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Food Science

Extraction of invisible lipid

Date: 2 march 2015
Group member :
1. Ami Aimwadee Kiatsukasem
2. Bam Preeyapa Umpornpaiboon
3. Fah Kewalin Sirirattanaprasert
4. Nuk Arisara Uttagosol
Introduction- We can roughly divided fats by our view into two types.First is visible
fats.The fat that we can see in beef, pork and they are solid at room temperature.Another one is
invisible fat.Invisible fat is the fats that are in snack foods, cookies and desserts etc. but we
cant see them. In this experiment we will use acetone which is organic solvent that can dissolve
fats to extract invisible fats out of sample food .Because lipid is organic compounds that are
soluble in organic solvents.Fats is one of important element for human to make cell membrane,
make our body warm and many others important function.Fats that are important for human to
intake refers to essential fatty acid.Such as linoleic and linolenic acid.These fatty acids are
found in oils used in several different food products Another way to classified fats is unsaturated
,saturated and polyunsaturated fats. Animals fats are saturated and invisible fats that will be
solid at room temperature.Saturated fats have single bond whereas unsaturated fats has double
bonds and polyunsaturated fats has multiple double bonds.
The purpose for this experiment is to find out amount of invisible fats that contain in each
food.Also, find out what type of fats that each product contain and find out did amount of fat that
label on nutrition label same as the one that we can extract out.
if we extract fat from potato chips we will get either saturated fat and unsaturated fat.If it
is unsaturated fat the fat will be liquid but if it is a saturated the fat will be solid.
Potato Chips , Acetone, 100-mm Petri dishes, 400-ml beakers, 50-ml graduated cylinders,
Stirring rod, Balance,Foil and paper towels , Gloves, Lab Coat, Goggles
1. Weigh out 5 grams of potato chips. Break them into small pieces with your fingers.
2. Label the beaker and the petri dish that you will be using with your group name, class
number, and food type.
3. Weigh the empty beaker and record this weight in the data table.
4. Make sure to zero the scale with the empty beaker, and record the weight of the food inside
5. Add 10 ml of acetone to the food in the beaker.
6. Swirl for 1 minute in a hood, or stir with a glass stirring rod in a well ventilated area
7. Carefully drain off the acetone into the petri dish, making sure that the potatoes chip remains
in the beaker
8. leave it and wait for next day
9. Add 10 ml of acetone again and repeat steps 7-8
10. Allow the acetone in the petri dish to dry overnight in a hood to visualize the lipid that will be
11. Allow the beaker with the food to dry overnight.
12. Weigh the beaker with the food the following day.
13.subtract weight of potatoes in beaker out of beaker weight and add with fats we extract out
Data Table 1: Extraction of Fat from Food
weight of empty beaker : 48.80
weight of petri dish : 48.84

Food Weight of Weight of Weight Percent Percent Percent

Food (g) Food after Lost from Lipid Lipid from Error (%)
24 hours Food Extraction Nutrition
(g) Overnight (%) Label (%)

Potato 5.84 5.34 0.5 8.5616% 30% -71.461%


Data Table 2: Comparison of Fat Between Teams

Food Weight Weight of Weight Lost Percent Percent Percent

of Food Food from Food Lipid Lipid Error (%)
(g) after 24 Overnight Extraction from
hours (g) (g) (%) Nutrition
Chocolate 5.3 3.29 2.01 37.92% 30% -26.4
Chips Team
Chocolate 3.88 3.05 0.83 21.39% 30% -28.7
Chips Team
Potato Chips 4.2 4.14 0.6 14.29% 30% -85.71
Team 1
Potato 5.84 5.34 0.5 8.5616% 30% -71.461
Chips-Team 2
Sunflower 5 4.24 0.76 15.2% 53.33% -71.5
Seeds-Team 1
Sunflower 4.98 4.07 0.91 18.27% 53.33% -65.74
Seeds-Team 2

Analyzing results :

1. Compare the results of each group within teams and between teams.
Example: Compare group 1 and group 2 for chocolate chips, etc. Compare the
results for chocolate chips, potato chips, and sunflower seeds.

Ans when we compared potato chips team1 and team2 we can see that amount
of fats that can extract out is wildly different and percent of error too. Team1 can
extract more fats than team2 and percent of error is higher too. Sunflower seeds
team1 and team2 results are nearly the same but percents of error are a little bit
different and when we compared chocolate chips team1 and team2 .We can see
that weight of food are really different .The weight lost overnight and percent of
extraction are different too. But percent of error between two team are not
different. When we compare potatoes chip, chocolate chips and sunflower seeds
together. We can see that the percent of fats that are on nutrition label of
sunflower is the highest but in contrast to the fats that we can extract.Chocolate
chips have the highest percents fats extraction.Even though,we can extract only
half of the fats that say on nutrition label.
2. Describe the appearance of the fats in the petri dishes for each of the 3 teams.
Ans The appearance of fats in potato chip is liquid oil. The colour of oil is yellow
almost orange. In sunflower seeds is a piece of yellow solid with a little liquid oil
spread around petri dishes. The chocolate colour is dark brown and solid.
3. Determine which of the foods contained saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
in this experiment, based on your descriptions of fats in the Petri dishes.
Ans Chocolate chips contained saturated fatty acid because the result is solid.
Potato chip contained unsaturated fatty acid because it is liquid. Sunflower seeds
contained both saturated and unsaturated fatty acid because the result is a little
solid and liquid.

4. How can you account for the percent error that was calculated?
Ans (Percent Lipid Extraction) (Percent Lipid from Food Label) divided by (Percent
Lipid from Food Label) x 100 = -71.461
We couldn't extracts as much fat because we didn't weigh the beaker again after put the
oil out. We might swirl the beaker too short after added acetone, or put less acetone.
Someone in my group might add some potato chip crust to the result. So, the result of
our group error.
In this experiment, We extract the fat from potato chips by using acetone. In the snacks also
have fat but it is invisible fat mean that we cant see by naked eyes so in this experiment we
remove the fat by put acetone into potato chips. Acetone is the organic solvent that can be able
to dissolve the fats. We use five grams of potato chips and crush it into a small pieces then we
put the acetone in the potato chips and remove it in petri dishes to see the fat after 24 hours.
Our group observation that acetone in petri dishes that we leave overnight has a lot of a liquid
oil which mean it is unsaturated fat and some potato chip that came with acetone. The oil colour
is very yellow almost orange and the fats became cluster. Comparing with chocolate group,
Their chocolate has a lot of white solid oil look like starch stick together so it is an saturated fat.
And compare with sun flower group, They got many wave form of fat but it not solid and liquid
though. The fat colour is light yellow spread around petri dishes and It is a semi fluid which
mean it is both unsaturated and saturated fat. Our group have high error percent about -71%.
We think we have high error percent because we didnt weigh the empty and original
petri dish so we have to average from every group to work on our result and compare
with group that weight their petri dish they got lower error percent than our group. We
also got higher weight of potato chips after remove acetone but it have to be decrease.
We cant find the reason that we got it wrong but We think it because we didnt crush
the potato chips small enough or maybe the weight is not accurate.If we have a chance
to did this experiment again. We will weight potatoes chips after crush weight and
weight of petri dishes .To have lower percent of error.
work Log Nuk Fah Bam Ami

work purpose results table Find numbers data Introduction

table of others materials
responsibility analyzing result conclusion procedure
hypothesis groups
analyzing results
Analyzing results

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