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Copyright 2012 U. S. Postal Service


What to Expect
Preparing for the Assessment
Obligation to Provide Reasonable Accommodation for Qualified Applicants with a Disability
Frequently Asked Questions
Test Information
Sample Test Questions

What to Expect

Exam 473 is administered in two parts. You will have 90 minutes to complete the online
The first step ("473E") is administered through 473E assessment. If you need to stop the
the Internet. You take it online, using a assessment partway through, you will pick up
computer of your choosing. The second part is where you left off when you log back in. You
taken at a test center. must log back in and finish within 36 hours of
when you began the assessment.
You must complete both parts of the
assessment within seven days of receiving your Once you have completed the assessment, you
e-mail invitation (by the date and time specified will receive an e-mail message with further
in the e-mail). You must complete the online instructions.
473E part within the first three days.
If you pass the first section, you will be invited
The assessment is entirely administered and to schedule yourself for the second section at a
timed by the computer. Before the assessment test center. If you do not pass the first section,
starts, you will see several practice and the e-mail message will provide instructions on
instruction screens. These screens explain how to access your results.
how to use the computer to take the test and
guide you through practice items.

Preparing for the Assessment

It is suggested that you set aside a quiet time
Read all the information in this package. and place with limited distractions to complete
Take the assessment at a time when you are the assessment. The assessment is designed
physically and mentally prepared. to be taken without interruptions or breaks.

Last modified 1/17/2013

Assessment Information Package Exam 473E

Obligation to Provide Reasonable Accommodation for Qualified Applicants with a Disability

The United States Postal Service is obligated Time limits for the non-proctored assessment
under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of are generous to allow most if not all applicants,
1973, as amended, found in 29 U.S.C. 791 et even those with disabilities, to complete the test
seq. to provide accommodations to a qualified parts within the allotted time. Many applicants
applicant with a disability that will enable the will complete the assessment with time to
individual to have an equal opportunity to spare.
participate in the application process and to be
considered for a job. If you have a disability that will require special
arrangements for the proctored section, please
Persons who believe that they have a disability make your request when scheduling your test
requiring accommodation for the non-proctored center appointment through the Assessment
assessment may use assistive aids that are website.
needed for work on a computer (for example,
a large screen reader). They must, however,
complete the assessment themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a passing score?
How long will it take to get the assessment You must attain a minimum score of 70
results? (excluding Veterans Preference points) on the
If you do not pass the first section, a Notice of examination to be considered for any of the
Result will be available on the assessment site as positions for which you applied.
soon as you finish the assessment. If you pass
How long are the results of the test valid?
the 473E, your result will be available after you
Your examination result is valid through the
have been checked out from the testing center for
expiration date shown on your Notice of Result.
the second section of the assessment. You will
receive an e-mail message with instructions on If you are an applicant, your results will be
how to access your Notice of Result. maintained in your eCareer Candidate Profile and
will be automatically included with your
How do I schedule my testing appointment?
application if you apply for other USPS vacancies
If you pass the 473E, instructions will be provided
requiring this exam.
on the screen to schedule your testing
appointment for the second section of the If you are an employee, your test result may be
assessment. Seats are available on a first-come, valid for longer, based on your situation and in
first-served basis, so please try to schedule your accordance with Postal policy.
appointment as soon as you receive the
Id like to know what questions I got wrong so that
scheduling instructions. The system will not allow
I can study for the next time. Where can I get
you to schedule an appointment within 24 hours
that information?
of a testing session or request a seat within 48
That information will not be provided. The only
hours of your expiration date.
feedback you will receive is the information on
your Notice of Result.

Assessment Information Package Exam 473E

Test Information
This online 473E assessment contains 150 multiple-choice items. You will select your response to each
item by clicking the letter next to your answer. During the assessment, a countdown clock will be
displayed on your computer screen. The total time for the online 473E assessment is 90 minutes. You
will start the assessment process by clicking the About You link on the Console page. The 90 minutes
begin when you click the Take Test Now button.
Below are sample questions like the ones that will be on the assessment.
General Instructions
The items in this test assess several personal characteristics, tendencies, or experiences related to
performing effectively as an employee in the U.S. Postal Service.

Read each item carefully, and decide which of the responses choices is most true about you. For some
items, more than one statement may describe you. However, you may only select one response for each
item. It is important to consider and respond to each item, even if you are not completely sure which
response is best. Also, it is generally best to work at a fairly rapid pace.

Whenever possible, respond to the items in terms of what you have done, felt, or believed in a
work setting. If you cannot relate the item to your work experiences, base your responses on other
experiences that are similar to work, such as school or volunteer activities. For example, if an item
involves how often you have gotten into arguments with others, respond in terms of how often you have
gotten into arguments with co-workers. If you have not held a job before, or if the item cannot be related
to your work experiences, draw on whatever experiences are necessary to choose the response choice
that best describes you.

The test is divided into two sections, with items ranging from four to nine response choices.

The test you are about to complete calls for your honest responses. Dishonest or distorted self-
descriptions may not be to your advantage. All responses you give will be considered in determining your

There are a total of 150 items, and you will have 90 minutes to work on this test.

Scoring Answers

Your score for this part of exam 473 is based on your responses to the items. This exam part calls for
your honest responses. Dishonest or distorted self-descriptions may not be to your advantage. All
responses you give will be considered in determining your results.

Reducing Errors

Here are suggestions to help you reduce errors on this part of exam 473:

Read each statement carefully before selecting your responses.

There is no particular advantage to practicing your responses to these statements. You should
read each statement carefully and respond based upon your personal experiences or preferences.

Assessment Information Package Exam 473E

Sample Test Questions

473E Personal Characteristics and Tendencies Section Instructions

In this section, read each item carefully and decide which of the response choices is most true about you.

For some items, more than one statement may describe you. However, you may only select one
response for each item. It is important to consider and respond to each item, even if you are not
completely sure which response is best. Also, it is generally best to work at a fairly rapid pace.

The items in this section include four response choices ranging from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly
Disagree" and from "Very Often" to "Rarely or Never."

Choose the response that describes you best.

1. You do not like having your work 2. You plan things carefully and in
interrupted. advance.
A. Strongly Agree A. Very often
B. Agree B. Often
C. Disagree C. Sometimes
D. Strongly Disagree D. Rarely

473E Experience Section Instructions

In this section, read each item carefully and decide which of the response choices best describes your

Although for some items, more than one response may describe your experience, be sure to mark one
and only one response for each item. You may only select one response for each item. It is important to
consider and respond to each item, even if you are not completely sure which response is best. Also, it is
generally best to work at a fairly rapid pace.

The items in this section include four to nine response choices.

Choose the response that best describes your experience.

3. What type of work do you like the least?

A. tasks that require sitting or standing in one place for hours
B. tasks that require working at a very fast pace
C. tasks requiring too many decisions
D. doing the same thing day after day
E. would not mind doing any of these
F. not sure

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