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Poem -


You can tell her by the twinkle in her eye,
At parades when the flag marches by.

They joined the military to,

fight for what they believe,
to defend from foes, seen and unseen,
in their hearts we are the greatest nation,
from the farmlands to the greatest plantations.

She suffered hardship and never ceased to care.

It gave us strength just to know that she was
She was a leader, you could tell by the rank she
But she became the invisible soldier after the
She can march, she can fly, and she can sail.
She proved that bravery isn't exclusive of the
She did every job she was asked and more,

It does not matter if they're black or white,

they will never give up any fight.

Women have been the backbone in every war,

death they've seen by the score.
The Plains Indian women who fought,
alongside their men,
it became a common trend.

The uniform does not necessarily,

make her a soldier, but her heart,
and strength that make her bolder.
Bold enough to cover your back,
and pick up all the slack.

She will always be there in command,

and pick up the rifle from the sand,
she will do whatever she must,
for in her you put your trust.

She is the female soldier, she stood her ground,

of that we should all be proud.

Give credit where credit is due,

this is what i say to you.
Now, it is finally time to right a wrong.
Honor our sister soldier; hear her song.
It's very clear that she's a patriot to the core.
Don't let her be the invisible soldier anymore.

Role of goodwill, morality and de-

addiction in nation building
Nation Building is a condition when Economies are given assistance in the development of
governmental infrastructure, civil society, dispute resolution mechanisms, in order to increase
stability. According the Father of our Nation, M. K. Gandhi:

"If Wealth Is Lost, Nothing Is Lost"

"If Health Is Lost, Something Is Lost"
"If Character Is Lost, Everything Is Lost"

These lines tell us that the best of all the things is Character and it is the basic pillar for
nation building. In my essay, I am going to discuss about the basic principles required for a good
character and true nation building.

Goodwill is the first and the basic principle for nation building. Goodwill means solidarity,
friendship understanding. Never in the history of India was there more pressing need for goodwill
in all relations national and individual-than; there is today, with the political condition of India,
distracting the finest elements in our social life and diverting the forces that exalt a nation, into
channels that degrade it. India increasingly calls upon every Indian, whether by birth or adoption,
to practice goodwill, positive and definite, to the end of uniting the warring classes and; interests.
All the goodwill available needs to be mobilized against the forces of darkness and dissension, to
drive them back and purify the public life. If every patriotic Indian will think of those with whom he
is, at variance and replace his inimical or negative attitude with a positive attitude of goodwill, then
we shall make ourselves; and those around us happier, and India will be well on the way to
happiness and prosperity.

At this point, we recognize that social transformation cannot be separated from spiritual
transformation. Morality is also an important principle for nation building as it defines the
difference between good and bad and gives the wisdom to choose the good. The importance of
values and morals are the code we live by in a civil and just society. Our values and morals are a
reflection of our spirituality; our character. The cultures brought together in our nation also have
high ethical standards. Traditional Indian cultures were modelled on morals. Those who trace their
origins to other countries also recognize high concepts of personal and social responsibility. This
can be accomplished only when we instill in the children a deep feeling of commitment to values
that would build this country and bring back to the people, pride in work that brings order, security
and assured progress.

A nation needs different resources to develop itself scientifically. Humans can make the best
use of available natural resources by utilizing their knowledge, skills, and technology. This task, they
can accomplish only if they are physically and mentally fit. Sometimes, people get into bad practices
like drug abuse and alcohol addiction which not only impairs their mental and physical health but
also ruins his family and social ties. This problem can be resolved by the process of de-addiction. If
parents and teachers informally talk with the children and keep them focused on their career, this
problem can be solved. If we stop drug abuse today and set an example before our future
generations, then this can be entirely terminated.
A person with all these qualities embed in himself, will not be afraid to face problems. He will
expect and accept them as part of life. He or she will not give unnecessary importance to anything
that happens in life. Such a person will be a true patriot for nation building.

"If there is Righteousness in the Heart, There will be Beauty in Character;

If there is Beauty in Character, There will be Harmony in the Home;
When there is Harmony in the Home, There will be Order in the Nation;
When there is Order in the Nation, There will be Peace in the World"

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