I Want To Tell You About My Vacation

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I want to tell you about my vacation

I had a holiday with my college friend for the first time. He told me that he
wanted to go to Kali Biru, so did I. I was curious about that place. I prepared myself
and I decided to visit that place. He said the camera should be brought by me. As
usual, we had to breakfast before we went. And then, we went to Kali Biru by riding
my motorcycle. The estimated time to arrive at that place about one hour forty-one
minutes from my boarding house.

And then, I arrived at Kali Biru. What I found was quite interesting. I walked
through the spot photo and saw the people took a picture. Those were people
everywhere. People were having fun their vacation. And also, They ate, drank, and
chatted together. I met some tourist and I asked her for taking a picture together,
but she was in a hurry. Therefore, she refused me.

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