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Tho brain is one ofthe most complicated organs in te nunan bed. The ceteoeum, by Tar ne argast part ‘ofthe bran, i primary eexponatl for determining ‘at only an inva ittligence and personaly Bat ‘also hg orher molorand sensory tuncions and plan- fing ad organsatinal skis. Hance, bran aeases fe dystunctions requ 4 Fealranl stategy that acts ‘on many dierent evel, Geretrum compositum Ns 2 homosopatte prep: lation that corrbinas the therapeutic etects ots ‘many selected ingrecents. The resul is @ powerful ‘emody wih 2 broad spactrun of actly hat can be bran, such as Weakness of memory Nervous exhaustion Depression Neuralgia Arteriosclerosis 44646 Cerebrum compositum N Reliable Efficacy Ina mulicerter conor study ot 781 patients sutaing from a vatety of chronic cerebral dystuncions (weak ness of memon. nenous exhaustion. depression Neuralgia, et), therapeutic uso of Corebrum compe: Sstum prodused signticant provement in sympions in apororimetey 00% of patients within the trot wee. ft ealnant ‘Therapeutic outcomes were rated “very good" ‘goo 7O.B% oF cases" Fests of trap or dtfowent agnostic erouns Effect on CNS Potentials ENP (Vestbuiar Evoked Myogentc Potent) tot Ing vas use to prove the pharmacoogial ecacy of Cereorim compostum in pasenis with contrat snd peripheral vestbular disorders. Vestibular retox £6 improved in paions trated with two intone ff Corbram compootum poe wouk evar a prod of fe weeks. No changes it VEMP were cbserved in fhe placebo group indewone Sasi lt ees actin a pon onage: ne 3 ees we Yan, Icey Fea eat fe, a pk 4 FAQs What types of patients may be treated with Gerebrum compositum N? The patents most requ (and sucessstuy teat. 26 with Cozebrum oarspostam N ioludo: ldely People sulerng tom memory datists overburden. {80 ard fighy stressed patons, and chidren with Fearing aoues. Isit safe to use Cerebrum comoositum N in combination with other medicatons? CCerecrum compositam N not owe 0 Inract ation wit al nomoeopahic or allopatic medi- ‘ines. N's ofl used in combination with Hopar {camposieam (0 sumuale Iver detox tUnctones) Piacanta composi lo inprove peipharal eeu laion, Rauwotia ccmpasitim (or hypectnsion), o¢ Proceinun compostum (lor getatte-condtions; not Wnatis the recommended dosage? (One to tree amteoules per week by injection (im. Sib, |, oF =i necabsary 1) Can Corebrum compositum N also be taten orally? AAs af alerative to rjecllon terepy, the contents ff the vile may be takan oraly ith Iie wate The mixture shoud be hed in the mouth fortwo oO ttvea minutes belore swallow, Does Cerebrum composstur N have any Centraindications or side effects? No cenraindcatons or side atecs are known. Sin reactions occur, use of Carebrum compositum N Shou be dscontinae. Blologsche Hella Heol GmbH ‘Bader fae, Cannan, -Heel Cerebrum compositum N Stimulation of the Cerebrovascular System -Heel

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