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Why you should buy

Eris Series High-Definition

Studio Monitors.

A stupendous compendium
of recent magazine reviews.
The Eris Monitor Phenomenon SOUND on SOUND November 2013

We didnt set out to create a stir. we discovered that entry-level- Critics have given them a warm PreSonus Eris E5 & E8 Gimme Five! settings for flat, 80Hz and 100Hz,
We just wanted to make monitors priced monitors were also inflexible welcome. Several competitors have By Paul White Taking the E5 first, its outwardly
the last two engaging a 12dB/octave
that would go with our affordable monitors. They have a sound panicked and slashed the prices of Its no secret that, as the process of high-pass filter. Finally, both the mid-
conventional two-way front-ported
USB and FireWire interfaces; moni- usually designed to impress you in their small monitors. But at the end recording and mixing music has been box houses a 5.25-inch Kevlar-coned
range and high end are separately ad-
tors that would be a comfortable fit the show room with a lot of bonk of the day, its about which monitor increasingly taken over by software, woofer and a one-inch silk-dome
justable a pair of centre-detented
for our StudioLive AI digital mixers. and wheeze. But they lacked the sounds best. audio hardware manufacturers are rotary controls gives 6dB of adjust-
tweeter, protected behind its own
On the high end, we uncorked our adjustments needed to tailor them Dont take our word for it. Read looking more to the start and end ment for each range. What you dont
CoActual Sceptres. And if you to your studios room acoustics. on and see why top editors and
metal grille. Powered by a 45W and
of the audio chain to provide them see is that the amplifier pack also
have the money, you should drop Without these controls, youre reviewers like Eris. 35W Class-AB amplifier for the lows
with an income. Thats why theres includes filtering to reject RF inter-
this brochure, forget about Eris, and going to be fooling yourself and and highs, respectively, the speakers
so much choice these days when ference and damaging subsonic lows.
immediately buy a pair of Sceptres. creating mixes that dont travel well. cross over at 3 kHz. The specs give a
it comes to mics, preamps, audio Output current limiting, over-tem-
But what if youre on a budget? So we created Eris. Powerful. useable frequency response of 53Hz
interfaces and studio monitors. perature and transient protection are
When we surveyed the competition, Musical. Accurate. And affordable. to 22kHz, and a surprisingly loud
Based in Baton Rouge, in the extreme also present.
maximum SPL of 102dB at one metre.
south of the US, Crazy Eights
Ive heard speakers costing
Beware of monitors Are you mixing in a live room
with a lot of reflective surfaces? PreSonus are well With exactly
that have VOLUME
In a room with lots of acoustic established in the
twice as much that dont deliver
controls that only the same con-
change the output level treatment? Is your mid- and preamp and audio
high-frequency hearing starting nectivity op-
of the speaker. Eris

nearly such adult results.

to falter after playing in loud interface market, tions, frequency
INPUT GAIN control
lets you optimize the bands for 20 years? MIDRANGE and in recent response tailor-
level and signal-to- and HIGH frequency controls years, theyve
are designed to address these
ing and design
noise ratio coming made their mark with their Studio-
into each Eris speaker, situations. They balance your Built from vinyl-finished MDF, the ethos, the E8 goes down to 35Hz
much like you do when monitors sound to your ears, Live digital mixing consoles. Now internally braced cabinets measure and has more power in the amplifier
you set gain levels on a your room, and your musical theyve added loudspeakers to their a compact 178 x 195 x 260 mm and department, with 75W available to
mixer channel. preferences. portfolio, with the new Eris range weigh a reassuring 4.63kg each. The the woofer and 65W to the tweeter,
Where you place your monitors aiming for the affordable studio mon- slot-shaped port is located on the adding another 3dB to the maximum
What happens if you
add a subwoofer but in your control room has a huge itor market. The Eris E5 is the smallest baffle below the woofer while the SPL of the E5. The crossover frequen-
dont have this control? effect on the amount of bass of the new speakers, while if you need
you hear (and add or dont
baffle is curved and slightly sculpted cy is lower, at 2.2kHz, and the cabinet
You hear lots of bass. something a little larger, theres the
You style your mixes add to your tracks and mixes). around the drivers to smooth out work is larger and heavier to take
accordingly. Then, Room corners act as amplifying Eris E8. Both models are designed in any sharp angles that might other- the eight-inch woofer and 1.25-inch
when the mix is played horns that exaggerate bass. the US and assembled in China a wise result in diffraction. A discrete tweeter. Measuring 250 x 299 x 384
on another system, it If you dont compensate for this
with the -4 dB ACOUSTIC SPACE
common scenario these days. Presonus logo illuminates when the mm, these speakers are more than
lacks low-end punch.
The LOW CUTOFF setting, youll hear a lot of bass speakers are switched on. twice the weight of the E5s at a hair
switch helps coordi- but youll probably end up Audio input is via a choice of bal- over 10kg each, but follow the same
nate the bass output with bass-shy mixes.
Monitors placed on each side of anced XLR, balanced quarter-inch style and general construction.
of your Eris monitor
system. a computer monitor, with a wall TRS jack or unbalanced RCA phono Switching on the E5 speakers
Depending on the size behind them, also boost bass, socket, and power is on the usual doesnt result in any unwanted pops
of the subwoofer, you although to a lesser extent
(-2 dB setting).
IEC socket. A red slide switch selects or bangs as the circuitry is designed
can eliminate Eris
output below either 80 Only if youre lucky enough to the appropriate mains voltage. Many to have a soft start-up. I made sure
or 100 Hz, where the be able to place your monitors small monitors lose out on rear-pan- all the controls were centred and set
subwoofer takes over. toward the middle of a room will
el adjustment, but the Eris E5s are the environment bass switch to flat,
you hear accurate bass without
having to compensate (0 dB particularly well appointed in that as the speakers werent particularly
setting). department. In addition to the usual close to either the side or rear walls.
That is why Eris E8 and E5 gain control, theres an acoustic space In comparison with a couple of other
Acoustic Space adjustment is
so important. It lets you control switch that may be used to optimize sets of monitors costing around
bass output so that the monitor the bass response to compensate for three times the price, the sound was
is working with your studio placement near to walls or corners. extremely revealing and not at all
This offers a choice of flat, -2dB or what Id expected from such small
-4dB responses below 800 Hz. Then and inexpensive speakers. Other
theres a low cut-off switch with than the larger speakers having more
authority in the deep bass, there was bass tightness and general focus, Id been relying on headphones and
actually nothing small-sounding
about the Eris E5s at all. Everything
came over smoothly yet with plenty
but then this advice applies to most
desktop speakers.
Switching to the E8s reveals, as
TAPE OP August 2013
my hi-fi system to get down into the
30s and 40s and below. I find the
overall characteristics of the E8 very
of detail; vocals sounded absolutely expected, greater bass extension and Placeholder for cover similar to the E5, with ample high
Eris E5 / Eris E8 high-end definition is a little lacking,
pristine, and though the bass lacked a little more headroom. They have of magazine if print end, tight bottom, and a slightly
Active Studio Monitor so I have come to rely on my three
the depths of a larger monitor it still a very similar sound, and, as with By Eli Crews
or screenshot of web sets of high-quality headphones to scooped-sounding midrange. For my
managed to sound tight and solid. the E5s, the bass is reasonably tight page fine-tune the highs. On both of those situation, they sounded best with the
The first outboard mic preamp I ever
You can hear right away whether a sounding rather than being boomy counts, I feel like the E5 one-ups the full 4 dB of Acoustic Space attenu-
shelled out for was the PreSonus
pair of monitors is going to tell you and flabby. The larger tweeter still KRK. Even with the Acoustic Space ation, even though they werent in
MP20 [Tape Op #35], back toward
what you need to know while still manages to deliver detailed but control flat, the E5 has tighter bass the corners. I still felt robust low-end
the close of the previous century. I
being comfortable to work with for smooth highs, while the mid-range response. It doesnt seem to go down energy and could clearly make out
only sold it last year to help finance a
long periods, and it took me only a carries vocals well and provides a as far on paper, the KRK goes one the relationship between the funda-
cross-country move, and I honestly
few moments to recognise that the detailed window into instrument should be used based on how your cycle lower to 52 Hz but there is mentals of the bass guitar and kick
kinda regret selling it. For its price, it
Eris E5s would do the job very nicely. sounds. speakers are set up. This attenua- more definition around the thud part drum.
really couldnt be beat. It had solid
The imaging was great, the mid-range Conclusion tion starts surprisingly (to me) high, of a kick drums attack on the E5. In In the end, I found both of these
build quality and a clean sound; no
clear and well-focussed, and the at 800 Hz. All in all, this is a very the high-mid to treble region, I feel monitor models very useful tools for
Given their pricing, both monitors frills but a clear aesthetic; and good
highs were detailed without being ag- impressive amount of control for a like the E5 exhibits quite a bit more the imperfect art of home-studio mix-
deliver great quality, and though ergonomics. All of that praise could
gressive which is often a problem powered speaker in this price range. energy (again at the flat position on ing. I wager if you were to put them
spending more might give you a little equally apply to the new Eris line of
with cheaper monitors. Having started mixing primarily at the EQ), which can reveal harshness up in a very controlled environment,
more in the way of fidelity, the law of studio monitors that PreSonus un-
In the smaller studio where home just this year, I had set up a pair
Job well done, PreSonus.
diminishing returns most definitely veiled this year. in cym-
monitors capable of too much bass of KRK Rokit 5 powered monitors bals and
applies and being realistic, unless There are two models - the E5 has
extension would only provoke the temporarily, not thinking about them sibilance
you have a really well-treated studio a 5.25 Kevlar woofer that charts
inevitable room problems, the Eris as a long-term solution. But I started that the Rokit tends to gloss over. next to speakers you paid a bunch of
space, the differences might well be down to 53 Hz, and the E8 has an 8
E5s would appear to be a great choice to really get used to them, and now One thing that I did notice is that money for, you would probably find
lost anyway. The E5s are ideal for woofer that extends down to 35 Hz
and Ive heard speakers costing that Ive figured out their quirks, I the E5 seems to have just a hint of a things here and there about them you
the smaller room where more bass on the spec sheet. Both models sport
twice as much that dont deliver really like mixing on them. Since the smiley-face curve, with a perceived didnt like - although you may be sur-
extension would simply stir up room silk-dome tweeters that reach up to
nearly such adult results. They ben- Eris E5 is exactly the same price and dip around 1 kHz. Since thats exactly prised. Setting them up in my hum-
problems, while the E8s would be 22 kHz. The speakers are bi-amped
efit from being raised above the desk roughly the same size, I jumped at where the Mid control is centered, I ble (yet effective) home studio for a
well suited to a garage-sized studio. by onboard power amplifiers (35+45
rather than sitting directly on it, so the chance to audition it next to the boosted it just a bit so as not to acci- few months helped me hear things I
These are the first monitors from watts for the E5, 65+75 watts for the
some good-quality speaker platforms Rokit. dentally over-emphasize the mid- wasnt hearing previously and helped
Presonus but it would seem that, as E8). Both models also possess the
(or some cheap foam ones with a The Rokits main flaw is that it range in my mixes. me to provide better mixes for my
with everything else they build, they same sleek, incognito look; every-
heavy floor tile on top) would make is pretty tubby in the low-mids. It As expected, the E8 offers a lot clients. At the end of the day, that
did their homework first. thing on the front face is completely
a worthwhile improvement to their accentuates an area around 130 Hz, more low end than the E5. Its been matters much more than the price
black aside from the small glowing
at least in my room, that Ive learned a treat to hear quite a bit lower than I tag of the speaker or the label on the
blue logo (no name, just logo) near
to work around. I also feel that the was able to with the Rokit pair alone; front. Job well done, PreSonus.
the bottom right corner. They both
have slotted bass ports on the front,
Affordably priced.

and inputs (RCA, TRS, and XLR) as
Well-balanced sound that, in the case well as volume and EQ controls on
of the E5, belies both the price and April 2013
the back. The Gain control provides
physical size.
up to 35 dB of boost for the unbal-
CONS anced input and 31 dB for either bal- PreSonus Eris Monitor Speakers this have to do with speakers? The smoother bass and extends down
Given the size and cost I cant find anced input. The High control gives By Craig Anderton Eris is PreSonuss Volkspeaker. Yes, further. For studio monitors, the E8
anything not to like. you a 6 dB shelf at 10 kHz. The Mid they have their Porsche equivalent is worth the extra bucks (and bigger
SUMMARY control gives 6 dB centered around Eris targets price pointbut adds the pricier Sceptre monitors, which footprint). The bass is tight and de-
These are the first PreSonus monitors 1 kHz. And the Low Cutoff provides a some novel twists. got the buzz at Winter NAMM. But fined, with solid transient response,
Ive listened to under studio condi- 12 dB/octave filter at either 80 or 100 My first car was a used 1966 Beetle, you dont need a Porsche to get from and the highs are accurate. If youre
tions and I have to say that Im very Hz, for use with a subwoofer. There and it refused to die. But in 2000 it point A to point B, and you dont really tight for space, the E5 will do
impressed by what their designers is also an Acoustic Space setting, became almost impossible to find need to spend a bunch o bucks for the job; as long as youre aware of
have achieved. which compensates for bound- certain parts, and figuring I owed speakers that let you create solid the E5s bump, youll find the mixes
ary (wall or corner) bass boosts. A Volkswagen some brand loyalty, I mixes. translate well to other environments.
cute little diagram on the rear of bought a used 2000 Beetle. (I did get Sound The E5 has a slight bump But also note the various rear-panel
the speaker shows which setting a diesel model, though.) What does around 100Hz, while the E8 has a controls make it easy to emulate car
speakers or desktop speakers. If you have the sort of airiness I associate level of quality for a given price point. probably double-check other parts of beginning our critical listening; our the very ear-friendly range of 75 to 80
have a monitor control system just with, for example, ribbon tweeters. PreSonuss special sauce is the set your listening chain, or the room it- first impressions came (literally) dBA SPL.
itching to switch between your big But accuracy is paramount in the of controls, but listen carefully to the self, as a very large boost or cut thats straight out of the box. As usual, our We tweaked the controls around a
speakers and smaller, real-world studio, because transportability is E8: The sound is even, projects well, set within the speakers is applying a listening materials included well- bit and determined that the High and
speakers, the E5 could be an excellent crucialand the E8 scores high in and lets you reference accurate mixes bandage to a much larger problem. known and very simply recorded Mid EQ can in fact get really extreme
choice. Compared to more expensive that regard. at a reasonable price. Like I saida The Acoustic Space switch is a low rock, jazz, acoustic singer/songwriter if overused; we ended up setting
speakers, the main difference is the Conclusions Like mic pres, speak- Volkspeaker. shelving control that can either be
character of the highs; Eris doesnt ers have reached a pretty consistent set flat or to 2 or 4 dB of attenuation The E5 costs a bit more per
pair than a set of cheap-ass
with a corner frequency of 800 Hz.
This switch is specifically designed

RECORDING desktop computer speakers

for situations where you cant place
May 2013 the speakers sufficiently far away
from walls or corners to prevent bass
buildup; ideally the -2 dB setting and a thumpy little one-note
Placeholder for cover In common and different
Tuning for the space would work for speakers near a back
sub, but for your money you
get monitors you can actually
The E5 is small enough to be used wall, and the -4 dB setting would help
of magazine if print The two Eris models are the E5 on a computer desktop, while the E8 compensate in situations where the
or screenshot of web and E8. Both are biamplified 2-way
use for real engineering.
is better suited to mounting on stands, speakers need to be set in the corners
page speakers in front-ported cabinets of and both offer useful tweaks to better of a room.
vinyl-laminated MDF, with silk dome match the speakers to your room. With The last switch, Low Cutoff, allows
tweeters and long-throw woven Kev- the exception of the Low Cutoff, all
you to engage a 12 dB/octave high- pop featuring guitar and piano, and them Flat for the serious listening.
lar woofers in a nicely curved fascia the provided controls are intended to
pass filter with a corner frequency classical music, with excursions into Our listening setup was rather close
with tweeter waveguide. help you correct for specific, common
problems with room acoustics. of 80 or 100 Hz. This is specifically world music, electronica of various to a rear wall, and in our initial listen-
The E5 has a 1 tweeter and 5.25 intended to allow the Eris speakers sorts, and of course the infamous ing we went back and forth between
woofer, with a 35W high-frequen- The High EQ is a shelving band
A new name for two impressive to work with a separate subwoofer, mistakes and missteps of albums having the Acoustic Space controls
cy amplifier, a 45W low-frequency with 6 dB of boost/cut and a corner
new entries in the active-speaker if you feel your monitoring situation wed recorded in comparatively prim- set to Flat or to -2dB. In the end, we
amplifier, and a 3 kHz crossover frequency at 4.5 kHz, and the Mid EQ
market. needs the stronger extended bass itive recording setups in the 1980s felt that the bass we were getting
frequency. It claims a frequency is a broad (roughly two octaves, ac-
By Mike Metlay cording the manual) peaking EQ with of a sub; our listening sessions were and 1990s. when the Acoustic Space control was
response (no dB tolerances given) based entirely on listening to the Eris set Flat wasnt overhyped or thumpy,
PreSonus has gotten into the of 53 Hz to 22 kHz. The E8 has a 1.25 a center frequency of 1 kHz and 6 Listening to the E5
speaker game, and its first models dB of boost/cut. I recommend using speakers by themselves. so we left the control there. We didnt
tweeter and an 8 woofer with a 65W Our first impression upon firing up
to market are the Eris Series. Why these EQ controls with great cau- Speaking of listening sessions, we use the Low Cut at all, since our
high-frequency amp, a 75W low-fre- the E5 was, Whoa, thats loud! Our
Eris? No clue. Eris was the Greek tion; they offer a wide range of tonal set up the two Eris speakers under system doesnt include or need a sub-
quency amp, and a 2.2 kHz cross- second impression was, Whoa, thats
goddess of chaos (she helped start tweaks that are very musical to the very different sets of conditions, woofer; if youre keeping score, that
over frequency. Its rated frequency kinda harsh. Our third impression
the Trojan War, but thats another sto- earsthat makes them tempting to based on their likely areas of use. means our reported results were all
response is 35 Hz to 22 kHz. was, Ah... when in doubt, make sure
ry); her names been attached to the play with in order to get your speak- The E5 monitors were tested in a from having the adjustment controls
Both offer a variety of audio tweaks youve set your input levels properly!
anarchist Erisians from the famous ers to sound good, when what you desktop-audio setup with IsoAcous- set flat (and the Input Gain set to
on the rear panel, letting the user cus- These little speakers are very
Illuminatus! actually want tics ISO-L8R155 isolation stands on unity as well).
efficient and get loud pretty quickly,

Highs were extended and smooth.

novels, and is accuracy. conventional shelves, as one might Starting at the bottom, the one
but they have a convincing way to
to the distant The High use when working with a DAW in a place where the laws of physics
keep you listening at safe/sane levels;
dwarf planet shelf acts as home studio. The E8 speakers were will get you every time is in a small
tomize the speakers sound for best while theyre rated to 102 dB peak
Eris that circles our sun every 557 a tilt control to mellow or sharpen mounted on speaker stands in the woofers ability to reproduce bass
results in a variety of placements. SPL at 1 meter, the woofers start to
years. But studio monitors? the high end of what youre hearing; listening/mix room at Music Maker accurately; the E5s low end of 53 Hz
Inputs are on unbalanced RCA, sound brittle and unpleasant when
Theres nothing particularly chaotic its best used very subtly in situations Publications, which is treated with is usable but youll have to check your
balanced TRS, and XLR. There are you get close to that level. Our ideal
about the new Eris speakers... in fact, where a room has partial acoustic GIK Acoustics paneling to control results on larger speakers before you
center-detented controls for Input loud listening level for the E5 was
PreSonus first studio monitors pres- treatment like foam panels, which reflections at the listening position. In consider your mixes done. The roll-
Gain, High and Mid frequency tun- a much more
ent very neat solutions to the prob- tend to preferentially damp the high both cases, the speakers were set up off in the bass was polite and smooth,
ing, and switches for Low Cutoff and reasonable 85
lem of affordable, good-sounding end. The Mid EQ lets you compensate as closely as possible to an equilateral and there was a lot of thump in kick
Acoustic Space adjustment. Power to 90 dBA SPL
monitoring for small studios. We got for oddnesses that happen in the low triangle with the tweeters level with drums and solid harmonic structure
is via standard IEC cable, and the at the listening
to work with both new Eris models mids, most commonly the reinforce- our ears4 feet on a side for the E5 in bass guitars and low piano notes,
rear-panel power switch is comple- position, and
for some extended listening sessions, ment you get from audio bouncing monitors and more like 6 feet on a even if the very lowest fundamentals
mented by a bright blue front-fascia for most styles
and heres what we learned. up to your ears from your mixing side for the E8 speakers. couldnt be heard fully. Mids were
LED sporting the PreSonus logo. of music we got
desk. If you feel you need more than Per PreSonuss advice, we did not forward and rockin, with vocals and
great results in
2013 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Eris, Sceptre, CoActual and StudioLive are trademarks of PreSonus. a dB or two of correction, you should burn in either set of speakers before guitars prominent and detailed; on
acoustic tracks, details like finger that tendency for really dense mixes ducer is driven by a 75 watt class AB
squeaks on strings and breaths for
phrasing were clear and evident. I
didnt notice any radical jumps in
to sound congested, but not to the
extent we heard in the E5. What truly
distinguished the E8 was its power
PRO AUDIO REVIEW September 2013
amp while the 1.25-inch silk-dome
high-frequency tweeter gets 65W of
class AB amplification. Besides the
level or character around the cross- handlingit could get very loud parameter adjustments, variable Placeholder for cover woofer and tweeter theres a hori-
over point. Highs were extended and without any of the brittleness of the Affordable Upgrades: 5 Studio zontal front port. All connections
Monitoring Improvements Under
HF and MF (-6 to +6 dB) acoustic of magazine if print
smooth, without any edgy spikiness E5and its bass, which was solid, tuning, Flat, 80 Hz and 100 Hz low and controls reside on the rear panel.
or resonances that leaped out; finger learnable, and most important, nicely $500 PreSonus Eris Series E8 or screenshot of web You should have no trouble getting
cut settings, plus -4, -2 and 0 dB bass
cymbals and hi-hats were clear and extended down to where youre not By Strother Bullins page a signal into the E8 as there are XLR,
attenuation settings (cutting frequen-
bright, and when an artist substituted missing a whole lot for practical Over the past year, overachieving cies below 800 Hz). Specs include a balanced TRS jack and unbalanced
a sample for the real thing, you could purposes. pro audio manufacturer PreSonus frequency response of a low 35 Hz RCA (phono) sockets.
often tell. Similarly, the edgy artifact- My sentiments about the E8 are has rolled out some impressive-look- through 22 kHz; 105 dB peak SPL (at E8 EQ
ing that comes from heavily com- similar to those for the E5 but a bit ing studio monitors, like the bud- 1m); and a 2.2 kHz crossover fre- Besides the necessary input gain
pressed MP3 encoding was clearly more so, if that makes sense; I could get-priced Eris and premium coaxial quency point. The Eris E8s cabinet knob, the E8 has a range of controls
audible... and annoying, when it was learn these speakers and mix happily Sceptre lines. Recently received for is sturdily built and relatively free of treated residential rooms, where the for tweaking the sound. A pragmatic
supposed to be. on them in most genres of music, review and approximately $250 street cosmetic accoutrements. tweakability will come in particu- approach is taken by a three-position
I found I enjoyed the E5s most with no more than the usual recourse each, the E8 is Eris largest offering, Where users may often desire a larly handy. Overall, the monitors Acoustic Space switch to compen-
when working with predominantly to check-mixes. Perhaps
notable low end res ponse sans sub.
are impressively frequency neutral sate for any increase in bass response
acoustic music at lower listening lev- their greatest value is in let- with great imaging; I find them to if you have no option but to place
els; they do well with rock and dance ting a starter studio hear real be an extreme bargain for what they your monitors in corner positions or
music when cranked up loud (if not bass without a subwoofer; a cheap providing what Id categorize as a subwoofer, especially those work- provide the listener at under $500 per too close to a wall. This takes the form
too loud, as discussed above), but the sub is way worse than no sub, and standard two-way powered monitor ing on bass-heavy material, I found pair. of a second-order low-shelving filter
forward midrange did lead to some for a less-than-optimal room and/ with midfield performance in a rela- the E8 to provide notable low-end PreSonus may have just entered
very complex rock mixes sounding or an engineer whos inexperienced tively compact cabinet. response sans subfull and detailed, the studio monitor market, but its
clutteredespecially stuff that relied at dialing in a sub properly, a pair of The E8 features an 8-inch Kevlar LF yet punchy. The adjustable HF and doing it with the style and grace of The Jive on the Five
a lot on layered loops for its structure. speakers that can deliver the lows on driver, 1.25-inch silk dome tweeter, MF parameters are especially help- a veteran. If I needed an eight-inch If youve put all that effort into design-
Acoustic jazz and country were a their own will win every time. 140W of bi-amped power, and RCA, ful; considering their lower price powered monitor, Id be quite happy ing a monitor, you might as well make
delight, with fingerstyle guitar, hand Hail Eris! -inch TRS and XLR input options. point, these monitors will likely find with the Eris E8and even happier different-sized versions of it and in this
percussion, mandolin, violin, and Notably, the Eris Series provides themselves in minimally (or non-) with the money I saved. case PreSonus have also released the
Lets talk price. The E5 costs a bit E5 (129 each), which comes equipped
brush-style drumming standing out comprehensive frequency-based
more per pair than a set of cheap-ass with all of the same rear panel inputs and
sweet and clear.
desktop computer speakers and a tone-tweaking possibilities as its larger
Could I mix on these speakers?
thumpy little one-note sub, but for

Absolutely. And if I was primarily sibling but has a smaller footprint.
your money you get monitors you At 178 x 260 x 195 mm and weighing
an acoustic recording engineer who July 2013
can actually use for real engineering. in at just over ten pounds (4.63kg), the
worked with small groups, I would
The E8 is even more of a no-brainer: E5 will suit smaller studio spaces and
appreciate the privilege. Its true that
it basically allows recording musi- PreSonus Eris E8 & E5 monitors their entry level powered monitor for could be ideally placed on a desktop next
for larger rooms, and/or for heavy to your computer. A 5.25-inch LF driver
cians who want proper full-range home and project studios, available
rock or electronic music with more
studio monitors, but dont yet have PreSonus first studio monitors driven by a 45W amp and a 1-inch tweet-
in two versions, the E8 and the small-
bass, there might be better choices
the budget for high-end products, have plenty of added ingredients. er with a 35W amp is quoted as putting
er E5. We are taking a look at the E8
out therewhich leads me to...
to get into the game without hurting Trevor Curwen checks out the E out a 102 dB SPL peak sound level and
but have also checked out the E5 (see
Listening to the E8 themselves. numbers. its true that these can push out quite a
The Jive on the Five at right). lot of volume if you want them to.
Our listening setup for the E8 was on Later this year, PreSonus will ship PreSonus have been known for The E8 is quite a large nearfield The overall sound character is pretty
speaker stands well away from walls the Sceptre monitors, DSP-assisted their mixers, audio interfaces and monitor. Nice-looking in an under-
and corners in a well-treated room; we much the same as the E8 although, as
coaxial designs. Well be very curious even monitor controllers but sur- stated way, the cabinet is vinyl-lam-
werent expecting to need any of the might be expected from a quoted
to give them a try when theyre ready, prisingly monitors have not been in inated MDF, all in black but with a frequency response of 53Hz to 22kHz,
rear-panel acoustic tweaks, and quick but in the meantime, the Eris speak- their roster. Thats all changed now
tests confirmed that fact. As with the touch of blue in the woven pattern of the bottom end is much lighter. That
ers make for a very auspicious debut. as the Louisiana-based company the Low Frequency drivers cone and being said, once you get familiar with the
E5, we ended up doing all of our listen-
They bring honest-to-gosh studio unveiled two distinct new studio with a PreSonus waveform logo that E5s, theres enough there to give you a
ing with all rear-panel controls set flat.
monitoring into the price range of monitor ranges at the NAMM show lights up blue when you turn on the reasonable indication of whats going on
The highs and mids on the E8
just about any studio, and they do it back in January. One of those was power. for some types of music but if you are
were very similar to the E5; vocals making bass-heavy dance music, youll
with class. the Sceptre, a high-tech offering As is the norm for two-way studio
and midrange instruments tended probably want to check your mixes on a
that combines a coaxial design with monitors, the E8 is bi-amped. The
to be very far forward, and there was bigger system.
heavy-duty DSP. The other is the Eris, 8-inch Kevlar low-frequency trans-
that can cut the level of frequencies to compensate for room conditions, E5 translates very true in sound
below 800Hz by either 2dB or 4dB.
The rest of the controls, which
PreSonus call the Acoustic Tuning
although wed have preferred switch-
ing rather than a small rotary control
to keep left and right consistent.
colours and contours.
The E5 also has built-in current
output limiting and over-tempera-
controls, enable you to tweak the
Overall, the E5s pack a punch,
PreSonus propose that use of the Mid ture protection to avoid heat-related
response to your taste or to emulate the control can emulate other speaker issues and also prevent any damage
sounds of different types of speaker.
yet have subtle qualities akin
systems. They say that turning it from a short circuit. There is also a
The High control is a high-frequency
down will emulate the smiley face current output limiting and subson-

to those of more expensive

shelving filter that offers up to 6dB of
boost or cut for all frequencies above
curve of a car stereo while turning ic protection to filter out extremely
it up (in combination with the low low-frequency vibrations that could
offerings. The depth of control
4.5 kHz, while the Mid control is a
mid-frequency peak filter that boosts or Cutoff switch) will emulate a cheap interfere with the woofers perfor-
portable radio. Its an unusual feature mance. Another feature to mention is
allows the Eris E5 to act as a
cuts frequencies centred on 1 kHz with
a bandwidth from an octave above to to add to a studio monitor and its that the power amplifiers have a soft

monitor chameleon.
an octave below. PreSonus own choice probably no bad thing to have an startup so that you dont get any
is a flat setting for both, so the rotary extra tool in the box... as long as you damaging pops in the speakers when
knobs for each are detented at OdB. remember to reset it. The thing about you power them up.
If you want to tweak the bottom inputs. When both balanced connec- you also really want to get referenc-
having your own set of studio mon- Overall, the E5s pack a punch, yet
end you get the Low Cutoff three- tions are in use, the TRS input will es from multiple sources - laptop
itors is familiarity, letting you make have subtle qualities akin to those of
way switch, which offers, besides a supersede the XLR input. The RCA speakers, car speakers, etc. I found it
sound mixing decisions based on the more expensive offerings. The depth
flat response, a low frequency roll off input is summed into the signal path. quite convenient simply dialing those
consistency of your listening experi- of control allows the E5 to act as a
at a slope of -12 dB/octave below a So what is it that makes the E5 a good tones up through one set of monitors
frequency of either 80Hz or 100Hz
ence. The E8 will let you do that but monitor chameleon. All monitors
PreSonus Eris E5 Studio Monitors monitor? Actually, what makes any like the E5s. These varied EQ settings
useful if you want to add a subwoofer to wed just set the EQ flat or tweak it to serve a purpose, especially if you
monitor good or bad? My philosophy not only give you a flat/linear sound,
the system. taste, leave it and get used to it. By Paul Lau learn how they operate. I mix to
is that most monitors intrinsically but can also give a more boomy,
God, planet or dog? The PreSonus Eris monitors are part sound good and the PreSonus Eris
WB E8s or a dirty limerick? serve a purpose; the question lies much rounder response, too. You can
of a new initiative for a company gen- E5s make me sound great.
Listening to a variety of com- OK, so we looked up what Eris with the listener and whether or not also detail with the bass control if you
meant. There are a couple of things, erally known for its stellar hardware
mercially released tracks, mixes in youve learned what your monitors are using a subwoofer.
progress and individual instruments one being the Greek goddess of interfaces. I was pleasantly surprised
when I got the call to review these
sound like in reference to other play- The E5 also has a three-position BONEDO.DE
through the E8 the impression was chaos, strife and discord, which back sources. Acoustic Space switch. This switch
doesnt sound quite right for a studio new near field monitors. I have been September 2013
that here is a speaker that could easily Many monitors on the market controls a second order for frequency
monitor, although it is designed to on the tail end of finishing a film By Felix Klostermann
take care of all recording and mixing are celebrated for a very particular control. The low shelving filter cuts
help you transmute the chaos and score and mixing and mastering a (translated from German)
possibilities if it was the sole monitor sound, but the E5 can easily be set the levels below 800 Hz by a specified
discord of an unmixed track into a separate album, so test-driving these The PreSonus Eris 5 and 8 are quality
in a small studio. Clarity is good and up to have different sound charac- amount (-2 or -4dB) to compensate
thing of beau- monitors with my PreSonus Studio- made, well-equipped and good
teristics thanks to its selection of for the boundary bass boost that
a monitor that should fit ty. Then theres Live was certainly an appealing idea. natured active speakers for near field.
controls. The first control is the input occurs when the monitor is placed
Eris, the most So what are these Eris E5s? They The fairly linear tuning of the boxes
tidily into most rooms and
gain stage, which allows you to set near a wall or corner. Hence, you can
massive known are billed as individually powered allows an amazingly balanced and
the signal level and, in that, set a control the bass response relative to
will let you hear the detail dwarf planet in high definition active studio mon- transparent sound reproduction, and
clean signal level. You have to be able the proximity of your speakers to a
the Solar System. itors, weigh in at about 10 lbs, and for a very attractive price.
in your mixes.
to produce a natural, non-distorted nearby wall. The E5s are also light-
Massive dwarf? definitely have a bit of a kick with a
sound between different frequencies weight and can be used in various
5.25-in. Kevlar low-frequency driver
Big sound from a
little speaker, perhaps? Or maybe the and 45 W Class AB amp. They also
at different volumes. The E5 sounds
very clean and generally round to me.
situations and locations. The controls
allow you to give a great sounding
the overall balance of frequencies is
designer named it after his dog... have a 1-in. silk dome tweeter pow-
one that you can work with, the top Next, the E5 provides three EQ playback in just about any situation. SEPTEMBER 2013
Our view favours the first two ered by a 35 W Class AB amp. Their
end coming through prominently controls in its Acoustic Tuning sec- On my
peak is at 102 dB SPL with a frequen- By Phil Moffa
and clearly revealing the detail, while over the latter. The Eris E8s are no tion: high, mid, and low cutoff. With own proj-
dogs, wed be very happy to use cy response from 53 Hz-22 kHz. [Eris monitors] definitely sound
the bottom end is tight and focussed these controls, you can adjust the ects, I have
All of the speakers in the Eris series comparable to or better than other
and extends down far enough to them to mix our tracks and yes they settings into different frequencies been using
have front-ported enclosures made speakers in their class and also have
allow you to make those important can sound quite massive for such and produce different characteristics the E5s and plenty of useful features. Being able
a compact cabinet. What you are of vinyl-laminated, medium-density
mix decisions. for playback. A simple example is to then refer- to tune them is a huge plus, and
getting here is a monitor that should fiberboard, which also helps with
As for the Acoustic Tuning controls, make the monitors sound really flat encing back theyre equipped to be connected to
fit tidily into most rooms and will let proximity to walls.
the flat sound worked just fine for us, easy enough to do with the E5 to over to larger pretty much any setupThese are
you hear the detail in your mixes. At The E5s welcome three types of certainly worthy of consideration for
but we could appreciate how a small give a trueness of sound, say for the boxes and
a street price of around 400 a pair it inputs: balanced XLR, balanced -in. anyone on a budget.
cut or boost of the High control might mixing process. its impres-
has quite a lot of competition, but is a TRS, and unbalanced RCA line-level
appeal to some tastes or be useful In mixing and mastering sessions, sive how the
valid choice in that price range.
Eris. Affordable studio monitors
that dont treat you like a kid.


you match Eris to a
subwoofer without
optimizes signal
to noise ratio
MID frequency
variable 6 dB
HIGH frequency
variable 6 dB
H eres a dirty little secret:
Most monitors in Eris price range
are designed so that they sound
(including iTunes and CDs), not just
in your control room.
Eris monitors pack long-throw
Kevlar K100 low-frequency trans-
ducers and low-mass, silk dome,
screwing up the bass. impressive in the store lots of high-frequency transducers with
bonky bass and tizzy treble but separate, butt-kicking Class A/B
3-position ACOUSTIC
SPACE switch lets they arent accurate when youre try- amps for each.
you control Eris bass Above all, Eris are musical, pow-
output. Which setting ing to do a s erious mix in your studio.
you should choose Eris E5 and E8 are true pro mon- erful, and excruciatingly a ccurate.
depends on whether
youre placing your itors with the precise back-panel Get the whole story of Eris on our
speakers in corners, Web site. Or ask the PreSonus dealer
or on each side of a acoustic-tuning tools you need to
video monitor but tailor their sound to your room en- where you got this brochure for
close to the back wall,
or farther out toward vironment and musical genre. Youll an earfull of Eris.
the middle of your
control room. end up with mixes that sound good

available from:

Baton Rouge USA

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