Discussion Text Studying Abroad

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Name : Elisa Frederica Siburian

Class : XII Exact 1

The Pros and Contras of Studying Abroad

A few years ago, studying abroad was seen as an inferior way but nowadays even students from
small village choose for studying abroad and it is generally considered a way to improve one's life.
However, people still argue whether studying abroad give more advantage or disadvantage.
Some of them who see the benefit of studying abroad will say that studying abroad gives
opportunity to learn to stand on their own two feet. Not only learning an academic subject, but also
learning about other cultures and ways of life. Students could even learn to speak another language
which is good not only for opportunity of working but also for health. It has been determined that
speaking a second language reduces the chances of developing Alzheimers disease later on in life.
On the downside, of course, if a student is studying abroad, he will be leaving behind his
existing friends and his family for a period of time. This can be very hard, particularly if he have
never been away from home for any length of time.
Another contra is that students do not exactly know what to expect. Being independent in a
foreign country means they will have to learn how to budget, and this can be very hard. Furthermore,
accommodation may not be up to standards, or they may have very annoying neighbors or
roommates. This may be something that is harder to sort out whilst abroad, especially if they are
struggling with the language.
Additionally, once they come to writing their curriculum vitae, being able to enclose
international exposure is a definite selling point. It shows potential employers that they are
independent, dedicated and hard working as well as being aware of global and international issues.
Regarding the individuals studying struggle, some students are able to have a brave heart for
studying abroad and face the challenge while others dont really ready for it. So before deciding a
choice of studying abroad or not, each student needs to do a fair analysis regarding to the purpose and
ability to study abroad.

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