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6ª Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica, OPTOEL’09

Repetition Rate Multiplication by Phase-only Filtering with

Multi-cavity Optical Structures
Miguel A. PRECIADO and Miguel A. MURIEL

ETSI Telecomunicacion, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), 28040 Madrid, Spain.

Contact name: Miguel A. PRECIADO

We propose several all-pass spectrally-periodic optical structures composed of simple
optical cavities for the implementation of repetition rate multipliers of periodic pulse train
with uniform output train envelope by phase-only filtering, and analyze them in terms of
robustness and accuracy.
Key words: Talbot and self-imaging effects, Optical resonators, Pulsed laser, All-
optical devices, Ultrafast devices

a1 (t ) = a0 (t ) ⊗ ∑ n =−∞ δ (t − nT )
, where a0 (t )
1.- Introduction represents the complex envelope of an indi-
vidual pulse, ⊗ is the convolution operator,
The generation of periodic pulse trains at
and T is the temporal period of the signal.
repetition rates beyond those achievable by
mode locking or direct modulation is highly Using the Fourier transform, we can express
sought after for future ultrahigh-speed optical in spectral domain

communication systems. Several strategies A1 (ω ) = ωT A0 (ω )∑ m=−∞ (ω − mωT )
, where
for generating periodic pulse trains at repeti-
tion rates beyond those achievable by mode ωT=2π/T, and ω is the base-band angular
locking or direct modulation have been ex- pulsation, i.e., ω=ωopt-ω0, ωopt is the optical
plored. One alternative is pulse repetition angular pulsation, ω0 is the central angular
rate multiplication (PRRM) of a lower rate pulsation of the input pulse train. When a
source by applying phase-only spectral filter- spectrally-periodic optical structure of RRs,
ing, usually based on the temporal Talbot with an spectral response
effect [1-4]. H(ω)=H(ω+2πFSR), is applied to the input
pulse train a1 (t ) , we obtain an output pulse

train 2 ∑ n =−∞ n 0
a (t ) = C a (t − nT N )
, with
{Cn}=IDFTn{H(2πm/T)}, where FSR is the
free spectral range, with FSR≈N/T, N is the
Fig. 1. Architecture of the system. The peri- desired multiplication factor, IDFTn denotes
odic pulse train is processed by the all-pass the n-th inverse discrete Fourier transform
optical structure. [5], {} denotes a sequence of N elements, Cn
We propose and analyze several all-pass are complex coefficients, with Cn=Cn+N, and
spectrally-periodic optical structures of sim- m=1, 2,…, N. We have to impose that all the
ple optical cavities, concretely ring resona- terms of the sequence {|Cn|} have the maxi-
tors (RRs), for uniform envelope PRRM. mum uniformity for uniform envelope
PRRM. Thus, we can define a figure of merit
2.- Theory (FM) for PRRM with uniform envelope as
The complex envelope of a periodic input FM = var ({ C } )
n mean ({ C } ) ,
pulse train can be expressed as
var({Cn}) and mean ({Cn}) denote the va-

M. A. Preciado et al.
6ª Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica, OPTOEL’09

riance and mean of the sequence, respective- FSRs. It is worth noting that that required
ly, and the function the optimum is FM=0. parameters may be a fabrication challenge
The variability of the solution can be esti- for current technology, depending on the
mated with the gradient magnitude |∇FM|. RRs size required in the concrete application.
Both functions, FM and |∇FM| must be taken Thus, RR losses affect significantly to the
into account in the optimization, indicating energy efficiency [8], and it would be desira-
accuracy and robustness respectively. ble to obtain RRs with a>0.95.

3.- Proposed Optical Structures

N Configuration k φ0 [rad]
The proposed optical structures are com-
2 Single 0.8284 1.571
posed of one or two proposed basic building
3 Coupled 0.7393 0.8435
blocks, which are showed in Fig. 2, and re-
3 Cascade 0.8571 0.3335
spectively consist of a single RR, or two
4 Coupled 0.8284 0
identical RRs in cascade or coupled configu-
4 Cascade 0.8284 0
ration. From the spectral response of a single
RR, the spectral responses of cascade and Table 1. Summary of the Optimum Building
coupled configurations can be obtained, by Blocks Parameters Corresponding to 2×, 3×,
directly multiplying them in case of cascade and 4× Uniform Envelope PRRM.
configuration, or by using the transfer matrix
model method for coupled configuration
[6,7]. Each building block can be paramete-
rized with k, a, and φ0, where k is the power
coupling factor, a=exp(-αLc/2) is the round-
trip amplitude transmission factor, α is the Fig. 3. All-pass optical structures for uniform
power loss coefficient, Lc is the length of the envelope PRRM for (a) 6× multiplication and
round-trip length, and (b) 12× multiplication. The basic building
φ (ω ) = ωopt FSR = (ω + ω0 ) FSR = ω FSR + φ0 is blocks are marked with a dashed box.
the round trip phase, where φ0=ω0/FSR is the
round-trip phase at ωopt=ω0. Applying the
theory previously exposed, it can be demon- 4.- Conclusion
strated that a structure composed of one of We have presented a simple method for a
the previous building blocks can perform 2x, uniform envelope PRRM with a high ener-
3x, and 4x uniform envelope PRRM [2,3]. getic efficiency (ideally 100%, with lossless
Table 1 shows the optimum structure para- cavities). We have found that the proposed
meters set for loss-less filtering (a=1). optical structures can achieve several factors
of repetition-rate multiplication (2, 3, 4, 6,
and 12).
Acknowledgements: This work was supported
by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of
Spain under Project “Plan Nacional de I+D+I
Fig. 2. Basic building blocks of the proposed TEC2007-68065-C03-02”.
optical structures for uniform PRRM.
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M. A. Preciado et al.
6ª Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica, OPTOEL’09

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M. A. Preciado et al.

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