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July 2010 Contact us 

Welcome to the HYMS Research Office July Newsflash.

Please forward on as you feel appropriate and send any items of potential interest to: Lisa Schubert ◙
for inclusion in our next Newsflash. We would also like to be able to inform you of each other's recent
publications or research outputs and would be very grateful if you would inform us of details as and
when they are published.
NB: Webpage links and email
Thanks and kind regards addresses are indicated with bold
Lisa Schubert and Sharon Meredith
HYMS Research Support Office blue writing followed by ◙

York Centre for Hyperpolarisation in MRI
Congratulations! to Professors Gary Green and Simon Duckett who have secured a grant from the
Wellcome Trust and Wolfson Foundation to help build a £7m research centre to further develop a new MRI
technology. Please see Boomerang online ◙ for full details
National Institute for Health Research
NIHR’s new look News from the Network e-magazine ◙ is now available to view,
featuring case study articles which communicate how the NIHR Clinical Research Network is helping to
create a world class health research system embedded in the NHS which will speed up innovations in
treatment, prevention and patient care.
University of Hull – Healthcare News June 2010
News of events and research developments can be found in Healthcare News ◙

Recent Local Publications:

Arolker M, Barnes J, Gadoud A, Barnes L, Jones L, Johnson M J. “They’ve got to learn” – A
qualitative study exploring the views of patients and staff regarding medical student teaching
in a hospice ◙ Palliative Medicine, 2010, 24: 419-26

Hodgkinson V C, Eagle G L, Drew P J, Lind M J, Cawkwell L. Biomarkers of chemotherapy

resistance in breast cancer identified by proteomics: current status ◙ Cancer Letters, 2010, 294:
13-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2010.01.036

Johnson M J, Booth S. Palliative and end-of-life care for patients with chronic heart failure and
chronic lung disease ◙ Clinical Medicine, 2010, 10(3):286-9

Koitka A, Cao Z, Koh P, Watson A M D, Sourris KC, Loufrani L, Soro-Paavonen A, Walther T, Woollard
KJ, Jandeleit-Dahm K A, Cooper M E, and Allen T J. Pharmacological blockade and genetic deficiency
of the angiotensin type 2 receptor decrease diabetes-associated atherosclerosis. ◙ Diabetologia
2010, 53:584-92. DOI: 10.1007/s00125-009-1619-x

McKendree J. e-learning ◙ in Swanwick T, ed., Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and
Practice. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2010. ISBN 978-1405196802
Noble S, Johnson M. Finding the evidence for thromboprophylaxis in palliative care: first let us
agree on the question ◙ Palliative Medicine, 2010, 24(4):359-61. DOI: 10.1177/0269216310366389

van Esch J H M, Gembardt F, Sterner-Kock A, Heringer-Walther S, Le T.H, Laßner D, Stijnen T, Coffman T

M, Schultheiss H-P, Danser A H J, and Walther T. Cardiac phenotype and angiotensin II levels in
AT1a, AT1b and AT2 receptor single, double and triple knockout mice. ◙ Cardiovascular Research,
2010, 86:401-9. DOI: 10.1093/cvr/cvq004

Wright B, Sims D, Smart S, Alwazeer A, Alderson-Day B, Allgar V, Whitton C, Tomlinson H, Bennett S,

Jardine J, McCaffrey N, Leyland C, Jakeman C, Miles J. Melatonin Versus Placebo in Children with
Autism Spectrum Conditions and Severe Sleep Problems Not Amenable to Behaviour
Management Strategies: A Randomised Controlled Crossover Trial ◙ Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s10803-010-1036-5

Fundamentals of Clinical Research
 21-22 September (London)
This introductory level course is for anyone involved in clinical research processes who are seeking
to acquire the basic knowledge about clinical research regulations and study management. Details
can be found on the NHS R&D Forum website ◙
Clinical Discovery Workshops
 6 October 2010 – Leeds – venue TBC
 18 November 2010 – Avonmouth Conference Centre, London
'IRAS - a practical guide' workshops will include a general overview of IRAS; a practical guide to using
IRAS, and will focus on REC and R&D applications using IRAS
To download a detailed copy of the agenda and to reserve your place please log on to Events for
Healthcare’s website ◙
Phlexglobal – Delivering Clinical Study Support Solutions to the NHS
 Phlexglobal offer a variety of training opportunities tailored for specific NHS needs and delivered by
clinically trained staff. Please see their website ◙ for information.
Skills for Monitoring Non-Commercial Clinical Trials
 26-27 October 2010 – London
 6-7 December 2010 – Manchester
This course gives an introduction to the skills required for monitoring of clinical research trials of
medicinal products in the UK non-commercial sector. Details can be found at on the NHS R & D
Forum website ◙

 Two webinars are offered by the MHRA in partnership with ACRP. Each lasts for 1 hour and
questions can be put directly to MHRA inspectors.

- Investigational Medicinal Product Management at the Investigator Site: Regulatory

Inspectors' Views ◙ Wednesday 18 August 2010 at 3pm
- Regulatory Compliance in UK Laboratories Processing Clinical Trial Samples:
Guidance from a UK Regulatory Inspector ◙ Wednesday 29 September 2010 at 3pm

If you have any queries about the topics or webinars in general please contact ◙
Qualitative Research Network Seminar
 Wednesday 21 July 2010, 1 pm – Seebohm Rowntree Building, University of
Professor Ray Lee, Royal Holloway, University of London will be presenting a seminar “The Rise and
Fall of the Nondirective Interview in Sociology.” For further details please email Sue Kershaw ◙
North of England Cell Biology Forum
 Friday 17 September 2010 – Ferens Building, University of Hull
This one day annual forum is for molecular cell biologists in the North of England. For further
information and registration details, please see the Forum website ◙
3rd North British Patient Safety Research Symposium
 Friday 19 November – Sovereign Lecture Theatre, Bradford Royal Infirmary
This symposium, hosted by the Quality and Safety Department at the Bradford Institute for Health
Research will include expert speakers, interactive workshops and a session dedicated to early career
researchers. For full details please visit Bradford Hospitals’ website ◙
Clinical Trial Magnifier Conference
 Wednesday 24 November to Friday 26 November 2010 – Sabah, Malaysia
The main theme of this conference is Investigator Incentives for Participation in Industry Sponsored
Clinical Trials. Please see the Conference website ◙ for full details.

HYMS - Forthcoming Events ◙

 Check regularly for upcoming events, including dates for:
Cell & Molecular Biology Lunch Clubs; Infection & Immunity Seminars; York Medical Society
Meetings and more...

HYMS - Short courses and CPD ◙

 Check regularly for a range of courses aimed at practising healthcare
Research Design Service for Yorkshire and the Humber - Learning Events ◙
 List of forthcoming events

University of York ARRC - Forthcoming Seminars ◙

 List of forthcoming Seminars from the Alcuin Research Resource Centre
University of York CHE - Forthcoming Seminars ◙
 List of forthcoming Seminars from the Centre for Health Economics

Wellcome Trust - Scientific Conferences 2010 ◙

 Hinxton, Cambridge: Follow the link for all 2010 conference registration dates
Scientific conferences (up to 300 delegates) are held at the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre.
These are mainly open, registration-fee paying conferences run on a not-for-profit basis.

For Information and Participation:

Clinical Trial Magnifier Newsletter
 This is a free electronic monthly newsletter from the Clinical Trials Centre at the University of Hong
Kong. Please see the Centre’s website ◙ to subscribe.
Medical Research Council – e-Val Output Survey 2010 ◙
 Any departments that hold MRC awards are advised that the next survey will commence on 4
October 2010 and will close on 26 November 2010. All principal investigators are required to
provide information on the outputs of their MRC funding research via this survey in order to
continue to be eligible for MRC funding.
MedImmune Oncology Research Abstract Competition
 Authors are invited to submit abstracts which describe their scientific work in the field of tumor
microenvironment for consideration in the MedImmune Oncology Research Abstract Competition.
Qualified applicants include graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Europe. Please see the
MedImmune website ◙ for entry details.
Deadline for abstract submission: Friday 8 October 2010

For Information:
European Medicines Agency
The EMA recognises the enormous costs of developing medicinal products to the high standards that are
required by today’s regulatory environment. In recognition of this they have put in place several systems to
promote innovation by smaller companies and support the development of products for the treatment of
rarer medical conditions which may not be seen as financially viable. For further information please see the
EMA’s website ◙
Medilink Yorkshire and Humber
Please see the Medilink Yorkshire and Humber website ◙ for details of this membership-based
professional association dedicated to the growth of the Healthcare Technologies sector.
North and East Yorkshire R&D Alliance Unit
 Revised Standard Operating Procedures:
R&D/CTIMP/F02: SOP Training Log (version 2.0)
R&D/CTIMP/S01: Preparation, Review and Approval of Standard Operating Procedures (version 5.0)
R&D/CTIMP/S02: Application to an Alliance Trust for Sponsorship of a CTIMP (version 3.0)
R&D/CTIMP/S05: Research Related Adverse Event Reporting Procedure (version 4.0)
R&D/CTIMP/S13: R&D SAE/SUSAR Handling Procedure (version 2.0)

 New Standard Operating Procedure:

R&D/S02: Preparation, Review and Approval of Non-CTIMP SOPs (version 1.0)
R&D/T06: SOP Template (version 1.0)
R&D/F03: SOP Review Form (version 1.0)
R&D/F04: SOP Training Log (version 1.0)

These were all formally implemented on Thursday 1 July 2010. For full details please see the Unit’s
website ◙

 New templates to accompany R&D/CTIMP/SO2 - these are for internal R& D use and are
not published on the website. For help with these please contact the SOP controller ◙

R&D/CTIMP/T21: Feasibility Review Result Letter (version 1.0)

R&D/CTIMP/T22: Sponsorship in Principle Letter (version 1.0)
R&D/CTIMP/T23: Final Sponsorship Letter (version 1.0)
North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire Consumer Research Panel –
Promoting Public and Professional Partnership in Medical Research
 Please see the Research Panel’s website ◙ for details of what they do and how they can help you
with public and patient involvement in research.
RoMEO and JULIET – Open Access Publishing
 The following may be useful when publishing your research:
RoMEO ◙ provides a searchable database of publishers’ copyright and self-archiving policies.
JULIET ◙ provides summaries of funding agencies’ grant conditions on self-archiving.
New eSUSAR website supports electronic reporting of SUSARs by non-commercial sponsors
(and SMEs)
 The MHRA is currently updating the requirements for submission of SUSAR reports. Please see the
MHRA website ◙ for details.
GMC guidance for doctors on research
 The GMC has issued two documents describing the good practice principles that doctors are
expected to understand and follow if they are involved in research, and which replace the current
guidance booklet. Please see the GMC website ◙ for details.

Funding Opportunities:
Medical Research Council – Industrial CASE Studentships ◙
 These awards aim to provide PhD students with a challenging training experience within the context
of a mutually beneficial collaboration between academic and industry research programme leaders.
Closing date: Wednesday 28 July 2010
National Institute for Health Research – Senior Investigator Competition ◙
 This competition is open to current NIHR Investigators.
Closing date: Friday 30 July 2010
College of Emergency Medicine – Research Grants ◙
 Applications will be assessed on the quality of science, the importance of the underlying research
programme and the likelihood that the work will lead to future research funding.
Deadline for submissions: Monday 2 August 2010
Fight for Sight - Dr Hans and Mrs Gertrude Hirsch Awards Scheme and Fight for Sight
Small Grant Awards Scheme ◙
 These awards are open to clinical and non-clinical scientists for research in the field of
ophthalmology and vision science.
Closing date: Monday 2 August 2010
Glaucoma Research Foundation, US - Pilot Project Grant Program ◙
 Projects should target one or more of GRF’s Strategic Research Goals, with an emphasis on
collaborative pilot projects across disciplines.
Closing date for preliminary applications: Monday 2 August 2010
Higher Education Funding Council for England – Senior Clinical Lectureship Awards
for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals ◙
 These aim to build new, high-quality capacity, and secure long-term sustainability and enhanced
outcomes in research and teaching at senior lecturer level.
Deadline for nominations: Tuesday 3 August 2010
National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Research Grants ◙
 The Society welcomes applications for studies related to multiple sclerosis that may serve in any way
to advance our mission of preventing, treating and curing MS and improving quality of life.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday 4 August 2010
Department of Defense – Spinal Cord Injury Research Programme ◙
 This programme aims to promote research into regenerating damaged spinal cords, arthritis and
improving rehabilitation therapies that offer real promise for enhancing long-term care of wounded
Pre-application deadline: Thursday 5 August 2010
ESRC – Knowledge Exchange Schemes ◙
 These schemes provide funding to undertake additional knowledge exchange and impact generation
activities that can demonstrate the potential for economic, social, policy and/or practice benefit(s).
Closing date: Thursday 5 August 2010
National Institute of Mental Health – Novel NeuroAIDS Therapeutics: Integrated
Preclinical/Clinical Programme ◙
 This supports research focused on accelerating basic and translational scientific discoveries with a
plan to advance drug therapeutics for HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders.
Deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent: Saturday 7 August 2010
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, EU –
Pilot Project on Preventing Elder Abuse ◙
 This call is for proposals for research that will examine how existing recommendations and charters
at national and European level on the rights of older people in need of long-term care and assistance
can be implemented and how this process can be supported.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday 11 August 2010
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council – Leadership Fellowships ◙
 Leadership Fellowships provide support for talented researchers with the most potential to develop
into international research leaders who can set and drive new research agendas, by the end of the
award. Fellowships are offered across the whole of the EPSRC remit.
Closing date: Wednesday 11 August 2010
National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research – Research
Grants ◙
 Research proposals should have a clear element of originality and innovativeness, which demonstrate
relevance and potential improvements for adult social care practice in England.
Closing date: Thursday 12 August 2010
Cancer Research UK
Feasibility Study Project Grants ◙
 This scheme funds studies assessing the activity, feasibility or toxicity of new treatment approaches
and can also be used to screen out inactive treatments.
Phase III Clinical Trial Grants ◙
 This scheme is run through the Clinical Trials Awards and Advisory Committee (CTAAC) which
accepts investigator-led studies, except first-in-man studies, including Phase III/IV therapeutic trials
and Large scale Phase II trials.
Prospective Sample Collections Project Grants ◙
 This scheme provides funding for prospective sample collections associated with clinical trials. Only
funding for the collection of blood and paraffin tumour blocks is available.
Closing date for all: Friday 13 August 2010
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine – Young Investigator Research
Grants ◙
 This grant provides start-up funds for pilot projects. The principal investigator must be an early
career orthopaedic surgeon, fellow, or resident with interests in sports medicine research.
Closing date for applications to be pre-reviewed: Sunday 15 August 2010
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute – PFINDR: Phenotype Finder IN Data
Resources: A Tool to Support Cross-study Data Discovery Among NHLBI Genomic
Studies ◙
 This funding is for projects to develop and apply advanced informatics approaches to categorize
phenotypic measures in multiple datasets in data repositories to help researchers identify
potentially relevant genomic studies across cardiovascular, lung, blood, and sleep research
Deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent: Monday 16 August 2010
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, EU – Pilot
Projects on Employment of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders ◙
 The aim of this call is to offer grants for projects which demonstrate innovative practices in actual
employment settings in the open labour market that can help develop policies for employment and
social integration of people with ASD.
Deadline for receipt of applications: Thursday 19 August 2010
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council – Healthcare Partnerships ◙
 Collaborative research proposals are invited which address an important healthcare issue, including
at least one non-academic partner.
Closing date: Thursday 19 August 2010
National Institutes of Health – Biophysical and Biomechanical Aspects of Embryonic
Development ◙
 This opportunity is intended to encourage innovative and high risk/impact research in the area of
physics/mechanics of embryonic development to be explored in model organisms.
Deadline for Letters of Intent: Friday 20 August 2010
Association for Frontotemporal Dementias – Novel Biomarkers to Accelerate Drug Discovery for
Frontotemporal Dementias ◙
 FTD specific biomarkers that reflect pathological differences are needed to select appropriate
patients for clinical trials and monitor target-specific responses to investigational treatments. This
programme funds research to enable scientists to meet this medical need.
Deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent: Thursday 26 August 2010
Human Frontier Science Programme
Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships ◙
 These are open to applicants with a PhD from outside the life sciences who have had limited
exposure to biology during their previous training. Applicants should propose a significant departure
from their past research.
Long-Term Fellowships ◙
 These are for applicants with a PhD in a biological discipline to embark on a new project in a
different field of the life sciences. Preference is given to original studies in biology that mark a
departure from previous work so as to learn new methods or change study system.
Deadline for registration for both: Thursday 26 August 2010
British Skin Foundation – Research Awards ◙
 A BSF Research Award is available for UK or ROI based research into skin disease.
Closing date: Friday 27 August 2010
National Cancer Institute – Clinical Proteomic Technologies for Cancer Initiative: Proteome
Characterization Centers ◙
 Funding is available to build a multidisciplinary collaborative team of Proteome Characterization
Centers which are expected to foster multi-institutional and transdisciplinary interactions and in
doing so, drive the development of proteomic technologies.
Closing date for letters of intent: Sunday 29 August 2010
British Heart Foundation – Programme Grants ◙
 The principal investigator will be a senior researcher with a strong track record of project grant
support, usually from BHF, and an internationally recognised research profile.
Closing date: Tuesday 31 August 2010
Children’s Tumor Foundation – Drug Discovery Initiative ◙
 This funds and facilitates preclinical screening of candidate treatments for neurofibromatosis.
Closing date: Tuesday 31 August 2010
National Center for Research Resources – Pathobiology of Emerging Pathogens in Laboratory
Animals RO1 ◙ and R21 ◙
 This funding is for applications on the pathobiology of emerging and potential pathogens of
laboratory animals including, but not limited to aquatic species, rodents, and nonhuman primates.
Closing date: Tuesday 31 August 2010
Wolf Foundation – The Wolf Prizes ◙
 The Foundation awards prizes to outstanding scientists for achievements in the interest of mankind.
Deadline for nominations: Tuesday 31 August 2010
European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes - EFSD/Lilly European Diabetes
Research Programme ◙
 This programme is to promote increased European diabetes research and to increase public
awareness and political understanding of the magnitude and burden of the disease.
Closing date: Wednesday 1 September 2010
Medical Research Council
Systems Biology for Medicine: Cross-Board highlight notice ◙
 The MRC already supports some medically-related research in this area and now wishes to build on
the research and training foundations laid by other research councils, and encourage a wider range
of applications applying systems approaches to medical research.
Radiobiology highlight notice ◙
 Research proposals in radiobiology relevant to human health are sought which explore important
cellular and molecular mechanisms, through to more translational medical research that would
underpin the development of new health interventions.
Submission deadline for both: Wednesday 1 September 2010
Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience – Research Grants ◙
 Grants are available for basic studies in the field of glycoscience.
Closing date: Wednesday 1 September 2010
Royal College of Physicians – Samuel Leonard Simpson Fellowship in Endocrinology ◙
 These Fellowships are to enable endocrinologists to learn new techniques and acquire new
experiences, ideas and stimulation through travel and the exchange of ideas.
Closing date: Wednesday 1 September 2010
European Society of Anaesthesiology – Research Grants Programme ◙
 These grants are to promote anaesthesia–related research in Europe, and to encourage
anaesthesiologists to extend the frontiers of their practice or understanding.
Closing date: Saturday 4 September 2010
Alcohol Education and Research Council – Research Grants ◙
 The Council is committed to the improvement of practitioner and research skills in the alcohol field
and the proposal should describe how the skills of people or the capacity of organisations would be
Closing date: Sunday 5 September 2010
Fight for Sight – PhD Studentships ◙
 These awards are designed to encourage new and highly qualified graduates into a career in
ophthalmology and vision research.
Closing date: Monday 6 September 2010
National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating
Centre – Public Health Research - Programme Researcher-led Calls ◙
 This programme recognises the importance of active involvement of members of the public in
research and would like to support research projects appropriately.
Closing date: Monday 6 September 2010
Novo Nordisk A/S – International Postdoctoral Fellowships ◙
 These Fellowships are for talented scientists (including medical doctors) who have obtained their
PhD degree within the past 6 years or will do so within the next 6 months. The key objectives are
to drive innovation in Novo Nordisk’s early pipeline and explore emerging platform technologies;
increase internationalisation of our R&D organisation and to support Academic Partnerships at
selected Centres of Excellence.
Closing date: Monday 6 September 2010
Wellcome Trust – Senior Research Fellowships in Clinical Science ◙
 This scheme provides support for clinical investigators to further develop their research potential
and to establish themselves as leading investigators in clinical academic medicine. Fellowships are
awarded to candidates of exceptional ability and outstanding promise.
Closing date: Monday 6 September 2010
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – HIV Incidence Assays with
Improved Specificity ◙
 The objective of this programme is to promote the identification of biomarkers that can be used
to develop HIV incidence assays with improved specificity, and to develop methods for utilising the
biomarker(s) to identify incident cases in a highly accurate, cost-effective assay.
Closing date: Tuesday 7 September 2010
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – NINDS Phase III
Investigator-Initiated Multi-Site Clinical Trials – AIDS Related ◙
 This funding opportunity will support AIDS-related U01 investigator-initiated multi-site phase III
randomized, controlled clinical trials which address research questions related to the mission and
goals of NINDS.
Closing date: Tuesday 7 September 2010
Arthritis Research Campaign – Educational Research Fellowships ◙
 These fellowships are open to clinicians (at specialty training level in rheumatology or general
practice) and non-clinicians. They provide an opportunity for training in educational research
methodology and/or medical education in a project on arthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases.
Closing date: Wednesday 8 September 2010
Medical Research Council
Infections and Immunity Research Grants ◙
 These grants are suitable for focused short or long-term research projects and can be used to
support method development or development and continuation of research facilities and may involve
more than one research group or institution.
Infections and Immunity New Investigator Research Grants ◙
 These Grants are aimed at researchers who are capable of becoming principal investigators and who
are now ready to take the next step towards that goal.
Closing date for both: Wednesday 8 September 2010
Cancer Research UK – New Agents Committee Trials Funding ◙
 This scheme is a one-step process for selecting new anti-cancer treatments and diagnostics and
taking them into early clinical trials.
Closing date: Friday 10 September 2010
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – Curriculum and Training
Materials ◙
 This call is for tenders to produce a curriculum and related training materials for a course to
strengthen knowledge and skills in the area of the control of multidrug-resistant micro-organisms in
health care settings.
Closing date: Friday 10 September 2010
National Institute for Health Research – i4i Feasibility Study Stream1 ◙
 This study is to determine if prior basic research or an innovative use of an existing technology from
a different industry sector can be used to meet an existing or emerging healthcare need, and then to
identify the barriers that would need to be overcome before implementation.
Closing date: Friday 10 September 2010
European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes – EFSD and Chinese Diabetes Society
and Lilly – Programme for Collaborative Diabetes Research between China and
Europe ◙
 This partnership targets collaborative research endeavours between European and Chinese research
centres and/or individual investigators in the area of diabetes and its complications.
Closing date: Friday 10 September 2010
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics – The ASPET-
Astellas Awards in Translational Pharmacology ◙
 These awards will be given to recognize individuals whose research has the potential to lead to the
introduction of novel pharmacologic approaches or technologies that may offer significant advances
in clinical medicine to facilitate that translational process.
Deadline for submission of nominations: Wednesday 15 September 2010
Medical Research Council – Joint Global Health Trials Scheme ◙
 This scheme provides funding to generate new knowledge about interventions that will contribute to
the improvement of health in low and middle income countries.
Closing date: Wednesday 15 September 2010
Research Councils and UK Health Departments – Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Phase
3 Funding – Pilot Studies ◙
 This is a major cross-council initiative supporting multi-disciplinary research addressing factors
across the life course that influence healthy ageing and wellbeing later in life.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday 15 September 2010
The Royal Society – University Research Fellowships ◙
 This scheme provides outstanding scientists, who should have the potential to become leaders in
their chosen field, with the opportunity to build an independent research career. All areas of the life
and physical sciences are covered, but excluding clinical medicine.
 Closing date: Wednesday 15 September 2010
Cancer Research UK – Discovery Committee Grant ◙
 The aim of the scheme is to improve the likelihood of research eventually leading to a new
preventative, therapeutic or diagnostic entity.
Closing date: Friday 17 September 2010
Medical Research Council – Clinical Research Training Fellowships ◙
 These fellowships aim to train and develop outstanding medically and other clinically qualified
professionals to become rigorous scientists, able to relate their research to clinical medicine and to
the improvement of health and well-being.
Deadline for applications: Friday 17 September 2010
Medical Research Council – Jointly Funded Clinical Research Training Fellowships ◙
 These Fellowships offer opportunities for additional clinical research training through collaborations
with Royal Colleges and various charity funders.
Closing date: Friday 17 September 2010
NHS Estates – Physical Environment Grants ◙
 This research programme aims to improve the patient environment by encouraging the exploration
of topics related to the physical environment within the primary and secondary healthcare sectors.
Closing date: Friday 17 September 2010
Parkinson’s Disease Society – Innovation Grants ◙
 This scheme funds high-risk, high-reward research that tests new and unconventional hypotheses.
Research proposals should tackle major scientific or technical hurdles in the field of Parkinson's.
Closing date: Friday 17 September 2010
Wellcome Trust – International Engagement Awards – Engaging with global health
research ◙
 The scheme is open to a wide range of applicants who must be working with partners in low- and
middle-income countries where the activity must primarily take place. The primary goal must be to
involve participants or engage audiences located in such countries.
Deadline for preliminary expressions of interest: Friday 17 September 2010
Colt Foundation – Project Grants ◙
 The foundation considers applications for funding high quality research projects in the field of
occupational and environmental health, particularly those aimed at discovering the cause of illnesses
arising from conditions at the place of work.
Closing date: Monday 20 September 2010
Royal National Institute for the Deaf – PhD Studentships ◙
 Applications are invited in the areas of cause, prevention and treatment of hearing loss; improving
benefit of hearing devices; causes and alleviation of tinnitus.
Deadline for applications: Monday 20 September 2010
Wellcome Trust – Career Re-entry Fellowships ◙
 This scheme is for postdoctoral scientists wishing to recommence a scientific research career after a
break of at least two years (particularly after a break for family commitments).
Closing date: Monday 20 September 2010
Wellcome Trust – Research Career Development Fellowships in Basic Biomedical
Science ◙
 This scheme provides an opportunity for postdoctoral scientists to become independent research
scientists. Applicants should have three to six years' postdoctoral research experience.
Closing date: Monday 20 September 2010
XLP Research Trust – Medical and Scientific Research Grant Awards ◙
 Basic Grant Awards are offered to support short-term, small-scale pilot or proof of concept
research projects that may lead to new avenues of investigation and understanding of XLP. Ph.D.
studentships may also be available.
Closing date: Monday 20 September 2010
Susan G Komen for the Cure
Postdoctoral Fellowship Research ◙
 These grants seek to attract scientists into careers addressing important research questions about
breast cancer, expand the skills and expertise of breast cancer researchers in training, and position
trainees for independent careers conducting breast cancer research that will directly affect patients.
Post-Baccalaureate Training in Disparities Research ◙
 These grants seek to support training for students early in their careers to allow them to begin to
define career paths focused on disparities in breast cancer outcomes across population groups.
Closing date for both: Wednesday 22 September 2010
Medical Research Council/ESRC/NIHR
Early Career Fellowships in Economics of Health ◙
 This is open to any field within Economics of Health.
Deadline for applications: Friday 24 September 2010
Medical Research Council
Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship ◙
 This award is for non-clinical researchers of exceptional ability. Applicants are expected to be
proven independent researchers with an excellent track record in their scientific field, and
demonstrate promise as future research leaders.
Special Training Fellowship in Biomedical Informatics ◙
 This Fellowship is aimed at developing outstanding individuals who are seeking to move into the
application of mathematical, statistical and computational methods to biomedical research problems.
Deadline for both: Friday 24 September 2010
National Institute for Health Research – Research for Patient Benefit Programme ◙
 RfPB encourages proposals for projects covering a wide range of health service issues and challenges.
Closing date: Friday 24 September 2010
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Resarch, US – NIH Blueprint for
Neuroscience Research Competitive Revisions for Studies Focused on Neuropathic
Pain or Neural Plasticity to Promote Collaborative Pain Research ◙
 The goal of this scheme is to facilitate the partnering of pain scientists and non -pain
neuroscientists to capture insights and expertise from disciplines where transitions from health
to disease have been extensively examined.
Closing date: Saturday 25 September 2010
National Institute of Nursing Research – Ruth L Kirchstein Awards for Individual
Predoctoral Fellows in Nursing Research ◙
 The purpose of this programme is to train future generations of outstanding nurse scientists who
are committed to research careers in scientific health-related fields.
Closing date: Saturday 25 September 2010
Wellcome Trust – Intermediate Clinical Fellowships ◙
 This scheme is for medical, dental or clinical psychology graduates who have had an outstanding start
to their research career.
Closing date: Monday 27 September 2010
Medical Research Council
Programme Grants – Population and Systems Medicine ◙
 These grants are for a period of five years and cover salary, support for additional posts, equipment,
travel, data preservation, sharing and dissemination costs.
Improved Measurement Methods for Population Research – Highlight Notice ◙
 Applications are encouraged that are aimed at problems of public health importance in the UK or
priority issues on the global health agenda.
Closing date for both: Wednesday 29 September 2010
Belgian Society of Cardiology – InBev-Baillet Latour Health Prize ◙
 This is awarded for outstanding achievements in biomedical research and/or their practical
applications for human health. The theme for 2011 prize is “Infectious Diseases and Immunology.”
Closing date for nominations: Thursday 30 September 2010
British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society – Research Grants ◙
 Applications are welcomed in any area of research related to RP and related disorders.
Closing date: Thursday 30 September 2010
Diabetes UK – PhD Studentship ◙
 This scheme enables outstanding science graduates to study for a PhD in the field of diabetes
Closing date: Thursday 30 September 2010
European Association on Echocardiography – Research Grants ◙
 This programme is to help young doctors to obtain research experience in an ESC member country
other than their own. The aim is to provide an opportunity for specialised research in the
cardiovascular ultrasound field, for medical graduates at any stage in their career but before
obtaining a permanent post or for science graduates with research experience.
Closing date: Thursday 30 September 2010
Foundation for the Future – Kistler Prize ◙
 Nominations are invited for this prestigious prize - nominees must have produced scholarly work in
the field of human genetics.
Closing date for nomination packages: Thursday 30 September 2010
Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council – Industrial Partnership Awards

 These are science-led, responsive mode grants where an industrial partner contributes in cash at
least 10% of the full economic cost of the project. The company partner should be registered in the
UK or have a UK R&D or manufacturing site.
These awards can be applied for at any time.
British Heart Foundation – Infrastructure Grants ◙
 These grants could be used to support building refurbishment or to buy major pieces of equipment
to support the activities of
Outline proposals may be submitted at any time.
British Heart Foundation – Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellowship ◙
 This Fellowship aims to provide a career opportunity for talented individuals hoping to become
research leaders in an established research institution in the UK. 3-6 years successful postdoctoral
work with a series of first or senior author high impact research papers are required.
This Fellowship can be applied for at any time.
British Heart Foundation – Non-clinical PhD studentship ◙
 This is to provide a foundation training research to enable a graduate to proceed to a PhD. Awards
are for 3 years.
Applications may be made at any time.
Diabetes UK – Small Grant Scheme ◙
 These grants enable researchers to undertake small research projects or pilot studies related to
diabetes. Applications are particularly welcome from NHS consultants specialising in diabetes who
are within five years of their first appointment.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
ESRC - Mid-Career Development Fellowships ◙
 Designed to provide the opportunity to enable outstanding researchers to undertake substantive re-
skilling and/or knowledge development, and to develop new methodological approaches or engage
with new substantive areas of knowledge.
These awards can be applied for at any time.

ESRC - Research Grant Linked Studentships ◙

 Linked studentships are designed to add value to the proposed research outlined in the application,
whilst providing a clear opportunity for a distinct and independent course of enquiry for the student.
These awards can be applied for at any time.

ESRC - Research Grants ◙

 Awards made ranging from £15,000 to £1.5 million (100% FEC) to eligible institutions allowing
individuals or research teams to undertake anything from a small project to a large-scale survey.
These awards can be applied for at any time.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation – Various Awards ◙
These awards can be applied for any time.
Leverhulme Trust – Research Project Grants ◙
 These awards provide financial support for innovative and original research projects of high quality
and potential, the choice of theme and the design of the research lying entirely with the applicant.
Outline applications may be submitted at any time.
ME Research UK – Research Grants ◙
 ME Research UK is keen to expand its portfolio of funded research studies. Their priority is novel
clinical and biomedical studies that help to unravel the biology of ME/CFS, and studies that may point
towards therapeutic strategies. They particularly welcome applications for pilot studies or seed-
corn projects, including those which seek support for consumables rather than staff costs.
Outline applications may be submitted at any time.
Medical Research Council – Trial Grants in Global Health ◙
 These grants provide support for clinical trials to provide high quality evidence on the comparative
efficacy and effectiveness of interventions in medicine and health services.
These awards can be applied for at any time.

RD Funding
 The following may be of interest:
o Latest funding opportunities ◙ from RDFunding
o Training courses, workshops and conferences ◙ from RDLearning
o Most recently added events ◙
o Advice, Information and Support ◙ from RDDirect
o Research Process Flowchart ◙ which maps the different stages of the research
process and provides hints, tips and checklists for researchers at all levels.

Royal College of Nursing R&D website ◙

For nurse and AHP related opportunities.

NIHR TCC Opportunities for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs ◙

A major new initiative to boost clinical academic careers for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals.

US Department of Health ◙
Opportunities are frequently available –check their website on a regular basis or sign up to their quarterly
newsletter by clicking the link on there.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) ◙

Also linked to the US Department of Health and providing a vast array of potential funding
opportunities ◙

To unsubscribe from this service, please email Lisa Schubert ◙ or, likewise, if you have received this
email from a third party and wish to subscribe direct, please also email Lisa Schubert ◙.

Thank you

Lisa Schubert and Sharon Meredith

Research Support Office
Hull York Medical School

Tel: 01904 321780/6

Fax: 01904 321696

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