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Lev Vygotskys Observation

Four Creeks Kindergarten Classroom

Michelle Jaramillo

Fresno Pacific University


Psychologists Lev Vygotsky was a theorist of many; he specialized in more than just the

theories related to cognitive development in young children. Lev Vygotsky was the founder of

theorys such as human cultural and bio-social development which is known as cultural historical

psychology. Vygotskys focus was primarily geared to culture affecting and shaping cognitive

development. The overall frame work of Vygotskys theories was broken down to social

interaction and how this impacts the development of cognition. Every function in the childs

cultural development appears twice, first on the social level, and later on the individual level.

(Vygotsky, 1978). The social development theory is defined as consciousness and cognition are

the results which lead to socialization and social behavior. Social development plays a huge role

in a developing childs life, and is proven to affect a child an entire life time if not taught in the

appropriate behaviors. After reviewing and learning more about the different theorys connected

to cognitive development of Vygotskys work it was easier to point out behaviors in the

classroom needed for this report.

For example, the classroom I completed my observation in I recognized different

examples in connection to scaffolding. The teacher and the student both showed effort in

learning and using tools to help the child get to the correct answer. When it was time for the

students to complete math problems the kindergartner was struggling with addition, the teacher

allowed the child to use counting bears to help solve the problems. After a few problems the

teacher than directed him to the number line on his desk to help with subtraction. Scaffolding

gives the opportunity for the teacher to help the child without giving him the direct answer,

providing the appropriate class room tools needed to solve problems is always the best way to

develop critical thinking skills. Zone of Proximal Development is another example of

Vygotskys and plays an important role of children developing. Examples I recognized in the

classroom were the examples of the teacher providing the counting bears for the children at the

activity center. Because when the math activity first started the child began to wonder off

because he was frustrated by not understanding the math activity presented in front of him. The

aide now had to assist the child with sources to help him solve the problem. After math the

students transitioned into circle time where the teacher read the students a short story and then

she introduced the children to new words. The point of this activity was to help children with

spelling of these new words and to recognize different letters. The first word she asked what

letters the students recognized and how would we spell this on the small white boards placed on

the childrens laps. The little boy I was observing was a little stuck on the letter M, she begin

asking short questions to help guide him to the correct letter. Re-singing the alphabet and

sounding out the word helped the child find the correct answer. Allowing children to develop

problem solving skills by utilizing strategies can help a child for a life time. Another great week

observing a new theory but also very well connected to cognitive development.


Van Hoorn, J., Monighan Nourot, P., Scales, B. and Rodriquez Alward, K. (2011).
Play at the center of the curriculum (6th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson Education, Inc.

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