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Review of General Psychology Copyright 2004 by the Educational Publishing Foundation

2004, Vol. 8, No. 2, 100 110 1089-2680/04/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1089-2680.8.2.100

Gossip in Evolutionary Perspective

R. I. M. Dunbar
University of Liverpool

Conversation is a uniquely human phenomenon. Analyses of freely forming conver-

sations indicate that approximately two thirds of conversation time is devoted to social
topics, most of which can be given the generic label gossip. This article first explores
the origins of gossip as a mechanism for bonding social groups, tracing these origins
back to social grooming among primates. It then asks why social gossip in this sense
should form so important a component of human interaction and presents evidence to
suggest that, aside from servicing social networks, a key function may be related
explicitly to controlling free riders. Finally, the author reviews briefly the role of social
cognition in facilitating conversations of this kind.

For reasons that are not entirely clear, gossip To be able to make this claim, I need first to
has acquired a decidedly shady reputation. It is step back in evolutionary time to what we might
seen as malicious, destructive, and largely rep- see as the ancestral state from which modern
rehensible. Describing a person as an old gos- humans sprang. This is the nature of social
sip implies someone with more time on their relationships that pertain among our primate
hands than they know what to do with, too cousins. I then argue that language evolved as a
much hanging over the garden gate waiting for mechanism for bonding large social groups, and
some passerby to pause for idle chat. To engage that it does so precisely because it allows us to
in gossip is to speak ill of ones fellows, to exchange information about the state of our
interfere with the smooth running of the social social networks. In this context, the problem of
relationships within which we are all embed- free riders (those who take the benefits of soci-
ded: in a word, to undermine the very fabric of ality without paying the costs) is a central issue
society. Yet, the term gossip itself did not orig- for which gossip provides a particularly power-
inally have that meaning. It meant simply the ful mechanism of control.
activity that one engaged in with ones god-
sibs, ones peer group equivalent of godpar- Origins
ents: in other words, those with whom one was
especially close. Humans are members of the order primates, a
Whether it is in fact the case that tale-telling large and diverse group of mammals of very
and tittle-tattle are all that we do with our near- ancient lineage. We belong to that subgroup of
est and dearest is, perhaps, a moot point. I want, primates known as the catarrhines, the Old
instead, to focus on the broader nature of this World monkeys and apes. We share with these
activity and argue that gossiping (though per- monkeys and apes a deep sociality that is pred-
haps not gossip in its contemporary malicious icated on relatively (by comparison with other
form) is the core of human social relationships, mammals and birds) advanced forms of social
indeed of society itself. Without gossip, there cognition. This is represented in humans by
would be no society. In short, gossip is what such phenomena as theory of mind (Astington,
makes human society as we know it possible. 1993; Whiten, 1991; Wimmer & Perner, 1983)
and more advanced forms of the intentional
stance (Kinderman, Dunbar, & Bentall, 1998),
which appear to be unique to humans (Call &
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- Tomasello, 1999; Tomasello & Call, 1998).
dressed to R. I. M. Dunbar, Economic and Social Science (The intentional stance is the phenomenon of
Research Council Research Centre in Economic Learning
and Social Evolution, School of Biological Sciences, Uni-
interpreting behavior in terms of the belief
versity of Liverpool, Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZB, states of the mind that is behind the behavior,
England. E-mail: something that seems to be especially charac-

teristic of humans [Dennett, 1983].) Social cog- Living together exposes animals to a number of
nition in these respects is based on the reflex- stresses that include disturbances to feeding
ively hierarchical phenomenon of mind-read- when one animal displaces another from a feed-
ing, the ability reflected in the claim that I ing site, harassment by more dominant individ-
suppose that you believe that I want you to think uals, and the generally disruptive effects that
that X is the case. arise from the fact that animals in social groups
The extent to which other monkeys and apes are obliged to coordinate their behavior in ways
share these particular capacities is not germane that are not always ideal for each individual.
to the thesis of this article. The issue is more Because the consequences of predation are so
that Old World monkey and ape social relation- final for the individual, the costs of sociality
ships seem to be underpinned by relatively so- must be held in check to minimize their impact;
phisticated forms of social cognition that find otherwise, the centrifugal forces of individuals
their fullest expression in the reflexive multi- selfish demands will rapidly and inevitably re-
level hierarchy of intentionality that we find in sult in the dispersal of the group. Sociality, in
living humans. I return to this particular issue in short, demands compromise on ones personal,
the final section; first, I simply want to establish short-term objectives so that one gains in the
why it is that the capacity to exchange informa- longer term through a greatly reduced risk of
tion (i.e., language) evolved at all in humans. falling victim to a predator.
Anthropoid primate societies (and especially The primate solution to this problem (essen-
those of the Old World monkeys and apes) are tially the need to balance short-term interests
characterized by an intensity of sociality that is against the longer term gains to be had through
not as conspicuous in other species. These spe- group living) is the formation of alliances. Of-
cies are deeply social; they are social in a sense ten, these alliances are deeply rooted in matri-
that is all too readily apparent to anyone who lineal relationships (mothers and daughters, sis-
has ever taken the trouble to spend any time ters). These relationships work (and are crucial
observing their behavior. This intensity of soci- in the life histories of the animals themselves)
ality depends on two key phenomena. One is the because they involve a strong element of trust
ability to understand something of the workings and commitment. An alliance member can be
of anothers mind. By this, I do not mean to relied on to come to ones aid at the crucial
suggest that monkeys and apes understand that moment when one is under attack. That sense of
other individuals have minds in the way that we obligation is created through social grooming.
humans take this for granted. Theirs is more the We do not really understand how grooming
ethologists skill at reading behavior (Cheney & makes this possible, though we do know that
Seyfarth, 1990). In effect, they are good at grooming is extremely effective at releasing
understanding correlations in behavior: that in- endorphins (endogenous opiates produced nat-
dividuals behave in certain consistent ways that urally by the brain as part of the bodys pain
can vary widely from one individual to another, control system; Keverne, Martensz, & Tuite,
that others behavior can be deliberately manip- 1989). The flood of opiates triggered by being
ulated to ones own advantage. groomed (and perhaps even by the act of
The second feature underpinning primate so- grooming itself) generates a sense of relaxation
ciality is the use of trust and (in a weak sense) (grooming lowers heart rate, reduces signs of
obligation to ensure that relationships work ef- nervousness such as scratching, and can so relax
fectively and do the job they are intended to do. the groomee that it may even fall asleep;
For monkeys and apes, predators are the single Goosen, 1981).
most important factor influencing group size: We are ourselves familiar with these effects,
As a species ecological habits expose it to because we show a striking preference for re-
increased risk of attack by predators, so its sorting to old-fashioned primate grooming in
group size must be proportionately larger to our more intimate relationships; here language
protect its members (for reviews, see Dunbar, is an inadequate means for communicating deep
1988, 1996a). Although protection against pred- inner feelings (and especially emotions), and we
ators can be seen as clearly advantageous for often resort to physical contact forms of com-
primates, it is important not to lose sight of the munication (rubbing, stroking, patting, and pet-
fact that sociality has costs as well as benefits. ting) that are extremely effective at triggering

the release of endorphins. As the endorphins lent to the number of individuals one knows
triggered by these behaviors begin to flood the personally; Dunbar, 1993; Hill & Dunbar, in
body, we experience a rising sense of warmth, a press). At some point in our evolutionary his-
feeling of peace with the world, of well-being tory, hominid groups began to push against the
toward those with whom we share such experi- ceiling on group size. The only way they could
ences of intimacy. The effect is instantaneous have broken through this ceiling so as to live in
and direct: The physical stimulation of touch groups larger than about 80 individuals was to
tells us more about the inner feelings of the find an alternative mechanism for bonding in
groomer, and in a more direct way, than any which the available social time was used more
words could possibly do. efficiently.
The key issue at this point is that the amount Language appears to serve that function per-
of grooming that primates do is directly related fectly, precisely because it allows a significant
to the size of the groups they live in, apparently increase in the size of the interaction group
because the effectiveness with which an alliance (Dunbar, 1993, 1996b). Grooming is very much
works is a simple function of the amount of time a one-on-one activity (it still is, even for us),
devoted to grooming by its members. Although, whereas conversation group sizes typically con-
within a species, alliance size does not vary tain up to four individuals (invariably one
greatly as group size increases, the effectiveness speaker and three listeners; Dunbar, Duncan, &
with which the alliance must work does corre- Nettle, 1995). In addition, speaking is some-
late with group size. As group size increases, thing that we can do simultaneously with most
individuals are subjected to increasing levels of other activities. As a result, we can time share
ecological competition (local food sources are more effectively to cram more into what limited
exhausted more quickly, forcing animals to time we do have available. Significantly per-
search more widely for food) and reproductive haps, it turns out, from a sample of peoples
stress (harassment by others is sufficient to de- time budgets drawn from a wide range of cul-
stabilize a females menstrual hormone cycles, tures around the world, that the average percent-
leading to anovulatory or infertile cycles; for a age of time humans spend in social interaction
review, see Dunbar, 1988). The more stress (mainly conversation, of course) is 20% (Dun-
imposed on the individual, the more effective its bar, 1998b). In other words, our social time
alliances must be to buffer it against these allocation is at the upper limit of that seen in
stresses. Because there must be an upper limit primates; we simply use the time more effi-
on the amount of time that can be devoted to ciently because language allows us to do so.
social grooming, there will inevitably be an Note that neither of these benefits requires
upper limit on the size of the group that can be more than speech; content is not explicitly re-
bonded by this mechanism (Dunbar, 1998a). In quired, because all that is necessary is to convey
actuality, of course, grooming time is con- a message of social commitment (I consider it
strained by the fact that animals have to forage more important standing here talking to you
for food. In practice, it seems that there is an than being over there with [. . . anyone else]).
upper limit on the amount of time that any given However, one further key feature of language is
group of primates devote to grooming, and this particularly important to the bonding of our
is about 20% of the total waking time in each unusually large social groups, namely the fact
day. Given the nature of the activity, this is, of that language allows us to exchange informa-
course, a very substantial amount of time: tion. That, after all, is what language itself is
Roughly one fifth of the day is being devoted to basically designed to do. Its role in social bond-
social investment. ing is that it allows us to keep track of what is
More important, however, this figure is going on within our social networks, as well as
equivalent to a group size of about 80 animals using it to service those relationships. As im-
(Dunbar, 1992, 1998a). (Note that these values portant as the latter function is, it is in many
correspond to the mean group sizes for individ- ways the first that is especially important. Lack-
ual species, not the maximum possible group ing language, monkeys and apes are constrained
sizes that we might observe.) The problem for in what they can know about their networks.
modern humans is that we have a natural group They know only what they see. We are similarly
size of about 150 individuals (roughly equiva- limited when it comes to first-hand knowledge.

But language allows us to seek out what has not obviate the fundamental issue that risk of
been going on behind our backs. Indeed, we can death from predators (of whatever kind) is the
even be proactive about it and tell our friends principal factor favoring increases in group size.
and relations what we have seen when we think Language became part of this story because, at
it might be in their interests to know. some point in hominid evolutionary history, the
Let me summarize the argument thus far. group size required exceeded that which could
Primates live in groups to protect themselves be bonded through social grooming alone; the
against predation, and group size increases as constraint in this context was the fact that the
predation risk increases. But group living comes time investment required by grooming is ulti-
at a cost in terms of the stresses it imposes on mately limited by the demands of foraging.
the individual. Monkeys and apes solve this Language enabled hominids to break through
problem by forming alliances that buffer them that particular glass ceiling because it allows
against these costs, thus facilitating the cohe- time to be used more effectively than is possible
sion of large social groups. These alliances are with grooming: Speech allows us both to inter-
bonded through social grooming (a process that act with a number of individuals simultaneously
is mediated pharmacologically through the re- (grooming is a strictly one-on-one activity) and
lease of endorphins), but the cohesion of large to exchange information about the state of our
social groups also depends on a unique form of social network (lacking language, monkeys and
cognitive engagement that allows animals to apes are limited in their knowledge of their
understand and exploit the mental states of other network by what they themselves see). In the
individuals. Sociality in primates is thus depen- next section, I elaborate on this theme by argu-
dent on a two-pronged process. One involves ing that the exchange of social information (i.e.,
heavy cognitive demands, in which any species- gossip) has been crucial to our ability as a
level increases in group size that are required to species to evolve large social groups.
allow animals to exploit more predator-risky
habitats are necessarily predicated on corre- The Functions of Gossip
sponding increases in brain size (and explicitly
frontal lobe size) to handle the social cognitive A strong case can, then, be made for the
demands of managing proportionately more re- suggestion that language evolved to facilitate
lationships. The other is a more ancient process the bonding of large social groups. It achieves
based on the exploitation of grooming-based this mainly because it allows us to increase the
pharmacological mechanisms that facilitate size of our broadcast network (the number of
bonding so as to allow the processes of mutual people with whom we can communicate di-
support on which group cohesion ultimately rectly and indirectly) and because it allows us to
depends to work effectively. exchange information about changes that occur
The evolutionary sequence here is this: Ex- within our social networks. We can catch up on
ploitation of more predator-risky habitats re- news of Uncle Joe and Aunt Jane, discover that
quires an increase in group size; to make this Susan and Bill have parted company (and so
possible, it is necessary both to evolve the cog- avoid an embarrassing faux pas that might oth-
nitive machinery to underpin the management erwise have upset what had once been a good
of the social relationships involved (essentially relationship), and learn about new additions to
a larger neocortex) and to invest more time in the family.
the necessary bonding processes. Humans rep- But language allows us to do much more than
resent the most extreme point in this sequence this. We can use language in at least four other
within the primates because hominid evolution ways (there may be others too, of course, but
has been characterized by the exploitation of these will at least serve to illustrate the point I
increasingly open terrestrial habitats, both of want to make here). One is to seek advice or to
these features being associated with increased discuss hypothetical situations: How would
predation risk. It may be that in the later stages you behave if . . . ? A second is to provide us
of hominid (human?) evolution, the risk of pre- with a kind of policing function to control those
dation by other humans became more important who fail to abide by the formal and informal
than the risks of predation by more conventional agreements that underpin society. (I have more
predators (Johnson & Earle, 1987), but this does to say about this particular issue in the next

section.) The third possibility is that we can use sides? Should I care why apples fall to earth so
language to advertise ourselves: Look at all my long as I can pick them up? It is enough that we
wonderful qualities as a potential mate or ally. know that they do! The reality, however, is that
Finally, in a variant on the last, we can use language allows us to stand, as Newton so
language to deceive: to tell others what we think memorably put it, on the shoulders of the giants
it would help us for them to know, as when Iago who went before us; language, and nothing else,
poisoned Othellos mind against Desdemona. has made the spectactular growth of knowledge
It is perhaps important to appreciate that, in the last few centuries possible.
although we can use language in all of these This technological or economic view of what
ways and possibly more, all of them are really language is used for has so deeply colored our
derivative of the fact that language evolved to perception of the function of language that it has
allow us to bond large social groups. None of led us to see any other uses of language as
these additional functions would really be rele- trivial and largely driven by the boredom of
vant (or so intrusive) if we did not first live in idleness. Thus has gossip acquired its ill repute,
large groups. In contrast, without language as a for it is seen as mere time wasting when we
means of exchanging information about the so- could be doing something really useful with our
cial network, large groups could not be kept time such as talking about jet engines or the
together as viable, coherent social entities. So technical details of how to earn more money by
although we may use language to deceive or making our businesses more efficient. The real
police, the possibility of being able to use it in issue here, then, is which of these two broad
this way would not exist without there being uses of language is the chicken, and which is the
large groups in the first place. egg? In other words, did language evolve to
However, we should first ask what evidence facilitate the exchange of technological infor-
there is that language is used in these various mation (with gossip as an idle by-product), or
ways. In part, this really concerns the distinction did it evolve to facilitate the exchange of social
between social and technical uses of language. information (with the exchange of technological
Language is concerned with the exchange of information as a useful by-product)?
information; that, after all, is what it (or, at least, The issue here is a purely empirical one: How
grammar) is mainly designed to do. However, do we use language? What do we actually talk
linguists and those in most other disciplines about? My colleagues and I have carried out a
interested in language have traditionally as- number of observational studies of the content
sumed that the information to be exchanged is of conversations. All of these studies have been
factual knowledge about the world; in other undertaken in public places, and we simply note
words, language evolved to allow our ancestors the topic under discussion in free-running con-
to exchange information about aspects of the versations at 30-s intervals. To ease the process
physical world in which they lived. This is of classification for the observer and avoid
how you make a good spear. . . . If you throw problems of unnecessary intrusion, we use only
your spear this way, you are more likely to kill broadly defined categories (e.g., social, politics,
the prey. . . . I just saw some bison down by the sports, music and culture, and technical). The
lake as I was passing, so lets go hunt them. . . . social category covers anything that has to do
Never swim in the river because crocodiles [or with explicitly social activities, personal rela-
dangerous spirits] live there and will grab you! tionships, and personal likes or dislikes. Our
Of course, we can do amazing technical aim here is to try to gain a basic description of
things only because we have language: Without how people use language in relaxed everyday
language, Pythagoras would not have been able situations.
to explain his theorem, Newton would never It is worth pointing out that almost all of the
have been able to expound on the nature of work carried out hitherto on conversations has
gravity, and probably none of their fellow men been subject to one or both of two key distor-
and women would have been the slightest bit tions, namely the use of artificially convened
interested in their rather exotic theories because groups or a focus on workplace environments.
they would not have seen the relevance of them. These circumstances introduce distortions be-
Who cares if the square on the hypotenuse is cause the situations are unnatural (despite the
equal to the sum of the squares on the other two length of time we might be said to spend in our

places of work). Such distortions have not really considerable personal angst as well as some-
been an issue in previous studies, because these thing to be manipulated by others in conversa-
investigations have focused on aspects of con- tions (Fenster & Smail, 2003). Indeed, Emler
versational behavior other than topic of conver- (1990) has argued that reputation management
sation (e.g., the mechanics of conversation, how is a major objective of gossip even in modern
conversations are paced, and the cues used in societies.
signaling switching of roles; Beattie, 1983; If language is principally used for social ex-
Coates, 1993). However, these artificialities in- changes in everyday life, then the obvious next
troduce serious distortions when our concern is question is how language is used to facilitate
to assess whether or not conversations are used social relationships in groups. I noted earlier
to service existing relationships, because most that there are at least four different ways in
such situations either do not involve individuals which language might contribute to this: keep-
who have relationships or focus on contexts in ing track of other individuals in the network;
which relationships are of a very specific and advertising ones own advantages as a friend,
short-term nature (e.g., workplace relation- ally, or mate (or perhaps the disadvantages of
ships). It would be futile (and bizarre) to try to potential rivals); seeking advice on personal
study how (or, worse still, whether) language is problems; and, finally, policing free riders. We
used to service social relationships by ensuring attempted to assess the relative balance among
that there were no relationships to be serviced. these four possible functions by analyzing in
In our design, participants can talk about rela- greater detail social topics of conversation. The
tionships if they feel them to be important, but results of this more detailed study of 30 freely
not if they do not wish to do so. formed conversations revealed, somewhat to
The results we have obtained from a series of our surprise, that most social conversation time
studies in different locations have been very in our sample was devoted to the first two topics
consistent: Social topics (what I here define (in about equal quantities). Soliciting advice
broadly as gossip) account for approximately and policing free riders each accounted for only
65% of speaking time, with only limited varia- about 5% of total social conversation time
tion due to age or gender (Dunbar, Duncan, & (Dunbar et al., 1997).
Marriott, 1997; Seepersand, 1999). All of the I express surprise here because we had antic-
other topics summed together account for only ipated that the free rider problem (as described
about one third of conversation time. Thus, subsequently) would be so intrusive in everyday
these findings suggest that naturally occurring life that it would result in constant need of the
conversations are dominated by social topics. policing function. That policing free riders
Although non-European conversations have yet seemed to be so rare a topic of conversation
to be extensively studied in this way, there is could be due to the particular circumstances
nothing in the ethnographic literature (or, in- under which we made our observations, which
deed, my own experience of traditional African took place in open public environments (cafes,
societies) to suggest that members of other cul- restaurants, bars, and trains). It may well be that
tures behave differently. The one study that did people are reluctant to discuss more intimate
involve an analysis of conversation content in a topics in public, where they may be overheard;
non-European population (in this case, Zinacan- such conversations may be confined to more
tan Indians in Mexico) showed that 78% of private venues. If we were to sample conversa-
topics recorded in 1,754 conversations were tions across the full range of an individuals
concerned with social issues (Haviland, 1977). time, it might be that more conversation time
(This study did not sample conversation topics would be devoted to these two topics. Alterna-
at a set time interval, but rather counted all of tively, it may be that these kinds of topics rear
the different topics that were talked about in a their ugly head only at relatively infrequent
substantial number of conversations.) However, intervals. The need to discuss such topics may
less systematic evidence suggests that social be rare, but when they occur they may, of
gossip has always been important: In medieval course, be disproportionately important in the
Europe, for example, a persons fama (or repu- lives of the individuals concerned because the
tation) was highly dependent on what others consequences of being exploited by a free rider
said about him or her and was thus a source of are especially damaging.

In summary, then, language in freely forming The central problem for highly social species
natural conversations is principally used for the is that it would be extremely inefficient to treat
exchange of social information. That such top- everyone we come across with the level of
ics are so overwhelmingly important to us sug- suspicion and caution that would be required to
gests that this is a primary function of language. ensure that we are never exploited. To do so
It is interesting in this context to note that most would waste time and resources that could more
social topics focus on events in ones social profitably be spent pursuing genuinely benefi-
network and using language to promote ones cial social opportunities. Indeed, in the final
particular social opportunities. Seeking advice analysis, sociality itself would break down be-
and engaging in policing functions seem to be cause no one would be willing to cooperate, and
less common. Notwithstanding the results just hence the whole point of living together and
described, the issue of free riders is one of sharing social activities would evaporate. If so-
fundamental importance in human societies. In ciality is to provide us with the benefits it is
the next section, I spell out the problem in more designed to provide, then we have to be pre-
detail and argue that the issue of abusive gossip pared to take risks and trust the bona fides of
is directly derivative of this issue. those with whom we interact. It is this trusting-
ness that provides the crucial loophole that free
The Free Rider Problem riders exploit. In a word, free riding works as a
strategy mainly because most members of the
One reason why gossip has acquired its neg- community take each other at face value.
ative connotations is that conversation is some- As trusting as we often are, it is clear that free
times genuinely used to comment on the behav- riding is a serious social problem. We operate
ior of, or caste aspersions on the character of, many low-level defenses against free riders on a
those of whom we disapprove. One reason why daily basis. We search each others faces and
we might have a predisposition to behave in this expressions for cues of honesty and dishonesty.
way is that free riders are extremely destructive Folk wisdom and our proverbs are littered with
for societies based on a social compact. allusions to cues of honesty and dishonesty
I suggested earlier that the principal evolu- (e.g., Never trust a man who cannot look you
tionary innovation of the primates has been their in the eye). We exert a level of caution against
ability to exploit social solutions to the every- strangers, testing their intentions first with small
day problems of survival and successful repro- gifts before we offer them our lives and souls;
duction. Such solutions are dependent on an conversely, when anxious to solicit large-scale
implicit social contract whereby each individual favors, we offer substantial gifts up front to
agrees to forgo some of his or her immediate declare the honesty of our intentions. Nettle and
interests to gain in the long term through col- Dunbar (1997) used a modeling approach to
laborative solutions to the ecological problems show that dialects are ideally suited to act as a
that threaten everyday survival. However, so- mechanism for controlling free riders, providing
cial arrangements of this kind are extremely that they change rapidly from one generation to
susceptible to free riders, those who take the the next. Because they are difficult to acquire if
benefits of sociality but decline to pay all of the they are not learned early in life, dialects allow
costs. Detailed mathematical modeling of vir- community members to identify those who are
tual societies based on these kinds of social likely to share a common history of obligation
contracts suggests that free riders become in- (and hence to be trustworthy reciprocators).
creasingly more intrusive as social group sizes But free riders need not always be strangers
increase or society becomes more dispersed, who hove into view over the horizon from far
principally because under each of these condi- away. They may just as easily be members of
tions free riders benefit from having large num- our community. Some may be individuals who
bers of naive individuals whom they can exploit have always cut their relationships with a very
(Enquist & Leimar, 1993). In this context, na- fine knife, ensuring that they never give too
ive means individuals who have no knowledge much away; others may be individuals who,
of the free riders behavior and thus interact perhaps because of a change of circumstances,
with the free rider in an open and trusting way, calculatedly seize an opportunity to exploit a
thereby exposing themselves to exploitation. situation to their advantage. We are always at

risk from the individual whose natural character single mutant free rider, the reciprocators
is not to give too much away or who is willing would, within a very small number of genera-
to exploit friends and acquaintances when an tions, be driven to extinction by the free riders.
opportunity arises. However, if community members were able to
Indeed, in many ways, our attitude toward kin pass on even a modest amount of information
and close friends tends to be much more ex- about the behavior of individual free riders, the
ploitative than we might typically suppose: We free riders freedom of movement would be
tend to take them for granted, make more social greatly curtailed, and honest reciprocators
effort on behalf of acquaintances or those we would be able to retain a dominating presence in
see less often than those we know best. One the population. Enquist and Leimar (1993) ex-
example of this is the fact that we tend to greet plicitly referred to this process of information
distant acquaintances more effusively than we exchange as gossip.
do those whom we see more often (Kendon, Although, in our studies of freely forming
1973), even though the latter are likely to be conversations, we found that gossip of this cen-
more important to us in terms of support and sorious type was relatively rare, it may none-
social environment. Although this may partly theless be that the handful of cases involving
reflect the need to emphasize a nonthreatening this kind of behavior are disproportionately im-
attitude toward those with whom we are less portant in terms of their consequences for the
familiar, it also implies that we are much more recipients ability to avoid exploitation in the
willing to trade on the good nature of those with future. This is clearly much less easy to study,
whom we have well-established relationships. because it involves a long-term future and
The control of free riders is largely dependent would thus require the longitudinal study of
on memory of past events (occasions on which individual participants over many months, per-
they have cheated us or reneged on implicit haps even years. Such studies could (and, in-
contracts) and an appreciation of how they deed, should!) be done, and they might best be
might afflict others (which depends on sophis- done with some kind of diary methodology;
ticated cognitive abilities such as theory of however, they would inevitably be laborious
mind). However, although we may appreciate and very time consuming.
the consequences for others of a free riders The potentially important role of verbal cen-
behavior, until and unless we communicate our sure in controlling free riders has been studied
concerns there is no social component to these in a series of small group experiments con-
concerns. Only when we advise potential vic- ducted by Orstrom and colleagues (Orstrom,
tims of the danger they face are we exercising Gardner, & Walker, 1994). In these experi-
any kind of social censure. Language is clearly ments, participants were invited to make finan-
central to that process. cial investments in one of two markets. Partic-
Enquist and Leimar (1993) modeled this sit- ipants worked at individual computer terminals,
uation using a form of evolutionary analysis but the terminals were linked so that each par-
based on the well-known social psychological ticipant could see all of the other bids being
paradigm of the prisoners dilemma. They made in the successive rounds of the game (but
sought to identify the evolutionary-stable strat- not who was making them). The markets were
egy (defined in evolutionary biology as the structured in such a way that whereas one
strategy that cannot be outcompeted by any yielded a constant return, the other yielded re-
alternative mutant strategy) that maximized the turns that were an exponential function of the
genetic fitness of individual members of a com- number of investors. Thus, participants playing
munity when these individuals had to collabo- in these markets soon learned that the optimal
rate with each other to reproduce successfully. payout was gained only if everyone invested in
They showed that, under a range of realistic the second market. However, if not everyone
assumptions, free riders who engaged in collab- invested in this way, the payout was poorer than
oration to accept resource donations but later could be gained by investing in the first market.
failed to repay these gifts would invariably With the odds stacked to provide a temptation to
outreproduce conventional collaborators who go it alone, the experiments yielded results in
behaved honestly. In a social environment that which the mean payout was typically as low as
initially consisted of honest reciprocators and a 20% of that which could have been achieved

had everyone followed the collaborative strat- from another persons point of view is a funda-
egy, even though everyones bids could clearly mental prerequisite for successful social inter-
be seen. action. In the present context, it is important for
Orstrom et al. (1994) found that introducing two reasons.
even a single refreshment break in which par- One is that it allows us to recognize that
ticipants could meet significantly reduced the someone else might be at risk of exploitation by
number of defections during subsequent rounds, a free rider even though we ourselves are not
thus raising the mean payout to approximately (because we have identified the free rider or
80% of the maximum. In these refreshment taken steps to neutralize his or her ability to
breaks, individuals were allowed to discuss the exploit us). Naive individuals lack that fore-
experiment, but they still did not know which sight, and we are able to recognize this only
participants had been responsible for the defec- because we can see the world from their point of
tions in previous rounds. Thus, simply allowing view and sympathize with their potential future
participants free reign to comment on the de- predicament. Conversely, having a theory of
fections or to exhort the other participants to toe mind (or, better still, more advanced levels of
the line had a dramatic effect in reducing the cognition) allows free riders to act more effec-
temptation to defect (in other words, act as a tively: Being able to put themselves in other
free rider). In a subsequent experiment, partic- peoples mental shoes gives them a significant
ipants were allowed to punish defectors during advantage in identifying (and hence exploiting)
the game (by requesting that a still anonymous potential victims.
defector be fined by the experimenter), and this The other respect in which social cognition is
resulted in a further dramatic improvement in necessary is that language itself probably re-
performance (and thus an increase in mean pay- quires at least second-order intentionality and,
out). However, by comparison with the oppor- possibly, higher levels (Dunbar, 1998b). When
tunity to exhort free riders during the refresh- we engage in conversation, we can use words in
ment break, the additional gain provided by the their literal sense, or we can use them metaphor-
opportunity to punish was modest. ically. Human conversation is littered with met-
These simple experiments suggest that even aphor and is typically telegraphic in style. In
the opportunity to comment on the behavior of part, that may reflect a desire for economy, but
free riders can exert a significant effect on free equally it reflects a desire to be less than direct
riders willingness to break ranks on implicit or in what we have to say. We speak opaquely in
explicit social contracts. This provides confir- riddles to ensure that our real meaning is ob-
mation that we are sensitive to others opinions scured from those we would rather did not dis-
of us, such that other members of society can cern it. This places a considerable load on both
exploit this sensitivity to keep us in line. This speaker and listener. The latter in particular has
does not, of course, mean that such a strategy to work very hard trying to figure out just what
will work for everyone, but it seems that it it is that the speaker is trying to tell him or her.
works sufficiently often to ensure that only a This use of metaphor may be especially valu-
relatively small number of individuals try to able in allowing us to comment on a certain
exploit the loopholes in the fabric of the social member of society in a manner only specific
world. individuals will understand.
Humans achieve second-order intentionality
Cognitive Underpinnings of Gossip (formal theory of mind) at approximately 4
years of age (Astington, 1993), but normal
In the earlier sections, I alluded a number of adults are capable of negotiating fourth- or per-
times to the role of cognition (and particularly haps even fifth-order intentionality (Kinderman
the higher levels of social cognition) in manag- et al., 1998; Stiller & Dunbar, 2003). Such
ing primate and human social relationships. I levels of sophistication probably play an impor-
want to end by exploring the relevance of this tant role in allowing us to dig deeply into the
issue to gossip in a little more detail. intentions and honesty of those with whom we
Social cognition (typically exemplified by interact on a daily basis. They certainly influ-
theory of mind) plays an important role in hu- ence the size of our social network (Stiller &
man relationships. The ability to see the world Dunbar, 2003). However, we still have a very

poor understanding of the role of advanced so- Dennett, D. (1983). Intentional systems in cognitive
cial cognition in the everyday social interac- ethology: The Panglossian paradigm defended.
tions of normal adults. So far as I know, the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 343390.
Kinderman et al. (1998) study and two unpub- Dunbar, R. I. M. (1988). Primate social systems.
London: Chapman & Hall.
lished studies (Stiller & Dunbar, 2003; Swar-
Dunbar, R. I. M. (1992). Neocortex size as a con-
brick, 2000) are the only studies that have at- straint on group size in primates. Journal of Hu-
tempted to explore intentionality beyond the man Evolution, 20, 469 493.
second level (theory of mind). Dunbar, R. I. M. (1993). Coevolution of neocortical
size, group size and language in humans. Behav-
Conclusion ioral and Brain Sciences, 16, 681735.
Dunbar, R. I. M. (1996a). Determinants of group size
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of conversation about social and personal top- Smith, G. Runciman, & R. I. M. Dunbar (Eds.),
ics, is a fundamental prerequisite of the human Evolution of culture and language in primates and
condition. Were we not able to engage in dis- humans (pp. 3357). Oxford, England: Oxford
cussions of these issues, we would not be able University Press.
Dunbar, R. I. M. (1996b). Grooming, gossip and the
to sustain the kinds of societies that we do.
evolution of language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Gossip in this broad sense plays a number of University Press.
different roles in the maintenance of socially Dunbar, R. I. M. (1998a). The social brain hypothe-
functional groups through time; although sim- sis. Evolutionary Anthropology, 6, 178 190.
ple social bonding is perhaps the single most Dunbar, R. I. M. (1998b). Theory of mind and the
important of these roles (and was perhaps the evolution of language. In J. Hurford, M. Studdert-
original impetus to the evolution of language), Kennedy, & C. Knight (Eds.), Approaches to the
language permits other social functions. Of evolution of language (pp. 92110). Cambridge,
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large dispersed societies of modern humans. In (1997). Human conversational behavior. Human
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some respects, its development may be seen as Dunbar, R. I. M., Duncan, N. D. C., & Nettle, D.
a natural outgrowth of our social brain, because (1995). Size and structure of freely forming con-
it exploits the intense interest that we naturally versational groups. Human Nature, 6, 6778.
have in the doings of others. That it can be Emler, N. (1990). A social psychology of reputation.
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but this should not distract us from the central 193.
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founded. In reality, the cognitive demands of iour, 45, 747757.
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Stiller, J., & Dunbar, R. I. M. (2003). Perspective Received June 2, 2003
taking and social network size in humans. Manu- Revision received July 9, 2003
script submitted for publication. Accepted July 9, 2003

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