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Battle Born Priorities
Nevada Assembly Republicans
2017 Priorities


Assembly Republicans have always made it a priority Education is the keystone of economic prosperity and will
to ensure that our children receive the best possible lead to future prosperity for Nevada and its citizens. To
education. In the 2015 Legislative Session, we passed guarantee this critical need for Nevadans, we will continue
sweeping education reforms that set Nevadans on the to support education policies that promote choice, recruit
and retain the best possible teachers, and give more
right path. This session, we will make it a priority to make
accountability back to parents.
certain that those reforms are properly implemented
and funded.
Properly fund and implement Education Savings
In Nevada, a one-size-fits-all approach is not enough; such
an approach does not meet the needs of our diverse state.
We know that students utilize different learning methods Increase transparency and accountability for
and believe that parents best know how their children will education spending.

learn. All over the country, we are seeing education reforms Recruit and retain the best and brightest teachers
that give parents more control. We will continue to lead the continuing education programs.
way in developing innovative ideas that lift us to the top Bolster our higher education gap through expanding
from kindergarten through college. access and investments.
Nevada Assembly Republicans
2017 Priorities


Nevadas economy is growing because of the tangible it is critical to invest in our states infrastructure, including
investments passed under Republican leadership. roads, parks, water systems, and bridges. Through our
Capitalizing on our successes is essential for us to continued commitment towards capital investment
continue to diversify and expand our economy. projects, we are ensuring a safer infrastructure system for
our growing communities.
Assembly Republicans are working on solutions
that foster a friendly entrepreneurship and business
We believe that private ownership is the best guarantee of
environment to promote small business growth that will
create high quality and high paying jobs. Nevada leads conscientious stewardship. That is why we will continue to
the nation in job creation and continues to rank in the protect private property and water rights and work directly
top five for tax-friendly states. with all levels of government to help put Nevada land into
the hands of Nevadans.
We must continue to look forward and invest in our
competitive workforce to meet the jobs of tomorrow. ECONOMIC PROSPERITY:

Our new Nevada economy can be more than just Maintain a continued commitment to
a global leader in entertainment. We are ready to infrastructure improvements.
increase our competitiveness here and abroad by Continue to advance solutions that incentivize job
fostering a friendly economic climate that will bring creation and prepare workers for high-quality, high
new business to Nevada. paying jobs.
Tourism plays a critical role in our economy, bringing in Maintain our tax-friendly business environment to
millions of people each year. For visitors and locals alike, attract new and innovative businesses to Nevada.
Nevada Assembly Republicans
2017 Priorities


During the 2015 Legislative Session, Republicans Nevada families expect a government that is transparent
eliminated burdensome regulations to level the and accountable, a government that provides opportunity
playing field in both the public and private sectors. For and is responsible with our limited resources. Assembly
years, special interest groups dictated unfair contracts Republicans will continue to be a champion of open
and wages for employees, imposing projects that cost government and transparency.
the state millions of dollars. Nevada deserves better
and it is time our government works to protect all GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY:
Nevadans equally. Equally protect all Nevadans right to vote.
Continue to champion reforms that make the
Voting is a sacred right. We must protect the integrity government accountable and transparent.
of our voting system and ensure that those who Ensure that the state government is responsible with
register to cast a ballot do so legally. taxpayers hard-earned dollars.
Nevada Assembly Republicans
2017 Priorities


Nevada needs a health care system that meets the Assembly Republicans will continue to put Nevada
needs of every family. Despite less than favorable families ahead of partisan politics and promise to
policies, we have worked to find solutions that benefit safeguard quality health care coverage. We believe
Nevadans. Republicans worked to create a system that all Nevadans should have access to affordable
that dramatically reduced the uninsured rate from
health care that fits the needs of individual families.
22% in 2012 to 12% in 2015, despite a limiting federal
health care law. Health and wellness are important
to families in Nevada, which is why we pledge to
continue to improve health care options in the state. Promote legislation that expands access to
health care programs and treatments.
Improvements include investing in programs that
Update the mental health system to exceed
protect our seniors, increase mental health care
federal health standards.
access, and develop new technologies like telehealth.
We strive towards a health care system that provides Increase access to quality health care for
quality health care at a lower cost. rural Nevadans.
Nevada Assembly Republicans
2017 Priorities


It is imperative that we provide a safe and secure stand with them to ensure that they have the tools they
state for all Nevadans. We will continue to improve need to do their jobs effectively. We are grateful to these
and implement comprehensive solutions that protect men and women and their families for their dedicated
our most vulnerable community members, including
and selfless service. We honor them through thoughtful
seniors, children, veterans and those affected by
and comprehensive legislation.
human trafficking. We will introduce legislation that
cracks down on perpetrators and helps protect those
who are being exploited. PUBLIC SAFETY:

Improve and implement comprehensive solutions that

Nevada has set an example for protecting individual
protect the most vulnerable members of our society.
rights from the overreach of government. We oppose
legislation that seeks to punish responsible gun Support reforms that protect those who are being
owners from intrusive and ill-advised regulations. exploited and seek justice for victims.

Ensure our law enforcement agents and our first

In Nevada, law enforcement agents and our first
responders have the tools to protect all Nevadans.
responders risk their lives every day to protect their
fellow citizens. They are the key to public safety. We will Protect the 2nd Amendment rights of Nevadans.
Battle Born Priorities
Executive Director, Assembly Republican Caucus

7322 S. Rainbow Blvd #51

Las Vegas, Nevada 89139


Paid for by the Nevada Assembly Republicans.

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