Standalone Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Regd, Office:

Hazi Rattan Link Road, BATHINDA- l5 1005

BCL Indust
& Infnastnuctunes ,tyJ
Ph. : 2740 | 63, 2240 4 43, 22 | | 628, F ax : 0 | 64 -2240424
Website :
E-mail :
CIN : 12423 | PB | 976P1C003624

REF. NO. BcLt2or6-r7t3 +q 5

DATED 14102120t7

The Stock Exchange, Mumbai,

Department of Corporate Services,
Floor 25,P. J. Towers,
Dalal Street,

SUB.: Un-audited Financial Results for t

Dear Sir,

Kindly find enclosed herewith the Un-audited Financial Rbsults for the Quarter ended on
3l't Decembet2016 which have been taken on record by the Board of Directors in their
meeting held on 14th February,2017 of the Company as required under the Regulation 33
of SEBI (LODR) Regulations,2015.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,


Encl: As abovesaid
Regd. Office: Hazi Rattan link Road,P. Box No.71, Bathinda-l5l 005
(ClN: 124231P81975P1C003524)

(Rs. tn Lokh)

sl. Particulars 3 months Preceding 3 Corresponding 3 9 months ended 9 months Twelve months
No. (Refer notes below) ended 31d Months ended months ended 31't December, ended 31" ended
December, 3othseptember, 3li December, 2016 December, 31n March, 2016
2016 2016 2015 . (Unaudited) 2015 (Audited)
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

1. Income from operations

(a) Net Sales/ Income from 18291.38 r3L27.28 15811.87 44413.98 342L0.72 s278L.69
Operations (Net of excise
(b) Other Operating Income

Total Income from operations 18291.38 L3t27.28 15811.87 44413.98 382LO.72 52781.69

2. ExDenses
a) cost of material consumed t3260.43 12055.49 12546.03 34883.80 26737.99 38544.27
b) purchase of stock in trade
c) changes in inventories of 747.85 (L877.e21 (1979.20) (1440.48) 361.50 (es7.20)
finished goods, work- in -
progress and stock in trade
d) Employee benefits expenses 213.30 194.45 152.95 s92.45 5t5.77 7t6.25
e) Depreciation and amortization
expenses 168.57 150.79 185.18 513.01 594.92 777.86
f) other expenses 2854.05 1604.88 3973.18 7301.49 8782.r4 11921.10

Total Expenses L7244.20 L2t27.69 14888.14 41850.27 36992.42 51002.28

3 Profit/ {toss) from Operations

before other Income, finance L047.t8 999.59 923.73 2563.7t 1218.30 !779.41
costs and Exceptional ltems (1 - 2)

4. Other Income 105.88 106 07 168.69 315.45 398.87 504.80

5. Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary
activities before finance costs 1153.06 1105.56 LO92.42 2879.t6 t6L7.Lt 2284.21
and Exceptional ltems (3 + 4)
D. Finance Costs 645.61 818.32 470.32 t799.t7 1082.31 1400.82
7 Profit / (toss) from Ordinary
activities after finance costs but 507.4s 287.34 622.tO 1079.99 s34.86 883.39
before Exceptional ltems {5 + 6l
8 ExceDtional ltems
9. Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary
activities before Tax {7 + 8) 507.45 287.34 622.10 1079.99 534.86 883.39
10. Tax Expense
Current Tax 100.00 25.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 175.00
Deferred Tax 18.20
Previous period taxes 44.77
11. Net Profit /( Loss) from Ordinary
Activities after tax (9 t 10) 407.45 262.34 522.tO 929.99 434.85 645.42
t2. Extraordinary items (net of tax
13. Net Profit/(loss) for the period 407.45 262.34 522.rO 929.99 434.86 645.42
(11 + 12)
t4. Paid-up equity share capital (Face
Value of Rs. 10/- per share) 1415.00 1415.00 1415.00 1415.00 1415.00 1415.00
15. Reserve excluding Revaluation
Reserves as per balance sheet of
orevious accountine vear.
16. Earning Per Share (Before
extraordinary items)
(a) Basic 2.88 1.85 3.69 6.57 3.07 4.56
(b) Diluted 2.88 1.85 3.69 6.57 3.07 4.56

16.ii Earning Per Share (after

extraordinary items)
(a) Basic 2.88 1.85 3.69 6.57 3.O7 4.55
(bl Diluted 2.88 1.85 3.69 6.57 3.O7 4.s6
Regd. Office: Hazi Rattan Link Road, p. Box No. 71, Bathinda-151 005
(clNr 124231P81976ptC003624)

Particulars 3 months Preceding 3 Corresponding 9 months ended 9 months Twelve

ended 31" months ended 3 months 3ln December, ended 31n months
December, 30'h September ended 31$' 2016 December, ended
20t6 20L6 December, (Unaudited) 20L5 31" March,
(Unaudited ) (Unaudited) 20L5 (Unaudited) 2016
(Unauditedl lAuditedl
Public Shareholding:-
- No. of shares 6931173 6931173 7638173 6931173 7638173 7638173

- Percentage of 48.98% 48.98% s3.98y 48.98% 53.98% 53.98%

2. Promoters and promoter
group shareholding :-
a) Pledged/Encumbered NIL Ntt Ntt NIL NIL Ntt
- Number of shares Ntt Ntt NIL Ntt Ntt NIL
- Percentage of shares
(as a % of the total
shareholding of
promoter group)
- Percentage of shares Ntt Ntt Ntt NIL Ntt Ntt
(as a % of the total share
capital of the company).
b) Non-encumbered
- Number of Shares 72L8827 72L8827 65tt827 7218827 65LL827 65LL827
- of shares
Percentage too% L00% too% too% L00% L00%
las a lo of the total
shareholding of
promoter and promoter
- Percentage of shares 5r.o2% 5t.o2% 46.O2% 5I.O2% 46.02% 46.O2%
(as a % of the total share
capital of the Company)

Particulars 3 months Ended 31" December, 2016


Pending at the beginning of the quarter

Received during the quarter
Disposed of during the quarter
Remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter
Regd. Office: Hazi Rattan Link Road, P. Box No' 71, Bathinda-l5l 005
(ClN : 124231P81975P1C003624)
unaudited segment- wise Revenue, Results and capital Employed for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended 31'r
December, 2016,
(Rs. ln Lacs)

Sr. Particulars 3 months Preceding 3 Corresponding 9 months 9 months Twelve

No. (Refer notes below) ended 31n months ended 3 month's ended ended 31n months
December, 3Oth September ended 31* 31* December, ended
20L6 2016 December, December, 20LS 31" March,
Unaudited) (Unaudited) 2015 20t6 (unaudited) 20L6
(Unaudited) ll.Jnaudited) lAuditedl
1 Segment Revenue
(net of excise duty)
(a) Oil & Vanaspati t2t73.98 7754.77 7733.81 275L6.23 20150.65 28849.37
(b) Distillery 592s.55 s325.02 732L.45 16600.09 228t7.0L
(c) Real Estates Lgt.75 47,49 756.6L 297.66 t047.97 1115.31
Total 18291.38 L3L27.28 1s811.87 44413.98 382LO.72 s278t.69

Less: Inter Segment revenue

Net sales/lncome From
Operations 18291.38 L3L27.28 15811.87 44413.98 382rO.72 5278t.69
2. segment Results (Profit)(+)/
(toss) (-)before Finance cost, Tax
& Un- Allocated Overheads)

(a) Oil & Vanaspati 783.56 739.26 480.01 1839.78 267.90 456.15
(bl segment-Distillery 478.72 507.47 583.87 1455.19 1658.31 2296.92
(c)Segment- Real Estates 59.35 9.72 2t3.72 97.20 28s.88 299.00

Total 1321.63 1256.45 L277.60 3392.17 2212.O9 3062.07

i)Depreciation & Amortization 168.57 150.79 185.18 513.01 594.92 777.86
ii)Finance Cost 645.61 818.32 470.32 t799.r7 1082.31 1400.82
iiilother Un-allocable
Expenditure (net off Un-
allocable income)
Total Profit (+)/ toss (-) before
Tax so7.4s 287.34 622.L0 1079.99 534.86 883.39
3. Capital Employed

(a) Oil & Vanaspati t2rr.86 1183.92 L070.45 I2Lt.86 to70.45 849.59
(bl Segment -Distillery 5725.75 5144.88 4535.75 5725.15 4535.75 4800.75
(c)Segment- Real Estates 29L6.32 3166.32 3208.69 29t6.32 3208.69 32t3.60

Total 9853.93 949s.t2 8814.89 98s3.93 8814,89 8923.94

1. The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their Meeting held
on Tuesday, 14'n February, 2017 at 5.30 P.M. at its Regd. Office.
2. No investor complaint remains pending at the Quarter ending 3I.t2.20L6.
3, Figuresofthe previous years/quarter have been regrouped/rearranged/recasted wherever considered necessary.
4, The statutory auditor of the company have carried out "Limited Review" of the Financial Result of the quarter in terms of
Regulation 33 of SEBI(Listing Obligations & Disclosures Requirement) Regulation,2o1s. There are no qualification in the
Limited Review Report.

For and on behalf of the B 'd of Directors,

Dated : 14'nFebruary,2017
Place : Bathinda

Whole Time Director

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