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''an unelected, interim government led by Wickramsinghe continues in

office making appointments and policy decisions inimical to all the

Worldwide Governance Indicators..... Yet, there is hardly a word about the
massive allegations against the current regime ...'' - Asoka
Bandaarage(retired academic), 17 April 2015,

''Until our circumstances radically change with the emergence of political

leaders guided by ethics and not by self-interest, it will not be possible for
us to come into an era of civility in politics.'' - The Inevitability of the
Banana Republic, Prof Sasanka Perera(Prof of Sociology,), 29 August 2015,

''Both the current President and the current Government were clearly
elected to clean out the Augean Stables that passes for governance in
Sri Lanka. Neither of them appear to have the will to do so and we are
entitled to ask, WHY have you chosen this path?'' - There IS A Difference
Between Due Process Of Law & Dereliction Of Duty, Emil van der
Poorten(social activist), 6 September 2015,

''My reality check does not offer any reason for those committed to the
theme of this seminar to be jubilant. Nor is it a reason to be complacent.
Their efforts need to be redoubled. Their short term efforts should be
aimed at re-energizing the political leadership of this government to
revisit their reform promises made early last year, to re-commit
themselves to that reform agenda, to critically review the progress
achieved and setbacks suffered so far, and begin a course correction
initiative and then work hard to fulfill a promise that has a truly historical
significance.'' .'' - Post-War Reconciliation in Sri Lanka:- A Reality Check,
Prof Jayadeva Uyangoda(recently retired Prof of Political Science,
University of Colombo), 15 July 2016,

''Even if our current government doesnt have time to clean the entirety of
the Augean stables, and God knows they havent helped that endeavour
with their monumental procrastination, they can, at least, make a start on
that Herculean task even at this late date'' - Good Governance: Matters of
Urgency, Emil van der oorten, 9 October 2016,

''A particular segment of the country was decisively committed to defeat

the Rajapaksa regime and replace it with the present regime of Good
Governance. This segment was motivated not by party politics or personal
gain, but by genuine concern for the common good of the country, and
threw their full weight into it. Nevertheless, the members of this social
segment are now rather puzzled to witness the present course of the
Good Governance regime. They are in a state of confusion and
disappointment and wonder whether they have been cheated by the two
leaders of the Good Governance regime. In terms of political
consciousness, this segment of people can be described as the most
advanced, informed section of Sri Lankas social hierarchy. If this segment
is discouraged and become apathetic, invariably, it might have an adverse
impact not only on the present, but also on the future of the
country. ..........................'' - Victor Ivan(political analyst),
17 Nov 2016,

''..... National Unity Government was elected on a liberal platform that

promised political, economic and social reforms. That platform has yet to
be implemented. Indeed, it is being jeopardised by the combined action
and inaction of those in power. ......'' - Ten Years: On populism and
counterfeit democracy, Jayantha Dhanapala (former UN Under-Secretary
General for Disarmament), 2 December 2016,

''Regimes come and go; but democratic defences should stay strong in
order to protect the kind of political goals that are worth fighting for.'' -
*Yahapalanaya in Sri Lanka: Remains of the Day, Prof Jayadeva Uyangoda,
5 December 2016,
sri-lanka-remains-of-the-day/ (*Yahapalanaya is Sinhalese term for Good

''. .......The current Sri Lankan politicians have to learn from our own
history and of others to facilitate a balance between the tension of order
and democracy. It requires leaders to take an honest account of their own
deep and meaningful purpose of what they are in place to do to lead and
to serve based on very basic human Values. ....... This is a tribute to the
courage and the conviction of the people who operated the Groundviews
platform even under dire circumstance and duress in the last ten years,
which gave many of us the trust that real change is possible. Let us
continue to exercise that right to hold our political leaders accountable to
we the people.'' - Emotional People and Emotional Nations, Lalith
Gunaratne, 26/12/2016,

''This is literally a reflection tempered by hope, frustration and anger

enmeshed in a pervasive sense of anxiety, which seems to suggest that
grand dreams in our land have very little capacity for realization.'' - The
curse of the obstinate patriarch, 06.01.2017, Prof Sasanka Perera,
''.................. If Mahinda Rajapaksas New Year wish comes true, it will
happen not because of his virtues, but because of the weaknesses and
failures of his two main opponents.'' - Tisaranee Gunasekara, 8 Jan 2017,

''If Sirisena were to unequivoc Kumaratunga ally reiterate his commitment

to abolish the executive presidency, uncertainty around constitution
making will vanish. Come on Mr President, whats holding you back?'' -
Many Irons in The Fire; President Sirisena Is The Enigma, Kumar
David(retired academic and social activist), 29 Jan 2017,

''........................... The next few months will be a crucial test of whether

Sirisena and Wickremesinghe are serious about their reform and
reconciliation promises. If so, they will need to put party interests at least
partly to the side and take the political risks needed to persuade their
parliamentarians and the Sinhala public to make the changes that can
finally put Sri Lanka on the path to a just and lasting peace.'' - Sri Lanka's
Transition to Nowhere, Alan Keenan, Sri Lanka analyst for International
Crisis Grou, 30 Jan 2017,

''This is an open letter submission to the leaders of National Movement for

Social Justice (NMSJ) initiated by late Most Reverend Maduluwawe
Sobhitha, Purawesi Balaya and Federation of University Teachers
Association (FUTA), who were the shining stars that organized a collective,
that became a peoples movement and gave rise to the power booster
force behind the Yahapanaya commitment based political movement,
which managed to achieve a regime change in 2015, previously thought
impossible by most citizens.

............ The NMSJ, Purawesi BALAYA and FUTA will need to retrace the
path and build again, a strong civil society collective led (facilitated by a
network alliance with the traditional media and social media and
establishing effective communication platform), Peoples Movement to
enforce the Social Contract.'' - Yahaplana Catalysts Must Not Betray
Peoples Movement, Chandra Jayaratne, 1 February 2017,
not-betray-peoples-movement/............ The NMSJ, Purawesi BALAYA and
FUTA will need to retrace the path and build again, a strong civil society
collective led (facilitated by a network alliance with the traditional media
and social media and establishing effective communication platform),
Peoples Movement to enforce the Social Contract.'' - Yahaplana Catalysts
Must Not Betray Peoples Movement, Chandra Jayaratne, 1 February 2017,
''Former President Chandrika Kumaratunga, who is also the head of the
Office for the National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR) said that what is
urgent now is to bring in a new Constitution and to establish the Office of
the Missing Persons, and therefore due to these initiatives there wont be
a necessity to have courts to probe war crimes'' - CBK Drops Bombshell,
Says No Need For War Crimes Probe, 2 February 2017,

''......... The law setting up this mechanism(re MIssing Persons) was passed
last year in Parliament but has yet to be gazetted. This is reported to be
on account of resistance to it by the defence authorities who fear that it
will be used against them in war crimes trials'' - Constitutional Reform to
the Fore Again, Jehan Perera(Chairman, National Peace Council of Sri
Lanka), 6 Feb 2017,

The Good Governance Government should not ignore Sri Lankas slipping
down on the World Rule of Law Index , 6 Feb 2017,

Sri Lanka to ask UN for More Time To Probe War Crimes, 8 Feb 2017,

Constitutional tensions and Mixed Messages, 11 Feb 2017,

Britain to sponsor resolution on SriLanka, 14 Feb 2017,

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