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Practice Test 1 71

weve already talked about how difficult this light pollution screen after the lecture is over.) You will have twenty min-
makes things for astronomers, so Im not going to say any utes in which to finish the Integrated Writing Task. Begin
more about that. But to address the question of lighting as a reading now. [3-minute pause]
crime deterrent . . . well, there are just as many studies show-
ing that increased lighting has no effect on crime. Thats Narrator: Now listen to part of a lecture in an economics
right, zero effect. But the letter that I wrote to the editor of class.
the campus newspaper, and the ones that my colleagues Professor: Morning, everyone. Hope you had a chance to
wrote, did not ask the university to get rid of outdoor light- look at the articles I gave you Friday. I want to start by talk-
ing, it simply asked the university to get smarter lights. The ing about one of the articles, the . . . uh, the one by

typical unshielded street lamp, the kind that is in use on the Professor Woodall that . . . that takes a stand against Free
campus now, it sends 20% of its light upwards and 20% out Trade, and in favor of Protectionism. The thing is, in a
to the sideonly 60% goes downward! By shielding these global economy, the concept of Protectionism . . . it just

streetlamps, you direct light where its neededon the doesnt work. Its not effective. Look at those developing
groundand keep it out of the sky. By just taking this step countries whose economies have been the most successful;
and a few other simple steps, we can still have well-lit streets theyre the countries that have been most open to Free
and a well-lit campus but, uh, everyonenot just Trade. And those countries whose economic growth has
astronomers, but everyonecan see the stars at night. stalled or died, theyre the ones that have closed them-
selves off to international trade.
Narrator: Task 6 Now, its true, international competition can cause prob-
Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. lems for local businesses. Some local companies will go
Professor: Now this little paragraph in your book illustrates a bankrupt when you invite in the global big boys, the multi-
basic problem. Of course, as . . . uh, as Ive said, the system national corporations. Workers will lose their jobs, and
we use for classifying organisms, the Linnaean system, it labor groups will get upset. But the companies that do sur-
used the two-kingdom system of classification for over 200 vive, the ones that learn to compete with global companies,
years. It was hard for biologists to think outside this basic theyll be stronger than ever. And global companies always
two-part model for classifying living things. Organisms had hire local people. These local people have well-paying jobs
to be plants or animals cause . . . well, those were the only and they learn how international corporations work. Thats
two possibilities. Protozoa, as our book points out, werent whats called a transfer of technology, and thats a good
much like fish or horses or any other animals, but they had thing for local economies.
to be classified as something, so they were called animals. Its also true that governments that throw open their
Bacteria werent much like oak trees, but they had to be clas- borders to trade no longer have income from tariffs. But . . .
sified as something too, so they were called plants. It was like governments that collect tariffs on foreign goods are often
putting square pegs in round holes. Finally, in the late 1950s, the same ones that spend lots of money subsidizing local
someone got a brilliant idea: lets change the classification farmers, or steel manufacturers. A truly free-market coun-
system! At first, one new kingdom was added. Protozoa and try will not subsidize inefficient sectors of the economy,
other microorganisms were put in this kingdom. Later, there and so the government saves money that way.
was a five-kingdom model. Today there is an even more The author says that Free Trade doesnt always lead to
complicated model. There are now three domains divided peace between nations. Perhaps not, but just look at Europe.
up into from eight to fifteen kingdoms, depending on whos For centuries, the great powers of Europe fought wars
doing the classifying. So anyway . . . the lesson to be learned among themselves. Then, after World War II, the European
here isif youre classifying something, and it doesnt fit into Common Market was set up, and for once there was truly
the systemtake another look at the classification system Free Trade among the members. Today, a war between, say,
maybe the problem is there! France and Germany or France and Britain is unimaginable.
When youre engaged in a trading relationship that helps
[CD 11 TRACK 4] both your country and other countries, theres no reason to
. . . to risk this relationship with war or aggression.
Writing Review Test Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.
This Writing Section tests your ability to write academic Remember, you may look back at the reading passage. You
English. It consists of two writing tasks. The first writing may also use your notes to help you. You have twenty min-
task is an integrated task. It involves reading a short pas- utes to prepare and write your response. Summarize the
sage and listening to a short lecture on the same topic. You main points made in the lecture that you just heard, dis-
will then have twenty minutes in which to write a response cussing how they differ from the points made in the read-
based on the information in the passage and the lecture. ing. You can refer to the reading passage as you write.
Now read the directions for the first writing task.
Narrator: Directions: Take three minutes to read the short Narrator: This is the end of the Review Test and the end of
passage on the following page. You may take notes as you Section 4, Writing.
read. After three minutes have passed, start the Audio
Program. You will hear a lecture on the same topic as the [CD 12 Track 1]
reading. Again, you may take notes as you listen. You will
have twenty minutes to write your response. Your response Practice Test 1
should include information from both the reading and the
lecture. Your essay will be rated on the completeness and Listening Section
accuracy of your response as well as on the correctness and
quality of your writing. A typical response should be 150 to Narrator: Directions: This section tests your understanding
225 words. You may use your notes and look at the reading of conversations and lectures. You will hear each conversa-
passage as you write. (During the actual exam, you can tion or lecture only once. Your answers should be based on
view the reading passage on the left side of the computer
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72 Practice Test 1

what is stated or implied in the conversations and lectures. Student: Okay, and Professor Jacobs, thanks . . . Im really
You are allowed to take notes as you listen, and you can use flattered that youd ask me to take part.
these notes to help you answer the questions. In some ques- Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
tions, you will see a headphones icon. This icon tells you the conversation. You may use your notes to help you.
that you will hear, but not read, part of the lecture again. Narrator: Question 1: Why is Ted unable to meet with
Then you will answer a question about the part of the lecture Professor Jacobs after class?
that you heard. Some questions have special directions that Narrator: Listen again to part of the conversation.
are highlighted. During an actual listening test, you will not Professor: Yes, well, anyway, Ted, Im also inviting a few stu-
be able to skip items and come back to them later, so try to dents from my undergraduate class to take part, and Id like
answer every question that you hear on this practice test. one of them to be you, if youre willing.
This test includes two conversations and four lectures. Most Student: Me? Seriously? I dont know what to say . . .
questions are separated by a ten-second pause. Narrator: Question 2: What does Ted mean when he says
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a Student: Me? Seriously? I dont know what to say . . .
professor. Narrator: Question 3: What is Ted most interested in read-
Professor: Ted, did you get my e-mail? ing aloud next Friday?
Student: Umm, no, I, actually I havent had a chance to Narrator: Question 4: Which of the following can be
check my e-mail yet today, sorry. inferred about Professor Jacobs?
Professor: Well, I just wanted to see if I could have a quick Narrator: Question 5: Why does Professor Jacobs ask Ted to
word with you after this class. come to his office?
Student: Well, the thing is, professor, Im working on the
campus newspaper and . . . and I need to get over there Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a university
right after class for a meeting . . . administrator and a student.
Professor: Well, this wont take long . . . lets just chat now Administrator: Hello, Financial Aid Office, Connie Fong
before class starts . . . speaking.
Student: Sure, whats up, Professor Jacobs? Student: Hi, Ms. Fong. My names Dana Hart and Im a
Professor: Well, next week, the students in my graduate second-year student. Im, uh, just calling to see if I can get
Creative Writing seminar are going to be reading aloud some information on your . . . on the work-study program?
from their works at the Student Union . . . Administrator: Sure, happy to help you. What would you
Student: Yeah, I saw a poster about that on the bulletin like to know?
board down the hall. Student: Well, what do you . . . what are the requirements
Professor: Yes, well, anyway, Ted, Im also inviting a few stu- for . . .
dents from my undergraduate class to take part, and Id like Administrator: The eligibility requirements? Okay, first off,
one of them to be you, if youre willing. are you taking at least 60% of a full-time academic load?
Student: Me? Seriously? I dont know what to say . . . Student: Yeah, a hundred percentIm a full-time student.
Professor: Well, just say youll do it, then. The reading will Administrator: Okay, thats fine. Then, let me ask you this,
be in the ballroom of the Student Union at noon next are you qualified to receive financial aid?
Friday. Student: Ummm, I have no idea. Im not getting any finan-
Student: You know . . . Id really like to read the first two or cial aid now. See, I have a personal bank loan to pay for
three chapters of this novel Ive been working on . . . my tuition, and my parents are helping me out with my
Professor: I was thinking that you could read some of your room-and-board expenses. But I really have no money for
poems. In fact, I didnt even realize that you were writing a living expenses, so, uh, thats why Im hoping to land a
novel. Whats it about? part-time job . . .
Student: Umm, well, I . . . its about the commercial fishing Administrator: Well, youd need to fill out some financial
business, about working on a fishing boat . . . aid forms to see if you qualify . . . it depends on your level
Professor: Really? Do you know a lot about that topic? of income and on your parents level of income . . . .
Student: Well, I grew up in Alaska, and my grandfather Student: So, if I fill out these forms and . . . and I dont qual-
owned a fishing boat, and I worked on it one summer. Plus ify for financial aid, then . . . then theres no way I could get
my grandfather told me a million stories about fishing. Of a work-study job?
course, Ive changed the stories some and fictionalized all Administrator: No, uh, no, thats not necessarily true. You
the characters. see, there are two kinds of work-study positions. There are
Professor: I was hoping youd read that poem about spend- needs-based positionsthose are the ones funded by the
ing the night alone in the forest . . . what was it called? government, and for those, yes, you have to qualify for finan-
Northern Lights, I think . . . cial aid, but there are also what we call merit-based work-
Student: That poem? Huh! When I read it in class, you didnt study positions. These positions are available regardless, uh,
say much about it at all, so I figured . . . I figured you didnt regardless of financial need, as long the financial aid office
much like it. determines that a work-study position helps you meet your
Professor: Well, I wanted to hear what the other students in educational goals, if its a . . . a . . . you know, useful supple-
class thought of it . . . but, yes, I quite liked it. The language ment for your formal classes. Its even possible that you
was very strong and in particular I found the imagery . . . could earn academic credit for some of these positions.
powerful. Almost a little frightening. Student: So, what sorts of positions do you have open
Student: How about this, then . . . Ill read just one chapter right now?
from the novel, the first ones pretty short, and then a cou- Administrator: Well, it depends on your interests, your
ple of poems as well. Will that be okay? experience . . .
Professor: I think that should work. Drop by my office Student: The only job Ive ever had, I worked in a restaurant
sometime this week and well figure out which poems you but . . . I dont want anything in food service, food prepara-
should read. tion . . . no cafeteria job . . .
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Administrator: Well, we try to find you jobs related to your Inuit who lived in Labradorthats in Northeastern
educational goals. Say, for example, if youre studying Canadanow, they built their winter houses from stone
biology, we might try to place you as a technician in a biol- and earth and supported them with whalebones. It was
ogy lab . . . only in the north central part of Canada and in one place in
Student: Im an art major, and I was wondering . . . are there Greenland that the Inuit built their winter houses from
any jobs in the art gallery at the Student Union? snow. Oh, and by the way, the Inuit who lived up in
Administrator: Hang on a sec. No, no positions at all at the Greenland, in a place called Thule, they were some of the
Student Union . . . but, uh, okay, heres a position at the most isolated people in the world. Until sometime in the
Metropolitan Art Museum . . . its as a tour guide there. early nineteenth century, in fact, they thought they were

Student: Really? Wow, that sounds fabulous. But, uh, I the only people in the world. Imagine how surprised they
thought work-study jobs were all on campus. were the first time they met outsiders!
Administrator: Oh, no, about 25% of all our positions are Anyway, when the first Canadians of European descent

off-campus . . . theyre positions with foundations or organ- arrived in northern Canada, and they saw these houses
izations that we think perform some worthwhile commu- made of snow, they asked what they were called. The Inuit
nity service. replied, Igloos, and so thats what we call them now. In
Student: So, how many hours a week is this job? English, the word igloo means a dome-shaped house made
Administrator: Ill check . . . it looks like they want some- of snow. However, it turns out, the word igloo in Inuit just
one there for around twenty to twenty-five hours a week. means house, any sort of housea house of wood, a house
Student: Really? I dont know if I could put in that much of snow, whatever.
time and still . . . still do okay in my classes. How did the Inuit make these snow houses? They used
Administrator: Well, dont give up on the position for that knives made of bone or ivory to cut wind-packed snow into
reason. Y know, we really encourage job-sharingtwo stu- blocks. They arranged these in a circle and then kept
dents working one position. Its possible that we could adding smaller and smaller blocks in a rising spiral until a
arrange something where youd only work about half that dome was formed. Then theyd pack the cracks between
much time. the blocks with loose snow. A skilled igloo-builder could
Student: That sounds more like what I had in mind: ten, put up a simple igloo in a couple of hours, and you know
twelve hours a week or so. So what do I do to apply for what? He could do it in a blizzard!
this job? The igloo was the only dome-shaped traditional housing
Administrator: Well, the first step is to fill out the Financial that was built without internal support. It didnt need any
Aid forms I mentioned. You can come down and get them interior support because, well, because it was so strong.
from the receptionist at the front desk, or you can fill them The bitter Arctic winds caused the outside of the igloo to
out online if you like. Then Ill call the contact person at the freeze solid. Then, the interior was set with a seal-oil
museum. Lets see . . . okay, its, uh, its a Doctor Ferrarra, lamp. What I mean is, they used these lamps to melt a little
hes the personnel director at the museum. Ill call him and bit of the snow blocks, and then the water refroze into ice.
set up an interview for you. And you understand that hes So you had a layer of ice on the outside of the dome and
the one . . . the one who makes the hiring decision, not one on the inside, and like I say, it was strong. In fact, it
anyone in our office, right? would support the weight of a man standing on top of it.
Student: Sure. Okay, then, thanks a lot for all the informa- Igloos were remarkably warm inside. I mean, given that
tion. Ill get those forms from your Web site and send them they were made out of snow, they were surprisingly cozy.
back to you this afternoon or tomorrow. Snow is actually a good insulator, believe it or not, and it
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about keeps the intense cold out. Igloos were usually small
the conversation. You may use your notes to help you. enough so that body heat warmed them up pretty quickly.
Narrator: Question 6: Why does Dana want a work-study The Inuit slept on platforms of packed snow covered with
position? furs. Oh, and the entrance tunnel to the igloo was dug out
Narrator: Question 7: What can be inferred about merit- so that it was lower than the igloo floor, and cold air got
based work-study jobs? trapped in the tunnel. Seal-oil lamps were usually used to
Narrator: Question 8: Which of these work-study positions heat igloos, so there had to be a hole at the top of the dome
does Dana express the most enthusiasm for? to let out stale air and smoke.
Narrator: Question 9: What must Dana do first to apply for If igloos were to be used for a fairly long time, they, uh,
the position that she is interested in? they naturally tended to be more elaborate. Sometimes cir-
Narrator: Question 10: Why does Ms. Fong say this? cular walls of snow were built around igloos to shield them
Administrator: Well, dont give up on the position for that from the wind. Sometimes these walls were even built into
reason. a second dome around the first one, and the layer of air
between the two domes provided even more insulation.
Narrator: Listen to a lecture in an anthropology class. These semi-permanent igloos had windows and skylights
Professor: Okay, class, weve been talking about traditional made of freshwater ice or translucent seal gut. And some-
types of shelters . . . about the, uh, styles of houses used by times youd have clusters of igloos. They were connected by
traditional people, and today . . . today Id like to talk a bit tunnels. Sometimes five or more Inuit families lived in
about the homes of the Inuit people, the Eskimos, the peo- these clusters. And, uh, sometimes the Inuit built larger
ple who live in the far north, in the Arctic regions of North snow domes that could be used more or less as . . . uh,
America. Now, all the Inuit used to have two types of community centers. You know, the nights are long up there
houses, summer houses and winter houses. Their summer in the Arctic, so they needed some entertainment. They
houses were called tupiq, and they were originally made of held dances and wrestling matches and their famous
animal skins and, later, canvas. There were various types of singing competitions in these larger igloos.
winter houses, though. The Inuit who lived in northern In the early 1950s, the Inuit began living in permanent,
Alaska, where there was plenty of driftwood, built their year-round housing. They only used igloos when they went
winter houses from wood they found on the shore. The on overnight hunting trips. Today, they dont use these
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wonderful snow-domes for shelter at all, not even as tem- Student B: Professor, I read an article about a space ship
porary housing. But, uh, sometimes theyll build igloos for that used sails to propel itself through space.
special exhibits, and sometimes youll see little igloos in Student A: You couldnt use sails in space, its a vacuum . . .
their yards that they build as playhouses for their children. no air . . .
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about Professor: No, Lizas right. These arent conventional sails,
the lecture. You may use your notes to help you. of course. A scientist named Robert Forward came up with
Narrator: Question 11: The professor mentions three types this idea. He said you could launch a ship with rockets, and
of winter houses used by the Inuit. Match these three types then unfurl these giant sails made of thin plasticI mean,
of houses with the locations where they were used. many square kilometers of thin plastic sails. Then you fire
Narrator: Question 12: Why does the professor say this? intense bursts of laser beams at the sails, and since lasers
Professor: Oh, and by the way, the Inuit who lived up in travel at light speed, pretty soon, youre scooting along at
Greenland, in a place called Thule, they were some of the close to the speed of light.
most isolated people in the world. Until sometime in the Student B: I thought it was a brilliant idea . . .
early nineteenth century, in fact, they thought they were Professor: Theres a catch, though . . .
the only people in the world. Imagine how surprised they Student A: Whats the catch?
were the first time they met outsiders! Professor: Well, youd still need huge amounts of fuel to
Narrator: Question 13: What can be inferred about the word power the lasersmore than you could carry. No, to reach
igloo? the stars, you need some revolutionary drive system that
Narrator: Question 14: In this lecture, the professor requires little or no fuel.
describes the process the Inuit used to build a simple igloo. Student B: Is anyone even working on something like that?
Indicate whether each of the following is a step in the Professor: As a matter of fact, yeah, there are teams of some
igloo-building process. cutting-edge physicists who are looking at things like anti-
Narrator: Question 15: The professor did not mention that gravity, anti-matter, artificial wormholes, things called nega-
larger igloos were used in which of these ways? tive mass and zero-point energyas possible ways to power
Narrator: Question 16: According to the professor, what did ships. But these concepts are all in the speculation phase . . .
the Inuit do in the early 1950s? Student B: What do you mean, theyre in the speculation
Narrator: Listen to a discussion in an astrophysics class. Professor: Well, any workable technology goes through at
Student A: Ah, excuse me, Professor Fuller . . . ? least four phases of development. Theres the speculation
Professor: Yes, Mark? phasethats where you figure out what your need is and
Student A: You just said . . . you just told us that its impossi- dream up a system or a device that can fill that need. Next
ble to travel faster than light . . . is the science phase, where you basically do experiments
Professor: Well, thats according to the theories of Albert and see if the technology you dreamed up might possibly
Einstein, as I said. And who am I to argue with Einstein? work. After this comes the technology phase. You bring in
Student A: So that means . . . well, doesnt that mean people the engineers, tell them what you need, and they build it
can never travel to other stars in spaceships? for you. Finally, you put the technology to work. Thats the
Professor: Well, lets think about it . . . how fast does light application phase. But all these technologies that I men-
travel? tioned, theyre just in the speculation phase.
Student A: Wait, you just told us . . . let me find it in my Student A: Okay, professor, lets say, for the sake of argument,
notes . . . . Okay, 186,000 miles an hour. that scientists dream up a way to travel half as fast as light,
Professor: Thats miles per second, Mark186,000 miles per and engineers manage to build it . . . then it would only take
second. Almost 6 trillion miles per hour! And how far is it to about eight years to get to the nearest star and eight years to
the nearest star? get back Thats . . . isnt that just a sixteen-year trip?
Student A: I think you told us its four light years . . . Professor: Well, possibly. But 4.2 light years is the distance
Professor: Its a little more, but thats close enough . . . so, to the nearest star, not to the nearest star with planets. We
think about that. Moving at 6 trillion miles per hour, it dont know if any of the stars in our immediate neighbor-
takes about four years to get to the closest star. And of hood have planets. Suppose you went all that way and just
course, we cant travel anywhere near as fast as light. A cou- found empty space! The closest star with planetsat least
ple of years ago, the Voyager spacecraft left our solar sys- with earthlike planetsmay be much farther away.
tem, and it was traveling faster than any man-made object Student B: Professor, I thought you said that, these days,
ever. And you know what? It would take Voyager 80,000 scientists could detect planets around other stars.
years at that speed to get to the closest star. Professor: Well, yes, thats true, I did say that . . . there have
Student A: Wow. If you brought along sandwiches for been hundreds of what are called extra-solar planets dis-
the trip, theyd get pretty stale before you arrived, covered, but if you remember, I said that almost all of them
wouldnt they? are huge planets, gas giants, a lot like Jupiter, probably. And
Professor: No doubt they would! Now, of course, Voyager a few that were discovered recently are smaller, rocky plan-
isnt accelerating, its just coasting; its traveling through ets but they are very close to their stars, closer than the
space like a bullet that was shot from a gun. What you need planet Mercury. We still dont have the know-how to detect
is a ship that can constantly accelerate and keep increasing earth-like planets. Maybe the closest earth-like planet is
its speed. Clearly, rockets wont work . . . dozens, even hundred of light years away.
Student A: Whats wrong with rockets? Student A: Well, professor, I guess youre saying that well
Student B: I think I know . . . they couldnt carry enough never be able to visit other stars. I just think thats too bad. I
fuel, right? love science fiction books and movies, and I always hoped
Professor: Right. It takes an enormous rocket full of fuel just that people would one day be able to whiz around the
to lift one of the shuttles into Earth orbit. You could never galaxy the way people travel around our planet today.
carry enough to get to another star. Even if you used nuclear- Professor: You know, Mark, I dont think that trips to the
powered engines, you just couldnt bring enough mass. stars will be practical unless we develop a way to travel
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faster than light, or close to that, and I dont think that will interested as Photorealists in . . . in capturing every detail
ever happen. So . . . I dont want to rule out anything . . . of what they saw, in . . . ah, making their subjects look real.
who knows what kind of scientific breakthroughs we might However, these painters were . . . they were also interested
have in the future. But Mark, I dont think Id pack my bags in creating optical illusions, three-dimensional optical illu-
and head for the spaceport any time soon. sionsthe phrase trompe loeil means trick of the eye. For
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about example, one of the paintings from this school pictures a
the discussion. You may use your notes to help you. boy who appears to be climbing out of the painting, climb-
Narrator: Question 17: What is Professor Fullers opinion of ing right out of the frame. Thats not . . . not one of the
Albert Einstein? interests of Photorealism, creating optical illusions.

Narrator: Question 18: What powers the sails on the ship Anyway. What sort of subjects did the Photorealists
that the class discusses? paint? Photorealists painted still-lifes, portraits, land-
Narrator: Question 19: According to Professor Fuller, what scapesalthough there are not many paintings of rural

must be developed before ships can travel to the stars? scenes, mostly they show urban scenes. The subjects of
Narrator: Question 20: Professor Fuller discusses the Photorealist paintings are interesting only because they are
process by which a new technology evolves. Summarize so . . . just so ordinary. One Photorealist, the painter Chuck
this discussion by putting these four steps in the proper Close, once said the subjects of his paintings were so nor-
order. mal that they are shocking. Another one, a painter named
Narrator: Question 21: What does Professor Fuller say Richard Estes, said, I dont enjoy looking at the things I
about the planets that have so far been discovered around paint, so why should you enjoy it? What he meant there, I
other stars? think, is that the technique of painting is the important
Narrator: Listen again to part of the discussion. thing, that the subject itself means little. How one painted
Professor: You know, Mark, I dont think that trips to the was much more important than what one painted. In a lit-
stars will be practical unless we develop a way to travel tle while, when we look at some more of the slides I
faster than light, or close to that, and I dont think that will brought, youll see typical Photorealist subjects. Theres one
ever happen. So . . . I dont want to rule out anything . . . of a gas station . . . one of an elderly man waiting at a bus
who knows what kind of scientific breakthroughs we might stop . . . lets see, theres one of an old, closed-down drive-in
have in the future. But Mark, I dont think Id pack my bags movie. Weeds are growing up between the speaker stands
and head for the spaceport any time soon. and the screen is practically falling down.
Narrator: Question 22: What does Professor Fuller imply Some painters specialized in painting one type of sub-
about travel to other stars when she says this? ject. Richard Estes, for example, liked to paint urban scenes,
Professor: But Mark, I dont think Id pack my bags and ordinary city sights, reflected in sheets of window glass. For
head for the spaceport any time soon. example, he might paint a parking lot reflected in glass, or a
drug store reflected in big plate-glass windows. There was
Narrator: Listen to a lecture in an art class. one Photorealist who only painted neon signs and one who
Professor: Morning, class. Okay, so today were gonna con- painted only trucks. The point is, Photorealists never chose
tinue our study of twentieth-century art with a discussion grand, inspiring subjects to paint. They always painted ordi-
of photorealism. This, ah, style of artit was also called nary, everyday, banal subjects.
hyperrealism or superrealismit was popular in the late Now Im going to show you another slide. This picture
1960s and the 1970s. Painters who worked in this style, was taken at the museum where Duane Hansons works
they . . . they portrayed their subjects down to the smallest were on display. Looks like a photo of the museum security
detail, and so their paintings look like photographs, they guard, doesnt it? Thats ah, what a lot of the visitors to the
resemble photographs in many respects. museum thought too. They would come up to the guard
Now, you have to keep in mind that at this time, in the and ask him questions. But this isnt a photo of a flesh-and-
60s and 70s, art was dominated by Minimalism and blood person; its a photo of one of Hansons sculptures.
Conceptual Art, which were very non-representational Hanson was a Photorealist sculptor. He fashioned human-
types of art, very abstract, and so this was . . . this incredi- size statues of people from plastic. He then painted them to
ble realism was kind of a reaction to that. make the plastic look like human skin, and he added hair,
Okay, Im going to show you a slide of a painting by the clothing, shoes, jewelry, sometimes propsone of his
photorealist Audrey Flack. Its called The Farb Family sculptures features a man riding on a lawn mower. Again,
Portrait. When she painted this, she used the same tech- his subjects were ordinary peoplea car salesman, a
niques that a lot of Photorealists used. First, she took a homeless person, a student, a child putting together a puz-
photo of the family. Next she drew a grid on her canvas, zle. As youll see in a couple of minutes, all of these statues
dividing the whole surface of the canvas into little squares. are as realistic as this one of the security guard.
Then she made a slide from the photo and projected the Okay, as promised, Im, uh, going to have a little slide
picture onto her canvas. One by one, she systematically show for you. While youre viewing these works of
painted what was projected onto each of the little squares. Photorealistic art, Id like you to take notes on what you
Each square was really its own tiny work of art. Audrey think of them. Then, over the weekend, Id like you to write
worked with an airbrush, and she used acrylic paints. The a short paperreally short, just a page or twothat
acrylic paints account for the bright, luminous colors that describes your reactions to these works.
you see in most of her works. In fact, most Photorealist Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
paintings tend to be bright and colorful. the lecture. You may use your notes to help you.
So, ah, where did this style of painting come from? You Narrator: Question 23: What does the professor say about
might say, whats the big deal, people have been painting Minimalism and Conceptualism?
realistically for hundreds of years. The Dutch Masters were Narrator: Question 24: Which of the following did Audrey
obsessed with getting details right. And in the eighteenth Flack not use when painting The Farb Family Portrait?
century there was a European school of painting called Narrator: Question 25: How does the professor explain the
trompe loeil, and painters who worked in this style were as subjects that Photorealists painted?
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76 Practice Test 1

Narrator: Question 26: Which of the following would Professor: Exactly. Heres how you get hailstones. A hail-
Richard Estes most likely choose to paint? stone starts off as a droplet of water in a cumulonimbus
Narrator: Question 27: According to the speaker, why are cloudthats a thundercloud. Thenremember, last class,
the sculptures of Duane Hanson so remarkable? we said there were a lot of strong updrafts of warm air and
Narrator: Question 28: In this lecture, the professor gives a strong downdrafts of cold air inside a thunderstorm? Well,
number of characteristics of the Photorealistic school of one of these updrafts picks up the droplet and lifts it high
painting. Indicate whether each of the following is a typical into the cloud, where the air is cold, and it freezes. Then,
characteristic of paintings of that school of art. because of gravity and cold downdrafts, it falls.
Student B: Professor? Wouldnt it melt when it falls . . . I
Narrator: Listen to a discussion in a meteorology class. mean when it gets into the warmer air?
Professor: Afternoon, everyone. So, um, in our last class, we Professor: Yeah, when it hits the warmer air at the bottom of
talked about thunderstorms. Today, I want to talk about a the thundercloud, it might start to thawbut then, our little
similar phenomenon: hailstorms. Anyone here ever been half-frozen droplet gets picked up by another updraft, carry-
caught in a hailstorm? ing it back into very cold air and refreezing it. This happens
Student A: As a matter of fact, last year, I was driving home again and again. With each trip above and below the freezing
from the university one weekendmy parents live about level, the hailstone adds another layer of ice. Eventually, the
seventy miles from hereand the sky got really dark, and it hailstone gets so heavy that the updrafts cant lift it anymore,
started to rain. And then, all of a suddenit, well, it was so it drops out of the cloud and . . . bingo, youve got hail!
like . . . like little pebbles were pounding on the car, and Student A: So, Professor, you said that you only get hail
there were balls of ice as big as marbles bouncing around when theres a thunderstormis that right?
on the highway. Professor: Well, hail only forms in cumulonimbus clouds,
Student B: So what did you do, Mike? which are the only kind of clouds that generate thunder-
Student A: Well, as soon as I could, I pulled off the road and stormsthough you dont always get thunder and lightning
parked under a highway bridge until the storm was over. when you have hail.
But it was too lateI had lots of little dents in my car. Student B: Sometimes, Ive seen on weather reports, you get
Student B: I remember when I was in high school, there a lot of hail just before tornadoes.
was a bad hailstorm, and it wiped out my parents garden. Professor: Well, thats true. But hail isnt always associated
They were really upset, because they love gardening. with tornadoes, and . . . uh, not all tornadoes are accompa-
Professor: Well, thats interesting, those two examples you nied by hail.
gavebecause every year, hailstorms cause more than a Student A: So if you just look at a thundercloud from the
billion dollars worth of damage, and you know what? By far ground, can you tell if youre going to have hail?
the most damage is done to vehicles and plantsnot gar- Professor: No, not just by looking. But a meteorologist can
dens, really, but farmers crops. tell by using Doppler radar. Doppler radar can look inside
Student A: Theres nothing farmers can do? Cant they cover a cloud. Okay, we said thunderstorms are most common in
their crops with plastic sheets or . . . summer. How about hailstorms? When are they most
Professor: No, theres no . . . no practical way to protect common?
crops, although farmers can buy insurance against hail Student B: Id guess in the winter.
damage. Now, back in the fourteenth century in Europe, Professor: Nope, afraid not.
farmers tried to ward off hail by ringing church bells, bang- Student A: The hailstorm I was caught in was in April,
ing on pots and pans, and firing cannons. Hail cannons maybe early May, so Id guess spring.
were common in wine-producing regions, at least through Professor: Youre right. And the part of the United States
the nineteenth century. And . . . uh, in the Soviet Union, as where theyre most common is along the Rocky Mountains
late as the 1950s, the government used cannons to shoot . . . in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana . . . . In fact, the most
silver iodide crystals into clouds. This . . . uh, was supposed costly hailstorm in U.S. history was in Denver, Colorado.
to make the hailstones smaller so they wouldnt do as much Just that one storm caused over . . . I believe it was about
damage, but it didnt really work too well. $750 million dollars worth of damage.
Student B: Professor, are people . . . do they get hurt by hail- Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
storms very often? the discussion. You may use your notes to help you.
Professor: Hurt? Hmmm, well, it doesnt . . . it doesnt really Narrator: Question 29: According to the professor, which of
seem like it to me. Sometimes youll hear about a person the following are most often damaged by hail?
stuck up in a Ferris wheel or some other ride at an amuse- Narrator: Question 30: According to the professor, which of
ment park being injured, or something like that, but . . . uh, these methods of preventing damage from hail was used
it doesnt seem to happen very often, does it? And thats . . . most recently?
well, its kind of surprising, isnt it, considering that hail- Narrator: Listen again to part of the discussion.
stones can be as big as baseballssometimes even bigger Student B: Professor, are people . . . do they get hurt by hail-
and can travel like, a hundred miles an hour. So, uh, I dont storms very often?
really have any statistics about that, but Ill try to get some Professor: Hurt? Hmmm, well, it doesnt . . . it doesnt really
information. Okay, now, another questionhas anyone ever seem like it to me. Sometimes youll hear about a person
cut a hailstone in half to see what it looks like? No? No one? stuck up in a Ferris wheel or some other ride at an amuse-
Well, what do you think it would look like? Penny? ment park being injured, or something like that, but, uh, it
Student B: Well, I dunno. I suppose . . . it must look like a doesnt seem to happen very often, does it?
little snowball cut in half . . . Narrator: Question 31: What does the professor mean when
Professor: No, as a matter of fact, it looks more like an he says this?
onion cut in halflots of layers. And what does it usually Professor: Hurt? Hmmm, well, it doesnt . . . it doesnt really
mean when you find layers in something? Mike? seem like it to me.
Student A: Um, well . . . I guess that it wasnt formed all Narrator: Question 32: Why does the professor compare a
at once. hailstone to an onion?
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Practice Test 1 77

Narrator: Question 33: At what time of year are hailstorms Student B: Well, I think I could probably get at least an 85
most common? on the placement test for Japanese, because . . .
Narrator: Question 34: In this lecture, the professor Student A: Oh, thats right, you used to live in Japan,
describes the process by which hail is formed. Indicate didnt you?
whether each of the following is a step in that process. Student B: Yeah, my dad worked for a Japanese company
and my family spent a year and a half there when I was in
Narrator: This is the end of the Listening Section of Practice high school. I took classes and I had a lot of Japanese
Test 1. You may take a ten-minute break before beginning friends, so I got to be fairly fluent.
work on the Speaking Section. Student A: Lucky for you. I studied Spanish in high school

but, well, my teacher wasnt a native Spanish speaker and
[CD 12 Track 2] . . . all we did was memorize grammar rules. I didnt really
learn much of the language, to tell you the truth. No real

Speaking Section point to my trying to take a test; Im just going to start over.
Student B: Well, I am too. I kinda agree with what the
Narrator: Directions: This section tests your ability to speak regents are sayingyou gotta be able to speak another lan-
about various subjects. There are six tasks in this section. guage these days. I dont think you can understand another
Listen carefully to the directions and read the questions on culture without speaking at least a bit of the language. And
the screen. The first two tasks are Independent Speaking if you want to work abroad or even just travel, you need
tasks. You have fifteen seconds in which to prepare your some fluency in another language.
response. When you hear a beep on the Audio Program, you Student A: So . . . what language are you going to study?
will have forty-five seconds in which to answer the question. Student B: Well, I think I should learn a European language,
The last four tasks are Integrated Speaking tasks. The third just for balance. Probably French or Italian.
and fourth questions involve a reading text and a listening Narrator: The woman gives her opinion of the notice writ-
passage. You have forty-five seconds in which to read a short ten by the Dean of Education. Explain her opinion and dis-
text. You will then hear a short conversation or part of a lec- cuss the reasons she gives for having this opinion. Please
ture on the same topic. You may take notes on both the read- begin speaking after the beep. [30-second pause, then
ing and listening passage. You will then see a question on the beep] [60-second pause] Now stop speaking.
screen asking about the information that you have just read Narrator: Question 4. . . . Please listen carefully . . .
and heard, and you will have thirty seconds in which to plan Read the following passage about airships. You will have forty-
a response. When you hear a beep on the Audio Program, five seconds in which to read the passage. Begin reading now.
you have sixty seconds in which to answer the question. The Narrator: Now listen to a discussion about airships.
fifth and sixth questions involve a short listening passage. Professor: So, how many of you were at the football game
You may take notes as you listen. After listening to the con- on Saturday night? Quite a few of you, huh? Did you hap-
versation or lecture, you will see a question, and you have pen to look up and see something in the sky? Yeah? What
twenty seconds in which to plan your response. When you did you see?
hear a beep on the Audio Program, you have sixty seconds in Students: A blimp!
which to answer the question. During actual tests, a clock on Professor: Right, a blimpit was the Blimp Columbia.
the screen will tell you how much preparation time or how Youll see the Columbia and other blimps at sporting events
much response time (speaking time) remains for each ques- and other big gatherings. What are they used for, mostly?
tion. It is important that you time yourself accurately when Student A: To, uh, carry television cameras so they can
you take this practice test. On an actual test your responses show what things look like from above, I guess.
will be recorded and evaluated by trained raters. Professor: Right, aerial photography, and . . .
Student B: And advertising. A lot of times theyll have elec-
Narrator: Question 1. . . . Please listen carefully . . . tric signs on them advertising something.
Narrator: What is the most important decision that you Professor: Right. Now, these, uh, blimps you see today,
have ever made? Give specific details and examples to sup- theyre descendants of the zeppelins that were built in the
port your explanation. Please begin speaking after the first part of the twentieth century. Most of them were built in
beep. [15-second pause, then beep] [45-second pause, then Germanynot all, but most. These zeppelins were huge
beep] Now stop speaking. over 250 meters long. What were these airships used for?
Student B: I dont know. Didnt they carry passengers?
Narrator: Question 2. . . . Please listen carefully . . . Professor: Right, there was regular passenger service on
Narrator: In some university classes, grades depend mainly zeppelinseven transatlantic service. They could travel
on tests, such as quizzes and final exams. In other classes, amazingly long distances. They were also used for military
grades depend primarily on academic papers that the stu- purposes in World War I. Okay, Im going to show you a pic-
dents write. Which type of class would you prefer to take? ture, a very famous picturewhats happening in this
Give specific details and examples to support your explana- picture?
tion. Please begin speaking after the beep. [15-second pause, Student A: Thats the . . . uh, whats it called, the
then beep] [45-second pause, then beep] Now stop speaking. Hindenburg disaster.
Professor: Thats rightthis happened in 1937, in
Narrator: Question 3. . . . Please listen carefully . . . Lakehurst, New Jersey. There was an explosion and a terri-
Narrator: Lincoln University is instituting a new policy ble fire on the German zeppelin Hindenburg and thirty-five
regarding requirements for graduation. Read the following passengers and crew members lost their lives . . .
notice from the Dean of Education. You will have forty-five Student B: What caused it, Professor?
seconds in which to read the notice. Begin reading now. Professor: No one knows for sure, although thereve been
Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing this notice. lots of theories. Anyway, this tragedy pretty much ended
Student A: So I guess its back to the language classroom for the age of the giant zeppelins. At least, until about ten years
us! Have you . . . uh, given any thought about what language
youre going to study?
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78 Practice Test 1

ago. Thats when a German company started building zep- be pollinated. I said then that, uh, the most common
pelins again. Well talk about that in our next class . . . method of pollination was by bees, butterflies, and other
Narrator: The professor and the students discuss two air- insects. These insects visit flowers to get a sweet liquid
ships, the blimp Columbia and the zeppelin Hindenburg. called nectar that the flowers produce. This is their source
Using information from the passage and the discussion, of food. It just so happens that these flowers, these nectar-
compare these two airships. Please begin speaking after the rich flowers, are also fertile and are ready to pass on their
beep. [30-second pause, then beep] [60-second pause] Now pollen to other plants by means of these insects . . . or, uh,
stop speaking. they could also receive pollen the insect has picked up
Narrator: Question 5. . . . Please listen carefully . . . from another plant.
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students. Now, for most plants, this process is pretty much hit or
Student A: Hi, Diane. Gettin ready to go somewhere for miss; its pretty random. Insects have no way of knowing
spring break? which flowers contain nectar and pollen, so . . . they have
Student B: Hey, Mike. Uh, no, this year I guess Ill just hang to visit a lot of flowers to find the right ones. However, there
out on campus. I was going to go see my sister in Boston, are some plants that have a system that tells the insects
but . . . well, I waited too long to make an airline reservation. which flowers to visit. Its based on a color code, believe it
The only tickets available are way too expensive for me. or not. For example, theres a plant, a shrub called the lan-
Student A: Why dont you just drive to Boston? tana, and on the first day it blossoms, its flowers are yellow.
Student B: I thought about that, but its at least a 20-hour That day, the flower is full of pollen and nectar. The next
drive, so Id have to stop somewhere and get a hotel room. day, the flower turns orange. Theres less nectar, less pollen.
And gas is so expensive these days. Driving there would be On the third day it turns red and its no longer fertile. It has
almost as expensive as flying, and Id be exhausted when I no pollen, no nectar. Only about 10% of the lantanas flow-
got there. ers are yellow at any one time, but insects are ten times
Student A: Hey, you should go check the Ride Board over at more likely to visit a super fertile yellow flower than a less
the Student Union building. fertile orange one and nearly 100 times more likely to visit a
Student B: What are you talking about? yellow one than an infertile red one. And this system, its a
Student A: Youve probably seen it, you just didnt realize good deal for both plants and insects. Insects have to visit
what it was. Its, well, basically its a map of the United Sates fewer flowers, and plants do not have to expend energy
divided up into regions. And for each region theres an enve- trying to keep all their flowers full of nectar and pollen all
lope hanging on the wall. If you have a car, you fill out a blue the time.
card saying where youre going, when youre leaving, how Now, you might say, maybe its something else, maybe
many riders you can take, and so on. You put it in the enve- its the smell of the nectar and not the colors that provide
lope for the region where you want to gofor New England, the signal to the insect. But no. There were experiments
in your case. If you dont have a car, if youre just looking for done with flowers made of yellow paper, and insects were
a ride, you fill out a white card. Usually riders share the gas as likely to visit these as . . . . as real flowers. So . . . no, its
expenses and sometimes the driving. I used the Ride Board the color. Any questions about this?
and found a guy who wanted a ride to San Francisco last Narrator: Using specific examples and points from the lec-
summer. It was a lot cheaper and easier than traveling alone. ture, explain the relationship between the lantana plants
Student B: Okay, so I should fill out a blue card since I have and insects and discuss how it benefits both of them. Please
a car . . . begin speaking after the beep. [20-second pause, then beep]
Student A: Right. Well, you could fill out both. That way if [60-second pause, then beep] Now stop speaking.
someone else was driving there, you could go with him
or her. Narrator: This is the end of the Speaking Section. Go
Student B: Well, I guess I should give it a shot. A lot of stu- directly to the Writing Section.
dents are traveling at this time of year.
Student A: Hey, you know, I just had another ideayou [CD 12 Track 3]
might also think about taking a train.
Student B: A train. I never think about taking trainsit Writing Section
seems kindaI dont know, old-fashioned somehow,
although in Europe I rode some of those high-speed trains, Narrator: Directions: Take three minutes to read the short
and those were great . . . passage that follows. You may take notes as you read. After
Student A: Yeah, well, the train to Boston wont be high- three minutes, turn the page and start the Audio Program.
speed. It will take quite awhile to get there. But you can You will hear a lecture on the same topic as the reading.
sleep and study or whatever on the way. And taking a train, Again, you may take notes as you listen. You will have twenty
I dunno for sure, but I think its usually a little cheaper than minutes to write your response. Your response should
flying. Probably not all that much cheaper, though. include information from both the reading and the lecture.
Student B: Okay, well, I suppose I could look into that, too. Your essay will be rated on the completeness and accuracy
Thanks for the suggestions, Mike. of your response as well as on the correctness and quality of
Narrator: Mike offers Diane two possible solutions to her your writing. A typical response should be 150 to 225 words.
problem. Discuss her problem and then explain which of
the two solutions you think is better and why you think so. Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class on
Please begin speaking after the beep. [20-second pause, the same topic that you just read about.
then beep] [60-second pause, then beep] Now stop speaking. Professor: Okay, everyone have a chance to read that little
piece I gave you about risk-taking personalities? It comes
Narrator: Question 6. . . . Please listen carefully . . . from an article in a journal published . . . I dont know,
Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in a botany class. maybe seventy years ago.
Professor: Okay, we, uh, we were speaking in our last class The author takes a pretty harsh view of risk-taking,
about pollination, about how all flowering plants have to doesnt he? Today, most psychologists take a somewhat
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Practice Test 2 79

more tolerant view of many types of risk-taking than psy- Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students.
chologists did then. Student A: Hey, Allen, have you decided who youre going to
Sure, some people are natural risk-takers. And others are vote for tomorrow? In the student government election?
risk-averse. But I cant go along with this article when it Student B: Oh, thats tomorrow?
says theres a . . . a universal risk-taking personality. Some Student A: Yeah, havent you seen the posters all over
people take risks in one part of their lives but not in others. campus?
An investment banker might always buy safe stocks, but Student B: Tell you the truth, therere always a lot of posters
then he might race motorcycles on weekends. around campus, and I never pay much attention to any of
The article discusses the connection between risk-taking them. So are you running for office again, Janet?

and suicidal tendencies. Well, Id argue that most risk- Student A: As a matter of fact, yeah, I am, Im running for
takers tend to be pretty confident that nothing bad will re-election for the seat on the Student Council that belongs
happen to them. They recognize that their activities are to the School of Business. But you cant vote for me,

dangerous, sure, but because of their skill, their . . . their because youre in the School of Engineering.
positive attitude . . . their experience, they will succeed. Student B: Oh, thats how it works? You can only vote for
Motorcycle racers dont think they will have accidents, no someone from your own school?
matter how fast they drive. Student A: Right. Each of the ten schools on campusthe
The article suggests that theres no reward for people Engineering School, the Law School, the School of Arts and
who take unnecessary risks. Actually, there are rewards. For Sciences, the Business School, all ten of themhas one
one thing, theres a physical reward, a chemical reward. representative on the Student Council, and you can only
What I mean is, when people take risks, when skydivers, say, vote for someone from your own school. Except for the
jump from airplanes, their bodies pump chemicals like Student Council President and Vice President. All the stu-
adrenaline into their bloodstreams. For some people, this is dents at the university get to vote for those two offices. So
pleasurable, something to repeat over and over. There are youll be voting for council member, president, and V.P.
also psychological benefits. Studies have shown that risk- tomorrow.
takers have higher self-esteem, higher levels of confidence, Student B: Oh, I thought I read somewhere that first the
more, uh, social and financial success than those who dont. council was elected and that then they voted for president
Now, I dont want to make any blanket statements about and vice president.
taking risks. There are some risks that people shouldnt Student A: Uh, well, youre right, it used to be that way. But
take. Smoking is a health risk, one thats just foolish to take. last year the Student Council voted to change the student
But we psychologists have changed our opinion since this government charter. We decided it was more . . . well, more
article was written. We realize that sometimes its impor- democratic if all the students could directly elect the presi-
tant to take risks, and that risk-takers arent mentally ill. dent and vice president.
Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question. Student B: Why didnt you run for president then? Almost
Remember, you may turn the page and look back at the everyone on campus knows you, and . . .
reading passage. You may also use your notes to help you. Student A: I want to serve one more year on the council . . .
You have twenty minutes to prepare and write your and then, well, Im thinking that next year, Ill try to get
response. elected president.
Question: Summarize the main points made in the lec- Student B: Well, if I cant vote for you tomorrow, Janet, I
ture that you just heard, discussing how they cast doubt on dont think theres much point in voting. I dont know any-
the main points of the reading. You can refer to the reading thing about any of the other candidates.
passage as you write. Student A: You should vote anyway, Allen. You may not
think so, but student governments important.
Narrator: This is the end of the Integrated Skills Writing Student B: Why? Why should it matter to me whos on the
Section and of the Audio Program for Practice Test 1. Student Council?
Student A: Well, the most important thing isthe Council
[CD 13 Track 1] gets to decide how to spend your money. Fifteen dollars
from each students fees goes into the Student Councils
general fund. Thats a budget of, like, a hundred and fifty
Practice Test 2 thousand dollars. The Council decides how much each
campus organization can spend, it decides what concerts
Listening Section were going to have.
Narrator: Directions: This section tests your understanding Student B: Tell you the truth, Janet, Im too busy to join any
of conversations and lectures. You will hear each conversa- organizations or go to any concertsmost engineering stu-
tion or lecture only once. Your answers should be based on dents are. Besides, everyone knows that student govern-
what is stated or implied in the conversations and lectures. ment doesnt have any real power. Real power on this
You are allowed to take notes as you listen, and you can use campus belongs to the Board of Trustees.
these notes to help you answer the questions. In some ques- Student A: Yeah, but the president of the Student Council
tions, you will see a headphones icon. This icon tells you goes to the Trustees Meetings. Now its true, he or she
that you will hear, but not read, part of the lecture again. doesnt get to vote, but that doesnt mean that the Trustees
Then you will answer a question about the part of the lecture dont listen to the Council Presidents concerns sometimes.
that you heard. Some questions have special directions that Just last year . . .
are highlighted. During an actual listening test, you will not Student B: Well, I have my doubtsI think the Trustees do
be able to skip items and come back to them later, so try to what they want to do. But Ill tell you what, Janetsince
answer every question that you hear on this practice test. you asked me, Ill vote in the election tomorrow.
This test includes two conversations and four lectures. Most Student A: Great! Then you should also go to the debate
questions are separated by a ten-second pause. tonight, to figure out whos the best candidate for you to
vote for.

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