An Enemy of The People Summaries

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An Enemy of the People business boom.

Peter has hopes that his town will ultimately become known as
one of the region's top resorts.
Recit-ready Summary: Dr. Stockmann has discovered that the new baths built
in his town are infected with a deadly disease and instructs the town to repair or Dr. Tom Stockmann is a medical doctor and a scientist. Tom has recommended
close the baths. The Mayor, who is Dr. Stockmann's brother, does not believe against the town building the Springs in the location they have selected.
the report and refuses to close the baths because it will cause the financial ruin However, Peter and the other Council members ignore his advice. Tom comes to
of the town. suspect that the water that poured into the Springs might be contaminated.
Tom does not reveal his concerns to anyone since he does not want to
Dr. Stockmann tries to take his case to the people, but the mayor intercedes unnecessarily alarm anyone in case he is wrong. Tom sends water samples
and explains to the people how much it will cost to repair the baths. He explains away to a University for analysis. The University's report reveals that the water
that the Doctor is always filled with wild, fanciful ideas. In a public meeting, he is contaminated with an infection of organic matter. The editor of the local
has his brother declared an enemy of the people. The doctor decides to leave newspaper, Hovstad, gets wind of the report and wanted to publish it in his
the town, but at the last minute comes to the realization that he must stay and newspaper. Tom asks the editor to delay printing the report until he informs his
fight for the things he believes to be right. brother, the Mayor, about its contents. He is certain that his brother will want
the report published so that the townspeople can be warned about the health
Summary 1: The future is looking bright in Dr. Stockmann's hometown on the
coast of southern Norway. At his urging, the town has built some Baths, which After Peter reads the report, he meets with Tom to discuss it. Peter is upset that
will bring lots of tourists and more importantly tourist dollars. Trouble arrives Tom chose to investigate the quality of the water behind his back. He thinks
when the Doctor discovers that the water of the Baths is teeming with bacteria, that the report is exaggerated and that Tom wants to undermine Peter's position
which are guaranteed to make everybody sick. because he despises authority. Tom is a brilliant and respected doctor who
apparently has always outdone his older brother. Not only is Peter confronted
At first, several of the town's leading men like Hovstad, the paper's editor, and with an ugly truth that could destroy his dreams of the town turning into a
Aslaksen, the head of the Householder's Association, support the Doctor and his wealthy and popular tourist stop, he must grapple with his own personal
discovery. However, the Mayor, Dr. Stockmann's brother, stands firmly against demons in dealing with his accomplished brother.
it, because the necessary improvements will cost the town tons of cash and will
make him look like an idiot. The Mayor swiftly turns the entire town against his Peter spreads the word that his brother wants to ruin the town. The
brother, and Dr. Stockmann finds himself suddenly in a hostile environment. townspeople, who don't want to face the ugly prospects that the water report
represents, chooses to believe Peter and ostracize Tom. Tom is not allowed to
Refusing to have the truth be silenced, the Doctor calls a town meeting to read publish his report in the newspaper nor speak in a public venue about the
his findings. Once again, though, he is foiled by his crafty brother; the Mayor dangers that exist in the town's water supply. No matter what Tom is confronted
manipulates the procedures of the meeting so as to keep the Doctor from with, whether it is isolation, threats of violence and arrest, loss of income, and
reading the report. Enraged, Dr. Stockmann launches into a tirade on a new even being named "an enemy of the people," Tom will not abandon the truth
"truth" he's discovered. He announces that the true corruption in the town and and winds up fighting the entire town to do the right thing that is best for the
the entire country is that all the power lies with the complacent majority, most town and for its people. Although when the play ends, Tom and his family are
of whom are too ignorant to know what's best for them. outcasts in the town, he is certain he has chosen the correct path. Although his
fight for the truth is a lonely one, he knows in the end that he is doing the right
The Doctor's impassioned speech only serves to turn the entire town against thing and that it will make him stronger.
him. His windows are smashed with rocks, he loses his job, and his house. In the
final act, he is visited by several people who attempt to get him to retract his
words. These corrupt attempts only serve to reinvigorate the Doctor, who Detailed Summary: The play is set in a small town in Norway, which has
determines to start a school to spread knowledge and truth to the poor. By the recently become famous for the Kirsten Springs. The Springs were built by the
end of the play, Dr. Stockmann has found strength in being alone. town and lure visitors with their promise of health and vitality. At the opening of
the play, Catherine Stockmann entertains various guests in her home. Her
brother-in-law, the towns mayor and chairman of the board for the Springs,
Summary 2: "An Enemy of the People," a play by Arthur Miller adapted from stops by and waxes poetic about how the Springs are revitalizing their town.
the drama by Henrik Ibsen, focuses on a conflict between two brothers, Dr. Tom Not long after he leaves, Stockmann himself comes home. His daughter, Petra,
Stockmann and Peter Stockmann, and a conflict between the freedom and the a young woman in her twenties who is a schoolteacher, hands him a letter that
suppression of speech. The Stockmanns live in an unnamed town that has came in the mail.
recently completed construction of a medicinal bath on the outskirts of town
known as the Kirsten Springs. Peter Stockmann is the mayor of the town and is Stockmann reads it in private and returns to his family, exultant. He explains
boasting about the potential benefits that the Springs will provide to the town. that he had long found it suspicious that so many people were getting sick
Peter envisions the Springs bringing in visitors and tourists, which will increase lately, and secretly ordered tests of the Springs water. The letter included the
the town's revenues, provide sufficient jobs for the population and make results of the tests, demonstrating that microscopic bacteria from the tannery
above the Springs were polluting the water. His family is happy for him, and he
is confident that, when he tells his brother about it, the town will move to Stockman is frustrated but stands and promises he will not talk about the
renovate the Springs. Hovstad, the editor of the Peoples Daily Messenger, who Springs. The heckling ceases for a bit and he begins. He condemns the peoples
is there visiting the family, is ardently supportive and tells him he will run the ignorance and the tyranny of the majority. He begs people to think of the risk of
article in his paper. getting of sick.

The next day, Catherines father, Morten Kiil, stops by. He tells Stockmann he The crowd is furious and hostile, and cares for nothing Stockmann says. He is
heard about the report but thinks it is a hilarious joke Stockmann wants to play called an enemy of the people, and people shout him out of the room. Captain
on his brother. Then Hovstad and Aslaksen, the newspapers publisher and Horster says the family can go on his ship to America with him.
Chairman of the Property Owners Association, arrive. Hovstad is on fire about
routing the towns entrenched authority, and Aslaksen cautions moderation but In Act III, the family experiences the animus of the town. Rocks are thrown into
says the people are behind Stockmann. their windows, they are evicted from their home, and Petra is fired. They plan to
go to America but Catherine is nervous that things will not change.
After the newspapermen leave, Peter comes by to talk to his brother. He tells
him sternly that he is angry that Stockmann went behind his back, and that the Peter comes over and tries to get Stockmann to agree to a statement that he
proposed plan will bankrupt the town. Stockman is aghast at his brothers was wrong, but Stockmann holds fast. Peter accuses his brother of a plot, as it
behavior and says that Peter is only upset because he does not want to be held seems Morten Kiil is buying up stock in the Springs. Stockmann has no idea
responsible for it, as his administration approved the Springs. Peter replies that what is going on, but Peter assumes he does.
a government needs moral authority, and he forbids Stockmann to tell the
public. Stockman says it is already getting out and he will use the press. Later Kiil arrives and confirms this, because he was responsible for the tannery
Furious, Peter demands that he keep his convictions to himself and stop trying that polluted the Springs in the first place. He wants Stockmann to clear his
to ruin the town. Catherine and Petra enter as the brothers argument heats up. name. Stockmann is irate and refuses, and the men part with ill words.
After Peter leaves, Catherine wonders about Stockmanns duty to his family vs.
his duty to uphold the truth. Horster visits the house and tells them he cannot take them on his ship because
the owner got rid of him as captain due to his affiliation with Stockmann.
The next day Hovstad, Aslaksen, and Billing, a journalist, meet in the
newspapers office. They are excited to print Stockmanns piece. Petra visits The Stockmann boys come home and Morten explains he was beaten up
and tells Hovstad that she does not believe the newspaper has principles because another boy called his father a traitor and he fought back. This enrages
because it wants to print a translated novel about good people being rewarded Stockmann. He decides the family will not retreat they will stay and fight for
and bad people being punished. She leaves after Hovstad tries to ingratiate what is right. They will educate the children at home and Stockmann will
himself with her but accidentally criticizes her father. embrace his role as enemy of the people. They have truth on their side and will
be strong and victorious.
Peter visits the office and manages to sow doubt and persuade the men not to
run the report, as it results in a high tax that will hurt the town. Peter hides
when he hears Stockmann coming. Summary 3: The town in which the play is set has built a huge bathing
complex that is crucial to the town's economy. Dr. Stockmann has just
Stockmann enters the office and begins to wonder why the men are hesitant discovered that the baths' drainage system is seriously contaminated. He alerts
about the article. He sees Peters cane on a table and realizes what happened. several members of the community, including Hovstad and Aslaksen, and
Catherine and Petra enter the office and Catherine condemns Hovstad for doing receives generous support and thanks for making his discovery in time to save
her husband ill. Peter comes out of hiding and he and Stockmann argue once the town. The next morning, however, his brother, who is also the town's
more. Stockman claims he will march through the street if he has to, now that mayor, tells him that he must retract his statements, for the necessary repairs
the newspaper will not print his article. would be too expensive; additionally, the mayor is not convinced by Dr.
Stockmann's findings. The brothers have a fierce argument, but Dr. Stockmann
In Act II, Stockmann meets with Captain Horster, a traveling sea captain, at the hopes that at least Hovstad's newspaper will support him. However, the mayor
captain's house. Horster has agreed to hold a lecture by Stockmann. People convinces Hovstad and Aslaksen to oppose Dr. Stockmann.
begin to trickle in and take their seats. A drunk man behaves obnoxiously. The
townspeople seem antipathetic towards Stockmann, especially when he takes The doctor holds a town meeting to give a lecture on the baths, but Aslaksen
the stage. It is suggested to have a moderator, and Aslaksen is selected. and the mayor try to keep him from speaking. Dr. Stockmann then begins a long
tirade in which he condemns the foundations of the town and the tyranny of the
Peter get to speaks first, criticizing his brother as wanting to destroy the town, majority. The audience finds his speech incredibly offensive, and the next
and painting him as the enemy. He says that his right to free speech is curtailed morning the doctor's home is vandalized. He and his daughter are fired. The
in a time of danger. He also tells the story of the town before the Springs came, mayor insinuates that the doctor's actions were merely a scheme to inherit
and how in the future everyone would be rich. Finally, he asks that Stockmann more of Morten Kiil's money, and Kiil himself soon arrives to suggest just such a
not be allowed to read his report. plan to Dr. Stockmann. However, the doctor refuses all such suggestions and
decides to defy authority and remain in town. His family is supportive, and he
says that the strongest man is the man who stands alone.

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