World Food Safety Audit Tool - Catering

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World Food Safety Audit Tool

February 1, 2016

This document is to be used with the Fourth edition of the World Food Safety Guidelines.
4 version, February 2016
Guidelines for Food Safety Auditing

1. Introduction

2. Audit Principles for Individual CCPs and SOPs

3. Scope and Basic Requirements to Food Safety Audits

4. Food Safety Audit - Process

5. Rights and Duties of Caterers and Customer Auditors

1. Introduction
Airline caterers are required to establish, maintain and operate programs of food safety control based on
HACCP principles. In-flight meals for passengers and crew must be safe, which requires airline caterers to
establish, operate and maintain documented programs of all food safety controls based on HACCP princi-
ples. The control programs should be understandable and effective in order to support consistent and reliable

If the airline caterer does not have a HACCP-based food safety management program in place, the
caterer is considered failed.

Principles and procedures for auditing of airline catering control programs need to be fact-based and trans-
parent in order to ensure understanding and respect between auditor and auditee.

2. Audit Principles for Individual CCPs, CPs and SOPs

The objective of the audit is to verify compliance with the World Food Safety Guidelines as applicable to the
individual facility.

An audit is a planned series of measurements on randomly selected foods or food batches. It is an independ-
ent examination of the food safety management system based on the World Food Safety Guidelines. This
includes the evaluation of documentation, compliance and observation of procedures, and effectiveness of
procedures to control the process within the limits defined by the caterer to implement corrective and preven-
tive actions.

Isolated failures may not represent systematic non-compliance, where corrective actions have been carried
out in response.

Final scores for the facility should reflect overall compliance and include a positive response from the auditor
for corrective action(s) taken.

Auditing involving compliance with CCPs & CPs is more straightforward because CCPs & CPs have critical
limits. However, the Standard Operating Procedures are not necessarily correlated with food, food batches
and critical limits; thus control of SOPs must be done by a planned evaluation of procedural elements.

4th version, February 2016

3. Scope and Basic Requirements to Food Safety Audit

The food safety audit shall evaluate:

1. Relevant* microbial, physical and chemical hazards that have been identified in the caterers control
program by a transparent and structured hazard analysis
2. Control of hazards at identified critical control points, control points and by necessary standard operat-
ing procedures while in practical compliance within the framework of the World Food Safety Guidelines
(as well as possible local/national legislation superseding the guidelines)
3. Compliance to regulatory standards, customer specifications, standard operating procedures and poli-
4. Caterers control procedures including methods, frequencies, hardware, investments, etc. and whether
they are based on a common sense approach, so that mutual understanding of control programs is
consistently ensured.

*Relevant hazards are hazards which by analysis, as well as by historical experience, are considered likely to occur

4. Food Safety Audit Process

For practical purposes the audit is split up into consecutive steps as follows:
1. Setting date and time of audit
2. Opening meeting to establish the agenda
3. Paper Audit - an assessment of the control system and control documentation
4. Physical Audit an on-site verification of operating standards and procedures including interviews
with staff
5. Auditors summary of information, observations and check results which include:
Summary of steps 1-4
Identification of relevant and significant non-conformities
Summary of additional, less significant issues and observations
6. Closing meeting, the purpose of which is to: discuss the above summaries, seek mutual agreement of
identified non-conformities and seek agreement on necessary corrective actions
7. Caterers (post-audit) confirmation of corrective action initiation and / or implementation

5. Rights and Duties of Caterers and Customer Auditors

The main purpose of the World Food Safety Guidelines is to provide an industry auditing baseline to which
audits are conducted. It is recognized that differences of opinion regarding audit findings and related con-
trol requirements may occur. Again, please note that it is the responsibility of the caterer to adhere to the
guidelines while meeting all national regulatory requirements.

It is, therefore, relevant to summarize duties and rights of both the supplier and customer as this contributes
to mutual understandings and thereby to a more constructive and positive relationship between the parties:

4th version, February 2016

Duties and Rights of Caterers
Caterer Duties Rights
1. Must identify food safety hazards relevant to the May choose preferred design, layout, etc. of the
business and control these hazards by a HACCP- control system so long as all identified risks are
based control system, which includes the CCPs, eliminated or reduced to safe/acceptable levels
CPs and SOPs specified in the World Food Safe-
ty Guidelines

2. Must ensure that controls are effective, reliable May choose preferred methods, staff, equipment,
and consistent procedures, control frequencies, and corrective
3. Must allow auditor reasonable access to catering May defer the time of the audit due to obvious
facility operational problems
4. Must allow the auditor to conduct audit activities May charge for special audit activities, which by
within a reasonable timeframe and resource allo- their nature require significantly increased time
cation and/or manpower

5. Must accept identified, justifiable* non- May reject auditors identified non-conformities,
conformities and perform the necessary correc- requirements and recommendations if not objec-
tive actions in a suitable or prescribed timescale tively justified. Such objections must include full
justification and evidence that any potential risks
to food safety have been adequately controlled.

* Non-conformities must be justifiable by reference to international, national or WFSG standards.

It is not sufficient to just to refer a company standard to the auditor.

Duties and Rights of Auditors

Auditor Duties Rights

1. Must arrange, conduct and communicate audit ac- Access to catering facility (within sensible frames
tivities in a rational, effective and respectful man- of time and resource allocation) with the purpose
ner, with due consideration to time and resource of assessing caterers control system
2. Must conduct audit in such a way that only identi- May give comments and recommendations to ca-
fied, justifiable* non-conformities are included in terer (outside of audit and related rating) regarding
audit and related rating. issues which the auditor considers relevant but for
which the need cannot be objectively justified by
Should acknowledge the caterers reasonable com-
measurement, reference etc.
ments at closing meeting and, if necessary, adjust
conclusion on the actual issue of debate.

3. Identify and communicate to caterer all relevant

and justified non-conformities which might pose a
realistic food safety hazard to the auditors airline
food supply

*Non-conformities must be justifiable by reference to international, national or WFSG standards.

It is not sufficient to just refer a company standard to the auditor.

4th version, February 2016

Audit Reference Tool

The purpose of the Audit Reference Tool is to facilitate the verification that a control program based on
HACCP principles is in place and that this program will control relevant food safety hazards during the
production, storage, handling and delivery of aircraft meals. This includes verification of corrective ac-
tions on identified noncompliances with CCPs and SOPs.

Whilst the World Food Safety Guidelines for airline catering are the standards set for compliance,
where national standards are stricter, caterers must comply with their respective national standard.

Scoring Principles

The final result of an audit by use of the WFSG Audit Checklist is based on a Green / Red scoring sys-

The system is based on the number of critical, major and minor observations made by the auditor as
outlined below:

Critical: Critical failure is a loss of control of the food safety system resulting in potential harm to cus-
tomers. A critical failure could potentially cause a market withdrawal or recall. Examples include: Im-
properly cooked product, insect/rodent infestation or condensation dripping onto exposed product.

Major: Major failure is a failure to meet requirements within the food safety system that is likely to com-
promise safety if not brought into compliance. This can be established through objective evidence or
direct observation of a significant omission or deficiency within the food safety system. Examples in-
clude: Failure to wash hands after returning from the restroom or a dish machine not meeting required
minimum temperature.

Minor: A minor observation is one where there is a deviation from a basic food safety element that does
not pose an imminent risk to the customer. This can be established through objective evidence or direct
observation. Examples include: Failure to wear a beard guard properly, corrugated packaging is found
in a food processing area or a can opener is discovered soiled.

Critical Control Points (CCPs)

CCPs are food-specific and have a critical impact on food safety. Each CCP is valued 4 points. No de-
duction is made if the CCP is found to be in compliance; whereas the full 4 points are deducted when
non-compliance is identified in a CCP. The audit is considered failed if CCP criteria are not met result-
ing in compromised food.

Control Points (CPs)

CPs are a step in the flow of food in which a chemical, physical or biological hazard can be controlled.
CPs are worth 3-4 points.

4th version, February 2016

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOPs are generally related to the controls of the food environment, therefore tolerance is allowed for
minor discrepancies noted during an audit. Hence there are 3 ways of scoring an SOP:

Acceptable: All areas within the SOP are in compliance - no point is deducted
Tolerable: The majority of the SOP is in compliance but a minor deviation is noted, e.g. one
wash hand basin is found which is not equipped with soap - 1 point is deducted
Unacceptable: A large proportion of an SOP is not in compliance, e.g. the majority of wash hand
basins in a flight kitchen do not have soap - 2 points is deducted

In deciding the level of an SOPs compliance (or non-compliance), the auditor must exercise a level of
common sense and experience in understanding whether the failure of the SOP is an isolated incident
or a systematic failure. Example of an isolated incident: Single person not wearing gloves but all oth-
ers are observed following the policy.

Auditors should remember that decisions thought by the caterer to be too harsh will not help in foster-
ing a good working relationship, which would otherwise benefit both parties.

Final Rating

Pass/Fail is based on the criteria below:

Green: No more than 2 majors and 20 minors

Red: > 3 majors or < 3 majors but > 20 minors

NOTE: A critical finding results in an auto-fail

4th version, February 2016

Audit Tool
World Food Safety Guidelines for the Airline and Airline Catering
World Food Safety Guidelines Audit Checklist



Final Score: ____/100 ANY CRITICALS-AUTOMATIC- FAIL #Majors_____ #Minors______



This audit Checklist is based on the IFSA World Food Safety Guidelines. Its purpose is to verify that a food
safety control program based on HACCP principles is in place which eliminates, reduces or controls relevant
food safety hazards throughout the food chain. It also aims to determine that appropriate corrective action is
taken and recorded when critical limits are not met or in case of deviations from SOP requirements.


Food Safety Management System
1. Is there a documented food safety management system based on HACCP principles?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

HACCP Verification
2. Are CCPs monitored, documented and verified daily if applicable?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

3. Is corrective action taken when necessary and recorded?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

4th version, February 2016

4. Does unit size and layout facilitate effective segregation between clean and unclean materials and processes?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

5. Does the building design permit effective cleaning and organization?

Floors, walls and ceilings have smooth and easily cleanable surfaces and are properly cleaned and main-
Floors incline to drains that are open, clean and with grates.
All areas well lit with required foot candles of light and shielded?
Adequate ventilation to prevent excess ambient temperature elevation in food preparation areas/rooms?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ____________Points

6. Are all areas of the facility clean and organized with no visible dirt and debris?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ____________Points

7. Hand wash facilities

Are there adequate, accessible hand wash facilities in each area with hot water, soap dispenser, signs, single
use towels and waste receptacle?
Are hand wash facilities used only for hand washing?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ____________Points

4th version, February 2016

8. Is there an effective and documented pest control program?
Building is properly proofed to prevent access of flying and crawling pests.
Unit plan includes bait locations, list and type of eradication devices, list of approved insecticides/pesticides,
material safety data are available.
Records are kept for inspection, findings, treatments and corrective actions taken.
No signs of pest infestation.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ____________Points

9. Food Preparation Equipment and Food Contact Surfaces
Are food preparation equipment and food contact surfaces made from food grade and non-porous material?
Are the equipment and food contact surfaces clean and in good condition?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ____________Points


10. Is there a procedure for control of hazardous meal ingredients in place?
A list of hazardous meal ingredients is available and considered during menu design process, procurement
and production.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ____________Points

11. Is there an effective supplier approval process for all TCS foods to include R-T-E and food contact packaging?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) ___________Points

4th version, February 2016

Hot Meal Production-Food Cooking-CCP1/Food Chilling-CCP2
12. Are foods cooked to safe core temperature with records kept and corrective action documented when required?
Refer to CCP 1 of WFSG for minimum cook core temperature requirements.

Observations: Critical-FAIL Compliant (4) ______________Points

13. Are foods cooled safely with records kept and corrective action documented and taken when required?
Refer to CCP 2 of WFSG for food chilling requirements.

Observations: Critical-FAIL Complaint (4) _______________Points

Control of Food Processing-CP3

14. A. Ambient temperature is less than or equal to 5 C/41 F.-SOP Food Storage Temperature
Is ambient temperature monitored?
Are records kept and corrective action taken when necessary?

B. Ambient temperature is higher than 5 C/41 F. but less than or equal to 15 C/59 F.
Is ambient temperature monitored?
Food exposure time does not exceed critical limit of 90 minutes?
Are records kept and corrective action taken when necessary?

C. Ambient temperature is higher than 15 C/59 F but less than or equal to 21 C/70 F.
Is ambient temperature monitored?
Food surface temperature does not exceed critical limit of 15C/59F or
Food exposure time does not exceed critical limit of 45 minutes.
Are records kept and corrective action taken when necessary?

D. Ambient temperature is higher than 21 C/70 F
Is ambient temperature monitored?
Food surface temperature does not exceed critical limit of 15 C/59F and
Food exposure time does not exceed critical limit of 45 minutes.
Are records kept and corrective action taken when necessary?

Observations: Critical-FAIL Compliant (4) _______________Points

4th version, February 2016

Food Storage-CP2
15. Is there a food temperature control system for safe storage of TCS Foods?
TCS & Chilled food: Surface temperature not to exceed 41 F.
Records are kept and corrective action taken when critical limit is not met.

Observations: Critical (0) Major (1) Minor (2) Compliant (3) ______Points

Food Receiving-CP 1
16. Is there a food temperature control system for safe receipt of TCS Foods?
Temperature of TCS foods is monitored and recorded.
All refrigerated or chilled food delivered at a maximum of 46 F or other national regulation.
Frozen foods are solidly frozen with no evidence of thawing and refreezing.
Records are kept and corrective action taken when critical limit is not met.

Observations: Critical (0) Major (1) Minor (2) Good (3) __________Points

17. Is there a robust control system to ensure that food is consumed within its shelf-life?
Are foods date-marked or color coded and correctly rotated (no out-of-date foods)?
SOP Stock Rotation/Date Coding adhered to?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

18. Are foods covered to protect from contamination?

SOP Stock Rotation/Date Coding adhered to?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

19. Is there a process which controls in-house freezing of products?

SOP-In-house freezing adhered to?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

4th version, February 2016

20. Is thawing performed in such a way that prevents the growth of pathogens and cross-contamination (e.g. under
SOP- Product Thawing adhered to?
Product is in sealed packaging if thawed in water.
Product surface temperature is monitored and recorded when thawed outside of refrigeration.
Product surface temperature not to exceed 46 F.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

Fruit & Vegetable Washing and Sanitizing-SOP

21. Is there a documented washing process?
Each batch of raw vegetables and fruits are washed in clean and potable water or suitable alternative, with
records kept.
Where permitted, sanitizer with correct concentration is used with records kept.
Appropriate segregation of washed and unwashed produce items.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

Dispatch, Transport and Loading-SOP

22. Dispatch
TCS cold food: maximum surface temperature 8C/46F. or other national regulation
Hot TCS food: minimum core temperature 63 C/145F.
Records are kept and corrective action taken in case of deviation from above if facility does not have a total
chill chain.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

23. Are ice machines and scoops clean and well-maintained?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

4th version, February 2016

24. Transport and loading
TCS cold food: maximum surface temperature 10 C/50 F. or other national regulation
Hot TCS Food: minimum surface temperature 60 C/140 F or other national regulation

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

25. Is there a food safety based risk-assessment in the event of an aircraft delay?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points


26. Is there a documented, risk-assessment based control measures to prevent physical contaminations, e.g. glass

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points


27. Is there clear segregation between raw and ready-to-eat food during storage?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

28. Is there clear segregation between raw and ready-to-eat food during preparation?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

29. Are there effective controls to ensure safe production of special meals to include cross contact of allergens?
SOP Allergen control adhered to?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

4th version, February 2016

30. Are uniforms suitable, clean and correctly worn?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

31. Is there a company requirement regarding jewelry based on risk assessment or national regulation?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

32. Are toilets and changing rooms clean and well-maintained?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

33. Whenever possible or as dictated by national regulation are tools (including gloves) used for portioning of food to
minimize direct contact with ready-to-eat food?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

34. When worn, are disposable gloves changed after being used for unclean handling processes?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points


35. Is there a monitoring procedure in place to prevent contamination of food through contact with infected employ-
ees and visitors?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

4th version, February 2016

36. Are wounds properly covered?-Conspicuous, waterproof dressings.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2)


37. Is there a job-related food safety training program for employees and management?
Induction and refresher training.
Tests are included.
Training records are available for each member of staff.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points


38. Is there a documented cleaning and sanitizing program for food contact and non-food contact surfaces?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points

39. Cleaning chemicals

Food grade detergents and sanitizers are available in all working areas.
Separate chemical storage area with all chemicals correctly labeled.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points

4th version, February 2016

40. Pot wash/ Dish wash
Thermal sanitizing
Do equipment washing machines achieve equipment surface temperature of 71 C/160 F and are tank tem-
peratures operating at manufacturers requirements?
Are all tank temperatures monitored and recorded at beginning of each shift by reading temperature gauges
and are thermolabels used to ensure thermal sanitization?

Chemical sanitizing
Does manual washing procedure include a sanitizing step?
Is the chemical concentration monitored and recorded?
Are washed equipment and utensils visibly clean?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points

41. Equipment Storage

Is there clear segregation between clean and dirty equipment?
Is clean equipment stored in a way which ensures quick drying and prevents contamination?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points

42. Waste bins
Are waste bins well maintained, emptied and cleaned when necessary?
Are bins with lids foot operated?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points

43. Waste Collection station

Is the area clean and well maintained?
Is the area covered and/or enclosed to deter pest activity?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) _________Points

4th version, February 2016

44. Are measuring equipment used to monitor CCPs and SOPs identified and calibrated minimum annually with
records kept?

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points


45. Is there a documented product recall procedure in place?
Procedure is tested to ensure preparedness and effectiveness.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points


46. Is there a documented procedure for effective receipt, recording and management of food safety related com-
-Investigations are carried out and recorded.
-Action to prevent recurrence is taken and recorded.

Observations: Major (0) Minor (1) Compliant (2) __________Points

Total Points______________

4th version, February 2016

The following guidelines are offered to help in the completion of the checklist:

No. Evaluation and Observation Categories

1 Food Safety Management System (FSMS):

Confirm existence of a documented Food Safety Management System including HACCP

If an adequate system is not in place or is not at least reviewed annually, this is regarded as a
major finding. If the audit shows that a CCP is non-compliant, it is considered a critical failure.

2-3 FSMS and HACCP Verification:

CCPs are monitored, documented and verified daily

Confirm existence of regular verification program

Verify that corrective actions are taken when necessary and recorded

Refer to FSMS Verification

4-7 Unit Structure, Size, Layout and Design:

Confirm that food safety is incorporated into the design of the facility. Example: Materials used
for floors, walls and ceiling surfaces are easily cleanable.

Verify by visual observation that the facility is clean and well-maintained in such a way that the
risk of harmful contamination to food from environment is prevented

8 Pest control:

Verify that a documented management system is in place for pest control

Verify visually that the building design and maintenance prevents ingress of pests through the
proper use of insect lights, air curtains and pest control traps

Confirm that cleaning and storage programs are effective in preventing the harborage of pests

Refer to SOP: Pest Control

9 Kitchen Equipment:

Verify that food safety is incorporated into the design of equipment and the equipment is operat-
ed as designed

Visually verify that all food contact surfaces and equipment are clean and in good condition

10 Control of Hazardous Meal Ingredients:

Verify the presence of an up-to-date list of hazardous meal ingredients

Confirm that there is a documented procedure to ensure the absence of the hazardous ingredi-
ents during meal presentations, menu designs or similar events

Refer to SOP: Hazardous Meal Ingredients

4th version, February 2016

No. Evaluation and Observation Categories

11 Supplier Approval:

Randomly select purchased TCS ready-to-eat food items and confirm that their suppliers have
been correctly audited and approved
Supplier is in compliance with all regulatory and or third party inspections

Refer to SOP: Supplier Approval

12 Hot Meal Production:

Verify that the company has a food temperature control system for safe cooking of TCS foods

Randomly observe TCS foods being cooked and verify compliance by monitoring end core tem-

Randomly select TCS foods and verify control documentation

Refer to CCP 1: Control of Food Cooking

13 Food Chilling:

Confirm that a control system for safe chilling of TCS foods after cooking is in place

Randomly select some TCS (preferably dense) being chilled and verify compliance

Randomly select some TCS foods in refrigerators that were cook/chilled within the last 24 hours
and verify control documentation

Refer to CCP 2: Control of Food Chilling

14 Handling of Ready-to-eat Foods:

Confirm that there is a time/temperature control system for safe handling of TCS ready-to-eat
Randomly select food/meal batches and verify conformance to the control system

Randomly select foods in refrigerators and verify control documentation

Refer to CP 3: Control of Food Handling

15 Food Storage Temperature Control:

The caterer must have a food temperature control system for safe storage of TCS foods

Check temperatures of randomly selected refrigerators:

Check gauge temperatures during tour of unit. If significant deviations are noticed, verify
over next 1 - 2 hours that corrective action is initiated.

Where electronic surveillance system exists: Verify that a procedure/schedule for monitor-
ing screens or print-outs is in place and/or that an alarm system is active.

Verify completion of documentation for randomly selected refrigerators

Refer to CP 2; SOP Control of Temperature of Refrigerators

4th version, February 2016

No. Evaluation and Observation Categories

16 Food Receiving:

Confirm that the caterer has a food temperature control system for safe receipt TCS foods

Verify controls and control documentation for deliveries taking place at the time of the audit
Randomly select delivered foods in refrigerators and freezers and verify control by cross refer-
encing corresponding deliveries. Perform direct observation of the delivery process if possible.

Refer to CP 1; SOP: Control at Food Receiving

17/18 Stock Rotation:

There is a documented procedure in regard to date coding method(s) used

Visually verify that the food storage process is in control regarding date coding, stock rotation,
FIFO and prevention from possible contamination

Refer to SOP: Stock Rotation/Date Coding/Time Control

19 In-House Freezing:

Confirm that a process which controls in-house freezing of products is in place

Visually check the labels on products stored in freezer

Refer to SOP: In-House Freezing

20 Thawing:

Review the thawing process and check stock rotation labeling

Check food surface temperature if thawing is conducted out of refrigeration

Verify control documentation if applicable

Refer to SOP: Thawing

21 Fruit and Vegetable Washing:

Confirm that there is a procedure to reduce contamination on raw fruits and vegetables using an
appropriate and approved disinfection solution

Observe compliance to the procedure

Check the monitoring records of the washed batches and/or chemical solution used

Refer to SOP: Washing Raw Fruits and Vegetables

22 Dispatch:

Verify that meal temperatures are controlled at time of dispatch

Review dispatch temperature records

Refer to SOP: Dispatch, Transport and Aircraft Loading

4th version, February 2016

No. Evaluation and Observation Categories

23 Ice Machines:

Visually inspect ice machines and verify they are clean and well-maintained

Inspect scoops/paddles and verify they are kept clean, protected from contamination and sani-
tized regularly

24 Transport and Loading:

Review dispatch temperature records

Verify that meal surface temperatures are controlled at the time of loading to aircraft (if required
by customer)

Refer to SOP: Dispatch, Transport and Aircraft Loading

25 Delay Handling:

Confirm that there is a food safety based risk-assessment in the event of an aircraft delay

Review past records of actions and decisions taken in case of aircraft delays

Refer to SOP: Delay Handling

26 Control of Physical Contamination:

Confirm the presence of control measures based on risk-assessment to prevent physical con-
tamination of food and food contact surfaces

Review glass breakage records as well as necessary actions taken on potentially contaminated
food and food contact surfaces

Refer to SOP: Physical Contamination/Foreign Objects

27-29 Prevention of Cross Contamination:

Visually verify that there is a clear segregation between raw foods and ready-to-eat foods during
storage and preparation
Note that segregation could be based on physical (different rooms or areas) or by distance (in
same room/area) strategies.

Confirm that clean and unclean processes are segregated physically or by distance in such a
way that contamination from unclean processes is prevented
Special Meal preparation: Ensure that the risk of unacceptable food ingredients is prevented

Refer to SOP: Food Handling

30-34 Personal Hygiene:

Confirm that a procedure is in place to ensure proper personal hygiene standards

Visually verify that personal hygiene control measures are adhered to by all employees and visi-

No bare hand contact with R-T-E foods

Refer to SOP: Personal Hygiene

4th version, February 2016

No. Evaluation and Observation Categories

35-36 Infection Control:

Verify that a procedure is in place and being followed

Infection control procedure may be separated or included in personal hygiene / GMP training.
This is acceptable provided that the message is clear and that employees demonstrate

Verification may be done by questioning employees during audit

Refer to SOP: Health Monitoring

37 Training:

Verify the existence of an organized training program

Verify training records (hard copy or electronic record)

Verify that training provides correct understanding as well as control competence relevant to the
job. Example: Observing or talking to food handlers during inspection; reviewing training quiz-

Refer to SOP: Food Safety Training

38 - 41 Cleaning and Sanitizing:

Confirm the presence of a documented cleaning/sanitization procedure

Verify compliance to WFSG standard by:

Reviewing the cleaning schedules

Reviewing the records

Reviewing the regular microbiological swabs, impression tests or similar testing

Verify that washed equipment is cleaned and properly stored

Verify that food grade detergents and sanitizers are available for use

Verify that chemicals are correctly labelled and stored separately from food

Refer to SOP: Cleaning and Sanitizing

42 - 43 Waste Disposal:

Verify waste disposal containers are in operation, clean and do not present cross contamination
or pest harborage risks

44 Instrument Calibration:

Verify a documented procedure for calibration of thermometers is in place per manufacturer in-

Review relevant records

Refer to SOP: Temperature Instrument Calibration

4th version, February 2016

No. Evaluation and Observation Categories

45 Product Recall Procedure:

Confirm the presence of a documented procedure

Review records of procedure testing / training

Review past records for actions taken in case of product recall, if applicable

Refer to SOP: Product Recall

46 Food Safety Complaint Procedure:

Confirm that a documented procedure is in place

Confirm that the procedure is being implemented and followed

Refer to SOP: Food Safety Complaints

4th version, February 2016

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