English Practical Work N

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Name: Zanchi Laura


Describing a Process


1) How farmer process tomatoes?

2) Which properties have tomatoes got?
3) Which is the basic equipment required for tomatoes processing?
4) Use all the connectors you have in your folder to describe the tomatoes process
step by step.

1) The farmer can process tomatoes into various products, how tomato powder
or tomato pulp. The selection and the wash are the basic steps.

2) Tomatoes are rich in: vitamins and nutrients, and contained lycopene
(substance which has cancer preventing properties)

3) Cooking pans; plastic buckets with lids; a sharp knife; clean water; a stove;
wooden spoons and ladles; glass or plastics bottles and jars; crown caps and

4) Procedure for making tomato powder

To start you have to select the best tomatoes, then go to wash them.
Following this cut tomatoes in small slices whit a sharp knife. After this,
spread the tomatoes slices on clean platform to sun dry. Moreover important
is prevent contamination, use mosquito netting to cover the products. Mill
tomatoes dried using a hammer miller. To conclude place powder into bags
and seal, and label with date of manufactured and expiry date. Finally packs
the bags into boxes and store in a cool and dry place.

Procedure for making tomato pulp

To first thing you have to do is select and wash the best tomatoes. Second,
place the tomatoes in a cooking pot, add water and boil little time. Third
remove tomatoes and place them another container, beside this mash
tomatoes and use a sieve to separate seeds and skin to tomatoes pulp. To
finish discard the seeds and skins.

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