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Review Article

Medical Progress dilated airways alone and is sometimes seen as a re-

sidual effect of pneumonia; varicose bronchiectasis
(so named because its appearance is similar to that
of varicose veins) is characterized by focal constric-
B RONCHIECTASIS tive areas along the dilated airways that result from
defects in the bronchial wall; and saccular or cystic
ALAN F. BARKER, M.D. bronchiectasis is characterized by progressive dilata-
tion of the airways, which end in large cysts, saccules,
or grape-like clusters (this finding is always indica-
This affection of the bronchia is always produced by tive of the most severe form of bronchiectasis).2
chronic catarrh, or by some other disease attended by The prevalence of bronchiectasis in the United
long, violent, and often repeated fits of coughing. States and worldwide is unknown. There are reports
R.T.H. Lannec1 of high prevalence in relatively isolated populations
with poor access to health care and high rates of res-
piratory tract infections during childhood, such as

RONCHIECTASIS is an uncommon disease
with the potential to cause devastating illness, Alaskan Natives in the YukonKuskokwim Delta.3
including repeated respiratory infections requir- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
ing antibiotics, disabling productive cough, shortness
of breath, and occasional hemoptysis. Landmarks in Bronchiectasis is primarily a disease of the bronchi
the history of bronchiectasis include the vivid descrip- and bronchioles involving a vicious circle of trans-
tions of patients with suppurative phlegm that ap- mural infection and inflammation with mediator re-
peared in the writings of Ren Thophile Hyacinthe lease.4 Illness is related to retained inflammatory secre-
Lannec in the early 19th century; the 1922 introduc- tions and microbes that cause obstruction and damage
tion by Jean Athanase Sicard of contrast bronchogra- of the airway and recurrent infection. Although there
phy, which permitted the precise imaging of the de- are no studies of patients in the very early stages of
structive changes in the airway; the defining studies bronchiectasis, findings in patients with proven bron-
by Lynne Reid in the 1950s linking bronchography chiectasis give credence to the importance of en-
with pathological specimens; and the subsequent hanced cellular and mediator responses: bronchial mu-
decline in prevalence that is probably attributable to cosal biopsies reveal infiltration by neutrophils and
effective antituberculous therapy and immunization T lymphocytes5; expectorated sputum has increased
against pertussis and measles. In this article, I discuss concentrations of elastase6 and the chemoattractants
recent developments, including the compounding interleukin-8,7 tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a),8 and
roles of infections, amplified inflammatory respons- prostanoids.9
es, and defects in host defense; the replacement of FOCAL AND DIFFUSE PRESENTATIONS
bronchography by high-resolution computed tomog-
raphy (CT) as a definitive imaging tool; and the sim- Bronchiectasis can present in either of two forms
ilarities and differences between bronchiectasis and a local or focal obstructive process of a lobe or
cystic fibrosis in terms of clinical features and man- segment of a lung or a diffuse process involving
agement strategies. much of both lungs and often accompanied by other
Thanks to the work of Reid, the definition of the sinopulmonary diseases, such as sinusitis and asthma.
disease has remained morphologic for 50 years: Three types of focal airway obstruction may lead to
bronchiectasis is the permanent dilatation of bron- bronchiectasis. One type is luminal blockage by a
chi.2 It can be categorized according to the patho- foreign body,10 broncholith, or slowly growing tumor
logical or radiographic appearance of airways. Cylin- that is usually benign. A second type of obstruction
drical or tubular bronchiectasis is characterized by is extrinsic narrowing due to enlarged lymph nodes.
The best example is the middle lobe syndrome, which
involves a small angulated orifice surrounded by a
From the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division, Department of Medi- collar of lymph nodes that may enlarge and encroach
cine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland. Address reprint re- on the main airway after infection with granuloma-
quests to Dr. Barker at the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division, Depart-
ment of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR tous diseases due to mycobacteria or fungi.11 A third
97201, or at type of obstruction is twisting or displacement of

N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 18 May 2, 2002 1383

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the airways after a lobar resection (for example, the

occasional cephalad displacement of a lower lobe af- TABLE 1. CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH BRONCHIECTASIS.
ter surgery for the resection of the upper lobe). Re-
Postinfectious conditions
current or persistent lobar pneumonia is a key dis- Bacteria (pseudomonas, haemophilus)
tinguishing feature of the first two types of focal Mycobacterium tuberculosis
bronchiectasis and is important to recognize, since Aspergillus species
Virus (adenovirus, measles virus, influenzavirus, human immuno-
interventional bronchoscopy12 or surgery may offer deficiency virus)
palliation and sometimes cure. Congenital conditions
Most reports of diffuse bronchiectasis and associat- Primary ciliary dyskinesia
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency
ed systemic conditions are case reports and have been Cystic fibrosis
previously reviewed.13 Some of the potential defects Tracheobronchomegaly (MounierKuhn syndrome)
Cartilage deficiency (WilliamsCampbell syndrome)
or insults that allow bronchiectasis to develop are Pulmonary sequestration
summarized in Table 1. Recognition of the causes dis- Marfans syndrome
cussed below may lead to a specific management Immunodeficiency
strategy or a better understanding of the disease proc- Hypogammaglobulinemia
ess and prognosis. Secondary
Caused by cancer (chronic lymphatic leukemia), chemotherapy, or
CAUSES immune modulation (after transplantation)
Sequelae of toxic inhalation or aspiration
Infections Chlorine
Overdose (heroin)
Effective childhood immunization strategies have Foreign body
led to a marked reduction in the incidence of bron- Rheumatic conditions
Rheumatoid arthritis
chiectasis caused by pertussis or whooping cough. Systemic lupus erythematosus
Other childhood respiratory tract infections may con- Sjgrens syndrome
Relapsing polychondritis
tribute to permanent airway damage.14 The presence of Other
Staphylococcus aureus is associated with cystic fibrosis Inflammatory bowel disease (chronic ulcerative colitis or Crohns
or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.15,16 disease)
Youngs syndrome (secondary ciliary dyskinesia)
Primary Mycobacterium avium complex infection Yellow nail syndrome (yellow nails and lymphedema)
has been recognized particularly in white women
over 60 years of age. Chronic, unrelenting cough
and middle-lobe involvement are clues to this diag-
nosis.17,18 With increasing recognition of this syn-
drome, a genetic basis has been investigated. In four
children with disseminated atypical mycobacterial in-
fection, a mutation in the gene for interferon-g recep-
tor 1 has been identified that produces a defect in the ficiency syndrome, given their repeated respiratory
up-regulation of TNF-a by macrophages.19 This ab- tract infections and impaired host response. Most of
normality was not found in a population of elderly these patients have low CD4 cell counts; previous pyo-
women with M. avium complex infection, but the genic, pneumocystic, and mycobacterial infections;
possibility remains that such patients have a defect in and (if they are children) lymphocytic interstitial
the processing of intracellular pathogens such as pneumonia.24-26
M. avium complex.20
Aspergillus fumigatus is often a commensal organ- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
ism. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is a con- Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a prototypical exam-
dition affecting patients with asthma and involving ple of a condition in which poorly functioning cilia
airway damage caused by multiple factors. Bronchi- contribute to the retaining of secretions and recur-
ectasis in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary rent infections that, in turn, lead to bronchiectasis.
aspergillosis is due to an immune reaction to as- Primary ciliary dyskinesia is inherited as an autosomal
pergillus, the actions of mycotoxins, elastase, and in- recessive syndrome with variable penetrance. The es-
terleukin-4 and interleukin-5, and in later stages, the timated frequency at birth is 1 in 15,000 to 1 in
direct invasion of the airways by the fungus.21,22 A 40,000. The chief ciliary defect in patients with this
recent report demonstrating improvement in pul- syndrome is an absence or shortening of the dynein
monary function and reduced use of corticosteroids arms that are responsible for the coordinated bend-
after itraconazole therapy suggests that the aspergil- ing of the axon. Approximately half of patients with
lus organism may also have an infectious role.23 primary ciliary dyskinesia have Kartageners syndrome
It is not surprising that bronchiectasis has been (bronchiectasis, sinusitis, and situs inversus or partial
described in patients with the acquired immunode- lateralizing abnormality).27,28 Ciliary motility is direct-

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Copyright 2002 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

ed by a peptide whose gene expression was recently as 30 percent.44,45 During a five-year follow-up peri-
identified.29 With a candidate-gene approach (com- od, patients with bronchiectasis and rheumatoid ar-
parison with a unicellular alga with flagella that are thritis were five times as likely to die as patients with
similar to human cilia), mutations in the sequence of rheumatoid arthritis alone. Most deaths were due to
DNA encoding a dynein axon have been identified respiratory complications.46
as unique to patients with primary ciliary dyskine-
sia.30 Mapping of homozygosity in a consanguineous Inflammatory Bowel Disease
family with primary ciliary dyskinesia resulted in the Repeated respiratory tract infections and bron-
identification of chromosome 5p15p14 as a locus chiectasis have been noted in patients with inflamma-
for a gene of interest in this region, DNA H5, that tory bowel disease, most often in those with chronic
codes for the heavy chain in a dynein arm.31 ulcerative colitis.47-49 Postulated links include the infil-
tration of the airway by immune effector cells such as
Immunodeficiency lymphocytes,50 enhanced autoimmune activity as part
Persons with humoral immunodeficiency syn- of the underlying disease, and complications of im-
dromes involving deficiencies of IgG, IgM, and IgA mune-modulating therapies. Bowel resection does not
are at risk for recurrent suppurative sinopulmonary palliate the respiratory symptoms and may even aggra-
infections and bronchiectasis.32 Immune globulin re- vate the bronchiectasis. Bronchodilators and inhaled
placement reduces the frequency of infectious epi- corticosteroid medications may reduce symptoms.47
sodes and prevents further destruction of the air-
ways.33,34 In rare cases, recurrent respiratory infections SYMPTOMS AND PHYSICAL FINDINGS
and airway damage develop in patients with selective Virtually all patients with bronchiectasis have cough
deficiencies of IgA or IgM. The role of IgG subclass and chronic sputum production. The sputum is var-
deficiency in patients with near-normal levels of total iously described as mucoid, mucopurulent, thick, te-
IgG is controversial, because testing is not standard- nacious, or viscous (viscid). Blood-streaked sputum
ized, the normal ranges are variable, and levels are or copious hemoptysis may also result from erosive
lower in toddlers and increase with age.35,36 Before airway damage caused by an acute infection. Dysp-
immune globulin replacement is considered for pa- nea and wheezing occur in 75 percent of patients.
tients with IgG subclass deficiency, immunization Pleuritic chest pain occurs in 50 percent of patients
with a provocative B-cell antigen such as the Hae- and reflects the presence of distended peripheral air-
mophilus influenzae vaccine37 or pneumococcal vac- ways or distal pneumonitis adjacent to a visceral
cine should reveal a reduced antibody response, sug- pleural surface. Adventitious breath sounds on phys-
gesting that the subclass deficiency has a role.38,39 ical examination of the chest, including crackles (in
70 percent of patients), wheezing (in 34 percent),
Cystic Fibrosis and rhonchi (in 44 percent), are clues to the diagno-
The onset in adulthood of repeated respiratory sis. In the past, digital clubbing was a frequent fea-
tract infections in the absence of exocrine pancreatic ture, but a more recent series describes a prevalence
insufficiency is recognized as a presentation of cystic of only 3 percent.51 The major confounding disease
fibrosis.40 Upper-lobe infiltration apparent on imag- is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
ing of the chest and the growth of S. aureus or mu- A comparison of the features of the two conditions
coid Pseudomonas aeruginosa on sputum culture are is presented in Table 2.
clues that cystic fibrosis may be the underlying cause
of illness. Elevated sodium and chloride concentra- DIAGNOSTIC TESTING
tions on sweat chloride testing are diagnostic. Muta- Diagnostic guidelines are outlined in Table 3. Be-
tion of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance cause of its importance in the diagnosis of bron-
regulator, as found in classic cystic fibrosis (F508), is chiectasis, I discuss chest imaging in detail. Ninety
most common, but many other mutations have also percent of chest radiographs are abnormal in patients
been identified near this locus.41 with chronic cough, phlegm, and shortness of breath
who have bronchiectasis. The findings may be non-
Rheumatoid Arthritis specific in that they may include focal pneumonitis,
Bronchiectasis associated with rheumatoid arthri- scattered irregular opacities, linear or plate-like atelec-
tis has been described as preceding the arthritis as tasis, or specifically dilated and thickened airways that
well as occurring during the course of the disease. appear as ring-like shadows (of airways that are seen
At clinics specializing in rheumatoid arthritis, the on end) or tram lines (in the case of airways that are
clinical manifestations of bronchiectasis occur in 1 to perpendicular to the x-ray beam).51
3 percent of patients.42,43 The use of high-resolution High-resolution CT has become the best tool for
CT may reveal a prevalence of bronchiectasis as high diagnosing bronchiectasis, clarifying the findings from

N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 18 May 2, 2002 1385

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Cause Cigarette smoking Infection or genetic or

immune defect
Role of infection Secondary Primary
Predominant organism in sputum Streptococcus pneumoniae, H. influenzae, Pseudomonas
Haemophilus influenzae aeruginosa
Airflow obstruction and hyper- Present Present
Findings on chest imaging Hyperlucency, hyperinflation, Airway dilatation and thick-
airway dilatation ening, mucous plugs
Quality of sputum (in the steady state) Mucoid, clear Purulent, three-layered



Primary Complete and differ- High-resolution Spirometry or bronchodilator test

ential blood count, CT
IgG, IgA, IgM
Secondary Rheumatoid factor; Sinus CT Sputum bacterial, mycobacterial, fun-
IgE, aspergillus pre- gal culture and sensitivity; bron-
cipitins (ABPA); choscopy with mucosal biopsy, cul-
IgG subclasses; tures (for focal obstruction,
alpha1-antitrypsin infection, primary ciliary dyskine-
level sia); sweat chloride test analysis (for
cystic fibrosis)

*The causes for suspicion of bronchiectasis are chronic cough, daily production of mucopurulent
sputum, and persistent focal infiltrate on radiography. CT denotes computed tomography, and ABPA
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.

chest radiography, and mapping airway abnormali- end of a bronchus (Fig. 1D). The bullae found in pa-
ties that cannot be seen on plain films of the chest.52 tients with emphysema have thinner walls and are
The appropriate high-resolution CT study is a non- away from an airway. Nonspecific findings include
contrast study with the use of 1.0-to-1.5-mm window consolidation or infiltration of a lobe with dilatation
every 1 cm with acquisition times of one second, re- of the airways, thickening of the bronchial walls, mu-
constructed with the use of a high-spatial-frequency cous plugs, enlarged lymph nodes,58 and a reduction
algorithm during full inspiration.53 Spiral CT may in vascular markings similar to that seen in emphy-
elucidate additional subtle changes, because it reduces sema, probably as a result of the inflammatory de-
motion artifact, but it requires a larger dose of radi- struction of smaller airways and vessels.59
ation.54 Specific abnormalities found on high-resolu- Cystic fibrosis and allergic bronchopulmonary as-
tion CT include dilatation of an airway lumen (Fig. pergillosis involve an upper-lobe distribution, and
1A), rendering it more than 1.5 times as wide as a M. avium complex infection (Fig. 1E) often involves
nearby vessel55; lack of tapering of an airway toward the middle lobe or lingula.60 Bronchiectasis, by con-
the periphery (Fig. 1B)56,57; varicose constrictions trast, most commonly affects the lower lobe (Fig. 2).
along airways (Fig. 1C); and ballooned cysts at the With the use of high-resolution CT, dilated airways

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Figure 1. High-Resolution Computed Tomographic Images of
Lungs with Bronchiectasis.
Panel A shows dilated and thickened airways (arrow); Panel B
shows airways that do not taper (arrows) toward the periphery
in a patient with Kartageners syndrome; Panel C shows varicose
changes (dilated and beaded airways [arrows]); Panel D shows
clustered cysts or saccules (arrow) as well as a peripheral infil-
trate; Panel E shows middle-lobe bronchiectasis (arrows) in a pa-
tient with Mycobacterium avium complex infection.

may be seen in other diseases, adding to the confu-

sion regarding the diagnosis of bronchiectasis. Airway
dilatation is associated with asthma,61 chronic bron-
chitis,62 and pulmonary fibrosis (so-called traction
bronchiectasis).63 There is emerging evidence that
the number of abnormal airways found on high-res-
olution CT is correlated with the degree of impair-
ment of pulmonary function.57,64,65

N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 18 May 2, 2002 1387

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Normal lung Bronchiectasis


Figure 2. Normal Lung and Airways (Panel A) and the Lung of a Patient with Bronchiectasis (Panel B).
In Panel B, bronchiectasis is primarily in the lower lobe, which is the most common distribution. The saccular dilatations and grape-
like clusters with pools of mucus are signs of severe bronchiectasis.

PULMONARY FUNCTION agonist,66 and 30 to 69 percent of patients who do

Spirometry often shows a limitation of airflow, not already have a markedly reduced FEV1 have a 20
with a reduced ratio of forced expiratory volume in percent decrease in FEV1 after histamine or metha-
one second (FEV1) to forced vital capacity (FVC), a choline challenge.67,68
normal or slightly reduced FVC, and a reduced FEV1.
A reduced FVC may indicate that airways are blocked MANAGEMENT
by mucus, that they collapse with forced exhalation, The foundations of therapy include identification
or that there is pneumonitis in the lung. Cigarette of acute exacerbations and administration of antibi-
smoking may worsen pulmonary function and accel- otics, suppression of the microbial load, treatment of
erate the obstructive impairment.51 Airway hyperre- underlying conditions, reduction of the excessive in-
sponsiveness can be demonstrated, since 40 percent flammatory response, promotion of bronchial hygiene,
of patients have 15 percent or greater improvement control of bronchial hemorrhage, and surgical re-
in FEV1 after the administration of a beta-adrenergic moval of extremely damaged segments or lobes that

1388 N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 18 May 2, 2002

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may be a nidus for infection or bleeding. The liter-

ature regarding management covers strategies that TABLE 4. SYMPTOMS OF ACUTE EXACERBATION
have been evaluated in patients with cystic fibrosis or
COPD; studies focused on bronchiectasis have in- Change in sputum production
cluded fewer patients, and the results have not been Increased dyspnea
as favorable. Increased cough
Fever (temperature, >38.0C)
Acute Exacerbations or Bronchitis
Increased wheezing
The identification of a respiratory exacerbation is Malaise, fatigue, lethargy, or decreased exercise tolerance
even more complex in patients with bronchiectasis Reduced pulmonary function
than in patients with COPD. In COPD, a worsening Radiographic changes consistent with a new pulmonary
of dyspnea and an increase in the volume and puru-
Changes in chest sounds
lence of sputum are often used as criteria for identi-
fying exacerbations. In patients with chronic bronchi- *In a study by ODonnell et al.,69 a patient with four of
ectasis, sputum is chronically purulent. In the largest these symptoms was defined as having an acute exacerbation.

prospective study of patients with bronchiectasis,69 an

exacerbation was defined as including four of the
nine symptoms listed in Table 4. Early antibiotic ther-
apy for suspected exacerbations in patients with bron- acute exacerbations, although when neutrophils from
chiectasis would probably limit the vicious circle. Rea- patients with bronchiectasis are infected in vitro with
sonable first choices for such therapy include a strains of influenza A (but not when they are infected
fluoroquinolone such as levofloxacin70 or ciprofloxa- with influenza B), there is a reduction in lysozyme
cin. The appropriate duration of therapy has not been release and bactericidal activity. This effect may con-
established, but a minimum of 7 to 10 days is com- tribute to the increased bacterial load and to acute
mon practice. Sputum culture and sensitivity testing exacerbations.74
are indicated in patients who do not have a response Emerging evidence regarding the presence and
to an initial course of antibiotics or have an organ- quantity of bacteria such as P. aeruginosa and H. in-
ism that is known to be resistant. fluenzae suggests that these pathogens stimulate a
neutrophilic and inflammatory mediator response in
Prevention or Suppression of Microbes the airway.75 The presence of P. aeruginosa is associ-
Four centers (in Hong Kong; Tyler, Texas; Barce- ated with increased sputum production, more exten-
lona, Spain; and Cambridge, United Kingdom) with sive bronchiectasis visible on CT,57,76 more hospital-
a specialization in bronchiectasis have examined spu- izations, and reduced quality of life.77,78 Since bacterial
tum or bronchoscopic specimens to isolate the bac- pathogens are thought to have an active destructive
terial flora in patients with steady-state bronchiectasis role, various suppressive antibiotic strategies have been
(no acute exacerbation). The most frequently isolated used. Erythromycin, administered in a dose of 500
potential pathogens were H. influenzae (in 29 to 42 mg twice daily, has been shown in a small eight-week
percent of cases), P. aeruginosa (13 to 31 percent), and pilot study to reduce the volume of sputum and to
Streptococcus pneumoniae (6 to 13 percent).15,51,71,72 improve pulmonary function.79 The fluoroquino-
The dynamics of colonization can be demonstrated lones are the only oral agents that are effective against
by genetic studies of bacteria. Six of 28 patients with P. aeruginosa. Resistance often develops after one or
bronchiectasis from whom cultures were obtained two treatment cycles.80 The administration of aero-
monthly over a period of two years repeatedly tested solized antibiotics is an intriguing alternative that
positive for Branhamella catarrhalis. Analysis of restric- would allow concentrated regional therapy, reduced
tion-fragmentlength polymorphisms after pulsed- systemic absorption and toxic effects, and use of a de-
field gel electrophoresis of DNA from the organisms livery device that is already familiar to many patients
found multiple strains and revealed that each strain with respiratory disease. Two randomized, double-
remained present for a mean of 2.3 months. There blind pilot studies have been reported. In one, 300 mg
was no relation between the changes in strain and ei- of tobramycin was administered by aerosol twice daily
ther the occurrence of exacerbations or the use of for four weeks; treatment reduced sputum pseudomo-
antibiotic therapy. The acquisition and clearance of a nas density by 10,000 colony-forming units per gram
strain is a complex, dynamic process involving host of sputum, whereas there was no reduction with pla-
factors and receptor sites on the organism that may cebo, but there was no change in pulmonary func-
help define the ability of an organism to persist or to tion.81 In the other study, 40 mg of aerosolized gen-
damage airways.73 There are no data available to in- tamicin administered twice daily for three days reduced
dicate whether virus infection plays a direct part in the level of neutrophilic enzymes in sputum, sputum

N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 18 May 2, 2002 1389

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production, and the frequency of nocturnal desatu- ging. Acetylcysteine (20 percent solution) delivered
ration; peak expiratory flow was also improved.82 by nebulizer thins secretions, but it is unclear whether
The American Thoracic Society has developed a such therapy improves clinical end points. DNA is a
statement to help guide the management of M. avi- major degradation product of neutrophils and bacte-
um complex infection; it recommends the use of an ria that contributes to viscous secretions. The use of
antibiotic regimen, including azithromycin or clarith- aerosolized recombinant human DNase (rhDNase) in
romycin, rifampin or rifabutin, and ethambutol, until patients with bronchiectasis has been studied in a
the cultures have remained negative for one year.83 In- large, international, randomized, controlled trial. At
spired by a report on the effectiveness of interferon the end of the six-month trial, 173 patients receiving
gamma as an adjunctive treatment for M. avium com- rhDNase had more pulmonary exacerbations and a
plex infection,84 a prospective multicenter study of greater reduction in FEV1 than 176 patients receiv-
aerosolized interferon gamma has been initiated by ing placebo.69 The rhDNase is approved for patients
InterMune Pharmaceuticals (Burlingame, Calif.). with cystic fibrosis but not for those with bron-
Traditional therapy for allergic bronchopulmonary chiectasis.
aspergillosis has involved the augmentation of corti- There have been no long-term studies of aerosol-
costeroid dosing. In a randomized trial (which was ized bronchodilator therapy with beta-adrenergic
double-blind for the first 16 weeks and open-label agonists or anticholinergic medications, but the use
for the second 16 weeks), the addition of itracona- of aerosolized corticosteroids has been studied. In a
zole (200 mg twice daily for the first 16 weeks and double-blind, placebo-controlled, six-week crossover
200 mg once daily for the second 16 weeks) resulted study involving 20 patients, 750 g of beclometha-
in significantly better clinical responses than with sone diproprionate twice daily reduced the mean
placebo (a decrease in the level of total IgE, an in- sputum volume and improved the FEV1.88 In a dou-
crease in exercise tolerance, and an improvement in ble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, four-week
pulmonary function, as well as a decrease in the dose study involving 24 patients, 500 g of fluticasone
of prednisone). The results were more favorable proprionate twice daily reduced sputum leukocyte
among those without bronchiectasis (60 percent of density and the levels of inflammatory mediators (in-
whom had a response) than among those with bron- terleukin-1B, interleukin-8, and leukotriene B4); there
chiectasis (31 percent of whom had a response).23 was no change in pulmonary function.89 There have
been no studies of oral prednisone therapy in patients
Bronchopulmonary Hygiene with bronchiectasis. Oral indomethacin and inhaled
Enhancing the removal of respiratory secretions in indomethacin (which has not been approved by the
patients with bronchiectasis is beneficial.85 In addition Food and Drug Administration) have been shown to
to the control of cough, postural drainage, chest reduce sputum volume and neutrophil mediators.9
physiotherapy, and thinning and loosening of secre-
tions, the administration of a bronchodilator and of Surgery
inhaled corticosteroids has been part of maintenance The role of surgery for bronchiectasis has declined
therapy and treatment for acute exacerbations. but not disappeared. The goals of surgery include the
The action of chest percussion and postural drain- removal of an obstructing tumor or the residue of a
age is analogous to forcefully emptying the last rem- foreign body; the elimination of the segments or
nants from a ketchup bottle. Traditional chest clap- lobes that are the most damaged and that are sus-
ping or cupping has largely been replaced by the use pected of contributing to acute exacerbations, over-
of inflatable vests or mechanical vibrators applied to whelming viscous secretions, mucous impaction, and
the chest. Reclining prone on a bed with the head plugs; the elimination of areas that are subject to un-
down over the side is necessary, but it is difficult or controlled hemorrhage; and the removal of damaged
uncomfortable for many patients. Oral devices that lung suspected of harboring problematic organisms
apply positive end-expiratory pressure maintain the such as multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis 90 or M. avi-
patency of the airway during exhalation and accom- um complex.91 Three surgical centers have described
plish many of the same goals as postural drainage in their experience with such surgery during the past
a shorter time and with less discomfort.86 In spite of decade, with a mean follow-up of four to six years.
decades of experience and many uncontrolled trials, a They have noted improvement in symptoms in more
systematic review (by the methods of the Cochrane than 90 percent of patients, with perioperative mor-
Collaboration) found little justification for chest per- tality of less than 3 percent.92-95 Double-lung trans-
cussion and postural drainage.87 plantation is now considered for patients with cystic
Maintaining adequate systemic hydration, enhanced fibrosis and respiratory failure; it is associated with a
by nebulization with saline, remains a necessity for survival rate of 75 percent at one year and 48 percent
patients with viscous secretions and mucous plug- at five years.96 Patients with other forms of bron-

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chiectasis have also undergone lung transplantation, nation of criteria related to clinical findings, concen-
but separate statistics on outcomes are not available.97 trations of inflammatory airway cells and mediators,
types of microbiologic organisms, and pulmonary
Hemoptysis function, so that treatment strategies may be com-
Life-threatening hemoptysis (of more than 600 ml pared and assessed. Acute exacerbations must be treat-
of blood per day) may occur in patients with bron- ed promptly. Attention to bronchopulmonary hygiene
chiectasis and requires an aggressive, coordinated ap- is probably beneficial but requires confirmatory in-
proach to management. After the airway has been vestigations with useful end points, including spu-
protected by having the patient recline on the side tum volume, pulmonary function, and standardized
where the bleeding is suspected or by endotracheal measures of quality of life.77
intubation, bronchoscopy or CT of the chest98 is war-
ranted to help determine which lobe or side is bleed-
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