Article - Don't Buy The Hype

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3/29/2016 Don't Buy The Hype, College Education Is Not An Investment Forbes
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JUN 12, 2013 @ 08:00 AM 41,087 VIEWS

Don't Buy The Hype, College Education Is Not An

Capital Flows
Guest commentary curated by
Forbes Opinion.

By George Leef
Hardly a day goes by without compare average earnings of
the publication of articles on workers who have college
the plight of recent college degrees with average earnings
graduates. Large numbers are of workers who dont and
either unemployed or conclude that because the first
employed in jobs that dont group does significantly better,
call for any academic having gone to college was a
preparation. Many are good investment. The degrees
struggling with the burden of are regarded as causing the
their college loans. earnings premium.

In addition, the educational That analysis is extremely

value of college is misleading. The most glaring
questionable. In their book flaw is that it draws a
Academically Adrift, conclusion about future
sociologists Richard Arum and conditions (earnings that
Josipa Roksa concluded that people who go college now can
more than a third of recent expect) from data based on
college graduates had coasted earnings for college graduates
through without adding going decades back.
anything to their human Conditions today, both with
capital. Reports that regard to college academic
employers often find graduates rigor and the labor market, are
applying for jobs to be weak in much different than they were
basic skills are numerous. 40 years ago.

Nevertheless, higher education If a college degree were a

boosters continue to proclaim regulated investment
that college is undoubtedly opportunity, it would have to
worth it and still a good bear the standard warning that
investment. A recent study by past performance is no
the Public Policy Institute of guarantee of future performance. The future
California is a good example of wont
this sort of thinking. It be similar to the past for many
purports to show that earning college graduates and telling
a college degree remains a young people that college will
good investment. be a good investment is
careless and irresponsible.
The technique of this study In truth, going to college isnt
(and dozens like it) is to an investment at all.
When college cheerleaders say After graduating, the best job
that there is an earnings he can find is working in a
premium for graduates, they game store. He has nothing to
make it sound just like show for his college years but a
investing in financial piece of paper and lots of debt.
instruments. Buy this bond
and you get interest payments Student C was a good student
in return buy a college degree in high school, but instead of
and you get higher wages in enrolling in college, she earns
return. several badges and
But that isnt the case. No one certifications in things shes
receives any payment or interested in, such as
premium merely for having computer programming and
finished college. Employers do (her grandmothers native
not reward workers just for language) Portuguese. She
having passed enough classes assembles an online portfolio
to earn a degree. They reward with those and other material
workers for their productivity. showing what she can do.
Going to college might Shortly after her 20th birthday,
increase a persons shes offered a job by a
productivity, but its neither Brazilian importer that needed
necessary nor sufficient for a capable American
that. representative.
She is doing well without a
Lets consider three students college degree because she
to make that point. understood that youre not
rewarded for credentials, but
Student A was diligent in high for capabilities.
school and enrolls in college
with an excellent academic College used to look like a
foundation. He concentrates good investment because
on his work and substantially earning a degree usually
raises his level of knowledge entailed at least some serious
and skill. After graduating, he work and having done it set
finds a good job in his major the individual apart. Having
field and continues to advance. that degree was a competitive
For him, college was worthwhile because it advantage in landing a job, but
helped augment his human capital. success always depended on
personal performance rather
Student B got through high than educational pedigree.
school with a minimum of
effort. He has little interest in These days, with the labor
or aptitude for academic market saturated with college
pursuits, but still he enrolls in graduates, the time and money
a college many schools will spent on college is often
gladly accept weak and wasted. What young
disengaged students like him Americans should think is,
because hes heard that getting How can I raise my value and
a degree will boost his demonstrate it? That might
earnings. Thanks to grade best be done in college, like
inflation and the watereddown Student A, or it might be done
curriculum, he coasts elsewhere, like Student C.
through college and obtains
his degree in some College itself isnt an investment, just one
undemanding field. way of increasing your value.
Reading Questions
1. Whats the plight of recent college graduates?
2. What do employers think of the recent graduates applying for jobs?
3. What do the results of the study by Public Policy Institute of California show?
4. Whats the problem with that study, according to the author?
5. According to the author, is going to college a good investment?
6. Do employers reward workers for their degree or productivity?
7. What is human capital?
8. How are students A and C different from student B?
9. What question should college students consider?

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