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pkg: VRTSnetbp
version of NBU: /usr/openv/netbackup/version, /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version

conf dev: jnbSA, xdevadm, tpconfig

conf media: jnbSA, xvmadm, vmadm
conf dev: jnbSA, xdevadm, vmoprcmd

bp (backup and restore)

jnbSA [-lc] #log command line equivilents
/usr/openv/java/[auth.conf, nbj.conf,]
Also add hostname in bp.conf as SERVER=xxx
xbpadm (old Moif - pre jnbSA)

windows admin GUI- **** only one user in it at a time (writes out the last
users view when then exit and clobbers all other changes by others when they
exited). Use vi on text files, CLI, or Java when doing admin changes.

db - manual add


bp.conf - make sure master is the first entry

backup performance

#Drive speed
bperror -hoursago 24 |grep "Kbytes at"
grep "Kbytes/sec" /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm/log.`date +%m%d%y` \
| sed 's/[a-zA-Z/]//g'\
| awk '{print $NF}' \
| /usr/local/bin/mam

#Amount of data
grep "Kbytes/sec" /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm/log.`date +%m%d%y` \
| awk -F, '{print $2}' \
| awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'

grep "Kbytes/sec" /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm/log.`date +%m%d%y` \
| grep buffers

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# see if waiting for full or empty buffers

# see performance advice later in file

backup status

bperror -S<Statuscode#> -r

bperror -U -backstat -hoursago 24

bperror -U -problems -hoursago 24
bperror -U -backstat -d 3/22/2004 -e 3/28/2004 -by_statcode
bperror -U -client somename -L -hoursago 24
bperror -problems -v -client somename -L
bperror -problems -client somename -U -d 07/25/2002 -e 08/02/2002

bperror -hoursago 48 -backstat -U \

| awk '{if ($1 !=0 && $1 != 1 && NFS == 7) print $0}' | sort -n

bperror -U -backstat -hoursago 24 \

| awk '{if ($1 == 0 || $1 == 1 ) print $0}' | sort -n

backup the entire client but splits each drive volume/filesystem into its
own backup stream

if first entry in the file list, each occurance of this directive results
in a new backup job being initiated to backup the files following the
directive in a separate stream

SYSTEM_STATE:\ [note underscore] (< win 2003 server)

used to backup the registry

Shadow Copy Components:\ [note spaces] (>= win 2003 server)

used to backup the registry
Veritas tech article 275931


reset or set

Drive letter (windows: i.e C:\)

Mount path (unix: /home )

set destpath=/etc/home
touch No.Restrictions (get rid of hostname checking)
or cat server files in this dir and see if client exists

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/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -i -c NT_FILE_VIRTUAL -s Full -w -S netbackup-server

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -i -w -h $CLIENT -p $POLICY -s $SCHEDULE

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -res -multi_eject -w -verbose -rn <robot number> -rt <robot type> -

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -h mediaserver -verify_eject -map 0,0,0 -rn 0 -r h mediaserver -ml H0

#move between pools

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -p <poolnum> -m <media id> \
-h <volhost> -M <master>

#list dir contents on client
bpdir -M [client|mediasrv] /somedir

Update client s/w

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients <hardware> <os>

DataGeneral UNIX
HP9000-700 HP-UX11.00
HP9000-800 HP-UX11.00
Linux RedHat2.2
Linux RedHat2.4
RS6000 AIX4.3.3
RS6000 AIX5
SCO UnixWare
Sequent DYNIX420
Solaris Solaris2.6
Solaris Solaris7
Solaris Solaris8
Solaris Solaris9
Solaris Solaris_x86_2.6
Solaris Solaris_x86_7
Solaris Solaris_x86_8

Remember to include the master server's <hardware> <os> type.

Note: The /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients command without

any parameters will update all the UNIX clients.

Here is the full pathname and command you should use for cleanups if you are
running your catalog backups through cron or some other scheduler other than

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimage -cleanup -allclients

Also, I recommend you touch this file so that the process runs in

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background and does not interfere with other backups.

touch /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/CLEAN_IN_BACKGROUND

While you can run a complete catalog backup from the command line,
the easier way is to configure it through the gui, then just execute
'/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackupdb' from the command line or via
cron. It pulls in the configuration you defined in the gui. It
has to be executed on the system that will be doing the writing, in
your case a media server, not the master.

The configuration is defined in the 4.5 Sys Admin Guide for Unix on
page 155 (of the book). Search for 'Configuring Catalog Backups' if
using the pdf. I recommend defining two tapes so that they rotate
back and forth and you would always have one good backup tape. The
tapes that you choose must be in the NetBackup pool and must be
unassigned. Catalog backups don't append, they overwrite the tape
each time it runs.


ping node
telnet node bpcd
telnet node 13782

netstat -a | grep bpcd

netstat -a | grep 13782
rpcinfo -p | grep 13782

/etc/services (or applicable NIS file) does not have the correct bpcd entry.
The correct /etc services entry is:
bpcd 13782/tcp bpcd
rpcinfo -p /etc/inetd.conf (or applicable NIS or DNS file) does not have the
correct bpcd entry. The correct /etc/inetd.conf entry is:
bpcd stream tcp nowait root /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd bpcd

bprd 13720 (NBU Request Service Port)
vnetd 13724 main port if in DMZ
bpcd 12782 (NBU Client Service Port)
portmapper 111 acsls libattach (windows)
acscsi 13740 acsls
13741 acsls
30031 acsls
30032 acsls
44110 acsls

NDMP 10000 for comm

visd 9284
vmd 13701
acsd 13702
tl8cd 13705
odld 13706
ts8d 13709

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tldcd 13711
tl4d 13713
tsdd 13714
tshd 13715
tlmd 13716
tlhcd 13717
lmfcd 13718
rsmd 13719
bprd 13720 *
bpdbm 13721
bpjobd 13723
bpcd 13782 *
vopied 13783
nbdbd 13784

Level Period
----- -----------
0 1 week
1 2 weeks
2 3 weeks
3 1 month
4 2 months
5 3 months
6 6 months
7 9 months
8 1 year
9 infinity
10 6 weeks
11 10 years
12 8 days
13 5 weeks
14 13 months
15 7 years
16 infinity
17 infinity
18 infinity
19 infinity
20 infinity
21 infinity
22 infinity
23 infinity



jnbSA [-lc]

bgetconfig -M (pull list)

# list bp.conf and general settings

bpgetconfig -M ctcbs1500

# list OS and NBU version

bpgetconfig -L -s sctcvnb31

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*** WARNING: be very careful **** bsetconfig -h (push list)

#push std exclude list (unix)


#list pools
vmpool -listall
vmpool -listall -b

#see global settings

bpconfig -U

#see the config file


#check overall policies and get client hardware inventory

$NBUHOME/bin/goodies/check_coverage -coverage -hardware -hosts /etc/hosts
$NBUHOME/bin/goodies/check_coverage -host ictcvnb11
$NBUHOME/bin/admincmd/bpcoverage -coverage -hardware
$NBUHOME/bin/admincmd/bpcoverage -c ictcvnb11

#update robot inventory - rescan volumes

vmupdate -rt acs -rn 0

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmupdate -x -rn 2 -rt acs \

-rh mediaserver -vh master \
-interactive -use_barcode_rules

#empty/get tapes/import tapes from CAP door

The vmupdate command is used to achive this. The most basic form of the command to empty the inport

vmupdate -rn 0 -rt acs -interactive -empty_ie

#import a tape
bpimport -create_db_info -id XXXXXX -server genmsbu2 -L "/var/matt"

#rename policy name

bppolicynew <old-policy-name> -renameto <new-policy-name>

#new GUI
xbpadm is replaced by jnbSA

cd /usr/openv (/opt/openv)


./bpps -a #status
ps -ef | grep bpsched


./bp.kill -all

./S77netbackup start

#To shutdown all Netbackup Daemons

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/netbackup stop

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#To startup Netbackup Daemons

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/netbackup start
/etc/init.d/nbar start

#To startup only Media Manager Daemons


#To startup Netbackup Advanced Reporter Daemons

/etc/init.d/nbar start

#Top stop Windows netbackup

bpdown -f -v
#may have to run twice to stop inetd

#Top start Windows netbackup

bpup -v -s

output you should see from bpps:


#To check the Status of Tape Drives

vmoprcmd -d
vmoprcmd -d ds
vmoprcmd -h MEDIA_SERVER

#Up a drive
vmoprcmd -up 0 #use the drive index

#To check the Netbackup Daemons

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a

bprestore -L /tmp/backup.txt -C someserver -D someserver -t 19 -s 05/18/2004 -e 05/20/2004 /vol/vol7

#Location of Logs - /usr/openv/netbackup/logs

#To check the status of Media

vmquery -m <media id>
bpmedialist -U
bpmedialist -U -m 200437
bpmedialist -U -ev 200437

#List all vols

vmquery -h hostname -b -a

#Delete media from vol/media database

#first >= 4.5 #
bpexpdate -m H00011 -d 0
vmdelete -m H00011
#first - pre 4.5#
bpexpdate -ev H00011 -d 0

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GET message: WHICH is OK - meant it worked

requested media id was not found in NB media database and/or MM volume


I have tapes whose physical expiration date is shorter than I'd like. How do I change that date? T
The command will tell media manager that the tape should never expire.

vmchange -M master -h volhost -exp 0 -m mediaid

vmchange -M master -h volhost -exp mm/dd/yy -m mediaid

bpmedia -unfreeze -m <media id>

bpmedia -unfreeze -ev <media id>

#new label on the tape media


#reread schedule
bprdreq -rereadconfig
bpschedreq -read_stunits
bpschedreq -read_stu_config
bpschedreq -predict DATE
bpsched -predict 09/11/2004 -client someclient

See on master: /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/bpsched.d

if backups don't run, move the worklist.???? to another dir
and start netbackup

#Command to find out the Active Backup Jobs

bpdbjobs -report | grep Active
bpdbjobs -report | grep Queue
bpdbjobs -report | grep $JOBID
bpdbjobs -report | grep -v Done
bpdbjobs -report -all_columns

# Header for bpdbjobs
# JobID Type State Status Policy Schedule Client Dest Media Svr
# Started Ended Try Kilobytes Elapsed Operation Files KB Per Se
# Dest M Active E

#List the files that were backed up between time in /some/dir

bplist -R -s 04/24/2004 [-e 04/24/2004] /some/dir/*
bplist -R -l -s 04/24/2004 [-e 04/24/2004] /some/dir/*
bplist -A -b -l /oraclus1p/arch01/prdgpdb/0000001664_prdgpdb.arc

#To freeze a media

bpmedia -freeze -m <media id>

# processes
bpps -a

#list clients

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#troubleshoot/test and get names and IP of client, run from client

bpclntcmd -pn
bpclntcmd -self
bpclntcmd -hn $HOSTNAME
bpclntcmd -ip $IP

# list policies
bpcllist -U
bpcllist -U -allpolicies
bppllist -L
bppllist -U -byclient CLIENTNAME
bppllist -U -allpolicies
bppllist -hwos

bpminlicense -verbose
get_license_key -L keys
get_license_key -L features

#media lists
bpmedialist -l
bpmedialist -L
bpmedialist -summary
bpmedialist -mcontents -m MEDIA

bpimmedia -U

bpimagelist -A
bpimagelist -A -media
bpimagelist -media

# what backup images do we have?

bpimagelist -U -d 01/20/2006 -e 01/23/2006 -client amrxm2101

# what are the BackupIDs per job

bpimagelist -L -d 01/20/2006 -e 01/23/2006 -client amrxm2101 | grep "Backup ID"

# what media was written to for a backup image

bpimagelist -media -backupid pocxm1001_1137105611

# what media per BackupIDs per job (lists each copies media)
bpimagelist -L -d 01/20/2006 -e 01/23/2006 -client amrxm2101 | egrep -e "Backup ID|ID:"

# list overview on a backupid

bpimagelist -U -backupid pocxm1001_1137105611

# list details on a backupid

bpimagelist -L -backupid pocxm1001_1137105611

bpimagelist -U -rl 0
bpimagelist -U -rl 1 ...

How can I tell which tapes will be needed for a particular restore?

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1. If you are using the Java GUI, start the restore, and click "Preview Media Required".
2. You can also perform the restore (either via the GUI or command line), and have messages wri

Or you can avoid the GUI (and avoid having to kick off a restore) with the bpimagelist command.

Let's assume you want to restore from a backup of CLIENTA that happened on August 1st.

(these commands would be run on your NBU master server)

### First you need to find the exact start time of the backup you want:

nbumaster# bpimagelist -U -client CLIENTA -d 08/01/2001 -e /08/01/2001

Backed Up Expires Files KB C Sched Type Class

---------------- ---------- -------- -------- - ------------ ------------
08/01/2001 05:05 08/15/2001 729846 52624096 N Full Backup CLIENTA_OS
08/01/2001 02:05 11/02/2001 58233 5029312 N Full Backup CLIENTA_DATA

### Next you use the -media flag to see what volume(s) were used for that

nbumaster# bpimagelist -media -U -client CLIENTA -d 08/01/2001 05:05 -e

08/01/2001 05:05

Media ID Last Written Server

-------- ---------------- ----------
602595 08/01/2001 05:05 nbumaster
603084 08/01/2001 05:05 nbumaster


Exchange 2000/2003 Alternate Server Recovery

Restoring Exchange 2003 Information Store to Recovery Storage Group

Exchange 2003 Information Store to Recovery Storage Group on Alternate Client

Recovery Storage Group Mailbox Recovery Feature

Cause Veritas communicates to ACSLS using RPC and uses both UDP and TCP communications. The
Change the default communication protocol of NetBackup to TCP in the /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf...

1. ACS_TCP_RPCSERVICE ####Make sure this entry is present.

2. ACS_UCP_RPCSERVICE ####Make sure this entry is not present.

These messages are logged in the Netbackup acssi event log:

11-11-03 20:13:54 SSI[0]:

ONC RPC: csi_rpccall(): status:STATUS_NI_FAILURE; failed: clntudp_create()
RPC UDP client connection failed, RPC: Port mapper failure

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Remote Internet address:, Port: 0;

11-11-03 20:14:24 SSI[0]:

cl_ipc_write: Sending message to socket 51658 failed on "Connection refused"
11-11-03 20:14:24 SSI[0]:
ONC RPC: csi_ipc_send(): status:STATUS_IPC_FAILURE;
Cannot send message To Client:discarded;

1. Because it has exceeded the configured number of tries
- Delete(or move/rename) the log files under /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error/ and re-run the scheduled
- rm *.* ./netbackup/db/failures_history
- rm *.* ./netbackup/db/jobs except joblock ,jobid and done directory

2. get_num_avail_drives: bptm exit status = 80

- This error is the result of the schedule not being able to connect to bptm on the media servers.

- The problem occurs when a Windows 2000 Media Server is demoted to a Windows 2000 Client and the
Corrective Action:
a. On the master server, open the NetBackup Administration Console.
b. Open "Storage Unit Management".
c. Delete the storage unit that belongs to the Windows 2000 Client.

3. recv_runQ_msg: msgrcv(nodelay) stat -1 errno 35 (The specified message type does not exist on
- Appears to be a resource problem - message queue errors
- Perhaps a performance problem on Master - too much activity

4. run_backups: run_any_ret_level(3) returned -3(Something maxed out)

- In some cases a large number of these messages are repeating in the bpsched log. When this happ
# touch /usr/openv/netbackup/oc_check_disable

This file will disable overcommit checking for drives on the master server. If environment is not

5. set_drives_down: set drive <Silo1P9_Drive5> to down state, bptm did not report drive
- It may be a possible bug in drive counting - get_num_avail_drives
- Once the NetBackup daemons are killed, backups run fine.
The sys admin had changed the shm parameters. AIX doesn't need any tuning for shm, but not sure wh

6. start_bptm: remap errcode 46 to 206 -- access to server backup restore manager denied
start_bptm: bpcd exit: server not allowed access (46) get_stunits: get_num_avail_dr
-Please check Host Properties under Media Servers and verify that a connection is established to e
Corrective Action:
For this instance, the issue was resolved by changing the registry on the media server. The follow

7. readstring: EXIT STATUS 134

- The definition for the error code is as follows:

Message: EC_resource_busy
When using shared drives, or if NetBackup is spanning backups across tapes, you may see a status c

8. get_stunits: get_num_avail_drives failed with stat 80

log_in_errorDB: backup of client pocxm1101 exited with status 150 (termination requested by administ
- Termination requested by administrator. The process is terminating (or has terminated) as a dire

9. run_backups: run_any_ret_level(3) returned -1(NO WORK)

- There are numerous bpsched engineering bugs, backline need to identify which one is applicable in


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bpstulist -U

cd c:\Prog*\Veritas\Net*\bin
cd c:\Prog*\Veritas\Vol*\bin

tpconfig -l
tpconfig -d
tpconfig -ld
tpconfig -data


vmoprcmd -d

vmglob -listall

#unfreeze tape
#check state
bpmedialist -U -m ID

bpmedia -unfreeze -m ID


OS and filer Passwords are 8 chars MAX or this will not work (4.x), 64 in 5.x.

Add NDMP license to master and mediaserver

Add NDMP options package VRTSnbdmp to master and mediaserver
Add NDMP needed/neccessary MP/FP for your current release

password keys for filers and mediaservers are stored in:

#you can edit this file to change/delete names
#you can copy from another node as well if you don't know the
# password to a filer


#root is the username "root"

set_ndmp_attr -auth FILER root #filer/datamover/NAS hostname
set_ndmp_attr -auth MEDISERVER root #media server w/ NDMP drives
set_ndmp_attr -verify FILER #see if password worked
set_ndmp_attr -verify MEDISERVER #see if password worked
set_ndmp_attr -list #see contents of file

start NDMP process on mediaserver

(check to see if rc or inittab)

remove the number of drives from the storage unit's useable number
for netbackup as these are dedicated drives to NDMP

bpadm - storage unit


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setup drives w/ tpconfig - to make the ndmp drives

#add drives
#replace MEDIASERVER w/ mediaserver's hostname

for drive path: "MEDIASERVER:/dev/rmt/Xcbn"

run tpconfig -d, ndmp drive will be seen as: "/ndmp//dev/rmt/Xcbn"
Where "ndmp" shows up in place of the mediaserver hostname.
Nothing you can do about this, the ms hostname is forever
hidden in tpconfig. Make sure you type it in correctly.
The GUI will show the hostname again when viewing the device.

add the following to vm.conf


setup NDMP STU

we use
remote NDMP (tape drive on media server)
type NDMP
mediaserver, mediaserver

direct NDMP (tape drive on filer)

type NDMP
mediaserver, filername

use the NDMP STU
type NDMP

type NDMP

uses port 10000 for comm

clean drives:

to see current mount time:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -l

to see last clean time:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -L

to set the cleaning flag:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -m 4




vmcheckxxx -rt acs -rn 0 -full -list
vmupdate -rt acs -rn 0 -interactive

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vmupdate -x -rt tl8 -rn 0 -rh MASTER -vh MASTER -interactive

bperror -media -U
bpmedialist -U -mcontents
bpmedialist -U -m TAPEID
bpmedialist -U -ev TAPEID
bpmedialist -summary
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpexdate -m media_id -d 0

Verifying that rpc is running on the Media Server.
# rpcinfo
program version netid address service owner
100000 4 ticots hotdog.rpc rpcbind superuser
100000 3 ticots hotdog.rpc rpcbind superuser
100000 4 ticotsord hotdog.rpc rpcbind superuser
100000 3 ticotsord hotdog.rpc rpcbind superuser
100000 4 ticlts hotdog.rpc rpcbind superuser
100000 3 ticlts hotdog.rpc rpcbind superuser
100000 4 tcp rpcbind superuser
100000 3 tcp rpcbind superuser
100000 2 tcp rpcbind superuser
100000 4 udp rpcbind superuser
100000 3 udp rpcbind superuser
100000 2 udp rpcbind superuser

Verifying the ACSSS program registration.

# rpcinfo -t {acsls_hostname} 30031 2

program 300031 version 2 ready and waiting

# rpcinfo -t {acsls_hostname} 30031 1

program 300031 version 1 ready and waiting

You should get a response from both programs, but you only need a response
from the version that you are using (2 = udp or 3 = tcp). The Netbackup
default for this communications service is udp.

The number for Veritas support of Netbackup is 800-342-0652
Unzip to c:\program files\nbsupport From the command prompt,
Run c:\program files\nbsupport\windows\nbsupport -media (use this on the media server only)
If you fail to select the appropriate switch, it will run as a client machine which will NOT provi
Send me the cab file that will be found under c:\program files\nbsupport\windows\output folder

email is to ""
web ticket logging:, see icons on bottom of the page


Run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support/support > /tmp/

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user: ftp
ftp> cd /pub/support/incoming
ftp> bin
ftp> hash
ftp> put
ftp> quit

StorageTek Hotline: 800-525-0369

acsls is OpenSystems Software, phone queue: 1,2,3

Tape Recall - Iron Mountain 800-899-IRON

untar NCVU.tar
./NCVU -help

Manual: NCVU.README installed with the NetBackup Configuration Validation

Utility NCVU

The following arguments can be passed to the NetBackup Configuration
Validation Utility (NCVU).
To get the latest version of NCVU go to:
Select the Downloads tab, select File type: Utility, and press Go>>.
The TechNote that contains the latest version of NCVU will be displayed in
the listing.

NCVU requires at least two arguments. The most frequently used are
"-host_node" and "-conf". The possibilities include:

Argument Meaning
./NCVU -host_node master -conf all NCVU will validate Master, Media Server and Client configura
./NCVU -host_node master -conf master NCVU will perform Master Server configuration checks only.
./NCVU -host_node master -conf media_server NCVU will validate all Media Servers (no Clients).
./NCVU -host_node master -conf all_clients NCVU will validate all configured clients (that me
./NCVU -host_node master -conf media_server_clients NCVU will validate only the Media Server a
./NCVU -host_node master -conf class_clients NCVU will validate the clients configured in the cla
./NCVU -host_node master -conf single_client NCVU will validate the specified client.

NCVU Command Line Arguments:

NCVU Command Line Argument Significance

-host_node Specifies the NetBackup node where you are running NCVU from. Options are master, m
-conf Specifies the configuration you want it to validate. Run NCVU -help for a full list of confi
-debug Generate a file useful for troubleshooting NCVU.
-help Display help information for the NCVU utility.
-if Specify an input file.
-nbu_db_time Specify the number of seconds to wait between prompts for checking the NetBackup c
-net This option is currently not supported.
-no_nbu_db Skip (lengthy) NetBackup database checking.
-of Specify an output file.
-quiet Suppress the majority of observations in NCVU.out that precede the summary. Only WARNING a
-wait Change the delay for Media Server and Client output. Default: (300 seconds)

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II. Running NCVU from the master server

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/NCVU -host_node master -conf master

This will create an NCVU_master.out.<date> file.
The word master is not to be replaced by a host name. The command should be
typed just as it is stated above.

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/NCVU -host_node master -conf

# all_media_servers

This will create an NCVU_media.out.<date> file.

The word master is not to be replaced by a host name. The command should be
typed just as it is stated above.
This will also create <hostname>.ncvu_media_server_config_input.<date> and
<hostname>.ncvu_media_server_config_output.<date> files for each media server
selected by NCVU from the NetBackup storage unit configuration.

#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/NCVU -host_node master -conf single_client

<client name>
#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/NCVU -host_node master -conf -all_clients

This will create an NCVU_client.out.<date> file.

The word master is not to be replaced by a host name. The command should be
typed just as it is stated above.
This will also create <hostname>.ncvu_client_config_input.<date> and
<hostname>.ncvu_client_config_output.<date> files for each client selected by
NCVU from the NetBackup policy configuration.

III. Running NCVU from the media server:

NCVU will need to be run from the master server to generate the input file
before you can run it from the media server. Ftp the
<hostname>.ncvu_media_config_input.<date> file from the master to the media

#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/NCVU_media_server -if
This will generate an NCVU_media.out.<date> file.

IV. Running NCVU from the client:

NCVU will need to be run from the master server to generate the input file
before you can run it from the client. Ftp the
<hostname>.ncvu_client_config_input.<date> file from the master to the

#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/NCVU_client -if
This will generate an NCVU_client.out.<date> file.

Unix server fails to backup
bprd (required)

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media master/server (if no DNS)

Install backup software on a client

Note: "newhost" it the hostname of the client you are installing

Add client to a schedule

Send required files to the Client

Creates a dir in /tmp/bp on the client

#NBUHOME/netbackup/bin/install_client_files ftp newhostname root

> Client newhostname -- Sun4 hardware running Solaris 2.8

> Installing NetBackup software on newhostname as user root
> Password:
> Ftp completed successfully.

Log into "newhostname" and ....

Installs the client configuration files on "newhostname"

Log into newhost
cd /tmp
chmod 755 /tmp/bp/bin/client_config
sh /tmp/bp/bin/client_config

Copy the list of files not to backup from the shared source
cp $NBUHOME/exclude_list /usr/openv/netbackup

How to configure the sg (Solaris scsi pass-thru driver) so that sgscan will
tape drives that have a scsi id (target) that is greater than 15.
TechNote ID: 236104 Last Updated: June 08 2001 05:35 PM GMT
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Caution! The information in this TechNote is based upon certain assumptions,

including product, operating system and platform versions. You can review
this information in the TechNote Summary portion of this document. This
document ( 236104 ) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this

How to configure the sg (Solaris scsi pass-thru driver) so that sgscan will
tape drives that have a scsi id (target) that is greater than 15.


With the invention of "native fibre" tape drives like the STK 9840 it is
now possible to have scsi ids (or scsi targets) that are greater than the old
limit of 15. With fibre channel devices it is possible to have scsi target

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values up to 127.
The NetBackup procedure in the NetBackup 3.4 Media Manager Device
Configuration Guide pp.58-62 tells how to create scsi targets up to 15 with
the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ command. However, this command does not
allow the creation of scsi targets that are greater than 15.

The work-around for this is to manually edit the sg driver's configuration

1) The first step is to ensure the operating system (OS) can see the tape
Check the /dev/rmt/ directory with this command ls -al /dev/rmt/*cbn.
The output should look something like this:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 45 Apr 10 12:25 0cbn ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 45 Apr 10 12:25 1cbn ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 45 Apr 10 12:25 2cbn ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 45 Apr 10 12:25 3cbn ->
Note: The strings st@2,0 st@3,0 st@13,1 and st@20,0 at the end of the
device paths. These are the scsi target and lun values.
Also Note: The target and lun values for "st@?,?" are in hexadecimal
format, NOT decimal.
/dev/rmt/0cbn has target 2 and lun 0 (st@2,0).
/dev/rmt/1cbn has target 3 and lun 0 (st@3,0).
/dev/rmt/2cbn has target 19 and lun 1 (st@13,0).
/dev/rmt/3cbn has target 32 and lun 0 (st@20,0).

Go through the list of tape drives that the server sees and write down
the target and lun values for each /dev/rmt/*cbn device.

2) If there are tape drives missing from the /dev/rmt/ device files then the
/kernel/drv/st.conf file needs to be edited.
The first step is to determine what scsi target and luns the tape drives
are set for.
The next step is to edit the st.conf file so that it has a listing for
each target and lun combination that the tape drives have.
For example: if there is a tape drive with target 19 and lun 0 then this
line needs to be in the st.conf file name="st" class="scsi" target=19
Another example: if there is a tape drive with target 58 and lun 1 then
this line needs to be in the st.conf file name="st" class="scsi"
target=58 lun=1;
After all the updates are made to the /kernel/drv/st.conf file the device
trees need to be rebuilt. Do this with the command reboot -- -r.

3) Once the scsi target and lun values are know for each tape drive then it's
time to edit the sg driver configuration files.
First edit the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.conf file to add the
needed target and lun entries.
For example: if there is a tape drive with target 19 and lun 0 then this
line needs to be in the st.conf file name="sg" class="scsi" target=19
For example: if there is a tape drive with target 58 and lun 1 then this
line needs to be in the st.conf file name="sg" class="scsi" target=58

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Next edit the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.links file to add the

needed target and lun entries.
For example: if there is a tape drive with target 19 and lun 0 then this
line needs to be in the st.conf file type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=13,0;
For example: if there is a tape drive with target 58 and lun 1 then
this line needs to be in the st.conf file
type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=3A,1; sg/c\N0t58l1
Note: The values for the addr= string are in hexadecimal, but the
values for sg/c\N0t19l0 are in decimal.
Note2: The format of this line if very important. The two parts of this
line need to be separated by a tab, not spaces (i.e.

4) After the sg.conf and sg.links files are edited, they need to be moved
into place with the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sg.install script.
The sg.install script will reload the sg driver. It was also copy
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.conf to /kernel/drv/sg.conf.
If there is an existing /kernel/drv/sg.conf file, sg.install will not
copy the new file out there.
Thus it is important to remove or rename the existing
/kernel/drv/sg.conf file before running sg.install.

The script sg.install also concatenates the entries in

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.links to the end of the Solaris device links
file /etc/
It is recommended to remove any previous sg device link entries in the
/etc/ file before running sg.install.

5) If setting up persistent binding for tape drives in /kernel/drv/st.conf

then it is also necessary to setup entries for the persistent binding of the
tape drives to the world wide names (wwn) in the /kernel/drv/sg.conf file
For example: If you have some native-fibre tape drives with targets
60-62 do this:
A. Make sure the /kernel/drv/st.conf file has persistent binding setup
for the tape drives.
name="st" class="scsi" hba="fcaw0" wwn="500104F000426D0A" target=60
name="st" class="scsi" hba="fcaw0" wwn="500104F00043E20C" target=61
name="st" class="scsi" hba="fcaw0" wwn="500104F00043A45C" target=62

B. Edit the /kernel/drv/sg.conf file to setup persistent device binding

for these tape drives.
name="sg" class="scsi" hba="fcaw0" wwn="500104F000426D0A" target=60
name="sg" class="scsi" hba="fcaw0" wwn="500104F00043E20C" target=61
name="sg" class="scsi" hba="fcaw0" wwn="500104F00043A45C" target=62

C. Make sure the /etc/ file is setup correctly.

type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=3C,0; sg/c\N0t60l0
type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=3D,0; sg/c\N0t61l0

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type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=3E,0; sg/c\N0t62l0

D. If any changes are made to these three files then it is necessary to

rebuild the device tree with a reboot -- -r or rm /dev/rmt/*; rm /dev/sg/*;
drvconfig; tapes; devlinks.
When sg.install is run, it reloads the sg driver and puts the new sg
configuration files in place.
The key to make any configuration changes to sg.conf or
permanent is to edit the files /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.conf and
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.links so that they will be copied into place
whenever sg.install is run.

Currently there are only a few native-fibre tape drives (including the STK
9840FC and the LTO tape drives like the IBM 3580-LTO and the HP SureStore
Ultrium 230-LTO).
These native-fibre device can support scsi target values that are greater
than the scsi target limit of 15.
To take advantage of this extended scsi target limit it is necessary to
configure the st (scsi tape) driver, the sg (scsi pass-thru) driver, and the
device links files so that the sg driver will see these devices with the
higher scsi targets.

TechNote Summary:
TechNote Title: How to configure the sg (Solaris scsi pass-thru driver) so
that sgscan will tape drives that have a scsi id (target) that is greater
than 15.
TechNote ID: 236104
Last Updated: June 08 2001 05:35 PM GMT
Products: NetBackup DataCenter 3.4, 3.4.1
NetBackup v3.2 and prior (UNIX Platforms) 3.2

Subject: NetBackup DataCenter - Application - Configuration

NetBackup DataCenter - Application - Device Management
NetBackup DataCenter - Application - Documentation
NetBackup DataCenter - Application - How To
NetBackup v3.2 and prior (UNIX Platforms) - Application - Configuration
NetBackup v3.2 and prior (UNIX Platforms) - Application - Device Management
NetBackup v3.2 and prior (UNIX Platforms) - Application - Documentation
NetBackup v3.2 and prior (UNIX Platforms) - Application - How To

Languages: English (US)

Operating Systems: Solaris 2.6, 7.0 (32-bit), 8.0 (32-bit)

How to use the new configurable media ID generation vm.conf rules for LTO

Exact Error Message:

Update failed: could not add new media ID '0006L1' into slot 18 Insert media
failed: Media ID not unique to database (34)


The LTO barcode format consists of eight characters nnnnnnLx, where nnnnnn
ranges from 0-999999 and x varies from 1-9. VERITAS NetBackup 3.4 generates

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media ID based on the last six characters of the media barcode. Using LTO
barcodes will limit the media IDs generated since the Lx is common for
numerous barcodes. A problem can occur when a robotic library contains
multiple media with barcodes that have the same last six characters.

For example, a library has media with barcodes "S00006L1" and "120006L1". The
media ID generated for both pieces of media is identical, and when a robot
inventory update is performed, the following error occurs:

Update failed: could not add new media ID '0006L1' into slot 18
Insert media failed:
Media ID not unique to database (34)

With NetBackup 3.4 patch NB_34_1 or (NB_341_1 on NT) or NetBackup 4.5

installed on all NetBackup media servers and master server, how media IDs are
generated is now configurable.

Media ID generation rules can be added to the vm.conf file to specify the
robot number and barcode length with multiple configuration entries for each
robot or for each barcode format. With NetBackup 4.5, media ID generation
rules can also be added to the vm.conf file via the "Inventory Robot"
function of the NetBackup administration console graphical user interface.

The media ID generation rule has the following syntax:

MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS <robot_number> <barcode_length>


where robot_number is the robot number, barcode_length is the number of

characters in the media's barcode format,
c1 is the first character of the Media ID
c2 is the second character of the Media ID
c3 is the third character of the Media ID
c4 is the fourth character of the Media ID
c5 is the fifth character of the Media ID
c6 is the sixth character of the Media ID

c1-c6 can specify a character from the media barcode or specify a fixed
character by prefixing the character with a "#".

For example, the rule:


****MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS 0 8 1:2:3:4:5:6

generates media IDs for robot 0 using the character N and the 1st, 3rd,
4th-6th characters of the 8 character barcode, and for the barcode, 123456L1
generates media ID N13456.

The rule:

MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS 0 8 1:2:3:4:5:6

generates media IDs for robot 0 using the 1st-6th characters of the 8
character barcode, and for the barcode 006498L2 generates media ID 006498.
Veritas Technote:

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Note: This is not a recommended procedure. It should be used only in

situations and as a last step in attempting to restore data. This procedure
been used on numerous occasions with success.

First, figure out the fragment number and the block size needed.


# ./bpmedialist -mcontents -m D0004

# ./bpmedialist -mcontents -ev D0004
media id = D0004, allocated 09/21/99 14:19:, retention level = 1

File number 1
Backup id = xxxxx_0937941543
Creation date = 09/21/99 14:19:
Expiration date = 10/05/99 14:19:
Retention level = 1
Copy number = 1
Fragment number = 1
Block size (in bytes) = 32768

Then work the tape:

ficus# tpreq -m D0004 -a r -d dlt -p NetBackup -f /tmp/mytape

ficus# tpreq -ev D0004 -a r -d dlt -p NetBackup -f /tmp/mytape

This issues a tpreq for media id D0004, the " r " is for read, the " -d " is
density, " -p " is pool and " -f " is mount point.

ficus# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -d (to verify the media is mounted)


< NONE >


Drv Type Control User Label RVSN EVSN Ready Wr.Enbl. ReqId
0 dlt TLD - No - -
1 dlt TLD root Yes D0004 D0004 Yes Yes 0
2 dlt AVR Yes D0004 Yes Yes -


Drv DriveName Multihost Assigned Comment

0 Drive0 No -
1 Drive1 No ficus
2 Drive2 No -

ficus# tpconfig -d (to get the device file name for commands):

Index DriveName DrivePath Type Multihost Status

***** ********* ********** **** ********* ******
0 Drive0 /dev/rmt/0cbn dlt No UP
TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=1
1 Drive1 /dev/rmt/1cbn dlt No UP

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TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=2

2 Drive2 /dev/rmt/1lbn dlt No UP

Currently defined robotics are:

TLD(0) robotic path = /dev/sg/c0t6l0, volume database host = ficus

Standalone drive volume database host = saturn

ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape rew (goes to beginning of tape)

ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape stat (verify at beginning of tape)

Vendor 'QUANTUM ' Product 'DLT7000 ' tape drive:

sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 0 block no= 0

ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape fsf (position to file #1)

ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape stat (verify)

Vendor 'QUANTUM ' Product 'DLT7000 ' tape drive:
sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 1 block no= 0

ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape fsr (position to record 1)

ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape stat (verify)

Vendor 'QUANTUM ' Product 'DLT7000 ' tape drive:
sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 1 block no= 1

ficus# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/tar -tvf /tmp/mytape (run tar command)

Blocksize = 2 records
Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive.
Skipping to next file header...

Since the tar command didn't work in the above scenario, run the stat command
to see what file the tape is positioned at:
ficus# mt -f /tmp/mytape stat
Vendor 'QUANTUM ' Product 'DLT7000 ' tape drive:
sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 1 block no= 2

ficus# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/tar -tvf /tmp/mytape

Blocksize = 126 records
Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive.
Skipping to next file header...

drwxr-xr-x root/other Jul 27 09:51 1999 /

drwxr-xr-x root/sys Jul 27 07:36 1999 /etc/
drwxrwxr-x root/sys Mar 8 14:27 1999 /etc/default/
-r--r--r-- root/sys Oct 30 16:58 1996 /etc/default/sys-suspend
-r-xr-xr-x bin/bin Mar 5 12:45 1999 /etc/default/cron
-r--r--r-- bin/bin Mar 5 12:45 1999 /etc/default/fs
-r--r--r-- root/sys Mar 5 12:45 1999 /etc/default/inetinit
-r--r--r-- root/sys Mar 5 12:45 1999 /etc/default/kbd
-r--r--r-- root/sys Mar 5 12:45 1999 /etc/default/passwd
-r--r--r-- root/sys Mar 5 12:45 1999 /etc/default/tar

To get the information off of the tape execute:

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/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/tar -xvf /tmp/mytape -b [BYTESIZE/512]

In this example [BYTESIZE/512] is 32768 / 512, which equals 64.

The following will move the data from one host to another host:

Run this at the target host (client). In the below example tape_host is the
server with the tape mounted.

rsh tape_host dd if=/tmp/mytape bs=[BLOCKSIZE] \

| /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/tar -xvf - -b [BYTESIZE/512]

In this example [BLOCKSIZE] equals 32768 and [BYTESIZE/512] equals 64.

To unmount the media run /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpunmount /tmp/mytape

ACSLS Automated Cartridge System Library Software
start acsls
su acsss
rc.acsss || rc.acsss idle

stop acsls
su acsss
db_command stop

1) How do I take acsls offline?
Login to stimpy
su - acsss || su - acssa
cd bin
open window full length
---------ACSLS 5.4.0----------
ACSSA> query server
2001-11-08 09:11:34 Server Status
Identifier State Free Cell Audit Mount Dismount Enter Eject
Count C/P C/P C/P C/P C/P
run 3079 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
ACSSA> vary acs 0 offline
Vary: ACS 0 varied offline.
ACSSA> logout
How to clean drive through acsls?
>q clean all --- to find cleaning tapes
>mount CLN#### 0,0,10,#

*** to set cleaning mounts:

>set clean <number of mounts, usually 100 if new> volume(tapeNumber)

>set clean 100 CLN024

or give a range of volumes:

>set clean 100 CLN025-CLN050

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3) Install acsls from CDROM
mount cdrom
as root
vi /etc/cron.d/cron.allow
add acsss
vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
on passwd and group, remove nis for now

create 2Gb /export/backup filesystem
create 1Gb /export/home filesystem
cd /cdrom/cdrom0

accept defaults
say yes to auto restart (startup scripts)
say no to SCSI drivers
say no to modem on ttya
put nis back in /etc/nsswitch.conf
reboot for kernel changes

database wasn't up after install, you have to configure it:

run as acsss, acsss_config
How to audit the L5500/9310 from acsls:

ACSSA> audit 0,0,0 ser

logical logs filled on informix, had to flush them. nsr procs
must be running inorder to handle them. should be 8 at all times.
if not 8, then as acsss run:
db_command ism_start

Otherwise, if you have to dump tranlogs and get a level zero backup, do the following procedure with
-----Original Message-----
From: Dotson, Julia [mailto:DotsoJ@LOUISVILLE.STORTEK.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:11 PM
To: 'Chris Biggins'
Subject: Berzerk
Importance: High

first thing is we must offload the logical logs...did you follow the instructions below (your onst

To configure the ontape utility, do the following;

1) Login as 'root' and then source the ACSLS environment.

# . /export/home/ACSSS/.acsss_env

2) You will need to edit the onconfig file, defining an online disk file to be used for the backup.

# vi onconfig
Find the variable
LTAPEDEV /dev/rmt/0mn
and change to
LTAPEDEV /export/backup/<filename>

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note: <filename> is the name of the device that we are backing up to. The name
can be whatever you choose.

3) Create the backup device

# cd /export/backup
# touch <filename>
# chmod 666 <filename>
# chown informix <filename>
# chgrp informix <filename>

4) Run the ontape command. This will back up the current logical logs
freeing the used logical logs.
# ontape -a

You will see the following interactive output;

Performing automatic backup of logical logs.

Please mount tape 1 on /export/backup[/file and press Return to continue ...

Do you want to back up the current logical log? (y/n) y

Please label this tape as number 1 in the log tape sequence.

This tape contains the following logical logs:

Program over

5) After the ontape finishes, attempt to use onbar to backup the database
# onbar -b

6) When the prompt returns, check the return code

# echo $?

If this echo returns a "0", you know that your backup was successful. If this is
the case, your problem with backups was caused by a long transaction holding
the logical logs open. By backing up the logical logs using ontape, you freed up
logical log space to allow the long transaction to be committed and everything
will work properly again. If a non zero was returned, you have avoided the problem
of logical logs filling up but you still need to determine the problem with backups. You will
need to monitor the logical logs with the "onstat -l" command and clear the logical logs with
ontape until you have determined the cause of the problem.

then do

db_command ism_start
Had drive in use, but no volume series id. ran following:
ACSSA> q dr all
2002-11-05 13:24:37 Drive Status
Identifier State Status Volume Type
0, 0, 1, 0 online available 9840
0, 0, 1, 1 online available 9840
0, 0, 1, 2 online available 9840

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0, 0, 1, 3 online available 9840

0, 0, 1, 4 online available 9840
0, 0, 1, 5 online available 9840
0, 0, 1, 6 online available 9840
0, 0, 1, 7 online available 9840
0, 0, 1, 8 online in use T9840B
0, 0, 1, 9 online available T9840B
0, 0, 1,10 online available T9840B
0, 0, 1,11 online available T9840B
0, 0, 1,12 online available T9840B
0, 0, 1,13 online available T9840B
0, 0, 1,14 online available T9840B
0, 0, 1,15 online available T9840B
0, 0,10, 0 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 1 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 2 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 3 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 4 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 5 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 6 online available T9940A
0, 0,10, 7 online available T9940A
ACSSA> dis X 0,0,1,8 f

Restore tapes from an alternate site.

1. Get tapes from offsite or alternate datacenter.

NOTE: *** select the write protect tab on the tape(s) ***

NOTE: Make sure that the tapes are not duplicates with any tapes that
internal. If so, you must eject out the duplicate tape(s).

NOTE: Keep note of the tape IDS for future use in this process.

2. Inject tape(s) into the library.

Edit the '~netbackup/bin/goodies/MEDIA/mail' file and note the tape slots -
they are in order and you will take the first x number based on your quantity
of tapes you are inserting.

IF ADIC: Run ~netbackup/bin/goodies/MEDIA/INJECT.ksh

3. Update library
s (special actions)
r (Inventory a Robot and Update Volume Configuration)
1 (select appropriate library)
u (Inventory Robot and Update Volume Configuration)

4. If tapes were suspended, then unfreeze them:

(The state should be 'IMPORTED')
bpmedialist -U -m ID
bpmedia -unfreeze -m ID

5. Import tape(s) one at a time, start with the primary volume first (if
Follow documentation see following diagrams and steps.

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import for phase I

import for phase II

6. Add host that needs restore as a client

list policies

add client (following is an example)

bpplclients POLICY -add CLIENT.domain HARDWARE OS
bpplclients addhoc_backups -add someclient Solaris Solaris8

7. Do the restore.
Select proper server, client and restore client. Pay attention to the date

NOTE: set alternate restore directory if needed/desired

8. When finished, eject the tape(s).

Edit the '~netbackup/bin/goodies/MEDIA/slots' file and put in the slots that
were noted from the injecting process.

Run ~netbackup/bin/goodies/MEDIA/EJECT.ksh

9. Update library.
s (special actions)
r (Inventory a Robot and Update Volume Configuration)
1 (select appropriate library)
u (Inventory Robot and Update Volume Configuration)

10. Unselect the write protect tab the tape(s).

11. Send the tape(s) back.

Importing Backup Images

NetBackup can import backups that have expired, or are from another NetBackup
server. During an import operation, NetBackup recreates NetBackup catalog
entries for the backups that are on the imported volume. This option is
useful for moving volumes from one site to another and for recreating
NetBackup catalog entries for expired backups.

The expiration date for the imported items is the current date plus the
retention period. For example, if a backup is imported November 14, 2001 and
its retention period is one week, the new expiration date is November 21,

Notes About Importing Backup Images

You cannot import images generated for clients in Apollo wbak policies.
NetBackup does not direct backups to imported volumes.
To import from a volume that has the same media ID as an existing volume
(for example A00001) on this server, first duplicate the existing volume to
another media ID (for example, B00001). Then, remove information about the
existing media ID that is causing the problem (in this example, A00001) from
the NetBackup catalog by running the following command:
/usr/openv/NetBackup/admincmd/bin/bpexpdate -d 0 -ev media ID
Next, delete the existing media ID that is causing the problem (in this
example, A00001) from Media Manager on this server. Finally, add the volume
you are importing (the other A00001) to Media Manager on this server. The
Media Manager System Administrators Guide contains instructions for deleting
and adding volumes.

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To avoid this problem in the future, use unique prefix characters for media
IDs on all servers.
You cannot import a backup if an unexpired copy of it already exists on
the server where you are trying to import it.
You cannot import data from disk-image.

To initiate an import Phase I

The result of initiating an import is to create a list of expired images from
which you can select images to import. However, no importing occurs at this

1. Add the media IDs that have the backups to Media Manager on the server
where you are going to import the backups.
2. In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Master Server > NetBackup
Management > Catalog.
3. Select Actions > Initiate Import. A dialog appears titled
Step 1: Read Catalog from Media.
The Master Server field indicates the master server to which you are
importing the images.
In the Media Host field, specify the name of the host that contains the
volume you are going to import.
In the Media ID (to import) field, type the Media ID of the volume that
contains the backups you are importing.
If youre importing Backup Exec images, check Password, then enter the
Click OK. The Confirm Initiate Import dialog appears.
4. Click OK to start the process of reading the catalog information from the
source volume.
5. Click on the Catalog Results tab to see NetBackup look at each image on
the tape and determine whether or not it has expired and can be imported. The
job also displays in Activity Monitor as an Import type. Select the import
job log just created to view the job results.

Note Since it is necessary to mount and read the tape at this phase, reading
the catalog and building the list can take some time to complete.

Import Phase I view

To import backup images Phase II

1. In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Master Server > NetBackup

Management > Catalog.
2. Set up the search criteria to find imported images by setting the search
action to Import.
3. Select the image(s) you wish to import and Select Actions > Import. The
Confirm Import dialog appears.
4. To view the log, click the Results tab, then select the import job log
just created.

Note When importing backups that have fragments on more than one tape, do not
the import until you have read the catalog for all the tapes containing
Otherwise, the import will fail with a message similar to: Import of backupid
failed, fragments are not consecutive.
Import Phase II view

After much searching, I found what the CU was looking for on an Internet

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message board page:

What is listed below is basically a walkthrough on how to get a Qualstar

8236 robot with two IBM-LTO2 (ULTRIUM-TD2) drives to work under Solaris 9
with Netbackup 4.5FP3 (or GA with MP4). This also contains an st.conf line
for the Sun L40 Unit (for those that are interested).

* My Environment *
Sun 220R w/two 450MHz Ultra Sparc II Procs, 2048MB Ram
two QLA2200 Fibre Channel HBA
Sun L40 (with two Quantum DLT8000 drives) attached via HVD SCSI Card
Qualstar 8236 (with two IBM LTO-2 (Ultrium TD-2) Drives) attached via
Fibre Channel.

Install Solaris from the 04/03 Release.

Download and install the Latest Patch Cluster from 5/30/03.
Download patch 113277-11 from Sun (Adds IBM LTO-2 Native Support).

You can verify IBM Ultrium-TD2 support by typing:

strings /kernel/drv/st | grep -i lto
It should return:
[root@tape /]$ strings /kernel/drv/st | grep -i lto
HP Ultrium LTO 2
HP Ultrium LTO
Seagate Ultrium LTO
IBM Ultrium Gen 2 LTO
IBM Ultrium Gen 2 LTO
IBM Ultrium LTO
IBM Ultrium LTO
[root@tape /]$

Install Qlogic 4.08 Drive for qla2200 HBAs.

Install Qlogic SANblade Control FX. This software allows you to use
the gui to set persistent binding for each adapter. One adapter has
disk drives attached (SAN Raid Array), the other has the the Qualstar
8236 unit bound to it.

Start SANblade Control fx


Go through the wizard and setup persistent binding for each adapter -
Disk Subsystem on one adapter, Tape Subsystem on the other adapter.

Add these entries to the /kernel/drv/st.conf

# Quantum DLT8000 Support
"QUANTUM DLT8000", "Quantum DLT8000", "DLT8k-data",

# IBM LTO-2 (Ultrium-TD2) Support

"IBM ULTRIUM-TD2", "IBM Ultrium-2", "CLASS_LTO2",
"IBM ULT3580-TD2", "IBM 3580 Ultrium-2", "CLASS_LTO2";

# Quantum DLT8000
DLT8k-data = 1, 0x36, 0, 0x0D639, 4, 0x84, 0x85, 0x88, 0x89, 2;

# LTO-2 (Ultrium-TD2) Support

CLASS_LTO2 = 2,0x3B,0,0x45863d,2,0x40,0x42,0,60,0,540,9060,720,720,9060;

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Reboot with: reboot -- -r (to rebuild the kernel).

Put a test LTO-2 tape in each drive and test

the new devices with ufsdump (ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt/(tape dev) /)
ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt/3cbn /

* Veritas Setup *

Veritas uses the ST driver, but need the SG devices created correctly.

Edit /etc/ and remove the entries between:

# begin SCSA Generic devlinks file - creates nodes in /dev/sg


# end SCSA devlinks

Next run the following commands to build the correct dev files:

# Remove existing sg devices

rm /dev/sg/*

# Remove current driver

/usr/sbin/rem_drv sg

# Remove the config file

rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf

# The qualstar unit sets each drive on its own lun

# Max Targets 15, Max Luns 2 - rebuild both
cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver ; /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ sg.links
-mt 15 -ml 2 -sl ./sg.links
cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver ; /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ sg.conf -mt
15 -ml 2 -sc ./sg.conf
cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver ; ./sg.install

Then run /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan

You should see the new devices. For example:

* Test drive support under Veritas *

Install latest MP or FP+fixes.
Install Latest Mappings (April 7th mappings includes support for Ultrium2

The Qualstar 8236 is not recognized through configuration, so it needs to be

setup manually.
Setup the Qualstar unit as a TLD (DLT Tape Library) device.

The IBM drives should be auto configured, if not, specify both drives as

Create a new policy.

Click "Allow Multiple Streams"
under the files section create entries with "NEW_STREAM" directives.

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This will spawn one stream to one drive, and the other stream to the
remaining drive.

Configure Multiplexing (If needed).

Start a manual backup.

I am receiving around 30MB/sec on each IBM LTO-2 drive.

I did this and everything looks fine. Thanks.

How do I see the hex values that the driver put into the kernel? I would like
verify this for Veritas Netbackup.
Example string:
CLASS_LTO2 = 1,0x24,0,0x45863d,2,0x00,0x01,0;

When you send me this command(s) to do this, you may close the case.

Thanks much.
Sun Engineer Mar 30, 2004 4:28:41 PM, Mountain Standard Time (MST GMT-07:00)
Hi Matthew,
For IBM LTO-2 tape drives, the settings are compiled into the newer drivers
by default. You can load the latest st driver patch 108725-16 (or at least
rev -13) after backing up your old one (for reference) and reboot, and the
driver will have native support. The patch can be obtained on
Please let me know if you have further questions. You can add a note which
will email me (I'm in M-F 8-5 MST) or call 877-786-0101 to speak to the next
engineer if it is outside my scheduled hours.
The issue "Drive name is already in use by another drive" occurs if the
global device database already has an entry with the drive name you are
trying to create.

The global device database is found in /usr/openv/volmgr/database/globDB,

which is held on the master server.

Firstly check on each media server that it is pointing to the master server
for the global database using
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -get_gdbhost which should return the name of
the master.

If the above is correct then from the master you can see the list of drives
and robots configured using
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -listall

You can also make use of the vmglob -delete -drive (see full syntax with
vmglob -?) to delete the drive and hopefully this will allow you to then add
the drive you want.

The tape drive serial number or the firmware version is not correct in the

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global database.

Exact Error Message:

Cannot synchronize global device database


You do not need to delete and re-add the drive to update the serial number
or firmware version in the global database when a drive is replaced. All you
have to do is update the drive device with the update parameters.

The drive information (serial number, firmware version, etc.) is kept in the
/usr/openv/volmgr/database/ltidevs file on each media server. When you
update a drive including the drive device (even if you do not change
anything), it re-reads the hardware and updates the
/usr/openv/volmgr/database/ltidevs file. That also updates the global
database (/usr/openv/volmgr/database/globDB) on the master.

Go to each media server to which the drive is attached and do the following:

cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin

Select Drive Configuration | Update.

Enter the name of the changed drive.
Press Enter to keep all the existing values until it asks if you are sure
you want to update. Enter 'y' to update.

Stop and restart media manager after you have updated all the drives that
you desire to change:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid -v
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpautoconf -sync

Verify that the drive serial number or firmware version has been updated in
the global database:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -listall -java | grep {hostname}

You can also do the drive update for each media server from the master with
the following commands. Run these commands for each media server to be

cd /usr/openv/volmgr
./vmoprcmd -h {hostname} -stopltid
./vmoprcmd -h {hostname} -devconfig "-update -drive {index_number} -path
./vmoprcmd -h {hostname} -startltid
./vmoprcmd -h (hostname) -autoconfig -sync

If you are unable to synchronize the global database, you can clear and
rebuild the global database with the following commands on the master
server. Run the 'sync' command for each media server.

cd /usr/openv/volmgr/database
cp globDB globDB.{date}
vmglob -delete

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vmglob -set_gdbhost {master} -h {master}

vmoprcmd -h {media_server} -autoconfig -sync
vmglob -listall -java

#for each media server

vmglob -set_gdbhost {master} -h {media_server}
vmoprcmd -h {media_server} -autoconfig -sync

vmglob -listall -java

reset the globDB
(due to bad memory of deleted devices)

#on the master

vmglob -listall > /var/tmp/vmglob-listall

cp /usr/openv/volmgr/database/globDB /var/tmp/globDB

# the following deletes all entries

# run on the master
vmglob -delete

#on each media server

vmglob -set_gdbhost MASTER
tpautoconf -upgrade

vmglob -listall
if vmglob is deleted from master, but not from media servers

(do NOT do a vmglob -delete *** BAD - removed globDB entries)

vmglob -get_gdbhost #make sure it points to master
tpautoconf -sync #take a few

vmglob -listall #should have entires from the media server

LH - library Half inch
lmfcd -t (stops LMF robot control daemon)
tlhcd -t (stop tape half0-inch robot control daemon)
bmctrldbm -t (stop mm vol daemaon - vmd)
vmps - list active processes


tpautoconf -sync #fails - cannot sync database

To determine the cause of the syncnronization failure:

1. Create a log folder on the media server which is failing:


2. Rerun the Global Device Database synchronization (as described above)

3. Examine the log in the folder

<install_dir>\volmgr\database\tpcommand\ for the failure

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/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -res -api_eject -map 0,0,0 -rn 2 -rt acs -rh mediaserver -vh master

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/production
./bpvault.opsmenu dup_param_V100_full


vlteject -eject -report

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vltcore -jobid 459631 -dup_id 61 -function preview -profile 1/V1/LTO-Profil

vltrun 1/V1/LTO-Profile

dups don't run

see if there is a lock file

Vaulting at Tower

Vault Dir
/usr/openv/netbackup/vltreports Contains Reports of all Vault Sessions

Two Types of Vaulting

1. Daily Vaults all Production Database and Archive log backups. Runs Sun
Fri, starts 4:00 am
Policy Name vlt_daily_dup
Dir - /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/Daily_dup
Every Vault session has a session ID ( sid ) Directory e.g. sid219
Within each sid directory, are the details about that session. Some are
given below-
preview.list Contains the list of images to be vaulted/duplicated.
# wc l preview.list = Count of No. of images to be duplicated.
duped.images Contains the list of images successfully vaulted
# wc l duped.images = Count of No. of images successfully vaulted/duplicated.
detail.log contains logs of all vault processes, including mounting
Media, copying backup images, failures to successfully copy images etc.
Any failed to duplicate images should be picked up in the next Vault
session by default.
After the daily vault session is complete, it takes a backup of Netbackup
Catalog. Once NBUP Catalog backup is complete, it sends Report/Email
a) Summary of Vault session
b) Media Used for this session and to be offsited.
c) Media to be requested from Offsite ( This Report is Disabled for now,
since Automatic Ejection of Tapes is Disabled ).

2. Weekly Vaults all Production O/S backups. Runs Sat starts 4:00 am
Policy Name vlt_weekly_os
Dir - /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/Weekly_dup

Every Vault session has a session ID ( sid ) Directory e.g. sid35

Within each sid directory, are the details about that session. Some are
given below-

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preview.list Contains the list of images to be vaulted

# wc l preview.list = Count of No. of images to be duplicated.
duped.images Contains the list of images successfully vaulted
# wc l duped.images = Count of No. of images successfully vaulted/duplicated.
detail.log contains logs of all vault processes, including mounting
Media, copying backup images, failures to successfully copy images etc.
Any failed to duplicate images should be picked up in the next Vault
session by default.
After the daily vault session is complete, it sends Report/Email
a) Summary of Vault session
b) Media Used for this session and to be offsited.
c) Media to be requested from Offsite ( This Report is Disabled for now,
since Automatic Ejection of Tapes is Disabled ).

Procedure to Eject Tapes Manually for Vault Sessions

NOTE Tapes should be ejected Daily after Vaulting completes, and should be
put in the East Shipping/Receiving Dock for Offsiting before 3:00 pm . Also,
Available Tapes should be requested from Offsite on a regular basis.

Profile for Daily Vault - vlt_daily_dup

Profile for Weekly Vault - vlt_weekly_os


NetBackup Vault Operator Menu

Current Profile: None

Current Session: 0
Current Report Destinations - Print command: /usr/ucb/lpr
[1] Select Profile
[2] Select Session

[3] Inject Media into Robot

[4] Eject Media for This Session

[5] Modify the Report Destinations...

[6] Run Reports for This Session
[7] Run Individual Reports...

[8] Consolidate All Reports

[9] Consolidate All Ejects
[10] Consolidate All Reports and Ejects

[q] Quit

Selection--> 1
Enter Profile (or Robot Num/Vault/Profile triplet):

NetBackup Vault Operator Menu

Current Profile: 0/Daily_dup/vlt_daily_dup

Current Session: 202
Current Report Destinations - Print command:
Directory: /usr/openv/netbackup/vltreports/
[1] Select Profile

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[2] Select Session

[3] Inject Media into Robot

[4] Eject Media for This Session

[5] Modify the Report Destinations...

[6] Run Reports for This Session
[7] Run Individual Reports...

[8] Consolidate All Reports

[9] Consolidate All Ejects
[10] Consolidate All Reports and Ejects

[q] Quit

Selection--> 4
Starting the operation...
Beginning eject procedure. Please wait...

Eject process complete.

The operation has completed.

Press [Return] to continue

get tapes from offsite or alternate datacenter

NOTE: *** select the write protect tab the tape(s) ***

Inject tape(s)
edit the 'mail' file and note the tape slots - they are in order and you
will take the first x number based on your quantity of tapes you are

Update library
1 (appropriate library)

If tapes were suspended, then unfreeze them:

(The state should be 'IMPORTED')
bpmedialist -U -m ID
bpmedia -unfreeze -m ID

Import tape(s) one at a time, start with the primary volume first (if known)
Follow documentation
import phase I
import phase II

Add host that needs restore as a client

list policies

add client
bpplclients POLICY -add CLIENT.domain HARDWARE OS
bpplclients addhoc_backups -add someserver Solaris Solaris8

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Do the restore
select proper server, client and restore client
watch date selections
NOTE: set alternate restore directory if needed/desired

When finished, eject tape(s)

edit the 'slots' file and put in the slots that were noted from the
injecting process

Update library
1 (appropriate library)

unselect the write protect tab the tape(s)

send tape back

tpconfig - dev cfig
vmadm - media cfig
tpreq - mount & req for media
tpunmount - umount media
tpclean - clean media or list
vmglob -listall
push out bp.conf on master to clients: add_slave_on_clients
Document ID: 230047 E-Mail this document to a colleague
De-commissioning a Media Server and removing it from the NetBackup
Before de-commissioning a Media Server, there are several steps that must be
accomplished. These steps are in several broad categories:
-updating the internal NetBackup database references to all tapes with active
-allowing restores from a media server other than the Media Server that
-performed the original backup
-un-configuring the Media Server from the system
-updating all references involving Storage Units, Classes, and Volume Groups and Pools
-changing the configuration so NetBackup will not recognize the old system as
a Media Server.

If the images are not moved correctly or if the Media Server is

de-commissioned before any of this takes place, any restores will have to be
performed by importing the tapes, which is a much longer process.

These are the steps required to decommission a Media Server:

1) Determine which tapes on the Media Server that are being de-commissioned
have active images that have not expired. The easiest way to do this is to
run the bpmedialist command with the following options:

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Note: Use -l to get one line of output per tape.

bpmedialist -mlist -l -h <media_server_being_de-commissioned>
bpmedialist -mlist -L -h <media_server_being_de-commissioned>
bpmedialist -mlist -U -h <media_server_being_de-commissioned>

2) Select another Media Server or the Master Server to inherit the tapes
from the Media Server that is being de-commissioned and update the
appropriate NetBackup internal databases. This will update the mediaDB files
on both the old and new Media Servers and also update the images database on
the Master Server. Since the mediaDB files are binary files, they can only be
updated by this program, they cannot be updated manually. To update these
databases, the bpmedia command must be executed with the following options
for each tape identified by step 1:

bpmedia -movedb -m <media_id> -oldserver \

bpmedia -movedb -ev <media_id> -oldserver \
<media_server_being_de-commissioned> \
-newserver <media_server_to_inherit_media>

3) Enable restores of the inherited images on the new Media Server (which
was determined in the previous step) by adding a line to the bp.conf file in
the Media Server that will be inheriting the media. Add the following line to
the bottom of the bp.conf file:


where fromhost is the Media Server that was used in the previous step for the
-oldserver parameter and tohost is the Media Server that was used in the
previous step for the -newserver parameter.

4) Move all tapes in all robots attached to the Media Server being
de-commissioned to non-robotic status (standalone). This is easiest if done
using the Media and Device Management GUI. Select each robot attached to the
Media Manager being decommissioned, highlight all tapes, and Move them to

5) After moving all tapes in all robots attached to the Media Manager being
decommissioned to Standalone, use the Media and Device Management GUI to
delete first the Tape Drives and then the Robots from the Media Server to be
de-commissioned. Once the Tape Drives and Robots are deleted from the Media
Server being de-commissioned, use the Storage Unit Management GUI to delete
all Storage Units associated with all robots associated with the Media Server
that is being de-commissioned.

6) If any Robots from the de-commissioned Media Server are being moved to
other Media Servers, power down the affected servers and make any cabling
changes required to physically attach the Robots to the new Media Servers.
Once the Robots are recognized by the operating systems on the new Media
Servers, add the Robot and Tape Drives to those Media Server with the Media
and Device Management GUI. Then, using the Storage Unit Management GUI,
create the appropriate Storage Units. Finally, Inventory the Robots for any
Robots attached to new Media Servers to cause the location of all tapes in
those robots to be known to NetBackup.

7) Modify any Classes that explicitly specified any of the Storage Units on
the Media Server that is being de-commissioned. These Classes must point to
any other defined Storage Units in the NetBackup configuration or to Any
Available as appropriate.

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8) Update the bp.conf and vm.conf files (or their equivalent on NT) on the
Master Server and all Media Servers in the NetBackup configuration to remove
any reference to the Media Server that is being de-commissioned. Also update
the Server List on all Clients to no longer include a reference to the Media
Server being de-commissioned. Cycle the NetBackup daemons on any system
where these files are modified.

Document ID: 243593 E-Mail this document to a colleague
How to create a scratch pool
A volume group is a logical grouping that identifies a set of volumes that
reside at the same physical location. Volume groups are an administration
convenience for logically moving multiple volumes (where a logical move means
to change the volume attributes to show the new location). Using a volume
group allows the System Administrator to move a set of volumes between a
robot and a standalone location or delete them from the configuration by
specifying the group name, rather than each individual media ID. Volume
groups are also convenient for tracking a location, such as when a group is
moved offsite.

The scratch pool is an optional volume pool that can be configured within
VERITAS NetBackup. If the scratch pool is configured, Media Manager moves
volumes from that pool to other pools that do not have volumes available.

In Figure 1, it can be seen that the scratch pool is named Scratch_pool and
the three robots contain volumes from that pool in addition to those from
other pools.

1. NetBackup requires a Digital Linear Tape (DLT) volume, so Media Manager

attempts to assign one from NB_pool_dept_1 in Robot C.

2. Robot C has no unassigned volumes available in the NB_pool_dept_1 pool.

Media Manager searches the scratch pool for an unassigned DLT volume in Robot
C. If there is an available volume, Media Manager moves it to NB_pool_dept_1
and assigns it to NetBackup. Otherwise, a media unavailable status is logged.

To configure the scratch pool

1. Add a volume pool to be used as the scratch pool

2. Specify the attributes for the scratch pool as follows:

Pool Name: Any name (pool_name), except NetBackup or None. The name can be 20
characters or less, but cannot contain any spaces or special characters.

Host Name: ANYHOST. (Do not use the check box to specify a specific host).

Description: Scratch Pool.

3. Add volumes for each robotic or standalone device that requires them.

Follow the steps as when adding other volumes, except in this case specify
the scratch pool as the volume pool.

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4. Add a SCRATCH_POOL entry to the install_path\Volmgr\vm.conf file:

SCRATCH_POOL = pool_name

To have Media Manager allocate all volumes to volume pools, do one of the

- Create other volume pools as required, but add no volumes to them.

- Create the scratch pool and add all volumes to it. Media Manager will move
volumes to the other pools as they are required.

NOTE: If the scratch pool does not already exist, Media Manager creates one
when the SCRATCH_POOL entry is added to the vm.conf file.


1. If the SCRATCH_POOL entry in the vm.conf file specifies a volume pool that
contains assigned volumes, then these volumes remain in the scratch pool.
Media Manager does not move assigned volumes to other pools as it does with
unassigned volumes.

2. Media Manager will not assign volumes while they are in the scratch pool.
For example, if a NetBackup class or schedule specifies the scratch pool, all
requests for those volumes are denied.

3. Volumes moved from the scratch pool to another pool remain in that new
pool. Media Manager does not automatically move it again for any reason,
though it is possible to manually reassign it to another volume pool.

For more information, refer to the NetBackup Media Manager System

Administrator's Guide.
Related Documents:

232349: VERITAS NetBackup DataCenter 3.4, Media Manager System

Administrator's Guide. Windows NT/2000

232350: VERITAS NetBackup DataCenter 3.4, Media Manager System

Administrator's Guide. UNIX.

A new Storage Unit is not recognized by the Scheduler until "bpsched
-mainempty" shuts down and restarts.
The NetBackup scheduler application, known as "bpsched", is not a dynamic
process. Since bpsched is not dynamic, it is unable to recognize new Storage
Units until bpsched has been stopped and restarted. It is recommended that
all customers schedule the addition of new Storage Units at a time in which
the scheduler can be stopped and restarted to ensure Storage Unit recognition
by bpsched.

NOTE: It is possible for a bpsched process to run for a few days if the

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schedule workload is that large and jobs are queued.

NOTE: If a new media server entry is added to the bp.conf file, the bprd
daemon needs to be bounced to re-read the bp.conf file.

NOTE: If the media server already exists in the bp.conf file and a new
storage united is added, the bprd daemon does not need to be bounced.

*bpsched storage unit polling process*

When bpsched main is started by bprd, bpsched reads the storage unit
configuration and polls once for each stunit. If a media server goes down
while a main_empty is running, bpsched will continue to poll the media server
for available storage units.

When a new storage unit is added to a previously defined media server, the
storage unit will begin being polled when the next bpsched main_empty is
started by bprd. However, if bpsched main_empty is already active, the
storage unit will not be polled until after the bpsched main_empty
terminates. The termination of bpsched main_empty can happen 2 ways: 1)
bounce the active bpsched main_empty; or 2) wait until the bpsched main_empty
terminates after all jobs have completed.

There is polling done of specific stunits when jobs complete, if the stunit
goes down(all drives down), this polling stops. This polling
gets restarted by a -read_stunits if a drive is up. However, bpsched polls
the stunits(an internal -read_stunits call) every 5 minutes. The command
bpschedreq -read_stunits can be used to cause the storage unit poll to happen

After changing the NetBackup master's /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file, use
the following command to tell bprd to re-read its configuration:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -rereadconfig #bp.conf changes

Note that this command will only detect and incorporate some bp.conf
configuration changes. Many NetBackup configuration changes do require a
complete stop and start of the NetBackup daemons.

change a policies/class file list
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class/POLICY/
vi includes
Document ID: 266673
Recovery without Import
VERITAS now supports a method of recovering image information without having
to import from a tape. There are some very important caveats; please
carefully read the entire procedure before attempting it.

The goal of this document is to establish the procedure to allow for quicker
recovery of a system or VERITAS NetBackup (tm) domain for backup tapes
without importing the individual backup images. Implied in this procedure, is
that the receiving site has a fully functional master. If this is being done
as part of a disaster recovery plan, there are many other steps that are
required and which must be addressed. This procedure is only intended to

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allow tapes to be moved between master servers.

There are many different ways to recover data on a different master than the
one used for the original backups. Several of these methods are documented by
consulting, and one method -- catalog replication using VERITAS Volume
Replicator (tm) -- is being formalized in the near future. This document will
give a specific procedure to follow along with the restrictions and caveats.
This should allow customers to accomplish their goals in a manner that will
be safe, reliable, and supported.

If data is being moved from one active NetBackup domain to another for
recovery purposes only or being sent to a disaster recovery site, this
procedure can be used. You must follow all the restrictions and caveats.


1. All tapes being moved must have unique barcodes.

2. All client names must be unique.
3. None of the tapes being moved will be used for backups at the new
4. There exists a library at the new location to support the correct tape
5. Both masters must be running the same release of NetBackup.
6. Both masters must be of similar architecture (both UNIX or both Windows).


1. Perform a catalog backup on both masters. This will allow you to recover
from any errors that might occur during this process.
2. Configure a special volume pool at the new site that will never be used
for backups.
3. Setup barcode rules for the incoming tapes to put them in the special
volume pool.
4. Ensure there are no active backups for the desired clients. One way to
ensure this is to stop the NetBackup services/daemons on the master server.
5. Copy the desired client directories at the originating site. This would be
the contents of /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<client name> or \Program
Files\VERITAS\netbackup\db\images\<client name>.
7. You can now move the client data (tapes) and catalog data to the new site.
8. Merge the copied images into the catalog at the new location.
9. Put the tapes in the library at the new location.
10. To ensure none of the moved tapes can be overwritten, you might want to
write-protect them.
11. Inventory the robot containing the moved tapes.
12. Put the appropriate FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER entry or entries in
bp.conf. When you put this entry in bp.conf, you will need to recycle bprd.
13. If you moved primary copies of the tapes, then you are ready to restore.
If you moved non-primary tapes, then you will need to change the primary copy
for all the images being moved.


Since this procedure assumes you will not be using the moved tapes for
backups, it did not require moving the volume database or the media database.
If these tapes are to be returned to the original site, the image directory
will not be gracefully cleaned up. When the image or images expire, they will
be deleted from the image directory but there will be an error logged in the
bptm log that states: "Could not find media ID xxxxxx in database, nothing to
It would be advisable to delete the images from the catalog, preferably by

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removing the data when the restores are finished and the tapes are removed
from the library. When you eject the tapes, you should also consider removing
the entries from the volume database. If you want to permanently move the
tapes and images, then you are looking at a master merge which is a
documented service offered by VERITAS Enterprise Consulting Services.

To make this entire process more easily managed, it would be advisable to

ensure that the polices are correctly configured on the originating master.
Some things to consider are, having the target backups not multiplexed to
ensure only the desired images are sent offsite. Also, directing the target
backups to a specific unique volume pool should be done to make it easier to
identify and track the required media. This will also ensure that only the
desired images are taken offsite. If the originating site has multiple
storage units, it would be easiest to define this special volume pool on one
storage unit. Another way to achieve this would be to duplicate the images
that are going to be sent to the new location using either Vault of
bpduplicate and directing the duplicate images to a special volume pool.
Careful planning in the configuration at the originating site can make this
process work more smoothly.

What does the message ' unable to lock media at offset ' mean?

In BPTM log: 11:08:35 [28132] <2> db_lock_media: unable to lock media at offset 76 (560010)

When browsing the /usr/openv/netbackup/log/bptm log to trouble shoot drive
problems a message similar to 11:08:35 [28132] <2> db_lock_media: unable to lock media at offset 76

During the course of a backup, NetBackup selects media which matches criteria
for use. In this instance, NetBackup has found a media suitable for use but
is unable to locate the media in its robotic slot.

The media is already mounted in a drive and is being used by another backup.
NetBackup will then skip that particular media and continue on its selection,
until the next suitable media is located.

The message is purely informational in nature and no corrective action is


How to configure robots for NDMP devices using the Master Server's command
Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) is a protocol developed to allow the
backing up and restoring of data on a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device.
NetBackup for NDMP is an extension for NetBackup that must be purchased and
licensed separately. This extension, along with a tape device attached
locally or remotely to the NAS device, allows a NetBackup Master Server to
backup and restore files from a NAS device.

Configuring a robotic device and drives attached to a NAS device can be done
through the GUI interface on the Master Server. However, sometimes the
command line must be used from the Master Server in order to accurately
install a robotic device.

To configure the tape device from the Master Server's command prompt,
implement the following steps:

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1. set_ndmp_attr -auth <NDMP device name> <root user>

-Enter the NDMP device name as specified for the device and the root
for the NAS device. This will prompt twice for the root user password
and connect
to the NAS device.

2. set_ndmp_attr -verify <NDMP device name>

-This verifies a connection can be made to the NAS device and returns
configuration information.

3. Create a telnet session to the NAS device using the root user. Inside
the telnet
a. version
-This verifies the version level of the NAS device. It is usually
5.3.6R1 or 5.3.6R2.
Other versions are supported, but these work the best with NetBackup.
It is
possible to upgrade this version through the NAS device vendor.

b. sysconfig -m
-A return value of mc0 shows the robot is attached and recognized.

c. sysconfig -t
-This returns device names for robots and drives. Find and note the

d. Quit the telnet session.

4. set_ndmp_attr -robot <NDMP device name> MC0 0 0 0

-This sets the robot for use with the NDMP device.

NOTE: When issuing this command for NetApp Filers using OnTap versions prior
version 5.3.4, it is necessary to specify SP# and the controller, target, and
lun numbers.

5. tpconfig -add -robot <robot#> -robtype <robtype> -robpath <robpath>

-vdbhost <master server>
-This adds the robot to the NetBackup configuration.

6. tpconfig -add -drive -type <drive type> -name <device name:nrst#>

-drstates UP -robot <robot#> -robtype <robtype>
-robdrnum <#> (all entered from a single command line)
-It is imperative to perform this command on each drive to add it to the

NOTE: Refer to the Release Notes for the specific operating system versions
related to each NetBackup Product Version applied to this TechNote.

Following these steps should successfully configure the robotic device and
drives for use with an NDMP device for most configurations.


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Installation and necessary file information for the VERITAS NetBackup (tm)
Configuration Validation Utility binary executable version 5.0

VERITAS NetBackup Configuration Validation Utility (NCVU) 5.0 quick startup


1. If using VERITAS NetBackup 3.4 or earlier, it is necessary to temporarily

rename the support script in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies, then create a
new /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support directory. Move the support
script to that directory. (See the following sample commands to do this.)
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies
mv support support.tmp
mkdir support
mv support.tmp support/support

2. Download the file NCVU_266158.tar to the

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support directory. (See the Download Now
link at the bottom of this page.)

3. Extract the NCVU.README and NCVU.tar files by running the following

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support
tar xvf NCVU_266158.tar

4. Extract the platform-specific NCVU binaries by running the following

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support
tar xvf NCVU.tar
The following directories should be present after the tar process finishes:

5. Link the directory associated with the appropriate operating system for
NCVU (Solaris, HP-UX, or AIX). For example, if running Solaris:
ln -s /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support/SOLARIS/NCVU

6. If on the master server, run ./NCVU -host_node master -conf master under
the support directory /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support. The results
of the NCVU command will be placed in the NCVU_master.out.mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm
For media server checks, run ./NCVU -host_node master -conf <media server
The results will be placed in the NCVU_media.out.mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm file.
For client checks, run ./NCVU -host_node master -conf <client option>.
The results will be placed in the NCVU_client.out.mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm file.
For more detailed operating instructions, consult the NCVU.README file
(reproduced below) or run:
./NCVU -help

NetBackup Configuration Validation Utility (NCVU) 5.0 README
1. General information
2. Supported NetBackup versions
3. Supported platforms
4. What is new
5. Known NCVU issues

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6. Installation information
7. Operation information
1. Space requirements
2. Command help information
8. Troubleshooting information
1. Installation troubleshooting
2. Operation troubleshooting
9. Legal disclaimer
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"NCVU" is a VERITAS support utility written in the PERL programming language.
It is used to validate NetBackup and associated operating system
configurations and functionality.
The NCVU deliverable consists of two files, this NCVU.README file and the
NCVU.tar tar file.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. If the NetBackup Database backup paths configuration have links that are
not at the end of the path, NCVU will flag these paths with WARNINGS as not
having the correct path configured. Links in all but the lowest level are
valid in NetBackup 4.5 and 5.0.
2. If the NetBackup Database backup paths configuration has files listed in
the paths, these are not validated correctly in that NCVU attempts to do a
chdir into these files and posts a WARNING message.
3. On Solaris systems, the parsing of the LUNs in the /kernel/drv/st.conf
file will not take place if there are no tape devices or options configured.
4. Advanced client policies will not validate correctly. Change to bpbplist
-U -L is required.
5. Some WARNINGS in the NCVU summary section have the incorrect section
number noted on them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The NCVU.tar file contains a directory structure based upon the platforms
supported by NCVU. Currently there are three directories, SOLARIS, AIX and
HP-UX. Each directory contains the NCVU program for that platform. Use:
# tar -xvf ./<platform name>
to extract these components in a directory of your choosing.
* NOTE: If a previous PERL version of NCVU is installed, you should *
* either move or remove all of the NCVU PERL script components: *
* *
* NCVU, NCVU_media_server, NCVU_client,, *
*,,, *
* and *
* *
* on each NetBackup node being updated. For this binary version of *
* NCVU, the installation and referencing of PERL is not required. *
After untarring the NCVU programs, place a copy of the appropriate platform
NCVU program in the openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support directory on each
NetBackup node to be validated.
* NOTE: On NetBackup nodes prior to NetBackup release 4.5, the script named
* support must be temporarily renamed, the support directory created and the
* support script moved into the new support directory. *
* If any other administration scripts call the support script, the path
* should be updated accordingly.

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This version of NCVU takes approximately 27.6 megabytes of space to install.

14.2 megabytes of this space is for the NCVU.tar file and the remaining space
is for the actual NCVU programs associated to the platform.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There are many items that contribute to the size of files that NCVU creates
per instance. Each installation has a different number of configuration items
to be validated. This can include such items as the number of NetBackup
nodes, patches installed, bp.conf and vm.conf entries, storage units
configured, and classes configured. As the number of configuration items
increase, so does the amount of items reported in the NCVU output report.
Running NCVU in debug mode (especially debug level 8 and higher) can create
sizable debug files. This is primarily due to the listing of the output from
the various system and NetBackup commands that NCVU parses through. The
number of hostnames contained in the NetBackup configuration and the various
operating system hostname resolution systems also has a large impact on the
size of the NCVU debug files. The number of observations and warnings
messages generated by NCVU also has a large bearing on the size of NCVU
output and debug files as well. Typical file sizes in bytes running on the
master server with minimal warnings are:
NCVU_master.out = 30-50K
NCVU_media.out for a media server = 75K with approximately 30-50K for
each additional media server.
Each media server generates a .input and a .output communication file.
<media server>.input = 1.4-2K
<media server>.output = 30-50K
NCVU_client.out = 45K with 30K for each additional client.
Each client generates a .input and a .output communication file.
<client>.input = @3K
<client>.output = @30K

The minimum amount of free space required to run a single instance of NCVU
for master, media servers and clients can be estimated with the following
master server .out
media server .out
number of additional media servers X 102K
client .out
+ number of clients X 63K
Total space required:
Using the above example for a site with three media servers and ten clients:
NCVU_master.out 30,000
NCVU_media.out 75,000
number of additional media servers X 102K 204,000
NCVU_client.out 45,000
number of additional clients X 63K 567,000
total space required 921,000

Typical level 9 debug file sizes in bytes running on the master server with
minimal warnings are:
NCVU_master.debug = 275K
NCVU_media.debug = 275K with approximately @100K for each additional media
Each media server generates a .output communication file.
<media server>.output = @100K
NCVU_client.debug = @235K with @35K for each additional client.

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Each client generates a .output communication file.

<client>.output = @85K
The minimum amount of free space required to run a single instance of NCVU
for master, media servers and clients with debug level 9 enabled can be
determined with the following formula:
Using the above example for a site with three media servers and ten clients:
number of additional media servers X 200K
client .out
client .debug
+ number of clients X 120K
total space required
Using the above example for a site with three media servers and ten clients:
NCVU_master.out 30,000
NCVU_master.debug 275,000
NCVU_media.out 75,000
NCVU_media.debug 275,000
number of additional media servers X 200K 400,000
NCVU_client.out 45,000
NCVU_client.debug 235,000
number of additional clients X 120K 1,080,000
total space required 2,415,000
Since each installation is different, the end user should formulate the
typical sizes for the various NCVU files if free space is a concern.


To obtain information on how to run "NCVU," issue the following help command
which will output general information about the utility.
# ./NCVU -help
NCVU [-help option] [-host_node node] [-conf option]
[-if filename] [-of filename] [-net] [-debug level filename]
[-quiet] [-no_nbu_db] [-wait seconds]

"NCVU" is a VERITAS support utility used to validate NetBackup and associated
operating system configurations and functionality. Currently, validating
master, media server and client configurations are supported on the following
Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9
HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00
AIX 4.15, 4.2, 4.3, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 5.1 and 5.2
Other platforms may be supported in the future. The utility can be run in
different modes to control the amount of information output. The default mode
is to print all of the utilities observations and warnings in the output.
The utility is non-intrusive in that no NetBackup or operating system
configuration items are altered. NetBackup or operating system command output
or configuration files are parsed and examined. The NCVU utility must be
installed on the master server, each media server and each client in the
netbackup/bin/goodies/support directory.
The method utilized to transfer information between NetBackup nodes is remsh.
Therefore each NetBackup node that is to be tested needs to be configured as
a "trusted" host.

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For NetBackup media servers and clients, there are two methods that the
utility can be run:
The first method is when the utility is run on the master server with either
the -conf <media server option> or -conf <client option> command line
options, if the associated media server(s) or client(s) are pingable, the
master server will invoke NCVU with either the -host_node media_server or
-host_node client command line option on the remote node via a remsh command.
Input will come from the input configuration file generated on the master
server. The input file will designate the name of the utility output file
that will be returned to the master server upon completion.

The second method that can be used is to run the utility from the command
line on the media server or client. A copy of the input file created on the
master server can be used along with the -if option. An output file will be
created on the media server or client.
[-help] [all, host_node, of, if, conf, net, quiet, wait, version]
Display help information
Default all
all This information
host_node Host node information
of Output file information
if Input file information
conf Configuration validation information
net Network communication validation
quiet Output quiet information
wait Output wait information
version Output NCVU version information
[-host_node] [master, media_servers or client]
[-conf] [all, master, all_media_servers,
group_media_servers <storage unit group>,
single_media_server <media server>, single_client <client name>,
class_clients <class name>, media_server_clients <media server name>,
policy_clients <policy name>, all_clients]
Run configuration validation
Default all master master server configuration checks including:
- Master server's operating system type and version.
- hostname and nodename.
- Master server's uptime information.
- Master server's boot time information.
- Master server's physical memory size information.
- Domain name.
- openv, openv/netbackup/db and openv/netbackup/logs disk partition usage.
- NetBackup version file check, this validates that the proper version level
and system platform is installed.
- the operating system's kernel parameter configuration file for the
appropriate NetBackup operating system kernel parameters.
- the operating system's active kernel parameters for the appropriate
NetBackup operating system kernel parameters.
- "ndd" tcp_close_wait_interval settings if available on that platform.
- Operating system services configuration file settings.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, the bprd, bpdbm, bpcd vnetd, vopied
and bpjobd entries in the configured services.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, the bpcd, vopied, bpjava-misc, vnetd
and bpjobd entries in /etc/inetd.conf file.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, prints out the VERITAS license
- Checks for NetBackup packs installed on master server. This reports pack
install processes aborted and packs installed out of sequence.
- NetBackup master server binaries in the netbackup/bin and

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netbackup/bin/admincmd directories are checked for existence, non-zero

size, executable, are owned by root.
- UNIX sum output is provided for each NetBackup master server binaries in
the netbackup/bin and netbackup/bin/admincmd directories.
- NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts in appropriate locations and
validates startup and shutdown commands.
- Runs a "bpps" command and validates the appropriate NetBackup master server
minimum "bprd", "bpdbm" and "bpcd" (if standalone) processes are running.
This detects more than one "bprd" or "bpdbm" main process running. This also
detects orphaned "bprd" and "bpdbm" processes.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, checks that at least one "bprd",
"bpdbm", "bpcd", "bpjobd", "vnetd" and "vopied" process is listening on
it's port.
- Validates master server entries in the netbackup/bp.conf file. Reports on
configured operating system services ability to resolve the configured
master server SERVER name. This notes other NetBackup node entries, and
checks for invalid entries.
- Checks the NetBackup global configuration settings, this analyzes the
settings that affect disk utilization versus the associated disk partition
- Checks for the existence of the netbackup/db/altnames/No.Restrictions file.
- Validates the configuration of the Jobs database.
- Checks for the existence of any non-standard NetBackup files in the
netbackup, netbackup/bin and netbackup/db/config directories.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, lists any NetBackup logging that is
turned on in the openv/netbackup/logs, openv/volmgr/debug and openv/logs
- Runs a "tpconfig -d" to obtain the NetBackup volume database hosts
configured on the master server and verifies that those configured exist in
the netbackup/bp.conf file.
- Checks the NetBackup database backup configuration versus the actual file
systems on the master server that contain the databases. The file systems
are traversed and a list of directory paths that should be part of the
database backup is formulated. This list of directories is compared against
the NetBackup database backup configuration. Recursive directories are also
checked for. If the backup server to perform the database backup is the
master server and if the backup media are of the disk type, checks are made
to verify that the designated NetBackup database paths are not on the same
disk partition as the media path.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the master server name in the
netbackup/bp.conf file and any associated hostnames or IP addresses
returned by the configured operating system services.
Conflict checks after the master server's summary of warnings, checks storage
unit and tpconfig configuration conflicts.
all_media_servers media server configuration checks group_media_servers
including checks on the master server single_media_server and each selected
media server.
Media server checks done on the master server:
- Master server's domain name.
- NetBackup master server version file check.
- Operating system host services configuration file settings.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, the bprd, bpdbm, vnetd, vopied and
bpjobd port number entries in the /etc/services file.
- Checks for NetBackup packs installed on media server.

Reports pack install processes aborted and packs installed out of sequence.
- Compares the NetBackup packs installed on the media server with the packs
installed on the master server.
- Validates media server entries in the netbackup/bp.conf file.
- Reports on the configured operating system host services abilities to

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resolve the configured media server SERVER names. Notes other NetBackup
node entries. Checks for invalid entries.
- Runs a tpconfig -d to obtain the NetBackup volume database hosts configured
on the master server.
- Checks that the configured storage unit host connections have bp.conf
SERVER entries in the master server's bp.conf file.
- Checks on the configured operating system host services abilities to
resolve the configured host connection names.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, checks the configured storage unit
- Checks that the configured volume pool host entries exist in the master
server's bp.conf file.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, checks the configured
classes/policies for the following:
That the class/policy and schedule storage units have a valid entry in the
master server's bp.conf file.
That the class/policy and schedule volume pools exist in the volume pool
The active status of the class/policy.
That active classes/policies have clients.
That active classes/policies have include lists.
That active classes/policies have schedules.
That active classes/policies have schedule windows.
Checks for class/policy type specific rules for include list contents and
keyword usage and sequence.
Comments on various configuration settings and recommendations.
- Checks the NetBackup database backup configuration. Checks that the
configured storage units have the appropriate path settings based on which
server is the database backup server.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the media server names in the
netbackup/bp.conf file and any associated hostnames or IP addresses
returned by the configured operating system services.
- Checks on the master server's ability to ping the valid storage unit host
------> Based on the above information, an input configuration file is built
on the master server for each selected media server. The input file is
redirected into an remsh command which then executes the NCVU program on each
pingable media server. The master server then waits in a loop for the return
of an output file from each selected media server. The number of seconds that
the master server will wait is either the default 300 seconds or the number
of seconds input with the -wait parameter. As each media server executes
NCVU, it builds an output file which is returned to the master server.
Once all of the output files return from each media server or the wait
timeout expires, the master server then parses the output file information
into the output report.
On each selected media server, the following items are checked:
- Server operating system information. If storage unit name is the same as
the system's hostname or nodename. If the media server's domain name is the
same as the master server's.
- Media server's uptime information.
- Media server's boot time information.
- Media server's physical memory size information.
- openv, openv/netbackup/db, openv/netbackup/logs and openv/volmgr/database
disk partition size and usage.
- NetBackup version file check. Validates that the proper NetBackup software
for the system platform is installed.
- If on the appropriate system, checks that an sg driver is loaded.
- ndd tcp_close_wait_interval setting.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, the bpcd, vopied and bpjava-msvc
entries in /etc/inetd.conf file.

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- Operating system services configuration file settings.

- Operating system host services configuration file settings.
- Validates that the NetBackup bprd, bpdbm and bpcd port entries in services
are the same as the master server's port entries.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, prints out the VERITAS license
- Checks for NetBackup packs installed on media server.
Reports pack install processes aborted and packs installed out of sequence.
- NetBackup media server binaries in the openv/netbackup/bin and
openv/volmgr/bin directories are checked for existence, non-zero size,
executable, are owned by root.
- Lists the NetBackup media server libraries in the openv/lib directory and
performs a sum on those found.
- NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts in appropriate locations and
validates that the proper media server startup and shutdown commands are
present. Also validates that no master server commands for bprd or bpdbm are
- Runs a bpps command and validates that no bprd or bpdbm processes are
running on the media server.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, checks that the bpcd and vopied
processes are listening on their port.
- Validates media server entries in the netbackup/bp.conf file.
Any valid bp.conf entries involving hostnames, the hostnames are validated
against the configured operating system host services ability to resolve the
configured hostname.
- Checks for the existence of any non-standard NetBackup files in the
netbackup, netbackup/bin and volmgr/database directories.
- Lists any NetBackup logging that is turned on in the openv/netbackup/logs
and openv/volmgr/debug directories.
- Checks for the existence of Shared Storage Option information.
- Runs a tpconfig -d and validates that each applicable storage unit's
configuration is valid. Checks the that any media server type of storage
units are present. Checks for a valid number of drives, valid density of
drives and that robots have robotics configured. Any drives or robotics found
that are not associated to a storage unit are reported. Checks that the
configured volume database hosts are contained in the list of volume database
hosts from the master server. Checks for NDMP device types.
- If on the appropriate system, checks that an SG driver is loaded.
- Runs a sgscan all and confirms that any tape drives or robotics configured
in tpconfig are contained in the output. Reports any NetBackup supported
tape devices contained that are not configured in tpconfig.
- If valid tape drives are configured in tpconfig, and sgscan all reports
their existence, examines the operating system's tape driver configuration
file. Checks for valid file syntax. Validates entries for NetBackup supported
tape devices are validated for recommended values.
- Validates all entries in the volmgr/vm.conf file. Reports on configured
operating system services ability to resolve the configured volmgr/vm.conf
files SERVER, KNOWN, DEVICE_HOST or MH_HOST_NAME hostnames entries.
- If the media server is a NetBackup for NDMP server, validates the NDMP
configuration and NDMP server responses.
- Checks the NetBackup database backup configuration versus the actual file
systems on the media server that contain the databases. The file systems
are traversed and a list of directory paths that should be part of the
database backup is formulated. This list of directories is compared against
the NetBackup database backup configuration. Recursive directories are also
checked for. If the NetBackup database media is a disk type, checks are made
to verify that the designated NetBackup database paths are not on the same
disk partition as the media path. If the NetBackup database media is a media
type, does a vmquery check on the media ID and verifies that the media
exists, is in the NetBackup volume pool, is of the correct type and the

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correct NetBackup status.

- Reports on configured operating system services ability to resolve the
client names configured in the classes/policies for storage units on the
media server.
- Reports on configured operating system services ability to resolve the
configured NetBackup database hosts names.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the media server names in the
netbackup/bp.conf file and any associated hostnames or IP addresses
returned by the configured operating system services.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the client names configured in
the classes/policies for storage units on the media server and any
associated hostnames or IP addresses returned by the configured operating
system services.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the volmgr/vm.conf files
SERVER, KNOWN, DEVICE_HOST or MH_HOST_NAME hostname entries and any
associated hostnames or IP addresses returned by the configured operating
system services.
- Checks on the media server's ability to ping the master server.
- Checks on the media server's ability to ping the clients configured in the
classes/policies for storage units on the media server.
- Checks on the media server's ability to ping any NetBackup database hosts
that are to be backed up by this media server.
single_client <client name>
class_clients <class name>
policy_clients <policy name>
media_server_clients <media server name>
Client configuration checks including checks on the master server and each
selected client.
Client checks done on the master server:
- Domain name.
- NetBackup master server version file check.
- Operating system host services.
- NetBackup bprd and bpdbm port number entries configured in each configured
service service.
- NetBackup master server installed NetBackup packs.
- Validates client entries in the netbackup/bp.conf file.
- Reports on the configured operating system host services abilities to
resolve the configured SERVER and CLIENT_NAME hostnames. Notes other
NetBackup node entries. Checks for invalid entries.
- Lists the configured storage unit host connections.
- Checks the configured policies based on the -conf parameter for the
Client name, hardware type and Operating System version.
Class name, type, residence and associated residence host connection.
- Reports on the configured operating system host services abilities to
resolve the selected client's hostnames.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the selected client's
- Checks on the master server's ability to ping the selected client's unit
host connections.
- Checks for the existence of the selected client's NetBackup hardware and
software binaries in the netbackup/client repository. Builds a list of the
appropriate binaries and sizes.

------> Based on the above information, an input configuration file is built

on the master server for each selected client. The input file is redirected
into an remsh command which then executes the NCVU program on each pingable
client. The master server then waits in a loop for the return of an output
file from each client. The number of seconds that the master server will wait

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is either the default 300 seconds or the number of seconds input with the
-wait parameter. As each client executes NCVU, it builds an output file which
is returned to the master server. Once all of the output files return from
each client or the wait timeout expires, the master server then parses the
output file information into the output report.
On each client, the following items are checked:
- Server operating system information. If the client's hostname is the same
as the system's hostname or nodename. If the client's domain name is the
same as the master server's.
- client's uptime information.
- client's boot time information.
- client's physical memory size information.
- openv and openv/netbackup/logs disk partition size and usage.
- NetBackup version file check. Validates that the proper NetBackup software
for the system platform is installed. Checks if a NetBackup pack is listed
in the version file and if it is, checks to see if it is in the list of
installed NetBackup packs from the master server.
- ndd tcp_close_wait_interval setting.
- NetBackup bpcd entries in /etc/inetd.conf file.
- Operating system host services configuration file settings.
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, validates that the bprd, bpdbm, bpcd
and vnetd port entries in services are the same as the master server's port
- Depending on the version of NetBackup, prints out the VERITAS license
- NetBackup client binaries in the openv/netbackup/bin are checked for
existence, if they are the same size as listed in the netbackup/client
software repository on the master server, are non-zero size, executable, are
owned by root.
- UNIX sum output is provided for each NetBackup client binary in the
netbackup/bin directory.
- NetBackup client libraries in the openv/lib directory are listed and a UNIX
sum performed on the ones found.
- NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts in appropriate locations and
validates that the proper client startup and shutdown commands are present.
Also validates that no master server commands for bprd or bpdbm are present.
- Checks that the bpcd process is listening on it's port.
- Validates client entries in the netbackup/bp.conf file.
Any valid bp.conf entries involving hostnames, the hostnames are validated
against the configured operating system host services ability to resolve the
configured hostname.
- Checks for the existence of any non-standard NetBackup files in the
netbackup directory.
- Lists any NetBackup logging that is turned on in the openv/netbackup/logs
- Reports on configured operating system services ability to resolve the
master server hostname.
- Reports on configured operating system services ability to resolve the
media server hostnames.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the SERVER and CLIENT_NAME
hostnames in the netbackup/bp.conf file and any associated hostnames or IP
addresses returned by the configured operating system services.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the master server hostnames
and any associated hostnames or IP addresses returned by the configured
operating system services.
- Runs various bpclntcmd utilities to validate the media server hostname and
any associated hostnames or IP addresses returned by the configured
operating system services.
- Checks on the client's ability to ping the master server.
- Checks on the client's ability to ping the media servers.

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- Checks if the client is a NetBackup database extension client.

Additional database extension checks are made for Informix, Lotus Notes and
Oracle clients.
[-if] [input file path/name]
-if requires input file path/name. Currently not supported.
[-of] [output file path/name]
Without this option, the default utility output files are:
./NCVU_master.out.<date> -conf master
./NCVU_media.out.<date> -conf <media server option>
./NCVU_client.out.<date> -conf <client option>

Analyze configured NetBackup node's network communication functionality.

Currently not supported.
[-debug] [level] [output file path/name]
Output additional debug information to the designated debug file for -conf or
-net options.
Output debug information:
Default level 1 NCVU ABORT errors
level 2 Warnings
level 3 Observations
level 5 Subroutines
level 8 Parse information
level 9 VERBOSE
Output file path/name Default = ./NCVU.debug
Quiet mode prints out only WARNING or NCVU ABORT messages to the utility
output file.
Skips the checking of the NetBackup database backup configuration. Useful if
this check takes a significant amount of time due to extensive file systems.
[-wait] [seconds]
The amount of time in seconds that the master server will wait when running
-conf <media server option> or -conf <client option> for the
return of client output files. Once the time expires, any output files not
received will be noted in the utility output report. The default value is 300

User Commands:
Report on NetBackup master server and the associated operating system
configuration. Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf master
Report on NetBackup master server and the associated operating system
configuration, generate a debug file and not report any observations, only
warnings. Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf master -debug 9 -quiet
Report on NetBackup master server and the associated operating system
configuration designating the named output file for the report to go to. Run
on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf master -of report.out
Report on NetBackup media server(s) and the associated operating system. Run
on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf all_media_servers
Report on NetBackup media server(s) and the associated operating system. Show
no observations, only warnings. Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf all_media_servers -quiet
Report on NetBackup media server(s) in the storage unit group sample_group
and the associated operating system. Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf group_media_servers sample_group

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Report on the NetBackup media server sample_media and the associated

operating system. Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf single_media_server sample_media
Report on NetBackup client sample_client and the associated operating system.
Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf single_client sample_client
Report on NetBackup clients that are members of the class/policy named
sample_class and the associated operating system. Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf policy_clients sample_policy
Report on NetBackup clients that are members of policies that utilize the
media server named sample_media_server and the associated operating system.
Run on the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf media_server_clients
Report on all NetBackup clients and the associated operating system. Run on
the master server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node master -conf all_clients
Report on NetBackup media server and the associated operating system
configuration. Run on the media server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node media_server -if input_file_name
Report on NetBackup media server and the associated operating system
configuration, generate a debug file and not report any observations, only
warnings. Run on the media server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node media_server -if input_file_name -debug 9 -quiet
Report on NetBackup media server and the associated operating system
configuration designating the named output file for the report to go to. Run
on the media server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node media_server -if input_file_name -of report.out
Report on NetBackup media server and the associated operating system system.
Show no observations, only warnings. Run on the media server.
example# ./NCVU -host_node media_server -if input_file_name -quiet
Report on NetBackup client and the associated operating system configuration.
Run on the client.
example# ./NCVU -host_node client -if input_file_name
Report on NetBackup client and the associated operating system configuration,
generate a debug file and not report any observations, only warnings. Run on
the client.
example# ./NCVU -host_node client -if input_file_name -debug 9 -quiet
Report on NetBackup client and the associated operating system configuration
designating the named output file for the report to go to. Run on the client.
example# ./NCVU -host_node client -if input_file_name -of report.out
Report on NetBackup client and the associated operating system system. Show
no observations, only warnings. Run on the client.
example# ./NCVU -host_node client -if input_file_name -quiet
NCVU_master.out.<date> default -conf master output file
NCVU_media.out.<date> default -conf <media server option> output file
NCVU_client.out.<date> default -conf <client option> output file
NCVU_master.debug default -conf master debug file
NCVU_media.debug default -conf <media server option> debug file
NCVU_client.debug default -conf <client option> debug file
<media server name>.ncvu_media_server_config.input
configuration file for each media server
<media server name>.ncvu_media_server_config.output
output file returned to the master server from each media server. Each file
must be removed prior to rerunning the utility.
<client name>.ncvu_client_config.input
input configuration file for each client
<client name>.ncvu_client_config.output

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output file returned to the master server from each client. Each file must be
removed prior to rerunning the utility.

The current version of NCVU takes approximately 26.8 megabytes of space to
install. 13.7 megabytes of this space is for the NCVU.tar file and the
remaining space is for the actual NCVU programs. There are many items that
contribute to the size of files that NCVU creates per instance. Each
installation has a different number of configuration items to be validated.
This can include such items as the number of NetBackup nodes, packs
installed, bp.conf and vm.conf entries, storage units configured, and
classes/policies configured. As the number of configuration items increase,
so does the amount of items reported in the NCVU output report.
Running NCVU in debug mode (especially debug level 8 and higher) can create
sizable debug files. This is primarily due to the listing of the output from
the various system and NetBackup commands that NCVU parses through. The
number of hostnames contained in the NetBackup configuration and the various
operating system hostname resolution systems also has a large impact on the
size of the NCVU debug files. The number of observations and warnings
messages generated by NCVU also has a large bearing on the size of NCVU
output and debug files as well.
Typical file sizes in bytes running on the master server with minimal
warnings are:
NCVU_master.out.<date> for a master server = 30-50K
NCVU_media.out.<date> for a media server = 75K with approximately @30-50K for
each additional media server.
Each media server generates a .input and a .output communication file.
<media server>.input = 1.4-2K
<media server>.output = 30-50K
NCVU_client.out.<date> for a client = 45K with @30K for each additional
Each client generates a .input and a .output communication file.
<client>.input = @3K
<client>.output = @30K
The minimum amount of free space required to run a single instance of NCVU
for master, media servers, and clients can be estimated with the following
master server .out
media server .out
number of additional media servers X 102K
client .out
+ number of clients X 63K
total space required
Using the above example for a site with three media servers and ten clients:
NCVU_master.out.<date> 30,000
NCVU_media.out.<date> 75,000
number of additional media servers X 102K 204,000
NCVU_client.out.<date> 45,000
number of additional clients X 63K 567,000
total space required 921,000
Typical level 9 debug file sizes in bytes running on the master server with
minimal warnings are:
NCVU_master.debug for a master server = 275K
NCVU_media .debug for a media server = 275K with approximately
@100K for each additional media server.
Each media server generates a .output communication file.
<media server>.output = @100K
NCVU_client.debug for a client = @235K with @35K for each additional client.

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Each client generates a .output communication file.

<client>.output = @85K
The minimum amount of free space required to run a single instance of NCVU
for master, media servers and clients with debug level 9 enabled can be
with the following formula:
Using the above example for a site with three media servers and ten clients:
number of additional media servers X 200K
+ number of clients X 120K
total space required
Using the above example for a site with 3 media servers and 10 clients:
NCVU_master.out.<date> 30,000
NCVU_master.debug 275,000
NCVU_media.out.<date> 75,000
NCVU_media.debug 275,000
number of additional media servers X 200K 400,000
NCVU_client.out.<date> 45,000
NCVU_client.debug 235,000
number of additional clients X 120K 1,080,000
total space required 2,415,000
Since each installation is different, the end user should formulate the
typical sizes for the various NCVU files if free space is a concern.

This utility is currently under development. As such, the media server or
client input and output files are not deleted on the master server after
completion. Any problems reported should be accompanied with copies of the
media server input and output files along with the utility output and debug
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Problems pertaining to the proper installation of NCVU can be caused by but
are not limited to:
1. Corrupt tar or individual files due to file transfer problems.
2. Incorrect file ownership or execution permissions due to installation
Problems pertaining to the proper operation of NCVU can be caused by but are
not limited to:
1. Incomplete deployment of NCVU utility components to all NetBackup nodes
being tested.
3. Incomplete configuration of the "trusted host" environment on each
NetBackup node being tested.
4. NCVU utility components not being installed in or linked to the
netbackup/goodies/support directory on each NetBackup node being tested.
5. Erratic behavior on command line commands and utilities not returning
information to the NCVU program. Use debug modes to output information to the
debug file for verification.
6. Utility execution times greater then the wait timeout period. This could
be caused by commands or utilities that get hung or do not return information

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in a reasonable amount of time.

7. Not removing the previous runs
<media server name>.ncvu_media_server_config.output
<client name>.ncvu_client_config.output
output files from the master server's netbackup/bin/goodies/support (or
linked location) directory. This will result in the utility "seeing" the old
output files before the current runs output files return resulting in "old"
information being included in the current runs report.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Copyright 2004 VERITAS Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. VERITAS,
VERITAS SOFTWARE, the VERITAS logo, Business Without Interruption, VERITAS
The Data Availability Company, NetBackup, NetBackup DataCenter, NetBackup
BusinesServer and VERITAS Storage Migrator for Unix are trademarks or
registered trademarks of VERITAS Software Corporation in the US and/or other
countries. Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Download Now - 13920 K

File Name: NCVU_266158.tar
File Type: Utility

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Backups directed to a particular media server always queue in the job monitor
and never run.

If a backup job is queueing and never going to active even when it should,
there is a quick possible fix. Sometimes due to an improper shutdown or a
system crash, bpsched can leave stale worklist information that will
interrupt with the activation of backup jobs. To check for this problem,
shutdown NetBackup, then cd into the directory
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpsched.d. The contents of the directory should
look like the below example, with only four files in it.

drwx------ 2 root other 512 May 30 02:31 ./

drwxr-xr-x 10 root other 2048 May 30 02:31 ../
-rw------- 1 root other 10 May 30 02:01 last_time_expired_media
-rw------- 1 root other 17 May 30 02:31 main_bpsched.lock
-rw------- 1 root other 17 May 30 02:31 main_bpsched_busy.lock
-rw------- 1 root other 17 May 30 11:02 reg_bpsched.lock

If there are any other files such as worklist.23749; try moving them out of
the directory. Then start NetBackup and see if the problem has been resolved.

Exact Error Message
requested media id was not found in NB media database and/or MM volume

A recommended way to expire a tape is to use bpexpdate -ev <MEDIAID> -d 0,
but this can fail if any entries in any of the three VERITAS NetBackup

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databases are missing.

The database can be checked and any entries can be manually removed using the
following procedures:

I. Media database

To check: available_media
To remove: bpexpdate -ev <MEDIAID> -d 0 -justmedia -force

II. Volume database

To check: vmquery -m <MEDIAID>

To remove: vmquery -deassignbyid <MEDIAID> <POOLNUMBER> <STATUS>

NOTE: <POOLNUMBER> can be found in the output of vmquery -m <MEDIAID> and

<STATUS> is usually 0.

III. Image database

To check: bpimmedia -mediaid <MEDIAID> -U

To remove: bpexpdate -ev <MEDIAID> -d 0 -justimage -force

WARNING: This procedure will delete the tape from the VERITAS NetBackup
catalog and the tape will become available for backups again. The only way to
back track this procedure is to manually import the tape.

Document ID: 266314 E-Mail this document to a colleague
Formatting the output from the bpdbjobs command in NetBackup 4.5
The method in which the format of the bpdbjobs report is controlled changed
in VERITAS NetBackup (tm) 4.5. This is now controlled by adding
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entries to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on the
master server.

Add a BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entry for every column you wish to include in the
output using the following format:

BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = COLDEFS_ENTRY [minimum_size [true | false]]


"COLDEFS_ENTRY" is the name of the column to include in the output. See the
table below for valid BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entries.

"minimum_size" is the minimum column width. If not specified, the default is

a width of 5.

"true" indicates that the column should expand as needed. If not specified,
true is the default.

"false" indicates that the column should not expand beyond the minimum_size,
if required entries in this field will be truncated.

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The order of the entries determines the order that the column headings will
appear. The NetBackup daemons do not need to be restarted for these options
to take effect.

Sample entries in the bp.conf file:

Please note that these are the default columns for NetBackup 4.5. Also note
that if there is only one BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entry in the bp.conf file, there
will only be one column in the output from bpdbjobs. Thus, adding at least
one entry to bp.conf will remove all defaults in favor of the bp.conf list.
Therefore, you must specify all the columns you require.


BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = Status 6 true
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = Policy 6 true
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = Schedule 8 true
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = Client 6 true
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = DstMedia_Server 12 true

The default output will look like this:

root@firefly:/> bpdbjobs
JobID Type State Status Policy Schedule Client Dest Media Svr Active PID
1 Backup Done 0 test1 full firefly firefly 15965

A bp.conf file with the following entries:



will result in the output with only these two columns:

root@firefly:/> bpdbjobs
JobID Type
1 Backup

Table of valid bp.conf entries:

Note that these entries are case insensitive so "JobID" is the same as

ACTIVEELAPSED Active Elapsed (elapsed active time)
ACTPID Active PID (PID of job)
COMPLETION Completion (percent complete)
COMPRESSION Compression (yes or no)
DSTMEDIA_SERVER Dest Media Svr (writing media server)
DSTMEDIAID Dest Media ID (writing media ID)
DSTSTORAGE_UNIT Dest StUnit (writing storage unit)
ELAPSED Elapsed (elapsed time)
ESTFILE Est File (estimated number of files)
ESTKB Est KB (estimated number of kilobytes)

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JOBSTVERSION Job Strucuture Version
LASTBACKUP Last Backup (date and time)
MAINPID Main PID (PID spawning job, if applicable)
NUMTAPESEJECT Media to Eject (number of tapes to eject; Vault only)
OPERATION Operation (current operation)
PROFILE Profile (Vault only)
RETENTION Retention (retention period)
ROBOT Robot (Vault only)
RQSTPID Request PID (PID requesting job, if applicable)
SESSIONID Session ID (Vault only)
TRY Attempt
TYPE Type (job type)
VAULT Vault (Vault only)

Related Documents:

258949: In VERITAS NetBackup (tm) 4.5 Feature Pack 3, bpdbjobs -report

does not display the Try or Attempt field.
Performance Tuning with NetBackup

1. Create the following folders in the path "%systemroot%\Program

Files\Veritas\Netbackup\Logs" on the NetBackup servers as specified below:

- On the Client server, create the folder: bpbkar

- On the Media server, create the folder: bptm

After creating the above folders run the backup job that has been running
slow. You will want to check in the bptm log for waits or delays of either
full or empty buffers. (See the example below)

22:08:12.771 [24475] <2> fill_buffer: [24469] socket is closed, waited for

empty buffer 2 times, delayed 5975 times

22:08:12.782 [24469] <2> write_data: waited for full buffer 8947 times,
delayed 43713 times

If waits or delays of FULL buffers are taking place, then this will point to
the network as the slow down. If waiting for full buffers, that means the

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bptm is waiting for the buffer to become full to write to the tape device.
The following are recommended actions:

1. Add hosts file entries for all servers involved

2. Update the drivers for the NIC, on the client and media servers
3. Update the drivers for SCSI controllers, on the media server
4. Ensure all NICs and the Switch ports they are connected to are manually
set to FULL or HALF duplex
5. Add the file: install_path\veritas\netbackup\NOSHM, on the Media server

Note: This will allow the backup to write directly from the NIC to the drive,
without using shared memory.
Note: This file should be removed as soon as step 6 has been completed.

6. Run a test backup on the client using the command: bpbkar32 -nocont C:\
1>nul 2>nul

Note: This will test the ability of the NetBackup 'bpbkar' process to READ
data from the hard drive. Enter the entire drive where the slow throughput
issues are occurring (ex: C:\ or D:\). This will give us the highest READ
rate of the client. After running the "NUL" backup; you can then check the
'bpbkar' debug log for the throughput of the "NUL" backup job.

If the waits or delays are for EMPTY buffers, this then points to the bptm
writing slower than the network is sending data to the bpcd. In this case
adding more buffers should help. Here are some recommended test procedures:

First step for both the master and media servers: [NORMALLY NOT RECOMMENDED]
1. Open windows explorer to install_path\veritas\netbackup
2. Create a file named NET_BUFFER_SZ (no file extension)
3. Edit the file using notepad and add the entry: 65536

Second step for the media server: [NORMALLY NOT RECOMMENDED]

1. Open windows explorer to install_path\veritas\netbackup\db\config
2. Create a file named SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS (no file extension)
3. Edit the file using notepad and add the entry: 65536

Third step for the media server: [THIS FILE IS THE ONLY TOUCH FILE
1. Open windows explorer to install_path\veritas\netbackup\db\config
2. Create a file named NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS (no file extension)
3. Edit the file using notepad and add the entry: 32

The NET_BUFFER_SZ file will set the tcp block size to be used. This will be
set to 64k (65536). This value can be changed to either 128k (131072) or 96k
(98304). During testing you may want to change the value.

The SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file will set the tape block size. This will be set to
64k. This value should not be changed to anything higher then 64k. Windows
will not be able to reliably read anything higher then 64k block sizes.

The NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS file will set the number of buffers to be used. The
tcp block will write data to this buffer, which in turn will write to the
tape drive. This is the one value we can change the most. You will want to
start with 32 buffers. Then increment up by 8, going to 40, then 48 and so

While changing the NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS once you see the performance go down,
backup the number of buffers to the last setting that you saw an increase.

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Once you have that, then change the NET_BUFFER_SZ to 96k to see if you see
another increase or decrease. Then change NET_BUFFER_SZ to 128k and take
note. If the speed again increased with the NET_BUFFER_SZ then change the
NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS once more by 8 to see if the performance again increases.

By this time you should have found the maximum speed of the local backup. The
only thing left will be to add the file NET_BUFFER_SZ to all of the clients.
This file will be located in the same place: install_path\veritas\netbackup
and you will want to add the value to match what is on the media server that
you finally settled on.

If the waits or delays are for full buffers, this then points to a client or
network issue as the buffers are waiting for data from the client.

Maximum BUFFER settings for SCSI-attached robot

SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS = 65536 (64 x 1024)
NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS = 32 (can increase in increments of 8)

BUFFER settings for Fibre-attached robot

SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS = 131072 (128 x 1024)
NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS = 32 (can increase in increments of 8)

Automatic Volume Recognition (AVR) control mode (the drive is a standalone drive or is a drive in

Reset the drive if the drive is OK.

Advanced reporter

#To startup Netbackup Daemons

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/netbackup start
/etc/init.d/nbar start

To access NBAR 4.5 installed on a UNIX system, use the following URL from your web browser: http:

To access NBAR 4.5 installed on a Windows system, use the following URL from your browser: http:/

nbar export database - faster than browser

/opt/VRTSnbaro/bin/ -c

4.5 /opt/VRTSnbaro/bin
5.X /usr/openv/nbar/bin
nbardbex -H -d , -S MASTER_SERVER -s 11/01/2005 00:00:00 -e 11/30/2005 23:59:59
nbardbex -H -d , -S MASTER_SERVER -hoursago 48

To access NBAR 4.5 installed on a UNIX system, use the following URL from your web browser: http:

To access NBAR 4.5 installed on a Windows system, use the following URL from your browser: http:/

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Document ID: 256790 E-Mail Colleague IconE-Mail this
document to a colleague

VERITAS NetBackup (tm) Advanced Reporter browser will not open when the SUN
Java Plug-In is enabled.
The SUN Java Plug-in is not supported for NetBackup Advanced Reporter
(NBAR) 4.5 in any version of Internet Explorer or Netscape.

In order to open Advanced Reporter using your browser, the SUN Java plug-in
must not be in use on your workstation's browser. To disable the SUN Java
plug-in for Internet Explorer, click Tools | Internet Options | Advanced.
Pull your scroll bar down to SUN Java and verify that this option is not
enabled. To disable the SUN Java plug-in for NetScape, click Edit |
Preferences | Advanced. Verify that SUN Java is not enabled.

With either browser, you will then need to open a new browser session to
activate this change. The NBAR product should then be available to view

(only certain clients are supported - XP is not)

Log into solaris master

export DISPLAY=x.x.x.x:0

Add new drives (or create media server):
edit lpfc or qlc files

Load NBU s/w if not there alread (as a media server)

edit sg.conf files

add drives on media server: tpconfig
create storage unit

edit global to increase number of drives (master: bpadm)

restart NBU on master

do the same for each ms

set blk variable to 0

set reserve to yes

setup on master w/ storage unit

restart master NBU processes

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How to set up a client that is behind a firewall, filtering by destination
port using VNETD
Configuring VERITAS NetBackup (tm) to use vnetd for a client:

On the master, go to the NetBackup administrative console:

1. Expand NetBackup Management | Host Properties. Highlight Master Servers.
2. In the right pane, double-click the master host name; this will bring up
the master server properties.
3. Select the Client Attributes dialog box
4. Select New (UNIX) or Add (Windows). This will open a new client box; enter
the client name the way it is configured in the policy.
5. Highlight the client you are configuring and check No connect-back (UNIX)
or No call back (Windows)
6. Click OK


* This process is done from the master and is the only configuration that
* needs to be done in NetBackup to use VNETD. bp.conf does not need to be
* updated manually. Ports will still need to be opened on the firewall,
* see below.
* The process is different for setting up a media server that is on the
* other side of the firewall, see TechNote 251631 (link in Related
* Documents section of this TechNote). VNETD holds the originating IP and
* does not work with NAT.

What ports need to be open on the firewall if filtering by destination port:

Media >> Client

13782 (bpcd)

Client >> Media

13724 (vnetd)

If using the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive when setting up the policy for the
client behind the firewall, then the following port will also need to be
Master >> Client 13782 (bpcd)
Client >> Master 13724 (vnetd)

If the client needs to run user backups/restores, then the following port
will also need to be opened:
Client >> Master
13720 (bprd)

If database backups are done from the client, then the following ports will
also need to be opened:
Client >> Master
13720 (bprd)
13724 (vnetd)

Master >> Client

13782 (bpcd)

If using NetBackup enhanced authentication, you will also need to open:

Master >> Client
13783 (vopied)

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Related Documents:

251631: How to configure VNETD for a firewall between a master and media
server in NetBackup 4.5

Under the master server's Host Properties, add the client in question to the
Firewall tab. Select Use reserved ports, VNETD Only and clear any check boxes
for "connect back" (Figure 2). For clients behind a firewall, VNETD should
be selected whenever possible. The client must also still be listed under
the master server's Client Attributes tab with No Callback in order to still
take advantage of VNETD backups through a firewall.

Administrative Tools
Local Security Settings
Local Policies
Security Options
Devices: Unsigned driver installation behavior
SET:: Silently succeed'

DOS shell - Run: gpupdate /force


Tape cleaning must be handled on a host with SSO, or via the library. Automated cleaning

SSO and /etc/system

If more than 16 tapes drives shared in SSO

Add the following statements to the /etc/system file.

# Increase the maximum number of messages that can be created
set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=512
# Increase message queue maximum number of bytes
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=65536

Windows Restore of System State

Normally you will get the inaccessible boot device if hardware or the drive configuration on a ser

1. install OS
2. rename current boot.ini
3. run w2koption -restore -same_hardware 0
4. do full NBU restore of the system
5. compare boot.ini files (the original one and the one just got recovered)
6. reboot the system and see if it is getting blue-screened


DOCUMENTATION: How to troubleshoot Microsoft Exchange database backup issues

NetBackup (tm) 4.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server System Administrator's Guide on Windows NT/2000 N
for Windows

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Page: N/A

Modification Type: Addition.

Troubleshooting all NetBackup issues requires a certain knowledge of the
servers involved with the backup or restore. At a minimum, the following
information should be known:

* The operating system and OS patch level of the master server, along
with the NetBackup version and maintenance pack (MP) or feature pack (FP)
* The operating system and OS patch level of the media server, along
with the NetBackup version and MP or FP level. If the master server is
also the media server, this needs to be noted.
* The operating system and OS patch level of the client server, along
with the NetBackup version and MP or FP level

For database backups and restores, knowledge of the version of the database
as well as any patches is also necessary. To determine the version of
Microsoft Exchange (5.5, 2000, or 2003), open the Exchange administrator
console, and review the information under Help | About. This will show the
version of Exchange.

Next, be sure to enable the correct logging. For Exchange, enable bpbkar
for backups, and tar for restores. Go to the
<install_path>\veritas\netbackup\logs directory and create the necessary
logging folder. Additionally, it helps to have a policy list, and copies of
the Microsoft Application Event Log.

Exchange backups tend to exit with a limited number of status codes. In

general, Exchange database backups will fail with status 1, 12, 13, 69, or

Status 1:

* Check for a corrupt Exchange database. Go to the Microsoft Event

Viewer, and look for a message "Failure reading file X." Then have the
user contact Microsoft to assist in correcting the problem.
* On an Exchange 2000/2003 server, check to see if the Recovery Storage
Group is enabled. If it is, and the user has "Microsoft Information
Store:\*" as the files list, the backup fails with a status 1 because it
cannot back up the recovery storage group. Remove that storage group, or
specify all the storage groups in the files list.

Status 12:

* Generally, a status 12 is associated with having a files list which

reflects Exchange 5.5 directives, but the server is an Exchange 2000/2003
server. The files list for an Exchange 5.5 backup is Microsoft Exchange
Server:\Information Store and Microsoft Exchange Server:\Directory. The
files list for an Exchange 2000/2003 server is Microsoft Information
Store:\* or Microsoft Information Store:\<storage_group_name>. Please note
that for the files list Microsoft Information Store:\* to work correctly,
Allow multiple data streams must be enabled.

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Status 13:

* Check for a corrupt Exchange database. Go to the Microsoft Event

Viewer, and look for a message "Failure reading file X." Then have the
user contact Microsoft to assist in correcting the problem.

Status 69 or Status 71:

* Confirm the directives are correct for the version of Exchange. For
Exchange 5.5, the directives are Microsoft Exchange Server:\Information
Store and Microsoft Exchange Server:\Directory. For Exchange 2000/2003
server is Microsoft Information Store:\* or Microsoft Information
Store:\<storage_group_name>. Please note that for the files list Microsoft
Information Store:\* to work correctly, Allow multiple data streams must be
* Confirm that the servers list correctly lists the Exchange server
name. Do not use a NetBackup name, the name of a backup interface, or a
fully qualified domain name. If the server is listed in the Exchange
administrative console as Exchange_server_1, confirm that is how it is
listed in the policy. If the policy shows Exchange_server_1_backup or, the backups will fail.
* If the backup makes use of the directive NEW_STREAM, be sure the
Allow multiple data streams option is selected.

Because of the design of Exchange 2000 and 2003 servers, the files list
must be either Microsoft Information Store:\* (with Allow multiple data
streams enabled) or Microsoft Information Store:\<storage_group_name>.
Listing only Microsoft Information Store:\ without the asterisk results in
the backup failing. Additionally, if the recovery storage group is present
on an Exchange 2003 server, and the files list is Microsoft Information
Store:\*, the backup also fails. Remove the recovery storage group and
re-run the backup.

Due to the nature of mailbox backups (for 5.5, 2000, and 2003) and public
folder backups (for 2000 and 2003), VERITAS highly recommends placing
mailbox and public folder backups into their own class, and not include
them with database backups.

Windows cluster:
-c #install
-a [option] #run on active node


print "...getting Veritas Netbackup\n"

if [[ ! -d $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files ]]
mkdir -p $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files

cd /usr/openv/netbackup;ls -l > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.ls_l_usr_openv_netbackup

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#get performance files

for DIR in /usr/openv/netbackup
cd $DIR
for i in [A-Z]*[A-Z]
OUTFILE=`print $DIR | tr '/' '_' `
echo $i >> $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files/$$OUTFILE
cat $i >> $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files/$$OUTFILE
echo "" >> $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files/$$OUTFILE



# change the / to _ for file name
# /etc/fstab becomes: hostname._etc_fstab
if [[ -f $FILE ]]
OUTFILE=`print $FILE | tr '/' '_' `

if [[ -n $(print $NBU_SERVERS | grep -w $NODE) ]]

print "...getting Veritas Netbackup server items\n"

cd /usr/openv/volmgr;ls -l > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.ls_l_usr_openv_volmgr

#get performance files
for DIR in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config
cd $DIR
for i in [A-Z]*[A-Z]
OUTFILE=`print $DIR | tr '/' '_' `
echo $i >> $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files/$NODE.cat_files_in_$OUTFILE
cat $i >> $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files/$NODE.cat_files_in_$OUTFILE
echo "" >> $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/Files/$NODE.cat_files_in_$OUTFILE

#support taken out because it can hang and eat up process time
#support > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$

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netstat -ian > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.netstat_ian

ipcs -a > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.ipcs_a
df -k > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.df_k

# processes
bpps > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpps
bpps -a > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpps_a
vmps -a > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmps_a

bpdbjobs > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpdbjobs

bpdbjobs -report > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpdbjobs_report
bpconfig -U > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpconfig -U

#clients & classes

bpplclients > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpplclients
bpclclients -allunique > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpclclients_allunique
bpcllist -U > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpcllist_U
bpclntcmd -pn > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpclntcmd_pn
bpclntcmd -self > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpclntcmd_self

bppllist > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bppllist

bppllist -L > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bppllist_L
bppllist -U -allpolicies > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bppllist_U_allpolicies
bppllist -hwos > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bppllist_hwos

for POLICY in $(bppllist)

bppllist $POLICY -U -L > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bppllist_${POLICY}_L_U

bperror > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bperror
bperror -U > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bperror_U
bperror -U -backstat > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bperror_U_backstat
bperror -U -backstat -by_statcode > \
bperror -media -U > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bperror_media_U

bpminlicense > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpminlicense
bpminlicense -verbose > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpminlicense_verbose
get_license_key -L keys > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.get_license_key_L_keys
get_license_key -L features > \

#media lists
available_media > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.available_media
bpmedialist > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpmedialist
bpmedialist -l > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpmedialist_l
bpmedialist -L > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpmedialist_L
bpmedialist -summary > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpmedialist_summary

bpimmedia > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimmedia

bpimmedia -U > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimmedia_U

bpimagelist -A > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_A

bpimagelist -A -media > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_A_media

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bpimagelist -media > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_media

bpimagelist -U -rl 0 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_0
bpimagelist -U -rl 1 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_1
bpimagelist -U -rl 2 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_2
bpimagelist -U -rl 3 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_3
bpimagelist -U -rl 4 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_4
bpimagelist -U -rl 5 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_5
bpimagelist -U -rl 6 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_6
bpimagelist -U -rl 7 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_7
bpimagelist -U -rl 8 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_8
bpimagelist -U -rl 9 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_9
bpimagelist -U -rl 10 > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpimagelist_rl_10

set_ndmp_attr -list > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.set_ndmp_attr_list


bpstulist -U > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpstulist_U
bpstulist -g > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpstulist_g
bpstulist -go > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpstulist_go

ltid -tables -f $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.ltid_tables_f

tpconfig -l > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.tpconfig_l

tpconfig -d > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.tpconfig_d
tpconfig -dl > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.tpconfig_dl
tpconfig -data > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.tpconfig_data
vmadreq -display > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmadreq_display

tpautoconf -t > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.tpautoconf_t

tpautoconf -r > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.tpautoconf_r
bpgetconfig > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.bpgetconfig

scan > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.scan

if [[ -d /dev/sg ]]
sgscan conf -v > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.sgscan_conf_v

vmoprcmd -d > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmoprcmd_d

vmoprcmd -d ds > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmoprcmd_d_ds
vmpool -listall > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmpool_listall
vmpool -listall -b > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmpool_listall_b
vmglob -listall > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmglob_listall
vmglob -listall -b > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmglob_listall_b
vmglob -listall -java > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmglob_listall_java

vmquery -bx -a > $CFIG_DIR/$NODE/VNBU/$NODE.vmquery_bx_a

# get a weeks worth of nbar report

nbardbex -H -d , -S $NODE -hoursago 168 > \


1. Add the robot by executing the following command:

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tpconfig -add -robot 9 -robtype tld -cntlhost perch -vdbhost perch

Ensure that the robot number matches the one on the control host.

2. If the robot contains drives that are currently configured as

standalone, update the drive configuration to place them under robotic
control. The following commands update the configuration for drives 1 and 2:

tpconfig -update -drive 1 -type dlt -robot 9 -robtype tld -robdrnum 1

tpconfig -update -drive 2 -type dlt -robot 9 -robtype tld

If there are drives in the robot that have not been configured, add them now.
The following command configures the drive with the system name of Tape0
under control of the robot configured in step 1. (Tape0 has been attached
and recognized by the Windows server.)

tpconfig -add -drive -type dlt -name Tape0 -comment DEC DLT2000 8414 -index
3 -drstatus up -robot 9 -robtype tld -robdrnum 3 -asciiname DLT2000_D3

Example 3: Configuring New Standalone Drives

The following is an example of adding a standalone drive, after the drive
is installed:

tpconfig -add -drive -type dlt -name Tape0 -comment DEC DLT2000 8414 -index
6 -asciiname DLT2000_standalone

tpconfig -add -robot 1 -robtype tld -cntlhost ictcvnb01 -vdbhost ictcvnb01

#list windows tape drives, match with master (vmglob -listall OR tpautoconf -t
tpautoconf -t

TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM000206 5 0 28 0 Tape28 - -

TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM000207 5 0 28 1 Tape29 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM000208 5 0 28 2 Tape30 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM000209 5 0 28 3 Tape31 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM00020A 5 0 28 4 Tape32 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM00020B 5 0 28 5 Tape33 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM00020C 5 0 28 6 Tape34 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM00020D 5 0 28 7 Tape35 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM00020E 5 0 28 8 Tape36 - -
TPAC45 STK T9940B 1.30 1PGM00020F 5 0 28 9 Tape37 - -

Index DriveName DeviceName Type Shared Status

***** ********* ********** **** ****** ******
0 CDL1_Drive1 \\.\Tape28 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=1
1 CDL1_Drive2 \\.\Tape29 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=2
2 CDL1_Drive3 \\.\Tape30 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=3
3 CDL1_Drive4 \\.\Tape31 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=4
4 CDL1_Drive5 \\.\Tape32 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=5
5 CDL1_Drive6 \\.\Tape33 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=6
6 CDL1_Drive7 \\.\Tape34 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=7
7 CDL1_Drive9 \\.\Tape35 hcart2 Yes UP
TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=8

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8 CDL1_Drive10 \\.\Tape37 hcart2 Yes UP

TLD(1) Definition DRIVE=9

Currently defined robotics are:

TLD(1) robot control host = ictcvnb01,
volume database host = ictcvnb01

tape copy to VTL

#get quick list to see what is Full or Incr

bpimagelist -hoursago 12 -U -client amrxm1111 | more

#Get BPID from following

bpimagelist -hoursago 12 -U -L -client amrxm1111 | more
bpimagelist -hoursago 12 -client amrxm1111 | more

# i.e.
IMAGE amrxm1111 0 0 7 amrxm1111_1135853202 ACC_PROD_EXCH_AMRXM1111_SG4 16 *NULL* root Daily 0 0 1
#Which is amrxm1111_1135853202

#copy tape to vtl (minimum required, can use more options - LOTS available)
#backupid - the job number used for orignal image, if you don't use this
then you must supply lots of other options
#dstunit - STU where the duplication will go
#dp - pool where the duplication will go
bpduplicate -v -client amrxm1111 -dstunit ictcvnb01-CDL1-ST -backupid\
amrxm1111_1135853202 -dp CDL1_VirtualTapes

#set second copy to primary

bpduplicate -npc 2 -backupid amrxm1111_1135853202

SSO drives

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmdareq -display


need rpcportmapper

c:/Program Files/STK/libattach/bin/CLI-query-server
if c:/temp fills up, when doing restore,
select different drive and path for
"Temporary location for log and patch files:"

Disk based backups

Files: clientname_backupid_container_file#

How long has netbackup been up, or when was it restarted.

grep "Starting init process" /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpjobd/*

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* bpimmedia -U -mediaid <media id> - will list images and fragments on

a tape. Replace -U with -L
* bpverify -p -sl <schedule> -hoursago <hours> | awk '/^Media/ {print
$4}' - gives which tapes were used for a schedule <hours> ago
* vmquery -a - gives info on each tape
* bpexpdate -ev <tape> -d 0 - expires a tape NOW (ver 3.2)
* bpexpdate -m <tape> -d 07/24/2004 - expires a tape on a date, and
changes all images on that tape (ver 4.5+)
* bpexpdate -backupid <backup_id> -d 08/10/2005 - expires a certain
backupid on <date>
* echo "s s" | tldtest -r /dev/sg/c3t0l0 - gives status of slots. ( s d
- gives status of drives )
* vmpool -listall - gives pool number of all pools (-listscratch lists
scratch pool)
* vmchange -p <pool number> -m <media id> - will move tape into scratch
* /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd - shows tape pending requests and
mount info. You can kill pending requests with -deny <request id>
* bpdbjobs - some nice options and status of jobs. Can kill with -kill
<jobnumber,jobnumber2> or -kill_all
* bpcllist -U -allclasses - Shows all class information
* bpmedialist - gives info on media
* bpmedialist -ev DBQ814 - for info on one tape
* bpmedialist -summary - gives summary of media and expirys. Can use -p
<pool_name> to give sumarry just for pool
* bpmedia -unfreeze -ev DBQ844 - unfreeze a tape. Other options on
bpmedia also
* bpimport -create_db_info -id <mediaid> -L /tmp/ -
Recreats database info on tapes. Phase 1
* bpimport -l -L /tmp/ -client <client> - imports phase2 for
a client.
* bpimagelist -A -media -d 04/17/01 15:53:00 -e 04/18/01 23:59:00 -
gets tapes last written on date
* bpimagelist -hoursago 14 | awk '$2==2 {print $9}' | sort | uniq -
Very important. Gives tapes used for a second copy from an Inlinetapecopy (
multiple copies ). I use this for offsite
* bpimagelist -media -client <name_of_client> -d 04/10/2003 -e
04/11/2003 | awk '{print $1}' - same as above for a client. Can also add
-class <class name> for a class
* bpimagelist -l -hoursago $hoursago | grep IMAGE | awk '{ tot+=$19}
END { printf "Data backed up in the last '$hoursago' hours: %9.0f
MB\n",tot/1024 }' - List amount of data backed up in $hoursago specified as
variable in a script. E.g 24, 48
* vmquery -pn scratch | grep "media ID" - lists all media in scratch
* bperror -media -d <mm/dd/yy> -U - gives media errors
* bplabel -ev CZJ241 -d dlt -o -p scratch - Can label a tape which had
netbackup db info on. -d is tape density -o overwrites. -p may not be
needed and is pool
* /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames/No? .Restrictions - Is what to
enable to let clients restore to each other
* bpimmedia -client <client> | awk '$1=="IMAGE" {print $4}' - Lists
backup ids for a client. -L Gives more info
* bpimage -oldserver <oldservername> -newserver <newservername> - Look
at to convert images from oldserver to newserver on netbackup server.
* bpclclients -allunique - Lists all clients netbackup knows about
* bprecover -r -dptah /path/to/saved/nbu/databases - Recovers netbackup

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databases from files into your current setup. May need to remove database
directory contents first. -l instead of -r will list
* bpplinfo <policy> -modify -inactive - Will change a policy to
* bpduplicate -dp <pool to use> -dstunit <storage unit to use>
-hoursago n -sl <Sched name> -mpx (-PM / -L /var/log/logfile) - This will
duplicate images of sched name done in hoursago and use storage unit and
pool specified. mpx Does mpx duplications of mpx backups but can be
ommitted. -PM is to view -L is output log. There are -client and policy
flags too
* vmdareq -h <glob da host> -display - Shows the device scanning host
when have media servers and SSO
* tpautoconf -get_gdbhost - Lists the global device scan host
* bprdreq -rereadconfig - Very useful as it re-reads configs eg bp.conf
without restarting daemons. Useful when doing FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER =
<oldserver> <newserver> on the Master server in bp.conf
* bpgetconfig -M clientname | grep -i "^exclude" - Lists exclude lists
on windows boxes from the master server. Can probably set with bpsetconfig
* jnbSA -lc - This will log all commands the console uses if possible
to the a log file
* bpchangeprimary -copy 2 -sl <schedule> -cl <client> -sd mm/dd/yyyy (
-ed mm/dd/yyyy ) - This changes copy 2 (i.e the offsite copy from an ITC
job) to be the primary copy. The primary copy is what netbackup uses to do
its restores from. this e.g is for a client and has start date and end date
and schedule shown.
* bpchangeprimary -pool Offiste_Cinc -sd mm/dd/yyyy - As above, but
this changes all images which were written to a tape pool to be the primary
copy. This may be beneficial in DR scenarios.
* bpverify -PD -M <master server> -X -s <start date> -e <end date> -cn
2 -client <client> - This will give the output as the gui does for showing
info on a client between dates of an image which is copy number 2. The last
field on the output is 0 or 1. 0 = not the primary copy. 1 = is set to
primary copy. Can use this to check before and after you use
bpchangeprimary. Other options can be used such as -sl <schedule> instead
of/aswell as -client
* /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpconfig -tries 0 - Change the
number of schedules tries to 0 so no backup jobs are performed but running
jobs finish. Useful for maintenance or other actions. To list current
setting use bpconfig -L. This is done on master server
* bpretlevel -l - shows retention levels set and time in seconds
* bplist -C <client> -k <Policy> -R -l -s 04/28/2005 -e 04/29/2005
/path/to/files | awk '$NF = /\.log/ && $4 != "0" {print $NF}' > /tmp/list -
This lists all files Recursivly (-R) which have .log in them and are NOT 0
bytes between the dates, and puts them in a file. -l = long listing ( to
get file size ).
* bprestore -C <client> -D <destination client> -s 04/28/2005 -e
04/29/2005 -L /tmp/progress -R /tmp/rename -f /tmp/list - This restores
files from client to destination using images between the dates and the
files in /tmp/list( -f ). -L logs progress and -R /tmp/rename is for
alternate path restores. /tmp/rename contains :- change /path/a/b/c to

When system memory gets low, Solaris unloads unused drivers from memory and
reloads drivers as needed. Tape drivers are a frequent candidate for
unloading, since they tend to be less heavily used than disk drivers.
Depending on the timing of these unload and load events for the st (Sun),
sg (VERITAS), and fibre channel drivers, various problems may result. These
problems can range from devices "disappearing" from a SCSI bus to system

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VERITAS recommends adding the following forceload statements to the

/etc/system file. These statements prevent the st and sg drivers from being
unloaded from memory.

forceload: drv/st
forceload: drv/sg

1. Determine if an sg driver is loaded by using the following command:

/usr/sbin/modinfo | grep sg

Version 5.0

* /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients <hardware> <os>

Where <hardware> <os> is one of the following:

HP9000-700 HP-UX11.00
HP9000-800 HP-UX11.00
HP9000-700 HP-UX11.11
HP9000-800 HP-UX11.11
INTEL Freebsd4.5
Linux Redhat2.4
RS6000 AIX4.3.3
RS6000 AIX5
SCO Unixware7.1
Solaris Solaris7
Solaris Solaris8
Solaris Solaris9
Solaris Solaris_x86_7
Solaris Solaris_x86_8

Can use -ClientList? /tmp/clients but /tmp/clients must be in form

Solaris Solaris8 <client name>

update_clients called on its own attempts to update all clients.

Vnet Daemon Set up

To use vnet need to do the following

make sure its uncommented in /etc/inetd.conf on server and client

make sure 13724 is the port in /etc/services

Need to run
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpclient -client <client> -add

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpclient -client <client> -update

-no_callback 1

Check in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client/<client>/host_info

option below is set.

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'No call-back connections: yes'

Useful URLS


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