Day Camp 2017 Application

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The Salvation Army

Serving Carson City and Douglas County

661 Colorado St.
Carson City, NV 89701
775-887-9120 Fax:775-887-9173

Day Camp 2017

Program Rules, Fees, Application and Consent

Please note: Day Camp hours are 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Monday through Friday.
-The cost per week is $50.00 for both Spring Day Camp
from March 20-24th and Summer Day Camp which starts
June 6th and ends August 4th.

Weekly payment is due Monday morning before your child is dropped off for Day
Late Payment fee is $5 per day. The late fee is due immediately. If you are unable
to make payments on time you must make arrangements in advance with the Day
Camp Director.
Due to the cost of staffing when the program ends for the day please be on time
to pick up your child. If you are late to pick up your child you will be charged $1
per minute. Due the following Monday.
Vacation or Absences: Unfortunately, due to costs of program, we are unable to
hold your childs spot during vacations or lengthy absences (5 days or more). If
you would like to hold your child's spot you will need to pay a reserve fee (in
advance) of $25 for the week.
Scheduled dates my child will not be at Day Camp __________________________

If your child is absent for a week without communicating with the Day Camp
Director and paying the reservation fee (in advance) we will not be able to hold
your childs camp spot.

There is a $25 dollar fee on checks returned for insufficient funds.
There are no refunds
_____(initial here)
Child Illnesses
A sick child is to be kept at home for his/her sake and for the sake of other
campers. Many communicable diseases begin with cold-like symptoms. If the Day
Camp Director determines that a child is too ill to attend the program a staff
person will contact parent/guardian to arrange for someone to pick up the child.
_____(initial here)
Adults Authorized to Pick Up Child
Campers will only be released to adults that are authorized by their parents/legal
guardian on the application. Adults picking up children should be prepared to
provide legal identification. For your childs safety only the front doors should be
used for picking up children. Do not enter through the back doors.
_____(initial here)
Proper Program Attire
There are a variety of recreational and craft activities throughout the day.
Campers are to wear comfortable clothing that can get dirty. Shoes must be
closed toed and closed heeled. No flip flops, sandals or other shoes that will easily
fall off or leave your child's feet vulnerable.
_____(initial here)
No physical violence will be permitted or tolerated at any time. This includes
hitting, punching, biting, elbowing, scratching, pulling of hair, spitting, etc.
No abusive or foul language This includes name calling, swearing, put-downs, etc.
Bullying of any type will not be tolerated.
No stealing/borrowing of property belonging to The Salvation Army, its staff, or
other participants of the program.
No destruction/vandalism of property, equipment and/or vehicles. This
includes climbing on bookshelves, counters, tables, carving into or writing on
furniture or walls, And anything else deemed inappropriate by staff.
All participants are required to show respect for program staff by listening and
following instructions given to them during their time at Day Camp.
Children are NOT allowed to bring toys, MP3 players, tablets, cell phones, or any
other electronic devices.
This program is designed for young children. Some 12 year olds are too old for the
program. Please explain to your child that they must participate in all activities.
Lunch and snacks are provided. If you send a lunch, please limit lunches to low
sugar items and absolutely NO glass or aluminum/metal cans.
The Salvation Army is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
_____(initial here)
Are dependent upon the degree of the violation.
For minor violations, such as foul language, arguing with the staff, not respecting
others, etc.
1st Time Verbal Warning/Reminder of Rules
2nd Time Time-Out (2 minutes per year of age)
3rd Time Conference with Parent(s)/Guardian Removal of Specified Privileges
(free time, swimming, etc.)
4th Time Suspension for 2-5 days from program
5th Time Removal from Program Permanently
For major violations, such as proven vandalism, proven theft, extreme physical violence,
extreme bullying, disrespect, etc.
Immediate suspension and/or expulsion.
In the past we have determined that children have matured past the activities we
have for this program. In these cases, we will counsel with the childs parents or legal
guardian and may recommend child attends another program.
I have read (or been read) the rules above and I agree to follow them as they are
written. I understand that I can attend Day Camp only if I follow these rules.
I have read and understand the rules and penalties for violations of rules. I
accept that I am financially responsible for all damage to property and equipment
resulting from my childs action/behavior, and I understand that The Salvation
Army is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items that my child may bring
with them while attending the program.

Parent/Guardians Signature ____________________________ Date: _________

Childs Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________

Staff : __________________________________________ Date:_________

Day Camp Application Form The Salvation Army
Serving Carson City and Douglas County
661 Colorado St.
Carson City, NV 89701
775-887-9120 Fax:775-887-9173
(Please Print in Ink)
Childs Full Name: _______________________________________________
School Grade: ________ Birthday: ____________Age:_____ Shirt Size______

Parents/Guardians Names: ________________________________________

(Please include names of all parents/guardians that have legal custody)

Home Address: ________________________________________________

City: __________________________ Zip Code: ______________

Home Phone: (____)____________ Moms Work Phone: (____)____________

Cell Phone: (____)_____________ Dads Work Phone: (____)_____________

Contact Email:_________________________________________________

Emergency Contacts/Phone #s: ____________________________________


Adults Authorized to Pick-Up Child: ________________________________

(Please include names of all parents/guardians that have legal custody)

Allergies/Medical Conditions (Medications): ___________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________ Date: _________

Check the session (s) child will attend:

Spring Session ________ March 20th- March 24th
_______June 5th- June 30th ________July 3rd August 4th
To insure the camp is filled to capacity and to meet budgetary needs, we require a session (4
week) commitment. You are encouraged to sign up for both sessions (a total of 9 weeks),
however you are accountable for the cost of the session (s) you designate.

Note: First weeks non-refundable fee of $50.00 is required at time of registration to
secure a space.

Day Camp Parental Consent

I hereby authorize my son/daughter _____________________________to participate in The
Salvation Armys Day Camp program. In addition, I authorize the Salvation Army to transport my child
for program purposes.

I, ___________________________________, as the parent or legal guardian of the above named

minor, agree to relieve loss, damage, or injury arising in connection with my son/daughters participation
in this program.

I further agree to the regulations, conditions, and policies of The Salvation Armys program and accept
the full financial and legal responsibility for the conduct of my son/daughter.

I hereby authorize the administrators of this program to provide reasonable and necessary emergency
medical treatment for my son/daughter while (s)he is participating in this program. I further agree to
pay for any such reasonable and necessary medical treatment upon presentation of the medical
providers bill or statement.

Parent/Guardian Name (Print) ___________________________ Date___________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date___________

In addition, I hereby irrevocably grant to The Salvation Army the absolute right and permission to
copyright and/or publish or use photographic portraits or pictures of my child,

____________________________, or in which my child may be included in whole or in part, or

composite or distorted in character or form, in conjunction with his/her name or a fictitious name, or
reproductions thereof in color or otherwise, made through any media, for art, advertising, or any other
lawful purpose whatsoever. I also grant The Salvation Army the same right and permission to use any
statements or testimonials made by myself or my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________ Date ____________

Witness: __________________________________________ Date ____________

All Forms must be filled out in there entirety and the first weeks fees paid for
your childs spot to be held. Please review this application thoroughly and be sure
to fill out everything in yellow.

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