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Subject : English
Class : 5 Intelek
Time : 9.00am 10.00am
Date : 19 August 2016
Topic : Unit 3 Superheroes
Title : Writing Activity
Enrollment : 30 pupils
Proficiency Level : Intermediate
Theme : World of Knowledge
Module : Writing

Content Standard Learning Standard

3.1 Able to form letters and words in neat legible print 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print:
including legible writing. (c) sentences:
-simple sentences
-compound sentences

3.2 Able to write using appropriate language, form and style 3.2.2 Able to write sentences with guidance.
for a range of purposes.

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

i. write at least 2 out of 4 sentences correctly based on the stimulus given.

ii. describe their superhero with at least 2 correct adjectives.
Educational Emphases:

Multiple intelligences Linguistic (write simple sentences based on the stimulus given.)
Visual (using superheroes pictures and comic panel in constructing
Information and Communication Technology The use of video in the lesson.
Skills (ICT)
Moral values Helpful (We need to help people who are in trouble).
Kind (We need to be kind towards others).
Group work (discuss the adjectives related to the superheroes and construct
Thinking Skills Discuss and construct five sentences based on the stimulus given.
Discuss on the moral value of the lesson by relating the good values with the
superheroes action.

Language Content:

Noun The Flash, Superman, Batman, Ant-man

Adjectives brave, strong, fast, small, helpful, kind, caring, charming, mysterious, tall, funny, friendly, powerful, smart

Previous knowledge:

The pupils are familiar with superheroes such as Superman, Batman, The Flash and Ant-man.
The pupils are familiar with the adjectives that will be used in the lesson.
Simple Sentences Superman is strong.
Compound sentences He is brave and helpful.

Anticipated problem:
Pupils may have difficulty in constructing compound sentences.
Proposed solution:
Teacher explains the use of connectors to the pupils.

Teaching aids/ Resources:

Picture of superheroes.
Word cards
Diagram (comic panel)
A4 paper

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Activity Rationale Remarks

Set induction Introduction of the 1. Teacher shows a video of Superman to the i. To draw pupils interest. Video of
(3 minutes) lesson. pupils. ii. To ensure pupils know Superman
2. Teacher asks the pupils some questions what they are going to get at and the video
Video regarding the video. the end of the lesson. of
i. Video of Superman. 3. Teacher introduces the topic of the lesson. superheroes.
ii. Video of superheroes.
i. What can you see from
the video?
ii. Who is the superhero
from the video?
iii. Who is your favourite
Presentation How to describe 1. Teacher pastes the diagram (comic panel) i. To develop pupils reading Diagram
(7 minutes) superheroes. and the word cards on the whiteboard. skills (Integrated skill.) (comic
2. Teacher asks the pupils to match the ii. To enhance pupils thinking panel), word
adjectives related to the superheroes on skills. cards
Diagram (comic panel):
the comic panel. iii. To prepare pupils for the
-shows the superheroes 3. Teacher shows how to construct sentences next activity.
powers/ abilities. to describe the superheroes based on the
related adjectives.
Word cards: 4. Teacher gives another example of sentence
- Brave construction.
- Strong
- Fast
- Small
- Helpful
- Kind
- Caring
- Charming
- Funny
- Tall
- Mysterious
- Friendly
- Powerful
- Smart

Example of sentences:
1. Superman is strong.
2. He is tall and helpful.
(moral value).
Practice Lets describe the 1. Teacher divides the pupils into several i. To check the pupils Pictures, A4
(10 minutes) superheroes. groups (three people per group). understanding regarding the paper
2. In their groups, the pupils are required lesson.
to construct 3 sentences to describe ii. To develop pupils thinking
Superheroes: the specific superhero given to them skills by describing the
- The Flash using adjectives. superheroes using
- Spiderman 3. Teacher asks the pupils to write their adjectives.
- Batman group work in a piece of A4 paper. ii. To develop pupils writing
- Ant-man 4. Teacher picks one or two groups skills which is on constructing
- Captain America randomly to read aloud the sentences sentences.
that they have discussed. iii. To promote collaborative
learning environment.

To achieve: 3.2.2 Able to

write simple sentences with

Production Make your own 1. Teacher distributes worksheet to pupils. i. To assess pupils Worksheet
(8 minutes) superhero! 2. Teacher asks the pupils to create their understanding regarding the
own superhero. lesson.
Example:- 3. Teacher asks the pupils to describe ii. To guide pupils in writing,
Vision Girl. their superheroes in 4 sentences. from words into sentences.
1. Vision Girl is 4. Teacher asks several groups to present ii. . To practice learning in
smart. the superhero that they have created. the independent way
2. She is caring and
kind to her friends. To achieve: 3.1.1 Able to
(moral values) write in neat legible print:
(c) sentences
Closure Moral Values: 1. Teacher concludes the lesson by i. To consolidate the lesson.
(5 minutes) -helpful highlighting a few adjectives from the lesson. ii. To instil moral values.
: We must be helpful to 2. Teacher reminds the pupils to practice good
people who are in trouble values based on highlighted adjectives.
just like superheroes.
: We need to be kind to

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