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Research article

Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control

optimization for chamber pressure in a coke furnace$
Jianming Zhang 1
State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Institute of Cyber-Systems & Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An improved proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller based on predictive functional control
Received 19 August 2016 (PFC) is proposed and tested on the chamber pressure in an industrial coke furnace. The proposed design
Received in revised form is motivated by the fact that PID controllers for industrial processes with time delay may not achieve the
31 October 2016
desired control performance because of the unavoidable model/plant mismatches, while model pre-
Accepted 15 November 2016
dictive control (MPC) is suitable for such situations. In this paper, PID control and PFC algorithm are
combined to form a new PID controller that has the basic characteristic of PFC algorithm and at the same
Keywords: time, the simple structure of traditional PID controller. The proposed controller was tested in terms of
PID control set-point tracking and disturbance rejection, where the obtained results showed that the proposed
Predictive functional control
controller had the better ensemble performance compared with traditional PID controllers.
time delay processes
& 2016 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ensemble performance

1. Introduction parameters tuning method for rst-order plus dead time pro-
cesses (FOPDT) [11]. Later, internal model control based PID
Coke furnace plays an important role in the petroleum re- tuning method was proposed to improve the dynamic re-
ning industry by providing different oil products for in- sponses of the closed-loop system [12]. Nowadays, substantial
dustrial needs [14]. Since the yield, quality and safety of the research results on PID tuning for different process models are
process are associated with proper operation, modeling based available [1317].
control of relevant process variables are very important [5,6]. However, for industrial coke processes with long time delay
However, due to the interactions in the whole coke process and and nonlinearity, the application of the aforementioned traditional
batch operation, accurate modeling may result in complex PID controllers may not achieve the desired effect [1821]. In order
model structure or higher order and poses some complexity for to solve this problem, smith predictor was proposed and known as
the subsequent controller design [7,8]. From control point of an advanced PID control algorithm to deal with the time delay
view, PID controllers are the most common ones with wide- processes [2226]. Unlike PID controllers, smith predictor converts
the closed-loop system transfer function into a formula in which
spread applications. It is well-known that good performance of
time delay is separated alone, which results in the fact that the
a PID controller depends on the tuning of its parameters,
response curve of the entire closed-loop system is the same as a
therefore, a lot of tuning methods have been proposed. Ziegler
corresponding closed-loop system without time delay. However, it
and Nichols rst proposed the famous tuning guidelines called
is not very easy to enhance process performance with smith pre-
Z-N method and had been referred to numerous times in
dictor due to the fact that accurate process models cannot be ob-
practical applications [9]. In order to compensate for the in-
tained for industrial processes.
sufciency of Z-N method in dealing with time delay processes, With the development of computer control technologies,
Cohen and Coon proposed an improved parameters tuning model predictive control (MPC) was proposed as an effective
approach [10]. Tyreus and Luyben came up with a special advanced algorithm and signicantly researched in handling
chemical processes with time delays, together with the relevant

A novel PID controller optimized by predictive functional control (PFC) is pro- issues of input-output modeling and state space model identi-
posed and tested on chamber pressure in the industrial coke furnace in this paper. cation or estimation [2740]. MPC is successful because it
The resulting controller displays the performance of both PFC and PID control with bears the prediction and an effective feedback correction me-
easy implementation in practice. The performance of the proposed PID controller is chanism in designing a control law, which can consider the
compared with traditional PID controller, from which results show that the pro-
posed PID controller provides better performance than traditional PID controller.
complex process behavior with uncertainties. However, How-
E-mail address: ever, limited by the cost, hardware and so on, the application of
Tel.: +86-571-87952233. MPC is more troublesome than PID, which makes it necessary to
0019-0578/& 2016 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),
2 J. Zhang / ISA Transactions ()

nd a compromise between MPC and PID. Some representative parameters of the PID controller, where the obtained PID con-
strategies are as follows. Xu, Li, and Cai proposed a novel PID troller has the same performance as PFC algorithm and the simple
controller that was optimized by generalized predictive control structure as traditional PID controllers simultaneously.
(GPC) and obtained the similar performance as GPC [41], how- The aforementioned process model can be transformed into a
ever, the resultant PID is obtained through linear approxima- corresponding differenced equation model by adding a zero-order
tion. A novel multivariable predictive fuzzy-PID control system holder at the sample time Ts .
was developed by incorporating the fuzzy and PID control ap-
proaches into the predictive control framework by Savran [42]. ym (k ) = am ym (k 1) + K (1 am ) u (k 1 L ) (2)
Lee and Yeo developed a new PID controller on the basis of
where ym (k ) is the output of the process model at time instant k ,
simplied GPC [43]. Many other advanced control algorithms
am = eTs/ T , u (k 1 L ) is the input of the process model at time
have also been introduced to improve the performance of tra-
instant k 1 L , L is the time delay with L = /Ts .
ditional PID controllers in dealing with time delay processes
Based on Eq. (2) and to obtain the performance of PFC, we need
to construct a process model without time delay, which results in
In this study, a predictive functional control (PFC) algorithm is
used to derive a new PID controller, which has the excellent the following formulation
performance of PFC algorithm and simultaneously, the same ymav (k ) = am ymav (k 1) + K (1 am ) u (k 1) (3)
structure as traditional PID controllers. The chamber pressure in
a coke furnace is considered as a case study, where the well- where ymav (k ) is the output of the process model that is free of
known PID controllers tuned by the Z-N method, T-L method and time delay at time instant k .
IMC method are used for comparison with the proposed PID The output prediction based on Eq. (3) after P steps is
ymav (k + P ) = am P ymav (k ) + K (1 am P ) u (k ) (4)

where ymav (k + P ) is the output prediction of the process model

2. Process model for the chamber pressure and conventional that is free of time delay for time instant k + P made at time in-
PID control strategies stant k , P is the prediction horizon.
Then we need to calculate the corrected process output as
Though industrial processes are generally nonlinear with un- follows
certainties, linear models based on step-response test can gen-
erally grasp the main process characteristics [49,50]. For process ypav (k ) = yp (k ) + ymav (k ) ymav (k L ) (5)
uncertainties, the subsequent controller design and tuning will
where yp (k ) is the actual output of the process at time instant k ,
play an important role. For simplicity and in accordance with the
chamber pressure control case study later in this article, we ypav (k ) is the corrected output of the process at time instant k .
choose the FOPDT model as follows. We choose the reference trajectory yr (k + P ) and the cost
function J1 as
G (s ) =
Ts + 1 (1a) yr (k + P ) = P yp (k ) + (1 P ) c (k )J1
where K is the steady process gain, T is the time constant and is = min (yr (k + P ) ymav (k + P ) e (k ))2
the time delay of the process. e (k ) = ypav (k ) ymav (k ) (6)
In this section, the conventional PID controller tuning methods
used in this paper are introduced as follows. In the following, where is the smoothing factor, c (k ) is the set-point at time
Kp, Ti, Td will be denoted as the proportional coefcient, integral instant k , e (k ) is the error between the corrected output and
time and differential time of the PID controller respectively. the process model that is free of time delay at time instant k .
For the Z-N method, its formulas are Note that the prediction horizon P and the smoothing factor
Kp = 0.6Ku, Ti = 0.5Pu, Td = 0.125Pu (1b) both have the impact on the nal control input calculation,
which are deemed as the tuning parameters. They will be
where Ku, Pu are the critical gain and the cycle of critical oscillation. chosen to result in a stable and acceptable closed-loop control
The T-L method can be described as system.
Kp = Ku/2.2, Ti = 2.2Pu, Td = Pu/6.3 (1c) The PID controller used here is an incremental PID controller as
where Ku is the critical gain. Pu is the cycle of critical oscillation.
The detailed calculation formulas of IMC-PID are as follows. u (k ) = u (k 1) + Kp (k )(e1 (k ) e1 (k 1)) + Ki (k ) e1 (k )

(T + 0.5 ) T + Kd (k )(e1 (k ) 2e1 (k 1) + e1 (k 2))e1 (k ) = c (k ) y (k ) (7)

Kp = , Ti = T + 0.5 , Td =
K ( + 0.5 ) 2T + (1d) where Kp (k ) , Ki (k ) , Kd (k ) are the proportional coefcient, the in-
where is a tunable parameter, and usually > 0.8 . tegral coefcient and differential coefcient at time instant k re-
Note that the process is modeled as the common rst order spectively, e1 (k ) is the error between the set-point and the process
plus dead time model, where this will facilitate the corresponding output at time instant k .
controller design. The controller design will be based on this Eq.(7) can be converted into the following
simple model to cope with the uncertainty caused by modeling
u (k ) = u (k 1) + w (k ) E (k )w (k ) = w1 (k ), w2 (k ), w3 (k )

error using the PFC optimization based PID.
w1 (k ) = Kp (k ) + Ki (k ) + Kd (k ), w2 (k ) = Kp (k ) 2Kd (k ),
w3 (k ) = Kd (k )E (k ) = e1 (k ), e1 (k 1), e1 (k 2)

3. Proposed parameters tuning method of the PID controller
From Eqs. (3)(8) and taking a derivative of the cost function J1,
In this section, PFC algorithm is introduced to optimize the we can obtain the optimal control law

Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),
J. Zhang / ISA Transactions () 3

residual oil Table 1

Flue damper 1
Steady state operating conditions.
Flue damper 2
u1 u2
Coke furnaces
FRC8103 FRC8104
37.2 t/h 36.9 t/h
Radiation output temperature 495 C
Convection output temperature 330 C
Chamber temperature 800 C
Oxygen content 5%
Circulating oil ow 35 t/h
Coke fractionating tower
Set-point Pressure Tower bottom temperature 350 C
y1 y2 Set-point Tower liquid level 70%
Coke towers
Tower top temperature 415 C
Tower bottom temperature 300 C
Temperature after cooling 85 C
Tower top pressure 0.25 Mpa

FRC8107 FRC8108
43.5 t/h 43.6 t/h

Table 2
Circulating oil from pumps
Tuning parameters for servo problem.

To T102 Parameters IMC-PID T-L Z-N

Furnace 3

Kp  125  119  157

To T101/5,6
Ti 170 397 90
Fig. 1. Overall ow of coke unit. Td 17.65 28.57 22.5
Parameters PFC-PID
P 2
(yr (k + P ) m Pymav (k ) Km (1 m P) u (k 1) e (k )) E (k )
w (k ) =
Km (1 m P ) E (k ) E (k ) (9)

then Kp (k ) , Ki (k ) , Kd (k ) are obtained and the nal PID controller is implemented on the process. The
Kp (k ) = w2 (k ) 2Kd (k ) advantages are that the process controller is designed based ad-
vanced control using PFC theory and three PID parameters are
Ki (k ) = w1 (k ) KP (k ) Kd (k )
obtained but not xed through optimization for the controller to
Kd (k ) = w3 (k ) (10) achieve improved control performance.
It can be easily seen that w will be innite if (k ) E (k ) is ap- E
proximating zero, that is, Kp (k ) , Ki (k ) , Kd (k ) will be innite and is
unrealistic for the PID controller when the control system has 4. Case study: furnace pressure system control in the coke
reached the steady state. Thus it is necessary to set a small per- furnace
missible error limitation , where Kp (k ) , Ki (k ) , Kd (k ) remain un-
changed as the previous sampling instant 4.1. Coke unit description

Kp (k ) = Kp (k 1) In Fig.1, a sketch of the unit is given. The residual oil is sepa-

Ki (k ) = Ki (k 1) e1 (k ) rated into two ramications (FRC8103,FRC8104) rstly and sent

into the furnace (F101/3) to be heated to about 330C, then they go
Kd (k ) = Kd (k 1)
to the fractionating tower (T102) to exchange heat with gas oil.
Kp (k ) = w2 (k ) 2Kd (k )
After the heat exchange, the mixed oil is called circulating oil and
Ki (k ) = w1 (k ) KP (k ) Kd (k ) e1 (k ) > is sent to enter the furnace (F101/3) to be heated to about 495 C.

Kd (k ) = w3 (k ) (10a) The two branches add together and go to the coke towers (T101/
5,6) for coke removing nally.
The control input at sampling instant k is

u (k ) = u (k 1) + Kp (k )(e1 (k ) e1 (k 1)) + Ki (k ) e1 (k ) 4.2. The control target

+ Kd (k )(e1 (k ) 2e1 (k 1) + e1 (k 2)) (11) The chamber pressure in the coke furnace is one of the im-
At each time instant, if e1 (k ) , Kp (k ) , Ki (k ) , Kd (k ) will keep the portant output variables. Here the manipulated variable is the
same value as the previous time instant. If e1 (k ) > , w (k ) is obtained opening the ue damper and the steady state operating point is
by Eq. (9), then Kp (k ) , Ki (k ) , Kd (k ) can be acquired form Eq. (10). summarized in Table 1.

Remark 1. It is shown that the proposed PID parameters are op- 4.3. The process model
timized, where in fact a PFC is designed for the considered process
Under the conditions of Table 1, the process model is roughly
modeled as

Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),
4 J. Zhang / ISA Transactions ()

Output disturbance responses Input disturbance responses

2 2
Set-point Set-point
1.5 Z-N 1.5 Z-N

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
k k
200 200
100 Z-N 100 Z-N
0 0


-100 -100

-200 -200

-300 -300

-400 -400
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
k k

Fig. 2. (a) Closed-loop servo response under output disturbance for Case 1 (sampling time Ts 20 s). (b) Closed-loop servo response under input disturbance for Case 1
(sampling time Ts 20 s).

Input disturbance responses Input disturbance responses

2 2
Set-point Set-point
1.5 Z-N 1.5 Z-N

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
k k
200 200
100 Z-N 100 Z-N
0 0

-100 -100

-200 -200

-300 -300

-400 -400
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
k k

Fig. 3. (a) Closed-loop servo response under output disturbance for Case 2 (sampling time Ts 20 s). (b) Closed-loop servo response under input disturbance for Case 2
(sampling time Ts 20 s).

Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),
J. Zhang / ISA Transactions () 5

Output disturbance responses Input disturbance responses

1.8 1.8
Set-point Set-point
1.4 Z-N 1.4 Z-N
1.2 1.2

y(k) 1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
k k
300 300
200 200
100 100 T-L
0 0

-100 -100

-200 -200

-300 -300

-400 -400
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
k k
Fig. 4. (a) Closed-loop servo response under output disturbance for Case 3 (sampling time Ts 20 s). (b) Closed-loop servo response under input disturbance for Case 3
(sampling time Ts 20 s).

Table 3 Table 4
Statistical results for each method. Mean tracking error (MTE) for each method.

Case item Overshoot (%) Response time (s) Settling time (s) Case item Output disturbance Input disturbance

Case 1 PFC-PID 15.89 140 320 Case 1 PFC-PID 0.0410 0.0373

IMC-PID 36.13 120 420 IMC-PID 0.0420 0.0387
T-L 20.59 120 1020 T-L 0.0699 0.0621
Z-N 97.3 100 1120 Z-N 0.0732 0.0705

Case 2 PFC-PID 5.63 140 440 Case 2 PFC-PID 0.0399 0.0366

IMC-PID 26.73 120 500 IMC-PID 0.0425 0.0396
T-L 13.29 120 1500 T-L 0.0855 0.0786
Z-N 86.4 100 1380 Z-N 0.0807 0.0780

Case 3 PFC-PID 0.65 80 320 Case 3 PFC-PID 0.0268 0.0278

IMC-PID 30.39 80 420 IMC-PID 0.0307 0.0316
T-L 25.9 80 1240 T-L 0.0642 0.0664
Z-N 78.54 80 1980 Z-N 0.1419 0.1427

The three cases of parameter uncertainties are generated as below:

G (s ) =
150s + 1 (12) Case 1. the mismatched process parameters are estimated as
K = 0.025, T = 187, = 49.
4.4. Performance of the proposed PID controller and discussions
Case 2. the mismatched process parameters are estimated as
K = 0.016, T = 113, = 51.
A comparison with the aforementioned PID controllers tuned
by Z-N method, T-L method and IMC method was made to verify Case 3. the mismatched process parameters are estimated as
the performance of the proposed PID controller.
K = 0.024, T = 121, = 29.
In this study, we obtain the parameters of model/plant mis-
matches by Monte Carlo simulation. For the chamber pressure Simulations are as follows. The set-point is changed from 0 to
process, we assume the maximum of 30% uncertainty from the 1 at time instant k = 0. A continuous disturbance with amplitude
original process model, which are K = 0.02, T = 150, = 40. of  0.1 and an input disturbance with amplitude of 30 are added

Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),
6 J. Zhang / ISA Transactions ()

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Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),
J. Zhang / ISA Transactions () 7

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Please cite this article as: Zhang J. Design of a new PID controller using predictive functional control optimization for chamber pressure
in a coke furnace. ISA Transactions (2016),

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