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Reported by:

Lecturer: miss centya Philips


The other side of the success story.
By: Billi Lim
Publisher: Hardknocks Factory
Dare To Fail written by Billi Lim, published by Hardknocks Factory on 2013: is my choice of
motivational book as it brings to us for the first time an insight into the nature and purpose of
failure just like what been stated in its tag line The other side of success story. At the last count,
the Library of Congress USA has more than 1200 books on success but it is very rare to have
books about losing or failure. No wonder, this book won a Members Choice Award and also
known as International Best-Seller..

This book was founded by Billi Lim in 1996 with 20 years of experience in entrepreneur and
manpower development and what caught my attention here is that the author of the book himself,
Billi Lim had shared his days as a teenager, student and later in business that have been checkered
with lots of failures and challenges and today he is a very much sought after speaker, trainer and
consultant in the region and spent 20 years in entrepreneur development. Hence, this qualified him
enough to write a book about failures of life.

Interestingly, the author inserted the history of discoveries and powerful speeches which have
benefitted mankind which often filled with people who used erroneous assumptions or failed ideas
as a stepping stones to a new venture. These are the elements that make the book to be rare and
competitive compared to the other motivational books which merely emphasized on explanations
to attract readers mentally.

This aspiring motivational book that I will write a report about is for those who dare to fail! And
specially dedicated to the millions of people who have tried and failed in whatever they have
attempted and who have still not achieved the things they want. Dare To Fail will be a strong
catalyse in triggering strengths in people to go through difficulties and challenges in their life.

Lest we be forgotten

when we are dead and rotten

write something worth the reading

or do something worth the writing


How this book Inspires Readers??

Despite of telling about the histories of legendary and great people, the author inspired the readers
through motivational words and speeches that explain and convince the readers about the values
lied behind all those failures, pains and sufferings.

I was attracted to one of the chapter in this book that I found it very interesting and inspiring,
Chapter 6, Value of Failing. In this chapter,the author emphasized more about the struggle of life
where it came out with a statement Struggle is Life. It stated that struggle makes us more alive and
the nature has always been sending that message to us where trees which are always facing storms
and winds are not only stronger but their roots grow deeper into ground.

A fact was inserted here by the author to justify further about the needment of struggle and
hardships in life, where according to a research team from the MRC Dunn Nutrition Center in
Cambridge, England - cars, televisions and modern labour savings devices can be harmful to
health since our everyday levels of energy expenditure have dropped. The important message that
the author tried to deliver through this fact is that most people think that taking easy way out or
having an easy life without difficulties or problems is good which is a serious misconception. And
the truth is that mentally or physically struggle is crucial to make us grow stronger in body mind.

Furthermore, to make the message more convincing and real, the author stated the story of an
iconic Hollywoods superstar, Michael Jackson also known as King of Pop. Michael has been
grounded from an early age to become what he is today, where he was pushed to the front of
Jackson 5 when he was barely out of kindergarten by his fierce father. Finally in 1983, album
Thriller sold 45 million copies worldwide and became No.1 best-selling album.

The main objective of the author in writing this book was not only to tell about the values of
failure instead after the writer explain and shared his views and knowledges about the importance
of failure in a persons life, he then wrote about the successes and achievements of legendary
people who face much problems and failures in their life and lastly all that were worth. This is an
effective psychological method used by the writer to motivate and encourage readers. (2)

For this part, the writer said that problems offer us an opportunity to solve them , people or
products which can solve problems are highly sought after. If we can solve problems which
nobody else can, we will be well rewarded. The author further justified his statement by coming
out with the history of Mahathma Gandhi where the secret of Gandhis greatness lay not in the
absence of human failing and foibles, but in his inner restlessness , ceaseless striving and intense
involvement in the problems of mankind.

There were a lot more great legendaries been highlighted by the author in the book to inspire and
motivate the readers about the facts that the more problems and sufferings they had, the more they
will be rewarded in future.

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, was arrested nine

times and in prison for more than five years,
Born into slavery, Booker.T Washington the first woman Prime Minister in muslim
became the most influential black leader
and educator of his time


Furthermore, to make sure the message of this book is delivered effectively to the reader and to
boost spirits in them, the author inserted not only the stories of the legendaries but also the last
words that they spoke and willing to share to the young generations as an advice and guidance for
them in going through all the challenges in future and infuse them with the thrill and rewards that
they may gain after all those pains and sufferings.

Here are some:

Gods got me here for something. I can feel it. Was born for everything that
Im doing now. - Muhammad Ali

It does not matter whether a cat is black or white, so long as it catches


Nelson Mandela

Behind every hardship there is happiness Dato Stapa Omar

Hidden in troubles lies the key to our magnificent opportunity

Albert Einsten

Do what you feel in your heart is right, for youll be criticized anyway. Youll
be damned if you do, and damned if you dont. Eleanor Roosevelt



Most people tend to take success as if it is a long jump. In actual fact, success is the result of
numerous baby steps. These baby steps may either be right or wrong but they finally lead to your

In a nutshell, as a reader, all those words and stories of amazing people which consist of
celebrities, politicians and business tycoons such as Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, Mahathma
Gandhi and many more potrayed in this book by Billi Lim had really changed my mind and the
way I see the world. It gave me all the courage and perseverance I need as a youth in facing the
challenges of 21st century. In my point of view, this book could really give impacts on one
behaviour where it could change our mindset and I would suggest it to all the younger

Thus, it is undeniable that this motivational book had successfully deliver its message to the
readers through concrete information and facts used where failure is actually a part of success.

Judge not those who try and fail

Judge who fail to try



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