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EUROPE EDITION VOL. XXXIII NO. 36 $1.75 (C/V) - KES 250 - NAI 375 - 1.70

MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 WSJ.com

Investors U.S. Troops Pulled Out as Rebels Expand Operations in Yemen

Pour Assets
Out of Euro
BY TOMMY STUBBINGTON portfolios away from Europe
and into the U.S. in search of
A major shift in the flow of returns.
money around the globe is Big central banks appear
driving down the euro at a to be following suit, with
rapid clip, boosting the U.S. China and the oil-rich Middle
dollar and leaving smaller Eastern countries that had
countries to struggle with the poured some of their foreign
consequence of an extraordi- reserves into euros changing
nary flood. course.
A wave of cash is leaving Its all about the flows,
the eurozone, where returns said Roger Hallam, chief in-
on safe assets are infinitesi- vestment officer for currency
mal, if they are positive at all, at J.P. Morgan Asset Manage-
and headed to the U.S. and to ment, which oversees $1.7 tril-
refuges such as Denmark and lion. The firm has bet on a
Switzerland. weaker euro throughout the
Europes common currency recent decline and believes it

has fallen 22% against the can fall further.
dollar in less than a year, from The ECB pushed interest
$1.39 to $1.08. The euro rates down to nearly zero and
touched a 12-year low of less the rate it pays on commer- Anti-Houthi protesters flee as police loyal to Houthi rebels in Yemen fire tear gas to disperse them in the southwestern city of Taiz on
than $1.05 this month. The cial-bank deposits below Sunday. As rebels stepped up their advance toward the south, the U.S. withdrew its final 100 military personnel. Article on page 8
European Central Bank is zero last summer. This year,
holding interest rates, while it started quantitative easing,
the U.S. Federal Reserve is in which it prints euros to buy

In U.S., Adidas Strives to Be Cool

looking to raise thema com- bonds.
bination that pushes the euro Since the ECB brought in
down against the dollar. negative deposit rates in June,
But the fall, many analysts more cash has flowed out of
said, has been exacerbated by the eurozone to buy foreign BY ELLEN EMMERENTZE JERVELL chief was breaking its long would you sign with Adidas? America, and cool is what
the willingness of big inves- stocks and bonds than has AND SARA GERMANO slump in America. Thats been a recurring sells sports gear.
tors to move their assets out flowed in, ECB data show. Re- But many fans of The U question about Adidas in At stake are huge U.S.
of euros, not just by specula- cently, a steady trickle has be- Adidas AG notched a big balked, starting anti-Adidas America, and it speaks to the salesand the hearts of
tors placing bets that the euro come a torrent. In the final win when it signed a deal in chatter on social media. Mi- hurdles facing the worlds sports fans globally, who in-
will fall. The diverging paths quarter of 2014, the gap was January to sponsor University amis coaches seemed excited, second-biggest sports brand creasingly take their cues
of European and U.S. mone- Please turn to page 20 of Miami sports. The school says Mark King, Adidass new as it tries to regain footing in from American pop culture.
tary policy have been a cata- had been rival Nike Inc.s turf North America president. But the biggest sports market. U.S. sports apparel and foot-
lyst for European savers and Strong dollar hammers U.S. for decades, a perfect place to at the kid level, he says of Mr. Kings challenge, sim- wear wholesale revenues were
investors to reallocate their corporate earnings.................. 17 show that Adidass new U.S. students, theyre like, Why ply put: Adidas isnt cool in Please turn to page 12

Athens Renews Probe Inside

Obama Aims to Work
Into Statistics Chief
familiar with the proceedings.
The move reactivates a prose-
With Chinese-Led Bank
cution that was thought to be BY IAN TALLEY and away from becoming an projects with Beijings new or-
ATHENSGreek authori- dormant and indicates that instrument of Beijings foreign ganization. Indirect support
ties are escalating a criminal the case is likely headed for a WASHINGTONThe policy. The banks potential to would help the U.S. address
investigation against the head trial, these people say. Obama administration, facing promote new alliances and another long-standing goal:
of the countrys official statis- The revival of the case defiance by allies that have sidestep existing institutions ensuring the new institutions
tics service, whom critics ac- comes as Greeces new gov- signed up to support a new has been one of the Obama standards are designed to pre-
cuse of inflating Greeces bud- ernmenta coalition of the Texas Senator Ted Cruz Chinese-led infrastructure administrations chief con- vent unhealthy debt buildups,
get deficit to help justify the radical-left Syriza party and lines up presidential fund, is proposing the bank cerns as key allies including human-rights abuses and en-
countrys deeply unpopular the right-wing nationalist In- candidacy work in a partnership with the U.K., Germany and France vironmental risks. U.S. sup-
bailout. dependent Greeksseeks to U.S. News ............... 7 Washington-backed develop- lined up in recent days to be- port could also pave the way
The countrys chief statis- challenge the tough austerity ment institutions such as the come founding members of for American companies to
tician, Andreas Georgiou, was and free-market overhauls im- World Bank. the new Asian Infrastructure bid on the new banks proj-
summoned to testify to prose- Please turn to page 4 ECB has fight on its The collaborative approach Investment Bank. Please turn to page 10
cutors late last week and hands with securities is designed to steer the new The Obama administration
faces further questioning on Reality check for Greece at Heard .................... 32 bank toward economic aims of wants to use existing develop- China seeks to develop
Monday, according to people EU summit.................................... 4 the worlds leading economies ment banks to co-finance global seed power................... 17


Whats News Oils Price Decline Spurs

i i
Business & Finance
n Two new German govern-
i i i

n French President Hollandes

Cutbacks by Energy Firms
ment reports are stoking fears Socialist Party suffered a set- [ The Outlook ] Capex Crunch
that energy companies cant back as the center-right alliance A swift plunge in oil prices has led to a severe drop in new rig exploration...
shoulder the cost of a govern- of former President Sarkozy BY NICK TIMIRAOS
ment plan to close the coun- came out on top in the first 300%
trys nuclear-power plants. 17 round of local elections and the Prospects for an Percentage change
far-right National Front took uptick in business since 2010
n The soaring dollar is about a quarter of the vote. 3 investment this 200
crunching profits at giant U.S. year are facing a
multinationals and boosting n Greek Prime Minister Alexis major drag: The
U.S. rig count
the appeal of smaller, domesti- Tsipras came to Brussels hop- collapse in oil 100
WTI oil price
cally focused companies. 17 ing to secure desperately prices is spurring significant
needed financial support but cutbacks for the energy-
n A fight over a small maker instead got a splash of cold production industry, which had 0
of crop seeds in China sheds water, or reality check. 4 been a standout in an otherwise
light on how Beijing plans to lackluster U.S. expansion.
secure food resources: building n NATOs top military com- Business capital spending 100
an answer to Monsanto. 17 mander said that not deliver- increased 6% last year due to 2010 11 12 13 14 15
ing weapons to Ukraine carries gains from a broad base of U.S.
n Companies hoping to use risks, and registered concerns industries. The drag from energy .....and energy-related business investment, a standout during an otherwise
drones to deliver small pack- about the implementation of this year could cut that growth lackluster expansion, could face a big pullback.
ages are confronting technical the Minsk cease-fire. 6 rate in half in 2015, according to
hurdles as vexing as proposed economists at Goldman Sachs.
U.S. regulatory limits. 18 n The Obama administration Moreover, equity analysts at
issued comprehensive rules on the bank estimate capital spending
n Emirates Airline, fighting hydraulic fracturing, trying to globally by energy companies in 25
off rivals accusations that it set a national standard for con- the S&P 500 will fall 25%, leading
benefits from state subsidies, troversial drilling practices to the first annual decline in
is facing an unusual headwind that have helped fuel the U.S. overall capital investment by big 0
at home: labor trouble. 19 oil and natural-gas boom. 7 firms in many sectors since 2009.
Already, energy companies in the
n French cement giant Lafarge n Afghan President Ashraf S&P 500 have announced about Change from a year earlier in private Actual
and Swiss rival Holcim agreed Ghani will showcase a country $8.3 billion in spending cuts. xed investment for oil and Forecast
to alter the terms of their under the leadership of a pol- The energy cutbacks come gas companies
planned $44 billion merger. 21 icy wonk when he visits Wash- when exporters and manufacturers
ington this week. 9 more broadly face headwinds from
2010 11 12 13 14 15
n A new effort by Hong Kongs a strengthening dollar, which
exchange to overcome one of n Soldiers battling Boko makes U.S. goods more costly Sources: Baker Hughes (rigs); Energy Dept. (oil); U.S. Commerce Dept and Goldman Sachs (investment)
the major obstacles to trading Haram in Nigeria have uncov- abroad. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
on the Shanghai-Hong Kong ered a mass grave of the Is- The U.S. economy still comes
Stock Connect appears unlikely lamic militants victims. 9 out a big winner with cheaper oil. Other industries eventually could apartment company based in
to entice more investors in. 23 Consumers who spend less on gas compensate for the energy cutbacks. Houston that has 9,000 units
n As the cleanup begins after generally spend more at retailers Excluding energy, capital there. But he said if oil prices stay
n Cocoa prices have fallen the worst cyclone to hit Vanu- and restaurants. Companies also spending growth of 4% for S&P at their current levels for three or
7.7% this month, hit by the atu in recent history, fears are benefit from lower materials costs. 500 companies this year will be four years, well definitely have
prospect of a big crop in the growing about how the Pacific But big capital-investment cuts down from a 5% forecast last fall, some serious white-collar layoffs.
worlds top cocoa grower. 24 nation will recover. 11 in energy production underscore said Tobias Levkovich, chief U.S. Letters have poured in this
how the economy has been equity strategist at Citi. That year from customers of Loadcraft
transformed by a domestic energy would mark the sixth straight Industries Ltd., a Texas maker of
boom that reached deep into the annual gain in business parts for oil rigs, informing them

Whats Online industrial economy during the

current expansion.
For steel producers, its a very
investment for the sectors
excluding energy and finance.
The problem is it could take
that they need to cut costs by up
to 25%. We just cant do that,
said Terry McIver, chief executive
clear case of short-term pain and, time for airlines, trucking firms and owner of Loadcraft.
we hope, long-term gain, said Bill and agribusiness to turn energy Ramping up manufacturing for
Hutton, president of Titan Steel savings into new investment. other industries, such as custom
Corp. in Baltimore. On one hand, were talking trailers, isnt a slam dunk either. Our
Energy has been as big a about an ant. On the other, were main issue there is the value of the
domestic consumer of steel as the talking about an elephant, said dollar, he said, given that Canadian
automotive industry in recent Philip Verleger, an energy exporters have an advantage because
years and helped compensate for a economist in Carbondale, Colo. of the exchange rate.
still-ailing construction sector, That is cold comfort, of course,
said Mr. Hutton. The hope now is to energy companies being forced
that consumers will pick up the
slack as they spend more on cars,
to conserve cash while losing
access to cheap financing as oil SUBSCRIBE
refrigerators and washing
prices have plunged. Executives
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exploration accounted for 70% of executive of Hercules Offshore Inc., (ISSN 0921-99)
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Street, London, SE1 9GF
U.S., according to Jason Thomas, Investors also are looking for
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forecast. Property Trust, a national
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 3


Hollandes Party Loses Out to the Right

BY WILLIAM HOROBIN for representatives at Frances 101 derline Ms. Le Pens success to feed
local jurisdictions known as dparte- off those poor economic results. She
PARISFrench President Fran- ments showed a political landscape has bolstered the National Fronts
ois Hollandes Socialist Party suf- strongly shifting toward the right support by restraining its controver-
fered an electoral setback Sunday as just over half way through Mr. Hol- sial far-right elements and focusing
the center-right alliance of former landes five-year term. party vitriol against the European
President Nicolas Sarkozy came out Mr. Sarkozy, whose UMP did bet- Union and mainstream parties. The
on top in the first round of local ter than many opinion polls had pre- party came out on top in European
elections and the far-right National dicted, said the result showed voters elections in May last year after tak-
Front took about a quarter of the are exasperated with the Socialist ing control of 11 towns in municipal
vote. government. Masses of our citizens elections in March. The National
The Socialist Partys share of the have turned away from the left be- Front is taking root election after
vote dropped to 20.9% from 24.9% in cause they think they have been lied election, Ms. Le Pen said.
a comparable election in 2011, ac- to for the last three years, Mr. Candidates with the support of
cording to early estimates from poll- Sarkozy said. more than 12.5% of registered voters
ing companies Ifop and Fiducial. Mr. Mr. Hollandes popularity has col- on Sunday still have to get through
Sarkozys UMP party and its centrist lapsed as he struggled to deliver on in run-offs a week from now.
allies took 29.7% of the vote and the his 2012 campaign pledges to re- Socialist Prime Minister Manuel

Associated Press
anti-immigration, anti-European Na- store growth and reduce unemploy- Valls called on voters to block the
tional Front took 26.4% of the first- ment while persistent budget defi- National Front by casting their bal-
round vote, a jump of almost 11 cits have pushed public debt to over lot for what he called Republican
points from 2011. 95% of annual economic output. parties in the second round, even if
With about one in two voters ab- The strength of the National that means voting for the center National Front leader Marine Le Pen votes in Henin-Beaumont, northern France
staining, the first round of elections Front in the first round of voting un- right. on Sunday. Her party took 26.4% of the first-round vote.

Take Lead
In Andalusia

MADRIDSpains two establish-

ment parties, the Socialists and the
conservative Popular Party, ap-
peared to stave off a challenge by a
pair of insurgent parties in Sundays
regional election in Andalusia,
which was widely seen as a litmus
test of recent political discontent in
Early returns and exit polls
showed the recently launched leftist
party Podemos coming in a respect-
able third in its initial domestic
electoral test, right behind the So-
cialists and the Popular Party. Ciu-
dadanos, a fast-rising party that is
viewed as socially liberal and con-
servative in economic policy, was in
fourth place.
The Socialists have long domi-
nated politics in Andalusia, Spains
most populous region and one of
the poorest. They now appear on
track to secure an estimated 56
seats in the 109-seat parliament, ac-
cording to the early results. The
conservative Popular Party, which
controls the national parliament,
Photograph: Ernest H. Brooks II, Blue in Profile , Edition Fifty Fathoms 2008

would come in second in Andalusia

with 28 seats.
Podemos appeared on track to
gain 14 seats and Ciudadanos seven
seats. The early results show a
much stronger showing for the So- MISSION PARTNER OF
cialists than anticipated by earlier
exit polls, and may change signifi-
cantly as more votes are counted.
Exit polls predicted a narrow Social-
ist win over the Popular Party. Fifty Fathoms Bathyscaphe
If the Socialists fail to win an
outright majority, the results
would set the stage for a minority
Socialist government without a Pristine Seas Expeditions
stable partner in a highly frag-
mented parliament. That may be a
harbinger of things to come at the
national level.
Andalusias election marks the
start of a busy electoral season in
Local government elections are
scheduled to be held May 24, and a
Catalan election that many see as a
quasi-referendum on independence
there is scheduled for Sep. 27. A www.blancpain.com
general election is likely to be held
in November or December.
4 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Reality Check for Greece at EU Summit


BRUSSELSAlexis Tsipras, the

new Greek prime minister, came to
Brussels on Thursday hoping to se-
cure offers of desperately needed fi-
nancial support from the currency
bloc during a meeting with euro-
zone leaders.
What he got instead was a splash
of cold water from the two people
who control the eurozones purse
strings: German Chancellor Angela
Merkel and European Central Bank
chief Mario Draghi. They said the
eurozone wont give Athens more
money until it passes into law much
of the bailout program the new
Greek government signed up to late
last month, according to people
briefed on the meeting.
This wasnt a meeting to make
decisions, but to have a reality
check, European Council President
Donald Tusk, who organized the
meeting, told reporters Friday, and
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

to avoid misunderstandings at the

highest political level.
The tough message renews pres-
sure on Mr. Tsipras to execute a dra-
matic turnaround in talks on a re-
vised bailout program at a time when
clashes between his government and
the eurozone are flaring up daily.
Technical discussions in Athens Greeces Alexis Tsipras, center, and Germanys Angela Merkel, right, take part in discussions during a summit in Brussels on Thursday
over the past week have accom-
plished nothing. Experts represent- But he could find himself facing French President Franois Hollande Greek government, as the central fresh funding.
ing the governments creditors from a political revolt within his leftist- were the only national leaders Mr. bank already did in August 2012. Mr. Other officials said it was possi-
the eurozone and International Syriza party if the eurozone and the Tsipras asked to meet. The prime Draghi again replied no, saying cir- ble that loans could be paid out in
Monetary Fund were blocked from IMF insist on some of the old pro- ministers of Belgium, the Nether- cumstances were different then: The installmentsif tangible progress
accessing government ministries, EU grams most controversial measures, lands and Luxembourg complained bailout program was still more-or- was madebecause Greece couldnt
officials said, and some have re- such as cuts to Greeces pension sys- that they and others should have less on track, according to the offi- wait even until the end of April be-
ceived death threats. tem. been in the room, but Mr. Tusk also cial. Now, the entire eurozone is fore running out of money.
You crucified our people there The Syriza-led coalition is favored a smaller meeting to avoid skeptical that Greece will ever fol- Thursday nights meeting came
in Athens, Jean-Claude Juncker, trapped between a rock and a hard a likely confrontation if all eurozone low the conditions of the bailout. after a week of fruitless negotia-
president of the European Commis- place, said Diego Iscaro, senior members were present. Mr. Tsipras asked that a final tions in Athens between the Greek
sion, told Mr. Tsipras in the meet- economist at the consulting firm After sitting down at a small, statement include a pledge to hand government and experts represent-
ing, according to an official briefed IHS Global Insight. Even if an round table with the others, Mr. over 1.9 billion in profits earned by ing its creditors from the European
on the exchange. Mr. Draghi also agreement is reached, there will Tsipras accused the ECB of asphyxi- the ECB from buying Greek bonds if Commission, the ECB and the IMF.
forcefully complained about the continue to be significant uncer- ating the Greek economy and asked progress is made in the talks, offi- Greek officials refused to allow the
treatment of the experts. tainty regarding Syrizas ability and for more financing with easy condi- cials briefed on the discussions said. experts into government ministries
Mr. Tsipras agreed in the coming willingness to comply. tions from the central bank, an offi- Ms. Merkel said no: First implement to meet with Greek bureaucrats, EU
days to present a list of legislative Officials said a list of overhauls cial briefed on the discussions said. the program, then the eurozone will officials said. After names and pho-
overhauls the government wants to could be presented by Athens, in the Mr. Draghi brushed those criti- discuss giving Greece money. tographs of commission staff ap-
pursue, and more important which best case, in seven to 10 days. cisms aside. He said the ECB has al- But Ms. Merkel did appear to peared in the Greek media, a num-
provisions of the old bailout it Mr. Tsipras sought the meeting ready lent 104 billion ($111.6 bil- open the door to paying out some ber of them started receiving death
wants to scrap. He told reporters on on the sidelines of Thursdays Euro- lion) to Greece, the most in the money before the entire program threats, EU officials said.
Friday that the meeting was key to pean Union summit to discuss the eurozone as a percentage of gross has been passed through the Greek Declan Costello, the official who
put Greeces agreement with its dire situation facing the govern- domestic product, the official said. parliament, telling reporters on Fri- leads the commissions oversight of
partners back on track, adding ment, which is rapidly running out Mr. Tsipras asked him to raise day that the countrys creditors the Greek bailout program, is now
that the atmosphere was warm and of cash. The request itself proved the ceiling on the amount of short- could set out some prior actions being protected by bodyguards, EU
friendly. controversial, since Ms. Merkel and term debt that can be issued by the that need to be implemented to get officials said.

Deficit Drama: Athens Steps Up Probe of Statistics Chief

Continued from first page trys economic depression on the tion. and the IMF that included drastic said Mr. Georgiou had no idea of
posed by Greeces main lenders: the terms of the bailout since 2010, The already heavily indebted austerity measures. statistics; he was just doing what-
rest of the eurozone and the Inter- rather than Greeces fiscal loss of country soon found itself shut out of Mr. Georgiou, a former IMF offi- ever Eurostattold him to.
national Monetary Fund. control in the years up to 2009. The international bond markets, forcing cial and martial-arts teacher, took It is high time that the case
The renewed pressure on Mr. new government has announced it to sign a bailout deal in May 2010 over Elstat three months after the goes to court, she said: This way
Georgiou is likely to add to the acri- parliamentary inquiries into who with other eurozone governments bailout. In November 2010, Elstat the whole of Europe will find out
mony between Athens and its Euro- saddled Greece with the bailout plan said the deficit for 2009 deficit had about Eurostats maneuvers to get
pean and IMF creditors, which de- and whether all of its massive na- in fact been over 15% of GDP, a fig- rid of GreeceThis was part of a
manded a politically independent tional debt was incurred legally by Ruinous ure verified by Eurostat. Mr. Geor- plan against Greece.
statistics service as part of Greeces previous Greek governments. Greece's budget decit giou has said he faced resistance Ms. Georganta said Greeces true
overhauls under the bailout. The Independent Greeks have as a percentage of GDP within Elstat to reporting such a deficit in 2009 was a mere 4% of
The EUs statistics arm, Eurostat, called for Mr. Georgious resigna- high figure. GDP, according to her calculations.
has approved the deficit numbers tion, blaming his statistical revi- 16% 2014: 1.6% A former Elstat board member, She now heads the committee at
from the Hellenic Statistical Author- sions for abetting the countrys Ger- Zoe Georganta, accused Mr. Geor- Greeces defense ministry that au-
ity, known as Elstat, which has been man-led creditors. giou in 2011 of overstating the defi- dits spending on military systems,
under Mr. Georgious leadership Both parties in the coalition be- 12 cit under pressure from German-led following her appointment by Panos
since late 2010. In previous years, lieve these issues help their cause, creditors to justify the austerity Kammenos, defense minister and
the EU body often expressed reser- because it helps them to show that plan. A public prosecutor filed fel- head of the Independent Greeks. Ms.
vations about the accuracy of Greek Greece was a victim over the past 8 ony charges against Mr. Georgiou Georganta was an unsuccessful can-
fiscal data. few years and that the lenders have and two other Elstat officials for fal- didate for the party in last years
But Mr. Georgious strict applica- taken advantage of Greece, said sifying data and breach of duty. The European Parliament elections.
tion of Eurostats standards to Nick Malkoutzis, founder of analysis 4 charges carry prison terms of five to Mr. Kammenos last year called
Greeces public finances has angered site MacroPolis.gr. 10 years. The on-again, off-again for Mr. Georgiou to resign from El-
some Greek politicians and Elstat Greeces debt crisis erupted in probe appeared to stall last summer. stat. From the moment there is a
colleagues, who argue that an exag- late 2009, when a change of govern- Mr. Georgiou has vigorously de- final court decision on the alteration
gerated deficit served the interests ment prompted a new budget calcu- nied the allegations, saying he sim- of statistics, no lending agreement
of Greeces foreign creditors. lation that projected a deficit of 2006 10 14 ply applied EU accounting stan- and no (bailout) memorandum will
The populist rhetoric of many over 12% of gross domestic product, Source: European Commission dards, a stance backed by Eurostat. be valid and Greece will be free,
Greek politicians blames the coun- double the last governments projec- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. In an interview, Ms. Georganta Mr. Kammenos said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 5

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6 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Far-Right Convenes in Russia

U.K. to Join
In Training
more than a year now, the Kremlin
Of Syrian
has warned of a resurgence of fas-
cism in Europemeaning the pro-
Western government in Ukraine.
But on Sunday, a lawmaker BY NICHOLAS WINNING
whose party cooperates with the
ruling United Russia in parliament, LONDONBritain plans to par-
hosted a foreign legion of politicians ticipate in a U.S.-led effort to train
too far to the right for most of Eu- Syrian opposition troops, according
rope. to people familiar with the matter,
For fringe politiciansand some but it will stop short of joining its
ex-fringe politiciansthe trip let closest ally in conducting airstrikes
them do something they say they against Islamic State in Syria.
cant back home: sound off against The U.K. government will an-
what they call the monolithic mes- nounce in the coming days its role
sage of Washington and Brussels. in training moderate Syrian opposi-
If you tried to have a conference tion forces in neighboring countries
like this in the U.S. or the U.K., it with the aim of bolstering their abil-
wouldnt be allowed, said Nick Grif- ity to fight the extremist group, the
fin, the expelled former leader of the people said. Turkey and Jordan will
anti-immigrant British National be involved in the plan, one of the
European Pressphoto Agency

Party. Russia has shown it is more people said.

free than the West. The expected announcement
President Vladimir Putin has marks an escalation of Britains in-
been trying to exploit political rifts volvement in the international effort
in Europe by forging alliances with against Islamic State after its moves
what were regarded in their home to join airstrikes against the mili-
countries as fringe political move- tant group in Iraq and carry out aer-
ments on the left and right. Some Nick Griffin, former member of the far-right British National Party, at the conservative forum in St. Petersburg on Sunday. ial surveillance missions over Syria.
have grown in popularity in coun- Some British politicians, though, say
tries such as Hungary and France, 70th anniversary of the defeat of Invitees included Udo Voigt, a se- only fascists were in Ukraine. the U.K.s military response hasnt
giving the Kremlin a lever to pry Nazi Germany, speakers vehemently nior figure in Germanys extreme- All that is in Donbasthat is an- gone far enough and that Islamic
against European economic sanc- denied any connection to Nazism. right National Democratic Party, tifascism, and everything in Ukraine State, also known as ISIS or ISIL,
tions for the war in Ukraine. I dont find it defamatory to be who drew rounds of applause with is fascism, he said. There isnt any can only be defeated by tackling the
In Greece, the new defense minis- called a fascist, said Roberto Fiore, calls to oppose U.S. hegemony and other fascism anywhere. extremists with airstrikes in Syria
ter in the leftist government has leader of Italys far-right party Forza to denounce homosexuality. Other Cas Mudde, a political scientist as well as Iraq.
close ties to Russian hard-liners. Nuova, who spoke at the conference invitees included members of the ul- who specializes in extremism at the Prime Minister David Cameron
For the Kremlin, the tactic is a Sunday. But I do find it defamatory tra-right Greek party Golden Dawn. University of Georgia, said the has repeatedly vowed to destroy the
familiar one. In Soviet times, Mos- if you call me a Nazi. Mr. Fiore, of Italys Forza Nuova, lineup was puzzling because Kremlin militant group, arguing that it also
cow tinkered with the internal poli- The forums website recalled an said Moscow is now the sole guard- has plenty of right-wing allies in Eu- poses a threat to security in Britain.
tics of the West by funding and even address of Mr. Putin at a conference ian of Western values, in the way rope who control large parliamen- Adding to the pressure on him to re-
controlling left-wing groups. Today, for foreigners in the provincial re- Rome once was. Its not me saying tary factions. None was at the con- spond are the beheadings of two
as Mr. Putin tries to position himself sort of Valdai, where he warned the thisits God saying it, he said. ference, however. kidnapped Britons by Islamic State,
as steward of conservatism, the alli- West faced a profound demo- Among participants, there was You dont need to go to the gut- which is believed to be holding at
ances are mostly with the right. graphic and moral crisis because of discussion over who could be called ter to find some pro-Putin right- least one other British man captive.
Billed as the International Rus- the collapse of traditional values, re- a fascist, since the Kremlin has de- wing parties, but they did for some But public opinion in the U.K. is
sian Conservative Forum, organizers ligion and rise of same-sex marriage. nounced the Ukrainian government reason, said Mr. Mudde. divided over whether the British
struck a defiant tone against West- Speakers echoed Mr. Putins mes- in Kiev as such, while others insisted He suggested that some conser- military should join the U.S. in
ern political correctness, calling the sage, but added attacks on other al- the fascists were in Brussels and vatives may not have shown up at bombing in Syria, especially after
event something that enemies of leged ills, including abortion, athe- Washington. the party because they dont want the loss of British soldiers lives in
Russia cant stop. ism, Freemasonry, and unbridled Aleksei Zhilov, an organizer for to be tainted, and the Kremlin itself campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As Moscow prepares for grandi- immigration that, if unchecked, will pro-Russian fighters in eastern may not have been involved in much Mr. Cameron suffered an embarrass-
ose celebrations in May to mark the snuff out the Caucasian race. Ukraines Donbas region, said the of the planning. ing parliamentary defeat on the is-
sue in 2013 when he sought to se-
cure parliaments backing for

NATO General Sees Risks for Ukraine

launching airstrikes in Syria in re-
sponse to claims that Syrian Presi-
dent Bashar al-Assad used chemical
BY LAURENCE NORMAN past year. larus, especially on the destination border, so there are concerns Mr. Cameron faces a general
But the U.S. has held off supply- of heavy weapons that have been whether Minsk is being followed or election in May in which his Conser-
BRUSSELSThe North Atlantic ing lethal aid amid opposition from withdrawn from combat zones. not. vative Party faces a close-fought
Treaty Organizations top military most European countries, including We do see the weapons moving. Gen. Breedlove also addressed race with the opposition Labour
commander said Sunday that not Germany and France, and a lull in We do not know that they are the Russian threat to Denmark if the Party, which voted against Mr. Cam-
delivering weapons to Ukraine car- violence in eastern Ukraine. moved off the battlefield but we country joins NATOs missile de- eron in the 2013 vote on Syrian in-
ries risks, and registered continued Russia denies it is supplying or know that they are moving, he fense system. tervention.
concerns about the implementation supporting the rebels in eastern said. This is just the next step, he If the Conservatives win the
of the truce Kiev signed in February Ukraine. We continue to see disturbing said, noting previous great pres- election on May 7, it will ask Parlia-
with pro-Moscow rebels. Gen. Breedlove echoed NATOs evidence of air defense, command sure from Russia on Romania and ment to approve joining the U.S. and
U.S. Air Force General Philip concerns about implementation of and control, resupply equipment Poland. Anyone else who wants to its allies in carrying out airstrikes in
Breedlove reiterated the need to the cease-fire signed in Minsk, Be- coming across a completely porous join into this defensive capability Syria, the U.K.s Defense Secretary,
counter Russian diplomatic, eco- will come under this diplomatic and Michael Fallon, a Conservative law-
nomic and military tools being used political pressure. maker, said in an interview with The
to back separatists in eastern Speaking earlier at the Brussels Wall Street Journal this month.
Ukraine. Forum, Polish President Bronislaw The prime minister has always
So we, I think, in the West Komorowski said NATO faces a criti- been clear that ISIL has to be de-
should consider all our tools in re- cal credibility test over implement- feated in both countries, he said.
ply. Could it be destabilizing? The ing its pledges at last Septembers Mr. Fallon said in the interview
answer is yes. Also inaction could be summit in Wales to improve the alli- that the U.S. and Britain had been
destabilizing, he said at the Brus- ances readiness and responsiveness, looking at a number of possible lo-
sels Forum meeting of the German including a new rapid reaction force cations to carry out the training of
Marshall Fund. So I think thats the for the alliance. Syrian opposition troops and that
other question that our nation Mr. Komorowski said NATO three or four countries had stepped
should look at. Is inaction an appro- members are in a long and uneasy forward, but declined to specify
priate action? wait to follow whether those deci- which. He said that Britain was con-
U.S. officials have said the sions are implemented...It is about sidering sending fewer than 100
Obama administration is consider- the credibility of the alliance. military trainers.
ing delivering weapons, including Mr. Komorowski warned that He added that the effort pre-
possible antitank missiles and more making concessions to Russia in sented challenges, saying the pro-
sophisticated radar systems, to the face of violence in Ukraine cess had been frustratingly slow.
Ukrainian government forces, who could merely encourage further ag- We have to be sure that the people

are seeking to hold back the sepa- gression. He described Western were training are the right people
ratists in a conflict that has killed sanctions on Russia as relatively who are going to carry the fight to
more than 5,000 people over the Soldiers of the U.S. Army 2nd Cavalry Regiment on exercise Sunday in Estonia. mild. ISIL, said Mr. Fallon.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 7


Texas Senator
Set to Declare
His 2016 Bid
BY JANET HOOK who has discussed the announce-
ment with the senator, said the tim-
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a champion ing was designed to capitalize on the
of the tea-party movement who advantage of getting out early.
hopes to woo the Republican Partys Why not be first? the strategist
most conservative voters, is due to said.
announce Monday that he is a candi- With a formal declaration of can-
date for his partys presidential didacy, Mr. Cruz would be free to
nomination in 2016, Cruz campaign raise money for his presidential
aides said on Sunday. campaign directly, rather than rely-
Mr. Cruz would be the first major ing on donations to a political-action
Republican candidate to officially committee supporting him. Some
announce a start to his campaign in donors are reluctant to make contri-

what is sure to be a crowded field. butions to candidates before they

Cruz has the potential to take formally announce. After he declares his candidacy, Ted Cruz, above, would be free to directly raise money for his White House campaign.
up quite a bit of space on the right Mr. Cruzs announcement would
in the conservative primary, said be the first in a cascade of expected livered an all-night, 21-hour speech shelter many illegal immigrants Michigan Republican Party. Ted
Kevin Madden, a veteran GOP cam- entries into the presidential race on the Senate floor to dramatize his from deportation. Cruz is a U.S. senator who is
paign strategist. over the next few weeks. opposition to funding for the 2010 While Mr. Cruz has emerged uniquely positioned to run against
The candidates looking to grab Republican Sen. Rand Paul of health-care law. quickly in recent years as a national Washington.
the mantle of being the antiestab- Kentucky is expected to launch his Mr. Cruz spotlighted that theme tea party hero, his rivals and other Before winning election to the
lishment choice for voters will cer- bid for the White House on April 7, in a recent video he called Truth, Republicans question his ability to Senate, Mr. Cruz served in the Jus-
tainly start to feel pressure to match with other contenders to follow, which implies that other Republican reach beyond his conservative base tice Department and the Federal
Cruz step for step and not allow among them former Florida Gov. Jeb candidates are all talk and no action to be a strong general-election can- Trade Commission under former
themselves to get outflanked to Bush. on key issues. didate. President George W. Bush. He was
their right, Mr. Madden added. First elected to the Senate in Obamacare: When have you His supporters, however, see later appointed solicitor general of
He is scheduled to speak Monday 2012, Mr. Cruz has been trying to stood up and fought against it? Mr. great potential in Mr. Cruz to appeal Texas, holding the post from 2003 to
at Liberty University, a Christian define a place for himself in the Cruz said in the video. to bipartisan disillusionment with 2008.
school in Lynchburg, Va. The news right wing of the emerging presiden- President Obamas illegal and the political system. Mr. Cruz was elected to the Sen-
was earlier reported by the Houston tial field. unconstitutional executive amnesty: There is clearly a frustration in ate in 2012, defeating an establish-
Chronicle, and confirmed by Jason He has cast himself as more ag- When have you stood up and fought this country with the status quo, and ment-backed primary opponent.
Johnson, a senior Cruz political ad- gressive than party leaders and against it? he asked, referring to people are looking for something During his tenure, he consistently
viser. other candidates in the fight for President Barack Obamas actions, new and something different, said has been pushing against Washing-
Another Republican strategist, conservative causes. In 2013, he de- without congressional approval, to Saul Anuzis, former chairman of the ton.

Energy Industry Criticizes Federal Fracking Rules

BY AMY HARDER Fracking involves blasting a North Dakota, which recently out- in oil prices has prompted many drilling near old, abandoned wells
AND DANIEL GILBERT slurry of water, sand and chemicals lawed the practice. drillers to slash their budgets and has caused gas to pollute aquifers.
into a well to break up dense rock We think this is going to be a lay off workers. Barry Russell, president and
WASHINGTONThe Obama ad- and allow the outward flow of oil template for how the federal govern- Exxon Mobil Corp. and other en- chief executive of the Independent
ministration issued comprehensive and gas. The process has unlocked ment expects the states to regulate ergy companies have expressed con- Petroleum Association of America,
rules on hydraulic fracturing, trying vast reserves of oil and gas across water as part of their own oversight cerns that new federal rules would said the federal governments so-
to set a national standard for con- the U.S. But fracking is controversial of fracking, said Kevin Book, man- increase how long it takes to pro- called baseline standards will
troversial drilling practices that because of qualms about environ- aging director of energy research cess drilling applications. But the threaten Americas economic up-
have helped fuel the U.S. oil and mental impact, especially the poten- firm ClearView Energy Partners. drilling slowdown as a result of low turn, while further deterring energy
natural-gas boom. tial to contaminate drinking-water. The Interior Department esti- oil prices might ease some of those development on federal lands.
Fridays move sparked immedi- There is a lot of fear and public mated that complying with the new concerns as companies apply for The trade group, which says it
ate criticism from energy companies concern, particularly about the rules will cost $11,400 per drilling fewer permits. The number of rigs represents producers that drill 95%
that claimed the rules are too oner- safety of groundwater and the im- operation, or less than 1% of the drilling on land in the U.S. fell to a of the oil and natural-gas wells in
ous. Two industry groups filed a pact of these operations, Interior cost of drilling a well. The figure six-year low on Friday, according to the U.S., and regional group the
lawsuit minutes after the announce- Secretary Sally Jewell said Friday. roughly doubled from an earlier oil-field services company Baker Western Energy Alliance sued the
ment, seeking to block the rules in a Parts of the federal regulations proposal. The government estimated Hughes Inc. Interior Department in U.S. District
federal court. Environmental groups are as strict as or stricter than what an industrywide cost of $32 million Under the Interior Department Court in Wyoming. The plaintiffs
said the rules dont go far enough. many states have implemented, a year, up from an earlier estimate rules, energy companies also will be said the new rules are a reaction to
The new regulations from the In- though state rules vary, analysts said. of $12 million to $20 million. required to test the quality of ce- unsubstantiated concerns and
terior Department have been in the For example, the new federal The likelihood of higher fracking ment work designed to prevent nat- should be thrown out. Interior De-
works since 2012 and apply to oil- rules require more stringent stan- costs comes as U.S. oil and gas pro- ural gas from seeping outside a well. partment officials said they expect
and-gas drilling on federal lands, dards than many states have for ducers are struggling with persis- The rule will require companies the rules to withstand challenges.
which produce 11% of the natural storage of toxic fluids recovered tently low natural-gas prices and a seeking drilling permission to pro- In a move that upset environ-
gas consumed in the U.S. and 5% of from a fracking well. U.S. officials roughly 50% drop in the price of vide more information about exist- mental groups, the new regulations
the oil, according to data from the said companies must secure waste- crude in the past year. The collapse ing wells nearby. In some cases, require companies to publicly dis-
agency. More than 90% of new land- water in covered tanks before per- close chemicals they use through an
based wells in the U.S. use hydraulic manent disposal, instead of using industry-run website called FracFo-
fracturing, known as fracking. pits dug in the ground. cus within 30 days of completing
Drilling on private or state- While some energy firms have the fracking process.
owned land wont be subject to the objected to the higher costs of stor- Environmental groups had
new federal standards, but states ing fracking-related wastewater in pushed for upfront disclosures di-
and companies could move to bring tanks, federal officials concluded that rectly to the Interior Department.
their practices in line with the U.S. it would help guard against spills. While this proposal has im-
While big energy-producing states Eric Kraus, a spokesman for proved from previous versions, it
such as Colorado, North Dakota, Clean Harbors Inc., a Norwell, represents a missed opportunity to
Pennsylvania and Texas regulate Mass., provider of wastewater treat- set a high bar for protections that
fracking already, there have been no ment and other oil-and-gas-industry would truly increase transparency
overarching standards. services, said the storage rules and reduce the impacts, said
Its a complex matrix of regula- would be a significant change to Madeleine Foote, legislative repre-
tions out there, said Neil Kornze, di- methods employed today. sentative for the League of Conser-
rector of the Interior Departments Ten states now require at least vation Voters.
Bureau of Land Management. Weve some of the fluids used in fracking Companies have been fracking
attempted to build a rule that will in- to be stored in covered tanks, said for decades, but the practice has
Getty Images

terface in a positive way with those Resources for the Future, an envi- come under scrutiny in recent years
states that have moved forward and ronmental think tank in Washington. as its use skyrocketed.
will provide a common baseline Storing leftover liquids in open pits Erin Ailworth
across the country in all states. has been common in Texas and A derrick outside Watford City, N.D., in 2013 is set up to tap the Bakken Shale. contributed to this article.
8 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Yemeni Militants Advance Southward

The militant group that controls Last month, the U.S. Marines pro-
Yemens capital moved to extend its tecting diplomatic personnel in Ye-
power southward with an attack on Broadening Fray AREAS OF
ISLAMIC STATE men destroyed their weapons at the
a major city, deepening chaos that Beyond Islamic States control of swaths of Syria and Iraq, its afliates have claimed Control airport before flying out of the coun-
has given terror groups greater room responsibility for attacks elsewhere, including this week in Tunisia and Yemen. try when the American embassy was
to proliferate and has halted U.S. op-
Support closed and most staff relocated to
erations against al Qaeda inside the Tunis Saudi Arabia. But the U.S. military
Islamic State claimed responsibility for Wednesdays TURKEY
country. kept about 100 personnel in Yemen.
museum attack that killed 21 people. Tunisian ofcials Hundreds of Shiite-linked Houthi
By Hakim Almasmari said the attackers were lone wolves inspired by the group. forces were involved in the assault
in Sana, Yemen, on Taiz and by Sunday morning, they
and Asa Fitch in Dubai Islamic State took over SYRIA had taken the airport and some gov-
parts of the city recently. LEBANON IRAN ernment buildings in the city, said
After the American Embassy in TUNISIA M e d i te r ra n e a n S e a Damascus Houthi security officials. They took
the capital Sana closed in February, ISRAEL over the intelligence headquarters
the U.S. withdrew its remaining 100 and court buildings, and surrounded
military personnel from a base in Tripoli Derna Cairo JORDAN the governors residence, the officials
southern Yemen, American officials An Islamic State afliate Egypts air force said.
said Sunday. Special Operations struck Islamic State Sinai Peninsula The Houthi leader said the Taiz
claimed responsibility
Forces had to suspend training of targets near the city An Islamic State offshoot offensive aimed at rooting out al
for a January hotel
Yemeni troops and help with opera- last month in response claimed responsibility for Qaeda terrorists. He tried to reassure
attack that killed nine
tions against one of the worlds to the beheadings. attacks in January on residents that his group didnt intend
people and for
most dangerous al Qaeda offshoots. police and military sites in to target our brothers in the south.
beheading 21 Egyptian
The offensive by hundreds of and near Rafah. He denounced the U.N. Security
Christians in February.
Houthi militants on the southern city EGYPT Council by saying it was on the side
of Taiz, Yemens third-largest, came of the oppressor and alleged
two days after coordinated bombings wealthy Gulf states Saudi Arabia and
in two provinces targeted the Qatar were funding the regions de-
Houthis Zaidi sectan offshoot of SUDAN struction.
Shiite Islamand killed 152 people. NIGER Shortly after they overtook the
A previously unknown Islamic State Sana city, anti-Houthi protests erupted
affiliate calling itself Sana Province CHAD there. Protest organizers claimed the
Islamic State claimed responsibility
claimed responsibility, introducing YEMEN Houthis fired live rounds to disperse
for suicide bombings that killed at
another dangerous new player into a least 135 people. But its role hasnt them, but that couldnt be indepen-
conflict lurching toward a civil war Sources: Institute for the Study of War been conrmed. dently verified.
involving the countrys besieged (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria); staff reporting THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Houthi militants in military uni-
president, a former president and a forms fired at us directly, said Sami
patchwork of militant groups. al-Ghobari, an anti-Houthi protester.
Houthi leader Abdel Malik Al called on the rebel group to with- Yemen is of particular concern to situation had deteriorated to the They seek bloodshed, since they
Houthi warned Sunday that Yemen draw from government installations American officials because its al point where the decision was made want to enter Taiz by force, a prov-
was becoming another Syria or and return looted government weap- Qaeda franchise, al Qaeda in the that it was time to bring these guys ince they are unwanted in.
Iraqtwo countries where the Sunni ons. Arabian Peninsula or AQAP, has out of there before it got too bad. Marwan al-Munaifi, a local busi-
radicals of Islamic State have taken Yemen was the scene of an Arab claimed responsibility for some of The U.S. ability to carry out drone nessman, predicted the Houthis
hold and seized large tracts of terri- Spring revolt that ousted longtime the most high-profile international strikes in Yemen suffered a serious would fall quickly in Taiz because of
tory. dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012. terror attacks. One of them was the setback with the evacuation, officials their lack of experience in governing.
What is happening in Iraq and He was replaced by President Abed deadly January attack on the Paris said. It definitely makes our pursuit The Houthis, who are estimated
Syria should be examples for Yemen. Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who main- offices of satirical magazine Charlie of al Qaeda in Yemen more difficult, to make up about 30% of Yemens
And sadly, we are starting to face tained his predecessors antiterror Hebdo. the defense official said. It affects population, have long had a power
what those countries faced, he said cooperation with the U.S. Because of Yemens central role our ability to interact on the ground base in northern Yemen. They began
in an address on the Houthi-run Al The Houthis took over the capital as a staging ground for anti-Ameri- with people who are friendly to us, extending their control southward
Masirah television station. and the government last month and can operations, the U.S. military has which impacts our ability to gather last year and overran Sana in Sep-
The United Nations Security Mr. Hadi fled from Sana to his tried to maintain its presence in the information, and it affects our eyes tember to demand a greater say in
Council met in an emergency meet- stronghold in the southern port city country even as the political vio- on the ground. government under Mr. Hadi.
ing on Sunday to discuss Yemens of Aden, about 60 kilometers from lence has spread. But the defense official said the U.N.-brokered talks for a political
crisis. Taiz. Now an array of fragmented The U.S. has long cooperated U.S. still has some ability to carry compromise failed, and the Houthis
It condemned the unilateral ac- sects and political factions are com- with Mr. Hadi on counterterrorism out drone strikes in Yemen as part of took over government in early Feb-
tions taken by the Houthis in Yemen, peting for power and territory operations including drone strikes its counterterrorism program. ruary. They put Mr. Hadi under
including its attack on the temporary across the country of 26 million peo- and considers him the legitimate We still, of course, retain the ca- house arrest, but he soon fled to
presidential compound and the air- ple. president. pability to do unilateral counterter- Aden, where he has since been trying
port in Aden, and blamed it for un- The Houthis are locked in a fight Defense officials said the U.S. de- rorism strikes anywhere in the to make a comeback.
dermining the political transition with Mr. Hadi. On the sidelines, cided to pull the forces out of al-An- world, the official said. The conflict between Mr. Hadi
and jeopardizing the countrys stabil- other powerful interests are at play nad air base in the south after al The State Department described and the Houthis has grown increas-
ity. in the tangled fight over Yemens fu- Qaeda targeted the nearby city of al- the withdrawal of all remaining U.S. ingly violent over the past week,
In a unanimously adopted state- ture. Neighboring Saudi Arabia sup- Houta. Its a very unstable situation personnel from Yemen as temporary, raising concern that Yemen is sliding
ment, the 15-member council de- ports Mr. Hadi, while Shiite Iran, in Yemen, a U.S. defense official but it was unclear Sunday when the into a civil war.
plored that the Houthis had ignored Saudi Arabias main regional rival, said. There was no direct threat U.S. military and diplomatic person- Dion Nissenbaum
earlier Security Council demands and backs the Houthis. against these guys, but the security nel will be able to return. contributed to this article.

Long Islamic State Fight Seen

BY STEPHANIE ARMOUR Corps spokesman, said Marines and do they represent, said Mr. Brennan,
their families should take precautions adding that they are a distortion of
Central Intelligence Agency Direc- by limiting the amount of personal the Islamic faith. It is an ideology of
tor John Brennan said the reach of information that is available online. violence.
the militant group Islamic State is Vigilance and force protection An Islamic State division in Yemen
spreading beyond Syria and Iraq, and considerations remain a priority for has taken responsibility for a pair of
that it would take a combined and commanders and their personnel suicide bombings on two mosques in
possibly extended international effort world-wide, he said. Yemens capital that killed more than
to beat back the threat. This is very disconcerting to the 100 people on Friday. The bombings
His comments on Sunday came specific families that were identified marked the deadliest terrorist attacks
amid reports that a group calling it- in this release, but more broadly in the countrys history.
self the Islamic State Hacking Divi- across the armed services, Retired An Islamic State unit claimed re-

sion posted online the alleged names Army Gen. Carter Ham said Sunday sponsibility for an attack Wednesday
and addresses of personnel in the Air on ABC. on a museum in the capital of Tunisia
Force, Army and Navy. Islamic State has been weakened that killed more than 20 people. CIA Director John Brennan said the group has been weakened in Syria and Iraq.
It called on Muslims in the U.S. to in Syria and Iraq, Mr. Brennan said The U.S. cant relent on its contin-
kill them, according to SITE Intelli- on Fox. ued work with partners in the region, theyre trying to push back against it President Barack Obamas strategy of
gence Group, a monitoring service for The U.S. has pushed back al Mr. Brennan said. is having some great, I think, prog- relying largely on airstrikes to
Jihadist threats. Qaeda, but groups such as Islamic ISIS momentum inside of Iraq ress. weaken Islamic State militants.
SITE said the Islamic State affili- State will prompt a hard fight over and Syria has been blunted, and it A U.S. led coalition has been car- Mr. Brennan said it was wrong to
ate posted the information on March the next decade, he said. has been stopped, said Mr. Brennan. rying out airstrikes against Islamic blame the rise of Islamic State on the
20 and distributed a link to it on a It is a very twisted, perverted in- So, they are not on the march as State, which gained a foothold in pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq. In-
Twitter account on Friday. terpretation of a religion that they they were several months ago. We large parts of Syria and Iraq last stead, he said, Iraqis had squandered
Lt. Col. John Caldwell, a Marine purport to represent but in no way are working with the Iraqis, and summer. Republicans have criticized opportunities to establish stability.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 9


Afghan Leaders Visit

To U.S. Stresses Policy
BY NATHAN HODGE Mr. Ghani, who once lived in the governor of Da Afghanistan Bank,
Washington suburb of Bethesda, the countrys central bank, described
KABULFor decades, Afghani- Md., has a key advantage: He speaks Mr. Ghani as a man absorbed in the
stan has been under the sway of the same language as Washington finer details of fiscal policy, a
warlords. This month, Afghan Presi- policy makers, something Afghan marked departure from the ways of
dent Ashraf Ghani will showcase a and international officials say will his predecessor, former President
country under the leadership of a be important for courting support Hamid Karzai.
policy wonk. from the White House and Capitol Ghani first contacted the central
Mr. Ghani, a former anthropology Hill. bank in his first week in office ask-
professor and World Bank official, is But the Afghan presidents lead- ing about the health of the financial
scheduled to meet President Barack ership style, they say, has also sector, Mr. Hadawal said, adding

Obama at the White House on Tues- shaken up Kabuls political culture. that Mr. Ghani has met with the
day, the first meeting between the Afghan officials privately complain chief executives of every Afghan
two since the Afghan president took they are working long hours. People bank, asking them to submit action Ashraf Ghani will make the case for continued aid on his Washington trip.
office in late September. who work closely with Mr. Ghani, plans to push the institutions into
The stakes are high for the Af- who boasts of sleeping only five having top positions staffed and within at the World Bank, studying I really dont know anyone who
ghan government. Mr. Ghani is head- hours a night, describe him as a mi- meeting international compliance the social impact of big infrastruc- has gone from thought leader and
ing to Washington to make the case cromanager who is quick to dismiss rules to combat money laundering. ture projects in the developing indirect leadership to direct leader-
for continued aid to his country, people he sees as underperforming. Despite his finance experience, world. Ashraf was sort of fasci- shipand been good at both, he
which depends on international sup- He fires more people than he Mr. Ghani has an often adversarial nated by how power gets wielded, said.
port to pay the army and police appoints, said an associate of Mr. relationship with the international said Mr. Guggenheim, who fre- The Afghan president must com-
forces that are the main line of de- Ghani. advisers who oversee billions of dol- quently visits Kabul to advise the pete for the attention of Washington
fense against Taliban insurgents. Khan Afzal Hadawal, the acting lars in aid to his country. His book president on development policy. policy makers who face crises on
Fixing Failed States, published in Its a lot more fun to be watching multiple fronts, including the con-
2008, took international develop- that up close than from far away. frontation with Russia and the rise
Tapering Off ment experts to task for ignoring A return to Afghanistan didnt of Islamic State in the Middle East.
U.S. funds appropriated for Afghan reconstruction, by program the needs of the worlds poorest and seem likely in the mid-1990s, when Mr. Ghani took office after a pro-
most marginalized peopleand for Afghanistan was largely under Tali- tracted election crisis that ended
Security Governance and Humanitarian International squandering billions of dollars in ban control. Development expert with the formation of a national
development Affairs Operations poorly conceived aid projects. and author Michael Fairbanks re- unity government. His rival for the
$175 billion More recently, Mr. Ghani has called meeting Mr. Ghani at his presidency, former Foreign Minister
moved to wrest control of a $500- small, neatly appointed office in Abdullah Abdullah, serves as the
150 million-a-year fund administered by Washington in 1997 at the World countrys chief executive officer.
the United Nations Development Bank and asking if he planned to re- Mr. Ghanis government isnt a
Program to pay for the Afghan po- turn soon to Afghanistan, then iso- complete break with the past: He
lice. Close advisers say he has clear lated from the rest of the world. won office by forging an alliance
ideas how aid should workand No, Mr. Ghani replied, accord- with Abdul Rashid Dostum, an eth-
100 wants greater Afghan control over ing to Mr. Fairbanks. I wont, be- nic Uzbek and former warlord with
spending foreign cash. cause there will never be that op- a large vote bank in the countrys
75 Mr. Ghani has followed an un- portunity. My kids are being raised north. Disagreements within the
usual career trajectory. Trained as in America and they are culturally unity government have delayed the
an anthropologist, he left academia American. formation of a cabinet.
50 in 1991 to join the World Bank, and Mr. Fairbanks, who worked with He obviously had to make a lot
he still works closely with a small Mr. Ghani at the World Bank and in of compromises, said Idrees Zaman,
25 group of trusted advisers from his Afghanistan, said Mr. Ghanis trans- an independent Afghan political ana-
career in international development. formation from policy wonk to pres- lyst, of Mr. Ghani. He enjoys as an
Scott Guggenheim, a develop- ident showed his evolution from an academic and a thinker a very good
ment expert who has known the Af- indirect leaderone who leads reputation, but he is running a very
FY2003 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15* ghan president since he was a grad- through force of intellect but doesnt compromised government.
Note: Fiscal year ends Sept. 30 *Estimate uate student, said Mr. Ghani was control people or budgetsto a tra- Margherita Stancati
Source: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. part of the the opposition from ditional direct leader. contributed to this article.

Soldiers Uncover Mass Grave U.S., Iran Nuclear Talks

BY PATRICK MCGROARTY Move Into Crucial Phase
Soldiers battling Boko Haram in BY LAURENCE NORMAN united in their positions as negotia-
northern Nigeria have uncovered a tions with Iran over its nuclear pro-
mass grave of the Islamic militants LAUSANNE, SwitzerlandIranian gram moved into their final days
victims, officials said Friday, a President Hasan Rouhani said Satur- ahead of a March 31 deadline.
grim sign of the reckoning to come day that a political deal between his We reaffirmed that we are all
as troops from four countries fight government and six world powers equally committed to finding a solu-
to secure the region ahead of elec- was within sight, but U.S. Secretary tion that ensures that Irans nuclear
tions at the end of this week. of State John Kerry said the two program remains exclusively peace-
Commanders from Chad and Ni- sides hadnt yet reached the finish ful in line with its stated commit-
ger said that their soldiers had un- line after five days of negotiations ment, said a statement released by
covered about a hundred bodies in in Switzerland. the four Western diplomats. Any
a shallow grave outside Damasak, a In Iran, Mr. Rouhani won fresh solution must be comprehensive,
town near Nigerias destitute backing for the diplomacy from the durable and verifiable, they said.
northern border with Niger that countrys Supreme Leader Ayatollah The talks with Iranian Foreign

they reclaimed from Boko Haram Ali Khamenei. Minister Javad Zarif are expected to
over the past week. Still, in tough remarks that resume Thursday in Lausanne.
The militants had been killing Chadian soldiers in the recently retaken town of Damasak, Nigeria, last week. brought fresh cries of Down with The two sides have set a June 30
people before they fled, said one America from the public at his Ira- deadline to complete a detailed, fi-
military leader. Possibly they didnt graves found in Damasak, or progress group killed more than 20,000 peo- nian new years speech, Mr. Khame- nal agreement that seeks to ensure
have food to feed these potential in the broader military campaign. ple and staged attacks in the far-off nei demanded that any deal must Iran cant quickly amass enough nu-
captives or a way to move them. Nigeria is eager to show prog- capital, Abuja, and beyond. After so lift sanctions on his country imme- clear fuel for a bomb, in exchange
Damasak is one of several key ress in the fight against Boko much turmoil, many pro-democracy diately and said Iran and the U.S. for the lifting of sanctions.
towns retaken in an intensifying Haram before national elections advocates are skeptical that Nige- were set to remain foes. In my conversations with For-
assault against Boko Haram this Saturdaythe reason officials gave rias government will be able to as- Mr. Kerry met Saturday evening eign Minister Zarifwe have made
month. Of the Belgium-sized swath for postponing the vote from its sure the safety of nearly 70 million in London with the U.K., French, genuine progress in the talks, Mr.
of impoverished farmland that the long-scheduled date of Feb. 14. voters who could show up at the German and European Union foreign Kerry said Saturday. But we recog-
group controlled earlier this year, The arrival of troops from Cam- more than 100,000 polling stations. ministers to discuss the latest devel- nize that fundamental decisions
Nigerias military says it has cor- eroon, Chad and Niger appears to We have not seen the neces- opments. Russia and China complete have to be made now and they dont
ralled Boko Haram fighters into have turned the fight in Nigerias fa- sary security, said Zik Ibrahim, the six-power group that negotiates get any easier as time goes by.
just three areas now. vor. Boko Harams unprecedented chairman of the Transition Moni- with Iran. We have not yet reached the
A spokesman for Nigerias mili- retreat from more than 30 north- toring Group, a constellation of Late Saturday, the Obama admin- finish line, but make no mistake: we
tary didnt immediately respond to eastern towns and areas this month civic organizations that plans to istration and its European diplo- have the opportunity to try to get
requests for comment on the mass comes after six years in which the monitor the voting. matic partners vowed to remain this right, he said.
10 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Border Conflict
Tests Beijings
BY CHUN HAN WONG why did they bring the war to us or-
dinary folk in China? his mother,
LINCANG, ChinaWhen war- 48-year-old Zhang Xiaowu, said from
planes involved in fighting over her hospital bed this week, after her
northern Myanmar streaked across left leg was amputated. Our military

Chun Han Wong/The Wall Street Journal

the border into China, an errant hasnt offended you. We ordinary
bomb killed Chinese farmers and folk havent offended you. What
put Beijing in a bind over a conflict grievances do you have against us?
it has tried to avoid. Beijings quandary lies in trying
The explosion a week and a half to balance its commitment to pro-
ago came after jets had circled the tecting Chinese lives around the
frontier for days, occasionally bomb- world with its aim to avoid exacer-
ing targets in the Myanmar region of bating an already rocky relationship
Kokang. Yang Jinrong and other Chi- with Myanmar.
nese farmers living along the border On the national level, Chinas
had looked on from afar with little bottom-line interests are border se- Chinese air force J-7 interceptors were parked on the tarmac at Lincang airport, near the border with Myanmar.
concern. Fighting between Kokang curity and its broader aspirations in
rebels and Myanmar government Myanmar, but Beijing will not sacri- a business opportunity to extract camps set up by Chinese authorities. media, many users have appealed
troops has ebbed and flowed for fice either one for the other, said minerals, timber and other re- Many Burmese see Kokangese as for ethnic solidarity and support for
years, with little violent spillover. Yun Sun, an expert on the region at sources. Twin Chinese oil and gas foreigners and Chinese invaders, Kokang independence.
On March 13, however, ordnance the Henry L. Stimson Center, a pipelines snake across from Myan- and social media has been rife with Options for Beijing are limited. A
fell in a sugar cane field where Mr. Washington-based think tank. mars coast to Chinas landlocked messages of support for Myanmar severe response such as sealing the
Yang and two-dozen other farmers Beijing reacted angrily to the Yunnan province. But relations have troops, known as the Tatmadaw. border could curb spillover from the
were working. Mr. Yang saw his bombing. It dispatched fighter jets soured since Myanmars transition The Myanmar government has capi- fighting and placate Myanmar. But
younger brother crumple onto the and ground forces to patrol the bor- away from decades of military talized on this show of anti-Chinese it may also anger Yunnan businesses
ground, blood pouring from wounds der area and issued well-publicized rulea decision by Myanmars gov- sentiment, drumming up nationalis- and residents with Kokang ties, or
on his left torso. Yards away, his dmarches to Myanmars govern- ernment to, among other things, di- tic support by accusing Chinese citi- create a humanitarian issue if refu-
mother grabbed the mangled re- ment and military. Myanmar offi- versify foreign relations and scale zens of aiding the rebels. gees are forced to leave China.
mains of her left leg. cials were initially quick to blame back their dependence on China. China has rebuffed accusations Pressing Myanmar to pursue
I was terrified. People all Kokang rebels, saying that they had A complicating factor for Beijing from Myanmar that Chinese citizens peace talks with the rebels, mean-
around us were scampering for no records of their warplanes cross- is that Kokang is mainly populated are sheltering and offering supplies while, could be seen as interference
cover, Mr. Yang said. ing the border, and have agreed to a by ethnic Chinese who have mi- to the Kokang rebels. Chinas foreign in the countrys internal affairs and
The blast killed five Chinese na- joint investigation with the Chinese. grated across the border over centu- ministry said Friday that it respects further strain ties. The policy is ba-
tionals and injured eight others, in- The casualties in Mr. Yangs village ries. Today, the Kokangese maintain Myanmars sovereignty and sically to muddle through. No one is
cluding Mr. Yangs mother and on the hilly, subtropical frontier, are strong ties of commerce and kinship wouldnt allow Chinese territory to happy, yet no one is pushed over the
brother, who were eventually taken the first reported deaths on the Chi- with residents in Yunnan. Tens of be used to undermine relations. edge, said Ms. Sun, of the Stimson
to a hospital in the city of Lincang, nese side of the border. thousands, in the estimates of some Still, Beijing faces growing calls Center.
more than five hours drive away. China sees Myanmar as a strate- aid groups, have flooded across the to help ethnic Chinese who face per- Olivia Geng
Those lot fighting in Myanmar, gic gateway to the Indian Ocean and border, with many now living in secution overseas. On Chinese social contributed to this article.

U.S. Proposes Partnership With New China-Led Bank

Continued from first page and financing for the infrastructure ing smaller countries. welcome the entry of the Asian In-
ects. building in Asia, he said. Beijing has struggled to increase frastructure Investment Bank, Mr.
The U.S. would welcome new World Bank President Jim Yong its influence within the World Bank, Kim said.
multilateral institutions that Kim said through a spokesman that the Asian Development Bank and the The brouhaha over the new bank
strengthen the international finan- he and his lieutenants are already in worlds emergency lender, the Inter- highlights the growing complexity of
cial architecture, said Nathan deep discussions with the new national Monetary Fund. But as the the Wests relationship with Chinas
Sheets, U.S. Treasury Under Secre- Asian Infrastructure Investment founder and one of the new banks emerging power.
tary for International Affairs. Co-fi- Bank on how we can closely work largest shareholders, it will have the In the European countries, there
nancing projects with existing insti- together. greatest say in which projects to were often divides between the fi-
tutions like the World Bank or the The U.S. suffered a diplomatic pick. nance ministries that saw commer-
Asian Development Bank will help embarrassment last week after sev- Infrastructure needs around the cial opportunities and the foreign
ensure that high quality, time-tested eral of its key European allies pub- world are enormous. Emerging ministries that have some of the
standards are maintained. licly rebuffed Washingtons pleas to countries need new ports, railways, same concerns we do, a senior U.S.
Mr. Sheets argues that co-fi- snub Beijings invitations to join the bridges, airports and roads to sup- administration official said.
nanced projects would ensure the bank and instead said they would be port faster growth. Developed econ- Beijing has set up more than a
bank complements rather than com- founding members. omies, meanwhile, must replace ag- dozen parallel structures that chal-
petes with existing institutions. If Backing the new bank through ing infrastructure. The Asian lenge the established international
the new bank were to adopt the co-financing could also help the U.S.
Zuma Press

Development Bank estimates its re- order, from the Chiang Mai Initia-
same governance and operational move past the diplomatic mess, re- gion alone faces an annual financing tive, a regional currency swap facil-
standards, he said, it could both bol- unite with its trans-Atlantic allies on shortfall of $800 billion a year. The ity designed to mimic the Interna-
ster the international financial sys- this issue and counter any percep- World Bank President Jim Yong Kim consulting firm McKinsey & Co. esti- tional Monetary Fund, to the Brics
tem and help meet major infrastruc- tions that the U.S. is wholly opposed mates global infrastructure-invest- bank, an infrastructure bank named
ture-investment gaps. to the institution as part of a China- international development institu- ment needs through 2030 total $57 after the worlds largest emerging
No decision has been made by containment strategy. tion with 188 nations as members. trillion. market economies.
the new Chinese-led bank about Our concern has always But others have emerged amid con- By comparison, the Asian Devel- But without the standards that
whether it will partner with existing beewill it adhere to the kinds of cerns about drawing more invest- opment Bank has just $160 billion in the World Bank and other U.S.-influ-
multilateral development banks, as high standards that the interna- ment and attention to fast-growing capital and the World Bankwhich enced lending facilities have devel-
the facility is still being formed, tional financial institutions have de- regions. Those include the Asian De- has co-financed with other regional oped over decades, Chinas new
though co-financing is unlikely to veloped? U.S. Treasury Secretary velopment Bank, the African Devel- institutions for yearshas around bank risks fomenting distrust with
face opposition from U.S. allies. Jacob Lew told U.S. lawmakers last opment Bank, European Investment $500 billion. The China-led bank the U.S. and creating a host of social
Zhu Haiquan, a spokesman at week. Bank and the Inter-American Devel- plans to have a $50 billion fund to and economic issues. It could also
Chinas embassy in Washington, said Co-financing, combined with Eu- opment Bank. start. help subsidize Chinese corporate in-
Beijing is open to collaboration with ropean membership, will make it The banks loans are designed to We have every intention of terests.
the existing institutions and that the more likely this institution largely foster infrastructure and develop- sharing knowledge and co-investing But while wary of China, Wash-
new bank is built in the spirit of conforms to the international stan- ment projects that are often high- in projects throughout Asia, said ington has at the same time been
openness and inclusiveness and will dards, said Matthew Goodman, an risk and long-term, helping to lower Mr. Kim, who was picked by Presi- trying to pull the country into the
follow high standards. Asia expert at the Center for Strate- the costs for governments that dent Barack Obama in 2012 as the global political and economic archi-
It will effectively cooperate with gic and International Studies adviser couldnt afford borrowing from the U.S. nominee to lead the World tecture based on the theory that
and complement the existing multi- and former economics director at private sector. For the most power- Bank. Beijings participation cultivates
lateral development banks such as the U.S. National Security Council. ful lending countries, they cultivate From the perspective simply of greater responsibility. Co-financing
the World Bank and the Asian Devel- The World Bank, forged out of regional growth prospects and can the need for more infrastructure could become a steppingstone for
opment Bank to provide investment World War II, remains the leading provide a political tool for influenc- spending, theres no doubt that we the U.S. to join in a few years.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 11

OBITUARY | Lee Kuan Yew 1923-2015

Singapore Founding
Father Dies at 91
BY CHUN HAN WONG phy of Mr. Lee, saw it another way:
For Mr. Lee, he wrote, means
Lee Kuan Yew, who dominated never mattered so long as the ends
Singapore politics for more than he desired were reached. He ran
half a century and transformed the Singapore like a tightly managed
former British outpost into a global private corporation, paying what he
trade and finance powerhouse, set- considered good dividends to the
ting a template for emerging mar- shareholders.
kets around the world, died Mon- When Mr. Lee assumed power,
day. He was 91 years old. Singapore was saddled with huge
Mr. Lee had been battling se- income disparities and a fragile
vere pneumonia, a condition the economy as an entrept, or trading
government disclosed in late Febru- post. By the mid-1960s, its neigh-
ary after he was admitted to Singa- bors, including Malaysia and Indo-

European Pressphoto Agency

pore General Hospital on Feb. 5. Mr. nesia, were turning hostile.
Lee had been in intensive care and Mr. Lee sought to assert Singa-
was put on mechanical ventilation. pores relevance by becoming glob-
Last week, the government, now ally important in certain sectors,
led by Mr. Lees son, Prime Minister with state investments in strategic
Lee Hsien Loong, said the elder Mr. industries such as ports, shipping,
Lees condition had worsened due construction and airlines, though
to an infection. On Sunday, the gov- he pressured local companies to be- A woman and her child sit amid the ruins of their home on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, on Thursday.

Cyclone-Hit Vanuatu
ernment said that his condition had come efficient enough to compete
weakened even further. with their global peers. Many, such
as Singapore Airlines and Singa-
pore Telecommunications, became
highly profitable.

Faces Uncertain Future

As other Asian economies in the
1960s and 1970s were plagued by
social and political upheaval, Mr.
Lees comparatively stable govern-
ment was able to establish indus-
trial zones, training colleges for
workers, first-class infrastructure BY LUCY CRAYMER United Nations Office of Humanitar- and maintain a traditional lifestyle
Agence France-Presse/Getty Image

and business tax breaks, notably for ian Affairs in the Pacific, said rebuild- based on subsistence farming, grow-
electronics companies, powering TANNA, VanuatuBefore a ing costs were expected to be high ing crops like breadfruit and a local
the city-states growth as an export deadly cyclone struck this remote based on the extent of the damage. banana. Some continue to live under
hub. South Pacific island chain, Joseph Aid agencies including Oxfam, the rule of a chief, much like their
Hundreds of Western companies Komisak ran a reasonably successful Red Cross International, CARE and ancestors have lived for generations
set up regional headquarters there, business renting out tourist bunga- World Vision are all working to and never venturing far afield.
with Hewlett-Packard Co. and Gen- lows at the base of Mount Yasura meet the emergency needs of locals, While English and French are spo-
eral Electric Co. among the early live volcano with bubbling lava that while the New Zealand and Austra- ken, there are 113 distinct dialects of
Lee Kuan Yew died at 91 on Monday. investors. Gross domestic product constantly booms across the valleys. lian defense forces and New Caledo- the local language.
per capita, which stood at $512 in Mr. Komisak had plowed every- nias security force are on the Many locals were struggling
Mr. Lees core principlesin- 1965, grew to more than $56,000 in thing hed saved from his gardening ground offering services. even before the storm hit. Evidence
cluding a focus on clean and effi- recent yearssimilar to levels in job to build four bungalows and a A number of governments have of hunger is everywhere in Tanna,
cient government, business-friendly the U.S. and surpassing those of Ja- tree hut, as well as a new horse- offered initial relief packages. New where barely clothed children with
economic policies, and social or- pan and Germany. riding business. But the Category-5 Zealand pledged US$1.8 million and distended bellies can be seen in
derhelped attract massive invest- The government transferred tropical storm that swept through Australian offered US$3.8 million. dusty villages alongside roaming
ment and many of the worlds big- some of the wealth to Singaporeans Vanuatu just over a week ago wiped One of the worst hit among Van- pigs, chickens and dogs. Access to
gest companies to Singapore after in the form of subsidized housing all of that out. uatus dozens of islands was Tanna water has also become a major
he became prime minister in 1959, and other benefits. Rather than The only income here is tour- in the south, where residents still problem since the storm, which con-
catapulting living standards to First give money directly to the poor and ism, said the 45-year-old father of lack access to electricity, phone taminated supplies and tipped over
World status from Third World lev- unemployed, Mr. Lee supplied af- three, as he surveyed the ruins. lines or the Internet. many of the islands rain-gathering
els in hardly more than a genera- fordable state-built apartments that When we have money, this is for Unless the all-important tourist tanks.
tion. he encouraged citizens to buy. To- paying school fees and helping our dollars return, its inhabitants will Mr. Komisak and other locals are
Leaders of other countries day, 90% of Singaporean resident community. Its a real worry. struggle to feed their families once anxious over the pace of recovery,
rushed to copy his model, with households own their homes, one of As the cleanup begins following aid agencies call a halt to supplying particularly as they head into
some success, though they often the highest rates in the world. the worst cyclone to hit Vanuatu in emergency relief. Tannas traditionally busiest
fell short because they didnt rein Mr. Lee, who was influenced by recent history, fears are growing months, April through July, knowing
in corruption or were governing socialism in his youth, argued his among the population here about that tourists tend to choose safer
states too big to manage as easily. hard-nosed policies were born of how the Pacific nationlying 2,236 Tourists tend to choose destinations for a long time after a
Along the way Singapore, now necessity, because tiny Singapore miles east of Australiawill recover natural disaster strikes an area.
one of the worlds richest nations, lacked many of the material advan- and entice foreign visitors so crucial
safer destinations for a It took the Maldives, an island-
drew criticism from rights groups tages enjoyed by countries like the to the local economy to return. long time after a disaster. nation in the Indian Ocean torn
that said it attained its developed- U.S., China or even Indonesia, with An exotic destination cherished apart by the 2004 Asian tsunami,
world living standards without their vast natural resources, abun- by divers and adventure seekers, the three years to attract well-heeled
adopting full Western-style democ- dant farmland and large popula- archipelago faces a long path of re- vacationers once again. Maldivian
racy or some of the freedoms taken tions. What Singapore did have was building from two days of devasta- Its bad for the economy, particu- national income fell 40% in the year
for granted in Western societies. a prime location along one of the tion wrought by Cyclone Pams 250- larly for tourism, Joe Natuman, Van- following the disaster, which also
Although Singapore held regular worlds busiest shipping lanes, kilometer-per-hour (155mph) winds. uatus prime minister, told reporters devastated parts of Thailand, Sri
free elections under Mr. Lee, laws which argued for doing everything The death toll from the storm at Tanna airport after arriving on an Lanka and Indonesia,
proscribing public gatherings and possible to make it a global trade stands at 24, far smaller than simi- aid plane from the New Zealand air Even before the cyclone, Vanu-
limiting other civil liberties ham- hub attractive to investors, he rea- lar-sized Pacific storms, such as last force. On this island, tourism is the atus tourist industry was being
pered the development of a power- soned. His philosophies were fur- years Typhoon Haiyan, which killed main industry and all the bungalows slugged by sharp falls in the Austra-
ful opposition. Western media ther influenced by Confucian ideals, 6,000 people in the Philippines. But have been blown away. lian dollar, which has encouraged
called Singapore a nanny state which called for thrift, self-reliance the infrastructure damage has been Most holidaymakers arrive here more Australians to stay at home
and lampooned its attempts to cre- and respect for elders, education overwhelming. from New Zealand, the French terri- and persuaded many New Caledo-
ate an orderly society through and social order. I stressed that More than half of Vanuatus build- torial island of New Caledonia and nians to visit Australia instead of
rules, incentives and ad campaigns, freedom could only exist in an or- ings have been badly damaged Australia. But the cyclone halted all neighboring Vanuatu.
including a famous ban on the sale derly state, he wrote in a memoir, many having their roofs blown off inbound tourism, causing immediate John Nicholls, owner of Ever-
of chewing gum that was relaxed From Third World to First. leaving up to a third of the countrys economic pain when the country is green Resort and Tours on Tanna,
slightly in 2004. Mr. Lees success meant that his 266,000 people homeless. Forests, facing a costly recovery. Tourism said the number of visitors to his
Mr. Lee argued that Western- name became synonymous with where holidaymakers were fond of dominates the nations underdevel- resort were shrinking even before
style democracy just wasnt suit- Singapore. The political party he trekking, were shredded by the oped economy, contributing about the cyclone left the resort unviable.
able for all nations, and that young co-founded, the Peoples Action storm, while crops such as coffee 40% of its gross domestic product. In Commercially, we are all gone,
countries needed stability and eco- Party, or PAP, has won every elec- across the island were destroyed. 2013, Vanuatus per capita GDP was New Caledonian-born Mr. Nicholls
nomic development before they tion since 1959when Singapore Authorities and aid agencies are US$3,082, with 12.7% of the popula- said. Firstly all the forest is gone,
could afford the luxuries of democ- became self-governingand has al- hesitant to estimate how much re- tion living below the poverty line ac- most of the buildings are defunct.
racy and personal liberty in a West- most always controlled the vast construction will cost, as much of the cording to Asian Development Bank. The main structure is still there so
ern mold. majority, and at one point all, of damage still hasnt been fully as- Many Ni-Vanuatu, as the locals we could rebuild, but we dont have
Writer T.J.S. George, in a biogra- the countrys parliamentary seats. sessed. But Sune Gudnitz, head of the are known, live in thatched houses the money.
12 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Getty Images (far left); Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Mark King, left, Adidass North America president since June, says he has been given leeway to craft a U.S.-specific strategy. Herbert Hainer, right, CEO since 2001, is under investor pressure to improve results.

In U.S., Adidas Strives to Be Cool

Continued from first page wear, according to Sterne Agee and SportS- utor then. But executives in Germany decided
$51.6 billion in 2013, 43% of global sales, esti- canInfo. Point Spread shoppers would favor taller players and
mates industry tracker Sporting Goods Intelli- When Herbert took over, America was a North American sales, wanted to sponsor centers, the person says,
gence. problem, says Christophe Bezu, former head change from a year earlier adding: We kept saying, Nono one can re-
The U.S. is 40% of the worlds sneaker of Adidas Asia Pacific, who left in 2011 after late to those guys. Who can associate with a
market and 100% of the worlds sneaker cul- almost 24 years with the company. America 40% Adidas seven-foot-tall guy?
ture, says Matt Powell, a sporting-goods-in- has always been a problem, and despite seri- Nike Adidas signed centers of the era, including
dustry analyst. To win the world, you need to ous efforts nobody has been able to fix it. 30 Under Armour Kareem Abdul-Jabbarit still sells sneakers
win the U.S. Mr. Hainer declines to be interviewed. In a named for him. Mr. Jordan in 1984 signed
Adidas was dominant in the U.S. sports- financial presentation this month, he said Adi- 20 with Nike, which built his name into a block-
shoe market in the 1970s; its retail market das underperformed in North America and buster basketball business. Mr. Jordan and
share was about 7% in 2014, according to we are all disappointed. 10 Adidas decline to comment.
Sterne Agee and SportScanInfo. For Mr. Kings Mr. Hainer wants to reboot in the U.S. with Tensions between Adidass people on the
boss, Adidas Chief Executive Herbert Hainer, Mr. King, an Adidas-group veteran who took 0 ground in America and in Herzogenaurach
the failure to reverse the German companys over North American operations last June. Mr. would continue for decades, say company vet-
U.S. market-share slide is a big blemish on his King, an American, says headquarters in Her- 10 erans. The Americans always asked to be al-
14 largely successful years running the brand. zogenaurach, Germany, has given him more 2011 12 13 14 lowed to do what they wanted, says Mr. Bezu,
Adidass share price more than quadrupled leeway than predecessors to craft a U.S.-spe- Note: Nike scal years end May 31. Adidas and Under Armour the former Adidas executive, while headquar-
from 2002 through 2013. In March 2014, the cific strategy. operate on a calendar year. Percentages reect currency-neutral ters was maybe a bit too dogmatic.
company extended Mr. Hainers contract to America is a very different mind-set from change in sales for Nike and Adidas, change in sales for Under An Adidas spokeswoman says each U.S.
2017. Germany, Mr. King says. Thats really the Source: the companies leader had a long and successful track re-
Then results soured. Adidass stock fell epiphany. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cord.
38% to 57.6 last year, recovering to about Branding and product creation for most Adidas got a pop-culture boost in 1986
70 ($76 ) last week ahead of a five-year- products sold in America will originate in the when hip-hop group Run-DMC released My
strategy launch this week. Adidas reported U.S. for the first time, Mr. King says. Last and have that action executed. Adidas, a song lauding the rap worlds favor-
2014 net income of 490 million, down 38% year, he announced plans to hire three Nike The Adidas spokeswoman says: We listen ite shoes. But the boost diverted Adidas from
from 2013, on sales of 14.5 billion, up 2%. shoe designers for a new Brooklyn, N.Y., stu- to retailers and consumers every day and its sports markets, hurting business when the
An acute problem last year was turmoil in dioAdidass first American design outpost make our business decisions based on that trend waned, say former executives and dis-
Russia, a big Adidas market. But a deeper woe outside U.S. headquarters in Portland, Ore. collective insight. She says Adidas has re- tributors.
is the U.S., where sales have fallen since 2012. Mr. King in December signed a sponsorship cently reorganized its sales teams to have The spokeswoman says Adidas is first and
Adidas reported 2014 North American sales of with Arizona State University, a Nike school. dedicated reps for its Adidas and Reebok foremost a sports brand but says its fusion of
2.97 billion, down 7% from 2013. Nike posted He persuaded headquarters to let him sponsor brands. sports and lifestyle is a unique attribute.
$12.3 billion in fiscal 2014 North America up to 500 National Football League and Major A picture of upper managements U.S. mis- By the 1990s, Nike was gaining as its
sales, up 10% from 2013. Some investors are League Baseball players over the next few steps emerges from interviews with more than swoosh adorned a broad range of stars, from
questioning Mr. Hainers leadership. years, up from the few dozen Adidas sponsors 20 current and former Adidas executives. Olympian Carl Lewis to tennis champ Andre
The 60-year-old Mr. Hainer, known for his today. I know were a soccer brand globally, Founded by German athlete and shoemaker Agassi. It began designing an annual signature
analytical approach, has lifted Adidass market he says, but in the U.S. we have to be about Adolf Dassler in 1949, Adidas turned sneakers shoe for Mr. Jordan, driving consumers to buy
share over much of the globe. Much of his U.S. sport. into mainstream-fashion items. Its three- again and again.
success traces to a centralized strategy of Some retailers are skeptical Adidas has striped shoes were everywhere in America in When Mr. Hainer ascended in 2001, Adi-
dominating soccer markets with the brand. changed its stripes. Christine Noh, who runs the 1970s. Industry veteran John Horan, dass market share was rising globally but fall-
But his approach hasnt fixed a problem Nohble, a New York area chain of street-wear Sporting Goods Intelligences publisher, esti- ing in the U.S. He became known as a disci-
that predated his ascension: Adidas has often stores, says she has cut back Adidas allot- mates Adidas had the majority U.S. sports- plined CEO who focused on spreadsheets,
been off-mark among American shoppers, ments. Its representatives arent as attentive footwear market share at the time. several Adidas executives say.
whose sports-gear tastes can shift unpredict- as rivals to her input on what shoes will reso- In 1984, Adidas made a misstep that pre- Erich Joachimsthaler, a business consul-
ably and whose spending is swayed by sports nate with consumers, she says, and Adidas saged others. A University of North Carolina tant who has worked with Adidas, says Mr.
other than soccer. tends to flood the market when it has a hit, basketball star named Michael Jordan wanted Hainers analytical, long-term view has helped
U.S.-based Nike long ago outpaced Adidas depressing prices. a sponsorship deal with Adidas when he went walk a fine line between stability and re-
in American sales and is gaining in Western If your upper management is in Germany, professional, say people familiar with the mat- sponding to the latest fashion trends. Run-
Europe, Adidass home turf. Last year, Adidas and they dont know Flatbush from Harlem ter. ning almost 54,000 employees in 160 coun-
fell to No. 3 in the U.S. behind Under Armour from Virginia, she says, its hard to have Adidas distributors wanted to sign Mr. Jor- tries, you need strategic planning and an
Inc. in retail sales of sports apparel and foot- that information percolate back up to the top dan, says someone who was an Adidas distrib- approach like Hainers.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 13

Some former Adidas executives say that
analytical style could sometimes keep German
headquarters out of touch with U.S. consum-
During Mr. Hainers tenure, Adidas had
four U.S. bosses before Mr. King. In 2005, Adi-
dass U.S. retail market share had fallen to
about 10% in sports shoes, says industry re-
searcher SportsOneSource, versus Nikes
roughly 35% and Reeboks 8%.
That year, Mr. Hainer agreed to buy Ree-
bok for roughly $3.8 billion. In 2006, he
signed a deal, estimated at $400 million, to
supply the National Basketball Associations
jerseysrights previously belonging to Ree-
bokthrough 2017.
Mr. Hainer boasted Adidas was gaining on
Nike, telling a German newspaper that year:
They feel us breathing down their back.
The Reebok deal surprised top staff in
America, say former U.S. executives. From
the moment we started looking at the num-
bers, we knew it was a screwed-up business
and that wed paid too much, says a former
Adidas executive involved in handling the af-
Efforts to fix Reebok diverted resources
from the Adidas brand, say several former ex-
The Adidas spokeswoman says that like
all deals of this size, only a small amount of
Bloomberg News

people worked on the preparation, adding

that Reebok was not at its top when we ac-
quired it, but we believed and firmly believe
in the long-term growth potential of the
Having the NBA logo deal didnt stop the A woman wheels a rack of Adidas sportswear
long-term market-share slide. American shop- at company headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Competitive Field
pers tend to choose shoes based on what stars Germany. America is a very different mind-set Adidas boosted sales by buying Reebok, but its shoe market share resumed its decline as Nikes rose,
wear, not on what a team wears. Adidas did from Germany, Mr. King says. and it faced a new apparel competitor in Under Armour.
sign some stars, such as Kobe Bryant. But
Nike was particularly adept at landing top Adidas has very strong assets, very strong
current-talent endorsements and had a deep athletes, very smart people but needs to fix U.S. athletic footwear wholesale market share U.S. athletic apparel wholesale market Nike
vault of signature shoes for former stars it whats happening in the U.S. share 10.3%
could reintroduce. Nike now has more than The Adidas spokeswoman says it hit North 50% 10%
90% of the U.S. basketball-shoe retail market, America targets from 2010 through 2012.
SportsOneSource says. Meanwhile, the U.S. market was shifting
toward athleisure, in which workout clothes 40 8
became everyday wear. Companies like Lulu- Nike 47.1%
In 2005, Adidas agreed to buy lemon Athletica Inc. made pricey yoga pants 30 6 Under Armour 4.9%
desirable, and niche sportswear competitors
Reebok for roughly $3.8 billion. began filling retailers racks.
Efforts to fix Reebok diverted And Adidas faced new competition in Ske-
20 4
chers USA Inc., which has became the No. 4 Adidas 9.7%
resources from the Adidas sports-footwear brand, according to Sterne 10 2
brand, former executives say. Agee and SportScanInfo. Adidas 4.5%
Last year, Patrik Nilsson, then Adidass 0 0
North America chief, invited CEOs from three
U.S. sports retailers to Germany to convey 2000 05 10 2000 05 10
In 2010, Mr. Hainer unveiled a five-year shoppers tastes, say people familiar with the Note: From 2004, Nike includes Converse. From 2005, Adidas includes Reebok. 2014 data not available.
plan to make Adidas the leading sports brand trip. Among their messages: Make more prod- Source: Sporting Goods Intelligence THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
in the world, projecting sales growth of more uct variations, more quickly. Adidas product
than 45%. One target was underpenetrated cyclefrom drawing board to marketis Adidas has had notable successes like its This year, it introduced a much-anticipated
markets such as the United States. about 18 months. ZX Flux and Boost shoes and in signing young sneaker, the Yeezy Boost, designed with rap-
The plan called for winning U.S. share by Ken Hicks, who retired as Foot Locker guards like Portland Trail Blazers star Damian per Kanye West. The initial run sold out.
converting Reeboka sports brandinto a fit- Inc.s CEO in December and was on the trip, Lillard. Reebok is showing signs of growth. Adidas plans to bring more American fla-
ness brand. Adidas also set aggressive targets says Adidas managers were successful and Adidas last week said it wont renew its vor to products, Mr. King says.
in American basketball shoes, says Robert they took their eye off the ball a bit and didnt NBA contract and will instead focus on youth We have so many assets that nobody
Cape Capener, who ran Adidass U.S. basket- keep the next generation coming. basketball, developing new products and dou- knows about, and if we could tell those stories
ball division then. His division hit its goals in The Adidas spokeswoman says Mr. Hainer bling its NBA-player roster. in a much better, U.S.-centric way, this brand
the first few years, but momentum slowed and has a long-standing personal relationship Mr. King says Adidas is working to shorten in a very short time could definitely change
executives lost enthusiasm, he says. He says with all our major retail partners. product cycles to no more than six months. its cool factor, he said.
Getty Images

Founded by German athlete and shoemaker Adolf Dassler in 1949, Adidas turned sneakers into mainstream-fashion items. Its three-striped shoes were everywhere in America in the 1970s.
14 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Global VAT Craze

ts the hottest trend among tax 3% rate in 1989. Eight years later it the big VAT mistakean all-time high, ton Friedman often said that the best
collectors, raising a gusher of rev- was raised to 5%. Last year it climbed according to E&Y. The number of VAT taxes were those that taxpayers could
enue for spendthrift governments to 8%, whacking consumption and countries has tripled since 1990. And feel so they would be difficult to raise.
worldwide. We refer to the value- sending the economy back to negative the report clarifies how unkind such We miss those guys.
added tax (VAT), and a new report growth. The rate was scheduled to hit tax regimes can be to taxpayers. Some Liberals also love the VAT because
from accounting firm Ernst & Young 10% later this year, though the govern- economists promote VATs as efficient of the way it makes every business an
says that VAT systems are spreading ment has delayed that until 2017. Rest replacements for corporate or personal aggressive tax collector. Businesses
around the world and rates are ris- assured the 10% rate is still coming. income taxes. But Mr. Bulk reports pay the tax when they buy things, and
ing. Americans, be warned. And it will keep climb- that most of the time a then collect it from the next purchaser
The VAT is a sort of turbo-charged ing. A new study shows VAT is introduced it is in the supply chain. The businesses
national sales tax on goods and serv-
ices that is applied at each stage of
We say standard
rates because while VAT
the value-added tax in addition to other
taxes, not as a replace-
get a rebate on the portion they paid
when they remit to the government
production, not merely on retail trans- systems are often pre- is rising world-wide. ment. the sums they collected, so the system
actions. Politicians love it because it is sented as models of sim- Take Italy. E&Y re- motivates all companies to ensure
the most efficient revenue-raiser plicity that theoretically ports that the standard taxes are paid in full.
known to man, and its rates can be treat all goods and services alike, poli- VAT rate will rise to 24% in 2016 from The U.S. is a rare industrial nation
raised gradually to finance new enti- ticians cant resist picking winners 22% if Italy fails to meet certain finan- that doesnt have a VAT, though dont
tlements or fill budget holes. The VAT and losers, creating higher or lower cial targets, with further potential in- think it cant happen there. Liberals
is typically introduced with a low rate rates for industries at their whim. creases planned in 2017 and 2018 campaign on soaking the rich, but they
but then moves up over time until it The politicians always start running that could take the rate beyond 25%. know theres only so many rich to
swallows huge chunks of national with exemptions, says E&Ys Gijsbert But Italy still also suffers from one of soak. To finance the growing entitle-
economies. Bulk. the highest corporate tax rates in Eu- ment state, they need a new broad-
E&Y finds that rates have been ris- In Luxembourg, renovation of rope at roughly 31%. based tax that hits the middle class,
ing again, especially since the financial rented dwellings triggers a relatively Because VATs are embedded in the where the big money is. That means
panic and recession. E&Y says stan- low 3% VAT, though the countrys price of products, they can often rise either a VAT or a new energy tax, like
dard VAT rates now average a knee- standard rate has recently moved to unnoticed by the consumer, which is the BTU tax Bill and Hillary Clinton
buckling 21.6% in the European Union, 17% from 15%. Following a court fight why liberals love them as a vehicle for proposed in 1993 or the cap-and-tax
up from 19.4% in 2008. Average stan- in Ireland, the VAT exemption for golf periodic stealth-tax hikes. While retail scheme that President Obama wanted.
dard rates in the industrial countries greens fees has recently been ex- sales taxes applied by states and local- Well think about supporting a VAT
of the Organization for Economic Co- panded to cover visitors at nonprofit ities in the U.S. are generally made ex- when liberals vote to repeal the 16th
operation and Development have clubs. Meanwhile, cleanliness is now plicit to the consumer, it is customary Amendment that allowed the income
climbed to 19.2% from 17.8% in 2009. more expensive in Spain, as E&Y re- in many VAT jurisdictions overseas to tax. Barring that, like the rest of the
Japan is another example of the ports that the VAT rate on certain prohibit shoppers from seeing the por- world, Americans would get a VAT in
VAT upward ratchet. The Liberal Dem- sanitary products has been lifted to tion of their bill that goes to funding addition to the countless taxes they al-
ocratic Party tried to introduce the tax 21% from 10%. government. ready pay. We can see where that
for years and finally succeeded with a As of 2014, 164 countries had made This is why Ronald Reagan and Mil- leads.

Pleading With Iran

nce again President Obama is video. They can accept his deal, or stay election was stolen from them by then- was seeing.
betting on the youth vote. In on a path that has isolated Iran, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Then again, the reality is that the
this case, Irans. On Thursday the Iranian people, from so much of the the mullahs who run the country. In re- timing of Mr. Obamas video has noth-
the president released a video timed world, caused so much sponse, Iranians took to ing to do with Norwuz celebrations and
for Nowruz, the Persian new year. Mr. hardship for Iranian fami- Obama appeals to the streets in numbers is not really meant for Irans young,
Obama extends his greetings on the
holiday and goes on to urge Irans
lies, and deprived so
many young Iranians of
the people he failed revolutionand
not seen since the 1979
who have no say over what their lead-
ers do. The timing has everything to do
people to push the regime in Tehran the jobs and opportuni- to speak for in 2009. ruthlessly crushed even with the fast-approaching March 31
to agree to the reasonable deal that ties they deserve. as they looked to Amer- deadline for a nuclear deal, and Mr.
he is offering them on its nuclear The President no ica for moral support. Obamas real audience is the regimes
weapons program. doubt hopes young Iranians have for- Not until the violence became too bla- leadership. Theyll make their choice
Irans leaders have a choice between gotten how in June 2009 he met their tant to ignore did President Obama say based on cold realpolitik, not pleas to
two paths, Mr. Obama says on the appeals for his support after the Iranian he was deeply troubled by what he their powerless people.

The IRS Gets Out the Vote Pepper . . . and Salt


he U.S. is going to need more IRS Justices declaredrightlythat limits taste of what President Obamas fond-
agents. Thats the gist of Presi- on union and corporate spending on ness for government by mandate
dent Obamas latest bid to im- campaigns was a limit on free speech? means. Before it won its Supreme
pose yet another mandate on the Amer- The President invoked Australia and Court case, the crafts chain Hobby
ican people. This time he wants to went on to recommend Lobby was faced with
require all Americans to vote, whether that the U.S. require The President fines of $1.3 million for
they want to or not.
In Cleveland on Wednesday the Pres-
Americans to vote as
they do Down Under. It
has another offer every day it refused to
obey the contraceptive
ident called for compulsory voting in would be transformative you cant refuse. mandate. This year, with
response to a question from the audi- if everybody voted, said the April 15 tax deadline
ence. What, the questioner inquired, is Mr. Obama. That would approaching, many
the best way to limit money in elec- counteract money more than anything. young and healthy Americans who
tions and overturn the Supreme Courts Hes surely wrong about the money have disobeyed the Obama mandate to
decision in Citizens United, in which the point. Politicians would have to spend buy health insurance from the govern-
as much as ever to sway more voters. ments limited menu are going to have
But it would be transformative. By defi- to deal with the IRS.
nition a legal mandate requires enforce- Everything not forbidden is compul-
Comments? The Journal welcomes
readers responses to ment. Even the good-natured Aussies sory. That line comes from British
all articles and editorials. It is important to impose a fine for not voting, which can writer T.H. White, in his novel re-
include your full name, address and expand to include court costs and jail creating the life and times of King Ar-
telephone number. Please send letters to time if you dont cough up. thur. White meant it as mockery. Presi-
the editor to: Letters@WSJ.com Some Americans have already got a dent Obama doesnt get the joke. Whats with all the sleeping at night?
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 15


Islams Improbable Reformer

Mubarak, a former air-force gen- clear in the minds of the U.S. and
[ Journal Interview ] eral and Egypts president-for-life Europe. It is really dangerous if
with Abdel Fattah until his downfall in 2011. countries lose control because ex-
The similarities are misleading. tremists will cause them problems
Al Sisi Mr. Mubarak came of age in the beyond their imagination. The
ideological anticolonialist days of same lesson, he emphasizes, ap-
BY BRET STEPHENS Egypts President Gamal Abdel plies to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Nasser, trained in the Soviet But Mr. Sisi is not a dogmatic
Cairo Union and led the air campaign critic of muscular U.S. involve-
When Mohammed Morsi, against Israel in the 1973 Yom Kip- ment in the Middle East. Ponder-
Egypts president at the time, ap- pur War. Anwar Sadat elevated ing the prospect of a broad U.S.
pointed a little-known general him to the vice presidency in 1975 retreat from the region, Mr. Sisi
named Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to be as a colorless second-fiddle, his sounds like the most enthusiastic
his new defense minister in Au- very lack of imagination being an proponent of Pax Americana.
gust 2012, rumors swirled that the asset to Sadat. He became presi- The United States has the
officer was chosen for his sympa- dent only due to Sadats assassi- strength, and with might comes
thy with the teachings of Mr. nation six years later. responsibility, he says. That is
Morsis Muslim Brotherhood. One Mr. Sisi, now 60, came of age why it is committed and has re-
telltale sign, people said, was the in a very different era. When he sponsibilities toward the whole
zabiba on the generals forehead graduated from the Military Acad- world. It is not reasonable or ac-
the darkened patch of skin that is emy, in 1977, Egypt was a close ceptable that with all that might
the result of frequent and fervent U.S. ally on the cusp of making the United States will not be com-
prayer. peace with Israel. Rather than be- mitted and have responsibilities
A pious Muslim must surely ing packed off to Russia, he toward the Middle East. The Mid-
also be a political Islamistor so headed for military training in dle East is passing through the
Mr. Morsi apparently assumed. Texas and later the infantry most difficult and critical time
But the general would soon give course at Fort Benning, Ga. He re- and this will only entail more in-
Zina Saunders

the world a lesson in the differ- turned for another extended stay volvement, not less.
ence between religious devotion in the U.S. in 2005 at the Army Meantime, Mr. Sisi sees it as
and radicalism. War College in Carlisle, Pa. his personal mission to save
There are misconceptions and Recalling the two visits, he Egypt, even as he insists he has no
misperceptions about the real Is- notes the difference. The U.S. had intention of becoming another
lam, now-President Sisi tells me been a community that had been that tightly restrict street protests apt. Under Mr. Musharraf, Paki- president-for-life. When I ask him
during a two-hour interview in his living in peace and security. Be- recall the Mubarak era. Last June stan continued to make opportu- to name Mr. Mubaraks biggest
ornate, century-old presidential fore 9/11, even the military bases several Al Jazeera journalists, in- nistic deals with terrorists while mistake, he says simply: He
palace in Heliopolis. Religion is were open. There was almost no cluding Australian reporter Peter giving safe harbor to leaders of stayed in power for a long time.
guarded by its spirit, by its core, difference between civilian life Greste, were sentenced to lengthy the Afghan Taliban. A day before our interview, I
not by human beings. Human be- and life on a military base. By prison terms on dubious charges By contrast, its impossible to watched him close an investment
ings only take the core and devi- 2005, I could feel the tightening. of reporting that was damaging doubt the seriousness of Mr. Sisis conference in the resort town of
ate it to the right or left. to national security, though they opposition to Islamic extremism, Sharm el-Sheikh, where he cele-
Does he mean to say, I ask, that have since been released. The or his aversion to exporting insta- brated General Electrics decision
members of the Muslim Brother- We are keen on a strategic Muslim Brotherhood has been bility. In late February he ordered to invest to ease Egypts chronic
hood are bad Muslims? Its the
ideology, the ideas, he replies.
relationship with the U.S. banned, Mr. Morsi is in prison and
on trial, and Egyptian courts have
the bombing of Islamic State tar-
gets in neighboring Libya after Is-
power outages. He describes his
economic philosophy as the need
The real Islamic religion above everything else, passed death sentences on hun- lamic State decapitated 21 Egyp- to encourage the business commu-
grants absolute freedom for the
whole people to believe or not be-
says Egypts new president. dreds of alleged Islamists, albeit
mostly in absentia.
tian Coptic Christians. Egypts
security cooperation with Israel
nity to come here and invest. He
constantly stresses the imperative
lieve. Never does Islam dictate to And we will never turn our My message to liberals is that has never been closer, and Mr. Sisi of acting swiftly: The magnitude
kill others because they do not be-
lieve in Islam. Never does it dic-
backs on youeven if you I am very keen to meet their ex-
pectations, Mr. Sisi rejoins. But
has moved aggressively to close
the tunnels beneath Egypts bor-
of the effort needed to secure the
needs of 90 million people is huge
tate that [Muslims] have the right turn your backs on us. the situation in Egypt is over- der with Gaza, through which and beyond any one mans effort.
to dictate [their beliefs] to the whelmed. He laments the Al Hamas has obtained its weapons. Hes also aware that the most
whole world. Never does Islam say Jazeera arrests, noting that the in- Later this month, Mr. Sisi will important work will take time. In
that only Muslims will go to para- The remark is intended to un- cident damaged Egypts reputation host an Arab League summit, the January Mr. Sisi went before the
dise and others go to hell. derscore to a visiting American even as thousands of international centerpiece of which will be a joint religious clerics of Cairos Al-
Jabbing his right finger in the journalist his deep sympathy with correspondents are working very Arab antiterrorism task force. He Azhar university to demand a
air for emphasis, he adds: We are and admiration for the U.S. He freely in this country. says he wont put Egyptian boots revolution in Islam. The follow-
not gods on earth, and we do not also goes out of his way to stress Later, while addressing a ques- on the ground to fight Islamic through wont be easy. The most
have this right to act in the name that he has no intention of alter- tion about the Egyptian economy, State in Iraq, which he says is a difficult thing to do is change a
of Allah. ing the pro-American tilt of Egyp- he offers a franker assessment. In job for Iraqis with U.S. help. And religious rhetoric and bring a shift
i i i tian foreign policy, despite sugges- the last four years our internal he takes care to avoid mentioning in how people are used to their re-
When Mr. Sisi took power in tions that he is flirting with debt doubled to $300 billion. Do Irans regional ambitions or saying ligion, he says. Dont imagine
July 2013, following street pro- Russias Vladimir Putin for poten- not separate my answer to the anything critical of its nuclear ne- the results will be seen in a few
tests against Mr. Morsi by an esti- tial arms purchases and the con- question regarding disappointed gotiations, which he says he sup- months or years. Radical miscon-
mated 30 million Egyptians, it struction of Egypts first nuclear liberals. Their country needs to ports while adding that I under- ceptions [about Islam] were in-
wasnt obvious that he would power plant. survive. We dont have the luxury stand the concern of the Israelis. stilled 100 years ago. Now we can
emerge as perhaps the worlds A country like Egypt will to fight and feud and take all our But he does say the new force see the results.
most significant advocate for Is- never be mischievous with bilat- time discussing issues like that. A is needed to preserve what is Thats not to say he doesnt
lamic moderation and reform. His eral relations with America, he country needs security and order left of the stable Arab world. In think its doable. Popular sympa-
personal piety aside, Mr. Sisi insists. We will never act fool- for its mere existence. If the world particular, he stresses that there thy with the idea of religion was
seemed to be a typical Egyptian ishly. When I ask about the deliv- can provide support I will let peo- shouldnt be any arrangements at dominating the whole scene in
military figure. Unflattering com- ery of F-16 fighters to Egyptsus- ple demonstrate in the streets day the expense of the Gulf states. The Egypt for years in the past. This
parisons were made to Hosni pended by the U.S. after Mr. and night. security of the Gulf states is indis- does not exist anymore. This is a
Morsis overthrow, and now pend- Sensing my skepticism, he pensable for the security of change I consider strategic. Be-
ing a decision by President adds: You cant imagine that as Egypt. cause what brought the Muslim
Obamahe all but dismisses the an American. You are speaking the He also decries the Western Brotherhood to power was Egyp-
matter. language of a country that is at habit of intervening militarily and tian sympathy with the concept of
Thorold Barker, Editor, You can never reduce our rela- the top of progress: cultural, fi- then failing to take account of the religion. Egyptians believed that
Europe, Middle East & Africa
tions with the U.S. to matters of nancial, political, civilizational consequences. Look, NATO had a the Muslim Brothers were advo-
Bruce Orwall, Senior Editor, Europe
weapons systems. We are keen on its all there in the U.S. But if mission in Libya and its mission cates of the real Islam. The past
Gren Manuel, Executive Editor, Europe
a strategic relationship with the American standards were imposed was not accomplished, he says of three years have been a critical
Terence Roth, Managing Editor, Europe
U.S. above everything else. And on Egypt, he adds, it would do his the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- test to those people who were
Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor we will never turn our backs on country no favors. zation. The United Nations contin- promoting religious ideas. Egyp-
youeven if you turn your backs I talk about U.S. values of de- ues to impose an arms embargo tians experienced it totally and
Lauren Berkemeyer, Marketing on us. mocracy and freedom. They on Libya that adversely affects the said these people do not deserve
Kate Dobbin, Communications There is also a deeper purpose should be honored. But they need legitimate, non-Islamist govern- sympathy and we will not allow
Florence LeFevre, Institutional Sales Europe to Mr. Sisis pro-American entreat- the atmosphere where those val- ment based in Tobruk while it.
Will Wilkinson, Advertising Sales ies and his comments on 9/11: He ues can be nurtured. If we can armed militias obtain an unstop- Throughout our interview, Mr.
Jonathan Wright, Circulation Sales wants to remind his critics of the bring prosperity we can safeguard pable flow of arms and muni- Sisi has been speaking in Arabic
Published since 1889 by trade-off every country strikes be- those values not just in words. tions. through an interpreter. But after
Dow Jones & Company tween security and civil liberties. All of this seems in keeping I wasnt with the Gadhafi re- delivering this point, he said in
2015 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved Its a point he returns to when with Mr. Sisis military upbringing gime, he says, but there is a dif- colloquial American English, You
I note the anger and disappoint- and reminds me of Pervez ference between taking an action got that?
ment that so many Egyptian liber- Musharraf, the former Pakistani and being aware of what that ac-
alsmany of whom had backed general turned president. But the tion will bring about. The risks of Mr. Stephens writes the Jour-
him in 2013now feel. New laws comparison is fundamentally in- extremism and terrorism werent nals Global View column.
16 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Fed Forecast:
Only Technocrats Can Save Greece Now Cloudy With
BY YANNIS PALAIOLOGOS with the February agreements flexi-
A Chance
On Monday in Berlin, Greeces
bility on the level of the primary fis-
cal surplus Athens must achieve.
Of Slowdown
prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, will But the Germans will never allow BY DAVID MALPASS
have his first meaningful bilateral the political to operate indepen-
meeting with Germanys chancellor, dently of the technical. Financial markets applauded the
Angela Merkel. The omens are not They will not grant any leeway U.S. Federal Reserve last week
encouraging. without having a full picture of the when it straddled the fence on rate
Video emerged last week of economic and fiscal situation in hikes, but the bigger message was
Greeces current Finance Minister, Greece, and of how it is projected to the downgrade in its growth fore-
Yanis Varoufakis, raising his middle evolve under concrete policies pro- cast to 2.5% in 2015. That means
Associated Press

finger at Germany during a speech posed by Athens. That is why Mrs. another year stuck in the weak
in 2013. Greeces demands for World Merkel got the IMF involved to be- new normal that began in 2009.
War II reparations from Germany, gin withso that their objective, Yes, the stock market has
among other provocations, seem to politics-free assessments could en- reached record highs. But real me-
have turned the German public deci- NUMBERS AND FIGURES From left, Germanys Chancellor Angela Merkel, Frances sure a rigorous process, which in dian household income has fallen to
sively in favor of a divorce. In a You- President Franois Hollande and Greeces Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Brussels her view was unlikely under the below $52,000 in 2011-13 from
Gov poll last week, 59% of Germans last week. faint-hearted tutelage of the Euro- more than $56,000 in 2007.
said they would prefer that Greece pean Commission. Near-zero rates and the Feds
leave the eurozone, up from 48% a under different names. (The troika constructing a fully fledged, meticu- Mr. Tsipras needs to explain very rapidly expanding regulatory con-
month earlier. of the European Central Bank, Euro- lously budgeted reform program specifically why he believes Greek trol of finance have put the Fed at
After the miniature summit in pean Commission and the Interna- that creditors will approve, leading growth will be at 1.5% or higher this the center of capital allocation.
Brussels in the early hours of Friday tional Monetary Fund became the to the release of the 7.2 billion year, and how he arrived at an esti- This has caused credit to gravitate
in which they both participated, Mr. institutions, the new program to ($7.79 billion) without which Greece mate for this years primary fiscal to well-established borrowers at
Tsipras and Mrs. Merkel seemed to be agreed by June would be a con- will likely default by mid-April. surplus of 1% to 1.5% of gross domes- the expense of more growth-ori-
emerge with very different under- tract, and so on.) As leader of the opposition, Mr. tic product, both numbers he men- ented savers and borrowers.
standings of what they had agreed Since then, the Greek govern- Tsipras made much of the perceived tioned in his Friday press conference The Feds belief that near-zero
ment has pretended that what it national humiliation involved in the in Brussels. Greeces creditors will be rates lead to growth is deeply em-
agreed to was something com- troika review process. He harped on particularly keen to find out how bedded, but experience shows that
Athens will wrest further pletely different from the continua- the horror of having what they de- that primary surplus level can be growth comes from private-sector
tion and completion of the existing scribed as low-level pencil-pushers achieved without recessionary mea- dynamism, which thrives on market
concessions from creditors program. That program, within the question ministers about the prog- sures (again, Mr. Tsiprass formula- pricing, not artificially low rates.
only if it can convince them vague limits of flexibility set out by ress of measures mandated by the tion), given that it came in below The Fed stopped saying it
the February deal, is a necessary bailouts. target last year at 0.3% of GDP. would be patient about hiking
its numbers add up. condition for any new funding to be Athens was caught in a negative In a speech to Parliament last rates. Thats a nod to the interest-
released to Athens. feedback loop. The unwillingness week, the prime minister proudly rate normalizers, who argue that
Yet the prime minister and his and inability of the Greek political announced that his government was small rate hikes will increase loan
to. The same divergence of interpre- top lieutenants keep insisting to system and the bureaucracy to im- putting an end to the practice of demand (to get ahead of rate
tation has plagued Greeces Feb. 20 their domestic audience that auster- plement the agreed-upon reforms having technocrats write legislative hikes), incentivize saving and lend-
agreement to extend its bailout by ity is over, that the oversight of fis- made the troika particularly inva- bills. He should reconsider. Politics ing, unfreeze the moribund inter-
four months. cal data and policy proposals by the sive in its inspections. That kind of has taken him as far as it can. To bank market and begin to unwind
This is no accident. The new creditors staff is a thing of the past, micromanagement was bound to move forward, and keep at bay a ca- the Feds takeover of the markets
government in Athens is trapped and that national sovereignty has lead to a backlash. tastrophe of historic proportions for role in capital allocation.
between its pre-election promises to been reclaimed. They have obsessed But when Mr. Tsipras contrasts Greece, it is the technocrats skills While that part of the Feds state-
voters and the demands of its credi- over where negotiations will take technical reviews unfavorably with that he now needs. ment was good, the Federal Open
tors. Under the specter of a shut- place and whether a Greek photog- his preferred methodthat of a Market Committee (FOMC) had to
down of the banks and the imposi- rapher will be able to spot some political negotiationhe misses Mr. Palaiologos, a journalist at Ka- lower its view of appropriate 2015-16
tion of capital controls, Mr. member of the institutions techni- the point. A political negotiation thimerini newspaper in Athens, is interest rates due to falling expecta-
Varoufakis signed on to the Febru- cal teams entering a ministerial of- can lead to concessions by Greeces the author of The Thirteenth La- tions for growth and inflation.
ary deal, which left the bailout in- fice in Athens. They have done too creditors on the targets of the pro- bour of Hercules (Portobello Wednesdays new Fed view showed
frastructure essentially in place if little on the only front that matters: gram, something already achieved Books, 2014). slower growth and roughly one less
hike each year than in December. It
pointed to a 2% Fed-funds rate at the
end of 2016 rather than 2.5% in the

Big Pharma Needs to Get Busy

Feds previous view. That would still
be pro-growth, but theres a risk the
Fed wont be able hike rates in 2015.
Fed Chair Janet Yellen empha-
sized that the Fed is data depen-
dent, implying that the economy
BY GARY PISANO hundred billion dollars on acquisi- pharmaceutical companies and increasingly find themselves in bid- will have to do better to win rate
tionsmany times more than what biotech firms. I found no meaning- ding wars to acquire the most hikes. The voting members of the
The average cost of developing a they spent on their own research ful difference on average between prized external assets, a process FOMC are particularly inclined to
single new drug has reached $2.6 and development. In December, for what large pharmaceutical compa- that will inevitably increase what keeping rates low. The problem is
billion, according to a 2014 study instance, Merck acquired antibiotic nies and biotech companies spent they must pay to acquire these that the Feds track record since
by the Tufts Center for the Study of company Cubist Pharmaceuticals to successfully develop a drug. The drugs. And who ultimately pays the 2011 has been to lower its forecast
Drug Development. Is this figure ac- for $8.4 billion. These acquisitions blanket generalizations about bio- price for these higher costs? Under during the calendar year rather than
curate? It depends who you ask: are not accounted for as R&D on tech firms being more efficient are the current system, they are passed raise it. If the economy again disap-
Critics of the drug industry say the income statement, but eco- unfounded. along to patients in the form of points, the decision to hike rates will
companies use the expense num- nomically they amount to R&D ex- higher prices. get harder as the year progresses.
bers to justify high prices. But drug penditures. Clearly, patients, society and The latest waffling over the
companies defend the estimates. This raises the question: Are Generalizations about pharmaceutical companies would timing of rate hikes has another
A March 4 event offered a new
data point. The biotech firm Phar-
pharmaceutical companies paying
more for R&D by acquiring compa-
biotech firms being more all be better off if there were more
investment in drug research; gov-
negative effect. The Fed says it
wants to keep reinvesting its stag-
macyclics agreed to be purchased nies than by carrying out the R&D efficient are unfounded. ernment can do its part by revers- gering $4.5 trillion bond portfolio
by drug maker AbbVie for $21 bil- themselves? The acquisitions would ing funding cuts for basic biomedi- until after rate hikes get under
lion after a heated bidding process. suggest they are. cal research and streamlining way. That means the Fed buying
Pharmacyclics has one drug ap- Consultants, Wall Street analysts Beyond that, the cost of buying regulatory processes. Pharmaceuti- massive amounts of long-term
proved by the U.S. Food and Drug and pundits have long urged phar- a company that owns a desirable cal companies can do their part. bonds as short-term bonds mature.
AdministrationImbruvicafor maceutical companies to cut back drug depends on supply and de- While they still need to collaborate Any delay in rate hikes keeps the
various blood cancers. Its other on internal research and buy drugs mand of drug assets. Those urging with partners like biotech firms and Fed at the center of bond-market
drugs are in the early stages of de- from small biotech companies in- pharmaceutical companies to scale universities, no pharmaceutical distortions, slowing growth.
velopment, so AbbVie in essence stead. Invoking various theories back on drug discovery have as- company will survive without This is all happening in the con-
paid $21 billion for Imbruvica. No about economies of specialization sumed that the supply of available strong internal science and re- text of weak foreign currencies and
one really knows whether this price and the efficiency of small firms, new-drug candidates would be high search. Those with such capabilities growth rates. That provides an-
is too high. That will depend on theyve argued that it is cheaper enough to keep prices low. The will not only benefit their bottom other excuse for delay.
how much AbbVie can expand the and less risky to buy from the out- price of the Pharmacyclics acquisi- line over the long term but make a Last but not least, there was no
market for Imbruvica. side than to develop on the inside. tion, however, suggests that this as- much greaterand much needed hint in Wednesdays statement
As expensive as the Pharmacy- This argument has been repeated sumption was badly off base. The contribution to society. that the Fed recognizes its policies
clics deal may be, it reflects a so often and for so longI first supply of high-quality assets like havent worked well. By itself, that
broader trend of pharmaceutical heard it in 1985that it has almost Imbruvica is actually quite scarce, Mr. Pisano, a professor of business mental block adds to the risk of
companies acquiring drugs instead become beyond dispute. while a surging demand for block- administration at Harvard Business slower growth and further delays
of developing them. In the past Theres just one problem: Its busters is coming from pharmaceu- School, is the author of Science in rate hikes.
few years, pharmaceutical compa- wrong. In my own research, I com- tical companies with few of their Business: The Promise, the Reality,
nies desperate to refill thinning pared the costs over a 20-year pe- own discoveries in stock. and the Future of Biotech (Har- Mr. Malpass is president of Encima
pipelines have forked over several riod of drug development at large Pharmaceutical companies thus vard Business School Press, 2006). Global LLC.
Pound/Euro 0.7247 0.26% Yen/$ 120.13 g 0.53% Global Dow 2563.92 1.40% Gold 1184.80 1.34% Oil 45.72 4.00% 3-month Libor 0.26680 10-year Treasury 13/32 yield 1.932%

Prize in Caesars Fight: Rio Tinto and BHP

Data on Its Customers Face Frank Questions

Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WA L L STR E ET JOU RNAL. europe.WSJ.com

Germanys Nuclear Costs Trigger Fears

BY NATALIA DROZDIAK unknown costs. age, dismantling [reactors] and shima power plant, when Ms. be covered by taxpayers if a power
AND JENNY BUSCHE Berlin promises utilities will foot transporting radioactive waste, Merkel decided to accelerate the company faces insolvency or some
the bill but the new report, released said Frank Mastiaux, chief executive shutdown of all German reactors by other scenarios, the government re-
FRANKFURTA new German Friday, raises the prospect of Ger- of EnBW Energie Baden-Wrttem- as much as 14 years, to 2022. port warned.
government report is stoking fears man taxpayers ending up on the berg AG, one of Germanys largest That move forced EnBW and Based on the current legal situ-
that the countrys energy companies hook. utility companies. Concrete con- Germanys other big utilitiesE.ON ation, there are risks that the finan-
cant shoulder the cost of a govern- The issue is acute because Ger- cepts have long been promised, but SE, RWE AG and a unit of Swedens cial provisions set aside by the nu-
ment plan to close the countrys nu- man power companies are already there is nothing yet in sight. Vattenfall ABto book billions of clear operating companies arent
clear-power plants. struggling financially. Chancellor Nuclear energy accounts for 16% euros in write-downs on nuclear as- sufficient and therefore it cant be
Germany aims to phase out its Angela Merkels campaign to wean of German electricity production, sets and increase their provisions ruled out that, in a worst-case sce-
nine remaining reactors by 2022, Germany off nuclear and fossil fuels down from a peak of 31% in 1997, ac- for early decommissioning of the fa- nario, significant costs...could fall on
faster than almost any country. But in favor of environmentally friendly cording to the federal statistics of- cilities. The provisions now total the public, said the report commis-
nobody knows exactly how much it renewables has gutted utilities tra- fice. France gets roughly 75% of its about 37 billion ($40 billion). sioned by the economy ministry and
costs to shut and clean up atomic- ditional business model. electricity from nuclear energy and The cost could ultimately top prepared by lawyers, auditors and
power plants and all the facilities Utility executives say more spe- the U.S. around 20%, according to 50 billion, estimates Gerald Kirch- tax consultants.
used over decades to store radioac- cifics on plans are needed. the World Nuclear Association. ner, a nuclear expert previously at Utilities are seeking to reassure
tive waste. Building a depository for There are still no clear answers The issue of Germanys decom- Germanys federal office for radia- investors that the companies finan-
the waste deep underground and to many fundamental questions in- missioning became urgent in 2011, tion protection. cial liability isnt crippling.
delivering the waste add additional volving final and intermediate stor- after the disaster at Japans Fuku- And that money might have to Please turn to page 24

Dinged by the Dollar

A surging U.S. currency is taking a bite out of prot expectations, steering investors toward sectors that have the least foreign exposure.
China Seeks
WSJ Dollar Index Expected prot growth in 2015 from
a year ago, S&P 500 companies
Foreign sales as a percentage of total,
by S&P 500 sector*
To Develop
100 15%
Estimates as of:
Dec. 31, 2014
Information technology
Seed Maker
With Sway
Friday: March 18, 2015
90 87.4 10 Materials 54
Health care 51
80 5
Industrials 46
Consumer discretionary 41 BEIJINGA fight over a small
70 0 Consumer staples 40 maker of crop seeds in China last
year sheds light on how Beijing
Financials 32
plans to secure its food resources:
Utilities Less than 1 by building an answer to Monsanto
60 5
Telecommunication services 0 Co.
2011 12 13 14 15 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q full-year
The worlds second-largest econ-
*Latest data, from 2013 omy needs a seed developer that
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group (WSJ dollar index); FactSet (prot growth); S&P Capital IQ (foreign exposure) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. can hold its own in the countrys
$17 billion seed market against

Strong Dollar Hammers U.S. Earnings

global agribusiness giants including
DuPont Co. and Syngenta AG.
Last year state-backed Hunan
Xindaxin Co. launched an unsolic-
BY DAN STRUMPF focused, and on companies outside analysts are expecting later, slower Mr. Lazorishak has reduced his ited $60 billion bid for Origin
the U.S. that stand to benefit from a increases following Wednesdays position in shares of Microsoft, Agritech Ltd., a Nasdaq-listed seed
The soaring dollar is crunching weakening of their home currency dovish Fed policy statement. which generates half of its sales developer that controls the rights to
profits at giant U.S. multinationals, as the dollar strengthens, particu- The complications of dollar overseas. He has bought shares of Chinas first genetically modified
prompting Wall Street analysts to larly European manufacturers. strength have been visible in corpo- Southwest Airlines, which draws corn.
make their deepest cuts to earnings What is remarkable is the speed rate profit reports. less than 2% of its sales from over- Agritech eventually rejected the
forecasts since the financial crisis with which the dollar has acceler- On Friday, Tiffany said sales fell seas, and other firms that are more bid in November. But the Beijing
and boosting the appeal of smaller, ated, and that speed brings with it 1% in the January quarter, but U.S.-focused. companys top executives believe
domestically focused companies. some complications, said Anwiti would have risen 3% if not for cur- Karl Schamotta, director of cur- Xindaxin is readying another at-
The dollar has jumped 12% in Bahuguna, senior portfolio manager rency moves. It expects minimal rency research at Cambridge Global tempt as China looks to find a na-
2015 against the euro and is up 27% on Columbia Managements global growth in earnings this year, in part Payments, a Toronto firm that helps tional champion that can keep for-
from a year ago. The WSJ Dollar In- asset allocation team, which over- due to the stronger dollar. Oracle corporations employ strategies in Please turn to page 22
dex, which mea- sees $68 billion. The dollar said Tuesday that net income would the currency market to protect for-
ABREAST OF sures the dollar strength is moving at a much, much have risen 7% in the February quar- eign revenue from currency swings,
THE MARKET against a basket faster pace than youve seen in his- ter if not for dollar strength. In- is telling clients to prepare for the Growing Ambition
of currencies, is tory. stead, it fell 3%. value of one euro to fall to parity, or Domestic takeover values are on the
up 5.3% this year. The dollars surge Many investors say the dollars This is the most significant fis- $1. A euro bought $1.0821 Friday. rise in China's seed sector
against the euro has been driven by rise is behind the relatively strong cal-year currency impact we have Many large firmsare now try-
an aggressive European Central performance of smaller-company ever incurred, Jon Moeller, chief fi- ing to recover exchange-rate-related $800 million
Bank monetary-easing program that stocks, which are often more domes- nancial officer of Procter & Gamble, losses, he said.
has come as the U.S. central bank is tically focused than large-company told investors in late January. The Against this backdrop, analysts 600
preparing to raise interest rates. stocks. The Russell 2000 index of consumer-products maker expects are slashing profit forecasts. Back in
Analysts, citing the dollars small-capitalization shares is up currency swings to curb after-tax September, analysts expected S&P
strength as a key factor, are predict- 5.1% this year and 10% in the last six profits by $1.4 billion, or 12%, this 500 profits to grow at 9.5% in the 400
ing that profits at S&P 500 firms for months. That compares with gains fiscal year, ending in June. first quarter from a year earlier and
the first quarter will show their big- in the S&P 500 index of 2.4% in 2015 Corporate managements have at 11.6% for all of 2015, according to
gest annual decline since the third and 4.9% over six months. been caught off guard by the speed FactSet. 200
quarter of 2009. The dollars jump has come as of the dollars rise, said Brian Lazor- Today, analysts expect first-quar-
As a result, investors are keeping the ECB embarked on a new, aggres- ishak, portfolio manager of the $103 ter profits to fall by 4.9%. For all of
a continued bias toward U.S.-based sive easing of monetary policy. In- million Chase Growth Fund. If you 2015, profits are expected to grow
stocks that do less business abroad, vestors expect the Fed to respond to have a gradual move, its easier for just 2.1%. 2010 11 12 13 14
such as shares of small companies a healthier U.S. economy by raising managements to adjust to, to pre- The last time analysts cut their Source: Dealogic
that tend to be more domestically rates later this year, though many pare for, to hedge if they want to. Please turn to page 22 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
18 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Tech Hurdles Delay Drone Deliveries

Amazon, Alibaba and others face technical challenges such as battery life and weather, not just pending regulation
BY JACK NICAS designed and manufactured to sup-
AND GREG BENSINGER Air Mail port moving from a hobbyist flying
on the weekend in a park to a 24/7
Companies hoping to use drones Companies are testing a variety of drones to deliver small packages. delivery service flying over your
to deliver small packages are con- highways, said Mr. Roy.
fronting technical hurdles such as Then there is how to drop off a
battery life and weather that are at package. Some companies have
least as vexing as proposed U.S. reg- tested landing on a customers door-
ulatory limits. step while others have tried lower-
Retail and shipping companies ing packages down on a line. But
including Amazon.com Inc., Alibaba global-positioning-system data can
Group Holding Ltd., and Deutsche be inaccurateenough to put a
Post DHL AG have been among the drone at the wrong house or over a
most enthusiastic supporters, seeing swimming pool.
drones as potentially transforming A person familiar with Amazons
their businesses. thinking said that to simplify deliv-
But hurdles including short bat- ery, its drones could deliver to stor-
tery life and unreliable location data 3.4 feet wide age lockers, accessed through a code
suggest it could be years before sent to customers.
DHL and Amazon have tested copter drones that take
armies of drones replace FedEx and 4.9 feet wide And delivery drones would have
UPS vans. Companies also face ob- off vertically and hover. They are more wind resistant, to fly autonomously, which requires
stacles such as bad weather, aggres- agile and reliable than winged drones. Google tested a drone that takes off like a copter and sensors and software that can three-
sive birds and gun-toting neighbors. glides like a plane. Such a design increased its range, dimensionally map the environment
Delivery drones are absolutely but Google said it was difcult to control. and navigate it on the fly. Such tech-
viable, but there are a lot of techni- nology isn't yet ready, though a
cal hurdles that have to be crossed, handful of companies, including chip
said Nicholas Roy, a robotics profes- makers Intel Corp. and Qualcomm
sor at the Massachusetts of Institute Delivery methods Inc. say theyre getting closer to
of Technology and the former head solving it.
of Google Inc.s drone-delivery proj- If and when these technical limi-
ect. We are very much in the proto- tations are overcome, regulators
type stage. might not allow drone deliveries.
The top two U.S. private package Last month, the FAA proposed rules
delivery companies think drone de- that would require one pilot to mon-
Copter drones generally land to Google and others have
livery wont fly soon. FedEx Corp. itor each drone, limit flights to
and United Parcel Service Inc. say drop off packages. tested lowering within sight of the operator, and bar
the technology remains far from Amazon and others have tested packages on a line. flights over bystanders. The agency
market ready. There remain numer- drones that deliver directly to The method protects said the proposed rules, which are
ous reasons why drones are not a customers. customers from expected to be completed next year,
feasible delivery technology at this wouldnt allow drones carrying an
DHLs prototype lands at a spinning propellers but
time, UPS said last month. external load.
central point where a courier raises questions about
Experts say the most pressing The FAA said it would likely al-
challenge to deliveries is battery collects the packages. accuracy. low drone flights beyond operators
power. Like makers of laptops, eyeshot if companies demonstrate
smartphones and electric cars, reliable collision-avoidance technol-
drone are trying to pack more en- ogy. It is unclear if the agency would
ergy into smaller batteries. The is- consider authorizing large-scale au-
sue is especially acute for drones: tonomous drone operations over-
the bigger the package, the more seen by just a few humans, as com-
power needed to fly. panies currently envision.
Amazon wants its drones to be Still, companies are zooming
able to carry 5-pound packages on a ahead. Amazon and Google are
20-mile round trip route. That per- working on drones that could deliver
formance is almost certainly impos- Photos: the companies (drones); E+/Getty Images (house) Source: the companies THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. small packages in less than 30 min-
sible today with the eight-rotor pro- utes. A DHL drone has delivered
totype Amazon demonstrated in late ministration to test its drones out- medicine to an island in the North
2013, said Raffaello DAndrea, a ro- doors. The company has developed Sea, and Alibaba, the Chinese e-com-
botics professor at the engineering nearly a dozen aircraft as part of its merce giant, last month delivered
university ETH Zurich and co-inven- Prime Air project. tea with drones.
tor of the robots that help sort Ama- Were testing a range of vehicle The technology is challenging,
zons warehouses. capabilities, Gur Kimchi, Amazon but totally doable, Amazon Chief
An alternative is the approach Prime Air vice president, said in a Executive Jeff Bezos said last year.
Google unveiled last Augusta hy- statement. We wont launch Prime Mr. DAndrea, the robotics ex-
brid drone with propellers and Air until we are able to demonstrate pert, predicts the technology for
wings that takes off like a copter safe operations. large-scale drone deliveries would
and glides like a plane, increasing its Experts say a trickier challenge is take about five years to develop.
range. Yet that design is generally ensuring drones can make deliveries People underestimate the tech-
less wind-resistant, agile and reli- without incident almost 100% of the nical difficulties.... Folks watch vid-
able than a copter drone. Indeed, time. Delivery drones must be cheap eos on YouTube and think, Wow, this
Google this month said it scrapped to be commercially viable, develop- is great. Why isnt somebody deliv-
that initial design because it was too ers say, and exceptionally reliable to
Zuma Press

ering my pizza?, Mr. DAndrea said.

difficult to control. pass muster with regulators and the It takes time and effort to make
Amazon last week received ap- public. A sea change is going to be something the public doesnt have to
proval from the Federal Aviation Ad- required in how these vehicles are A worker takes a package from a drone in Leipzig, Germany. think twice about.

Businesses AbbVie...........................32 Bilfinger........................20 European Central Bank 32 Industry ..................... 19 Prudential Financial ..... 24
This index of businesses Adidas.............................1 BlackRock......................23 Express Scripts HTC................................22 Qualcomm.....................18 Corrections Amplifications
mentioned in todays Aer Lingus Group ......... 19 BlueScope Steel ........... 32 Holding.......................32 Hunan Xindaxin............17 Rio Tinto.......................32
issue of The Wall Street Alibaba Group..........18,19 Caesars Entertainment 20 Exxon Mobil....................7 Intel...............................18 RWE .............................. 17 The second part of Miguel de Cer-
Journal is intended to Allianz...........................23 Citigroup ....................... 24 Federal Trade Jasper Infotech.............19 Ryanair Holdings..........19 vantess magnum opus Don Quixote
Amazon.com ............ 18,19 Clean Harbors.................7 Commission...............21 Snapdeal.com................19
include all significant Lafarge..........................21 was published in 1615. A Europe News
Amgen...........................32 CVS Health ................... 32 Flipkart Internet...........19 SoftBank.......................19
reference to companies. Microsoft.......................21 article Wednesday about researchers
Ant Financial ................ 19 Dart Group....................19 General Electric............24 Syngenta.......................17
First reference to the Monsanto......................17 possible identification of the authors re-
Apollo Global Deutsche Bank..............23 Gilead Sciences.............32 TABCorp Holdings ........ 32
companies appears in Management..............20 Deutsche Post .............. 18 Google......................18,21
News Corp.....................21
UniCredit.......................23 mains incorrectly implied the entire
bold face type in all Apple.............................19 DuPont .......................... 17 Harvey Norman Nike.................................1 United Parcel Service...18 book was published in that year.
articles except those BaFin.............................23 eBay .............................. 19 Holdings.....................32 Novartis ........................ 32 Vattenfall......................17 Readers can alert the London newsroom of The
on page one and the Baker Hughes.................7 Emirates Airline ........... 19 Holcim...........................21 One97 Communication.19 Wizz Air Holdings........19 Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles
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Barclays.........................32 Wrttemberg.............17 Clearing......................23 Origin Agritech.............17 Yuan Longping High-Tech +44 (0)20 7842 9901.
BHP Billiton..................32 E.ON..............................17 Hon Hai Precision Pfizer.............................32 Agriculture.................22
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 19


Takes Action
Labor Strife at Emirates Airline
BY RORY JONES exceptions that comply with safety

Against DUBAIEmirates Airline is

fighting an unusual headwind: labor
Taking Off
Passenger growth is taking off at as overall employees and cabin-crew
rules. Staff have to work in other
cabins at times, the carrier said.
Emirates didnt immediately re-

Airlines trouble. Emirates Airline staff soar. spond to a request seeking comment
In the U.S. and Europe, the 50 million 50 thousand about deferred leave.
Dubai-owned carrier is fighting ac- The company declined to com-
44.5 million passengers carried 41,471 employees
BY ROBERT WALL cusations by rivals that it benefits ment generally about cabin-crew
from unfair government subsidies. 40 40 complaints, and to make executives
LONDONBritains aviation reg- Back home, however, Emirates, the available for interviews. Saif Al Su-
ulator is taking action against Aer worlds largest international airline waidi, director general of the Gen-
30 30
Lingus and two other European car- by traffic, is engaged in a rare tussle eral Civil Aviation Authority, the
riers regarding their treatment of with its own cabin-crew staff. U.A.E.s airline regulator, said issues
passengers when flights are dis- According to current and former 20 20 about airline labor conditions are a
rupted, and expressed concern over staff, cabin-crew employees have matter to be sorted out between
the actions of Ryanair Holdings been complaining internally about a Rest of employees staff and management.
PLC. host of issues, including accusations 10 10 The sessions initiated this year
Aer Lingus and budget airlines the airline is asking crew to work are one way Emirates is trying to
Wizz Air and Jet2 now are subject more hours and shortening layovers Cabin crew manage the complaints. In an email
to enforcement action, the U.K.s between connecting flights. In re- 0 0 in January to staff announcing the
Civil Aviation Authority said on Sat- sponse, Emirates is holding a series FY2004 06 08 2010 12 FY2004 06 08 2010 12 meetings, Terry Daly, Emirates se-
urday. The CAA said the move of meetings where staff can air -05 -07 -09 -11 -13 -05 -07 -09 -11 -13 nior vice president of service deliv-
comes after a six-month review of grievances directly to senior man- Note: Fiscal years end March 31 Source: the company THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ery, wrote he was aware that there
how carriers act on issues, such as agement. It also recently suspended are a number of subjects that are
how they deal with passengers when a performance-evaluation system of also enjoy benefits not typical at is straining current staff, according causing concern at the moment. He
flights are delayed. cabin staffconducted after each many other airlines, including free to some employees. called the meetings an opportunity
The aviation regulator said the flightthat employees complained accommodation and transportation Flight attendants say they are to talk about these directly with
three airlines are failing to meet Eu- was too critical. to and from work. That has all having to work more shifts, with me, according to a copy of the
ropean Union rules on passenger Labor trouble is a frequent head- helped keep a lid on labor strife shorter layovers. First-class atten- email reviewed by The Wall Street
rights. It also said it was reviewing ache for global carriers, where among its roughly 20,000 cabin- dants, who typically work their way Journal.
how Ryanair, Europes biggest dis- strikes and other job action can dis- crew employees until now. up to their postings in premium cab- Emirates has held three sessions
count carrier by traffic, deals with rupt service. But in Dubai, a semiau- The dissent comes as the airline ins, are being asked to work in econ- so far. In a statement, Emirates said
passenger claims when flights are tonomous monarchy that is part of is growing rapidly and recruiting ag- omy to make up for shortages there, the forums last month were just one
hit by technical problems. the United Arab Emirates, strikes gressively to fill its cabins. Emirates according to these employees. Many of many ways employees could com-
Airlines are well aware of the and unions are banned. carried 44.5 million passengers in cabin-crew staff had some annual municate with management.
support they must provide when Emirates has long been a de- its latest financial year, and fore- leave allocation deferred last year, Emirates Chief Executive Tim
there is disruption, CAA Chief Exec- manding employer, especially for casts 70 million passengers by 2020. they said. Clark has weighed in. Late last year,
utive Andrew Haines said. The issue cabin-crew personnelrequiring rig- It plans to hire 5,000 more cabin Emirates said in a statement that he started to send a quarterly up-
was clarified last year when airlines orous training, including in etiquette staff this year, to accommodate it hasnt shortened layover times, date email to employees, soliciting
challenging payment requirements and grooming. But cabin-crew staff growth and attrition. That fast clip and any changes to staff routines are feedback from staff.
lost their case, he said.
The regulator said Aer Lingus,

Startup Snapdeal Is in Fundraising Talks

Wizz Air and Jet2 will need to make
changes to their policies, or face
the prospect of a court order.
Jet2, a unit of Dart Group PLC,
and Hungarian carrier Wizz Air are BY DHANYA ANN THOPPIL
failing to make required payments AND LORRAINE LUK
for flight disruptions and cutting
short the period during which pas- Snapdeal.com, an e-commerce
sengers can make their claims, the startup backed by eBay Inc. and
regulator said. Aer Lingus and Jet2 SoftBank Corp., is looking to raise
were separately accused of not pro- as much as $1 billion of fresh capital
viding passengers information about from investors including Foxconn,
their rights under EU rules. the worlds largest contract manu-
Aer Lingus said it was working facturer of electronics.
with the CAA and that its proce- If successful, the latest fundrais-
dures, relating to the provision of ing could make Snapdeal Indias sec-
information to customers affected ond-most-valuable startup. Its valu-
by operational disruption, are fully ation could reach nearly $7 billion,
compliant with all the relevant regu- according to people familiar with
lations. Ryanair said it complies the situation.
fully with European air-passenger- Global investors have been pour-
rights rules. ing billions of dollars into Indias
fast-growing e-commerce market,
which Morgan Stanley predicts will
The aviation regulator expand to more than $100 billion by
2020 from $3 billion in 2013.
said the three airlines Last year, the countrys largest
are failing to meet online marketplace, Flipkart Inter-
net Pvt., raised $2.5 billion from in-
European Union rules vestors, while U.S. giant Ama-
on passenger rights.

zon.com Inc. pledged to invest $2

Snapdeal, owned by Jasper Info- Snapdeal employees sort out delivery packages at a facility in Mumbai. The online marketplace has 100,000 merchants.
tech Pvt., connects buyers and sell-
Wizz Air spokesman Daniel de ers. Founded in 2010 by two familiar with the matter say Fox- ture remains fluid, and final terms phones, on the Indian companys e-
Carvalho said in a witten statement, friendsKunal Bahl and Rohit conn, officially known as Hon Hai and participants are likely to be de- commerce platform.
The U.K. CAA is well aware that Bansalit started as a coupon web- Precision Industry Co., would be cided in the coming weeks. Alibaba has been gearing up for
Wizz Air is reassessing these cases site, but has since changed its busi- one of many potential investors in They said the funding could be expansion into India. Its financial-
and has confirmed to the U.K. CAA ness model. It has about 40 million the funding round. as small as $500 million, depending services affiliate, Ant Financial,
itself, some time ago, that it will ap- members and 100,000 merchants One potential thorny issue is on the lineup of investors, and that took a 25% stake in the online-pay-
ply the U.K. CAAs own list of ex- selling things as diverse as mobile whether Chinese e-commerce giant could reduce the final price tag on ment business of India-based One97
traordinary circumstances in the rel- phones, cars and houses. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. will Snapdeal.com to about $6 billion. Communication Ltd. last month.
evant cases. The airline said it took Last year, Snapdeal received an participate. Foxconn has been expanding Foxconns interest in Snapdeal
the decision to reassess the cases af- investment of nearly $1 billion from Alibaba had been in talks to in- into the e-commerce market with its comes as the 41-year-old company,
ter a recent court ruling. U.S.-based eBay and Japan-based vest in the current round, but after new online marketplaces in China which assembles most of Apple
In its response, Jet2 called the SoftBank, giving the company a val- due diligence, it is unlikely that the and Taiwan, as part of its efforts to Inc.s iPhones and iPads, has been
aviation regulators announcement uation of $2 billion. Chinese company will put money find new growth avenues. struggling to find new growth op-
materially inaccurate. The airline Foxconns talks with Snap- into Snapdeal, which could reduce A partnership with Snapdeal portunities as revenue from its con-
said it paid compensation for dis- deal.com are preliminary and center the amount raised, these people say. would give the company a foothold tract manufacturing business slows.
rupted flights and that it abides by on forming a strategic partnership Potential investors in Snapdeals lat- in India. Foxconn has been looking Rising wages in China and com-
court decisions and complies with that could involve an equity invest- est round include private-equity to invest in emerging markets, the petition for Apples orders have
the law. ment, the people say. firms and other institutional inves- people said. weighed on Foxconns earnings
The aviation regulator said it It isnt clear how much Taiwan- tors, one of the people said. Foxconn has collaborated with growth over the past several years.
would publish more information on based Foxconn might invest in Snap- The people involved in the talks Snapdeal to sell some Foxconn-made Gillian Wong
airline performance Monday. deals latest funding round. People cautioned that the deals final struc- electronic products, including contributed to this article.
20 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Caesars Real Prize: Player Data

Bilfinger Is
The most valuable asset in the
bitter bankruptcy feud at Caesars
Entertainment Corp. isnt the casino
operators opulent Roman-themed
resort at the heart of the Las Vegas
Strip. Its the companys big-data BY SARAH SLOAT
customer loyalty program, valued at
$1 billion by creditors. FRANKFURTGermanys Bilfin-
Caesars chief executive Gary ger SE said on Sunday it is investi-
Loveman said he devised the Total gating allegations that employees at
Rewards program in 1998 as a way a Brazilian subsidiary participated
to attract customers to the com- in bribery involving orders related
panys casinos without breaking the to last years World Cup soccer
bank to upgrade them. tournament.
Mr. Loveman said he purposely The engineering and services
made it quick and easy for custom- company was informed in 2014 of
ers to earn and redeem points, un- potential compliance violations re-
like airline loyalty programs requir- lated to orders valued at about 6
ing several flights to get a free trip. million, or $6.5 million, for monitors
In our world, you gamble tonight, for security control centers in Brazil,
you eat dinner tonight, said the ex- it said. Bilfingers Mauell subsidiary
ecutive, who is stepping down as provided the monitors and software
CEO on June 30 but keeping his that helped oversee traffic flow at
Associated Press

other position as chairman. several of the World Cup venues in

Caesars, in turn, uses the data it Brazil.
collects from the program to target Bilfinger said it launched an in-
its marketing campaigns and keep vestigation directly after learning of
customers playing within its sprawl- Creditors value Caesars customer loyalty program ahead of various Las Vegas properties like Caesars Palace. the allegations, which relate to sus-
ing network of around 50 casinos, pected payments to public officials
driving up overall revenue at the equity sponsors Apollo Global bankruptcy fight, according to the the loyalty programs operations. and employees of state companies.
company. Management LLC and TPG Capital. creditors valuations, trumping vari- Of all of the transactions that As a first step, Bilfinger com-
Among the loyalty programs 45 The goal of these deals, which ous Las Vegas properties and Cae- have been disputed by creditors, the missioned auditors Ernst & Young to
million members are some particu- also included property sales from the sars online gambling business. ones involving Total Rewards are conduct a comprehensive securing
larly loyal fans. Darryl McEwen, now-bankrupt unit to other Caesars The practical effect of the Total among the most controversial, said of data in Germany and Brazil and,
whom Mr. Loveman knows by name, units that remain financially stable, Rewards transactions was to transfer, Chris Snow, an analyst at research subsequently, auditors Deloitte and
runs a website called Seven Stars was to keep the units best assets for for free, virtually all of the attri- firm CreditSights. The various prop- a specialized law office in Brazil
Insider, named after the top tier of themselvesand out of bondholders butes of ownership and control of To- erty sales creditors dispute at least with the further clarification of the
the program. He offers tips on ev- reachcreditors alleged. tal Rewards from the now-bankrupt involved cash payments, he said. incident, Bilfinger said.
erything from redeeming big-ticket Caesars says that while the unit to the Caesars parent company, Though over 80% of senior credi- A Bilfinger spokesman said the
items to the pork chops at Caesars transactions reduced revenue at the alleged junior creditors in a February tors ended up signing on to Caesars investigation isnt yet complete, in-
Philadelphia casino. now-bankrupt unit, they were nec- filing in the bankruptcy case. restructuring plan, a speedy bank- cluding the question of what
But Total Rewards has also be- essary for the unit to get cash, pay The Caesars parent said in a ruptcy seems increasingly unlikely, amounts may have been paid and to
come an obsession for a less creditors, and keep its properties statement: The structure the Cae- said Fitch Ratings analyst Alex Bu- whom. He said the subsidiary had
friendly groupthe creditors of within the Total Rewards network sars companies established ensures mazhny. Junior bondholders and no direct business with soccers
Caesars largest unit. The unit, to maximize performance. that Total Rewards will have the re- bank lenders have still not signed on world governing body FIFA.
buckling under an $18.4 billion debt Representatives for Apollo, TPG sources it needs for maintenance and to the plan, and the judge presiding Should the accuracy of the alle-
load, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and junior and senior credit groups growth, that the program is available over the bankruptcy case recently gations be confirmed, Bilfinger will
protection in Chicago in January. declined to comment. on fair terms to every Caesars-affili- gave the examiner more scope than take action with regard to personnel
In multiple lawsuits ahead of the The Total Rewards transactions ated property, including [the now- the casino companys parent wanted and will initiate legal steps, the
filing, creditor groups alleged trans- robbed the now-bankrupt units cred- bankrupt entity], and that each of to investigate the deals disputed by company said.
actions involving the loyalty program itors of at least $1 billion, alleged se- the Caesars companies makes a fair the bankrupt units creditors, includ- Bilfinger said it pursues informa-
were part of a series of improper in- nior bondholders in a November law- contribution to the expenses of the ing the Total Rewards transactions. tion on possible violations through
sider deals engineered by the Cae- suit. Total Rewards is the single most system. The company has also Matt Jarzemsky its own investigations and notifies
sars parent company and its private- valuable asset under dispute in the said the bankruptcy wont affect contributed to this article. the relevant authorities.

Money Pours Out of Eurozone Whats Ahead for the Euro

Cash is owing out of eurozone debt faster than it is owing into stocks.
Cumulative net portfolio ows since December 2012
Continued from first page creased their holdings of Treasury German 10-year debt now yields just
124.4 billion ($134.35 billion). The bonds by $374.3 billion in 2014, Fed- 0.18%, and German yields are nega- 300 billion
euro has fallen, but European stocks eral Reserve data show. That trend tive to maturities up to seven years.
and bonds have rallied. That is has continued this year. APG Groep NV, which oversees
largely thanks to quantitative eas- Another effect has made the 415 billion of pension investments
ing, which should push investors to flood out of Europe especially pow- in the Netherlands, has been shifting Net inows
buy riskier assets such as stocks, erful. Unlike the Feds three waves more of its investments overseas in 100 into stocks and
while the ECBs own heavy buying of of quantitative easing, the ECBs recent months. investment funds
bonds keeps that market supported version is coming as European gov- As interest rates in the eurozone
even as some investors move out- ernments are trimming budgets. are so low and the euro is dropping, 0
side the eurozone. That means they issue fewer bonds, its sensible for us to look outside
The starkest consequences of and European investors have more the eurozone to U.K. and U.S. [gov- 100
these flows have been seen in the reason to look abroad for returns in- ernment bonds] because theyve be-
eurozones small neighbors. The stead of paying dearly for relatively come more attractive than they used
Danish central bank has cut interest scarce assets at home or having to be, both from a capital preserva- 200
rates four times this year to discour- cash in euros that they might need tion and a return perspective, said Net outows
age foreigners from piling into the to pay to hold on to. Harmen Geers, spokesman for asset from bonds
krone. To keep the currency, which There are more and more euros management at the firm.
is pegged to the euro, from climbing, being printed, but these are hot-po- European investors face a choice, 2013 14 15
it has printed huge volumes of kro- tato euros, Mr. Hallam said. said Stephan Hirschbrich, a fixed-in- Note: Through January 2015; monthly data
ner to sell for euros. January data showed a net in- come portfolio manager at Ger- Source: European Central Bank THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Switzerland was so swamped by flow of 29.8 billion, which was manys Union Asset Management
inflows that the central bank composed of a big rush into Euro- Holding AG, which manages 232.1 northern European economies like shift in the behavior of the investors
abruptly lifted its cap on the Swiss pean stocks in anticipation of quan- billion: shift into longer-dated or Germany and the Netherlands looks with the deepest pockets of all: cen-
franc in January, leading to a dra- titative easing and a continued flow riskier debt, or look overseas. for a home overseas. tral banks.
matic one-day surge of more than out of bonds. Market participants For our clients that are able to, The effect of such flows appears Before the financial crisis, cen-
40% in the francs value. say most non-European equity in- weve been moving into the U.S. more decisive than speculative bets tral banks led by the Peoples Bank
But even the U.S. has been far vestors who buy eurozone stocks where we can benefit from a rising that the euro will fall. of China bought up huge piles of
from immune. Massive demand from also simultaneously bet on a weaker dollar and higher yields, he said. The euro slumped substantially dollars to keep their own currencies
European investors has helped drive currency, canceling out any upward Some analysts think the big out- in March, even though speculators from climbing. After the euros
the dollar higher this year. The rush pressure on the euro. Debt investors flows from the euro area will con- slightly trimmed their wagers on a launch in 1999, they gradually began
into the dollar has also fueled a rally typically dont. tinue. Deutsche Bank forecasts a fall euro decline, data from the U.S. to diversify into the new currency,
in U.S. Treasurys despite expecta- ECB demand has driven up bond as far as 85 cents for the euro by the Commodity Futures Trading Com- which looked set to become a seri-
tions that the Fed will raise interest prices, pushing yields, which fall end of 2017 as a large and persistent mission show. ous rival to the buck as a global re-
rates this year. Foreign investors in- when prices rise, to record lows. excess of savings particularly in The euros fall is also linked to a serve.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 21


Cement Firms Alter Deal Terms

Cleared in

French cement giant Lafarge SA

Bribery Case
and Swiss rival Holcim Ltd. agreed
on Friday to alter the terms of their
planned $44 billion merger, ending
In the U.K.
a fight over financial terms and Reuters
leadership at the combined entity
that threatened to derail one of Eu- LONDONFour senior journalists
ropes biggest recent deals. at the News Corp-owned Sun news-
The boards of the two companies paper were cleared on Friday of
agreed late Thursday on a new making illegal payments to public
share-swap ratio, in which Holcim officials, the latest reporters to be
shareholders will offer nine of their exonerated after a massive police
shares for 10 of Lafarges. That al- probe.
ters the one-to-one exchange ratio The journalists the tabloids ex-
first agreed upon last year. The two ecutive editor, deputy editor, chief
boards also agreed on the most con- reporter and royal editorwere
tentious issue: the fate of Lafarge found not guilty of paying military
Chief Executive Bruno Lafont. figures for information, including de-
As the two companies fortunes tails about Queen Elizabeths grand-
Bloomberg News

diverged after the merger agree- sons, Princes William and Harry.
ment, with Lafarge underperform- However, one former Ministry of
ing, the Holcim side started to ques- Defense employee who was paid
tion whether Mr. Lafont was the 100,000 pounds ($149,000) by the
right person to lead the new entity. The role of Lafarge Chief Executive Bruno Lafont emerged as a sticking point to the proposed Lafarge-Holcim merger. paper for passing on stories was
In two days of meetings recently, di- jailed for one year.
rectors at each firm convened sepa- ture of the deal remain. The chal- in performance, the one-for-one eq- tle over Mr. Lafont created tension The issue of whether journalists
rately to hash out a compromise. lenge now before the two boards is uity swap didnt sit well with Hol- on both sides. Lafarge employees should face criminal action for pay-
They ultimately agreed to appoint to quickly complete a decision on cim directors and shareholders. The largely rallied behind Mr. Lafont in ing for stories they deem to be in
Mr. Lafont as nonexecutive co-chair- the CEO, mend any personal animos- financial balance tilted further when the past few days, said one person the public interest has been contro-
man of the combined firm, alongside ity triggered by the fight over Mr. the Swiss franc soared against the familiar with the matter. There was versial. Critics argue that such cases
Holcim Chairman Wolfgang Reitzle. Lafonts role and restore a sense of euro, meaning Holcim shares were massive solidarity behind him, this should never be brought to court.
Lafarge will officially propose a purpose on integrating the two op- suddenly worth more Lafarge person said. There is no celebration whilst
new CEO for the merged company in erations. shares, when converted into euros. On the Holcim side, too, there this witch hunt continues against my
coming weeks. The two companies Mr. Lafont, who is 58 years old, Distrust ratcheted up in February, were efforts to assuage Mr. Lafont. colleagues who are still facing the
have already tentatively agreed on a emerged as a sticking point to the when Lafarge said it was increasing Mr. Reitzle, who will be serving as nightmare that I hopefully one day
candidate, a Lafarge executive cho- Franco-Swiss merger aimed at cre- its dividend despite weak results. co-chairman with Mr. Lafont, told will wake up from, Duncan Lar-
sen by Mr. Lafont, according to peo- ating a globe-spanning construction In February, Holcims board ap- some people privately that he is combe, the papers royal editor, told
ple familiar with the matter. The de- behemoth. Over the 11 months since pointed Perella Weinberg Partners counting on the Lafarge boss to help reporters after being found not guilty.
cision isnt final, however, and a few the deal was announced, Holcim ex- banker Dietrich Becker to serve as an make the merger a success, said an-
other candidates are still being con- ecutives grew uncomfortable with independent adviser on renegotiating other person familiar with the mat-
sidered, these people said. Mr. Lafont running the combined some elements of the deal. He ter. Holcim CEO Bernard Fontana The investigation arose
Shares in both companies rose company as a result of Lafarges worked alongside Goldman Sachs will be stepping down after the
Friday after the deal was an- weak performance and his handling banker Franois-Xavier de Mallmann, merger.
out of an inquiry into
nounced. Swiss billionaire Thomas of the merger process, people famil- who was sole adviser to Holcim on Still, the deal isnt done yet. The phone hacking.
Schmidheiny, who owns about a iar with the matter said. the original merger. Lafarge was rep- merger is subject to a vote by the
fifth of Holcim, praised the deal and The implementation of such a resented by investment banking companies shareholders at their re-
the concession made by Mr. Lafont. merger is not possible without creat- brothers Michael and Yoel Zaoui of spective meetings later this year. In
All people involved attached ing tension and frustration, Mr. La- Zaoui & Co. Investment bank Roth- the wake of the squabble, the two The police investigation into ille-
more importance to the interests of font told reporters this past Friday. schild also worked for Lafarge. companies have delayed the ex- gal payments arose out of an inquiry
the new corporation than to their Since Sunday, my attitude showed The Holcim demands prompted pected completion of the deal by into phone hacking by journalists on
own ambitions, Mr. Schmidheiny individuals shouldnt stand in the 11th-hour efforts by top executives one month to the end of July. the Suns sister paper, the News of
said. way of the realization of the merger. from both companies this past week Inti Landauro the World, which led to the jailing of
But key questions about the fu- As Lafarge and Holcim diverged to keep the tie-up on track. The bat- contributed to this article. ex-editor Andy Coulson and a num-
ber of other senior staff last June.
News UK, the British newspaper

Google Avoided One Probe; Others Loom

arm of Rupert Murdochs News
Corp, handed over a huge trove of
emails to detectives investigating
the hacking offenses, resulting in
BY ROLFE WINKLER search engines just a click away. disclosures. At end of the day, the makes Android available free to the arrest of dozens of Sun journal-
Following the FTCs decision, FTC commission made their deci- makers of smartphones and tablets ists for payments to officials.
Google Inc. escaped a U.S. anti- Googles rivals turned their atten- sion and we agree with that, Mr. as a way to deliver services like News Corp is also the owner of
trust investigation nearly unscathed tion to Europe, where officials have Schmidt said in an interview. search and YouTube, which generate The Wall Street Journal.
in 2013, but the company isnt out been investigating similar com- Google rivals havent let up on advertising revenue, and the Play So far only two former News of
of the regulatory woods. plaints against Google for five years the search issue. Local-services Store, where Google makes money the World reporters have been
Disclosures that some staffers at and have rejected three Google set- guide Yelp Inc. and Microsoft Corp. selling apps and games. found guilty for such payments. For-
the U.S. Federal Trade Commission tlement proposals. European Com- have been particularly active behind Google rivals including Microsoft mer police officers and prison offic-
had recommended charging Google mission antitrust officials are ex- the scenes, trying to coordinate op- and Oracle Corp. last year filed a ers have also been convicted and are
with violating antitrust laws are pected to file formal charges against position to the search giant. formal complaint with the European serving jail terms.
adding fuel to a long-running Euro- Google about its search practices, Yelp last year launched a web- Commission, claiming that makers The Suns Mr. Larcombe, chief
pean probe into the same practices. perhaps as soon as next month. site, FocusOnTheUser.eu, that of Android devices that want popu- reporter John Kay, executive editor
U.S. rivals continue to complain Regulators in Argentina, Brazil, charges Google with favoring its lar Google apps, including Maps, are Fergus Shanahan and deputy editor
to regulators about some of Googles Canada, Taiwan and India also are own services in search results and required to preload a suite of Geoff Webster had argued in their
search and advertising practices. investigating Googles business asks website visitors to contact Eu- Google mobile services and give defense that payments made to sol-
Meanwhile, Google may face a new practices, according to the com- ropean legislators. The company them prominent placement. diers and Ministry of Defense offi-
antitrust fight, as regulators probe panys annual financial filing. Until may be preparing to air similar ob- The Wall Street Journal first re- cials had been for stories in the
how Google manages its Android now, though, Google has largely jections in the U.S. ported secret contracts that Google public interest.
mobile-operating system. beaten back regulatory reviews of But some observers think the had drawn up laying out those re- Outside court on Friday, Mr. Kay
An FTC staff report in 2012 de- its business practices; in 2014, at- complaints are misplaced. Danny Sul- quirements. said, Its a great relief that a three-
tailed several ways in which Google torneys general in Texas and Ohio livan, the founding editor of Search Mr. Sullivan, while skeptical of year ordeal is over. I just hope that
appeared to have altered search re- closed investigations. Engine Land and a close Google the antitrust claims around search, this result bears fruit for other col-
sults to favor its own services, al- One EU lawmaker said Friday that watcher, says criticizing Google for says Google deserves attention leagues in a similar predicament.
though staffers in the agencys bu- commission officials should consider favoring its own services is a waste from antitrust regulators on its An- The four men were found not
reau of competition didnt the newly revealed evidence from the of time, like complaining that one TV droid dealings. I think thats much guilty by a jury at Londons Old Bai-
recommend filing suit over those is- U.S. case in weighing charges against network doesnt favor another TV harder to defend, he says. ley criminal court after 10 days of
sues, The Wall Street Journal re- Google. This new... evidence is cru- networks show enough. Google has another victory to deliberations. After the verdict, re-
ported Thursday. The commission cial and could not come at better Beyond search, other complaints point to. A Google spokesman said porting restrictions were lifted on
concluded its investigation in early time, said Ramon Tremosa I Balcells, loom about Googles business prac- on Friday that the company was in- the jailing of Ministry of Defense of-
2013 without taking action. a lawmaker who represents the Span- tices. In Europe, antitrust regulators formed last year by the FTC that the ficial Bettina Jordan-Barber, who
Google executives have long ar- ish region of Catalonia. have begun an inquiry into whether Commission had closed an investi- was sentenced to a year in prison in
gued that their responsibility is to Google Executive Chairman Eric Google improperly requires the gation, first reported in 2013, into January. She had admitted passing
provide relevant search results, not Schmidt on Friday declined to com- makers of devices that use its An- its display advertising practices. information to Mr. Kay, who called
promote websites, and if users dont ment on the European investigation droid mobile-operating system to Tom Fairless her his number one military
like those results there are other or the potential impact of the U.S. use certain Google services. Google contributed to this article. source, between 2004 and 2012.
22 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Beijing Seeks to Grow

Seed Firm With Sway
Continued from page 17 number of patents in agricultural
eign giants at bay while technology by 2020 compared with
significantly increasing the coun- 2013. State companies, Beijing says,
trys spending on research and de- will lead the charge.
velopment. The number of domestic seed-
Xindaxin has its strengthsthe sector acquisitions last year tripled
question is whether its able to give from 2012, according to research
Origin any margin, Origin firm CCM. Shenzhen-listed Yuan
Agritechs chairman, Han Gengchen, Longping High-Tech Agriculture
said in an interview. Xindaxin didnt Co. was among the most aggressive,
respond to a request for comment. buying out at least three smaller
For two decades, foreign seed seed makers since 2013. Still, it is
majors have beaten a path to China, unrealistic to expect the dawn of a
lured by a market so big that it is Chinese Monsanto within five years,
projected to eclipse the U.S. as the according to ChinaAg.
Bloomberg News

worlds largest food consumer by But Chinas size confers an ad-

2018, according to the Association vantage. Its largest producer, Long-
of Food Industries. ping, has a market value of 20.2 bil-
The worlds second-largest seed lion yuan ($3.26 billion), making it
HTC Chairwoman Cher Wang will take over as the companys chief executive from her co-founder, Peter Chou. market, after the U.S., limits foreign the worlds fourth-biggest seed

Struggling HTC Corp.

producers to minority stakes in joint maker by that measure. The prob-
ventures. Seeds from foreign ven- lem is that Longpingwhose parent
tures supply about 20% of the mar- is Hunan Xindaxinacts as a loose
ket, but that is likely to rise as a patchwork of related producers,
gulf in quality widens between local rather than a single corporate giant,

Shuffles Its Top Ranks

and foreign products, growers and said Syngentas Mr. Cohadon.
analysts say. Theres a concern that Longping didnt respond to a call
Chinese seed companies wont be for comment.
able to compete with Monsanto, Du- Chinas key deficit is in research
Pont, Syngenta, because they dont and development, analysts say.
have the stamina and the technol- Local seed makers didnt give re-
BY JENNY HSU tured by Apple Inc., while more re- when a successor is found. ogy, said Loren Puette, director of search much shrift until around
AND EVA DOU cently other segments have been Over the last two years, Ms. agricultural consulting firm Chi- 2011, when a state directive forced
targeted by low-cost Chinese manu- Wang had been increasingly in- naAg. seed companies to list R&D spend-
HTC Corp., whose share of the facturers. volved in the running of various as- Heavily overworked arable land ing in annual reports. Longping said
smartphone market has shrunk to Inside HTC, a rift began to pects of the business, to allow Mr. and slowing yields from local seeds its R&D in 2013 totaled $15 million
under 2% from double digits within emerge between supporters and crit- Chou to focus on product develop- have raised questions among offi- less than 1% of what Monsanto
three years, is replacing its longtime ics of Mr. Chou, people familiar with ment, a role in which he has demon- cials about the viability of meeting spends.
chief executive with its chairwoman the matter said. Mr. Chou will remain strated world-class design and cut- Chinas food demand by domestic Unless Chinese seed makers
in an attempt to revive its fortunes. involved in product development at ting-edge technology expertise, the means alone. But Beijing wants its catch up, analysts say the compa-
The Taiwanese company said on the Taipei-based company. company said in a statement Friday. producers to be in a position to nies will be reduced to middlemen
Friday that Cher Wang will take over In an interview Friday, Ms. Wang There have been tentative signs make seeds that can compete with when China opens its seed market.
from Peter Chou, who has served as said she plans to be CEO for the of recovery after HTC slashed costs foreign products before the market Once [GMO corn] is introduced,
CEO for more than a decade. But ob- long-term while Mr. Chou heads the and added lower-priced devices to opens up, officials say. we will be more than happy to be
servers warned that the move in- companys innovation lab. its lineup. The companys share of Despite the countrys consump- part of the game, said Thierry
volving HTCs two founders is un- Ms. Wang, who will continue as the global smartphone market rose tion heft, Chinas seed makers are Boyer, head of China for Monsanto,
likely to solve a fundamental chairwoman, said HTC would em- from 1% in last years first quarter to too small and scattered for the gov- which estimates its corn market
problem: how to contend with the phasize technological innovation, 1.4% in the fourth quarter, according ernment to corral in pursuit of con- share in China at 3%. For now, we
onslaught of Chinese competition. but gave few details. She said the ex- to analysts from BNP Paribas. In the trolling the biotechnology that un- play within the existing rules.
The rise and fall of HTCs hand- ecutive change was mutually agreed fourth quarter, HTCs revenue rose derpins the competitive power of Chinas seed companies view
set business is an example of how upon and wasnt a demotion for Mr. after 12 consecutive quarters of de- global seed manufacturers. themselves as holding reservoirs of
fast-moving and competitive the Chou, adding that she took on the cline, and the company is expecting China will open upthe ques- value. China currently allows im-
global smartphone market has be- CEO role because she wanted to be another rise in the current quarter. tion is when, said Pierre Cohadon, ports of genetically modified animal
come. The company was founded by more involved. HTC isnt alone as an established Syngentas regional head for China. feed and bans genetically modified
Ms. Wang and Mr. Chou in 1997 as a We are refocusing on our prod- smartphone maker struggling with It will probably be when China is organisms, save papayas, for human
contract manufacturer of notebook uct advantageand moving beyond the emergence of low-cost competi- sufficiently confident it has the consumption. Executives project
computers and personal digital as- the smartphone business, she said. tors like Chinas Xiaomi Corp. Sam- technology and capability. commercial production of GMO food
sistantsthe precursors to todays The company didnt make Mr. sung Electronics Co.s operating Beijings development blueprint for human use is likely to be al-
smartphones. It started to sell Chou available for comment. profit has fallen for five straight calls for the countrys top 50 seed lowed by 2020; domestic producers
phones under its own brand in 2006, Ms. Wang returned to day-to-day quarters. Google sold its smartphone makers to double their share of the are primed to benefit from their ac-
and made its name designing high- operations last year as sales fell, al- business Motorola Mobility to Len- Chinese market to 60% by the end cess to homegrown GMO strains.
end smartphones. At its peak in though she reiterated staunch sup- ovo Group Ltd. last year after failing of this decade. By 2020, a new sys- I tell people the value of this
2011, HTC was the leading vendor of port of Mr. Chou as CEO. She also to make it profitable. tem will be formed to breed new company is Monsanto multiplied by
devices based on Google Inc.s An- shifted more responsibilities to Analysts said the management seed varieties with high yield, good Baidu divided by Google, said
droid operating system. Chief Financial Officer Chialin changes at HTC are unlikely to quality and disease resistance, the James Chen, Agritechs chief finan-
But HTCs sales started to slide in Chang, making him head of sales provide it much of a boost this State Council, Chinas cabinet, said cial officer. He laughed, but the im-
2012 as the company struggled to and of the smartphone business. Mr. year as the smartphone market is last year. plication is serious: Agritech views
find its place in a smartphone mar- Chang said in an interview Friday expected to be even more satu- The shake-up is under way. Bei- itself in relation to Monsanto as the
ket where the high-end was cap- that he would hand off CFO duties rated. jing has slashed the number of do- Chinese search-engine giant Baidu
mestic seed companies to about Inc. is to Google Inc.
5,200 last year from 8,700 in 2011. It Jacob Bunge in Chicago

Strong Dollar Slams U.S. Multinationals is pushing companies to triple their contributed to this article.

Continued from page 17 dollar over the next 12 months. Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
outlook on annual profit growth by Thats an enormous headwind for The flip side of the stronger dollar
that scale was in the six months companies that are selling interna- is the boost to non-U.S. stocks. Most
leading to March 2009, according to tionally, Mr. Kostin said. notably, Germanys DAX, with its high
FactSet, as stocks were tumbling to According to FactSet, companies concentration of manufacturing ex-
their crisis-era lows. And should that generate more than 50% of porters, is up 23% this year. In dollar
profit growth come in at the 2.1% sales outside the U.S. are expected terms, the index has gained 9.2%.
rate for all of this year, it would be to post an earnings decline of 11.6% European companies will be in a
slowest pace of earnings growth in the first quarter when results much better situation as the cur-
since profits shrank 7.9% in 2009. start rolling in next month. rency weakens, said William Ken-
David Kostin, chief U.S. equity Companies that generate less nedy, who manages the $11.5 billion
strategist at Goldman Sachs Group than half of sales outside the U.S. are Fidelity International Discovery
Inc., said that when the dollar has expected to post flat earnings for the Fund. Mr. Kennedy has tilted the
rallied in the past, consumer-discre- quarter, according to FactSet. foreign-stock fund to shares of com-
tionary and consumer-staples stocks Companies in the S&P earned panies that stand to benefit the
have fared better than the broader 46% of their sales outside the U.S. in most from a weakening euro, such
Huang Menglin

market. These sectors have relatively 2014, according to S&P Dow Jones as German auto makers and other
low exposure to overseas markets. Indexes. By contrast, 19% of sales exporters as well as hotel operators.
Goldman Sachs expects the euro for Russell 2000 companies comes James Ramage
to fall an additional 12% against the from outside the U.S., according to contributed to this article. Young hybrid corn stalks at Origin Agritech, a Beijing-based seed developer.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 23


Doubts Over Stock Connect Fix Big Fine for

Settlement rules unlikely to be the ultimate solution that fund managers are looking for
BY GREGOR STUART HUNTER trade delivery issues arising from
In Germany
Slow Connection the different settlement systems be- BY EYK HENNING
As inflows into Shanghais stock The total daily inows into Shanghai through the Hong Kong stock link slowed in tween Shanghai and Hong Kong,
market through its Hong Kong trad- February and March, in part because of market holidays. Investors say they are Mr. Au said. But it has yet to be FRANKFURTGerman financial
ing link continue to languish, some still facing hurdles. seen whether this enhanced model watchdog BaFin on Friday slapped a
banks say a new effort by Hong will face hurdles from trustees and record fine of 3.25 million ($3.5
Kongs exchange to overcome one of 8 billion yuan regulators where the funds are do- million) on BlackRock Inc. for mis-
the major obstacles to trading activ- miciled. representing its stakes in almost 50
ity appears unlikely to entice more 6 Fund managers are lobbying the of the countrys largest companies
investors in. Friday Hong Kong exchange for amend- over several years.
Inaugurated last November, the 1.55 billion ments to the rules prior to the BlackRock, the worlds largest
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect launch of the new plan, according to asset manager by assets under man-
was designed to allow all global in- three people with knowledge of the agement, restated its holdings in the
vestors for the first time to easily 2 matter. relevant companies last September.
buy into mainland Chinas stock A spokesman for Hong Kong Ex- At the time, it said a review con-
market, trumping a previous pro- 0 changes & Clearing Ltd., the mar- ducted with BaFin led to its having
gram that permitted investment ket operator, said new enhanced to amend information on voting
only by pre-selected large fund pre-trade checking scheme was a rights and holdings in financial in-
managers with approval from Bei- 2 response to investor concerns, but struments since individual disclo-
jing. Nov. 14 Dec. Jan. 15 Feb. March the trade and settlement cycle cant sures made in the past were not
But a rushed schedule to pull the Note: Quota usage below zero indicates outows. be changed. He added that the correct or had been omitted.
trading link together and differences Source: Thomson Reuters THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. changes would increase convenience BlackRock corrected disclosures
in market regulations between for investors and level an uneven on its holdings in 48 companies
Shanghai and Hong Kong have left a cumbersome to use because many mate solution that fund managers playing field for brokerages without listed on Germanys benchmark DAX
host of problems for investors and fund managers dont keep all their are looking for, he said. custody businesses. and midcap MDAX indexes, including
kept activity at disappointing levels. shares with the same brokerage or Investors making use of the new Banks with both custody and Allianz SE and Deutsche Bank AG.
Inflows to Shanghai during the bank. system will still have to process brokerage businesses have enjoyed BlackRock holds around 6.2% in
links fourth month of operation, Hong Kongs exchange has pro- their trades faster than most global a competitive advantage over inde- Deutsche Bank, and is the largest in-
through March 17, at 15 billion yuan posed a work-around starting March investors are used to, said Lawrence pendent brokerages. They could see vestor in German blue-chip compa-
($2.42 billion), are only a fraction of 30, offering special accounts for Au, head of BNP Paribas Securities some lost business as a result of the nies included in the DAX, the inves-
the amount of stock investors are fund managers that will permit set- Services Asia Pacific. Settlement changes. tor relations association, DIRK, said
allowed to buy. tlement after the trade is executed, will have to take place during the Some investors said the upgrade in a note published last June.
One of Chinas rules, in particu- as is common in other markets. was a good sign. For one thing, it BlackRock accepts the fine an-
lar, has kept fund managers from Fund managers will also be allowed shows that Hong Kongs stock ex- nounced today and is pleased to
making greater use of the link: a to use multiple brokerages and cus- Beijings market rule is change is trying to lift barriers for have fully resolved this matter, the
requirement that investors transfer todian firms, a relief for those firms frustrated fund managers, said company said in a statement.
shares to the Hong Kong exchange wondering whether their existing
in place to prevent failed Brendan Ahern, chief investment of- The BlackRock fine is the largest
before the trading day commences networks of business relationships trades. ficer at KraneShares, which man- BaFin has ever imposed, and comes
if they wish to sell. Beijings mar- will have to be redrawn for the sake ages a China exchange-traded fund after recent regulatory changes gave
ket rule is in place to prevent of Chinese regulators. that is yet to make use of the pro- it the power to impose fines of up to
failed trades, but the system is The move is a step in the right gram. 1 million for each instance in which
used in few other markets and direction, but investors will likely be day a trade is made, rather than the Were the ideal candidate to use an investor violates notification
loathed by investors because it left with more concerns to deal usual two or three days in most Stock Connect, but there has been a rules on voting rights.
limits their ability to react to mar- with, said Andrew Lawson, an exec- markets. The trades will have to be number of impediments that really BlackRock has been punished for
kets quickly. In most other mar- utive director and senior product settled within a matter of hours af- prevented someone outside of the misrepresenting stakes in European
kets, a fund manager is able to de- manager for global custody, Asia Pa- ter the exchange closes, at a time of Asia time zone, somebody who man- companies before. Italian regulator
cide on a trade and execute it cific, at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., day when most people in the U.S. ages an ETF or mutual fund, to be Consob imposed a 150,000 fine on
immediately, and then has two or one of the worlds biggest custody are asleep. able to utilize the connect pro- BlackRock last summer for misrep-
three days to settle the trade. In- banks that help facilitate trades. The enhanced model is a good gram, he said. Some of the linger- resenting its stake in lender Uni-
vestors say Chinas system is also This is unlikely to be the ulti- attempt to work around the pre- ing concerns are going away. Credit SpA back in 2011.


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AlexandraConvertibleBondFundI,Ltd.(ClassA) OT OT VGB 08/31 USD 2155.22 NS NS NS Tel: +7501 258 3160 www.hermitagefund.com E-Mail: funds@hsbctrinkaus.lu Paragon Limited USD A EU EQ CYM 12/31 USD NS.00 12.7 12.7 14.2
The Hermitage Fund GL EQ JEY 03/12 USD 963.12 4.5 105.6 -23.2 Telephone: 352 - 47 18471 UK Fund USD A OT OT CYM 04/13 USD 157.94 1.8 NS NS
HSBC Trinkaus Golden Opportunities OT OT LUX 03/19 USD 55.00 0.1 -33.3 -30.4
T: +44(0)20 7838 7580, F: +44(0) 20 7838 7590, www.horsemancapital.com Prosperity Return Fund B EU BA LUX 12/06 JPY 9032.12 4.6 11.0 13.2
Horseman EurSelLtd EUR EU EQ GBR 02/28 EUR 360.26 NS NS NS
Tel: +6221 25574 883 Fax: +6221 25574 893 Website: www.ciptadana-asset.com
Prosperity Return Fund C EU BA LUX 12/06 USD 79.01 -12.2 -11.1 -1.0 Indonesian Grth Fund GL EQ BMU 03/11 USD 162.58 -3.9 2.5 -8.3
Horseman EurSelLtd USD EU EQ GBR 02/28 USD 392.54 NS NS NS Prosperity Return Fund D EU BA LUX 12/06 EUR 121.37 -9.0 -8.8 8.1
Horseman Glbl Ltd EUR GL EQ CYM 02/28 USD 605.47 NS NS NS Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd A EU BA LUX 12/06 JPY 10807.34 3.5 5.1 11.3
n BANC INTERNACIONAL D'ANDORRA. BANCA MORA. Horseman Glbl Ltd USD GL EQ CYM 02/28 USD 605.47 NS NS NS Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd B EU BA LUX 12/06 JPY 11130.39 17.9 25.6 23.9
Avgd. Meritxell 96, Andorra la Vella. Andorra. Ph. +376.884884 www.bibm.ad Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd C EU BA LUX 12/06 USD 96.94 -0.9 0.7 8.4
Andfs. Anglaterra UK EQ AND 11/16 GBP 8.47 2.8 3.6 14.9 n HSBC ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS LIMITED Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd D EU BA LUX 12/06 EUR 102.83 -4.6 -4.1 6.9
Andfs. Borsa Global GL EQ AND 03/19 EUR 6.58 15.8 0.7 2.9 T +44 20 7860 3074 F + 44 20 7860 3174 www.hail.hsbc.com
Andfs. Emergents GL EQ AND 11/02 USD 14.77 -20.4 -19.2 -4.7 HSBC ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY FUND
Andfs. Espanya EU EQ AND 03/19 EUR 15.19 11.5 -6.9 21.9 Special Opp EUR OT OT GGY 02/27 EUR 131.14 2.4 5.4 9.1
Andfs. Estats Units US EQ AND 03/19 USD 21.01 -7.0 -1.8 10.0 Special Opp Inst EUR OT OT GGY 03/31 EUR 88.51 0.7 -0.3 13.3 n THE NATIONAL INVESTOR
Andfs. Europa EU EQ AND 03/19 EUR 7.60 12.3 -4.3 9.2 Special Opp Inst USD OT OT GGY 03/28 USD 123.18 4.2 18.5 10.6 PO Box 47435, Abu Dhabi, UAE Web:www.tni.ae
Andfs. Franca EU EQ AND 02/24 EUR 10.98 0.2 17.7 13.7 MENA Special Sits Fund OT OT BMU 02/26 USD 1012.08 4.7 -9.7 -2.2
Special Opp USD OT OT GGY 02/27 USD 138.65 2.5 5.4 9.1
Andfs. Japo JP EQ AND 03/19 JPY 817.66 9.5 27.9 19.2
Andfs. Plus Dollars US BA AND 10/22 USD 9.66 2.3 3.0 6.2 MENA UCITS Fund OT OT IRL 03/16 USD 1333.23 1.3 -3.8 11.6
n HSBC Portfolio Selection Fund n MP ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.
Andfs. RF Dolars US BD AND 03/18 USD 12.52 0.3 2.2 1.1 UAE Blue Chip Fund OT OT ARE 03/18 AED 9.86 -4.8 -9.4 26.8
GH Fund CHF Hdg OT OT GGY 02/27 CHF 133.17 1.7 5.4 6.0 Tel: + 386 1 587 47 77
Andfs. RF Euros EU BD AND 03/19 EUR 12.13 1.0 3.3 2.3 GH Fund EUR Hdg (Non-V) OT OT GGY 02/27 EUR 148.89 1.9 5.8 6.0 MP-BALKAN.SI EE EQ SVN 08/12 EUR 19.29 -1.9 -8.4 -10.9
Andorfons EU BD AND 03/19 EUR 15.93 1.1 0.5 1.8 GH Fund GBP Hdg OT OT GGY 02/27 GBP 165.23 1.9 6.3 6.5 MP-TURKEY.SI OT OT SVN 03/19 EUR 43.85 -4.1 37.1 -8.1
Andorfons Alternative Premium GL EQ AND 12/31 EUR 109.45 16.9 16.9 8.3 GGY
GH Fund Inst USD OT OT 02/27 USD 143.03 2.0 6.6 7.0 n OTHER FUNDS
Andorfons Mix 30 EU BA AND 03/19 EUR 9.55 -6.5 -7.9 -1.8
GH FUND S EUR OT OT CYM 02/27 EUR 167.97 2.1 7.2 7.4 For information about these funds, please contact us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 842 9694/9633
Andorfons Mix 60 EU BA AND 12/19 EUR 8.96 4.4 7.1 -2.5
GH FUND S GBP OT OT CYM 02/27 GBP 176.40 2.1 7.5 7.6 Medinvest Plc Dublin OT EQ IRL 09/30 USD NS.00 NS 1.3 -4.4
n CG Portfolio Fund Ltd GH Fund S USD OT OT CYM 02/27 USD 197.40 2.1 7.2 7.5
NAV OT OT CYM 06/07 GBP 25839.68 5.3 10.9 9.8 GH Fund USD OT OT GGY 02/27 USD 338.14 1.9 5.9 6.2 n WINTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LTD
Hedge Investments OT OT GGY 08/16 USD 158.48 NS NS 3.6 Tel: +44 (0)20 7610 5350 Fax: +44 (0)20 7610 5301
n CHARTERED ASSET MANAGEMENT PTE LTD - TEL NO: 65-6835-8866 Leverage GH USD OT OT GGY 02/27 USD 164.14 3.5 9.8 10.5 Winton Evolution EUR Cls H GL OT CYM 02/27 EUR 1425.23 3.3 20.9 15.2
Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: cam@cam.com.sg MultiAdv Arb CHF Hdg OT OT JEY 02/27 CHF 104.24 0.2 3.3 3.2
Winton Evolution GBP Cls G GL OT 02/27 GBP 1447.12 3.3 21.3 15.6
CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 03/13 USD 323131.76 -5.0 -3.9 -12.1 MultiAdv Arb EUR Hdg OT OT JEY 02/27 EUR 117.09 0.7 4.0 3.7
Tel: + 376 741 175 Fax: + 376 741 183 Email: meriden@meriden-ipm.com Winton Evolution USD Cls F GL OT CYM 02/27 USD 1812.57 3.2 20.6 15.3
JEY Antanta Combined Fund EE EQ AND 02/20 USD 166.78 5.8 -20.0 -21.4
MultiAdv Arb GBP Hdg OT OT 02/27 GBP 128.30 0.9 4.6 4.2 Winton Futures EUR Cls C GL OT VGB 02/27 EUR 294.58 2.8 17.0 11.5
n Citadele Antanta MidCap Fund EE EQ AND 02/20 USD 166.68 9.5 -52.8 -36.8
MultiAdv Arb S EUR OT OT JEY 02/27 EUR 133.39 0.8 4.9 4.8 Winton Futures GBP Cls D GL OT VGB 02/27 GBP 321.70 2.8 17.4 11.8
Republikas square 2a, Riga, LV-1522, Latvia MultiAdv Arb S GBP OT OT JEY 02/27 GBP 141.34 0.9 5.3 5.1
Meriden Opps Fund GL OT AND 02/05 EUR 22.68 0.0 -11.2 -11.0
Winton Futures JPY Cls E GL OT VGB 02/27 JPY 20624.60 2.6 17.0 11.8
Citadele Eastern Europ Bal EU BD LVA 03/19 EUR 15.44 1.7 -5.2 -3.1 Meriden Protective Div GL EQ AND 11/24 EUR NS.00 -2.8 NS NS
MultiAdv Arb S USD OT OT JEY 02/27 USD 152.40 0.8 4.9 4.8 Winton Futures USD Cls B GL OT VGB 02/27 USD 1049.65 2.7 16.8 11.6
Citadele Eastern Europ Bd EU BD LVA 03/19 USD 19.25 2.4 -3.9 -2.1
Citadele Russian Eq EE EQ LVA 03/19 USD 12.71 11.8 -28.4 -24.0 MultiAdv Arb USD OT OT JEY 02/27 USD 221.52 0.7 4.1 3.9
internet: www.dje.lu email: info@dje.lu phone:+00 352 269 2522 0 fax:+00 352 269 25252 Asian AdbantEdge EUR OT EQ JEY 06/30 EUR 91.36 -6.2 -4.5 2.5 International Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited PH - 353 1 670 660 Fax - 353 1 670 1185
DJE Real Estate P OT OT LUX 03/20 EUR 2.95 0.7 -10.7 -9.1 Asian AdvantEdge OT EQ JEY 06/30 USD 171.19 -6.2 -4.4 2.8 Global Technology OT EQ IRL 03/19 USD 25.67 5.7 8.5 18.9
DJE-Absolut P OT OT LUX 03/20 EUR 303.13 17.9 23.3 11.9 Emerg AdvantEdge OT EQ JEY 09/28 USD 151.22 3.4 -2.4 -5.5 Japan Fund USD JP EQ IRL 03/20 USD 21.71 6.1 11.3 4.1
DJE-Alpha Glbl P OT OT LUX 03/20 EUR 217.24 12.4 21.1 9.2 Emerg AdvantEdge EUR OT EQ JEY 09/28 EUR 82.99 2.8 -3.0 -5.9 Polar Healthcare Class I USD OT EQ IRL 03/19 USD 40.72 13.2 21.1 41.6 NAV %RETURN
DJE-Div& Substanz P OT OT LUX 03/20 EUR 367.60 17.0 33.1 16.3 Europ AdvantEdge EUR OT EQ JEY 06/30 EUR 127.84 -3.4 -1.3 2.2 Polar Healthcare Class R USD OT EQ IRL 03/19 USD 39.69 13.1 20.4 40.9 FUND NAME GF DATE CR NAV 1-WK 1-MO 1-Q 1-YR 2-YR
DJE-Gold&Resourc P OT EQ LUX 03/20 EUR 125.52 11.9 0.6 -9.8 Europ AdvantEdge USD OT EQ JEY 06/30 USD 135.07 2.0 4.3 5.1
DJE-Renten Glbl P EU BD LUX 03/20 EUR 157.20 3.6 7.7 4.9 Real AdvantEdge EUR OT OT JEY 04/30 EUR 104.69 1.3 -9.5 -1.9 n Hemisphere Management (Ireland) Limited
LuxPro-Dragon I AS EQ LUX 07/20 EUR 144.57 -8.5 5.0 7.6 Real AdvantEdge USD OT OT JEY 04/30 USD 105.31 1.5 -8.8 -1.7 n ARIX ABSOLUTE RETURN INVESTABLE INDEX
Discovery USD A GL OT CYM 12/31 USD 101.35 NS NS NS
LuxPro-Dragon P AS EQ LUX 07/20 EUR 140.29 -8.8 4.4 7.0 Trading AdvantEdge OT OT GGY 02/27 USD 154.27 2.1 21.8 4.0 Feri Institutional Advisors, www.feri.de
Elbrus USD A OT OT CYM 02/28 USD 9.12 NS NS NS ARIX Composite Gross USD OT OT GBR 02/28.00 USD1706.18 1.6 5.1 6.1
LuxTopic-Aktien Europa EU EQ LUX 03/20 EUR 23.84 14.0 17.8 12.5 Trading AdvantEdge EUR OT OT GGY 02/27 EUR 139.88 2.1 22.2 4.2
LuxTopic-Pacific OT OT LUX 03/20 EUR 22.21 7.7 11.3 0.8 Europn Conviction USD B EU EQ CYM 01/31 USD 160.39 -3.2 -0.7 0.2 n CG Portfolio Fund Ltd
Trading AdvantEdge GBP OT OT GGY 02/27 GBP 149.38 2.0 22.2 4.2
Europn Forager USD B EU EQ CYM 01/31 USD 319.76 -3.3 -1.3 5.0 NAV OT OT CYM 06/07.00 GBP25839.68 5.3 10.9 9.8
Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown arent registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and arent available for sale to United States citizens and/or residents
except as noted. Prices are in local currencies. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 12-month and 2-year returns may be calculated over 11- and 23-month periods pending receipt and publication of the last month end price.

For information about listing your funds, please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831 2504; email: freda.fung@wsj.com
24 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


BofA Bows to Pressure Pressure on Cocoa:

On Board Nominations Crop Looks Flush
BY CHRISTINA REXRODE when the pension funds made clear
that they were unhappy with the
As Demand Fades
Bank of America Corp. said Fri- boards decision to give the chair- BY JULIE WERNAU Hackett, president of Hackett Finan-
day it would allow certain investors man role to Chief Executive Officer cial Advisors, a brokerage and con-
to nominate their own directors, Brian Moynihan, which overrode a When it comes to cocoa, inves- sultancy in South Florida.
bowing to pressure from three large 2009 shareholder vote requiring the tors are seeing too much of a good The most actively traded cocoa
shareholders. bank to give the jobs to different thing. contract on the ICE Futures U.S. ex-
Bank of Americas concession is people. Prices for the main ingredient in change fell for 12 straight sessions,
part of a larger shift this year as a One of the funds signaled Friday chocolate have fallen 7.7% this the longest losing streak ever, ac-
number of U.S. corporations, includ- it will continue to engage with board month as investors cording to FactSet data going back
ing General Electric Co. and Pru- members on their decision related to COMMODITY encountered a fa- 30 years. It recovered on Friday as
dential Financial Inc., embrace a Mr. Moynihan. We believe that MARKETS miliar scenario: the the contract for May delivery rose
shareholder-friendly nominating shareowners are best served by a prospect of a bum- 2.8% to $2,790 a ton.
processknown as proxy access board led by an independent chair, per crop in Ivory Coast, the worlds Money managers are pulling
after years of opposing it. Generally, said New York City Comptroller top cocoa grower. back on their bets on higher prices.
Getty Images

at U.S. public companies, only direc- Scott Stringer, the adviser to the The nation produced a record 1.7 As of March 17, bullish hedge funds,
tors who are supported by the com- citys pension funds. million metric tons of cocoa in the pension funds and others outnum-
pany are nominated to the board. Another shareholder group that year ended September, according to bered those betting on lower prices
The changes could give pension BofA CEO Brian Moynihan. Taking the had opposed combining the chair- the International Cocoa Organiza- by 34,539 contracts, the smallest
funds, unions and other big inves- chairmans role has been faulted. man and CEO jobs, the Interfaith tion in London. Market watchers say gap since July 2013, according to
tors more influence over U.S. com- Center on Corporate Responsibility, Ivory Coast cocoa output is on track data from the U.S. Commodity Fu-
panies. Bank of Americas agreement Citigroup Inc. recently decided had filed a proposal on separating to be about the same this year, at a tures Trading Commission.
requires that shareholders own at to support a similar shareholder the two roles. But it dropped the time when the world is consuming That said, the prospect that by
least 3% of the shares for at least proposal, though its strategy differs proposal after the bank promised to less chocolate. 2020 there could be a global cocoa
three years, though up to 20 inves- slightly from Bank of Americas. instead issue a report on its busi- Reports indicate a good mid- shortage is still on some investors
tors will be allowed to pool their While Bank of America already ness principles. crop coming on, which should keep minds. With about 70% of global co-
holdings to reach that threshold. changed its bylaws, Citigroup is sup- The bank worked out a separate selling pressure on, said Jack
The shareholders that helped porting a shareholder amendment compromise this year with another Scoville, vice president of Price Fu-
push for the changethe California that investors can vote on at the an- shareholder group, the UAW Retiree tures Group in Chicago. Higher wages for cocoa
Public Employees Retirement Sys- nual meeting. Medical Benefits Trust, which had Ivory Coast produces two cocoa
tem, the California Teachers Retire- Bank of America had previously proposed that the bank disclose crops a yeara main harvest that
farmers in Ivory Coast
ment System and the adviser to New opposed similar proxy-access pro- each year whether it had clawed begins in October and a smaller and wet weather are
York Citys five pension fundscol- posals filed by activist investor John back pay from top executives. The mid-crop that is reaped starting in
lectively own about 90 million Harrington, including one filed for bank agreed to adopt a similar mea- April. Higher wages for cocoa farm-
making for increased
shares, or about 0.9% of the total. this years ballot. sure. The bank had opposed another ers in Ivory Coast and wet weather bean production.
Giving shareholders more say The bank said it had numerous shareholder proposal, by the con- are are making for increased bean
over who is on the board is a fun- discussions this year with a range of sumer-advocacy group Public Citi- production, while demand for choc-
damental shareholder right and shareholders on the issue of giving zen, asking for a report on whether olate has been less than some inves-
necessary for making board mem- investors more say over who joins the bank should sell off more units. tors had expected. coa production in West Africa, the
bers accountable to shareholders, the board before making the change. The Securities and Exchange Com- Global demand, as measured by crop is vulnerable to plant diseases
said Anne Simpson, senior portfolio The pension funds victory Friday mission ruled last week that it the amount of cocoa processed, is or civil strife. In addition, many of
manager of Calpers, the biggest pub- came after an unsuccessful effort on would allow that proposal to appear likely to decline this year in every the trees there are older and less-
lic pension fund in the U.S. another governance change last fall, on the ballot at the annual meeting. region except Africa, the ICCO said. productive.
Demand in Europe, the biggest choc- There are a number of potential
olate-consuming region, and the threats to cocoa production over the

Germanys Coming Nuclear Costs Spark Fears Americas are expected to fall 2%
each, while consumption in Asia,
once seen as the region with the
next five years, but the market has
baked a lot of that risk in, said Hec-
tor Galvan, senior market strategist
Continued from page 17 most growth potential, could fall at RJO Futures in Chicago. You can
We are convinced, to the best of Energy Source 4%, according to the ICCOs fore- only beat a dead horse for so long
our knowledge, that the provisions Germanys share of electricity from nuclear power has declined, and the casts. before you come up empty.
are sufficient, said RWE executive- country aims to phase out its nine remaining nuclear reactors by 2022. Asia is pulling back, everyone is Also, while demand has declined,
board member Rolf Martin Schmitz. pulling back from cocoa because the it doesnt stay down for long, Mr.
He said costs directly linked to de- Share of electricity from Compared to other countries price got really high and chocolate Galvan said. The worlds craving for
commissioning are fairly predict- nuclear power in Germany in 2013 is a luxury, not a need, said Shawn chocolate always bounces back.
able. Less certain are costs depen- 40%
dent on political conditions,
particularly related to final disposal
France 73.3%
Fund Scorecard
of waste. 30
The energy companies are being
Belgium 52.1 EUR High Yield Bond
pummeled by falling electricity de- Fundsthatinvestinhigheryieldingsecuritiesdenominated/hedgedinEuropeancurrencies
mand in Europe and billions of eu- Switzerland 36.4
20 40%ofassetsinsecuritieswithacreditqualityequivalenttoBB,orlower.Rankedon%total
ros in government-subsidized, so- return (dividends reinvested) in Euros for one year ending March 20, 2015
called green energy flooding the U.S. 19.4
power grid. Both effects are eroding
Leading 10 Performers
FUND FUND LEGAL % Return in $US **
wholesale power prices, leaving con- Germany 15.4 RATING * NAME FUND MGM'T CO. CURR. BASE YTD 1-YR 2-YR 5-YR
ventional power stations unprofit- NS YCAP High YCAP Asset USDLUX 16.07 34.86 NS NS
able. And because big, complex proj- 0 Yield K USD Dis Management (Europe)
ects often go over budget, pledging China 2.1
1994 2000 05 10 14 4 Banque Carnegie Fund EURLUX 9.17 15.96 11.09 9.03
that decommissioning wont cost
CarnegieHighYieldBondC Services S.A.
taxpayers any money is very opti- Sources: Germanys Federal Statistical Ofce (historic); International Atomic Energy Agency (countries)
mistic, said Equinet analyst THE WALL STREET JOURNAL NS Pictet-EUR Pictet Funds CHFLUX 15.58 15.63 10.99 NS
Michael Schaefer. ShortTermHighYieldHICHF (Europe) S.A.
Germany isnt alone in tackling highly radioactive waste slated to be found, all waste will be stored tem- NS Ampega Ampega Investment EURLUX 3.57 10.70 NS NS
decommissioning. The International shipped back soon from France and porarily. Keeping interim facilities CrossoverPlusRentenfondsI GmbH
Energy Agency says roughly half of Britain, where German nuclear fuel safe is expensive. E.ON has said de- 4 Aberdeen Aberdeen Global GBPLUX 6.25 9.87 10.10 11.26
the worlds 434 nuclear-power had been sent for reprocessing. lays in finding a disposal site will GlobalSelHighYieldBdD1 Services SA
plants will be retired by 2040. Most There has been no outward, vis- cost the German nuclear industry NS Petercam L Petercam EURLUX 4.21 9.72 NS NS
are in Europe, the U.S., Russia and ible progress on the question of 2.6 billion. Bonds EUR Corp Hi Yld A Institutional Asset Management
Japan. where to store the nuclear waste, Utilities have sued the German 2 Petercam L Petercam EURLUX 3.94 9.25 6.43 7.64
Despite this global trend, no said Matthias Lang, a Dsseldorf- government to recover some
Bonds Higher Yield A Institutional Asset Management
country yet has a site ready for final based attorney at law firm Bird & cleanup costs, but verdicts could be
disposal of radioactive waste. Bird. years away. And their efforts face 2 Accent Yield Socit Gnrale EURBEL 4.66 9.22 5.82 4.22
Germany is trying to find a deep In 2013 Germany restarted its political opposition. Opportunities Acc Private Banking NV
geological site suitable to store long-running site search because of The government needs to wake 4 Regard Haut Pro BTP Finance EURFRA 3.05 8.39 9.61 NS
highly radioactive waste for about public concerns about a tentative up and prevent the companies from Rendement
one million yearsthe time waste selection. The government now aims relegating their nuclear legacy to us NS Indep Haut Indep'AM EURFRA 4.30 7.14 9.67 5.58
needs to become safe to most living to designate a disposal site by 2031, taxpayers, said Sylvia Kotting-Uhl, Rendement A/I
organisms. The country expects though subsequent geological explo- a parliamentarian representing the NOTE: Changes in currency rates will affect performance and rankings. Source: Morningstar, Ltd
about 600,000 cubic meters of ra- ration and construction could delay Green party. KEY: ** 2YR and 5YR performance is annualized 1 Olivers Yard, 55-71 City Road
NA-not available due to incomplete data; London EC1Y 1HQ United Kingdom
dioactive waste by 2080. any opening to about 2050. Christian Grimm NS-fund not in existence for entire period www.morningstar.co.uk; Email: mediaservice@morningstar.com
And that doesnt include more Until a final disposal site is contributed to this article. Phone: +44 (0)203 107 0038; Fax: +44 (0)203 107 0001
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 25


Major stock market indexes Stock indexes from around the world, grouped by region. Shown in local-currency terms.
Region/Country Index Close Net change Percentage change Yr.-to-date 52-wk. Region/Country Index Close Net change Percentage change Yr.-to-date 52-wk.
EUROPE Stoxx Europe 600 404.01 3.18 0.79% 17.9% 23.2% Russia RTSI 862.14 14.15 1.67% 9.0 -24.1
Stoxx Europe 50 3505.06 37.93 1.09 16.7 22.6 Spain IBEX 35 11419.60 328.60 2.96 11.1 13.6
Euro Zone Euro Stoxx 380.65 4.69 1.25 19.1 20.3 Sweden OMX Stockholm 551.90 1.56 0.28 16.5 26.9
Euro Stoxx 50 3726.07 55.34 1.51 18.4 20.3 Switzerland SMI 9396.29 67.81 0.73 4.6 13.3
Austria ATX 2528.60 18.41 0.73 17.1 2.2 Turkey BIST 100 82506.35 584.33 0.71 -3.8 27.8
Belgium Bel-20 3765.80 31.45 0.84 14.6 22.1 U.K. FTSE 100 7022.51 60.19 0.86 7.0 7.1
Czech Republic PX 1044.90 2.35 0.23 10.4 5.4 ASIA-PACIFIC DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1521.12 8.69 0.57 6.7 10.7
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 828.81 4.18 0.51 22.7 33.0 Australia SPX/ASX 200 5975.50 24.70 0.42 10.4 11.9
Finland OMX Helsinki 9245.57 46.95 0.51 19.2 28.7 China Shanghai Composite 3617.32 35.05 0.98 11.8 76.7
France CAC-40 5087.49 50.31 1.00 19.1 17.4 Hong Kong Hang Seng 24375.24 -93.65 -0.38% 3.3 13.7
Germany DAX 12039.37 139.97 1.18 22.8 28.9 India S&P BSE Sensex 28261.08 -208.59 -0.73 2.8 29.9
Hungary BUX 19226.03 310.29 1.64 15.6 14.7 Japan Nikkei Stock Average 19560.22 83.66 0.43 12.1 37.5
Ireland ISEQ 6183.88 107.18 1.76 18.4 25.8 Singapore Straits Times 3412.44 26.28 0.78 1.4 11.0
Italy FTSE MIB 23176.68 371.51 1.63 21.9 10.5 South Korea Kospi 2037.24 -0.65 -0.03 6.4 5.3
Netherlands AEX 499.12 3.11 0.63 17.6 27.5 AMERICAS DJ Americas 517.58 5.09 0.99 2.1 10.1
Norway All-Shares 668.54 11.16 1.70 7.9 8.7 Brazil Bovespa 51966.58 1013.05 1.99 3.9 9.7
Poland WIG 54477.36 328.88 0.61 6.0 7.8 Mexico IPC 43968.15 -150.02 -0.34 1.9 9.9
Portugal PSI 20 5986.51 114.96 1.96 24.7 -19.8 Note: Americas index data are as of 3:00 p.m. ET. Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group

S&P Dow Jones Indices MSCI indexes

Price-to- Price-to-
Dividend earnings PERFORMANCE (euros) PERFORMANCE (U.S.dollars) Dividend earnings PERFORMANCE (euros) PERFORMANCE (U.S.dollars) Developed and emerging-market regional and country indexes
yield* ratio* S&P Dow Jones Index Last Daily 52-wk. Last Daily 52-wk. yield* ratio* S&P Dow Jones Index Last Daily 52-wk. Last Daily 52-wk. from MSCI as of March 20, 2015
2.26%20.45 Global TSM 3420.24 1.21% 6.4% Turkey Titans 20 -c 828.99 0.76% 25.8% Price-to- LOCAL-CURRENCY
2.79 18.19 Global DOW 2236.50 -0.20% 33.6% 2563.92 1.40 4.6 4.93%18.19 Global Select Div 261.19 0.11% 22.5% 241.28 1.72 -4.1 Dividend earnings PERFORMANCE
yield ratio MSCI Index Last Daily YTD 52-wk.
2.76 16.75 Global Titans 50 299.63 -0.47 34.3 241.56 1.13 5.2 5.30 17.78 Asia/Pacific Select Div 339.39 -0.54 22.0 313.53 1.07 -4.4
2.40% 18 MSCI ACWI 426.62 0.06% 2.3% 4.0%
2.98 22.03 Dev Europe TSM 3284.03 2.40 -3.4 U.S. Select Dividend -d 1775.37 -0.40 44.8 1431.29 1.20 13.4
2.30 18 World (Developed Markets) 1,751.31 0.16 2.4 4.5
2.21 21.22 Developed Markets TSM 3466.75 1.27 6.8 3.33 20.28 S&P Glb Nat Resources 2202.80 0.51 13.7 2362.46 2.12 -11.0
2.30 18 World ex-EMU 217.33 0.17 2.3 6.7
2.64 15.61 S&P BMI Emg Markets 251.69 0.82 3.8 1.96 21.14 Islamic Market 2979.86 1.06 8.4
2.20 19 World ex-UK 1,787.15 0.22 2.6 6.0
3.14 21.91 S&P Europe 350 1651.02 0.80 23.8 1608.74 2.80 -2.8 2.28 18.66 Islamic Market 100 3575.75 -0.44 40.9 3303.25 1.17 10.3
2.90 17 EAFE 1,851.01 -0.32 4.3 -4.4
2.78 24.85 S&P Euro 1629.07 1.30 21.5 1608.66 3.30 -4.5 Islamic Turkey -c 4407.78 1.28 10.8
2.60 13 Emerging Markets (EM) 964.97 -0.85 0.9 -0.1
3.57 22.42 Europe Dow 1617.41 1.18 16.3 1854.20 2.81 -8.9 3.16 20.52 Sustainability Europe 134.36 1.03 24.6 159.42 2.66 -2.5
3.10 18 EUROPE 136.43 0.55 16.9 18.5
2.98 11.37 BRIC 50 489.37 -1.05 39.6 503.63 0.54 9.3 3.56 39.20 S&P Glb Infrastructure 2014.98 0.05 32.8 2456.87 1.66 4.0
2.90 21 EMU 183.64 0.06 3.4 -9.5
1.86 22.19 U.S. TSM 22098.01 0.89 12.2 1.92 18.51 Luxury 2198.34 -0.15 27.6 2011.79 1.45 -0.1
2.90 20 Europe ex-UK 148.24 0.46 18.3 19.5
3.17 21.10 DJ Global Select RESI 4264.54 0.51 51.8 3806.54 2.12 18.9 DJ Commodity 542.94 1.71 -24.1
4.00 14 Europe Value 132.63 0.53 14.3 13.3
*Fundamentals are based on data in U.S. dollar. Footnotes: a-in US dollar. b-dividends reinvested. c-in local currency. Note:All data as of 2 p.m.ET. Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices 2.20 24 Europe Growth 134.86 0.56 19.4 23.8
2.20 22 Europe Small Cap 321.36 0.85 18.2 14.9
Cross rates U.S.-dollar and euro foreign-exchange rates in global trading 3.50 9 EM Europe 239.47 1.50 13.0 -5.8
3.60 14 UK 2,045.71 0.26 5.9 1.9
USD GBP CHF SEK RUB NOK JPY ILS EUR DKK CDN AUD 2.90 18 Nordic Countries 253.12 1.05 20.0 19.2
Australia 1.2845 1.9240 1.3182 0.1494 0.0217 0.1606 1.0695 0.3170 1.3942 0.1830 1.0220 ... 4.20 7 Russia 756.69 -1.05 14.3 1.3
Canada 1.2567 1.8822 1.2898 0.1461 0.0213 0.1571 0.0105 0.3101 1.3640 0.1870 ... 0.9785 2.70 20 South Africa 1,372.43 1.36 6.5 19.8
Denmark 6.8687 10.2895 7.0492 0.7990 0.1162 0.8587 5.7150 1.6952 7.4559 ... 5.4654 5.3480 2.90 14 AC ASIA PACIFIC EX-JAPAN 483.60 -1.20 3.5 4.5
Euro 0.9213 1.3802 0.9456 0.1072 0.0156 0.1152 0.0077 0.2273 ... 0.1341 0.7331 0.7172 1.70 17 Japan 970.22 -0.39 12.0 29.8
Israel 4.0523 6.0701 4.1588 0.4713 0.0685 0.5066 0.0337 ... 4.3990 0.5899 3.2244 3.1547
2.90 10 China 69.68 1.14 5.5 15.2
Japan 120.1250 179.9500 123.3100 13.9740 2.0315 15.0190 ... 29.6451 130.3900 17.4893 95.5954 93.5400
1.30 20 India 1,079.96 -0.22 6.3 32.9
Norway 7.9984 11.9820 8.2085 0.9304 0.1353 ... 6.6557 1.9741 8.6816 1.1645 6.3644 6.2276
1.40 11 Korea 568.27 0.10 5.9 -1.6
Russia 59.1374 88.5906 60.6890 6.8777 ... 7.3924 0.4922 14.5932 64.1926 8.6085 47.0542 46.0369
2.80 15 Taiwan 361.16 0.87 5.2 19.3
Sweden 8.5969 12.8786 8.8249 ... 0.1454 1.0749 7.1562 2.1218 9.3317 1.2516 6.8406 6.6935
Switzerland 0.9743 1.4594 ... 0.1133 0.0165 12.1811 0.0081 0.2405 1.0576 0.1419 0.7753 0.7586
1.90 20 US BROAD MARKET 2,380.14 0.39 2.3 11.7
U.K. 0.6675 ... 0.6852 0.0776 0.0113 0.0835 0.0056 0.1647 0.7247 0.0972 0.5313 0.5198 1.50 29 US Small Cap 3,521.21 0.01 4.3 6.2
U.S. ... 1.4981 1.0264 0.1163 0.0169 0.1250 0.0083 0.2468 1.0855 0.1456 0.7958 0.7785 3.20 18 EM LATIN AMERICA 2,400.24 0.71 -12.0 -18.4
Source: Tullett Prebon Source: MSCI

Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest Currencies London close on March 20
EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.MDEX: Bursa Malaysia Per In Per In
Derivatives Berhad; LIFFE: London International Financial Futures Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange; AMERICAS Per euro In euros U.S. dollar U.S. dollars Per euro In euros U.S. dollar U.S. dollars
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange;ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of March 19, 2015 Per In
ONE-DAY CHANGE Year Year Argentina peso-a 9.5500 0.1047 8.7974 0.1137 EUROPE Per euro In euros U.S. dollar U.S. dollars
Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low Brazil real 3.4871 0.2868 3.2123 0.3113 Bulgaria lev 1.956 0.5112 1.8019 0.5550
Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 385.00 11.50 3.08% 418.25 367.00 Canada dollar 1.3640 0.7331 1.2567 0.7958 Croatia kuna 7.631 0.1310 7.042 0.1420
Soybeans (cents/bu.) CBOT 972.50 10.75 1.12 1,067.00 953.50
Chile peso 685.52 0.001459 631.50 0.001584 Euro zone euro 1 1 0.9213 1.0855
Wheat (cents/bu.) CBOT 530.00 18.00 3.52 607.50 478.25
Colombia peso 2795.00 0.0003578 2574.55 0.0003884 Czech Rep. koruna-b 27.494 0.0364 25.327 0.0395
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 150.825 0.600 0.40 158.250 138.575
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,764 49 1.80 3,038 2,674 Ecuador US dollar-f 1.0855 0.9213 1 1 Denmark krone 7.4559 0.1341 6.8687 0.1456
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 142.80 -1.35 -0.94% 187.40 128.75 Mexico peso-a 16.3077 0.0613 15.0225 0.0666 Hungary forint 303.25 0.003298 279.35 0.003580
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 12.70 0.08 0.63 16.27 12.39 Peru sol 3.3520 0.2983 3.0878 0.3239 Iceland krona 148.79 0.006721 137.06 0.007296
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 62.61 -0.34 -0.54 66.24 57.95 Uruguay peso-e 27.844 0.0359 25.650 0.0390 Norway krone 8.6816 0.1152 7.9984 0.1250
Rapeseed (euro/ton) LIFFE 371.00 unch. unch. 374 340
U.S. dollar 1.0855 0.9213 1 1 Poland zloty 4.1320 0.2420 3.8064 0.2627
Cocoa (pounds/ton) LIFFE 1,944 21 1.09 2,046 1,864
Venezuela bolivar 6.83 0.146362 6.29 0.158883 Russia ruble-d 64.193 0.01558 59.137 0.01691
Robusta coffee ($/ton) LIFFE 1,820 5 0.28 2,077 1,685
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.7570 0.0970 3.65 2.8380 2.4200 Sweden krona 9.3317 0.1072 8.5969 0.1163
Australia dollar 1.3942 0.7172 1.2845 0.7785
Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1181.90 12.90 1.10 1,308.80 1,141.60 Switzerland franc 1.0576 0.9456 0.9743 1.0264
Silver ($/troy oz.) 16.745 0.631 18.535 15.260 China yuan 6.7387 0.1484 6.2022 0.1612
COMEX 3.92 Turkey lira 2.7928 0.3581 2.5727 0.3887
Aluminum ($/ton)* LME 1,781.50 5.00 0.28 1,889.50 1,746.50 Hong Kong dollar 8.4200 0.1188 7.7568 0.1289
Ukraine hryvnia 25.0190 0.0400 23.4315 0.0427
Tin ($/ton)* LME 16,875.00 -300.00 -1.75 19,750.00 16,875.00 India rupee 67.5510 0.0148 62.2275 0.0161
U.K. pound 0.7247 1.3802 0.6675 1.4981
Copper ($/ton)* LME 5,812.00 137.00 2.41 6,247.00 5,369.00 Indonesia rupiah 14118 0.0000708 13005 0.0000769 MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA
Lead ($/ton)* LME 1,698.00 -22.00 -1.28 1,894.00 1,698.00 Japan yen 130.39 0.007668 120.13 0.008325 Bahrain dinar 0.4093 2.4434 0.3770 2.6523
Zinc ($/ton)* LME 2,011.50 5.50 0.27 2,196.50 2,005.00
Kazakhstan tenge 200.44 0.004990 186.01 0.005376 Egypt pound-a 8.2867 0.1207 7.6343 0.1310
Nickel ($/ton)* LME 13,685 80 0.59 15,540 13,600
Macau pataca 8.6579 0.1155 7.9756 0.1254 Israel shekel 4.3990 0.2273 4.0523 0.2468
Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 46.41 0.88 1.93 56.75 44.03
Malaysia ringgit-c 4.0274 0.2483 3.7100 0.2695 Kuwait dinar 0.3251 3.0760 0.2994 3.3396
Heating oil ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.7099 0.0072 0.42 1.9384 1.5550
RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.7882 0.0167 0.94 1.9795 1.5188 New Zealand dollar 1.4319 0.6984 1.3189 0.7582 Oman sul rial 0.4181 2.3921 0.3851 2.5967
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.811 -0.018 -0.64 3.2000 2.6200 Pakistan rupee 110.615 0.0090 101.898 0.0098 Qatar rial 3.953 0.2530 3.642 0.2746
Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 55.16 0.73 1.34 63.66 48.95 Philippines peso 48.655 0.0206 44.833 0.0223 Saudi Arabia riyal 4.0717 0.2456 3.7509 0.2666
Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 521.75 4.50 0.87 584.25 462.75 Singapore dollar 1.4966 0.6682 1.3787 0.7253 South Africa rand 13.0464 0.0766 12.0187 0.0832
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group South Korea won 1208.01 0.0008278 1112.81 0.0008986 United Arab dirham 3.9872 0.2508 3.6730 0.2723
Sri Lanka rupee 144.40 0.0069252 133.02 0.0075177

WSJ.com>> Follow the markets throughout the day with updated stock quotes, news and
Taiwan dollar
Thailand baht
a-floating rate b-financial c-government rate c-commercial
commentary at WSJ.com. Also, receive email alerts that summarize the days trading in Europe rate d-Russian Central Bank rate.
Source: Tullett Prebon
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26 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 17
Major players & benchmarks
Below, a look at the Dow Jones Stoxx
50, the biggest and best known
companies in Europe, including the U.K. LAST: 18127.65 s 168.62, or 0.94%
YEAR TO DATE: s 304.58, or 1.7%
Stoxx Europe 50: Friday's best and worst... OVER 52 WEEKS s 1,824.88, or 11.2%

Previous High
Company Country Industry Volume local currency Previous session YTD 52-week
Close 18500
Banco Santander S.A. Spain Banks 202,431,380 6.80 4.83% -1.8% 8.6%
Glencore PLC United Kingdom General Mining 64,726,445 299.30 4.74 0.2 -0.7
BHP Billiton United Kingdom General Mining 16,195,909 1,539 3.60 10.8 -14.2 18000
ENI Italy Integrated Oil & Gas 35,153,520 16.25 3.44 12.0 -9.7
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argn Spain Banks 48,991,862 9.37 3.23 19.3 10.7 t
Diageo United Kingdom Distillers & Vintners 6,509,933 1,924 -0.85% 4.1 7.4 moving average
Reckitt Benckiser Grp United Kingdom Nondurable Household Products 1,987,326 5,960 -0.50 14.4 23.0 17000
British American Tobacco United Kingdom Tobacco 6,144,310 3,657 -0.30 4.5 13.8
Siemens Germany Diversified Industrials 7,312,596 100.65 -0.30 7.4 3.0
Prudential United Kingdom Life Insurance 7,732,973 1,748 -0.26 17.1 29.5

...And the rest of Europe's blue chips 16000

26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20
Latest, Latest, Jan. Feb. Mar.
Company/Country (Industry) Volume currency Latest YTD 52-week Company/Country (Industry) Volume currency Latest YTD 52-week Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Telefonica S.A. 55,341,893 13.46 3.02% 12.9% 21.8% HSBC Hldgs 42,496,431 584.70 1.32 -3.9 -1.6
Spain (Fixed Line Telecommunications) United Kingdom (Banks) DJIA component stocks
Credit Suisse Group AG 14,239,307 25.80 2.87 2.9 -7.0 AstraZeneca 5,511,467 4,847 1.29 6.4 23.0
Switzerland (Banks) United Kingdom (Pharmaceuticals) Volume, CHANGE
Stock Symbol in millions Latest Points Percentage
BG Grp 17,467,899 884.00 2.85 2.2 -17.0 Bayer 5,318,228 143.95 1.09 27.4 46.7
United Kingdom (Integrated Oil & Gas) Germany (Specialty Chemicals) AmExpress AXP 8.6 $82.70 1.16 1.42%
BASF 6,945,820 92.33 2.67 32.1 18.4 Royal Dutch Shell A 16,619,009 2,064 1.08 -4.2 -4.2 Apple AAPL 62.2 125.90 1.60 1.25
Germany (Commodity Chemicals) United Kingdom (Integrated Oil & Gas) Boeing BA 4.0 154.50 0.39 0.25
Total 14,032,253 47.64 2.50 12.0 0.8 Vodafone Group 148,013,820 228.25 1.04 2.5 0.6 Caterpillar CAT 7.9 81.19 1.10 1.37
France (Integrated Oil & Gas) United Kingdom (Mobile Telecommunications)
Chevron CVX 12.8 107.03 2.28 2.18
Rio Tinto 8,435,540 2,915 2.42 -2.9 -7.7 ABB 13,570,409 20.91 1.01 -1.1 -5.7
United Kingdom (General Mining) Switzerland (Industrial Machinery) CiscoSys CSCO 35.0 28.44 0.18 0.64
BP PLC 107,732,982 451.00 2.29 9.7 -3.7 Barclays 61,802,208 255.30 0.99 4.8 7.0 CocaCola KO 29.9 40.65 0.63 1.57
United Kingdom (Integrated Oil & Gas) United Kingdom (Banks) Disney DIS 8.3 108.43 1.06 0.99
AXA 10,990,531 23.83 2.14 24.1 25.2 Roche Holding Part. Cert. 3,532,970 274.90 0.95 1.9 4.8 DuPont DD 8.3 74.34 0.17 0.23
France (Full Line Insurance) Switzerland (Pharmaceuticals)
ExxonMobil XOM 34.0 84.54 0.13 0.15
Allianz SE 4,352,792 161.75 2.08 17.8 34.8 Sanofi SA 5,632,034 93.63 0.70 23.8 27.8
Germany (Full Line Insurance) France (Pharmaceuticals) GenElec GE 47.1 25.40 0.07 0.28
Deutsche Bank 14,086,137 31.65 2.01 26.7 -2.1 LVMH Moet Hennessy 1,540,391 169.25 0.56 28.0 45.2 GoldmanSachs GS 3.4 193.13 3.16 1.66
Germany (Banks) France (Clothing & Accessories) HomeDpt HD 8.1 117.49 2.33 2.02
Standard Chartered 21,352,394 1,072 2.00 11.3 -9.5 Novartis AG 10,980,086 99.70 0.50 8.0 38.5 Intel INTC 54.3 31.31 0.57 1.85
United Kingdom (Banks) Switzerland (Pharmaceuticals)
IBM IBM 8.7 162.88 3.07 1.92
BNP Paribas 7,651,280 53.98 1.93 9.6 -5.1 BT Group PLC 55,623,893 465.40 0.47 15.9 18.9
France (Banks) United Kingdom (Fixed Line Telecommunications) JPMorgChas JPM 17.2 61.75 0.55 0.90
Zurich Insurance Group 1,227,953 332.00 1.78 6.5 26.2 GlaxoSmithKline 22,954,710 1,635 0.31 18.8 0.4 JohnsJohns JNJ 11.5 102.40 0.71 0.70
Switzerland (Full Line Insurance) United Kingdom (Pharmaceuticals) McDonalds MCD 8.8 97.05 1.07 1.11
Schneider Electric SE 2,316,851 74.18 1.69 22.4 16.7 L'Air Liquide 1,554,366 121.80 0.25 18.4 26.7 Merck MRK 23.3 58.58 0.37 0.64
France (Electrical Components & Equipment) France (Commodity Chemicals) Microsoft MSFT 66.5 42.88 0.60 1.41
ING Groep 25,614,434 13.75 1.59 26.9 32.7 Unilever 2,752,693 2,900 0.10 10.4 22.0 Nike B NKE 14.7 101.98 3.66 3.72
Netherlands (Banks) United Kingdom (Food Products)
UBS Group 24,240,838 18.32 1.55 7.2 -0.5 National Grid 13,235,254 889.20 0.10 -3.1 8.7 Pfizer PFE 50.0 34.25 0.10 0.29
Switzerland (Banks) United Kingdom (Multiutilities) ProctGamb PG 21.4 84.74 1.36 1.63
Deutsche Telekom 23,336,296 16.99 1.52 28.2 49.2 Unilever CVA 20,891,956 39.82 -0.03 22.0 43.2 3M MMM 4.0 166.49 0.83 0.50
Germany (Mobile Telecommunications) Netherlands (Food Products) TravelersCos TRV 3.8 109.73 0.62 0.57
SAP 7,686,252 67.10 1.51 15.2 18.6 Nestle 13,599,235 76.50 -0.07 4.9 18.5 UnitedTech UTX 7.2 119.46 0.08 0.07
Germany (Software) Switzerland (Food Products)
UtdHlthGp UNH 6.9 119.14 1.62 1.34
Lloyds Banking Group PLC 316,386,458 80.63 1.42 6.3 2.4 Financiere Richemont 2,580,788 84.05 -0.18 -5.3 2.1
United Kingdom (Banks) Switzerland (Clothing & Accessories) Verizon VZ 24.8 49.56 0.26 0.53
Daimler 8,552,918 91.51 1.40 32.7 38.8 Anheuser-Busch InBev 2,891,999 113.85 -0.22 21.3 56.2 VISA ClA V 15.0 67.41 0.60 0.90
Germany (Automobiles) Belgium (Brewers) WalMart WMT 11.8 83.24 1.72 2.11
Sources: SIX Financial Information Source: WSJ Market Data Group

Tracking Credit derivatives

Spreads on credit derivatives are one way the market rates
Credit-default swaps: European companies
At its most basic, the pricing of credit-default swaps measures how much a buyer has to pay to purchase-and

creditworthiness. Regions that are treading in rough waters how much a seller demands to sell-protection from default on an issuer's debt. The snapshot below gives a
can see spreads swing toward the maximumand vice versa. sense which way the market was moving yesterday.
Indexes below are for five-year swaps.

markets & Markit iTraxx Indexes

Index: series/version
in pct. pts. Mid-price Coupon
SPREAD RANGE, in pct. pts.
since most recent roll
Maximum Minimum Average
Showing the biggest improvement... And the most deterioration

CHANGE, in basis points CHANGE, in basis points
Europe: 22/1 0.52 102.26% 0.01% 0.78 0.48 0.60 Yesterday Yesterday Five-day 28-day Yesterday Yesterday Five-day 28-day
Eur. High Volatility: 20/1 0.52 101.79 0.01 0.84 0.48 0.64 CABLE WIRELESS Hellenic Telecom 602 77 124 168
WORLDWIDE 51 3 4 1
Europe Crossover: 22/1 2.65 110.18 0.05 4.05 2.50 3.25 Deutsche Bk 68 4 8 2
Lafarge 70 3 5 6
Asia ex-Japan IG: 22/1 1.02 99.91 0.01 1.28 0.97 1.09 HSBC Bk 54 3 6 4
Airbus Group 50 1 3 ...
Japan: 22/1 0.55 102.13 0.01 0.79 0.55 0.65 Deutsche Lufthansa 106 5 10 6
SABMiller 53 1 2 8
Note: Data as of March 19 Portugal Telecom Intl Fin 478 24 102 122
LVMH Moet Hennessy 23 1 ... 3
In percentage points
Spreads Louis Vuitton Carrefour 45 2 4 1
Index roll Stmicroelectronics 60 2 4 23 LLOYDS BK 51 2 5 3
Spreads on 2.00
Fresenius 65 2 ... 7 Commerzbank 78 3 7 4
ve-year swaps t Europe Sub Financials
1.50 Stora Enso 106 3 3 13 UPM Kymmene 76 3 7 6
for corporate Deutsche Bahn 18 ... 1 4 WENDEL 79 3 12 3
debt; based on 1.00
Glencore Intl 175 4 15 15 Source: Markit Group
Markit iTraxx t Europe Senior Financials
Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Behind US deals: Bank revenues from equity capital markets
2014 2015
Source: Markit Group Behind every IPO, n Equity capital markets n Debt capital markets (both in billions, left axis)
follow-on or
convertible equity ECM as a percentage of total
6 (right axis) 75%
offering is one or t
more investment
banks. At right, 4 50
investment banks
historical and
WSJ.com>> revenues from global
2 25
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 27


What If We All Bought Organic?

Coke, General Mills and Kellogg are taking Honest Tea, Annies and Kashi products mass market
Test Your Kale Cred
Kashi Go Lean Honest Tea Peach
She serves her children organic
food. She swears she would never Big food companies want to Parent: Kellogg Co. Parent: Coca-Cola Co.
open a can of soup for a toddlers Family Harmony: Be in most Family Harmony: More sugar
lunch. grow sales of their natural grocery stores, pitching the high protein cereal with added gradually over the past
She is Plum Organics core cus-
tomer. And Plum hopes she will
brands without alienating loyal ber twigs. decade.
buy its new pouches of organic to- customers. How some products Kale cred: Sales have fallen as its base wants Kale cred: Too much
mato meatball soup with kale and non-GMO and organic food. Kellogg plans to make all sugar for some original Honest
spinach even if it got help from are faring, with their kale Kashi non-GMO and add more organic varieties. Tea fans even if its less than
owner Campbell Soup Co. to make
credibility rating on a highly most bottled tea.
Plum used Campbell research to unscientic scale of 1 to 5 leaves,
learn childrens favorites are
chicken noodle and tomato and
then reworked recipes in a Plum Simple Truth
way, adding more vegetables, says
Neil Grimmer, co-founder and chief
Organic creamy
executive of Plum. The 8-year-old peanut butter
companys research and develop- Parent: Kroger Co.
ment team in California built on
classic Campbells formulas from Family Harmony: Less
more than 100 years of selling expensive than many oth-
soup. For tomato meatball soup, er smaller organic brands,
Plum chopped kale and spinach Krogers organic and
finely so children arent scared natural food brand hit $1.2
away by the huge leafy greens,
billion in sales in 2014. Plum Tomato Meatball Soup
Mr. Grimmer says.
The Plum shopper and others Kale cred: Parent: Campbell Soup Co.
like her are becoming the darlings Organic wins, but some Family Harmony: Use Campbell data to pinpoint a childhood
of the food industry. Food giants core customers prefer favorite, make it organic, add undetectable kale shreds.
such as Coca-Cola Co., General the happy halo of a small,
Mills Inc. and Kellogg Co. are Kale cred: Moms love a convenient organic tot
looking to the smaller food brands
family-run business. meal, but not as good as homemade for some.
theyve purchased such as Honest
Tea, Annies Inc. and Kashi, which
sell food perceived as healthy or looked at the companys $134 mil- traction, Mr. Goldman says. Today, halved the cans cost, Mr. Goldman store brand for natural and organic
labeled organic. Their goal: to lion in sales last year and its Peach Tea, Raspberry Tea and says. foods, reached $1.2 billion in sales
drive sales to this desirable, loyal growth plans and said, Great. How other flavors are 100 calories a bot- Shannon Blankenship, a human in 2014 after two years on shelves,
consumer willing to pay up in the do we double or triple this? says tle. resources manager from Raleigh, according to a company spokes-
name of organic or natural, as Seth Goldman, co-founder and chief Its sweeter drinks mostly come N.C., says she stopped drinking Diet man. Pantry staples such as organic
sales of soup, soda and cereal executive of Honest, who was in in plastic bottles and have sold Coke three years ago, but buys no-stir creamy peanut butter and
stagnate. the meeting. best overall, while its unsweetened Honest Teas organic root beer ev- free-range organic chicken broth
These shoppers are easily of- Honest Teas sales have in- and low-sugar drinks, in glass bot- ery week. Ms. Blankenship are best sellers, he says.
fended by too much sugar, artificial creased each year since the com- tles, sell well in natural and spe- switched after deciding to stop Moms gravitate to Annies artifi-
ingredients or brands that ignore pany started in 1998, says Mr. Gold- cialty stores, says Mr. Goldman. consuming aspartame, a sweetener cial-ingredient-free cheddar crack-
seemingly niche issues like con- man. Now Honest Tea is aiming for Just Green Tea, without any sugar, in Diet Coke. ers shaped like bunnies and boxed
cerns about genetically modified $500 million in sales in five years, is the companys best seller at nat- Organic root beer is still a treat macaroni and cheese made with
ingredients or artificial food dyes. he says. ural grocers like Whole Foods, he and more expensive than a Coke, some organic ingredients because
In the age of social media, one per- Honest Tea has played with the says. she says, but if I know Im not the foods are convenient and the
ceived misstep can quickly dent level of sweetness in its drinks and Hoping to grab lapsed soda putting a whole can of chemicals in tastes are familiar. But, moms feel
sales. Big companies need to tread has added new products. In 1998 drinkers, Honest made its zero-cal- my body I feel a little better. better about giving it to the their
carefully to bring in more shoppers most Honest Tea drinks had 9 orie carbonated Honest Fizz drinks In recent years Kashi consumers children, says John Foraker, presi-
without losing the base. grams of sugar, or about 35 calo- certified organic earlier this year. have taken to the companys Face- dent of Annies, which General Mills
Last month, Coca-Cola execu- ries a bottle and sold well in natu- To partially make up for the higher book page and other social media bought last year for $820 million.
tives met with executives from ral and specialty grocers. In 2003, cost of adding organic sweeteners to complain that some of its cereals For many consumers there are
Honest Tea, a seller of organic, before being acquired by Coke, the stevia and erythritol, a sugar alco- have GMO ingredients or arent or- limits to their healthy shopping.
fair-trade and low-sugar drinks company added another teaspoon hol, Honest switched from pricey ganic. Children reject food that veers too
bought by Coca-Cola in 2011. At of sugar to some varieties, labeling tall cans that give the drink a pre- The bashing contributed to a far toward a dull, healthy taste, Mr.
Honest Teas headquarters in them Just a tad sweet. At 60 cal- mium look to the same shorter sales slump. The brand of high-pro- Foraker says. Annies whole wheat
Bethesda, Md., Coke executives ories a bottle, we started to get cans as Coke. The changes almost tein, high-fiber cereals, snacks and macaroni and cheese isnt a best
frozen food owned by Kellogg lost seller, but has a strong fan base
about $200 million in sales over among progressive eaters so the
How Sweet It Is the last five years, according to
company filings and analyst esti-
company keeps it, he says.
Annies started selling frozen
Honest Tea has found ways to take advantage of cost savings that come with its large parent corporation, Coca Cola Co., mates. Kellogg Chief Executive pizza made with organic ingredi-
such as aluminum cans, without alienating its core, health-focused, consumer. John Bryant told analysts in a con- ents in 2013, but shoppers balked
Honest Teas strategy over time ference call last July its sales were at about $9 a pie, says Mr. Foraker.
about $400 million. We havent Most frozen pizza sells for a few
2003 To appeal to more consumers, Just a tad sweet 1998 $0.25 million kept Kashi focused enough on pro- dollars less, he says. So last fall,
drinks are sold, teas with slightly more sugar, about 60
calories a bottle. The change pushes the company into gressive nutrition, he said. Annies started selling frozen mini
more grocers.
Honest Fizz A Kellogg spokeswoman says pizza bagels and poppers for about
comes in the the $400 million doesnt include $4 a box. At the lower price, sales
2006 Introduced two unsweetened teas, Just Green Tea and cheaper squat away-from-home specialty chan- of the snacks are taking off, Mr.
Just Black Tea. Today Just Green is the top seller in grocery nels and non-U.S. business. She Foraker says.
stores that focus on selling organic and natural foods.
can (right), but
is now certied declined to comment further. Alanna Miller, a strategist for a
2007 Company introduces Honest Kids, watered down juice All Kashi products will be Non- bank who lives in Phoenix, buys
pouches with fewer calories than competitors. Honest Kids GMO Project Verified by early 2016, mostly organic food and looks for
now makes up over a 1/3 of company sales. said David Denholm, Kashis chief convenient health snacks to feed
executive, in an email statement. her two daughters.
2011 Coca-Cola purchases Honest Tea. Only a handful of organic and But they still have to taste good.
natural brands have approached $1 A fan of Annies macaroni and
2012 Honest Kids become sweetened with fruit juice, not
sugar, which boosts distribution and sales. billion in annual sales, a level that cheese, graham cracker cookies and
signals a mass-market food found gummy-fruit snacks in mini pack-
2013 Introduces steviasweetened carbonated in many homes. Horizon Organic, ages, Ms. Miller once bought an-
Honest Fizz, competing with traditional soda. In 2015 the the largest seller of organic milk in other brand of organic fruit snacks
line becomes organic. the country and owned by White- for her 3-year-old daughter as an
2014 Some Just a tad sweet drinks have up to 100
Wave Foods Co., hit $644 million experiment.
calories per bottle like Peach Tea. sales last year, according to a com- She took one bite and spit it
2014 $134 million
pany spokeswoman. Milk is often a back out in her hand, says Ms.
0 25 50 75 100 $125 million consumers first organic food pur- Miller. Just because it says organic
Source: Honest Tea THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. chase. Simple Truth, Kroger Co.s doesnt mean it tastes good.
28 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


A Vast Roman Conspiracy

ures of the day. Last we have philo- showing how the apparent resolution mies, disdainful patricians, violent arly discussions. For each of the cen-
The Death of Caesar sophical Cicero in forced retirement, at Philippi unraveled again into fresh soldiers, poets and orators. How was tral players he offers a sketch of their
By Barry Strauss composing works of cool reason betrayals and a new round of civil it possible to create such a broad alli- motivations: Brutus, who mistook his
Simon & Schuster, 323 pages, 17.83 tinted by despair. For Caesar was war, Mr. Strauss presents a cast of ance against one man, who had self-interest for idealism; Cassius,
now dictator and Cicero, whose life Romans who are a good deal less he- spared many and bestowed his gener- driven by a potent cocktail of ambi-
BY GREG WOOLF Caesar had spared, could do nothing roic than Shakespeares. Mr. Strausss osity on quite a few? Second, how did tion and principle; Decimus, by ha-
about it. Some modern historians Caesar is opportunistic, arrogant, they manage to get 60, maybe 80, tred well concealed. Jealously and re-
Delving into the history of the Ro- have despaired, too, that we see the greedy: All his life Caesar loved risk people involved and yet keep it se- sentment at Caesars many alleged
man Republic is like exploring a vast, Republic clearly only on its death and embraced violence. His Brutus is cret? What on earth had Caesar done affairsBrutus mother, possibly Cas-
ruined house. In the dingiest of cel- bedthat after we stumble through certainly no saint and perhaps not to alienate so many? And was there sius wifesimmered beneath the
larsthe eighth and seventh and its 700-year history, the light, when it even as central a figure in the con- anything the conspirators agreed on surface. But our most ancient sources
sixth centuries B.C., when Rome was does come, reveals such a bloody spiracy as most believe. Mr. Strauss other than that Caesar must die? cannot agree on whether Caesar went
ruled by kingswe can barely make end. makes a good case for the impor- A different kind of history can ex- to the Senate House that morning ar-
out the shape of the rooms. Were The historian Barry Strauss works tance of another BrutusDecimus plain the crisis of the Roman state. rogantly disregarding every warning
there really seven kings? How many in the light, but he does not do de- Brutuswhose more essential but Rapid imperial expansion enriched or whether he fatalistically felt he
of the names we have are real? Can spair. In The Death of Caesar he too few. Hugely extended frontiers had lived long enough. How can we
we trust any of the dates? Climb the tells the kind of vivid story that is al- demanded the creation of armies do better at guessing his mental
rickety stairs a few centuries and we most always out of reach of histori- greater than ever before, legions of state?
pass through other empty rooms. ans of ancient times. At the center of How did they manage to get impoverished soldiers who hoped What Mr. Strauss is really brilliant
Hannibal and his elephants stand out this page-turner are the months that 60 people involved and keep their generals would look after their at is the evocation of place. As Caesar
in a pool of light cast mostly by the lead up to Caesars assassination on interests when the fighting was done. prepares to walk his last paces to his
historian Livy, but he was writing the Ides of March, 44 B.C., and the it secret? What had Caesar A political culture based on competi- chair in the Senate, Mr. Strauss con-
two centuries later. There are de- story of what happened next to those done to alienate so many? tion overheated when so much jures up the last things he saw: be-
cades after Hannibal when we do not who killed him. So far so Shakespear- wealth and so much violence were at yond the double row of plane trees
have much more than lists of names. ean, although Mr. Strauss gives us a hand. Global problems necessitated their branches still bare on the cusp
But cross these last dingy corridors little more background than the Bard less high-profile part was forgotten the empowerment of brilliant but of springPompeys Temple of Venus
and suddenly, in the last decades B.C., and follows the story a little further. when later generations idolized more self-serving generals like Pompey and the Victorious. When we approach
also the last generation of the free The Shakespeare play begins just be- philosophical tyrannicides. Decimus Caesar who could not be contained in the fatal stabbing Mr. Strauss tells us
Republic, we emerge into brilliant fore Caesar was offered a crown by was a former protg of Caesars civil society. But none of this explains what Roman daggers looked like, how
daylight. Mark Antony, almost exactly a month passed over in favor of Octavian, and the psychology of a political elite heavy they were, how long the blades
Now at last we hear the Romans before the assassinationone of a se- it was he who persuaded Caesar to turned into murderers. The Ides of were, how easy they were to conceal
in their own words. Caesar tells ries of scandals that hardened the attend the Senate on the Ides of March brought together members of and how hard to push through a hu-
(carefully edited) stories of his cam- hearts of the conspirators. Mr. March. every faction, and once Caesar was man rib cage. Detail after detail
paigns in Gaul. Sallust describes Cati- Strauss starts six months earlier, as Mr. Strauss prowls around the dead they immediately sprang apart clothes the familiar facts of Caesars
lines great conspiracy when Cicero Caesar returns to Rome in triumph central playersconveniently pre- and became enemies once again. seemingly inevitable murder with
was consul in 63 B.C. Caesar himself from his last campaign. And where sented in the opening pages as a cast What had Caesar done? fresh images. There wouldnt be
was nearly implicated in that botched Shakespeare ends with the suicides of characterslooking for the jealou- Strictly, of course, we can never much blood on the conspirators dag-
coup dtat. And most of all we hear of Brutus and Cassius on the battle- sies and resentments that motivated know, any more than we can under- gers, Mr. Strauss surmises, given how
Cicero: Cicero making passionate field of Philippi and with Antonys ep- each of them, digging into their back stand the mind of any dead assassin much the thick folds of a toga would
speeches in the courts, Cicero the itaph for Brutus (this was the no- stories of betrayals and adulteries, today. Social factors and political soak up. The last bloody day of the
self-made man struggling to get the blest Roman of them all), Mr. ambitions thwarted and insults not contexts explain a little but not what Republic has never been painted so
aristocratic senators to put aside Strauss follows the story until Antony forgotten. There are two strange fea- it was like to be among the killers. brilliantly.
their differences and band together too is dead by his own hand, defeated tures of the plot to murder Caesar. Mr. Strausss reconstructions are Mr. Woolf, the director of the
for Rome, Cicero uncomfortably try- in battle by Caesars grand-nephew, First, the conspirators seemed to be imaginative ones, solidly founded on Institute of Classical Studies at the
ing to rally the Roman mob, Cicero the future emperor Augustus. drawn from every possible group the source material he knows so well, University of London, is the author
corresponding with all the great fig- This is no trivial variation. By old friends of Caesars, bitter ene- informed by the most recent schol- of Rome: An Empires Story.

A Slap in the Face of Public Taste

With his unique oratorical gifts rally drawn to the Communist
Mayakovsky: A Biography and flamboyant persona, Mayak- dream of rebuilding society, but his
By Bengt Jangfeldt ovsky was the first to turn poetry interest in the Bolshevik cause per
Chicago, 610 pages, 24.50 into an art for the masses. He was se was only skin-deep. Like many
also one of the first to embrace the members of the Russian avant-
BY ROSAMUND BARTLETT Bolshevik cause in 1917, and his pop- garde, he made the fatal error of
ularity brought him the rare free- equating political and artistic revo-
Mayakovskys poetry is very dom to travel. Even in New York in lution; already in the early 1920s, he
loud, very unrefined, and stands ab- 1925 an audience of 2,000 came to began to discover that the Futurist
solutely outside the distinction be- hear him declaim his verse. A few aesthetics to which he owed his
tween good and bad taste, wrote years later he was dead. In April greatest allegiance were alien to the
the migr critic Dmitry Mirsky in 1930, at the age of 36, Mayakovsky new regime. Increasing criticism,
his 1926 seminal survey of contem- shot himself. led by Lenin himself, induced Maya-
porary Russian literature. This was According to Boris Pasternak, kovsky to abandon the intense indi-
not a criticism. Mirsky was quick to Mayakovsky suffered a second death vidualism of his early lyrics and, as
recognize what Vladimir Mayakovsky when Stalin anointed the poet with he put it, set my heel / at the
had achieved over the course of the canonical status in 1935, which led throat / of my own song. Harness-
previous decade in revolutionizing to the refashioning of his image ac- ing his creative talents to serve and
the language and craft of poetry and cording to the ideology of the Com- promote a state that, after all, sup-
taking it out onto the street. munist Party. Once read with genu- pressed artists like him, left him
Mayakovsky called his poetic will ine enthusiasm, he came to be steadily more isolated and unhappy.
HIP / Art Resource, NY

and testament At the Top of My studied dutifully after his death. It led, as Mr. Jangfeldt takes pains
Voice, and the full-throttle way in Bengt Jangfeldt suggests in this bi- to show us, to the tragic end that
which he lived his life was more ography that Mayakovskys poetry is his poetry had predicted from the
than a match for the hyperbole of now studiously neglected in his very beginning. If you wish, he
his writing. Everything was extrava- homelandexcept, ironically, in the had written in 1915, I shall rage on
gant about Mayakovsky, from his sort of professional milieus he once RED LETTERS Mayakovskys Caricature Against the Constituent Assembly (1921). raw meat / or, as the sky changes
size 12 shoes and towering physical expressly forswore. its hue / if you wish, I shall grow
presence (his surname is derived Mayakovskys tumultuous and stoy, etc. to be thrown from the ter his affair with Lili ended in 1923. irreproachably tender: / not a man,
from mayak, the Russian word for fascinating life, replete with pas- ship of modernity. Along with their entourage, which but a cloud in trousers!
lighthouse) to his desperate gam- sionate love affairs, artistic quarrels But beneath Mayakovskys brash included the brilliant literary schol- Since the lifting of Cold War cen-
bling habit, neurotic hypochondria and political intrigue, is a biogra- and anarchic posturing was a sensi- ars Roman Jakobson and Viktor sorship, many revelatory books and
and enormous need for love. As he phers dream. Born a provincial for- tive, lyrical nature, unleashed when Shklovsky and Lilis sister, Elsa, they articles have shed light on the leg-
wrote in his diary in 1923, after his est rangers son in 1893, he began he met the supremely self-assured occupy a large amount of space in acy of a poet whose name had been
jealousy compelled his paramour, writing poems while imprisoned for and captivating Lili Brik, who would Mayakovsky: A Biography. Much devalued through ubiquitous associ-
Lili Brik, to impose a two-month seditious political activity in his become his muse and paramour. Lili of this is justified, particularly ation with metro stations, statues
moratorium on their relationship: I teens. During his impoverished and her husband, Osip, a cutting- where it concerns Osips coopera- and streets. With this biography, the
love you, I love you, despite every- years at art school in Moscow, he edge critic, immediately recognized tion with the secret police, which fruit of a lifetime of research, Maya-
thing and because of everything. I was drawn into the citys avant- Mayakovskys talent when he read appears to have played no small role kovsky takes his rightful place as
have loved you, I love you and I will garde and rapidly became one of the his first major poem to them in in facilitating all of their extensive one of the most important and rep-
love you. . . . Is love the total sum of leaders of the nascent Russian Fu- 1915. They began championing his foreign travel in the early 1920s. But resentative artists of his age.
everything to me? Yes, only in an- turist movement. Mayakovsky was work and also welcomed him into this background comes at the ex- Ms. Bartletts books include
other sense. Love is life, love is the an enthusiastic contributor to its their marriage, which was a model pense of other figures who might Victory Over the Sun: The
main thing. My poetry, my actions, notorious 1912 manifesto, A Slap in of emancipated sexual mores. have cast Mayakovskys life in Worlds First Futurist Opera, as
everything else stems from it. Love the Face of Public Taste, which The Briks remained important greater perspective. well as biographies of Chekhov
is the heart of everything. called for Pushkin, Dostoevky, Tol- figures in Mayakovskys life even af- The iconoclastic poet was natu- and Tolstoy.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 29


The Demonic Wellspring

tablished its own version of Face- Baghdadi holds a doctorate from the
ISIS: The State of Terror book, whose name translates University of Islamic Sciences in Iraq.
By Jessica Stern & J.M. Berger idiomatically as Caliphatebook. If Like Zarqawi before him, he takes the
William Collins, 385 pages, 14.99 its any consolation to President doctrine of takfirof treating non-
Obama, Zawahiri had misread Islamic Sunni and non-Salafist Muslims as
ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror State as badly as he had. apostates deserving deathto an ex-
By Michael Weiss & Hassan Hassan Zawahiri thought, not unreason- treme. But takfir is by no means ob-
Regan Arts, 270 pages, 9.99 ably, that indiscriminate brutality scure or rare in the Islamic world: It
was a poor business model. He urged is embedded, for example, in the
The Rise of Islamic State Baghdadi to stop murdering any Wahhabism that is the official faith
By Patrick Cockburn Sunni who refused to join their anti- of Saudi Arabia. And millions of
Verso, 172 pages, 9.99 Shiite cause. Muslims around the peace-loving Egyptians hold to the
world, he wrote, will not accept the Salafist view that the words of the
BY JAMES TRAUB slaughtering of hostages. He was prophet and the two generations that
wrong, of course. Islamic States followed him constitute the sole

Associated Press
Islamic State is scaring the day- snuff films have proved to be an ef- guide to religious truth. Islamic State
lights out of us. Al Qaeda announced fective marketing tool, especially is not Islam, but it is certainly Is-
itself to the world with an unspeak- with foreign audiences. Important Is- lamic. This is not an observation
able bang but over time retreated lamic State messages are simultane- about ancient scripture but about
(and regrouped) in the face of drone ously released in English, French and ROLE MODELS Two boys in Suru, Turkey, restage one of the beheadings seen in current practice. Extremist Chris-
attacks and heightened surveillance German and then translated into fur- the videos distributed by ISIS. Suru is on the Syrian border, near intense fighting. tians or Jews or Hindus might be
and law-enforcement efforts. Islamic ther languages. Beheading British able to point to similar justifying
State, also known as ISIS, seems only and American prisoners enacts a authors, a fellow at the Institute of ites and Sunni rivals. passages in their own sacred texts,
to proliferate, like a lethal virus that deeply satisfying drama of vengeance Modern Russia in New York and an Jihadist atrocities finally trig- but they would not gain much trac-
has escaped from the lab and begun and power-reversal to those who feel analyst at the Delma Institute in Abu gered the Sunni backlash known as tion because far fewer of their coreli-
madly self-replicating. Already estab- crushed by, and in, the West. Dhabi, respectively, write. He boot- the Awakening. This was the moment gionists would sympathize with their
lished across a chunk of Iraq and But Islamic State would not be legged alcohol and may have been a when Islamic State could have been views.
Syria equal in size to Great Britain, it nearly so powerful, or so protean, an pimp. Zarqawi had the makings of an destroyed. The 2007 surge brought But Islamic State is also a prob-
has begun to colonize Libya, almost organization if it appealed only to Al Capone until his desperate mother an interval of peace and hopes for a lem in geopolitics. The war in Iraq
a thousand miles away, and perhaps bloodlust. Unlike al Qaeda, which of- enrolled him in religious classes at a nonsectarian Iraq. But Iraqs prime crystallized for many Muslims the
also the Sinai, Afghanistan and Ye- fers the possibility of victory only in mosque. He emerged a committed minister, Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite tri- long-standing sense of insult that
men. Kurdish soldiers and American some remote era, Islamic State, by Salafist and warrior for Islam. After umphalist with the same zero-sum came of Western incursions into the
pilots are killing hundreds or thou- occupying territory and declaring the five years in a Jordanian jail for mili- worldview as his Sunni enemies, Middle East. Islamic State was born
sands of Islamic State warriors, but caliphate, invites its followers to live tant activities, Zarqawi traveled to turned on the Sons of Iraq who had in Iraq. Should we say, then, that it
still more thousands stream across in the prophesied paradise. It offers Afghanistan in 1999. When bin Laden helped the U.S. defeat the terrorists. constitutes a particularly virulent re-
the Turkish border to die a glorious destruction right now, redemption asked him to make bayatto pledge Mr. Maliki, in effect, proved that sponse to the U.S. invasion? That is,
death. Islamic State seems to be right now. Ms. Stern, a lecturer on allegiancehe refused. This ruthless what the Sunni extremists had been would a less bellicose U.S. policy
nourished from a demonic well- terrorism at Harvard who served in jihadist was a born schismatic. saying about Iraqs Shiite rulers was have deprived Islamic State of a cen-
spring. the Clinton administration, and Mr. Zarqawi moved to Iraq in the af- true. tral grievanceindeed, of a reason
Berger, a Brookings fellow specializ- termath of the U.S. invasion. It was Could anything have been done to for being? Many on the left make this
ing in studying extremism, describe he who masterminded the truck- prevent this slide back into sectarian argument. Neither of these books
a high-definition video released by bomb attack in Baghdad in 2003 that violence? Messrs. Weiss and Hassan even addresses it, chiefly because,
Unlike al Qaeda, which offers Islamic State at the end of Ramadan killed Sergio Vieira de Mello, the argue that both the Bush and the unlike al Qaeda, Islamic State seems
victory in some remote era, last year in which foreign fighters chief United Nations representative Obama administrations, equally ea- only passingly interested in the iniq-
urge Muslims everywhere to emi- in the country, and 21 others. In this ger to see the last of Iraq, disengaged uities of the West. One of the distin-
ISIS, in occupying territory grate to the land of Khilafah. A and other spectacular killings, the politically as well as militarily, aban- guishing features of the groups ob-
and declaring the caliphate, chant plays in the background: Our authors note, Zarqawi had help from doning the Sunni tribes to Mr. Ma- sessive takfiri culture is a relentless
state was established upon Islam, / Iraqs dethroned Baathist leaders. likis Shiite mercies. Its true, at the focus on the near enemy of Islamic
invites its followers to live in and although it wages jihad upon the The central role that Baathists have very least, that neither foresaw the regimes rather than the far ones of
the prophesied paradise now. enemies, / it governs the affairs of played in the rise of Islamic State is maelstrom that Iraq would become. the Western democracies. Messrs.
the people. / It looks after its flock seen as both a paradox and a poten- And that was all the space the su- Weiss and Hassan argue that Zarqawi
with love and patience. The camera, tial source of weakness. How long, premely adaptive Islamic State jihad- and his allies gave little thought to
Islamic State has advanced to the the authors note, lingers on a child after all, can secularists and millena- ists needed. Ayyub al-Masri was fighting the Americans until the Bush
center of our lives, and our night- holding a realistic-looking subma- rians make common cause? The an- killed in a U.S.-led raid in April 2010, administration installed a Shiite gov-
mares, with astonishing speed. In chine gun. swer seems to be: longer than we and Islamic State regrouped under ernment in Baghdad. Of course, if Mr.
January 2014, Barack Obama called The caliphate constitutes an exer- think. Messrs. Weiss and Hassan Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He formed ad- Bushs fatal mistake was not invading
the organization the junior varsity cise in nation-building and a viable point out that in his last years Sad- ditional alliances with Baathist lead- Iraq but opening the Pandoras box of
team to al Qaedas varsity. Within six alternative to the apostate regimes dam Hussein organized an Islamic ers while adding to Islamic States sectarianism, thats still a very big
months of that ill-considered taunt, otherwise covering the face of the Faith campaign designed to give reli- ranks through a series of deftly exe- mistake.
Islamic State had routed the Iraqi earth. In a recent report for the gious legitimacy to his secular totali- cuted attacks on prisons in Iraq hold- In The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS
army; conquered Mosul, Iraqs sec- Brookings Institution, the Middle tarianism and create a new category ing veteran jihadists. Mr. Maliki was and the New Sunni Revolution, a
ond largest city; gained control over East analyst Charles Lister notes of Salafist-Baathists. Zarqawi was Islamic States first gift; the next was quickie book rushed into print to ride
a vast swath of Syria; and declared a that, within two days of the conquest himself a point of contact between Bashar Assad, whose savage cam- the wave of Islamic State anxiety (en-
caliphate in its territory. Islamic of Mosul, Islamic State had issued a the groups, for his long career of paign to liquidate what began as a tire sentences are repeated in several
State is a much better organized, 16-point document laying out its gov- crime had introduced him to a highly peaceful uprising turned Syria into a different chapters), Patrick Cockburn
more adaptive and more media-savvy erning principles. Elsewhere in Iraq, differentiated violent underworld. charnel house. makes a different case for U.S. re-
organization than almost anyone he writes, Islamic State has filled the Most fundamentally, Zarqawi was Since Islamic State is not actually sponsibility. In the aftermath of 9/11,
very much including U.S. intelli- vacuum of authority with policing, motivated by the same hatred of Shi- a flourishing high-tech startup but a he argues, the U.S. should have con-
genceunderstood. The president education, Sharia courts, humanitar- ism that had moved Iraqs Sunnis to band of apocalyptic murderers, it is fronted Saudi Arabia and Pakistan,
had his metaphor backward. On the ian aid and the like. A favorite data rise up in rebellion against the Shiite very much to the point to ask who, or the true sponsors of Islamist extrem-
strength of three recent books about point of terrorism experts is the con- government installed by the U.S. In a what, should be blamed for its devel- ism. Instead, those countries became
this new generation of extremists, I sumer protection bureau that Islamic letter Zarqawi wrote to bin Laden in opment. This is a bitterly contested allies in the war on terror. This may
would say that al Qaeda is IBM and State has established in Raqqa, its 2004, he described Shiismnot the question. If we understand Islamic well be true, though Mr. Cockburn, a
Islamic State is Apple. Syrian capital. Islamic State promises West, not secularismas the loom- State essentially as an extremist reli- Mideast correspondent for the Inde-
One of these works, ISIS: The slaughter to angry young men and a ing danger and the true challenge. gious organization, then the problem pendent newspaper, does not say
State of Terror, by Jessica Stern and Salafist kibbutz to their sisters. His goal was to provoke a civil war presumably lies with Islam itself and what the U.S. could have or should
J.M. Berger, reads at times like a If Islamic State really were a busi- by hitting Shiites and their holy must be addressed by the Islamic have done to change Saudi or Paki-
Harvard Business School case study ness-school case, we would want to places. Single-minded sectarianism is world. I was recently on a talk show stani behavior.
on developing organizational culture understand how its distinctive cul- the common coin of jihadists and with Asra Nomani, an Indian-Ameri- Containment requires patience,
in the digital world. After al Qaeda ture evolved. On this subject, Ms. Baathists. can journalist and self-described and patience is very hard to muster
leader Ayman al-Zawahiri formally Stern and Mr. Berger largely rely on In 2004, Zarqawi finally made Muslim feminist and reformer. She in the face of persistent savagery. We
disavowed it in February 2014, Is- second-hand sources. We must turn bayat to bin Laden and renamed his brandished a copy of the hadiths will need to remind ourselves that Is-
lamic State launched a Twitter cam- instead to ISIS: Inside the Army of organization al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). the teachings of Muhammadand lamic State is not Nazism or Soviet
paign through its base of online fol- Terror, by Michael Weiss and Has- In 2006, four AQI operatives blew observed that many of the most hor- Communism. It is terrifying, but it
lowers imploring its leader, Abu Bakr san Hassan, who have talked to a up the al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, rible acts committed by Islamic does not threaten our civilization.
al-Baghdadi, to declare the caliphate. great many of the jihadists them- triggering the civil war Zarqawi State, including slavery and the kill- Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger offer
The groups publicists then took to selves and tell a far more detailed sought. Four months later, he was ing of apostates, enjoyed religious an admonition that we should keep
social media to turn the demand and nuanced story. Islamic State, killed by an American airstrike. But sanction. This is also the theme of a in our wallet and pull out whenever
into a groundswell. Instead of the ji- they note, traces its origin to an en- AQI had momentum, and the organi- much-discussed recent essay in the the anxiety level gets too high: You
hadi elite, Ms. Stern and Mr. Berger trepreneur of violence very different zation was earning as much as $200 Atlantic Monthly in which the jour- are significantly more likely to die in
write, living (sometimes literally) on from Osama bin Laden, a child of million a year in criminal enter- nalist Graeme Wood observes that Is- a car accident, especially if you fail to
a mountaintop, reading The New Saudi privilege who grew up to be- prises that ranged from kidnapping lamic State, far from being un-Is- wear a seat belt, than to be attacked
York Times and watching al Jazeera come an austere ideologue. Abu to oil smuggling. Its new leader, Abu lamic, as both Muslim scholars and by ISIS. Wear a seat belt.
to gauge the mood of the Muslim Musab al-Zarqawi, the founder of Is- Ayyub al-Masri, rechristened the President Obama insist, relies for its Mr. Traub writes a weekly
masses, the newly rechristened Is- lamic State, was a semiliterate but group the Islamic State of Iraq, pre- doctrine upon coherent and even column for ForeignPolicy.com. His
lamic State had adopted a feedback very charismatic Jordanian thug. figuring the goal of the caliphate, learned interpretations of Islam. biography of John Quincy Adams,
loop model. Earlier this month, Is- His first stint in prison was for drug and embarked on a ferocious cam- This is self-evidently true. Messrs. Militant Spirit, is forthcoming
lamic State was reported to have es- possession and sexual assault, the paign of car bombs to kill both Shi- Weiss and Hassan point out that from Basic Books.
30 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Manchester United Seizes
Advantage Over Liverpool
Steven Gerrards tumble in a de-
cisive home game against Chelsea
last spring went down as the mo-
ment the Premier League title
slipped away from Liverpool. His
40 seconds of madness on Sunday
afternoon could prove almost as
costly to the clubs main objective
this season: a top-four finish.
With Liverpool trailing 1-0 to
Manchester United at Anfield, Ger-
rard was sent off less than a min-
ute after coming on for stamping
on Ander Herrera. That left his side
to play the entire second half with
10 men on its way to a 2-1 defeat.
The result put five points of
daylight between United in fourth
and Liverpool in fifth with eight
games remaining in the season.
Gerrard, of course, wasnt en-
tirely to blame for the result. He
wasnt even in when Juan Mata
scored his first of two goals in the
14th minute. But without a full
side, Liverpool never quite worried
United late in the game.
The first half was very good
because I knew in advance that
Liverpool would press us and they
did, but we played them off the

Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

pitch in the first half, United man-
ager Louis van Gaal said.
Liverpools Brendan Rodgers rec-
ognized that the odds were against
his team now. But the schedule
could yet play a major factor. Both
sides must still play Chelsea and
Arsenal this season, while United
Juventus super striker Carlos Tevez eludes Genoas Andrea Bertolacci and Facundo Roncaglia, right, in Sundays Serie A match. He scored the only goal in a 1-0 win. also has a Manchester derby in the
mix. Joshua Robinson

Why Argentine Strikers Are Ace In Final Sprint, Degenkolb

Wins Milan-San Remo
After almost seven hours and
293 kilometers between Milan and
Around the world, scoring lists are topped by these South American exports San Remo, the first of the cycling
seasons five Monument races was
settled in the final yards on the Via
BY GABRIELE MARCOTTI the country of his mothers birth.) coincidence, other factors come Selling Argentine players Roma. John Degenkolb, riding for
The leading scorer in Greece, into play. abroad is obviously a good way to Giant-Alpecin, emerged from the
Goal scorers Jernimo Barrales of Asteras Trip- Argentina, of course, is a soc- bring in hard currency. And, possi- bunch sprint on Sunday to win
have joined soy olis, is also Argentine, and the cer powerhouse and generates bly because clubs often pay a pre- ahead of defending champion Alex-
and beef among country is also represented in Por- large numbers of players in gen- mium for prolific scorers, selling ander Kristoff, Michael Matthews
Argentinas princi- tugal by Benficas Eduardo Salvio, eral, not just forwards. But with Argentine strikers is more lucra- and Peter Sagan.
pal exports. who is ninth. the Argentine economy hiccuping tive than dealing in defenders. The field might have been more
The South Head toward Asia and youll and not much money in the do- That might explain why the coun- crowded at the finish, but the peril-
American nationrunner-up at last find Al-Wakrahs Jorge Sebastin mestic game, theres an incentive try produces more forwards than ous descent off the Poggio whit-
summers World Cuphas a long Sez (10th in Qatar) and, down for both clubs and players to other positions, although in the tled down the number of contend-
and storied soccer tradition. But under, Adelaides Marcelo Carr- move abroad. past it was known for outstanding ers. At least three potential
right now it seems to be exporting usca, eighth in the A-League. Theres a similar dynamic at central defenders and holding winners, including Philippe Gilbert
one genre of footballer, the goal- Cross the Pacific and while work in Brazil, though in Argen- midfielders. and road-racing world champion
scoring forward, like never before. Mexico has had a fine goal-scoring tina its more pronounced, in part Theres also natural turnover Michal Kwiatkowski, crashed out in
Its gotten to the point where you tradition since the days of Hugo because the internal market is at work here. You produce a wet conditions. I managed to
will find Argentines at or near the Snchez, the men dominating the smaller and its more difficult to striker in Argentina and, as soon make it into a good position over
top of the scoring chart in leagues scoring charts these days are Ar- retain top players. as you can get a decent price for the top of the Poggio and avoid
all over the world. gentines such as Julio Furch of him, sell him. That clears space the crashes, Degenkolb said, and
Start at the top. Heading into Veracruz (first), Matas Alustiza for his replacement who, you then in the final two kilometers it
the weekends games, Manchester of Puebla (second) and the trio of hope, will develop into a player was just fighting for position and
Citys Sergio Agero was the Eng- Santos Lagunas Diego Gonzlez,
Selling Argentine players worth selling at a high price in a relying on instinct. J.R.
lish Premier Leagues second-high- Tijuanas Gabriel Hauche and abroad is a good way to few years time.
est scorer (though he has since UNAMs Ismael Sosa (all in joint Argentine players have gener-
slipped to third). Over in Spain, third place).
bring in hard currency. ally shown themselves to be quite
Barcelonas Lionel Messi once In South America, theyre even adaptable abroad. Unlike Brazil-
again is La Ligas pacesetter with more ubiquitous. Outside their ians or most Africans, they are
32 goals in 27 appearances. Villar- home nation, youll find Argen- raised speaking Spanish, which
reals Luciano Vietto is in eighth tines leading the league in scoring A study by the sports market- makes it easier to do business not
place. And in Italys Serie A, the in Chile (OHigginss Pablo Calan- ing firm Euromericas released in just in lucrative markets like
joint top scorers were both Argen- dria) and Ecuador (Rivers Daniel November revealed that a whop- Spain or Mexico, but across the
tineJuventuss Carlos Tevez and Neculmn). In Venezuela, Tulio ping 2,715 Argentines played pro- rest of South and Central America.
Inters Mauro Icardias were two Etchmaite of Portuguesa ranks fessional soccer abroad. More Because so many Argentines can
others in the top five, Gonzalo third, while in Bolivia, Universi- than any other nation and more easily trace their ancestry to
Higuan of Napoli and Paulo Dy- tarios Martn Palavicini is in sec- than Brazils 2,356, despite the Spain or Italy, its also simpler for
bala of Palermo. ond with San Joses Mauro Busta- fact that its population is almost them to gain a Spanish or Italian
Europes two other top leagues mante in fourth. Theyve even five times as large as Argentinas. passport, which, in turn, gives
are somewhat lighter in the Ar- occupied rival and fellow power- Put another way, when you them access to employment in
gentine scoring department, but house Brazil. Last season, Gre- consider that Argentinas top European leagues.
Germanys Bundesliga still offers mios Hernn Barcos finished fifth, league, the Primera A, is made up So the ubiquity of Argentine
up Werder Bremens Franco Di while Fluminenses Daro Conca of 30 clubs each with between 25 goal scorers owes as much to eco-
Santo, fifth in the scoring charts, was 10th. and 30 Argentine professionals on nomic factors as it does to techni-
European Pressphoto Agency
while Montpelliers Lucas Barrios How to explain this? its books, you realize that there cal ones. And as long as they con-
is seventh in Frances Ligue 1. Once youve accounted for the are almost three times as many tinue to prove their worth to Steven Gerrard leaves the field
(Barrios was born and raised in somewhat slim possibility that it Argentines playing soccer for a employers, its hard to imagine after his red card Sunday.
Argentina, but plays for Paraguay, could merely be a gigantic global living outside the country. the assembly line stopping.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, March 23, 2015 | 31


Paleoartist Puts a Face on Ancient Bones

Tyler Keillor builds own 4-year-old son, meanwhile, pre-
fers to stay upstairs.
full-flesh models Its like a painter owning a van
Gogh, says Tylers wife, Kari.
based on fossils Theyre part of the family. Mr.
Keillor took them to be appraised on
the popular TV series Antiques
BY TYLER J. KELLEY Roadshow, but the experts didnt
Chicago see a market for 5-foot plaster Ne-
anderthals. I paid $75 each for the

fter careful consideration, Ty- large statues, and I have a child that
ler Keillor made a decision: T. I paid $25 for, he says. I think I got
rex had lips. In the debate a great deal. When he has time, he
over dinosaurs oral margin, one of plans to construct a little bit of
the countrys top paleoartists has cave wall and a prop campfire with
taken sides. Mr. Keillors job is to flickering lights so theyll feel more
create flesh models of dinosaurs at home.
Bob Stefko for The Wall Street Journal

and other prehistoric animals based Lips aside, Hes one of the best
on fossil evidencegiving creatures sculptors out there, says Dr. Carr,
that died millions of years ago a who considers Mr. Keillor a master
face, a story and sometimes lips. of realistic painting and scales. Ty-
Using traditional mediums like ler has little competition at the pres-
clay and resin, as well as CT scan- ent time, he adds.
ning and 3-D printing, he is at the An example is his baby sauropod,
forefront of incorporating digital art just hatched from its egg, about to
and technology into paleontology. be eaten by a snake. Mr. Keillor
Mr. Keillor works at the Univer- Paleoartist Tyler Keillor at his home studio with a Herrerasaurus he sculpted, based on fossil evidence. made the diorama for the University
sity of Chicago Fossil Lab under ce- of Michigan and is marketing a min-
lebrity paleontologist Paul Sereno. tistic decisions come from fossils ger, Mr. Keillor read technical papers pect it to breathe, to blink. iaturized version of it in Prehistoric
His work, found in museum collec- and from studying dinosaurs near- about the animals nearest relative. Whenever Mr. Keillor needs en- Times magazine. The scene, discov-
tions around the world, is often the est living relatives: reptiles and He concluded the texture was an al- couragement, he can turn to the ered by paleontologist Jeff Wilson,
publics first look at a newly discov- birds. He decided to give his Hetero- most perfect match for a bag of dry roommates who inhabit the base- was preserved in one fossilized mo-
ered species, as with the pebbly- dontosaurus a fleshy protuberance lentils. So he fashioned the crea- ment of his suburban Chicago home. ment. I followed the bones and did
faced predator Rugops primus, over its nose like a turkey because tures pebbled, scaly skin out of len- Posed in a semicircle are nine cave what they told me to do, says Mr.
which was unveiled in 2004. A of an indentation in the fossil skull. tils pressed into clay. For the skin of man sculptures from the 1930s, dis- Keillor. Yet the pathos on the face of
plain fossil doesnt look like a heck He also gave it a beak, fangs, molars, a little head-butting dinosaur, which carded when Chicagos Field Mu- the little green sauropod is enough
of a lot to the average person, Mr. cheeks and fiendish-looking eyes. is so new it has yet to be named, he seum, where Mr. Keillor once to melt the most rigorous of hearts.
Keillor says. But he is quick to point out, Theres used impressions from dried avo- worked, eliminated its beloved Hall
Instead of studying science, he a bone above the eye that makes it cado skins. of Man exhibit.
cut his teeth working in a dental lab- look evil. Its not me, its the bone. Tyler has a level of exacting de- Details like the bloody knuckles Online>>
oratory, doing special-effects Much of a paleoartists work is tail and creativity thats really re- on one of the cave men have a vis- Watch a video and see more photos
makeup and studying wig making at determining textures, colors and tis- markable, Dr. Sereno says. Adds Mr. ceral narrative quality Mr. Keillor of Tyler Keillor at work at
Chicagos Lyric Opera. As a child, he sues not preserved, or barely pre- Borucki, of Acme Design, You ex- brings to his own work. The Keillors WSJ.com/OffTheWall.
would try to make little puppets of served, in the fossil record. I have
the alien from Alien, he says. He to be able to justify every choice, ev-
dropped out of college to work on ery millimeter of the sculpture, Mr.
low-budget horror movies, commer- Keillor says. He concedes that he is Photography by Brigitte Lacombe
cials and stage productions. willing to find a feasible way to
His skill set was well-suited to Dr. make the thing more visually inter-
Serenos team. After another pa- esting.
leoartist struggled with the hair of a His boss is emphatic about see-
7,000-year-old beautiful woman, ing the balance and the beauty in
Dr. Sereno says, he turned her over the animals his lab animates. (Dr.
to Mr. Keillor. When you see it in Sereno himself was named one of
the ground in the field, you need to People Magazines 50 Most Beautiful
have the mind and eye of an artist, People in 1997.)
he says. Paleontology is about envi- Usually, I give my dinosaurs
sioning things and bringing them lips, Mr. Keillor says. An animal
back to life. living in an arid terrestrial climate
On a recent Thursday, the soft- would have had lips, he reasons,
spoken Mr. Keillor, 42 years old, was pointing to carnivorous reptiles like
painting orange silicone over pieces Komodo dragons as living examples.
of a 95-million-year-old rib, the last But the oral margin remains contro-
of about 100 Spinosaurus bones he versial.
was reproducing for the University Thomas Carr, director of the Car-
of Chicago before it repatriated the thage Institute of Paleontology at
originals back to Morocco. Carthage College in Kenosha, Wis., is
The Sereno teams work on staunchly opposed. If artists put
Spinosaurus, a carnivorous, semi- lips on a dinosaur reconstruction I
aquatic theropod, was detailed in know that theyre doing so without Mike McCue. CEO, entrepreneur, innovator and Wall Street Journal reader.
the recent Nova film Bigger Than T. any evidence to support that idea,
rex. Among other reasons, the proj- he says, Theyre simply not playing
ect is exceptional for being the first by the rules of rigor. Dr. Carr con-
life-size skeleton produced from a siders birds and crocodiles, who are


three-dimensional digital model. Dif- lipless, to be the only acceptable liv-
ferent sets of bones were scanned, ing references for dinosaur features.


resized and arranged to make a Reptiles like Komodo dragons are
complete digital skeleton, with Mr. too distantly related, he says, Dino-
Keillor and the paleontologists filling saurs are interesting enough that
in any missing bones using what Mr.
Keillor calls informed speculation.
they dont need to be sexed up.
But Dr. Carr is a fan of showing THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
A computerized mill then cut the dinosaurs in nontraditional poses,
bones out of foam, which were like the hulking yet subtle Drypto-
molded and cast in resin. The 50- saurus Mr. Keillor did for the Lake
foot skeleton was mounted for exhi- County Discovery Museum in Wau-
See what Mike McCue makes time to read at WSJ.com/Mike
bition in a swimming pose. Acme conda, Ill. It is a departure from
Design Inc., in Elgin, Ill., made the 5- what Mr. Keillor calls the running,
foot skull. Its pretty wild, making roaring clich. He portrayed it with
something really old using new tech- eyes narrowed and mouth almost
nology, says Acme founder Clint shut. It looked like it was thinking,
Borucki. he explains. He wants viewers to
The Fossil Labs next project in- wonder, Is this thing satiated and
volves 3-D printing the articulated, calmly looking at me, or is it about #MakeTime
mountable skeleton of a birdlike di- to eat me? 2015 Dow Jones & Co. Inc. All rights reserved. 3DJ2253
nosaur from CT-scanned fossils, While trying to decide on the
which has never been done before. proper skin for Rugops primus,
Mostly, however, Mr. Keillors ar- which Dr. Sereno discovered in Ni-
32 | Monday, March 23, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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ECBs Hard Task to Revive Securitization OVERHEARD

The European Central Both internal and external more generally. By many familiar mea-
Banks power to steer mar- factors are at play here. First, No Boom Part of the problem may sures, stock valuations ap-
kets is undeniablejust look the purchase program itself European securitizations placed with investors, in billions be that the ECBs asset- pear reasonable. Yet things
at the euro or eurozone-gov- is somewhat cumbersome. backed securities program look very different when
ernment-bond yields. But it is The ECB makes use of four 500 has to serve two ends. It is viewed through the lenses of
finding it trickier to get a external asset managers to part of monetary-policy oper- some lesser-known metrics.
grip on purchases of asset- suggest potential purchases. 400 ations, but has an aim be- A recent paper from the U.S.
backed securities. The ECBs But the due diligence re- yond that to develop a dura- Treasury Departments Office
efforts to revitalize Europes quired and the time taken for 300 ble market that could help of Financial Research fo-
securitization market are the ECB to decide on whether fund Europes small busi- cuses on three where devia-
falling short of its rhetoric. to buy a security means that 200 nesses better in the future. tions are extreme enough to
The ECB started buying actual purchases are a slow That creates conflicts: A pro- cause concern. The CAPE ra-
asset-backed securities process. The system might gram to get the market back tio measures the S&P 500
which bundle together pools yet be streamlined. At some on its feet might work much against long-run profit mar-
of underlying loansin late point national central banks better if it was aimed at gins. The historical average
November. But as of March will take over the purchases, 0 helping banks transfer risk is 17 times. At the end of
13, it had bought just 3.8 but it hasnt been decided 2000 05 10 15 by buying lower-rated slices 2014, it was 27 times. The
billion ($4.05 billion) of these when. YTD of securitizations; as a mone- Q-Ratio measures the mar-
securities. By contrast, the Second, there has been Source: Barclays THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. tary-policy operation the ECB ket value of nonfinancial
ECB bought 9.8 billion of relatively little new issuance is focused on low-credit risk firms against an estimate of
government and public-sec- of securitizations, which and cheap. In the first two and investors. A key attrac- securities. their net worth. And the
tor bonds in the first three might provide better oppor- months of the year, securiti- tion of securitization for is- The hope remains that a Buffett Indicator sets market
days of its expanded asset- tunities for purchases. One zations placed with investors suers is the ability to trans- brighter eurozone outlook, value against GDP. Both are
purchase program. Purchases concern is that the massive totaled 7.6 billion, according fer risk to investors, freeing greater borrowing and lend- near levels usually seen in
of securitizations were never provision of liquidity by the to Barclays, the slowest start up capital, but regulation has ing and regulatory compro- periods of extreme valuation,
going to be the driving force ECB through other channels, to a year since 2009. made this difficult. This isnt mise could yet lift issuance of the OFR says. Still, they all
behind expanding the ECB such as long-term loans, Third, the regulatory the ECBs fault but does em- asset-backed securities. But have seen higher levels than
balance sheet, of course, but means that banks have no in- treatment of asset-backed phasize that the central bank for now, the market appears todays at least once. So a
the result is still disappoint- centive to turn to securitiza- securities is in flux and is cant do everything on its beyond even the long arm of crash isnt in sightyet.
ing. tion, as funding is plentiful still deterring both issuers ownas it has made clear the ECB. Richard Barley

Rio Tinto and BHP Face Big Pharmas Biosimilar Threat

In the perpetual battle 13.1% in 2014, the largest sin- impact on the pharma indus-

Some Frank Questions

over U.S. prescription drug gle increase since 2003. try.
prices, pharmacy-benefit Spending in the specialty Wall Street expects bio-
managers may have found a category was up 31%, driven similars to sell at discounts to
potent new weapon: biosimi- primarily by price increases. their original reference drugs
It should be useful to have to be treated equally. lars. Pharma investors look ill This has been great news of between 20% and 30%.
have a few billion in your Buried Resource It isnt really clear what prepared. for biotech shareholders, of If that proves accurate,
back pocket. But it may not Rio Tinto dividends that could equal means in this case. Biosimilars are analogous course, but less so for those first movers on biosimilars,
do Rio Tinto much good. be fully franked from credits U.K. shareholders could get to generic versions of tradi- paying for treatment. In the such as Pfizer and Novartis,
Franking credits are an cash as compensation. But tional small-molecule phar- most high-profile example, are poised to benefit.
Australian obsession that $20 billion neither miner has much maceuticals. A biosimilar isnt Gilead Sciences hepatitis C This would come at the
has dogged Anglo-Australian money to throw around. An- an exact copy of the treat- drug Sovaldi came to market expense of those companies
miners Rio and BHP Billiton 15 other option might be for ment it mimics and requires in 2013 with a list price of that have blockbuster drugs
for years. The companies get U.K. investors to receive a considerably more resources $84,000 for a round of treat- facing loss of exclusivity but
credits as they pay Austra- matching payout in shares. and expertise to develop than ment. which havent invested in bio-
lian tax. When BHP spun off Blue- a generic drug. One reason Specialty drug manufac- similars, such as AbbVie and
When they shell out divi- Scope Steel in 2002, it gave for that is, unlike generics, bi- turers argue that high prices Roche.
dends, or do off-market buy- 5 U.K. investors a distribution osimilars need to go through reflect their value to the Meanwhile, Amgens posi-
backs, the franking credits of BHP shares to compen- clinical trials to win approval health-care system as a whole tion looks more hedged, fac-
are effectively distributed to sate. from the Food and Drug Ad- by helping to avoid more ing the loss of exclusivity for
Australian investors to avoid That would be tricky for ministration. costly expenses such as, for some drugs while also invest-
double taxation. Assuming a 2009 10 11 12 13 14 Rio. The U.K. listing ac- The first biosimilar has example, a liver transplant in ing heavily in a portfolio of
dividend is fully franked at Source: the company counts for more than 75% of been approved, and more are the case of hepatitis C. But biosimilar products.
Australias corporate tax THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. its equity base, despite the on the way. There are 11 bio- payers nevertheless have Yet danger still lurks for
rate of 30%, that is lucrative bulk of earnings coming logic drugs that will face bio- clear incentives to get prices the industry as a whole.
for pension funds that pay tively provided the funds to from Australia. It would be similar competition in the reduced. On March 11, the chief
tax at 15%. be distributed. expensive to compensate the next several years, according It is early days for biosim- medical officer of CVS Health
The stock of credits has Raising money from in- larger U.K. shareholder base to data compiled by analysts ilars in the U.S. Many regula- suggested biosimilar dis-
been rising: As of December, vestors just to hand it back for a benefit conferred in at Evercore ISI. tory issues have yet to be re- counts could be much larger
Rio Tinto had sufficient seems nonsensical. But nota- Australia. And issuing These drugs, which treat solved, and doctors will need than expected, on the order of
credits to frank dividends of bly it was blessed by the shares to U.K. investors ailments from cancer to rheu- to become comfortable with 40% to 50%. That would still
$18.3 billion, nearly five Australian tax authorities, would exacerbate the imbal- matoid arthritis, raked in the cheaper options as well. be a lighter price break than
years worth of payments. said Peter OConnor at Shaw ance. more than $50 billion com- But how the drugs are even- is typical for generic drugs.
BHP last June had credits BHPs weighting is about bined in 2014. tually priced will have a big But it would be a much bigger
worth $13.4 billion that 60% in favor of its Austra- Competitive pressure will figure than what analysts and
could frank about $31 billion Raising money from lian company, which may vary in intensity for each investors seem to expect.
of dividends.
investors to return it mean more options. Andrew treatment. For instance, there Bioshock Should this scenario come
And with weak commodi- Mackenzie, chief executive, are 11 biosimilars in develop- Express Scripts drug spending to pass, investor enthusiasm
ties prices weighing on the seems nonsensical. last month said the issue ment to compete with Abb- per member, change from for drug developers in general
sector, investorsat least in would be a top priority for Vies Humira, the best-selling previous year could decline along with
Australiawould like to see BHPs new head of tax. drug in the world last year 15% 2014 those price tags.
the miners free up the value Either miner would likely and which is due to lose U.S. 13.1%
Right now, a sea change in
of franking credits, which Stockbroking in Sydney, and get a rapturous reception patent exclusivity in 2016. 12 drug pricing dynamics com-
goes unrecognized in the allowed shareholders to ben- Down Under if they managed Four of the competing prod- ing soon isnt priced in to
stock market. efit through franking cred- to release franking credits in ucts are now in Phase III clin- 9 stocks. The Street expects ag-
Adding to the pressure to its. Retailer Harvey Norman size. But reverse engineering ical trials. In contrast, other gregate biotech per-share
do this, other Australian used the same trick last a transaction to fit idiosyn- drugs face competition from 6 sales and earnings to grow by
companies have found ways year. cratic tax rules is fraught at only one or two biosimilars. 44% and 76%, respectively,
to unlock their credits. Gam- This is challenging for the best of times. Throw in The arrival of biosimilars 3 across the next three years.
ing company Tabcorp said the miners, though, thanks the complexities of a dual- coincides with a period of But if specialty drug prices
in February it would pay to their dual-listed struc- listed company and this, surging drug prices. Express 0 come down in response to
shareholders a special divi- ture. Were Australian inves- frankly, still looks a tough Scripts said earlier this 2005 10 new competition, share prices
dend, alongside a matching tors to benefit in this way, nut to crack. month that U.S. drug spend- Source: the company should follow suit.
rights issue, which effec- U.K. shareholders would Helen Thomas ing per member increased by THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Charley Grant

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