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Quote Grecian

Re: 2011 FCPS part 1 past papers

by Grecian Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 pm

Lamellar bodies are found in:

A- Clara cells
B- Type 1 alveolar cells
C- Type 2 alveolar cells
D- Macrophages

Ans C
surfactant contained within the lamellar which is released via exocytosis.

Best method to detect malignancy

A- Cytology
B- Histopathology
C- Immunochemical

Ans B

HIV diagnosis is through

A- western blot
B- Elisa
C- CD count >300

Ans A
Vitamin D causes:
A- increased renal Ca re-absorption
B- increased serum phosphate levels

Ans A

A- Has a structure similar to thrombin
B- is a valine protease inhibitor
C- When binds to protease action is increased by heparin

Ans C
it is a serine protease inhibitor. In antithrombin III deficiency heparin's anticoagulant effect is decreased.

Head injury causes paraplegia with no sensory loss which are is involved?
A- Cerebral cortex
B- Spinal cord at T10 level
C- Pons
D- Medulla

Ans A
Tricky! I guess what they are referring to is the involvement of motor cortex!!
A- Has double size compared to oxytocin
B- Released on decreased osmolarity
C- Is transported down attached to neurohypophysin

Ans C

HIV infection in female will cause

A- vulvar cancer
B- endometrial cancer
C- cervical CA
D- leukemia

Ans C
Following is not a sign of irreversible cell injury:
A- Karryorhexis
B- Karyolysis
C- Mitochondrial shrinkage
D- myelin figures

Ans D
still reversible at this stage, but if the conditions don't improve irreversible injury will develop

Type of necrosis in omentum:

A- liquefactive
B- coagulative
C- gangernous
D- fat necrosis

Ans D
A kidney transplant immediately turns blue and is rejected within minutes:
A- type 4 sensitivity
B- Ab. mediated
C- Cytotoxic rejection

Ans B
a question of hyper-acute rejection.

Which of the following causes viral mediated host DNA transfer:

A- Transduction
B- Transformation
C- Conjugation

Ans A

Which of the following most probably has an animal reservoir?

A- influenza
B- measles
C- smallpox

Ans A
Vitamin K deficiency following is unusual:
A- coumarin therapy
B- Bile duct obstruction
C- red meat ingestion
D- in newborn due to lack of transport through placenta

Ans C

Liquid dysphagia is due to:

A- hypoglossal nerve palsy
B- plummer-vinson syndrome
C- palatal palsy
D- neuromuscular incoordiantion

Ans D
Heinz bodies are found in
A- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
B- G-6-P-D deficiency
C- hereditary spherocytosis
D- post splenectomy

Ans B

Hemolytic anemia is a feature of

A- acute myeloid anemia
B- cirrhosis
C- mycoplasma

Ans A
All the others.
Necrosis in omentum is
A- fat necrosis
B- caseous necrosis
C- gangrenous necrosis
D- fibrinoid necrosis

Ans A
When a question is asked from a student during lecture, he becomes red faced. This is due to
A- active congestion
B- active hyperemia
C- passive hyperemia
D- parasympathetic stimulation

Ans B

Testosterone is secreted by interstitial cells of leydig it

A- increases hair growth on scalp
B- increase protein synthesis in bones and muscles
C- inhibits secretions of sebaceous glands
D- it is 17-ketosteroid
E- is converted into androsterone in target cells

Ans B
Para amino hippuric acid is used to determine
B- renal blood flow
C- renal plasma flow
D- renal creatinine clearance

Ans C

Earliest side-effects of aspirin over-dose

A- tinnitus, vertigo
B- vomiting
C- seizures

Ans B

A scenario of child having serum cholesterol of 600mg/dl, his father, mother and elder brother are all having this high level of
cholesterol in their blood.What gene mutation is responsible for this condition?
A- apoE
B- HDL receptors
C- LDL receptors
D- basal chylomicron transport proteins
E- VLDL receptor

Ans C
A scenario of child having Hb 6gm/dl, WBC is 5200 and platelets 150000/mm3. his elder brother also has a history of repetitive blood
transfusions. ow you come to a diagnosis for this child?
B- Immunocytochemistry
C- Electrophoresis
D- Sickling test
E- Fragile test

Ans C

Diagnosis of a tumor is made by

A- cytological examination
B- histopathological examination
C- immunochemical assay
D- enzyme assay
E- tumor marker

Ans B
80% of oxygen is extracted by which organ?
A- heart
B- skeletal muscle
C- lungs
D- brain

Ans A

A scenario of patient having Factor VIII deficiency. The genes responsible for this disease are at chromosome?
A- 21
B- 14
C- 11
D- X
E- Y
Ans D
A surgical patient is transfused 3-5 units of blood before and after surgery. He develops abnormal ECG changes not consistent with
ischemia. What is the cause of the ECG changes?
A- metabolic alkalosis
B- hypercalcemia
C- hyperkalemia

Ans C

Glucagon increases glycogenolysis in liver while ACTH does not due to?
A- ACTH increase plasma glucose
B- glucagon has different guanyl cyclase than ACTH
C- liver has different receptors for ACTH
D- ACTH is readily degraded by the liver enzymes

Ans A
ACTH via cortisol causes gluconeogenesis.

If celiac trunk is blocked which of the following will not suffer from ischemic injury?
A- liver
B- pancreas
C- spleen
D- gall bladder

Ans B
Head of pancreas is in front of of aorta
A- inferior vena cava
B- celiac trunk
C- aorta
D- renal arteries
E- superior mesenteric artery

Ans A

Carcinoma breast metastasizes to

A- lung
B- bone
C- brain
D- kidney
E- liver

Ans B

Lung contains metastatic tumor, histopathology reveals clear cells. Most commonly this tumor has metastasized from
A- kidney
B- liver
C- bone
D- adrenal
E- breast

Ans A

Regarding salivation
A- caused by salivatory nucleus of medulla/pons
B- increases during sleep
C- inhibited by pilocarpine
D- increases in response to Beta-adrenergic stimulation

Ans D

Beta adrenergic stimulation causes

A- mydriasis
B- increased blood flow to skeletal muscles
C- increase peristalsis

Ans B

Which organism is found in urine sample

A- paragonimus westermani
B- wuchereria bancrofti
C- schistosoma hematobium

Ans C
Which pus forming organism in lung also causes meningitis?
A- streptococci
B- staphylococci
C- bacteriodes
D- pneumococci
E- psuedomonas

Ans D

Common premalignant condition of mouth in adults

A- lichen planus
B- hyperkeratosis

Ans A

Most lethal premalignant condition is

A- lichen planus
B- leukoplakia
C- erythroplakia
D- solar keratosis

Ans C

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