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Teacher Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 8, 2017

Student Name: Noef Student HCT ID number:

College: Placement School: AlAndalos School

Achievemen Achievement that Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement that

t that narrowly fails to that minimally that that is is outstanding
clearly does meet meets the course satisfactory significantly relative to the
not meet requirements for requirements meets the above the course course and GPA
requirement course with but may not course and GPA and GPA requirements
s for course normal grading meet the GPA requirements requirements
with normal mode. requirement

Commitment Has not Displays issues with Displays occasional Demonstrates Always Prioritizes the needs
to the grasped the attendance and issues with consistent demonstrates of the school and
Profession importance of punctuality attendance and attendance and consistent students over
attendance punctuality punctuality attendance and required working
and punctuality hours
leading to

Fails to Has difficulties Is generally Is prepared & Is well prepared & Consistently
demonstrate preparing for prepared & ready ready for each ready for each prepares high
a willingness lessons & being for each lesson lesson lesson quality materials
to plan and ready on time which are well
prepare organized
materials and

Does not Rarely participates Occasionally Participates in a Actively Has demonstrated

participate in in school activities participates in range of school participates in a initiative and
school and displays some school activities activities and range of school commitment
activities and difficult developing and builds a few builds positive activities and through
has not relationships across positive relationships builds positive independent
developed the school relationships within within the school relationships with a involvement in
relationships the school range of school based
across the stakeholders activities resulting
Teacher Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 8, 2017
school, apart in a measurable
from the MST contribution to the

Does not Challenges school Generally accepts Accepts school Accepts school Accepts school
respect school based authority school based based authority based authority based authority
based structures and has authority structures and structures and structures and
authority difficulty accepting structures and has responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for
structures & responsibility for some difficulties resolving work- resolving work- independently
does not work-based resolving work- based problems based problems resolving work-
accept problems, even with based problems with some with a growing based problems
responsibility support without some support level of
for work- support independence

Has not Inconsistently Generally Generally Demonstrates a Demonstrates

developed a demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a positive attitude exceptional
positive positive attitude positive attitude positive attitude towards teaching enthusiasm and
attitude towards teaching towards teaching towards teaching and learning positivity towards
towards and learning and learning but and learning teaching and
teaching and with some learning
learning examples of

Comments: The student teacher had demonstrated a positive attitude towards teaching & learning .

Planning for Has Has inconsistently Has completed Has completed Has completed Has completed
Learning consistently completed poor quality lesson appropriate solid lesson plans outstanding lesson
failed to adequate lesson plans which are not lesson plans which are printed plans which are
complete plans always available which are and available for consistently printed
adequate upon request available for MST/MCT upon and available for
lesson plans MST/MCT upon request MST/MCT upon
request request

Lesson plans Lesson plans lack Lesson plans have Lesson plans Lesson plans are Lesson plans are
lack detail detail and may not sufficient detail to have sufficient well detailed to exceptional to
and may not include adequate generally secure detail to secure secure effective secure successful
include learning objectives effective delivery satisfactory delivery and delivery and include
learning and assessments and include delivery and include testable testable learning
objectives and often leading to learning objectives include testable learning objectives objectives and a
Teacher Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 8, 2017
assessments unsatisfactory and some learning and a variety of variety of
leading to lesson delivery assessments objectives and appropriate appropriate
unsatisfactory appropriate assessments and assessments and
lesson assessments tasks tasks

Lesson plans Lesson plans are Lesson plans show Lesson plans are Lesson plans are Lesson plans are
are inconsistently some elements of generally usually balanced, consistently
inconsistently balanced and balance but balanced, engaging, effective balanced, engaging,
balanced and include limited include some engaging, and student- effective and
include no student-centred student-centred effective and centred student-centred
student- activities activities student-centred

Comments: Lesson plans are usually balanced and includes some effective activities which engaged all students.

Managing Does not use Occasionally Sometimes uses Uses cooperative Consistently and Consistently and
Learning cooperative uses cooperative learning learning regularly, effectively uses effectively uses a
learning cooperative as part of their usually with a level of cooperative range of
learning as part learning environment effectiveness learning with a cooperative
of their learning but/or uses these high level of learning
environment strategies with effectiveness strategies with a
limited effectiveness high degree of

Does not use Attempts to use Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses a wide
classroom classroom classroom classroom classroom range of
management management management management management appropriate
strategies strategies but strategies which strategies to secure a strategies to classroom
effectively or these do not generally secure a safe and effective consistently management
consistently generally safe and effective learning environment secure a safe and strategies to
leading to an achieve a safe learning environment effective learning consistently
ineffective and/ and/ or effective environment secure a safe
or unsafe learning and effective
learning environment learning
environment environment

Has not Classroom Has established Establishes and Establishes and Classroom
Implementi Does not Attempts to Sometimes Generally Implements Implements a
ng Learning implement sometimes implements implements strategies which wide range of
strategies which implement strategies which strategies which continually strategies which
motivate strategies which motivate students motivate students motivates students continually
students and motivates and maintains an and maintain an and maintains an motivates
maintain an students and effective classroom effective classroom effective classroom students and
effective Practice Assessment
maintains an Rubric Semester
presence 8, 2017
presence presence maintains an
classroom effective effective
presence. routines and
classroom some classroom manages classroom consistently routines and
effective transitions
presence, are routines and routines and manages transitions
presence are
classroom inconsistently
although these transitions but some transitions classroom well established
routines and implemented
are not development is routines and and
transitions effecting the
necessarily needed transitions leading differentiated
effective to some student leading to
environment independence significant
Material Material Material presented Presents material Presents material Consistently
presented presented may may occasionally which is generally which is accurate, presents material
frequently/ sometimes lack lack accuracy and/or accurate, meaningful meaningful, which is
Comments: Student teacher always
significantly uses aand/or
accuracy range ofmeaningfulness.
cooperative learning : e.gand
: asking & answering
accessible to questions in groups
accessible andby usingaccurate,
pictures and
ppp. lacks accuracy meaningfulness. Differentiation is support student differentiated to meaningful,
and/or implemented but engagement and support student accessible and
meaningfulness. Differentiation is not necessarily learning. Sometimes engagement and differentiated to
rarely effectively includes learning support student
Differentiation is implemented differentiation with engagement and
not Fails to utilize Demonstrates Monitors but it is growing
Generally Monitoring learning
monitoring in little unfocused in effectiveness
monitors in purposively in monitors in
relation to understanding or relation to relation to relation to relation to
pacing of The pacing
learning ability of
in The pacing of lessons
learning and/or Lessons are usually
learning and Lessons
learning are
and Lessonsand
learning are
lessons may
and behavior lessons may
monitoring in may result in some
behavior, paced to ensure
behavior some consistently
behavior paced behavior, ensure
paced to
result in a resultrelation
in someto students sometimes is students
improvement are
improvement is to ensure students meeting
students are
significant students beingand being disengaged,
learning needed appropriately
needed are appropriately appropriately
proportion of disengaged,
behavior overwhelmed or off engaged and engaged and engaged needs
students and
the class being overwhelmed task challenged challenged challenged and
disengaged, &/or off task the needs of
overwhelmed individual
&/or off task students are met

When Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Clear, concise
instructions are given within a usually given at given at appropriate consistently given and timely
given they are lesson but may appropriate times times within a lesson at appropriate Instructions are
generally be unclear within a lesson but and are generally times within a consistently
unclear and this and/or may not always be clear and concise lesson and are given using a
does not excessively clear and concise invariably clear range of
effectively wordy, resulting and concise appropriate
facilitate in some techniques
learning confusion

Generally does Inconsistently Uses questions which Uses questions which Uses a variety of Skillfully uses a
not use uses questions fit within the lesson generally fit within questions which variety of
questions which fit within context but these the lesson context to appropriately fit questions which
effectively the lesson tend to be closed support learning within the lesson appropriately fit
context but and/or do not extend context to support within the lesson
these tend to be learning learning context and
closed and/or challenges
do not extend students
learning thinking
Teacher Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 8, 2017

Fails to Consistently Utilizes some variety Generally utilizes a Utilizes a range of Utilizes and
understand and utilized the of formative range of effective effective formative thoroughly
utilize formative same formative assessment formative assessment understands a
assessment assessment strategies to gauge assessment strategies to gauge range of effective
strategies strategy student progress strategies to gauge student progress formative
(question, student progress assessment
checklists & strategies to
observations) gauge student
throughout the progress

Summative Summative Implements Generally Implements valid Outstanding

assessment assessment summative implements valid and and reliable knowledge and
strategies are strategies are assessment reliable summative summative Implementation
not completed invalid and/ or strategies but not assessment assessment of valid and
unreliable always ones that are strategies, where strategies, where reliable
valid, reliable and/or appropriate appropriate summative
appropriate assessment
strategies., where

Constructive Limited Constructive Constructive Constructive Constructive

feedback is not feedback feedback is provided feedback is generally feedback is feedback is
provided to provided to to students provided to students consistently provided in a
students students due to inconsistently. It may in a timely and provided to timely and
a lack of need to be more appropriate manner. students in a effective manner
understanding timely and/or timely and using a range of
delivered in an appropriate approaches
appropriate manner manner

Has failed to Has made little Sometimes uses Assessment data is Assessment data is Assessment data
use assessment attempt at assessment data to generally used to used to effectively is consistently
data to inform using inform planning and inform planning and inform planning used to
planning and assessment instruction. instruction, though and instruction. effectively inform
instruction &/or data to inform Assessment data is not always Assessment data is planning and
assessment planning and recorded but not effectively. recorded in an instruction.
data is not instruction. always in an Assessment data is organized way and Assessment data
available to Limited organized way but is generally recorded in is available for is recorded in an
MST/MCT assessment usually available for an organized way MST/MCT. organized way
data is available MST/MCT. and is usually and is always
Teacher Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 8, 2017
for MST/MCT available for available for

Comments: Assessment data is generally used to inform planning and instructions .

Reflection Fails to Little reflection Some reflection on Reflects on student Reflects on student Consistently
on Practice understand the on student student learning is learning learning in a reflects on
importance of learning evident, but it is meaningful way student learning
reflecting on quite vague and in a meaningful
student learning repetitive way

Student fails to Little reflection Inconsistent and Reflects on their own Consistently Consistently
understand the on their own vague reflections on practice leading to reflects on their reflects on their
importance of practice which their own practice improvement with own practice own practice
reflecting on leads to limited leading to little limited guidance and leading to leading drawing
own practice improvement of improvement of support improvements in effectively in
and/or display practice practice a range of areas theory leading to
the ability to do habitual
so meaningfully improvement

Comments: The student teacher reflects on Ss work but needs to monitor and go around Ss to encourage and help them when necessary.

Next steps Action points

Teacher Practice Assessment Rubric Semester 8, 2017

1. Time management . New strategies and more creative hands-on

2. Work on questioning techniques more. activities which will engage all students are
3. Clear and consice instructions before any task recommended.
or activity are needed .

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