Language Style and Variety: The Views of The Social Classes and Its Impact On Language Style

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Humans are social creatures who cannot live alone but must necessarily always interact with
each other. For this purpose, humans use language as a communication tool as well as a group
identity. This can be evidenced by the formation of language in the world that has unique
characteristics that cause it different from other languages.
Social class refers to a class of people who have certain similarities in the areas of
society such as the economy, employment, education, status, caste, etc. Caste is a kind of
social classes that are closed, while the other social classes to be open and allow for social
mobility. Does not rule out the possibility of an individual has more than one social status?
Differences among groups in society are reflected in the variety of languages used.
Different regional dialects of language diversity which is marked by the border, a sign of the
diversity of languages is its social class. Thus, in a variety of regional dialects language
sometimes there are regional variations of social class if judging from users.
In earlier centuries of Indonesia, we could tell where an Aristocratic came from by their
regional form of language. But by the early twentieth century, a person who spoke with a
regional language in Indonesia was most unlikely to belong to the upper class. Upper-class
people had an upper-class education, and that generally meant a public school where they
learned to speak standard Indonesia.
The relationship between languages with the social context studied in the field of
Sociolinguistics, as proposed by Peter Trudgill (2000) that sociolinguistics is linguistic since
the hook portion with the language, the language and cultural phenomenon. This field also
examines the phenomenon of society and, since the hooks with social science fields such as
anthropology relatives systems (Anthropology) could also involve geography, sociology, and
social psychology.
Social Class Stratification
Understanding social class is the class division in society based on specific criteria, whether
by religion, education, economic status, descent and others. Every society always has a
certain appreciation in the relevant community and every society must have something
cherished. Something that is precisely what is appreciated is the embryo or seed that spawns a
system of multi-layered, in that society. Higher rewards on certain things, would put it on a
higher position than other things. According to Sorokin (1985), social is differentiation
population or society into classes in stages (hierarchies). Where manifestations are layers or
classes of high, medium, or low classes. In addition, Peter Berger (2011) define the class as
"a type of stratification in the which one's general position in society is basically determined
by economic criteria" as defined Weber, Roth, & Wittich (1978) that the concept of class is
associated with a person's position in society based on economic criteria, the point here is
differentiation of one's position in society based on economic criteria. Which if the higher
economy of a person, the higher the position, and for those economies nice (affluent) belongs
to the category of high class (high class), and vice versa for those whose economies are fairly
even less, they are categorized as middle class (middle class) and lower class (lower class).
Actually, the understanding between social stratification and social classes are often
equated, but on the other hand understanding between social stratification and social class
differences. Match two concepts understanding of social stratification and social class would
give birth to an ambiguous understanding. Social stratification refers to the grouping people
into levels or strata in hierarchy vertically. Talking about social stratification means reviewing
the position or positions between the person and group of people in a state that is not equal.
The notion of social class is actually within the scope of the study is narrower, meaning that
social class refers to one specific layers or strata in a social stratification. Social class tends to
be interpreted as the group members have politic orientation, cultural values, attitudes and
social behavior that are generally the same.
So, the differentiation of social stratification of society or population based on classes that
have been determined in stages based on the dimensions of power, privilege (privilege or an
honor) and prestige (prestige). Social class is defined as a stratum (layer) people are equal in
the continuum (continuum) social status. This definition tells us that in society there are
people who individually or jointly have a social standing more or less the same. Those who
have more or less equal position would be in a layer more or less equally. Social class is
defined as the division of community members into a different class status hierarchy so that
the members of each class have relatively the same status, and the other class members have
the status of a higher or lower.
Factors influence social class there are three parts:
1. Wealth and income, derived from professional work function more than tangible income
wage menial jobs. Source and type of income a person, which gives them an idea of the
family background and the possibility of its way of life. Thus, money is an important
determinant of social classes, it is in part due to his role in giving an overview of the
family background and the way a person's life
2. Employment, an important aspect of social class, because so many other facets of life
associated with the work. If you can find out the type of work a person, then we can
assume the level of education, standard of living, friends hanging out, working hours,
and daily habits.
3. Education, it was very influential on the birth of social classes in society, and this is
because if someone gets the higher education it requires great cost and motivation, then
the type and high or low levels of education also affects social class.
Of the various factors, there is a social class division that there are 3 parts:
1. High social class
2. Medium social class
3. Lower social classes
Social class divisions above determines a person's lifestyle and patterns of a person's social. It
has given their awareness of their social class. Social patterns and lifestyles of each social
class make their social class as a sub-culture within a social structure. As if every member of
a particular social class viewed differently by members of other social classes and they
seemed to have rights and obligations will be different in the lives of its people.
Language and Social Context
Joshua A. Fishman (2001) stated that the main components of Sociolinguistics has
characteristics of language and language functions. The function of the language in question
is a social function (regulatory) which is to form the landing and interpersonal functions that
maintain good relations and imaginative function is to explore the realm of fantasy and
emotional functions such as to express the moods such as anger, sadness, joy and
Language development with the development of human life in the modern age shown a fickle
among other things, the use of language as a means of certain known association with a
variety of languages such as jargon and argot. Humans without communication will be empty.
How humans communicate and socialize with each other if there is no language. Language is
dynamic, meaning the language also changes with time.
Whorf (1980) argued, that human circumscribed by language. Language influences
their worldview. They cannot think except in language. Actually, this view is a further
development of the opinion of teachers Whorf, namely Edward Sapir. Edward Sapir (1966)
believes that people of different languages in the world can be said to live a different reality,
in the sense that language affects the societys way to think. In other words, the language
affects how people see the world around them. It is well-known as the Sapir-Whorf
hypothesis. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that language belongs to a nation determines its view of
the world and the surrounding environment.
But in fact, acceptable is the opposite, it is society that affect language. Because many
examples show that the environment in a society is reflected in his language, especially in the
lexicon and Assessment of a given to society is factor that can affect language. This can be
seen in the symptoms of language taboo.
Language and Social Class
Social class is hierarchical differences (stratification) among human beings or groups in
society or culture(Wikipedia, 2016). According to Peter Berger, (2011) social class is social
stratification according to the economy.
Social class (social class) refers to a class of people who have a certain similarity in the
areas of society such as the economy, employment, education, status, caste, and so forth. As
an example:
For example, the A was a father in his family, which is also a social status as a teacher.
If he's a teacher in the public schools, he also goes into the class of civil servants. If he was a
scholar, he could enter the social class group of "educated".
And if the A is also a teacher whose husband is an officer. If he was a civil servant
teachers, he entered the civil service class and also entered into the official's wife classroom.
When he communicates with his fellow civil servants, the language used will be different
when he communicates with his fellow official wife.
Language and Communication
Language is closely connected with communication. In any language communication there
are two parties involved, i.e. the sender of the message (sender) and the recipient (receiver).
Speech (in the form of sentences or sentences) that is used to convey the message (in the
form of ideas, suggestions, and so on) is called a message. In this message the other ideas
sender (thoughts, suggestions, etc.) are given sender (speaker) to the receiver (listener). Each
language communication process begins with the sender first formulate who wish uttered in a
framework of ideas. This process is known as the term semantic encoding.
There are two kinds of language communication, namely communication unidirectional
and bidirectional communication. In a unidirectional communication, the sender remains as
the sender and recipient remain as a receiver. For example, when communications are
informing, sermons in mosques or churches, lectures that do not follow FAQ. In a two-way
communication, by changing the sender could be a receiver, and the receiver becomes the
sender. This two-way communication happens in meetings, negotiations, discussions and so
As a means of communication, the language consisted of two aspects:
- Aspects of linguistics
- Aspects nonlinguistic or paralinguistic
The second aspect to it cooperate in establishing communication language. Linguistic
aspects include the level of phonological, morphological, and syntactic. The third level
supports the formation to be delivered, the semantic (in which there is meaning, idea or
concept). Paralinguistic aspects include:
- Quality of speech, i.e. the speech patterns of someone like falsetto (high voice), staccato
(voice breaking), and so forth.
- Supra-segmental elements, namely the pressure (stress), tone (pitch), and intonation.
- The distance and gestures, such as hand gestures, nods, and so forth.
- Palpation, namely with respect to the sense of taste (on the skin).
Paralinguistic aspects of linguistics and serves as a communication tool, together with
the context of the situation forming or building a particular situation in the communication
Influence of Language to the Social Class Variety
Language development direction of the development of human life in the modern age shown
a fickle among other things, the use of language as a means of certain known association with
a variety of languages such as jargon and argot.
Social class refers to a class of people who have certain similarities in the areas of society
such as the economy, employment, education, status, caste, etc. Caste is a kind of social
classes that are closed, while the other social classes to be open and allow for social mobility.
Does not rule out the possibility of an individual has more than one social status. Differences
among groups in society are reflected in the variety of languages used. Different regional
dialects of language diversity which is marked by the border, a sign of the diversity of
languages is its social class. Thus, in a variety of regional dialects language sometimes there
are regional variations of social class if judging from users.
Labov (1991) in his research proves that one individual of a certain social class, a
particular age, a particular gender will use variations of a specific shape many times in a
given situation. Furthermore, Bernstein argued most basic assumptions about the two
speakers of various languages called biodegradable code / elaborated code (tends to be used
in formal situations) code and limited / restricted code (likely to be used in informal
situations). Because of the educational process decomposes code is used more often, speakers
are accustomed to using a limited code (e.g. working class) will have difficulty and effect on
cognition (or learning outcomes).
When Sapir-Whorf states "man's view on the environment can be determined by the
language", this opinion gets some rebuttal evidence, namely: the physical environment of a
society where life can be reflected in the language; the social environment can also be
reflected in the language and often can affect the structure of the vocabulary; their layers of
feudal and caste society that have an impact in the language; in addition to environmental and
social structures, the values of the community can also affect the language of that community.
The majority of Indonesian society is a society-down middle class consisting of all walks of
life, among other traders, workers, laborers, employees of the lower class. In a society too
often found discrimination against educated people (those who are educated to university
level) and uneducated (generally only receive education up to primary and junior education)
which comprised the majority of Indonesian people. Most of them use a variety common in
everyday conversation. As we know that it is usually in the range of vocabulary commonly
contain very little standard variety. In this book mentioned that the lower the social class, the
more the use of non-standard forms.
Other symptoms that arise are Javanese recognize three levels of language use is
based on what our speaker. The level of language does not distinguish between social Kela
users. Nevertheless, in the Java community often known division of classes into gentry up the
lowly (in terms of its standing in the community), but it is also known abangan and the
students (as seen from the religious side), each class has a special vocabulary that is rarely
used by other groups and cannot be denied that certain words can describe belief systems and
value systems of native speakers manners.

Edward Sapir. (1966). Culture, Language and Personality. (D. G. Mandelbaum, Ed.).
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Joshua A. Fishman. (2001). Handbook of Language & Ethnic Identity. Oxford

University Press.

Labov, W. (1991). Sociolinguistic Patterns (Eleventh P). Philadelphia: University of


Peter Berger. (2011). Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective. New York: Open

Peter Trudgill. (2000). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society (Fourth

Edi). London: Penguin Group.

Sorokin, P. A. (1985). Social and cultural dynamics: a study of change in major systems of
art, truth, ethics, law, and social relationships. Transaction Books.

Weber, M., Roth, G., & Wittich, C. (1978). Economy and society: an outline of interpretive
sociology. University of California Press.

Whorf, B. L. (1980). Psychology of Language and Thought. (R. W. Rieber, Ed.) (2nd Editio).
New York: Plenum Press.

Wikipedia. (2016). Social Class. Retrieved November 4, 2016, from

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