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Choose one Instructional Software title. Complete all fields in the following template to describe the
software and how you would use this product in your future classroom to help students achieve required
learning standards.
Note: This template uses the forms feature in MS Word. Select the highlighted text boxes and type over
the sample text. Simply click on the boxes to check them.

Name: Ursula Lee-Mack

Software Title: Brainpop
Function(s) of Instructional Software (check all that apply):
Drill and Practice Tutorial Simulation Instructional Game e-
Features of the Software (check all that apply):
Assessment Monitoring/Reporting (Keeps track of student data and/or
generates reports for the teacher) Allows teacher to create customized lessons
for students Multi-user or collaborative functions with others in class Multi-
user or collaborative functions with others beyond local class Accessible to
students beyond the school day Accessible via mobile devices Multiple
languages Safety, security, and/or privacy features
Strengths of the Software: Fun, engaging cartoons, motivating for children,
easy to understand, covers all content areas, and standard based.
Suggestions for Improvement: make it more interactive, more assessment
tools, extend to higher grades-less cartoon, more productivity,

Standards Addressed: See

SS1H1 The student will read about and describe the life of historical figures in American history. a. Identify the
contributions made by these figures: Benjamin Franklin (inventor/author/ statesman),Thomas Jefferson
(Declaration of Independence), Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with Sacagawea (exploration), Harriet
Tubman (Underground Railroad), Theodore Roosevelt (National Parks and the environment), George Washington
Carver (science).
Grade Level/Content Area(s): 1st-3rd Grade
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply). See
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating
Description of how to implement in the class: I will be introducing my
students to George Washington Carver. My students will gather different facts
about George Washington Carver and will match vocabulary words with pictures to
piece together a timeline of George Washington Carvers life. As a group activity,
we will gather various facts about the life of George Washington Carver and learn
about George Washington Carvers work as a lawyer while gaining insight into
George Washington Carver through objects and artifacts of his life.

My students will reflect upon the life of George Washington Carver in small groups
using videos located within Brainpop, they will revisit the timeline of George
Washington Carvers life and use it as a template to create their own personal

timelines. For example they can include the day their born, any first
accomplishments, any awards they earned or sports they were involved in to start.

* Examples of common instructional models include whole group, teacher-led, student

self-paced, small group, or individual learning activities. Use as many of these
descriptors or other descriptors as apply.

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