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Time and Space Project Description

In this project we are exploring the concepts of space and time. In humanities we read
the book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut to explore time. The book is about a character
named Billy Pilgrim, he is a WW2 survivor who has come unstuck in time. The book goes
through different points in Billy life from the war to his life as an optometrist. Also throughout the
book he get kidnapped by aliens called the Tralfamadorians and he is displayed in their zoo.
During this time he learns about the Tralfamadorians beliefs and how they view life and Billy
takes on those beliefs and whenever something bad happens in his life or he travels through
time he repeats a phrase he learned from them, so it goes. In class we did many socratic
seminars to discuss Slaughterhouse-Five, we discussed what we thought of the book, the
themes that are inside the book and how Kurt Vonnegut tells the story. We did this to deeply
understand the book in ways that we never would have before. In the novella Flatland by Edwin
A. Abbott, that we read in our math class, it tells the story of a completely Flatland and the
journey of one of its inhabitants to a three-dimensional world. The main character is a square
named A-Square. The novella begins with the square explaining the physical laws of flatland
along with the social laws. We read this novella to explore dimensions and space, we
contemplated a fourth dimension and what living in a two dimensional world would really be like.
We also had in class discussions and questions that we did and answered to expand our
knowledge and understand the text. The final goal of this project is to create an immersive
experience that the audience gets to interact with, one inspiration we have is to create
something like MeowWolf.

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