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Lesson Plan Book Work:

Prediction and Persuasive Cycle Level: Cycle 1, year 2


By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

Inquiry: Who Stole ______s
-Listen attentively to the book
Underpants? How do you know?
-Contribute to class discussions about details in the book
-Write who they think stole the main characters underpants
-Draw and colour a picture of who stole the main characters unde
and orally share why they think so.
-Organize their ideas regarding why they believe this person or an
stole the main characters underpants.
Group Size & Materials Whole group, pencils, erasers, pencil crayons, creative writing jou
book ____.

Specific Subject Competencies: (Language Arts and Others)

-To read and listen to literary, popular and information-based texts.
Students will be listening attentively to the book, _________

-To write self-expressive, narrative and information based texts.

Students will write who they think stole ________s underpants based on their observations and information
provided in the story.

-To use language to communicate and learn.

Students will participating in brief class discussions, and will also be sharing their creative ideas of who they
believe stole ______s underpants.

Cross Curricular Competencies:

-To use information: Students will be using the information given in the story as a source of inspiration to ans
the question, who stole _____s underpants?.

-To use his or her creativity: Throughout this lesson, students will be exercising their creativity as they will b
writing about who they think stole _____s underpants, as well as when they will be orally sharing their reaso
Students will also have the opportunity to use his or her creativity when drawing the person or animal that the
think stole the underpants.

-To work with others: Students will be addressing this competency as they are expected to participate in class
Professional Competencies
Competency 4: To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the
subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.
In the creation of this lesson, I am hoping to provide students with a meaningful learning situation. I want the
students to be able to exercise their creativity, writing skills, and their abilities to provide a reason as to why t
chose to write that. I emphasize why because I think that if students attempt to think about about their intentio
and reasoning behind what they wrote, it would allow them to solidify and make more meaningful connection
their thought process and creative skills. By doing so, it also allows their peers as well as teachers see the stud
point of view.
Time Lesson

8:10-8:12 On the carpet, I will introduce the book, ______, and ask students what do you think this book i
about?. Students will then briefly share their ideas of what they think the book is about.

8:12-8:22 After a brief class discussion, I will begin reading _____, pausing at every few pages to discuss d
and vocabulary in the book. Towards the middle of the story, I will stop right before the author re
who has stole ______s underpants. Students will be given instructions to go back to their desks
complete a creative writing journal entry in which they must describe the person, or animal who
8:22-8:37 stolen the underpants. They must also draw a picture of this person or animal, and be prepared to
their reasoning as to why they believe that this person or animal has stolen the underpants.

8:37-8:42 Students will return back to the carpet and have the opportunity to share their ideas of who they t
has stolen _____s underpants.

8:42-8:50 I will then finish reading the story, and reveal who has stolen the underpants. I will discuss the
importance of providing a detailed and thought out reasoning to any situation, as it reinforces and
meaning to their ideas.

-Listening quietly to the story
-Participating in class discussions
-Participating in the creative writing activity
-Thinking about and sharing their ideas, and why they think so

I will be informally assessing students by observation based on:
their capabilities to remain quiet and attentive during the reading
their participation in class discussions
their participation in the creative writing activity
and their abilities to remain organized and relevant in their reasoning (i.e students will no
explain that they believe that the cat stole the underpants because the student loves cats, a
wanted to write and draw a cat.).

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