Allama Iqbal

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Allama Iqbal is our national poet and a hero. He was born on 9th November at Sialkot, in 1877.

His parents Noor Muhammad and Imam Bibi were pious and religious persons. He passed his
B.A exam from Government College, Lahore in 1897 and then M.A in philosophy in 1899. He
took his Doctorate Degree from Munich (Germany). He returned back to his home after
completing law degree from London in 1908.
He was a great and famous poet of subcontinent. He had written poetry both in Urdu and Persian.
Paigham-e-Mashriq, Javed Nama, Bange-e-Dira, Bal-e-Jibrael and Zarb-e-Kaleem are among his
great collections. Allama Iqbal was a great mystic and a sufi poet. He lived a very simple and
contented life. His poetry is full of wisdom and humanity. He said

He also said once

He was very conscious about miserable condition of the Indian Muslims. He always tried to
wake Muslim from their sleep of ignorance through his poetry and lectures. He said .

He also played a vital role in politics of subcontinent. It was Allama Iqbal who for the first time
presented the idea of separate Home-Land (Pakistan) for the Indian Muslims. He was the
originator of the two-nations theory. He was not only a poet and great thinker, but also a great
moralist, a reformer and an educationist.

Iqbal breathed his last on 21st April, 1938 and is buried in the compound of grand Badshahi
Mosque, Lahore. He will always remain alive in our hearts for his great work for the nation.

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