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The Vision of IANDS Near-Death The Near-Death Experience

We envision a future in which the study of
Experiences: A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound phenomenon, typically
near-death experiences is established and integrated occurring when a person is clinically dead, facing death, or under physical
into all relevant scientific, academic, healthcare,
and spiritual/religious communities.
What happens or emotional trauma.
when we die? e now have thousands of documented cases of
We envision a future in which all near-death
W NDEs which challenge some basic assumptions
of mainstream psychology, medicine, and philosophy.
experiencers are accepted, respected, and supported
by their healthcare providers, families, co-workers, For example, many near-death experiencers (NDErs)
and the public at large as they integrate the accurately report events that occurred when they had no
experiences into their lives. detectable brain activity or heartbeat. Often NDErs
return with knowledge previously unknown to them.

We envision a future in which people from all
Unlike dreams and hallucinations, NDEs have a consis-
tent internal structure, and cross-culturally they reflect
walks of life, religions, and cultures will look
universal elements. Finally, the aftereffects are enduring
at near-death experiences as a potential source US FIND OUT
and life-altering to a much greater extent than for those
of meaning and inspiration for a better world.
who experience similar health crises without an NDE.

These observations are further supported by studies Research indicates

of resuscitated patients in hospital settings, indicating
that the NDE cannot be explained by physiological
that approximately
2741 Campus Walk Avenue
or pharmacological causes. This phenomenon has the 10% of patients who
Building 500 potential to radically affect every aspect of life, from
Durham, NC 27705 USA
ASSOCIATION FOR moment-to-moment personal decisions to far-reaching
experience cardiac arrest
Telephone: 919-383-7940
NEAR-DEATH STUDIES public policies. in hospital settings
report an NDE.
IANDS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as recognized
by the Internal Revenue Service in the United States. ON NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES
REV 4/11
The Vision of IANDS Near-Death The Near-Death Experience
We envision a future in which the study of
Experiences: A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound phenomenon, typically
near-death experiences is established and integrated occurring when a person is clinically dead, facing death, or under physical
into all relevant scientific, academic, healthcare,
and spiritual/religious communities.
What happens or emotional trauma.
when we die? e now have thousands of documented cases of
We envision a future in which all near-death
W NDEs which challenge some basic assumptions
of mainstream psychology, medicine, and philosophy.
experiencers are accepted, respected, and supported
by their healthcare providers, families, co-workers, For example, many near-death experiencers (NDErs)
and the public at large as they integrate the accurately report events that occurred when they had no
experiences into their lives. detectable brain activity or heartbeat. Often NDErs
return with knowledge previously unknown to them.

We envision a future in which people from all
Unlike dreams and hallucinations, NDEs have a consis-
tent internal structure, and cross-culturally they reflect
walks of life, religions, and cultures will look
universal elements. Finally, the aftereffects are enduring
at near-death experiences as a potential source US FIND OUT
and life-altering to a much greater extent than for those
of meaning and inspiration for a better world.
who experience similar health crises without an NDE.

These observations are further supported by studies Research indicates

of resuscitated patients in hospital settings, indicating
that the NDE cannot be explained by physiological
that approximately
PO Box 502
or pharmacological causes. This phenomenon has the 10% of patients who
East Windsor Hill, CT 06028 USA potential to radically affect every aspect of life, from
Telephone: 860-882-1211
ASSOCIATION FOR moment-to-moment personal decisions to far-reaching
experience cardiac arrest
Fax: 860-882-1212
NEAR-DEATH STUDIES public policies. in hospital settings
report an NDE.
IANDS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as recognized
by the Internal Revenue Service in the United States. ON NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES
REV 4/11
What is an NDE? The International Join IANDS Membership Application
Each NDE is unique, but they reflect many
Association for Near-
Receive the Benefits Name ___________________________________________
common features. Although a small percentage Death Studies (IANDS) of Membership Address _________________________________________
of NDEs include frightening or distressing
aspects, the great majority contain beautiful, IANDS members provide the critical financial ________________________________________________
IANDS Mission
loving, and insightful elements which include support for the organization to pursue its City ____________________________________________
one or more common motifs: To build global understanding of near-death and near-death-like mission of research, education, and support.
experiences through research, education, and support. State/Province ____________________________________
a sense of profound peace and well-being;
Depending on the membership level, IANDS members enjoy Zip/Postal Code_____________Country________________
a perception of ones body from the outside (a so-called Out Founded in l98 l, the International Association for Near-Death a wide range of benefits:
of Body experience), sometimes observing medical resuscita- Day Phone: (______) ______________________________
Studies is the primary international organization dedicated to The Basic membership level includes the quarterly newsletter,
tion efforts; encouraging scientific research and education on the physical, Evening Phone: (______) ___________________________
Vital Signs, conference discounts, and an e-mail service with
a rapid movement toward and/or sudden immersion in psychological, social, and spiritual nature and ramifications of breaking research and news. E-mail __________________________________________
a powerful light; near-death experiences. IANDS disseminates research on NDEs (E-mail required if you want to take advantage of all benefits)
and similar experiences to a broad audience including scientists, The Supporting membership level, the most popular member-
an intense feeling of unconditional love; ship level, adds to these benefits a larger array of services
medical professionals, religious thinkers, and the general public. Please check your desired annual membership level below
a life review in which one relives ones actions and feels their This information about the nature of consciousness, while including access to the Index of Periodical Literature, a free
emotional impact on others; DVD or CD of a past conference, and other research-based (See for detailed list of membership benefits or
a challenge to the current scientific model, has far-reaching impli- to join via our online membership system)
an immersion in a spiritual realm or world; cations. IANDS remains dedicated to its mission of promoting e-mail and internet-based services.
research, exploration, and debate in this field. The Professional membership level, for those seeking the most b Basic Membership: Special one-year introductory rate for
an encounter with spiritual beings, and/or a joyful reunion
with deceased loved ones; information on NDEs, adds the peer-reviewed Journal of first-time members$30 ($40 annually thereafter)
The organization has expanded to include more than 50 local Near-Death Studies, and a listing in the Electronic Networking b Supporting Membership: $65 ($l 0 off for seniors 65 and
a flood of knowledge about ones life and the nature of and international interest groups. IANDS publishes the peer- Directorya working database of Professional members.
the universe; older and full-time students)
reviewed Journal of Near-Death Studies; a quarterly newsletter, The Sponsor membership adds two free gift memberships
a decision by oneself or another to return to ones body. Vital Signs; and holds regularly scheduled conferences. Our website b Professional Membership: $l25 ($20 off for seniors 65
for relatives or friends.
disseminates a wide array of informational, networking, and and older and full-time students)
NDErs often struggle to find adequate words to describe their research studies. The Patron membership provides a lunch or dinner with a
keynote speaker at an IANDS conference and a book about b Sponsor membership: $250
experience. They commonly say it is the most profound of their
lives and, unlike a dream, more real than real. Almost always they IANDS is committed to supporting near-death experiencers Near-Death Experiences. b Patron Membership: $500
report a complete loss of the fear of death and often feel deeply and people close to them. Through local interest groups, The Benefactor membership offers free attendance at the next b Benefactor Membership: $l,000
changed in their attitudes toward life, work, and relationships. our publications, websites, and conferences, we reassure IANDS conference (maximum $400 value) and the knowledge
Many believe that the essential purpose of human life is to devel- NDErs that their experience is normal and valid. We assist that you are making a significant contribution to IANDS. Add $10 to all prices for outside North America
op our capacity to love. Although they adjust to these personal experiencers, their families, caregivers, and others who personally Additional Contribution:
transformations, it may be difficult finding others in whom they and professionally interact with NDErs to better understand b I enclose a US tax deductible contribution of $________
can confide their experience. NDErs, caregivers, and others close the experiences. to help the work of IANDS.
to them usually feel in great need of information and support.
IANDS uses NDE-based knowledge to help people facing For more detailed membership information, or to join Total Amount $_________
Others have reported similar experiences and aftereffects that death, to ease grief, and to discover greater meaning and IANDS using our online membership system, go to Payment Method:
occur outside the context of a health-related crisis. These purpose in life. b Check or money order enclosed payable to IANDS (drawn in
near-death-like experiences can happen during the profound US dollars on a US bank)
peace of meditation, as a result of emotional distress or at the b Visa b MC b Amex b Discover
deathbed vigil of a loved one. These experiences are also a focus
of interest for researchers. Card #_____________________________Exp. Date______
Signature ________________________________________

Science Magazine stated that understanding the basis of consciousness is a high priority for research in the next years.
What is an NDE? The International Join IANDS Membership Application
Each NDE is unique, but they reflect many
Association for Near-
Receive the Benefits Name ___________________________________________
common features. Although a small percentage Death Studies (IANDS) of Membership Address _________________________________________
of NDEs include frightening or distressing
aspects, the great majority contain beautiful, IANDS members provide the critical financial ________________________________________________
IANDS Mission
loving, and insightful elements which include support for the organization to pursue its City ____________________________________________
one or more common motifs: To build global understanding of near-death and near-death-like mission of research, education, and support.
experiences through research, education, and support. State/Province ____________________________________
a sense of profound peace and well-being;
Depending on the membership level, IANDS members enjoy Zip/Postal Code_____________Country________________
a perception of ones body from the outside (a so-called Out Founded in l98 l, the International Association for Near-Death a wide range of benefits:
of Body experience), sometimes observing medical resuscita- Day Phone: (______) ______________________________
Studies is the primary international organization dedicated to The Basic membership level includes the quarterly newsletter,
tion efforts; encouraging scientific research and education on the physical, Evening Phone: (______) ___________________________
Vital Signs, conference discounts, and an e-mail service with
a rapid movement toward and/or sudden immersion in psychological, social, and spiritual nature and ramifications of breaking research and news. E-mail __________________________________________
a powerful light; near-death experiences. IANDS disseminates research on NDEs (E-mail required if you want to take advantage of all benefits)
and similar experiences to a broad audience including scientists, The Supporting membership level, the most popular member-
an intense feeling of unconditional love; ship level, adds to these benefits a larger array of services
medical professionals, religious thinkers, and the general public. Please check your desired annual membership level below
a life review in which one relives ones actions and feels their This information about the nature of consciousness, while including access to the Index of Periodical Literature, a free
emotional impact on others; DVD or CD of a past conference, and other research-based (See for detailed list of membership benefits or
a challenge to the current scientific model, has far-reaching impli- to join via our online membership system)
an immersion in a spiritual realm or world; cations. IANDS remains dedicated to its mission of promoting e-mail and internet-based services.
research, exploration, and debate in this field. The Professional membership level, for those seeking the most b Basic Membership: Special one-year introductory rate for
an encounter with spiritual beings, and/or a joyful reunion
with deceased loved ones; information on NDEs, adds the peer-reviewed Journal of first-time members$30 ($40 annually thereafter)
The organization has expanded to include more than 50 local Near-Death Studies, and a listing in the Electronic Networking b Supporting Membership: $65 ($l 0 off for seniors 65 and
a flood of knowledge about ones life and the nature of and international interest groups. IANDS publishes the peer- Directorya working database of Professional members.
the universe; older and full-time students)
reviewed Journal of Near-Death Studies; a quarterly newsletter, The Sponsor membership adds two free gift memberships
a decision by oneself or another to return to ones body. Vital Signs; and holds regularly scheduled conferences. Our website b Professional Membership: $l25 ($20 off for seniors 65
for relatives or friends.
disseminates a wide array of informational, networking, and and older and full-time students)
NDErs often struggle to find adequate words to describe their research studies. The Patron membership provides a lunch or dinner with a
keynote speaker at an IANDS conference and a book about b Sponsor membership: $250
experience. They commonly say it is the most profound of their
lives and, unlike a dream, more real than real. Almost always they IANDS is committed to supporting near-death experiencers Near-Death Experiences. b Patron Membership: $500
report a complete loss of the fear of death and often feel deeply and people close to them. Through local interest groups, The Benefactor membership offers free attendance at the next b Benefactor Membership: $l,000
changed in their attitudes toward life, work, and relationships. our publications, websites, and conferences, we reassure IANDS conference (maximum $400 value) and the knowledge
Many believe that the essential purpose of human life is to devel- NDErs that their experience is normal and valid. We assist that you are making a significant contribution to IANDS. Add $10 to all prices for outside North America
op our capacity to love. Although they adjust to these personal experiencers, their families, caregivers, and others who personally Additional Contribution:
transformations, it may be difficult finding others in whom they and professionally interact with NDErs to better understand b I enclose a US tax deductible contribution of $________
can confide their experience. NDErs, caregivers, and others close the experiences. to help the work of IANDS.
to them usually feel in great need of information and support.
IANDS uses NDE-based knowledge to help people facing For more detailed membership information, or to join Total Amount $_________
Others have reported similar experiences and aftereffects that death, to ease grief, and to discover greater meaning and IANDS using our online membership system, go to Payment Method:
occur outside the context of a health-related crisis. These purpose in life. b Check or money order enclosed payable to IANDS (drawn in
near-death-like experiences can happen during the profound US dollars on a US bank)
peace of meditation, as a result of emotional distress or at the b Visa b MC b Amex b Discover
deathbed vigil of a loved one. These experiences are also a focus
of interest for researchers. Card #_____________________________Exp. Date______
Signature ________________________________________

Science Magazine stated that understanding the basis of consciousness is a high priority for research in the next years.

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