
kho tang thc nay. Chung t la nhan cua c mot hanh ong nao co y thc hien, t mot
nang lc nghiep bao. V a lai da thau gop tat tac nhan, du la y ngh, li noi hay viec lam,
ca nhng chung t cua hanh ong chung ta a eu co phan ong tr lai tren chnh tac nhan
lam, no chnh la ke xay dng van mang cua ay. Luat nghiep bao la mot luat t nhien, va
chung ta. Cuoc i va ca tanh cua chung ta khong mot quyen lc than linh nao co the
phan anh nhng chung t trong kho tang lam ngng lai s thi hanh no c. Hanh
thc cua mnh. Neu chung ta gi vao o ong cua chung ta a en nhng ket qua tat
nhng chung t xau, ngha la nhan cua nhng nhien. Nhan ra ieu nay, ngi Phat t khong
viec ac, chung ta se tr thanh ke xau. Do bi can cau khan mot ong than nao tha th, ma
ao Phat at trach nhiem toi thng ve cuoc ung ra ieu chnh hanh ong cua ho hau a
i cua chung ta trong tay chung ta, nen chung en cho hai hoa vi luat chung cua vu
neu chung ta muon nhao nan cho cuoc i tru. Neu ho lam ac, ho co tm ra loi lam roi
mnh tot ep hn chung ta phai hng tam tr chnh on lai hanh vi; con neu ho lam lanh,
cua mnh ve mot hng tot ep hn, v chnh ho co duy tr va phat trien hanh lanh ay.
tam tr ieu khien ban tay nhao nan cuoc i Ngi Phat t khong nen qua lo au ve qua
cua chung ta. Tuy nhien, co luc chung ta thay kh, ma ngc lai nen lo cho viec lam trong
mot ngi rat ao c, t te, hien hau, de hien tai. Thay v chay ngc chay xuoi tm s
thng va khon ngoan, the ma cuoc i ngi cu roi, chung ta nen co gang gieo chung t
ay lai ay nhng tr ngai t sang en toi. Tai tot trong hien i, roi i cho ket qua en tuy
sao lai nh vay? Con cai ly thuyet ve hanh theo luat nghiep bao. Thuyet nghiep bao
ong tot em lai hanh phuc va hanh ong xau trong ao Phat cho con ngi ch khong ai
em lai kho au th sao? Muon hieu ieu khac, con ngi la ke tao dng nen van mang
nay, chung ta phai nhan thc rang nghiep qua cua chnh mnh. Tng gi tng phut, chung ta
khong nhat thiet phai tro ra trong cung hien lam va dng nen van menh cua chnh chung
i ma nghiep nhan c tao. Co khi nghiep ta qua y ngh, li noi va viec lam. Chnh v
em lai hau qua ch trong i sau hoac nhng the ma co c co da: Gieo y ngh, tai hanh

ong; gieo hanh ong, tao tnh hanh; gieo the thoat khoi nghiep va nhap vao trang thai
tnh hanh, tao ca tanh; gieo ca tanh, tao van tam thc cua s giai thoat hoan toan (hay
mang. thoat khoi the gii ao tng) nh vao tr tue
(III) Main characteristics of karmaNhng ac cua chnh ngi ay? ieu nay ro rang ch
iem chnh cua Nghiep: There are four khong co g e nghi ng. Neu nh vay th
principal characteristics of karmaCo bon chung ta lam sao e c nh vay? (see
ac iem cua nghiep. Thien nh and Meditation). Tat ca nhng g
1) The karma that we have now is very deep- ma ngi ta a kinh nghiem, suy ngh va cam
rooted and complex, and includes the former nhan trong qua kh van ton tai trong chieu
karma that human beings have accumulated sau cua tiem thc. Cac nha tam ly hoc cong
since their beginning. We also possess the nhan rang tiem thc khong ch gay mot anh
former karma that we have produced hng ln vao tnh chat va chc nang tam ly
ourselves in previous existences and to some cua con ngi, ma con tao ra nhieu roi loan
extent the former karma that our ancestors khac nhau. V no thng ben ngoai tam cua
have produced (for those who were born in chung ta nen chung ta khong the kiem soat
the same family, from generation to tiem thc ch bang cach t duy va thien nh
generation, or in the same country, would suong c.
bear the same kinds of karma to some 2) Karma is definiteNghiep xac nh: When
extent). And of course we possess the we plant a black-pepper seed, black-pepper
present karma that we have produced plant grows and we will reap black-pepper,
ourselves in this life. Is it possible for an not oranges. Similarly, when we act
ordinary person to become free from these positively, happiness follows, not suffering.
karmas and enter the mental state of perfect When we act destructively, misery comes, not
freedom, escape from the world of illusion, happinessKhi chung ta gieo hat tieu th cay
by means of his own wisdom? This is clearly tieu se moc len va chung ta se co nhng hat
out of the question. What then, if anything, tieu, ch khong phai la nhng trai cam.
can we do about it? All that one has Tng t, khi chung ta hanh ong thien lanh
experienced, thought and felt in the past th hanh phuc phat sanh ch khong phai kho
remains in the depths of ones subconscious au. Khi chung ta hanh ong bao ac th kho
mind. Psychologists recognize that the au en ch khong phai la hanh phuc.
subconscious mind not only exerts a great 3) Karma is expandableNghiep m rong: Just
influence on mans character and his mental as small seed can grow into a huge tree with
functions but even causes various disorders. much fruit, small actions can bring large
because it is normally beyond our reach, we result. Therefore, we should try to avoid even
cannot control the subconscious mind by mere small negative actions and to create small
reflection and meditationNghiep ma chung negative onesMot cai hat mam nhoco the
ta ang co co can goc rat sau day va phc tap phat trien thanh mot cay to nhieu qua, cung y
vo cung. No bao gom nghiep cu ma con nh vay mot hanh ong nho co the gay ra
ngi a tch tap t luc khi thuy. Chung ta nhng ket qua qua to ln. V vay, chung ta
cung s hu nghiep cu ma chnh chung ta a nen co gang tranh nhng hanh ong en toi
tao ra trong cac i trc va mot mc o du nho, va co gang lam nhng hanh ong
nao o, chung ta mang nghiep ma to tien trong sang du nho.
chung ta a tao (vi nhng ai cung sanh ra 4) Without a cause, there wont be any result
trong mot dong ho hay cung mot quoc gia Khong co nhan se khong co qua: If the cause
eu co nhng cong nghiep mot mc o nao isnt created, the result does not occur. If no
o). Va d nhien chung ta mang hien seed is planted, nothing grows. The person
nghiep do chnh chung ta tao ra trong i who hasnt created the cause to be killed,
nay. Phai chang mot ngi bnh thng co won;t be even if he or she is in a car crash.

According to the Buddha, man makes his own they may not bring their results
destiny. He should not blame anyone for his immediatelyNeu chung ta hanh ong thien
troubles since he alone is responsible for his lanh (tch cc) th ket qua hanh phuc sm
own life, for either better or worse. Your muon g cung xuat hien. Khi chung ta hanh
difficulties and troubles are actually self- ong en toi (tieu cc), nhng dau an xau
caused. They arise from actions rooted in khong bao gi mat i mac du chung khong
greed, hatred and delusion. In fact, suffering a en ket qua tc th.
is the price you pay for craving for existence 6) Karma is action. Karma is clinging. Body,
and sensual pleasures. The price which comes speech, and mind all make karma when we
as physical pain and mental agony is a heavy cling. We create habits that can make us
one to pay. It is like paying monthly payment suffer in the future. This is the fruit of our
for the brand new Chevrolet Corvette you attachment, of our past defilement.
own. The payment is the physical pain and Remember, not only body but also speech and
mental agony you undergo, while the mental action can make conditions for future
Corvette is your physical body through which results. If we did some act of kindness in the
you experience the worldly pleasures of the past and remember it today, we will be
senses. You have to pay the price for the happy, and this happy state of mind is the
enjoyment: nothing is really free of charge result of past karma. In other words, all things
unfortunatelyNeu khong tao nhan th conditioned by cause, both long-term and
khong bao gi co qua. Neu khong gieo hat th moment-to-momentNghiep la tac ong, la
khong co cay. Mot ngi a khong gay tao s dnh mac. Than the chung ta, li noi, va
nhan e co qua b giet th ngi ay se khong tam chung ta eu tao ra nghiep khi chung ta
chet ngay trong tai nan xe hi. c Phat da: dnh mac. Chung ta tao thoi quen. Nhng thoi
ban la ke tao nen so phan cua chnh ban. Ban quen nay se khien chung ta au kho trong
khong nen ch trch bat c ai trc nhng kho tng lai. o la ket qua cua s dnh mac cua
khan cua mnh, khi ma ch co mnh chu trach chung ta, ong thi cung la ket qua cua
nhiem ve cuoc i cua mnh, tot hn hay te nhng phien nao trong qua kh. Moi tham ai
hn, eu do mnh ma ra ca. Nhng kho khan eu dan en nghiep. Hay nh rang khong
va kho nao cua ban thc ra la do chnh ban phai ch do than the ma ca ngon ng va tam
gay ra. Chung phat sinh do cac hanh ong bat hon cung tao ieu kien cho nhng g se xay
nguon t tham, san, si. Thc vay, s kho au ra trong tng lai. Trong qua kh neu chung
la cai gia ban phai tra cho long tham am ta lam ieu g tot ep, bay gi ch can nh lai
cuoc song hien hu va nhng thu vui nhuc thoi chung ta cung se thay sung sng, hanh
duc. Cai gia qua ac ma ban phai tra la s dien. Trang thai sung sng hanh dien hom
kho au the xac va lo au ve tinh than. Tng nay la ket qua cua nhng g chung ta a lam
t nh ban tra tien hang thang cho chiec xe trong qua kh. Noi cach khac, nhng g chung
Chevrolet Corvette mi tinh e c s hu ta nhan hom nay la ket qua cua nghiep trong
no. Tien tra hang thang la s au kho ve than qua kh. Tat ca moi s eu c ieu kien
va tam ma ban phai chu ng, trong khi o hoa bi nguyen nhan, dau o la nguyen nhan
cai xe mi tinh kia c xem nh la c the a co t lau hay trong khoanh khac hien tai.
nh o ma ban thu hng cac thu vui the 7) Some people say I am not responsible for
gian. Ban phai tra gia cho s thu hng khoai what I am because everything, including my
lac: khong co thu vui nao ma khong phai tra brain, nature, and physical constitution,
mot cai gia ac, that la khong mai man. partake of the nature of my parents. Its no
5) Karma doesnt get lostNghiep khong bao doubt that our parents and ancestors must be
gi mat: If we act positively, the happy result responsible for some of the nature of their
will eventually occur. When we do negative descendants, but the majority of other
actions, the imprints arent lost even though characteristics is the responsibility of the

descendants themselves because beings nghiep ma chung ta a tao ra trong nhng i

coming into existence with their own karma qua kh. Hn na, cai nga ang hien hu
that they have produced in their past lives. sau thi th au cua mot ngi la ket qua cua
Moreover, the self that exists after ones nghiep ma chnh ngi ay a tao ra trong i
childhood is the effect of the karma that one nay. V the ma trach nhiem cua cac bac cha
has produced oneself in this world. So the me rat gii han. Y niem ve nghiep day chung
responsibility of ones parents is very limited. ta mot cach ro rang rang mot ngi gat lay
The idea of karma teaches us clearly that one nhng qua ma mnh a gieo. Gia du hien tai
will reap the fruits of what he has sown. chung ta khong hanh phuc, chung ta co the
Supposed that we are unhappy at present; we mat bnh tnh va to ra bc boi neu chung ta
are apt to lose our temper and express gan s bat hanh cua chung ta cho ngi khac.
discontent if we attribute our unhappiness to Nhng neu chung ta xem noi bat hanh trong
others. But if we consider our present hien tai cua chung ta la ket qua cua cac hanh
unhappiness to be the effect of our own deeds vi cua chnh chung ta trong qua kh th chung
in the past, we can accept it and take ta co the chap nhan no va nhan trach nhiem
responsibility for it. Besides such acceptance, ve mnh. Ngoai s chap nhan ay, hy vong
hope for the future wells up strongly in our tng lai se tran ngap trong tim chung ta:
hearts: The more good karma I accumulate, Toi cang tch tu nhieu thien nghiep chng
the happier I will become and the better nao th trong tng lai toi se cang co nhieu
recompense I will receive. All right, I will qua bao tot chng ay. c roi, toi se tch tu
accumulate much more good karma in the nhieu hn na nhng thien nghiep trong
future. We should not limit this idea only to tng lai. Chung ta khong nen ch gii han y
the problems of human life in this world. We niem nay trong cac van e cua kiep song con
can also feel hope concerning the traces of ngi trong the gii nay. Chung ta cung co
our lives after death. For those who do not the cam thay hy vong ve nhng dau vet cuoc
know the teachings of the Buddha, nothing is i chung ta sau khi chet. oi vi nhng
so terrible as death. Everyone fears it. But if ngi khong biet Phat phap, khong co g kinh
we truly realize the meaning of karma-result, khung bang cai chet. Moi ngi eu s no.
we can keep our composure in the face of Nhng neu chung ta that s hieu biet y ngha
death because we can have hope for our next cua nghiep qua th chung ta co the gi bnh
life. When we do not think only of ourselves tnh khi oi dien vi cai chet v chung ta co
but realize that the karma produced by our the co hy vong cuoc i sau. Khi chung ta
own deeds exerts an influence upon our khong ch ngh en mnh, ma nhan ra rang
descendants, we will naturally come to feel nghiep do nhng hanh vi cua chnh mnh tao
responsible for our deeds. We will also ra se gay mot anh hng en con chau chung
realize that we, as parents, must maintain a ta th t nhien chung ta se nhan thay co trach
good attitude in our daily lives in order to nhiem ve hanh vi cua chnh mnh. Chung ta
have a favorable influence or recompense cung se nhan ra rang chung ta la cac bac cha
upon our children. We will feel strongly that me, phai gi mot thai o tot trong i song
we must always speak to our children hang ngay e co mot anh hng hay qua bao
correctly and bring them up properly and with thuan li cho con chau chung ta. Chung ta se
affectionCo ngi cho rang Toi khong cam thay ro rang rang chung ta phai noi nang
chu trach nhiem cho nhng g toi ang la, v ung an vi con cai va nuoi nang cac em
moi s gom tr oc, ban tanh va the chat cua mot cach thch ang trong tnh yeu thng.
toi eu mang ban chat cua cha me toi. Qua (IV) Categories of karmaPhan loai Nghiep:
that ong ba cha me co mot phan trach nhiem, (A) There are two kinds of karmaCo hai loai
nhng phan ln nhng ac tnh khac la trach nghiepSee Two kinds of karma.
nhiem cua chung ta, en t ket qua cua

(B) Ba nghiepThere are three conditions, always apply your mind to the present so that
inheritances, or three kinds of karmaSee you may advance on the way.Khi co mot
Three karmas. e t en sam hoi vi c Phat ve nhng
(C) Kammacatukkam (p)Four types of karma viec sai trai trong qua kh, c Phat khong
See Four kinds of kamma. he ha tha th, v Ngai biet rang moi ngi
(D) According to the Sangiti Sutta in the Long eu phai gat ket qua cua nhan do chnh mnh
Discourses of the Buddha, there are four a gieo. Thay v vay, Nga giai thch: Neu
kinds of kammaTheo Kinh Phung Tung ong thay viec ong tng lam la sai va ac, th t
trong Trng Bo Kinh, co bon loai nghiep nay tr i ong ng lam na. Neu ong thay
See Four kinds of kamma. viec ong lam la ung va tot, th hay lam them
(E) Kammacatukkam (p)Four types of kamma na. Hay co ma diet ac nghiep va tao thien
(karma)According to the Abhidharma, nghiep. Ong nen biet hnh anh cua ong ngay
there are four types of kamma (karma) nay la bong cua ong trong qua kh, va hnh
Theo A Ty at Ma Luan (Vi Dieu Phap), co anh tng lai cua ong la bong cua ong ngay
bon loai nghiepSee Four kinds of kamma. hom nay. Ong phai chu tam vao hien tai hau
(F) Can be previous or present karma. However, tinh tan trong viec tu ao.
Most Venerable Thch Thanh T, a famous (B) The Buddhas teachings on karma in the
Zen Master in recent Vietnamese Buddhist DhammapadaLi Phat day ve Nghiep
history confirmed that: Cultivation means trong Kinh Phap Cu:
transformation of karma. Therefore, no 1) The deed is not well done of which a man
matter what kind of karma, from previous or must repent, and the reward of which he
present, can be transformedCo the nghiep receives, weeping, with tearful face; one
i trc hay i nay. Tuy nhien, Hoa thng reaps the fruit thereof: Nhng ngi gay ieu
Thch Thanh T, mot thien s noi tieng trong bat thien, lam xong an nan khoc loc, nho le
lch s Phat giao Viet Nam can ai a khang dam de, v biet mnh se phai tho lay qua bao
nh: Tu la chuyen nghiep. Nh vay nhan tng lai (67).
tao nghiep cua bat c i nao, eu co the 2) The deed is well done when, after having
chuyen cSee Four serious matters in done it, one repents not, and when, with joy
any cultivators life. and pleasure, one reaps the fruit thereof:
(G) See Karma and Nine kinds of karma. Nhng ngi tao cac thien nghiep, lam xong
(V) The Buddhas teachings on KarmaLi chang chut an nan, con vui mng hn h, v
Phat day ve Nghiep: biet mnh se tho lay qua bao tng lai (68).
(A) The Buddhas general teachings on 3) As long as the evil deed done does not bear
karmaLi day tong quat cua c Phat ve fruit, the fool thinks it is as sweet as honey;
Nghiep: When a disciple came to the Buddha but when it ripens, then he comes to grief:
penitent over past misdeeds, the Buddha did Khi ac nghiep cha thanh thuc, ngi ngu
not promise any forgiveness, for He knew tng nh ng mat, nhng khi ac nghiep a
that each must reap the results of the seeds thanh thuc, ho nht nh phai chu kho ang
that he had sown. Instead He explained: If cay (69).
you know that what you have done is wrong 4) Those Arhats whose mind is calm, whose
and harmful, from now on do not do it again. speech and deed are calm. They have also
If you know that what you have done is right obtained right knowing, they have thus
and profitable, continue to do it. Destroy bad become quiet men: Nhng v A-la-han y
karma and cultivate good karma. You should nghiep thng vang lang, ng nghiep hanh
realize that what you are in the present is a nghiep thng vang lang, lai co chanh tr giai
shadow of what you were in the past, and thoat, nen c an on luon (96).
what you will be in the future is a shadow of 5) Lets hasten up to do good. Lets restrain our
what you are now in the present. You should minds from evil thoughts, for the minds of

those who are slow in doing good actions better done now, for after doing it one does
delight in evil: Hay gap rut lam lanh, che ch not grieve: Khong tao ac nghiep la hn, v
tam toi ac. He bieng nhac viec lanh gi phut lam ac nht nh tho kho; lam cac thien
nao th tam a chuyen ac gi phut nay (116). nghiep la hn, v lam lanh nht nh tho vui
6) If a person commits evil, let him not do it (314).
again and again; he should not rejoice ** See Three kasaya.
therein, sorrow is the outcome of evil: Neu a Karma arising without activity: Bat ong
l lam ac ch nen thng lam hoai, ch vui hanhSee Three lines of action that affect
lam viec ac; he cha ac nht nh tho kho karma.
(117). Karmabija (skt): Karma-seedNghiep
7) If a person does a meritorious deed, he should ChungKarma-seed which springs up in happy or
do it habitually, he should find pleasures in suffering rebirthNghiep sanh ra qua kho lac
therein, happiness is the outcome of merit: trong luan hoi sanh t, giong nh hat giong the
Neu a lam viec lanh hay nen thng lam gian.
mai, nen vui lam viec lanh; he cha lanh
Karma of blessedness: Happy karmaPhc
nht nh tho lac (118).
8) Even an evil-doer sees good as long as evil
Karma body: Than tam thiTemporary body.
deed has not yet ripened; but when his evil
deed has ripened, then he sees the evil Karma-bond: Nghiep PhcKarma-fetter, the
results: Khi nghiep ac cha thanh thuc, ke ac binding power of karmaPhien trc hay s troi
cho la vui, en khi nghiep ac thanh thuc ke buoc cua nghiep.
ac mi hay la ac (119). Karma-cause: Nghiep DuyenKarma-cause,
9) Even a good person sees evil as long as his karma circumstance, condition resulting from
good deed has not yet ripened; but when his karma. The deed as cause; the cause of good or
good deed has ripened, then he sees the good bad karma leads to the next form of existence
results: Khi nghiep lanh cha thanh thuc, Nhan duyen em lai hau qua t ni nghiep. Cac
ngi lanh cho la kho, en khi nghiep lanh hanh ong thien ac a lam xong eu tr thanh
thanh thuc, ngi lanh mi biet la lanh (120). nghiep nhan dan en luan hoi (thien nghiep la
10) Do not disregard (underestimate) small evil, nhan cua lac qua, ac nghiep la nhan cua kho
saying, it will not matter to me. By the qua).
falling of drop by drop, a water-jar is filled; Karma caused by doubt: Nghiep Hoac
likewise, the fool becomes full of evil, even if Nghiep gay ra bi long nghi hoac.
he gathers it little by little: Ch khinh ieu ac Karma completes in one thought: Nhat Niem
nho, cho rang chang a lai qua bao cho ta. Nghiep ThanhKarma complete in one thought
Phai biet giot nc nheu lau ngay cung lam or at just one thought the work completed. If one
ay bnh. Ke ngu phu s d ay toi ac bi has sincere thought or fath in Amitabhas vow,
cha don tng khi t ma nen (121). entrance into the Pure Land is assuredCh trong
11) Do not disregard small good, saying, it will mot niem la nghiep a c thanh lap. Neu thanh
not matter to me. Even by the falling of drop tam tr niem hong danh Phat A Di a th ng
by drop, a water-jar is filled; likewise, the vao Tnh o la chac chan.
wise man, gathers his merit little by little: Karma-cords: Nghiep ThangCords or bonds
Ch nen khinh ieu lanh nho, cho rang of karmaSi day troi buoc cua nghiep hay
chang a lai qua bao cho ta. Phai biet giot nghiep nh si day troi buoc.
nc nheu lau ngay cung lam ay bnh. Ke tr Karmadana (skt): Duy Na.
s d toan thien bi cha don tng khi t ma
1) Duy Na (Tho S): Person in charge of the
nen (122).
pagodaThe duty-distributor, or arranger of
12) An evil deed is better not done, a misdeed
duties, a supervisor of monks in a monastery.
will bring future suffering. A good deed is
One of the six main monksV s phan phoi

va giam sat cong viec trong t vien. Mot Karma formation: Samskara (skt)Action
trong sau v s chnh trong t vien. ActivityConceptionDispositionVolitional
2) The monk in charge of the temple: Yet Ma actionsImpulseMoral conductHanhSee
V Tang chu trach nhiem t vien. Twelve conditions of cause and effect.
a) Action: Karma (skt)WorkDeed Karma of heaven: Nghiep ThienThe karma
PerformanceServiceDutyreligious of heaven, i.e. the natural inevitable law of cause
actionMoral dutyDeeds or character as and effectNghiep Thien hay luat t nhien
the cause of future conditionsNghiepTac khong the tranh khoi cua nhan qua.
nghiep dan en nhng ieu kien trong tng
Karma of Hinayana nirvana: Vo lau
nghiepSee Three karmas (C).
b) A meeting of the monks for the purpose of
Karma of an imperturbable nature: Hien
ordination, or for the confession of sins and
Bat ong nghiepSee Three karmas (B).
absolution, or for expulsion of the
unrepentant: Mot buoi hop hay nghi thc Karma infection: Nghiep nhiemSee Three
tuyen cao thu gii, sam hoi, hay truc xuat ra infections.
khoi giao oan nhng ngi pham toi bat Karma and its effects are an endless chain:
kha hoi. Nghiep Qua Vo GianSee Five untinterrupted
Karma-deed: Nghiep HanhDeeds, actions; hells.
karma deeds, moral action which influences Karma-Kagyu: Oral Transmission Lineage of
future rebirthNhng hanh ong anh hng en the Karmapas, a subdivision of Kagyuapa school,
s tai sanh trong tng lai. founded in Tibet in the 12th century by Dusum
Karma-defilement: Nghiep Cau (s ue nhiem KhyenpaDong truyen mieng, mot phai cua
cua nghiep). Kagyupa do Dusum Khyenpa sang lap tai Tay
Tang vao the ky XII sau Tay lch.
Karmadharaya (skt): Tr Nghiep ThchThe
equality of dependence of both terms, such as in Karma Kagyupa: One of the four major sub-
Mahayana, great and vehicle, both equally orders of the Kagyupa order of Tibetan Buddhism,
essential to Mahayana with its specific meaning founded by Tusum Khyenpa (1110-1193), who
Tr Nghiep Thch hay ong y thch, ngha la dau was later recognized as the first rGyal Ba
hai ma the la mot nen ong tuy thuoc lan nhau Karmapa. They are commonly known as Balck
nh trong hai ch ai Tha, th hai ch ai Hats because of the ceremonial hat worn by the
va Tha cung quan trong va thiet yeu nh nhau rGyal Ba Karmapa. The rGyal Ba Karmapa
e lam thanh ch ai Tha vi ngha ac biet places it on his head in certain ceremonies, and it
cua noSee Six interpretations of compound is believed that when the hat is on his head he
terms. manifests the essence of the buddha
Avalokitesvara, of whom he is considered to be a
Karma-dirt: Nghiep tranKarma-dirt, the
manifestation. The main seat of the school is
defilement or remains of evil karmaS ue
Tsurpu Monastery in Tibet. The sixteenth rGyal
nhiem cua ac nghiep.
Ba Karmapa, Rangjung Rikbe Dorje (1924-1981),
Karma and distress: Nghiep Nao.
left Tibet for India following the Chinese
1) Karmaic distress: S phien nao gay ra bi
invasion, and in 1966 established Rumtek
Monastery in Sikkim, which is presently the
2) Karma and distress, one is the cause of
headquarters of the order. The Karma-Kagyupa
another, and vice versa: Nghiep va s phien
has a number of other important incarnational
nao, cai nay la nhan cua cai kia, cai kia la
lineages in addition to rGyal Ba Karmapa,
qua cua cai nay.
including the Shammar Rinpoche, Gyeltsap
Karma-fetters: Nghiep HeHe phc hay s Rinpoche, and Tai Situ RinpocheMot trong bon
troi buoc cua nghiepKarma-bonds. trng phai chnh cua Phat giao Tay Tang, c
Karma which follows desire: Ai nghiep. sang lap bi ngai Tusum Khyenpa, ngi ma ve

sau nay ngi ta cong nhan la v rGyal Ba anh ieu khac. Nhat va cac nc ong A
Karmapa i th nhat. Trng phai nay thng khong co Man a La ieu khac, nhng vo so
c biet ti nh la trng phai mu en v trong tng Phat Java c xem nh la thuoc loai
cac buoi le v rGyal Ba Karmapa oi non en, va nay. Karma trong Phan ng co ngha la nghiep
ngi ta tin rang khi ngai oi non en th ngai hay hanh ong, ay ac biet co ngha la nghe
hien ra chan tanh cua Phat Quan The Am Bo Tat, thuat trnh bay bang vat ranSee Four kinds of
v ma ngai c coi nh la hien than. Tru s Mandala.
chanh cua trng phai la tu vien Tsurpu Tay Karma-maras: Karma-maras (skt)Nghiep
Tang. V rGyal Ba Karmapa i th 16 la MaThe demons who or the karma which
Rangjung Rikbe Dorje, ri bo Tay Tang qua An hinders and harms goodnessMa hay ac nghiep
o theo sau cuoc xam lang va sap nhap Tay Tang luon theo chung sanh quay roi va ngan can viec
cua Trung Hoa vao nam 1959, va vao nam 1966 tu hanh va lam hai thien aoSee Ten kinds of
ngai thanh lap Tu Vien Rumtek Sikkim, bay gi afflictions.
th tu vien nay la tru s chnh cua trng phai. Karma of the mental or the mind: Tam tho.
Trng phai Karma-Kagyupa co mot so dong tai **See Sensation (III), and Dual receptivity.
sanh quan trong ben canh rGyal Ba Karmapa,
Karma-mirror: Nghiep CanhNghiep Knh
gom Shammar Rinpoche, Gyeltsap Rinpoche, va
That kept in Hades reveals all karmaTam
Tai Situ Rinpoche.
gng nghiep, coi u minh dung e soi thien ac
Karma of killing: Nghiep giet nghiep cua chung sanh.
Karmaksaya (skt): Consumation of the previous Karma of the mouth: The work of the mouth
actions and the results thereofTan nghiep. Khau NghiepSee Vaca-karman.
Karma law: Luat nhn quaLaw of causality. Karma-mudra (skt): Nghiep AnA Sanskrit
Karma that leads to the general rewards: term for action seal. This is a female tantric
Dan nghiepKarma that leads to the rewards as consort. In some highest yoga tantra (anuttara-
to the species into which one is to be born, i.e. yoga-tantraskt) practices, yoga involving sexual
animals, men, gods, etcNghiep nhan dan en union are used, and in some traditions of Tibetan
qua bao tong quat (qua bao sanh ve coi suc sanh Buddhism, i.e., Gelukpa, it is said that it is
hay nhan thien)See Two classes of karma (II). impossible to attain Buddhahood without
Karma that leads to the individual reward: engaging in these practices. The consort must be a
Man nghiepKarma that leads to the reward, i.e. person with a high level of attainment and should
the kind or quality of being clever or stupid also have a high level of control over the
Nghiep nhan dan en biet bao, chang han nh manipulation (s ieu khien) of the subtle
c pham chat thong minh hay an onSee energies called winds (pranaskt)T Bac
Two classes of karma (II). Phan dung e ch Nghiep An. ay la mot v n
Karma of Mahayana Nirvana: Phi lau phi vo phoi ngau trong mat chu. trong mot vai thc tap
lau nghiepSee Three karmas (C). mat chu du gia mc o cao, du gia lien he en
Karma-mandala (skt): Kiet Ma Man a La s phoi hiep tnh duc c dung, va trong vai
One of the four kinds of mandala, according to the truyen thong cua Phat giao Tay Tang nh
Shingon Sect. The Artcraft Circle is the circle of Gelukpa, ngi ta noi rang khong the nao thanh
sculptured figures. In Japan and East Asian tu Phat qua neu khong tham d vao nhng tu tap
countries, there are no artcraft circles of nay. V phoi ngau phai la ngi co mc o thanh
sculptured figures, but the multitude of Buddhistic at cao va cung phai co kha nang kiem soat cao
images of Java is said to be of this kind. Karma in o s ieu khien cua nhng nang lng vi te goi
Sanskrit means action or work, here it la gio.
especially means the artistic work of solid Karman (skt): NghiepActionForm of
representationMot trong bon loai man a la cua behavior.
tong Chan Ngon. La Man a La bang nhng hnh

Karma of nirodha: Diet nghiepThe karma Karma-Paramita Bodhisattva (skt): Nghiep

resulting from the extinction of suffering. The Ba La Mat Bo TatOne of the four female
work or karma of nirodha, the karma resulting attendants on Vairocana in the Vajradhatu,
from the extinction of suffering, i.e. nirvana evolved from him, each of them a mother of one
Nghiep ket qua t s diet kho. Nghiep a en of the four Buddhas of the four quartersMot
tan diet kho au phien nao, hay nghiep a en trong bon v n Bo Tat than can cua c Ty Lo
Niet Ban. Gia Na trong Kim Cang Gii, eu do Ngai lu
Karma-nutrition: Nghiep ThcKarma as xuat, moi v la me cua mot trong bon v Phat
nutritive basis for succeeding existenceNghiep trong t phngSee Four female attendants on
la loai dinh dng can ban cua s hien hu cua Vairocana.
chung sanh. ** See Four kinds of food. Karma phala (skt): Unitentional karma
Karma operating in the body: Than Nghiep Nghiep Vo TnhFruit or result of karma
See Kaya-sankhara. Nghiep qua hay ket qua cua cac hanh ong phat
Karma of ordinary rebirth: Hu lau nghiep sanh t tam thc.
Lau nghiepThe deeds of the sinner in the Karma of previous life: Nghiep i trc
stream of transmigration, which produces his Karma is the accumulation of all our experiences
karmaNghiep cua pham nhan trong dong sinh and deeds since the birth of mankind, and since
t luan hoiSee Three karmas (C). even before that time. This is called the karma of
Karmapa: Man of Buddha-activityNgi co a previous existence. We can clearly see karma
hoat ong cua PhatThe spiritual authority of the of previous existence through the activity or
Karma-Kagyu school and the oldest lineage of power of karma. This power can be correctly
Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan believe that this explained by understanding the working of the
person is the embodiment of Avalokitesvara. The subconscious mind. Even things that human beings
incarnations of the Karmapa extended over a experienced hundreds of thousands of years ago
period of 800 yearsNgi co hoat ong cua remain in the depths of our minds, as do the much
Phat. Uy quyen tam linh cua phai Karma-Kagyu, stronger influences of the deeds and mental
thuoc dong Tulku xa nhat cua Phat giao Tay attitudes of our ancestors. Thus according to
Tang. Ngi nay cung c dan Tay Tang tin Buddhism, karma of previous includes the karma
tng la mot hien than cua Quan The Am. Dong that our own life has produced through the
nay keo dai hn 800 nam. repetition of birth, death, rebirth, death, and so on
1) Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193). from the indefinite past to the present. Therefore,
2) Karmapa Karma Pakshi (1204-1283). the Buddha taught: Even though a hundred
3) Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339). thousand kalpa pass, karma which is created does
4) Karmapa Rolpe Dorje (1340-1383). not perish. When cause and conditions come
5) Karmapa Deshin Shegpa (1384-1415). together, retribution or result is a must. In our
6) Karmapa Tongwa Donden (1416-1453). daily actions, how can we possibly not be cautious
7) Karmapa Chodrag Gyatsho (1454-1506). and attentive, as if standing on the edge of a deep
8) Karmapa Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554). abyss, as if treading on thin ice!Nghiep la s
9) Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje (1556-1603). tch tap tat ca nhng kinh nghiem va hanh vi cua
10) Karmapa Choyng Dorje (1604-1674). chung ta, co the noi la t luc khi sinh loai ngi
11) Karmapa Yehse Dorje (1676-1702). va ca trc luc ay na. ay c goi la nghiep
12) Karmapa Changchub Dorje (1703-1732). i trc. Nghiep i trc c thay ro qua s
13) Karmapa Dudul Dorje (1733-1797). hoat ong cua nghiep, hay la nang lc cua
14) Karmapa Thegchog Dorje (1798-1868). nghiep. Nang lc nay co the c giai thch ung
15) Karmapa Khachab Dorje (1871-1922). an nh hieu c s van hanh cua cai tam tiem
16) Karmapa Rigpe Dorje (1924-1982). thc. Ngay ca nhng ieu ma loai ngi a kinh
nghiem t hang tram ngan nam trc ay van lu
lai trong be sau cua tam ta, cung nh nhng anh

hng manh hn nhieu cua nhng hanh vi va thai Karmic obstructions are difficult to
o tam thc cua to tien chung ta lu lai. Nh vay eradicate: Toi chng kho tieu tr.
theo Phat giao th nghiep i trc bao gom ca
Karma of pleasure and pain of the physical
nghiep ma i song cua chnh chung ta a tao nen
body: Than tho. **See Sensation (III), and Dual
qua s tai dien sanh, t, tai sanh, t, etc., t qua
kh vo nh cho en hien tai. Chnh v vay ma
c Phat a da: Cho du co trai qua tram ngan Karmaprabhava (skt): Birth not derived from
kiep, nghiep a tao th khong the mat i au karmaBat tung nghiep sinh.
c. Khi ma nhan va duyen hoi tu th qua phai Karma results from the bondage to passions
co la ieu tat yeu ma thoi. or delusions: Ket nghiepThe bond of karma,
Karma-process becoming: Nghiep HuThe the karma resulting from the bondage to passions
karma-process itself is karma-process becoming. or delusionsS troi buoc cua nghiep, hay
The karma should be understood as becoming. nghiep la ket qua cua s troi buoc cua duc vong.
The karma-process becoming in brief is both Karma results from killing: Sat nghiepOne
volition also and the states covetousness, etc., of the ten kinds of evil karma, the karma resulting
associated with the volition and reckoned as from kilingMot trong mi ac nghiep, tc ac
karma too. Karma-process becoming consists of nghiep giet hai cac loai hu tnh khacSee Ten
the formation of merit, the formation of demerit, evil deeds.
the formation of the imperturbable, either with a Karma-reward: Nghiep BaoRetribution of
small (limited) plane or with a large plane. All karma (good or evil)Qua bao sng kho tng
karmas that lead to becoming are called karma- ng vi thien ac nghiep.
process becomingChnh tien trnh nghiep la Karma ripens: Nghiep troNghiep thuan
hu, th goi la nghiep hu. Nghiep can c hieu thucWholesome or unwholesome karma never
la hu v no em lai hu hay s tai sanh. Trc disappears until its result ripens. However,
het, nghiep hu noi van tat la hanh va cac phap declaration or confession of non-virtuous actions
tham duc, van van, tng ng vi hanh cung c can dispel the potential power of future negative
xem la nghiep. Nghiep hu bao gom phc hanh, karma. According to the Buddhist theory, karma,
phi phc hanh, bat ong hanh, bnh dien nho wholesome or unwholesome, never disappears
(hu han) hay bnh dien ln (ai hanh). Tat ca until its result ripens; however, the purification of
nhng nghiep a en s tai sanh eu la nghiep accumulated negative karma is possible by
huSee Two kinds of becoming. declaring, confessing and stopping committing of
Karma produced actions: Tac Nghiep non-virtuous actionsDu thien hay bat thien,
Karma produced (by action of body, words, and nghiep khong bao gi bien mat cho en khi qua
thought, which educe the kernel of the next cua no tro, goi la tro nghiep. Tuy nhien, s xng
rebirth)Nghiep c lam ra bi than, khau, y ra (chap nhan mnh a lam sai trai) nhng toi loi
eu c rut ra trong kiep ti. a gay tao co kha nang loai tr nhng nghiep bat
Karma produced by former intention: Co T thien trong tng lai. Theo Phat giao, nghiep
NghiepCon goi la Co Tac Nghiep, Co T Tao thien hay bat thien, chang bao gi bien mat cho
Nghiep, hay Co Tac Nghiep, la cai nghiep than en khi nao ket qua chn mui; tuy nhien, thanh
va mieng do co y tao ra (neu khong co y tao ra th tnh nghiep co the xay ra bang cach nhan loi, sa
goi la Bat Co T Nghiep. Qua bao cam tho kho loi va co gang lam nhng chuyen thien lanh.
lac ch gii han Co T Nghiep ma thoi). Karma-robber: Nghiep TacRobber-karma;
Karma of religion: The karma that leads to evil karma harms as does a robberNghiep co
Buddhahoodao nghiep (loai nghiep dan en kha nang lam hai chung sanh nh mot ten cp
Phat qua). nen goi la nghiep tac.
Karma seed: Nghiep chung tSee Two kinds Karma-seed: Karmabija (skt)Nghiep Chung
of seeds (A). Karma-seed which springs up in happy or in

suffering rebirthNghiep sanh ra qua kho lac 1) Sense-Sphere Consciousness accompanied by

trong luan hoi sanh t, giong nh hat giong the greed: Tam Duc Gii bat nguon t Can
gian. Tham. **See Unwholesome mind (II) (A).
Karma-shadow: Nghiep AnhKarma-shadow, 2) Sense-Sphere Consciousness rooted in hatred
karma dogging ones steps like a shadow (associated with aversion): Tam Duc Gii bat
Nghiep nh bong theo sat hnh. nguon t Can San. **See Unwholesome mind
Karma-reward: Karmavipaka (skt) (II) (B).
Retribution of karma (good or evil)Nghiep 3) Sense-Sphere Consciousness rooted in
baoQua bao sng kho tng ng vi thien ac delusion: Tam Duc Gii bat nguon t Can Si.
nghiep. **See Unwholesome mind (II) (C).
Karmasiddhiprakarana sastra (skt): Luan Karmavajra: Nghiep Kim CangSee Fifteen
ai Tha Thanh NghiepThe sastra was bodhisattvas who represent the Buddhas
composed by Vasubandhu on human beings dharmakaya, or spiritual body; wisdom in
deedsBo Luan c Ngai The Than soan ve graciousness and a pierce or angry form against
nhng hanh vi cua nhan loai. evil (V).
Karma of speech: Vaci-sankhara (p)Ng Karmavarana (skt): Nghiep ChngThe
NghiepSee Vaci-sankhara. screen or hindrance of past karma which hinders
the attainment of bodhi (hindrance to the
Karmasthana (skt): Nghiep XA place for
attainment of Bodhi, which rises from the past
working, of business, or a condition in which the
karma)Nhng chng ngai va ngan tr do ac
mind is maintained in meditation, by influence,
nghiep gay ra lam ngan can bo e (ac nghiep
the Pure LandNi nhap nh lam cho tam dng
ngan can chanh ao).
lai, nh coi Tnh o.
Karma of suffering: Kho nghiep. Karma-vijnana (skt): Nghiep ThcAccording
to The Awakening of Faith, karmic consciousness;
Karma Theory: Thuyet Nghiep Bao.
activity-consciousness in the sense that through
Karmavacara-citta (p): Tam duc gii. the agency of ignorance an enlightened mind
(A) The meanings of Sense-Sphere begins to be disturbed; consciousness as the result
ConsciousnessNgha cua Tam Duc Gii: of past behavior, that is concrete consciousness in
According to the Abhidharma, the sense- the presentTheo Khi Tn Luan, nghiep thc la
sphere consciousness includes all those cittas cai thc can ban lu chuyen trong cac loai hu
that have their proper domain in the sensuous tnh, la y niem da vao can ban vo minh khien
plane of existence, though they may arise in chan tam nhat nh bat au chuyen ong hay vo
other planes as well. The sense-sphere minh lc lam cho tam bat giac chuyen ong, la
consciousness is the sensuous plane of ket qua cu the hien tai cua nhng hanh ong
existence, which comprises of the four woeful trong qua kh.
realms (hells, hungry ghosts, animals, asuras),
Karma-vipaka (skt): Nghiep Co YIntentional
the human realm, and the six sensuous
karma, in contrast with unintentional karma
heavensTheo A Ty at Ma Luan (Vi Dieu
(karma-phala)Nghiep gay tao bi s co y, oi
Phap), tam duc gii la cai g thng lui ti
lai vi nghiep vo tnh.
hay thng xuyen hien hu trong Duc Gii,
Karma which follows desire: Ai nghiep.
hoac cai g thuoc ve giac quan va oi tng
cua giac quan, nhng tam nay cung co the Karma wind: Nghiep Phong.
phat sanh trong cac canh gii khac. Tam Duc 1) The fierce wind of evil karma: Gio manh cam
Gii bao gom bon canh kho (a nguc, nga thu do ac nghiep.
quy, suc sanh, a tu la), canh ngi va sau coi 2) The wind from the hells, at the end of the
tri duc gii. age: Gio thoi t a nguc trong thi mat kiep
(B) Categories of Sense-Sphere Consciousness (nhng ke di a nguc tuy theo toi nang
Phan loai Tam Duc Gii:

nhe ma phai chong nhieu hay t vi cn Karmic distress: Nghiep NaoKarma and
gio manh nay). distress (one is the cause of another, and vice
3) Karma as wind blowing a person into good or versa)Nghiep va s phien nao (cai nay la nhan
evil rebirth: Nghiep giong nh cn gio thoi, cua cai kia, cai kia la qua cua cai nay).
a chung sanh nhng cho tai sanh thien ac: Karmic existence: Nghiep huSee Seven
Gio thien thoi vao cho chung sanh tot nen stages of existence.
c sung sng, gio ac thoi vao cho chung
Karmic group: Karmaskandha (skt)Nghiep
sanh xau nen chu kho s.
Karmaic retribution: Nghiep Bao Than Karmic hindrances: Nghiep chng
According to the Hua-Yen sect, the body of
Hinderers caused by the deeds doneChng
karmaic retribution, especially that assumed by a
ngai gay nen bi nhng nghiep a c lam
bodhisattva to accord with the conditions of those
See Three Hinderers (A).
he seeks to saveTheo tong Hoa Nghiem, ch
Karmic obstructions: Nghiep chng
Bo Tat v thng sot chung sanh ma hien ra than
According to The Mind-Only School, apart from
cam thu hay nghiep bao than, giong nh than cua
the obstacles caused by external factors, there are
chung sanh e cu o ho. **See Thap Than Phat.
three other causes of karmic obstructionsTheo
Karmic account book: Nghiep BoThe record
Duy Thc Hoc, ngoai nhng tr ngai cua ngoai
or account book, believed to be kept by the rulers
duyen, con co ba nguyen nhan phat sanh chng
of Cause and Effect or the rulers of Hades who
nghiep cho ngi tuSee Three causes of karmic
record the deeds of all sentient beingsBo so ghi
nghiep cua chung sanh c gi bi nhng v
Karmic power: Nghiep LcThe power of
Cai Quan Nhan Qua hay Minh Quan trong a
karma is the strength of karma which produces
good or evil fruit. Karmic power is the strength of
Karmic action: Nghiep TngAction, or
karma. It is similar to a debt collector. There are
activity, the karmaic, condition of karmaic action.
many different strong and weak debt collectors.
The first of the three subtle marks of the
When we die, our consciousness will be taken by
Awakening of Faith, when mental activity is
the strongest and greatest debt collectorNghiep
stirred to action by unenlightenmentMot trong
lc la sc manh cua nghiep tao ra qua lac kho
tam tng vi te trong Khi Tn Luan, da vao vo
(sc manh cua thien nghiep sinh ra lac qua, sc
minh can ban ma chan tam bat au hoat ong
manh cua ac nghiep gay ra kho qua). Nghiep lc
See Three subtle marks.
v nh ngi chu n. Co nhieu th chu n manh
Karmic activity: S hoat ong cua nghiepSee yeu khac nhau loi keo, nen khi lam chung th than
Karma. thc cua chung ta b chu n nao manh nht loi
Karmic activity of mind: Tam tac yThe keo trc tien.
karmaic activities of the three agents of body, Karmic process: Kammabhava (p)Nghiep
mouth and mindY nghiep cua tam hay y nghiep HuKarmic process is the energy that out of a
cua ba tac nhan than, khau, y. present life conditions a future life in unending
Karmic cause: Bi nghiep ma ra (Qua kiep sequence. In this process there is nothing that
nhan duyen)A cause which produces an effect passes or transmigrates from one life to another. It
in a future life. is only a movement that continues unbroken. The
Karmic consciousness: Activity- being who passes away here and takes birth
consciousnessNghiep ThcSee Karma- elsewhere is neither the same person nor a totally
vijnana. different one. There is the last moment of
Karmic consequence is inconceivable: consciousness (cuti-citta or vinnana) belonging to
Nghiep qua bao bat kha t nghSee Five the immediately previous life; immediately next,
inconceivable things. upon the cessation of that consciousness, but
conditioned by it, there arises the first moment of

consciousness of the present birth which is called Karnatak (skt): Name of a Buddhist place in
a relinking or rebirth-consciousness (patisandhi- west India. According to Prof. Bapat in the
vinnana). Similarly, the last thought-moment in Twenty-Five Hundred Years of Buddhism,
this life conditions the first thought-moment in the Buddhism began to exercise its influence in
next. In this way consciousness comes into being Karnatak from the time of Asoka, whose edicts at
and passes away yielding place to new Siddhapur and in the neighborhood are found in
consciousness. Thus, this perpetual stream of the province. His missionaries carried the
consciousness goes on until existence ceases. message all over the land, as a result of which
Existence in a way is consciousness, the will to many Buddhist monasteries were built therea
live, to continueNghiep hu la nang lc phat danh Phat giao vung tay An. Theo Giao S
xuat t kiep hien tai, tao ieu kien cho kiep song Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat Giao,
tng lai theo dong bat tan. Trong tien trnh nay Phat giao bat au co anh hng tai Karnatak t
khong co g di chuyen hay c a i t kiep thi vua A Duc. Cac sac ch cua v vua nay tai
nay sang kiep khac. o ch la s chuyen ong Siddhapur va cac vung lan can a c tm thay
lien tuc, khong gian oan. Chung sanh chet ay trong tnh nay. Cac oan truyen giao cua ong ta
va tai sanh ni khac khong phai cung ngi ay, phai i khap ca nc, ket qua la nhieu tu vien
cung khong phai la mot ngi hoan toan khac. Sat Phat giao a c xay dng tai ay.
na cua tam cuoi cung ve kiep trc, ke tiep hien Karpura (skt): Kiep Bo LaCamphor,
tai. Do s diet cua sat na tam t nay hay do sat na described as dragon-brain scentHng long
tam t nay tao ieu kien ma sat na tam au tien nao.
cua kiep hien tai thng c goi la Kiep Sanh
Karsa (skt): Karsana (skt)Ca Li SaAn
Thc (Patisandhi-vinnana) khi sanh. Tng t
Indian measure of weight, equivalent to half a
nh vay, sat na tam cuoi cung cua kiep hien tai
Chinese ounceMot n v o lng trong lng
tao ieu kien hay lam duyen cho sat na tam au
cua ngi An, tng ng vi na lng cua
tien trong kiep ke tiep. C nh the ma tam c
ngi Trung Hoa.
sanh roi diet, nhng cho cho tam mi sanh. Nh
Karsapana (skt): Ca Li Sa Ba NaAn Indian
vay dong tam thc sanh diet lien tuc nay c troi
monetary unit, equivalent to 400 candereens
chay cho en khi s song dng han. S song, noi
Mot n v tien te cua An o, tng ng vi
cach khac, chnh la tam thc, c muon song,
400 tien vang.
muon c tiep tuc ton taiSee Karma.
Kartchou (skt): Kiet XoaA place said to be in
Karmic results: The natural reward or
Karakoram mountains, where according to Fa-
retribution for a deed, brought about by the law of
Hsien formerly great assemblies were held under
karmaKet qua cua nghiep.
royal patronage and with royal treatment. Eitel, in
Karmaic suffering: Nghiep Kho (tho qua kho
The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
do tac ac nghiep, tao tac ac nghiep, nng vao ac
Terms, gives it as Khasa, and says an ancient tribe
nghiep ma ac qua kho).
on the Paropamisus, the Kasioi of Plotemy; others
Karmikah (skt): Th Thiet Luan BoThe school give different places, i.e. Kashmir, Iskardu,
of Karma, which taugh the superiority of morality KartchouMot ni tren nui Karakoram ma theo
over knowledgeTrng phai chu trng tr gii ngai Phap Hien, ni ay cac vng trieu a tng
vt tren kien thc. to chc nhng cuoc cung dng Trai Tang hay
Karnasuvarna (skt): Kiet La Na To Phat Lat nhng chung hoi that v ai. Theo Eitel trong
NaYet La Na To Phat Lat NaAn ancient trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, th ay la vung
kingdom of Gundwana, the region about Khasa, ni tru ngu cua mot bo toc co Kasioi trong
Gangpoor, south of IndiaMot vng quoc co vung Paropamisus; trong khi nhng hoc gia khac
cua Gundwana trong vung Gangpoor, pha Nam th cho rang ay co le la nhng vung bay gi la
An o (mot so cac nha s ay tu theo phai Kashmir, Iskardu, hay Kartchou.
Chanh Lng Tieu Tha cua e Ba at a,
khong an pho san lam bang sa bo).

Kartri (skt): Tac NhanNhan to tao ra s tac ung an va co hieu qua. Tnh t bi the hien
ongAgent. Bo Tat Quan Am. Theo Phat giao Nguyen
Kartrkarana (skt): Cu thanhThis is one of Thuy, bi la mot trong t vo lng tam. No
the eight cases of nouns in SanskritCu thanh quan he ti viec phat trien long thng cam
hay t bieu th cong cu cua cai nang tac. ay la ni vo so chung sanh. Theo Phat giao ai
mot trong tam trng hp chuyen thanh trong tha, t bi khong cha goi la u, v no van
Phan ng (subanta)See Eight cases of nouns in con kem long ai bi cua ch Bo Tat en
Sanskrit. vi het thay chung sanh, va t bi phai i oi
vi tr tue mi co the at en ai giac c.
Karttika (skt): Ca Lat e CaThe month
V vay hanh gia phai tu tap ca bi lan tr, e
between October and NovemberThang gia
cai nay can bang va lam manh cai kia
thang mi va thang mi motSee Twelve
Compassion and Loving-kindness.
Months of a Year in India.
2) Karuna also means sympathy, or pity
Karuna (skt & p): BiLoveCompassion
(compassion) for another in distress and
CompassionateLong bi man. Tam se lai trc
desire to help him or to deliver others from
s au kho cua chung sinh khac. Long mong
suffering out of pity. The compassion is
muon loai bo nhng au kho cua chung sinh khac.
selfless, non-egoistic and based on the
1) A Sanskrit term for Active Compassion,
principle of universal equality: Tieng Phan la
one of the most important and the outstanding
Pha Li Ne Phc, cung co ngha la cai tam
quality of all buddhas and bodhisattvas; it is
hay tam long bi man thng xot cu vt
also the motivation behind their pursuit of
ngi khac thoat khoi kho au phien nao.
awakening. Compassion extends itself
Long bi la long v tha, khong v ban nga, ma
without distinction to all sentient beings.
da tren nguyen tac bnh ang. Khi thay ai
Karuna refers to an attitude of active
au kho ben thng xot, ay la bi tam.
concern for the sufferings of other sentient
3) Karuna or compassion is one of the most
bengs. Practitioners must cultivate or increase
important entrances to the great
compassion via wisdom (prajna). In
enlightenment; for with it, we do not kill or
Theravada, it is one of the four
harm living beings: Long Bi chnh la mot
immeasurables. It involves developing a
trong nhng ca ngo quan trong i en ai
feeling of sympathy for countless sentient
giac, v nh o ma chung ta khong giet hai
beings. According to the Mahayana
chung sanh.
Buddhism, compassion itself is insuffient, and
4) According to the Vimalakirti Sutra, Chapter
it is said to be inferior to the great
Seventh, Contemplating on Living Beings,
compassion of Bodhisattvas, which extends
when Manjusri Bodhisattava called on to
to all sentient beings, and this must be
enquire after Vimalakirtis health, he asked
accompanied by wisdom to approach
Vimalakirti about Karuna as followsTheo
enlightenment. Thus, practitioners must train
Kinh Duy Ma Cat, Pham th bay, Quan
both karun and prajna, with each
Chung Sanh, Bo Tat Van Thu khi en tham
balancing and enhancing the otherT Bac
benh c s Duy Ma Cat co hoi ve long bi
Phan ch ong cam t bi hay khoan dung,
nh sau:
mot trong nhng pham chat quan trong va noi
a) Manjusri asked Vimalakirti: What should be
bat nhat cua ch Phat va ch Bo tat, va bi
compassion (karuna) of a Bodhisattva?: Ngai
cung chnh la ong lc pha sau s theo uoi
Van Thu S Li hoi Duy Ma Cat: Sao goi la
cu canh giac ngo Bo e. S ong cam nay
long bi cua mot v Bo Tat?
the hien mot cach khong phan biet oi vi
b) Vimalakirti replied: A Bodhisattvas
tat ca chung sanh moi loai. T bi la mot thai
compassion should include sharing with all
o tch cc quan tam en s kho nao cua cac
living beings all the merits he has won.: Duy
chung sanh khac. S ong cam ngi tu tap
phai c gia tang bang tr nang e tr thanh

Ma Cat ap: Bo Tat lam cong c g cot e (I) Kasaya in the meaning of colorKasaya
chia xe cho tat ca chung sanh. khi co ngha la mau sac:.
Karuna-Bhavana (skt): ai bi. 1) Broken colour (not a bright colour): Mau toi.
Karunamrditamati (p): Bi niem. 2) Brown colour; but it is described as a neutral
colour through the dyeing out of the other
Karunika-hridaya-dharani (skt): Thien thu
colours, i.e. for the monksHoai sac.
thien nhan ai bi tam a la ni.
3) A secondary color (not the five primary
Karunikaraja-Prajnaparamita-Sutra (skt):
colours): Mau phu (khong phai la nam mau
Kinh Nhn Vng Bat Nha Ba La MatThe sutra
stressed on the Buddha wisdom for rulers to
4) It is described as a neutral colour through the
maintain security and welfare for the country. The
dyeing out of the other colours: Mau trung
sutra was translated into Chinese by
tnh, hay la mau c nhuom t cac mau
KumarajivaKinh nhan manh en Tr hue
Phat trong viec duy tr an ninh phuc li trong
5) A fundamental rule in Buddhism is to dye the
quoc gia. Kinh c Ngai Cu Ma La Thap dch
kasaya with a secondary color: Luat nha Phat
ra Han t.
la nhuom sao cho ao ca sa cho no co mau
Kasa (skt): Ca Xa. hoai sac.
1) A piece of grass, used for mats, thatch, etc.; (II) Kasaya means a monks robeKasaya co
personified as one of Yamas attendants: Mot ngha la ao ca sa cua nha s:
nam co dung lam chieu, c nhan cach hoa (A) The meanings of Kasaya: Ngha cua Ca
nh la th gia cua Diem Ma Vng. SaY ao cua nha s. Ao xch sac hay mau
2) According to Eitel in The Dictionary of tham, c dien dch la h nat, ban, nhiem
Chinese-English Buddhist terms, kasa is a ban, c nhuom bang mau tap, ch khong
piece of grass, of which a broom was made, phai lam bang mot trong nhng mau chnh,
and used by Sakyamuni. It is still an object of e phan biet vi bach y hay ao trang cua
worship: Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat hang tai giaThe monks robe or cassock. A
Hoc T ien, kasa la nam co dung e lam red or yellow monks robe, interpreted as
choi cho c Phat, van con la mot vat th decayed, impure in colour, dyed, not of
phng. primary colour, so as to distinguish from the
Kasagiyama (jap): Nui Lap Tr (Nhat Ban). normal white dress of lay people.
Kasan-Muin (jap): Hua-Shan-Wu-YinA (B) Categories of Kasaya: Phan loai Ca Sa
famous Chinese Zen master in the tenth century Co nhieu loai khac nhauThere are several
Hoa Sn Ngu Am Thien s, mot thien s noi tieng different names for Kasaya:
cua Trung Quoc vao the ky th 10. 1) Sanghati (skt): ai YTang Gia LeTang
Kasapura (skt): Ca Xa Bo LaAccording to Gia Ch.
Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English 2) The clothing (garment) of liberation: Giai
Buddhist Terms, Kasapura used to be a city Thoat YY ao cua s giai thoat.
between Lucknow and OudhTheo Eitel trong 3) The garment of emancipation: Giai Thoat
Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Kasapura la ten Tang Tng Y.
thanh cua nc Bat La Da Gia. 4) The robe of a field of happiness: Phc ien
Kasaya (skt): Ca La Sa Da Ca La Sa DaCa La YY ao mac vao nh em phc ien cho
Sa DCa SaPhap PhucDharma garment, or ngi gieo.
the robe. The religious dress, general name of 5) The robe without form. The Kasaya is without
monastic garments. A red or yellow monks rob. A form in the sense that is a simple square sheet
monks dyed robe, in contrast with white lay of cloth: Vo Tng YY ao cua nha tu
garbPhap Y hay ao ca sa cua Tang Ni. Ao Ca khong co hnh tng, no ch la mot mieng vai
sa (o hoac vang). Ao nhuom cua ch Tang Ni, vuong.
oi lai vi ao trang cua Phat t tai gia.

6) The robe of endurance, or patience name, that person will overcome the offenses of
Enduring-humiliation robe: Nhan Nhuc YY birth and death for one hundred great aeons
ao nhac ngi mac luon nhan nhuc. Theo Kinh a Tang Bo Tat, pham th chn,vo
7) Broken patched robe: Ba Nap YY ao lam lng vo so kiep ve thu qua kh co c Phat ra
bang vai ba nap (vai ma ngi ta a vt i). i hieu la Ca Sa Trang Nh Lai. Nh co ngi
8) A robe of rags: Phan Tao YY ao lam bang nam ngi n nao nghe c danh hieu cua c
nhng mieng vai cu dung e lau buiA Phat ay, thi ngi nay se sieu thoat toi sanh t
collection of rags out of dust-heap used as trong mot tram ai kiep.
robes for monks and nuns. Kashgar (skt): Phap SaAccording to The
9) The path-robe, one of the three garments of a Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms
monk reaching from shoulders to the knees composed by Professor Soothill, Kashgar was an
and fastened around the waiste, usually made ancient Buddhistic kingdom in Central Asia
up of nine to twenty-five pieces: Tang Gia Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh T ien, Kashgar
Ch: Ao ap bang nhng manh vai, mot trong tng la mot vng quoc co trung A.
ba loai y cho ch Tang Ni, choang t vai Kashmir (skt): Ca Thap BaKe TanAncient
xuong ti au goi va c cot lai ni hong, Kashmir kingdom, situated in the north-east of
thng c lam bang chn hay hai mi lam IndiaA region which Asoka added to his empire
manh. right after he enthroned. Kashmir was one of the
10) Trong Y: See Sanghati. most important centers of Buddhist Sanskrit
(C) Nhng li Phat day ve Ca Sa trong Kinh learning and the center of the most powerful
Phap CuThe Buddhas teachings on Buddhist school. Kashmir played an important
Kasaya in the Dharmapada Sutra: role in the transmission of Buddhism to China.
1) Wearing a yellow saffron robe with an According to Hsuan-Tsang in the Records of the
impure mind. What will the robe do if Western Lands, on his way from Simhapura to
truthfulness is lacking and discipline or self- Kashmir, he came across several monasteries, and
control is denied? (Dharmapada 9): Mac ao at Huskara-Vihara he spent the night. He was
ca sa ma khong ri bo nhng ieu ue trc, welcomed by the king of Kashmir. He decided to
khong thanh that khac ky, tha chang mac con stay there for 2 years to the study of the sutras and
hn. sastras. The king provided him with 20 clerks to
2) He who drops all stain, stands on virtue, copy the manuscripts. After the Third Council at
learns discipline and speaks the truth. Then Pataliputra, a Buddhist missionary was sent here
the yellow robe will fit him (Dharmapada 10): for propagation. When Hsuan-Tsang arrived here,
Ri bo nhng ieu ue trc, gi gn gii luat he saw more than 100 monasteries with over
tinh nghiem, khac ky va chan thanh, ngi 5,000 monks. Also according to Hsuan-Tsang, one
nh the ang mac ao ca sa. of the outstanding events that took place in
3) A yellow saffron robe does not make him a Kashmir was the session of the Fourth Buddhist
monk. He who is of evil character and Council under the auspices of King Kaniska in the
uncontrolled or unrestrained; such an evil- 400 years after the Buddhas Mahaparinirvana.
doer, by his evil deeds, is born in a woeful The king was puzzled by the different
state (Dharmapada 307): Khong ngan tr ac interpretations given by his spiritual teachers
hanh th du mac ao ca sa, ngi ac cung se vi while he was studying the Buddhist texts, and so
nghiep ac, chet phai oa a nguc. he wanted that the main object of this Council
Kashaya Banner Thus Come One: Ca Sa should be to record the various interpretations
Trang Nh LaiAccording to the Earth Store given of Buddhas words by the teachers of
Bodhisattva Sutra, Chapter 9, limitless different sects. It was the Arhat Parsvas advice
asamkheyas of aeons ago, a Buddha named that the Emperor decided to hold the Council.
Kashaya Banner Thus Come One appeared in the When he was in this country, Hsuan-Tsang saw an
world. If a man or woman hears this Buddhas image of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and a

Mahasanghika monasteryVng quoc co Ke ploughs for sowing time. One early morning, the
Tan, bay gi la Kashmir, nam ve pha tay bac An Buddha, approached the farmer at work. As it was
o. Vung at ma vua A Duc a sap nhap vao the time of food distribution, the Buddha drew
vng quoc cua mnh ngay sau khi ong len ngoi. near and stood at one side. As Bharadvaja saw the
ay la mot trung tam Phan ng quan trong, cung Buddha waiting for alms, he spoke to him: O
la mot trng hoc Phat giao co uy the thi o. recluse Gautama, I plough and sow, and when I
Kashmir gi mot vai tro quan trong trong viec have ploughed, I eat! You, recluse Gautama,
truyen ba Phat giao sang Trung Quoc. Theo ngai should plough and sow too; for, having done so,
Huyen Trang trong Tay Vc Ky, t Tang Ha Bo you may eat. The Buddha replied: I too. O
La en Ca Thap Ba, ngai a i qua mot vai t Brahmin, plough and sow; and having ploughed
vien tai ay, va tai Tnh Xa Huskara ngai a and sown, I eat. Bharadvaja said: But we see
lu lai em. Ngai c v vua cua x nay tiep on not your yoke and plough; nor your ploughshare,
nong hau. Sau o ngai quyet nh lu lai ay 2 rod, nor oxen! Yet you speak so! Please tell us
nam e hoc kinh va luan. Nha vua a cung cap what ploughing is yours. We would like to know
cho ngai 20 th ky e chep kinh tai ay. Sau lan what you mean. The Buddha said: O
ket tap kinh ien lan th ba tai thanh Hoa Th, Bharadvaja, confidence is the seed, discipline is
mot phai oan truyen giao a c phai en ni the rain. Wisdom is my yoke and plough. Modesty
nay va ngai Huyen Trang a thay tai ay co tren is my pole, mind is the strap. And I have
100 ngoi t vien vi tren 5.000 Tang s. Cung mindfulness for ploughshare and goad. I am
theo ngai Huyen Trang th mot trong nhng bien guarded in act and word, temperate in eating.
co trong ai a xay ra tai Ca Thap Ba la cuoc With truth I clear the weeds, and bliss my
ngh hoi Ket Tap Kinh ien lan th t, 400 nam deliverance. Vigor, my team in yoke, carries me
sau ngay Phat nhap diet, di s bao tr cua vua to the security of the bonds. And it goes on,
Ca N Sac Ca. c vua cam thay boi roi v nhieu without turning back. It goes where there is no
loi giai thch khac nhau cua cac v thay khi ngai suffering. And thus is the ploughing done, and
hoc kinh ien Phat giao, va v vay ngai muon there comes the deathless fruit. Having ploughed
rang muc tieu chanh cua ai Hoi la phai ghi lai this ploughing, one is free from all sorrow. After
nhng giai thch ve li Phat day bi cac v thay hearing the Buddhas words, Bharadvaja had a
cua cac tong phai khac nhau. Chnh A La Han large copper bowl filled with milk rice and offered
Parsva (Ba Lat Thap Phc) a khuyen ngai nen it to the Buddha, saying: Let Master Gautama eat
trieu tap Ngh Hoi tai ay. Cung tai x nay, ngai this milk rice! A ploughman indeed is the Master
Huyen Trang a thay anh tng cua c Quan since he ploughs and ploughing for deathless
The Am Bo Tat va mot t vien cua trng phai fruit. The Buddha replied: This is not mine to
ai Chung Bo. enjoy fare won from chanting hymns. This is not
Kasi (skt): Ca Thi. the thing for the sage. O Bharadvaja. The
1) Name of a kind of bamboo: Ten cua mot loai Awakened One reject such food. Where the
truc. dharma reigns, this is the livelihood. You must
2) Ca diOld name of BenaresA place said offer other food and drink to the Stainless Great
to be so called because its bamboos were Sage of holy calm, for he is a field to man who
good for arrows, north of Kosala: Mot a desires to sow merits! Then Bharadvaja
danh ve pha bac cua Kosala, mang a danh approached and fell with his head at the Buddhas
nh vay v co nhieu loai truc tot c dung feet and cried: Its amazing, Master Gautama.
lam tenSee Benares. Its marvellous! Just as a man might set up a thing
Kasibharadvaja Sutta: Kinh Nong Gia Pha Li overturned, reveal what is hidden, or point out the
oaThus have I heard: Once the Master was way to the blind, bring a lamp into the darkness so
staying in Magadha, at Ekanala, the Brahmin that those with eyes might see forms; even so, the
village near the Southern Hill. A Brahmin farmer Dharma has been made clear in many figures by
named Bharadvaja, had in yoke five hundred Master Gautama. I am going to Master Gautama

for refuge, to the Dharma and the Order of monks. tho dung thc pham co c do giang kinh ngam
May I receive the Buddhist precepts in the ke. o khong phai la pham vat danh cho cac bac
presence of Master Gautama, may I receive Hien Thanh. Nay Pha Li oa, ch Phat khong
higher ordination! Not long after Bharadvajas tho nhan thc vat nh the. ni nao chanh phap
ordination, he dwelt alone, aloof, diligent, ardent, nay con hng thanh, th ay la chanh mang. Ong
resolute, soon entered and abided in the supreme phai dang thc an uong khac cho bac Hien Thanh
goal of the holy life, and by his own super vo nhiem thanh tnh. V bac ay la tha ruong
knowledge he realized the ArahantshipNh vay phc cho nhng ai muon gieo trong cong c!
Toi nghe; Mot thi bac ao s ang lu lai x Luc o Pha Li oa en gan sat chan c Phat
Ma Kiet a, tai mot ngoi lang Ba La Mon vung va thot len: That vi dieu thay ton gia Co am!
Ekanala, thuoc khu nui oi Nam Sn. Luc ay co That hy hu thay! Nh mot ngi co the dng
mot v Ba La Mon la nong gia Pha Li oa ang ng mot vat b quang nga xuong, phi bay ra
chuan b at 500 cai cay vao ach e san sang cho nhng g b che kn, hay ch ng cho ngi mu,
mua gieo gat. Vao mot buoi sang sm, c Phat em en vao bong toi e nhng ai co mat co the
ang y bat i en nha nong gia Pha Li oa trong trong thay sac, cung vay, chanh phap a c ton
khi ngi ay ang lam viec. Va ung luc y ang gia Co am giang giai sang to bang nhieu
phan phat vat thc, c Phat tien lai gan va ng phng tien anh du. Nay con xin quy-y ton gia,
mot ben. Khi thay c Phat ang ch thc pham, quy-y phap, va quy-y Tang chung Ty Kheo. Xin
nong gia Pha Li oa ben noi vi ngai nh sau: cho con c tho gii xuat gia trc ton gia Co
Nay ton gia, toi cay cay gieo gat, sau khi gieo am. Xin cho con tho ai gii. Sau khi tho gii
gat xong toi mi an. Ngai cung vay, nay ton gia, xong, Pha Li oa song mot mnh vi hanh vien
ngai cung phai cay, gieo, va gat roi mi an. c ly, tinh tan, nhiet tam, kien nh, chang bao lau a
Phat ben tra li: Nay Ba La Mon, Ta cung cay the nhap va an tru vao toi thng cu canh cua
va gieo vay; sau khi cay va gieo xong, ta an. i song pham hanh va vi thng tr, Pha Li
Nong gia Pha Li oa lay lam la hoi c Phat: oa a chng at muc ch ay ngay trong hien tai
Nhng nao chung toi co thay au cai cay, cai e tr thanh mot bac A La Han.
ach, cung khong thay li cay, roi hay bo cua ton Kasina (p): e muc hanh thien Kasina (Bien
gia Gautama! Ma sao ngai lai noi nh vay? Xin x)A Pali term for complete field, a category
noi cho chung toi c biet ieu nay. Chung toi of meditative objects used in Theravada
muon biet ieu nay. c Phat tra li: Long tin meditative tradition as bases for developing the
la hat giong, hanh au a la ma, tr tue la cai ability to enter into meditative absorptions (jhana
ach va cay cay. Tam la can cay, tam la cay or dhyana). Total field served as objects of
cng. Ta gi chanh niem lam li cay va gay meditation as supports for concentration of the
thuc. Ta song phong ho trong ngon ng va hanh mind. The mind is exclusively and with complete
ong, tiet o trong vat thc. Ta nho sach co dai clarity filled with this object until reaching
hay ac phap vi long chan that. Va cc lac la giai samadhi. The meditator concentrates one-
thoat cua Ta. Tinh tan la co xe a Ta en trang pointedly on a particular external objects as the
thai an on khoi cac kho ach. Trc ch thang tien preparatory image (parikamma-nimitta) until it
khong quay tr lai. No i en cho khong con au appears even when the eyes are closed, at which
kho. Va nh vay la viec cay cay a xong, roi qua point it is called an acquired image (uggaha-
bat t xuat hien. Sau khi a lam xong viec cay nimitta). When one is able to concentrate single-
ba ay, con ngi c giai thoat khoi moi phien mindedly on the meditative object, one enters into
muon, u nao. Ngay sau o, Pha Li oa bao the first jhana. There are ten kasinasT Nam
bi ay mot bat cm tron sa dang len c Phat Phan ch lanh vc toan dien, pham tru cua
va noi: Xin ton gia Co am hay tho dung bat nhng e muc dung trong thien Nguyen Thuy nh
cm tron sa nay! Ton gia qua that la mot nong nhng can ban i vao nh. Lanh vc c dung
gia v ngai cay ruong a en qua bat t. c lam oi tng hay thoai au trong nha thien nham
Phat ben tra li: That khong xng ang cho Ta giup cho s tap trung tinh than. Tinh than luc nao

cung ch b mot oi tng xam chiem cho ti ai the passing of the Buddha. He is also revered
nh. Hanh gia nhat tam tap trung vao mot ngoai in East Asia regarded as the first Patriarch in
vat ac biet nao o nh la mot hnh anh chuan b the Zen school. He was regarded as the First
cho ti khi nao hanh gia nham mat ma e muc Patriarch from the story of the transmission
van hien len, chng o hanh gia a at c giai of the Mind-seal when the Buddha held up a
oan au cua thien nh. Co mi lanh vc trong golden flower and Maha-Kasyapa smiled.
thien nh: Maha-Kasyapa is said to have become an
1) The Earth Kasina: at. Arhat after being with the Buddha for eight
2) The Water Kasina: Nc. days. After his death he is reputed to have
3) The Fire Kasina: La. entrusted Ananda with leadership of the
4) The Wind (air) Kasina: Gio. OrderCa Diep, mot ngi thuoc dong Ba
5) The Blue Kasina: Mau Xanh lam. La Mon Ma Kiet a, tr thanh mot e t
6) The Yellow Kasina: Mau vang. than can cua Phat. Ngi ta noi ong noi tieng
7) The Red Kasina: Mau o. ve kho hanh va gii c. Ong la ngi a chu
8) The White Kasina: Mau trang. tr ngh hoi kiet tap kinh ien au tien ngay
9) Akasha: The Space KasinaKhong gian. sau khi Phat nhap diet. Ong c Phat giao
10) The Consciousness Kasina (in the trong vung ong A knh trong va xem nh la
Abhidharma, the Light Kasina): Y thc (trong e nht to dong Thien An o. Ong c coi
Vi Dieu Phap la Anh Sang). nh s to dong thien An o t cau chuyen
** See Forty meditation subjects. Truyen Tam An ve Ma Ha Ca Diep mm
Kasmira (skt): Kashmir or Kasmir (skt)Ke ci khi c Phat a len nhanh kim hoa.
TanAncient Kashmir kingdom, situated in the Ngi ta noi Ma Ha Ca Diep ac qua A La
north-east of India. A region which Asoka added Han ch sau tam ngay theo Phat. Sau khi Ma
to his empire right after he enthroned. Kashmir Ha Ca Diep th tch, ong uy thac cho ngai A
was one of the most important centers of Buddhist Nan lam chu tch hoi ong Tang Gia thi bay
Sanskrit learning and the center of the most gi.
powerful Buddhist school. Kashmir played an 2) A class of divine beings similar or equal to
important role in the transmission of Buddhism to Prajapati: Drinking Light DevaAm Quang
ChinaCa Thap Di La, vng quoc co Ke Tan, Thien.
bay gi la Kashmir, nam ve pha tay bac An o. 3) The father of gods, demons, men, fish,
Vung at ma vua A Duc a sap nhap vao vng reptiles, and all animals: Cha cua het thay
quoc cua mnh ngay sau khi ong len ngoi. ay la chung sanh (tri, than, ngi, ca, loai bo sat,
mot trung tam Phan ng quan trong, cung la mot va het thay thu vat).
trng hoc Phat giao co uy the thi o. Kashmir 4) The constellation of drinking light, i.e.
gi mot vai tro quan trong trong viec truyen ba swallowing sun and moon (but without
Phat giao sang Trung QuocSee Kashmir. apparent justification): Chom sao nuot anh
Kassan-Zene (jap): S Giap Sn Thien Hoi sang cua mat tri va mat trang (nhng
(Phat giao Nhat Ban). khong co s kiem chng ro rang).
5) One of the seven or ten ancient Indian sages:
Kastha (skt): Kashtha (skt)TimberWoodA
Mot trong bay hay mi bac Thanh cua An
piece of woodGoMot mieng go.
Kasyapa (skt): Kassapa (p)Maha Kasyapa
6) Name of a tribe or race: Ten cua mot bo lac
(ai Ca Diep)
hay mot chung toc.
1) A Brahmin of Magadha who became a close
7) Kasyapa Buddha, the third of the five
disciple of the Buddha, and was at the time of
Buddhas of the psent kalpa, the sixth of the
his death the senior member of his Sangha.
seven ancient Buddhas: Phat Ca Diep la v
He is said to have excelled in ascetic
Phat th ba trong nam v Phat hien kiep, la v
practices and moral uprightness. He presided
Phat th sau trong bay v Phat thi co.
over the first council, held immediately after

8) According to Eitel in The Dictionary of Kasyapiya (skt): Mahakasyapiya (skt)The

Chinese-English Buddhist terms, Kasyapiya schoolCa Diep DiCa Diep Di Bo
Mahakasyapa, a brahman of Magadha, who hay Giai Thoat Gii KinhCa Diep DuyCa
became one of the principal disciples of Diep TyCa Diep BaKha Thi Bi DAm
sakyamuni, and after his death became leader Quang BoA school formed on a division of the
of the disciples, convoked and presided Mahasanghikah into five schools a century after
(directed) the first synod,whence his title the Nirvana. Kasyapiya was one of which
chairman (Arya-Sthavira) is derived: Theo teaching based on the Kayapiya Sastra. The
Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Ma Mahakasyapiyas differed on minor poits from the
Ha Ca Diep la mot v Ba La Mon cua x Ma Sarvastivadins and the Dharmaguptikas, and were
Kiet a, tr thanh mot trong nhng ai e t closer to the Sthaviravadins. Hence, they are also
cua Phat Thch Ca. Sau khi Phat nhap diet, called the Sthavariyas. The Mahakasyapiyas
ong a tr thanh trng chung Ty Kheo, va believed that the past which has borne fruit ceases
trieu tap va chu tr hoi ngh kiet tap kinh ien to exist, but that which has not yet ripened
au tien, chc v thng toa cua ong co t continues to exist, thus partially modifying the
ay. position of the Sarvastivadins, for whom the past
9) He is accounted the chief of the ascetics also exists like the present. The Mahakasyapiyas
before the enlightenment: e nhat hanh au are sometimes represented as having effected a
a trc khi giac ngo. compromise between the Sarvastivadins and the
10) The first compiler of the canon and the first Vibhajyavadins, and also claim a tripitaka of their
patriarch: V kiet tap kinh ien au tien va v ownSau khi c Phat nhap diet, trng phai
to th nhat sau thi Phat. Tieu Tha Nguyen Thuy c chia lam nam
11) A Bodhisatva, whose name heads a chapter in nhanh, trng phai Ca Diep Di la mot, giao
the Nirvana Sutra: V Bo Tat ma ten ng thuyet can ban da vao bo Luan Ca Diep Di. Bo
au trong mot chng cua Kinh Niet Ban. phai nay khac vi Nhat Thiet Hu Bo va Phap
Kasyapa Buddha: Ca Diep PhatThe sixth of Tang Bo oi chut nhng rat gan vi Thng Toa
the seven former BuddhasV Phat th sau trong Bo, nen con c goi la Sthavariya. Am Quang
bay v co Phat. Bo tin rang qua kh a sinh qua th khong con ton
Kasyapa-Matanga (skt): Ca Diep Ma ang tai na, con qua kh cha sinh qua th tiep tuc ton
Nhiep Ma angTruc Nhiep Ma angThe tai; do o, ho lam rung chuyen phan nao a v
monk who with Gobharana, of Central India, or cua phai Hu Bo von cho rang qua kh cung ton
Dharmaraksa, i.e. Chu-Fa-Lan, according to tai nh hien tai vay. oi khi Am Quang Bo c
Buddhist statements, brought images and xem nh la trng phai thoa hiep gia Hu Bo
scriptures to China with the commissioners sent by (Sarvastivadin) va Phan Tch Bo (Vibhajyavadin).
Ming-Ti, arriving in Lo-Yang in around 67 A.D. Phai nay cung oi co bo Tam Tang cua rieng
According to tradition the first official Indian hoSee Five volumes of Vinaya of Hinayana
monk, along with Gobharana, to arrive in China sects.
around 67 A.D. They translated the Sutra of the Kasyapa school: Trng phai Ca Diep (Ca Diep
Forty-Two SectionsMot v s ngi mien Trung Bo)See Kasyapa.
An o. Thi Han Minh e, vua sai mot phai oan Kasyapiyah (skt): Ca Diep Di boSee Two
sang An o cau phap a gap s. S cung vi ngai divisions and the five divisions.
Truc Phap Lan mang tng Phat va kinh ien ve Kata (p): A matChiec chieu (em).
Lac Dng khoang nam 67 sau Tay Lch. Theo
Katagiri Roshi, Dainin (1928 - ): Name of a
truyen thong hoang hoa, ay la v Tang An o
Japanese Zen master of the Eihei-di lineage of
au tien cung vi Gobharana en Trung quoc. Tai
Soto, who in 1963 moved to the U.S.A. to teach at
ay ho a cung dch bo kinh T Thap Nh Chng
Zenshu-ji Soto Zen Mission in Los Angeles. He
vao khoang nam 67 sau Tay Lch.
later helped to establish the San Francisco Zen

Center and Tassajara Mountain Center in accepting observance of the Five Precepts,
California. He has been one of the most offering flowers and incense to the Buddha,
influential Zen masters in the West and has chanting sutras, meditating, offering alms to
trained a number of students who later became the monks and nuns and listening to Dharma
teachers themselvesTen cua v Thien s Nhat talksKathina hay Ngay Tang Bao, thng
Ban thuoc dong truyen tha Eihei-di cua tong c to chc vao thang mi. Theo truyen
Tao ong, ngi a di chuyen sang My vao nam thong Theravada hay Phat giao Nam tong,
1963 e day Thien Tao ong tai Trung Tam Soto ch Tang kiet ha ba thang vao mua ma. Sau
Zen Mission Los Angeles. Ve sau nay ong giup mua kiet ha, Phat t tai gia lam le dang y va
thanh lap Trung Tam Thien San Francisco va pham vat len ch Tang. Ngay nay tng
Trung Tam Thien tren Nui Tassajara cung tai trng cho s lien he chac che gia ch Tang
california. Ong la mot thien s co anh hng nhat va Phat t tai gia. Vao nhng ngay le hoi ac
Tay Phng va a giao huan mot so thien sinh biet nay, Phat t c hanh le bang cach quy-y
ma sau nay cung tr thanh nhng thay day thien. Tam Bao, tho ngu gii, cung dng hng
Kataku-Jine (jap): Zen master He-Ze-Shen- hoa len c Phat, sau o ho tung kinh, ngoi
HuiHa Trach Than Hoi Thien SSee Shen- thien va dang cung thc vat len ch Tang Ni
Hui-He-Ze. cung nh lang nghe thuyet phap.
Kataku-shu (jap): Ha Trach tong. 3) Ceremony performed in most of Buddhist
traditions at the end of the rainy-season
Katanana (p): Tri kien ve s thanh tu cua T
retreat, during which laypeople give new
robes to Buddhist monks and nuns. This is one
Katasi (p): A cemeteryNgha a.
of the major opportunities for the laity to earn
Katatta (skt): See Reserve karma. merit from giving (dana). Besides, during this
Katatta-kamma (p): Katatta (skt)Nghiep Tch ceremony, laypeople also offer food and
TuSee Reserve karma. other necessities to the SamghaLe c
Kathavatthu (p): Bo Ng TongPoints of thc hien bi hau het cac truyen thong Phat
Controversy, one of the books of the Theravadin giao vao cuoi ky an c kiet ha, trong buoi le
Abhidhamma Pitaka. This book is about the Phat t tai gia cung dng y ao cho ch Tang
subjects of controversy, the refutation of the Ni. ay la mot trong nhng dp chnh cho
heterodox views of other Buddhist schools ngi tai gia co c phc c cung dng.
Thuyet S hay nhng iem tranh luan, mot trong Ngoai ra, trong dp le nay ngi ta con cung
nhng bo sach cua Bo Luan Tang cua trng phai dng thc pham va nhng th can dung
Phat giao Nguyen Thuy. Bo sach nay bac bo cac khac cho Tang gia.
quan iem d giao cua cac trng phai Phat giao 4) Name of a monks or nuns robe, received
khacSee Theravada (V) (5). after the summer retreat: Ten cua mot loai ao
Kathina (skt & p): Ca Hy NaCa eYet Hy cua ch Tang Ni, nhan sau mua an c kiet ha.
NaCong c y. 5) Ca Hy Na Nguyet: Kathina-masa, the month
1) Hard: CngKhong uyen chuyenKhong in October-November, interpreted as the
tng nhngInflexibleUnyielding. month after the summer retreat, when monks
2) Sangha Day or Kathina is usually held in and nuns received the kathina robe of
October. In the Theravada or Southern meritThang gia thang mi va thang
tradition, monks go on a three-month retreat mi mot, sau khi xong an c kiet ha, khi ch
during the rainy season. After the retreat, the Tang Ni nhan ao Ca Hy Na (Ha Lap).
laity offer robes and gifts to them. This day 6) Cong c Y: Ca Hi NaThe garment of
symbolizes the close relationship between the merits, given to monks after their summer
monks and the lay people. On almost all of retreat of ninety days; it symbolized five
these special occasions, Buddhists celebrate merits to which they had attainedCong c
these events by taking the Threefold refuge, y hay ao ca sa cua ch Tang sau 90 ngay an

1) One of Sakyamunis ten great disciples,

c kiet ha; bieu tng cho cong c ma ch
Tang a at c trong mua an c. respected as the foremost in debate: Mot
Katmandu: The present capital of NepalThu trong mi ai e t cua c Phat: One of
o cua x Nepal. the ten noted disciples of Sakyamuni.
2) The foundation work of the Abhidharma
Katsu (jap): Tieng hetA Japanese term for
shout. The shout often used by Zen masters to (Abhidharma-jnana-prasthana-
shock their students into direct experience ofsastra) has been attributed to him, but it is by
reality (Kensho or Satori). According to the an author of the same name 300 to 500 years
later: Bo Luan Vi Dieu Phap c ngi ta
tradition, it was first used by Ma-Tsu Tao-I (Baso
gan cho ong la tac gia, ky that bo luan nay
Doitsujap). This happened at the illumination of
Ma-Tsu himself. It is mainly associated with c viet bi mot ngi cung ten, nhng sanh
sau ong t 300 en 500 nam.
Rinzai, a tradition that is famous for its abrupt and
** See Ten chief disciples of the Buddha.
confrontational methods, which also include blows
Kaudinya (skt): Name of one of the first five
with sticks. It is believed that an awakened master
disciples of SakyamuniTen cua mot trong nam
is able to perceive that a student is close to
v e t au tien cua c PhatKieu Tran Nh.
kensho and that the veils of ignorance can be
1) Ajnata-Kaundinya (skt): Kondanna (p)A
wiped away quickly with the skillful use of such
Nha Kieu Tran NhName a prince of
techniquesT ng Nhat Ban dung e ch mot
Magadha, uncle and one of the first five
tieng het. Tieng het thng c dung bi cac
disciples of Sakyamuni. He was the youngest
thien s e lam git mnh thien sinh va a ho
and cleverst of the eight brahmins who were
thang ti cho ai ngo. Theo truyen thong, tieng
summoned by King Suddhodana to name the
het c Ma To ao Nhat dung trc tien. Tieng
infant prince. He used to practise ascetic
het xay ra khi Ma To ngo thien. Tieng het chu
practices with Prince Siddhartha when he just
yeu ch lien he vi tong Lam Te, mot tong phai
left homeTen cua mot trong nam v e t
noi tieng ve phng phap trc dien va on ngo,
au tien cua c Phat. Ong la ngi tre tuoi
gom nhng cu ap bang tch trng. Ngi ta tin
nhat trong tam v Ba La Mon c vua Tnh
rang mot thien s a chng ngo co the nhan biet
Phan thnh en le quan anh Thai T s sinh.
hoc tro cua mnh co en gan vi ngo va viec
Ong nguyen la thai t x Ma Kiet a, la cau
ven len bc man vo minh co the quet i mot cach
cua c Phat, va cung la ban cung tu kho
nhanh chong bang phng cach kheo leo nay.
Katthaka (p): Bamboo treeCay tre. hanh vi c Phat khi Ngai mi xuat gia
(Nhom ong Kieu Tran Nh co nam ngi,
Katyana (skt): Ca chien dienSee Katyayana.
trc kia theo lam ban tu kho hanh vi c
Phat. Sau khi thay c Phat tho nhan bat sa
cua nang Muc N cung dng, cho rang c
Phat a thoi tam tren ng tm ao giai
thoat nen ho a ly khai vi Phat. Sau khi c
Phat thanh ao, nam v nay lai gap c Phat
tai vn Loc Uyen/Mrgadava trong thanh Ba
La Nai/Varanasi, c Phat thuyet giang ve
T Dieu e e o ho tr thanh nhng v Ty
Kheo au tien. ay la nam v e t au tien
cua c Phat).
2) Vyakarana-Kaundinya (skt): Tho Ky Kieu
Katyayana (skt): Maha-Katyayana or Tran NhAccording to Eitel in The
Mahakatyayaniputra (skt)Ma ha Ca Chien Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
Dien. Terms, Vyakarana-Kaundinya, son of a very
wealthy Brahman family near Kapilavastu,

and was born before the Buddha. He was the hnh tng Phat that ln. ay la mot trong nhng
one, who was told by the Buddha that a thanh pho co nht cua An o.
Buddha is too spiritual to leave any relics Kausidya (skt): Deadly sinIndolenceSloth
behindTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat The practice of usuryIndolenceOne of the
Hoc T ien, th Vyakarana-Kaundinya la v Upaklesa, or secondary hindrancesGiai ai
ton gia, xuat than t mot gia nh Ba La Mon See Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma
giau co trong thanh Ca Ty La Ve, sanh ra Kosa.
trc c Phat. Ngi a c c Phat bao Kausika (skt): Family name of IndraKieu Thi
rang mot c Phat qua la qua thieng lieng e Ca, ho cua vua tri e Thch.
ma e lai bat c xa li nao tren tran the nay.
Kausthila (skt): Cau Sat S LaMaha Cau hy
Kaudritya (skt): Regret or repentHoi hay an laAn arhat, maternal uncle of Sariputra, who
nan viec lam ac trong qua khSee Fifty-one became an eminent disciple of SakyamuniCau
Dharmas interactive with the Mind. Sat Ch LaTen cua mot v A La Han, mot ngi
Kaukrtya (skt): RepentanceO tacSee cau cua ngai Xa Li Phat, ngi a tr thanh mot
Seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa. e t noi tieng cua c Phat.
Kaula (skt): BeRaftA ferryboatIn Kaya (skt): Deha or Tanu (skt)Gia Da
Mahayana Buddhism, the teaching is likened a BodyThan.
raft; when the goal, the other shore, is reached, (I) Body is the first goal of meditationThan la
then the raft is left behind. The form of teaching is oi tng hang au cua thien quan:
not final dogma but an expedient methodTrong 1) The first goal of meditation practices is to
Phat giao ai tha, giao phap Phat giong nh realize the true nature of the body and to be
chiec be; khi a en ch, th be cung nen bo lai. non-attached to it. Most people identify
Giao phap ch la phng tien ch khong la cu themselves with their bodies. However, after
canh. a period of time of meditation practices, we
Kaurtya (skt): Sam hoi (o tac)Remorse will no longer care to think of yourself as a
RepentenceOne of the Upaklesa, or secondary body, we will no longer identify with the
hindrancesSee Seventy-five dharmas of the body. At that time, we will begin to see the
Abhidharma Kosa. body as it is. It is only a series of physical
Kausalya (skt): Thien xaoSkillfulClever and mental process, not a unity; and we no
Experienced. longer mistake the superficial for the real
Kausambi (skt): Kosambi (skt)Vatsapattana Than la mot oi tng cua Thien: Muc ch
(p)Cau La Cu QuocCau Diem Di Quoc au tien cua thien tap la e nhan thc ban
Cau Thiem DiC Thng DiName of a city chat that cua than ma khong chap vao no. a
in ancient IndiaA country or an ancient city in phan chung ta nhan than la mnh hay mnh la
Central India, identified with the village of Kosam than. Tuy nhien sau mot giai oan thien tap,
on Jumna, 30 miles above Allahabad. The country chung ta se khong con chu y ngh rang mnh
of King Udayana in Central India with a famous la mot than, chung ta se khong con ong hoa
capital mentioned in the Vogage to the West. mnh vi than. Luc o chung ta ch nhn than
There was a great image of the Buddha. It was nh mot tap hp cua ngu uan, tan hp vo
one of the most ancient cities of IndiaKieu thng, ch khong phai la nht the bat nh;
Thng Di, ten cua mot o th thi co An o, mot luc o chung ta se khong con lam lan cai gia
x hay mot thanh pho co Trung An o (tng do vi cai that na. **See Ngu Uan.
vua u ien cai tr), bay gi la lang Kosam tai 2) Mindfulness of your breathing in your body:
Jumna, khoang 30 dam ben tren Allahabad. Anapanasati (p)Tnh thc ve hi th ni
Vng quoc cua vua Udayana vi kinh o noi thanTnh thc ve than trong nhng sinh
tieng c ghi lai trong Tay Vc Ky. Ni co mot hoat hang ngay, nh i, ng, nam, ngoi, nhn
ai, nhn quang canh, cui xuong, duoi than,
mac quan ao, tam ra, an uong, nhai, noi

chuyen, van van. Muc ch la chu y vao thai king physician to cure others illnesses. Thus
o cua mnh ch khong chay theo nhng bien a Bodhisattva should comfort another sick
chuyen: Mindfulness of your body in daily Bodhisattva to make him happy: Duy Ma
life activities, such as mindfulness of your Cat ap: Noi than vo thng, nhng khong
body while walking, standing, lying, sitting, bao gi nham chan than nay. Noi than co
looking at someone, looking around the kho, nhng khong bao gi noi ve s vui
environments, bending, stretching, dressing, Niet Ban. Noi than vo nga ma khuyen day
washing, eating, drinking, chewing, talking, dat du chung sanh. Noi than khong tch, ch
etc. The purpose of mindfulness is to pay khong noi la rot rao tch diet. Noi an nan toi
attention to your behavior, but not to run after trc, ch khong noi vao ni qua kh. Lay
any events. benh mnh ma thng benh ngi. Phai biet
(II) The Buddhas teachings on human-bodyLi cai kho vo so kiep trc, phai ngh en s li
Phat day ve than: According to the ch cho tat ca chung sanh, nh en viec lam
Vimalakirti Sutra, Manjusri Bodhisattva phc, tng en s song trong sach, ch nen
obeyed the Buddhas command to call on sanh tam buon rau, phai thng khi long
Upasaka Vimalakirti to enquire after his tinh tan, nguyen se lam v y vng ieu tr tat
health, there was a converssation about the ca benh cua chung sanh. Bo Tat phai an ui
body as followsTheo Kinh Duy Ma Cat, Bo Tat co benh nh the e cho c hoan
khi Van Thu S Li Bo Tat vang menh cua hy.
c Phat i tham benh c s Duy Ma Cat, * Manjusri, a sick Bodhisattva should look into
nen mi co cuoc oi ap ve than nh sau: all things in this way. He should further
* Manjusri asked Vimalakirti: What should a meditate on his body which is impermanent,
Bodhisattva say when comforting another is subject to suffering and is non-existent and
Bodhisattva who falls ill?Van Thu hoi c egoless; this is called wisdom. Although his
s Duy Ma Cat: Pham Bo Tat an ui Bo Tat body is sick he remains in (the realm of) birth
co benh nh the nao? and death for the benefit of all (living beings)
* Vimalakirti replied: He should speak of the without complaint; this is called expedient
impermanence of the body but never of the method (upaya): Ngai Van Thu S Li! Bo
abhorrence and relinquishment of the body. Tat co benh ay phai quan sat c cac phap
He should speak of the suffering body but nh the. Lai na, quan than vo thng, kho,
never of the joy in nirvana. He should speak khong, vo nga, o la hue. Du than co benh
of egolessness in the body while teaching and van trong sanh t lam li ch cho chung
guiding all living beings (in spite of the fact sanh khong nham moi, o la phng tien.
that they are fundamentally non-existent in * Manjusri! He should further meditate on the
the absolute state). He should speak of the body which is inseparable from illness and on
voidness of the body but should never cling to illness which is inherent in the body because
the ultimate nirvana. He should speak of sickness and the body are neither new nor
repentance of past sins but should avoid old; this is called wisdom. The body, though
slipping into the past. Because of his own ill, is not to be annihilated; this is the
illness he should take pity on all those who expedient method (for remaining in the world
are sick. Knowing that he has suffered during to work for salvation): Lai na, ngai Van Thu
countless past aeons he should think of the S Li! Quan than, than khong ri benh,
welfare of all living beings. He should think benh chang ri than, benh nay, than nay,
of his past practice of good virtues to uphold khong phai mi, khong phai cu, o la hue.
(his determination for) right livelihood. Du than co benh ma khong nham chan tron
Instead of worrying about troubles (klesa) he diet o, o la phng tien.
should give rise to zeal and devotion (in his ** See Kaya, Four kayas, and Seventy-five
practice of the Dharma). He should act like a dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa (I) (A).

Kaya-bhavana (p): Development of the (I) The three commandments dealing with the
emotionsThan tuSee Three dharmas (XLII). bodyBa gii ve than:
Kaya-duccaritam (p): Wrong conduct in body 1) Not to kill or prohibiting taking of life
Than ac hanhSee Three dharmas (IV). Khong sat sanh: We do not free trapped
animals; but, in contrast, we continue to kill
Kayagatasati (skt & p): Niem Than
and murder innocent creatures, such as
Mindfulness occupied with the body. The
fishing, hunting, etc.Chung ta chang nhng
contemplation of the thirty-two repulsive parts of
khong phong sanh cu mang, ma ngc lai
the body, hair of the head, hairs of the body, nails,
con tiep tuc sat sanh hai mang na, chang
teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, etc.
han nh i cau hay san ban, van van.
Suy niem hay tnh thc ve than. Quan tng ve 32
2) Not to steal or prohibiting stealingKhong
phan cua than the nh toc, long, mong, rang, da,
trom cap: We do not give, donate, or make
xng, tuy, van vanSee Kayagatasmrti,
offerings; but, in contrast, we continue to be
Mindfulness of the body, and Ten recollections.
selfish, stingy, and stealing from others
Kayagatasmrti (skt): Kayagatasati (p)
Chung ta chang nhng khong bo th cung
Mindfulness with regard to the bodyNiem than
dng, ma ngc lai con lai tiep tuc ch ky,
(than hanh niem)Than Hanh Niem Tu Tap
keo kiet, trom cap na.
Mindfulness with regard to the body. According to
3) Not to commit adultery or prohibiting
the Kayagatasati-Sutta in the Middle Length
commiting adulteryKhong ta dam: We do
Discourses of the Buddha, cultivation of
not behave properly and honorably; but, in
mindfulness of the body means when walking, a
contrast, we continue to commit sexual
person understands that he is walking; when
misconduct or sexual promiscuityChung ta
standing, he understands that he is standing; when
chang nhng khong oan trang, chanh hanh,
sitting, he understands that he is sitting; when
ma ngc lai con tiep tuc ta dam ta hanh
lying, he understands that he is lying. He
understands accordingly however his body is
(II) The four dealing with the mouth: Khau t
disposed. As he abides thus diligent, ardent, and
Bon gii veSee Vac-karmas.
resolute, his memories and intentions based on the
(III) The three dealing with the mind: Y tamBa
household life are abandoned. That is how a
gii ve y See Moras-karmas.
person develops mindfulness of the bodyQuan
niem ve than (t duy ve than the con ngi). Theo
(skt): Than tam-khau t-y tamSee Kaya-
Kinh Than Hanh Niem trong Trung Bo Kinh, Tu
tap than hanh niem la khi i biet rang mnh ang
i; khi ng biet rang mnh ang ng; khi nam Kayalahuta (p): Tam S Khinh AnLightness
biet rang mnh ang nam; khi ngoi biet rang mnh of mental bodySee Fifty-two mental states.
ang ngoi. Than the c x dung the nao th Kaya-moneyyam (p): Qualities of the sage as to
mnh biet than the nh the ay. Song khong phong the bodyThan tnh macSee Three dharmas
dat, nhiet tam, tinh can, cac niem va cac t duy (XLVI).
ve the tuc c oan tr. Nh oan tr cac phap Kayapagunnata (p): Proficiency of mental
ay ma noi tam c an tru, an toa, chuyen nhat body Tam S Tinh LuyenSee Fifty-two
va nh tnh. Nh vay la tu tap than hanh niem. mental states.
Kayagatasmrti-sutra (skt): Niem Than Kinh. Kayapassadhi (p): Tranquility of mental body
Kayakammannata (p): Wieldiness of mental Tam S Vang LangSee Fifty-two mental states.
bodyTam S Thch ngSee Fifty-two mental Kayasamati (skt): Equal state of bodyThan
states. bnh ang.
Kaya-karmas-Vac-karmas (skt): Than tam- Kaya-sankhara (p): Physical actionsThan
khau t-y tam. hanhThan NghiepThe karma operating in the
body (the body as representing the fruit of action

in previous existence. Body karma is difficult to utterly filthy (consider the body is impure). This
form than thought and speech karma, for there are negates the idea of Purity. Here a monk abides
times when we wish to use our bodies to commit contemplating body as body, ardent, clearly aware
wickedness such as killing, stealing, and and mindful, having put aside hankering and
commiting sexual misconduct, but it is possible for fretting for the world. As we see above, through
theories, virtues as well as our parents, siblings, contemplation we see that our body is not clean. It
teachers, friends or the law to impede us. Thus we is viewed as a skinned bag containing dirty trash,
are not carry out the bodys wicked karmaThe that will soon be disintegrated. Therefore, we
other two karmas are the karma of the mouth and must not become attached to itQuan va toan
of the mind)Than nghiep tieu bieu cho ket qua chng c than nay bat tnh. Ban chat cua than
cua nhng hanh ong cua than trong tien kiep. tam chung ta la bat tnh, ch khong ep ma cung
Tuy nhien, than nghiep kho c thanh lap hn y chang Thanh thien. Theo quan iem tam sinh ly
va khau nghiep, v nh co luc nao o mnh muon th than the con ngi la bat tnh. ieu nay khong
dung than lam viec ac th con co the b luan ly, co ngha tieu cc hay bi quan. Khach quan ma noi
ao c hay cha me, anh em, thay ban, luat phap ve than the con ngi, neu chung ta xem xet cho
ngan can, nen khong dam lam, hoac khong lam ky th se thay rang s ket thanh cua than nay t
c. V the nen cung cha ket thanh than nghiep toc, mau, mu, phan, nc tieu, ruot, gan, bao t,
c. Hai nghiep khac la khau va y nghiep. ** van van, la hang o cua vi khuan, la nhng ni ma
See Three karmas, and hree links with the Buddha benh tat ch phat trien. Hn na, mo hoi chay
resulting from calling upon him. khap than the nen khi chung ta o mo hoi, chung
Kaya-smrtyupasthana (skt): Meditation and ta se co mui hoi. Nc mat chay ra t oi mat, ct
full realization on the impurity of the bodyThan mui rn ra t hai lo mui, roi ct rai tiet ra t hai lo
Niem X (Quan Than Bat Tnh)The nature of tai. Nc mieng va m dai chay ra t trong
our bodies and minds are impure which is neither mieng. Nc tieu va phan chay ra t ni lo tieu
holy nor beautiful. From psychological and va hau mon, van van. Chnh v the ma c Phat
physiological standpoint, human beings are day co chn lo bat tnh trong c the chung ta, t
impure. This is not negative or pessimistic. moi lo nay luon r ra moi th can ba nh m ni
Objectively speaking, if we examine the co hong, mo hoi t lo long ni da, van van. Khong
constituents of our bodies from the hair, blood, co s bai tiet nao co the ngi, r hay nem cho vo.
pus, excrement, urine, intestines, liver, and Tat ca eu bat tnh. That vay, than chung ta bat
stomach, etc., they are dwelling places for many tnh va b hoai diet tng phut tng giay. Quan
bacteria. Many diseases are awaiting for the than cau ue bat tnh, phu nhan y ngh ve tnh.
opportunity to develop. Furthermore, perspiration ay v Ty Kheo quan than tren than, tinh can, tnh
flows from the whole body, and once we perspire, giac, chanh niem e nhiep phuc tham san tren
we smeel so bad. Tears flow from the eyes. Ear i. Nh tren ta thay khi quan than th than nay la
wax oozes from the ears and mucus flows from bat tnh. No b coi nh la mot cai tui da ng ay
the nose. Saliva and phlegm flow from the mouth. nhng rac ri d ban, va chang bao lau th no
Urine and excrement flow out from the penis and cung b tan ra. V vay chung ta khong nen luyen
anus, etc. Thus the Buddha teaches us that there chap vao than nay.
are nine openings in our body and from each of Kaya-socceyam (p): Purity of bodyThan thanh
them exudes all kinds of excretions all the the tnhSee Three dharmas (XLV).
time, i.e., phlegm from throat, sweat from the Kaya-sparshtavya (skt): The place of the body
pores of skin, etc. None of the things excreted are and touchesThan Xuc XSee Twelve
pleasant to smell or touch or taste. In fact, our entrances (II).
bodies are impure and subject to decay. The body Kaya-succaritam (p): Right conduct in body
as an abode of mindfulness. Contemplation of the Than thien hanhSee Three dharmas (V).
impurity of the body, or to contemplate the body
Kaya-vijnana (skt): Than ThcBody
as impure. Midfulness of the body as impure and
consciousnessTactile consciousnessBody

consciousness develops when the dominant consisted in making his own arm bleed by sticking
condition in which the body faculty meets an a knife into it and remarking that each drop of the
object of touch. The location of the body faculty is blood came from Tsao-Chi (Tsao-Chi is where
throughout the entire body. Cognition of the the Sixth Patriarch Hui-Neng founded his school)
objects of touch, one of the five forms of which meant that Zen demanded ones life for its
cognitionThan thc phat trien khi ieu kien noi mastery. Thus inspired, Ke-Chin-Fo-Kuo visited
bac trong o than tiep xuc vi oi tng ben many Zen masters. They were all well impressed
ngoai. Than can nam khap cac ni trong c the with his attainment, and some even thought that it
See Eight consciousnesses (I) (A). was he who would establish a new original school
Kaya-viveka (p): Than an c, than an tru. ieu in teaching of Lin-Chi. Finally, he set out to find
kien au tien giup cho viec hanh thien tot ep. an enlightened Zen master. He traveled to south
Thai o khong dnh mac vao luc tran: sac, thinh, China, where he eventually found and stayed with
hng, v, xuc va phap. Cung co ngha la than an Master Wu-Tsu-Fa-Yen, whom he served as an
c, tc la xa lanh cac ni on ao nao nhiet. Hang attendant for many years. However, Fa-Yen
ngay en ni yen tnh vang lang e hanh thien. refused to confirm his view of Zen. He thought
Kayendriya (skt): BodyThan canThe organ Fa-Yen was deliberately contradicting him .
of touch, one of the five organs of senseSee Giving vent to his dissatisfaction in some
Twenty two roots. disrespectful terms, he was about to leave Fa-
Yen, who simply said: Wait until you become
Kayika (skt): Lam viec bang than the
seriously ill one day when you will remember
Performed with the body.
me. While at Chin-Shan, Fo-Kuo contracted a
Kayujjukata (p): Rectitude of mental body
fever from which suffered terribly. He tried to
Tam S Chanh TrcSee Fifty-two mental
cope with it with all his Zen experiences which he
attained before, but to no purpose whatever. He
Ke Chin Fo Kuo Zen Master: Khac Can Phat then remembered FaYens prophetic admonition.
Qua Thien SKe-Chin-Fo-Kuo (1063-1135), Therefore, as soon as he felt better, he went back
also called Yuan-Wu Ko-Chin, a native of to Wu-Tsu monastery. Fa-Yen was pleased to
Szechuan, was born in a Confucian family. He have his repentant pupil back. Since then he
was one of the famous monks in the Sung Dynasty stayed at Wu-Tsu for a long time. Even after he
and the author of a Zen text book known as the had realized profound enlightenment under Wu-
Pi-Yen-Lu. As a child he learned the Confucian Tsu and had received from him the seal of
classics by heart. One day he went to Dieu Tch confirmation, he stayed with him to train further
monastery where he happened to read Buddhist until the master's deathCung c biet vi ten
books, and felt as if he were recalling his old Vien Ngo Khac Can, ngi tnh T Xuyen. Von
memories. He thought to himself, I must have dong doi nha nho. Ngai la mot cao Tang i nha
been a monk in my previous life. Since then he Tong, va la tac gia bo sach Bch Nham Luc noi
was attracted to Buddhism and entered a Buddhist danh trong Thien Gii. T tuoi au th ngai a
monastery, where he devoted himself to the study thuoc long kinh ien Khong Giao. Mot hom dao
of the sutras. After nearly dying from an illness, chi chua Dieu Tch, tnh c oc c sach Phat,
he came to a conclusion that mere scholarly nghe nh ang nh lai nhng ky c xa xa. S
erudition could not bring one to the living truth of ngh: Kiep trc chac mnh la ong thay tu. T
the Buddha-dharma. It is to say: The right way to o luc nao ngai cung cam thay b Phat Giao thu
the attainment of Nirvana as taught by the hut nen a vao mot tu vien Phat Giao e lao mnh
Buddhas is not to be found in words. I have been vao viec nghien cu kinh ien Phat. Sau mot cn
seeking it in sounds and forms and no doubt I benh thap t nht sanh, ngai nhan thay rang ch
deserve death. When he recovered, he quitted rieng s thong thai ve sach v se khong bao gi
his old method, and came to a Zen master named cho phep mnh kham pha ra chn ly song ong
Chen-Chueh-Sheng. Master Shengs instruction cua Phat phap, ngha la Con ng chan chanh

dan en Niet Ban theo nh ch Phat giang day When he came to Jin-Shan, he became
khong nam trong van cu. Muon tm thay trong seriuosly ill. Remembering Zen master
thanh va sac, th ch con cach chet ma thoi. en WuTzus words, he pledged to return to study
khi bnh phuc, s t bo phng phap cu, en tham with him when he recoveredThien s Khac
hoc vi Thien s Chan Giac Thang. Loi day cua Can Phat Qua sanh nam 1063. Thay Thien
Thien s Chan Giac Thang la lay dao chch vao thuoc dong Lam Te, la mon o va ngi noi
canh tay cho mau chay roi bao moi giot mau chay Phap cua Ngu To Phap Dien. Ong la thay
ra t Tao Khe (Tao Khe la ni ma Luc To Hue cua ai Tue Tong Cao. Thu thieu thi s
Nang a sang lap ra tong tong phai cua ngai) va tinh thong Nho hoc. Ngi ta noi moi ngay s
cau tren am ch rang phai em sinh menh ra ma viet tren ngan ch. Mot dp vieng chua Dieu
thu ac Thien. c gi hng nh the, Khac Can T, thay sach Phat, s cam thay nh bat c
Phat Qua bai phong rat nhieu Thien s. Ho rat vat cu. Sau o s xuat gia va tho cu tuc gii
cam khch bi s thanh at cua s, co v con ngh vi Luat S T Tnh. Khi s en tu vien Kim
rang chnh s se la ngi dng len mot tong phai Sn, mac benh nang, nh en li day cua
ac sac mi trong phap mon cua ngai Lam Te. thien s Dien Ngu To, s nguyen khi benh
Cuoi cung s quyet nh du phng tm mot v tam bt se tr lai tham hoc vi Ngai.
thay thien a at c ai giac. Ngai du hanh ve * One day, a visitor whose official business
phng nam Trung Quoc, gap Ngu To Phap Dien, being over was to go back to the capital.
va lai lam th gia cho Ngu To trong nhieu nam. Being asked by him as to the teaching of Zen,
Nhng Phap Dien khong chu an chng kien giai Fa-Yen said: Do you know a romantic poem
Thien cua s. S ngh rang Phap Dien c mot mc whose last two lines somewhat reminds us of
noi ngc lai vi mnh, ben thot len nhng li vo Zen? The lines are:
le roi bo i. Khi s sap sa ri khoi Phap Dien, th For the maid she calls, why so often,
Phap Dien mi noi: i en khi benh ngat, bay when theres no special work to do?
gi ong mi nh en ta. S Kim Sn, mac Only this, perchance her voice is
chng thng han rat nang, co nhat het cho bnh overheard by her lover.
nhat bang tat ca kinh nghiem thien a tng at Mot hom Phap Dien co khach, khach von la
c trc kia, nhng chang giup c g. S ben quan e hnh a treo an t quan tr ve.
nh en li cua Phap Dien. Sau o s cam thay Khach hoi ve ao ly Thien, Phap Dien noi:
hn nen tr lai vi Thay Phap Dien. Thien s Quan e hnh co biet mot bai th tieu diem
Phap Dien vui ve thay o e a an nan tr ve lai. ma bon Thien chung toi nh mai mai hai cau
T o s ben Thay rat lau. Ngay ca khi a at cuoi khong? o la:
c ai giac tham sau va a c an chng xac Co nang goi mai nhng vo ch
nhan t Ngu To, ngai van tiep tuc lai ben thay Ch thang tot ma nghe ra thoi.
e ren luyen tam linh. (Tan ho Tieu Ngoc nguyen vo s
* Zen master Ke-Xin-Fo-Kua was born in 1063, Ch yeu ang lang nhan ac thanh).
a Chinese Zen Master of the lineage of Lin- * When this was recited, the young officer said,
Chi Zen. He was a student and Dharma Yes, yes, master. But he was told not to
successor of Wu-Tsu Fa-Yen. He was the take it too easilyNghe oc xong, vien quan
teacher of Ta-Hui-Tsung-Kao. A gifted youth tre noi: Vang, vang, tha ai s. Nhng s
who thoroughly studid the Confucian classics. bao ong ng co nghe theo de dang nh the.
He is said to have written one thousand words * Fo-Kuo heard of this interview when he came
everyday. During a visit to Miao-Tzu back from outside, and asked: I am told you
Monastery, he obseved some Buddhist recite the romantic poem for the young visitor
scriptures and was surprised by a strong while I was away. Did he understand?T
feeling that he had previously possessed ngoai tr vao, va nghe cuoc am ao nay
them. He then left home and received full- Phat Qua hoi: Nghe noi Hoa Thng oc bai
ordination with Vinaya Master Tzu-Shing.

th Tieu diem cho quan e hnh luc toi ra Dien gop li them: Viec ln mot i cua
ngoai, e hnh co hieu khong? Phat va To, chang phai ngi can nho chat
* Fa-Yen replied: He recognizes the kem ma co the tao nghe c. Ta giup vui
voices.Phap Dien ap: Y nhan ra tieng. cho ngi o.
* Fo-Kuo said: As long as the line says, The * Yuan-Wu Ko-Chin was one of the most
thing is to have the lover overhear her voice, important Zen masters of his time. With
and if the officer heard this voice, what is masters like him and the twenty-years-
wrong with him?Phat Qua noi: Cau th younger brother, Wu-Men-Hui-Kai, also in
noi Ch thang tot ma nghe ra thoi, neu nh the lineage of Lin-Chi Zen, Chinese Zen
e hnh nghe ra tieng y lam lan cho nao? reached the last peak of its development in
* Without directly answering the question, the China before the dharma transmitted by the
master abruptly said: "What is the Patriarch's patriarchs from heart-mind to heart-mind
idea of coming from the West? The cypress- Vien Ngo la mot trong nhng thien s xuat
tree in the court-yard. How is this? This at sac nhat trong thi cua ngai. Nh co ngai va
once opened Fo-Kuos eye to the truth of em trai cua ngai (kem hn ngai 20 tuoi) la Vo
Zen. He rushed out of the room when he Mon Khai Tue, cung la mon o cua dong
happened to see a cock on the railing give a Thien Lam Te, ma Thien Tong Trung Quoc
cry, fluttering its wings. He said: Is this not a trai qua mot thi phon thnh, trc khi cac
the voice? His famous verse of to truyen t tam truyen tam.
enlightenment: * After Fa-Yen passed away, Yuan-Wu set out
The golden duck vanishes into the gilt for the north, where he was appointed by high
brocade. state officials and finally by Emperor Hui-
With a rustic song, the drunkard returns Tsung himself to the abbacy of various large
in the woods. Zen monasteries. When the Kitan conquested
A youthful love affair. the north of China, Yuan-Wu returned to the
Is known only by the young beauty. south. However, he soon returned to his home
Khong tra li thang cau hoi, Phap Dien bao: province and was active there as a Zen
Y To s Tay lai la g? Cay ba trc san. master until his deathSau khi Ngu To Phap
The la the nao? Tc th tam mat Phat Qua Dien th tch, Vien Ngo tr ve mien bac. Tai
m ra ma thay ao ly cua Thien. S chuon ra ay cac quan trong trieu va ngay ca Hoang
khoi that, cht thay mot con ga ang xoc e Hue Tong a bo nhiem ngai lam vien
canh ma gay. S noi: ay ha khong phai la trng cac tu vien Thien ln khac nhau. Khi
tieng? Roi s lam bai ke giac ngo noi tieng ngi Khuat an chinh phuc mien bac Trung
sau ay e trnh len thay: Quoc, ngai a tr lai mien nam. Tuy nhien,
Kim ap hng tieu cam tu vi, chang bao lau sau, ngai a len ng tr ve
Sanh ca tung ly tuy phu qui, que hng va hoang hoa ay cho en luc
Thieu nien nhat oan phong lu s, th tch.
Ch ha giai nhn oc t tri. * Late in August in the year 1135, Fo-Kua
(Qua vang hng kn tui gam theu, appeared to be slightly ill. He sat cross-
Nhp ca tung ram say du ve, legged and upright, composed a farewell
Mot oan phong lu thu thieu nien, verse to the congregation. Then, putting down
Ch nhan giai nhn rieng t hay. the brush, he passed away. His cremated
Hoa Thng Thch Thanh T dch). remains were placed in a stupa next to Zhao-
* Master Fa-Yen added: he great affair of life Zhue TempleCuoi thang tam nam 1135, co
that has caused the Buddha and patriarchs to ve hi nhuom benh, s ngoi kiet gia viet ke
appear among us is not meant for small e lai cho Tang chung. oan s nem but th
characters and inferior vessels. I am glad that tch. Thap cot cua s ben canh chua Chieu
I have been a help to your delight.Phap Giac.

Keen faculties and dull faculties: Li can va Keep in mind: To memorizeNever forget
on can. He niem.
Keen intellect: Li tr. Keep moral disciplines: Sila-rakkhati (p)Gi
Keen roots: Able rootsCan tanh sang leLi gi iTo observe moral preceptsSee Precepts.
canSee Two roots (A). Keep more than three formal robes: Cat gi
Keen vision of right dharmas: Eye attained hn ba bo yA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who keeps
through the cultivation of Buddha-truthInsight more than three formal robes (antaravsa,
into truthao nhan. uttarasangha, and sanghati), more than three long
Keen vision of the truth: Insight into the truth robes, more than three suits (not counting work
(the eye attained through the cultivation of clothes, underwear, and warm clothes for cold
Buddha-truth)ao nhan (cai nhn at c qua weather) and refuses to hand the excess over to
tu tap chan ly Phat giao). the Sangha for newly ordained members, commits
an offence involves Release and Expression of
Keep (v): Nam gi.
RegretV Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao cat gi
Keep abreast of: Bat kpKeep informed.
qua ba bo y (an a hoi, uat a la tang, va tang gia
Keep animals for slaughter: Nuoi thu vi muc le), tren ba bo ao trang, tren ba bo ao vat ho
ch sat sinh (chan nuoi gia suc e ban tht)See (khong ke quan ao lao tac, quan ao lot, va quan
Eight things which are unclean to a monk or a nun. ao am cho thi tiet lanh) ma khong chu giao cho
Keep away from someone: Stay away from giao hoi e cung cap cho cac v mi tho gii, la
someoneTranh xa ai. pham gii xa oa (buong bo va phat lo sam hoi).
Keep away from something: Stay away from Keep ones body erect: Hold ones body
somethingTranh xa ieu g. uprightGi cho than mnh thang.
Keep the discipline: Nhiep luat nghi giiSee Keep ones composure: Gi bnh tnh.
Three collections of pure precepts. Keep ones eyes half-open (partially): Mat he
Keep the faith, be dilligent in your study, m.
and always do the right thing even at the Keep in ones possession too many books:
cost of your life: Doc long tin, luon tam hoc va Cat gi qua nhieu sach vA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni
lam viec thien du chet cung quyet gi thien ao who keeps his or her possession too many books,
(oc tn, hieu hoc, thu t thien ao). even if those books are sutras connected to
Keep gold: Gi vangThis is one of the eight Buddhist studies, who is afraid to lend them to
things that monks and nuns are not allowed to others and who refuses to entrust them to the
possessMot trong tam th ma ch Tang Ni Sangha library for communal use, commitsan
khong c s huSee Eight impure things, and offence involves Release and Expression of
Eight things which are unclean to a monk or a nun. regretV Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Ni nao cat gi
Keep a large amount of cloth: Cat gi nhieu cho mnh qua nhieu sach v, du la kinh ien Phat
vai vocA Bhiksu or Bhiksuni who keeps a large giao, s cho ngi khac mn, cung khong chu
amount of cloth and does not hand it over to the ky thac vao th vien cua t vien e dung chung,
community or share it with someone who needs it, v ay pham gii xa oa (buong bo va phat lo sam
commits an offence involves Release and hoi).
Expression of RegretV Ty Kheo hay Ty Kheo Keep the precepts: Sila (skt)Silam-rakkhati
Ni nao cat gi mot so ln vai ma khong em ra (p)Gi giiCultivating ethical conductTake
cho Tang Ni chung s dung hay san se cho cac v (observe) the preceptsTraining in Moral
thieu thon, la pham gii xa oa (buong bo va phat discipline by avoiding karmically unwholesome
lo sam hoi). activitieshuan luyen ao c, t bo nhng hoat
Keep the mean between the extremes: Chap ong nghiep khong trong sachSee Precepts, and
trung. Three ways of discipline of a hearer (B).

Keep the precepts strictly: Gii hanh tinh khong c s huSee Eight impure things, and
nghiemHe should keep the precepts strictly. Eight things which are unclean to a monk or a nun.
This is one of the five necessary conditions for Keep all the teaching of Pure Land
any Zen practitioners. If a Zen practitioner does perfectly: Vien tu Tnh o.
not meet these five conditions, he is very easily Keep up with: Bat kpTo catch up with.
subject to get harm from demonay la mot
Keep the vegetarian diet: Keep the fastTr
trong nam ieu kien can thiet cho bat c hanh gia
trai (tr to).
tu thien nao. Neu v tu thien nao khong hoi u
Keep ones words: Gi li haNoble man
nam ieu kien tren rat de b ma chng lam ton
must keep his wordsQuan t bat thc ngon hay
haiSee Five conditions toward successful
quan t nhat ngon (ngi quan t khong nuot li).
achievements for a Zen practitioner.
Keeper of the Buddha-law: Protector of the
Keep ones promise: Gi li ha.
Buddha-lawNgi ho tr Phat phap.
Keep (take) ones promise to do something:
Keeper of the discipline: Observer of the
Gi hanh nguyen lam g.
preceptsTr luat.
Keep secret: Gi b mat.
Keeper of the law of oxen: Tr Ngu Gii
Keep ones sense-organs under control: Ho
Keepers of the law of oxen, an ascetic sect who
phong cac can.
ate and acted like oxenNhng ngi tr gi gii
Keep servants or slaves: Nuoi ngi lam hay cua loai trau bo, co mot loai ngoai ao tin rang
no le (nuoi nang no t)See Eight things which e tao nhan sinh vao coi tri th phai hanh tr
are unclean to a monk or a nun. ngu gii, phai kho hanh nh loai trau, phai nham
Keep silent: Vacamyama (skt)Tnh mac mat cui au an co va hanh x nh trau.
Hold ones peaceRestraining speech or voice Keeper of the pagoda: Viharapala (skt)Ba La
Gi im langNn. (ngi gi chua).
Keep silent about ones faults: Khong noi loi 1) Warden of a monastery: Viharapala (skt)V
mnh (gi im lang ve nhng ieu sai quay cua s coi viec kiem chung trong t vien.
mnh). 2) Keeper of a monastery: Guardian
Keep silver or money: Gi bac hay tien bac WardenPala (skt)Ngi bao ho chua.
This is one of the eight things that monks and nuns Viharapala (skt)V s coi viec kiem chung trong
are not allowed to possessMot trong tam th t vienWarden of a monastery.
ma ch Tang Ni khong c s huSee Eight Keeping animals for slaughter: This is one of
impure things, and Eight things which are unclean the eight things unclean to a monk or a nun
to a monk or a nun. Chan nuoi gia suc e ban tht. ay la mot trong
Keep someone under strict control: Kiem tam th ue hanh cua ch Tang NiSee Eight
soat ai chat che. things which are unclean to a monk or a nun.
Keep something intact: Gi cho ieu g o Keeping bad company: Giao du ac huSee
c nguyen ven. Six ways of wasting ones property.
Keep something steadfastly: Tinh tan gi gn. Keeping the precepts perfectly: Sila-visuddhi
Keep still: Im langTo keep silentTo keep (p & skt)Gii thanh tnhPurity of life.
calm. Keeping the pure precepts of Buddhas,
Keep supplies of grain and silk or of ultimately fulfilling them: See Ten kinds of
anything: To keep anything or to store anything Buddha-work in all worlds in all times of the
other than the eight appurtenances (tam mon can Buddhas (B).
dung). This is one of the eight things that monks Keeping servants: This is one of the eight things
and nuns are not allowed to possessD tr bat unclean to a monk or a nunNuoi nang no t.
c th g, mot trong tam th ma ch Tang Ni ay la mot trong tam th ue hanh cua ch Tang

NiSee Eight things which are unclean to a monk diet x Ma Kiet a, nhng ngi ta tin ngai hay
or a nun. con song.
Kegon (jap): Hoa Nghiem Tong Nhat Ban Keitoku-Dento-Roku (jap): Canh c Truyen
Japanese lineage of the Chinese Hua-Yen school, ang LucChing-Te-Chuan-Teng-LuRecord
which bases its teachings on the Avatamsaka Concerning the Passing On the Lamp, composed
Sutra. It was introduced to Japan by the Chinese in the Ching-Te period. This is the earliest
monk Shen-Hsiang around 740 and was historical work of Chan literature, compiled by
patronized by the emperor Shomu (724-748). It the Chinese monk named T'ao-Hsuan in the year
became one of the six main Buddhist schools of 1004. It consists of short biographies and
the Nara period (710-784); the others were Kosa numerous anecdotes from the lives of the early
School (Kusha), the Dharmalaksana school masters of Chan up to Fa-Yen-Wen-I, the
(Hosso), the Avatamsaka school, the founder of the Fa-Yen school. This thirty-volume
Satyasiddhishastra school, the Vinaya school, and work, in which the deeds and sayings of over 600
the Three Treatise School of the Madhyamika masters are recorded and more than 1000 masters
(Sanron). Its main monastery is the Todai-di in are mentioned, is one of the most important
NaraDong truyen cua Nhat Ban thuoc tong Hoa source works of Chan literature; many of the
Nghiem cua trung Hoa, giao thuyet da vao kinh koans that are found in later Zen literature were
Hoa Nghiem. Tong phai nay c a vao Nhat fixed in writing here for the first timeCanh c
Ban bi mot nha s Trung Hoa ten Shen-Hsiang Truyen ang Luc co ngha la Bien Nien S c
vao khoang nam 740 va c vua Shomu bao tr. truyen di anh en, soan di thi Canh c.
No tr thanh mot trong sau tong phai Phat giao Tac pham xa nhat trong lch s van hoc thien, do
chnh di trieu ai Nara; nhng tong phai khac nha s Trung Quoc ten ao Nguyen soan nam
la Cau Xa, Phap Tng, Hoa Nghiem, Thanh 1004. Tac pham gom nhng tieu s ngan va
That, Luat tong, va Tam LuanSee Buddhist nhng giai thoai ve cuoc i cua cac thien s t
sects in Japan, Seven Sects in Japan, and Eight of trc thi s to phai Phap Nhan la Thien S Phap
the early Japanese Buddhist sects. Nhan Van ch. Canh c Truyen ang Luc gom
Kegonkyo (jap): Tong Hoa NghiemSee ba tap, ghi lai y kien cua hn 600 thien s va noi
Buddhist sects in Japan. en hang ngan thien s khac. Nhieu cong an c
Keiho-Shumitsu (jap): Kueifeng-Tsungmi tm thay trong tac pham nay.
Khue Phong Ton MatA Zen master of great Keizan Jokin Zenji (1268-1325): Founder of
learning during the Tang dynastyMot thien s Soji-ji Monastery. He is regarded in the Japanese
uyen bac i nha ng. Soto tradition as its most important master after
Keiki (jap): Ananda (skt)Name of the Dogen Zenji. He is also the fourth Japanese
Buddhas half brother and the second patriarch in patriarch (soshigata) of Soto, and is best known
IndiaA Nan (Khanh Hy), ten cua ngi em for his Records of the Transmission of the Lamp
khac me vi c Phat, cung la v to th nh tai (Denkoroku), which chronicles the transmission of
An o. the tradition from Kasyapa to DogenV khai sn
ngoi t vien Soji-ji. Trong tong phai Tao ong
Keirai (jap): Venerative bowKnh le.
ngi ta xem ong quan trong bat th nh ch sau
Keisan (jap): Chih-ShanVung Khe SnSee
co Thien s ao Nguyen ma thoi. Ong cung la v
Keizan Jokin Zenji.
to th t cua tong Tao ong, va noi tieng vi bo
Keishu (jap): Striking the headKhe thu (dap Truyen ang Luc.
au le lay).
Kekkai (jap): Sima-bandha (skt)Bounded
Keisoku (jap): Kukkutapada (skt)Cock-Foot areaA depository of rules of moralityKet
MountainNui Ke TucCocks foot mountain, giiSee Bound by the commandments.
in Magadha, on which Kasyapa entered into
Kelikila (skt): Ke Li Cat LaKe Li Tch
nirvana, but where he is still supposed to be
LaKe Ly Ke LaThe attendant of a deva, one
livingNui Chan Ga, ni ton gia Ca Diep nhap

of the VajrapanisTen cua mot v Kim Cang Thu Thien s ngi Anh thuoc tong phai Tao ong,
Bo Tat. theo hoc tai t vien Soji-di (Nhat Ban) vi thay
Kempon-Hokkeshu (jap): Hien Bon Phap Hoa Chisan Koho. Nam 1970 ba tr thanh tru tr cua tu
Tong (Nhat Ban). vien Shasta Abbey, ba cung day tai ai hoc
Kenchoji (jap): Chua Kien Trng (Phat giao Berkeley California va nhieu trung tam Thien
Nhat Ban). khac. Ba la ngi sang lap Hoi Phat T Quan
Tng, ba cung la tac gia cua mot so sach, gom
Kengo (jap): Bhadra-kalpa (skt)The good
bo Sinh Th va Ngi Phat T Tu Thien
kalpaThe virtuous kalpaHien KiepSee
Chuan B cai Chet Nh The Nao.
Kengongokyosho (jap): Hoa Nghiem Ngu Giao Kennin (jap): Trieu ai Kien Nhan (Nhat Ban).
ChngSee Five periods of Buddhas teaching. Kenninji (jap): Kien Nhan T (Nhat Ban).
Kengongokyoshoshijiki (jap): Hoa Nghiem Kensho (jap): Giac NgoA Japanese term for
Ngu Giao Chng Ch S Ky, 6 quyen (Phat giao awakening, realization, or enlightenment.
Nhat Ban). One of the terms used in Zen for direct
apprehension of truth. It literally means seeing
Kengonkyo (jap): Avatamsaka (skt)Flower
nature, and is said to be awareness of ones true
Ornament SutraKinh Hoa NghiemSee
nature in an insight that transcends words and
Flower Adornment Sutra.
conceptual thought. It is equated with Satori in
Kengonkyotangenki (jap): Hoa Nghiem Kinh
some Zen contexts, but in others kensho is
Tham Huyen Ky (Nhat Ban).
described as an initial awakening that must be
Kengonshu (jap): Hoa Nghiem TongSee Hua- developed through further training, while satori
Yen Sect (IV). is associated with the awakening of Buddhas and
Keng-Sheng Assembly: Canh Than HoiAn the patriarchs of ZenT ng Nhat Ban dung e
assembly for offerings on the night of Keng-Shen ch giac ngo, chng ngo. Mot trong nhng t
to an image in the form of a monkey, which is the c dung trong Thien e ch s nhan biet trc
Shen symbolical animal. This is a Taoist rite tiep bang trc giac ve chan ly. Ngha en cua t
adopted by Chinese Buddhism as a local Buddhist nay la thay tanh, va ngi ta noi rang ay la s
riteHoi cung dng vao em Canh Than cau nhan biet chan tanh bang tue giac vt ra ngoai
cho quoc thai dan an, lay Kim Cng mat xanh ngon ng hay khai niem t tng. No tng ong
di hnh con kh lam bon ton. ay la mot nghi vi t satori (ngo) trong mot vai bai viet ve
thc Lao Giao, c Phat Giao Trung Hoa cong Thien, nhng trong vai bai khac th Kensho
nhan nh mot nghi thc Phat giao tai a phng c dien ta nh la thuy giac (hay s giac ngo luc
(m au hoi th anh chuong khua thanh la, ca hat ban s) can phai c phat trien qua tu tap nhieu
xng tung Phat, chung hoi va i va niem Phat, hn na, trong khi o th t satori lien he ti s
mot so th anh an thoi sao, suot em khong giac ngo cua ch Phat va ch To trong Thien.
ngu). Kensho-Godo (jap): A Japanese term for
Kenjuken (jap): Drsti-paramarsa (skt) looking into your own nature directly and finding
Conservative standpointKien Thu KienSee it to be the same as the ultimate nature of the
Drstiparamarsa. universe. It is, however, the main aim of the
Kennett Roshi, Jiyu (1924 - ): British born Soto Mahayana Meditation, and its attainment is
Zen master who studied at Soji-di in Japan under considered to be the real awakeningT ng
Chisan Koho Zenji. In 1970 she became the abbot Nhat Ban dung e ch Thay tanh trc tiep va tm
of Shasta Abbey, and she has also taught at the thay trong o tanh cua chnh mnh ong the vi
University of California at Berkeley, as well as tanh cua vu tru. Tong Lam Te tu tap phng
numerous Zen centers. She is the founder of the phap kien tanh nay, nhng tong Tao ong th
Order of Buddhist Contemplatives and author of a khong. Tuy nhien, muc ch va s thanh at chnh
number of books, including The Book of Life, cua ai Tha Thien van xem chan ngo la chu
and How a Zen Buddhist Prepares for Death. yeu.

Keo Temple: Chua KeoAnother name for Khacitavigarbha (skt): Hnh ve tren tngA
Tran Quang T Temple, a famous ancient temple, painted figure on the wall.
located in Dung Nhue hamlet, Duy Nhat village, Khadaniya (skt): Kha an NiKh a Ni
Vu Th district, Thai Bnh province. It was built in Kh Xa NiTc ThcFood that can be
1608 by the bank of the Red River, so it has masticated or eaten, i.e., food in fruitso an co
gradually been eroded. In 1930, Duke Nguyen the xe, nhai, roi nuot nh goc, canh, hoa, la va
Quyen donated his own land for rebuilding the qua (con bo-thien-ni la o an ngoam ngam nh
temple. The great bell of the temple cast during cm, mach, cm mach au, banh)See Two
the Le dynastyTen khac cua chua la Tran groups of food, each of five kinds.
Quang T, toa lac tai thon Dung Nhue, xa Duy Khadga (skt):
Nhat, huyen Vu Th, tnh Thai Bnh. Chua c 1) A sword: Li kiem.
xay dng nam 1608 ben b song Hong Ha, nen b 2) Rhinoceros horn: Sng te giac.
nc xoay mon dan. Nam 1930, Quan Cong 3) Rhinoceros: Te giac.
Nguyen Quyen a cung dng at e xay lai ngoi
Khadga-visana (skt): Kiet Gia Ba SaKiet Gia
chua. Trong chua co ai hong chung c uc
Ty Sa NaSng te giacA rhinoceros horn.
vao thi nha Le.
Khadira (skt): Kha a LaCon goi la Kh a
Keruva (skt): Necklace of pearlNecklace of
La, Kh at La, Kh e Ca, Yet at La, Yet at
diamondChuoi Anh Lac.
Lac Ca, Yet a La, ten mot loai cay dch la T
Kesara (skt): Ke Tac LaKe Tat La. Khng MocThe mimosa.
1) Hair: Toc hay long.
Khadira circle of mountain: Kha a La
2) Mane of a lion: Long bm cua s t.
SnThe fifth of the seven concentric mountain
3) Curly hair: Long quan.
chains of a worldCon goi la Kh a La Sn,
4) Name of a gem: Ten mot loai bao chau.
Vong nui Kha a La, vong th nam trong bay
Kesini (skt): a PhatKe Thiet Ni. vong nui Kim Sn.
1) Having long hair: Co toc hay nhng bui toc
Khadiraka (skt): Kha LeKiet a Lac Ca
daiHaving many locks of hair.
Yet a Lac CaName of a mountain, the third
2) Name of a kind of Raksasi (female demon):
of the seven circles or concentric mountains
a PhatWho is associated with
around Meru (Sumeru)Con goi la nui Kha a
Samantabhadra (Pho Hien)Ten cua mot
Lac Ca. Vong th ba trong bay vong quanh nui
loai La Sat NSee Ten raksasi mentioned
Tu-DiSee Seven concentric ranges around
in the Lotus sutra.
Sumeru, and Nine concentric mountain ranges and
Keso-Sodon (jap): S Hoa Tau Tong am (Phat eight seas.
giao Nhat Ban).
Khai Doan Temple: Chua Khai oanName
Ketou (skt): Tng mao. of a temple in Daklak province, South Vietnam.
Ketu (skt): The temple was built in 1951 and the history of
1) Pataka (skt)Dhvaja (skt)FlagBanner Khai Doan Temple has a close connection with
C. the immigration of the Vietnamese Kinh ethnic
2) Ke oA comet, name of two constellations group to the plateau of South Central Vietnam.
to the left and right of AquilaSao ke o, ten The structure of the main hall is a combination
cua hai chom sao nam ben trai va phai cua between Western Highland and Vietnamese
chom sao Aquila. **See Nine luminaries. architectures. The front face of the main hall
3) Ke au: Name of a Brahman during the modelled like the long-house of Western
Buddhas timeTen cua mot Ba la mon Highlands, while the rear face of which has
trong thi Phat. Vietnamese modern style. In the middle of the
Kha (skt): H khong (bau tri hay khong gian) main hall is the statue of Sakyamuni Buddha.
Sky. There is a copper bell, weighed 385 kilograms,
casted in 1954Ten cua mot ngoi chua trong tnh

ac Lac, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c xay dng shaking to make announcement of ones presence,
vao nam 1951 va lch s chua Khai oan gan lien and also used for demon expulsionCay gay cua
vi s di dan cua nhom ngi Kinh len vung cao nha s, phan au co nhng vong thiet, khi rung
nguyen Nam Trung phan. Kien truc chanh ien la gay e bao cho biet s co mat cua ai; gay cung
s pha tron gia nghe thuat kien truc Tay Nguyen con c dung e tr ma quy.
va Viet Nam. Mat tien chanh ien c xay theo Khalcha: Cao XngName of a mountainous
kieu nha dai cua Tay Nguyen, trong khi mat sau country in North India. It located in the East of the
chanh ien c xay theo kien truc Viet Nam Pamirs. Fa-Hsien reported in The Records of
hien ai. Gia chanh ien la tng Phat Thch Ca. Western Kingdoms: Its so cold in the area that
Co mot cai chuong ong, nang 385 k lo, c uc no cereals can grow here except wheat. The
vao nam 1954. weather often turns frosty. The country is in the
Khai Tuong Temple: Chua Khai Tng middle of the Pamir ranges. From the Pamirs
Name of an ancient temple located in Tan Loc onwards, except bamboos, pomegranate and
hamlet, Bnh Dng disrict, Gia nh province, sugarcane, plants, trees and fruits are different
South Vietnam. The temple was built in the from those in China. People in this kingdom wear
eighteenth century. It was rebuilt by King Minh the same coarse cloth as in China, but their felt
Mang to memorize his birthplace. In 1859, and serge cloths differTen cua mot x toan la
Marshall Nguyen Tri Phng used the temple as a nui non trong vung Bac An. X nay toa lac ve
military post against the French colonists. It is also pha ong cua day Thong Lnh. Theo ngai Phap
where Marine Captain Barbe fell into an ambush Hien trong cac Vng quoc trong vung Tay Vc,
and was killed on December 6, 1860. It was X nay thi tiet rat lanh, khong trong c ngu
destroyed by the French colonists in 1867. In coc ngoai tr lua mach, thi tiet tr lanh gia buot
1804, a statue of the Buddha, made of jacktree rat bat thng. gia rang nui Tuyet cua x nay
wood and gilded, was offered for worshipping by tr i, ngoai tr tre, lu, va ma, con th nhng
King Gia Long to Quoc An Khai Tng Pagoda. loai cay trai khac eu khac biet vi Trung quoc.
The statue is 2.50 meters high, the pedestal itself C dan trong vng quoc nay mac mot th vai tho
is 0.54 meter high, the width between the two nh ben Trung quoc, nhng n va da cua ho th
knees is 1.20 meters. When the pagoda was gone, khac.
the statue was moved to many places so it was Khamapana (skt): Asking for pardonHoi loi.
seriously damagedTen cua mot ngoi chua co Khanda (skt): Kien o.
toa lac trong thon Tan Loc, huyen Bnh Dng, 1) A piece, a fragment, a portion, a section, a
tnh Gia nh, Nam Viet Nam. Chua c xay chapter: Mot mieng, mot manh, mot phan,
khoang the th 18, en nam 1832 chua c Vua mot chng sach.
Minh Mang cho trung tu e ky niem ni sinh cua 2) Monastic rules: Quy luat t vien.
mnh. Nam 1859, Tong oc Nguyen Tri Phng 3) Khanda (p): Uan, nhom, tap hp. Than ngi
dung chua lam on luy chong Phap, ay cung la la tap hp cua nam uan: Sac (rupa), tho
ni ma vien ai uy thuy quan luc chien Phap ten (vedana), tng (sanna), hanh (sankhara),
Barbe b quan ta phuc kch giet chet vao em 6 thc (vinnana).
thang 12 nam 1860. Chua b giac Phap pha huy
Khanh Hy Zen Master: Thien S Khanh Hy
vao nam 1867. Nam 1804, chua Quoc An Khai
((1066-1142)Zen Master Khanh HyA
Tng c vua Gia Long dang cung pho tng
Vietnamese Zen master from Long Bien, North
Phat bang go mt thep vang. Tng cao 2 met 5,
Vietnam. He left home and became a disciple of
e tng cao 54 phan, be ngang gia hai au goi
Zen master Bon Tch at Chuc Thanh Temple. He
la 1 met 2. Khi chua b Phap pha huy, th tng
was the Dharma heir of the fourteenth generation
nay a c di i nhieu ni nen a b h hai
of the Vinitaruci Zen Sect. King Ly Than Tong
nang ne.
invited him to the capital to offer him the highest
Khakkara (skt): Tch TrngA monks staff, position. He spent most of his life to revive and
partly of metal, especially with metal rings for expand Buddhism in North Vietnam. He passed

away in 1142, at the age of 76Thien s Viet horizontal panel of the temple. From the late
Nam, que Long Bien, Bac Viet. Ngai xuat gia nineteenth century, the temple was sometimes
va tr thanh e t cua Thien s Bon Tch tai chua affected by natural calamities, but damages were
Chuc Thanh. Ngai la Phap t i th 14 dong Ty not very serious. However, during the war with
Ni a Lu Chi. Vua Ly Than Tong thnh ngai ve the French, the temple was burnt down. After its
trieu va ban cho ngai chc v cao nhat. Hau het reconstruction, it was swept away by the historic
i ngai, ngai chan hng va hoang hoa Phat giao flood in 1953. In the late 70s, the temple was
tai Bac Viet. Ngai th tch nam 1142, tho 76 tuoi. rebuilt on the old site, but simpler. There also
Khanh Long Zen Master: Thien s Khanh remains a small bell of Bu Sn temple,
LongA Vietnamese Zen Master from Bien transferred here from Thien Mu temple after
Hoa, South Vietnam. He was the founder of Hoi Ngoc Sn temple was dismantledTen cua mot
Sn temple in Bien Hoa, South Vietnam in the ngoi chua co lang Lu Bao, An Van, Hue,
late eighteenth century. He spent most of his life Trung Viet. Khi thuy chua la am Khanh Van, do
to expand the Buddha Dharma in South Vietnam. ba Nguyen Th ao, d cua mot chua Nguyen xay
His whereabout and when he passed away were dng vao khoang di trieu chua Nguyen Phc
unknownThien s Khanh Long, que Bien Chau. Nam 1732, Hoa Thng Giac Thu mua lai
Hoa, Nam Viet. Ngai khai sn chua Hoi Sn chua t tay ba Pham Th Lc. Ngai tai thiet chua
Bien Hoa vao cuoi the ky th 18 va hau het cuoc tren v tr cu. Nam 1747, chua Nguyen Phc
i ngai hoang hoa Nam Viet Nam. Ngai i au Hoat a cap ngach sac t vi ng but cua chua:
va th tch hoi nao khong ai biet. Sac T Khanh Van T. Nam 1805, Hoa Thng
Khanh Quang Temple: Khanh Quang T Khanh oan, mot mon e cua Hoa Thng Giac
Name of a temple, located in Can Th City, Can Thu, a trung tu chua. Di trieu vua Minh Mang,
Th province, South Vietnam. Khanh Quang Hoa Thng Tam Trung lai tai thiet. Nam 1863,
Temple was built in 1969 in commemoration of mot e t cua ngai Nhat T a m rong qui mo
Most Venerable Khanh Anh and Most Venerable cua chua va lp lai mai ngoi. Bo Cong a vang
Hue QuangTen mot ngoi chua trong thanh pho ch sn thep lai bien vang sac t. T cuoi the ky
Can Th, Tnh Can Th, Nam Viet Nam. Chua th 19, chua co vai lan b h hong v gio bao lut
c xay dng nam 1969. Ten Khanh Quang loi, nhng khong nang ne. Nhng sau o chua b
c at ra e tng nh hai v Hoa Thng chay trong chien tranh, roi mot phan c ngi c
Khanh Anh va Hue Quang. tam dng lai b tran bao nam 1953 cuon troi het.
Vao cuoi thap nien 70s chua c tai thiet tren
Khanh Van Temple: Khanh Van TName of
nen cu, nhng n gian hn. Tai chua hien con
an ancient temple in Lu Bao village, Hue,
gi chiec chuong cua chua Bu Sn, thnh t chua
Central Vietnam. The temple originated from a
Thien Mu, sau khi chua Ngoc Sn b giai the.
small thatched house named Khanh Van, built by
a lady named Nguyen Th ao, probably during Khanika (p): Ksana (skt)Sat na.
the reign of Lord Nguyen Phc Chau. In 1732, Khanjagardahbha (skt): Con la queThe
Venerable Giac Thu purchased this temple from Buddha taught: Sentient beings had better throw
Mrs. Pham Th Lc. He reconstructed the temple away ordinary thought, wisdom, knowledge as
on the same site. In 1747, Lord Nguyen Phc they resemble the character of a lame donkey.
Hoat gave recognition to the temple with his A lame donkeyc Phat day: Chung sanh nen
autograph reading: Sac T Khanh Van T. In vt bo t tng hay tr tue pham phu v no nh
1805, Most Venerable Khanh oan, a disciple of mot con la que.
Most Venerable Giac Thu, rebuilt the temple. Khantaka (p): Nga Kien TracThe Buddhas
During the reign of king Minh Mang, Most horse
Venerable Tam Trung rebuilt the temple again. In Khanti (p): Nhan nhucTolerance
1863, a disciple of Nhat T enlarged the structure, ForenearancePatience.
installing tiled roofs. In 1871, the Ministry of Kharadiya (skt): Gia La a.
Construction received order to renew the gilted

1) The mountain where the Buddha is supposed Nikaya, Khemas reputation as a widely-
to have uttered the Abode of Ti-Tsang: Ngon learned sage and brilliant talker spread
nui ni ma c Phat a thuyet giang kinh abroad and attracted the attention of King
a Tang Thap Luan (ni cua ch v Bo Pasenadi who was deeply concerned about
Tat). some metaphysical problems. Her answers to
2) A Bodhisattva stage attained after many King Pasenadis question caused him such a
kalpas: Ngoi v Gia La a cua Bo Tat (do tu delight that he welcomed them immediately.
tap nhieu a tang ky kiep Minh Ba La Mat ma Her explanation, which was in harmony with
thanh tu, ay la hanh vo tng ma tho tr the Buddhas both in the spirit and language
ch phap). to the kings amazement indicated her great
Kharismiga (skt): Hoa Li Tap Di CaAn wisdom as praised by the Buddha. One day,
ancient kingdom on the upper Oxus, which formed Elder Sister Khema wandered among the
part of Tukhara, the Kharizm of Arabic Kosalan villages, took up her residence at
geographersMot vng quoc co nam tren Toranavatthu near Sravasti. At the same time,
thng nguon song Oxus, mot phan cua Tukhara. King Pasenadi was also journeying to
Kharostha (skt): L ThanName of a sage Sravasti. He ordered his attendant to find out
celebrated for his astronomical knowledgeTen a recluse so that he can wait upon him today.
cua mot hien triet noi tieng ve khoa chiem tinh. His attendant could not find any recluse for
the King to wait upon, but on the way back he
Khattiya (p): Hieu chienThe warriors in the
saw the Elder Sister Khema, a woman-
caste system of ancient IndiaDong doi Sat e
disciple of the Buddha. So King Pasenadi
li trong he thong giai cap thi co An oSee
went to visit Elder Sister KhemaTheo Kinh
Tap A Ham, danh tieng cua ba nh mot bac
Khavandha (skt): Yet Ban aAccording to
hien tr a van va oi ng man tiep va lanh
Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
li lan rong khap ni a loi cuon s chu y cua
Buddhist Terms, Khavandha is an ancient
vua Ba T Nac, ngi au tien quan tam ve
kingdom and city, modern Kartchou, south-east of
van e sieu hnh. Nhng cau oi ap cua ba
the Sirikol LakeTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh
trc nhng cau hoi cua vua Ba T Nac a
Phat Hoc T ien, Yet Ban a la mot vng
khien nha vua vo cung hoan hy ma chap
quoc va thanh pho co, bay gi la Kartchou, ve
nhan chung ngay lap tc. Nhng li giai thch
pha ong nam cua ho Sirikol.
cua ba phu hp hoan toan vi nhng li giai
Khema (p): Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa (co ngha la thch cua c Phat ve ca ngon t lan y ngha
tnh an, an ninh, an toan. Mot trong nhng ac khien nha vua rat oi ngac nhien trc ai tr
tnh cua Niet ban, trai han vi s an toan co ieu quang bac cua ba ung nh li tan than cua
kien cua the gian). c Phat. Mot ngay no, khi ang i du hanh
(I) Bhiksuni KhemaTy Kheo Ni Thai Hoa: trong x Kieu Tat La, ba ghe lai an tru tai
Name of one of the two first nuns of Nun Toranavatthu gan thanh Xa Ve (Sravasti).
Buddhist Order. The Elder Sister Khema was Trong luc ay, vua Ba T Nac cua x Kieu Tat
one of the pre-eminent female disciples that La cung ang du hanh en thanh Xa Ve. Nha
the Buddha considered as chief among those vua ra lenh cho mot ngi hau i tm cho
of great wisdom in the Order of NunsTen c mot v Sa mon e ong co the ti tham
cua mot trong hai v Ni Trng au tien cua kien. Ngi hau i tm va tr ve tha rang
Phat giao. Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa la mot trong sau khi i quanh quan khap ca vung ong
nhng n e t xuat chung ma c Phat xem khong tm c mot v Sa mon hay Ba la mon
nh e nhat gia nhng v co tr tue ln trong nao e nha vua co the yet kien, nhng tren
hang Ty Kheo Ni. ng ve ngi ay gap trng lao Ni Thai
(II) A conversation between Bhiksuni Khema and Hoa, mot n e t xuat gia cua c Phat.
King Pasenadi: According to the Samyutta

Vua Ba T Nac ben i vieng Ty Kheo Ni ba cung tra li giong nh vay. Xin Ty Kheo
Thai Hoa. Ni cho biet , do nhan g, do duyen g, ieu ay
* The king asked Elder Sister Khema: khong c c The Ton tuyen thuyet?
Venerable Bhiksuni! Does the Tathagata * Bhiksuni Khema responded: Now in this
exist after death?Nha vua hoi Ty Kheo Ni matter, great king, I will question you. Do you
Thai Hoa: Bach Ni S! Xin cho biet c reply as you think appropriate. Now, great
Nh Lai co ton tai sau khi chet chang? king, have you some accountant able to count
* Bhiksuni Khema responded: Great King! the sand of the Ganges thus: there are so
That is not revealed by the Buddha.Ni s many hundred grains or so many thousand or
Thai Hoa ap: Tau ai vng, ieu ay so many hundreds of thousands of grains?
khong c c Phat tuyen thuyet. Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa tra li: Tau ai
* The king asked: So the Tathagata does not vng, gi ay trong van e nay, toi muon
exist after death.Vua Ba T Nac hoi tiep: hoi ai vng. Xin ai vng c tra li cach
Xin Ty Kheo Ni cho biet co phai c Nh nao ma ai vng thay thch hp. Tau ai
Lai khong ton tai sau khi chet hay khong? vng, nay ai vng co ngi tnh toan so
* Bhiksuni Khema responded: That also, great sach nao co the em cat song Hang nh vay:
king, is not revealed by the Buddha.Ty co nhieu tram hat nh vay, nhieu ngan hat
Kheo Ni Thai Hoa ap: Tau ai vng, ieu nh vay, hoac nhieu tram ngan hat nh vay...
ay cung khong c c Phat tuyen thuyet. chang?
* The king added: Then what, Venerable * The king reply: Venerable Bhiksuni! No,
Bhiksuni! Does the Tathagata both exist and indeed.Nha vua ap: Bach Ty Kheo Ni,
no exist after death?Nha vua hoi tiep: khong the c.
Nh vay Nh Lai va ton tai, va khong ton * Bhiksuni Khema added: Then, have you
tai sau khi chet? some reckoner able to reckon the water in the
* Bhiksuni Khema responded: That also, great mighty ocean thus: There are so many
king, is not revealed by the Buddha.Ty gallons of water, so many hundred, so many
Kheo Ni Thai Hoa ap: Tau ai vng, ieu hundreds of thousands of gallons of
ay cung khong c c Phat tuyen thuyet. water?Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa lai hoi tiep:
* The king asked again: Then, Venerable Vay th ai vng co nha ke toan nao co the
Bhiksuni, the Tathagata neither exist nor not c lng nc trong ai dng nh vay: co
exist after death.Nha vua hoi tiep: Vay nhieu thung nc nh vay, co nhieu tram,
th, tha Ty Kheo Ni, Nh Lai khong ton tai nhieu ngan thung nc nh vay chang?
cung khong khong ton tai sau khi chet? * The king replied: Venerable Bhiksuni! No
* Bhiksuni Khema responded: That also, great indeed.Nha vua ap: Tha Ty Kheo Ni!
king, is not revealed by the Buddha.Ty Qua that khong the nao c.
Kheo Ni Thai Hoa ap: Tau ai vng, ieu * Bhiksuni Khema asked: How is that?Ty
ay cung khong c c Phat tuyen thuyet. Kheo Ni Thai Hoa hoi tiep: Nh vay la the
* The king asked: How then, Venerable nao?
Bhiksu, when asked Does Tathagata exist * The king replied: Venerable Bhiksuni!
after death? You reply That is not revealed Mighty is the ocean, deep, boundless,
by the Buddha. And when I ask other unfathomable.Nha vua ap: Bach Ty
questions, you make the same reply. What is Kheo Ni! That menh mong, sau tham, vo
the reason, what is the cause why this thing is lng, khong the do tan ay la ai dng.
not revealed by the Buddha?Nha vua hoi * Bhiksuni Khema added: Even so, gat king, if
tiep: Sao lai nh vay tha Ty Kheo Ni? Khi one should try to define the Tathagata by his
c hoi Nh Lai ton tai sau khi chet? Ty body form, that form of the Tathagata is
Kheo Ni ap ieu ay khong c The Ton abandoned, cut down to the root, made like a
tuyen thuyet, va khi ta hoi nhng cau khac palm-tree stump so that it cannot spring up

again in the future. Set free from reckoning as Ton, xin Ngai cho biet Nh Lai co ton tai sau
body is the Tathagata. Deep, boundless, khi chet hay khong?
unfathomable, just like the mighty ocean is * The Buddha replied: Great king, this matter
the Tathagata. To say: The Tathagata exists is not revealed by me.c Phat ap:
after death does not apply. To say the Tha ai vng, ieu nay khong c Ta
Tathagata does not exist after death does not tuyen thuyet.
apply... If one should try to define the * The king asked: Then, Lord, the Tathagata
Tathagata by feeling, by perception... by does not exist after death?Vua Ba T Nac
consciousness, that feeling of the Tathagata is lai hoi c The Ton: Bach The Ton, xin
abandoned, ... set free from reckoning by Ngai cho biet Nh Lai khong ton tai sau khi
feeling, by perception, activities, chet hay khong?
consciousness is the Tathagata, deep, * The Buddha replied: Great king, that also is
boundless, unfathomable like the mighty not revealed by me.c Phat lai ap:
ocean...Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa noi: Cung Tha ai vng, ieu nay cung khong c
vay, tau ai vng, neu ta co tm nh ngha Ta tuyen thuyet.
Nh Lai bang sac than cua Ngai th sac than * The king then asked the other questions that
ay cua Nh Lai a c oan tr, c cat he had asked Bhiksuni Khema and got the
t tan goc re, c lam cho giong nh khuc same reply exactly as beforeRoi sau o
than cay Ta la e no khong the sinh khi vua Ba T Nac hoi nhng cau hoi khac ma
trong tng lai. c giai thoat khoi s c ong a hoi Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa trc ay
lng bang sac than la c Nh Lai, that sau va c tra li cung y nh trc.
tham, vo lng khong the do tan ay, nh ai * The king said to the Buddha: Wonderful,
dng la Nh Lai. Noi Nh Lai ton tai sau Lord! Marvellous it is, Lord, how explanation
khi chet cung khong phu hp. Noi Nh Lai both of Master and disciple, both in spirit and
khong ton tai sau khi chet cung khong phu letter, will agree, will harmonize, will not be
hp. Neu ta co nh ngha Nh Lai bang cam inconsistent, that is, in any word about the
tho, tng, hanh, thc... th cam tho ay cua highest. Once, Lord, I went to visit Bhiksuni
Nh Lai a c oan tr... c giai thoat Khema and asked her the meaning of this
khoi s c lng bang tho, tng, hanh, thc matter, and she gave me the meaning in the
la Nh Lai; that sau tham, vo lng, khong very words, in the very sentences used bu the
the do tan ay, nh ai dng la Nh Lai. Lord. Wonderful, Lord! Marvellous it is,
* Hearing this explanation, King Pasenadi of Lord!Nha vua noi vi c Phat: Bach
Kosala was so delighted with words of c The Ton! That ky dieu thay! That hy
Venerable Bhiksuni KhemaVua Ba T Nac hu thay! Bach The Ton la cach giang cua
rat hoan hy trc nhng li giai thch cua Ty bac ao S va e t ve y ngha va van cu
Kheo Ni Thai Hoa. eu tng ong, eu hoa ieu, khong oi
(III) Confirmation from the BuddhaS xac nhan nghch nhau trong moi ngon t ve ieu toi
cua c Phat: Also according to the Samyutta thng nay. Bach c The Ton, co mot thi
Nikaya, on one occasion, King Pasenadi went con en vieng Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa va a
to visit the Buddha and asked the same hoi ba y ngha cua van e nay, Ty Kheo Ni
questions that he had asked Bhiksuni Khema Thai Hoa a cho con biet y ngha nay ung y
long agoCung theo Kinh Tap A Ham, vao ve ngon t, van cu va y ngha ma The Ton a
mot dp vua Ba T Nac en tham c Phat, giang hom nay. That ky dieu thay! That hy
nha vua cung hoi nhng cau hoi ma vua a hu thay! Bach c The Ton!
hoi Ty Kheo Ni Thai Hoa luc trc. * Then King Pasenadi rose from his seat,
* King Pasenadi asked the Buddha: Pray Lord, saluted the Lord by the right side and went
does the Tathagata exist after death?Vua awayoan vua Ba T Nac t cho ngoi
Ba T Nac hoi c The Ton: Bach The

ng day anh le c The Ton ve ben phai Ho rat hoan hy tu tap chanh phap. Trong toan x
roi ra i. co 14 ngoi t vien ln, khong ke nhng chua nho,
Khema, Ayya (1923-1997): German born Jewish ac biet la t vien Hoang Gia mi c xay dng.
nun who wrote a number of books on Co le con nhieu t vien trang le hn na, c
Buddhism, the most popular of which was nha vua va dan sung ao xay dng. Vao luc o
Being Nobody, Going Nowhere, which trong toan x, so lng Tang s len en nhieu
received the Christmas Humphreys Memorial van, a so theo Phat giao ai tha. Nha ca dan
Award. She was one of the most influential chung tai ay pha trc eu co xay thap, nho
Western meditation teachers, and taught nhat cung cao en 20 tac Anh.
courses in the U.S.A. , Australia, and Asia. In Khuddakagama (p): Khuat a Ca A Ham
1978 she became the assistant to Ven. The fifth of the Agamas, containing fifteen or
Khantipalo at Wat Buddhadhamma in New fourteen works, including such as the
South WalesTy Kheo Ni ngi Do Thai Dharmapada, Itivrttaka, Jataka, Buddhavamsa,
sanh tai c quoc, ba a viet mot so sach etc.Bo th nam trong nam bo A Ham, ch het
Phat giao, pho bien nhat la quyen Being thay tap kinh cha ke trong t A Ham kia nh
Nobody, Going Nowhere, c giai thng Kinh Phap Cu, Bon Sanh Kinh (Tien Than c
Tng Niem Christmas Humphreys. Ba la Phat), Bon S Kinh (nhng chuyen xay ra trong
mot trong nhng v thay thien Tay phng co qua kh)See Khuddaka-Nikaya.
anh hng ln, ba a tng day tai Hoa Ky, Khuddaka-Nikaya (p): Tieu A HamThe
Uc, va A Chau. Nam 1978 ba tr thanh phu Collection of Minor Discourses, the fifth part of
ta cua Ty Kheo Khantipalo tai Wat the Sutra-pitaka consisting of fifteen short
Buddhadhamma thuoc New South Wales, Uc collections or sections, including the
Chau. Dhammapada, the Udana, the Sutta Nipata, the
Khensur Rinpoche (tib): A Tibetan term for Theragatha, the Therigatha, and the JatakaTieu
precious former abbot, which means someone Bo Kinh, phan th nam cua ai Tang Kinh gom
who has retired as abbot of a monasteryT ng Mi lam phan, bao gom kinh Phap Cu, kinh Vo
Tay tang dung e ch V cu tru tr quy bau, co Van T Thuyet, tap kinh, Trng Lao Tang Ke,
ngha la ngi tru tr t vien a ngh hu. Trng Lao Ni Ke, va kinh Bon S, van van:
Khotan: X Vu ienName of an ancient 1) Khuddaka Patha (p): Nhng bai ke ngan
kingdom, northwestern part of India. At the time Khuddaka-Patha or Short texts. Collection of
when Fa-Hsien traveled to India, the country was rules and prescriptions for ceremoniesSu
rich and peaceful. Its inhabitants were prosperous tap cac qui tac lam le.
and followers of the Dharma. They were so 2) Dhammapada (p): Kinh Phap Cu
delightful in the practice of the Dharma. In the Dhammapada or The Way of Truth. Cllection
whole country, there were 14 large monasteries, of 426 verses on the basis of Buddhist
not to speak of the smaller ones, specifically the teaching, very famous in countries of
Royal Monastery was just built. Perhaps there Theravadan BuddhismCon goi la Con
were many more magnificient monasteries built ng Chn Ly. Van ban 426 cau nen tang
by faithful kings and devoted people. At that time, hoc thuyet Phat giao (Phap Cu), rat noi tieng
the number of Buddhist monks reached several tai nhng nc theo Phat giao Nguyen thuy.
ten thousand and the majority of which followed 3) Udana (p): Hoan Hy CaUdana or Paeans of
Mahayana Buddhism. In front of lay peoples Joy. Eighty pithy sayings of the Buddha80
houses, there was always a small stupa, the cau trang trong cua Phat.
smallest one was raised to a height of 20 inches 4) Itivuttaka (p): Itivuttaka or Thus said
Ten cua mot vng quoc co nam ve pha Tay Bac Discourses. Treatments of moral questions
An o. Vao thi ngai Phap Hien du hanh sang An that are ascribed to the BuddhaNhng bai
o th nc nay rat giau co va yen bnh. C dan kinh bat au bang Day nh the nay. Ngu
co i song phon thnh va eu la tn o Phat giao. ngon ao c c gan cho Phat.

5) Sutta Nipata (p): Nhng bai kinh su tap beneficient actionsi song cua ch v A
Sutta-Nipata or Collected Discourses. One of La Han. Nhng mau chuyen t thien tien
the oldest part of the canonical literature, of kiep cua Tang Ni va Thanh chung.
high literary worthVan ban ien le vi 14) Buddhavamsa (p): Buddhavamsa or history of
trnh o van chng cao. the Buddha. Tales in verses about twenty four
6) Vimana Vatthu (p): Cau chuyen nhng canh Buddhas who preceeded Sakyamuni
TriVimanavatthu or Stories of Celestial BuddhaTieu s cua c Phat. Truyen ke
Mansions. Collection of eighty three legends bang th ve 24 v Phat trc Phat Thch Ca.
that show how one can achieve rebirth as a 15) Cariya Pitake (p): Nhng pham hanh
god or deva through virtuous deeds83 su Chariya-Pitaka, or Modes of Conduct.
tap truyen thuyet cho thay cuoc song c Collection of tales that take up themes from
hanh se tai sanh trong the gii than thanh. the Jataka. They show how the Buddha in his
7) Peta Vatthu (p): Cau chuyen canh gii nga previous existences realized the ten
quyPreta-Vatthu or Stories of Petas. perfections (paramitas)Su tap chuyen ke
Concerning rebirth as a hungry ghost after an ve nhng chu e ln trong Jataka cho thay
unvirtuous lifeS tai sanh trong the gii ma Phat a at c Thap thien nh the nao.
oi sau mot i toi loi. Khulm (skt): Hot LamAn ancient kingdom and
8) Theragatha (p): Ke cua ngi thien nam city between Balkh and KunduzMot vng
Thera-gatha or Psalms of the Brethren. quoc co nam gia Balkh and Kunduz.
Collection of 107 songs that are ascribed to Khuong Tang Hoi: Sanghapala (skt)S
the oldest monks in BuddhismSu tap 107 Khng Tang HoiAn Indian monk supposed to
thanh thi c gan cho nhng nha s ngay be of Tibetan descent; but Sanghapala is
xa cua Phat giao. described as the eldest son of the prime minister
9) Therigatha (p): Ke cua ngi tn nTheri- of Soghdiana, and is porbably a different person.
gatha or Psalms of the Sisters. Seventy three Sanghavarman was the one who conducted
songs of the female elders who became translation of The Indefinite Life Sutra in Lo-
famous through their virtue73 Thanh thi Yang in 252 A.D. According to Professor Soothill
cua nhng s n c hanh ngay xa. in The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
10) Jataka (p): Tuc Sanh TruyenBirth Stories of Terms, Sanghapala, a native of Sogdiane, now
the Bodhisattva. The birth stories detail the belongs to China. His parents came to North
previous lives of the Buddha, his followers Vietnam to do business to earn a living. His father
and foesNhng cau chuyen tai sanh cua Bo passed away when he was only ten years old.
Tat. Nhng chuyen ke ve tien than c Phat, After that he left home and became a very famous
cac e t cung nh nhng ke chong oi Ngai: monk at that time. He thoroughly understood the
Jatakas. Tripitaka. He went to Tung-Wu (now Central
11) Niddesa (p): Nidessa, or commentary to the China) to expand the Buddha Dharma. He also
expositions in Sutta NipataNhng bai tran translated many sutras from Sanskrit into Chinese
thuat. Nhng bai bnh giai ve Kinh Sutta such as the Infinite Life Sutra, the Anapanasati
Nipata. Sutra, etc. He passed away in around 280 A.D.
12) Patisambhida (p): Book on Analytical Khng Tang Hoi la ten cua mot nha s ngi
Knowledge. Analytical treatments in the style Thien Truc, dong doi Tay Tang, nhng lai co mot
of Abhidharma (Abhidharma- v s khac cung ten Khng Tang Hoi, ngi a
Patisambhidamagga)Nhng bai e cap en dch bo Kinh Vo Lng Tho tai thanh Lac Dng
kien thc phan giai. Nhng bai luan phan tch vao nam 252 sau Tay Lch. Theo giao s Soothill
theo phong cac cua luan A Ty at Ma. trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien th Khng
13) Apadana (p): Apadana or stories of lives of Tang Hoi la ngi nc Khng C, cha me sang
Arahants. Stories about previous existences at Giao Chau lam an buon ban kiem song. Ngai
of monks, nuns and saints renowned for their mo coi cha t luc mi len mi. Sau o ngai xuat

gia va tr thanh mot nha s noi tieng thi bay gi. Kien So Temple: Chua Kien SName of a
Ngai thong hieu Tam Tang kinh ien. Ngai sang temple, located in Phu ong village, Gia Lam
ong Ngo (bay gi la mien Trung nc Tau) e district, Ha Noi province, North Vietnam.
hoang dng Phat Phap. Ngai dch nhieu kinh According to Thien Uyen Tap Anh and ai Nam
ien t ch Phan ra ch Han nh Kinh Vo Lng Thien Uyen Truyen ang Luc, the temple was
Tho va Kinh An Ban Thu Y, van van. Ngai th built before 820 by Chan Master Cam Thanh
tch khoang nam 280 sau Tay Lch. from Tien Du district. He previously practised
Khuong Viet Zen Master: Thien S Khuong Buddhism at Phat Tch Pagoda, then was
Viet (933-1011)Zen Master Khuong VietZen requested by a rich landlord, whose last name was
Master Khuong Viet, the fourth dharma heir Nguyen, to move to Kien S temple and built it.
lineage of the Wu-Yun-Tung Sect, a Vietnamese In 820, during the Tang dynasty, Chan Master
Zen master from Cat Li, Thng Lac district. He Wu Yun Tung, Head of Hoa An Temple in
was one of the most outstanding disciples of Zen Kuang-Chou province, in China, arrived in
Master Van Phong. When he was 40 years old, his Vietnam. He went to Phu ong village and later
reputation spread all over the place. King inh became Chan Master Cam Thanhs teacher. He,
Tien Hoang always invited him to the Royal then, was invited to stay and appointed to be head
Palace to discuss the national political and foreign of Kien S Temple. Since then, the temple has
affairs. King inh Tien Hoang honoured him with become the center of the Wu-Yun-Tung Sect. At
the title of Khuong Viet Great Master. When he present, the statues of Ly Cong Uan and his
was old, he moved to Mount Du Hy to build Phat mother are placed on the left and right sides of the
a Temple and stayed there to revive and expand temples Buddhist Trinity. Inside the Patriarch
Buddhism; however, he continued to help the Hall is a remarkably architectural bell tower and
inh Dynasty until he died in 1011, at the age of an old stone gong, 2.3 meters wide, 0.60 meter
79Thien s Khuong Viet, i th t dong Vo high, 0.17 meter thick, has still been kept in the
Ngon Thong, que Cat Li, quan Thng Lac. temple. Kien S is one of the most ancient
Ong la mot trong nhng e t xuat sac nhat cua temples in Vietnam which was constructed before
Thien s Van Phong. Khi ong c 40 tuoi th the fifth century. It has been rebuilt many times
danh tieng ong a truyen i khap ni. Vua inh Ten cua mot ngoi chua toa lac tai lang Phu ong,
Tien Hoang thng mi ong vao trieu ban viec huyen Gia Lam, thanh pho Ha Noi, Bac Viet
chnh tr va ngoai giao. Vua con phong cho ong Nam. Theo Thien Uyen Tap Anh va ai Nam
tc v Khuong Viet ai S. Ve gia, s di ve Thien Uyen Truyen ang Luc, chua c xay
nui Du Hy cat chua Phat a e chan hng va vao trc nam 820 bi Thien S Cam Thanh
hoang dng Phat phap; tuy nhien, ngai van tiep ngi huyen Tien Du. Trc kia s tu chua Phat
tuc phuc vu nha inh cho en khi th tch vao Tch, sau c mot ong phu ho ho Nguyen mi ve
nam 1011, luc ay s a 79 tuoi. Kien S lap chua. en nam 820, ben Tau la i
Khuppipasa (p): Hunger and thirstoi va nha ng, co Thien S Vo Ngon Thong, tru tr
khatSee Ten armies of mara. chua Hoa An, thuoc tnh Quang Chau, Trung
Khyativijnana (skt): Hien ThcHau nh Quoc, sang nc ta, en lang Phu ong, c
tng ng vi nhan thcWhich almost Thien S Cam Thanh ton lam Thay, mi lai tru
corresponds to perception. tr chua Kien S. T o Kien S tr thanh trung
tam cua Thien Phai Vo Ngon Thong. Hien tai
Kibetsu (jap): Vyakarana (skt)Certification-
trong chua van con tng Ly Cong Uan va me
discriminationPredictionKy BietTho Ky
ong hai ben ien th Tam Bao. Trong ien th
See Vyakarana.
To co gac chuong vi kien truc noi bac va chiec
Kicca nana (p): Tri kien ve c nang cua T e.
khanh bang a co, ng knh 2 met 3, chieu cao
Kichizo (jap): S Cat Tang (Nhat Ban). sau tac, be day 17 phan. Kien S la mot trong
Kido (jap): Hsu-TangH ng. nhng ngoi chua co cua Viet Nam c xay cat

trc the ky th 5, chua a c trung tu nhieu Thanh gia hu hoc ong toi giet bac Thanh vo
lan. hoc A La HanSee Five betrayals (III).
Kiho (jap): Adbhuta-dharma (skt)Marvels Kill a Bodhisattva in dhyana is equal to the
Unprecedented occurencesWondersV tang sin of killing ones father: Giet Bo Tat ang
hu (hi phap). nhap nh ong vi toi giet chaSee Five
Kikana (skt): Ke Khng NaAccording to betrayals (III).
Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English Kill a cat in order to save ten thousand
Buddhist Terms, Kikana is a people in mice: Giet mot con meo e cu van con chuot
Afghanistan, east of Kandahar, south of Ghazna, (Sat nhat mieu cu van th).
ruled 630 A.D. by independent chieftains, perhaps
Kill father and/or mother: Giet cha giet me
identical with the Kykanan of Arabic
In Buddhism, the term Killing father and/or
chroniclersTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat
mother also includes the offenses of killing an
Hoc T ien, Ke Khng Na la mot dan toc A
Arhat and killing a sageTrong Phat giao, t
Phu Han, tru ngu khoang gia mien ong
Giet cha giet me cung bao gom luon ca viec
Kandhar va mien nam Ghazna, vao khoang nhng
giet mot v A La Han hay mot Thanh nhan.
nam 630 sau Tay Lch c cai tr bi nhng v
Kill (murder) or hurt an Arhat: Giet A La
lanh chua oc lap, co le theo nien ky cua A Rap
HanSee Five betrayals (I).
ay la dan toc Kykanan.
Kill (murder) or hurt an Enlightening
Kiki (jap): S Khuy CA noted monk during
the Tang Dynasty, an outstanding pupil of Hsuan- being: Giet A La HanSee Five betrayals (I).
Tsang. Ksi-Ki seems to have monopolized the Kill (murder) or hurt a Saint: Giet A La
transmission of the idealistic doctrine. The Fa- HanSee Five betrayals (I).
Hsiang School was actually systematized and Kill (murder) ones father: Giet cha (sat
founded chiefly by Ksi-Ki. His two important phu)See Five betrayals (I).
works: Fa-Yuan-I-Lin-Chang and Wei-Shih-Shu- Kill (murder) ones mother: Giet me (sat
Chi, are the fundamental texts of this school mau)See Five betrayals (I).
Mot v Tang noi tieng vao thi nha ng, mot
Kill (v) intentionally: Co y gietA Buddhist
e t xuat sac cua Huyen Trang. Dng nh ong
shall not intentionally kill any living creature
la ngi oc nhat truyen tha hoc thuyet Duy
Mot Phat t khong co y giet hai bat c chung
Thc. Phap Tng tong qua nhien la do Khuy C
sanh nao.
he thong hoa va chnh yeu sang lap nen. Hai sang
Kill (v) living beings: Sat SinhSee Killing.
tac quan trong cua Khuy C la ai Tha Phap
Kill a nun: am chet Ty Kheo Ni Hoa SacSee
Uyen Ngha Lam Chng, va Thanh Duy Thc
Five betrayals (I).
Luan Thuat Ky, ngha la can ban cua tong phai
nay. Kill oneself: Sat than (t sat)See Suicide.
Kilesa (p): Bat tnhO nhiemDuc vong Kill one that many may live: Nhat Sat a
ImpuritiesDefilementsPassionsPhien nao, SinhGiet mot cu nhieu.
Kill ones mind: Sat tam.
nhng yeu to lam cho tam o nhiem. Phien nao co
Kill through negligence: Ngo SatGiet hai
the khi day ngay ca khi cac ieu kien cua chung
a c loai trSee Afflictions, and Klesa. chung sanh, nhng khong co y sat sinh
Kilesa parinibbana (p): Hoan toan loai tr Manslaughter.
phien nao. Killed (a): B gietB sat hai.
Kill (v): Giet chocSat sanhSee Killing. Killing: Vadha-himsa (skt)SatSee Four
Kill animals for food: Lam thtSee Killing. deadly sins, and Seven sins.
Kill anyone in training to be an arhat is (I) An overview of KillingTong quan ve
Sat sanh: Killing, one of the four grave
equal to the sin of killing an arhat: Giet bac
prohibitions or sins in Buddhism. Killing is

intentionally taking the life of any being, commands, of animal life against the less
including animals. The advice of not killing stringent commands. Suicide also leads to
challenges us to think creatively of alternate severe penalties in the next lives: Theo giao
means to resolve conflict besides violence thuyet nha Phat th giet ngi la pham trong
Giet hai chung sanh, mot trong bon trong toi gii, giet bat c loai sinh vat nao cung eu
trong Phat giao. Sat sanh la co y giet hai pham khinh gii. T van cung a en nhng
mang song cua chung sanh, ke ca thu vat. Li hnh phat nang ne trong kiep lai sanh.
khuyen khong sat sanh thach thc chung ta (III) Five conditions that are necessary to
phai sang tao ra nhng phng cach khac hn complete the evil of killingNam ieu kien
bao ong nham giai quyet nhng xung ot. can thiet e thanh lap mot nghiep sat sanh:
(II) The meanings of PanatipataNgha cua sat 1) A living being: Co mot chung sanh.
sanh: 2) Knowledge that it is a living being: Biet rang
1) One of the ten kinds of evil karma, to kill o la mot chung sanh.
living beings, to take life, kill the living, or 3) Intention of killing: Y muon giet.
any conscious being. According to The 4) Effort to kill: Co gang e giet.
Buddha and His Teaching, written by Most 5) Consequent death: Giet chet.
Venerable Narada, killing means the (IV) The consequences of killing. The gravity of
intentional destruction of any living being. the evil deed of killing depends on the
The Pali term pana strictly means the psycho- goodness and the magnitude of the being
physical life pertaining to ones particular concerned: Hau qua hay qua bao cua sat
existence. The wanton destruction of this life- sanh: Nghiep d gay ra do hanh ong sat
force, without allowing it to run its due sanh nang hay nhe tuy s quan trong cua
course, is panatipata. Pana also means that chung sanh b giet.
which breathes. Hence all animate beings, 1) The killing of a virtuous person or a big
including animals, are regarded as pana: Mot animal is regarded as more heinous than the
trong mi ac nghiep, giet hai mang song cua killing of a vicious person or a small animal,
loai hu tnh. Theo c Phat va Phat Phap because a greater effort is needed to commit
cua Hoa Thng Narada, sat sanh la co y giet the evil and the loss involved is considerably
chet mot chung sanh. Trong Phan ng, great: Giet mot bac v nhan hien c hay mot
Panatipata, pana co ngha la i song tam con thu to ln tao nghiep nang hn la giet
vat ly cua mot chung sanh. Xem thng i mot ten sat nhan hung d hay mot sinh vat be
song, tieu diet, cat t, ngan chan sc tien nho, v s co gang e thc hien hanh ong sat
cua nang lc mot i song, khong cho no tiep sanh va tai hai gay ra quan trong hn.
tuc troi chay la panatipata. Pana con co ngha 2) The evil effetcs of killing includeQua d
la cai g co hi th. Do o tat ca nhng ong cua nghiep sat sanh bao gom:
vat, ke ca loai thu, eu c xem la pana. a) Brevity of life: Yeu mang.
2) Plants are not considered as living beings as b) Ill-health: Benh hoan.
they possess no mind. Monks and nuns, c) Constant grief due to the separation from the
however, are forbidden to destroy even plant loved one: Buon rau kho nan v chia ly.
life. This rule, it may be mentioned, does not d) Luon luon lo s: Constant fear.
apply to lay-followers: Cay co khong c (V) The Buddhas teachings on Killing in the
xem la sinh vat v chung khong co phan Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve
tinh than. Tuy nhien, ch Tang Ni cung khong Sat Sanh trong Kinh Phap Cu:
c phep huy hoai i song cua cay co. 1) All tremble at sword and rod, all fear death;
Gii nay khong ap dung cho nhng c s tai comparing others with onerself, one should
gia. neither kill nor cause to kill (Dharmapada
3) According to the Buddhist laws, the taking of 129): Ai ai cung s gm ao, ai ai cung s
human life offends against the major

s chet; vay nen lay long mnh suy long advises His disciples not to kill living beings
ngi, ch giet ch bao giet. and makes it very clear that, killing living
2) All tremble at sword and rod, all love life; beings will lead to hell, to the hungry ghost or
comparing others with oneself; one should not to the animal, and the lightest evil result to be
kill nor cause to kill (Dharmapada 130): Ai ai obtained is to be reborn as human being but
cung s gm ao, ai ai cung thch c song with very short life. Moreover, killing living
con; vay nen lay long mnh suy long ngi, beings will bring up fear and hatred in the
ch giet ch bao giet. present and in the future, and pain and
3) He who takes the rod and harms a harmless suffering in mindc Phat khuyen con
person, will soon come to one of these ten ngi, nhat la Phat t khong nen sat sanh v
stages (Dharmapada 137): Neu lay ao gay chung hu tnh ai cung s anh ap giet choc,
hai ngi toan thien toan nhan, lap tc ke kia va sanh mang la ang tran quy. c Phat
phai tho lay au kho trong mi ieu. luon ton trong s song, ngay ca s song cua
4) He will be subject to cruel suffering of loai con trung va co cay. Ngai t mnh thc
infirmity, bodily injury, or serious sickness hanh khong o thc an tha cua mnh tren
(Dharmapada 138): Thong kho ve tien tai b am co xanh, hay nhan chm trong nc co
tieu mat, than the b bai hoai, hoac b trong cac loai con trung nho. c Phat khuyen cac
bnh bc bach. e t cua Ngai ch nen sat sanh. Ngai trnh
5) Or loss of mind, or oppression by the king, or bay ro rang rang sat sanh a en tai sanh
heavy accusation, or loss of family members trong a nguc, nga quy hay suc sanh, va hau
or relatives (Dharmapada (139): Hoac b tan qua nhe nhang nhat cho sat sanh la tr lai
tam loan y, hoac b vua quan ap bach, hoac b lam ngi vi tuoi tho ngan. Lai na, sat hai
vu trong toi, hoac b quyen thuoc ly tan. chung sanh em en s lo au s hai va han
6) Or destruction of wealth, or lightening fire thu trong hien tai va tng lai va lam sanh
fire burn his house, and after death will go to khi tam kho tam u.
the hell (Dharmapada 140): Hoac b tai san 2) Thus the Buddha taught lay people in the
tan nat, hoac phong oc nha ca b giac thieu Middle Length Discourses: O householder,
ot, va sau khi chet b oa vao a nguc. killing living beings, due to killing living
Killing an Araht: Th A-la-hanSee Seven beings, fear and hatred arise in the present,
deadly sins. fear and hatred will arise in the future,
Killing of living beings is to be abandoned: thereby bringing up pain and suffering in
Sat sanh can phai t boSee Eight things that mind. Refrain from killing living beings, fear
lead to the cutting off of affairs. and hatred do not arise in the present, will not
arise in the future, thereby not bringing up
Killing a master (teacher): Th A xa leGiet
pain and suffering in mind. Those who refrain
Thay day aoSee Seven deadly sins.
from killing living beings will calm down this
Killing a monk: Th TangGiet Ty kheoSee
fear and hatred.Chnh v vay ma c Phat
Seven deadly sins.
a day Phat t tai gia trong Kinh Trung Bo,
Killing or not killing: Sat sanh hay khong sat nh sau: Nay gia chu, sat sanh , do duyen sat
sanh. sanh tao ra s hai han thu ngay trong hien tai,
1) The Buddha advises people, especially s hai han thu trong tng lai, khien tam cam
Buddhist followers not to kill because all tho kho u. T bo sat sanh, khong tao ra s
sentient beings tremble at the stick, to all life hai han thu trong hien tai, khong s hai han
is dear. The Buddha has respected for life, thu trong tng lai, khong khien tam cam tho
any life, even the life of an insect or of a kho u. Ngi t bo sat sanh lam lang du s
plant. He sets himself an example, not to hai han thu nay.
throw remaining food on green vegetation, or 3) The Buddha taught Bhiksus as follows:
in the water where there are small insects. He Here, o Bhiksus, the Aryan disciple does not

kill living beings, give up killing. O Bhiksus, Chinese character, engraved in wood, has still
the Aryan disciple who gives up killing, gives been kept in the pagodaTen cua mot ngoi chua
no fear to innumerable living beings, gives no toa lac trong ap Bnh Cang, xa Bnh Thanh, huyen
hatred to innumarable living beings, gives Thu Tha, tnh Long An, Nam Viet Nam. Chua
harmlessness to innumerable living beings. Kim cang c dng len vao gia the ky th 17
Having given no fear, no hatred, and va a c trung tu nhieu lan. Trong chua hien
harmlessness to innumerable living beings, con ban Kinh Kim Cang bang ch Han c khac
the Aryan diisciple has his share in tren go.
innumerable fearlessness, in no hatred and in Kim Lien Temple: Kim Lien TName of an
harmlessness. O Bhiksus, this is first class ancient temple, located in Nghi Tam hamlet,
cherity, great charity, timeless charity that is Quang An village, T Liem disrict, Hanoi, North
not despised by reclusees and brahmanas. Vietnam. Its old name was ong Long Temple,
Ngai lai day cac e t xuat gia nh sau: built in the Tran dynasty (1225-1413) on an old
ay, nay cac Ty kheo, Thanh e t oan tan floor of a house where Princess T Hoa, King Ly
sat sanh, t bo sat sanh. Nay cac Ty kheo, Than Tongs daughter, was born. The house was
Thanh e t t bo sat sanh, em s khong s once turned into a plantation for growing mulberry
hai cho vo lng chung sanh, em s khong and silk worms. This is why the village is called
han thu cho vo lng chung sanh, em s bat Nghi Tam. In 1639, the temple was repaired and
ton hai cho vo lng chung sanh. Sau khi cho renamed ai Bi. In the thirty-second Le Canh
vo lng chung sanh khong s hai, khong han Hng year (1771), it was rebuilt again, and given
thu va bat ton hai, v ay se c san se vo the present name, Kim Lien Temple. In 1792, it
lng khong s hai, khong han thu va bat ton was restored on the larger scale and has been
hai. Nay cac Ty kheo, ay la bo th th nhat, resconstructed many times. At present, Kim Lien
la ai bo th, c biet la toi s, c biet la Temple is an architectural artistic vestige of the
lau ngay, khong b nhng Sa mon, Ba la mon Tay Sn dynasty. The three-entrance gate is of
co tr khinh thng. distinctive wooden structure styled Vietnamese
3) There are five necessary conditions to royal palace. Distinguished from the three-
complete the evil of killing Co nam ieu entrance structure are the skillfully carved
kien can thiet e tao nen nghiep sat sanh wooden bas-reliefs representing the image of
See Killing (III). flowers and dragonsTen cua mot ngoi chua co,
Killing ones father: Th phuGiet chaSee toa lac trong lang Nghi Tam, xa Quang An, huyen
Seven deadly sins. T Lien, Ha Noi, Bac Viet Nam. Nguyen xa la
Killing ones mother: Th mauGiet meSee chua ong Long, dng t thi nha Tran (1225-
Seven deadly sins. 1413) tren mot nen nha cu, ni cong chua T
Killing oneself: T TanSee Suicide. Hoa, con gai vua Ly Than Tong ra i. Ve sau
cho nay lap trai trong dau nuoi tam nen goi la
Killing a sentient being means killing the
lang Nghi Tam. Nam 1639, chua c tu s lai,
live of a future Buddha for all sentient
goi la chua ai Bi, en nam Le Canh Hng th
beings have a common Buddha Nature: Giet 32 (1771), lai c trung tu, va chua c mang
mot chung sanh la giet i s song cua mot v Phat ten Kim Lien t o. Vao nam 1792, chua lai c
tng lai v tat ca chung sanh eu co Phat Tanh. trung tu va nhieu lan ve sau nay na. Chua hien
Kim Cang Temple: Chua Kim CangKim nay c coi nh la di san kien truc thi Tay Sn.
Cang TName of a pagoda located in Bnh Cong tam quan cua chua co kien truc go oc ao,
Cang hamlet, Bnh Thanh village, Thu Tha m dang ve cung nh. Noi bac con co nhng
district, Long An province, South Vietnam. Kim bc cham tro hnh rong va hoa noi tren mat go
Cang Pagoda was built in the middle of the het sc tinh xao.
nineteenth century and has been rebuilt many Kim Lien Tich Truyen Zen Master: Thien S
times. The copies of the Diamond Sutra in Kim Lien Tch TruyenZen Master Kim Lien

Tch Truyen (1745-1816)A Vietnamese Zen three-entrance gate, restored the screen wall,
master from Thng Phc, North Vietnam. He giving the temple a more impressive appearance.
left home and stayed at Van Trai Temple when he Kim Quang temple was closely linked with the
was very young. Later he went to Lien Tong maternal family of king Thanh Thai. Portraits of
Temple and became a disciple of Zen Master T king Thanh Thai and king Duy Tan were
Phong Hai Quynh. He spent most of his life to positioned on the altar in the back room of the
expand the Buddha Dharma in North Vietnam. He temple. Kim Quang temple is also a souvenir to
passed away in 1816, at the age of 70Thien s the above two patriotic kingsTen cua mot ngoi
Kim Lien, ngi Viet Nam, que Thng Phc, chua co Hue, Trung Viet. Kim Quang ban au
Bac Viet. Ngai xuat gia t thu be tai chua Van co ten la Tng Quang, la mot ngoi chua do d
Trai. Sau do ngai en chua Lien Tong va tr cua Vua Thanh Thai la ba Nguyen Th Lu xay
thanh e t cua ngai T Phong Hai Quynh. Hau dng nam 1871. Bon nam sau khi len ngoi, vua
het cuoc i ngai hoang phap tai mien Bac Viet Thanh Thai a sac t bien ngach oi ten la Kim
Nam. Ngai th tch nam 1816, tho 70 tuoi. Quang T, va cap tien e phung th tien to.
Kimmei (jap): Hoang e Kham Minh (Nhat Hoang Thai Hau T Minh, than mau cua vua
Ban). Thanh Thai ban tien e thep vang tng Phat va
Kimnara: Kimnara (skt)Khan na la (nhan phi m rong nha Tang cung nh hau lieu. Sau cn
nhan)Non-Human AngelsA being resembling bao lch s nam 1904, chua b h hai nang, nen
to a human being, but not a human being. A kind nha vua cap tien trung tu, qui mo chua lai mot lan
of mythical celestial musician. It has the na oi mi. Nam 1962, s Bch Phong chua Qui
appearance of humans but possessing parts of Thien on oc trung tu. Nam 1963 s Toan Lac
animals, with a one-horn horse-like head, and a xay cong tam quan, trung tu bnh phong, lam cho
body like that of human. The males sing and the canh chua tr nen uy nghi hn. Chua Kim Quang
females danceNhn phi nhn, mot chung sanh gan lien vi ho ngoai cua vua Thanh Thai. Anh
tng t nh con ngi, nhng khong phai la con cua hai v vua Thanh Thai va Duy Tan a c
ngi. ay la loai chung sanh thien nhac, co dang th tren an th pha sau chua. Chua Kim Quang la
ve nh ngi nhng lai co cac bo phan trong c ni lu niem cua hai v vua yeu nc.
the cua loai thu, au co mot sng, va co than Kim Son Temple: Kim Sn TName of an
ngi, loai giong c ca va loai giong cai nhay ancient temple in Hue, Central Vietnam. The
mua. temple was first named Bu Sn, then Ngoc Sn.
Kim Quang Temple: Kim Quang TName of No one knows when the temple was built;
an ancient temple in Hue, Central Vietnam. The however, there is still a stele of the temple
temples original name was Tng Quang. It was positioned in the yard of the Museum of Historic
built in 1871 by one of king Thanh Thais aunts, Antiques of Hue which dated 1667. In 1904, a big
Mrs. Nguyen Th Lu. In 1892, four years after storm badly damaged the temple. In 1908, king
he came to the throne, king Thanh Thai officially Duy Tan ordered to dismantle the temple and to
recognized the temple and renamed it Kim transfer Buddha statues and ritual instruments to
Quang, and allotted land for the use of the temple Thien Mu temple. On the old side, only a worhsip
to keep up worship services. The T Minh, the house was built for the worship of the dead
kings mother, granted money for the statues to be monks. In the 1970s, the temple was rebuilt on the
gilted and the staff house as well as the house the round hill at Bao Hu village, at one end of a
enlarged. After the historic storm in 1904, the range of low hills west of HueTen mot ngoi
temple was badly damaged, so the king granted chua co Hue, Trung Viet. Kim Sn trc ay
money for an overall reconstruction. The structure ten la Bu Sn, roi Ngoc Sn. Khong ai biet chua
of the temple once more changed for the better. In c xay dng t i nao, nhng hien nay tai san
1962, Venerable Bich Phong from Qui Thien Bao Tang Co Vat Hue van con mot tam bia a
temple supervised the reconstruction of the chua Bu Sn e nam 1667. Nam 1904, cn bao
temple. In 1963, Venerable Toan Lac built the ln a lam cho chua sup o. Qua nam 1908, vua

Duy Tan cho em tng Phat va phap kh ve chua Ngay nay, du chua a trai qua nhieu cuoc trung tu
Thien Mu. Tren nen cu ch dng lai mot nha t nhng van gi c net kien truc co knh.
ng e th nhng v Tang qua co. Vao khoang Kind (a): Co long t tamGenerousKind-
cuoi thap nien 1970s, chua c tai thiet, van toa heartedBe kind to others: An tot vi ngi
lac tren ngon oi tron thuoc lang Bao Hu, cuoi khac.
mot day oi thap ve pha tay cua Hue. Kind father makes a filial son: Cha nhan t
Kim Tien Temple: Kim Tien TName od an sanh con hieu thao (Phu t t hieu).
old temple in Hue, Central Vietnam. Though it is Kind heart: T TamMot trong T Vo Lng
not a temple that has relations with a certain Tam, cai tam muon mang lai cho tha nhan niem
venerable patriarch of a Buddhist sect, Kim Tien an lacOne of the four immeasurables, a
was one of the oldest temples in Hue. Most compassionate heart. **See Four immeasureable
Venerable Bch Phong was the first monk who minds.
rebuilt the temple in the seventeenth century.
Kind-Hearted Ghost King: T Tam Quy
Sometime later, the temple became a ruin, only a
VngOne who leads other ghosts to resolve
thatched small temple survived. In the middle of
their thoughts on enlightenment.
King Gia Long' reign, Most Venerable c Hoa
Kind Sir!: Nhan gia! (Luc To Hue Nang thng
ao Thanh rehabilitated the thatched temple in a
dung t nay e goi ngi oi dien).
small structure. Several decades later, during the
reign of king T c, the temple was rebuilt on a Kindliness: Loving-kindnessLong t.
larger scale by Most Venerable Tanh Thong Nhat Kindness (n): Kind heartLong hao tamNhan
Tr, who was a royal-recognized monk of Thien hauNhan tNhan ai.
Mu Temple. In 1888, with the help of Most Kindness and affection: An ngha.
Venerable Dieu Giac, Most venerable Tam Chnh Kindness and hospitality: Long t te va hieu
Hai T rebuilt the temple again. In 1930, Most khach.
Venerable Thanh c Tam Khoan, a royal- Kindly father of the triple world: The
recognized monk from Dieu e temple rebuilt the BuddhaTam gii t phu, c Phat.
temple again. Though it has been rebuilt so many Kindly talk: Priyavacana (skt) Kind speech, or
times, it still maintains its ancient architectural
pleasant wordsAffectionate speechKind
styleTen cua mot ngoi chua co Hue, Trung
communicationKind words which help beings
Viet. Tuy khong phai la to nh cua mot he phai
love and receive the truthAi Ng Nhiep hay tuy
nao nhng chua Kim Tien la mot ngoi chua c
theo can tanh cua chung sanh ma dung li le tot
xay dng rat sm Hue. Hoa Thng Bch Phong
lanh e dan dat ho vao con ng ao cSee
la v s au tien trung tu chua Kim Tien vao
Four elements of popularity.
khoang the ky 17. Sau o chua tr thanh phe tch,
Kindness of heart: Nhan ai.
ch con la mot mai thao am. en khoang gia
trieu Gia Long, Hoa Thng c Hoa tai thiet lai Kindred: Ba conRelatives.
mai thao am. May mi nam sau, di trieu T Kindred spirits: Tam tam tng an hay tam au
c, chua c Hoa Thng Thanh Thong Nhat y hp (long in long hay mieng cha noi ma y a
Tr, mot Tang Cang cua trieu nh tai chua Thien hieu nhau. ay la mot loi truyen thu trong Phat
Mu trung tu chua tren qui mo rong ln hn, va giao).
giao cho Hoa Thng Tam Chnh Hai T tru tr. King: Quoc VngA king or a princeOne
Nam 1888, Hoa Thng Hai T vi s tr giup who has attained to his present high estate
cua Hoa Thng Dieu Giac a tai thiet ngoi chua consequent on keeping all the ten commandments
lan na. Nam 1930, chua c Hoa Thng in a previous incarnationQuoc vng hay Thai
Thanh c Tam Khoan, Tang Cang chua Dieu t, ngi c phc bao cao trong hien tai nh
e trung tu lan na. Sau o Hoa Thng Hng tien kiep tu tr thap thien.
Man Trng Gia trung tu lai chanh ien, tai thiet King Adorned With Lapus Lazuli Buddha:
phng trng, xay dng lai Tang xa, hau lieu. Phat Lu Ly Trang Nghiem Vng.

King Ajatasattu: Vua A Xa TheSee c Phat la mot v Phap Vng (Vua cua cac
Ajatasatru. phap).
King of Asura: Rahu or Rahu atula (skt)La King of devaloka: Thien e ThchSakrae
hauA kind of demon. Thch ThienTri e Thch, v chua te cua cung
King with the awe-inspiring voice: tri ao Li cung ho vi Phat Thch Ca.
Bhismagarjita-ghosasvara-raja (skt)Oai Am King of the dragon:
VngUy Am VngThe king with the awe- 1) Mucilinda (skt)Chan lien aSee
inspiring voice, the name of countless Buddhas Mucillinda.
successively appearing during the empty kalpa. 2) Upananda-naga-raja (skt)Bat Nan a Long
According to the Lotus sutra, this is the name of vng.
countless Buddhas successively appearing during 3) Vasuki-Nagaraja (skt)Hoa tu cat Long
the degenerating kalpaCon goi la Uy Am vng.
Vng Phat vi am thanh vi dieu, ten cua vo King of enlightenment: Enlightened king
lng c Phat xuat hien thi Khong Kiep (cac Giac vng.
ngai th hien lam sang to ngha thc te vi am King-feast: Vng ThienA royal feast
thanh vi dieu cua cac ngai). Theo kinh Phap Hoa, referred to in the Lotus Sutra, where the hungry
ay la ten cua nhng v Phat lien tiep xuat hien people feared to accept the Kings feast till he
trong thi mat kiep. came himself and called them, such as the feast of
King in beggars clothing: V hoang e trong y Buddhahood and the Buddhas callBa tiec
phuc ngi hanh khat. hoang gia c Phat noi en trong Kinh Phap
King Bimbisara: Vua Tan Ba Sa LaSee Hoa, nhng ngi oi chang dam an cho en khi
Bimbisara. nao ch than nha vua en keu ho an, cung nh
King of birds: Garuda or Garula (skt)Dragon- Phat qua va li keu goi cua Phat.
devouring birdKim X ieuSee Garuda and King of Gandharvas: Manodijnasvara (skt)
Garuda-raja. Nhac Am Can That Ba VngThe king of
King Blazing Red Imperial Banner Buddha: Gandharvas, named Citraratha, but translated as
Phat Hong Diem e Trang Vng. Druma, a treeVua cua cac v nhac Than cua
vua tri e ThchSee Gandharva.
King of the bodhi of the Pure Land: Lord
AmitabhaCu Pham Giac VngVua Bo e KingsGandharva Kings (The Flower
ni coi Tnh o. Adornment SutraChapter 1): Can Thac Ba
Kings Book of records: Thanh ang Luc. Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)They all
had deep faith and appreciation of the great
King of bulls: Ngu VngA term applied to
teaching, rejoiced in it and respected it, and
the BuddhaT ng am ch c Phat.
diligently practiced it tirelesslyCac Can Thac
King of celestial musicians: Tr Quoc Thien
Ba Vng nay eu tin hieu sau xa oi vi ai
VngDhrtarastra (skt)Dhatarattha (p)
phap, hoan hy knh men sieng nang tu tap chang
Eastern Heaven KingDeva who rules over the
moi nham:
Gandhabbas and keeps his kingdom (white
1) Sustaining the Nation: Tr Quoc Can Thac Ba
color)ong thien vng (a La Tra) cai quan
Can That Ba (nhng v tri nhac s)See Four
2) Tree Light: Tho Quang Vng.
Heavenly (Guardian) Kings.
3) Clear Eyes: Tnh Muc Vng.
King of devas: T Tai ThienSee Isvaradeva. 4) Flower Crown: Hoa Quang Vng.
King of the demons: Quy vng. 5) Universal Sound: Pho Am Vng.
King Demon-Horde-Subduer Buddha: Phat 6) Joyously Moving Beautiful Eyes: Nhao Dieu
Hang Phuc Chung Ma Vng. ong Dieu Muc Vng.
King of the Dharma: Dharma KingPhap 7) Wondrous Sound Lion Banner: Dieu Am S
VngThe Buddha is King of the Dharma T Trang Vng.

8) Universally Emitting Jewel Light: Pho Phong King-goose with a mixture of milk and
Bu Quang Minh Vng. water: Nga Vng Biet NhuA king-goose is
9) Diamond Tree Flower Banner: Kim Cang reputed to be able to absorb the milk from a
Tho Hoa Trang Vng. mixture of milk and water, leaving the water
10) Joyfully Causing Adornment to Appear behind, so with a bodhisattva and truthTrong
Everywhere: Nhao Pho Hien Quang Nghiem mot hp chat nc va sa, th vua cua loai ngong
Vng. co the ch uong chat sa, con bo nc lai, dung
KingsGaruda Kings (The Flower hnh anh nay e v vi v Bo Tat ch tham nhuan
Adornment SutraChapter 1): Ca Lau La chn ly Phat va bo i nhng th tap nhap khac.
Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)They had King of the grievous river: S Giang Vng
already perfected the power of great skill in Vua cua a nguc th nh trong thap ien a
expedient methods of liberation and were able to ngucThe second of the ten rulers of Hades.
rescue all beingsCac Ca Lau La Vng nay King of Hell: Diem Vng.
eu a thanh tu sc phng tien ln, co the cu 1) Raja (skt): Minh VngFierce spirits who
ho tat ca chung sanh: are the messengers and manifestation of
1) Power of Great Swiftness: ai Toc Tat Lc Vairocanas wrath against evil spiritsCac
Vng. Minh Vng than giao lenh, nhan giao lenh
2) Unbreakable Jewel Topknot: Vo Nang Hoai cua c Ty Lo Gia Na, hien Phan No than
Bao Cai Vng. e hang phuc chung ma.
3) Pure Speed: Thanh Tnh Toc Tat Vng. 2) Yama-raja (skt): Diem VngGod Yama
4) Nonregressing Mind: Tam Bat Thoi Chuyen Con goi la Diem La, Diem Ma Vng, Diem
Vng. Ma La, Diem Lao, hay Diem La Vng.
5) Sustaining Power in the Ocean: ai Hai X
King of the hell of the Black-Rope: Tong e
Nhiep Tr Lc Vng.
VngThe third of the ten rules of Hades, who
6) Steady Pure Light: Kien Co Tnh Quang
presides over the KalasutraV chua nguc th ba
trong thap ien nguc vng, cai quan Hac
7) Artistically Decorated Crown Topknot: Xao
Thang a nguc.
nghiem Quang Ke Vng.
King of Jewel-Lotuses: ai Bao Hoa Vng
8) Immediate Manifestation Everywhere: Pho
King of Jewel-lotuses (the finest of such gem-
Thiep Th Hien Vng.
9) Surveying the Ocean: Pho Quan Hai Vng.
10) Universal Sound and Broad Eyes: Pho Am KingsKinnara Kings (The Flower
Quang Muc Vng. Adornment SutraChapter 1): Khan Na La
King of gods: Sakra-devanam (skt)Nang Vng (Kinh Hoa NghimPham 1)They all
Thien ee ThchSee Indra. made diligent efforts, contemplating all things,
their minds always blissful, roaming freelyCac
King-goose: Raja-hamsa (skt)Nga Vng.
Khan Na La Vng nay eu sieng nang tinh tan
1) The king-goose, leader of the flight, i.e.
quan tat ca phap, long thng khoai lac du h t
Buddha, one of whose thirty-two marks is
webbed hands and feet: Nga vng c so
1) Heaven of Light of Refined Intellect: Thien
sanh vi c Phat, trong 32 tng tot cua
Hue Quang Minh Thien Vng.
Phat la tay chan man vong tng hay co
2) Exquisite Flower Banner: Dieu Hoa Trang
tng li an (gia cac ngon chan va tay
cua c Phat co mang li an lien giong
3) Various Adornments: Chung chung Trang
nh chan cua loai ngong.
Nghiem Vng.
2) The walk of a Buddha is dignified like that of
4) Pleasing Sound: Duyet Y Hong Thinh Vng.
the goose: Tng i uy nghi cua c Phat
5) Jewel Tree Light: Bu Tho Quang Minh
giong nh loai ngong.

6) Delight to the Beholder: Kien Gia Han Lac 3) Adornment of Supreme Wisdom: Thang Hue
Vng. Trang Nghiem Ke Vng.
7) Adornment of Supreme Light: Toi Thang 4) Lord of Sublime Eyes: Dieu Muc Chu Vng.
Quang Trang Nghiem Vng. 5) Lamp like Banner Refuge of the Masses: Nh
8) Delicate Flower Banner: Vi Dieu Hoa Trang ang Trang Vi Chung S Quy Vng.
Vng. 6) Supreme Light Banner: Toi Thang Quang
9) Earth-Shaking Power: ong a Lc Vng. Minh Trang Vng.
10) Conquering Evil Beings: Nhiep Phuc Ac 7) Lion Guts: S T c Vng.
Chung Vng. 8) Sound Adorned by Myriad Subtleties: Chung
KingsKumbanda Kings (The Flower Dieu Trang Nghiem Am Vng.
Adornment SutraChapter 1): Cu Ban Tra 9) Stable as a Polar Mountain: Tu Di Kien Co
Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)They all Vng.
diligently practiced and studied the teachings of 10) Delightful Light: Kha Ai Nhao Quang Minh
freedom from impediment, and emitted great Vng.
lightCac Cu Ban Tra Vng nay eu sieng tu King-Master-Father: Quan S Phu (Vua-Thay
hoc phap mon vo ngai, phong quang minh ln: va Cha).
1) Increase: Tang Trng Vng. King of merciful virtue: See T Lc Vng.
2) Dragon Lord: Long Chua Vng. KingsNaga Kings (The Flower
3) Banner of Adornments of Goodness: Thien Adornment SutraChapter 1): ai Long
Trang Nghiem Trang Vng. Vng (Kinh Hoa nghiemPham 1)They all
4) Universally Beneficial Action: Pho Nhieu ch worked hard making clouds and spreading rain to
Hanh Vng. cause the heat and afflictions of all beings to
5) Most Fearsome: Tham Kha Bo Uy Vng. vanishCac Long Vng nay eu sieng nang
6) Handsome with Beautiful Eyes: My Muc keo may ri ma lam tieu tr nhiet nao cua
Trang Nghiem Vng. chung sanh:
7) High Peak Intellect: Cao Phong Hue Vng. 1) Virupaksha: Ty Lau Bat Xoa Vng.
8) Brave and Strong Arm: Dung Kien Ty 2) Shakra: Ta Kiet La Vng.
Vng. 3) Subtle Banner of Cloud Sounds: Van Am
9) Boundless Pure Flower Eyes: Vo Bien Tnh Dieu Trang Vng.
Hoa Nhan Vng. 4) c Xoa Ca Vng.
10) Enormous Godlike Face with Titans Eyes: 5) Flaming Mouth Ocean Light: Diem Khau Hai
Quang ai Thien Dieu A-Tu-La Nhan Quang Vng.
Vng. 6) Ubiquitous High Cloud Banner: Pho Cao Van
King Lions Roar And Power Of Self- Trang Vng.
Mastery Buddha: Phat S T Hau T Tai Lc 7) Unbounded Steps: Vo Bien Bo Vng.
Vng. 8) Pure Form: Thanh Tnh Sac Vng.
KingsMahoraga Kings (The Flower 9) Great Sound Traveling Everywhere: Pho Van
Adornment SutraChapter 1): Ma Hau La ai Thinh Vng.
Gia Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)They 10) No Heat or Torment: Vo Nhiet Nao Vng.
all diligently cultivated great and extensive skills KingsTitan Kings (The Flower
in method to cause sentient beings to forever tear Adornment SutraChapter 1): A-Tu-La
apart the net of ignoranceCac Ma Hau La Gia Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)They had
Vng nay eu sieng tu tap phng tien rong ln all worked energetically to conquer pride and
lam cho chung sanh dt han ngu si: other afflictionsCac A-Tu-La vng nay eu a
1) Beneficent Wisdom: Thien Hue Vng. sieng nang xo dep nga man va nhng phien nao:
2) Pure Dignified Sound: Thanh Tnh Oai Am 1) Rahula: La Hau La Vng.
Vng. 2) Bhimacitta: Ty Ma Chat a La Vng.

3) Skillful Magical Arts: Xao Huyen Thuat v tri cua An o thi co. Vua coi tri chien
Vng. au chong lai ma quy bang kim cang chuy.
4) Great Following: ai Quyen Thuoc Vng. Phat giao xem v nay nh la v tri ho phap,
5) Great Strength: ai Lc Vng. thap hn Phat va cac v a chng ngo Bo e.
6) Universal Shining: Bien Chieu Vng. Kings of Heavens of Enjoyment of
7) Wonderful Adornment of Firm Action: Kien Emanations (The Flower Adornment
Co Hanh Dieu Trang Nghiem Vng.
SutraChapter 1): Hoa Lac Thien Vng
8) Vast causal Wisdom: Quang ai Nhn Hue
(Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)All of them
worked diligently to tame living beings and
9) Manifesting Superior Qualities: Xuat Hien
enable them to attain liberationCh Thien
Thang c Vng.
Vng nay eu sieng ieu phuc tat ca chung sanh
10) Sublime Voice: Dieu Hao Am Thinh Vng.
khien cho ho c giai thoat:
KingsYaksha Kings (The Flower 1) Skillful Transformation and Emanation: Thien
Adornment SutraChapter 1): Da Xoa Bien Hoa Thien Vng.
Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)They all 2) Light of Silent Sound: Tch Tnh Am Quang
strived to guard and protect all living beingsCac Minh Thien Vng.
Da Xoa Vng nay eu sieng thu ho tat ca chung 3) Light of the Power of Transformation and
sanh: Emanation: Bien Hoa Lc Quang Minh Thien
1) Vaishravana: Ty Sa Mon Vng. Vng.
2) Independent Sound: T Tai Am Vng. 4) Master of Adornment: Trang Nghiem Chu
3) Solemn Weapon Bearer: Nghiem Tr Kh Thien Vng.
Trng Vng. 5) Light of Mindfulness: Niem Quang Thien
4) Great Wisdom: ai Tr Hue Vng. Vng.
5) Lord of Flaming Eyes: Diem Nhan Chu 6) Supreme Cloud Sound: Toi Thng Van Am
Vng. Thien Vng.
6) Adamantine Eye: Kim Cang Nhan Vng. 7) Supreme Light of Myriad Subtleties: Chung
7) Arm of Courage and Strength: Dung Kien Ty Dieu Toi Thang Quang Thien Vng.
Vng. 8) Exquisite Topknot Light: Dieu Ke Quang
8) Bravely Resisting General: Dung ch ai Minh Thien Vng.
Quan Vng. 9) Perfect Joy and Intellect: Thanh Tu Hy Hue
9) Rich in Material Goods: Phu T Tai Vng. Thien Vng.
10) Power to Smash High Mountains: Lc Hoai 10) Flower Light Topknot: Hoa Quang Ke Thien
Ca Sn Vng. Vng.
King-goose: Nga VngSee Raja-hamsa. Kings of Heavens of Free Enjoyment of
King of heaven: Emperor of heavenThien e. Others Emanations (The Flower
1) Emperor of Heaven: Vua cua coi Tri. Adornment SutraChapter 1): Tha Hoa T
2) Indra: Nhan a La: Thch CaThch Ca Tai Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)
BaSee Indra. All of them diligently practiced and studied the
3) Sakra, king of the devaloka. One of the vast and great teaching of independent in means
ancient gods of India, the god of the sky who of liberationCh Thien Vng nay eu sieng tu
fights the demons with his vajra or tap phap mon rong ln phng tien t tai:
thunderbolt. He is inferior to the trimurti, 1) Sovereign Freedom: ac T Tai Thien
Brahma, Visnu, and Siva, having taken the Vng.
place of Varuna or sky. Buddhism adopted 2) Sublime Eye Lord: Dieu Muc Chu Thien
him as its defender, though, like all the gods, Vng.
he is considered inferior to a Buddha or any 3) Beautiful Crown Banner: Dieu Quang Trang
who have attained bodhi: Vua Tri e Thch, Thien Vng.
vua cua cung tri ao Li, mot trong nhng

4) Courageous Intelligence: Dong Manh Hue T Tai Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham
Thien Vng. 1)All of them diligently contemplated the truth
5) Wonderful Sound Phrases: Dieu Am Cu of formlessness, and their actions were all
Thien Vng. equanimous and impartialCh Thien Vng
6) Subtle Light Banner: Dieu Quang Trang nay eu sieng quan sat phap vo tng, cho thc
Thien Vng. hanh bnh ang:
7) Gate of the Realm of Peace: Tch Tnh Canh 1) Seas of Subtle Flames: Dieu Diem Hai Thien
Gii Mon Thien Vng. VngA king of a heaven of great
8) Array of Splendid Disc Banner: Dieu Luan freedom, who found the door of liberation
Trang Nghiem Trang Thien Vng. through the tranquilityand practical power of
9) Flower Grove Independent Intellect: Hoa Nh the realm of space and the cosmosV Thien
Hue T Tai Thien Vng. Vng c giai thoat mon co sc phng
10) Light of Beautiful Adornments of the Power tien tch tnh khap phap gii h khong gii.
of Indra: Nhn a La Lc Dieu Trang 2) Light of the Name of Freedom: T Tai Danh
Nghiem Quang Minh Thien Vng. Xng Quang Thien VngWho gained the
Kings of HeavensKings of the Great door of liberation through freely observing all
Brahma Heavens (The Flower Adornment thingsV Thien Vng c giai thoat mon
quan sat khap tat ca phap eu t tai.
SutraChapter 1): ai Pham Thien Vng
3) Eye of Pure Virtues: Thanh Tnh Cong c
(Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)All of them had
Nhan Thien VngWho found the door of
great compassion and took pity on living beings;
liberation of effortless action knowing that all
unfolding light that illumined everywhere, they
things are not born, do not perish, and do not
caused them to be joyful and blissfulCh Thien
come or goV Thien Vng c giai thoat
Vng nay eu u ai t thng xot chung sanh,
mon biet tat ca phap vo tng, khong sanh
phong quang chieu khap lam cho chung sanh eu
diet, vo cong dung hanh, khong lai kh.
vui ep:
4) Enjoyable Great Intelligence: Kha Ai Nhao
1) Shikhin: Thi Kh Thien Vng.
ai Hue Thien VngWho found the door
2) Light of Wisdom: Hue Quang Thien
of liberation through the ocean of wisdom
directly perceiving the real character of all
3) Radiance of Beneficent Wisdom: Thien Hue
thingsV Thien Vng c giai thoat mon
Quang Minh Thien Vng.
bien tr hue hien thay thc tng cua ch
4) Sound of Ubiquitous Clouds: Pho Van Am
Thien Vng.
5) Freedom of Immutable Light: Bat ong
5) Independent Observer of the Sounds of
Quang T Tai Thien VngWho found the
Speech of the Worlds: Quan The Am Ngon
door of liberation through the great practical
T Tai Thien Vng.
concentration of bestowing boundless peace
6) Eyes of Still Light: Tch Tnh Quang Minh
and happiness on living beingsV Thien
Nhan Thien Vng.
Vng c giai thoat mon ai nh phng
7) All-Pervading Light: Quang Bien Thap
tien em lai vo bien s an lac cho chung
Phng Thien Vng.
8) Sound of Magical Displays: Bien Hoa Am
6) Eyes of Sublime Adornments: Dieu Trang
Thien Vng.
nghiem Nhan Thien VngWho found the
9) Eyes of Shining Light: Quang Minh Chieu
door of liberation through causing observation
Dieu Nhan Thien Vng.
of the truth of nullity and annihilating all
10) Pleasing Ocean Sound: Duyet Y Hai Am
ignorance and fearV Thien Vng c
Thien Vng.
giai thoat mon quan sat phap tch tnh dt
Kings of Heavens of Great Freedom (The
nhng si me bo uy.
Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1): ai

7) Light of Skillful Meditation: Thien T Duy 6) Sound of Skillful Meditation: Thien T Duy
Quang Minh Thien VngWho found the Am Thien Vng.
door of liberation through entering infinite 7) Universal Sound Illuminating Everywhere:
realms without producing any activity of Pho Am Bien Chieu Thien Vng.
thought about existentsV Thien Vng 8) Most Profound Light Sound: Tham Tham
c giai thoat mon cong hanh t duy kheo Quang Am Thien Vng.
vao vo bien canh gii chang khi tat ca coi 9) Pure Name Light: Vo Cau Xng Quang Minh
hu lau. Thien Vng.
8) Delightful Great Knowledge: Kha Ai Nhao 10) Supreme Pure Knowledge Light: Toi Thang
ai Tr Thien VngWho found the door of Tnh Hue Quang Thien Vng.
liberation by going everywhere in the ten Kings of Heavens of the Suyama (heavens)
directions to preach the truth, yet without (The Flower Adornment SutraChapter
moving and without relying on anythingV
1): Da Ma Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa Nghiem
Thien Vng c giai thoat mon en thuyet
Pham 1)All of them diligently cultivated great
phap khap mi phng, nhng van bat ong,
roots of goodness, and their minds were always
vo s y.
joyful and contentCh Thien Vng nay eu
9) Universal Sound Array Banner: Pho Am
sieng nang tu tap can lanh rong ln, thng co
Trang Nghiem Trang Thien VngWho
long hy tuc:
found the door of liberation by entry into the
1) Timely Portion: Thien Thi Phan
Buddhas realm of tranquility and everywhee
manifesting great lightV Thien Vng
2) Delightful Light: Kha Ai Nhao Quang Minh
c giai thoat mon vao canh gii tch tnh,
Thien Vng.
khap hien quang minh cua Phat.
3) Banner of Inexhaustible Wisdom and Virtue:
10) Light of Fame of extreme Exertion: Cc Tinh
Vo Tan Hue Cong c Trang Thien Vng.
Tan danh Xng Quang Thien VngWho
4) Skilled in Miraculous Displays: Thien Bien
found the door of liberation by abiding in his
Hoa oan Nghiem Thien Vng.
own enlightenment, yet having an infinitely
5) Great Light of Memory Power: Tong Tr ai
broad perspectiveV Thien Vng c
Quang Minh Thien Vng.
giai thoat mon an tru ni cho t ngo, ma dung
6) Inconceivable Wisdom: Bat T Ngh Tr Hue
vo bien canh gii rong ln lam canh s
Thien Vng.
7) Circular Navel: Luan Te Thien Vng.
Kings of Heavens in which Light is used for 8) Light Flames: Quang Diem Thien Vng.
Sound (The Flower Adornment Sutra 9) Illumination: Quang Chieu Thien Vng.
Chapter 1): Quang Am Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa 10) Greatly Famed for Universal Observation:
NghiemPham 1)All of them dwell in the Pho Quan Sat ai Danh Xng Thien Vng.
unhindered state of great peace, tranquility, joy Kings of HeavensKings of Thirty-Three
and blissCh Thien Vng nay eu an tru ni Heavens (The Flower Adornment Sutra
phap mon hy lac, tch tnh rong ln vo ngai:
Chapter 1): ao Li Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa
1) Pleasing Light: Kha Ai Nhao Quang Minh
NghiemPham 1)All of them strived to bring
Thien Vng.
forth great works in all worldsCh Thien Vng
2) Pure Subtle Light: Thanh Tnh Dieu Quang
nay eu sieng phat khi phc nghiep rong ln
Thien Vng.
cua tat ca the gian:
3) Sound of Freedom: Nang T Tai Am Thien
1) Shakra-Indra: Thch Ca Nhn a La Thien
4) Supreme Awareness and Knowledge: Toi
2) Everywhere Intoning Fulsome Sound: Pho
Thang Niem Tr Thien Vng.
Xng Man Am Thien Vng.
5) Delightful Pure Subtle Sound: Kha Ai Nhao
Thanh Tnh Dieu Am Thien Vng.

3) Kind Eyes Jewel Topknot: T Muc Bu Ke 5) Pleasing beautiful Eyes: Kha Ai Nhao Dieu
Thien Vng. Muc Thien Vng.
4) Jewel Light Banner Fame: Bu Quang Trang 6) Clear Moon on a Jewel Peak: Bu Phong
Danh Xng Thien Vng. Tnh Nguyet Thien Vng.
5) Joy-Producing Topknot: Phat sanh Hy Lac Ke 7) Supreme Courage and Strength: Toi Thang
Thien Vng. Dung Kien Lc Thien Vng.
6) Admirable Right Mindfulness: Kha Ai Nhao 8) Subtle Diamond Light: Kim Cang Dieu
Chanh Niem Thien Vng. Quang Minh Thien Vng.
7) Suprem Sound of the Polar Mountain: Tu Di 9) Constellation Array Banner: Tinh Tu Trang
Thang Am Thien Vng. Nghiem Trang Thien Vng.
8) Perfect Mindfulness: Thanh Tu Niem Thien 10) Pleasing Adornment: Kha Ai Nhao Trang
Vng. nghiem Thien Vng.
9) Pleasing Flower Pure Light: Kha Ai Nhao Kings of Heavens of Universal Purity (The
Tnh Hoa Quang Thien Vng. Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1): Bien
10) Independent Light Able to Enlighten: T Tai Tnh Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham
Quang Minh Nang Giac Ngo Thien Vng. 1)They were all already abiding securely in the
King of all ideas or aims: ai Ngha Vng. great teaching and worked diligently to benefit all
King Krta of Kashmere: Cat Li a Vng worldsCh Thien Vng nay eu a an tru
King Krta of Kashmere, whose descendants were phap mon rong ln, sieng lam li ch cho the gian:
opposed to Buddhism; they were dethroned by 1) Pure reputation: Thanh Tnh Danh Xng
Kaniska, who restored Buddhism; but later the Thien Vng.
royal regained the throne and drove out the 2) Supreme Vision: Toi Thang Kien Thien
Buddhist monksVua Cat Li a, ma con chau Vng.
cua ong sau nay chong oi Phat giao, b Ca Nh 3) Virtue of Tranquility: Tch Tnh c Thien
Sac Gia (Kaniska) lat o e hoi phuc Phat giao Vng.
trong vng quoc, nhng ve sau nay th con chau 4) Sound of the Polar Mountain: Tu Di Am
cua dong Cat Li a khoi phuc ngai vang va uoi Thien Vng.
ch Tang i. 5) Eye of Pure Mindfulness: Tnh Niem Nhan
King of Kindness and Strength Buddha: Thien Vng.
Phat T Lc Vng. 6) Lord of World Sovereign: The Gian T Tai
King of maras: Ma VngSee Mara-raja. Chua Thien Vng.
7) Light Flame Sovereign: Quang Diem T Tai
King of the Ten Vows: Samantabhadra (skt)
Thien Vng.
Thap Nguyen VngSee Ten vows of respects
8) Enjoyer of Meditation on the Truth and
of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.
Creating Demonstrations: Nhao T Duy Phap
Kings of the Tushita Heavens (The Flower
Bien Hoa Thien Vng.
Adornment SutraChapter 1): au Suat 9) Baner of Miraculous Displays: Bien Hoa
Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa NghiemPham 1)All Trang Thien Vng.
of them diligently kept in mind the names and 10) Exquisite Array of Constellation Sound: Tinh
epithets of the BuddhasCh Thien Vng nay Tu Am Dieu Trang nghiem Thien Vng.
eu sieng tr niem danh hieu cua tat ca ch Phat:
Kings of Heavens of Vast Results (The
1) Contented: Tri Tuc Thien Vng.
Flower Adornment SutraChapter 1):
2) Ocean Bliss Topknot: Hy Lac Hai Ke Thien
Quang Qua Thien Vng (Kinh Hoa Nghiem
Pham 1)They all dwelt at peace in the palace of
3) Supreme Virtue Banner: Toi Thang Cong
tranquilityCh Thien Vng nay eu dung phap
c Trang Thien Vng.
tch tnh ma lam cung ien va an tru trong o:
4) Still and Silent Light: Tch Tnh Quang Thien
1) Banner of Delightful Light of Truth: Ai Nhao
Phap Quang Minh Trang Thien Vng.

2) Ocean of Pure Adornments: Thanh Tnh Kings relatives on his maternal side: Hoang
Trang Nghiem Hai Thien Vng. thch.
3) Light of Supreme Wisdom: Toi Thang Hue Kings relatives on the paternal side: Hoang
Quang Minh Thien Vng. than.
4) Independent Wisdom Banner: T Tai Tr Hue
King of samadhi: Vng Tam MuoiTam
Trang Thien Vng.
Muoi VngTam Muoi Vng Tam Muoi
5) Delight in Tranquility: Nhao Tch Tnh Thien
Thu Lang nghiem nhThe highest degree of
samadhi, obtained by invoking Buddha or sitting
6) Eye of Universal Knowledge: Pho Tr Nhan
in meditation or tranceLoai Tam Muoi thang
Thien Vng.
dieu nht trong tat ca cac th tam muoi, cung la
7) Delight in Use of Intellect: Nhao Trien Hue
ten khac cua Thu Lang Nghiem nh.
Thien Vng.
King of stars Buddha: Natchatraraja-Buddha
8) Light of Intellect Sown with Virtue: Thien
(skt)Tu Vng Phat.
Chung Hue Cong c Quang Minh Thien
Vng. King of the star-flower: Naksatra-raja-
9) Undefiled Tranquil Light: Vo Cau Tch Tnh sankusumitabhijna (skt)Tuc Vng HoaKing
Quang Thien Vng. of the star-flower, a bodhisattva in the Wonder
10) Vast Pure Light: Quang ai Thanh Tnh Lotus SutraMot v Bo Tat trong Kinh Dieu
Quang Thien Vng. Phap Lien Hoa.
King of Hell: Diem vngMinh VngThe King of Successive Victories: Lien Thang
rajasKing of hellFierce spirits who are the Vng.
messengers and manifestation of Vairocanas King of the teaching: Phap Vng (The
wrath against evil spiritsCac Minh Vng than Buddha, King of the Teaching or Heaven king of
giao lenh, nhan giao lenh cua c Ty Lo Gia Na, Name of FreedomNh Lai Phap Vng hay T
hien Phan No than e hang phuc chung ma. Tai Danh Thien Vng)According to the
King of Immateriality: Khong vng (Buddha). Buddha in the Flower Adornment SutraTheo
c The Ton trong Kinh Hoa nghiem:
King Infinite Voices Buddha: Phat Vo Lng
1) Who appears in the world: Ngi xuat hien
Am Thinh Vng.
trong tran the.
King of the Kinnaras: Druma (skt)Phap Kien
2) Who is able to light the lamp of sublime truth
Na La VngVua Kien Na LaSee Kinnara.
which illumines the world: Ngi co kha
King Kosala: Vua Cau Xa La. nang thap en dieu phap chieu khap coi i.
King of the mahadruma Kinnaras: ai Tho 3) His state is boundless and inexhaustible:
Khan Na La VngThe Indras musicians, who Canh gii cua Nh Lai vo bien vo tan.
live on Gandha-madana. King of Treasures: Bao Vng.
King of Mara: Lord of the sixth heaven of the 1) The precious King or King of Treasures: Vua
desire-realmMa vngSee Mara-raja. cua Kho Bau.
King of merciful power: Maitribala-raja 2) A title of Buddha: Mot danh hieu cua c
(skt)King of merciful virtueT Lc Vng Phat.
See Maitribala-raja. 3) The ruler of the continent west of Sumeru: V
King of the mountains: Sn vng. T Ton ng tr tren luc a ve pha tay cua
King Precious Lotus Skillful Dwelling nui Tu Di.
4) Jewel-lord: Bao ChuLord of jewels.
Beneath The Sala Tree Buddha: Phat Bao
Lien Hoa Thien Tru Ta La Tho Vng. King of Treasures Samadhi: Bao Vng Tam
MuoiThe King of Treasures samadhi, achieved
King Rare As The Udumbara Flower
by fixing the mind on Buddhaat ti Bao
Buddha: Phat u am Bat La Hoa Thu Thang
Vng Tam Muoi do viec niem Phat Tam Muoi.

King of Univeral Purity: Bien Tnh Vng Kinnara (skt): Half horse, half manNhan Phi
Vua cua coi Tri Bien Tnh (coi tri th ba trong NhanKhan na la trong Thien long bat bo
coi tam thien thuoc sac gii). ** See Deva. Chan at La ai TngNon-Human Angels
King of Universal and Supernatural A being resembling but not a human being. A
Illumination: A Buddha is known as King of being having the appearance of humans but
universal and supernatural illuminationang possessing parts of animals. A kind of mythical
Dieu Giac Vng. celestial musician. It has a horse-like head with
King Vast Adornment Buddha: Phat Quang one horn, and a body like that of human. The
males sing and the females dance. They are
Trang Nghiem Vng.
described as men yet not men. They are one of
King Well-Stilled Moon-Sound And
the eight classes of heavenly musicians; they are
Wonderful Venerable Wisdom Buddha: also described as horned, as having crystal lutes,
Phat Thien Tch Nguyet Am Dieu Ton Tr Vng. the females singing and dancing, and as ranking
King of wisdom-lamp: Tue ang VngA below gandharvasMot chung sanh giong nh
king who gave his flesh and blood to save the con ngi, co dang ve nh ngi nhng lai co cac
lives of othersV vua a bo th mau tht mnh e bo phan trong c the cua loai thu, mot nhac s
cu ngi. huyen thoai cua coi tri, co au nga vi mot
King Wisdom Like Mountains And Seas sng, va than hnh giong nh hnh ngi. Con nam
And Self-Masterys Penetrations Buddha: th ca con con n th mua. Con goi la Ca Than
Phat Sn Hai Hue T Tai Thong Vng. co sng, vi nhng ong sao thuy tinh trong suot.
King of Yaksas and guardian of the secrets Ca Than N thng va ca va mua. Nhng Ca
of Buddha: Vajirasattva (skt)B mat chu. Than nay c xep di hang Can That Ba.
1) Mythical beings (heavenly beings), or
Kingdom (n): Vng quoc.
musicians of Kuvera, with a human figure and
Kingdom of gods: Kingdom of celestialsNc the head of a horse or with a horses body and
TriNc cua ch Thien. the head of a man. They are described as
Kingdom of light and virtue: Quang c men yet not men. They are one of the eight
quocSee Avabhasa. classes of heavenly musicians; they are also
Kingdom of Righteousness: Vng quoc described as horned, as having crystal lutes,
Chanh ao. the females singing and dancing, and as
Kingship (n): Vng quyen. ranking below gandharvasKhan na la trong
Kinhin (jap): Cankrama (skt)Kinh hanhA Thien long bat boMot chung sanh (chung
Japanese term for walking meditation, usually sanh coi tri) na nga na ngi, hoac mnh
used in Zen. After a session of seated meditation ngi au nga, hoac mnh nga au ngi.
(Zazen), practitioners commonly walk in a line, Con goi la Ca Than co sng, vi nhng ong
with heads down, looking at the ground. This sao thuy tinh trong suot. Ca Than N thng
practice is said to refresh the body while va ca va mua. Nhng Ca Than nay c
maintaining the minds concentration on xep di hang Can That Ba.
meditationT ng Nhat Ban dung e ch Hanh 2) Kinnara, one of the eight classes of
Thien, thng c dung trong Thien. Sau mot supernatural beings in the Lotus Sutra or eight
thi khoa toa thien, hanh gia thng i bach bo Vajra DeitiesKhan-Na-La, mot trong tam
trong mot hang, au ngo xuong, nhn di at. chung sanh sieu nhan trong Kinh Lien Hoa
Loai thc tap nay c dung e lam cho c the See Eight classes of supernatural beings in
khoe khoan va gi cho tam chanh niem trong the Lotus Sutra.
thien. ** See Eight classes of divinities, Eight classes
Kinkakuji (jap): Chua Kim Cac (Nhat Ban). of supernatural beings in the Lotus Sutra,
Eight classes of nagas and devas, and Twelve
spirits connected with the Master of Healing.

Kin-Shi-Cho-O (jap): Garuda (skt)Dragon- house asking people if they knew of a medicine
devouring birdKing of birdsKim X ieu that could restore her childs life. Of course no
See Garuda. one was able to help her. Finally, she met a
Kinship (n): Quan he than thuocQuan he follower of the Buddha, who advised her to see
huyet toc. the Buddha. When she carried the dead child to
the Buddha and told him her sad story, he listened
Kiriyama, Seiyu (1921 - ): Founder of Agonshu,
with patience and compassion. The Buddha
a Japanese Buddhist sect that claim to have
wanted her to recognize that suffering is a fact of
received pure and original Buddhism as taught in
life and that no one can avoid it. He said to her,
its earliest texts. Kiriyama asserts that he received
There is only one way to solve your problem. Go
a vision of Kannon (Avalokitesvara) in 1970,
and get me five mustard seeds from any family in
during which he was told the problems of most
which there has never been a death. Kisa
people, including himself, are caused by the
Gautami set off to look for such a household but
malicious actions of the dead, who plague the
without success. Every family she visited had
living unless the karmic ties that allow them to do
experienced the death of one person or another.
so are cut off. Subsequent to this vision, he
At last, she understood what the Buddha had
founded a new movement that emphasized
wanted her to find out for herself that death
worship of Kannon. His followers also commonly
comes to all. Accepting the fact that death is
engage in ascetic practices designed to cut off
inevitable, she no longer grieved. She took the
karma, as well as meditation, reciting Buddhist
childs body away and later returned to the
texts, and standing under waterfalls in order to
Buddha to become one of his followersKisa
cleanse themselves. In 1978 he began calling his
Gautami la ten cua mot thieu n thuoc hang the
organization Agonshu, claiming that its doctrines
gia vong toc, ket hon vi mot thng gia giau co.
and practices derive from the AgamasV sang
en khi con trai cua ba len mot tuoi, th no ot
lap ra tong phai Agonshu cua Nhat Ban, tong phai
nhien phat benh ma qua i. V qua buon kho nen
nay tuyen bo la a nhan c giao phap thanh
ba Kisa Gautami mang xac a con tren tay i het
tnh va nguyen thuy Phat giao a c giang day
nha nay qua nha khac hoi xem ngi ta co biet
trong nhng kinh van buoi sm sua nhat.
thuoc g cu song con ba hay khong. D nhien la
Kiriyama xac nhan rang chnh ong a nhan c
khong ai co the giup ba c ca. Cuoi cung, ba
nhan nang cua ngai Quan The Am vao nam 1970,
gap c mot v e t cua c Phat, ngi a
trong luc ay ong c day rang tr ngai cua hau
khuyen ba nen en gap Phat. Khi ba mang xac
het moi ngi ke ca ong gay ra bi nhng hanh
con en gap Phat va ke cho c Phat nghe cau
ong xau ac cua ngi chet, nhng ngi gay tai
chuyen buon cua ba, c Phat lang nghe vi tat
hoa cho ngi song tr phi nao nhng ac nghiep
long bi man. c Phat muon ba phai nhan ra kho
ay b cat t. Theo sau nhan nang, ong thanh lap
au la mot s kien that cua i song ma khong ai
mot phong trao nhan manh en viec le bai ngai
co the tranh c nen Ngai ben bao ba: Co mot
Quan Am. Nhng e t cua ong cung thng
cach giai quyet van e. Ba i tm cho ta nam hat
tham d vao viec tu tap kho hanh c phac hoa
cai t nhng gia nh cha co ngi chet. Nghe
ra e cat t ac nghiep, cung nh tu tap thien
xong Kisa Gautami ben ra i tm hat cai t nhng
nh, tr tung kinh ien va ng di that nc e
gia nh khong co ngi chet, nhng that bai v
t thanh loc mnh. Nam 1978 ong bat au goi to
gia nh nao ba en gap cung eu a co ngi
chc cua ong la Agonshu, va tuyen bo rang giao
chet. Cuoi cung ba hieu ra rang c Phat muon
thuyet va thc hanh eu lay t trong Kinh A Ham.
t ba tm ra Cai chet en vi tat ca moi ngi.
Kisa Gautami (skt): Kisa Gautami was a young
Chap nhan cai chet la mot s kien khong tranh
woman from a rich family who was married a
khoi trong i song nen ba khong con buon kho
wealthy merchant. When her only son was about a
na. Ba lien chon cat con, sau o ba tr lai gap
year old, he suddenly fell ill and died.
va xin quy-y Phat.
Overwhelmed with grief, Kisa Gautami took the
dead child in her arms and went from house to

Kisu-Chijo (jap): Wei-Tsung-Chih-ChangQui priority is to eliminate these defilements by

Tong Tr ThngSee Zhi-Chang-Kui-Zong. practicing meditation on a regular basis
Kito (jap): Ky ao (cau nguyen). Klesa theo Phan ng co ngha la S, la ten
khac cua phien nao hay nhng lo au the gian,
Kiyosumi (jap): Nui Thanh Trng (Nhat Ban).
dan en luan hoi sanh t. Chung la nhng tr
Kleang Temple: Chua KleangName of a
ngai nh ham muon, thu ghet, cao ngao, nghi
temple, located in Soc Trang town, Soc Trang
ng, ta kien, van van, dan en nhng hau qua
province, South Vietnam. The temple was built in
kho au trong tng lai tai sanh, v chung la
1533 and has been restored many times. The main
nhng s gia b nghiep lc sai khien. Klesa
hall was restored 80 years ago. This is one of the
con co ngha la nhng yeu to lam o nhiem
most ancient famous temples of Soc Trang town.
tam, khien cho chung sanh lam nhng viec
The temple always holds Khmer cultural
vo ao c, tao nen nghiep qua. Phien nao
ceremonies and activitiesTen mot ngoi chua
ch tat ca nhng nh ban lam roi loan tinh
toa lac trong th xa Soc Trang, tnh Soc Trang,
than, c s cua bat thien, cung nh gan lien
Nam Viet Nam. Chua c xay cat t nam 1533
con ngi vao chu ky sanh t. Ngi ta con
va c trung tu nhieu lan. Ngoi chanh ien c
goi chung la khat vong cua Ma vng. Muon
trung tu cach ay 80 nam. ay la mot trong
giac ngo trc tien con ngi phai co gang
nhng ngoi chua co noi tieng cua th xa Soc
thanh loc tat ca nhng nh ban nay bang cach
Trang. Chua thng to chc le hoi va sinh hoat
thng xuyen tu tap thien nh. Nh ban co
van hoa cua dan toc Khmer trong vung.
nhieu th khac nhau. Klesa con co ngha la o
Klesas (skt): Kilesha (p)Phien naoAffliction nhiem hay tai hoa, ch tat ca nhng nh ban
(troubleHindrancePain from disease lam roi loan tinh than, c s cua bat thien,
AnguishDistressDefilementMoral cung nh gan lien con ngi vao chu ky sanh
depravityThe three fires: lust, hatred and t. Ngi ta con goi chung la khat vong cua
illusion). Ma vng. Muon giac ngo trc tien con
(I) An overview of KlesaTong quan ve Klesa: ngi phai co gang thanh loc tat ca nhng
Klesa is a Sanskrit term for affliction, distress, nh ban nay bang cach thng xuyen tu tap
worldly cares, vexations, and as consequent thien nh. Nh ban co nhieu th khac nhau.
reincarnation. They are such troubles as (II) There are different kinds of kleshasCo
desire, hate, stupor, pride, doubt, erroneous nhieu loai phien nao khac nhau:
views, etc., leading to painful results in future (A) There are five great passions or disturbers or
rebirths, for they are karma-messengers KlesasCo nam phien nao can banSee
executing its purpose. Klesa also means Five great disturbers.
negative mental factors, that lead beings to (B) There are six great klesa, passion or
engage in non-virtuous actions, which distressersCo sau phien nao lnSee Six
produce karmic results. Klesa are all great klesas, passions or distressers.
defilements that dull the mind, the basis for (C) According to Visuddhi-Magga, there are ten
all unwholesome actions that bind people to kleshasTheo Visuddhi-Magga, co mi th
the cycle of rebirths. People also call Klesa o nhiem:
the thirst of Mara. In order to attain 1) Trishna: Craving or desireThem muon.
enlightenment, the number one priority is to 2) Hate: Oan thu.
eliminate these defilements by practicing 3) Delusion: Lam lac.
meditation on a regular basis. Klesa also 4) Pride: Kieu cang.
means all defilements that dull the mind, the 5) Drishti: False viewsTa kien.
basis for all unwholesome actions as well as 6) Vichikitsa: DoubtNghi hoac.
kinks that bind people to the cycle of rebirths. 7) Rigidity: Cng nhac.
People also call Klesa the thirst of Mara. In 8) Excitability: Soi noi.
order to attain enlightenment, the number one 9) Shameless: Tr trao (khong biet ho then).

10) Lack of conscience: Thieu lng tam ao Klistamano consciousness (Alaya): Y can
c. See Klistamano-vijnana, and Seven
Klesas arising from false reasoning: Phan consciousnesses.
biet khi phien naoPhien nao y nng vao cac Klistamano-vijnana (skt): Klistamanas
duyen ma khi day nhng ta ly luanSee Two consciousnesse Nh Nang BienThc Mat
kinds of affliction (B). NaY CanSecond power of change
Klesa which is natural to all: Cau sinh khi Disturbed-mind, consciousness or self-
phien naoPhien nao do huan tap t vo thuy en consciousness which gives form to the universe
naySee Two kinds of affliction (B). Seventh consciousnessThe discriminating and
Klesadvaya (skt): Nh Phien NaoSee Two constructive sense. It is more than the
kinds of affliction. intellectually perceptive. It is the cause of all
Klesakshaya (skt): Phien nao oan hay s oan egoism (it creates the illusion of a subject I
diet cac phien naoThe extinction of the evil standing apart from the object world) and
desires. individualizing of men and things (all illusion
arising from assuming the seeming as the real)
Klesavarana (skt): Phien nao chng
The self-conscious defiled mind, which thinks,
Affliction obstaclesAfflictive hindrance
wills, and is the principal factor in the generation
Barrier of temptation, passion or defilement
of subjectivity. It is a conveyor of the seed-
Hindrance of impurityHindrance of passions
essence of sensory experiences to the eighth level
Hindrance on spiritual progress.
of subconsciousnessay la ly tr tao ra moi h
1) The passions and delusion which aid rebirth
vong. No chnh la nguyen nhan gay ra ban nga
and hinder entrance into nirvana: Nhng duc
(tao ra h vong ve mot cai toi chu the ng
vong va ao anh tiep sc cho tai sanh va lam
tach ri vi the gii khach the). Mat Na Thc
chng ngai Niet ban. Phien nao chng con
cung tac ong nh la c quan chuyen van hat
co ngha la nhng tr ngai cua phien nao.
giong hay chung t cua cac kinh nghiem giac
Phien nao c chia lam hai nhom, phien nao
quan en thc th tam (hay tang thc). **See
chnh va phu. Phien nao chnh gom nhng
Second power of change, and Eight
thuc ay xau von nam trong nen tang cua
consciousnesses (I) (B)..
moi t tng va c muon gay au kho.
2) The barrier of temptation, passion or Knee: au goi.
defilement, which obstructs the attainment of Knee-Animals: au goi sanh Bang sanhWhen
the nirvana. Klesa is also means hindrance of the persons knees are the last to remain warm,
the afflictions. Klesa is generally divided into the spirit of that person has been reborn among
two groups, primary and secondary. The animalsKhi iem nong sau cung trong than the
primary comprises of such evil impulses that la au goi, th than thc cua ngi ay a tai sanh
lie at the foundation of every tormenting vao loai bang sanh (thu).
thought and desire: Nhng rao can cua duc Kneel with incense: Quy HngA form of
vong va ue trc lam tr ngai s thanh at punishment where on has to kneel until the
Niet ban. incense burned out. Some incense takes several
** See Two hindrances (A), and Six great klesas, hours before it burned out completelyMot hnh
passions or distressers. thc phat ma ngi b phat phai quy cho en khi
Klesavarana-Jneyavarana (skt): Phien Nao tan mot cay hng. Mot vai loai nhang chay het
Chng va S Tri ChngHindrances caused phai mat may gi ong ho.
by evil passions and by intellectionNhng Knife: DaoKnife (chopper)See Eight
chng ngai gay nen bi phien nao va tri thc. appurtenances of a monk or a nun.
Klishtamanas (skt): Nhiem o y hay mat na b o Knives and staves: Nan gm aoSee Seven
nhiemManas contaminated. calamities (B).

Knots: He PhcAccording to The Connected Know clearly all sentient beings: Biet ro
Discourses of the Buddha, Chapter Esanavaggo chung sanhSee Ten kinds of unimpeded
(Searches), there are four knotsTheo Tng function relating to knowledge.
ng Bo Kinh, Pham Tam Cau, co bon He Know the created and uncreated are
PhcSee Four knots. ungraspable: Biet hu vi vo vi bat kha ac
Knot of hatred: Oan ket. See Ten kinds of adamantine mind of
Know (v): Biet. commitment to universal enlightenment (10).
Know action is ungraspable: Biet hanh bat Know the dharmas: Tri Phap.
kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine mind of 1) In the exoteric sects, to know the deep
commitment to universal enlightenment (10). meaning of the sutras: Tri Phap Hien Giao
Know affairs: tri s. Ngi biet c cac ngha tham sau cua kinh
Know beforehand: Biet trc. ien.
2) In the esoteric sects, to know the mysteries:
Know to behave: Biet c x.
Tri Phap Mat GiaoNgi biet c s
Know that the body of one sentient being
tng b mat.
enters all realms of sentient beings: Biet mot
Know the different classes of people: Biet
than chung sanh vao khap tat ca chung sanh
ngiSee Seven knowings.
giiSee Ten kinds of certain understanding of
Know all the different phenomena in all
the realm of sentient beings.
Know all Buddhas fulfillment of the ten worlds, interrelated in Indras net: Biet het
tat ca the gii chung, trong tat ca phap gii nhng
powers and attainment of true
s sai biet nh li Thien e khong tha sot
enlightenment: Biet tat ca Nh Lai ay u thap See Ten exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas.
lc thanh Chanh ang Chanh GiacSee Ten
Know the doctrine: Quan ao.
kinds of realizational knowledge possessed by
Know the doctrine thoroughly: Quan ao
Great Enlightening Beings.
Thau triet giao phap.
Know the Buddha-law: Know the deep
Know domains of the network of the ten
meaning of the sautrasTri phap (hieu biet tham
ngha cua Phat phap). directions: Biet chng ngan mi phng xuat
Know that all Buddhas of all times and all sanh tr hueSee Ten ways of generating
knowledge of Great Enlightening Beings.
the beings they teach are essentially equal,
Know Enlightening Beings are ungraspable:
definitely, without duality: Ch Phat eu biet
Biet Bo Tat bat kha acSee Ten kinds of
tam the tat ca ch Phat, cung tat ca chung sanh
adamantine mind of commitment to universal
c giao hoa the tanh bnh ang, quyet nh
enlightenment (10).
khong haiAll Buddhas know that all Buddhas of
Know all enlightening beings vows and
all times and all the beings they teach are
essentially equal, definitely, without duality, one practices, mastery, preservation of the
of the ten kinds of mastery of nondual action of all teaching, and mystical transfigurations: Biet
BuddhasSee Ten kinds of mastery of nondual tat ca Bo Tat nguyen hanh, t tai, tru tr, bien
action of all Buddhas. hoaSee Ten kinds of realizational knowledge
Know Buddha is ungraspable: Biet Phat bat possessed by Great Enlightening Beings.
kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine mind of Know Enlightenment is ungraspable: Biet
commitment to universal enlightenment (10). Bo e bat kha acSee Ten kinds of
Know all the Buddha-worlds: To have the adamantine mind of commitment to universal
infinite Buddha-wisdom and to know how to save enlightenment (10).
all beings in themTri vo bien ch Phat the gii. Know the equality of faculties of all sentient
beings: Biet tat ca chung sanh cac can bnh

angSee Ten kinds of realizational knowledge know that all instants, past, future and present, are
possessed by Great Enlightening Beings. one instant, definitely, without duality, one of the
Know by experience: Chng giacTo prove ten kinds of mastery of nondual action of all
and perceive. BuddhasSee Ten kinds of mastery of nondual
Know the good and bad acts of all sentient action of all Buddhas.
beings: Biet tat ca chung sanh thien va bat thien Know the interpenetration of mental
hien hanhSee Ten kinds of realizational activities of all sentient beings: Biet chung
knowledge possessed by Great Enlightening sanh tam hanh vo ngaiSee Ten kinds of
Beings. realizational knowledge possessed by Great
Know how to exterpate afflictions: Biet oan Enlightening Beings.
tr phien naoSee Ten kinds of jewel-like state Know the lands and congregations of all
in unexcelled complete perfect enlightenment (5). Buddhas present in the cosmos, their
Know the mentalities of all sentient beings: teaching and training: Biet hien tai thap
Biet tat ca chung sanh tam tanh phan bietSee phng tan h khong phap gii tat ca Phat, quoc
Ten kinds of jewel-like state in unexcelled o, chung hoi, thuyet phap, ieu phucSee Ten
complete perfect enlightenment (8). kinds of profound penetration of the Buddhass
Know the perspective of all sentient beings: teachings of Great Enlightening Beings.
Biet tat ca canh gii cua chung sanhSee Ten Know the Law: Biet phapSee Seven
kinds of jewel-like state in unexcelled complete knowings.
perfect enlightenment (8). Know the light of knowledge of all Buddha
Know how to prevent afflictions: Biet phong teachings is unobstructed: Biet tat ca Phat
ho phien naoSee Ten kinds of jewel-like state phap tr hue quang minh vo ngaiSee Ten kinds
in unexcelled complete perfect enlightenment (5). of contemplation of knowledge of Great
Know how to reject afflictions: Biet nham la Enlightening Beings.
phien naoSee Ten kinds of jewel-like state in Know the meaning: Biet nghaSee Seven
unexcelled complete perfect enlightenment (5). knowings.
Know how to stop afflictions: Biet ngan dt Know the mental compulsions of all sentient
phien naoSee Ten kinds of jewel-like state in beings: Biet tat ca chung sanh tam s hien
unexcelled complete perfect enlightenment (5). hanhSee Ten kinds of realizational knowledge
Know the impassioned habitual activities of possessed by Great Enlightening Beings.
all sentient beings: Biet tat ca chung sanh phien Know the mind is ungraspable: Biet tam bat
nao tap kh hien hanhSee Ten kinds of kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine mind of
realizational knowledge possessed by Great commitment to universal enlightenment (10).
Enlightening Beings. Know the misconceptions and delusions of
Know all the inclinations of all sentient all worldlings without clinging to them: Biet
beings minds: Biet ro tat ca tam s thch cua tat ca the gian ien ao mong tng eu vo s
chung sanhSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all trc xuat sanh tr hueSee Ten ways of
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). generating knowledge of Great Enlightening
Know the infinity of all things: Biet tat ca Beings.
phap vo lng tngSee Ten kinds of Know moderation: Biet ieu tiet (biet thieu
realizational knowledge possessed by Great duc tri tuc)See Seven knowings.
Enlightening Beings. Know no where to go: Khong biet i au.
Know that all instants, past, future and Know one another: Tng tri.
present, are one instant, definitely, without Know ones appellations: Biet nhng xng
duality: Ch Phat eu biet tam the tat ca sat na tanSee Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past,
la mot sat na, quyet nh khong haiAll Buddhas present and future of all Enlightening Beings.

Know ones definitions: Biet nhng an lap of past, present and future of all Enlightening
See Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past, Beings.
present and future of all Enlightening Beings. Know the order of appearance of all
Know ones deliberations: Biet nhng luan Buddhas of the future: Biet tat ca v lai tat ca
nghSee Ten ways of knowing the worlds of th e cua cac v PhatSee Ten kinds of
past, present and future of all Enlightening profound penetration of the Buddhass teachings
Beings. of Great Enlightening Beings.
Know ones endlessness: Biet kia vo tanSee Know the order of appearance of all
Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past, present Buddhas of the past: Biet qua kh tat ca th e
and future of all Enlightening Beings. cua cac v PhatSee Ten kinds of profound
Know ones faults: Tri quaBiet loi mnhIn penetration of the Buddhass teachings of Great
Buddhism, Buddhists should never look at others Enlightening Beings.
fault, but know your ownTrong ao Phat, Phat Know that all past, future and present
t ng bao gi nhn loi ngi khac, ma hay t Buddha-lands inhere in one Buddha-land,
biet lay loi cua chnh mnh.
definitively, without duality: One of the ten
Know the future is ungraspable: Biet v lai kinds of mastery of nondual action of all
bat kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine mind BuddhasCh Phat eu biet tam the tat ca coi
of commitment to universal enlightenment (10). Phat, vao mot coi Phat, quyet nh khong hai
Know ones heart in reality: Nh thc tri kien See Ten kinds of mastery of nondual action of all
tamTr sang suot cua Nh Lai, do t xem xet Buddhas.
mnh ma phat lo (khong theo ngi khac, khong Know past lives and attain the Way: Biet
do ngi khac). c i trc va hoi nhap c ao ch thng
Know ones orders: Biet nhng che lnhSee According to the Sutra In Forty-Two Sections,
Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past, present Chapter 13, a Sramana asked the Buddha: What
and future of all Enlightening Beings. are the causes and conditions by which one come
Know ones own capability: T lng. to know past lives and also by which ones
Know ones place: An phan thu thngT understanding enables one to attain the Way?
seek contentment in ordinarinessTo have no The Buddha said: By purifying the mind and
fighting spirit. guarding the will, your understanding can achieve
Know ones provisional names: Biet nhng (attain) the Way. Just as when you polish a mirror,
gia danhSee Ten ways of knowing the worlds the dust vanishes and brightness remains; so, too,
of past, present and future of all Enlightening if you cut off and do not seek desires, you can
Beings. then know past lives.Theo Kinh T Thap Nh
Chng, Chng 13, co mot v sa Mon hoi Phat,
Know ones quiescence: Biet kia tch diet
Bi ly do g ma biet c i trc, ma hoi nhap
See Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past,
c ao ch thng? c Phat day: Tam thanh
present and future of all Enlightening Beings.
tnh, ch vng ben th hoi nhap ao ch thng,
Know ones rules: Biet nhng quy tacSee
cung nh khi lau knh het d th trong sang hien
Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past, present
lo; oan tan ai duc va tam khong mong cau th se
and future of all Enlightening Beings.
biet i trc.
Know oneself: Biet mnhSee Seven knowings.
Know the past is ungraspable: Biet qua kh
Know ones speech: Biet nhng ngon ngSee bat kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine mind
Ten ways of knowing the worlds of past, present of commitment to universal enlightenment (10).
and future of all Enlightening Beings.
Know the path to salvation: Tri aoOne
Know ones total emptiness: Biet tat ca la who knows the path to salvation, an epithet of the
khong.See Ten ways of knowing the worlds BuddhaNgi biet ao cu o chung sanh, mot
danh hieu cua c Phat.

Know people as individuals: Biet ngi nh Know the presence of all things in a single
nhng ca nhanSee Seven knowings. instant: Biet tat ca phap tai mot niemSee Ten
Know and perceive: Tri thcLearning kinds of realizational knowledge possessed by
PerceptionFalse ideas produced in the mind by Great Enlightening Beings.
common or unenlightened knowledgeNhng t Know the present is ungraspable: Biet hien
tng sai lac cua ngi cha giac ngo. **See Five tai bat kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine
kinds of consciousness. mind of commitment to universal enlightenment
Know perfectly all beings: Biet ro tat ca chung (10).
sanhSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all Know all principles: Bodhisattvas have no
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). discrimination, and yet expound various
Know perfectly all Buddha-lands: Biet ro tat principleBiet cac phap eu khong phan biet ma
ca coi PhatSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all thuyet cac phapSee Ten kinds of profound
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). penetration of the Buddhass teachings of Great
Know perfectly all disciplines: Biet ro tat ca Enlightening Beings.
ieu phucSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all Know principles of Buddhas: Biet Nh Lai
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). phapSee Ten kinds of profound penetration
Know perfectly all Enlightening Beings: Biet of the Buddhass teachings of Great
ro tat ca Bo TatSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work Enlightening Beings.
in all worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). Know principles of Buddhist disciples: Biet
Know perfectly all mystic transformations: Thanh Van phapSee Ten kinds of profound
Biet ro tat ca than bienSee Ten kinds of penetration of the Buddhass teachings of Great
Buddha-work in all worlds in all times of the Enlightening Beings.
Buddhas (B) (5) (i). Know principles of Individual Illuminates:
Know perfectly all pasts, presents, and Biet oc giac phapSee Ten kinds of profound
futures: Biet ro tat ca tam theSee Ten kinds of penetration of the Buddhass teachings of Great
Buddha-work in all worlds in all times of the Enlightening Beings.
Buddhas (B) (5) (i). Know all principles of language
Know perfectly all phenomena: Biet ro tat ca exhaustively: Biet het tat ca phap ngon ng
cac phapSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all khong tha sotSee Ten exhaustive knowledges
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). of all Buddhas.
Know perfectly all teachings: Biet ro tat ca Know principles of the world: Biet the gian
giao phapSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all phapSee Ten kinds of profound penetration of
worlds in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). the Buddhass teachings of Great Enlightening
Know perfectly all worlds: Biet ro tat ca the Beings.
giiSee Ten kinds of Buddha-work in all worlds Know that the realms of desire, form, and
in all times of the Buddhas (B) (5) (i). formless are only mind: Biet tam gii duy
Know that all periods of time are not tamSee Ten peerless states of Great
periods of time, yet they innumerate periods Enlightening Beings.
of time: Biet tat ca cac kiep eu la phi kiep, ma Know that all realms of sentient beings can
chn that noi tat ca kiepSee Ten peerless states be vessels of the Buddhas teaching: Biet tat
of Great Enlightening Beings. ca chung sanh gii eu kham lam phap kh cua
Know all phenomena come from ch PhatSee Ten kinds of certain understanding
interdependent origination: Biet het tat ca of the realm of sentient beings.
phap eu t duyen khi khong tha sotSee Know that all realms of sentient beings
Ten exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas. enter the body of an Enlightening Being:
Biet tat ca chung sanh gii eu vao than mot Bo

TatSee Ten kinds of certain understanding of Know and see the reality of all things: Nh
the realm of sentient beings. Thc Tri KienAs does the BuddhaNh Lai
Know that all realms of sentient beings thay biet thc tng cua ch phap.
enter the body of one sentient being: Biet tat Know that the seed of enlightenment in all
ca chung sanh gii eu vao than mot chung sentient beings, past, present, and future,
sanhSee Ten kinds of certain understanding of does not die out: Biet tam the tat ca chung sanh
the realm of sentient beings. Phat chung khong dt, xuat sanh tr hueSee
Know that all realms of sentient beings Ten ways of generating knowledge of Great
enter the matrix of enlightenment: Biet tat ca Enlightening Beings.
chung sanh gii eu vao Nh Lai tangSee Ten Know by seeing: Becoming awareTri kien.
kinds of certain understanding of the realm of Know all sentient beings are difficult to
sentient beings.
harmonize: Biet tat ca chung sanh eu rat kho
Know that all realms of sentient beings hoa hpSee Ten kinds of mind outstanding like
essentially have no reality: Biet tat ca chung a mountain of Great Enlightening Beings.
sanh gii bon tanh khong thatSee Ten kinds of Know all sentient beings are difficult to
certain understanding of the realm of sentient
liberate: Biet tat ca chung sanh rat kho oSee
Ten kinds of mind outstanding like a mountain of
Know and regard reality as it is: Biet va thay Great Enlightening Beings.
nh thc (tri kien nh thc)The Buddhas
Know all sentient beings minds
doctrine rests on the idea of Knowing and
exhaustively: Biet het tat ca tam chung sanh
Regarding Reality As It Is. This means one
khong tha sotSee Ten exhaustive knowledges
should know the true facts about this earthly life
of all Buddhas.
and look at it without making excuses, and
regulate ones daily conduct of life according to Know all sentient beings are by nature
this knowledge and standpointGiao ly cua c neither harmonious nor good: Tat ca chung
Phat da tren quan iem Nh Thc Tri Kien. sanh tanh chang hoa chang lanhSee Ten kinds
ieu nay co ngha la ta phai biet nhng s kien of mind outstanding like a mountain of Great
chan thc chung quanh cuoc song tran gian cua ta, Enlightening Beings.
nhn no ma khong bien giai, va hang ngay tu Know sentient beings are ungraspable: Biet
chnh ao c cho cuoc song tuy theo tri kien nh chung sanh bat kha acSee Ten kinds of
thc nay. adamantine mind of commitment to universal
Know the roots of all beings: Tri CanTo enlightenment (10).
know the capacities of all beings as do Knowing that all sentient beings are only
Bodhisattva; therefore, they have no fearBo upheld by thought: Biet tat ca chung sanh ch
Tat biet ro can coi va kha nang cua chung sanh
do tng chap trSee Ten unimpeded functions
nen khong con s hai. relating to sentient beings of Great Enlightening
Know that the roots of goodness of all Beings.
Buddhas of all times: All Buddhas know that Know the spiritual power of the enlightened
the roots of goodness of all Buddhas of all times can enter all universes: Biet Nh Lai than lc
are the same one root of goodness, definitely, hay nhap tat ca phap gii xuat sanh tr hueSee
without duality, one of the ten kinds of mastery of Ten ways of generating knowledge of Great
nondual action of all BuddhasCh Phat eu biet Enlightening Beings.
tat ca tam the ch Phat co bao nhieu thien can Know something inside out: Am Hieu (biet
eu ong mot thien can, quyet nh khong hai ro)To know wellHieu tng tanTo
See Ten kinds of mastery of nondual action of all understand thoroughlyHieu t trong ra ngoai.

Know the techniques for entering and mind of commitment to universal enlightenment
emerging from concentration: Kheo biet tam (10).
muoi, nhap xuat phng tienSee Ten kinds of Know thoroughly: Tattva-jna (skt)Chan
path of Great Enlightening Beings (5). TriTo know the true nature or to know
Know all ten directions are inconceivable: thoroughlyBiet ban the chan thc hay biet hoan
Biet tat ca thap phng bat t nghSee Ten toan.
kinds of contemplation of knowledge of Great Know the times and all duties: Biet thi biet
Enlightening Beings. viecSee Seven knowings.
Know all things in all times: Biet ro tam the Know the true nature: Chan TriSee Know
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, thoroughly.
Chapter 38 (Detachment from The World), there Know the true reality of all things is
are ten ways of knowing the worlds of past, unvarying, not different, and they attain
present and future (know all things in all times) of freedom: Biet ni cac phap chang rieng chang
all Enlightening Beings mentioned by the khac ma c t taiSee Ten kinds of skill in
BuddhaTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham 38 (Ly means of all Buddhas.
The Gian), co mi phap biet tam the cua ch Bo
Know that all truths ultimately lead to
TatSee Ten ways of knowing the worlds of
emancipation by one path: Biet tat ca phap
past, present and future of all Enlightening
eu do mot ao xuat ly xuat sanh tr hueSee
Ten ways of generating knowledge of Great
Know all things to be known: Biet tat ca
Enlightening Beings.
nhng ieu can biet.
Know the understandings of all sentient
Know all things are beyond idle
beings: Biet tat ca chung sanh tri giai chung sanh
philosophizing: Ch Phat biet tat ca phap eu
tr hueSee Ten ways of generating knowledge
ri nhan am hy luan, ma van hay khai th thien
of Great Enlightening Beings.
can cua ch PhatAll Buddhas know all things
Know the unity of all things: Biet tat ca phap
are beyond idle philosophizing, yet can
mot tngSee Ten kinds of realizational
demonstrate the roots of goodnessSee Ten
knowledge possessed by Great Enlightening
kinds of skill in means of all Buddhas.
Know all things of the future exhaustively:
Know the unity, variety, and universality of
Biet het tat ca phap v lai khong tha sotSee
Ten exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas. all things: Biet tat ca phap mot tanh, nhieu tanh,
tru rong ln xuat sanh tr hueSee Ten ways of
Know all things have no bondage or release:
generating knowledge of Great Enlightening
Biet ch phap khong troi khong mSee Ten
kinds of skill in means of all Buddhas.
Know the various distinctions of all
Know all things have no reception or
Buddha-lands: Biet tat ca coi Phat nhieu th sai
assembly: Biet ch phap khong tho khong
biet xuat sanh tr hueSee Ten ways of
nhomSee Ten kinds of skill in means of all
generating knowledge of Great Enlightening
Know all things of the past exhaustively:
Know the various physical forms: Biet tat ca
Biet het tat ca phap qua kh khong tha sotSee
nhieu loai than xuat sanh tr hueSee Ten ways
Ten exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas.
of generating knowledge of Great Enlightening
Know all things of the present exhaustively:
Biet het tat ca phap hien tai khong tha sotSee
Know all the various ranks: Know high,
Ten exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas.
middling, and low of the roots of goodness. Know
Know all things are ungraspable: Biet tat ca
all Buddhas complete knowledge and virtues do
phap bat kha acSee Ten kinds of adamantine
not increase or decreaseBiet het tat ca tr vien

man va cong c cua ch Phat khong tha sot Neu gap c ngi hien tr thng ch bay
See Ten exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas. lam loi va khien trach mnh nhng cho bat
Know virtues or qualities of a Buddha: Tr toan, hay nen ket than cung ho va xem nh
cSee Three Buddhas virtues (IV). bac tr thc a ch kho tang bao vat. Ket than
Know ones weakness: Biet than. vi ngi tr th lanh ma khong d.
Know well: Am hieuTo understand 2) Those who advise, teach or dissuade one
from evil-doing, will be beloved and admired
thoroughlyTo know something inside out.
by the good, but they will be hated by the bad
Know the words of all Buddhas of all times
(Dharmapada 77): Nhng ngi hay khuyen
are the words of one Buddha, definitely, ran day do, can ngan toi loi ke khac, c
without duality: One of the ten kinds of mastery ngi lanh knh yeu bao nhieu th b ngi d
of nondual action of all BuddhasCh Phat eu ghet bo bay nhieu.
biet tam the tat ca li Phat, la mot li Phat, quyet 3) Do not associate or make friends with evil
nh khong haiSee Ten kinds of mastery of friends; do not associate with mean men.
nondual action of all Buddhas. Associate with good friends; associate with
Know all worlds, inverted, upright, and so noble men (Dharmapada 78): Ch nen lam
on: Biet tat ca the gii up nga van van xuat sanh ban vi ngi ac, ch nen lam ban vi ngi
tr hueSee Ten ways of generating knowledge kem hen, hay nen lam ban vi ngi lanh,
of Great Enlightening Beings. vi ngi ch kh cao thng.
Know all world systems exhaustively: Biet 4) Those who drink the Dharma, live in
het tat ca ao the gian khong tha sotSee Ten happiness with a pacified mind; the wise man
exhaustive knowledges of all Buddhas. ever rejoices in the Dharma expounded by
Know all worlds are ungraspable: Biet tat ca the sages (Dharmapada 79): c uong nc
Chanh phap th tam thanh tnh an lac, nen
the gian bat kha acSee Ten kinds of
ngi tr thng vui mng, a nghe Thanh
adamantine mind of commitment to universal
nhn thuyet phap.
enlightenment (10).
5) Irrigators guide the water to where they want,
Know that worldly phenomena and
fletchers bend the arrows, carpenters control
Buddhist principles are essentially not their timber, and the wise control or master
different, definitely, without duality: One of themselves (Dharmapada 80): Ngi ti
the ten kinds of mastery of nondual action of all nc lo dan nc, th lam cung ten lo uon
BuddhasCh Phat eu biet the phap va Phat cung ten, th moc lo nay mc o cay, con
phap, tanh khong sai khac, quyet nh khong ngi tr th lo t ieu phuc lay mnh.
haiSee Ten kinds of mastery of nondual action 6) As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind;
of all Buddhas. likewise, the wise are not moved by praise or
Knowability (n): Tnh co the nhan biet c blame (Dharmapada 81): Nh ngon nui kien
Tnh kha triCo the ly giai c. co, chang bao gi b gio lay, cung nh the,
Knower: Tr Gia. nhng li huy bang hoac tan dng chang
(I) The meaning of KnowerNgha cua Tr Gia: bao gii lam lay ong ngi ai tr.
Wise man: Ngi tr. 7) Water in a deep lake is clear and still;
(II) The Buddhas teachings on the wise in the similarly, on hearing the Buddha teachings,
Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve the wise become extremely serene and
Tr Gia trong Kinh Phap Cu: peaceful (Dharmapada 82): Nh nc ho sau,
1) Should you see an intelligent man who points va yen lang trong sach, nhng ngi co tr
out faults and blames what is blame-worthy, tue sau khi nghe phap, tam ho cung thanh
you should associate with such a wise person. tnh va yen lang.
It should be better, not worse for you to 8) Good people give up all attachments, they
associate such a person (Dharmapada 76): dont talk about sensual craving. The wise

show neither elation nor depression; 14) Those whose minds are well-trained and
therefore, they are not affected by happiness well-perfected in the seven factors of
or sorrow (Dharmapada 83): Ngi lanh enlightenment, who give up of grasping,
thng xa la ma khong ban en nhng ieu abandon defiled minds, and eradicate all
tham duc. Ke tr a xa la niem l mng lo, afflictions. They are shinning ones and have
nen chang con b lay ong v kho lac. completely liberated and attained Nirvana
9) Neither for the sake of oneself, nor for the even in this world (Dharmapada 89): Ngi
sake of another, a wise man does nothing nao thng chnh tam tu tap cac phep giac
wrong; he desires not son, wealth, or kingdom chi, xa la tanh co chap, ri bo tam nhiem ai,
by doing wrong; he seeks his own success not diet het moi phien nao e tr nen sang suot,
by unjust means, then he is good, wise and th se giai thoat va chng ac Niet ban ngay
righteous (Dharmapada 84): Khong v tnh trong i hien tai.
thien ha, cung khong v tnh mot ngi nao, Knower of the Dhamma: Tri PhapSee
ngi tr khong lam bat c ieu g sai quay: Seven qualities of the true man.
khong nen cau con trai, s giau co, vng Knower of groups: Parisannu (p)Tri Chung
quoc bang viec sai quay; khong nen cau See Seven qualities of the true man.
mong thanh cong cua mnh bang nhng
Knower of the meaning: Atthannu (p)Tri
phng tien bat chanh. c vay mi that la
NghaSee Seven qualities of the true man.
ngi ao c, tr tue va ngay thang.
Knower of moderation: Mattannu (p)Tri
10) Few are among men who crosses and reaches
LngSee Seven qualities of the true man.
the other shore; the rest of mankind only run
about the bank (Dharmapada 85): Trong nhan Knower of persons: Tri NhanSee Seven
loai ch co mot t ngi at en ben b kia, qualities of the true man.
con bao nhieu ngi khac th ang boi hoi v Knower of reality: Nh Thc Tri GiaThe
van tai b nay. Buddhas are knowers of realityTat ca ch Phat
11) Those who preach and act according to the biet thc tng nh phap va cung thuyet cho
teachings, are those who are crossing the chung sanh thc tng nh phap ay.
realm of passions which is so hard to cross, Knower of the right time: Tri ThiSee
and those who will reach the other shore Seven qualities of the true man.
(Dharmapada 86): Nhng ngi nao hay Knower of self: Attannu (p)T triSee Seven
thuyet phap, hay theo Chanh phap tu hanh, qualities of the true man.
th c at ti b kia, thoat khoi canh gii ta Knower of the world: Lokavid (skt)The Gian
ma kho thoat. GiaiHe who knows the world, one of the ten
12) A wise man should abandon the way of epithets (characteristics) of a BuddhaNgi biet
woeful states and follows the bright way. He ro the gian, mot trong mi danh hieu cua mot v
should go from his home to the homeless PhatSee Ten epithets of a Buddha.
state and live in accordance with the rules for Knowing: Jananam (p)Jna (skt)S hieu
Sramanas (Dharmapada 87): Ngi tr hay
bietUnderstandingKnowing reveals itself in
nen ri bo hac phap (ac phap) ma tu tap bach
many ways. Knowing can be active whenever
phap (thien phap), xa gia nh nho hep, xuat
there is hearing, seeing, feeling, comparing,
gia song oc than theo phap tac Sa-mon.
remembering, imagining, reflecting, worrying,
13) A wise man should purge himself from all the
hoping and so forth. In the Vijnanavadin school of
impurities of the mind, give up sensual
Buddhism, which specialized in the study of
pleasures, and seek great delight in Nirvana
consciousnesses, many more fields of activity
(Dharmapada 88): Ngi tr phai got sach
were attributed to knowing. For instance, in
nhng ieu cau ue trong tam, hay cau cai vui
alayavijnana, or storehouse of consciousness,
Chanh phap, xa la ngu duc ma chng Niet
the fields of activity of knowing are maintaining,
conserving, and manifesting. Also according to

the Vijnanavadins, all sensation, perception, 2) To know: Budh (skt)To be aware ofTo
thought, and knowledge arise from this basic be acquainted withGiac.
store-house consciousness. Manyana is one of the 3) To discern: Vijanati (p)Vijna (skt)To
ways of knowing based on this consciousness and distinguishBiet co s phan biet bang suy
its function is to grasp onto the object and take it ngh hay y thc.
as a self. Manovijnana serves as the 4) Discerning: Vijananam (p)Vijnanana
headquarters for all sensations, perceptions, and (skt)DistinguishingKnowing
thoughts, and makes creation, imagination, as well UnderstandingS biet (co s phan biet
as dissection of reality possible. Amala is the bang suy ngh hay y thc).
consciousness that shines like a pure white light ** See Seven knowings.
on the store-house consciousness. In any Knowing all beings: Tri nhat thiet chung sanh
phenomena, whether psychological, physiological, (Buddha-wisdom).
or physical, there is dynamic movement, life. We Knowing the Buddha-worlds and how to
can say that this movement, this life, is the
save the beings: Tri Vo Bien Ch Phat TrTo
universal manifestation, the most commonly
have the infinite Buddha-wisdomBiet c tr
recognized action of knowing. We must not regard
vo bien cua ch Phat hay biet nhng li Phat day
knowing as something from the outside which
cung nh cach cu o chung sanh.
comes to breathe life into the universe. It is the
Knowing the desires of others: Tri chung
life of the universe itselfCai biet co the c
chung giai tr lcSee Ten great powers of a
bieu hien ra bang nhieu cach. Tac dung cua cai
Biet nh chung ta thng thay khi nghe, thay,
cam giac, so sanh, nh, tng tng, suy t, lo s, Knowing the destinations of others: Tri nht
hy vong, van van. Trong Duy Thc Hoc Phat thiet s ao tr lcSee Ten great powers of a
Giao, mon hoc chuyen ve nhan thc, nhieu tac Buddha.
dung cua s nhan biet c tm thay. Trong Knowing hand: Right handTr thu (ban tay
trng hp A Lai Da thc, biet co ngha la s ham biet viec).
cha, duy tr va bieu hien. Cung theo Duy Thc Knowing how to feel satisfied and being
Hoc, tat ca nhng cam tho, t tng, va tri thc content with material conditions: Thieu Duc
eu khi len t tang thc can ban nay. Trong Tri TucSee Content with few desires.
trng hp Mat na thc, mot trong nhng cai biet Knowing karmic retributions throughout
can ban, ch biet co tac dung bam chat khong chu the three periods of time: Tri tam the nghiep
buong bo vao mot oi tng va cho la o la cai
bao Tr lcSee Ten great powers of a Buddha.
nga. Mat Na chnh la bo ch huy cua tat ca moi
Knowing all methods of salvation: Tri nht
cam tho, t tng, va lam ra s sang tao, s tng
thiet phap cu o (Buddha-wisdombiet tat ca
tng cung nh s chia che thc tai. Trong trng
phng phap cu o chung sanh).
hp Yem Ma La thc, cai biet co tac dung chieu
roi giong nh mot th anh sang trang tinh khiet Knowing a mind-object with the mind: Khi y
trong tang thc. Trong bat c hien tng nao, du nhan phap, hoan hy khi len, phap ay c suy
la tam ly sinh ly hay vat ly, co s co mat cua s tWhen, on knowing a mind-object with the
van chuyen sinh ong, o la i song. Chung ta mind, one investigates a corresponding object
co the noi rang s van chuyen nay, i song nay, productive of pleasureSee Six pleasurable
la s pho hien cua vu tru, la tach dung pho bien investigations, Six indifferent investigations, and
cua cai biet. Chung ta khong nen cho rang cai Six unpleasurable investigations.
biet la mot vat ben ngoai en e lam hi th cho Knowing the minds of others: Tha Tam
i song trong vu tru. No chnh la s sinh ong ThongSee Six supernatural powers (3) and Ten
cua chnh vu tru. supernatural powers.
1) Knowledge: Buddhi (skt)Awareness
AcquaintanceTanh giac.

Knowing all previous transmigrations: Tuc Buddhaghosa)Ba loai sang suot co the at
Menh ThongSee Six supernatural powers (5) c bang tr gii (theo Thanh Tnh ao cua
and Ten supernatural powers. Ngai Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa). **See
Knowing the right modes of ceremonial: Tri Three insights.
LeKnowing the right modes of respectBiet (D) Svabhavalakshana-traya (skt)Theo Kinh
nghi thc le lac. Lang Gia, co ba hnh thc cua tr con c
goi la tam t tnh tngAccording to The
Knowing the states of others: Tri chung chung
Lankavatara Sutra, there are three forms of
gii tr lcSee Ten great powers of a Buddha.
knowledge known as Svanhavalakshana-
Knowing the suffering of disintegration:
traya. **See Three forms of knowledge.
Biet hoai kho.
(E) Three degrees of knowledgeTheo ngai
Knowing the suffering of pain: Biet kho kho. Long Tho trong Trung Quan Luan, co ba cap
Knowing the suffering of transitoriness: Biet o kien thcAccording to Nagarjuna in the
hanh kho. Madhyamika-karika, there are three degrees
Knowledge (n): Nana (p)Jnana or Vidya of knowledgeSee Three degrees of
(skt)Prajna paramita (skt)Kien thcTri knowledge.
thchoc thcNhan bietHieu biet (F) According to the Sangiti Sutta in the Long
ComprehensionInsightReal wisdom Discourses of the Buddha, there are four
WisdomSee Ten Paramitas. knowledgesTheo Kinh Phung Tung trong
(A) Categories of knowledgeCac loai tr: Trng Bo Kinh, co bon trSee Four
(Acquired) Knowledge: Tri thc thau thap knowledges.
c. Knowledge of the absolute: Wisdom of
(Analogical) Knowledge: Tri thc t loai ultimate truthChan tr.
(so sanh). Knowledge of absolute truth: Tattvajnana
(Conceptual) Knowledge: Tri thc tru (skt)Chan Thc TrSee Tattvajnana.
tng hay khai niem. Knowledge of the actual condition of every
(Contemplative) Knowledge: Tri thc do individual: Tri chung chung gii tr lc (biet
quan tng ma co. c ieu kien that cua tat ca chung sanh)One
(Evaluational) Knowledge: Tri thc cu the of the ten powers of a BuddhaMot trong mi
(nhan biet va phe bnh ve gia tr). lc cua c Nh Lai. **See Ten powers of a
(Natural) Knowledge: Tri thc t nhien. Buddha.
(Necessary) Knowledge: Tri thc can thiet. Knowledge appears to enter the path of
(Perfect) Knowledge: Tri thc toan hao. individual illumination: Yet Bodhisattvas do
(Scientific) knowledge: Kien thc khoa not cease to generate great compassionTr hue
hoc. hien tien nhap Bch Chi Phat ao, ma phat khi
(Supernatural) Knowledge: Tri thc sieu ai bi chang thoi dtSee Ten kinds of way of
nhien. adornment of Great Enlightening Beings.
(Worldly) knowledge: Kien thc pham phu. Knowledge appears to enter the path of
(B) According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, personally liberated saints: Yet Bodhisattvas
Chapter 33, there are ten kinds of knowledge do not take emancipation by this routeTr hue
of all BuddhasTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, hien tien nhap Thanh Van ao, nhng chang do
Pham 33, co mi tr cua ch PhatSee Ten ao nay ma chng lay qua xuat lySee Ten
kinds of knowledge of all Buddhas. kinds of way of adornment of Great Enlightening
(C) Three kinds of knowledge (three insights or Beings.
three kinds of clarity) which can be obtained Knowledge arising from fundamental
by observing precepts (according to The Path knowledge: Hau ac trKnowledge succeeding
of Purification by Bhadantacariya upon fundamental knowledge. Also called

detailed or specific knowledge or wisdom Knowledge of the causes and effects: Tr

succeeding upon or arising from fundamental kheo biet nghiep bao nhan qua, qua kh, v lai va
knowledge (Can ban tr). Differentiating hien tai cua tat ca chung sanhKnowledge of the
knowledge can discriminate phenomena, as causes and effects, deeds and consequences, past,
contrast with knowledge of the fundamental future, and present, of all sentient beingsSee
identity of all things (vo phan biet tr)Tr khi Ten kinds of path of Great Enlightening Beings
len t can ban tr. Con goi la Phan Biet Tr, tc la (10).
cai tr chan chanh, sau knh, ngam hp chan nh, Knowledge of the cessation of suffering: Diet
tr s ac theo sau can ban tr. Tr co the phan trSee Four knowledges (B).
biet hien tng hay s tng hu vi, oi lai vi vo
Knowledge of clinging to signs and false
phan biet hay can ban thc tr cua c Phat.
discriminations: Thu Tng Phan Biet Chap
Knowledge or assurance derived from
Trc TrThe knowledge which makes one
doing: Action and proofPractice of religious clings to signs of individuality and work out false
discipline and the resulting enlightenmentHanh discrimination. This knowledge is contrasted to
chng. the Pravicaya-buddhiCai tr lam cho ngi ta
Knowledge attained through cultivation: chap vao cac tng trang cua ac thu va tien
Wisdom attained through cultivationTrSee hanh s phan biet sai lam. Tr nay trai nghch vi
Eight dharmas, and Eight essential things. Quan Sat Tr. **See Pravicayabuddhi.
Knowledge of the bhutatathata: Inherent Knowledge of complete destruction:
intelligenceInherent knowledgeTnh Giac. Kshayajnana (skt)Tr cua s oan diet hoan
Knowledge of the births of all beings: Tr biet toanWhen the knowledge of complete
tat ca chung sanhSee Ten kinds of treasury of destruction or kshayajnana is realized, there is
great knowledge possessed by Enlightening never again the assertion of evil passionsKhi
Beings. cai tr cua s oan diet hoan toan (kshayajnana)
Knowledge of Buddhas: Nh Lai Tr c the chng th se khong bao gi con s xac
Enlightening Beings know that the knowledge of nh ve cac phien nao naSee Eight ways of
Buddhas is boundless and do not try to access it in no-birth.
limited terms (they know that everything written Knowledge comprehending all Buddha
or said in all words has limitations and cannot teachings: Tr thong at tat ca Phat phapSee
comprehend the knowledge of Buddhas)Ch Bo Ten kinds of treasury of great knowledge
Tat biet Nh Lai tr vo bien nen chang dung possessed by Enlightening Beings.
chng ngan o lng (ch Bo Tat biet tat ca van Knowledge of the consequences of actions of
t the gian noi ra eu co chng ngan, eu chang
all sentient beings: Tr biet tat ca nghiep bao
biet c Nh Lai tr hue)See Ten kinds of
cua chung sanhSee Ten kinds of broad
definitive mark of Great Enlightening Beings (5).
Knowledge of all Buddha-bodies: Tr vao Knowledge of contemplation: Tri thc do quan
khap tat ca than PhatSee Ten kinds of treasury
tng ma co.
of great knowledge possessed by Enlightening
Knowledge of the decease and rebirth of
beings: Sattanam-cutupapate-nanam-vijja (p)
Knowledge of Buddha shines on all without
Hu tnh sanh t minhSee Three dharmas (LI).
discrimination: Tr hue cua c Nh Lai chieu
Knowledge derived from memory: Vasita
khap tat ca khong co phan bietSee Ten
(skt)Huan tap hay s hieu biet xuat phat t ky
characteristics of the body of Buddha.
cHabitual perfuming derived from memory.
Knowledge of all Buddha-teachings: Tr biet
Knowledge derived from phenomena: Tng
tat ca Phat phapSee Ten kinds of broad
TrKnowledge derived from phenomena,
associated with afflictionsHu lau tr hay tr

nng vao s tng the gian va hay con quan he powers of a BuddhaMot trong mi lc cua
vi phien naoSee Two kinds of wisdom. c Nh LaiSee Ten powers of a Buddha.
Knowledge of desires or moral directions of Knowledge of the discriminating of
all beings: Tri chung chung giai tr lc (biet c existences: Vastuparativikalpa-vijnana (skt)Y
nhng ham muon hay hng ao c cua tat ca thc phan biet (nhng ieu khac nhau nay sinh
chung sanh)One of the ten powers of a trong y thc chu quan).
BuddhaMot trong mi lc cua c Nh Lai. Knowledge of distinctions in all sentient
**See Ten powers of a Buddha. beingss cycle of births and deaths:
Knowledge of the destruction of the Knowledge of distinctions in all sentient beingss
corruption: Asavanam-khaye-nanam-vijja (p) death in one place and birth in another in the
Lau tan tr minhSee Three dharmas (LI). various states of existenceTr biet tat ca chung
Knowledge of destruction of all illusion: Tri sanh trong cac loai chet ay sanh kia sai khac
vnh oan tap kh tr lcOne of the ten powers nhauSee Ten kinds of path of Great
of a BuddhaMot trong mi lc cua c Nh Enlightening Beings (10).
Lai. **See Ten powers of a Buddha. Knowledge of distinguishing all things: Thch
Knowledge of the Dharma: Dharma-jnana tr hue v phan biet cac phapThey enjoy
(skt)Phap TrSee Dharma-jnana, and Four knowledge, distinguishing all things, one of the
knowledges (A). ten kinds of enjoyment of Enlightening Beings.
Knowledge of the differences in faculties of Enlightening Beings who abide by these can attain
all sentient beings: Knowledge that explains the the supreme enjoyment of truth of all Buddhas
See Ten kinds of enjoyment.
truth to all sentient beings as is appropriateTr
kheo biet can c cua tat ca chung sanh chang Knowledge of embodying omniscience in all
ong ma tuy nghi thuyet phapSee Ten kinds of realms of beings: Tr ni tat ca cho tho sanh
path of Great Enlightening Beings (10). eu ay u nht thiet trSee Ten kinds of broad
Knowledge of differentiation: Phan biet tr knowledge and Ten kinds of purity.
According to the Flower Adornment Sutra, Knowledge embracing all pure phenomena:
Chapter 27, there are ten kinds of knowledge of Tr nhiep khap tat ca tnh phapSee Ten kinds of
differentiation of entry into concentration of Great treasury of great knowledge possessed by
Enlightening Beings. Also ten other kinds of Enlightening Beings.
knowledge of differentiation of Enlightening Knowledge establishing all universal
Beings mentioned by the Buddha in The Flower principles: Tr an tru tat ca phap quang ai khap
Adornment Sutra (Chapter 38Detachment from het khong thaSee Ten kinds of treasury of
The World) Enlightening Beings who rest on great knowledge possessed by Enlightening
these principles will attain the Buddhas Beings.
unexcelled, far-reaching knowledge of Knowledge and experience of Nirvana: Giai
differentiationTheo Kinh Hoa Nghiem, Pham thoat tri kien.
10, Thap nh, co mi mon nhap tam muoi sai
Knowledge of extinction of contamination:
biet tr. Con mi tr khac c Phat day trong
Lau tan trWith knowledge of extinction of
Kinh Hoa Nghiem (Pham 38Ly The Gian). Bo
contamination they actually realize the ultimate
Tat nao an tru ni phap nay se c tr sai biet
truth, while carrying out the deeds of enlightening
quang ai vo thng cua Nh Lai. **See Ten
beings without ceasesLau tan tr hien chng
kinds of knowledge of differentiation of
thc te khi Bo Tat hanh chang oan dietSee
Enlightening Beings.
Ten kinds of path of Great Enlightening Beings
Knowledge of direction and consequence of (6).
all laws: Tri nhat thiet s ao tr lc (biet ng Knowledge of extinction of all sentient
i va ket qua cua ch phap)One of the ten
beings deisres, compulsions, delusions, and

habits, without abandoning the practices of Knowledge of interpretation of all writings:

Enlightening Beings: Tr kheo biet tat ca chung Tr biet tat ca van t bien taiSee Ten kinds of
sanh lac duc, phien nao, nghi hoac, tap kh eu broad knowledge and Ten kinds of purity.
diet het, ma chang ri bo hanh Bo TatSee Ten Knowledge of introducing sentient beings to
kinds of path of Great Enlightening Beings (10). truth: Tr kheo biet tat ca chung sanh kien giai
Knowledge of the extinction of suffering: sai biet, ma lam cho ho nhap vao phap phng
Diet tr. tienKnowledge of differences in weak,
Knowledge of all forms of former existences middling, and superior understanding of all
of self and others: Purvanivasanusmrti-jnana sentient beings, and means of introducing them to
(skt)Tuc Mang ThongKha nang biet c truthSee Ten kinds of path of Great
qua kh v lai cua mnh va ngiSee Six Enlightening Beings (10).
miraculous or transcendental powers. Knowledge of karma of all beings: Tri tam
Knowledge of all former existence: the nghiep bao tr lcA Buddha is able to know
Purvanivasanusmrti-jnana (skt)Tuc Mang what is the karma of every being, past, present,
ThongSee Five supernatural powers. and future. This is one of the ten powers of a
Buddhac Nh Lai co kha nang biet c tam
Knowledge of (all) former existence of self
the nghiep cua moi chung sanh. ay la mot trong
and others: Puva-nivasanusmrti-jnana (skt)
mi lc cua c Nh LaiSee Ten powers of a
Tuc mang thongSee Six miraculous or
transcendental powers.
Knowledge of the language and speech of all
Knowledge of fundamental principles:
sentient beings: Tr biet tat ca ngon ng am
Fundamental wisdomOriginal wisdomPrimal
thanh t bien thien xao cua chung sanhSee Ten
wisdomSource of all truth and virtueIntuitive
kinds of broad knowledge and Ten kinds of purity.
knowledge or wisdomCan ban tr.
Knowledge of future karma: Biet nghiep Knowledge of the law of suffering: Dukkha-
dharma-jnana (skt)Kho Phap TrThe
tng laiSee Three aspects of the omniscience
knowledge of the law of suffering and the way of
of Buddha.
release, one of the eight forms of understanding
Knowledge of how to cause all beings to
Mot trong Bat Tr, do quan kho e coi duc gii
enter the reality body: Tr khien tat ca chung ma phat sanh tr hue sang suot, chat t me hoac.
sanh nhap phap thanSee Ten kinds of treasury
Knowledge of liberation: Giai Tri KienA
of great knowledge possessed by Enlightening
Buddhas understanding, or interpreted as release,
or nirvana, the fifth of the five attributes of the
Knowledge of how to make magical displays dharmakaya or spiritual body of TathagataGiai
of past, future and present: Tr lam s bien thoat va giai thoat tri kien, phan th nam trong
hoa khap tam theSee Ten kinds of treasury of ngu phan phap than cua Nh LaiSee Five
great knowledge possessed by Enlightening attributes of the dharmakaya.
Beings. Knowledge of like and dislike arising from
Knowledge illuminating all Buddha-lands: mental conditions: Tr TngConsciousness
Tr chieu sang tat ca coi PhatSee Ten kinds of of like and dislike arising from mental
treasury of great knowledge possessed by conditionsY thc do canh gii me chap ma
Enlightening Beings. chang biet o la huyen gia lai sanh tam thch hay
Knowledge of infinite different natures of khong thch khi len t trang thai tinh thanSee
sentient beings: Tr kheo biet tat ca chung sanh Six coarser stages.
co vo lng tanhSee Ten kinds of path of Great Knowledge of a man without ego: Nhan Vo
Enlightening Beings (10). Nga TrSee Pudgalanairatmyajnana.

Knowledge of manifestation of bodies in all Knowledge of ones liberation: Giai thoat tri
worlds: Tr hien than mnh khap trong tat ca kien.
the giiSee Ten kinds of broad knowledge and Knowledge of ones own past births: Tuc
Ten kinds of purity. mang minhSee Knowledge of ones past lives,
Knowledge of manifestation of reflections in and Three dharmas (LI).
all assemblies: Tr hien anh tng mnh khap Knowledge of ones past lives:
trong tat ca chung hoi ao trangSee Ten kinds Pubbenivasanussati-nanam-vijja (p)
of broad knowledge and Ten kinds of purity. Recollection of ones previous (past) livesTu c
Knowledge of all methods of concentration mang minh (tr biet cac i song trong qua kh)
spells: Tr biet tat ca mon a La NiSee Ten See Three dharmas (LI).
kinds of broad knowledge and Ten kinds of purity. Knowledge only: Prajnaptimatra (skt)Duy
Knowledge of methods are only means Thc (mot he thong triet hoc Phat giao chuyen ve
phan tch tam ly va ngoai quan).
liberation for enlightening beings:
Knowledge of the origin of suffering: Tap
Knowledge of all meditations, liberations, and
trSee Four knowledges (B).
concentrations, whether defiled or pure, timely or
not, expediently producing door of liberation for Knowledge of other beings passing away
enlightening beingsTr kheo biet tat ca thien, and arising: Knowledge of others deaths and
giai thoat, va cac tam muoi, hoac cau hoac tnh, rebirths according to their deedsThien nhan tr
thi cung phi thi, ch la nhng phng tien xuat hay tr biet s sanh t cua chung sanh tuy theo
sanh cho Bo Tat giai thoat monSee Ten kinds nghiep cua ho.
of path of Great Enlightening Beings (10). Knowledge of others minds: Paricce-nanam
Knowledge and mind: Tam TrKnowledge (p)Tha tam trSee Four knowledges (A).
and mind or the wisdom of the mind (mind being Knowledge of pain and pleasure resulting
the organ, knowing the function)Tam va tr from the knowledge or consciousness,
(tam la the, tr la dung). causing continuous responsive memory:
Knowledge of the minds of all others: Tng Tuc TngDa vao s phan biet cua tr
Paracitta-jnana (skt)Tha Tam ThongSee Five tng ma co y thc ve kho lac (au kho va vui
supernatural powers. sng)See Six coarser stages.
Knowledge of no-rebirth: Vo sanh trSee Knowledge of past and future of self and
Ten forms of understanding (A). others or ability to penetrate into past and
Knowledge of non-duality: Advaya-jnatritva future lives of self and others:
(skt)Tri Kien Bat NhNondualistic knowledge Purvanivasanusmrti-jnana (skt)Tuc Mang
(the knowledge without thinking of extremes) Thong Kha nang biet c qua kh v lai cua
Tri kien khong ngh en nh bien. mnh va ngiSee Six miraculous or
Knowledge of non-self of the dharma: transcendental powers.
Dharmanairatmyajnana (skt)Phap Vo Nga Knowledge of past karma: Biet nghiep qua
TrKnowledge of non-substantiality of the khSee Three aspects of the omniscience of
Dharma. The knowledge or wisdom of the Buddha.
dharmanairatmya, or the power of cognisance
Knowledge of the path (to eliminate
whereby the truth of Dharmanairatmya is
sufferings): ao trSee Four knowledges (B).
acceptedNang lc ve nhan biet nh o ma cai
chan ly ve Phap Vo Nga c chap nhan. Knowledge of perfection: Jnana-paramita
Knowledge of the objective sphere: Objective (skt)Tr Ba la matKnowledge paramita or
knowledge of the true definition of all dharmas.
world and the subjective mindCanh tr.
The cultivation of the Bodhisattvas intellectual
Knowledge obtained from seeing: Nhan tr.
and spiritual journey comes with his ascent to the
Jnana Paramita, then immediately preceding his

transformation into a fully awakened Buddha. The particular, as distinguished from their
most significant event in this level and the seeming: Tr biet suot tong tng va biet
paramount symbol of the Bodhisattvas highest tng cua ch phap mot cach ung nh thc.
accomplishment, is entrance into a meditative 2) Budha-omniscience: Phat Tr.
state of balanced concentration immersed in non- 3) The knowledge or wisdom of reality, in
dualistic knowledge of emptiness. This event is contrast with knowledge of the relative: Thc
represented by his initiation into the omniscience TrS hieu biet hay thong at ve thc
of a perfect Buddha, which is quintessential tng cua ch phap, oi lai vi quyen tr la
perfection. Knowledge perfection or Prajna s thong at ve s sai biet cua cac quyen
paramita has an analysis quality which does not phap.
seem to figure as a specific characteristic of non- Knowledge relies on the body: The kind of
dualistic knowledge developed by the Bodhisattva knowledge that relies on the body functions to
at the stage of Jnana Paramita. So, whereas Jnana perform deeds good or bad. This is one of the ten
refers more to intellectual knowledge, Prajna wrong ways into which the Yogin may fallTr
paramita has more to do with intuitionHieu ro thc nay nng vao sac than ma tao tac nhng
cac phap, gi vng trung ao. S tu tap tr tue va hanh vi thien hay ac. ay la mot trong mi lam
tam linh cua mot v Bo Tat en giai oan at lac ma thien gia co the b ri vaoSee Ten
c tr ba la mat, t o cac ngai thang tien tc wrong ways into which Zen practitioners may fall.
thi e chuyen thanh mot v Phat toan giac. S Knowledge of right and wrong in every
kien y co ngha nhat cua trnh o nay va bieu
condition: Tri th x phi x tr lc (biet c cai
tng cao nhat cua s thanh tu toi thng cua Bo
nao ung, cai nao sai)One of the ten powers of
Tat la bc vao trang thai thien nh cua tam can
a BuddhaMot trong mi lc cua c Nh
bang c khi len t tr tue bat nh cua tanh
LaiSee Ten powers of a Buddha.
khong. ay cung la bc khi au cua Bo Tat
Knowledge of the same order: Loai Tr
vao cong nhat thiet tr cua mot v Phat, tc la tr
Knowledge which is of the same order, e.g. the
tue tinh hoa nhat. Tr tue ba la mat co mot pham
four fundamental dogmas applicable on earth
chat phan tch nh mot ac tnh ac thu cua tr bat
which are also extended to the higher realms of
nh phat khi khi Bo Tat at en giai oan tr ba
form and non-formTr tue quan xet T e cua
la mat. V vay, tr tue bnh thng nghieng ve
Duc gii goi la Phap Tr, v vi tr tuc hay loai tr
phan tri giac trong khi tr tue ba la mat lai
quan xet t e cua hai gii cao hn la Sac gii va
nghieng ve phan trc giac.
Vo sac gii.
Knowledge of the powers and faculties of all
Knowledge of the seed or cause of all
beings: Tri chung sanh tam tanh tr lcOne of
phenomena: OmniscienceChung tr.
the ten powers of a BuddhaMot trong mi lc
cua c Nh LaiSee Ten powers of a Buddha. Knowledge of all sentient beings mental
Knowledge of present illusion and behavior: Tr biet tat ca tam hanh cua chung
liberation: Biet phien nao va giai thoat trong sanhSee Ten kinds of broad knowledge.
hien taiSee Three aspects of the omniscience Knowledge of all stages of dhyana
of Buddha. liberation: Tri ch thien giai thoat tam muoi tr
Knowledge of the profound, occult import lcOne of the ten powers of a BuddhaMot
of all Buddha teachings: Tr biet ly thu tham trong mi lc cua c Nh LaiSee Ten
powers of a Buddha.
mat cua tat ca Phat phapSee Ten kinds of
broad knowledge. Knowledge succeeding upon fundamental
Knowledge of reality: Wisdom of realityNh knowledge: Hau ac chKnowledge arising
Thc Tr. from fundamental knowledgeTr khi len t
1) Knowledge of reality, i.e. of all things can ban tr.
whether whole or divided, universal or

Knowledge of suffering: Kho TrSee Four Knowledge of what is so and what is not so:
knowledges (B). Tr kheo biet th x phi xSee Ten kinds of
Knowledge and supernatural power: Tr path of Great Enlightening Beings (10).
LcTr Tue va Than Lc. Knowledge of the workings of karma: Sanh
1) Power of knowledge: Nang lc cua tr tue. t tr (tr tue biet ro hanh hoat cua nghiep)Once
2) The efficient use of mystic knowledge: Hanh the mind composing quite purified, clarified, soft,
gia (tu thien) co u nang lc x dung mat tr. without blemish, without defilement, fixed and
Knowledge of the supreme spirit: immovable, practitioners will be able to know the
Adhyatmatidya (skt)Noi MinhSee Five passing and arising of beings as one possessed of
sciences. wrong conducts in body, speech and mind; after
Knowledge of all the thoughts of all beings: dying, have arisen in a sorrowful stateVi tam
Memory of all the thoughts of all beingsKy tam nh tnh, hoan toan thanh tnh, sang sua, khong o
(y: mental)Dung y nghiep cua c Phat phan nhiem, khong phien nao, nhu nhuyen, kien nh
biet c tam hanh sai biet cua ke khac (thc biet va bat ong... hanh gia co the biet c nhng
tha tam)See Three sovereign powers for chung sanh co ac hanh ve than khau va y, sau khi
converting others. chet se sanh vao canh gii kho au, hay ngc lai
se sanh vao canh gii thien lanh.
Knowledge of the total destruction of all
impurities: Knowledge by which one is able to Knowledge of all worlds, all lands, all times,
destroy all passions (greed, hatred and all ages, without abandoning the practices
ignorance)Lau tan tr hay tr biet ve s oan tr of enlightening beings: Knowledge of
hoan toan moi o nhiem. manifesting the appearance and conduct of
Knowledge of total freedom reaching the Buddha throughout all worlds, all lands, all times,
all ages, without abandoning the practices of
other shore: Tr tat ca t tai en b nganSee
enlightening beingsTr biet khap tat ca the
Ten kinds of treasury of great knowledge
gian, tat ca coi, tat ca tam the, tat ca kiep, hien
possessed by Enlightening Beings.
khap hnh tng oai nghi cua Nh Lai, ma cung
Knowledge of the ultimate: Final wisdom
chang bo viec lam cua Bo TatSee Ten kinds of
Ultimate wisdomTat canh tr (tr hue toi
path of Great Enlightening Beings (10).
Ko (jap): Gandha (skt)FragranceHng
Knowledge on the unimpediment of the
(hng thm).
Dharma: Phap Vo Ngai TrWisdom or power
Koan: KounganCong an.
of explanation in unembarrassed accord with the
(I) An overview of KoanTong quan ve
Law, or Buddha-truthTr tue hay kha nang
Cong an: A Japanese term for enigmatic or
giang giai ung theo Chanh Phap mot cach vo
problem cases whose purport cannot be
ngaiSee Four Unobstructed Eloquences.
discerned by conceptual and analytical
Knowledge and vision of the Buddha: Tri thinking. The koan is given to the student first
kien PhatFour knowledge and vision of the of all to bring about a highly wrought-up state
BuddhaSee Four knowledges and Four of consciousness, and its solution requires that
knowledges of Opening, Demonstrating, practitioners directly and intuitively perceive
Awakening, and Entering the enlightened the true nature of reality. They are commonly
knowledge and vision of the Buddha. used in Zen, especially in Lin-Chi Zen
Knowledge is wealth: Tri kien la tai san (a sectsCong an la mot t ng Nhat Ban ch
van vi phu). nhng trng hp an ng, ma chu y khong
Knowledge of what is consonant with it: the nhan biet bang khai niem hay phan tch
Anvaye-nanam (p)Loai TrSee Four bang suy ngh c. Cong an c e ra cho
knowledges (A). ngi hoc la e dan ti tam trang cang thang
cc o, va giai ap cua no oi hoi hanh gia

phai trc nhan thc chat cua van hu. Cong trc khi mnh chet i. Theo truyen thuyet
an c dung trong Thien, ac biet la trong ai Tha, ngi ta bao c Phat a thot ra
cac Thien phai Lam Te. mot cau sau ay khi Ngai ra khoi than the
(II) The meanings of Koan: Ngha cua Cong cua ba me: Thien thng thien ha, duy nga
anKoan is originated from Japanese oc ton. o la van kien cua c Phat e lai
language, which means a kind of problem, cho chung ta oc, va nhng ai oc c no
which is given the master to his disciples to tc la nhng e t nha Thien vay. Tuy nhien,
solve. Problem is not a good term, however, khong co g b an trong cau noi nay, v tat ca
for there is no other equivalent term for such no khai m hay cong khai trc chung ta,
term in English. According to Japanese term, trc moi ngi chung ta; va oi vi nhng ai
Ko literally means public and an is a co mat e thay li tho lo ay chang e ra kho
document. But a public document has khan nao ca. Neu co mot y ngha an dau nao
nothing to do with Zen. The Zen document trong no, la pha chung ta ch khong phai t
is the one each one of us brings along to this van kien. Cong an trong chung ta, va
world at his birth and tries to decipher before Thien s chang lam g khac hn la ch no ra
he passes away. According to Mahayana cho chung ta thay ro hn trc. Khi cong an
legend, the Buddha is said to have made the c em ra khoi vo thc vao pham vi cua y
following utterance when he came out of his thc, th chung ta noi la chung ta hieu no. e
mothers body: Heaven above, earth below, thc hien s thc tnh nay, cong an oi khi
I alone am the most honored one. This was mang hnh thc bien chng nhng thng th,
Buddhas document bequeathed to us to t ra la mot cach bieu hien ben ngoai, no
read, and those who read it successfully are mang mot hnh thc hoan toan phi ly.
the followers of Zen. There is, however, no (III) Characteristics of Koanac tnh cua
secrecy in this, as it is all open or public to Cong an:
us, to everyone of us; and to those who have 1) The koan is given to the student first of all to
an eye to see the utterance it presents no bring about a highly wrought-up state of
difficulty. If there is any hidden meaning in it consciousness: Cong an c e ra cho ngi
at all, it is our side and not in the document. hoc la e dan ti tam trang cang thang cc
The koan is within ourselves, and what the o.
Zen master does is no more than to point it 2) Koans are constructed from the questions of
out for us so that we can see it more plainly disciples together with responses from their
than before. When the koan is brought out of masters, from portions of the masters
the unconscious to the field of consciousness, sermons or discourses, from lines of the
it is said to have been understood by us. To sutras, and from other teachings. What are
effect this awakening, the koan sometimes they?: Cong an c hnh thanh t cac cuoc
takes a dialectical form but frequently van ap gia thay tro ngay xa, t nhng
assumes, superficially at least, an entirely oan van trong cac bai thuyet phap hay cac
nonsensical formKoan la thuat ng Nhat bai giang cua cac v thay, hoac t nhng cau
Ban, co ngha la mot th van e ma v thay kinh va cac li day khac.
e ra cho ngi e t giai quyet. Tuy nhien, 3) A case which established a legal precedent:
van e khong phai la ch ung v khong co Mot trng hp thiet lap mot tien le hp
t Anh ng nao tng ng vi t nay. Theo phap.
t ng Nhat Ban, Ko nguyen ngha la 4) The concrete manifestation of Dharma, that is
cong, va an la mot van kien. Nhng reality or the Universe itself: S the hien cua
mot van kien th khong an nhap g vi Phap, o la hien thc cua vu tru.
Thien ca. Cai van kien Thien la cai van 5) A story which manifests the universal
kien ma moi ngi chung ta em theo en principles of the Buddha-Dharma: Mot cau
the gii nay khi mnh sanh ra va co oc ra

chuyen the hien nhng nguyen tac can ban record, by Rinzai (died in 867) in China and
cua Phat Phap. by Bankei (1622-1693) in JapanPhng
6) In Zen a koan is a formulation, in baffling phap nghien cu Thien theo cong an Trung
language, pointing to the ultimate truth. Hoa vao the ky th 12 vi cac Thien s i
Koans cannot be solved by recourse to logical nha Tong, nh ngai Ngu to Phap Dien, Vien
reasoning, but only by awakening a deeper Ngo Khac Can, va ai Hue Tong Cao.
level of the mind beyond the discursive Nhng s he thong hoa cua no xay ra Nhat
intellect: Trong nha Thien cong an la mot Ban ngay sau s du nhap cua Thien vao the
nh thc, bang ngon ng anh la, ch thang ky th 13. Luc au cong an c phan loai
chan ly toi hau. Cong an khong the c giai vi 3 tieu e: trc giac Bat Nha, hoat ong,
ap bang cach s dung ly luan hp ly, ma ch va cu canh. Sau nay, vao the ky th 17 th
bang cach lam tam giac ngo en mot mc Bach An va cac o e lam ln them thanh
sau hn, cung nh vt qua ly tr bien biet. nam hay sau tieu e, nhng cot loi ba tieu e
7) Koan is a philosophical topic given to a Zen cu van con co gia tr. Tuy nhien, t khi bieu
student for contemplation by the Zen master. thc hoan thanh, tat ca hanh gia thuoc tong
This is a common method in Zen which helps Lam Te ngay nay eu nghien cu Thien theo
the novice Zen students lessen his no, va viec nghien cu khong nhieu th t b
attachments: Cong an la mot e muc triet ly ong khuon en mc a co dau hieu suy oi.
do mot v Thien s a cho mot v Thien sinh Nhng th du tieu bieu va co ien a c
mi nhap mon e quan tng. ay la mot ngai Phat Quang Quoc S Trung Hoa va
phng phap thong thng trong nha Thien Bach An Nhat Ban cho nhng hanh gia Loi
nham giup cac Thien sinh mi giam bt s nhan thc Thien bi nhng ngi thuoc he
chap trc. thong khong dung cong an c ai dien,
(IV) The origin of Koan: Nguon goc cua Cong theo tai lieu ma chung ta co c bi Lam Te
anThe koan method of studying Zen Trung Hoa va bi Bankei Nhat Ban.
started in China in the twelfth century with (V) Something to be pondered on during
the Sung masters, such as Goso Hoyen (died meditation by novices in Zen monasteries of
in 1104), Yengo Kokugon (1063-1135), and the Lin-Chi school: Cong an la mot cai g o
Daiye Soko (1089-1163). But its cho cac e t suy ngh va quan chieu trong
systematization took place in Japan soon after thien quan trong cac thien ng phai Lam
the introduction of Zen in the thirteenth TeProblems set by Zen masters, upon
century. In the beginning the koan was which thought is concentrated as a means to
classified under three headings: prajna- attain inner unity and illumination. Originally,
intuitional (richi), actional (kikwan), and the koan means public notice, means a legal
ultimate (kojo). Later, in the seventeenth case constituting a precedent. Later, koans
century, Hakuin and his followers amplified have been used in Zen as a systematic means
them into five or six, but in essence the older of training since around the middle of the
three still hold good. Since, however, the tenth century. Since the koan eludes solutions
schema was completed, all the Zen students by means of discursive understanding, it
belonging to the Rinzai school nowadays makes clear to the student the limitations of
study Zen after it, and the study is more or thought and eventually forces him to
less stereotyped and to that extent shows transcend it in an intuitive leap (not by
signs of deterioration. The typical and speaking or discussion), which takes him into
classical examples of the koan students are a world beyond logical contradictions and
supplied by Bukko Kokushi (1226-1286) in dualistic modes of thought. On the basis of
China and by Hakuin (1685-1768) in Japan. this experience, the student can demonstrate
The approach to Zen by those of non-koan his own solution of the koan to the master in a
system is exemplified, as far as we have the spontaneous and without recourse to

preconceived notionsLuc au, cong an la comprehend it, feels his internals altogether
mot yet th cong khai, co ngha la co put out of order as if a fiery ball swallowed
trc ve mat cong ly. Ve sau nay cong an down could not readily be ejected. If you
c nha Thien x dung mot cach co he wish to know who this one is, apprehend him
thong nh nhng phng tien ao tao t where he cannot be brought within the fold of
khoang gia the ky th mi bang cach tranh reason. When you thus apprehend him, you
tat ca nhng li giai thch duy ly. Cong an will know that he is after all above the
cho phep e t thay ro nhng gii han cua tr interference of birth-and-death. The ultimate
tue va buoc phai vt len nhng gii han ay objective remains the same: to know and
bang trc giac ch khong bang duy ly, la th apprehend who one is beyond the fold of
a anh ta vao mot vu tru nam ben ngoai moi reason, that is, beyond the subject-object
mau thuan va moi t tng nh nguyen. S structure of intellection. Toward this end the
phat khi nay cho phep ngi e t trnh bay koan, a kind of question, problem, challenge,
vi thay mot cach t phat va khong can ti s or demand presented by and upon the
giup t ben ngoai. initiative of the master, is intended to serve a
(VI) Koans used by Lin-Chi: Cong an c Lam twofold function: The first is to penetrate to
Te x dungTo help the ego awaken to and the depths and quicken at its source the
realize the Buddha-nature, which Lin-Chi deeply buried or deceptively concealed basic
called true man without a title, that is, to underlying concern of the ego in ego-
fully be and truly know itself, there arose consciousness. The second is, while stirring
among certain Zen masters, notably those of this fundamental longing and its quest, to
the Lin-Chi school, the use of what is known, keep them properly rooted and directed. For
in Japan, as the koan. This is a development it is not sufficient that they simply be aroused.
especially of the eleventh and twelfth They must, in order to avoid the many
centuries, when Zen Buddhism having deceptive and delusive pitfalls in which they
acquired great esteem and wide renown may become attenuated or go astray, also be
throughout China, attracted many who no careful guided even fostered. In the earlier or
longer came out of any compelling existential pre-koan phase of Zen Buddhism, the caller
need. Earlier masters would probably have generally came out of the provocation of his
reacted with the same outward indifference own life experience, already bestirred by
and disregard as did Bodhidharma. These some existentially oppressing perplexity.
later teachers, however, in the sincere and Normally, however, the question or concern
compassionate desire to help all inquirers, had not yet been plumbed to its ultimate
began, now themselves to initiate their depth. Although kindled naturally, known
relation to the caller by means of a koan. The neither in its root-source nor in its true nature,
Chinese Sung master first to employ the koan and hence without adequate form, it could
somewhat systematically, Ta-Hui (12th easily become veiled or deflected. Despite a
century), on one occasion spoke as follows: genuine intensity and seriousness, the longing
Whence are we born? Whither do we go? He and quest were thus usually blind, amorphous,
who knows this whence and whither is the and confused, requiring a correct grounding
one to be truly called a Buddhist. But who is and focus. When, in this period, the student,
this one who goes through this birth-and- during an encounter with the master, would
death? Again, who is the one who knows not receive a piercing challenge or demand, for
anything of the whence and whither of life? instance, Bring forth your heart-mind!
Who is the one who suddenly becomes aware What is it which thus comes? What is your
of the whence and whither of life? Who is the original face prior to your birth? When you
one, again, who, facing this koan, cannot keep are dead, cremated, and ashes scattered,
his eyes fixed, and as he is not able to where are you? Or, simply, Speak! Speak!

The effect, often, was to provide just the 12, khi Thien c het sc a chuong va pho
needed orientation and guidance. Even so, bien rong rai khap Trung Hoa, thu hut ca
such challenges, questions, or demands were nhieu ngi khong con tm en v mot nhu
not called koans. These spontaneous, cau hien sinh thuc bach nao ca. Nhng v
unstructured exchanges between master and thay thi trc co le han a phan ng vi cai
student were instead termed mondo, or in lanh am va l la be ngoai nh Bo e at
Chinese Wen-ta, literally, question and Ma. Tuy nhien, nhng v thay sau nay, thanh
answer. But since the mondo-exchanges did that va bi man muon giup tat ca nhng ke tm
not prompt, ground, and direct the radical and kiem, gi ay bat au chnh ho thiet lap moi
ultimate concern of the ego, many of them lien he vi nhng ngi en tm bang mot
were actually used, subsequently, either as cong an. V thien s i Tong au tien s
koans, or as the basis of koans. The koan in dung cong an co phan he thong la Tong Cao
its double function may therefore be ai Hue (the ky th 12), trong mot dp, a
considered a deliberate and calculated noi nh sau: Chung ta sinh ra t au? chung
attempt to secure a result previously obtained ta i ve au? Ke nao biet cai t au en va
naturally and without contrivance. i ve au nay la ke ma chung ta co the thc
Conversely, it can perhaps be said, regardless s goi la mot Phat t. Nh ai la cai ke trai
of the technical terminology and distinctions qua sinh t nay? Lai na, ai la cai ke chang
of Zen Buddhism itself, that the earlier biet g ve cai t au en va i ve au cua i
student had his own natural koan, natural as song nay? Ai la cai ke ot nhien y thc c
to the burning substance, although still to be cai t au en va i ve au cua i song? Lai
given a proper form or focus, whereas, in the na ai la cai ke oi mat vi cong an nay,
later period, when the inquirer approached khong the gi oi mat mnh nh, va v han
neither with a suitable form of the quesiton khong lanh hoi noi no, thay ca ruot gan mnh
nor yet existentially fired to its all-consuming ao lon nh nuot phai mot hon la khong de
content, the master himself sought to foster dang phung ra c. neu ong muon biet cai
both by intially presenting such a question, ke nay la ai, lanh hoi han cai cho ma mnh
as it were, from the outside. In this instance, khong the em han vao khuon kho cua ly tr.
the koan, rather than being partially natural, Khi ong a lanh hoi c han nh the, ong
was totally given. But again, it must be han biet rang rot cuoc han la ke vt qua s
emphasized immediately that as long as the can thiep cua sanh t. Muc tieu toi hau van
question, or koan continues to be on the gi nguyen nh vay: biet va lanh hoi xem ta
outside or given, the effort is futile, and la ai ben kia cai khuon kho cua ly tr, ngha
there is, finally, no Zen Buddhism. In its la ben kia cai c cau chu the-khach the cua
character and structure, however, as well as tr nang. Hng ve cu canh nay cua cong
in the mode of its application and usage, the an, mot th cau hoi, van e, thach thc, hay
koan is carefully designed as a safeguard oi hoi e ra bi va do sang kien cua v thay,
against precisely this danger. For by its very co y nh thoa man hai tach dung: th nhat la
nature the koan does not permit itself to be tham nhap vao nhng mien sau va kch thch
fitted into any dualistic subject-object scheme tan can nguon no moi u tam nen tang chon
of the ego-consciousnessNham giup cho sau hay gia doi che ay cua ban nga trong
cai nga tnh thc va chng nghiem Phat nga thc. Th hai la trong khi khch ong moi
tanh, ma ngai Lam Te goi la Vo v chan hoai mong can ban nay va cuoc tm kiem no,
nhan, ngha la tron ven la mnh va chan thc gi cho chung c ben re va ch ao mot
biet mnh, trong cac Thien s, nhat la cac cach thch ang. V ch khi day chung thoi
Thien s thuoc phai Lam Te, mi co s s cung khong u. Ma con phai ch ao va hn
dung cai ma tieng Nhat goi la koan. o la na nuoi dng chung mot cach can mat ngo
mot phat trien ac biet cua cac the ky 11 va hau tranh nhieu cam bay gia doi va ao tng

trong ay chung co the b giam thieu hay i lac chnh v thay phai co tm cach trng dng
hng. Trong giai oan tien cong an cua ca hnh thc lan noi dung bang cach ngay t
Thien, ke cau ao thng en v s thuc ay au e ra mot cau hoi nao o, t ben
cua kinh nghiem song cua chnh mnh, a roi ngoai. Trong trng hp nay, cong an c
loan bi mot moi hoang mang dan nen nao hoan toan e ra thay v co phan nao t nhien.
o cua i song. Tuy nhien, bnh thng cau Nhng lan na, chung ta phai nhan manh
hoi hay moi u tam cha c tham do ti ngay tc khac rang khi nao ma cai cau hoi
mien sau toi hau cua no. Mac du c nhen hay cong an van tiep tuc la cai t pha ben
nhum mot cach t nhien, ngi ta cung khong ngoai hay c e ra moi no lc cua
biet cai can nguon hay chan tnh cua no, do chung ta eu vo ch, va rot cuoc lai, chang co
o khong co mot hnh thc thch ang, no de Thien g ca. Tuy nhien, trong ac tanh ve c
tr thanh m ho hay lech lac. Bat chap mot cau nay cung nh trong the cach ap dung va
s cang thang hay nghiem trong thc s, do s dung no, cong an c tnh toan mot cach
o moi hoai mong va tm kiem nay thng can than e chong lai ung cai nguy hiem
mu quang, bat thng va hon on, oi hoi nay. V ngay t ban tanh cua no cong an
mot nen tang va tam iem chnh xac. Khi, khong t cho mnh thch ng vao bat c
trong thi ky nay, trong mot cuoc gap g vi khuon kho nh nguyen chu the-khach the nao
v thay, hanh gia nhan c mot thach thc cua ban nga trong nga thc.
hay oi sac ben, th du nh em tam ong ra (VII)Numbers of koans: So lng cong anIt is
ay! Cai g en nh the vay? The nao la said that altogether there are about 1,700
ban lai dien muc cua ong trc khi ong c koans. Of these, about 500 are usually used,
sanh ra? Khi chet, hoa thieu, va tro tan rui since many are repetitive and others are less
th ong au? Hay, gian d Noi! Noi! valuable for practice. Masters have their own
Thng thng hieu qua cua no cung cap cai for references, but they prefer to use the Wu-
nh hng va ch dan can thiet. Du nh vay, Men-Kuan and Pi-Yen-LuNgi ta noi
nhng thach thc , nhng cau hoi, hay nhng toan bo co khoang chng 1.700 cong an.
oi hoi khong c goi la cong an. Thay vao Trong so nay co 500 cong an chnh yeu, v co
o ngi ta lai goi nhng trao oi nhat thi nhieu cong an trung lap nhau, cung nh co
va khong co cau truc, khong co to chc gia nhng cong an co gia tr thap cho viec thc
thay va tro la Van ap, ngha en la hoi va hanh. Cac v s eu co nhng s thch rieng
tra li. Nhng v nhng trao oi, hay van ap ve cong an, nhng thng thng ho dung Vo
nay gi y, at nen tang va ieu khien moi u Mon Quan va Bch Nham Luc la hai bien tap
tam can ban va cu canh cua ban nga, do o, cong an chnh.
tren thc te nhieu van ap c s dung nh (VIII)See Five characteristics concerning the koan
la cong an, hay nh la nen tang cho cong an. exercise.
Do o chung ta co the xem cong an vi tac Koan of Buddha recitation: Cong An Niem
dung hai mat cua no la mot no lc co y va co PhatThe koan of Buddha Recitation uses the
tru tnh e bao am mot ket qua trc ay a invocation of Amitabha Buddha as a koan. At the
c mot cach t nhien khong mu tnh. Trai very moment the name is uttered, it must be the
lai, co le ta co the noi, bat chap cai thuat ng focal point in respect to which all doubts and
ky thuat va nhng sai biet cua Thien, rang delusions are laid aside. At the same time you ask
ngi e t trc kia co cong an t nhien cua Who is this person reciting the Amitabhas
mnh, t nhien cai chat the nong chay, mac name? When you rely steadily on the koan, all
du van phai the hien no di mot hnh thc illusions and confused thoughts will be broken
hay tam iem thch ng, trong khi giai oan down the way knotted threads are cut. When there
sau nay, khi ngi ta van cha c vi mot is no longer any place for them to reappear, it is
hnh thc thch hp cua cau hoi cung cha lot like the shinning sun in the sky. When illusion
ta c het cai noi dung song ong cua no, does not arise and delusions disappear, the mind

is all calm and transparentCong an niem Phat phenomena are empty because they arise in
c dung khi chung ta coi niem Phat A Di a dependence upon causes and conditions. In
nh la mot cong an. Ngay trong phut giay hong themselves they are vacuous and insubstantial as
danh Phat c niem ra, no la iem tap trung then the circle created by the twirling stick of burning
chot ma moi nghi hoac ao tng phai c e qua incense. Again, phenomena are empty because
mot ben. ong thi t hoi coi ai la ngi ang they are evanescent. Things perish the moment
niem Phat? Khi da vao cong an, moi me m they arise, and thus there is no abiding entity
vong tng eu b bc v giong nh nhng gut ch behind the sensible appearances that present
b cat t. Khi ma khong con g na e cho nhng themselves to us. The phenomenal universe is like
th nay tai xuat hien, cung la luc anh nhat quang a film projected upon a blank screen. The film is a
pho chieu khap tri. Khi ao tng khong khi va continuous series of ever changing pictures.
me m bien mat, luc o tam ta tnh lang va trong Through our ignorance we may become attached
suot. to the figures on the screen. We may laugh with
Koan of Emptiness: Cong An ve Khong them or cry with them, swell with pride or grow
The term Emptiness or Nothingness has tense with excitement, but this does not make
become best known as a koan in Lin-Chi Zen, them real, and once the projector stops, all these
Zhao-Chou-Tsung-Shens Emptiness (Mu), and figures with whom we have been so deeply
it can indeed be said that the whole aim of all involved will vanish into nothingness, together
school of Zen is to bring about the realization of with all their loves and hates, their joys and
Emptiness. However, the origin of this concept sorrows, and their ventures and intrigues. The
goes back to the basic teaching of the Buddha. world we are living in is just like a movie on the
The Buddha taught that all phenomena are screen: evanescent, insubstantial and void. Even
branded with four marks: impermanence, this very being we call our self dissolves upon
suffering, selflessness, and emptiness. Why does analysis into a mere appearance destitute of final
the Buddha say about the emptiness of all actuality. The first and final goal of Zen is to
phenomena? According to Buddhism, all realize that everything is emptiness. But this
phenomena arise and exist through the realization must be experiential, not merely
combination of many different elements. Since intellectual. It is not enough to assert that
whatever exists depends upon other things for its everything is empty; one must see into the fact of
existence, it lacks an immutable core of emptiness in all ones daily activities. Emptiness
independent actuality and is therefore, considered is to be grasped from the inside at each moment,
in itself, void. Phenomena possess a kind of without hesitation. Once there was a Zen student
apparent existence, in that they can be seen, who was studying the koan of Emptiness under
heard, touched, etc., but beyond their status as a master. He worked very hard on the koan for
appearances they have no substantial reality. This several years until, one evening in meditation, he
lack of substantial reality is what signified by the believed that he had realized Satori. He ran to
word Emptiness. According to Zen Master the master to report his experience, but the master
Thich Thien An in Zen Philosophy-Zen was not in a hurry to offer his congratulations. As
Practice, perhaps the concept of emptiness is soon as the student entered the masters room and
difficult to be clarified by one or two illustrations. burst out with a loud bellowing Emptiness, the
If in a dark room, a stick of burning incense is master swatted him with his fan. Immediately the
twirled very rapidly, a circle of light is seen. But students face turned red with anger. Seeing this,
as soon as we stop the stick of burning incense, the master added with a gentle smile: If you
the circle of light disappears. Though the circle really understand that everything is empty, why
was visible and everybody saw it as such, it was are you angry? The student suddenly attained
actually an illusion created by the mind. Since it satori after hearing this. Emptiness must be
has no real existence, the circle even when lived in the stream of daily life flowing by us all
present and visible is empty. In the same way, all the time and not forming into an abstract concept

by understanding. When emptiness is grasped as chung von trong rong va khong co thc chat,
a concept and not a living reality, it has been lost. giong nh vong tron la do que nhang quay nhanh
With a blink of the eyes we have missed seeing. tao nen. Mat khac, cac hien tng la trong rong v
A man may have a thorough intellectual chung phu du. Cac vat eu hoai diet khi chung
understanding of the doctrine of emptiness, but if mi thanh, va v the khong co mot thc the co
he gets angry when insulted, clamors for praise nh ang sau nhng ve be ngoai cam xuc c
and fame, and feels upset when he does not get nh chung ta thay chung. Vu tru hien tng nh la
his way, he cannot be said to have realized mot cuon phim chieu tren man anh trang. Cuon
emptiness. Emptiness is not so much an idea as it phim la mot chuoi lien tuc cac bc anh luon thay
is a state of being. The man who lives in oi. V vo minh chung ta co the chap vao nhng
emptiness may not be able to expalin it, but if nhan vat tren man anh. Chung ta co the hoac
he can really demonstrate Empiness in every khoc theo ho, t hao hay cang thang bc xuc theo
phase of his day to day life, he is an accomplished hoan canh, nhng nh the cung khong lam cho ho
man of the WayT Khong hay H khong co that c, va mot khi may chieu phim ngng
a tr nen noi tieng la mot cong an cua Thien chieu, th tat ca nhng nhan vat ma chung ta a
phai Lam Te, cai Khong cua Trieu Chau Tong quyen luyen se tan bien vao h khong, em theo
Tham, va chung ta co the noi toan bo muc ch tat ca nhng vui buon, thng, ghet, nhng phieu
cua cac trng phai Thien la nhan thc cho c lu, uan khuc. The gii ma chung ta ang song
cai Khong. Tuy nhien, nguon goc cua khai cung giong nh mot cuon phim ang chieu tren
niem nay khi s ngay t giao ly can ban cua man anh: phu du, khong thc chat va trong rong.
c Phat. c Phat a day rang moi hien tng Ngay ca en cai sinh vat ma chung ta goi la ta
eu b ong bi bon dau an: vo thng, kho, vo khi c phan tch cung tan bien thanh mot hnh
nga va khong. Tai sao c Phat lai noi ve s tng thieu vang thc tai toi hau. Muc ch au
trong rong cua tat ca cac hien tng? Theo ao tien va cuoi cung cua Thien la nhan thc c
Phat, moi hien tng noi len va ton tai qua s tap rang moi vat la trong rong, Nhng s nhan thc
hp cua nhieu thanh phan khac biet. Moi vat ton nay phai do thc nghiem, ch khong phai do tri
tai c cung nh cac vat khac cho s ton tai cua thc. Ch khang nh rang moi vat eu trong rong
no, ma khong co c cot tuy bat bien hien thc van cha u, chung ta con phai thay c s trong
oc lap, va do o, t no von la khong. Cac hien rong trong hanh ong hang ngay cua chung ta. S
tng eu co mot ve be ngoai ton tai, ngha la trong rong phai c nam vng trong tng luc,
chung co the thay c, nghe c, s c, song khong mot thoang chan ch. Ngay xa co mot
ngoai cai ve be ngoai nay chung khong co mot thien sinh c Thay trao cho cong an Khong
thc chat ben vng. Cai thieu thc chat ben vng e tham cu. Suot nhieu nam tri ong c nghien
nay la y ngha cu Khong. Theo Thien S Thch ngam cong an cho en mot buoi chieu ngoi thien
Thien An trong Triet Ly Thien-Thc Tap ong ngh la mnh a ngo c. Ong lien chay i
Thien, co le khai niem kho hieu ve Khong tm thay e bao cao kinh nghiem cua ong, nhng
khong the c lam sang to bang mot hay hai th ong thay lai khong voi khen tang. Ngay khi v
du. Trong mot can phong toi, neu mot que nhang thien sinh va bc chan vao phong thay va gam
chay o c quay vong that nhanh, chung ta se len mot tieng Khong that ln, ong thay ben cam
thay mot vong sang. Nhng khi que nhang va cay quat ap cho y mot cai. Lap tc, v thien sinh
ngng quay th vong tron la bien mat. Dau vong o mat ta tai v gian. Thay the v thay lien bao:
tron co hien hien va moi ngi eu thay ro nh Neu qua that con hieu rang moi s eu la khong,
vay, no that ra ch la mot ao giac do tam tao ra, tai sao con con gian? V thien sinh ngo ngay
Cung v no khong he hien hu that s, nen ngay trong cau noi cua thay. Khong phai c song
khi vong tron la ay co mat, no van la trong ron, trong dong i cua chung ta tng giay tng phut,
no van la khong. Cung nh vay, moi hien tng ch khong phai ch sap xep thanh mot khai niem
eu la trong rong v chung noi len c nh tru tng bang kien thc. Khi Khong c
nhng nguyen nhan va ieu kien. T chung, xem nh mot khai niem ch khong phai la mot

thc the song ong, th no a mat. Ch chp mat Koma (jap): Cao Ly Quoc (mo trong ba nc nho
mot cai la chung ta a khong thay c. Mot cua Han Quoc, hai nc kia la Tan La Shiragi va
ngi co the hieu thau ao kien thc giao ly ve Bach Te Kudara).
Khong, nhng neu ngi ay noi gian khi b thoa Komeito: Japanese political party associated
ma, ln tieng khoe khoang khi c ca tung hay with the Soka Gakkai, which traces itself back to
danh vong, va thay bc boi khi khong c va y, Nicheren (1222-1282). Ironically, despite its name
th khong the noi ngi ay a nhan thc c cai and stated intention of bringing ethical conduct
Khong. Khong la mot loi song nhieu hn la into Japanese politics, but it has been involved in
mot y ngh. Mot ngi song vi cai Khong co a number of high profile scandalsang phai
the khong giai thch c no, nhng neu ng ay chnh tr cua Nhat Ban lien he vi Soka Gakkai,
that s chng to c cai Khong nay trong moi co nguon goc t thi ngai Nhat Lien. Ma mai, du
luc cua i song hang ngay th ngi ay a thanh ten va chu ch cua no la em ao c vao chnh
tu con ng tu ao. tr Nhat Ban, nhng to chc nay a dnh lu vi
Koben (jap): S Cao Bien (Nhat Ban)A mot so nhng van e that xau xa.
Japanese monk who purely practiced KegonV Komokuten (jap): Virupaksha (skt)The broad-
s Nhat Ban chuyen tu theo tong Hoa Nghiem. eyed (ugly-eyed) devaQuang Muc Thien
Kobo Daishi (jap): Hoang Phap ai S (774- VngSee Four Heavenly (Guardian) Kings.
835)Hung-Fa, name of a noted monk who Komuso (jap): Emptiness monksS H
founded the Shingon Sect in JapanTen cua mot KhongMonks of the Fuke School who wander
v s noi tieng, ngi a khai sang ra tong Chan through the countryside playing the bamboo flute.
Ngon tai Nhat Ban. They wear beehive-shaped bamboo hats, which
Kobukuji (jap): Chua Hng Phc (Nhat Ban). hide their faces and thus their identitiesNhng
Kodanna (skt): A Nha Kieu Tran Nh. nha s thuoc phai Fuke, ngi lang thang khap
Kodha (p): San han, nong nay, "tam gai goc". cac vung que, thoi sao tre. Ho oi non tre co hnh
San han va nhng tam s i kem vi san han. to ong e che mat va goc gac cua mnh.
Koho (jap): KaofengZen Master Kao-Feng- Komyoji (jap): Chua Quang Minh (Nhat Ban).
Yuan-Miao (1238-1295)Cao Phong Dieu To Komyo-Kogo (jap): Hoang hau Quang Minh
See Kao Feng Yuan Miao Zen Master. (Nhat Ban).
Koken (jap): Hoang hau Hieu Khiem (Nhat Kon (jap):
Ban). 1) Indriya (skt)Sense organSee Roots and
Kokika (skt): Cu Di LaTen mot loai chim Sixteen roots.
cuA kind of cuckoo. 2) Mula (skt): RootCan ban.
Koku (jap): Akasa (skt)Open spaceH Styana (skt): SlothHon tram.
khong. Konantoritsu (jap): Co Nam o Luat Tong
Kokubunji (jap): Quoc T (Nhat Ban). (Phat Giao Nhat Ban).
Kokubunniji (jap): Quoc Ni T (Nhat Ban). Konchok Gyelpo (1034-1102): Founder of
Sakya monastery in 1073. He was a disciple of the
Kokushi (jap): Quoc s.
translator Drokmi, who traveled to India and
Kolita (skt): Cau Li Thai TThe eldest son of
studied Sanskrit with Santipa. Sakya later became
Dronodana, uncle of Sakyamuni; said to be
the chief monastery of the Sakyapa order of
Mahanama, but others say
Tibetan BuddhismV sang lap tu vien Sakya
MahamaudgalyayanaNgi con trng cua
vao nam 1703. Ngai la e t cua nha thong dch
au Pham Vng, mot ngi chu cua Phat Thch
Drokmi, ngi a du hanh en An o va hoc
Ca; co ngi noi la Ma-Ha-Na-Ma, nhng co
Phan ng vi Santipa. Tu vien Sakya sau nay tr
ngi lai noi la Ma Ha Muc Kien Lien.
thanh tu vien chnh cua trng phai Sakyapa cua
Phat giao Tay tang.

Kondane (skt): Name of a Buddhist place in west Konkomyokyo (jap): Suvarnaprabhasa-Sutra

India, about seven miles from Karjat. The (skt)Kinh Kim Quang MinhSee
Buddhist caves in Kondane are slightly of later Suvarnaprabhasa-Sutra.
date than those at Bhaja. The facade pillars are in Konkomyo-Shitenno-Gokoku (jap): Kim
stone instead of wood. The caitya hall is one of Quang Minh T Thien Vng Ho Quoc Chi T
the earliest and is an important landmark in the (nhat Ban).
development of rock-cut architectureMot a Konpon-Setsu-Issai-U-Bu (jap): Mula-
danh Phat giao vung tay An o, cach Karjat sarvastivadin (skt)Original School of the
bay dam. Cac hang ong Kondane co nien ai Preaching that All Things Exist, one of the sects of
hi muon hn cac hang ong Bhaja (see Bhaja). Early BuddhismCan Ban Thuyet Nhat Thiet
Cac cay cot mat tien bang a ch khong phai Hu Bo, mot trong nhng bo phai cua Phat giao
bang go. ai sanh Thanh ien thuoc loai xa Nguyen Thuy.
nhat, va la mot bc ngoat quan trong trong s
Konyodha (skt): Cung Ng aAccording to
phat trien cua kien truc hang a.
Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese-English
Kondo (jap): Kim ng ien (Chua Nhat Ban). Buddhist Terms, Konyodha, an ancient kingdom
Kongakai (jap): Kim Cang Gii. mentioned by Hsuan-Tsang as a stronghold of
Kongan (kor): A Korean term for koan.Han unbelievers; it is said to be in south-east Orissa,
ng ch cong an.See Koan. possibly the present Ganjam townTheo Eitel
Kongochi (jap): S Kim Cang Tr (Nhat Ban). trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Cung Ng
Kongochokyo (jap): Kinh Kim Cang anh. a c ngai Huyen Trang noi en la mot vng
quoc co cua nhng ngi khong tin Phat, nam ve
Kongochokyo-Mikkyo (jap): Kinh Kim Cang
pha ong nam Orissa, co le bay gi la th tran
anh Mat Giao.
Kongo-Kyo (jap): Vajraccedika-prajna-
Korean Buddhism: Korean BuddhismPhat
paramita-sutra (skt)Diamond sutraKinh Kim
Giao Trieu TienKorea, one of the important
Buddhist countries in the Far East, Buddhism was
Kongo-Satta (jap): The Diamond BuddhaKim
introduced to this country early in the fourth
Cang Tat oa.
century A.D. According to Prof. P.V. Bapat in The
Konjin (jap): DarknessSlothStupefaction Twenty-Five Hundred Years of Buddhism, in
Hon TramWhen practicing meditation, those days (4th century A.D.), the Korean
sometimes cultivators drift into a dark heavy peninsula was divided into three parts, namely,
mental state, akin to sleep, this is the delusive Koguryu in the North, Pakche in the South-West,
obstruction of drowsinessKhi hanh thien, thnh and Silla in the South-East. The history of
thoang trang thai tam cua hanh gia ri vao mot Buddhism in these three parts of Korea is
vung nang ne toi am (me m) va buon ngu, ay therefore not identical. Buddhism was first
la vong chng hon tram. brought to Koguryu in around 372 A.D. when the
Konkai-Komyoji (jap): Kim Gii Quang Minh emperor Fu-chien of the Former Chin dynasty
T (Nhat Ban). (351-394) sent a delegation to Koguryu. This
Konkanapura (skt): Cung Kien Na Bo La delegation was led by the monk Shun Tao, who
According to Eitel in The Dictionary of Chinese- met directly with king Sosurim (371-384), king of
English Buddhist Terms, Konkanapura, an ancient Koguryu. Monk Shun Tao also brought with him
kingdom on the West Coast of India, including Buddhist images and many Buddhist texts. It was
Konkan, Goa, and North KanaraTheo Eitel twelve years later that Buddhism came to Pakche
trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Cung Kien through the agency of a Central Asian monk
Na Bo La la mot vng quoc co nam ve b bien named Marananda. Silla was the last to embrace
pha tay cua An o, bao gom cac vung Konka, Buddhism which came nearly 30 years after it had
Goa, va pha bac Kanara. been introduced in Koguryu. The chief

significance of Korean Buddhism lies in the role it chased deep into the forests and mountains.
played as an intermediary between China and Nevertheless, even though it lost royal patronage
Japan, for, although Buddhism received royal in Korea, Buddhism continued to flourish as the
patronage almost throughout its history in Korea, religion of the masses. In 1910, Japan occupied
there was no notable development in its doctrine. Korea and they lifted the restriction under the
Korean Buddhism was at its peak in the 11th Choson that prevented the monastic order from
century A.D. during the rule of the Wangdynasty operating in the cities. During this time the
of Korea. Before this period, Buddhism had been Japanese practice of married Buddhist clergy was
spreading under the influence of the kings of the introduced to Korea, but this has been generally
Silla dynasty. At this time, several famous rejected by most Korean Buddhists. Modern
scholars went to China to study the Buddhist Korean Buddhism is, in fact, Zen Buddhism (Son)
doctrines. Of these, Yuan-Tso (613-683 A.D.) of tinged with a belief in Amitabha Buddha or
the Fa-Hsiang sect, Yuan-Hiao (617-670 A.D.) Maitreya Bodhisattva. Its largest order is Chogye,
and Yi-Siang (625-702 A.D.) of the Hua-Yen sect which controls around ninety percent of Koreas
are best known. After King Taejo (reigned 918- operating monasteries. After more than five
943) initiated the Koryo period (918-1392) centuries of decline, during the twentieth century,
following the collapse of Silla, Son became the Korean Buddhism has been revived, but at the
dominant Buddhist school in Korea after being same time, it also come into a big competition
designated the state religion. After the 11th with aggressive Christianity. However, according
century A.D., Buddhism, which had been the to the most up-to-date census from the
religion of the aristocracy related to the Silla government in South Korea, more than twenty-
dynasty, became the faith of the common people, five percent of the Korean population considered
owing largely to the efforts of Yi-Tien, Pu-Chao themselves to be Buddhists, twenty-five percent
and a number of other monks. Yi-Tien, a scholar identify themselves as Christians, and the
famous for his editing of the Catalogue of the remaining fifty percent state that they are
Chinese Tripitaka, called Yi-Tien-Lu, studied indifferent to religionTrieu Tien la mot trong
Buddhism in China and then propagated the nhng quoc Phat Giao quan trong Vien ong.
doctrine of both the Hua-Yen and Tien-Tai scts Phat giao a c du nhap vao at nc nay t
in Korea. He also wrote articles on Buddhism in the ky th 4 sau Tay Lch. Theo Giao s P.V.
the Korean language. However, it was Pu-Chao Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram Nam Phat Giao,
who introduced Korea to Zen Buddhism which, in vao the ky th t Trieu Tien c chia lam ba
later days, was to play such an important part in its vung, o la Koguryu pha Bac, Pakche pha
history. During the period when the Yuan dynasty Tay Nam, va Silla ong Nam. Lch s Phat
of the Mongolian Empire had gained sovereignty giao trong ba vung nay khong giong nhau. Phat
over the Wang dynasty, Korean Buddhism was giao c a vao Koguryu au tien vao nam 372
much influenced by Lamaism. After the decline of khi vua Fu-Chien cua trieu nha Kim (351-394) gi
the Mongolian Empire, the Rhee dynasty of mot phai oan en x Koguryo. Phai oan nay
Choson period (1392-1909), Korea accepted c s Shun Tao hng dan, s a gap truc tiep
Confucianism as the leading principle of its vua x Koguryo la Sosurim (371-384). S Shun
culture and thus dislodged Buddhism from its Tao cung mang theo phai oan nhng anh tng
place of honour. During this time numbers of Phat va rat nhieu giao ien Phat giao. Mi hai
monks and nuns in Korea reduced noticeably, and nam sau, Phat giao mi en Pakche qua trung
at one time there were only thirty-six temples in gian cua mot tu s ngi Trung A ten la
the whole country, while at the end of the Koryo Marananda. Silla la vung at cuoi cung en vi
there had been almost a thousand temples. During Phat giao gan 30 nam sau so vi Koguryu. Y
the period of more than five hundred years under ngha quan trong nhat cua Phat giao Trieu Tien la
the Choson period, Buddhist establishments were no gi vai tro trung gian gia trung Hoa va Nhat
forbidden in the cities, and monks and nuns were Ban, v du rang c s bao tr cua hoang gia

trong suot qua trnh lch s Phat giao tai ay, kieu Phat giao Nhat Ban c a vao Trieu
nhng ton giao nay chang co s phat trien ang Tien, nhng thng b chong oi bi Phat t tai
ke nao ve mat giao ly. Phat giao Trieu Tien a ay. Thc ra Phat giao Trieu Tien hien nay la
at c nh cao vao the ky 11, trong thi gian mot phai Phat giao Thien m niem tin vao Phat
tr v cua trieu Wang. Trc thi nay, Phat giao A Di a hoac Di Lac Bo Tat. Giao hoi ln nhat
a c truyen ba di anh hng cua cac v vua hien tai la giao hoi Chogye, kiem soat gan 90
trieu ai Silla. Thi o co nhieu hoc gia noi tieng phan tram cac t vien Trieu Tien. Sau hn 5 the
i en Trung Quoc e nghien cu giao ly ao ky suy vong, trong suot the ky 20, Phat giao hoi
Phat. Trong so nay c biet en nhieu nhat la sinh Trieu Tien, nhng ong thi phai chu s
Yuan-Tso (613-683) cua he phai Phap Tng, canh tranh ln cua giao hoi Tin Lanh nang no.
Yuan Hiao (617-670) va Yi-Siang (625-702) cua Tuy nhien, theo thong ke mi nhat cua chanh phu
he phai Hoa Nghiem. Sau khi vua Taejo ( ngoi Nam Trieu Tien, khoang hn 25 phan tram dan so
t nam 918 en nam 943) bat au thi ky Koryo theo ao Phat, 25 phan tram theo Tin Lanh, con
(918-1392) sau s sup o cua trieu ai Silla, lai 50 phan tram khong co hng thu vi ton giao.
Thien tong tr nen la mot trng phai Phat giao Korean canon of Buddhism: Cao Ly Tang
co u the ai Han sau khi c cong nhan la (tang kinh ien cua Cao Ly)One of the three
quoc giao. Sau the ky 11, Phat giao cho en bay collections which still exists in the Ocean Seal
gi von la ton giao cua tang lp qu toc thuoc Temple with 1,521 sets and 6,589 volumesBo
trieu ai Silla, a tr thanh mot ton giao cua toan ai tang Cao Ly, mot trong ba tang s tap hien
the dan chung, phan ln la nh nhng no lc cua van con ay u tai chua Hai An vi 1.521 bo va
Yi-Tien, Pu-Chao cung mot so tu s khac. Yi- 6.589 quyen.
Tien, mot hoc gia noi tieng v ban chu giai bo Korin (jap): Hsiang-LinVung Hng Lam
Tam Tang ch Han, goi la Yi-Tien-Lu, a nghien (Nhat Ban).
cu Phat giao Trung Hoa, roi sau o truyen ba
Kornfield, Jack: American lay vipassana
giao ly cua he phai Hoa Nghiem va Thien Thai
teacher who trained with Ajahn Chah and S. N.
tai Trieu Tien. Tuy nhien, Pu-Chao mi la ngi
Goenka. Chogyam Trungpa invited him to teach
lam cho Trieu Tien tiep xuc c vi Phat Giao
Theravada meditation at Naropa Institute in the
Thien Tong, mon nay ve sau a tr thanh mot
early 1970s, and for several years after that he
phan quan trong trong lch s Phat giao Trieu
taught meditation in a variety of places all over
Tien. Trong thi Mong Co chiem lay quyen lc t
the world. He co-founded the Insight Meditation
Vua Wang th Phat giao Trieu Tien chu nhieu
Society in Barre, MA, U.S.A., where he is one of
anh hng cua phai Lat Ma (Lamaism). Sau khi
the main teachers. He has published a number of
e quoc Mong Co sup o th trieu ai Rhee cua
books, including Living Buddhist Masters, and
Choson lay Khong giao lam nguyen tac chu ao,
Dharma Talks, (with Joseph Goldstein)Phat
do o ay lui Phat Giao ra khoi v the danh d.
t tai gia ngi My, thay day thien minh sat, tng
Luc o con so Tang Ni giam thieu ang ke, va co
tho giao vi Ajahn Chah va S. N. Goenka.
luc tren toan quoc ch co 36 ngoi chua ma thoi,
Chogyam Trungpa a mi ong day thien Nguyen
trong khi vao cuoi thi ai Koryo tren toan quoc
Thuy tai Vien Naropa vao au thap nien 1970s,
co gan ca ngan ngoi chua. Trong khoang thi gian
va trong nhieu nam sau khi day thien tai ay, ong
tren 500 nam di thi ai Choson, c s Phat
con day thien tai nhieu ni khac khap the gii.
giao tai cac o th b cam oan, ch Tang Ni b
Ong ong sang lap Hoi Thien Minh Sat (Insight
uoi vao rng sau nui tham. Du khong con s bao
Meditation Society) Barre, Massachussett, Hoa
tr cua hoang gia, Phat giao Trieu Tien van tiep
Ky, tai ay ong la thay giao tru cot. Ong a xuat
tuc phat trien nh mot ton giao quan chung. en
ban mot so sach, gom quyen Nhng V Thay
nam 1910, Nhat Ban chiem ong Trieu Tien va
Phat Giao Song, va Phap Thoai (cung viet vi
bai bo lenh cam cac c s Phat giao hoat ong
Joseph Goldstein).
trong thanh pho di trieu ai Choson. Trong
Korosi, Csoma Sandor (1784-1842):
khoang thi gian nay thay tung co gia nh theo
Transylvanian scholar who traveled to Ladakh in

search of the origins of the Hungarian people. He text is lost, but fortunately we have a commentary
believed that these origins lay in Central Asia written by Yasomitra called the Abhidharma-
among the Uighurs, and thought that their kosa-vyakhya which has facilitated the restoration
language was related to Hungarian. In order to of the lost text undertaken by the late Professor
trace Hungarian origins, he traveled throughout Louis De La Vallee Poussin of belgium and
Central Asia and the Himalayan region, and he completed by Rahula Sankrityayana of Ceylon.
conducted research in Leh for almost two years. All elements of the universe were minutely
Although he never found records relating to explained by Vasubandhu in his Abhidharma-
Hungarians, during his studies he produced a kosa. The significant name of the School all-
seminal Tibetan-English dictionary and things-exist-doctrine (sarva-asti-vada) affirms all
Grammar. He also brought a wealth of existences, both material and mental, as well as
information about Tibetan culture to Europe, and that which is neither matter nor mind. This,
is widely regarded as the father of Tibetan Studies however, does not mean to admit the existence of
in the WestMot hoc gia ngi Transylva du Self (atman), an individual ego or soul or the
hanh en Ladakh e tm toi nguon goc cua ngi universal principle or First Cause. Whether or not
Hung Gia Li. Ong tin tng rang nguon goc cua he anticipated the danger of being involved in the
ho tai vung Trung A trong so nhng ngi admission of Self, Vasubandhu devoted the whole
Uighurs, va ngh rang ngon ng cua ho lien he ti ninth chapter of his Abhidharma-kosa sastra to the
ngon ng Hung Gia Li. e truy nguyen nguon refutation of the atman theory (see Bay Mi
goc cua ngi Hung Gia Li, ong a du hanh Lam Phap Cau Xa Tong). The Kosa School,
khap cac mien Trung A va vung Hy Ma Lap Sn, though it states that all things exist, is quite
va ong a lam cuoc nghien cu tai Leh trong 2 different from general nave materialism, because,
nam. Mac du ong chang bao gi tm thay tai lieu according to its theory, all things are elements
lien he ti ngi Hung Gia Li, trong khi nghien (dharmas) which include mind as well as matter,
cu ong a lam ra mot bo T ien va Van Pham all on an equal footing. It asserts the reality of all
Tay Tang. Ong cung a mang ve Au Chau rat dharmas and yet it admits the theory of no
nhieu nhng tin tc ve van hoa Tay Tang, va ong substance, no duration and no bliss except
c xem nh mot cach rong rai la cha e cua Nirvana. Most of the Abhidharma schools
nganh nghien cu ve Tay Tang phng Tay. probably arose after the Council of Asoka (240
Kosa (skt): B.C.), because the Abhidharma literature, seven
1) CaskBoxTreasuryCau xa (chiec hop, texts in all, was for the first time recognized as
kho bau). one of the Tripitaka (three baskets or collections)
2) Abhidharma (skt)Sarvastivadin (skt) in this council. At the time of the first and the
TreasuryCau Xa TongSee Kosa Sect, second councils there were only two Pitakas
and Ten schools of Chinese Buddhism. (Sutras and Vinaya)Ten goi cua tong phai la
Kosa Sect: Cau Xa TongTong Cau Xa cua mot danh t gian lc cua Phan ng A Ty at Ma
Ngai The ThanAbhidharma-kosa or Pitaka Cau Xa, la nhan e cua mot tac pham cua The
school of VasubandhuName of the school is an Than viet ve chu thuyet duy thc va co the dch
abbreviation of Abhidharma-kosa, which is the la Cau chuyen cua Phap Toi Thng. ai triet
title of Vasubandhus work on realism and may be gia The Than sanh tai Bach Sa Ngoa, thuoc x
translated The Story of the Higher Dharma. The Kien a La, xuat gia theo Hu Bo. Ong am tham
great philosopher Vasubandhu was born in en Ca Thap Di La e hoc triet hoc A Ty am.
Purusapura (Peshawar) in Gandhara and received Khi tr ve co hng, ong viet A Ty at Ma Cau
his ordination in the Sarvastivada School. He went Xa Luan (Abhidharma-kosa-sastra) hien van con
to Kashmir incognito to learn the Abhidharma 60 quyen Han dch. Ban van Phan ng a that lac,
philosophy. On his return home he wrote the nhng may man chung ta van con mot ban chu
Abhidharma-kosa-sastra which is preserved in giai do Yasomitra viet vi nhan e la A Ty at
sixty volumes of Chinese translation. The Sanskrit Ma Cau Xa Thch Luan. Nh ban chu giai nay ma

co Giao S Louis De La Vallee-Poussin B a vung ma Phat a i qua. Ngay nay vng

de dang trong viec tai lap ban van that lac va quoc nay thuoc vung Oude (theo Truyen
c kien toan bi Rahula Sankrityayana ngi Phap Hien, Bac Kieu Tat La la ten mot
Tch Lan. Moi yeu to trong vu tru c The Than vng quoc co mien Trung An, khac vi
giai ngha chi li trong Luan Cau Xa cua ong. nc Nam Kieu Tat La. ay la mot trong 16
Danh t quan trong cua tong nay la hoc thuyet vng quoc ln thi c Phat con tai the, thu
ve tat ca eu hien hu, khang nh moi hien hu, phu la thanh Xa Ve, ni c Phat a lu tru
ca tam va vat, cung nh khong phai tam va khong trong mot thi ky dai)See Xa Ve Quoc.
phai vat. Tuy nhien, ieu nay khong phai e tha 2) Daksinakosala (skt): Nam Kieu Tat LaAn
nhan hien hu cua nga (atman), mot ban nga ca ancient kingdom, also in Central India, part of
biet hay mot linh hon hay nguyen ly pho quat hay the present Central ProvincesVng quoc
nguyen nhan au tien. Chung ta khong biet The co ma bay gi thuoc ve cac tnh trung tam An
Than co tien oan moi nguy hiem do s tha o (theo Tay Vc Ky th ngai Huyen Trang
nhan co Nga, se xay ra hay khong ma ong a cho rang vung nay la vung Trung An. Theo
bo ra toan chng chn e bac bo thuyet Hu Truyen Phap Hien, ay la nc at Than hay
Nga. Cau Xa tong du chu trng rang tat ca cac Nam Kieu Tat La, e phan biet vi Bac Kieu
phap eu thc hu, hoan toan khac vi duy thc Tat La, con goi la ai Kieu Tat La. ay la
luan ngay th thng tnh, bi v theo ly thuyet ni ma ngai Long Tho a tng lu tru, c
cua tong nay, van hu la nhng phap bao gom ca vua Sa a Ba Ha rat knh trong. Nha vua a
tam va vat, tat ca cung tren cc a nh nhau. cho xay mot ngoi chua ln nam tang tai Bat
Tong nay tha nhan thc tai tnh cua moi phap La V La. V tr thu phu cua nc nay ngay
nhng lai chap nhan thuyet khong co ton the, nay cha ai nh ro)Southern Kosala.
khong co thng hang, khong co phuc lac ngoai Kosetsu (jap): Vipasyin-buddha (skt)Universal
tr Niet Ban. Hau het nhng trng phai A Ty Preaching BuddhaPho Thuyet Phat.
am co le a phat khi sau cuoc ket tap cua Vua Koshu-Bunki (jap): Hangchou-WenhsiS
A Duc (khoang nam 240 trc Tay Lch), bi v Hang Chau Van H.
van hoc A Ty am gom tat ca 7 bo luan, lan au
Kosthaka (skt): Cau sac tha ca.
tien c chap nhan la mot trong Tam tang Kinh
Koti (skt): Cau LiCau chiOne million (Also
ien (Tripitaka) trong cuoc ket tap nay. Trong
explained by 100, or 100,000, or 10 million)Mot
cuoc ket tap lan au va lan th hai ch co hai tang
trieu (co ni giai thch la 100, 100.000 hay 10
(Kinh va Luat).
Kosala (skt): Kieu Tat LaCon goi la Cau Sa
Kotlan (skt): Kha ot LaAn ancient kingdom
La, Cau Tat La, hay C Tat La.
west of Tsung-Ling, south of Karakal lakeMot
1) Uttarakosala (skt): Northern KosalaName
vng quoc co nam ve pha tay cua Sung Lnh, ve
of an ancient Indian kingdom situated to the
pha nam ho Karakal.
north of the river Ganges, the modern Oude,
and containing the cities of Sravasti and Kotsu (jap): A Japanese term literally means
Varanasi (present-day Benares). One of the bones. In Japanese Buddhism, it means Ju-i,
two main kingdoms, together with Magadha, the scepter, about 35 centimeters long, of a Zen
determining the political scene in the areas master, which is bestowed on him by his master as
covered by the Buddha in his travels. Its a sign of his mastership. The scepter has a slight
capital is Sravasti, where the Buddha and his S-shaped curve, like a human spinal cord. The
order stayed for a long period of timeBac master used this scepter to point at something, or
Kieu Tat La, ten cua mot vng quoc nam ve to lean on when sitting, or also occasionally to
pha Bac cua song Hang, ma bay gi la strike a studentThuat ng Phat giao Nhat Ban
Benares. Mot trong hai vng quoc quan co ngha la xng. Chiec gay dai khoang 35
trong, cung vi vng quoc Ma Kiet a phan ma mot Thien s nhan c t v thay cua
quyet nh san khau chnh tr trong nhng mnh nh dau hieu at ti trnh o cua mot bac

thay. Chiec gay nay co hnh hi cong theo hnh tr la nhng tro vui ma ch Tang Ni khong
ch S, nh cot xng song cua ngi ta. V thay c tham gia.
dung chiec gay nay e ch cho e t cai g o, e Kripa (skt): BiS thng xot, long bi man
ta vao ma ngoi hay co khi e anh hoc tro. PityCompassion.
Kousha-shu (jap): Abhidharma-kosa or Pitaka Kripatma (skt): T tng thng xotPitying
school of VasubandhuTong Cau Xa cua Ngai thoughtA Bodhisattva with a pitying thought of
The ThanSee Kosa Sect and Japanese Kosa sentient beings ought not to eat any meat
School. whateverMot v Bo Tat vi t tng thng xot
Koya (jap): Nui Cao Da (Nhat Ban). chung sanh, khong nen an bat c th tht nao.
Kozankoka (jap): Huang SankuHoang Sn Krishna (skt): Cat Ly Sat Na.
Coc (Nhat Ban). 1) Dark blue: Krsna (skt)Mau en hay xanh
Krakucchanda (skt): Kakuda-Katyayana (skt) amBlack, dark.
Cau Lu Ton Mau NiCau Lu Ton PhatCu 2) The hero-god of India: Ten mot v Than anh
Lau Ton PhatCau Lu Tan PhatCa La Cu hung cua An o.
Xan aCa La Cu Thon aYet Lac Ca Ton 3) With Buddhists he is chief of the black
aYet La Ca on aYet La Ca Thon a demons, who are enemies of Buddha and the
Yet Cau Thon Na. white demons: oi vi Phat giao, Cat Ly Sat
1) The first of the Buddhas of the present Na la ten mot loai chua cua Hac Quy, ke
Bhadrakalpa, the fourth of the seven ancient thu ch vi c Phat va Bach quy.
BuddhasV Phat th nhat trong cac v Phat Kritaka-akritaka (skt): Tac phi tacc tao
trong (1000 v Phat) Hien kiep, v Phat th t ra va khong c tao ra hay c lam va khong
trong bay v co PhatSee Seven ancient c lamMade and not-made or done and not-
Buddhas. done.
2) According to the Earth Store Bodhisattva Kritsna (skt) Kasina (p): CompleteA circle.
Sutra, Chapter 9, in the past, a Buddha named Kriya (skt): Kiriya (p)Hanh hay hanh ong
Krakucchanda appeared in the world. If a ActingAction.
man or woman hears this Buddhas name and
Kriyabhivyakti (skt): Manifested workS tac
sincerely beholds, worships, or praises him,
minh lieu hay cong viec c bieu hien.
that person will become the king of the Greay
Kriya-tantra (skt): Nghiep chuA Sanskrit
Brahma Heaven in the assemblies of the one
term for action tantra. This is one of the four
thousand Buddhas of the Worthy Aeon, and
divisions of tantra texts, according to Tibetan
will there receive a superior prediction
Tantric Buddhism. Action tantras are said to have
Theo Kinh a Tang Bo Tat, pham th chn,
been taught for meditators who require external
ve thu qua kh, co c Phat ra i hieu la
activities. The practices of this type of tantra
Cau Lu Ton Nh Lai. Nh co ngi nam
usually emphasize purification and external ritual
ngi n nao nghe danh hieu cua c Phat
activities of worship, rather than internal yogas
ay, ch tam chiem ngng le bai, hoac tan
T Bac Phan co ngha la nghiep chu. ay la
than, ngi nay ni phap hoi cua mot ngan
mot trong ba bo van kinh ve chu theo Phat giao
c Phat trong Hien Kiep lam v ai Pham
Mat tong Tay Tang. Nghiep chu c dung e
Vng, ang Phat tho ky ao Vo thng cho.
day cac hanh gia thien nhng ngi can co nhieu
Krama (skt): SuccessionTh eSee Twenty-
nhng sinh hoat ben ngoai. Tu tap theo mat chu
four non-interactive activity dharmas.
Kriya Tantra thng nhan manh en thanh tnh
Krida (skt): Khela (skt)Hy. va nhng sinh hoat nghi thc va le bai ben ngoai,
1) To joke for passing time: Gin chi. hn la thien quan noi tam.
2) Play or sport: V kch hay tro chi the thao.
Krodha (skt): Pratigha or Dvesa (skt)Anger
3) Take ones pleasure: Theatricals, which are
Phan (gian d)Hat La aAnger, ire, wrath,
forbidden to monks and nunsXem hat giai
resentment, one of the six fundamental klesas or

one of the three poisons (passion, anger, and oSee Five kinds of wisdom. and Five
ignorance)Can ban phien nao San Khue hay wisdoms.
s nong nay, mot trong tam oc (tham, san, si) Ksama (skt): Ksamayati (skt)Confession and
See Dosa, Wrath, Fifty-one Dharmas interactive reformRepentanceSam HoiXoa MaTo
with the Mind, and Seventy-five dharmas of the forebear or to have patience with; ask for
Abhidharma Kosa. consideration or pardon. Patience or forebearance
Krodha-candra-tilaka (p): Nguyet Yem Phan of repentance or regret for error. From infinite
No Tr Minh Vng. reincarnations in the past to the present, we have
Krosa (skt): Cau Lo XaCau Lau XaCau Lo existed in this cycle of rebirths. Because of
Xa. ignorance and greediness for desires of talent,
1) The distance a sound of a drum can be heard: beauty, fame, food, sleep, wealth, and power, etc.
Khoang xa nhat co the nghe tieng trong anh. which have masked and covered our true nature,
2) The eighth part of a yojana or 5 miles: Mot causing us to lose our ways and end up
phan tam cua Du Thien Na hay 5 dam. committing endless karmic transgressions.
3) Cau L Xa: The distance the lowing of an ox Moreover, because of our egotistical nature, we
can be heard, the eighth part of a yojana only hold to the concept of self and what belong to
Khoang cach ma tieng rong cua mot con bo us, we are only concerned with benefitting to
co the nghe c, khoang mot phan tam do ourselves but have absolutely no regards on how
tuanSee Yojana. our actions may affect others. Thus, in this way,
Krsnakarma (skt): Darkening of the month whether unintentionally or intentionally, we often
Latter half of the monthPeriod of the waning bring pains and sufferings to countless sentient
moonSecond fortnight of a lunar monthHac beings, committing infinite and endless
nguyetSee Krsnapaksa. unwholesome karma, consequently, creating
countless enemies. Even the most precious Triple
Krsnakarna (skt): A goddessHac nh.
Jewels, we still make false accusations and
Krsnapaksa (skt): Hac NguyetThe darkening
slander. All such karmic transgressions are
or latter half of the month, the period of the
countless. Now we are fortunate enough, having a
waning moonNa thang tri toi hay na thang
few good karma leftover from former lives, to be
sau tnh theo am lch (theo Tay Vc Ky, t ngay
able to meet a good knowing advisor to guide and
trang bat au khuyet en ngay 30 trong thang, goi
lead us, giving us the opportunity to understand
la Hac Phan. Hac phan co the la 14 hay 15
the philosophy of Buddhism, begin to see clearly
ngay tuy theo thang thieu hay u).
our former mistakes and offenses. Therefore, it is
Krttika (skt): NgangName of one of the necessary to feel ashame, be remorseful, and
twenty eight constellationsSee Twenty eight bring forth the three karmas of body, speech and
constellations. mind to repent sincerely. Repentance is one of the
Krtyanusthana-jnana (skt): Thanh S Tac most entrances to the great enlightenment; for
TrWisdom of perfecting the double work of with it, the mind within is always stilledNhan
self-welfare and the welfare of others, one of the Th hay kien nhan thnh cau c tha th cho
five wisdoms mentioned in the Shingon texts. The nhng loi lam. Sam hoi hay Sam ma co ngha la
wisdom derived from the five senses (ngu can), than nen kien tr nhan nai noi ra nhng loi lam
the wisdom of perfecting the double work of self- cua mnh, va thnh cau tien nhan tha th. Trong
welfare and the welfare of others; corresponds to vo so kiep luan hoi cua ta ke t vo thuy cho en
the air and is associated with Amoghasiddhi (Di ngay nay, v vo minh tham ai tai, sac, danh, thc,
Lac Maitreya) and the northMot trong nam tr thuy, cua cai, quyen uy, van van phu che khien
c noi en trong kinh ien cua tong Chan cho chn tanh cua chung ta b me m, do o than
Ngon. Tr chuyen t ngu can (nhan, nh, ty, thiet khau y gay tao khong biet bao nhieu ieu lam
va than), tr thanh tu dieu nghiep t li li tha, lac. Hn na, do t ni nga va nga s chap, ngha
tng ng vi h khong va Phat Di Lac Bac la chap lay cai ta va cai cua ta, ma chung ta ch

muon gi phan li cho rieng mnh ma khong can mi lam giay, hay 4.500 sat na tng ng
quan tam en nhng ton hai cua ngi khac, v vi mot phut.
the ma chung ta vo tnh hay co y lam nao hai vo Ksana of a ksana: Niem niemAn instant
lng chung sanh, tao ra vo bien toi nghiep, oan Thought after thoughtA ksana is the ninetieth
trai chat chong. Ngay ca en ngoi Tam Bao part of the duration of a thoughtKhoang cach
chung ta cung khong cha, nhng toi nghiep nh gia hai niem qua ngan, khong the xen tap bi
vay khong sao ke xiet. Nay may man con chut bat c th g.
duyen lanh d lai t kiep trc nen gap va c Ksani (p): Nhan nhucKien nhan i ch viec
thien hu tri thc day do, dat du, khien hieu c gPatienceEnduranceForebearance
oi chut ao ly, thay biet s loi lam. The nen Patient waiting for something.
chung ta phai phat tam ho then an nan, em ba
Ksanti-paramita (skt): Nhan Ba La MatNhan
nghiep than khau y ra ma ch thanh sam hoi. Sam
hoi la mot trong nhng ca ngo quan trong i vao
PerseverencePowers of patient endurance
ai giac, v nh o ma noi tam chung ta luon c
RepressionSee Ten Paramitas.
goi ra. **See Repentance.
(I) The meanings of KsantiNgha cua Nhan
Ksamayati (skt): Hoi phapSamRepentance nhuc: A Sanskrit term for an attitude of
ritesThe rules for repentance and confession. forebearance, one of the six paramitas. In
To repent or regret for error and seek forgiveness, Mahayana it is the third of the perfection
or to ask for pardon. It especially refers to the that a Bodhisattva cultivates on the path to
regular confessional service for monks and nuns BuddhahoodT Bac Phan ch thai o nhan
Nghi thc phat lo sam hoi toi loi. Hoi han ve loi nhuc, hay an nhan, mot trong luc ba La
lam (hoi qua) va xin c tha th. Sam hoi la Mat. Trong Phat giao ai Tha, nhan la ba la
nghi thc tu tap thng xuyen trong cac khoa le mat th ba ma mot v Bo Tat phai tu tap tren
cua ch Tang Ni. **See Three modes of ng i en Phat qua. **See Six paramitas.
repentance. (II) Other characteristics of KsantiNhng ac
Ksana (skt): Sat naTu DuKsana, said to be tnh khac cua Nhan nhuc:
20 lava or 400 finger-snapsBang hai mi lan 1) Endurance is an especially important quality
La D tc 400 lan khay mongSee Four short in Buddhism. The Buddha always teaches his
divisions of time. disciples: If you try to rub two pieces of
1) The shortest measure of timen v thi wood together to get fire, but before fire is
gian ngan nhat produced, you stop to do something else, only
2) An instance as a measure of time: Mot to resume later, you would never obtain fire.
khoanh khac c xem nh mot n v o Likewise, a person who cultivates
lng thi gian. sporadically, e.g., during retreats or on
3) The shortest period or measure of time, a weekends, but neglects daily practice, can
moment, an instant; in contrast with kalpa, the never achieve lasting results: Nhan nai chu
longest period of time: Khoanh khac cua mot ng. Nhan la mot c tanh quan trong ac
khoang thi gian rat ngan, oi lai vi kiep la biet trong Phat giao. c Phat thng day t
mot khoang thi gian dai. chung rang: Neu cac ong cha xac hai manh
4) Sixty-five (some says 60) ksanas are said to cay vao nhau e lay la, nhng trc khi co
pass the clicking of the fingers: 65 (co cho noi la, cac ong a ngng e lam viec khac, sau
60) sat na tng ng vi mot cai khay o du co co tiep roi lai ngng gia chng th
mong tay. cung hoai cong ph sc. Ngi tu cung vay,
5) 90 ksanas are equal to a thought: 90 sat na neu ch tu vao nhng ngay an c kiet ha hay
c coi nh mot niem. nhng ngay cuoi tuan, con nhng ngay khac
6) A ksana is equal to one seventy-fifth of a th khong tu, chang bao gi co the at c
second, or 4,500 ksanas are equal to a minute: ket qua lau dai.
Mot sat na tng ng vi mot phan bay

2) According to the Six ParamitasTheo Luc Because Subhuti, in a past, when my body
o Ba La Mat: Kshanti generally translated was mutilated by Kaliraja, I had at that time
patience, or resignation, or humility, no notion of an ego, no notion of a
when it is one of the six Paramitas. But when personality, no notion of a being and a life, I
it occurs in connection with the dharma that is would have been stirred by feelings of anger
unborn, it would be rather translated and hatred. Subhuti, I also remember that in
acceptance, or recognition, or the past, during my former five hundred lives,
submission.Kshanti thng c dch la I was a Ksanti and held no conception of an
s kien nhan, hay s cam chu, hay s ego, no conception of a personality, no
khiem ton, khi no la mot trong luc o ba la conception of a being and a life. Therefore,
mat. Nhng khi no xuat hien trong s noi ket Subhuti, Bodhisattvas should forsake all
vi phap bat sinh th nen dch la s chap conceptions of form and resolve to develop
nhan, hay s nhan chu, hay s quy the Supreme Enlightenment Mind. Their
phuc. minds should not abide in form, sound, smell,
3) In the Abhidharmakosa, Kshanti is used in a taste, touch and dharma. Their minds should
way contrasted to Jnana. Kshanti is not always abide nowhere. If mind abides
knowledge of certainty which Jnana is, for in somewhere it should be in falsehood. This is
Kshanti doubt has not yet been entirely why the Buddha says Bodhisattvas minds
uprooted: Trong A Ty at Ma Cau Xa Luan, should not abide in form when practicing
Kshanti co ngha ngc vi Jnana. Kshanti charity. Subhuti, all Bodhisattvas should thus
khong phai la cai biet chac chan nh Jnana, make offering for the welfare of all living
v trong Kshanti s nghi ng cha c hoan beings. The Tathagata speaks of forms which
toan nho bat goc re. are not forms and of living beings who are not
4) Endurance-paramita, or forebearance living beings.Nhan nhuc Ba la mat la Ba
paramita, patience paramita, or ksanti- La Mat th ba trong Luc Ba La Mat. Nhan
paramita is the third of the six paramitas. It nhuc Ba La Mat la nhan nhuc nhng g kho
means to bear insult and distress without nhan, nhan s ma l ma khong he oan han.
resentment, It is also a gate of Dharma- Nhan nhuc Ba la mat con la ca ngo i vao
illumination; for with it, we abandon all hao quang ch phap, v nh o ma chung ta
anger, arrogance, flattery, and foolery, and co the xa ri c san han, nga man cong
we teach and guide living beings who have cao, nnh hot, va ngu xuan, va cung nh nhan
such vices. There are Bodhisattvas who have nhuc Ba la mat ma chung ta co the day do va
left home to become Bhiksus and dwell deep hng chung sanh vi nhng tat xau ke tren.
in the forest or in mountain caves. Evil people Co nhng v Bo Tat xuat gia, song i khong
may strike or rebuke them, the Bodhisattvas nha, tr thanh Ty Kheo, song trong rng nui
must endure patiently. When evil beasts bite co tch... Dau b ke xau ac anh ap hay
them, they must also be patient and not trach mang ho cung chu ng mot cach nhan
become frightened, their minds must always nhuc. Du b thu d can hai ho cung nhan nhn
remain calm and unperturbed. In cultivating ch khong s hai va tam cua ho luc nao cung
patience, Bodhisattvas calmly endure the bnh than va khong b xao ong. Trong khi tu
abuse, criticism and threat from proud monks. tap nhan nhuc, Bo Tat nhan chu khong gian
They endure all this without getting angry. d trc cac li phe bnh, ch trch va ham
They are able to bear all this because they doa cua cac Ty Kheo kieu man nh trong
seek the Buddha Way as in Vajraccedika Kinh Kim Cang, c Phat a bao ong Tu Bo
Prajna Paramita Sutra, the Buddha told e: Nay Tu Bo e! Nh Lai noi nhan nhuc
Subhuti: Subhuti, the Tathagata speaks of ba la mat khong phai la nhan nhuc ba la mat.
the perfection of patience which is not but is V c sao? Nay Tu Bo e nh thu xa, Ta b
called the perfection of patience. Why? vua Ca Li cat t than the, khi ay Ta khong

co tng nga, tng nhan, tng chung sanh, 1) The rsi who patiently suffers insult, i.e.
tng tho gia. V c sao? Ta thu xa xa, Sakyamuni, in a former life, suffering
than the b cat ra tng phan, neu con tng mutilation to convert Kaliraja: Nhan Nhuc
nga, tng nhan, tng chung sanh, tng tho TienV tien nhan nhuc trc moi lang nhuc
gia th Ta se sanh tam san han. Nay Tu Bo ma l, nh c Thch Ca Mau Ni trong tien
e! Lai nh thu qua kh nam tram i, Ta kiep, thi ngai con la mot v tien tu hanh
lam tien nhan nhan nhuc, vao luc ay Ta cung nhan nhuc, tng nhan nhuc trc s loc tht
khong co tng nga, tng nhan, tng chung xe da bi vua Ca Li ma khong sanh long
sanh, tng tho gia. The nen, Tu Bo e! Bo oan han.
Tat nen la tat ca tng ma phat tam vo 2) Name of Sakyamuni Buddha in a previous
thng chanh ang chanh giac, chang nen tru incarnationTen cua c Phat Thch Ca
sac sanh tam, chang nen tru thanh hng v Mau Ni trong tien kiep.
xuc phap sanh tam, nen sanh tam khong cho Ksarapaniya (skt): Sai La Ba NiSam La Ban
tru. Neu tam co tru at la khong phai tru. The Ni.
nen Nh Lai noi tam Bo Tat nen khong tru 1) Ash-water: Alkaline water, caustic liquid
sac ma bo th. Nay Tu Bo e! Bo Tat v li Nc tro. Mot loai chat long co cha chat
ch cua tat ca chung sanh nen nh the ma bo kiem chua an da tay.
th. Nh Lai noi tat ca cac tng tc khong 2) Ash-coloured garments: Mot loai y ao mau
phai tng. Lai noi tat ca chung sanh tc nc tro.
khong phai chung sanh. Ksattriya (skt): Sat e LiMilitary and
** See Six paramitas and Ten paramitas. rulingGiai cap quy toc (gi quyen thong tr at
(III) Categories of Nhan (Endurance)Loai nc ve quan s va hanh chanh)See Kshatriya
Nhan: and Four Indian classes.
1) Two kinds of endurance: Nh Nhan. **See
Ksauma (skt): Ksaumaka (skt)So MaCon
Two kinds of patience.
goi la Sam Ma, So Ma Ca, Thu Ma, To Ma, hay
2) Three kinds of endurance: Three forms of
Tu Ma, ngha la th quan ao lam bang gai
ksanti (PatienceEnduranceTolerance)
FlaxLinenLinen garment.
Tam Nhan. **See Three kinds of patience.
Ksauma garments: Sam Ma YClothing made
3) Five kinds of endurance: Ngu Nhan. **See
of ksauma, i.e. wild flaxY ao lam bang mot loai
Five kinds of paramita tolerance.
cay gai dai.
4) Six kinds of endurance: Luc Nhan. **See Six
kinds of enduance. Ksaya (skt): Tan theExhausting
5) Eight kinds of endurance: **See Eight ksantis DestructionDecayWasting or wearing
or powers of patient endurance. awayEndTerminationDestruction of the
Ksanti-paramita-Bodhisattva (skt): Cardinal
patienceSan e ba la mat Bo TatIts Guardian Ksema (skt): An bnhPeaceQuietTranquil.
Bodhisattva is the third on the left in the hall of Ksetra (skt): oCountryFieldsLand
space in the Garbhadhatu: V Bo Tat th ba ben PlaceKsetra is also used to imply a universe
trai trong H Khong Thai Tang Gii, mot trong consisting of three thousand large chiliocosms.
mi v Bo Tat trong Thai Tang Gii. According to the Tien-Tai Sect, there are four
Ksanti in sound: Ghoshanugakshanti (skt)Am Buddha-ksetra, or realmso cung c dung
Hng NhanSound and echo perseverance, the e ch vu tru bao gom tam thien the gii. Theo
patience which realizes that all is as unreal as Tong Thien Thai, co T Phat oSee Four
sound and echoNhan vao nhng am thanh tieng Buddha-realms.
vong v nhan thc rang chung khong thc. Ksha (skt): Sat o (at)See Ksetra.
Ksantirsi (skt): Ksantyrsi (skt)Enduring Kshana (skt): Sat naA very short period of
rsiPatient rsiSan e tien nhan. time.

Kshanikam (skt): Sat na hay s tam b Luan Thuat Ky, ngha la can ban cua tong phai
Momentariness. **See Ksana. nay.
Kshanti (skt): Nhan nhuc hay an nhan, mot trong Ksinasrava (skt): Sat TacThief-destroyer, i.e.
luc ba La MatOne of the six paramitas. **See conqueror of the passions, an arhatNgi tieu
Patience and Six paramitas. diet nhng ten ao tac (cua chung sanh), ngi
Kshantideva (skt): Nhan nhuc thien. che ng duc vong, hay bac A La Han.
Kshanti-Paramita (skt): Nhan nhuc Ba la Mat. Ksirinika (skt): Sai Li Ni CaA sap-bearing
treeMot loai cay co mu.
Kshantiparamita sound: Nhan nhuc o.
Kshatriya (skt): Sat e liChinese render it as Ksitigarbha (skt): KshigarbhaEarth-store
BodhisattvaEarth-Treasury Bodhisattva
landowners and royal caste, the caste from which
Earth-Womb Bodhisattvaa Tang Vng Bo
the Buddha came forth. Ruling class: The warrior
and ruling castes in India during Sakyamunis
(I) An overview of KsitigarbhaTong quan ve
time (a member of the military or reigning order).
a Tang:
The second of the four Indian castes. The other
1) The term Ksitigarbha or Earth Store
castes were the Brahmanas, the Vessas, and the
Bodhisattva is named after the earth, which
Sudras (the priest caste, the merchants or workers,
not only give birth to things and makes them
and the servants or slaves). At the time of the
grow, but it can store all things within itself.
Buddha, the Aryan clas in India recognized four
Because this Bodhisattva has these characters
social grades called varnas (a colour), the highest
so he is named Earth Store. In Mahayana
being the Brahmin or priest Ba la mon). Next
Buddhism, Ksitigarbha is also known as the
comes the Kshatriya (Sat e li), the Warrior
Bodhisattva of great filiality and also as the
ruler; then the Vaishya or merchant; and lastly the
Bodhisattva of great vows. According to
Sudra or people of non-Aryan descentHoa ng
Ksitigarbha Sutra, He vowed: Until the hells
dch la giai cap a chu va Vng chung, giai cap
are empty I will never become a Buddha. In
ma t o c Phat c sanh ra. Giai cap Sat e
other words, he doesnt want to attain
Li. Sat e li, giai cap thong tr. ay la giai cap
Buddhahood until every single living being is
th hai trong he thong giai cap xa hoi co An o.
taken across. In general, it can be said of
Vao thi c Phat, xa hoi An o nhn nhan bon
Ksitigarbha as a Bodhisattva who has great
giai cap la Ba La Mon, Sat e Li, Thng Nhan,
vows, great conduct, great wisdom, great
va Thu a LaSee Four classes or castes in
compassion, etc.T a Tang c at ten
India at the time of the Buddha.
t at, v chang nhng at san sanh ma con
Ksi-Ki: Khuy CA noted monk during the
cha ng trong no tat ca moi th na. V ac
Tang Dynasty, an outstanding pupil of Hsuan-
tnh cua v Bo tat nay cung giong nh ac
Tsang. Ksi-Ki seems to have monopolized the
tnh cua at, nen ngai c ngi ta at ten
transmission of the idealistic doctrine. The Fa-
la a Tang. Trong Phat giao ai Tha th
Hsiang School was actually systematized and
Bo Tat a Tang con c biet en nh v Bo
founded chiefly by Ksi-Ki. His two important
Tat ai hieu va ai nguyen. Trong Kinh a
works: Fa-Yuan-I-Lin-Chang and Wei-Shih-Shu-
Tang, Ngai a tng nguyen: a nguc v
Chi, are the fundamental texts of this school
khong, bat nguyen thanh Phat. (chng nao
Mot v Tang noi tieng vao thi nha ng, mot
ma a nguc cha het chung sanh, chng o
e t xuat sac cua Huyen Trang. Dng nh ong
ta nguyen cha thanh Phat). Noi chung Bo
la ngi oc nhat truyen tha hoc thuyet Duy
Tat a Tang co ay u ai nguyen, ai
Thc. Phap Tng tong qua nhien la do Khuy C
hanh, ai tr, ai bi, van vanSee Earth.
he thong hoa va chnh yeu sang lap nen. Hai sang
2) Ksitigarbha is one of the four great
tac quan trong cua Khuy C la ai Tha Phap
Bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism, who
Uyen Ngha Lam Chng, va Thanh Duy Thc
according to folk belief, liberates those who
dwell in the various hells. According to the

Mahayana Buddhism, Earth-Store hnh anh quan trong trong Phat giao ai
Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva who saves Tha, ten cua mot v Bo tat c moi ngi
suffering beings in the hells, usually sung knh nh ngi a vt thoat moi kho
represented standing, holding in his right hand au cua a nguc, nhng v thng xot chung
a pilgrims staff, and in his left hand a pearl. sanh ma Ngai the nguyen i vao a nguc e
An important figure in Mahayana Buddhism, cu o cho ti khi khong con mot chung sanh
a bodhisattva who is venerated in folk belief nao trong o. Theo truyen thuyet Phat giao,
as one who had already transcended; trong mot thi qua kh lau xa ve trc, a
however, out of his compassion, he vowed to Tang la mot v Ba La Mon a the nguyen
come back as a savior from the torments of trc c Phat la ngai roi cung se thanh
hell until there is no more being in there. Phat, nhng sau khi ngai a cu o het thay
According to Buddhist legends, a long long chung sanh trong vong sanh t luan hoi. Mot
time ago, Ksitigarbha was a Brahmin, who trong vo so i trong qua kh, ngai a hien
took a vow before the Buddha of that time than lam mot co gai nho, con cua mot ba me
also himself to become a Buddha, but not a tng giet nhieu chung sinh e an tht. Sau
before he had liberated all beings from the khi me chet, ngi con gai o a thien nh
cycle of the samsara. In one of his countless lau en noi co nghe thay mot tieng noi ra
lives in the past, he was a girl whose mother lenh cho co niem hong danh cua c Phat.
killed sentient beings for food. After the Co a i sau vao thien nh, va a en nhieu
mothers death, the daughter meditated for a ca a nguc e biet rang me mnh a c
long time, until she heard a voice asking her cu thoat khoi nhng cc hnh cua a nguc
to recite the name of Buddha. She entered an nh nhng s thien nh cua co. Trong xa hoi
ecstasy and reached the gates of hell, where Nhat Ban ng thi, ngi ta xem Ngai nh
she learned that she had saved her mother mot v bao ho cho cac tre em hoanh t (bat
from the torments of hell through her ac ky t), ke ca nhng bao thai b pha, v
meditation. In contemporary Japanese vay ma tai sao trong cac ngha trang Nhat
society, he is seen as the protector of children eu co tng ngai a Tang, hoa tay phai
who have met untimely deaths, including cam tch trng, tay trai xau chuoi, di co
aborted fetuses, thats why in cemeteries in eo yem dai cua tre nt. Theo truyen thuyet
Japan there is generally a statue of Phat giao, ay la v Bo Tat c c Phat
Ksitigarbha statue, who is depicted as a monk Thch Ca giao pho cho trach nhiem ho tr tat
with a staff in his right hand and a jewel in his ca chung sanh trong sau ng cho en khi
left, and wearing a bib under his neck. mot v Phat tng lai giang the. Do co nhng
According to Buddhist legends, this quyen lc sieu nhien, ngai a Tang co the
Bodhisattva is said to have been entrusted by ong th hien len vi sau bo mat khac nhau
Sakyamuni Buddha with the task of helping e cu o chung sanh trong sau neo luan
all sentient beings in the six destinies until the hoiSee Six Ti-Tsang.
birth of the next Buddha. Through his 2) Ksitigarbha or Earth-Womb Bodhisattva is
supernatural powers, Ksitigarbha can take on more popular in the Far East than he ever was
six different forms in order to help beings of in India. In East Asia, he is popular only after
the six modes of existencea Tang la mot Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: Hnh anh a
trong bon v Bo Tat ln cua Phat giao Trung Tang thng pho bien tai cac x vien ong
Quoc. Theo tn ngng dan gian Trung quoc hn la tai An o. Tai cac x ong A, ngai
th Ngai cu o nhng chung sanh trong a pho cap ch sau Ngai Quan The Am Bo Tat.
nguc. Theo Phat giao ai Tha, Ngai la v 3) Like all other Bodhisattvas, he aspires to
Bo Tat cu o chung sanh trong a nguc, deliver sentient beings wandering astray in
Ngai thng ng, tay phai cam tch trng the three realms and six paths of mundane
va tay trai cam chuoi ngoc. a Tang la mot existence, but he specializes in delivering

beings from hell: Cung nh tat ca cac v Bo no moment of escape. You should therefore
Tat khac, ngai a Tang mong moi cu o protect people and protect their countries. Do
chung sanh ang lan troi trong coi Ta Ba ngu not allow living beings to be confused by
trc ac the, nhng ac biet la Ngai cu o these manifold deeds. Thus Earth-Store
ho khoi canh a ty a nguc. Bodhisattva vowsTheo Kinh a Tang Bo
4) In Japan, this Bodhisattva is popular as the Tat Bon Nguyen, c Phat day: Nhng
saviour of the souls of dead children, chung sanh trong coi Diem Phu e, t ni
particularly aborted ones: Tai Nhat Ban, Bo than khau y tao tac, ket qua tram ngan muon
Tat a Tang pho bien nh la mot v cu o s bao ng nh the, nay ch noi s lc o
linh hon cac tre con, ac biet la nhng thai thoi. Nhng nghiep cam sai khac cua chung
nhi b pha. sanh trong chon Diem Phu e nh the, a
(II) Categories of KsitigarbhaThere are several Tang Bo Tat dung tram ngan phng tien e
groups of KsitigarbhaPhan loai a Tang: giao hoa. Nhng chung sanh ay trc phai
1) Six Ti-Tsang:Luc a TangSee Six Ti- chu lay cac qua bao nh the, sau lai oa vao
Tsang. a nguc trai qua nhieu kiep khong luc nao
2) Six messengers: Luc S GiaSee Six Ti- thoat khoi. V the nen cac ong la bac bao ve
Tsang. ngi cung bao tr coi nc, ch e nhng
3) Yen-Ming Ti-Tsang, who controls length of nghiep chng o lam me hoac chung sanh:
days and who is approached, as also may be 1) If Earth Store Bodhisattva meets those who
Pu-Hsien, his two assistants areDien Menh take life, he speaks of a retribution of a short
a TangV Bo Tat kiem soat s trng lifespan: Ngai a Tang Bo Tat neu gap ke
tho cua sinh menh: sat hai loai sinh vat, thi day ro qua bao v
a) Supervisor of good: Chng Thien ieu Ng ng luy i trc ma phai b chet yeu.
Phap Tnh. 2) If he meets robbers and petty thieves, he
b) Supervisor of evil: Chng Ac Hang Phuc Vo speaks of a retribution of poverty and acute
Minh. suffering: Neu gap ke trom cap, thi ngai day
4) The Ti-Tsang of the conquering host, he is ro qua bao ngheo khon kho s.
chiefly associated with the esoteric cults. The 3) If he meets those who commit sexual
benefits derived from his worship are many: misconduct, he speaks of the retribution of
Thang Quan a Tang: V a Tang c cac being born as pigeons and as mandrin ducks
tong Mat Giao th phng. Li ch khi th and drakes: Neu gap ke ta dam thi ngai day
phng Ngai th rat nhieu. ro qua bao lam chim se se, bo cau, uyen
(III) Earth-Store Bodhisattvas original vows: a ng.
Tang Bon NguyenAccording to the Earth- 4) If he meets those of harsh speech, he speaks
Store Bodhisattvas Original Vows Sutra, the of the retribution of a quarreling family: Neu
Buddha taught: Sentient beings in the gap ke noi li tho ac, thi ngai day ro qua
Jambudvipa make hundreds of thousands of bao quyen thuoc knh chong nhau.
differing retributions resulting from the 5) If he meets slanderers, he speaks of the
habitual evil deeds of body, mouth and mind retribution of a tongueless and cankerous
committed by the living beings of mouth: Neu gap ke hay khinh che, thi ngai
Jambudvipa. Since the living beings of day ro qua bao khong li va mieng l.
Jambudvipa have such differing karmic 6) If he meets those with anger and hatred, he
responses, Earth Store Bodhisattva uses speaks of being ugly and crippled: Neu gap
hundreds of thousands of expedient means to ke qua nong gian, thi ngai day ro qua bao
teach and transform them. The living beings than hnh xau x tan tat.
who commit offenses must first undergo 7) If he meets those who are stingy, he speaks of
retributions such as these and, then, fall into frustrated desires: Neu gap ke bon xen thi
the hells, where they pass through kalpas with

ngai day ro qua bao cau muon khong c pha cua thng tru, thi ngai day ro qua bao
toai nguyen. c kiep luan hoi ni a nguc.
8) If he meets gluttons, he speaks of the 17) If he meets those wo defile the pure conduct
retribution of hunger, thirst and sicknesses of others and falsely accuse the Sangha, he
(illnesses) of the throat: Neu gap ke ham an, speaks of the retribution of an eternity in the
thi ngai day ro qua bao oi, khat va au co animal realm: Neu gap ke lam o nhuc ngi
hong. tnh hanh va vu bang Tang gia, thi ngai day
9) If he meets those who enjoy hunting, he ro qua bao mai trong loai suc sanh.
speaks of a frightening insanity and disastrous 18) If he meets those who scald, burn, behead,
fate: Neu gap ke buong lung san ban, thi chop up or othewise harm living beings, he
ngai day ro qua bao kinh hai ien cuong mat speaks of the retribution of repayment in
mang. kind: Neu gap ke dung nc soi hay la,
10) If he meets those who rebel against their chem chat, giet hai sanh vat, thi ngai day ro
parens, he speaks of the retribution of being qua bao phai luan hoi thng mang lan nhau.
killed in natural disasters: Neu gap ke trai 19) If he meets those who violate precepts and
nghch cha me, thi ngai day ro qua bao tri the regulations of pure eating, he speaks of
at tru luc. the retribution of being born as birds and
11) If he meets those who set fire to mountains or beasts suffering from hunger and thirst: Neu
forests, he speaks of the retribution of gap ke pha gii pham trai, thi ngai day ro
seeking to commit suicide in the confusion of qua bao cam thu oi khat.
insanity: Neu gap ke ot nui rng cay co, thi 20) If he meets those who are arrogant and
ngai day ro qua bao cuong me en chet. haughty, he speaks of the retribution of being
12) If he meets malicious parents or step-parents, servile and of low classes: Neu gap ke nga
he speaks of the retribution of being flogged man cong cao, thi ngai day ro qua bao hen
in future lives: Neu gap cha me ghe an oc ha b ngi sai khien.
ac, thi ngai day ro qua bao thac sanh tr lai 21) If he meets those whose double-tongued
hien i b roi vot. behavior causes dissension and discord, he
13) If he meets those who net and trap young speaks of retribution of tonguelessness (being
animals, he speaks of the retribution of being mute) and speech impediments: Neu gap ke
separated from their own children: Neu gap am thoc gay go, thi ngai day ro qua bao
ke dung li bat chim non, thi ngai day ro khong li hay tram li.
qua bao cot nhuc chia la. 22) If he meets those of deviant view, he speaks
14) If he meets those who slander the Triple of the retribution of rebirth in the frontier
Jewel, he speaks of the retribution of being regions: Neu gap ke ta kien me tn, thi ngai
blind, deaf or mute: Neu gap ke huy bang day ro qua bao tho sanh vao chon heo lanh.
Tam Bao, thi ngai day ro qua bao ui, iec, (IV) Merits for those who respect, praise, and bow
cam, ngong. on the inage of Earth-Store Bodhisttva
15) If he meets those who slight the Dharma and Phc c cho nhng ai ton knh, tan than, le
regard the teachings with arrogance, he bai hnh tng cua Ngai a Tang Bo Tat:
speaks of the retribution of dwelling in the According to the Earth Store Bodhisattva
evil paths forever: Neu gap ke khinh che giao Sutra, the Buddha taught told the Bodhisattva
phap, thi ngai day ro qua bao mai trong ac Universally ExpansiveTheo Kinh a Tang
ao. Bo Tat, c Phat bao ngai Pho Quang Bo
16) If he meets those who destroy or misuse Tat:
possessions of the permanently dwelling, he 1) If, in the future, good men or good women
speaks of the retribution of revolving in the hear Earth Store Bodhisattva Mahasattvas
hells for millions of kalpas: Neu gap ke lam name, if they place their palms together in
respect, praise, bow to, or fix their gaze on

him, they will overcome the offenses of thirty undergo retribution in the bodies of women
kalpas: c Phat bao ngai Pho Quang Bo throughout hundreds of thousands of ten
Tat: Trong i sau, nh co ngi thien nam thousands of aeons: Nh co ngi n nao
t thien n nhan nao nghe c danh hieu nham chan than gai, het long cung dng
cua a Tang Bo Tat, hoac la chap tay, hoac tng ve cua a Tang Bo Tat, va nhng
la ngi khen, hoac la anh le, hoac la luyen tng cat bang at, a, keo, sn, ong, sat,
mo, ngi o se qua khoi toi kho trong ba van van. Ngay ngay thng em hoa, hng,
mi kiep. o an, o uong, y phuc, gam lua, trang phan,
2) If good men or good women either paint; or tien bac, vat bau, van van cung dng nh
draw; or use clay, stone, lacquerware, gold, the mai khong thoi. Ngi thien n o sau
silver, brass or iron to make this Bodhisattvas khi man mot than gai hien tai, thi en tram
image, gaze at it and bow but once, they will ngan muon c kiep con khong sanh vao coi
be reborn one hundred times in the Heaven of nc co ngi n, huong na la tho than gai!
the Thirty-Three and will eternally avoid Tr khi v long t phat mguyen can phai tho
falling into the evil paths. If their heavenly than gai e o chung sanh. Nng ni phc
blessings become exhausted and they are cung dng a Tang Bo Tat va sc cong c
born below in the human realm, they will be o, trong tram ngan muon kiep chang con tho
kings of countries and not lose their great than ngi n lai na.
benefits: Nh co ke thien nam t hay thien n 4) If a woman who dislikes being ugly and prone
nhan nao hoac la hoa ve hnh tng cua Ngai to illness, simply gazes at and bows to an
a Tang Bo Tat roi chng mot lan chiem image of Earth Store Bodhisattva with sincere
ngng , mot lan anh le, ngi o se c resolve for even the space of a single meal,
sanh len coi tri ao Li mot tram lan, khong throughout thousands of ten thousands of
con phai b sa oa vao ac ao na. V dau aeons, she will always receive a body with
ngay kia phc tri a het ma sanh xuong perfect features. If that ugly woman does not
nhn gian, cung van lam v quoc vng, dislike the body of a woman, during hundreds
khong he mat s li ln. of thousands of ten thousands of millions of
3) If there are women who detest the body of a lives, she will always be the daughter or wife
woman, and who wholeheartedly make or a member of a royal family, of a prime
offerings to Earth Store Bodhisattvas image, minister, of a great family or the daughter of
whether the image be a painting or made of an elder and be born with well-formed
clay, stone, laquerware, brass, iron, or some features. Because of her sincere resolve, she
other material, and if they do so day after day will obtain such blessings from gazing at and
without fail, continually using flowers, bowing to Earth Store Bodhisattva: Neu co
incense, food, drink, clothing, colored silks, ngi n nao chan than xau x va nhieu bnh
banners, money, jewels, and other items as hoan, en trc tng cua Ngai a Tang Bo
offerings, when the female bodies received Tat ch tam anh le chng trong khoang mot
and retribution in that particular life by those ba an, ngi n o trong ngan van kiep tho
good women come to an end, for hundreds of sanh c than hnh tng mao xinh ep
thousands of ten thousands of aeons, they will khong co bnh tat. Ngi n xau x o neu
never again be born in worlds where there khong nham chan than gai, thi tram ngan
are women, much less be reborn as one, muon c i thng lam con gai nha vua cho
unless it be through the strength of their en lam vng phi, dong doi nha quan ln
compassionate vows to take on a woman cung con gai cac v ai trng gia, tng mao
body voluntarily in order to liberate living oan trang xinh ep. Do v co long ch thanh
beings. By receiving the powers resulting chiem ngng anh le hnh tng cua ngai
from these offering to Earth Store and the a Tang Bo Tat ma c phc nh the.
power of meritorious virtue, they will not

5) If a good man or good woman is able to play evil karma. Before long, they will fall into the
music, sing or chant praises and make evil paths again. Therefore, Universally
offerings of incense and flowers before that Expansive, since those who ridicule and
Bodhisattvas image, and is able to exhort malign offerings made by others undergo
another person or many others to do the these retributions, how much worse will it be
same, both now and in the future, such a if they particularly give rise to evil views, and
person will be surrounded day and night by malign and destroy them: Trong i sau nh
hundreds of thousands of ghosts and spirits co ngi ac va ac than, ac quy nao thay ke
who will even present bad news from thien nam t thien n nhan quy-y cung knh,
reaching his cars, mush less allow him on her cung dng ngi khen chiem ngng, anh le
personally to have any accidents: Nh co hnh tng cua Ngai a Tang Bo Tat, ma
ngi thien nam t thien n nhan nao co the vong sanh khinh che la khong co cong c
oi trc tng cua a Tang Bo Tat ma troi cung khong co s li ch, hoac nhan rang ra
cac th ky nhac, ngam ca khen ngi, dung ci, hoac che sau lng hay che trc mat,
hng hoa cung dng, cho en khuyen hoa hoac khuyen bao ngi khac cung che, hoac
c mot hay nhieu ngi. Nhng hang ngi khuyen bao mot ngi hay nhieu ngi cung
o trong i hien tai cung thu v lai, che, cho en sanh long che bai trong chng
thng c tram ngan v quy than ngay em mot niem. Thi nhng ke nh the en sau khi
theo ho ve con khong cho nhng viec hung mot ngan c Phat trong Hien Kiep nhap diet
d en tai ngi o, huong la cho ngi o ca, b toi bao khinh che nen con trong a
phai chu cac tai va bat ng!. nguc A Ty chu kho rat nang. Qua khoi Hien
6) In the future evil men, evil spirits, or evil Kiep nay mi c tho than nga quy, roi mai
ghosts, may see good men or good women en mot ngan kiep sau mi tho than suc sanh;
taking refuge with, respectfully making lai trai qua en mot ngan kiep na mi c
offerings to, praising, beholding and bowing sanh lam ngi. Dau c lam ngi nhng
to Earth Store Bodhisattvas image. Those vao hang ban cung hen ha tat nguyen, hay b
evil beings may wrongly ridicule and malign nhng nghiep ac rang buoc vao than, khong
the acts or worship as profitless (non- bao lau phai sa oa vao ac ao na. Nay Pho
beneficial or without benefit) and devoid of Quang! Khinh che ngi khac cung dng
meritorious qualities. They may laugh so their ma con mac phai toi bao xau kho nh the,
teeth show, or condemn them behind their huong na la t sanh ac kien ma khinh che
backs, or exhort others to do likewise, pha diet!.
whether one person or many; or they may 7) In the future, men or women may long be
even produce just one single thought of bedridden and in spite of their wishes be
slanders. In the Avichi Hell, such beings will unable either to get well or to die. At night,
undergo the utmost in severe punishment as they may dream of evil ghosts, of family and
retribution for their ridicule and they will relatives or of wandering on dangerous paths.
remain there even after the thousand In numerous nightmares, they may roam with
Buddhas of the Worthy Aeons have passed ghosts and spirits. As these dreams continue
into extinction. Only after the aeons will they over a period of days, months, and years, such
be reborn among the hungry ghosts, where persons may weaken and waste away, cry out
they will pass a thousand more aeons before in pain in their sleep and become depressed
being reborn as animals. Only after another and melancholic. All of this is due to the
thousand aeons will they obtain a human degree of severity of their evil karmic paths
body. Yet even though they receive a human being unresolved, so they both have difficulty
body, their faculties will be deficient, they dying and cannot be cruel. The ordinary eyes
will be poor and of low classes, and their of men and women cannot recognize such
minds will be considerably bound by their things. Then, one should simply recite this

Sutra once in a loud voice before images of a tiec, nh y phuc, o quy bau, nha ca
the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas or one should ruong vn, van van oi trc ngi benh
offer possessions which the sick one cat tieng ln ma xng len rang: Chung toi
cherishes, such as clothing, jewels, gardens, ten o, ho o, nay v ngi benh nay oi
or houses, chanting in a loud voice before the trc kinh tng em nhng cua vat nay hoac
sick person. I, so and so, before this Sutra cung dng kinh tng, hoac tao hnh tng
and image, give all these items on behalf of cua Phat, Bo Tat, hoac xay dng chua thap,
this sick person, as offerings to the sutra and hoac sam en dau thap cung, hoac cung vao
images; or to make images of Buddhas and cua thng tru. Xng len nh vay ba lan e
Bodhisattvas, or to construct temples and cho ngi benh c nghe biet. Gia s nh
monasteries, or to light oil lamps, or as a than thc cua ngi benh a phan tan en hi
donation to the permanently dwelling. In th a dt, thi hoac mot ngay, hai ngay, ba
such a manner one should tell the sich person ngay, bon ngay, cho en bay ngay, c ln
three times of the offerings being made, tieng xng bach nh tren va ln tieng tung
informing him so that he both hears and kinh nay. Sau khi ngi benh o mang chung
understand them. If all his consciousnesses thi dau cho t trc co toi va nang nhan en
have been scattered and his breath has nam toi vo gian, cung c thoat khoi han,
stopped, then for one, two, three, four, and on tho sanh vao au cung thng nh biet viec
through seven days, one should simply read i trc. Huong na la ngi thien nam t
this sutra in a loud voice. When that persons thien n nhan nao t mnh bien chep kinh
life has ended, he will achieve eternal nay, hoac bao ngi bien chep, hoac t mnh
liberation from all the heavy and disastrous ap ve hnh tng cua Bo Tat, cho en bao
ofenses committed in his former lives, even ngi khac ve ap, ngi o khi tho qua bao
offenses that receive Five-Ways chac c nhieu phc li ln.
Uninterrupted retribution. He will be born in a 8) When dreaming or droway, living beings in
place where he will always know his past the future may see ghosts, spirits, and other
lives. How much greater will the karmic forms that are either sad, weeping, or
reward be if a good man or good woman worried, fearful or terrified. Those are all
writes this sutra out himself, or tells others to fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers,
do so. If he carves or paints images himself, sisters, husbands, wives and relatives from
or tells others to do so! They will definitely one, ten, a hundred, or a thousand lives past
be greatly benefited: Trong i sau, nh co who have not yet been able to leave the evil
ngi nam ngi n nao au nam liet mai paths. They have no place from which to hope
tren ging goi, cau song hay muon chet for the power of blessings to rescue them, and
cung eu khong c. Hoac em nam chiem so they tell their flesh-and-blood descendants
bao thay quy d en cho en ke than thch to establish expedient devices for them so
trong nha, hoac thay i tren ng nguy that they might leave the evil paths.
hiem, hoac b bong e, hoac vi quy than Universally Expansive, using your spiritual
cung i. Trai qua nhieu thang nhieu nam, en power, you should cause all these
noi thanh benh lao, benh bai, van van. Trong descendants to recite this sutra with sincere
giac ngu keu reo the tham sau kho. ay eu resolve before the images of Buddhas or
b ni nghiep ao luan oi cha quyet nh la Bodhisattvas, or to request others to recite it,
khinh hay trong, nen hoac la kho chet, hoac either three or seven times. When the Sutra
la kho lanh. Mat pham tuc cua ke nam ngi has been sounded the proper number of
n khong the bien ro viec o, ch phai nen times, relatives in the evil paths will obtain
oi trc tng cua ch Phat, Bo Tat, to tieng liberation and never again be seen by those
ma tung oc kinh nay mot bien. Hoac lay who are dreaming or drowsy: Nh nhng
nhng mon vat rieng cua ngi benh thng chung sanh i sau, hoac trong giac ngu, hoac

trong chiem bao thay cac hang quy than nhan newborn sons or daughters, they should recite
en cac hnh la, roi hoac buon ba, hoac khoc this inconceivable Sutra and recite the
loc, hoac rau r, hoac than th, hoac hai hung, Bodhisattvas name a full ten thousand times
hoac s set, van van. o eu la v hoac cha during the seven days before the childs birth.
me, con em, hoac chong v, quyen thuoc If that newly born child, whether male or
trong mot i, mi i, hay tram i, ngan female, was to have undergone a disastrous
i ve thu qua kh b oa lac vao ac ao retribution for past lives, it will be liberated
cha ra c khoi, khong biet trong mong from that retribution and be peaceful, happy,
vao phc lc ni nao e cu vt noi kho easily raised and long-lived. If it was to have
nao, nen mi ve mach bao vi ngi co tnh received a life of blessings, its peace and
cot nhuc trong i trc cau mong lam happiness will be increased as will its
phng tien g e hau c thoat koi ac ao. lifespan: Trong thu ve sau nay, ni coi Diem
Nay Pho Quang! Ong nen dung sc oai than, Phu e, trong hang Sat e Li, Ba La Mon,
khien hang quyen thuoc o oi trc hnh trng gia, c s, tat ca cac hang ngi, va
tng cua ch Phat, ch Bo Tat ch tam t nhng dan toc dong ho khac, nh co ngi
oc kinh nay, hoac thnh ngi khac oc u nao mi sanh e hoac con trai hoac con gai,
so ba bien hoac en bay bien. Nh vay la ke noi trong bay ngay, sm v a tre mi sanh
quyen thuoc ng mac trong ac ao kia, khi ra o ma tung kinh ien khong the ngh ban
tieng tung kinh u so may bien o xong se nay, lai v a tre ma niem danh hieu cua
c giai thoat, cho en trong khi m ngu Ngai a Tang Bo Tat u mot muon bien.
khong con thay hien ve na. c vay thi a tre hoac trai hay gai mi
9) In the future, lowly people, bondsmen, sanh ra o, neu i trc no co gay toi va chi
serving maids, and others who are not free, cung c thoat khoi ca, no se an on vui ve
may be aware of their past deeds and wish to de nuoi, lai them c song lau. Con nh no
repent of them and to reform. If while gazing la a nng ni phc lc ma tho sanh, thi
at and worshiping Earth Store Bodhisattvas i no cang c an vui hn, cung song lau
image with sincere resolve for seven days, hn.
they are able to recite his name a full ten Ksitigarbha (Earth-Store) Bodhisattva on
thousand times, then when their current the 24th day: Le va a Tang Bo Tat vao ngay
retribution ends, those people will always be 24See Ten Buddhas or Bodhisattvas connected
born into wealth and honor, for thousands of with the ten fast days.
ten thousands of lives; how much the less
Ksitigarbhapranidhana-Sutra (skt): Kinh a
pass through any of the sufferings of the
TangEarth Store Sutra mentioned about the
Three Evil Paths: Nh i sau nay co nhng
Buddhaless period, the period from the time the
hang ngi ha tien, hoac t trai, hoac t gai,
nirvana of the historical Buddha until the time the
nhan en nhng ke khong c quyen t do,
coming Buddha Maitreya descends. In this period,
ro biet la do toi nghiep i trc gay ra nen
ther is no Buddha; however, the Saha world still
can phai sam hoi o, thi nen ch tam chiem
has Earth-Store Bodhisatva who vows to save all
ngng, anh le hnh tng cua ngai a
beings in hells. The sutra was translated into
Tang Bo Tat. Roi trong bay ngay niem danh
Chinese by SiksanandaKinh a Tang, noi ve
hieu cua a Tang Bo Tat u mot muon bien.
mot v Bo Tat vao thi ky vo Phat, tc la thi
Nhng ngi tren o sau khi man bao than ha
ky gia luc Phat Thch Ca nhap diet va Phat Di
tien hien i trong ngan muon i ve sau
Lac ra i. Trong thi ky nay khong co mot v
thng sanh vao bac ton quy, tron khong bao
Phat nao ca; tuy nhien, the gii Ta Ba van co Bo
gi con phai sa oa vao ba ng ac kho na.
Tat a Tang vi bon nguyen rong ln la cu o
10) If in the future in Jamubvipa there are
moi chung sanh au kho cua a nguc. Kinh c
Kshatriyas, Brahmans, Elders, Upasakas, and
Ngai That Xoa Nan a dch sang Han t.
others of various names and clans who have
Ksitigarbha Shrine: ien a Tang.

Ksudrakagama (skt): Khuat a Ca A Ham ngi cam choi quet nha hoac giat giu ao quan
Kinh Tieu A HamSmall Agama SutraA small cua cac Ty kheo, va lam viec, va oc niem sau
traditional doctrine or preceptSee Five Agamas. ch :Ta quet don, ta phay bui. Rot cuoc Chau
Ksudrapanthaka (skt): Chau Li Ban a Gia Li Ban a Gia nh c sau ch Ta quet don,
At the time of the Buddha, there was a Bhiksu ta phay bui, lau ngay cong phu chn muoi, anh ta
named Ksudrapanthaka who was originally a very nh the tnh ngo c bui bam trong long phai
stupid youth whom others looked down upon. But dung tr tue don sach, bong nhien anh c khai
the Buddha treated him just the same as others. ngo.
The Buddha instructed Ananda to give him special Ku (jap):
assistance. Ananda spent a great deal of time 1) EmptyH khong.
teaching him to recite the sutras and dharmas. But 2) Duhka (skt): SufferingKho.
he was so forgetful that when he was reading one 3) Pada (skt): PhraseCu.
sentence, he had already forgotten the last. Kuan Shi Yin: Avalokitesvara (skt)One of the
Ananda reported what was happening to the two attendants by the side of AmitabhaQuan
Buddha. The Buddha took it upon himself to teach The Am, mot trong hai v hau canh cua c Phat
Ksudrapanthaka, and wanted him to read and A Di aSee Two attendants (A).
recite the most simple four sentence gatha. Kuan Shi Yins Efficacious Response True
Although Ksudrapanthaka exerted great efforts in Words: Quan Am Linh Cam Chan NgonSee
memorization, yet his intelligence was so low that Ten small mantras.
he still could not recite at all. His fellow monks
Kuan-Ting: Quan anh ai S (561-632)
considered him hopeless in treading the Path, but
Kuan-Ting Great Master (561-632). Kuan-Ting
the Buddha would not leave him out, and
is the fifth patriarch of the Tien-Tai School. The
continued to coach him. The Buddha taught him:
three great works of Chih-I are all compilations of
When you sweep the floor or dust off the dirt
Kuan-TingQuan anh la v to th nam cua
from the Bhiksus robes, remember to recite at the
tong Thien Thai. Ba tac pham ln cua ngai Tr
same time these six words: I wipe dust, I clear
khai eu do Quan anh tap thanh toan ven.
filth. Finally, Ksudrapanthaka remembered the
Kuan-Yin: Avalokitesvara (skt)Kuan-Yin,
six words of I wipe dust, I clear filth. With the
standing on the left side of Amitabha Buddha
passage of time, he was very accomplished in his
Quan The Am Bo Tat, v ng ben trai cua Phat
practice. From these six words, he realized that
A Di a.
the dirt and filth in his mind should be wiped clean
(I) An overview of Kuan-Yin: Tong quan ve
with mahaprajna or transcendental wisdom. He
Quan AmAvalokitesvara is one who
was thus awakened to the ultimate TruthVao
contemplates the sound of the world. He is
thi c Phat con tai the, co mot Ty kheo ten la
one of the four great bodhisattvas of
Chau li Ban a Gia, la mot thanh nien tr on, ai
Mahayana Buddhism. Three other
cung xem thng anh ta, nhng c Phat van xem
bodhisattvas are Samantabhadra,
anh ta nh moi ngi. Ngai dan do A Nan ac
Kshitigarbha and Manjushri. In more recent
biet giup anh ta. A Nan ton rat nhieu cong sc
presentations, Kuan-Shi Yin is often depicted
day anh ta tung kinh niem chu. Anh ta niem en
with feminine features. In China and
cau cuoi th quen cau au. A Nan bao lai vi
Vietnam, Kuan Yin is sometimes considered
Phat. Phat ngh ch con cach t mnh giao hoa anh
as a thousand-armed, and thousand-eyed
ta, bat anh tung mai bon cau ke n gian nhat.
Bodhisattva. Somewhere in Vietnam, Kuan
Tuy Chau Li Ban a Gia a co cong cham ch
Yin is painted as a mother with a child in her
va rang nh, nhng tr lc cua anh qua kem, van
one arm. Nevertheless, we often see pictures
khong the hoc noi bon cau ke. ong ao cho rang
of Quan Yin standing on clouds, riding on a
ngi nay tu ao khong co trien vong, nhng c
dragon, or standing on a cliff in high seas,
Phat quyet khong bo mot chung sanh nao, Ngai
waiting to save (rescue) shipwretcked victims.
van tiep tuc day do anh ta. Phat day anh ta: Khi

There are still a great number of legends of Am cha c xac nh. Quan Am la bo Tam
Kuan Yin for each locality has its own Thanh vi Phat A Di a, thng ng ben
legend. According to Eitel in The Dictionary trai cua Phat Di a, nhng co en ba mi ba
of Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, hnh thc khac nhau cua ngai Quan The Am,
Avalokitesvara is one who contemplates the co the la mot con chim, mot tnh bnh, mot
worlds sounds, originally represented as a nhanh lieu, mot vien ngoc ma ni, hay ngan
male, the images are now generally those of mat ngan tai, van van; khi lam ngi tr giup
a female figure. The meaning of the term is nhng em be th ngai bong tren tay mot c
in doubt. Kuan-Yin is one of the triad of tre. ao Pho a la trung tam chnh th
Amitabha, is represented on his left, and is phng c Quan Am ben Tau, ni o ngai
also represented as crowned with Amida; but la ngi bao ho nhng ke kho au hoan nan,
there are as many as thirty-three different ac biet la nhng ngi i bien. Pham 25
forms of Kuan-Yin, sometimes with a bird, a trong Kinh Phap Hoa la pham Pho Mon noi
vase, a willow wand, a pearl, a thousand eyes ve cong hanh cua c Quan The Am. Thnh
and hands, etc. and when as bestower of thoang ngi ta lam ngai Quan Am vi Phat
children, carrying a child. The island of Pu- A Di a hay Phat Di Lac.
To (Potala) is the chief center of Kuan-Yin (II) Various titles of Avalokitesvara
worship, where she is the protector of all in BodhisattvaNhng danh hieu cua Ngai
distress, especially of those who go to sea. Quan The Am:
Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutras devoted to 1) Goddess of Mercy: Quan Am.
Kuan-Yin, and is the principal scriptures of 2) Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva: Quan Tai Tat oa.
the cult. Kuan-Yin is sometimes confounded 3) Regarder or Observer of the worlds sounds,
(b lam lan) with Amitabha and Maitreya or cries (sounds that enlighten the world):
Quan The Am, ngi nghe am thanh cau Quan The Am.
khan ma en cu o. Ngai la mot trong bon 4) The Sovereign Beholder, not associated with
v ai Bo Tat cua Phat giao ai tha. Ba v sounds or cries: Quan T Tai.
kia la Bo Tat Pho Hien, a Tang va Van 5) The sakti, or female energy of the masculine
Thu. Trong nhng tranh tng mi nhat Avalokitesvara: Tara (skt)Quan The Am
thng trnh bay Quan Am vi nhng net cua Mau.
ngi n. Tai Trung Quoc va Viet Nam, 6) Perfect penetration Kuan-Yin: Quan The Am
Quan Am c thay di dang Thien thu Vien ThongIn th Surangama Sutra, book
thien nhan. Mot vai ni tai Viet Nam, Quan Six, the Buddha asked Avalokitesvara
Am con c phat hoa nh mot ba me be Bodhisattva about perfect penetration, and
con. Tuy nhien, chung ta thng thay Bo Tat Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva reported to the
Quan Am ng tren nhng am may hay ci Buddha as follows: World Honored One!
rong, hay ng tren phien a, gia cn song From the gateway of ear, I obtained perfect
d, ch cu chung sanh lam nan. Mot tay and illumining samadhi. The conditioned
cam bong sen, tay kia cam nhanh lieu hay mind was at ease, and therefore I entered the
bnh tnh thuy. Hay con rat nhieu truyen appearance of the flow, and obtaining
thuyet ve Quan Am v moi a phng samadhi, I accomplished Bodhi. World
thng co mot truyen thuyet khac ve Ngai. Honored One! That Buddha, the Thus Come
Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T One, praised me as having obtained well the
ien cua Giao S Soothill, chung sanh kho Dharma-door of perfect penetration. In the
nao ma nhat tam xng danh ngai, tc thi great assembly he bestowed a prediction
ngai quan sat am thanh cua ho (tam thanh) va upon me and the name, Kuan-Shih-Yin
o cho ho c giai thoat. Khi thuy tng Trong Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem, quyen Sau,
cua ngai la tng nam, nhng bay gi th c Phat hoi ngai Quan The Am ve vien
thng la tng n. Ngha xac thc cua Quan thong va ngai Quan The Am a bach Phat

rang: Bach The Ton! Toi t can tai tu tam to the master. Yang-Shan said: Do you still
muoi vien chieu, duyen tam, t tai, bi tu e see me? Kuang-Yong said: Yes. Yang-
tieng ong vao can tai, vao roi mat, e Shan said: When I observe the master, you
c tam ma a, thanh tu Bo e. Bach The dont look like a Buddha. Yang-Shan said:
Ton! c Phat kia khen toi kheo c phap If I dont look like a Buddha, then what do I
mon vien thong. Trong ai hoi cua Ngai, toi look like? Kuang-Yong said: If I must
c tho ky la Quan The Am. Bi toi quan compare you to something, then how do you
nghe ca mi phng eu vien minh, nen ten differ from a donkey? Yang-Shan cried out
Quan The Am khap ca mi phng the gii. excitedly: Hes forgotten both ordinary and
** See Four saints (rewards) (B) and Seven sacred! The passions are exhausted and the
Tathagatas. body is revealed. For twenty years Ive tested
Kuan Yin efficacious response true words: them in this way and no one has gotten it.
Quan Am linh cam chan ngon. Now this disciple has done it! Yang-Shan
Kuan-Yin Gandharaja: Hng Vng Quan would always point Kuang-Yong and say to
Am. people: This disciple is a living Buddha.
S sang mien Bac yet kien Lam Te, lai tr ve
Kuan-Yin gazing at the moon in the water:
hau Ngng Sn. Ngng Sn hoi: Ngi
Thuy Nguyet Quan AmThe unreality of all
en lam g? S tha: anh le ra mat Hoa
phenomenaBc tranh Quan Am ang quan
Thng. Ngng Sn hoi: Thay Hoa
trang ay nc (noi len s gia hp cua ch phap).
Thng chang? S tha: Da thay. Ngng
Kuan-Yin with the willow-branch: Dng
Sn noi: Hoa Thng sao giong in la. S
Lieu Quan AmOne of the thirty-three Kuan-
tha: Con thay Hoa Thng cung chang
YinsMot trong 33 v Quan Am, v Quan Am
giong Phat. Ngng Sn hoi: Neu chang
dung nhanh dng lieu lam hnh tam muoi da (y
giong Phat th giong cai g? S tha: Neu
noi lay s mem mai, nhu thuan ma cu o chung
con phai so sanh Hoa Thng vi cai g o,
th Hoa Thng nao co khac la? Ngng
Kuang-Ming: Quang Minh ai SKuang- Sn ngac nhien noi: Pham Thanh ca hai eu
Ming Tzu, temple and title of Shan-Tao, a noted quen, tnh het, the hien bay, ta lay ay
monk of the Tang dynasty (under Tang Kao- nghiem xet ngi, hai mi nam khong ng
Tsung)Ten cua t vien va cung la danh hieu vc. Con nen gn gi o. Ngng Sn
vua ng Cao Tong ban cho s Thien ao. thng ch s bao vi ngi: Ke nay la nhuc
Kuang-Yong Nan-Ta: Thien s Quang Dung than Phat.
Nam Thap (850-938)Zen Master Nan-Ta- * A monk asked Zen master Kuang-Yong:
Kuang-Yong was born in 850 in Feng-Cheng (now Manjushri was the teacher of seven
in Jiang-Xi Province). He was clever, mastering Buddhas. Did Manjushri have a teacher or
the Confucian classics at the age of thirteen. He not? Kuang-Yong said: Manjushri was
was a disciple of Yang-Shan-Hui-Chi, and master subject to conditions, and therefore had a
of Pa-Chiao-Hui-Ching. At ninetieen, he teacher. The monk said: Who was
underwent ordinationThien s Quang Dung manjushri teacher? Kuang-Yong help up his
Nam Thap sanh nam 850 tai Phong Thanh (bay whisk. The monk said: Is that all? Kuang-
gi thuoc tnh Giang Tay). S rat thong minh va Yong put down the whisk and clasped his
tinh thong T Th Ngu Kinh luc 13 tuoi. Ong la handsCo v Tang hoi: Van Thu la thay
e t cua Thien S Ngng Sn Hue Tch, va la bay c Phat, Van Thu co thay chang? S
thay cua thien s Ba Tieu Hue Thanh. Vao nam ap: Gap duyen lien co. V Tang hoi: The
19 tuoi s tho cu tuc gii. nao la thay Van Thu? S dng ng cay
* When Kuang-Yong return from a trip to visit phat t ch o. Tang tha: Cai ay la phai
Lin-Ji, Yang-Shan said: Why have you sao? S nem cay phat t khoanh tay.
come? Kuang-Yong said: To pay respects

* A monk asked: What is a sentence of mystic Sau khi mai tang cha xong, ong a xuat gia tai
function? Kuang-Yong said: The water chua Dc Sn.
comes and the ditch fills up. The monk * A monk asked Kuang-Zhao: What is
asked: Where does the real Buddha reside? Buddha? Kuang-Zhao said: Copper head,
Kuang-Yong said: It doesnt appear in iron forehead. The monk said: What does
words, nor anywhere else, either.Co v that mean? Kuang-Zhao said: Bird beak,
Tang hoi: The nao la dieu dung mot cau? fish gills.Mot v Tang hoi s: Cai g la
S ap: Nc en thanh ho. V Tang hoi: Phat? S ap: au ong, tran sat. V Tang
Chn Phat tai cho nao? Noi ra khong hoi: La ngha g? S ap: Chim mo, ca
tng, cung chang tai ni khac. vay vung.
* His date of death was unknownKhong ro s * A monk asked: How is it before the lotus
th tch nam nao. comes out of the water? Kuang-Zhao said:
Kuang-Zhai: Quang TrachName of the The cat wears a paper hat. The person
temple in China where where Fa-Yun wrote his asked: How about after the lotus comes out
commentary on the Lotus Sutra early in the sixth of the water? Kuang-Zhao said: The dog
centuryQuang Trach la ten cua mot t vien ben runs when it sees the whip.V Tang hoi:
Trung Quoc ni ma ngai Phap Van a viet bo Sen la cai g trc khi troi len mat nc?
luan ve Kinh Phap Hoa hoi au the ky th sau. S ap: Meo oi non giay. Mot ngi lai
Kuang-Zhais four yanas: Quang Trach T hoi: Sau khi sen troi khoi nc la cai g? S
ThaKuang-Zhai made a division of four yanas ap: Cho thay roi la chay.
from the Burning House parable, which adopted * One day, Kuang-Zhao entered the hall and
by the Tien-TaiNgai Quang Trach chia Nha addressed the monks, saying: Hearing about
La Tam Gii ra lam T Tha, c trng phai enlightenment and wisdom, these are the
Thien Thai tha nhan: cause of life and death. Hearing about
1) The goat cart representing the Sravaska; Xe enlightenment and wisdom, that itself is the
De ch Thanh Van Tha. root of liberation. Its as if a lion were
2) The deer cart representing the Pratyeka- staggering around in every direction with no
buddha: Xe Hu ch Duyen Giac Tha. place to live. If you dont understand, dont
3) The ox-cart representing Hinayana let yourself forsake old Sakyamuni! Hey!
Bodhisattva: Xe Trau ch Bo Tat Tieu Tha. Mot hom s thng ng day chung: Thay,
4) The great white ox-cart representing the nghe, hieu biet eu la nhn sanh t. Thay
Mahayana Bodhisattva: Xe Trau Trang ln nghe hieu biet chnh la goc giai thoat. Th
ch Bo Tat ai Tha. nh s t nhao lon khong nhat nh ng
** See Four teachings. Nam Bac ong Tay. Ca thay cac ngi neu
la chang biet, au nhng co phu ong gia
Kuang-Zhao-Hui-Jue: Quang Chieu Hue Giac
Thch Ca.
Thien SZen master Kuang-Zhao-Hui-Jue,
came from Xi-Luo, was a disciple of Fan-Yang. Kuang-Zuo-Zhi-Men: Thien s Quang To Tr
His father was a governor of Heng-Yang (a city in MonZen master Kuang-Zuo Zhi-Men was from
southern Hunan Province) . His father died there, Zhe-Jiang Province, was a disciple and dharma
and Kuang-Zhao, fulfilling his filial obligation, successor of Xiang-Lin-Chen-Yuan, and the
carried his fathers casket back to their native master of Hsueh-Tou-Chung-Hsien. He was one
home. After burying his father, he left home to of the first masters of Chan tradition to celebrate
become a monk at Yueh-Shan TempleThien s the words of the old masters in poetic form, and
Quang Chieu, que Tay Lac, la e t cua Thien art at which his disciple Hsueh-Tou was even
s Phan Dng. Cha lam Thai Thu Hoanh Dng better than his teacherThien s Quang To Tr
(nay la mot thanh pho thuoc mien nam tnh Ho Mon, que Triet Giang, la e t va ngi noi
Nam), roi mat o, s pho linh cu cha ve x. Phap cua Hng Lam Trng Vien, va la thay cua
Tuyet au Trung Hien. Ong la mot trong nhng

thien s au tien dung th ca ngi nhng cau place of KumarajivaTen cua mot vng quoc
cham ngon hay li day cua cac thay thi xa, ay co thuoc Turkestan, ong bac Kashgar. c ghi
la mot nghe thuat ma sau nay hoc tro cua ong la nhan la sinh quan cua Ngai Cu Ma La Thap.
Tuyet au con vt troi hn ong na. Kudoku (jap): Guna (skt)Good quality
* Kuang-Zuo entered the hall and addressed VirtueSee Merit and virtue.
the monks, saying: If there is one Dharma, Kuei-Chi (632-682): Quy-ChiThe main
then Vairocana becomes a commoner. If the student of Hsuan-Tsang, who is credited with
ten thousand dharmas are lacking, then founding the Fa-Hsiang school. Fa-Hsiang was
Samantabhadra loses his realm. Just when it widely influential during the lifetimes of Hsuan-
is like this, Majushri has nowhere to show his Tsang and Kuei-Chi, but later waned (tan rui),
head, and if he cant show his head, then the mainly as a result of the anti-Buddhist persecution
golden-haired lion is cut in two. If you enjoy a that began in 845V ai e t cua ngai Huyen
bowl of food, dont eat the spicy meat Trang, ngi a thanh lap tong phap Tng. Phap
cakes.S thng ng day chung: Mot tng co anh hng rong rai trong suot thi cua
phap neu co, phap than ri tai pham phu; Huyen Trang va Quy-Chi, nhng ve sau nay no
muon phap neu khong, Pho Hien mat canh tan lui sau cuoc ngc ai Phat giao bat au t
gii ay. Chnh khi ay Van Thu nham cho nao nam 845.
xuat au? Neu a xuat au chang c th
Kuei-shan Ling-yu (771-853): Name of a
con s t long vang lng b gay. Han hanh
Chinese Chan master, dharma-successor of Pai-
c mot ban cm, ch i gao gng tieu.
Chang Huai-Hai (720-814), who together with his
* Chih-Men appears in examples 21 and 90 of
student Yang-Shan Hui-Chi (807-883) co-founded
the Pi-Yen-LuTen tuoi cua Tr Mon c
the Kuei-Yang school, one of the five houses of
nhac en trong nhng th du 21 va 90 cua
Chinese ChanTen cua mot thien s Trung Hoa,
Bch Nham Luc.
phap t cua ngai Bach Trng Hoai Hai, ngi a
* Example 90 of the Pi-Yen-Lu shows us
cung vi e t cua mnh la Ngng Sn sang lap
Master Chih-Men in a conversation with his
ra Quy Ngng tong, mot trong nam trng phai
disciples as followed: A monk asked Chih-
chnh cua Thien tong Trung Hoa.
Men, What is the wisdom body? Chi-Men
Kufu (jap): Cong phu tu tap.
said, The Venus mussel bears the bright
moon in it. The monk asked, And what is Kuge (jap):
the effect of wisdom? Chih-Men said, The 1) Aristocracy: Cong gia (gii qu toc Nhat
female hare gets pregnant.Th du th 90 Ban).
cua Bch Nham Luc cho chung ta thay Tr 2) Flowers in space: Khong hoa (hoa om trong
Mon va loi van ap cua ong vi e t. Mot h khong).
nha s hoi Tr Mon: Vat the cua s khon Kui-Chen: Thien S Que SamZen master
ngoan la g? Tr Mon ap: Co sao Kim Kui-chen was born in 867 from an ancient Chang-
mang trong mnh no trang sang. Nha s hoi: Shan. It is said that from early childhood he could
Hieu qua cua s khon ngoan la g? Tr Mon speak very well and would not eat meat. He left
ap: Con tho cai ch lu tho con. home to become a monk and received full
* Chih-Men had 30 dharma successors. He ordination at WanSui Temple, under a teacher
passed away in 1031Tr Mon co en ba named Wu-XiangThien S Que Lam Vien La
mi e t ke tha Phap. Ong th tch nam Han sanh nam 867, que Thng Sn. T thu
1031. nho a an chay va noi nhng li hay ho la thng.
Kubera (p): Cau phe la. S xuat gia va tho cu tuc gii vi ai s Vo
Tng tai chua Van Tue.
Kucha: Kutche or Kutcha (skt)Khuat Chi
* At first he closely followed the teachings of
Khuat TKho XaQuy TKhu TName
the Vinaya, but later declared that just
of an ancient kingdom and city in Turkestan,
guarding against breaking the vows and
north-east of Kashgar. It is recorded as the native

adhering to the precepts did not equal true * Kui-Chen entered the hall and addressed the
renunciation. He then set off to explore the monks, saying: If you want to come face-to-
teachings of the Zen schoolLuc au s hoc face with the essential mystery of our order,
Luat rat nghiem, nhng ve sau s tuyen bo here it is! Theres no other special thing. If it
rang neu ch gi khong pha luat khong thoi, is something else, then bring it forth and lets
khong phai that s xuat gia, nen s ra i tm see it. If you cant show it, then forget about
hoc vi thien tong. it. You cant just recite a couple of words and
* He arrived at Hsuan-Shas place. Hsuan-Sha, then say that they are the vehicle of our
who is said to have brought Kui-Chen erase school. How could that be? What two words
all his doubts and to attain full awakening are they? They are known as the essential
Sau s en Huyen Sa yet kien ai S Tong vehicle. They are the teaching vehicle. Just
Nhat, va nghe mot cau khai phat lien rong when you say essential vehicle, that is the
suot khong ng. essential vehicle. Speaking the words
* One day, Hsuan-Sha questioned Kui-Chen, teaching vehicle is itself the teaching
saying: In the three realms, there is only vehicle. Worthy practitioners of Zen, our
mind. How do you understand this?"Kui- schools essential vehicle, the
Chen pointed to a chair and said: What does Buddhadharma, comes from and is realized
the master call that? Hsuan-Sha said: A through nothing other than the names and
chair. Kui-Chen said: Then the master cant words from your own mouths! It is just what
say that in the three worlds there is only you say and do. You come here and use
mind. Hsuan-Sha said: I say that it is made words like tranquility, reality, perfection,
from bamboo and wood. What do you say its or constancy. Worthy practitioners! What is
made from? Kui-Chen said: I also say its this that you call tranquil or real?What is
made from bamboo and wood. Hsuan-Sha thats perfect or constant? Those of you
said: Ive searched across the great earth for here on a pilgrimage, you must test the
a person who understands the Buddhadharma, principle of what Im saying. Lets be open
but I havent found one.Mot hom Huyen about it. Youve stored up a bunch of sounds,
Sa hoi s: Tam gii duy tam, ngi biet the forms, names, and words inside your minds.
nao? S ch cai ghe da hoi lai Huyen Sa: You prattle that I can do this or Im good at
Hoa Thng keu cai ay la g? Huyen Sa figuring out that, but actually what can I do?
ap: Ghe da. S tha: Hoa Thng What can you figure out? All that youre
khong biet tam gii duy tam. Huyen Sa bao: remembering and holding on to is just sounds
Ta bao cai ay la tre go, ngi keu la g? S and forms. If it werent all sounds and forms,
tha: Con cung goi la tre go. Huyen Sa lai names and words, then how would you
bao: Tan ai a tm mot ngi hieu Phat remember them or figure them out? The wind
phap cung khong co. S do ay cang c blows and the pine makes a sound. A frog or
khch le them. a duck makes a sound. Why dont you go and
* Hsuan-Sha told the monks: Although Kui- listen to those things and figure them out? If
Chen did not aspire to a leading position in everywhere there are meaningful sounds and
the Buddhist community, his reputation as an forms, then how much meaning can be
adept nevertheless spread widelyHuyen Sa ascribed to this old monk? Theres no doubt
bao chung: Mac du Que Sam tang an trong about it. Sounds and forms assault us every
chung, nhng tieng tam vang xa. moment. Do you directly face them or not? If
* A monk asked: What is Luo-Hans single you face them directly then your diamond-
phrase? Kui-Chen said: If I tell you it will solid concept of self will melt away. How can
turn into two phrases.Mot v Tang hoi: this be? Because these sounds penetrate your
The nao la mot cau cua La Han? S ap: ears and these forms pierce your eyes, you
Ta noi vi ngi, lien thanh hai cau. are overwhelmed by conditions. You are

killed by delusion. There isnt enough room excellence of our orders style. Sakyamuni
inside of you for all of these sounds and didnt have a tongue! Not like you disciples
forms. If you don't face them directly then here who are always pointing at your own
how will you manage all of these sounds and chests. To speak about killing, stealing, and
forms? Do you understand? Face them or not lewdness is to speak of grave crimes, but they
face them. See yourselfS thng ng are light by comparison. Its unending, this
day chung: Tong mon huyen dieu ch la the vilification of nirvana, this blinding the eyes
ay sao? Hay rieng co cho ky ac? Neu rieng of beings, this falling in the Avici Hell and
co cho ky ac, cac ong hay nen xem cai g? swallowing hot iron balls without relief.
Neu khong, chang nen em hai ch ben cho Therefore the ancients said: When the
la Tong Tha. The nao la hai ch? Ngha la transgression is transformed into the host, it
Tong Tha va Giao Tha. Cac ong va noi no longer offends. Take care!S dng
en Tong tha lien thanh Tong tha, noi en giay phut, lai noi: Vien thng bnh that ay
Giao tha lien thanh Giao tha. Ch Thien la ngi g? Noi the nao? Cha phai la ke
c! Phat phap tong tha nguyen lai do trong thon Hoang Di th biet noi the nao? o
mieng cac ong an lap danh t, lam lay noi lay la cac v Thanh xa bay chut t giup hien
ben thanh. Le ay can phai nham trong o noi phat. Thi nay khong hieu phai quay, lien
bnh noi that, noi vien noi thng. Thien c! cho la toan that, noi ta rieng co tong phong
Cac ong goi cai g la bnh that? Nam cai g huyen dieu. Phat Thch Ca khong chot li,
lam vien thng? Ke hanh khat nha ben can chang giong vi cac ong co chut t ben ch
phai bien ranh, ch e chon vui; c mot t hong ch ngc. Neu luan ve toi sat, ao, dam,
thanh sac danh t cha trong au tam, noi ta tuy nang ma van con nhe, v co khi het. Ke
hoi giai kheo hay gian bien. Cac ong biet cai nay che bai Bat Nha lam mu mat chung sanh,
g? Ghi nh c danh t ay, gian bien c vao a nguc A Ty, nuot hoan sat nong ch
thanh sac ay. Neu chang phai thanh sac danh bao la thong tha. Do o, co nhn noi: Loi tai
t, cac ong lam sao ghi nh gian bien? Gio hoa chu, chang can he viec ong. Tran
thoi thong reo cung la thanh, tieng ech nhai, trong!
chim, qua, keu cung la thanh, sao chang trong * He died in 928. After death, he received the
ay lang nghe e gian trach i. Neu trong ay posthumous title Zen Master True
co hnh thc y t cung cac Thng Toa. Ch Response.S th tch nam 928, c vua
lam! Hien nay thanh sac day ay, la en ban hieu Chn ng ai S.
nhau hay chang en nhau? Neu en nhau, th Kui-Xing: Zen master Kui-XingThien s Qui
linh tanh kim cang b mat cua ong nen co TnhZen master Kui-Xing was born in Ji-Chou,
hoai diet. V sao co nh the? V thanh xo lung was a disciple of Zen master Shou-ShanThien
lo tai ong, sac am ui con mat ong, duyen s Qui Tnh, que Qu Chau, la e t cua Thien
th lap mat huyen vong cua ong, cang chang s Thu Sn.
de dang vay. Neu chang en nhau, th cho * One day Shou-Shan held up a bamboo comb
nao c thanh sac? Biet chang? en nhau, and asked: If you call it a bamboo comb, you
chang en nhau th bien ranh xem? commit an offense. If you dont call it a
* After a pause, Kui-Chen continued: bamboo comb, then you have turned away
Perfection. Constancy. Tranquility. from what you see. What do you call it?
Reality. Who talks like this? Normal people Shou-Shan said: Blind. At these words Kui-
in the village dont talk like this. Its just some Xing suddenly experienced unsurpassed
old sages that talk this way and a few of their awakeningMot hom Thu Sn a cai lc
wicked disciples that spread it around. So tre len hoi: Goi la lc tre th xuc cham,
now, you dont know good from bad, and you chang goi lc tre th trai mat, goi la cai g?
are absorbed in perfection and reality. S ben chup cai lc nem xuong at noi: La
Some say I dont possess the mysterious

cai g? Thu Sn bao: Mu. S nhn li nay Kui-Xing said: I wont refuse to tell you,
hoat nhien on ngo. but will you believe me or not? The
* When Kui-Xing began teaching, a monk monk said: How could I not believe the
asked him: All the Patriarchs have one after masters weighty words? Kui-Xing said:
the other passed on the ancestral seal. Whose Can you hear the water dripping from the
heritage have you now attained? Kui-Xing eaves? The monk was suddenly enlightened.
said: At the center of the realm, an emperor. He unconsciously exclaimed: Oh! Kui-Xing
Beyond the frontier, a general.S khai said: What principle have you observed?
ng, co v Tang hoi: To To tng truyen The monk then composed a verse:
To an, nay thay c phap noi ngi nao? Water drips from the eaves,
S ap: Coi trong thien t, b ngoai tng So clearly,
quan. Splitting open the Universe,
* Zen master Kui-Xing entered the hall and Here the mind is extingushed.
addressed the monks, saying: The blood and Co v Tang tha hoi ve cay ba cua Trieu
marrow of the teachers of our school; what is Chau. S bao: Ta chang tiec noi vi ngi,
mundane and holy; Long-Su and Ma-Ming ma ngi co tin khong? Tang tha: Li noi
(names of famous Buddhists of earlier times); cua Hoa Thng quy trong con au dam
heaven and hell; the scalding cauldron and chang tin. S bao: Ngi lai nghe giot ma
furnace embers (tortures of hell); the ox- ri trc them chang? V Tang ay hoat
headed jailers (demons in hell); the myriad nhien ngo, thot ra tieng: Chao! S hoi:
phenomena of the universe; heavenly bodies; Ngi thay ao ly g? V Tang lam bai tung
all things of the earth; animate and ap:
inanimateS thng ng day chung: Thiem au thuy ch
Tong s huyet mach hoac pham hoac Phan minh lch lch
Thanh, Long Tho, Ma Minh, thien ng, a a pha can khon
nguc, vac dau soi, lo than o, ngu au, nguc ng ha tam tc.
tot, sum la van tng, nhat nguyet tinh than, (Giot ma trc them, ranh re ro rang
phng khac, coi nay, hu tnh vo tnh. ap nat can khon, Lien o tam dt).
* Kui-Xing drew a circle in the air with his Kukai (jap): Kobo Daishi (774-835)S Khong
hand and then continued: All of them enter HaiA famous Japanese monk, the founder of
this essential teaching. Within this teaching the Japanese Shingon Sect, at the same time with
people can be killed and they can be given the Tang dynasty in China. No other monk has
life. Those who die endure the killing knife. been more popular than Kukai among the
Those who live must attain the life-giving Japanese nor regarded with greater respect
phrase. What are the killing knife and the throughout the ages. He is even more famous
life-giving phrase? Can you answer me? among a group of people known as the Kobo
Come out of the congregation and well test Daishi. As a monk of the Shingon sect he
you. If you cant speak, then youve betrayed systematized the doctrine of his sect by writing a
your life! Take care!S lay tay ve mot lan treatise on the ten stages of the mind, a treatise
roi noi: eu vao tong nay. Trong tong nay on the distinction between Tantric Buddhism and
cung hay giet ngi, cung hay tha ngi. Giet other sects. Besides, his contribution to Japanese
ngi phai c ao giet ngi; tha ngi culture in the field of the arts, education, and
phai c cau tha ngi. Cai g la ao giet social welfare was considerable. The Japanese
ngi, cau tha ngi? Ai noi c bc ra oi Shingon (Chin. Chen-Yen) School was the most
chung noi xem? Neu noi khong c la co influential tradition of esoteric Buddhism in Japan.
phu bnh sanh. Tran trong! He traveled to China with Saicho in 804 and
* A monk asked: What is the meaning of studied Chen-Yen (Chinese Tantric tradition) with
Zhao-Chous cypress tree in the garden? Hui-Kuo. Upon his return to Japan in 805 he

founded Japanese Chen-Yen and established ngi ay khong the nao an lac c. Tat ca moi
himself as a teacher of esoteric Buddhism. He trang thai bc boi, lo lang, cung nh bon chon hay
founded a monastery on Mount Koya in 810, dao ong nay cua tam eu ngan can s nh tnh
which remains the headquarters of Shingon cua tamSee Fifty-two mental states.
todayMot v ai s noi tieng ngi Nhat, v Kukkutapada (skt): Kukkutapadagiri (skt)Ke
khai to tong Chan Ngon Nhat Ban, cung thi nha Tuc SnAlso called the Wolf-Track, or the
ng ben Trung Quoc. Khong mot tu s nao Buddhas Foot Mountain (Gurupada). Cocks foot
c biet en nhieu hoac c ton knh nhieu qua mountain, in Magadha, present Kurkeihar, about
cac thi ai Nhat Ban bang Khong Hai. Ong 16 miles northeast of Gaya, Central India, on
con noi tieng hn na trong so nhng Hoang which Kasyapa entered into nirvana, but where he
Phap ai S. La mot tu s Chan Ngon tong, ong is still supposed to be living. According to Eitel, in
a he thong hoa chu thuyet cua tong phai nay The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
trong cuon Thap Tru Tam Luan, noi ve mi bac Terms, it is 7 miles south-east of Gaya, where
tren ng hoc ao; va cuon luan khac noi ve s Kasyapa entered into nirvanaCon goi la nui
khac biet gia Phat giao Mat tong va cac tong Lang Tch (dau cho soi), hay Ton Tuc Sn. Ke
phai khac. Ngoai ra, s ong gop cua ong cho nen Tuc Sn, nui Chan Ga, ten mot ngon nui Ma
van hoa Nhat Ban trong cac lanh vc nghe thuat, Kiet a, vung Trung An, khoang 16 dam ve pha
giao duc, va an sinh xa hoi cung that la ang ke. ong bac Gaya, bay gi la Kurkeihar, ni ton gia
Ong la v sang lap ra Tong Chan Ngon Nhat Ban, Ca Diep nhap diet x Ma Kiet a, nhng ngi
trng phai co anh hng rat ln vi Mat giao ta tin ngai hay con song. Theo Eitel trong Trung
Nhat Ban. Ong du hanh sang Trung Hoa cung vi Anh Phat Hoc T ien, nui nay nam cach Gaya
Saicho vao nam 804 va theo hoc Chan Ngon vi khoang 7 dam ve pha ong nam ni ngai Ca Diep
ngai Hue Quoc. Khi tr ve Nhat vao nam 805 ong nhap Niet Ban.
thanh lap tong Chan Ngon Nhat Ban va xem mnh Kukkutarama (skt): Ke VienAccording to
la mot v thay Mat giao. Ong sang lap t vien The Great Tang Chronicles of the Western
tren nui Koya vao nam 810, ma bay gi van con World, Kukkutarama, a monastery on the Kukkuta
la tru s chnh cua trng phai Chan Ngon. Mountain, built by AsokaTheo Tay Vc Ky,
Kukkuc-cam (p): Uddhacca (p)WorryLo Kukkutarama con goi la Ke au Ma T hay Ke
AuRestlessness and worry, another Tc T, mot ngoi chua tren nui Ke au do vua
disadvantage that makes progress difficult. When A Duc xay ( pha ong nam co thanh co ngoi gia
the mind becomes restless like flustered bees in a lam Quat-Quat-Tra-A-Lam-Ma ma i ng goi
shaken hive, it can not concentrate. This mental la Ke Vien, do vua Vo u xay dng. Vua Vo u
agitation prevents calmness and blocks the tn ngng Phat phap, knh can dng chua, cham
upward path. mental worry is just as harmful. lam viec thien, chieu tap hang ngan Tang chung).
When a man worries over one thing and another, Kukkutika (skt): Gokulikas, Kukkulikas, or
over things done or left undone, and over fortune Kaukkutikas (skt)One of the twenty Hinayana
and misfortune, he can never have peace of mind. branches, a branch of the Mahasanghikas which
All this bother and worry, this fidgeting and established around 200 years after the Buddhas
unsteadiness of mind prevents concentration nirvana and early disappearedKe Dan Bo, mot
Trao c hay hoi qua, mot bat li khac gay kho trong 20 bo cua Tieu Tha, con goi la Khoi Sn
khan cho tien bo tam linh. Khi tam tr nen bat an, Tru Bo, Quat C Bo, Cao Cau Le Ca Bo, mot
giong nh bay ong ang xon xao trong to lac l, trong 20 bo cua Tieu Tha, thanh lap khoang 200
khong the nao tap trung c. S bc rc nay cua nam sau ngay Phat nhap diet va bien mat ngay
tam lam can tr s an tnh va lam tac nghen con sau o.
ng hng thng. Tam lo au ch la s tai hai.
Kukrtya (skt): WorryLo au.
Khi mot ngi lo au ve chuyen nay hay chuyen
Kuksa (kor): Quoc SA Korean term for
no, lo au ve nhng chuyen a lam hay cha lam,
national master. This is a title instituted during
lo au ve nhng ieu bat hanh hay may man, tam

the Koryo dynasty (937-1382) and awarded to the Kumarajiva (344-412): Cu Ma La ThapAn
most prominent members of the Korean Buddhist influential Indian teacher and translator. He
monastic orderT ng Trieu Tien dung e ch translated a lot of sutras from Sanskrit into
Quoc S. ay la mot danh hieu c thiet lap Chinese. Kumarajiva, one of the four suns of
trong trieu ai Koryo nham tng thng nhng Mahayana Buddhism, of which he was the early
thanh vien noi bat nhat cua Tang Gia Trieu Tien. and most effective propagator in China. He came
Kulapati (skt): Ca La Viet. from a noble family in Kuchi, present-day
1) The head of a clan, or family: Ngi ng Sinkiang. His name in Sanskrit is Kumarajiva, in
au bo toc. Chinese Elderly Young, which means though
2) Lay people: an Viet hay c s. young, his talents and virtues are equal to the
Kula-patra (skt): Thien nam t!Good sons! elders. His father was an Indian, his mother a
A son of a noble family, respectable youth. princess of Karashahr. His family line succeeded
Kula-patri (skt): Thien n nhan!Good each other in holding the Great General position,
daughters!A daughter of a good family, equal to present-day prime-minister, but when it
respectable girl. was passed to Kumarayana, he chose to forgo this
position to take the religious path and became a
Kulika (skt): Cau Ly CaAccording to Eitel in
Buddhist Master. Kumarajiva entered the
The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
Buddhist monastic order, together with his mother
Terms composed by Professor Soothill in 1937,
at the time he was 7 years of age. He was able to
Kulika, used to be a big city about 9 miles south-
penetrate clearly the theory All Dharma Arises
west of Nalanda in MagadhaTheo Eitel trong
From Within The Mind, meaning everything
Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien cua Giao S
comes from the mind; undoubtedly, if it can be
Soothill, ni ay tng la mot thanh pho ln,
thought of, then it can exist. Not long after he
khoang 9 dam ve pha tay nam cua Nalanda trong
became a Buddhist Master, the Great Venerable
x Ma Kiet a.
Master learned and understood the Tripitaka. He
Kuluta (skt): Khuat Lo aA region north of
developed great wisdom and was able to speak
now known as Kangra. An ancient kingdom in
and elucidate the Dharma without limitation. In a
north India, famous for its rock templesMot
few years Kumarajiva acquired great proficiency
vung nam ve pha bac Kangra bay gi. Mot vng
in all branches of Buddhist learning, and at last
quoc co nam ve pha bac An o, noi tieng v co
returned to Kuchi with his mother. On the way he
nhieu en ai xay dng bang a.
visited several centres of Buddhist studies in
Kumano-Gongen (jap): Hung Da Quyen Hien Central Asia. All kings in the entire Western
(v than tai en Ky Y, Kii, Nhat Ban). Region knelt before the Great Master to hear him
Kumara (skt): Cau Ma La. teach and explain the sutras. He lived in China
1) Son of the Dharma-king (Bodhisattva): Phap during the Dao Tan Dynasty (during the North-
vng t. **See Bodhisattva. South monarchy era in China from 320-588 A.D.).
2) A child: ong T. Since then Kumarajiva acquired such eminence as
3) A youth: Thieu Nien. a scholar that he attracted so many Buddhists from
4) A prince: Thai T. Khotan, Kashgar, Yarkand, and other parts of
Kumara-bhuta (skt): Cu Ma La Gia a Eastern Turkestan. While on a visit to Kashgar in
Dharma-prince, kumaraka-stage, youthful stage, 355 A.D., Kumarajiva was introduced by
i.e. a bodhisattva state or condition, e.g. the Suryasoma in the Mahayana doctrine and made a
position of a prince to the thronePhap Vng t special study of the Madhyamika treatises.
Con goi la Cu Ma La Phu a, Cu Ma La Vimalaksa, a Buddhist monk of Kashmir who
Phu a a, hay ong T a, ong Chan a, travelled to China by the Central Asian route, also
ong Tng a, van van. Ten goi chung cho Bo instructed Kumarajiva in the Sarvastivada Vinaya
Tat a, sap sa bc len Phat a cung nh mot and subsequently collaborated with him in the
v Thai t sap len ngoi vua. work of translation for which Kumarajiva is

famous. His teacher in Kashmir was Bandhudatta Peaceful Imperial Garden of the capital city of
who was later to be converted to the Mahayana Chang-An on the 28th of eighteenth year of the
faith through the discourses of his one-time pupil. Hoang Thi reign period of the Dao-Tan Dynasty,
Not long after he returned to Kuchi from Kashmir, which is also the fifth year of the Hi-Ninh reign
China invaded Kuchi and Kumarajiva was period of the Eastern Chin Dynasty. After the fire
captured as a prisoner-of-war. In China, many expired, his entire body had turned to ashes, but
scholars from all parts of the country came to visit the tongue remained perfectly whole as if the
him and many stayed behind him as disciples. In tissues were still living. Because of this case, we
401 A.D., he went to Chang-An where he can believe that all the sutras the Tripitaka
undertook his translation activities with the Dharma Master Kumarajiva translated are
assistance of thousands of other monks and completely right without error. He is also credited
scholars. In 402 AD he received the title of with establishing the San Lun school, which is
Teacher of the nation. Chinese Chronicles derived from the Indian Madhyamaka tradition
record that, in the year 405 A.D., the king of the Cu ma la thap (344-412), mot giang s va dch
Tsin dynasty showed great respect to Kumarajiva. gia ngi An. Ngai a chuyen dch rat nhieu kinh
During his thirteen years stay in China, he ien quan trong t Phan sang Han cho Trung
organized a translation bureau to which had more quoc. Ngai la mot trong bon mat tri cua Phat
than eight hundred monks and scholars. It is said Giao ai Tha thu ban s tai Trung Quoc. Ngai
that the king himself was an ardent disciple of xuat than t mot gia nh quyen qu Kucha, nay
Buddhism, held the original texts in his hand as thuoc tnh Tan Cng. Ten ngai goi u la Cu Ma
the work of translation proceeded. During that La Thap Ba, Han dch la ong Tho, ngha la
time hundreds of important volumes were tuoi tre, ngi tre ma tai nang, c o bang cac
prepared under the supervision of Kumarajiva and bac trng thng. Cha ngai la ngi Thien Truc,
some of the most important of Kumarajivas en nc Quy-T ci me ngai la cong chua cua
translation are: Amitabha Sutra, Lotus Sutra nc nay. Nguyen dong ho cua cha ong la mot
(Saddharmapundarika-sutra), the gia nh noi truyen nhau lam chc Tng Quoc,
Vimilakirtinirdhesha-Sutra, the Maha- tng ng vi chc Thu Tng bay gi, nhng
Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Diamond Sutra khi truyen en i cua ong Cu Ma La Viem th
(Varachedika-Prajnaparamita-sutra), ong nay bo ngoi tng quoc, xuat gia tu theo Phat
Mahaprajnaparamita-sastra, Sata-sastra, and giao. Luc 7 tuoi ong a cung me xuat gia au
many other Mahayana sutras. He died in Chang- Phat. Ngai thong hieu ly Van Phap Duy Tam,
An about 412 A.D. After his cremation, his tongue ngha la viec g cung do ni tam mnh tng ngh
remained unconsumed. He achieved not only ra ca, he ngh chi th co nay khong sai. Sau khi
outstanding exploit for the introduction of xuat gia khong lau, ngai hoc hieu va thong suot
Buddhism into China, but he was also one of the ca Tam Tang Kinh ien, phat sanh ai tr hue,
most important Tripitaka Dharma Master in bien tai vo ngai. Ch trong mot vai nam, Cu Ma
Buddhist history. He and other assistants La Thap a thong hieu het cac giao ly cua cac chi
translated 390 volumes of sutra teachings. Several phai Phat giao va sau cung cung vi me quay ve
days before the Dharma Master Kumarajiva nc T Quy. Tren ng i, ngai a en tham
passed away, he invited many Buddhist Bhiksus nhieu trung tam nghien cu Phat giao tai Trung
and Bhiksunis to tell them the followings: With A. Cac quoc vng toan coi Tay Vc eu quy
the sutras that I have translated, please circulate mop nghe ngai giang kinh. Ngai song ve i nha
and pass them to future generations so the Dao Tan (i Nam Bac Trieu ben Trung Quoc,
Dharma Jewel will be everywhere. With those khoang t nam 320 en 588 sau Tay Lch). T o
sutras, if I have not mistranslated them, once my Cu Ma La Thap tr thanh mot hoc gia xuat
body is cremated my tongue will remain whole chung en mc thu hut c nhieu tn o Phat
without turning into ashes. After speaking, he giao t Khotan, Kashgar, Yarkand va cac ni
bade his farewell and then passed away at khac mien ong Turkestan. Trong lan en tham

Kashgar vao nam 355, Cu Ma La Thap a c xong ngai t gia roi th tch tai Tieu Dieu Uyen
Suryasoma gii thieu giao ly ai Tha va a trong kinh o Trng An vao ngay 28 nam Hoang
chuyen tam nghien cu cac luan thuyet cua Trung Thi th 18 i nha Dao Tan, nham nam Hi Ninh
Luan tong (Madhyamika treatise) va gii luat cua th 5 cua nha ong Tan. Sau khi tan la, thi the
Nhat Thiet Hu Bo (Sarvastivada Vinaya). Sau ngai chay het, duy ch cai li la khong chay.
o ngai hp tac vi Vimalaksa, mot tu s en t Trng hp nh vay chung ta co the tin rang cac
Trung A, trong cong viec dch thuat ma Cu Ma kinh ma ngai Tam Tang Phap S phien dch la
La Thap rat noi tieng ve sau nay. Thay day ngai hoan toan ung, ch khong co g sai lac. Ngi ta
Kashmir la Bandhudatta, ngi sau nay a i cung cho rang Ngai chnh la ngi sang lap ra
theo Phat giao ai Tha qua s thuyet giang cua Tam Luan Tong, mot tong phai bat nguon t
ngi hoc tro mot thu cua ong. Khong lau sau truyen thong Trung ao ben An o.
khi ngai t Kashmir tr ve th Trung Hoa xam Kumarakadeva (skt): Cau Ma La ThienCu
chiem nc T Quy, Cu Ma La Thap b bat lam Ma La ThienCu Ma La Gia ThienA
tu binh. Tai ay, cac hoc gia khap ni trong nc youthful deva, an Indra of the first dhyana heaven
en tham ngai va nhieu ngi a tr thanh e t whose face is like that of a youth, sitting on a
cua ngai. Vao nam 401 ngai en Trng An e peacock, holding a cock, a bell, and a flagV e
nhan chc dch kinh vi s giup cua hang ngan Thch hay Pham Thien s thien, mat trong nh
tang s khac. Nam 402 ngai nham chc Quoc S. tre con, ngoi tren lng cong, mot tay cam kch,
Bien nien s Trung Hoa chep rang vao nam 405, mot tay cam chuong va c.
hoang e nha Tan a to s ton knh ac biet oi Kumaralabdha (skt): Cu Ma La aNames
vi Cu Ma La Thap. Trong suot 13 nam Trung of two noted monks, one during the period of
Quoc, ngai a to chc tai Trng An mot bo phan Asoka, of the Sautrantika sect; the other
dch thuat qui tu tren 800 tu s va hoc gia. Theo Kumaralabdha, or Kumarata, the nineteenth
li ke lai th nha vua von la mot tn o Phat giao patriarchCon goi la Cau Ma La La a, Cu Ma
nhiet tnh, a ch than gi cac van ban goc trong La a, Cu Ma La a, Cu Ma La at, Han dch
khi cong viec dch thuat tien hanh. Trong thi la ong Hao, ong Thu, ong Thu, ong T
gian nay, hang tram quyen kinh quan trong a Ten cua hai v s noi tieng, mot la Cu Ma La a
c dch ra di s giam sat cua ngai, trong o song thi vua A Duc (theo Duy Thc Thuat Ky,
gom co: Kinh A Di a, Kinh Phap Hoa, sau khi c Phat nhap diet khoang 100 nam,
Vimilakirtinirdhesha-sutra, Kinh Bat Nha Ba La nc at Xoa Kieu La, pha bac Thien Truc, co
Mat, Kinh Kim Cang, Cc Lac Trang Nghiem Bat ngai Cu Ma La a, dch la ong Thu a lam ra
T Kinh (Sukhavatyamrta-vyuha), ai Tr o Cu Bach Luan. Roi 400 nam sau mi ra i
Luan (Mahaprajnaparamita sastra), Bach Luan mot v khac cung ten Cu Ma La a lam to i
(Sata-sastra), va rat nhieu kinh ien ai tha th 19 An o), hai cung la Cu Ma La a la v
khac. Ngai th tch tai Trng An vao khoang nam to th 19 An oSee Twenty eight Indian
412 sau Tay Lch. Sau le tra ty, cai li van Patriarchs.
khong chay. Ngai la ngi chang nhng co cong
Kumararaja (skt):
rat ln trong viec gii thieu Phat giao vao Trung
1) Crown prince: Thai t.
Quoc, ma ngai con la mot v Tam Tang Phap
2) An epithet of Buddha: Danh hieu cua c
S quan trong vao bac nhat trong lch s Phat
giao. Phap S cung nhng v phu ta a phien dch
3) An epithet of Manjusri: Danh hieu cua Van
tong cong 390 quyen kinh. Vai ngay trc khi
Thu S Li.
ngai vien tch, ngai cho mi ch Tang Ni en bao
Kumarata (skt): Cu Ma La aThe
ho rang: Nhng kinh ma ta dch, xin hay truyen
nineteenth patriarch of Indian Chan SectV to
ba cho i sau dung lam phap bao lu thong cung
th 19 cua dong Thien An o. **See Twenty
khap. Vi cac bon kinh ay, neu nh ta phien dch
eight Indian Patriarchs.
khong co sai lam th khien cho sau khi thieu hoa
than the roi, cai li cua ta van khong chay. Noi

Kumarayana (skt): Cu Ma La Gia Viem to be an ancient kingdom on the Beloortagh to the

Father of KumarajivaCha cua Ngai Cu Ma La north of BadakhshanTheo Eitel trong Trung
ThapSee Kumarajiva. Anh Phat Hoc T ien cua Giao S Soothill, ay
Kumbhanda (skt): Demons of monstrous form tng la mot vng quoc co nam tren Beloortagh,
Cat Ban TraCu Ban TraKiet Ban Tra ve pha bac cua Badakhshan.
Yem M QuyKumbhandas, a demon shaped Kumon (jap): Sunyata schoolKhong mon.
like a gourd, or pot, it devours the vitality of men Kumuda (skt): Opening lotus; but kumuda refers
(sucks the life energy from living creatures, especially to the esculent (eatable) white lotus
including humans). This is one of the eight groups Cau vat au (mot loai sen co the an c).
of demon-followers of the four maharajas. This is Ku-Muhen-Sho-Jo (jap): The Sphere of Infinite
a type of evil god that sucks and deprives the life SpaceKhong vo bien xSee Four formless
energy from living creatures, including humans (it jhanas.
devours the vitality of men). This type of demon Kunala (skt): Cau Na LaCu Na La.
is part of the retinue of Virudhaka, the Four- 1) Name of a bird which has beautiful eyes, or a
Quarter King who rules the south. This demon has bird with beautiful eyes: Ten mot loai chim
the body of a man and the head of a horse, with mat ep.
huge testicles, shaped like a gourd, or pot; 2) According to Professor Soothill in The
however, he is able to run as swiftly as the wind. Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
He usually appears in the outermost square of the Terms, this was the name of
Garbhadhatu mandala, one of the two major Dharmavivardhana, son of Asoka, whose son
mandalas of Esoteric BuddhismCu Ban Tra, Sampadi became the successor of Asoka:
mot loai quy co hnh nh trai bau hay cai bnh, Theo Giao S Soothill trong Trung Anh Phat
loai quy an het tinh kh cua con ngi. ay la Hoc T ien, ay la con vua A Duc ten
mot trong tam bo quy chung. Con goi la Cat Ban Dharmavivardhana, ma con trai ten Sampadi
o, Cau Bien o, Cung Ban o, Cung Ban o, a tr thanh ngi ke v vua A Duc.
Cu Man Noa, hay Cu Ban o. Quy Cau ban o 3) According to Eitel in The Dictionary of
hay yem m quy, la mot loai quy chuyen hut het Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, Kunala is
sinh kh cua chung sanh, ke ca con ngi. ay la also translated as an evil man, or an evil eye:
loai quy do Tang Trng Thien nam phng cai Theo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T
quan, loai quy nay co than ngi au nga, vi ien cua Giao S Soothill, Kunala con co
oi ngoc hanh to bang qua bau hay bnh nc, con ngha la mot ac nhan hay ac nhan.
goi la quy bau hay quy b ao; tuy nhien, no co
Kunda (skt):
kha nang chay nhanh nh gio. Quy Cu Ban Tra
1) Nectar jugQuan o lo (tnh bnh).
thng xuat hien khu ngoai bien cua Man a La
2) A kind of flower, perhaps jasmine: Quan
Thai Tang Gii, mot trong hai loai man a la
NaMot loai hoa, co le la hoa lai.
chnh yeu cua Mat Giao. **See Eight groups of
Kundali-Raja: Quan Tra Li Minh VngSee
demon followers.
Fifteen bodhisattvas who represent the Buddhas
Kumbhira (skt)Kim Ty LaKim Ba La-Cam
dharmakaya, or spiritual body; wisdom in
Ty LaCung Ty La ai Tng.
graciousness and a pierce or angry form against
1) Alligator: Ca SauA crocodile.
evil (II).
2) A Yaksa-king, who was converted and
Kundgahgrags: Cong Gia Cat Lat TAlso
became a guardian of Buddhism: Vua Da
named Danupa, a famous Tibetan monk of the
Xoa, quy-y va tr thanh v ho phap.
thirteenth century, who had influence at the
** See Twelve spirits connected with the Master
Mongol court under Kublai KhanTen ch Han
of Healing.
la Pho Hy Danh Van, con goi la am Ba (Vi
Kumidha (skt): Cau Me aAccording to Eitel
Dieu), mot Tang s Tay Tang noi tieng vao the ky
in The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
Terms composed by Professor Soothill, this used

13, la ngi co nhieu anh hng vi trieu nh Bac Viet Nam. Khu vc Con Sn noi tieng vi
Mong Co di trieu Kublai-Khan. nui non, chua thap, rng thong, khe suoi, cung
Kundi (skt): Kundika (skt)Quan TrQuan nh nhng di tch gan lien vi nhieu danh nhan
Tr CaVan Tr. trong lch s. Con Sn con c coi nh la mot
1) The vase in Kuan-Yins hand: Chiec bnh trong nhng trung tam Phat giao ln nhat cua
trong tay cua c Quan AmAn asecetic nc ta. Chua a c xay dng trc i nha
water bottle. Tran. Vua Tran Thai Tong (1225-1298) a tng
2) One of the eighteen utensils of Bhikkhus: en vieng chua. Ngi ta noi chua c trung tu
Mot trong 18 vat dung cua Ty Kheo. vao i nha Le vi 83 phong nguy nga long lay.
Kundika (skt): Bao Bnh. Tuy nhien, bay gi ch con la ngoi chua nho ma
1) A pecious vase, vessels used in worship: Bnh thoi, thng goi la chua Hun. Chua co tng Phat
quy (mot th o dung cua c Phat) c A Di a, va cac tng Truc Lam Tam To.
dung trong nghi thc le lac. Kunti (skt): Cao-eWho is associated with
2) A baptismal vase used by the esoteric sects Avalokitesvara (Quan Am)See Ten raksasi
for pouring water on the head: Bnh quan mentioned in the Lotus sutra.
anh ma Mat giao dung e ri tnh thuy tren Kuonji (jap): Chua Cu Vien (Nhat Ban).
au khi lam le quan anh. Ku-Poison Ghost: If it was greed for hatred that
Kundokuho (jap): The Japanese mode of made the person commit offenses, then, after he
reading Chinese writingCach ng Nhat oc has finished paying for his crimes, then, after he
ch viet cua Trung Hoa. has finished paying for his crimes, he takes shape
Kunduruka (skt): Nhu HngBoswellia when he encounters wormsTham san han, gay
thurifera, both the fragrant plant and its resin toi, gap loai trung thanh hnh, lam cac loai Quy
Cay co nha trang nh sa va co mui thm. Co ocSee Nine classes of ghosts (II).
Kung (jap): Sunyata (skt)EmptinessTanh Kuran (skt): Khuat Lang NaAccording to Eitel
khong. in The Dictionary of Chinese-English Buddhist
Kun-Lun mountain: Con Lon SnThe Terms, this is an ancient kingdom in Tokhara, the
Kun-Lun mountain range north of Tibet, the modern Garana, with mines of lapis lazuliTheo
GandhamadanaNui Con Luan hay Hng Sn, Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien cua
nam ve pha bac nui Tuyet Sn cua Tay Tang. Giao S Soothill, Khuat Lang Na la ten cua mot
vng quoc co thuoc Tokhara, bay gi la Garana,
Kun-Shan Temple: Con Sn TAnother
ni co nhieu mo ngoc bch.
name of Thien Tu Phuc Temple, located in Chi
Ngai village, Ch Linh district, Hai Hung province, Kuru (skt): Cau Lu SaThe country where
North Vietnam. Con Son area is well-known for Buddha is said to have delivered the sutra the
the mountains and hills, temples and stupas, pine Long DiscoursesX ma ngi noi chnh tai ay
forests, and springs and streams, as well as c Phat a thuyet giang Kinh Trng A Ham.
vestiges related to many famous people in history. Kurudvipa (skt): Uttarakuru (skt)Cau L
Con Son is also considered one of the greatest ChauTen goi cua Bac ai Chau hay Bac Cu Lo
Buddhist centers of Vietnam. Con Son Temple ChauThe northern of the four continents of a
was built before the Tran dynasty. King Tran Thai worldSee Four continents.
Tong used to visit the temple. It was said that, Kuryana (skt): Kuvayana (skt)Cuc Li Nhai
after being rebuilt in the Le dynasty, the temple NaAccording to Eitel in The Dictionary of
consideed of eighty-three magnificient halls. Chinese-English Buddhist Terms, Kuvayana is an
However, it is now only a small temple named ancient kingdom south-west of Ferghana, north of
Hun. In the temple stand Amitabha Buddha statue, the upper Oxus, the present KurrategeenTheo
and the statues of Three Truc Lam patriarchs Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T ien, Cuc Li
Ten khac cua chua Thien T Phuc, chua toa lac Nhai Na la mot vng quoc co nam ve pha tay
tai thon Ch Ngai, huyen Ch Linh, tnh Hai Hng,

nam Ferghana, pha bac thng nguon song Bac co mau sac, lai co hng thm, nhng ngi
Xoa (Oxus), bay gi la Kurrategeen. noi ieu lanh va lam c ieu lanh se a
Kusa (skt): lai ket qua tot.
1) Co Thi ThaoC XaGrass of good omen 3) As from a heap of flowers many a garland is
for divinationMot loai co kiet tng. made, even so many good deeds should be
2) Cau Xa TongSee Eight of the early done by one born to the mortal lot
Japanese Buddhist sects. (Dharmapada 53): Nh t ong hoa co the
Kusagrapura (skt): Cat Tng Mao Quoc lam nen nhieu trang hoa, t ni than ngi co
Thng MaoAccording to Eitel, this is an the tao nen nhieu viec thien.
ancient residence of the kings of Magadha, Kusala-akusala (skt): Good and evilThien ac.
surrounded by mountains, about 14 miles south of (I) The meanings of Kusala-akusalaNgha
Behar. It was deserted under King Bimbisara, who cua Thien Ac:
built new Radjagriha, about 6 miles farther to the 1) Good is defined as to accord with the right:
westTheo Eitel trong Trung Anh Phat Hoc T Thien la thuan ly.
ien cua Giao S Soothill, ay la ni tru ngu cua 2) Bad is defined as to disobey the right: Ac la
cac vua tai x Ma Kiet a (kinh thanh Thng nghch ly.
Mao cua x Ma Kiet a, ni cac vng quoc co (II) The Buddhas teachings on Kusala-
thng ong o), bao boc bi nui non, khoang 14 akusalaNhng li Phat day ve Thien
dam ve pha nam cua Behar. No b bo phe t khi Ac:
vua Bnh Sa Vng xay thanh Vng Xa mi, 1) The evil-doer grieves in this world and in the
khoang 6 dam xa hn ve pha tay. next; he grieves in both. He grieves and
Kusala (p): Su, Sadhu, or Bhadra (skt)ieu suffers when he perceives the evil of his own
thienGood deedsWholesome. deeds (Dharmapada 15): cho nay an nan,
(I) The meanings of KusalaNgha cua tiep cho khac cung an nan, ke lam ieu ac
Thien: Good or wholesome is in contrast nghiep, ca hai ni eu an nan; v thay ac
with evil or unwholesomeThien la trai vi nghiep mnh gay ra, ke kia sanh ra an nan va
ac. Nhng hanh phap hu lau va vo lau thuan chet mon.
ch cho i nay va i khac (tren thong vi 2) The virtuous man rejoices in this world, and
Bo Tat va Phat, di thau tri va ngi). in the next. He is happy in both worlds. He
1) Wholesome deeds clean our mindThien rejoices and delights when he perceives the
nghiep co cong nang thanh loc bon tam. purity of his own deeds (Dharmapada 16):
2) Wholesome deeds give happiness to oneself cho nay vui, tiep cho khac cung vui; ke lam
and othersThien nghiep mang lai hanh ieu thien nghiep, ca hai ni eu an vui; v
phuc cho mnh va tha nhan. thay thien nghiep mnh gay ra, ngi kia sanh
(II) The Buddhas teachings on Kusala in the ra an lac va cc lac.
Dharmapada SutraNhng li Phat day ve 3) The evil man suffers in this world and in the
Thien trong Kinh Phap Cu: next. He suffers everywhere. He suffers
1) As a flower that is colorful and beautiful, but whenever he thinks of the evil deeds he has
without scent, even so fruitless is the well- done. Furthermore he suffers even more
spoken words of one who does not practice it when he has gone to a woeful path
(Dharmapada 51): Nh th hoa ti ep ch (Dharmapada 17): cho nay than buon, tiep
pho trng mau sac ma chang co hng thm, cho khac cung than buon, ke gay ieu ac
nhng ngi ch biet noi ieu lanh ma khong nghiep, ca hai ni eu than buon: ngh rang
lam ieu lanh chang em lai ch li. toi a tao ac v vay nen no than buon. Hn
2) As the flower that is colorful, beautiful, and na con than buon v phai oa vao coi kho.
full of scent, even so fruitful is the well- 4) The virtuous man is happy here in this world,
spoken words of one who practices it and he is happy there in the next. He is happy
(Dharmapada 52): Nh th hoa ti ep, va everywhere. He is happy when he thinks of

the good deeds he has done. Furthermore, he lau ngay cung lam ay bnh. Ke ngu phu s
is even happier when he has gone to a d ay toi ac bi cha don tng khi t ma nen.
blissful path (Dharmapada 18): cho nay 11) Do not disregard small good, saying, it will
hoan hy, tiep cho khac cung hoan hy, ke tu not matter to me. Even by the falling of drop
hanh phc nghiep, ca hai ni eu hoan hy: by drop, a water-jar is filled; likewise, the
ngh rang toi a tao phc v vay nen no wise man, gathers his merit little by little
hoan hy. Hn na con hoan hy v c sanh (Dharmapada 122): Ch nen khinh ieu lanh
vao coi lanh. nho, cho rang chang a lai qua bao cho ta.
5) Lets hasten up to do good. Lets restrain our Phai biet giot nc nheu lau ngay cung lam
minds from evil thoughts, for the minds of ay bnh. Ke tr s d toan thien bi cha don
those who are slow in doing good actions tng khi t ma nen.
delight in evil (Dharmapada 116): Hay gap 12) A merchant with great wealth but lacks of
rut lam lanh, che ch tam toi ac. He bieng companions, avoids a dangerous route, just as
nhac viec lanh gi phut nao th tam a one desiring to live avoids poison, one should
chuyen ac gi phut nay. shun evil things in the same manner
6) If a person commits evil, let him not do it (Dharmapada 123): Ngi i buon mang
again and again; he should not rejoice nhieu cua bau ma thieu ban ong hanh, tranh
therein, sorrow is the outcome of evil xa con ng nguy hiem lam sao, nh ke
(Dharmapada 117): Neu a l lam ac ch nen tham song tranh xa thuoc oc the nao, th cac
thng lam hoai, ch vui lam viec ac; he ngi cung phai tranh xa ieu ac the ay.
cha ac nht nh tho kho. 13) With a hand without wound, one can touch
7) If a person does a meritorious deed, he should poison; the poison does not afftect one who
do it habitually, he should find pleasures has no wound; nor is there ill for him who
therein, happiness is the outcome of merit does no wrong (Dharmapada 124): Vi ban
(Dharmapada 118): Neu a lam viec lanh tay khong thng tch, co the nam thuoc oc
hay nen thng lam mai, nen vui lam viec ma khong b nhiem oc, vi ngi khong lam
lanh; he cha lanh nht nh tho lac. ac th khong bao gi b ac.
8) Even an evil-doer sees good as long as evil 14) Whoever harms a harmless person who is
deed has not yet ripened; but when his evil pure and guiltless, the evil falls back upon
deed has ripened, then he sees the evil results that fool, like dust thrown against the wind
(Dharmapada 119): Khi nghiep ac cha thanh (Dharmapada 125): em ac y xam pham en
thuc, ke ac cho la vui, en khi nghiep ac ngi khong ta vay, thanh tnh va vo nhiem,
thanh thuc ke ac mi hay la ac. toi ac se tr lai ke lam ac nh ngc gio tung
9) Even a good person sees evil as long as his bui.
good deed has not yet ripened; but when his 15) Some are born in a womb; evil-doers are
good deed has ripened, then he sees the good reborn in hells; the righteous people go to
results (Dharmapada 120): Khi nghiep lanh blissful states; the undefiled ones pass away
cha thanh thuc, ngi lanh cho la kho, en into Nirvana (Dharmapada 126): Mot so sinh
khi nghiep lanh thanh thuc, ngi lanh mi ra t bao thai, ke ac th oa vao a nguc,
biet la lanh. ngi chnh trc th sinh len ch thien, nhng
10) Do not disregard (underestimate) small evil, coi Niet ban ch danh rieng cho nhng ai a
saying, it will not matter to me. By the diet sach nghiep sanh t.
falling of drop by drop, a water-jar is filled; 16) Neither in the sky, nor in mid-ocean, nor in
likewise, the fool becomes full of evil, even if mountain cave, nowhere on earth where one
he gathers it little by little (Dharmapada 121): can escape from the consequences of his evil
Ch khinh ieu ac nho, cho rang chang a deeds (Dharmapada 127): Chang phai bay len
lai qua bao cho ta. Phai biet giot nc nheu khong trung, chang phai lan xuong ay be,
chang phai chui vao hang sau nui tham, du

tm khap the gian nay, chang co ni nao tron (B) Kusala kamma which may ripen in the
khoi ac nghiep a gay. formless realms: Thien Nghiep Tao Qua
17) A fool does not realize when he commits c Hng Trong Vo Sac Gii See Four
wrong deeds; by his own deeds the stupid immaterial heavens (II).
man is tormented, like one is lighting fires Kusala-mahabhumika (skt): General functions
wherein he must be burnt one day of goodai thien a phapSee Seventy-five
(Dharmapada 136): Ke ngu phu tao cac ac dharmas of the Abhidharma Kosa.
nghiep van khong t biet co qua bao g Kusala-mula (skt): Thien CanGood roots
chang ? Ngi ngu t tao ra nghiep e chu Good qualities (of body, speech and mind), good
kho, chang khac nao t lay la ot mnh. seed sown by a good life to be reaped laterCai
18) Bad deeds are easy to do, but they are thien cua ba nghiep than, khau, y co the sinh ra
harmful, not beneficial to oneself. On the dieu qua ve sau nay.
contrary, it is very difficult to do that which is
Kusalanasrava (skt): Good things free from evil
beneficial and good for oneself (Dharmapada
flowingsThien Vo Lau PhapGood virtues
163): Viec hung ac th de lam nhng chang
free from evil flowings by the wise cultivators
li g cho ta, trai lai viec t thien co li cho ta
when they are deeply drunk in the the bliss of the
th lai rat kho lam.
samadhi and abiding in the bliss of existence as it
19) The foolish man who slanders the teachings
isCac c tnh tot thoat khoi cac lau hoac ma
of the Arhats, of the righteous and the Noble
hanh gia co tr tue hng c khi ho am mnh
Ones. He follows false doctrine, ripens like
sau trong hanh phuc cua Thien nh va an tru
the kashta reed, only for its own destruction
trong s hien hu nh th (ung nh s hien hu).
(Dharmapada 164): Nhng ngi ac tue ngu
Kusamapura (skt): Cau To Ma Bo LaThanh
si, v tam ta kien ma vu miet giao phap A-la-
pho ay hoa, nh khu Patna cua thanh
han, vu miet ngi lanh Chanh ao va giao
PataliputraThe city of flowers, Pataliputra, i.e.
phap c Nh Lai e t mang lay bai hoai,
nh giong co cach-tha he sinh hoa qua xong
lien tieu diet. Kusan Sunim (1909-1981): Name of a Korean
20) By oneself the evil is done, by oneself one is Son monk, born in Namwon to a farming family.
defiled or purified. Purity or impurity depend At the age of twenty-six he chanted Buddhist
on oneself. No one can purify another Mantras during a period of illness, and when he
(Dharmapada 165): Lam d bi ta ma nhiem was cured decided to become a monk. He studied
o cung bi ta, lam lanh bi ta ma thanh tnh under Hyobong Sunin at Songgwangsa, and at the
cung bi ta. Tnh hay bat tnh eu bi ta, ch age of thirty-one received monastic ordination at
khong ai co the lam cho ai thanh tnh c. Tongdosa. From 1962 to 1966 he served as an
abbot of Tonghwasa, and in 1967 he founded the
Kusala-dharma (skt): Kusala-dhamma (p)
Bul-il International Meditation Center at
Good dharmaMeritorious actionBach phap
Songgwangsa as a place for foreigners to practice
Thien phap (cac viec lanh khong em lai kho
meditation. He was one of the most influential
au ma ngc lai, mang lai an lac va hanh phuc).
Son masters of the twentieth century, and had a
Kusala-dharma-tathata (skt): Thien Phap
significant impact on the Chogye Order. He is
Chan NhSee Nine kinds of non-action.
particularly known for emphasizing the centrality
Kusala karma (skt): Thien nghiepWholesome of meditative practice and considering study of
karmaGood karmaSkillful action which will scriptures to be of secondary importance. His
produce pleasant results. books include The Way of Korean Zen and Nine
(A) Kusala kamma which may ripen in the realms Mountains.Ten cua mot Thien s Trieu Tien,
of form: Thien Nghiep Tao Qua c Hng sanh tai Namwon trong mot gia nh nong dan.
Trong Sac GiiSee Fifteen kinds of fine- Vao tuoi 26 ong tr chu Phat giao trong khi ang
material-sphere wholesome consciousness benh hoan, va khi lanh benh ong quyet nh xuat

gia lam Tang. Ong theo hoc vi s Hyobong Kushinagara (skt): Kushinara (p)
Sunin tai chua Songgwangsa, va vao tuoi 31, ong Kusigramaka (skt)Thi ThanhSee Kusinagara.
tho ai gii tai Tongdosa. T nam 1962 en nam Kusinagara (skt): Kushinara (p)Kusigramaka
1966 ong tru tr chua Tonghwasa, va nam 1967 (skt)Thi ThanhBelonged to an ancient Indian
ong sang lap Trung Tam Thien nh Quoc Te Kingdom, near Kasiah, the place where
Bul-il tai Songgwangsa c xem nh la mot ni Sakyamuni Buddha died, also the birth place of
cho nhieu ngi ngoai quoc en thc tap thien. nine famous scholars. According to Buddhist
Ong la mot trong nhng thien s co anh hng tradition, this is where the historical Buddha
nhat vao the ky 20, va co anh hng ang ke vi sakyamuni entered into Parinirvana, present-day
trng phai Chogye. Ong c ac biet biet Kasia in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, one of
enqua viec ong nhan manh en s thiet yeu cua the four sacred places in Buddhism history. Today
thien tap va xem viec hoc kinh la hang quan trong it is one of the major pilgrimage sites of
th yeu th hai. Nhng sach cua ong gom bo Buddhism. Kusinagara used to be the capital of
Con ng Cua Thien Tong ai Han va Cu the kingdom of Mallas, located in northern India,
Sn. one of the sixteen major countries in India during
Kusha (skt): Kusha (jap)Cau Xa TongA the Buddhas lifetime. It is now Kasia, about
Japanese Buddhist school whose doctrines are about 120 miles north-east of Baranasi, and 35
based on Vasubandhus Treasury of Higher miles to the east of the city of Gorakhpur in Uttar
Doctrine (Abhidharma-Kosa), which was Pradesh State of northern India. This is the place
translated into Chinese by Paramartha and Hsuan- where the Buddha entered Nirvana in the Sala
Tsang. In China it only existed as a separate Grove (the Buddha passed away without any
school during the Tang dynasty. It was brought to sorrow at 80 years of age in a grove of sala trees
Japan in the seventh and eighth centuries. It is a north of Kusinara, about 543 years before Christ).
realistic school that conceives of phenomena as After his death, his mortal remains were cremated
being composed of subtle elements called and a part of his relics were preserved in a stupa
Dharmas, and much of the schools philosophy or pagoda in Kusingara. As the place of Buddhas
is devoted to categorization of themmot trng death, Kusinagara became one of the most holy
phai Phat giao cua Nhat Ban ma giao ly da vao Buddhist places of pilgrimage. Recently, Indian
bo Vi Dieu Phap cua Ngai The Than, bo A Ty archaeologists found the Nirvana Temple and its
at Ma Cau Xa Luan a c cac ngai ruins at Kusinagara where the Buddha passed
Paramartha va Huyen Trang dch sang Hoa ng. away. According to Prof. P.V. Bapat in The
Tai Trung Hoa Cau Xa tong van con la mot tong Twenty-Five Hundred Years of Buddhism, like
phai biet lap en i nha ng. Tong phai nay the other sacred places connected with the
c truyen sang Nhat Ban vao nhng the ky th eventful life of the Buddha, Kusinara rose to be
7 va th 8. ay la trng phai hien thc, nhn s an important place of pilgrimage and in the course
vat la s phoi hp cua nhng yeu to vi te goi la of time was covered with sacred shrines and
Phap, va hau het triet ly cua trng phai la monasteries. However, for unknown reasons, the
phan loai nhng phap aySee Eight of the place was deserted early in its history, and both
early Japanese Buddhist sects. Fa-Hsien and Hsuan-Tsang note the utter ruin and
Kusharon (jap): Cau Xa LuanAbhidharma- desolation of this once important site. The stupa of
kosa-sastra, composed by Vasubandhu, translated Parinirvana which Asoka is said to have built has
into Chinese by Paramartha and Hsuan-Tsang not yet been brought to light. Among the other
during the Tang dynastyA Ty at Ma Cau Xa sacred edifices that still remain may be mentioned
Luan c ngai The Than bien soan, ngai the Matha-Kunwar-ka-koti which enshrines a
Paramartha va Huyen Trang i nha ng dch large recumbent figure of the Buddha in the state
sang Hoa ng. of nirvana. The image was found in fragments and
Kushashu (jap): Cau Xa TongSee Kosa Sect. has been skilfully restored by Mr. Carlleyle. The
great stupa which stood on the spot where the

body of the Buddha was cremated and where Giao S P.V. Bapat trong Hai Ngan Nam Tram
relics of the Master were divided into eight equal Nam Phat Giao, giong nh cac thanh a khac co
portions is probably represented by a large mound lien quan en cuoc i ay nhng s kien quan
locally known as Ramabhar. This mound has only trong cua c Phat, Cau Thi Na tng la mot iem
been partially examined and a more systematic hanh hng ong uc, va trc ay ni nay a
exploration is expected to bring to light important moc len nhieu ien th cung cac tu vien. Tuy
material relating to the history of this venerable nhien, khong biet sao ni nay sm tr thanh
spotTen tat cua thanh Cau Thi Na, thuoc Vng hoang phe. Ngay ca cac nha hanh hng Trung
Quoc co An o, gan thanh Kasiah, ni c Phat Quoc la Phap Hien va Huyen Trang eu a ghi
nhap diet, va cung la ni sanh cua chn hoc gia nhan s o nat va co tch hoan toan cua ni mot
noi tieng An o. Theo truyen thong Phat giao, thi quan trong nay. Ngoi thap Paranirvana ma
ay la ni c Phat lch s Thch Ca Mau Ni ngi ta noi la do vua A Duc xay dng van cha
nhap Niet Ban, hien nay la Kasia thuoc bang c tm thay. Trong so cac en ai thieng lieng
Uttar Pradesh cua An o, mot trong bon ni khac con ton tai co the ke en Matha-Kunwar ka
thieng lieng cua lch s Phat giao. Hien nay Cau Koti, ni nay co mot tng Phat nam that ln
Thi Na la mot trong nhng a iem hanh hng trong trang thai nhap niet ban. Bc tng nay a
chnh cua Phat giao. Cau Thi Na a tng la kinh b vun nat khi c tm thay va a c Ngai
o cua vng quoc Mat La nam ve pha bac An Carlleyle phuc hoi mot cach kheo leo. Ngon thap
o, mot trong 16 vng quoc ln tai An o thi ln c dng len tai a iem nhuc than cua c
c Phat. Bay gi la tnh Kasia, khoang 120 dam The Ton c hoa thieu va ni xa li cua Ngai
ve pha ong Bac cua Baranasi, va khoang 35 c chia eu lam tam phan e th, co le c
dam ve pha ong thanh pho Gorakhupur thuoc thay la mot go at ln ma dan a phng goi la
bang Uttar Pradesh vung Bac An. Ni c Phat Ramabhar. Go at nay ch mi c nghien cu
nhap Niet ban trong vn Ta La (c Phat nhap mot phan va can co s khao sat mot cach co he
diet trong an nhien vao tuoi 80 tai rng Ta La thong e a ra anh sang nhng chi tiet quan
pha bac thanh cau Thi Na, vao khoang 543 nam trong lien quan en lch s cua thanh a nay.
trc Thien Chua). Nhuc than cua Phat c hoa Kusinagara stupa: Tai thanh Cau Thi Na, ni
thieu va mot phan xa li cua Ngai a c ton tr Phat nhap Niet Ban. ay la mot trong tam ngoi
th trong mot bao thap tai Cau Thi Na. V la ni thap thieng ln cua Phat giaoKusinagara,
c Phat nhap diet nen Cau Thi Na a tr thanh where the Buddha entered nirvana. . This is one
mot trong bon Thanh a thieng lieng nhat cua of the eight Great Spiritual or Sacred Stupas of
Phat giao. Gan ay cac nha khao co An o a BuddhismSee Eight great spiritual or sacred
tm ra phe tch Thap Niet Ban, ni c Phat a stupas and Kusinagara.
nhap diet (c Phat thanh ao luc Ngai 35 tuoi, Kusinara (skt): Cau Thi NaSee Kusinagara.
thuyet phap o sinh trong 45 nam, Ngai i chu du
Kusita (p): Lazy personNgi li bieng.
doc theo b song Hang va cac x lan can trong
Kusita-vatthuni (p): Giai ai SSee Eight
nc An o, cho nao co nhan duyen la Ngai en
occasions of indolence.
hoa o. Nam Ngai 78 tuoi, chuyen du hoa cuoi
cung t thanh Vng Xa en thanh Cau Thi Na, Kusito (p): Be slackGiai aiSee Seven
c Phat cung chung e t vt qua song Hang wrong practices.
vao thanh Ty Xa Ly, ngu tai khu rng Truc, an c Kusuma (skt): Puspa, or Padma (skt)Hoa.
ba thang. Nam sau Phat cung ton gia A Nan en 1) Cau To MaA flower, especially the white
thanh Ba Ba Li, gia ng th c Phat lam China-asterLoai hoa bach cuc cua Trung
trong benh nhng Ngai van co gang i en thanh Quoc.
Cau Thi Na. Di hang cay Ta La, c Phat bao 2) Flower: Hoa, ac biet la hoa sen, mot trong
ngai A Nan sa soan cho ngh, xong Ngai nam sau loai vat e cung ng PhatBlossom
nghieng ve ben phai, mat hng ve phng tay, Flowery, especially the lotus, one of the six
roi an nhien th tch, luc ay Ngai a 80 tuoi). Theo objects for offeringsSee Lotus flowers.

3) Pleasure: Khoan HoaV hoa nhu nhuyen Kwan-Chu (jap): Taitzu-Huan-ChungS ai

khien long ngi khoan hoa. T Khoan Trung (Nhat Ban).
4) To ornate: Hoa NghiemHoa tng trng Kwazan (jap): S Quan Sn Hue Huyen (Nhat
cho van hanh pho bay trang nghiemTo Ban).
Kyo (jap): Visaya (skt)ObjectCanh.
5) Padma (skt): Hoa SenThe lotus flower.
Kyogen-Chikan (jap): Hsiang-Yen-Chih-
6) Celestial flowers: Hoa Tri.
HsienSee Hsiang-Yen-Zhi-Hsien.
Kusuma-mala (skt): Hoa ManHoa PhatA
Kyojong (kor): One of the two survived sects in
wrath of flowersChaplet of flowers used as
Korea during the reign of King Sejong (1418-
adornments for Indian womenVong hoa trang
1450), fourth ruler of the Choson dynasty. Under
sc cua phu n An o.
this king, the number of Buddhist schools in Korea
Kusumapura (skt): Pataliputra (skt)Pusapura
was reduced to only two, the other was Sonjong.
(skt)Hoa ThanhHoa Th ThanhThe city of
The Kyojong school brought together elements of
flowers. The residence of King Asoka, known as
Hwaom (Hua-Yen), Popsang (Fa-Hsiang), and
Pataliputra, the modern Patna. It was the
Sammon (San-Lun) traditions. The Sonjong or
residence of King Asoka, he there convoked the
meditation school combined the Kyeul (Lu-Tsung
third synodNi tr v cua Vua A DucSee
or Vinaya), Chontae (Tien-Tai), and Chinese
Son (Chan) traditions. These two remained the
Kutadanti (skt): Khuc XWho is associated only official schools of Buddhism in Korea until
with Bhaisajya (Dc S Phat)See Ten raksasi 1935Mot trong hai tong phai song sot Trieu
mentioned in the Lotus sutra. Tien di thi vua Sejong, v vua th t cua trieu
Ku-Tsang: Co TangFormerly a city in Liang- ai Choson. Di thi vua nay th cac tong phai
Chou, Kan-Su, and an important center for Phat giao tai Trieu Tien giam xuong con hai ma
communication with TibetTen mot quan phu, thoi, trng phai kia la Thien tong. Trng phai
nay thuoc Lng Chau, tnh Cam Tuc, la trung Kyojong a phoi hp cac yeu to cua cac tong phai
tam lu thong quan trong sang Tay Tang. Hoa Nghiem, Phap Tng va Tam Luan. Thien
Kutsha (skt): Dao Tan Cu Ma La ThapSee tong phoi hp Luat tong, Thien Thai va Thien
Kumarajiva. tong Trung Hoa. Hai tong phai nay la hai tong
Kuvera (skt): Kubera (skt)Cau Phe La. phai duy nhat con ton tai cua Phat giao Trieu
1) King of UttarakuruCau phe laVua x Tien cho en nam 1935.
Bac Cu Lo ChauSee Uttarakuru. Kyomik (fifth century): Name of a Korean monk
2) The god of riches, Vaisravana, regent of the of the Paekche kingdom who traveled to India,
north; having three legs and eight teeth: Mot where he studied Sanskrit and concentrated on the
v Thien Vng phng Bac, Ty Sa Mon study of monastic discipline (kyeyulVinaya).
Thien Vng, co ba chan tam rang. He returned to Paekche in 526, along with the
3) See Vaisravana. Indian monk Devadatta (Paedalta) and several
Kuya (jap): S Khong Da (903-972), Phat giao recensions (s duyet lai) of the Vinaya and
Nhat Ban. some Abhidharma texts. Together with a team
Kuya Shonin (jap): Khong Da Thng Nhan of monks, he translated the texts into Korean, and
(Phat giao Nhat Ban). is widely credited with establishing the Vinaya
tradition (Kyeyul chong) in KoreaTen cua mot
Kwaido-Soshin (jap): Huitang-TsuhsinHoi
v s ngi Trieu Tien thuoc vng quoc
ng To TamSee Tsu-Hsin Hui Tang.
Paekche, ngi a du hanh sang An o, tai ay
Kwan (jap): An exclamation often used by Yun-
ong a theo hoc Phan ng va tap trung vao tu tap
Men-Wen-YenMot tieng than thng c
Luat Tong. Ong tr ve Paekche nam 526, vi mot
Thien S Van Mon dungSee Yun-Men-Wen-
v Tang ngi An o ten Devadatta va sau nhieu
lan duyet lai ve gii luat va vai van kinh Vi Dieu

Phap. Ong a cung vi mot nhom Tang s phien Buddha is covered by fan-shaped Deities Heads
dch kinh ien Phan sang ch ai Han, va mot so Mot trong nhng ngoi chua co trong tnh Vnh
ln cho rang chnh ong a dch bo Luat Tang Long. Chua c xay dng lan au tien vao nam
Trieu Tien. 1842 nh mot cai choi tranh. Sau o t lau, chua b
Kyosaku (jap): A Japanese term for a wake-up hoa hoan tan pha. Nam 1884, chua c tai xay
stick, or a flat stick about one meter in length, dng. Hien chua toa lac trong xa Loan My, quan
used in Zen monasteries to help students maintain Tam Bnh, Tnh Vnh Long. Chua c xay dng
alertness during periods of sitting meditation theo loi kien truc tieu bieu cua ngi Khmer,
(Zazen). Although the stick is commonly applied gia la 3 mai xuoi va 1 mai ngang, tren nh co
vigorously to the backs of students who drift off, it mot thap nho. Tren chop thap la mot lang hoa up
is not conceived as punishment, but rather as an vao tng au than Prom bon mat. Bon mat quay
aid to concentration. A monitor who patrols the ve bon hng tng trng cho long nhan t. Xung
meditation room looks for students who lean quanh tng Prom la nhng tng cua n than ho
slightly forward, indicating that their attention is phap Kayno. Tng c Phat ngoi thien c cac
wandering, and he taps (vo nhe) them on the au than hnh re quat che kn.
shoulder, after which they bend forward and are Kyuho-Doken (jap): Cu Phong ao Kien
given three sharp raps (anh le) on the backT Name of a Japanese Zen masterTen cua mot v
ng Nhat Ban dung e ch cay gay anh thc, Thien s Nhat Ban.
hay la mot cay gay thang dai khoang mot thc, Kyushu (jap): Vung Cu Chau (Nhat Ban).
c dung trong cac Thien vien nham giup cac Ky Vien Temple: Ky Vien TName of a
thien sinh duy tr tnh thc trong cac buoi toa famous Theravadan Pagoda located in the third
thien. Mac dau gay thng c anh manh tren district, Saigon City, South Vietnam. It was built
lng cua thien sinh ngu guc va nga qua nga lai, by Most Venerable Ho Tong in 1952. Ky Vien or
nhng khong c coi nh la hnh phat. Mot v Jetavana was the name of a monastery where
giam thien i vong quanh kiem soat phong thien Sakyamuni Buddha often stayed during his
nhn thay cac thien sinh hi nga ti trc, cho lifetime. It is one of the first Theravadan pagodas
thay s chu y cua ho b dong ruoi, ong ta ben vo of Vietnam. The high-ranking monks like Most
nhe mot cai len vai, sau o ma thien sinh ay van Venerables Ho Tong, Thien Luat, Bu Chn, Toi
con nga ra pha trc na th v giam thien se Thang, An Lam, Gii Nghiem all stayed in the
anh ba cai that nhanh len lng. pagoda in their post Chairman of Vietnam
Kyoto (jap): ong o (co o cua Nhat Ban). Theravada Buddhist AssociationTen mot ngoi
Kyozan-Ejaku (jap): Yang-Shan-Hui-Chi (807- chua noi tieng cua Phat Giao Nguyen Thuy Viet
883 or 814-891)See Yang-Shan-Hui-Chi. Nam nam trong quan ba, thanh pho Sai Gon, Nam
Ky Son Temple: Chua Ky SnOne of the Viet Nam. Chua c Hoa Thng Ho Tong xay
most ancient temple in Vinh Long province. The vao nam 1952. Ky Vien la ten mot tnh xa ma
temple was first built in 1842 as a thatched hut. thu c Phat con tai the, ngai hay en ay c
Soon after that, it was destroyed in a fire. In 1884, ngu qua nhng mua an c kiet ha. Ky Vien la mot
it was rebuilt. Now, the temple is located in Loan trong nhng ngoi chua Phat Giao Nguyen Thuy
My village, Tam Binh district, Vinh Long cua Viet Nam au tien. Cac v cao Tang nh Hoa
province. The temple was built in a typical style Thng Ho Tong, Hoa Thng Thien Luat, Hoa
of Khmer architecture with three slopping roofs Thng Bu Chn, Hoa Thng Toi Thang, Hoa
and one horizontal roof. At the top is a small Thng An Lam, Hoa Thng Gii Nghiem eu
tower. On the towers peak is a flower basket thng tru tai ay sau cac nhiem ky Tang Thong.
facing down the head of Prom four-faced Deitys
statue, four faces turning to four directions
standing for benevolent heart. Surrounding are
Kayno statues, representing the protection of
Buddhadharma. The statue of the meditating

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