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Plant Wide Simulation Using

the Free Chemical Process

Simulator Sim42: Natural
Gas Separation and
School of Chemical Engineering, State University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein, 500, Campinas 13083-970, Brazil
School of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Uberlandia, Av. Joao Naves de Avila, 2121Bl. 1K, 38408-100
Uberlandia, MG, Brazil

Received 5 February 2007; accepted 2 September 2007

ABSTRACT: This article addresses the use of Sim42, a steady-state free process
simulator, as a powerful tool to teach heat integration and parametric optimization in a
complete plant. It was considered a natural gas plant as a case study. The thermodynamic
package used in the simulations was validated using experimental data published in the
literature. The results were compared with the commercial simulator HYSYS and plant
information. Good agreement was achieved. 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ;
Published online in Wiley InterScience (; DOI 10.1002/cae.20200

Keywords: chemical process simulation; heat integration; parametric optimization;

steammethane reforming; chemical process design

INTRODUCTION Free software is, therefore, a matter of freedom; it

does not refer to zero-cost software [1]. While free
Free software is a concept related to the users software refers to software distributed in a source
freedom to run for any purpose, copy, distribute, form, which can be freely modified and redistributed,
study, change, and improve the software. Access to the concept of Open Source, instead, refers to the fact
the source code is a precondition for free software. that the source code is open to and for the world to
take, to modify, and to reuse. An open source software
Correspondence to A. J. Assis ( and free software, however, have different rationals,
2009 Wiley Periodicals Inc. views, and goals. The question can be summarized in


the following sentence: For the Open Source move- for the production of ammonia, via the Haber process,
ment, the issue of whether software should be open for use in fertilizer production. It is also used in the
source is a practical question, for the Free Software manufacture of fabrics, glass, steel, plastics, paint, and
movement it is an ethical and social matter [1,2]. other products. Therefore, simulation, heat integra-
Plant-wide simulation is fundamental to the tion, and parametric studies involving natural gas is an
design, control, and optimization of process systems. important process to be used in every senior chemical
Additionally, in senior design courses, integrated process design course.
process design allows engineering economic and
profitability analyses; heat integration and network
design (Pinch technology); analysis of process THE FREE CHEMICAL PROCESS
performance, including process troubleshooting and SIMULATOR SIM42
debottlenecking; risk assessment and process hazard
analysis [3] as well as control strategies development Simulator42 or Sim42 is an open source process
[4]. In all cases, the process simulator plays the simulator that aims to provide an accessible simulator
important role of fast calculation including rigorous to the Chemical Engineering community. Some
mass and energy balances, avoiding then the use of features: (i) it is being written in the Python language,
short cut models and/or idealizations that shifts the (ii) the simulator core was designed to be independent
results far from the real-world [58]. of both user interfaces and thermodynamic methods
There are several commercial chemical process provider, (iii) a graphical interface has been developed
simulators available in the market, such as HYSYS, for the project and an independent command/scripting
ASPEN PLUS, PRO II, gPROMS among others. interface is also available, (iv) the flowsheet solver
Nevertheless, they are costly and the undergraduate can propagate partial information both backwards and
student does not have the possibility to install them at forward, this feature allows many complex problems
home unless a licence is bought. This is not the case of to be solved without iterative calculation of recycle
Sim42 that is free of charge and more important than loops. Consistency checks are used to avoid unin-
this, it is open source. This outstanding facility lets tended over specification of problems, (v) the simula-
everyone consult, modify, add, and iterate with the tor does not require recycle unit operations, but rather
mathematical models implemented for the several unit the use of estimate values allows the solver to
operations available, provided that one knows the recognize the existence of recycles and converge
computer language in which it is written, namely them simultaneously [9].
Python. Additionally, due to its open source facility Table 1 presents a short description of some
Sim42 can be greatly extended in order to include Sim42s operation models. The simulator code has
other unit operations not available yet. been licensed using a BSD style open source licence.
Natural gas, commonly referred to as gas, is a This permits the free distribution and modification of
gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane. It all source code and unlike GPL style licences does not
is found in oil fields and natural gas fields, and in coal require redistribution of modifications. Perhaps, the
beds. Natural gas is important as a major source for main drawback of using Sim42 is the fact that it does
electricity generation through the use of gas turbines not contain an open source property package system.
and steam turbines. Environmentally, natural gas The one available is freeware (it is not open source)
burns cleaner than other fossil fuels, such as oil and and contains only a simple equation of state-based
coal, and produces fewer greenhouse gases. For package (RKRedlich Kwong) and an ideal solution
an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas property package. Both packages are from Virtual
produces about 30% less carbon dioxide than burning Materials Group. Nevertheless, as Sim42 is an open
petroleum and about 45% less than burning coal. source project one can develop their own property
Combined cycle power generation using natural gas is package. The simulator and its source code can be
thus the cleanest source of power available using downloaded for free from its site developers [10].
fossil fuels, and this technology is widely used
wherever gas can be obtained at a reasonable cost.
Natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen, through CASE STUDY A: NATURAL
reforming process, which can be used in hydrogen GAS SEPARATION
vehicles. Natural gas is also used as a clean auto-
mobile fuel in several countries; it is supplied to This case study is reported by Seider et al. [11]. It is
homes where it is used for such purposes as cooking required to process a natural gas stream at 10,000
and heating/cooling. Natural gas is a major feedstock lb mol/h, 708F, 150 psia, and composition in Table 2.

Table 1 Selected Unit Operation Models in Sim42

Category Model Description
Balance BalanceOp Energy and material balance calculator around
any given streams
Streams Stream_Material Material carrying stream
Stream_Energy Energy carrying stream
Stream_Signal Signal carrying stream
Heat generation and transfer Cooler Cooling device
Heater Heating device
HeatExchanger Two-sided heat exchanger
Reactors ConvReactor Conversion reactor
EquilibriumReactor Chemical equilibrium reactor
Fluid handling Compressor Adiabatic compressor
Expander Adiabatic expander
Mixer Stream mixer
Pump Theoretical pump
PumpWithCurve Real pump with one set of pump curves
Splitter Stream splitter
Valve Isenthalpic valve
Distillation, gas absorption, liquid ComponentSplitter Multi-outlet component separator
extraction, and other separations LiqLiqExt Liquidliquid counter-current extractor
SimpleFlash Two-outlet flash
Tower Rigorous distillation tower [16]

The gaseous product is required to be at 300 psia, with theoretical trays, with the feed to the fourth tray from
at least 9,860 lb mol/h of nC4 and lighter species, and the top, and recovers 99% of nC5 in the bottom
a combined mole percentage of at least 99.5%. The product and 99% of nC3 in the distillate.
liquid product is required to be at least 150 psia, with Seider et al. [11] used the commercial chemical
at least 67.5 lb mol/h of nC5 and nC6 and a combined process simulator HYSYS to simulate the process and
mole percentage of at least 75%. they presented results that were computed using the
The PFD for the natural gas process is shown in PengRobinson Properties Package. This choice
Figure 1. The feed is compressed to 330 psia, cooled can be justified by Figure 2, where it is predicted
to 1008F (DP 10 psia) by using cooling water, and to vaporliquid binary equilibria for CH4C2O6 and
158F (DP 5 psia) by using refrigerant, before C2H6N2 using the cubic equations of state RK and
entering the flash vessel, FLASH 1, at 305 psia. Its PengRobinson in Sim42. It is clear that the second
vapor effluent and liquid product are heated to 808F. provides much better agreement with experimental
The latter enters the flash vessel, FLASH 2, at data than the first, although none of them are good
300 psia. Its liquid effluent is fed to the distillation near critical point.
column, SPLITTER, which is designed to remove Next, it was considered the heat-integrated
most of the propane in the overhead stream. It has 12 process simulated by Seider et al. [11] as shown in
Figure 3. In this configuration, the hot stream, S2, has
supply and target temperatures of 164 and 158F, and
Table 2 Molar Flow Rates of the Feed, Gas, and Liquid
Product Steams (in lb mol/h)
Component Feed Gas Liquid (stream S10)

N2 211 211 0
C1 8,276 8,276 0
C2 871 871 0
C3 411 410 1
nC4 141 93 48
nC5 57 11 46
nC6 33 2 31
Figure 1 PFD for the natural gas process (base
Total 10,000 9,874 126

Figure 2 Experimental [15] and predicted VLE using Sim42. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

the two cold streams, S9 and S10, each has supply and in Sim42 simulations for both cases are shown in
target temperatures of 15 to 808F, respectively. The Table 3.
hot stream is split and used to heat two cold streams, Table 4 compares the energy requirements of the
with a minimum approach temperature difference of original design (base case) with the heat-integrated
208F. The split ratio is chosen to obtain isothermal design using HYSYS [11] and Sim42 (this work). The
mixing in the mixer, M-1. In this work, the heat- latter has no external heating requirement (apart from
integrated PFD (Fig. 4) was obtained by employing the SPLITTER), and its refrigeration load is only 28%
the Pinch technology as described in Douglas [12] and of that for the original design. As it can be seen, the
simulated in Sim42. The latter differs from the former results obtained using the two different simulators are
in number of heat exchangers and there is no stream quite similar.
split since the feed stream after the compressor has
enough heat to supply the energy needed in both
streams leaving the first flash. The used specifications

Figure 4 A heat-integrated design for natural gas

processing using Sim42 simulator. PFD generated by
the simulator. [Color figure can be viewed in the
Figure 3 A heat-integrated design for natural gas online issue, which is available at www.interscience.
processing [11].]

Table 3 Specifications Used in the Sim42 Simulation

Equipment Variable specified Value specified
Without energy integration
COMP Pressure out 330 psia
Efficiency 1
E-100-A Temperature out 1008F
DP 12.5 psi
E-100-B Temperature out 158F
DP 12.5 psi
E-101 Temperature out 808F
E-102 Temperature out 808F
Operating pressure 300 psia
FLASH 2 Operating pressure 300 psia
SPLITTER Condenser pressure 300 psia
Propane recovery 0.99
n-pentane recovery 0.99
With energy integration
COMP Pressure out 330 psia
Efficiency 1
E-101 Temperature out 1 808F
DP0 6.25 psi
E-102 Temperature out 808F
DP1 0
DP0 6.25 psi
E-100-B Temperature out 158F
DP 12.5 psi
FLASH 2 Operating pressure 300 psia
SPLITTER Condenser pressure 300 psia
Propane recovery 0.99
n-pentane recovery 0.99

In optimizing a chemical process, it is necessary tion process. For a unity operation that lies outside a
that the key decision variables are identified early in recycle loop, optimization can be simplified. As a
the optimization procedure. This is necessary in order case study, it was chosen the SPLITTER since such a
to reduce the computational effort and time and make column does not impact any part of the process
the problem tractable. The choice of key decision upstream. Three variables were chosen to be inves-
variables is crucial to the efficiency of the optimiza- tigated:

Table 4 Comparison of the Simulation in HYSYS [11] and Sim42

Without heat integration (base case) With heat integration


E-100-A 6.82 6.78 E-100-A 6.85 E-1 0.95
E-100-B 14.20 14.20 E-100-B 3.91 E-2 9.34
E-101 9.20 9.38 E-101 9.23 EC-2 10.70
E-102 0.98 0.95 E-102 0.98
Total 21.20 10.18 20.98 10.33 10.76 10.21 10.70 10.29
Energy consumption in Btu/h  106
Energy saving in Sim42 simulation 20.61  106 Btu/h
Energy saving in HYSYS simulation 20.44  106 Btu/h

HEX, heat exchanger; HU, hot utility; CU, cold utility; HE, heat exchanged.

Table 5 Parametric Optimization of SPLITTER: Variables Considered

a Base case
b Feed tray no. 2
c Feed tray no. 12
d Feed tray no. 6
e Bottom product of SPLITTER to heat S7 using a heat exchanger (approach temperature of 108F)
f Top product of SPLITTER to heat S7 using a heat exchanger (approach temperature of 108F)
g S7 heated first by top product of SPLITTER and then heated by bottom product of SPLITTER
(approach temperature of 108F)
h, R 0.1 S7 is split into two streams that are fed in trays 4 and 10. The stream fed in tray 10 was heated by the bottom
product of SPLITTER (approach temperature of 108F). 10% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.2 As in case h, but 20% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.3 As in case h, but 30% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.4 As in case h, but 40% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.5 As in case h, but 50% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.6 As in case h, but 60% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.7 As in case h, but 70% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.8 As in case h, but 80% of S7 was fed in tray 4
h, R 0.9 As in case h, but 90% of S7 was fed in tray 4

1. Feed tray of column. CASE STUDY B: STEAMMETHANE

2. Feed stream (S7) heating with top stream, REFORMING
bottom stream, and both.
3. Split of feed stream (S7) and heating of stream Steammethane reforming is the dominant method
fed next to the column base varying the rate for hydrogen production. As hydrogen production
between the split streams from 10% up to 90%. grows, a better understanding of the capabilities and
requirements of the modern hydrogen plant becomes
Table 5 presents the several cases considered, and even more useful to the industry. In steammethane
Figure 5 presents the objective function (sum of reforming, light hydrocarbons such as methane are
reboiler and condenser heat). The results show that the reacted with steam to form hydrogen:
hot utility (HU) increased in the majority of cases and
CH4 H2 O $ 3H2 CO; DH  206:16 kJ=mol
in all of them the cold utility (CU) has increased. In
the cases e, f, and g the HU decreased but the CU 1
increased. The minimum total duty was achieved in where DH8 is the heat of reaction. The reaction is
configuration g, which was 2% less than the base case typically carried out at 8158C over a Ni catalyst
a and uses 33.88% less HU. packed into the tubes of a reforming furnace. After
reforming, the CO in the gas is reacted with steam to
form additional hydrogen, in the watergas shift
CO H2 O $ H2 CO2 ; DH  42 kJ=mol

This leaves a mixture consisting primarily of

hydrogen and CO2. The reaction is typically carried
out at 2003508C over a Cu/Zn catalyst. After CO2
removal, many plants use methanationthe reverse of
reformingto remove the remaining traces of carbon
CO 3H2 $ CH4 H2 O
Figure 5 Optimization of distillation column,
CO2 4H2 $ CH4 2H2 O 4
SPLITTER, regarded to total duty load. [Color figure
can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at Figure 6 shows the flow sheet for the steam re-] forming process considered in this work. Purification of

H2 content by watergas shift reaction. Equilibrium

for this reaction favors the products at low reaction
temperatures, but high temperature is required to
achieve a practical reaction rate. This dilemma is
normally addressed through the use of a two-stage
shift system. In the first stage, a high temperature is
required, typically 3508C reactor inlet temperature.
The temperature will increase in the reactor due to the
Figure 6 PFD for the steam reforming of natural gas exothermic nature of the shift reaction. In the second
(base case). stage of shift (R-104), a lower temperature is used
(1902108C) to increase the equilibrium concentra-
tion of H2. It was adopted a fixed conversion of 90%
for CO in both reactors.
feed was not considered. The feed (stream 1 in Table 7) The shifted synthesis gas has a high concentration
is compressed (C-101), heated (E-101), and then mixed of H2, but it also includes a high concentration of CO2
with pre-heated (E-102) steam, and next pre-reformed and H2O, as well as residual methane and small
in R-101, which is used to breakdown higher hydro- amounts of carbon monoxide and nitrogen. To
carbons to methane, though some methane reforming produce a high-quality hydrogen product as required
will occur in the pre-reformer, an adiabatic Gibbs for fuel cell applications, the gas is purified by the
reactor. Since the reaction is endothermic, and the removal of other contaminants in a pressure swing
reactor adiabatic, there is a decrease in exit temperature, adsorption (PSA) unit. These processes are complex,
in this work calculated as 828C, against 808C reported requiring a complicated model of their own for
by Molburg and Doctor [13]. This result can be complete representation. As a simplification, the
considered a good agreement. separation process will be represented as simple
After that, the mixture is sent to the primary separation process, including cooling (E-105) and a
reformer (R-102), a Gibbs reactor, which accomplishes flash vessel (S-101). The liquid stream (over 99%
most of the methane reforming to produce synthesis gas H2O) that leaves the flash is sent to a degasification
(mixture rich in H2 and CO) at high temperature and and then recycled.
heat should be supplied by a furnace. The reaction is The gas effluent of S-101, which is rich in H2
thermodynamically limited and Table 6 shows the (73.9%), has the CO2 absorbed using monoethanol-
equilibrium composition calculated using Sim42 and amine (MEA) in C-101 column at low temperature
Chemkin (ideal mixture), as well as that reported by (388C) with a 99% CO2 removal (that was represented
Molburg and Doctor [13] that used the commercial by a splitter as a simplification, since absorption with
simulator ASPEN and a Gibbs reactor with SRK cubic MEA is not straightaway simulated using conven-
equation of state. Sim42 was not able to predict correctly tional property packages available in process simu-
the equilibrium conversion (99.98%) that is too high for lators). The remaining CO and CO2 in the hydrogen
this process (Molburg and Doctor [13], reported stream (90.88%) are converted to CH4 and hydrogen
70.76%), and it is believed that this is because it uses in the methanation reactor (R-105), with inlet temper-
information about occurring reactions (Eqs. (1) and (2)) ature of 3168C as recommended by Synetix [14]. An
rather than total Gibbs energy minimization method. increase of 228C in temperature on the methanation
Then, the synthesis gas is cooled and sent to high- reactor was achieved which is in a good agreement
temperature shift converter (R-103), which increases with Synetix [14] that reports 258C. The effluent is

Table 6 Equilibrium Composition in the Reformer

Equilibrium composition (%mol) T 8168C and P 2,527.638 kPa
Component Feed composition (% mol) Chemkin1 Molburg and Doctor [13] Sim42

CH4 2.2201  101 5.0791  102 4.9394  102 2.4854  104

CO2 1.8195  102 5.9324  102 5.9198  102 5.5179  102
H2O 6.8451  101 3.5817  101 3.5597  101 2.7812  101
H2 7.1268  102 4.5553  101 4.5820  101 5.5267  101
CO 2.2509  104 7.3301  102 7.4359  102 1.1116  101
N2 3.7831  103 2.8859  103 2.6211  103 2.8790  103
C2H6 3.4757  106 2.0580  106 1.9800  106

Table 7 Flow Summary Table for the Steam Reforming of Methane (Base Case) Simulated in Sim42
Component/stream no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CH4 458.961 458.961 458.961 458.961 428.749 428.749
CO2 1.83569 1.83569 1.83569 1.83569 31.9552 31.9552
H2O 2.65352 660.83411 2.65352 1,376.8871 2.65352 1,376.8871 1,379.54 1,319.18 1,319.18
H2 3.88593 3.88593 3.88593 3.88593 124.685 124.685
CO 0.207292 0.207292 0.207292 0.207292 0.313746 0.313746
Mole flow (kgmol/h) 467.54358 660.83411 467.54358 1,376.8871 467.54358 1,376.8871 1,844.4307 1,904.886 1,904.886
Mass flow (kg/h) 7,505.0975 11,905.112 7,505.0975 24,805.006 7,505.0975 24,805.006 32,310.104 32,310.104 32,310.104

Temperature (8C) 21 38 55.124332 38 510 510 507.38581 425.07 649

Pressure (kPa) 2,000 101.325 3,000 101.325 2,850 3,000 2,850 2,677.6 2,700
Component 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
CH4 127.894 127.894 127.894 127.894 127.894 127.894 127.894 4.9946  10
CO2 149.131 149.131 314.729 314.729 331.289 331.289 330.446 0.843335 327.140
H2O 901.139 901.139 735.541 735.541 718.981 718.981 8.02327 710.958 7.93766
H2 1,144.47 1,144.47 1,310.07 1,310.07 1,326.63 1,326.63 1,326.62 0.0049498
CO 183.998 183.998 18.3998 18.3998 1.83998 1.83998 1.83998 2.2538  106
Mole flow (kgmol/h) 2,506.6314 2,506.6314 2,506.6314 2,506.6314 2,506.6314 2,506.6314 1,794.8251 711.80623 335.0779
Mass flow (kg/h) 32,310.106 32,310.106 32,310.106 32,310.106 32,310.106 32,310.106 19,464.875 12,845.231 1,4540.305
Temperature (8C) 816 350 421.29874 204.4 211.80877 38 38 38 38
Pressure (kPa) 2,527.6311 1,900 1,796.5786 1,800 1,696.5786 1,612.1179 1,612.1179 1,612.1179 1,612.1179
Component 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
CH4 127.894 127.894 133.013 133.013 133.013 1.7486  108 5.0121  106 5.0121  106
CO2 3.30446 3.30446 0.0165223 0.0165223 0.0165219 4.3538  107 0.843336 0.843336
H2O 0.0866514 0.0866514 8.4933 8.4933 3.39829 5.09501 716.053 716.053
H2 1,326.62 1,326.62 1,307.98 1,307.98 1,307.98 2.2677  105 0.0049724 0.0049724
CO 1.83998 1.83998 0.00919989 0.00919989 0.00919989 5.2436  1011 2.2539  106 2.2539  106
Mole flow (kgmol/h) 1,459.7472 1,459.7472 1,449.5098 1,449.5098 1,444.4148 5.0950365 716.90127 716.053 0.8483072
Mass flow (kg/h) 4,924.57 4,924.57 4,924.57 4,924.57 4,832.7819 91.788158 12,937.019 12,899.895 37.124804
Temperature (8C) 38 316 337.63329 25 25 25 37.955371 38 38
Pressure (kPa) 1,612.1179 1,500 1,396.5786 1,396.5786 1,396.5786 1,396.5786 1,396.5786 101.325 101.325

Table 8 Heat Duty Requirements in PFD Shown in

Figure 6
Heat exchangers Q (W)

E-101 2,947,437.9
E-102 23,030,253
E-103 5,304,877
E-108 3,443,468.4
E-107 11,200,000
Furnace reformer 22,137,420.4
E-104 11,942,653
E-105 5,291,946.3
E-106 12,558,968
E-109 3,917,806.6

then cooled from 337 to 258C and flashed (S-102) to

remove the remaining H2O, which is then recycled.
The hydrogen stream (90.6%) has methane (9.2%)
and small amount of other components (see Table 7).
Table 8 shows the heat duty needed in the 10 heat
exchangers in the base case. Based on the First Law of
Thermodynamics, the total energy requirement for the
process is 68,063,457 W of HU and 33,711,374 W of
CU. As in the steam reforming process, there are large
amounts of hot and CU needed, it should be thought
that a heat integration procedure could reduce the
external energy requirements. Using the Second Law
of Thermodynamics, as stated by the Pinch technol-
ogy, it is possible to calculate the exact amount of
saving duty requirements, which is shown in Table 9.
The heat-integrated PFD simulated in Sim42 is shown
in Figure 7. It should be noticed that a considerable
amount of HU saving is achievable as well as the
number of heat exchangers needed is less than the
base case (from 10 to 8, including the furnace

Figure 7 PFD for the steam reforming of natural gas
This article addressed the use of Sim42 as a costless (heat integration). [Color figure can be viewed in the
and suitable tool to teach heat integration and online issue, which is available at www.interscience.
parametric optimization in senior design courses by]
means of a complete plant simulation. There were
considered two case studies: (i) a natural gas plant
composed by several unit operations such as heat
Table 9 Heat Requirements Without and With Energy exchanger, compressor, flash separator, and column
Integration distillation; (ii) a steam reforming of methane to
produce hydrogen, composed by heat exchangers,
Base case
(without energy Gibbs reactor, conversion reactor, flash, mixer, and
Utility integration) With energy integration recycle. The thermodynamic package used in the
simulations was validated by using experimental data
Hot 68,063,457 W 36,185,389 W (53.16%) or detailed process information published in the
Cold 33,711,374 W 474,338 W (1.41%) literature. Only steady-state simulations were consid-

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Adilson Jose De Assis graduated in Rafael Silva Dias graduated in Chemical

Chemical Engineering from the Federal Engineering from the Federal University of
University of Uberlandia, UFU, in 1994. Uberlandia, UFU, in 2004. Presently he is
He concluded the MS (1996) and the PhD taking his PhD in Chemical Engineering at
(2001) in Chemical Engineering at the the State University of Campinas UNICAMP
State University of Campinas UNICAMP. and he also works as an engineer for Petroleo
Presently he is a professor in the School of Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras.
Chemical Engineering at the Federal Uni-
versity of Uberlandia.

Leandro Cardoso Silva graduated in Chem-

ical Engineering from the Federal University
of Uberlandia, UFU, in 2005. Presently he is
taking his MS degree in Chemical Engineer-
ing at the Federal University of Uberlandia.

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