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before failure by the corona probe tech- of voids and imperfect impregnation of the creasing slightly the gap

lightly the gap length across the

nique. coils of the old machines B and C. No cor- outside turns resulted in only the inside
responding probe tests were made. Because gaps sparking over. While this determina-
of the low working voltage of the coil failing tion of the linearity of turn voltages may
H. C. Marcroft: The author wishes to in machine E, the evidence is good that lack precision, it is believed that the method
thank the discussers of this paper for the mechanical forces were the cause of coil of stressing the turn insulation as described
constructive additional comments and in- failure. Internal corona damage was non- using the circuit of Figure 3 is a reasonably
formation which they have given toward the existent on adjacent coils. The ionization close approach to uniform application of
over-all problem of evaluating the condition probe tester apparently is quite reliable in turn potential.
of armature coil insulation by field tests. detecting (where it can be used) voids be- The test circuit is operated without any
This problem of coil evaluation has been ap- tween conductors and iron, but it will not connected grounds in the coil circuit. The
proached from a number of directions in the detect necessarily the approaching contact coil in the core is effectively at low potential
past few years so that now the mystery of of two conductors within a coil where there at the high frequencies because of coil capac-
the causes of coil failures is yielding to per- is no void between conductor and iron to itance. It was believed that an additional
sistent attack by measurements of various cause ionization. It was for this reason that ground would destroy the coil balance to
kinds. direct measurement of turn-to-turn strength ground.
In reply to the comments of Mr. Cameron, was used. E. H. Povey presents conclusions sup-
with respect to length of time used for C. M. Foust has shown by the data he pre- porting the statement that d-c high poten-
charging the insulation on the absorption sents from tests made years ago on a ma- tial tests are not always nondestructive.
runs, our practice has been to terminate chine of similar coil insulation that substan- The art will benefit from the experience of
these runs at 10 minutes' time. Theoret- tial agreement with our tests was obtained others contributing evidence to show the
ically, the current decreases to infinite with respect to the d-c toa-c breakdown ratio. behavior of generator insulation under high
time and a practical limit of 10 minutes was His Table I of this ratio for various wave direct potentials.
set some years ago with the establishment shapes of applied potential is of particular The possibility of detecting the impending
of the Polarization Index indicator which interest in demonstrating that steady d-c failures of the coils in generators A and D
is the ratio of resistance at 10 minutes' time potentials will break down old coil insulation by corona probe detector is raised by MIr.
to that at 1-minute time. Polarization In- at approximately the same value as com- Povey. This test was not applied to any of
dex was one of the quantities of this machine mercial a-c peak value. the generators, so we can not say what the
we wished to investigate, so the established Mr. Foust raises the question of the in- results of such tests might have been. How-
procedure was retained. Investigation of dividual turns of a multiturn coil sustaining ever, judging from the general absence of
the effect of longer charging times will be equal shares of the applied high-frequency voids in the ground insulation of machines
made on future tests if possible. Data for potential from the circuit used for the turn- A and D, it is believed that little definite
specific absorption were obtained during the to-turn tests. Theory and practice gener- corona indication would have been obtained.
runs, though they do not appear in the ally indicate that the outside turns are sub- There was definitely no visible corona dam-
paper. ject to greater voltages on steep waves. This age inside the ground insulation of similar
The current fluctuations on d-c tests were question was studied by connecting an os- coils. The insufficient turn spacing and turn
caused by the subject insulation under test, cilloscope across separate turns of a simu- insulation thickness could easily account for
as careful observance was made of the a-c lated coil under test for visual study. The the failure of generator A, as was shown on
supply voltage which was supplied to the magnitudes were very unsteady so that this the turn breakdown tests. The failure of
rectifier test set through a constant voltage method proved to be unsatisfactory. In- generators D and E soon after starting gives
transformer. Other tests were free of dis- dividual spark gaps then were attached to us a clue that thermal cycles were a con-
turbances for the same supply conditions. each turn of a 4-turn coil, all set at equal tributing factor to the turn failures of the
Mr. Cameron has shown in a paper' that gaps. The coil was energized from the high- coils involved. It would seem to be sound
the ionization probe test has revealed serious frequency circuit of Figure 3 of the paper, procedure to make both the corona probe
destruction of copper conductors of a coil; noting, on many applications, which gap tests and turn dielectric tests where possible.
however, no such destruction was found in sparked over first. The conclusion was that
any of the coils of the machines subject to one of the inside turn gaps sparked over REFERENCE
our tests, though there was a good amount first as often as the outside gaps did. In- 1. See reference 1 of the paper.

New Large Short-Circuit Testing Generator Requirements

Short-circuit testing generators differ
Generators from all other generators in several re-
spects. They operate for very brief
periods of time, usually of the order of
C. E. KILBOURNE Paper 52-221, recommended by the AIEE Rotating
Machinery Committee and approved by the AIEE
Technical Program Committee for presentation at
the AIEE Summer General Meeting, Minneapolis,
Minn., June 23-27, 1952. Manuscript submitted
THE phenomenal growth and exten- March 24, 1952; made available for printing May
are short-circuit generators in which are 13, 1952.
sive interconnection of American created the voltages and currents used C. E. KILBOURNE is with the General Electric Com-
power systems has made necessary ex- either directly or through transformers, to pany, Schenectady, N. Y.
panded testing facilities for the develop- provide the conditions necessary for The author wishes to acknowledge the fine work of
many of his associates in the General Electric Com-
ment of large circuit interruptors. As- switchgear testing. A number of such pany who contributed so ably to the solution of the
sociated with this growth, the continual generators have been built in this country problems involved in the design and construction of
these machines, thus making this paper possible.
search for knowledge of the various factors and abroad, and this paper describes two He is particularly indebted to G. B. Warren, E. E.
influencing the design of switchgear de- new additions to the family. These ma- Parker, H. D. Taylor, M. F. Kent, R. Patterson,
D. B. Harrington, D. M. Willyoung, W. L. Dor-
vices has emphasized the need for many chines were put in service at the Philadel- mandy, W. Scidmore, J. P. Keller, L. E. Newman,
A. Martinson, A. J. Hart, now or formerly of the
refinements in previously existing testing phia Switchgear Testing Laboratory of the Turbine Division, and to P. L. Alger, Consulting
equipments. Among the essential com- General Electric Company during the Engineer, and R L. Williams, Switchgear Depart-
ment, without whose support and encouragement
ponents of a switchgear testing laboratory past winter. this project could not have been accomplished.

OCTOIBER 1 952 Kilbourne-New Large Short- Circuit Testing Generators sc9

Figure 1. One of age noises, novel features were introduced
two 1 ,625,000-sym- in the mechanical design of these sets to
metrical short-circuit minimize these objectionable features.
kilovolt-ampere test-
ing generators at the
Philadelphia Switch- Electrical Design
gear Testing Labora-
S ~~~tory Two major electrical requirements
dominated the design. The first, the large
current to be handled is obvious from the
rating. At 1,625,000 kva rms symmet-
rical at 15,500 volts the machine current
is 60,500 amperes rms, and when one
takes into account the magnitude of the
instantaneous values of fully offset cur-
rents, the current in the individual bars
of the winding under some conditions of
excitation can be over 100,000 amperes.
Such currents create very large magnetic
forces and the electrical design had to be
adapted to mechanical construction which
cycles, at extremely high kilovolt-ampere cycles. The generators may be short- would support these forces. The second
values and under the most severe me- circuited in the general range of 8 to 12 requirement was that these high currents
chanical forces and stresses. Then they cycles when simulating current build-up be sustained at as nearly their initial
have relatively long rest periods when for testing d-c equiipment, and for a-c tests values as possible over the 5-cycle short-
they are required to perform only moder- may be short-circuited at any frequency circuit period. A very long time constant
ate service, such as the generation of between 25 and 60 cycles. Wvhen operat- together with a low resistance, particu-
voltage, and even longer periods when ing at less than 60 cycles they will deliver larly in the rotor circuits, seemed to be the
they perform no electrical service. The essentially constant short-circuit current way to meet this situation.
complete design of these machines is in- at initial voltages proportional to the Because of these things, these gener-
fluenced by these requirements, stressing speed. Their armnature windings have ators differ considerably from the elec-
the ability to produce large short-circuit two circuits, brought out to separate ter- trical proportions of conventional ma-
currents, with mechanical design to with- minals so that, with Y and delta connec- chines. The armature slots are relatively
stand the associated forces, and minimhiz- tions, a choice of four 3-phase voltages, at few in number, are quite wide, and are
ing the continuous load carrying ability. 60 cycles 15,500/7,750 volts Y or 8,950/- only about 60 per cent of normal depth.
Like a cannon they speak with great force 4,475 volts delta, can be obtained. Also, Their copper cross section is less than
when used, then remain quiescent until any of the 3-phase connections may be that found in other machines as the rms
called upon once again. operated single phase with one terminal
Figure 1 is a station view of the first grounded, which on the 15.5-kv connec-
of these machines to be put in service at tion, necessitated insulating these wind- ARMATURE CURRENT ENVELOPE
the Philadelphia switchgear testing labo- ings for an equivalent 3-phase voltage of 16 __ _ =
ratory of the General Electric Company 26.5 kv.
during the past winter. The duty cycle required, together with
The physical size of these generators, as a very low decrement rate of the short-
compared with commercial generators, is circuit current characteristics, were im-
best indicated by the assignment of a portant factors in determining the phys- w
nominal rating of 125,000 kva, 4 poles, ical size of the units. The machines are 00
1,800 rpm, 60 cycles. Each generator will capable of 15 3-phase or single-phase 5- n
deliver, 1/4 cycle after the application of a cycle full-power short circuits per hour. a ___

3-phase short circuit at its terminals, at These 15 short circuits constitute 3 duty e
least 1,625,000 kva symmetrical when cycles, each one of which consists of 5
short circuits at intervals of 0.2, 15, 30, 2'... + ;t
initially excited to an open circuit voltage 3

of 15,500 volts. On this same basis, the and 60 seconds between short circuits.
two generators connected in parallel will Full field excitation is needed during these z
deliver 3,200,000 kva at the several test cycles and for preparation prior to the
cells in the laboratory. At this rating, cycles, making a total time of full excita-
they are believed to be the largest such tion about 15 minutes out of an hour. In
units presently in operation. addition, a reduced value of field excita-
In addition to their size they possess a tion is required for a 4-hour period to sup- rIM2 IN CYCLES
range of operation and a flexibility in ply exciting current to the transformers.
their duty cycle which makes them quite As well as perforning their electrical Figure 2. Calculated and test envelopes of
versatile. They are driven by 3,000- duties, the maebines were required to be symmetrical 3-phase short-circuit armature
horsepower wound rotor induction motors good neighbors in a possible future resi- current
equipped with slip regulators, which are dential area. Since short-circuit opera- Curve A-Calculated
capable of driving the generators at any tion is productive of heavy ground shocks Curve B-Test results, corrected for bus re-
frequency from very low values up to 60 and large high-speed rotors produce wind- actance

830 Kilbourne-New Large Short-Circuit Testing Generators OCTOBER 1952

heating cycle is small. All of these factors
contribute to low armature reactance and
hence high currents. For mechanical
support of the armature end windings, the
extensions of the coils beyond the core
were made cylindrical, instead of in the
usual flared back conical arrangement,
and this arrangement contributed to
short end extensions which were of help
both in simplifying the supporting prob-
lems and in contributing to low reactance.
The flux densities in the armature are
somewhat higher than normal. Their
maximum values, however, are limited be-
cause of the requirement that the gener-
ators provide excitation to the transform-
ers for a 4-hour period. Also extensive A
studies of the effect of saturation on the Figure 3(A). Three-phase 60-cycle 1 5,500-volt short circuit
short-circuit current decrements indi-
cated that while saturation is beneficial in Trace A-generator volts, lines 1, 2, 3
obtaining large currents for the first 1 or Traces B, C, D-generator current, lines 1, 2, 3
2 cycles, it tends to hasten the decay of Traces E, Eo-generator field current and reference
these currents and, therefore, acts in a The first current peak of curve B shows 182,000 amperes instantdneous current
manner unfavorable to sustaining the
initial current values.
The rotors are equipped with heavy
low-resistance amortisseur windings which
provide paths for the flow of the large
currents that are necessary to meet the
rotor magnetomotive force requirements
whlen the arnratures are short-circuited.
The excitation windings are, like the arm-
ature windings, reduced in copper cross
section, as their heating duty is lower
than normal. However, the transformer
excitation requirement again prevented
taking the full advantage of this reduction
which would otherwise have been pos-
Figure 2 shows the calculated and test
envelopes of the full voltage 3-phase sym-
metrical armature current characteristic, B
and Figure 3 shows two oscillograms, one Figure 3(B). Single-phase 60-cycle 1 5,500-volt short circuit, completely offset current wave
of a full voltage (15,500 volts) 3-phase
short circuit which is nearly symmetrical Trace A-generator volts, lines 1, 2, 3
in one phase, and the other of a com- Trace B-generdtor current, line 3
pletely offset single-phase short circuit. Traces C, Co-generator field current and reference
The first current peak of curve B, Figure
3(A), shows a current of 182,000 amperes,
which is believed to be the largest high- sion into the air gap. When 3-phase short mounting for the end winding supporting
voltage connection current so far gener- circuits are applied, those slots in which structure.
ated in a single short-circuit generator. the bars carry currents flowing in the same The problem of end winding support
direction and reaching their peak values was given much thought and a new
The Stator simultaneously encounter very large method of accomplishing this function de-
forces pushing the bars against the bottom vised. After making a number of tests in
An end view of the unwound armature of the slot and this double wedging serves which large currents were forced through
showing many of the details of construc- to lessen the maximum insulation crush- unsupported sections of bars simulating
tion can be seen in Figure 4. Aside from ing force on the bottom coil side. Also the end windings, it became apparent that
the methods of mounting, which will be independently wedged bars give better to withstand the thousands of short-cir-
discussed later, the details of the slots and support to each bar, lessening the move- cuit shocks to be expected in the life of
part of the end mechanical construction ment of the bars under short-circuit forces this winding, the bars should be com-
can be seen. Each slot has two wedges, as the insulation ages. The heavy clamp- pletely supported throughout their entire
one holding the bottom coil side in the ing ring at the end of the core puts pres- length. The slot portions were already
bottom half of the slot and another hold- sure on the punchings to hold them firmly encased in iron, but new end supporting
ing the top coil side to prevent its expul- in place and also serves as a mechanical structures were required. Because of the

OCTOBER 1952 Kilbourne-New Large Short-Circuit Testing Generators 831

Figure 4 (left).
End view of un-
wound stator
frame showing
armature core,
Frame, trunnions,
and spring feet

Figure 6 (right).
Outer diameter
layer of end
winding support-
ing structure as-
sembled on the
stator frame

cylindrical shape selected for the coil ex- and currents ranging in magnitude from ture are bolted firmly together and to the
tensions, this end supporting structure 100,000 to 300,000 amperes per bar re- nonmagnetic rings with long tapped bolts.
could be provided in the form of circular peatedly applied to them. The structure A good view of the finished end winding
segments of insulating material slotted in withstood these tests and then higher is shown in Figure 8, taken at the Switch-
their inner surfaces with tapered slots currents were applied until the structure gear Plant at Philadelphia during installa-
similar to the arrangement of the slots on was destroyed. tion. Only the loops and phase connec-
half of an internal herringbone gear, and The application of this development to tions which are short solid sections of cop-
these slots used to contain the coil end the machine end windings is shown in per extend beyond the supporting struc-
extension fitted and wedged in place. Figures 6 and 7. The first view shows the ture. The circuit rings, as can be seen,
Figure 5 is a view of the test setup which outer rings in place in a split and insu- also are solidly blocked and supported by
was used to prove the adequacy of the lated nonmagnetic steel binding ring brackets which fasten firmly to the end
selected structure. It shows four arcs, which is free to adjust itself in axial posi- structure of the frame. The stator leads,
each of a heavy section of an impregnated tion by sliding on keyed supporting also of solid copper cross section, are
laminate, arranged with one pair nesting brackets as the windings expand or con- brought out at the connection end of the
in the inner surface of the other. An ex- tract under changes in thermal loading. frame where they are supported by a steel
amination of the figure will show the slot- The second view shows the outer layer framework having insulated clamping
ting arrangement and two pairs of bars, of windings in place and a partial as- members. Slightly below the bottom of
one pair in the inner set of rings and sembly of the inner layer. The barrel the main frame, the solid copper bus bars
one pair in the outer set protruding from shape instead of the conventional conical connect to extra flexible cable leads which
the slots in the structure. During tests flare-back of the end windings can be seen. in turn lead to the station bus work. The
the ends of these bars were firmly braced The two layers of the supporting struc- necessity for these extra flexible connec-
tions between the frame and the stator
bus work will become apparent when the
mechanical movements of the frame are

The Rotor
Two features of the rotor are of par-
ticular interest. The requirements of very
low decrement rates for the armature cur-
rents, and also single-phase testing dic-
tated, as has been said, a very rugged low-
resistance amortisseur winding. In addi-
tion, the rate of deceleration of the rotor
Figure S. Test as- during a short circuit is very high be-
sembly of end wind- cause of the power losses during these
ing supporting struc- brief periods of time. This rapid change
ture in speed creates inertia forces tending to

832 Kilbourne-New Large Short-Circuit Testing Generators OCTOBER 1952

Figure 7 (left).
Partial winding
assembly show-
ingo details of the
end blocking ar-

Figure 9 (right).
End view of the
rotor, retaining
ring removed,
showing amortis-

seur winding

demand. The radial pins shown in the

illustration are temporary dowels and
were removed before assembling the re-
rotate the end portions of the field wind- do double duty as both current carrying taining rings. The amortisseur winding is
ing and the retaining rings with respect members and wedges. Beneath these complete, not only in the normal rotor
to the rest of the rotor body. The prob- sections are also several rectangular cop- slots but also over the pole center. In the
lem of holding these end parts in their per strips, lying in the top of the rotor pole center shown in the figure will be
relative positions on the rotor is some- slots and providing both an addition to noted a rectangular recess with rounded
what augmented by the necessity to use the current-carrying capacity of the corners. The retaining rings each have
nonmagnetic retaining rings for loss and winding, and lowering its resistance. The four lugs which project into these recesses,
reactance reasons, and hence to consider end connecting straps of the winding are and the dowels shown in the picture lock
in the design the relative coefficients of made of sheets of copper, cut into arcs with these lugs, and together with shrink
thermal expansion of the magnetic and and with projecting fingers which extend fits between the retaining ring and the
nonmagnetic parts. into the rotor slots, connecting with the main body, and between the retaining
Figure 9 shows these features. The rectangular bars and completing the ring and the end centering ring, prevent
amortisseur winding in the slot portion is amortisseur circuit. The arcs of the end any possible rotation of the retaining ring
composed of trapezoidal alloy copper bars, winding are free to expand and contract during high rates of acceleration or de-
which in combination with steel wedges, as speed and temperature conditions may celeration of the rotor. At high speeds,

Figure 8 (below). Lowering the stator of the number 1 unit to its final
assembly position in the testing laboratory
Figure 10 (right). Scale model used for predetermining the vibrational
characteristics of the generator spring mounts

OCTOBIER 1 952 Kilbourne-New Large Short- Circuit Testing Generators 83.3

boxed for shipment, had a total weight of
about 420,000 pounds, and at its date of
shipment was the heaviest single piece
ever shipped from the Schenectady Tur-
bine Generator Factory of the General
Electric Company.
The system of 45-degree radial spring
feet possesses very favorable characteris-
tics for this type of application. The
springs are relatively soft to circumferen-
tial rotation of the frame, thus providing
considerable cushioning for short-circuit
operation of all kinds, and yet are very
rigid to gravity deflections. It is interest-
ing to note that when the stator is low-
ered on the feet the dead weight stresses
in the springs permit an initial displace-
ment of only 0.35 mil. Under the most
severe conditions of 25-cycle short circuit,
the stator trunnions, two of which are
shown in Figure 12, move a total distance
Figure 11. Base and spring mounting assembly in place in the testing laboratory of about 11/4 inches and the associated
angular rotation of the frame is about 0.75
degree. During this motion the spring
centrifugal forces lock the remainder of Figure 10 shows a 1/8-scale model of a feet hold the axial centerline of the frame
the end structure to the retaining ring, portion of the stator and spring system within 30 mils of its rest position, an en-
and at low speeds heavy blocking in the which was chosen. The model was exten- tirely negligible motion with the large air
field winding end portion holds those sively tested to determine its vibration gap present in these machines.
windings against displacement. characteristics and finally stressed to de- Figure 13 shows two vibrographs of the
struction to determine the maximum motion of the trunnion with respect to the
The Mounting torque it would withstand. Figure 4 as base under 25-cycle short circuits. Sev-
well as showing details of the armature eral things of interest are apparent in these
The foundation shock of short circuit, core of the big generator also shows the records. First, the large movement of the
plus the pulsating torques present during spring leaves attached to the stator, and frame which leads to effective cushioning
single-phase operation, required a means Figure 11 shows a clearer view of these of the shocks is combined with a high
of absorption which would minimize these same spring leaves in place in the base at damping characteristic which brings the
phenomena. The necessity to operate at Philadelphia. In connection with Figures frame to vibrational rest quickly so that
any frequency between 60 and 25 cyeles 4 and 11, it should be noted that the same succeeding shocks will not amplify its dis-
indicated a very soft mounting capable of spring leaves are shown attached to the placement. Second, the mounting is
yielding to circumferential motion of the stator and attached to the base in both very sensitive to the applied torque and
frame, and yet able to hold the frame figures For shipment the leaves were as- the presence of second harmonic torques
centerline accurately in space. The very sembled in the base, and the stator in the under single-phase operation is clearly in-
low frequency used to simulate d-c testing condition shown in Figure 12 was lowered dicated in the shape of the vibrograph
complicated the problems of design for onto the springs, and the two assemblies reading on that short circuit. In fact, the
a-c testing, and finally a separate solution bolted together. Figure 12 is interesting vibrograph readings taken of a number of
for this type of operation had to be found. from another viewpoint in that the stator short circuits are so consistently related
The dead weight of the stator which any shown,loaded on the car, when completely among themselves in predicting the antic-
spring system must handle is slightly over
400,000 pounds and the maximum torque
under the most severe short circuit is
about 8,000,000 pound feet.
A number of possible spring systems
which would answer this problem were
studied. The conventional helic? spring
assembly so successfully used on single-
frequency isolation problems proved dif-
ficult to apply and obtain both the soft-
ness of mounting and the maintenance of
alignment necessary in this application.
The leaf spring system arranged in axial
distribution under the normal position of
generator feet required so much material Figure 12. Com-
to accomplish the objectives that a very pletely wound
bulky assembly would have resulted. stator being placed
Finally a new system was devised. on a car

834 8Kilbourne-New Large Short-Circuit Testing Generators OCTOBER 1952

Figure 13. Rectified pling between- the motor and generator
motional vibrographs rotors to withstand the short-circuit
of the generator trun- torques which are transmitted to the induc-
nions tion motor because of its mechanical in-
(A)Three-phase full- ertia. This was similar to the problem
voltage 25-cycle encountered in the generator rotor ends
short circuit. The but was somewhat augmented because of
total movement indi- the amplification possible due to the
cated by the sum of transient characteristic of the applied
the first two peaks is
A 0.9 inch
torques combinedwith the shaft reactions.
(B) Single-phase 25- When it is realized that the maximum rate
cycle short circuit of deceleration due to alternating short-
showing harmonics circuit-torque is in the order of 6,000 rpm
in the generator per second, depending upon the type of
torque wave as re- short circuit, the size of these inertia
corded in stator dis- forces present can be appreciated.
placement Also connected to the main shaft, and
shown in Figure 1, are a pilot generator
for controlling the timing of the circuit
closure and a tachometer for speed indi-
B cation.

Future Uses of the Features of These

ipated relationships between the torques serves as a ventilating housing and also as Machines
produced by the short circuits and the a mounting for four motor-driven blowers
currents that flow under short circuits and two coolers which occupy the top While most of the novel features of
that they could be used as rough calibrat- semicircular portion of the structure. these machines are of principal interest
ing instruments to determine the short- During iight-load operation two of the for short-circuit generators, a number of
circuit current. blowers may be shut down to decrease them may find application to more con-
The trunnions serve a dual purpose. losses. For sound-deadening purposes all ventional units. The heavy amortisseur
Not only were they used during manufac- internal sheet metal surfaces of the hous- windings incorporated in these rotors
ture and erection to handle the stator, but ing are sprayed with a heavy layer of offer a number of interesting possibilities.
after erection each trunnion is encased in sound isolating compound. Single-phase cylindrical rotor generators
a trunnion block leaving clearance around The bearings for short-circuit genera- have incorporated some of these features
the trunnion to permit the motions indi- tors are of interest principally for the and they may be applicable to more con-
cated previously. The bases of the trun- problems of shaft current control which ventional machines when synchronous
nion blocks on one side of the machine can arise due to the nature of the operation of condenser operation is considered or when
be seen in Figure 11. After the stator is the units. The familiar problem of in- round rotor svnchronous condensers are
in its final position, caps were placed on sulating the bearings to prevent circulat- built.
top of these blocks to complete the en- ing currents tending to loop the stator is Furthermore, such windings offer a
closure. The critical frequency of the augmented by the possibility of small means of increasing permissible rotor sur-
spring feet being somewhat less than half magnetic unbalances due to the axial face currents that arise during certain
the lowest a-c operating frequency of 25 magnetic centering of the rotor at the in- types of system short circuits which occur
cycles makes them too "soft" for opera- stant of short circuit, which, should small to conventional machines. Nonmagnetic
tion at 8 to 12 cycles, and the trunnions magnetic dissymmetries exist, would retaining rings, whose advantages have
and their supports provide an answer for cause the shaft to carry axial fluxes as long been recognized, have here been ap-
this situation. During simulated d-c test- well as currents through the bearing jour- plied to very large machines. With fur-
ing operations the trunnions are solidly nals. Thus it was felt necessary not only ther development their use may be ex-
blocked in their supports, thus effectively to insulate the pedestal against the flow tended to other units.
removing the springs from the operation of current but also to provide magnetic The stator winding end blocking meth-
of the unit. Since such operation is at low insulation by making the bearing shells ods, while admittedly difficult to apply,
frequency the shock waves associated of nonmagnetic material. These two nevertheless, have advantages which can
with it have gradually rising faces and provisions have so far been successful in be exploited when proper cooling methods
their effect on foundation shock is not ob- preventing bearing pitting. are used to remove heat from windings
jectionable. The driving motor, a 3,000-horsepower carrying conventional loads. Such a
wound rotor induction motorwith slip reg- winding would have great ability to with-
The Enclosure, Bearings, Driving ulator control will bring its generator up stand short-circuit shocks. The knowl-
Motor, and Other Equipment to full speed in 10 minutes and will ac- edge gained in studying the effects of
celerate it to speed promptly after a short saturation on short-circuit characteristics
The many speeds at which these ma- circuit. It is mounted on the end opposite already is proving of value in the design
chines operate made it virtually impossible to that shown in Figure 1. The mostlun- of conventional units.
to incorporate adequate self-ventilating usual problem in the construction of -this Finally the problems encountered in
features in their rotors. Consequently, motor and in combining it with the gener- the construction of such special units are
as is apparent in Figure 1, each unit is en- ator lay in the mechanical construction of of use in expanding the experience and
closed in a sheet metal covering which the motor rotor and in making the cou- skill of the same people who construct

OCTOBE-R 1 952 RKilbourne-New Large Short- Circuit Testing Generators 835-

much of the power equipment needed for 3. THE HEBBURN SHORT CIRCUIT TESTING PLANT, February 1942, pages 49-53.
H. W. Clothier. The Electrical Review (London, 7. SOME FACTORS AFFECTING THE DESIGN OF
today's expansion programs. England), May 1930.
4. HIGH-POWER INTERRUPTING CAPACITY TEST- Easton. Journal, Institution of Electrical Engi-
ING STATION OF THE: GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, neers (London, England), November 1942.
References G. F. Davis. General Electric Review (Schenec-
tady, N. Y.), volume 35, February 1932. 8. THE NELSON RESEARCH LABORATORIES OF THE
COMPANY, C. E. Merris. General Electric Review The British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' 9. TURBOGENERATOR FOR USE IN SHORT-CIRCUIT
(Schenectady, N. Y.), volume XXVI, June 1923. Association (London, England), September, Octo- TESTING, Sterling Beckwith. AIEE Transactions,
ber, November 1937. volume 70, part II, 1951, pages 2016-20.
J. D. Hilliard. AIEE Transactions, volume STATION, J. B. MacNeill, W. B. Batten. Electrical LABORATORY, V. L. Cox. AIEE Transactionzs,
XLIII, 1924, pages 641-47. Enginieering (AIEE Transactions), volume 61, volume 71, part III, 1952 (Proceedings 52-20).

Discussion circuit current is the sum oif three com-

than conical end shape. Some manufac-
turers have gone the other way and em-
ployed radial coil ends in order to provide
P. L. Alger (General Electric Company, ERDXI - IP2t a solid continuous blocking in short-circuit
Lpproximate test units. Both methods greatly handicap
Schenectady, N. Y.): This generator is (RFRD)(X+Xl)X
notable for the high sustained value of its ventilation. We have found the conical
short-circuit current, which is relatively it
Ee ,Pl17 +
RF 2XI ends can be braced securely in the same
much greater than for any earlier machine (RF+ Ro 2XJ manner as all turbogenerator stator coils
designed for short-circuit testing. As X+X( using metal brackets lined with hard wood
shown by Figure 2 of the paper, the 3-phase cushioning liners forming several continuous
symmetrical current 5 cycles after short and the steady-state current 1 rings at each end, and with the coils lashed
circuit is still more than 70 per cent of the The subtransient current deecrement rate to these brackets using bakelite coil spacers.
1/2-cycle value. It is, therefore, interesting is Adequate ventilation is obtained even with
to analyze the part played by the damper the oversize spacers required to keep the
winding in securing this result.
P2=(R+RD) [1 +RDX+ unit pressure safe under asymmetrical rms
To obtain the desired initial short-circuit P1 LlRFRD~
Xi currents of 86 times normal.
The effectiveness of the amortisseur
current, at the least cost, it was necessary
to use relatively shallow (low-reactance) approximate winding is extremely important during
field slots. This gave space for only a
and that for the transient cur -ent is
rent is single-phase
high initial currents onlyminimize
tests, notand to maintain the
limited amount of field copper, so that the
field resistance is relatively high. On this RFRD r RFX1 tion but also to protect the rotor wedges
basis, the generator would be expected to and retaining rings from injury. By the use
have a higher rate of decrement of field (RF +RD)(X+X1) l RE)+RF)XJ of nonmagnetic steel retaining rings, the
current on short circuit than for a normal approximate author has confirmed our own belief that
machine of the same rating. in addition to reducing losses and finger
Since the damper winding is uninsulated, If RD is large compared Ito RF, as in plate temperatures they are especially bene-
its ratio of copper to slot area is greater than generators of normal design, ficial at time of short circuits. The shrink
for the field winding. Also, a given amount P2 = RD/X1 approximate fit over the rotor body and end disk and
of copper is more effective in the damper the use of steel wedges also agree with our
winding than in the field, because of its and practice on turbogenerators.
lower end-turn resistance and higher effec-
tive turn-ratio. Therefore, all available P, = RF/X+Xl approximate REFERENCE
slot space above that required to give satis- In this case, the subtransient decrement 1. TURBOGENERATOR FOR USE IN SHORT-CIRCUIT
factory field heating was devoted to the rate depends on the damper winding alone, TESTING, Sterling Beckwith. AIEE Transactionts,
damper winding. In this way, the resist- volume 70, part II, 1951, pages 2016-19.
and that for the transient current depends
ance of the damper winding, referred to the only on the field. In the short-circuit test-
primary, was made not much larger than ing generator described in this paper, how-
that of the field. ever, both resistances affect both decrement R. L. Williams, W. F. Skeats (General
As the following approximate equations rates. In either case, components of both Electric Company, Philadelphia, Pa): The
for the short-circuit currents and their the transient and subtransient currents flow first of the two testing generators described
decrement ratios show, the results depend in both the field and the damper windings, by Mr. Kilbourne was placed in operation
on the resistance of the field and damper while the sustained current flows in the in November 1951 and the second about
windings in parallel, and are affected very field winding alone. 2 months later. Since that time these
little by which of the two has the higher machines have been subjected to about
resistance. 700 short circuits, both singly and in parallel.
Let L. T. Rosenberg (Allis-Chalmers Manufac- Many of these have been made at full
E = per-unit alternating current voltage before turing Company, Milwaukee, Wis.): Based excitation with no external reactance be-
short circuit on Figure 2 of the paper, the 4-pole genera- yond that of the bus to the test cells.
I" =per-unit subtransient current (symmetrical tors described appear to have a saturated These are, of course, only the beginning, as
alternating current) subtransient reactance of about 61/4 per our development program is predicated on
I'=per-unit transient current
Io=per-unit sustained symmetrical 3-phase current cent. A lower reactance can be obtained an estimated 15,000 short circuits per year.
Xd= per-unit 3-phase synchronous impedance with a 2-pole machine. The subtransient It is not difficult to appreciate that this
X=per-unit 3-phase leakage reactance of damper reactance of the 2-pole cylindrical rotor represents tremendous pounding of the
winding alone machine described in a paper by Sterling generators, and to realize that the great
X + X1 = per-unit 3-phase leakage reactance of field
winding alone Beckwith was less than 2 per cent on its amount of extra labor and cost going into
RD= per-unit resistance of damper winding alone nominal kilovolt-ampere base. A nominal the building of these machines will have
RF per-unit resistance of field winding alone
40,000-kva 2-pole generator with 2-per-cent been well spent. Nothing but short circuits
c = 2rf = 377 for 60 cycles is manufactured in the development labo-
reactance would deliver the same initial
It is assumed that all the damper-winding short-circuit current as the 125,000-kva ratory but these must be produced in quan-
reactance links (is mutual with) the field 4-pole machine. tity, at high severity, and on a reliable and
winding also, and that the induced currents A number of the features employed are of continuing basis.
in the solid iron rotor are negligible. interest. The stator coil bracing undoubt- A modern circuit breaker with fast re-
The 3-phase symmetrical per-unit short- edly is simplified by the cylindrical rather laying will clear a fault from 3 to 8 cycles

836 Kilbourne-New Large Short-Circuit Testing Generators OCTOBER 195)2

Figure 1. High- be tolerated without serious consequences,
voltage 5-posi- a wide variation will create conditions whiah
tion selector are either unfairly severe in some respects
switch for trans- or inadequate in others. For this reason,
formers tops lo- Mr. Kilbourne was asked to hold the a-c
cated in outdoor component of short-circuit current at 5
cycles as close as possible to 75 per cent of
switchyard the value at 1/4 cycle. When this request
was made, it was realized that most of the
things that could be done to increase the
short-circuit current from a machine to a
given size had a strong tendency to in-
crease the sharpness of the decrement
curve. It is therefore with very high appre-
ciation that we note how closely Mr. Kil-
bourne has approached this goal. The
curve which he shows in Figure 4 makes it
possible to test three phase at maximum
short-circuit current with a decrement
curve quite comparable with those to be
found in our major generating stations and
makes possible, within the power delivered,
tests which are adequately severe in all
respects but seriously unfair in none.
Although deceleration as high as 6,000
rpm per second arises from alternating
torques, this is associated with a cyclic
exchange of energy back and forth be-
tween the mechanical kinetic form (W/wIc,2)
and the electromagnetic form ('/2LI2), and
the average deceleration over a number of
after inception, and therefore, even though loop. Furthermore, in practice in the field, cycles is very much less, as is indicated by
tests may be made in which the circuit a circuit breaker faces a short circuit whose Mr. Kilbourne's oscillograms. Maximum
breaker is tripped before the short circuit a-c component decays relatively little from frequency loss in a 5-cycle test at 60 cycles
is applied, it is as much the current 2 to 5 inception to interruption at these times. is approximately 1 cycle. This is not
cycles after inception that determines the Circuit breakers are proportioned accord- sufficient to invalidate test data or to re-
usefulness of such a generator as described ingly, and therefore, while a small deviation quire de-energization of the driving motor
by Mr. Kilbourne as the current in the first from this condition in the test circuit can at the time of a test.

Frequency-Shift, Carrier-Current except with a greatly magnified frequency

scale. An improved form of this circuit,
having better efficiency and freedom from
Equipment for Telemetering and effects of interfering signals, is described
in later paragraphs.

Other Control Type Functions The first circuit is used to form a fre-
quency-shift signal, keyed at rates up to
about 30 cycles per second. The per-
centage shift in frequency is kept very
R. W.'BECKWITH small to conserve frequency spectrum,
MEMBER AIEE and the second circuit is used to detect
this small shift in frequency. This com-
bination forms a channel having excellent
THE substantiated theories of fre- In the frequency-shift transmitter, a
quency modulation' have been ex- Hartley oscillator is modified by the intro-
properties for transmission of telemetering
tended to the transmission of coded and duction of a network of two crystals in
In the Appendix a thorough explana-
other types of low-frequency signals. A the feedback circuit to the grid. An ex- tion of the impedance characteristics of a
very narrow-band, frequency-shift, power- planation of this circuit operation is given
line, carrier-current system has been de- later, and it is shown that oscillation is
piezoelectric crystal is given. The com-
veloped. Theoretical work has been controlled by the crystals at two frequen-
plete 3-dimensional impedance -frequency
function is shown in two forms to aid in
done, sample circuits have been built, and cies and that operation can be shifted
the simplest ones have been selected. smoothly from one of these frequencies Paper 52-218, recommended by the AIEE Carrier
Current Committee and approved by the AIEE
Transmitters and receivers have been to the other by means of a variable re- Technical Program Committee for presentation at
produced in sizable quantities and ap- actance circuit connected across the oscil- the AIEE Summer General Meeting, Minneapolis,
Minn., June 23-27, 1952. Manuscript submitted
plied to power-line use. The first of these lator tuned circuit. March 25, 1952; made available for printing May
now has had several years of successful As a receiver demodulator, a single 12, 1952.
operation. As a result of field experience, crystal is used in a bridge circuit along R. W. BECKWITH iS with General Electric Com-
pany, Syracuse, N. Y.
additional development work, and new with diode rectifiers to produce a true This material is the major part of a thesis presented
operating needs, an improved transmit- crystal discriminator2 having all the char- to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Syracuse
ter and receiver have been designed. acteristics of a conventional discriminator University in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Electrical Engineering.

OCTOBER 1952 Beckwith-Carrier-Current Equipment for Telemetering 837

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