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Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)17:51:31 No.51185444

Can someone tell me why so many Linux noob and Windows babby ducklings are trying to use Arch?

Arch is a DIY distro for people with more time than sense, definitely not a noob friendly distro.

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Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)17:54:21 No.51185490

They just want to be hackers Anon. Leave them alone.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)17:54:24 No.51185491

It's not that complicated at all, I hadn't used Linux for almost a decade and it took me 30 minutes to install and configure.
It's a light, easily customisable distro and it has AUR, there's a lot to like about it.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)18:04:03 No.51185657

The problem is that they then equate Linux with Arch when Arch is not a typical Linux distro.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:09:43 No.51187543

Arch was my first distro I'm still lost but I love it.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:10:30 No.51187555

I could definitely see this being a problem, I switched from windows to mint a few months ago and just started using arch about a week ago,
while I really like it, I'm glad I started with mint first...

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:12:35 No.51187590

The only real reason to like arch is pacman

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:15:50 No.51187631

and it's wrapper: yaourt.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:16:46 No.51187648

Frankly if you aren't intelligent enough to follow simple instructions, well of course Arch isn't for you. Then again computers in general may
not be for you either.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:19:49 No.51187681

because it seems as if every other person here recommends it
even though for an actual new Linux user, Mint, Xubuntu, and Debian (in that order) are more sensible choices
speaking of Mint, is it's upgrade policy still "back up and reinstall, you can use dist-upgrade yourself but we don't care if your system breaks,
that shit's unsupported"?

if there's one really good thing about Arch, the wiki is probably the best general reference on Linux around
I use it all the time for shit like that even though I'm a lazyass who runs Xubuntu.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:33:10 No.51187879

Fucking yauort. Can never remember that with my lysdexia.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:35:09 No.51187907

Can someone tell me why a neckbeard sysadmin friend of my family told my normie computer illiterate sister to use ubuntu?

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:38:46 No.51187968

Fedora has a much better upgrade policy brah, it's called actual distro update that works.

The reason Mint upgrade policy is that is cause Ubuntu's distro upgrade breaks too often.

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)20:44:29 No.51188064


Because normies don't care about their privacy and can barely work around Windows, so when they like to use Linux, they use Ubuntu,
because it is the most hand-holding of all the Linux distros.

Source: My first distro was Ubuntu

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)21:21:04 No.51188515

If you have no friends*, no life*, no job*, no family* you should go for Arch. If you have nothing to lose on learning as you go and risking
missing important shit ain't an issue it makes sense to go with Arch. It makes the weeks go by faster.

*Like me

Anonymous 11/04/15(Wed)21:25:19 No.51188556

Depending on the person it can be a good choice.
Some people just want to jump right in and figure everything out by being hopelessly over their head like me and Arch is a great choice for
that since the Arch wiki is top tier.

For most people who don't revel in disaster, its a pretty bad choice.

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