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Special Abilities

Rabble Rouser : +1d Command or Consort when dealing with groups of 10 or more.

Hatemonger: You gain increased potency when stirring up hostility towards outsiders.

Stirring up the Dead : Use Sway and Command normally against ghosts.

Martyr for the cause : When you are on at least 3 levels of harm, all other gang members get + 1
effect when doing something to avenge you or further your goals.

Unyielding: You get special armor vs. effects that try to get you to act against your principles or
beliefs. When you roll a critical while standing up for your beliefs, clear 1 stress

Don't fuck with me: +1d when dealing with someone who has previously broken a deal with you.

One for All: When assisted by at least two other gang members gain +1d

Pay Attention: Spend one stress to get everyone to fall silent and let you talk

Together we stand : When Commanding a cohort they count as one tier higher

Veteran: Choose a special ability from another source

Strange Friends

Belle, a union organiser

Candra, a revolutionary
Narcus, a foreman
Cortland, a gang boss
Ulf, a Skovlander


Political Pamphlets
Fine Working Clothes
Machinery breaking tools
Dose of Bloodneedle
Bottle of Cheap spirits

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