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While the entire story of Jesus is symbolical (unless you simply choose to bel
ieve it as actually occurring as a precept of your faith), there is great signif
icance on a metaphysical level pertaining to this Jesus character and all that h
e experienced on the Earth plane.
Number 33 is the number of completion on one level and beginning on another leve
l. It is also the number of initiation (which is why masons use it in their orde
r, hence the 33rd degree mason). The Number 33 initiates us into higher realms o
f life, on the spiritual, celestial, or cosmic level. It takes us up from the mu
ndane, hence the symbol of Jesus ascending into heaven. Clearly a physically dea
d or alive human being cannot ascend to the heavens in the flesh body. I don't m
ean to offend Christians and I respect their free will to believe in something (
physical ascension of a human flesh body) that defies natural law (Law of Gravit
y). A lot of what Christians (those who embrace the exoteric aspect of Christian
ity) believe in defies natural law as well as common sense but they have free wi
ll to believe in what they choose to, it's just unfortunate that such a belief i
s counterproductive to existence and cannot be applied for the actual Christian
who believes in such and who will never ascend in his or her flesh body nor will
resurrect from the dead in their present flesh body.
It's a shame that the Christians who do understand the Bible from a metaphysical
and esoteric perspective are the ones who are masons and who are the leaders (r
everends, bishops, pastors) of the flock - those Christians (the masses) who und
erstand and take the Bible and stories of Jesus literally and therefore develop
thoughts and beliefs that violate natural law and common sense which is why they
catch so much hell in life.
But the few Christian leaders who did teach the Bible and Christianity from an e
soteric perspective, i.e. Catherine Ponder, Joseph Murphy, et al truly benefited
humanity far more than these Christian heads who kept the Gnostic knowledge of
the Bible hidden and to themselves and taught the average follower on a mundane
level and reaped a fortune ($) doing so.
You see Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, Markus Bishop, et al have not mad
e their average member/follower millionaires like them. The leader of any faith
is not going to make you a leader because then his or her position as leader is
threatened. They will not be able to shine, get all the attention, and make all
that money.
Have you ever wondered why financially broke and struggling people will be seen
on these televangelist shows walking down the aisle to donate $10, $20, $50, or
$100 to men (reverends, bishops, preachers) who are millionaires and have more t
han they really need in life? It is because these religious leaders know how to
successfully brainwash using the words of the Bible. They know how to preach the
Bible in a way that serves two purposes: to satisfy the flock and keep themselv
es rich while leading the flock.
Why does a Christian leader need a private jet? Do the dumb followers/congregant
s get to ride in the luxury jet at least once a year? After all, their money (ch
arity) helped to buy the luxury jet.
A poor person should not give charity (money) to a rich man, even if the rich ma
n is called reverend, bishop, or pastor. The rich man needs to give charity to t
he poor person. God does not need money! If God needs a dollar then God is in wo
rse shape than the poor person who doesn't have a dime to his name. What does Go
d need money for? No, those money-hungry reverends, pastors, and bishops need mo
ney and they raise that money using God's name.
Now with all this new prosperity preaching in these new mega-churches (some of w
hich are buying up former pro team stadiums and arenas), how many members of the
congregation are becoming millions? None! But I'll tell you what's happening -
the same ole thing: the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer an
d it's for one reason that is twofold: the poor person has a good heart but is o
utright dumb, and the rich person appears to have a good heart and is straight s
mart, intelligent, and wise! Period!
After all, the only true wealth is intelligence (and wisdom, knowledge, understa
nding) and the only true poverty is ignorance.
Okay, I have spent enough time exposing the truth of modern day church situation
s with many (not all) churches and church leaders.
So, the Number 33 is a very powerful number and it denotes spiritual, celestial,
and cosmic ascension (into consciousness). If you are constantly seeing this nu
mber, now you have an idea of what's being conveyed to you. All that you have be
en experiencing and may be currently experiencing is a sign that you're going th
rough certain things (experiences, situations) because it's time for you to asce
nd. Remember, Jesus first descended into hell (Hades) before ascending into heav
en. There is wisdom is this account!
In closing, if you are constantly seeing a certain number throughout the day, it
means something, something of a higher and spiritual nature and just for you! Y
eah, for your eyes only (though thousands of other people too are seeing numbers
for their eyes only)! The Universe is communicating with you, or certain higher
beings are communicating with you, or if this is too scary for you to digest, t
hen simply put - God is conveying a message to you and you need to take heed.
Every number from zero to nine means something. Find out what the numbers you ar
e seeing constantly mean. There are no accidents in the world, just synchronicit
"Numbers represent one of the simplest and easiest cycles that you will learn ab
out. They are symbols for a cycle that is recurring and can be seen as stages in
an evolutionary process. Learn the numbers and remember them as markers in the
complete cycle. See them as growing out of the preceding number and developing i
nto the next number." David Pond
0 = Universe, Conception, Ethereal
1 = Beginning, Initiation, Leadership
2 = Opposition, Reflection, Duality, Balance
3 = Expansion, Growth, Advancement, Enthusiasm
4 = Structure, Foundation, Form, Realization
5 = Uncertainty, Realignment, Flux, Change
6 = Harmony, Balance, Appreciation, Indulgence
7 = Divinity, Spiritual Wholeness or Completion, Intuition, Inner Awareness, Reb
8 = Power, Organization, Enterprise, Control, Completion, End of Woes, Infinity
9 = Wisdom, Understanding, Transition, Service, Completion, Birth, End of a Cycl
When you are constantly seeing the same number(s), God/Universe is trying to tel
l you something! Are you listening?

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