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Via Electronic Mail

February 7, 2017

Mr. Daniel Kelley

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request-RESPONSE

Dear Mr. Kelley,

On January 24, 2017, New Trier Township High School District 203 received a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request from you, pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information
Act (the Act) 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq., for the following records:

Due to the size and number of records included in this response, they are being provided
electronically via Drop Box. You will receive a Drop Box link in a separate email. The
records are organized by topic so they will be easier for you to review. If you would prefer
that we deliver these documents on a flash drive, please contact me.

Request #1: A list of each and every speaker invited to participate in the 2/28/17
program at both campuses, whether or not they attended.
Response: Responsive records included.

Request #2: Any emails, phone calls and/or communications of any kind from
parents seeking to be involved in any way in the 2/28/17 program, as
well as those that are actually involved.
Response: Responsive records included. I have redacted parent names, private
home addresses, phone numbers, and emails, which are private
information and exempt from disclosure under Section 7(1)(b) of the
FOIA. 5 ILCS 140/2(c-5) and 7(1)(b). Note that the response to item #3
also lists some individuals who volunteered to assist.

7 Happ Rd Northfield, IL 60093-3411 phone 847.784.3408

Mr. Daniel Kelley
February 7, 2017
Page 2

Request #3: Any emails, phone calls and/or communications of any kind from
parents and/or community members commenting on the 2/28/17
Response: Responsive records included. I have redacted parent names, private
home addresses, phone numbers, and emails, which are private
information and exempt from disclosure under Section 7(1)(b) of the
FOIA. 5 ILCS 140/2(c-5) and 7(1)(b).

Request #4: Any emails to or from any member of any 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4)
organization regarding the 2/28/17 program.
Response: The District does not keep track of outside organizations tax exempt
status. New Trier worked with a local organization, The Family
Awareness Network (FAN) to book Mr. Aydin and Mr. Whitehead.
Emails between the District and FAN are included.

Request #5: A list in Excel representing an accounting of all speakers names, fees,
expected per diems and travel expenses for the 2/28/17 program.
Response: A list of speakers is attached in Microsoft Excel format. A list of
District support staff involved in supporting the day has not been
created. Colson Whitehead will be paid a $15,000 fee. Andrew Aydin
will be paid a $5,000 fee. Most outside speakers will be offered a $200
honorarium. One speaker is being offered $400; one speaker, who is
traveling, is being offered $600. Some speakers have declined the

Request #6: All contracts, letters of understanding, or email communications

documenting all speakers, administrative staff and/or any other
individual who is or was being paid to work for and/or consult in any
way for the 2/28/17 program.
Response: Responsive records attached.

Request #7: A list in Excel representing an estimate of hours spent on the

preparation for the 2/28/17 program, including all planning and
organizational meetings, by New Trier High School Faculty, New
Trier Administration, New Trier Support/Custodial.
Response: No responsive records. All employees are either involved in
supervising students, supporting the seminar, or performing their
regularly assigned duties. Each year, the District typically has staff
professional development, studentled workshops, or other days that
have a non-standard calendar. Staff members prepare for these days
each year as part of their normal jobs.

Mr. Daniel Kelley
February 7, 2017
Page 3

Request #8: A list of any and/or all New Trier affiliated groups, organizations,
whether student, parent and/or faculty/staff, who have worked on
the 2/28/17 program or will be involved in the 2/28/17 program in
any way.
Response: The Seminar Day was organized by the New Trier Administration,
teachers, and students, as well as a Seminar Day Steering Committee,
whose member list is attached. FAN assisted in booking two speakers
(as described above).

Request #9: Declaration of the total average operating cost per day for New Trier
High School, both campuses, including only the days school is in
Response: The total operating cost for FY 16 is $25,583 per fiscal year per pupil.
Operating cost is not calculated on a daily basis. Operating
expenditures for that period are $93,946,908. There are 260 work days
for 12-month staff, and 182 school days for school year staff.

Request #10: A list of names of all individuals (except for specific student names)
who made the curriculum decisions for the 2/28/17 program.
Response: Curriculum decisions were made by Tim Hayes, Assistant
Superintendent for Student Services, the Seminar Day Committee (list
included in #8) and teachers.

Request #11: Attendance records at both campuses for 1/14/16, 1/15/16, 1/18/16,
1/19/16 and 1/20/16.
Response: Attendance reports for the requested days are attached.

To the extent you consider this response as a denial of your request, you have the right to
have the denials contained in this letter reviewed by the Public Access Counselor (PAC) at
the Office of the Illinois Attorney General. 5 ILCS 140/9.5(a). You can file your Request for
Review with the PAC by writing to:

Public Access Counselor

Office of the Attorney General
500 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Phone: 1-877-299-3642
Fax: 217-782-1396

If you choose to file a Request for Review with the PAC, you must do so within 60
calendar days after the date of this denial letter. 5 ILCS 140/9.5(a). Please note that you

Mr. Daniel Kelley
February 7, 2017
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must include a copy of your original request for documents and the denial letter when
filing a Request for Review with the PAC. You also have the right to seek judicial review
of your denial by filing a lawsuit in the State circuit court. 5 ILCS 140/11.


Christopher T. Johnson, FOIA Officer

Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations


cc: Dr. Linda Yonke, Superintendent

Board of Education members


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