Din 19704

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Hydraulic Steel Structures Criteria for Design and Calculation Stohiwowerbauten; erechoungigrunaiogen ~ The forces ating external ona structure, ch as weight force, wind frets, et, are ako designated as leads in this Standard Reardirg the change over Yo te legal nit of force Newton (K), 1kp = 0.07 KN of 1Mp = 10kN thouid be used Sihin ie ange of apliitin of fis Stancard withthe sxeeaion of the conversion Of density Contents 3] 1 Scope... he * ssees2 642 Stability proof (proof of safety against shea Aiminieec 4 buckling, overturning ane buleingh s 3 Standards and epectcations : Sh eens, { ae nee 2 S4.k Fatigue redstance prot. 6 68.5 Stuniity poo! 6 4. Design loads and load coset 365 characte of cernn sructial nape 4.) Design once 2 ee oe ° 42 Leadearan 2 65.1 Thmerden, & 4.2.1 Normal operational cases (NB) 2 652 pee . 6 322 Sorte qperaional emer (88) 2 ee ee ave ue £ _ | 223. Eeceptiona load cases AL)» crip ees eres £ | 5. Magnitude of loads . . ¢ e subject to bending stress. 7 851 Dead weight including weight 6.5.3 Connections and joints, #5 10 increasing effects . 385.4 Rail se - 10 52 Hycraitate ane hysredynime teed 356 Permissbie cvesws |. 10 | 53 ace 3 5.6.1 Structural components ss sss secs 10 {| 5.31 toe mesure ic impact i fay Geantaee ae tees i] 6.2 sueeimposne oad dun 10.08 a (22 conn ie 5.4 Ship impact 28.7 Consideration of corrosion effects : 19 €5 Sebati ‘ 2] 58 Temperature etfects 4 7-_Dimensioning of machine members. 210 32 wind 4 7.4 Design toads and load cases . . . 10 57.1. Diteetion and load of wit 47.1.1 Determination of the driving forces | W 5.7.2. Surlaces exoosed to wind, 4% 942 Delving powers: coir sles n 5.8 Chanues ncondition of support A ee aes " fie hace ‘ ‘ 72.1. Proof of the material t ‘ing 8.10 Fricvonal forces < 2 the yield point as.ahe Batis aw Boas 510.1 Costfcents of ding Wition © Gai pecs eneitenine 3.02. Perera dus eating iledun ‘ Hie ol eel ara es SAT” Resintnce of water acting 1.2 Purmisile compariconsresies a 3 during movements 4 7.3 Dimensioning of special machine mern! 13 5.12. Mass forees arising during movements ie oy ee 3 913 Driving forces . 2: .+ 4° 7.3.2. Géar wheels and tocthed racks 13 5.14 Closing pressure wee 2 7.33 Liftingequioment ........ + ed 6. Dimensioning of see! sructures 8 733.1 Sprocketcnans 13 8.2 Material characterise vals 5. 733.8 Pinions od racks regis 8.3 Cammtation rocatee 57344 Prewure restant chaine ‘ 64 Prooks oi S15 735 Round see chains res aa 64.1. General ses proof... “15 734 Ropediives ores. paeorald 84.33 ovet ane serewed joints & 735 Oimydraute river <0. Se 54.112 Wales joints 6 7368 Herte presures 0s Caias Continued on page 210 16 Explanations on page 10 Spy omer aia trim emacam bon ioonnno DIN 19704 eral Presgr 10 arr. 0710 Page 2 DIN 19704 1 Scope ‘This Standard sapliet to the computation of hydraulic sitel plants, It 60es Not apply tO sruetu at stein: such a1, for example, dolphins trzining walls, landing ‘Stages, bank retaining walle and other appurtenances: belonging to sueh structures, as well as pipelines. 2. Range of application ‘The Standard shall be acolied to al structural steelmorie wich directly of indirectly are subject to stress by water, whether it be statically e.9. by superimposed cag, lateral pressure oF Duoyancy, oF dynamically by ‘movement of water 0° the structure set in motion, a well af all mechanical equipment reauired to move such structures, Structu'al steelwork elected in conjunetion wnith such ‘ostallations, but which isnot subject to stress caused by waler shall cri be computed according 19 the regulations relative thereto. In 30 far es hydraulic steel plants accurding to their own ype, are at the same time subject to other regulations, these shall also be taken into account, 3. Standards and specifications to be complied with Standards essential 1o hydraulic steel plants ae specifies mentioned below. Their current versions shall be apglied, unless otherwise established in the present Standard, Supplementary Sterdards and specifications shall be considered according to scope, ony tay Lonerete ans reintorees eonerete structures; detign and construction DIN 1055 Pert 4 Design loeds in building construc tion live loads — wind load Weide «tee! highway bridges: computation, design and consrue- DIN 4114 Part 1 Steel sttetures: stability (bvekting, overturning. bulging): basic calcu: lation, ssecifications OIN 4114 Part 2 Steel suructores; stability (duckling, overturning, bulging); basic calcu lation, disectives IN 19700 Part 1 Aaveager: directions for design construction and operation of inva DIN 19700 Part 2 Barrages; ditections for design, ‘construction and operation of weirs DIN 101 BIN 19702 Computation of stability of hydrau» Tic plants; directions bv goa Berechnungsgrundlagen fur stah- lerne Eisentahnbriicken (BE) det Deutschen Bundesbahn 1) (Design fundamentals for steel railway brigges issued by the Federal Rail- wears of Germeny) 1) Obteinabie from the Bundesbahndirestion Hennover, Drucksachenlager Minden, Schwarzer Weg 8, 44950 Minden ov 927 Technische Vorsehriftsn fir Stan! bauwerke (TYSt) der Deutschen Bundesbahn 1) (Technical regula- tions for structural steelwork issued by the Federal Railwaysoot Germany) Vorschriften fir geschweisste Eisen: ‘bahabriicken der Deutschen Bun desbahn) (Regulations tor welded railway bridges istued by the Federal Railways of Garmanvl Directions covering equipment for locks in inland water ways, ised by the Bundesminister fir Verkehr (Feceral Ministry of Transpert). ov 84a 4 Design loads and load cases 4.4. Design loads Hydraulic see! alanis are expected te loads due to Dead weight, including weight ineveasing effects Hydrostatic anc hycradynamic load Pressute, impact and superimposed toad due to ice Impact by ships Friction by shies Temperature effects wind Changes in conditions af support Live lead Frictional forces, Resistance of water arising during movements Mass rorcenarising ouring movements Driving forces Closing pressure 42 Load ciser According to the frequency of occurrence of loads and probability of thair eoinidancp. lead ence: acenrning + Section 4.2.1 10 Section 4.23 are formulated oy ‘summarizing the influences stated in Sectian 4) 42.1 Noimmal operational cases |NB) Dead weight and hydrostatic loads which may result from frequently occurring unfaveurable differences in water Iovel between headwater and talwater, taking nto account trequently arising instances of tical move: ments, swell, suction and pockets of wind, rank 25 ‘normal operational cases. Furtherrhore, in the range of these water levels, the most unfavourable hydradyramic lfects, the mest unfavourable tretional forees, waler resistances and mats forces stising during movements and increases in weight originated by entrained wate if any, shal be considered as loads. 4.2.2 Specific operational cases (88) “The less frequently arising loads which exceed the: shown in Section 4.2.1 and repair work, rank 26 specitic operational cases. These Icads are to be tacen inte account as simultaneously occuring only, if theis coin cidence is possible and probable. They include cack ven in Section to Section 4.2.2 8 4.2.21 Hydrostatic ard hydrodynamic loads at unusual water levels, at exceptional flood water levels, aswel 3s variations in water level which, for instance, tre occasioned by displacement of ice and sucicen Obstruction of flow cross-sections (e.g, network failure) 42.2.2 Increased loads due to impeded movements causes by solid freezing, damage to bearings and rellers, rammed foreign bodies, ancbirregular distribution of netional forces. 42.23 Ice pressure, ice impact and superimposed ‘ee lod, unless the later has been compensated Dy the 4224 Friction by shios 42.25 Changes in condisions of support, e.. irregular settlement and deformaticn of the foundation work 42.25. Unsymmetrical loads of girder work which is genersily euitahle only for withetanding symmetrical lead 4227 Temperature effects 42.28 Wind load 42.3 Exceptional load cases (AL) Ranking 2s unusual load eases are loads occurting in vansit, during construction and in other exceptional ‘cases, changes in buoyancy through leakage of air compariments and floats, ship impact consequent on reahoge of guy top ane water excess pressure shall also be considered in, 1d, one sidad water presture Thest loads shall. be tuken into account 95 eceurring simultaneously only, if theit coine:dence i possible and probable 5 Magnitude of loads 5.1 Dead weight including weight increasing offects ‘he dead weight incluces the weight of the structural members, machinery elements, equipment, protective evices and coat af paint. Magnitude of load 10 be 37 kN/m? (7.85 Mims) for iteel and machinery iments at specific grasity of 785 m3, and 9.81 KN/m? Hy Mp/m2} for timber elements at specific gravity of ‘or the coat of paint exposed to minimum load of N/m? (1 kp/m?) of are0, aloac of 80 N/m? (5 kp/mn?) of surface shall e assumed fer stranded and uplifted ‘vate, ler, veyetetlon et pOUGlon for elenwens mite are 19 be lifted out of the water during operation, unless 4 higher weight 1 specified. The surtace to be painted nk: as the area, Theee allowances are to be considered ing unfavourably. 2) The term “coastal district” as adopted herein, defines the ertite tervitory of the German North and Baltic, Sea Coast, including islands, river moutns, estuaries and fieths See “Richthinien fur cle Ausristung der Schleusen der Binnenschiffahrtsstraisen” (Directions governing Lockequinment for Inland Weterways), isved by the Buncesminister fir Verkehr (Federal Ministry of Transporti a ‘ DIN 19704 Page 2 5.2. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads ‘The magnitude of load shall be assumed as 9.81 kN/m? (1 Mp/en3) for water in inland waters with specific gravity of 11/3, and 25 10.2kN/m3 (1.04 Mp/m3) in sea water with specific gravity of 1.04 1/m3, unless local conditions impose cifferent values The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads shal be determined in compliance with local conditions, includ ing packets of wind, swell and suction, In case cl gates subjected to wave pressure, the load diagram may be ascertained by s9prox:mate computation Buoyarcy shall be taken into secount for all structural elements which are submerged, 5.3 lee 5.3.1. lee pressure, ice impact Unless local canaitions and the type uf the structure impose different values, ice pressure and imoact shall bbe taken into account in such away that 5.31.1 with reference to the inland districts for shin plates ond their bracing system, as well 5 for the main girder work. the water pressure triangle of the water surface at 1m depth is replaced a) in waters with strong ice formation (thickness ot ice 2 30cm), by an even surface pressure of 30KN/m2 (3Mpim2) bb} in waters with moderate ice formation {thickness of jee up to 302m), by an even surface oressure of 20KN/m? (2 Mpien2) 53.1.2 withweference to the coastal district) for skin plates and their bracing systems in addition 10 the hydrostatic load between in the range of 05m above and 0.5m below water level a) with strong ice formation and ice displacement, an even surtace pressure of 1UDKTvIe2 (iu mpimz) bl with moderate ice formation, an even surface pressure of 3OKN/m? (3 Mn?) {or the main girder work applied to the nodal points level with the water surface a) with sttong ice formation, 4 distributes load of 350 kNim (35 Mp/m) b) with moderate ice forreation, a distributed load of 100 KN/mm (10 mP/in is assurmed. In case of structures which can have an underflow, it shall be proved that a distributed load of 30 kM/m. (3Mplm) carrbe absorbed at the bottom edge. 53.2 Superimposed load due to ice Any ie formation or ice displacement occurring inside 2 gate steveture in excess of the statement for ice es given in Section 5.1 shall be considered ‘Special impact-protecting equipment shall be provides, if enip impact ie expected to cecur.2) ‘The force at which a ship set in motion due te breakace Of lines, strikes against the centre of the closing-off Fage 4 IN 19704 suucture body shall be taken as 30D KN (30Mp) in. ueetion of travel 5.5 Ship trietion Ht nydraulie stel plant open to ship waffie may be stressed by lateral friction (e.g, n the case af opened rmitregated), itshall be examiged whether a loed magni> tude snail be added for this Proviced local conditions do not impore differant values, 2 horizontal force of SOkN (5 Mp) shall be taken fo: shop friction (for instance on opened mitre gates and ship basing) within the range of the wter line in diree tion of iravel and, simultaneously, a horizontal force of TOOKN (1OMp} acting perpendicularly to the direct on of travel 58. Temperature effects Etiecis shall be investigated separately for temperature ‘ vetuations in relation to an assumed erection temper ature of +10°C, and for uneven action in the structure. “The following figures shall be assumed as temperature al for structures located permanently above water oF lifted out of water temporarily in their entirety or torageatoart....... Pies BEBE bi for structures emerging permanently oF terpa 10.2 small extent only of protected from laige temperature fluctuations 4 c) tor structures constantly submerged 220°C 10°C cof temperature, take # 15 °C for a} fe ranges of terrperature fluctuations shown in al to! shall be reasorably increated, if required by respective simoipheric canditians and specific afecte veip. (2.9.9 steas uncer influence of eagling water pipe lines) 52 Wind S77 Direction and lve of wind ‘The wind direction shall be acaumed to act horizontally. Unless a higher wind load according to DIN 1955 Part 4 isto be taken into accourt, the wind load for calm conditions shall be taken at a # 1kNimn? (100 kp/m?), and & 0.5kN/m? (50kp/m2) tor boisterous conditions, For coastal districts 2), a wind load of 1.5kN/m2 1150 sp/e21 shall be adopted in the computation for 31 conditions 5.7.2 Surfaces exposed to wind The surface resulting from parallel projection of the surface exposed to wind on a plane lying vertical to the direction of wind ranks at surlace exposed to wind 5.8 Changes in conditions of support In specific operational cases (see Section 4.2.2), changes, sn the support conditions shal be taken into account accoiding to the magnitude of settlement and deforma tion possibly to be expected in the foundation work. 5.9. Lie toed 4 surface toad of 2.5 Nin? (250 kp/m?) and a lateral Joad of 0.5 kNim (S0kpim) applied level with the rail rons shall be adopted for service walkways, Live'loads according to DIN 1072 shall be used for passage of Vehicles over gate structure: (e.g. sliding gates] 5.10. Frictional rorces The fritiorel forces shall be determined with friction coe'ficients for sliding or rolling friction, Should lower friction coefficients yield more unfavourable stiesses, reduce valuss accordindly. In ease of closing-olf structure bodies which are to be lowered without a mechanical driving power, the tric tional forces determined shall be multiplied by the factor 1.25 in order to demonetrate that the downward movement is progtesting definitely. To take care of the incieased stresses according to Section |special ‘operational cases}, muliply frictional forces by the factor 1.2. 5.10.1 Coefficients of sliding friction For sliding gates and gaskets, the following values applicable, e. Steel on steel {not greased) seees M080 Steel on bronze (rot greaced) +020 Timber on steel 2 along the grain. . po0Ks cio the grain pion Rubber on steel according to Shore hardness of eubber 4)... 979 . 10.039 For different materials and combinations thereot resp. (ietional values shall be demonstrated, These forces shall be taken into consi¢eraticn accord: ing 10 the-design. 5.11 Revievance of water arising curing movements Water resistance arising while moving 2 gate shall te Ueniunsiraied @ function of the yele speed arid the rose tetion of disalacement. 5.12 Mats forces arising during movements These forces shall be sxcortained only in cate of considerable variations of speed (e.9. braking for emergency closure). 53 Driving forest ‘These forces shall be determined according to the loads te be moved, considering fictional forces anc any pottible hydrottatic or hydrodynamic loads while movement is initiated (see also Section 7.1.1), The influence emanating fram driving forces whieh may become effective aeeerding ta the selected moray ating, 2) See page 3 4) Accordingto testscarried out the friction coetticient ws with ery friction, slightly custed surface anc ine following Shor» & hardnncee can amount tn Shore A hardness 35 070 Shore & hardoess'70 #= 080 Shore & hardness 55 #090 the selected driving machinery and the proposed mecha neal or electrical equipment, shall be investigated in all Cruetural members (t9e also Section 7.1.2). 5.14 Closing pressure “The neceisary closing pressure shall be ensured and proved (oF all load cases. The influence of the forces ceiing on the structural members as a result of the Gosing aiessute, shall be examined, 6 Dimensioning of steel structures 6.1 Contents of computations he comautaticn is 10 be drawn wp clearly and shall include the following: 2) General sketches of the static system, inclusive of princiaal dimensions; >) The cesign 10205, 1980 postions and toad eases which were taken asa hosie ¢) The’ constructional materials and jointing media: 4] The dimensions and cross sectional dimensions of all important structural members; ©) The permissible and actual maximum stresses of all important structural members and jointing media 1 The magnituce of deformations as a result of stancard oad postions and load cases 9) Movement processes in the form of stress path diagrams, f 5.2. Material characteristic values for veal and east sea: Modulus of elasticity E = 210kN/mm? (2 100009 kp/em2) 83 kN mm? (810000 n/ema) Shear modus = G Cocificient of a, = 0.000012 *c- | omer material characterinie values are not laid down DIN «andar, they must be determined, 5.2 Computation processes The computation procestes are optional provided they ensure reliable determination of the cutting forees and srreter Thesouressof unusual formulaeor womputetion processes, not generally known efficiencies or other values on which the computation is based, shall be stated, i they are generally accessible. Otherwise, tne correctness of the values used shall be proved 6.4 Proott . 6.4.1 General aren proot The genera. st/ess pico! shal be conducted separately for the oad eases given in Section 4.2, taking into secount the Sections 6.5 2936.6 for all structural parts and corneetions, provided it ix not aid down that certain load cates are not applicable. It shall be proved that the permissible stresses according to Section 6.5 Furthermore, it shall be proved for biaxial stress conditions that the permissible comoined stress accord sng to the formula : DIN 19704 Page 5 ot | oatena tam ienat exceeded, The most important cross sectional values applicable ‘or the structural parts stress proof are compiled in Tobie 1. Table 1, Standard cross-sectional valves Size of section | Type of stress Tension Longitudinal force Transverse force Tension Bering 1 Presture wae orion moment (St. Venant) Seer Ye Torsion moment tree | Shee | ee Tension Cu. ooh Pressure In the Table: A Aiea of the nnweakanee crneeertinn with earn: pression, respectively, developed area cf the most uniavourable projection line with tension SA. Area of all holes falling within the most unfevour able projection lines of the crose-ssctional ports [omitted in the case of welded structures) 5 Standare: mickness of the materia! S Statie moment of te gross crass seétion tebe applies Wa) Moment of resistance to bending T Moment of inertia of the uniweakentd c-oss-section AI Assumed moment of inertia of all ihe holes faling within the most unfavourable aroiecticn lines of the parts of the flange under tension and which project (omitted in the cave of welcen steuctures! Distance of the gravity axis of the unweakened ‘cross-section {rom the edge of the hending tension fq Distance of the gravity axis of the unvwakened {crossssection from the edge of the tenting pressure Wy Moment of resistance to torsion a ant) 8% Standard warping A.A and AL are to be reterred to the gravity axis of the unweakened erort-secton, Page 6 OIN 19704 6414 Rivet and screwed joints In the following rivets and fitting bolts for steel struc- lives ecvording to DIN 798@ shall be regarded at al Computation af the nole pitch is made with full crete sectional values, Flange platee rack ae fully effective only at the point a ihich their sess magnitude is fully applied. More. Sete, each flange plate shall be extendas atleast two hole rows beyond the caleulated exteeme point, The Denultimate row may cowcice with this extreme point, ug angles are provided, one of the two legs shall be spolied with 18 tines the conteibutory stress magni det, ‘i mmeease of compression members with machined contact sutfaces, It may be assumed that half the com: session force i absorbed by the contact surfaces, 6412 Welded joints For joints, thicknevies, lengths and surfaces of welds a wall as weld surface moments of inertia and for the Computation al simale and combinad erecine DIN 4:01, uly 1974 edition, ection 3, applies 6.4.2. Stability proof (proot of salety against buckling, overturning and bulging) ‘The stability proof according to DIN 4114 for alt. sructural parts invelved shall be conducted separately for the aed eptas in Section 4.2. In the ntcof of safery from bulging, the load cases in Sectinn 8? shall he equated with the foliowina load cases according to DIN 4114; Normal operational case (Section 4,21) ... load ease 1 Specific operational case (Section 42.2) . load case 2 Exceptional load case (Section 4.23} ,.. load-case 2 ‘the ease of plates which receive compressive strasies by co-action in themain girder work and are simultane> fing #9 result of focal fonds leg, skin plate) the safety for this combination of force aifects 1 16 be proved ® For steuctural steel St 42 (according to DIN 17100) the ouekling coe'ficianns and the reduced combined stresses small appropriately assumed by reference to DIN 4114 5.4.3 Shape charwe proot In the ease of structures whose tightnets, movement potential, ard mounting condition are influenced by hangee in shape of the structure, t shall be proved that ‘the changes in shape remain within the limits permitted tor maintenance of the tightness, movement potential, and mechanical operation. The crossectionsl values of the unweakenta erosssection may be iaken 8 bss ‘or te computation of deformation. Bae F In exte of structural members which are subjected to a ising of alternating, stress of lead cycles NZ 2-108 tne fatigue resistance shall be proved. The permissible Stress of Tables 3 anc 4 in such casts are to be ecieased according to DV 804 or OV 848, respectively, As regards structural prts of gate bodies exposed to sigue resistance proof sitration risks (see O1N 18 705, September 1976 edition, Section 6.1) she Ialigue resistance shall be proved woo. 6.45. Stobilty proof The stability proot for all detached structures shall always be conducted far the mest unfavnurahle load ‘case; the stability for the normal operational case shall bev 21.5, ter the specific operational case vB 1.4, ord for the exceptional load case v 21.2, Gare must be taken that floating gates are secure ageinst tilting and sinking The dimension of the operationally permissinie heeling angle ip the longitudinal anc tans terse divection shall be fixed in individval ences. 65 Characteristics of certain structural shapes fang structural components GSA Trure girders Bending streizes of chord memsers arising out of trans \Nerse 1010s ae alzo to De taken into contiderstion regarding the effect of the individual zypes o! load tlfects cut o! wind load ars excepted, Asthe greatest per isible slenderness ratio for compression members, A= 150will apply with due consideration co the ‘exceptions for filling and auxiliary members according te DIN A118 ‘The stcessing of the gusset plates shall be investigated Saenndaryeieaceee whieh teen! fram the rigidity of the ‘bat connections need not, as arule, be determined. ‘Where such ttresies are included in the computat on, the permissiole svesses may be incressed, The dimension ff the increase shall be justified. Bending s:resses which occur in bars if the gravity exis and line of setion of the long) tudinal force do not Ierincics [9 with gecantieity and atehod hare! shall bee included in the proof of the stresses from the indivi ‘oust types of load. The otherwise permissible stresses may at the same time be exceeced by a maximum of 10%. No account need be Taken of eccentricity which aceus bb} the connection plane of a tracing does not lie st the height of the cenved gravity axis of the chores, c) the gravity axes of the individual bars of bracines whieh are computed only for dead load and wind oad, do nar fall in the plare of the connection 652 Plates 6524 Full jointly bearing width For the plates in compound c/oss-ictions serving o flange (¢.9. also fer the plating of skin plates) the full jointly beating wig wien Bending accorcing to Fig. > shall be assumed if more exact determinatien is not carried out. “The full jomnly bearing widen Is ¥ - en Dotn gives of the web; wherein: B. Half ths span of the plots between two girders laze Fig. 1) Contilevered length of a bracket plate, >) SeeG, Wickert and G.Sehmauiser "StaniwasierDay (Hydraulic sieel structure), Springer-Verias, Berlin ~ Heidelberg — New York 1071, \ depenct on the ratio of support lengths L/B of the plate ang action of moments, and may be seen from sponding to the length of the moment zone of equal sign according 16 Fig. 1 having to be taken as a basis with regard te support length L for continuous girders; in the case of single bay girders, the eal support iengt Corresponds 10 the actwal one, ver fepresents the parabolic moment zone ‘concave parabolic stresses and — approximately — the triangular shaped moment zone (shown in Fig. 1 with dashes) 65.22 Method of computation of flat plates subject to bending stress Level plates which are subject to bending ste from ‘ater pressure shall be computed in accordance with DIN 19704 Page? ‘the theory of plates based on the theory of elasticity From this the bending stett in the extreme fitres of the 2 poe o- in Wim? io ” Wher Water pressure in N/mm? (relative to the plate cenve) 4 Plate thickness in mm 1» Nendimancional tacter The s-values for the points and mounting conditions. aiven in Figs, 8 0.8 are abtsinanie trom Table 25) Continuucus plates may be computed following the approximation method, 5y See page 6 Page8 DIN 19704 Plan view = Section C—D ee | 25f5 wea, re f= A roa r Figure 1 v Mig 28 “07 09" 1S 2 3 6 8 67890 15 20 Figure 2. 28 28 DIN 19704 Page $ os | ez ov | ss | em coe | soc | rer vez) Lee 1 on / fe | ee i get ve: re. eo | see | se | ite | oe ] set eo } zee sis se; ver | Ve ssp ve | ca | ez | ver si ce {ove woo sop so | BO ver ove wor j eee ess, seh & i sé Vast | cor | re ee) wuz | ons z a | 4 cor os Te @ gst: LL9 st & s cet oe | Ste | vee | bu é G sz Hea) os | te wl sez | se 2 “eainbig ‘peunbiy {pani _ Vy 1 i J t as i bs i e 2 A ° ve] 3 r t = ' 1 “ures ys ye, Beet 92 sno} stp jo BsnUNOW paxnjun pur sobpa saya ps Burey proiy spa mo} a 40 s20p3 no} a joouNy py eae nen 2 ae Page 10 DIN 19704 65.3 Comections and joints The individual cross-sectional parts shall each be covered and connected separately. ‘The covering members and jointing media shall be computed in connection: and joints asa rule according to the contributory stresses. in the connections of compression bars, compressicn forces shall be applied shout the buckling coefficient w covering members in joints have at leaet the same = bp $26) ———— cctoss-szetional values as the jointed parts, further proofs Widen of bearing concrete of tnete art superfluous, but not for the jointing media, heme In joints of bending bars, a lengitudinal force of Figure 72. d M Sad 5 ‘may be sbilied Yor ‘lange paits (flange plates, flange angies.ete.), ang fos co-dearing longitudinal bracings. ax contr butery longitudinak farce in consequence of abending moment. . ‘ wherein ae \ M Bending moment affecting the total cross + : Geomeirical momen} of inertia of the . 4 complete total cosssection = Ay-€) Stitie moment of the complete eraxsgection i Ain relation to the gravity axis of the total cross-seesien: Figure 76, neds by © Distance of the gravity axes tom the . cresssectional part 4, and the total cross 65.4: Rails Fails Nich in their full length are mounted on concrete, se Fig, 7a), shall be dimensioned like beams on a ‘resilient bedding, As a becding coefficient the value € ='200 Nimm3 (29000 kp/em3) may be employed. Width of bearing concrete = 6.6 Permissible stresses B61 Structural camnnnante For the permissitle stresses tor $tructural components inthe general sess proof and the rigidity proo! the values of Table 3 apply The compression of concrete below the transmission 6.6.2 Jointing media ere9 i to be proves according to DIN 1045, Jonusty For the permissitle stresses for jointing modie 1972edition, section 17.3.3. in the general stress proof the values of Table 4 apply Ir ine raiinas to be mounies on a special stiffening girder according to Fig. 7b, the proof by calculation ‘hall be exerieg out as if only the lower tlange of the girder would te resting freelx on the bearing concrete, 1a dcing £0, pitticular atténticn shall be given to the™> °* great concentration of lorces in the web of the girder 2t 6.63 Welds 2 ‘The permissinie steeswes for welds laid cow in ‘Table € apply to static 103d. As recards checking of welds Sof Irdaciom frorp defect, weld inspection plane are to be drawn up, the point of irtroduetion of the wheel pressure, Further As tegatds weldsin the area of dynamic load the more. inward hending of the giver flance must be regulations of the Deutsche Bundesbahn DV 843 wlecliniy preccand (Federa! Railways of Gererany] for the permissibie iosds, The total width of the distribution plane must lie in the srarutlcn bod seiting ehalianphye concrete, The minimum distance ¢ of the outer edge of aes the tansmission avea fiom the edge of the concrete Be Re eben Seren eae SESRae W uecclen ot Uwe placing of ie elntoten If considerable corrosion 's to be expected, or, incived Seer iva Cole te tauleh Wah asin the parts are no longer accessible after being Bult i, the steesses permitted for these structural parts shall be Leteral forces and eccentricities can also have influence cies aan bale wa eae Sect fon the dimensioning ard constructive cesign of the tails and their bedding) 8) CF Lochsehmict “Exzentrische Belasung der Laut 2) Dimendoning of machine’mémbers armaturerrund Schienen von Rolistutren* Eccentric 7.1. Design loads and load cases Loading of the Runner Fittings and Rails of Roller The dimentioning of Machine members it to be tacos Sluice Gates), Stanibau 1961, No3, pp. 83 0 90, fon the most unfavourable closing position as done Verlagwineim ernst 1 Solin, rHuterieulter ident 109) re sens lad Caren b1 Sunsreutton viMh thee peel 20 a 1000 Berta 31. tures; the procedure should be the following 1.1.1. Determination of the driving forces (see Section 5.13) a) The deiving forces which are decisive according to Section f forthe computation of the steel structure furthermore, b) the Irietional forees resulting from the moving and guiding eauigment the friction resulting from the seals the friction resulting from the rope sheaves and toothed racks as well as from the stiffness of the ° a ° » a the weight of the lifting equipment and running gear ime accelerating forces the possible load distribution when using torsion- Unless a citferent asiumgtion is required, an acceler. ation time of 1 second is to be used for the eamriutation of the accelerating forces Since, during the downward movement, the forees of {nction ang buayancy appose this movement, the oweward movement to the closing position must be 1, ee alae Eeesions 6.10, 6.14 end 7.9.6. The forces during opening and closing ae tobe shown graphi- cally asa function of the path (see alse Section 6.1 @) 7.2 Driving power The dtivine machinery 1s t9 he chosen with due con: sideration af the loading, A check should be mace on the stressing of the érivinn gear and moving paris for DIN 19704 Page 11 maximum power tranamistion (e.g, stalling or pull-out torque of motor, maximum torque of overlead proter vinal into thaea parte with dua consideration of the stresses permissible for exceptional load cases according to Section 7.2.1, The same reauirements must alto be considered vinen a doubleendrive with mechanically or electrically driven shaft is used. The manval control required for emergencies must he 40 designed that the ‘continuous power per man does not exceed BO Nm/s (8 kom’s). With 2 crank radius of 400mm and a crank. ‘operating speed of 1 m/s, this mould correspond to @ cerank force of BON (8 kp} in 2 normal operational case For the efficiencies of the various components, the usual values are to be applied 48 given in the pudications fon this ubject. It iz racommended to check the efficien: cies in the completed structu 7.2 Suess proot ‘All machine members and also their wees must De checked for static and dynamic steesses together with the Hertz’ pressure or the presiure on the inside ‘ace of the hole. As the usual method for the dimersioning of machine members of hydraute steel structures has been foun satisfactory, the proct must be made according 10 Sestion 7.2.1. On the other hand, in cessect of machine members subjected to load reversals af 205 . 106, the latest knowledge on fatigue resistance should be applied ard the proof made according to Section 7.2.2. Toole $. Permisiie stresses for sifuctural components in N/mm? Components?) made of 8137 sia2 sts2 “Tyo al eae fmm Nar Nema in lose case NB 88 ONS BLN Presasre and tending pesaure itm sabilty proot according toSection642 | 140 160 185181173200. 210240280 ts requires ont Tema sd bending tension: ending presiure a ability proof according | 160 180210173195 228: thigaD 38 to Section 6.4.2 80 lequited : abe shear 92 10n | Way, 300119,, 13) 198 | 136 82 Combines sess wo 192” 210 389 208," 298°. 270-200 320 Combines svete Inside he skin plave zoe 202 ae aa aaa “s2as soe 208 2a 7). Aa regard different steels and steal castings the permissible stresses may be varied in propiortion to the yiold points 7 Determination of the driving forces (see Section 5.13) ma 4} The driving torces which are decisive according to Stetion 4 for the computation of the steel structure furthermore, 5 b) tke frictional forces resulting from the moving and guiding equipment cl the frietice resulting from the seals 9) the friction resulting from the rope sheaves and toothed racks as well as from the stiffness of the @) the weight of the lifting equipment and running gear 1) the secelerating Forces g) the possible load distribution when using torsion: LUntessa different assumption is required, an acceter- ation time of 1 second is to be used for the computation of the accelerating forces. Since, during the downward movement, the forces of ‘ricion and buoyancy oppose this movement, the downward movement to the closing position must be Forces during opening and closing are 10 be shown graphi= cally a5 2 function of the path (see aso Section 6.1 9). 7.1.2 Driving power The driving machinery is te be chosen with due gan- sideration of the loading. A check shoulé be made on. ‘he stressing of the drising gear and moving parts for DIN 19704 Page tt maximum power transmision (e9. stalling er pull-out torque of motor, maximum torque of overload protec tion) into these parts with due consideration of the stcesses permissible for exceptional load cases according ‘to Section 7.2.1. The same requirements must also be consivered when a doudie-end ative with mechanically ‘or electrically criven shaft is used, The manual control required for emergencies must be so designed that the ‘continuous power per man does not exceed BCN mis (@kpm/s). With a crank radius of 400mm and a crank ‘operating speed of Tis, this would correspond toe crank force of BON [8 kp) in a normal operational case For the elficiencies of the verious components, the sual values are to de applied as given in the publicatiors ‘on this subject, It is recommended to check the efficien cies in the completed structure. 7.2. Stes proof All machine members and also their welds must be checked for static and dynamic stresses together with the Hertz’ pressure or the pressure on the inside face of the hole, [As the usual methed for the dimensioning of machine members of hydraulic steel structures has been found satisfactory, the proof must be made according to Section 7.2.1 On the other hand, in respe=t of machine members subjected to load reversals of 29.5 - 106, the latest knowledce on fatigue resistance should be applied and the proof made aczording to Section 7.22. Table 3, Permissinle stresses for structural components in N/mm? ‘Components ?) mace of si97 S142 52 Tuoe of sess Nemet Nimnet _Niew? in Wad case Ns 38 AL NLS [ Pressure and bending premure if o | stbiliy proof according oSection6.4.2 | 140 160 188 151 «173-200 210 428 a reouited, ‘Tension ong bending tension; bonding 3 as pressure i a stapility proof according 160180210173, 105228, AO 20S to Section 8.4.2 ia not required: Shear e218 421100 a1, 199 1s8 tee Combined stroee 180 102 ae 108 298 970A Combined stress inside the shin plaxe 01 aos ase 92 «22223506 71 Ac regards different eteele and steel castings the permissible stresses may be varied in proportion 10 the yield points Page 12 DIN 19704 (roonaioxs us AO (6 uonpa p61 29 peue uopwanie'sj0o pue vara yaBianie V6 senjeno oem ay fang | Soe ro pug pur vouog ‘iam jo son22np oresiansue)i 058905 Faved 60 Hien oR] pao fied ppan | sennyend prem iny ram yo Ang, us piim poadAy, spam cer | ov | wz”) ote | we aN ieee, oaths epautunver aaa sarag WR the yield point as the basis Ine totowing permissible stresses are applicable: Load ease et tomm Normal operational eases (Section 4.2.1) 04-9, Special operational cases (Section 4.2.2) 05:9, Exceptional load cases (Section 4.2.3) 08: 9, Permissible shearing stresses waa? is |i shovld be noved that the yield point decreases with increasing thickness of the material. 7.2.2. Proof of the material taking the fatigue resistance as the basis The faiigue resistance shoyid be 1aken from fatigue resist: ance graphs, Higher strength valuesin the range af the time swengin may be determined according to the Wohler Luive with due consideration of the expected frequency (ol the load reversals. The number of l2o¢ reversals and the average force vo be shown in the force displacemen diagram are to be established in conformity with the funetion which the plant must pertorm. All variabies that may reduce or increase the mechanical ‘tvengih of the machine member sub eet to continuous bivesces must Be considered before anplying the exfety ‘oelfcientv, The safety factor referred to this fatigue resistence end time strength rerpectively forthe average force shall beu 2 13. Fr special operational cases ana exceptions lead cases, no prool of the fatigue resistance is require. Tne dimensioning is 10 be based on the respective proot according a Sections 7 ? 1 and 79:7 which yields the larger dimensions. 7.2.3. Permissible comparison stresses To comparison sirett {01 combined mechanical strength vshen proct of the static stresses is provided, the follow 13 aboies for the normal ane special operational cases 24377 51.28 ony ang tor exceptional load cases On 2.3 Dimensioning of special machine members 73.1 Shafts For the cimentioning o! shalts with aratio of |: 2 5U, in addition to the mechanics! sTrength, also the torsion tngle and the number of revalutions must be considered Denending on the frequency of the stresses, 15 to 20 minutes of are per running mecer are permissible 1.3.2. Géar wheels and toothed racks The ermontatnn of she fatigue eesistance of the tooth sot of gear wheels and toothed rack is to be based on in 3900 Pert 1 te Port, Port & to Part, Par 9 (at present circulating a daft] and Part 10 or "Hitte” Var. 1/A,28%m edion!?), As seety factor for fevgue 31) Published by Wilhelm Ernst & Soha, Hohenzollern- éamm 169, 1000 Berlin 31. DIN 19704 Page 13 tractor be used a east 1,7 for gear wheels with a tooth eccurecy better than quality 7 according to DIN 3961 and at far as these gear wheels are nstaliea in enclosed ‘eae unite: 2.4 for gear wheels of lower tooth sccuracy tuning in oper gearbozes. Fo the selection of the permissible flark strength, the losting life following values must ontorusivy watts Ue heuveney of ‘operations of the drives and the average force to be Ingicated In the forcecisplacement diagram are 10 De used as basis, 7.2.3. Lifting equipment TA31 Sprocket chains ‘Sprocket chains should primarily be dimensioned for wear between studs end sproceets. A distinction must bbe made helween chains whieh a) ate reversed unter load and such 'b) at ate not reversed uncer load, or net reverted at a The permissible surface pressure p between sprocket bore and stud = inwimme ares ‘depends on the number of flexures of the chain. F Force in per sprocket a Stud diameter inmm © Thicknose of bearing sprocket The deflection or ve:urn motion af a chain link under load at pinsons or guide pulleys ie regaiced ata ilexure In Table § the chains are subdivided into classes (to VI according to the frequency othe Tlexures; the pressure Values permissible within the laces are given dlaponcing fon the material pairing or surface nardhess resp. The pressure values apply to the normal operational cate {see Section 4.2.1), In special eperationsl cates and exceptional 1oxs cats, the values may be increased in proportion 10 the per ‘rissble stcsses referring to Section 7.2.1 For the eomautation it i accimed that all prorkers of achain link are loaced evenly. ‘Tne values given In Table 5 for clases | anu I aly provided that the chain stud is fixed in one of the two sprocket groups of ¢ach link. For the pressure between stud and fixed sprocket, the values of class V apply. Ifthe studs are not fixéd, the permissble pressures must bbe determined and juttiied. Thie dane nar anny 10 classes III 10 V. 11 the sare stress usu ibutivi is llowed, the tensile siressin the cross-section of the sprocket eye ey gas OR, \ 3 must be maintaines. St e\ | ' Fire og = } Page 14 O1N 19704 Table 5, Permissible pressures for sprocket chains, in N/mm? | Normal operational case Sprocket chain Fonrissite pressure a Nini eth pling of material eee peilgt Studs Shideand eprodketa S08 rama |, Studs) of bronte cm | Matt | Simonsen | M90 7000NHOmE | 59 soo Neen noua nd sprocke SnLacreeacita aloe wear | gg seb te asanimnme | (HN 30= S509NIrumah 1) (SEES Dg Aland) 1 above 6000, - | 100 90 | above 600 - 1 i al oe - | 120 no yf ow wo} ae | xe 100 9 | 8 ‘se a _ pa =I v I 150 10 | —syntered'te 1 v 0 088-0, blake materi 085-4, L | 1) Instead ot surtace-narcened bores in sprockets, also hardened bushes Tixed in the torced tit may be used. Wherein 5 Sprocket thickness in mm 2 Half width of the cross-section of the sprocket eye F Force N per sprocket In order to prevent high bending stresses in the sprocket head, meneight b shovid De | 4 to 7 times nalf the snidth of the sprecket-eye cross-section @ ‘The shearing and bending stresses of the stud should be ‘etermined end shoud conform to the permissible values leccording te Section 7.2.11 Regaiding the beading, it can be assumed that only one sud transmits the chain force to the pinion and that, ti force, at the andof the Hexure, is relieved by the preceding inelined la) sprackers by hall the chain tarce angle of inclination @ in degrees = 360/number cf inion te2th crthermore, for twe-trend cheins, # support of the suc st four points can be assumed with 4 minimum supporting span which by 6 % exceeds the clear cistance tetween the toothed disks of the chain pinion, With due consierstion of changes in shepe, the clear distance should not exceed 1.7 d 78) 13.32 Pinion chains olay tented ertevletes rackal For the dimensioning of the pinion studs and the pinion teeth, the bending st’ess and the pressure between stud and 100% ate of relevance (wear and teat) (see also “Mune”, Vel. 1! A, 28th edition, pages 163 and 164) 9). The minimum stiength of the stud material must be 500N/men? 15000 kp/em?). Ie Rexure wider pressure ovurs, Hie values uf lass ¥ in Table § apply as permissible pressure in the joint, If a pinion chain is deflected uncer load, the valugs in le 5 apply For a satisfactory dimensioning of the guiding equip: ment, the ateral forces resulting {cam the geometrical conditions ate 10 be incressed by 100%. However, the minimum vaiue should be 3 % of the compresiive farce. Furthermore, the guide at the point of ensagement of the pinion shall be desgned for a force, acting vert cally to the guide, of 03 times the tension and compressive force respectively 73.33 Pinions and racks Foor the stressing of studs and teeth the same consider ations as those given in Section aoolv TA34 Pressure resittant chains If the pressure resistant chain is deflected uncer loac, Seetion applies analogously, ctherwise see Section 73.32 73.35 Round steel cheins For the permissible loading of the chain in the various toad cases instead of the yield point (ree Section 7.2.1) ‘the test force is to be uted at laid down in the spplicable dimensional stancard 7.3.4 Rope drives?) The pulling force of the rope may not be grester then the caleulated breaking lead of the repe civided by the 13) See page 13 18) See Dr. L. Baldeuf, DIN-Mitteilungen, No 12. 1972. ‘obtainable from Seuth Verlag GmbH, Burgg! stracie 410, 1000 Berlin 20, 17), Regarding the ropes and rope drives reference shill 'be mace to UIN sUDI and the Tollowing standards and 10 the VDI Fule VOI 2358 "Drahtesile fur For ermittel” (Wire 1opes for conveying equipment), 2nd edition, October 1968, VOI-Veriag, Disieldort vopeis the product of metalic rope crostatction gm an the ated renal suength o, ofthe wires, The metalic sectional areas of all wires of the rope. This cross-sec- Sal reas ealeulated trom the nominal ope sameter suththebelpaf te filing factor / fare OIN 3051 Part 3). The crossection ofa ste inser, itany, may nat be ons dered, Therefore, the value of the ropes wth fore insert iat be used a filing factor. an 3 “The safety coeficiont for rope drives must beat eet: For normal operational caus Section 62.1) ¥*6 For special operational ese (Section 42.2) .v= 5 For exceptional fad eases (Section 6.2.) v3 For counmerweight suspensions we oath “The application o! these values presupposes that the D ‘minimum values for the diameter ratio — according F 1 tcording 10 Table 5, ate maintained. (D = nominel rope pulley iameter, d = nominal rope diameter) Table 6, Diameter ratios applying to rope drives and ‘counterweight suspensions : Dime no Bove i aelinln 2 fee pus ° (ere epee 2 faciarnas s Rope pullys 2 eri 3 toring oes * 7.35 Oil hydraulic érives The detaeminedt max oil praceure meant tha highett il pressure [except water hammer) appearing at the load tested ia'the hydraulic system. It has to be selected considering the drive forces according to Section 7.1.1, whieh inclu the frietion lesses in cylinders, pipelines, of the oll st -20°C. The hyaraulic system has to be designed thus that the cnax, oi pressure proved for the single load does not exceed the permissible oll pressure according to Table 7. ~~ Testing presure to be determined by means of using the proportionality factor stated in Tabie 7 referring 10 the corresponding load, 57 See page 0 DIN 19704 Page 15 ‘Table 7, Oil pressures Permissible oil | _ Proportionality factor Load | “‘presure Testing pressure 10 proves: ber max. cil pressure NB ee | aL ‘300 aa HW the cate AL thould ba dacieive for the dimensioning of the hydraulic system, the material stresses resulting from test pressure may not exceed the value 08 - 0. For dimersioriing the eylincars, piston rods and pipelines the permissible values-sccording to Section 7.2 are vac Piston rocs have tobe desigred as 0 bending by bearings {tiction and guiding capacity (on the piston and on the Hutfing box guide! 7.3.6 Herz’ pressures The following values apply 10 anti-frietion bearings, rollers and guide rollers, Stoney colle’, valle rims and bearings and roller chains. Fora normal operational case (ection 4.2.1), in the case of rolling motions between unhsr ened contact surfaces, the Hertz’ pressures @} and 02, ie indiestec in Table 8, are permissible, In special operational case (Section 4.2.2), the valves lated int Table O abu te by 12%. For exceptions load cases (Section 4.2.) the proof of the Hertz" pressure is not necessary. ‘The influance of the eccentric forces on the pressure distribution is to be proved, the permissible pressures according to Table B may not be exceeded. Such eccen: trie forces can develop by thermal expansion under load and by spreading as a result of bending of the closing-olf| structures and further due to inseeurseies in manufacture and installation 6), ‘To ralling bodies temporarily immersed in water there apply the values of the frequently moved clesing.clf structures, For rollers permenently immersed in water and temporarily exposed to heavy water flows, the values a3 are reduced for "Ota" 300rGiting motions per year by 10% above 300 to. 2000,olling motions per year by 15% above 2000 to. 20000 rolling motions per year by 30% for more than 20000 falling motions per year by 40% 70 oe consioeres a rolling motions are only mese Uae are made under load The valuse op are referred to the material thai hae the Jowest breaking strength. For hardenad contact ¥urfaces, the stresses may be increased according to the hardness of the msterial Foor spherical running surtaces with 2 diameter ratio of S151. the permissible Her” presiuies etween wheel and tail may be increased by 50%. For Stoney rollers, wih cue consigeratica ct uneven oad distribution, the values given in Tatie & should be halved. Page 16 DIN 19 704 Table 8, Permissible Herta’ pressures cy and 07 Contact surfaces Normal operatianal eace (Section 4 7 4) Closing off structures not frequently moved, Closing-off structures frequently moved, 2g. locks Rail — wheel o Roller - wheel or roller ~ axle 0 Explanations On the basis of the “Law on Units in Metralogy’*'8) and the “Implementation Reguiation for the Law on Units in Matsoingy” 8), after a taaneitional paring (Mecem- ber 31, 1977), only the legal units that are based on the International System of Units (3! Units) 2) may Be usec. Fer the reason, the pretent revised varsion already gives the legal units, e.g. for the force, insiead of the formerly used unit Pond (p) the Newton unit (N} is to be used, Preceures a indicsted as overproisures, Conversion: 1 hp = 9.80665 N or 1kp = 10N 1 Mp = 9805.65 Nor 1 Mp 10 kN and 1 Mpim = 10 «Nim ) kp/em? = 9.80665 Niem? = 0.0980885 N/mm? or 1 kpfem? = 0.1 Nien? 1 mWS") = 0.1 kp/em? = 0,0980665 bar or 1m WS = 0.1 For taking over ihe legal units into this new version, tor simplification, ¢ = 10mis2 (ie, 1k = TON. etc) wih the exception of the conversion of the Gensity, The tenultingercar of ~ 2% is neglected, 18) Of July 2. 1969. "Bundescesewbl: Gazette) 1959, Part, No'55 19) Of June 26, 1970, "Bundesgerzdlatt” (Federal Low Gazette) 1970, Part |, No 62 20) Systeme International d'Unités * (Federal Law *) Water column

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