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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template

Margareta (Margo) Tripsa

Ed. S. Instructional Technology
Summer 2016

Product URL:

The Time Train is a global collaborative cross-curricular project with a focus on social
studies. It was designed for implementation at Vision international School (VIS) Qatar
during the 2016-2017 school year. This project can be used by all teachers who work
with 4th through 12th-grade students and use the AERO Social Studies Standards or who
use standards that are similar to these standards (having a time continuity and change
anchor standard). Therefore, for the WebQuest, I have listed the anchor standards for
various disciplines to ensure that this project can be used across grade levels. The time,
continuity and change anchor standard shows up across grade levels in the AERO
This global collaborative project is aimed at connecting students from five or six
countries. Basically, in phase one and phase two, the students from each participating
country will first have to do some research and create two videos: their country today and
their country long ago. Depending on the country's history, the classroom teacher will
determine what point in time the students need to report on in their videos. For instance,
(1) for the USA, the two videos could be the USA today, and the USA 500 years ago, (2)
for China, the students could research China today, and China 2,000 years ago, and (3)
for Qatar, the students could research Qatar today and Qatar 50 years ago in order to get
relevant and meaningful historical and cultural facts that display major changes in
societies. In phase 3, the students from all participating countries will watch all the
presentations and take notes, will write positive comments for the videos they watch, and
finally will create tours for their Time Train using Google Tour Builder. To create their
tours, the students will basically link all the videos created by the students from the
participating schools, which will take the viewers on a journey back and forth in time
giving the them opportunity to learn about different societies and cultures past and
present. Lastly, in Phase 4, the students will get to connect with their peers from other
countries though Google Hangouts and then celebrate the completion of the project.
Through Google Hangouts they will ask and answer questions to clarify any confusion
that might exist in regards to the content of the projects. The project will culminate with
the students competing in a Kahoot online quiz (through Google Hangouts). The Kahoot
will be built only after the students will publish their videos and will use that content for
the questions. That way, the students will be held accountable for paying attention when
watching all student-created videos and will interact with each other in a fun and dynamic
The three social studies essential questions of the project are:
What patterns and changes in time do you notice across societies and cultures?
What caused these patterns and changes?
How can we use our knowledge of history to prepare for the future?
While implementing the Time Train project, the teachers will focus on different learning
Social Studies learning objectives for Phase 1 (My Country Today):
The students will
conduct research projects based on focused questions
describe physical characteristics of regions
identify political, social, and cultural characteristics of a specific time period in a
countrys history
reflect on how social systems and structures influence individuals
explain how cultural contributions have formed national identity

Social Studies learning objectives for Phase 2 (My Country in the Past):
The students will
describe physical characteristics of regions
identify patterns of change and continuity
identify political, social, and cultural characteristics of a specific time period in a
countrys history
reflect on how social systems and structures influence individuals
explain how cultural contributions have formed national identity
conduct research based on focused questions

Social Studies learning objectives for Phase 3 (Time Train Route):

The students will
reflect on how groups and cultures are similar and different
explain events, ideas, concepts after watching student-created social studies video
explain how technological advancements have changed societies
describe main characteristics of different systems of government

Social Studies learning objectives for Phase 4 (Connect and Compete):

The students will
engage in collaborative discussions with other peers
ask and answer questions to clarify or follow up on information
reflect on how groups and cultures are similar and different
analyze advantages and disadvantages related to cultural diversity
integrate and evaluate information presented in various formats.

In regards to technical considerations for the implementation of the project, it would be

ideal if each student would have access to a computer or tablet (it could be a 1:1
environment, a computer lab, or at least a 1:2 environment). If there will be participating
schools that have access to only one computer, the project could be developed as a part of
station rotation or perhaps a whole class project/WebQuest as opposed to small group
projects. The WebQuest has various multimedia components (audio, video) that can help
meet the diverse needs of the students. On the homepage there is also a link to a free text
to speech app (NaturalReader Text to Speech) that students can download to their iOS
devices to have the whole webpage read to them.
The project is designed to be implemented over a period of six weeks if Social Studies
was scheduled for two periods of 45 minutes a week. Suggested timeline for
implementations is as follows:
Phase 1- four 45-minute periods (2 weeks)
Phase 2- four 45-minute periods (2 weeks)
Phase 3- two 45-minute periods (1 week)
Phase 4- two 45-minute periods (1 week)
The project can be implemented with any number of students, but it would be ideal if the
students were placed in groups of four or five.
The project implementation requires the use of several technology tools (video-creation
tools/apps, Google Hangouts, Google Tour Builder, Kahoot). Depending on the teachers
technology skills, they might need more or less assistance, which can b provided by
personnel from the IT department of the school. The teachers will also be encouraged to
contact me, as the project designer, when they need help. A Google+ community will be
created for this purpose.

Beside content area standards, this project addresses several ISTE Standards, as well:
1b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
2a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of
digital environments and media
2b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety
of media and formats
2c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of
other cultures
3b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a
variety of sources and media
5a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

What should students KNOW and BE ABLE TO DO at the end of the project?

Students will know

that societies change over time
that societies create and adopt systems of governance to address human needs,
rights, and citizen responsibilities
the causes and effects of connections among societies through trade, international
exchange and diplomacy
technological advances influence the way people live.

Students will be skilled at

using research skills to locate and synthesize information online
showcasing their learning using a video-creation tool
learning from other groups presentations to gather information about other
countries and collecting notes to inform final project and prepare for the final
collaborating online with other students about the projects content, but not
sharing personal information.

The students ultimate task is to create a Time Train route that allows the students to
learn about their countries past and present. The four phases of the project best outline the
process the students will undertake to complete the task.
The Time Trains four phases are:
1. Your Country in the Past
2. Your Country Today
3. The Time Train Route
4. Connect, Compete, and Celebrate

The students will be assigned different roles. The teachers can select the jobs they would
like their students to take on during the project. These are eleven recommended roles for
this project (can be combined as needed):
Researcher-leads the online research
Librarian- leads the book research
Writer- types and edit the script
Historian- structures the findings, revise the writing
Time Keeper-ensures the team meets the deadlines
Word Wizard- looks up the meaning of words
Illustrator- either draws pictures or locates free images online
Video Director- gives directions to the cast and crew
Screencast director- decides who will talk, in what order, ensures the students
speak at a good volume
Technology Specialist- troubleshoots when needed
Cartographer- edits Google Maps with pins for each country (placed accurately)

During these four phases, the students will have to complete eight steps that include the
instructional strategies that would help them accomplish the goals of the project. These
eight steps are listed under the Process page of the WebQuest. The instructional activities
are engaging and meaningful and are related to the objectives of the project.

For the research the students need to conduct, a series of eighteen online social studies
resources have been closely analyzed:
History for Kids- BBC
History for Kids (not all countries)
World and US History for Kids- Ducksters
World History for Kids- Kids' Past
National Geographic- Find People and Places
Fun Facts about Countries- Science Kids
Countries of the World- Fact Monster
Geography for Kids- Ducksters
Kids' World Travel Guide
Countries of the World- Kid Info
Country Facts for Children- A to Z Kids Stuff
The CIA World FactBook (middle school and high school)
The BBC's Country Profile (middle school and high school)
Relations Fact Sheet- The US Department of State (middle school and high school)
The Country Studies- (middle school and high school)
National Geographic (middle school and high school)
Country Reports (middle school and high school)

To differentiate learning the teachers implementing the project can do various things.
Differentiation of content refers to how to students gain access to information. The
teachers can differentiate their instruction by adapting the levels of depth, complexity,
and readability of the materials. Under the Resources section, teachers can find a
collection of resources the students can use to do their research. The students do not need
all of them because it would be overwhelming. Instead, the lead teachers would choose
the right resources to share with different groups of students. That document also has a
section where the participating schools can add their own resources. The lead teachers
can choose to use, for instance, online sources (written or video) or printed resources with
different groups of students. To differentiate instruction, teachers need to know their
students. They could provide students with various informational text types: brochures,
newspapers for kids, articles, videos, magazines, etc.
To differentiate instruction, the teachers should encourage thinking at different levels of
Bloom's Taxonomy.

Teachers can differentiate process through scaffolding. To differentiate content, the

teachers could use different graphic organizers, provide supplementary materials, or
break assignments into small, more manageable parts. The teachers could help students
focus on one task at a time. They can coach students and guide students in becoming
more independent by being consistent in regards to the terminology they are using to
eliminate distractions, confusion, and to maximize learning and productivity. To identify
the students who need differentiation of process and to monitor progress, the teachers can
use different questioning techniques and ongoing informal and formal formative
strategies (thumbs up, thumbs down, student response systems, etc). To differentiate
process, the teachers can scaffold assistance. They can offer the students who need it,
teacher assistance and peer assistance to a higher degree. Finally, the jobs should be
strategically assigned according to students' abilities, student choice, or student academic
As this is a global project and students from five or six different countries will work
together, there is a need to ensure consistency. Therefore, the products the students are
required to build are the same across schools/countries. This will ensure that when all
student-created products are put together, the students will be able to create a bigger
project that is meaningful and coherent. Although there is not much room for
differentiating product in this project, there are several elements that help meet these
criteria, as well. All the participating students will create videos to share their learning,
but the students have a choice in the video creation process. They are free to choose any
technology for video creation they want and are free to produce their videos the way they
like. The teachers can provide product assignments at varying degrees of difficulty to
match student readiness (i.e. ask the students to create 1-minute videos instead of 2
minute videos), and can provide and encourage the use of different resources for creating
the final project (graphic organizers for supporting the presentation, allowing them to
read the script, shorter narration during videos, etc).

The teachers should also differentiate the learning environments by creating

environments where students feel safe and free to take risks. The teachers should also
establish clear guidelines and expectations and should communicate them to the students,
and use alternative seating strategies.

The participating schools are encouraged to use the free NaturalReader Text to Speech
app, as an assistive technology tool, if needed. This project contains text, graphics, audio,
and video elements. The Task page has an audio that includes a read aloud on the entire
page. This would help ensure the students grasp a good overview of the project and what
they need to do. There is also a 2-minute video embedded on the Process page. This
video is a tutorial that takes the students through the steps of creating their Time Train
route using Google Tour Builder, which is the culminating task. These two multimedia
elements re critical in supporting the projects goal attainment.

I have developed the Time Train WebQuest working intensively over a period of there
days. The technology tools or apps I used to create the Time Train WebQuest are: Google
Sites to host the WebQuest, Audacity to create the audio, Camtasia for Mac to create the
video tutorial, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Drawings to create different
resources for teachers and students, and Voki to create a talking avatar. While I was
familiar with all these tools, it was the first time I created a Google Site from scratch,
without using a template.

I intend to implement this project during this upcoming school year. I plan on advertising
the project through Google + communities, global collaboration sites, and social media to
find five or six other schools for this global collaboration project.
For the implementation of this project, each group of students would need a video
creation tool and each teacher would need a laptop for facilitating the Google Hangouts
and the interactive Kahoot. My school is a BYOD school located in an affluent
community in Qatar, so creating a 1:1 with iPads learning environment is not a challenge.
To help with managing the devices, I will assign one student in each group the role of the
technology specialist. I will make sure, before the start of the project, that students
understand what it takes to be a good citizen online and I will set clear expectations in
this regard.
As explained above, this project is designed to be implemented over a period of six
weeks if Social Studies was scheduled for two periods of 45 minutes each week.
Suggested timeline for implementations is as follows:
Phase 1- four 45-minute periods (2 weeks)
Phase 2- four 45-minute periods (2 weeks)
Phase 3- two 45-minute periods (1 week)
Phase 4- two 45-minute periods (1 week)
The students will not be required to work on the project at home. Digital equity is two
folded: access to technology and the knowledge and ability to use them. Since my school
is 1:1 iPads, both the girls side and the boys side of the school, there are no concerns in
terms of equitable access to technology. To level the playfield, the learners need to be
equipped with the skills needed for lifelong learning in the digital age. The students need
to be guided in using technology for academic purposes because even though they know
how to use technology for entertainment purposes, just a few know how to use it for
learning. Therefore, to ensure digital equity in terms of technology use, I plan on
providing students with assistance that is calibrated according to student knowledge,
skills, and needs.
As this is a global collaboration project, throughout its implementation, I will collaborate
with teachers from five or six different countries. Phases 1 and 2 of the project do not
require interaction between students, but the last two phases requires schools to
collaborate by using Google Hangouts, Kahoot, and Google Tour Builder. All teachers
will lead their students in the process of implementing the project, and I will also be
available to assist all the teachers as needed.

Student Learning and Project Design
The students will be evaluated using two rubrics: a Collaboration Rubric and a Research
Project- informational text rubric.
To demonstrate learning, the students will first create videos about their countries past
and present, then they will create the Time Train route after watching all the videos, and
finally, they will compete against each other via a Kahoot quiz. The quiz will test
students social studies knowledge after watching all student-created videos. The results
recorded after playing the Kahoot quiz can also be used to evaluate student learning. The
evaluation of student learning will be closely related to learning goal attainment. It should
be noted that throughout the implementation of the project, the teachers need to keep in
mind the learning goals for each phase of the project, which have been clearly articulated
in the WebQuest.
I will use various ways of assessing the students: formal and informal formative
assessment (thumbs up-thumbs down, observation, questioning techniques, student
response systems) and summative assessment techniques (rubrics, interactive quizzes).
Because the teachers will discuss the rubrics with the students right after introducing the
project (before step one of the project), the students will be encouraged to monitor their
progress and self-assess their performance throughout the implementation of the project.
In addition, I embedded two Google Form surveys in the WebQuest: a student survey and
a teacher survey. Through these two surveys, I will gather qualitative data in regards to
the quality and the effectiveness of the project.
To assess the design of the project, I will use observation, interviews, and I will videotape
students working on the project. Because I have not implemented the project yet, I will
conduct a usability test. The aspects I would be interested on are the degree to which the
directions are clear, whether or not the multimedia elements created are sufficient, and
whether or not the resources provided are sufficient).

Project Development
I learned many things while designing this multimedia project, but in terms of project
development, I learned that I would need to start working on it early. I have enjoyed
everything about this project with one little exception: the fact that, because of various
factors, I had to design it in three days. However, I am proud of myself because I was
able to do it in such a short period of time. The fact that I was familiar with the structure
of a WebQuest really helped. Planning for the project, developing the instructional
materials, and the multimedia resources was fun. If I were to do this again, I would start
Instructional Design
I learned what it takes to create a complex multimedia project and how to design high
quality WebQuests by using universal design principles. I learned about the elements and
principles of web design as well as ways to integrated multimedia features to support
instructional objectives. In addition, I learned about ways to design student-focused
learning experiences using technology resources. WebQuests are great ways to create
dynamic learning environments. I have thoroughly enjoyed creating this WebQuest and
using technology to support student learning.
Personal Growth
My knowledge regarding the universal design principles and their application definitely
improved while designing this Web Quest. Technology facilitators need to be able to
truly display knowledge not just of technology, but also of pedagogy, and content, and,
moreover, of the interplay between these areas (TPACK). Through the multimedia design
project, I got not only to enrich my TPACK knowledge, but also my skills. By designing
this global collaborative 6-week project, I got to apply the knowledge I have acquired so
far in a creative way. This also generated new positive dispositions in regards to
technology integration. I am very excited to take the opportunity to work with other
teachers from around the globe on this project. I am convinced that this project will yield
enhanced academic performance in students and will have a significant impact.
For Others
Education in the 21st century needs to shape students who are globally aware, display
cultural understanding, and global citizenship. By experiencing the world through the
eyes of others, and recognizing similarities and differences between societies and
cultures, students will become more grounded in their own culture, values, and traditions
while gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of human diversity. I would
highly recommend other teachers to either develop similar projects themselves or
implement social studies projects that aim at increasing students global awareness and
cultural understanding. These kinds of projects contribute greatly to helping students
grasp social studies concepts, gain a broader understanding and appreciation of human
diversity, and enhance their global awareness.
When designing something similar, it would be important for teachers to know that they
will get to create something complex and coherent if they start small, step-by-step. At the
beginning, I didnt even have a clear title in mind for my WebQuest, but by working on
it, and developing resources one at a time, I got to create a project that I am really proud
of. It is possible!

AERO Standards.
Audacity for Mac.
Camtasia for Mac.
Common Core standards.
Country Facts for Children.
Countries of the World.
Countries of the World- Facts and Histories.
Fun Facts about Countries.
Geography for Kids.
Google Hangouts.
Google Tour Builder.
History for Kids.
ISTE Standards for Students.
Kids World Travel Guide.
National Geographic-find people and places.
NaturalReader Text to Speech.
Relations Fact Sheet.
The BBCs country profile.
The CIA World Facts Book.
Vision International School (VIS).
World and US History for Kids.
World History for Kids.

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