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‘Research Designs & Standards Organisation LUCKNOW «226011 Nov“sp:WaG7 “1Y" Dated 4- -3-97 The General: Manager (£ngg.), 1. ‘Géntéal Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Humbai-400 001. 2. Eastern ‘Railway, Fairlie Place, Caicutta-700 001. 3. Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-I10 001. 4, Southern Railway, Park Town, Madras-600 003, +> §. South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad-500 371. 6. Seuth Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Calcutta-700 043. 7: Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020. Sub:" Maximum permissible speed of WAG7 class of leccms- tives on track maintained to main line standards. weKEE ‘vide letter of even number dated 23-3-92, WAG7 locomotives were provisionally permitted for operation upto a maximum speed of 65 km/h. Vide letter of even number dated 25-11-92, these locomotives were ‘permitted for operation upto 100 km/h on track maintained to C & M-1, vol-I (Rajdhani) standards. To assess the speed potential of these locomotives on track maintained to main line standards, detailed oscillation trials were recently conducted on Rourkela-Jharsuguda section of . South Eastern Railway. The trial results as contained in Report No.MT- 70 (January'97) indicate satisfactory stability and riding char- acteristics of WAG7 locomotive upto trial speed of 110 km/h on 2 degree curve and upto 115 km/h on tangent track/station yard. 2. Based on the above, it is certified that single or double headed operation of WAG7 locomotives may be permitted at maximum speeds as indicated, subject to the following conditions:~- 2. Track 2.1.1 a) Upte a maximum speed of 60 km/h The track shall be to ja minimum standard of 90R rails on sleepers to M+4 density and depth of ballast cushion below sleepers of 200-mm, which may consist of ‘atleast 758 mm clean and the rest in caked up condition, on compacted and stable. formation. . b) Upto a maximum:speed of 100 km/h The track shall be to>a.minimum standard of 52 kg rails on sleepers to M+7 density and depth of ballast cushion below sleepers of 250+mm, which may consist of at least 100 mm clean and the'rest in caked up condition, © on compacted’and stableformation. 2.1.2 2,2. 5 For track of lowers st@mdards the’ Chief Engineer: (tshall: decide.,.the Soyertismay permissible’speed.” Isetite connection; +Ral aye letter No. 65/HD0/SR/g6 ‘dated 19/20.10.1966' maybe seen. When the Chief Engineer considers that the .road bed is not compacted or there is improper drainage, he may suitably restrict the maximum permissible speed depending upon the local conditions. The maximum permissible: .speed on curves .shall be decided on the basis of, the. existing provisions of the Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual - 1986. Bridges The clearance in regard to bridges refers to. standard design of girders, slabs, pipe culverts, pier and. abutments etc, issued by. RDSO.for.. BGML, .RBG & MBG-1987 standard loadings. : . All other designs and designs of foundations are to b examined under the directions of the Chief Engineer concerned and certified by him in terms of current IRS Bridge Rules, Steel Bridge Code, Bridge Sub-structures and Foundation Code etc. read with upto date correction slips. Single loco operation Single loco operation is permitted on ali standard spans of bridges. However, the track on bridges and on approaches of BGML spans of 4.3m-& 19.4m (effective spans) shall be strengthened or modified in such a way 80 as to alldw dispersion of longitudinal forces as per clause of Indian Railway Bridge Rules. In case where dispersion cannot be allowed as per clause, such as due to provision of.SEJ in bridges etc, the bridge superstructure including bearings and substructures shall be checked for longitudinal force without dispersion. and certified safe by the Chief Engineer concerned. Double headed operation The double headed operation shall-not be permitted on BGML spans: 3f 25 6m, 31.6m,'47.3:a.ard 78.8m (all effec- tive spans). All other spans of standard loadings are fit for double headed operation. subject to the condi- tions given in para 2.2.5. The track on bridges and on approaches of BGML spans of 4.3m, 19.4m, 63.0m and above 78.8m and RBG spans of 10.0m, 25.6m 6-47.3m (all effective spans) shall. be strengthened or modified in such a way so as to allow for dispersion of-longitudinal forces as per claus: of Indian Railway Bridge Rules. In case where dispersion cannot “be allowed as per -clause, such as due to provision of SEJ in bridges etc, the bridge superstructure including bearings and substruc- tures shall be,checkéd’for longitudinal. force “without and certified safe bythe Chief Engineer dispersion concerned. 2.3 General 2.3.2 All the permanent and temporary speed restrictions” in force and those that may be imposed from time to time due to track, bridges, curves, signalling and inter- locking, etc. shall be observed. 2.3.2 The locomotive infringes clause 12 and 9(b) of Chapter Iv (C) of maximum moving dimension 1929 and .other BG schedule of Dimension (1973) as per RDSO° Drawing No.SK.EL-4365. . These infringements have been condoned by Railway Board vide letter No.96/CEDO/SR/9 dated 10-5-96. A copy of Railway Board letter dated 10-5-96 ‘and RDSO drawing No.SKEL-4365 is enclosed. te Ase q Encl: As above. (P. BHATTACHARYA) DIRECTOR £TANDARDS (MOTIVE POWER) Copy toz- j7 The Secretary (Engg (G)/Elect.), « Reilway Board, Rail -Bhawan, New-Delhi-110 001, The General Manager (Optg/Elec.,) 1. Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai-400 001. 2. Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Calcutta-700-00l. 3. Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001. 4, Southern Railway, Park Town, Madras-600 003. Ss 6 in South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad-500 371.: 700 043. South Eastern Railway, Garden’Reach, Calcut Western*Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020. ne Pe BedEe ey, Enel: NIL : (2. BHATTACHARY#) DIRECTOR STANDARDS (MOTIVE POWER)

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